HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997.11.18_City Council AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: November 18, 1997 TIME: 7:00 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, November 14, 1997. - 'f A A I � ) (;Lo'o 40-1-Z Marcia Voutwell, City C erk AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Invocation Pastor Andrew Rankin Freedom Baptist Church 3. Flag Salute 4. Roll Call 5. Special Employee Recognition Mr Ray Mayor Barnhouse Owasso City Council November 18, 1997 Page 2 6. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Councilor may, however, remove an item from consent by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non - debatable. A. Approval of the Minutes of November 4, 1997 Regular Meeting and November 13, 1997 Special Meeting. Attachment #6 -A B. Approval of Claims. Attachment #6 -B C. Request Approval to Close a Portion of a Utility Easement Located on Lot 8, Block 1, The Fairways at Bailey Ranch. Attachment #6 -C The Owasso Planning Commission has conducted a hearing on this request and recommends Council approval of the requested easement closing. The staff concurs with the recommendation. D. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Ordinance #557, an Ordinance Amending Part 13, Chapter Three, Section 15 -308 of the City of Owasso Code of Ordinances, Relating to Mandatory Seatbelt Use. Attachment #6 -D The staff will recommend approval of Ordinance #557. E. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Ordinance #561, an Ordinance Amending Part Eight, Chapter One, Section 8 -104 and 8 -106 of the City of Owasso Code of Ordinances, Relating to a Hearing Officer for the Abatement of Nuisances. Attachment #6 -E The staff will recommend approval of Ordinance #561. ' Owasso City Council November 18, 1997 ' Page 3 7. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Workers Compensation Claim Against ' the City of Owasso By Kenneth Yount. Ms Guthrie Attachment #7 i 1 1 The staff and workers compensation consultant /administrator will recommend Council approval of a negotiated settlement by joint petition with Mr Yount wherein the city would pay $9231.39 for injuries received in an accident on September 25, 1996, such payment in return for complete elimination of future medical claims against the city for those injuries, and authorize payment for the claim. The staff will further recommend the acceptance of $3293.91 from Landmark American Insurance Company in payment of a subrogated claim relating to the injuries. 8. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for the Detachment of Property from the City Limits of Owasso. Mr Rooney Attachment #8 Mr Allen Robinson has requested that property he owns in the E/2 of the NE /4 of Section 31, T21N, R14E be detached from the Owasso City Limits. The Owasso Planning Commission has conducted a hearing on this request and recommends Council approval of the request. The staff concurs with the recommendation. 9. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Award of a Bid to Construct a Restroom Facility at the Sports Park. Mr Rooney Attachment #9 The staff has solicited and opened bids for the construction of a restroom facility at the Sports Park, and will recommend that a contract be awarded to Pettijohn Construction, Owasso, OK in the amount of $85,405. Owasso City Council November 18, 1997 Page 4 10. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for an Amendment to the Capital Improvements Fund Budget. Ms Bishop Attachment #10 The staff will recommend City Council action to approve an amendment to the Capital , Improvements Fund Budget, wherein estimated revenues would be increased by $38,266 and expenditures in the Sports Park line item would be increased by $20,405. ' 11. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Bid for the Purchase of a Vehicle for ' the Street Department. Mr Carr ' Attachment # 11 The staff has solicited and opened bids for the purchase of a vehicle for the street department, and will recommend that all bids be rejected. 1 12. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Resolution #97 -12, a Resolution Stating the Position of the Owasso City Council Regarding the State Highway 20 Corridor Study Being Conducted by the Oklahoma Department of Transportation. Mr Ray Attachment #12 The staff will brief the City Council on the issues involved in the SH20 Corridor Study and will recommend adoption of Resolution #97 -12, thereby adopting a position that the alignment /route of SH20 should remain on its existing alignment and that the construction of improvements to the highway should not be delayed beyond the current schedule of funding. I Owasso City Council November 18, 1997 Page 5 13. Report from City Manager 14. Report from City Attorney 15. Reports from City Councilors 16. Unfinished Business 17. New Business 18. Adjournment I:1 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, November 4, 1997 The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, November 4, 1997 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, October 31, 1997, and the Notice and Addendum to Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Monday, November 3, 1997. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER ' Mayor Barnhouse called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. ITEM 2: INVOCATION The invocation was offered by Councilor Mike Helm. ITEM 3: FLAG SALUTE ' Councilor Bode led in the flag salute. ' ITEM 4: ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT ' Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor Tracy Standridge, Vice Mayor Michael Helm, Councilor Denise Bode, Councilor Mark Wilken, Councilor STAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk A quorum was declared present. ITEM 5: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REOUEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. A. Approval of the Minutes of October 21, 1997 Regular Meeting. B. Approval of Claims. C. Action Relating to Ordinance #558, an Ordinance Providing for the Rezoning of an 11.34 Acre Tract, More or Less, Located West of the Southwest Corner of East 96th St N and Garnett Rd, from RS -2 (Residential Single - Family Medium Density) to RS -3 (Residential Single - Family High Density). Owasso City Council November 4, 1997 , D. Action Relating to Ordinance #559, an Ordinance Providing for the Annexation of an Approximate 191.248 Acre Parcel of Land Located ' Northwest of the Corner of East 96th St N and the Owasso Expressway. The consent agenda included minutes of the October 21, 1997 regular meeting, by reference made a part hereto. Item B on the consent agenda included the following claims: (1) General ' Fund $35,882.71; (2) Ambulance Service Fund $294.00; (3) Ambulance Service Capital Improvement $17,016.27; (4) City Garage $4,251.25; (5) Interfund Transfers $3,673.13; ' (6) Interfund Transfers $33,995.08; (7) Payroll $117,516.96; (8) City Garage Payroll $2,599.28. Item C requested approval of a zoning ordinance formally adopting the City Council's action of October 21, 1997. Item D requested approval of an annexation ordinance formally adopting the ' City Council's action of October 21, 1997. Dr Bode moved, seconded by Dr Standridge, to approve the consent agenda. AYE: Bode, Standridge, Helm, Wilken, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ' ITEM 6: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ORDINANCE #560 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 206, PART FIVE CHAPTER TWO OF THE CITY OF OWASSO CODE OF ORDINANCES. RELATING TO THE OFFICES OF PLUMBING INSPECTOR AND ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR. Mr Rooney said that offices of plumbing inspector and electrical inspector are required to be separate offices as defined by the Code of Ordinances of the City of Owasso. Oklahoma Statute allows any community in Oklahoma with a population between 4000 and 30,000 to combine those offices. Ordinance #560 officially combines the offices and duties of the two inspectors, allowing the Mr Orr, the Building Inspector, to perform electrical inspections by obtaining a provisional license. He would then have two years in which to obtain the required electrical inspector's license. Mr Helm moved, seconded by Dr Standridge, to approve Ordinance #560, combining the offices of plumbing and electrical inspector. AYE: Helm, Standridge, Wilken, Bode, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. 1 LI Owasso City Council November 4, 1997 ITEM 7: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT AND PLAN DOCUMENT FOR ADMINISTRATION OF THE FLEXIBLE SPENDING PLAN. Ms Guthrie presented the item requesting a change in administrators for the city's flexible spending plan (pre -tax). By changing from Member Service Life to AFLAC, the city will save on administrator charges, as well as other report preparation charges. AFLAC also will offer the employees other insurances which can be purchased through payroll deduction. Any time an administrator change is made, a new plan document and an adoption agreement must be approved by the City Council. Staff recommended approval of the contract and plan document with AFLAC. Mr Wilken moved, seconded by Dr Standridge, to approve the contract and plan document with AFLAC for the administration of the Flexible Spending Plan, and authorization for the Mayor to execute the documents. AYE: Wilken, Standridge, Bode, Helm, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ' ITEM 8: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF A DEPUTY CITY CLERK. 1 Mr Ray said that there may be occasions when the City Clerk is away from the office, that her signature is required. Staff recommended the designation of a Deputy City Clerk to allow for documents to be signed during the absence of the City Clerk. No other duties would be required and there would be no compensation, other than the person's existing salary. Mr Ray said that it appears that the role would best be served by another person from the Managerial Department and that the choice for that position is Allan Harder. Dr Standridge moved, seconded by Dr Bode, to appoint Mr Allan Harder as Deputy City Clerk for the City of Owasso. AYE: Standridge, Bode, Helm, Wilken, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. 3 Owasso City Council November 4, 1997 ITEM 9: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO SIGN A MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT WHEREIN THE CITY OF OWASSO WOULD BECOME PARTY TO A REGIONAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CONSORTIUM. Mr Ray presented the item, stating that a new grant program is being finalized by the Oklahoma Department of Commerce that would allow communities and organizations to join together to apply for a grant to develop a regional economic coordination strategy. The communities and organizations of Avant, Collinsville, Greenwood Chamber of Commerce, Hominy, the Osage Nation, Owasso, Skiatook, and Sperry have agreed to discuss working together to maximize their resources and attack their weaknesses through collaborative partnerships, with the goal of increasing economic growth. There is no expense to any member of the consortium and no matching funds are required. Mr Wilken moved, seconded by Dr Standridge, to authorize the Mayor to sign a Memorandum of Agreement allowing the City of Owasso to become a member of a Regional Economic Development Planning Consortium. AYE: Wilken Standridge, Bode, Helm, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 10: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER Mr Ray said that there would be a meeting of all city employees on Wednesday, November 5, to discuss the vision of the city and the quality concept. He also introduced Porter Falcon and one of his employees, who will be installing the new sound system in the community center. ITEM 11: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY No report. ITEM 12: REPORT FROM CITY COUNCILORS None. ITEM 13: UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. 4 Owasso City Council ITEM 14: NEW BUSINESS None. ITEM 15: ADJOURNMENT Dr Bode moved, seconded by Dr Standridge, to adjourn. AYE: Bode, Standridge, Wilken, Helm, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0, and the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m. Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk M November 4, 1997 Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Thursday, November 13, 1997 The Owasso City Council met in special session on Thursday, November 13, 1997 in the Lower Level Conference Room at City Hall per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on ' the City Hall bulletin Board at 4:00 p.m. on Monday, November 10, 1997. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL. I Mayor Barnhouse called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. Councilors present: Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor; Tracy Standridge, Vice Mayor; Denise Bode, Councilor; Mark Wilken, Councilor. Staff present: Rodney J Ray, City Manager; Ronald D Cates, City Attorney; Tim Rooney, Community Development Director; Robert Carr, Public Works Director; Sherry Bishop, Director of Finance; Karl Fritschen, Comprehensive Planner; Allan Harder, Human Resources Director. A quorum was declared present. ITEM 2: DISCUSSION OF ISSUES OF IMPORTANCE TO THE CITY OF OWASSO. A general discussion of several issues of importance to the City of Owasso took place. No formal action was requested and no vote taken on any item. ITEM 3: ADJOURNMENT Mr Wilken moved, seconded by Dr Bode to adjourn. AYE: Wilken, Bode, Standridge, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND 11/18/97 11:2 2:56 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: 1 PO # VENDOR. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT MANAGERIAL ------------------------ - - - - -- 981291 FORENSIC PHOTOGRAPH DEPARTMENT TOTAL = = = =) FUND TOT! ==3 GRAND TOTAL Q MULTIMEDIA PRESENTATION 70.00 720.00 720.00 720.00 t It] sr 11/13/97 15:30:28 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: 4 PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ---- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- MANAGERIAL ------------------------ - - - - -- 980184 CH HASKELL & ASSOC COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 165.00 980699 GO SYSTEMS 9/97 FUEL 74.25 981087 DOZIER PRINTING AWARDS BANQUET PRINTING 74.65 981146 DOZIER PRINTING PRINTED FORMS 31.60 981171 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 12.00 981171 TREASURER PETTY CASH TEAM OWASSO 180.95 981171 TREASURER PETTY CASH BOUTWELL— MILEAGE 37.82 981171 TREASURER PETTY CASH CITY MGR EXPENSES 79.80 981175 FAIRVIEW AFX PROJECTION MONITOR 375.00 981179 SAM'S CLUB MAINT SUPPLIES 64.98 981185 REASORS FILM DEVELOPING 15.96 981218 ALTERNATIVE ENVIRONMENTS TEAM OWASSO TRAINING 600.00 981267 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 10/97 PLEXAR 53.04 DEPARTMENT TOTAL = = = => 1,765.05 FINANCE ------------------------ - - - - -- 981171 TREASURER PETTY CASH BISHOP— MILEAGE 53.19 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> 53.19 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ------------------------ - - - - -- 980031 TULSA COUNTY MIS DIAL —UP SERVICE 40.00 980085 YALE UNIFORM RENTAL UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 24.80 980372 INCOG 2ND QTR MEMBERSHIP DUES 2,240.00 980559 NATIONAL BUSINESS FURNITU OFFICE FURNITURE 1,846.00 980699 GO SYSTEMS 9/97 FUEL 101.86 980771 L & M OFFICE FURNITURE OFFICE CHAIR 219.00 980961 WAL —MART OFFICE SUPPLIES 7.47 981073 ROARK TRUE VALUE HARDWARE GFI TESTER 25.79 981138 BURR KANNADY ELECTRICAL INSP 10/97 866.48 981171 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 5.00 981171 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 14.90 981171 TREASURER PETTY CASH PER DIEM —ALLEN /FISHER 126.00 981171 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 16.49 981207 BOCA INTERNATIONAL BOCA MEMBERSHIP —ORR 120.00 981267 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 10/97 PLEXAR 43.70 DEPARTMENT TOTAL = = = => 5,699.49 MUNICIPAL COURT 11/13/97 15:30:28 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: 5 PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ---- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- 980988 DOZIER PRINTING OFFICE SUPPLIES 30.00 981267 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 10/97 PLEXAR 46.16 DEPARTMENT TOTAL = =_ => 76.16 ENGINEERING ------------------------ - - - - -- 980699 GO SYSTEMS 9/97 FUEL 44.47 981079 RIDGWAYS BLUELINE COPIES 48.66 981184 CITY GARAGE VEHICLE REPAIRS -10/97 337.15 DEPARTMENT TOTAL = = = =r 430.28 GENERAL GOVERNMENT ------------------------ - - - - -- 980016 MEMBER SERVICE LIFE PRE -TAX ADMIN FEE 100.00 980036 RONALD D CATES RETAINER 700.00 980036 RONALD D CATES LEGAL SERVICES 740.00 980137 TULSA WORLD CLASSIFIED ADS 107.64 980138 OKLAHOMA EAGLE CLASSIFIED ADS 53.10 980160 IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS COPIER MAINTENANCE 699.64 980961 WAL -MART OFFICE SUPPLIES 6.97 981072 BOBBY DEYOUNG ABATEMENT MOWIHGS 250.00 981084 WALL STREET JOURNAL SUBSCRIPTION 175.00 981097 PROFESSIONAL BINDING PROD BINDER COVERS /COMBS 41.25 981098 OFFICE MAX BINDER COVERS /COMBS 37.94 981110 THOMASON & MOSS FIDELITY BOND 787.50 981142 INCOG 2ND QUARTER ASSESSMENT 346.00 961152 DOZIER PRINTING ENVELOPE PRINTING 137.48 981165 PRIMA DUES /SERVICES - ANNUAL 285.00 981169 PSO 10/97 USE 941.34 981179 SAM'S CLUB MAIHT SUPPLIES 3.79 981182 TULSA COUNTY ELECTION BOA ELECTION EXPENSES 1,902.94 981208 BPS INTERNET, INC INTERNET ACCESS 132.09 981265 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 10/97 USE 66.34 981266 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 10/97 NON - PLEXAR 47.34 981267 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 10/97 PLEXAR 190.50 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___) 71771.86 SUPPORT SERVICES ------------------------ - - - - -- 980090 YALE UNIFORM RENTAL UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 23.80 11/13/97 15:30:28 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: 6 DEPARTMENT TOTAL = = = => 1,216.93 CEMETERY ------------------------ - - - - -- PO # ---- - - - - -- VENDOR ------------------- - - - - -- DESCRIPTION ------------------- - - - - -- AMOUNT ------- - - - - -- ' 980184 CH HASKELL & ASSOC COMPUTER SERVICES 382.50 980699 GO SYSTEMS 9/97 FUEL 57.69 980699 GO SYSTEMS 9/97 FUEL 183.56 980859 PAGENET PAGER RENTAL 11.95 980961 WAL -MART MAIHT SUPPLIES 32.88 980981 ESTES INC. WEED CHEMICALS 86.42 981171 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 9.54 981171 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 15.97 981176 MILL CREEK LUMBER & SUPPL PAINT 33.41 P 981178 ANCHOR PAINT PAINT 40.42 981179 SAM'S CLUB MAIHT SUPPLIES 166.50 981180 TAYLOE PAPER CO MAIHT SUPPLIES 93.06 ' 981181 TUCKER JANITORIAL CLEANING SUPPLIES 60.75 981184 CITY GARAGE VEHICLE REPAIRS -101/97 13.48 DEPARTMENT TOTAL = = = => 1,216.93 CEMETERY ------------------------ - - - - -- POLICE SERVICES ------------------------------ 980010 FIRST BANK CLAREMORE FSB COPIER LEASE 202.00 980012 HOWARD STAMPER RETAINER SERVICES 150.00 980577 FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE LEGAL DEFENSE PLAN 91.00 980699 GO SYSTEMS 9/97 FUEL 19.54 ' 980981 ESTES INC. WEED CHEMICALS 62.85 981169 PSO 10/97 USE 16.49 981184 CITY GARAGE VEHICLE REPAIRS -10/97 418.21 981126 DEPARTMENT TOTAL = = = => MEALS-CLEET SCHOOL 517.09 POLICE SERVICES ------------------------------ 980010 FIRST BANK CLAREMORE FSB COPIER LEASE 202.00 980012 HOWARD STAMPER RETAINER SERVICES 150.00 980577 FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE LEGAL DEFENSE PLAN 91.00 980699 GO SYSTEMS 9/97 FUEL 1,673.59 980892 HARVEY HOTEL LODGING - CONFERENCE 124.00 981061 GALL'S INC. MACE /PEPPER SPRAY 102.89 981062 ANI DISTRIBUTION INC. FIRST AID SUPPLIES 155.00 981126 TRACY TOWNSEND MEALS-CLEET SCHOOL 27.75 981128 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE KEYS-EMPLOYEES /VEHICLES 28.87 981128 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE REPAIR /MAIHT SUPPLIES 3.99 981129 CHANUTE RADAR SERVICE ANTENNA REPAIR 75.05 981130 ONYX CORPORATION TONER CARTRIDGE 59.95 981131 PATROL TECHNOLOGY UNIFORM SUPPLIES 64.00 P 981132 TUXALL UNIFORM & EQUIP OFFICER EQUIPMENT 172.49 981132 TUXALL UNIFORM & EQUIP UNIFORM SUPPLIES 56.57 981149 C.M.I. INTOXILYZER MOTORS 39.24 981151 BOLAY MOBILECOM INC MOBILE RADIO PAP.TS /SERVIC 92.30 11/13/97 15:30:28 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: 7 PO # ---- - - - - -- VENDOR ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- DESCRIPTION - - - - -- AMOUNT ------- - - - - -- 981169 PSO 10/97 USE 613.96 981171 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 15.00 981184 CITY GARAGE VEHICLE REPAIRS -10/97 21212.53 981185 REASORS MAINT SUPPLIES 43.01 981186 GALL'S INC. RADAR ANTENNA BRACKET 25.98 981187 EIS COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE /REPAIRS 191.00 981265 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 10/97 USE 51.96 981266 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 10/97 NON - PLEXAR 47.34 981266 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 10/97 HON- PLEXAR 46.62 981267 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 10/97 PLEXAR 291.33 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> 6,657.42 POLICE COMMUNICATIONS ------------------------ - - - - -- 981185 REASORS PRISONER MEALS 208.40 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> 208.40 ANIMAL CONTROL ------------------------ - - - - -- 980699 GO SYSTEMS 9/97 FUEL 37.86 981127 ANIMAL CARE EQUIPMENT & S LEASHES /BENCHES 366.64 981148 STRATHE VETERINARY EUTHANASIA DRUGS 25.23 981148 STRATHE VETERINARY RABIES EXAM 50.00 981151 MURRAY WOMBLE INC REPLACE LOCK 185.00 981169 PSO 10/97 USE 120.27 981176 MILL CREEK LUMBER & SUPPL MAINT SUPPLIES 18.60 981188 DEE'S UNIFORMS UNIFORMS- SHELTON 73.70 981267 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 10/97 PLEXAR. 21.85 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> 899.15 FIRE SERVICES ------------------------ - - - - -- 980689 SHANGRI -LA CONFERENCE LODGING 932.00 980699 GO SYSTEMS 9/97 FUEL 572.99 980859 PAGENET PAGER RENTAL 114.25 980917 WAYEST SAFETY, INC. PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 107.50 981013 THE TRUCK STOP TRUCK SEAT 750.00 981080 DEE'S UNIFORMS UNIFORM JACKETS 165.50 981107 OVERHEAD DOOR COMPANY REPAIR BAY DOOR 53.00 981108 TOTAL RADIO RADIO BATTERY 85.00 t ' 11/13/97 15:30:28 1 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND A/P CLAIMS DEPORT APAPVR PAGE: 8 PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 981109 JEFF CARNEY FIRE RUNS 49.50 981112 DALE & LEE SERVICE INC REPAIR HEATING UNIT 103.52 981169 PSO 10/97 USE 28.52 981267 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 10/97 PLEXAR 218.77 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> 3,180.55 EMERGERCY MGMT OPERATIONS ------------------------ - - - - -- 981169 PSO 10/97 USE 64.14 981267 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 101197 PLEXAR. 23.08 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> 87.22 STREETS ------------------------ - - - - -- 980072 WELSCO INC CYLINDER RENT 10.64 980214 D & J LAWN SERVICE MOW EL RIO 3/18/97 80.00 980224 GRASSHOPPER LAWN CARE MOW LAKERIDGE 3/18/97 250.00 980225 GRASSHOPPER LAWN CARE MOW 3 LAKES 3/18/97 318.00 980656 YALE UNIFORM RENTAL UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 173.80 980699 GO SYSTEMS 9/97 FUEL 650.47 980907 HUGHES LUMBER CO REPAIR SUPPLIES 106.21 980981 ESTES INC. WEED CHEMICALS 112.62 981005 YOUNG'S TIRE SERVICE REPAIR BACKHOE TIRE 70.00 981039 WOODS PORTABLE WELDING TRAFFIC CONTROL REPAIRS 275.00 981085 HARDY LANDSCAPE & LAWN MOWING /SEPT & OCT 690.00 981136 SUBURBAN OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 25.53 981164 EQUIPMENT ONE RENTAL & SA COMPRESSED. RENTAL 77.00 981169 PSO 10/97 USE 333.06 981184 CITY GARAGE VEHICLE REPAIRS -10/97 434.36 981196 UTILITY CONTRACTORS DRAINAGE - BRENTWOOD 4,495.00 981265 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 10/97 USE 150.91 981267 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 10/97 PLEXAR 21.85 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> 8,274.45 COMMUNITY CENTER ------------------------ - - - - -- 981147 DALE & LEE SERVICE INC REPAIR HEATER 67.15 981169 PSO 10/97 USE 941.55 981171 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 9.78 981265 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 10/97 USE 152.25 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND 11/13/97 15:30:28 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ---- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- 981267 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 10/97 PLEXAR 102.63 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> 1,273.36 PARK MAINTENANCE ------------------------ - - - - -- 980085 YALE UNIFORM RENTAL UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 49.60 980108 BOBBY DEYOUNG CLEAN ELM CREEK RESTROOMS 190.00 980699 GO SYSTEMS 9/97 FUEL 165.33 980961 tJAL -MART ANTIFREEZE 17.22 9'81070 EQUIPMENT ONE RENTAL & SA CUTTER WHEEL 29.00 981071 HUGHES LUMBER CO REPAIR SUPPLIES 66.45 981075 ROARK TRUE VALUE HARDWARE REPAIR, SUPPLIES 25.81 961145 LOCKE WHOLESALE ELEC REPAIR PARTS- LIGHTS 75.64 981169 PSO 10/97 USE 694.70 981170 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE REPAIR. SUPPLIES 55.65 981171 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 19.44 981171 TREASURER. PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 18.00 981172 AUTO ZONE ANTIFREEZE 14.91 981184 CITY GARAGE VEHICLE REPAIRS -10/97 87.81 981200 RAINBOW CONCRETE CO CONCRETE -114 ST H 87.00 981202 GARRETT SIGHS SIGHS -ELM CREEK 40.00 981265 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 10/97 USE 91.88 981267 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 10/97 PLEXAR 53.35 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___) 1,781.79 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ------------------------ - - - - -- 980184 CH HASKELL & ASSOC COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 89.00 981171 TREASURER PETTY CASH TOBIAS- MILEAGE 259.78 981171 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 7.74 981171 TREASURER. PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 14.87 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___) 371.39 FUND TOTAL =___> 40,263.78 9 CITY OF OWASSO WORKERS' COMP SELF -INS PLAN 11/13/97 15:30:28 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ---- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- GENERAL GOVERNMENT ------------------------ - - - - -- 980748 WARREN CLINIC C08037 981008 TULSA ER PHYSICIANS INC J08267 981009 WARREN CLINIC C08037 981010 WARREN CLINIC H09257 981011 WARREN CLINIC W09017 981111 HOME THERAPY EQUIPMENT D01147 981120 SPRINGER CLINIC H9097 981121 EOPT /KABRICK & ASSOC D01147 981122 MEDICAL CARE ASSOC -TULSA RV297 981123 TULSA ORTHO SURGEONS D01147 981171 TREASURER. PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH DEPARTMENT TOTAL = =_ =) FUND TOTAL = = = =) 35.09 94.55 164.25 37.00 34.44 243.90 95.81 705.60 49.45 34.44 11.70 1,506.23 1,506.23 1 CITY OF OWASSO AMBULANCE SERVICE FUND 11/13/97 15:30:28 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ---- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- AMBULANCE ------------------------ - - - - -- 980241 MEDICAL COMPLIANCE SPECIA BIO -WASTE DISPOSAL 30.00 980550 MEDICLAIMS, INC. MONTHLY SERVICE FEE 11589.46 980914 ALLIANCE MEDICAL, INC. AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 946.63 980973 ST JOHN CARDIOVASCULAR IN REGISTRATION FEE 205.00 981095 DON THORNTON FORD INC REPAIR MEDIC 2 108.31 981134 ALHO ENTERPRISES INC AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 102.50 DEPARTMENT TOTAL = = = =5 2,981.90 FUND TOTAL =___? :',981.90 2 CITY OF OWASSO E - 911 11/13/97 15:30:28 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ---- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- POLICE COMMUNICATIONS ------------------------ - - - - -- 980037 SOUTHWESTERN BELL tiELE DEPARTMENT TOTAL = =_ => FUND TOTAL = = = => E -911 SERVICE 1,872.14 1,872.14 1,872.14 3 CITY OF OWASSO CEMETERY CARE 11/13/97 15:30:28 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ---- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- CEMETERY ------------------------ - - - - -- 980835 MITCHELL FENCE CO DEPARTMENT TOTAL FUND TOTAL = = = => GATES - CEMETERY 2,963.00 2,963.00 2,963.00 10 CITY OF OWASSO CITY GARAGE 11/13/97 15:30:28 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ---- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- CITY GARAGE ------------------------ - - - - -- 980072 WELSCO INC CYLINDER RENT 33.71 980090 YALE UNIFORM RENTAL UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 41.60 980699 GO SYSTEMS 9/97 FUEL 28.70 980820 YOUNG'S TIRE SERVICE TIRES /REPAIRS 140.00 981050 QUALITY FILTER RECYCLES AIR FILTERS 30.00 981096 ACTION PLUMBING DETECT GAS LEAK 135.00 981153 MILEAGE MASTERS TIRE 188.90 981169 PSO 10/97 USE 179.55 981171 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 12.00 981171 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 5.00 981172 AUTO ZONE ANTIFREEZE 28.62 981173 CROW BURLINGAME PARTS 58.36 981174 CLASSIC CHEVROLET VEHICLE PARTS 35.41 981179 SAM'S CLUB MAINT SUPPLIES 12.48 981197 CONHEY SAFETY PRODUCTS FIRST AID SUPPLIES 47.83 981265 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 10/97 USE 207.58 981267 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 10/97 PLEXAR 43.70 DEPARTMENT TOTAL = = = => 11428.44 FUND TOTAL = = = => 1,428.44 14 CITY OF OWASSO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 11/13/97 15:30:8 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ---- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- STREETS ------------------------ - - - - -- 980146 OWASSO HIGH FFA DEPARTMENT TOTAL FUND TOTAL GRAND TOTAL = = = =3 REPLACE FENCE 96 /GARHETT 41500.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 196,318.32 15 VENDOR TRANSFERS CEMETERY CARE AMBULANCE CAPITAL TRANSFERS TOTAL CITY OF OWASSO A/P TRANSFER REPORT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT REVENUE TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 146.88 REVENUE TRANSFER FROM AMBULANCE FUND 4,445.01 4,591.89 CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 11/08/97 APPROVED: 11/18/97 Mayor Council Member Council Member OVERTIME TOTAL DEPARTMENT EXPENSES EXPENSES ......................................................... :.....:....:::. >:: Managerial..... < °<: >':: >:. ..., $6,149 32 Finance 6,012.22 Community Development. ........ :: <:> ::. ; .::' <. 7 335.66 Municipal Court 2,020.22 Engineering 2,665.42 Support Services 89.25 4,088.99 Police 1831.51 45,374.13 Central Dispatch 693.29 4,257.96 Animal Control.. 1,252.85 Fire 1232.08 40,141.80 Street 91.60 6,818.79 Community - Senior Center 2870.21 Park Mantenace 2,599.59 Economic Development 1,636.03 FUND TOTAL $133,223.19 $3,937.73 APPROVED: 11/18/97 Mayor Council Member Council Member ■ CITY GARAGE PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 11/08/97 APPROVED: Mayor Council Member Council Member 11/18/97 MEMORANDUM TO: ' FROM: SUBJECT: t DATE: BACKGROUND: THE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF OWASSO TIMOTHY ROONEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR EASEMENT CLOSING REQUEST SIMMONS HOMES November 13, 1997 Mr. Greg Simmons of Simmons Homes has requested a closing of a portion of a utility easement located within Lot 8, Block 1, The Fairways at Bailey Ranch Addition (10215 E. 89th Street North). The portion of the easement to be closed is described as the westerly 4 feet of the easterly 11 foot utility easement, from a point beginning at the 25' building line for a distance of 40 feet. A case map is enclosed for your information and review with the proposed portion of the utility easement to be closed shaded in. tThe subject property is currently developed with a single - family residence. Area utility companies reviewed the easement closing request at the October 29, 1997 Technical Advisory Committee meeting and had no comments regarding the request. City staff has also reviewed the request and has no concerns. The Planning Commission reviewed the request at their November 11, 1997 regular meeting and unanimously recommended approval of the easement closing request. If approved by the City Council, the applicant would still need to process a case through district court to permanently close on the city's right to reopen the easement. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the easement closing request, closing the westerly 4 feet of the easterly 11 foot utility easement, from a point beginning at the 25' building line for a distance of 40 feet. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Case Map. 2. Copy of the Fairways plat. L c ,7ul -30-97 05:46P Payr Surveying 91 341 4973 P:01' v �. CUSTOMER: r ._.. PAYNE SURVEYING SERVICES CAPITAL MORTGAGE CORP. CLRHMORE, OinA oxA (918) 341 -0617 K7 NORTH BORROWER: RANDALL W. & JI'-L D. PIERCE ALE 1" 30' REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR'S INSPECTION PLAT AND CERTIFICATE FOR MORTGAGE LOAN PURPOSES THIS PROPERTY IS LOCATED IN ZONE "C" PER FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP, #400462 0050 B, REVISED SEPT. 16, 1982. NOTE: DWELLING IS 4.0' OVER INTO wry/ THE 11' UTIL, ESMT. I` 1 r LOT 8 BLOCK 1 1 1 CP 1 N 1 ELECT. l .TRANS. rl l ca i a U 1 .V 01 25' JND BLDG. LINE rip N }ORNEt• J I 66 FOUND 75.27 3/8' IP N CERTIFICATE 7.0 FOUND 3/8' IP 8 This plat is made for and at the request of _ CAPITAL MORTGAGE CORP. for mortgage loan purposes only covering property described as: LOT EIGHT (8), BLOCK ONE (1), THE FAIRWAYS AT BAILEY RANCH, A SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF. 10215 EAST 89TH ST. — OWASSO, OK. 74055 1 hereby certify that the above inspection plat shows the improvements as located on the premises described, that they are entirely within the described tract boundaries, and that there are no encroachments thereon except as indicated, that the above plat shows all recorded plat easements and other such easements as have been disclosed and furnished on behalf of lender; that this plat was prepared for identification purposes only for the Mortgagee and is not a land survey; that no property corners were set, and it is not to be used or relied upon for the establishment of fence, building or other improvement lines. No responsibility is assumed herein or hereby to the present or future land owner or occupant. WITNESS my hand and seal this _2ff — day of 1997• RANDALL R. PAYNE L.S. 1282 RJPIERCE CA 2368 (LS) EXPIRES 06/30/99 MEMORANDUM TO: ' FROM: ' SUBJECT: DATE: t BACKGROUND: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER M.A.ALEXANDER CHIEF OF POLICE REQUEST APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE #557 November 11, 1997 Recently the Oklahoma Legislature enacted a law that enables municipalities to establish ordinances allowing police officers to make traffic stops for the purpose of enforcing mandatory seatbelt usage. In the past, police officers have had the authority only to enforce seatbelt usage as a secondary violation in conjunction with other traffic violations. Effective November 1, 1997, state statutes allow (for cities that enact ordinances relating to such) for vehicle operators observed not wearing their seatbelts to be stopped by police officers and cited. The attached ordinance is proposed in an effort to give Owasso police officers the authority to enforce seatbelt use by making non -use a primary violation. Statistics show a substantial decrease in the number of traffic fatalities in the surrounding states that have enacted the seatbelt violation as a primary law. The proposed seatbelt ordinance also includes child safety restraint mandates for children under the age of four. Under this ordinance, children riding as passengers in a motor vehicle must be P1 secured in a state approved child safety seat. FINES IMPOSED BY PROPOSED ORDINANCE: The proposed ordinance requires violators to be cited and receive a fine if found guilty in municipal court. The seatbelt violator could, under this ordinance, receive a fine of $20.00. Violations of the child restraint law will receive a fine of $10.00 and court costs of $15.00. The citation does not automatically require a mandatory court appearance. b- IC ORDINANCE #557 NOVEMBER 11, 1997 PAGE 2 ATTORNEY REVIEW: City Attorney Ron Cates has reviewed the ordinance and submitted the revisions necessary for compliance with state statute. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends City Council approval of Ordinance #557. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Ordinance #557 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA A. Every operator and front seat passenger of a passenger car operated in the city shall wear a properly adjusted and fastened safety belt system, required to be installed in the motor vehicle when manufactured pursuant to Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 208. For the ' purpose of this section, "passenger car" shall mean "automobile" as defined in Section 22.1 of Title 47 of the Oklahoma Statutes except that "passenger car" shall not include trucks, pick-up trucks, truck tractors, recreational vehicles, vans, motorcycles or motorized bicycles. ' B. This section shall not apply to an operator or passenger of a passenger car in which the operator or passenger possesses a written verification from a physician licensed in this state that he is unable to wear a safety belt system for medical reasons. Provided, the issuance of such verification by a physician, in good faith, shall not give rise to, nor shall such physician thereby t incur, any liability whatsoever in damages or otherwise, to any person injured by reason of such failure to wear a safety seat system. ' C. This section shall not apply to an operator of a motor vehicle who is a route carrier of the U.S. Postal Service. a 1. Every driver when transporting a child under four (4) years of age in a motor vehicle operated on the roadways streets or highways of this city shall provide for the protection of said child by properly using a child passenger restraint system. or a properly stcured seat belt in the rear seat of the motor vehicle "Child passenger restraint system" means an infant or child passenger restraint system that meets with the federal standards for crash - tested restraint systems as set by the United States Department of Transportation. 2 Children four (4) or five 5 years of age shall be protected by use of a child passenger restraint System or a seat belt 3. The provisions of this section shall not apply to: a A nonresident driver transporting a child in this city- and ORDINANCE NUMBER _5_51 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PART 15, TRAFFIC AND VEHICLES, CHAPTER 3, VEHICLE EQUIPMENT, SECTION 15 -308, MANDATORY SEATBELT USE, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, ' OKLAHOMA, REPEALING SUB - SECTION D OF SECTION 15 -308, ADOPTING IN LIEU THEREOF CHILD ' PASSENGER RESTRAINT SYSTEM AS SUB - SECTION D OF SECTION 15 -308, AMENDING SUB- SECTION E OF SECTION 15 -308 TO PROVIDE FOR DIFFERING PENALTIES, DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT: ' Section 1. Part 15, Traffic and Vehicles, Chapter 3, Vehicle Equipment, Section 15 -308, Mandatory Seatbelt, Sub - Section D of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, should be and same is hereby repealed and Section 15 -308 of the Code of Ordinances of the City ' of Owasso, Oklahoma, should be amended as hereinafter provided, to -wit: Section 15 -308 MANDATORY SEAT BELT USE, A. Every operator and front seat passenger of a passenger car operated in the city shall wear a properly adjusted and fastened safety belt system, required to be installed in the motor vehicle when manufactured pursuant to Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 208. For the ' purpose of this section, "passenger car" shall mean "automobile" as defined in Section 22.1 of Title 47 of the Oklahoma Statutes except that "passenger car" shall not include trucks, pick-up trucks, truck tractors, recreational vehicles, vans, motorcycles or motorized bicycles. ' B. This section shall not apply to an operator or passenger of a passenger car in which the operator or passenger possesses a written verification from a physician licensed in this state that he is unable to wear a safety belt system for medical reasons. Provided, the issuance of such verification by a physician, in good faith, shall not give rise to, nor shall such physician thereby t incur, any liability whatsoever in damages or otherwise, to any person injured by reason of such failure to wear a safety seat system. ' C. This section shall not apply to an operator of a motor vehicle who is a route carrier of the U.S. Postal Service. a 1. Every driver when transporting a child under four (4) years of age in a motor vehicle operated on the roadways streets or highways of this city shall provide for the protection of said child by properly using a child passenger restraint system. or a properly stcured seat belt in the rear seat of the motor vehicle "Child passenger restraint system" means an infant or child passenger restraint system that meets with the federal standards for crash - tested restraint systems as set by the United States Department of Transportation. 2 Children four (4) or five 5 years of age shall be protected by use of a child passenger restraint System or a seat belt 3. The provisions of this section shall not apply to: a A nonresident driver transporting a child in this city- and b The driver of a school bus taxicab moped motorcycle. or other motor vehicle not required to be equipped with safety belts pursuant to state or federal laws: and. c The driver of an ambulance or emergency vehicle: and. d A driver of a vehicle if all of the seat belts in the vehicle are in use n e The transportation of children who for medical reasons are unable to be placed in such devises. 4 A law enforcement officer is hereby authorized to stop a vehicle if it appears that the driver of the vehicle has violated the provisions of this section and to give an oral warning to said driver. The warning shall advise the driver of the possible anger to children resulting from the failure to install or use a child passenger Testraint system or seat belts in the motor vehicle. E. 24njy pej suj vioiating this section shall be punished by a fine of Ten Dollars. costs. Any person violating Sub - Section A of Section 15 -308, shall be punished by a fine and court costs not to exceed of Twenty Dollars ($20,00). Any person violating Sub - Section D of Section 15 -308. shall be punished by a fine of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and court costs in a maximum amount of Fifteen Dollars ($15 00). Section 2. This ordinance, upon adoption and publication as provided by State Law, shall become effective on the 29kk day of D e c e m b e r , 1997. DATED this 19j;h day of November, 1997. CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA RIN ATTEST: Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney 2780- 322.osb Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor E ' MEMORANDUM ' TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: ORDINANCE NO. 561 IDATE: November 11, 1997 IBACKGROUND: Currently, when property has been identified within the City of Owasso by the Code ' Enforcement Officer as being in violation of the Owasso Code of Ordinances relating to trash accumulation, high grass, and a potential fire hazards, written notification via certified mail is sent to the record owner of the property informing the owner of the violation and the need to taddress it. A period of ten (10) days is provided for the property owner to comply. A copy of this procedure from the Code of Ordinances is attached for your information and review. ' If, after the ten day period the property owner fails to address the identified problem, an abatement hearing is then scheduled. The City Manager currently acts as the Hearing Officer ' for these abatement hearings, as defined by the Code of Ordinances. Ordinance No. 561 would amend the Code of Ordinances of the City of Owasso, thus allowing ' the City Manager to designate an additional individual to act as the Hearing Officer in the absence of the City Manager. No other change in the abatement process would occur with the adoption of Ordinance No. 561. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance No. 561. IATTACHMENTS: ' 1. Chapter One, Article A, Section 8 -104 thru 8 -106. 2. Ordinance No. 561. Health and Sanitation SECTION 8 -103 REPORTS OF ACCUMULATION OF GRASS, WEEDS OR TRASH ON ' Any officer or employee of the city who discovers an accumulation of trash or the growth of grass and ' weeds, or both these conditions, upon any premises within the limits of the city, shall report the condition to the city administrator if, as a result of the accumulation or growth, the premises appear to be: , 1. Detrimental to the health, benefit and welfare of the public and the community; 2. A hazard to traffic; 3. A fire hazard to property; or 4. Any two (2) or more of these conditions. ' (Prior Code, Secs. 13 -11, 13 -12) State Law Reference: Cleaning and mowing of property, procedures and powers 11 O.S. Section 22 -111. A. Upon receiving the report provided for in Section 8 -103 of this code, or upon receipt of equivalent information from any reliable source, the city code enforcement officer shall place the matter upon the agenda for hearing and consideration at an appropriate date which will permit the giving of the notices prescribed by state law. At such hearing the city manager shall consider whether the premises, by reason of the conditions specified, are detrimental to the health, benefit and welfare of the public and the community, or a hazard to traffic, or a fire hazard to property, or any two (2) or more of such conditions. B. At least ten (10) days prior to the hearing, the city code enforcement officer shall give written notice of the hearing by posting upon the premises and by forwarding a copy thereof by certified mail with return receipt requested to the owner of the property at the address shown by the current year's tax rolls in the office of the treasurer of the county in which the property is located. If the return receipt shows that the property owner cannot be located, notice shall be given by publication in a newspaper of general circulation one time not less than ten (10) days prior to the date of the hearing. C. At least ten (10) days from the date of receipt of the notice by the owner and upon the date specified in the notice, the city manager shall hear the matter and shall receive information thereon, including anything which may be presented by the owner of the premises, personally or by agent or attorney. If the city manager determines that any of the conditions specified in Section 8 -103 of this code exist upon the premises, he may order the property to be cleaned of trash, and /or weeds to be cut, removed or destroyed unless within ten (10) days from the date of receipt of the notice the owner either: 1. Cuts, removes or destroys the trash or weeds in accordance with the notice; 2. Gives written consent authorizing the city to abate the trash or weeds, thereby waiving his right to a hearing; or Appeals to the city council from the order of the city manager. Paee 8 -7 IHealth and Sanitation ' D. Such an appeal to the city council from the order of the city manager shall be taken by filing written notice with the city clerk within ten (10) days after the administrative order is rendered. The filing ' of written notice of appeal with the municipal clerk shall operate to stay the enforcement of the order of the city manager appealed from. As soon thereafter as possible, and upon not less than ten (10) days notice to the property owner, the city council of the city shall consider the matter de novo. (Prior Code, Secs. 13 -13 to ' 13 -15; Ord. No. 408, 10/17/89) SECTION 8 -105 WORK DONE BY EMPLOYEES OR CONTRACT= ' The work ordered to be performed under Section 8 -104 of this code may be done by the employees of this city under supervision of the city manager, or it may be let by contract to the lowest and best bidder, after appropriate notice, in the manner for letting other contracts by public bid. (Prior Code, Sec. 13 -16) SECTION 8 -106 DETERMINATION AND ASSESSMENT OF COSTS. Upon the completion of the work ordered to be performed under Section 8 -105 of this code, the city manager shall determine the actual cost of such cleaning and mowing and any other expenses as may be ' necessary in connection therewith including the cost of notice and mailing. The city manager shall examine the report and, after receiving appropriate information, shall determine the total costs of the work. Thereafter the city clerk shall forward a statement and demand for payment of the total cost by certified mail with return ' receipt requested to the owner of the property at the address shown by the current tax rolls in the office of the treasurer of the county in which the property lies. The property owner shall have a right to appeal to the city council from the assessment rendered by the city manager. Such appeal shall be taken and held in accordance ' with the provisions of Section 8- 104(d). (Prior Code, Sec. 13 -17; Ord. No. 408, 10/17/89) SECTION 8 -107 LIEN ON THE PROPERTY_ CML REMEDY. ' If the costs of the work performed under this chapter are not paid within thirty (30) days from the date of mailing the notice prescribed by Section 8 -104 hereof, the city clerk shall forward a certified statement of ' the amount of the costs to the county treasurer of the county in which the property upon which the work was done is located, in order that the amount be levied upon the property and be collected by the county treasurer in the manner prescribed by the law of this state. The cost and the lien thereon shall be a lien against the property from the date the cost is certified to the county treasurer. The lien is coequal with the lien of ad valorem taxes and all other taxes and special assessments and prior and superior to all other titles and liens against the property. The lien shall continue until the cost is fully paid. At any time prior to collection as provided in this section the city may pursue any civil remedy for collection of the amount owing and interest thereon. Upon receiving payment, if any, the city clerk shall forward to the county treasurer a notice of such payment and directing discharge of the lien. (Prior Code, Sec. 13 -19) The service of all notices prescribed by this chapter shall be evidenced by the return of the officer making such service, certified in his official capacity, and filed in the office of the city clerk_. (Prior Code, Sec. 13 -18) SECTION 8 -109 ABANDONED ICE BOXES OR REFRIGERATORS. It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to leave in a place accessible to children any abandoned, unattended or discarded ice box, refrigerator, or other container which has an air -tight door with a lock or other fastening device which cannot be easily released for opening from the inside of the ice box, refrigerator or container, without first removing the door, lock or fastener. CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE NUMBER _1U. 1 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PART 8 HEALTH AND SANITATION, CHAPTER ONE (1), TRASH, WEEDS, AND LITTER, ARTICLE A TRASH AND WEEDS, AMENDING SECTION 8 -104 AND SECTION 8 -106 AND PROVIDING LANGUAGE IN LIEU THEREOF TO PROVIDE FOR DESIGNATION OF THE CITY MANAGER OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, OR THE CITY MANAGER'S DESIGNEE, TO SERVE AS ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER TO CARRY OUT THE DUTIES OF THE GOVERNING BODY AS RELATES TO PROVISION OF A HEARING FOR DETERMINATION OF A NUISANCE AS WELL AS ORDERING ABATEMENT OF SAME, PROVIDING FOR APPEAL THEREFROM TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, AMENDING SECTION 8 -106 DESIGNATING THE OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, OR THE CITY MANAGER'S DESIGNEE, AS THE HEARING OFFICER TO DETERMINE THE ASSESSMENT OF COST, AND FURTHER, PROVIDING APPEAL THEREFROM TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT: Section One. Section 8 -104- Receipt of Report, Hearing and Notice, is hereby amended to provide as follows, to -wit: Section 8 -104. RECEIPT OF REPORT, HEARING AND NOTICE. (A) Upon receiving the report provided for in Section 8 -103 of this code, or upon receipt of equivalent information from any reliable source, the City Code Enforcement Officer shall place the matter upon an agenda for hearing and consideration at an appropriate date which will permit the giving of the notices prescribed by state law. At such Hearing, the City Manager, or the City Manager's designee, shall consider whether the premises, by reason of the conditions specified, are detrimental to the health, benefit and welfare of the public and the community or a hazard to traffic, or a fire hazard to property, or any two or more of such conditions. (B) At least ten (1) days prior to the Hearing, the City Code Enforcement Officer shall give written notice of the Hearing by posting upon the premises and by forwarding a copy of thereof by certified mail with return receipt requested to the owner of the property at the address shown by the current years tax rolls in the office of the Treasurer of the county in which the property is located. If the return receipt shows that the property owner cannot be located, notice shall be given by publication in the newspaper of general circulation one time not less than ten (1) days prior to the date of the Hearing. (C) At least ten (10) days from the date of receipt of the notice by the owner and upon the date specified in the notice the City Manager or the City Manager's designee. shall hear the matter and shall receive information thereon including anything IPASSED AND APPROVED this JI& day of November, 1997. ICITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA I By: Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor which may be presented by the owner of the premises, personally or by agent or attorney. If the City Manager or the City Manager's designee determines that any of the conditions specified in Section 8 -103 of this code exist upon the premises, he may order the property to be cleaned of trash and/or weeds to be cut, removed ' or destroyed unless within ten (10) days from receipt of the notice the owner either: ' 1) Cuts, removes or destroys the trash or weeds in accordance with the notice. 2) Gives written consent authorizing the City to abate the trash or weeds, thereby ' waiving his right to a hearing; or, 3) Appeals to the City Council from the order of the City Manager or the City designee. ' Manager's (D) Such an appeal to the City Council from the Order of the City Manager or the City Manager's designee, shall be taken by filing written Notice with the City Clerk within ten (1) days after the Administrative Order is rendered. The filing of ' written Notice of Appeal with the Municipal Clerk shall operate to stay the enforcement of the Order of the City Manager or the City Manager's designee appealed from. As soon thereafter as possible, and upon not less than ten (1) days notice to the property owner, the City Council of the Municipality shall consider ' the matter de novo. Section Two. Section 8 -106. Determination and Assessment of Cost be and same hereby is repealed and in lieu thereof there be provided as follows, to -wit: Section 8 -106. Determination and Assessment of Cost. ' Upon completion of the work ordered to the performed under Section 8 -105 of this code, the City Manager or the City Manager's designee shall determine the actual cost of such cleaning and mowing and any other expenses as may be necessary in connection therewith including the cost of notice and mailing. The ' City Manager or the City Manager's designee shall examine the report and, after receiving appropriate information, shall determine the total cost of the work. Thereafter the City Clerk shall forward a statement and demand for payment of the ' total cost by certified mail with return receipt requested to the owner of the property at the address shown by the current tax rolls in the office of the Treasurer of the County in which the property lies. The property owner shall have a right to appeal to the City Council body from the assessment rendered by the City Manager or the City Manager's designee. Such appeal shall be taken and held in accordance with the provisions of 8- 104(d). ' Section Three. This Ordinance, upon passage, shall become effective thirty (30) days from the date of first publication as provided by sate law. IPASSED AND APPROVED this JI& day of November, 1997. ICITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA I By: Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor ATTEST: Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney 2780 -322. cmd 3 MEMORANDUM F 1 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO IFROM: REGENA GUTHRIE 1 SUBJECT: WORKERS' COMPENSATION SETTLEMENT KENNETH YOUNT DATE: NOVEMBER 14, 1997 BACKGROUND: Kenneth Yount, an Owasso police officer, was injured in an automobile accident on September 25, 1996, while riding in a Tulsa County sheriff's vehicle assisting Tulsa County. As a result of this accident he received a compression fracture to the thoracic vertebrae. The City has paid for all medical care and lost wages during this injury. Mr. Yount returned to "light duty" on December 6, 1996, and was released to full duty on February 1, 1997. Mr. Yount has now reached "maximum medical improvement" and has been evaluated as having a 10% disability rating to the whole man. Our previous administrator, Berkley Administrators, Victor Seagle, the City's workers' compensation attorney, and United Safety and Claims, the new workers' compensation Third Party Administrator, all agree this should be settled by Joint Petition Settlement. This action closes the claim for future TTD (Temporary Total Disability), medical care or PPD (Permanent Partial Disability) in regard to this accident. Mr. Yount is in agreement with this settlement offer. Mr. Yount is not represented in this action (he is however, represented in his suit against a third party) and the disability rating by his treating doctor, Doctor Brian Howard, is not contested by ' either our TPA's or our attorney. All parties agree that a 10% rating is within the AMA guidelines for a compression fracture. This agreement by all parties could save substantial attorney fees, independent evaluations, and the risk of higher disability rating. The cost to joint ' petition this claim is $9,231.39 ($8,505 settlement, $651.39 taxes, $75 filing fee) and associated court costs. WORKERS' COMPENSATION SETTLEMENT NOVEMBER 14, 1997 PAGE TWO If we choose not to settle this claim by Joint Petition, the other option would be a F -14 settlement option, which leaves the medical claim open for a statutory period of time. Utilizing this settlement (F -14) the City is exposed to further expense if Mr. Yount has a change of condition for the worse and then petitions the court for additional care, TTD and possibly more PPD. An earlier memo discussed subrogation to Tulsa County. However, Tulsa County has denied, based on the off -set provision in the event of Workers' Compensation alternative, and the Tort Claims Act prevents payment by Tulsa County, so subrogation is to the driver of the other vehicle, who had high risk out of state coverage. We have received notice that a $10,000 check (the amount of the policy limits) has been received by Mr. Yount's attorney, made payable to Mr. Yount, his attorney, and the city. Mr. Yount's offer is to split 1/3 each. Landmark American is a high risk carrier, and since there doesn't appear to be excess assets to pursue for collection, recommendation is that we accept the 1/3 offer. RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of staff that we immediately proceed with the Joint Petition Settlement at the Workers' Compensation Court, for a cost of $ 9,231.39, plus associated court costs, and accept subrogation payment from Landmark American Insurance Company for 1/3 of the policy limits. COMMENTS: It is important that settlements be acted on as quickly as possible. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Dr. Brian Howard Evaluation for Disability Rating 2. Berkley Administrators Letter of Explanation FROM: BERKLEY ADMIN. Harry E Lneiripton, MD J. Donato Keenan, Mo R Clio R"Mson MO Don L Hawkins, MD DayiO R Hicks MO M +chad W. T4nnnr, MO Bean C Howard. MD ' Mark A Hayes M0 lames D Cain. MU FAX NO.: 918 663 1462 CENTRAL STATES -� ORTHOP.ED.IC. S T'ECI.ALI STS,.,I.�1C, August 24, 1997 10- -14 -97 14:52 P.02 0r\ N IVED 4 1997 Berkley Administrators ATTN: Work Comp 3810 South 103rd E. Ave., Suite 105 Tulsa, OK 74146 -2443 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: RE: KENNETH YOUNT ' Mr. Yount was seen in evaluation for permanent partial DmidE Nonweiler,MO impairment with regard to injury of his lumbar spine sustained in September of 1996. Range of motion and strencJL1i data are gathered in accordance with the AMA ' Randall LHendricks MO Guides to the Evaluation. of Permanent Partial Impairment, Fourth Edition. Range of motion is as follows: flexion David Wong MO 5 degrees or 0 percent deficit; extension 11 degrees or '5 p cent deficit; right lateral bending 15 degrees or 2 Bryan Hywk,nh MD percent deficit; left lateral bending 11 degrees or 3 percent deficit. There is no demonstrable muscle PerryD InrVe M0 weakness with r - testing. The patient therefore has a total l0 percent j"ficit of the whole person on the basis cr ttiinished range of motion of the lumbar Th,}imG Craven MO spine. ' Under the penalty of perjury I declare 1 have reviewed PBhicia A. Thomas this report and all statements contained herein; and to AQrtlinigpa�or the best of my knowledge and belief they are true, correct, and complete. Sincerel l Brian C. Howard, M.D. BCH:js I I ' Clinic Ue f i,krs. r7 WNBse Prokesls�si Salts 790 6585 Swrn Yak r Tulsa. Oklahoma 14136 1918 494 9200 Tel r 918 494 42:9 Fa, Kill}} heiefii0rgt BYN110 , SVIkk 6565 South Vale i Tulsa QkVtoma 741351918 481 7E00 Tel r 919 481 7611 Fax f 900 777 7660 TOO Free like Arrow 11111" al Office &AM Suite 320 29 0 South Elm 9tae t Broken Arrow OkiahoM 740121918 455 8080 Tel t 918 455 9884 Fak r- Illtl and Will "iciam, Bull 41 suite 1145 Soutn J" + Tu15a. Oklar+Pma 74104 1 918 579 1965 Tel t 316 Sao 7425 Fat. AQminis[Tdtp� {>f�ice; ' Kety Frefouhmw t v"diRs. $01" 1200 6565 50'A Yale 7 Tulsa Ok,anona 741 3 -1 918 481 CSOS Td 1918 481 7611 hav r tide ANY C505 TOO Free FROM: BERKLEY PDMIN. FRX NO.: 918 663 1462 10 -14 -97 16 17 b mm Berkley Administrators 3810 South 103rd East Avenue, Suite 105 • Tulsa, OK 74146 September 15, 1997 Phone (918) 663 -7182 • FAX (918) 663 -1462 Ms. Regina Guthrie City of Owasso R 0. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 Re: Claimant: Kenneth Yount Insured: City of Owasso D /A: 9/25/96 Tear Ms Guthrie- RECEIVED OCT 141997 BY• We have now received the final medical report and rating from Dr. Brian Hoard nr. Howard states this employee has reached his maximum benefit from medical treatment and has been released with a ten (10) percent disability rating to the whole man. The ten percent rating is the equivalent of forty -one (41) weeks of Permanent Partial Disability, payable at the weekly rate of $205.00 or $8405.00. We can settle this by a Joint Petition Settlement, which is a full, final and complete settlement of all issues. This employee could never come back on the City of Owasso for any additional TTD, medical care or PFD, in regards to this accident and subsequent injuries occurring on 9/25/96. The other settlement option is a F -14, which leaves the medical open for a statutory period of time. If the employee had a change of condition for the worse, then he could petition the court for additional medical care, TTD and possibly more PPD. It would be my recommendation that we settle this by Joint Petition. The attorney representing this employee in a third party suit against the City of Tulsa advises Mr. Yount is agreeable to the 10% rating. By settling the claim by a Joint Petition a transcript of the proceedings would be made by a court reporter and may prove helpful in our subrogation efforts- The cost for a Joint Petition is- $8405.00 s-9 ` S�- IF , OSHA and WCAF Taxes 100.00 Signing bonus 75.00 Filing Fee The total cost to the COO will be $9231.39. This will be the total cost regardless of the type settlement. q 93q, l Member of Me W. R. Berkley Group P.01 FROM: BERKLEY ADMIN. Page 2 Continued FAX NO.: 918 663 1462 10-14 -97 16:18 P.02 Please review the settlement options and advise how you wish me to proceed. Sincerely, Berkley Administrators Odessa Knight, A1C. Claims Adjuster CC: file I f MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: DETACHMENT REQUEST MR. ALLEN ROBINSON DATE: November 13, 1997 BACKGROUND Mr. Allen Robinson has submitted a petition to the City of Owasso requesting detachment of a portion his property from the City Limits of Owasso. The subject property is undeveloped and is located at the extreme southern boundary of the existing city limits of Owasso and is zoned IL (Light Industrial). The subject property is bordered on the north by additional property zoned IL, while further north lies Worley's Nursery also zoned IL. The subject property is also bordered to the south and west by IL zoned property, while farther west lies AG (Agriculture) property. The subject property is bordered on the east by the Owasso Expressway. An area map is attached for your information and review. The City of Owasso has been in negotiations with the applicant to obtain right -of -way for the proposed extension of S. Fifth Avenue from the National Steak and Poultry facility to the service road. As a portion of that negotiation process, the applicant expressed a desire to construct a billboard on his property, more specifically, at the location described in the detachment request. Because the subject property is on the southern boundary of the city limits and because billboards are not permitted in the City of Owasso, staff advised the applicant to seek a detachment request from the city rather than a Variance from the Board of Adjustment. Quite simply, a billboard would be permitted on the neighboring property to the south (outside the city limits) and to extend that ability eighty (80) feet to the north was more desirable than opening the door for additional billboards throughout the city if the Board of Adjustment were to grant a Variance. Notification of the detachment request was published in the Owasso Reporter and is attached for your information and review. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed this request at their October 29, 1997 meeting. At that meeting, area utility companies and staff are afforded the opportunity to address any problems or concerns they have with the detachment request. No comments opposing the request for detachment were received at that meeting. While the City of Owasso policy and procedure regarding annexation does not contain any ' requirements for action on a detachment request from the Annexation Committee, staff felt it would be more consistent to forward this type of request to the Annexation Committee. The , Annexation Committee reviewed this request at their November 10, 1997 special meeting and unanimously recommend approval. The Planning Commission reviewed the detachment request at their September 11, 1997 regular meeting and also unanimously recommended approval. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the detachment request. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Case map 2. City of Owasso's annexation policy I City of Owasso's procedures for annexation 4. Copy of the detachment petition 5. Copy of legal ad ■ 11111 �- i■ ■r BARNES ELEM. � 11■ � SUBJECT PROPERTY I RMI \� I L AG AG I L C)l M — -lorn r SCG CS CM L IL F- -- - - -I I I � I PUD 475 I I IL �-1 I - 69- STREET "TR IL _ern P� XE W J l ANNEXATION POLICY 1 • While there is no minimum tract size, properties of larger than 20 acres are preferable. 2. All properties should be contiguous to existing city limits. 3. All properties should be.annexed: into the city - limits as the lowest zoning classification, that is, AG, agricultural. Landowners ma then t y petition For rezoning if -they desire further development of their .property. All legal uses annexed into the city will be legal, but non - conforming, which means that they may continue but cannot be expanded without proper zoning. 4. All public infrastructures that do not met city standards will not be improved by the city until brought to the city standard and accepted by. the City Council. Such public facilities must be improved at owners expense by the establishment of a special assessment district or some other financing method. 5. Where a'city limit boundary ends at a dedicated street, the boundary will not include the street right -of -way. This policy will establish consistence and allow city employees and citizens to know where the city boundaries are. 6. Properties that are-rejected for annexation should not be considered for annexation - for a six month period after rejection by the City Council. Adopted by Council on March 1 1988. IPROCEDURES FOR ANNEXATION I CITY COUNCIL SPONSORED ANNEXATION: ' 1. City Council direction to study the annexation of property. 2. Notice published two consecutive weeks in the Owasso Reporter of a Planning Commission Hearing which will include a map and text of the ' proposed annexation. ' 3. Review by a Standing Annexation Committee and recommendation to the Planning Commission and City Council. 4. Planning Commission Hearing on the proposal and recommendation to ' the City Council. 5. Notice published two consecutive weeks in the Owasso Reporter of a City Council Hearing which will include a map and text of the ' proposed annexation. ' 6. City Council hearing and action on the proposal. 7. If the proposal is approved by the City Council, an Ordinance will be prepared, approved, published, and filed of. record with the office ' of the County Clerk, with a map of the property annexed. CITIZEN SPONSORED ANNEXATION: y 1. Submission to the City Planner of an application and petition and an administrative fee as prescribed by Ordinance. 2. Review by a Standing Annexation Committee and recommendation to the Planning Commission and City Council. aw 3. Notice published once in the Owasso Reporter at the applicant -s expense of a Planning Commission Hearing which will include a map and text of the proposed annexation_ 4. Planning Commission Hearing on the proposal and recommendation to ' the City Council. 5. Notice published two consecutive weeks in the Owasso Reporter at the applicant's expense of a City Council Hearing which will include a ' map and text of the proposed annexation. 6. City Council Hearing and action on the proposal. ' 7. If the proposal is approved by the City Council, an Ordinance will be prepared, approved,l published, and filed of record with the office of the County Clerk, with a map of the property annexed_ Adopted by City Council on March 1, 1988_ BEFORE THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA PROPERTY FOR DETACHMENT CONSIDERATION The undersigned, constituting no less than three - fourths of the registered. voters and being owners of not less than three - fourths (in value) of the hereinafter described real estate situated in Tulsa County, Oklahoma, to -wit: A tract of land in the East Half (E /2) of the Northeast Quarter (NE /4) of Section Thirty -One (31), Township Twenty -One (21) North, Range Fourteen (14) East, Indian Base and Meridian, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, lying West of the West Right -of -Way line of the Mingo Valley Expressway, granted by District Court Order # 97562, more particularly described as follows: Begining at a point 1174.8 feet East of the Southwest corner of the East Half (E /2) of the Northeast Quarter (NE /4), thence North eighty (80) feet, thence West sixty (60) feet, thence South Eighty (80) feet, thence East sixty (60) feet to the point of begining, being territory located within the incorporated City of Owasso, Oklahoma, hereby consent to the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, to detach the aforementioned real estate from the City Limits of said City. Dated this 24 ;tL day of Se.ptemAID r. x597. Owner: Allen Robinson BEFORE THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA PROPERTY FOR DETACHMENT CONSIDERATION The undersigned, constituting not less than three- fourths of the registered voters and being owners of not less than three - fourths (in value) of the hereinafter described real estate situated in the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, to -wit: A tract of land in the East Half (E /2) of the Northeast Quarter (NE /4) of Section Thirty-One (31), Township Twenty -One (21) North, Range Fourteen (14) East, Indian Base and Meridian, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, lying West of the West Right -of -Way line of the Mingo Valley ' Expressway, granted by District Court Order #97562, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point 1174.8 feet East of the Southwest corner of the East Half (E /2) of the ' Northeast Quarter (NE /4), thence North eighty (80) feet, thence West sixty (60) feet, thence South eighty (80) feet, thence East sixty (60) feet to the Point of Beginning, ' being territory located within the incorporated City of Owasso, Oklahoma, hereby consent to the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, to detach the aforementioned real estate from the City Limits of said City. Dated this 24th day of September, 1997. tOwner(s): Allen Robinson NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC ' You are hereby advised that the above consent for detachment was filed with the Community Development Director of the City of Owasso on the 24th day of September, 1997, and that said request will be presented to the Owasso Planning Commission, at the Owasso Community Center, 301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma at 7:00 PM on the 11th day of November, 1997. All persons interested in this matter may be present at the hearing and give their objections to or arguments for the proposal. The Planning Commission will submit its recommendation to the City Council of the City of Owasso for its consideration and action, as provided by law. 16 See the attached map for property location. For more information on the proposed annexation contact the Community Development Director, City Hall, 207 S. Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma, 74055 or phone (918) 272 -2251. Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 4th day of November, 1997. r Timothy D. Rooney Community Development Director LI MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR tSUBJECT: AWARD OF BIDS FOR RESTROOM CONSTRUCTION OWASSO SPORTS PARK ' DATE: November 12, 1997 BACKGROUND: The City of Owasso FY 1997 -98 Budget contained an appropriation for the purpose of providing ' the construction of a restroom facility at the Owasso Sports Park. Staff developed a bid packet for the construction of the proposed facility in June of 1997, and the initial set of bid packets ' were available to prospective bidders in late June. A copy of the memorandum requesting Council authorization to solicit bids is attached for your information and review. The bid packets included specifications for the construction of a 26' x 36' restroom facility to be located south of the main parking lot at the Sports Park. The restroom itself included metal roofing, stainless steel fixtures (7 toilets, 3 urinals, 4 sinks, and a drinking fountain) and masonry block construction. These items were identified by staff as a result of a review of the existing restroom at Elm Creek Park and the goal of eliminating long term maintenance costs. Only one bid was received as a result of the first solicitation of bids. That bid was submitted with a total bid cost of $91,493. Staff reviewed the single bid and requested that the Council authorize staff to reject this bid. The basis for rejecting the bid was that it had exceeded the amount budgeted for the project and that staff had discussed and identified areas in which to reduce the cost of the project and ensure more bids being received. A copy of the memorandum requesting Council authorization to reject the sole bid, dated July 31, 1997, is attached for your Iinformation and review. Upon identifying an additional supplier of the stainless steel (vandal proof) fixtures, allowing for an alternate standing seam metal roof rather than R -panel, and increasing the time frame of construction for the project, staff then requested the Council to reauthorize the solicitation of bids for the proposed restroom facility in September of 1997. A copy of that memorandum is ' included in your packet for your information and review. Bid documents were then created and a mandatory pre -bid meeting was then conducted on October 8, 1997 and bids were then opened on October 21, 1997. The following is a review of the sealed bids received at that meeting: Pettijohn Construction $ 85,405.00 Services, Inc 88,230.00 Builder's Unlimited 90,895.00 Lester and Associates 96,088.42 Russell Mechanical Construction 106,553.00 A review of the bids submitted indicates that all bids received did meet bid specification requirements. Further review indicates that Pettijohn Construction is the lowest bid for the construction of the restroom facility at $85,405. This amount, while the lowest bid received, exceeds the budgeted amount for the project by $20,405. OPTIONS: Since October 21, 1997, staff has reviewed two possible options regarding the construction of the restroom facility at the Sports Park. The first option, that being the downsizing of the restroom, could be realized through eliminating several of the fixtures (thus reducing the size of the restroom), replacing the stainless steel fixtures with porcelain fixtures, and allowing a typical shingled roof rather than an r -panel or standing seam metal roof. This would then require a new drawings of the facility and a project re -bid. The second option, which would require the allocation of additional funds, would prevent long- term maintenance costs that are likely to occur if the first option were to be selected. As stated previously in correspondence regarding the restroom, the roof would be sound for a period of 30+ years and stainless steel fixtures have proven to be beneficial at the Elm Creek Park restroom as no replacement has been needed since the facility opened. Additionally, the size of the facility would not be compromised, thus addressing both the current and future needs of the park users. COIVINENTS: While the options present a difficult and defining decision regarding the current and future needs of the public, the future maintenance and life cycle costs that could be incurred by the city, as well as the allocation of unbudgeted excess revenue (see Agenda Item #10), the proposed facility is needed desperately and that need is not going to go away. While the decision to allocate additional funds may be difficult, redesigning and constructing a facility that would not meet the existing and future needs of the community and result in increased long term maintenance or repair costs cannot be recommended by staff. FUNDING: Funding for the Sports Park restroom was included in the FY 1997 -98 Capital Improvements Fund in the amount of $65,000.00. It is proposed by staff that the additional $20,405 needed to award the lowest bid submitted be allocated to the project through the availability of excess, unbudgeted revenues that have accrued within the Capital Improvements Fund. (See Agenda Item #10). RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the contract for the proposed Sports Park restroom facility be awarded to Pettijohn Construction in the amount of $85,405. I ATTACHMENTS: ' 1. Memorandum dated May 29, 1997 requesting authorization to solicit bids. 2. Memorandum dated July 31, 1997 requesting authorization to reject all bids. 3. Memorandum dated September 10, 1997 requesting authorization to solicit bids. ' 4. Bid Tally Sheet MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR ANT COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION TO SOLICIT BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF RESTROOM' IMPROVEMENTS AT THE SPORTS PARK DATE: May 29, 1997 BACKGROUND In February of 1997, staff began conducting monthly meetings with the Sports Park User Groups regarding the construction of a restroom facility at the Owasso Sports Park. Representatives from each group that utilizes the Sports Park (Owasso Girls Softball Association, Future Owasso Rams Baseball and Football, Green Country Soccer, and Concession Providers) along with city staff had agreed that the construction of a restroom facility was the number one priority at the Sports Park. As a result of these regular monthly meetings, along with several additional special meetings, the scope of what a restroom: facility needed to include at the Sports Park was realized, an architect was selected to design plans and specifications for the proposed facility, and donations from the private sector were also solicited to off -set construction costs. These efforts, on behalf -" of the staff and user groups, has allowed this group to be ahead of the "curve" so to speak in bringing this project to the City Council for authorization to solicit bids. THE FACILITY Copies of the elevation profile and floor plan for the proposed facility are attached for your information and review. As you can see, the facility has been designed with long term maintenance costs being the singularly most important factor. The utilization of split face block, R -panel metal roofing, stainless steel fixtures, and block walls for individual stall dividers were all areas identified by the staff as necessary items in order to control and keep maintenance costs Ifor the life of the facility to a minimum. For example, the split face block will require no long term care, the utilization of a metal roof provides up to a 30 year life expectancy, rather than the optimistic 20 that could be realized with a composition roof, the fixtures proposed are stainless steel rather than porcelain and. are virtually vandal proof. The utilization of block walls for stall dividers also virtually eliminates the repair and upkeep typically found with metal stall dividers. When comparing the proposed restroom with the restroom constructed in Elm Creek Park in 1991, mistakes and successes are easily identified. The roof of the restroom at the Elm Creek Park is comprised of composition shingles and is already displaying signs indicating a need for replacement. On the other hand, the fixtures contained in the Elm Creek Park restroom are stainless steel and absolutely no funds have been spent on these fixtures since the day it opened. This is also true for the exterior of the restroom facility as it was constructed with split face block. With these maintenance costs savings and expenses identified in only a 6 year time frame, staff feels it is important to continue to develop facilities with long term maintenance cost in mind. A materials list for the proposed restroom is attached for your information and review. Please note that various members of the Sports Park User Group have secured numerous donations for the construction of the restroom facility. Letters from those private sector vendors who have donated materials for construction are also attached for your information and review. The final bid packet will make potential bidders aware of these donations and should be considered when tabulating the total bid for the project. Elm FU"ING Funding for the proposed restroom facility is included within the Capital Improvements Fund of the proposed budget for FY 1997 -98. Staff is only requesting authorization to solicit bids for this project at this time. Any allocation of resources or actual expenditures would be directly dependant upon the Capital Improvements Committee and Council approval for planned expenditures within the Capital. Improvements Fund, the Council approval of the FY 1997 -98 i Budget, and the acceptance of a bid received. While this request is unusual and early, the driving force behind getting the project started is the opinion by all involved that the restroom is an urgent need. It was staffs opinion and goal to solicit bids for the restroom project as early as possible so that the project could be awarded to a successful bidder as early as possible after the FY 1997 -98 budget was adopted. This would F then allow for an earlier start up time for the construction of the restroom which results in the �- restroom being constructing during the driest time of the year and being completed prior to, or shortly after, the start of the fall season for FOR, OGSA, and Green Country Soccer. t' To summarize, the Council would not be allocating any funding resources to the project at this time, but rather simply putting the city in a possible position to award a contract to construct jl . a restroom at the Sports Park so that it can be constructed as early as possible in the next fiscal year. If the authorization to solicit bids is approved by the Council, the bid advertisement will be published in the June 12, 1997 Owasso Reporter, followed by a mandatory pre -bid meeting on rae .3 1 1997, with bids being opened on July 15, 1997. Bids would then be reviewed and a r(MAmendation to the Council would follow. j Copies of preliminary bid documents are attached for your information and review. Copies of the complete bid specification packet will be delivered to the Council prior to the bid ' advertisement upon your request. Elm L RECONiMNDATION: Staff recommends Council approval of the request to solicit bids for the construction of restroom improvements at the Owasso Sports Park. I11.Y.11.L�_�h1 �!► L�fl.� 1. Elevation profiles and floor plans for proposed restroom. 2. Materials list for proposed restroom. 3. Letters of donated materials for the proposed restroom. 4. Preliminary bid documents. i k a Q MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR DAVID WARREN PARK SUPERINTENDENT SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR THE COUNCIL TO AUTHORIZE STAFF TO REJECT ALL SUBMITTED BIDS FOR THE PROPOSED SPORTS PARK RESTROOM FACILITY DATE: July 31, 1997 BACKGROUND: At the June 3, 1997 regular meeting, the City Council authorized staff to advertise and solicit bids for the proposed restroom at the Owasso Sports Park. Advertisement for bids relating to the project was then published, followed by a mandatory pre -bid meeting on July 2, 1997. Only one bid was received and then opened on Tuesday, July 15, 1997. A review of the bid .. submitted indicated that it did not meet budgeting constraints or the staff's desire for more than one contractor to bid the proposed project. The staff is currently in the process of reviewing the bid specifications and evaluating options that may encourage more than one bid on the project. Additionally, an effort is underway to identify vendors that can supply identified materials at a cheaper cost, thus allowing for a lower bid. Staff has had several discussions with area contractors regarding the project and initial indications are that the current construction environment is so positive, they simply could not take on an additional project. Several indicated a desire to bid on the project and felt that an autumn time frame would be more conducive as residential construction activity typically slows at that time of year. Also an additional vendor had been identified by staff that has the ability of supplying necessary � fixtures for the restrooms at a cheaper cost than previously indicated by staff. This would also encourage, if not result in, a lower overall bid on thm entire project. Upon completion of the review of the specifications„ it is staffs intention to once again request ' Council authorization to solicit bids for the proposed restroom facility at the Sports Park. in RESTROOM BID JULY 31, 1997 PAGE 2 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council authorization to reject all bids for the Restroom Facility at the Owasso Sports Park. ATTACIIMENTS: 1. Bid Tabulation. 2. Bid Form. 3. Memorandum dated May 29, 1997 relating to a request to solicit bids for the project. �r n a r MEMORANDUM I TO: FROM: SUBJECT: r DATE: 1 BACKGROUND THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO TIMOTHY ROONEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION TO SOLICIT BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION -OF RESTROOM IMPROVEMENTS AT THE SPORTS PARK September 10, 1997 In February of 1997, staff began conducting monthly meetings with the Sports Park User Groups regarding the construction of a restroom facility at the Owasso Sports Park. Representatives from each group that utilizes the Sports Park (Owasso Girls Softball Association, Future Owasso Rams Baseball and Football, Green Country Soccer, and Concession Providers) along with city staff had agreed that the construction of a restroom facility was the number one priority at the Sports Park. As a result of these regular monthly meetings, along with several additional special meetings, the scope of what a restroom facility needed to include at the Sports Park was realized, an architect was selected to design plans and specifications for the proposed facility, and donations from the private sector were also solicited to off -set construction costs. These efforts, on behalf of the staff and user groups resulted in staff requesting, and the City Council authorizing, the solicitation of bids for the proposed facility in June of this year. ' Bid documents were then prepared and a mandatory pre -bid meeting was conducted with those potential bidders that had obtained bid documents. Only one bid for the project was received with the total bid cost ($91,493) exceeding that which was allocated for construction ($65,000). 1 As a result, staff recommended that City Council reject the sole bid received and allow staff to review various elements of the bid documents in order to address the cost of the project and encourage additional bidders. Staff conducted several meetings with potential bidders. All expressed that the construction industry was busy, particularly residential, and that an autumn- winter time frame for construction would be more palatable, thus enhancing their ability. to bid on the project. Additionally, several thought an extension of the time in which to construct the facility to 150 days would also assist. Many of the "local" contractors were also simply not aware that the city was soliciting bids for the restroom facility. Several expressed an interest in bidding on the project, either individually or as a group. 6 Finally, an additional supplier of the stainless steel fixtures required for the facility was also identified. Price quotes from both the original and new supplier are attached for your information and review, representing a cost savings of over $5,000. Staff has incorporated these identified and recommended changes into the bid document and is requesting once again, for Council authorization to solicit bids. Addendums made during the initial bidding have been included as well, and the facility is essentially unchanged. Copies of the floor plan and elevation profile are attached for your information and review. Funding for the facility is contained within the FY 1997 -98 Capital Improvements Fund. Again, Council is only authorizing staff to solicit bids and is not authorizing the expenditure of funds at this time. Copies of preliminary bid documents are attached for your review and a complete bid specification packet will be delivered to the Council prior to bid advertisement upon your request. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approval of the request to solicit bids for the construction of restroom improvements at the Owasso Sports Park. ATTACffiVIENTS• 1. Elevation profiles and floor plans for proposed restroom. 2. Addendums from initial bidding, now included in bid documents. 3. Letters of donated materials for the proposed restroom. 4. Supplier quotes for restroom fixtures. 5. Bid form. CITY OF OWASSO / OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY 207 South Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 (918) 272 -2251 BID DOCUMENTATION Opening Date: 10/21/97 Council /Trustee Approval: Item: Sports Park Restroom Number of Bids: 5 Bids Opened By: Tim Rooney Witness: David Warren IWitness: Bidders Pettijohn Construction, Owasso ' Services Inc, Tulsa Builders Unlimited, Tulsa ' Lester & Associates, Broken Arrow Russell Mechanical Contractors, Broken Arrow Certification: Amount of Bid $ 85,405.00 $ 88,230.00 $ 90,895.00 $ 96,088.42 $106,553.00 I, Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk, do hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, this Bid Documentation is true and correct. Signature: 4 K Alge Y � Date: /D 'r- 9 � � i S.r I MEMORANDUM I TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL 1 CITY OF OWASSO ' FROM: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER ISUBJECT: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND BUDGET AMENDMENT IDATE: November 13, 1997 IBACKGROUND: ' The FY 1997 -98 Capital Improvements Fund Budget was adopted on June 17, 1997, and includes estimated revenues and expenditures for the fund. Revenues for the fund are generated by the third penny sales tax and interest earned by monies in the fund. Expenditures are I appropriated to projects that have been through a process of review by the Capital Improvements Committee and City Council. ' During the budget process, the staff estimates the revenues based on previous collections and sales tax trends. Those estimates are then reported to the Council and recommended for inclusion in the budget. Because of the City's policy of spending only the amount of sales tax collected the previous year (example: only revenue actually collected from the third penny during FY 1996 -97 can be spent in FY 1997 -98), there is a calculated and conservative approach used by the staff in projecting both year -end collections and fund balance for this fund. That approach, while appropriate, generally results in an underestimate of the actual year -end revenue. REVENUE: The 1997 -98 Capital Improvements Budget estimated total revenue of $790,000 for the fund (see attached). However, at the close of the 1996 -97 fiscal year, the ending fund balance was $7995 ' greater than projected (due to lower than expected spending on approved projects), and actual collection of revenue was $10,271 more than projected. Additionally, the accrued interest on the fund balance was $20,000 more (thru October 1997) than budgeted. Thus, the total additional revenue available to the fund is $38,266 (see attached). CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND BUDGET AMENDMENT NOVEMBER 13, 1997 PAGE 2 EXPENDITURES The 1997 -98 fund budget contains a total appropriation of $1,664,796 allocated to nine projects (see attached). These projects have been approved by the City Council based upon the recommendation of the Capital Improvements Committee. The staff has recommended Council action to award a bid for construction of a restroom facility at the Sports Park (see agenda item #9). The currently approved fund budget does not include adequate funding in the appropriate line item ( #81- 610 -5461) for such action (statutes require that adequate appropriations be in place prior to the award of a contract that obligates the city's resources). In order to award the contract recommended in item #9, a supplemental appropriation to the Sports Park line item is a legal requirement. Due to the availability of additional revenue (shown above), funding for a supplemental appropriation is available. A total supplemental appropriation of $20,405 is required if the City Council desires to approve the recommended contract for construction of the Sports Park facility. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends Council action to amend the FY 1997 -98 Capital Improvements Fund budget by increasing estimated revenues by $38,266 and increasing appropriations to the Sports Park line item by $20,405, such amendment to result in a net increase to the estimated ending balance of $17,861. ATTACHMENT: 1. Capital Improvements Fund Budget (current & proposed) CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND BUDGET FY 1997 -98 CURRENT PROPOSED PROPOSED REVENUE & TRANSFER IN Interest 40,000 20,000 60,000 Transfer from OPWA Sales Tax Fund 750,000 10,271 760,271 >? >... . EXPENDITURES 81- 210 -5441 Computerization 625,000 625,000 81-410-5462 86th Street - Cedar to Main 653,250 653,250 81- 610 -5461 Sports Park 65,000 20,405 85,405 81- 420 -5461 Hale Acres Drainage Project 17,380 17,380 81- 410 -5467 129th E Ave Overlay 30,000 30,000 81- 410 -5430 Highway 169 Enhancement 25,000 25,000 81- 410 -5468 76 Str & Hwy 169 Redesign Engr 100,000 100,000 81- 310 -5461 Firearms Range 29,876 29,876 81- 210 -5420 City Hall Renovation 119,290 119,290 .. PIEiITUj <.. NET (874,796) 9,866 (864,930) ENDING FUND BALANCE (6 -30 -1998) $9,904 $17,861 $27,765 1 F L-9 r 1 I r MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL HONORABLE CHAIR AND TRUSTEES CITY OF OWASSO /OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY FROM: F. ROBERT CARR, JR., P.E. kctloo� PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR • . 0tv SUBJECT: REJECTION OF VEHICLES BIDS DATE: November 12, 1997 BACKGROUND: Various FY97 -98 Public Works Department division budgets include funds for the purchase of vehicles as follows: Engineering $15,000 (Mid -size extended cab pick -up truck) Streets $17,500 (1 ton pick -up truck) Wastewater Collection $17,500 (1 ton dual pick -up truck) Refuse Collection $17,500 (3a ton pick -up truck) Line item 51 -170 -5442 Line item 51- 410 -5442 Line item 61 -535 -5442 Line item 61 -541 -5442 In order to provide potential bidders an attractive bid package, staff prepared a bid specification that included all four vehicles. The specifications indicated the vehicles were to be the "current model year". BIDS RECEIVED: Bid packages were sent to fourteen (14) potential vendors on October 1, 1997. Bids were received on October 27, 1997 from four (4) vendors as summarized below. In addition, staff called vendors on the State of Oklahoma bid list to determine availability of vehicles. Two (2) Oklahoma City vendors provided quotes. All bids exceed budgeted amounts. Awarding bids to each low bidder would exceed the budgeted total by $5,332.00. Page 2 Rejection of Vehicle Bids Vendor Mid -size 1/4 -ton 1 -ton 1 -ton dual axle Mike Quinn Dodge 1998 1998 No Bid $20,024 (Tulsa) $16,121 $19,249 Doenges Bros. 1998 No Bid No bid No Bid (Bartlesville) $17,675 Reliable Chevrolet >[I8 ` > >> 1998 (Tulsa) Turnpike Ford 1998 1999 1999 1999 (Tulsa) $16,590 $21,424 $22,924 $23,990 STATE BID LIST Reynolds Ford 1998 1997 No Bid No Bid (Oklahoma City) $16,500 $18,109 (5- speed) Fred Jones Ford 1998 No Bid No Bid (Oklahoma City) $16,283x` < >' BUDGETED AMOUNT $15,000 $17,500 $17,500 $17,500 As a result of the above, staff contacted the State of Oklahoma to determine when to expect the FY97 -98 vehicle bid list to be published. Staff believed that waiting a few weeks could effectively save on the price of each vehicle. Information collected indicated that the bid list should be available around December 10th. Although the purchase of these vehicles is necessary for each operation, delaying the purchase will not affect immediate work plans of any division. Therefore, with the potential of having lower bid prices, waiting to evaluate state bid prices until mid - December is considered to be a viable option. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council and Trustees reject all vehicle bids received. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Bid Specifications 2. Bids received 1 1 SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS - 3/4 TON PICKUP TRUCK 1. The vehicle shall be a new current model two wheel drive 3/4 -ton pickup truck. 2. The vehicle must have white factory paint, a minimum of two doors, and an 8' Fleetside body style. 3. The vehicle must include the following equipment: * Factory installed air conditioning. * - Alternator: Heavy duty, minimum 60 amperes. * Anti- freeze: Service to -20 °F or lower * Battery: Minimum cold cranking current shall be 400 amperes at 0 degrees fahrenheit, maintenance free. * Brakes: Factory installed power assist type; disc front; drum rear. * Bumper: Standard factory front, heavy duty rear. * Upholstery: Manufacturer's standard materials and color. * Floor covering: Rubber mats over entire floor area. * Owner /Operator's Manual. * Parts, Repair, and Maintenance Manuals. * Power Steering: Factory installed. * Radio: Factory installed, standard AM /FM. * Rear View Mirrors: Outside left and right, mounted below eye level, and one inside center mounted. * Tires: Five (5) steel belted radial ply tires of the size and load range recommended by the manufacturer for the vehicle being bid, with the spare tire mounted on wheel and to be located in standard carrier. * Engine: The standard engine furnished shall be eight (8) cylinders (minimum of a 350 cubic inch engine) and utilize a factory standard fuel injection system. * Oil cooler: Auxiliary engine oil cooler required. 4 4. * Chassis: GVW 8500 lbs min; wheelbase - 130 min. * Transmission: The transmission shall be a factory original automatic with overdrive. * Differentials: Limited slip. * Trailer Towing Package. * Bed Liner The vendor must supiky, as a part of the bid, a1ist of all equipment and interior and exterior trim, upholstery, and appointments listed by the manufacturer or added by the dealer for the vehicle offered. 5 SPECIFIC REQ - ONE TON PICKUP TRUCK 1. The vehicle shall be a new current model two wheel drive one -ton pickup truck. 2. The vehicle must have white factory paint, a minimum of two doors, and an 8' Fleetside body style. 3. The vehicle must include the following equipment: * Factory installed air conditioning. * Alternator: Heavy duty, minimum 60 amperes. �--- - * Anti - freeze: Service to -20 °F or lower * Battery: Minimum cold cranking current shall be 400 amperes at 0 degrees fahrenheit, maintenance free. * Brakes: Factory installed power assist type; disc front; drum rear. * Bumper: Standard factory front, heavy duty rear. * Upholstery: Manufacturer's standard materials and color. * Floor covering: Rubber mats over entire floor area. * Owner /Operator's Manual. * Parts, Repair, and Maintenance Manuals. * Power Steering: Factory installed. * Radio: Factory installed, standard AMIFM. * Rear View Mirrors: Outside left and right, mounted below eye level, and one inside center mounted. * Tires: Five (5) steel belted radial ply tires of the size and load range recommended by the manufacturer for the vehicle being bid, with the spare tire mounted on wheel and to be located in standard carrier. * Engine: The standard engine furnished shall be eight (8) cylinders (minimum of a 350 cubic inch engine) and utilize a factory standard fuel injection system. * Oil cooler: Auxiliary engine oil cooler required. C1 * Chassis: GVW 9000 lbs min; wheelbase - 130 min. * Transmission: The transmission shall be a factory original automatic with overdrive. * Differentials: Limited slip. * Trailer Towing Package. * Bed Liner —4. ;*=- The vendor must supply, as a part of the bid, a list of all equipment and interior and exterior trim, upholstery, and appointments listed by the manufacturer or added by the dealer for the vehicle offered. 7 . . , SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS - ONE TON DUAL WHEEL PICKUP TRUCK 1. The vehicle shall be a new current model two wheel drive one -ton dual wheel pickup truck. 2. The vehicle must have white factory paint, a minimum of two doors, and an 8' Fleetside body style. 3. The vehicle must include the following equipment: * Factory installed air conditioning. * Alternator: Heavy duty, minimum 60 amperes. * Anti- freeze: Service to -20 °F or lower * Battery: Minimum cold cranking current shall be 400 amperes at 0 degrees fahrenheit, maintenance free. * Brakes: Factory installed power assist type; disc front; drum rear. * Bumper: Standard factory front, heavy duty rear. * Upholstery: Manufacturer's standard materials and color. * Floor covering: Rubber mats over entire floor area. * Owner /Operator's Manual. * Parts, Repair, and Maintenance Manuals. * Power Steering: Factory installed. * Radio: Factory installed, standard AM/FM. * Rear View Mirrors: Outside left and right, mounted below eye level, and one inside center mounted. - - -- * Tires: Five (5) steel belted radial ply tires of the size and load range recommended by the manufacturer for the vehicle being bid, with the spare tire mounted on wheel and to be located in standard drier. * Engine: The standard engine furnished shall be eight (8) cylinders (minimum of a 350 cubic inch engine) and utilize a factory standard fuel injection system. * Oil cooler: Auxiliary engine oil cooler required. , * Chassis: GVW 10,000 lbs min; wheelbase - 131.5 min. ' * Transmission: The transmission shall be a factory original automatic with overdrive. , * Differentials: Limited slip. * Trailer Towing Package. , * Bed Liner , 4. The vendor must supply, as a part of the bid, a list of all equipment and interior and exterior trim, upholstery, and appointments listed by the manufacturer or added by the ' dealer for the vehicle offered. ■ E SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS - MID-SIZE EXTENDED CAB PICKUP TRUCK 1. The vehicle shall be a new current model two wheel drive one -ton dual wheel drive mid- size pickup truck. 2. The vehicle must have white factory paint, a minimum of two doors, and a 6' Fleetside body style. 3. The vehicle must include the following equipment: * Factory installed heat and air conditioning systems. * Alternator: Heavy duty, 12 volt, 60 amperes. * Anti- freeze: Service to -20 °F or lower * Battery: 12 -volt, minimum cold cranking current shall be 400 amperes at 0 degrees fahrenheit, maintenance free. * Brakes: Factory installed power assist type; disc front; drum rear. * Bumper: Standard factory front, heavy duty rear with hitch plate and tag light. * Upholstery: Manufacturer's standard materials and color. * Floor covering: Rubber mats over entire floor area. * Owner /Operator's Manual. * Parts, Repair, and Maintenance Manuals. * Power Steering: Factory installed. * Radio: Factory installed, standard AM /FM. * Rear View Mirrors: Outside left and right, mounted below eye level, and one inside center mounted. * Tires: Five (5) steel belted radial ply tires of the size and load range recommended by the manufacturer for the vehicle being bid, with the spare tire mounted on wheel and to be located in standard carrier. * Engine: The standard engine furnished shall be six (6) cylinders, a minimum of 3.9 liters, and shall be a factory- installed standard fuel injection system. 10 * Chassis: GVW 4500 lbs minimum; minimum wheelbase - 120 in. * Transmission: The transmission shall be a factory original automatic 4 -speed or automatic 3 -speed with overdrive. * Shock Absorbers - Heavy duty front and rear. * Standard factory installed fold -up rear bench seat. 4. The vendor must supply, as a part of the bid, a list of all equipment and interior and exterior trim, upholstery, and appointments listed by the manufacturer or added by the dealer for the vehicle offered. — — - 5. Alternates to Bid * Factory installed cruise control, tilt wheel, and intermittent windscreen wipers. 11 BID PROPOSAL - SUBMITTAL PAGE NEW CURRENT MODEL TWO WHEEL DRIVE 3/4 TON PICKUP TRUCK FOR THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT r VEHICLE SUMMARY MAKE: MODEL: II ENGINE TYPE: I I I I TIRE TYPE & SIZE: EPA ESTIMATED MPG (HIGHWAY): EPA ESTIMATED MPG (CITY): I ' NOTE: PLEASE ATTACH A LISTING OF ALL OTHER EQUIPMENT & OPTIONS ON A SEPARATE PAGE. ' TOTAL BID PRICE ON VEHICLE: rpm e.��� I hereby acknowledge that Yhave d the specifications and that I am' Iegally bound by the statements on the Bid Pro osal - Submittal PaRes. ,0 �Zn I F Title I Address ' ", ,RN �CE FOR D BID OPENING: OCTOBER 27, 1997 02:00 P.M. COMPLETE AND ATTACH THE NON - COLLUSION BID AFFIDAVIT TO BID. OW Y BID PROPOSAL - SUBMITTAL PAGE NEW CURRENT MODEL TWO WHEEL DRIVE ONE TON PICKUP TRUCK FOR THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT VEHICLE SUMMARY MAKE: d Ie MODEL: ' ENGINE TYPE: TIRE TYPE & SIZE. ` v` 6 EPA ESTIMATED MPG (HIGHWAY): EPA ESTIMATED MPG (CITY): , V NOTE: PLEASE ATTACH A LISTING OF ALL OTHER EQUIPMENT & OPTIONS ON A SEPARATE PAGE. ' TOTAL BID PRICE ON VEHICLE: Q), Z,V' -Ya I I hereby cknowleei e th�Ieve read the specifications and �;t I am legally bound by Y g the statements on the Bid Proposal - Submittal Pages. Signature Title Address ' LJ1P,.NPIKF FORD 745 W. 5.1st Stff4@# BID OPENING: OCTOBER 27, 1997 02:00 P.M. COMPLETE AND ATTACH THE NON - COLLUSION BID AFFIDAVIT TO BID. ti9 BID PROPOSAL - SUBMITTAL PAGE CURRENT MODEL TWO WHEEL DRIVE ONE TON DUAL WHEEL PICKUP TRUCK FOR THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT VEHICLE SUMMARY C MAKE: MODEL: ENGINE TYPE: TIRE TYPE & SIZE: EPA ESTIMATED MPG (HIGHWAY): EPA ESTIMATED MPG (CITY): NOTE: PLEASE ATTACH A LISTING OF ALL OTHER EQUIPMENT & OPTIONS ON A SEPARATE PAGE. TOTAL BID PRICE ON VEHICLE: I hereby acknowledge that I have read the specifications and that Yam legally bound by the statements on the Bid Proposal - Submittal Pages. Signature Title Address 4��KG : �Q 1 st Street %4107. 5fufs�s Qklahoma G BID OPENING: OCTOBER 27, 1997 @2:00 P.M. COMPLETE AND ATTACH THE NON - COLLUSION BID AFFIDAVIT TO BID. BID PROPOSAL - SUBMITTAL PAGE NEW CURRENT MODEL TWO WHEEL DRIVE MID -SIZE EXTENDED CAB PICKUP TRUCK ' FOR THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT VEHICLE SUMMARY , MAKE: MODEL: ENGINE TYPE:. TIRE TYPE & SIZE: EPA ESTIMATED MPG (HIGHWAY): EPA ESTIMATED MPG (CITY): L S NOTE: PLEASE ATTACH A LISTING OF ALL OTHER EQUIPMENT & OPTIONS ' ON A SEPARATE PAGE. O � TOTAL BID PRICE ON VEHICLE: ALTERNATE TO BID (Page 11): gS .-S -C Z/,::, -ee , 'E19, G I hereby acknowledge P'" tt I rrveread the specifications and that I am legally bound by the statements on the Bid Proposal - Submittal Pages. ' Signature Title I Address BID OPENING: OCTOBER 27, 1997 @2:00 P.M. COMPLETE AND ATTACH THE NON - COLLUSION BID AFFIDAVIT TO BID. NON COLLUSION BID AFFIDAVIT C. STATE OF ) ss ' COUNTY OF �/ ) �' f lawful age, being first duly sworn, on oath says that (s)he is the agent authorized by the bidder to submit the attached bid. Affiant further states that the bidder has not been a part of any collusion among bidders in restraint of — - Odom of competition by agreement- to bid at a fixed price or to refrain from bidding; ors*= State, County, or City officials or employees as to quantity, quality, or price in prospective ' contract, or any discussions between bidder and any State, County, or City official concerning exchange of money or other thing of value for special consideration in the letting of a contract. 1 Subscribed and sworn before me this day of 1997. otary Public My Commission Expires: NOTE: COMPLETE THIS AFFIDAVIT AND RETURN WITH BID PROPOSAL BID PROPOSAL - SUBMITTAL PAGE CURRENT MODEL TWO WHEEL DRIVE ONE TON DUAL WHEEL PICKUP TRUCK FOR THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ' VEHICLE SUMMARY MAKE: C*U �UA MODEL:����� ' ENGINE TYPE: �f TIRE TYPE & SIZE: EPA ESTIMATED MPG IGHWAY): C 007" 14UA -{L� EPA ESTIMATED MPG (CITY): , NOTE: PLEASE ATTACH A LISTING OF ALL OTHER EQUIPMENT & OPTIONS ON A SEPARATE PAGE. TOTAL BID PRICE ON VEHICLE: I hereby acknowledge that I have read the specifications and that I am legally bound by the statements on the Bid Proposal - Submittal Pages. U o3WA Signature Title 1-44- P4-:7— m cbW CO 4L Address rtL1 C.S� r 0z_/_*4 rYl 0- BID OPENING: OCTOBER 27, 1997 02:04 P.M. COMPLETE AND ATTACH THE NON - COLLUSION BID AFFIDAVIT TO BID. I I is I P 17 BID PROPOSAL - SUBMITTAL PAGE NEW CURRENT MODEL TWO WHEEL DRIVE ONE TON PICKUP TRUCK FOR THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT VEHICLE SUMMARY MAKE: C 6U C_ L� x MODEL: ENGINE TYPE: TIRE TYPE & SIZE: �a J� -I i0 E -- SEP5okj EPA ESTIMATED MPG (HIGHWAY): �oDrr WVL-� EPA ESTIMATED MPG (CITY): t NOTE: PLEASE ATTACH A LISTING OF ALL OTHER EQUIPMENT & OPTIONS ON A SEPARATE PAGE. TOTAL BID PRICE ON VEHICLE: I hereby acknowledge that I have read the specifications and that I am legally bound by the statements on the Bid Proposal - Submittal Pages. Signature Title Address Tr7Lq CP.r� 4-, Qu(0i 0 1 _� 4) ` TU Uc44 , WL(.A44m 0- 1 BID OPENING: OCTOBER 27, 1997 @2:00 P.M. `7(-4 t5 9- 4ggD ICOMPLETE AND ATTACH THE NON - COLLUSION BID AFFIDAVIT TO BID. 1pr" BID PROPOSAL - SUBMITTAL PAGE NEW CURRENT MODEL TWO WHEEL DRIVE 3/4 TON PICKUP TRUCK FOR THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT VEHICLE SUMMARY MAKE: MODEL: Ce, 9LEP D_2__> ENGINE TYPE: v 0QT1_t' 15-70 O ST:-( TIRE TYPE & SIZE: LT�44q 9-1 A-a Sq,45 & — EPA ESTIMATE D MPG (HI GHWAY): EPA ESTIMATED MPG (CITY): NOTE: PLEASE ATTACH A LISTING OF ALL OTHER EQUIPMENT & OPTIONS ON A SEPARATE PAGE. c TOTAL BID PRICE ON VEHICLE: I hereby acknowledge that I have read the specifications and that I am legally bound by the statements on the Bid Proposal - Submittal Pages. pOsf, Quio-rAi)A) Signature F(A �v sAt ors Title Address -- — - - ruLG4, C)L_u +46q 6 -72 C0 15q-q 5140 BID OPENING: OCTOBER 27, 1997 (02:00 P.M. COMPLETE AND ATTACH THE NON - COLLUSION BID AFFIDAVIT TO BID. BID PROPOSAL - SUBMITTAL PAGE _ [EN CURRENT MODEL TWO WHEEL DRIVE MID -SIZE EXTENDED CAB PICKUP TRUCK FOR THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT VEHICLE SUMMARY MAKE: MODEL: ENGINE TYPE: TIRE TYPE &SIZE: EPA ESTIMATED MPG (HIGHWAY): Our ' EPA ESTIMATED MPG (CITY): NOTE: PLEASE ATTACH A LISTING OF ALL OTHER EQUIPMENT & OPTIONS ' ON A SEPARATE PAGE. TOTAL BID PRICE ON VEHICLE: fj5► �1 ALTERNATE TO BID (Page 11): TILT + C 02-U t S & !t 340• � (1.1Tfcvw t v7Wr l awb SC N W I hereby acknowledge that I have read the specifications and that I am legally bound by the statements on the Bid Proposal - Submittal Pages. r ' Signature Title A%tW4,v _w wr m q m Address BID OPENING: OCTOBER 27, 1997 @2:00 P.M. COMPLETE AND ATTACH THE NON - COLLUSION BID AFFIDAVIT TO BID. I,, f-'o�ngeS- �N(PSUi!!� i BID PROPOSAL - SUBMITTAL PAGE NEW CURRENT MODEL TWO WHEEL DRIVE MID -SIZE EXTENDED CAB PICKUP TRUCK , FOR THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT VEHICLE SUMMARY MAKE: HIS 1 ato MODEL: X1 `1 F -15 o SIC ENGINE TYPE: F = V TIRE TYPE & SIZE: EPA ESTIMATED MPG (HIGHWAY): EPA ESTIMATED MPG (CITY): i-� M t NOTE: PLEASE ATTACH A LISTING OF ALL OTHER EQUIPMENT & OPTIONS ON A SEPARATE PAGE. TOTAL BID PRICE ON VEHICLE: ALTERNATE TO BID Page 11): I hereby acknowledge that I have read the specifications and that I am legally bound by the statements on the Bid Proposal - Submittal Pages. , 0 'F1.. m twk r4(nEK Title ►ctol SE V1 *.s %k Noj ToN 3kv6 Address OK '7140OLP BM OPENING: OCTOBER 27, 1997 02:00 P.M. COMPLETE AND ATTACH THE NON - COLLUSION BID AFFIDAVIT TO BID. t BID PROPOSAL - SUBMITTAL PAGE NEW CURRENT MODEL TWO WHEEL DRIVE ONE TON PICKUP TRUCK FOR THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT VEHICLE SUMMARY MAKE: MODEL: ENGINE TYPE: TIRE TYPE & SIZE: EPA ESTIMATED MPG (HIGHWAY): EPA ESTIMATED MPG (CITY): NOTE: PLEASE ATTACH A LISTING OF ALL OTHER EQUIPMENT & OPTIONS ON A SEPARATE PAGE. TOTAL BID PRICE ON VEHICLE: No '8 ) D I hereby acknowledge that I have read the specifications and that I am legally bound by the statements on the Bid Proposal - Submittal Pages. ULs$�CK R Title Address MIKE QUINN DODGE, INC. - 43532 2111 E. 11 P.O. BOX 1169 TULSA, OKLA. 74101 BID OPENING: OCTOBER 27, 1997 @2:00 P.M. COMPLETE AND ATTACH THE NON - COLLUSION BID AFFIDAVIT TO BID. BID PROPOSAL - SUBMITTAL PAGE NEW CURRENT MODEL TWO WHEEL DRIVE 3/4 TON PICKUP TRUCK FOR THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT VEHICLE SUMMARY MAKE: D O t> G e ) g n-i Re G u 3,5 W, g, MODEL: 1 y,? �9- - � S 0 0 - 31 / T ,.l - ff ' 23 0 X - 8 L G � - Uo(), G V u/ ENGINE TYPE: „MIA&[y u M" S• 9.41fC2 -360 C/i;� - V f- GAS _e - _ TIRE TYPE & SIZE: FI y C 4 L L ScR Sa., L T .2 `l S /75 R 6SS LJ _ EPA ESTIMATED MPG (HIGHWAY): EPf+ 0 0 C S Nv t 1?,t7C Vehicles D✓l c FSav�� EPA ESTIMATED MPG (CITY): 1% " 14 " It '` d NOTE: PLEASE ATTACH A LISTING OF ALL OTHER EQUIPMENT & OPTIONS ' ON A SEPARATE PAGE. J J TOTAL BID PRICE ON VEHICLE: I `I 2 y f eTS O/Z 09Czf C D$ /K 1"0 1k1a gpeC rio�S ' I hereby acknowledge that I have read the specifications and that I am legally bound by the statements on the Bid Proposal - Submittal Pages.^ 1AcV M u I-s Brc K I Si Title Address MIKE QUINN DODGE, INC. - 436&2 - - 2111 E.11 P.O. BOX 1159 TULSA, OKLA 74101 BID OPENING: OCTOBER 27, 1997 02:00 P.M. COMPLETE AND ATTACH THE NON - COLLUSION BID AFFIDAVIT TO BID. n n M BID PROPOSAL - SUBMITTAL PAGE CURRENT MODEL TWO WHEEL DRIVE ONE TON DUAL WHEEL PICKUP TRUCK FOR THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT VEHICLE SUMMARY MAKE: po p G-C 1�,q M f e_ G-o l_,4 2 011 6 3 5 0,13 MODEL: /9�f �r-35oo- 1 %oJ P 'JA tL_ Y f BoX Z -lOSoo 4� vA/ ENGINE TYPE: ~M� �nJU" S. 9 Lit-e2 - 36 o C 1 D - Vf 64.E EiN Lltj e _ TIRE TYPE & SIZE: 5, JCA! &L Se,4.SoAJ LT.ziS�S�SR /d -, - 13 S c� EPA ESTIMATED MPG (HIGHWAY): EA4 Doe -S No t /?A�C !% k1' c[.tS D Jtic FSo v d-- VW EPA ESTIMATED MPG (CITY): It it " '` `4 it It i` NOTE: PLEASE ATTACH A LISTING OF ALL OTHER EQUIPMENT & OPTIONS ON A SEPARATE PAGE. o� TOTAL BID PRICE ON VEHICLE: oZ o e g h Pee -f.s OA � enos / IA111v JAI SPeC 1,_-,(Lw1 vv-j I hereby acknowledge that I have read the specifications and that I am legally bound by the statements on the Bid Proposal - Submittal Pages. IL&1z"9 - JACk LULfeEC< Sig6iure Title Address MIKE QUINN DODGE, INC. - 43662 2111 E.11 P.O. BOX 1159 TULSA, OKLA. 74101 BID OPENING: OCTOBER 27, 1997 (8)2:00 P.M. COMPLETE AND ATTACH THE NON - COLLUSION BID AFFIDAVIT TO BID. BID PROPOSAL - SUBMITTAL PAGE NEW CURRENT MODEL TWO WHEEL DRIVE MID -SIZE EXTENDED CAB PICKUP TRUCK FOR THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT VEHICLE SUMMARY MAKE: l: O !7 G - OH K o 7.9 C4u 6 CR 13 yX a2 - X31 W, /3 MODEL: /q A/ J L 3 1 - 4� . S ' )30,K - 1'95 9' /16 y -e c.. - 417 94) lor 6-- 1!W ENGINE TYPE: *mn(( Ajvm 44 3.5/-it'rA -.23� C i D - V as TIRE TYPE & SIZE: F I V e P- 215/7511 /5 - fI L L Scj S o.J EPA ESTIMATED MPG (HIGHWAY): oZ a N1. P G- EPA ESTIMATED MPG (CITY): 7 MA, NOTE: PLEASE ATTACH A LISTING OF ALL OTHER EQUIPMENT & OPTIONS ON A SEPARATE PAGE. TOTAL BID PRICE ON VEHICLE: > 1'2 /• , ALTERNATE TO BID (Page 11): 3 3 'o 0 I hereby acknowledge that I have read the specifications and that I am legally bound by ' the statements on the Bid Proposal - Submittal Pages. - T C uLs Title MIKE QUINN DODGE, INC. - 43562 2111 E.11 P.O. BOX 1159 TULSA. OKLA. 74101 Address BID OPENING: OCTOBER 27, 1997. @2:00 P.M. COMPLETE AND ATTACH THE NON - COLLUSION BID AFFIDAVIT TO BID. VEHICLE BID SUMMARY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Reynolds Ford - Oklahoma City- 19973/4 -Ton Diesel Supercab: Meets all specifications except: 1) Auxiliary engine cooler 2) 5 -speed standard transmission 3) 7.13 liter turbo diesel (instead of 350 cubic inch engine) Base Price $22,618 Bedliner 159 Trailer Towing Pkg 300 Repair Book 150 GRAND TOTAL $23,227 Vehicle currently available for delivery Reynolds Ford - Oklahoma City - 1997 % -Ton Ford F250: Meets all specifications except: 1) Auxiliary engine cooler 2) 5 -speed standard transmission Base Price $17,500 Bedliner 159 Trailer Towing Pkg 300 Repair Book 150 GRAND TOTAL $18,109 Vehicle due for delivery to OKC on November 20, 1997. Reynolds Ford - Oklahoma City - 1998 Ford Ranger Supercab: Meets all specification except: 1) Floor covering is carpet instead of rubber 2) White color will need to be ordered Base Price $16,350 Repair Book 150 GRAND TOTAL $16,500 Vehicle has 4 -6 week delivery. Fred Jones Ford - Oklahoma City - 1997 Ford F250 Regular Cab 4X2 Truck 5.81- V8 Meets all specifications except: 1) 5 -speed standard transmission Base Price $17,842 Fred Jones Ford - Oklahoma City - 1997 Ford F250 Regular Cab 4X2 Truck 5.81- V8 Automatic Transmission Meets all specifications. Base Price $18,235 I Fred Jones Ford - Oklahoma City - 1998 Ranger Supercab 4X2 XLT Truck , 3.01- V -6 Meets all specifications except: 1) 5 -speed standard transmission ' Base Price $15,373 Fred Jones Forst - Oklahoma City - 1998 Ranger Supercab 4X2 XLT Truck 3.01- V -6 Automatic Transmission Base Price $16,283 *NOTE: All pricing from Fred Jones Ford are FOB Oklahoma City. I MEMORANDUM BACKGROUND: On November 8, the Owasso Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors voted unanimously to adopt a position regarding the future alignment of State Highway 20. That position statement is attached and was adopted after the Board heard presentations from Karl Fritschen, city staff; ' Robert Tobias, city staff; David Strebe, Oklahoma Department of Transportation staff member; Senator Grover Campbell and Representative Phil Ostrander. ' The Chamber's position relative to the State Highway 20 corridor study is that the future alignment of the highway should, within the Owasso "fenceline ", be consistent with its existing alignment (keep 20 on 20). The Chamber of Commerce position statement is attached for your review. The Owasso Economic Development Authority met on November 13 and, during that meeting, ' scheduled a special meeting of the Authority for Tuesday morning, November 18. The purpose of the special meeting will be to consider adoption of a resolution similar to the one attached to this memorandum. ' Also attached is a memorandum from Karl Fritschen, Comprehensive Planner, outlining the process being used for ODOT's SH2O corridor study, listing the alternative alignments identified by the study, and analyzing those alternatives and what's at stake for Owasso. ICOMMENTS: I' • Mr Fritschen's memorandum was provided to you on November 4 for review prior to its presentation to the Chamber. 11 TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL ' CITY OF OWASSO FROM: RODNEY J RAY ' CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: POSITION STATEMENT RELATING TO SH2O CORRIDOR STUDY ' DATE: November 14, 1997 BACKGROUND: On November 8, the Owasso Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors voted unanimously to adopt a position regarding the future alignment of State Highway 20. That position statement is attached and was adopted after the Board heard presentations from Karl Fritschen, city staff; ' Robert Tobias, city staff; David Strebe, Oklahoma Department of Transportation staff member; Senator Grover Campbell and Representative Phil Ostrander. ' The Chamber's position relative to the State Highway 20 corridor study is that the future alignment of the highway should, within the Owasso "fenceline ", be consistent with its existing alignment (keep 20 on 20). The Chamber of Commerce position statement is attached for your review. The Owasso Economic Development Authority met on November 13 and, during that meeting, ' scheduled a special meeting of the Authority for Tuesday morning, November 18. The purpose of the special meeting will be to consider adoption of a resolution similar to the one attached to this memorandum. ' Also attached is a memorandum from Karl Fritschen, Comprehensive Planner, outlining the process being used for ODOT's SH2O corridor study, listing the alternative alignments identified by the study, and analyzing those alternatives and what's at stake for Owasso. ICOMMENTS: I' • Mr Fritschen's memorandum was provided to you on November 4 for review prior to its presentation to the Chamber. 11 POSITION STATEMENT /SH2O CORRIDOR STUDY NOVEMBER 14, 1997 PAGE 2 • Should the SH2O corridor study result in moving that highway outside the Owasso "fenceline ", the potential impact on this community and its city government could be serious. • A proactive approach in this issue by the City Council in conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce and OEDA will show the unity of the community and impact the final decision on the alignment. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends Council adoption of Resolution #97 -12. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution #97 -12 2. Background Memorandum from Karl Fritschen 3. Position Statement of Owasso Chamber of Commerce F c 1 c CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA RESOLUTION NO 97 -12 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ADOPTING A POSITION REGARDING THE STATE HIGHWAY 20 CORRIDOR STUDY BEING CONDUCTED BY THE OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. WHEREAS, the Oklahoma Department of Transportation is conducting a study relating to the alignment of State Highway 20; and, WHEREAS, the City of Owasso, Oklahoma is one of the fastest growing communities in the state, having more than 34,000 citizens living within its fenceline; and, WHEREAS, the traffic and economic impacts of the proposed improvements to Highway 20 will have a direct and permanent effect on Owasso's future growth and the development of all of north Tulsa County; and, WHEREAS, proper planning and development of transportation infrastructure today will directly impact growth and economic development tomorrow; and, WHEREAS, it is the policy of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma to be proactive rather than reactive in matters of growth and development; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma believes that the existing alignment of state highway 20 provides the best posture for the city as it moves into the next century. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, that the position of the Owasso City Council regarding the State Highway 20 Corridor Study being conducted by the Oklahoma Department of Transportation is that, within the boundaries of the Owasso fenceline, the alignment of SH2O should remain on its existing route and that the construction of improvements to the highway should not be delayed beyond the current schedule of funding. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of November, 1997 by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. /;VIyt;; 11A Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor City of Owasso Community Development Department ' 207 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 (918)272 -2251 Fax: (918) 272 -4999 MEMORANDUM ' TO: Members of the Owasso Chamber of Commerce ' FROM: Karl Fritschen, Comprehensive Planner ' SUBJECT: State Highway 20 Corridor Study Information and Issues DATE: November 3, 1997 ' BACKGROUND: State Highway 20 (SH -20) is an existing principal arterial connecting Skiatook, Collinsville and ' Claremore. The facility also provides north -south access to Tulsa via its connection with US -75 and US -169. During the development of the Indian Nations Council of Government's (INCOG) 2020 Foresight long range regional transportation plan, SH -20 was identified as the third most requested ' highway for improvements. The INCOG 2020 Foresight Plan indicated that SH -20 would be improved to a 4 -lane limited access facility along its present alignment to carry existing and projected traffic volumes. In 1989 the average daily traffic (ADT) along SH -20 just east of US -169, was around 5,700 and in 1995 the ADT was nearly 9,000.' This represents an increase of approximately 50% and current development trends indicate this escalation to continue. In 1989 the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) began taking notice of poor pavement conditions, increased traffic volumes, and high accident rates along existing SH -20 in Rogers and Tulsa Counties. In 1992, responding to deteriorating conditions, ODOT conducted preliminary scoping and analysis of two alignment alternatives between US -169 and Claremore. One alternate follows the existing alignment east from US -169 and then connects to 106t' St. N. by swinging to the southwest of Keetonville Hill. The other alternative follows 106`' St. N. between US -169 all the way to the Verdigris River bridge. ' Between 1994 and 1996, ODOT began looking at the project in three pieces. One between US -75 and US -169, another between US -169 and Claremore, and the last between Claremore and 1 -44. In 1Source: Indian Nations Council of Government November of 1996, a corridor study covering an area approximately 4 -5 miles wide between US -75 and Claremore was initiated. ODOT contracted with HNTB Architects, Engineers, Planners, Inc. to conduct the alternative evaluation and public involvement process. Since November of 1996, ODOT and consultants held numerous technical and public meetings which allowed for citizen input into the alternative evaluation process and preferred alignments. The last public input meeting was held on ' September 16, 1997 and the alignments identified were numerous. ODOT has asked HNTB to develop a "short list" of the numerous smaller alignments into a maximum of three. Each of the these three alternatives will be evaluated as continuous facilities between US -75 and Claremore. , During the next round of public meetings, scheduled to begin in March 1998, three alternatives will be , studied. A map of the three alignment alternatives is attached with this packet for your reference. Although the alternatives cover the distance between US -75 and Claremore, only sections in the Owasso fence line are described below, along with additional issues each presents.' , Existing Alignment - Follows the existing alignment between US -169 and Claremore with the option ' for a diversion at 2091" E. Ave. to the southeast and joins 106t" St. N. to the Verdigris River bridge. Issues I • Likely fewer social impacts and virtually no citizen opposition because the facility has been shown on area transportation plans as an existing primary arterial planned for improvement. ' • Could avoid safety issues associated with the existing portion of SH -20 along Keetonville Hill with the bypass around it to the south. • Maintains and complements existing land use patterns. Land use patterns to develop accordingly with the knowledge that the highway may be widened in the future. • Makes a logical connection with 1161h St. N. west of US -169, which has been shown on the Owasso Comprehensive Plan 1978 -2000 as a primary arterial road. • Aligns with regional transportation plans. 2The issues identified are the preliminary Comprehensive Planner based off existing information analysis will reveal more substantial information alignment. 2 analysis of the Owasso The detailed alternatives about the impacts of each of 1 1 North Alignment - Runs along or between 126' St. N. and 136`, St. N. from US -169 to 193' E. Ave, then diverts in a southeasterly direction to Verdigris River bridge. Issues • Severe economic impacts on Owasso and could shift commercial, office, and industrial growth outside the fence line, thus affecting sales tax revenues. Should Wal Mart relocate outside the Owasso fence line, there is the potential to lose nearly $1,000,000 in sales tax revenues annually.' • Creates additional urban sprawl in areas not equipped to serve new growth, and increases commuting distances to Tulsa. • Because it is not as centrally located between Collinsville, Owasso, and Claremore as the Existing Alignment alternative, it would not effectively serve regional transportation needs. • May cause fewer residential displacements, but the route would likely be longer than the other two and increase material and labor costs. South Alignment - Follows 106t' St. N. from US -169 all the way to the Verdigris River bridge west of Claremore. Issues • Enormous amount of citizen opposition • Although this alternative may be cheaper to engineer because of the straight alignment, right -of- way acquisitions and litigation proceedings from area homeowners would likely delay the project and increase its cost. • ODOT indicates this alignment provides the most user cost savings to the traveling public. • It would likely have the highest social impacts through displacement of residents and fracturing community cohesion. • Drastically changes land use patterns and may put new unforseen pressures on community services. • Fails to align with existing regional and local transportation plans. 3Source: City of Owasso Finance Department 3 WHAT'S AT STAKE: Allowing SH -20 to leave the Owasso fence line potentially means losing sales tax revenue. The North Alignment could shift the facility north of 1261" St. N. and would likely cause commercial investment to locate outside the Owasso fence line. Public opposition to the Southern Alignment is vocal and well organized. Although the Southern Alignment would keep the facility within the Owasso fence line, supporting it would not be politically popular and may cause numerous residential displacements. Owasso has remained neutral throughout the corridor study process, but in response to a potential negative impact on the city's financial position should the route move outside the corporate limits, the City Manager now considers the issue as one requiring the city's active involvement. The route that appears to best protect the city's interest is the 'Existing Alignment" alternative. This alternative complements planned capital improvements to 116' St. N. to the west of US -169, causes fewer social disruptions, aligns with adopted regional and local transportation plans, and is economically beneficial to Owasso. AREA CITY POSITIONS: City of Claremore Claremore desires that the improvement relieve traffic congestion in their Central Business District (CBD) and they prefer a bypass. City of Collinsville Collinsville has been very vocal in the "Keep 20 on 20" campaign and has some political backing to ensure the facility remains within their fence line. SUMMARY: The corridor study process has produced three alternatives to be studied in more detail. According to ODOT, these alternatives will be studied from scratch as to how well they meet the objectives of the project and screening criteria. Despite enormous amounts of public opposition to the Southern Alignment, it remains one of three being studied in the final evaluations. In March the next round of public meetings will begin and by October 1998, ODOT will select a final alignment based on the data furnished by the consultant. Although the existing SH -20 (Existing Alignment) has new residential development along it, most of the property is set back far enough to make the impacts less severe. This alignment has very little public opposition and commercial businesses are supportive of the improvement. The Northern Alignment is too far out from the Tulsa metro area and would not provide the user cost saving benefits ODOT often cites as a major factor used in the screening process. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is not in favor of increasing vehicle miles of travel, urban sprawl, or trips which the Northern Alignment promotes. Additionally, this alignment may cause severe environmental damage because a major portion of it would be constructed on "virgin" ground. This alignment, however, has some local political support and backing. Residential development continues along 106' St. N. (Southern Alignment) at a rapid pace, and appears cost prohibitive to buy enough right -of -way to accommodate a 4 -lane limited access facility along this route. The cost of delay due to right -of -way acquisitions and litigation proceedings has not been throughly analyzed and would add to the price tag of the project. This alignment has the least amount public support and may be politically damaging should it be selected. FHWA will look closely at residential displacements associated with this alternate. ODOT has indicated that the detailed alternatives analysis will reveal the real costs of each alignment proposal. ATTACHMENTS: ' Map showing the final alternate alignments. 1 1 fl 1 1 N Collin vile swLA Monsoon ■�76 _ __ oon o `oZ.S R pI l ! ; l I —� ■ ■ r � 6i■' �s'i NOR 72 tt St. N. f 691 n�nt•n lu��`imill t■�ii+ i ''; emore, 44 w� EXISTI G 73 —14 77 1 116th t. N. 7s u Starr ,Rd. $ >i a 3 'ALT s Q i. O •, 7� ` 7 69 J 06th St. N. - v v 68 SOU 6 it■ ■■■■� N i jr to +, • •. cu i 0 h ID 11 h +- Lni 66 untr Club Rd. , • 96t so h S�t, N. a a o �, n ■ O ePc to y u�' 86th w 0:) z Flint R 44 v r f a LEGEND a_ EXISTING SH 20 - ■ll■ NORTH ALIGNMENT v r v ■'� SOUTH ALIGNMENT Z I z, mono COMMON ALIGNMENT FINAL ALTERNATIVE ALIGNMENTS :o" ALT. ALIGNMENTS 9 \26 \1997 b\ pmwork \jobm \3m006pl \tukprod\allp■4Aw: M fts � M M i MM 1 O VVASSO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ' 315 South Cedar • Owasso Oklahoma 74055 • 918 272 -2141 • FAX 918 272 -1356 For Immediate Release Owasso Chamber of Commerce Adopts Position on Highway 20 November 18, 1997 ' The Owasso Chamber of Commerce recently adopted a position statement regarding the proposed location of Highway 20 as it passes the Owasso area. Chamber Chairman of the Board Lynn Newton stated, "The development of future transportation corridors in and around the community of Owasso is of vital importance to our city. We believe the location of Highway 20 will have a significant impact on future development in Owasso and its location is a vital part of our proposed growth plans." The Chamber of Commerce's position statement is reproduced in its entirety below. ' The Owasso Chamber of Commerce strongly endorses retaining the present alignment of Highway 20 as it traverses the Owasso area. Owasso is one of Oklahoma's fastest growing communities, having over 34,000 citizens living within its fence line. The traffic and economic impacts of the proposed improvements to Highway 20 will have a direct and permanent effect not only on Owasso's present and future growth and development, but also on all of north Tulsa County. Proper planning and development of transportation infrastructure today will directly impact growth and economic development tomorrow. Owasso's focus is upon the long -term economic and quality -of -life impacts of this decision. The alignment of Highway 20 will permanently impact Owasso. The Owasso Chamber of Commerce believes an alignment for Highway 20, other than the existing alignment, will cause lasting harm to our city. We urgently request for the Oklahoma Department of Transportation to retain the existing alignment of Highway 20, including necessary realignment for safety considerations near Keetonville Hill, as it traverses the Owasso area. Any questions or comments concerning this statement may be directed to Mr. Gary Akin, President - Owasso Chamber of Commerce, at (918) 272 -2141. Proud of the Past ... Prepared for the Future