HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996.03.05_City Council AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: March 5, 1996 TIME: 7:00 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, March 1, 1996. Marci outwell, City lerk AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Invocation Rev Alex Thornburg, Pastor First Presbyterian Church, Owasso 3. Flag Salute 4. Roll Call 5. Request Approval of the Minutes of February 20, 1996 Regular Meeting and February 22, 1996 Special Meeting. Attachment #{5 Owasso City Council March 5, 1996 Page 2 6. Request Approval of Claims. Attachment #6 ' 7. Request from Citizen to Address the Council. , Mr Pat Conley Attachment #7 Mr Conley has requested an opportunity to address the Council regarding .the allowable capacity of liquefied petroleum gas containers. The staff will recommend that the Council refer the matter to the staff for study and analysis, and that an item be placed on the March , 19th agenda to address the issue. 8. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request by the Developer of Southern Links Village to Address the Council Relating to the Issue of Street Construction. , Mr Noble Sokolosky Attachment #8 _ 9. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Report from the Chair of the Charter , Review Committee. Mr Mark Wilkin Attachment #9 Mr Wilkin, on behalf of the Charter Review Committee, will present a final report to the City Council. The staff will recommend Council action to receive the report and take it under advisement for future action. ' Owasso City Council March 5, 1996 Page 3 ' 10. Consideration and A ro riate Action Relatin to an A reement with the Local Government PP P g g w Testing Consortium for the Purpose of Serving as a Third-Party Administrator to Assist in Compliance Federally Mandated Random Alcohol and Drug Testing. Ms Parsons Attachment # 10 ~ Staff will recommend Council approval of an agreement with the Local Government Testing ~„ Consortium to serve as a third-party administrator for federally mandated random alcohol and drug testing of all employees who are Commercial Drivers License (CDL) status and "safety sensitive" employees. 11. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to an Agreement for Municipal Street Lighting Service. Mr Carr Attachment # 11 Staff will recommend approval of an agreement with Public Service Company of Oklahoma to furnish, install, maintain and operate electric street, highway, and other area lighting ~ requested by the city. 12. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Resolution #96-04, Amended, a Resolution Mandating Employment and Beneficiary Information be Furnished to the ~, Oklahoma Department of Commerce by Precision Components Inc. Mr Hardin Attachment # 12 Staff will recommend Council approval of Resolution #96-04, Amended, such Resolution a requirement of the CDBG-ED grant received from the Department of Commerce for the parking lot and drainage improvements at Precision Components Inc. c Owasso City Council March 5, 1996 Page 4 13. Report from City Manager 18. Adjournment ' OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING ~ TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1996 The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, February 20, 1996 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda ~r posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, February 16, 1996. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Burris called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. ITEM 2: INVOCATION The invocation was given by Lonnie Hardin, Economic Development Coordinator. ITEM 3: FLAG SALUTE ~ The flag salute was led by Mayor Burris. ITEM 4: ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT Charles Burris, Mayor Danny Ewing, Vice Mayor M,,,,r Mary Lou Barnhouse, Councilor Michael Helm, Councilor ~ Joe Ramey, Councilor STAFF ' Rodney J Ray, City Manager Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk A quorum was declared present. ITEM 5: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 6. 1996 REGULAR MEETING. Mr Helm moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to approve the minutes as submitted, by reference made a part hereto. AYE: Helm, Barnhouse, Ramey, Ewing, Burris NAY: None ' Motion carried 5-0. Owasso City Council ITEM 6: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE CLAIMS February 20, 1995 ,~, Ms Barnhouse moved, seconded by Mayor Burris, that the following claims be approved: (1) General Fund $29,231.13; (2) Workers Comp Self-Ins Fund $2,908.33; (3) Ambulance Service Fund $2,477.09; (4) Ambulance Service Fund $2,477.09; (5) Capital Improvements $570.31; (6) Capital Projects Grant $614.48; (7) Interfund Transfers $3,054.68; (8) City Garage $793.95; (9) General Fund Payroll $108,741.20; (10) City Garage Payroll $2,097.34. AYE: Barnhouse, Burris, Helm, Ramey, Ewing NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 7: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A SICK LEAVE INCENTIVE POLICY FOR THE CITY OF OWASSO The Employee Benefits Committee presented a sick leave grant and incentive fund proposal whereby employees may place shared sick leave hours in a fund, which could be utilized by participants when needed, following certain criteria. The incentive portion of the proposal would allow plan members to receive a cash incentive if they have not utilized more than 67 of the current year's annual maximum sick leave accrual. The incentive will be based on the percentage of the year's sick leave accrual remaining. Mr Ramey moved, seconded by Mr Ewing, to adopt the sick leave policy as recommended by the Benefits Committee. AYE: Ramey, Ewing, Barnhouse, Helm, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 8: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE FINAL PLAT FOR COUNTRY ESTATES AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO LOCATED NORTH AND WEST OF THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF EAST 116TH STREET NORTH AND GARNETT ROAD CONTAINING 138 LOTS ON 41.38 ACRES. MORE OR LESS A request to amend the Country Estates plat was received by the City and reviewed by the Planning Commission at their February 13, 1996 meeting. The request would change the required building lines on all corner lots to 25 feet on all front yards and 15 feet on all side yards that abut public streets. Mr Ewing moved, seconded by Mayor Burris, to approve the request to amend the Country Estates plat, as recommended by the Planning Commission. 2 Owasso City Council AYE: Ewing, Burris, Ramey, Barnhouse NAY: Helm Motion carried 4-1. February 20, 1995 ITEM 9: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR A SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION TO THE CDBG FUND BUDGET. On August 15, 1995, the city of Owasso was awarded an economic development grant in the amount of $71,239. The grant was for the purpose of constructing additional parking facilities for Precision Components Inc. The bids for this project were opened on February 14, 1996, with the low bid exceeding the original amount estimated for construction by $10,335.15. The Department of Commerce is reviewing a request for additional funds for the project, and Mr Tommy Caudill, owner of Precision Components Inc has submitted a "Letter of Guarantee" that unconditionally guarantees to provide the funds should the DOC fail to approve the grant increase. In order to proceed with the project, a supplemental appropriation of $10,335.15 is required by law. Mr Ramey moved, seconded by Mr Helm, to approve a supplemental appropriation to the CDBG Fund, Precision Components Inc project in the amount of $10,335.15. AYE: Ramey, Helm, Barnhouse, Ewing, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 10: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE AWARD OF A CONTRACT FOR PARKING LOT AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS FOR PRECISION COMPONENTS INC. On November 21, 1995, a contract was awarded to the Breisch Company Inc for professional engineering services in the design, bidding, and contract administration of the parking lot and stormwater detention facility on the west side of the Precision Components building. Construction plans and specifications were completed by Breisch, and bids from five firms were received and opened by the City Clerk on February 14, 1996. Qualifications and references of the apparent low bidder have been reviewed and evaluated. Mayor Burris moved, seconded by Mr Ramey, to award a contract for the Precision Components parking and drainage improvements to R L Hensley Construction, Tulsa, OK in the amount of $49,503.10 in accordance with the published specifications; and authorization for payment following established procedures. 3 Owasso City Council AYE: Burris, Ramey, Barnhouse, Helm, Ewing NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 11: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A DESIGN CONCEPT AND AUTHORIZATION TO BID FOR EQUIPMENT STORAGE BUILDINGS AND ROOF REPAIRS FOR THE STREET AND PARKS DIVISION BUILDINGS. The 1995-96 Capital Improvement Budget contains funds for the construction of a maintenance building to be utilized by the water and parks departments. Further study has shown that the funds could be better utilized by constructing a street maintenance building that will have storage room for equipment, and a separate parks department building at location more suited to their needs. The study also points to the need to repair the roof of the existing street maintenance building. The combined estimated cost of these projects is approximately $85,000, with $80,000 being allocated in the Capital Improvement Budget. Mr Ramey moved, seconded by Mr Helm, to approve the concept to construct two separate equipment storage buildings and perform roof repairs at the existing street maintenance building using the Capital Improvements Fund Budget, and authorize advertisement for bids. AYE:. Ramey, Helm, Barnhouse, Ewing, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 12: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE PURCHASE OF A CLOSED CIRCUIT TV SYSTEM FOR THE JAIL AREA AT THE OWASSO POLICE DEPARTMENT. The 1995-96 police department budget contains funds to purchase a closed circuit TV system for the jail area. In August 1995, bid specifications were sent to several area vendors, with no bids being received. The specifications were changed slightly and a second attempt to obtain bids was made. This time three vendors responded with a written quote. After the quotes and specifications were reviewed, it was determined that the system offered by Sam's Wholesale met all the specifications at the most reasonable price. The cost of the system does not include installation, which will need to be done by a licensed electrician at an estimated cost of $500. Mr Helm moved, seconded by Mr Ewing, to approve the purchase of an Exxis Observation System from Sam's Wholesale in Tulsa for $2154.25, and authorization for payment. February 20, 1995 4 Owasso City Council February 20, 1995 AYE: Helm, Ewing, Barnhouse, Ramey, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 13: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL AUTHORIZATION FOR THE CITY TO FILE A DISCLAIMER OF INTEREST IN THE MATTER OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA VS DENNIS REEDY, ET AL. This agenda item relates to a legal action by the Department of Housing & Urban Development to foreclose on a mortgage held by the government. The city is included in the action to ensure all parties that may have interest in the property are served. Staff has determined that there are no assessments or other interests in the property on the part of the city and has requested that the City Attorney prepare a Disclaimer of Interest to be filed on behalf of the city. Mr Ramey moved, seconded by Mr Burris, to authorize the City Attorney to file a disclaimer in the matter of the United States of America vs Dennis Reedy, et al. AYE: Ramey, Burris, Helm, Ewing, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ~ ITEM 14: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ORDINANCE #519. AN ORDINANCE ENACTING A CODE OF ' ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF OWASSO. PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE, SALE AND COPIES IN THE CLERK'S OFFICE, SUPPLEMENTS OR CHANGES TO CODE, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Ordinance #519 enacts a Code of Ordinances for the city of Owasso as recodified by the City Attorney, with an effective date of February 20, 1996. This complete recodification will allow continuous updates as ordinances are passed, providing those who use the document with a more efficient and effective tool. Mr Ewing moved, seconded by Mayor Burris, to adopt Ordinance #519. AYE: Ewing, Burris, Helm, Ramey, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. 5 Owasso City Council February 20, 1995 ITEM 15: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR AN EMERGENCY CLAUSE TO BE ATTACHED TO ORDINANCE #519. PROVIDING FOR THE ORDINANCE TO BECOME EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY UPON PUBLICATION OF THE ORDINANCE. In order to assure that the Code of Ordinances is current, it was requested that an emergency clause be attached to Ordinance #519, allowing the ordinance to take effect and be in full force immediately upon passage. Mayor Burris moved, seconded by Mr Ewing, to enact the emergency clause to Ordinance #519. AYE: Burris, Ewing, Helm, Ramey, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 16: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO RESOLUTION #96-02. A RESOLUTION DIRECTING FILING AND NOTIFICATION OF THE PUBLICATION OF THE CITY OF OWASSO CODE OF ORDINANCES. Resolution #96-02 requires that public notice is given and that copies of the recodified Code are filed with proper officials of Tulsa and Rogers Counties. Mr Ramey moved, seconded by Mr Ewing, to adopt Resolution #96-02. AYE: Ramey, Ewing, Helm, Barnhouse, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 17: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO RESOLUTION #96-04. A RESOLUTION MANDATING EMPLOYMENT AND BENEFICIARY INFORMATION BE FURNISHED TO THE OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BY PRECISION COMPONENTS INC. One of the requirements of the CDBG grant currently held by the city for improvements to the parking lot and drainage at Precision Components Inc is that employment information be supplied to the Oklahoma Department of Commerce for a period of one year after completion of the project. Resolution #96-04 mandates that action. Mr Ramey moved, seconded by Mr Ewing, to approve Resolution #96-04. 6 Owasso City Council February 20, 1995 AYE: Ramey, Ewing, Barnhouse, Helm, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 18: CONSIDERATIO: RESOLUTION ~ PRECISION C~ INFORMATION IMPROVEMENT; INC PROJECT. AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO f96-O5. A RESOLUTION RELATING TO CDBG-ED ~MPONENTS INC). MANDATING EMPLOYMENT FROM BENEFICIARIES OF INFRASTRUCTURE ~ ASSOCIATED WITH THE PRECISION COMPONENTS Resolution #96-OS meets another requirement of the Oklahoma Department of Commerce relating to the Precision Components grant. This resolution mandates that employment information be supplied to ODOC by any additional entity that benefits from the grant improvements. Mr Ramey moved, seconded by Mayor Burris, to approve Resolution #96-05. AYE: Ramey, Burris, Barnhouse, Helm, Ewing NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 19: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER The City Manager announced the graduation ceremony for the police department reserves to be held on Tuesday, March 5, 1996 at 6:00 p.m. at the community center. There are 21 reserve cadets in the class, 12 from Owasso. ITEM 20: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY No report. ITEM 21: REPORT FROM CITY COUNCILORS Councilor Helm reminded everyone of the next Town Hall Meeting, to be held Thursday, February 29, 1996 at Bailey School. ITEM 22: UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. 7 Owasso City Council ITEM 23: NEW BUSINESS None. ITEM 24: ADJOURNMENT. Mr Ramey moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to adjourn. AYE: Ramey, Barnhouse, Helm, Ewing, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 5-0, and the meeting was adjourned at 7:37 p.m. February 20, 1995 Charles L Burris, Mayor Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk 8 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL ' MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1996 ' The Owasso City Council met in special session on Thursday, February 22, 1996 in the Owasso City Hall Conference Room, 207 S Cedar, per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted ~ on the City Hall bulletin board at 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, February 21, 1996. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER t Mayor Burris called the meeting to order at 5:12 p.m. ITEM 2: ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT ~ Charles Burris, Mayor Danny Ewing, Vice Mayor Mary Lou Barnhouse, Councilor Joe Ramey, Councilor (out at 6:10) Michael Helm, Councilor STAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager ~ A quorum was declared present. ITEM 3: DISCUSSION OF ISSUES OF IMPORTANCE TO THE CITY OF OWASSO. r A general discussion of issues of importance to the City of Owasso took place. No action was ' requested and no vote taken. ITEM 4: ADJOURNMENT ' Mr Helm moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse to adjourn. AYE: Helm, Barnhouse, Ewing, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 4-0 and the meeting was adjourned at 8:02 p.m. Charles L Burris, Mayor Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk ' C'iTY (1F QWARSn C;F,NF,RA1, FT1ND ' ?/?9%9h 14:1a:45 A/P ('I.AIMR RF.Pl1RT APAPVR PAGR: :~ Prl # vF,NDnR DRS('RTPTInN AM~1tTNT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- MANAGFRIAT, ---------- -------------------- 9,~16a7 KIMRALI. AGR HARnWARR fiPRRATTNG QtTppt.TFS ?,9R ' 96th?9 9b1692 ANGHGR STTINF, T'T1 HIGHTT=('H STGN~ r..RUSHFR R11N-:~a? W 1ST TC1WN H.A1~1~ R.ANNFR s35.5p L1a.Qa 961.7R4 TRFASTJRFR Pi;TTY CASH MFFTTNG F,XFF,NRF, 44,?4 9b1?34 TRRARt1RRR PETTY f'ARH PITY MrR RXPFN~F.fi 9A.57 ~ 9b1746 SGJfTHWF.STF.RN TiF,T,i, TF,1,F, 1 /9b PT.RXAR 49.'2 961?49 MCI TRi.R('nMMtTNT('ATIt1NR 1/9F~ tifiF. 3,55 DEPARTMENT TT?TAT, ====3 499.1+ FIKANGF, ---------- -------------------- 9f~i415 TAYi.C11; PAPER rct f'f1MPt-TFR PAPER 189.79 ~ 96t512 f)FFIC:F, DFPnT CART1 PT,AN nFFTf`F, St7pPT,TFS '_4,7a 96167? CRTGp PtTRi.TC'ATT[1NR PIIRI.IC:.ATT(1Nfi 23,9a nRPARTMFNT Tt1TAT.. ====3 ?38.39 GQMMUHTTY T1FVF1.f1PMFNT ---------- -------------------- 9baaal I1, TRT.F/PA~F, INC'. PAGER tiSF. 3$,$5 ~ 961 `12 nFFIr.T; DRpnT r,ARD PT.AN CIFFTC;R St1PPT,Tt;S 2.99 9b1. `R? ATn f:HATRR Ra . R~ 9616?3 R~C'A INTT;RNATInNAT. APPRnvF,D STT,C~..I{FRS 45,1?a 961?18 NATIf1NAi. FiRR PRCITRC'TTC1N ~nnr RC1ilK 3a.9n 961??(1 Nr}wARn STAMPF,R P.AT)rn TNSTAT,I,ATInN 2a,a0 ~" 9b1?34 TRRARiTRRR PT?TTY (.'ARH RT=?MR PETTY C:ARH b.49 9b1746 RCIUTHWF,fiTERN RF,T.T. TF,T.F, x/96 Pi,F,XAR 49,32 9b1749 MCT TF1.RC'C1MM[TidTC:ATifftd~ 1 /96 tT;F. ?.87 DT?PARTMFNT TnTAT, ____~ 277,?4 Mt1NIf'IPAI. ~ntTRT ----------- ------------------- ~ 9b161a C1MC'CA C'ERTTFTC'ATTnN TRATNTN~~ 2a,CiCi 961?4f ~nUTHWFRTT=Rid T3T=T,T, TFT,T= 1/9h pT.T?XAR 49,32 r 9bi?49 MC`I TET.F('Clt*iTdtitd?['ATIC1td~ t; 9n UHF ~ ,i~ T)FPARTMF,F;T TtlTAT, ____> ?5„?? F,N~TilF,F,RTNr ------------------------------ .rr ('iTY tlF f1WARSlT fF.NF.RAT, F1iNT7 2 /29/96 14 : ] f1 ~ 4 5 AtP CI.ATMS RRP{1RT APAPVR PAGR: 4 PO # ---------- VF,NTI{1R ------------------------ nRSf'RIPTInN - ------------------------ AM11tiNT - ------------- 9h0001 UO Tii1.E/PAGE, INr, PAGER UGR 12.95 961501 OfitJ-OKt.AHC1MA CiTY fiFMiNAR 99.A~ 961512 OFFICE DF,pt]T r_.ARn PLAN OFFTCi:t'itippt,iES ib.913 9b1607 KIMBAI.I. ACF HARTIWARR C-PfiRATING R[ippl.IRs 9.9? 9bi7?9 SAM'S ['1,UB OFFIt'F SLippT,IF,~ 7,91 nRPARTMFNT TC)TAi, ____) i4b,7h GRNERAt. Gf1VRRNMF.NT ------------------------------ 960001 [rS TFi.R/PAGE, INC. PAdFR USR 80,90 9h041 h i}FPARTMF.NT OF CnRRFr,TiONR 1aOt, WORKEF,S/PAY 211 .?6 9bi415 TAYLt1>: PAPER C(1 RnNn pp;pF.R 118.50 961512 OFFICi= 17F,pOT CA.R17 PLAN tIFFTr.>= Stlppt,IFS 98. `7 961619 WAI.-MART (1FFiCF Si1ppI.IFS q,q? 961671 MIRF?C f;11RP r..Opi1:R MAINTRNANCF 257.40 9bib8b MIRFX Cf]RP C(1PIRR T11NFP. 887,75 9b1713 TUT.$A Cffl_iNTy F,T,F,(;TiON ROA PRE,-F,T,T=C;TiON T;XpF,NSF,fi ],~pii4,9'? 9bi729 SAM'S CI.[IR t1FFiCR S[ipPl.iFS x5,88 9bi729 SAM'S t'1,UR OFFirF SilPpt,iRS 13.2h 961729 SAM'S CI-[iR C(1PY PAPER 164.78 9h1734 TRr;AS[TRF,R PETTY CASH Rt;TMR PETTY t;ASH 5,nn 4bi734 TRRASURF.R PETTY CAGH RFiMR PfiTTY CASH 16.20 9h1735 TRFAStIRRR PETTY CASH Rt?TMR 1)nC MRAt,S 1,Rg,A7 9b1745 P[TRi.IC SERVICE rn 1?/95 tTSF 3~4.~8 9b174h Sf1IiTHWF,STFRN 13F,I,i, TF,T,F, l/9h PT,FXAR _ ??~,:~5 9h1.747 R(7TiTHWF.RTERN Ri=I.I. TF.T.F. .1/96 NON-PI.RXAR ~ 47,50 9b1748 Cixr,A ?iATt1RAt, GAS i !9,4 [TSF, 509.?1 961.749 Mf'I TFi.Fr.CiMMUNIr.ATIONS ]/9,~ [TSF. 40,x9 nt=PARTMT;NT TOTAT, ====3 3,~40,~:~ MA I NTFNANri' ------------------------------ 96QOt)1 US TF.I.EIPA~;F.~ i1Tf', PAGER [TSF. 1_?,9S 9h141.5 TAYLt1R PAPF,R f't? ,iANIT~'1RIAt, S[JP?t,TFfi 81. , i4 9h1622 CI.ASSiC RI.Fr.TRTC iNC RI.FCTRiCAT. RFP.ATRR 57,0,) 9h?631 KIMRAi,t. ACTT? uARnWARF REPAIR/MAINT ~iTPPT,TF.s ?q,? 961727 RA17TO INC: F.xiT T.Tt~HT RnTTF.RTFS 4,1,7= 961.729 {-iAM'."_, rT,iiR ,TpNITflRT,4T,/MA?NT ~TTppT,TF,S ~, ,ol=; 9h1733 YAT.E IINIFtiRM RFNTAi. [TNTFCIRMi C'i.F.AN!RRNT 1.9,at? T)F.pARTMT=T7T T(iTAT, ____, ~~q. ~~~ C'FMF,TF,RY ------------------------------ i i 2129/96 14:1:45 C'TTY t1F f1WAfiRft r,T?1tL?RAL, FtTNn A/P ~T.AIM~ RF.Pf1RT APAPVR PA~F: 5 Pf? # VF,NnnR nF,Rt'R7PTTflN AMniTitT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- 961607 KIMRAt,t, Ari; HARnWARL; L?PRRATiNG StiPPt,Ii;S 4.R0 ~ 961745 PURI•IC` RRRVIC'R C:t1 ]2!95 trSF ]b.62 n1;pARTMi;NT Tr1TAL. ____? 21.42 P(II.I~F. RRRVI~=RR ' 960084 WRGTFRN RUSiNFfiS pR(1T1t1('T,r, C~IPIRR MAINT 96A038 L.,R,T.N, Rt)RSC":RiPTInN 961.415 TAYi.[11? PAPER C(l .TANTTnRrAT. pLTPPT.TFS ' 96151.'_ RFFIri: nF.P(?T CARn Pt.Ati C)FFTC:F, STJPPi,TF,S 961512 OFFIGF TIF.P(1T C:At?T1 Pt.AN HFY ~ARTNRT 951572 r}LIZIFR PRINTING PRTNTF,n TAGS ' 9b1572 nfl?TRR PRINTING t1FFTC:R pfiPPi.iRR 961631 trIMRAr,t, AGE HARL?WARF REPAIR/MAINT SUppt,IF,S 961b7(1 HARRY[. Jf1NF~ EntTIPML?NT/RAT(1N 96.[685 AT&T PAGRR-GA.NG L?FFIGL:R 9b170i RTFPHFN TRYGN t.1NiFnRM RtTPPT.TF.R 961729 SAM'S rt,ttR .IANiTnRTAt,/MAINT SUPPt,TF,S 961.729 RAM'S CI•UR (1FFif'E ~tiPPt.TF.S 961743 Pc1LIr.F PETTY rARH PnRTArF 961743 Pnt.IrF PETTY f'ASN PRiNTTNr, 961743 Pnt,ir.T; PETTY c:ASH Frr,M T)T;vt;r,npriir, ~ 961744 PHI[.J•iPR Pn1.if'R FAtT7P Pf1t-IrF. WHTRTi.F.fi 961744 PHIT,t,IPS P~}L,I~:h R~LTTP NAMi: TAGS Obi745 pUR1.IC: RRRVTt'F f:ft 12/95 tiRF. 961746 Sf1UTtiWF,~TF,RN 13F,t,t, TF,t,F ] /9f, PT,F,XAR ~ 961747 Rt~trTHWRRTFt?N RT=T.I. TRt.R ] /9f. NnN-pT.RXAR 961748 nt{LA NATURAL. GAS 1196 tiST; 961749 MC:I TFt.Rt'nMMt1NICATTnNR i /91y URR L)L:PARTMT:NT TnTAL =___? ANIMAL. r~INTRT1r, ------------------------------ 961.742 JRRfiIR RRt1WN FttTHANARIA RFRVTf'1= 951.745 ptT13T,If' SF,RVIr..F, C;() 1?/95 tiSF, 96174b RC-tJTHWFRTRP,N Rt?T.t. TRt.F. 119,5 pt.RXAR.. 961749 Mt'I TF,T,T;f'f}MMtTNTC;ATT~)NR 1.19 tt^E nEPARTMFNT T(lTAT, ___-` FIRE, ~F,RVIC:F,S ------------------------------ 120.00 288.n0 50,70 59.7]. 29,99 1?$,35 84.20 1.69 b 2 . t1(1 12,95 ~t~~72 61.45 7.91 13.3] 2n,na lO.OQ 2'x.40 R$,~f1 302.58 ??? ~ ~jq 47.50 x20,68 39.26 191.9,79 55,On 1.97, 79 24,01 1,13 ~~~_;, GTTY C1F tTWAPRiI GRNRRAi. FTTNn 21?_9196 1.4:10:45 A1P ('1.AiMS RT=Pf1RT APAPVR PAIR; 6 P~ TT VFNt)nR nt?RPRipTi~1N AMnT1NT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- 9hi617 Vf1t,tTNTF,F,R FIRE RtJNP 961618 t'Rt1W RtTR1.INrpMF VT=HIFi.F PARTS/RtTppT.iRp 9ht619 WAt.-MAP,T ~lPFRATiHr StTPPt,r.t;5 961674 C:i.AfiBIC C:HF.VRf1T.FT RRAKR REPAIR-f'HIFF 961675 tT NAME IT TRAIt,F,RS 5x$ TRAIt,F,R 961715 TH(1Mfi TIRR & AUTC1 BRRVI('R TIRRS-r.HIRF I 9hi736 TUt,BA AUT~T SPRINr, r..n RRAKE RRPA?R-F,NG I 961745 P[iRT•IC ~RRVIC:R C't1 1?/95 tifi.F. 961746 Sf}[ITHWF,STHRN T~F,T,t, TF,T,F i /9h Pt,F,XAR 961748 CTH1.A NATtTRAT. t;AB i /9f~ tTSR 9hi749 MrI Tt?t,F,rT1MMTTNIpATInNR t/96 iTST; 1?EPARTMFNT TT)TAT, ___=? CIVIL, T)T;FFNSF, ------------------------------ 960063 RARf1N RRRVIGRT;g INC:, WRATHF.R n.ATA FF.F. 96174 5 Pt1T3T, I C ~F,RV I t'F, t;t) 12195 ti~,F, 961746 ~f1[TTHWRSTRRN RRT-I- TRT.R 1196 PT.F.XAR 961747 StltiTHWF~TF,RN Rfit,i, TF,T,T; 1/96 NCN-Pt,F,XAR 961749 MC'I TF1.R!'(TMMITNI('.ATICINR 1196 t1SF t7F,pARTMFNT TC1TAt, ====3 PTRF,F,Tfi ------------------------------ 9h0001 tTS TRt.R/P.AGF., INt'. 960134 PBCT 961493 ~WASRn 1.UMRFR t'fT 961494 CRnW RLiRT,INGAMT; 96151? (TFFICF. DRPfiT C:ART1 pT.AN 961554 ~I~NAT,TF,K INt~ 961607 KIMBAT.I. AT`R H.ARt1WARF 9h167R MAXWF,I,T, StippT,y f1F Ttii,~A 961725 WFt.~rn INC. 961729 PAM J S Ct,TiB 961,734 TR1?A~t)RRR PETTY i''+48H 961.734 TRF,AFtTRRR PETTY C:APH 961741 Ttt1.SA C:f1TtNTY RC1C't' 961745 Pi1RT,TC: SF,RVIf:F, f:~'1 961.746 FT1tTTHWF.STRRN RRT.T. TF.T.F 96174ft l1KT,A NATITRAT, f;A nF,PAR.TMENT TnTAT, ____~ PARR T1fiR fiTRRF.T t,iGHTINr, !.'CTNC:RF.TF FnRM ptrPPT-IF.F FMAi,t, PARTT; f1FT'I(:R FtTPpT.TRS TRAFFIC t.I~HT MAINT/RPR (1PF.RATTNA StipPT.TFti RRCPMBlBt]pPT, I FS ['YT.INTtF.R RF.NTA1. ~iANITnR?AT,IMATNT St.TPP1,IFS RFIMR PRTTy CABH RF,IMR PETTY CABH fiT(;N Pf1STF 1.?195 TiRF, 1 i96 PT.F.XATZ 1 /9!+ TT~F, 396,00 88,73 66.69 183.08 495.00 545,9? 143.:x? 38?.30 157,31 1,069.9? 13.35 3, S:~b.h2 350.00 64.13 ?5.:~1 49.9? 1.2.65 502_.02 ?5,90 1745.17 ~n,~9 6.t.R 5,'~9 :~97,5Q 1:~5,R9 97.44 ~~.~q ?0.?7 ?~,?s? 1.0.9? 4?~,5i1 82?.74 ?4.Q1 490.?C, 4~:3~R,5r, RFr.RT=ATTtTN ('RNTRR ------------------------------ ' PITY (1F t1wAGpn f;F,NF,RAI, FIJNn 2/?9/96 14:10:45 A/P Ci.AIMR RRPnRT APAPVR PARR: 7 PC) T3 VF,NT1(1R T)F,S!'RIPTT(1N AMt1iJNT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- 9hi512 t1FFI~R ij1=P~}T ~ARn Pt,AN ~FFr~E S[1PPt.IR3 96169h TtiCKRR JANITC-RIAI. C1.R.ANrNG R11pPT.IRR ~ 9b1745 ptTRT,IF 31;RVIr..r r..c~ 12!95 tJ3F, 961746 ~C1LITHWRPTF.RN RR1.I. TR1.F. 1196 PT.RX.AR 961748 nKt~A HATLiRAt, hA~ 119h tJSF, 961749 MCi TR1..F.CfIMMi.JNiCATIf1NG 1 /96 11~R DFPARTMF,NT T~TAt, ____> 5.49 35.00 390.88 4R, 0? R4?,?2 ,9R 1,3.'_3.09 SWIMMINr Pc1c1L --- -------- ------------------- ~"' 961745 P[TRT.IC ~F.RVICR Cfl 1?/95 1188 ?8.68 96174h RdtiTHWRRTF.RN RRt,T, TF,t,F., 1/9h Pt,t<XAR 24.01 9bl?48 nKJ-A NATURAT. BAR 1/96 iipT; 9,?_5 T7F,PARTMRNT Tt•1TA.T, _ _ _ _) bh . 94 C~MMLtNITY CF.NTF.R --- -------- ------------------- 9h151? nFFiCR nRP(1T CARP PLAN nt=FIrt? P[Tpp1.iRR ??.9h 9hi745 PtJRr,IC RFRVIr..t: r_.n 12/95 TJ.r,F, 403,1? 961746 3t1iTTHWRSTRRTt RT=T.T. TF.t.R 1 196 Pi.RxAR 86,n3 9h1748 ~-Kt,A NATtiRAt, GAp 1 /9f tTPF, ??9,:~F, 961749 MCI TRI.Rt:.flMMtiNTCATIfiNfi 1 /9h tipF 2,4~ ' TIF,pARTMF,NT T(1TA1, ____) PARK MAINTRHAN!'R ------------------------------ 9h0001 i1S TRT.F./pA(;R, INC. ' 9h1690 HANF,fi fiHflR ~ ARrH SHt1P 961693 YALE itNiFC1RM RRNTAT. 9h1694 ATR~T WrRRt,t?pS GRRVTf'RP 961695 GRAYRAR RT.RC 9hi734 TRRApiJRFR PETTY t'AfiH 961745 PURT.IC fiRRVICR f'f- 961748 T?KLA NAT[JRAt, CA3 ' nFpARTMRNT TnTA.t, ____) .... ECt1N(IMIC DRV1=1.npMRNT -- --------- ------------------- PAt~RR TiSR SAFF,Ty RC1t1T.r,. iiNrT'nRM C1.F.AN/RRTZT PHnNt; 1131=-WARREN TtltlT .S RF,ThiR pF,TTY CAfiH 1 ?/95 tiS.F. 1/9h USE 1,.~99,n0 1?.95 1Qb,t~(1 49,60 16 , ~,n 27.90 3.51 140.09 1.23.11 5%`'9,7x, CITY f-F OWAG~n rrNT;RAT, FTTNn 2/29/9h 14:in:45 A!P f'T.AIMS RF.p[1RT Ap.ApvR T'ArR; P~ # VF,ND~R nt;~r..RIPTIt?N A.M~]t)rrT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- 9h l h 1.9 WA.T,-MART DEPARTMRNT Tt1TAT, ____> T1FFIfF, ~ITpPT,IF~ ?9,9f, 39.9h FUND Tl1TAT, 1.9,3h1.54 ~, ' f;TTY f1F nwASSn AMRtiT.ANC:F ~FRVTC'F F[TNT1 ' 2/29/96 14:1.0:45 A/P r,T,ATM~ R>=PnTZT ApAPVR PART: P(1 # VFNT'~flR nF.Rf'RTPTTt1N AMT1ttNT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- AMRLI1.ANt'F 9f~069(1 AT.I.T.ANCR MF.nI['AT., INC'. AMRtJT.ANCR SUPPi-IFS 961111 R~1~F,RT T}F,AH J R MD M~NTHI,Y RMR AUT)TT ~ 9b111 ? . JRFFFRY RAT.J.RR MP MC-NTHi.`I RMR A[it]TT 961489 RT ~TC1HN c'ARnTGVASrtJ1,AR IH GPR RFrT;RTIFIrATIrlit 9bi.bib PACT PR(1nUr.TP OF TtrT.SA IN pPT;RATINt; R[1pPT.IRR 96168Q TRF,.ASLTRF,R P1;TTY GARH F.MT RF.f;RRTIFTCATT~N FF,F,fi ~ 9b17.16 METI S(tURCR C[1RP AMR[TT.AN~:F StTPPT.TF.S 961734 TRF.ASURT;R PT:TTY r,ABH RF,TMR PF,TTY ~ARH T)FpARTMF,NT TGTAT, ____) `P.09 125.0(1 125.0 5n.oo 44.011 r~}yge`~.0/0 `l1 +.bL x5.74 84b.45 8~1b.45 1. CITY [iP CwA~sn F, - 41.E 2!24/4f+ ].4:1n;45 A!P ~'I..ATM~ RRPf1RT APAPVR PACT: P~] # VFNnnR TIFS('RTPTTf1N AM~i)NT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- Pr1i,Ir,F rCMMU?tiCATI~JNS ------------------------------ 9f+(10(15 St1iiTHWFRTRR1d RR1.1• TRi.F E-411 i , R44, n4 1?F,PARTMF,NT Tt1TAi, _ _ _ _) 1, $44 . Q•j FUNi} TC1TAi, _ _ _ _> i , A44 . ©:~ 2 r.ITV (1F cTwAS~r~ CTTY r,ARA~~R 2/?9/96 ]4;7f1:45 AJP CT.ATMR RF.P(1RT APAPVR pAt;F.: PCi # VRNTI(1R 17F,SCRTPTTf1N AMt1i7NT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- CITY GARAi~F, ------------------------------ gf,p(1Q1 (iS TFi.F/PA~F., TNC. 9n] (157 .~,AFFTY T{i.F,F,N Ct1RP, 9b].4?7. (IWARRl1 TTRF BARN 96151? nFFTCT; n1=P~T CARD PT,AN 9bi~{:~i KTMRAT.t. Af:>= HARnwARR 9617?7 MAXWF,i,i, niT, C;nRP 9617?~ W1=i.S(:{7 TNC g617?h PART.^., Pi,TiS 467 7?9 SAM `R C:i.iiR 9n].734 CRt1W RtiRt,INRAMF, 961?'38 YAT.E UNTF(iRM R.F.NTA1. 961784 TREA.Si)RF,R PF,TTY CASN 961?34 TRRAfitTRRR PETTY CARH 961745 PtiRi,TC SF,RVTCF, Ctl 961.74h SC1(iTHWF.~TFRN RFi.f. TF.T.F. 967.748 C1KT,A NATTiRAt, GAR 17F,PARTMF.NT Tl1TA1, ____) FTJNT7 Tt1TAi, ____: PARER iTRF. ].?.95 SF,RVTCF, PARTS Ci,F,ANT;R 93,54 TTRF.SJRF.PATRfi 1 ] `, 40 l1FFT('F, 11PPT,TF,S 13.f,7 RFPATR/M.AINT Plippl.IF.p ]4.i.? (iTT,lFT,iJTDS f,h9, ] 4 CYi.INnFR RFtiTAi. 6q,?? RF,FA.TR PARTR 947,7h t1FFT(:F. ,SiiPPT.TRS ] 7.47 RF,pATR PARTS ??i.?7 tiNIFfTRM CI.EAiltRF.NT 58.44 PARTSlRF,PATRS 47,64 RFIMR P.F.TTY CASH 1?.9R ]7195 [tSF, q5,6'~ ] i91, Pi.F.XAR 4q,37 i /9f, TTSF, 6n3, 74 3, (1h7..:~7 :~, 461 .87 1? CITY f1F f1WAfiG(1 ('APTTAT, IMPR(IVFMF,NTc ?/29/94 74:11:45 A/P t'T.ATMF RF.PtlRT APAPVR PA~F: 1R Pfl # VF,Nf~(1R T'~F,.~,C;RTPTTt1N AMf1Ti1dT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- STRF,F,T.~,~ ------------------------------ 9f~1R74 FHA:, INr., DF,PARTMF,NT Tf1TAT, ====3 F.N~IN.F.RRT1?~ ~VR-BATH ~T 1 , 994.4? 1994.0? FUNn T(lTAt, ____> 1}994.4? ~ ~'ITY nF nWA~sn ~APTTAT, PRf1J1;CTfi f;RANT ?/?9!9f, 1.4:1(1;45 q/P C'J.ATM~ RF.Pl1RT APAPVR PA(;F.: P~ # Vi:N17~R T)T=,SC;RTPTTf}N AMnTTNT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- t?nRr,-NcP, c'nNTRArT h59?_ F.n R7 ------------------------------ 4F+1705 ?NC:t1C~ AT)MTNT,r,TRATTVR ,r,FRVT(:F. 7f,7„`55 nRPARTMRNT Tt1TAT. ____) 7f,7.55 CT1RG-RnIF, PR.F.C:IRTf1N PRf1~1'F.t'T ------------------------------ r 9b17t14 RRTHRRFC1Rn FtTRT.T('ATI(1115 i.R~Ai. t;C1T7f'F nT=PARTMFNT TnTAT, ____~ FUNt7 TtITAT, ====7 BRAND Tf1TAT, ____) 43.95 4:x.95 R11.5Q 144,49?.R4 14 VENDOR TRANSFERS CITY GARAGE WORKER'S COMP SELF-INS GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND CITY OF OWASSO A/P TRANSFER REPORT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 2,333.33 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 9,012.50 TRANSFER FROM AMBULANCE FUND 13,166.67 TRANSFER FROM E-911 FUND 1,375.00 .~ TRANSFERS TOTAL 25,887.50 CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING 02/17/96 i~ OVERTIME TOTAL DEPARTMENT EXPENSES EXPENSES Finance 0.00 6,389.51 Munici~al• Court •• • ~••••, ••••• ••.• v :• r 0.00 1,405.86 :w::. ;~.. .; .. w:.v v::.v:: ................ 4:•i:•i; i:f:•i:•ivi;•i:•: i:: •: v. .. .. ..... ......... ... .. n........... ......... ... :.. ... :::€ ~4~~.:. ..:..............:: :::::.•:. . Building Maintenance 210.00 828.91 ~•:i•:i:ti:•i:•i:{{{{?:{•i {{{{{. ~ ;.i:.}:::}:.i:•:{y,{r,.;N{•:{.;{.•v{,'.:tt::::ii:.i:•i:+CC.i:•ii:•ii:•i:•iii:•i:•ii:•i:Piiiii:•ii:........ nv::::::v :.::::::::::::::::::.v.v: rr.:::#.::v::.A{v:.vvv.6 Central Dispatch 191.49 4,692.41 >-:::::.:::::':::>::;::>:;:;:i:.is•:»:::.>:.::.:<.>i:...i:.i:.:.: ~:.::.i:.::.:.:.;:.;:.>::>::>::>:: ::.:.::.~ .::::::..:...::::::..:::::..:::::::::::::::::::::::::::. >::::>::>::>•:>::::>:i;:.;. is{~ >:.>i i:.ii::.:.:.:.i:.i:.:<~>i:•;.;:.;:{.;:{ :::::::..~>:::::::<.::.::.>:.:»:.i:.i:.i:.i:.>:.>:.i:.i:.>'.:.:.'..::{.i: ;r:.i:{<.;:.i:.;:{.>:.:;:.i:.v:{.i:.i:{.: ~::.:::: i~~. :.i:.i:.i:.ii:.i:.i:.::.;i»ii::.: ::..:..:.{;, :{:x Fire 1081.49 32 076.74 Y•. <>.i:C~+rii: i:{i~:;+; '•:'I4F:?:;:~: ti;:<:, `;:•::y;::':•:?~i: ii~ :>i?~iy;%;:j^:j•: ~•i:{;iy: j;}Gi: :: ............... k::...:.......... vvv.. ...................::..:::~.......:. ..v: \•.w:::. i'•n4~`{•i Yw: i:{~ ::....i: :~,: •. >:' :.F ,i:~ S,;:+;:;:;:ti~ ~:;:;:•,:~:ti~:,vvx:.•::::. •:::: r.;; . {i:•:4:•:•;{{::ii:• ~ •`.~S ~~ti~ tip::i:•i :•::•:titi•}%?^r.. , . ............ :.5:{{:4::4:{4::•.v.:::p::: S:•:4:bti•:tiw::::.rv......:..... ,.:{ . :vh•::: i:•:r,.:•i.•:•i.{•.4+',,.,l,M!i Y.:i Recreation Center 0.00 3,166.38 .:im ..t.•..~:'M.TFiF: v .................... ...................... .......... r.r..r .................:.v::......................n::.....:..... :av:x:•, ~ ,.o ... k...........A.... .4 ~ . :~:~:~:•:~:~:~:•:~:~i ~:~:~:•ii:~i{::•i:•i:•i:{{ ~ :•i:•i:ti>.•i:•i:•i:•:~ . ...... .... ...... ... ....... ................. .......::...:.:xv....n..::n..::.......v.................:. •+:ai:•. ~.,.;si iiiiiiiiiii..:,~~ .:~.>:~:::... ............ ................. x.::.....:....... in•::.....,............ Park Maintenance 0.00 2,094.77 .: APPROVE 03/05/96 Mayor Council Member Council Member CITY GARAGE PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING 02/17/96 DEPARTMENT OVERTIME TOTAL EXPENSES EXPENSES Garage $0.00 $2,128.71 x: ~::.,.>: APPROVE 03/05/96 Mayor Council Member Council Member Equipment One Rental & Sales Inc. 11421 E. 80th St. N. Owasso , Ok 74055 oz/~~/~~ RE: Request for code change on allowed size of propane tank. The State LPG Commission has approved the desired size and location of a 1000 gallon LP tank. The location and size also comply with the NFPA pamphlet 58 guidelines. The demand of '"the growing Owasso community warrants a larger tank. Our current 500 gallon tank has been emptied in as little as 3 days, causing more lost sales to Tulsa competition. I hereby request to be heard before City Council to request a code change to allow a 1000 gallon tank. ' Patrick Conley i~~~ '~ ~, President •, 1 ~ .._~i tj' ~ ;4 (biti 4S .. r MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION RELATING TO STREET ACCEPTANCE -SOUTHERN LINKS VILLAGE DATE: March 1, 1996 BACKGROUND: The developer of Southern Links Village subdivision has requested an opportunity to address the Council on an issue relating to the construction of improvements to the street system. Specifically, the developer seeks direction as to whether or not the City Council will allow a street width that is one foot short of the city standard as interpreted by the city staff. Questions of interpretation, legal issues, and technical analysis have been raised in this matter and will, most likely, be raised again either in the Council meeting or subsequent meetings. The Council is knowledgeable of the issues, Mr Cates is prepared to address legal issues and the Public Works Department has reviewed the technical issues. Additionally, I have received comments relating to public safety issues from the Police and Fire Chief. THE ISSUE: ' The issue is whether or not the Council is willing to allow/authorize the developer to proceed with the paving of future city streets after placing the street curbs so that the driving width of the street is 25 feet, measured from inside of curb to inside of curb. Past practice and city staff ~ interpretations of the standard have required a 26-foot width measured inside of curb to inside of curb. In the case of Southern Links Village, the developer's surveyor made a mistake in setting the street width and the mistake was not noticed until all of the curb had been placed. ' While the above represents the major issue, there are other details and decisions that have ' impacted the central question. SOUTHERN LINKS VILLAGE STREETS MARCH 1, 1996 PAGE 2 OPTIONS: Options available to the Council are quite broad and range from 1) a strict interpretation of the "standard", to 2) a repeal or change of the standard. Included in that range of options would be action to show Council "intent" (such action is non-binding), action to "resolve" not to include street width in the determination of a future request for the Council to accept these specific streets, or action to authorize the developer to proceed based on a Council vote "on the record" as allowing the more narrow street width. In other words, almost any option is available to you in this matter. Some of those already discussed are: 1. No exception to the standard as normally interpreted - (Developer would be required to replace curb and paving at normal width). 2. No action by Council - (Developer proceed at risk). 3. Resolution stating intent of Council is to not include street width in future decisions relating to this street. 4. Vote to authorize the Developer to proceed with paving under an interpretation that the current standard is ambiguous and could be found unenforceable. 5. Vote to authorize the Developer to proceed under an interpretation that street width is 26 feet back of curb to back of curb, thus redefining the staff interpretation. 6. Vote to repeal the existing standard and reduce driving width of a residential street from 26 feet to 25 feet. STAFF POSITION: The staff position has been, and continues to be, that a residential street width of 26 feet driving surface is desirable and should be maintained. However, there is no reason to believe that, in the event of an honest mistake confined to one area, that a 25 foot driving surface will have any significant impact on the driving public, future residents or public safety. The staff, therefore, believes that the variance from the standard is not a fatal flaw and should not preclude the developer from having streets accepted assuming all other standards are met. However, I do not believe the developer should realize a "windfall" from a mistake of this nature. Thus, I continue to believe that compensation to the city should be made in the form of a payment earmarked exclusively for street repair projects. While I do not believe such payment should be considered as one to mitigate damages, I do believe it sends a clear and certain message to citizens and developers that the city has enforceable standards, but it will work with those who do business in our community when events warrant that process. SOUTHERN LINKS VILLAGE STREETS MARCH 1, 1996 PAGE 3 SUMMARY: The Southern Links Village developer has placed about 2400 feet of curb in his subdivision. The curb is placed so that the street driving surface will be 25 feet rather than the norm of 26 feet. The mistake was found after all curb for the "Village" was in place. The developer desires to have Council authorization prior to completing the paving of the streets. The Council has a wide variety of options available. The Public Works Department has reviewed the situation and will recommend Council acceptance of the streets when that recommendation is appropriate and if all other standards are met. NOTE: The developer, Noble Sokolosky, will be present to present his request and may have a course of action to recommend to the Council. NOTE: If you have questions, please call Mr Carr (272-4958), Mr Cates (587-7447), or me. MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: CITY OF OWASSO CHARTER REVIEW COMMITTEE SUBJECT: RESULTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA DATE: FEBRUARY 2, 1996 Pursuant to your directive issued August 1, 1995, we have completed our review of The Charter of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. Our review began on September 12, 1995, the first of several special meetings which were conducted during the fall of 1995. The Charter Review Committee enlisted the assistance of Mr. Ron Cates and several other City of Owasso staff members to expedite the review process. During the course of our efforts we considered the language contained in the city charters and forms of government of six other Oklahoma cities. We compared and contrasted the documents to determine the validity and applicability of Owasso's Charter. With the assistance of Sherry Bishop, we were able to summarize the documents and consider their content and relative merits. As with the constitution, Owasso's city charter sets the framework within which the government of Owasso functions. Accordingly, it was the committee's opinion, that only with great care and careful consideration of the potential issues that may arise, that changes should be considered appropriate in the document. We were continually aware of the need for future generations of Owasso citizens to be able to rely on this charter for direction in guiding our city forward as we completed our work. Throughout the review process we solicited input from various parties regarding their thoughts and ideas related to potential changes in the existing charter. We were concerned that the document remain vital and relevant in light of the many complex issues confronting our community. In addition to the valuable input from several of the city staff, several area citizens also provided key input by adding their thoughts to ours. Now complete, our review lasted five months. We read, discussed, evaluated, debated and occasionally disagreed. Ultimately, we reviewed and approved as written, with one exception, each section of the entire document. We have attached hereto, as Exhibit A, our proposed revised language for Article 4, Section 1 of the Charter. We have also attached, as Exhibit B, draft language to update an ordinance related to Article 4, Section 2(a) regarding minimum competitive bids and City Manager purchasing authority. Proposed Change to Article 4, Section 1 According to the existing Charter, the City Treasurer is hired, managed and subject to disciplinary action solely by the City Manager. The City Manager, in turn, is appointed by the City Council. At no time does the City Council have any oversight over the activities of the City Treasurer, nor does it have the authority to hire or discipline such individual. While we believe the Charter is fully correct in its delegation of authority to the City Manager to hire and have authority over the City Treasurer without the direct intervention of the City Council, we are also concerned about the lack of the City Council's involvement in the hiring and discipline process. We developed revised language with the assistance of Mr. Ron Cates to address our concerns. It is important to note, we do not recommend as a committee for the City Council to in any way have administrative authority over the City Treasurer. Rather, we recommend adding a level of review to the hiring and discipline process related to the City Treasurer due to the important responsibilities of the position. Our recommendation would involve the City Council in affirming the hiring or firing of the City Treasurer if, and, or when the City Manager recommends such action. We believe this addition to the city charter will strengthen the checks and balances already built into the existing document. Proposed Ordinance Change Our review of the city charter uncovered an administrative difficulty which we believe should be addressed by the City Council at its earliest convenience. Article 4, Section 4-2(1) empowers the City Council to set purchase limits for materials and equipment required for the ordinary daily operation of the city government. It is our understanding the current ordinance requires prior City Council approval for all purchases in excess of $1,000 and competitive bidding for all purchases in excess of $2,000. We believe such amounts to be overly burdensome by current standards and would recommend increasing the limits set by the ordinance to $5,000 for both purchasing and bidding. The larger limit would allow the City Manger the discretion to address routine purchases without undue administrative delay, while still maintaining the approvals process for all expenditures that now exists. We have assembled, again with the assistance of Mr. Ron Cates, the necessary language to facilitate updating this ordinance for your consideration and approval. ' Conclusion The Owasso City Charter is an effective relevant framework for managing our community affairs. With the exception of the minor change we recommended, we found the document to be reasonable and fair. ~ Finally, we would like to express our appreciation to the City of Owasso personnel who facilitated our efforts including Sherry Bishop, Regena Parsons, Rodney Ray and Tim Rooney. We would also like to thank Mr. Ron Cates for his legal advice. ^ Respectfully Submitted, Mark Wilken, Chairman For the Committee RONALD D. CATES Attorney at Law Suite 680, PazkCentre 525 South Main Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103 918-582-7447 FAX 918-582-0166 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT DATE: Owasso Charter Review Commi Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney Proposed change in Owasso City Charter, Article 4 -Finance; Fiscal Affairs, Section 4-1, Department of Finance; City Treasurer. January 4, 1996 In accordance with direction given by the Committee I am proposing the following language to implement the desired change in the Charter of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, as relates to the above referred to Article. The proposed language is as follows, to-wit: There shall be a Department of Finance, the head of which shall be the City Treasurer. The City Manager, subject to approval of the City Council, shall appoint the City Treasurer for an indefinite term. The City Treasurer shall serve soley at the direction of the City Manager and shall perform the duties as prescribed by this Charter, applicable law, and such ordinances and other policies as the Council may adopt. The City Treasurer or personnel under his or her supervision and control shall collect or receive revenue and other money for the City; shall be responsible for its custody, safe keeping, deposit and disbursement, shall maintain a general accounting system for the City Government and shall have such other powers and duties consistent with this Charter as may be prescribed by ordinance or applicable law. The City Manager shall be the only authorized individual to direct the day to day activities of the City Treasurer. The City Manager shall be the only authorized officer to recommend a layoff, suspension, demotion or removal of the City Treasurer; provided, however, such layoff, suspension, demotion or removal shall be subject to City Council approval. E}~IIBIT "A" r~ CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PART 7 -FINANCE AND TAXATION, SECTION 7-105 WHEN PRIOR APPROVAL BY THE COUNCIL IS REQUIl2ED AND SECTION 7-107 WHEN COMPETTTIVE BIDDING IS NOT REQUIRED OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, AMENDING SAME BY INCREASING THE RESPECTIVE LIMITS TO THE AMOUNT OF FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS AND NO/100'S 05,000.00), DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT: SECTION 1: Part 7 Finance and Taxation, Section 7-105 When Prior Approval by the Council is Required and Section 7-107 When Competitive Bidding is not Required of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, be amended in the following respects, to-wit: SECTION 7-105 WHEN PRIOR APPROVAL BY THE COUNCIL IS REQUIRED. Every contract for, or purchase of, supplies, materials, equipment or contractual services for more than , .Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) shall require the prior approval of the city council; provided, however, the foregoing provision shall not be applicable to payments for medical services and supplies arising from claims against the Workers Compensation Self Insurance Fund. SECTION 7-107 WHEN COMPETITIVE BIDDING IS NOT REOUIRED. The following may be purchased without giving an opportunity for competitive bidding: 1. Supplies, materials, equipment or contractual services whose cost does not exceed ,Five Thousand Dollars ($5.000.001 in a single transaction; 2. Supplies, materials, equipment or contractual services which can be furnished only by a single dealer, or which have a uniform price wherever bought; 3. Supplies, materials, equipment or contractual services purchased from another unit of government at a price deemed below that obtainable from private dealers, including war surplus; 4. Equipment to replace existing equipment which has become inoperable when the council declares the purchase an emergency; 2780-288.owa/or6 EXHIBIT "B" 5. Contractual services, including but not limited to gas, electricity, telephone service, purchased from a public utility at a price or rate determined by the State Corporation Commission or other government authority; 6. Supplies, materials, equipment or contractual service when purchased at a price not exceeding a price set therefor by the state purchasing agency or any other state agency hereafter authorized to regulate prices for things purchased by the state, whether such price is determined by a contract negotiated with a vendor or otherwise; and 7. Contractual services of a professional nature, such as engineering, architectural and medical services. SECTION 2: This Ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days from the date of first publication as provided by state law. Dated this day of , 1996. CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ATTEST: Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney Charles L. Burris, Mayor 2780-288.owa/or6 MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: REGENA PARSONS SUBJECT: RANDOM ALCOHOL AND DRUG TESTING AGREEMENT DATE: FEBRUARY 28, 1996 BACKGROUND: Random alcohol and drug testing of all employees who are Commercial Drivers License (CDL) status and "safety sensitive" employees has been Federally mandated by the Department of ' Transportation (DOT). This rule became effective 1/1/96 for municipalities having fewer than 50 employees who meet this criteria. The City of Owasso currently has 25 employees who are subject to the random alcohol and drug testing procedures established by the DOT (49 CFR Part ~ 40, 382). The City Manager's Report of February 2, 1996 included a memorandum of December 28, 1995 and January 31, 1996 which detailed the specifics of this regulation and its procedures which must be followed. After reviewing procedures and costs associated with establishing a combination of in-house monitoring and local testing to meet the requirements set forth in the regulations, sources were researched and a determination was made that entering into an agreement with the Local Government Testing Consortium, (recently formed by Municipal Electric System- MESO) for the purpose of serving as athird-party administrator to assist in compliance with this new rule, would benefit the City and its employees. SUMMARY: Federal rules mandate that the City of Owasso comply with random alcohol and drug testing for employees who are required to have Commercial Driver Licenses (CDL) or who fall within the definition of safety-sensitive. It is the staff's position that in order to establish and maintain the integrity of the mandatory random alcohol and drug testing program, and the City employees who will be responsible for RANDOM ALCOHOL AND DRUG TESTING AGREEMENT r FEBRUARY 28, 1996 PAGE TWO the implementation and establishment of procedural guidelines for this policy; an independent "third-party" be granted authority to serve as the administrator of this government mandated ' regulation. It is also the position of the staff that the Local Government Testing Consortium is the entity that can best serve the needs of the City and the group that will be most responsive in this very sensitive area. The cost of $ 32.50 per employee to perform these services is significantly less expensive than establishing an independent contract with a testing facility and ~~ then the City establish itself as the "random' selector for employees to be tested. RECOMl~~NDATION: Staff recommends that a Consortium Member Agreement be entered into with Local Government ' Testing Consortium (LGTC), for a period of one year at a cost of $ 90 setup fee and $ 32.50 for each employee enrolled, for a total cost of $902.50. ATTACHMENTS: Memorandum of December 28, 1995 Memorandum of January 31, 1996 Consortium Member Agreement MEMORANDUM t TO: RODNEY J. RAY FROM: REGENA PARSONS SUBJECT: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ALCOHOL AND DRUG TESTING REQUIREMENTS CDL AND SAFETY SENSITIVE EMPLOYEES ' DATE: JANUARY 31, 1996 BACKGROUND• The DOT (Department of Transportation) rules include a drug and alcohol testing procedures rule (49 CFR Part 40, 382) which requires the City of Owasso (and all municipalities who have less than 50 CDL licensed employees) to begin random alcohol and drug testing for those employees who hold a CDL (Commercial Driver License) or are "safety sensitive" employees. In order to be classified as "safety sensitive" an employee must either hold CDL status, or have the probability to drive vehicles that fall within the FHWA (Federal Highway Administration) guidelines that require CDL licensing. The City of Owasso currently has 25 employees who meet this criteria. As a result of the mandate, safety sensitive employees are now required to be tested for alcohol and drug substances during: Pre-employment, Post-accident, Reasonable Suspicion, Random, Return to Duty and Follow-up. Random alcohol testing must be conducted just before, during, or just after an employee's performance of safety-sensitive duties. The employee is randomly selected for testing (usually from a "pool" of employees subject to testing). The testing dates and times are unannounced and are with unpredictable frequency throughout the year. Each year the number of random tests conducted by the employer must equal at least 25 of all safety-sensitive employees. There are penalties for violations which increase the DOT ALCOHOL AND DRUG TESTING January 31, 1996 Page Two of employees that must be tested. Violation adjustments are based on alcohol tests 0.04 or greater and refusals to test. To assist municipalities in implementing and managing this program, MESO (Municipal Electric Systems of Oklahoma) has established a Local Government Testing Consortium (LGTC). This Consortium, made up of many municipalities and their employees, provides employee and supervisory training, random alcohol and drug testing, reporting documents and test results, all within the guidelines established by the above rules. The purpose of this Consortium is to provide those services that are required to meet the guideline. The costs associated with those various services and provisions are listed below: 1. LGTC will furnish a program that will meet the testing programs as set out at 49 CFR Part 382. 2. LGTC will perform duties necessary including arranging for services of a certified drug testing laboratory and a Medical Review Officer. This includes random drug and alcohol testing for each employee that is subject to this testing, local collection and testing. 3. LGTC will give notice of random alcohol testing in conjunction with random drug testing. 4. Initial Fee. A setup fee of ninety dollars ($90) is assessed for the initial program year. 5. Random Drug and Alcohol Testing Fee. A random drug and alcohol testing fee of thirty-two dollars and fifty cents ($32.50) per program year is assessed for each covered employee in the pool subject to random drug and alcohol testing. This covers local collection by LGTC as well as testing. 6. Additional Drug Testing Fee. A fee of forty dollars ($40) is assessed for each pre-employment, post accident, reasonable suspicion, return to duty or follow-up drug test. 7. Alcohol Testing. The consortium will give notice of random alcohol testing in conjunction with random drug testing. No additional fee is required for the notice and record keeping. DOT ALCOHOL AND DRUG TESTING January 31, 1996 Page Three However, in order to generate records of alcohol testing required by federal rules, the results of alcohol tests must be reported to the Consortium by fax or mail. SUMMARY: Federal rules mandate the City of Owasso comply with random alcohol and drug testing for employees who are required to have Commercial Driver Licenses (CDL) or who fall within the definition of safety-sensitive. *, The Local Government Testing Consortium (LGTC) was formed specifically to meet the needs of municipalities in their administration of this new policy. Because of the participation of many cities, economic savings aze realized as well as the benefit of a "third-parry" administering this program and monitoring the compliance of this law. Even though the economic savings is r substantial, perhaps an even more valuable benefit of this "third-pazty" concept is due to the very sensitive nature of drug and alcohol testing. An off-site party randomly selecting personnel ' to be tested gives not only the employee a sureness of anonymity, but also removes the employer from that selection process. The cost of $ 32.50 per employee to perform these services is significantly less expensive than establishing an independent contract with a testing facility and ~ then the City establish itself as the "random' selector for employees to be tested. It is the staff's position that in order to establish and maintain the integrity of the mandatory random alcohol and drug testing program, and the City employees who will be responsible for the implementation and establishment of procedural guidelines for this policy; an independent "third-party" be granted authority to serve as the administrator of this government mandated regulation. It is also the position of the staff that the Local Government Testing Consortium is the entity that can best serve the needs of the City and the group that will be most responsive in this very sensitive area. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that a Consortium Member Agreement be entered into with Local Government Testing Consortium (LGTC), for a period of one year at a cost of $ 90 setup fee and $ 32.50 for each employee enrolled, for a total cost of $ 902.50. ~~ ATTACHMENTS: Memorandum of December 28, 1995 Consortium Member Agreement MEMORANDUM TO: RODNEY J. RAY FROM: REGENA PARSONS SUBJECT: 1996 ALCOHOL AND DRUG TESTING REQUIREMENTS DATE: DECEMBER 28, 1995 BACKGROUND: Effective January 1, 1996, public entities with 50 or fewer employees who are required as a part of their job duties to have a Commercial Driver's License (CDL), must now comply with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) ruling mandating random testing those employees for alcohol and controlled substances. The DOT (Department of Transportation) rules (49 CFR Part 40) specifically established procedures for urine drug testing and alcohol testing. The urine drug testing procedures rule was issued in December 1989 and governs drug testing programs mandated by the FHWA. The 1994 amendments to Part 40 add breath alcohol testing (BAT) procedures and additional urine specimen collection procedures that provide for split urine specimens. The DOT rules also cover safety-sensitive employees. City of Owasso employees subject to these rules are all employees who hold CDL status and have, or have the probability, to drive vehicles that are within the FHWA (Federal Highway Administration) classification. The City of Owasso currently has 25 employees who fall within the classifications of either CDL licensed or safety-sensitive. Safety sensitive employees are now required to be tested for alcohol and drug substances at: Pre-employment, Post-accident, Reasonable suspicion, Random, Return to duty and Follow-up. Random alcohol testing must be conducted just before, during, or just after an employee's performance of safety-sensitive duties. The employee is randomly selected for testing (usually from a "pool" of employees subject to testing). The testing dates and times are unannounced and are with unpredictable frequency throughout the year. Each year the number of random tests conducted by the employer must equal at least 25 % of all safety-sensitive employees. There are penalties for violations which ' 1996 ALCOHOL AND DRUG TESTING December 28, 1995 Page Two increase the % of employees that must be tested. Violation adjustments are based on ' alcohol tests 0.04 or greater and refusals to test. Municipal Electric Systems of Oklahoma (MESO) on a quarterly basis provides safety and regulation training for Public Works and other City employees. MESO has established a Local Government Testing Consortium (LGTC) to meet the needs of many smaller municipalities who are now required to administer random alcohol and drug testing for CDL licensed employees. An important part of the MESO training will include necessary training for supervisors. ' During the first quarter of 1996, the safety training module for the City of Owasso, will incorporate not only the MESO training, but an additional program provided by Oklahoma Municipal Assurance Group (OMAG), the current liability carrier, that will give additional ' training and information to supervisory personnel as well as acquaint supervisors and department directors with the facets of "random suspicion". Dr. Edwinna Trout will present this section and also will specifically "tailor" the program if, at a later date, we wish to include other employees. CDL employees, supervisors, department directors must all receive training. In order to establish and maintain the integrity of the random alcohol and drug program and the City employees who will be responsible for the implementation and establishing procedural guidelines for this policy, it is recommended that Local Government Testing Consortium (LGTC) be granted authority to serve as the "third-party" administrator of this government mandated regulation. Services and the costs associated with the LGTC program are: 1. LGTC will furnish a program that will meet the testing programs as set out at 49 CFR Part 382. 2. LGTC will perform duties necessary including arranging for services of a certified drug testing laboratory and a Medical Review Officer. This includes random drug and alcohol testing for each employee that is subject to this testing, local collection and testing. 3. LGTC will give notice of random alcohol testing in conjunction with random drug testing. 4. Initial Fee. A setup fee of ninety dollars ($90) is assessed for the initial program year. 5. Random Drug and Alcohol Testing Fee. A random drug and alcohol testing fee of thirty- two dollars and fifty cents ($32.50) per program year is assessed for each covered employee 1996 ALCOHOL AND DRUG TESTING December 28, 1995 Page Three „_ in the pool subject to random drug and alcohol testing. This covers local collection by LGTC as well as testing. 6. Additional Drug Testing Fee. A fee of forty dollars ($40) is assessed for each pre- "'" employment, post accident, reasonable suspicion, return to duty or follow-up drug test. Mandatory post accident drug and alcohol testing is a recommendation and part of the draft ~ risk management manual to be introduced to department directors later this month. Ms. ~ Dempster, Personnel, and I have met to review and discuss the applicability of the addition of this policy and procedure for recommendation as an inclusion and a part of the review of ~ the Personnel Handbook. ~~ 7. Alcohol Testing. The consortium will give notice of random alcohol testing in ~ conjunction with random drug testing. No additional fee is required for the notice and record '~ keeping. However, in order to generate records of alcohol testing required by federal rules, the results of alcohol tests must be reported to the consortium by fax or mail. ~~ The next quarterly safety meeting presented by MESO will be January 10, 1995. In addition to winter working and driving safety training, this meeting will include information explaining the new alcohol and drug testing requirements for CDL licensed employees. Once employees have been notified of the implementation of this regulation, City employees will be given thirty (30) days notice before changes shall take effect. LOCAL GOVERNMENT TESTING CONSORTIUM SUBSTANCE ABUSE PREVENTION PROGRAM COMMERCIAL DRIVERS Consortium Member Agreement This agreement is entered into this day of , 1996 between the Local Government Testing Consortium (LGTC) and the City of Owasso (Employer/Contractor). LGTC and the Employer/Contractor agrees as follows: 1. In order to comply with the requirements for alcohol and controlled substances testing programs for commercial drivers as set out in 49 CFR Part 382 (the Regulations), the Employer/Contractor will adopt LGTC's "Substance Abuse Prevention Program for Commercial Drivers" (Program). 2. The Program is offered by LGTC as a service to its members, but responsibility for compliance with the Regulations remains with the Employer/Contractor. 3. Membership in the consortium will be open to units of government and non-profit corporations. 4. LGTC will perform all duties necessary in the operation of the consortium, including arranged for services of a DHHS-certified drug testing laboratory and a Medical Review Officer (MRO). 5. The Employer/Contractor will comply with all elements of the LGTC Program and with all applicable provisions of the Regulations. 6. The Employer/Contractor, as appropriate, will pay to LGTC the fees set out in the fee schedule. The fee schedule is subject to periodic amendment as set out in Paragraph Seven. 7. The fees set out in the fee schedule will remain in effect through December 31, 1996. 8. LGTC will make a reasonable attempt to arrange for local specimen collection sit. LGTC, however, urges employers to consider doing their own drug specimen collection and alcohol tests. 9. The Employer/Contractor will provide to LGTC upon entering the consortium the name and Social Security number of each employee subject to drug and alcohol testing under the Program. 10. The Employer/Contractor will provide timely notification to LGTC of the name and Social Security number of each new employee covered by the Program. The employer will provide timely notification to LGTC when an employee is terminated or otherwise no longer subject to drug testing under the Program. 11. This agreement shall remain in force and in effect for one (1) year. During the contract period, it may be terminated by either of the parties, upon thirty (30) days written notice, or at such time as federal regulations under which this agreement is executed are not longer applicable. WITNESS this day of 1996. Employer/Contractor Signature Title LOCAL GOVERNMENT TESTING CONSORTIUM Signature Title LOCAL GOVERNMENT TESTING CONSORTIUM SUBSTANCE ABUSE PREVENTION PROGRAM COMMERCIAL DRIVERS Consortium Member Agreement Fee Schedule The following fees apply for services performed under the LGTC Substance Abuse Prevention Program 1. Initial Fee. Each participating employer or independently participating contract is assessed a setup fee of ninety dollars ($90) for the initial program year. 2. Random Drug and Alcohol Testing Fee. A random drug and alcohol testing fee of thirty-two dollars and fifty cents ($32.50) per program year is assessed for each covered employee subject to random drug and alcohol testing. This covers local collection by LGTC as well as testing. A fee of eighteen dollars ($18) per program year is assessed for employers who do their own collection, and alcohol testing. 3. Additional Drug Testing Fee. A fee of forty dollars ($40) is assessed for each pre-employment, post accident, reasonable suspicion, return to duty or follow-up drug test. 4. Alcohol Testing. The consortium will give notice of random alcohol testing in conjunction with random drug testing. No additional fee is required for the notice and record keeping. However, in order to generate records of alcohol testing required by federal rules, the results of alcohol tests must be reported to the consortium by fax or mail. 3 MEMORANDUM ' TO: ' FROM: SUBrTECT: .,~ - DATE: ~ BACKGROUND: RODNEY J. RAY CITY MANAGER F. ROBERT CARR, JR., P.E. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR C-~ u~~„~~ AGREEMENT FOR MUNICIPAL STREET LIGHTING SERVICE (PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF OKLAHOMA) February 13, 1996 On July 1, 1987, the Owasso City Council approved a contract with the Public Service Company of Oklahoma (PSO) for the purpose of providing street lighting services to the city of Owasso. The contract has not been changed since it was executed in 1987; however, a resolution was approved in September 1991 authorizing additional street lighting to be added to the contract. In order that both the City and PSO can accurately account for billing and placement/relocation of street lights, an Agreement has been drafted to cover the period of July 1, 1996 to June 30, 1997. The contents of the Agreement have been reviewed, amended and approved by the City Attorney. PRESENT LIGHTING INVENTORY• Attached to the Agreement is a tabulation of a total of 7241ights presently in use within the city limits. All of the present inventory are sodium vapor lights. These lights are less costly to operate than the old-style mercury vapor lights. ~ Public Works Department staff is charged with the responsibility to verify the need for street lighting when requests are made. The basic purpose of street lighting is for traffic safety, with ~ a secondary purpose of neighborhood safety and security. Requests for lighting in these areas are made through the Public works Department. Installation of additional lighting are authorized in writing by the Public Works director and PSO will not install lights without the authorization. Page 2 Agreement for Municipal Street Lighting Service OPERATION COSTS: The rates for municipal street lighting are set by the Oklahoma Corporation Commission. Costs for operation of street lights for the past 5 years are summarized as follows: Fiscal Year Actual Costs Notes 1991-92 $38,597.15 1992-93 $39,503.01 1993-94 $39, 659.48 1994-95 $17,977.22 Rate structure revised 1995-96 $18,000.00 Budgeted amount FUNDING SOURCE: Funds for street lighting are included in the Public Works Department (Street Division) operations budget (Line Item 51-410-5322). As indicated above, the present amount budgeted is $18,000.00 for FY95-96. RECONIlVIENDATION: Staff recommends Council approve the Agreement for Municipal Street Lighting Service with Public Service of Oklahoma for the period of July 1, 1996 to June 30, 1997 and authorize the Mayor to execute the Agreement. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Agreement for Municipal Street Lighting Service AGREEMENT FOR MUNICIPAL STREET LIGHTING SERVICE ' This agreement made and entered into this day of , 199_E> by and between the Public Service Company of Oklahoma, an Oklahoma corporation, its successors and assigns, herein after called "Company" and City of Owasso herein aRer called "Customer". (name of municipal corporation) ' This agreement shall supersede all other municipal street, highway, and other lighting contracts or agreements between Company and Customer. This agreement shall remain in effect from July 1,1996 to June 30, 1997. ~ INVENTORY Company shall maintain a current physical inventory by size and location of all lighting installed for the Customer. The Company shall provide the Customer with copies of this inventory upon request. REQUESTING NEW INSTALLATIONS Company shall install additional lighting at its own expense when requested in writing by the Customer. Any such request for additional lighting shall be in writing signed by an appropriate official of the Customer and shall indicate the number of lights, size and actual physical location of the additional lighting. TARIFF Installation practices, prices and payment terms for all services supplied by Company pursuant hereto are subject to and controlled by the Company's Municipal Street Lighting Tariff referred to as Attachment A hereto, as amended or revised from time to time. INSTALLATION Company shall famish, install, maintain and operate electric street, highway, and other azea lighting requested by the Customer including but not limited to poles, wires, cables and fixtures. All such municipal lighting shall be within the territorial boundaries of the Customer. MAINTENANCE Company shall exercise reasonable caze in maintaining all said street, highway and other area lighting facilities. Company shall perform necessary repairs and maintain and operate all street, highway and other azea lighting at the expense of the Company except in the case of unavoidable occurrences beyond the Company's control. Customer shall diligently report to the Company all lighting facilities that are not operating. Company shall use diligence in repairing these non-operating lighting facilities during normal business hours. RELOCATIONS Customer may submit a written request authorized by the appropriate officials for the Company to relocate lighting facilities. Company will be reimbursed by the Customer for all costs associated with the requested relocation except to the extent such costs would otherwise have been paid by Company pursuant to the franchise between Customer and Company. TITLE Company retains full title to all lighting facilities heretofore or hereafter installed for the Customer under this contract. LIABILITY Company shall not be liable to Customer or third party for loss or damage caused by the installation of lighting facilities or interruption or failure of service or delay in commencing lighting service if due to an accident or breakdown of plant, lines, or equipment or strike, act of God, or causes beyond the Company's control or due to shut down for reasonable periods for repair to Company's equipment. In no event shall the Company be liable to anyone for special, indirect, incidental or consequential damages of any kind whatsoever, even though such damages may be foreseeable. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF OKLAHOMA CUSTOMER'S OFFICIAL Date MAILING ADDRESS _ City of Owasso VICE PRESIDENT OR DESIGNEE Date P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 Public Service Co mpany of Oklahoma . . PUD 1342 Attachment A A. Municipal Street Lighting (MSL) Price Codes 0830-0832 Effective Date 01 28 94 This puce schedule is available under written contract to municipalities, with a Franchise Agreement on file with the Company for the purpose of lighting highways, streets, and other areas. Price Code Type of Lighting Service Watts Lumens kWh Monthly Price. Mercury Vapor Lights (No longer available) 0830-E Customer Traffic Light Pole 175 7,000 68 $2.20 0830-F Company Existing or New Wood Pole 175 7,000 68 $2.20 0830-G Company Fiberglass or Steel Pole 175 7,000 68 $2 20 0830-J Customer Traffic Light Pole 400 20,000 148 . $5.60 0830-K Company Existing or New Wood Pole. 400 20,000 148 $5.60 0830-L Company Fiberglass or Steel Pole 400 20,000 148 $5.60 Sodium Vapor Lights . 0832-A Customer Traffic Light Pole 100 9,500 41 $2.20 0832-B Company Existing or New Wood Pole 100 9,500 41 $2.20 0832-C Company Fiberglass or Steel Pole 100 9,500 41 $2.20 0832-D Customer Traffic Light Pole ISO . ' 16,000 65 $3.45 0832-E Company Existing or New Wood Pole 150 16,000 65 $3.45 0832-F Company Fiberglass or Steel Pole 150 16,000 65 $3.45 0832-G Customer Traffic Light Pole 200 22,000 78 $4.10 0832-I~ Company Existing or New Wood Pole 200 22,000 78 $4.10 0832-I Company Fiberglass or Steel Pole 200 22,000 78 $4.10 0832-J Customer Traffic Light Pole 250 27,500 105 $5.60 0832-K Company Existing or New Wood Pole 250 27,500 105 $5.60 0832-L Company Fiberglass or Steel Pole 250 27,500 105 $5.60 0832-M Customer Traffic Light Pole 400 50,000 166 $8.80 0832-N Company Existing or New Wood Pole 400 50,000 166 $8.80 0832-P Company Fiberglass or Steel Pole 400 50,000 166 $8.80 B. Miscellaneous Lighting Systems Price Code 0831 Customer-owned miscellaneous lighting systems will be charged $0.053/kWh per month for each , fixture. C. Special or Non-Standard Facilities Whenever the customer requests the Company to install special or non-standard facilities and there are no engineering, construction, safety, legal, or practical reasons which would, in the Company's judgment, make such installation inadvisable, the company will make such installation provided the customer pays to the Company: 1) the difference (non-refundable) between the installed cost of the non-standazd facilities and the current installed cost of comparable standard facilities, or 2) the total installed cost of the non-standard facilities. The monthly prices shown in Section A or B would then apply. NOTE: In order to calculate the monthly bill using the above prices you must use the appropriate fuel cost adjustment which is shown on each month's bill. ~,~~~ Page 1 Street Lights for OWASSO 1'22'x6 ~ Location Watts Pole Type TWN RNG SEC Grid 1 SWC of Lynn Ave. & Mill St. 100 Wood 16 16 2 2624 ' 2 SEC of 11314 94th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 13 12 7770 3 NWC of E. 114th St. N. & 94th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 13 12 8077 4 NEC of 9332 E. 113th St. N. 100 Wood 21 13 12 8165 S Cul-de-sac on N. 95th E. Ave. N. of E. 113th St. N. 100 Wood 21 13 12 8569 ' 6 Owasso Lift Station 100 Wood 21 13 12 9007 7 Civil Defense Siren @ SEC of 9427E 114th St N 175 Wood 21 13 12 9075 8 NWC of E. 114th St. N. i~ 96th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 13 12 9473 9 NEC of E. 113th St. N. 8 96th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 13 12 9566 10 NEC of 11413 96th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 13 12 9581 11 NWC of 11433 96th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 13 12 9687 ~ 12 NEC of 96th E. Ave. & 96th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 13 12 9776 13 SWC of 9611 96th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 13 12 9791 14 NEC of 116th St. N. & 113th E. Ave. 250 Traffic 21 14 5 0101 15 NEC of E. 116th PI. 8~ N. 103rd E. Ave. 175 Wood 21 14 6 3905 r 16 NEC of E. 116th St. N. & 103rd PI. 100 Wood 21 14 6 4201 17 SWC of 10323 E. 116th PI. 175 Wood 21 14 6 4204 18 NWC of 11659 N. 103rd E. Ave. 175 Wood 21 14 6 4318 19 NEC of E. 116th PI. 8 N. 104th E. Ave. 175 Wood 21 14 6 4505 20 SEC of 11810 N. 104th E. Ave. 175 Wood 21 14 6 4818 21 NWC of 116th St. N. & 113th E. Ave. 250 Traffic 21 14 6 9901 22 Sports Plex Entrance (116th St N & 103rd E Ave) 100 Wood 21 14 7 3798 23 Sports Plex Entrance (116th St N & 103rd E Ave) 100 Wood 21 14 7 3898 24 W. side of 113th St. 8~ 106th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 7 5571 25 SWC of 114th St. & 106th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 7 5580 ~ 26 NEC of 112th St. i~ 106th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 7 5657 27 SEC of 112th PI. & 106th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 7 5663 28 2nd pole E. of 113th St. & 106th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 7 6171 ' 29 2nd pole E. of 112th St. & 106th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 7 6257 30 2nd pole E. of 114th St. & 106th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 7 6481 31 1st pole N. of E. 109th PI. N. & 108th E. Ave. 100 Steel 21 14 7 6635 32 SWC of E. 110th St. N. & 108th E. Ave. 175 Steel 21 14 7 6643 ~ 33 2nd pole E. of 113th PI. & 106th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 7 6664 34 SEC of E. 109th PI. N. 8 108th E. Ave. 100 Steel 21 14 7 6728 ~, 35 SWC of 116th St. & 109th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 7 6899 36 NEC of 114th St. 8 109th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 7 6982 37 1st pole E. of E. 110th St. N. 8 108th E. Ave. 100 Steel 21 14 7 7243 38 Open field SE of E. 109th PI. & 108th E. Ave. 100 Steel 21 14 7 7527 39 2nd pole NE of E. 109th PI. N. & 108th E. Ave. 100 Steel 21 14 7 7534 40 3rd pole E. of 112th St. & 106th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 7 7556 41 SWC of 110th E. Ave. & 114th St. 100 Wood 21 14 7 7682 42 NEC of E. 110th St. N. 8~ N. 110th E. Ave. 100 Steel 21 14 7 7842 43 2nd pole W. of 112th PI. 8~ 112th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 7 8164 44 2nd pole W. of 113th St. & 112th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 7 8171 45 Cul-de-sac on E. 110th St. N NE of N 110th E Ave 100 Fiberglass 21 14 7 8244 . . . . 46 Cul-de-sac on 111th E. Ave. S. of 114th St. 100 Wood 21 14 7 8279 47 SEC of 114th St. & 111th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 7 8282 48 1st pole NW of E. 109th St. N. & N. 110th E. Ave. 100 Steel 21 14 7 8333 ~ 49 SWC of 114th St. & 112th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 7 8782 50 NEC of 112th St. & 112th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 7 8857 51 SEC of 112th PI. & 112th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 7 8864 52 E. side of 113th St. & 112th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 7 8871 53 1st pole E. of E. 109th St. N. & N. 110th E. Ave. 100 Steel 21 14 7 9331 ~ 54 1st pole W. of E. 109th St. N. & 113th E. Ave. 250 Wood 21 14 7 9831 55 SWC of 116th St. N. 8 Garnett Rd. 250 Traffic 21 14 7 9999 e 56 6th pole S. of E. 113th St. N. & 113th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 8 0154 Page 1 Street Lights for OWASSO 1i2zrss Location Watts Pole Type TWN RNG SEC Grid 57 4th pole N. of E. 113th St. N. & 113th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 8 0184 58 SEC of 116th St. N. & 113th E. Ave. 250 Traffic 21 14 8 0199 59 STLGT on Garnett Rd. between 96th & 101st St. N. 250 Wood 21 14 17 0133 60 STLGT on Garnett Rd. between 96th & 101st St. N. 250 Wood 21 14 17 0134 61 STLGT on Garnett Rd. between 96th & 101st St. N. 250 Wood 21 14 17 0138 62 STLGT on Garnett Rd. between 96th l;< 101st St. N. 250 Wood 21 14 17 0140 63 STLGT on Garnett Rd. between 96th & 101st St. N. 250 Wood 21 14 17 0143 64 STLGT on Garnett Rd. between 96th & 101st St. N. 250 Wood 21 14 17 0145 65 Cul-de-sac on E. 96th PI. N. SW of N. 107th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 18 5204 66 SEC of 9626 N. 107th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 18 5211 67 SEC of E. 97th PI. & N. 107th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 18 5216 68 SWC of E. 98th St. & N. 107th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 18 5222 69 NEC of E. 99th St. N. & S. 107th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 18 5229 70 SEC of E. 99th PI. N. 8 N. 107th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 18 5234 71 SWC of E. 100th St. N. 8~ N. 107th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 18 5241 72 SWC of 10701 E. 101st St. N. 8~ N. 107th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 18 5445 73 NWC of 10610 E. 96th PI. N. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 18 5604 74 W. side of E. 96th PI. N. & N. 107th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 18 5607 75 Cul-de-sac on E. 97th PI. E. of N. 107th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 18 5716 76 Cul-de-sac on 108th E. Ave. S. of E. 101st St. N. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 18 5839 77 Cul-de-sac on N. 107th E. PI. N. of E. 96th PI. N. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 18 5911 78 NWC of E. 99th St. N. & N. 108th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 18 5929 79 SWC of E. 99th PI. N. & N. 108th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 18 5934 80 SWC of E. 101 St. N. & N. 108th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 18 6045 81 Cul-de-sac on N. 108th E. Ave. S. of E. 96th PI. N. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 18 6203 82 SWC of E. 96th PI. N. 8 N. 108th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 18 6206 83 NWC of 9705 N. 108th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 18 6415 84 SEC of E. 98th St. N. & N. 108th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 18 6422 85 Cul~le-sac on E. 100th St. W. of N. 109th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 18 6440 86 SWC of 10805 E. 101st St. N. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 18 6446 87 NEC of E. 99th St. N. 8~ N. 108th E. PI. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 18 6529 88 SEC of E. 99th PI. N. & N. 108th E. PI. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 18 6534 89 NEC of 96th St. N. & N. 109th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 18 6900 90 NWC of E. 101st St. N. 8 N. 109th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 18 6945 91 SEC of E. 96th PI. N. & N. 109th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 18 7006 92 Cul-de-sac on N. 109th E. Ave. N. of E. 97th St. N. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 18 7017 93 NWC of E. 98th St. 8~ N. 109th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 18 7024 94 NWC of E. 99th St. N. & N. 109th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 18 7029 95 NWC of E. 99th PI. N. & N. 109th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 18 7034 96 NWC of E. 100th St. N. & N. 109th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 18 7040 97 NEC of E. 97th St. N. & N. 109th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 18 7112 98 SWC of E. 96th PI. N. & N. 110th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 18 7507 99 Cul-de-sac on N. 110th E. Ave. S. of E. 96th PI. N. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 18 7604 100 NWC of E. 97th St. N. & N. 110th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 18 7612 101 NEC of E. 97th PI. N. & N. 110th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 18 7616 102 SEC of E. 98th St. N. & N. 110th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 18 7621 103 Cul-de-sac on E. 97th PI. N. E. of N. 110th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 18 8015 104 Cul-de-sac on E. 96th PI. N. W. of N. 111th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 18 8204 105 Cul-de-sac on E 97th St. N. W. of N. 111th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 18 8210 106 SEC of E. 98th St. N. 8 N. 111th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 18 8520 107 NEC of 96th St. N. ~ N. 111th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 18 8601 108 NEC of 96th PI. N. E. of N. 111th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 18 8604 109 NEC of 9704 N. 111th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 18 8615 110 SEC of 97th St. N. & N. 111th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 18 8710 111 Cul-de-sac on 96th PI. E. of N. 111th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 18 9104 112 Cul-de-sac on 97th St. E. of N. 111th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 18 9110 Page 2 Street Lights for OWASSO 1'22'x6 Location Watts Pole Type TWN RNG SEC Grid 113 Cul-de-sac on N. 112th E. Ave. S. of E. 98th St. N. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 18 9416 114 SWC of E. 98th St. N. 8 N. 112th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 18 9521 115 NWC of 96th St. N. 8~ 113th E. Ave. 250 Wood 21 14 18 9901 116 SWC of E. 98th St. N. & 113th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 18 9921 117 NWC of E. 98th St. N. & 113th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 18 9922 118 NEC of 11203 E. 98th St. N. 100 Wood 21 14 18 9925 119 SWC of 99th St. N. & 113th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 18 9927 120 STLGT on 86th St. N. between Mingo 8~ Garnett 250 Wood 21 14 19 5001 121 1st pole W. of W. 18th & N. Main Sts. 100 Steel 21 14 19 5040 122 SWC of 1N. 17th & Atlanta Sts. 100 Steel 21 14 19 5234 123 NWC of W. 20th St. & N. Atlanta Ct. 100 Steel 21 14 19 5253 124 NEC of W. 16th 8~ N. Atlanta Sts. 100 Steel 21 14 19 5328 125 Cul-de-sac on N. Attanta Ct. N. of W. 20th St. 100 Steel 21 14 19 5359 126 STLGT on 86th St. N. between Mingo & Garnett 250 Wood 21 14 19 5601 127 N. side of W. 20th St. & N. Main St. 100 Steel 21 14 19 5850 128 SEC of W. 18th & N. Main Sts. 100 Steel 21 14 19 5940 129 NWC of 86th St. N. & Main St. 250 Traffic 21 14 19 6001 130 NWC of W. 19th & N. Main Sts. 175 Steel 21 14 19 6047 131 STLGT on 86th St. N. between Mingo & Garnett 250 Wood 21 14 19 6101 132 Cul-de-sac on E. 18th St. N. W. of Birch St. 175 Steel 21 14 19 6440 133 Cul-de-sac on E. 24th St. W. of Birch St. 100 Steel 21 14 19 6470 134 1st pole N. of E. 20th St. & Main St. 100 Steel 21 14 19 6555 135 Cul-de-sac on E. 20th St. E. of Main St. 100 Steel 21 14 19 6751 136 SEC of E. 13th & Birch Sts. 100 Wood 21 14 19 6812 137 SWC of E. 16th & Ash Sts. 175 Steel 21 14 19 6828 138 STLGT on 86th St. N. between Mingo & Garnett 100 Wood 21 14 19 6901 139 NEC of E. 24th St. & Birch St. 100 Steel 21 14 19 6973 140 NWC of E. 17th 8 Birch Sts. 100 Steel 21 14 19 7135 141 NWC of E. 18th 8 Birch Sts. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 19 7140 142 SWC of E. 19th 8~ Birch Sts. 100 Steel 21 14 19 7146 143 NEC of E. 16th & Birch Sts. 100 Steel 21 14 19 7228 144 NWC of E. 21st St. & Birch St. 100 Steel 21 14 19 7258 145 SWC of E. 22nd Ct. & Birch St. 100- Steel 21 14 19 7263 146 SEC of E. 23rd St. & Birch St. 100 Steel 21 14 19 7266 147 NEC of E. 20th St. & Birch St. 100 Steel 21 14 19 7352 148 SWC of E. 19th St. & Cedar Sts. 100 Steel 21 14 19 7746 149 NWC of E. 20th St. & N. Cedar St. 100 Steel 21 14 19 7753 150 SEC of E. 22nd St. & N. Cedar St. 100 Steel 21 14 19 7760 151 Cul-de-sac on E. 24th St. W. of Dogwood St. 100 Steel 21 14 19 7773 152 SEC of E. 14th 8~ Cedar Sts. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 19 7815 153 NWC of E. 16th & N. Cedar Sts. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 19 7828 154 SEC of E. 17th St. N. & Cedar St. 100 Steel 21 14 19 7836 155 SEC of E. 18th St. N. & Cedar St. 100 Steel 21 14 19 7841 156 2nd pole E. of E. 23rd St. N. & Birch St. 100 Steel 21 14 19 7866 157 SEC of 1302 Cedar St. 175 Steel 21 14 19 8110 158 NWC of E. 14th St. N. & Dogwood St. 100 Steel 21 14 19 8416 159 Cul-de-sac on Dogwood St. N. of E. 14th St. N. 100 Steel 21 14 19 8421 160 NWC of E. 16th St. N. & Dogwood St. 100 Steel 21 14 19 8428 161 NEC of E. 19th St. N. & Dogwood St. 100 Steel 21 14 19 8447 162 NEC of E. 20th Ct. & N. Dogwood St. 100 Steel 21 14 19 8452 163 SEC of E. 21st Ct. li< N. Dogwood St. 100 Steel 21 14 19 8457 164 NWC of E. 22nd St. & N. Dogwood St. 100 Steel 21 14 19 8462 165 NWC of E. 23rd St. & Dogwood St. 100 Steel 21 14 19 8467 166 SWC of E. 24th St. 8 N. Dogwood St. 100 Steel 21 14 19 8471 167 STLGT on 86th St. N. between Mingo 8~ Garnett 250 Wood 21 14 19 8602 168 STLGT on 86th St. N. between Mingo & Garnett 250 Wood 21 14 19 8700 Yr Page 3 Street Lights for OWASSO 1i2vs6 Location Watts Pole Type TWN RNG SEC Grid 169 STLGT on 86th St. N. between Mingo & Garnett 250 Wood 21 14 19 8804 170 STLGT on 86th St. N. between Mingo & Garnett 250 Wood 21 14 19 9004 171 NWC of 1411 Elm St. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 19 9020 172 NWC of E. 16th St. N. & Elm St. 100 Steel 21 14 19 9028 173 NWC of E 17th St. N. & Elm St. 100 Steel 21 14 19 9036 174 NWC of E. 18th St. N. & Elm St. 100 .Steel 21 14 19 9042 175 SWC of E. 19th St. N. 8 Elm St. 100 Steel 21 14 19 9046 176 Cul-de-sac on E. 20th Ct. E. of N. Dogwood St. 100 Steel 21 14 19 9152 177 Cul-de-sac on' E. 21st St. E. of N. Dogwood St. 100 Steel 21 14 19 9158 178 STLGT on 86th St. N. between Mingo i;< Garnett 250 Wood 21 14 19 9305 179 NWC of 86th St. N. at Exit Ramp off Hwy 169 250 Traffic 21 14 19 9401 180 STLGT on 86th St. N. between Mingo 8 Garnett 250 Wood 21 14 19 9406 181 NEC of 86th St. N. at Exit Ramp off Hwy 169 250 Traffic 21 14 19 9601 182 9100 Block of Garnett Rd. (Theator Heights Shop Ctr.) 250 Wood 21 14 19 9831 183 9102 Garnett Rd. (Strip Shopping Center) 100 Wood 21 14 19 9835 184 SWC of E. 22nd St. 8 113th E. Ave. 250 Wood 21 14 19 9863 185 1st pole W. of E. 19th St. N. 8~ 113th E. Ave. 250 Wood 21 14 19 9896 186 SEC of 96th St. N. i~ 113th E. Ave. 250 Wood 21 14 20 0099 187 NWC of 86th St. N. & Mingo Valley Expwy 250 Traffic 21 14 20 1101 188 5th pole N. of 86th St. N. & Mingo Valley Expwy 250 Wood 21 14 20 1112 189 6th pole N. of 86th St. N. & Mingo Valley Expwy 250 Wood 21 14 20 1115 190 2nd pole N. of 86th St. N. & Mingo Valley Expwy 250 Wood 21 14 20 1303 191 3rd pole N. of 86th St. N. & Mingo Valley Expwy 250 Wood 21 14 20 1306 192 4th pole N. of 86th St. N. & Mingo Valley Expwy 250 Wood 21 14 20 1308 193 STLGT on 86th St. N. between 113th & 129th E. Aves. 250 Traffic 21 14 20 1401 194 STLGT on 86th St. N. between 113th 8~ 129th E. Aves. 250 Wood 21 14 20 2000 195 STLGT on 86th St. N. between 113th 8~ 129th E. Aves. 250 Wood 21 14 20 2300 196 STLGT on 86th St. N. between 113th & 129th E. Aves. 250 Wood 21 14 20 2500 197 SEC of 8902 N. 119th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 20 2627 198 SWC of 8913 N. 119th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 20 2735 199 SEC of 11901 90th St. N. 100 Wood 21 14 20 2746 200 STLGT on 86th St. N. between 113th & 129th E. Aves. 250 Wood 21 14 20 2800 201 SWC of 8925 119th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 20 2942 202 Cul-de-sac on N. 120th E. Ave. S. of 90th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 20 3135 203 STLGT on 86th St. N. between 113th & 129th E. Aves. 250 Wood 21 14 20 3200 204 SWC of 88th St. N. & 120th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 20 3220 205 SEC of 8812 120th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 20 3228 206 SEC of 88th PI. N. & 120th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 20 3322 207 SWC of 90th St. N. & N. 120th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 20 3346 208 NWC of 8921 N. 120th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 20 3549 209 SEC of 87th PI. N. i3< 120th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 20 3613 210 SWC of 12009 89th PI. N. 100 Wood 21 14 20 3635 211 STLGT on 86th St. N. between 113th & 129th E. Aves. 250 Wood 21 14 20 3800 212 Cul-de-sac on 88th PI. N. E. of 120th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 20 3821 213 STLGT on 86th St. N. between 113th & 129th E. Aves. 250 Wood 21 14 20 3901 214 Cul-de-sac on 89th St. W. of 121st E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 20 3928 215 SEC of 87th St. N. & 120th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 20 4007 216 NWC 89th PI. N. & N. 121st E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 20 4037 217 SWC of 90th St. N. & N. 121st E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 20 4044 218 STLGT on 86th St. N. between 113th 8 129th E. Aves. 250 Wood 21 14 20 4300 219 SEC of 8706 121st E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 20 4413 220 NWC of 8718 121st E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 20 4418 221 NEC of 88th PI. N. & 121st E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 20 4424 222 SEC of 89th St. N. & 121st E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 20 4429 223 NWC of 87th St. N. & 121 E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 20 4510 224 Cul-de-sac on 121st E. Ave. S. of 87th St. N. 100 Wood 21 14 20 4605 ~.. Page 4 Street Lights for OWASSO 1i2v96 ~ Location Watts Pole Type TWN RNG SEC Grid 225 SWC of 90th St. N. & N. 121st Ct. 100 Wood 21 14 20 4646 ' 226 STLGT on 86th St. N. between 113th 8 129th E. Aves. 250 Wood 21 14 20 4700 227 Cul-de-sac on N. 121st Ct. S. of 90th St. N. 100 Wood 21 14 20 4939 228 STLGT on 86th St. N. bet Hwy 169 & 129th E. Ave. 250 Wood 21 14 20 5100 229 SEC of 8910 N. 123rd E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 20 5332 ' 230 Cul-de-sac on E. 87th Ct. N. & N. 123rd E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 20 5409 231 NWC of E. 88th PI. N. & N. 123rd E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 20 5523 232 STLGT on 86th St. N. bet Hwy 169 r~ 129th E. Ave. 250 Wood 21 14 20 5600 233 SEC of 88th Ct. N. & N. 123rd E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 20 5618 234 SEC of E. 89th St. N. & N. 123rd E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 20 5624 235 NWC of E. 87th Ct. N. & 123rd E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 20 5709 236 STLGT on 86th St. N. between 113th 8~ 129th E. Aves. 250 Wood 21 14 20 5800 237 SEC of E. 88th St. N. & 123rd E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 20 5811 238 SEC of 88th Ct. N. & 123rd E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 20 5818 239 SEC of E. 87th St. N. 8 123rd E. Ave. ~ 100 Wood 21 14 20 5903 ' 240 STLGT on 86th St. N. bet Hwy 169 & 129th E. Ave. 250 Wood 21 14 20 6000 241 SWC of E. 88th St. N. & N. 124th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 20 6213 242 N. side of E. 89th St. N. & N. 124th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 20 6329 243 NEC of E. 87th St. N. & N. 124th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 20 6405 244 1st pole NE of E. 90th St. N. & N. 124th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 20 6440 245 STLGT on 86th St. N. bet Hwy 169 8 129th E. Ave. 250 Wood 21 14 20 6500 !~ 246 S. side of E. 88th St. N. & N. 124th E. PI. 100 Wood 21 14 20 6518 247 Cul-de-sac on E. 89th Ct. N. of E. 89th St. N. 100 Wood 21 14 20 6635 248 NEC of E. 89th St. N. & E. 89th Ct. N. 100 Wood 21 14 20 6732 249 S. side of E 88th St N & N 125th E Ave 100 Wood 21 14 20 6822 . . . . . . 250 STLGT on 86th St. N. bet Hwy 169 & 129th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 20 7000 r 251 N. side of E. 87th St. N. & N. 124th E. PI. 100 Wood 21 14 20 7111 252 1st pole N. of E. 89th St. N. & N. 125th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 20 7237 I 253 NWC of E. 90th St. N. & N. 125th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 20 7243 254 STLGT on 86th St. N. bet Hwy 169 & 129th E. Ave. 250 Wood 21 14 20 7400 255 STLGT on 86th St. N. bet Hwy 169 & 129th E. Ave. 250 Wood 21 14 20 8100 * 256 STLGT on 86th St. N. bet Hwy 169 & 129th E. Ave. 250 Wood 21 14 20 8400 257 .STLGT on 86th St. N. bet Hwy 169 & 129th E. Ave. 250 Wood 21 14 20 8900 258 STLGT on 86th St. N. bet Hwy 169 8~ 129th E. Ave. 250 Wood 21 14 20 9400 259 STLGT on 86th St. N. bet Hwy 169 & 129th E. Ave. 250 Traffic 21 14 20 9901 260 2nd pole N. of 86th St. N. & 129th E. Ave. 250 Wood 21 14 20 9903 ~ 261 3rd pole N. of 86th St. N. ~ 129th E. Ave. 250 Wood 21 14 20 9907 262 NEC of 86th St. N. 8~ N. 129th E. Ave. 250 Traffic 21 14 21 0101 263 STLGT on 129th E. Ave. N. of 86th St. N. 250 Wood 21 14 21 0104 264 SEC of E. 91st St. N. 8~ N. 129th E. Ave: 100 Wood 21 14 21 0156 _ 265 SEC of 8802 N. 130th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 21 0329 266 SEC of 8902 N. 130th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 21 0337 267 STLGT on 86th St. E. of N. 129th E. Ave. 250 Wood 21 14 21 0500 268 NWC of E. 91st St. N. & N. 130th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 21 0557 269 SEC of E. 92nd St. N. & N. 130th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 21 0662 ' 270 NWC of 8919 N. 130th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 21 0743 271 NWC of 8805 N. 131st E. Ave. 175 Wood 21 14 21 0933 272 8805 N 131st EAve--Barrington Point II 100 Fiberglass 21 14 21 0933 iMR 273 8902 N 131st EAve--Barrington Point II 100 Fiberglass 21 14 21 1140 274 NWC of E. 89th St. & N. 131st E. Ave. 175 Wood 21 14 21 1240 275 SWC of 13201 90th St. N. 100 Wood 21 14 21 1247 276 NWC of 13203 E. 93rd St. N. 100 Wood 21 14 21 1274 277 SWC of 13203 E. 93rd St. N. 100 Wood 21 14 21 1472 ~ 278 8805 N 131st E Ct--Barrington Point II 100 Fiberglass 21 14 21 1533 279 NWC of 8805 N. 131st E. Ct. 175 Wood 21 14 21 1533 280 SEC of E. 92nd PI. N. & N. 132nd E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 21 1765 Page 5 Street Lights for OWASSO 1i22is6 Location Watts Pole Type TWN RNG SEC Grid 281 SEC of E. 94th St. N. & N. 132nd E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 21 1786 282 SWC of E. 95th Court N. & N. 132nd E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 21 1795 283 13301E 89th St-Barrington Point II 100 Fiberglass 21 14 21 1933 284 8932 N 133rd EAve-Barrington Point II 100 Fiberglass 21 14 21 1938 285 SEC of 8932 N. 133rd St. E. 175 Wood 21 14 21 1938 286 SWC of 13301 E. 89th St. 175 Wood 21 14 21 2034 287 SWC of 8943 N. 133rd St. E. 175 Wood 21 14 21 2041 288 NWC of 8947 N. 133rd St. E. 100 Wood 21 14 21 2045 289 NWC of N. 132nd & 133rd E. Aves. 100 Wood 21 14 21 2097 290 SWC of 96th St. N: & N. 133rd E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 21 2099 291 8943 N 133rd EAve-Barrington Point II 100 Fiberglass 21 14 21 2142 292 NWC of E. 92nd PI. N. & N. 133rd E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 21 2266 293 NEC of 9202 N. 133rd E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 21 2361 294 SEC of E. 93rd St. N. & N. 133rd E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 21 2373 295 SWC of E. 94th St. N. & N. 133rd E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 21 2386 296 NEC of E. 94th PI. N. & N. 133rd E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 21 2389 297 SEC of 95th PI. N. & N. 133rd E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 21 2394 298 NEC of 13306 E. 93rd St. N. 100 Wood 21 14 21 2972 299 SEC of 9102 N. 135th E. Ave. 100 Steel 21 14 21 3648 300 SWC of 9005 N. 135th E. Ave. 100 Steel 21 14 21 3753 301 NWC of 13502 E. 92nd St. N. 100 Steel 21 14 21 3763 302 SWC of 13509 E. 93rd St. N. 100 Steel 21 14 21 3771 303 SEC of 13517 E. 93rd St. N. 100 Steel 21 14 21 4271 304 NEC of 13504 E. 92nd St. N. 100 Steel 21 14 21 4663 305 NEC of 13604 E. 93rd St. N. 100 Steel 21 14 21 4670 306 SWC of 9105 N. 137th E. Ave. 100 Steel 21 14 21 4753 307 SEC of E. 77th St. N. & 129th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 28 0115 308 SEC of E. 80th St. N. & 129th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 28 0140 309 STLGT on 129th E. Ave. S. of 86th St. N. 250 Wood 21 14 28 0195 310 SEC of 86th St. N. & 129th E. Ave. 250 Traffic 21 14 28 0199 311 SEC of E. 77th Ct. N. & 130th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 28 0322 312 Cul-de-sac on N. 130th E. Ct. NW of N. 130th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 28 0334 313 Cul~le-sac on E. 80th Ct. N. NW of E. 80th St. N. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 28 0396 314 SWC of E. 77th St. N. & N. 130th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 28 0515 315 NWC of N. 130th E. Ave. & N. 130th E. Ct. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 28 0530 316 SEC of E. 80th St. N. & E. 80th St. N. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 28 0639 317 SWC of 12927 E. 80th Ct. N. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 28 0847 318 13022 E. 77th Ct. N. (Cul-de-sac) 100 Fiberglass 21 14 28 0922 319 SWC of E. 79th Ct. N. & E. 80th St. N. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 28 1035 320 13037 E. 77th Ct. N. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 28 1126 321 NEC of E. 80th St. N. & E. 80th Ct. N. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 28 1143 322 SWC of E. 77th St. & N. 131st E. Ct. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 28 1315 323 2nd pole NE of E. 79th Ct. N. & N. 131st E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 28 1338 324 SEC of E. 78th St. N. & E. 77th PI. N. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 28 1431 325 SEC of 86th St. N. & N. 129th E. Ave. 250 Traffic 21 14 28 1573 326 Cul-de-sac on N. 131 E. Ct. N. of 77th St. N. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 28 1623 327 Cul-de-sac on E. 79th Ct. N. NE of N. 131st E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 28 1641 328 NWC of 13151 E. 80th St. N. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 28 1647 329 NWC of 77th St. N. & N. 132nd E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 28 2016 330 SWC of E. 78th St. N. ~ N. 132nd E. Ct. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 28 2034 331 NWC of 13125 E. 77th PI. N. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 28 2227 332 SEC of N. 132nd E. Ave. & N. 132nd E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 28 2240 333 SWC of 13173 E. 80th St. N. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 28 2246 334 1st pole N. of E. 80th St. N. & Mingo Valley Expwy 100 Wood 21 14 29 0327 335 SEC of 83rd St. N. & Hwy 169 100 Wood 21 14 29 0366 336 NEC of 76th St. N. & Hwy 169 (Entrance Ramp) 250 Traffic 21 14 29 0401 Page s Street Lights for OWASSO lizzrss ~ Location Watts Pole Type TWN RNG SEC Grid 337 NEC of 76th St. N. & Hwy 169 (Entrance Ramp) 250 Traffic 21 14 29 0501 338 NWC of 76th St. N. & Hwy 169 (Public Rd. E. of Ent.) 250 Wood 21 14 29 0701 339 STLGT on 86th St. N. bet Hwy 169 & 129th E. Ave. 250 Wood 21 14 29 0999 340 SEC of N. 116th E. PI. & 116th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 1182 ~ 341 NEC of 84th PI. N. & N. 116th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 1186 342 SEC of 84th Ct. N. & N. 116th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 1190 343 STLGT on 86th St. N. bet Hwy 169 & 129th E. Ave. 250 Traffic 21 14 29 1399 344 NWC of 84th PI. N. & N. 116th E. PI. 100 Wood 21 14 29 1485 345 NWC of 8419 N. 116th E. PI. 100 Wood 21 14 29 1688 ~ 346 STLGT on 86th St. N. bet Hwy 169 & 129th E. Ave. 250 Traffic 21 14 29 1799 347 SWC of 84th Ct. N. & N. 116th E. PI. 100 Wood 21 14 29 1891 348 SWC of 83rd St. N. 8 N. 117th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 29 1970 349 SWC of 8401 N. 117th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 29 2080 350 SEC of 1806 N. 177th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 2144 351 SEC of 8218 N. 117th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 2157 352 SEC of 8234 N. 117th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 2165 353 SEC of E. 84th PI. N. & N. 117th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 29 2186 354 SEC of 8202 N. 117th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 2250 355 SEC of 11621 84th Ct. N. 100 Wood 21 14 29 2289 356 STLGT on 86th St. N. bet Hwy 169 ~ 129th E. Ave. 250 Wood 21 14 29 2299 357 SWC of 8015 N. 117th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 2339 358 W. side of 83rd St. N. & N. 117th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 29 2376 ' 359 SWC of E. 80th St. N. & N. 117th E. Ave. 100 Steel 21 14 29 2427 360 STLGT on 86th St. N. bet Hwy 169 & 129th E. Ave. 250 Traffic 21 14 29 2499 361 SEC of E. 78th PI. N. & N. 117th E. Ave. 100 Steel 21 14 29 2521 ' 362 STLGT on 86th St. N. bet Hwy 169 & 129th E. Ave. 250 Traffic 21 14 29 2599 363 NEC of E. 78th St. N. 8 N. 117th E. Ave. 100 Steel 21 14 29 2616 364 NEC of E. 80th St. N. & E. 80th PI. N. 100 Wood 21 14 29 2629 365 SEC of E. 80th Ct. N. & N. 118th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 2744 366 NEC of E. 83rd PI. & N. 118th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 29 2775 367 NEC of E. 80th PI. N. & N. 118th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 2838 w 368 NWC of 8019 N. 118th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 2850 369 SEC of E. 81st N. & N. 118th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 2853 370 SEc of E. 82nd St. N. & N. 118th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 2859 371 NEC of 11712 E. 78th PI. N. 100 Steel 21 14 29 2921 372 SEC of E. 82nd PI. N. & N. 118th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 2964 r 373 SEC of E. 83rd St. N. & N. 118th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 2969 374 STLGT on 86th St. N. bet Hwy 169 & 129th E. Ave. 250 Wood 21 14 29 3099 375 SWC of E. 80th St. N. & N. 119th E. Ave. 100 Steel 21 14 29 3232 376 NWC of 11814 E. 78th St. N. 100 Steel 21 14 29 3315 377 STLGT on 86th St. N. bet Hwy 169 & 129th E. Ave. 250 Wood 21 14 29 3399 378 Cul-de-sac on E. 80th PI. N. of E. 80th St. N. 100 Wood 21 14 29 3443 379 SEC of 8006 N. 119th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 3449 380 SWC of E. 81st St. N. ~ N. 119th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 3452 381 NEC of E. 83rd PI. & N. 119th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 29 3475 ' 382 SWC of E. 79th St. N. & N. 119th E. Ave. 100 Steel 21 14 29 3526 383 Cul-de-sac on E. 82nd PI. E. of N. 118th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 3565 384 NEC of E. 78th PI. N. & N. 119th E. Ave. 100 Steel 21 14 29 3621 385 SWC of E. 80th St. N. & N. 120th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 3737 386 STLGT on 86th St. N. bet Hwy 169 & 129th E. Ave. 250 Wood 21 14 29 3799 387 NWC of E. 82nd St. N. 8 N. 120th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 3959 388 NWC of E. 78th St. N. & N. 120th E. Ave. 100 Steel 21 14 29 4015 389 NWC of E. 78th PI. N. & N. 120th E. Ave. 100 Steel 21 14 29 4021 390 SEC of 7914 N. 120th E. Ave. 100 Steel 21 14 29 4030 391 SEc of E. 83rd St. N. & N. 120th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 4069 . 392 NEC of N. 80th PI. & N. 120th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 4140 Page 7 Street Lights for OWASSO 1i22is6 Location Watts Pole Type TWN RNG SEC Grid 393 NWC of E. 77th St. N. & N. 120th E. Ave. 100 Steel 21 14 29 4206 394 NWC of E. 83rd PI. i3< N. 120th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 4278 395 STLGT on 86th St. N. bet Hwy 169 i>< 129th E. Ave. 250 Wood 21 14 29 4299 396 STLGT on 86th St. N. bet Hwy 169 & 129th E. Ave. 250 Wood 21 14 29 4599 397 NEC of 76th St. N. & N. 120th E. Ave. 400 Wood 21 14 29 4601 398 Cul-de-sac on N. 121st E. Ave. S. of 78th St. N. 100 Wood 21 14 29 4613 399 SEC of 7816 N. 121st E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 4629 400 SEC of 8102 N. 121st E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 4646 401 NEC of N. 121st E. Ave. & E. 84 PI. N. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 29 4684 402 SWC of 86th St. N. i3< N. 121st E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 29 4699 403 SEC of N. 121st E. Ave. & 78th St. N. 100 Wood 21 14 29 4719 404 SEC of N. 121st E. Ave. & 79th Ct. N. 100 Wood 21 14 29 4736 405 SWC of 8203 N. 121st E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 4757 406 SWC of E. 83rd St. N. & N. 121st E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 4769 407 NWC of E. 85th St. N. i~ N. 121st E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 29 4790 408 SWC of E. 85th PI. N. i3< N. 121st E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 29 4795 409 SWC of N. 121st E. Ave. 8 E. 84th St. N. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 29 4877 410 STLGT on 86th St. N. bet Hwy 169 & 129th E. Ave. 250 Wood 21 14 29 5099 411 SEC of 7802 N. 122nd E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 5219 412 NWC of 79th Ct. & N. 122nd E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 5234 413 SWC of 80th PI. i3< N. 122nd E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 5239 414 NWC of 81st St. i~ N. 122nd E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 5244 415 SWC of E. 83rd St. N. & N. 122nd E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 5269 416 Cul~1e-sac on 76th PI. W. of N. 122nd E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 5306 417 SEC of 78th St. N. & N. 122nd E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 5320 418 NEC of E. 80th PI. N. 8 N. 122nd E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 5341 419 SEC of E. 81st PI. N. & N. 122nd E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 5351 420 SEC of E. 82nd St. N. & N. 122nd E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 5356 421 SEC of E. 82nd PI. N. & N 122nd E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 5361 422 SEC of E. 83rd St. N. i~ N. 122nd E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 5372 423 STLGT on 86th St. N. bet Hwy 169 & 129th E. Ave. 250 Wood 21 14 29 5399 424 STLGT on 86th St. N. bet Hwy 169 & 129th E. Ave. 250 Wood 21 14 29 5499 425 NWC of E. 84th St. N. & N. 122nd E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 5576 426 NEC of 7610 N. 122nd E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 5610 427 Elm Creek Park (E. 77th PI. N. & 123rd E. Ave.) 175 Wood 21 14 29 5629 428 SEC of N. 124th E. Ave. ii E. 83th St. N. 100 Wood 21 14 29 5770 429 STLGT on 76th St. W. of 129th E. Ave. 400 Wood 21 14 29 5800 430 NWC of 76th PI. N. & N. 122nd E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 5803 431 Cul-de-sac on E. 79th St. W. of N. 123rd Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 29 5830 432 Cul-de-sac on E. 82nd PI. N. E. of N. 122nd E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 5862 433 STLGT on 86th St. N. bet Hwy 169 & 129th E. Ave. 250 Wood 21 14 29 5899 434 Elm Creek Park (E. 77th PI. N. & 123rd E. Ave.) 175 Wood 21 14 29 5916 435 NWC of 8409 N. 123rd E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 5984 436 NEC of 12210 E. 82nd St. N. 100 Wood 21 14 29 6057 437 NWC of 8303 N. 124th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 6073 438 SEC of E. 83rd St. N. & N. 124th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 6166 439 SEC of E. 77th PI. N. & N. 123rd E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 29 6213 440 SEC of E.SOth PI. N. 100 Wood 21 14 29 6242 441 SWC f 12213 E. 81st PI. N. 100 Wood 21 14 29 6251 442 Elm Creek Park (E. 77th PI. N. & 123rd E. Ave.) 175 Wood 21 14 29 6329 443 STLGT on 86th St. N. bet Hwy 169 & 129th E. Ave. 250 Wood 21 14 29 6399 444 STLGT on 76th St. W. of 129th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 29 6400 445 SEC of E. 76th PI. N. & N. 123rd E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 29 6403 446 SEC of E. 77th St. N. & N. 123rd E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 29 6408 447 NWC of E. 82nd St. N. & N. 124th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 6561 448 Elm Creek Park (E. 77th PI. N. & 123rd E. Ave.) 175 Wood 21 14 29 6617 Page s Street Lights for OWASSO 1'22'x6 ~ Location Watts Pole Type TWN RNG SEC Grid 449 NWC of 12220 E. 81st St. N. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 29 6640 ' 450 Cul-de-sac on N. 124th E. PI. W. of E. 83rd St. N. 100 Wood 21 14 29 6677 451 STLGT on 86th St. N. bet Hwy 169 i~ 129th E. Ave. 250 Wood 21 14 29 6699 452 Front of 12304 E. 81st St. N. 100 Wood 21 14 29 6844 453 NWC of E. 81st PI. N. & N. 124th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 6856 454 SEC of 8306 N. 125th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 6873 455 Elm Creek Park (E. 77th PI. N. & 123rd E. Ave.) 175 Wood 21 14 29 6929 456 STLGT on 86th St. N. bet Hwy 169 8~ 129th E. Ave. 250 Wood 21 14 29 7099 457 NWC of E. 81st St. N. & N. 124th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 7152 458 2nd. pole E. of NEC of 76th PI. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 29 7203 459 NWC o 12406E 77th St. N. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 29 7208 460 2nd pole E. of E 77th PI. N 100 Fiberglass 21 14 29 7213 ' 461 Elm Creek Park (E. 77th PI. N. & 123rd E. Ave.) 175 Wood 21 14 29 7217 462 Elm Creek Park (E. 77th PI. N. & 123rd E. Ave.) 175 Wood 21 14 29 7423 463 SEC of E. 83rd St. N. & N. 125th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 7469 464 NWC of N. 124th E. PI. & E. 83rd St. N. 100 Wood 21 14 29 7480 465 3rd pole S. of E. 86th St. N. & N. 125th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 7493 466 SWC of E. 86th St. N. & N. 125th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 7498 467 STLGT on 86th St. N. bet Hwy 169 8~ 129th E. Ave. 250 Wood 21 14 29 7499 468 NEC of 12408 E. 81st St. N. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 29 7655 469 SEC of 12533 E. 83rd St. N. 100 Wood 21 14 29 7775 ~ 470 STLGT on 86th St. N. bet Hwy 169 & 129th E. Ave. 250 Wood 21 14 29 7999 471 NWC of 12516 E. 82nd PI. N. 100 Wood 21 14 29 8067 472 Cul-de-sac on E. 84th St. N. W. of N. 126th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 8081 473 STLGT on 76th St. W. of 129th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 29 8100 474 NWC of E. 76th PI. & N. 126th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 29 8103 ~ 475 NWC of E. 77th St. N. & N. 126th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 29 8108 476 SWC of E. 77th PI. N. 8~ N. 126th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 29 8113 477 NEC of 7716 N. 126th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 29 8119 478 NEC of E. 82nd St. N. & N. 125th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 8159 479 STLGT on 86th St. N. bet Hwy 169 & 129th E. Ave. 250 Wood 21 14 29 8299 ~ 480 NWC of E. 80th PI. N. & N. 126th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 8355 481 SEC of 8230 N. 126th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 8468 482 NWC of E. 83rd St. N. 8~ N. 126th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 8475 483 SWC of E. 84th St. N. & N. 126th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 8480 484 NEC of E. 78th Circle & N. 127th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 29 8528 r 485 NEC of E. 82nd St. N. & N. 126th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 8561 486 STLGT on 86th St. N. bet Hwy 169 & 129th E. Ave. 250 Wood 21 14 29 8699 487 STLGT on 76th St. W. of 129th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 29 8700 488 SEC of E. 76th Circle & N. 127th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 29 8705 489 SEC of E. 77th Circle i~ N. 127th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 29 8711 490 SEC of E. 77th PI. N. 8~ N. 127th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 29 8716 491 SEC of E. 78th St. N. & N. 127th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 29 8722 492 Cul-de-sac on E. 78th Circle E. of N. 127th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 29 9027 493 SEC of 8238 N. 127th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 9070 494 SWC of E. 84th St. N. & N. 127th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 9080 495 NEC of E. 82nd St. N. & N. 127th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 9161 496 STLGT on 86th St. N. bet Hwy 169 & 129th E. Ave. 250 Wood 21 14 29 9199 ~ 497 NWC of N. 126th E. Ave. & N. 128th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 9345 498 SWC of E 80th PI. N. 8~ N. 128th E. Ave 100 Wood 21 14 29 9356 . . 499 NWC of E. 77th PI. N. ~ N. 128th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 29 9417 500 NWC of E. 78th St. N. & N. 128th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 29 9422 501 Cul-de-sac on E. 76th Circle E. of N. 128th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 29 9506 502 Cul-de-sac on E. 77th Circle E. of N. 128th E. Ave. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 29 9511 503 SEC of 8238 N. 128th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 9570 504 NEC of 8406 N. 128th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 9580 Page 9 Street Lights for OWASSO ,i2vss Location Watts Pole Type TWN RNG SEC Grid 505 STLGT on 86th St. N. bet Hwy 169 & 129th E. Ave. 250 Wood 21 14 29 9599 506 SEC of 12701 E. 78th St. N. 100 Fiberglass 21 14 29 9822 507 NWC of E. 82nd St. N. & N. 129th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 9861 508 NWC of N. 128th & 129th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 9941 509 SWC of E. 84th St. N. 8~ N. 129th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 29 9977 510 STLGT on 129th E. Ave. S. of 86th St. N. 250 Wood 21 14 29 9996 511 SWC of 86th S. N. & N. 129th E. Ave. 250 Traffic 21 14 29 9999 512 NWC of 3rd Ave. & Carlsbad St. 100 Wood 21 14 30 4135 513 2nd pole W. of 2nd Ave. & AT & SF RR 100 Wood 21 14 30 4200 514 SEC of 4th Ave. 8~ Carlsbad St. 100 Wood 21 14 30 4249 515 1st pole N. of 5th & Carlsbad Sts. 100 Wood 21 14 30 4265 516 NEC of 1st St. 8~ AT & SF RR 100 Wood 21 14 30 4321 517 4th pole E. of 2nd St. & Carlesbad St. 100 Wood 21 14 30 4429 518 SWC of 4th Ave. 8~ Beaumont St. 100 Wood 21 14 30 4449 519 NWC of 3rd Ave. & Beaumont St. 100 Wood 21 14 30 4735 520 1st pole N. of 5th & Beaumont Sts. 100 Wood 21 14 30 4758 521 2nd pole N. of 5th & Beaumont Sts. 100 Wood 21 14 30' 4767 522 1st pole E. of Broadway Ave. 8~ AT & SF RR 100 Wood 21 14 30 5113 523 SWC of 11th & Atlanta Sts. 100 Wood 21 14 30 5293 524 SWC of Danny Circle 8 Atlanta St. 100 Wood 21 14 30 5343 525 SEC of 5th & Atlanta Sts. 100 Wood 21 14 30 5355 526 NEC of 6th & Atlanta Sts. 100 Wood 21 14 30 5361 527 SEC of 7th & Atlanta Sts. 100 Wood 21 14 30 5365 528 2nd pole N. of 7th i~ Atlanta Sts. 100 Wood 21 14 30 5372 529 SEC of 8th & Atlanta Sts. 100 Wood 21 14 30 5377 530 NEC of 9th & Atlanta Sts. 100 Wood 21 14 30 5383 531 SEC of 10th & Atlanta Sts. 100 Wood 21 14 30 5388 532 NWC of 1st 8~ Atlanta Sts. 100 Wood 21 14 30 5421 533 SWC of 3rd & Atlanta Sts. 100 Wood 21 14 30 5434 534 SEC of 4th & Atlanta Sts. 100 Wood 21 14 30 5449 535 NEC of 2nd Ave. ~ Atlanta St. 100 Wood 21 14 30 5501 536 NEC of 1st Ave. & Atlanta St. 100 Wood 21 14 30 5507 537 NEC of Broadway Ave. & Atlanta St. 100 Wood 21 14 30 5514 538 NEC of 2nd & Atlanta Sts. 100 Wood 21 14 30 5528 539 Cul~e-sac on Danny Circle E. of Atlanta St. 100 Wood 21 14 30 5643 540 2nd pole E. of 1st Ave. ~ Atlanta St. 100 Wood 21 14 30 5808 541 NEC of 2nd & Atlanta Sts. 100 Wood 21 14 30 5828 542 SWC of 86th St. N. & Main St. 250 Traffic 21 14 30 6098 543 NWC of 76th St. N. & Hwy 169 250 Wood 21 14 30 6101 544 STLGT on Main St. between 2nd Ave. & 4th St. 250 Wood 21 14 30 6103 545 STLGT on Main St. between 2nd Ave. 8~ 4th St. 250 Wood 21 14 30 6107 546 STLGT on Main St. between 2nd Ave. & 4th St. 250 Wood 21 14 30 6114 547 STLGT on Main St. between 2nd Ave. 8 4th St. 250 Wood 21 14 30 6121 548 STLGT on Main St. between 2nd Ave. & 4th St. 250 Wood 21 14 30 6134 549 STLGT on Main St. between 2nd Ave. & 4th St. 250 Wood 21 14 30 6143 550 STLGT on Main St. between 2nd Ave. & 4th St. 250 Wood 21 14 30 6146 551 STLGT on Main St. between 4th & 11th Sts. 250 Wood 21 14 30 6150 552 STLGT on Main St. between 4th & 11th Sts. 250 Wood 21 14 30 6156 553 STLGT on Main St. between 4th & 11th Sts. 250 Wood 21 14 30 6160 554 STLGT on Main St. between 4th & 11th Sts. 250 Wood 21 14 30 6165 555 STLGT on Main St. between 4th & 11th Sts. 250 Wood 21 14 30 6171 556 STLGT on Main St. between 4th & 11th Sts. 250 Wood 21 14 30 6178 557 STLGT on Main St. between 4th ~ 11th Sts. 250 Wood 21 14 30 6183 558 STLGT on Main St. between 4th & 11th Sts. 250 Wood 21 14 30 6188 559 STLGT on Main St. between 4th & 11th Sts. 250 Wood 21 14 30 6194 560 STLGT on Main St. between 2nd Ave. & 4th St. 250 Wood 21 14 30 6201 Page 1o Street Lights for OWASSO 1i2zrss Location Watts Pole Type TWN RNG SEC Grid 561 Police Station (101 N. Main) 250 Wood 21 14 30 6223 562 STLGT on Main St. between 2nd Ave. & 4th St. 250 Wood 21 14 30 6228 563 Police Station (101 N. Main) 100 Wood 21 14 30 6422 564 Police Station (101 N. Main) 100 Wood 21 14 30 6424 565 SEC of 86th St. N. & Main St. 250 Traffic 21 14 30 6498 566 NWC of Ash & Birch Sts. 100 Wood 21 14 30 6739 567 SWC of 4th & Ash Sts. 100 Wood 21 14 30 6749 568 NEC of 8th 8 Ash Sts. 100 Wood 21 14 30 6778 569 SEC of 11th & Ash Sts. 100 Wood 21 14 30 6795 fffffi 570 NWC of 1st Ave. & Birch St. 100 Wood 21 14 30 6807 571 NWC of 1st St. & Birch Sts. 100 Wood 21 14 30 6821 572 SWC of 3rd 8~ Birch Sts. 100 Wood 21 14 30 6834 ' 573 NEC of 6th & Ash Sts. 100 Wood 21 14 30 6864 574 SEC of 7th & Ash Sts. 100 Wood 21 14 30 6872 ~ 575 576 NEC of Broadway Ave. 8~ Birch St. NEC of 2nd l;< Birch Sts. _ 100 100 Wood Wood 21 21 14 14 30 30 7014 7028 577 2nd pole E. of 1st Ave. & Birch St. 175 Wood 21 14 30 7107 578 1st pole NE of Ash &Brich Sts. 100 Wood 21 14 30 7240 579 NEC of 4th & Birch Sts. 100 Wood 21 14 30 7250 ~ 580 SWC of 5th & Birch Sts. 100 Wood 21 14 30 7256 581 NWC of 6th & Birch Sts. 100 Wood 21 14 30 7264 582 SWC of 7th 8 Birch Sts. 100 Wood 21 14 30 7272 583- NWC of 8th & Birch Sts. 100 Wood 21 14 30 7278 584 SWC of 11th & Birch Sts. 100 Wood 21 14 30 7295 585 3rd pole E. of Broadway Ave. &Brich St. 175 Wood 21 14 30 7314 586 210 E First St N 100 Wood 21 14 30 7320 587 2nd pole E. of 3rd & Birch Sts. 100 Wood 21 14 30 7335 588 3rd pole E. of 1st Ave. & Birch St. 100 Wood 21 14 30 7407 589 4th pole E. of 2nd & Birch Sts. 175 Wood 21 14 30 7426 590 5th pole E. of Broadway Ave. & Birch St. 100 Wood 21 14 30 7514 591 SWC of 11th 8~ Cedar Sts. 100 Wood 21 14 30 7595 ~ 592 SEC of 86th St. N. & Cedar St. 100 Wood 21 14 30 7698 593 NEC of 3rd & Cedar Sts. 100 Steel 21 14 30 7834 594 NWC of 4th & Cedar Sts. 100 Wood 21 14 30 7850 595 NWC of 8th & Cedar Sts. 100 Wood 21 14 30 7878 596 2nd pole N. of 4th & Cedar Sts. 100 Wood 21 14 30 7957 r 597 NEC of 6th & Cedar Sts. 100 Wood 21 14 30 7964 598 2nd pole N. of 8th & Cedar Sts. 100 Wood 21 14 30 7987 599 2nd pole W. of 86th St. N. 8~ Dogwood St. 100 Wood 21 14 30 8198 600 1st pole E. of 3rd & Cedar Sts. 100 Steel 21 14 30 8331 601 NWC of 3rd PI. & Dogwood St. 100 Steel 21 14 30 8337 ~ 602 603 SWC of 86th St. N. & Dogwood St. SEC of 3rd Ct. ~ Dogwood St. 100 100 Wood Steel 21 21 14 14 30 30 8398 8445 604 NWC of 4th & Dogwood Sts. 100 Wood 21 14 30 8450 605 Rayola City Park (North Parking Lot) 250 Wood 21 14 30 8466 606 Rayola City Park (North Parking Lot) 250 Wood 21 14 30 8468 ~ 607 Rayola City Park (North Parking Lot) 100 Wood 21 14 30 8469 608 2nd pole N. of 4th & Dogwood Sts. 100 Wood 21 14 30 8557 609 NEC of 6th & Dogwood Sts. 250 Wood 21 14 30 8564 ' 610 NEC of 8th & Dogwood Sts. 100 Wood 21 14 30 8578 611 2nd pole N. of 8th & Dogwood Sts. 100 Wood 21 14 30 8588 612 NWC of Old Hwy 169 8 76th St. N. 250 Wood 21 14 30 8601 ' 613 SWC of 86th St. N. & Hwy 169 On/Off Ramp (W. side) 250 Traffic 21 14 30 8699 614 Rayola City Park (North Parking Lot) 250 Wood 21 14 30 8766 615 Rayola City Park (North Parking Lot) 250 Wood 21 14 30 8768 . 616 STLGT on Forest Dr. between 86th St. N. & 8th St. 250 Traffic 21 14 30 8797 Page 11 Street Lights for OWASSO 1i2vss Location Watts Pole Type TWN RNG SEC Grid 617 Rayola City Park (Jogging Trail) 250 Wood 21 14 30 8864 618 Rayola City Park W of Rec Ctr 250 Wood 21 14 30 8866- 619 Rayola City Park (Jogging Trail) 250 Wood 21 14 30 8869 620 Rayola City Park (Jogging Trail) 250 Wood 21 14 30 8872 621 NEC of 3rd & Elm Sts. 100 Steel 21 14 30 8931 622 Rayola City Park (Pool) 250 Wood 21 14 30 8952 623 Rayola City Park (Jogging Trail) 250 Wood 21 14 30 8961 624 STLGT on Forest Dr. between 86th St. N. & 8th St. 250 Wood 21 14 30 8996 625 SEC of 3rd Ct. 8~ Elm St. 100 Steel 21 14 30 9045 626 Rayola City Park (Jogging Trail) 250 Wood 21 14 30 9064 627 Rayola City Park (Jogging Trail) 250 Wood 21 14 30 9067 628 Rayola City Park (Jogging Trail) 250 Wood 21 14 30 9070 a 629 2nd pole S. of Forest Dr. & Elm St. 100 Wood 21 14 30 9095 630 Rayola City Park (Pool) 250 Wood 21 14 30 9152 631 NEC of 8th 8~ Elm Sts. 100 Wood 21 14 30 9178 ~~ 632 2nd pole N. of 8th & Elm Sts. 100 Wood 21 14 30 9188 633 STLGT on Forest Dr. between 86th St. N. & 8th St. 250 Wood 21 14 30 9196 634 STLGT on Main St S of Rayola City Paris 250 Wood 21 14 30 9250 635 Rayola City Park (South Parking Lot) 250 Wood 21 14 30 9251 ~ 636 Rayola City Park (South Parking Lot) 250 Wood 21 14 30 9254 637 Rayola City Park (Jogging Trail) 250 Wood 21 14 30 9256 638 Rayola City Park (Jogging Trail) 250 Wood 21 14 30 9259 639 Rayola City Park (Jogging Trail) 250 Wood 21 14 30 9261 640 NEC of Rayola City Park 100 Wood 21 14 30 9268 641 NEC of Rayola City Park 250 Wood 21 14 30 9368 642 NEC of Rayola City Park 250 Wood 21 14 30 9371 643 NWC of Hwy 169 8 76th St. N. (Exit Ramp) 250 Traffic 21 14 30 9401 ~ 644 NWC of 3rd St. & Elm PI. 100 Steel 21 14 30 9431 645 SWC of 3rd Ct. & Elm PI. 100 Steel 21 14 30 9446 646 SWC of 4th St. & Elm PI. 100 Steel 21 14 30 9448 647 Rayola City Park (Jogging Trail) 250 Wood 21 14 30 9455 648 STLGT on Forest Dr. between 86th St. N. 8 8th St. 250 Wood 21 14 30 9496 649 STLGT on Main St. S. of Rayola City Park 250 Wood 21 14 30 9550 650 Rayola City Park (Jogging Trail) 250 Wood 21 14 30 9552 651 Rayola City Park (Jogging Trail) 250 Wood 21 14 30 9557 652 NWC of 8th St. 8~ Elm PI. 100 Wood 21 14 30 9578 653 1st pole W. on 86th St. N. from Hwy 169 250 Traffic 21 14 30 9599 d 654 Rayola City Park (South Parking Lot) 250 Wood 21 14 30 9651 655 Rayola City Park (Jogging Trail) 250 Wood 21 14 30 9653 ~ 656 Rayola City Park (South Parking Lot) 250 Wood 21 14 30 9654 ,~ 657 Cul-de-sac on Elm PI. N. of 8th St. 100 Steel 21 14 30 9682 658 STLGT on Forest Dr. between 86th St. N. & 8th St. 250 Wood 21 14 30 9696 659 NEC of Rayola City Park 250 Wood 21 14 30 9768 660 NEC of Rayola City Park 250 Wood 21 14 30 9771 661 NWC of 8th St. & Forest Dr. 100 Wood 21 14 30 9878 662 STLGT on Forest Dr. between 86th St. N. & 8th St. 250 Wood 21 14 30 9895 ~ 663 2nd pole W. of 2nd Ave. & Main St. 250 Wood 21 14 31 5799 '~ 664 STLGT on Main St. between 2nd ~ 5th Sts. 250 Wood 21 14 31 6172 665 STLGT on Main St. between 2nd & 5th Sts. 250 Wood 21 14 31 6176 "~ 666 STLGT on Main St. between 2nd & 5th Sts. 250 Wood 21 14 31 6188 ~ 667 STLGT on Main St. between 2nd 8 5th Sts. 250 Wood 21 14 31 6191 668 STLGT on Main St. between 2nd ~ 5th Sts. 250 Wood 21 14 31 6199 ,~ 669 STLGT on Main St. between 2nd & 5th Sts. 250 Wood 21 14 31 6296 670 SEC of 2nd Ave. & Main St. 250 Wood 21 14 31 6299 671 STLGT on 5th St. between Main ~ Cedar Sts. 250 Wood 21 14 31 6368 672 STLGT on Main St. between 2nd & 5th Sts. 100 Wood 21 14 31 6378 Page 1z Street Lights for OWASSO ,iz2i9s ~ Location Watts Pole T ype TWN RNG SEC Grid 673 STLGT on Main St. between 2nd & 5th Sts. 250 Wood 21 14 31 6381 674 STLGT on Main St. between 2nd & 5th Sts. 250 Wood 21 14 31 6384 675 2nd pole E. of 4th Ave. & Main St. 100 Wood 21 14 31 6584 676 Recycle Center 250 Wood 21 14 31 6673 677 STLGT on 5th St. between Main i3< Cedar Sts. 250 Wood 21 14 31 6768 678 6th pole S. of 4th Ave. 8 Birch St. 100 Wood 21 14 31 6875 679 SWC of 3rd Ave. & Birch St. 100 Wood 21 14 31 6891 680 SWC of 2nd Ave. & Birch St. 100 Wood 21 14 31 6999 ' 681 Owasso Water Supply Booster Station on Birch St. 100 Wood 21 14 31 7073 682 SEC of 4th Ave. 8~ Birch St. 100 Wood 21 14 31 7084 683 STLGT on 5th St. between Main 8 Cedar Sts. 250 Wood 21 14 31 7168 ' 684 Owasso Water Supply Booster Station on Birch St. 100 Wood 21 14 31 7275 685 1st pole W. of 3rd Ave. & Cedar St. 100 Wood 21 14 31 7391 686 STLGT on Cedar St. between 4th 8~ 5th Sts. 100 Wood 21 14 31 7676 687 3rd pole S. of 4th Ave. 8~ Cedar St. 175 Wood 21 14 31 7682 ' 688 SWC of 4th Ave. & Cedar St. 100 Wood 21 14 31 7684 689 SWC of 2nd Ave. 8~ Cedar St. 100 Wood 21 14 31 7699 690 STLGT on Cedar St. between 4th & 5th Sts. 250 Wood 21 14 31 7768 ' 691 STLGT on Cedar St. between 4th 8 5th Sts. 250 Wood 21 14 31 7772 692 STLGT on Cedar St. between 4th 8~ 5th Sts. 100 Wood 21 14 31 7780 693 Owasso City Hall Parking Lot 250 Wood 21 14 31 7795 ~ 694 Owasso City Hall Parking Lot 250 Steel 21 14 31 7995 695 Owasso City Hall Parking Lot 250 Steel 21 14 31 8091 696 Owasso City Hall Parking Lot 250 Steel 21 14 31 8093 697 NWC of 4th Ave. (Long Street) & Dogwood St. 250 Steel 21 14 31 8287 698 2nd pole W. of 2nd Ave. ~ S. Dogwood St. 250 Wood 21 14 31 8299 ~ 699 Owasso City Hall Parking Lot 250 Steel 21 14 31 8391 700 Owasso City Hall Parking Lot 250 Steel 21 14 31 8393 701 1st pole E. of 2nd Ave. 8 S. Dogwood St. 250 Wood 21 14 31 8899 702 SWC of 76th St. N. & Hwy 169 (W. side of Ramp) 250 Wood 21 14 31 9098 703 SWC of 76th St. N. & Hwy 169 (W. side of Ramp) 250 Traffic 21 14 31 9498 704 SWC of 76th St. N. & Hwy 169 (E. side of Ramp) 250 Traffic 21 14 31 9598 705 SEC of 76th St. N. & Hwy 169 (Exit Ramp) 250 Traffic 21 14 32 0697 706 3rd pole W. of 76th St. N. & N. 117th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 32 1899 707 SWC of 76th St. N. & N. 117th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 32 2499 708 SEC of 76th St. N. & N. 122nd E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 32 6199 ~ 709 Storage Area (Cul-de-sac S. of E. 73rd St. N.) 250 Wood 21 14 32 6378 710 Storage Area (Cul-de-sac S. of E. 73rd St. N.) 100 Wood 21 14 32 6380 ' 711 Storage Area (Cul-de-sac S. of E. 73rd St. N.) 250 Wood 21 14 .32 6479 712 SEC of N. 122nd E. Ave. 8 N. 122nd E. PI. 175 Wood 21 14 32 6484 713 Storage Area (Cul-de-sac S. of E. 73rd St. N.) 100 Wood 21 14 32 6577 714 Cul-de-sac on N. 122nd E. PI. N. of 74th St. N. 175 Wood 21 14 32 6596 715 SEC of 74th St. N. & N. 122nd E. PI. 175 Wood 21 14 32 6693 716 NWC of 74th St. N. & N. 123rd E. Ave. 175 Wood 21 14 32 6993 717 NWC of 75th & 76th Sts. N. 175 Wood 21 14 32 7099 718 NWC in front of 7505 N. 123rd E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 32 7375 719 2nd pole W. of 76th St. N. & 127th E. Ave. 175 Wood 21 14 32 7699 720 NWC of 74th St. N. & 127th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 32 8083 721 1st pole N. of 74th St. N. & 127th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 32 8087 722 2nd pole N. of 74th St. N. ~ 127th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 32 8094 723 1st pole S. of 74th St. N. & 127th E. Ave. 100 Wood 21 14 32 8177 724 SWC of 76th St. N. & 127th E. Ave. 175 Wood 21 14 32 8199 ' Page 13 1/22/96 ~ Street Lights for OWASSO Location Watts Pole Type TWN RNG SEC Grid °~ Totals for OWASSO 8328 329 832C 206 832J 29 832K 152 832E 6 832N 2 Total 724 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CTI'Y COUNCII, CTI'Y OF OWASSO FROM: LONNIE R. HARDIN SUBJECT: PRECISION COMPONENTS CDBG GRANT DATE: February 29,1996 BACKGROUND: In the regularly scheduled City council meeting on February 20, 1996 the City Council passed Resolution 96-04, which provided for the tracking of employment at Precision Components and the reporting of employment levels to the Oklahoma Department of Commerce. This resolution was deemed necessary to obtain a Release of Funds for this project so that work could begin on the parking lot. As written, Resolution 96-04 provided for employment tracking and reporting until satisfaction of the job creation commitments set forth under the grant, and notification thereof. A certified copy of the resolution was forwarded to ODOC along with our request for a release of funds. ODOC has returned the resolution, with the requirement that the words "and the project closed out" be added to the last line. Resolution 96-04 Amended is intended to comply with this new requirement. It should be noted that the additional verbage has not been required on prior CDBG-ED grant resolutions. ~ This resolution will not require the expenditure of any City funds, but will allow ODOC to ' release committed funds for the Precision project, which is a necessary step before construction can begin. RECOMMENDTION: Staff recommends passage of Resolution 96-04 Amended. CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA RESOLUTION NO. 96-04 AMENDED A RESOLUTION RELATING TO A COMMCJNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INFRASTRUCTURE IIVIPROVEMENTS IN THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA MANDATING PROVISION OF EMPLOYMENT AND BENEFICIARY INFORMATION FROM PRECISION COMPONENTS, INC., TO BE FURNISHED ON A QUARTERLY BASIS TO THE OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE. WHEREAS, the City of Owasso has entered into a project consisting of the construction of parking lot and drainage improvements to support the expansion of the workforce of Precision Components, Inc., in the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma with proceeds of Community Development Block Grant -Economic Development Funds; and, WHEREAS, as a condition to the funding of the Community Development Block Grant - Economic Development Grant, the Oklahoma Department of Commerce on behalf of the State of '~ Oklahoma has required adoption of a resolution by the City Council of the City of Owasso, ,d Oklahoma, to track Precision Components, Inc., as beneficiary of the Community Development Block Grant -Economic Development funded infrastructure improvements. ,~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Counsel of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, that, to-wit: The City of Owasso shall obtain and provide employment and beneficiary information from ~ Precision Components, Inc., as requested by the Oklahoma Department of Commerce or other proper governmental authorities on a quarterly basis for a minimum period of time starting with the date the Oklahoma Department of Commerce, State of Oklahoma, awards the Community Development Block Grant -Economic Development funds and ending upon Precision Components, Inc., satisfaction of job creation commitments set forth under such grant and notification thereof given unto the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, by the Oklahoma Department of Commerce on behalf of the ,~ State of Oklahoma, and the project is closed-out. j Approved this _ day of , 1996. City of Owasso, Oklahoma Charles L. Burris, Mayor ATTEST: Marci ~ out 11, City Clerk X11 APP VED AS TO~FORM: ~~~G~-~- Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney 2780-307.owa\RS2 1 ~