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1996.04.16_City Council Agenda
' PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL tTYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: April 16, 1996 ' TIME: 7:00 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, April 12, 1996. Marcl Boutwell, City Clerk r. AGENDA FP 1. Call to Order 2. Invocation Pastor Steve Johnson Westpark Baptist Church 3. Flag Salute 1 4. Roll Call 5. Reading of Mayor's Proclamation. Mayor Burris The Mayor will read a proclamation designating Saturday, April 20, 1996 as "Owasso Kiwanis Project I.D. Day ". 1 -® AlSD - UZPPk r 6Art h Dal J ' Owasso City Council April 16, 1996 ' Page 3 10. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request to Close a Portion of a 17.5' Utility Easement Located within Lot 2, Block 3, Windsor Lake Addition (13305 E ' 93rd St 1). Mr Rooney ' Attachment #10 Staff will recommend Council approval of the easement closing as recommend by the Owasso Planning Commission. ' 11. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Award of a Contract for Equipment Storage Buildings and Street Department Maintenance Building Roof Repairs. ' Mr Carr Attachment # 11 ' Staff will recommend that a contract in the amount of $80,255.34 be awarded to Landco Construction Company LLC of Owasso, OK for the construction of two vehicle and equipment storage buildings and roof repairs for the street maintenance building; and ' authorization for payment. 12. Report from City Manager P Y g 1 ' 13. Report from City Attorney 1 1 1 1 1 �I OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, April 2, 1996 The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, April 2, 1996 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, March 29, 1996. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Burris called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. ITEM 2: INVOCATION The invocation was given by Councilor Joe Ramey. ITEM 3: FLAG SALUTE The flag salute was led by Mayor Burris. ITEM 4: ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT Charles Burris, Mayor Danny Ewing, Vice Mayor Mary Lou Barnhouse, Councilor Michael Helm, Councilor Joe Ramey, Councilor STAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk A quorum was declared present. ITEM 5: READING OF MAYOR'S PROCLAMATION. Mayor Burris presented Brenda Lawrence with a proclamation naming Brenda Lawrence Realtors as Business of the Quarter for the Second Quarter of 1996. ITEM 6: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF MARCH 19, 1996 REGULAR MEETING. Ms Barnhouse moved, seconded by Mr Helm, to approve the minutes as submitted, by reference made a part hereto. Owasso City Council April 2, 1995 ' AYE: Ramey, Burris, Barnhouse, Helm, Ewing NAY: None ' Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 10: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE PURCHASE OF A CAMCORDER. For several years the City has utilized video photography for special functions and training purposes. A video camera is borrowed from individual employees when it is needed. The city's ' rapid growth has increased the demand for video photography and staff recommended purchasing a commercial grade S -VHS camcorder with special editing modes. Bid documents were completed and mailed to three vendors. All three responded with sealed bids and all met the specifications. Funding would come from the Juvenile Court Fund and the Community Development Department Capital Outlay budget. Mayor Burris moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to approve the expenditure of $2147 to TESI, Tulsa, OK, for the purchase of a Panasonic AG456U camcorder with standard accessories and one spare rechargeable battery; and authorization for payment. AYE: Burris, Barnhouse, Helm, Ramey, Ewing NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 11: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE RENEWAL OF A CONTRACT FOR AUDITING SERVICES FOR FY 1995 -96 AND AUTHORIZATION FOR THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SUCH , AGREEMENT. In May of 1995 the firm of Carlson & Cottrell, Shawnee, OK was awarded a contract to conduct an independent audit for FY 1994 -95. Responses to Requests for Proposals for audit services had been received from seven accounting firms. The proposal received from Carlson & Cottrell included a fixed fee for each of three years. The proposed fee for fiscal year 1995 -96 is $13,625, including expenses. Mr Helm moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to award a contract to the firm of Carlson & Cottrell for the purpose of conducting an independent audit for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1996 for a fee not to exceed $13,625; and authorization for payment. rAYE: Helm, Barnhouse, Ramey, Ewing, Burris NAY: None 0 Motion carried 5 -0. 3 e e t s Owasso City Council ITEM 18: ADJOURNMENT. Mr Ramey moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to adjourn. AYE: Ramey, Barnhouse, Helm, Ewing, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0, and the meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m. Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk 5 Charles L Burris, Mayor April 2, 1995 CTTY OF OWASSO GF,NF,RAT, FTTNn MUNICIPAL. COURT ------------------------------ ' 9A?053 SOUTHWESTERN RF.T.T. TFT.F 8/96 PT.R?CAR 49.04 DEPARTMENT TnTA.T, _ _ _ _? 49.04 t 3 4/12/96 8:15:2? A/P CT.ATMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE Pn # VF,NT1nR nF,SCRTPTTnN AMnTJNT ---- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- MANAGERIAL ------------------------------ 960247 AT &T WIRFT.FSS SPRUCES PHONE. USE -CITY HAT.T. 30.10 961.904 GO SYSTEMS FTTF,T, 3/96 50.79 p 961478 AT.TFRNATTVF ENVIRONMENTS DEPT nTR TRATNTNG 492.25 962029 TREASURER PETTY CASH RFIMR PETTY CASH 9.03 962029 TREASURER PETTY CASH RFIMR PETTY CASH 3.49 962029 TRF,A.STTRFR PETTY CASH RETMP, MTT,F.ACP 26.98 962029 TREASURER PETTY CASH C'TTY MGR F?(PF.NRE 18.08 962029 TREASURER PETTY CASH COUNCIT. /nPGA MF,FTTNG 30.22 962030 DI.ANF'S TR.AVFT. TRANS - MAYORS CONFERENCE 3012.00 962031 US MAYORS CONFERENCE CONFERENCE REGISTRATION 400.00 962053 SOUTHWESTERN RFT -1. TFT.F 3/96 PT.RXAR 49.04 DEPARTMENT TOTAL ____> 15411.88 FINANCE ------------------------------ 961971 GOV. FTNANC:R OFFICERS ASS G.AAFR STTRSCRTPTTON 50,00 961997 PAT,A.r..F OFFICE STTPPT,Y OFFT('F STTPPT,IFS 9.12 962029 TREASURER PETTY CASH PRIMP PETTY CASH 5.00 962029 TREASURER PETTY CASH OPFTr,F RUPPT.IES 22.92 962029 TRFASTTRF.R PETTY CASH RF.FFPF.NC'F. RnnKS 7 .q.00 DEPARTMENT TOTAT. ____` 166.04 �r COMMUNITY DF.VRT.OPMF.NT ------------------------------ 960001 US TET.F. /PAGE, INC. PAGER TTSF. 38,85 9AI904 GO SYSTEMS FITFT, q/96 153.98 961905 rITY GARAGE. REPAIR PARTS 3 /9A 49.94 961987 SnTTTHWFST MNST r..nnFS mu rnnF 7'nNFFRF.NC.E 150.710 962004 JERRY JOHNS CODE TRATNTNI,- Mr('nRn 50,00 9A"'05' SnTTTHWFSTFRN RF,T,T, TF,T.F, 3/9A PI.EYAR 47.78 DEPARTMENT TOTAT. ____ 490.35 MUNICIPAL. COURT ------------------------------ ' 9A?053 SOUTHWESTERN RF.T.T. TFT.F 8/96 PT.R?CAR 49.04 DEPARTMENT TnTA.T, _ _ _ _? 49.04 t 3 L 1 4/12/96 8:1.5:72 b, CITY OF OWASSO r_,FNFRAT, FUND A/P CT.AIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: 5 PO # VFNTanR DF,SCRTPTInN AMnUNT ---- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- CEMETERY ------------------- - - - - -- 961847 HIMRAT.T. ACE HARDWARE 961904 GO SYSTEMS 961998 ESTES INC.. 962052 PSn p- r Yr 1 DEPARTMENT TnTAT, = = = =) POLICE SERVICES ------------------------ - - - - -- 960030 AT &T WTRP.T.P.SS S1=RVTCFS 960030 AT &T WTRF,T,F,SS SFRVTC:FS 960032 WAT. -MART 960032 WAT, -MART 960032 WAT. -MART 960032 WAT, -MART 960033 HnWART) STAMPER 960039 ITS TF,T,F,r'PAGF,s TNC. 961469 DEPT nF PURT.IC SAFETY 961595 MATRF ARMS 961667 WAT. -MART 961.904 Gn SYSTEMS 961905 CITY GARAGE 961950 TUXAT,T, UNTFnRM & FOUTP 961.955 TACP 961956 NAWT.FF, 961961, D07TER PRINTING, 961962 KTNKnS 961979 YTMRAI.T. A(F HART)W.ARE 961,987 SAM'S CT,TTR 961987 SAM'S (T.TTR 962.000 Pn1,TCF PETTY CASH 962000 PnT.Tr.F. PETTY CASH 962000 PnT,TCF PETTY CASH 96?000 PnT.ICF PETTY CASH 962001. RF.ASnRS PRTCF, RTTF 962003 PATRnT. TFrNNnT.npY 962051 SnUTHWF,STF,RN PELT, TF.T,F 962052 PRO 962059 SnUTHWFSTF,RT-4 RFT,T. TFT,F, DEPARTMENT TnTAT. = == PnT.TrF mMMUNTCATInNS ------------------------ - - - - -- OPERATING SUPPLIER FUFT, 3/96 WEFT) CHFMTCAT.S 2./96 USE PHONE USE- AT.FXANDFR PHnNF, USE -AT,T, VFHTCT.F /OFFTCR SUPPT.TFS UNIFORMS nFFTC.F SUPPT.TF.S RFPA.TR STIPPT,TFS RFTATNRR /SF.RVTCES PAGER USE TR.ATNTNG /RRFATHAT.Y7FR DUTY AMMUNT.TTnN DUTY AMMUNTTTnN FITF,T, 3/96 REPAIR PARTS 3/96 1TNTFnRMS -TRYnN SURSCRTPTTnN MF,MRF,RSHTP FEE PRTNTFD STTCYPPS PRTNT PAC SURVEY VEHTCT.F /RUTT.DTNG SUPPT.TFS JANITnR /MATNT STTPPT,TFS OFFICE STTPPT.TF.S P.FTMR PETTY CASH R.P.TMR PETTY CASH RF,TMR PETTY CASH RFTMR PETTY CASH nnG Fnnn UNTFOPM STTPPT.TFS '3/96 NnN- PT,FhA.R 2/96 TIRE 9/96 PT,F,YAR 8.98 22.42 49'3.92 16.37 541.69 56.50 226.80 43.52 6.51 39.38 47.96 150.00 138.50 150.00 978.00 450.00 1 1749.17 487.418 1.20.39 30.00 100.00 87.00 2.50.00 30.?3 59.28 ?9.94 5.7A 4100 11.80 11..17' 72.79 35A.50 4".50 745.5', ?5 ,7 A� ?20,52 MY OF OWASSO GF.NF,RAT, MIND qq 4/12/96 8:15: ?? A/P rT.ATMS REPORT APAPVP. PAT;R: 7 PO # VFNT)nR nFRCPTPTTnN AMOUNT ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- STRUTS PAf FR TTCF ` 5.90 DEPARTMENT TnTAT. = = = =) SWTMMTNG PnnT, ------------------------------ 9A2057 PSn 962053 SnTTTHWFSTRRN RF,T,T, TFT.F nPPARTMF,NT TnTAT, = = = =i L (nMMTTNTTY rF.NTF.R ------------------------------ p 960087 AT2•T WTRF.T.FSS gF.PVTrF.S 961900 FTMRAT,T. ArF. HAF.9)WARR ' 962052 PSn ? /9h TTfiF R/9A PT.FYAR PHnNF TTSF.- MrFT.RATH RFPATR.'MATTTT S;TTPPT,TF.R ?!9,5 TTgF. 660.83 6.00 119.20 60,82 505.19 143,29 9.58 186.00 116.00 102.00 99,80 1.8.62 846.91. 71q,R9 7,424.03 24.95 3,09 R1 ,96 ?()7. OR 47,718 R14.Rh RR. `14 73, ?9 57.4'3 10.90 185, 9'3 960001 US TFT -R /PAGE; IN(. 961601 GREEN rnUNTRY nTTTT)nnR FOU WFFT) PATER PARTS ' 961810 OWASSO TTRF BARN TTRF.S /RF.PATRG 961843 YAT,F, TTNTFnRM RFNTAT, TJNTFnRM RENT /rT,RAN 961847 TUMBAT.T. A(F HART)W.ARF HARnW.ARF. /STTPPT.TP(; 961904 GO SYSTEMS FTTF,T. 3/9A ' 961905 (TTY GARAGR RFPATR PARTS 3/96 961907 WF,i.Srn INr rYT.TNnFR RF,NTAT, 961983 D.P. SUPPLY CO STnRM TRAIN FRAMRS 961984 RATNRnW CONCRETE CO rnNrRFTF, 4TH /MAIN 962013 HANRR STTnF & ARCH SHOP SAFETY BnnTS -RFrx 962015 WAT. -MART UNTFnRM PANTS -RF,rV 962029 TRF.ASTTRFR PETTY (.ASH RFTMR PETTY (.AS14 962052 PSn 2/9A TTSF 962053 RnTJTHWF.STFRN RFT.T. TF.T.F 3/95 PT -PYAR ' DEPARTMENT TnTAT, = = = =) DEPARTMENT TnTAT. = = = =) SWTMMTNG PnnT, ------------------------------ 9A2057 PSn 962053 SnTTTHWFSTRRN RF,T,T, TFT.F nPPARTMF,NT TnTAT, = = = =i L (nMMTTNTTY rF.NTF.R ------------------------------ p 960087 AT2•T WTRF.T.FSS gF.PVTrF.S 961900 FTMRAT,T. ArF. HAF.9)WARR ' 962052 PSn ? /9h TTfiF R/9A PT.FYAR PHnNF TTSF.- MrFT.RATH RFPATR.'MATTTT S;TTPPT,TF.R ?!9,5 TTgF. 660.83 6.00 119.20 60,82 505.19 143,29 9.58 186.00 116.00 102.00 99,80 1.8.62 846.91. 71q,R9 7,424.03 24.95 3,09 R1 ,96 ?()7. OR 47,718 R14.Rh RR. `14 73, ?9 57.4'3 10.90 185, 9'3 RFrRFATTnN ------------------------------ rF.NTFR 9 +1824 HTMRAT.T. ArF. HA9nWARF nPF.RATTN(, STTPPT.TF.q 961905 rTTY GARAGE RFPATR PARTP .3/96 961987 SAM'S (T.TTR JANTTnR /MATNT STTPPT.TF.c; 96205.? PSn 9/96 TIRE 9,6 ?o53 SnUTHWF.STFRN RF.T.T. TFi.F R /9A PT.FXAR DEPARTMENT TnTAT. = = = =) SWTMMTNG PnnT, ------------------------------ 9A2057 PSn 962053 SnTTTHWFSTRRN RF,T,T, TFT.F nPPARTMF,NT TnTAT, = = = =i L (nMMTTNTTY rF.NTF.R ------------------------------ p 960087 AT2•T WTRF.T.FSS gF.PVTrF.S 961900 FTMRAT,T. ArF. HAF.9)WARR ' 962052 PSn ? /9h TTfiF R/9A PT.FYAR PHnNF TTSF.- MrFT.RATH RFPATR.'MATTTT S;TTPPT,TF.R ?!9,5 TTgF. 660.83 6.00 119.20 60,82 505.19 143,29 9.58 186.00 116.00 102.00 99,80 1.8.62 846.91. 71q,R9 7,424.03 24.95 3,09 R1 ,96 ?()7. OR 47,718 R14.Rh RR. `14 73, ?9 57.4'3 10.90 185, 9'3 CTT`, t7F nWA.ggn GFNFRAT. FTTNT? 4 f 1 ')./9A 1 P:41 :00 A /P M.A TH=, RF.PnRT APAPVR PAOF, PT? # VFNT -)np DR nr.P T PT T ON AM(1TTNT ---- - - - - -- ------------------- -- - - -- -- ----------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- GFNFRAT. (;TIVFRNMFNT ------------------------ - - - - -- 9AOO(14 PnNAT.P D (-ATP; 9AO004 PnNAT.T) T) C.ATF.. T)F..PA.RTMFNT TTITAT. = = = =) FUND TnTAT. = = = =3 RFTATNFR RP RV T rP R 700,00 45P ,q1 1.15q.91 1,154.91. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C,TTY OF OWASSO WnRKF.RS' C'nMP SF.T.F -TN(; PT.AN '4/12/96 8:15:12 A/P MATMS RFPnRT APAPVR PAS F: 1 pn # VF.NT7(1R DRRC:RTPTTnN . AMnT1NT ---- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- GPNFRAT. GnVFRNMFNT ------------------------------ 960135 RFRKT.FY AnMTNTSTRATnRS AT)MTN FF.F. 854.1 7 ' r)FPARTMFNT TnTAT. _ _ _ _ } 854.17 1 PUNT) TnTAJ. ____} - - - - - -- X354.17 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' rTTY or nWAGgn C'TTV GARAGE 15 :22 A/P C'T.ATMS RFPnRT AP.APVR PAGE: Pn it VF,NnnR DPRrRTPTTnN AMnIINT ---- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- rTTY GARAGE ------------------------------ 9AAAA1 TTR TFT F /PACT TNr PAGPR TTgF. 1 1? 9617 ?? WTT.T.TAMR RF.FTTSE, ROITTPMF.NT RF,PATR PARTS 51.48 961810 nWASSn TTRF BARN TTRF.S /RRPATRP 9AIR17 YAT,F, TTNTFnPM RENTAL TTNTFnRM CY.FAN /P.F,NT 37,80 9A1903 C'RnW RTTRT.TNGAMF. RRPATR PARTS 9619n`; rRnW RURT.TNGAMF nPF.RATTNG STTPPT.TF.S 4.99 961904 GO SYRTFMS FTTFT. 1/9A 1A." 961.905 rTTV GARAGE, PFPATR PARTG R /9A 7,47 961907 WE.T.SC'n TNr (''YT.TNT)FR RF.NTAT. 30,57 961993 TNTFRSTA.TF BATTERY SYSTFM 13ATTF.RTF.^r SR5,.79 961994 W W GRATNGFR. TN(' RRPATR /MATNT STTPPLUR 18,97 962079 TRF.ASTTRF.R PETTY C'A.c;FT RFTMR PFTTY %AS14 22,45 96?n52 P(;n 2/96 TTSF 172,57 ' 96 ?053 gnTTTT4WFRTF,RN RFT,T, TFt,F 3/96 PT.PYAR 49,04 ' nE,PARTME.NT TnTAT. ____) 951,4R FTTNT) TnTAT, ____` 951-4R 1 1? ' rTTY nF nWAgRn rAPTTAT. PRn,TFrTR GRANT 4/12/96 9:15:22 A/P rT.ATM(; RFPnPT APAPVR PAGF.: PCT # VF.NnnR nF.SC:RTPTTnN AMCTTTNT ---- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- lb rT)RG -NRPi mNTRA.r.T 6592 FT) 87 sm------------------------------ ho 9AT957 RT. HFNRT.PY rnNRTRTTrTTnN PARYTNG /nRATNAGF ? / ?A /96 on nFPARTMFNT TnTAT, = = = =? C nnnr -rnRG4 rnNTRArT 6A1 ?_ WR 94 ------------------------ - - - - -- 9A ?015 WAT. -MART nFPARTMFNT TnTAT. rnRG- F.nTF. PRF.C'TSTnN PRnJF.C:T ------------------------ - - - - -- 9A140? THF. TURFTRrR CO nPPARTMF.NT TnTAT, FTTNn TnTAT. GRANT) TnTAT, FTT.M nRVRT.nPTNC; q1 ;81.9.60 1 n, ?5 10. ?5 PARYTNG /nRATHAGF. 11/?R/95 9!,7,50 967.50 ?7 19fi.?5 19 ?4P57.A9 14 1 k r CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING 03/30/96 OVERTIME TOTAL DEPARTMENT EXPENSES EXPENSES Finance 0.00 6,29812 +. }M',.;�•AY��.. R,f��.vv:.: y::::::::: ..............h4.......�K.n�x:; •::::::::::::. �i%.}%1' '. �.F:• ::•v : : Munici al Court 0.00 �: 3 1 99.68 Building Maintenance 0.00 572.69 ' C�• l::}' �: YViJYx'>x:''' i:•$: �>:: y> ::j: +: } } } }:::::::::}:•:ti:�:yi }: }.ii' :i' }�i:•i:•::;. }..: :?;•• ��'. ��i:.'. '•y:vi`iii:•:tii <i$Yh''�••��':': Sao:::: �:: s:?: �:::;:::::.`; �+:<::::%: v: ��:}:::::: a: �:# �S::: a:::: k�i% �:'•': f:: k: :::�:``.a'•:',•�r': ?:.`�5�:::•. a��::.:: +:::�:t '.: '•'::# r�yi�i: �:�:':":.:i ?:::�1:.:•:�::.;:.;: '::::' Central Dispatch::::::.:.:' 0.00:::: .:. ::.::...............4,481.07... ...:v ::ti���� ^;::::::. �::::. � ::::::::::: :: v. :::�.�:::::::titi4:4i }i;•};• }: }:: ii:(•i:4:•i:4.4;: �YO.W.•. �::: ::.:............................................................. ....................:: ::::::.1, :•: ::•:. �::::::::.:: �:.<:���4�8:• Fire• 3 87 .493 2� •180.47::.: low Recreation Center 0.00 3,226.66 Park Maintenance 0.00 2.038.46 APPROVE 04/16/96 Mayor Council Member Council Member April 8th, 1996 City Clerk Marcia Boutwell Owasso, Oklahoma. �" POT, Fn) 1. APR © 8 1996' Dear Ms. Boutwell I respectively request to speak to the Owasso city council at their next regular scheduled meeting. Lar y R. Pennington President Owasso Developers Council MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: EASEMENT VACATION REQUEST STEVEN K HAMPTON DATE: April 10, 1996 BACKGROUND: The City of Owasso has received a request for the closing of a portion of a utility easement located on the north 17.5 ' of Lot 2, Block 3, Windsor Lake II. The subject property is currently developed with a single- family residence and the applicants are wishing to construct an in- ground pool in their back yard. Due to some spacing limitations, it is necessary for the applicant to seek that a portion of the 17.5' utility easement be closed. A site plan of the lot, as well as the proposed pool, is enclosed for your information and review. The easement closing request was reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee at their March 27, 1996 regular meeting. No utility companies had any objection to the applicant's request, in fact the only utilities located within the easement are SWBT & PSO. Both are located in the northern most portion of the easement and would not be effected by the 5.5' closing. The Owasso Planning Commission reviewed this request at their April 9, 1996 regular meeting and unanimously recommended approval. Staff has no objections to the request. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the easement closing request, closing the southern most 5.5' of the northerly 17.5' utility easement on Lot 2, Block 3, Windsor Lake II. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Copy of the applicant's letter. 2. Copy of the plot plan. 3. Copy of the pool site plan. REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR'S INSPECTION PLAT AND CERTIFICATE FOR MORTGAGE LOAN PURPOSES 0rnl 111 �/��i7 � Y -•'R. Uw J —�L7t I,1 S11FIVEYINC, COMPANY (;A IT I'O FIOX 471675. TIII.SA. OKI. AIIOMA 741471675 1tl (n1Fl) (ir'1 Fn74 11 1 r)gTONIFFa r.lT,,h I .1' UNION TITLE & E:SCROW/ NOl 1, : THIS ITOP ;RTY 1,1E ; IN 1.1,001) ZONE �''' (I11.AI1(OMA CENTRAI, CREA)IT UNION "(_:11, PER P. 1.1'.11. CO)111111HITY PANEL W)FI LOWER NO. 400462 005013), R1,V1SED 9- 16 -82. 11- VIPTON, STEV(M KENT & 1 11.�1'lPTON, JOLYNN D ti� UIC 17,1 c� f' --I- Eli w -ra Z.3 `�;9 r�9•S tD FRM DW _. o Slo n 14,a L °5 rsrr 1 F� q.5 5 9.5 U �) DoT -r2_ r� (E:� U/EE 1j) C) v _ 9� r-J c:� . -P4 5wjS CH111,J 1, L EGIFI4lb Il 111 QElilrl 111 "'•J ., Sr�IW.� ern l qJE ( ',Aft A,;1 EIFC.IInr 111 I llr�!F Flt Mlf Ell_r 11!11 AI'; MF111 FAl'1 I(ilr.A111 11 TAT IF ".III CERTIFICATE PI 111 If 1 1111-FIAT 1S MAOF Fr111 AND Al THE REOUEST OF CR1;U1'1 UNION 'I'ITIA" & I' MAMW/OKLA11011A CRNTRAI, CPI -J) I I F- ITT 1A(IllIGA(iF IOAN F1l(WOSFS ONLY cnvrniNG rn(-)F`►F11N r,i if fllnl I A'; 1:a •N/ LnL Two (2) , B l ocK Three (3) , 111 NIISHP lAl" ; I I , n � ;ulul i v i s: i (In in t,OIITIt y, StaCe Of Oklahoma, ;If '_(-(Ir(I i IIF, to Ill- 1'.nrOrd(`d 11".1t t- 11(`re'll , 1111(1 1 <Iinwn as .1.3305 East. 93rd S I I,I`I N(IrI I1. MEMoxaivnun7 ' TO: RODNEY J. RAY CITY MANAGER R FROM: F. ROBERT CARR, JR., P.E. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ' DOUG GROVES ENGINEERING TECIINICIAN r SUBJECT: CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT - EQUIPMENT STORAGE BUILDINGS AND ROOF REPAIRS FOR STREET MAINTENANCE BUILDING F DATE: April 11, 1996 BACKGROUND: On February 20, 1996, Council approved a concept to construct two (2) separate "pole barn" type equipment storage buildings and to perform roof repairs on the existing Street Maintenance Building (see the attached design concept memorandum). One building is to be located at the Sports Park for use by the Parks Department. The other building is adjacent to the existing Street Maintenance Building. Staff completed detailed construction plans and specifications per the approved design R concept and proceeded through the bidding process. The contract was structured to be bid by a general contractor capable of performing all three components of the project. BIDS RECEIVED: Bids were received from two (2) firms on April 3, 1996 as follows: Builders Unlimited, Tulsa, OK and Landco Construction Co., Owasso, OK. A bid summary is attached and k- tabulated below: E ' Page 3 Construction Contract ' Equipment Storage Buildings and Roof Repairs for Street Maintenance Building OPTIONS: In preparing the bid documents, it was anticipated that some method of cost reduction may be required if actual bids agreed with the estimated costs. The combined total estimated costs of all three components was approximately $85,000.00. The FY 95 -96 Capital Improvements Fund includes $80,000.00 for these components. Items were listed in the bid proposal so that portions of the project potentially could be completed by City personnel. At the time of concept approval, it was anticipated that savings could be achieved, if necessary, with City personnel performing site preparation and placement of concrete flooring. An appropriation of $80,000.00 is available for construction from the Capital Improvement Fund. The additional $255.34 could be obtained through a reduction in contract items; however, the work to complete these items would need to be performed by City personnel. ' The FY 95 -96 Street Division operations budget includes funds for roof repair ($1,500) and new exterior trim ($500). These items are part of this construction project; therefore, the additional funds needed to have the contractor perform all specified work items are available and budgeted. FUNDING SOURCE: Funds are available in FY 95 -96 Capital Improvement Fund budget in the amount of $80,000.00 (Fund 81- 210 -5421) and the Public Works Department Street Division operations budget in the amount of $255.34 (line item 51- 410 - 5430). ' RECOMMENDATION• ' Staff recommends Council award of contract with Landco Construction Company, LLC, Owasso, Oklahoma to construct two equipment storage buildings and roof repairs at the Street Maintenance Building in a lump sum amount of $80,255.34. ATTACHMENTS 1. Bid documentation ■ 2. Design concept memorandum dated February 15, 1996 (approved by Council on February 20, 1996). to IP r i MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: BACKGROUND: RODNEY J. RAY CITY MANAGER F. ROBERT CARR, JR., P.E. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DESIGN CONCEPT FOR VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT STORAGE BUILDINGS February 15, 1996 The FY95 -96 Budget includes projects identified as part of the comprehensive capital planning process by the Capital Improvements Committee. The projects are listed in the Capital ' Improvements Fund of the budget. One of the projects approved for FY95 -96 is for an equipment storage building to be used by the Public Works and Parks Departments. The Budget identifies the proposed expenditure as a "Maintenance Building" (line item 81- 210 - 5421). The Capital Improvements Plan discussed the project as follows: $80,000 was allocated for the construction of an equipment storage facility for the Water and Parks Departments. The Facility, to be located near the City's vehicle maintenance facility, would allow the protection of vehicles from the elements while not being used, as well as mechanical equipment and inside storage. When originally defined, the project was intended to be a single structure that would provide protection of equipment that has been stored outside, subject to harsh weather conditions. The objective was to minimize damage to the equipment and provide for secured, organized storage. To achieve the objective, the FY95 -96 Capital Improvements Committee recommended sufficient funds be budgeted to enable building a "pole barn" type facility for use by Public Works and Parks personnel, including an interior enclosed storage area for use by Parks Department personnel. I Page 3 Design Concepts - Vehicle and Equipment Storage Buildings STREET MAINTENANCE BUILDING SITE: Placement of the equipment storage building was determined to be most effective when oriented with the open side of the building facing east. This orientation also provides appropriate equipment protection in the winter, based on prevailing wind direction. The structure was placed at the site joined to the existing Street Maintenance Building. This location allows for the area to be fenced for added security. Additionally, the north end of the equipment structure can be attached to the existing building. A potential reduction in materials costs could be achieved. O ROOF REPAIRS: The FY95 -96 Street Division budget (General Fund) includes a total of $2,800 for repairs to the Street Maintenance building, which includes: roof repair ($1,500), new exterior trim ($500), a new east side door ($150), and interior /exterior painting $650). As staff considered the Capital Improvements portion of the budget, combining use of General Fund and Capital Improvements ' money would enable an effective upgrade of the building and include covered storage. Prior to being able to paint, however, staff believes that repairs to the roof need to be ' completed. There is significant evidence of inadequate roof drainage (i.e., rotting facia boards, water marling on the walls and blistered paint) on the south side of the building to indicate the repairs are required. Once the equipment storage building is constructed painting the exterior of the existing building will provide a better image of the city facilities in this manufacturing area. Various roof repair options were evaluated (Attachment 3). Repairs were classified, based on the projected life expectancy of the repair system, as short-term (1 -2 years), intermediate -term (5 years) and long -term (10-25 years). Estimated costs for all roof repair options exceed the total budgeted funds available, however. Therefore, achieving a concept to paint and repair the roof with the storage building would not be possible using FY95 -96 operating funds. The possibility of incorporating the roof repair and /or replacement as part of the capital project for the storage building was evaluated. The short-term option (estimated to be $3,500) was not considered to be viable, since additional funds will be required in a short time to provide for more repairs. The intermediate repair option (estimated to be approximately $6,250) was determined to be a similar situation, since the procedure would only cover existing problems and not provide a lasting repair beyond 5 years. i 1 r N" Page 5 Design Concepts - Vehicle and Equipment Storage Buildings The combined total estimated costs of all projects is approximately $85,000. The FY95 -96 Capital improvement fund includes $80,000 for the projects. Therefore, in order to accomplish IU all three components, some method of cost reduction may be required if actual bids agree with the estimates. Attachment 2 lists items that could potentially be completed by city personnel, if necessary. Site preparation and placement of concrete flooring would be most easily accomplished, with a potential savings of approximately $11,900. These work items are proposed top be included in the specification packet and bid as part of the entire project. City personnel would not be expected to complete these portions of work unless the total bid exceeds the available $80,000 budget. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approval of the concept to construct two separate equipment storage buildings and the performance of roof repairs at the Street Maintenance Building using the Capital Improvements Fund budget of $80,000 and authorizes advertisement for bids. ATTACIEVDENTS: 1. Site maps and building views - Street and Parks 2. Estimated costs of equipment storage buildings 3. Street Building Roof Repair Options 1 M M on NEW METAL ROOF NEW EQUIPMENT STORAGE BUILDING �1 EXISTING CONCRETE BLOCK BUILDING -- ----- --- - --- -------- --- --- ---------- - -- - - -- ------------------- mnRO Darr 77- ayPrau EAST ELEVATI ❑N NEW METAL ROOF (match exterior of equipment storage bu ld ng) TT EXISTING CONCRETE BLOCK BUILDING I 1 I I _ I I I I �a- a NEW EQUIPMENT SOUTH ELEVATION STORAGE BUILDING SOUTH 6 EAST ELEVATION STREET MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT STORAGE BUILDING CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA FEBRUARY 1996 PUBUC VCRKS DEPARTMENT DL9<RRq IIV{fml NEW EQUIPMENT NORTH ELEVATI ❑N NEW EQUIPMENT ST ❑RAGE /OFFICE EAST ELEVATION NORTH L EAST ELEVATION PARKS DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT STORAGE BUILDING CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA FEBRUARY 1996 PUBLIC VDW4 DEPARTMENT o®mtur. RIWO' a 06 r A Page 2 Equipment Storage Buildings POTENTIAL COST SAVINGS: These items can be completed by City employees with equipment on hand with the exception of borrowing a dozer from Tulsa County for site preparation. FS:ite BUILDING ONE BUILDING TWO SAVINGS rl. epara tion $2,000.00 $5,000.00 $7,000.00 2. Concrete Floor $2,800.00 $2,100.00 $4,900.00 3. Rough Framing NA $2,500.00 $2,500.00 4. Interior Finish NA $3,000.00 $3,000.00 TOTAL SAVINGS $17,400.00 TOTAL BUILDING NUMBER ONE & TWO POTENTIAL COST SAVINGS REVISED COSTS BUILDING NUMBER ONE & TWO $65,000 $17,400 $47,600 Page 2 Street Building Roof Repair Options 4. Rubber Membrane Base improvements: $9,305 Single -ply rubber membrane, fully adhered (2835sf @ $3.00 /sf) $8,505 Total $17,810 15 -20 year manufacturer guaranty 5. Built -un ASDhalt Base improvements: $9,305 4 ply built -up asphalt roof (2835sf @ 2.00 /sf) $5,670 Total $14,975 8 -10 year life with no manufacturer guaranty 6. Other Options Gable Roof Remove existing roofing to deck (2835sf @ $1.00 /sf) $2,835 Anchor wood 2X to existing wall (lump sum) $2,000 Install wood trusses (2835sf (& $2.25 /sf) $6,379 Decking, gable ends and trim (2835sf @ $1.25 /so $3,545 Shingles (15 -20 year) (3500sf @ $1.00 /sf) $3,500 Total $18,259 Metal Roof Retro -fit Remove existing roofing to deck (2835sf @ $1.00 /sf) $2,835 Metal support system attached to the existing flat roof. Metal roof panels are then attached incorporating insulation, vents, flue pipes, and trim (2835sf (& $6.00 /sf) $17,010 Total $19,845