HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996.08.20_OPWA AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: August 20, 1996 TIME: 7:00 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, August 16, 1996. MarciABoutwell, AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Request Approval of the Minutes of August 6, 1996 Regular Meeting. Attachment #3 4. Request Approval of Claims Attachment #4 Owasso Public Works Authority August 20, 1996 Page 2 , 5. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Final Acceptance of , Work Performed Under Contract 3, Phases I & II for Manhole and Sewer Line Replacement, Between the City of Owasso /Owasso Public Works Authority and T -G Excavating Inc, and Authorization for Final Payment and Release of Retainage to the Contractor. Mr Groves Attachment #5 t Staff will recommend Trustee acceptance of the work performed under the contract, and that final payment be authorized to include any retainage held by the City /OPWA. 6. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Final Acceptance of Work Performed Under a Contract for the Construction of a Water Booster Pump Station, Between the City of Owasso /Owasso Public Works Authority and Landco Construction Co, and Authorization for Final Payment and Release of Retainage to the Contractor. Mr Groves Attachment #6 The staff will recommend Trustee acceptance of the work performed under the contract, and that final payment be authorized to include any retainage held by the City /OPWA. 7. Report from OPWA Manager Owasso Public Works Authority August 20, 1996 Page 3 8. Report from OPWA Attorney 9. Unfinished Business 10. New Business 11. Adjournment OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, August 6, 1996 The Owasso Public Works Authority met in regular session on Tuesday, August 6, 1996 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, August 2, 1996. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Chairman Ewing called the meeting to order at 8:33 p.m. ITEM 4: ROLL CALL PRESENT Danny Ewing, Chairperson Mary Lou Barnhouse, Trustee Michael Helm, Trustee Tracy Standridge, Trustee STAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager Ronald D Cates, Authority Attorney Marcia Boutwell, Authority Secretary A quorum was declared present. ABSENT Joe Ramey, Vice Chairperson ITEM 3: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF JULY 16, 1996 REGULAR MEETING AND JULY 25, 1996 SPECIAL MEETING. Mr Helm moved to approve the minutes as written, by reference hereto; seconded by Mr Standridge. AYE: Helm, Standridge, Barnhouse, Ewing NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0. ITEM 4: REQUEST APPROVAL OF CLAIMS Mr Helm moved, seconded by Mayor Ewing, to approve the following claims as submitted: (1) OPWA Fund $84,304.89; (2) OPWA Capital Improvement Fund $23,735.94; (3) Interfund Transfers $37,829.75; (4) Payroll $28,142.17. Owasso Public Works Authority AYE: Helm, Ewing, Standridge, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0. August 6, 1996 h ITEM 5: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST TO AWARD A CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE OF RESIDENTIAL REFUSE CONTAINERS (POLYCARTSI AND AUTHORIZE PAYMENT FOR THE PURCHASE OF AN INITIAL ORDER OF 100 GREEN CARTS AT $5700 Mr Carr said that this request is made annually for the purchase of polycarts to be used in the residential refuse collection program. Staff solicited bids for the bulk purchase of green refuse carts for use in residential trash collection and red carts for use by yardwaste separation customers. Two vendors submitted bids. Williams Refuse submitted the low bid, with the cost for both carts $2.50 lower than was submitted last year. Mr Helm asked if we would have more bidders in the specifications were changed. Current specifications require that the cart bottom be a minimum of six inches above the ground. Most vendors supply a cart that rests directly on the ground. Mr Carr said that more bids would probably be received if the specifications were changed. However, the bid from Williams refuse was $5.50 lower per cart than what the other vendor bid. Cart usage and replacement is now being tracked so that we will have a better idea of how frequently carts needs to be replaced. Ms Barnhouse moved, seconded by Chairman Ewing, to award a contract for the purchase of polycarts to Williams Refuse, Owasso, OK at a cost of $57.00 per green cart and $59.00 per red cart, and to authorize payment for the purchase of an initial order of 100 green carts in the amount of $5700. AYE: Barnhouse, Ewing, Standridge, Helm NAY: Helm Motion carried 4 -0. ITEM 6: REPORT FROM OPWA MANAGER No report. ITEM 7: REPORT FROM OPWA ATTORNEY No report. ITEM 8: UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. 2 Owasso Public Works Authority ITEM 9: NEW BUSINESS None. ITEM 10: ADJOURNMENT Mr Helm moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to adjourn. AYE: Helm, Barnhouse, Standridge, Ewing NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m. Marcia Boutwell, Authority Secretary Danny Ewing, Chairperson August 6, 1996 I (TTY nF nWARRn nWARRn PTTRT.Tr. Wnpy(; ATITTTnRTTY R /11,/91, 11).07'54 A/P r.T.ATMR RFPnRT APAPVR PAGF' Pn # VF.NT1nR np..RrRTPTTnN AmmINT ---- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- nPWA ADMTNTRTRATTnN ------------------------ - - - - -- 971)148 MFMRFR RRRVTCP 1.TFF. MnNTNI.Y PER I(M.1)1) 9701A5 MF.Rn RITPV TRA TNTNG RFMTNAR 6()-()() 970404 AT.TFRNATTVF RNVTRnNMFNTR RTTPF.RVTRnR.R TRATNTNS 11 ?,51) DEPARTMENT TnTA1, ____} 77 ?,5(1 TITTT.TTV RTI.T.TNG ------------------------ - - - - -- 971)01? (?n RYRTF.MR FITF1. 7/9A A9, 74 97!11 ?1 T)F.RF.K RAVF,RT METER RFAT)TNG 78.75 97(11 ?4 rRr rRPnTT RF.RVTrFR. TNr 7/9A rnT.T.F.rTTnNR 95.()(1 9709A9 TYRnNE T)TNKTNS METER RFAT)TNG q1R,An 970 ?AA nR(.AR M(.T.ATTRTN METER RFAT)TNG ?(19,7(1 97n ?h7 PRAT) RPARYMAN METER RFAT)TNG 151,91) 97ngAR .TnT4NNY RnrF.RR MF.TF.R RFAnTNG 174,90 DEPARTMENT TnTAT, = = = =) 110 ?A_59 WATER ------------------------ - - - - -- 971)1)1? nn RYRTF.MR FTIFT. 7/9/, 154.85 97(1(175 VAT.F TTNTFnRM RF.NTAI, ITNTFnRM r.I.FAN /RENT 118,1)1) 9701 ?h MTY nF TTTT.RA 7/9A WATER IMAGE R4,905.R1) 970145 WATER PRnT1TirTR TNr RF.PATR WATER LEAK 1R4,A4 97014A RnAn RnRTNG PPF.rTAT.TRT RnAn RnRF.R 450.00 970244 MTT.T, rPEPV T.TTMRF.R 3G RTIPPI. RF.PATR RITPPI.TFR 14.94 970747 WATER PRnT1TT(TR TNr WATER MFTFRR 1 ?/5/95 1.519.00 970119 WATER PRnT)TTrT(; TNr METER RFT RTTPPT,TF.S RR1,R5 970RAR nRPT nF F.NVTRnNMF.NTAT. ATTA PTTRT.Tr. WATER RTTPPT.V FFF. ?11 ,1)n nFPARTMENT TnTAT. = = = =) R777R ?.1)R WARTFWATF.R TRF.ATMF.NT PT.ANT ------------------------ - - - - -- 97001? nF.NVF.R TNRTRTTMFNT rn RFPATR ANAI.YTTr RAT.AN('F. 411.77 97001? (;n RYRTF.MR FTTFI. 7/9A AR-RA 970OAl ADVANrPT) rT4RMTr.AT. rNT.nRTNP 14 2.00 9701)A? RNF.RRV T.ARnRATnRTFR, TNr_ (;T.TTT)(;F. ANAI.YRTR 9() 1),01) 970075 VALE 1TNTFnRM RF.NTA1. UNTFnRM rT.RAN /RENT 7 ?.n1) 970 ?47 WARTF MANAGEMENT nF nKT.A TTPPTNG FF.FR 7/9A 1h9,7q MT4 nF nwARRn nWAR4n PTTRT.Tr wnRKR ATTTHnRTTV R /1/, /9A 10*07 :54 A/P rT.ATMfi RFPnRT APAPVR PA(,P. 9 Pn # VFNT)nR T)FSrRTPTTnN AMn1TNT - - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- 970 ?4.R r.TTRTTN MATHF,RnN SrTF.NTTFT T.AR RTTPPT,TFfi 909,OR nFPARTMF.NT TnTAT, ____) 21419-44 WARTFWATF.R rnT.T.FrTTnN ------------------------ - - - - -- 970ORP rn RVRTFMS FTTF1. 7/9/, ?R? A4 97n075 VAT.F TINTFnRM RF.NTAT. ITNTFnRM rT.F.AN /RF,NT ?R,nn 970244 MTT.T. rRFFK T.TIMRFR 3, RTIPPT. RFPATR ';TTPPT.TFR R1 9117 970 ?99 Rnf;FR Vnr,.c; PARTq -T.TFT RTATTnN R5,12 970800 ,TArYq ATIM PARTF RF.PATR T.TFT fiTATTnN 50 ?, 1 n 970RR1 riTMMTNfi FnTTTTiF.RN PI, ATN.r, TRNSF fiWTTrN -T,TFT RTN 440.48 97nR54 WRTTF. gTAR PiTMP RF.NTAT. R10,On nFPARTMFNT TnTAT, = = = =) ------- - - - - -- 1 z/, ?5. ?1 RFFTIRF rnT .T .F. rT T nNR 970OR? rn RVRTF.MF FTTFT. 7/9A 4R ?, i A 970075 VAT.F, TTNTFnRM RFNTAT. TTNTFnRM rT,F,AN /RENT 92, no 970242 WARTF MANAGPMRNT nF nyi.A TTPPTNG FF.FR 7/9n /,.07 2_7R 970 ?50 W W rRA TNT;FR TNr PnT,VrART RFPA TR PARTS I A4.9n ' T)F.PARTMFNT TnTAT. ____) A7/-.?l R4 PFrVrT.F, rFNTFR ------------------------- 97008? r;n RYRTRMS FTTF.T. 7/9A 155.8? 97nn75 VAT.F, T1NTFnRM RF,NTAT, IINTFnRM rT.F.AN /RENT 2q, On 97n 24? WAgTR MANAAF.MFNT nF nmi.A TTPPTNr; PPRC; 7/9A c Rh ' 97n ?5R WARTF MANAGRMF.NT nF nvi.A rnMMT. RF.FiTr,F 7/9A 4� ?40.07 T)F.PARTMF.NT TnTAT. ____) 4795R. ?5 FUND TnTAT, ____) - -- 1047701 ,91 OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING D 08/03/96 OVERTIME TOTAL DEPARTMENT EXPENSES EXPENSES Utility Billing 12159 3,008 36 Wastewater 3,609.28 Refuse 0.00 3,107.03 APPROVE 08/20/96 Chairman Trustee Trustee MEMORANDUM TO: RODNEY J. RAY CITY MANAGER FROM: DOUGLAS E. GROVES ENGINEERING TECHNI SUBJECT: FINAL ACCEPTANCE - CONTRACT 3 OF MANHOLE AND SEWER LINE REPLACEMENT PROJECT (T - G EXCAVATING,INC.) DATE: August 14, 1996 BACKGROUND: On April 18, 1995, Council awarded a contract for sewer line replacement to T -G Excavating in the amount of $977,514.00. The contract is one of the four contracts awarded for the manhole and sewer line replacement project. The work area was divided based on the funding source: Phase 1 (funded by CDBG grant) is the area of town lying south of Second Avenue and Phase 2 is the area north of Second Avenue to Nineteenth Street. This portion of sewer line replacement was designed to consist of 3,454 feet in Phase 1 and 38,061 feet in Phase 2 for a total of 41,515 feet of Slip Lining. Slip Lining is a process of pulling a slightly smaller High Density Polyethylene pipe through an existing clay tile sewer line. After this portion of work, the private service connections are excavated and replaced. The notice to proceed was issued on May 31, 1995 with a 300 day completion date of March 26, 1996. Line cleaning and TV inspection began June 5, 1995, and the slip lining started July 9, 1995. Work was completed on April 25, 1996. The contractor has been completing punch list items since the May 8, 1996 final inspection. All items have been completed (see attached). F NAL CONSTRUCTION C T Staff has monitored the progress of work and overall costs as the work has been conducted. The original contract amount of $977,514.00 consisted of $83,335.20 in Phase 1 and $894,178.80 in Phase 2. In the submitted final pay request, the actual total for all work completed is $9549292.70. A resultant decrease of $23,221.30 was submitted for the project. Page 2 Final Acceptance of Sewer Line Replacement The difference in costs is due to quantity adjustments between those originally estimated by the design engineer and the actual materials required during construction. Specifically, slightly less slip lining was necessary in both phases. However, one hundred fifty one (151) additional private service connections were needed to complete the project. Estimated quantities for Plastic Safety Fence in Phase 2 were severely underestimated by the Engineer (Nova Engineering). Nova had specified a total of 98LF of plastic safety fence for the project. A total of 1,590 LF were used. FINAL PAY REOUEST• A punch list had been prepared and all items have been completed on the project (see attached). ' The final pay request, based upon total actual costs of construction, has been submitted in the amount of $7,997.80 for Phase 1 and $41,670.96 for Phase 2. The total pay request is $49,668.76 which consists of only retainage (5% of the submitted contract pay items). ' FUNDING SOURCE: 0 The Phase 1 portion of this contract is funded by a grant from the Oklahoma Department of Commerce. Phase 2 is funded using loan funds from the Oklahoma Water Resources Board (OWRB). RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends Trustee acceptance, release of retainage and authorization for final payment to T -G Excavating, Inc. in the amount of $49,668.76. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Final pay request from T -G Excavating, Inc. 2. Final Punch List ARTIAL PAYMENT ESTIMATE BER *10 "S OF CONTRACTOR: T-0 Exaavafin0, Ina., 25016 E. Adrrtrtl PI. Catoasa, OK 74015 W = OF OWNER: City of Owasso, 207 8oU11 Cedar, OMM, OK 74055 DATE OF COMPLETION: OrlgInal March 25, 1006 Revised March 26, ION AMOUNT OF CONTRACT Ori0lrad $83,336.20 Revised $70,078.00 DATE OF ESTIMATE Ttru May 21, 1006 Toni Phase One: 583,335,20 10.00: : S70,078.00: 170,071100 This Es6rroie : Prevlaus Es9n % : Total to Date Apprmc Uric Urit Price Arrant Quern Ammnt Qumd. Ammnt Quell Ammirt t? Desorip9an Quw ty : T(81pIM Ptme One) 1 : Pdnt Repair 5.00: ea $800.00: 3,000.00: 0.00: 6.00: 3,800.00: 6.00: 3,600.00 8' Slpine 3464.00: If $17.30: 60,764.20: 0.00: 3200.00: 66,017.00: 3200.00: 66,017.00 3 : Servlae Ca mdarn 88.00: a $280.00: 113,400.00: 0.00: 61.00: 14,280.00: 81.00: 14,260.00 Claming 8 Inspectlan 3464.00 ; K 11.50 5,181.00 ; 0.00 ; 3454.00 5,181.00 ; 3454.00 ; 5,181.00 F Toni Phase One: r 583,335,20 10.00: : S70,078.00: 170,071100 ORIGINALCONTRACT AMOUNT: ............................................................................................................................................... $83,335.20 , ADDITIONS: ................................................................................................................................................................................... $0.00 DEDUCTIONS:......................................................................................................................... ............................... ...................... $3,367.20 ADJUSTED CONTRACT AMOUNT TO DATE: ........................................................................................................................... $78.978.00 TOTALAMOUNT EARNED TO DATE: ........................................................................................................................................ $79,978.00 MATERIALON HAND.............................................................. .. ............... .................................................................................... $0.00 TOTALCOMPLETED i STORED TO DATE ............................................................................................... ............................... RETAI NAG E:....................................................................................................................... $79,978.00 , $0.00 _.............................. .......................... TOTALEARNED LESS RETAINAGE :..................................................................................... ............................... ..................... $78.978.00 LESSPREVIOUS PAYMENTS: .................................................................................................................................................... $71,980.20 AMOUNTDUE THIS ESTIMATE: ........................................................................................................................................... 1 $7,087.80 .^. ERTIFICATION OF INSPECTOR in s000rdance with the oonlrad domrrwft, based on on-oft observations and the data oorrprising the above application, the Inepeator oertifles to the owner && to the beat of the InspeoWs mowledge, Irfamtadon and brief, the Work has proWeased as Indcated, the quality of the Work Is In aoowdenoe with the Contract Doaames, and the Carvador is antttled to payment of the MOW owned I'VE- -w-mr CERTIFICATION OF CONTRACTOR M- I Dots: (o— ZS'`�to Accordrg to tM boot of my kawtsdpe and bNaf,1 cmir* M al Rata and amounts shown on hl padodai ew wt a forparUsIpapwtaroca. That al work has boat pal'bi n anddor a oft lal aappiad in iN 200orrtanoe wb the n gdrennerts of the refenerwed oontract, erdibr"atfty and deMstlans, stmMullom, atera cm. andlbr adMons; That the forgoing Is Mat no part of the balance due We esthete, has been received, and that the wderoig wi and No &A*wtradors have completed with al Ilia labor prWolons of said contract. T-0 EXCAVATING, INC. DATE: CL-Alm or INVOICE AFFIDnVfi STATE OF OKLAHOMA ) COUNTY OF S )ss The undersigned contractor, of lawful age, being first duly sworn, on oath says that his invoice or claim is true and correct. Altiant further states that the work and materials as shown by this claim have been completed in accordance with the plans, specifications, orders or requests furnished the atfiant. Affiant further states that (s)he has made no payment, given or donated or agreed to pay, give or donate, either directly or indirectly, to any elected official, officer or employee of the Slate, County, City or Authority of money or any other thing of value to obtain payment or the award of this Contract. Subscribed and swom to before me o?S day-of JUne- 1996, rtary Pulldlic My Commission Expires: NOTE: This form is to be submitted with all claims. (10) PARTIAL PAYMENT ESTIMATE NUMBER 010A NAME OF CONTRACTOR: T-0 Exnivabng, hn., 2501E E. Adff" Pt Cabosa, OK 74015 NAME OF OWNER: City of Owasso, 207 South Cedar, Owasso, OK 74055 DATE OF COMPLETION: AMOUNT OF CONTRACT DATE OF ESTIMATE OrlOnal Mtah 25, 19W Orlflinal $894.175.80 Thru May Z7. low RwAsed Maroh 26, 19W Revised $974,314.70 This Estimate : Pr&Acue Estimate : Total to Date ilsnt AM= Urit No. DdorlPao QuenBty : Unit Prlos Amarnt ctr nt Amount Queer t. Artmrt Quant : Amant (Slpine Purse Two) Type II Barricades 441.00: sd $200: 66200: 0.00: 228.00: 466.00: 226.00: 466.1 2 Dnsm 1754.00: ad >12.00: 3,626.00: 0.00: 215.00: 430.00: 216.00: 430.00 3 Waring 81gis Over 1E sf 706.00: ad $2.00 : 1,412.00: 0.00: 324.00: 646.00: 324.00: 646.1 4 Plastic Safety Fence 98.00 : F $5.00: 40(100 : - 900.00: (4.500.00): 2490.00: 12,460.00: 1590.00: 7,9%0 - 5 : Pohrt Re*r 17.00: as . 11800.00: 10,200.00: 0.00: 10.00: 8.000.00: 10.00: 6,000.00 6 : 6' S1p1rw 38081.00: Ir $17.30: 658.465.30: 9200: 1.691.60: 3430200: 593,424.80: 34394.00: 595,016.; 7 : Service Conrrctions 579.00: ea $250.00: 162.120.00: 0.00 : 734.00: 206,920.00: 734.00: 206,520.00 8 : x^06 kopeclon 36061.00: It $1.50: 57,091.50: 504.00: 766.00: 36369.00: 67,636.60: 36863.00: 66,284.1 : Total Phu* Two: . $894,178.80 : ($2,15240): : $876,467.10 : $674,314.70 ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: $894,178.80 ADDITION$ :.................................................................................................................................................... ............................... $0.00 DEDUCTIONS: .............................................................................................................................................................................. ;19,884.10 ADJUSTED CONTRACT AMOUNT TO DATE: ........................................................................................................................... $674,314.70 TOTALAMOUNT EARNED TO DATE: ........................................................................................................................................ =874,314.70 MATERIALON HAND: .......................................................... . ...................................................................................................... $0.00 TOTALCOMPLETED i STORED TO DATE :........................................................................... ............................... .................... $874,314.70 RETAINAOE:........................................................................................................................ ............................... .......................... $0.00 TOTALEARNED LESS RETAINAGE :.......................................................................................................... ............................... $874,314.70 LESSPREVIOUS PAYMENTS: .................................................................................................................................................... $83'!,943.74 AMOUNTDUE THIS ESTIMATE: .................................................................................................... =RTIFICATION OF INSPECTOR $41,970.96 rdanos with ft oatrad domrrwxts, based an aFstte abservadcma and the data oan sing the above apploatlon, the Inspedw aartlfles to dw owner It& to the bast of dis IncpeaWs ry fps, Inform adw and belef, the Work has progeesed as Irtdcated, the qw ty of ft Wank Is In accordorm wdtlt the Contract Doarrnerte, and the Contractor to entitled to payrrtert of the roil Cooed "St FICATION OF CONTRACTOR no to the best of my Wowledge and belief, I certify @tat d Rum and amowh shown an No pedodcal ntlrmte for partial payment am eweet; That d work has bean port mted and & m I mppled In Ad aaoadance with the negAmnerts or the refererwed oartrack wA r duly atdKdzed deviations, a dAutians. aberatlms, and/or addldcm; That the forgoing Is tint no part 111% . _ dance due tWs eatlrrwte, hoe trees received, and that the urderdged and No stbcatrachn have conoded with d the labor pravislans of said omtraa '43 CAVATING, INC. BY: DATE: ( CLAIN OR INVOICE AFFIDAVIT STATE OF OKL.AHOMA ) ' COUNTY of )ss -5 , The undersigned contractor, of lawful age, being first duly sworn, on oath says that his invoice or claim is true and correct. Altiant further states that the work and materials as shown by this claim have been completed in accordance with the plans, specifications, orders or requests furnished the affiant. Altiant further states that (s)he has made no payment, given or donated or agreed to pay, give or donate, either directly or indirectly, to any elected official, ot- icer or employee of the State, County, City or Authority of money or any other thing of value to obtain payment or the award of this Contract. Subscribed and sworn to before meaS day-of je,/7 e 96 191. N tart' Pu lic My Commission Expires: NOTE. This form is to be submitted with all claims. (10) INSPECTION PUNCH LIST May 8, 1995 Manhole and Sewer Line Replacement Project - Contract III T G Excavating G & B Construction item Completed 1. Install lamphole 50 feet south of MH 13 5 -20 -96 2. Regrade easement to have MH 13 on surface 5 -20 -96 3. Fill in depressed area adjacent to MH 22 5 -20 -96 4. MH 60 - tie fence fabric to rails 5 -20 -96 5. MH 104 - remove broken pipe from trough and grout 5 -20 -96 around pipes 6. As per work order, 103 West 9th Street - reinstall 5 -20 -96 fence to original condition 7. LH 212 - rake and level backfill 5 -20 -96 8. MH 218A - cut trough in HDPE pipe and seal pipes 5 -20 -96 9. MH 217 - 3 yards south of manhole needs to be fine raked 5 -20 -96 and reseeded 10. MH 203B - Remove debris from bench area 5 -20 -96 11. MH 203A - Remove debris from bench area, regrout around pipe 5 -20 -96 12. 204 East 8th - sod disturbed areas adjacent to Birch Street 5 -20 -96 13. MH198 - trim pipe trough to prevent solid buildup. 5 -20 -96 14. MH 201 - cut out trough and seal pipes 5 -20 -96 15. 1007 N. Cedar, MH227 - rake, smooth, level and reseed 5 -20 -96 disturbed areas 16. 1009 N. Cedar - regrade area adjacent to fence 5 -20 -96 17. LH 202 - reset existing frame 5 -20 -96 18. MH 234 - stretch and reattach existing fence 5 -20 -96 19. MH 234 - fill depressed area and repair fence 5 -20 -96 20. LH 244A - locate and raise 5 -20-96 21. LH 241 - replace white metal fencing 5 -20 -96 22. MH 236 - level, remove debris and reseed in service connection 5 -20 -96 area 23. MH 235 - remove build up and debris, repair grout seal 5 -20 -96 24. MH 237 - regrade around manhole 5 -20 -96 25. LH 238 - regrade to be on surface 5 -20 -96 26. MH 196 - regrade adjacent to manhole 5 -20 -96 27. MH 192 - regrade a depressed area around manhole 5 -20 -96 28. 610 N. Ash - regrade a depressed area 5 -20 -96 29. MH 188 - repair grout seal, regrade service connection area 5 -20 -96 30. 610 N. Birch - regrade depressed area north of MH 189 5 -20 -96 31. LH 83 - reseal cracked pipe seal 5 -20 -96 Page 2 Manhole and Sewer Line Replacement Project - Contract III T G Excavating G & B Construction item 32. Remove form materials, restore areas adjacent to service connections at 601, 509, 507, 505 East 3rd Ct. 33. MH 137 - clean bench and trough area 34. 504 North Dogwood - replace boxwood plants, repair fence 35. LH 254 - rgrade yard 36. 107 East 19th - concrete around post, tighten fence post bolts 37. 103 East 19th - rgrade disturbed area 38. MH 264 - clean debris from bottom of manhole 39. MH 260 - remove sealed lid, verify work 40. Regrade service connection areas between MH 260 and 260 C 41. Repair grout seals in the following manholes: 77, 111, 130, 132, 138, 144, 147, 153, 154, 165, 167, 181A, 183, 208B, 211, 222, 232, 233, 236, 237, 240, 244, 258A, 258B, 262, 265, 268, 271, 272 42. Repair yards damaged excavations per work order system OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION le2d Doug Groves Engineering Technician Completed 5 -20 -96 5 -20 -96 5 -20 -96 5 -20 -96 5 -20 -96 5 -20 -96 5 -20 -96 5 -20 -96 5 -20 -96 5 -20 -96 8 -14 -96 MEMORANDUM TO: RODNEY J. RAY CITY MANAGER FROM: DOUGLAS E. GROVES ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN SUBJECT: FINAL ACCEPTANCE - WATER BOOSTER PUMP STATION (LANDCO CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC.) DATE: August 13, 1996 BACKGROUND: On March 5, 1996, the Trustees of the Owasso Public Works Authority awarded a contract for the installation of a package water booster pump station to Landco Construction Company, Inc. in the amount of $62,612.00. The station, designed by Cantrell & Associates, increases pressure in our water distribution system that lies in the higher elevations of the area acquired from Rural Water District #3 in Rogers County (see attached map). The notice to proceed was issued on April 2, 1996 with a 120 day completion date of July 30, 1996. The package station was ordered immediately commencing the shop drawing submittal process. The Public Works Department approved the shop drawings for fabrication and ' assembly of the package booster pump station on April 16, 1996. Prior to delivery of the booster station, the contractor completed the site preparation and installation of underground piping and valves. The Public Works Department coordinated with PSO to provide 500 L.F. ' of trenching and a road bore for the electrical service to the site. K Construction completed the bore under 129th East Avenue at a cost of $2,000.00. The package station was delivered on July 16, 1996. After connection to the electrical service and underground piping, the station was put into operation on Friday, July 26th. A final inspection was held on July 30th with a punch list provided to the contractor. All punch list W items have been completed (see attached). ICHANGE ORDER NO.1 OM On July 16, 1996, Trustees approved a Change Order for the use of check valves in lieu of gate valves to keep water pressure zones in the distribution system separated. The use of check Page 2 Final Acceptance Water Booster Pump Station ' valves enable flow from the gravity fed portion of the water distribution system during periods of high flow (i.e., fire fighting ) or pump failure while isolating the high pressure area during ' normal usage periods. The amount of the Change Order reflects the addition of two check valves and deletion of two gate valves. The net increase of this change was $1,212.12 (see attached). WATER BOOSTER PUMP OPERATIONS: Prior to start -up, pressure in the area north of 96th Street North (City View subdivision) was approximately 40 psi and following start -up the pressure had increased to about 64 psi. Data collected in the Windsor Lake area shows an increase from approximately 58 to as high as 96 psi. The pump station operating pressure is currently set to obtain 80 psi at the pumps with target pressure of 60 -65 psi in the area north of 96th Street. After the station was in operation, tests were made in surrounding water distribution system. A fire hydrant was opened in Windsor Lake which allowed all three booster pumps to operate simultaneously. The fire hydrant delivered 1,000 gallons per minute (gpm) at 40 psi. Simultaneously, water pressure reading were taken at the Assembly of God Church showing a change in pressure from 40 psi to 38 psi. At 14400 E. 100th Street North, the pressure drop was from 70 psi to 64 psi. The booster pump station had not adversely effected the surrounding water distribution system. FINAL CONSTRUCTION COST: The original contract amount was $62,612.00. A Change Order of $1,212.12 increased the contract amount to $63,824.12. In the submitted final pay request, the actual total cost of all work completed is $63,824.12. FINAL PAY REQUEST: The final pay request was submitted for the full amount of the contract of $63,824.12 which includes $60,632.91 in contract pay items and $3,191.21 in retainage (5 % of the contract price). The contractor chose to wait until completion of the project to file an application for payment. FUNDING SOURCE: ' Funding for this project is available from the OPWA water department operating budget. The project was originally budgeted in fiscal 1995 -96. At the next OPWA meeting, Trustees will be asked to approve a budget carryover to fiscal 1996 -97 for this project. RECOMMENDATION: Page 3 Final Acceptance Water Booster Pump Station Staff recommends Trustees acceptance, release of retainage and authorization for final payment to Landco Construction Company, Inc., in the amount of $63,824.12. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Final pay request from Landco Construction Company, Inc. 2. Change Order No. 1 3. Final punch list 4. Booster pump station high pressure area map. APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT II Page One of S TO (Owner): City of Owasso Contract Date: 03/05/96 207 S. Cedar Owasso, OK 74055 Application Date: 08/09/96 FROM (Contractor): Landco Construction Co. Period To: 07/30/96 Rt 3 Box 2290 Owasso, OK 74055 Distribution To: Owner Architect PROJECT: Owasso Booster Pump Station Contractor CONTRACT FOR: Engineer CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT Application is made for payment, as shown below, in connection with the Contract. Continuation sheet is attached. 1. Original Contract Sum $ 621,612.00 2. Net Change by Change Orders $ 1,212.12 3. Contract Sum to Date (Line 1 & 2) $ 63,824.12 4. Total Completed & Stored to Date $_ 63,824.12 (Column G on Continuation Sheet) 5. Retainage: a. 0 % of Completed Work $ 0 (Column D & E on Continuation Sheet) - FINAL b. —O % of Stored Material $ 0 (Column F on Continuation Sheet) Total Retainage (Line 5a & 5b) $ 0 6. Total Earned Less Retainage $ 63,824.12 (Line 4 less Line 5 Total) 7. Less Previous Certificates for Payment $ 0 AGREEMENT 0196 00300 - 8 of 14 S 63,824.12 ADDITIONS $ 0 $ 1,212.12 $ 1,212.12 DEDUCTIONS $ $ Net change by Change Orders $ 1,212.12 The undersigned Contractor certifies that to the best of the Contractor's knowledge, information and belief, the WORK covered by this Application for Payment has been completed in accordance with the Contract Documents, that all amounts have been paid by the Contractor for Work for which previous Certificates for Payment were issued and payments received from the nOwner, and that current payment shown herein is now due. A - CONTRACTOR: By: Date: C\ —c n n STATE OF OKLAHOMA ) ss COUNTY OF Subscribed and sworn o before me this day of ou (SEAL) ",00A I OA Lzoon Notary Public My Commission Expires: Ell AGREEMENT 0196 00300 - 9 of 14 ri 8. CURRENT PAYMENT DUE a 9. Balance to Finish, Plus Retamage ri (Line 3 less Line 6) n 4 CHANGE ORDER SUMMARY: M! Change Orders approved in previous months by OWNER TOTALS Approved this month Number one Date Approved 07/16/96 TOTALS 4 S 63,824.12 ADDITIONS $ 0 $ 1,212.12 $ 1,212.12 DEDUCTIONS $ $ Net change by Change Orders $ 1,212.12 The undersigned Contractor certifies that to the best of the Contractor's knowledge, information and belief, the WORK covered by this Application for Payment has been completed in accordance with the Contract Documents, that all amounts have been paid by the Contractor for Work for which previous Certificates for Payment were issued and payments received from the nOwner, and that current payment shown herein is now due. A - CONTRACTOR: By: Date: C\ —c n n STATE OF OKLAHOMA ) ss COUNTY OF Subscribed and sworn o before me this day of ou (SEAL) ",00A I OA Lzoon Notary Public My Commission Expires: Ell AGREEMENT 0196 00300 - 9 of 14 ARCHITECT'S / ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT In accordance with the • contract documents, based on on -site observations and the data comprising the above application, the Architect/Engineer certifies to the Owner that to the best of the Architect's/Engineer's knowledge, information and belief, the Work has progressed as indicated, the quality of the Work is in accordance with the Contract Documents, and the Contractor is entitled to payment of the amount certified. AMOUNT CERTIFIED $ 163,824.12 (Attach Explanation .if amount certified differs from the amount applied for.) ARCHITECT/ ENGINEER: City of Owasso QJ By: Date: 8 -12 -96 r Phil Lutz This certificate is not negotiable. The AMOUNT CERTIFIED is payable only to the contractor named herein. Issuance, payment and acceptance of payment without prejudice to any rights of the Owner or Contractor under this Contract. AGREEMENT 0196 00300 - 10 of 14 T - CONTINUATION SHEET Page 4-1 of Application and Certification for Payment, containing Contractor's signed Certification is ,f- attached. Application Number: one Application Date: 08/09/96 Period To: 07/30/96 In tabulations below, amounts are stated to the nearest dollar. Use Column I on Contracts where variable retainage for line items may apply. A B C D E (coat) — ITEM DESCRIPTION SCHEDULED WORK COMPLETED WORK COMPLETED NO. OF WORK VALUE FROM PREVIOUS THIS PERIOD APPLICATION 1. Booster airp staticrn 44,856.00 0 44,856.00 2. Site gading & o=ete pads �. in 4,000.00 gm-no 0 n 4,000.00 gm-00 C�,Fr,syi rrf �k p] 4. Gate Valves 5,300.00 0 5,300.00 6: 6,, m Drain 1.200.00 0 1,200.00 7. Set & Hock up 6,356.00 0 6,356.00 8. G Order #1 1,212.12 0 1,212.12 Totals 63,824.12 0 63,824.12 (cont) F G H I MATERIALS TOTAL COMPLETED % BALANCE RETAINAGE PRESENTLY STORED AND STORED (G /C) TO FINISH (NOT IN D OR E) TO DATE (C-G) (D +E +F) 0 44,856.00 100. 0 0 0 4,000.00 100Y. 0 0 0 900.00 100 0 0 0 5,300.00 MY% 0 0 0 1,200.00 100% 0 0 0 6,356.00 n 1,919-19, 100Y 10M 0 n 0 n - Total 0 63,824.12 100% 0 0 NOTE: At bottom of each column, run totals. AGREEMENT 0196 00300 - 11 of 14 CLAIM OR INVOICE AFFIDAVIT STATE OF OKLAHOMA ) ) ss COUNTY OF = The undersigned (Architect, Contractor, Supplier, Engineer or Supervisory Official), of lawful age, being first duly sworn, on oath says that this (Invoice, Claim or Contract) is true and correct. Affiant further states that the (work, services or materials) as shown by this Invoice or Claim have been (completed or supplied) in accordance with the Plans, Specifications, orders or requests furnished to_ the affiant. Aunt further states that (s)he has made no payment, nor given, nor donated, or agreed to pay, give, or donate, either directly or indirectly, to any elected official, officer, or employee of the State, County, or City of money or any other thing of value to obtain payment or the award of this contract. Contractor or(Supplier Subscribed an sworn to before me this day of , 19 0 X 9/-Y\ Notary Publ c My Cusrnlesion Expires: CZ9 6 -� Architect, Engineer or other Supervisory Official Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 19_. Notary Public My Commission Expires: NOTE: Strike out words not appropriate and sign appropriate signature line. Architect, Engineer approval is not required for Contractor or Supplier Affidavit. AGREEMENT 0196 00300 - 12 of 14 SECTION 00600 CHANGE ORDER PROJECT:OWASSO BOOSTER STATION TO CONTRACTOR: LANDCO CONSTRUCTION CO. CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: ONE DATE: 06/27/96 CONTRACT DATE: 03 /05/96 CONTRACT FOR: The Contract is changed as follows: To change two gate valves for two 8" F1 Swing Check Valve Muller's and two standard 36 1lx36" Galvanized Cans Not valid until signed by the Owner and Contractor The original Contract Sum was $ 62,612.00 Net change by previously authorized Change Orders $ 0 The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was $ 62,612.00 The Contract Sum will be (increased) (decreased) (unchanged) by this Change Order in the amount of $ 1,212.12 The new Contract Sum including this Change Order will be 5 63,824.12 The Contract Time will be (increased) (decreased) (unchanged) by ( 0 ) days. The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change 07/30/96 Order therefore is NOTE: This summary does not reflect changes in the Contract Sum Time which have been authorized by Construction Change Directive. Landco Construction Co. CONTRACTOR Rt 3 Box 2290 ADDRESS Owasso,.,TK 74055 BY 4 /_ ��i_'� DATE G "c2, 7 — 96 1295 Ci t.y of nwaggo OWNER 207 South Cedar ADDRESS 0 a so, OK 74055 U BY. DATE 7VJ CHANGE O 00600 — 1 OF 1 ATTACHMENT 2 WATER BOOSTER PUMP STATION FINAL PUNCH LIST Items: 1. Tighten piping connection inside station to stop leaks. 2. Raise single phase transformer 3. Change double doors to open properly 4. Clean up debris from site and station 5. Provide training to Public Works staff OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Doug Groves Engineering Technician July 30, 1996 Complete 8 -01 -96 7 -30 -96 8 -01 -96 7 -30 -96 7 -30 -96 A rrrP A VT4AAW XTrP A 102ND ST. 101ST ST. HIGH PRESSURE AREA OUNDARY a 100TH ST 100TH ST 99TH ST 98TH 97TH BOOSTER PUMP STATION 9 6TH W 95TH PL 94TH 080 � 94TH 3RD 92ND PL _ HIGH PRESSURE AREA BOUNDARY 92ND ST 88TH 87TH PLAZA 86TH 7TH BOOSTER PUMP STATION HIGH PRESSURE AREA CITY OF ❑WASSO, OKLAHOMA 85TH PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISI