HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996.10.15_City Council Agenda PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: Regular r DATE: October 15, 1996 TIME: 7:00 p. m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center ~' ~ Notice and Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, October 11, 1996. ,~ . ,~ Marci Boutwell, City Jerk AGENDA i i i i 1. Call to Order 2. Invocation Pastor Larry Brinkley Owasso Church of the Nazarene 3. Flag Salute 4. Roll Call 5. Reading of Mayor's Proclamation. Mayor Ewing Attachment #5 The Mayor will read a proclamation designating the week of October 21-25 as Red Ribbon Week in Owasso. Owasso City Council October 15, 1996 Page 2 6. Request Approval of the Minutes of October 1, 1996 Regular Meeting. Attachment #6 7. Request Approval of Claims. Attachment #7 ~~ 8. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Final Acceptance of Work Performed Under a Contract for Improvements to the Parking Lots at Elm Creek Park, Between the City of Owasso and Newman Contracting Inc, and Authorization for Final ,~ Payment and Release of Retainage to the Contractor. Mr Rooney Attachment #8 The staff will recommend Council acceptance of the work performed under the contract, and that final payment be authorized to include any retainage held by the City. 9. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Acceptance of Improvements to the Water and Sanitary Sewer Systems Constructed to Serve Barrington Estates, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. '~- Mr Lutz Attachment #9 The staff will recommend Council acceptance of the infrastructure improvements. Owasso City Council October 15, 1996 Page 3 10. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Acceptance of Improvements to the Streets and Storm Sewer Drainage Systems Constructed to Serve Windsor Lake, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. Mr Lutz Attachment #10 The staff will recommend Council acceptance of the infrastructure improvements. 11. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Council Acceptance of a U.S. Department of Justice Grant to the Owasso Police Department in the Amount of $1221, Such to be Matched With Local Funds in the Amount of $408. Chief Alexander Attachment #11 The staff will recommend Council acceptance of the grant and that the Mayor be authorized to execute the documents necessary to that acceptance. 12. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for a Supplemental Appropriation to the General Fund's Police Department Budget in the Amount of $1221, Such Supplemental Funding Derived From a Grant to the Owasso Police Department from the U.S. Department of Justice. Ms Bishop See Attachment #11 The staff will recommend Council approval of a supplemental appropriation to the General Fund Police Department Budget, specifically increasing the overtime appropriation by $1221 as required by the grant. Owasso City Council ~ October 15, 1996 Page 4 , 13. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request That the Mayor be Authorized to Execute a "Site Agreement" Between the City of Owasso and the Tulsa Senior Nutrition Program for the Purpose of Continuing the Use of the Owasso Community Center as a Nutrition Site for Providing Noon Meals. Ms Worley Attachment #13 Staff will recommend that the Council authorize the Mayor to execute the site agreement. 14. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for the Purchase of Tables and ~ Chairs, and Renovation of Furniture for the Owasso Community Center. Ms Worley Attachment #14 The staff will recommend Council approval of expenditures in the amount of $1920.00 to , Harold Kight, Owasso, for upholstering services; $2090.00 to Adirondack Wholesale Business Furniture, Long Island, New York, for the purchase of 100 chairs; and $2481.50 to Adirondack Wholesale Business Furniture, Long Island, New York, for the purchase of , 15 tables; a total expenditure of $6491.50 for improvements to the Community Center. 15. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request by the Green Country YMCA for City Council Approval of Plans for the Rennovation of a Building Recently Leased From the City by the YMCA. Mr McElrath Attachment #15 The lease agreement between the YWCA and City of Owasso requires City Council approval of any rennovation projects undertaken by the "Y" at the facility previously used as the Recreation Center. Mr Swift, Chief Executive Officer, will present the YMCA's rennovation plans to the Council and seek approval of those plans so as to allow construction to begin. NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: October 15, 1996 TIME: 7:00 p. m. PLACE: Owasso Council Chambers, Community Center Notice of Addendum filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, October 14, 1996. Rodney J Ra it ADDENDUM TO AGENDA Items numbered 1 through 15 on the agenda filed on October 11, 1996, shall remain the same. Items numbered 16 through 21 are now numbered 17 through 22; and the following is submitted for addendum thereof. 16. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Council Confirmation of a Mayor's Appointment to the Owasso Planning Commission, Such Appointment to fill a vacancy created by the resignation of Commissioner Gary Wells and for the remainder of the term to which Mr. Wells was Appointed. Mayor Ewing Owasso City Council October 15, 1996 Page 5 16. Report from City Manager 20. New Business 21. Adjournment ~ PROCLAMATION ' CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ' WHEREAS, Every five seconds a teen is involved in a drug or alcohol related accident, and the use of drugs and alcohol is the ~#1 cause of death of teenagers in the United ' States; and, WHEREAS, Productivity losses due to drug and alcohol abuse cost the United States billions of dollars each year; and WHEREAS, Drugs and alcohol contribute to a high percentage of violent crimes, crimes to property, and public offenses; and, WHEREAS, Teens are using drugs and alcohol in greater numbers, and children are using y, them at an earlier age each year; and, WHEREAS, Millions of citizens from across the nation are committed to opposing the use of tobacco, alcohol, and illegal drugs, and promoting a healthy lifestyle, and; WHEREAS, The red ribbon has become a symbol of the commitment to raise awareness of the killing and destruction caused by drugs in America, NOW, THEREFORE, I, Danny Ewing, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor of ' the City of Owasso, do hereby proclaim the week of October 21-25, 1996 as RED RIBBON WEEK in Owasso, Oklahoma, and call upon all citizens to participate in this celebration to promote ' drug and alcohol free lifestyles by placing red ribbons on their homes, businesses and vehicles _. throughout the week, and by wearing red on Red Ribbon Day, Wednesday, October 23rd. IN WITNESS THEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the City of ' Owasso to be affixed this 15th day of October, 1996. ~ Danny Ewing, Mayor 1 Owasso City Council October 1, 1996 ITEM 6: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 17 1996 REGULAR MEETING. Mr Standridge moved, seconded by Mr Helm, to approve the minutes as submitted, by reference made a part hereto. AYE: Standridge, Helm, Barnhouse, Ramey, Ewing NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 7: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE CLAIMS Mr Ramey moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, that the following claims be approved as submitted: (1) General Fund $26,039.85; (2) Workers Comp Self-Ins $18.00; (3) Ambulance Service Fund $923.90; (4) City Garage $4,893.05; (5) Capital Improvements $4,567.19; (6) Payroll $114,842.71; (7) City Garage Payroll $2,058.32. AYE: Ramey, Barnhouse, Standridge, Helm, Ewing NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 8: REQUEST TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL Mr Larry Pennington, President of the Owasso Developer's Council, addressed the City Council relative to the Fall Showcase of Homes. He also told the Council of some of the marketing strategies being used by the Developer's Council. Mr Pennington thanked the Public Works Department for a supplying a map of Owasso to the Developer's Council. ITEM 9: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A FINAL PLAT FOR OAK TREE BUSINESS PARK, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO Mr Rooney said that Oak Tree Business Park consists of one lot totaling 15.7 acres, more or less, located south of East 96th Street North and west of the Owasso Expressway. The subject property is currently zoned PUD, with this portion designated for commercial development. It will be used for an office and vehicle fleet storage facility for Oklahoma Natural Gas. The Technical Advisory Committee and Planning Commission have reviewed and approved the plat. Mr Rooney said that a staff requirement is acceleration/deceleration lanes at the entrance of the subject property. They will be required as a portion of the street construction and are consistent with requirements placed on other properties developing along arterial streets in Owasso. Sanitary sewer and water line permits have been received from the Department of Environmental Quality. Ms Barnhouse moved, seconded by Mr Ramey, to approve the final plat for Oak Tree Business Park. 2 II Owasso City Council October 1, 1996 AYE: Barnhouse, Ramey, Standridge, Helm, Ewing NAY: None Motion carved 5-0. ITEM 10: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER Mr Ray reported that the Oklahoma Municipal League golf tournament was held at Bailey Golf Ranch today. There were approximately 144 players, who were welcomed to our community by Mayor Ewing. ITEM 11: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY No report. ITEM 12: REPORT FROM CITY COUNCILORS Councilor Helm requested addresses for the structural fire runs made in 1996. ITEM 13: UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. ITEM 14: NEW BUSINESS None. ITEM 15: ADJOURNMENT Mr Ramey moved, seconded by Mr Standridge, to adjourn. AYE: Ramey, Standridge, Helm, Barnhouse, Ewing NAY: None Motion carried 5-0, and the meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m. Danny Ewing, Mayor Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk 3 f ~T T'? OF O:aA'~SO ~~. '~E:iE:-'AL FUIiL:~ ;n /11 iGL .'~n:cc ~ :G (~T 9Tp~~' F~='~[1c7'~' B D PA'~E: ~.._ ,._~ ... ~,~ AFA r„ .~n ~ c~Erir,[,,R DEE:CRIFTit~~^1 A24C'UtiT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- 29A.":A~ EF' I ::L ------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~ 1 r^`t11 c o^r~or~1 `: -.n ~lG~`O r'_'~J ~ J ~ ~~',"" t',.T~.T I,iIFELEC~' ~EPclI[:r,: L _ g:'~T ~IIRELE'='~ SERVI~E'= 4;: MLrtiICIPAL LEA~;:UE nFFlCE DEFOT Ct.~L' FLAPi TF:EAST?>/EI' FETT`I CASH TE`EAE:U~='ER PETTY :ASH t`EA~~1~iFi:j PRI!":E E.~TTF rr^HOPiE T._T8~'-RAY F'HuPiE U'~E-RA'i AI'ltiUAL COtiFER EIiCE OFFICE SUPPLIES REII-tB MILEA~~E REIt~;P FETTY CASH VH~~ TAFE~=~ 14.U5 ~~.19 5 2 • CM ~~ R , ~~,~ 25.92 7.61 I~'.9J L'EFARTMI;'I~T TOTAL = _ _ _' r T r~ ~ r'r iii .. L.. 9?~~228 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAti OFFICE StiFPLIES r '~7C829 CAF.SLJti & COTTRELL, C.F.A FY95-96 AUDIT 4:,'96 P^.~~E?" TREASUF,ER FETTY CASH P,EIME FETTY CASH 970db3 REASOF.S PF.ICE RITE FILM DEVELOPING DEPARTMy?iT TOTAL ====7 I ~ CCMMLTNITY DEVELOPMENT ------------------------------ 970054 TULSA COUNTY MIS ~ 970563 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 970718 L ~ M OFFICE SUPPLY ~' 970828 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN ~ 970836 TP.EASURER PETTY CASH 970908 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___') I ~ MUtiICZPAL CUUP,T 9'0112 MICHAEL D. HILSABEGX 9?011 C:HARLE~~ P,AM~EY ?090$ MCI TELECOMMUtiT_CATIONS DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> DIAL-UP SERVICE PHONE USE-ROONEY OFFICE CHAIR OFFICE SUPPLIES REIMB PETTY CASH 9/96 USE RETAItiER RETAItiER 9:'96 US£ J L` ~ . L` L~ 51.94 6,375.00 `.00 x.48 V, 4 J V. 4 L 40.00 11.40 89.00 7.49 5.00 2.75 155.64 825.00 85.00 '2.54 1,652.54 4 E13GItiEERItiG U - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - !:ITY O)' O!~IAS'~O ~~EPiERAL F~J?~tL~ :4".-- Ai'F' CLAIMS; REPORT APAPVR FAGS: 4 PC' # ~,Et?r,Uu r'~r~GRIF'TIOT~I 1 T ~ L~L~ Ar,OC~PrT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- 7C~5t1 KIt;~,ALL A~=E ?IAR'i.~i~IAF?E t~iAliiT!!:'EPAiR S?rPPLIE'.; 9?l}?'?=t i'tAL-P~iAF'T £'IL M DEiIELOPI;iI. =70`c'~C.S :IC?}4ERIr'E I.~?C' FLOTER PEI•?E: '??OF;EF; OFFICE UE;='OT C:ARL:~ PLAN OFFICE SUPPLIES PEPARTI*fE?~T TOTAL = _ _ _ :' GEP?EP.AL i_OVERtiMEP?T ------------------------------ G7rj~.~~?1 RONALD C, CATES 9''0[!05 C'c.: P~7'vTMA~:TR 97rJ'~ 17 OKLAHOMA SAFETY CO?rP?CIL ?O :,r~7 TC;L,c;p t'jOkI,rt '?70724 FAIRVIE.~i AFB '~70;'E,3 RETHEF'FrJRD FUBLICATIOt?S 9707°5 THP.EE LAKES MINI 'STORAGE 9707°8 ;~IAL-MAF'T 978?8 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAAI 970C2E OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN 970832 MIREY CORP 970833 O6iASSO REPORTER 970835 TREASURER PETTY CASH 970908 MCI TELECOMMUNICP.TIONS 970909 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====7 SUPFOP.T SEP.VICES ------------------------------ d .uTH 1.?EF' jriE'i'ER POSTP.GE SAFETY 8 MINAR-PARSONS C:LA~SIFIEU ADS PROJECTOR SCREEN AEATEMEtiT I?OTICE E'.:+UIFMENT STORAGE DRILL OFFICE SCTFPLIES CHAIRS-CONF ROOM COPIER MAiNTEi?ANCE ANNCTAL SUBSCRIPTION REIMB PEi'TY CASH 9!9b USE 9!96 NON-PLEXAR 970342 DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIOYi5 DOC WORKERS!PAY 970620 A'P&T WIRELESS 5ERVIGES PHO1iE USE-MCELRATH 97077b YALE UNIFOP,M RENTAL UNIFOP.M CLEAN/RENT 9?07$8 6dAL-MP.RT OFFICE SUPPLIES 970788 I~lAL-MAP.T DOC SUPPLIES 970788 WAL-MART SAW BLADES 970788 WAL-MAP.T VEHICLE SUPPLIES '?7085 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB DOC MEALS 970836 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB TELEPHONE x'70536 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PE'I'TI' CASH 970853 BAILEY EuC!IPMENT REPAIR PARTS 97087° KIMBALL ACE HARD>iIARE P,EPAIP.,'MATI~T SUPPLIES 97C!a78 KIMBALL ACE HARD6JARE SMALL TOOLS 970^a81 ~a Y! C7RAINGER INC REPAIRlMAII~T SCPPLIES '9.9~ a 3~'.?'? 96.40 ~. ^'~ y C j ,~t.46 ?00.00 1,000.00 110.00 12.14 74.00 i8.~0 150.00 78.43 118.94 874.75 320.52 17.50 3.81 51.2b 47.55 3,b87.20 260.70 15.1(0y 1 3.2 0 5.b9 34.92 49.97 8.96 241.Ob 40.b8 14.45 220.20 c t~.a5 6.49 ~.9J DEPAF.TMEt?T T~JTAL ====J 837.95 ' CITY OF 04dASS~O '~EN£UAL FU?~D 1'..'1'1.'95 .:47:55 P.!P CLAIt4S REPORT APAP.'R PA~~E. LC # ---------- VE?~D~JR ------------------------- DESCRIPTION ------------------------- Af~;OUfiT ------------- ' ~Er~TERY ~ ~ 9"0551 KIME,ALL ACE HARD6~iARE MAINT!P.EPAIR SUPPLIES '1.99 ~'' ~~?035~~ BAILEY Et?UIP~tENT TRAILER 155. i~0 DEPARTF'.EI~.T TO`t~AL = _ _ _') 185.99 _~ERJIL..._ ----------- ------------------- 9"rOC'=10 THREE LAKES LA{?tiDRY UNIFORM CLEAPiItIt3 38:3.25 g7i5013 HOB@ARD STAMPER RETAIiIEF./SEPVICES 150.OU ~' 970015 ATuT I~;IRELESS 'SERVIC'ES PHO?iE USE-ALL 319.85 9?C!t?15 AT~~T GdIRELEF~S E~ERVIGEti FHO;IE USE-ALEiAKDER .'4.:'v 970451 FIRST BA#IK C~LAREMORE FSB COPIER LEASE 8! 20!95 20.00 970555 EA,IA ROCKS SPANISH BOOKS-OFFICERS 133.50 970575 GlAL-MART CLEANING SUPPLIES 33.11 ~ .-~''iE5?5 E~IAL-MART REPAIR PARTS ~.• . ~` ~ '_' ~J 9?07b'2 Tt1XALL UIIIFORM ~~ E~,3UIF UNIFORM SUPPLIES '209.E,5 970:'70 POLICE PE'iTY CASH REIidB PETTY CASH 5.90 970770 POLICE PETTY GASH REIhtB PETTY CASH 7.00 970770 POLICE PETTY CASH REII=;E PE`iTY CASH 9.00 ~ 970770 POLICE PETTY GASH REIMB PETTY CASH 15,75 970770 POLICE PETTY GASH REIMB F'ETTY CASH 1.00 970770 POLICE PETTY CASH VET CARE-NICK 19.00 970770 POLICE PETTY GP.SH AMMUNITION 23.51 970795 OWASSO VET HOSPITAL VET GARS-NICK 40.55 ~ 9?0798 CLEFT INSTRUCTOR PERMIT 100.00 970803 TORY KLAHR UNIFORMS 60.OU 970812 CHANUTE RADAR SEF.VICE CALIBRATE RADAR 96.95 970813 BILLS COMMUNICATIONS RADIO REPAIR 146.94 970828 OFFICE DEPOT CAP,D PLAN OFFICE SUPPLIES 146.52 ~ 970834 ECONO AUTO PAINTING PAINT PATROL CAR 255.04 970862 uIESTERN BUSINESS PP,ODUCTS COPIER TONER 160.00 974863 REASORS PRICE RITE DOG FOOD 41.40 970853 REASCRS PRIGS P.I'IE OFFICE SUPPLIES 4.51 970871 B?JILDER'S SQUARE CLEANING SUPPLIES 5.65 ~ 9?090° MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 9/96 USE 42.64 970909 SO?JTH~JESTERN BELL TELE 9195 NCH-PLE~AR 47.65 DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====3 2,700.28 POLICE COMMUNICATIOPIS ------------------------------ 970010 THREE LAKES LAUNDP.Y PRISONER LAUNDRY 85.13 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUP?I`i A;P t,LAiP'1~ REPOkT Ar'APVr: F'AvE. PO # - VEP?DOR ---------------------- DE`~,GRI.'TiO,-I --- ----------------------- AMEUT~?T -- ------------- 9?4_:7~ 6dAL.-MART CLEAP?I"?+~ SUPPLIES = 97467b i~~AL-MART Fi ~ M L~EVELOF'I:?G i~ , .,n Y~ 9748b3 RE'ASORi; FRIGE RI'!~E PRISOP?ER MEAL'=~ ~~-~ , 1 J•4t+ °-?p8b3 PEASf~RS PRICE RIPE FILM DEVELOPIP?G i~~.SE DEPARTt~EPIT TC)'PAL = _ _ _; ~: ~.~1.4~+ AP~IMAL COP?TROL ------------------------------ ^74651 TOMOHAI~lK LIVE TP.AD GO TRAPS u~ CAGES :?~;~~.;5 ~'7067b 6'?AL-MART LTP?IFORM SHIRTS ~}} ~~J.~1~ 970b76 4~IAL-MART SHELTER SUPPLIES -~_ ~f~,~ JJ.._O X74,'74 POLICE PETTY CASH AHA MEP~IBERSHIP DUES ~~ ~~; ~..7. 970774 POLICE PETTY GASH EUTHAP~IASIA SE::VI~_E'~ lr~,pp ^70828 OFFICE DEPOT CARD FLAP? OFFICE SUPPLIES 1'"~9 970836 TYEASt?RER PETTY CASH REIPaB PETTY CASH 14,44 '?061 t~! b~d GRAINGER IP?C REPAIR/P9AII•IT SUPPLIES .~ s ~, .~~5 97090° h1CI TELECOMMLIP?IGA'PIOP?S 9/9n tiSE 3.7y D£FARTMt;f?T TOTAL =___? b98.71~ FIRE S£RVICE~~ ------------------------------ 970491 CROW BURLINGAME REPAIP, PARTS/SUPPLIES 472.1 974094 BMI SYSTEMS OF TULSA COPIER LEASE 155.3b 970495 BORER/ZINK SAFETY INC. FACE SHIELDS/HELMETS 874.44 9?4115 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES PHONE USE-ALLEN 17.bb 974115 ATB~T WIRELESS SEPVICES PHONE USE-ALL 15.98 970259 CASCO INDUSTRIES INC. OF BUNKER GEAR REPLACEMENT 761.04 974577 WAL-MART MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 62.17 970579 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE HARDWARE/MAINT SUPPLIES 44.19 970626 DANNY SCRUGGS VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 49.50 970b27 TODD GRUENEIGH VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 49.50 974628 DOPi TAYLOR VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 49, 5p 97469 RANDALL STARK VOLUNTEER FiP,E RUNS 49.5G 97464 RON STUCKEY VOLUNTEER FIRE RUPiS 49.54 970743 P?ATIOP?AL FIRE PROTECTION P?FFA MEMBERSHIP DUES 95,44 X70751 OK FIRE CHIEFS 6S0 OFCA MEMBERSHIP DUES 52.40 974789 WH CONSULTING COMPUTER 50.40 974842 SUBURBAP? OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES g4,C3 974811 MOP.TOP? MAP.INE INC REPAIP. PUMP MOTOR $4,30 97084b MICHIGAP? IPiSTP.UMENTS E~~UIPMEP~I'1' REPAIR 62.03 970908 MCI TELEGOMMUNICATIOP? 9/9b USE 35,g3 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___"> 3,3b9.37 ~~ I TY OF O;~~A'=~=~'J GEPIEfAL FU3D , 1Q111;'96 7:47:55 A;'P CLAIMS REFORT AF'AFVF FADE: !~ PO # VEPdDC~R L'Et;CFI'Tluii r.i'1OUAIT ~ CIVIL DEFENSE 97000? AT4T ~aIRELESS SERVICES ~ 97Q908 P~it:I TELECOMMUNICATION g7na0,~ eOyrTHb+IE~;TEP,N BELL TELE DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___~ ~ ~~TREETS ----------- ------------------- 970063 DUDLEY ,TONES MOi! EL RIO c;,~ 19%96 ~ 970Q64 DUDLEY JONES MOW EASEMEPITS 3:`i9,~9E. ~ 970065 DUDLEY ,TOP#ES MOY: ATOR 3;'~i9,'96 97QQ66 DUDLEY JONES EL h:IO F°OIITAGE 3119196 t 97Q129 FSO ~~TREET LIGHTIPIG 970555 HAP3ES SHOE & ARCH SHOP SAFETY BOC,TS 970561 KIMBALL ACE HANDWAF.E MAINTIF.EPAIR SUPPLIES 970643 YALE UNIFOPM P.EN'1AL UNIFORM CLEANIRENT ~, 970741 OWASSO TIRE BARN TIP.ES-DUMP TRUCI~: ~' 97075Q VERSATEL COPA,M RADIOSIVEHICLES 970779 WELSCO ITIC CYLINDER REPiTAL r 97Q797 TULSA FARM EOUIPMEliT CO BRUSHHOG BLADES 970793 APAC-OKLAHOMA, INC. ASPHALT-POTHOLES 970846 M'LL CREEK LUMBER ~ SUPPL REPAIR SUPPLIES DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> I COMMUNITY CENTER 970579 Y,IMBALL ACE HARDWAF.E HARDWARE/MAINT SUPPLIES 970620 AT&'T WIRELESS SERVICES PHONE USE-WORLEY 970769 ROBERTSON PLTJMBING SUPPLY P.EPLAGE KITCHEN FAUCET ' 97Q836 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 97Q871 BUILDER`S SC3UARE REPAIR SUPPLIES 970908 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 9196 USE ' DEPARTMENT TO';AL =___? PHONE USE-STP.hIPER 9;"9~ U~;E 1.'.lii .Oc SU.c,'8 ~~~.~4 ~4.OQ S~.UU 9 . ~.; Q 201.OQ L, L b Q. 1 4 i90.QQ 154.9Q 175.80 731.0 76.4 9.58 99.98 50.21 32.61 4,736.84 9.33 4.33 102.74 15.15 21.73 .47 153.75 FARK MAINTENANCE ------------------------------ 97G76Q LARRY TURNER 970760 LARRY TURNER MOW RAYOLP. FARK MO6~J 86TH ST FARK 165.OG 45.00 d GEtIERP.L F??PID 1C!!11 95 ?;~?:55 A; F CLAIt`i~E REFGRT AFAPVk FADE: PC! # VEIIUL~R I!L~'CRIPTICIiI AMGUfIT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- ^t}'7°~i L"1kEF'T`I FL9'3E' FLAi~-F RIEPII"=;ril=' yARK "8.£5 9X'.784 LIBERTY FLACKS FAR:: '~L~nFLIE'=: ~~~i ~~.UC1 -"U~?C,? ARLEY GI~~EIIS t~IGFI ~ l ~J'.~i' FAR:; r r 15U. ,1.1 9?Ci?8? ARLEY G6~IEIiS MGW EL?~: CREEP. PARb: 4?U.~QU 9?Q%'~? A'P%T 1-IIRELE'=;S B~ERtFICE:=; F'Ht;AfE U;EE-I~~ARREPi 5C!.8C! 9?U8C!v t~1ILL CP.EEK LUMBER ~: SUFFL REPAIR ~UFPLIES ~~"5p 9?C!83? HUGHES LUMBER CG BLTILi>' IIG ~'UF'F'LES 95.5 8 9:'C!°;~° Y?.LE UHIFGRM REIITAL LTt?IF8RI~1 C:LEA~ F'E~iT f '{ J~,j.~~J q~Cf~o ~~'~:9 c, , c ~ U._L~ABLE _'TF`EL I ARU ~Tt~EL-GALES ?~.4U 9?~~84v TTJCKER ,TANITGRIAL C:L£P.:iIP~G SUPPLIES 13'3.8~:~ 9"U853 BAILEY ECiUIPriEI1T REPAIR F'AC'TS 8,?8 '~ !~8?3 HiMBALL Av'E HARL~.~IAR£ F.EPAIR L,t~°Ft+IE~ 1?5.4-3 L}E:F?RTt`,E?T TL!I'%"L =___. 1,494.39 ------------------------------ y^n~~.n : + tJ Y 'v f ~'.~ r,i ~ ~`eLE`c cz~*~r e' i'~1 1 i,a • Y'f 1 ~ .u ~. L 14 1 !.+Y _` F'HGHE U'=;E-HEIiL~ERSGII ~ 15.7U 9?f~8~8 GFFIC.E DEFGT CARD FLAPI FRII'~'PER C:ARTRI>;C=ES 52. i4 ~; t]835 TREASUF.EC± PETTY CASH REIMS PETTY LASH ~'? 5C1 1 a . 9?U835 TREASLTREP, PETTY CASH REIMB PE~PTY CASK 3.UG 9?C19Q? AT~ICELA HEHDERSGI~I P.EIME MILEAGE 108.55 DEPARTMEPiT TGTAL =___; 191.99 FUND TOTAL =___> 37,138.88 C ~ ~ , JF J,....='~.~ ltd:'"_.'~~c ..` EiF° _~~~:?t,8 E°:.rJ::: zP~P~.F~ P+~E: ---------- ------------------------ - -------------------- ----- ------------- .,L.,.,.,r.:.. __ ~. ------------------------------ '~"~''- _ ~~lr?~ `,~.Ti'1 ci ~. ~~~Z%?~ ~:.^, "i:iTD i+~Tp;-,:~ ~•li I?~ ,. 1. ~ iii 1 ..~i~ °` n•, ~: i~ . _1-~'r.-7 L,52?r •~ r+i T11.T ~++ P? :a\Li - l lily] ~. 1+"J L~1 t'`__ *L~{TD LT ~Ya3 Yl L+l~i~: a.~. O~'~ '~~i 'J .J ice. L~J r~'E`~PL:TF1Err; TJTiL =____ ~ l~°.5` ~I!~F'.EFS' G~t~tP E~E~. -IrIE~ r? ti _ , ~ ~ = _ , , : __. `_• ~ : F rT L 1 r~'~ FEF~FT AFP PVR :'A+~E ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- ------------------------------ '' --~~ B~'~~r _;E,.En~I'~~LUEII,SH£'IL:~A F C.~%?1~EP ..'~-. ~~ '..j^_- iL Y''1 F~.L1~E ~-~ fi~lil. 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HUTL:H-ItP-SJII IaEL:'I j.s REPA ,RAILEP. `r' IP-T 3, 5.0 f ~ t~ ?0''"4 M'LEAC~E MASTERS TIRE'.~!P.EP4I~='~ 3?G.80 '-X70"~5 IPi:'ER2;TATE BP.TTER' SYE~'EN BATTERIE'S 88.95 -~~~~.4 YALE T~rilFaRM R~P'TTAL UAIlFilYM CLEA:'ir~REY?T 58,80 °?0??; aP~;A~~Sa TINE BARP TIRES; PEPAIRS 11?,q? 9''0%?8 MAYLdELL aIL CORF aIL:'FLUIDS 894.10 9?0? 9 !-IELStra Ii~'~ C`i'LI;i:7ER RET~iTAL ~0.=? '?085? JL;E ESCa TIRE C'aMPAt3Y PaLICE TIRE:. 500.0! ;?0°bo ECal3a AUTa PAID?TIP?t3 FAIT?T AUTaMaBILE 2;5.00 '??G8?1 B;iI"LDER''~ SQUARE REPAIR SUPPLIES 10.94 9?0881 41 6'd GRAI2?GER iP?C REPA~RihtAIPIT SUPPLIES 48.44 9?0884 Ir?TEF,STATE BATTERY JYJTEi BATTERIES 1g4,q.=_; 9?088? FRatITIEP. IIITER.P?ATIQP•tAL ':'R BP.AKE REPLACEMEP~IT L QJL 1?9 9?G908 MCI TELEGBMMUP?ICATIa.~IS ?~'9~~ '?;8E . , 5.95 DEPARTMEP?T TOTAL = _ _ _. 7, 425.31 .1:~ FUUtID TOTAL =___> ?,425.31 r 'w f :I TY ~JI' G~i~iA~~SO CAPITAL I t~PRGVE1rlEPITS 1C':'21!'=~ :~::~~ A:'F' CLP.ii~i'E FEPQRT A°A°E~~~? 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"'r. CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING 09/28/96 OVERTIME TOTAL DEPARTMENT EXPENSES EXPENSES ;:.;:.;: Finance 0.00 7,838.03 C~ Vi ~~~a ~ z~u~~`~ an~~ . t~ e: ..:::.~:::.;:.;:.;: :; ::::::::::...:<.>::.;:.;~.;::::.:<.:::.;:.;;:.::::.:::::; ..:...:...:....:...:...::...Y.....:.......:.... P........:.................... . . .;:.::::::::::::~.::.~:::::::::::::::: 0.00 Municipal Court . . . ::::: ,5 1 01 .27.::: :::::::::: ...........:::::::.:::: : :::::::::.::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::: ::: ;: ivr!`':`is''>';1i)?s<i<:iii`;?i`iiiiiiii<iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;^iii' iiiiiiiiiiiiiiriii?ii;i5i`ii~::'i~~.:"::?iiiiiiii:!':< ~:::: . :<.::.;. ~~ ~~:::i:::::ii::i: ;;:. :.:~; ~ ~ :~.~:i#'.i~~~ ';:;::;2:;::::i:::ii::i::;;S;::::i,:;:p::<:;::;::<:::::;ap:~r,.:;:::45;:::::::r,:;::;i: ::::i;;:% . , , . iiiii`:.iii:; if. `:;;iii '~~i: iiLE' ;::.: ;::::;.2 7:~:7..~~:.;;; ..... ..................... ................................... :::::,,.:: Serviccs Su~~ort :;78.75.::::.:::::<. :::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::: : :: :::::::::::::::::::::::: ;.:::::::::,3,. „ ~ : ::: :: < :: Central Dispatch ...................152..26.... ......... . . .:.:.:4,852.79.::: .. _ ....................................... . . : ] .. . y~'y~ :: ~,[,:I,S,~:G~1.:~ V:l;t:t~~~ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. ~ .:::>r::.>:.>::.»:.:?:;?:??;i;i;Y i>i: ?:::::::::::::. ~::::::::::::: :::::: ~.6 ::::::::::::::::::::.:: ~ ::::::::::: i. Fire 116.56 32,592.41 Community-SeniorCenter 0.00 2 762.65 Economic Development 0.00 1374.91 1].4 6~2..5.~... APPROVE 10/15/96 Mayor Council Member Council Member CITY GARAGE PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING 09\2g\96 OVERTIME TOTAL DEPARTMENT EXPENSES EXPENSES Garage $0.00 $2,037.36 .............. . E~~;D 'I~C~T'AL _ _ , ~~ Otl _ ;::: APPROVE 10/15/96 Mayor Council Member Council Member ^ MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: ACCEPTANCE AND AUTHORIZATION FOR FINAL PAYMENT OF IMPROVEMENTS TO ELM CREEK PARK PARKING LOTS DATE: October 10, 1996 BACKGROUND: At the August 20, 1996 meeting, the Owasso City Council unanimously approved two paving contracts -the City Hall/Community Center parking lot and the Elm Creek Park parking lots. A copy of the site plans for the Elm Creek Park parking lots is attached for your information and review. While the City Hall/Community Center lot has some minor items that need to be addressed before final acceptance, both of the Elm Creek Park parking lots are completed. ^ Newman Contracting was awarded the paving of the Elm Creek Park parking lots for the amount of $16, 805.00. All bid specifications have been met by the contractor and a final inspection has ' been conducted by staff. The only remaining item to be completed, the striping of the parking lots, was not included in the base bid and will be completed by Park personnel this fall. Funding for the Elm Creek Park parking lot improvements was also approved by the City Council at the August 20, 1996 regular meeting through acarry-over budget request. A copy of the memorandum is attached for your information and review. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends final acceptance of the Elm Creek Park parking lot improvements and authorization of final payment to Newman Contracting of Tulsa in the amount of $16, 805.00. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Elm Creek Park parking lot site plans. 2. Award of Bid memorandum dated August 20, 1996. rArcnmV LV 1 IMYHVYtM~l41T5 ELM CREEK WEST CITY ^F ^WASS^, ^KLAH^MA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT JULY 1996 ENGINEERING DIVISION EICISTING RAiLR0A0 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: BACKGROUND: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO TIMOTHY ROONEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR AWARD OF BIDS FOR PAVING IMPROVEMENTS TO CITY HALL/COMMUNITY CENTER AND ELM CREEK PARK PARKING LOTS August 13, 1996 The City of Owasso FY 1995-96 Budget contained an appropriation for the purpose of providing paving improvements for the City Hall/Community Center parking lot and both the west and south parking lots at Elm Creek park. All three lots are used extensively by the public, two of which are not paved (Elm Creek parking lots). Staff developed a bid packet for the paving improvements in the late spring of 1996, and bid packets were available to prospective bidders in July of 1996. The bid packets included specifications for base repair of identified failure areas within the City Hall/Community Center parking lot as well as the entire overlay of the parking lot; and the paving and adding of curb areas within the Elm Creek Park parking lots. Three alternates were also proposed within the bid packets; removal of 2" of all remaining areas that did not contain base failure within the City Hall/Community Center parking lot, and striping alternates for all three parking lots. Please note that the bid packets contained language reserving the right to award the bids to the lowest individual bidder on individual base items, as well as individual alternates. A total of six area contractors supplied bids for the paving improvements and they were opened on July 31, 1996 and a copy of the complete bid tally sheet is attached for your information. and review. Upon review of the submitted bids, it was determined to award each parking lot improvement separately, rather than aggregately, as a significant cost savings could be realized. The difference between the lowest aggregate bid amount without alternates ($45,265.00) and the total of all the valid lowest bids on each individual project without alternates ($41,537.00) is $3,728.00. CITY HALL/COMMUNITY CENTER PARKING LOT: The base bids received for the City Hall/Community Center parking lot are as follows: Bidder Amount APAC-Oklahoma, Tulsa 24,732.00 RL Hensley Const, Tulsa 37,175.00 Newman Contracting 35,030.00 C & C Paving, Cushing 26,600.00 Horizon Const, Owasso 31,290.00 Empire Const, Jenks 32,700.00 A review of these bids would indicate that APAC-Oklahoma is the lowest bid for the improvement to this parking lot. The City of Owasso has utilized APAC-Oklahoma in the past (E. 76th Street North and Main Street intersection) and has been pleased with their performance. ~ In addition, APAC-Oklahoma was also submitted the lowest bid for the striping of the City Hall/Community Center parking lot. A review of this bid indicates that striping should also be awarded to APAC-Oklahoma as this would be more cost effective than city personnel performing the striping. ELM CREEK PARK PARKING LOTS: The base bids received for both of the Elm Creek Park parking lots are as follows: ' Bidder Elm Creek West Elm Creek South APAC-Oklahoma, Tulsa 10,550.00 11,700.00 .. RL Hensley Const, Tulsa 12,850.00 9,780.00 Newman Contracting, Tulsa 9,985.00 6,820.00 C & C Paving, Cushing 11,690.00 6,975.00 Horizon Const, Owasso 11,484.00 2,885.00 ~ Empire Const, Jenks 10,500.00 7,500.00 When reviewing these bids, staff was prepared to recommend to award the Elm Creek Park west parking lot to Newman Contracting and the Elm Creek Park south parking lot to Horizon ~, Construction. However, staff has concerns regarding the bid provided by Horizon Construction because it was more than 58 % lower than the next lowest bid. When Mr. Wolfe of Horizon Construction was contacted, he stated that he was not aware that the city was prepared to award each individual lot separately (specific language contained on page 5 of the bid packet) and that the only way he could possibly honor that bid would be if he received both of the Elm Creek Park parking lots. While Horizon Construction would be the lowest bid if both of the Elm Creek parking lots were combined ($14,369.00 vs $16,805,00), staff does not feel it would be proper to award those projects to Horizon Construction because if the bids were awarded to the individual best bidder, the total cost would be $12, 870.00 versus the $14, 369.00. While the combined $14, 369.00 offered by Horizon is certainly less expensive than selecting the combined next lowest bids of $16,805.00, remember that if Horizon Construction honored its lowest bid individually, the cost to the city would only be 12, 870.00. Therefore, staff feels it improper to award the contract to Horizon Construction and recommends that the Elm Creek Park West parking lot be awarded to Newman Contracting of Tulsa (individual lowest bid), as well as the Elm Creek Park South parking lot (individual second lowest bid). FUNDING: Funding for the Elm Creek Park parking lot improvements was included in the FY 1995-96 Capital Outlay portion of the Park Maintenance budget in the amount of $8,250.00, however that money was not spent due to other project priorities. Therefore, staff is requesting acarry-over budget in the amount of $16, 805.00 from the Capital Outlay portion of the FY 1995-96 budget in order to fund these improvements. (See Agenda Item # 11) Funding for the City Hall/Community Center parking lot was included in the FY 1995-96 Capital Improvement Fund in the amount of $12,000.00 and was also not completed last year. Therefore, staff is requesting the carry-over of that $12,000.00. Additionally, staff is requesting a carry-over budget in the amount of $12,982.00 from General Government, in order to provide the remaining funding needed for this improvement. (See agenda item #11) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the contract for the paving improvements to the City Hall/Community Center parking lot be awarded to APAC-Oklahoma of Tulsa in the amount of $24,982.00; and further recommends that the contract for the Elm Creek Park parking lot improvements be awarded to Newman Contracting of Tulsa in the amount of $16, 805.00. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Bid Tabulation Sheet 2. Project Specifications 3. Improvement Site Maps 4. Bid Submittal Forms MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT: ` DATE: ' BACKGROUND: RODNEY J. RAY CITY MANAGER PHIL LUTZ, P.E. ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGER ACCEPTANCE OF WATER AND SANITARY SEWER SYSTEMS BARRINGTON ESTATES October 9, 1996 The subdivision is located east of North 129th E. Avenue, one-quarter mile north of 86th Street North (see attached map). A final inspection for the sanitary sewer system was held on August 29, 1996. The final inspection for the water system was held on September 6, 1996. Only one deficiency was found on the sewer and was corrected during the inspection. Aline break had occurred on the water ~ y system. The break was repaired and the line was retested and re-chlorinated. ODEQ Permit No. SI.000072960252 (dated April 23, 1996) was issued to construct 7,255 LF of 8-inch sanitary sewer line and Permit No. WLA00072960251 (dated April 23, 1996) was issued to construct 2, 860 LF of 6-inch and 3,190 LF of 8-inch water lines. Permits are " attached. r One-year maintenance bonds for the water and sanitary sewer systems will be provided by the " developer (Premiere Homesites, LLC) and will be effective upon acceptance of these utilities. All designs for these utilities were reviewed and construction inspected by Public Works staff. ~ ~ RECONIlVIENDATION: The staff recommends Council acceptance of the Barrington Estates water and sanitary sewer systems. ATTACHI~IENTS: ~ ,. 1. Location map 2. Punch List 3. Construction Permits ~i ~i w 102ND ST. 0 0 = ~~~~°~V r~i° - z ~ f- `~ `~ CD N N N 101ST ST. C~04~ d~~~ G~1L~LaUv1D 100TH ~~~Qo 99TH S w Q w w = ~ NTH 95TH ~- 95TH p ~Q~Q~4 P J~i ~~ ~~Q 94 d0 ~ 94T ~Qa o PL I ~ P R g~ ~~~]~~~~ Q~~ ~~ ~ 93RD ST N ~~~~~1~~]~~QMM - 92NC~ f N ~Q 9 N ST N 91sT ~ 1N ~ `~ T N ~ = ~' 92ND S dC°aaC~ C~pGv1D pG~1G°da \ ~ I- 91 s Q~DC~C~ `~ w o a ^ ~~ soTy ^' N BARRINGTON o ~ ~C~~14a ° 8 TH ~ ESTATES 9TH pQG3a '~ ~ BT,y 88T `~ ~,; ~ 88TH 89TH Q N ~ ~~'`~ 88TH ~i ~ o G°~Q nf~n] ~ ° C~Mn 4M/n OO OO B $~ G°~L~GQ~GQ P6NH PL .N. g 6TH '~~~ 87TH r' ~ 85TH P = (- 85TH ~ °N° 85TH p ~n ~ N ~ p, 84TH ~ ~ 84TH C~~G~I C~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 83RD ST , ~0 ~ ~ ~ N N 82 ~ ° 82ND `- ~OppI~G~ ~iIC~G°1DOO C~'9n ~ N ~O N N 81 S ,~ ~~ N C7~ N 80TH ~~~~ ~ ~ ,~p~~ ~ ~o c,D 0 80T ~~, BARRINGTON ESTATES 79TH CT `~ ~ g ~ ~ LOCATION MAP o `'79TH ST N sj,1p ~9T CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA N oG°30 ° D 0 0 ° 78 H rMi ~~~~~~ ~ ~-~~ ,~ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ° ~G' ~Q ~~~° ~~ , ENGINEERING DIVISION ~u~z~9b ~- „ Y BARRINGTON ESTATES WATER AND SANITARY SEWER SYSTEMS FINAL INSPECTION ,, August 29 and September 6, 1996 8:30 AM Sanitary Sewer No deficiencies noted Water ~. Repair line break and re-chlorinate 09-24-96 ~y~: •~s•••l S) MARK S. COLEMAl~T ~ ~ • '% Executive Director ~~'':,, • ~ ~ ~ •~1,,i ~soa FRANK KEATING ' Governor State of Oklahoma DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY April 23, 1996 Robert F. Carr, Jr., Director City of Owasso 207 S. Cedar Owasso, OK 74055 Re: Permit No. WL000072960251 Barrington Estates Subdivision PWSID No. 3007218 Dear Mr. Carr: Enclosed is Permit No. WL000072960251 for the construction of 2860 I.f. of six (6) inch water line, 3190 I.f. of eight (8) inch water line and appurtenances to serve the Barrington Estates Subdivision, City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. The project authorized by this permit should be constructed in accordance with the plans approved by this department on April 23, 1996. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications affecting capacity, flow or operation of units must be approved, in writing, by the Chief Engineer before changes are made. Receipt of this permit should be noted in the minutes of the next regular meeting of the City of Owasso, after which it should be made a matter of permanent record. We are returning one (1) set of the approved plans to you and retaining one 11) set for our files. Very truly yours, Gary Ki er Construction Permit Unit Water Quality Division GK/HJT/GM/vp Enclosure cc: Dennis L. Hodo, P.E., Dennis L. Hodo, P.E., Inc. Kay Coffey, P.E., PWS District Engineer, DEQ John Terrell, Tulsa C/C Health Department Bill Warden, R.S., Regional Director, DEQ ,~ ,i ~ .a+E ~e o` o,~ 1 IF . r MARK S. COLEMAl~i ~~ •• .~ .',s FRANK KEATING Executive Director ~`' ~ =a: ,aomr~ Governor State of Oklahoma DEPARTMENT OF EIWIRONMENTAL QUALITY ' April 23, 1996 Robert F. Carr, Jr., Director City of Owasso 207 S. Cedar Owasso, OK 74055 Re: Permit No. SL000072960252 r Barrington Estates Subdivision S21310 Dear Mr. Carr: Enclosed is Permit No. SL000072960252 for the construction of 7255 I.f. of eight 18) inch sewer line and appurtenances to serve the Barrington Estates Subdivision, City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. The project authorized by this permit should be constructed in accordance with the plans approved by this department on April 23, 1996. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications affecting capacity, flow or operation of units must be approved, in writing, by the Chief Engineer before changes are made. ' Receipt of this permit should be noted in the minutes of the next regular meeting of the City of Owasso, after which it should be made a matter of permanent record. We are returning one (1) set of the approved plans to you and retaining one (1) set for our files. Very truly yours, ~, '~" " ~' Gary K~der Construction Permit Unit Water Quality Division GK/HJT/GM/vp Enclosure ' cc: Dennis L. Hodo, P.E., Dennis L. Hodo, P.E., Inc. Carl Parrott, P.E., WPC Unit Supervisor, DEO John Terrell, Tulsa C/C Health Department ~, Bill Warden, R.S., Regional Director, DEQ L000 \ur beast Tenth Stree!. Okl:[h~~m;~ i :[c. Ukh~huma -3L C-14 L" a~ recy'ded Pn Prr MEMORANDUM TO: RODNEY J. RAY CITY MANAGER FROM: PHIL LUTZ, P.E. ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGER SUBJECT: ACCEPTANCE OF STREETS AND STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS WINDSOR LAKE DATE: October 11, 1996 ' BA K R ND• The subdivision is located off 96th Street North, one-fourth mile east of North 129th East Avenue (see attached location map). Designs for these systems were reviewed and construction inspected by Public Works personnel. r Construction of the subdivision began in the Summer of 1992. The water and sewer systems were accepted by Council in December 1992; but, the Staff recommendation at that time was that the streets and drainage systems were not in a condition to be accepted. The recommendation to Council was for later acceptance. A punch list was developed in February 1993 for streets (see attached memorandum). The memorandum indicated that "many of the areas could not be inspected because of mud or sand piles covering the curb." A follow-up memorandum from Public Works to the developer dated May 3, 1993, stated that repairs, predominately on curbs, had not been done. The Staff position at that time was that a total re-inspection would have to be done when all areas were visible and known deficiencies corrected. At a subsequent September 1993 inspection, areas of curbs and street paving needing repair were marked in the field. ^ Due to staff changes in the Public Works Department, further follow-up was not conducted until after a Neighborhood Meeting at Windsor Lake in July 1995. At the meeting, the developer ' indicated his desire to make all needed repairs. As a result, Public Works provided the developer a sketch of required repair areas. A follow-up inspection by Public Works representatives in May 1996 revealed that only part of these repairs had been made. The developer attended the inspection. The punch list developed at this inspection (see attached) was provided to the developer on May 14th and is considered by Public Works to be the final punch list. All corrections are considered complete as of October 4, 1996. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council acceptance of the streets and storm drainage systems for V~Iindsor ' Lake. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Location map 2. Punch list dated May 14, 1996 3. February 1993 Memorandum i~ ~ ^ ii i~ 1 O ~ T H ~a~~aodd w Q~a~~ ~ 105TH ST. N 103RD S 103RD ST I Ili w ~.i 102ND ST. N N N rn 101ST ST. v) C~~~~7 MOC~~ N G~]~QnMDD 100TH ~~~~o ~ 99TH S w Q w w = ~ NTH WINDSO 95TH r- 95TH RcT RL p C~GQ~Qa4 LAKE 94 H d0 ~ 94T ca P L I RD P ~~~~ ~~ ~ 93RD ST N ~~~l~~I~~~~°,~v1] g~ ~Q~~ ~0 92Ng ~ N ~Q 9 N ST N ~ 1N `_~ T ~ N ~ ~ I 92ND S 91ST p dQ~~ ~Q~D~~ Q~a ~'~ ~~ U 91 ST~OD~~ 907H ~-- ^ N ~~ 9oTy ~' o L~1G°~G°~~I~IC~~OO Gv] ~° ~~a~ad 9TH ~~4Q4~~ paaa ~ ^ 8 TH ~ 8~y 88T _ 88TH > 89TH Q ~ ~ N ~ ~~~ 88TH ,,,~ ~ ~ WL= 111Vll o W~I1V~ W ~~ 87 = ~ ~~ p(~Q~7Q 86TH P g ~ T H ~ PL.N. ~ '~ 87TH r' L.N. ~ ~_ 85TH P ~ 85TH ~ °N° 85TH 0 N N 84TH WINDSOR LAKE ^ s ~ 84TH LOCATION MAP ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3RD ST ^ 0 ~ ~~-- ~ CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PUBLIC WORKS D EPAR TMENT N N `- ENGINEERING DIVISION lU/9/96 City of Owasso 207 South Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 May 14, 1996 Trails End Development, Inc. P.O. Boz 641 Owasso, OK 74055 RE: Street Repairs, Windsor Lake I Addition ATTN: Noble Sokolosky (918) 272-2251 FAX (918) 272999 On May 13, 1996, awalk-tlhrough was held with you and Public Works Department staff Phil Lutz, Doug Groves, and Sheryl Duggan to determine repairs necessary for final acceptance of the Windsor Lake I addition streets. The following work was identified to be done prior to final acc.-ptance: 1 1 1 1. Remove and replace sections of portland cement concrete pavement which are within the ' areas shown on the attached map and marked with black paint. Replaced sections shall be the same thickness as the existing pavement and shall be doweled into existing pavement per Dar~,z;~ the attached joint detail. At each replacement area, new base matenai consisting of 3/4" I'29'm t maximum size clean gravel or crushed stone, with no fines, shall be provided. r~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~ 2. Clean all joints where the joint filler does not completely fill the joint and reseal the t~nnct dow~~ joint. 4" rGn~rLr'_ 3. In areas not scheduled for replacement, route (saw cut) cracks which intersect any joint and fill with sealer. 4. Install a french drain from the handicap ramp at Lot 1, Block 4 to the curb inlet box immediately to the southwest. The drain shall be similar or equal to the attached detail. The Public Works Department must be notified when the old pavement has been removed in order to inspect the subbase prior to placement of new base material. The Department should also be notified prior to placement of new pavement. Should any of the above work be other than what you understand to be required, contact Phil Lutz or Doug Groves at 272-4959 for clarification. Sincerely, OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT F. Robert Carr, Jr., P.E. Public Works Director WE N DSOR LAKE 96th STREET NORTH a w 3 1 ~ 1 Z = 2 3 13105 9504 Z 9505 13303 __~ 13307 13iC9 t 3106 ~ 9 ~ ~~~ -T--_,\• ~`r ~ 7 3308 h ~ 9506 •\__ 9 4 _ CT 4 -~•: N 9301 \ (` __~ 13108 \ ~\ () j ~ '•\ 13304 8 1 1 1 .1 S jfI//a I 5 ~`4 "- 2 j 9411 9401 / < ~ 9412 i w i ' ~; i BLO K 1 .~ a ! 8 19 6 ~ I j ~l I ~ ,1 9407 ( Zi. 13307 7 BLOCK 4 i ~~jj s s ______-__ jfj~ 9406 ~ .13305 ~ 94Q$ I BLOCK 3 ~ ~\~ i _~ E. 94th PL. N. ~t3306 i I 5 •1 ; t 3302 8 9404 ~ ~ 4 ` '~ B /1 9 1 ~ 13205 t 32 ~ •/ ,`~\ / i 9 9320 j. ~•-` E. 94tH ST'N. % ~ ~~\ 10 J /. ~~~~ --~"'~ 9322 \ 932 t ~j ~ ~ 9319 ~\ •\ 1 ~\ 9316 1•~ ~ 12 '\ 10 9318°, ', 9315 Z 11 l 1 BLOCK 2 i 19317 9314 f 1 1 ~ 19313 3 14i 1 12 LEGEND = I ~ I 1. -AREAS TO 8E REPAIRED 4 9310 ~ Z ~ 9309 2. fRir7CH DRAIN SYSTEM ®95TH CT. 13 TO 13380 E. AVE ENTRANCE I I 3. RE?AIR ALL CONCRETE JOINTS I I 9306 i ( I 19305 FOR LAKE i / STREET s ~ ~ 14 ___ i i TOOLED EDGES WITH 118" RADIUS OR SAWED JOINT ---\ ►IOT POURED SEALING FILLER 6 x24" SMOOTHH DOWEL BAR AT 24 C C. TRANSVERSE DUMMY GROOVE CONTRACTION 1O 0 EDGES WITH 1 8" RADIUS HOT POURED SEALI ILLER 2 -TO EXPANSION CAP 'REMOULDED EXPAN �W4 DINT MATERIAL 6 x " .SMOOTH DOWEL BAR AT 2 C. TRANSVERSE EXPANSION JOINT _UPPER LIMIT OF DEFO TO LED EDGES WITH 1 8" RADIUS METAL PLATE FIRST S ,HO URED SEALIf 6 0" DEFORME BAR AT 24 C C. TRA SVERSE TONGUE & GROOVE CONSTRUC Fl NOTES: (a) ONE HALF OF SMOOTH DOWEL BAR ACROSS TRANSVERSE JOINTS SHALL BE COATED WITH ASPHALT OR GREASE TO PREVENT BOND WITH CONCRETE. SMOOTH DOWEL BARS ACROSS EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH EXPANSION CAPS, AND COATED WITH ASPHALT OR GREASE AS NOTED ABOVE. (b) GROOVES IN JOINTS MAY BE FORMED BY :(1)TEMPORARY EMBEDMENT OF A SUITABLE MAN DREL,(2)INSTALLATION OF THIN STRIP OF PREMOULDED JOINT FILLER MATERIAL,(3) SAWING THE PAVEMENT AFTER THE CONCRETE HAS HARDENED. CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA TRANSVERSE JOINT DETAILS P.C.C. PAVING SCALE NONE l STANDARD 29D ()ATP ( MAP PREPARED BY IN000 i ~~ ~s ~ C~ + n ~4 moY,StzC- grcvQ! orcruS~Mc) s-}-o,., ~ ~ tl ~ fl r12S - 6' ~~~ 6'' m;n. - I m gyn. 6 ~, f ~ J ~°'-~. Qr s ~~P~ Fr'lf2r ~~or~'L ~rz E N c u D2A i N S ~C T i a~ No sc.~ ~ E MEMORANDUM TO: MIKE. AUGUSTINE, OPWA DIRECTOR FROM: SHERYL DUGGAN, PROJECT INSPECTOR ~~ SUBJECT: INFORMATION FOR WINDSOR LAKE DEVELOPER CONCERNING CURB REPAIR DATE: FEBRUARY 04, 1933 Windsor Labe curbs have been inspected as of 02/02/93. Note that many of the areas could not be inspected beta use of mud o saw piles coverin the curb. The findings are listed below: 1. LOCATION: south end of Windsor addition on N. 133rd E. Ave., east side of street up to E. 94th P1. N. FINDINGS: thirty-six cracks 2. LOCATION: Culdesac, E. 94th P1. N. curb at lots FINDINGS: thirteen cracks plus large area of curb at Lot 9 has been destroyed must of this area not visible because of mud coverage 3. LOCATION: curb around island in E. 94th P1. N., culdesac FINDINGS: about six or seven cracks 4. LOCATION: E. 95th P1. N., north side of street FINDINGS: around seventeen cracks visible. One repair has been made less than one foot from a joint. 5. LOCATIONS: E. 95th P1. N., south side street FINDINGS: thirty-nine cracks and a chip out of curb 6. LOCATION: starting at the curve of E. 95th P1. N. going south on N. 133rd E. Ave., on west side of street FINDINGS: there were sixteen cracks visible; however, this is one are a that much of the curb was covered by mud or sand piles 7. LOCATION: N. 133rd E. Ave., north of E. 95th Pl. west side of st reet to main entrance at end of Lot 1, Block 3. FINDINGS: fifty-six cracks visible 8. LOCATION: starting at east end of Lot 8, Bloc;c 3, curving south on N. 132nd E. Ave., on east side of N. 132nd E. Ave FINDINGS: nine cracks visible mud-covered areas of this segment. 9. LOCATION: from entrance to addition at Lot 1, Block 4, west i MEMORANDUM WINDSOR LAKE CURB REPAIR FEBRUARY 04,.1993 PAGE TWO ' side of street to N. 132nd E. Ct. FINDINGS: seven cracks and a chip out of curb. ' 10. LOCATION: N. 132nd Ct., culdesac FINDINGS: ten cracks visible plus some damaged curb. Note that much of this area was not visible because of mud w coverage. 11. LOCATION: N. 132nd E. Ave., south of N. 132 E. Ct. starting at Lot 5, Block 4, heading south, including culdesac at south end of N. 132nd E. Ave. ~ FINDINGS: thirty-one cracks visible and a chunk out of curb at Lot 11, Block 4. ' 12. LOCATION: N. 133rd E. Ave., north of E. 94th Pl. N., heading north on east side of street to N. 133rd E. Ct. ~ FINDINGS: twenty-six cracks visible 13. LOCATION: N. 133rd E. Ave., culdesac curb next to lots FINDINGS: most of this area is covered with mud, fifteen cracks visible ~r. 14. LOCATION: N. 133rd E. Ave., north of N. 133rd E. Ct., ' through entrance FINDINGS: large area is covered with mud and there are four cracks visible 15. LOCATION: entrance islands FINDINGS: one crack is visible and a small area covered with mud Many of the cracks are hairline no deeper than surface of the concrete. Please monitor as moisture will cause deterioration ' and in some cases the cracks will continue to deepen,-repair if this occurs. All cracks larger than hair-line must be saw cut and sealed. Hopefully this will properly repair cracks if not, remove section of curb and replace. Please remember that joints ' must be at least five foot apart. Replace areas of curb that have been noted above as destroyed. MEMORANDUM TO: RODNEY J. RAY CITY MANAGER FROM: M A ALEXANDER CHIEF OF POLICE SUBJECT: COPS MORE GRANT DATE: October 8, 1996 BACKGROUND: Last year, the Owasso Police Department made application to one of the grant programs offered ' through the U.S. Department of Justice. This grant was designed to provide funds for community policing programs. The initial request included the salary for a full time Community ~ Service Officer. Though this request was denied, a award of 1221.00 was granted to the department to assist in overtime costs incurred while performing_public relations and community policing~ro rg ams. The department will provide a match to this grant in the amount of $408.00. Based on an average of overtime costs, it is expected that approximately eighty (80) hours of overtime will be paid by this grant. ' RECOMMENDATION: ' The staff recommends Council approval on the acceptance of grant monies totaling $1221.00 for use in overtime expenditures for the police department in community policing programs, and that the Mayor be authorized to execute the documents necessary to notify the Justice Department ' of that acceptance. Additionally, the staff recommends a supplemental appropriation to the General Fund Police Department budget in the amount of $1221.00. ATTACHMENTS: 1 1. Signature Page 2. Award Page 3. Information Packet rat`^k~ `'q~i ~~ ~ .- F~~ Office of Justice Programs U.S. Department of Justice Waslaingtorr, D. C. 20531 DATE: August 12, 1996 Grant Award # 96-CM-WX-1085 TO: Be/cky 1Smith, Gxary~ Monitor, COPS Office FROM: Gonzales, ~ . , ~in`anci,~~}Analyst, COPS Branch, Office of the Comptroller SUBJECT: Financial Clearance: Application # 6-1084-OK-CM, for the Owasso, City of. A financial analysis of budgeted costs has been completed. Costs appear reasonable, allowable and consistent with existing guide- lines. Exceptions/Disallowed Costs are noted below. Cost Cateqory Overtime Personnel: 1,629 Total Costs: 1,629 ***Disallowed Costs: 0 Grand Totals: Federal Share: 1,221 Local Share: 408 Total Project Cost: 1,629 /ALG ~, ~,.. COPS MORE AWARD U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF COMMUNITY ORIENTED POLICING SERVICES Grant #: 96-CM-WX-1085 ORI #:OK07210 Applicant Organization's Legal Name: Owasso, City of Authorized Official Name: Police Chief Maria A. Alexander Contact Name: Police Chief Maria Alexander Address: 101 N. Main Street City, State and Zip Code: Owasso, OK 74055 Phone Number: (918)272-2251 Fax Number: ()- Award start date: December 1, 1995 Award Amount: $1,221.00 Civilian Personnel Award: $0.00 Equipment/Technology Award: $0.00 Overtime Award: $1,221.00 aye J AUG 15 19.96 Date Vendor #: 736069613 Award end date: November 30, 1996 Number of Redeployed Officers: 0.1 Number of Redeployed Officers: 0 Number of Redeployed Officers: 0 Number of Redeployed Officers: 0.1 By signing this award, the signatory official is agreeing to abide by the Conditions of Grant Award found on the reverse side of this document: Signature of Official with the authority to accept this grant award Typed Name and Title of Official Date ,. U.S. Department of Justice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services Offrce of the Director 1100 Vermont Avenue, NW Washington, D. C. 20530 Maria A. Alexander Police Chief, Owasso, City of 101 N. Main Street Owasso, OK 74055 Re: COPS MORE Grant#: 96-CM-WX-1085 Dear Police Chief Alexander: August 16, 1996 I am pleased to inform you that your COPS MORE itemized budget has been approved Enclosed in this packet is your Grant Award, which you must sign to officially accept your grant. The MORE Award document provides the total award amount and redeployment figures, as well as the award amount and redeployment figures by type of award: civilian personnel, equipment and technology, and overtime funding. On the reverse side of the Grant Award is a list of Conditions that apply to your grant. You should read and familiarize yourself with these Conditions. Also enclosed is your Grant Owner's Manual which summarizes and explains your COPS MORE grant. It will assist you. with the administrative and financial matters associated with your grant. The manual also explains many of the Federal government's commonly used grant terms and answers many commonly asked questions. You will also find materials relating to payment methods and procedures for receiving your grant funds. You should review the materials in your Grant Owner's Manual regarding the different methods of payment available to you. Should you have any questions regarding payment methods or any other matter discussed in the COPS Grant Owner's Manual, please do not hesitate to contact the COPS Office at 1-800-421- 6770. Information related to procurement with Federal funds are provided to assist you with equipment and technology purchases under COPS MORE. We have enclosed a mailing label for your convenience. Please use the label to return your signed award and requests for payment information. The COPS Office will continue to serve your needs in a responsive and innovative manner. With your participation, I believe this office can accomplish its mission to provide local law enforcement with the resources they need, and in a manner that reduces the burdens ordinarily encountered when applying for a federal grant. Congratulations on your award. On behalf of the COPS Office, we look forward to working with you as you continue your community policing effort. Si rely, J seph E. Brann hector, COPS Office MEMORr1NDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: JANIS WORLEY COMMUNITY CENTER DIRECTOR SUBJECT: RENEWAL OF SITE AGREEMENT SENIOR NUTRITION PROGRAM DATE: October 10, 1996 BACKGROUND: The Owasso Senior Nutrition Program will celebrate its fourth anniversary in October. As it prepares to enter its fifth year, the Senior Nutrition Program continues to be an important part of our senior program. Mr Marvin Gidley, Owasso Site Director, and his volunteer staff of senior participants provide the leadership necessary for a successful program. ~ During the first eleven months of its fourth year, the program has served a total of 10,400 meals, a daily average of fifty meals. Participants consist of those who fall into three major I target categories for nutrition programs: those of low income, those with need for socialization, and those with need of a more balanced diet. The Nutrition Program continues to increase use of the Community Center and provides a very good program for our seniors. It should be noted that costs for the nutrition program are funded through the Tulsa Senior Nutrition Program under the direction of Sodexho Management Services, which receives its funding from the Oklahoma Department of Aging. The program pays for the cost of the meals, "' the Site Director's salary, serving supplies, etc. This program asks for a donation of $1.00 if _ possible, but this is not a requirement to participate. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends City Council approval of the Senior Nutrition Site Agreement for the period of October 1, 1996 through September 30, 1997, between the City of Owasso and Sodexho Management Services, sponsoring agency of the Tulsa Senior Nutrition Program, and that the Mayor be authorized to execute the document. ATTACHMENT: I 1. Site Agreement for Owasso Senior Nutrition Program SODEXHO MANAGEMENT SERVICES TULSA SENIOR NUTRITION PROGRAM SITE AGREEMENT SITE NAME: Owasso _ LOCATION: 301 South ,edar _ Owasso OK 74055 Tulsa Senior Nutrition Program (TSNP) and City of Ow~o (Site Sponsor) enter into ~ the following agreement for the project year beginning October 1, 1996 and ending September 30, 1997. -w TSNP AGREES TO: 1) Provide a paid staff member hours per week to operate the Nutrition Program. Employment of new staff will be the responsibility of the Nutrition Program, however, input from the Site Sponsor would be considered. 2) Provide sufficient training, supervision, and consultation to ensure that quality nutrition services are to be provided to participants. 3) Provide General Liability Insurance coverage for the time period and area occupied by the program. 4) Provide necessary supplies, equipment, and prepared meals to serve 4Q ~ Congregate Meals and Home Delivery Meals weekdays. 5) Provide Nutrition Education to Congregate and Home Delivery participants. Facilitate Transportation, Recreation and Senior Citizen Information programs to participants, within limits possible at the location. 6) Provide "light" janitorial duties such as sweeping and emptying trash. ,rr THE SITE SPONSOR AGREES TO: 1) Provide space at no cost to participants for service of ~ Congregate and Home Delivery meals on weekdays, 52 weeks per year, with the exception of mutually agreed upon holidays. 2) Permit use of this space for a minimum of four hours each day the program operates. 3) Pay all utilities without recourse to nutrition participants or Tulsa Senior Nutrition Program. 4) Provide general janitorial care of the building such as cleaning bathrooms, trash and trash pickup, and heavy floor cleanup and care. IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED THAT: 1) Either party may terminate this agreement by providing the other party thirty days written notice. 2) Implementation of this agreement is dependent on mutual availability of funding. 3) All equipment purchased by the program for use at the facility remains the property of the Tulsa Senior Nutrition Program. TSNP SITE SPONSOR B c~a~~~~ ~~/LC By Auth ized Signature Authorized Signature 3602 East Pine, TuI~,~K 74115 Address Address 1 1 1 MEMORt~NDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: JANIS WORLEY CONIlVIUNITY CENTER DIRECTOR SUBJECT: COMMUNITY CENTER TABLES AND CHAIRS DATE: October 8, 1996 BACKGROUND: ~ The tables and chairs in the dining room at the Community Center are used every day. Most ~, of these tables and chairs are over 10 years old and have been moved around a lot. Many of the chairs are getting to the point where they are not safe. it COMMENTS: 1 1 1 Community Center staff called recreation and community centers in Tulsa and inquired as to their use of round tables. We asked if the tables are serviceable, if they promote better communication, if they are easy to move, and if the staff and customers prefer round or oblong tables. The staff at the Centers using round tables responded that the conversation appears to be easier for their senior citizens because they are able to see everyone at the table, they are easier to use when the seniors are playing games, and they seem to be easier for the staff to move and store. After visiting with the staff at the different facilities, we believe it would benefit our Center to purchase round tables. The staff requested quotes for padded chairs with double rivets on the frame, four-hinge construction, and a 35-year guarantee. Quotes were also requested for 60" round tables seating 6 to 8 persons, constructed of 5-ply plywood with a .30" thick Phenolic backer sheet laminated to the underside and edges protected with bullnose vinyl T-molding. The following quotes were received: National Business Wholesale Furniture Alfax Adirondack $22.95 per chair $18.48 per chair $21.58 per chair $17.99 per chair $149.00 per table $174.90 per table $157.50 per table $147.50 per table COMMUNITY CENTER TABLES & CHAIRS OCTOBER 8, 1996 PAGE 2 FUN-DING: Funding for these items is included in the Capital Outlay section of the 1996-97 Community Center budget. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends the purchase of 100 padded chairs from Adirondack at a cost of $17.99 per chair. 100 chairs @$17.99 = $1799.00 Freight 291.00 Total Cost $2090.00 The staff also recommends the purchase of 15 60-inch round tables from Adirondack at a cost of $147.50 per table. 15 tables @$147.50 = $2212.50 Freight 269.00 Total Cost $2481.50 The total cost, including freight, for 15 round tables and 100 padded chairs is $4571.50 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: JAMS WORLEY COMMUNITY CENTER DIRECTOR SUBJECT: UPHOLSTERY OF FURNITURE DATE: October 8, 1996 BACKGROUND: ,w The furniture in the lobby at the Community Center was purchased over 15 years ago. Although this furniture is structurally sound, the upholstery is worn out from years of use. This furniture is used by the senior citizens, as well as other groups utilizing the Center. COMMENTS: ,~, There are currently three couches, two ottomans, and three chairs in the Community Center lobby. The cost to purchase new furniture would be between $4000.00 and $7000.00, depending upon the grade of furniture, while the cost to reupholster the furniture would be less than $2,000.00. Therefore, the staff requested quotes from three local upholsters. The following quotes, which include material and labor, were received: ^ Chair Couch Jim Lang Upholstery $250 each $550 each ' Bishop Upholstery $275 each $600 each Harold Kight $220 each $420 each ~ After talking with the three upholsterers, the staff believes that it would be a sound investment for the Center to reupholster the existing furniture with a good grade of fabric. The appearance of the Center would also be improved and enhanced when the furniture has new upholstery. r ~ FUNDING: ~ Funding to reupholster the Community Center lobby furniture is included in the 1996-97 ' Community Center budget. UPHOLSTERY OF FURNITURE OCTOBER 8, 1996 PAGE 2 RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends that Harold Kight be awarded a contract to reupholster the lobby furniture at a total cost of $1920.00. The staff further recommends that the fabric be paid for at the time it is received, and that Mr Kight be paid for his labor after the work is completed and approved. MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: JIM McELRATH, SUPPORT SERVICES DIRECTOR SUBJECT: YMCA PLANS FOR RECREATION CENTER DATE: October 9, 1996 BACKGROUND: As you are aware, for the last few months the YMCA has been in the process of formulating remodel design plans for the Recreation Center. Their plans are at the stage that they wish to present them to the City Council for approval as required by their agreement with the City. Mr John Swift, Director of the Tulsa area YMCA, has asked for a place on the October 15, 1996, City Council agenda in order to present the YMCA proposal. In the attachment to this memo, you will find Mr Swift's proposal, along with architectural renderings of the remodel plans. This first phase involves extensive remodeling of the present facility, with the emphasis to be placed upon locker and office areas and the construction of a second story, complete cardiovascular workout and equipment area. Further details are covered in Mr Swift's letter. The YMCA plan fulfills the contract requirements that they spend at least $250,000 on the initial remodel phase. In actuality, this first phase will cost $350,000. Of course, the underlying reason for the involvement of an architect and of the spending level requirement was to ensure a quality facility and program for the citizens of Owasso. Upon examination of the plans and the drawings attached, it certainly does appear that the YMCA intends to more than fulfill their agreement. They propose atop-rate facility that will well serve our citizens in the area of recreational and fitness needs. Additional plans, as noted in the City Manager's Report for August 30, 1996, include building a youth activity center, air conditioning the gymnasium, and upgrading the swimming pool and ball field facilities. Fitness facilities will also be expanded as membership growth dictates. RECOMMENDATION• The staff has reviewed the YMCA proposal and found it in keeping with the requirements placed upon the YMCA by contract. In addition, as Mr Swift notes in his letter, the YMCA has also YMCA PROPOSAL OCTOBER 11, 1996 PAGE 2 been working in close conjunction with the Community Development Department of the City of Owasso to ensure that their building plans conform to the appropriate codes and restrictions. In light of these facts, the staff recommends that the City Council approve the YMCA's plans and give them the authority to proceed with the upgrading of the Recreation Center facility as proposed. ~ ATTACI~MENTS: 1. Letter from Mr John Swift, Director of the Greater Tulsa YMCA 2. Architectural renderings of proposed plans for remodel of Recreation Center ,v IHf YOUNG MEN'S CNBISIIRN ASSOCIRiION Of GflEAiEfl i~~SR METROPOLITAN OFFICE 515 SOUTH DENVER AVE. • TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74103 918/583-6201 October 10th, 199b To: City Council of the City of Owasso From: John R. Swift, CEO YMCA of Greater Tulsa Subject: Approval of YMCA plans for renovation of recreation center In accordance with the agreement between the YMCA of Greater Tulsa and the City of Owasso, an architect has been retained to design and oversee the development of the Recreation Center. The architect is Mr. Gary Fetters of Chase, Fetters and Hewitt. He has worked successfully with the YMCA of Greater Tulsa on other renovation projects. Thus far, he has completed the floor plans for the facility and has consulted with the City of Owasso Building Department for their consideration. Final drawings will be submitted when they are completed. We would like to obtain City Council approval of the current concept so that we may proceed to the next phase upon the Building Departments acceptance of the completed plans. The current renovation plans call for a complete remodel of the downstairs locker room area with the completion of a second floor area for cardiovascular equipment. The renovation will include 7200 sq feet of remodel and additional space. The architect estimates this renovation will cost at least $250,000 as per our agreement. The equipment needed will cost an additional $100,000 for a total investment at this time of $350,000. However, the renovation will not complete the entire facility. In fact the estimate for complete renovation exceeds $1,000,000. Completion of the locker room area and cardiovascular area should create enough community interest. The completion of the remainder of the complex should follow quickly thereafter. We will advise the City Council of Owasso as funds are secured and plans for future expansion are completed. Sincerely, ~. John R. Swift CEO YMCA of Greater Tulsa Gifts and Bequests to the Development Fund will greatly aid and increase the work of the Association MEMBER (~F TI II SA AREA UNITFn wav D %~~ o ~ ~ Q 'o 0 b T T s 1 N ~~ ^~ \/ ^ i " i ^ i i I ~ 7 i i 1 1 ~ ~ i ~ rn rn ,V ~ C ~ i D~ i ~ ~a i w~ i m , ,, ~ I i Q ~ ~ I II7 I V I I~~A i ~ I 7 I O I 3 ~' ~ I I ' c ~ 0 ^ _____ Gas Service N Chose Fetters Hewitt -Architects Proposed Recreation Center Floor Plan ~„ ~ D = um s H,rwre sine Leo Tw,a, aaonoma ~si3s sie/~4~-ezn Scale: 116" _ ~-p" sr~r m N m ~ ~ ~~ ~ The YMCA of Greater Tulsa /Green Country YMCA , @~ Owasso, Oklahoma E \'bze\xw.nw~ o~/u/w a:cwr rsr n~~ V D ~~~ A P ~ G w 4 0 - --- ~ a 6 o ~ ~ . ~ o 9 T~ ^ ~V /^` n~ _.- -__- _ _ _. £ _~ ~~ ~ T Y O ~ ~ pf ® ®N N $ ~ fD n q ~ ~ o m m a ® `° ~ ~ ~ ~ w ~ ~ ® ~ ~. ~ °- l i I ®®° O M e ~ - -- Chase Fetters Hewitt -Architects o N .sxo s r+a,wra 5„n, tao Proposed Recreation Center Floor Plan ~~n sr, D I nim, aaon«nn ~+tas 918/7+7-6225 Scale: 1/76" = 1-0" ~ F_~~ W m The YMCA of Greater Tulsa /Green Country YMCA ~~~ ~ Owasso, Oklahoma R D N rn~ s o ~ ° o ~ Q r 0 rn 0 0 3 0 0 w N _~_ R. ~~3 w N F" a^ 30 ~o ~F . o o ~ - w ]1~_ = m ~ o t - ~e ~ w 3 ~ ny - - uc: ~~ z`S - ~3 3fN 3~- «ti f O "03 _ _ F: __ Chose fetters Hewlll - Mchilecls Enlorged Locker Room Floor Plan O ~ I 4szo s. s«.~ora swie ieo „~ s ~ TWx, Won«na 741]5 ampa-ezzs Scale: 1~8" = 1'-p° Z ~g~ l m P C1i ~ The YMCA of Greater Tulsa / Green Country YMCA , ~~ Owasso, Oklahoma a a~ _~ ._ ~, i~ 3: a.lwn\~..u. w/+w/w u.~a~. i.,..i ~ i ~~ Y : q 9 i - ~a ~~ k -- ~" ~ - - °z - Nrn p - -~- ____- _ W a rte,- -- ~<, to ` a --- __ orn - - 3 m - ~ ~ -- - ~ - _ F i __ ~ ~ eRv n~ 3 --- - -- - = z a _ _. ~ - -- a ~~ ----- ~ W __ ___ Y . ._._._ ---- - -- ~ - - ~--- I~I II( = _ ~ ~ - - . -- o - - - _ ~ ti 4 _ - io A Y 'o D N m Chase Fetters Hewlll - Mchiteds 4520 S Harvor0 su~le teo Tulaq OlJahoma 71135 918/717-8225 New Recreation Center Elevation SCa~C: ~~~6~ _ ~~-Q~~ ~1T ~ $_ } ` ~ ~ IJ11 The YMCA of Greater Tulsa /Careen Country YMCA ~ ~~~ 'l Owasso, Oklahoma ,