HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996.10.29_City Council Agenda_SpecialI! PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL '~ TYPE OF MEETING: Special DATE: October 29, 1996 TIME: 6:00 p. m. PLACE: Owasso City Hall Conference Room Notice and Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, October 25, 1996. i_ Marcia outwell, City C erk AGENDA 1. Call to Order ~ Mayor Ewing ,. 2. Roll Call ,~ 3. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Council Approval of a Final Plat for Barrington Estates, an Addition to the City of Owasso. Mr Rooney Attachment #3 The staff will recommend City Council approval of the final plat for Barrington Estates as recommended by the Owasso Planning Commission. The subject property is located east of Barrington Point I, II, and III, and contains 127 residential lots on 40.13 acres, more or less. Owasso City Council October 29, 1996 Page 2 4. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request to Close a Portion of a Utility Easement Located on Lot 43, Block 5, Three Lakes II Addition. Mr Rooney Attachment #4 The staff will recommend closing a portion of the utility easement as approved by the Owasso Planning Commission. 5. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for an Amendment to the Final Plat of Central Park, an Addition to the City of Owasso. Mr Rooney Attachment #5 The staff will recommend approval of an amendment to the final plat of Central Park, amending the building line of the east side of Lot 22, Block 1, from 25 feet to 15 feet, as approved by the Owasso Planning Commission. 6. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Council Approval of the Expenditure of Funds for the Purchase of General Liability Insurance. Ms Pazsons Attachment #6 The staff will recommend Council approval of the expenditure of $50,510 to National American Insurance Company, for the purchase of a one-year general liability insurance ~ policy. Owasso City Council October 29, 1996 Page 3 7. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Contract Between the City of Owasso and a "Third Party Administrator" for the City's Workers Compensation Self-Insurance Fund. Ms Parsons Attachment #7 The staff has solicited quotations for the services of a third party administrator to assist in the management of the city's self-insurance workers compensation program and will recommend Council award of a contract to Berkley Administrators in the amount of 41 C per $100 of payroll, to provide services as specified. 8. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Council Approval for the Expenditure of Funds for Self-Insured Workers Compensation Excess Coverage. Ms Parsons Attachment #8 The staff will recommend Council approval of the expenditure of .5680 per $100 of payroll, to Midwest Employers Casualty Company for the purchase of workers compensation excess insurance. 9. Request to Recess for Dinner. Mayor Ewing -- DINNER SERVED -- 1 Owasso City Council October 29, 1996 Page 4 10. Reconvene for Work Session. Mayor Ewing 11. Discussion of Issues of Importance to the City of Owasso. No action will be taken on any of these items. a. Drug Testing Policy b. Investment Policy Status c. Development Issues d. Wastewater Plant Construction Bids e. Other .. 12. Adjournment Owasso City Council October 29, 1996 Page 4 10. Reconvene for Work Session. Mayor Ewing 11. Discussion of Issues of Importance to the City of Owasso. No action will be taken on any of these items. a. Permitting for Utility Companies b. Drug Testing Policy c. Investment Policy Status d. Development Issues e. Wastewater Plant Construction Bids f. Animal Control Ordinance g. Claim Procedure for Golf Authority h. Reimbursement Grant for Park Project 12. Adjournment MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO i FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR ' SUBJECT: FINAL PLAT BARRINGTON ESTATES DATE: October 25, 1996 BACKGROUND The City of Owasso has received a request from Premier Homesites, LLC to review a final plat ~ for Barrington Estates. Barrington Estates is located immediately east of Barrington Points I, II, and III and immediately north of the Owasso Eighth Grade Center. The subject plat, if approved, would contain 127 lots on 40.13 acres, more or less. The Barrington Estates preliminary plat was reviewed and approved by the Owasso Planning Commission in January of 1996. At that time, staff had recommended several additional utility easements as a result of the Technical Advisory Committee, as well as advising the Planning Commission of the possibility of a lot layout change along the northerly 300' of the addition. Since the preliminary approval, the lot layout along the northerly 300' did change to provide a more desirable transition between the larger lots in Nottingham Estates and those being proposed in Barrington Estates. A copy of the preliminary plat memorandum is attached for your information and review. ~ The Barrington Estates final plat was reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee the week of October 14, 1996. ONG contacted staff via telephone with no corrections/comments and Southwestern Bell faxed staff a letter stating no comments/corrections. That letter is attached for your information and review. PSO had requests for additional utility easements for street ~ lighting, as well as two changes to the covenants. That letter is also attached for your information and review and those corrections are already included within your enclosed plat. TCI did not comment. Construction plans have been reviewed and approved by the Engineering Division of Public Works. Permits for both the water and sanitary sewer have been issued by the Department of Environmental Quality and are also attached for your information and review. The Council accepted the water and sewer lines at the October 15, 1996 regular meeting and maintenance bonds have been provided by the developers. Streets are in the process of being installed and should be completed by the October 31, 1996. The Planning Commission unanimously approved the final plat for Barrington Estates at their October 25, 1996 Special Meeting. If the final plat is approved by the Council, it is anticipated that the developer will begin to request building permits by the end of the week. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends Council approval of the final plat for Barrington Estates ATTACHMENTS 1. Area map. 2. Southwestern Bell letter. 3. PSOletter. 4. Water and Sewer permits. ENCLOSURES 1. Final plat and covenants for Barrington Estates. ~~ t SAG // 1 RS -3 w 1 ~' _ ~ Ste. Ih PL. NO. T ' ~-_ PUDI~ hv. ~ W a w m N esm sr .. ~ i - µ E 73 a CT r ~ 2nd PL _ _ __ _ _ 1 ~' _ E. 92nd II _ { - ~ ... R __~- -, _-- 9151 i 1. ~, L /~ RS-2 ~; ~ ~ 90m ST. N. ~, / v~ _ /)1 F ` ~ / ~h0 ~9 ~ h r S~ 9 - ~ ~ ~r S~ . - -~ Z _f - ~~ E. 89th S i~ \ \1 --_j~/ Y \ z ./ ~ I . ~ .\ ~_ AG r _ ~. _~ W Bp~h ST. NO. c _ ~ ~~~ R S PUD-4 r2 `\ ze - d ~ti101 Tulsa, October 17, 1996 Tim Rooney Owasso City Planner PO Box 180 Owassa, Oklahoma ?4055 Re: Barrington Estates The utility easements specificed on the plat issued for Barrington Estates meets the necessary requirements of Southwestern Beli Telephone Company. Questions may be referred to me at (918} 596-61'71. Sincerely, ~~~4 C~ ~~' Manager - Eng~neera.ng Deszgn Customer Services i~_ t-~1-1`1`!b ~~~`_~1 li1'~IK11~UT 1~=iPJ EN~~It~JEERlhdii October 22, 1996 City of Owasso Planning Commission 207 South Cedar Owasso OK 74055 91~ ~.yq :7~=}~ P.1,1 ~~~ Pablic Service Company o: Qklahoma ATTENTION: Tim Rooney, City Planner SUBJECT.• BARRiI~7GTON ESTATES (final plat review) ~ With the inclusion of the additional items listed below, the easements indicated on the plat of the subdivision named above satisfy the requirements of Public Service ' Company of Oklahoma for the designated use of the property as far as is known on this date. However, it is not the intent of this letter to release any rights Public Service Company of Oklahoma has to maintain existing facilities on the property ~ or to release any part of existing easements, nor is this concurrence meant to be construed as to preempt the grant of any additional easements necessary to Provide service to the property at some future date. mrdusrr,hsr~~, ~.zm ~. ox 1aro11t?m Additional! utiddty easements to be shown on thefa.ce of the Plat: 9ra sss-zoos (1.) South five (5) feet of Lot 4, Block 2 (2.) East ten (10) feet of Lot 2, Block 2 (abutting street right-of-way) (3.)South ten (ZO) feet of Lot 24, Block 3 (abutting street right-of--way) (4.)South ten (20) feet of Lot 29, Block 3 (abutting street right-of--way) (5.) West ten (10) feet of Lot 9, Block 4 (abutting street right-of-way) (6.) West five (5) feet of Lot 6, Block 4 (7.)North five (5) feet of Lot 18, Block 4 ' {8.) South five (5) feet of Lot 19, Block 4 (9.) Southerly five (5) feet of Lot 26, Block 4 (abutting IO' wide "park access") (10.)East five (5) feet of Lot 32, Block 4 (11.)West five {5) feet of Lot 33, Block 4 ' (12.)West five (5) feet of Lot 11, Block 5 (13.)South five (5) feet of I.ot 16, Block 5 _ (14.)Weat ten (10) feet of Lot 15, Block 5 (abutting street right-of-way) Proposed ehan,dea to Deed of Dedication: (1:)Under "Conditions and Restrictions" Item 2 (Dwellings)... the language references BARRINGTON POINT III... (2:)Under "Electric, Telephone, Cable Television Service" Item 15...incluaion of language to allow overhead pole line along North property line (in addition to South already included) for existing pole-line circuit. Sincerely yours, Robert L. Pierce, Jr. Public Service Company of Oklahoma TAC Member A Cernral and South Wev Company TOTAL P.~1 :~:. ~ •. 1vCA~K b. COit.EMAN ~ G~~ ~?tecutive Director ~,, ~ ~ : ~ • ,e,. >~'~AIV~K I{EATING Governor State of Dkrrchom.a DEPARTMENT OF ENV~RUNMEN7'AE QUALITY April 23, 1996 Robert E. Carr, Jr., Director City of Owasso 207 S. Cedar Owasso, OK 74055 Re: Permit No. SL000072960252 Barrington Estates Subdivision S21310 Dear Mr. Carr: Enclosed is Permit No. SL000072960252 for the construction of 7255 I.f. of eight (8} inch sewer line and appurtenances to serve the Barrington Estates Subdivision, City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. The project authorized by this permit should be constructed in accordance with the plans approved by this department on April 23, 1996. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications affecting capacity, flow or operation of units must be approved, in writing, by the Chief Engineer before changes are made. Receipt of this permit should be noted in the minutes of the next regular meeting of the City of Owasso, after which it should be made a matter of permanent record. We are returning one f 1 }set of the approved plans to you and retaining one i 11 set for our files. Very truly yours, Gary K der Construction Permit Unit Water Quality Division G KlHJT/GM/vp Enclosure cC' Dennis L. Hodo, P.~., Dennis L. Hodo, F'.E., Inc. Carl Parrott, P.E., WPC Unit Supervisor, DEQ John Tarrell, Tulsa C/C Health Department Bill Werden, R.S., Regional pirector, DEQ 1000 NortA<e st Tenth go-cct, Ok{eTom~ City. Oklu~~cmn 7411^.1212 i~ raeyrclad pupae MARK S. COLEMAN }Lxcciitivo Director FRANK KEATING Governor State of Oklahoma DEPARTMENT OF ENVI1lDN1tIENTAL Qr1A~ZTY Permit No. SL000072960252 SEWER LINES PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT April 23, 1996 S21310 ~ Pursuant to O.S. 27A 2-6-401, the City of Owasso is hereby granted this permit to construct 7255 I.f. of eight (8) inch sewer line and appurtenances to serve the Barrington Estates Subdivision, located in the NE/4, SW/4 of Section 21, T-21-N, R-14-E, I.M., Tulsa County, Oklahoma, in accordance with the plans and specifications approved on April 23, 1996. ~ ey acceptance of this permit, the permittee agrees to operate and maintain the facilities in accordance with Discharge - OPDES (NPDES) rules OAC 252:605 and to comply with the ' state certification laws, Title 59, Section 1 101-11 16 O.S. and the rules and regulations adopted thereunder regarding the requirements for certified operators. ~ This permit is issued subject to the following provisions and conditions. 1 - That the recipient of the permit is responsible that the project receive supervision and inspection by competent and qualified personnel. 2) That construction of all phases of the project will be started within one year of the date of approval or the phases not under construction will be resubmitted for approval as anew project. 3) That no significant information necessary for a proper evaluation of the project has been omitted or no invalid information has been presented in applying for the permit. 4) That wherever water and sewer lines are constructed with spacing of 10 feet or less, sanitary protection will be provided in accordance with OAC 252:655-9-1 (h) of the Standards for Water Pollution Control Construction Standards. ~' 51 That tests will be conducted as necessary to insure that the construction of the sewer lines will prevent excessive infiltration and that the leakage will not exceed 200 gallons per inch of pipe diameter per mile per day. 1 1000 p7unLh~Ft T'rnth 5truet, Qlelnhoma Gty, UL.l~hernr 73711.1212 y~• `~/ rN4yCIDA puprt r 1VIAR.R S. COLEMAN Executive Director Fi2ANK T~:A1 TNG Governor State of Oklahoma riEPARTMEN2' OF ENVIRONMENTAL QrIALITY SEWER LINES PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT S21310 6) That the State Department of Environmental Quality shall be kept informed of occurrences which may affect the eventual performance of the works or that will unduly delay the progress of the project. 7) That the permittee will take steps to assure that the connection of house services to the sewers is done in such a manner that the functioning of the sewers will not be impaired and that earth and ground water will be excluded fram the sewers when the connection is completed. 8) That any deviations from approved plans or specifications affecting capacity, flow or operation of units must be approved by the Chief Engineer before any such deviations are made in the construction of this project. 9) That the recipient of the permit is responsible for the continued operation and maintenance of these facilities in accordance with rules and regulations adopted by the Environmental Quality Board, and that this department wil! ba notified ;n writinfl of any sale or transfer of ownership of these facilities. 1 Q} The issuance of this permit does not relieve the responsible parties of any obligations or liabilities which the permittee may be under pursuant to prior enforcement action taken by the Department. 1 1) That any notations or changes recorded on the official set of plans and specifications in the State Department of Environmental Quality files shall be part of the plans as approved. Failure to appeal the conditions of this permit in writing within 30 days from the date of issue will constitute acceptance of the permit and all conditions or provisions. rge 11Rct3ryde, P.E., Cl~ief E Water Quefity Division 2 Permit No. SL000072960252 l ODU Ncrthcoet Tenth 6crcct, Gkl^h~•.»> 6ty. Oidahumn 7311 i~Y'sY2 ~~ rtcydod paper L ` ~ ~•• Y. S MARK i5. COY.ENYAN FRANK KEATING ~• ~' ..~ ~ • Executive DireCtr~r +,,; "'',r' Goverrlor L State of Oklahoma DEPAR7'1l?ENT OF ENVIIIONMEN7'AL Q UALII'Y ~ ~ April 23, 1996 ~ Hobert F. Carr, Jr., Director City of Owasso ~ 207 S. Cedar Owasso, OK 74055 ~_ Re: Permit No. WL000072960251 Barrington Estates Subdivision PWSID No. 3007218 Dear Mr. Carr: ~. Enclosed is Permit No. WL00007 2 9 60 2 5 1 for the construction of 2860 I.f. of six (6) inch "' water line, 3190 I.f. of eight (8} inch water line and appurtenances to serve the Barrington ,~ Estates Subdivision, City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. r The project authorized by this permit should be constructed in accordance with the plans ~ approved by this department on April 23, 1996. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications affecting capacity, flow or operation of units must he approved, in writing, by ,. the Chief Engineer before changes are made. ~ Receipt of this permit should be noted in the minutes of the next regular meeting of the City of Owasso, after which it should be made a matter of permanent record. ' We are returning one (1) set of the approved plans to you and retaining one (1 ~ set for our files. ~ Very truly yours, Gary Ki er ' Construction Permit Unit Water Quality Division GK/HJT/GM/vp Enc{osure cc: Dennis L. Norio, P.E., Dennis L. Norio, P.E., InC. Kay Coffey, P.E., PWS District Engineer, QED i„ John Terrell, Tulsa C1C Health Department Bil! Warden, R.S., Regional Director, DE(1 10(x7 Northcea~ Teuth St,'cat, Oklehemo Cnv. Ukl~homa 93117-1Zt2 ~, recydcd pnpar MARK S. COLEMAN F ' ~' ~~D ~o ~ ., : FRANK KEATING )executive L)irector ~,; ' ~ =',,~ CYovernor State of Ohlah.oma DEPARTMENT OF ENVII~ONMENTAI', C~UALITY Permit No. W1.000072960251 WATER LINES PWSID No. 3007218 PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT April 23, 1996 Pursuant to O.S. 27A 2-6-304, the City of Owasso is hereby granted this permit to construct 2860 I.f, of six l6} inch water line, 3190 I.f. of eight (8} inch water line and appurtenances to serve the Barrington Estates Subdivision, located in the NEt4, SW/4 of Section 21, T-21-N, R-14-E, I.M., Tulsa County, Oklahoma, in accordance with the plans approved on April 23, 1996. By acceptance of this permit, the parmittee agrees to operate and maintain the fac,lity in accordance with the Public Water Supply Operation rules (OAC 252:630) and to comply with the State Certification laws, Title 59, Section 1 101-1 1 16 O.S. and the rules and regulations adopted thereunder regarding the requirements for certified operators. 7hiS permit is issued subject to the following provisions and conditions. 1 } That the recipient of the permit is responsible that the project receives supervision. and ~ inspection by competent and qualified personnel. ^ 21 That construction of al! phases of the project will be started within one year of the date of approve) or the phases not under construction wi11 be resubmitted for approval as anew project. 3) That no significant information necessary for a proper evaluation of the project has been omitted or no invalid information has been p-esented in applying for the permit. 4) That the State Qepartment of Environmental Quality shall be kept informed on occurrences which may affect the eventual performance of the works or that will unduly delay the progress of the project. 5) That wherever water and sewer lines are constructed with spacing of 10 feet or less, sanitary protection will be provided in accordance with Public Water Supply , Construction Standards {OAC 252: G25-17-4}. tGJG yoHluast Tench f3Ucct, Oklnh,m• Ciry, Ok1~Mmt YAti9-1212 `~ rocyrlod pnpct C i yr• _ ~ (. :V lyIARK S. COLEMAN ~~~~•: :- : FRANK KEATINC 'Executive Director `"~~: ' .~ Grorernor .State o f Oltlahor~a-a DEPARTMENT OF E1V~XRON1CrfEN1'AL (QUALITY Permit No. WL000072960251 WATER LINES `- PWStD No. 3007218 PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT k 6} That before placing this facility into service, at least two samples of the water, taken r on different days, shall be tested for bacteria to show that it is safe for drinking y purposes. r 7i That any deviations from approved plans or specifications affecting capacity, flow or operation of units must be approved by the Chief Engineer before any such deviations ` are made in the construction of this project. r 8} That the recipient of the permit is responsible for the continued operation and ~ maintenance of these facilities in accordance with rules and regulations adopted by the Environmental Quality Board, and that this department will be notified in writing of any ~~ safe or transfer of ownership of thaw facilities. 9) The issuance of this permit does not relieve the responsible parties of any obligations or liabilities which the permittee may be under pursuanf to prior enforcement action taken by the Department. ~ 10) That any notations or changes recorded on the official set of plans and specifications in the State Department of Environmental Quality files shall be part of the plans as approved. ~ Failure t0 appeal the conditions of this permit in writing within 30 days from the date of issue will constitute acceptance of the permit and all conditions and provisions. 1~ Gei7rg McBryde, P.E., Chief Eng~eer r Water duality Division Y~ 2 .. t ~~ retycltd paper IWO Mnr [hcaat Tontfi $r•xtt, Ok1al~cm. ~ pry, OylaTomn '77117.1212 ' MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: EASEMENT CLOSING REQUEST LOT 43, BLOCK 5, THREE LAKES H DATE: October 25, 1996 BACKGROUND: The City of Owasso has initiated a request for the closing of a portion of a utility easement located within Lot 43, Block 5, Three Lakes II Addition (8810 North 121st East Avenue). The portion of the easement to be closed is described as the northerly 40 feet of the easterly 6 feet of the rear 15 foot utility easement. A case map is enclosed for your information and review. The subject property is currently developed with asingle-family residence with an in-ground pool and the current owners are wishing to sell the residence. The in-ground pool, located in the rear yard, encroaches into the rear utility easement approximately 4.2 feet. A review of the pool permit at the time of construction (1983) indicates no utility easement concerns by the inspector. Although the current owner is not the original owner as the residence has been sold twice previously, the potential buyer cannot obtain financing for the purchase until the pool is no longer located within the utility easement. Area utility companies have reviewed the request and have no objections to the request. The City of Owasso, however, has a sewer line (second attachment) located within the utility easement. If the easement closing is approved, the property owner will then dedicate additional easement and relocate the sewer line as shown on the third attachment. Engineering staff has reviewed the relocation proposal and a letter is attached for your information and review. The Planning Commission unanimously approved the utility easement closing request at their October 25, 1996 Special Meeting. Staff has no objections to the easement closing request. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approval of the easement closing request, closing the northerly 40 feet of the easterly 6 feet of the rear 15 foot utility easement. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Case Map. ~ 2. Copy of the current sewer location map. 3. Copy of the map identifying the proposed relocation of the sewer line. 4. Copy of letter from Mr. Lutz. ® ~~~~ Landco Construction Company 16511 E. 116th St. N. (918) 371-5187 Owasso, OK 74055 Fax: (918) 371-5581 L e • o ~ ~ / ~ ~_ .~j ~~ ~ ~~ ~. Nr~ p__ _.. .~~ ~~=o g~ o~. .L~ o m -~ ~ ti ~~~~^ :~ _T _ _, n, m ~ /ft Z~~ ~4. 1 -- q -_ W pp r_ ^j m ~ 11 ~ b ~. ~ Cl ~ A to 8 ~ ZS, ~! ~ j m v~>~> A m['f~7 vy o~N ~ti~ _J ~. sorn v~a F~ __ ~ a m~A °~~~ ni~ O A' pNr b ~u _ C F n ~ ~O~ y~! OV ZC n ar ~ !' ~ v ~ VdP~ ~ ~ U e Cj Q'< ~ l 6.B" /~.~ I 25' A M1 ' 5 00"07'53 W j ~ 85.00 ~~ % ~ U o , ~n ~~ 4 ~~ m \'- tq - ~ ' , 'T ~' \ ~ • „ - 6041 - o o~ i ' 917 .~ 19 ~~ 49~, 1 C ° • q~~ ~~ , t9 j ~ 18 ~ N ' ~ 1 ~ a •h q° fir ~ Qp '.c , _; ~ `h ~o ~ ~ o g 8 _ 9 a r. 2 ~. ~ ~ _'~S ~ Abp ~ s \~ 51 m• ~ 52 ~ o~ ~ ~~ y .s k 7~ra~ , a9'~ q a~ .,~ 0 0 ao ti d o ,~ ~ ~ /'\/Y .LVV Landco Construction Company 16511 E. 116th St. N. (918) 371-5187 Owasso, OK 74055 Fax: (918) 371-5581 PLAT OF SURVEY SANITARY SEWER RE-ALIGNMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT FORTY-THREE (43), BLOCK FIVE (5), THREE ~ LAKES II, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA. ACCORDING TO THE. RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, AND KNOWN AS 8810 NORTH 121ST EAST AVENUE. o ~ ~~ z ~ Of ~ ~~ 9~ ~ R_ ~ ~'9~ _/ ~~ ~ ~ ~` / ~ }i / / mJ /]''~ O. -1 m In A ~' ~ c~z z8m ~ ° T ~ ~ Z ~ r O aZ i .,, m £ o n G d N ~e~ o ,~ --~ ~ _ W ~ ~` "~ m ~~ n~ O~ Y~i m ~ ~ • ~ > _r ~ N Z ~ r ! Om u s 0 u m r ~~ 85.OOJ ~~ ,~ ~o C NORTH 121 Sr FtiST A IENUE '`- -~- - - 1 - ti O ~~ ti City of Owasso 207 South Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 (918) 272-2251 FAX (918) 272999 ' October 15, 1996 Landco Construction Company ATTN: Alan Blaksley 16511 E. 116th Street North Owasso, OK 74055 SUBJEC'T': Re-aligmm~et of Sanitary Sewer Line 8810 North 121st East Avenue Dear Mr. Blaksley, We have received your proposed layout for re-aligning the sanitary sewer at the subject address. The layout was reviewed by Public Works and Community Development and is acceptable. Should the owner opt to re-align the sewer, the following apply: 1. The owner shall grant an additional 10-foot utility easement adjacent to and to the west of the existing utility easement. 2. Installation of the new manholes and pipe shall conform to City of Owasso standards. The tie-ins between existing pipe and new manholes are critical. The contractor shall submit for approval a proposed plan for the tie-ins and all related work shall be observed by a Public Works representative. 3. The abandoned pipe shall be plugged. If you require further information, please contact this office at 272-4959. Sincerely, OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT oject Manager cc: Public Works Director T~ im Rooney MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO ~ FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: PLAT AMENDMENT -CENTRAL PARK DATE: October 25, 1996 BACKGROUND The City of Owasso has received a request for a plat amendment of Central Park, an addition ~ to the City of Owasso. The amendment request involves a change in the building line of a corner lot (Lot 22, Block 1) from the existing 25 feet on all yards fronting the streets (front yard and corner side yard) to 25 feet on the designated front yard and 15 feet on the corner side yard. An 8 1/2 x 11" copy of the Central Park plat is attached for your information and review. Within an RS-3 (Residential Single Family High Density) zoning district, all corner lots are required to have a minimum front setback of 25 feet in the front yard and 15 feet on the yard which abuts the street. The amendment being requested by Mr. Enzbrenner, the applicant, is in full compliance with the Owasso Zoning Code and the Owasso Subdivision Regulations. ^ Oklahoma state law requires that in order to amend a subdivision plat, 100 % of all property owners within the addition must sign and approve of the amendment request. Attached is a copy ' of the amendment request from Mr. Enzbrenner, containing 100 % approval from the owners within the Central Park Addition. ' The Planning Commission unanimously approved the plat amendment request at their October 25, 1996 Special Meeting. Staff has no objections to this request. RECOMMENDATION ,~ Staff is recommends Council approval of the plat amendment to Central Park, changing the required building line on Lot 22, Block 1 to 25 feet on the front yard and 15 feet on the corner side yard. ATTACHMENTS 1. Plat of Central Park. 2. Plat amendment request for Central Park. DATE FILED DEC. 6, 1994 .<.x ... , ,,..,.. ,.,,.,. `5039 CENTR~IL PACK UNPLATTED PLAT NO. 5039 ~~NUR T I I etul! 1'- ~o~ 11pIti11L157 CORNER SEC. 70. 7-71-N, R-1•-E $ ~~ O R. AN ADDITION TO TfIE CITY OF OIfASSO, TULSA COUNTY. OKIAf10AlA. A SUBDIVISION OF A PART OF TIIF. EI/2 OF SECTION 20. TOIENSf11P 21 NORTII, RANGE 11 EAST OF TIIF I. B. k M.. TULSA COUNTY, OKIA. TOTAI. ACRES 11.98 DF-VELOl7ER: TOTAL LOTS = IS KANE DEVELOPMENT, INC. E. 86TH ST. N. OIIASSO, OK 74055 z7z-7i>> r 1 ~a ;~~ ~- ~ ~ n 7n Ro.~Y E w w~+ ut .r..w / / / --L ..i / ;,T -~ ~ --^- > In IN i I . w -- ---- F= ---I- I I a ...,..r1 _,-. .I _ >. I ~ _~.. ' ~ I _ i a I 41 -- _ -- • __.L._.. ~ 4- •-RASr eornlSrRIZTwOltfll I N ~---------------- - ~ _'• e kI~• I ~= =-R-`mom.' z N.a.»M "T-~ -~ I "'°"' elna: a I Wit'. i = is I• I- r"~ r- ~ T , I . E . ., i ~ \; . ,.. M a. _ - , ~~ I ry~ ~ ; .' Ij.~ elocn a I; e ~ I -''__~_ ~/}I- ~F3~zy~.L_~ fiv i .r.~.~ _ .~; _II - ~ ,..~,.,, ~":0..77 L,.,,~,,;I• `..,.-..n I ;xe1,o• w.osRe~Se'6Y`- - N ee•~r71' w SURVEI'OR PAYNE SURVEYING SERVICE ~ UNPLATTED 1216 W. HILL ROGERS BLVD. ~.,~_~ -~ CLAREMORE OKLA. .,~.. - _ 34 t -0617 coRVC rneEC ~ y __-Y.'".~: -._:;:^ y ~..:" sNCmccR. .n - wunw u*uc.l u< __ -~----~- : ~7ro x7.7, •r.r>s --.-~?y. DENN/S L. XODO P. d., INC. a ~sro nr7 .rer.r urt - man• wo.wr ~~ +` Corvu7ftny dx•gfneer ax •rerxv ~ w - ~ o/ ,,.°'~' _~~ .. - .9 d-101. 8333 N. 177TH d. AVd. . Teas ,xH ~ ~'~r o- IT ~+~ +=Y.+..-.. ~~~ - ~ ~...- OIIASSO, 0/2A. 71033 nro u.•x era.~~r ~~ ~ -"' .r 4%c,_r _ ~. s 272-7552 nro u• am IOlr+, r..•;mc nwo.am mu+~• w~'~ THE PLAT BOOK - TULSA COUNTY - COPYRIGHT 1994 ROY MALERNEE. CITY MAP SERVICE TULSA. OKLAHOMA FEOE RAL LAW PROH191Ta ero onnxErr.r... ~.. ~. ..... e...-.., ....-. .....r......~. ...--.._.__. __. _- ______._..- _ _-_ IZ IZ lO U IN I i I +I I Y CI e AMENDMENT TO CENTRAL PARK ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA THIS AMENDMENT to the plat of Central Park is made this 24th day of September, 1996 Kane Development; Central Park Association; Boos Builders; Milestone Homes, Inc.; Timothy _ and Michelle Murphy; Michael and Lori Bennett; Scott and Lisa Garman; Shawn and Judith Sistrunk; Lesa Hanna; Ted and Loretta Dorton; W.A. and Claudia Cobb; Joe Latimer and Joni Hartgraves-Latimer; John and Francis Swain; and Blanton and Jane Satterfield of the lots and blocks set forth hereinbelow, who are the owners of the lots and blocks set forth opposite their names hereinbelow and who are the owners of the lots and blocks of Central Park, an addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, according to the recorded plat thereof, to-wit: r, _ Owner Lot Block Kane Development 2,4,5,6, and 14 thru 24 1 "' 7 Less East 40 feet 1 8 Less East 40 feet 1 11 Less East 40 feet 1 12 Less East 40 feet 1 13 Less East 40 feet 1 1,2,5,7,11 2 2,3,4,5,6,7 4 1 Less East 40 feet 5 Central Park Association East 40 feet of 1 and 7 thru 13 1 " ~ East 40 feet of 1 5 Boos Builders 3 1 4 2 Timothy & Michelle Murphy 1 Less East 40 feet 1 Michael & Lori Bennett 9 Less East 40 feet 1 Scott & Lisa Garman 10 Less East 40 feet 1 Shawn & Judith Sistrunk 3 2 Lela Hanna 6 2 e Ted & Loretta Dorton 8 2 ~~ W.A. & Claudia Cobb 9 2 F Milestone Homes, Inc. 10 2 Joe Latimer & Joni Hartgraves-Latimer 1 3 John & Francis Swain 1 4 tl Blanton & Jane Satterfield 8 4 WHEREAS, it is the desire of the above named owners to amend the plat of Central Park, Plat ~~ 1/5039, dated December 6, 1994 and filed for record in the office of the County Clerk of Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma on December 6, 1994, as it effects the whole addition. •~ NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the sum of Ten and no/100 Dollars ($10.00) in hand " paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and other good value and consideration, the undersigned do hereby amend and modify the Plat of CENTRAL PARK as set forth ~ hereinbelow: 1. Amend the building line on the east side of Lot 22, Block 1 from 25 feet to 15 feet. The undersigned, as owners of the affected lots, do hereby ratify and incorporate by reference, and affirm all parts of the Plat and Deed of Dedication and Restrictive Covenants which are not amended hereby and which are consistent herewith. This Amendment shall be effective from the date hereof, and shall be enforceable to the same extent in the same manner as if originally set forth fully in the original Plat and Deed of Dedication of the CENTRAL PARK ADDITION. ,,~ IN WITNESS HEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment to be executed the day and year first above written. A T: Kane Development Central Park Association a• a Boos uilders ~~ Timothy & is e e Murphy Michael & Lori Bennett ~~ ~~~ Scott & Lisa Garman Sha & Ju th Sistrunk ~. ~cG Lesa Ha a r _.._. Ted & Loretta Dorton L ~/~ 1 V ` V ~3'V W.A. & Claudia Cobb r. r Milestone Homes, Inc. ~ tcl • ~~,,.--~ Latimer & Joni Hartgraves-Latimer . f John & Francis Swain „C~j'~t Blanton & Jane Satter d ~ STATE OF OKLAHOMA ) ss. ~ COUNTY OF TULSA ) Before me, the undersigned Notary Public in and for said county and state, on this 24th day of September, 1996, personally appeared James Kane, the President of Kane Development, Inc., and to me known to be the identical person who executed the foregoing instrument and ~ acknowledged to me that he executed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed of such corporation for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GNEN under my hand and seal of office the day and year first above written. Notary Publi My Commission Expires: _~~~- ~-~ ~ ~~~i~ MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO ' FROM: REGENA PARSONS SUBJECT: GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE: OCTOBER 24, 1996 BACKGROUND: The City of Owasso, through its use of a variety of insurance products, programs, and safety ~ and health education training, seeks to minimize the City's exposure to risk. The single most important component of the Risk Management Plan is the comprehensive municipality liability ' product. As you know, the City's liability is restricted to limits established under the Oklahoma ~' Governmental Tort Claims Act. Liability for claims "inside" the Act are limited to: 1. $25,000 each property damage 2. $100,000 each other loss per occurrence ~ 3. $1,000,000 aggregate per occurrence. The coverage for "Tort Limits" is a standard part of any municipal liability policy. However, Owasso, as most other entities, purchases additional coverage for those losses "outside" the Act. ' For several years, the City of Owasso has participated in the Municipal Liability Protection Plan offered by the Oklahoma Municipal Assurance Group (OMAG). They have supplied coverage, paid claims, furnished reports, provided services and training in a professional and timely ' manner. The premium for 1995-96 was $56,072.69 and the renewal offer received from OMAG for 1996-97 is $50,490.38 for the same coverage. 1996-97 GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE OCTOBER 24, 1996 PAGE TWO A part of the procedure for renewing any policy requires that prior to the renewal date, a local independent agent is asked to search the "market" for a product that is not only cost efficient, but possesses other qualities such as claims paying ability, stability, etc. A minimum component requirement listing was furnished to the agent and the existing carrier. This request for coverage (copy attached) detailed the specific liability coverage the City would expect in a policy that was quoted for the 1996-97 year. As a result of the renewal procedure, J-P Hogan Insurance Agency, Owasso, OK., submitted a quote from National American Insurance Company (NAICO) to the City for its municipality general liability insurance. The quote from this carrier for the 1996-97 year is $50,510, approximately $20 more than the quote from the existing carrier, OMAG. ANALYSIS: The quotes received from both providers classify and/or group coverage using very different methods. However, the actual coverage is the same in several areas: 1. General Liability Section - this section pays claims for such things as injury to the citizen who steps into a hole where the water meter lid is missing, who has a rock hit their windshield by a City mower or whose home is damaged in some other way by negligence of the City. Both companies have a $1,000,000 per occurrence limit, no deductible and have an unlimited annual aggregate. This is the section of coverage that has the most claims filed and paid against it. 2. Both companies pay all legal fees and expenses and both are paid in addition to the limits of liability of each policy. 3. Both companies pay for injuries caused as a result of utility cut-off. 4. Both companies pay for medical payments to volunteers. 5. Both companies provide criminal defense reimbursement. 1996-97 GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE OCTOBER 24, 1996 ~ PAGE TIIREE However, in the following sections there are some major differences in coverage: 1. Law Enforcement Liability & Employment Related Acts Coverage NAICO: $1,000,000 PER OCCURRENCE $2,000,000 ANNUAL AGGREGATE $ 1,000 DEDUCTIBLE ` OMAG: $1,000,000 PER OCCURRENCE . $2,000,000,000 ANNUAL AGGREGATE. THIS IS A COMBINED AGGREGATE FROM WHICH: 1.) LAW, 2.) PUBLIC OFFICIALS, AND 3.) EMPLOYEE BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION CLAIMS ARE PAID. 2. Public Officials Liability & Employment Related Acts Coverage NAICO: $1,000,000 PER OCCURRENCE $2,000,000 ANNUAL AGGREGATE $ 1,000 DEDUCTIBLE OMAG: $1,000,000 PER OCCURRENCE v $2,000,000,000 ANNUAL AGGREGATE. THIS IS A COMBINED AGGREGATE FROM WHICH: 1.) LAW, 2.) PUBLIC OFFICIALS, AND "" 3.) EMPLOYEE BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION CLAIMS ARE PAID. 3. Employee Benefits Administration NAICO: $1,000,000 PER OCCURRENCE J UNLIMITED ANNUAL AGGREGATE $1,000 DEDUCTIBLE OMAG: $1,000,000 PER OCCURRENCE $2,000,000,000 ANNUAL AGGREGATE. THIS IS A COMBINED AGGREGATE FROM WHICH: 1.) LAW, 2.) PUBLIC OFFICIALS, AND 3.) EMPLOYEE BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION CLAIMS ARE PAID. 1996-97 GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE ^ OCTOBER 24, 1996 PAGE FOUR ' 4. Pollution Coverage NAICO: $ 25,000 PER OCCURRENCE $100,000 ANNUAL AGGREGATE $ 2,500 DEDUCIBLE OMAG: $ 25,000 PER OCCURRENCE ~ $100,000 ANNUAL AGGREGATE $ 1,000 DEDUCTIBLE i 5. Training NAICO: Will provide training and facility inspections at no cost. They offer an extensive library of safety and employee related videos. They also will present on-site programs upon request for department specific safety issues. OMAG: Has presented 26 safety training sessions representing 69 training hours involving 456 ~ employees. In addition, training and education has been furnished through LETN (Law Enforcement Television Network) and MESO (Municipal Electric Systems of Oklahoma). These services have been provided through the use of an off-set credit that reduced the basic liability premium. NOTE: The liability premium quoted by NAICO is nearly equal to that of OMAG, which ~ includes the off-set credits above. In the past the City has received the "reduction" in premium and then the various departments pay quarterly payments for the LETN and MESO services. ' It would appear that the Public Works Department and General Government Department could receive training from NAICO at a no cost basis and the City still receive the lower premium for the liability insurance. The savings to the City for discontinuing the MESO portion: $ 3,000 annually. The LETN services are currently being reviewed for their applicability and actual use and it may be that this training could be received from NAICO as well. COMMENTS: 1. OMAG provides a combined total of $2,000,000 payment benefit from which Law Enforcement, Public Officials and Employee Benefits Administration liability claims would be paid. The $2,000,000 can be split however needed to pay for claims in these three coverage 1996-97 GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE OCTOBER 24, 1996 PAGE FIVE areas. However, the payment for all claims in these three sections cannot exceed the $2,000,000. The NAIC policy would provide $2,000,000 in coverage for Law Enforcement AND $2,000,000 for Public Officials coverage AND would have an unlimited annual aggregate for Employee Benefit Administration claims. 2. The NAICO policy has a provision which reduces the amount of aggregate limit available for claims by preventing a claim being paid against any two coverage forms. In other words, ~ if a claim involved Bodily Injury and a Civil Rights violation, the lowest form of coverage would apply. The Bodily Injury would normally be paid from the General Liability section ' which has no aggregate limit and the Civil Rights violation would be Law Enforcement coverage with a $2,000,000 aggregate AND a $1,000 deductible. However, with this provision, only the ~ lower aggregate would be applicable. Under the OMAG plan, this same claim would have unlimited coverage for bodily injury and a $2,000,000 annual aggregate (which is for both Law, Public Officials and Employee Benefits Administration claims) for the civil rights claim. 3. NAICO program would include the services of a local agent, Moe Hogan. The City of Owasso has a good working relationship with Mr. Hogan through other insurance products purchased by the City. A local agent could assist in quicker contact and settlement when there is a claim filed against this policy. CONCLUSION: Both quotes received were significantly lower than last year. The NAICO policy is a much improved offer from previous years. The difference in annual premiums is less than $20. The additional $20 premium charged by NAICO is more than off-set with increased coverage in Law Enforcement, Public Officials and Employee Benefits Administration sections of the policy. The training offered by NAICO, after careful review with other cities who have experienced the quality of their training, appears to offer programs that will benefit the safety and loss control efforts of the City. The savings of $3,000 from cancellation of the MESO training format, will put equal dollars back into the budget for other uses. This same type savings may very well be received by the Police Department should the LETN plan be canceled. The policy coverage offered by NAICO is broader, the plan offers more coverage for the City in areas (Law Enforcement & Public Officials) that are likely to have claims filed, the policy includes adequate training programs, and also includes the availability of a local agent for claims handling assistance at a price that is competitive. 1996-97 GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE ' OCTOBER 24, 1996 PAGE SIX ~ RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Cit of Owasso urchase General Liabilit Public Officials L ' Y P Y ~ aw Enforcement, Automobile and Employee Benefits Administration insurance from National ' American Insurance Company at an annual cost of $50,510. ATTACHMENTS: 1. General Liability Coverage Analysis 2. Telephone Interview Results Report 3. General Liability Component Requirement Listing 4. National American Insurance Company 1996-97 Quote 5. Oklahoma Municipal Assurance Group 1996-97 Quote 1 MEMORANDUM TO: RODNEY J. RAY FROM: REGENA PARSONS SUBJECT: GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE: OCTOBER 17, 1996 After our discussion regarding general liability insurance on Wednesday, October 9, 1996, interviews were conducted with a number of cities for the purpose of learning more about the services provided by the liability carriers for those cities. The interviews were conducted and a report prepared on October 10, 1996. A copy of that report is attached to this memorandum. The interviews served to provide support for either liability carrier. There does not appear to be any negative service factors for either carrier. I believe the City could feel comfortable with either carrier. The City of Owasso has had coverage provided by OMAG for a number of years. The service has been good; pricing and product have improved each year. NAIC has responded to our request for product and have done so with a pricing point within range of OMAG. There are three differences detailed on page 3 of the General Liability Coverage Analysis. Those differences are the items to be weighed in this decision process. There are good reasons to keep our coverage with OMAG as well as good reasons to change coverage to NAIC. After you have reviewed this information, please advise how you wish me to format this data into a document for Council presentation, and when you recommend a meeting be scheduled. Attachments: General Liability Coverage Analysis Telephone Interview Report CITY OF OWASSO 1996-97 GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE ANALYSIS National American Insurance CompanX NAIC Premium: $50,510 Oklahoma Municipal Assurance Groun OMAG Premium: $50,490.38 LIMITS OF GENERAL LIABILITY $ 1,000,000 per occurrence Unlimited Annual Aggregate No Deductible Applies $ 1,000,000 per occurrence Unlimited Annual Aggregate No Deductible Applies LAW ENFORCEMENT LIABILITY & EMPLOYMENT RELATED ACTS COVERAGE $1,000,000 per occurrence $2,000,000 Annual Aggregate $ 1,000 Deductible $1,000,000 per occurrence $2,000,000 Annual Aggregate* $ 1,000 Deductible *Annual Aggregate is $2,000,000 From Which BOTH Law & Public Officials claims are paid. PUBLIC OFFICIALS LIABILITY & EMPLOYMENT RELATED ACTS COVERAGE (Public Officials Wrongful Acts Liability) $1,000,000 per occurrence $2,000,000 Annual Aggregate $ 1,000 Deductible $1,000,000 per occurrence $2,000,000 Annual Aggregate* $ 1,000 Deductible *Annual Aggregate is $2,000,000 From Which BOTH Law & Public Officials claims are paid. 1996-97 GENERAL LIABILITY ANALYSIS PAGE TWO EMPLOYEE BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION $1,000,000 per occurrence $1,000,000 per occurrence Unlimited Annual Aggregate $2,000,000 Annual Aggregate $ 1,000 Deductible $ 1,000 Deductible *Annual Aggregate is part of Law & Public Officials $2,000,000 annual aggregate POLLUTION COVERAGE $ 25,000 per occurrence $ 25,000 per occurrence $ 100,000 Annual Aggregate $ 100,000 Annual Aggregate $ 2,500 Deductible $ 1,000 Deductible TRAINING During this past year, OMAG has presented 26 safety training sessions representing 69 training hours involving 456 employees. This training would have an approximate cost of $10,400 for a non-member ($100 per hour plus expenses). Training provided by OMAG is very extensive, their offering of training classes is documented and has had a positive effect on the employee safety training program. The Loss Control department has also performed several inspections of City facilities and made recommendations for compliance issues. NAIC will provide training and inspections as well. They offer an extensive library of safety and employee related videos that may be utilized at no charge. Also, they have programs they will present on site from their safety, loss control and legal divisions. 1996-97 GENERAL LIABILITY ANALYSIS PAGE THREE Each company has same liability limits and coverage payments for: 1 LEGAL FEES AND EXPENSES ARE IN ADDITION TO LIABILITY LIMITS UTILITY CUT-OFF RESULTING IN INJURY MEDICAL PAYMENTS FOR VOLUNTEERS ' CRIMINAL DEFENSE REIMBURSEMENT ~ Please note the following three distinct differences in coverage. Either of these could have a sizeable economic affect on the City of Owasso. 1. OMAG provides a combined total of $2,000,000 payment benefit from which both Law Enforcement and Public Officials Liability claims would be paid. This $2,000,000 can be split however needed to cover claims; the total payment for both sections cannot exceed the ' $2,000,000. The NAIC policy would provide $2,000,000 in coverage for Law Enforcement AND $2,000,000 for Public Officials coverage. 2. NAIC has a provision which reduces the amount of aggregate limit available for claims by preventing a claim being made (paid) against any two coverage forms. In other words, if a claim involved Bodily Injury and a Civil Rights violation, the lowest form of coverage would apply. The Bodily Injury would normally be paid from the General Liability section which has no aggregate limit and the Civil Rights violation would be Law Enforcement coverage with a $2,000,000 aggregate AND a $1,000 deductible. However, with this provision, only the lower aggregate would be applicable. Under the OMAG plan, this same claim would have unlimited ~ coverage for the bodily injury and a $2,000,000 annual aggregate (which is for both Law and Public Officials claims) for the civil rights claim. 3. NAIC provides an Unlimited Annual Aggregate for Employee Benefits Administration claims. OMAG provides $2,000,000 for claim coverage in this area. The $2,000,000 aggregate from which these claims would be paid is a part of the Law & Public Officials $2,000,000 annual aggregate. RESULTS OF TELEPHONE INTERVIEWS REGARDING GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE October 10, 1996 ~ GUTHRIE: This year they are placing their coverage with OMAG. They have been with NAICO for 3 years and were happy with them, stated they were easy to work with, actually sent ' an investigator to their City when claims were filed, their premium rates were consistent, and the safety training they received was a quality presentation and NAICO was very cooperative ~ and willing to supply subject matter Guthrie felt was timely and important for their City. However, this year OMAG had a lower price this year and so they are back with OMAG. Strictly a pricing decision. ' R'OODWARD: Is renewing with OMAG. The offering from NAICO appears to be good on the surface, but upon actual analysis, contains too many variables. GUYMON: Renewing with OMAG. Happy and not really looking at anything else. MOORS: Has been self-insured for 7 years. They did provide information that could prove helpful should we decide to pursue self-insuring general liability. I will keep that information on file for possible use. ' SHAWNEE: Wasn't really sure who had their liability coverage. They think it is OMAG, but they do have an agent of record on file. They have an insurance committee made up of local ' agents who meet and "just split the business up". EDMOND: Was unavailable today, but left message to call me tomorrow. (10/11) EL RENO: Was unavailable today, but left message to call me tomorrow. (10/11) ENID: Is self-insured. PONCA CITY: This is their 3rd year to renew with NAICO. Premiums have been consistent. ~ They went with NAICO originally because premium was $40,000 less than OMAG. Claims are ~~ settled quickly. Citizens have not voiced complaints regarding claims service or investigators. NAICO does take a rather hard stand against paying claims, but Ponca has given them direction to do so. Ponca has not had any education or safety classes conducted. They plan to take advantage of this benefit in the coming year. NAICO's loss control division does an annual inspection and provides recommendations to bring them into compliance. Meso previously did their DOT alco/drug testing, but they will now do it at their local hospital and do all the administration work within the City. They do not have a local agent, everything is done through the 800 number in Chandler. Overall, they are very pleased with NAICO. NORMAN: Is self-insured. MIDWEST CITY: Is self-insured DEL CITY: Have been with OMAG several years, but this years quote from NAICO is $8,000 lower so they are considering it. They are bringing in an outside source to evaluate the two bids ' and have not made a decision on their coverage. They do have their fleet coverage with another carrier, Smith/Moran, who has a lower price for coverage. They are self-insured for physical damage on their fleet coverage UNLESS the vehicle is 5 years or newer or over $25,000 in ~ value. Because of the $8,000 lower premium they have contacted several cities for experience: 1. Enid and Ponca City (as above) 2. Lindsay- has been with NAICO about 5 years, no problems, very pleased. 3. Cordell- with NAICO, very pleased 4. OKC -self insured, but has some property insured with NAICO. Del City also contacted the same cities the year before with the same results as this year. At this point, they see no reason not to place their business with NAICO, but will await a more detailed review before making that decision later this month. Del Ciry issued a listing of coverage and limits they wanted and also received a custom policy furnishing those requests. We discussed the provision in NAICO's policy regarding filing a claim under two coverage forms. They too are concerned that it could affect the amount of claim payment availability. ~ Del City has been self-insured for workers' comp for some time and this year are going to administer their own program. They have something similar to a Certified Work Place Plan and intend to re-work that somewhat before administering in-house. err W 1996-97 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL LIABILTY REQUIREMENTS ' General Liability coverage Minimum component requirements: Insured: " City of Owasso ~ Owasso Public Works Authority Owasso Public Golf Authority ~~ Owasso Economic Development Authority w/ canine endorsement ~' General Liability to include: 1. Bodily injury - No liability limit - no deductible L ~ 2. Property damage - No liability limit - no deductible ~. 3. Personal injury - $2,000,000 annual aggregate - $1,000 deductible 4. Errors and Omissions - $1,000,000 per occurrence, $2,000,000 annual aggregate - $1,000 deductible ~„ 5. Employee Benefits Administration - No liability limit, $100,000 per occurrence ~° 6. Employment Related Acts - $1,000,000 per occurrence, $2,000,000 annual aggregate- ; $1,000 deductible 7. Pollution Liability & Cleanup, to include pesticide application and underground storage tank(s) - $25,000 property impairment limit per incident, $100,000 annual aggregate $1, 000 deductible 8. $10,000 each reimbursement: Criminal Defense Reimbursement- no deductible 9. Water (utility service) cut-off resulting in injury- $1,000,000 per occurrence, $2,000,000 annual aggregate - $1,000 deductible 10. $ 10,000 per loss Medical Payments -volunteers 11. All legal fees, other fees, supplementary expenses to process, pay, or deny claims shall be included in cost of insurance premium and not to be a part of the limit(s) of coverage, or treated as a reduction of coverage limit(s) available for claims. 1996-97 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL LIABILTY REQUIREMENTS PAGE TWO Automobile Liability 1. Bodily and Personal Injury - no deductible 2. Property Damage - no deductible 3. Hired and Non-owned auto Quote should also include availability and charge for: Training and eduction Loss control and management issues training Facility inspections General and public works safety training Police education and training r.~lrn(1rRt•Ew n~f2Ce: ,A~.M~RICAN Umaha. Nebraska ~N~TtT~ A ~~~ ~ oM~~Ny r Executive Offices: Cl~audler, Oklahoma IN-S~CJRA.NC~' Q UOTA TZC~N -SUMMA R ~ GENERAL LIABII..ITY ANNUAL PREAiIUM ....................................... $12,898 PUBLIC OFFICIALS ERRORS & OMISSIONS AMVIJAL PREMIC.I'M ..................... $8,236 LAW ENFORCEMENT PROF. LIABILITY ANNUAL PREMIUM ....................... 510,717 AUTOMOBILE ANNUAL PREMIUM ............................................. $18,019 EMPLOXLE BENEFITS LIABILITX ANNUAL PREMIUM .............................. $640 TQTA.L I1VSURANCE Pl~,~'MrUM .................... $Sa,SX D OKLAHOMA MUNICIPAL ASSURANCE GROUP COVERAGE PROPOSAL SUMMARY for City of Owasso Owasso Public Works Authority Owasso Public Golf Authority Owasso Economic Development Authority 1) BODILY INJURY & PROPERTY DAMAGE - Coverage A & B ......................................... $ 39,543.38 Deductible $ 0.00 $ 25,000 Each Property Damage Loss Per Occurrence $ 100,000 Each Other Loss Per Occurrence $1,000,000 Aggregate Per Occurrence UNLIMITED ANNUAL AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES 2) PERSONAL INJURY - Coverage C ................................................... $ INCLUDED (LAW ENFORCEMENT) $1,000,000 Each Loss Per Occurrence (Federal Acts) $2,000,000 Annual Aggregate shared with Coverage D Deductible $ 1000.00 3) ERRORS AND OMISSIONS - Coverage D .......................................... $ INCLUDED (PUBLIC OFFICIAL'S) $1,000,000 Each Loss Per Occurrence (Federal Acts) $2,000,000 Annual Aggregate shared with Coverage C Deductible $ 1000.00 4) AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY - Coverage E & F ..................................... $ 10,905.60 $ 25,000 Each Property Damage Loss Per Occurrence $ 100,000 Each Other Loss Per Occurrence $1,000,000 Aggregate Per Occurrence UNLIMITED ANNUAL AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES 5) HIRED AND NON-OWNED AUTO LIABILITY ..................................... $ 41.40 6) AUTOMOBILE PHYSICAL DAMAGE - Coverage G ................................ $ 0.00 7) EQUIPMENT PHYSICAL DAMAGE - Coverage H .................................. $ 0.00 8) POLLUTION DAMAGE - Coverage I .................................................. $ INCLUDED $ 25,000 Property Impairment Each Pollution Incident Loss $ 100,000 Property Impairment Annual Aggregate 9) CRIMINAL DEFENSE REIMBURSEMENT - Coverage J ......................... $ INCLUDED $ 10,000 Each Criminal Defense Reimbursement 96/97 TOTAL ANNUAL PREMIUM $ 50,490.38 ' MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: REGENA PARSONS SUBJECT: WORKERS' COMPENSATION THIItD PARTY ADMINISTRATOR CONTRACT DATE: OCTOBER 24, 1996 BACKGROUND: The Third Party Administrator (TPA) is an integral part of the risk management system the City utilizes for its self-insured workers' compensation fund. Selecting a firm to administer our self- insurance workers' compensation program involves not only obtaining services for a fair price, but obtaining services, that through their performance, bring both a cost savings to the City and also gives consideration to the value of a safe working environment and a reduction of injuries to City employees and the public we serve. Part of the process of analyzing providers included a review of the existing contract and the contract offer for 1996-97 received from the current administrator, Berkley Administrators. Additionally, data was developed relating to claims, payroll and other pertinent statistics. This information was given to a local independent insurance agent with a request for him to "search the market" and obtain quotes from a variety of reputable vendors. This search included those vendors capable of meeting the needs of the self-insured Workers' Compensation program. SPECIFICATIONS: Appropriate vendors were supplied the attached Data Quote Form for purposes of securing quotes to administer the Workers' Compensation fund. Additional consideration was given to services offered, safety training assistance, municipal familiarity, clarity of contract and fees charged. WORKERS' COMPENSATION THIRD PARTY ADMINISTRATOR CONTRACT OCTOBER 24, 1996 PAGE TWO COMMENTS: Berkley Administrators, our current administrator, has quoted the same rate per $100 of payroll as for the previous three years of service. They do a consistent good job in the performance of their duties and services they offer. Berkley contacts each claimant upon receipt of the notice of injury and investigates all claims that are questionable or claims where subrogation potential exists. In addition to monitoring all medical treatment to insure that it is reasonable and necessary and that it is not for an un-related medical condition and supervising the "return-to- work" process, Berkley also performs any applicable medical "fee scheduling". Workers' compensation guidelines regulate, through the use of "fee scheduling", the maximum fee that may be charge by a provider (such as a physician, hospital, laboratory, rehabilitation facility) for specific medical treatments. They also assist with safety inspections of City facilities, safety training. UOTES: Quotes were received from United Safety & Claims, Inc., Crawford & Company, CompCare Administrators, Inc. and Berkley Administrators. A quotation analysis is attached. Each company uses a different method of calculating the fee(s) they charge for administrative services. Although United Safety and Claims, Inc. charge per $100 of payroll is $ .40 and the renewal offer from Berkley is $ .41, United Safety and Claims, Inc. charges to "assume administration" of existing claims is substantial. FUNDING: Funding for the Workers' Compensation Third Party Administration services is provided in the 1996-97 Budget from the Workers' Compensation self-insurance fund, line item 36-210-5310. Payments are made in 1/12 increments. The estimated fee to be paid monthly is $1023.33. WORKERS' COMPENSATION THIRD PARTY ADMINISTRATOR CONTRACT OCTOBER 24, 1996 PAGE THREE RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approve a one year contract with Berkley Administrators in the amount of $ .41 per $ 100 of actual payroll to serve as the Third Party Administrator for the self-insurance Workers' Compensation program. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Workers' Compensation TPA Quotation Comparison 2. Data Quote Form 3. Check List for Review 4. Berkley Administrators Contract WORKERS' COMPENSATION TPA QUOTATION COMPARISON 1996-1997 United Safetv & Claims, Inc. $ .40 cents per $100 payroll, based on payroll of $2,995,246 Administration of existing claims: Medical only $ 75. Lost time: $ 300. Litigated claims $ 450. City annual charge = $11,980, plus existing claims charges Golf course annual charge = $ 1,263, plus existing claims charges Total annual cost = $ 13,243, plus existing claims charges Includes administration of claims, both medical and lost time. Quarterly (or to our specs) loss control and safety training. Crawford & Company $80 per medical claim, $486 per lost time claim, plus time and expense, plus other service scheduled fees (ex. $145 per claim interview, $1.35 per line item to "fee schedule"), and retention of 33 % of "fee schedule" reductions. Includes administration of claims, reporting and audits per their schedule. All claim checks must be paid from Atlanta, Georgia No Loss Control assistance. Charge to administer current claims. Berkley Administrators $ .41 cents per $100 payroll, based on payroll of $2,995,246 City annual charge = $12,280 Golf course annual charge = $ 1,295 Total annual cost = $13,575 Includes administration of claims, both medical and lost time, reports as requested and 25 hours Loss Control assistance and safety training as requested. Berkeley has been TPA for previous 3 years. Page 1 of 2 WORKERS' COMPENSATION TPA QUOTATION COMPARISON 1996-1997 CompCare Administrators, Inc. Annual service fee for City and Golf course = $14,400. Full claims administration, loss control recommendations, safety inspections, participation and development of education and safety training programs as needed, development of modified duty return to work program, limited surveillance and field investigations, managed care and utilization review, reports as requested. No charge to service existing claims. Page 2 of 2 CITY OF OWASSO INFORMATION FOR PURPOSES OF QUOTING-SELF INSURED THIRD~~PARTY ADMINISTRATOR FEE: Year Payroll # Cases Paid 7-1-90 / 6-30-91 1990 $ 1,931,000 20 $ 140,075 7-1-91 / 6-30-92 1991 $ 2,198,028 20 $ 26,687 7-1-92 / 6-30-93 1992 $ 2,332,036 6 $ 10,082 7-1-93 / 6-30-94 1993 $ 2,422,042 36 $ 96,895 ($75,000 settlement paid on 2 permanent disability claims ) 7-1-94 / 6-30-95 1994 $ 2,563,023 29 $ 15,721 7-1-95 / 7-1-96 1995 $ 2,563,023 28 $ 32,166 Check List for Review of TPA's contract provisions: 1. Prompt contact with injured worker or family members. 2. Investigate questionable claims, or claims where subrogation may exist. 3. Verify medical charges with reference to applicable medical fee charges. 4. Monitor medical treatment, (reasonable/necessary) verify medical care is for injury received during work hours. 5. File required Workers' Compensation Court and any/all other regulators in a timely manner. 6. Communicate with employer regarding any settlement of permanent impairment, compliance with ADA when applicable, subrogation when applicable, and litigation involving employee injury claims. ~„ AGREEMENT This Agreement is made in Owasso, OK by and between the City of Owasso and Berkley Administrators, an Oklahoma corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Company." NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual agreements contained herein, it is hereby agreed by the ^ parties hereto as follows: ARTICLE I-DEFINITIONS ' Section 1.01. The term "Manual Workers' Compensation Premium" shall mean the premium produced by ' applying workers' compensation manual rates, according to the appropriate codes or classifications, to the payroll or other exposure. ~ ~ ARTICLE II-RESPONSIBII.TTIES OF THE COMPANY ~ Section 2.01. The Company shall provide the following services: ' Subd. a) Assist in the design and implementation of a program of self-insurance for workers' ~ compensation. Subd. b) Secure excess workers' compensation insurance as desired and approved by the Self-Insured. Subd. c) Act as an advisor and representative in workers' compensation matters. Subd. d) Provide administrative services for the worker' compensation program as set forth herein. Subd. e) Develop the manual premium based upon a workers' compensation payroll report, showing actual payroll by employee classification, as audited at the close of each payroll year. The Company shall be permitted to audit the payroll books and records as required by the excess insurance carrier. Subd. f) Determine the service charge to be'hilled on a monthly basis as a percent of manual prenuum, a percent of payroll or a cost per claim fee. Subd. g) Compile and file all required reports and notices upon receipt of the initial report of injury. Subd. h) Conduct claim investigations in order to determine compensability and identify rights of subrogation or other recoveries. Subd. i) Subject medical bdls to the State Medical Fee Schedule at no additional cost to the Self-Insured. Subd. j) Assist legal counsel in all claims for workers' compensation benefits involving controverted issues. Expenses incurred from legal services shall be the fiscal responsibility of the Self-Insured: Subd. k) Provide monthly loss nms detailing claimant name, nature of injury, dollars paid and reserved per claim, year to date totals, composite listing of accident types, frequency and body parts affected. Subd. l) Pay claims and expenses of claims from a fund identified as aclaims-paying trust account made available by the Self-Insured and furnish a monthly financial reconciliation statement of said account. Subd. m) Provide technical assistance and training in the establishment and maintenance of a safety engineering and loss control program if loss control services are a part of this agreement. Subd. n) Provide Loss ControUSafety Services as requested. Subd. o) Arrange for s<rrvea~}ance if warranted and applicable. Expenses incurred are the responsibility of the Self-Insured. Subd. p) Perform its services and conduct itself in such a manner so as to abide by all applicable state ~ and federal laws, rules and regulations. Section 2.02. ~.. Quote I. The Company shall be paid, as a fee for its services, $0.41 per hundred dollars ($100) of payroll; such fee to include up twenty-five (25) hours of Loss Control Services per year. Fees shall be paid each month based upon 1/12 of estimated annual fee and adjusted yearly after an audit of the payrolls. The estimated annual fee for these services shall be $12,280. At the inception of this Corrtract, any unresolved claims incurred prior to such inception will be handled without additional charge during the term of this Contract. ^ ARTICLE III-LAWS, RULES, AND REGULATIONS Section 3.01. This Agreement is subject to all applicable state and federal laws, rules and regulations. ARTICLE IV-TERNIINATION AND RENEWAL Section 4.01. The Agreement shall be for a period of one (1) year, commencing on 10/26/96. The agreement will be automatically renewed at the conclusion of the initial Agreement period. Section 4.02. In the event termination of this Agreement is warranted, the party terminating this Agreement shall give the other party 60 days written notice of cancellation or non-renewal. Section 4.03. In the event of termination of the Agreement for any cause, all obligations of the parties to this Agreement to each other shall cease. No further payment of fees from the Self-Insured to the Company shall be required. The Company shall render a final accounting of the Self-Insured claims- paying trust account and return any monies therein to the Self-Insured along with all of the Self-Insured claims and financial records in the possession of the Company. The Company will be paid, as provided in Section 2.02, to the last day of the month services are rendered. Section 4.04. The Agreement will terminate upon the effective date of any applicable state or federal law, rule or regulation, which nullifies or invalidates any of the services or provisions of this Agreement. In such event, the Company will be paid, as provided in Section 2.02, to the last day of the month of the effective date of said law, rule or regulation. Section 4.05. In the event of termination of the Agreement for any cause, the fee for handling any run- offclaims will be negotiated at the time of termination. ARTICLE V-NOTICES Section 5.01. All notices, certificates or other communications hereunder shall be suiEciently given and shall be deemed given when mailed by certified or registered mail, postage prepaid, with proper address indicated below. The Company and Self-Insured may, by written notice given by each to the other, designate any address or addresses to which notices, certificates or other communications to them shall be sent when required as contemplated by this Agreement. Until otherwise provided by the respective parties, all notices, certificates and communications to each of them shall be addressed as follows: CITY OF OWASSO PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 BERKLEY ADMIl~TISTRATORS 3810 S. 103rd East Ave., Ste. 105 Tulsa, OK 74146 The Self-Insured and the Company contract to the forgoing agreement: BERKLEY ADMINISTRATORS Witnesses: By: Date: CITY OF OWASSO By: Date: ' MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: REGENA PARSONS SUBJECT: WORKERS' COMPENSATION EXCESS INSURANCE POLICY RENEWAL DATE: OCTOBER 24, 1996 BACKGROUND: One part of the risk management system utilized by the City for its self-insured workers' compensation program is the purchase of Excess Insurance, or reinsurance for catastrophic claims. Each year the City reviews its funds available for claims and purchases re-insurance to ' pay for large claims in "excess" of its own funds, or "re-insures" the self-insurance fund. COMMENTS: ~ Currentl the excess workers' coin ensation olic is rovided b Midwest Em to ers Casualt Y~ P P Y~ P Y P Y Y ' Company. They have insured the City for excess coverage since 1992. The current renewal premium reflects a reduction in premium of $ .03 per $100 of payroll. The annual premium for an estimated payroll of $2,995,246 is $17,012, with the same level of insurance as last year: ' $10,000,000 per year, per claim and a specific retention level of $ 300,000. Quotes for various retention levels were requested. A review of that data indicates that the $300,000 retention level is still the best buy for the City. The quotation analysis is attached. ' RECOIVINIENDATION: t Staff recommends Council approve the purchase of excess insurance from Midwest Employers Casualty Company at a rate of $ .5680 per $ 100 of payroll. ATTACHMENT: Excess workers' compensation quote analysis EXCESS WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE QUOTATION Current Carrier: MIDWEST EMPLOYERS CASUALTY COMPANY Specific Insurance limit $10,000,000 $500,000 employers' liability limit $300,000 specific retention Annual Premium: $17,012 *1996-97 quote reflects a reduction in rate per $100 Previous rate per hundred $ .5980 Current rate per hundred $ .5680 Currently, the City's exposure per claim is $300,000. The City will pay the first $300,000 on each and every claim, then the insurance company will pay up to $10,000,000 per year, per claim. If an incident involves more than one person, it will be classified as one claim. *Employer's liability Iimit: Covers suits brought against the employer that are not paid under workers' comp, but are injuries caused by negligence of the employer. In Oklahoma workers' injuries are covered under the workers' compensation benefit. There are, however, two other states where the courts have allowed suits to be brought under this coverage (Wash. DC & Mass.). One case involved sending a worker into an area that was known to be dangerous to a particular type of worker. The employer liability coverage is a part of the policy plan and cannot be excluded. This is a separate amount of coverage which is in addition to the Specific Insurance Limit of $10,000,000. Employer's liability is excluded from General Liability coverage as employee injuries are considered to be payable by workers' compensation. Specific Insurance limit $10,000,000 $500,000 employers' liability limit $500,000 specific retention Annual Premium: $16,953 *1996-97 quote reflects a reduction in rate per $100 Previous rate per hundred $ .5980 Current rate per hundred $ .5680 This quote reflects an exposure to the City of $500,000 per claim. The City will pay the first $500,000 on each and every claim, then the insurance company will pay up to $10,000,000 per year, per claim. If an incident involves more than one person, it will be classified as one claim. Specific Insurance limit $10,000,000 $500,000 employers' liability limit $750,000 specific retention Annual Premium: $16,084 * 1996-97 quote reflects a reduction in rate per $100 Previous rate per hundred $ .5980 Current rate per hundred $ .5680 This quote reflects an exposure to the City of $750,000 per claim. The City will pay the first $750,000 on each and every claim, then the insurance company will pay up to $10,000,000 per year, per claim. If an incident involves more than one person, it will be classified as one claim.