HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005.02.10_OEDA AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY TYPE OF MEETING: DATE: TIME: PLACE: Regular February 10, 2005 10:00 a.m. Owasso City Hall Main Conference Room 111 North Main OEDA FILE Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 3, 2005. (�� Rickey Hayes, Ec nomi velopment Director AGENDA 1. Call to Order & Roll Call Mr. Yandell 2. Request Approval of Minutes of the January 13, 2005 Regular Meeting. Mr. Yandell Attachment #2 3. Request Approval of Claims. Mr. Yandell Attachment #3 4. Presentation of Financial Report. Ms. Bishop Attachment #4 f PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY The Owasso Economic Development Authority will meet in regular session on Thursday, February 10, 2005 at 10:00 AM at City Hall, 111 N. Main, Owasso, Oklahoma, in the Lower Level Conference Room. Notice of addendum filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 3:00 PM on Friday, February 04, 2005. Juliann M. Stevens, Administrative Assistant ADDENDUM TO THE OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AGENDA The following is submitted as an addendum to the Owasso Economic Development Authority Agenda filed on Thursday, February 3, 2005. Items numbered 1-9 shall remain the same. Item number 10 is now number 11 and a new item 10 is listed as follows: 10. Request from Bailey Medical Center to address the members of the Owasso Economic Development Authority. OEDA January 13, 2005 Page 2 of 2 5. Update from Economic Development Director. Mr. Hayes Attachment #5 6. Report from Community Development Director Mr. Wiles 7. Report from the Public Works Director Ms. Stagg 8. Report from OEDA Manager. Mr. Ray 9. New Business. 10. Adjournment. OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Thursday, January 13, 2005 The Owasso Economic Development Authority met in regular session on Thursday, January 13, 2005 in the Main Conference Room at Owasso City Hall per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, January 7, 2005. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER & ROLL CALL Chairman Scott Yandell called the meeting to order at 10:05AM. PRESENT Scott Yandell, Chair Brenda Lawrence, Trustee Dee Sokolosky, Secretary Steve Cataduella, Trustee Gary Akin, Trustee Frank Enzbrenner, Vice -Chair ABSENT Tom Kimball, Trustee STAFF Rodney Ray, City Manager Sherry Bishop, Finance Director OTHERS Brent Colgan Randy Cowling, Owasso Reporter (arrived at 11:10 AM) Ana Stagg, Public Works Director Joe Nurre, Public Works Rickey Hayes, Economic Development Director Eric Wiles, Community Development Juliann Stevens, Administrative Assistant Ron Cates, City Attorney Corey Tisdale, Managerial Intern A quorum was declared present. ITEM 2: REQUEST APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 9 2004 REGULAR MEETING. Mr. Cataudella moved, seconded by Ms. Lawrence, to approve the minutes of the December 9, 2004 regular meeting, by reference made a part hereto. AYE: Cataudella, Lawrence, Akin, Enzbrenner, Yandell, Sokolosky NAY: None ABSTAIN: Motion carried 6-0. Owasso Economic Development Authority ITEM 3: REQUEST APPROVAL OF CLAIMS. No Claims AYE: None NAY: None ABSTAIN: None ITEM 4: PRESENTATION OF FINANCIAL REPORT. January 13, 2005 Ms. Bishop was present. After a review of the report, no questions were asked of Ms. Bishop. ITEM 5: UPDATE FROM ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Mr. Hayes reported on economic development activities in the city. Mr. Hayes provided information on potential tenants of the Waterford Place and Smith Farm Marketplace, as well as, invited all members to attend a ground breaking ceremony, scheduled for February, for The Owasso Hospital. ITEM 6: REPORT FROM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Mr. Wiles introduced Chip McCully, City Planner and provided an update on the December building permit report, commented on the residential building within the City, and provided information regarding upcoming items before the Annexation Committee and Planning Commission. ITEM 7: REPORT FROM PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Ana Stagg, Public Works Director gave a brief report on various street development projects, and other Public Works related items. ITEM 8: REPORT FROM OEDA MANAGER No Report. -2- Owasso Economic Development Authority January 13, 2005 ITEM 9. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION REALTING TO A REQUST FOR TRUSTEE APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION No. 2005-01, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A LOAN AGREEMENT AND REVENUE ANTICIPATION NOTE BETWEEN THE OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND THE CITY OF OWASSO, AND AUTHORIZATION OF THE CHAIRMAN TO EXECUTE ALL NECESSARY DOCUMENTS RELATED THERETO. Discussions were held relating to the contents of the Loan Agreement and Revenue Anticipation Note. Mr. Sokolosky requested a typing error be corrected to properly reflect the secretary of the OEDA for signature. A motion was made by Mr. Cataudella to approve Resolution No. 2005-01, contingent upon the City Council's approval of a transfer of funds in the amount of $71,250 from the General Fund to the OEDA Fund for the purpose of funding the cost of the Letter of Credit and the interest cost of the Revenue Anticipation Note, seconded by Ms. Lawrence. AYE: Cataudella, Lawrence, Akin, Enzbrenner, Yandell, Sokolosky NAY: None ABSTAIN: Motion carried 6-0. ITEM 10: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR TRUSTEE APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION NO. 2005-02, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A LOAN AGREEMENT AND PROMISSORY NOTE BETWEEN THE OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND VANGUARD CAR RENTAL, USA, INC., AND AUTHORIZATION OF CHAIRMAN TO EXECUTE ALL NECESSARY DOCUMENTS RELATED THERETO. Discussions were held regarding the contents of the Loan Agreement and the Promissory Note. A motion was made by Ms. Lawrence to approve Resolution No. 2005-02, contingent upon receipt of a Letter of Credit issued by Arvest Bank and a thorough review of its contents by the Chairman of the OEDA, the City's Legal Counsel, seconded by Mr. Cataudella. AYE: Cataudella, Lawrence, Akin, Enzbrenner, Yandell, Sokolosky NAY: None ABSTAIN: Motion carried 6-0. -3- Owasso Economic Development Authority January 13, 2005 ITEM 11: DISCUSSION RELATING TO THE COMMERCIAL STORMWATER RUNOFF FEE. Mr. Ray provided members with a sample Annual Stormwater Fee comparison chart showing examples of the cost of the annual fee using a four year implementation plan. Discussions were held regarding the implementation of the fee. Further discussions to be held at future OEDA meetings. ITEM 12: NEW BUSINESS None ITEM 13: ADJOURNMENT Motion made by Mr. Cataudella, seconded by Mr. Enzbrenner to adjourn. At 11:45am, the meeting was adjourned. Scott Yandell, Chair Date Approved MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIR & TRUSTEES OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FROM: RICKEY HAYES, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: OEDA Claims for January 2005 DATE: 02/07/05 There were no claims for January 2005. Owasso Economic Development Authority Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Fund Net Assets For the Month Ending -January 31, 2005 Month -to -date Operating Revenues: Contributions $0.00 Reimbursements 0.00 Interest 4.52 Total Operating Revenues 4.52 Operating Expenses: Materials & supplies 0.00 Services & other charges 0.00 Capital outlay 0.00 Total Operating Expenses 0.00 Operating Income (Loss) 4.52 Capital contributions Transfer from General Fund 0.00 Total Non -Operating Revenues (Expenses) 0.00 Change in Net Assets 4.52 Total net assets - beginning Total net assets - ending Year-to-date "Note: For the purposes of this report, "Retained Earnings" includes only current assets and current liabilities $0.00 0.00 31.33 31.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 31.33 0.00 0.00 31.33 10,730.55 $10,761.88 MEMORANDUM TO: OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOARD OF TRUSTEES FROM: RICKEY HAYES SUBJECT: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR'S REPORT DATE: February 10, 2005 Progress continues on the commercial sites in the 961h Street retail corridor. Site work is continuing and construction on the buildings should begin within a few days. All three of the big box anchors (Target, Belk, Hobby Lobby) have certified and taken their pad sites. Becco Construction has the construction projects on the 96th Street and Garnett Road, and road construction will begin around the end of February or the first week of March. I have discussed potential sites this week with 2 restaurant groups, and a sporting goods retailer. Construction continues on two new retail / mixed use projects on 86th Street. One project is just east of the entrance to the Greens Apartments and is called the Renaissance Center and has a GLA of 19,300 sq. ft.. The other project is the renovation of the First Baptist Church property. I am in the process of updating and revamping the Economic Development website. The site will have a completely new look and will be more user friendly. All the new marketing material will be included, as well as the other material that is relevant. A GIS component to our IT system and network will greatly enhance our ability to provide information to customers and investors. The Bailey Medical Group and the Owasso Medical Campus (St. John Healthcare Systems) are both at the building permit stage. Both groups have received final site plan approval from the Planning Commission and the Owasso City Council. Site preparations should begin soon. Owasso Medical Campus (St. John) will have a formal groundbreaking tomorrow (February 11 th) As always, if I can serve you in any way, please call. Your input and direction are always important to the success of our efforts. Other Items Presented to Members of OEDA at This Meeting. Sample Annual Stormwater Fees $8, 000 $7, 000 $6, 000 $5, 000 $4, 000 $3, 000 $Z 000 $1,000 ®Average Residence $30 $30 $30 $30 ❑Average Church $128 $255 $383 $510 ■ Commercial Average (Quick Trip) $128 $255 $383 $510 ■ Large Church (Friendship Baptist Church) $420 $840 $1,260 $1,680 ■ Retail 1(Old Walmart Shopping Center) $1,050 $2,100 $3,150 $4,200 ❑ Retail 2 (New Walmart Shopping Center) $1,800 $3,600 $5,400 $7,200 Sample Annual Stormwater Fees $8, 000 $7, 000 $6, 000 $5, 000 $4, 000 $3, 000 $Z 000 $1, 000 $ 2006 2007 2008 2005 ®Average Residence $30 $30 $30 $30 ❑Average Church $128 $255 $383 $510 ■ Commercial Average (Quick Trip) $128 $255 $383 $510 ■ Large Church (Friendship Baptist Church) $420 $840 $1,260 $1,680 ■ Retail I (Old Walmart Shopping Center) $1,050 $2,100 $3,150 $4,200 ❑ Retail 2 (New Walmart Shopping Center) $1,800 $3,600 $5,400 $7,200 Medic al Center The Hospital �,; ailg Y Medical Center The Hospital City of Owasso ■ Sdna�l. l�hrary l'4Jcluet':tiyNr. 1 Uum cu" , City RUIUMgs Y Medical Center The Hospital ■ Acute care hospital license ■ 138,000 sq feet ■ 53 total beds M ed/S u rg — 32 .i Intensive Care beds — 6 LDRP beds — 4 -i UP Rehab - 11 ■ ER/Urgent Care - 12 Four Operating Rooms ■ Two GI Suites ■ One Combo Angio/Cath Suite +3aile Y Medical Center The Hospital Ancillary Support & Clinical Services * MRI CT ■ Angiography/special procedures ■ Radiology/Fluoroscopy ■ Nuclear Medicine ■ Mammography ■ Ultrasound ■ PT/OT ■ Information systems ■ Digital radiology B,',ailgy Medical Center Page 1 of 1 Hayes, Rickey From: Wiles, Eric Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2005 1:46 PM To: Hayes, Rickey Subject: NSP CDBG Attachments: memo to Council090104(rickey's version).doc Ana called and said she's got Joe doing something for her and he can't get to this email The only participation the city has had in the project is that we've applied for the grant and we've (or at least Joe has) reviewed the engineering/design for the thing. The match will come from NSP — I confirmed that with Andy last month. The attached memo is from where we re -resolved to apply for the grant last fall. I've highlighted the paragraph discussing the match requirement. Eric Wiles 2/9/2005 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: ERIC WILES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT NATIONAL STEAK AND POULTRY DATE: September 01, 2004 BACKGROUND: Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) are funding packages provided by the federal government (and administered by the state government) to facilitate infrastructure projects in designated neighborhoods of low to moderate income. A type of CDBG is Economic Development Infrastructure Funds (EDIF). EDIF funds are made available for industrial companies to use in accomplishing capital projects such as waterlines, wastewater lines, drainage, streets, etc. An example of a previous CDBG EDIF is the storm water drainage/parking lot improvements project that was performed at Precision Components on 5th Avenue. Last year, the City of Owasso applied for grant funds in order to develop storm water improvements to the existing site location of National Steak and Poultry (NSP), located on 5th Avenue in Owasso. INCOG worked with municipal staff and NSP to submit an application for the Oklahoma Department of Commerce (ODOC) CDBG EDIF. This application was be completed and submitted to ODOC in September, 2004. The total estimated cost of the CDBG part of the project is approximately $100,000. The funds would be in the form of Community Development Block Grants, or CDBG. INCOG would administer the grants. At the time of the application, it was anticipated that the feasibility determinations and engineering that were required of National Steak and Poultry would be accomplished within the time necessary according to grant regulations. In fact, it was not until recently that NSP became ready to execute the project. The staff now brings the project back to the City Council for consideration. According to ODOC officials, the application that was submitted a year ago remains valid. However, a new resolution requesting the grant funds must be passed by the council. PREVIOUS ACTIONS TAKEN TO SECURE THE GRANT: To initiate the process of acquiring the funds, it was necessary to take four steps for each of the two grant applications. First, the City of Owasso entered into an agreement with INCOG to administer the grant throughout the process. Second, the City held a CDBG Community Development Needs Hearing for the project, allowing citizens to voice any opinions they might have had. Then, the City approved a resolution requesting assistance from the Oklahoma Department of Commerce. Finally, the City approved the grant application and related documents. 10/11I6)11R KIIi 1:11D) i ►IIA In order to secure the grant, National Steak and Poultry committed to provide a required match of $10,000 for the project. The City of Owasso is not required to provide a matching contribution. Any funds required to complete the project above the granted amount of $100,000 would be the responsibility of National Steak and Poultry. RESOLUTION #2004-17 Although the City Council previously approved Resolution 2003-15 requesting Oklahoma Department of Commerce assistance in securing funding for the NSP project, a new resolution is required for the application. Resolution 2004-17 again requests ODOC to assist the City of Owasso with the NSP project. The grant funds will be used to provide stormwater improvements to the existing site location of National Steak and Poultry. Further, the resolution affirms that the City will abide by all federal and state rules attached to the CDBG program. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends that the Council approve Resolution 2004-17. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution #2004-17 2. Location map Page 1 of 1 Hayes, Rickey From: Nurre, Joe Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2005 2:05 PM To: Hayes, Rickey Cc: Wiles, Eric Subject: NSF contract Rickey/Eric: Our involvement in the project is similar to our participation in any CDBG project. We will: ➢ Review drawings by NSF's consulting engineer for compliance with City Standards ➢ Prepare bidding documents to insure that Department of Commerce boilerplate for CDBG projects is correctly incorporated ➢ Place advertisement for bid ➢ Conduct bid meeting ➢ Host pre -bid conference if one is required ➢ Review bid tabulation and letter of recommendation provided by NSF's consulting engineer prior to requesting notice of award from council Our role is one of bidding support and contract management — in order to maintain an appropriate amount of oversight for the grant process. Hope this helps, Joe Joe John Nurre P.F. Senior Civil Engineer City of Owasso - Fu6lic Works Department 501 West 2nd Avenue P.O. gox 180 Owasso, OK 7+055 (91 8) 272-4959 (91 8) 272-4996 Fax E-mail: jnurre@cityofowasso.com 2/9/2005 CD N F d a � 4 3 a n `° d n � a to � o 3 ro n M � m C , oo too CD CD e� b9 O O t� N O O bg W O O b4 O O b9 Cn O O 64 O) O O b4 V O O i� 00 O O o 0 c0„ 0 o allo oNo coi, a N v i I wN 0 0 0 0 ayo o I, cch uNi o O rw O -A O h w h W h O O O O O OOD O p p 0 alo cn rMIL 0 r IL CD Ml CD CD U) PROJECTS STATUS REPORT City OF Owasso Public Works Department January 13, 2005 BOND ISSUE PROJECTS • E. 861h Street North/N. 971h E. Avenue (Mingo Road) Intersection - Temporary signalization and a west -east bypass lane constructed - Right-of-way acquisition in progress - Anticipate total construction to be authorized following re -opening of 76th Street North OTHER CAPITAL PROJECTS • E. 76th Street North (Main Street to Sheridan Road - Bid awarded to Becco Contractors, Inc. - Improvements include the construction of a new bridge and the widening of the existing pavement from two to four lanes - Contractor has been awarded over 60 days of weather delay - Road will be closed to through traffic until approximately March 2004 (Main Street to Sheridan Road). • E. 96th Street North and HWY 169 Interchange - Contract awarded to BECCO Contractors - Construction begun September 2004 - Completion scheduled in May 2005 • N. 129th E. Avenue (South of Home Depot to E. 76th Street North) - Final design anticipated to be completed in November 2004 - Right-of-way acquisition to begin in 2005 - Construction scheduled FY2006-2007 E. 961h Street North (N. 117th E. Avenue to Garnett Road) Final design completed Right-of-way acquisition being completed Bid opening scheduled for January 21, 2005 Construction to begin in February 2005 Substantial completion expected by August 2005 • N. Garnett Road (E. 86th Street North to E. 96th Street North - Final design completed - Bid opening scheduled for January 21, 2005 - Construction to begin in February 2005 - Substantial completion expected by August 2005 Water System Improvements (Booster Pump Station/Transmission Main/Elevated Water Tank) - Elevated tank bid awarded April 6, 2004. Pedestal completed; tank is under construction. Total construction time is 450 days. - Transmission main (Phase I - E. 1061h Street North from N. Mingo Road to mid -section to elevated tank to N. Garnett Road) advertised in December 2004. Construction to start in February 2005. - Transmission main (Phase II — Master meter to Elevated Storage Tank) final design initiated in June 2004. - Booster pump station to be included in Phase II Transmission Main design. - System projected to be operational by September 2005. RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS (NEW CONSTRUCTION COUNTS) Month 1980 1891 1992 1893 1994 1995 1990 1887 1990 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2. December Year to Date Dollars New Construction Dollars Totals for Each Year I .S $54,00.00 $40.500.000 $27,00,0O oo o $13.500000 � * $o CITY OF OWASSO RESIDENTIAL LOT INVENTORY STATUS December 31, 2004 SUBDIVISION # OF LOTS # DEVELOPED Bailey Ranch Est (2/95) 118 117 Bailey Ranch Est II (6/99) 133 133 Barrington Point III (8/96) 32 30 Bradfords at Silver Creek (2/98) Brentwood Village (6/99) Broadmore Heights (10/92) Brookfield Crossing (11/02) Camden Park II (11/00) Central Park II (7/97) Chelsea Park (9/04) Coffee Creek (04/01) Country Estates II (6/97) Country Estates III (3/99) Country Estates IV (4/00) Country Estates V (01/02) Country Estates VI (11/03) Double Oaks II (8/92) Double Oaks III (8/93) Fairways at Bailey Ranch (8/95) Fairways II (1/97) Fairways III Extended (6/99) Fairways IV (5/98) Fairways IV Extended (6/99) Fairways V (8/99) Fairways VI (12/00) Garrett Creek (9/2003) Honey Creek (4/02) Honey Creek II (12/04) Metro Heights (11/01) Metro Heights II (6/02) New Brunswick (07/03) Nottingham Estates II (3/97) Nottingham Estates III (9/99) Nottingham Estates IV (8/01) Nottingham Estates V (3/01) Preston Lakes (12/00) Preston Lakes II (12/01) Preston Lakes III (10/04) Preston Lakes Amended (12/01) Remington Park (12/03) Remington Park II (11/04) Sawgrass Park (01/02) The Summit at Southern Links (6/97) The Village at Silver Creek (09/02) Watercolors (12/02) The Willows at Silver Creek (1/00) TOTALS 83 64 32 134 42 96 106 101 193 61 158 187 37 22 63 80 84 104 69 22 71 42 84 202 119 52 42 42 15 23 20 44 272 120 147 30 57 84 178 31 62 40 84 3882 76 # AVAILABLE 60 4 28 4 133 1 42 0 93 3 33 73 72 29 191 2 58 3 158 0 172 15 14 23 21 62 79 83 44 69 22 33 30 67 197 10 44 33 42 14 16 8 33 235 111 2 30 53 6 146 26 24 15 84 3049 60 0 0 38 12 17 5 109 8 9 0 1 7 12 11 37 9 145 0 4 78 32 5 38 25 0 833 The Willows at Silver Creek (1/00) Watercolors (12/02) The Village at Silver Creek (09/02) The Summit at Southern Links (6/97) Sawgrass Park (01/02) Remington Park 11 (11/04) Remington Park (12/03) Preston Lakes Amended (12/01) Preston Lakes III (10/04) Preston Lakes 11 (12/01) Preston Lakes (12100) Nottingham Estates V (3/01) Nottingham Estates IV (8/01) Nottingham Estates III (9/99) Nottingham Estates 11 (3/97) New Brunswick (07/03) Metro Heights II (6/02) Metro Heights (11/01) Honey Creek 11 (12/04) Honey Creek (4/02) Garrett Creek (9/2003) Fairways VI (12/00) Fairways V (8/99) Fairways IV Extended (6/99) Fairways IV (5/98) Fairways III Extended (6/99) Fairways II (1/97) Fairways at Bailey Ranch (8/95) Double Oaks III (8/93) Double Oaks II (8/92) Country Estates VI (11/03) Country Estates V (01/02) Country Estates IV (4/00) Country Estates III (3/99) Country Estates 11 (6/97) Coffee Creek (04/01; Chelsea Park (9/04: Central Park II (7/97: Camden Park II (111/00; Brookfield Crossing (11/02: Broadmore Heights (10/92: Brentwood Village (6/99, Bradfords at Silver Creek (2/98, Barrington Point III (8/96 Bailey Ranch Est II (6/99 Bailey Ranch Est (2/95 CITY OF OWASSO 0 50 100 150 200_ 250 300 ❑Total Lots 0 Lots Developed Fenceline Building Permit Report December, 2004 Subdivision Cost Ranch Acres V $ 78,500 Tallgrass Trails $ 140,000 Pheasant Run $ 155,000 Pheasant Run $ 245,000 Oakridge $ 200,121 Tallgrass Trails $ 190,000 Ranch Acres III $ 125,000 Oakridge III $ 163,000 Ranch Acres III $ 80,000 Ranch Acres III $ 80,000 Total: 10 new homes $ 1,456,621 COMMERCIAL Building Permits (New Construction Counts) Month 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 January 2 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 5 2 3 0 0 0 —1 .e ...rua .......... .................... ................ ............... . ............. : 2- March 0 0 2 1 0 0 5.... 2 1 1 1 0 3 1 2 ................ April; .. .. ....................... . .......... - - ....................... 36- May 1 1 1 2 2 3 0 1 4 0 2 2 4 1 1 ......... .......... . 0:. . .... .... .. ................ 3: 0': :::5 . . .. .... July 1 0 1 0 0 5 1 1 1 ...... 2 .... 7 ....... 0 .. 1 0 0 ................ .... ............ ........ . September 1 0 1 ................................... 1 0 0 2 2 2 0 2 0 2 2 1 a .... er':: .. 2;: ::14'::::::' 4 November 2 0 1 0 2 1 2 1 0 5 6 5 1 1 3 .6 December. Dec ...... ................ TOTALS 13 7 8 12 13 19 20 26 66 26 52 27 23 12 25 Year to Date 13 7 8 12 13 19 20 26 66 26 52 27 23 12 25 Includes Churches, Schools, and Government Facilities December Year to Date Count ,a 68 51 A E 34 E o E 17 IL 0 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 December Year to Date Dollars 0 40,000,000 - 30,000,000 20,000,000 - 0 U 0 0 10,000,000 0 z 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 New Construction Dollars Totals for Each Year I $40,000,000 0 $30,000,000 .2 $20,000,000 r 0 o a $10,000,000 0 $0 Q z 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 PERMITS APPLIED FOR IN DECEMBER 2004 ADDRESS BUILDER ADD/ZONE VALUE A.S.F. PERMIT # DATE 10301 N Owasso Exp Oil Capital Signs CC/CS 3,000 108 04-1201-S 12/1/2004 8703 Owasso Exp,#R H & R Lifting WM/CS 8,000 40 04-1202-S 12/1/2004 8715 N 144 E Ave Village Development VSC/RS-3 95,928 2284 04-1203-X 12/1/2004 12140 E 96 St N#106 Global Signs RCB/CS 3,765 23 04-1204-S 12/2/2004 12140 E 96 St N#106 Global Signs RCB/CS 7,464 47 04-1205-S 12/2/2004 8804 N 156 E Ave Simmons Homes PL/RS-3 107,352 2556 04-1206-X 12/2/2004 10301 N 140 E Ave Simmons Homes CC/RS-3 148,050 3525 04-1207-X 12/2/2004 11505 E 103 St No Simmons Homes SGP/RS-3 115,500 2750 04-1208-X 12/2/2004 14316E 111 St No Capital Homes ChPk/RS-3 71,946 1713 04-1209-X 12/2/2004 11603 E 103 St No Premier Homes SGP/RS-3 100,632 2396 04-1210-X 12/3/2004 8811 N 143 E Ave Roberts Homes VSC/RS-3 112,098 2669 04-1211-X 12/7/2004 409 E 2nd Ave Acura Neon KB/CS 3,160 30 04-1212-S 12/8/2004 9350 N 121 E Ave Conlon Construction SmFarm/CS 3,500,000 123750 04-1213-C 12/8/2004 8803 N 143 E Ave Roberts Homes VSC/RS-3 121,800 2900 04-1214-X 12/8/2004 11827 N 117 E Ave Strategic Builders BFC/RS-3 95,718 2279 04-1215-X 12/8/2004 11702 N 118 E Ave Strategic Builders BFC/RS-3 92,442 2201 04-1216-X 12/9/2004 13987 E 103 PI No Capital Homes CC/RS-3 116,340 2770 04-1217-X 12/9/2004 14106 E 104 St No Capital Homes CC/RS-3 135,240 3220 04-1218-X 12/9/2004 12202 N 111 E Ave Heritage Builders CE/RS-3 88,200 2100 04-1219-X 12/9/2004 14301 E 88 Ter No Roberts Homes VSC/RS-3 110,040 2620 04-1220-X 12/10/2004 12802/04/06/08 E Azalea Tom Freeman BapRetCntr 205,212 4886 04-1221-X 12/15/2004 9700 N 102 E Ave Strategic Builders HC/RS-3 100,002 2381 04-1222-X 12/15/2004 9917 E 100 PI No Strategic Builders HC/RS-3 100,002 2381 04-1223-X 12/15/2004 12011 E 114 PI No Chumley & Associates RP/RS-3 77,280 1840 04-1224-X 12/16/2004 8565 Owasso Exp Claude Neon Signs EC/CS 15,000 80 04-1225-S 12/16/2004 10008 N 100 E Ave Strategic Builders HC/RS-3 107,856 2568 04-1226-X 12/17/2004 10208 E 100 P1 No Strategic Builders HC/RS-3 107,856 2568 04-1227-X 12/17/2004 10014 N 100 E Ave Strategic Builders HC/RS-3 103,656 2468 04-1228-X 12/17/2004 10010 N 100 E Ave Strategic Builders HC/RS-3 107,856 2568 04-1229-X 12/17/2004 10012 N 100 E Ave Strategic Builders HC/RS-3 96,642 2301 04-1230-X 12/17/2004 9909 N 103 E Ave Jamco Construction HC/RS-3 81,480 1940 04-1231-X 12/20/2004 9911 N 103 E Ave Jamco Construction HC/RS-3 81,480 1940 04-1232-X 12/20/2004 9907 N 103 E Ave Jamco Construction HC/RS-3 81,480 1940 04-1233-X 12/20/2004 10007 N 103 E Ave Jamco Construction HC/RS-3 81,480 1940 04-1234-X 12/20/2004 10005 N 103 E Ave Jamco Construction HC/RS-3 81,480 1940 04-1235-X 12/20/2004 9520 N 129 E Ave AMAX Signs WtrfdPlz/CS 4,000 67 04-1236-S 12/20/2004 9500 N 129 E Ave, #200 Global Signs WtrfdPlz/CS 16,701 133 04-1237-S 12/22/2004 9344 N 121 E Ave Pritchard & Assoc SmFarm/CS 3,400,000 74000 04-1238-C 12/22/2004 9209 N 103 E Ave Builderland FW/RS-3 149,856 3568 04-1239-X 12/22/2004 10838 N 98 E Ave Faith Builders MH/RS-3 79,926 1903 04-1240-X 12/22/2004 7 North Main Bruce Lanni OldTwn/CS 15,000 713 04-1241-C 12/22/2004 10401 E 95 Cir No Simmons Homes FW/RS-3 155,064 3692 04-1242-X 12/22/2004 9405 N 105 E Ave Simmons Homes FW/RS-3 150,360 3580 04-1243-X 12/22/2004 15334 E 89 Ct No Simmons Homes PL/RS-3 94,5001 2250 04-1244-X 12/22/2004 10407 N 143 E Ct Simmons Homes CC/RS-3 121,8001 2900 04-1245-X 1 12/22/2004 8702 N 144 E Ave Village Development SCV/RS-3 96,054 2287 04-1246-X 12/22/2004 8934 N 155 E Ave Simmons Homes PL/RS-3 155,064 3692 04-1247-X 12/23/2004 404 E 2nd St Wes Fry Unplatted 27,000 2000 04-1248-C 12/28/2004 13904 E 89 Ct No Better Living Rooms BWP/RS-3 14,700 324 04-1249-X 12/29/2004 35 Single Family 1 Residential -Addition 2 Commercial -New 1 Commercial -Remodel 1 Commercial -Addition 11 Four -flex 8 Signs 49 Building Permits 3,722,460.00 88,630 Sq Ft 14,700.00 324 Sq Ft 6,900,000.00 197,750 Sq Ft 15,000.00 713 Sq Ft 27,000.00 2,000 Sq Ft 205,212.00 4,886 Sq Ft 61,090.00 528 Sq Ft $10,945,462.00 294,831 Sq Ft BUILDING INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT REPORT FOR DECEMBER 2004 Building Permits Issued Economic Development Mechanical Permits Issued Electrical Permits Issued Plumbing Permits Issued Recreation Development Sign Permits Issued Reinspection Fees Sewer Taps Water Taps Water Meter Deposits TOTAL PERMITS 50 15,469.86 46 8,032.00 51 4,957.50 62 5,272.50 60 5,137.50 39 5,700.00 8 180.00 0 0.00 46 18,000.00 31 15,000.00 30 1,450.00 423 $79,199.36 NUMBER OF INSPECTIONS FOR THE MONTH Building 118 Mechanical 70 Electrical 103 Plumbing 141 Reinspection 37 Other 0 TOTAL INSPECTIONS 469 OCCUPANCY PERMITS NAME ADDRESS STATUS APPLICATION OPENING COMPLETE DATE DATE JANUARY 2004 Eggbert's Restaurant 14002 E 116 St No New 1/5/2004 1/18/2004 Yes Seams Good, Inc. 9100 N Garnett Rd, Suite G New 1/5/2004 1/24/2004 Yes Kool Rides Customs 110 South Main New 1/15/2004 2/2/2004 Yes The Home Depot 9450 No 129 Eave New 1/6/2004 1/7/2004 Yes Pharmacy Providers, Inc 104 E 2nd Ave, Suite B New 1/23/2004 2/1/2004 Yes Wild Hairs Smoke Lodge 300 West 2nd Ave New 2/2/2004 3/1/2004 No Kwik Nick's Store 9600 No Garnett New Owner 1/26/2004 1/26/2004 Yes FEBRUARY Paradise Video 11215 No Garnett Rd, #A New 2/6/2004 2/8/2004 Yes Beacon Title Co 12811 E 86 PI No, #103 New 2/10/2004 2/16/2004 Yes Oklahoma National Bank 12502 E 96 St No New 2/11/2004 2/17/2004 Yes Commercial Power 208 E 5th, Suite I New 2/24/2004 3/1/2004 Yes Countrywide Home Loans 12811 E 86 PI No, #101 New 2/25/2004 3/22/2004 Yes MARCH Help U Auctions - 7720 Owasso Exp, #102 New 3/1/2004 3/6/2004 Yes Hospice of Owasso 8502-B No 128 E Ave New 3/9/2004 3/25/2004 Yes Fitness 24-7 Owasso 8243 Owasso Exp New 3/15/2004 4/20/2004 Yes George Blair Used Car Lot 7901 Owasso Exp New 3/22/2004 4/1 /2004 Yes Bickel Appraisal Co 202 So Cedar, Suite B New 3/31/2004 4/1/2004 Yes /_\a:7f1111 McGraw Davisson Stewart 12315 E 86 St No IGH Properties 8805 N 145 E Ave, #105 Poolscapes, Inc 11330 No Garnett, #C/D A-N-Z Signs 11302 E 116 St No Merritt's Bakery 12400 E 86 St No Hidden Treasures 11501 N Garnett Rd New 4/6/2004 3/5/2004 Yes New 4/13/2004 4/13/2004 Yes New 4/19/2004 4/23/2004 Yes Relocate 4/19/2004 4/26/2004 Yes New 4/28/2004 4/28/2004 Yes New 4/29/2004 5/10/2004 No MAY Metro Tulsa Foot & Ankle, LLC 10229 E 96 St No New 5/21/2004 5/28/2004 Yes J H Racing 11220 E 112 St No New 5/28/2004 5/28/2004 Yes The Rhythm Section 11215 N Garnett Rd, #D New 5/28/2004 6/1/2004 No Catfish Country 11604 E 76 St No New 5/28/2004 7/1/2004 Yes JUNE The Grotto 11531 N Garnett Rd New 6/7/2004 6/14/2004 Yes Dragonflies & Ladybugs 12811 E 86 PI No New 6/9/2004 7/1/2004 Yes Suburban Office 11634 E 86 St No Owner Chg 6/25/2004 6/25/2004 Yes Poole Engineering & Acoustics 12806 E 86 PI No, #B New 6/23/2004 7/4/2004 Yes The Scrap Book Store 8751 N 117 E Ave, #1 New 6/29/2004 7/14/2004 Yes JULY Walgreens Drug Store 12802 E 96 St No Rent Readys Furniture World 209 E 2nd St, #4 Perfect Vision Customs 306 E 5th Ave Owasso Growth Management 10314 N 138 E Ave, #104 The Owasho Carwash 8905 N 145 E Ave Local Hospice, Inc 8426-A No 123 E Ave CMC Chassis 410 E 2nd St Classic Cigars 8703 Owasso Exp, "O" Candy Bouquet 8703 Owasso Exp, "Q" AUGUST Carpet One 9000 Garnett Rd Butterflies & Bullfrogs 8703 Owasso Exp, "P" Lyndell R Dunn, CPA 8426-B No 123 E Ave SEPTEMBER ForcePro, LLC 8 South Atlanta Owasso Plbg Heating & Cooling 8351 Owasso Exp All Pro Technologies 208 G E. 5th Ave New 7/15/2004 7/15/2004 Yes New 7/14/2004 7/14/2004 Yes New 7/15/2004 8/1/2004 Yes New 7/20/2004 7/26/2004 Yes New 7/22/2004 7/22/2004 Yes New 7/21/2004 7/19/2004 Yes New 7/27/2004 7/27/2004 Yes New 7/30/2004 9/1 /2004 Yes New 7/30/2004 8/27/2004 Yes New 8/4/2004 8/27/2004 Yes New 8/9/2004 8/15/2004 Yes New 8/5/2004 8/1/2004 Yes New 9/27/2004 9/27/2004 Yes New 9/28/2004 9/28/2004 Yes New 9/30/2004 10/31/2004 No OCTOBER Game Stop 12401 E 96 St No New 10/29/2004 10/29/2004 Yes Cricket Wireless 409 E 2nd New 10/29/2004 11/8/2004 Yes United States Physical Therapy 10129 E 96 St No, Suite B New 10/29/2004 10/30/2004 Yes NOVEMBER Shelter Insurance 8414 N 123 E Ave, #C Breathe Eze Filters 208-H 5th Ave Mail This! Copy That! 8703-R No Owasso Exp Andolini's Pizzeria 12140 E 96 St No, #106 Fuddrucker's Restaurant 11909 E 96 St No St. John Insurance, Inc 9500 N 129 E Ave, #122 Owasso Bridal and Tuxedo 9100 No Garnett DECEMBER Dirty Dawg Storage 11505 N 109 E Ave The Lanes at Coffee Creek 10301 N Owasso Expressway Merle Norman Cosmetics 9500 N 129 E Ave The Edge Lawn Service 308 E 5th Ave, #E U S Cellular 9500 N 129 E Ave, #108 Liberty Tax Service 8518 N 129th E Ave House of Vacuums 8703 N Owasso Exp, #N Central Plains Properties 8414-B No 122 E Ave Shell Rapid Lube 502 E 2nd Relocate 11/17/2004 11/29/2004 Yes New 11/16/2004 11/16/2004 Yes New 11/15/2004 11/22/2004 Yes New 11/18/2004 12/17/2004 No New 11/23/2004 12/13/2004 Yes New 11/29/2004 12/1/2004 Yes New 11/30/2004 1/1/2005 No New 12/3/2004 12/8/2004 Yes New 12/2/2004 12/10/2004 Yes Relocate 12/8/2004 12/8/2004 Yes New 12/6/2004 12/8/2004 No Relocate 12/9/2004 12/20/2004 Yes New 12/9/2004 1/4/2005 No New 12/23/2004 12/27/2004 Yes New 12/28/2004 12/28/2004 No New 12/28/2004 12/28/2004 No PROJECTS STATUS REPORT City OF Owasso Public Works Department February 10, 2005 BOND ISSUE PROJECTS • E. 86th Street North/N. 97th E. Avenue (Mingo Road) Intersection - Temporary signalization and a west -east bypass lane constructed - Right-of-way acquisition in progress - Anticipate total construction to be authorized following re -opening of 76th Street North OTHER CAPITAL PROJECTS E. 761h Street North (Main Street to Sheridan Road) - Bid awarded to Becco Contractors, Inc. - Improvements include the construction of a new bridge and the widening of the existing pavement from two to four lanes - Contractor has been awarded over 45 days of weather delay - Road will be closed to through traffic until approximately late March — early April 2005 (Main Street to Sheridan Road). • E. 96th Street North and HWY 169 Interchange - Contract awarded to Becco Contractors - Construction began September 2004 - Completion scheduled in May 2005 • N. 129th E. Avenue (South of Home Depot to E. 761h Street North) - Final design completed in November 2004 - Right-of-way acquisition to begin in 2005 E. 96th Street North (N. 117th E. Avenue to Garnett Road) - Final design completed - Right-of-way acquisition being completed - Bid opening January 21, 2005 - Contract awarded to Becco Contracting for $2,776,294.20 - Construction to begin in late February - early March 2005 - Substantial completion expected by late August 2005 N. Garnett Road (E. 86th Street North to E. 961h Street North) - Final design completed - Bid opening January 21, 2005 - Contract awarded to Becco Contracting for $4,691,722.80 - Construction to begin in early March 2005 - Substantial completion expected by late August 2005 Water System Improvements (Booster Pump Station/Transmission Main/Elevated Water Tank) - Elevated tank bid awarded April 6, 2004. Pedestal completed; tank is under construction. Total construction time is 450 days - Transmission main (Phase I - E. 106th Street North from N. Mingo Road to mid -section to elevated tank to N. Garnett Road) advertised in December 2004 - Bid opening January 14, 2005 - Contract awarded to McGuire Bros. Construction for $1,698,332.00 - Construction to begin in February 2005 - Transmission main - Phase II — Master meter (E. 106'h Street North and Sheridan Road) to E. 1061h Street North and N. Mingo Road - final design initiated in June 2004 - Booster pump station to be included in Phase II Transmission Main design - System projected to be operational by September 2005