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2005.12.08_OEDA Agenda
PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY TYPE OF MEETING: DATE: TIME: PLACE: Regular December 8, 2005 10:00 a.m. Owasso City Hall Main Conference Room I I I North Main OEDA FILE Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk a d sted on he City Hall bulletin board at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, December 2, 2005. Rickey Hayes, E onomic velopment Director AGENDA 1. Call to Order & Roll Call Mr. Enzbrenner, Chairman 2. Request Approval of Minutes of the November 18, 2005 Special meeting. Mr. Enzbrenner Attachment #2 3. Consideration and appropriate action relating to length of terms and term limits for OEDA Trustees. Mr. Ray Attachment #3 4. Request Approval of Claims. Mr. Enzbrenner Attachment #4 5. Presentation of Financial Report. Ms. Bishop Attachment #5 OEDA December 8, 2005 Page 2 6. Update from Economic Development Director. Mr. Hayes Attachment #6 7. Report from Community Development Director Mr. Wiles 8. Report from the Public Works Director Ms. Stagg 9. Report from OEDA Manager. Mr. Ray 10. Discussion relating to ideas and scope of Owasso Economic Development Activity for Fiscal Year 2005-2006. Mr. Ray Attachment # 10 11. New Business. 12. Adjournment. OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Thursday, November 10, 2005 The Owasso Economic Development Authority did not meet in regular session on Thursday, November 10, 2005 due to a lack of quorum. Rickey Hayes, Director OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Friday, November 18, 2005 The Owasso Economic Development Authority met in special session on Friday, November 18, 2005 in the Main Conference Room at Owasso City Hall per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 11:00 a.m. on Friday, October 7, 2005. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER & ROLL CALL Chairman Frank Enzbrenner called the meeting to order at 10:05AM. PRESENT Frank Enzbrenner, Chairman Dee Sokolosky, Vice Chairman Steve Cataudella, Trustee Gary Akin, Secretary Tom Kimball, Trustee David Charney, Trustee Ray Thomas, Trustee A quorum was declared present. ABSENT STAFF OTHERS Randy Cowling Brent Colgan Joe Nurre, Public Works Department Rodney Ray, City Manager Eric Wiles, Community Development Marsha Hensley, Community Development Rickey Hayes, Economic Development Director Tim Rooney, Assistant City Manager Julie Trout Lombardi, City Attorney Juliann Stevens, Administrative Assistant ITEM 2: REQUEST APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 13, 2005 REGULAR MEETING. Mr. Kimball moved, seconded by Mr. Cataudella, to approve the minutes of the October 13, 2005 regular meeting. AYE: Kimball, Akin, Enzbrenner, Cataudella, Sokolosky, Charney, Thomas NAY: None ABSTAIN: None Motion carried 7-0. Owasso Economic Development Authority October 13, 2005 ITEM 3: REQUEST APPROVAL OF CLAIMS. Mr. Kimball moved, seconded by Mr. Cataudella, to approve the claims totaling $17,500. AYE: Kimball, Akin, Enzbrenner, Cataudella, Sokolosky, Charney, Thomas NAY: None ABSTAIN: None Motion carried 7-0. ITEM 4: PRESENTATION OF FINANCIAL REPORT. After a review of the attached report, no questions were asked. ITEM 5: UPDATE FROM ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR After a review of the attached report, no questions were asked of Mr. Hayes. ITEM 6: REPORT FROM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Mr. Wiles provided an update on the October building permit report, commented on the residential building within the City and the current and projected residential lot inventory. Mr. Wiles provided information regarding upcoming items before the Annexation Committee and Planning Commission ITEM 7: REPORT FROM PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Mr. Nurre gave a brief report on various street development projects, and other Public Works related items. An invitation was given to all present for a ribbon cutting on Tuesday, November 22, 2005 for the E. 86th Street North and N. Garnett Road opening. ITEM 8: REPORT FROM OEDA MANAGER Mr. Ray announced the preparations of city staff for the "day after Thanksgiving" shopping days. Mr. Ray provided a report of discussions held with those Trustees absent at the October 13, 2005 meeting regarding length of terms and term limits for OEDA Trustees. Mr. Charney leaves at 12:00pm. This item will be placed on the December 2005 OEDA agenda for further discussions and action -2- Owasso Economic Development Authority November 18, 2005 ITEM 9: DISCUSSION RELATING TO IDEAS AND SCOPE OF OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY FOR FISCAL YEAR 2005-2006 Due to time constraints, this item was stricken and will be placed on the December 2005 OEDA Agenda. ITEM 10: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A PRESENTATION OF A PROPOSED LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE. Mr. Wiles presented the item. Mr. Akin leaves at 11:20am. Comments, questions, and concerns of the OEDA Trustees were addressed by Mr. Wiles. No official action was taken. Mr. Charney re-entered the room and Chairman Enzbrenner returned to item #8. ITEM 11: NEW BUSINESS None ITEM 12: ADJOURNMENT Motion made by Mr. Kimball, seconded by Mr. Cataudella to adjourn. At 12:02pm, the meeting was adjourned. AYE: Kimball, Enzbrenner, Sokolosky, Cataudella NAY: None ABSTAIN: None Motion carried 4-0. -3- Frank Enzbrenner, Chairman Date Approved MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONARABLE OWASSO ECONOP FROM: RODNEY J RAY OEDA MANAGER SUBJECT: TERM LIMITS DATE: November 30, 2005 As you know, during the October meeting of the Owasso Economic Development Authority, trustees discussed issues relating to term limits for OEDA board members. Members of the City Council have requested that I bring this item back to the OEDA for more discussion and for additional input from the OEDA members as the Council considers action on this very important issue. The item has been placed at the beginning of the agenda to allow ample time for discussion. MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIR & TRUSTEES OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FROM: RICKEY HAYES, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: OEDA CLAIMS FOR NOVEMBER 2005 DATE: DECEMBER 2, 2005 In the November 181h, 2005 Special Meeting of the OEDA, the Owasso Economic Development Authority approved claims for Arvest Bank and Crossroads Communications totaling $17,500. There are no claims for December. Owasso Economic Development Authority Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Fund Net Assets For the Month Ending November 30, 2005 MTD YTD Budget Operating Revenues $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Operating Expenses: Materials & supplies 0.00 0.00 0.00 Services & other charges 2,500.00 2,500.00 5,000.00 Capital outlay 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Operating Expenses 2,500.00 2,500.00 5,000.00 Operating Income (Loss) (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (5,000.00) Non -Operating Revenues (Expenses): Investment income 28.94 190.24 70.00 Promissory note revenue 0.00 100,000.00 400,000.00 RAN debt service & other costs 0.00 (102,575.34) (421,250.00) Total non -operating revenues (expenses) 28.94 (2,385.10) (21,180.00) Net income (loss) before contributions and transfers (2,471.06) (4,885.10) (26,180.00) Transfer from general fund 0.00 0.00 0.00 Change in net assets (2,471.06) (4,885.10) (26,180.00) Total net assets - beginning 67,034.76 67,034.76 Total net assets - ending $62,149.66 $40,854.76 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIR AND TRUSTEES OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FROM: RICKEY HAYES DIRECTOR OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: DIRECTOR'S REPORT DATE: December 2, 2005 Garnett Road is now open from East 861h Street North all the way through the East 96th Street North intersection in five lanes, offering access to the Owasso retail corridor east of US 169. The official Holiday shopping season is underway and Owasso retailers are reporting over projection sales in almost every category. I have been in contact with the retail community almost daily through the Thanksgiving holidays. The Owasso Public Works and Streets departments and the Owasso Police Department are to be commended for their hard work with the road projects and the extra patrol and traffic control provided for the holiday shoppers. Several national retailers continue to be in and out of town for site visits and inspections. Commercial sites have investors inquiring from the 96th Street corridor north to 1161h. There are several restaurants, at least 4 hotel / motel groups, and several more "big box" retail users in the mix. In an effort to step into our continuing work to bring office and corporate relocations to Owasso, I had an opportunity to have Robert Price, Senior Principal of Lockwood Greene, in our office for an hour last week. Mr. Price was in town for a site location seminar sponsored by PSO. Lockwood Greene is the premier site selection consulting firm in the country. I had the opportunity to share our marketing material with Mr. Price and get his advice on our efforts for outreach to corporate clients in the future. I continue to work with the relocation team in charge of the Conoco -Phillips relocation of about 600 jobs from Houston, Texas to Bartlesville. I have supplied over 100 information packets on Owasso so far and will provide about 500 more before the project is over next spring. As always, if I can serve you in any way, please call. Your input and direction are always important to the success of our efforts. MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONARABLE CHAIR AND TRUSTEES OF THE OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FROM: RODNEY J RAY OEDA MANAGER SUBJECT: SCOPE OF WORK FISCAL YEAR 2005-2006 DATE: August 8, 2005 BACKGROUND: As you know, during the July meeting of the Owasso Economic Development Authority, trustees discussed issues that could be included in the scope of work for the OEDA for fiscal year 2005-2006. Staff and OEDA trustees shared comments on various topics related to economic development in the City of Owasso. For the last three years, the main focus of our energy, time, and resources has been the recruiting and assisting site location for national retail outlets into the community. Almost 1.5 million square feet of retail has been developed in the City of Owasso in that time frame, mostly in the 96`h Street corridor along US 169. The need to recruit and market Owasso to retailers continues but our focus is shifting to a recruitment and relocation strategy for offices and corporate headquarters operations. Although I believe that there is still substantial retail growth to be realized in Owasso's future, I feel that the next substantial area of growth and investment in the City of Owasso will be in professional office space. The construction and opening of two medical campuses in the third quarter of 2006 will be used as examples (and anchors) for a well planned and aggressive campaign to bring quality jobs to Owasso. The need to create a sustainable and dynamic local economy requires us to be flexible and redirect our marketing efforts and energy to the creation of quality jobs. The overall local economy, including both residential development and retail will be fueled by quality job creation. It is generally agreed that developing the processes necessary to maintain the City of Owasso's outstanding "quality of life" must be our number one priority. Over the last twenty years the hard work, vision, and dedication of many residents has created a solid foundation of growth for the future. The development of quality residential subdivisions, good planning, outstanding schools, the location of transportation routes and facilities, dependable water, sewer, and street infrastructure, and now the addition of national retail and restaurants and two general service community hospitals has given the City of Owasso a distinct advantage for growth. But that growth must be sustainable and founded on a strong local economy with dependable jobs that support the Owasso area. Last months discussion of projects and issues was informative and an opportunity for the OEDA to begin to craft a plan to implement the office relocation strategy. • Comparison Cities During last month's discussion a comment was made that essentially proposed the development of a list of cities with whom we would use for comparison purposes. The City staff has utilized such a method as one means of developing personnel policies and other administrative policies. However, the development of such a "comparison list" could well have an influence on development issues and public policy regarding economic development. The idea of having consistent comparison examples is one that should be explored and developed. Knowing what other cities have done well and not -so -well can save us effort and tax dollars. • The problem of "over regulation" of the development community Concern was voiced regarding the issue of "overregulation" and the accompanying problems associated with a city that has that reputation. There have been concerns from citizens and developers regarding this issue. The task at hand is for development of regulatory policies that insure a quality development process while still making it simple and relatively easy for developers and businesses to invest in our community. Eric Wiles and his staff began the process three years ago of updating the City's sign ordinance. The result was a new sign code that allowed for businesses to advertise their goods and services but still gave assurance that Owasso would not be a victim of the "sign pollution" that many other cities have experienced. The Owasso City Council recently approved a lighting ordinance developed by a committee of citizens and staff that addressed concerns of safe and effective lighting and the creation of guidelines that will provide protection against light pollution while not over burdening retailers and developers. Earlier this year Public Works staff met with developers, engineers, and contractors to discuss the revision and publication of the City of Owasso's Construction Design Criteria. The outcome of those discussions was a document approved by the City Council that details construction criteria for the building of all public infrastructure constructed in the City. At this time a Landscape Ordinance is being crafted by a committee of interested citizens and staff and will be brought to the City Council and Planning Commission for review in the near future. Staff is currently working on review of the Planned Unit Development criteria and is looking at ways to keep PUD development standards regulated for the benefit of both the development community and our citizens. It is my belief that with input and direction from the community, staff can develop a process that will allow the City of Owasso to keep the reputation of being the most "development friendly" community in the Tulsa metro area while benefiting from a high quality built community. Ongoing efforts also include a "rewrite" of 2 the City's "zoning code" (due for completion in May 2006) followed by a new "subdivision regulation" proposal. The issue of government regulation and "quality of life" issues will, undoubtedly, be the focus of most discussions relating to future development and I presume that those discussions will center on "how much is too much" regulation. An emerging Owasso demographic profile leads me to believe that there will be a strong effort by knowledgeable and energized citizens to increase development regulations, perhaps to a point of impacting investment in our community. It is my belief that the appropriate balance to what could become an overzealous "reform" effort is to proactively develop and implement programs such as responsible sign, lighting, and landscape public policies. Such policy combined with effective regulation of land use and development can (and has in many communities) result in quality growth that will incent investment because of the quality image of the community. The OEDA's role in this process can be an active and ongoing participation in the processes to ensure that overregulation and unnecessary burdensome regulations are not the result of those policies. • Technology There may be many issues relating to technology, however, the idea of making all plats available online is one that, if implemented, could have a number of user applications. Initially such a service could assist potential home buyers and their realtors, but the long term uses could extend to business properties, planning uses for HOA's and businesses, as well as eventual use to determine lot availability. At this point the ability of making plats available (discussed initially about two years ago) online has its best opportunity as a part of the new GIS system currently being developed by the City. Eric Wiles and Larry White are currently working to ensure the new GIS system will be capable, and will include the availability of plats and other geographic data as a part of the system. There remains work to be accomplished and the OEDA can play a role in ensuring that input is given and a user friendly product is developed. To compete in this economy, we must keep the City on the cutting edge of technological advancement. Every city department and the future of our entire community is affected by advancing technology in communications, planning, data storage and retrieval, education, and health care. Should the City consider "blanketing" our community with Wi-Fi (wireless) hotspots? Will the incorporation of GIS (geographic information system) keep us ahead of the technology curve? We believe that in order to maintain the quality of life our citizens demand we must incorporate technology quickly and efficiently into our scope of work. • Developing a "Relocation Team" The idea of having a "ready to go" relocation team as a part of our strategy to bring quality jobs to Owasso was mentioned as an important part of our economic development plan. As our marketing efforts have evolved, Mr. Hayes has begun work on the development of additional marketing material aimed at corporate office relocation. The first step of this process is the preparation of a high quality and professionally designed recruitment tool articulating the quality of life of our city and containing other pertinent information needed for the successful recruitment of corporate office customers. Mr. Hayes is currently researching corporate site search data, identifying target prospects, and working to develop relationships with the persons responsible for making decisions to invest human and financial capital in our city. Along with the revision of the City's marketing material we are developing an Economic Development Relocation / Advisory Team. Mr. Hayes is currently creating a mission statement and organizing the first meeting of this group to outline the purpose, work plan, and overall objectives of the relocation group. This group would consist of the Economic Development Director, a member of the OEDA, and representatives from the utilities, the Owasso School system, Public Works, Community Development, and the Chamber of Commerce, as well as a representative from the Oklahoma Depart of Commerce. The purpose of this group would be to plan, develop, and present information and material for major economic development prospects. This is a group that responds specifically to individual relocation prospects. The development and maintenance of this team is vital to the success of our strategic plan and requires an active OEDA participation. • Revitalizing the "Downtown" area The OEDA was the prime "champion" of a viable downtown plan. The development of specific marketing material and planning aimed at the goal of creating an investment district in the downtown area is an ongoing and important project and needs for the OEDA to continue to champion that effort. Discussions have included theme lighting, construction and development guidelines, taking the overhead utilities underground, and small pocket parks. There have also been discussions about the possibility of an art or cultural related outdoor event or festival in the downtown area. Please note that approximately one million dollars of Vision 2025 funds are available for downtown development. Specifications are currently being developed for lighting contracts and relocation of overhead utilities to underground. • Early Childhood Development Preliminary discussions have been held with the Tulsa Community Action group about the development of a quality early childhood training program. A program of this type would involve several agencies and lots of cooperation and collaborative efforts, but is a very important "quality of life" issue. Tulsa leads the state and nation in early childhood education efforts. Owasso must join the effort if we are to attract the kind of investors who will look / seek long term opportunities and communities who invest in their own future. I know there needs to be significant discussion relating to the City's position on this issue and it is hoped that the OEDA will be very proactive in leading such a discussion. rd • Small Business Incubator The OEDA was the impetus for the creation of a small business incubator located in the "Old Central" complex. The Oklahoma Department of Commerce licensed the Owasso incubator in September, 2003. The incubator has about 7500 square feet of space available. Currently one tenant leases 360 square feet and Mr. Hayes is working with a prospect that is looking to utilize almost all of the remaining space. Incubator clients are offered below, market rates with a contingency that they will relocate into commercial space in Owasso after 18-24 months. In order for the incubator to produce results there must be a real effort on the part of the City to ensure affordability and that the rules of use are applied to all users. The major issues with the incubator are: 1). lease price, 2). accessibility to upstairs, 3). enforcement of two year use limit (and relocation requirement) and 4). the recruitment of users. The OEDA is the advisory body for this project and should have an impact on decisions that govern the facility. There are other user of the building and a mutual understanding of the roles of various groups is an imperative. It may be appropriate for the OEDA to conduct a more complete discussion of the incubator concept, it's applications in our community, and whether or not expansion is desired. The Owasso Economic Development Authority is the significant advisory body relating to economic development issues in the city. What is the best strategy for prioritizing our planning, budgeting, and scheduling processes to insure that the City of Owasso stays on course on becoming Oklahoma's premier hometown? I hope these discussions provoke additional ideas and input. The development of sound public policy is dependent upon wise counsel and good advice given elected officials by those who are willing to participate in the process of governing. The scope of work for the OEDA can include many individual issues or projects, some of those you listed and may desire to promote. However, there is a need for good counsel in promoting responsible public policy. As the OEDA determines its course, the issues you have discussed can be prioritized and included in your counsel and recommendations to the City Council. 5 Other Items Presented to Members of OEDA at This Meeting. marketing strategy economic development logo design roads direct mail web design public relations Mandy Vavrinak, owner copywriting phone: 918-633-4397 radio/print e-mail: mandy@crossroodscommunications.com 'he art and technology of communicating FORM HANDLER 12/7/05 9:17 PM OJMI%W;p 'The City Without Limits. Population Distribution by Age, Ovrasso & Comparatives Median Location Age 2005 Pop. 16+ years 18+ years 21+ years 65+ years Owasso ZIP 74055) 35.20 33 458 73.90% 70.33% 66.10% 9.20% Owasso 10mi radius) 33.97 144,659 73.70% 70.60% 66.57% 11.44% Tulsa MSA 35.99 887,968 77.14% 74.18% 69.93% 12.35% Frisco, TX 31.19 64 502 71.63% 69.15% 66.84% 4.42% Olathe KS Springfield, MO 31.62 34.39 11d,676 150,304 73.84% 82.39% 70.68% 80.53% 66.63% 73.38% 5.43% 15.01% Bentonville, AR 31.44 29,052 74.39% 71.27% 66.98% 7.85% U.S. Aggregate 36.18 295,140,073 77.98% 75.11% 70.74% 12.56% Owasso's age demographics show a city with more young children (under 16) than the Tulsa MSA or the US in general. Residents are not surprised by this statistic since the city is committed to being a family -friendly environment. Median Housing Value Distribution Less $60,000 $80,000 $100,000 $150,000 Median than to to to to Location Value $60,000 $79,999 $99,999 $149,999 $199,999 $200,000+ Owasso OK $132,841.00 5.90% 7.61% 14.23% 33.90% 19.23% 19.13% Tulsa MESA 27.03% 14.96% 24.17% 10.83% 6.75% 16.26% Broken Arrow, 1$94,984.00 $123,584.00 4.21% 9.62% 17.35% 39.89% 15.65% 13.28% OK Frisco, TX $195,680.00 2.13% 1.21% 2.35% 14.44% 32.70% 47.17% Olathe KS Springfield, MO $173 428.00 $$94,830.00 2.05% 1.41% 10.97% 16.61% 4.31% 19.39% 24.08% 27.02% 38.74% 8.89% 29.41% 9.08% Bentonville, AR $122,711.00 7.24% 11.44% 17.06% 31.41% 13.15% 19.70% U.S. Aggregate $149,314.00 13.65% 7.39% 8.78% 20.46% 14.33% 35.39% Oklahoma $68,083.00 43.02% 17.27% 14.20% 14.80% 5.54% 5.17% Those transferring to Owasso after living in metro communities on either coast will be shocked at how far their housing dollars go here. Our community is mostly new to newer (median year built 1990) housing stock, largely built in planned and carefully developed neighborhoods. Unlike the "recently transplanted" look many fast-growing communities can have (no trees to speak of, winding roads on flat terrain), Owasso is a beautiful city where even the new developments look "permanent." General housing examples in Owasso, (building a new home): • $100,000; 1500 sq.ft. home with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and a 2 car garage on a normal lot • $150,000: 2000 sq.ft. home with 3 to 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and a 2 car garage on a normal lot. • $175,000: a 2300 sq.ft. home with 3 to 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a custom kitchen and a 3 car garage on an oversized lot. • $200,000: 2500+ sq.ft. home with 4+ bedrooms, 2+ bathrooms, custom amenities in every room and a 3-car garage on a luxury lot. 1 Population Distribution by Household Income Average Median Location Income Income Owasso, OK 81 592.00 71 554.00 Tulsa MSA 67'438.00 53;659.00 Springfield, MO 56,645.00 Bentonville, AR 73,228.00 159,1916.00 142,825.00 56,044.00 U.S. Aggregate 74821.00 58,495.00 Oklahoma $47,161.00 Note: Includes Family households only less $50,000 $75,000 $100,000 than to to to $49,999 $74,999 $99,999 $149,999 $150,000+ 29.78% 23.45% 20.58% 20.39% 5.80% 46.69% 22.70% 13.91% 11.19% 5.51% 60.39% 19.82% 9.13% 6.72% 3.94% 44.32% 23.49% 12.68% 11.33% 8.18% 42.56% 21.89% 14.31% 13.33% 7.91% 53.38% 21.66% 11.84% 9.01% 4.11% http://www.karrybquiett.com/whyowasso/form_handler_demogrfx.php Page 1 of 2 FORM HANDLER 12/7/05 9:17 PM Owasso families have an average income of $81,592.00, significantly higher than the US in general, Oklahoma, or the Tulsa MSA. Owasso non -family households also fare well, with an average household income of $72,728.00, compared to the Tulsa MSA's figure of $57,390.00 and Oklahoma's figure of $51,504.00. Also important is the percentage of total population whose income is less than $50,000. In Owasso, less than 30% of the population makes less than $50,000/year. A Demographic Snapshot Most Owasso residents - 80% - are members of a family household. "Family" includes married couples with or without children, single parents with children, adult children living with/caring for older parents, and other combinations of related persons living together under one roof. Thirty-eight percent of the total households are married couples with children. Thirty percent of the total households are married couples without children. Most Owasso residents - 65% - work in a Managerial, Financial, Professional, Sales and Office or related occupation. *Most Owasso residents - 80% - own their own homes. Nearly 81% of residents commute 30 minutes or less to their jobs, with 27% commuting less than 15 minutes. More Information/Feedback Soecial Data Requests Download additional information Send Feedback about this site Email this data page Note: This data will be sent to the designated e-mail address as an HTML-based e-mail. In order to receive the data properly, please make sure your e-mail program is set to receive HTML e-mail. If you are generally able to see pictures or graphics within your e- mail program, your settings are already correct. Owasso. The City Without LimitSTM Rickey Hayes Director of Economic Development Ill North Main Street Owasso, OK 74055 918-376-1518 Legal Notices • Contact Us • Home -Residential City site • Retail/Restaurant site Copyright 2005 City of Owasso. All Rights Reserved. Site created by Crossroads Communications. http://www.karrybquiett.com/whyowasso/form_handier_demogrfx.php Page 2 of 2 FORM -HANDLER 12/7/05 9:18 PM 1�0#65c? The City Wit out Limits. Cost of Living, Owasso vs. Selected Citites Move FROM Increase Your Lower Your Cost This City Disposable Income of Living Dallas, TX 3,038/year 11.1%/year Richmond, VA 4,703/year 11.7%/year Atlanta, GA 5,513/year 116,614/year 13.9%/year Portland, OR 4,946/year 16.3%/year San Francisco, CA 49.6%/year From salary.com's cost of living wizard, assuming a $50,000/year income The Tulsa metro area is a Top 5 "Salary Value" city according to Salary.com. "Extremely low business and living costs have made the area a hotspot for entrepreneurs," reports salary.com. The bottom line is location matters to owners and employees both, and a move to Owasso means a better bottom line. Commute Times Location Owasso, OK Tulsa MSA Broken Arrow, OK Frisco TX U.S. Aggregate Oklahoma Commute Time (avg.) 22.44 23.92 24.05 33.98 27.68 23.55 Owasso residents don't face the long commute times or traffic problems that often plague fast-growing cities. Well -planned infrastructure and ahead -of -the -curve logistics mean traffic flows easily through the city. 1 Bdacation Information & Statistics Highest Educational Level Attained Less than High School Associate's Bachelor's Master's Degree Location 12th Grade Graduate Degree Degree or above Owasso, OK 10.13% 28.05% 9.05% 19.13% 6.72% Tulsa MSA 16.48% 29.82% 6.96% 15.67% 7.01% U.S. Aggregate 19.47% 28.44% 6.36% 15.70% 8.88% Oklahoma 19.11% 31.27% 5.46% 13.70% 6.91% Owasso Public Schools are among the highest ranked in Oklahoma and are ranked above average nationally. For the 2005-2006 school year, Owasso's student population is over 8,000. Quality private and faith -based education is also available in the city and across the metro area. Fifteen different institutions offer high education instruction within 20 minutes of Owasso, including the University of Oklahoma - Tulsa; Oklahoma State University - Tulsa; Oral Roberts University and The University of Tulsa. For more information about Owasso Public Schools, click here. Quick Comparison Any College Location Degree Owasso, OK 34.90% Tulsa MSA 29.64% U.S. Aggregate 30.94% Oklahoma 26.07% Tulsa Technology Center is planning to open a campus in Owasso soon, making higher and/or continuing education opportunities available in the city limits. Oklahoma's CareerTech system consistently ranks in the Top 10 nationally and has been used as a model by other states. http://www.karrybquiett.com/whyowasso/form_handler_lifestyle.php Page 1 of 2 FORM HANDLER 12/7/05 9:18 PM More Information/Feedback Soecial Data Requests Download additional information Send Feedback about this site Email this data page Note: This data will be sent to the designated e-mail address as an HTML-based e-mail. In order to receive the data properly, please make sure your e-mail program is set to receive HTML e-mail. If you are generally able to see pictures or graphics within your e- mail program, your settings are already correct. Email Owasso. The City Without LimitSTM Rickey Hayes Director of Economic Development 111 North Main Street Owasso, OK 74055 918-376-1518 Legal Notices • Contact Us • Home -Residential City site • Retail/Restaurant site Copyright 2005 City of Owasso. All Rights Reserved. Site created by Crossroads Communications. http://www.karrybquiett.com/whyowasso/form_handler_lifestyle.php Page 2 of 2 FORM HANDLER 12/7/05 9:19 PM 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Owasso is home to many national and local retailers and restaurants. Their successful operations provide the city's sales tax revenue base, and that base continues to grow. While other Tulsa and many surrounding areas are struggling to maintain city staffing levels during challenging revenue situations, Owasso's financial reserves remain significantly in excess of the city's goal of keeping 15% of revenues in reserve. What this translates to is a city with the capital and initiative to undertake well -planned and well -executed development and to grow infrastructure and city services to continue to support them. Building Permits Commercial Building Permits Fiscal Year # of Permits Total Value FY00 33 19,409,310.00 FY01 39 21,582,161.00 111,691,671.00 FY02 19 FY03 20 $7,553,680.00 FY04 22 $115,836,000.00 FY05 27 $79,461,446.00 FY06 30 $75,000,000.00 Total, 00-06 $230,534,268.00 Note: Owasso's Fiscal Year ends June 30. FY06 permit numbers and valuation are estimates. Residential Building Permits Fiscal Year # of Permits Total Value FY00 377 36,500,000.00 FY01 406 39,900,000.00 FY02 524 50,600,000.00 FY03 479 43,100,000.00 154,700,000.00 FY04 528 47,600,000.00 FY05 538 FY06 50o $50,000,000.00 Total, 00-06 $322,400,000.00 Note: Owasso's Fiscal Year ends June 30. FY06 permit numbers and valuation are estimates Total permitted investment in the City of Owasso, FY00 through FY06 (est.) exceeds half a billion dollars. Projects underway include several housing additions, 2 major full-service/trauma capable hospitals, additional commercial/retail development, and industrial/professional space. With plenty of land to expand into and http://www.karrybquiett-com/whyowasso/form_handler_vitality.php Page 1 of 3 FORM HANDLER 12/7/05 9:19 PM attractive, accessible locations available for new development, the city expects to continue its robust growth pattern well into the future. 1 Total Consumer Draw Kansas Missouri Oklahoma us - Owasso= sx-20 Arkansas I-44 One major factor fueling Owasso's past growth and its bright future is its location. Owasso is centered east to west on US-169, a major north -south arterial highway. Another major north -south highway, US- 75, runs just 4 miles east of Owasso's city center with convenient access to Owasso's major retail corridors via state highway 20, an east -west highway crossing Oklahoma's northern half. Traffic from south east and south central Kansas, south west Missouri, and western Arkansas all use these highways for traveling toward Tulsa. Owasso serves as a gateway to Tulsa for this population, currently in excess of 400,000. With more than 700,000 people living within a 30-minute drive of Owasso, the city has a large potential consumer draw. Consumer ZIP code surveys consistently support the city's assertion that shoppers from Tulsa and the communities to the north and northeast of the city regularly shop in Owasso for convenience and retail choice. 1 Selected Selected Rankings and Additional Information about Owasso *Industrial and commercial construction AND land costs average 5 to 10% lower than the national average and up to 20% lower than the East or West coasts. *Tulsa is a ' S-Star Business Opportunity Metro" according to Expansion Management Magazine's 2005 Mayor's Challenge ranking of the "Top Business Opportunity Metros." Oklahoma in general ranked #13 out of 50 states in Expansion Management Magazine's 2004 Legislative Quotient— survey, designed to weight factors such as total tax bite, infrastructure spending, education spending, debt management, and other key indicators of governmental attitude toward business. Highways and convenient access roads funnel traffic approaching Tulsa from the north and northeast through Owasso. After multiple Owasso retailers tracked customer data, confirmed shoppers from outside Owasso comprised between 47% and 67% of all shoppers for these retailers. Shoppers came from 22 other cities in OK, plus two other states. ZIP code data collected from Owasso retail stores confirms that Tulsans also shop Owasso for convenience and selection. *Nearly 700,000 people live within a 30-minute drive of downtown Owasso. Over 1 million people live within 50 miles of downtown Owasso. *Oklahoma's major metro areas, which include the Tulsa/Owasso area, have the third -lowest cost of living in the nation. Oklahoma is 11th lowest in overall housing costs Oklahoma ranks No. 6 in "The U.S. Economic Freedom Index: 2004 Report," which ranks the 50 states based on how friendly their governments are toward free enterprise. The report appears in the "Best Places" issue of Forbes magazine. *Owasso's Crime Index of 52 is almost half of the national average of 100. Owasso's effective and dedicated police force plus its status as a City of Character contribute to our exceptionally safe environment. 60% of the households living within a 4-mile radius of the center of Owasso earn $50,000+/year. Growth rate of number of households in that same area, 1990 through 2010 projections: 116% The Tulsa metro area ranked in the Top 20 of "America's Hottest Cities" in 2004 according to Expansion Management Magazine's survey of site consultants, November 2004 http://www.karrybquiett.com/whyowasso/form_handler_vitality.php Page 2 of 3 FORM HANDLER 12/7/05 9:19 PM ♦ Expansion Management Magazine rated the Tulsa MSA #1 in its "Top 40 Real Estate Markets" listing and #2 in its "Lowest Cost Rental Rates" Listing More Information/Feedback Special Data Requests Download additional information Send Feedback about this site Email this data page Note: This data will be sent to the designated e-mail address as an HTML-based e-mail. In order to receive the data properly, please make sure your e-mail program is set to receive HTML e-mail. If you are generally able to see pictures or graphics within your e- mail program, your settings are already correct. Owasso. The City Without LimitSTM Rickey Hayes Director of Economic Development 111 North Main Street Owasso, OK 74055 918-376-1518 Legal Notices • Contact Us • Home -Residential City site • Retail/Restaurant site Copyright 2005 City of Owasso. All Rights Reserved. Site created by Crossroads Communications. http://www.karrybquiett.com/whyowasso/form_handler_vitality.php Page 3 of 3 FORM HANDLER 12/7/05 9:19 PM City Wit out Limits. 1 Cost of Doing Business Cost of Doing Business in Oklahoma In a 2005 report published by Pollina Corporate Real Estate, Oklahoma was among America's Top Ten Pro - Business States. The study identified and evaluated 25 factors -- all controlled by state government -- including taxation, human resources, infrastructure, and economic incentive programs that can positively impact business and job development. Selected MSA Relative Business Costs Comparisons (ranked most expensive to least expensive) City Business Costs Index Rank New York, NY 127.8 1 Newark, N] 115.3 23 Chicago, IL 105.2 65 Phoenix, AZ 99.5 114 Milwaukee WI 98.9 Denver, Cb 98.7 120 122 St. Louis, MO 98.5 125 Charleston, SC 96.8 150 Kansas City, MO 95.4 164 Dallas TX 93.1 Little Dock AR 90.9 fN 203 232 Memphis, 90.5 Mobile, AL 88.0 237 277 Tulsa, OK 83.1 308 Casper, WY 74.4 318 Source: North American Business Cost Review 2003 Edition, Economv.com, Inc., rankings of 318 U.S. Metropolitan Areas Top 10 Pro -Business States 1. Virginia 2. North Carolina 3. Oklahoma 4. Alabama 5. Wyoming 6. South Dakota 7. Michigan 8. South Carolina 9. Georgia 10. Delaware Source: Pollina Corporate Real Estate Top 10 States, Lowest Cost of Doing Business 1. New Mexico 2. Wyoming 3. South Dakota 4. Kentucky 5. Oklahoma 6. North Dakota 7. North Carolina 8. Delaware 9. Oregon 10. Tennessee Source: North American Business Cost Review 2003 Edition. Economv.com, Inc. http://www.karrybquiett.com/whyowasso/form_handIer_cIimate.php Page 1 of 3 FORM.HANDLER 12/7/05 9:19 PM What does this mean for you and your business? Locating in Oklahoma improves your bottom line. It makes sense for business and for employees. Take advantage of the best the Midwest has to offer by choosing Owasso, Oklahoma for your business. Your dollars go further, and more of them will stay in your pocket. "Our company will save $1 million per year in taxes by locating in Oklahoma versus Texas," -Roger O'Shaugnessy, CEO, Cardinal Glass (More about Cardinal Glass is available on the web at www.okcommerce.gov) I Occupational Types in City of Owasso Location White Collar Service Blue Collar Owasso, OK 65.25a/o 11.0% 23.75% Tulsa MSA 60.35% 14.36% 25.30% Springfield, MO 58.35% 18.68% 22,96% Bentonville, AR 65.43% 12.62% 21.95% U.S. Aggregate 60.01% 16.05% 23.94% Oklahoma 55.99% 17.46% 26.55% Owasso's workforce is concentrated in the professional, managerial, sales & office sectors. A higher proportion of Owasso residents work in "white-collar" occupations than residents of the Tulsa metro area, the state of Oklahoma, or the US in general. Owasso's workforce is ideal for businesses requiring talented and committed employees. In fact, Oklahoma's workforce ranks well below the national average for work stoppages, absenteeism and employee turnover. Overview of Oklahoma Incentives BeeeSts t High ; Small 4 investment S. G. ). 8. 9 to. You me paymentssCob Impact Employer New New Salo Ad Training Inventory Sales Computer Should Quality eh Tess Valorem for Tax Exemptions R&D Yrriev jobsPayments Paymeatt Income Reined. ]semptions Industry Fsempaon lobe for,Taz Pt 3 Credit P&17 PBS P94 pg.a Pg.16 P&to pgI PZ4 • • • Manutatmms a►c Lhiless a$2.5 • • • • anon T+ Talking NM PaTFOU 44re5 t1 81 medhum-St" Mmufxterns U U • • • • $1 Whoo Taking Taklog Taking New 04 or 5 1 a2 small Business, • Nnufictarm • Unless Talking • • • goork" Employees at application t3 • • • • • Aircraft Ly�g Melee Unless Unless Ueless • • • Repair Maintenance Tatlttt Taking Qualfying Taking Taking Paxts a2 T greS 41.3.4ors foresor2 81.2or3 31.20r3 Computer • • • • U Yakiag • • • • or Data Procvseing 01wifying fora 0-hying 60rata2 0793 Taking at.2.3 • • • • 'top - • Development Qualftrmg Qualifying Taking for a beat as2 a.2. Large Serrice cumpaw" • • • sis►lillim New hyrot Small 1110511104 • so • • senior Qualifying Gem for st While this chart provides an overview of the basic programs available to businesses in Oklahoma, more specific information is available in the Department of Commerce's 2006 Tax and Incentive Guide. Please contact Rickey Haves, Economic Development Director for the City of Owasso, with any questions regarding how the incentives detailed in the Guide may be best applied to your business. In addition, the City of Owasso is ready to work with http://www.karrybquiett.com/whyowasso/form_handler_climate.php Page 2 of 3 FORM HANDLER 12/7/05 9:19 PM you to maximize your investment through local initiatives. More Information/Feedback Special Data Requests Download additional information Send Feedback about this site Email this data page Note: This data will be sent to the designated e-mail address as an HTML-based e-mail. In order to receive the data properly, please make sure your e-mail program is set to receive HTML e-mail. If you are generally able to see pictures or graphics within your e- mail program, your settings are already correct. Owasso. The City Without LimitSTM Rickey Hayes Director of Economic Development 111 North Main Street Owasso, OK 74055 918-376-1518 Legal Notices • Contact Us • Home -Residential City site • Retail/Restaurant site Copyright 2005 City of Owasso. All Rights Reserved. Site created by Crossroads Communications. http://www.karrybquiett.com/whyowasso/form_handler_cIimate.php Page 3 of 3 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS (NEW CONSTRUCTION COUNTS) Month 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 January 8 6 6 9 12 16 45 29 21 20 23 64 54 30 31 Eb�iaary e ? 1Q . ; 11 . - 21 26:.:::. 44 70 41 .0 52 March 5 12 12 15 28 30 34 34 51 24 48 51 38 75 65 Aptil 3 :'2 37. 18; 18 61 50 51 35 47 63.... May 10 9 8 13 8 24 27 26 39 42 26 38 29 31 43 June:; 1fl 13 18 23 1S 3� 25 ............. 45 40 3Q .:: 34 51 33 .i 53 42. July 9 10 10.......13. .... 13 28 2,8 29 27 33 37 44 32 34 27 August ... ifl 1Q :; 9 20 :: 2 26 3.. September 14 14 12 12 20 21 24 31 29 29 29 30 52 64 35 QctoEer::. 9 ; 17 : 9 11 ::?:...:. 13::::.4 3s :: 3 361 31 48 42 30 . November 8 19 13 15 20 13 14 26 14 18 24 26 35 31 32 DOde i»be E ::: 10 :: 9 3 .:::::.19 ::::::28 :::: 21 : 42 26 20 29.51 ° 35 Totals 99 142 133 162 208 293 333 401 362 377 406 524 479 528 465 Year to Date 93 132 124 159 189 265 312 359 336 357 377 489 428 493 465 I November Year to Date Count y�500 N r„375 E a�250 Ta c125 m a ,y 0 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 November Year to Date Dollars $50,000,000 c L) $37,500,000 ------------------------------- o $25,000,000 -- ----- ----------------- $12,500,000 - - - - - - - ------------------------------ z $0 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 New Construction Dollars Totals for Each Year 54,000,000 c u 40,500,000-----•---------------------•------- - y 0 27,000,000--------------------------- --------------------------------- c 0 0 c� 13,500,000 ------••••••-••-----••-•••-•••...-••---••••••--••...••-•-•-••-••••-•- 3 z 0 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 CITY OF OWASSO RESIDENTIAL LOT INVENTORY STATUS November 30, 2005 SUBDIVISION # OF LOTS # DEVELOPED # AVAILABLE Bailey Ranch Est (2/95) 118 118 0 Bailey Ranch Est II (6/99) 133 133 0 Barrington Point III (8/96) 32 30 2 Bradfords at Silver Creek (2/98) 83 79 4 Brentwood Village (6/99) 64 62 2 Broadmore Heights (10/92) 32 28 4 Brookfield Crossing (11/02) 134 133 1 Central Park II (7/97) 96 95 1 Chelsea Park (9/04) 106 102 4 Coffee Creek (04/01) 101 90 10 Country Estates II (6/97) 193 191 2 Country Estates III (3/99) 61 58 3 Country Estates IV (4/00) 158 158 0 Country Estates V (01/02) 187 181 6 Country Estates VI (11/03) 37 36 1 Double Oaks II (8/92) 22 22 0 Double Oaks III (8/93) 63 62 1 Fairways at Bailey Ranch (8/95) 80 79 1 Fairways II (1/97) 84 84 0 Fairways III Extended (6/99) 104 73 31 Fairways IV (5/98) 69 69 0 Fairways IV Extended (6/99) 22 22 0 Fairways V (8/99) 71 40 31 Fairways VI (12/00) 42 36 6 Garrett Creek (9/2003) 84 84 0 Honey Creek (4/02) 202 197 5 Honey Creek 11 (12/04) 119 110 9 Metro Heights (11/01) 52 50 2 Metro Heights II (6/02) 42 36 6 New Brunswick (07/03) 42 42 0 Nottingham Estates II (3/97) 15 14 1 Nottingham Estates III (9/99) 23 17 6 Nottingham Estates IV (8/01) 20 11 9 Nottingham Estates V (3/01) 44 36 8 Preston Lakes (12/00) 272 235 37 Preston Lakes II (12/01) 120 120 0 Preston Lakes 111 (10/04) 147 40 107 Preston Lakes Amended (12/01) 30 30 0 Remington Park (12/03) 57 57 0 Remington Park II (11/04) 84 54 30 Sawgrass Park (01/02) 178 168 10 Sawgrass Park II (04/05) 96 9 87 The Summit at Southern Links (6/97) 31 26 5 The Village at Silver Creek (09/02) 62 35 27 Watercolors (12/02) 40 15 25 The Willows at Silver Creek (1/00) 84 84 0 TOTALS 3936 3451 484 The Willows at Silver Creek (1/00) Watercolors (12/02) The Village at Silver Creek (09/02) The Summit at Southern Links (6/97) Sawgrass Park II (04/05) Sawgrass Park (01/02) Remington Park II (11/04) Remington Park (12/03) Preston Lakes Amended (12/01) Preston Lakes III (10104) Preston Lakes II (12/01) Preston Lakes (12/00) Nottingham Estates V (3/01) Nottingham Estates IV (8/01) Nottingham Estates III (9/99) Nottingham Estates 11 (3/97) New Brunswick (07103) Metro Heights II (6102) Metro Heights (11/01) Honey Creek II (12/04) Honey Creek (4/02) Garrett Creek (9/2003) Fairways VI (12/00) Fairways V (8/99) Fairways IV Extended (6/99) Fairways IV (5/98) Fairways III Extended (6/99) Fairways II (1/97) Fairways at Bailey Ranch (8/95) Double Oaks III (8/93) Double Oaks II (8/92) Country Estates VI (11/03) Country Estates V (01/02) Country Estates IV (4/00) Country Estates III (3/99) Country Estates II (6/97) Coffee Creek (04/01) Chelsea Park (9/04) Central Park II (7/97) Brookfield Crossing (11/02) Broadmore Heights (10192) Brentwood Village (6/99) Bradfords at Silver Creek (2/98) Barrington Point III (8/96) Bailey Ranch Est II (6/99) Bailey Ranch Est (2/95) CITY OF OWASSO Residential Lot Inventory Status 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 OTotal Lots 0Lots Developed FENCELINE BUILDING PERMIT REPORT Nov-05 Subdivision Cost Cedar Bluff II 83,000.00 Cedar Bluff II 100,000.00 Oakridge 280,000.00 Pleasant Run 135,000.00 Ranch Acres V 71-,700.00 Ranch Acres V 89,000.00 Timbergate $ 115,000.00 Timbergate 129,000.00 Timbergate 145,000.00 Timbergate 120,000.00 Total 10 New Homes 1,267,700.00 FENCELINE PERMITS BY YEAR Month 2002 2003 fenceline fenceline 2004 fenceline 2005 fenceline Jars ..,. . 13 13 13 Feb 6 17 13 ...- ... .....__.._ March < . -... .:: : 14 18 27 April 13 22 19 May 11' 20 21 June 15 13 23 duly .... _ 11 23 12 Aug 22 18 15 Sent 9 11 20 Oct 27 20 17 .......... ... ............. Noy 17 13 10 Dec 15 10 Totals 25 173 198 190 YTD 25 158 188 190 COMMERCIAL Building Permits (New Construction Counts) Month 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 January 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 5 2 3 0 0 0 1 2 Februa Q .. 1 . : 1 2 0 7 6. 12 : 2 1 .., 1 March 0 2 1 0 0 5 2 1 1 1 0 3 1 2 1 ......................... April.:::.' ... . .... . .......... 1. ............. 0 0 ...... .. 3' _....... :; 5 .. .... 36 .: ..................... f3 .::. 1 8 1 1 ..,... 3 ... May 1 1 2 2 3 0 1 4 0 2 2 4 1 1 3 ........................................................................................................................ .Tune::: Q. 0... 2 ...... ....... 0 4 3 July 0 1 0 0 5 1 1 1 2 7 0 1 0 0 0 ............ August ::.. ... .. 2 ..::.. ...................... ©::.:. 4 .::.. 2 :.: .. ...... 1 . .. ....... 3 ..: ................................... ......................... .: .:. 0 ..:.. 4::.:. 1:. .................. 2 ..: 3 1 September 0 1 1 0 0 2 2 2 0 2 0 2 2 1 2 ............................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... Qctaber 1 h .. Q ::::::: ....... € :::.:1::`: ... ..... ......... 2 .................................................................... E# 2 2 :: .............. :..1:4 .. . A 8 0 ............... :.::Q November 0 1 0 2 1 2 1 0 5 6 5 1 1 3 0 ecernb& ' ::: ` ::.: `:: 4 . 0 .. _.................. 1 `: 1':. :. 2 : .. .._........... ; ..4 .. .... 5' ............... a :::: 0 .:: ....................... ,:.0 :.: 0 . . Totals 7 8 12 13 19 20 26 66 26 52 27 23 12 25 22 Year to Date 7 8 12 12 18 18 22 66 21 52 27 23 12 23 22 Includes Churches, Schools, and Government Facilities November Year to Date Count @ a�i 68 3 N 51 d N E w 34 o E 17 U a 0 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 November Year to Date Dollars c 0 64,000,000 u y 48,000,000 � L N M 32,000,000 v o 16,000,000 0 z 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 New Construction Dollars Totals for Each Year c $64,000,000 0 $48,000,000 .�`• $32,000,000 o 0 $16,000,000 U 3 $0 a� z 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 OCCUPANCY PERMITS NAME ADDRESS STATUS APPLICATION OPENING COMPLETE DATE DATE JANUARY 2005 Elite Salon & Day Spa 9500 N 129 E Ave,#114 New 1/10/2005 1/11/2005 Yes Ram Cafe 405 E 2nd Owner Change 1/12/2005 1/3/2005 Yes GMAC Real Estates 12910 E 86 St No New 1/14/2005 1/21/2005 Yes Denny Construction 8414 B No 123 E Ave Relocate 1/15/2005 1/1/2005 Yes Kelly's V Twin 11330 N Garnett, #A New 1/19/2005 2/1/2005 Yes FEBRUARY Wings to Go 9530 N 129 E Ave,#100 New 2/8/2005 2/9/2005 Yes Jane Maxey GMAC 12910 E 86 St No New 2/8/2005 1/8/2005 Yes Fit for Her 9500 N 129 E Ave,#300 New 2/18/2005 2/21 /2005 Yes Biddle Family Chiropratic 11624 E 86 St No New 2/14/2005 2/16/2005 Yes Chris Ward, D.D.S. 12814 E 101 PI N,#101 Relocate 2/18/2005 2/14/2005 Yes H. VanWyhe-Chiropratic 8805 N 145 E Ave,#103 New 2/25/2005 3/1/2005 Yes R. Larson Business Office 8805 N 145 E Ave,i202 New 2/25/2005 3/7/2005 Yes MARCH Game X Change 9500 N 129 E Ave, #118 New 3/3/2005 3/10/2005 Yes Morgan -Phillips Office 8805 N 145 E Ave, #202 New 3/8/2005 3/9/2005 Yes Color View Portraits 12654 E 86 PI No New 3/15/2005 4/8/2005 Yes Primarily Kids 12500 E 86 St N, #102 Relocate 3/18/2005 3/24/2005 Yes Sonic Restaurant 13314 E 116 St N New 3/30/2005 4/4/2005 Yes Global Wealth Management 9500 N 129 St N, #106 New 4/4/2005 4/1/2005 Yes APRIL Center Stage Dance Studio 8361 N Ow Exp, #1 & J New 4/8/2005 6/1/2005 Yes Serenity Spa 9100 N Garnett, #L New 4/26/2005 5/1/2005 Yes Pack and Mail Plus 9500 N 129 E Ave,#120 New 4/28/2005 5/3/2005 Yes MAY Owasso Medical Spa 12406 E 86 St No New 5/6/2005 5/15/2005 Yes Tulsa Inspection Resources 12811 E 86 PI No New 5/13/2005 5/13/2005 Yes The Nesting Interiors 12500 E 86 St No, #104 New 5/13/2005 6/1/2005 Yes Domino's Pizza 12500 N 86 St No, #107 New 5/5/2005 6/1/2005 Yes JUNE Cartridge World 12500 E 86 St No, #106 New 6/3/2005 6/20/2005 Yes JULY Quality Tire & Auto Service 102 E 12 St Relocate 7/5/2005 7/5/2005 Yes Kidz Day Out, Inc. 11510 E 83 St No New 7/6/2005 8/1/2005 No B & M Custom Exhaust 116 W Broadway St Owner Change 7/7/2005 7/1/2005 Yes Aravon Salon & Spa 8422 No 123 E Ave New 7/14/2005 7/18/2005 Yes Gina Rigney's Studio 11890 E 86 St No New 7/14/2005 8/20/2005 Yes AUGUST Target Lawrence & Associates Rejoice Christian School Owasso Law Center Country Home Real Estate Old Navy Schaffitzel, Inc. SEPTEMBER 9002 N 121 E Ave New 8/1/2005 9/30/2005 Yes 12415-B E 96 St No New 8/3/2005 8/1/2005 Yes 13413 E 106 St No Additional Bldg 8/16/2005 8/16/2005 Yes 202 E 1st St New 8/17/2005 9/1/2005 Yes 13720 E 86 St No, #180 New 8/24/2005 9/1/2005 Yes 9018 N 121 E Ave, #600 New 8/31/2005 10/26/2005 Yes 308 E 5 Ave, #D New 8/31/2005 9/1/2005 Yes Allstate Insurance 8283 Owasso Exp Church of Latter Day Saints 9300 No 129 E Ave Payless Shoe Source 9002 N 121 E Ave, #700 Interfit Health 12101 E 96 St No Applebee's 9039 N 121 E Ave Belk 9002 N 121 E Ave, #900 Hobby Lobby 9002 N 121 E Ave, #100 Hilton Law Office 12801 E 85 St No, #103 Maurice's 9002 N 121 E Ave, #300 Rue 21 9002 N 121 E Ave, #400 PetsMart 9002 N 121 E Ave, #200 TJ Maxx 9018 N 121 E Ave, #400 Pier I Imports 9018 N 121 E Ave, #500 OCTOBER Red Robin International 9017 N 121 E Ave Show-N-Go 8355 N Owasso Exp Trios Enterprises, LLC 105 West 2 Ave Buffet City 9500 N 129 E Ave, #100 Justice 9018 N 121 E Ave, #100 Vintage Stock 9045 N 121 E Ave, #200 Kirkland's Home 9018 N 121 E Ave, #200 Rack Room Shoes 9002 N 121 E Ave, #500 Dress Barn 9002 N 121 E Ave, #600 Stotts, Barclay Tax Service 12801 E 85 St No, #104 Lane Bryant 9018 N 121 E Ave, #700 Salon Rouge 12500 E 86 St No, #109 First Baptist Church 13307 E 96 St No The Stacy Group 10229 E 96 St No, #101 Mexican Restaurant 11515 N Garnett Cali Pronail & Spa 9045 N 121 E Ave, #300 Gina Rigney 11890 E 86 St No NOVEMBER A & W Enterprises Cingular Wireless Claires Copper Town Martial Arts Academy Sonshine Computers Sports Clip New 9/2/2005 9/22/2005 Yes Addition . 9/2/2005 10/3/2005 Yes New 9/405 10/10/2005 Yes New 9/8/2005 9/8/2005 Yes New 9/13/2005 9/26/2005 Yes New 9/21/2005 10/12/2005 Yes New 9/8/2005 10/12/2005 Yes New 9/23/2005 10/3/2005 Yes New 9/26/2005 10/12/2005 Yes New 9/26/2005 10/6/2005 Yes New 9/26/2005 10/15/2005 Yes New 9/26/2005 10/16/2005 Yes New 9/26/2005 10/7/2005 Yes New 10/3/2005 11/7/2005 Yes New 10/3/2005 10/3/2005 Yes New 10/3/2005 11/15/2005 No New 10/4/2005 11/4/2005 Yes New 10/6/2005 10/11/2005 Yes New 10/10/2005 10/28/2005 Yes New 10/4/2005 10/13/2005 Yes New 10/4/2005 10/6/2005 Yes New 10/4/2005 10/7/2005 Yes New 10/4/2005 10/1/2005 Yes New 10/17/2005 11/14/2005 Yes Relocate 10/12/2005 10/19/2005 Yes Addition 10/25/2005 10/25/2005 Yes New 10/27/2005 11/1/2005 Yes New 10/28/2005 1/15/2006 No New 10/28/2005 11/26/2005 Yes New 10/19/2005 10/18/2005 Yes 202 S Dogwood New 11 /9/2005 11 /15/2005 Yes 9031 N 121 E. Ave New 11/28/2005 12/1/2005 Yes 9031 N 121 E Ave #200 New 11 /3/2005 11 /9/2005 Yes 12550 E 86 St No New 11 /3/2005 11 /11 J2005 Yes 9100 N Garnett Rd #J & K New 11/14/2005 11/16/2005 Yes 12500 E 86 St N #108 New 11/8/2005 11/16/2005 Yes 9045 N 121 E. Ave New 11/8/2005 11/1OJ2005 Yes PERMITS APPLIED FOR IN NOVEMBER 2005 ADDRESS BUILDER ADD/ZONE VALUE A.S.F. PERMIT # DATE 12500 E 86 St No Owasso Land 86 St Retail 15,000 1740 05-1101-C 11/2/2005 9045 N 121 E ave Widney Construction SmFarm/CS 95,000 1900 05-1102-C 11/2/2005 11217 E 109 St No Charles Lindsey MC/RS-3 30,000 720 05-1103-X 11/2/2005 12500 E 86 St No Global Sign 86 St Retail 36,000 112 05-1104-S 11/2/2005 13720 E 86 St No Global Sign RenCtr/CS 5,000 56 05-1105-S 11/2/2005 9045 N 121 E ave Global Sign SmFarm/CS 5,000 154 05-1106-S 11/2/2005 12500 E 86 St No Rainbow Signs 86 St Retail 3,000 39 05-1107-S 11/2/2005 8808 N 144 E Ave Burd Homes VSC/RS-3 107,562 2561 05-1108-X 11/3/2005 8800 N 144 E Ave Burd Homes VSC/RS-3 102,270 2619 05-1109-X 11/3/2005 11210 N 143 E Ave Simmons Homes ChPk/RS-3 71,800 1836 05-1110-X 11/3/2005 86 N Main Helterbrand Builders OwSchools 1,015,600 20312 05-1111-C 11/3/2005 11512 E 102 St No Simmons Homes SGP/RS-3 111,522 2656 05-1112-C 11/4/2005 11208 N 143 E Ave Simmons Homes ChPk/RS-3 69,174 1647 05-1113-X 11/4/2005 11217 N 118 E Ave Rausch Coleman RP/RS-3 76,146 1813 05-1114-X 11/4/2005 10103 E 92 St No Granite Pools FW/RS-3 22,000 -629 05-11115-P 11/4/2005 11204 N 120 E Ave Rausch Coleman RP/RS-3 77,280 1840 05-1116-X 11/8/2005 10009 E 101 St No R C Construction HC/RS-3 89,586 2133 05-1117-X 11/8/2005 9013 N 156 E PI Simmons Homes PL/RS-3 121,884 2902 05-1118-X 11/8/2005 9203 N 103 E Ave Marion Homes FW/RS-3 158,550 3775 05-1119-X 11/9/2005 9203 N 139 E Ave Crosby Pools NE/RS-2 28,750 500 05-1120-P 11/10/2005 8304 N 124 E Ave John Potter EC/RS-3 15,000 400 05-1121-X 11/10/2005 12603 E 91 St N County Building Center CP/RS-3 96,600 2300 05-1122-X 11/11/2005 8200 N 91 E Ave Mark Baker McCarty Pk 65,000 1068 05-1123-C 11/14/2005 10306 E 92 P1 No Simmons Homes FW/RS-3 128,352 3056 05-1124-X 11/15/2005 10209 E 101 St No Strategic Builders HC/RS-3 102,396 2438 05-1125-X 11/15/2005 11114 N 144 E Ave Capital Homes ChPk/RS-3 79,884 1902 05-1126-X 11/16/2005 10022 N 100 E Ave Strategic Builders HC/RS-3 108,696 2588 05-1127-X 11/16/2005 500 S Main Tri Star Construction City of Ow 73,000 325 05-1128-C 11/16/2005 9031 N 121 E Ave Oil Capital Neon SmFarm/CS 10,000 72 05-1129-S 11/16/2005 8101 N 129 E Ave H & R Lifting OwSchools 4,200 32 05-1130-S 11/16/2005 14311 E 112 PI N Simmons Homes ChPk/RS-3 69,174 1647 05-1131-X 11/17/2005 9203 N 104 E Ave Simmons Homes FW/RS-3 130,284 3102 05-1132-X 11/17/2005 9913 N 103 E Ave Sherwood Builders HC/RS-3 102,900 2450 05-1133-X 11/17/2005 10001 N 103 E Ave Sherwood Builders HC/RS-3 108,780 2590 05-1134-X 11/17/2005 9530 N 129 E Ave Global Sign Wtrfd Plz/CS 7,000 60 05-1135-S 11/17/3005 11500 N 140 E Ave Claude Neon HI-Point/CS 10,000 142 05-1136-S 11/17/2005 11500 N 140 E Ave Claude Neon HI-Point/CS 7,000 64 05-1137-S 11/17/2005 10304 N 143 E Ave Simmons Homes CC/RS03 146,664 3492 05-1138-X 11/18/2005 9015 N 100 E Ave American Heartland FW/RS-3 93,450 2225 05-1139-X 11/18/2005 13821 E 92 Cr No John K Davis NE/RS-2 163,590 3895 05-1140-X 11/18/2005 10011 N 100 E Ave Westerfield Corporation HC/RS-3 98,112 2336 05-1141-X 11/18/2005 10211 E 101 St No Westerfield Corporation HC/RS-3 103,782 2471 05-1142-X 11/18/2005 11212 N 143 E Ave Simmons Homes ChPk/RS-3 69,174 1647 05-1143-X 11/21/2005 14313 E 113 St No Simmons Homes ChPk/RS-3 77,112 1836 05-1144-X 11/21/2005 10310 E 92 P1 No Simmons Homes FW/RS-3 144,9421 3451 05-1145--N 11/22/2005 15363 E 91 St No Simmons Homes PL/RS-3 118,860 2830 05-1146-X 11/22/2005 9202 N 104 E Ave Simmons Homes FW/RS-3 127,596 3038 05-1147-X 11/23/2005 10307 N 144 E Ave Simmons Homes CC/RS-3 119,952 2856 05-1148-X 11/23/2005 9540 N Garnett Hoey Construction Cdl Ctr/CS 40,000 3000 05-1149-C 11/28/2005 11501 N Garnett Crown Neon BG Ctr/CS 2,000 36 05-1150-5 11/28/2005 12015 E 96 St No Clayton Signs Chick-Fil-A 12,500 133 05-1151-S 11/28/2005 12932 E 86 St No Amax Signs ROC/CS 10,000 105 05-1152-5 11/29/2005 13720 E 86 St No H & R Lifting RenCtr/CS 6,000 32 05-1153-5 11/29/2005 14100 E 104 St No Simmons Homes CC/RS-3 150,3601 3580 1 05-1154-X 11/30/2005 9018 N 156 E Ave Simmons Homes PL/RS-3 1 82,0261 1953 1 05-1155-X 11/30/2005 32 Single Family 3,408,460.00 81,465 SgFt 2 Res - Additions 45,000.00 1120 SgFt 1 School Addition/Renovatiion 1,015,600.00 20,312 SgFt 2 Commercial Additions 138,000.00 1393 SgFt 3 Commercial - Remodel 150,000.00 6640 SgFt 2 Pools 50,750.00 1129 SgFt 13 Signs 117,700.00 1037 SgFt 55 Building Permits $4,925,510.00 113,096 SgFt BUILDING INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT REPORT FOR NOVEMBER Total Fees Building Permits Issued 46 8,423.00 Economic Development 39 5,463.50 Mechanical Permits Issued 42 3,632.50 Electrical Permits Issued 52 4,107.50 Plumbing Permits Issued 49 3,807.50 Recreation Development 30 4,500.00 Sign Permits Issued 6 180.00 Reinspection Fees 0 0.00 Sewer Taps 39 15,600.00 Water Taps 21 11,675.00 Water Meter Deposits 21 1,050.00 TOTAL PERMITS 345 $58,439.00 NUMBER OF INSPECTIONS FOR THE MONTH Building 148 Mechanical 113 Electrical 186 Plumbing 212 Reinspection 49 Other 0 TOTAL INSPECTIONS 708 PROJECTS STATUS REPORT City OF Owasso Public Works Department December 8, 2005 BOND ISSUE PROJECTS E. 86th Street North/N. 97th E. Avenue (Mingo Road) Intersection - ODOT reopened project - Right-of-way acquisition completed - Utility relocations scheduled in January 2006 - Advertisement scheduled for February 2006 OTHER CAPITAL PROJECTS • N. 129th E. Avenue (South of Home Depot to E. 76th Street North) - Final design completed in November 2004 - Right-of-way acquisition to begin in 2006 E. 96th Street North (N. 117th E. Avenue to Garnett Road) - Contract awarded to Becco Contracting for $2,776,294.20 - Construction began on March 2, 2005 - Substantial completion achieved in October 2005 N. Garnett Road (E. 86th Street North to E. 96th Street North) Contract awarded to Becco Contracting for $4, 691,722.80 Roadway segment north of fire station completed Roadway reopened on November 22, 2005 86th Street improvements to be completed in December 2005 Water System Improvements (Booster Pump Station/Transmission Main/Elevated Water Tank) - Elevated tank — completed and in service. - Transmission main (Phase I - E. 1061h Street North from N. Mingo Road to mid- section to elevated tank to N. Garnett Road) — completed and in service - Transmission main (Phase II — Master meter to Elevated Storage Tank) — ROW acquisition underway - Advertisement occurred on December 8, 2005 - Construction start scheduled for February 2006 - Improvements to be completed by August 2006