HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003.02.13_OEDA AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY TYPE OF MEETING: DATE: TIME: PLACE: Regular February 13,2003 10:00 a.m. Owasso City Hall Main Conference Room OEDA FILE Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Monday, February 10, 2003. Rickey AGENDA 1. Call to Order & Roll Call Mr. Kimball Development Director 2. Request Approval of Minutes of the January 9, 2003 Regular Meeting. Mr. Kimball Attachment #2 3. Request Approval of Claims Mr. Kimball Attachment #3 OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY February 13, 2003 PAGE 2 4. Presentation of Financial Report Ms. Bishop Attachment #4 5. Update from Economic Development Director. Mr. Hayes Attachment #5 6. Downtown Redevelopment Plan Implementation Mr. Ray 7. Consideration and Appropriate action on a resolution concerning the Main Street re- striping project. Mr. Kimball Attachment # 7 8. Report from OEDA Manager Mr. Ray OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY February 13, 2003 PAGE 3 9. New Business 10. General Discussion Relating to the Purpose, Goals, and Focus of the City's Economic Development Efforts. Mr. Ray 11. Adjournment OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Thursday, January 9, 2003 The Owasso Economic Development Authority met in regular session on Thursday, January 9, 2003 in the Main Conference Room at Owasso City Hall per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Monday, January 6, 2003, and Addendum to Agenda posted on the City Hall bulleting board at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, January 7, 2003. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER & ROLL CALL Chairman Tom Kimball called the meeting to order at 10:02 a.m. PRESENT Tom Kimball, Chair Brenda Lawrence, Vice Chair Frank Enzbrenner, Secretary Dee Sokolosky, Trustee Scott Yandell, Trustee Gary Akin, Trustee ABSENT Michael Helm, Trustee STAFF Rickey Hayes, Economic Development Director Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk A quorum was declared present. ITEM 2: REQUEST APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 12, 2002 REGULAR MEETING. Mr. Enzbrenner moved, seconded by Ms. Lawrence, to approve the minutes of the December 12, 2002 regular meeting, by reference made a part hereto. AYE: Enzbrenner, Lawrence, Yandell, Sokolosky, Akin, Kimball NAY: None Motion carried 6 -0. ITEM 3: REQUEST APPROVAL OF CLAIMS. No claims were presented. ITEM 4: PRESENTATION OF FINANCIAL REPORT. Ms. Bishop said that the financial report was included in the agenda packet. There was nothing to add, and there were no questions or comments. Owasso Economic Development Authority January 9, 2003 ITEM 5: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE EXPANSION OF THE OWASSO ONG FACILITY Mr. Hayes introduced Mr. Jerry Hixson, Tulsa North Metro Area ONG Manager, who explained that ONG is streamlining their operations. Phase I involved the construction of a new facility at 71" St. S. and Union, the West Tulsa Metro Facility. Phase II involves the expansion of the Owasso yard. The customer base served from this facility has doubled since it was constructed, as has the number of employees. Plans are to close a facility on 15th St. S., and serve those customers from the Owasso facility. It has become necessary to provide more area for the additional vehicles and equipment needed to take care of the additional work. The current proposed project involves the yard only, with no modifications of the existing facility. Major components of the plan are: • Install approximately 26,000 square feet of asphalt paving • Install approximately 18,000 square feet of concrete paving • Install exit drive at south end of property • Relocate 400 linear feet of chain link fence • Install security gates at service yard entry and exit • Install fully functional card access system to building entries • Install additional light fixtures and poles as needed • Install additional CNG (compressed natural gas) facilities required for additional fleet. There was discussion regarding the screening and landscaping requested by Mr. & Mrs. Smith when they gave the land donation. Mr. Enzbrenner moved, seconded by Ms. Lawrence, to approve the requested expansion of the Owasso ONG facility yard, subject to assurance by ONG that they will install proper landscaping and fencing in keeping with the spirit of the land donation. AYE: Enzbrenner, Lawrence, Yandell, Sokolosky, Akin, Kimball NAY: None Motion carved 6 -0. ITEM 6: UPDATE FROM ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR. Mr. Hayes introduced Public Works Director Robert Carr who distributed and discussed a project status report, as well as concept drawings for the striping of Main Street. Mr. Carr concluded by introducing the character trait for the month of January — Faith. Community Development Director Eric Wiles provided an update on development during 2002. The City of Owasso recorded a record number of housing starts. Mr. Hayes reported that the Economic Development web site has been updated. He also reported that an IHOP restaurant will be locating at Owasso Market. -2- Owasso Economic Development Authority January 9, 2003 ITEM 7: DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT PLAN IMPLEMENTATION. In the absence of Mr. Ray, Mr. Hayes reported that Code Red Underground Utilities has been working on preliminary costs to place the utilities along Main St. underground. He also said that the Authority needs to be thinking about and discussing some type of gateway to set off the downtown redevelopment area. Ms. Lawrence suggested that some time be set aside by the Authority specifically for the purpose of discussing downtown redevelopment instead of trying to do it at a regular meeting. ITEM 8: REPORT FROM OEDA MANAGER No report. ITEM 9: NEW BUSINESS. None. ITEM 10: GENERAL DISCUSSION RELATING TO THE PURPOSE, GOALS, AND FOCUS OF THE CITY'S ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT EFFORTS. There was no discussion at this time. ITEM 11: ADJOURNMENT Ms. Lawrence moved, seconded by Mr. Yandell, to adjourn. AYE: Lawrence, Yandell, Sokolosky, Enzbrenner, Akin, Kimball NAY: None Motion carried 6 -0, and the meeting was adjourned at 11:07 p.m. Date Approved -3- Tom Kimball, Chairperson MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIR & TRUSTEES OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FROM: RICKEY HAYES SUBJECT: OEDA Claims for January 2003 DATE: 02/10/03 There were no claims for January 2003. Owasso Economic Development Authority Schedule of Revenues and Expenses For the Month Ending January 31, 2003 Operating Revenues: Contributions Reimbursements Interest Total Operating Revenues Operating Expenses: Materials & supplies Services & other charges Capital outlay Total Operating Expenses Operating Income (Loss) Non - Operating Revenues (Expenses): Transfer from General Fund Total Non - Operating Revenues (Expenses) Net Income (Loss) Retained Earnings ** 06/30/02 Retained Earnings ** 01/31/03 Month -to -date $0.00 0.00 22.10 22.10 Kul 0H 0.00 22.10 0.00 0.00 22.10 Year -to -date * *Note: For the purposes of this report, "Retained Earnings" includes only current assets and current liabilities $0.00 0.00 165.74 165.74 0.00 12,500.00 0.00 12, 500.00 (12,334.26) 25,000.00 25,000.00 12,665.74 11,915.86 $24,581.60 MEMORANDUM TO: OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOARD OF TRUSTEES FROM: RICKEY HAYES SUBJECT: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR'S REPORT DATE: February 12, 2003 Traffic count data continues to be collected on various intersections around town. These numbers are very important in attracting retail clients. The numbers are astounding and will be used to provide the most current information available to prospective clients, developers, and other interested parties. A map showing traffic counts was a goal for the first quarter of 2003, and has just been completed. Construction continues to progress on the 70h and 86th street projects, and is moving forward at a good pace. I told you last month that I have been working with a potential new industry for the city. The company is a plastics manufacturing firm that markets it's products to the food service industry. Owasso is on the "short list" of potential sites. Pechiney Plastics is a French owned company that has nearly 40 locations world wide with about 20 locations in the United States. The headquarters in the United States is Chicago. We made a presentation to Pechiney in Tulsa on January 23, and since then have continued to work hard on the deal. Meetings with SK &O railroad, ODOT, INCOG, and others are promising. Discussions are ongoing and I will keep you posted as the deal develops. The company will make an initial investment of up to 9 million dollars and will employ 60 employees in the city. The site in Owasso and a site in the Cherokee Industrial park are the two finalist in the search for a location. I have been sending out marketing packets at a very fast pace, and get several requests for the material each week. We have a "quality of life" packet in layout form and have a couple of the pages finished. An "industrial" marketing tool was developed for the Pechiney presentation. The marketing tool is very versatile and is easily adaptable for customizing for individual customers The Economic Development page on the City of Owasso's web site has been updated and will be accessed not only by citizens of Owasso but also potential customers. The web page has a brand new look and all the data from the marketing tool is included. The web page had not been updated in a couple of years, and all the information was outdated and not relevant to anyone seeking information about the City of Owasso. The web site, which has just been up for a couple of weeks, has over 150 hits and is averaging nearly 10 hits a day. I recently heard from representatives from a national drug chain that wants to locate in Owasso that the web site was so comprehensive and the material so thorough that only a couple of specific questions about speed limits and local zoning had to be asked. The representative stated that ours was the best web site they had ever seen. I believe the world wide web is a sea of opportunity for the economic development of the City of Owasso. The training I just completed indicated that web page development was one of the keys to marketing our assets in Owasso to the rest of the world. I participated in the first town hall meeting for citizens in January. The meeting was the first in a four part series. The Community Development department discussed the importance of comprehensive planning and answered questions from several citizens about different issues. As always, if I can serve you in any way, please call. MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIR & TRUSTEES OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FROM: RICKEY HAYES DIRECTOR OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: RESOLUTION #2003 -01 MAIN STREET RE- STRIPING PROJECT DATE: February 10,2003 BACKGROUND: On November 1, 1999, the City of Owasso held a public meeting for the purpose of gaining citizen input relating to potential projects for the development of a Main Street enhancement project. Additionally the meeting was to provide information to the citizens of Owasso about project options and to receive public input on those options. Several proposals were discussed and the consensus was that the general public was not in favor of reducing the number of lanes and placing raised medians on Main Street because of the limitations of left turns, reduction of speed, and possible traffic congestion. One of the main problems was that the placing of raised medians would make it difficult to enter some residential areas and driveways, and difficult to enter some business locations along the Main Street corridor. The medians would also restrict entering Main Street from side arterials and residential areas as well as business parking areas. As a result of the citizen comments, the City determined that the best course of action would be to abandon the "boulevard" concept and simply re- surface (overlay) the existing Main Street roadway from 76' Street to 86' Street. That decision was then approved and the street was overlaid in 2000 without any of the proposed amenities. Recently the City staff has developed a plan that, if approved, would provide for a striping concept for Main Street that could improve "left turn" movements, widen the driving lanes and generally enhance the safety of using this north -south route between 76`h Street and 86 "' Street. PRnP(ICAT.- The proposal would create a center turn lane for left hand turn movements, reduce the number of driving lanes from four to two and maintain the ease of access to the various neighborhoods. All of the changes would occur as the result of striping the roadway and without the use of any traditional "boulevard" restrictions. It is the staff's intent to present this plan to the Owasso City Council for their review, comment, and action. However, because of the involvement of the OEDA in the initiation, funding, and development of the "Downtown Redevelopment Plan ", the staff believes it appropriate to request both the OEDA's review and endorsement of the proposed Main Street striping project. REQUEST: This request is for OEDA review of the proposal and subsequent endorsement of the plan in the form of a resolution asking for the City Council to approve the project. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Owasso Economic Development Authority approval of Resolution #2003- 01 supporting the Main Street Striping Plan as submitted by the City of Owasso Public Works Department. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Main Street Striping plan map - EXHIBIT "A" 2. Main Street Striping Project preliminary cost estimates 3. Resolution #2003 -01 EXHIBIT "A" MAIN STREET STRIPING PROJECT 76th STREET TO 11th STREET OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS. DEPARTMENT 301 W, 2nd AVENUE (76TH STREET) OWASSO. OK 74055 918 -272 -4959 FAX 918- 272 -4996 PUBLIC SERVICE COVPANY OF OKLAHOMA P.O. BOX 201 TULSA, OK 74102 -0201 918 -586 -0420 EMERGENCIES 918 -586 -0400 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 12250 EAST 96th ST. NORTH OWASSO. OK 74055 918 - 274 -4000 COX COMMUNICATIONS 8421 U EAST 61ST ETON SQUARE TULSA OK 918 -565 -0200 SOUTHWESTERN BELL 1- 800 - 464 -7928 CITY COUNCIL MIKE HELM MAYOR/WARD 5 GARY COCHRAN VICE-MAYOR/WARD 4 REBECCA ARMSTRONG WARD 2 SUSAN KIMBALL WARD 3 CRAIG THOENDEL WARD 1 SHEET DESCRIPTION NO W, 1. TITLE SHEET 2. STRIPING PLAN STA: 0+00 — STA: 15+00 3. STRIPING PLAN STA: 16 +00 - STA: 32 +50 4, STRIPING PLAN STA: 32 +50 - STA: 48 +50 S. STRIPING PUN STA: 48+50 - STA: 60 +09 BEFORE - YOU DIG... CALL OKIE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA F V 1904 0 OF THE TRA\ January 2003 APPROVED BY: CITY OF OWASSO F. ROBERT CARR, JR, P.E. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES SHALL CCNFCNRV TO CITY OF OWASSO SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL TP.AMC CONTROL DEVICES AND PERSOIEL NECESSARY TO COMPLY WITH THE CITY OF OWASSO REQUIREMENTS, 3. THERMOPLASTIC STRIPING MATERIALS SHALL BE IN WITH H SECTION 2.304 OF THE CITY OF OWASSO STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. W, F- F,TI•J' 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES SHALL CCNFCNRV TO CITY OF OWASSO SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL TP.AMC CONTROL DEVICES AND PERSOIEL NECESSARY TO COMPLY WITH THE CITY OF OWASSO REQUIREMENTS, 3. THERMOPLASTIC STRIPING MATERIALS SHALL BE IN WITH H SECTION 2.304 OF THE CITY OF OWASSO STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. Z H W V1 i LIBRARY COMMERCIAL SHOPPING W J a �a WNG PARKING W i MEDICAL PARKING T a w SLUG J a Q VI STA: 0 +00 — STA: 8 +00 Q 3 S.W. BELL TELEPHONE CO. O x m J a T W J n STA: 8 +00 — STA: 16 +00 H W W H / V) + I o CITY HALL/ POLICE STATION PARKING LOT t a l{ 0 1 r n } 3F n 3 � CITY HALL/ � o POLICE STATION o n S TRIPInf_. PLAN STA: O100_- STA 16100 CITY OF OWA :::'1, OKI AIIOMA PUULII; WI n�K•. IlI.1'•v(IAIENf — - ENCiNI APARTMENTS CAR CARE CAR CARE we CHURCH w h �, o � CITY HALL / N N CHl °CH POLICE STATION PAPKING LOT Z a, N STA: 16 +00 - STA: 24 +50 APARTMENTS PARKING LOT I APARTMENTS < 3 o p PARKING LOT r. MAIN STREET r s m STA: 24 +50 - STA: 32 +50 W Ul N v r i r