HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008.06.09_Planning Commission MinutesOWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Monday, June 9, 2008 Owasso Old Central 109 North Birch, Owasso, Oklahoma MEMBERS PRESENT David Vines Marilyn Hinkle Dan Draper MEMBERS ABSENT Charles Brown Duane Coppick STAFF PRESENT Eric Wiles Larissa Darnaby Chelsea Harkins Marsha Hensley Daniel Dearing Julie Lombardi The agenda for the regular meeting was posted at the north entrance to City Hall on June 5, 2008 at 2:00 PM. 1. CALL TO ORDER - Marilyn Hinkle called the meeting to order at 6:08 PM and declared a quorum present. 2. ROLL CALL 3. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF MAY 12, 2008 REGULAR MEETING - The Commission reviewed the minutes of May 12, 2008 regular meeting. David Vines moved to approve the minutes and Dan Draper seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: David Vines - Yes Marilyn Hinkle - Yes Dan Draper - Yes The motion was approved 3 -0. 4. Rezoning - PUD 08 -01 - A request to review and approve a Planned Unit Development 08 -01 with an underlying zoning designation of RS -3 (Single Family Residential) involving 50.5937 acres, located on the east side of North 145" East Avenue and about a half of a mile north of East 106t1i Street North. Marilyn Hinkle presented the item and the staff report was reviewed. Larissa described the property location. The development concept behind Lake Valley V PUD is residential. Sidewalks will be required along the public right -of -ways and perimeter sidewalks must be installed at the time of overall development. The staff published legal notice in the Owasso Reporter and mailed notices to property owners with a 300' radius. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the item at their regular meeting on May 28, 2008. There were no comments. Staff recommends approval of the OPUD 08 -01 with the following conditions: 1. That the applicant's development text and Conceptual Development Plan be considered to be the Outline Development Plan as required by the PUD Chapter OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION June 9, 2008 Page No. 2 of the Owasso Zoning Code; 2. That unless specifically set out in the standards and conditions of this PUD, all single - family lots shall meet the requirements of a typical RS -3 district; 3. That prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant is subject to the platting requirements of the City of Owasso and all subsequent conditions imposed by the Owasso Technical Advisory Committee; 4. That no building permits be issued within any portion of the PUD until the developer meets all criteria outlined within Chapter 8 of the Owasso Subdivision Regulations; 5. All covenants of any subdivision plat containing property within the PUD shall incorporate all PUD standards and conditions of approval and make the City of Owasso beneficiary; 6. That a detail drainage report certified by a registered engineer be submitted at the time of platting; 7. Sidewalks will be required along all public roadways abutting or within the property; 8. That all entrance landscape and /or monuments are reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission; 9. The Planning Commission reserves the right to prescribe additional buffering, screening and setbacks during the platting process, 10. Show side yard setback plan on the subdivision plat. Mr. Tim Terral with Tulsa Engineering was present to answer questions. The average lot size was discussed. David Vines moved to approve the Planned Unit Development subject to the above conditions. Also subject to, providing at least four (4) amenities in order to improve the quality of life in the development. Dan Draper seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: David Vines - Yes Marilyn Hinkle - Yes Dan Draper - Yes The motion was approved 3 -0. 5. Rezoning - PUD 08 -02 - A request to review and approve the proposed 7.5 acre Planned Unit Development 08 -02 with an underlying zoning of CG (Commercial General), located on the east side of Garnett Road along the west side of the Owasso Expressway, south of what is recognized as Smith Farms. Marilyn Hinkle presented the item and the staff report was reviewed. Larissa described the property location. The development concept behind The Sevens is for mixed retail, restaurant, and hotel development. Letters were mailed to surrounding property owners and the legal advertisement was published in the Owasso Reporter. The staff recommends approval of OPUD 08 -02 with the following conditions: OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION June 9, 2008 Page No. 3 • Change the language in the Planned Unit Development Section 9.8 signage regulations Paragraph three to state, " One pole sign shall be limited within this PUD and be limited to a height of 30 feet..." Discussion was held on the possibility of the underlying zoning to be CS (Commercial Shopping) instead of CG (Commercial General). David Vines stated that everything in the planned project could be zoned CS. The Commissioners expressed issues of the potential 2nd and 3' generations stepping in and developing the property with CG zoning. Dan Draper moved to approve the Planned Unit Development subject to the above condition. Also subject to the following additional conditions: • The execution of a second access easement agreement along north end. • Only one pole sign within the PUD and limited to 30 feet with monument signs allowed along Garnett Road. • CS (Commercial Shopping) shall be the underlying zoning instead of CG. If CG (Commercial General) is ever needed the plat shall be reviewed by the Planning Commissioners and be reviewed by the Board of Adjustment for a Special Exception. The motion was seconded by Marilyn Hinkle. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: David Vines - Yes Marilyn Hinkle - Yes Dan Draper - Yes The motion was approved 3 -0. 6. Preliminary Plat - Lake Valley V - A request to review and approve a preliminary plat of two hundred thirty -one (231) residential lots, in seven blocks on approximately 50.59 acres, located north of the existing Lake Valley, on the east side of N. 145 h E. Avenue about a quarter of a mile south of State Highway 20 (East 116'h Street North). Marilyn Hinkle presented the item and the staff report was reviewed. Larissa described the property location and the development process was described. The preliminary plat proposes two hundred thirty -one (231) residential lots. The development process was described. The subject property lies within the Elm Creek Sanitary Sewer Relief Area and will be subject to payback fees of $1580.00 per acre. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the request on May 28, 2008, there were no comments. Staff recommends acceptance of Lake Valley V preliminary plat with the following recommendations: • Show surrounding property owners • Complete the line on Reserve B, L1 • Plat should read 231 lots OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION June 9, 2008 Page No. 4 • Verify the first comment on the Deed of Dedication regarding the west line 12.00 feet Marilyn Hinkle moved to approve the preliminary plat subject to the above staff and TAC recommendations. David Vines seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: David Vines - Yes Marilyn Hinkle - Yes Dan Draper - Yes The motion was approved 3 -0. 7. Preliminary Plat - The Sevens - A request for the review and acceptance of The Sevens Preliminary Plat proposing five (5) lots in one (1) block on approximately 7.5 acres of property, located on the east side of Garnett Road along the west side of the Owasso Expressway, south of what is recognized as Smith Farms. Marilyn Hinkle presented the item and the staff report was reviewed. Larissa described the property location and the development process was described. The preliminary plat purposes five (5) lots in one (1) block. The property is zoned CG (Commercial General) OPUD 08 -02. Any development that occurs on the property must adhere to all subdivision, zoning and engineering requirement. The subject property will be subject to all payback fees including Storm Sire fees of $16 per acre. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the request on May 28, 2008. Staff recommends acceptance of The Sevens preliminary plat with the following recommendations: • Show a 17.5' easement on the perimeter • State who will maintain the common areas in the covenants • Show a looped water line for the first structure There was discussion regarding the required entry width along N. Garnett Road. The applicant was present to answer questions. Marilyn Hinkle moved to approve the preliminary plat subject to the above recommendations. Also subject to the following conditions: • Show a mutual access easement on the final plat • Show a 40 ft set back in lieu of 50 ft along Garnett Road • Verify the turning radius width on Garnett Road • Show limits of no access on final plat • Subject to all of city standards which include the outdoor lighting code and the landscape ordinance. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION June 9, 2008 Page No. 5 David Vines seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: David Vines - Yes Marilyn Hinkle - Yes Dan Draper - Yes The motion was approved 3 -0. 8. Final Plat - Maple Glen - A request for the review and acceptance of the Maple Glen Final Plat of ninety -nine (99) residential lots in seven (7) blocks on approximately 14.26 acres, located on the east side of North Garnett Road and approximately a half of a mile of East 1W' Street North. Marilyn Hinkle presented the item and the staff report was reviewed. Larissa described the property location and the development process was described. The final plat shows ninety -nine (99) residential lots in seven (7) blocks, on 14.26 acres of land. Residential sewer service will be provided by the City of Owasso, while water service will be provided by rural water district #3 of Washington County. The Technical Advisory Committee -reviewed the request on May 28, 2008, and had the following recommendations: • Show the future names of phases • Show the bearings on the curved roads • AT &T requested the applicant show utilities crossing the road • State that the City of Owasso provides water to a portion of this development, along with Rural Water District No.3 • If the sewer will be located on the east side of the property, public works requested a 17.5' utility easement be shown on the final plat. Discussion was held regarding the maintenance of the detention area and all of the common areas. Representation from Kellogg Engineering was present to address concerns or questions. Marilyn Hinkle moved to approve the final plat subject to the above recommendations. Also subject to, the covenants stating that the common areas shall be maintained by the Homeowners Association. David Vines seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: David Vines - Yes Marilyn Hinkle - Yes Dan Draper - Yes The motion was approved 3 -0. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION June 9, 2008 Page No. 6 9. Final Plat - Lake Ridge Shopping Center - A request for the review and acceptance of the Lake Ridge Shopping Center Final Plat of one (1) lot one (1) block on 0.65 acres of land, located on East 86 "' Street North and about a quarter of a mile west of North 129"' East Avenue. Marilyn Hinkle presented the item and the staff report was reviewed. Larissa described the property location and the development process was described. The final plat shows one lot and one block on .65 acres of land. The property is zoned CG (Commercial General). Discussion was held regarding the detention location. Representation from Kellogg Engineering was present to address concerns or questions. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the request on May 28, 2008, and had the following recommendations: • Correct the legal description to read " the S 39 °36' 38" W" The Commissioners discussed the options for the limits of access and mutual easements. Also discussed was the strip of AG (Agricultural) property on the north side of the subject site. David Vines suggested the item be tabled in order to provide the applicant more time to correct the access problem. Due to the concerns regarding egress along East 86"' Street North, Marilyn Hinkle moved to table this item until the applicant is ready to resubmit. David Vines seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: David Vines - Yes Marilyn Hinkle - Yes Dan Draper - Yes The motion was approved 3 -0. 10. Final Plat Coventry Gardens Amended Revised - A request for the review and acceptance of an amendment to the Coventry Gardens Final Plat, located on the north side of East 96" Street North about a quarter of a mile east of North Mingo Road. Marilyn Hinkle presented the item and the staff report was reviewed. Larissa described the property location and the development process was described. The request for this amended revised final plat is to alleviate the homeowners association from maintaining a large portion of Reserve Area "B" that runs through the subdivision. A large portion of Reserve Area "B" be absorbed into each individual lot. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the request on May 28, 2008, and had the following recommendations: • Dedicate easements for the existing storm water drainage pipes Staff recommends approval of the Coventry Gardens Amended Revised Final Plat. The applicant was present to answer questions. The Commissioners discussed the other OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION June 9, 2008 Page No. 7 common areas being maintained by the homeowners association. Dan Draper moved to approve the final plat subject to the above recommendation. Also, subject to the Coventry Gardens Homeowners Association maintaining all of the other common areas. Marilyn Hinkle seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: David Vines - Yes Marilyn Hinkle - Yes Dan Draper - Yes The motion was approved 3 -0. 11. Final Plat - Owasso One - A request for the review and acceptance of the Owasso One Final Plat. The Final Plat proposes one commercial lot being 1.15 acres in size and one multi - family residential lot being 16.34 acres in size, in one (1) block on 17.49 acres of property, located between the Owasso Sportspark and the SK &O Railroad, on the north side of East 106``' Street North. Marilyn Hinkle presented the item and the staff report was reviewed. Larissa described the property location and the development process was described. The Final Plat proposes one Commercial lot being 1.15 acres in size and one multi - family residential lot being 16.34 acres in size, in one (1) block on 17.49 acres. The application would be subject to all of city standards which include following the outdoor light code, the city noise ordinance and all drainage requirements. The property will be subject to all payback fees including Storm Siren fees of $16 per acre. The Owasso Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the final plat at their May 28, 2008 meeting and had no comments. Representation from Kellogg Engineering was present to address concerns /questions. Staff recommends approval of the Final Plat for Owasso One. Discussion was held regarding the issue of the final plats not showing the access points or the limits of no access. Dan Draper stated that from now on he will vote " no" on any final plat that does not show the limits of no access. He stated that the past three years there has been a lack of illustrating the access points on final plats which makes it difficult to control. David Vines stated that he was in agreement with Dan Draper' s comment. Dan Draper moved to approve the final plat subject to the following conditions: • Show 50' from right of way line along East 106' Street North • Place " No Parking" signs along the narrow neck of the property • Indicate street names on final plat • Show the limits of no access along East 106'h Street North Marilyn Hinkle seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: David Vines - Yes OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION June 9, 2008 Page No. 8 Marilyn Hinkle - Yes Dan Draper - Yes The motion was approved 3 -0. 12. Site Plan - Owasso One - A request for the review of the Owasso One site plan, proposing 200 multi - family dwelling units on approximately 1, 16.3 acre parcel of property. The subject property is located between the Owasso Sportspark and the SK &O Railroad, on the north side of East IW' Street North. Marilyn Hinkle presented the item and the staff report was reviewed. Larissa described the property location and the development process was described. The request for this site plan review is in anticipation of the development of a 200 multi- family dwelling units. On site stormwater detention has been shown as being located on the north end of the property, as well as on the south end of the property. The site will be served sewer and water by the City of Owasso. The Owasso Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the final plat at their May 28, 2008 meeting and had no comments. Dan Draper moved to approve the site plan subject to the following recommendations: • Communal mailboxes will not be allowed along East 106' Street North David Vines seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: David Vines - Yes Marilyn Hinkle - Yes Dan Draper - Yes The motion was approved 3 -0. 13. Report on Monthly Building Permit Activity 14. Economic Development Report. 15. Report on Planning Items Previously Forwarded to City Council. 16. Adjournment - Marilyn Hinkle moved, Dan Draper seconded, to adjourn the meeting. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: David Vines - Yes Marilyn Hinkle - Yes Dan Draper - Yes The motion carried 3 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 8:25 PM. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION June 9, 2008 Page No. 9 C, C airpers Vi Cha' erson X1,1. 17, Date