HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000.10.09_Sales Tax Watchdog Committee Agenda_SpecialO PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO SALES TAX WATCHDOG COMMITTEE EO TYPE OF MEETING: Special DATE: October 9, 2000 TIME: 7:00 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday, October 5, 2000. MarRa Boutwell, Committee Secretary AGENDA 1. Call to Order .............................................................................. ............................... Mr Philippi 2. Introduction of New Members ................................................... ............................... Mr Philippi Attachment #2 3. Roll Call ..................................................................................... .............................Ms Boutwell 4. Election of Vice Chair ............................................................... ............................... Mr Philippi Attachment #4 n © Owasso Sales Tax Watchdog Committee October 9, 2000 Page 2 r 5. Request Approval of Minutes of July 10, 2000 Regular Meeting ............................ Mr Philippi Attachment #5 6. Discussion of Committee Criteria & Policies ............................ ............................... Mr Philippi Attachment #6 7. Presentation and Discussion of Financial Reports ...................... ............................... Ms Bishop Attachment #7 8. General Discussion of Projects and Progress Report ......................... .............................Mr Carr Attachment #8 9. Request Approval of Completion Report .................................. ............................... Mr Philippi A. Owasso Sports Park Restroom #2 Attachment #9 10. Adjournment MEMORANDUM TO: MEMBERS OF THE SALES TAX WATCHDOG COMMITTEE FROM: MICHAEL PHILIPPI, CHAIRPERSON SUBJECT: NEW MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE DATE: October 4, 2000 Mayor Williams has made appointments to fill two vacancies on the Watchdog Committee. Dr Rayma Harchar, Principal at Larkin Bailey Elementary School, has been appointed to fill the slot reserved for an Owasso school administrator. Mr Donnie Johns, Senior Vice President at Bank of the Lakes, was appointed to fill the slot representing financial institutions. OWASSO SALES TAX WATCHDOG COMMITTEE FY 2000 -2001 OWASSO, OKLAHOMA MEMBERS NEWS MEDIA - One Slot Glenna Gay The Owasso Reporter 202 E Second Ave Owasso, OK 74055 272 -1155 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - One Slot Tom Kimball Kimball's Hardware 8301 Owasso Expy Owasso, OK 74055 272 -1146 RETAIL BUSINESS - Two Slots Danny Ewing Ewing's Fine Jewelry 423 E Second Ave Owasso, OK 74055 272 -7975 Pam Holt Countryside Flowers & Gifts 8751 N 117th East Ave Owasso, OK 74055 272 -2283 EDUCATION - Two Slots Dr Rayma Harchar Owasso Schools 13304 E 95th PI N Owasso, OK 74055 272 -3836 (h); 272 -5399 (w) Steve Holleman Owasso Schools 8810N 134th East Ct Owasso, OK 74055 272 -9287 (h); 272 -6274 (w) RECREATION GROUPS - One Slot Murray Adams 12822 E 107" St N Owasso, OK 74055 371 -9999 FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS - One Slot Donnie Johns Bank of the Lakes PO Box 1017 Owasso, OK 74055 274 -3535 BUILDERS - One Slot Pat Woods PO Box 3 Owasso, OK 74055 272 -4333 SENIOR CITIZENS - Two Slots John Stieger Baptist Retirement Center 7406 N 122nd East Ave Owasso, OK 74055 272 -1871 John Groth 801 N Dogwood Owasso, OK 74055 272 -5179 CITIZENS -AT -LARGE - Three Slots Michael Philippi, Chairperson 7413 N 119th East Ave Owasso, OK 74055 622 -8080 (w) Citizens -at -large cont. Willard Mills 2008 N Atlanta Ct Owasso, OK 74055 272 -1760 Vicki Tapp 12510 E 77`h St N Owasso, OK 74055 272 -6926 SUPPORT STAFF Larry Mitchell City Manager Sherry Bishop City Treasurer Marcia Boutwell City Clerk This committee was formed following the 1988 tax extension bond election for the purpose of maintaining a strong citizen participation effort throughout the life of the sales tax extension and to insure the proper use of revenues generated. The committee meets on the second Monday of January and July at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Center. Meetings are approximately two hours in length. Duties of the committee consist of reviewing all financial records relating to the 1988 Sales Tax Extension and acting as a public information liaison. Members of the committee are appointed by the Mayor with Council confirmation for the life of the sales tax extension. Legally the term of office is defined as "throughout the life of the Sales Tax Extension (10/1/2007) or until resignation ". Boards \Watchdog.doc MEMORANDUM TO: MEMBERS OF THE SALES TAX WATCHDOG COMMITTEE FROM: MICHAEL PHILIPPI, CHAIRPERSON SUBJECT: ELECTION OF VICE CHAIR DATE: October 4, 2000 The resignation of Dan Siemens has created a vacancy in the office of Vice - Chair. A new Vice - Chair will need to be elected. SALES TAX WATCHDOG COMMITTEE City of Owasso July 10, 2000 The Owasso Sales Tax Watchdog Committee met in regular session on Monday, July 10 at 7:00 p.m. in the Owasso Community Center per Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday, July 6, 2000. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Chairman Michael Philippi called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. ITEM 2: ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Murray Adams, Danny Ewing, Glenna Gay (in at 7:09), John Groth, Steve Holleman, Pam Holt, Tom Kimball (in at 7:16), Michael Philippi, John Stieger, Vicki Tapp, Pat Woods MEMBERS ABSENT: Willard Mills STAFF PRESENT: Larry Mitchell, Tim Rooney, Sherry Bishop, Marcia Boutwell, Robert r Carr ITEM 3: REQUEST APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JANUARY 10, 2000 REGULAR MEETING. Mr Groth moved, seconded by Mr Philippi, to approve the minutes as written. Motion carried 9 -0. ITEM 4: INTRODUCTION OF NEW MEMBERS. Chairman Philippi introduced newly appointed members Danny Ewing and Pam Holt, both representing the Retail Sales area. It was pointed out that David Johnson, who was also recently appointed to represent Financial Institutions, is no longer in the community. Ms Boutwell will get his written resignation so that a new member can be appointed. ITEM 5: ACCEPTANCE OF RESIGNATION OF DAN SIEMENS. Dan Siemens, who has represented the area of education since the inception of the committee, has accepted a position in another state and has submitted his written resignation from the committee. Ms Tapp moved, seconded by Mr Ewing, to accept the resignation of Dan Siemens. Motion carried 10 -0. ITEM 4: PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF FINANCIAL REPORTS. Ms Bishop presented and discussed the capital improvement fund projects and the sales tax reports, answering questions and explaining the various projects. Sales Tax Watchdog Committee July 10, 2000 Page 2 ITEM 7: GENERAL DISCUSSION OF PROJECTS & PROGRESS REPORT Mr Carr provided the committee with a written report on the status of the bond projects, and briefly discussed those projects. The 86' Street (Cedar to Main) project was discussed at length. Members questioned why the project has not been progressing. Mr Carr said that there is a problem with the survey, which has not yet been resolved. Also, ODOT must approve the design of the project and that fmal approval cannot be given until the survey problem is resolved and the remaining easements obtained. Consensus was that the committee should take a stand on the project if progress has not been made by the next meeting. ITEM 8: REQUEST APPROVAL OF COMPLETION REPORT A. COMMUNITY CENTER RE -ROOF AND CARPET The original scope of this project was the re- roofing of the community center and the installation of new carpeting. Because there are funds remaining and some other improvements that could be made, the committee discussed tabling this item. Mr Kimball moved, seconded by Mr Ewing, to table approval of the Completion Report until the next meeting. ITEM 9: CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL OF PROGRESS REPORT FOR PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION The Committee discussed the Progress Report for the period ending June 30, 2000. Ms Tapp moved, seconded by Mr Kimball, to approve the Progress Report. Motion carried 11 -0. ITEM 10: DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE NUMBER OF MEETINGS TO BE HELD BY THE COMMITTEE EACH YEAR. The Committee discussed having more than two meetings per year since activity on the projects is picking up. Consensus was that two meetings per year are still adequate, with special meetings being called if necessary. No action was taken by the Committee on this item. The Chairman called for a special meeting to be held on Monday, October 9, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. ITEM 11: NEW BUSINESS Tim Rooney introduced City Manager Larry Mitchell. Mr Kimball suggested adding a column to the Progress Report showing a projected completion date on projects. This was discussed at length, with the consensus that showing a completion date on projects that have been given a notice to proceed would be acceptable, but to not show the projected completion date for those projects that have not been awarded. A Sales Tax Watchdog Committee July 10, 2000 Page 3 ITEM 12: ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the Committee, Ms Tapp moved for adjournment. Motion was seconded by Ms Holt, and the meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Marcia Boutwell, Secretary rd 0 Michael Philippi, Chairperson C7 I—] SALES TAX WATCHDOG COMMITTEE BACKGROUND The Sales Tax Watchdog Committee was formed as a part of the 1988 sales tax extension bond issue for the purpose of providing a body of representatives from various interest groups within the Owasso community to monitor the use of the designated third penny of local sales tax. Individual representatives were then appointed to this committee by the Mayor and charged with meeting on a regular basis to review the status of capital improvements projects funded by the 1988 sales tax extension bond issue. The first meeting of the committee was held on January 1, 1989, with meetings held monthly for the first six months and then quarterly through July of 1995. At that time the current scheduled of meetings each January and July, with special meetings called as needed, was established. The committee is composed of 14 members, with membership criteria established by the City Council. Members are appointed for the life of the sales tax extension (10/1/2007) or until resignation. Of the 14 members originally appointed, five are still on the committee. They are John Groth, Steve Holleman, Tom Kimball, Michael Philippi, and Pat Woods. John and Pat have been in attendance at 40 of the 41 meetings held. POLICY STATEMENT OWASSO CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA May 21, 1991 In order to ensure the integrity of the makeup of the Watchdog Committee as established by a vote of the citizens of Owasso, the City Council of the City of Owasso adopts the following criteria as guidelines for future appointments to the Owasso Sales Tax Watchdog Committee; 1. Each appointee must be a resident within the area defined as the Owasso fenceline and /or school district (herein referred to as the "service area "). 2. NEWS MEDIA APPOINTMENTS - an individual who conducts media - related activities within the service area as their primary career or business. 3. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT APPOINTMENTS - an individual who is a member of an organized group designed to promote economic development activities within the defined service area. 4. RETAIL BUSINESS APPOINTMENTS - an individual who operates a retail outlet, that being a business conducting direct sales to the public within the defined service area. 5. EDUCATION APPOINTMENTS - (a) one individual actively employed by an Owasso School as an administrator and residing within the service area; and (b) one individual actively employed by an Owasso school in a teaching position and residing within the service area. 6. RECREATION APPOINTMENTS - an individual who is an active member of an organized group promoting the development of amateur sports and recreation within the service area. 7. BUILDING INDUSTRY APPOINTMENTS - an individual who conducts his /her primary construction and /or development business within the service area. 8. SENIOR CITIZEN APPOINTMENTS - an individual who has attained the age of 60 years or more and who resides within the service area. 9. FINANCIAL APPOINTMENTS - an individual who is an officer or employee of a financial institution engaging in banking, the brokerage of stocks or bonds, or other major financial activity with the defined Owasso service area. 10. MEMBERS -AT -LARGE APPOINTMENTS - an individual who is a resident within the area defined as the Owasso fenceline and /or school district. © POLICY STATEMENT OF THE OWASSO SALES TAX WATCHDOG COMMITTEE In an effort to ensure that the public is afforded sufficient opportunity to receive information relating to the status of projects funded by proceeds of the "third -penny sales tax ", the following statements and procedures will be considered to be the policy of this Committee: SECTION 1. Each project originally approved by the voters as a part of the 1988 sales tax extension will be listed in the Quarterly Report until such time as all of the original projects are completed and have been shown as complete for two successive reports. After all of those original projects have met the completion and reporting criteria required by this Section, they will be removed from the report and shall not require further reporting except by majority vote of the Committee. SECTION 2. Each new of additional project funded by proceeds of the sales tax extension shall be listed on the approved Quarterly Report in a section entitled "Additional Projects ". Such projects shall be shown on each report until such time as the project is complete and then subsequently O reported for two consecutive quarters. Upon completion of the project and compliance with the reporting requirements of this section, a project shall be removed from the report and shall not require further reporting except by majority vote of the committee. �A,LgA�_,V_ Michael i ippi, ai rson ATTEST: go :• See/retary EO O 0 No financial reports are available. (Ill PROJECTS STATUS REPORT Prepared by: City of Owasso Department of Public Works Engineering Division Date prepared: 10/4/00 Project City Project Design Engineer Design Design Construction Cost Contractor Construction Contract fime Construction Constructio. Manager % Complete Completion start (days) %complete end Engineer Estimate I Bid Amount Bond Project Fund Intersection Improvements 86th Street (Cedar to Main) Carr FHC /City 95 Aug -00 $1,980,000 Subject to ODOT letting Apr -01 0 86th Street North /North Mingo Road Lutz CH2MHill 90 Sep -00 $596,000 To be determined TBD 180 0 86th Street North /North 145th E. Avenue Lutz CH2MHill 90 Sep -00 $1,165,000 To be determined TBD 180 0 76th Street North /North 129th E. Avenue Lutz CH2MHill 100 Oct -99 $1,288,281 Horizon Construction Nov -99 270 75 Sep -00 116th Street North /North Garnett Road Lutz CH2MHill 100 Oct -99 included above Horizon Construction Nov -99 270 100 Sep -00 86th Street North /North 123rd E. Avenue Signalization Lutz CH2MHill 100 Oct -99 included above Horizon Construction Nov -99 270 100 Sep -00 76th Street North /US Highway 169 Right -of -way Carr CH2MHill 90 Aug -00 None expected Subject to ODOT letting Aug -01 270 0 May -02 Resurfacing Atlanta (3rd Street to 11th Street) Henderson CH2MHill 100 Sep -98 $966,581 Horizon Construction Oct -98 360 100 Dec -99 Carlsbad (3rd Street to 7th Street) /Beaumont Henderson CH2MHill 100 Sep -98 included above Horizon Construction Oct -98 360 100 Dec -99 North 129th E. Avenue (High School to 93rd Street North) Henderson CH2MHill 100 Sep -98 included above Horizon Construction Oct -98 360 100 Dec -99 11th Street (Main to Cedar) Henderson CH2MHill 100 Sep -98 included above Horizon Construction Oct -98 360 100 Dec -99 Lutz CH2MHill 100 Aug -00 Tulsa County Oct -00 45 0 Nov -00 North Main (1st Street to 9th Street) _acilities City Hall /Police Department Carr CH2MHill 100 Jun -00 various Jul -00 various 20 Jul -01 Urban Design Community Center Lutz CH2MHIII 100 Jan -99 $171,593 various Feb -99 various 100 Apr -00 Urban Design Sports Park Parking Lot Henderson City 100 $88,779 Horizon Construction Apr -98 100 Jul -98 Restroom Henderson City 100 $63,450 Sports Park, Inc. 100 Jul -00 Fourplex and soccer fields Henderson CH2MHill 100 Feb -99 $302,901 Frix- Foster Mar -99 100 Oct -99 Capital Improvements Fund Hale Acres Drainage Lutz City 50 ongoing $45,000 City TBD US Highway 169 Enhancement (Phase 1) Lutz City 100 Oct -98 $11,500 Robinson Landscaping Oct -98 60 100 Jan -99 US Highway 169 Enhancement (Phase 11) Lutz City 100 Oct -98 $22,500 To be determined TBD 0 96th Street North Signalization Carr Sack and 100 Jun -00 $75,000 McGuire Brothers Aug -00 140 25 Dec -00 Associates 76th Street North /US Highway 169 Engineering Carr CH2MHill 90 Aug -00 Subject to ODOT letting TBD 0 LIT PROJECTS STATUS REPORT Prepared by: City of Owasso t Department of Public Works Engineering Division Date prepared: 10/4/00 Project City Project Manager Design Engineer n Design g Complete Design g Completion Construction Cost Contractor Construction start Contract time (days) Construction %complete Constructio end Engineer Estimate Bid Amount FY 00 -01 Capital Improvements Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements (Phase IIA) Carr HUB +Garver 100 Mar -00 $1,965,950 Crossland May -00 30 Feb -00 Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements (Phase IIB) Carr HUB +Garver 50 for Relief Line Carr HUB +Garver 100 Jun -00 $677,210 117 E Avenue Lift Station Improvements Lutz Crafton, Tull $345,500 North Owasso Interceptor Lutz HUB +Garver 100 May -00 $618,275 Sapulpa Digging Jun -99 100 Jun -00 96th Street North Improvements Lutz Sack and 100 Jun -00 $530,432 McGuire Brothers Aug -00 140 10 Dec -00 Associates Water Master Plan Carr Montgomery- 80 Oct -00 Watson Public WorksNehicle Maintenance Buildings Lutz City 100 Aug -00 Sep -00 180 Mar -00 Residential Street Repair Program Lutz City 50 Sep -00 $96,000 J PROJECT COMPLETION REPORT PROJECT: Restroom #2 at Owasso Sports Park DATE PROJECT WAS INITIATED: August 1998 DATE PROJECT WAS COMPLETED: July 2000 DEPARTMENT RESPONSIBLE FOR PROJECT: Parks STAFF COMMENTS: The project was originally bid in August 1999, with two bids received and opened in September 1998. Both bids were rejected as being too oo high, and the project was re -bid in November 1998. Five bids were received and the contract was awarded to Sports Park Inc in the amount of $85,405 to construct a second restroom at the Sports Park. Funding was included in the 1997 bond issue. Sports Park Inc was formed by local developers Buford Williams, Noble Sokolosky, Tom Kimball and Pete Kourtis. They submitted a competitive bid, secured donations and were able to get materials at cost, thus keeping the construction cost low. This project showed a spirit of cooperation among the developers, and benefits all persons who use the Sports Park. David Warren PROJECT COORDINATOR Parks DEPARTMENT PROJECT MANAGER % -3J -00 DATE