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2000.01.10_Sales Tax Watchdog Committee Agenda
O PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO SALES TAX WATCHDOG COMMITTEE TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: January 10, 2000 TIME: 7:00 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday, January 6, 2000. Marcia outwell, Commitfee Secretary AGENDA 1. Call to Order .............................................................................. ............................... Mr Philippi 2. Roll Call ..................................................................................... .............................Ms Boutwell 3. Request Approval of Minutes of July 12, 1999 ......................... ............................... Mr Philippi Attachment #3 Owasso Sales Tax Watchdog Committee January 10, 2000 Page 2 4. Presentation and Discussion of Financial Reports ...................... ............................... Ms Bishop Attachment #4 5. General Discussion of Projects and Progress Report ............ ............................... Mr Henderson Attachment #5 6. Request Approval of Completion Reports ................................. ............................... Mr Rooney A. Street Rehabilitation Project O B. Sports Park Four Plex/Soccer Fields Project Attachment #6 7. Consideration and Approval of Progress Report for Public Distribution ................. Mr Philippi Attachment #7 8. Discussion and Appropriate Action Relating to the Number of Meetings to be Held by the CommitteeEach Year ................................................................ ............................... Mr Philippi D Owasso Sales Tax Watchdog Committee January 10, 2000 Page 3 9. Consider Acceptance of Resignations from Committee ............ ............................... Mr Philippi A. Steve Baggett - Retail Business B. Harold Merrill - Retail Business C. Billie Fullbright - Financial Institutions Attachment #9 10. Discussion Relating to Suggestions for New Committee Members .........................Mr Philippi Attachment # 10 f 11. New Business ............................................................................. ............................... Mr Philippi 12. Adjournment I SALES TAX WATCHDOG COMMITTEE City of Owasso July 12, 1999 The Owasso Sales Tax Watchdog Committee met in regular session on Monday, July 12, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. in the Owasso Community Center per Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 8, 1999. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Chairman Michael Philippi called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. ITEM 2: ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Murray Adams, Glenna Gay, John Groth, Steve Holleman, Tom Kimball, Willard Mills, Michael Philippi, John Stieger, Pat Woods MEMBERS ABSENT: Steve Baggett, Billie Fulbright, Harold Merrill, Dan Siemens, Vicki Tapp STAFF PRESENT: Jeff Hancock, Sherry Bishop, Marcia Boutwell, Dwayne Henderson ITEM 3: REQUEST APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JANUARY 11, 1999 REGULAR MEETING. Mr Mills moved, seconded by Mr Philippi, to approve the minutes as written. Motion carried 9 -0. ITEM 4: PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF FINANCIAL REPORTS. Ms Bishop presented and discussed the capital improvement fund projects and the sales tax reports. ITEM 5: GENERAL DISCUSSION OF PROJECTS & PROGRESS REPORT Mr Henderson provided the committee with a written report on the status of the bond projects, and briefly discussed those projects. ITEM 6: CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL OF PROGRESS REPORT FOR PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION The Committee discussed the Progress Report for the period ending June 30, 1999. Mr Groth moved, seconded by Mr Kimball, to approve the Progress Report. Motion carried 9 -0. ITEM 7: DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE NUMBER OF MEETINGS TO BE HELD BY THE COMMITTEE EACH YEAR. No action was taken on this item. It will be placed on the agenda for the meeting in January. Sales Tax Watchdog Committee July 12, 1999 Page 2 ITEM 8: NEW BUSINESS The committee discussed attendance at the meetings and if members who have not attended meetings for some time should be contacted to see if they wish to continue serving. Following discussion, Mr Philippi requested that the secretary contact by letter the two committee members who have missed the last three or more meetings. If they request to be removed, that action will take place at the January 2000 meeting, and the Mayor will then be asked to make the appropriate appointments. ITEM 9: ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the Committee, Mr Mills moved for adjournment. Motion was seconded by Mr Kimball and the meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Marcia Boutwell, Secretary C Michael Philippi, Chairperson City o, iwasso - Bond Projects Fund Sales Tax/Capital Future Fund /Revenue Bonds October 1997 Election For the Six Months Ended December 31, 1999 Streets: 86th Street (Cedar to Main) 86 & Mingo Intersection 86 & 145 E Ave Intersection N Main (1st to 9th) ROW 76 & Hwy 169 Street & Intersection Project: 76 & 129 E Ave Intersection 116 & Garnett Intersection 86 & 123 E Ave Intersection 86 (Main to Mingo) Street Resurfacing Project: Atlanta (3rd to 11th) Carlsbad (3rd to 7th) & Beaumont 129 E Ave (High School to 93) 11 Street (Main to Cedar) Facilities: City HaIVPolice Station Community Center Sports Park: Parking Lot Restroom Four -plex & Soccer Fields Administration: Project Manager Salary Architect/Engineer Fee Program/Construction Mgmt Services Fe Available: Original Amended Cost Project _stimate Budget 2,430,000 2,383,200 580,000 525,300 775,000 703,600 280,000 223,300 100,000 100,000 1,385,000 1,241,528 Expended this 36,864 1,680 960 4,100 38,745 Expended to Date 45,859 1,680 960 4,137 38,745 471,000 462,000 232,116 966,581 (504,581) 209.2% 100% 3,000,000 2 Percent 933 3 Remaining of Budget Percent Encumb Budget Expended Complete 236 3 33,476 1 2,337,341 1.9% 0% 523,620 0.3% 0% 702,640 0.1% 0% 219,163 1.9% 0% 100,000 0.0% 0% 1,202,783 3.1% 0% (504,581) 209.2% 100% 3,000,000 2 2,509,528 9 933 3 379,842 2 2,129,686 1 15.1% 0 0% 200,000 1 171,593 2 236 3 33,476 1 138,117 1 19.5% 5 50% 150,000 1 124,700 8 88,780 3 35,920 7 71.2% 1 100% 65,000 6 65,000 2 25,274 2 25,274 3 39,726 3 38.9% 6 60% 285,000 2 285,000 1 173,806 3 302,901 ( (17,901) 1 106.3% 1 100% 142,000 2 28,090 1 112,586 2 29,414 7 79.3% 7 79% 562,171 9 99,611 3 373,754 1 188,417 6 66.5% 6 66% Contingent Project 262,000 262,000 262,000 0.0% 0% Total $9,983,000 $9,999,000 $670,768 $2,438,217 $0 $7,560,783 24.4% City of Owasso Sales Tax Extension Capital Improvements Fund Projects Project Status Summary Report For the Period Ended December 31, 1999 Expended Percent Original Amended this Expended Remaining of Budget Percent Budget Budget Six Months to Date Encumbrances Budget Expended Complete Public Works Bldg Remodel $ 50,500 $ 50,500 $ 50,500 $ 50,500 $ - 100.0% 100% Firearms Range 30,000 30,000 4,108 25,892 13.7% 0% Hale Acres Drainage Project 30,000 59,925 39,264 20,661 65.5% 65% Computerization 625,000 624,377 136,952 324,458 299,919 52.0% 50% Hwy 169 Enhancement 25,000 25,000 13,492 11,508 0 54.0% 100% 129th E Ave Overlay 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 0 100.0% 100% 96th Str Signalization (Walmart) 75,000 75,000 0 75,000 0 0.0% 0% 76th & Hwy 169 Engineering 100,000 112,974 1,463 83,667 29,307 74.1% 75% Sidewalk Program 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 0 100.0% 100% $930,000 $1,022,776 $183,415 $ 560,489 $86,508 $375,779 54.8% City of Owasso Sales Tax Collections and Restricted Use of One Percent Fiscal Year 1999 -2000 Three Percent Debt Service Payments 1997 Revenue Excess to Capital Sales Tax One Percent Capital Future Refunding Collection Sales Tax (1/3) Fund` Bonds 1998 Revenue Improvements Bonds Fund Jul 512,985.26 170,995.09 25,649.26 39,023.33 81,742.08 24,580.41 Aug 511,393.24 170,464.41 25,569.66 39,023.33 81,742.08 24,129.34 Sep 514,497.85 171,499.28 25,724.89 39,023.33 81,742.08 25,008.98 Oct 514,225.81 171,408.60 25,711.29 39,023.33 81,742.08 24,931.90 Nov 491,721.77 163,907.26 24,586.09 39,023.33 81,742.08 18,555.76 Dec 500,720.86 166,906.95 25,036.04 39,023.33 81,742.08 21,105.50 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Totals $ 3,045,544.79 $ 1,015,181.60 $ 152,277.24 $ 234,139.98 $ 490,452.48 $ 138,311.90 Note: As established by the 1988 sales tax election, fifteen percent(15 %) of the one percent (1 %) sales tax is transferred to the Sales Tax Capital Future Fund for the purpose of funding future capital improvements projects. In Oct 1997, voters authorized the use of the CFF accumulations through FY 2001 for projects. City of Owasso Monthly Sales Tax Revenues Last Five Fiscal Years 1999 -2000 1998 -99 1997 -98 1996 -97 1995 -96 Jul $ 512,985.26 $ 451,469.72 $ 420,132.73 $ 458,982.56 $ 302,677.03 Aug 511,393.24 453,908.27 425,520.68 379,225.10 318,501.67 Sep 514,497.85 448,643.93 407,667.33 354,317.60 329,039.92 Oct 514,225.81 498,631.93 419,775.03 355,906.44 324,380.83 Nov 491,721.77 436,276.09 394,121.26 348,053.09 315,843.10 Dec 500,720.86 436,740.79 407,464.80 371,343.15 318,501.16 Jan 471,618.68 401,090.96 352,475.89 329,059.46 Feb 534,776.86 453,481.05 416,838.52 403,481.21 Mar 431,742.84 346,369.60 327,340.85 299,608.15 Apr 397,609.91 429,894.26 334,584.71 300,385.63 May 500,921.82 400,592.30 403,735.94 346,300.39 Jun 470,869.75 438,182.66 385,564.37 344,428.74 $ 3,045,544.79 $ 5,533,210.59 $ 4,944,292.66 $ 4,488,368.22 $ 3,932,207.29 MEMORANDUM TO: SALES TAX WATCHDOG COMMITTEE FROM: H. DWAYNE HENDERSON, P.E., CAPITAL PROJECTS MANAGER (;�i) SUBJECT: BOND PROJECTS SCOPE AND STATUS REPORT DATE: January 6, 2000 East 86"' Street North/North Main Street Proiect: Scone - This project will consist of the expansion of the intersection at 86' Street North/ North Main Street to a five (5) lane intersection. The intersection will have two (2) through lanes and a protected left turn lane in each direction. New signalization will be included in the project, which will be activated by traffic and not solely by timers. 86th Street North will be improved from the west side of the old football field to Dogwood. North Main will be improved from 11th Street to 14" Street. Status: Plan Revisions — Plans have been submitted to ODOT and they are making their final review. Right -of -way acquisition - Final negotiations are being made with the property owners Utility Relocations - After ODOT approval of the plans and right -of -way acquisition, we will have PSO, ONG, TCI, and SW Bell revise their plans and resubmit them for our review. After approval, utility and encroachment relocations shall begin. Roadway Construction: Construction will begin after the above items are completed and the bid let by ODOT. East 76" Street North/ North 129th East Avenue East 116" Street North/ North Garnett Road East 86' Street North/ North 123" East Avenue Intersection Improvements and 86`h Street North Resurfacing from Mingo to west of Main Street co e - The intersection at 76th Street North and North 129th East Avenue will be expanded to one through lane and a left turn lane in each direction. Southbound traffic turning west will be accommodated by a right -turn lane. Signalization will be included at this intersection. The 1161' Street North/ North Garnett intersection is already signalized, but new controls, signal heads and wiring will be installed to update the antiquated equipment. Repairs will be made to the roadway on each leg of the intersection and a new overlay constructed after a right turn lane is constructed for eastbound traffic turning south. The turn lane is to help facilitate traffic generated by the Sportspark. The 86 "' Street North/North 123`' Project includes the signalization of two intersections. Traffic signals will be placed in both directions on 86`h Street North and facing south at North 123`' East Avenue (in front of Spencer's Short Stop), and another set on the north leg of North 123`' East Avenue, which is offset to the west in front of the First Christian Church. The 86" Street North reconstruction includes the repair of road failures and overlay between the Mingo intersection to the beginning of the 86"' /Main project at the old football stadium. Status: Design Status — The project has been advertised and bid. The construction contract was awarded to Horizon Construction, Inc., Owasso, Oklahoma, in the amount of $1,268,129.64. Pre - construction Conference will be held on December 16, 1999. Notice to Proceed will be issued for January 3, 2000. Utilities - Several utilities will need to be relocated because of the 76"'/129"' Project. PSO, SW Bell, TCI, PSO, VVEC, GRDA, Rogers County RWD #3 and the City of Owasso have utilities at this intersection. The SW Bell, ONG, PSO and WWEC relocation plans have been approved and they will begin relocating as son as we stake the right -of -way and move the fences. The GRDA relocation agreement has been signed and they have started pole relocation. Sequence of Construction — The construction sequence on these projects will depend on the material needed. The new traffic signal equipment will cause a delay in the 86"'/123`' Project. Therefore, the 116"' /Garnett and 860' Street North overlay will be the first two projects. 76"' Street North/North 129"' East Avenue will not begin until after March 1, 2000 because of the utility relocations. East 86`h Street North/ North 145"' East Avenue Intersection Project: Scone - The project will include the widening and signalization of the 86`h Street North/ North 145' East Avenue intersection. The west leg will have two (2) lanes in each direction with a protected left -turn lane. The north leg will have one through lane to Pamela Hodson School with protected left and protected right turn lanes. The east leg will have a protected left -turn lane for entrance into the school and one through lane. The south leg will have protected left -turn and through lanes. Since this project is eligible for federal funds it was placed on the priority list for assistance from FHWA. Status - Preliminary Plans have been submitted to ODOT for their review. We anticipate a plan-in- hand after the first of the year. East 86`h Street North/ North Mingo Road Intersection Project: Scope - At 86 " Street North/ North Mingo the intersection will be expanded to four -lanes extending west across the railroad. The intersection will be signalized with a protected eastbound left -turn lane and a right -turn lane for west bound traffic on to Mingo. a us - Preliminary Plans have been submitted to ODOT for their review. We anticipate a plan-in- hand after the first of the year. Page 3 Bond Projects Scope and Status Report January 6, 2000 Atlanta, Carlsbad, Beaumont and North 11th Street and North 1291h East Avenue Resurfacing Scone - These projects originally consisted of the overlays of each street. After the surveys for the projects were complete, our consultants determined that overlays for these streets would be a short- term fix. North I I" Street from Main to Cedar was virtually reconstructed in order to drain storm drainage away from the project, which was the primary cause of its deterioration. Atlanta was repaired in several sections and storm drainage replaced before being overlayed. Carlsbad and Beaumont were repaired and new underground storm drainage constructed before the overlay. North 129th East Avenue was also repaired and overlayed from the High School to East 93rd Street North Status — Projects have been completed and City Council accepted them on December 7, 1999. North Main Street Resurfacing Project (1st Street to 9th Street)_ Scone - This project originally consisted of the overlay of Main Street from 1" Street to 9`'' Street. Staff has since determined that the project qualifies for FHWA Traffic Enhancement funds if other amenities were included in the project, such as new sidewalks for pedestrian traffic, bicycle lanes and landscaping. So, the project was expanded to include from 9"' to 11°i Streets and the additional funds will be pursued. Status - A Public Meeting was held to present four (4) options for the Main Street Project and to recommend the "boulevard concept" established by our consultants. The citizens that attended the meeting were not receptive to the concept and preferred to keep the four -lane remain and use the funds to repair the road and construct an overlay. Staff responded to the Public and has initiated the Final Design of the Main Street Repair Project. However, a fifth opinion was derived during this design and a follow -up Public Meeting was held to inform the public of a new option. The fifth option was to make the repairs to the street as requested, but also apply for the TEA -21 funds to add bicycle lanes, curb and gutter, and sidewalks at a later date. The fifth option received more favor than opposition at the meeting, so staff will proceed with the application. The application for the FHWA Transportation Enhancement Funds (TEA -21) to construct the project was submitted on January 3, 2000. Funding notifications will be issued by July 2000 and the first funds available by October 2000. The Main Street Repair Project plans have been submitted to staff. Staff is reviewing them and making cuts in the project to keep the cost within the budget. Staff will determine at a later date whether the project should be bid separately or added to the Intersection Project contract. Sports Park Projects: Scone - These projects include the construction of a New Four -Plex for softball and baseball play, a new championship size soccer field, a new restroom facility and a new parking lot to accommodate the traffic to these new amenities. Page 4 Bond Projects Scope and Status Report January 6, 2000 tatus - Construction on the parking lot extension, soccer field and Four -Plex are complete.. Construction of the new restroom is proceeding. New City Hall/New Police Station - Scone - These two projects were originally planned as separate projects. A New City Hall was to be constructed on a new site selected by Site selection Committee and the existing City Hall renovated to accommodate the Police Department. After reviewing the projected growth of each department and the extent of renovations needed to move the Police Department to the existing City Hall, the Architects recommended a combined New City Hall/Police Station in order to get the best value for the funds available. The cost to renovate the existing City Hall for the police department would cost double the budgeted funds and only serve the Police Department comfortably for two (2) years. A combination facility allows the City of Owasso plan for a ten -(10) year growth. The combined facility also allows savings due to shared spaces, equipment and parking. Status - The architects have completed Design Development and the plans reviewed by staff. Construction Documents are now being prepared, which is the final design process. Staff anticipates completion of the plans and specifications in January 2000. Bidding of the project is anticipated in February 2000. Community Center Renovations: Scope - This project consists of the replacement of the existing 22- year -old roof, replacement of ceiling tiles, carpet and painting. Status - The re- roofing project is complete, except for a leak in the skylights that the contractor has been contacted to correct. Award of the carpet replacement project occurred on December 21, 1999 and the construction will proceed after bonds and insurance has been obtained. Construction costs for the roof and carpet were much lower than expected. Therefore several other deficiencies in the building were added to the overall project for repairs. They are as follows: • Ceiling tile replacement • Interior painting around the windows • Painting of the dining room • Replacement of the folding partitions and rehab of the rail system • Replacement of several broken windows • Repairs to the air conditioning units Of PROJECT COMPLETION REPORT PROJECT: Street Resurfacing - Atlanta (3`d to I V'); Carlsbad (3`d to 7`h) & Beaumont, 1291h East Ave (High School to 93`d St N); 11`h St (Main to Cedar) DATE PROJECT WAS INITIATED: City Council awarded bid on October 20, 1998 DATE INITIALLY SCHEDULED FOR COMPLETION: July 28, 1999 DATE ACTUALLY COMPLETED: Final Inspection held October 22, 1999 DEPARTMENT RESPONSIBLE FOR PROJECT: Public Works STAFF COMMENTS: On October 20, 1998 the City Council awarded a bid to Horizon Construction Co of Owasso, OK for the purpose of reconstruction of several streets. The total contract amount for the improvements was $836,954.95. On December 15, 1998 Change Order #1 was approved by the City Council to increase the contract amount by $19,270.94 for the use of quick -set flowable fill to stabilize the subgrade under I I' St because of ground water problems. On May 4, 1999 Change Order #2 was approved by the City Council for $81,023.78 to reconcile the quantities on 11 " St; add fabric reinforcement, replace deteriorated storm drainage and reduce roadway repairs on Atlanta; an d reroute storm drainage away from 3`d St & Carlsbad to the east of Bailey Ranch Golf Course. On June 15, 1999 Change Order #3 was approved by the City Council for $27,726.18 to add the walkbridae and sidewalk to the east side of N 129" east Ave from the High School to Camden Park. Change Order #4, approved on December 7, 1999, relocated a 12" water line storm drain at 3`d & Carlsbad and reconciled final construction quantities in the amount of $65,630.86. The final contract amount for this project is $1,030,203.54. The project was accepted by the City Council on December 7, 1999. Funding was included in the 1998 Bond Issue. Phil Lutz/Dwayne Henderson PROJECT COORDINATOR Streets DEPARTMENT -dd- PROJECT ANAGER 12la lql DATE PROJECT COMPLETION REPORT PROJECT: Snorts Park Four -Plex Fields and Soccer Fields DATE PROJECT WAS INITIATED: City Council awarded bid on February 17 1999 DATE INITIALLY SCHEDULED FOR COMPLETION: September 5, 1999 DATE ACTUALLY COMPLETED: Final Inspection held October 15 1999 DEPARTMENT RESPONSIBLE FOR PROJECT: Parks STAFF COMMENTS: On February 17, 1999 the City Council awarded a bid to Frix & Foster Construction Co of Muskogee, OK for the purpose of constructing a four Alex at the Owasso Sports Park The total contract amount for the improvements was $267,308.00. On Apri120 1999 Change Order #1 was approved by the City Council to increase the contract amount by $7000 for the removal & replacement of unsuitable materials Actual net cost was $4725 On July 20 1999 Change Order #2 was approved by the City Council to add the construction of a new soccer field increasing the contract by $30,000. On September 21 1999 Change Order #3 was approved adding 45 weather days to the contract because of the wet spring The final contract amount for this project is $302.033. The project was accepted by the City Council on December 7 1999 Funding was included in the 1998 Bond Issue David Warren/Dwayne Henderson PROJECT COORDINATOR - Parks DEPARTMENT PROJE MANAGER c2% lei DATE SALES TAX PROJECTS Sales Tax /Capital Future /Revenue Bonds BOND PROJECT FUND - October 1997 Election Progress Report #4 Dated 12/31/99 PROJECT Budget Expended Design Bid Construction Streets: 86th Street (Cedar to Main) 2,383,200 45,859 86 & Mingo Intersection 525,300 1,680 X 86 & 145 E Ave Intersection 703,600 960 X N Main (1st to 9th) 223,300 4,137 X ROW 76 & Hwy 169 100,000 0 X Streets & Intersections Project: 1,241,528 38,745 76 & 129 E Ave Intersection 116 & Garnett Intersection 86 & 123 E Ave Intersection 86 (Main to Mingo) Streets Resurfacing Project: 462,000 966,581 0 C-1 Atlanta (3rd to 11th) Carlsbad (3rd to 7th) & Beaumont 129 E Ave (High School to 93) 11 Str (Main to Cedar) Facilities: City Hall /Police Station 2,509,528 379,842 B � Community Center 171,593 33,476 Rx Sports Park: Parking Lot 124,700 88,780 Restroom 65,000 25,274 X Four -plex & Soccer Fields 285,000 302,901 Administration: Project Manager Salary 142,000 112,586 N IV N Architect/Engineer Fee 562,171 373,754 N IV N Program Management Services Fee 238,080 63,642 N IV N Available: Contingent Project 262,000 0 F-1 C-1 Total $ 9,999,000 $ 2,438,217 FY 1999 -2000 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND PROJECTS Progress Report #34 Dated 12/31/99 PROJECT Budget Expended Design Bid Construction Public Works Bldg Remodel 50,500 50,500 Firearms Range 30,000 4,108 X Hale Acres Drainage Project 59,925 39,264 N X Computerization 624,377 324,458 X ); X Hwy 169 Enhancement 25,000 13,492 X 129th E Ave Overlay 30,000 30,000 96th Str Signalization (Wal -Mart) 75,000 0 X 76th & Hwy 169 Engineering 112,974 83,667 X N N Sidewalk Program 15,000 15,000 Total $ 1,022,776 $ 560,489 Legend: X, -In Progress - Complete N -Not Applicable o WATCHDOG COMMITTEE SERVICE SURVEY Yes, I wish to continue service on the Sales Tax Watchdog Committee and realize that regular attendance at meetings is vital to a successful effort. No I am unable to continue service on the Sales Tax Watchdo g Committee and wish to resign my appointment. Signed: `C Date: Received by: Date: //— d-9 9 © 207 South Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 October 26, 1999 Mr Steve Baggett 310E 19th St Owasso, OK 74055 Dear Mr Baggett: City of Owasso (918) 272 -2251 FAX (918) 272 -4999 (C(OF)y At the last Sales Tax Watchdog Committee meeting, during the unfinished business portion of the meeting, discussion was held concerning committee meeting attendance. I have been asked to contact you for the purpose of determining your continued interest in participating on this committee. Enclosed with this correspondence is a current record of attendance and a preprinted form and return envelope that will help you let us know your intentions with regard to committee involvement. This committee was established to provide representation from a broad cross section of the community. Members were selected from various businesses, special interest groups and private citizens. Since your appointment to the committee as a representative of retail business, there have been five meetings (two meetings a year). Records indicate that you have been present for none of those meetings. Meetings are held on the second Monday of January and July at 7:00 p.m. at the Community Center. As we address issues such as completion reports, financial reports, on -going and pending projects, and the scope of each project, it is imperative that each designated community interest is represented. Therefore, it is very important that each member consistently attend as many meetings as possible. As you know, each committee member is appointed to serve throughout the life of the sales tax extension and may not be removed except for cause. However, if circumstances are precluding your participation on a regular basis, this may be compromising the representation that your segment of the community is receiving, and you may want to request that you be removed from the committee. Please return the enclosed Watchdog Committee Service Survey to me at Owasso City Hall, PO Box 180, Owasso, OK 74055, indicating your wishes in this matter. Sincerely, Marc a Boutwell Committee Secretary v Mr. Jeff Hancock, City Manager City of Owasso P.O.Pox 180 Owasso, Ok. 74055 Dear Mr. Hancock: Subject: Sales Tax Watch Dog Committee Due to conflicts of dates, I have not been able to attend some of the meetings in the past. At this time, I don't see the attendance rate improving. Rather than having a hit or miss attendance rate, I feel I should resign. I have really enjoyed serving on this committee and it has given me some knowledge on funding, job starts and job completions in city government. As of this date October 28, 1999, I submit my resignation from the Sales Tax Watch Dog Committee. GoSincerely, +. NVV-Lo Harold L. Merrill RECEIVED OCT 28 1999 © WATCHDOG COMMITTEE SERVICE SURVEY Yes, I wish to continue service on the Sales Tax Watchdog Committee and realize that regular attendance at meetings is vital to a successful effort. No, I am unable to continue service on the Sales Tax Watchdog Committee and wish to resign my appointment. �. Date: 207 South Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 October 26, 1999 Ms Billie Fulbright PO Box 350 Owasso, OK 74055 Dear Billie: C ity of Owasso (918) 272 -2251 FAX (918) 272 -4999 COPY At the last Sales Tax Watchdog Committee meeting, during the unfinished business gartion of the meeting, discussion was held concerning committee meeting attendance. I have been asked to contact you for the purpose of determining your continued interest in participating on this committee. Enclosed with this correspondence is a current record of attendance and a preprinted form and return envelope that will help you let us know your intentions with regard to committee involvement. This committee was established to provide representation from a broad cross section of the community. Members were selected from various businesses, special interest groups and private citizens. Since your appointment to the committee as a representative of financial institutions, there have been 17 meetings, and our records indicate that you have been present at only four of those meetings. Meetings are held on the second Monday of January and July at 7:00 p.m. at the Community Center. As we address issues such as completion reports, financial reports, on -going and pending projects, and the scope of each project, it is imperative that each designated community interest is represented. Therefore, it is very important that each member consistently attend as many meetings as possible. As you know, each committee member is appointed to serve throughout the life of the sales tax extension and may not be removed except for cause. However, if circumstances are precluding your participation on a regular basis, this may be compromising the representation that your segment of the community is receiving, and you may want to request that you be removed from the committee. Please return the enclosed Watchdog Committee Service Survey to me at Owasso City Hall, PO Box 180, Owasso, OK 74055, indicating your wishes in this matter. Sincerely, Marc"i"d Boutwell Committee Secretary MEMORANDUM TO: MEMBERS OF THE SALES TAX WATCHDOG COMMITTEE FROM: MARCIA BOUTWELL SUBJECT: VACANCIES ON THE COMMITTEE DATE: January 5, 2000 The Sales Tax Watchdog Committee was formed following the 1988 tax extension bond election for the purpose of maintaining a strong citizen participation effort throughout the life of the sales tax extension (10/1/07) and to insure the proper use of revenues generated. The Committee is comprised of 14 people representing news media (1 slot), economic development (1 slot), retail business (2 slots), education (2 slots), recreation groups (1 slot), financial institutions (1 slot), builders (1 slot), senior citizens (2 slots), and citizens -at -large (3 slots). Members are appointed by the Mayor with confirmation by the City Council, and are appointed for the life of the sales tax extension. There are currently three vacancies on the Committee created by the resignation of Steve Baggett, Harold Merrill, and Billie Fullbright. Although the Sales Tax Watchdog Committee cannot officially appoint new members to the body, they may makes suggestions to the Mayor as to whom they believe would be a good selection for the vacancy. Mr Baggett and Mr Merrill both represented the retail business community, and Ms Fullbright represented the financial institutions community. Any suggestions made to fill these slots will be transmitted to the Mayor. U 4 OWASSO SALES TAX WATCHDOG COMMITTEE FY 99 -00 OWASSO, OKLAHOMA MEMBERS NEWS MEDIA - One Slot Glenna Gay The Owasso Reporter 202 E Second Ave Owasso, OK 74055 272 -1155 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - One Slot Tom Kimball Kimball's Hardware 8301 Owasso Expy Owasso, OK 74055 272 -1146 RETAIL BUSINESS - Two Slots Harold Merrill 9417 N 136th East Ave Owasso, OK 74055 272 -7313 Steve Baggett My House Gifts & Accessories 112 South Main Owasso, OK 74055 272 -7736 EDUCATION - Two Slots Dan Siemens Barnes Elementary School 202 E Broadway Owasso, OK 74055 272 -1153 Steve Holleman Owasso Schools 8810 N 134`' East Ct Owasso, OK 74055 272 -9287 (h); 272 -6274 (w) RECREATION GROUPS - One Slot Murray Adams 12822 E 107" St N Owasso, OK 74055 371 -9999 FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS - One Slot Billie Fulbright RCB Bank PO Box 350 Owasso, OK 74055 272 -1887 BUILDERS - One Slot Pat Woods PO Box 3 Owasso, OK 74055 272 -4333 SENIOR CITIZENS - Two Slots John Stieger Baptist Retirement Center 7406 N 122nd East Ave Owasso, OK 74055 272 -1871 John Groth 801 N Dogwood Owasso, OK 74055 272 -5179 CITIZENS -AT -LARGE - Three Slots Michael Philippi, Chairperson 7413 N 119 °i East Ave Owasso, OK 74055 622 -8080 (w) Cilizcns- at -largc coat. Willard Mills 2008 N Atlanta Ct Owasso, OK 74055 272 -1760 Vicki Tapp 12510 E 77`h St N Owasso, OK 74055 272 -6926 SUPPORT STAFF Jeff Hancock City Manager Sherry Bishop City Treasurer Marcia Boutwell, Secretary City Clerk This committee was formed following the 1988 tax extension bond election for the purpose of maintaining a strong citizen participation effort throughout the life of the sales tax extension and to insure the proper use of revenues generated. The committee meets on the second Monday of January and July at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Center. Meetings are approximately two hours in length. Duties of the committee consist of reviewing all financial records relating to the 1988 Sales Tax Extension and acting as a public information liaison. Members of the committee are appointed by the Mayor with Council confirmation for the life of the sales tax extension. Legally the term of office is defined as "throughout the life of the Sales Tax Extension (10/1/2007) or until resignation ". Boards \Watchdog.doc