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2000.10.09_Sales Tax Watchdog Minutes
SALES TAX WATCHDOG COMMITTEE City of Owasso October 9, 2000 The Owasso Sales Tax Watchdog Committee met in special session on Monday, October 9, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. in the Owasso Community Center per Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday, October 5, 2000. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER In the absence of the Chair, and because the committee is currently without a Vice - Chair, committee member Tom Kimball called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. ITEM 2: INTRODUCTION OF NEW MEMBERS Neither of the two recently appointed members was present. They will be introduced at the regular meeting in January 2001. ITEM 3: ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Murray Adams, Danny Ewing, Glenna Gay, John Groth, Tom Kimball, Willard Mills, Pat Woods ® MEMBERS ABSENT: Rayma Harchar, Steve Holleman, Pam Holt, Donnie Johns, Michael Philippi, John Stieger, Vicki Tapp STAFF PRESENT: Larry Mitchell, Sherry Bishop, Marcia Boutwell, Tim Rooney, Robert Carr ITEM 4: ELECTION OF VICE CHAIR Dan Siemens, the committee's vice chair, has moved from the community and resigned from the committee, creating a vacancy in that office. Tom Kimball moved for the election of Willard Mills to the office of Vice Chair, seconded by Danny Ewing. Motion carried 7 -0. Willard Mills was elected to the position of Vice Chair and presided for the remainder of the meeting. ITEM 5: REQUEST APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JULY 10, 2000 REGULAR MEETING. Mr Kimball moved, seconded by Mr Ewing, to approve the minutes as written. Motion carried 7 -0. ITEM 6: DISCUSSION OF COMMITTEE CRITERIA & POLICIES This item was placed on the agenda at the request of the Chair as an orientation for the new members ® of the committee. Since the two new committee members were not present, this item was tabled to the January 2001 meeting. ITEM 7: PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF FINANCIAL REPORTS. Sales Tax Watchdog Committee October 9, 2000 Page 2 Because of the time required getting the new utility billing system on line, there were no financial reports. Since this was a special meeting, no financial reports were required. They will be presented at the regular meeting in January 2001. ITEM 8: GENERAL DISCUSSION OF PROJECTS & PROGRESS REPORT Mr Carr gave a detailed status report from the bond project fund, as well as from the capital improvements fund. There was a lengthy discussion relative to the city hall/police station project and the proposed use of the current city hall building. The 86" St N widening project from the 1988 bond issue was also discussed at some length. ITEM 9: REQUEST APPROVAL OF COMPLETION REPORT A. OWASSO SPORTS PARK RESTROOM #2 The construction of the second restroom at the Owasso Sports Park was completed in July 2000, just after the last meeting of this committee. Sports Park Inc, a group formed by local developers Buford Williams, Noble Sokolosky, Tom Kimball and Pete Kourtis, was the low bidder on the project at © $85,405. They secured donations and were able to get materials at cost, keeping the construction cost low. The completion report was mailed to committee members in August, so that there was sufficient time for them to tour the project. Before a vote was taken to approve the completion report, Tom Kimball recused himself. Mr Groth moved, seconded by Mr Adams, to approve the completion report for the Owasso Sports Park Restroom #2. Motion carried 6 -0. Mr Mills suggested that thank you letters be sent to the four developers who participated in the project. The secretary will prepare the letters. ITEM 10: ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the committee, Ms Gay moved for adjournment. Motion was seconded by Mr Ewing and the meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m. The next meeting will be a regular meeting on Monday, January 8, 2001. I�r`17II MGM=-aill�rson Marcia Boutwell, Secretary