HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005.01.24_Sales Tax Watchdog Committee AgendaIL C PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO SALES TAX WATCHDOG COMMITTEE TYPE OF MEETING: DATE: TIME: PLACE: Regular January 24, 2005 7:00 PM Council Chambers Old Central 109 N. Birch Owasso, OK Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 PM on Thursday, January 20, 2005. C� Ju M. Stevens, Administrate e Assistant AGENDA 1. Call to Order Ms. Brenda Snow, Chairman 2. Roll Call Ms. Stevens 3. Request Approval of the July 26, 2004 Minutes Ms. Brenda Snow, Chairman Attachment 43 4. General Discussion of Projects and Status Report Ms. Stagg Attachment 44 5. Presentation and Discussion of Financial Reports Ms. Bishop Attachment #5 Owasso City Council January 24, 2005 Page 2 6. Consideration and approval of Project Completion Reports Ms. Brenda Snow, Chairman Attachment #6 7. Consideration and approval of Progress Report for Public Distribution Ms. Brenda Snow, Chairman Attachment #7 8. New Business IC 9. Adjournment �01 c t OWASSO SALES TAX WATCHDOG COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Monday, July 26, 2004 The Owasso Sales Tax Watchdog Committee met in a regular meeting on Monday, July 26, 2004 in the Council Chambers of the Old Central Building, 109 N. Birch, per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 5:00 PM on Tuesday, July 20, 2004. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER. Mr. Ray called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM. ITEM 2: ROLL CALL PRESENT Terry Azamber Pam Holt DJ Gall Steve Mowery David Boggs Donna Pepper ABSENT Danny Ewing Guy Nightingale Jeff Ferguson STAFF PRESENT Rodney Ray, City Manager Sherry Bishop, Finance Director Ron Cates, City Attorney Ana Stagg, Public Works Director Juliann Stevens, Administrative Assistant A quorum was declared present. ITEM 3: ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN Jeff Westerfield Brenda Snow Rhett Morgan Erik Miller Bob Barnes Discussion regarding the election of a Chairman was held. Mr. Mowery nominated Brenda Snow as Chairman. Mr. Barnes also nominated Brenda Snow as Chairman. Mr. Mowery moved, seconded by Ms. Azamber, to elect Brenda Snow as Chairman of the Sales Tax Watchdog Committee. Motion carried 11 -0. Watchdog Committee July 24, 2004 Page 2 of 3 ITEM 4: ELECTION OF VICE CHAIRMAN Discussion regarding the election of a Vice Chairman was held. Ms. Azamber moved, seconded by Mr. Barnes, to elect Steve Mowery as Vice Chairman of the Sales Tax Watchdog Committee. Motion carried 11 -0. ITEM 5: REVIEW CREATION PURPOSE, AND DUTIES OF THE SALES TAX WATCHDOG COMMITTEE Mr. Ray presented a PowerPoint presentation to members detailing the inception, purpose, and duties of the Watchdog Committee. Members of the committee and staff were introduced to one another. Mr. Cates provided a brief overview of the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act and the Committee's liability exposure. ITEM 6: GENERAL DISCUSSION OF PROJECTS AND STATUS REPORTS Ms. Stagg summarized the Project Status Report dated July 2004 included in the agenda packet and provided a brief update on the current status of each project listed. ITEM 7: PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF FINANCIAL REPORTS Ms. Bishop explained the financial reports included in the agenda packet and a lengthy discussion was held by members as to the content of the reports and the appropriate uses of the funds. Mr. Miller requested that members receive a copy of the Resolution listing the priority projects and the Capital Improvement Projects Ledger or a detail of exact expenditures for each project. Ms. Bishop will make the information available to each member prior to the January 2005 committee meeting. ITEM 8: REQUEST APPROVAL OF PROJECT COMPLETION REPORTS Discussion was held regarding the project completion reports for the E. 86th Street North and Main Intersection Improvements, the E. 86th Street North and N 145th East Avenue Intersection Improvements, and the US Highway 169 Enhancement projects. Mr. Gall moved, seconded by Mr. Miller to approve the project completion reports as presented. Motion carried 11 -0. ITEM 9: CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL OF PROGRESS REPORT FOR PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION Ms. Bishop explained the purpose of the Sales Tax Projects Progress Report and its distribution for public review. Discussions were held regarding the format of the report. Mr. Mowery moved, seconded by Ms. Azamber to approve the Progress Report for public distribution. Motion carved 11 -0. 2 Watchdog Committee July 24, 2004 j Page 3 of 3 L� ITEM 10: NEW BUSINESS No new business ITEM 11: ADJOURNMENT Ms. Pepper moved, seconded by Mr. Westerfield to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried 11 -0 and the meeting adjourned at 9:15 PM. 3 Brenda Snow, Chairman H PROJECTS STATUS REPORT City OF Owasso Public Works Department January 2005 BOND ISSUE PROJECTS • E. 86th Street North /N. 97th E. Avenue (Mingo Road) Intersection - Temporary signalization and a west -east bypass lane constructed - Right -of -way acquisition in progress - Anticipate total construction to be authorized following re- opening of 76th Street North OTHER CAPITAL PROJECTS E. 76th Street North (Main Street to Sheridan Road) - Bid awarded to Becco Contractors, Inc. - Improvements include the construction of a new bridge and the widening of the existing pavement from two to four lanes - Contractor has been awarded over 60 days of weather delay - Road will be closed to through traffic until approximately March 2004 (Main Street to Sheridan Road). • E. 96th Street North and HWY 169 Interchange - Contract awarded to BECCO Contractors - Construction begun September 2004 - Completion scheduled in May 2005 • N. 1291h E. Avenue (South of Home Depot to E. 76th Street North) - Final design anticipated to be completed in November 2004 - Right -of -way acquisition to begin in 2005 - Construction scheduled FY2006 -2007 E. 96th Street North (N. 117th E. Avenue to Garnett Road) Final design completed Right -of -way acquisition being completed Bid opening scheduled for January 21, 2005 Construction to begin in February 2005 Substantial completion expected by August 2005 • N. Garnett Road (E. 86th Street North to E. 96th Street North - Final design completed - Bid opening scheduled for January 21, 2005 - Construction to begin in February 2005 - Substantial completion expected by August 2005 • Water System Improvements (Booster Pump Station /Transmission Main /Elevated Water Tank) - Elevated tank bid awarded April 6, 2004. Pedestal completed; tank is under construction. Total construction time is 450 days. - Transmission main (Phase I - E. 106th Street North from N. Mingo Road to mid - section to elevated tank to N. Garnett Road) advertised in December 2004. Construction to start in O February 2005. Transmission main (Phase II — Master meter to Elevated Storage Tank) final design initiated in June 2004. - Booster pump station to be included in Phase II Transmission Main design. - System projected to be operational by September 2005. City of Owasso Capital Improvements Fund Project Status Summary Report As of December 31, 2004 Percent of Project Cost Expended Expended to Contract & Remaining Budget Percentage Estimate Project Budget FY 2005 Date Encumbrances Budget Expended Complete • Computerization 624,481 624,481 - 587,481 - 37,000 94% 94% o Fire Station Remodel 200,000 200,000 12,690 44,768 134,271 20,961 22% 45% o New Fire Station 1,200,000 1,200,000 - - 1,200,000 0% 0% o Storm Siren System 234,083 250,000 234,083 234,083 - 15,917 94% 100% 86 & Mingo Intersection 1,500,000 236,466 151,425 236,466 - - 100% 15% • 86 Street Widening 2,952,000 2,951,934 242,495 2,951,934 - - 100% 100% • 96 & 129 E Ave Intersection 1,744,000 1,800,000 1,225,922 1,305,122 231,086 263,792 73% 100% 0 96 & Hwy 169 Interchange 1,600,000 1,550,000 450,834 650,134 739,196 160,670 42% 50% • 129 E Ave Widening (engineering only) 345,388 345,388 18,800 328,998 16,390 - 95% 95% 0 96 Street Widening (Garnett to Owasso Mkt) 5,400,000 4,144,498 335,034 410,175 98,407 3,635,916 10% 5% o Garnett Widening (86 to 96) 4,300,000 4,000,000 131,100 127,132 6,559 3,866,309 3% 5% o Sports Park Expansion 2,000,000 2,000,000 - 1,590,000 - 410,000 80% 25% 0 YMCA Pool 1,000,000 1,000,000 - - - 1,000,000 0% 0% • Water System Project Engineering 370,403 370,403 - 370,403 - - 100% 100% $23,470,355 $20,673,170 $2,802,383 $8,836,696 $1,225,909 $10,610,565 43% • Project initiated prior to Oct 2003 election o Resolution 2004 -11 Priority Projects 86 & Mingo Intersection project originally included in Bond Projects Fund City of Owasso Sales Tax Collections and Restricted Use of One Percent Fiscal Year 2004 -2005 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Fees Totals Debt Service Payments Three Percent 1997 Revenue 1998 2004 CIP 2004 Sales Tax One Percent Refunding Revenue RAN Defeasance 2004 Bank Excess to Capital Collection Sales Tax (1/3) Bonds Bonds Interest RAN Note Improvements Fund 910,733.72 914,007.46 988,704.68 851,782.01 835,499.88 951,169.18 966,868.14 303,577.91 304,669.15 329,568.23 283,927.34 278,499.96 317,056.39 322,289.38 43,801.39 43,801.39 43,801.39 43,801.39 44,155.46 95,298.16 95,298.16 95,298.16 95,298.16 95,298.16 256.29 389.21 803.72 963.88 1,767.11 3,919.83 6,233.51 142,708.33 164,222.07 165,180.39 189,664.96 143,863.91 137,279.23 313,136.56 173,347.54 $6,418,765.07 $2,139,588.36 $219,361.02 $476,490.80 $8,100.04 $6,233.51 $142,708.33 $1,286,694.66 2004 CIP RAN for short -term financing of capital projects, current balance is zero 2004 RAN to defease 1997 & 1998 Revenue Bonds, balance is $3,740,106.56 2004 Bank Note to fund capital projects City of Owasso Monthly Sales Tax Revenues Last Five Fiscal Years 2004 -2005 2003 -2004 2002 -2003 2001 -2002 2000 -2001 Jul $910,733.72 $884,378.03 $902,614.21 $730,980.71 $555,956.58 Aug 914,007.46 783,796.99 849,816.70 742,510.61 515,693.51 Sep 988,704.68 837,825.86 810,343.87 739,427.61 574,244.87 Oct 851,782.01 827,379.65 797,994.95 702,584.38 557,181.50 Nov 835,499.88 789,547.23 772,338.00 661,865.50 538,923.33 Dec 951,169.18 813,304.21 752,158.14 707,295.77 595,405.06 Jan 966,868.14 901,348.13 875,769.31 842,241.31 612,817.16 Feb 953,027.35 833,903.37 929,305.19 759,589.91 Mar 804,496.79 725,837.29 769,895.99 580,462.39 Apr 806,574.14 698,079.88 721,356.83 571,058.89 May 911,823.30 828,522.14 848,756.62 874,950.84 Jun 904,253.31 824,521.64 850,447.01 689,116.05 $6,418,765.07 $10,217,754.99 $9,671,899.50 $9,246,667.53 $7,425,400.09 0 PROJECT COMPLETION REPORT PROJECT: E. 86" Street North Improvements DATE PROJECT WAS INITIATED: September 2. 2003 DATE PROJECT WAS COMPLETED: June 15. 2004 DEPARTMENT RESPONSIBILITY FOR PROJECT: Public Works Department STAFF COMMENTS: E. 86th Street North Improvements (from N. 1291h E. Avenue to N. 145th East Avenue) which involves widening of the street to five lanes construction of new sidewalk, curb and gutter, and signalization at the 8th Grade Center. On August 5, 2003, City Council awarded the construction contract to Becco Construction, Inc., Tulsa, Oklahoma in the total amount of $2,472,065.20. Three change orders were issued during construction in the amount of $188,447.44. Final construction cost for the project was $2,660,512.64. Ana C. Stagg PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Public Works DEPARTMENT PUBLI WORKS i'. •' January 20, 2005 DATE L401 PROJECT COMPLETION REPORT 3ROJECT: Storm Siren Replacement )ATE PROJECT WAS INITIATED: November 1, 2003 )ATE PROJECT WAS COMPLETED: December 17 2004 DEPARTMENT RESPONSIBILITY FOR PROJECT: Emergency Preparedness STAFF COMMENTS: The Storm Siren Replacement Program involved the replacement of the City of Owasso's existing storm siren system. The project went to bid in December of 2003. On April 6, 2004, the project (which included 14 sirens on concrete poles) was awarded to Total Radio of Tulsa, Oklahoma for $205,194. Shortiv after the bid was awarded, it was determined that the new school location at E. 76" Street North and Memorial would not be in the coverage area. As a result a change order was processed to add an additional siren at a cost of $19,975. Additionally underground wiring of the poles, rather than overhead, was performed b� separate contract at a cost of $8,914. This brought the project total to $234,083. The budget for this project was $250,000. � V�b TIMOTHY OONEY ASSISTANT CITY MANAGE January 20, 2005 DATE SALES TAX PROJECTS Sales Tax /Capital Future /Revenue Bonds FY 2004 -2005 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND PROJECTS PROJECT Computerization Fire Station Remodel New Fire Station Storm Siren System 86 & Mingo Intersection 86 Street Widening 96 & 129 E Ave Intersection 96 & Hwy 169 Interchange 129 E Ave Widening (Engr only) 96 Str Widening (Garnett to Owasso Mkt) Garnett Widening (86 to 96) Sports Park Expansion YMCA Pool Water System Project Engineering Total i Budget Expended -In Progress - Complete -Not Applicable 624,481 587,481 200,000 44,768 1,200,000 0 250,000 234,083 236,466 236,466 2,951,934 2,951,934 1,800,000 1,305,122 1,550,000 650,134 345,388 328,998 4,144,498 410,175 4,000,000 127,132 2,000,000 1,590,000 1,000,000 0 370,403 370,403 $ 20,673,170 $ 8,836,696 Progress Report #43 Dated 12/31/04 Design Bid Construction Legend: -In Progress - Complete -Not Applicable MEMORANDUM TO: OWASSO SALES TAX WATCHDOG COMMITTEE FROM: SHERRY BISHOP FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND TRANSACTION REPORTS DATE: January 19, 2005 At the Watchdog Committee meeting in July, additional information was requested regarding the exact invoices paid or expenses that were charged to the various projects. Two reports are attached which list all claims paid in the Capital Improvements Fund. The first report is for the first six months of fiscal year 2005, July 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004. Total transactions shown on the report is $2,802,382.60. The same amount is shown on Ok the "Capital Improvements Fund, Project Status Summary Report" in the column "Expended FY 2005. " The second report is for the twelve months of fiscal 2004, July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004. Total transactions shown on the report is $5,016,679.67. That amount is more than was reported on the June 30, 2004 reports at the last meeting because additional accounts payable for the fiscal year end were recorded after the Watchdog Committee Report was issued. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FY -04 VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN NETWORK/GOLF COURSE NEEDS 190.41 DELL MARKETING L.P. COMPUTER /SERVER 2,403.00 ONBRAVO COMMUNICATIONS UPGRADES 1,245.03 CDW GOVERNMENT INC POCKET PCS /ACCESS POINT 2,235.12 FALCON AUDIO INC AUDIO SERVICES 3,150.00 CARD CENTER MAINT SUPPLIES 199.22 DELL MARKETING L.P. NETWORK SWITCH /NOTEBOOK COMPUTER 1,844.95 ONBRAVO COMMUNICATIONS WIRELESS NETWORK UPGRADES 319.85 SZEN CORP SOFTWARE /INSTALLATION 23,190.12 CDW GOVERNMENT INC HARD DRIVES 351.57 DELL MARKETING L.P. COMPUTERS 6,205.78 ONBRAVO COMMUNICATIONS WIRELESS NETWORK REPAIRS 254.00 DELL MARKETING L.P. SERVER 4,597.36 HARRIS COMPUTER SYSTEMS SYSTEM MODIFICATIONS 2,000.00 HARRIS COMPUTER SYSTEMS TRANSITION SUPPORT 7,500.00 WATER PRODUCTS INC NEPTUNE PACKAGE 13,354.00 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 69,040.41 OWASSO FENCE CO FENCE POSTS -HWY 169 12,760.00 HWY 169 ENHANCEMENT 12,760.00 TRAIL'S END DEVELOPMENT RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION 45,360.55 L & S TRUCKING COMPACTED FILL 13,800.00 BEE LINE TRAFFIC CONTROL INSTALL SIGNALIZATION 11,000.00 WHITE STAR BOBCAT RENTAL 700.50 APAC- OKLAHOMA INC ASPHALT- 86 /MINGO 7,934.80 RAMEY TESTING LABORATORY FIELD DENSITIES /STANDARD PROCTOR 185.00 BEE LINE TRAFFIC CONTROL CONTROLLER /LOOPS /DETECTORS 4,423.00 KOCH MATERIALS CO TACK COAT 611.80 86 & MINGO INTERSECTION 84,015.65 CH GUERNSEY & COMPANY STREET WIDENING 8/20/02 1,804.69 CH GUERNSEY & COMPANY STREET WIDENING 8/20/02 1,804.69 CH GUERNSEY & COMPANY STREET WIDENING 8/20/02 1,353.52 CH GUERNSEY & COMPANY STREET WIDENING 8/20/02 1,353.52 CH GUERNSEY & COMPANY STREET WIDENING 8/20/02 3,439.95 CH GUERNSEY & COMPANY STREET WIDENING 8/20/02 1,804.69 STORY & ASSOCIATES REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL 607.50 CINNABAR SERVICE COMPANY PROFESSIONAL/TECHNICAL SERVICES 2,000.00 BECCO CONTRACTORS INC 86TH ST N -129 E AVE /145 E AVE 280,337.11 BECCO CONTRACTORS INC 86TH ST N -129 E AVE /145 E AVE 232,481.45 BECCO CONTRACTORS INC 86TH ST N -129 E AVE /145 E AVE 207,357.25 BECCO CONTRACTORS INC 86TH ST N -129 E AVE /145 E AVE 215,836.92 VENDOR OWASSO FFA ASSOCIATION, INC LIVINGSTON APPRAISALS BECCO CONTRACTORS INC BECCO CONTRACTORS INC BECCO CONTRACTORS INC BECCO CONTRACTORS INC BECCO CONTRACTORS INC OK NATURAL GAS CH2M HILL INC CH2M HILL INC CH2M HILL INC CH2M HILL INC BOARD, BENNY G & INEZ W. ALBERTY, WAYNE STORY & ASSOCIATES OWASSO FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD CINNABAR SERVICE COMPANY STORY & ASSOCIATES CH2M HILL INC CH2M HILL INC LIVINGSTON APPRAISALS ALBERTY, WAYNE BAKER CUSTOM PAINTING OVERHEAD DOOR COMPANY LIGHTHOUSE ELECTRIC INC ACTION PLUMBING INC LIGHTHOUSE ELECTRIC INC WILSON HEATING & AIR GUARANTY ABSTRACT CO. CH GUERNSEY & COMPANY CH GUERNSEY & COMPANY DESCRIPTION RIGHT -OF -WAY PURCHASE APPRAISALS 86TH ST N -129 E AVE /145 E AVE 86TH ST N -129 E AVE /145 E AVE 86TH ST N -129 E AVE /145 E AVE 86TH ST N -129 E AVE /145 E AVE 86TH ST N -129 E AVE /145 E AVE GAS RELOCATIONS 86 STREET WIDENING ENGINEERING DESIGN SVS ENGINEERING DESIGN SVS 76 ST N - 96 ST N (8/20/02) 76 ST N - 96 ST N (8/20/02) ACQUIRE RIGHT -OF -WAY ACQUIRE RIGHT -OF -WAY APPRAISAL /CONSULTATION RIGHT OF WAY TITLE OPINION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 129TH E AVE ENGINEERING DESIGN SVS 76 ST N - 96 ST N (8/20/02) APPRAISALS FENCE REPAIR 96 & 129 E AVE INTERSECTION PAINTING OVERHEAD DOORS ELECTRICAL WORK PLUMBING SERVICES THERMOSTATS HEATERS FIRE STATION REMODEL OWASSO LAND TRUST CLAIM #29018 SPORTS PARK EXPANSION STREET WIDENING 8/20/02 STREET WIDENING 8/20/02 96 STREET & GARNETT LKS- AMOUNT 100,000.00 900.00 419,673.21 99,577.17 101,561.54 644,995.96 230,641.75 27.418.62 Z,5 /4,y4U.54 27,704.67 18,800.00 1,346.00 81,499.00 12,600.00 55,000.00 472.50 75,000.00 125.00 450.00 Z /Z,yy /.1 / 27,704.66 3,791.00 2,700.00 1,000.00 35,195.bb 3,780.00 9,955.00 8,330.00 1,750.00 1,153.00 7,110.00 32,078.00 1,590,000.00 1,5yu,uuu.uu 11,562.60 7.708.40 -ia,zil.uu CH2M HILL INC ENGINEERING DESIGN SVS 27,704,67 CH2M HILL INC ENGINEERING DESIGN SVS 43,150.00 ENGINEERING PROJECT ALLOCATIONS ADJUST ENG PROJECT ALLOCATIONS CH2MHILL 111,645.33 VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT BEE LINE TRAFFIC CONTROL TEMP SIGNALIZATION 15,900.00 LIVINGSTON APPRAISALS APPRAISALS 900.00 96 & HWY 169 199,300.00 BENHAM COMPANIES, THE SERVICE AGREEMENTS 8/20/02 17,440.00 BENHAM COMPANIES, THE SERVICE AGREEMENTS 8/20/02 9,750.00 BENHAM COMPANIES, THE SERVICE AGREEMENTS 8/20/02 47,538.00 BENHAM COMPANIES, THE SERVICE AGREEMENTS 8/20/02 73,986.00 BENHAM COMPANIES, THE SERVICE AGREEMENTS 8/20/02 11,488.57 BENHAM COMPANIES, THE SERVICE AGREEMENTS 8/20/02 77,915.00 SOUTH KANSAS & OKLA RR WATERLINE CROSSING 600.00 WATERLINES & TOWER 238,717.57 GRAND TOTALS 5.128.325.00 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FY -05 VENDOR RONALD LEE OGAN AND KOSCELNY, JENNIFER TULSA COUNTY COURT CLERK KAISER- FRANCIS OIL COMPANY CINNABAR SERVICE COMPANY BECCO CONTRACTORS INC BECCO CONTRACTORS INC GNC CONCRETE PRODUCTS INC TWIN CITIES READY MIX, INC RAINBOW CONCRETE CO WATER PRODUCTS INC CH2M HILL INC BECCO CONTRACTORS INC BEE LINE TRAFFIC CONTROL HOME DEPOT USA, INC �. HOME DEPOT USA, INC BKL INCORPORATED C2A ENGINEERING, INC C2A ENGINEERING, INC CH GUERNSEY & COMPANY CH GUERNSEY & COMPANY CH GUERNSEY & COMPANY CH GUERNSEY & COMPANY MESHEK & ASSOCIATES,INC LIVINGSTON APPRAISALS STORY & ASSOCIATES BYN, INC AND RCB BANK ROY B BOWMAN AND SHIRLEY M BOWMAN C2A ENGINEERING, INC C2A ENGINEERING, INC C2A ENGINEERING, INC C2A ENGINEERING, INC C2A ENGINEERING, INC C2A ENGINEERING, INC KOSCELNY, JENNIFER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ROW -86 & MINGO 07/20/04 135,000.00 PROF/TECH SERVICES 480.00 CONDEMNATION PROCEEDING - MCCARTY 15,945.00 86 & MINGO INTERSECTION 151,425.00 ROW ACQUISITION 86 ST 7,500.00 TEMPORARY EASEMENTS 1,000.00 86TH ST N 145TH/129TH 228,050.28 SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION 4,368.00 CONCRETE -86 ST N DRAINAGE 530.00 CONCRETE -86 ST N DRAINAGE 273.00 CONCRETE -86TH ST N DRAINAGE 76.00 86 ST N WIDENING /DRAINAGE 697.30 86 STREET WIDENING 242.494.58 ENGINEERING SERVICES 18,800.00 129 E AVE 18,800.00 DRIVEWAY CONSTRUCTION 12,220.00 96/129 SIGNALIZATION 2,788.00 INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS 1,180,000.00 STREET IMPROVEMENTS 30,914.40 1,225,922.40 RENOVATION 12,689.56 FIRE STATION REMODEL 12,689.56 ENGINEERING SVS -86/96 ST N 3,967.72 ENGINEERING SVS -86/96 ST N - 3,967.72 PROF/TECH SVS - WIDENING IMPROVEMENTS 12,989.19 PROF/TECH SVS - WIDENING IMPROVEMENTS 26,979.40 PROF/TECH SVS - WIDENING IMPROVEMENTS 11,562.59 PROF/TECH SVS- WIDENING IMPROVEMENTS 6,166.72 ENGINEERING SERVICES 3,410.44 APPRAISALS 2,550.00 APPRAISALS 3,300.00 RIGHT -OF -WAY ACQUISITION 153,730.72 ROW ACQUISITON 114,345.04 96 STREET & GARNETT 335.034.10 ENGINEERING SVS -86/96 ST N 3,967.72 ENGINEERING SVS -86/96 ST N 22,870.60 ENGINEERING SVS -86/96 ST N 16,683.28 ENGINEERING SVS -86/96 ST N 31,775.40 ENGINEERING SVS -86/96 ST N 30,371.00 ENGINEERING SVS -86/96 ST N 19,327.00 PROF/TECH SERVICES 3,091.20 VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT KOSCELNY, JENNIFER ODOT COORDINATION /MEETING 1,216.20 KOSCELNY, JENNIFER ODOT COORDINATION 1,797.40 GARNETT WIDENING 86 TO 96 131,099.80 CH2M HILL INC ENGINEERING SERVICES 3,800.00 BENCHMARK SURVEYING & LAND SERVICES 900.00 BECCO CONTRACTORS INC US 169/96 ST N IMPROVEMENT 7 /20/04 102,836.26 BECCO CONTRACTORS INC US 169/96 ST N IMPROVEMENT 7/20/04 201,503.00 BECCO CONTRACTORS INC US 169/96 ST N IMPROVEMENT 7/20/04 141,794.90 96 & HWY 169 450,834.16 35376,049610,1039 WATER PRODUCTS INC ELECTRIC CONDUIT 74.00 35382,049478,1056 EQUIPMENT ONE INC STORM SIREN EQUIPMENT 180.00 35492,049590,556 TOTAL RADIO INC STORM SIRENS 225,169.00 35668,049799,5021 DUVALL ELECTRIC STORM SIREN INSTALLATION 4,295.00 35669,049807,4975 GABLES EXCAVATING ELECTRIC SVS -STORM SIRENS 4.365.00 GRAND TOTALS E Pd /Year TrnCd Eff Date Ent Date Batch Claim #, Check #, Vendor# and Name 8/2004 CLAC 02/05/2004 17487 29740 I 043036 5020 TRAIL'S END DEVELOPMENT 8/2004 CLAC 02/05/2004 19498 8/2004 CLAC City of Owasso 19498 11/2004 Jan 19, 2005 01:36pm Page 2 Capital Improvements Fund Report for ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fiscal Periods 2004/1 (07/01/2003) to 2004/12 (06/30/2004) 05/18/2004 18578 FD-DPT- CLASS -PRJ Account Title ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLAC 05/18/2004 18578 Actual 40- 150 -54100 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS 18578 Beginning Balance 0.00 �0 150 54100 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS Ending Balance 0.00 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 ,- 300 -54210 STREET IMPROVEMENTS Be inning Balance 0.00 40- 300 -54210 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STREET IMPROVEMENTS Ending Balance 0.00 40- 150 -54460 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT Beginning Balance 0.00 Pd /Year TrnCd Eff Date -Ent Date Batch Claim#, Check #, Vendor# and Name 3/2004 CLAC 09/16/2003 15679 26778,039730,406 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN 190.41 NETWORK /GOLF COURSE NEEDS 4/2004 CLAC 10/07/2003 15870 27008,040163,162 DELL MARKETING L.P. 2,403.00 COMPUTER /SERVER 8/2004 CLAC 02/03/2004 17367 29676,042974,4517 ONBRAVO COMMUNICATIONS 1,245.03 UPGRADES 8/2004 CLAC 02/03/2004 17367 29677,042898,1239 CDW GOVERNMENT INC 2,235.12 POCKET PCS /ACCESS POINT 8/2004 CLAC 02/17/2004 17554 29992,043278,2959 FALCON AUDIO INC 3,150.00 AUDIO SERVICES 8/2004 CLAC 02/17/2004 17554 29996,043258,2477 CARD CENTER 199.22 MAINT SUPPLIES 9/2004 CLAC 03/16/2004 17892 30492,043978,162 DELL MARKETING L.P. 1,844.95 NETWORK SWITCH /NOTEBOOK COMPUTER 10/2004 CLAC 04/06/2004 18062 30829,044786,4517 ONBRAVO COMMUNICATIONS 319.85 WIRELESS NETWORK UPGRADES 10/2004 CLAC 04/06/2004 18147 31247,044831,5344 SZEN CORP 23,190.12 SOFTWARE /INSTALLATION 11/2004 CLAC 05/04/2004 18457 31889,045610,1239 CDW GOVERNMENT INC 351.57 HARD DRIVES 12/2004 CLAC 06/01/2004 18748 32374,046300,162 DELL MARKETING L.P. 6,205.78 COMPUTERS 12/2004 CLAC 06/01/2004 18756 32408,046365,4517 ONBRAVO COMMUNICATIONS 254.00 WIRELESS NETWORK REPAIRS 12/2004 CLAC 06/15/2004 18949 32842,046678,162 DELL MARKETING L.P. 4,597.36 SERVER 12/2004 CLAC 06/15/2004 18949 32854,046707,754 HARRIS COMPUTER SYSTEMS 2,000.00 /2004 CLAC 06/30/2004 19366 SYSTEM MODIFICATIONS 33730,047523,754 HARRIS COMPUTER SYSTEMS 7,500.00 TRANSITION SUPPORT 12/2004 CLAC 06/30/2004 19760 34358,048399,1039 WATER PRODUCTS INC 13,354.00 NEPTUNE PACKAGE 40- 150 -54460 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT Ending Balance 69,040.41 40- 300 - 54200 -009 IMPROVEMENTS OTHER THAN BUILDING Beginning Balance 0.00 Pd /Year TrnCd Eff Date Ent Date Batch Claim #, Check #, Vendor# and Name 8/2004 CLAC 02/03/2004 17371 29706,042976,435 OWASSO FENCE CO 12,760.00 FENCE POSTS -HWY 169 40- 300 - 54200 -009 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IMPROVEMENTS OTHER THAN BUILDING Ending Balance 12,760.00 * - * -* -009 HWY 169 ENHANCEMENT Beginning Balance 0.00 Net Transactions ,769r00- PROJECT 009 Totals Ending Balance 12,760.00 40- 300 - 54210 -013 STREET IMPROVEMENTS Beginning Balance 0.00 Pd /Year TrnCd Eff Date Ent Date Batch Claim #, Check #, Vendor# and Name 8/2004 CLAC 02/05/2004 17487 29740 I 043036 5020 TRAIL'S END DEVELOPMENT 8/2004 CLAC 02/05/2004 19498 8/2004 CLAC 02/05/2004 19498 11/2004 CLAC 05/04/2004 18439 11/2004 CLAC 05/18/2004 18578 11/2004 CLAC 05/18/2004 18578 11/2004 CLAC 05/18/2004 18578 11/2004 CLAC 05/18/2004 18615 0/2004 CLAC 06/01/2004 18756 12/2004 CLAC 06/01/2004 18795 CCS.GL General Ledger Release 7.2.0 TJ RIGHTOF WAY I ACQUISITION 29740,043036,5020 TRAIL'S END DEVELOPMENT RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION 29740,043036,5020 TRAIL'S END DEVELOPMENT RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION 31849,045643,1373 L & S TRUCKING COMPACTED FILL 32055,045944,98 BEE LINE TRAFFIC CONTROL INSTALL SIGNALIZATION 32063,046093,59 WHITE STAR BOBCAT RENTAL 32064,045930,941 APAC - OKLAHOMA INC ASPHALT-86 /MINGO 32192,046042,1399 RAMEY TESTING LABORATORY FIELD DENSITIES /STANDARD PROCTOR 32403,046279,98 BEE LINE TRAFFIC CONTROL CONTROLLER /LOOPS /DETECTORS 32539,046330,817 KOCH MATERIALS CO 45,181.55 <45,181.55, 45,360.55 13,800.00 11,000.00 700.50 7,934.80 185.00 4,423.00 611.80 By SHERRY BISHOP (SLB) City of Owasso Jan 19, 2005 01:36pm Page 3 Capital ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Improvements Fund Report for Fiscal Periods 2004/1 (07/01/2003) to 2004/12 (06/30/2004) FD-DPT-CLASS-PRJ Account Title Actual 40- 300 - 54210 -013 STREET IMPROVEMENTS (continued) TACK COAT - 300 - 54210 -013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STREET IMPROVEMENTS Ending Balance 84,015.65 * - * -* -013 86 & MINGO INTERSECTION Beginning Balance 0.00 Net Transactions 8 PROJECT 013 Totals Ending Balance 84,015.65 40- 300 - 53001 -020 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROFESSIONAL & TECHNICAL SERVICES -------------- - - - - -- Beginning Balance -------- - - - - -- Pd /Year TrnCd Eff Date Ent Date Batch Claim #, Check #, Vendor# and Name 12/2004 CLAC 06/30/2004 19280 32213,045950,3355 CH GUERNSEY 8, COMPANY 1,804.69 STREET WIDENING 8/20/02 12/2004 CLAC 06/30/2004 19280 31123,044695,3355 CH GUERNSEY & COMPANY 1,804.69 STREET WIDENING 8/20/02 12/2004 CLAC 06/30/2004 19280 29162,042623,3355 CH GUERNSEY & COMPANY 1,353.52 STREET WIDENING 8/20/02 12/2004 CLAC 06/30/2004 19280 28374,041536,3355 CH GUERNSEY & COMPANY 1,353.52 STREET WIDENING 8/20/02 12/2004 CLAC 06/30/2004 19280 26572,039379,3355 CH GUERNSEY & COMPANY 3,439.95 STREET WIDENING 8/20/02 12/2004 CLAC 06/30/2004 19298 33138,047067,3355 CH GUERNSEY & COMPANY 1,804.69 STREET WIDENING 8/20/02 40- 300 - 53001 -020 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROFESSIONAL & TECHNICAL SERVICES Ending Balance 11,561.06 40- 300 - 54210 -020 STREET IMPROVEMENTS Beginning Balance 0.00 Pd /Year TrnCd Eff Date Ent Date Batch Claim #, Check #, Vendor# and Name 4/2004 CLAC 10/07/2003 15883 27159,040324,4478 STORY & ASSOCIATES 607.50 REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL 4/2004 CLAC 10/07/2003 15922 27240,040143,740 CINNABAR SERVICE COMPANY 2,000.00 PROFESSIONAL /TECHNICAL SERVICES 5/2004 CLAC 11/04/2003 16254 27807,040891,3516 BECCO CONTRACTORS INC 280,337.11 86TH ST N -129 E AVE /145 E AVE 5/2004 CLAC 11/18/2003 16481 28077,041207,3516 BECCO CONTRACTORS INC 232,481.45 86TH ST N -129 E AVE /145 E AVE 6/2004 CLAC 12/16/2003 16864 28669,041875,3516 BECCO CONTRACTORS INC 207,357.25 86TH ST N -129 E AVE /145 E AVE /2004 CLAC 01/20/2004 17190 29158,042613,3516 BECCO CONTRACTORS INC 215,836.92 86TH ST N -129 E AVE /145 E AVE 7/2004 CLAC 01/23/2004 17306 28461,041674,4794 OWASSO FFA ASSOCIATION, INC 100,000.00 RIGHT -OF -WAY PURCHASE 8/2004 CLAC 02/17/2004 17547 29870,043306,3403 LIVINGSTON APPRAISALS 900.00 APPRAISALS 8/2004 CLAC 02/17/2004 17552 29944,043253,3516 SECCO CONTRACTORS INC 419,673.21 86TH ST N -129 E AVE /145 E AVE 9/2004 CLAC 03/16/2004 17899 30551,043951,3516 BECCO CONTRACTORS INC 99,577.17 86TH ST N -129 E AVE /145 E AVE 10/2004 CLAC 04/20/2004 18307 31654,045327,3516 BECCO CONTRACTORS INC 101,561.54 86TH ST N -129 E AVE /145 E AVE 11/2004 CLAC 05/18/2004 18582 32127,045943,3516 BECCO CONTRACTORS INC 644,995.96 86TH ST N-129 E AVE /145 E AVE 1212004 CLAC 06/30/2004 19162 33154,047055,3516 BECCO CONTRACTORS INC 230,641.75 86TH ST N-129 E AVE /145 E AVE 12/2004 CLAC 06/30/2004 19298 31634,045396,863 OK NATURAL GAS 27,418.62 GAS RELOCATIONS 40 -300- 54210 -020 STREET IMPROVEMENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ending Balance 2,563,388.48 * - *-* -020 86 STR WIDENING Beginning Balance 0.00 Net Transactions -------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROJECT 020 Totals Ending Balanc 2,574,949.54 40- 300 - 53001-021 PROFESSIONAL & TECHNICAL SERVICES Beginning Balance . Pd /Year TrnCd Eff Date Ent Date Batch Claim #, Check #, Vendor# and Name 10/2004 CLAC 04/20/2004 18314 31686,045336,1219 CH2M HILL INC 27,704.67 ENGINEERING DESIGN SVS 12/2004 CLAC 06/30/2004 19162 33155,047068,1219 CH2M HILL INC 18,800.00 ENGINEERING DESIGN SVS 12/2004 CLAC 06/30/2004 19280 26072,038587,1219 CH2M HILL INC 1,346.00 76 ST N - 96 ST N (8/20/02) 12/2004 CLAC 06/30/2004 19280 26853,039654,1219 CH2M HILL INC 81,499.00 76 ST N - 96 ST N (8/20/02) i /Year TrnCd Eff Date Ent Date Batch Journal Entry #, Description 12/2004 JE 06/30/2004 19299 04.354 ADJUST ENGINEERING PROJECT ALLOCATIONS <111,645.33: ADJUST ENGINEERING PROJECT ALLOCATIONS CH2MHILL CCS.GL General Ledger Release 7.2.0 TJ By SHERRY BISHOP (SLB) City of Owasso Jan 19, 2005 01:36pm Page 4 Capital Improvements Fund Report for ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fiscal Periods 2004/1 (07/01/2003) to 2004/12 (06/30/2004) FD-DPT-CLASS-PRJ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Account Title Actual 40- 300 - 53001-021 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROFESSIONAL & TECHNICAL SERVICES Ending Balance 17,704.34 -300- 54210 -021 STREET IMPROVEMENTS Beginning Balance 0.00 j /Year TrnCd Eff Date Ent Date Batch Claim#, Check #, Vendor# and Name 2/2004 CLAC 08/05/2003 15252 26087,038580,4334 BOARD, BENNY G & INEZ W. 12,600.00 ACQUIRE RIGHT -OF -WAY 3/2004 CLAC 09/16/2003 15769 26903,039629,4558 ALBERTY, WAYNE 55,000.00 ACQUIRE RIGHT- OF-WAY 4/2004 CLAC 10/07/2003 15870 27047,040324,4478 STORY & ASSOCIATES 472.50 APPRAISAL /CONSULTATION 4/2004 CLAC 10/22/2003 16150 27673,040677,3466 OWASSO FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD 75,000.00 RIGHT OF WAY 6/2004 CLAC 12/04/2003 16784 28461,041674,4794 OWASSO FFA ASSOCIATION, INC 100,000.00 RIGHT-OF -WAY PURCHASE 6/2004 CLAC 12/16/2003 16842 28530,041893,740 CINNABAR SERVICE COMPANY 125.00 TITLE OPINION 7/2004 CLAC 01/23/2004 17306 28461,041674,4794 OWASSO FFA ASSOCIATION, INC <100,000.00> RIGHT-OF-WAY PURCHASE 12/2004 CLAC 06/30/2004 19298 26488,039460,4478 STORY & ASSOCIATES 450.00 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 40-300- 54210 -021 STREET IMPROVEMENTS Ending Balance 143,647.50 * - * -* -021 `\129th E AVE ' Beginning Balance 0.00 Net Transactions 64, PRO\ J T_U Totals Ending Balance 161,351.84 40- 300 - 53001 -022 PROFESSIONAL & TECHNICAL SERVICES Beginning Balance 0.00 Pd /Year TrnCd Eff Date Ent Date Batch Claim#, Check #, Vendor# and Name 10/2004 CLAC 04/20/2004 18314 31686,045336,1219 CH2M HILL INC 27,704.66 ENGINEERING DESIGN SVS 12/2004 CLAC 06/30/2004 19280 28903,042203,1219 CH2M HILL INC 3,791.00 76 ST N - 96 ST N (8/20/02) 40- 300 - 53001 -022 PROFESSIONAL & TECHNICAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SERVICES Ending Balance 31,495.66 40- 300 - 54210 -022 STREET IMPROVEMENTS Beginning Balance 0.00 Pd/Year TrnCd Eff Date Ent Date Batch Claim#, Check #, Vendor# and Name /2004 CLAC 01/06/2004 16976 28791,042253,3403 LIVINGSTON APPRAISALS 2,700.00 APPRAISALS 11/2004 CLAC 05/18/2004 18615 32181,045920,4558 ALBERTY, WAYNE 1,000.00 FENCE REPAIR 40-300- 54210-022 STREET IMPROVEMENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ending Balance 3,700.00 * - * -* -022, 96 & 129 E AVE INTERSECTION Beginning Balance 0.00 Net Transactions PROJECT 022 Totals Ending Balance 35,195 66 - -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40- 250 - 54100 -023 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS ---------------- Beginning - - - - -- Balance - 0.00 Pd /Year TrnCd Eff Date Ent Date Batch Claim#, Check #, Vendor# and Name 7/2004 CLAC 01/20/2004 17155 29023,042612,4840 BAKER CUSTOM PAINTING 3,780.00 PAINTING 7/2004 CLAC 01/20/2004 17155 29050,042693,427 OVERHEAD DOOR COMPANY 9,955.00 OVERHEAD DOORS 7/2004 CLAC 01/20/2004 17200 29235,042662,1228 LIGHTHOUSE ELECTRIC INC 8,330.00 ELECTRICAL WORK 9/2004 CLAC 03/02/2004 17754 30171,043667,1055 ACTION PLUMBING INC 1,750.00 PLUMBING SERVICES 9/2004 CLAC 03/02/2004 17757 30249,043717,1228 LIGHTHOUSE ELECTRIC INC 1,153.00 THERMOSTATS 9/2004 CLAC 03/16/2004 17875 30390,044120,619 WILSON HEATING 8, AIR 7,110.00 HEATERS 40- 250 - 54100 -023 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ending Balance 32,078.00 * - * -* -023 FIRE STATION REMODEL Beginning Balance 0.00 Net Transactions 32y.078�00 PROJECT 023 Totals Ending Balance 32,078.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40- 515 - 54001 -024 LAND Beginning Balance 0 Pd /Year TrnCd Eff Date Ent Date Batch Claim#, Check #, Vendor# and Name 7/2004 CLAC 01/09/2004 17148 29018,042349,2687 OWASSO LAND TRUST 1,590,000.00 3/2004 CLAC 02/19/2004 17667 Pd /Year TrnCd Eff Date Ent Date Batch LAND PURCHASE-SPORTS PARK 30032,043537,5059 GUARANTY ABSTRACT CO., OWASSO LAND TRUST CLAIM #29018 Bank, Check #, Vendor# and Name 1,590,000.00 CCS.GL General Ledger Release 7.2.0 TJ By SHERRY BISHOP (SLB) City of Owasso Jan 19, 2005 01:36pm Page 5 Capital Improvements Fund Report for Fiscal Periods 2004/1 (07/01/2003) to 2004/12 (06/30/2004) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FD-DPT- CLASS -PRJ Account Title Actual ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 40- 515 - 54001 -024 LAND (continued) x/2004 VDCK 02/19/2004 17664 -515- 54001-024 LAND AP,42349,2687 OWASSO LAND TRUST Ending Balance <1,590,000.00> 1,590,000.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40- 515 - 54200 -024 IMPROVEMENTS OTHER THAN BUILDING Beginning Balance 0.00 40- 515 - 54200 -024 IMPROVEMENTS OTHER THAN BUILDING Ending Balance 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * - * -* -024 SPORTS PARK EXPANSION Beginning Balance 0.00 Net Transactions PROJECT 024 Totals Ending Balanc 1,590,000.00 40- 300 - 53001 -025 PROFESSIONAL & TECHNICAL SERVICES Beginning Balance 0.00 Pd /Year TrnCd Eff Date Ent Date Batch Claim #, Check #, Vendor# and Name 12/2004 CLAC 06/30/2004 19280 33138,047067,3355 CH GUERNSEY & COMPANY 11,562.60 STREET WIDENING 8/20/02 12/2004 CLAC 06/30/2004 19280 31123,044695,3355 CH GUERNSEY & COMPANY 7,708.40 STREET WIDENING 8/20/02 40- 300 - 53001 -025 PROFESSIONAL & TECHNICAL SERVICES Ending Balance 19,271.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * - * -* -025 96 STR & GARNETT Beginning Balance 0.00 Net Transactions 1 .00 PROJECT 025 Totals Ending Balance 19,271.0b- 40-300-53001-027 PROFESSIONAL & TECHNICAL SERVICES Beginning Balance .00 Pd /Year TrnCd Eff Date Ent Date Batch Claim #, Check #, Vendor# and Name 10/2004 CLAC 04/20/2004 18314 31686,045336,1219 CH2M HILL INC 27,704.67 ENGINEERING DESIGN SVS 12/2004 CLAC 06/30/2004 19162 33155,047068,1219 CH2M HILL INC 43,150.00 ENGINEERING DESIGN SVS Pd /Year TrnCd Eff Date Ent Date Batch Journal Entry #, Description 12/2004 JE 06/30/2004 19299 04.354 ADJUST ENGINEERING PROJECT ALLOCATIONS 111,645.33 ADJUST ENGINEERING PROJECT ALLOCATIONS CH2MHILL 40-300- 53001 -027 PROFESSIONAL & TECHNICAL SERVICES Ending Balance 182,500.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 40- 300 - 54210 -027 STREET IMPROVEMENTS Beginning Balance 0.00 �I /Year TrnCd Eff Date Ent Date Batch Claim #, Check #, Vendor# and Name /2004 CLAC 02/03/2004 17363 29592,042890,98 BEE LINE TRAFFIC CONTROL 15,900.00 TEMP SIGNALIZATION 8/2004 CLAC 02/17/2004 17547 29870,043306,3403 LIVINGSTON APPRAISALS 900.00 APPRAISALS 40-300- 54210 -027 STREET IMPROVEMENTS Ending Balance 16,800.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * - * -* -027 96 & HWY 169 Beginning Balance 0.00 Net Transactions PROJECT 027 Totals Ending Balance 199,300.00 -- 40-280- 54400 -028 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT - - ----------------- - - - - -- - - -- - Beginning Balance 0.00 40- 280 - 54400 -028 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT Ending Balance 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *-*- *-028 STORM SIREN SYSTEM Beginning Balance 0.00 Net Transactions 0.00 PROJECT 028 Totals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ending Balance 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 40- 250 - 54100 -029 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS Beginning Balance 0.00 40- 250 - 54100 -029 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS Ending Balance 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *- *-* -029 NEW FIRE STATION Beginning Balance 0.00 Net Transactions 0.00 PROJECT 029 Totals Ending Balance 0.00 40- 420 - 53001 -031 PROFESSIONAL & TECHNICAL SERVICES Beginning Balance 0.00 Pd /Year TrnCd Eff Date Ent Date Batch Claim #, Check #, Vendor# and Name 12/2004 CLAC 06/30/2004 19280 26885,039637,3354 BENHAM COMPANIES, THE 17,440.00 SERVICE AGREEMENTS 8/20/02 12/2004 CLAC 06/30/2004 19280 27242,040114,3354 BENHAM COMPANIES, THE 9,750.00 SERVICE AGREEMENTS 8/20/02 12/2004 CLAC 06/30/2004 19280 28095,041202,3354 BENHAM COMPANIES, THE 47,538.00 SERVICE AGREEMENTS 8/20/02 1212004 CLAC 06/30/2004 19280 28895,042194,3354 BENHAM COMPANIES, THE 73,986.00 SERVICE AGREEMENTS 8/20/02 (W 2/2004 CLAC 06/30/2004 19280 30093,043678,3354 BENHAM COMPANIES, THE 11,488.57 SERVICE AGREEMENTS 8/20/02 12/2004 CLAC 06/30/2004 19280 32367,046273,3354 BENHAM COMPANIES, THE 77,915.00 CCS.GL General Ledger Release 7.2.0 TJ By SHERRY BISHOP (SLB) City of Owasso Jan 19, 2005 01:36pm Page 6 Capital Improvements Fund Report for Fiscal Periods 2004/1 (07/01/2003) to 2004/12 (06/30/2004) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FD-DPT- CLASS -PRJ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Account Title Actual 40- 420 - 53001-031 PROFESSIONAL & TECHNICAL SERVICES (continued) SERVICE AGREEMENTS 8/20/02 12004 CLAC 06/30/2004 19298 28798,042308,54 SOUTH KANSAS & OKLA RR 600.00 WATERLINE CROSSING 40- 420 - 53001-031 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROFESSIONAL & TECHNICAL SERVICES Ending Balance 238,717.57 *- * -* -031 WATERLINES & TOWER Beginning Balance 0.00 Net Transactions 2 . PROJECT 031 Totals Ending Balance 238,717.57 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grand Totals -------- - - - - -- Beginning Balance ------- - - - - -- - 0.00 Net Transactions 5,016,679.67 Ending Balance 5,016,679.67 e R CCS.GL General Ledger Release 7.2.0 TJ By SHERRY BISHOP (SLB) CCS.GL General Ledger Release 7.2.0 TJ By SHERRY BISHOP (SLB) City of Owasso Jan 19, 2005 12:57pm Page 2 Capital Improvements Fund Report for Fiscal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Periods 2005/1 (07/01/2004) to 2005/6 (12/31/2004) FD-DPT- CLASS -PRJ Account Title ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Actual 40- 150 -54460 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT Beginning Balance 0.00 40- 150-54460 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ending Balance 0.00 -300- 54005 -013 RIGHTS OF WAY Beginning Balance 0.00 Pd /Year TrnCd Eff Date Ent Date Batch Claim #, Check #, Vendor# and Name 1/2005 CLAC 07/29/2004 19586 34069,047880,5831 RONALD LEE OGAN AND 135,000.00 ROW -86 & MINGO 07/20/04 3/2005 CLAC 09/07/2004 19972 34743,048794,4135 KOSCELNY, JENNIFER 480.00 PROF /TECH SERVICES 3/2005 CLAC 09/21/2004 20113 35008,049251,5958 TULSA COUNTY COURT CLERK 15,945.00 CONDEMNATION PROCEEDING - MCCARTY 40- 300 - 54005 -013 RIGHTS OF WAY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ending Balance 151,425.00 * - * -* -013 86 & MINGO INTERSECTION Beginning Balance 0.00 Net Transactions 151 425, 00 PROJECT 013 Totals Ending Balance 151,425.00 . 40-170- 53001 -020 PROFESSIONAL & TECHNICAL SERVICES Beginning Balance 0.00 40- 170 - 53001-020 PROFESSIONAL & TECHNICAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SERVICES Ending Balance 0.00 40- 300 - 53001 -020 PROFESSIONAL & TECHNICAL SERVICES Beginning Balance 0.00 40- 300 - 53001 -020 PROFESSIONAL & TECHNICAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SERVICES Ending Balance 0.00 40- 300 - 54005 -020 RIGHTS OF WAY Beginning Balance 0.00 Pd /Year TrnCd Eff Date Ent Date Batch Claim #, Check #, Vendor# and Name 4/2005 CLAC 10/05/2004 20325 35505,049507,6044 KAISER - FRANCIS OIL COMPANY 7,500.00 ROW ACQUISITION 86 ST 40- 300 - 54005 -020 RIGHTS OF WAY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ending Balance 7,500.00 40- 300 - 54210 -020 STREET IMPROVEMENTS Beginning Balance 0.00 Pd /Year TrnCd Eff Date Ent Date Batch Claim #, Check #, Vendor# and Name 3/2005 CLAC 09/07/2004 19983 34845,048734,740 CINNABAR SERVICE COMPANY 1,000.00 TEMPORARY EASEMENTS 4/2005 CLAC 10/20/2004 20538 35842,049948,3516 BECCO CONTRACTORS INC 228,050.28 86TH ST N 145TH/129TH 6/2005 CLAC 12/07/2004 20947 36606,050822,3516 BECCO CONTRACTORS INC 4,368.00 SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION -300- 54210 -020 STREET IMPROVEMENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ending Balance 233,418.28 40-300- 54230 -020 DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS Beginning Balance 0.00 Pd /Year TrnCd Eff Date Ent Date Batch Claim #, Check #, Vendor# and Name 5/2005 CLAC 11/16/2004 20770 36255,050449,6124 GNC CONCRETE PRODUCTS INC 530.00 CONCRETE -86 ST N DRAINAGE 6/2005 CLAC 12/07/2004 20947 36597,050996,6123 TWIN CITIES READY MIX, INC 273.00 CONCRETE -86 ST N DRAINAGE 6/2005 CLAC 12/07/2004 20947 36598,050956,514 RAINBOW CONCRETE CO 76.00 CONCRETE -86TH ST N DRAINAGE 612005 CLAC 12/21/2004 21153 37004,051341,1039 WATER PRODUCTS INC 697.30 86 ST N WIDENING /DRAINAGE 40- 300 - 54230 -020 DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ending Balance 1,576.30 *- *- *-020 86 STR WIDENING Beginning Balance 0.00 Net Transactions 2 PROJECT 020 Totals Ending Balance 242,494.58 , 40-300- 53001 -021 PROFESSIONAL & TECHNICAL SERVICES Beginning Balance 0.00 Pd /Year TrnCd Eff Date Ent Date Batch Claim #, Check #, Vendor# and Name 4/2005 CLAC 10/19/2004 20449 35712,049785,1219 CH2M HILL INC 18,800.00 ENGINEERING SERVICES 40- 300 - 53001 -021 PROFESSIONAL & TECHNICAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SERVICES Ending Balance 18,800.00 * - * -* -021 129th E AVE Beginning Balance 0.00 Net Transactions , CLQ PROJECT 021 Totals Ending Balance 18,800.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40- 300-54210 -022 STREET IMPROVEMENTS Beginning Balance -_ 0.00 Pd /Year TrnCd Eff Date Ent Date Batch Claim #, Check #, Vendor# and Name 3/2005 CLAC 09/21/2004 20113 34983,049140,3516 BECCO CONTRACTORS INC 12,220.00 DRIVEWAY CONSTRUCTION 3/2005 CLAC 09/21/2004 20145 35146,049141,98 BEE LINE TRAFFIC CONTROL 2,788.00 96/129 SIGNALIZATION 12005 CLAC 12/21/2004 21179 37152,051243,6253 HOME DEPOT USA, INC 1,180,000.00 INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS CCS.GL General Ledger Release 7.2.0 TJ By SHERRY BISHOP (SLB) City of Owasso Jan 19, 2005 12:57pm Page 3 Capital Improvements Fund Report for Fiscal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Periods 2005/1 (07/01/2004) to 2005/6 (12/31/2004) 273,925.76 40- 300 - 54210-025 STREET IMPROVEMENTS FD-DPT- CLASS -PRJ Account Title Beginning Balance 0.00 Actual ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 40- 300 - 54210 -022 STREET IMPROVEMENTS (continued) Balance 6/2005 CLAC 12/21/2004 21179 37153,051243,6253 HOME DEPOT USA, INC 30,914.40 Balance STREET IMPROVEMENTS 40 -300- 54280 -025 UTILITY RELOCATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ,- 300 - 54210-022 STREET IMPROVEMENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Balance Ending Balance 1,225,922.40 * - * -* -022 96 & 129 E AVE INTERSECTION Beginning Beginning Balance 0.00 Net Transactions 1 0 PROJECT 022 Totals Ending Balance ,225,922.40 -- 40- 250 - 54100 -023 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS 40- 300 - 53001-026 PROFESSIONAL & TECHNICAL __ Beginning _ _ _ _ __ Balance _°_ �=__-- 0.00 Pd /Year TrnCd Eff Date Ent Date Batch Claim #, Check #, Vendor# and Name Pd /Year TrnCd Eff Date Ent Date Batch Claim #, Check #, Vendor# and Name 3/2005 CLAC 09/21/2004 20079 35062,049143,5346 BKL INCORPORATED 2/2005 CLAC 08/03/2004 21528 34050,047950,5626 C2A 12,689.56 RENOVATION 3,967.72 ENGINEERING SVS -86/96 40-250-54100 -023 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS Ending Balance 12,689.56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * - * -* -023 FIRE STATION REMODEL ENGINEERING, INC Beginning Balance 0.00 ENGINEERING SVS -86/96 Net Transactions 12 6 PROJECT 023 Totals Ending Balance 12,689.56 40- 515 - 54200-024 IMPROVEMENTS OTHER THAN BUILDING Beginning Balance .00 40- 515-54200 -024 IMPROVEMENTS OTHER THAN BUILDING ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ending Balance 0.00 * - * -* -024 SPORTS PARK EXPANSION Beginning Balance 0.00 Net Transactions 0.00 PROJECT 024 Totals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ending Balance 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 40- 300 - 53001 -025 PROFESSIONAL & TECHNICAL SERVICES Beginning Balance 0.00 Pd /Year TrnCd Eff Date Ent Date Batch Claim#, Check #, Vendor# and Name 2/2005 CLAC 08/03/2004 19577 34050,047950,5626 C2A ENGINEERING, INC 3,967.72 ENGINEERING SVS-86/96 ST N 2/2005 CLAC 08/03/2004 21528 34050,047950,5626 C2A ENGINEERING, INC <3,967.72> ENGINEERING SVS -86/96 ST N 2/2005 CLAC 08/17/2004 19763 34390,048261,3355 CH GUERNSEY 8, COMPANY 12,989.19 PROF /TECH SVS - WIDENING IMPROVEMENTS 3/2005 CLAC 09/07/2004 19938 34563,048732,3355 CH GUERNSEY 8, COMPANY 26,979.40 PROF /TECH SVS - WIDENING IMPROVEMENTS /2005 CLAC 09/21/2004 20079 35048,049157,3355 CH GUERNSEY & COMPANY 11,562.59 PROF /TECH SVS - WIDENING IMPROVEMENTS 4/2005 CLAC 10/19/2004 20449 35713,049784,3355 CH GUERNSEY & COMPANY 6,166.72 PROF /TECH SVS - WIDENING IMPROVEMENTS 5/2005 CLAC 11/16/2004 20770 36313,050489,4940 MESHEK & ASSOCIATES,INC 3,410.44 ENGINEERING SERVICES 40- 300 - 53001 -025 PROFESSIONAL & TECHNICAL SERVICES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ending Balance 61,108.34 40- 300 - 54005 -025 RIGHTS OF WAY Beginning Balance 0.00 Pd /Year TrnCd Eff Date Ent Date Batch Claim #, Check #, Vendor# and Name 4/2005 CLAC 10/05/2004 20257 35288,049516,3403 LIVINGSTON APPRAISALS 2,550.00 APPRAISALS 4/2005 CLAC 10/19/2004 20420 35611,049882,4478 STORY & ASSOCIATES APPRAISALS 6/2005 CLAC 12/22/2004 21266 37240,051410,6251 BYN, INC AND RCS BANK RIGHT -OF -WAY ACQUISITION 6/2005 CLAC 12/22/2004 21270 37241,051411,6254 ROY B BOWMAN AND SHIRLEY M BOWMAN ROW ACQUISITON 3,300.00 153,730.72 114,345.04 40- 300 - 54005 -025 RIGHTS OF WAY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ending Balance 273,925.76 40- 300 - 54210-025 STREET IMPROVEMENTS Beginning Balance 0.00 40- 300 - 54210-025 STREET IMPROVEMENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ending Balance 0.00 40- 300 - 54280 -025 UTILITY RELOCATION Beginning Balance 0.00 40 -300- 54280 -025 UTILITY RELOCATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ending Balance 0.00 * - * -* -025 96 STR & GARNETT Beginning Balance 0.00 Net Transactions 3 O. PROJECT 025 Totals Ending Balance 335,034.10 40- 300 - 53001-026 PROFESSIONAL & TECHNICAL SERVICES Beginning Balance Pd /Year TrnCd Eff Date Ent Date Batch Claim #, Check #, Vendor# and Name 2/2005 CLAC 08/03/2004 21528 34050,047950,5626 C2A ENGINEERING, INC 3,967.72 ENGINEERING SVS -86/96 ST N /2005 CLAC 08/17/2004 19776 34463,048254,5626 C2A ENGINEERING, INC 22,870.60 ENGINEERING SVS -86/96 ST N 3/2005 CLAC 09/21/2004 20079 35047,049150,5626 C2A ENGINEERING, INC 16,683.28 CCS.GL General Ledger Release 7.2.0 TJ By SHERRY BISHOP (SLB) City of Owasso Jan 19, 2005 12:57pm Page 4 Capital Improvements Fund Report for Fiscal Periods 2005/1 (07/01/2004) to 2005/6 (12/31/2004) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FD-DPT-CLASS-PRJ Account Title Actual ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 40- 300-53001 -026 PROFESSIONAL & TECHNICAL SERVICES (continued) ENGINEERING SVS -86/96 ST N 12005 CLAC 10/19/2004 20449 35704,049778,5626 C2A ENGINEERING, INC 31,775.40 ENGINEERING SVS -86/96 ST N 5/2005 CLAC 11/16/2004 20782 36381,050419,5626 C2A ENGINEERING, INC 30,371.00 ENGINEERING SVS -86/96 ST N 6/2005 CLAC 12/21/2004 21161 37048,051201,5626 C2A ENGINEERING, INC 19,327.00 ENGINEERING SVS -86/96 ST N 40- 300 - 53001 -026 PROFESSIONAL & TECHNICAL SERVICES Ending Balance 124,995.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 40- 300 - 54005 -026 RIGHTS OF WAY Beginning Balance 0.00 Pd /Year TrnCd Eff Date Ent Date Batch Claim #, Check #, Vendor# and Name 3/2005 CLAC 09107/2004 19972 34743,048794,4135 KOSCELNY, JENNIFER 3,091.20 PROF /TECH SERVICES 4/2005 CLAC 10/05/2004 20266 35337,049508,4135 KOSCELNY, JENNIFER 1,216.20 ODOT COORDINATION /MEETING 4/2005 CLAC 10/19/2004 20445 35642,049829,4135 KOSCELNY, JENNIFER 1,797.40 ODOT COORDINATION 40- 300 - 54005 -026 RIGHTS OF WAY Ending Balance 6,104.80 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 40- 300-54210 -026 STREET IMPROVEMENTS Beginning Balance 0.00 40- 300 - 54210 -026 STREET IMPROVEMENTS Ending Balance 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *- *-* -026 GARNETT WIDENING, 86 TO 96 Beginning Balance 0.00 Net Transactions 1 9.9- PROJECT 026 Totals Ending Balance 131,099.80 40- 300 - 53001 -027 PROFESSIONAL & TECHNICAL SERVICES Beginning Balance Pd /Year TrnCd Eff Date Ent Date Batch Claim #, Check #, Vendor# and Name 4/2005 CLAC 10/19/2004 20449 35712,049785,1219 CH2M HILL INC 3,800.00 ENGINEERING SERVICES 40- 300 - 53001 -027 PROFESSIONAL & TECHNICAL SERVICES Ending Balance 3,800.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 40- 300 - 54005 -027 RIGHTS OF WAY Beginning Balance 0.00 Pd /Year TrnCd Eff Date Ent Date Batch Claim #, Check #, Vendor# and Name ?/2005 CLAC 08/17/2004 19763 34371,048249,5837 BENCHMARK SURVEYING & LAND SERVICES, INC 900.00 -300- 54005 -027 RIGHTS OF WAY Ending Balance 900.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40-300- 54210 -027 STREET IMPROVEMENTS Beginning Balance 0.00 Pd /Year TrnCd Eff Date Ent Date Batch Claim #, Check #, Vendor# and Name 4/2005 CLAC 10120/2004 20538 35843,049948,3516 BECCO CONTRACTORS INC 102,836.26 US 169/96 ST N IMPROVEMENT 7/20/04 5/2005 CLAC 11/16/2004 20785 36417,050409,3516 BECCO CONTRACTORS INC 201,503.00 US 169/96 ST N IMPROVEMENT 7/20/04 6/2005 CLAC 12/21/2004 21161 37049,051196,3516 BECCO CONTRACTORS INC 141,794.90 US 169/96 ST N IMPROVEMENT 7/20/04 40- 300 - 54210 -027 STREET IMPROVEMENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ending Balance 446,134.16 * - * -* -027 96 & HWY 169 Beginning Balance 0.00 Net Transactions PROJECT 027 Totals Ending Balance 450,834.16 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 40- 280 - 54400 -028 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT Beginning - - - - -- Balance ---- - - - - -- 0.00 Pd /Year TrnCd Eff Date Ent Date Batch Claim #, Check #, Vendor# and Name 4/2005 CLAC 10/05/2004 20277 35382,049478,1056 EQUIPMENT ONE INC 180.00 STORM SIREN EQUIPMENT 4/2005 CLAC 10/05/2004 20309 35492,049590,556 TOTAL RADIO INC 225,169.00 STORM SIRENS 4/2005 CLAC 10/05/2004 20277 35376,049610,1039 WATER PRODUCTS INC 74.00 ELECTRIC CONDUIT 4/2005 CLAC 10/19/2004 20445 35668,049799,5021 DUVALL ELECTRIC 4,295.00 STORM SIREN INSTALLATION 4/2005 CLAC 10/19/2004 20445 35669,049807,4975 GABLES EXCAVATING 4,365.00 ELECTRIC SVS -STORM SIRENS 40- 280 - 54400 -028 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ending Balance 234,083.00 * - * -* -028 STORM SIREN SYSTEM Beginning Balance 0.00 Net Transactions PROJECT 028 Totals Ending Balance 234,083.00 - 250 - 54100 -029 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS Beginning Balance 0.00 .J-250- 54100 -029 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ending ----- ------- Balance ------------- 0.00 ------ CCS.GL General Ledger Release 7.2.0 TJ By SHERRY BISHOP (SLB) nuv of Owasso Jan 19. zoos 12*7pm Page s Capital Improvements Fund Report for Fiscal pv,ioux 2005/1 (07/01/2004) to 2005/6 (12/31/2004) -- ---'-- —' ---'''—'—'—' m'oppcu^oo'pxx _______________________________________________________________^��ua�_ '--' -- '----''-- '—'—''—'----'' — Account Title '''— ---'''— '---''''—'—' °'°'°'029 NEW FIRE STATION Beginning Balance 0'00 Net Transactions o'oo ,...=.............�..~..�.......~~.........~=..~.....�...~�..............�...~~...~..............~�..~..............=......~... pxoJcor ozv Totals snu/ny Balance o'oo 40'515'5*205'030 pAnx zmrnovswswro Beginning Balance o'no 40-515-54205 -030 —''-----'-- pxnx zmpxovcwswm ''-------'---'''''--''—'------'----'-----''—'---''---'—'''-------'—' Emu/no Balance 0.00 °'°'°'osn ,mcx vooL Beginning Balance 0.00 Net Transactions 0.00 pnoscr uso Totals cmuinu Balance o'oo Grand rumlx Beginning Balance o'oo Net Transactions ~~=~~~~=~~~~==~~~~=~~~~==~~~=~~~~~~=~=~~~==~~~~=~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~ smuiny uaLo rco'ou General Ledger Release 7'2'0 o By xnsxxY omxop (uLo) MEMORANDUM TO: OWASSO SALES TAX WATCHDOG COMMITTEE FROM: JULIANN M. STEVENS ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT SUBJECT: RESOLUTION ADOPTING PRIORITY DETERMINATION OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS DATE: January 21, 2005 At the Watchdog Committee meeting in July 2003, additional information was requested regarding the Capital Improvement Project priority list. Attached to this memo, you will find three Resolutions pertaining to such priority determination. Resolution No. 2003 -14 was approved and adopted by the Owasso City Council on September 2, 2003; this resolution establishes a procedure for amending the priority determinations, previously made by the City Council, for utilizing the proceeds of the tax levied by Ordinance No. 763. Resolution No. 2004 -01 was approved and adopted by the Owasso City Council on January 20, 2004; this resolution approves a recommendation made to the Council by the Capital Improvements Committee that designates particular Capital Improvement Projects as "priority" for funding from the Capital Improvements Fund. Resolution No. 2004 -11 was approved and adopted by the Owasso City Council on June 1, 2004; this resolution amends the priority determination as made in Resolution No. 2004 -01. The Capital Improvements Committee made a recommendation to the City Council that the E. 96th Street North and N. Garnett Road Project be re- prioritized and included in the priority list and the N. 129th E Avenue Widening Project from E. 76th Street North and to E. 96th Street North be removed from the priority list. �161 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA RESOLUTION NO. 2003-14 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, ESTABLISHING AN AMENDATORY PROCEDURE FOR AMENDING PRIORITY DETERMINATIONS PREVIOUSLY MADE BY THE CITY COUNCIL AS RELATES TO UTILIZATION OF THE PROCEEDS OF THE EXCISE TAX LEVIED BY ORDINANCE NO.763, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT TO WIT: Amendment to Priority Determination for utilization of the proceeds of the excise tax levied by Ordinance No. 763, shall be accomplished in the following manner, to wit: A. The proposal for amendment to the Priority Determination shall be presented to the Capital Improvements Committee, in a regular or special meeting thereof, called, noticed and held in accordance with the provisions of the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act, 25 O.S. 301, et req. The Capital Improvements Committee, in such public meeting, shall consider all matters deemed relevant by it to the proposed amendment to Priority Determination and at the conclusion of such consideration it shall make a recommendation thereon to the City Council. B. Prior to the City Council consideration of the Capital Improvement Committee's recommendation and the proposed amendment to the Priority Determination. The City Council, during a regular or special meeting thereof called, noticed and held in accordance with the provisions of the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act, 25 O.S. 301 et req., shall conduct a public hearing thereon. In addition to such notice as may be required under the provisions of the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act, 25 O.S. 301 et req., notice of such public hearing shall be published once in a newspaper of general circulation not less than five (5) calendar days prior to such public hearing. C. During the course of the public hearing, the City Council shall receive and consider such information as deemed by the City Council relevant to the proposed amendment to Priority Determination. D. At the conclusion of the public hearing, the City Council shall, after discussion on the proposed amendment, continue the matter for a period of not less than two (2) weeks to a date, time and place certain for continued consideration of same. At such time, the City Council shall take such action as it deems appropriate on the proposed amendment. Any action taken shall ultimately be set forth by way of Resolution. The date of adoption of said Resolution of the proposed amendment to Priority Determinations shall be deemed the effective date. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 2 °d day of September, 2003 by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. NO OF 0 ATTEST: • OFFICIAL G SEAL G Mayor Sherry Bisholf, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: S P. Gray, C' A t ey -..t Li CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA RESOLUTION NUMBER 2004 -01 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, APPROVING TIER 1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FOR FUNDING FROM THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND WHEREAS, on the 14`h day of October, 2003, the citizens of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, approved Ordinance Number 763, an ordinance providing for the extension of the third penny sales tax and further, restricting the use of said sales tax generated by such third penny extension to capital projects reviewed by the Capital Improvements Committee and approved by the City Council by resolution; WHEREAS, capital projects, designated as "Tier 1 Projects ", specifically, 129`h East Ave., 76`h to 96`h; the Interchange at 96`h Street North, Highway 169 and North 129`h East Avenue; Additional Fire Stations; the Sports Park Expansion; a Storm Siren System; and the YMCA Pool, have heretofore been reviewed and recommended by the Capital Improvements Committee, approved by the City Council, and presented on numerous occasions to the public; and, WHEREAS, it is necessary for the City Council to formally approve the Tier 1 capital projects for funding from the Capital Improvements Fund. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, that, to -wit: The following capital projects, designated as "Tier 1 Projects," to -wit: 129`h East Ave., 76`h to 96`h; the Interchange at 96`h Street North, Highway 169 and North 129`h East Avenue; Additional Fire Stations; the Sports Park Expansion; a Storm Siren System; and the YMCA Pool are hereby approved and shall be considered as the initial priority determination of capital projects for funding from the Capital Improvements Fund. DATED this 201h day of January, 2004. ATTEST: Sherry Bjsifp, City AS TO FORM: D. Cates, City Attorney CITY O OW SSO, OKLAHOMA ar chran, Mayor 'i OF o�L � 9s N OFFICIAL O SEAL �0 AHOMP CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA RESOLUTION NUMBER 2004 -11 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, AMENDING PRIORITY DETERMINATION OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FOR FUNDING FROM THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND WHEREAS, on the 14`h day of October, 2003, the citizens of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, approved Ordinance Number 763, an ordinance providing for the extension of the third penny sales tax and further, restricting the use of said sales tax generated by such third penny extension to capital projects reviewed by the Capital Improvements Committee and approved by the City Council by resolution; WHEREAS, capital projects, designated as priorities were, specifically; 1290' East Ave., 76`h to 96`h; the Interchange at 96`h Street North, Highway 169 and North 1290' East Avenue, Additional Fire Stations; the Sports Park Expansion; a Storm Siren System; and the YMCA Pool, have heretofore been reviewed and recommended by the Capital Improvements Committee, approved by the City Council, and presented on numerous occasions to the public, WHEREAS, the City Council, by Resolution No. 2004 -01, formally approved the aforementioned capital projects for funding from the Capital Improvements Fund; and, WHEREAS, the City Council after having received a recommendation from the Capital Improvements Committee that E. 96`h Street North and Garnett Road Projects be re- prioritized to be included in the project list and N. 129`h East Ave from 76`h to 96`h be removed and after properly notifying the Public, all in accordance with Resolution No. 2003 -14, has held a Public Hearing as required by the aforesaid resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, that, to -wit: The Capital Projects heretofore designated as priorities be amended by providing, to -wit: the Interchange at 96`h Street North and, Highway 169, Additional Fire Stations; the Sports Park Expansion; a Storm Siren System; E. 96`h Street North and Garnett Road projects and the YMCA Pool are hereby approved and shall be considered as the priority capital projects for funding from the Capital Improvements Fund. The North 129`h East Avenue from 76`h to 96`h Streets shall be removed from the priority list. DATED this ls` day of June, 21 ATTEST: Sherry B' hop ity Clerk APP =D AS TO FORM: ,Ronald D. Cdte3; City Attorney n \�� OF O� O CITY OF OWASSO, 9KIAHOMA Susan Kimball, Mayo