HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995.10.17_City Council AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL ~ TYPE OF MEETING: Regular ' ~ DATE: October 17, 1995 TIME: 7:00 p.m. ~ PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, October 13, 1995. i Marci Boutwell, City Clerk AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Invocation Councilor Joe Ramey 3. Flag Salute 4. Roll Call 5. Presentation to Council Relating to Youth Programs. Chief Alexander Chief Alexander will introduce Owasso High School VICA students who will brief the Council on an upcoming panel dealing with youth-related concerns. Owasso City Council October 17, 1995 Page 2 6. Reading of Mayor's Proclamation. Mayor Burris Attachment #6 The Mayor will present a proclamation to members of the Owasso High School Girls Softball Team in recognition of their achievements. 7. Request Approval of the Minutes of October 3, 1995 Regular Meeting and October 2, 1995 Special Meetings. Attachment #7 8. Request Approval of Claims. Attachment #8 9. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Resolution #95-12, a Resolution of Intent Assuring the Board of Commissioners of Tulsa County, Oklahoma, that the City of Owasso will Accept Beneficial Interest In and To the Tulsa County Criminal Justice Authority Upon Amendment of Its Trust Indenture Establishing the City of Owasso as an Expressed Beneficiary of the Trust. Mr Ray Mr Cates Attachment #9 The staff will report to the Council the intent and impact of the Resolution and recommend Council adoption of Resolution #95-12. Owasso City Council ' October 17, 1995 Page 3 10. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request to Ratify an Action of the City Manager Wherein Approval of Payment of a Claim was Authorized Pursuant to Previous Council Action. Mr Ray Attachment # 10 The staff will recommend Council ratification of the City Manager's authorization for the payment of $20,598.54 to Classic Chevrolet for purchase of a vehicle, such purchase ' approved by the Council on September 19, 1995. 1 ' 11. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Council Approval of the Expenditure of Funds for the Purchase of General Liability Insurance. ' Ms Parsons Attachment # 11 * Staff will recommend Council approval of the expenditure of $56,072.69 to Oklahoma Municipal Assurance Group, Oklahoma City, OK, for the purchase of a one year general liability insurance policy. ' 12. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Amendments to the FY 1995-96 General Fund, Revenue Bond Project Fund, and Capital Improvements Fund Budgets. ' Ms Bishop Attachment # 12 t Staff will recommend Council approval of "carry over" budgets in the form of supplemental appropriations for the Engineering, Cemetery, Parks, Community Development, Fire, and Finance Departments of the General Fund, and in the Revenue Bond Project Fund, and ' Capital Improvements Fund. ~ Owasso City Council October 17, 1995 Page 4 13. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Ordinance #515, an Ordinance Providing for the Rezoning of a 356 Acre located East of North 129th East Avenue, South of East '~" 86th Street North, West of North 145th East Avenue, and North of East 76th Street North. Mr Rooney Attachment # 13 Staff will recommend Council approval of Ordinance #515 based on previous Council action of October 3, 1995 approving such zoning. 14. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to OZ-95-07, a Request to Rezone a Tract „~ of Land from AG (Agriculture) to CS (Commercial Shopping Center), Such Property Located East of the Southeast Corner of East 86th Street North and North 129th East Avenue, Containing 16.9 Acres, More or Less. Mr Rooney ~ Attachment # 14 Staff will recommend Council approval of the zoning request as recommended by the Owasso Planning Commission. 15. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for the Expenditure of Funds for the Purpose of Abating a Nuisance. Mr Rooney Mr McCord Attachment # 15 The staff will recommend Council approval of the expenditure of $1400 to Tom Gill Tree Service, Tulsa, OK for the purpose of removing a tree that has been declared a nuisance. Owasso City Council t October 17, 1995 Page 5 ' 16. Report from City Manager 17. Report from City Attorney 18. Reports from City Councilors i~ i~ i~ PROCLAMATION CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA WHEREAS, As SA State Champions, the 1995 Owasso High School Girls Softball Team has reached a pinnacle reserved for only a few; and, WHEREAS, The team is the first girls softball team in the history of Owasso High School to win the state championship, and only the second to reach the playoffs; and, WHEREAS, The ability of the team to reach the state playoffs comes through dedication, commitment and hours of hard work by a total team effort; and, WHEREAS, The athletic record of the team is matched by the excellent academic record of the individuals on that team; and, WHEREAS, The team and coaching staff have brought credit to their school, their families, their community, and themselves by their actions on and off the field with both team and individual effort, NOW, THEREFORE, I, Charles L Burris, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor of the City of Owasso, do hereby proclaim Wednesday, October 18, 1995 as OWASSO HIGH SCHOOL LADY RAMS SOFTBALL DAY I in the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and do further encourage all Owasso residents and businesses to express their thanks and congratulations to Coaches Oliver, Hightower and Clazk and the entire team on that day for this memorable achievement. IN WITNESS THEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the City of Owasso to be affixed this 17th day of October, 1995. Chazles L Burris, Mayor ' OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING ' TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1995 The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, October 3, 1995 in the Council ' Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, September 29, 1995. ITEM l: CALL TO ORDER ' Mayor Burris called the meeting to order at 7:37 p.m. ITEM 2: INVOCATION The invocation was given during the OPWA meeting preceding this meeting. ITEM 3: FLAG SALUTE The flag salute was held during the OPWA meeting preceding this meeting. ITEM 4: ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT Charles Burris, Mayor Danny Ewing, Vice Mayor Mary Lou Barnhouse, Councilor Joe Ramey, Councilor ~ Michael Helm, Councilor STAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager ~ Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Ronald D Cates, City Attorney A quorum was declared present. ' ITEM 5: READING OF MAYOR'S PROCLAMATIONS. Mayor Burris presented a proclamation to Mr Tim Rich, owner of Owasso McDonald's, proclaiming that business as Business of the Quarter for the Fourth Quarter of 1995. He also presented a proclamation to the Owasso Business and Professional Women's Club proclaiming October 15-21 as National Business and Professional Women's Week in the City of Owasso. Owasso City Council October 3, 1995 ITEM 6: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 19 1995 REGULAR MEETING AND SEPTEMBER 28 1995 SPECIAL MEETING. Mr Helm moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to approve the minutes as submitted, by reference made a part hereto. AYE: Helm, Barnhouse, Ramey, Ewing, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 7: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE CLAIMS Mr Ramey moved, seconded by Mr Ewing, that the following claims be approved: (1) General Fund $28,385.48; (2) Ambulance Service Fund $1,280.43; (3) E-911 $1,844.19; (4) City Garage $2,671.40; (5) Capital Projects Grant $2,341.99; (6) Interfund Transfers $25,887.50; (7) General Fund Payroll $105, 418.60; (8) City Garage Payroll $1, 982.24. AYE: Ramey, Ewing, Helm, Barnhouse, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. Mayor Burris recessed the meeting at 7:47 p.m. and reconvened at 7:58 p.m. ITEM 8: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO OZ-95-OS A REQUEST TO REZONE A 356 ACRE TRACT OF LAND FROM AG (AGRICULTUREI TO CS (COMMERCIAL SHOPPING CENTERI OL (OFFICE LIGHTI. RD (RESIDENTIAL DUPLEX) RS_3 (RESIDENTIAL SINGLE-FAMILY HIGH DENSITY) RS-2 (RESIDENTIAL SINGLE-FAMILY MEDIUM DENSITY), AND RE (RESIDENTIAL ESTATESI SUCH PROPERTY LOCATED EAST OF NORTH 129TH EAST AVENUE SOUTH OF EAST 86TH STREET NORTH, WEST OF NORTH 145TH EAST AVENUE, AND NORTH OF EAST 76TH STREET NORTH This is an item that was originally scheduled for hearing on June 21, 1995, and was postponed on that occasion and two subsequent occasions. Kaiser-Francis Oil Company has requested rezoning a 344 acre tract from AG to CS, OL, RD, RS-3, RS-2, and RE. The portion of the tract that originally contained a request for RM-1 zoning has been removed from this request. Mr Charles Norman presented the request on behalf of the applicant. A large group of citizens was in attendance, many to protest the proposed duplex zoning. The area to be zoned for 2 ' Owasso City Council October 3, 1995 duplexes is located directly south of a 16-acre tract located at the southeast corner of 129th E Ave and 86th St N. The. duplexes would act as a buffer between the commercial zoning and the residential zoning to the south and east. Citizens speaking against the duplex zoning were Mike Anderson, Sid Eckerd, Linda Younger, Glenda Payne, Sue Higbee-Olsen, and Claire McKinley. They were basically protesting multi-family housing being placed close to schools. They were concerned about increased traffic and the safety of their children. Two citizens, Dale Prevett and Steve Compton, spoke in favor of the proposed zoning, citing the need for duplex housing in Owasso and compatibility with the city's comprehensive plan. City Planner Tim Rooney outlined the staff recommendations. Following discussion and rebuttal statements from citizens and the applicant, Mr Ramey moved to approve the rezoning request from Kaiser-Francis Oil Company to rezone the subject property from AG to CS on Tract A, OL on Tracts C & G, RD on Tract D, RS-3 on Tract E, RS-2 on Tract F, and RE on Tract I. Motion seconded by Ms Barnhouse. AYE: Ramey, Barnhouse, Helm, Ewing, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. Mayor Burris recessed the meeting at 9:25 p.m. and reconvened at 9:35 p.m. ITEM 9: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR THE CITY COUNCIL TO ESTABLISH A STREET REPAIR PRIORITY SCHEDULE FOR PROJECTS FUNDED THROUGH THE 1995-96 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN. The Public Works Department staff has compiled information pertaining to needed street repairs in response to the establishment of funding in the FY95-96 Capital Improvements budget. Mr Carr presented a summary of the projects evaluated. The following projects were recommended as priority projects: Street Overlay Projects -Dogwood St (19th St to 20th Ct), 76th St & Atlanta Intersection, 107th E Ave & 96th Pl, 10800E 99th St N, 121st Ct (South of 90th St N), 125th E Ave (82nd St to 83rd St), and 81st St (Owasso Expy to end); Miscellaneous Repairs - 8208 N 128th E Ave, 10703E 97th Pl, 2202 N Dogwood, 10707E 99th Pl, 121st E Ave & 89th St Intersection, 90th St & 121st E Ave Intersection, 108E 21st St, 9911E 107th St, 11809 E 80th Pl, 320 N Dogwood, and 10703E 98th St. Mr Helm moved, seconded by Mr Ramey, to authorize staff to proceed with the street repair project as outlined and recommended by staff. AYE: Helm, Ramey, Barnhouse, Ewing, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. 3 Owasso City Council October 3, 1995 ITEM 10: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR SETTLEMENT OF A LAWSUIT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND SAFETY NATIONAL CASUALTY CORPORATION AND AUTHORIZATION FOR PAYMENT OF SUCH SETTLEMENT Safety National Casualty Corporation provided excess workers compensation coverage for the City of Owasso beginning July 1, 1991. That annual premium was $27,400. The City of Owasso was notified that there would be no significant change to the premium for 1992-93, however, when the premium notice was receive it was for $41,100. At that time the City solicited quotes from other providers for excess workers compensation coverage. The contract with Safety National was terminated an October 26, 1992, but no premium was paid them after July 1, 1992. Safety National sued to recover premiums in the amount of $17, 621 for the four month period and $10,757 due from "audited payroll", plus legal fees. A tentative settlement agreement was reached on August 31, 1995 in the amount of $16,000 for a dismissal with prejudice and a full release of the City of Owasso, as well as past, present and future officials, officers and agents. Mr Ewing moved, seconded by Mr Helm, to approve a payment in the amount of $16,000 to Safety National Casualty Corporation to satisfy Case No CJ 94 02809, and that a release of liability be obtained by the City Attorney in exchange for such settlement. AYE: Ewing, Helm, Barnhouse, Ramey, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 11: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR A BUDGET AMENDMENT TO THE WORKERS COMPENSATION SELF INSURANCE FUND. Approval of the payment to Safety National Casualty Corporation requires a budget amendment to increase expenses in the amount of the settlement. Mr Ramey moved, seconded by Mr Helm, to approve a Workers Compensation Self Insurance Fund budget amendment to increase expenses by $16,000. AYE: Ramey, Helm, Barnhouse, Ewing, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. 4 Owasso City Council October 3, 1995 ITEM 12: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO RESOLUTION #95-11. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING DIRECT DEPOSIT OF MONTHLY RETIREMENT BENEFITS BY THE PLAN ADMINISTRATOR OF THE OKLAHOMA MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND. The OMRF recently approved allowing a retiree to request that their monthly pension benefit be directly deposited into their bank account. Before the City of Owasso can offer this benefit to retirees, the City Council must ratify the process by resolution, and approve the plan authorization for direct deposit. Mr Helm moved, seconded by Mr Ramey, to approve Resolution #95-11, authorizing direct deposit of monthly retirement benefits. AYE: Helm, Ramey, Barnhouse, Ewing, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ' ITEM 13: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR AN AMENDMENT TO THE FY 1995-96 CAPITAL PROJECTS GRANT FUND (PREVIOUSLY REFERRED TO AS THE ' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT). Since the approval of the fiscal year budget, two additional grants have been approved for capital improvement projects. Those grants need to be added to both income and expenditures in the budget. In addition, all grants will be included in a single fund entitled "Capital Projects Grant Fund" . Mr Helm moved, seconded by Mr Ewing, to approve a supplemental budget amendment to the Capital Projects Grant Fund for revenues and expenditures of $525,239. AYE: Helm, Ewing, Barnhouse, Ramey, Burris NAY: None ~ Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 14: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A ~ REQUEST FOR AN AMENDMENT TO THE GENERAL FUND BUDGET WHEREIN REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES RELATING TO A HIGHWAY SAFETY GRANT WILL BE REDUCED. ^ The FY 1995-96 General Fund budget included an anticipated Highway Safety Grant to fund a community service officer in the Police Department. The Highway Traffic Safety Department has withdrawn funding for that program, and the anticipated revenues and expenditures in the amount of $35,229 need to be eliminated from the City's budget. Ms Barnhouse moved, Owasso City Council October 3, 1995 seconded by Mr Helm, to approve an amendment to the General Fund budget reducing grant revenues by $35,229 and reducing the Police Department expenditures by $35,229. AYE: Barnhouse, Helm, Ramey, Ewing, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 15: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER ,r Mr Ray reported that Governor Keating has appointed Mayor Burris to the Police Pension Board. He also said that Mr Burris and Mr Ewing have been working with other Tulsa County mayors in setting up the Criminal Justice Authority. ITEM 16: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY No report. '~ ITEM 17: REPORTS FROM CITY COUNCILORS No report. ITEM 18: UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. ~ ITEM 19: NEW BUSINESS None. ITEM 20: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR AN EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING PERSONNEL MATTERS RELATING TO THE OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER. SUCH EXECUTIVE SESSION PROVIDED FOR IN O.S. 25. SECTION 307(B)(1). Staff recommended Council action to retire into executive session for the purpose of discussing personnel matters relating to the office of the City Manager. Mr Ramey moved, seconded by Mr Helm, to retire to executive session for the stated purpose. 6 f t Owasso City Council October 3, 1995 ~ AYE: Ramey, Helm, Barnhouse, Ewing, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 5-0, and the Council retired to executive session at 9:50 p.m. Ms Barnhouse out at 9:50 p.m. Meeting reconvened at 10:10 p.m. ITEM 21: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A ~ CONTRACT FOR SERVICES BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND w. RODNEY J RAY. °' Mr Helm moved, seconded by Mr Ramey, to approve an employment agreement with City Manager Rodney J Ray as discussed under the previous agenda item, such agreement to terminate on June 30, 1996. AYE: Helm, Ramey, Ewing, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. ITEM 22: ADJOURNMENT a Ms Ramey moved, seconded by Mr Ewing, to adjourn. AYE: Ramey, Ewing, Helm, Burris ~~ NAY: None Motion carried 4-0 and the meeting was adjourned at 10:12 p.m. i~ Charles L Burris, Mayor Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk 7 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING MONDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1995 The Owasso City Council met in special session on Monday, October 2, 1995 as part of the , Tulsa Business Forum. The session consisted of traveling from Owasso to Tulsa to attend the Business Forum at 4:30 p.m., and the return trip to Owasso. No city business was conducted. r ~. .~ OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING MONDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1995 The Owasso City Council met in special session on Monday, October 2, 1995 in the Lower Level Conference Room at Owasso City Hall, 207 S Cedar, per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, September 29, 1995. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Burris called the meeting to order at 6:38 p.m. ITEM 2: ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT Charles Burris, Mayor Danny Ewing, Vice Mayor Joe Ramey, Councilor Mary Lou Barnhouse, Councilor Michael Helm, Councilor STAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager A quorum was declared present. ITEM 3: DISCUSSION OF ISSUES OF IMPORTANCE TO THE CITY OF OWASSO. A general discussion of issues of importance to the City of Owasso took place. No action was requested and no vote taken. ITEM 4: ADJOURNMENT Mayor Burris moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse to adjourn. AYE: Burris, Barnhouse, Helm, Ewing, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. Charles L Burris, Mayor Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk t ~~ 1, i":TTY;' t_?^ Cl(~dA '=,~? toft.,~~.~ -~~.~;-•~.. ~.;F r..~,Tr:*:. R-F't: ~ a~~r~ r'.i,=. 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TfETAj, ____) ^:'9.4fJ CITY OF OWASSO A/P TRANSFER REPORT VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT TRANSFERS CEMETERY CARE REVENUE TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUN 155.63 AMBULANCE CAPITAL REVENUE TRANSFER FROM AMBULANCE F 2,976.13 TRANSFERS TOTAL 3,131.76 CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING 09/30/95 OVERTIME TOTAL DEPARTMENT EXPENSES EXPENSES >;: ~~~t ,..: Finance 0.00 6168.57 ...... .~r~~ .. ....... ..... ~~7~'T,Z~: Municipal Court 0.00 1,414.58 . ......................... ::.~ :::::::::::::::::::.:::..~ :..:~::.~.:~:::::::.::................... ... Building Maintenance 0.00 406.92 . :::::::::..~ ::.::.::::::::::::.:::::::::.::::.:::::::::: ::::: .....:...:.....::..:...:.:..::..........................:.::::.:::::::.::::::::::.:::::::::.::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. ... ::::::::::.::::::.:::.:: :::::::::::::::::.:::::7:.:::.:::::::::::::.:::. 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The Authority, created under Title 60 of the Oklahoma Statutes, was the product of a promise made by the Commissioners to representatives of the county's municipalities. Prior to the sales tax election, the Commissioners agreed to the concept of the Authority as a means of providing municipal input into the spending of sales tax dollars earmarked for the jail. As a part of the sales tax ballot, the Authority was listed as being comprised of the three County Commissioners, the Mayor of Tulsa, and three additional Mayors from municipalities located within the county. On September 12, 1995, the voters of Tulsa County approved a sales tax increase based on the explanation of the manner in which the funds would be spent and who would oversee the spending. Immediately after the election, the Mayors of most of the county's municipalities met and selected three of their number to be appointed to the Criminal Justice Authority. On September 18th, the Board of Commissioners rejected that recommendation because it lacked "geographic representation" (one county commission district was not represented by a Mayor from that district). Subsequently, on September 20, the area Mayors again met and again voted to recommend three names to the County Commissioners for appointment to the newly created Authority. Prior to that meeting, Commissioner Harris met with the Mayors and successfully appealed to them to ensure that their recommendation included someone from each district. However, on September 24th Commissioner Harris asked the Commission to delay for two weeks any action on the appointments, even though the Mayors had recommended someone from each district. Then, on October 4th, Commissioner Harris filed a lawsuit charging that Mayors could not serve on the Authority because of the "dual office holding" prohibition in the state statutes. Subsequent to that action, several of the area City Attorneys joined forces to develop a strategy for ensuring municipal representation on the Authority. The attorneys concluded that the most effective and least costly solution would be to have each city in the county accept beneficial RESOLUTION #95-12 -CRIMINAL JUSTICE AUTHORITY October 13, 1995 Page 2 interest in the Authority. Such an action would have the effect of answering Commissioner Harris' lawsuit and making its need irrelevant in so far as the law relating to dual office holding is concerned. The vehicle selected to initiate the concept of each city accepting beneficial interest in the Authority is the attached Resolution #95-12. The resolution simply states the City Council's intent to accept beneficial interest in the Authority should the County amend the Trust Indenture to provide for the cities to be named as beneficiaries. Adoption of the resolution will in no way result in the acceptance of any liability of the Authority, nor will such action result in the expenditure of city funds for any of the Authority's expenses or debts. This is simply a method to resolve a question relating to whether or not city officials can legally serve on this public trust. On October 12th the Tulsa City Council adopted a similar resolution. Sand Springs, Broken Arrow, Skiatook, Jenks, Glenpool and Sperry have all scheduled similar resolutions for their Council's consideration during the week of October 16th (it is uncleaz at this point if Collinsvile and Bixby will consider resolutions). COMMENTS: • Municipal representation has not only been promised, but such representation is important as a criteria for the future use of sales tax by non-municipal governmental entities. • The voters were promised municipal representation on this Authority and were led to believe that a joint Authority would oversee all expenditures. • The new sales tax will deliver about twenty-six (26) million dollazs to the county. The county's current budget is about twenty-five (25) million dollars. Thus the county's revenue will double with this tax. Local representation by cities is needed to ensure the pre-election concerns raised by the Mayors and City Managers aze addressed as priority issues. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends Council adoption of Resolution #95-12. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution #95-12 2. News article dated October 8, 1995 3. Correspondence to county from Tulsa Chamber of Commerce dated October 6, 1995 ' CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA RESOLUTION NO 95-12 A RESOLUTION OF INTENT OF THE CTTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, PROVIDING ASSURANCE TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, THAT THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA WILL Il1~fEEDIATELY ACCEPT BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN AND TO THE TULSA COUNTY CRIMINAL JUSTICE AUTHORITY UPON AMENDMENT OF ITS TRUST INDENTURE ESTABLISHING THE CTTY OF OWASSO AS AN EXPRESSED BENEFICIARY OF SAID TRUST. WHEREAS, the Tulsa County Criminal Justice Authority ("Authority"), a public trust, has heretofore, on September 1, 1995, been created by the Boazd of Commissioners of Tulsa County, Oklahoma ("Board") for the expressed purpose of administering sales tax funds relating to the construction and operation of a county jail and/or other detention facilities ("Facility") within Tulsa County, Oklahoma, to serve, in the manner provided by law, all residents of said county living both within and without the limits of all cities and towns in said county; and, WHEREAS, the registered voters of Tulsa County, on September 12, 1995, approved the passage of afive-twelfths percent (5/12%) County sales tax to be administered by the Authority for the purpose of acquiring a site and erecting, furnishing, equipping, operating, maintaining, remodeling and repairing a county jail and other detention facilities owned or operated by Tulsa County, of which two/twelfths percent (2/12%) is required to end on October 1, 2001, or upon payment or provision for payment of all Facility indebtedness, whichever date occurs first; and, WHEREAS, the entirety of the Authority's stated functions exclusively relate to the funds generated by said County sales tax, as administered by a seven (7) person Board of Trustees comprised of three (3) Tulsa County Commissioners, the Mayor of the City of Tulsa, and the Mayors of three (3) additional cities situated in whole or in part within the limits of Tulsa County, Oklahoma; and, WHEREAS, the composition of the Authority's Boazd of Trustees was established by the Tulsa County Board of Commissioners prior to the passage of the County sales tax and, thereafter, was publicized as an inducement to secure approval of the proposed County sales tax by the voters of Tulsa County, who were assured that the combination City and County elected officials serving on the Authority's Board of Trustees would provide exceptionally qualified Authority management which would secure and protect the interests of all citizens of Tulsa County; and, WHEREAS, on October 4, 1995, a Petition in cause numbered PT-95-35 was duly filed in the District Court of Tulsa County, Oklahoma, alleging that service of city Mayors on the Authority's Board of Trustees may constitute a violation of Oklahoma's dual office holding statute and, consequently, disqualify any city Mayor from serving as an Authority Trustee; and, WHEREAS, the laws of the State of Oklahoma expressly allow a city Mayor to serve as a Trustee for a public trust which is created for the benefit of the Mayor's municipality, and the amendment of the Tulsa County Criminal Justice Authority's Trust Indenture to establish the City of Owasso and other municipalities situated wholly or in pazt within Tulsa County as named Authority beneficiaries will allow fulfillment of the commitment to voters of Tulsa County made by the Tulsa County Boazd of Commissioners on September 1, 1995 in approving the Authority's Trust Indenture identifying four (4) Mayoral Trustees and, additionally, both render moot the claimed legal issue in the identified lawsuit and allow restoration of non-adversarial relations between county and city governments; and, WHEREAS, establishment of the City of Owasso and other Tulsa County municipal governments as named beneficiaries of the Tulsa County Criminal Justice Authority will allow all named cities to directly facilitate the funding of facilities built by the Authority and thereby substantially reduce the amount of sales tax funds required to pay for said facilities, to the end that the two-twelfths percent (2/ 12 %) temporazy sales tax can be retired eazlier than possible by any other type of debt funding; NOW THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA: That the Council herewith expresses its desire and intent to accept beneficial interest in and to the Tulsa County Criminal Justice Authority immediately upon amendment of the Authority's Trust Indenture in the manner provided by law to provide that the City of Owasso is a named beneficiary of said Trust. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of October, 1995 by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. Charles L Burris, Mayor ATTEST: Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald D Cates, City Attorney 2 Transitions 20 TV ~~ /~ ~L CI1 11 i^1i1/~aA .. ommission Isn't Keep~~ Das c~. Pow Fd Fa..ell - - acting of .dd Smfl w;uer ANALYSIS at me T,d,. eat Dr ~~ m .___. ____:__:____ _._ .._,_.._ .:.,.. en..eo, idea of the auenortr is aaa aemrn clues to the Tulsa Counly Criminal slice AuNOrity on Monday afternoon. Fhe Item is on the posted agenda. But Dazed op past nlstory, tlon't believe As wiln vvtually everyfning to do with authority so tar, noWing has occurred yylavnm or promises. Certainly, attic al[eption. nas been Id to the promise matle [o county vot- rprior m me scot. trsalea as eteq east e~omiee: signed Dr ml mree nom- azron rsaaa ene mayota of au agnt TULSA WORLD, SUNDAY, 0 ..Power PI Caadaved brim Naws ,] . alts lo^gnme :ale rnerve at cur ear. ee enl, was being sougnt by a fiscally choked county govern- PrC t. m Tnat c nslituled a all [ tnreae to me owes. so a aeai rw,: „ _ tllcl tealuring despp lion, d soma serious sKetcMng o! note is aometwng tar mode ones u..wnde amd Nnr. u. tart ~aege is to miu~e for me lU/U9/95 U9:4U ZS918 585 8386 'TULSA CHAMB~:H October 6, 1995 Commissioner Robert N. Dick Tulsa County Administration Building 504 South Denver Tulsa, OK 7~ 143-3 826 Dear Bob: As you are well aware, our organization supported the recent successful sales tax election for a new county jail. As you also know, we strongly urged the establishment of tiie Criminal Justice Authority ... and its makeup of the three County Commissioners plus four Mayors. One of the accrual benefits, as we see it, for the establishment of the Authority is the opportunity to meld the City of Tulsa and Tulsa County into a substantive inter- governmental function. With that background in mind, we are quite disturbed about the situation that has developed regarding the legal status of the Mayors as members of the Authority. We recognize tl3at if there is a legitimate Legal question concerning the Mayor's service, it seems judicious to have the question resolved by the courts. We do hope that will be done as soon as possible. In the interim, until the question is resolved, we strongly urge that the Board of County Commissioners delay any decision on the expenditure of funds relating to the construction of the new jail, We believe that public creditability would be seriously eroded if action is taken prior to the establishment of the seven member Authority- If the courts rule that the Mayors cannot serve, we would hope that the Board of Commissioners would aggressively seek a remedy that would permit the Mayors to serve on the Authority. if for some reason that might not be legally permissible, then we would suggest that to maintain the concept of the cities being represented on the Authority, the County Commissioners consider asking those Mayors that were to be appointed, select a representative of their choice and in that way the concept of city representation could be satisfied. ' Metropolitan Tl~lsa Chambec of Commerce 616 Soutb Boston, Suite 100 zwisa, ox ~au~-lz~s ' (918)585-1201 • Fax (912;)S85-ftOl6 X002/QUA ivi vai vv vv. vs yviv vvv vvvv a~~a.an ~.nnnaDC,t~ l[/J UVJ/UUJ Commissioner Robert N. Dick Page Two October 6, 1995 ~ We would hope that the Board of County Commissioners would seriously consider our suggestions and act affirmatively upon them. In our opinion, the creditability of the Comission is "on the line" and we would hope that our recommendations would help to offset what we perceive to be a very negative situation. We stand ready to assist your efforts in any way possible .and we will appreciate your reaction and response. „~ Sincerely, ~, G ~~- t liam S. Doenges Ba~ J. Gardner Chairman Chairman-elect y .Cole Pre ent cc• Mayor Susan Savage Mayors of the Cities in Tulsa County 1 1 1 MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: RODNEY J. RAY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR APPROVAL ON EXPENDITURE AND RATIFICATION OF ACTION TAKEN BY THE CITY MANAGER DATE: October 12, 1995 BACKGROUND: On September 19, 1995, City Council approved the purchase of a 1994 Chevrolet Blazer for the Police Department. This vehicle had been generously loaned to the police canine program for over one year. State law allows for the purchase and payment to take place simultaneously upon approval of City Council. The presentation made that night did not include a request for payment. A series of errors occurred which resulted in the omission of this payment from the claims list at the October 3rd Council meeting. Classic Chevrolet had waited over one year for the payment of this vehicle and had displayed enormous patience with this purchasing procedure. ' It was determined that the errors of the City should not preclude the immediate payment of this bill approved by Council. On Thursday, October 5th, I approved the issuance of a check for $20,598.45 to Classic Chevrolet for the payment of this debt. The check was hand-delivered ~ by the Police Chief Alexander to Mike Frizzel of Classic Chevrolet. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approval and ratification of action taken by the City Manager in the payment of $20,598.45 to Classic Chevrolet. MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: REGENA PARSONS SUBJECT: 1VIUNICIPAL GENERAL LIABILITY DATE: OCTOBER 10, 1995 BACKGROUND: The City of Owasso, through its use of a variety of insurance products, programs, and safety and health education training, seeks to minimize the City's exposure to risk. The single most important component of the Risk Management Plan is the comprehensive municipality liability product. During the October 2, 1995, City Council work session, the renewal of the General Liability policy for the City was discussed. As you know, the City's liability is restricted to limits established under the Oklahoma Governmental Tort Claims Act. Liability for claims "inside" the Act are limited to: (1) $25,000 each property damage, (2) $100,000 each other loss per occurrence, and (3) $1,000,000 aggregate per occurrence. The coverage for "Tort Limits" is a standard part of any municipal liability policy. However, Owasso, as most other entities, purchases additional coverage for those losses "outside" the Act. For several years, the City of Owasso has participated in the Municipal Liability Protection Plan offered by the Oklahoma .Municipal Assurance Group (OMAG). Covered under the general liability section is bodily injury, property damage, personal injury, and errors and omissions. The City of Owasso self-insures its Vehicle Collision and Comprehensive risk, and purchases liability insurance to cover only bodily injury, personal injury, and property damage exposure. The premium paid to OMAG for this coverage from November 1994-95 was $63,982.74. The renewal premium quoted from OMAG is $56,072.69, a reduction in premium of $7,910.05. The 1995-96 premium reduction from quotes received speak very clearly to the positive side of competition. The current carrier, OMAG, has supplied coverage, paid claims, furnished reports, provided service and training in a timely and professional manner. However, it appears that the availability of competing coverage has resulted in a substantial reduction in the cost of that coverage. Earlier this year, you received a memorandum outlining insurance in place on behalf of the City MUNICIPAL GENERAL LIABILITY October 10, 1995 Page Two and the procedure for renewing any policy. This procedure requires that prior to the renewal date of any policy, a local independent agent is asked to search the "market" for a product that is not only cost efficient, but possesses other qualities such as claim paying ability, stability, etc. ~ As a result of the renewal procedure, J - P Hogan Insurance Agency, Owasso, OK., submitted r a quote from National American Insurance Company (NAIC) to the City for its municipal general liability insurance. The quote from this carrier for the 1995-96 year is $55,167, some $7,670 less than their quote for 1994-95. The NAIL quote is $905.69 less than the renewal offer from OMAG. ANALYSIS: The quotes received from both providers classify and/or group coverage using very different methods. Some of the variances can have a major impact on the overall expense of claims filed against the City. General Liability - under this section of coverage, claims are paid for such things as a citizen who steps into a hole where the water meter lid has either "floated off" during a rain or disappears. Other type claims paid under this coverage would be a citizen whose windshield is damaged by a City owned grass mower, or a home damaged by a sewer back-up. ~ The coverage offered by NAIC and OMAG both include the limits established under the Oklahoma Governmental Tort Act. However, above those limits there is a significant difference in coverage. NAIL has an annual aggregate of $2,000,000 -- OMAG does not have a limit for ~ the amount of claims they will pay under the general coverage section. This is the area of coverage with the largest amount of claim activity. Neither policy in this section has a deductible. OMAG: All legal fees, other fees, supplementary expenses are (win, lose, or draw) included in the coverage provided with OMAG. There are no additional fees, nor is the amount of coverage reduced by such charges, all costs are absorbed by the carrier. NAIC: Conversely, only the defense costs of approved claims are covered in the NAIL policy. The policy reviewed does not specifically address what the charges would or could be regarding any defense cost and/or supplementary expenses if a claim was submitted and then denied. Pollution Damage - is provided by both carriers but there are differences in the total amount ~ of coverage and definition of coverage offered. Specifically, NAIC provides coverage in the amount of $10,000 per incident, a $10,000 Annual Aggregate, with a $1,000 deductible. The OMAG provides coverage of $25,000 per occurrence, $100,000 Annual Aggregate with a a ' MUNICIPAL GENERAL LIABILITY October 10, 1995 ~ Page Three deductible of $1,000. However, the OMAG offer also includes coverage for pesticide application and underground storage tanks. Owasso requires coverage for both of these risks. Training and Education - is furnished by OMAG from Law Enforcement Television Network (LETN) and Municipal Electric Systems of Oklahoma (MESO) who provide safety training for the Police, Parks, and Public Works Department employees. This training is the backbone of the continuing education and safety requirements mandated by OSHA and departmental policy. The cost for this training has been off-set with credits from OMAG that reduce the basic liability premium. During this past year the Loss Control and Management Issues Division of OMAG added a number of timely and professionally delivered training seminars that are available to all employees. Example: Conflict Resolution, Work Place Violence, Effective Communication, etc. These services are provided on a "no-cost" basis to the City. This quality training would cost several thousand dollars to deliver to City employees. Training and Education were not addressed in the policy and quote received from NAIC. Although this area was not specifically mentioned in these documents, most carriers do provide some training and education services. This training can vary widely, but is generally furnished by most carriers. COMMENTS: • National American Insurance Company quote and offer of coverage provides broad coverage limits of $1,000,000 aggregate for General Liability, $2,000,000 aggregate for Law Enforcement and $2,000,000 aggregate for Public Officials coverage. However, attached to the quotes is an endorsement (see Attachment #2) which prohibits the combining of these aggregate limits, and in fact, limits the applicable limit of insurance as well as affecting the deductible. This limitation has been reviewed by Mr. Cates, City Attorney, as well as Finance Director, Sherry Bishop. It is the opinion of Mr. Cates, Ms. Bishop and myself that this endorsement effectively "takes away" any benefit of "stacking" coverage and restricts the coverage to each single policy. • The Oklahoma Municipal Assurance Group quote and offer of coverage places no limit on the aggregate amount under the general liability section. The aggregate limit for Errors and/or Personal Injury (civil rights, federal issues) is covered with a $2,000,000 "basket" of coverage that can be used to cover those losses. • Selecting a product to cover unknown losses and risks for the City of Owasso for the next twelve months is a decision that should not be driven entirely by numbers and the immediate expenditure of dollars. MUNICIPAL GENERAL LIABILITY October 10, 1995 Page Four CONCLUSION: Both quotes received were significantly lower than last year. The annual premiums submitted are: $ 56,072.69 from OMAG and $55,167 from NAIC, a difference of $905.69. This dollar difference is more than off-set by the difference in: (1) General Liability coverage limits ($2,000,000 with NAIC and unlimited, or no-limit with OMAG), (2) the difference in deductible treatments, and (3) the training and education provided by OMAG. The decision process as to which coverage is best for the City, is based on a comprehensive review of not only cost, but a detailed comparison of coverage, charges, claims, etc. Attached, (see Attachment #1) you will find a coverage analysis which compares coverage amounts, limits, deductibles, etc. RECOMMENDATION: ~ Staff recommends that the City of Owasso renew the Municipal Liability Protection Plan with the Oklahoma Municipal Assurance Group at the 1995-96 renewal rate of $ 56,072.69. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Comparative Analysis Information 2. NAIC Endorsement 3. NAIC 1995-96 Quote 4. OMAG 1995-96 Quote NOTE: The two policies reviewed by the staff are available for your review, however, due to their size they were not included in your packet. If you have questions, please call Ms. Parsons. i~ NAIL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE ANALYSIS OMAG $1,000,000 Limits of Liability $1,000,000 per occurrence per occurrence $2,000,000 Unlimited annual aggregate annual aggregate $ 10,000 Pollution $ 25,000 per occurrence per occurrence $ 10,000 $ 100,000 annual aggregate annual aggregate Not Covered Utility cut-off Utility Service resulting in Covered injury. as E/0, PI $ 50,000 Fire Damage Limit $ 25,000 any one fire within Tort limits $ 100,000 Employee Benefits Admin. $100,000 each claim per occur. $ 100,000 Unlimited annual aggregate OR, if a claim resulting in E/O or PI $1,000,000 per occur. $2,000,000 Annual Aggregate* $ 1,000 $ 1,000 deductible shall apply deductible if each claim damages paid *OMAG Aggregate is a "basket" of $2,000,000 coverage for E/O and/or Personal Injury ~~ffa~hm~f ~-i LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY COVERAGE NAIL $1,000,000 per occurrence $2,000,000 annual aggregate $ l,ooo deductible each claim submitted Limits of Liability OMAG $1,000,000 per occurrence $a,ooo,ooo annual aggregate* $ l,ooo deductible if damages are paid, no expenses *OMAG Aggregate is a "basket" of $2,000,000 coverage for E/O and/or Personal Injury Public Officials and Law Enforcement $ 100,000 Employment Related Acts $1,000,000 per occurrence per occurrence $ 100,000 $2,000,000 annual aggregate annual aggregate* $ 1,000 $ 1,000 deductible each deductible if claim submitted damages are paid *OMAG Aggregate is a "basket" of $2,000,000 coverage for E/O and/or Personal Injury ~~~GL,yy~~n~ /-~ i~ PUBLIC OFFICIALS WRONGFUL ACTS LIABILITY ii NAIC $1,000,000 per occurrence $2,000,000 annual aggregate Limits of Liability $ 1,000 deductible each claim submitted; if an approved claim, legal costs paid by NAIL. OMAG $1,000,000 per occurrence $2,000,000 annual aggregate* $ 1,000 deductible if damages are paid. *OMAG Aggregate is a "basket" of $2,000,000 coverage for E/O and/or Personal Injury No coverage Water cut -off resulting Utility Services in Injury Covered E/0, PI Limits The Oklahoma Governmental Tort Claims Act established specific guidelines for payment of damages against a City: $ 25,000 each Property Damage, Per Occurrence $ 100,000 each other Loss Per Occurrence $1,000,000 Aggregate Per Occurrence ,n ~~Q~Li~~e~f~-~ ~7 NATIONAL AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY TWO OR MORE COVERAGE FORMS OR POLICIES ISSUED BY US This Endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COIVIMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM PUBLIC OFFICIALS WRONGFUL ACTS LIABILITY INSURANCE COVERAGE PART LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHOOL PROFESSIONAL LEGAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART If this Policy and any other coverage form, endorsement, or policy issued to any insured by National American Insurance Company or any company affiliated with National American Insurance Company apply to the same "accident", "occurrence", "wrongful act", or claim, the e,~gate ~ ~~ um lunit of uisuruance unde~r~~ covgerage.forms, endorsements, or policies endorsement, or policy. l he deductible applicable to any such "accident", "occurrence", 'wvrongful act" or claim will be the deductible applicable, if any, to such coverage form, endorsement, or policy which has the lowest applicable limit of insurance. ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS REMAIN THE SAME. ATTACHED TO AND FORMING A PART OF POLICY NUMBER: INSURED: EFFECTIVE DATE: DATE ISSUED: MLP 114 (Ed. 4-95) ~ Jew ~ ~ l~n /J n l .-..! NATIO!~AL ~ f Working together to provide ~.~:. iVIERICAti ~~ ~~ COMP ~Y~ .~..-. Pro e Casual Professional and Errors and Omissions Insurance Programs INSURANCE QUOTATION Proposal for City of Owasso & Owasso Pub/ic Woiks Authority Effective 77/07/95 Presented By J-P Hogan Insurance P. O. Box 957 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 (918) 272-3435 The Public Entity insurance is marketed through local independent insurance agents and endorsed by the Oklahoma Municipal League. UNDERWRITING OFFICE A t~ac~m~n~3-1 INSURANCE QUOTATION SUMMARY GENERAL LIABILITY ANNUAL PREMIUM ...... . • _ ........ .-.......... , $16,759 PUBLIC OFFICIALS ERRORS & OMISSIONS ANNUAL PREMIUM ... _ ...:.~,....... $9,855 LAW ENFORCEMENT PROF. LIABLTTY ANNUAL PREMIUM , , ~, ............... -011,657 AUTOMOBII.E ANNUAL PREMIUM (CITY BID) ~ AUTOMOBII,E ANNUAL PREMIUM (P.W.A. BID) ... , , _ , , , , .. ~ • • ~ ~ ' ' ' ' ' • • Y • $13,081 ... _ _ , .._ , ..... ~ .. $3,815 OPTIONAL AUTOMOBILE SPECIFIED PERILS ANNUAL PREMIUM . , ... . .......... $N/A - INLAND MARINE ANNUAL PREMIUM ....... . ...............................$N/A EMPLOYEE BENEFITS LIABII.TTY A NNUAL PREMIUM ..................... $Incl w/ GL ~ CRIME COVERAGE ANNUAL PREMIUM ... . .................................$N/A PROPERTY ANNUAL PREMIUM , ..... . .....................................$N/A GAS OPERATI ONS GENERAL LIABILITY ANNUAL PREMIUM .... , . . ........... $N/A TOTAL INSURANCE PREMIUM ........ . . .~. ,:. OPTIONAL 7~OTAL INSURANCE " PREMIUM WITH A UTOMOBILE SPECIFIED PERILS . , , , , , $N/A PREMIUM WITH. THE FIRE DEPARTMENT VEHICLES ONLY INSURED THROUGH OKLAHOMA RISK LIABILITY DIVISION ........... 1~~A.NAGEMENT .............. ............$N/A cl) n r ~ .,~ INVOICE Oklahoma Municipal Assurance Group 16 N.W. 63 Street, Suite 301, Oklahoma City, OK 73116-9115 405/842-9461 ~ (Fax)405/848-1449 ^ To ; CITY QF QL+IASSQ F'G BQX 18~:~ ' Q~lASSn a Ok: 74~=?55 Date: September i8, 1995 Ag reerrien t : 9b-v 92-ti 8-C~C~ 5? ' A-1_ ter. t i on : t°1S t`IARC I A BOUTWELL CITY CLERF-:: Fern h1UhlIGIF'AL LIABILITY F'FiQTECTIOtd F'LAhI For file period lVQUEt`'(BER 1, 1995 TO t~lOVEMBER 1. 1996 r g ~ba?b~_L5 A,B,I.t?: General Liability; Bothly Injury and F'r-operty Damage ~ ~ 1?,i8i ,1T Ce F'er-sonal Injury .Y 45'9.?,?1 D: Errors and C-m;.ssian=_., F'ut~?ic t?fficials Liability n ~ i1,7~i~ebCt E,F: Auto Liability5 Bod.i_ly and Personal Injury and Proper-1=y Da,i,agc ~ ~ 4~°~.C~i_f G5t-I: Auto F`hysical Damage and Equipment F'hysicai Damage TOTAL A1.1CiUh1T DUE : ~ 56 , c_~7~ . b~ Thank: `r ou ! This payment i= d!te on 1~lovember 1 ~ i995 Mail payment to address shown above. NOTE: Unless a due date is stated above, this invoice is due and payable on or before the first day of the agreement period. ~~ r h1 E? ' T r + ~~, _i l Fi, i, ~ ? 1_! r-~ is r] ~ ~ t.~ " _11 ~_? 6`J ~l _+. ~ ~ _~ ~~~~ ~ i = ~ 11 ~ k- -- i.h~ it-, ~ Pr-.:~;r,i~_,.,;,: -~-~'GLG~ l71'~ht ~ ~ The Oklahoma Municipal Assurance Group is an Interlocal Cooperation Act Agency of Cities and Towns Providing: Group Life & Health Benefit Plan Municipal Liability Protection Plan Workers' Compensation Plan MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: SHERRY BISHOP FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR CARRY-OVER BUDGET AMENDMENT DATE: October 13, 1995 BACKGROUND: In February of 1993, the City Council adopted a policy that allowed for the use of carry-over budgets. A carry-over budget is a concept wherein budgeted, unexpended funds from one fiscal year may be re-budgeted or carried-over to the next fiscal year. The goal of a carry-over budget is to encourage economy and efficiency in the use of budgeted funds. Traditional budgets anticipate and reward the expenditure of all funds during the twelve month fiscal year. Efforts by a manager to be efficient and save money results in the savings being "given back" at the end of the fiscal year. The carry-over budget promotes a philosophy of "save it and invest it" rather than "spend it or lose it. " Managers who save money from the previous year's budget are rewarded by a carry-over budget the following year. This is the fourth fiscal year for the city's managers to operate under acarry-over budget philosophy. The 1994-95 General Fund revenue shortfall could have limited the ability to fund acarry-over budget this year. However, the expenditure cuts that were accomplished by the managers offset the revenue shortage and can fund this carry-over request and still maintain the existing General Fund reserves. The carry-over budget concept is based on a "business" approach to government spending and is important to our overall goal of increased fiscal efficiency. Even though last year's revenue shortfall created problems, our managers responded quickly and effectively. A carry-over budget in spite of last year's problems will reward those managers and help ensure the continuation of other business based decisions. CARRY-OVER BUDGET October 13, 1995 Page 2 REQLTEST• Carry-over budget amendments have been requested for the Capital Improvements Fund, the Revenue Bond Project Fund and six departments within the General Fund. Those carry-over requests are summarized below. Some requests are for the completion of contracts or payment of purchase orders that were outstanding at the fiscal year end. Those are indicated below with the notation "FY 95 PO. " Fund or Department Purpose Amount General Fund: Park Maintenance Department equipment $ 700 park & playground improvements 3,300 parking lot surfacing 8,000 Fire Department hand held radios 6,825 uniforms 3, 600 equipment (FY 95 PO) 4,420 Cemetery Department riding mower 2,400 Engineering Department computer software 5,700 plotter cover (FY 95 PO) 40 Finance Department computer, file cabinet & training 3,800 Community Development Dept video camera 3,000 Total General Fund $41,785 Capital Improvements Fund Hale Acres Drainage $13,312 Sports Park (FY 95 PO) 5,330 Total Capital Improvements Fund $18,642 Revenue Bond Projects Fund Intersection, 96 & Garnett $550 Memos from the managers or directors explaining each carry-over budget request are attached. CARRY-OVER BUDGET October 13, 1995 Page 3 RECOMMENDATION: Recommended budget increases for each department and fund are as follows: General Fund-- Park Maintenance 12,000 Fire 14,845 Cemetery 2,400 Engineering 5,740 Finance 3,800 Community Development 3,000 Total General Fund $41,785 Capital Improvements Fund $18,642 Revenue Bond Projects Fund $550 Staff recommends approval of supplemental appropriations in the amount of $41,785 to the General Fund, $18,642 to the Capital Improvements Fund, and $550 to the Revenue Bond Projects Fund. * Note: A carry-over supplemental appropriation to the Recreation Center department of $10,241 was approved by the City Council on July 17, 1995. The total carry-over supplement for the General Fund is $52,026. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Department requests 2. Memorandum dated January 29, 1993 MEMORANDUM TO: MS SHERRY BISHOP FINANCE DIRECTOR FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: PARKS DEPARTMENT REQUEST FOR CARRY OVER BUDGET DATE: October 6, 1995 The following items are being requested by the Parks Department to be funded through the carry over budget process. It is my understanding that the Park Maintenance Budget has a carry over of 17,013.80 from FY 94-95, from which staff is requesting $12,000.00 . Gas Powered Motorized Broom This will assist Parks Personnel in cleaning areas that often receive heavy traffic. For example, Friendship Pazk, Gazebo's at Elm Creek and Rayola Pazks, Recreation Center parking area for special events like Good Sam's and Car Shows, etc. $ 700.00 Repairs to EIm Creek Park Trail Increased erosion azound portions of the Elm Creek Park trail has resulted in the need for both preventative and repair action to be performed to the Elm Creek Park trail's western side. Purchasing of additional screenings, railroad ties, spikes and gravel will be needed to complete this task. $2,000.00 Shock Resistant Ground Cover Shock resistant ground cover is needed for several of the azeas azound playground equipment in the parks in order to comply with Federal guidelines. Wood chips or pea gravel can be purchased to accomplish this task. Staff prefers wood chips. $ 800.00 Sportspark Entrance Banners The Sportspark landscaped entry walls, constructed in July of 1995, were designed for interchangeable banners to be placed on them for various different events. Staff would like to purchase 2 large, durable, quality banners to identify the Sportspark during those times when special events are not being conducted. Please note these entry walls are landscaped and illuminated. $500.00 i~ ii Elm Creek Parking Lot Surfacing Increased use of this park has resulted in numerous potholes within both the west and south parking areas. Staff would like to pave these parking areas, identify handicapped parking pads, and decrease man hours continuing to be allocated for maintenance of the current surface. TOTAL $8,000.00 $12,000.00 MEMORAN~~JM TO: RODNEY J RAY - CITY MANAGER SHERRY BISHOP - FINANCE DIRECTOR FROM: BOB ALLEN FIRE CHIEF SUBJECT: CARRY-OVER BUDGET DATE : September 20, 1995 BACKGROUND: The unencumbered funds listed below are due to anticipating revenue short-fall for FY 94-95. In January 1995 the Fire Department was made aware of the decrease in sales tax. Therefore, the Fire Department delayed purchasing capital outlay items and maintenance services until FY 95-96. The following is a proposed use of the funds requested. REOONN~NDATIONS: CAPITAL OUTLAY $11,245.00 We ordered fire fighting equipment for Engine-2 last FY. Some of the items ordered did not ship until after FY 94-95 budget year was closed. In order not to create a hardsh i p on th i s years budget , we are requesting funds be carry-over . Chief Fire & Safety $3,940.00 Accurate Fire Equipment 160.00 Casco Fire Equipment 320.00 Presently we have six (6) hand held radios that are in need of replacement. We are requesting to purchase the radios this FY. Hand held radios $6,825.00 UNIFORMS $3,600.00 The union contract was not settled until after FY 95-96 budget was approved. Funds were not budgeted for additional uniforms, as stated in the contract, for this budget year. ~oRalvDUM TO: Sherry Bishop FROM: F. Robert Carr Public Works Director SU$TECT: CARRYOVER BUDGET REQUESTS DATE: September 1, 1995 Proposed items for carryover from the FY 94-95 Budget are presented on the attached sheets. A summary of these items is as follows: Engineering Line Item: MACHINERY & EQiJIPMENT Account Number: 51-170-5441 Computer Software Proposed carryover budget: $5,700.00 CemeterX Line Item: MACHINERY & EQiJIPMENT Account Number: 51-230-5441 Riding mower Proposed carryover budget: $2,400.00 Public Works Department Engineering Carryover Budget Proposal FY 1994-95 Line Item: MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT Account Number: 51-170-5441 Proposed carryover budget: $5,700.00 FY 1994-95 line item budget: $5,700.00 FY 1994-95 YTD actual: $0.00 FY 1994-95 unencumbered: $5,700.00 Commentary: Water Distribution System Modeling Softwaze: An objective in the capital plan is to expand the present computer system with more software that will enable Engineering to perform additional engineering design functions. A specific program pertaining to water distribution system modeling is included in the 10-yeaz capital budget. The model proposed is CYBERNET, available from Heastad Methods, which has the capability to import data from the KYPIPE model presently administered by INCOG. The city does not own a copy of the softwaze; therefore, updates to the information aze performed by INCOG. Data pertaining to water flow and pressure conditions are evaluated for each new subdivision prior to completion of the construction plans and approval of the final plat by Council. INCOG chazges the city a rate of $45 per hour for the manhours associated with these evaluations. A tabulation of the hours spent in FY94-95 indicates that 27 manhours (equating to $1,215) was spent on water model related activities. Carryover budget funds can be applied to the purchase of the water model software, which will enable the city to perform distribution system analyses as needed in our own offices. The program softwaze fora 1000 pipe network can be purchased directly from the vendor with graphics and mapping abilities for approximately $2,000. Computer Design Softwaze: Along-term objective in the capital plan is to expand the present computer system with more software that will enable Engineering to perform additional engineering design functions. Specific programs were included in the FY94-95 budget, but, due to change-over of personnel, it was not possible to evaluate the best long-term needs of the division. The Carryover Budget from FY93-94 included $2,700 for softwaze. Since no expenditures were made using these funds, staff proposes to carry the remaining budget amount in this budget. Total design software amount carried forward is $3,700.00 Public Works Department ~ Cemetery Carryover Budget Proposal FY 199495 Line Item: MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT Account Number: 51-230-5441 ' Proposed carryover budget: $2,400.00 FY 1994-951ine item budget: $600.00 ' FY 1994-95 YTD actual: $0.00 FY 199495 unencumbered: $600.00 Commentary: ~ The FY 94-95 budget included funds for repairs to the 1988 Deutz-Allis riding lawn mower. It was anticipated that mower deck would need replacement, however, those repairs were not ' needed at that time. Since the end of FY94-95, the mower has exhibited increased signs of engine failure and the need for a new mower deck. Estimated costs of these repairs is approximately $1,500.00. Although mowing at the Cemetery has been greatly reduced using the ' Gravely mower that was purchased in 1994, the inability of this mower to move between headstones and around other obstructions requires Public Works personnel to mow and weedeat a significant area of the grounds. Replacement of the failing 7-year old mower is determined to ~ be cost-effective. The cost of a new mower is approximately $3,000.00. The FY95-96 Budget includes $600.00 for the mower deck replacement; therefore the proposed carryover budget is for $2,400.00. MEMORANDUM TO: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER FROM: SHERRY BISHOP FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CARRYOVER BUDGET REQUEST DATE: October 1, 1995 After the year-end closing, the finance department FY 95 budget had an unencumbered balance (excluding the personal services category) of $5,233.32. A carryover budget supplement of $3, 800 is requested. Carry-over budget funds are requested for the following: • A locking storage cabinet for payroll reports, a lateral file cabinet (for either purchase orders or personnel records), bookcases for notebooks and reference manuals (for personnel and risk management), and additional storage shelving for utility billing records and other computer printouts. Amount requested: $800. • Increase the budget for staff training. Our expectations of the personnel division has changed from simply processing payroll and benefits. They are expected to manage the hiring process, wellness programs, due process and disciplinary procedures, and contract grievances. In order for staff to be knowledgeable in these areas, we must invest in their education. Additionally, the treasury/cash management function has been neglected for many years because our cash reserves were too small to matter. As the budget grows and Owasso grows, the knowledge of effective cash management becomes more important every day. At fiscal year end, the City and OPWA combined had cash and investments totaling $2.9 million. Amount requested: $1,000. • Future computer equipment purchases. No computer equipment purchases will be made until after the study committee has completed its report and recommendations. It is anticipated that these funds will remain in the budget and be requested to carry over again to FY 1997. Amount requested $2,000. MEMORANDUM TO: MS SHERRY BISHOP FINANCE DIRECTOR FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT REQUEST FOR CARRY OVER BUDGET DATE: October 6, 1995 The following item is being requested by the Community Development Department to be funded through the carry over budget process. It is my understanding that the Community Development ~ Budget has a carry over of 4,498.31 from FY 94-95, from which staff is requesting $3,000.00. ' Video Camera This item has been a previously budgeted item in previous years but has never been purchased. The City of Owasso currently does not have ,video production equipment ' outside of the police patrol units. As the culture continues to move toward a video dominated format, the demand for video documentation of different scenarios is needed. Not only would this item be beneficial for use within the Code Enforcement division, it ~ could also be utilized by the Owasso Economic Development Authority, the Owasso Police Department, the Owasso Recycle Center, programs for the Owasso Recreation Center, Subdivision Infrastructure Inspections, the monitoring of drainage concern areas etc. Currently, whenever a video camera is needed for any city purpose, it must be ~ borrowed from individual staff members. Total Amount Requested $3,000.00 ~o~vnuM TO: Sherry Bishop Finance Director FROM: F. Robert Carr, Jr., P.E. Public Works Director ~_ SUBJECT: FY95-96 SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION DATE: July 20, 1995 Public Works has closed the following purchase orders for FY94-95 and has requested they be reopened for FY95-96 since they were not completed. A supplemental appropriation in the FY95-96 budget will be needed. Vendor Beeline Traffic Control Clifford Power Systems FHC, Inc. Hammond Engineering, Inc. Memory systems P Signalization - 96th/Garnett Ator/Service Road lift station generators Wastewater Treatment Plant engineering design services Survey Hale Acres drainage CADD plotter cover Amount $12,784.00 $28,880.00 $140,360.00 $4,155.00 $40.00 Sack & Associates, Inc. Water, sewer and roadway engineering design $15,441.00 for NSP If you need additional documentation or details, please advise. MEMOR~vnvM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO ' FROM: RODNEY J. RAY, CITY MANAGER ~ SUBJECT: REQUEST TO ALLOW ACARRY-OVER BUDGET DATE: JANUARY 29, 1993 •BACKGROUND ' Historically, one of the methods used in determining departmental appropriations has been to ~ benchmark new budget appropriations against the previous years expenditures. This philosophy generally resulted in the departmental attitude of "spend it or lose it". In an effort to encourage sound budget management practices, the staff has determined that a carry-over budget would be consistent with the current management philosophy that encourages new and innovative ideas. If department directors knew their savings would be available for use in a subsequent budget year, I believe it would help to promote not only some increased efficiencies, but also some long-range planning by departments based on their ability. to save money over amulti-year time period for planned, large expenditures. Initially, we thought about developing a long, detailed policy relating to this cany-over budget request. However, after several meetings with staff, it has been determined that the ~ best approach is to ask the Council to allow the budget process to include carry-over funds effective with the next budget (FY '93-'94). Carry-over funding requests could be in the form of a request for a specific expenditure or could simply be shown as a "savings" for a future, planned purchase.. Regardless of how it is listed, all budget items still require justification to the City Manager and approval by the City Council. In seeking ways to promote more responsible and accountable top level management, I believe this approach will produce substantial results that are immediate in nature. If you have any questions regarding this proposal, please contact Sherry Bishop or me. RECOMNIF:NDATION ~ Staff recommends Council approval of the carry-over budget practice effective with the FY 1993-94 budget process. MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: ORDINANCE NO. 515 DATE: October 10, 1995 ' BACKGROUND: At the October 3, 1995 meeting, the Owasso City Council recommended approval of a rezoning request from AG (Agriculture) to RE (Residential Estates), RS-2 (Residential Single-Family Medium Density), RS-3 (Residential Single-Family High Density), RD (Residential Duplex), OL (Office Light), and CS (Commercial Shopping Center) on an approximate 344 acre parcel of ' land located within Section 28, Township 21 North, Range 14 East; further described as a majority of the undeveloped land located between E. 76th Street North and E. 86th Street North and N. 129th E. Avenue and N. 145th E. Avenue. A subject map is attached for your information and review. Attached is a copy of Ordinance No. 515 which formally adopts the City Council's rezoning action of October 3, 1995. ~ RECOMMENDATION: ~ Staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance No. 515. ATTACHMENTS 1. Subject map 2. Ordinance No. 515 ,. E Zoning Exhibit Owasso Land T m A Pert of 8ectlon 28, " TownsFip 21 North Fienpe 14 East Visa County. Oklahoma LI Ld~ for ~~au~ uao Kaiser Francis OII Company 8 ~~ ,~ ~ ~"rs - ~ I CITY OF OWASSO ORDINANCE NO. 515 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ZONING APPLICATION NUMBER OZ-95-OS CHANGING THE ZONING OF PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN A PORTION OF SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, FROM AG (AGRICULTURAL) TO RE (RESIDENTIAL ESTATES), RS-2 (RESIDENTIAL SINGLE-FAMILY MEDIUM DENSITY), RS-3 (RESIDENTIAL SINGLE-FAMILY HIGH DENSTTY), RD (RESIDENTIAL DUPLE, OL (OFFICE LIGHT), AND CS (COMMERCIAL SHOPPING CENTER), AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. WHEREAS, public heazings have been held regazding the request for rezoning of the property herein described, and, WHEREAS, the Owasso City Council has considered the recommendation of the Owasso Planning Commission and all statements for and against the requested rezoning of application OZ-95-O5. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT Section 1. The zoning classification of the following described property, to wit: Commencing at the Southeast corner of Section 28, Township 21 North, Range 14 East, thence North 89°59'46" West for a distance of 500.00 feet to the Point of Be ig nnin~ thence North 89°59'46" West for a distance of 820.52 feet; thence North 0°10'22" East for a distance of 2640.24 feet; thence South 89°50'35" East for a distance of 330.00 feet; thence North 59°18'29" East for a distance of 850.00 feet; thence North 20°46'44" East for a distance of 750.22 feet; thence South 0°15'50" West for a distance of 1138.62 feet; thence South 0°13'27" West for a distance of 2237.02 feet; thence North 89°59'46" West for a distance of 500.00 feet; thence South 0° 13'27" West for a distance of 400.00 feet to the Point of Beginnine. Said area containing 83.86 acres more or less, AND Beginning at the Southeast corner of Section 28, Township 21 North, Range 14 East, thence North 89°59'46" West for a distance of 500.00 feet; thence North 0°13'27" East for a distance of 400.00 feet; thence South 89°59'46" East for a distance of 500.00 feet, thence South 0°13'27" West for a distance of 400.00 feet to the Point of Be ig nnin~ Said area containing 4.59 acres more or less, be, and the same is hereby rezoned from AG (Agriculture) to RE (Residential Estates) District. AND Commencing at the Northwest corner of the Southwest Quarter of Section 28, Township 21 North, Range 14 East, thence South 89°51'21" East for a distance of 1730.01 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence due north for a distance of 1805.57 feet; thence North 28°46'32" West for a distance of 331.00 feet; thence South 89°44'53" East for a distance of 1080.45 feet; thence South 0°07'18" West for a distance of 771.54 feet; thence South 89°47'03" East for a distance of 1324.05 feet; thence North 0°10'22" East for a distance of 1319.96 feet; thence South 89°42'44" East for a distance of 777.06 feet; thence South 0°15'50" West for a distance of 400.00 feet; thence South 89°42'44" East for a distance of 550.00 feet; thence South 0°15'50" West for a distance of 1100.00 feet; thence South 20°46'44" West for a distance of 750.00 feet; thence South 59°18'29" West for a distance of 850.00 feet; thence North 89°50'35" West for a distance of 2569.52 feet to the Point of Beginning Said area containing 151.74 acres more or less, be, and the same is hereby rezoned from AG (Agriculture) to a RS-2 (Residential Single-Family Medium Density) District. AND Beginning at the Northwest corner of the Southwest Quarter of Section 28, Township 'r 21 North, Range 14 East, thence due North for a distance of 1324.96 feet; thence South 89°42'44" East for a distance of 1730.02 feet; thence due South for a distance of 1320.62; thence North 89°50'35" West along the Center Section Line of Section 28, for a distance of 1730.01 feet to the Point of Be ig nning, Said azea containing 52.58 acres, more or less, be, and the same is hereby rezoned from AG (Agriculture) to a RS-3 (Residential Single-Family High Density) District. AND Commencing at the Northwest corner of Section 28, Township 21 North, Range 14 East, thence due South for a distance of 940.00 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence South 89°42'44" East for a distance of 1730.02 feet; thence due South for a distance of 384.95 feet; thence North 89°42'44" West for a distance of 1730.02 feet; thence due North for a distance of 384.96 feet to the Point of Beginning, Said azea containing 15.24 acres more or less, 'I' be, and the same is hereby rezoned from AG (Agriculture) to a RD (Residential Duplex) District. AND Beginning at the Northeast corner of Section 28, Township 21 North, Range 14 East, thence South O1 ° 15'50" West for a distance of 400.00 feet; thence North 89°42'44" West for a distance of 550.00 feet; thence North 0°15'50" East for a distance of 400.00 feet; thence South 89°42'44" East for a distance of 550.00 feet to the Point of Beginning, Said area containing 5.05 acres more or less, AND Commencing at the Northwest corner of Section 28, Township 21 North, Range 14 , East, thence South 89°42'44" East along said section line a distance of 1350.00 feet to the Point of Be ig nning; Thence continuing along said Section line South 89°42'44" East a distance of 1302.30 feet; thence South 00°07'18" West for a distance of ' 550.00 feet; thence North 89°44'53" West for a distance of 1080.45 feet; thence North 28°46'32" West for a distance of 458.40 feet to the Point of Beginning,. Said azea containing 15.43 acres more or less, ^ be, and the same is hereby rezoned from AG (Agriculture) to OL (Office Light) District. AND Beginning at the Northwest corner of Section 28, Township 21 North, Range 14 East, thence South 89°42'44" East along said section line a distance of 750.00 feet; thence ' due South for a distance of 940.00 feet; thence North 89°42'44" West for a distance of 750.01 feet; thence due North along the West section line of Section 28 for a distance of 940.00 feet to the Point of Be inning, Said area containing 16.22 acres more or less, be, and the same is hereby rezoned from AG (Agriculture) to a CS (Commercial Shopping Center) District. Section 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby expressly repealed. 1 PASSED AND APPROVED this 17th day of October, 1995. ~ City of Owasso, Oklahoma ii ATTEST: Charles L. Burris, Mayor ii ii Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney r ' MEMORANDUM ' TO: FROM: ' SUBJECT: ' DATE: BACKGROUND: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO TIMOTHY ROONEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR REZONING REQUEST OZ-95-07 October 12, 1995 Kaiser-Francis Oil Company, applicant and owner, has requested rezoning of a 16.90 acre tract from AG (Agriculture) to CS (Commercial Shopping Center). A copy of the complete staff report is attached for your information and review and includes subject maps. It should be noted ^ that the application does not include zoning which would permit apartments outright. The subject tract formerly included a request for RM-1 zoning which was denied by the Planning Commission. Prior to the item being appealed to the Council level, 'the applicant amended their ~ request on the parcel, requesting a CS (Commercial Shopping Center) zoning. Because the CS zoning being requested is of a higher intensity than the RM-l, the applicant was required to go through the public hearing process again at the Planning Commission level prior to Council action. At that meeting, staff recommended a modified approval of the applicants request. In the extreme southeast corner of the subject property, a conflict existed as the applicants requested CS zoning would be abutting previously approved RS-2 (Residential Single-Family Medium Density) zoning. As you are aware, staff and Planning Commission policy is to not encourage the development of commercial zoning immediately adjacent to residential. Upon reviewing the application, staff recommended the incorporation of an OL (Office Light) zoning at the southeast corner of the subject property. The area falls within a natural drainage area on the property and is likely to be utilized for a detention pond, however the rezoning to ' OL would insure that a buffer would be in place if it should not develop as a detention area. A "down zoning" to OL would be permitted without an additional public hearing as it is of a _ lower intensity than CS. The Planning Commission reviewed the request at their October 10, 1995 regular meeting and unanimously approved the rezoning request with the inclusion of the OL buffer. No objections to the rezoning request were presented at that hearing. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the rezoning request from Kaiser-Francis Oil Company to rezone the subject property from AG (Agriculture) to CS (Commercial Shopping Center) with an OL (Office Light) buffer as indicated on "Exhibit A" within the staff report. ATTACHMENTS: 1. OZ-95-07 Staff Report. CITY OF OWASSO Planning Department OZ-95-07 Staff Report Timothy D. Rooney -Community Development Director BACKGROUND ~ APPLICANT AND STATUS OF APPLICANT: Kaiser-Francis Oil Company, applicant and owner. S RE UESTED ACTION AND PURPOSE: Are nest for the rezonin of ro ert from Q 4 g P P Y ~ AG (Agricultural) to CS (Commercial Shopping Center). LOCATION AND SIZE: The property is generally located east of the southeast corner of N. 129th E. Avenue and E. 86th Street North, due southeast of the Owasso High School and contains approximately 16.90 acres, more or less. A complete copy of the legal description is attached for your information and review. EXISTING LAND USE: The subject property is currently undeveloped. ' SURROUNDING LAND USE: The subject property is abutted on the north by E. 86th Street North, while further north lies the Owasso High School. The subject property is bordered on the east by undeveloped property zoned OL (Office Light), on the southeast by undeveloped property zoned RS-2 (Residential Single-Family Medium Density), on the south by undeveloped property zoned RD (Residential Duplex) and on the west by undeveloped property zoned CS (Commercial Shopping Center). Please note that these zoning were °'' unanimously approved by the Owasso City Council on October 3, 1995 and will not actually be applied to the property until 30 days after the publication of the Ordinance containing the rezoning action. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS: The Zoning Code for the City of Owasso, Chapter 15 "Amendments", Chapter 5 "Office District Provisions", and Chapter 6 "Commercial District Provisions". SITE INFORMATION: No unusual development hardships are noted. Staff Report OZ-95-07 Page 2 of 4 ANALYSIS The proposed rezoning, if approved, would create an additional 16.9 acres of CS (Commercial Shopping Center) zoning at the southeast corner of E. 86th Street North and N. 129th E. Avenue, bringing the total amount of commercial zoning at this corner to approximately 33 acres. The Comprehensive Plan for the City of Owasso defines the corner of E. 86th Street North and N. 129th E. Avenue as an area fora "Type Two Activity Center" located at the intersections of primary arterial streets. A "Type Two Activity Center" is forty (40) acres, ' ten (10) acres distributed to each corner. While it can certainly be determined that the applicants request is larger than what the Comprehensive Plan deems appropriate, it is not inconsistent with that which is found on the southwest and northwest corners of E. 86th ' Street North and N. 129th E. Avenue, and is comparable in size to those areas. The northwest corner of E. 86th Street North and N. 129th E. Avenue contains a total of 15 ~ acres of CS zoning or PUD zoning for commercial development and the southwest corner contains approximately 20 acres of CG zoning (a higher intensity than CS). The conflict with the comprehensive plan occurs not at the corner of E. 86th Street North, , but rather farther east of the intersection. While the plan does not have a calling for commercial zoning at that location, it may be outdated when one considers past development ~ trends along E. 86th Street North between Highway 169 and N. 129th E. Avenue. A total of over 1,000 feet of linear frontage of various forms of commercial zoning are present along the south side of E. 86th Street North (not including the area at the southwest corner of N. 129th E. Avenue and E. 86th Street North previously described above). The north side of E. ,r 86th Street North, between Highway 169 and N. 129th E. Avenue contains over 600 feet of linear frontage of commercial zoning (not including the area at the northwest corner of N. ' 129th E. Avenue and E. 86th Street North previously described above). Clearly, the need and desire for additional commercial zoning along this corridor has resulted in diversion from the Comprehensive Plan. ~ While staff has some minor reservations about creating 33 acres of commercial zoning, when one views the past development trend and apparent need for more than what the Comprehensive Plan had designated commercially, the applicant's request seems to be in ^ compliance with the development pattern which has occurred. In fact, a point could be made that with a larger, more uniform tract of commercial zoning being created, a strip center may be avoided and a commercial activity center (i.e. Utica Square) could be a more attractive end result. Staff Report OZ-95-07 ~ Page 3 of 4 Because of the amount of commercial zoning that would be created, platting and site plan review of any proposed use will be key steps in the development process of the eastern most 16 acres. Careful attention will need to be given to insure both a pedestrian and vehicular interaction between the uses, interaction that will not "cut-off" the southern portions of the subject site and create a line of commercial businesses and a vast area of commercial property with little development potential. Staff has a concern, however, with the southeastern portion of the 16 acre tract being requested for commercial zoning. A policy has been made by staff, and has also been "adopted" by the Planning Commission and Council iu previous meetings, that commercial zoning should not abut residential zoning. Clearly, there is an area along the southeast boundaries of the zoning request which would be in conflict with this policy. Staff is proposing a solution to the above conflict. The alternative would be to reduce the extreme southeast corner to OL (Office Light) zoning as indicated on the attached "Exhibit A" zoning map. This would eliminate any conflict between commercial and residential uses by means of a buffer zoning and development. This proposal would also fall in line with the natural drainage pattern in the area and also allow for the development of a detention area to serve this portion of the entire project. CS zoning would be reduced to 15.95 acres, while .95 acres of OL zoning would be added to the existing 15.43 acres to the east. When staff reviews the alternative developed, it would be staff's recommendation that the incorporation of an OL zoning would be a desirable solution to the identified problem of supplying an adequate buffer. COMMENTS Staff received numerous calls and visits regarding the initial zoning request for this parcel when it included RM-1 (Residential Multi-Family Low Density) zoning. However, since the removal of that request, the approval of the zoning request on the remainder of the Kaiser- Francis property, and the request for CS (Commercial Shopping Center) zoning on this property, staff has received little comment. The Council does need to be aware that there is likely to be some opposition to the commercial zoning request, as the few comments received seem to be concerned that the applicant is requesting CS zoning in order to be able to obtain a multi-family development through the Board of Adjustment and therefore "coming through the back door. " Staff has pointed out that apartments would be permitted in CS zoning via a Special Exception through the Board of Adjustment, however staff has also pointed out that the public backlash against such a request would also be substantial as it was before the Planning Commission. There was no opposing comments to the rezoning request presented at the Planning Commission meeting on October 10, 1995. Staff Report ' OZ-95-07 Page 4 of 4 ~ Letters were sent to property owners within 300' of the subject property and notification was ~ published in the Owasso Reporter on September 21, 1995 and a rezoning sign was posted on the subject property. A copy of the letter sent to property owners and the legal advertisement are also attached for your information and review. A neighborhood group was formed regarding the original rezoning request and staff has kept this group informed. ,~ RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending that a buffer of OL zoning be incorporated into the CS zoning request, as indicated on "Exhibit A" within the staff report. ATTACHMENTS 1. Case map 2. Legal description of subject property 3. Exhibit A -first alternative 4. Copy of letter sent to surrounding property owners. 5. Copy of notification published in the Owasso Reporter. R ,. E Zoning Exhibit cnsr mTM sa,m of 7 Owasso Land ~ Z ~' A Part of Section 28, ~' " TownsFilp 2t North, Ranpe 14 East, Tulsa County, Oklahoma '~:~, ~.r~ for ~I I~ '" Kaiser Francis Ofl Company ~~~ae~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ s, OWd.S50 SI', ~ SGWOI Zonhg - AG ,rTm « 6trM Ti 730.00 ~x3zso' Ea,tt 86N t4wt NaN a' swwn aavaa £ t „P{7M' E m,wo [7' : Nw n,r b8 g ~,~ OL ~~ CS ~ '" SUBJECT ,000.{3• ~ staws~'E g~ a~ TRACT •& ~ s 730.01• tYaY{{' M N q'{Y{{' W L~ RD ~ ~~ RS-3 RS-2 ZoNng - AG rt~ar. ¢¢ ^' 6~ ~ Y K OL 330.00 t tY{2'{{' [ X14 Copper Meadows Zoning - RS~3 b 6 h Graceland Acres ZoNng - RE I~ I Blo~k 4 ai.- ..a.,vr ~ rv me craw m ~. _ - - - _-___ _----__ ----_- _- _,r .._ ,. ..o+, ..o. ,.,. ..a<,.,. Eoat 76th Slr«t North s ~ /: t~ ~ ZoNng - RE. 6 RE J K ~--_-i R ~. E Zoning Exhibit cnsr mn~ same Of r Owasso Land 21 A Part of Section 28, " Township 21 North, Range 14 East, Tulsa County, Oklahoma for T '" S'"EEr Kaiser Francis Oil Company Lo4coei,~on M°p 4 ~ ~~ ~ Owasso Sr. Hgft School Zonhg - AG ~* a. ''a sa..t gs, r rata ~.,, 7 ~%StJO' Eoet E6th StrNt North 4 ^ e• swswer sera ~ -+~----rt- --r t er4Y44' E ~ OL ~~ CS WF RD RS-3 W p5 N Z Copper Meadows Zoning - RS~3 RS-2 "EXHIBIT A'' `~ .6 ~ ,~ ~~~ ~ Zoning - AG rS77.Qf' w% ~g 8 • ~~ ~ ~~ OL ~ s ~.~• ~ 3 00'{2'{4' [ g ~ g e~ ~_ ¥~ ~ ~ Y~i sx .r k N ob n ~ ~ ~,~ 4 ~ ~ ~ I 330.47 09 JY W w y~ Sj~, a! RE g~ a ~1 6 N Graceland Acres ZoNng - F2E ,r. l-J ~ I I I B7odk 4 ~ Acres Ead 76th Street North rb b y ZoNng - RE • iy ~ti - -- a e p ~' !1 207 South Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER OZ-95-07 (918) 272-2251 FAX (918) 272-4999 ~ Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the Owasso Planning Commission in the Owasso Community Center, 301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma at 7:00 PM on the 10th day of October, 1995. At that time and place, the Owasso Planning Commission will consider a request from Kaiser-Francis Oil Company, applicant, for a proposed change of the zoning classification from an AG (Agriculture) District to CS (Commercial Shopping Center). The subject property is described as follows: ~ COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, THENCE SOUTH 89°42'44" EAST ALONG SAID SECTION LINE A DISTANCE OF 750.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID SECTION LINE SOUTH 89°42'44" EAST FOR A ~ DISTANCE OF 600.00 FEET; THENCE DUE SOUTH FOR A DISTANCE OF 150.0 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 28°46'32" EAST FOR A DISTANCE OF 789.40 FEET; THENCE DUE SOUTH FOR A DISTANCE OF 100.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89°42'44" WEST FOR A DISTANCE OF 980.01 FEET; THENCE DUE NORTH FOR A DISTANCE OF 940.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID AREA CONTAINING 16.90 ACRES MORE OR LESS. The general location of the property is east of the southeast corner of E. 86th Street North and N. 129th E. Avenue, Owasso, OK. ~ As an abutting or nearby property owner, you are being notified so that you may be able to express your views or concerns regarding this request. If you are unable to attend this ' meeting, please forward any comments you may have in writing to the Owasso Community Development Director, 207 S. Cedaz Street. These comments will be presented to the Planning Commission members at the scheduled public heazing by Planning Staff. Information and maps showing the property location may be inspected in the office of the Community Development Director, 207 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma, 74055 or by calling 272-2251. This is your only personal notification of this request. Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 18th day of September, 1995. Sincerely, ~~-,nom' C~c~~ Timothy D. R ey Community Development Directo City of Owasso RS-3 = Do~~ o,~cS -- i~I`f •s-~ / \` AG ~ ~ ownsso ~. ) BRFdVTW00D S scH"aa ~ r` . . ESTATES ' . .,, AG _ ~ .zo.. ~ ~ ~ '~ ~~ ' s iw ~~~. r• ,'~ - SUBJF~T _ - - - - _ - - -- -PROPERTY R S Puo-.P ' ~ ~ .~ i ~ ~>- 44~`~s c~~ ~ .,~~ RE ~srg sTR R R '~ ,. ~z =o ~v -~ ~~ 1 .~ r ~ ~ r ~; ~ ~~ ,, „, ~, a M ' A Affida~•it Of Publication STATE OF OIiLAlIOMA, TULSA COUNTY, ea: Bill R. Ret}lerford, of lnw•ful age, being duly sworn and authorized, says that he is the publisher of the OWASSO REPORTER , a weekly ne:+•spnper printed in the rity of OWASSO atlsn Count}', Oianhomn, n ncµ•epnper qualified to publish legal notices, advertisements and publications ns provided in Section 1t~6 of Title 25, Oklahoma Statutes 197] and 1983 ne amended, and iherenfler, and complies with all other requirements of the laws of Okln}tome with reference tc1 legal publications. 'flint said notice, t, true copy of µ•hich is attached hereto, w•ns pubiis}ted in t}te resular edition of said neµ•spnper during the period and time of publication and not in n supplement, nn the following dates: SEPTEI•IBER 21 ,199 5 ~ ~ Subsmbed and sworn to before me this 21st day Dr September .lgg 5 ~- Notary Public 1,4y Commission expires:I~Iarch :20, 1997 PUBLISHER'S FEE X98. 13 Published In the Owasw Reposer, Owasw. Tuka County, Oklahoma, September 21, 1995. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC OF A IiE11R1NG ON A PROP06ED AMENOMEN7 TO THE 20NNG ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA APPLICATION: OZ_>13A7 Naive k hereby given that a public Merhp wit be held betas the Owac- so Planning Commission, h the Owasso Community Cesar, Owasso, Oklahonut, at 7:00 P.M. on the tali day d October, 1995. At that time and place, consideration will be given to the proposed charge d the zonhg daasffcation d the folowirq descibed poperty: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, THENCE SOUTH 89'4744' EAST ALONG SAID SECTION LINE A DISTANCE OF 750.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINU- ING ALONG SAID SECTION LINE SOUTH 89.4744' EAST FOR A DISTANCE OF 600.00 FEET; THENCE DUE SOUTH FORA DIS- TANCE OF 150.0 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 28.4G32' EAST FOR A DISTANCE OF 789.40 FEET; THENCE DUE SOUTH FORA DIS- TANCE OF 100.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89'4744• WEST FOR A DISTANCE OF 980.01 FEET; THENCE DUE NORTH FORA DIS- TANCE OF 940.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID AREA CONTAINMIG 16.90 ACRES MOPE OR LESS. The general location d the property is east d the southeast corner d E. B6lh Street North and N. 129tlt E. Avenw, Owasso, OiC To be oorrfdered k a change d tM underlykp zonhg from AG (ApricuE tore) to CS (Corrrnwcial Shopping Center DstrkU. Ali parsons kgerected N ihk matter may bs prewrn at the hearhg and present their objet.Yiorx b or arguments for any a al d the above manerc. M the want that such proposed rezonhg k aPDra'ed, h nAole a h pan, by the Owacw Planning Commission, saki Plannhg Cammwbn shay sub- mit ks recorrvnendation tithe City Council d the Cty d Owasw br is oon- cideraticn and adbn, as provided by lav. The Cpy Couneirs rwiew d the recortmerWalion of the Planning Com- rrraslon on the proposed rezoning shall be at a mswing time and place to be dgermined by the Council, saki IMOrmation to be available from the Owrasso Community Dsrebprrom Dkeda. A map showing t1w proposed rezoning aoconpaMec this notice. For more fMOmtation on the proposed rezorrrq oorsaa Ute Owasw Communi- ty DevektprtteM Departrnsrtt, city Hall, 207 S. Cedar, Owacw, Oklahoma 74055, a phone (916) 272.2251. Dated ai Owasso. Okiahonta, thk 13th day d September, 1995. Tirrothy D. Rooney CommuMry Dsvebpnwrrt Diracta t MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: NUISANCE ABATEMENT LOTS 1 & 2, BLOCK 3, WINDSOR LAKE ADDITION DATE: October 10, 1995 BACKGROUND: ~ Through a neighborhood meeting held in the Windsor Lake Addition in June, and follow up activity performed by the Code Enforcement Officer - Mr. Ted McCord, it has come to the attention of the City of Owasso that a large, dead tree is in existence on a shared property line between Lots 1 and 2, Block 3, Windsor Lake Addition, Owasso, Oklahoma. This tree has been ,~ deemed a nuisance by both Mr. McCord and the Office of the City Manager. * Prior to a nuisance being abated by the City of Owasso, the City Manager must deem that a nuisance is existing in its current state and the "responsible party" is notified via certified mail that a nuisance exists and is given ten (10) days to remove said nuisance. The City Manager ' conducted this hearing on July 24, 1995, and the "responsible party" was contacted on August 2, 1995. Copies of this information are attached for your information and review. Upon no action being taken by the "responsible party", the City Manager ordered a survey of the property on which the tree is located in order to ascertain, for fact, the "responsible party. " Three surveying companies were contacted via telephone to submit an estimate for performing the survey. The only surveyor who responded was Mr. David Cantrell of Cantrell & Associates Engineering and Surveying, who then performed the survey at a cost of $200.00. The results of the survey indicated joint responsibility for the nuisance as 80% of the dead tree is located on Lot 1, Block 3 and 20 % is located on Lot 2, Block 3. A copy of the survey submitted by Mr. Cantrell, as well as an attached diagram indicating the exact location of the tree, are also attached for your information and review. Staff contacted three (3) tree service companies for estimates for the removal of the tree. The lowest estimate submitted was by Tom Gill Tree Service at a cost of $1400. The estimates for removal of the tree are attached for your information and review. Because portions of the nuisance were located on the neighboring lot (Lot 2), staff then contacted , the record owner of that parcel to inform them of the survey result. The property owners of Lot 2, Ivlr. and Mrs. Douglas Waugh, were aware of the nuisance as they had brought that item to the attention of the staff at the neighborhood meeting and through contact with the Code Enforcement Officer. The Waugh's had previously stated that they would be in agreement to paying for any portion of the abatement cost for which they would be responsible. A payment agreement form was then drafted by staff for the Waugh's signature, providing for the billing of the Waugh's for 20 % of all costs involved in the abatement of the nuisance or $320. The Waugh's signed the agreement and are now awaiting the abatement of the nuisance. Both the letter to the Waugh's, as well as the signed agreement, are attached for your information and review. While the City Manager has the authority to abate an existing nuisance, the cost involved in r abating this nuisance requires Council approval. Staff is requesting City Council approval for the amount of $1400 to Tom Gill Tree Service in order to abate the nuisance. Please be advised that the survey bill has already been paid at this time and the City would eventually receive all monies paid for the abatement of the nuisance. The Waugh's have agreed to pay $320, and the remaining 80 % of the costs ($1280) will be filed as a lien on the other property. RECOMMENDATION: Staff is recommending Council approval in the amount of $1400 in order to abate the above described nuisance. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Notice to Abate Nuisance 2. Abatement Hearing Disposition 3. Notice of Abatement Hearing Result ~• 4. Copy of the Survey performed by Cantrell & Associates ~ 5. Copy of the Diagram submitted by Cantrell & Associates 6. Tree Removal Estimates 7. Copy of the Letter of Notification sent to the Waugh's. 8. Copy of the Agreement Between the City of Owasso and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Waugh. City of Owasso 207 South Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 (918) 272-2251 FAX (918) 272-4999 Certified Mail No. P 845 275 764 Date July 11, 1995 ' Return Receipt Requested NOTICE TO ABATE A NUISANCE OR TO APPEAR AND SHOW CAUSE Pursuant to 11 O.S. 1984 Supp., Ordinance No. 28, City of Owasso "Code of ' Ordinances", you are hereby notified that the property owned by you located at 9506 N. 133rd E. Ave., Owasso Oklahoma, has been determined unsafe and dangerous to such an extent that said property is a hazard to the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Owasso and requires ' the following: Cut down and remove large dead tree in rear yard Section 8-301-1 of the Owasso City Code You are further notified that the above action must be completed on or before Friday, July 21, 1995, or in the alternative you may appear before the Owasso Hearing Officer at the Owasso City Hall on the 24th day of July, 1995 at 9:00 a.m. to show cause why such action is not necessary or why additional time for performance may be necessary. You are further notified that failure to take the required action or appear before the Owasso Hearing Officer on the above date and show just cause may result in the performance of the required action by the City of Owasso and the costs for the same become a lien against said property. Should you have any questions, contact Ted McCord, Code Enforcement Officer at 272-2251. CERTIFICATE OF MAILING AND POSTING On the 11th day of July, 1995, I mailed a true and correct copy of the foregoing Notice to Edwin Williams, 2328 Limreck Drive, Tallahassee, Florida 32308. ' Code Enforcement 9508.1 - h ~ SENDER: I also wish to receive the ' y Complete items 1 and/or 2 for additional services. ~ • Complete items 3, and 4a & b. following services (for an extra ~ H • Print your name and address on the reverse of. form so that we can fee): ~ m return this card to you. m ~ Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back 'rf space 1. ^ Addressee's Address ~ m ~ ~ does not permit. G t • Write "Return Receipt Requested" on the mailpiece below the article number. 2. ^ Restricted Delivery m ~ "' • The Return Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date j c delivered. Consult ostmaster for fee. ~ m . 3. Article Addressed to: ~ 4a. Article Number _ ~ m P 845 275 764 ~ a ~' 4b. Service Type ~ ~ E Edw1.T1 W~hatrts , + ~I Registered ^ Insured ~ - 2328"~Limreck ~~rive yK ~ C~.certified ^ COD" ~' ~ .Ta1l.ahassee `~"'FL 32308 ~ r -~: °' , w , ` tt w `{ Return Receipt for ~ " o ~ ~ ~- ~ ~. - ^~"ExplEss:Mall ^,Merchandise ~ c: ~.F~ 7' ~OBte ell _ . ,,,, . 1 a ~ a~~.. ~~ 1995: - ~l ,... . ~ ;: 1 Z ~ 8. Addressee's Address (nn ly rf requested Y y ~ 6 Si na a IA res" e)\ ~ ~ and fee is paid) ~ ~Yy "~ _, ~ 3 ~ 6. Signature (Agen t ~• ac FnPm 3871_`:December~1997..~.,,Iruus.cpo:fees--~~t+.:. DOMESTIC.RETURN,RECEIPT J . ~. ... ,, .. r P 845 275 764 Receipt for Certified Mail ~~ No Insurance Coverage Provided uwTEO n~TES Do not use for International Mail POST/~L SERVICE (See Reversel -.... .. c. .. .. s ~S ~ zac..~ c i Sent to w' W' SVeetand No. P.O., State and ZIP Code Tallahassee FL 32308 Postage Q ~P .32 Certified Fee 1.10 Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Aatum Receipt Showing to Whom & Date Delivered Return Receipt Shovring to Whom, Date, end Addressee's Address 1.10 TOTAL Postage ~ Fees $ 2.52 Postmark or Date i ,~ CITY OF OWASSO ~' ABATEMENT HEARING DATE: July 24, 1995 PERSONS PRESENT: Rodney Ray NAME: Edwin Williams Ted McCord Marsha Hensley CASE NO: 95-08 ~„ Infraction pursuant to 11 O.S. 1984 Supp., Ordinance No. 332, Part 8-101, City of Owasso "Code of Ordinances: Cut down and remove ,~ large dead tree in rear yard. Response: Hearing Officer Dispositi n: J~ " Heari~ig j~er~-~i ature 9508.2 City of Owasso 207 South Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 August 2, 1995 Edwin Williams 2328 Limreck Drive Tallahassee, FL 32308 RE: 9506 N. 133rd E. Ave., Owasso, Oklahoma (918) 272-2251 FAX (918) 272-4999 Certified Mail No. P 845 275 754 Return Receipt Requested Dear Mr. Williams: The purpose of this correspondence is to notify you that on July 24, 1995, the Owasso City Manager, after conducting a hearing on the matter, declared the property referenced above detrimental to the health, benefit and welfare of the public and the community. The City Manager further ordered that the dead tree in the rear year be cut down and removed. This is an abatement order. According to Section 8, Chapter 1, Article A, Sub Section 104, you have ten (101 days in which to abate the unlawful condition or the City will move to clean the property. In the event you fail to take steps that will abate the above described conditions, the City will cause the dead tree to be cut down and removed. If such work is completed by the City or its agent, all costs will be itemized and will be billed to you. If the total cost of the work performed is not paid within thirty (30) days from the date of the mailing of the itemized statement, the Owasso City Clerk shall forward a certified statement to the Tulsa County Treasurer in order for that amount to be levied against the property and collected in the manner prescribed by state law. You may appeal this Abatement Order to the City Council by filing written notice with the City Clerk no longer than ten days after the hearing date above. Your attention to this matter will be appreciated. Sincerely, /~~! I ~ Ted McCord Code Enforcement Officer TM:mh 9508.3 .... t• °' SENDER: ' v y • Complete items .t.and/oi y • Complete items 3, and 4 i ~ • Print your name and add ~ return this card to you. m • Attach this form to the 1 ~ does not permit. s • Write "Return Receipt Rey "' • The Return Receipt will sF ~ delivered. v 3. Article Addressed m , a the ' fXtfB V . ~.•mj 9SS . `~ ~ •.%.~ m V F m: c. ...: .. ;. .. l P 845 275 754 Receipt for Certified Mail ,~, No Insurance Coverage Provided ,,,,~!~ Do not use for International Mail rO5TAE 5E0.VKE (See Reverse) SeMi~Wlil VJ1.lllaill.S Street end No. 2328 Lock Drive P.o.. State and ZIP Code ~ 32308 Tallahassee, Postage Certified Fee ~ ~ n r, .......n ,r - - ._. -. -__.. ..~.._., CANTRELL ~ ASSOCIATES Engineering & Surveying 202 E. Second, Suite 110 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 9-1-95 MEMO: TO: CITY OF OWASSO. .r THE TREE LOCATED ON THE PROPERTYY LINE BETWEEN LOTS 1 AND 2 BLOCK ~ 3 WINDSOR LAKE SUBDIVISION IS APPROXIMATELY 80% ON LOT 1 AND 20% ON LOT 2. THE PROPERTY LINE BETWEEN LOT 1 AND 2 HAS BEEN STAKED AND A NAIL SET IN THE TREE ON THE PROPERTY LINE. AVID CANTRELL RLS #351 a~ ~ a~~ , (36+65.2 ~ ~ ~~' 27.`~ lT~ 18 ~ 8 7 I 1 ~ ; I ' ' 6 I ' w~ ~~ ~~ o. ~~ ~, BLOCK; rr- ' I ~ ~ ~ 15' B/L & U/E 5 ~ , ~_ 51 ~~~;- o -~,~ ~. ~\ ~\ `~ ~ \ ~• 22 ~ ~~ \, __~` 2Q2 E~Sr 2nd, SUI 11 -;- OWAS80;,OK ~y{p ~ - ~ ~., -~ ~. ~~ ' ~~ ~~ , ~a .a ,. /, ~/ (1~ 0~ % _` / ~ ~~'V ~ lfw ~.Sn,'ai 70 ~ ,.- ~ I S ~_..... ~ (L7 N 7 JV /4'~ L ~rp,~~~ N T~E~ ~ ~ ~ 5 SG~oP~RT y ~~L ~i ~ 7'~~L- /S y~~~/Zd~ 8c %~ m ~~r~,~ t y 0 ~7 oT ,. ~i 3 I ~w I~ I ' • so 3 '~ ~~ '~ I '~ 17 15' B/L & U/E ~~ I ~~ ~ .. ~ ~` 1 ,, 4 ~ ' ~, ~ ~4~ L__ k 4c T- ~ , ,~ , ~'~ X ~ ~z -- ~ X97` Johnny HammonS Tree Service SIaItAXING m~IMMIIV'G • TAKI1 nOWT~' 918.834~Q57~ Tulsa, Okfa, 74115 ~~ ~ ~S M ~~ .~~~~~~/ D1ri4lZ moo;-` vev ~/P~~-____ o~ p;i~ Taylor Tree Care, 5706 East T 11th St. So. , Tulsa, Ok. 74137 (9i $) 299-8200 FAX # (9i 8) 299-0038 September, i E, 1995 City of Owasso, FAX# 272-4997 Attn : h~{arsha Hensley Estimate to remove one extremely dead Cottonwood t-°ee, trunk pieces debris and cut trunk off to grade level. Total price: $ i , 600.00 Since this tree is extremely fragile and unsafe, we will need to use our 55' reach bucket truck and Crane. in the backyard. We will provide Workmans Comp and insurance certificate if successful. Terms: Net on Completion of joE~. Thank ou, Ge~ ne Taylor GT /bt _.. a ~j o ~1 G-i ti~ x.1.2. Q.~h~3 TC 5803 252~~ ..~. 1 ' ' KEEP THIS SLIP FOR REFERENCE City of Owasso 207 South Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 September 18, 1995 Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Waugh 9410 N. 133rd E. Ave. Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 RE: Nuisance Abatement 9410 No. 133rd E. Ave., Lot 2, Block 3, Windsor Lake Addition 9506 No. 133rd E. Ave., Lot 1, Block 3, Windsor Lake Addition Dear Mr. & Mrs. Waugh: (918) 272-2251 FAX (918) 272-4999 The purpose of this letter is to follow up recent conversations regarding the large dead tree located on Lots 1 and 2, Block 3, Windsor Lake Addition, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. As I informed you previously, the City Manager has deemed the large dead tree to be a ~ nuisance, as it does meet the nuisance specifically as defined in the Owasso City Code. After no abatement actions were taken by the assumed property owner, the City Manager ' ordered a survey of the property in which the tree is located to determine full or partial responsibility. This task was accomplished by Cantrell & Associates of Owasso. The results of the survey indicate that 80% of the tree is located on Lot 1, Block 3; while 20 % is located on Lot 2, Block 3 (your property). ' In order for the abatement process to continue, I am requesting your signature on the enclosed payment agreement form. Your signature on this form indicates that you are in full understanding that you will be responsible for no more that 20% of the costs involved in the ^ abatement of the nuisance. Please return the form to the City of Owasso, Attn: Ted McCord, P. O. Box 180, Owasso, Oklahoma, 74055 as soon as possible so that the abatement process may continue. If you have any questions or if I can be of additional assistance to you, please don't hesitate to contact me at 272-2251. Sincerely, Ted McCord ^ Code Enforcement SENDER: - -- ; --- - -- -- ..~_ q • Complete items 1 and/or 2 for additional services. 1 m • Complete items 3, and 4a & b. ~ • Print your name and address on the reverse of this form so that we can ~ return this card to you. y • Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or o he back if space " does not permit. !, Write "Return Receipt Requested" on the mailpiece below the article number • The Return Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date delivered. 3...Article Addressed to: 4a: Art ~ _ ~~ -- 1 u ~• &~~Mrs Waugh '`~.~ "'; ~~q tin\ . 4b. Ser - ; " 9410 'N:h133i~i E y~ ' y~ ^ Regi . ... r ~ .tt Ave ,~ ~ ¢ " ~ '~ ' Certi 1 ~ Owasso, -OK 74055: ;`~ ^ Ezpc ~ ,~. c 9 ~ ~ ate ~': ~ ~• ' I Addressee) ,~~ 8. ~~Addr ~ _ ~ ~~ ~-and 1 ,l cWC 6 ~ture Agent^,~ "., xi ~~ I ~. z a 7 ~ ~ ~ PS Form 381;1,,December~,1,991 -irus.~po:»~a3--3sz_„a nr also wish to receive the following services (for an extra ~ ~I fee): •~ ~ 1. ^ Addressee's Address N 2. ^ Restricted Delivery °• ~ .m Consult postmaster for fee ~ le Number CC i 787 -553 ~~ ce Type m ered ^ Insured ~ '~ u ed ^ COD - c ; s Mall . ^ Return Receipt for" ~ -Merchandise If DDelilJvJery ~. ~ . w C/ ~.f" Q >seesAddress 10 ~ ~r y if requeste ;~ , e Is paid) ~:~ . c ~'~~3 ~ "' t bv~{~v IAESTIC;RETURN RECEIPT n~, r, _ ~ ~, ...,.r~ _ ~., . ^rl ... ... ,. ,., Z 155 787 555 ,....' Receipt for Certified Mail ~ No Insurance Coverage Provided u~sr.~5 Do not use for International Mail .os,~ (See Reverse) c~ L o: 0 0 OJ ch E O. Sen[ to . & Mrs. Wau h Street and No. 9410 N. 133rd E Av P.O., State and ZIP Code so OK 74055 Postage .32 Certified Fee 1.10 Special Delivery Fee i 'Re?;rrldted ~UelWery rFeB ?it+[urn iieceipt `Stfowfng to Wham & Date Delivered Return Receipt Showing to Whom, Date, and Addressee's Address TOTAL Postage & Fees ~ 2.52 Postmark or Date 1 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND MR. & MRS. DOUGLAS WAUGH The undersigned, are in full understanding that the large dead tree primarily located between Lots 1 and 2, Block 3 Windsor Lake Addition has been deemed a nuisance by the City of Owasso and needs to be abated and removed. We further understand that 80 % of said tree is located on Lot 1, Block 3 and 20 % is located ~n Lot 2, Block 3 of ~x,hir>L 4Ve are n9;'nerS. I?~ addlti~n, ~`~v' ,~nrlers~n~) ~at the (`it~i has incurred expense for the property survey and has requested bids for the removal of said tree. The lowest total cost of the survey and the removal of the tree is $1600.00, of which we will be responsible and agree to pay $320.00. We understand that we are not required to pay any fees until an invoice is received from the City of Owasso and that without this signed agreement, the City will be required to abate the portion of the nuisance located on our property prior to the removal of the tree. Subsequently, our property may be subject to a lien in the amount of $320.00. Our signatures below confirm our understanding of this agreement. ~~ i ~ G~ ,--- r. Dough augh _~ / ~-~, Mrs. Laurie gh Date i~ ii 1 ~+ ii MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: CITY MANAGER'S REPORT DATE: October 13, 1995 MANAGERIAL: PERSONNEL -The following personnel actions have occurred since the last report: Police Department - Mr Jim Caputo has been hired as a police officer and will begin his duties on October 23. Officer Caputo has been hired utilizing funds from the "COPS FAST" grant. He is a CLEET certified police officer who will complete his Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice from UCAT in May. He is an experienced law enforcement officer with prior service in both county and municipal agencies. CUSTOMER SURVEYS -Attached for your review are customer survey reports for September. The surveys are providing a valuable tool for our benchmarking process. Hopefully, as our work processes are improved, we will see customer surveys reflect that improvement. FINANCE: SALES TAX REPORTS -Sales tax reports for September are attached for your review. September receipts exceeded projections and brought our year-to-date totals to a point slightly ahead of projections. After one-third of the year, sales tax projections appear to be on target. d CITY MANAGER'S REPORT October 13, 1995 Page 2 ^ COMMiJNITY DEVELOPMENT: BUILDING PERMITS -Residential permits continue to show strength. Lot inventory remains at a level that will continue to attract a variety of buyers. But the big news is in the outlook for commercial construction. 1996 appears to have the potential to break all commercial construction records for Owasso. POLICE SERVICES: POLICE RESERVE ACADEMY -The Owasso Police Department will begin the first Owasso ~ Police Reserve Academy on Tuesday, October 17th at the Community Center. The majority of the training will be provided by members of the Owasso Police Department. The legal portion has been arranged by Harold Charney, with coordination of the District Attorney's office. Twenty-two students will begin the thirteen week academy, many from other cities. The reserve force is used to supplement full time paid commissioned officers in their regular duties, and will ' become a significant part of our law enforcement strategy as their numbers increase. The use of reserves "fits" very well in our overall goal of having our certified officers actively preventing crime rather than performing routine chores that do not require a certified police officer. POLICE MOTORCYCLE -The latest addition to the Owasso Police Department vehicle fleet is a new 1995 Kawasaki motorcycle. This purchase was approved through the FY95-96 police budget and will be used for traffic enforcement, public relations programs, special events and routine patrol. FIRE SERVICES: GAS LINE - I have asked Chief Allen to secure price quotes for bringing the gas service back to an operational level. Currently the station has gas only to the water heaters. With the expectation of cold weather, the station's heat system should be prepared to be placed in operation. Once quotes are secured, a decision will be made regarding the next step. Please note that the staff has reviewed the situation relating to the installation of the original gas line and plans to request authority to proceed with legal action against the parties responsible for the deviation from the specifications. ~ CITY MANAGER'S REPORT October 13, 1995 Page 3 RECREATION CENTER: THEFT -Several items were recently stolen from the Recreation Center. Missing are hand tools ~ and a television set (with VCR). A police report has been filed. Value of items stolen is approximately $600.00. ~,., ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: WHIRLPOOL -The Whirlpool start-up staff has departed their temporary offices located on 76th Street. Having them in Owasso was a plus for our community and hopefully will give us ahead start in our relations with the company. Several key staff members for the company have purchased homes in Owasso. 76TH STREET - 76th Street remains closed west of Sheridan. City officials had hoped that promises to open the road from Lakeshore Drive east to Sheridan would be honored. However, it appears that Whirlpool has requested work on the west section of the road be accomplished first. Meetings with the county are set for next week to see if plans can be altered. As long as the road is closed, people from the industrial park have a difficult time getting into Owasso. That hurts our businesses and reduces sales opportunities. ATTACHMENTS 1. Sales Tax Reports 2. Customer Contact Reports 3. Memorandum from Recreation Center Director dated October 4, 1995 4. Correspondence to Parks Department dated October 5, 1995 380, 000- 360, 000- 340,000- 320, 000- 300,000- 280,000- 260,000- 240, 000 Jul Aug Sep Oct City of Owasso FY 1996 Monthly Sales Tax Comparisons Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun ~- Actual ------~------ Budgeted ------f----- Last Year :` 1 ~'; :` i ': } :: • l ~'. ,. "x '' ~•~••- ' ~ .i , - ~ i ~.. ---~ ..................t% i .,~ ...t~ a. ~ ,{ .. :. :. ;. .; } . -t ~ 1• Year-to-Date Sales Tax Totals City of Owasso Sales Tax Report Budget to Actual Comparison October 11, 1995 Month Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Total Actual Collections Amount Percent $302,677.03 8.07% 318,501.67 8.49% 329,039.92 8.77% 324,380.83 8.65% Needed to Meet Budget Over (Under) Projection Amount Percent Amount Percent ($4,822.97) -1.57% 9,126.67 2.95% (12,960.08) -3.79% 13,130.83 4.22% $307,500.00 8.20% 309,375.00 8.25% 342,000.00 9.12% 311,250.00 8.30% ~1,~/4,5yy.45 33.99% $1,270,125.00 33.87% $4,474.45 0.35% Note: 1995-96 Sales tax budget is $3,750,000 City of Owasso Sales Tax Report Two Year Comparison October 11, 1995 FY 1995-96 FY 1994-95 Percent Month Amount of Budget ' Jul $302,677.03 8.07% Aug 318,501.67 8.49% Sep 329,039.92 8.77% Oct 324,380.83 8.65% Nov ~. Dec Jan r Feb Mar Apr May Jun a Total $1,274,599.45 33.99% Percent Amount of Actual $301,692.06 8.49% 292,779.43 8.24% 324,228.25 9.12% 295,730.32 8.32% Increase or (Decrease Amount Percent 984.97 0.33% 25,722.24 8.79% 4,811.67 1.48% 28,650.51 9.69% $1,214,430.06 34.17% $60,169.39 4.95% Note: 1995-96 Sales tax budget is $3,750,000 City of Owasso Monthly Sales Tax Revenues Last Four Fiscal Years 1995-96 1994-95 1993-94 1992-93 Jul $302,677.03 $301,692.06 $271,679.74 $256,380.27 Aug 318,501.67 292,779.43 278,089.83 275,012.32 Sep 329,039.92 324,228.25 32,455.67 259,741.34 Oct 324,380.83 295,730.32 294,492.60 261,162.85 Nov 267,872.41 266,960.75 251,827.27 Dec 304,226.02 272,932.89 259,629.25 Jan 300,361.72 287,405.63 256,300.45 Feb 345,341.44 330,279.54 311,015.32 Mar 257,422.54 241,723.44 241,764.75 Apr 265,865.61 253,895.72 225,578.49 May 293,128.36 281,932.49 259,194.14 Jun 305,553.54 277,848.81 254,285.28 TOTAL $1,274,599.45 $3,554,201.70 $3,359,697.11 $3,111,891.73 City of Owasso Monthly Use Tax Revenues Last Four Fiscal Years Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun TOTAL 1995-96 $4,593.11 8,036.95 3,178.59 3,650.24 $19,458.89 1994-95 $2,347.96 5,195.15 4,076.15 3, 958.33 2,548.55 2,368.14 3,208.97 5,094.64 2,432.01 2, 973.22 6, 397.24 5,905.32 $46,505.68 1993-94 $7,055.19 2,481.03 1,785.16 2,052.59 3,810.34 4, 678.28 2, 943.40 2,001.76 2, 409.54 3,566.91 2, 330.55 2,680.98 $37,795.73 1992-93 $2,355.12 2,066.42 2,463.21 7,465.74 15,618.27 6,201.50 8,182.30 3,987.31 2,229.25 2,104.18 2,390.28 2,566.50 $57,630.08 Note: 1995-96 Use tax budget is $45,000 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER CONTACT SURVEYS JANUARY -SEPTEMBER 1995 Timeliness Quality Extremely Satisifie Somewhat Satisfie Neutr Somewhat Dissatisfie Extremely Dissatisfie Extremely Satisified Somewhat Satisfied Neutral Somewhat Dissatisfied 6ctremely Dissatisfied 0.0% 20.0% 40.0% 60.0% 80.0% 100.0% 10.0% 30.0% 50.0% 70.0% 90.0% Overall Extremely Satisified Somewhat Satisfied Neutral Somewhat Dissatisfied Extremely Dissatisfied 0.0 % 20.0 % 40.0% 60.0 % 80.0% 100.0% 10.0 % 30.0 % 50.0% 70.0 % 90.0% Extremely Satisifie Somewhat Satisfie Neutr Somewhat Dissatisfie 6ctremely Dissatisfie 0% 10.0% 30.0% 50.0% 70.0% 90.0% 0% 10.0% 30.0% 50.0% 70.0% 90.0% Courtesy CITY OF OWASSO CUSTOMER CONTACT SURVEYS Department: PUBLIC WORKS Period: 9/01/95 to 9/30/95 RESPONSES TO QUESTIONS 1 - 5 Did you have trouble finding someone at City Hall to talk to about your inquiry or concern? YES: 0 ( 0.0%) NO: 7 (100.0%) Did the first person you talked with understand your problem or know where to '~ direct y our inquiry? NO: 0 ( 0.0%) YES: 7 (100.0%) ,~ Did the person to whom you were dire cted seem to care about your concern, inquiry, or problem? NO: 0 ( 0.0%) YES: 7 (100.00) ,~ Was that person responsive, and did he/she cause action? it NO: 0 ( O.Oo) YES: 7 (100.00) Did you have to talk to another person later to get action? YES: 0 ( O.Oo) NO: 7 (100.00) RESPONSES TO QUESTIONS 6 ----------------- - 9 W -------- ------------------------- --- --- Extremely Somewhat Somewhat Extremely Average Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Satisfied Scale 1-5 Count ---------- ------------ Count ------------ Count Count ------------ ---------- Count ~ TIMELINESS 0 ( O.Oo) 0 ( O.Oo) -- 0 ( 0.0%) 1 ( 14.3%) ----------- 6 ( 85.7%) 4.86 QUALITY 0 ( O.Oo) 0 ( O.Oo) 0 ( O.Oo) 2 ( 28.60) 4.71 5 ( 71.4%) COURTESY 0 ( O.Oo) 0 ( 0.0%) 0 ( 0.0%) 1 ( 14.30) 4.86 OVERALL 0 ( O.Oo) 0 ( O.Oo) 0 ( O.Oo) 1 ( 14.30) 4.86 6 ( 85.7%) 6 ( 85.7%) CITY OF OWASSO CUSTOMER CONTACT SURVEYS liepartment: PUBLIC WORKS Period: 1/26/95 to 9/30/95 3SPONSES TO QUESTIONS 1 - 5 --------------------------- --------------------------- -id you have trouble finding someone at City Hall to talk to about your inquiry r concern? YES: 3 ( 4.10) NO: 70 ( 95.90) Lid the first person you talked with understand your problem or know where to direct your inquiry? NO: 1 ( 1.4%) YES: 72 ( 98.60) "id the person to whom you were directed seem to care abc,ut your concern, zquiry, or problem? NO: 1 ( 1.40) YES: 72 ( 98.6%) ..as that person responsive, and did he/she cause action? NO: 6 ( 8.2%) YES: 67 ( 91.80) nid you have to talk to another person later to get action? YES: 10 ( 14.10) NO: 61 ( 85.90) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RESPONSES TO QUESTIONS 6 - 9 --------------------------- --------------------------- Average gale 1-5 TIMELINESS 4.51 "JALITY 4.43 3URTESY 4.74 Extremely Dissatisfied Count 2 ( 2.70) 1 ( 1.40) 1 ( 1.4%) Somewhat Dissatisfied Count 4 ( 5 . 5%) 6 ( 8.30) 1 ( 1.40) Neutral Count 5 ( 6.8%) Somewhat Satisfied Count 10 ( 13.70) Extremely Satisfied Count 52 ( 71.20) 4 ( 5.60) 11 ( 15.30) 50 ( 69.40) 3 ( 4.10) 6 ( 8.20) 62 ( 84.9%) JERALL 3 ( 4.10) 2 ( 2.70) 3 ( 4.10) 13 ( 17.80) 52 ( 71.20) 4.49 POLICE DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER CONTACT SURVEYS JANUARY -SEPTEMBER 1995 Timeliness Quality Extremely Satisified Somewhat Satisfied Neutral Somewhat Dissatisfied Extremely Dissatisfied 0. Extremely Satisified Somewhat Satisfied Neutral Somewhat Dissatisfied Extremely Dissatisfied 0. )% 20 % 30.0% 50.0% 70.0% 90. Courtesy % 20 % 30.0 % 50.0 % 70.0 % 90. 0% 0% Extremely Satisifi~ Somewhat SatisfiF Neuti Somewhat Dissatisfit Extremely Dissatisfie Extremely Satisified Somewhat Satisfied Neutral Somewhat Dissatisfied Extremely Dissatisfied 0. 10.0 % 30.0 % 50.0% 70.0 % 90.0 0% 10.0 % 30.0% 50.0 % 70.0 % 90.0 % Overal I CITY OF OWASSO CUSTOMER CONTACT SURVEYS I apartment: POLICE Period: 9/01/95 to 9/30/95 RESPONSES TO QUESTIONS 1 - 5 Did you have trouble finding someone at City Hall to talk to about your inquiry c ~ concern? YES: 0 ( 0.0%) NO: 7 (100.00) I .d the first person you talked with understand your problem or know where to c~~rect your inquiry? NO: 0 ( O.Oo) YES: 7 (100.00) Did the person to whom you were directed seem to care about your concern, 'iquiry, or problem:' NO: 0 ( 0.0%) YES: 7 (100.00) ~ is that person responsive, and did he/she cause action? NO: 0 ( O.Oo) YES: 7 (100.00) Did you have to talk to another person later to get action? YES: 1 ( 14.3%) NO: 6 ( 85.7%) 1 •. ES ESTIONS 6 O 9 I.~SPONS ---------- ---------- T QU --------------- --------------- - --- --- Extremely Somewhat Somewhat Extremely Average Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Satisfied S~:ale 1-5 Count Count Count Count Count `1 ~MELINESS 0( 0. 0 0) 0( 0. 0%) 0( 0. 0 0) 3( 42.9%) 4( 57.1 0) 4.57 QUALITY 0 ( 0 . 0%) 0 ( 0 . 0%) 1 ( 14.3 0 ) 2 ( 28.6 0 ) 4 ( 57.1%) 4.43 COURTESY 0 ( O.Oa) 0 ( O.Oo) 0 ( O.Oo) 1 ( 14.3%) 6 ( 85.70) 4.86 t TERALL 0 ( 0.0%) 0 ( O.Oo) 0 ( 0.0%) 3 ( 42.90) 4 ( 57.1x) 4.57 CITY OF OWASSO CUSTOMER CONTACT SURVEYS Department: POLICE Period: 1/26/95 to 9/30/95 RESPONSES TO QUESTIONS=1 - 5 ______________________________' ---------------------------- ---------------------------- Did you have trouble finding someone at City Hall to talk to about your inquiry or concern? YES: 2 ( 4.30) NO: 44 ( 95.70) Did the first person you talked with understand your problem or know where to direct your inquiry? NO: 1 ( 2.0%) YES: 48 ( 98.Oo) Did the person to whom y ou were directed seem to car e about your concern, "`' inquiry, or problem? ,~ NO: 2 ( 4.30) YES: 45 ( 95.70) Was that person responsi ve, and did he/she cause act ion? NO: 5 ( 10.6%) YES: 42 ( 89.4%) Did you have to talk to another person later to get action? '~ YES: 5 ( 10.90) NO: 41 ( 89.10) ---------- -- RESPONSES TO QUESTIONS 6 - 9 Average Scale 1-5 TIMELINESS 4.43 QUALITY 4.15 Extremely Dissatisfied Count 5 ( 10.40) 3 ( 6 . 5%) Somewhat Dissatisfied Count 2 ( 4.20) 3 ( 6.5%) Neutral Count 2 ( 4.20) 5 ( 10.9%) Somewhat Satisfied Count 6 ( 12.5%) 8 ( 17.40) Extremely Satisfied Count 33 ( 68.80) 27 ( 58.70) '~ COURTESY 2 ( 4.3%) 2 ( 4.30) 0 ( 0.0%) 5 ( 10.9%) 37 ( 80.4%) 4.59 OVERALL 3 ( 6.4%) 3 ( 6.4%) 3 ( 6.4%) 8 ( 17.Oo) 30 ( 63.8%) 4.26 • FIRE DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER CONTACT SURVEYS JANUARY -SEPTEMBER 1995 Timeliness Quality 6ctremely Satisified Somewhat Satisfied Neutral Somewhat Dissatisfied Extremely Dissatisfied o. Extremely Satisifie Somewhat Satisfie Neutr Somewhat Dissatisfie 6ctremely Dissatisfie 1 % 30.0 % 50.0 % 70.0% 90.0° Courtesy i j i d i ~ 1 i d ).0 % 20.0 % 40.0 % 60.0 % 80.0 % 100.0 10.0 % 30.0 % 50.0 % 70.0 % 90.0% Extremely Satisified Somewhat Satisfied ! i ~ ~ i ~ I i I € -. ' ~[..~. i ~.. Neutral ~ i [ i ~......._..i. _ - _ __ r .i..... ~__ .I Somewhat Dissatisfed j I s ~ i t i ~ i I I e ~ i e ___._..i.~~L..._.....i...........u._~_i.._.i.._ _. _ _ 3! ...j. i ~ ~ Extremely Dissatisfied ~ ! ~ i 3 ~ ~ ~ o.o% 20.0% 40.0% so.o% 60.0% 100.0% 10.0% 30.0% 50.0% 70.0% 90.0% Overall Extremely Satisified Somewhat Satisfied Neutral Somewhat Dissatisfied Extremely Dissatisfed 0.0% 20.0% 40.0% 60.0% 80.0% 100.0% 10.0 % 30.0 % 50.0 % 70.0% 90.0 CITY OF OWASSO CUSTOMER CONTACT SURVEYS "~ ~f Department: FIRE Period: 1/26/95 to 9/30/95 RESPONSES TO QUESTIONS 1 - 5 Did you have trouble finding someone at City Hall to talk to about your inquiry or concern? YES: 2 ( 18.20) NO: 9 ( 81.80) Did the first person you talked with understand your problem or know where to direct your inquiry? NO: 1 ( 9.10) YES: 10 ( 90.9%) Did the person to whom you were directed seem to care about your concern, inquiry, or problem? NO: 1 ( 9.1%) YES: 10 ( 90.9%) Was that person responsive, and did he/she cause action? NO: 1 ( 10.00) YES: 9 ( 90.Oo) Did you have to talk to another person later to get action? YES: 3 ( 30.Oo) N0: 7 ( 70.Oo) I --------------- RESPONSES-TO-QUESTIONS-6-=-9 Extremely Somewhat Somewhat Extremely Average Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Satisfied ~ Scale 1-5 ---------- Count ------------ Count Count - Count Count TIMELINESS 2 ( 20.0%) ----------- ------------ 0 ( 0 . 0%) 0 ( 0 . 0 0 ) ------------ 2 ( 20.0 0 ) ----------- 6 ( 60.0%) 4.00 QUALITY 2 ( 20.Oo) 0 ( O.Oa) 0 ( 0.0%) 1 ( 10.00) 7 ( 70.Oo) 4.10 COURTESY 1 ( ll.lo) 0 ( O.Oa) 0 ( 0.0%) 1 ( ll.lo) 7 ( 77.80) 4.44 OVERALL 2 ( 20.Oo) 0 ( O.Oo) 0 ( O.Oo) 1 ( 10.00) 7 ( 70.0%) 4.10 FINANCE DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER CONTACT SURVEYS JANUARY -SEPTEMBER 1995 Timeliness Quality Extremely Satisifie Somewhat Satisfie Neutr Somewhat Dissatisfie Extremely Dissatisfie j j d 100.0 .0 % 30.0% 50.0% 70.0 % 90.0° Courtesy Extremely Satisified Somewhat Satisfied Neutral Somewhat Dissatisfied Extremely Dissatisfied o, 30.0 % 50.0% 70.0% 90.0° Extremely Satisified ...........;..__..~_..t...........i........... t........._c...-...... c. .. ii ~; :; Somewhat Satisfied I i ~ I -~!_._~. j ~ i i...-- ~ --~ ~ E Neutral ! [ ' ` f i i $ ~ ~ ~ i i i ~ -~._--f..-.._.:__..E-._..__.~~..._. i ~ Somewhat Dissatisfied t i 3 ~ I i ~ ~ __ -_ ~....y~. -..... i i ° i i Extremely Dissatisfied k ~ j t `s ~ i i i ~ i 3 i 0.0% 20.0 % 40.0 % 60.0 % 80.0 % 100.0 10.0% 30.0% 50.0% 70.0% 90.0% Overall Extremely Satisifie Somewhat Satisfie Neutr Somewhat Dissatisfie Extremely Dissatisfie f f J i i.o% zo.o% ao.o% so.o% so.o% too.o% 10.0% 30.0% 50.0% 70.0% 90.0% CITY OF OWASSO CUSTOMER CONTACT SURVEYS Department: FINANCE/UB Period: 9/01/95 to 9/30/95 ~I ---------------------------------------- RESPONSES TO QUESTIONS 1 - 5 Did you have trouble finding someone at City Hall to talk to about your inquiry or concern? YES: 0 ( 0.0%) NO: 4 (100.00) Did the first person you talked with understand your problem or know where to direct your inquiry? NO: 0 ( O.Oo) YES: 3 (100.00) Did the person to whom you were directed seem to care about your concern, inquiry, or problem? NO: 0 ( O.Oo) YES: 3 (100.00) Was that person responsive, and did he/she cause action? NO: 0 ( O.Oo) YES: 4 (100.00) Did you have to talk to another person later to get action? YES: 0 ( O.Oo) N0: 4 (100.0%) ---------------------------------- RESPONSES TO QUESTIONS 6 - 9 Extremely Somewhat Somewhat Extremely ,~ Average Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Satisfied Scale 1-5 ---------- Count ------------ Count ------------ Count ------------ Count ------------ Count ---- TIMELINESS 0 ( 0.0%) 0 ( O.Oo) 0 ( O.Oo) 0 ( O.Oo) ------- 4 (100.00) 5.00 QUALITY 0( 0. 0 0) 0( 0. 0%) 1( 25.0 0) 0( 0. 0 0) 3( 75.0%) 4.50 COURTESY 0 ( 0.0%) 0 ( 0.0%) 0 ( 0.0%) 0 ( O.Oo) 4 (100.0%) 5.00 OVERALL 0( 0. 0%) 0( 0. 0%) 0( 0. 0%) 0( O. O a) 4 (100 . 0 x) 5.00 CITY OF OWASSO CUSTOMER CONTACT SURVEYS Lepartment: FINANCE/UB Period: 1/26/95 to 9/30/95 F ;SPONSES TO QUESTIONS 1 - 5 - --------------------------- ---------------------------- I''_d you have trouble finding someone at City Hall to talk to about your inquiry c ~ concern? YES: 0 ( O.Oo) NO: 20 (100.00) Lid the first person you talked with understand your problem or know where to direct your inquiry? NO: 1 ( 5.3 a) YES: 18 ( 94.70) I';_d the person to whom you were directed seem to care about your concern, iquiry, or problem? NO: 1 ( 5.30) YES: 18 ( 94.7%) t.as that person responsive, and did he/she cause action? NO: 0 ( 0.0%) YES: 20 (100.00) T`id you have to talk to another person later to get action? YES: 2 ( 10.0x) NO: 18 ( 90.0%) - --------- --------------- ---------------------------- ------------- -------------- RESPONSES TO QUESTIONS 6 - 9 - --------- ---------- --------------- --------------- --- --- Extremely Somewhat Somewhat Extremely Average Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Satisfied ;ale 1-5 Count Count Count Count Count ---------- TIMELINESS ------------ 0 ( 0 . 0%) ------------ ------------ 0 ( 0 . 0 0 ) 0 ( 0 . 0%) ------------ 2 ( 10.0 0 ) ----------- 18 ( 90.0 0 ) 4.90 C"JALITY 0 ( 0 . 0%) 0 ( 0 . 0 0 ) 2 ( 10.0%) 2 ( 10.0 0 ) 16 ( 80.0%) 4.70 c )URTESY 0 ( O.Oo) 0 ( O.Oo) 1 ( 5.0%) 2 ( 10.0%) 17 ( 85.Oo) 4.80 c 7ERALL 0 ( O.Oo) 1 ( 5.30) 0 ( O.Oo) 2 ( 10.5 a) 16 ( 84.2%) 4.74 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CUSTOMER CONTACT SURVEYS JANUARY -SEPTEMBER 1995 Timeliness Quality 6ctremely Satisified Somewhat Satisfied Neutral Somewhat Dissatisfied Extremely Dissatisfied Extremely Satlsified Somewhat Satisfied Neutral Somewhat Dissatisfied Extremely Dissatisfied 0, % 30.0 % 50.0 % 70.0 % 90.0° Courtesy ' i 1-t'-'-~r-I ]% ?O.0% d0.(1% R0.(1°,4, R(1 (1 % 1f7(7 n L 1 % 30.0 % 50.0 % 70.0 % 90.0`. 6ctremely Satisified Somewhat Satisfied Neutral Somewhat Dissatisfied 6ctremely Dissatisfied 0. Extremely Satisifie Somewhat Satisfie Neutr Somewhat Dissatisfie Extremely Dissatisfie 's j Tyr- I T1 7 % 20.0% 40.0 % 60.0 % 80.0 % 100.0 % 10.0% 30.0% 50.0% 70.0% 90.0% Overal I i i i 3 i i J I i i i i i i ).0% 20.0% 40.0% 60.0% 80.0% 100.0% 10.0 % 30.0 % 50.0% 70.0 % 90.0 CITY OF OWASSO CUSTOMER CONTACT SURVEYS l apartment: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Period: 9/01/95 to 9/30/95 RESPONSES TO QUESTIONS 1 - 5 ---------------------------- Did you have trouble finding someone at City Hall to talk to about your inquiry c ~ concern? YES: 0 ( O.Oo) NO: 11 (100.00) ] _d the first person you talked with understand your problem or know where to ~..~rect your inquiry? NO: 0 ( O.Oo) YES: 11 (100.0%) Did the person to whom you were directed seem to care about your concern, '-zquiry, or problem? NO: 0 ( O.Oo) YES: 11 (100.00) I ~s that person responsive, and did he/she cause action? NO: 1 ( 9.10) YES: 10 ( 90.90) Did you have to talk to another person later to get action? YES: 3 ( 30.Oo) NO: 7 ( 70.0%) :~SPONSES TO UESTIONS 6 9 ------------ Q ------------- - --- ------------ ------------- Extremely --- Somewhat Somewhat Extremely Average Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Satisfied Seale 1-5 Count Count Count Count Count 'TIMELINESS 2 ( 16.70) 0 ( 0.00) 0 ( 0.00) 2 ( 16.7%) 8 ( 66.7%) 4.17 QUALITY 2 ( 16.7 0 ) 4.17 COURTESY 0 ( O.Oo) 4.92 0 ( 0.0%) 0 ( 0.0%) 0 ( 0.0%) 0 ( 0.0%) 2 ( 16.70) 8 ( 66.70) 1 ( 8.30) 11 ( 91.70) ~ TERALL 2 ( 16.7%) 0 ( 0 . 0%) 0 ( 0 . 0%) 2 ( 16.7 0 ) 8 ( 66.7 0 ) 4.17 CITY OF OWASSO CUSTOMER CONTACT SURVEYS Department: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Period: 1/26/95 to 9/30/95 ________________________________________________________________________________ RESPONSES-TO-QUESTIONS-1-=-5 Did you have trouble finding someone at City Hall to talk to about your inquiry ~" or concern? YES : 1 ( 2 . 4 0 ) NO : 41 ( 97.6%) Did the first erson ou talked with understand P y your problem or know where to direct your inquiry? NO: 2 ( 4.80) YES: 40 ( 95.20) Did the person to whom you were directed seem to care about your concern, inquiry, or problem? NO: 0 ( O.Oo) YES: 42 (100.00) Was that person responsive, and did he/she cause action? NO: 3 ( 7.1a) YES: 39 ( 92.90) Did you have to talk to another person later to get action? ~ YES: 5 ( 12.20) N0: 36 ( 87.80) ____________ ____________ _______________ ____________ _______________ _____________ _'rr RESPONSES TO QUESTIONS 6 - 9 Extremely Somewhat Somewhat Extremely Average Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Satisfied Scale 1-5 Count Count Count Count Count TIMELINESS 3 ( 7.00) 0 ( 0.0%) 0 ( 0.00) 5 ( 11.60) 35 ( 81.40) 4.71 QUALITY 3 ( 7.10) 0 ( O.Oo) 2 ( 4.80) 4 ( 9.50) 33 ( 78.60) 4.52 COURTESY 1 ( 2.4%) 0 ( O.Oa) 0 ( O.Oa) 2 ( 4.80) 39 ( 92.9%) 4.86 OVERALL 3 ( 7.10) 0 ( O.Oo) 1 ( 2.40) 3 ( 7.10) 35 ( 83.30) 4.60 COMMUNITY CENTER CUSTOMER CONTACT SURVEYS JANUARY -SEPTEMBER 1995 Timeliness Quality i tl ~ I i ~~ t I d Extremely Satisifie Somewhat Satisfie Neutr Somewhat Dissatisfie Extremely Dissatisfie ).0% 20.0 % 40.0 % 60.0 % 60.0 % 100.0 10.0% 30.0% 50.0% 70.0% 90.0% Courtesy i i J ..~ i j 's t j Extremely Satisifie Somewhat Satisfie Neutr Somewhat Dissatisfie Extremely Dissatisfie .0 % 30.0 % 50.0 % 70.0 % 90 0% Extremely Satisified Somewhat Satisfied Neutral Somewhat Dissatisfied Extremely Dissatisfied 0. I % 30.0 % 50.0 % 70.0 % 90.0° Overall Extremely Satisifie Somewhat Satisfie Neutr Somewhat Dissatisfie Extremely Dissatisfie J ~ , -"I 100.0 .0% 30.0% 50.0% 70.0% 90.0° i CITY OF OWASSO CUSTOMER CONTACT SURVEYS Department: COMMUNITY CENTER Period: 9/01/95 to 9/30/95 RESPONSES-TO -QUESTIONS-1-=-5 Did you have trouble finding someone at City Hall to talk to about your inquiry or concern? YES: 0 ( 0.0%) NO: 4 (100.00) Did the firs t person you talked with understand o Y ur roblem or know where to p direct your inquiry? I NO: 0 ( 0.0%) YES: 4 (100.0%) Did the person to whom you were directed seem to care about your concern, inquiry, or problem? i NO: 0 ( O.Oo) YES: 4 (100.0%) was that person responsive, and did he/she cause action? NO: 0 ( 0.0%) YES: 4 (100.00) Did you have to talk to another person later to get action? YES: 0 ( 0.0%) NO: 4 (100.00) RESPONSES TO QUESTIONS 6 - 9 Extremely Somewhat Somewhat Extremely Average Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Satisfied Scale 1-5 ---------- Count ------------ Count Count Count Count TIMELINESS 0( 0. 0%) ------------ 0( 0. 0 0) ------------ ------------ 0( 0. 0%) 1( 25.0 0) ----------- 3 ( 75.0 0) 4.75 QUALITY 0( 0. 0 0) 0( 0. 0%) 0( 0. 0 0) 2( 50.0 0) 2( 50.0%) ~ 4.50 COURTESY 4.50 0 ( O.Oo) 0 ( O.Oo) OVERALL 0 ( O.Oo) 0 ( O.Oo) 4.67 1 ( 25.0%) 0 ( O.Oo) 0 ( O.Oo) 1 ( 33.3%) 3 ( 75.0%) 2 ( 66.70) CITY OF OWASSO CUSTOMER CONTACT SURVEYS Department: COMMUNITY CENTER Period: 1/26/95 to 9/30/95 ] ~SPONSES TO QUESTIONS 1 - 5 ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ~d you have trouble finding someone at City Hall to talk to about your inquiry or concern? YES: 0 ( 0.0%) NO: 21 (100.0x) Did the first person you talked with understand your problem or know where to erect your inquiry? NO: 0 ( O.Oo) YES: 21 (100.0%) id the person to whom you were directed seem to care about your concern, inquiry, or problem? NO: 0 ( 0.0%) YES: 21 (100.00) Was that person responsive, and did he/she cause action? NO: 0 ( O.Oo) YES: 21 (100.0%) id you have to talk to another person later to get action? YES: 1 ( 4.80) NO: 20 ( 95.2%) w.~ ~'ESPONSES TO QUESTIONS 6 - 9 --------------------------- --------------------------- Extremely Somewhat Somewhat Extremely average Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Satisfied .gale 1-5 Count Count Count Count Count ---------- IMELINESS ------------ 0 ( 0.00) ------------ 0 ( 0.00) ------------ 0 ( 0.0%) ------------ 2 ( 9.50) ----------- 19 ( 90.50) 4.90 7ALITY 0 ( O.Oo) 0 ( 0.0%) 0 ( O.Oo) 3 ( 14.30) 18 ( 85.70) 4.86 _JURTESY 0 ( 0.0%) 0 ( O.Oo) 1 ( 4.80) 1 ( 4.80) 19 ( 90.50) 4.86 OVERALL 0 ( O.Oo) 0 ( 0.0%) 0 ( O.Oo) 3 ( 15.Oo) 17 ( 85.Oo) 4.85 MEMORANDUM TO. CITY MANAGER MR. RAY FROIVI: RECREATION CENTER JANIS WORLEY SUBJECT: STOLEN ITEMS DATE: October 4, 1995 BACKGROUN Over the past 8 years we have had very little disappear from the Recreation Center, and nothing of any great value, basketballs, volleyballs, etc.. Last week I discovered that our tool box was missing from the office. ~ This tool box contained all the tools the staff uses at the center. Also there was a cordless drill that was missing. A police report was filed on these missing items. Yesterday I went to our cabinet where we keep the TV/ VCR and discovered it was also missing. I feel that these things were probably taken at the same time. I have also done a police report on this item. I have looked and do not think there is anything else missing but these were the only items that were of any value. I have made police reports and have contacted Regina Rogers on this matter. Ms. Rogers has stated that she would contact you but I thought you might need sometl~{~g in writing from me. I changed the lock on the office door yesterday but I have not changed the other door loc~k~. Do you want me to do that also? Please give me some dirrection on this problem. \~ (~et~bea 5, 1995 (13ud & Debbie ~~~le 934 ~fdl:.~srer~.:it ice dlirliirgt~si, rJe~ 7"6017' /817/ 472-8902 n`if~t~ a-~ Ouur~.a~- ~a~ ~DelUZet~reat ~. d. B~~ 180 '~ (7u~as~, ~7klalra`rta 7'4055 ~: ~aee%a.~e a ~Ree c`c :zceara~~ a~ aur- ~a~c ' (7aR ax~aLd Like tom- a f~vee to Fe t/ce oae flrat cad. ~arard.:~ 1UiReluzde trlaee ~,, ~~ r.~-a-~ed ~ Lu~lr#xruz~ ui (~ii~ieE7d.~Lu~ ~aek. ~lea~e aece~ aue elceek made aat to 'Tflade~ ~l_aFae~ to tu~ceelcase tluc teee. dae mac, ~acacsi 7fla-~P.aEd, 17', u~ leiLled u2 a ea.F a~~,dei~ /l~lc 3, 1995 aec ~Gcgluf~a~ 11 beta~eerz ~~ as2d ~lei~ele. ~e ~aed flee a~ctd.~ee~ ~ aad use eaa triisik a~ s~aflus2~ Gef~fee tlraa f~- ~.er.E a tFee ui luc `ne~iv~. ~ tFee lca~e~ ~.Beeae~ a~ uRilL laic `rnesn~H~. ~ at all ~ddi/Le ' aye u~cdd like ~ flute tFee ~ be tUlas~ted be~.aFe Oe}~Ger- 23, a~ flues :~a.~ !u~ ~. 'TOe lruzeux flcia ca slr~ susfiee bat aa~rl~lzuu~ yaa ~ eaa do- fa e~edlte flii~ a~ald be g~eafl~ ~Ge alaa LBaed Ciia,~ ~~ ayrd ct ~ aaR aadeRdtasulc'sut tluzt tlci.~ aeea c~ a~ ~e~eafed caiflc G.ylit~ at Clu~iat`naa. ~Jlcasil~ des aek~ s:uceli ~ a~'La~aRisu~ a~ to lresiae aae s.~r2 Grzfl-cu~ tzaFk. ~ J ^ ~~i~u~eRel,~, ~13ad, Debbie, & ~asnsrcie ~~, , ~e~.at ' P~-a'.:J,la ZUod dr ~~n-dle~ ~~a-y~da, ~li.:z~taa, ~e~ rl3ill~ & //laiv~ ~Paas~oa, Oa~a.~ ~aaL Bea.~flet~ ~ ~~ ~fu7, (7u~aa~- ' ~'liaeas2.//l_ac~ & ~ul~, ~leiat~le ~~'aee,`i ~I3eadle~ & ~til~, C~rc/ua, /jZ~~oas~ Bill & ~iaerd~ 'Tf1a~e & ~ult~, Cvedae ~~ataid.~, ~a:r~a ~ ozcan:~ frcere (~aerrilie~ C~ PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: October 17, 1995 TIME: 7:00 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, October 13, 1995. Marci Boutwell, City Clerk AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Invocation 3. Flag Salute 4. Roll Call 5. Request Approval of the Minutes of October 3, 1995 Regular Meeting. Attachment #5 6. Request Approval of Claims Attachment #6 Owasso Public Works Authority October 17, 1995 Page 2 ~ 7. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request from a citizen to address the ,~ Trustees. Ms Shannon Attachment #6 Ms Ann Shannon has requested an opportunity to address the Trustees concerning her water bill. 8. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Authorization to Purchase Materials and Supplies for the Installation of a 4" Water Meter at the National Steak and Poultry Location. ' Mr Carr Attachment #8 The staff will recommend Trustee action to approve the expenditure of $2878.48 to Water Products, Owasso, Oklahoma, for the purchase of materials and supplies necessary to install a 4" water meter at the NSP site. ~ 9. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Amendments to the FY 1995-96 OPWA Fund. "~ Ms Bishop Attachment #9 The staff will recommend Trustee approval of a "carry over" budget in the form of a supplemental appropriation to the Wastewater Department of the OPWA fund. Owasso Public Works Authority October 17, 1995 Page 3 10. Report from OPWA Manager 11. Report from OPWA Attorney c '~ 12. Unfinished Business r ~ ~ 13. New Business 4~ 14. Adjournment OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, October 3, 1995 The Owasso Public Works Authority met in regular session on Tuesday, October 3, 1995 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, September 29, 1995. ITEM l: CALL TO ORDER Chairman Burris called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. ITEM 2: INVOCATION The invocation was given Pastor Linzy Slayden of the Friendship Baptist Church. ITEM 3: FLAG SALUTE The flag salute was led by Councilor Barnhouse. ITEM 4: ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT Charles Burris, Chairperson Danny Ewing, Vice Chairperson Mary Lou Barnhouse, Trustee Joe Ramey, Trustee Michael Helm, Trustee STAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager Ronald D Cates, Authority Attorney Marcia Boutwell, Authority Secretary A quorum was declared present. ITEM 5: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 19. 1995 REGULAR MEETING. Ms Barnhouse moved to approve the minutes as written, by reference hereto; seconded by Mr Helm. AYE: Barnhouse, Helm, Ramey, Ewing, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. Owasso Public Works Authority ITEM 6: REQUEST APPROVAL OF CLAIMS Mr Helm moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to approve the following claims as submitted: (1) OPWA Fund $73,904.17; (2) OPWA Capital Improvement Fund $45,458.25; (3) Interfund Transfers $34,233.17; (4) Payroll $26,038.61. AYE: Helm, Barnhouse, Ramey, Ewing, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 7: REQUEST TO ADDRESS THE TRUSTEES REGARDING DRAINAGE SOUTH OF 76TH STREET. Jim Downey addressed the Trustees, and thanked them and the Public Works Department crews for some work done on the Downey property. Mr & Mrs Downey do not live in the city limits, but had a problem with stormwater drainage on their property resulting from city developments The Public Works Department cleared brush & trees and did some work to straighten the drainage channel on the eastern edge of the Downy property after promised assistance from the county was not forthcoming. ITEM 8: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR TRUSTEE ACTION FOR A REVIEW OF THE STAFF INTERPRETATION AND ADMINISTRATION OF OPWA RESOLUTION #93-05. Mr Mike Turnbaugh, a resident of Pleasant View subdivision, requested a review of OPWA Resolution #93-05, which provided rate protection to city water customers who were previously served by Rogers County Rural Water District #3. That protection allows those customers to be charged the "in-city" rates. Staff interpretation of the language contained in the resolution is that the rate protection is afforded to the customer, while Mr Turnbaugh believes that the rate protection is applied to the property. The City Attorney has opinioned in Opinion #93-OS that the rate protection is afforded the owner and not the property. Mr Turnbaugh was not present to speak to the issue. No action was taken on the item. ITEM 9: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO OPWA RESOLUTION #95-07, A RESOLUTION AMENDING OPWA RESOLUTION #93-05. Mr Bill Witt, a resident of the Pleasant View subdivision, requested at the September 19th meeting that all customers in the Pleasant View subdivision be charged the "in-city" rate, even though some of those customers are not among the original customers acquired from Rogers County Rural Water District #3. City Attorney Opinion #95-04 states that Mr Witt's request would lack compliance with constitutional requirements for equal protection. All rates must be October 3, 1995 2 Owasso Public Works Authority October 3, 1995 equalized, not just one specific area. Several options were discussed. Staff suggested that the city look at the possibility of annexing the Pleasant View subdivision as an option, and that a plan be developed to equalize the rates. Mr Ramey moved to retain the existing rate structure and instruct the staff to formulate a phased in plan that would equalize rates in a five-year time frame. Motion seconded by Mr Ewing. AYE: Ramey, Ewing, Burris NAY: Helm, Barnhouse Motion carried 3-2. ITEM 10: REPORT FROM OPWA MANAGER No report. ITEM 11: REPORT FROM OPWA ATTORNEY No report. ITEM 12: UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. ITEM 13: NEW BUSINESS None. ITEM 14: ADJOURNMENT Mr Ewing moved, seconded by Mr Helm, to adjourn. AYE: Ewing, Helm, Barnhouse, Ramey, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was adjourned at 7:37 p.m. Charles L Burris, Chairperson Marcia Boutwell, Authority Secretary 3 ~jtdgfi~-?~', p[•pT_.?(~ lfC.iRY= P,t?T~irlkTT~' j. (l ." ~ ~,,'qr 9 . ;;z `.l4 S: P t-:i.: ~~ TF~t:=: FFPf?PT aP4.Ptlk P4{';F P?l # YL'1~I;~rlk riF:~L:t+TPTT!~lTl ~r*[`i[T?='!' ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- ?r,t]Q14 DEPT OF E~TVIR[11~TMEHTkI. CJ[TA SCI_:ID bdASTr t~tAt~AGE fi1=E 54c,?? riEPARTMENT TCTA,I.~ ____,. ~$~,~~ f?PWk Ai?~`TPTTSTRATICttd ------------------------------ S`6~?104 ROTdALD D PATES RETAIA[Fk %ft~.ti!t '3t1?.?9 CEL,I,[IL.AR CUTE-TITI.SA PHSNF.. iT~,F-[:AkT* ? : _ 9? . 9t~"tc.1.4 CSC CREDIT SER~dTCES_ TIdC 9!9~ c'~i.I:E~TT{tII'=; ?5.Q(t 4~Q.~,9S ~TATkW.A..'r,' SIIFTW.A,RE TN+~ St)PTW.P,RE r`,4,='S gr(t?~79 DO~::IER PRTHTTNt; PRTNTTP~G ?35.4? ~~~?%~ Ah1ERTC.AN '.=nCTF.T't' DP CIVTI, '*tE?4F;F.k:=HIP r)[FF^ 'at1.~~('i 4D31,~ SAht`^ CI:IIF ,T ANTTt?RIAI_ S[1FPI..TE'S [ 1?.,ti9 U~,ti~s?ft TFEAtii[k.F,,k PETTY ('ANN REThtEt APWp, (-:~:t?dFERETT~:~E [R1't,?~; -~.4~t~:~tt) TRF,A~=~[?RFR PETTtt CAfi~H RETMfi p,PWA C~?PdFFREPI~:F ~i~_7; DEPARTI~?FNT T~?TAL, ____> ' ;5?5.5° J'd~ TFk ------------------------------ ~',40?Et3 WATER PTt'Lfilii{'TS It~t _ MrTL'R h(ATrkT AI:S 1 qL . ~_' 9I,t153~ GdATFR PRt1D[T~_;T~ T?~C F.~~: Tkt.[~E: ~;T[PFT..,IF^ d'?,~,i'{1 q,~()Cot P?~A.D SPp.RkMAN HFTFk RFArrTp[C `~'.?~! 9,5~`^,7 ('.TTY (7F T[1I~FA kIi:TFR P[TTr[:NA~F $ias ?`.r~.$,93 ?nCf~~4 I~jThiFAI,I, ACE HARDkIAkF (~1FF~.?,~TTI~dt '~'TFFL,7E' ~~''-a-:'~ ~'fnS~E pTt,[.`fi CDt~miJNIr.ATTn?~~;. Ira kArtTn REPAIR ~1 3 9hQr`.58 C[idTAfi Cf_lRp. [TPtTFC1RP1 CL.EAI`I!REtdT 7_?4.rifi 96t1?7.5 C[TY GARAGE PARTc 9;'9~ ?4.?? 9r,Q?t.h t;Q fiYSTEMfi FtjEC,.'DTESfiI, Q,:'95 ?4,?r', 4'~(t?''' ,ICiH?iAIY R(1t,F.kS 1~1r=TF.k fiE.Ai?FR 1~^_Rti 9f,???:3^~ 0:it'.AR tQ[;1.Aiik?~[ MfiTFk REr~r~prr _; j ~~, ft(1 GnTat, RRAD SPARxMa,?~ r~r.TF,R RFA??FR ? ~r. ~~ ^c[1~:11 TYRO?dE PT4dKTA[S h?ETER REAr?EF ',~ _.~t r m T T ---- ~^ n~~ ~,~ t~IASTE41ATEk ------------------------------ ,, 9,-f1.`,44 TPIFTI.CCf GE.t;R 9r1PI [^. '?L'A [.T ~*sTp.T ~ yt.~r ,~.~ ~.r ~ ... T P t ~ .t. ~, ,.. _ i a,4ft~~4 uTJ~iTAI.I. Ai~F. H~Rri[:1~4'F. t_;FFk~ ; T?dt; '_:[[~"t'~..T~~~ 4:%_`?f? i~ (l~.d~~."ir7 P?1Li.Tf' L'-!CiT?'u!=; AT~TNr'F.'TTf j'~'9?'9` ~:..j?•?4 e!P t-r,~ ~~,a,=; PFfi~'iFT ~F'GP?,~4 F~.r. F'{t # tF+$i'~(}i? i";F=r'i*'TF'TT[t'd ~?-t?-'TTx'T ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- 9,~t1r:5;-~ (:TjrT~P (;~'1RP. [i?<ITF[lF7Fi r'[.E.A?'d~`RF.,T4T f_-,=:_:~rl ~'~rl"15 ('~'~'~% GARA~~E r r. tnc PART._, T - ~.. r.i ."k 9,~n?? 5 ~(1 $Y~TFT~t~ FiiF.[.,/?]IE~,F.,L, 9r'95 1~,?. ~~r. '~,5n??6 wATF.R ENVTRCIHF~1Et~T FFi)ERAT t4Rh[PFRF[iTP l1TTr~ ~f~.rn 9,5Q~1.L SAM'S f'T_:UB .7A?yTTiIkTA[. fitiPPi..TE~ [?r.SR Qrn~.~n TRF~Si1PFR FF.TT~ SASH RFTt'iS pfiTTY rp,FT~ ~~,~~ I`.FF.~,RT~iF?dT TlITA[_. ____ : 1 ; 4n-~.1 RFF[JSE C[?[,[:E!'TI~?NS ------------------------------ 9.~.t)`94 ['IMRAL.L r_{_;~ [iAR.17~fARF nT1Pc'T., i F~ d _'~~ ~b~bSR CT?dTAS t'[7RP. IIpdTF~~r,+i~f C:F,FAtd/REt.T 1~_ ~?ft 9f,r~f,~4~ 4dT[,[,?A~TS PFFtT^F 1'tJt1TPNFNT PARTF.~P[!T.y~°PT REPAIRS ?'~_ a:f 4.5(1?15 rITY C?ARpGF Pk,RT!=; 9.~+~5 ~J :';gin ~1:~ '~,~~?1 ~ t-:ITY GARAGE PAF'TF ~i?` «_ i.~s 4'r.ft?'; F. ~-;(7 ~Y-TENS F?TFT %[`~IF°=F.- 4'/q~ ;~, -0 .,,~ 9~5fiR;(t TREArFiREk PF;TT4' ~:A~H ~.'F?TAE; PFTTV i:ArH ~. tli; Gh(i;??i~ TF>=~.~?rRi=~' i}F,.TT'~ f:A~;N ~'1-TTiA ~F'i,7A !'~!?JFFPF.FT!':F ~;`1_ r:() ?7F.peRTMFPJT TITAL. ____? ~.~?^.17 RFCvr'LF CF,NTFR ------------------------------ Qh;~li~;-~ f.,it•~iTA.r-; ~.1~F'P. TTid?F;lRAq ('T ~e~~~l~~~p~T .-~- ;fir{ 4'.x.(1?1 ~~ t~:ri ~V~TFTd^-, Flit=.T.!T'iTFF;i?i, q:'q~ ~t c~S ?'iFF4RTT4F1dT TC?T~.T. ====1 jj;~_7c, F?iT?Tl TfiTAT, ____~~ ? t1~.4t?r; - q t,TT`~ nr n~~ta,=:~F ~`FWA ±'4TJTTAT,. Tr4p~~'l~r??r?FrT FTTr;r, P(] *~ >7F23rif?T? TiT;^±:RTFTTr~'? ~.hf(?TTTIT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- 13E?T ~F~?V T f'F ------------------------------ 95~IQQ~ T,TP,F..RTY RA.r~K ~• '!'RITST (]WA.B T,t:fAl~' 4 s R1 _ _ (tTl 96f~(1fr'? T.TRFA.TS' Rar~x TFTTtiT f7T!:R~ T.~ lArd ?4. `1 ~ _,i7 P.EP~RTT*TF.r?T T('iTRT. ____~. '~?.o?~_,=+? WA ~T~WRTFR ------------------------------ ~6n) 5? T,G. F`~CAV~TTNt; 9ni7?~1 l:T~t;-MART '~~PAFdTIdFrdT TC1T.A?. ____) FcTr~n T; ETaT. _ _ _ _ ^~GIFfi T.TrdF .FT?Ti4R PHA~'= ?j 4~_?f, ~0~.?`1.5f, ~1 2 . tl^1 _'~? ~ r~ OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING 09/30/95 OVERTIME TOTAL DEPARTMENT EXPENSES EXPENSES Water 398.97 4,625.93 .~~~1~~?~L~r . ><<:'>< »:.;::>::>::>::>::>:.> ,. ~, Refuse 0.00 ~~,~t)2.~1 ...~.~.~.~~r>:`><>> '~ , "` ~::~ <><<<>>> ~ ~ ...................:......... OPWA Capital Improvement 0.00 1,415.08 ..........::, ,, APPROVE 10/17/95 Chairman Trustee Trustee MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: BACKGROUND: HONORABLE CHAIR AND TRUSTEES OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER UTILITY CUSTOMER REQUEST REGARDING CHARGES TO ADDRESS TRUSTEES October 13, 1995 A utility customer, Ms Ann Shannon of 105 W Tenth St, has requested an opportunity to address ~ the Trustees in reference to her utility charges (water). Ms Shannon has met with various members of the staff, including a Utility Billing Clerk, Utility Billing Supervisor, the Finance Director, and the City Manager. Ms Shannon's request is not one that can be resolved by the city staff, and she has, therefore, requested to address the Trustees. ~ The issue Ms Shannon raises relates to charges assessed against her for late payment penalties. During the past twenty-four months, Ms Shannon has paid her utility bill late on ten occasions. On each occasion, a late penalty was assessed against her account in accordance with city ordinance (Ordinance #29) establishing such a penalty. However, Ms Shannon has never paid any of the late charges. She simply pays the "current charges" and has ignored the required late payments. Over ' the last two years the late charges have accrued a past due balance in an amount sufficient to require cut-off action as per city policy. Ms Shannon refuses to pay the penalty charges and insists that she will not pay them. She has requested that the charges be removed from her utility bill. The city staff has no authority to remove charges required by ordinance. Therefore, Ms Shannon's request cannot be granted by the staff. Further, based on the fact that the charges are set by ordinance, it is the staff's position that Council/Trustee action to remove the charges is limited to repealing the ordinance (and resolution) under which the charges are established. Even then, there would be a question as to whether the outstanding balance of her bill would be affected. Simply put, the charges Ms Shannon protests are assessed by law; there is no method for the staff or Trustees to remove or waive those charges absent a repeal of the ordinance. The staff has offered to allow Ms Shannon to pay the charges in an installment plan through a payment agreement. The staff has also made known to Ms Shannon an agency that assists families with utility payments. To this point, she is apparently unwilling to work with the city to resolve the problem in any way other than a removal of the charges. If you have questions, please call Ms Bishop or Ms Melchior. ATTACHMENT: Correspondence from Ann Shannon ~i, --"~ '~ ~,,yy ke _._._ - •I r0 ~ ~~ 9s 7` ur r" ~ ~ ~, ~~ ~ -- ---- --~~ ~^ ~`,~ _ ~ .. ~, . --- ~, ,• ,~~ ~` ,.. ~ OC ~ ------ ---- ~: r _,. ti. ~~ -- -- ----- - - ~M' ~ox~rrDUM TO: RODNEY J. RAY CITY MANAGER FROM: F. ROBERT CARR, JR., P.E. ~ `~' PUBLIC WORKS DIItECTOR ~. ~~~~ SUBJECT: WATER METER MATERIALS NATIONAL STEAK AND POULTRY FACILITY DATE: October 12, 1995 BACKGROUND: National Steak and Poultry is constructing a facility on 5th Avenue at South Cedar. Water to the site is being provided by the City of Owasso from a 6-inch water line on South Cedar. The City of Owasso has been paid fees by NSP for the installation of the domestic water supply meter. Public Works Department Water Division personnel will install the service and water meter. r PRICE UOTES: ~ Materials for the water meter installation were listed and provided to three vendors for price quotes. The following quotes were received: Water Products, Owasso $2,878.48 Utility Supply Co., Tulsa $2,997.50 Oklahoma Meter & Supply, Tulsa $3,049.64 Water Products provided the lowest quote on the required materials in the amount of $2,878.48. FUNDING SOURCE: _ Funds for this purchase are available in the FY95-96 Water Division Budget. Page 2 NSP Facility Water Meter Materials REC011~IlVIENDATION• Staff recommends the Trustees authorize the purchase of water meter materials for the National Steak and Poultry facility from Water Products, Owasso, Oklahoma in the amount of $2, 878.48. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Price quotes and memorandum from Water Distribution Foreman dated October 11, 1995. ~~ MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: F. Robert Carr Cris King Terry O'Donnell SUBJECT: Quotes for Materials for Meter Set at National Steak and Poultry Update DATE: October 11, 1995 We still need the materials for the meter set at National Steak and Poultry. Please find three quotes fior materials attached to this memorandum. Water Products, Utility Supply and Oklahoma Meter and Supply all bid on these materials. I called all three vendors and all three assured me that the quotes will still be honored. Water Products was the cheapest vendor, with a quote of X2,878.48. I recommend that we use Water Products to order these materials. Please notify me when this material may be purchased, so that I can schedule the work that needs to be done. UIt1 i tK I"RUUVI. I J lU~yltsJf14yf25 JUN U1 y~ 151( Itii0.016 P.02 Dater Products PROJECT City of Owasso {National. Steak & Poultry) Attent~.on: Terry ODOnnell BID DaTE FAx 272-4999 f'.O. Box 349 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055-0349 1-a00-Z26-2968 FAX: 918-377.4978 P.O. Box 100 Tontitown, A~kaneas 72770-0100 1-800-436-9059 FAX: 501-361-9068 QUOTATION NUMBER DATE May 31, 1995 Quantity Size Description Unit Wgt. Unit Price Extension 1 4" Neptune (Owasso Spec) Compound Met r 1950.00 1950.00 1 Brooks Jumbo Box W/Lid 71.80 71.80 1 6"X4" FAST 730X4A Ta in S1Eeve 188.96 188.96 (stainless Steel) 1 4" Flanged Gate Va1vL W/Hand Wheel ].4b.00 146.00 1 4" MJ X FLG Gate Valve 149.00 149.00 1 4" MJ X FLG 45° ELL W/Ace 72.00 72.00 1 4"X13" Swivel X Solid Ada ter 74.00 74.00 1 4"X4' FLG X F yQo 95.00 95.00 1 4" Custom Tap on 6" Line 99.95 99.95 1 4" MJ 45° ELL W/Ace 31.77 31.77 TOTAL 2878.48 Terms: Net 30 Thank ou for t o ortunit of s m' in -his Allmon Anderson, Vice President ~ MAY .31 '95 13:13 FROM UTILITY SUPPLY CO- DUOTATlON w PA6E.002 ~ MATER MORICS SO~LIES ~ 5929 ~. 15th Street Tulsa, Okla. 74112 ~jQxy ~aCO~. A LG! Date: -"~ ~ " ~1.~` ): ~i i ~~! d ~ Ow i9~~ O _ Name Of Job: Location: ~!.!! Aso j ~//'. ds Opcned: Engineer: Description Unit Price TOE i/ ~. 3~ x ~. ~~, ~ ~ ~ G.,~,.,~,~~..._ ~ ys~ !~ " FLT X/~i'' ~- /¢,~.2 3~,`• 2 0 ~ c~~ p~~y~ ~: e~ t. rHr-.31-177J 14 ~ 4b UK. Plt i tK 24 5UF'PLY ' S1 bL ,_ L4[fl vr, f+vrt iue Tulsa. Okiahoma i 4107 {800) 880-0763 (918) 446-0044 QUOTATION Fax {918) 446-1101 T ~, 918 446 1101 P.02 ~ _ .:~ oaTE , / -~----------------- r~lEOF,~ :rte cual~rrt~r aESCa~PTtoN ul~aT PRU~ dcr>:rl~ pR~ .. ~} ,, _ tt ~ ~''°" ~ ~`^"^ ~ m ~-~ =-.~- SAY x.3.50 3.~~ ,. Y ~~3 a- ~~-~tz y~ ~` ~ F~:` ~v' t~:- / f. ~ ? /log. 77 ~ ~~' ATU~~~~~ 5~,~.r~,~~ Co~a~z ~ 7(~.aa 7G.~a ., ~. ,. .. `t, m~ l ~, `Jp-l , ~~i ~ ~ O~ 7 ToT~~ 3o%~•%y 'I~Sanfsi,you, forgivcng us tkt vPYortunity to quatc. ORDER MUST BE PLACED WITHIN 10 DAYS OF BIO DATE ~~5 TOTAL P.02 MEMORANllUM TO: CHAIR AND TRUSTEES OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY ' FROM: SHERRY BISHOP FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR CARRY-OVER BUDGET AMENDMENT DATE: October 13, 1995 BACKGROUND: At the close of the fiscal year, June 30, 1995, the OPWA had one contract outstanding that was not included in the 1995-96 fiscal year budget. That contract was with Clifford Power Systems for lift station generators for $28,880. The contract has been fulfilled and the vendor has been paid from FY 1996 funds. Staff is requesting acarry-over budget supplement for the amount of this contract. RECOMIVMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of a budget increase in the OPWA Wastewater Department of $28, 880. ATTACHMENT• Memo dated July 20, 1995 from Robert Carr MEMORANDUM TO: Sherry Bishop Finance Director FROM: F. Robert Carr, Jr., P.E. Public Works Director ~_ SUBJECT: FY95-96 SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION DATE: July 20, 1995 Public Works has closed the following purchase orders for FY94-95 and has requested they be reopened for FY95-96 since they were not completed. A supplemental appropriation in the FY95-96 budget will be needed. V n r Beeline Traffic Control Clifford Power Systems FHC, Inc. Hammond Engineering, Inc. Memory systems Sack & Associates, Inc. Purpose Signalization - 96th/Garnett Ator/Service Road lift station generators Wastewater Treatment Plant engineering design services Survey Hale Acres drainage CARD plotter cover Water, sewer and roadway engineering design for NSP Amount $12,784.00 $28,880.00 $140,360.00 - $4,155.00 $40.00 $15,441.00 If you need additional documentation or details, please advise.