HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008.09.16_City Council AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: September 16, 2008 TIME: 6:30 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Old Central Building 109 N. Birch Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted at City Hall 5:00 p.m. on Friday, September 12, 2008. iann M. Stevens, Dep y City Clerk AGENDA Call to Order Mayor Stephen Cataudella 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Council approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Councilor may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non - debatable. A. Approval of Minutes of the September 2, 2008 Regular meeting and September 9, 2008 Special meeting. Attachment # 3 -A B. Approval of Claims. Attachment # 3 -B C. Acknowledgement of receiving the monthly FY 2008 -2009 budget status report. Attachment # 3 -C S. \Agendas \Counci 1 \2008 \0916. doc Owasso City Council September 16, 2008 Page 2 D. Approval of a mutual aid agreement between the City of Owasso and the State of Oklahoma Air National Guard Fire Department for fire services and authorization for the Mayor to execute the agreement. Attachment # 3 -D E. Approval of an employee request from Trudy Meyer for disability retirement. Attachment # 3 -E 4. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Council approval of an amendment to the El RioVista Final Plat, proposing to divide Lot 1, Block 5 into two lots, located on the northwest corner of E. 96th Street North and N. Garnett Road. Ms. Darnaby Attachment # 4 Staff will recommend Council approval of the amendment to the El Rio Vista Final Plat. 5. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Council approval of a final plat for Lake Valley IV, proposing one hundred and fourteen residential lots on approximately 23 acres, located about t/4 mile north of E. 106th Street North and about '/4 mile east of N. 145th East Avenue. Ms. Darnaby Attachment # 5 Staff will recommend Council approval of the Lake Valley IV Final Plat. 6. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Council approval of the partial closure of a utility easement located on property recognized as Lot 18, Block 9 in Lake Valley III. Ms. Darnaby Attachment # 6 Staff will recommend Council approval of the partial closure of the existing utility easement. Owasso City Council September 16, 2008 Page 3 7. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Council acceptance of a Cherokee Nation Grant and approval of a supplemental appropriation in the Police Services Budget increasing anticipated revenues and expenditures in the amount of $3,969.69. Mr. Yancey Attachment # 7 Staff will recommend Council acceptance of the Cherokee Nation Grant totaling $3,969.69 and approval of a supplemental appropriation in the Police Services Budget increasing anticipated revenues and expenditures by $3,969.69. 8. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Council acceptance of the Assistance to Firefighters Grant and approval of a supplemental appropriation in the Fire Services Budget increasing anticipated revenues and expenditures in the amount of $105,327. Mr. Clark Attachment # 8 Staff will recommend Council acceptance of the Assistance to Firefighters Grant in the amount of $117,030 and approval of a supplemental appropriation in the Fire Services Budget increasing anticipated revenues and expenditures in the amount of $105,327. 9. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Council approval of Ordinance No. 928, an ordinance amending Part 10, Offense and Crimes, Chapter 3 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Owasso by permitting the use of Indoor Air Rifle and Archery Ranges. Mr. Yancey Attachment # 9 Staff will recommend Council approval of Ordinance No. 928. 10. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Council approval of the FY 2008 -2009 Street Rehabilitation and Traffic Signal Enhancement Program. Mr. Stevens Attachment #10 Staff will recommend Council approval of the proposed FY 2008 -2009 Street Rehabilitation and Traffic Signal Enhancement Program project priorities. Owasso City Council September 16, 2008 Page 4 11. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Council approval of Ordinance No. 929, an ordinance amending Part 17, Utilities, Chapter 1 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Owasso amending utility rates for rural water district customers as established by Owasso Public Works Authority Resolution No. 2008 -03. Ms. Bishop Attachment # 11 Staff will recommend Council approval of Ordinance No. 929. 12. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Council approval of a budget amendment and supplemental appropriation to carryover unexpended funds from the FY 2007 -2008 budget to the FY 2008 -2009 budget. Ms. Bishop Attachment # 12 Staff will recommend Council approval of a budget amendment increasing the estimated beginning fund balance and increasing the appropriation for expenditures in the following funds: General Fund $409,108 Hotel Tax Fund $164,700 Stormwater Management Fund $1,864,992 Fire Capital Fund $2,100 CDBG Grant Fund $16,616 Capital Improvements Fund $6,764,449 City Garage Fund $4,030 13. Report from City Manager. 14. Report from City Attorney. 15. Report from City Councilors. Owasso City Council September 16, 2008 Page 5 16. New Business (New Business is any item of business which could not have been foreseen at the time of posting of the agenda.) 17. Adj ournment. OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, September 2, 2008 The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, September 2, 2008 in the Council Chambers at Old Central per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 28, 2008. ITEM 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Cataudella called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. ITEM 2. INVOCATION The invocation was offered by Melinda Foster, United Church of Christ of Owasso. ITEM 3. FLAG SALUTE The flag salute was led by Vice Mayor D.J. Gall. ITEM 4. ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT Steve Cataudella, Mayor D.J. Gall, Vice Mayor Doug Bonebrake, Councilor Wayne Guevara, Councilor Jon Sinex, Councilor A quorum was declared present. STAFF Rodney Ray, City Manager Julie Lombardi, City Attorney ITEM 5. PRESENTATION OF THE CHARACTER TRAIT OF TRUTHFULNESS, FOLLOWED BY A PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT Ms. Carol O'Daniel, a member of the Owasso Character Council, presented to the Council "Truthfulness," the Character Trait of the Month for September, 2008. Owasso City Council September 2, 2008 ITEM 6. READING OF THE MAYOR'S PROCLAMATION Mayor Cataudella invited members of the Good Sam Club to the front platform and then read a proclamation proclaiming September 6, 2008 as "Good Sam Cleanup Day" in the City of Owasso. The Good Sam Club is the world's largest RV owners club and is staging a nationwide trash cleanup drive on September 6. ITEM 7. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Minutes of the August 19, 2008 Regular Meeting. B. Approval of Claims. C. Acceptance of the Benski Addition at Morrow Place Sanitary Sewer System Improvements, consisting of 1,138 linear feet of eight (8) inch PVC sanitary sewer line. D. Appropriate action relating to a request for Council approval to discharge fireworks at Owasso Ram Football games. Mr. Guevara moved, seconded by Mr. Sinex, to approve the Consent Agenda with claims totaling $200,814.98. Also included for review were the healthcare self - insurance claims report and payroll payment report for pay period 8/16/08. YEA: Bonebrake, Cataudella, Gall, Guevara, Sinex NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 8. REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER Mr. Ray announced that the Tulsa County road crew was scheduled to complete the overlay on Owasso Streets in late September. He also announced that Mayor Cataudella had been nominated for the `Mayor of the Year' award presented annually at the Oklahoma Municipal League conference in Oklahoma City. ITEM 9. REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY No report 2 Owasso City Council September 2, 2008 ITEM 10. REPORT FROM CITY COUNCILORS Councilor Bonebrake asked for an update on the 1291h East Avenue project. Public Works Director Roger Stevens reported that the project was going as planned, although the final project completion date would be 1 month later than the original estimated completion date due to Spring rains. ITEM 11. NEW BUSINESS None ITEM 12. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Gall moved, seconded by Mr. Bonebrake, to adjourn. YEA: Bonebrake, Cataudella, Gall, Guevara, Sinex NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m. Pat Fry, Minute Clerk 3 Stephen Cataudella, Mayor OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, September 9, 2008 The Owasso City Council met in a special meeting on Tuesday, September 9, 2008 in the Council Chambers at Old Central, 109 N. Birch Street, per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 5:00 PM on Friday, September 5, 2008. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Cataudella called the meeting to order at 6:07 PM. PRESENT Steve Cataudella, Mayor DJ Gall, Vice Mayor John Sinex, Councilor Doug Bonebrake, Councilor A quorum was declared present. ABSENT Wayne Guevara, Councilor ITEM 2 PRESENTATION PROVIDED BY THE ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER FOR ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES FOR THE PURPOSE OF REVIEWING VARIOUS CITY POLICEIS, PROCEDURES, AND FUNDS. Ms. Bishop reviewed the E -911 Fund and the purposes of the fund. ITEM 3 DISCUSSION RELATING TO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ITEMS A. REQUEST FOR FINAL PLAT (2) B. REQUEST FOR EASEMENT CLOSURE C. REVIEW TRANSPORTATION SURVEY RESULTS AND PROPOSED CONTRACT WITH TULSA TRANSIT Mr. Rooney reviewed the above items. It was explained that both the Final Plats for El Rio Vista Amended and Lake Valley IV were reviewed and unanimously approved by the Planning Commission at their regularly scheduled meeting on September 8, 2008. Both items will be forwarded to the City Council for action at the September 16, 2008 regular meeting. Mr. Rooney also reviewed the request for partial closing of an easement in Lake Valley III explaining that it was unanimously approved by the Planning Commission and would be forwarded to the City Council for action. Review of the survey results in conjunction with a Tulsa Metropolitan Transit Authority proposal for commuter bus service was conducted. Owasso City Council ITEM 4 DISCUSSION RELATING TO FIRE DEPARTMENT ITEMS September 9, 2008 A. PROPOSED RENEWAL OF THE AIR NATIONAL GUARD MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT B. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY ASSISTANCE TO FIREFIGHTING GRANT Mr. Rooney reviewed the above items. The renewal of the Air National Guard Mutual Aid Agreement was discussed and the requirement the State of Oklahoma places on the unit to renew the agreement annually. The Assistance to Firefighting Grant was also discussed. Originally applied for in April of 2007, staff was notified last week that the City would receive it. It would provide $105,327 for the purchase of numerous safety items related to firefighting. Both items will be forward to the City Council for action at the September 16, 2008 regular meeting. ITEM 5 DISCUSSION RELATING TO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ITEMS A. REVIEW OF BIDS RECEIVED FOR A MINI HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR B. PROPOSED FY 2008 -09 STREET REHABILIATION PRIORITIES Mr. Rooney reviewed the above items. It was explained that funds were included in the FY 2008 -09 budget for the purchase of the mini - hydraulic excavator and that staff had reviewed the bids submitted. The FY 2008 -09 Street Rehabilitation Priorities and Traffic Signal Enhancement Program were also presented. Staff explained that the City of Owasso would once again be partnering with Tulsa County for the Street Rehabilitation Program and that a study would need to be conducted for the Traffic Signal Enhancement Program. All of the above items would be forwarded to the City Council for action at the September 16, 2008 regular meeting. ITEM 6 DISCUSSION RELATING TO HR DEPARTMENT ITEMS A. EMPLOYEE REQUEST FOR DISABILITY RETIREMENT Mr. Rooney reviewed the request for disability retirement. It was explained that the Council acts as the local retirement board for the Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund, thus a request of this nature would need to be approved by them. This item will be placed on the September 16, 2008 regular meeting agenda for action. 2 Owasso City Council September 9, 2008 ITEM 7 CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR AN EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING MATTERS WHERE DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION WOULD VIOLATE CONFIDENTIALITY REQUIREMENTS OF STATE OR FEDERAL LAW, SUCH EXECUTIVE SESSION PROVIDED FOR IN O.S. 25, SECTION 307(B)(7). The Council did not enter into Executive Session. ITEM 8 DISCUSSION RELATING TO CITY MANAGER ITEMS A. BAILEY RANCH GOLF COURSE UPCOMING EVENTS B. PROPOSED CARRYOVER FUNDS FROM FY 2007 -2008 C. REVIEW OF WATER/SEWER RATES FOR RURAL CUSTOMERS D. STONE CANYON ANNEXATION E. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT Mr. Ray reviewed the above items. Mr. Burd and Mr. Lehr will be making a presentation to the City Council at next week's meeting regarding upcoming events at Bailey Ranch Golf Club. The Carryover requests were discussed, as were the water /sewer rates for rural customers. Both items will be forwarded to the City Council for action. Stone Canyon Annexation was also reviewed. This item will also be forwarded to the City Council for action next week, ITEM 9 LEGISLATIVE REPORT No report. ITEM 10 REPORT FROM CITY COUNCILORS City Councilors had no report. ITEM 10: ADJOURNMENT Councilor Gall motioned, seconded by Councilor Bonebrake to adjourn. All were in favor and the meeting was adjourned at 9:45 PM. Mayor 3 Claims List 09/16/08 Budget Unit Title Vendor Name Payable Description Payment Amouni GENERAL TREASURER PETTY CASH AC CONTROL /ONEAL 110.00 AEP /PSO STREET LIGHTS 13.71 TOTAL GENERAL 123.71 MUNICIPAL COURT TREASURER PETTY CASH MEETING EXPENSE 50.00 SAV -ON PRINTING & SIGNS LLC COURT FORMS 241.37 FRANK W AMBRUS BAILIFF SERVICES 350.00 TOTAL MUNICIPAL COURT 641.37 MANAGERIAL JPMORGAN CHASE BANK AMERICAN - AIRFARE /ROONEY 662.91 WAL -MART CORP SAMS CLUB 77150903608 OPERATING SUPPLIES 40.20 OFFICE DEPOT INC OFFICE SUPPLIES 79 -42 TREASURER PETTY CASH MILEAGE 19.31 TREASURER PETTY CASH PARKING 6.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK PIKEPASS -USAGE 21.55 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK MEETING EXPENSE 12.84 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK MEETING EXPENSE 21.16 FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES & 105.92 TOTAL MANAGERIAL 969.31 FINANCE JPMORGAN CHASE BANK CTR EXEC & PROV DEV -CONF 600.00 JRW INC DBA /FINANCIAL EQUIPMENT CO. EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 51.50 OFFICE DEPOT INC OFFICE SUPPLIES 95.04 TOTAL FINANCE 746.54 HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICE DEPOT INC OFFICE SUPPLIES 8.35 BEVERLY A. CHIODO CHARACTER INITIATIVE 2,003.50 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK THOMPSON PUB - PUBLICATION 438.50 DANIEL JOHNSTON CHARACTER INITIATIVE 57.00 CHARACTER TRAINING INSTITUTE CHARACTER INITIATIVE 3,295.41 CHARACTER TRAINING INSTITUTE CHARACTER INITIATIVE 3,309.41 CHARACTER TRAINING INSTITUTE CHARACTER INITIATIVE 2,688.25 INTEGRITY FOCUS CHARLES R COKER CHARACTER INITIATIVE 140.00 AMERICANCHECKED, INC ATTN: BILLING PRE - EMPLOYMENT BACKGROUND 87.90 CHARACTER TRAINING INSTITUTE CHARACTER INTIATIVE 457.24 TULSA WORLD ADVERTISING 2,075.20 COMMUNITY PUBLISHERS INC ADVERTISING 170.90 COMMUNITYCARE EAP EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGR 220.00 RICH & CARTMILL, INC POSITION SCHEDULE BOND 1,207.50 RICH & CARTMILL, INC PUBLIC EMPLOYEES BOND 126.00 MCAFEE & TAFT LEGAL 195.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH CHAMBER LUNCH 30.00 25.321 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK MEETING EXPENSE JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OFFICE DEPOT -CARD STOCK 17.35 Page 1 Claims List 09/16/08 Budget Unit Title Vendor Name Payable Description Payment Amouni HUMAN RESOURCES... JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LIFE WIN- SEMINAR EXPENSE 20.66 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK REASORS- CHARACTER ]NIT. 16.56 TOTAL HUMAN RESOURCES 16,590.05 GENERAL GOVERNMENT TREASURER PETTY CASH POSTAGE 3.20 NEOPOST LEASING, INC POSTAGE MACHINE LEASE 389.00 CINTAS CORPORATION CARPET -MAT CLEANING 25.90 COMMUNITY PUBLISHERS INC MEDIA PUBLICATION /PUBLIC 56.70 HEARTLAND CONSULTING, INC SEPTEMBER CONSULTING FEES 10,500.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LAWN AMERICA - FERTILIZER 131.85 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES- CLEANING SUPPLIES 79.50 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK HOME DEPOT - CLEANING 35.49 MCAFEE & TAFT LEGAL 9,108.18 SHADDIX & REIMER, PLLC LEGAL SERVICES - FORFEITURE 1,301.60 DANIEL J. PAGNANO ARBITRATOR 2,677.00 WAL -MART CORP SAMS CLUB 77150903608 OPERATING SUPPLIES 23.84 OFFICE DEPOT INC OFFICE SUPPLIES 67.04 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LAWN AMERICA - FERTILIZER 164.80 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 24,564.10 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT JEFFREY GUS DUGAN MOWING OF NUISANCE ABATEM 300.00 TULSA COUNTY MIS MONTHLY CHARGE FOR LAND R 60.00 OFFICE DEPOT INC OFFICE SUPPLIES 103.06 JUETT WEBSTER NUISANCE ABATEMENT MOWING 150.00 JEFFREY GUS DUGAN ABATEMENT MOWING AT 412 N 100.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK POSPAPER- RECEIPT PAPER 35.90 FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES & 794.65 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK MEETING EXPENSE 47.03 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES- MOSQUITO TRMT 30.83 TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1,621.47 ENGINEERING JPMORGAN CHASE BANK DRY CLEANING ST- UNIFORMS 5.60 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK DRY CLEANING ST- UNIFORMS 5.60 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK DRY CLEANING ST- UNIFORMS 12.60 UNITED STATES CELLULAR CORPORATION CELL PHONE USAGE 112.86 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK DRY CLEANING ST- UNIFORMS 7.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK DRY CLEANING ST- UNIFORMS 8.40 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK BATTERIES PLUS - BATTERY 25.99 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK DRY CLEANING ST- UNIFORMS 5.60 FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES & 698.41 OFFICE DEPOT INC OFFICE SUPPLIES 23.36 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK DRY CLEANING ST- UNIFORM 7.00 TOTAL ENGINEERING 912.42 Page 2 Claims List 09/16/08 Budget Unit Title Vendor Name Payable Description Payment Amouni INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY COX COMMUNICATIONS MONTHLY INTERNET SVC FEE 379.95 FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES & 48.08 STRATEGIC CONSULTING INTERNATIONAL GIS MONTHLY MAINTENANCE 4,000.00 TOTAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 4,428.03 SUPPORT SERVICES FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES & 602.73 FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES & 370.67 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK KEYPHONES- HANDSETS 31.42 COX COMMUNICATIONS MONTHLY INTERNET SVC FEE 69.95 LIGHTING, INC LIGHTS AND BALLASTS 62.55 MURRAY WOMBLE INC DOOR CLOSER FOR CITY HALL 198.00 SCHINDLER ELEVATOR INC QTRLY ELEVATOR MAINT FEE 676.80 FLYNN'S PEST CONTROL PEST CONTROL SVCS OC & C. 110.00 MIDWEST MOTOR SUPPLY CO. OPERATING SUPPLIES 19.99 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM RENTAL FEE 20.04 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM RENTAL FEE 2029 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES -OC REMODEL 64.31 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES -OC REMODEL 27.32 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES- PLUMBING OC 11.76 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES- PLUMBING OC 54.47 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES- PLUMBING PARTS 18.56 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES- KITCHEN REMODEL 12.82 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES- KITCHEN REMODEL 17.97 WAL -MART CORP SAMS CLUB 77150903608 OPERATING SUPPLIES 74.28 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES -OC KITCHEN 5.82 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES -OLD CENTRAL KITCHEN 29.69 CARRIER COMMERCIAL SERVICE INSTALLATION OF UV LIGHTS 5,738.50 TOTAL SUPPORT SERVICES 8,237.94 CEMETERY FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES & 91.17 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ATWOODS -MISC SUPPLIES 45.95 VERDIGRIS VALLEY ELECTRIC COOPERATI CEMETERY ELECTRIC USE 15.27 TOTAL CEMETERY 152.39 POLICE SERVICES TREASURER PETTY CASH PER DIEM 189.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK MEETING EXPENSE 31.50 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LODGING EXPENSE - MITCHELL 614.92 JOLIE, INC. THE UPS STORE NEXT DAY UPS DELIVERY 40.65 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK RTG PARTS -GUN PARTS 17.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK BILLS SPORTING- AMMO /JOBE 740.00 FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES & 12,674.57 MOTOROLA, INC VEHICLE RADIOS 12,116.88 WAL -MART CORP SAMS CLUB 77150903608 OPERATING SUPPLIES 45.32 OWASSO FOP LODGE #149 POLICE DEPT LEGAL DEFENSE FY09 136.50 Page 3 Claims List 09/16/08 Budget Unit Title Vendor Name Payable Description Payment Amounl POLICE SERVICES... OWASSO FITNESS ZONE, INC PHYSICAL FITNESS PROGRAM 105.00 HOWARD E STAMPER RADIO REPAIR SERVICES 150.00 WAYNE R GAYLORD ELECTRICAL SERVICE 75.00 DAVID B. ASHBY UNIFORM EQUIPMENT 66.60 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK YALE CLEANERS - UNIFORMS 1,327.76 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK IALEFI- TRAINING CONFERENC 180.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SAV -ON PRINTING -BUS CARDS 30.00 POLICE PETTY CASH REIMBURSE PETTY CASH 44.22 POLICE PETTY CASH REIMBURSE PETTY CASH 10.32 POLICE PETTY CASH REIMBURSE PETTY CASH 10.00 ARAMARK UNIFORM & CAREER APPAREL UNIFORM & PROTETECTIVE CL 91.97 OFFICE DEPOT INC OFFICE SUPPLIES 353.83 TOTAL POLICE SERVICES 29,051.04 POLICE COMMUNICATIONS WAL -MART CORP SAMS CLUB 77150903608 OPERATING SUPPLIES 85.06 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK DAYS INN - LODGING DISPATCH 202.50 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WALMART- PRISONER MEALS 166.73 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK MEDICAL PRIORITY -CERT 885.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK APCO INT'L- CERTIFICATION 359.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK APCO INT'L- CERTIFICATION 359.00 TOTAL POLICE COMMUNICATIONS 2,057.29 ANIMAL CONTROL FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES & 474.99 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WALMART- CAMERA 189.76 WAL -MART CORP SAMS CLUB 77150903608 OPERATING SUPPLIES 75.61 HILL'S PET NUTRITION SALES, INC SHELTER SUPPLIES 17.50 TOTAL ANIMAL CONTROL 757.86 FIRE SERVICES WAYEST SAFETY INC NOZZLES AND THERMAL IMAGE 7,915.00 OWASSO GLASS, INC REPLACE BROKEN WINDOW 371.30 OFFICE DEPOT INC OFFICE SUPPLIES 93.36 ONEOK, INC OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS NATURAL GAS USAGE 410.10 DALE & LEES SERVICE INC REPAIR WORK DONE ON A/C 331.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LAKE MURRAY LODGE - CONFER 252.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK MEETING EXPENSE 50.50 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WALMART- C LEAN ING SUPPLIES 84.70 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TJ MAXX -BELT 19.99 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OFFICE DEPOT -MAP BOOK 3.69 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK CHIEF SUPPLY - UNIFORM 176.87 OWASSO FITNESS ZONE, INC USE OF GYM & EQUIPMENT FO 315.00 BMI SYSTEMS RENTAL OF COPIER 286.00 INTEGRIS AMBULATORY CARE CORPORATIO PHYSICALS FOR NEW HIRES 1,350.00 DALE & LEES SERVICE INC REPAIR A/C UNIT @ F.S. #1 487.86' DALE & LEES SERVICE INC A/C UNIT SVCS @ F.S. # 1 39.00 Page 4 Claims List 09/16/08 Budget Unit Title Vendor Name Payable Description Payment Amounl FIRE SERVICES... P & K EQUIPMENT, INC TRIMMER REPAIR 40.50 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LIBERTY FLAGS - HARNESS 36.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK NWA -AIR FARE/WAKLEY 483.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK NWA AIR - BOOKING FEE 20.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK PIKEPASS -USAGE 9.00 FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES & 2,690.33 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK NWA AIR -FARE ADJUSTMENT 1.50 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK HUSKY PORTABLE -TAX CREDIT -67.97 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LODGING -TAX CREDIT -10.37 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LODGING -ROSE TRAINING 74.92 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OFFICE DEPOT - SUPPLIES 11.99 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK INFINITY GEAR - UNIFORM 61.03 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK INFINITY GEAR - UNIFORM 1,248.82 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OFFICE DEPOT -FLASH DRIVE 19.99 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK STROUD SAFETY -VESTS 540.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK PAUL CONWAY- HELMET 44.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH PER DIEM 409.50 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ADVANCE AUTO -BATT CHRGR 341.64 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES -AIR COMPRESSOR 538.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK BEST WESTERN -ROPES CLASS 74.30 TOTAL FIRE SERVICES 18,752.55, EMERGENCY PREPAREDNES WAL -MART CORP SAMS CLUB 77150903608 OPERATING SUPPLIES 10.231 TOTAL EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS 10.23 STREETS AEP /PSO STREET LIGHTS 6,260.18 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES- LUMBER 97.85 AHS OKLAHOMA PHYSICIAN GROUP,LLC EMPLOYEE RESPIRATORY QUES 150.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES -DRILL BIT 25.97 OWASSO FENCE CO SIGN POSTS AND CAPS 1,333.00 SHERWOOD CONSTRUCTION CO, INC CONCRETE FOR CURB & GUTTE 740.50 MILL CREEK LUMBER & SUPPLY CONCRETE FOR SIGN INSTALL 159.18 FENSCO, INC GUARDRAIL FOR 76 ST N 1,703.25 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 160.95 APAC, INC.- OKLAHOMA STANDARD INDUST ASPHALT FOR POTHOLES 115.15 TULSA COUNTY BOCC SIGNS FOR MAIN STREET 169.75 AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER ST LIGHTS @ MAIN STREET 1,000.00 AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER ST LIGHTS @ SILVER CREEK 513.00 TULSA COUNTY BOCC MISCELLANEOUS SIGNS 189.48 FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES & 1,925.89 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ATWOODS- ELECTRIC DRILL 49.99 TOTAL STREETS 14,594.14 STORMWATER JPMORGAN CHASE BANK FEDEX- SHIPPING TEST METER 62.96. Page 5 Claims List 09/16/08 Budget Unit Title Vendor Name Payable Description Payment Amouni STORMWATER... FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES & 1,845.01 ENLOW TRACTOR INC 2000 KUBOTA TRACTOR - PAR 1,690.82 LOT MAINTENANCE OF OKLAHOMA, INC. SITE MOWING 3,887.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK P & K EQUIP- STRING LINE 183.92 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 43.47 AHS OKLAHOMA PHYSICIAN GROUP,LLC EMPLOYEE RESPIRATORY QUES 296.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OREILLY- AIR /OIL FILTERS 71.08 TOTAL STORMWATER 8,080.26 PARKS ONEOK, INC OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS NATURAL GAS USAGE 182.10 OFFICE DEPOT INC OFFICE SUPPLIES 711 LELAND BARTEL MOWING MCCARTY PARK 429.00 TAQWA MU -MIN PARK MOWINGS 844.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK D & SONS -PARK MOWING 1,139.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK D & SONS -PARK MOWING 1,139.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK DAVIDS ELEC -PUMP REPAIRS 140.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES -SEWER CAP 2.83 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES - CONCRET /BLOCKS 59.80 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES- ROPE /ANCHORS 50.98 BUILDERS UNLIMITED PARK WATER FOUNTAINS 6,583.00 FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES & 953.25 TOTAL PARKS 11,530.07 COMMUNITY CENTER JPMORGAN CHASE BANK HOBBY LOBBY -FALL DECOR 22.91 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES -CC LIGHT REPLACE 26.40 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TMS -PAPER TOWELS/TISSUE 131.60 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TMS -TOWEL DISPENSER 44.00 ROBERTSON PLUMBING SUPPLY, INC. PLUMBIMG PARTS 282.80 DALE & LEES SERVICE INC REPLACE /REPAIR THERMOSTAT 347.74 CHARACTER TRAINING INSTITUTE CHARACTER INTIATIVE 35.00 WAL -MART CORP SAMS CLUB 77150903608 OPERATING SUPPLIES 13.88 WAL -MART CORP SAMS CLUB 77150903608 OPERATING SUPPLIES 957.70 FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES & 232.70 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TERMINIX -1 YR PEST CONTR 341.44 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK IHOBBY LOBBY -DECOR 95.12 TOTAL COMMUNITY CENTER 2,531.29 HISTORICAL MUSEUM OFFICE DEPOT INC OFFICE SUPPLIES 10.99 TOTAL HISTORICAL MUSEUM 10.99 ECONOMIC DEV FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES & 53.59 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TULSA WORLD- SUBSCRIPTION 105.03 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SOFTWARE HOUSE -ADOBE 1,803.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH MEETING EXPENSE 6.50 Page 6 Claims List 09/16/08 Budget Unit Title Vendor Name Payable Description jPayment Amounl TOTAL ECONOMIC DEV 1,968.12 FUND GRAND TOTAL 148,331.1 AMBULANCE JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ALLIANCE MED- SUPPLIES 20.04 MEDTRONIC - EMERGENCY RESPONSE SYSTE LIFEPAK 12 SERVICE AGREE 5,979.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ALLIANCE MED -ITEM RETURN - 192.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK RSU -PARA SCHOOL 2,014.05 FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES & 2,968.40 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK GO TOTALLY WIRELESS -CHGR 49.98 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK PSI - MEDICAL SUPPLIES 63.32 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TRI -ANIM- SUPPLIES 1,459.69 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TRI -ANIM- SUPPLIES 285.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ALLIANCE MED- SUPPLIES 1,356.72 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ALLIANCE MED- SUPPLIES 201.00 FULLERTON HYDRO -TEST INC. RENTAL OF OXYGEN CYLINDER 37.85 MEDICAL COMPLIANCE SPECIALTY INC DISPOSAL OF MEDICAL WASTE 109.00 MEDICAL COMPLIANCE SPECIALTY INC DISPOSAL OF MEDICAL WASTE 156.00 MEDICAL COMPLIANCE SPECIALTY INC DISPOSAL OF MEDICAL WASTE 57.00 TOTAL AMBULANCE 14,565.05 FUND GRAND TOTAL 14,565.0 E911 COMMUNICATIONS TOTAL RADIO INC MONTHLY RADIO MAINT FEE - 675.00 AT &T AUG'08 E911 FEES 1,87179 INCOG -E911 TRUNK TERMINAL SVCS E -911 57.79 TOTAL E911 COMMUNICATIONS 2,604.58 FUND GRAND TOTAL 2,604.5 HOTEL TAX - ECON DEV MIDWEST MARBLE CO. VETERANS MEMORIAL 9,094.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK DISPLAY SALES - BANNERS 3,48100 TOTAL HOTEL TAX - ECON DEV 12,577.00 FUND GRAND TOTAL 12,577.0 STORMWATER - STORMWATI MESHEK & ASSOCIATES, P.L.C. ENGINEERING SERVICES 3,679.48 MESHEK & ASSOCIATES, P.L.C. ENGINEERING SERVICES 879.85 FIT CONSTRUCTION, LLC THREE LAKES POND DAM REPL 39,458.67 MESHEK & ASSOCIATES, P.L.C. ENGINEERING SERVICES 1,244.78 TOTAL STORMWATER - STORMWATER 45,262.78 Page 7 Claims List 09/16/08 Budget Unit Title I Vendor Name Payable Description jPayment Amouni 45,262.7 FUND GRAND TOTAL FIRE CAPITAL FD CONRAD FIRE EQUIPMENT INC. LED LIGHTING, WATER TANK, 3,196.68 TOTAL FIRE CAPITAL FD 3,196.68 3,196.6 FUND GRAND TOTAL CI-STREETS SHERWOOD CONSTRUCTION CO, INC CONCRETE FOR STREET REPAI 3,201.00 WATER PRODUCTS OF OKLAHOMA, INC. METER CAN FOR CITY HALL I 36.00 WATER PRODUCTS OF OKLAHOMA, INC. SUPPLIES FOR CITY HALL IR 5.41 WATER PRODUCTS OF OKLAHOMA, INC. PVC PIPE AND HARDWARE 54.80 SHERWOOD CONSTRUCTION CO, INC CONCRETE FOR CURB & GUTTE 2,100.00 BECCO CONTRACTORS INC 129 E AVE WIDENING PROJEC 290,236.62 TOTAL CI -STREETS 295,633.83 CI - PARKS FIT CONSTRUCTION, LLC BALL FIELD CONSTRUCTION 21,850.44 TOTAL CI -PARKS 21,850.44 317,484.2 FUND GRAND TOTAL CITY GARAGE FRN OF TULSA, LLC UNITED FORD PARTS FOR RESALE 434.25 MIDWEST MOTOR SUPPLY CO. OPERATING SUPPLIES 19.99 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM RENTAL FEE 30.01 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM RENTAL FEE 30.01 QUIKSERVICE STEEL CO OF TULSA STEEL FOR TRASH TRUCK REP 1,025.85 QUIKSERVICE STEEL CO OF TULSA STEEL FOR TRASH TRUCK REP 20.00 T & W TIRE, LP TIRES FOR CITY VEHICLES & 1,484.78 T & W TIRE, LP TIRES FOR CITY VEHICLES & 354.08 LENOX WRECKER SERVICE INC TOWING SERVICES 405.00 LENOX WRECKER SERVICE INC TOWING SERVICES 187.50 B & M OIL COMPANY INC OIL & FLUIDS 728.20 B & M OIL COMPANY INC OIL & FLUIDS 342.68 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK EVT CERTIFICATION - TESTING 120.00 FRN OF TULSA, LLC UNITED FORD PARTS FOR RESALE 418.58 FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES & 109.61 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE INC PARTS FOR RESALE & SHOP 27.99 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE INC PARTS FOR RESALE & SHOP 829.75 ALLIED BEARINGS PARTS FOR RESALE 711.56 DRIVE TRAIN SPECIALISTS PARTS FOR RESALE 1,122.02, JPMORGAN CHASE BANK NWA- AIRLINE BOOKING FEE 20.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK NWA -FARE ADJUSTMENT 1.50 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK NWA- AIRFARE /MOODY 483.00 Page 8 Claims List 09/16/08 Budget Unit Title Vendor Name Payable Description jPayment Amouni TOTAL CITY GARAGE 8,906.36 8,906.3 FUND GRAND TOTAL WORKERS' COMP SELF -INS UNITED SAFETY & CLAIMS INC DBA PPO MONTHLY TPA ADMIN FEES 1,450.00 CITY OF OWASSO IMPREST ACCOUNT WORK COMP CLAIMS 2,346.80 CITY OF OWASSO IMPREST ACCOUNT WORK COMP CLAIMS 577.00 CITY OF OWASSO IMPREST ACCOUNT WORK COMP CLAIMS 726.40 CITY OF OWASSO IMPREST ACCOUNT WORK COMP CLAIMS 2,110.98 CITY OF OWASSO IMPREST ACCOUNT WORK COMP CLAIMS 577.00 CITY OF OWASSO IMPREST ACCOUNT WORK COMP CLAIMS 553.00 CITY OF OWASSO IMPREST ACCOUNT WORK COMP CLAIMS 25,937.94 TOTAL WORKERS' COMP SELF -INS 34,279.12 34,279.1 FUND GRAND TOTAL GEN LIAB -PROP SELF INS SHADDIX & REIMER, PLLC MCCORMICK VS CITY 1,249.18 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES -PAINT 21.98 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ALSUMA- VEHICLE REPAIR 2,036.69 TOTAL GEN LIAB -PROP SELF INS 3,307.85 3,307.85 FUND GRAND TOTAL CITY GRAND TOTAL $590,514.86 Page 9 CITY OF OWASO HEALTHCARE SELF INSURANCE FUND CLAIMS PAID PER AUTHORIZATION OF ORDINANCE #789 AS OF 09/16/08 VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AETNA HEALTHCARE MEDICAL SERVICE 6,708.06 HEALTHCARE MEDICAL SERVICE 31,536.21 HEALTHCARE MEDICAL SERVICE 24,075.36 HEALTHCARE DEPT TOTAL 62,319.63 DELTA DENTAL DENTAL MEDICAL SERVICE 4,759.20 DENTAL MEDICAL SERVICE 2,556.90 ADMIN FEES 1,961.26 DENTAL DEPT TOTAL 9,277.36 HEALTHCARE SELF INSURANCE FUND TOTAL 71,596.99 CITY OF OWASSO GENERALFUND PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING 08/30/08 Department Payroll Expenses Total Expenses Municipal Court 4,412.51 5,734.66 Managerial 24,345.92 31,606.67 Finance 12,479.02 17,448.37 Human Resources 5,902.89 8,504.25 Community Development 11,996.03 15,927.16 Engineering 10,983.33 15,215.87 Information Systems 9,175.21 13,419.54 Support Services 7,105.24 9,741.23 Police 99,218.63 142,137.31 Central Dispatch 7,782.03 12,449.46 Animal Control 2,244.32 3,268.69 Fire 88,773.75 124,198.85 Emergency Preparedness 2,669.63 3,777.10 Streets 7,964.28 11,856.78 Stormwater /ROW Maint. 7,015.48 10,030.92 Park Maintenance 8,169.99 12,155.73 Community- Senior Center 3,210.46 4,663.29 Historical Museum 2,054.82 2,697.30 Economic Development 2,972.31 3,777.40 General Fund Total 318,475.85 448,610.58 Garage Fund Total 3,868.80 5,549.99 Ambulance Fund Total 16,982.75 23,650.47 Emergency 911 Fund Total 3,012.98 4,275.81 Worker's Compensation Total 5,104.00 6,218.48 CITY OF OWASSO GENERALFUND FISCAL YEAR 2008 -2009 Statement of Revenues & Expenditures As of August 31, 2008 REVENUES: Taxes Licenses & permits Intergovernmental Charges for services Fines & forfeits Other TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES: Personal services Materials & supplies Other services Capital outlay TOTAL EXPENDITURES REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS IN (OUT): Transfers in Transfers out TOTALTRANSFERS NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE (GAAP Basis) Beginning Balance Ending Balance FUND BALANCE (Budgetary Basis) Beginning Balance Ending Balance MONTH YEAR PERCENT TO -DATE TO -DATE BUDGET OF BUDGET $ 1,519,703 $ 3,082,524 $ 18,938,000 13,600 37,675 334,500 56,657 96,734 491,700 48,435 67,053 492,700 48,070 108,733 689,000 17,318 29,182 93,800 1,703,783 21,039,700 3,421,900 885,563 1,782,217 11,959,252 73,751 102,484 697,295 108,807 203,207 1,724,980 113,763 153,001 984,668 1,181,884 15,366,195 2,240,909 521,899 5,673,505 1,180,990 905,218 1,841,337 11,095,000 (1,420,468) (2,883,614) (17,401,000) (515,250) (1,042,277) (6,306,000) 6,650 (632,495) 138,713 4,740,155 $ 4,878,868 2,923,000 2,923,000 $ 3,061,713 $ 2,290,505 16.28% 11.26% 19.67% 13.61% 15.78% 31.11% 16.26% 14.90% 14.70% 11.78% 15.54% 14.58% 20.82% 16.60% 16.57% 16.53% MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: BRADD K. CLARK FIRE CHIEF SUBJECT: MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT OKLAHOMA AIR NATIONAL GUARD DATE: September 12, 2008 BACKGROUND: The Oklahoma Air National Guard Fire Department ( OANGFD) has requested the City of Owasso's consideration for entering into a mutual aid agreement for fire services. The mutual aid agreement is designed to afford reliable back -up services for both parties in the event of significant fire, medical, and hazardous materials incidents. MUTUAL AID AGREEMENTS: Entering into mutual aid agreements is commonplace today, as the responders from neighboring organizations are able to effectively contribute to the successful emergency response to catastrophic incidents. OANGFD has initiated this request and supplied the proposed agreement form. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: The proposed mutual aid agreement allows both parties to request fire fighting equipment or hazardous materials response and also establishes a chain of command during such an event. The agreement does not obligate firefighting resources, however, if the agency is already committed to emergency incidents. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approval of the mutual aid agreement with the State of Oklahoma Air National Guard Fire Department and authorization of the Mayor to sign the agreement. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Copy of the proposed Mutual Aid agreement AGREEMENT FOR MUTUAL AID IN FIRE PROTECTION AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INCIDENT RESPONSE THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of , 2008, pursuant to the authority of 42 U.S.C. § 1856 (a) by and between the United States of America through the office of the Secretary of the Air Force, represented by the United States Property and Fiscal Officer, the State of Oklahoma Air National Guard, acting through the Adjutant General of Oklahoma, and the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, a municipal corporation. WITNESSETH THAT: WHEREAS, it is feasible and desirable for the parties hereto to enter into a reciprocal agreement for mutual aid in furnishing fire protection and hazardous materials incident response for property and personnel for which each party hereto is normally responsible for providing fire protection and hazardous materials incident response. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree that: Upon request by a representative of the City of Owasso (hereinafter City) to a representative of the Oklahoma Air National Guard Fire Department (hereinafter OANGFD), fire fighting equipment and personnel of OANGFD will be dispatched to any point within the area for which the City normally provides fire protection or hazardous materials incident response as designated by the representatives of the City. II. Upon request by a representative of the OANGFD to a representative of the City of Owasso fire department, fire fighting equipment or hazardous materials incident response and personnel of the City will be dispatched to any point within the fire fighting or hazardous materials incident response jurisdiction of the OANGFD as designated by the representative of the OANGFD. III. Any dispatch of equipment and personnel pursuant to this agreement is subject to the following conditions: (A.) Any request for aid hereunder shall include a statement of the amount and type of equipment and personnel requested and shall specify the location to which the equipment and personnel are to be dispatched, but the amount and type of equipment and the number of personnel to be furnished shall be determined by a representative of the responding organization. (B.) The responding organization shall report to the officer in charge of the requesting organization at the location to which the equipment is dispatched, and shall be subject to the orders of that official. (C.) A responding organization shall be released by the organization when the services of the responding organization are no longer required or when the responding organization is needed within the area for which it normally provides fire protection. (D.) In the event of a crash of aircraft owned or operated by the United States or military aircraft or any foreign nation within the area for which the City normally provides fire protection, the chief of the OANGFD or his or her representative may assume full command on arrival at the scene of the crash. IV. The City may claim reimbursement for the direct expenses and losses that constitute additional fire fighting or hazardous materials incident costs above the normal operating costs incurred while fighting a fire or hazardous materials incident response under this agreement as provided in 44 C.F.R., Part 151. V. Each party waives all claims against every other party for compensation for any loss, damage, personal injury, or death occurring as a consequence of the performance of this agreement. This provision does not waive any right of reimbursement pursuant to paragraph IV, above. VI. All equipment used by the City in carrying out this agreement will, at the time of the action described herein, be owned by it and all personnel acting for the City under this agreement will, at the time of such action, be an employee of the City. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed in multiples copies on the dates set forth below. ATTEST: CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, A municipal corporation, I s, City Clerk Date: ON *4 MAY "I Assistant City Attorney 2 Mayor FOR THE UNITED STATES, SECRETARY OF THE AIR FORCE: By: The Adjutant General of Oklahoma Date: United States Property and Fiscal Officer For Oklahoma Date: By: Base Commander, 138` Fighter Wing Oklahoma Air National Guard Date: MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: MICHELE DEMPSTER HUMAN RESOURCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR DISABILITY RETIREMENT DATE: September 10, 2008 BACKGROUND: Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund (OMRF), the retirement plan for non - police and fire employees, requires the City Council acting as the OMRF Retirement Committee to approve applications for disability retirement. Trudy Meyer, a twenty -five year employee currently employed as a communications officer, has submitted an application for disability retirement. According to two separate physicians the illnesses are such severity that she is unable to perform the duties of her position and unable to be gainfully employed. The employee has submitted the proper paperwork along with the required documentation from the treating physicians. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval Trudy Meyer's application for disability retirement. MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: ERIC WILES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: FINAL PLAT- EL RIO VISTA AMENDED DATE: SEPTEMBER 10, 2008 BACKGROUND: The City of Owasso has received a request to review and approve an amendment to a portion of the El Rio Vista Final Plat, located at the northwest corner of East 96th Street North and North Garnett Road (including the "PoMac's" service station facility). ANAT.VCTC- Staff has received a request from the owners of a portion of land located within the El Rio Vista subdivision. The owners request to have a final plat amendment to create new lot boundaries in anticipation of future redevelopment as well as new development. The amendment is to divide the existing Lot 1, Block 5 into two lots. Thus, the new plat would read Lots 1 and 2, Block 5. The total area being amended is comprised of 3.75 acres of land. Lot 1 would be approximately 1.66 acres in size, and lot 2 would be approximately 2.1 acres in size. The tract is zoned CS (Commercial Shopping), and again this amendment is in anticipation of future redevelopment and new development. The application, as proposed, does meet all bulk and area requirements. Staff finds that the request is consistent with stated intent of the zoning code and will not be injurious to the neighborhood or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. A site plan was concurrently submitted, with the final plat, to the Technical Advisory Committee for their review. The site plan is for a proposed Quik Trip service station facility to be located on Lot 2, Block 5, of the El Rio Vista Amended Final Plat. The site plan was proposed at the Technical Advisory Committee's regularly scheduled meeting on August 27, 2008 and accepted contingently upon the Final Plats approval. The proposed Quik Trip location is directly north of the existing Bank of Oklahoma and the Caudle Commercial Development. Any development that occurs on the subject property must adhere to all subdivision, zoning and engineering requirements including, but not limited to, paved streets and sidewalks. The proposed development will require no significant expansion of utilities or infrastructure. Sewer and water service will be provided by the City of Owasso. PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING: The Owasso Planning Commission considered the request at a public hearing on September 8, 2008. At that meeting the Planning Commission unanimously recommended that the City Council approve the request. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approval of the El Rio Vista Amended final plat. ATTACHMENTS: 1. General Area Map 2. El Rio Vista Amended Final Plat lu o E98STN E98STN E97PLN > E 97 STN \ z W E97S 0 - -- I W Q Z � W 96PLN � Z �p z 12 1 > \ 7, E96PLN - -- a 4 - o \ I Z z V 1 STA i E 96TH ST N E�Njl) 7 E 95 W W IR - -- ----- all UA a p z V V W z Z L 9 S N IT El Rio Vista Amended CITY OF OWASSO Legend 111 N. Main Street 0 P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 North REPRE3EPNT IS FOIL AlY ACCURATE AND TR=UEpSCALE SEAOF ' MIS MAP S WDTHOU 918.376.1500 WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION BY CITY OF OWASSO OF TTS ACCURACY. DEED OF DEDICATION DICIT ALL Yd BY 11ESF RB311TS 11NT tOBERSTdE aN1FA N!F ANT MCAVNr .WSmfNT Ca .1 M OAN[16 a M mL0•➢D [ESLRefB IANC IN MBA —'. -- A WILT CIF — N1 IS A PNrt R M SWIM I WAATE1A R _THIN It ICNNdp CI NNNNX fUNa 1A FAST W M ... RASE AID YEi .. CITY CF owA4C. NW C.Am. 4Ah d CN W ; YBRF P.— ,SdIBm AS —Cm 10.w1T: CR•NNLINL AT M SCUMATT CdxfR R L.I A BLCaI E fl In0 WS. SL®IW9d: ntmE 0.E NCR. A OISUNR 6 H, EFET 10 M PC.T U BECMN.G TIEIAE WE MdM A D6TANa C, SSAm ffET INDTR CLE LAST A BIiTIM R =I. FET, TIETX£ S M'W B A CISTANR CF MW FEET, PANALIa. m ANT 4 — XE4 R M "VT SECTNx LM a SAD SECnd; Hale WE NI S, A -- R'C'. —. IITaTa S 091'.' Y A STMII CF m1.zA FEET. PARAUEL m AID BC Fm` I S CF M EASE Sr. LOW R SAW s —; MACE S -I'W Y A CISTANR a 4 FEET: BQAE x BB'SB'SY w A C6TNXE Cr m1.IN FEET m M -.I IV WGINNINC SNC TRACTS K lANT CdiATNBN ABI ACRES — d LESS ANC HAS I. M SWf ro Bf YAWWC. STA1Ea. —INN dE BLDIX h TBC LOTS N —FTY NFIN M ACCUAANmN MT, ANT HAS Cf51d.ATfD M SNt AS WINWR I z A SE —. IN M CITY 6 N•A4B, nASA ca.n, duNBYA WILOM ♦105 5. TmU E AW. TIASA d n)x nLOe (X111) aTS -ml� M&15156eM•14 MMBMT.BASEL d M.—MT d Rm WSTA MT MC S.L j B•N • � r� N i ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR Craffon Tull Sparks ® 220 E. 8" Street Tulsa. OK 74119 918.584.0347 FAX: 918.584.3783 www.craftontullsparks.com architecture I engineering Final Plat EL RIO VISTA AMENDED M wNwe,N net Xr uI I, mml s. a w wa m eNeA�m a B. ab a o.ww, TXNP Ir. Slme of Wenm�o —"'I H, IN. ,avY,e Piol µBAz A PwL a U, smYwoN Wmlw of s,otun 14 TwnUN h xwq Xmp TA EmI n LNe UYm Bow Nlo YNNM. Sqo NimNN M rce rnbl N LeM1 1 mo Z YmN 5 LOT 8 mm a Lot 7 Lot 6 ra_' umcpr AB' caaatnr M BL5 p pt FASF GRAPHIC suLE IN FEE'-- A� El Rio Vista �� -- - -- - - - -— Block 2� Lot 267 B5 EASFIENT I Pfw MT jf.1 i� B'— EA4IBTT 1 $ Block 5 z I Lot 7 I I Lot 27 TV i�Aaaian 12 MC/5p -. iil mHY _ —. 1.SrFw4Yai1 � Ei Rio trsto 15 Block 2 Lot 34 RR RAT •"z I Block 5 AN Lot 2 Lot 5� „r III Fes. s' EA41BIi Illy A, I I I II I III I I I I AN Ls'r- I - gel Lot 35 NII }I _ Is SQU..Sn. Ttu LSIEr. eaF BCd gel PA¢ xIZ! .. 4T ]/►' IP y T5 w.BESmR Ttu W. 'O K BCYt IWl Mi ,IBB SET )IC p � 8 . t.� , — N SET NINTH PCBIT 6 CRte1R1�lT M 3/1' B � � , EAST IBTN SwIQT x ..,.. ,.� e....,., .. OWNER'S CETIFICATE DANNH . MDT BY TNESE PIt5EN1S M UNT @SIdfD W NEAFBY RATIFY 1NET ARE M OwIFPS lK ANT WE dLY KRSdS FLBA d CCRPCRAT. NAV.C..Y Rldi, — ANT /. INIEALST IN M LAID ddYr ANC WSdIBm xFWd ANT MTm AS WpI1RIP /AE A SUBCMSISN MMIN M CITY 6 CIIA40. NASA CWNTY, d A, M MT SHNNIN WFWCN IS A CCNWCT SIAAET 6 M OIM d SAN MT; WE dCERDOIFD CC —1 WANNA Yf m A a11R nnE m M —1 . CEDICATEC. FRCY WRSElAq OL11 HEWS ANT ASSNS iCRE\FAA. AMD YF RAW [AIISEC M SA SE BaG4D itCY NL ENWYNUXLES, CRINFYIXC CIFM 111W fARPT id YdTUII ANC F 9O1fi 6 NfCgD. IN AN SS N.14) . W.la6TCxE MITI, BIG AID YCUAIFT INELSTYEXT CXAPANI BCW —.A C9RPoYAnds HAW —UTm M IMSTRUYElr1 d M _ CAY CF . — Cartnsot waEN ANC Br _ Yr m.1md f1pIRE5 NCTAN. watt CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY 1. A B wATSd A.. R—, R .-S t ASSOCIATE INC., A WRS1aBC MCFTSS1dN — 9JA . IN THE STATE Cr CH— W HetBY CORM THAT 1 HAW CIAiNLLY AND ACWNATELY SLNWhC AW PIAnm M WACT CF V!N RS(NUEO ABCW. ND THAT M ACCCN"— MT .SIdA1ED HptBT AS NC YCSTA AIENRC'. A SLBC— W NSA aXWT, sTAh 6 CN ANNp1IAN 15 A TMN RFPRFSESnAnd K M 9lRWY YAR d M dWNC US.G 4£NFNNLY ACLEPIm UNT SUMYIXC MAC'RS AID WAFTS d E S M aCAIDIIA ANWWY STANNANCS FW WE MA[nR D< LVOO 9,NWYINC AS AWPTFC. FWCUIm Wrs wr a zoon AAND A • wA15d A Q, G RL PLS ACA '� A l s a. Nh B/SIAW aAlsOx A G •a PENIS a. CAh 6 STAN Q RCNNIIA I CA'LAHa`AH� 14 mAFn ar TwsA 1 -CIV YE M dmvdm, A NTUAY —C . ANT NR SAD CLXpT ANT STAN, d TN1s BAY a z.B Pi4dN1I IAPEAAD A B. M14N A.. m r — N . WE NfN - — wNT W—HN. HIS HAIL AS WGW- PRCfE59RLN LAND 9ATEYRT ro M FRt WNNI C< 9JRAEY ANT AdNCwImWC m . -I W EIEWTm M SWE AS HIS FIFE ANT NIXdTNTY ACT AND CRC nXt M USES ANT nNPCSES TNOWN SET — Nn CRYISed apWES NCTAM' —1 CERTIFICATE OF FINAL PLAT APPROVAL I IWY IEANY TAUT 11RA MT ws APPndm . M CwASm CAT' LRNL1l d mog Y.1YR1 - — YA" Nis AMHC— IS WIC IF HF NNNE SICHATURE Is x. IN-- By M C" [TETRA. El Rio Vista ResubdNision, Tulsa County Final Plat, September 2, 2008 Page 1 of 2 BxE PLAT NO. T X �� q wa I PTLfpf•1Y LOCATION MAP LCGT@I SCNE W iRT OWNER'S CETIFICATE DANNH . MDT BY TNESE PIt5EN1S M UNT @SIdfD W NEAFBY RATIFY 1NET ARE M OwIFPS lK ANT WE dLY KRSdS FLBA d CCRPCRAT. NAV.C..Y Rldi, — ANT /. INIEALST IN M LAID ddYr ANC WSdIBm xFWd ANT MTm AS WpI1RIP /AE A SUBCMSISN MMIN M CITY 6 CIIA40. NASA CWNTY, d A, M MT SHNNIN WFWCN IS A CCNWCT SIAAET 6 M OIM d SAN MT; WE dCERDOIFD CC —1 WANNA Yf m A a11R nnE m M —1 . CEDICATEC. FRCY WRSElAq OL11 HEWS ANT ASSNS iCRE\FAA. AMD YF RAW [AIISEC M SA SE BaG4D itCY NL ENWYNUXLES, CRINFYIXC CIFM 111W fARPT id YdTUII ANC F 9O1fi 6 NfCgD. IN AN SS N.14) . W.la6TCxE MITI, BIG AID YCUAIFT INELSTYEXT CXAPANI BCW —.A C9RPoYAnds HAW —UTm M IMSTRUYElr1 d M _ CAY CF . — Cartnsot waEN ANC Br _ Yr m.1md f1pIRE5 NCTAN. watt CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY 1. A B wATSd A.. R—, R .-S t ASSOCIATE INC., A WRS1aBC MCFTSS1dN — 9JA . IN THE STATE Cr CH— W HetBY CORM THAT 1 HAW CIAiNLLY AND ACWNATELY SLNWhC AW PIAnm M WACT CF V!N RS(NUEO ABCW. ND THAT M ACCCN"— MT .SIdA1ED HptBT AS NC YCSTA AIENRC'. A SLBC— W NSA aXWT, sTAh 6 CN ANNp1IAN 15 A TMN RFPRFSESnAnd K M 9lRWY YAR d M dWNC US.G 4£NFNNLY ACLEPIm UNT SUMYIXC MAC'RS AID WAFTS d E S M aCAIDIIA ANWWY STANNANCS FW WE MA[nR D< LVOO 9,NWYINC AS AWPTFC. FWCUIm Wrs wr a zoon AAND A • wA15d A Q, G RL PLS ACA '� A l s a. Nh B/SIAW aAlsOx A G •a PENIS a. CAh 6 STAN Q RCNNIIA I CA'LAHa`AH� 14 mAFn ar TwsA 1 -CIV YE M dmvdm, A NTUAY —C . ANT NR SAD CLXpT ANT STAN, d TN1s BAY a z.B Pi4dN1I IAPEAAD A B. M14N A.. m r — N . WE NfN - — wNT W—HN. HIS HAIL AS WGW- PRCfE59RLN LAND 9ATEYRT ro M FRt WNNI C< 9JRAEY ANT AdNCwImWC m . -I W EIEWTm M SWE AS HIS FIFE ANT NIXdTNTY ACT AND CRC nXt M USES ANT nNPCSES TNOWN SET — Nn CRYISed apWES NCTAM' —1 CERTIFICATE OF FINAL PLAT APPROVAL I IWY IEANY TAUT 11RA MT ws APPndm . M CwASm CAT' LRNL1l d mog Y.1YR1 - — YA" Nis AMHC— IS WIC IF HF NNNE SICHATURE Is x. IN-- By M C" [TETRA. El Rio Vista ResubdNision, Tulsa County Final Plat, September 2, 2008 Page 1 of 2 EL RIO VISTA AMENDED RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS xcnox I. PMBUC STOUTS- a -wAr, uEELExIS AG IlwnEs A U161T FAAYgR 1. TE OSIER DOES HEREBY OmICAh FUR —1 USE THE ED.1 RIOIIi -A -WAY AND ML EASEMENTS AS DEPICTED OR ME ACCwPMnG PUT AS'U/Y 1CH VRIR EAxYExr, TOR THE SEMERAL NRPDGES N CONSTRMnRD, WINIAINIG ISPAIRIG, READING AND REMCIRD MY AND ALL PUUBLIC U IRIS, I.— SDN AND SMIIMY STTER; TEIEPHOME AuI ON .EATON LINES, ELECRIC PORET UN[E AND RAHOONFRE, GAS LOPES, IRAIEA LURES AG CMLC REm. LOD3, 1alTIER RN ALL Em INOWIG THE POE; MIRES, CODUII; POI; DOER REPERY RESERVES IN PAIT TO fANE1NR MRAINiwN. DIANIPMENT FOR [AN SONN OOPERAM LAY AM RE-LAYFWAITER LINES AND SEVER LINES, IOGETHFRIIYMEN NE RIGHT a INRESS MD E-11 'OR III CUISIRUCnUI, UWINT M —ITIUL UYINI AA. RE-LAYING D ,AACRCROSS AND MONG ALL THEOEAYKNTS DEPICTED M PUT. f. THE %IWO,F O FUMISDG WATER AG/CH STANDS SFRRaS TO TE AREA WOUND IN THE PUT AND TO THE AREAS OUTSIDE OF SHE PUT. DEPICTED OR OR P,IRAIND AREAS CTTNAIDRL ON ERI G MD LAM SDS[MMINOG RTRN SAID EASFAENTS INDUCTION SHATI BE RESTRICTIVE C01'EC NMI T SHALL BE ENDING ON THE BEFIRN THE ORERR ON OB IN OR MY PORTIDIN THEREOF, AIDi 51UI1 BE ENFOAL0 LE BYITHE CITY WALL BE DIDA�10 AND BY �N EUPPPLIEIR OF MY AFrtOTED VTNtt xRVIa. B. ..I- - xRVIIX OF 11111, TREPHINE AND UBLE hLLYISOM SERLDLES MAY N —TED MINI THE UDLIT EAAYENTS ADD IN MDINIG STREET RICHI-O -WY SDM ON ME ACCOMPMYIG PUT. ALL SUPPLY LIMES N OL.A. ELECTRIC, TELEPNDNY. CABLE TEL[VISION AND GS LE SOUL DE LOCATED UDIXRUOMO IN THE USEMEMIS DENEATED FOR GOI RAL UNIT SERVICES AG IN THE RICHT -a -WAY OF PLASTIC SIREET; AS DEPICTED DN NE ACCDWANYIG PUT. STRVICE PEa51AL5 MD ­00i AS SOURCES OF SPRY AT GE. caDMY YOLTAOR AY AISD BE LDAIEU IN THE UTU7Y EASEMENTS. R LIDEIIGOUID SERVICE DABIVS AG CAS SERRGE LINES ID ALL E1N'CTRfE MIN MAY BE LOCATED VI NN THE BOBDOULON MAY a RUN FROM THE GS MANN, NEAREST SEErvia PEaSiAL OR TRMYDRNER M THE PONT N USAGE DFIEIRNCD BY THE LOCATION AAD IRE CUISTIMNIN N SICK SIRUCNRE AS MY GE LOCATED ON M LOT. PROVIDED THAT UPOM ME INSTALLATOM O A SENTCE CABLE CH GAS SE CE LDE TO A PMNM.AR SiRUCIOE, SHE SWIEIER N THE SE— NAL N[REAFIFR a DEEMED TO NAME A DETIINTT C PERMMENT AND EIRCTIME RIGO-N-WY EASFN[MY CH THE LOT, C0.(RIG A 5 FOOT STRIP E TEA'DING 2.5 f ON EAGI SIDE O THE STRVIa CARE OR IIF. EInGIG FROM 1NE CAS MAIM BE— PFaSiAL W 1RM.STWYER 1D THE .rnYla ENTRARa OR THE STRU[TIA� S TE SIPPLRR N TRE ELECTRIC, TELEPHONE, CABLE —SIOR AND GAS SERV1aS THROICN HIS AUNTS AND EMPLOIEM SHALL AT ALL nAES NAME Z DCHT O AEMSS TO THE UTUR EASEYEIIS SMDYII OR THE PLAt OR OTERtSE PROVIDED FOR O NIS DEED N DENT ON FDR THE NE UGFRODIND xRYia FACRIEES COATED ON EACH LOT AND SINN PREVENT THE NIERATOM a CAME N MY ONSTRLCIION ACTIRO INCH WOULD INTERIERE MITI TIRE EaCTRIG, TELEPHONE. 9IPPLIW N SERVIIX SHALL % 0.ES9ONSIBIE 1CH ORDINARY AIN NIENMCE O LI.DEIOiOLID FACIi BV OR MERNNN N BAN UCITIES CASED OR NCIX5511ATC0 BY ACTS OF THE RECORD DARNER OR RECpID DMMEN'S RaNIS OR CUITRAN- ITS PARAGRAPH SHALL BE ENFORCEABLE BY TALC SUPPLIER OF RE O[CRIG TELERDIE OR CABLE TERMSIW OR GAS SERVla AND THE SEEDER DNaT a EACH LM AGREES 10 BE BUM HEREBY. 1. THE RECORD DINNER O EACH L01 SHALL BE NESONSIBLE FN THE PNOI[CT O THE NBLIC WATER MAINS SMIIARY xYER PAINS. AG STORM SE'AERS LOCATED ON EACH LOT, 2 RNIN THE UNTTY EAiEIENT AREAS DEPICTED ON M ACCOMPANYING PUT, Of ALTERATIN O GRAOF FGA TG CCNTCNRS ELLSIING UPON THE CODLFTON OF THE INSTALLATION N A NBLIC WATER WIN. SAIMLARY SEVER MAIN. OR STERN SEWER OR MY CONSOUCTIOM ACTNIT WHICH GOD 1. NFAE ARTY NNE NECK WATER MUMS. SMIiARY AVER WINS. MD INON SEWERS SHALL BE PR ALBITED. 1 OR CITY N OAASSO, DE ITS 9ACa55ai EHNL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ORDINARY MAINTENANCE a PLMIC WATR YARN; SANITARY SEINER MANS, AND STDRM xAERS BUT SHE RECORD OWNER SNALL PAY EAR DNU.CE OR RELOCATION N SUCH FACILITIES CAUSED OR NECESBILATE0 BY ACTS O THE RECORD ORNEP. OR THE RECORD DMNIX'S A LINTS OR CDNOACTORS A. THE CITY a OWASSO, N ITS ATTE —S SHALL AT ALL TIMES NAME RICNT a AaEA TO ALL EAS[AENTS DEPICTED ON DE ACCCMPMnG PUT, OR ONCRDSE PRDAIDED FOR IN NIS DEED DE D[DICATIW. FAIR THE ADIPOSE a INSTI1lIG MAINTAINING REMOYIG OR REPLACING ANY PERT ON OF UXGERGRWND WATER, SMITARY SERA OR STORM SERER FACILITIES S THE III OYASSO. OR ITS SUCa55M5 PROMIBITS TE ERECTEN N MY ARCH OR SYIIAR SOUCIUIE ONES MY DRRLWNY N ENTRANCE DIME TO ARID RTMM THE PARRENG AMA MIN REND PROHIBIT ANY gNEARLONI VEHICLE, SPEDEGLLY AMY ERE ARMOR FIOM FIFE USAGE AND GIN. OR NRWCRWI THE FANII B. THE FOR[CDING WSENANR SET FORS N RIB PARAGRAPH C SHALL BE ENFDRo E BY THE: CITY N DIASSD. ODAHOIA DR In SUCaROR; AG TE RECORD) DINER OF EAN LOT AGREES TO SE BOND HEREBY. OMER O [AN LOT SINN W RESPONSIBLE FOR OR PGOCTION O ME GM FACILITIES LOCATED ON TM RECORD OMIERS LOT. 2 I THE MIMTNLiM UTIUT USEHENI AREAS WT TED ON THE ACCGYPMAG PUT IRE ALTENRTIOM a NONE FROM M WNIIDDRS ERIETRG DIW SHE COMPLETION O THE IISIN1AlEM O A GM AAN OR CONSTRUCTOR ACTYITY THAT WORN INTIEERE WTM GM WIG SHALL BE PROIIBITD. 1 M SUPttSA N THE GAS SCRRa SHALL SE RES'OGIM FOR ORDWDY MNNTENMa N GAS AMG BUT NE RECOND DINNER STALL PAY FOI DAWN OR RELOCATION a NCH FAo— UII� OR NEaSx M BY ACTS a THE RECORD DINER. N THE RECDD OMILI S AGENTS OR CONRALW O GM GERRa 9HALL AT ALL nYEi WYE ROIL O ACGE4 10 ALL UTITT EASEYExIS DEPICTED GN TEE AWOIFMRNG PLAT, CR OTHERRx PROVIDED 11 N THIS DEED N DEOCATOR 11 THE PURP� a IAS1— RE1I 1 OR REPLACM ANY 1111 A GM 'k- ILITIE2 S THE FOPEWIG COVEWxrs SET DARN IN THIS PARAMAPN 0 91ALL RE CKCNREEABE BY THE SNRLIER N GM SEROM MD THE AECDN O1NLR A UCH W1 AGREES TO BE BONG NEARBY. E SNREME DRA.. UCH LOT SMALL REa11E AND DIS)APGE, N AN LIN ESRICTED WHEN, iK SPIRIT AND ARFAa WATERS EREN MMGENT PRaDREES AG DRAINAGE AREAS N HIGHER ELEVATION FIOM PUBLIC STHCETS AND EASEMENTS NAND REWIND DOER N EACH LOT STALL Gl CONSTRICT O PERNII TO BE CNDTNCTED MY 1FGIG OR OTHER OBSNCTOS RIICH NOnO IMPAR THE DRAINAGE O STEM AG —AGE WATERS 0K AND ACROSS M LOT. THE POFEGOG COVENANTS SET FORN O NIS PARAGRAPH E SOLI BE ENFdaAS1E BY MY —TED PROPERTY DANES AG MC DERV __ —.1 1. PAVING AG LAND -PIG WIN. EAAIEP.'1S M�CNID VMER N EACH LOT SMALL BE RESPOANN L FOR TIME REPAIR CR DMAGE TO LAGSCAPIG AND PANG OCCASEOED BY INSTALLATION OR REa4MA' MANDEARMA E O OMDEACROINI WATER, SERER, SNAP SEWER, FACIUEES RNIN M IEIWTY EASEGNIS DEPICTED RIPON THE VYING PLAT, PROMad NOMEMER, THE Ott O OWASED, NLANOIA OR THE APPUER OF THE UTILITY SEN. SMALL USE REASOMIRL[ CAM O M PERFCRMMa O 91d ACTIRTIE; G STERN ENEY 1. THE CITY N OWAisO, ORAGW, OR ITS IDESSOIS, SALL RE RESPONSIBLE FOR ORDINARY MAINTENANCE N OR PUBLIC STORE AVER SYSTEM ALONG N. GARNET RGAO. FALL THE SEWN OMER a UCH l0T MILL PAY FOR DAMAIE M RELOCATION O SICK SYETM CA15W OR REa551 _ BY ACTS O NE RECORD OWNR O THE RECORD ORMRS AGENTS CH COMRACTURS 2 l FOREWIG CDSENANR CMCEREEND THE PLHIC STORM BEI ER SYSTEM SMALL BE ENFORCEABLE BY THE CITY O IMPEDED, DNLANDAA OR ITS SICCESSOIR, AG THE RECORD CARER N THE LOT AOEES TO BE BOUND HEREBY. x. RCHTS O INRRESS AND OR . THE UNDERSIGNED DMERYLEA4WER HEREBY REUNONSES INNIS N SMICCUR INGRESS OR EMESS TOOA MY PEKE DN OF THE PRaE1TY MTMIN THE BONGS aSOATED AB `LIMITS N NO AC= B.N.A.) ON THE ACLOIPAYING PUT. WIN'LO1115 N NO ACaSS' WY BE AMENDED N SREASEO BY RE OMASSO PNMUIG COMMISSION, OR ITS 9MERM. AG MR M APPRWAL O NE CITY O ORASSO OILAMOMA, OR AS OTERWSE PRODDED BY M SIATJT[S AND LAWS U THE STATE O NLMOA PERLATMG T[REld AG THE LOUTS a G ACaSS MDR ESTABLISHED SHALL A CNFDROABLE BY NE .1 OF _- SECTION ACTION IL EMORCEMENI. WRATION. AMENDMENT AMID — ABILITY A E.ORGEWITT PRE RESINS HEREIN %T FLAN ME COAEMIM l0 RIIH MN THE LAG AND SMALL SE BIGIG WON THE NRER, ITS SDaSSARS AND ASSIGNS MIRIN SHE PROVISOG O SECTION I, NBLIE RIGOR OF WAY, EARNENTS AND UTLIIHS ARE x1 EONS ­LAIN CDAENRI S AND SHE ENFNOMCNi RIMS PERTAINING THERETO, AG ADDITICHALLY THE E.ANNTS RSNIN SECTION I RLNP. OR Gl SPECIECALLY THEREIN SO STATED SHALL INURE TOM —IT O MD SMALL BE EREURGEABLE BY THE DO N DAASSG OD.AGMA IN ANY EDICTAL ACTION —I BY AN DMAP OF A IN MICR ACTION SFCNS A ENFORCE M COMENMIS ON RESINICTIOLS SITE FORM HFREM OR TO RECOot OAMAGES PAR THE WEAN THEREOF, THE PREVAILING PARR SHALL BE EMTTED R REDOMDR REASWAOE AIIOR EYS SEES MD COSH AND ENFROBSELL INDRRIED M SDN ACETOR TEST NSOICTIOHS N THE EEhNT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE TAW, BRAD, BE P[RPEIIAN BJI IN MY EHNT SMALL BE IN FORA AND) ETECT FOR A TRY OF MET IuS NO NOD) LID) YEARS FROM THE MATE a THE RECOIDD.D OF OPTS DEED OF BROWN DRIVES BERMMATED OR ALEGED AS HEREINNTR PROVIDED. C. ANNNDAENI M COWMANTS DOMTAIRM MIRIN ACTION 1. NBLEC RIGHTS -O -MAY, EASEMENTS AG UTILITIES MAY BE AMENDED N TRYEMATED AT MY TIME BY A RNITTEA IGROENY SINNED AND AO(HORfDGED BY THE OMRFA O M LOT W PNNGEL ED MIN THE AMENDMENT OR TERNIMATIW IS 10 RE ­AM AND APPRDDD BY THE DIASM —3. —USSION. OR ITS SAa—S MD IK CITY O OEASSO, FAD. 1 THE PROVISOMS N MY II6IRLWFNT MOBINNG OR hRYNATIG COMENANTS M ABOME SET FNM 9WL BE EEFCTME RNHH AND A— THE DATE IT IS D. 5[AERABILIO INVALIDATION a MY RESOICTIOR SET FEN HEREIN, OR MY PART THEREOF, BY M ORDER, DDOEIE, N DECREE N MY WT. N OINERA1SE, SALL NOT INVAUDAIE OR AEECI ANY N THE DTNR RESRICnGS N MY PART NEREN M Y1 FERN HEREN, MIN SHALL RENNN IN IIAI FNa AND 6FEIT. El Rio Vista Resubdivision, Tulsa County Finol Plat, September 2, 2008 Poge 2 of 2 MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: ERIC WILES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: FINAL PLAT — LAKE VALLEY IV DATE: SEPTEMBER 10, 2008 BACKGROUND: The City of Owasso has received a request from Lake Valley Investments Group, LLC., for the review and acceptance of the Lake Valley IV Final Plat of one hundred and fourteen (114) residential lots, in nine (9) blocks on approximately 23.1116 acres of land. LOCATION: The property is generally located about a quarter of a mile north of East 106th Street North and about a quarter of a mile east of North 145th East Avenue, immediately east of Lake Valley II and immediately north of Lake Valley III. EXISTING LAND USE: Undeveloped SURROUNDING ZONING: North: Large Estate Single- Family Residential (Chestnut Farms) South Single - Family Residential (Lake Valley III) East: Large Estate Single - Family Residential (Ranch Acres II) West: Single - Family Residential (Lake Valley II) ZONING HISTORY: July, 2005: The Owasso Planning Commission approved a preliminary plat for Lake Valley IV with the following conditions: • Applicant must indicate a 17.5' utility easement along the frontage of all lots. • Applicant must indicate a 20' utility easement where the water main is shown on the plat. • Applicant must coordinate fire hydrants with the Fire Marshal. • Applicant must indicate a 40' radius at the south entrance on North 1491h East Avenue. DEVELOPMENT PROCESS: The first step in the development of a piece of property in Owasso is annexation. Annexation is the method whereby land located outside the city limits is made a part of the city. Property owners and land developers sometimes choose to have their property annexed into Owasso in order to receive Owasso municipal services, such as police protection, refuse collection, and sanitary sewer. The second step in the development of a piece of property in Owasso is rezoning. When a property is annexed into Owasso, by law it must come in classified for AG Agricultural use. In order to develop the property, the land must be zoned for particular kinds of uses, such as residential, office, commercial, or industrial. Rezoning decisions are made in accordance with the growth policy displayed in the Owasso Master Plan. One type of rezoning that a developer may choose to seek is a Planned Unit Development, or PUD. When a development proposes to exhibit a mixture of uses with specific regulations and standards unique to a particular tract of land, a PUD is often the preferred land use control mechanism. The third step in the development of a piece of property in Owasso is platting. A preliminary plat is required for any development that proposes to divide land into two or more lots. Preliminary plats illustrate the development concept for the property, and are often modified significantly after being reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), and the Owasso Planning Commission. Sometimes, difficult development issues such as existing utility lines, wells, or easements are brought to light at the preliminary plat stage and must be remedied prior to development. After the preliminary plat has been reviewed by the City and various utility companies, construction plans for the development's infrastructure are submitted. These plans include specifications and drawings for stormwater drainage, streets and grading and erosion control, waterlines, stormwater detention, and wastewater lines. Often, approval is required of other agencies, such as the Department of Environmental Quality for wastewater collection and the US Army Corps of Engineers for properties that may be development sensitive. Once the property development proposal shows a division of lots that is acceptable to both the developer and the City of Owasso, a final plat application is submitted. A final plat illustrates the layout and dimension of lots included on the final plat, right -of -way widths, easements, and other physical characteristics that must be provided for review by the City. After obtaining approval from the TAC and Planning Commission, the final plat is considered by the City Council. If approved, the final plat is filed with the office of the County Clerk and governs all future development on that property. Another form of property division that can be considered in some cases is a lot split. Lot splits are minor subdivisions of property into three or fewer tracts, and do not provide for any new public streets. Typically, this is an appropriate option for a land owner who wishes to take large undeveloped parcels of land and divide it into two or three smaller tracts. FINAL PLAT REVIEW PROCESS: The Final Plat review process is initiated when a property owner submits an application to the City of Owasso requesting the review and acceptance of a subdivision of land. The application shall be accompanied by the correct fee and final plat drawings and covenants. If the final plat is one lot on one block the applicant may forego the Preliminary plat review, in such case the applicant will be responsible for submitting a certified abutting property owners report at the final plat stage so that staff may notifying abutting property owners. Upon receipt of a complete application city staff will begin reviewing the proposal for compliance with the Owasso Zoning Code, Subdivision Regulations and Engineering specifications. The proposed final plat will then be presented to the Owasso Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) for review and recommendation. At that meeting utility providers and city staff are afforded the opportunity to comment on the technical aspects of the development proposal. The TAC will forward a recommendation to the Planning Commission. The Owasso Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to determine if the application is compliant with the Owasso Zoning Code, Subdivision Regulations, and Engineering criteria. The Planning Commission will forward a recommendation to the City Council. The Owasso City Council will then determine if the final plat meets city specifications and approve, deny, or approve the final plat with conditions. If the City Council approves the Final Plat the applicant will then produce copies of the approved Final Plat for signatures from the appropriate officials and file it with the county clerk's office. The applicant will provide the city with three signed and recorded plats along with an 8 %2 X 11 copy and an electronic copy for records. ANA1,VCiQ- The current owner /developer of the subject property plans to develop the area with one hundred and fourteen (114) residential lots in nine (9) blocks, on 23.1116 acres of land. The proposed development is allowed by right with the Planned Unit Development 01 -03, which was approved by the Planning Commission in September of 2001, and the underlying zoning designation being RS -3 (Single - Family Residential). Three reserve areas have been included in the platted area, Reserve Area "A" being located on the northwest corner of the tract and serving as a utility easement. Reserve Areas `B" and "C" being located on the eastern boundary of the subdivision and serving as both detention and utility easements. The detention easements will be reviewed as to their adequacy at providing detention for the property. Before any building permits may be issued, all details related to water and wastewater improvements must be reviewed and approved by the Owasso Public Works Department. The proposal for single family homes on the Lake Valley IV final plat is consistent with the Owasso Land Use Master Plan and is compatible with the most recent zoning decisions rendered by the Owasso City Council and Planning Commission for the area. The Lake Valley IV final plat is subject to all requirements set forth in the Owasso Zoning Code and Subdivision Regulations, including livability space, which is the area of a given lot less areas dedicated to easements and /or building setbacks, unless otherwise addressed within the Planned Unit Development. Any development that occurs on the subject property must adhere to all subdivision, zoning and engineering requirements including, but not limited to, paved streets and sidewalks. The proposed development will require no significant expansion of utilities or infrastructure. Residential sewer service will be provided by the City of Owasso, while water service will be provided by the Washington County Rural Water District 43. PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING: The Owasso Planning Commission considered the request at a public hearing on September 8, 2008. At that meeting the Planning Commission unanimously recommended that the City Council approve the request. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approval of the Lake Valley IV final plat. ATTACHMENTS: 1. General Area Map 2. Lake Valley IV Final Plat Lake Valley IV I CITY OF OWASSO 8/1/08 Legend 0 North TEAS MAP IS FOR INFORMATION PURPOSE ONLY AND IS NOT INTENIDED TO REPRESENT AN ACCURATE AND TRUE SCALE_ USE OF THIS MAP IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION BY CITY OF OWASSO OF ITS ACCUPLACY. 111 N. Main Street P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 918.3 76.1500 DEVELOPER Lake Valley Investment Group, L.L.C., Kourtis Property Management, Inc. Pete Kourtle, PreskeN P.O. eon 240 Owasso, OFlahoma ]1055 H18.2R.32a2 ENGINEER /SURVEYOR Tulsa Engineering & Planning Associates, Inc. 5]9] Souls M* Faa Avenue Tulsa, OW ,l 741M 9 a0e0weu CERTIFICATI *-001 ATIO. N `� :1 (Block 3; Block 4, Lots 18 thru 43; Block 6; Block 7; Block 8, Lots 2 thru 9; and Block 9, Lots 1 thru 11), A subdivision in the City of Owasso, being a part of the SW /4 of Section 10, Township 21 North, Range 14 East, Rogers County, State of Oklahoma 100 W o 1W 200 900 °••�°�`� °w °�� Z Sr In Fa N: 1'. 100' I�R :'L .K I - c ►unuNF t �` - a s a& e 9 ] j�,e a 1017 11 W 12' t3 u_ ts_ is Vim¢\; $� -- _ _ - -___ _ nr �n�.y'awr r 'PdnfalCwnnreinremenl end wE - b,tlrb t,rre orrwH. Ewwa R7 Faeeniew Rew — Monument Notes E.,wN dmr,w�aa �qNe� a Br0'. t0'tlwoNea Nr wM a Yellow CWO: CeC eanpn'R49,afa'b M M w N New anMfa IrerawtlCre. Caime awrve, Cane d Backflow Preventer Valve M.xrraerwema w.,NNbbww ebmba.aw.M waeew eNaerr.eer mwabl. mP a,N cross. n enen a M rrpoMllrb bwb0 e4eaM Iwe+Nbr Wn wrM Wtlrq Ta palM1t Y nyeubb b mnpp wM e1 ap aJrrwoe reeerdry M vm W erg a em r• W �.a eeRba. wb«+w.N. Line Table Note wCmedM Rrhpv PmPwd�elnlar 4'm FWM wwP W.4053]B 0,000 aeetl,]HNaW.1N Oea IF aeYerre M -l}N d OweaeO Yom. TM FboOlNnb Hewn Mrmn n M PrFCeeO EMaa w Fbna llrrib. Location Map R -14-E ljeraTEtWRwar2n uew = n T u. ul 21 N Hi9i,001Y1811✓ffi n011TN uwewe wagon 10 Rop m county 114 Wt. - 23.1116 Auer Lake V ®09ep to da[a 'ie09®fy Lake e Wzy, too Detailed Detailed Vicini�Map lake Valley N s zoofi sn0et / or z ta.4Tr....a IPOper. Cwwry, OMINwa aC B..GY R.mY ma I M..Nw.a M reCONe perblNnp bb VNxwn Tw NMaed E�obNbM Nme W RNiq pa eM BM Bra N M aE V.IUbn Tw aeYe bN OPUD 01 -03 DwNaieGYd ass. Lake Valley tV (Block 3; Block 4, Lots 18 thru 43; Block 6; Block 7; Block 8, Lots 2 thru 9; and Block 9, Lots 1 thru 11), A subdivision in the City of Owasso, being a part of the SW /4 of Section 10, Township 21 North, Range 14 East, Rogers County, State of Oklahoma 100 W o 1W 200 900 °••�°�`� °w °�� Z Sr In Fa N: 1'. 100' I�R :'L .K I - c ►unuNF t �` - a s a& e 9 ] j�,e a 1017 11 W 12' t3 u_ ts_ is Vim¢\; $� -- _ _ - -___ _ nr �n�.y'awr r 'PdnfalCwnnreinremenl end wE - b,tlrb t,rre orrwH. Ewwa R7 Faeeniew Rew — Monument Notes E.,wN dmr,w�aa �qNe� a Br0'. t0'tlwoNea Nr wM a Yellow CWO: CeC eanpn'R49,afa'b M M w N New anMfa IrerawtlCre. Caime awrve, Cane d Backflow Preventer Valve M.xrraerwema w.,NNbbww ebmba.aw.M waeew eNaerr.eer mwabl. mP a,N cross. n enen a M rrpoMllrb bwb0 e4eaM Iwe+Nbr Wn wrM Wtlrq Ta palM1t Y nyeubb b mnpp wM e1 ap aJrrwoe reeerdry M vm W erg a em r• W �.a eeRba. wb«+w.N. Line Table Note wCmedM Rrhpv PmPwd�elnlar 4'm FWM wwP W.4053]B 0,000 aeetl,]HNaW.1N Oea IF aeYerre M -l}N d OweaeO Yom. TM FboOlNnb Hewn Mrmn n M PrFCeeO EMaa w Fbna llrrib. Location Map R -14-E ljeraTEtWRwar2n uew = n T u. ul 21 N Hi9i,001Y1811✓ffi n011TN uwewe wagon 10 Rop m county 114 Wt. - 23.1116 Auer Lake V ®09ep to da[a 'ie09®fy Lake e Wzy, too Detailed Detailed Vicini�Map lake Valley N s zoofi sn0et / or z MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: LARISSA DARNABY CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR A PARTIAL EASEMENT CLOSURE DATE: SEPTEMBER 10, 2008 BACKGROUND: The City of Owasso has received a request from the Lake Valley Investment Group, LLC for the partial closure of a utility easement located in the side yard on property recognized as Lot 18, Block 9, Lake Valley III. A site plan and a general area map are included with your packet. PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS: The legal description of the property is Lot 18, Block 9, Lake Valley III. The tract is zoned for RS -3 Single - Family Residential use. The existing land use is residential for the subject property, as is land to the north, south and west. An undeveloped tract occupies land to the west. The subject property is located within the Lake Valley addition and is served by Washington County RWD #3, and municipal wastewater, police, fire, and EMS service. ANAI.VCIC- The applicant desires to close a portion of the existing 10' utility easement in order to construct a single- family dwelling unit on the site. The easement is not in use, and all utility companies have been notified, and have accepted the modification to the utility easement. The dwelling unit, as it is currently planned, would encroach into the existing utility easement, thus the basis for the easement closure request. If the easement closure request is approved, the existing 10' utility easement would be modified to a 5' utility easement. Staff finds that this request will have no detrimental impacts to the subject tract, or the surrounding areas. TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE: The request for the partial utility easement closure was reviewed by the Owasso Technical Advisory Committee at their regular meeting on June 25, 2008. At that meeting, utility providers and city staff are afforded the opportunity to comment on the application and request any changes or modifications. There were no comments provided. PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING: The Owasso Planning Commission considered the request at a public hearing on July 7, 2008. At that meeting, the Planning Commission unanimously recommended City Council approval of the request. The applicants are ready to proceed with the building process and anticipate submitting construction plans for the future single - family home within the next month. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approve the request for the partial utility easement. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Easement Closure request letter 2. Site Plan t , City of Owasso 111 North Main 74055 Land planning Civil Engineering Project Management Land Surveying 6737 South 851h East Avenue I Tulsa, Oklahoma 74133 1 918 -252 -9621 1 Fax 918- 250 -4566 Fax 918.376.1597 Eric Wiles, Community Development Director Request to Partially Vacate Easement Tulsa Engineering & Planning Associates, Inc. (TEP) represents Lake Valley Investment Group, L.L.C., P.O. Box 240, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, the owner of Lot 18, Block 9 in Lake Valley III, as shown in the attached exhibits (E)CHIBIT "A" and "B "). We hereby request that the portion of the easement shown and described in said exhibits be vacated by the City of Owasso at the earliest possible convenience. The existing 10' easement reduces the buildable width for this lot to 5' less than nearly all the other lots in this subdivision. The owner would like to build a house on this lot with the same width as the other lots in the subdivision. TEP has contacted all four of the franchise utility companies and they are satisfied that they would have enough room for their infrastructure in the remainder of the easement. Further, this side yard easement is not needed for any public utilities. We look forward to hearing from you regarding this request. Project Manager 7F.003 -Vacate Letter.wpd O Z • Location Map Lhe.lwt F R -14 -E llr�afled L Chu h STATE HIGHWAY 20 Fsfatac ram � Q Ranh W q CBs F _.4tii u um;�aned I F Q N W N r= O Z EAST 106TH STREET NORTH um>,und Section 10 Rogers County 388 S.F. or 0.0069 Acres Cartwlary C Lhe.lwt F Chestnut Farms 11 llr�afled L Aces Fsfatac ram Volley R Ranh Lahu tl C CBs _.4tii u um;�aned I �1 T 21 N Exhibit "A" Lot 17, Block 9 Lake Valley III �5' Utility Easement (Bk. 1945, Pg. 685) Lot 19, Block 9 Lake Valley III PROPOSED CLOSURE OF UTILITY EASEMENT LAKE VALLEY III Tulsa Lngineering & ranning,gssociate5, Inc. Job No: 05 -037F to 6757 5outh 8,5ti1 r—ast Avcnuc Tu15a, 1)klahama 741 55 Scale: 1" = 20' rhonc:918- Z5Z -96Z1 F-,: 18 -250 -4566 I� Date: 06/06/08 civil F ngineering. Land 5LWVCe jing .Land Flanning l� �J ` C— ,N—t- Awl- -i i— N.+. i) I R--A t7at -,Joao 5o, 2—p G: 105- 0371MiscDwgs105- 037EX14.dwg, 6!06/2008 - 3:20 PM to W � y O O � n Q) Exhibit "B" Land Description for Proposed Closure of Utility Easement in Lot 18, Block 9, "Lake Valley III" The south 5.00 feet of the 10 -foot side yard easement adjacent to the north line of Lot 18, Block 9, "Lake Valley III", a subdivision in the City of Owasso, Rogers County, State of Oklahoma, according to the official recorded plat thereof, as filed in Book 1945, Page 685 in the records of the Rogers County Clerk's office; the side lines of said south 5.00 feet to be shortened or lengthened to terminate on the 20 -foot front yard building line and utility easement and the rear yard 17.5 -foot building line and utility easement in said Lot 18; said 5.00 feet being as measured perpendicularly from the north line of said Lot 18. Said tract contains 388 square feet or 0.0089 acres. CERTIFICATE I, J. Patrick Murphy, of Tulsa Engineering & Planning Associates, Inc. and a Professional Land Surveyor registered in the state of Oklahoma, hereby certify that the foregoing legal description closes in accord with existing records and is a true representation of the real property as described. 6 , 06 - cog Date 0 }� CIPATRICK Patrick Murphy, Oklahoma P.L.S. No. 1511 PROPOSED CLOSURE OF UTILITY EASEMENT LAKE VALLEY III 08LAHM&)' Tulsa engineering & Manning Associates, Inc. Job No: 05 -037F A& 6737 South 65th East /avenue Tulsa, OldAo 7+ 33 Scale: N/A maw Prone: 91 8- 252 -96z �ax q l s- 250.1566 Date. 06/06/08 Civil r ngineering- LanJ 5urveJing -Lend Planning 2w5, "& GA 05- 0371M1scDwgs105- 037EX19.dwg, 6/06/2008 - 3:15 PM MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: DAN YANCEY CHIEF OF POLICE SUBJECT: CHEROKEE NATION GRANT FUNDS DATE: September 12, 2008 BACKGROUND: Pursuant to Cherokee Nation Legislative Act 4 -03, up to twenty percent (20 %) but not less than five percent (5 %) of funds generated by fees collected for the Cherokee Nation Motor Vehicle Tags are to be made available to county and municipal law enforcement agencies within the Cherokee Nation Jurisdiction. On August 28, 2008 Cherokee Nation Tribal Council Member Buel Anglen once again approached the city staff offering to provide $3,969.69 in grant funds to the police department, to be used at their discretion. Stipulations to this grant are to provide Taxpayer information for W -9 and use the monies to fund equipment related for law enforcement purposes. The staff intention is to utilize these funds to purchase a second trailer to be utilized by the firearms division to transport targets, target stands and ammunition to and from the police department for the purpose of training. REQUEST: Staff is requesting Council acceptance of this grant from the Cherokee Nation. Additionally, staff is requesting Council approve a supplemental appropriation for the FY 2008 -2009 Budget, increasing revenues and expenditures in the amount of $3,969.69 to the Police Services budget. FUNDING: Funding for this request is derived from a grant in the amount of $3,969.69 from the Cherokee Nation Tribe. RECOMMEDATION: Staff recommends City Council acceptance of this grant from the Cherokee Nation and approval of a supplemental appropriation for the Police Services budget, increasing revenues and expenditures in the amount of $3,969.69 MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: BRADD K. CLARK FIRE CHIEF SUBJECT: DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY ASSISTANCE TO FIREFIGHTING GRANT DATE: September 12, 2008 BACKGROUND: In April of 2007, the Fire Department applied for the Assistance to Firefighting Grant Program (AFG) through the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The grant application included a variety of firefighting, training, and personal protective equipment items. The Fire Department application was for $117,030 in grant funds. The AFG program includes 90% grant funding and 10% matching by the grant recipient. A portion of the grant funding would provide for the purchase of a variety of equipment used during emergency incidents. Included in the grant award is the purchase of ten portable radios, rehabilitation equipment for firefighters operating at emergency incidents, traffic cones and warning lights for the cones, and a firefighting accountability system used to track teams of firefighters operating in structure fires. An additional portion of the funds obtained through this grant would be utilized to purchase wildland firefighting apparel for twenty personnel. The equipment includes Nomex pants, jackets, and hoods and wildland helmets, goggles, and boots. This purchase would provide a - complete wildland firefighting package to department personnel who have never been issued the apparel. Additionally, the grant award would provide for the continued purchase of traffic safety vests, now required of all emergency responders operating on roadways. The remainder of the grant program would be utilized to fund in -house training as well as travel to training classes. Included in the award is a Firefighting Strategies and Tactics class, Firefighter I and II classes for those who lack the certification, and electronic and audio /visual training equipment for in -house training. FUNDING: Funding from this request is derived from a grant in the amount of $105,327 from the Department of Homeland Security. The Fire Department operating budget will provide the City's matching requirement of the remaining $11,703 if the grant is accepted by the City Council. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends City Council acceptance of the Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program in the amount of $117,030.00 and approval of a supplemental appropriation for the Fire Services Budget, increasing revenues and expenditures in the amount of $105,327. MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY D. ROONEY ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: ORDINANCE NO. 928 REQUEST TO AMEND CITY CODE OF ORDINANCES TO ALLOW FOR INDOOR AIR RIFLE AND ARCHERY RANGES DATE: September 12, 2008 BACKGROUND: The City of Owasso has received a request from Mr. Steve Singleterry, Administrator for the Owasso Campus of the Baptist Children's Home to allow for a firearm safety educational course and a competitive target practice program at their campus facility. A copy of the request letter from Mr. Singleterry is attached for your information and review. As addressed in the request letter, the equipment to be utilized for the proposed program would be spring force or gas operated pellet rifles and pistols only. No powder charged or metal cartridge firearms would be utilized. Currently, Section 10 -308 of the Owasso Code of Ordinances prohibits the use of air rifles or similar instruments in which the propelling force is a spring or air within the City Limits. A copy of this portion of the Code of Ordinance is attached. Chief Yancey, Deputy Chief Chambless, and Mr. Wiles reviewed the request from Mr. Singleterry. All felt the indoor instruction and target practice facility requested by Mr. Singleterry, along with the supervision outlined, did not pose any type of inherent danger or risk. Staff committed to Mr. Singleterry to place a request before the City Council to amend the Code of Ordinances to allow for indoor air rifle ranges. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Upon staff review of the Code of Ordinances, it also became evident that archery facilities were not addressed. As a result, staff is also proposing that indoor archery facilities be included in the amendment to the Code of Ordinances. Additional safety precautions regarding facility design and the types of archery tips that may be utilized have been added to the proposed ordinance. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance No. 928, amending the City of Owasso Code of Ordinances to allow for indoor air rifle and archery ranges. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Request Letter from Mr. Singleterry 2. Copy of Section 10 -308 of the City Code of Ordinances 3. Proposed Ordinance No. 928 Baptist Children's WASSO June 9, 2008 TO: Owasso City Council RE: Request for a variance FROM THE DESK OF STEVE SINGLETERRY ADMINISTRATOR The Baptist Children's Home has been in Owasso since 1973 and is a licensed (by the Department of Human Services) and currently has a capacity of 52 children and youth. Our program currently provides residential services for children, youth and adolescent maternity clients for the state. Our residents are typically neglected, abused or come from economically disadvantaged families. We are a true non - profit 501 c3 as we do not charge families or DHS for any of our services while the children are in our care. We are proud to be a part of the Owasso community while "helping children become capable, caring Christian adults..." The activity program at the Baptist Children's Home is continually reviewed and revised in order to offer a variety of activities, skills development, recreational and educational opportunities for our residents during their placement on our campus. Recently, one such opportunity presented itself at the request of several of our residents that they would like to learn firearm safety and be able to participate in some form of competitive target practice program. We respectful submit this proposal and ask your consideration of our request for a variance in this matter so we might be able to offer a " *firearm" safety educational course and a competitive target practice program at our campus facilities in Owasso. Please review the program elements as outlined below. Instructors: 1) Charles McCormick retired Oklahoma Highway Patrolman, an active Children's Home volunteer and former employee and 2) Steve Singleterry, Children's Home Administrator, NRA Youth and Marksman Program. The program would be a scheduled activity, open to those residents at who are at a higher level of behavior and performance and the program would maintain a 2 to 1 - resident to staff ratio for safety and supervision at all times. Program Elements: Residents would learn "firearm" safety elements: handling, loading, discharging and cleaning and storage of the rifles and pistols. Range safety procedures would also be presented and a strict adherence to all rules and guidelines would be required of all participants. Ear and eye protection will be required and we have floor mats for the various "shooting" positions for the residents. Instructors would hold classes as a group, but only 2 "shooting" residents would be allowed in the range area with the range master. Equipment: The program would utilize only spring force or gas operated pellet rifles and pistols for safety training and target practice. *Absolutely no powder charged or metal cartridge firearms would be utilized in this program. Note: We will not use "assault style" or "exotic" styled rifles or pistols, but typical target practice (single shot or 5 shot magazine) styled rifles that can be discharged at standing, sitting and prone positions and basic air /gas operated pistol models. These are not toys and the residents will not have any unsupervised access to the rifles or pistols. We have researched several programs and equipment used in European based air /gas discharged competitive target practice programs that are allowed in countries with very strict traditional firearm laws. Storage: All rifles, pistols and pellets will be stored in a locked metal storage cabinet in a locked storage room, within the Vocational Educational building (which requires staff supervision for our residents to be in the building) with keys only available to the above mentioned staff. Facility: The range would be indoors at our Vocational Educational building (insulated metal building at 7295 N 127th East Ave, specifically in the "drive through auto bay ". The program would utilize paper target (scoring rings) with steel safety target traps at 50' — all indoors and within the building's bay. These traps are designed for 22 caliber rimfire target practice and are more than adequate to stop the spring or gas propelled pellet. In addition, we would place a large sheet of 1/8" plate steel behind the target traps as secondary or safety backdrop panel that would stop any stray pellet from the range area. We believe that having the "range ", educational room, and storage indoors at our Vocational Educational building will limit any substantive noise issues or public viewing of the program. Target Trap — rated to "trap" a 22 rimfire bullet. We appreciate your kind consideration of this request, and if you have any additional questions, please contact either Chuck McCormick or myself at the campus. Steve Singleterry Administrator Baptist Children's Home — Owasso Campus 12700 East 76th Street North Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 918- 272 -2233 Offenses and Crimes b. a firearm used in the commissi +on of a crime other than a violation of subsection (B) of this ordinance. c. Nothing in this section shall be construed to require confiscation of any firearm. (Ord. No. 854, 04/18/2006) SECTION 10 -307 DISPLAY OF GUNS UNLAWFUL - REPEALED (State Law Reference: Firearm Regulation -State Preemption, 21 O.S. § 1289.24) (Repealed by Ord. No. 853, 04/18/2006) SECTION 10 -308 AIR RIFLES PROHIBITED A. It is unlawful and an offense for any person to have in his possession a loaded air rifle or pistol, or similar instrument in which the propelling force is a spring or air, within the city. B. The chief of police or other police officers of the city is and are hereby authorized to seize, remove or destroy any air rifle, air pistol or similar instrument in which the propelling force is a spring or air and possessed in violation of this chapter. (Prior Code, Secs. 14 -67, 14 -68) SECTION 10 -309 DISCHARGING WEAPONS; THROWING MISSILES It is unlawful for any person, except a duly commissioned police officer or civilian in the presence and under the direction of duly commissioned police officers of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, while participating in training or tournament activities on the Owasso Police Department Firing Range, to discharge or fire any species of firearms, air pistol, air rifle, air gun, slingshot, or discharge a grenade, bomb or similar device, or other weapon, or throw any missile within the city, except when necessary for the protection of life or property in accordance with law. (Prior Code, Secs. 14 -54, 14 -66, Ord. No. 549, 8/17/97) State Law Reference: Discharging firearms or air rifles in public places, 21 O.S. Section 1364; authority of city to prohibit discharge of firearms, 11 O.S. Section 655. SECTION 10 -310 RECKLESS CONDUCT It is unlawful for any person to engage in reckless conduct while having in his possession any shotgun, rifle or pistol, such actions consisting of creating a situation of unreasonable risk and probability of death or great bodily harm to another, and demonstrating a conscious disregard for the safety of another person. SECTION 10 -311 LOUD NOISE OR MUSIC PROHIBITED, AMPLIFIED SOUND It is unlawful for any person to disturb the peace and quietude of any part of the city by operating, having operated, or permitting to be operated, any contrivance, whether electric or not, with or without a loud speaker, in such a manner as to emit loud music, noise or words. This section shall not prohibit religious bodies from playing chimes, bells, carillons or other religious music. (Prior Code, Sec. 14 -57) SECTION 10 -312 NOISES It is unlawful for any person to create any loud or unnecessary noises of such character, intensity or duration as to be detrimental, or disturbing to the peace, lives or health of any individual. The following Page 10 -18 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE NO. 928 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PART 10, OFFENSES & CRIMES, CHAPTER 3, OFFENSES AGAINST THE PUBLIC, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, AMENDING SAME BY PERMITTING THE USE OF INDOOR AIR RIFLE AND ARCHERY RANGES. THIS ORDINANCE AMENDS PART 10, CHAPTER 3, OF THE CITY OF OWASSO CODE OF ORDINANCES BY AMENDING SECTION 10 -308, AIR RIFLES PROHIBITED. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT, TO -WIT: SECTION ONE (1): Part Ten, Offenses & Crimes, Chapter Three, Offenses Against the Public, Section 10 -308, Air Rifles Prohibited, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, shall be amended as follows: SECTION 10 -308 INDOOR AIR RIFLES AND ARCHERY RANGES PERMITTED A. The use of indoor air rifle and archery ranges shall not be unlawful in the City of Owasso provided that the following specifications are met by each person or person(s) engaged in the use of an indoor air rifle or archery equipment on a range: 1. Facility must be designed in such a manner as to provide for complete containment of the projectile. 2. Only arrows with "field tips" are permitted. `Broadheads" are prohibited. 3. Facility must be designed to include a backstop capable of stopping the projectile being fired. B. The Chief of Police, or any other police officer of the City of Owasso, is hereby authorized to seize, remove or destroy any air rifle, air pistol or similar instrument in which the propelling force is a spring or air, which is possessed, operated or used in any manner not in conformity with the specifications set forth in section (A) of this ordinance, or is used in any manner which violates any other section within this chapter. C. The City Manager shall from time to time promulgate additional Rules and Regulations governing the use of indoor air rifle and archery ranges as considered necessary. The promulgation of such Rules and Regulations, in whole or in part, shall require the City Manager to notify the City Council in writing of the proposed Rules and Regulations, and shall require that the exact language of the proposal be attached to the notice. The notice sent to the City Council shall be placed on the Consent Agenda of a City Council meeting. Publication of the notice on the Consent Agenda shall serve as acknowledgement of Council receipt of the proposed change(s). Upon notification to the City Council, and for a period of thirty (30) days thereafter, the proposed Rules and Regulations shall lay open and shall be subject to City Council action to disapprove either in whole or in part. If the City Council fails to take action to disapprove the proposed Rules and Regulations within the thirty (30) day period, such Rules and Regulations shall be deemed to have the force and effect of law. SECTION TWO (2): REPEALER All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only. SECTION THREE (3): SEVERABILITY If any sections within this ordinance are deemed unconstitutional, invalid or ineffective, the remaining sections shall not be affected and shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION FOUR (4): DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE The provisions of this ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days from the date of final passage as provided by state law. SECTION FIVE (5): CODIFICATION The City of Owasso Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by amending section 10 -308, and shall be codified as Part 10, Chapter 3, Section 308, in the City of Owasso Code of Ordinances. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma on the 16th day of September, 2008. Stephen Cataudella, Mayor ATTEST: Sherry Bishop, City Clerk APPROVED as to form and legality: Julie Lombardi, City Attorney 2 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: ROGER STEVENS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SUBJECT: FY 2008 -2009 STREET REHABILITATION AND TRAFFIC SIGNAL ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM PROPOSED PROJECT LISTING DATE: September 12, 2008 BACKGROUND: Included in the FY 2008 -2009 Budget, the Capital Improvements Fund allows for the expenditure of $1 million for the repair and/or resurfacing of residential and non - residential roadways. Additionally, staff is proposing a traffic signal enhancement program to improve traffic flow throughout the City. Street Rehabilitation Street rehabilitation sites have been evaluated and selected based on a comprehensive assessment of roadway conditions. The selection process was aimed at maximizing a return on investment by increasing roadway lifecycle and minimizing future maintenance costs while enhancing overall roadway driving conditions and public safety. Once more, the City of Owasso is wishing to maximize return on expenditures by partnering with Tulsa County in the completion of the roadway project. It is anticipated that following the acceptance of proposed sites by Council, a formal request for the use of County labor and equipment will be submitted for approval via an Interlocal Agreement. Signal Enhancement Over the past five years, a population increase of 27% (9,900 citizens) has occurred within the City fence line. As a result of such growth, the coordination and timing of the identified signal intersections is no longer efficient due to the increase of traffic resulting in delays. Thus, the City proposes a "Traffic Signal System Study" and implementation of recommendations resulting from such study. It is expected that following the acceptance of the proposed signal enhancement program by Council, a formal request for proposals from traffic engineer consultants will occur soon after. PRIORITY STREET REPAIRS AND SIGNAL ENHANCEMENTS IDENTIFIED: In July 2008, the street inventory data was updated and refined. The database for the model was adjusted to reflect changes in segment conditions and a new high- priority listing was generated. In addition, City staff identified several traffic signals in need of coordination improvements. A map depicting the location of the priority sites has been included (see Attachment A). The new priority listing includes data for fifty -one street segments and eighteen signalized intersections containing reference locations (see Attachment B, Q. The anticipated cost for the list of street improvements included in the proposed FY 2008 -2009 program is approximately $750,000 while signalization enhancements are estimated at approximately $250,000. PROJECT FUNDING: Funds for this project in the amount of $1,000,000 are included in the FY 08 -09 Capital Improvements Fund. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approval of the proposed project priorities for the FY 2008 -2009 Street Rehabilitation and Traffic Signal Enhancement Program. ATTACHMENTS: A. Proposed FY 08 -09 Street Repair and Signal Enhancement Sites Location Map B. Priority Site List — Street Rehabilitation Program C. Priority Site List — Traffic Signal Rehabilitation Program v—..Nmb,— 01 .4 m =1 0:4 M; FAl:4 INN NIS I "'Wil III CWrlt; blUNAL LNMJD PROGRAM wil: IOWA V U 91:1 N 10011,191,411'Zo 11:3:1' Attachment B FY 2008 -09 Street Rehabilitation Profram Sites Street ID: Street Name: From: To: 1 053AT01 E 116th Street Garnett Road to N 117th PI E 2 063AT05 E 110h Street N 109th E Ave to Garnett Road 3 063AT06 Garnett Road E 116th Street to E 118th Street 4 073AT05 Garnett Road E 114th Street to E 116th Street 5 203AS06 N 121St E Ave E 89th Place N to E 90th Street N 6 203AS09 N 119th E Ave E 89th Place to E 89th Street 7 203AS 10 N 119th E Ave E 89th Street to E 90th Street 8 203AS 11 E 90th Street Owasso Expressway to N 119th E Avenue 9 203AS 12 E 90th Street N 119th E Avenue to N 1201h E Avenue 10 203AS 13 E 90th Street N 1201h E Avenue to N 121 St E Avenue 11 203AS 16 E 90th Street N 121 st E Avenue to N 121 st Court E 12 203AS26 E 90th Street N 121" Court E to N 123rd E Avenue 13 203AS30 Owasso Expressway E 86th Street to E 901h Street N 14 291AS06 N 117th E Ave E 83rd Street to E 84th Place N 15 291AS08 N 117th E Ave E 84th Place N to E 86th Street 16 291AS15 E 83rd Place N 117th E Avenue to N 118th E Avenue 17 291AS16 E 83rd Place N 118th E Avenue to N 119th E Avenue 18 291 AS 17 E 83rd Place N 119th E Avenue to N 120th E Avenue 19 291 AS 18 N 121 St E Ave N 120th E Avenue to E 84th Street 20 291 AS 19 N 121St E Ave E 84th Street to E 84th Place 21 291AS20 N 121St E Ave E 84th Place to E 85th Street 22 291AS21 N 121St E Ave E 85th Street to E 85th Place 23 291AS22 N 121St E Ave E 85th Place to E 86th Street 24 291AS39 N 120' E Ave E 83rd Street to N 121St E Avenue 25 292AS09 N 124th Place N 124th E Ave to N 125th E Ave 26 292AS 10 E 83rd Street N 124th E Ave to N 125th E Ave 27 292AS 11 N 125th E Ave N 124th Place to E 86th Street 28 292AS 16 N 124th E Ave N 123rd E Ave to E 83rd Street 29 292AS31 N 125th E Ave E 82nd Street to E 82nd Place 30 292AS32 E 82nd Place N 125th E Avenue to Cul -de -sac (end) 31 292AS33 N 125th E Ave E 82nd Place to E 83rd Street 32 292AS35 E 83' Street N 125th E Ave to N 126th E Ave 33 292AS36 N 126' E Ave E 82nd Street to E 83rd Street 34 292AS37 N 126th E Ave E 83rd Street to E 84th Street 35 292AS38 E 84th Street N 126th E Avenue to Cul -de -sac (end) 36 292AS39 E 84th Street N 126th E Avenue to N 127th E Avenue 37 292AS40 E 84th Street N 127th E Avenue to N 128th E Avenue 38 292AS41 E 84th Street N 128th E Ave to N 129' E Ave 39 292AS42 N 127th E Ave E 82nd Street to E 84th Street 40 292AS43 N 128th E Ave E 82nd Street to E 84th Street 41 292AS47 N 128th E Ave E 84th Street to E 84th Street 42 301AS01 4th Street Carlsbad Street to Beaumont Street 43 301AS02 4th Street Beaumont Street to Atlanta 44 303AS03 3rd Street End to Carlsbad Street 45 303AS04 3rd Street Carlsbad Street to Beaumont Street 46 303AS06 Beaumont Street 3rd Street to 4th Street 47 303AS 14 3' Street Beaumont Street to Atlanta 48 304AS20 3rd Place Cedar Street to Dogwood Street 49 304AS22 3' Court Dogwood Street to Elm Street Attachment B 50 304AS23 3' Court Elm Street to Elm Place 51 304AS47 Dogwood Street 3ra Place to 3 Court Attachment C FY 2008 -09 Traffic Signal Upgrade Intersections Street Name and Street Name 1 E 96th Street Garnett Road 2 N 129th E Ave Mid -High School 3 E 86th Street N 145th E Ave 4 E 86th Street 8TH Grade Center 5 E 86th Street N 129th E Ave 6 E 86th Street N 123rd E Ave (east intersection) 7 E 86th Street N 123rd E Ave (west intersection) 8 E 86th Street N 117th E Ave 9 E 86th Street Owasso Expressway (east side) 10 E 86th Street 169 Hwy South Bound Off Ramp 11 E 86th Street Garnett Road 12 E 86th Street Main Street 13 E 86th Street Mingo Road 14 E 76th Street N 129th E Ave 15 E 76th Street Owasso Expressway (east side) 16 E 76th Street 169 Hwy Ramps (east side) 17 E 76th Street 169 Hwy Ramps (west side) 18 E 76th Street Owasso Expressway (west side) 19 E 76th Street Main Street MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: SHERRY BISHOP ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: ORDINANCE NO. 929 RURAL WATER DISTRICT CUSTOMER UTILITY RATES DATE: September 12, 2008 BACKGROUND: About 1999, annexation and development began in Bailey Ranch Estates II, Preston Lakes and the Owasso Market. Those areas were the first large developments in Owasso to have OPWA sewer and refuse utility services and water service from a RWD (rural water district). Billing for OPWA customers without OPWA water service presented two difficulties. The amount billed for sewer "usage" is based on the volume of water metered. The OPWA does not have that information for customers with rural water service. The other difficulty is collecting delinquent accounts. The primary motivator for payment of delinquent utility accounts is the threat of disconnected utility service. Without the water utility, service disconnection is nearly impossible. To address those billing and collection concerns, agreements were negotiated with RWD #3 Rogers County and RWD #3 Washington County for the rural water districts to provide billing and collection services for the OPWA utilities for a 10% fee. Not a part of the contract, but central to the agreement with the rural water districts was that the OPWA utility charges would be a fixed amount for residential customers and rate changes would not be frequent. At that time, the decision was made to set the "usage" volume for residential sewer customers at an average of 7200 gallons per month and to add the 10% billing fee to the customer charges. Over the years since then, the Owasso citizens with RWD billings have regularly questioned the sewer rates and billing method. At several of the recent neighborhood meetings, the RWD customer billing and sewer rates was a concern of citizens. There are three basic issues to consider: • The 10% billing charge (to cover the RWD administrative fee) • The 7200 gallon sewer usage volume for all residential customers • Billing service to be provided by the RWD or by the OPWA REQUEST: The 10% administrative fee paid to the rural water districts for billing and collection services should be considered a normal cost of business in much the same way as is the Utility Billing Department budget. The estimated revenue loss of $85,500 while not insignificant is less than 1% of the OPWA revenue budget and is a tolerable loss. A decision to reduce rates by removing the 10% billing fee now would allow that rate change to be effective with other rate changes on October 1. Sewer and refuse rate increases are already set to be effective on October 1 and those customer rate change notices could include the reduction of the 10% billing fee. Additional staff review and discussion is needed on the other issues of the sewer usage volume and whether OPWA should provide its own billing and collection services for RWD customers. Staff request to continue discussion of these issues with Council at the November work session. ORDINANCE NO. 929: OPWA Trustees will consider an item on September 16, 2008 to establish utility rates for OPWA customers served by rural water districts removing the 10% administrative fee. If OPWA Resolution No. 2008 -03 is approved, Council approval is needed to establish those rates within the City's Code of Ordinances. City Ordinance No. 929 approves the rates for rural water district customers within the corporate limits of Owasso as established by OPWA Resolution No. 2008 -03. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Ordinance No. 929 approving utility rates for rural water district customers as established by OPWA Resolution No. 2008 -03. ATTACHMENT: Ordinance No. 929 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE NO. 929 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PART 17, UTILITIES, CHAPTER 1, WATER, SEWER AND SANITATION SYSTEMS, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, AMENDING SAME BY AMENDING SECTION 17 -110 TO ADD SECTION 17 -110 (A)(1) TO INCLUDE RATES FOR RURAL WATER DISTRICT CUSTOMERS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT, TO -WIT: SECTION ONE (1): Part Seventeen, Utilities, Chapter One, Water, Sever and Sanitation Systems, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, shall be amended by revising Section 17 -110 to add Section 17 -110 (A)(1) to read as follows: 1. Rural water district customers residing within the corporate limits of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, utilizing the sanitary sewer service of the Owasso Public Works Authority, shall be charged the same rates for sanitary sewer service as established in 17 -110 (A) above. Residential customers shall have an assumed usage of 7200 gallons per month. Commercial customers assumed usage shall be assigned. SECTION TWO (2): REPEALER All ordinances or parts of ordinances, in conflict with this ordinance, are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only. SECTION THREE (3): SEVERABILITY If any part or parts of this ordinance are deemed unconstitutional, invalid or ineffective, the remaining portion shall not be affected but shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION FOUR (4): DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE The provisions of this ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days from the date of final passage as provided by state law. SECTION FIVE (5): CODIFICATION The City of Owasso Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by amending section 17 -110, codified in Part 17, Chapter 1 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Owasso. APPROVED this 16 th day of September 2008 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA Stephen Cataudella, Mayor ATTEST: Sherry Bishop, City Clerk (SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM Julie Lombardi, City Attorney MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: SHERRY BISHOP ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: PROPOSED CARRYOVER BUDGET DATE: September 12, 2008 BACKGROUND: In 1993, the City Council adopted a "Carryover Budget Policy." Each year since then, the City Council has approved a "carryover" supplemental appropriation. A "carryover" budget is a concept wherein a department's budgeted, but unexpended, funds from one fiscal year may be re- budgeted (appropriated) to the next fiscal year. The goal of a carryover budget is to encourage economy and efficiency in the use of public funds. Traditional public sector budgets "reward" the expenditure of all of the funds under a manager's control and justify an increasing level of appropriations in subsequent fiscal years. In using this traditional philosophy, efforts to be efficient and save money often are "rewarded" by a reduction in future budgets. The carryover budget promotes a philosophy of "save and invest it" rather than "spend it or lose it." Managers who save money from last year's budget have been rewarded by the possibility of a carryover appropriation to the new fiscal year budget. When the FY 2008 -2009 budgets were presented to the City Council and OPWA for approval, revenue estimates and spending projections were used to project the FY 2008 year -end fund balance for each budgetary fund. In order to be eligible for consideration for a carryover appropriation, the actual year end budget basis fund balance must be greater than the amount projected in the approved budget. In other words, the funds must actually be available and approval of a carryover budget cannot negatively affect the projected June 30, 2009 fund balance. REQUESTS: Carryover requests are included for sixteen departments of the General Fund, six other City Funds and five departments of the OPWA. A descriptive list of requests by department and fund is attached. The following amounts are the carryover budget requests for each fund: General Fund $409,108 Hotel Tax Fund $164,700 Stormwater Management Fund $1,864,992 Fire Capital Fund $2,100 CDBG Grant Fund $16,616 Capital Improvements Fund $6,764,449 City Garage Fund $4,030 Total City Funds $9,225,995 OPWA Fund $354,839 Total Request $9,580,833 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends City Council approval of a budget amendment increasing the estimated beginning fund balance and increasing the appropriation for expenditures in each fund as listed: • General Fund $409,108 • Hotel Tax Fund $164,700 • Stormwater Management Fund $1,864,992 • Fire Capital Fund $2,100 • CDBG Grant Fund $16,616 • Capital Improvements Fund $6,764,449 • City Garage Fund $4,030 ATTACHMENTS: Schedule of Carryover Budget Requests City of Owasso Schedule of Carryover Budget Requests September 12, 2008 Fund /Department Amount Description 01 General Fund 130 Human Resources 800 Professional services - ACM evaluation 150 General Government 65,000 Facility improvements; Personnel 160 Community Development 5,758 INCOG dues; Save for future vehicle 175 Information Systems 121,953 IT software project; Painting; Personnel 181 Support Services 33,200 Old Central & City Hall projects 190 Cemetery 236 Gate project 201 Police 25,200 Uniforms, equipment & other services 215 Communications 4,000 Replace dispatch floor 221 Animal Control 5,000 Dart system; Building air - conditioning 250 Fire 1,000 Traffic vests 280 Emergency Preparedness 3,100 Equipment; Restroom improvements 300 Streets 111,150 Street maintenance & improvement projects 370 Stormwater 9,095 Drainage improvements; Radio; Water testing 515 Parks 12,116 CDBG grant match - Rayola project 550 Community Center 3,000 Air duct repairs 710 Economic Dev 8,500 Computer; Camera; Marketing; Training Total General Fund 409,108 25 Hotel Tax Fund 164,700 Main Street project 27 Stormwater Mgmt Fund 1,864,992 Stormwater projects; Engineering 32 Fire Capital Fund 2,100 Grass firefighting truck 36 CDBG Grant Fund 16,616 CDBG grant - Rayola project 40 Capital Improvements Fund 6,764,449 Capital projects 70 City Garage Fund 4,030 Training; Tank pumping Total Other City Funds 8,816,887 Total City Funds 9,225,995 61 OPWA Fund 405 UB 12,139 Part-time staffing 420 Water 2,000 Water project 455 Wastewater 91,600 Sewer camera equipment; Lift station repairs 480 Refuse 230,000 Refuse truck 485 Recycle 19,100 Cardboard equipment & building OPWA Total 354,839 Total All Funds $ 9,580,833