HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008.10.14_City Council Minutes_SpecialOWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, October 14, 2008 The Owasso City Council met in a special meeting on Tuesday, October 14, 2008 in the Council Chambers at Old Central, 109 N. Birch Street, per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 5:00 PM on Friday, October 10, 2008. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Cataudella called the meeting to order at 6:10 PM. PRESENT Steve Cataudella, Mayor DJ Gall, Vice Mayor John Sinex, Councilor Wayne Guevara, Councilor ABSENT Doug Bonebrake, Councilor A quorum was declared present. ITEM 2 PRESENTATION PROVIDED BY THE ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER FOR ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES FOR THE PURPOSE OF REVIEWING VARIOUS CITY POLICEIS, PROCEDURES, AND FUNDS. Ms. Bishop reviewed the City's debt structure. ITEM 3 DISCUSSION RELATING TO ADMINISTRATNE ITEMS A. PROPERTY INSURANCE RENEWAL B. WORKERS' COMPENSATION EXCESS COVERAGE C. DEBRIS MANAGEMENT PLAN Mr. Rooney reviewed the above items. It was explained that both the Property Insurance Renewal and Workers' Compensation Excess Coverage were up for renewal before the end of October, and authorization would be sought by staff for the City Manager to execute these contracts fora "not to exceed" amount. The Debris Management plan was the first of two steps to be taken in order to better prepare the City to respond to a natural disaster and to increase the federal reimbursement following a disaster. This item will also be placed on the October 21, 2008 agenda for action. Owasso City Council October 14, 2008 ITEM 4 DISCUSSION RELATING TO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ITEMS A. REQUEST FOR ANNEXATION B. REQUEST FOR FINAL PLAT Mr. Rooney reviewed the above items. It was explained that both the Annexation Request for 10 acres of property north of E. 96th Street North and east of Highway 169 and the Center at Owasso Amended were unanimously approved by the Planning Commission without public comment at that meeting. Both will be forwarded to the City Council for action at the October 21, 2008 meeting. ITEM 5 DISCUSSION RELATING TO POLICE DEPARTMENT ITEMS A. PROPOSED VEHICLE PURCHASE Mr. Rooney reviewed the above item. Funding is included in the FY 2008-09 budget for the purchase of seven vehicles. One vehicle has already been purchased and the request is to purchase five of the remaining six vehicles at this time. The department would receive 5 2009 Crown Victorias at the 2008 price. This item will be forwarded to the City Council for action at the October 21, 2008 meeting. ITEM 6 DISCUSSION RELATING TO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ITEMS A. REVIEW OF BIDS RECEIVED FOR THE PURCHASE OF WATER METERS B. REVIEW OF BIDS RECENED FOR THE PURCHASE OF SANITARY SEWER CAMERA EQUIPMENT C. FINAL PAYMENT REQUEST FROM AT&T FOR THE RELOCATION OF UTILITIES ASSOCIATED WITH THE MAIN STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT D. FINAL PAYMENT REQUEST FROM ONG FOR THE RELOCATION OF UTILITIES ASSOCIATED WITH THE N. 129TH EAST AVENUE WIDENING PROJECT E. FINAL PAYMENT REQUEST FROM FIT CONSTRUCTION FOR THE THREE LAKES DAM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Mr. Rooney reviewed the above items. It was explained that funds were included in the FY 2008-09 budget for the purchase of the water meters and sewer camera equipment. Bids were received for both of the items and action to purchase them would be placed on the October 21, 2008 City Council agenda. Final payment requests would also be sought at that meeting for AT&T, ONG, and FIT Construction for the completion of work relating to the Main Street Improvement Project, the N. 129th E. Avenue Widening Project, and the Three Lakes Dam Improvement Project respectively. All three requests would also be placed on the October 21, 2008 agenda for action. 2 Owasso City Council October 14, 2008 ITEM 7 DISCUSSION RELATING TO CITY MANAGER ITEMS A. IDENTITY THEFT PREVENTION PROGRAM - "RED FLAG RULES" B. PROPOSED INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND TULSA COUNTY FOR THE FY 2008-2009 STREET REHABILITATION PROGRAM C. PROPOSED UPDATE TO THE SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS D. CITY MANAGER' S REPORT Ms. Hess, Mr. Wiles, and Mr. Ray reviewed the above items. Ms. Hess explained the new Identity Theft Prevention Program and Eric Wiles reviewed the Subdivision Regulation proposed changes. Both items will be forwarded to the City Council for action on October 21, 2008, as will the Interlocal Agreement between the City and Tulsa County for the Street Rehabilitation Program. Mr. Ray also provided a City Manager's Report. ITEM 8 LEGISLATIVE REPORT No report. ITEM 9 REPORT FROM CITY COUNCILORS City Councilors had no report. ITEM 10: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR AN EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING PERSONNEL MATTERS RELATING TO THE OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER, SUCH EXECUTIVE SESSION PROVIDED FOR IN O.S. 25, SECTION 307 (B)(1). Councilor Guevara motioned, seconded by Councilor Sinex to enter into Executive Session. All were in favor and the Council entered into Executive Session at 9:55 PM. The Council returned from Executive Session at 10:20 PM. No action was taken as a result of the Executive Session. ITEM 11 ADJOURNMENT Vice Mayor Gall motioned for adjournment, seconded by Councilor Sinex. All were in favor and the meeting adjourned at 10:21 PM. Mayor