HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995.03.21_OPWA AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: March 21, 1995 TIME: 7:00 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, March 17, 1995. 1001 AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Invocation I Flag Salute 4. Roll Call 5. Request Approval of the Minutes of March 7, 1995 Regular Meeting. Attachment #5 Owasso Public Works Authority March 21, 1995 Page 2 6. Request Approval of Claims Attachment #6 7. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for the Expenditure of Funds to Repair the Water Distribution Backhoe. Mr Carr Attachment #7 197,5o0 Staff will recommend Trustee approval of an expenditure not to exceed $jj0M to Tractor Craft of Oklahoma, Claremore, OK, for repairs to the 1984 John Dever Water Distribution backhoe. 8. Report from OPWA Manager 9. Report from OPWA Attorney 10. Unfinished Business Owasso Public Works Authority March 21, 1995 Page 3 11. New Business 12. Adjournment OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, March 7, 1995 The Owasso Public Works Authority met in regular session on Tuesday, March 7, 1995 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, March 3, 1995. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER. Chairman Duke called the meeting to order at 8:27 p.m. ITEM 2: INVOCATION The invocation was given in the City Council meeting preceding this meeting. ITEM 3: FLAG SALUTE The flag salute was held during the City Council meeting. ITEM 4: ROLL CALL PRESENT Jerry Duke, Chairperson Charles Burris, Vice Chairperson Mary Lou Barnhouse, Trustee Danny Ewing, Trustee STAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager Marcia Boutwell, Authority Secretary A quorum was declared present. ABSENT Joe Ramey, Trustee Ronald D Cates, Authority Attorney ITEM 5: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 21, 1995 REGULAR MEETING Mr Burris moved to approve the minutes as written, by reference hereto; seconded by Chairman Duke. AYE: Burris, Duke, Barnhouse, Ewing, NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0. ITEM 6: REQUEST APPROVAL OF CLAIMS Mr Burris moved, seconded by Mr Ewing, to approve the following claims as submitted: (1) OPWA Fund $84,367.35; (2) OPWA Capital Improvement Fund $24,401.67; (3) Payroll $23,978.89. AYE: Burris, Ewing, Barnhouse, Duke NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0. Owasso Public Works Authority March 7, 1995 ITEM 7: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR BUDGET AMENDMENTS TO THE FY 1994 -95 OPWA FUND BUDGET. The City Manager requested that the Trustees approve an additional transfer of $50,000 from the OPWA Fund rainy day reserves to the General Fund to help address the revenue shortfall for FY 1994 -95. The requested transfer is in addition to the $288,000 transfer already in the budget to cover direct costs incurred by the General Fund on behalf of the OPWA Fund. The additional transfer will reduce the balance in the rainy day fund to $311,000. Mr Burris moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse to approve the additional transfer of funds and amend the OPWA Fund budget to reflect the transfer. AYE: Burris, Barnhouse, Ewing, Duke NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0. ITEM 8: REPORT FROM OPWA MANAGER No Report. ITEM 9: REPORT FROM OPWA ATTORNEY No report. ITEM 10: UNFINISHED BUSINESS None , ITEM 11: NEW BUSINESS None ITEM 12: ADJOURNMENT Mr Burris moved, seconded by Ms Bamhouse, to adjourn. AYE: Burris, Barnhouse, Ewing, Duke NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 8:358 p.m. Jerry Duke, Chairperson Marcia Boutwell, Authority Secretary CITY OF OW&SSO OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY 3/16/95 16:55:19 A/P CLAIMS REPORT &PAPvR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 950228 DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QVA SOLID WASTE MNGS FEE 951544 MIKE CVBAN8S REFUND/OVERPAYMENT DEPARTMENT TOTAL O9W& ADMINISTRATION 950020 RONALD D CATGS RETAINER 950 022 MCC&N COMMUNICATIONS' USAGE 950 023 CPS BUSINESS, INC. LICENSE FEES 950122 CELLULAR ONE-TULSIA USi-iGE 950194 N25TGRQ BUSINESS PRODUCTS MAINTENANCE 951861 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN OFFICE SUPPLIES 951062 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN OFFICE SUPPLIES 951540 SAWS,' CLUB SUPPLIES 951593 CSC CREDIT TCES, INC COLLECTIONS 951672 TAYLOE PAPER CO COMPUTER PAPER 951728 TREASURER PETTY CASH PEIMB PETTY CASH 952728 TREASUPER PETTY CASH RGIMB PE77717 CASH D£F0R?MGQT TOTAL WATER 950022 MCC&m COMMUNICATIONS 951519 CROW BURLIDGANE 951564 JOHNNY ROGERS 951571 WATER PRODUCTS INC 951575 8INBALL ACS HARDWARE 951639 CITY OF TULSA 951695 WATER PRODUCTS INC 951703 OSCAR MCLfUPI8 951705 TYRONE DIN8I0S 952706 SHARON SPARKMA8 951786 WATER PRODUCTS INC 951796 WATER PRODUCTS INC 951800 SO SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> WAS7S8A7SP USAG2 PA METER READER METERS BID 1O/18/94 SUPPLIES 2/95 WA?GP PURCHASE SUPPLIES METER READER METER READER METER READER METERS BID 1O/18/94 SUPPLIES 2/95 FU L 555.61 21.08 576.69 708.O0 29.9O 217.O0 41.20 79.81 13.97 43.95 26.50 83.1O 2.14 15.78 1,282.31 59.8O 14,59 188.7O l,500.00 183.49 61,455.97 1,044,69 415.95 507.75 1,50O.0O 1,023,10 255.77 68,53O.O CITY OF OW&SSO OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY 3/16/95 16:55:19 A/P CLAIMS REPORT ApAPVP PAGE : 10 PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 950022 MCCAW COMMVMI CAT IONS, USAGE 29.9O 951061 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN OFFICE SUPPLIES 17.44 951540 SAM'S CLUB 125.63 951575 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE SUPPLIES 40.52 951658 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF ODLA SLUDGE DISPOSAL 40,00 951661 S8E80,7 LABORATORIES, INC. SLUDGE ANAL7SIS 16O.00 951666 GELLCO SAFETY SHOES COVEBALLS/BOOTS 112.5O 951669 CURTI0 MATHESON SCISN?IFI BOD E T EC?RODE 534.83 951672 7AYLOE PAPER CO MAI07 SUPPLIES 14.99 951685 DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QVA PERMIT RENEWAL 400.80 951687 INFILCO D£GREMON7, INC. REPAIRS/BID 2121/95 2,064.42 951691 ADVANCED CHEMICAL CHLORINE 406.22 951695 WATER PRODUCTS INC 5UPPLISS 175.56 951697 FARMEP'S COOP ASSOC DIESEL FUEL 48.84 951782 CURTIN MATHESON SCISN7IFI LAB SUPPLIES 223.92 9517 85 GP&IN82P,W W INC P&P TPS 55.21 951800 GO SYSTEMS 2/95 FUEL 5O.07 DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> 4,506,05 REFUSE COLLECTIONS ------------------------------ 95 CROW 27,69 951573 WILLIAMS REFUSE SQUI9ME87 POLYCARTS BID l0/18/94 5,900.00 951575 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE SnPPLIGS 14.28 951658 WASTE MA8AGEME N7 OF OBLA TIP FEES 121.37 951789 BPI COMM REFUSE 12,507.97 951800 GO SYSTEMS 2/95 FUEL 360.83 DEPARTMENT TOT IT RECYCLE CENTER 9515` ACE HARDWARE SUPPLIES 14O.51 951789 BFI COMM REFUSE 1,184.00 951789 BFI GLASS 9O,0O DEPARTMENT TOTAL 1,414.51 FUND TOTAL CITY OF OWASSO OPNA CAPIT6T IMPROVEMENT FUND n/16/95 16:55:19 A/P CLAIMS RSPORT ApAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR D2SCBIP TIO0 AMOUNT DEBT SERVICE 951778 LIBERTY BANK & TBUS7 DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> NA T ER 951128 Jr,PCO, INC. DEPARTMENT TOTAL WASTEWATER nWPB LOAN 4,875.14 4,875.14 N&7GR LINE REPLACEMENT 68,146.13 6B,146.1 91736 NOVA ENGINEERING 20GINEFFI0G SEBVICvS 951770 RETRERFORD PUBLICATIONS L�EGAL NOTICES 952797 ?��S& WORLD LEGAL NOTICE DEPARTMENT TOTAL FUND TOTAL 6,151.O0 51.9O 72.45 6,275.35 79,296.62 VENDOR CITY OF OWASSO OPWA A/P TRANSFER REPORT DESCRIPTION TRANSFERS CITY GARAGE TRANSFER FROM OPWA WORKERS' COMP SELF -INS TRANSFER FROM OPWA GENERAL FUND TRANSFER FROM OPWA TRANSFERS TOTAL AMOUNT 5,125.00 3,842.50 24,062.50 33, 030.00 OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING 03/04/95 OVERTIME TOTAL DEPARTMENT EXPENSES EXPENSES Water 195.42 4,111.53 Refuse 0.00 3.217.05 OPWA Capital Improvement 0.00 987.86 APPROVE 03/21/95 Chairman Trustee Trustee CITY OF OWASSO OPWA A/P TRANSFER REPORT VENDOR DESCRIPTION TRANSFERS CITY GARAGE TRANSFER FROM OPWA WORKERS' COMP SELF -INS TRANSFER FROM OPWA GENERAL FUND TRANSFER FROM OPWA TRANSFERS TOTAL AMOUNT 5,125.00 3,842.50 24, 062.50 33,030.00 CITY OF OWASSO OPWA A/P TRANSFER REPORT VENDOR DESCRIPTION TRANSFERS GENERAL FUND TRANSFERS TOTAL TRANSFER FROM OPWA AMOUNT 50, 000.00 50, 000.00 lil MEMORANDUM FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: RODNEY J. RAY CITY MANAGER F. ROBERT CARR, JR., P.E. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR REQUEST TO REPAIR THE WATER DISTRIBUTION DIVISION 1984 JOHN DEERE 310B BACKHOE March 13, 1995 BACKGROUND: The Water Distribution Division is currently utilizing a 1984 John Deere 310B Backhoe for excavation, meter sets and backfilling. The equipment is also used by Wastewater Collection as needed. The vehicle is beginning to show its age and wear in decreasing performance. Although it still operates somewhat satisfactorily, there are major systems which need to be evaluated, inspected and repaired before catastrophic failure of any one system is encountered. There are several major systems in a backhoe, but staff believes the following components need to be evaluated: Engi ne The engine has become difficult to start and does not develop the designed rated horsepower. The head gasket is leaking, which prevents the backhoe from operating at designed performance levels and engine oil consumption has increased. These three indicators are evidence that the backhoe needs a complete engine overhaul. Hydraulic Pump The hydraulic pump in this model of backhoe is in continuous operation. It provides the method of propulsion, and the pressure to operate the loader bucket and backhoe operations. After 11 years of extended use, the pump has become weak and has developed leaks. The pump requires frequent servicing and constant observation of hydraulic fluid level. Rebuilding of the hydraulic pump is required. Steering and Brakes The Water Distribution personnel drive the backhoe to and from work locations. After 11 years of operation, the steering and brakes have worn to where they now need fto attention. The steering is loose and sloppy indicating rebuilding is in order and the brakes now require additional stopping distance to halt the backhoe. Failure of either of these systems could cause safety concerns to the operator and citizens in the immediate area of the failure. Both of these systems need to be inspected and repaired. Page 2 Request for backhoe repairs Rear Boom The rear boom is the hardest working system component of the backhoe. The boom consists of hydraulic cylinders, mechanical arms and the bucket. The bushings and pins have worn considerably over the years of use. In addition, the hydraulic cylinders that provide the strength of the system have become worn and are leaking. The cylinder leaks allow the boom to "bleed -off" by itself, requiring the operator to continually monitor the boom position. This system of hydraulics and mechanics requires repair. REPAIR COSTS: Staff contacted four repair facilities by telephone for prices to fully evaluate, inspect and repair the 1984 backhoe. Conversations indicated that, without comp!etely dismantling the backhoe, precise estimates could not be assessed; but, "in general" system repairs could be estimated. The range of repair costs and parts replacement have been tabulated and are provided in the following chart. These price quotations are based on a worst case scenario. Total estimated costs for the work are: Tractor Craft of Oklahoma, Claremore $6,800.00 Ford New Holland, Tulsa $8,920.00 (w /two unknowns and hourly rate) Keystone Equipment, Sand Springs $13,000.00 (w /one unknown and hourly rate) Hydraulics/ Rear Company Contacted Engine Transmission Steering Brakes Boom/ Labor Cylinders Tractor Craft of OK $900/ $200/ 123 N Lynn Riggs Blvd $2,000 $900 $200 $200 $1,600 $800 Claremore, OK Ford New Holland $1,500/ Unknown/ Hourly 11919 East Pine $4,500 Unknown $1,500 $1,000 $1,520 rate Tulsa, OK Keystone Equipment $1,400/ Unknown/ Hourly 1100 West Keystone Exp $6,000 $1,500 $1,500 $1,000 $1,600 rate Sand Springs, OK Case /OCT Equipment Co Buys all parts Hourly 12210 East First from rate Tulsa, OK Keystone, marks up to customer. Total estimated costs for the work are: Tractor Craft of Oklahoma, Claremore $6,800.00 Ford New Holland, Tulsa $8,920.00 (w /two unknowns and hourly rate) Keystone Equipment, Sand Springs $13,000.00 (w /one unknown and hourly rate) Page 3 Request for backhoe repairs SUMMARY: In an effort to remedy the equipment problems and determine the extent of repairs needed, the backhoe will need to be transported to the repair facility. The backhoe will need to be dismantled before a precise estimate can be determined. Based on the quoted repair costs, staff believes Tractor Craft of Oklahoma in Claremore should be utilized. Due to unforseen mechanical problems that could not be considered until the backhoe is dismantled, staff has added an additional $4,200 to the Tractor Craft quotation. Our objective is to complete thorough repairs on the 11 year old backhoe and have the equipment provide us extended length of service. FUNDING: The FY 93 -94 budget included repairs to the backhoe. Work on this equipment was not able to be completed in FY 93 -94 due to downtime with the backhoe in the Streets Division. Without having another backhoe available in the department, it was decided to postpone work on this equipment until another backhoe was available as needed for use by Water Distribution. Funds are available in the FY 94 -95 Water Distribution Division budget. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends Trustees approval of an expenditure not to exceed $11,000 to Tractor Craft of Oklahoma, Claremore, Oklahoma for repairs to the 1984 John Deere Water Distribution backhoe.