HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995.06.20_City Council AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: June 20, 1995 TIME: 7:00 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, June 16, 1995. 1. Call to Order 2. Invocation 3. Flag Salute 4. Roll Call 5. Reading of Mayor's Proclamation. Mayor Burris Marci , Boutwell, City 'Clerk AGENDA Owasso City Council June 20, 1995 Page 2 6. Recognition of Outstanding Employees. Mayor Burris Mr Ray 7. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Appointment of a Qualified Elector as a Councilmember for Ward 5. Mayor Burris Attachment #7 8. Administration of Oath of Office to Ward 5 Councilmember. Mr Cates 9. Request Approval of the Minutes of June 6, 1995 Regular Meeting and June 13, 1995 Special Meeting. Attachment #9 10. Request Approval of Claims. Attachment #10 L Owasso City Council June 20, 1995 Page 3 11. Request to Address the Council Regarding Runoff Water. Jim & Billie Downey Attachment #11 Mr & Mrs Downey have requested an opportunity to address the Council concerning flooding on their property caused by runoff. 12. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Council Adoption of Resolution 95 -04, a Resolution Adopting a FY 1995 -96 Budget for all Funds Administered by the City. Mr Ray Ms Bishop Attachment #12 Staff will recommend City Council adoption of Resolution #95 -04 and that the appropriate 1 filing of the budget occur subsequent to the adoption of the resolution. ' 13. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Appointment and Confirmation of Members to Various Boards, Trusts, Commissions and Committees. ' Mayor Burris Attachment #13 ' The Mayor will offer appointments to various positions and request confirmation by the Council of those appointments. Owasso City Council June 20, 1995 Page 4 14. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Workers Compensation Claim Against the City of Owasso by Mike Holcomb. Ms Rogers Attachment #14 The staff and workers compensation consultant /administrator will recommend Council approval of a negotiated settlement with Mr Holcomb wherein the city would pay $4603.19 for a 10% disability to the employee's knee, such payment in return for complete elimination of future claims against the city for that injury, and authorize payment for the claim upon the City Attorney's approval and acceptance of the documents necessary to hold the city harmless from future claims relating to this injury. 15. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Ordinance #507, an Ordinance Providing for the Set -Aside of Court Fine Revenue Specifically for Police Department Training and Equipment Acquisition, Such Set -Aside Restricted to a Maximum of Five Dollars per Conviction of each Municipal Offense tried in Municipal Court. Mr Ray Attachment #15 Staff will recommend Council approval of Ordinance #507 pursuant to a Public Hearing held on June 13, 1995. 16. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Resolution #95 -05, a Resolution Establishing Rates for the Collection and Disposal of Refuse from Commercial Establishments, and Approving Action Taken by the Owasso Public Works Authority Wherein Rates for Commercial Refuse were Increased. Mr Ray Attachment #16 Staff will recommend Council approval of Resolution #95 -05 increasing the rates charged for the collection and disposal of refuse from commercial establishments and approving action taken by the OPWA to increase commercial refuse rates. 1 1 Owasso City Council June 20, 1995 Page 5 17. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Resolution #95 -06, a Resolution Establishing Rates for the Collection and Disposal of Residential Waste and Commercial Waste that Utilizes Polycarts for Collection, and Approving Action taken by the Owasso Public Works Authority Wherein Rates for Residential Refuse and Commercial Polycarts Were Increased. Mr Ray Attachment #17 Staff will recommend Council approval of Resolution #95 -06 increasing the rates charged to residential refuse and commercial polycart customers, and approving action by the OPWA to increase residential refuse rates. 18. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Final Acceptance of Work Performed Under a Contract for Sports Park Lighting (Completion of the Softball Four - Plex, Between the City of Owasso and Shawnee Lighting Systems Inc, and Authorization for Final Payment and Release of Retainage to the Contractor. Mr Groves Attachment #18 Staff will recommend �� acceptance of the work performed under the contract, and that final payment be authorized to include any retainage held by the City. 19. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of an Amendment to the Plat of Central Park, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. Mr Rooney Attachment #19 Staff will recommend approval of an amendment to the Central Park Plat, allow the ' covenants to be changed in order to allow for a rear yard setback of twenty feet. Owasso City Council June 20, 1995 Page 6 20. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Ordinance #509, an Ordinance Providing for the Annexation of Approximately 15.83 Acres Located West of El Rio Vista Addition and North of Bailey Ranch Golf Course on East 96th Street North, Containing Bailey Elementary School. Mr Rooney Attachment #20 Staff will recommend Council approval of Ordinance #509 and the annexation of the subject tract. 21. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for an Amendment to the FY 1994 -95 Revenue Bond Project Fund Budget. Ms Bishop Attachment #21 Staff will recommend amendments to increase revenue projections and an increase in appropriations to the 76th and Main Intersection project in order that the budget will reflect Council approved expenditures for that project. 22. Report from City Manager 23. Report from City Attorney r� .7 L Owasso City Council June 20, 1995 Page 7 24. Reports from City Councilors 25. Unfinished Business ' 26. New Business ' 27. Adjournment J PROCLAMATION CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA WHEREAS, The success of many students is directly related to the level of commitment exhibited by public school teachers and administrators; and, WHEREAS, Ted Vancuren, through his work with the Owasso Public Schools, and specifically the Owasso Junior High School as Principal since 1970, has gone the "extra mile" by giving of himself in making a significant contribution to the students of our community; and, WHEREAS, The contributions of time and energy made by Mr Vancuren to his profession and his students reflect his enthusiasm for education; and, WHEREAS, After 35 years of outstanding service to students, the past 30 of those years in Owasso, Mr Vancuren has decided to retire; and, WHEREAS, The Mayor and City Council would like to recognize his commitment to those students and their education. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Charles L Burris, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor of the City of Owasso, do hereby proclaim Friday, June 23, 1995 as TED VANCUREN DAY in the City of Owasso and offer the thanks of the City Council and the citizens of Owasso for his outstanding contributions to the community of Owasso, its children and the Owasso Public Schools. IN WITNESS THEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the City of Owasso to be affixed this 20th day of June, 1995. Charles L Burris, Mayor TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: APPOINTMENT OF WARD 5 CITY COUNCILOR DATE: June 16, 1995 0 BACKGROUND: Pursuant to Council direction, the staff has caused a notice of a vacancy in the Ward 5 City Council office to be published. The form of that notice was as a news article printed by The Owasso Reporter on Thursday, June 8, 1995. The article contained all of the information required by the City Council policy relating to the filling of vacancies in Council offices and set a deadline of 5:00 p.m. on June 19th for persons to submit a "letter of interest ". Since that notice was published, the staff has sent "letters of interest" to the Council as they were received. As of this date, two such letters have been received and distributed. Additional letters may be received prior to the Monday deadline; if so, they will be distributed in accordance with policy. The agenda provides an opportunity for the Council to fill the vacant Council office by a motion and second if such motion receives a majority vote. Should the Council fill the vacancy by such action, the oath of office can be administered to the selected candidate immediately. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Letter of Interest from Mr Michael Anderson dated 6/7/95 2. Letter of Interest from Mr Michael Helm dated 6/13/95 3. Memorandum dated 6/2/95 MICHAEL NELSON ANDERSON ' 12710 East 77th Place N Owasso, OK 74055 -7938 (918) 274 -7318 w 622 -2622 Hon. Charles Barris Mayor - City of Owasso June 7, 1995 Dear Mayor Barris, It was a pleasure meeting yourself, Vice Mayor Ewing, Councilman Ramey and Council Woman Barnhouse last night at the Owasso City Council meeting. As we discussed, I am very interested in the Ward 5 seat and am enclosing my rdsum6 for your consideration. I currently have no experience with city government, however, I am a tenacious d individual and a self starter. My experience to date has been varied and I believe my talents and initiative make me an excellent candidate for the seat. ' I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss my qualifications during a personal interview and can be reached at either of the above numbers. y ' Since ly, ' Michael N. Anderson cc: Danny Ewing, Vice Mayor_ ' �I Joe B. Ramey, Ward 2'� y, Mary Lou Barnhouse, Council Woman Ward 4 lei JUN 0 9 199 MICHAEL NELSON ANDERSON OBJECTIVE 12710 East 77th Pl N. Owasso, OK 74055 -7938 (918) 274 -7318 w622-2622 IThe opportunity to serve the City of Owasso as a Councilman - Ward 5. CREDENTIALS Solid, progressive management track record, validated by consistent promotions of increasing responsibility. • Hands on manager with extensive practical experience in all phases of production management, including: human relations, administration, scheduling, fabrication, assembly, quality assurance, R� logistical support/vendor relations, field service & customer relations. • Extensive technical abilities include: electrical, electronic, computer, & LAN technologies. Proficient in DOS and most DOS based programs; familiar with BASIC programming. EMPLOYMENT Postal Technologies, Inc. Tulsa, Oklahoma Vice President May 1990 to Present • TECHNICAL PROBLEM SOLVER - Responsible for the day to day operations of four departments and fifty employees tasked with the procurement, assembly, testing, shipping and ' support actions required to produce, install and maintain a state -of -the -art mail sorting system. • Total responsibility for all operations including: human resources, employee training and development, policy development and implementation. ' United States Navy Top Secret Security Clearance Computer System Technician May 1980 to May 1990 ' Ten years progressive leadership experience and technical training. Consistently selected for positions where leadership and organizational abilities were essential to project success. 1 1 1 EDUCATION Advanced technical training includes: Digital /Analog Control Systems, Computer Technology, Electronics Technology T JUN 5 � � � 19 J une 13 1995 =.i • �F �`� ' 9 p /p P To the Honorable Owasso City Council: WQ,�oI S My name is Michael Helm. I live at 7810 N. 122nd Fast Avenue. My voting precinct is 754. I have made my home in Owasso for the past 9 years. Much of the joy I have experienced while living in Owasso has come from my family. For the past 9 years I have been abundantly blessed to be married to Susan (Cook) Helm. She is a native Oklahoman and an active voting member of the Republican party. Susan is the director of Little Lamb Preschool and Mother's Day Out programs at Bethel Baptist Church. She finds herself quite busy keeping up with our three daughters, all born since we moved to Owasso. Our oldest daughter, Grace Charity, was born in 1989 and is 6 years old. She will be in the first grade this fall. Grace is currently being home schooled by her mother. They have found this to be a tremendous blessing. Our second daughter is Faith Christian, born in 1991, she is 3 years old and is attending Little Lamb Preschool 2 days a week. Susannah Joy is our third daughter, born in April of 1994, she keeps the four of us on our toes. We make our home a warm friendly environment where our neighbors and their children can find support, help, and friendship. Our family is involved in various activities in this area. We are active members at Bethel Baptist Church. Susan, a Christian since 1968, is a care group leader for Sunday School, a listener for the 3 year old cubbie group in Awanas, and substitutes often in the preschool area. I am the senior high director of Sunday School, where I have worked with young ladies and men from 10th through 12th grades over the past 9 years. I have been a Christian since 1983. For the last 6 years I have been employed with the Pepsi Cola Company of Tulsa. During that time I was a Customer Representative for 5 years, and currently I am a Key Account Representative Supervisor. Before working at Pepsi I was the manager and owner of Bills Auto Parts, located in the Three Lakes Shopping Center. I eventually closed the store and went to work with my current employer. With my employment at Pepsi I have been able to help with many activities with civic and other groups in Owasso. I have worked closely with Dale Prevett, Dee Sokolosky, Noble Sokolosky, Steve Mowery, and Dr. Jan Rigney in their group activities. I have also worked with Donnie Johns and the Owasso Education Foundation. 1 1 �J 1 I I am a registered Democrat and have helped in many elections with campaigning, putting up signs, making phone calls, and walking a precinct. I am interested in serving on the City Council because of a deep compassion for my family and those around me to have a voice in making our city an even greater place to live. For that reason alone I am applying for the recently vacated seat in Ward 5 of the Owasso City Council. In everything I do and with those I work with I always try to treat people as I would like to be treated. I know in my heart and mind all I ever intend to do is my best. I will work with all that I am to do that. Thank you for letting me share a little about myself. I look forward, if appointed, to serving Ward 5 and the City Council with you. MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: WARD 5 CITY COUNCIL POSITION DATE: June 2, 1995 BACKGROUND: Oklahoma State Statutes, 11 O.S., Section 8 -102 (attached) requires that a newly elected municipal official "qualify" within thirty days after the term of office begins. In fact, the law specifically states; "If a newly elected official does not qualify within thirty (30) days after his term of office begins, the office shall become vacant and shall be filled in the manner provided by law." According to the Owasso City Charter, Article 6, section 6 -1 (d), the term of office for all councilors begins on the "first Monday in May in the year in which they are elected." Additionally, the same section of the Charter requires that if a "councilman-elect fails to qualify within one month after the beginning of his term, his office shall become vacant, and the vacancy shall be filled as other vacancies in the Council are filled." The term of office for the newly elected Ward 5 Councilor began, according the Charter, on Monday, May 1, 1995. Utilizing the most conservative interpretation and defining a month as 31 days, the Ward 5 Councilor -elect must have qualified for office no later than 12:00 midnight on Thursday, June 1, 1995. One of the qualifications for office is that the oath of office be ' taken (11 O.S., Section 8 -103) prior to "entering upon the duties of his office." As of 12:00 midnight on Thursday, June 1, 1995, the Councilor -elect for Ward 5 had not taken ' the oath of office, thus failing to qualify for the office as prescribed by law. Pursuant to the failure of the Councilor -elect to assume the duties of the office in the required time, the City Attorney has advised that the Ward 5 City Council office is vacant and that the City Council may officially declare such vacancy and begin a process of filling the office. WARD 5 CITY COUNCIL POSITION June 2, 1995 Page 2 ' According to state statutes (11 O.S., Section 8 -109), a vacancy in an office of an elected municipal official may be filled by a majority vote of the remaining members. The person selected to fill the vacant position shall, however, serve only until the next general municipal election, whereupon an election would determine the person to serve the remaining portion of the term of office. That same section requires that Council action to fill the vacancy be taken within sixty (60) days of its occurrence. Should the Council fail to fill the vacancy within 60 days, a special election is required to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the term. ICOUNCIL OPTIONS: The Owasso City Council has three options available that will meet the legal requirements related to addressing the issue of the Ward 5 vacancy. Option #1 would be for the Council to make a selection of a person to fill the vacancy until the next general municipal election (April ' 1996). If that option is selected, there is a Council Policy (attached) that specifies the selection process and time frame. ' Option #2 is for the Council to call a special election for the purpose of filling the Ward 5 City Council office. If this option is selected, the Tulsa County Election Board requires a sixty -day notice in order to set the election date and print ballots. The next available election date that would meet the notice requirement is September 5, 1995. Option #3 is simply to take no action until the initial sixty -day period has passed, thus legally mandating an election. SUGGESTED COURSE OF ACTION: Based strictly on past practices and considering the cost involved (an election costs about $4000 if there is no runoff), the suggested course of action is for the Council to utilize Option #1. Should the City Council select that option, the selection process could be initiated immediately with a target date of July 11, 1995 for completing that process. ATTACHMENTS: 1. 11 O.S., Section 102 ' 2. 3. 11 O.S., Section 103 11 O.S., Section 109 4. Article 6, Section 6 -1(d), Owasso City Charger ' 5. City Council Policy relating to filling Council vacancies To: Rodney Ray, Owasso City Manager From: David M. Knudson, Councilman Elect Subject: Vacancy of Ward 5 Council Seat Date: June 1, 1995 Sir; I L —e,-7 - 5 66 As you are well aware I was voted in as a City Councilman on April 4, 1995. Since my election to office I was made aware by my present employer, the Tulsa Police Department, that if I took the oath of office I would have to surrender my commission as a Tulsa Police Officer. According to Oklahoma State Statutes, Title 51, Tulsa's City Attorneys are interpreting that specific law that a Municipal Police Officer holds a commission and that once a Municipal Police Officer accepts an oath of office he has to relinquish his first commission. I have spoken with the assistant Attorney General and he has made a ruling concerning Correctional Officers holding a "Dual Office ". But a ruling has not come down from the Attorney General's office concerning Municipal Police Officers. I have spoken to you and have been informed that I have until June 2, 1995 to take the oath of office for City Council in Owasso or vacate the position. I have spoken to both my personal attorneys and the City of Tulsa's Legal Department and have been advised that this specific law is open to interpretation. Rather than drag this through the courts and through legal channels, while leaving Ward 5 council seat vacant, I have made the following decision: I think that it would be ludicrous to have the City of Owasso spend its money foolishly to battle this issue in court. I got involved in politics to help serve the citizens, children and adults, in the community of Owasso, as a whole. I have learned a very vall_iable lesson over the past 5 months. b ' At time this I would like to inform you that I will not be taking the oath of office for Ward 5. Because I have an obligation to support my family it would not be feasible for me to be unemployed and work as a City Councilman twice a month without monetary compensation. Hopefully you can get ' some qualified applicants from the city to fill my vacant position. 1 Respectfully submitted, ' David M. Knudson Councilman Elect Ward 5 ARTICLE VIII OFFICERS - GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 8 -101 Qualifications for Elected Office 8 -102 Term of Office 8 -103 Oath of Office 8 -104 Who may Administer Oaths 8 -105 Certain Officers to Give Bond 8 -106 Nepotism - Dual Office Holding 8 -107 Removal of Officers 8 -108 Absence from Governing Body Meetings 8 -109 Vacancies in Office 8 -110 Method of City Official Becoming Candidate for County or State Office 8 -111 Abstaining from Vote 8 -112 Resignation of Municipal Official 8 -113 Conflict of Interest ARTICLE VIII OFFICERS - GENERAL PROVISIONS SECTION 8 -101. QUALIFICATIONS FOR ELECTED OFFICE A municipal elected official shall be a resident and a registered voter of the municipality in which he serves, and all councilmembers or trustees from wards shall be actual residents of their respective wards. If an elected official ceases to be a resident of the municipality, he shall thereupon cease to be an elected official of that municipality. SECTION 8 -102. TERM OF OFFICE Unless otherwise provided for by law, the term Of office of an elected municipal official shall be four (4) years. The term of office of an elected official shall begin at 12:00 noon on the second Monday following the general municipal election, and such official shall serve until his successor is elected and qualified. If a new Pd official does not qualify within arty (30) days after his term of office begins, the office shall become vacant and shall be filled in the manner provided by law. In ozder to complete the unexpired term, the office of an official who is holding over shall be filled at the next general election in compliance with the M 1 1-] SECTION 8 -105. CERTAIN OFFICERS TO GIVE BOND The municipal governing body shall require the municipal treasurer, any officer or employee designated by ordinance to sign municipal warrants or municipal checks, and any other officers and employees as the governing body may designate by ordinance, to give bond for the faithful performance of his duties within ten (10) days after his election or appointment, in such amount and form as the governing body shall prescribe. The municipality shall pay the premiums on such bonds. (Amended, effective 7 -1 -92) SECTION 8 -106. NEPOTISM - DUAL OFFICE HOLDING No elected or appointed official or other authority of the municipal government shall appoint or elect any person related by affinity or consanguinity within the third degree to any governing body member or to himself or, in the case of a plural authority, to any one of its members to any office or position of profit in the municipal government. The provisions of this section shall not prohibit an officer or employee already in the service of the municipality from continuing in such service or from promotion therein. A person may hold more than one office or position in a municipal government as the governing body may ordain. A member of the governing body shall not receive compensation for service in any municipal office or position other than his elected office. (Amended, effective 11 -1 -84) 8 -2 provisions of Sections 16 -101 through 16 -213 of this title. (Amended, effective 11 -1 -84) ' SECTION 8 -103. OATH OF OFFICE Any officer, elected or appointed, before entering upon the duties of his office, shall take and ' subscribe to the oath or affirmation of office prescribed by the Oklahoma Constitution. The oath or affirmation shall be filed in the office of the municipal clerk. SECTION 8 -104. WHO MAY ADMINISTER OATHS All officers authorized by state law, the mayor, the municipal clerk, the city manager, the municipal judge or judges and such other officers as the municipal governing body may authorize, may administer oaths and affirmations in any matter pertaining to the affairs and government of the municipality. SECTION 8 -105. CERTAIN OFFICERS TO GIVE BOND The municipal governing body shall require the municipal treasurer, any officer or employee designated by ordinance to sign municipal warrants or municipal checks, and any other officers and employees as the governing body may designate by ordinance, to give bond for the faithful performance of his duties within ten (10) days after his election or appointment, in such amount and form as the governing body shall prescribe. The municipality shall pay the premiums on such bonds. (Amended, effective 7 -1 -92) SECTION 8 -106. NEPOTISM - DUAL OFFICE HOLDING No elected or appointed official or other authority of the municipal government shall appoint or elect any person related by affinity or consanguinity within the third degree to any governing body member or to himself or, in the case of a plural authority, to any one of its members to any office or position of profit in the municipal government. The provisions of this section shall not prohibit an officer or employee already in the service of the municipality from continuing in such service or from promotion therein. A person may hold more than one office or position in a municipal government as the governing body may ordain. A member of the governing body shall not receive compensation for service in any municipal office or position other than his elected office. (Amended, effective 11 -1 -84) 8 -2 L u 1 SECTION 8 -107. REMOVAL OF OFFICERS A municipal elected official may be removed from office for any cause specified by applicable state law for the removal of officers, and by the method or methods prescribed thereby. SECTION 8 -108. ABSENCE FROM GOVERNING BODY MEETINGS Whenever P. member of the municipal governing body is absent from more than one -half of all meetings of the governing body, regular 'and special, held within any period of four (4) consecutive months, he shall thereupon cease to hold office. SECTION 8 -109. VACANCIES IN OFFICE A. When a vacancy occurs in an office of an elected municipal official except the mayor, the governing body shall appoint, by a majority vote of the remaining members, a person to fill the vacancy until the next general municipal election, or the next biennial town meeting if the municipality is subject to the Oklahoma Town Meeting Act, Section 16 -301 et seq. of this title, and to serve until a successor is elected and qualified. Any vacancy shall then be filled at the next general municipal election or biennial town meeting by election of a person to complete the balance of any unexpired term. If the vacancy has not been filled within sixty (60) days after it occurs, the governing body shall call for a special election or a special town meeting for the purpose of filling the vacancy for the duration of the unexpired term unless said vacancy occurs or said election would occur within one hundred twenty (120) days prior to the first day of the filing period for the next general municipal election or within one hundred twenty (120) days prior to the next biennial town meeting. If a vacancy is not filled by the special election or at a special town meeting, it shall be filled by appointment as provided for in this subsection. B. If a majority of the offices of a ' governing body become vacant more than sixty (60) days before the beginning of a regular filing period for general municipal elections or more than sixty (60) days before the biennial town meeting, the remaining t members of the governing body shall call for a special_ election or a special town meeting, if the municipality is subject to the Oklahoma Town Meeting Act, to be held as soon as possible in the , 8 -3 1 1 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, June 6, 1995 The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, June 6, 1995 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, June 2, 1995. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Burris called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. ITEM 2: INVOCATION The invocation was given by Pastor Kevin Robbins of the Owasso Disciples Christian Church. ITEM 3: FLAG SALUTE Mayor Burris led in the flag salute. ITEM 4: ROLL CALL PRESENT Charles Burris, Mayor Danny Ewing, Vice Mayor Joe Ramey, Councilor Mary Lou Barnhouse, Councilor STAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk A quorum was declared present. ABSENT ITEM 5: RECOGNITION OF OUTSTANDING EMPLOYEES. Mayor Burris presented recognition certificates to the following firefighters who recently rescued several persons from rising floodwaters: Captain Lowell Thompson, Firefighter Lonnie Fisher, Firefighter Dan Salts, Lieutenant Lee Horst, Firefighter Randy Mills, and Paramedic Kristopher Demauro. Owasso City Council June 6, 1995 ITEM 6: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF MAY 16 1995 REGULAR MEETING AND MAY 23, 1995 SPECIAL MEETING Mr Ramey moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to approve the minutes as submitted, by reference made a part hereto. AYE: Ramey, Barnhouse, Ewing, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0. ITEM 7: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE CLAIMS Ms Barnhouse moved, seconded by Mayor Burris, that the following claims be approved: (1) General Fund $41,209.36; (2) Workers Comp Self- Insurance $122.86; (3) Ambulance Service Fund $1,703.05; (4) E -911 $1561.69; (5) Community Center $2550.00; (6) Cemetery Care $20,000; (7) City Garage $5,807.18; (8) Capital Improvements $820.53; (9) CDBG Grant $7,735.50; (10) Interfund Transfers $28,158.33; (11) General Fund Payroll #1 $93,507.61; (12) General Fund Payroll #2 $98,358.05; (13) City Garage Payroll #1 $1936.39; (14) City Garage Payroll #2 $1936.39. AYE: Barnhouse, Burris, Ramey, Ewing NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0. ITEM 8: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST TO DECLARE THE WARD 5 CITY COUNCIL SEAT OFFICIALLY VACANT AND DIRECTING THE INITIATION OF A PROCESS TO FILL THAT VACANCY. The term of office for the newly elected Ward 5 Councilor began, according to Charter, on Monday, May 1, 1995. As of 12:00 midnight on Thursday, June 1, 1995, the Councilor -elect had not taken the oath of office, thus failing to qualify for the office as prescribed by law. The City Council may officially declare such vacancy and begin a process of filling the office. Council options are to select a person to fill the vacancy and serve until the next general election, call a special election, or taken no action until an initial sixty -day period has passed, thus legally mandating an election. Mr Ramey moved, seconded by Mr Ewing, to declare the Ward 5 seat vacant and to direct the City Clerk to begin the selection process per Council policy, with it anticipated that the appointment will be made at the June 20th City Council meeting. AYE: Ramey, Ewing, Barnhouse, Burris, NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0. 2 ■ Owasso City Council June 6, 1995 ITEM 9: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ORDINANCE #503 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE REZONING OF A 100 ACRE TRACT OF LAND LOCATED NORTH AND WEST OF THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF EAST 116TH STREET NORTH AND GARNETT ROAD. At the May 16, 1995 meeting, the Owasso City Council recommended approval of a rezoning request from AG to RS -3 on approximately 100 acres located north and west of the northwest corner of East 116th Street North and Garnett Road. Ordinance #503 formally adopts that action. Mr Ramey moved, seconded by Mayor Burris, to approve Ordinance #503. AYE: Ramey, Burris, Barnhouse, Ewing NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0. ITEM 10: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ORDINANCE #504 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE REZONING OF A 3 ACRE TRACT OF LAND LOCATED SOUTH OF THE OWASSO RECYCLE CENTER. At the May 16, 1995 meeting, the Owasso City Council recommended approval of a rezoning request from AG to IL on a 3 acre tract located south of Precision Components and the Recycle Center. Ordinance #504 formally adopts that action. Mr Ramey moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to approve Ordinance #504. AYE: Ramey, Barnhouse, Ewing, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0. ITEM 11: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ORDINANCE #505. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE REZONING OF A 126.805 ACRE TRACT OF LAND LOCATED SOUTH AND EAST OF EAST 96TH STREET NORTH AND GARNETT ROAD. At the May 16, 1995 meeting, the Owasso City Council recommended approval of a rezoning request from AG to PUD on a 126 acre tract located at the southeast corner of East 96th Street North and Garnett Road. Ordinance #505 formally adopts that action. Mr Ramey moved, seconded by Mayor Burris, to approve Ordinance #505. AYE: Ramey, Burris, Barnhouse, Ewing NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0. Owasso City Council June 6, 1995 ITEM 12: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ORDINANCE #506. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE VACATION OF A PORTION OF A UTILITY EASEMENT LOCATED ON LOT 1 BLOCK 4, BARRINGTON POINT II ADDITION At the May 16, 1995 meeting, the Owasso City Council recommended approval of a request to close a portion of a utility easement located on Lot 1, Block 4, Barrington Point II. Ordinance #506 formally adopts that action. Mr Ramey moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to approve Ordinance #506. , AYE: Ramey, Barnhouse, Ewing, Burris NAY: None L-9 Motion carried 4 -0. ITEM 13: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO AN ' AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND THE OKLAHOMA TAX COMMISSION PROVIDING FOR THE TAX COMMISSION TO , ADMINISTER THE CITY'S SALES TAX ORDINANCE AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SUCH AGREEMENT Items 13 & 14 were discussed as one, but voted upon separately. The City of Owasso levies a 3% sales tax and a 3% use tax on the sales of eligible merchandise as allowed by statute. The Oklahoma Tax Commission collects the taxes under an agreement between that body and the City of Owasso. That agreement requires annual renewal by the City Council. The OTC retains 1 % of the total tax collected for collection and administration. The agreements presented as identical to past agreements with the exception of dates. Mr Ramey moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to approve the "Agreement for Administration of the Sales Tax Ordinance" and authorize the Mayor to execute the document. AYE: Ramey, Barnhouse, Ewing, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0. ITEM 14: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND THE OKLAHOMA TAX COMMISSION PROVIDING FOR THE TAX COMMISSION TO ADMINISTER THE CITY'S USE TAX ORDINANCE AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SUCH AGREEMENT Ms Barnhouse moved, seconded by Mr Ramey, to approve the "Agreement for Administration of the Use Tax Ordinance" and authorize the Mayor to execute the document. 9 11 r 1 Owasso City Council June 6, 1995 AYE: Barnhouse, Ramey, Ewing, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0. ITEM 15: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ORDINANCE #508, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING PART 13, CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE C. SECTION 13 -237 OF THE OWASSO CODE OF ORDI_NANCES BY DECREASING THE AMOUNT OF REQUIRED TRANSFER FROM THE AMBULANCE SERVICE FUND TO THE AMBULANCE CAPITAL FUND, An ambulance surcharge was added by ordinance on June 16, 1987 to each water customer's monthly bill. The Ambulance Service Fund would receive all of the revenue and then transfer 25 % of the revenues to an Ambulance Capital Fund. In 1993 the City began using a third party billings system to bill insurance companies of patients transported for the ambulance services provided. As a result of the increased revenue, the Ambulance Capital Fund is projected to have excess money in relation to the projected needs of the department's ten year capital plan. Staff believes that a 15 % transfer of all revenues generated by the ambulance service charges is sufficient to fund the ambulance capital needs for the next ten years and continue to maintain a strong reserve for emergencies. Mr Ramey moved, seconded by Mayor Burris, to approve Ordinance #508, wherein the transfer of 25 % of all revenue generated by the ambulance surcharge and billings to the Ambulance Capital Fund is reduced to 15%. AYE: Ramey, Burris, Barnhouse, Ewing NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0. ITEM 16: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ORDINANCE #507, AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE SET -ASIDE OF COURT FINE REVENUE SPECIFICALLY FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAINING AND EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION, SUCH SET -ASIDE RESTRICTED TO A MAXIMUM OF FIVE DOLLARS PER CONVICTION OF EACH MUNICIPAL OFFENSE TRIED IN MUNICIPAL COURT. The Chief of Police has requested that an ordinance be adopted that would mandate that $5.00 be set aside from each conviction of each municipal offense tried in Municipal Court for the purpose of funding police training and purchase of equipment. The Municipal Court Judge and Prosecuting Attorney are receptive to increasing the bond schedule an additional $5.00 for all offenses, except parking violations, which are not yet at their maximum. If the maximum fine has already been imposed, no increase could take place. Staff requested approval to conduct a public hearing on the proposed ordinance. Mayor Burris moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to approve the request to conduct a public hearing regarding the proposed set -aside contained in Ordinance #507, and that such public hearing be scheduled for June 13, 1995 at 7:00 p.m. in the Owasso Community Center. 5 Owasso City Council AYE: Burris, Barnhouse, Ramey, Ewing NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0. June 6, 1995 ' ITEM 17: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE AWARD OF A CONTRACT FOR SURVEYING DRAINAGE DITCHES IN HALE ACRES. Mr Carr presented a scope of work to survey the Hale Acres drainage ditches and driveway culverts in order to determine relative elevations of the driveway culverts, road travelways, and ditches. Quotes were solicited from six surveying firms in the Owasso area, with the lowest quote received from Hammond Engineering in Tulsa. Funding for the surveying project is included in FY94 -95 Capital Improvements Fund for the Hale Acres Drainage Project. Mr Ramey moved, seconded by Mr Ewing, to award a contract for survey in Hale Acres to Hammond Engineering Co, Tulsa, OK, in the amount of $4155. AYE: Ramey, Ewing, Barnhouse, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0. ITEM 18: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING A REQUEST TO AWARD A BID FOR THE PURCHASE OF GASOLINE AND DIESEL FUEL. Mr Ray told the Council that the outsourcing of fuel management services has given the city an estimated savings of $9600 over the past eighteen months, with a projected savings of $7000 in FY 1995 -96. An evaluation of the program indicated that this privatized program should be continued. Bid specifications were developed and bid packets mailed to three vendors and a notice was placed in the newspaper. Bids were received from Go! Systems (the current vendor) and Fuelman of Oklahoma and were opened on May 18. Bids were based on the OPIS average wholesale cost of fuel plus a set margin. GO! Systems bid a margin of 60 per gallon and Fuelman's margin was 6.90 per gallon. Mr Ramey moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, that a one -year contract for gasoline and diesel fuel be awarded to GO! Systems at a margin of .060 per gallon, based on the OPIS average wholesale cost of fuel on a weekly basis, and that the Mayor be authorized to execute the necessary documents. AYE: Ramey, Barnhouse, Ewing, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0. Z Owasso City Council June 6, 1995 ITEM 19: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR THE PURCHASE OF A MICROCOMPUTER FOR THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. The microcomputer utilized by the Community Development Department secretary is seven years old and no longer has the capacity to serve its function properly. The department staff has proposed plans to fully automate the building permit and inspection tracking process from application to the close of each permit filed. These plans, and other computerized records, cannot be implemented with the current computer. Staff is recommending the purchase of a new computer system for the department secretary, and that the current system be moved into the inspector /code enforcement office for minor word processing duties and building code reference data retrieval. Such an expenditure is currently budgeted in Capital Outlay portion of the Community Development Department budget. Several vendors have been contacted for quotes, with the lowest quote received from Epson Direct in Torrance, CA. Mr Ramey moved, seconded by Mayor Burris, to approve an expenditure of $1414 to Epson Direct, Torrance, CA for the purchase of an Epson computer system to replace an older system in the Community Development Department. AYE: Ramey, Burris, Barnhouse, Ewing NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0. ITEM 20: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL AUTHORIZATION OF A LINE OF CREDIT DEBT BY THE OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY. A PUBLIC TRUST WITH THE CITY OF OWASSO AS ITS BENEFICIARY. Due to a combination of weather related circumstances, the OPGA Trustees have determined that a financial safety net is needed to ensure the Authority can meet its cash flow needs during the late spring and early summer months. This would be done through a back up line of credit that may or may not be used. On February 1, 1995, the OPGA adopted OPGA Resolution ##95 -01 to establish a line of credit at First Bank of Owasso. The maximum credit would be $30,000 at New York prime rate for a time period not to exceed 90 days. Because OPGA is a public trust, all indebtedness must be approved by its beneficiary, the City of Owasso. City Council approval of the indebtedness would not result in any exposure to the city for repayment; the debt is only the responsibility of the OPGA. Mr Ewing questioned how the money would be used. He said that he felt a member of the OPGA should be present to address any questions the Council might have. Since no one from OPGA was present, he was not in favor of granting the request. Following further discussion, Mayor Burris moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to authorize the OPGA to incur debt in the amount of $30,000, not to exceed 90 days, in the form of a line of credit from First Bank of Owasso. 7 Owasso City Council June 6, 1995 , AYE: Burris, Barnhouse NAY: Ramey, Ewing ' The vote resulted in a 2 -2 tie. Mr Ramey moved, seconded by Mr Ewing, to table the item until the June 20th meeting, and ' request that a member of the OPGA Trust be present to answer any questions that may arise. AYE: Ramey, Ewing, Barnhouse, Burris NAY: Ramey, Ewing Motion carried 4 -0. ITEM 21: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ADOPTION OF AN FY 1995 -96 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN. Mr Rooney presented a summary of the proposed Capital Improvements Plan for FY95 -96. He briefly discussed the items contained in the plan. A large group of representatives from the various Owasso youth sports groups was present to protest the cutting of funds for the Sports Park. Peggy Robinson and John Groth, members of the Capital Improvements Committee, responded to their remarks, pointing out that there is only a certain amount of money to work with and that there are many items that need to be funded, including streets and other infrastructure needs. City Manager Rodney Ray addressed the Council and suggested some options available for funding the completion of the Sports Park. One option is to reallocate the funds as presented in the Capital Improvements Plan, putting more of the money into the Sports Park. Another option would be to send the Plan back to the Capital Improvements Committee for further work. He suggested that the best option would be to approve the Capital Improvements Plan as presented and that the plan require that the youth sports groups, city staff, and City Council form a group to propose a bond issue for completion of the Sports Park facilities. Mr Ewing moved to adopt the FY95 -96 Capital Improvements Plan as recommended by the Capital Improvements Committee. Motion seconded by Mr Burris. AYE: Ewing, Burris, Barnhouse, Ramey NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0. Mr Ray asked if the motion was contingent upon working with the sports groups to propose a bond issue for completion of the Sports Park. Mr Ewing replied that his motion did not include those words, but that he would like to see the staff work with the sports groups to best determine how to fund the completion of the Sports Park. Mayor Burris recessed the meeting at 9:47 p.m. and reconvened at 10:05 p.m. r -1 Owasso City Council June 6, 1995 ITEM 22: PRESENTATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE PROPOSED FY 1995 -96 BUDGET, Mr Ray made a presentation to the City Council of the proposed FY 1995 -96 budget. Because ' of the lateness of the hour and the fact that the City Council participated in the budget process, the presentation was brief. Mr Ramey moved, seconded by Mr Ewing to set a public hearing on the budget at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 13, 1995 at the Owasso Community Center. AYE: Ramey, Ewing, Barnhouse, Burris NAY: None 0 Motion carried 4 -0. ITEM 23: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER No report. ITEM 24: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY No report. ITEM 25: REPORTS FROM CITY COUNCILORS Mayor Burris announced the formation of a Veterans Memorial Planning Committee for the purpose of looking at the options and developing a recommendation for the planning, location, financing and design of a veterans memorial that would serve to remind the community of the sacrifices of our citizens who served freedom's cause. Mayor Burris appointed the following ' persons to the committee: Ed Compos (VFW Post Commander), Bill Wilson (Past VFW Commander), Charles Willey (Veteran), Dewey Brown (Veteran), and Charles Burris (Veteran & Mayor). The committee will begin its work this month and plan to have a recommendation by August 1st. ITEM 26: UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. pr ITEM 27: NEW BUSINESS None. E Owasso City Council June 6 1995 , ITEM 28: ADJOURNMENT Mr Ewing moved, seconded by Mr Ramey to adjourn. AYE: Ewing, Ramey, Barnhouse, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 10:25 p.m. Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk 10 Charles L Burris, Mayor 7I J 1 ' OWASSO CITY COUNCIL /OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING ' Tuesday, June 13, 1995 ' The Owasso City Council and the Owasso Public Works Authority met in a joint special session on Tuesday, June 13, 1995 at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Public Hearing and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on ' Wednesday, June 7, 1995. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Burris called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. ITEM 2: INVOCATION The invocation was given by Jim McElrath. ITEM 3: FLAG SALUTE Mayor Burris led in the salute to the flag. ' ITEM 4: ROLL CALL PRESENT ' Charles Burris, Mayor /Chairperson Danny Ewing, Vice Mayor /Vice Chairperson Mary Lou Barnhouse, Councilmember /Trustee STAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager /OPWA Manager Ronald D Cates, City Attorney /Authority Attorney Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk/Authority Secretary A quorum was declared present. ABSENT Joe Ramey, Councilmember /Trustee ITEM 5: PRESENTATION AND OPEN DISCUSSION, INCLUDING PUBLIC COMMENT, OF THE PROPOSED SET ASIDE OF COURT FINE REVENUE SPECIFICALLY FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAINING AND EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION CONTAINED IN ORDINANCE #507, SUCH SET -ASIDE RESTRICTED TO A MAXIMUM OF FIVE DOLLARS PER CONVICTION OF EACH MUNICIPAL OFFENSE TRIED IN MUNICIPAL COURT. Mr Ray presented the proposed ordinance, which would allow $5.00 from every fine levied per conviction for violation of the municipal code of ordinances to be earmarked and designated for Owasso City Council June 13, 1995 use in the training of police department personnel, as well as the purchase of police department equipment. There were no questions or comments from the Council or citizens. The proposed ordinance will be considered for action by the City Council at the June 20, 1995 regular meeting. ITEM 6: PRESENTATION AND OPEN DISCUSSION, INCLUDING PUBLIC COMMENT, OF THE PROPOSED RATE INCREASE CONTAINED IN OPWA RESOLUTION ##95 -02, A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING RATES FOR THE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF REFUSE FROM COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENTS. Mr Ray presented the proposed resolution, which would increase the commercial refuse rates 20% per customer regardless of container size or number of weekly pick ups. That increase, amounting to approximately $3200 per month, would offset an increase received from BFI, the city's commercial refuse carrier and would fund economic development activities. There were no questions or comments on this item. The proposed resolution will be considered for action by the OPWA Trustees at the June 20, 1995 regular meeting. ITEM 7: PRESENTATION AND OPEN DISCUSSION, INCLUDING PUBLIC COMMENT, OF THE PROPOSED RATE INCREASE CONTAINED IN OPWA RESOLUTION ##95 -03, A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING RATES FOR THE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF RESIDENTIAL WASTE. Mr Ray presented the proposed resolution, which would increase the rate to residential polycart customers by $1.50 per month and commercial polycart customers by $3.50 per month, with no change in the rate for yardwaste polycarts. The increase would generate approximately $6100, per month, which would per earmarked for street improvements. Former Mayor Patricia Marlar protested the increase on the premises that residents paying for refuse pick up would be paying for street improvements even though many other persons use the streets. Former Mayor Bob , Randolph asked if rates would need to be raised if a new refuse truck needed to be purchased. Mr Ray replied that he did not believe that we would have to raise rates to provide a refuse truck. Mr Randolph also questioned the need for the yardwaste polycarts and bags and protested ' the increase in polycart trash rates. The proposed resolution will be considered for action by the OPWA Trustees at the June 20, 1995 regular meeting. ITEM 8: PRESENTATION AND OPEN DISCUSSION. INCLUDING PUBLIC ' COMMENT. OF THE FISCAL 1995 -96 BUDGET. Mr Ray presented the proposed FY95 -96 budget at a public hearing. Approximately 30 citizens t and staff were in attendance. Following the presentation by Mr Ray, questions and comments were received from the Council /Trustees and the public, with response from the staff. ' 2 ' E N IN 1 ■ 0 V Owasso City Council June 13, 1995 Mr Randolph asked about utilizing a Community Development Block Grant for street repair. He mentioned another community that had done that. Ms Marlar questioned capital improvement items, specifically the 86th Street Overlay -Cedar to Main project. She protested the portion of the sidewalk project that would place sidewalks around the schools housing older students, and she also protested the firearms range and the maintenance building. The proposed budget will be considered for action by the City Council and OPWA at the June 20, 1995 regular meeting. Prior to adjournment, Mr Ray commented on the number of persons attending the meeting. Mayor Burris introduced members of Boy Scout Troop #93 who attended the meeting as part of a merit badge requirement. ITEM 9: ADJOURNMENT Ms Barnhouse moved, seconded by Mr Ewing to adjourn. AYE: Barnhouse, Ewing, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 3 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk/Authority Secretary W Charles L Burris, Mayor /Chairperson FINANCE ------------------------------ 9-•?-47 TREASURER PETM?,/SE M T PETTY CASH � N A P DTAL TTP ��FRTITCE 0 p, 9 5 2 3 4 1 TREASURER PETTY CASH PETMB PETTY CASH 5.00 CITY OF OWASSO TOTAL ------------- 180.00 25,00 CF'N'EF-.'A' T7TTND TNCOG MAPS PO # ---------- 7 .:4.j;` -, A/P VENDOR CLATM5; PVPOPT DESCRIPTION APAPUP ?,Tr. AMOUNT MANAGERIAL ------------------------------ ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- 952354 950184 CE T UTLAR ONE-T!.Lc-A US"AGE 33 , 4 0 rTT" G CITY I 1 3 A PA G E 952311 MOTO PHOTO PHOTO ENLARGEMENT 87.65 5/05 FTJPT 9 5 2 q 28' 95?341 AMERICAN SPEEDY PRINTING TREASURER PETTY CASH qTYPP! TES/BUDGET PETMEJ PETTY CASH 1.4.63, ------------- 7 34.19 952341. TPEASUPER PETTY CASH PETME PETTY CASH 952341 TREASURER PETTY CASH PEIMP/EXPENSES 952341 TREASUPEP PETTY CASH PETMB PETTY CASH 5.00 952343 D07-TEP PRINTING PPTNTTNG/B!JDGFT 596.. In 952-378.- CITY GARAGE PARTS 9.85 952,089 9rj?091 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN GO SYSTEMS OFFTCE SUPPT LIES C./qF VTTFL A.79 A4 .54 DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====% ------------- FINANCE ------------------------------ 9-•?-47 TREASURER PETM?,/SE M T PETTY CASH � N A P DTAL TTP ��FRTITCE 0 p, 9 5 2 3 4 1 TREASURER PETTY CASH PETMB PETTY CASH 5.00 276.82 DEPARTMENT TOTAL ------------- 180.00 25,00 r.nmMTTNTTY DEVELOPMENT ------------------------------ 9500'78 -j il- - TTJLSA COTTITT17 M T S' � 11. 1 DTAL TTP ��FRTITCE 40,00 95'?314 CELLULAR ONE -TULSA 5/95 USE 276.82 95??18 OK STATE DEPT OF HEALTH LICENSE- RENEWAL 25,00 95 2? 20 TNCOG MAPS 2A4.91 9c')?41 --! c- - TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 952341 TREASURER PETTY CASH RETMB PETTY CASH 952354 US TETP "FIAGE, TNC. PAGER USE 95'7?7R .. rTT" G CITY I 1 3 A PA G E PARTS 118.70 G`_ 391 Go SYSTEMS 5/05 FTJPT 7.1. DEPARTMENT TnTAT ------------- 7 34.19 MTTNTCIPAl- COURT ------------------------------ T.TCZ. POSTMACTEP POcTA-E ------------- T-T-PAP71,1FINT TC7AL. QA, (.10 CITY OF cwkqSn GENERAL FUND 611 Alq5 7:48:57 P C I A MS P E POFF7 A FPA F V R PO it VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- ENGINEERING ------------------------------ 9523-778- CITY GARAGE PARTS 54 4,; , 9511389 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN OFFTCE SUPPLIES GO SYSTEMS 5/95 FUEL 6.4 ------------- DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====-S 185.01- OENEPAL GOVERNMENT I ------------------------------ 9500^0 RONALD D CATES RETAINER ?C1n,cln ' 95,00710 RONALD D CATES RETAINER 1.A44.14 950215 ST FRANCIS.' HOSPITAL -EAP EAP FEES 0 0 95031" MEMBER SERVICE LIFE PRE TAX ADMTN FEE PET Ty 950218 DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS DO! EMPLOYEES TREAqTT?7P PUTTY CASH 952315 GOV. FINANCE OFFICERS BooYS7 -R7 959•-21 COMMERCE Oy LEGAL NEWS LEGAL NOTICES 1 -4 '-q �l 7 9523219- RETHERFOPD PUBLICATIONS LEGAL NOTICES* ter, t4 95233" nWASSO REPORTER LEGAL NOTICE R7, 1 952341 TREASURER PETTY CASH RETMB PETTY CASH J. 4 oq 952341 TREASURER PETTY CASH RETMB PETTY CASH 7,R"I. 952341 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMS PETTY CASH 5,()0 95:21341 TREASURER PETTY CASH P7TM-71 PETTY CASH 1,55 9920142 TREASURER PETTY CASH DOC MEALS 0 , 5 7 9 'i '1 31 4 7 MIRE:! PEX CORP COPIER MIAINT 95'-."34R RETHERFORD PUBLICATIONS SUBSCRIPTION 17, 50 9 5 71 3 5 4 ITS TFLE/PAClE, TNC. PACER T 'P 0 Q5-1�7R CITY GARAGE PARTS 952359 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN OFFICE SUPPLIES 185.42 992`391 GO SYSTEMS 5/95 FUEL 185,14 9523'93 LIBERTY FLAGS FL ACS 9523397 TULSA WORLD CLASSIFIED ADS 9-1 5 9 39 9 WARREN CLINIC PRE EMPL DRTTf'- SCREEN 952436 OML MUNICIPAL ASSURANCE LTAF,'TT TTY INSURANCE 16,061.214 ------------- DEPAPTME NT TOTAI 2 0 633.45 MAINTENANCE ------------------------------ ow am q q-,n4 4 TFFAcTTPVR PETTY f7ACH F7 T IAB PuTTY C A SH 0 0 TPEASUREP PETTY CASH T'E T M B PET Ty 0. 9� ?!;41 TREAqTT?7P PUTTY CASH PETME PET""' T :ASH S F -R7 9 �054 TTC, T PAGE __P TTNC, CE rTT GAPAGE p A p T S ow am CITY OF OWAS5O GENERAL FUND 6/16/95 7:48:57 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVF PAGE: PO # VENDOR DGSCRTP7IO0 AMOUNT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- 952388 CI0?AS CORP. UNIFORM PENT/CLEAN 952391 GO SYSTEMS 5/95 FVET DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====} CEMETERY ------------------------------ 952341 TREASURER PETTY CASH P5IMB PETTY CASH 952378 CITY GARAGE PARTS 952391 GO SYSTEMS 5/95 FUEL DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====} POLTCE SSPnTCES ------------------------------ EP LOST PAC 951909 CELLULAR ONE-7lD.SA 5\95 USE 9520 9A TVXALL UNIFORM �Z- SQVI9 !JRTFOpM SUPPLIES, 952102 PAY ALLEN Y-9 ?8AIMI8S SUPPLIES 952228 DOZIER PRINTING PRIR7INS 952250 WESTERN BVSINE54. PRODUCTS COPTER MAIR7 952323 C'M.J, BREATHALYZER PAR79 952324 SUBURBAN OFFTCE 5V?PTY OFPTC� 5VPPLIFS 952345 MARTA ALEXANDER TAC9 WORKSHOP 952378 CITY GARAGE PAP7S 952389 OFFTCE DEPOT CARD PLAN OFFTCS 5UPPLTSS 952391 GO SYSTEMS 5/95 FUEL 952395 INNOVATIVE WEAPONRY REPAIR DUTY WEAPON DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> POLICE COMMV0TCA7IONS ------------------------------ 950082 DEPT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OT 7S PSN7 952256 MELODY PARSLEY A T7SP&7IORS DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> ANIMA T CONTROL ------------------------------ 10.O0 45,07 ------------- 123.66 13,86 214.91 46.39 ------------- 85.1,1, 106,87 158,48 530,52 14 75 355.8B i63.52 80-l9 321,06 226,52 231.6O 212,38 1,756.33 R5'95 4"344,05 350.00 84.00 ------------- 434,00 9509�9 W AL-fr'l A R7 MATRr �V�P�I�S 1 48,43 5 A/16/95 7:4R:,r,ue CTTY OF OWASSO k3ENTERAL. FUND A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVP PAGE: PO 4 VENDOR DE -CPT PTTnN n k - AMOUNT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- 952326 KAREN OLIVA ':,'EPVTCES 601,00 952344 JO -DOES EVERYTHING EOUTPMENT 125.00 9593772 CITY GARAGE PARTS 18 , 23 952391. CO SYSTEMS 51/95 F �TT Elll 012.71 6 1 DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====? 394.37 1 FIRE SEPTVC'ES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 990-57 , j-j - � 1 CELLULAR ONE-TULSA USAGE 32.54 951819 BOLAY MOBILECOM INC RADIO ANTENNA 263.00 952084 WOPLEYS GREENHOUSE SOD/HELIPAD 150.00 952176 CASCO !NDUSTPT.Ec, INC. OF HYDRANT TESTING S! ' TPPLIES_ 69.00 9 5 12714 1 EVE INC. CLEANING ST.TPPLTEc 12.6. (15- 952 =.4?. TREASURER PETTV CASH RET14B PETTY CASH 3. Sq 952349 LISTER ENVTI FONMtM11 TAL SERV HYDROCARBON REMEDTATTON 1. 2' 7q . 4 0 952073 CLASSIC CHEVROLET REPAIR.. /SUBURBAN 276.1901 952391 CO SYSTEMS 5/955 FUEL 375.66 952401 US TE LE ./PAGE INC. PACER USE 25,90 952425 ALCOPH'S PLUMBING PLUMBING TNSTALT AT T nll 947.0 -.3 x,91 DEPARTMENT TOTAL ------------- �,393.62 CIVIL DEFENSE ------------------------------ 950021 CELLULAR -AR 01--!E-TTILSA USAlGE ------------- DEPARTMENT TOTAL 11.39 STPEETS ------------------------------ I 951830 STANDARD AUTO STIPPLY PART, 4 _44 ? 9 5185' ENLOW FORD TRACTOR, TNr C H A I l! GUARDS 450.16, 9 51'0 5 4 STGNALTECK TNC. .1 1 MATNT /PEPATRS 11) 563. - 9512196 SCOTT MEMECEF MOWJTNG/EL PTO VISTA 80,00 95'226 (73PEEN COUNTRY OUTDOrl FOU NEED EATER MOTIOP q TTTT q A C.01TNTy pOC.0 SIGNS 95 2 039 CR 0 14 RUPTIJ. NG AME FAPTS /4 99 952q41 TPEAS'.11PEP PETTY CASH PETMB PETTY CASH 3<7n 952?'141 TPEASITFER FI:TTx7 rA�,F P IETME PETTY CASH x,91 a`:?" 5a TT0 TPI E/PAGE, TNC. PAGER I. T TSE �1 ; R, 5 cl 4 Tic: �FT r !?Af'lp, T1:11r. FA GF- TTI.:3F 0500 2' TULSA. 'A FORD NEW HOLT-AINT,� T PART; 45, R I CT?Y OF OW&SSO GFNE9AL PVND 6/16/93 7:4857 A/P CL&?F-C RSPO'RT AP&PvR PAGE: PO It VENDOR DESCRIP?I0Q AMOUNT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- 952378 CITY GARAGE PARTS 76,68 952391 SO SYSTEMS 5/95 FVFL 500.51 ------------- DEPARTMENT TOTAL PECPS&?TO0 CENTER ------------------------------ 952199 DAVID'S ELEC7FTC W7FE LIS87S 230,00 952233 AMERICAN BUILDERS PAP?I7IO0S-6/6/95 1`701.UO 952341 TREASURER. PETTY CASH RSIMB PETTY CASH 12,67 952389 OFFTCE DEPOT CARD PLAN OFFICE SUPPLIES 38.26 952391 GO SYSTEMS 5/95 FUEL 14,77 952354 DEPARTMENT ?D7&L 9A8E T-.' USE ------------- 95?378 CITY SA��G� P&R7S SNTMMING- POOL ------------------------------ 952323 FIMBA T L ACS RA9DW&RE MAI�T S�PPLI75 15,91 ------------- DEPARTMENT ?O?AT ==`=> 15,91, COMMTT-IT7Y CENTER ------------------------------ 950148 XEROX COPIER fjAI0T 1t8,46 950184 CELLULAR ONE-7ITTSA USAGE I0.O0 952341 TREASURER PETTY C&58 RSTMB PETTY CASH 9.28 952389 OFFTCG DEPOT CARD PLAN DFFTCS SV9P�IES r,99 952391 SO SYSTEM; 5/95 FTTEL 60.97 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 9APK MAINTENANCE ------------------------------ 95203? LARRY TURNER MOWTNS/867R S7 9O,00 95?O78 LARRY 7�R�S� MO0��G /FA YOLA 330.O0 952079 e�BT LEY O��05 MOWTNG/ELM CBEFX 235,OO 952088 SCOTT MSMSCEH MOWING/A?OB 160,00 952323 KTMBALL ACE HARDWARE M&I"IT SVPP�ISS 166,1O 952354 ITS 7ELS/PA(7,E, TJJC. 9A8E T-.' USE 12.95 95?378 CITY SA��G� P&R7S 952391 GO SYSTEMS 5 /95 rVST l5�.97 7 CT77 OF ONAS5O GENERAL FUND 6/16/95 7:48:57 A/P C��T�S PE9OR7 &PAPVP PACE: PO # VENDOR DESCRTP?TON AMOUNT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- DEPARTMENT TOTAL ECONOMIC DEVGT 0PMvN7 ------------------------------ 952341 7REASVPEP PETTY CASH 9EIM8/SEMINAR 952341 TREASURER PETTY CASH RETM8 PETTY CASH 952341 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> ------------- 11192.31 1 25.O0 5.00 1,B0 ------------- 131.80 ------------- 36,555.47 8 CTrY 0� OWASSO uO�RSRS' COt,,P LP-7N5 PT. AN 6/]6/95 7:4957 A/P CLAlM5 REPnR? APAPVR PASS: PO # VENDOR DESCRTP?IO0 AMOUNT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- SEINS9A T 0,0VERNMS07 ------------------------------ 952237 SID J, 8VMG�RD�S� CLATM/CL&U5SE� 291.4O 952238 WARREN CLINIC CLAIM/YOVD? 45.00 ------------- DEPARTMENT TOTAL 336.40 ------------- FUND TOTAL 336,40 l CTTY OF OWAB1;0 AMBULANCE 'SERVICE FUNn ?;'P CI ATM pEp3pT APAPVfi PAS �. PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ---- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- AMBULANCE ------------------------ - - - - -- 950549 MEDICAT. COMPLIANCE SPECTA SUPPLIES 950557 CELLULAR ONE - TULSA. USAGE 951.121 MEDICLAIMS, INC'. AMBULANCE BTLL.TNG 9921L CONTROL EMS EOUTP INSPECTION 9L2 ?49 DTYIE INC AMBULANCE S1rPPLTES 952243 ALLIANCE MEDICAL, INC. AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 952245 BLUE RTDGE MEDICAL. AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 952246 DYNA MED AMBULANCE STJPPLIES 952299 OK STATE DEPT HEALTH BI- ANNUAL PE- LTCENSE DEPARTMENT TOTAL FUND TOTAL 3 (11 , () 01 34,20 1,550.00 195.00 '70.07 231.94 8°,17 32:3.00 50.00 2,572,38 1 57-2. 7 G �.., 1 .._ OWASSO CITY OF ASSO CITY GARAGE 6/166/95 7:48:S7 A %P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVP PA ?,E. PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTTON AMOUNT ---- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- CITY GARAGE ------------------------ - - - - -- 452341 TREASURER PETTY CASH PEIMB PETTY CASH 952341 TREASURER PETTY CASH RETMB PETTY CASH 952' 7 5 OWASSO AUTO CARE 9� MATNT PARTS 952377 J & P AUTO REPAIRS 952379 CLASSIC CHEVROLET PARTS 952382 PARTS PLUS PARTS 952383 MILEAGE MASTERS PARTS /REPAIRS 952384 OWASSO TIRE BARN REPATR. /TIRES 952385 WELSCO INC OXYGEN./ACETYLENE 952388 CINTAS CORP, UNIFORM RENT /CLEAN 952391 GO SYSTEMS 5/9S FUEL DEPARTMENT TOTAL FUND TOTAL = = = =. 24.04 i.B.0 ?p ?.00 99, ?4 ^•4 94 514.4 4", 50 461.80 .;?.80 44.48 1.0.11 1. j19.75 1,919.?° -11 CITY OF OWA5SO C&PI7AL TMPROVEMEN7S 6/16/95 7:48:57 A/9 C�ATMS BEPO�T APAPnR PArF: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- GENERAL GOVERNMENT ------------------------------ 95177? CHEROKEE 8V7LDTNG Mk7ERI& CEILING TILES 260'16 952300 DR. ?RACY 5?A8DRIDGE GLASS DOOR 30000 952341 TREASURER PETTY CASH RSIMB PETTY CASH 10.00 952386 MILL CREEK LUMBER & S�PPL SUPPLIES 155'93 PARKS ------------------------------ 952331 JOHN WILSON 8kTTL SCRSSNTN'GS 262,2R ------------- DEPARTMENT TOTAL ------------- FUND TOTAL ===> 838.37 ------------- GRAND TOTAL 12 CITY OF OWASSO A/P TRANSFER REPORT VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT TRANSFERS CEMETERY CARE REVENUE TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 240.00 AMBULANCE CAPITAL REVENUE TRANSFER FROM AMBULANCE CA 6,481.27 TRANSFERS TOTAL 6,721.27 CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING 06/10/95 OVERTIME TOTAL DEPARTMENT EXPENSES EXPENSES i• y�{�� ........ ....::{{ 4: dvk,}\• isM' 1 .?•Y:w:{.}iiii:•: ? ^:{ ?B:Liiiikk ntiiv.:ii. }i Vii:: { {.:{Ji::..::::{-0n' Finance 0.00 5,535.00 :.;?{; vi:{ x{{{ S{:,.:{{?.;.;?• i:{ S? 4:{??• i:• i:. vy};.: vn:{• i:• i:^:^:: r:?^: ?•i:4i:0:4:titi{4: { {tiC ^:?•iiii:.? •i:ti•i} iii :i•ii::!.i:6:4:{S {ti {::.:5 {rti: U. ..s ; �:. �:{?{;: �;, �,,,,:;:•;:?{«{;::;,:{, ;�rx�`.„£.,�.,.hr{�„�.,'�,`.,,4 Municipal Court 0.00 1,308.22 .� :>.• k:: 4;•: v;• isi}::: 4: Gii:• i:•}:• i:• i:::•}:• i;: ::: ?v<::t:ji::ii:;::iF; % ?:::"•: ;i�•�. { :!+• .;t •.v /+''•�'' {••'•::: �:}.,�} Klk Buildin Maintenance 0.00 316.49 T1:.:KU,.G, }V:ti�:••'.•?'{! {:i� tx: K< nYVnyK• :Sr4iiiii: ^;^.{ ?S:T,.Oi:�:miii: •�. �• .:••}' v'• �•.::'''. iiti :i:•i:•ii: ?v:Oj:•ii:•i: {i:{{: ...:k ';.i,,.,• {S:<;:;:;::Oi:i:ii:i:i`. 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Recreation Center 0.00 2,413.13 :.i::.;::.: .............. :.:?.>:. k.,•,.tsk u. :..,::. :.::..: :.:.....� ...w.,: :.... n.a.,.:..x,.,.:. :. <, {:.::, {: { <•wx,:uu:•as. >s.,is:•w: {..:;.� riirs;:: ... ;:.:.: a:{.:{{{.; ii:.::: ruaw :.......... Y. ::cura:?:.:oouc;r :;:�:..v.•r. x,.:.y:.. : : :... Park Maintenance 0.00 2,164.76 APPROVE 06/20/95 Mayor Council Member Council Member W, CITY GARAGE PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING 06/10/95 . APPROVED: 06/20/95 Mayor Council Member Council Member OVERTIME TOTAL DEPARTMENT EXPENSES EXPENSES Garage $0.00 $1,967.06 N 7M y} �„ n:?:!!^: J •:\ti. :�:<i'•'r+. y4rimii: i4ir i: n:• ii;{i:^n:;i: 4:;:: :ii': si+v{:}•ti.w�:i;i: �xi ii,.i:;ii: : y: i}s :::;; ::ii: s:{y:i;,;::.i: ;i:'�:i::'::i:•i:t:•�ix:4?:.4..:.: {'x:y}Li: .v .l%��S•l :41.x: {:ii }i: ^:{itvki;:ti2titvi:•:titix rn r v :. : p}y } {:ii ?ij�:�i.. }. ..��.;.�., �',• �.�;;..��;. . APPROVED: 06/20/95 Mayor Council Member Council Member V ev om • 11, 95 u�w� MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL ' CITY OF OWASSO ' FROM: SHERRY BISHOP FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: REQUEST APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION #95 -04 ADOPTING A FISCAL YEAR 1995 -96 BUDGET DATE: June 16, 1995 BACKGROUND: Pursuant to charter and statutory provisions, the budget has been presented for your review. ' Legal notice was given and a public hearing conducted on June 13, 1995 wherein citizens were offered the opportunity to comment on the proposed budget. Copies of the proposed budget have been available for public review at the Owasso Library and at City Hall. To encourage citizen participation, more than fifty copies have been distributed to interested parties, civic groups and community organizations. State statute requires adoption of the annual budget by council resolution. Resolution #95 -04 with Attachment A (Budget Summary) provides for the adoption of the fiscal year budget for the general fund and other funds of the City. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends City Council approval of Resolution #95 -04 adopting the fiscal year 1995 -96 budget for all funds of the City. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution #95 -04 Attachment A - Budget Summary CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA RESOLUTION NO 95 -04 A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTION OF AN ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE GENERAL FUND AND OTHER FUNDS AS ESTABLISHED BY THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL; CLASSIFYING REVENUES FOR EACH FUND; ESTABLISHING LEVELS OF EXPENDITURES BY CLASSIFICATION AS PROVIDED BY STATUTE; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS: It is the intent of the Owasso City Council to adopt an operating budget for fiscal year 1995 -96; and WHEREAS: The adoption of such budget is vital to the continuation of services to the citizens of Owasso; and WHEREAS: Public access to the adopted budget is desired; and WHEREAS: Certain publication and filing requirements are mandated by State Statutes. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA: THAT: The revenues, expenditures and transfers as shown on Attachment "A" be adopted for each fund; and THAT: The effective date of this Resolution shall be July 1, 1995. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of June, 1995 by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. Charles L Burris, Mayor ATTEST: Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald D Cates, City Attorney r City of Owasso Budget Summary Fiscal Year 1995 -96 Fund General City Garage Ambulance Service Ambulance Capital Collision Self Insurance Workers' Comp Self Ins Juvenile Court Emergency Siren E -911 Cemetery Care Capital Improvements Park Development CDBG Grants Revenue Bond Projects Totals Attachment A Expenditures Revenues & Personal Materials Other Capital Debt Transfers Transfers In Services & Supplies Services Outlay Service Out $7,604,417 2,823,335 224,997 544,869 130,050 $0 $3,780,875 159,500 51,021 79,250 7,400 9,265 0 0 252,500 0 14,200 28,500 0 0 195,800 40,600 0 0 0 85,000 0 0 7,800 0 10,000 0 0 0 0 161,260 0 0 146,000 0 0 0 5,650 0 0 4,000 0 0 0 5,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 42,480 0 2,800 26,500 4,000 0 16,500 6,275 0 0 0 18,000 0 0 395,000 0 0 0 669,350 0 0 14,300 0 0 0 10,000 0 0 397,800 0 0 0 397,800 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,690 0 0 $9,092,582 $2,874,356 $331,247 $757,269 $1,327,155 $0 $3,993,175 f MEMORANDUM TO: MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO �. FROM: CHARLES L BURRIS MAYOR SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR CONFIRMATION OF APPOINTMENTS DATE: June 16, 1995 6 BACKGROUND: Pursuant to authority contained in Article 2, Section 2 -4, subsection (e) of the Charter of the City of Owasso, the City Council has established ordinances that provide, generally, for the Mayor to appoint members to various boards, commissions, trusts, and committees; such appointments subject to confirmation by the City Council. Additionally, the Council has V. established the same procedure, by precedent, for those appointments not specifically addressed by ordinance. � It is therefore the purpose of this memorandum to recommend for Council confirmation the following appointments to the positions indicated: PLANNING COMMISSION Mr Charles Willey (reappointment) 2401 N Birch Term Ending 6/30/98 Mr Dewey Brown (reappointment) 10804 E 99th St N ' Term Ending 6/30/98 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ' Mr Gale Whitaker (reappointment) 7413 N 122nd E Ave Term Ending 6/30/98 ' Mr Wayne Vines (reappointment) 7808 N 131st E Ave Term Ending 6/30/98 Appointments June 20, 1995 Page 2 PERSONNEL BOARD My laaaf T°e'e° °n (new appointment) Pl► ti;e,h4el Ancle►sov, Term Ending 6/30/98 OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Ms Brenda Lawrence (reappointment) 7702 Owasso Expy Term Ending 6/30/2000 Mr Charles Burris (Council Representative) 12005 E 87th PI N Term Ending 6/30/96 Mr Gary Akin (Chamber Representative) 315 S Cedar Term Ending 6/30/96 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS COMMITTEE Mr Doug Groves (replacing Munn) PO Box 180 Term Ending 6/30/96 All other committe members to be reappointed (see attached list), with terms ending 6/30/96 ANNEXATION COMMITTEE Mr Charles Burris (replacing Duke) City Council Term Ending 6/30/96 Mr Doug Groves (replacing Munn) Engineering Staff Term Ending 6/30/96 All other committe members to be reappointed (see attached list), with terms ending 6/30/96 1 Appointments June 20, 1995 Page 3 REGIONAL METROPOLITAN UTILITY AUTHORITY Ms Sherry Bishop City Treasurer Term Ending 6/30/96 Mr Robert Carr Public Works Director Term Ending 6/30/96 TRANSPORTATION POLICY COMMITTEE Mr Charles Burris City Council Term Ending 6/30/96 Mr Robert Carr, Alternate Public Works Director TRANSPORTATION TECHNICAL COMMITTEE Mr Doug Groves (replacing Munn) Engineering Staff Term Ending 6/30/96 RECOMMENDATION: I recommend Council confirmation of the above appointments. ATTACHMENTS: 1. List of Boards, Commissions, Trusts, Committees with current membership OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS Ray Haynes, Chairperson 110 E 24th Ct Owasso, OK 74055 272 -9884 Term Expires: 6/30/97 Jerry Cole 8701 N 123rd E Ave Owasso, OK 74055 272 -2224 Term Expires: 6/30/97 Charles Willey, Vice Chairperson 2401 N Birch Owasso, OK 74055 272 -1924 Term Expires: 6/30/95 Dewey Brown 10804 E 99th St N Owasso, OK 74055 (unlisted phone) Term Expires: 6/30/95 Gary Wells, Secretary 9709 N 108th E Ave Owasso, OK 74055 272 -7136 Term Expires: 6/30/96 OWASSO, OKLAHOMA STAFF SUPPORT Tim Rooney Community Development Director Marsha Hensley, Recording Secretary Community Development Secretary This Commission meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Community Center. Meetings last approximately two hours. Staff support is provided by the Community Development Department. This is a quasi - legislative commission whose function is to review and recommend to the City Council actions relating to zoning, platting, subdivision construction, annexation, and other related planning functions. Members are appointed by the Mayor for three -year terms, with City Council confirmation. IMEMBERS ■ ■ 11 16 OWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Pat Imbriano 12001 E 83rd St N PO Box 685 Owasso, OK 74055 272 -6663 Term Expires: 6/30/97 Gale Whitaker, Vice Chairperson 7413 N 122nd E Ave Owasso, OK 74055 272 -1689 Term Expires: 6/30/95 Wayne Vines, Chairperson 7808 N 131st E Ave Owasso, OK 74055 272 -2750 Term Expires: 6/30/95 Vicki Tapp 12510 E 77th St N Owasso, OK 74055 272 -6926 Term Expires: 6/30/96 Terri Houdyshell, Secretary 9609 N 110th E Ave Owasso, OK 74055 272 -0451 Term Expires: 6/30/96 OWASSO, OKLAHOMA STAFF SUPPORT Tim Rooney Community Development Director Marsha Hensley, Recording Secretary Community Development Secretary This Board meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. as called by the Chairperson when there is business to be addressed. The Board acts on all requests with regard to zoning variances and exceptions. The meetings last approximately one hour, with an average of three to four meetings a year. Meetings are held at the Community Center with staff support given by the Community Development Department. Members are appointed by the Mayor for three -year terms, with City Council confirmation. Don Carroll 7906 N 132nd E Ave Owasso, OK 74055 272 -3855 Term Expires: 6/30/95 Jack Green 303 E 16th St Owasso, OK 74055 272 -9019 Term Expires: 6/30/96 James Hughes 7906 N 132nd E Ave Owasso, OK 74055 274 -0222 Term Expires: 6/30/97 OWASSO PERSONNEL BOARD OWASSO, OKLAHOMA STAFF SUPPORT Regena Rogers Finance Dept This Board meets where there is business to be addressed relating to appeals of personnel decisions. Meetings are called by the Chairperson when a petition from an employee is received in the City Clerk's office per the Personnel Policy Manual. Meetings are held in the Lower Level Conference Room at the City Hall and last two to three hours. The members are appointed by the Mayor with Council confirmation. i 1 7 1 IMEMBERS F OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Judy Pruitt PO Box 255 Owasso, OK 74055 272 -2154 (h) 272 -7000 (w) Term Expires: 6/30/95 (Chamber representative) n Frank Enzbrenner, Vice Chair 18184 E 94th St N Owasso, OK 74055 272 -1493 (h) 272 -9581 (w) Term Expires: 6/30/96 OWASSO, OKLAHOMA Brenda Lawrence 7702 N Owasso Expy Owasso, OK 74055 371 -2489 (h) 272 -0809 (w) Term Expires: 6/30/95 Tom Kimball, Chair 14931 E 96th St N Owasso, OK 74055 272 -2519 (h) 272 -1146 (w) Term Expires: Bill Retherford 8545 E 41 st St Tulsa, OK 74145 663 -1414 (w) Term Expires: STAFF SUPPORT Rodney Ray City Manager Sherry Bishop Finance Director Lonnie Hardin Special Projects 6/30/99 6/30/97 This Authority meets on the second Thursday of each month at 10:00 a.m. in the Conference Room at Owasso City Hall. Meetings last approximately one hour. The duties of this Authority are to plan, implement and promote projects and programs that will directly benefit the economic well being of the community. Members are appointed by the Mayor for five -year terms, with City Council Confirmation. Charles Burris 12005 E 87th PI N Owasso, OK 74055 272 -1978 ' Term Expires: 6/30/95 (Council Representative) ' Alan Anderson PO Box 1800 ' Owasso, OK 74055 272 -5048 (h) 272 -5103 (w) ' Term Expires: 6/30/98 n Frank Enzbrenner, Vice Chair 18184 E 94th St N Owasso, OK 74055 272 -1493 (h) 272 -9581 (w) Term Expires: 6/30/96 OWASSO, OKLAHOMA Brenda Lawrence 7702 N Owasso Expy Owasso, OK 74055 371 -2489 (h) 272 -0809 (w) Term Expires: 6/30/95 Tom Kimball, Chair 14931 E 96th St N Owasso, OK 74055 272 -2519 (h) 272 -1146 (w) Term Expires: Bill Retherford 8545 E 41 st St Tulsa, OK 74145 663 -1414 (w) Term Expires: STAFF SUPPORT Rodney Ray City Manager Sherry Bishop Finance Director Lonnie Hardin Special Projects 6/30/99 6/30/97 This Authority meets on the second Thursday of each month at 10:00 a.m. in the Conference Room at Owasso City Hall. Meetings last approximately one hour. The duties of this Authority are to plan, implement and promote projects and programs that will directly benefit the economic well being of the community. Members are appointed by the Mayor for five -year terms, with City Council Confirmation. OWASSO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS COMMITTEE FY 95 -96 MEMBERS Danny Ewing 9603 N 109th E Ave Owasso, OK 74055 272 -6927 Cloyd O'Dell 9706 N 109th E Ave Owasso, OK 74055 272 -7615 Peggy Robinson 202 E Second Ave Owasso, OK 74055 272 -1155 (w) Frank Enzbrenner PO Box 350 Owasso, OK 74055 272 -9581 Rodney J Ray PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 272 -2251 Sherry Bishop PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 272 -2251 Bob Allen PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 272 -1473 OWASSO, OKLAHOMA Mary Lou Barnhouse 303 N Elm Owasso, OK 74055 272 -1363 Ray Haynes 110 E 24th Ct Owasso, OK 74055 272 -9884 Jim Ablett PO Box 867 Owasso, OK 74055 599 -3264 John Groth 801 N Dogwood Owasso, OK 74055 272 -5179 Maria Alexander PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 272 -2244 Doug Groves PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 272 -4959 Robert Carr PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 272 -2251 Tim Rooney STAFF SUPPORT PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 Marsha Hensley, Secretary 272 -2251 Community Development Secretary This committee meets for three to four months in late winter and earl spring to review Capital requests and recommend action to the City Council. The committee also adopts a revised ' Capital Improvements Plan each year for recommendation to the Council. Meetings last from one to two hours. ' Staff members and City Council membership on the committee is determined by virtue of their position. Other members are appointed by the Mayor with Council confirmation. Terms expire on June 30 of each year. 1 L� OWASSO ANNEXATION COMMITTEE OWASSO, OKLAHOMA MEMBERS Ray Haynes Planning Commission 110 E 24th Ct 272 -9884 Charles Willey Planning Commission 2401 N Birch 272 -1924 Dale Johnson Owasso Public Schools 1501 N Ash 272 -5367 Joe Ramey City Council 1802 N Cedar 272 -2520 Jerry Duke City Council 12306 E 77th PI N 272 -8432 Bob Allen Owasso Fire Chief 8901 N Garnett 272 -1473 Maria Alexander Owasso Police Chief 101 N Main 272 -2244 STAFF SUPPORT Marsha Hensley, Secretary Community Development Secretary Doug Groves Engineering Technician 207 S Cedar 272 -4959 Robert Carr Public Works Director 207 S Cedar 272 -4959 Rodney Ray City Manager 207 S Cedar 272 -2251 Tim Rooney Community Development Director 207 S Cedar 272 -2251 Ron Cates City Attorney Suite 680, Parkcentre 525 S Main Tulsa, OK 74103 582-7447 0 This Committee meets as needed to review annexation requests and recommends action to the Planning Commission and City Council based on the City's annexation criteria. Meetings are generally held at 5:30 p.m. at the Community Center. Terms expire on June 30 of each year; with some members serving by virtue of another office or authority. ■ 7 J INDIVIDUAL COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS OWASSO, OKLAHOMA INDIAN NATIONS COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENT - INCOG Charles Burris Councilor (12/31/96) Rodney Ray, Alternate City Manager Appointed by the Mayor with Council confirmation to a two year term expiring on December 31 of each year. Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at 1:30 p.m. in the Aaronson Auditorium at Tulsa City- County Library and last approximately two hours. This is a regional council of local governments involved with planning functions and Federal grant review functions. REGIONAL METROPOLITAN UTILITY AUTHORITY (,RMUA) Sherry Bishop City Treasurer Robert Carr Public Works Director Appointed by the Mayor with Council confirmation to a one year term expiring on June 30 of each year. Meetings are held quarterly on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 8:30 a.m. at the Tulsa City - County Library and last approximately one hour. This is a Public Trust of area cities emphasizing sewer planning and operations. INCOG LEGISLATIVE CONSORTIUM Charles Burris Mayor r ik IN METROPOLITAN ENVIRONMENTAL TRUST Robert Carr Public Works Director Appointed by the Mayor with Council confirmation. No term specified in the Trust Indenture. Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. and last approximately two hours. TULSA METROPOLITAN AREA TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY - POLICY COMMITTEE Charles Burris Councilor Robert Carr, Alternate Community Development Appointed by the Mayor with Council confirmation to a one year term expiring on June 30 of each year. Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at 1:30 p.m. in the City Hall of the City of Tulsa and last approximately one and one -half hours. This Authority is a regional transportation planning organization emphasizing long range highway and street systems. TULSA METROPOLITAN AREA TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY - TECHNICAL COMMITTEE Rohn Munn Engineering Staff Appointed by the Mayor with Council confirmation to a one year term expiring on June 30 of each year. Meetings are held at 10:30 a.m. on the second Wednesday of each month on the 11th floor at Tulsa City Hall and last approximately one and one -half hours. This is the technical advisory group for the TMATS policy committee. OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY MEMBERS T M (Tom) Rikkola, Jr 804 N Elm Owasso, OK 74055 272 -5675 (h) Term Expires: 6/30/03 Edward (Doc) Sokolosky 2005 N Atlanta Ct Owasso, OK 74055 272 -1894 (h) 272 -5355 (w) Term Expires: 6/30/04 Brian Skelton, Chair 7823 N 132nd E Ave Owasso, OK 74055 272 -3261 (h) 835 -3111 x3333 (w) Term Expires: 6/30/05 R E (Bob) Oldefest 15411 E 102nd St N Owasso, OK 74055 272 -3689 (h) 664 -5410 (w) Term Expires: 6/30/06 OWASSO, OKLAHOMA Glenna M Anderson, PO Box 234 Owasso, OK 740055 272 -5048 (h) Term Expires: STAFF SUPPORT Vice Chair 6/30/07 Marcia Boutwell, Authority Secretary Executive Assistant to the City Manager OTHER STAFF Rodney J Ray City Manager Sherry Bishop City Treasurer This Authority meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. at the Bailey Golf Ranch Maintenance Facility. Meetings last approximately two hours. The Trust was established on August 8, 1989, with no terms of office specified. The Trust Indenture was amended on January 6, 1992 to include term limits of 15 years, following an initial staggered term. Appointments are made by the Mayor with City Council Confirmation 1 OWASSO SALES TAX WATCHDOG COMMITTEE IOWASSO, OKLAHOMA IMEMBERS NEWS MEDIA - One Slot Glenna Gay The Owasso Reporter 202 E Second Ave Owasso, OK 74055 272 -1155 vo ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - One Slot Tom Kimball Kimball's Hardware 8301 N Owasso Expy Owasso, OK 74055 272 -1146 RETAIL BUSINESS - Two Slots Harold Merrill 9417 N 136th E Ave Owasso, OK 74055 272 -7313 RECREATION GROUPS - One Slot James Darling 8606 N 121st E Ave Owasso, OK 74055 272 -2711 FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS - One Slot Billie Fulbright RCB Bank 86th St N & Hwy 169 Owasso, OK 74055 272 -1887 BUILDERS - One Slot Pat Woods Pat Woods Construction 8555 N 117th E Ave PO Box 3 Owasso, OK 74055 272 -5177 SENIOR CITIZENS - Two Slots John Stieger Baptist Retirement Center 7406 N 122nd E Ave Owasso, OK 74055 272 -1871 John Groth 801 N Dogwood Owasso, OK 74055 272 -5179 CITIZENS -AT -LARGE - Three Slots Michael Philippi, Chairperson 7413 N 119th E Ave_ Owasso, OK 74055 622 -8080 (w) Bill Williams Williams Refuse 1807 N Elm ' Owasso, OK 74055 272 -7215 ' EDUCATION - Two Slots Dan Siemens Barnes Elementary School ' 202 E Broadway Owasso, OK 74055 272 -1153 ' Steve Holleman Owasso Schools 101 E 24th Ct Owasso, OK 74055 272 -9287 (h); 272 -6274 (w) RECREATION GROUPS - One Slot James Darling 8606 N 121st E Ave Owasso, OK 74055 272 -2711 FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS - One Slot Billie Fulbright RCB Bank 86th St N & Hwy 169 Owasso, OK 74055 272 -1887 BUILDERS - One Slot Pat Woods Pat Woods Construction 8555 N 117th E Ave PO Box 3 Owasso, OK 74055 272 -5177 SENIOR CITIZENS - Two Slots John Stieger Baptist Retirement Center 7406 N 122nd E Ave Owasso, OK 74055 272 -1871 John Groth 801 N Dogwood Owasso, OK 74055 272 -5179 CITIZENS -AT -LARGE - Three Slots Michael Philippi, Chairperson 7413 N 119th E Ave_ Owasso, OK 74055 622 -8080 (w) Citizens -at -Large cont. Richard Sullivan 12703 E 77th Circle Owasso, OK 74055 272 -6546 Vicki Tapp 12510 E 77th St N Owasso, OK 74055 272 -6926 SUPPORT STAFF Rodney J Ray City Manager Sherry Bishop City Treasurer Marcia Boutwell, Secretary Executive Asst to City Manager This committee was formed following the 1988 tax extension bond election for the purpose of maintaining a strong citizen participation effort throughout the life of the sales tax extension and to insure the proper use of revenues generated. The committee meets on the second Monday of January, April, July, and October at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Center. Meetings are approximately two hours in length. Duties of the committee consist of reviewing all financial records relating to the 1988 Sales Tax Extension and acting as a public information liaison. Members of the committee are appointed by the Mayor with Council confirmation for the life of the sales tax extension. Legally the term of office is defined as "throughout the life of the Sales Tax Extension (10/1/2007) or until resignation ". MEMORANDUM ® TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: REGENA ROGERS ' SUBJECT: MIKE HOLCOMB, FIREFIGHTER WORKERS' COMPENSATION SETTLEMENT DATE: JUNE 13, 1995 r BACKGROUND: ' On November 14, 1994, Firefighter Mike Holcomb was engaged in combatin g a mobile home structure fire when the floor in the burning room collapsed, (apparently from heat and water) and Mr. Holcomb fell through the floor. When the floor collapsed, his right leg went through the floor, but his left leg did not, which resulted in his left knee twisting. The Owasso ambulance service immediately transported Mr. Holcomb to St. Francis for evaluation and ' treatment. After three months of recovery, Mr. Holcomb returned to work on February 7, 1995. During the time he was off work, Mr. Holcomb, in compliance with the IAFF contract, received full pay (approximately $ 5,217) and medical care (approximately $ 4,572) including a left knee arthroscopic examination. This surgery was performed as an outpatient on December 20, 1994 at Eastern Oklahoma Surgery Center. Mr. Holcomb was placed on a rehabilitation program after his surgery and released from his surgeon on January 26, 1995 with a 10% permanent partial physical impairment to the left lower extremity. This disability rating is not due to the condition of the knee; but rather it is due to the pain and tenderness he is still experiencing. Basically, this means that due to the injury he received while w. fighting a fire, the arthroscopic (surgical) examination was needed to determine the extent of injury. That surgery, (see attached report from Dr. Mauerman) along with the injury received P while working, has given Mr. Holcomb a claim status of 10% permanent partial physical impairment. Even though Mr. Holcomb was given full clearance to return to work with no difficulties and no impairments, he is eligible for the disability rating of 10% due to the fact the "invasive procedure" (surgery) was required as a result of the injury on November 14, 1994. Berkley Administrators, the City's workers' compensation consultant/administrator has advised us that typically, injuries of this type are given at least a 15% rating, or more. The State of Oklahoma uses a matrix system which clearly defines the part of the body impaired, the percentage of impairment and the dollar value each of those percentages represent. In this case, the State of Oklahoma has set the settlement award (when there is a 10% impairment to HOLCOMB WORKERS' COMPENSATION SETTLEMENT PAGE TWO the leg) at $ 4,202.50. This is 20.5 weeks (see attached letter from Berkley Administers) of compensation calculated at the State maximum rate of $ 205. per week, or $ 4,202.50. There are taxes to the Occupational Safety and Health Fund, Special Indemnity Fund (of which 1/2 is held out of the settlement to the claimant), workers' compensation administration fee and a workers' compensation court fee. The total expenses to settle this claim is $ 4,603.19. Mr. Holcomb would receive a settlement check of $ 3,992.38, the balance would be made payable to the Oklahoma Tax Commission to be distributed accordingly. The expenses "to- date" associated with this injury are over $ 9,700, plus overtime costs required to cover Mr. Holcomb's position while on injury leave. Settlement of this claim will insure that there will be no additional liability exposure for future time loss and medical expenses for this injury. COMMENTS: Should you choose not to authorize this settlement, the consensus of our workers' compensation administrator, knowledgeable attorneys and staff, is that the City very likely would be involved in litigation to achieve a settlement. The settlement could be for a larger (15 -20% rating equals $ 6,765 - $9,327 settlement) disability percentage, could include continuing, medical expenses and additional rehabilitation expenses. In the event the disability rating would remain at 10 %, the City would incur legal fees (typically $5,000 +) to prepare and represent the City in court. The City of Owasso self funds its workers' compensation claims, and as such, the claims for settlement are approved individually. If the City were to purchase workers' compensation insurance from an outside source, the carrier would negotiate all settlements and approve all medical care. A carrier could, of course, adjust premium rates due to experience factors and State authorization of rate increases. Claim costs through self - funding are clear. However, when insuring with an insurance carrier that clarity may be obscured with various rating factors and could greatly exceed the expenses of a self - funded workers' compensation program. If our workers' compensation coverage were through a traditional insurance policy, this claim would be settled by the company in the same manner as recommended by the staff. RECOMMENDATION: The staff and workers' compensation consultant/administrator recommend Council approval of a negotiated settlement with Mr. Holcomb wherein the City would pay $ 4,603.19 for a 10% 99 disability to the employees knee, such payment in return for complete elimination of future claims against the City for that injury, and further recommends authorization for full payment of the claim upon the City Attorney's approval of the documents necessary to hold the City harmless from any future claims relating to this injury. ATTACHMENTS: Letter from George Mauerman, M.D. Letter from Berkley Administrators, with notation from George Mauerman, M.D. Letter from Berkley Administrators HOLCOMB. CC 40 �I r Lb U 7J_ UL • 7t I;I bt -KKLLT K15K [' kl 1 I . TO CLa"a QjiaQ tneL 04AOpadie &4%, 15"t- BQ=kley Administrat 3810 South 103rd Ea Tulsa, Oklahoma 74 oantlemen: Michael Holcomb is r left knee, where no 8=0 amount of disci been on a rehabilitt when he was one weed Avenue, Suite 105 99663146' • 2 P. 02 SPORTS MEDICINE T. iWitr W"I. M. D. Kdth L. Scloley, M.D. Doaild 1.. Dohlman, LP T. wulbm L. Curou. R.P.T. )oats v JWW, AT. C. J...9 St Carr, A.T.. C. D n*11 G. Ilutt. Jr.. AT., C. t.eiuJ. Btutu. R.pT.A. RE: iiOLCOMS, Michael E. EMP: City of Owasso D /I: 11/14/94 ow one month after artluosoopia eaamination to his pathology was noted. He is still experiencing the m €ort he did before hie surgery. The patient has tion program by ur. Boone since DsO mb'Pr. 29, 1994. post surgery. Hig physical examination today does reveal that he hem medial and lateral joint line tAdsrnays with no effusion- He has full .range of motion and nn Arose instability. He has reached maximum benefit from his orthopedic car . He has sustained a permanent partial physical impairment of 10% left lower extremity due toTthe injury due to ths fightLita a house f re on November 14, 1994 pathology noted 1=9 de the knee: it JS due Lo the &mpairmert he is still experiencing inelbd ng the pa;Ln and tenderness and the like. Z declare under pe ty of perjury that i 11ave examined th1 R report and notice, and all Bt temants contained herein, and to the best Of MY )cnawlodge and balie , they are true, correct and complete. II 1 GSM:tlr -mti Sincerely, ,l deorge S. Mauerman, M.D. 6505 8outil VaLe Avcnuc (918) 494.9300 0MOPBDIC SUAGNRY eV[uim Medisxi BuiWina — Sulte SOD GeMe S. Mumcm -io, M.D. 'Mi, Oklahoma 74136.8377 amce L 8tlreA M.D. Mark A. C„apcitart, M.D. Alan C. Lewis, M.D. 7t:d T. pm Ns. M.D. Btidto.d L. Boom. M.D. Rodney L. Plaatet, M.D. A. 7yw 800ett, M.D. ,. ii>zmd D. Lindsay January 26, 1995 ADMINUTRATOR BQ=kley Administrat 3810 South 103rd Ea Tulsa, Oklahoma 74 oantlemen: Michael Holcomb is r left knee, where no 8=0 amount of disci been on a rehabilitt when he was one weed Avenue, Suite 105 99663146' • 2 P. 02 SPORTS MEDICINE T. iWitr W"I. M. D. Kdth L. Scloley, M.D. Doaild 1.. Dohlman, LP T. wulbm L. Curou. R.P.T. )oats v JWW, AT. C. J...9 St Carr, A.T.. C. D n*11 G. Ilutt. Jr.. AT., C. t.eiuJ. Btutu. R.pT.A. RE: iiOLCOMS, Michael E. EMP: City of Owasso D /I: 11/14/94 ow one month after artluosoopia eaamination to his pathology was noted. He is still experiencing the m €ort he did before hie surgery. The patient has tion program by ur. Boone since DsO mb'Pr. 29, 1994. post surgery. Hig physical examination today does reveal that he hem medial and lateral joint line tAdsrnays with no effusion- He has full .range of motion and nn Arose instability. He has reached maximum benefit from his orthopedic car . He has sustained a permanent partial physical impairment of 10% left lower extremity due toTthe injury due to ths fightLita a house f re on November 14, 1994 pathology noted 1=9 de the knee: it JS due Lo the &mpairmert he is still experiencing inelbd ng the pa;Ln and tenderness and the like. Z declare under pe ty of perjury that i 11ave examined th1 R report and notice, and all Bt temants contained herein, and to the best Of MY )cnawlodge and balie , they are true, correct and complete. II 1 GSM:tlr -mti Sincerely, ,l deorge S. Mauerman, M.D. bc)-Berkley Administrators 3810 South 103rd East Avenue, Suite 105 • Tulsa, OK 74146 ' Phone (918) 663 -7182 • FAX (918) 663 -1462 March 29, 1995 Dr. Mauerman ' Eastern Oklahoma Orthopedics Center 6585 S. Yale, Suite 500 Tulsa, OK 74136 , RE: Claimant: Michael Holcomb Insured: City of Owasso D /A: 11/14/94 Dear Dr. Mauerman: We note that you have completed some information for the City of Owasso regarding Mr. Holcomb's condition. You have indicated that he has no, absolutely no, limitations and that he can perform all essential job functions and has been released to unrestricted duty as of January 26, 1995. Earlier you had given us a permanent partial disability of 10 percent, and I am wondering if this 10 percent disability still holds true. We would appreciate your response to this matter and look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, Vickie Fisher Adjuster VF:dhD Member of the W. R. Berkley Group t boAdministrators Berkley C 3810 South 103rd East Avenue, Suite 105 • Tulsa, OK 74146 Phone (918) 663 -7182 • FAX (918) 663 -1462 April 6, 1995 Ms. Regena Rogers City of Owasso P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 RE: Claimant: Michael Holcomb Insured: City of Owasso D /A: 11/14/94 Dear Ms. Rogers: Enclosed is the response we have received from Dr. Mauerman regarding Mr. Holcomb's disability. As you can see, Dr. Mauerman indicates Mr. Holcomb has a 10% disability. When talking with the doctor, he indicated this disability does not prevent him from working his full duties. Therefore, we need to arrange to settle this claim with Mr. Holcomb. Mr. Holcomb would be entitled to 10% to the leg which is 20.5 weeks, and assuming he is maximum rate at $205.00 a week, that would entitle him to $4,202.50. Apparently, we do not have Mr. Holcomb's average weekly wage but if you will provide that information when you contact us, we will calculate the exact settlement. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, r Vickie Fisher Adjuster VF:dh Enclosure 110ember of the W. R. Berkley Group MEMORANDUM BACKGROUND: Law Enforcement liability issues resulting from lack of training are becoming prevalent in many cities today. Lack of funding is not an acceptable reason for a deficiency in training requirements. Currently, there is no method in place to ensure that Owasso has a consistent comprehensive training program for law enforcement. This memo provides exploration into an alternative which will meet this need. The City of Owasso operates a court system which is not a court of record. There are statutory limitations which apply to the collection of fines and court costs. In addition to fines levied for violations, state statutes authorize municipalities to adopt ordinances which set aside money from the fines collected, for police training and purchase of police equipment. In addition to the basic fines levied by the city, statutes mandates an additional $7.00 be ' collected from each citation. This money is divided between the Council for Law Enforcement Education and Training, (CLEFT) and Automated Fingerprint Identification System, (AFIS). Oklahoma Statute, Title 11 section 1313.2 allows an additional $15.00 in court costs to be collected by the city. Currently, the city collects the maximum amount allowed by statute. The staff proposes for your consideration, approval of an ordinance which mandates that $5.00 from each citation collected, be set aside to provide necessary police training and purchase of equipment. Many cities have adopted ordinances which earmark portions of fines to assist with costs of training and operation of the police department. I have enclosed copies of ordinances in place from the cities of Harrah, Collinsville and Cleveland. The passage of this ordinance would have an impact on the general fund. Those offenses where the maximum fine is already collected would require $5.00 to go to police training fund, thereby reducing the general fund revenue by $5.00 for each of those tickets. It should be noted, r however that this amount is not expected to greatly impact the general fund. TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL ' CITY OF OWASSO FROM: M.A.ALEXANDER ' CHIEF OF POLICE SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL FINES LEVIED FOR POLICE TRAINING (ORDINANCE 507) DATE: June 16, 1995 BACKGROUND: Law Enforcement liability issues resulting from lack of training are becoming prevalent in many cities today. Lack of funding is not an acceptable reason for a deficiency in training requirements. Currently, there is no method in place to ensure that Owasso has a consistent comprehensive training program for law enforcement. This memo provides exploration into an alternative which will meet this need. The City of Owasso operates a court system which is not a court of record. There are statutory limitations which apply to the collection of fines and court costs. In addition to fines levied for violations, state statutes authorize municipalities to adopt ordinances which set aside money from the fines collected, for police training and purchase of police equipment. In addition to the basic fines levied by the city, statutes mandates an additional $7.00 be ' collected from each citation. This money is divided between the Council for Law Enforcement Education and Training, (CLEFT) and Automated Fingerprint Identification System, (AFIS). Oklahoma Statute, Title 11 section 1313.2 allows an additional $15.00 in court costs to be collected by the city. Currently, the city collects the maximum amount allowed by statute. The staff proposes for your consideration, approval of an ordinance which mandates that $5.00 from each citation collected, be set aside to provide necessary police training and purchase of equipment. Many cities have adopted ordinances which earmark portions of fines to assist with costs of training and operation of the police department. I have enclosed copies of ordinances in place from the cities of Harrah, Collinsville and Cleveland. The passage of this ordinance would have an impact on the general fund. Those offenses where the maximum fine is already collected would require $5.00 to go to police training fund, thereby reducing the general fund revenue by $5.00 for each of those tickets. It should be noted, r however that this amount is not expected to greatly impact the general fund. Ordinance #507 ' June 16, 1995 Page 2 Since only the presiding judge has the authority to increase the amount of fines imposed, contact has been made with Judge Hilsabeck and the prosecuting attorney for the City who are receptive to increasing the bond schedule an additional $5.00 for all offenses which are not yet at their maximum (except parking violations). In most offenses, the maximum amount of fines has not been assessed. In those offenses where the maximum fine amount is already imposed, (primarily drug and alcohol offenses), no increase could take place. A complete list of all fines is enclosed for your review. Attached for your review is a five year comparison of citations issued and the impact a collection of $5.00 per citation would generate. These funds would be extremely helpful in projects that the police department desperately needs. YEAR # OF CITATIONS $5.00 COLLECTION 1990 3195 $15,975 1991 3606 $18,030 1992 3907 $19,535 1993 3562 $17,810 1994 2232 $11,160 1995 2085* $10,425 ' *The 1995 figure was obtained by estimating the total number of citations expected for this year by the number of citations written from January through April of 1995. 695 citations written in four months X 3 = 2,085. Based on the lowest number of citations written, the expected gain to the training effort can be estimated at approximately $10,000, annually. These funds can be dedicated to the training of the police department, thus freeing up an equaled amount to be used in other critical areas. If activity increases and this fund surpasses the expected minimum amounts, additional police equipment may be purchased with these funds. COMMENTS: �+ 1. On June 13, 1995 the City Council conducted a public hearing for the purpose of gathering citizen input and comments regarding this proposed ordinance. Approximately twenty -five people attended the public hearing and none offered comments regarding proposed ordinance 507. ' 2. If adopted, this ordinance would become effective on July 22, 1995 and the set -aside would begin at that time. ' Ordinance #507 June 16, 1995 ' Page 3 RECOMMENDATION• The staff recommends Council adoption of ordinance 507. II ATTACHMENTS: I ' 1. Owasso Ordinance 507 2. Current Bond Schedule � I � I I I � I � I � I CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE NO. 507 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PART 6 - COURT, CHAPTER 1 - MUNICIPAL COURT, SECTION 6-138, FINES AND COSTS OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, AMENDING SAME BY PROVIDING A DESIGNATION THAT FIVE DOLLARS ($5.00) FROM EVERY FINE IMPOSED BY THE MUNICIPAL COURT FOR VIOLATION OF MUNICIPAL ORDINANCES WILL BE EARMARKED FOR UTILIZATION BY THE OWASSO POLICE DEPARTMENT FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL TRAINING AND THE PURCHASE OF POLICE DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT: Section 1: Part 6 - Court, Chapter 1 - Municipal Court, Section 6 -138 - Fines and Costs of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, is hereby amended in the following manner to provide, to -wit: If judgement of conviction is entered, the clerk of the court shall tax the costs to the defendant in an amount to be determined by the governing body by motion or resolution from time to time, plus the fees and mileage of jurors and witnesses, all of which the defendant shall pay, in addition to any fine that may be imposed. Five Dollars $5.00) from every fine levied per conviction for violation of the municipal code of ordinances shall be earmarked and designated for use in the training of police department personnel as well as the purchase of police department equipment. Section 2: This Ordinance shall, upon passage, become effective thirty (30) days from the date of first publication as provided by State Law. APPROVED this _ day of 11995- CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA Charles L. Burris, Mayor ATTEST: Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney 2780- 288.or4 1 so OWASSO BOND SCHEDULE ' OFFENSE STATUTE BOND ADD157 MAND. COURT? Actual Physical Control 15- 524/15 -525 $222 N Y Animal at Large 4 -102 $53 * Y N Animal Registration 4 -121 $53 * Y N Animal Vaccination 4 -120 $53 * Y N Assault and Battery 10 -501 $103 * N Y Barking Dog 4 -107 $53 - Y N Careless Driving 15 -523 $100 * Y N Carry Concealed Weapon 10 -306 $103 * N Y Child Restraint Violation 15 -104 SS $32 * Y N Curfew Violation 10-410 $63 * N Y Deface City Property 10 -219 $63 * N Y Defective Equipment 15 -303 $43 * Y N Discharge Weapon, Throw Missle 10 -309 $63 * Y Y Disobey Stop 15-603 $53 * Y N Disturbing the Peace 10 -301 $103 Y Y Driving Under Suspension 15 -212 $68 'Y Y Y Driving Under the Influence 15 -524 $222 N Y Driving While Impaired 15 -525 $222 N Y Eluding or Attempt to Elude 10-616 $222 N Y Excessive Acceleration 15-401 c6 $53 Y N Failure to Yield at Intersection 15 -540 $63 * Y N Failure to Yield at Yield Sign 15 -542 $63 * Y N Failure to Yield from Parked Position 15 -551 $63 * Y N Failure to Yield to Emergency Vehicle 15 -216 $63 * Y N False Alarm Trip 10 -312 sec 13 $63 * Y N Fireworks Prohibited 10 -304 $63 * Y N Following Too Closely 15 -508 $63 * Y N Handicapped Parking Violation 15 -719 $55 Y N Improper Backing 15 -519 $63 * Y N Improper Lane Use 15 -501 $53 * Y N Improper Parking 15 -721 $15 Y N Improper Passing 15 -503 $53 * Y N Inattentive Driving 15 -527 $100 " Y N Indecent Exposure 10-406 $103 - N Y Inspection Sticker 15 -306 $43 Y N Insurance Verification 15 -225 $83 * Y N * denote $5.00 increase proposed OFFENSE STATUTE BOND ADD15? COURT? Leave Scene P/D Accident 15 -217 $83 * Y Y License Tag Violation 15 -213 $43 * Y N Loud Music 10 -311 $63 Y Y Malicious Mschief 10 -222 $63 * N Y Meeting or Overtaking School Bus 15 -516 $83 * Y N No Drivers License 15 -211 $53 * N Y No Drivers License on Person 15 -211 $43 * Y N Obscene Language 10 -301 $103 * Y N Parked Over 48 Hours 15 -704 $15 Y N Passing in No Passing Zone 15- 509 $53 Y N Permit Unauthorized Person to Drive 15 -214 $53 * Y N Petit Larceny 10 -201 $122 * N Y Possession of Alcohol by Minor 3 -207 $78 * N Y Possession of Beer by Minor 3 -207 $78 * N Y Possession of Drug Paraphernalia 10-403 $222 N Y Possession of Marijuana 10-402 $222 N Y Public Intoxication 10-401 $53 * N Y Reckless Driving 15 -522 $122 * Y Y Remaining On School Property 10 -314 $63 * Y Y Resisting Arrest 10 -601 $222 N Y Seat Belt Violation 15 -308 $32 * N N Skateboarding on Roadway 15 -207 $53 * Y N Speeding (1 -10 over) 15-401 $53 * Y N Speeding (11 -20 over) 15-401 $63 * Y N Speeding (20+ over) 15-401 $83 * Y N Speeding SZ (1 -10 over) 15-401 $73 * Y N Speeding SZ (11 -20 over) 15-401 $83 * Y N Speed Too Fast for Conditions 15-403 $53 * Y N Transport Open Container - Alcohol 3 -118 $78 * Y Y Transport Open Container -Beer 3 -211 $78 * Y Y Trespassing 10 -215 $103 * N Y Traffic Not Listed 15 -104 $53 * Y N Non - Traffic Not Listed 3 -108 $63 Y N * denote $5.00 increase proposed I MEMORANDUM am r-i a TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: PROPOSED REFUSE RATE INCREASES DATE: June 16, 1995 BACKGROUND: The City of Owasso has consistently maintained low residential and commercial refuse removal rates for a very long time period. Commercial refuse rates were reduced in 1993 because of increased economies obtained by new contracts with a private refuse service. The use of polycarts, yard waste bags, flow ordinances and efficient routing of refuse vehicles has allowed the city to keep residential rates as the third lowest of all medium sized cities reporting to the Oklahoma Municipal League. Residential refuse rates have not been changed since 1986, despite increased costs in refuse removal and disposal. New Federal and State regulations have been enacted within the past two years which have substantially impacted the costs of refuse pick up. Statewide, the cost of once a week pick up ' jumped 9.6% two years ago and 17.6% from 1994 -95. This is a two year compounded increase of nearly thirty per cent. ' The average 1995 monthly rate for residential garbage collection in Oklahoma is $8.53 for one pick up per week. The current Owasso rate is $ 6.50 per poly cart for one pick up per week. ' Owasso's rates have been set as low as possible to recoup only those costs involved in refuse removal and disposal, with no consideration for the impact on the infrastructure, most notably PW streets and curbs. Refuse trucks are much heavier than average vehicles, and do much more ka damage to streets, curbs, and gutters with which they come into contact. While the Public Works Department has done a commendable job of controlling refuse costs, the city has been limited in its allocation of resources to repair and maintain the street system. There can however, be shown a direct and negative effect on the street system caused by the ' heavy trucks used to collect residential refuse. In fact, most of the more serious street problems are directly related to the refuse truck use of the streets. REFUSE RATES June 16, 1995 Page 2 Staff has conducted an intensive review of the budget, as well as other revenue streams, and can find no other source of funding to compensate for the infrastructure wear and tear caused by the refuse trucks. General fund revenues are committed, with seventy five per cent going to salaries. Additionally, the rates charged to the City by Browning Ferris Industries for commercial refuse pick up and disposal have been increased by three per cent for the coming contract year. New Federal regulations concerning landfill standards, environmental reporting and safety have also acted to limit city options and increase costs. Staff has compared the rate structure to current and projected costs, apportioned strain on the infrastructure caused by refuse pick up and disposal and future growth, and submits the following plan: 1. Residential refuse rates be increased by $1.50 per month for a five year time period. At the expiration of five years, the rate structure would be reviewed to determine whether rates can be remanded to a lower level, or whether a reallocation of the additional funds should occur in order to address another critical priority. 2. The increase in residential refuse rates be set aside for street repair and maintenance only. 3. That all revenue and expenses from the residential rate increases be subject to review by the Sales Tax Watchdog Committee. 4. That commercial collection and disposal rates be increased by an average of $20.00 per month per customer and that the increase in commercial rates be set aside for economic development activities only. As a result of the proposal, staff has prepared proposed resolutions for refuse rate increases. A public hearing was held on June 13, 1995 to gain citizen input relating to the proposed rate increases and uses of the expected revenue. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends City Council approval of Resolution #95 -05 increasing the rates charged for the collection and disposal of refuse from commercial establishments and approving action taken by the OPWA to increase commercial refuse rates. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Proposed Commercial Rate Schedule and Comparison with Current Rates 2. Resolution #95 -05. 3 yard container 6 yard container Commercial Refuse Service Rate Sreadsheet Weekly Pick uns Current Current No. of Monthly Monthly Containers Rate Total Proposed Proposed Monthly Monthly Rate Total $864 $853 $570 TOTALS 153 $16,039 $19,247 Note: Proposed rate reflects a 20% increase per customer regardless of container size or number of weekly pick ups. COMREFRT. WO 1 Ad CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ' RESOLUTION NO 95 -05 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, ' OKLAHOMA, APPROVING RATES TO BE CHARGED FOR THE PROVISION OF NECESSARY REFUSE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL ' SERVICE TO COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL REFUSE GENERATORS, AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE, AS ESTABLISHED BY THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA , THAT: SECTION ONE: From and after the effective date as hereinafter set forth, the charges established by OPWA Resolution ##95 -02 for commercial refuse service are approved and authorized by the approval of this resolution. SECTION TWO: The rates hereby approved shall apply for service provided on and after the first day of July, 1995. APPROVED AND ADOPTED DATED this 20th day of June, 1995 by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. Charles L Burris, Mayor ATTEST: Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald D Cates, City Attorney 1 I MEMORANDUM 16 TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: PROPOSED REFUSE RATE INCREASES DATE: June 16, 1995 BACKGROUND: The City of Owasso has consistently maintained low residential and commercial refuse removal rates for a very long time period. Commercial refuse rates were reduced in 1993 because of increased economies obtained by new contracts with a private refuse service. The use of polycarts, yard waste bags, flow ordinances and efficient routing of refuse vehicles has allowed the city to keep residential rates as the third lowest of all medium sized cities reporting to the Oklahoma Municipal League. Residential refuse rates have not been changed since 1986, despite increased costs in refuse removal and disposal. New Federal and State regulations have been enacted within the past two years which have substantially impacted the costs of refuse pick up. Statewide, the cost of once a week pick up jumped 9.6% two years ago and 17.6% from 1994 -95. This is a two year compounded increase of nearly thirty per cent. The average 1995 monthly rate for residential garbage collection in Oklahoma is $8.53 for one pick up per week. The current Owasso rate is $ 6.50 per poly cart for one pick up per week. Owasso's rates have been set as low as possible to recoup only those costs involved in refuse removal and disposal, with no consideration for the impact on the infrastructure, most notably streets and curbs. Refuse trucks are much heavier than average vehicles, and do much more damage to streets, curbs, and gutters with which they come into contact. While the Public Works Department has done a commendable job of controlling refuse costs, the city has been limited in its allocation of resources to repair and maintain the street system. There can however, be shown a direct and negative effect on the street system caused by the heavy trucks used to collect residential refuse. In fact, most of the more serious street problems are directly related to the refuse truck use of the streets. REFUSE RATES June 16, 1995 Page 2 Staff has conducted an intensive review of the budget, as well as other revenue streams, and can find no other source of funding to compensate for the infrastructure wear and tear caused by the refuse trucks. General fund revenues are committed, with seventy five per cent going to salaries. Additionally, the rates charged to the City by Browning Ferris Industries for commercial refuse pick up and disposal have been increased by three per cent for the coming contract year. New Federal regulations concerning landfill standards, environmental reporting and safety have also acted to limit city options and increase costs. Staff has compared the rate structure to current and projected costs, apportioned strain on the infrastructure caused by refuse pick up and disposal and future growth, and submits the following plan: 1. Residential refuse rates be increased by $1.50 per month for a five year time period. At the expiration of five years, the rate structure would be reviewed to determine whether rates can be remanded to a lower level, or whether a reallocation of the additional funds should occur in order to address another critical priority. 2. The increase in residential refuse rates be set aside for street repair and maintenance only. 3. That all revenue and expenses from the residential rate increases be subject to review by the Sales Tax Watchdog Committee. 4. That commercial collection and disposal rates be increased by an average of $20.00 per month per customer and that the increase in commercial rates be set aside for economic development activities only. As a result of the proposal, staff has prepared proposed resolutions for refuse rate increases. A public hearing was held on June 13, 1995 to gain citizen input relating to the proposed rate increases and uses of the expected revenue. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends City Council approval of Resolution #95 -06 increasing the rates charged for the collection and disposal of refuse from polycart customers and approving action taken by the OPWA to increase polycart refuse rates. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Proposed Polycart Rate Schedule and Comparison with Current Rates 2. Resolution #95 -06. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 POLYCART RATE SPREADSHEET Type of polycart Number in Service Current Rate Current Total Proposed Rate New Total Residential 3805 $ 6.50 $24,732.50 $ 8.00 $30,440.00 Commercial 114 $ 6.50 $741.00 $ 10.00 $1,140.00 Multifamily 7 $ 6.50 $45.50 $ 8.00 $56.00 Yardwaste 107 $ 6.50 $695.00 $ 6.50 $695.000 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA RESOLUTION NO 95 -06 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, APPROVING RATES TO BE CHARGED FOR THE PROVISION OF NECESSARY REFUSE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL SERVICE TO POLYCART REFUSE CUSTOMERS, AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE, AS ESTABLISHED BY THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT: SECTION ONE: From and after the effective date as hereinafter set forth, the charges established by OPWA Resolution #95 -03 for polycart refuse service are approved and authorized by the approval of this resolution. SECTION TWO: The rates hereby approved shall apply for service provided on and after the first day of July, 1995. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of June, 1995 by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. Charles L Burris, Mayor ATTEST: Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald D Cates, City Attorney NWMoxnrmuM TO: RODNEY J. RAY CITY MANAGER ' FROM: DOUG GROVES ENGINEERING TECHNIC 10 SUBJECT: COMPLETION OF OWASSO SPORTS -PARK PHASE H LIGHTING a PROJECT B4.1088 DATE: June 15, 1995 BACKGROUND: On February 21, 1995 council entered into contact with Shawnee Lighting Systems for the completion of the Softball Four -Plex Lighting. ' Installation began on March 6, 1995 with an expected completion date of May 13, 1995. The project was delayed due to the excessive amount of rainfall over the last few months. All work was completed by May 23, 1995. Testing and measurement procedures of the lighting were performed on June 6, 1995 in compliance with the specifications. The equipment installation meets all the criteria specified. Light meter readings show uniformity across the playing surface and all work is in compliance with local, state, and national electrical codes. Recently, complaints were received from local residents concerning excessive brightness of the new lights. Investigation of their concerns resulted in determining that this project did not include off -field spill and glare control that was included in the previous sports -park lighting projects. Control can be added to the Softball Four -Plex under a sperate contract which would include the installation of sixty -four (64) reflectors at a total project cost of $12,500.00. RECOMMENDATION: ' The staff recommends council acceptance, release of retainage and authorization for final payment to Shawnee Lighting Systems in the amount of $9,611.00. IATTACHMENTS: 1. Final pay request from Shawnee Lighting Systems 2. Test Report from Davis Sports Lighting and Equipment 3. Electrical Inspection report from Mike Knebel 4. Project drawing 11 i l i'f- jY1 (1 MAY 29 1995 =: APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT Wage Urie of-- -- _ TO (Owner): CITY OF OWASSO .BOX 180, 207 S. CEDAR OWASSO, OK 74055 FROM (Contractor): SHAWNEE LIGHTING SYSTEMS BOX 3078 SHAWNEE, OK 74802 -3078 PROTECT: OWASSO SPORTS PARK PHASE II LIGHTING (COMPLETION OF SOFTBALL FOUR -FLEX CONTRACT FOR: Contract Date: 02 -21 -95 Application Date: 05 -23 -95 Period To: 05 -23 -95 Distribution To: Owner Architect Contractor Engineer CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT Application is made for payment, as shown below, in connection with the Contract. Continuation sheet is attached. 1. Original Contract Sum $ 43,460.00 2. Net Change by Change Orders $ -0- 3. Contract Sum to Date (Line 1 & 2) $_ 43,460.00 4. Total Completed & Stored to Date $ 43,460-00 (Column G on Continuation Sheet) 5. Retainage: a. -0- % of Completed Work $ -0- (Column D &- E on Continuation Sheet) - FINAL b. -0- % of Stored Material $ -0- (Column F on Continuation Sheet) Total Retainage (Line 5a & 5b) $ -0- 6. Total Earned Less Retainage $_ 43.460.00 (Line 4 less Line 5 Total) 7. Less Previous Certificates for Payment $ 33,849.00 AGREEMENT 195 00300 - 8 of 14 ' 8. CURRENT PAYMENT DUE $ 9,611.00 9. Balance to Finish, Plus Retainage $ -0- (Line 3 less Line 6 I CHANGE ORDER SUMMARY: ADDMONS DEDUCTIONS t Change Orders approved in previous months by OWNER TOTALS $ $ Approved this month Number $ $ Date Approved TOTALS $ $ ' Net change by Change Orders $ The undersigned Contractor certifies that to the best of the Contractor's knowledge, information and belief, the WORK covered by this Application for Payment has been completed in I accordance with the Contract Documents, that all amounts have been paid by the Contractor for Work for which previous Certificates for Payment were issued and payments received from the Owner, and that current payment shown herein is now due. CONTRACTOR: - By;- Date: 5 -23 -95 STATE OF OIU -AHOY A ) COUNTY OF POTTAWATOMIE )SS t Subscribed and sworn to before me tfiis 23rd day of May 19 95 r(SEAL) My Commission Expires; Nov. 20, 1995 Notary Public 195 AGREEMENT 00300 - 9 of 14 0 ARCHITECT'S / ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT In accordance with the contract documents, based on on -site observations and the data 1 comprising the above application, the Architect/Engineer certifies to the Owner that to the best of the Architect's/Engineer's knowledge, information and belief, the Work has progressed as indicated, the quality of the Work is in accordance with the Contract Documents, and the j Contractor is entitled to payment of the amount certified. AMOUNT CER nFIED $ .(Attach Explanation if amount certified differs from the amount applied for.) ARCHITECT / ENGINEER: By: Date: This certificate is riot negotiable. The AMOUNT CERTIFIED is payable only to the contractor named herein. Issuance, payment and acceptance of payment without prejudice to any rights of the Owner or Contractor under this Contract. 4 t AGREEMENT 195 00300 - 10 of 14 ■ 19. . f� r CONTINUATION SHEET Page 4 of 5 Application and Certification for Payment, containing Contractor's signed Certification is attached. Application Number: 2 Application Date: 5 -23 -95 Period To: 5 -23 -95 In tabulations below, amounts are stated to the nearest dollar. Use Column I on Contracts where variable retainage for line items may apply. IP A E C D E (cont) — ITEM DESCRIPTION SCHEDULED WORK COMPLETED WORK COMPLETED NO. OF WORK VALUE FROM PREVIOUS THIS PERIOD �r APPLICATION 1 Lighting 43,460.00 33,849.00 9,611 00 NOTE: At bottom of each column, run totals. 195 AGREEMENT 00300 - 11 of 14 �r -" (cont) F G K I• MATERIALS PRESENTLY STORED (NOT IN D OR E) TOTAL COMPLETED % AND STORED (G /C) TO DATE (D +E +F) BALANCE RETAINAGE TO FINISH (C-G') -0- 43,460.00 100% -0- -0- NOTE: At bottom of each column, run totals. 195 AGREEMENT 00300 - 11 of 14 CLAIM OR INVOICE AFFIDAVIT STATE OF OKLAHOMA ) ) SS COUNTY OF POTTAWATOMIE The undersigned (Architect, Contractor, Supplier, Engineer or Supervisory Official), of lawful age, being first duly sworn, on oath says that this (Invoice, Claim or Contract) is true and correct. Affiant further states that the (work, services or materials) as shown by this Invoice or Claim have been (completed or supplied) in accordance with the Plans, Specifications, orders or requests furnished to the affiant. Affiant further states that (s)he has made no payment, nor given, nor donated, or agreed to pay, give, or donate, either directly or indirectly, to any elected official, officer, or employee of the State, County, or City of money or any other thing of value to obtain payment or the award of this contract. Contractor or Supplier Subscribed and sworn to before me this 23rd day of May 19_ 95. i Notary Public My Commission Expires: Nov. 20, 1995 Architect, Engineer or other Supervisory Official Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19 Notary Public day of L L My Commission Expires: L NOTE: Strike out words not appropriate and sign appropriate signature line. Architect, Engineer approval is not required for Contractor or Supplier Affidavit. L AGREEMENT 195 00300 — 12 of 14 (I 1 a O `�VJJ000lLO VI'IV 1J <.1Vn�1nV DAVIS SPO TS LIGHTING & EQUIPMENT 1 02 Denison Drive orman, OK 73069 Bus Ph. 405 - 366-8728 Fax Ph. 405 -364 -3052 V 0 1 10 f 1 7J 1 J- JO r. p l PROJECT: Owasao Sports ark, Phase II, Owasso, OK DATE: June 7, 1995 TO: Doug Groves, C *ty of Owasso Engineer On the evening of June of the fixtures on Fiel Complex. The contracto Systems was present at aiming of the fixtures and pole locations were of Owasso and from the Lighting. r' JUN. 8 1995 1995 I checked the aiming position s #1 & #12 at the Owasso Sports Billy Odell, from Shawnee Lighting pprox. 8:00 pm when I checked the nd the pole locations. The aiming as shown on the plans from the City quipment manufacturer, Musco 17 On that same evening at approx. 9:10 pm, we took light meter readings on those field with a Gossen Panalux II light meter. I recorded the eadings that were checked on the iifications. light scans that were p of Owasso's plans & spe ovided by Musco and that met the City As indicated the light meter readings were in compliance with the specs and the unifo mitt' is very good across the playing surface. In my opinion the contractor, Shawnee Lighting Systems, has ' performed in compliance with the City of Owasso and that the equipment that is insta led on Fields 1 & 12 are meeting the specified criteria. If you have any questions about the equipment don't hesitate to contact me. Musco will be sending you 2 copies of a maintenance manual put ogether for this project. ' Thanks for the opportun ty to do business with you and the City of Owasso and hope ully when you are in need of future sports lighting you wil call on Musco. 17 M M r V. . --- A- f-It M M 6" r, r---! r *'-q " i M =1 Itr a v D L n n n D v D 7 t D n c D J 0 D D D t 0 owA oe owASSO SPU ioe� p us L1+TTt� 1s.EAcu� * WAND 7W MJL CX)KPUPER LIGHT SCALY - IN ANDLES Fo4ltra T SC-2 MZ NOTE: ALL "A" AND W POLES ARE COMMON TO ADJACENT RELDS. Lamp Tyq 1500 welt Metal Halide UZ IPole location dtr9ensions are mialve to 0,0 reference point ®. Lutrww 155000 Fite Number: 112298d 1 12 DoW 214AAR-95 W�0�x HORIZONTAL FOOTCANDLES BL I Q E1Target Pok91a: Av46r�Qa: 26.84 37,92 Ma41n: 3620 43.88 Win" 13.83 27.52 AYWAlIn: 1.026 1.TM M6rl*Mr3: 2618 1..595 Nwrt er of Umirtsha- 16 • KW Coreu nption: 25.60 Avwapa TIII Factor: 0.911 •' MaWerta >'ce Factor: x 1.000 UgM Loos Factor 0.941 190 - 29.1 77.3 72. 3� 170 - 11.2 35.4 3:.7 26.0 2S.6 150 - 31.1 15.1 33.2 27.3 20.2 14.0 3y 130 - 26.5 13.2 31.6 27.4 2..6 16.9 13.2 ay 110 - 73.1 30.4 29.6 25.4 22.1 19.4 16.9 14.3 1t 90 - 2 2 30.1 26.9 25.8 23.2 71 4 21.5 20.3 15.9 '51 70 - 17.5 32.9 32.8 3S.0 2a.9 26.3 26.7 27.6 27.4 23.8 '# 50 - 38.9 4o.0 42.6 41.5 35.5 19. 6 30.7 32.5 33.1 31.2 11. A2 38.9 41.9 43.9 47.2 3).9 33.8 10.8 34.3 35.2 34.9 25.4 9 '7r��r 26 29.: 3i 32.2 31.1 jr 2' 7 1 0 4:.0 l 42.7 41.7 34.2 26.7 2S.1 -10 - 273 41.7 39.7 40.1 31.4 A3 83 3Qd 2Lv U 1 -10 1 10 1 t 30 50 I 70 I 90 1 110 I 130 { 150 1 170 I 190 IPole location dtr9ensions are mialve to 0,0 reference point ®. Lutrww 155000 Fite Number: 112298d 1 12 DoW 214AAR-95 W�0�x HORIZONTAL FOOTCANDLES V E1Target Pok91a: Av46r�Qa: 26.84 37,92 Ma41n: 3620 43.88 Win" 13.83 27.52 AYWAlIn: 1.026 1.TM M6rl*Mr3: 2618 1..595 Nwrt er of Umirtsha- 16 • KW Coreu nption: 25.60 Avwapa TIII Factor: 0.911 •' MaWerta >'ce Factor: x 1.000 UgM Loos Factor 0.941 •Elder to amperage draw for electrical sizing -Maintenance factor = ambient temp factor X volta�t factor X ballast factor X lamp lumen depreciation X laninaire dirt dcprvaatwa(per lES Manual RP-6- 88,p.92) 009ttj,bt Lou Factim(LU)cavetage tilt facto, X maintenance factor VOTE: light level average► and uniformities am guaranteed by MUSCO. However, individual location measurements may %mry from oomputcr pcodictions DWALLATION REQUMEMEN7S: Results a:stitrne +-3% nominal voltage at load side of MULu box and poles located within 3' of design locations COPYlUG1 i (C) 1991,1995 MUSCO SPORTS WC3i MNO INC. • Not to he reprodtiood io whole or put wid"d tie - a Doneeot of .musco Spats Id=hedy Inc Pole Location SCALE IN FEET 0 W 120 i i � 1 , 7 OWA &SO, OK OWASSO SPO Zoo► RADIUS u7TLE LEAGU #1 2' 60' Arm 70' M.1L COMPUTER LIGet SCAN - CANDLES NOTE: Fixhre Type: SC-2 MZ ALL "A' AND *B* POLES ARE COMMON TO ADJACENT FIELDS. � Tye ;� MOW �de MZ Rte Number: 11228BLL1 Dada: 83 451 190 - I 1 27.3 22. 170 - 31.2 35,6 31.7 26.9 15.6 150 - 31.1 35.1 33.2 27.1 20.2 14.9 130 - 37.92 Maldtrtarn: 36.20 .5 31.2 31.4 27.6 11.8 16.9 13.1 Number of Lu?titaku: ii ' KW C4net4rnption: 25.00 Average Tile Factor. 0.941 " MrintivWCa Factor: x 1,000 "'Light Lou Facbr: _ -iii MUSCO SPORTS UG}TING INC.. Not to be L'v reproduced Is whole or port without the written Comm t Of aM9/oo Sports IJ&bhni Inc. 110 - + =Pole Location 25.7 39.4 29.4 25.6 22.1 1t.4 L6.9 14.3 90 - 27.2 10.1 29.11 25.9 23.2 22.4 21.5 20.5 15.9 % 0 - 12.5 32.0 32.8 35.0 28.9 26.3 24.1 27.6 27.4 23.9 50 - _. )/.t 42.6 4H 35.5 29.6 10.7 32.5 33.1 31.2 21. I,. 40 3 31.9 41.9 43.9 43,2 31.9 30.1 30.9 34.3 36.2 34.9 25.4 Q ! 7 C 1 0 - 11.0 4359 62.? 61�� 31.2 If 75,3 29.0 32.2 )1.2 27.7 -10 - 27.5 G.2 39,7 49.3 3L.6 30.1 A4 2020' 81 1 I I 1 ! 1 1 I I I 1 -10 10 30 50 70 90 110 130 150 170 190 Pole loealot dimertelo3a are relative to 0,0 reference point S. 6- - . HORIZONTAL FOOTCANOLES T&qW Points: VIM Average: 26.64 37.92 Maldtrtarn: 36.20 436 Whom: 13.83 7132 AvWVh: 1.926 1.378 IWlallirl: 1618 1$85 Number of Lu?titaku: ii ' KW C4net4rnption: 25.00 Average Tile Factor. 0.941 " MrintivWCa Factor: x 1,000 "'Light Lou Facbr: _ -iii *Refer to ampmge draw, for electrical sizing "Maisleaance factor a ambient tam). factor X Voltae factor X ballast factor X lamp Wmen depreciation X lumirimm dirt depmciauon(per IFS Manual RP- &88.p.92) bwd r i ■� .� X malotenaace factor NOTE: Light level averages and uniformities am guaranteed by MUSCO. However. individual location measurements may vary from computer predictions INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS: Results assume }3% nominal voltage at load side of ballast box and poles located within Y of design locations COPYRIGHT (C) 1981,1945 MUSCO SPORTS UG}TING INC.. Not to be reproduced Is whole or port without the written Comm t Of aM9/oo Sports IJ&bhni Inc. + =Pole Location SCALE IN FEET 47 0 60 120 bwd r i ■� .� U WD I _0 [��7s X11 lu TO: DOUG HARGROVES FROM: MICHAEL J. KNEBEL SUBJECT: ELECTRICAL INSPECTION LIGHTING AT SPORTS PARK DATE: June 14, 1995 The Community Development Department's Inspections Division was recently requested to perform an electrical inspection on the additional lighting equipment installed at the Owasso Sports Park. Shawnee Electric Company had installed the lighting in recent months through a contractual agreement with the City. The electrical inspection was completed and the work was approved June 2, 1995. This inspection did not address all issues included in the specifications, but simply documents that all completed work met or exceeded local, state, and national electrical codes. 4 LEGEND (EXISTING) CONDUIT — — — — — — POLES 0 FENCE LEGEND (PROPOSED) POLES LUMINAIRE ASSEMBLY asr of //"'Fie1d#1 N I I I I I 200' I I -- - - - - -- r - - - -, I I I I I I L - - -� I ,\\,Ffeld# 12 I I I i 34 I I I I I \ GENERAL L A YOU T p"I Existing Fence Line (Typ,) I ao. I I I I Existing Electrical 7 i Conduit (Typ,) I I I r/7 Existing - - - -c-i— Transformer Pad r j F PMDENO CITY OF 0 YA sso, 00, OWAvm SPORTS —PARK l 2- BALL L.., dG LAtuui VDIG H" -- I T 2 f nmMoxnxnunz ' TO: ' FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: BACKGROUND THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO TIMOTHY ROONEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR PLAT AMENDMENT - CENTRAL PARK June 14, 1995 The City of Owasso received a request for a plat amendment for Central Park. The amendment request involves a change in the required rear yard setback for single - family structures built within the addition. Currently, the Owasso Zoning Code requires a minimum of 20 feet as a rear yard setback within an RS -3 addition. The plat for Central park, while not containing a rear building line on the plat itself, does state within the covenants of the addition that the minimum rear yard setback is to be 25 feet. The applicants are requesting that this item be changed to 20 feet which would still be in compliance with the Owasso Zoning Code property ' development standards for an RS -3 district. Oklahoma state law requires that in order to amend a subdivision plat, 100% of all property ' owners within the addition must sign and approve of the amendment request. Attached is a copy of the amendment request from the Central Park lot owners containing 100% approval. 1 t The Owasso Planning Commission reviewed the plat amendment at their June 13, 1995 meeting and unanimously recommended approval of the request. RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending approval of the plat amendment to Central Park, changing the required rear yard setback from 25 feet to 20 feet. ATTACHMENTS 1. RS -3 property development standards. 2. Map of the Central Park addition. 3. Plat amendment request for Central Park. 3. Business signs, unilluminated, as set forth in Section 320.2 b.3 of this code. e. Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS) must comply with the conditions listed in WECS Section 320.2c. SECTION 430 BULK AND AREA REQUIREMENTS IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS 430.1 Bulk and area requirements in the RE, RS, RD, RTH and RM districts are shown in Table 3 on the following two pages. Table 3 BULK AND AREA REQUIREMENTS IN THE RE, RS, RD AND RM DISTRICTS DISTRICT RE RS -1 RS -2 RS -3 RD RTH RM -1 RM -2 LOT WIDTH (Min. Ft.) One Family 150* 100 75 65, 60 60 60 60 Two Family 60 60 60 60 Multifamily (other than RTH) 100 100 LOT AREA (Min. Sq. Ft.) One Family 24,000 13,500 9,000 7,000 6,900 6,900 7,000 7,000 Two Family 6,900 6,900 7,000 7,000 Multifamily (other than RTH) 10,000 6,000 LAND AREA PER D.U. (Min. Sq. Ft.) One Family 28,375 16,000 10,875 8,400 8,400 7,500 7,500 7,500 Two Family 4,200 4,600 4,600 4,200 Multifamily (other than RTH) For each of the first two (2) D.U.'s on the lot 4,600 4,200 For each addi- tional D.U. Less than two bedrooms 3,100 2,400 Two or more bedrooms 4,356 3,100 TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT ** Development Width (min. ft.) 70 70 70 Lot Width (min. ft.) 20 20 20 Lot Area (min. sq. ft.) 1,600 1,600 1,600 Land Area (of development) per D.U. (min. sq. ft.) 3,600 2,200 2,200 23 1 ' BULK AND AREA REQUIREMENTS IN THE RE RS RD AND RM DISTRICTS DISTRICT RE RS -1 RS -2 RS -3 RD RTH RM -1 RM -2 STRUCTURE HEIGHT 35 26 26 26 26 26 26 * ** NA I , (Max. Ft.) LIVABILITY SPACE per D.U. (min. sq. ft.) 12,000 7,000 5,000 4,000 2,000 1,400 1,000 400 Front Yard Abutting a Public Street: ' Measured from center- line of abutting street; add i of right -of -way designated on the Major (Street Plan or 25 feet if not designated on Major Street Plan ' (min. ft.) Arterial 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 Not an Arterial 35 35 30 25 25 25 25 10 All Other Yards Abut- ting a Public Street: Measured from center- line of abutting street; add I of right - of -way designated on Major Street Plan or 25 feet if not desig- nated on Major Street Plan (min. ft.) Arterial 20 20 20 20 15 20 15 15 Not an Arterial 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Rear Yards (min. ft.) 25 25 25 20 20 20 20 10 Side Yards (min. ft.) * * ** One side yard 15 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Other side yard 15 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 *The frontage of any lot in the RE district which meets the requirements of minimum lot size may be less than the minimum frontages as long as the front building line on said lot is a minimum of one hundred twenty - five (125) linear feet. * *A minimum of two (2) townhouse lots. * *In the RM -1 district, a one -story limitation shall apply to structures containing more than 3 dwelling units which are within 50' of an ad- joining RE or RS district. * ** *Does not apply to interior lot line of townhouse developments. Im 24 DATE FILED DEC. 6, 1994 R,. fM r C{,.. /p.x x•,rIM, Krr . , R -l4 -E FsEc ` 2 [ CENTRAL PARK � T 21 N AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO. TULSA COUNTY. OKLAI IOMA. A SUBDIVISION OF A PART OF TIIF. EI /2 OF SECTION 20. TONNSIIIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST OF TIIF. 1. B. k M.. TULSA COUNTY. OKIA. TOTAL ACRES = 14.86 DEVELOPER: TOTAL LOTS = 45 K4NE DEVELOPMENT, INC. E. 86TH ST. N. OIIASSO, OK 74055 272 -7111 UNPLATTED /5 / / / /s / / s IntOti't / - wRT UNPLATTED PLAT NOR 5039 �NORTII T_ --s�� Scut 1'- eo' IloRnlE~sT t:oRRER f1 XC. M, T -EI -R• R -1. -E R. IZ IZ .o U I� LOT 1 s elocx 1 7`75 E� �I: ry�lX r "rE r-- ,.n� =. i s os•oe , 30.05 R 8204.17 - `50.02_ — J .r - - -- - - --- Nea�rzrw SURVEYOR PAYNE SURVEYING SERVICE UNPLATTED 1216 W. 1FILL ROCERS BLVD. CLAREMORE. OKLA. CURA TAKE 341 -0617 rL• ENGMEER DENNIS L. HODO P.S.. INC. C—T" K,.y1,.... E -tot. 8555 N. 117TH K. AVE. OWASSO, OKLA. 74055 Off® I Ia 1 i I I IN �- tea' •,, I I !_ I 1 I I —° -6.137 M}I /I JfRR.T MORiiI H I I N LOT 1 s elocx 1 7`75 E� �I: ry�lX r "rE r-- ,.n� =. i s os•oe , 30.05 R 8204.17 - `50.02_ — J .r - - -- - - --- Nea�rzrw SURVEYOR PAYNE SURVEYING SERVICE UNPLATTED 1216 W. 1FILL ROCERS BLVD. CLAREMORE. OKLA. CURA TAKE 341 -0617 rL• ENGMEER DENNIS L. HODO P.S.. INC. C—T" K,.y1,.... E -tot. 8555 N. 117TH K. AVE. OWASSO, OKLA. 74055 ..,..,..........,.....- tyi lei „t �rt - unn. u.wwr 9 nll ". c••;.ru� 272 -7551 nwc•..m luaa THE PLAT BOOK - TULSA COUNTY - COPYRIGHT 1994 ROY MALERNEE, CITY MAP SERVICE TULSA. OKLAHOMA FEOERAL LAW PROHIBITS REPROOUCTION FOR ANY PURPOSE WITHOUT PERMISSION OF COPYRIGHT OWNER Off® ®mw ..,..,..........,.....- tyi lei „t �rt - unn. u.wwr 9 nll ". c••;.ru� 272 -7551 nwc•..m luaa THE PLAT BOOK - TULSA COUNTY - COPYRIGHT 1994 ROY MALERNEE, CITY MAP SERVICE TULSA. OKLAHOMA FEOERAL LAW PROHIBITS REPROOUCTION FOR ANY PURPOSE WITHOUT PERMISSION OF COPYRIGHT OWNER i AMENDMENTTO CENTRAL PARK ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA THIS AMENDMENT to the Plat of CENTRAL PARK is made this day of June, 1995 Kane Development, Inc. and Ted and Loretta Dorton of the lots and blocks set forth hereinbelow, who are the owners of the lots and blocks set forth opposite their names hereinbelow and who are the owners of the lots and blocks of CENTRAL PARK, an addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, according to the recorded Plat thereof, to -wit: Owner Lots Block Kane Development, Inc. 1,2,3,4,5,6, 1 7,8,9,10,11, 12,13,14,15, 1 6,17,18,1 9, 20,21,22,23, 24 1,2,3,4,5,6, 2 7,9,10,11 1 3 1,2,3,4,5,6, 7,8 4 1 5 Ted & Loretta Dorton 8 2 WHEREAS, it is the desire of the above named owners to amend the plat of CENTRAL PARK, Plat #5039, dated December 6, 1994, as it affects the whole addition. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the sum of Ten and no /100 Dollars ($10.00) in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and other good and valuable consideration, the undersigned do hereby amend and modify the Plat of CENTRAL PARK as set forth hereinbelow: 1. Item #13 'SETBACK LINES' will be changed for rear yard purposes to twenty (20) feet. The undersigned, as owners of the affected lots, do hereby ratify and incorporate by reference, and affirm all parts of the Plat and Deed of Dedication and Restrictive Covenants which are not amended hereby and which are consistant herewith. This Amendment shall be effective from the date hereof, and shall be enforceable to the same extent in the same manner as if originally set forth fully in the original Plat and Deed of Dedication of the CENTRAL PARK addition. 1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment to ' be executed the day and year first above written. — -- -- KAN PMENT�lD ' 1 Secretary Presiden STATE OF OKLAHOMA ) I ss. COUNTY OF TULSA ) Before me the undersi ned Notary Public in and for said county and , state, on this day of 1995, personally appeared the esident of Kane Development, Inc. and to e known to be the identical person who executed the foregoing instrument , and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed of such corporation for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN under my hand and seal of office the day and year first above written, Nota�Public My commission Expires 9 Ted Dorto retta Dorton STATE OF OKLAHOMA ) ss. COUNTY OF TULSA ) Before me the undersign d Notary Public in and for said county and st te, on t is , day of -.� 1995, personally appeared _ /..- r� �(L7Y ,t and to me known to be the identical persons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN under my hand and seal of office the day and year first above written, ? -- Notar Public My commission Expires �� W MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: IL. ' SUBJECT: ' DATE: ' BACKGROUND THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO TIMOTHY ROONEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR ANNEXATION REQUEST BY OWASSO PUBLIC SCHOOLS ORDINANCE NO. 509 June 14, 1995 The Owasso Public Schools have submitted to the City of Owasso a petition for annexation of property totaling approximately 15.83 acres. The subject property is shown on the attached map and is currently developed with Bailey Elementary School. The subject property is currently zoned AG (Agricultural) and would remain zoned AG upon annexation. All property annexed by the City of Owasso is required to be zoned the lowest zoning classification (AG) until any rezoning request is received and approved by the Planning ' Commission and the City Council. A copy of the City of Owasso's annexation policy is attached for your information and review. If annexation is approved, the subject property would not have to go through platting requirements of the City of Owasso as their is currently a plat filed. 1 Staff has two concerns with this annexation request, although they are not necessarily concerns which would prevent an annexation by the City of Owasso. The first concern would be that of acceleration /deceleration lanes. Typically, upon annexation, the committee recognizes that these lanes will be required at the time of development. Because this property is already developed without the lanes, this request would not have that requirement. In addition, the Planning Commission also pointed out the need for the city to obtain /annex all right -of -way for E. 96th Street North. Because the right -of -way from the Golf Course property was not annexed, and because there is county right -of -way between El Rio Vista and the School and Mingo Road that was also not annexed, enforcement of vehicle speed is difficult in this area. This concern will be addressed by staff within the next few months in order to "square" up the right -of -ways in this area in order to allow for more comprehensive speed enforcement. Both of these concerns were discussed at length when the annexation request was reviewed by the Annexation Committee on June 1, 1995 and again by the Planning Commission on June 13, 1995. Both felt that staff should follow through with plans to "square up" the right -of -way prior to the start of the new school year in order to enhance speed enforcement efforts in this area. Both groups also recommended approval of the annexation request with the recommendation that the Planning Commission send a letter to the Owasso School Board discussing the acceleration /deceleration requirements of the City and that all future annexation requests would 1 be reviewed for this requirement, regardless of weather or not they were already developed or not. Notification of the annexation request was published in the Owasso Reporter on May 25, 1995 to notify the public of the annexation request before the Planning Commission on June 13th. That notification was followed by notification published two consecutive weeks in the Owasso Reporter on June 8 and 15, 1995 to notify the public of City Council action regarding the request. A copy of the procedures for annexation is also attached for your information and review. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of Ordinance No. 509, approving the annexation request. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Case map 2. City of Owasso's annexation policy 3. City of Owasso's procedures for annexation 4. Copy of the annexation petition 5. Copy of the legal ad 6. Copy of minutes from Annexation Committee meeting. 7. Copy of letter to Owasso School Board members. 8. Ordinance No. 509. 3U.0 N 40 A W ✓ l W� t (� l�9 ✓ 70. 7 A 10 A SUBJECT SITE" *r l r ' ' . 1± � t I 80.6 A i� ri 50.9 A 19.3 A( 1 1 Fi4. i r - 119. 2 A RAN L 3 9.5 A � o AiOR PARK mm orF all s I i 5.2 A E. 96TH STREET NORTH 50 A r ATOR ELEM. SCH. OWASSO JR. HI H SCHOOL 4.6 A E_ 22M °_4\ J IW E"'1 F-4 9. 9 A 2 r�., I1T- V m I ,1 5 5 A 11111 II�OIII ■ Ii1111,11 - 1M1U11 C 1��111��I C �- 111111011 � 1��111�11 � 1=_ :s l�.l ANNEXATION POLICY I. While there is no minimum tract size, properties of larger than 20 acres are preferable. 2. All properties should be contiguous to existing city limits. 3. All properties should be annexed into the city limits as the lowest zoning classification, that is,. AG, agricultural. Landowners may then petition for rezoning if they desire further development of their -property. All legal uses annexed into the city will be legal, but non - conforming, which means that they may continue but cannot be expanded without proper zoning. 4. All public infrastructures that do not met city standards will not be improved by the city until brought to the city standard and accepted by the City Council. Such public facilities must be improved at owners expense by the establishment of a special assessment district or some other financing method. 5. Where a city limit boundary ends at a dedicated street, the boundary will not include the street right -of -way. This policy will establish consistence and allow city employees and citizens to know where the city boundaries are. 6. Properties that are rejected for annexation should not be considered for annexation .for a six month period after rejection by the City Council. Adopted by Council on March 1. 1988. 1. 1 1 1 •O�0 :1 ': '�' i ICS � CITY COUNCIL SPONSORED ANNEXATION: ' 1. City Council direction to study the annexation of property. 2. Notice published two consecutive weeks in the Owasso Reporter of a� Planning Commission Hearing which will include a map and text of the Proposed annexation. 1 3. Review by a Standing Annexation Committee and recommendation to the Planning Commission and City Council. 4. Planning Commission Hearing on the proposal and recommendation to the City Council. 5. Notice published two consecutive weeks in the Owasso Reporter of a City Council Hearing which will include a map and text of the proposed annexation. 6. City Council hearing and action on the proposal. 7. If the proposal is approved by the City Council, an Ordinance will be prepared, approved, published, and filed of record with the office of the County Clerk, with a map of the property annexed. CITIZEN SPONSORED ANNEXATION: 1. Submission to the City Planner of an application and petition and an administrative fee as prescribed by Ordinance. 2. Review by a Standing Annexation Committee and recommendation to the Planning Commission and City Council. 3. Notice published once in the Owasso Reporter at the applicant 's expense of a Planning Commission Hearing which will include a map and text of the proposed annexation. 4. Planning Commission Hearing on the proposal and recommendation to the City Council. 5. Notice published two consecutive weeks in the Owasso Reporter at the applicant's expense of a City Council Hearing which will include a map and text of the proposed annexation_ 6. City Council Hearing and action on the proposal. 7_ If the proposal is approved by the City Council, an Ordinance will be prepared, approved, published, and filed of record with the office of the County Clerk, with a map of the property AnnAv-A h BEFORE THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA PETITION FOR ANNEXATION The undersigned, constituting not less than three- fourths of the registered voters and being owners of not less than three- fourths (in value) of the hereinafter described real estate situated in Tulsa County, Oklahoma, to -wit: A tract of land located in the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SE/4, SW/4) of Section Eighteen (18), Township Twenty-one (21) North, Range Fourteen (14) East of the Indian Base and Meridian, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, according to the United States Government Survey thereof, more particularly described as follows, to -wit: BEGINNING at a point located 400.00 feet west of the Southeast corner of said Southeast Quarter; thence S 88 °54'33" West along the South line of said Section a distance of 750.00 feet; thence North 01'05'27" West a distance of 204.29 feet; thence along a curve to the right, having a radius of 340.37 feet and a central angle of 41 °30'33 ", a distance of 246.59 feet; the chord of said curve bearing North 19 °39'49" East a distance of 241.23 feet; thence North 40 °25'06" East a distance of 544.92 feet; thence along a curve to the left having a radius of 480.00 feet and central angle of 10'18'10" a distance of 86.31 feet, the chord of said curve bearing North 35 °16'01" East a distance of 86.20 feet; thence South 59 °53'04" East a distance of 294.96 feet; thence South 01 °05'27" East a distance of 754.52 feet to the Point of Beginning. being territory adjacent and contiguous to the incorporated City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and not presently embraced within the Limits thereof, hereby petition the City Council of the City of , Owasso, Oklahoma, to annex the aforementioned real estate into the City Limits of said City. Dated this 8th day of May 1995. Owner(s): Independent School District No. 11 of Tulsa County, Oklahoma 1501 N. Ash Owasso, OK 74055 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Affidavit Of Publication STATE OF OK ,AIIOMA, TULSA COUNTY, 8s Bill R. Retherford, of lawful age, being duly sworn and authorized, says that he is the publisher of the OWAS S O RE-PORTER , a weekly newspaper printed in the city of OWASS0 'Ililsfi County, Oklahoma, a newf;pnper qualified to publish legal notices, advertisenleriLs and publications as provided in Section 196 of Title 25, Oklahoma Statutes 1971 and 1983 as ninended, and thereafter, nntl cotnplies with nil other requirements of the laws of Oklnhonia with reference to legal publications. Thnt said notice, it true copy of which is nttnched hereto, was published in the regular edition of said newspaper during the period and time of publication and not in it supplement, on the following dates: _ MAY 2 5 _,199 5 Subscribed find sworn to before me this 25th day of May ,199.5 Notary Pu �..5` My Comm March 20, 1957 Commission expires: _ Ir- PUBLISHER'S FEE $ 104.37 __ Published 1 the Owasso Reporter, Owasso, Tulsa County, oidaho na, May BEFORE THE HONORABLE THE CITYpOF COUNCIL s . oKKL pHpyA PETITION FOR ANNEXATION The undersigned, constituting not less than three - fourths d the regle tared voters and being ownero d not less than three fourths (in value) d the hereinafter described real estate situated In Tulsa County, Oklahoma, �wlt: A tract Of land located in the Southeast Quarter d the southwest d Quarter (SE14, SW/4) Section Eighteen (18), Township Twentyona (21 Range Fourteen (14) East of the Indian Base and Meridian ) North, . Tulsa County. State d Oklahoma, according to the United States Government Survey thereof, Mors particularly described +b foijwAs. to-wk: "BEGINNING at a point knated 400.0 lest west of the Southeast cornw . d said Section a saki - Southeast Quarter, riheiice S 88'64'" West akxip the South Ira d. � d 204.29 � W 7750.00 feel; thence North 01'05'27' West a dis- •bng a Move to the right, having a radius of 340.37 feet and ;at central angle d 41'30'33': a distance d 248.59 feet; the feet- chord d said (kwe bbeeaarrkIn�pp North 19'39'49' East a distance d 241.23 feet; thence North 4p'2b' V I: tst adIstano9 d 644.92 feet; thence along' &. curve to the lift haVin it radius Of 480.00 feet and central an of 10`18.10' a distance of 68,31 10K Ithe chord d said curve bearing North 35'16'01'.East a distanoe -d 86:20 feet; thence South 59'63'04' Fast a dis- lance of 294.96 feet; "WOO South 01'05'27' East a distance Of 754.52 feet to the Point of Beginning d«Y 04iicett and oontllidOus to the ktoorporated City of Owasso, ma, and`igtpresentlysmbraced within the Limits thereof. hereby 4etRkNl� lie OkkaCoas =9f Owasser4QkW—n&. t .a Into 81OfefTlentl0fled ipalestate . tie • Units of said City. Dated this Odl day d May 1905 Ownier(s): Independent School District No. 11 of Tulsa COunty.-Oldiafwtna 1501 N. Ash Owasso. OKJ4055 '-140TICE TO THE PUBUC You are hereby advised that the above petition for annexation was filed with the Community Development Director of the City of Owasso on the 8th day of May, 1995, and that said petition will be presented to the Owasso Planning COtnrMplon at the Owasso Community Center, 301 South Cedar. Owasrio,.1Tb I6a at 7A0 PM on the 13th day of June, 1995. All persona icifareited: in this matter may be present at the hearing and give their ob)ectlons to or arguments for the proposal. The Planning Com- mission will submit 7tp'reconmendation10 the Chy Council of the City of Owasso for lis consideration and action. as provided by law. See the attached mop. for property bedlott. For more Information on the proposed annexation contact the Community Development De0artment. City Hall, 207 S. Cede, Owasso, Oklahoma, 74055 or phone (916) 272- 2251. - Dated of Owasw gtlithorrK this 22nd day of May, 1995. Tknothy D. Rooney - - Coaminfty Development Director Ail- i l SUBJECT t5 1 4 _E 941St STREET NURII 4- Cx �" „ MEMBERS PRESENT Robert Carr Doug Groves Rodney Ray Dan Salts Charles Willey OWASSO ANNEXATION COMMITTEE MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Thursday, June 1, 1995, 5:00 PM Owasso City Hall Conference Room 207 S. Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma MEMBERS ABSENT Ron Cates Dale Johnson Bob Allen Jerry Duke Joe Ramey Maria Alexander Ray Haynes STAFF PRESENT Timothy Rooney The agenda for the meeting was posted in the Owasso City Hall, 207 S. Cedar, on May 30, 1995 at 3:00 PM. 1. CALL TO ORDER - Mr. Rooney called the meeting to order at 5:01 PM. 2. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF APRIL 27, 1995 - Charles Willey motioned, seconded by Robert Carr, to approve the minutes. Motion carried 5 -0. ANNEXATION REVIEW 3. Owasso Public Schools - An approximate 15.83 acre tract located West of El Rio Vista Addition and North of Bailey Ranch Golf Course on E. 96th Street North, described as a portion of the Southwest Quarter (SW /4) of Section 18, Township 21 North, Range 14 East of the Indian base and Meridian, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. The subject property contains Bailey Elementary School. Mr. Rooney presented the annexation item. It was explained that the property is currently zoned AG (Agriculture) and would remain zoned AG until any formal rezoning was received by the city. The property has already been developed, and Mr. Rooney pointed out two concerns regarding this factor. The first being that of acceleration /deceleration lanes. Typically, upon annexation, the committee recognizes that these lanes will be required upon development. Because this property is already developed, this request would not contain this requirement. Also, right -of -way concern and the enforcement of the speed limits along E. 96th Street North were discussed. Staff stated its hope in addressing this issue within the next several months in order to "shore up" the right -of -way in this area to allow for easier, more complete enforcement by the Police Department. The Committee felt that a letter should be sent to the Owasso School Board, however, stating the importance of acceleration /deceleration lanes along arterial streets in Owasso, ' that these are now a requirement in Owasso, and that future requests from annexation applicants would be expected to comply with this requirement. Rodney Ray motioned, seconded by Charles Willey, to recommend approval of the annexation request with the inclusion of the above item. Motion carried 5 -0. 4. ADJOURNMENT - Rodney Ray moved, seconded by Dan Salts for adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 5:31 PM. 1 City of Owasso 207 South Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 June 14, 1995 The Owasso School Board 1501 N. Ash Owasso, OK 74055 RE: Annexation Request Bailey Elementary School Dear Sirs, (918) 272 -2251 FAX (918) 272 -4999 The City of Owasso Planning Commission reviewed a request on behalf of the Owasso Public Schools for annexation of the Bailey Elementary School property on June 13, 1995. During that public hearing, one concern was discussed at length regarding the annexation request. Currently, the City of Owasso Subdivision Regulation Leguir e the construction of acceleration /deceleration lanes at the time of development for all proposed entrances and /or exits on arterial streets. Since the adoption of the Subdivision Regulations in October of 1994, all requests for annexation have included the acceleration /deceleration lane requirements at the time of development when the request is abutting an arterial street. Because the Bailey Elementary School was not previously within the city limits, and because this is a relatively new requirement, the Planning Commission did not feel it would be appropriate to require the acceleration /deceleration lanes at this time. The purpose of this letter is to inform you that the Planning Commission will review any future annexation requests from the Owasso Public Schools for the inclusion of acceleration /deceleration lanes, regardless as to whether or not the property is developed at the time of the request. Traffic movement in and around the Owasso schools is of great importance to the Commission and cannot recommend the acceptance of future annexation requests without this requirement. If you have any questions, or if we can be of additional assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact any of our members. Sincerely, A`4� �4 2Raoynes,Chrperson Gary Wells, Secretary les Willey, Dewe�Brown e ole CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE NO 509 AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING, ADDING, AND ANNEXING TO THE CITY ' OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, ADDITIONAL LANDS AND TERRITORY IN SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, PROVIDING THAT FROM AND AFTER THE PASSAGE AND PUBLICATION OF THIS ORDINANCE THAT ALL OF THE REAL PROPERTY WITHIN SAID TERRITORY HEREIN DESCRIBED SHALL BE A PART OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, AND FURTHER DECLARING THAT ALL PERSONS RESIDING THEREIN SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE ' JURISDICTION, CONTROL, LAWS, AND ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, ESTABLISHING THE SAME AS PART OF WARD ONE OF SAID CITY AND DIRECTING THE FILING OF THIS ORDINANCE. ' WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Title 11, Section 21 -103, et seq., of the Oklahoma Statutes, the City of Owasso is permitted to annex additional territory provided a petition in writing, signed by not less than three- fourths of the legal voters and owners of not ' less than three- fourths (in value) of the property hereinafter described, the same being contiguous to the corporate limits of the City of Owasso, requesting that said property be annexed and added to the City of Owasso is submitted; and ' WHEREAS, notice of the presentation of said Petition was given by the Petitioner by publication in the Owasso Reporter, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and notice was given that said Petition would be considered by the City ' Council of the City of Owasso, at a meeting to be held on June 20, 1995 at 7:00 PM at the Community Center, Owasso, Oklahoma; and WHEREAS, on the 20th day of June, 1995, said Petition was duly considered by the City Council and was determined to have complied with the provisions of Title 11, Section 21 -103, et seq., of the Oklahoma Statutes, and further, that proper legal notice of presentation of said petition had been given; and 1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, TO WIT: Section 1. That the following described territory lying in Tulsa County, Oklahoma which is contiguous to the present corporate limits of the City of Owasso and described in the petition presented to the City Council in accordance with the provisions of Title 11, Section 21 -103, et seq., of the Oklahoma Statutes, and more particularly described as follows, to -wit: A tract of land located in the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SE/4, SW /4) of Section Eighteen (18), Township Twenty -one (2 1) North, Range Fourteen (14) East of the Indian Base and Meridian, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, according to the United States Government Survey thereof, more particularly described as follows, to -wit: BEGINNING at a point located 400.00 feet west of the Southeast corner of said Southeast Quarter; thence S 88 °54'33" West along the South line of said Section a distance of 750.00 feet; thence North 01'05'27" West a distance of 204.29 feet; thence along a curve to the right, having a radius of 340.37 feet and a central angle of 41 °30'33 ", a distance of 246.59 feet; the chord of said curve bearing North 19 °39'49" East a distance of 241.23 feet; thence North 40 °25'06" East a distance of 544.92 feet; thence along a curve to the left having a radius of 480.00 feet and central angle of 10'18'10" a distance of 86.31 feet, the chord of said curve bearing North 35 °16'01" East a distance of 86.20 feet; thence South 59 °53'04" East a distance of 294.96 feet; thence South 01'05'27" East a distance of 754.52 feet to the Point of Beginning, be, and the same is hereby annexed to, made a part of, and added to the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and the corporate limits thereof be and are hereby extended to include the above described territory and real estate. Section 2. That from and after the passage and publication of this Ordinance, the real estate and territory described in Section 1 hereof shall be a part of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, in Ward One thereof, and all persons residing therein as well as all property situated thereon, shall be and are hereby declared to be subject to the jurisdiction, control, laws, and ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, in all respects and particulars. Section 3. That there be filed in the office of the County Clerk of Tulsa County, Oklahoma, a true and correct copy of this Ordinance, together with an accurate map of the territory hereby annexed. APPROVED this 20th day of June, 1995. Charles L. Burris, Mayor ATTEST: Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald D Cates, City Attorney 1 1 1 1 1 ■ P 4A MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: BACKGROUND: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO SHERRY BISHOP FINANCE DIRECTOR SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION TO REVENUE BOND PROJECT FUND June 16, 1995 On June 7, 1994) the City Council approved contracts for $136,727.50 to improve the 76th and Main Street intersection. At that time, a grant for a portion of the funding was anticipated from the Oklahoma Department of Transportation; so the full cost of the project was not budgeted in the ' Revenue Bond Project Fund of the city. Unfortunately, the grant was not received. Consequently, the city budget for this project needs to be increased by $5,572 for a total project budget of $137,403. r 11 Money is available in the Revenue Bond Project Fund to supplement this budget. The interest earned on the OPWA Project Account at the trustee bank is transferred from the OPWA to this fund. The actual revenue is $3,400 in excess of the amount budgeted. That revenue and the existing unappropriated Fund Balance is sufficient to provide the needed supplemental appropriation for the 76th and Main Intersection project. The Revenue Bond Project Fund was created with the proceeds from the sale of the 1988 OPWA Revenue Bonds. The only incomplete project remaining in this budget is the 96th and Garnett intersection improvements. All money remaining in the fund (approximately $3,900) will be spent on the 96th and Garnett project. When it is completed, the fund will be closed. (Additional funding is budgeted in the Capital Improvements Fund.) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approval of a supplemental appropriation of $5,572 to the Revenue Bond Project Fund expenditures for the 76th and Main Intersection project with funds available from the existing fund balance and an increase in revenues of $3,400. ATTACHMENTS: Proposed Budget Amendment Report City of Owasso Revenue Bond Project Fund Proposed Budget Amendment June 16, 1995 Beginning Fund Balance 7/1/94 Revenues - Transfer interest from OPWA Expenditures - 76th & Main Intersection 96th & Garnett Intersection Total Expenditures Net Ending Fund Balance 6/30/95 Proposed Current Current Proposed Amended Actual Budget Amendment Budget $143,990 $143,142 $0 $143,142 5,419 2,000 3,400 5,400 137,403 131,831 5,572 137,403 8,100 8,100 0 8,100 145,503 139,931 5,572 145,503 (137,931) (2,172) (140,103) (140,084) $3,906 $5,211 $3,039