HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995.11.07_City Council AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: November 7, 1995 TIME: 7:00 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, November 3, 1995. Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk 1. Call to Order 2. Invocation Rev Bill Stinson, Associate Pastor Bethel Baptist Church, Owasso 3. Flag Salute 4. Roll Call 5. Request Approval of the Minutes of October 17, 1995 Regular Meeting, October 26, 1995 Special Meeting, and October 30, 1995 Special Meeting. Attachment #5 Owasso City Council November 7, 1995 Page 2 6. Request Approval of Claims. Attachment #6 7. Request to Address the Council Regarding Vandalism. Mr Miller Attachment #7 Mr Harry Miller has requested an opportunity to address the Council concerning vandalims to his property. 8. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Award of a Contract for Infrastructure Improvements Associated With the Relocation of the National Steak and Poultry Company, Such Improvements Funded Through a CDBG -ED Grant from the Department of Commerce and Department of Transportation. Mr Carr Attachment #8 The staff will recommend Council award of a contract in the amount of $180,772.74 to Yocham Enterprises Inc, Sapulpa, OK for construction of roadway and utility improvements for the NSP project. I Owasso City Council November 7, 1995 Page 3 ' 9. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Granting of a Utility Right -of -Way Easement for the Location of a Water Line for the National Steak and Poultry Project, Generally Located Along the North and East NSP Property Lines. Mr Groves Attachment #9 ' Staff will recommend Council approval of the above - mention easement and authorization for the Mayor to execute the document. 10. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Acceptance of Improvements to the Off -site Sanitary Sewer System Constructed to Serve Bailey Ranch Estates Subdivision. Mr Groves ' Attachment #10 Staff will recommend Council acceptance of the infrastructure improvements. 11. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Purchase of Software for Water Line Modeling. Mr Groves ' Attachment # 11 ' The staff will recommend Council action to approve an expenditure of $1995.00 to Haestad Methods Inc, Waterbury, CT, for the purchase of Cybernet 1000 Pipe Water Distribution System Modeling software, and authorization for payment. Owasso City Council November 7, 1995 ' Page 4 12. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Council Approval of the 91 Purchase of a 1996 Chevrolet Caprice for Use by the Police Department. 4 Chief Alexander Attachment #12 j Staff will recommend Council approval of an expenditure in the amount of $16,492.00 to Quality Chevrolet, Yukon, Oklahoma for the purchase of one 1996 Chevrolet Caprice, and authorization for payment. Such purchase price established by state bid #0070 -06 -10 through the Oklahoma Department of Central Services. 13. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Ordinance #516, an Ordinance Providing for the Rezoning of a Tract of Land from AG (Agriculture) to CS (Commercial Shopping Center) and OL (Office Light), Such Property Located East of the Southeast Corner of East 86th Street North and North 129th East Avenue, Containing 16.9 Acres, More or Less. Mr Rooney Attachment #13 Staff will recommend Council approval of Ordinance #516 based on previous Council action of October 17, 1995 approving such zoning. 14. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Park Si na a Policy. ' Mr Rooney Attachment #14 Staff will recommend Council adoption of a policy wherein a procedure is established I regarding the placement of banners in the parks, and establishing a fee. 1 Owasso City Council November 7, 1995 Page 5 15. Report from City Manager 16. Report from City Attorney 17. Reports from City Councilors 18. Unfinished Business 19. New Business 20. Adjournment 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1995 The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, October 17, 1995 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, October 13, 1995. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Burris called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. ITEM 2: INVOCATION The invocation was given Councilor Ramey. ITEM 3: FLAG SALUTE The flag salute was led by Vice Mayor Ewing. ITEM 4: ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT Charles Burris, Mayor Danny Ewing, Vice Mayor Mary Lou Barnhouse, Councilor Joe Ramey, Councilor Michael Helm, Councilor STAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Ronald D Cates, City Attorney A quorum was declared present. ITEM 5: PRESENTATION TO COUNCIL RELATING TO YOUTH PROGRAMS. Chief Alexander introduced Rachel Davidson and Jim Perkin, Owasso High School VICA students, who will be sponsoring a gang prevention panel on November 16 at 7:00 p.m. at the high school. The panel will also deal with other youth related concerns. The program is open to the public. Owasso City Council October 17, 1995 ITEM 6: READING OF MAYOR'S PROCLAMATION. Mayor Burris presented a proclamation to the Owasso High School Lady Rams Softball Team in recognition of their first place win at the state playoffs. Wednesday, October 18, was proclaimed as Lady Rams Softball Day in Owasso. ITEM 7: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF OCTOBER 3 1995 REGULAR MEETING AND OCTOBER 2. 1995 SPECIAL MEETINGS Mr Ramey moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to approve the minutes as. submitted, by reference made a part hereto. AYE: Ramey, Barnhouse, Helm, Ewing, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 8: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE CLAIMS. Mr Ramey moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, that the following claims be approved: (1) General Fund $34,407.38; (2) Workers Comp Self -Ins Fund $967.17; (3) Ambulance Service Fund $2,606.56; (4) City Garage $4,988.19; (5) Capital Improvements $280.88; (6) Capital Projects Grant $229.40; (7) Interfund Transfers $3,131.76; (8) General Fund Payroll $104,239.50; (9) City Garage Payroll $2,064.54. AYE: Ramey, Barnhouse, Helm, Ewing, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 9: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO RESOLUTION #95 -12 A RESOLUTION OF INTENT ASSURING THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, THAT THE CITY OF OWASSO WILL ACCEPT BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN AND TO THE TULSA COUNTY CRIMINAL JUSTICE AUTHORITY UPON AMENDMENT OF ITS TRUST INDENTURE ESTABLISHING THE CITY OF OWASSO AS AN EXPRESSED BENEFICIARY OF THE TRUST. Because of the problems that have developed with the appointment of members to the Tulsa County Criminal Justice Authority, a strategy has been developed for each city in the county to accept beneficial interest in the Authority. The vehicle to initiate that concept is a resolution stating the City Council's intent to accept beneficial interest in the Authority if the County amends the Trust Indenture to provide for the cities to be named as beneficiaries. Mr Helm 2 IOwasso City Council October 17, 1995 ' moved seconded by Mr Ramey, to adopt Resolution #95 -12 declaring the City Council's intent ' to accept beneficial interest in the Tulsa County Criminal Justice Authority. AYE: Helm, Ramey, Barnhouse, Ewing, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ' ITEM 10: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REOUEST TO RATIFY AN ACTION OF THE CITY MANAGER WHEREIN ' APPROVAL OF PAYMENT OF A CLAIM WAS AUTHORIZED PURSUANT TO PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION. 11 P0 it The City Council approved on September 19, the purchase of a 1994 Chevrolet Blazer for the Police Department. A request for payment was not made at that time, and the item was not placed on the claims list for payment at the October 3rd City Council meeting. The City Manager authorized the issuance of a check on October 5th for payment in the amount of $20,598.45. Because this amount exceeds the City Manager's spending limit, Council ratification of the action is necessary. Mr Ramey moved, seconded by Mr Helm, to approve and ratify the action taken by the City Manager in the payment of $20,598.45 to Classic Chevrolet. AYE: Ramey, Helm, Barnhouse, Ewing, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 11: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE. The City's general liability insurance coverage is up for renewal on November 1, 1995. Current coverage is with Oklahoma Municipal Assurance Group. Earlier this year a local agent, J P Hogan Insurance Agency, was asked for, and submitted, a quote for municipal general liability insurance. The quote from the independent carrier is $905.69 less than that received from OMAG. However, a complete review of the coverage offered by both entities, including charges, claims, coverage limits, deductible, training, etc, showed that the OMAG plan would offer the City the best coverage. Mr Helm moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to renew the Municipal Liability Protection Plan with the Oklahoma Municipal Assurance Group at the 1995 -96 renewal rate of $56,072.69. 3 Owasso City Council AYE: Helm, Barnhouse, Ramey, Ewing, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. 1 October 17, 1995 , ITEM 12: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE FY 1995 -96 GENERAL FUND, REVENUE BOND PROJECT FUND AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND BUDGETS. A carry -over budget policy was adopted by the City Council in February 1993. That policy allows unexpended funds from one fiscal year to be carried over to the next fiscal year. All departments have submitted their carry -over budget requests. Mayor Burris moved, seconded by Mr Helm to approve the carry over budgets in the form of supplemental appropriations in the following amounts: Animal Control $4000; Park Maintenance $12,000; Fire $14,845; Cemetery $2400; Engineering $5740; Finance $3800; Community Development $3000; for a total of $45,785 to the General Fund; and $18,642 to the Capital Improvements Fund and $550 to the Revenue Bond Projects Fund. AYE: Burris, Helm, Ramey, Barnhouse, Ewing NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 13: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ORDINANCE #515, AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE REZONING OF A 356 ACRE TRACT LOCATED EAST OF NORTH 129TH EAST AVENUE, SOUTH OF EAST 86TH STREET NORTH, WEST OF NORTH 145TH EAST AVENUE, AND NORTH OF EAST 76TH STREET NORTH. Ordinance #515 formalizes action taken by the City Council on October 3, 1995 approving a rezoning request from AG (Agriculture) to RE (Residential Estates), RS -2 (Residential Single - Family Medium Density), RS -3 (Residential Single - Family High Density), RD (Residential Duplex), OL (Office Light), and CS (Commercial Shopping Center). at the southeast corner of 86th St N and 129th E Ave. Mr Helm moved, seconded by Mayor Burris, to approve Ordinance #515. AYE: Helm, Burris, Barnhouse, Ramey, Ewing NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. 2 IOwasso City Council October 17, 1995 ITEM 14: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO OZ- 95 -07. t A REQUEST TO REZONE A TRACT OF LAND FROM AG (AGRICULTURE) TO CS (COMMERCIAL SHOPPING CENTER). SUCH PROPERTY LOCATED EAST OF THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF EAST ' 86TH STREET NORTH AND NORTH 129TH EAST AVENUE, CONTAINING 16.9 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. ' Kaiser - Francis Oil Company, applicant and owner, requested rezoning of a 16.9 acre tract from AG (Agriculture) to CS (Commercial Shopping Center. This tract was included in an earlier request for rezoning of the surrounding area, which was denied by the Planning Commission ' because it contained zoning for apartments. When the entire tract was rezoned, the 16.9 acre portion was not included. The applicant returned with a request to rezone this portion CS. Staff recommended the incorporation of an OL (Office Light) zoning at the southeast corner of the tract to act as a buffer between the commercial and residential zoning. The Planning ° Commission review the request on October 10th and unanimously approved the rezoning request with the inclusion of the OL buffer. Mr Helm moved, seconded by Mayor Burris, to approve the rezoning request from Kaiser - Francis Oil Company to rezone the subject property from AG to CS with an OL buffer. ib AYE: Helm, Burris, Barnhouse, Ramey, Ewing NAY: None 1 Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 15: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF ABATING A NUISANCE. Through a neighborhood meeting, city staff learned of a dead tree on a shared property line in Windsor Lake addition that needs to be removed. The proper action was taken to get the tree removed by the property owners, with no response being received from one of the owners. The property was then abated and a survey was conducted to ascertain what percentage of the tree is on which property. That survey showed that 80 % of the tree is on one property and 20 % on the other. A tree service was contacted for an estimated cost to remove the tree. The property owners of the lot containing 20 % of the tree have agreed to pay that portion of the cost of removal. The other property is vacant and current owners have not responded to city notification attempts. Therefore, after the tree has been removed, a lien will be placed on that property for 80 % of the cost. The City Council must approve the total cost for the tree removal so that the tree removal company can be paid in a timely manner. The City will recoup the entire cost through the 20 % payment that will be received from the property owners with 20 % of tree and the lien filed on the other property. Mr Ramey moved, seconded by Mr Helm, to approve the expenditure of $1400 to Tom Gill Tree Service, Tulsa, OK for the purpose of removing a tree that has been declared a nuisance. 5 Owasso City Council October 17, 1995 AYE: Ramey, Helm, Barnhouse, Ewing, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 16: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER Chamber of Commerce Chairperson Denise Bode reported briefly on the Miss Owasso pageant. Mr Ray said that in the future a Chamber representative will be making announcements at the Council meetings in order to keep the Council informed of Chamber activities. ITEM 17: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY No report. ITEM 18: No report. ITEM 19: None. ITEM 20: None. REPORTS FROM CITY COUNCILORS UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS ITEM 21: ADJOURNMENT Mr Ramey moved, seconded by Mr Helm, to adjourn. AYE: Ramey, Helm, Barnhouse, Ewing, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk rel Charles L Burris, Mayor OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1995 The Owasso City Council met in special session on Thursday, October 26, 1995 at the Owasso Fire Station, 8901 N Garnett Rd, per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, October 20, 1995. ITEM l: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Burris called the meeting to order at 7:38 p.m. ITEM 2: ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT Charles Burris, Mayor Danny Ewing, Vice Mayor Joe Ramey, Councilor Michael Helm, Councilor STAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager A quorum was declared present. ITEM 3: DISCUSSION OF ISSUES OF IMPORTANCE TO THE CITY OF OWASSO. A general discussion of issues of importance to the City of Owasso took place. No action was requested and no vote taken. ITEM 4: ADJOURNMENT Mayor Burris moved, seconded by Mr Ramey to adjourn. AYE: Burris, Ramey, Helm, Ewing NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 10:15 p.m. Charles L Burris, Mayor Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING MONDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1995 The Owasso City Council met in special session on Monday, October 30, 1995 in the Conference Room at Owasso City Hall per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, October 26, 1995. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Burris called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m. ITEM 2: ROLL CALL PRESENT Charles Burris, Mayor Danny Ewing, Vice Mayor Mary Lou Barnhouse, Councilor Michael Helm, Councilor STAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk A quorum was declared present. ABSENT Joe Ramey, Councilor ITEM 3: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO RESOLUTION #95 -13. A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN THE TULSA COUNTY CRIMINAL JUSTICE AUTHORITY FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF OWASSO. A discussion was held relating to Resolution #95 -13, a resolution establishing the City of Owasso as a beneficiary of the Tulsa County Criminal Justice Authority. Adoption of the resolution would allow municipal representation on the trust authority. Ms Barnhouse moved, seconded by Mr Ewing, to adopt Resolution #95 -13, accepting beneficial interest in the Tulsa County Criminal Justice Authority and authorizing the Mayor to execute on behalf of the City of Owasso ' any and all documents as may be required by law or by the terms of the Authority's Amended and Restated Declaration of Trust to establish the City of Owasso as a Beneficiary of the Authority. tAYE: Barnhouse, Ewing, Helm, Burris NAY: None tMotion carried 4 -0. Owasso City Council October 30, 1995 ITEM 4: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A STAFF PRIORITIZATION ' PLAN FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALKS AND AUTHORIZATION FOR THE STAFF TO SOLICIT BIDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALKS. J Mr Ray presented a plan to prioritize the construction of sidewalks within the city. The FY95 -96 Capital Improvements Program allocated $40,000 to be utilized in the project. Three ' lists were presented: the first at a cost of $32,620, the second at a cost of $11,647, and the third at a cost of $43,960. Staff recommended Council adoption of the prioritization of the sidewalk program as outlined, and that staff be directed to develop a bid packet and request bid submittals for the programs identified in List 1, with List 2 and Project No 33 on List 3 as alternates. Mr Ewing moved, seconded by Mayor Burris, to approve the staff recommendation. AYE: Ewing, Burris, Barnhouse, Helm NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0. ITEM 5: ADJOURNMENT Mr Ewing moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to adjourn. AYE: Ewing, Barnhouse, Helm, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 5:50 p.m. Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk 4 Charles L Burris, Mayor 9 '11 /03/95 11 :011100 CTTY OF OWASSn GENERAL FUND A/P CI.ATMS RFPnRT APAPVR PArF: 4 PO # VENDOR DF,SCRTPTTON AMOUNT --- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- MANAGERIAL ------------------------------ ' 7 C TT T T �, 0 97 FINANCE ------------------------ - - - - -- 96074 OFFI_E DEPOT CARD PLAN OFFICE S PP.. E~ ?,. ' 96078R RODNEY RAY CTTY MGR EXPENSE 10/95 252,26 ' 960875 NATTONAL FEDERATTON OF PA RFD RTBBnN WFFK SUPPI.TFS ?81.Af) pe 960943 TREASURER PETTY CASH RETMB PETTY CASH 4.00 ' 960943 TREASURER PETTY CASH TOM RFCOGNTTTON 65.64 960942 TREASURER PETTY CASH MFF,TTNG EXPENSE 49.60 ' 961007 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TEI.E 9/95 PI.EXAR 49.23 96101.0 MCI TELECOMMUNTCATTONS 9/95 USE .87 961010 DEPARTMENT TOTAL. ) 9/95 USE 776.77 FINANCE ------------------------ - - - - -- COMMITHITY DEVEI.OPMFNT ------------------------ - - - - -- ul 960006 CPS BUSTNESS, TNC. I.TCFNSF FFFS ?17.00 ' 960645 MARRTOTT HOTF1, TRATNTNC /SFMTNAR 84,00 960649 TRFASUR.FR PETTY CASH TRATNTNC; /MFAI.S 69,?R pe 960676 nST1 CnNFERF,NCE RE�TSTRATTiiN 55,00 ' 960677 HOLIDAY TNN I.OnGINr '35.00 960747 OFFTCE DEPnT CARD PT,AN OFFTCE SUPPLTF,S 52.00 960943 TREASURER PETTY CASH MUNTCTPAI. TRFAS CONFFRFNC 52,60 961007 SOUTHWESTFRN RFLL TEI.E 9/95 PL.FXAR 49.23 961010 DEPARTMENT TOTAT., ____` 9/95 USE 564.22 COMMITHITY DEVEI.OPMFNT ------------------------ - - - - -- ul 960116 TULSA COUNTY MT5 DTAL -UP SFRVTC_.F 40.00 bb 964275 TNCOG ?.ND OTR MEMRERSHTP ,DUES 1,989.50 960535 AT &T WTRF.I.FSS SF.RVTCFS PT4i1NF TTSF- RnnNEY 19,51 pe 960874 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA TRATNTNC /:SFMTNAR 1.18,00 960896 AMERTCAN PLANNFRS ASSOCTA DEVFI.OPMFNT GTTTDF BnnKS 55.00 96091.3 BOCA TNTFRNATTONAT, TNC 1996 MRMRERSHTP DUES 120,00 960943 960942 TREASURER PETTY CASH TREASURER PETTY CASH RETMB PETTY CASH RETMB PETTY CASH 13.00 9.67 961007 SOUTHWESTFRN RFLL TEI.E 9/95 PL.FXAR 49.23 961010 MC_.T TELECnMMUNTCATTONS 9/95 USE 12,78 -- - - -2,4 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 26.69 IMUNTCTPAL COURT ------------------------ - - - - -- I9.A6041 CHART.F.S RAMSEY RF.TATNFR Rt ?5, 00 11./1)3/95 11 ;T1 ?_(10 r.TTY nF nWARFn GFNFRAT. FUND A/P rT.ATMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: 5 PO # ---- - - - - -- VENDOR ------------------- - - - - -- DFgCRTPTTnN ------------------- - - - - AMOUNT -- ------- - - - - -- 96004? MTr.NAET. D, HTI.SARFrK RFTATNF,R R ?5.00 960747 OFFTCE DEPOT CARD PT,AN OFFTCE SITPPI.,TES 49.99 960777 LAW ENFORCEMENT SYSTEMS CITATION ROOKS 7 96.00 960874 TTNTVERSTTY OF NEBRASKA TRATNTHG /SE,MTNAR 99.()0 961007 SOUTHWESTERN PELT. TFT.E 9/95 PI.FXAR 51.0? DEPARTMENT TOTAT, ____) ?z 536,01 F.NGTNFFRTNG ------------------------ - - - - -- 960747 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN TRAN:SCRTRFP 50.96 960772 MEMORY SYSTEMS PT.NCH WHEF,LS /PT.OTTF,R 75,00 9608 ?6 KIMBALL ACE 14ARDWARF MATNT SUPPLIES 2.99 DEPARTMENT TOTAL, ____? 178,95 GENERAL. GOVERNMENT ------------------------ - - - - -- 960040 US POSTMASTER METER POSTAGE 1,001).00 960414 MEMBER SERVTCF, T,,TFF, PRE. -TAX ADMTN FEE 1nO,nn 960416 DEPARTMENT OF COP.RFCTTONS DOC WORKERS /PAY 176.55 960747 OFFTCE DEPOT CARD PLAN OPFTCE, STTPPLTES ?37,27 960758 WAI. -MART OFFICE STIPPI.TFS 5.76 960806 SAM `S CLUB JANTTORTAT, PITPPLTF,S 51.,8/, 960806 SAM'S CLUB COPY PAPER 191.5? 960852 MESO .TOR /SAFETY TRATNTNG ? nTR 362,51) 960856 PITNFY BOWES TNC POSTAGF TAPE SHEETS 63.95 960862 MIREX CORP CIIPTF,R TONER, 3R7,75 960876 GLOBAL. COMPUTER SUPPI.TES PRINTER SHARTNG EDTTTP 184.39 960891 SACK ;, ASSOCTATFS, TNC. PROPERTY SURVEY 559,51) 960900 TTTLSA WORLD CLASSTFTFD AD 45.00 960902 TNCnr, 2ND OTR LESTS ASSESSMENT 319,50 960917 RETHFRFnRD PTTRL.TCATTONS CLASSTFTFD AD 960918 TTTLSA. WORLD CT ASSTFTFT) Ail 68,75 960930 WARREN CI.INTC PRF -EMP SCREEN 30.On 96094? TREASURER PETTY CASH RF,TMB DOC MFAT.S ?91..54 960943 TREASURER PETTY CASH RFTMR PETTY CASH ?1.01) 960965 CORPORATE. F,XPRRSS F,ASFI, PADS 51.45 960984 PRIMA ANNUAI- DTTES /RTSK MGMT ?64.00 960988 THOMASON & MnSS PORTTTON BOND 710,50 960990 NATInNAT: TTNDFRWRTTER Cn RTSK MGMT PITRT..TCATTON 40.00 961007 SOUTHWESTERN BELT,, TF,T,F 9/95 PT,FXAR 9 ?6,76 961008 SOUTHWESTERN BETZ TFI.E 9/95 NON- PI.FYAR 47.50 961009 OVL.A NATITRAI, GAR 9/95 ITSF 47.71 961010 MCT TE1- EC(1MMTiNTCATTnilS 9/95 USF 47.41 '1.1 /OR /9.9 11 :(1?: 00 rTTY tip OWA.ggn rENFRAT. FUND A /P rT.ATMS RFPnRT APAPVR PAGE; A PO # VENDnR DFSC:RTPTTON AMnTTNT -- -- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- 961n11 PRO 9195 IMF 1,09A -09 ------- - - - - -- DEPA.RTMF,NT TOTAL.. = = = =) 6,648.11. MATNTENANCE ------------------------ - - - - -- 0- 960206 HOUSE OF VACUUMS VACTITTM NnRF /RFT.T JANTTORTAT, STTPPT,TF.S ,TANTTnRTAT. STIPPI.TES RTJT,,RS/M.ATNT STJPPT,TF,S PAINT /THTNNFR & RA PRESSURE WASHER TTNTFnRM -RENT /('I.F AN I T)FPARTMF,NT TnTAT, ====) ' CEMETERY ------------------------------ 96042' STANDARD AUTO STIPPT.Y 960659 HUGHES LUMBER (7n 960826 KTMRAL.L, ACE HARDWARE 961011. PSO I 1 nEP.ARTMF,NT TOTAT., = = = =) POLICE SF,RVTCF,S ------------------------------ PARTS STiPPT.. T E S STIPPI -TES 9/95 USE 960083 HOWARD STAMPER RETATNFR /SFRVTCFS , 960038 9/0806 SAM'S CLLR 960039 9AO877 TAYLOE PAPER Cn 960217 960966 960968 IITMBAT.T., ACE HARDWARE ANCHOR PATNT 960335 960971 FQUTPMENT ONF RFNTAT, 9An435 960977 YALE CI..RANF.RS VACTITTM NnRF /RFT.T JANTTORTAT, STTPPT,TF.S ,TANTTnRTAT. STIPPI.TES RTJT,,RS/M.ATNT STJPPT,TF,S PAINT /THTNNFR & RA PRESSURE WASHER TTNTFnRM -RENT /('I.F AN I T)FPARTMF,NT TnTAT, ====) ' CEMETERY ------------------------------ 96042' STANDARD AUTO STIPPT.Y 960659 HUGHES LUMBER (7n 960826 KTMRAL.L, ACE HARDWARE 961011. PSO I 1 nEP.ARTMF,NT TOTAT., = = = =) POLICE SF,RVTCF,S ------------------------------ PARTS STiPPT.. T E S STIPPI -TES 9/95 USE 960083 HOWARD STAMPER RETATNFR /SFRVTCFS , 960038 L.E.T.N. STJRSCRTPTTON 960039 US TELE /PAGE, TNC. PAS FR IMP 960217 OFFICE MAX nFFTCF, STJPPT,TFR 960335 MTLl, rREETS LUMBER Z STTPPI. SHELF MATFRTAT. 9An435 GALT,'S INC, rT,TP HnT.,DF,RS /RADTnS 960474 LAW PTTRLTC_.ATTONS PD PITRT.TrATTONS 960790 NATTONAL LAW ENFORCEMENT TRATNTNG 960747 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PT.AN nFFTCE STTPPT.TF.S 9AO758 WAL -MART MAINTENANCE fiTTPPT,TFS 960506 SAM'S CLTTR TANTTORTAT. STTPPT.TFS 960ROA SAM'S C1,11B CC1PY PAPER 9/,0899 WARREN rT-.TNT(' PRF -FMP PHYS /SrRFFN 9A09nl ASRt)C, ENT OF TT11,SA, TNC, HFARTNG TEST 960943 TRF.ASTTRFR PF.TT`t r.ASH RFTMR GANG rnNFFP.FNr.F 9A095R DTFRnT.D TNVFSTTt ATTVF.. RTIPPT_.TFR 34,95 ?1 ,91? 1A1,97 119.55 173.05 77,50 12.00 A ?1.00 ?A.?0 77,48 3.16 16.76 173.60 150.00 ?RR.00 179,50 147,98 24 . 67 1.15, R9 47,67 300,00 131 .1R 10.94 177,96 98,94 ?RR, 0() 54.00 155 Rq 110.50 n ?; 00 rTTY nF OWARR(1 GFNFRAT, FUND A/P !7T.ATMS RF.PnFT APAPVR PAGE.: Pn # ---- - - - - -- VF,NDCIR ---------------- --- - - - - -- nFRr.PTPTTnN ------------------- - - - - -- AMOUNT ------- - - - - -- 9A0954 HnNDA (1F TITT,RA. RAFF,TY V.0TTTPMFNT /T4FT.MF,T 159,95 960955 AMFRTRTTTTFfi T.ODrTNG /OANR rONFF..RFNCF.. ?91.0() 9An956 J.P. HOGAN TNRTTRANCF NnTARY /npl,KE,HARpFR 60,00 960957 SURURBAN OFFICE STIPPI,Y NOTARY RF.AT_.S 55,90 960958 HnWARD STAMPER RFPATRR 77.00 96n959 CLASRTr CHEVROLET VFHTCT.F RF.PATRS 74,79 9A09AO DON M C...AFFEY RPRAY TRATNTNr 45,00 960960 DON M CAFFFY RATON TRATNTNG gn,()f1 960961 rLARRTr rHRVR()T,FT VF.HTrt:F RF,PATRR 715.34 9609A3 ROI:AY MOBTLECOM TNr. RADTCI RF.PA.IRR 4RA_50 961.007 SOUTHWESTERN RF,T,I, TF,I.F 9/95 PT.F,X.AR ?7 2,43 961008 SOUTHWESTERN BFT.T. TFT.E 9/95 NnN- PT.FYAR 47.50 961009 OKLA NATURAT., GAR 9/95 TTRF ?7,78 961010 MCT TELECOMMTTNTCATTnNS 9/95 TIRE 31 ,Ro 961011. PRO 9/95 ITRF, 693,?1 DEPARTMENT TOTAT, = = = =) 4,658,76 ANIMAT. CONTROL ------------------------ - - - - -- 9AO75R WAL -MART ANTMAT. CnNTROT. $TTPPT.TFR 35,64 9AO758 WAI. -MART nFFTCF. STTPPT.TFR 5,97 960806 SAM'S CLITR ,TANTTORTAT. STIPPT.TES 767,1 R 9AO943 TREASURER PETTY CASH RF,TMR PETTY CASH 1R, 00 961007 SOUT14WFSTERN BELL TFT.E 9/95 PT-FXAR ?`4,77' 961010 MCT TFLF,CnMMTTNTrATTnNS 9/95 TISE ?,49 961011 PRO 9/99 TTRF R3 , 65 DEPARTMENT TOTAL = = = =7 4q.A,A9 FTRF SERTVCES ------------------------ - - - - -- 960170 CHTFF FTRF & SAFFTY TNC FOITTPMENT F -? 4 -1R -95 'x,937,50 9AO ?47 AT &T WTRF,T,FS13 SF,_.RVT(7FR PHONE, ITRF -AT,1. 46,40 960563 COPT SOURCE TNr. COPTER LEASE 154.00 96OA07 KTMB.AI,T, ACE HARDWAR,F, RTTPPI.,TFR /RFPATRR 1,00.0A 9A0780 VOLUNTEER FTRF RTINS 445,50 960781 WAL -MART nPERATTNG RTTPPLTF,S 73,91 9607R5 CROW BTTRI,TNGAMF. PARTS /SUPPT.TFR 879,40 9A091.4 HITt;HF.,R LUMBER CO CONCRFTF. /DRATNArF PROjFCT 34,81, 960950 CASCO TNDTTSTRTFS TNr, np RFPI,ACF.MFNT BTTNKFR GEAR 389.00 961n07 SnTTTHWFRTFRN RFT,T: TF.I.F. 9/95 PT.FYAR 1 A0,94 9A1 (1(19 OKT.A NATURAL. (,AR 9/95 IMP 31 ,Fm 9A1010 MrT TF.T,F..rnMMTTNTrATTnNR 9/95 TTC;F 16.95 961011 PRO 9/95 TTRF 8RA,70 rTTY nF nWAFSn GFNFRAT. FUND R ii /n /95 11 ,0 ?:00 A/P rT.ATMq RRPnRT APAPVR PAGP..; Y•. Pn # VENDOR DPRrRTPTTON AMTITINT --- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- DEPARTMFNT TnTAT., A,A06,47 CTVTT., TIFFFNSF ----------------------------- 9AOOA3 BARON SFRVTCESj TNC, WFATHFR DATA FFF 'A5n,nn 9An ,919 nKT,AHnMA EMFRrFNr.Y 199A nTTF.S 9610n7 SOUTHWESTERN RFT.I. TFT.F 9/95 P1.F,YAR 2,R.7? 96100,9 SOUTHWESTERN RE T, TF,T.,F 9./95 NnN- PT,FYAR 49,93 961 01 1 PSO 9/95 TTSF A4.10 ' - -__} - - - - - -- T)FPARTMENT TOTAL. _ --- 512,75 $TRFFTS ------------------------------ 9An194 PRO STRF.F.T T.TGHTTNr 17 ?78,98 9601.R7 SCOTT NF,MECFK MOWTNr,/i7RATNArF^y an.nn 9601.88 SCOTT NEMFCFK MnWTNr, /FT. RTO VTSTA 40,nn 9AnIA9 SCOTT NEMFCF,K MnWTN( /T.AKFRTT)rF 448,00 9A04 22 STANDARD ATITO STTPPT.Y PARTS �,nn 960658 1RUGHFS I,TTMRFR rn nPERATTNn SUPPT,TFS 95, 03 96OA94 3M TRAFFTC rnNTROT. MATNT RARRTCADE SHF.FTTNr 1RR,50 . 9607nA ADVANCED WARNTNrS RARRTrAT)F. RFNTAT., 175,AO 960747 nFFTCE IIFPOT CARD PLAN TRANSCRTRFR 49,99 ' IIA07A9 960426 STGNA.T.,TFK TNC KTMBAI.I.. ACE. HARDWARE TRAFFTC T,TG14T MATNT /RPR nPFRATTNG STTPPT.TFS Rnn,5n 58.19 96OR27 nWASSO TTRF, BARN TTRFS 1()4.94 9AOR37 RATNROW CONCRFTF Cn STRF_.ET RRPATRS 477,00 960 ,934 STGNAT.TFK TNr T,nWF,R SF.NSnR PFT)ESTAT, ?90, M) 96044? TTTT,SA CnITNTY BOCC STREET STrNS 79.4n 9An ,953 Fn1TTPMFNT ONF RENTAL t SA rnNT'RFTF SAW RT,AnFS 77,00 960854 .TTM LANWR IIPTTOT.STERY HFADT.TNFR RFPATR 10n,nn 9An9 ?A TTTT,SA COUNTY Rnrr STrNS I()0.76 961007 SOUTHWESTERN RF.T.T. TFTY 9/95 PT.FYAR ?3.7? 9A1.(10 9 nKT.,A NATTTRAT. GAR 9/95 TTSF, A4,5? ' 961011 PSO 9/95 TTSF DEPARTMENT TOTAL. ------------- .974,9?, 91 RFCRFATTnN CFNTFR ---------------------------- 960, - nA Hn11SF OF VArTTTTMS VAr.1TTTM TTnSF�'RFT.T A, On 960R,An rARRFTT STGNfi STGNS /RFr. rFNTFR 75,Q0 R 1. 1 /n. ?/95 11 10?1 0 il rTT" nT= OWaSqn GrNFRAT. FITPTT) A/P r!.ATMS RFPnPT APAPVR PAGE, 9 Pn # VFNnnR nFP('PTPTTnN AT.InTTNT ---- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- d 9AORA1 WAT. -MART WF,T(',HT RnnM SiTPPT,TFS 78,66 961.007 960874 TINTVFRSTTY OF NFRP.ASKA TRATNTNG /SFMTNAR 118.00 OKLA NATURAT, GAS 960910 PLAY TT .AGATN SPnRTS WF,TGHT POITTPMENT RA, 05 ' 9A0911 MnTTI.T)FR OLDHAM CO TRASH BAGS 61.84 19.96 9A094R TREASITRFR PETTY CASH RFTMR PETTY CASH 2R.q5 96094R 961007 SnTTTHWFSTF,RN RFT.I. TFT.F 9/95 PT.FXAP 47,44 KTMT3.AT.,I, ACE HARDWARE 9610n9 nKLA NATURAL GAS 9/95 TTSF A;. 9A RFPATR T.00K 961010 MCT TFT.ECOMMTTNTCATTnNR 9/95 TISF , 17 86,95 9A1.n11 PSn 9/95 TTSF ------- 4An -77 ' MCT TFT.FCnMMTTNTCATTnNS DEPARTMENT TOTAT, ____; 1,21 972,74 PSO ' ------------- ----------- - - - - -- 9A094R TREASURER PETTY CASH RFTMR PETTY CASH 7,n5 961.007 ROUTHWFSTF.RN RET,T, TF,T,F 9/95 PLEXAR ?R_72 961009 OKLA NATURAT, GAS 9/95 TTSF 9,49 9A1011 PfiO 9/99 TTSF W.95 DEPARTMENT TOTAL ____' ?0?,Al COMMTTNTTY CENTER ------------------------ - - - - -- 960Rq5 MTIJ, CPFFK T,TTMRFR 3Z STTPPT. STiFI_,F MATFRTAT. R 9.9A 9A0747 nFFTCF DEPOT CART) PT,AN nFFTCF., STTPPT,TF.S 8,9A 960758 WAL -MART MATNTFNAN(F STTPPT.TF.S ?5,44 960758 WAT, -MART nFFTCF fi1TPPT.,TF,S 1.7R 960806 SAM'S CLUB COPY PAPER 19.96 964881 MARY GREENWOOD CPR TRATNTNG 60.00 96094R TREASURER PETTY CASH RF.TMR PETTY CASH 14,09 960966 KTMT3.AT.,I, ACE HARDWARE VERTTCAT., RT.TNDS ?15,75 96097A FA.MTLY SFC:TIRTTY LOCK Tr VF.. RFPATR T.00K 40,00 961007 SOITTHWESTF.RN RFT,T., TFT.E 9/95 PT,EXAR 86,95 961009 OKLA NATURAT. GAS 9/95 Imp. 79,' 9 9AI010 MCT TFT.FCnMMTTNTCATTnNS 9/95 TTSF, 1,21 961011 PSO 9/95 TTSF 1, ?50,07 DEPARTMENT TnTAT, = = = =t 178RA,1A PARK MATNTFNANCF ------------------------------ 9A07 ?7 WAT. -MART TTNTFnRM PANTS 1RA_7A 960857 RATT,FV P.OTTTPMFNT RFPATR TRTMM17P HEAT) 97.49 I- CTTY OF OWARq-n GRNFRAT. FTJNrj �1/0Pt95 11 : VI: On A/P rT..ATM.q PPPOPT APAPVT? PArF, Pn # VENDOR T)FSCRTPTTON AmniTNT ' 9�ng5g WORLFYS f RFFNHniiSF RR TTFS /FT M �RFFx - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------- FUND TnTAT. ====) 'R7,957.79 I I I I I I 10 960858 WORLEYS GREENNOTISP rFDAR/TRPF WRAP 9 A 0 8 AR GARRETT SIGNS STCNc;/PT,M rRFPT(/R,AYni.A IR5.()n 960R64 ANCHOR STONE CO .,NTNr,-;IF T�.M qCRFF c ('REEK 9A08A5 ART,ry OWENS mow FT,M CREPY 2q9,on 960866 CTNTAS CORP. TINTpnpm CLEAN /RENT 14.14 960RA7 RATT,17,Y F()IJTPMPNT RFPATR VDGER A4.A2 90868 MTT,L CREEK LTIMBPR F, STTPPT. RFPATR qTTPPT.TPS 1A.n7 9AIRA9 AlITIREY RUNE CLEAN ET,M CRUIR RPc-3TRnnmc; 199,()0 960887 JFNSEN FORT) TRACTOR RFPATR FORD TRACTOR 471,7A 9AO897 TULSA FORD NEW NOY.T.ANT), T TRACTOR RFPATR YTT 55 . () ? 9609OR ATZT WTRFLESS SVR.VTrFS 10/99 UI;F-WARREN 7(),?0 940909 LARRY TURNER MOW PATH/pAyni,A 21 f) . () () 96n9?4 MOULDER OT-DHAM rn TRASH RArS 61,34 9A0949 RATLEY EOIJTPMENT RFPATR TRTMMFR,CHATNc;AW 745.79 961009 OXT,A NATURAL GAS 9/95 TTSF 199.?9 961011 pqn 9i99 ITSE q48.86 DEPARTMENT TOTAL ------------- 2,Aq?.7R Er'ONnMTr DFVET.OPMFNT ------------------------------ 9AO890 RENDER. DTRFrT MATT, MATI•TNG J.Tc;T ?40,00 I)F.PAIRTMF.NT TOTAL ====) ------------- ?40,00 ------------- FUND TnTAT. ====) 'R7,957.79 I I I I I I 10 CTTY nF nWAccO WORHF.RS` CnMP %FT.F -TNS PLAN 1.1.1Q /95 1.1.;0?;00 A/P CT,ATMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VFNDOR DFSCRTPTTON AMOUNT ---- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- GENERAL GOVERNMENT ------------------------ - - - - -- 960985 RFST, SHARP, HOI.DFN, SHF.RTDA M 901-COMB ??9.00 960987 MTDWEST EMPLOYERS CASUALT EXCESS W/C TNSTJRANCE 14,950,00 960989 JTMMTE J DANTEI. CSR M HO1.C11MR 80.78 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 158 ?09.78 POND TOTAL =___) 15,209. ?8 1 ' CTTY OF OWAtiSO AMBTJT.ANCF SERVTCF FUND 11/073/99 11 :07:00 A/P rl.ATMR REPORT APAPVR PAr!P* Pn # VENDOR DFSCRTPTTnN AMOUNT -- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- ------------------------------ ' 960943 TREASURER PETTY CASH RFTMR PETTY CASH 10.00 ' DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> 10.00 'AMBTJT,.ANCF ------------------------------ 960150 DR. AMBROSE SnI.ANn, M.D. MONTHLY AUF)TT 750.00 960 247 AT &T WTRELESS SF,RVTrF,S PHnNP, TJSF -AI,T, 41.3O 960688 BIO- SAFFTY SYSTEMS AMB SUPPLIES /GLOVES 779.79 960757 ALLTANCE MEDICAL, INC. AMBULANCE SUPPLTP,S 11.8.A7 960786 PACE PRODUCTS OF TULSA IN AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 1.4 ?.00 960859 SHORTY•S AUTO ELECTRTC REPATRS /MEDTC I 48.00 960873 AUTO BATTFRY & FLECTRTC REPAIR AT.TFRHATOR 123,03 960920 ALLTANCE MEDICAL, INC. A.MRTTT,ANCF STTPPT,TFS 156.40 960922 DYNA MFD AMBULANCE SUPPI.TFS 71.00 960949 TREASURER PETTY CASH T,ATJNDRY 33.75 DEPARTMENT TCTAT, ____; 1,?63,44 FUND TOTAL = = = =i 1,273.44 CITY OF ON4SSO 11/03/95 11:O?: V0 &/P Cl.AIMq RnPOR? APAPVR 94(' F: PO # VENDOR nESCRTp?T0R AMOUNT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- POLICE COMMVNTCA?TONS ------------------------------ 960005 SOUTHWESTERN BEll. ?Sl.S P-911 l,R46.55 ------------- DEPARTMENT ?O?A/. ====} 1,846.55 ------------- FUND TOTAL ====} 1,846.55 � I11 /oq/95 11:09'00 CTTY OF OWA ^,n C'TTV C;ARAGF. A/P CT.ATM^ RFPnRT APAPVR PAC;F- 15 Pn # VENDOR TIFRrRTPTTnN {mnuNT --- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- CTTY GARAGE ------------------------------ ' 96n3q8 W W (,RATNnFR TNC PARTS /WATER ITRATPR 36,77 96n471 KEYSTONE.. EOTiTPMENT CO PARTS R1,06 ' 9An534 RFT,TART.E TTRF ANTI AUTO TTRF. RF.PATRG Al ,95 960796 r_.TNTAS CnRP, TTNTFnRM/SHOP ;TYPPT..TFS 24,50 960797 INTF..RSTATF PATTFRY SYSTEM RATTRP.TFS 11n,90 DEPARTMENT TOTAL ____) 4,664,63 I------------- IFUND TOTAL =___? 4116A4.6.9 9AOR09 OWASSO TTRF BARN TTRF.S /RF,PATRfi gSa.gA ' 960813 DRTVF TRAIN SPFCTAT.TSTS PARTS 49,88 960815 WTT,T,TAMS RFFUSF EGITTPMFNT RF..P.ATR PARTS 69q,nR 960848 Ut ENOTNFFRFD PROT)TTCTS STIPPI.TFS 51 —9n 9A0RR? .TnF, FSCn TTPE COMPANY TTRF,S /POT.,TCF, CARS 6nn -00 9608R3 PHOFNTX RFCYrT.TNG PITT, FTLTFR DTSPnSAT. 55. nn 96094'3 TREASURER PETTY CASH RFTMR PETTY CASH 1,4,00 ' 960964 AI.1, WHEEL. DRTVF DRTVF TRAIN RFPATR/T.nnAT. 1,?RA,84 9An9A7 TTTT.,SA FORT) NEW HnT.L.AND, T RFPATR PA.RTq /P..ATWTNC, 227.13 960975 MTT..EACE MASTFRS TTRES /RFPATRS 710.0n 9An977 YALE CLEANERS UNTFnRM- RENT /(T.XAN 108,80 9610n7 SOUTHWESTERN RFL.L. TFI.E 9/95 PT.RXAR 47,44 961009 OKL.A NATITRAT, GAS 9/95 TTSF 6:3,96 961010 MCT TFLECOMMUNTCATTTINS 9/95 USE .60 961.011 PSO 9/95 TTSF, 147 . RA DEPARTMENT TOTAL ____) 4,664,63 I------------- IFUND TOTAL =___? 4116A4.6.9 rTTY OF OWAqqn rAPTTAT, TmPRnvpMPNTR 00 A/P P.1,ATW;' RppnPT APAPVr--* PAGE pn # vp.Nr)np DPC!CRTPTTnN AmnTTNT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- GENERAL GOVERNMENT ------------------------------ 960868 MILL CREEK LUMBER & SITPPI. qTTPPJ.TFc;/MATFRTAT.C.; 11 •1 i ------------- DEPARTMENT TOTAT.., 11..11 PARKS ------------------------------ 960871 4 C'S EI.FCTPT(' EI-FCTPTC wnpK/,,; RPARK ?R?, I A pnPTc . 9AOR7? FT,,i-,qwnP-T]4 PAVTNG, (70 Ac;PHAT,T/C;PnPTSPRY 7/1 R/99 I ARn.00 ------------- DEPARTMENT TOTAL 13 94.2 , I A ------------- PUNT) TnTAT, 1 7 973. '77 1L PTT'r OF OWArn, �;,it P.APTTAT. PpnjEr.TP (;RANT 11!03t95 j9 :(1�;pC1 A!p (.T.ATMc; RFPnPT APAPVR PARP" PO it VFNT)OR TiEgr.RTPTTON AMInTTNT ---- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- r_.nB -NqP, CnNTRAGT A592 ED R7 ------------------------------ 9AO787 DEPT OF ENVIRONMFNTAI. OTTA PT.ANGlfiPF.rF -NSP DEPARTMENT TOTAT., FTTNT) Tr►TAT, GRAND TDTAT.. 1 1 1 810,00 810.00 :81.0.00 ??4,97n.1,7 17 VENDOR TRANSFERS CEMETERY CARE AMBULANCE CAPITAL CITY OF OWASSO A/P TRANSFER REPORT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT REVENUE TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 261.25 REVENUE TRANSFER FROM AMBULANCE FUND 3,405.22 TRANSFERS TOTAL 3,666.47 VENDOR TRANSFERS CITY GARAGE WORKER'S COMP SELF -INS GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND TRANSFERS TOTAL I fl J CITY OF OWASSO A/P TRANSFER REPORT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 2,333.33 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 9,012.50 TRANSFER FROM AMBULANCE FUND 13,166.67 TRANSFER FROM E -911 FUND 1,375.00 25, 887.50 CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING 10/14/95 APPROVE 11/07/95 Mayor Council Member Council Member OVERTIME TOTAL DEPARTMENT EXPENSES EXPENSES Finance 113.21 6,523.53 .....:<.;: �vJ.I� *J.ii4r1r'W�:I,iX ,:..,,. ........, P. l Court ..,,,,..7K0 ......,.. 0.00 ...,'7fij.�i•`:t 1348 95 ::,Mu* .................. ................................................................................ ............................... ::::. .::::::::::::::::::..:.::::::..::::::..::::::::.......:........,....................:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::..:::::::: ....................:.......... Building Maintenance::::. 10.5:0614.14::: : : ::: ��. k4". V:::'/.::::::::: i:: i::::::>:::::: i::::S :::::::::::::::: :::::::: >:::: >::::i::::i::::::: �::::::::::::i::::::i::j:::: �Disatch ::::::........................... .......................:::..... ::::::::: S!,•';: �:::: L�'/. �: i>: t ::::::<:::::i::i::::>::::Y'+'7. ....................4,716.91:: �''1J4):::: Central 276.18..... i:i:.ii:4,ki:I:}: W: F::: 7u1: 4X:i nl::. l' S. istiiitiiti` vti::::: CtiY2:} 2: 2::: Lytititititi:::: ti: y:::::: i:::::: i:::::: i:: i:::::: :.::............................................................. .......................:::::::: i:: i:::: i:::::: i:::::::::: i:::::: i:::: i:::: i:::: i:::::: ii:::::: i:::::: i:::: i:::::::: i:: i:: is :::i::i::::::::::i:'T.•hJ:�kT': Fire::: 857.39 31,938.87 ....................................................................................................................... ............................... Recreation Center 0.00 2,551.36 Park Maintenance 0.00 1,982.16 :::::��::T.�:J:`•:'•':: /F /i::: �:r2 # ?} SAP.' ��:§ d5{ r�;, �t> ;::;:��X +:::•::•>:•>:::.:.���.� • ��Ai: �::.::.::;.:: <::.::::.�',�]�!.��•.�•�ii:�f•: • • • • • • •:x: e+r:..::::: ? ?+++::. ?:::;«;e ;:::::e «sx.2 «<. � e.�:: <:.;:e: vMNi%;;{ ss�. :c:.•....Rr :::::::::::::�.•.•:: d•::::::::::::::::::::: <rrr«re::::T•.•::::::. �.�/:•:::::::::::::::::::. APPROVE 11/07/95 Mayor Council Member Council Member CITY GARAGE PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING 10/14/95 DEPARTMENT Garage OVERTIME TOTAL EXPENSES EXPENSES $19.02 $2,085.46 ::f fti5 fti:•:: ti:: ?ii" •; .::':....;.::: .;•:::..;,i.:::, }.:;.:::;;..;::�:• iiiiii •:•:; « >.;:ii:•::r.....f.....f.. a......ff f: >.•:•$$i.:ra:: ii: i;::. iii ........r ..........::: : : :..:: •:::: •::.::............ . ff. F ...................... .• r'lFi•:.'$:: �•. ``� }}''''-- ........... Y•. i.''••'.{: ; {:•:•:;:•ii:i:•i:•i:•i:•iii:., i. ...i�•!:i? iii: iii' :i'i::i }Y:�ti..��M1L.:'Cvt::.: fff:: fff ::::::::::::::::::::: i � •• w:::::::: n�::: ..... ............................... f..:: f: •: ::::::::::::v: ; :..; ��.: ,f.: fff :::: r::::::n ••�:��1�:::::: APPROVE 11/07/95 Mayor Council Member Council Member CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING 10/28/95 APPROVE 11/07/95 Mayor Council Member Council Member OVERTIME TOTAL DEPARTMENT EXPENSES EXPENSES Finance 0.00 6,266.,05 m::.: ..... ....... Municipal Court ::.::.0.001,389.37:: Building Maintenance: 0.00467.20 .... :::::::......... ............................... �Dis ............:......:.::::: »..........:.::::..4,495.09::: 611.3 411111" Central atch 38.78 .. ........................................ ............................... .......................1,420.74 Fire 32,487.04 Recreation Center 0.00 21621.33 ....................... ON Park Maintenance 0.00 1,982.16 jib �{(� ��.j,•(�g} �1y}.jj {' .,. :::.• :::::::::::: .... ...• APPROVE 11/07/95 Mayor Council Member Council Member A 9 CITY GARAGE PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING 10/28/95 DEPARTMENT OVERTIME TOTAL EXPENSES EXPENSES Garage $0.00 $2,064.54 APPROVE 11/07/95 Mayor Council Member Council Member l_ 1 1 Af7) -- - - -- -- - - -- 7- 7 - - -- - 1VWMOIANDUM TO: RODNEY J. RAY CITY MANAGER FROM: F. ROBERT CARR, JR., P.E. G� PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NSP ROADWAY AND UTII.ITY IMPROVEMENTS DATE: November 2, 1995 BACKGROUND: Sack and Associates, Inc. was awarded a contract for professional engineering services in the design, bidding and contract administration of roadway and utility improvements for the NSP Building in February 1995. Construction plans and specifications were completed and bids received on October 26, 1995. The City has received a grant from the Oklahoma Department of Commerce (ODOC) to fund ' water and sewer improvements. Street improvements will be funded through the State of Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) for construction of the roadway and box culvert bridge required. 1 1 1 PROJECT SCOPE: Originally, the roadway was to extend from the west property line of NSP at Cedar Street to the Highway 169 Service Road. Due to probable effects of elevating the Service Road with the closing of 66th Street North by ODOT, the project has been divided into two phases of construction. The Phase I contract will provide roadway improvements to the east property line of NSP. Phase II will extend the roadway to the Service Road. Phase II construction is contingent upon the timing of construction on the Service Road by ODOT. Phase I improvements consist of the following: Water Line Portion 2,638 LF of 8 -inch PVC lines and appurtenances. Sewer Line Portion 308 LF of 10 -inch and 95 LF of 8 -inch lines with manholes and appurtenances. (This portion of work includes a 230 LF extension (Alternate No. 1) to connect to the existing line on Main Street leading to the Main Lift station. Connection at this location will enable the city to eliminate sewer presently lying under fill south of 5th Avenue.) Page 2 Construction Contract for NSP Project Street Portion 600 LF from Cedar Street to the east NSP property line. BIDS RECEIVED: Complete bid packages were received on the water line portion of the project . Inc. is attached. A summary tabulation is as follows: from 4 firms on October 26, 1995. One firm bid only A tabulation of bids prepared by Sack and Associates, The apparent low bidder for the project is Yocham Enterprises, Inc. in the amount of $180,772.74, including Alternate No. 1 for the sewer line extension. EVALUATION OF BIDS: Staff instructed Sack and Associates, Inc. to evaluate the bids and provide a recommendation for award. Sack has reviewed the qualifications of the apparent low bidder (Yocham Enterprises). Qualifications and references of the firm were evaluated. Sack has provided a letter (see attached) indicating that they have no reason to doubt the ability of Yocham to do the work on this project. Sack and Associates recommends that the contract be awarded to Yocham Enterprises, Inc. Although a bid for the water line portion was submitted by a local firm, comparison with other bids indicates the bid was not low. MLJ Utility Contractors did not attend the mandatory pre -bid conference as directed in the Advertisement for Bids in the project contract documents. Additionally, the contract was intended to be awarded to a single bidder for the total project, The contract documents did not specifically indicate portions of work could be awarded to separate bidders. Sack and Associates and City staff believe that breaking the bid package to award individual portions of work could result in bidder(s) refusal to execute the contract. Therefore, staff recommends award of the total project to the low bidder. 11 1 Work Item Engineer's Yocham T -G R.L. RAM Judds MLJ Estimate Enterprises Excavating Hensley Engineering Brothers utility Construct. Contract. Water Line $67,608.00 $58,326.92 953,755.00 $59,343.90 950,574.40 $61,342.60 $50,680.00 Sanitary Sewer $12,345.00 $4,828.47 $10,112.00 $21,162.00 $17,189.40 $21,432.50 No Bid Grading, paving $95,154.50 $109,219.60 $109,466.33 $99,220.00 $127,633.00 $141,347.70 No Bid & storm sewer BASE BID 9175,107.50 $172,374.99 $173,333.33 $179,725.90 $195,396.80 $224,122.80 Akemate No. 1 98,975.00 $8,397.75 $15,555.55 $15,432.50 $16,713.50 $15,567.50 Sewer Line TOTAL 5184,082.50 #18t?,3x2.74::;', $188,888.88 9195,158.40 $212,110.30 $239,690.30 The apparent low bidder for the project is Yocham Enterprises, Inc. in the amount of $180,772.74, including Alternate No. 1 for the sewer line extension. EVALUATION OF BIDS: Staff instructed Sack and Associates, Inc. to evaluate the bids and provide a recommendation for award. Sack has reviewed the qualifications of the apparent low bidder (Yocham Enterprises). Qualifications and references of the firm were evaluated. Sack has provided a letter (see attached) indicating that they have no reason to doubt the ability of Yocham to do the work on this project. Sack and Associates recommends that the contract be awarded to Yocham Enterprises, Inc. Although a bid for the water line portion was submitted by a local firm, comparison with other bids indicates the bid was not low. MLJ Utility Contractors did not attend the mandatory pre -bid conference as directed in the Advertisement for Bids in the project contract documents. Additionally, the contract was intended to be awarded to a single bidder for the total project, The contract documents did not specifically indicate portions of work could be awarded to separate bidders. Sack and Associates and City staff believe that breaking the bid package to award individual portions of work could result in bidder(s) refusal to execute the contract. Therefore, staff recommends award of the total project to the low bidder. 11 1 Page 3 Construction Contract for NSP Project ' FUNDING: Unobligated Phase I and H funds are available in the grant from the Oklahoma Department of Commerce (ODOC) in the amount of $157,516. Additional funds for street improvements in the amount of $454,000 are available from the State of Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT). I RECOMMENDATION• Staff recommends Council award of a contract with Yocham Enterprises, Inc, Sapulpa, Oklahoma ry for construction of roadway and utility improvements for the NSP Project in the lump sum amount of $180,772.74. ATTACEWNTS: 1. Bid Summary Sheets prepared by Sack and Associates, Inc. 2. Letter from Sack and Associates Inc., dated October 30, 1995 indicating their recommendation. 3. Project Map 1 1 BID SUMMARY SHEET OWASSO NSP ROADWAY & UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS CDBG PROJECT BID DATE OCTOBER 26, 1995 TOTALS SACK AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 111 SOUTH ELGIN TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74120 WATERLINE GRADING, PAVING SANITARY SEWER & STORM SEWER YOCHAM ENT $58,326.92 $4,828.47 $109,219.60 T.G. EXCAVATING $53,755.00 $10,112.00 $109,466.33 R.L. HENSLEY CONST $59,343.90 $21,162.00 $99,220.00 RAM ENGINEERING $50,574.40 $17,189.40 $127,633.00 JUDDS BROTHERS $61,342.60 $21,432.50 $141,347.70 MU UTILITY CONT $50,680.00 TOTAL ALTERNATE NO. 1 TOTAL BASE BID ALTERNATE BID YOCHAM ENT $8,397.75 $172,374.99 * $180,772.74 T.G. EXCAVATING $15,555.55 $173,333.33 $188,888.88 R.L. HENSLEY CONST $15,432.50 $179,725.90 $195,158.40 RAM ENGINEERING $16,713.50 $195,396.80 $212,110.30 JUDDS BROTHERS $15,567.50 $224,122.80 $239,690.30 * CORRECTED TOTAL BASE BID FROM $172,197.87 TO $172,374.99 AND CORRECTED TOTAL ALTERNATE BID FROM $180,595.62 TO $180,772.74 SACK AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 111 SOUTH ELGIN TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74120 ITEM DESCRIPTION BID SUMMARY SHEET OWASSO NSP ROADWAY & UTILITY VAPROVEMENTS CDBG PROJECT BID DATE OCTOBER 26,1995 WATERLINE YOCHAM ENT T.G. EXCAVATING RL HENSLEY CONSI RAM ENGINEERING QUANTITY UNIT EXTENSION UNIT EXTENSION UNIT EXTENSION UNIT EXTENSION wl IuGtn- cal- -WAY L FARING & RESTORING 2646 LF $0.42 $1,11192 $1.00 $1646.00 302 EXCAVATION & BACKFILL, UNC 1068 CY S320 53,417.60 $2.00 52,136.00 PIPE, PVC, IN PLACE 308A 8'. AWWA C900 2638 LF $14.00 $36,932.00 $12.50 $32,975.00 308E 6', AWWA 0900 8 LF $1050 $94.00 $11.00 588.00 FITTINGS, IN PLACE 311A 8'XS'X8'TEE 2 EA $330.00 5660.00 $180.00 S360.00 311B 8'XS'X6'TEE 2 EA 5330.00 $660.00 $170.00 5340.00 311C 8'90 DEGREE BEND 1 EA S260.00 $260.00 $140.00 $140.00 311D 8' 22 I/2 DEGREE BEND 1 EA $220.00 $220.00 $130.00 $130.00 311E 8' 11 1/4 DEGREE BEND 4 EA $220.00 $880.00 $330.00 S520.00 311F S' PLUG 1 EA $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 311G 8'X6' REDUCER 2 EA $125.00 $250.00. $90.00 $180.00 VALVE, IN PLACE 316A 6'X6' TAPPING SLEEVE &VALVE I EA $1,130.00 $1,130.00 $1,600.00 $1,600.00 316B 8' GATE VALVE 2 EA 51,130.00 52,260.00 • S500.00 $1,000.00 316C 3-WAY FIRE HYDRANT 2 EA $1,610.00 $3,220.00 $1.100.00 $2,200.00 316D 6' FIRE HYDRANT EXTENSION 1 EA mbo $200.00 5300.00 5300.00 316E 1' CORP COCK & SADDLE ^. 4 EA $80.00 5320.00 $100.00 $400.00 316F 12"X6'TAPPING SLEEVE &VALVE lEA $1,770.00 $1,770.00 52,000.00 $2,000.00 316G 6' PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE & VAULT 1 EA S2, 750.00 5'4750.00 $4,000.00 54,000.00 316H 2' AIR RET..IEFF VALVE & VAULT 1 EA $1.235.00 $1,235.00 $2,000.00 52,000,00 3161 6' GATE VALVE 1 EA 5340.00 5340.00 $300.00 5300.00 VALVE BOX, IN PLACE 317A CAST IRON VALVE BOX 5 EA $100.00 $500.00 $60.00 5300.00 317B CAST IRON VALVE BOX EXTENSION 1 EA 527.00 $27.00 540.00 $40.00 TOTAL $58,326.92 • $53,755.00 CORRECTED BID ITEM 316B EXTENSION FROM $1130.00 TO $2260.00 AND TOTAL FROM 557.096.92 TO $58,326.92 $050 51,323.00 52.00 $2136.00 $1555 541,020.90 S 13.00 $104.00 $200.00 5400.00 $190.00 $380.00 $160.00 $160.00 $15200 $152.00 $15200 5608.00 5150.00 $150.00 $134.00 $268.00 $960.00 $960.00 5486.00 $972.00 $1,380.00 52,760.00 $445.00 5445.00 $109.00 $436.00 51,410.00 $1,410.00 S3,125.00 $3,125.00 $1.830.00 $1.830.00 5354.00 $354.00 590.00 5300.00 $3250 550.00 S59,343.90 $0.65 $ 1,719.90 $0.95 $1,014.60 $11.25 $29,67750 57.80 $62.40 $230.00 5460.00 $215.00 5430.00 S 180.00 $ 180.00 $165.00 $165.00 $165.00 $660.00 580.00 $90.00 $140.00 $280.00 $1,460.00 $1,460.00 2575.00 $1,150.00 $1,580.00 $3,160.00 $435.00 5435.00 $110.00 5440.00 $2,065.00 $2,065.00 $4,070.00 54070.00 52,325.00 $2,325.00 $395.00 $395.00 560.00 5300.00 545.00 545.00 $50,574.40 )UDDS BROTHERS TNII EXTENSION $1.00 $2,646.00 5450 $4,806.00 $14.20 237,459.60 $12.00 $96.00 $200.00 5400.00 5220.00 $440.00 $150.00 $150.00 $130.00 $130.00 $130.00 $520.00 $50.00 550.00 $110.00 5220.00 $1,100.00 51,10100 $650.00 $1,300.00 $1,300.00 $2,600.00 5300.00 $300.00 $90.00 $320.00 $1.700.00 $1,700.00 53,900.00 $3,900.00 $2.500.00 22,500.00 $450.00 $450.00 545.00 5225.00 530.00 $30.00 $61,34260 MU U TLITY CONE $3.50 $9,261.00 $2.00 $2.136.00 2950 525.061.00 $9.00 57200 $225.00 $450.00 $250.00 $500.00 $150.00 $150.00 $150.00 $150.00 $150.00 5600.00 $60.00 $60.00 $100.00 $200.00 21,250.00 $1250.00 $450.00 $900.00 $1,500.00 $3,000.00 5250.00 5250.00 560.00 S240.00 $1,250.00 51,]50.00 $2,500.00 S2'500.OD $200.00 $2,000.00 $350.00 $350.00 $50.00 5250.00 550.00 $50.00 $50,680.00 SACK AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 111 SOUTH ELGIN TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74120 ITEM DESCRIPTION 301 RIGHT -OF -WAY CLEARING & RESTORING 302 EXCAVATION AND BACKFBl., UNC $302.25 FITTINGS, IN PLACE 311A 8"X6" IN-LINE SERVICE TEE AND PLUG S100.00 PIPE, POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC), IN PLACE 312A 8', ASTM D1784, SDR 35 3128 10', ASTM D1784, SDR 35 $3,800.00 CONNECTION 314A CONNECTIONS TO MANHOLES "B" & 'C" 314B DROP CONNECTION TO MANHOLE 'A' 315 LAMPHOLE, IN PLACE TOTAL_- 17EM DESCRIPTION 301 RIGHT -OF -WAY CLEARING & RESTORING 302 EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL, UNC PIPE, POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC), IN PLACE 312A 10', ASTM D 1784, SDR 35 MANHOLE, IN PLACE 313A 4' -0' I.D. MANHOLE 313B 4' -0' LD. MANHOLE EXTRA DEPTH CONNECTION 314A CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING MANHOLES 'D' TOTAL_* BID SUMMARY SHEET OWASSO NSP ROADWAY & UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS CDBG PROJECT BID DATE OCTOBER 26,1995 SANITARY SEWER QUANTITY 173 LF 195 CY 1 EA 95 LF 78 LF 2 EA 1 EA 1 EA QUANTITY 230 LF 285 CY 230 LF 1 EA 3 F1' I EA YOCHAM ENT T.G. EXCAVATING ILL HENSLEY CONST RAM ENGINEERING UNIT EXTENSION UNIT EXTENSION UNIT EXTENSION UNIT EXTENSION $0.14 $24.22 $1.00 $173.00 $1.55 $302.25 $3.00 $585.00 $100.00 S100.00 S200.00 $200.00 $12.80 $1,216.00 $40.00 $3,800.00 $1230 S975.00 $43.00 $3,354.00 5423.00 $946.00 $400.00 5800.00 $810.00 $810.00 5800.00 $800.00 $555.00 $555.00 $400.00 $400 -00 $1,200.00 $4,828.47 5315.00 $10,112.00 $61930 ADD ALTERNATE NO. 1 YOCHAM ENT T.G. EXCAVATING UNIT EXTENSION UNIT EXTENSION $5.64 $1,297.20 S2.00 $460.00 $4.23 $1,205.55 $4.00 $1,140.00 $16.50 $3,795.00 $50.00 $11 ,500.00 $1,015.00 $1,015.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $150.00 S450.00 $180.00 $540.00 $635.00 S635.00 $915.55 $91535 $8.397.75 $1535535 $1.00 $3.00 580.00 592.00 $93.00 $1,200.00 $1 ,550.00 $380.00 $173.00 $585.00 580.00 58,740.00 $7,254.00 32,400.00 $1 ,550.00 $380.00 $21,162.00 $1.00 $17.90 S115.00 549.60 $52.55 $950.00 52,300.00 5400.00 S173.00 $3,490.50 $ 115.00 $4,712.00 $4,098.90 $1,900.00 52,300.00 S400.00 S17,189.40 JUDDS BROTHERS NIT EXTENSION 54.00 5692.00 S4.50 S877.50 S 100.00 $100.00 $95.00 $9,025.00 $96.00 57,488.00 $750.00 11,500.00 $1,500.00 51,500.00 1250.00 1250.00 S21,43230 R.L HENSLEY CONST RAM ENGINEERING JUDDS BROTHERS UNIT EXTENSION UNIT EXTENSION UNIT EXTENSION $I.00 $230.00 58.80 $2,024.00 $4.00 $920.00 $3.00 $855.00 $8.80 $2,508.00 5430 S1,282.50 551.75 511,902.50 537.40 $8,602.00 548.00 $11,040.00 $930.00 $930.00 52,105.00 $2,105.00 $1,200.00 $1,200.00 $105.00 5315.00 $206.50 $61930 S125.00 S375.00 51,200.00 S1,200.00 S855.00 $855.00 $750.00 5750.00 $15,432.50 $16,71350 $15.56750 SACK AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 111 SOUTH ELGIN TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74120 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY BID SUMMARY SHEET OWASSO NSP ROADWAY & UTII.TI'Y IMPROVEMENTS CDBG PROJECT BID DATE OCTOBER 26,1995 GRADING, PAVING, AND STORM SEWER YOCHAM ENT T.G. EXCAVATING R.L. HENSLEY CONST RAM ENGINEERING JUDDS BROTHERS UNIT EXTENSION UNIT EXTENSION UNIT EXTENSION UNIT EXTENSION UNIT EXTENSION I RIGHT -OF -WAY CLEARING & RESTORING LUMP SUM 52,450.00 $2,450.00 $2,042.13 $2,042.13 2 ROUGH GRADING, EXCAVATION & BACK FILL LUMP SUM 54,800.00 $4,800.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 3 FINE GRADING 2629 SY $1.05 $2,760.45 $1.20 $3,154.80 4 8" SUBGRADE STABIIAZATION WITH APPROX $8,412.80 $8.25 59,875.25 $8.45 S10,114.65 $830 15 % CLASS "C'FLYASH 2629 SY $225 $5,915.25 $3.10 $8,149.90 5 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER 1197 LF S6.70 $8,019.90 $8.00 $9,576.00 6 8" ODOT TYPE "A" ASPHALTIC CONCRETE 2185 SY $16.80 $36,708.00 $12.50 $27,31250 7 2" ODOT TYPE W ASPHALTIC CONCRETE 2185 SY $420 $9,177.00 $4.00 $8,740.00 8 TRENCH EXCAVATION & BACEFILL 642 CY $4.00 $2,568.00 ' $3.00 51,926.00 9 18" RCP, C76, CL III, B -WALL 28 LF $30.00 $940.00 545.00 $1,260.00 10 24" RCP, C76, CL III. B -WALL 75 LF $36.00 $2,700.00 $50.00 $3,750.00 11 30' RCP, C76, CL III, B -WALL 287 LF $48.00 $13,776.00 $65.00 $18,655.00 12 5'-0"11). MANHOLE, SIR. NO.2 1 EA $920.00 $920.00 51,400.00 $1,400.00 13 30" STD HEADWALL WITH 45 DEGREE $2,050.00 $4,000.00 54,000.00 53,800.00 $3,800.00 $8,980.00 WINGWALLS, STR NO 3 1 EA $775.00 $775.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 14 DGDI + 6 THROATS, INLET % " 1 EA $3,350.00 $3,350.00 $4,000.00 54,000.00 15 DGDI +4 THROATS WITH ACCESS MANHOLE, INLET "b" 1 EA $3570.00 $3570.00 S6,000.00 S6,000.00 16 RE-SEED ALL DISTURBED AREA OUTSIDE OF 5TH AVENUE RIGHT -OF -WAY LUMP SUM $3,800.00 $3,800.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 17 INSTALL BERMUDA SLAB SOD WITHIN 5TH AVENUE RIGHT -OF -WAY LUMP SUM $6560.00 $6560.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 18 SID BARRICADE I EA $530.00 5530.00 $500.00 $500.00 TOTAL $109,219.60 • $109,46633 CORRECTED BID ITEM NO. 8 EXTENSION FROM 53,620.88 TO $2568.00 AND TOTAL FROM $ 110,272.48 TO $ 109,219.60 $1,160.00 $1,160.00 S1,025.00 $1,025.00 $8.000.00 S8,000.00 54,445.00 54,445.00 $8,815.00 $8,815.00 $15,400.00 $15,400.00 $1.80 $4,732.20 $130 $3,417.70 $120 $3,154.80 $2.95 $7,75555 S3.25 58544.25 $320 $8,412.80 $8.25 59,875.25 $8.45 S10,114.65 $830 $9,935.10 512.80 $27,968.00 $13.40 S29,279.00 51320 $28,842.00 $330 $7,21030 54.20 S9,177.00 $420 $9,177.00 53.00 $642.00 51.00 5642.00 5450 $2,889.00 $34.00 5952.00 S47.80 51338.40 $44.00 $1,232.00 $40.00 53,000.00 557.50 $4,31230 S54.00 54,050.00 54830 513,91950 $7250 $20,80730 $65.00 S18,655.00 $1,750.00 $1,750.00 $2,945.00 52,945.00 $1,200.00 51,200.00 51,500.00 31500.00 $1,540.00 SI,540.00 $2,100.00 $2,100.00 39,900.00 $3,900.00 $4, 990.00 $4,990.00 $4,800.00 $4,800.00 $4,700.00 54,700.00 $8,115.00 $8,115.00 $7,200.00 $7,200.00 $960.00 $960.00 52,050.00 $2,050.00 $4,000.00 54,000.00 53,800.00 $3,800.00 $8,980.00 581980.00 510,000.00 $10,000.00 5950.00 $950.00 $1540.00 51540.00 52,300.00 52,300.00 599,220.00 S127,633.00 S 141,347.70 SACK AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Santa Fe Depot 111 South Elgin Avenue Tulsa, Oklahoma 74120 P.O. Box 50070 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74150 Phone: 918 /592 -4111 • Fax: 918/592 -4229 October 30, 1995 a Mr. Robert Carr, P.E. Public Works Director CITY OF OWASSO 207 S. Cedar Owasso, OK 74055 RE: NSP ROADWAY & UTILITIES EUPROVEMENTS Dear Mr. Carr: The Contract Documents submitted by each of the Bidders on the above referenced project on October 26, 1995, are enclosed. We have prepared a Bid Summary Sheet which is also enclosed. The low bids were from Yocham Enterprises, Inc. with a Base Bid of $172,374.99, and a bid of $180,772.74 if Add Alternate No. 1 is included. Each of the totals has been corrected for math errors. I am not very familiar with the low bidder. I contacted several Inspectors and Engineers on the recently completed projects list furnished by Yocharn Enterprises, Inc. Comments were both favorable and unfavorable. The unfavorable comments were that communication was difficult because Mr. Yocham is often working equipment at other job sites, and that they did a poor job on a concrete storm sewer junction box that evidently was in a difficult location with a number of existing utilities limiting the work area. Yocham Enterprises ultimately satisfactorily completed each of the projects for which I have checked references. I therefore have no reason to doubt their ability to do the work on this project. We recommend that the Contract be awarded to Yocham Enterprises, Inc. for work including Add Alternate No. 1 in the amount of $180,772.74. Three Contract Books are enclosed for execution by both parties. Please call me if you have any questions or comments. Sincerely, SACK AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Grego . Weisz, P. . GTW:sky Enclosures B814B(46) 2114.31 W.L =_�_ �90Deyree Band 2 Ir 221/2 Deer« 7 7, • 33 .� — w • IIIII II tr.B-Ts&V Proposed B' Sonffa I • )I r NATIONAL STEAK AND POULTRY Proposed Utility Improvements August 1994 �s .1sw1a•c� �— .rc � • � r� -- � • qR A�tL R A • w L !_ 3 : 1Q w - • _ •2 III 3 � III y1� r-�I I I \UP I _ I I I I x I �\ L J L CS — Tsa:v �90Deyree Band 2 Ir 221/2 Deer« v I�e I posed Street II I II Uri I II tr.B-Ts&V Proposed B' Sonffa I I = J tit;ate Valve AN t i� I 3EG TNP. RNQ posed Street I tr.B-Ts&V Exlst. ,1� Sanitary I Pressure Reducing Valve I I l�'GatxC aloe ill l ti x6'xfrTee LEGEND •' 11� �II o - Flrw. . m I [.I .q � 'repoNd Mohr \� I I I I o-� + ►ropo«A S..".ry ./hM Proposed , 0' SanMary r AN t i� I 3EG TNP. RNQ MEMORANDUM TO: RODNEY J. RAY CITY MANAGER FROM: DOUG GROVES ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN SUBJECT: NSP WATER LINE EASEMENT ACCEPTANCE DATE: NOV EMBER 2, 1995 BACKGROUND: This easement is necessary due to construction of approximately 1350 L.F. of 8" water line along the north and east property lines of the National Steak & Poultry facility. The easement would allow for the construction and maintenance of the new line. The plat did not include this easement, due to uncertainties as to the location of the water line. The request for approval of the bids for the construction of this water line is on the Council agenda for November 7,1995. The original easement was executed by NSP officials on September 12, 1995 and sent to the City of Owasso for acceptance and execution. ' RECOMMENDATION• The staff recommends Council acceptance of a water line easement on the National Steak & tPoultry property. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Location map 2. Water Easement I .•,•v�Q,� .�.V JLLL YL 111VU V/1LVL xL/6'�a/ «�I [��1i1UG 2- �SMTDORj'R" [ .. STORY COfYf "®RATI�N; � e /��J LEr TO..vt�� I BFIC BUILDING AU iP l 61.1 t Y!I r ail � tl � nvoli R OS D'.O' n R 3 +9 .42 \ et �6 A ME T P RA 1 9 BEN a° s r' 7 STRUM T. ao 4 t Z Q 1 9 MO �I N Z op N•r t y �A I mf R ` Ole I \ 1 / I f I 1 W W 333 a °� to zxoo' ♦ a ? I NAnONAL sTFAN AND POULTRY J R - ul l END 1+45.83 ` 1 -8" 11 1 4' BEND � +14.72 A 1— " 22 1/2' BEND e 3 +17.56 1 BEND 6 +1 38 �` I 3 +76.18 4 +55.36 1 -8" 11 1/4' BEND 1 -8" 11 1/4' BEND 1- 8 "X8 "X6" TEE 1 -3 WAY FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY 1- 8 "X8 "X8" TEE 2 -8" GATE VALVES 1 -8" PLUG —\/el vc ❑nvrc ' WATER EASEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: ^ That the undersigned, `v the owner of the legal and 4quitable title to the f 1 ing real tat,, situated in the Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, for and n consideration of ' the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) from the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and other good and valuable considerations, receipt of which are hereby acknowledged, do - hereby grant I and convey unto the said City of Owasso Oklahoma, a perpetual easement, through, over, under and across the following described property, situated in said County, to -wit: A 20' WIDE STRIP OF LAND THAT IS PART OF THE E/2 OF THE NE /4 OF SECTION -31, T- 21- NA,R -14 -E, CITY OF OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, SAID TRACT OF LAND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO -WIT: STARTING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE E/2 OF THE NE /4 OF SAID SECTION -31; THENCE DUE NORTH ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID E/2 OF THE NE /4 FOR 1548.94' TO THE "POINT OF BEGINNING" OF SAID STRIP OF LAND; THENCE CONTINUING DUE NORTH ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE FOR 20.00'; THENCE N 89 °48140" E FOR 526.50'; THENCE DUE SOUTH FOR 717.951; THENCE S 89 °20'09" W FOR 20.00'; THENCE DUE NORTH FOR 698.121; THENCE S 89 °48'40" W FOR 506.50' TO THE "POINT OF BEGINNING" OF SAID TRACT OF LAND. for the purpose of permitting the City of Owasso to construct water main or mains thereon, through, over, under and across said property, together with all necessary and convenient appurtenances thereto; and to use and maintain the same and of affording the City of Owasso, its officers, agents, employees and /or all persons under contract with it, the right to enter upon said premises and strip of land for the purpose of enabling the City of Owasso to do any and all convenient things incident to such constructing, operating, repairing and maintaining of such main or mains. The City is hereby given and granted the exclusive-possession of said above described premises for the purposes aforesaid and Second Party, for himself and his heirs, administrators, successors and assigns, covenants and agrees that no building, structure, fence, wall or other above ground obstruction will be placed, erected, installed, or permitted upon the above described land; and further covenants and agrees that in the event the terms of his paragraph are violated by the Second Party or any person in privy with it, such violation will be promptly corrected and eliminated immediately upon receipt of notice from City, or City shall have right to remove or otherwise eliminate such violation, and Second Party, its heirs, administrators, successors and assigns, shall promptly pay the actual cost thereof. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD such easement and right -of -way unto the Cit of Owasso its successors or assigns, forever. i Y DATED this _L day of 19 S� . ATTEST (S E A L) . i BY BYE ----------------------------------- s -- STATE OF OKLAHOMA ) )ss COUNTY OF TULSA ) � On this day of ' undersigned, a Notary Public, n/ personally appeared to be the identical person o su the foregoing instrument a its me that executed he same and as the free and vol nadal" and purposes therein s tGIVEN under my and My Commission Ex res 995, before me, the Co ty and State aforesaid, , to me known The ame of the maker thereof to an acknowledged to ee and voluntary act and deed, of such corporation, for the use and year last above written. lic ....... von. �/.. a.... a ............. a..... a3= aa3cn�aaccccac== c.ca= ca= ccc.cc. APPROVED: c City of Owasso CALIFORNIA ALL- PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of CALIFORNIA County o ORANGE On �S before me, SUSAN D. CAMPBELL,NOTARY PUBLIC DATE NAME, TITLE OF OFFICER - E.G.,'JANE DOE, NOTARY PUBLIC' personally appeared 2 ( C V U/ -/7lU ' NAME(S) OF SIGNER(S) personally known to me - OR proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(* whose name( subscribed to the withi strument and ac- knowledged tom r a he/ executed the same in his thorized ":.•:'. \ SUSAN D. CAMPBELL capacity(iRS), d that by hi COMM. #1034314 z signatureA on the instrument the personal, ) z � 'J Notory Public — California i � ::.,�;t�-�;� D or the entity upon behalf of which the ORANGE couNry person(#) acted, executed the instrument. My Comm. Expires AUG 19.1998 . I WITNIE$S my hand­-aTwLofficial seal. THIS CERTIFICATE MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE DOCUMENT DESCRIBED AT RIGHT: Though the data requested here is not required by law, h could prevent fraudulent reattachment of this form. No. 5.9y OPTIONAL SECTION CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER Though statute does not require the Notary to fill in the data below, doing so may prove invaluable to persons relying on the document. INDIVIDUAL CORPORATE OFFICER(S) TTTLE(S) PARTNER(S) LIMITE Q GEN I ATTORNEY -IN -FACT TRUSTEE(S) GUARDIAN/CON ERVATOR OTHER: SIGNER REPRESENTING: NAME OF PER6ONP OR ENTITY(IES) OPTIONAL SECTION TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCU ENT ' NUMBER OF PAGES �CS�_ DAT&QF�DOC UM ENT L SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED A OVE i ®1993 NATIONAL NOTARY ASSOCIATION -_ 8236 Rrmmet Ava PC) Rnr 71AA .!?­ P.A' 7 1 ` i Q1 ►11 1u TO: RODNEY J. RAY CITY MANAGER FROM: DOUG GROVES ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN SUBJECT: ACCEPTANCE OF THE OFFSITE SANITARY SEWER LINES FOR BAILEY RANCH ESTATES DATE: NOVEMBER 2, 1995 BACKGROUND: This sewer line serves the Bailey Ranch Estates located 1/4 mile north of the 96th Street North and Garnett Road intersection. The on -site sewer lines were accepted on ce , 19 4 and flow from the subdivision was directed to the El Rio Vista lift station. Completion of the �?9y off -site sewer line enabled elimination of the El Rio Vista lift station and all wastewater is now able to flow by gravity to the Ranch Creek Interceptor, located west of Mingo Road. The off - site system consists of 3,657 L.F. of 10" sanitary sewer line. ' Due to bankruptcy of the original contractor, there was a delay in completion of the off -site utilities. The bonding company has completed the improvements under performance bonds for ' the project. The Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality reviewed and approved the off -site sewer ' plans on October 18, 1994. Copies of sewer permit No. SL000072950523 were filed November 10, 1994 with the Public Works Department. ' The utility installation was recently completed and inspected by city staff during construction. The sewer lines passed all testing procedures. A walk- through inspection was conducted on Tuesday, October 24, 1995, by Engineering, Inspections and Public Works representatives. A punch list was developed from this inspection and delivered to the developer to make corrections in compliance with the City of Owasso ' construction standards. All items addressed will be corrected within the maintenance year. Mid- Continent Casualty Co. will honor the maintenance bond that was originally submitted to ' the City of Owasso (see attached). The maintenance bond had been issued to cover both on -site and off -site construction with a provision that the bond would be for a one -year period effective upon acceptance of the construction. Page 2 Bailey Ranch Off -site Sewer Acceptance RECOMMENDATION: ' The staff recommends Council acceptance of the off -site sanitary sewer lines to serve Bailey Ranch Estates. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Location map 2. Maintenance bond 'H18 L L U z Q W Q J � Q Cr) CO W I- I I --:� ��VO 1 .. if cf�� cn wW cn HlZ L L m M cy) 0 HlOLL 0) m I. . � o S OQ J W 0 L L a- U H 6 0 L =M rn' o0 0 = f- Lmll HiZ-O L OQ J W SECTION 04420 MAINTENANCE BOND #75965 WHEREAS, the undersigned, has executers Contract No. N/A dated the 7th day of June , 19 94 Onsite Sanitary Sewer & Offsite Sanitary Sewer, Bailey Ranch designated pStates Addition to ths- rit;� -e€ -,assA, laheima -- , including all of the work mentioned and described in said Contract, and to be performed by the undersigned strictly and punctually in accordance with the terms, conditions, plans and specifications thereof, NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That (Principal) (Surety) Four State Contractors, Inc. Mid - Continent Casualty P.O. Box 4040 ompany, .0. Box 1409 of Bartlesville, OK 74006 Tulsa, OK 7410-1 as Pnneipal, and as Surety, are jointly and severally, firmly held and bound unto the OWNER in the sum of Two Ei>� F ch y Six TlnaiGand Nirr- tirrin� `ri,irty Crt- K -M /1^ ?I)ollars ($ 286, 931.80 lawful money of the United States of America, same being the approximate cost of the Contract herein referred to, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS BOND is such that the said Principal and Surety herein named do hereby agree and bind themselves unto and guarantee the OWNER that all work done under said contract, was constructed to Conform with specifications prepared by The City of Owasso, 207 South Cedar, Owasso, OK 74055nd in such a manner that the same shall endure without need of any repair arising from defective workmanship or materials for a period of one year from and after the formal acceptance of said project by the OWNER, and that at the expense of said Principal andlor Surety, all failures occurring and arising from any defect in material or workmanship within said period of one year shall be promptly repaired, within ten (10) days after notice to said Principal by letter deposited in the United States mail, addressed to said Principal at P.O. Box 4040, Bartlesville, OK 74006 and copied to said Surety; and it being further agreed that upon the neglect, failure or refusal of the Principal to make any needed repairs or baciSiJls upon said project or any work connected therewith within the aforesaid ten (10) day period or other city negotiated period, that the said Principal and Surety shall jointly and severally be liable to the OWNER for the costs and expenses of malting such repairs or backfills, or making good such defects or imperfections. MAINTENANCE BOND 1193 00420 - 1 of 2 ikL M 1 ■ i ■ 0 ■ NOW, THEREFORE, if the said Principal and Surety shall faithfully and securely keep and perfonn all of the obligations herein provided to be kept and performed by them, or either of them, then this obligation shall be null and void and of no force and effect, otherwise to be and remain in full force and effect at all times. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED this 20thh day of T)t-r,+mh,ar 19 94 . ATTEST: le James A. Coast, Vice -Pres. (SEAL i Mid - Continent Casualty Company Surety (S EAL) Four State C trActorZ, Tnn Contractor (Principal) Title Steven L. Coast, Pres. (SEAL) Attorney In Fact Lisa Fennell (Accompany the bond with a Power of Attorney) MAINTENANCE BOND 1153 00420 - 2 of 2 MEMORANDUM TO: RODNEY J. RAY CITY MANAGER ■ FROM: DOUG GROVES ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN ■ SUBJECT: REQUEST TO PURCHASE WATER DISTRIBUTION MODELING SYSTEM SOFTWARE ' DATE: November 1, 1995 BACKGROUND: The City of Owasso water distribution system initially was computer modeled in 1988 by Tuttle and Associates under a contract administered by INCOG. Subsequent to the initial modeling, INCOG has updated this information as development has occurred. INCOG uses a computer software program called KYPIPE to perform this task. Water flow and pressure condition data are evaluated for each new subdivision prior to completion of the construction plans and approval of the final plat. This task is needed to insure the ability to provide adequate water service to all customers. INCOG charges the city a rate of $45 per hour for manhours associated with these evaluations. A total of 27 manhours (equating to $1,215) was spent on water model related activities in FY94 -95. To date, 9.5 manhours (equating to $427.50) has been charged by INCOG in FY95- 96. The Public Works Department staff believes these funds could be better utilized if applied to the purchase of a software program. ' Having our own software will enable the city to perform distribution system analyses as needed and in a more timely and efficient manor. In addition, the computer model serves as the basis for water distribution system master planning. Having the data and model directly available to staff will facilitate our ability to evaluate water system needs as new development occurs, in lieu of having a completed master plan. N OPTIONS AVAILABLE: Two computer modeling programs are used extensively by governmental entities and engineering consultants. These two primary models are the KYPIPE and CYBERNET program packages. Features of each are presented below: ■ lb Page 2 Water Distribution Modeling Software KYPIPE must be purchased from the University of Kentucky. Features: Basic Program - Data entry & hydraulic analysis Extended period simulations (EPS) Support english & metric units Numerical Modeling Algorithms Additional Options - KYCAD - Import/Export module KYGEM - Contour & Profile Graphics KYAIM - Advanced import capabilities KYCAL - Network calibration module KYQUAL- Water quality assessment 2. CYBERNET must be purchased from Haestad Methods, Inc., Waterbury, CT. Features: Basic Program - Data entry & hydraulic analysis Extended period simulations (EPS) Support english & metric units Numerical modeling algorithms Utilizes Autocad capabilities Full lifetime support via 1 -800 number Water quality modeling Network mapping Enhanced graphics, contours, & profiles 3 -1) Graphics KYPIPE compatibility (can input and export all existing data) COSTS OF EACH OPTION: A summary table of the basic features and options, with associated cost is presented below: Features KYPIPE 3 CYBERNET Basic $495.00 $1,995.00 Options - Import / export KYCAD $395.00 included Contour & profile graphics KYGEM $395.00 included Advanced import KYAIM $295.00 included Network calibration KYCAL $495.00 included Water quality assessment KYQUAL $295.00 included Totals $2,370.00 $1,995.00 0 1 I Page 3 Water Distribution Modeling Software SOFTWARE COMPARISON: Several key factors were analyzed in the comparison of KYPIPE versus CYBERNET. Both programs are compatible with the existing model data at INCOG. Existing data can be imported directly into the new software program. Both programs offer many of the same features and options that provide the user various tools to analyze a water distribution system having multiple sizes of pipes, storage and pumping. Presently, the Owasso model consists of 650 pipe segments. The KYPIPE model includes capabilities to model various quantities of pipe segments (from 1,000 to 6,000 segments). CYBERNET is available for systems ranging from 25 to greater than 10,000 segments. For consistency and ease of expansion for system growth, a 1,000 pipe network was evaluated for both programs. Technical differences between the two products are minimal. The evaluation was largely based on which of the two is the most cost - effective, easer to use and implement. The basic KYPIPE program costs $495, but it needs five (5) additional smaller programs (totaling $1,875) to equal the abilities of CYBERNET. CYBERNET software comes in a complete package for $1,995. CYBERNET also has full, lifetime user support via a 1 -800 number compared to the KYPIPE regular long distance number. Comparing the package prices, CYBERNET (total price of $1,995) is $375 less than the KYPIPE program package (total price of $2,370). Staff believes CYBERNET is more cost - effective and user friendly than KYPIPE. M ADDITIONAL_ COMPONENT In order to effectively utilize either program, additional hardware components have been planned for and will be needed. Our existing CAD hard drive is 250 megabytes and needs to be expanded to 1000 megabytes to handle the storage requirements for the water model. Cost of this expansion is expected to be approximately $250. In addition, the existing 14" monitor needs to be increased in size to permit long -term use without eye strain. The approximate cost of a new 17" monitor is $900. Upon approval of the software package, these additional purchases will be made with funds presently budgeted. FUNDING SOURCE: ' Funding for the purchase of the software is available in the FY95 -96 Public Works Department Engineering Capital Outlay budget (51 -170- 5441). (The Carryover Budget approved by Council on October 17, 1995 included $2,000.00 for the purchase of the CYBERNET software.) Page 4 Water Distribution Modeling Software d RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approval of the purchase of a 1,000 pipe CYBERNET water , distribution system modeling software package from Haestad Methods, Inc., Waterbury, CT. in the amount of $ 1,995.00. ATTACHMENTS: 1. CYBERNET Product Description I I� r_ I - -- .ft Is 7 17 ft 7 Raestad- -- °Methods — b I DWrIff Pressure Flow Distnbtltion Modeling True Computer Aided Design SUMMARY OF FEATURES C"ERNET Product Description "Working hard for your business" Water distribution design and analysis with CYBERNET is radically different from other conventional modeling methods. CYBERNET is a comprehensive modeling tool that seamlessly integrates AutoCAD with advanced mapping and graphics exten- sions and a powerful numerical model to create the world's most powerful pressure network modeling package. CYBERNET is intuitive to the new user. The program is organized around a system of easy- to-use menus which allow the modeler to build and maintain a complete network model. Engineers with no prior AutoCAD agwience will find _ this model quick and easy to learn- CYBERNET is fast and robust. CYBERNET uses the same efficient linear method solution as utilized in KYPIPE. The computational speed of the numerical modeling is shown below: • 80386 CPU is naning at 20MHz with 4 Megs of RAM and 80486 CPU is naming at 25MHz wilt 16 Megs of RAM. # Although CYBERNET is capable of executing these analyses, the 4 Megs of RAM is insufficient to manage the drawing files_ • CYBERNET delivers. Results presentation management with CYBERNET is extraordinary. Output includes: "click on" element presentation, color mapping, contours, flow directional arrows, graphs, profiles, and report-ready tabular output. • CYBERNET is KYPIPE compatible. CYBERNBT'can update a drawing by "importing" KYPIPE data files, and it can also "export" KYPIPE compatible files. • CYBERNET is applicable world wide. Both English and metric units are fully supported. • CYBERNET is cost effective. Base priced at $9951, CYBERNET{ nclo de sfulk ,'Iifetimcuse>�,suppoctatt&additiowmi. INPUT DATA With CYBERNET, the AutoCAD graphical editing environment has been greatly extended using the most advanced software technology available today. CYBERNET's Smart SnapVM greatly enhances and extends AutoCAD's own object snaps, making it easy to select network elements. The Smart Snap feature makes CYBERNET commands truly "intelligent ". A CYBERNET drawing contains layers for pumps, junction nodes, boundary nodes, minor loss elements, pipes, and other types of network elements. Networks can be constructed- Schematically - A network can be drawn schematically, in which case the modeler simply uses the CYBERNET environment to define system connectivity and insert network elements in a drawing layout that is "Not to Scale." The user generates a connected graph comprising junctions and pipe links, and simply provides a minimum amount of data to model the system. • To scale - It is suggested that the network be modeled in a fully scaled drawing. Pipes are not restricted to being straight runs. Since pipes can be fully defined by polylines (a series of line segments) and the default pipe length is automatically set to the scaled drawing length, a CYBERNET network can conform to the actual system layout under design or analysis. The network can be digitized over a planimetric background drawing layer. t Base price for CYBERNET is for 250 pipe version. Haestad Methods. Inc. * 37 Brookside Road * Waterbury, CT 06708, USA * (203) 755 -1666 * 1- 800 - 727 -6555 FAX (203) 597 -1488 Copyright 2J 1991 Haestad Methods, Inc. Haerrad Werti,„(„: a. gssfered Rade ­,fHaesiad Nerve t,. f,c Execution Tune (Seconds) Number of Pipes 80386 CPU* 80486 CPU* 100 16 4 500 35 9 1250 78 27 2500 186# 56 5000 N /A$ 128 • 80386 CPU is naning at 20MHz with 4 Megs of RAM and 80486 CPU is naming at 25MHz wilt 16 Megs of RAM. # Although CYBERNET is capable of executing these analyses, the 4 Megs of RAM is insufficient to manage the drawing files_ • CYBERNET delivers. Results presentation management with CYBERNET is extraordinary. Output includes: "click on" element presentation, color mapping, contours, flow directional arrows, graphs, profiles, and report-ready tabular output. • CYBERNET is KYPIPE compatible. CYBERNBT'can update a drawing by "importing" KYPIPE data files, and it can also "export" KYPIPE compatible files. • CYBERNET is applicable world wide. Both English and metric units are fully supported. • CYBERNET is cost effective. Base priced at $9951, CYBERNET{ nclo de sfulk ,'Iifetimcuse>�,suppoctatt&additiowmi. INPUT DATA With CYBERNET, the AutoCAD graphical editing environment has been greatly extended using the most advanced software technology available today. CYBERNET's Smart SnapVM greatly enhances and extends AutoCAD's own object snaps, making it easy to select network elements. The Smart Snap feature makes CYBERNET commands truly "intelligent ". A CYBERNET drawing contains layers for pumps, junction nodes, boundary nodes, minor loss elements, pipes, and other types of network elements. Networks can be constructed- Schematically - A network can be drawn schematically, in which case the modeler simply uses the CYBERNET environment to define system connectivity and insert network elements in a drawing layout that is "Not to Scale." The user generates a connected graph comprising junctions and pipe links, and simply provides a minimum amount of data to model the system. • To scale - It is suggested that the network be modeled in a fully scaled drawing. Pipes are not restricted to being straight runs. Since pipes can be fully defined by polylines (a series of line segments) and the default pipe length is automatically set to the scaled drawing length, a CYBERNET network can conform to the actual system layout under design or analysis. The network can be digitized over a planimetric background drawing layer. t Base price for CYBERNET is for 250 pipe version. Haestad Methods. Inc. * 37 Brookside Road * Waterbury, CT 06708, USA * (203) 755 -1666 * 1- 800 - 727 -6555 FAX (203) 597 -1488 Copyright 2J 1991 Haestad Methods, Inc. Haerrad Werti,„(„: a. gssfered Rade ­,fHaesiad Nerve t,. f,c =CYB ERNET PTOd110E D�SC17ption MODELING CONTROL CENTER" Multiple modeling scenarios can be defined to aid in the analysis of the system using the Modeling Control Center (MCC). The MCC is fully menu driven and gives the engineercomplete control over the modeling environment. MCC features: • Scrollable data entry forms with context sensitive help • Special forms for the setup of Steady State and Extended Period Simulations • Run queuing which lets the engineer evaluate a series of scenarios • Results display and output facilities ANALYSIS With CYBERNET, a range of modeling scenarios and "what if" analyses can be defined and then solved using the burnt -in nu- merical model. Each scenario can be evaluated under steady -state (STD) and variable (EPS) conditions. CYBERNET's fully integrated numerical model uses the I.inrar Method to solve simultaneous flow equations and is numerically consistent and compatible with the widely accepted KYPIM The Hazen Williams or Darcy- Weisbach equations are supported for pipe fric- tion loss computations - CYBERNET can also create a data set that is fully compatible with KYPIPE- OUTPUT OPTIONS - Color mapping Graphs Colors and/or linetypes can be assigned for a range of For an EPS analysis, a time series plot can be the following values: generated for: Pipe flowrates Pipe velocities Pipe headlosses Pipe diameters Junction node pressures Junction node hydraulic grades Directional arrows CYBERNET calculates flow directions, and can place directional arrows for: Flow directions on pipes Demand directions on junction nodes Profiles A series of directly connected pipes or a user defined ttansect for. Hydraulic grade line Elevation Pressure Enhanced pressure Total system demand Junction node pressures Junction node hydraulic grades Pump heads Tank water surface elevations Boundary node flowrates Pipe flowrate Pipe minor loss head Pipe headloss Pipe velocity Pipe headloss/1000 ft or meters 3-D Graphics For enhanced presentations: Pressure bars on junction nodes 3 -D suspended mesh Report ready tabular output CYBERNET generates easy -to -read reports in 85 x 11 format: Full output for all network elements Limited output for selected elements Contour maps "Click on" element resentation For any given runs. CYBERNET can generate contours for: Displaying input ndlor output data for: Hydraulic grade Pipes Elevation nodes Pressure Tanks Enhanced pressure * Static nodes Pressure sources * CYBERNET s "Enhanced pressure contours" take into account fps digital terrain (spot elevations). This unique feature makes Check valves computeri =ed pressure contouring and profiling accurate. Pressure regulating valves realistic, and extremely useful- Pressure switches AutoCAD3 is a registered trademark of Autodesk. [m. CYBERY=i' Smut SnapT", and MCC^' are audemarks of Haestad Methods. [nc. Haestad Methods. Inc. * 37 Brookside Road * Waterbury, CT 06708, USA * (203) 755 -1666 * 1-800- 727 -6555 FAX (203) 597 -1488 Copyright C 1991 Haestad Methods. [Inc. H—rad Verhodt is a reetstered trade ,wine of Huestal.Neth,rds. (nc MEMORANDUM TO: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER FROM: M A ALEXANDER CHIEF OF POLICE SUBJECT: PURCHASE OF 1996 CHEVROLET CAPRICE DATE: November 3, 1995 BACKGROUND: The fiscal year 1995 -1996 operating budget for the Owasso Police Department contains funding, found in the capital outlay section, for the purchase of one police vehicle for the patrol division. Monies are also budgeted for the necessary emergency equipment for the vehicle. The 1994 -1995 state bid vehicle for full size police cars is the Chevrolet Caprice. The state bid dealership is Quality Chevrolet in Yukon, Oklahoma. ' In June of this year the police department sent a "letter of intent" to Quality Chevrolet requesting them to set aside a police vehicle contingent upon the Owasso City Council approving the 1995- 1 1996 budget. Quality Chevrolet honored our request and ordered a 1995 Chevrolet Caprice. However, due to the vast number of requests for police cars, the one set aside for this department was sold to another department. To meet the demand for police vehicles, Chevrolet manufactured additional units but, since the model year had closed, these new police cars are 1996 models. Quality Chevrolet contacted this department and, because they sold a 1995 car they offered to sell to this department, a 1996 Chevrolet Caprice police vehicle has been reserved for this department at the 1995 state bid price of $16,492. This 1996 police car is presently at the dealership. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approval and authorization for payment of the 1996 Chevrolet Caprice police vehicle at the 1995 Oklahoma State bid price of $16,492.00 to Quality Chevrolet in Yukon, Oklahoma. ■ MEMORANDUM ■ TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR I ' SUBJECT: ORDINANCE NO. 516 DATE: October 23, 1995 BACKGROUND: ■ At the October 17, 1995 meeting, the Owasso City Council recommended approval of a rezoning request from AG (Agriculture) to OL (Office Light) and CS (Commercial Shopping Center) on an approximate 16.90 acre parcel of land located within Section 28, Township 21 North, Range ■ 14 East; further described as being located east of the southeast corner of E. 86th Street North and N. 129th E. Avenue. A subject map is attached for your information and review. ■ Attached is a copy of Ordinance No. 516 which formally adopts the City Council's rezoning action of October 17, .1995. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance No. 516. rr ATTACHMENTS: 1. Subject map 2. Ordinance No. 516 a s x. w M L 5..M R 11 E Zoning Exhibit EAST WV SWIA Of T Owasso Land Z " A Part of Section 28, N Township 21 North, Range 14 East, Tulsa County, Oklahoma for TM LocOtlon Mop Kaiser Francis Oil Company Owasso Sr. Hgh School r rona N.>r Cs SUBJECT TRACT Zoning - AG East 86th Str «t N [ 69'1T11' E rr o 0 b k N 69YYH' M b RD 1730.02' S 69'4X11 E ■ WT a ZcrMg - AG J2Z 06' IF 00' 6� OL 550.00' 3 69'43'11" E $� RS -3 RS -2 R 17,30.01' 1 916.67 1322.65' 330.47 N 6930'16 M N 69'50'16 K N 693016 w N 09'60'35" M I•i Copper Meadows RE_ Zorwlg - RS-3 �h ..1 MaN 6 n ` Graceland Acres Zonng - RE N Gr ela Ares Bb� 4 coca en• :5 �v coi xcrov E9.t 76th Str..1 N6rth aeveb lJ7Q..: Zowg - RE "s X14 a ,a �k rh n6 R 14 E Zoning Exhibit CAST "T1 Mm SMTN of T Owasso Land Z 21 A Part of Section 28, " Township 21 North, Range 14 East, Tulsa County, Oklahoma 3, ,•_�.. for U Id �o Kaiser Francis Oil Company lcot lon M ap M �6 e ¢ Owasso Sr. Hqh School ZoNng - AG �* VA �p sn...t .— 4• rwa Nun 75o.00' 21J2J0 T1r11'4.1 rM N 19'4144 W g i CS ab 7500, W N 19'4 . North h• RD 1730.0' [ - - -. -- - 32'44 1324.06' S 19 "EXHIBIT A" Zonng - AG 527.06' RS-3 tlkn RS -2 :t No NaM H� 1730.01' 916.67 N 1950'35' N 132265' 330,47 N 893735' W N 1➢5036 W N 19'60'35' W W S O Z Copper Meadows RE Zoning - RS-3 �h M '1h SN h K Graceland Acres Zoning - RE Grecelard Ares ,. Mok4 -T Foot 76th Street North se959 a' lJ2Q,52 Y � c� ZoNng - RE - CIE ;5 550.00' 3 19'42•N' C RS-3 tlkn RS -2 :t No NaM H� 1730.01' 916.67 N 1950'35' N 132265' 330,47 N 893735' W N 1➢5036 W N 19'60'35' W W S O Z Copper Meadows RE Zoning - RS-3 �h M '1h SN h K Graceland Acres Zoning - RE Grecelard Ares ,. Mok4 -T Foot 76th Street North se959 a' lJ2Q,52 Y � c� ZoNng - RE - CIE ;5 CITY OF OWASSO ' ORDINANCE NO. 516 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ZONING APPLICATION NUMBER , OZ -95 -07 CHANGING THE ZONING OF PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN A PORTION OF SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, FROM AG (AGRICULTURAL) TO OL (OFFICE LIGHT) AND CS (COMMERCIAL SHOPPING CENTER), AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. WHEREAS, public hearings have been held regarding the request for rezoning of the property herein described, and, WHEREAS, the Owasso City Council has considered the recommendation of the Owasso Planning Commission and all statements for and against the requested rezoning of application OZ- 95 -07. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT we Section 1. The zoning classification of the following described property, to wit: Commencing at the Northwest corner of Section 28, Township 21 North, Range 14 East, thence South 89 °42'44" East along said section line a distance of 750.00 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence continuing along said section line South 89 °42'44" East for a distance of 600 feet; thence due South for a distance of 150.00 feet; thence South 26 °46'32" East for a distance of 458.40 feet; thence due South for a distance of 389.33 feet; thence North 89 042'44" West for a distance of 820.67 feet; thence due North for a distance of 940.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said area containing 16 acres more or less, be, and the same is hereby rezoned from AG (Agriculture) to CS (Commercial Shopping Center) District. I: LM Commencing at the Northwest corner of Section 28, Township 21 North, Range 14 East, thence South 89 °42'44" East along said section line a distance of 1350.00 feet; thence due South for a distance of 150.00 feet; thence South 28 °46'32" East for a distance of 458.40 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence continuing South 28 °46'32" East for a distance of 331.00 feet; thence due South for a distance of 100.00 feet; thence North 89 °42'44" West for a distance of 159.34 feet; thence due North for a ' distance of 389.33 feet to the Point of Beginning. , Said area containing .90 acres more or less, be, and the same is hereby rezoned from AG (Agriculture) to OL (Office Light) I District. Section 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby expressly repealed. PASSED AND APPROVED this 7th day of November, 1995. City of Owasso, Oklahoma Charles L. Burris, Mayor ATTEST: Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney 1 � 1 l 0 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO ® FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR ' SUBJECT: PARK SIGN POLICY DATE: November 1, 1995 ' BACKGROUND: Mr. Warren of the Parks Department was approached in early fall regarding the placement of advertising and /or team support banners on fences contained within Rayola Park, more specifically attached to the outfield fences of the girl's softball field. Previously, banners of any kind attached to the fences were not permitted. Several factors for not permitting the banners were possible damage to fences during high wind and the aesthetic impact of various different size banners as a form of a fund raiser for their team. Rather than prohibit banners completely, staff has developed a policy that can be applied to all city parks regarding banners, and still allow for a team's fund raising efforts. The policy, attached for your information and review, allows for banners to be placed on the outfield fences for the entire season of the sport for which they are permitted, providing the banners meet specific design standards. Size is limited to 3x5' and holes are required in the banners so that they do not damage the fences. A permit fee of $25 will be charged, and monies collected as a result of this fee will be utilized for continual fence maintenance. Limiting the size of the banners to fifteen square feet and requiring the signs to be constructed of a light weight material and contain blow - through holes will prevent an unattractive landscape and limit any damage to the fences from high winds. If you have any questions regarding the proposed policy, please contact Mr. Warren or me. RECOMMENDATION• Staff recommends Council approval of the Policy Statement regarding Park Signs. ATTACHMENTS: 1. A copy of the proposed Park Sign Policy. POLICY STATEMENT OWASSO CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA November 7, 1995 Effective November 7, 1995, the following criteria shall be considered as policy of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma when referring to the placement of temporary signs/banners in any city park: SECTION I The purpose of this policy is to regulate the placement of all temporary signs and /or banners within all City of Owasso park areas by establishing a permit process for the temporary placement of signs within all city parks. Furthermore, a fee will be established for said permit process with the goals of preventing the needless clutter in appearance within the city parks, prevent damage to fences located within the park, and utilizing said permit fees to offset fence maintenance costs within the City of Owasso park system. SECTION H For the purpose of this policy, the following definitions of terms used in this policy, shall be as follows: A. Sign - A banner, valance, advertising display or special flag used for commercial or political promotion and constructed of cloth, canvas, light fabric without frames, intended to be displayed for a specified period of time only. Any permanent placement of a sign would be subject to the rules and regulations of the Owasso Sign Code. B. City Parks - Shall include, but not be limited to the following: Rayola, Elm Creek, Friendship, Ator, 86th Street, and the Sportspark. SECTION HI Provisions relating to the general requirements of this sign policy shall be as follows: A. Permit Required - Except as provided in paragraph "C" of this section, no sign shall hereafter be erected, constructed, or altered except as provided by this policy and until a permit has been issued by the Parks Superintendent. Application for a sign shall be made in writing upon forms furnished by the Park Superintendent and shall include information as he /she may require for a complete understanding of the proposed work. Failure to obtain a permit prior to the installation of the sign shall be subject to a doubling of the permit fee. B. Permit Fees - Every applicant before being granted a permit hereunder shall remit to the Park Superintendent, or his /her designee, the following permit fee, payable to the "City of Owasso" for each sign regulated by this article. 1. Temporary Sign (for any one event not exceeding 3 days, i.e. Car Shows, Craft Bazaars, etc.) ............................ $ 5.00 2. Seasonal Sign (for any series of events not exceeding 90 days, i.e. Flag Football, Softball, etc.) ........................ $25.00 C. Exemptions - A permit shall not be required for the following listed signs and /or displays. These exemptions, however, shall apply only to the requirement for a permit and shall not be construed as relieving the owner of such sign from the responsibility for its erection and maintenance in a safe condition. 1. Winter Wonderland and displays associated with same. 2. Red Ribbon Campaign (DARE) banners /ribbons, United Way and other community interest /awareness campaigns, or any promotional signs placed by the City of Owasso. SECTION IV For the purpose of reducing the risk of damage to city park fences, the following elements must be included for a= sign within the parks: A. All banners and /or temporary signs shall be no larger than 3x5' or 15 square feet. B. If the sign is going to be attached to a fence or other structure, it must contain wind "blow through" holes designed to prevent the banner from exerting force ' against the fence due to high winds. C. The above element is not required for all signs which have their own support ' structure, however this is not to preclude the safety aspect from being adhered to by the applicant. SECTION V Upon completion of a special event for which a temporary sign is permitted, it is the obligation of the permit holder to remove the sign by 8:00 AM the following day. All temporary signs that are not removed by 8:00 AM the following day and all signs which have not received a permit, shall be subject to removal and disposal by Park Personnel.