HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995.11.21_City Council AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: November 21, 1995 TIME: 7:00 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, November 17, 1995. Marcia outwell, City Clerk AGENDA II I1 1. Call to Order 2. Invocation Teresa Sorenson Miss Owasso 1996 3. Flag Salute 4. Roll Call 5. Request Approval of the Minutes of November 7, 1995 Regular Meeting and November 14, 1995 Special Meeting. Attachment #5 i~ Owasso City Council November 21, 1995 Page 2 6. Request Approval of Claims. Attachment #6 7. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Award of a Contract for Engineering ~ Services Associated With the Construction of a Parking Lot and Drainage Improvements for Precision Components. Mr Carr Attachment #7 The staff will recommend Council award of a contract with The Briesch Company Inc, Sand Springs, OK for design, bidding and construction administration of parking lot and drainage improvements at the Precision Components building in the amount of $8,322.50, and authorization for the Mayor to execute the document. '~, 8. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to an Amendment to the Contract with Sack & Associates for Engineering and Design Services Associated with the NSP Utility and Roadway System Improvements. Mr Carr Attachment #8 The staff will recommend Council approval of an amendment to the engineering design services contract with Sack & Associates Inc, for the NSP roadway and utility improvements in the amount of $7, 865.00, and authorization for the Mayor to execute the document. 1 1 Owasso City Council ' November 21, 1995 Page 3 ' 9. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Ordinance #506, Amended, an Ordinance Correcting the Legal Description in Ordinance #506. Mr Rooney ' Mr Cates Attachment #9 Staff will recommend Council approval of Ordinance #506, Amended. 10. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for an Emergency Clause to ~ be Attached to Ordinance #506, Amended, Providing for the Ordinance to Become Effective Immediately Upon Publication of the Ordinance. Mr Rooney Mr Cates r See Attachment #9 ~ Staff will recommend the attachment of an emergency clause to Ordinance #506, Amended. i ~ 11. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating a Journal Entry of Judgment Wherein the City Attorney Would be Authorized to Execute, On Behalf of the City, All Documents ' Relating to the Permanent Closing of a Portion of a Utility Easement on Lot 16, Block 4, Barrington Park Subdivision. ' Mr Cates Attachment # 11 ' Staff will recommend that the City Attorney be authorized to execute the Journal Entry of Judgment in Tulsa County Case No CJ 95-4365 Baswell vs City of Owasso, an easement closing approved by the Council on June 6, 1995. 1 Owasso City Council November 21, 1995 Page 4 12. Report from City Manager 17. Adjournment o - /~i9ydiZ ~4NC7 cacx.~lC, .L 7 ~ ~~e c ~ - n~e~ct~va C /`u.~~ Cl ;.n S ~`sT 1la-e - ! t-~1-9~-- ~Ty.4c,(ed ~ S d~cl d h9~eKld~ 0~2~121rd L t'u~Kt d C2~~rr~.S [ ~'S / . 7~.e a~~y cf ease s ,~! yle a~Jl~e.vd.c~ C.`sr :S 7'~e c%~7':o,~J T 1~ep~okl~ 1~ils crN~(e,~ ~e ~Ps~Aeva`r1 ~verwt,~.c~T ~,~~tr`n~e~cT, d 52 7akJ C~~ r`q~t s Cve~•e- ~'e nneu¢d dT 7~,e Y¢ ~~,T a-{` ~u.c%~ 1. -5 / < < ~ < o.Yd A1a~or ~„~,~Yis ~.eKtc~~NS a c~.scuas~ ~K1 0-~ Pri~i c~ ~~su~os ~ ~ a j~?er caa~7~e. /<~aa7` 1 ~ ~'„e.~ d ~ u~! c ~ ~ ~d~',L~ SeSSio~[). ~ c~a tidT y1 ~'aKs %c3 /l~d.~2 /.t¢ C,~m~cl~P,S au %~Sue aT Tax1- J k 1`S ~QQ.Y~~I ~~~ c,~;`( dnll~ aa~~u~~e, r~~' air a~rr.~,tr~~ c/~;us 1:~" ~as A~~. s~.~.~~, ,e~.. ~~ ydK l~a~.e ~,rsrie,~s ~i~,s~ ~ )) `T / /~~,~ ~ a ~- ~~ C~~~rs ~s ~ ~~ ac ~~ ~ S iS ~,z //' ~!' ---' N~7- ,(e o~Je ~ rd~c' ~ ~~ ~- / ~,~ ~u~ 7"h~ 5 ~ 5 ~~e ~;FpdFRAT. F?TTdr? . ~,, k P ~:T.ATp~:= RFPnRT aFAP`~T=' P4t,F: 4 Pf) # :'F_,P?Pt1T?' ii~~-;rRT:;T7!l1, %pinTiP=T ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- ;'t,l f)?~ TRFAfiIifiFR F'FTT`t' tA~;Ti R-.TA1R F~-TT`r' CK:=H 7_f1.OC1 T)rFARTMFNT Tt'1TLT., ____. 1(1,Qii h?ApdAt,F.,FTAT, ------------------------------ g,sntia~ AT~~T WIRFI.EFfi ~FRVT~E FHnt,R T1T?-RAY ~5~q4 94103(1 HT-TFr.H FLxG nI^PT.AY ~~4.~t? 947.031 pTrtI-nFR'3 ~t~rT.ARR Fd.Ar~ ?39.x? '41053 ~t'(1RF,R~.AFC! 3F'~RTfi rTR, Ft9Pr,nYFF RT;rnrp?TTIFf1I ~~.4tI x+41056 t;n ~Y~TF'M5 F?TFI. 10.~''~5 5s.na 961060 ~~M' ~ t:.T,?TTY ~;?IFFLTRti X33. G410"4 TRFA~IrRFR PT?TT`~ [:AFH F-T=TM~ MTI.EAr,T? ~H_aH ,'.47.0?,~ TF.T;A4ITRF,R PF,TTr' t~A:=H !~C1M1~(?TT?F T~SI{ FC}F3C:F 51.1? ?410?4 TRRAS?iR1?R PFTT`.~ CASH f'f1MPTTTFR TA3T{ F~R['R ??,84 ~41.0'?6 TRF..A3IiRF,R pF,TTY rAfiH F,MP kFt=niTdTTTC!p; S[IPPT,TF~ ?6,44 ;'611.04 h1I~HARi.S ~1TAITRR wnpanRRT.~p~r~ 1(lfl,:1,4 T1PPATa.TF1FAdT Tt3TAT. ____~. ~?4.5? ------------------------------ 9,1 n'%4 TREASURRR PETTY CAFH R??TMfi MTT.FA(';F 4?,44 TIFpARTMFNT TtlTAT, ____~~ 4?.4~ GQNMTTpdTT`~' PT=`dET.flPriF°pdT ------------------------------ ;,;nt?Ot tT~ TFT.F/FAC;R, TNC. PAC~FR TtF,F ~.'=:` ~60`:i5 AT~•T W7RF.T.,F,^~ ~FRVTf'FS PHZ?FdF, TIFF-R~1nTd>=Y ?~,1? X40??^ KTt4PAT.t. At::F H~RT1t~IARF G.ARAtTF STT?TPTi1~; :~?.? ~~,7.05,~, f;t~ S'r'.r;TFh1fi FT?FT, 1ilr'4~ 7~= r't] 941.040 3Api' ~; C'I.TTF C1FFI~^:~` :~TTFpT.IT=.:~ '3. =c~ 9416?!~ TRT=ATTt?rR PETTY t:A~;}i p~iF,F,TTpdti >='!F+-('.T-T;CT~TF;T-',R S„{ln 9410?4 TRFASTTRER PFTT`r r:A~13 RFTfi1F: pFTT`r' C~~Is' ;,ti5 ~.=,1 (1?'~ RF,A:=;fIF.~ F`RT±:.T= RTTF FTT,?~1 TSFVFi.,tlPTtdC; 5~.?1 nFPAT='TMFHT Ti!TnT. ____~ ?,~,r,,4,._. AITTTdTt:TP~T. i,t1TTRT ------------------------------ i.TT'r` t_tF C1G.IA'~cfT (;rTdrT7AT• FTTT~ra •''1.!9.`: 11.:3?: %~ A'F rT.A.T?~i~ PF~'f?TyT A=~~LbTi=! p~.rF~ 4 Pf1 # VF'p11'i!-!P T'iFc~:TT'TPTT+!* A.T~jfli?t.r"' ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- 9,511041. t:.1iART.,F,F RAT~sFi=tf RFTATPSF.'= r:-c.i~ft ,5004? MIt::HAFi. ra. HTT.SARR4:.?{ fiFTA1'T~FT~ ~?~,CaO 96091 ~ P,..[IT?T;NA1?Tc SiTFF?,TFS fIFFTt:F ~T)T'P?,TF.p~ 4<<49 TIFPATIT#~T??~T Tf1TAT, ____` ? _~,~'~.~i9 FN~;T}~FF..R7A71~ ------------------------------ 961Q56 (;if ~y~;TF~gF rTTFI. 1(!/95 ~,,,,~,-, T;FPAF.Tfr1F,t~T T~TAT, ____, ~,;.?= ~F'TEPAi. r?~,r?'F'irT~tF*1T ------------------------------ 960(101, T_T! TEI.F!PA~R. T?dt:., PAS;'=R EI.^,F ?;),qt1 960004 R?IWAi„?? I1 pATF'= RfiTAjIJi=R. ?0!1..00 9ti0004 Rt1T~?Ai.n n t:.ATEp SFRVT~F~ ??n.00 960°8$ F2FTNFRFf1RT1 FTTP,,T;Tt'ATTf1'~15 T,F?~A1, ~f1T?t:RF ?=;O,FO 96Q91-~ ??Y,I•A MT?pTT~7PAr. t.FArt)F.. 95 ~1nTdTCTPAT. rc?n>= tTFt'aATF 459.0(1 9r',(lq?q PTTj?F,4 Pf1FTFS TT4't: Pilr,TA~;F t}tFTF'R }?F..T;TAT, ~,? ?5 X61041 t~TRTSJCIR?~' nw.a,{~fl V(Ii.TT3~TF.FRT~-;N T?T~F;.A`1 ~n,ran 961.056 Gil cYFTRMS FI?fiT, 10!94 ?03,~s? X61060 SAl4`~ t:.T.T1R 0°rt?ATTPdG ~?TpaT.TFF ,5,,5 9610 ~4 TT?EFFTiT~.RR NETT`.( C:AFt3 RT?T1di=s Tlflf' MF.AT,F 1 X8.0? '~~i 0'76 T>?~ASIT~~RT? PRTTY (;A~,?~ FRtP~fR PFTT';' ('ASH 1.0.00 461!176 TRFA^_,??RT?F FF..TT~' f'Aci~' f1FFRATT?d~, =;t?fiFi.,TF.S ?7 ,fi0 T1T?P,~TzTMT?T3T TftTAF, ____~ ~ X0''.49 P~1A T1?TF?Z A,„r1r:F ------------------------------ 9,~,t1(1C)':. TT'=, TFi.F,'='Ar;F. TPI(':, T3Ai;1=R tI~;F ,~?.~i~ s~~fa.^-,?rz A^r:tFFnTF 1='Tv.F FetTTt'}+{t=}TT FTt^*t= t;u,TTTTfi??j=;NFR^-, ~r~,nr! ~~f!'?:'r! ,~t:TTf)TT FT.~,t~p1lTli T~FFATR ~IATFr T.t=A.f' lr~(l,flf X61 4l `,6 fifl '=;YFTi:M'=; FtTF.T, 1 ft!r~~ ~'~?, 1 .=, ?f1061 APdt-Ht7R PAT*~TT FAtt1T.-'THTNT[F~' 1;'~?,4f! 961 Qn? `1 At..T= ?TptTFfTt??~1 i;FPTTA,?; [TTdTFi ltt+,1 t~Ftii'{':'~:T;,~A.F3 1 ~, ffa r ~7 -',ti10, f, r n ~~ ar r T~':. A'3tTRFR Pr.TT~ t~•,-,~, nmm~• ~'FTP4T? Ff. • , r i_:A=,1-j ~ y _.. , f!f! t'~F,P.APT"iET{T Tf?TAT, ____~% 4~=.4 [:Ft*iFTFF. i ------------------------------ t=~F.kTFTa,gi, FITP~T1 E.ip t~:I.AThi~; '?FPi1T?T Ap;4pV~+ pA!;r: r_, p!l # TdT?T~Ii'a~fi r)F,ct~RiFTTC1r~J A.1~1ilTTP~TT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- ~,r,1 it5, t;tl '~~=TFPd!=; fiTTFT_, l.n i?5 :'!?.Ct r)F.,PRi;'TP+Ifi?~T Tf~TR1„ ____. 'j~.~` FIII.TC:F ^FF'VTt,F' ------------------------------ Pl~~i~r THRFR I.A~;E~ T.ATTi3i)R`~' IT*TIFD~M CI.RAtTTPtt~ ^}4,75 9.h (1(1'~~ t~T$~T tlTRF,T,F~F; fi;T=RVTt'i=,g pljf1PdF ITFT=-R~,T_, :'!11 . ~ti 4,SO~t.~? JAI+_.-MART C~PFRATI?~~ SITPPI.IE~ 54 ~. 1 h 9na'1Ci?:~ DIAL.-PRtiRT STTPpT,TF 4?, 1 ? ~bnn?4 4dE~TFR1~ RTT~TT~FS=; PRnI-trJ,:.T~ C~T'IER MAINT t4?.44 4ht'~(t'?4 TIC T FT,F ip,arF_., TT~Tf', p¢,C;F,R tT.^_,F 7.?S', 5ii 9E,t7?'?r, M(~TnRnI-AS I?T~. RAT'tTCi^ ?/Z~i45 ?sl?.`,.Ci(1 9b(19,5~ POI_.I!;F. fiFTTY L:A^T3 C1PT?RATT~j(; T;[TPPT.,TF;S hnrpq 4.5C)4n? Pi-1T.T+::E PETTY ~:AtiR (JPFRATTNr ~tIpPI.IT3'= 7,43 4n~4~,r' ptlT,Tt:F PETTY f'R~T3 t~pFi?ATING fi1.IPPI:7F..S 74,`C7 ~l,4Cf9,,? Pf~I.•IC-F. PETTY CA^H C7FF'T.("'F ~?iPPi.TE^ ?1. ,,~+,-. qFl Q'~:l p!4TRtlT, TFr{jflilT;C)tY AA,hIC}R VF^T R?.Q _ (it"t 4b7.~34 P.ATR?i. TR~N1~i~T.f-rY TiPdTF~RMlR!?TTIPMEI~T ?,4G,.~r~ 9L1t1?` TTT~pI,:T., iTP,TFf11~T~1 T;t~TTTF iTJ~TFi'}k1+I.~,I~iIPpT..TF.~, '~14,7f1 4,~1 ~~, r,Erln~: t~IRR~'f`ER ~~FfiVTi::F T~~ilaTr~r t'HARf;FF ~`,4? 4~7 Ct:~? T{TMT~AT_L.. A~'1= T~ARnb~ARr pHF.T ~JThTr ~n __~ 4.47~~? ACC:ITRATR FTR?= F~'?TTTpt~tR1IT pfiRVTt:.F FTUF FXTTwr~TTuFR ?3,6n 9f7()44 RAY A,T.,i.,,F_,?I r.A.r;ThF, TT?AT?~IT?iC STTPpT,TRc J;{.45 g`7 (155 tail ~`~ ~TEM~; FITFT. ~ it i95 7 S 4.=tft , 7 P 4b7 Q~7 RP1t,HC1R PRTPIT PA.TP?T.•'TliTtdPdT;R G.4.~t5 4~,tI1?,~, TRFA;~TTRFR PETTYr_.R^u RFZMR PETTY CASH ?r,41 4,51, Q?? I'i(1"TF.R PF+.IFdTTpI~ PRjIdTTttt; iFf7RMP 49, 7 `~ ~L,1,p? RFAFtIR.~ ppTi-:F R7T1_' 1='TT.hi T]i=VFI.t1ATNz, 7?,7? qf.l fl~t;t TRTPrT RTTF c;TRTpF, j31?Ni VF.uT('I,F 4(19,44 4i7(ifi1 TiT;k:4I.I. TTT~IFf1RM `v~ F~^,TT7P tTNTF~~T~MSitdFW pFFT~'FR 1~?.,41 4n7Q$~' PRTRnL, TFt..:HPI;~T.C7~Y tTP3TFflRi~iPTJPPT.,?FP; tA5,C1f1 9,i l.fl$^ PHiI.T.TPP P~T.IC:F Fi?TiTP t~iRMF TA+,:=; f,,5.r` 4,~1i1s=t4 Cll~7R~.^-,~'1 T7FT HiISpTTAT, VF.T t:ARFiFiT~:T{ °~i,n5 T',FPA±ZTriF?dT Tf1TAT, ____} ?,4'~7 ~?? P~TT.Tf:T=. r:~th1l~iT*{T~:.ATT~!t•I`=; ------------------------------ 4;;it11?4 rtFpT ~'1F PITFtT.Tt: :=;Q,FFT`r' CTT.pT'~ RFTdT '`r."i,tlft 4,4 Etta?? U~IA.i.:-P~TART eTlpr'I,T*. ?~,?'~ 4,Si)'~4Ct TT-tRFT? L,~%F~rF'=; j,~1T,T'IrtR't T'T?`7r;CIP;FR F.AiIP~"ira•, ~,:~.(1C} 4r1[i=;~ IIT}`GT:I.. RNTT'CiRT~ ~: F.tIiTTP IITrTF'itRtic:~itp,=1.?Fr; ?1?„~-t t? 4.47 ft?r RFAr;C1R'= PRTr.F R?TF. pi~TFi}rdFR pIrAT n 744,,x.; iiF'PARTP~tI=TaT Ti'?TAT., ____. fi7~,_i,=. G!p F:T.ArtT~ PFP~iT?T tiPAP';=' F'G.~;'=_ , p(1 # VFtdrr?'kR F~F=;c~RTTJTTQt~F K1=it~TTPT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- At`sItiAT C~t~TRt~T, ------------------------------ 9,5C)4:~? P~'T,_,Tt-:F pRTTY CASH ?~T.(1`~ F~',TTT~`h1F.?~T !'1PdF T?R~dTa.T 9~:1 Q5,5 ritl SytiTfihi ~F9 tr"? nn?TT?R PPI~dTT'dr ~,7.nq, ArTT~i?d A,PfiT.TArdr.F 4'=~~T`=T Aj,~rlit ~ ~~TP `-' ~~. PPF'=`;TYRE uA~HFR FTTFT. 1 !il9~ T='A7fdT!TT~T1,Itd>=R PPTr~TT1?f,lF(?p.M RRT'ATTa FRFT?"T?R PT?pePT,~IF?tT TnTaT: ____ F'TPF ~FPT~rt=::T=~=, ------------------------------ q:~t~1~1 ?r, TFT.F!pAc~~ Tt•~t', a,4p~5~.5 GdATER PPnr;Trr:T~ TTd~: Q,4Cia15 ,Tp,r~' n.ai~i~ntrr, 4f,p9?1 HATT~iPiA.i. FTTaF P?±(?TF(:TT!-lT~ 4f,t19?9 FSTt~ 9~{1g~9 TRAVET, PETTY ~:A~H 9~Cr~8'~ TRgVFt, PFTT' C~=~H R:a 1. [~ ~,4 C;D ~`.r' TFhi'= ?f,1 ~?:5 TRFA~;tTRF.,P T3F.,TTY CASH g~~1t??6 TRRA~TTRRR F'FTTY C:P~:H T'~FPAPTMFI~T Tf?TAT. ____, ~:TL TT, T)T=FFhTcF ------------------------------ 9:'+Qfl(1? pT~,T LdTRFT.F.4P ~FP`dT~:F~, Q,4 t1 t1~,~ P+Afit3T~ fiF.RVTt:F.^-:, Tidt:_ 9F,(r? rT?i7T)ARP Ft~TRRPRTSFS r1F.PaRTt~jFATT TrTr~T., ____;. PA~F_~~ '=Tr'F RT=PT,kf;F G~I(iRi{ PCI~T FA1?T~ lT?RA TTd~!:= ('f1HPTTTF,p!F T FF t: F.hiS FTRF PRRVRT~TT~1rt FntT!_. I-(lI?(;T1~~!F^T?l ^f?PdFFRRNf:F FcT(1 i'fij~FFREFdf:F F~T!l rfltdFF.RR?d[:c F~T!1 (':CItdFFRFNC:F FtTRT- 1 ill95 RF.,ThtP PETTY t_S~H PFTFIP PETTY !~.ARH PHf11iF T?4F-cTAh1PRR G~IF4THF.R T?4TA FFF. '=TRFPd MpTt~dTR?dA13~T= ~TRFF.T ------------------------------ g t,frnn? tt TRT.F!PA~;fi, Teat FA(,r=P TT~=r ~,=~t:~`=;~ ~RFF.?3 t,f1TTA?TRY f]?TTT}~'!(?P F..i~TT ~?TPPT: TF,,S!rrtii~lldFY PRti,TF,t'T ~n,fl(r -n.Qf1 '?^; ,_n ^~g C[ yC ^• !~ r n fi ?1 . (~t~ ?~tg ~~ ~ o ~i (i 1,S;,a~ ~~~ ~~~ P~fr~!1Q G~ jc ~~ 11 C1 ?`,fJp a~.^~ ti`,.Iltl ~~r.n~ =iL7__,1 g„~t~ ^_np 7~~54,E? t9,fi(! 1 , ',~'.? ` , tl fl ? 5 _ ;' Mfr '~~ ?tr (:TTY C?F t?t~id~~ ~ GFTI.F,PAT_, FilPtn ~1f95 11'oa;,,q AfP C'T.ATi~i~ RFPC}PT APAPt'i? p~!f=.: c PC7 # ---------- VI=TdT'1Clt? ---------------------- nF~r.r;TPTTr)AJ --- ------------------------- AHCIiJt?T ------------- 9r,()R;?5 AP.A~-nk;t,4HnMA. Ti~~, ,~-',~PHAT,.TfFTRFF,T P.F,P~TR:~ ?1 Ct.?5 9r',ORS~ p,KC'H(1R ~TCTI`JF rri r.RtT3Hi=P Rrrra^C'RFrATi1aT;3; l.?0, 1 C) 96469 ~I1TT,C'~,?Z ~TGP~3 STF3FF..T 3T(~*a P.,RAC'I{FTP ?l8.?~ 9h093` YALE tJ~iTF~T?M 1?PJdT~T. [TAJ?FC1F.'t~! C'T-F r.i~~JfRF1~iT ;~~.aCt 9,409? f~AP?PFTT 4T(~1;'~ PRf1~;RF^'= A:= PRPMT^F,r; ~?~,n~ 961056 (;n ~Y3T1r43 F`tT;=?. 1.f1f95 a?:~,na 961059 kJT?t.^t:.P T?~t-: C`YI,TA1nF.P RF,1~?TA,i, ~,4C) 961060 .r,AP~`3 t:I.iJA ('-Pr.RATTTaC; :=I?F'Pi-?]?~ ??_9? nT=PARTMFPtT TCTTAt, ____; ?~n3a,99 RErRRATT~TN CRPITFR ------------------------------ 96103$ T[JCKFR LTANITfTRTAI. CT.FAA?TNf; ~iTPF1.TFS f~i1,t1C1 9r';1(139 ]•'.T~Rp,I,T, .A.C'F. HARn~IAP>= CiPt;F7ATTNi~ .-~,TTPPT..,TF.~ l.=r:~,fi4 9610x0 L1C1'tFR PRT?~TTTdC; MR1~1B1=R3HTP (:.r".Ri);? 54~P? TIT=PARTJAEI~T TC]TAi, ____~ '6?.?l. C:f1MMI1NT TY CEAITRP 961060 SAM'S t:'T-tJF MATrTTFtTAPdrF 3;rJPpI.TF3~ 3,59 9._41.[1.6;'1 ~At'1'c C'T,IJR f7FFTC'F cTJPPt.,TFS l ~? i~F,PP,RTMFNT Tf]TAT., ____~ a-Q? PARK MA TTdTE~TAT?~:.F ------------------------------ 9600n1 tT8 TI=I.FfPAGF:, TNC:. Pa~,RR tJSt= 1?,95 9f, (1995 RLT AnVA1dTA(R TpTf' T;f1C1~F RFPFt,I:AfTT ;~I1?,4? X6100{i CINTA3~rnRP. nVt=RA.t.T.B 114.94 9,51 (l~l KTMPAi,,T, At'E HART'i4+1ARF., RF...PATR ~?JPPI,TF,4 54.19 96103:1 [Jf1RI.F r3 Gi?FETdHC1iT=F RA TJ.R~i ATZ TTF:~ ,-Ct, Ci Ct 9,~1OSF, iC] SY~=TI?A= FITI?T. 10f9` 94,?1 X610?3 YAT.F iitdTF[lRM R~'AITAi. Iii~TjFf?R1+1 RFAITf~:J.F4Td 4,4.401 961.!1?6 TRF.,A4TTRF.R PFTT~' rA~H RFTJr1P PETTY C'-ASH 5.5r1 9~,1 n?~, TRFP,311RFR P'=TTY rA.^-.H RFTT~i~ PJ;TTv r:a^H 1 1 ,,~,n 961(1?r, TRrP.SiTRFR PETTY r..a~H FtF71p?R PETTY C'~.PH 1?.C1t=; 9,51 1 OS 4F~tJRTTY RY R+1PF. TNC', I.f1~:K RT=PATR ?~, tfi '~. ~iF,P,?.RTJ~tt?*TT TfiTAT, ____) ~(1^_vo _ rr,'~Jr~~riT(, r.~T=~~R?.npr1F.1~T ------------------------------ t~T'A~T?T?fiT, FT?Tari ' !:_'1 r95 11 ;?9,?P A!P f.'T.ATtpT~ PRT~f1??T -.-".T1kPV?? Pkf~i=' 9 -- PT7 # vT?i~r?np -------- ------------------ T?F.'3C.RTPTTfrpT ------- -------------------- aTgr~TrraT ----- ------------- 4~T (T?t TT~F..k,~TTRFR PF,TTV rA~T~ 1?FP~.RThiFj~T Tt?TAT. ____} TRATPTFrr;!pTT.,T=A~:F jtAY-~~~:T ^$9,~1? ~o~_ • t OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING ' TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1995 The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, November 7, 1995 in the Council ' Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, November 3, 1995. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER ' Mayor Burris called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. ITEM 2: INVOCATION ~ The invocation was given Rev Bill Stinson, Associate Pastor of Bethel Baptist Church. ' ITEM 3: FLAG SALUTE The flag salute was led by Mayor Burris. ITEM 4: ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT Charles Burris, Mayor ' Danny Ewing, Vice Mayor Mary Lou Barnhouse, Councilor Joe Ramey, Councilor ~ Michael Helm, Councilor STAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager r Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Ronald D Cates, City Attorney A quorum was declared present. ITEM 5: RE UEST APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF OCTOBER 17, 1995 REGULAR MEETING, OCTOBER 26, 1995 SPECIAL MEETING, AND OCTOBER 30, 1995 SPECIAL MEETING. Mr Ramey moved, seconded by Mr Helm, to approve the minutes as submitted, by reference made a part hereto. AYE: Ramey, Helm, Barnhouse, Ewing, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. Owasso City Council November 7, 1995 ITEM 6: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE CLAIMS Mr Ramey moved, seconded by Mr Ewing, that the following claims be approved: (1) General Fund $37,357.79; (2) Workers Comp Self-Ins Fund $15,209.78; (3) Ambulance Service Fund $1,273.44; (4) E-911 $1,846.55; (5) City Garage $4,664.63; (6) Capital Improvements $1,973.27; (7) Capital Projects Grant $310.00; (8) Interfund Transfers $3,666.47; (9) Interfund Transfers $25,887.50; (10) General Fund Payroll #1 $107,597.43; (11) General Fund Payroll #2 $106,610.84; (12) City Garage Payroll #1 $2,085.46; (13) Garage Payroll #2 $2,064.54. AYE: Ramey, Ewing, Barnhouse, Helm, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 7: REQUEST TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL REGARDING VANDALISM Mr Harry Miller of 305E 19th St addressed the Council concerning vandalism to his property, and speeding on 19th St. Mr Miller requested that some action be taken to curb the vandalism and speeding problem. Council directed staff to work with the Police Chief on these problems, perhaps holding a neighborhood meeting or setting up a neighborhood watch. ITEM 8: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE ,~ AWARD OF A CONTRACT FOR INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE RELOCATION OF THE NATIONAL STEAK AND POULTRY COMPANY, SUCH IMPROVEMENTS FUNDED THROUGH A CDBG-ED GRANT FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. Bids were opened on October 26, 1995 for roadway and utility improvements for the NSP building. The City was awarded a grant from the Oklahoma Department of Commerce to fund water and sewer improvements, and from the Department of Transportation for construction of the roadway and box culvert bridge. Six firms submitted bids, however, one firm bid on the r water line portion only. Bids were evaluated and the recommendation was to award the contract to the low bidder, Yocham Enterprises of Sapulpa, OK. When questioned by Mayor Burris about awarding each portion of the contract separately, Mr Carr said the bid documents did not indicate that portions of the work could be awarded to separate bidders, but rather that the total project be awarded. City Attorney Ron Cates concurred with that statement. Councilor Ramey ~ said that it would be difficult to coordinate the water, sewer, and roadway portions of the project if they were awazded to separate bidders. Mr Helm moved, seconded by Mr Ramey, to award a contract to Yocham Enterprises, Sapulpa, Ok in the lump sum amount of $180,772.74 for the construction of roadway and utility improvements for the NSP project. ~ Owasso City Council November 7, 1995 AYE: Helm, Ramey, Barnhouse, Ewing, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 9: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE GRANTING OF A UTILITY RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT FOR THE LOCATION OF A WATER LINE FOR THE NATIONAL STEAK AND POULTRY PROJECT, GENERALLY LOCATED ALONG THE NORTH AND EAST NSP PROPERTY LINES. ^ National Steak and Poultry has granted an easement to the City of Owasso for construction of approximately 1350 LF of 8" water line along the north and east property lines. The original ' plat did not include the easement. Mr Ramey moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to accept the above mentioned water line easement on the NSP property. AYE: Ramey, Barnhouse, Helm, Ewing, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 10: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS TO THE OFF-SITE SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM CONSTRUCTED TO SERVE BAILEY RANCH ESTATES SUBDIVISION. Mr Groves reported that the on-site sewer lines serving Bailey Ranch Estates were accepted by the City Council on December 20, 1994. There was a delay in the completion of the off-site utilities because of the bankruptcy of the original contractor. The bonding company completed the improvements under the performance bonds for the project. Upon completion of the utility installation, the lines were inspected by city staff and passed all testing procedures. Mr Cates said that a problem occurred because the maintenance bond form used is one taken from the standard City of Owasso bid documents and makes reference to "Owner", which is not defined in the bond but is understood throughout the entire bid document. Since this form does not specify who the Owner is, the bonding company must clarify that the City of Owasso is Owner and that must be documented in writing. He said that the requirement has been met. A second issue relates to some items that remain to be completed. Following the walk-through inspection, a punch list of items needing completion was developed. Because of some misunderstandings between the bonding company and the developer concerning those things remaining to be done, the bonding company placed the City on notice of an intent to file a lien on the public improvements. Mr Cates advised that the acceptance of this public improvement become effective only upon the release of any lien interest that Mid-Continent Casualty (the bonding company) might have. Mr Ewing asked about the items to be completed. Mr Groves said that Owasso City Council November 7, 1995 they are not items that contribute to the workings of the system, but rather are minor items associated .with ground cover and debris. Mr Ewing moved, seconded by Mayor Burris, to deny acceptance of the off-site sanitary sewer line serving Bailey Ranch Estates. Discussion on the motion followed. Jeff Tuttle, Engineer for Bailey Ranch Estates, and also one of the owners, said that the contractor (bonding company) has threatened to file a lien because they have not received final payment. The developer does not want to make final payment until the city accepts the improvements. Mr Tuttle asked that the city not deny acceptance of the project because of the minor items on the punch list. Mayor Burris asked how long it would take to complete the items on the punch list and Mr Groves responded that there is approximately one day's work to be done. Mr Tuttle said that he could have the work completed in one day if the improvements are accepted. Mayor Burris called for a vote on the motion to deny acceptance. AYE: Ewing NAY: Burris, Helm, Barnhouse, Ramey '~ The motion was defeated 4-1. Mr Ramey moved to accept the off-site sewer line for Bailey Ranch Estates with the condition ~ that the punch list be completed as soon as possible, and conditioned upon the receipt of a release of lien by Mid-Continent Casualty. Motion seconded by Mr Helm. , AYE: Ramey, Helm, Barnhouse, Ewing, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 5-0, and the off-site sewer line for Bailey Ranch Estates was accepted with the stated conditions. ITEM 11: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE PURCHASE OF SOFTWARE FOR WATER LINE MODELING Staff recommended the purchase of a water distribution modeling software package to be placed on the computer system in the engineering department. This software will allow for water flow and pressure condition data evaluation for each new subdivision within the city prior to completion of the construction plans and approval of the final plat. Such an evaluation assists the city in providing adequate water service to all customers. Also needed will be an expansion of the CAD hard drive from 250 megabytes to 1000 megabytes at an approximate cost of $250, and a larger monitor at an approximate cost of $900. Funds have been budgeted for those two items. Mr Ramey moved, seconded by Mr Helm, to approve the purchase of a 1000 pipe CYBERNET water distribution system modeling software package from Haestad Methods Inc, Waterbury, CT, in the amount of $1995, and authorization for payment. ' Owasso City Council November 7, 1995 AYE: Ramey, Helm, Barnhouse, Ewing, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 12: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE PURCHASE OF A 1996 CHEVROLET CAPRICE FOR USE BY THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. The FY95-96 operating budget for the Owasso Police Department contains funding in the capital outlay section for the purchase of one police patrol vehicle. Funds have also been budgeted for the emergency equipment for the vehicle. The state bid for full size police cars is the Chevrolet Caprice from Quality Chevrolet in Yukon, OK. The police department sent a letter of intent to ' Quality Chevrolet in June for the purchase of one vehicle, contingent upon approval of the 1995- 96 budget. The request was honored, however, demand for the vehicles exceeded the supply. Therefore, Chevrolet manufactured additional police units, but they are 1996 models since the ' 1995 model year had closed. Because a 1995 vehicle had been reserved for Owasso and then sold to another department, the 1996 vehicle is being made available at the 1995 state bid price. Mr Helm moved, seconded by Mr Ewing, to approve the purchase of a 1996 Chevrolet Caprice ~ police vehicle from Quality Chevrolet, Yukon, OK, at the 1995 state bid price of $16,492, and authorization for payment. AYE: Helm, Ewing, Barnhouse, Ramey, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 13: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ORDINANCE #516. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE REZONING OF A TRACT OF LAND FROM AG (AGRICULTURE) TO CS (COMMERCIAL SHOPPING CENTER) AND OL (OFFICE LIGHT). SUCH PROPERTY LOCATED EAST OF THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF EAST 86TH STREET NORTH AND NORTH 129TH EAST AVENUE. CONTAINING 16.9 ACRES. MORE OR LESS. At the October 17, 1995 meeting, the Owasso City Council recommended approval of a rezoning request from AG to OL and CS on approximately 16.9 acres of land located east of the southeast corner of 86th St N and 129th E Ave. Ordinance #516 formally adopts that action. Mr Ramey moved, seconded by Mr Helm, to approve Ordinance #516. 5 Owasso City Council November 7, 1995 AYE: Ramey, Helm, Barnhouse, Ewing, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 14: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A PARK SIGNAGE POLICY. Because of banners or signs being placed on fences surrounding city parks, damage is occurring to those fences. Staff recommended that City Council adopt a policy for the placement of banners. The proposed policy allows banners to be placed on the outfield fences for the entire season of the sport for which they are permitted, providing they meet specific design standards. Size of banners would be limited to 3' x 5', containing blow-through holes. A permit fee of $5.00 would be charged for temporary banners not exceeding three days time, and $25.00 for seasonal banners. Exemptions from the permit requirement would be allowed for community interest/awareness campaigns or promotional signs placed by the City of Owasso. A request was made from the audience to also allow school championship teams to be exempted from the fee. Mr Ramey requested that staff develop a proposal to present to Council for some type of permanent sign at to be erected at Rayola Field that would depict state or conference championship teams, and allow for the addition of years in which future championships are won. Mr Ramey moved to approve the Policy Statement regarding park signs banners, with the addition of an exemption that would allow for school championship banners at no fee. Motion seconded by Mr Ewing. AYE: Ramey, Ewing, Barnhouse, Burris NAY: Helm Motion carried 4-1. ITEM 15: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER Chief Alexander reported on the Veteran's Day Service to be held at 11:00 a. m. on Saturday, November 11, 1995 at Fairview Cemetery. ITEM 16: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY No report. ITEM 17: REPORTS FROM CITY COUNCILORS No report. 6 II Owasso City Council ITEM 18: UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. ITEM 19: NEW BUSINESS None. ITEM 20: ADJOURNMENT Mr Ramey moved, seconded by Mr Helm, to adjourn. AYE: Ramey, Helm, Barnhouse, Ewing, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was adjourned at 8:28 p.m. November 7, 1995 Charles L Burris, Mayor Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk 7 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1995 The Owasso City Council met in special session on Tuesday, November 14, 1995 at the Owasso Police Station, 101 N Main St, per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, November 10, 1995. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Burris called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. ITEM 2: ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT Charles Burris, Mayor Michael Helm, Councilor Danny Ewing, Vice Mayor Joe Ramey, Councilor Mary Lou Barnhouse, Councilor STAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager A quorum was declared present. ITEM 3: DISCUSSION OF ISSUES OF IMPORTANCE TO THE CITY OF OWASSO. A general discussion of issues of importance to the City of Owasso took place. No action was requested and no vote taken. ITEM 4: ADJOURNMENT Mayor Burris moved, seconded by Mr Ramey to adjourn. AYE: Burris, Ramey, Barnhouse, Ewing NAY: None Motion carried 4-0 and the meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. Charles L Burris, Mayor Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk ~.F..T~?FRAT. F'Tj??j'y A,lP r_t,ATir1=; E'>=POPT ~PA.FtrR F'~:t=;F,: :~ P() # ~'Et~DrtR T'~r~t'.FTPTTC}~.T SM('iT?T+jT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- ------------------------------ 9,~,1C??~, TRFA~jjRRF PETTY t=.A-H R'=ThSR PETT';' C~'-.H 1C?_Ctti nEPAkTi*lEtdT TOTAL, ____% iC}.C!n h1AP~Af~FR'.AT 9r',1f}-!~ AT~T 4alpFr.E^_,~ SFF~ITt=:T''~~ I~i~.~1I`iE TT`=~-PE`? "~ q;-~ '-~~?!1~{1 j?T-TF~:H FT AC; L;TCP?,A'r :j:~P.,Qt! '-?,51 t) ~7 i;UiI.nFp'~ ~~:~tTA?E FI,P,G~ ?.~? ~? 9F,1C?~? S~:t]kE8~1AR1? fiPtlpT$ CTR. EktPT,C1t?EE T?FC'~it?NTTTCI?F ;?:,fin ?,tiln~, GO SYSTFMO FtjEL-'L~TE`=~FL. ,n!G~ 5~,r,a ~ ,'~,1Cf,-. C) 5A~4'~ r'L,jtP ~jIPP:..TEO 4:3_~~.~ '?F,1 (t?r.'., TFFA~[iRFR F'FTT~l t::ABH E`EIt~tE hiTLF ~~;j= ?~=t.4t=, 9n? tl?t, TREA,StTkER PETTY C'A~H t,OMPjiTEP TA~F' FORCE j,q 51 ' '?~~1.Ct^••> TREA.BTIPEP PETTY f:~4.r.~u C'.C1t~TFIiTFR Tt~;Y FnRr_.~ n ~?? ~-r~~ ^,=, 1.Ct?~, TRE.AS[TRER FETTY t_;ASH Et~P RE('C7rAtTTTO?I OtiPPL.TEc ~•,c,:4t ~~,•~ ; oa rrrHAEL.~=~ 1:~T~tTFR 4d('it~IL~FF't.At?r; 1,nt~, ~~, DEPA?T~lENT TifT:ei_. _ _ _ _? =?q . q:' F - TidA1~CB --------- -------------------- ~',70"~, TRFA^tiRER PETTY CA^H RBTiiF t~fTl_E~.t~~. ~" ~~ r~FPAFTT~IEt?T Tf?TAj_ ____:~ 4",A~ •r !'O~?r~[jAITTY L:~EVELOPh'FP'IT - ---------- ------------------- ,tinnC;?. T?~ TFT~E~rFA~E, It?C. PAt=FF F?~E =;:_~,~ - c _,c a r~~ r~ r t_• mar - n ' '_ ~,tlq,?? F'LhiFP..I.L. AC'F NG.SDidAR~ r-;N.R~r;F' '~TPTFT?1r ~. t ,:., ;,,1 t~~t, to ~,Y~=;TEht~ FjrFi, Ir,TF.^-,FT_. ' ~:!!?~ - 1 ~~,ti. ~~C; 'a~71 iJ,il~ ~A.h1'r; (';.TJR f~FF"fi~r =tj~P1.T-'-; .'?. ~~~; -`iC7?r, TF?E,rSFjf~'F...F.' P>=TTt' f'40T~ ~1EFT71'Ft~ F,'CF-!~Af~iFET? ~,C?i; ''?L,1C!?.~~ TRFA:~ijPER PF,TT`t' C'A'=H PF?tdT=~ P~.TT`T ~::".~'=H ;.Cad 'a~,1 C?^q ~'T; t,'~[lT3ri PF?t~F F'TTF, F ~j.j•~S r~F~'T=T..:!T-'T'3~:i ~,~ , ? 1 r'iFFC,~'TFiFr~T Tt.aT~,t. ____' -,.~,:~,4' ~ijTTiTt~TP~.t. COj?F'T C;FPIFRAT: FiTP??1 1 l; 1'i9~ t 9.'Ci:="!lP ~.!P C':L4TF•1~=; F~t=P~i>T APA~t'F~ PAt;F: P:1 # VF]~iT7(1)-+. -; F,~;S'kTFTTt~PI Ah1C1i1NT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- 9~t:!??141 t_HARLE~~ RAPd~~EY ~'FTATF?.i? ~;~,~ nn '?~C1ia4~• M?CH-,E?. L?. HTL.:~,~.PFr}~ HFT~?'Ffi {;~:=,~ri 9,=.f191,4 P[TRI``.H~RT'= ~TTPPT,?F,.g (1T=FT~:E =TFPPLT>=5 45.44' r'FPARTh1F_.P?T TnTAT, _ _ _ _ 1 , f:^~ .4P F?If;T?dF..';RTYr ------------------------------ 9n'1(15,4 [;rl ~Y~;TFP1'=: FTTFI i?'~?F~:FT. j'r/r,,c ~5,!~; riEPARTPAEPdT Tt?TAL = _ _ _ ~ 5,-: > - _ !=EPiERAL~ GQb'F1.?t1P9RPIT ------------------------------ '?r',CjQCI?. PT5 TRT-£/FACE, Tt;C~. PACER T'r,P ^n.9n gt,i~pnq Ftf7j~j.~-T.P D CATF.,~: RRTATI?FR ?0(t,,,tft 9t,~(tCt4 ROtdAI L? T? CATEr~ ~ ERVT!-E~~ ~?r~. (}r.-~ Q,-~°8P RETHEP..F[1Rr, PiTPT_ICATT~1i~5 LEGAL. PI~TTCES ,.3~1,8~ 9E•~91 ~ tlI~1.A P-~tTp?ICrPAL LEAt?Tic `~` PdTTfdrrTPAI. t-:AGE TTPDATE ~15~, nrt 91,t?9?~ PITI`IF'r' R[1WE~ TF;t": PnST?.!=r; P~1ETF,E' FrrITAI.. ,~?.?5 s,ti1t141 AIETWtIil{ Ot~IA.~~T'1 STt7I.T)P?TgF?zT'=hi riT~;PI.A`i SrJ,(lti '?~1 n=~ r,.r =~'~~TEM'= FTrEi:'IiT~~FL: 1 ~t; ;~ 1 =•~.?0 ~'.~ln~,n gr1f~ r_:LgB ~PF.RAT?rIr ^TTPF~T Tr,=; 4 ~,~ gt?ft"5 TREA~TTRER FFTTY CASH REIP~TB T:i~:)r PiF~T.~= T~P_tl'? 9,x,1 CM?r, TF'F,~,~;iTRF,R FRTTY C:fi' ~H RETMB ;='FTT`i [:~,'=;H 1 tl, (itl ~,=,1t)':z TREAcTTRER PETTY CP.SH OPERATTr;r, ~tTF~~?,T~~=; :?1.r~ '?,l l.;? AT~::T G]IREI ESF crka'T('F~; PHpi~IR TT'-;E-tY?A:Y,~tR 9!45 T~,1,?_, '?E,i1'=_. cT~:T WTREI=£.-= '=?=RVT~:E~ PH~~?~FE TT~;E-h1u,Y)~)R lt',:'95 1t,~_. LiEPARTtFT{T T(iTA,L =___: ? P=;,~,e•r ... , . MA?NTEAIAt~ICr. ------------------------------ 9.S i1[IQ1 ?I'= TEI.F,!P~t;F. ?'T1t'~ P~irT, T;cr ~j,-.=,~ 9-, ii.^''9 Ai'a_t?ptTE FT?>= Pi~?ITPF~tENT F?~'E r'='Ti??i3(~T'=,n-P'=; 5r_r?~) -hQ.._. r..~Tn,1 rL.iP~iFTP:,, RFF',TE' t+,A. ~ ,.A, '1-1j_i.)~n 9,~1~'i5,~ t:l =`T'=TFTrI^ ~*TFT.;r.-p~~T ~-:nG ,~?>i`-, n ,L10=1 r, a p?TST ';H±~ x.Pd r i t. n PATt, ? 'iTHIF."(F~ n r• 1:1,_:1,, T:`.11)eil • (( {1~+}T T !F tj l.~r TTtj?Ft~,~P~f P,C•(lT ~. T.. r ~ y TTpi?Ff 'tip}~ ~i ~`ATT .~->_~'L~1'~ 'T'-~II~ ,~~61 (}^,~, TRI= ".'=:iT[~FFr )='rTT`T' ?_:~,:=H ?2FTP~{F' t~FTT*.; is=r'T~T 1 = _ tiii r!F,FAFTh1F_,PdT T~._)TAT, ____. 4^;=;_:)? C t.rR,sFT~~~~1 ------------------------------ t=FppT;F:.9T, FTTpT[t A `r' t.:T.A.T?*T~. PEt'^T?'T kPAPVF? 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TECHp~i1I.E?G`t tTl`tTFt1R~t ~ E,:tTTTP~iEAIT 9r,i. Ct,=tS TIi;~ALT_, IJNTFOI?M ~~ F~?tTTP '.TptTFf)RT~?SfStiFPLTES ' q,ry] [1-i,~, I Fp~t}~" WPFC2;'F,F' SEp~T;::F TiltdTpdt; Y_•HAR~;F^ '~~? rr,T T!TM1~At_T. ACE, HAF?~uAI?E ~,HELVT)•I~: '~F,104<~ a,t..r_.tTT?ATE FIDE Ft?t?TPt~?FT~T SET?VIY_:E FTRF F~:TrpTrtTTSHER 9~1ngd R.PY AT..LE1T C.Ap;TNE TEAT?ITNC; SI.tPPL.TfiS ' ~'n1 t15, rC1 ~Y^TEM^_ .: [>7c~-,FL ~ fii95 FtTET _ 9~51.(1t9 Ap?CHf)R PATpIT PATpdT!THIAIpagT;' 4= j (i?,, TRFA,S(TP.ER PETT`r' CASH ~'ETt~iP FETT`i' CP:SH ' ?~9Ct?? [1i~~TF'R PPT?~FTTp~~; PF?Tp~TTTptC;:`FCiP!~S 9r..9U:'~t F'FA-r;~iRS PPTf;i=. fiTTE FTI.A~i I'iFVFi.i?PTplr; 9~i nth TF'ThT F?TTF ~TFTPF piFT:T VF?~Tt_?,F ~~9 (1~9 TTT~'AL.T- t?iTTF{{_tfihT `'. F~~TTTP ,p~F~, ~1FFTr,FT? TTNTFCPr4~ ,'h9fi~,~, °ATRf~iT TECHT~9+~LC~Y - tTJ~TFfiT7~l ~tTPF~_TE~= ?,~1 Ct:j;~ j='T-TTI,T.IP'= pr'?I..TGF EiattTP td4~tE TA.r;~= ~ ~,~,~~ f+~L C:dfi~^Y"1 VFT T?n=PITAt. 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R.4(t ~,1n~n fiAhi'~~ ~'I_.TTB npl=Ra.TrP~r ~.TTFpT_.iES .g:, ISEPA.RTPIF,NT TTITAI. __ --~ ~ r''~ ~9 RECPEATTnPd rEP~ITFR ------------------------------ ' 9,~,1C1?~ TITCKER •?APIITt?RIAt. rLEAPIIPdG ^TFnPI,jFc c,tl,?l,`1 9L•9 () ~~i h~IP~-RA.LT~ A!:E HARriG7ARF {1PIFATIPIi ^-•TTNPL.TT=~ j 5.=,,~~4 9f,1 tl4Ci T~CI'.IFR PRIP~TTNf: hlFht~FR`-',I~tP ~:P:Ri~S ~.~.~~? 1 _--___-_h-'_~ nF.,PARTMT=?IT TnT~I., ____ t'rMi~!hiTitllT`t ~:IP~T£R ------------------------------ x,41 (15,4 t;n ~;`i'=;TFN'= FIIRI_.•IIIESRI~ ' !'il9~ -,~. 4 . 9,-1 tltCi ~;4PS'S C:T:TT$ MATPdT~'P~AI~IC:T; ~=;?TT'FLIF'=; '~.5^ ;F1f1.4Ct ':,Ahi'`= t'i.tTR ilFT=Tt.F ~;TTppF.TF^-, ~.:=~=; T'iF, RTT, ~,TT , ! ~T -- PARb' hiAIP~TF.P1~PIt:.F ------------------------------ `~,=(ttl!11 tI^ TEI.6~'FA~.~1=s iP~I%. pAi;ER FI'B': 1?,= ' '~r'•Qi'9~ R,I .IST}V R,P5T6~:F IP~(' ~i~1~1~;F 1aFFFT,_.c_}?T ~~~~-~_,~~? _.':41 fl()t) !:.TPITA.~ C:t~RP, !_!~.rF??y.Ial.^, 1 1 ~?. ~~; ~,',1i~t11 I~`.TI~IP?!T,T, A,CF I-IART'ata,RF Trc RRP?IR ~:TTT}pt =,R.±•~ ' 4',~] Ci=,? 1.I(iRIsE`r= ~";it'FFt1T?!lTl^F _ RATL.R~AD TT=~= ,4it.(iti ~E,~fl5,4 !;tl ~~'~,TT=hi'=; FTTr.;..IT]Tr'=F1_ ~r}i4~ 9~,_^1, '~.4i ~l?=. `i 4T_,F T1P~?FC~??'T~{ RrP?'f A.I.. tjl~d?t'~tr'hi 1?EP?T;'i:T,T?,?t~~ ~1~,.:~~i ~ G,tiICt?,~ TFF~=;TT~FR PFT~..i ('Q,SH T~7F?t~1L~ T='1=TT t :.,~;T~ ~,~t? a•=.1 (7:'.=, T~'FA~:tTFT?ja pFTT`r' [:A„'=;F1 T?F_.TNR LT?TT" !-:r~-v i j cC! 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Ah1t1~1~~T ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- 'fin] ~?b TREASF?RER PETTY ~'AFH LIEPARTME?dT T~iTp]~ ____ TRATHT?~rtMILEA~;F hi&`1-ii~T ~P9„~'' '~~9 . ?•; F?t?7T'i T•_tT AT_ _ _ _ _ • S c. r. n G~It]R~"FR~` C:r7MF ~F.I.F-TP;~ Fi_APd 9 ~ ! )7!~5 t i .n?;(1G A!P r.T.AThty RFPI~fiT ~~'AP`~R PA~F: P+? # VF.P,r7!~R PR~CRTPTInPI ~.Mn~TPdT ` rENERAI~ C~OVERPIt~1EPIT ------------------------------ d d, ~b01.5 BFRKGEY APPdIP~T.'-:TRAT~(RS APMTP; FRR ~~~4 . ? 7 ( OFPARTP~tEP~T Tt1TAI.. ____: ~;~4.1 FCTP~~1 TOTAL =___? ti5~_1? ~:: T T ;% f1F Qu ~.cci i APT?FTTr APd:,E L,ERVT!':F F~rTdn 11•'1?!9` 11:O~:C~$ A:'F I.,i-ATM:= REPORT A.FP.PI7R FA~:E: PO # VEN]l{?R T)E~t_RTPTI{?Pd At~~:~iTTdT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- ?bll?i? ,TiTEL Ft~J AMBi?LAPtCE ~?VERFAYhiETdT ~r l l ?1. FANNiE FTSHFR AS+iFt]T..At3~:E n`,ERPAYMETdT ?~11?? L`tMA AKFR.`= AMPitI.AParE OVERFAYMFTdT 911?? ]-`+TfiA AF`,F,R~ APiBiiLATdC:F t~VERF:".`,'MEPdT ?~11?3 FROTEC:TTVE LIFE I>~I'~I?RAPd~:F pMFtTLAjdrE CiVEF'FaYr1ET?T 9h11?4 TERRY HARFEF. A.MF;ITLATdCE t1VERFAYP4F.1dT ~!~11:'` 14ATTTE 1"?F.A1d AMRi?L.A-Pd~:F OVERFA`r'MEFdT 1?EFAF'Tt~ETdT T(iTAI: ____. AMB[rLANr_.E ------------------------------ 5601`1 MEPL~_.AL COMPI-TATd!'E GFE~::TA FTO-r~lA:~,TE ~?TPFT.TE'~ 56045` hiE]?TI=LA?MP,. TT~dC. fiTL.?.Ttd{; tiFRVIOE 5,5056; !]WA:E^O TIRE RARAI VEHIt_LE REFA.IR 9,05$ ~ ALi.,IATd~:E PdF>~TCAL~ ITdC. A.MB??t,ATdrE ~jTPF'T_TF~; 905RR Bt.ITF. RIDGE P4EDT{,Ai, AMRiTT ~,Td!'E ~iTFFI1IR~; 9.iC1934 $TO-SAFFT`r SYGTEM`_: AP~iPIIT.ATt[:E c;iTFFT,IE"-~ 96{IS9^ BAII.F`i Et~UTFhiEIdT TTRFG,~`MTidI-MRLrTc=. 461002 rOt~MtTT~IT~-:P.TTnpI :=KTT,i~:=z ?T3i_ F,M~, TRATTdTTd'; 561 (l9? 1;LUF RIDC;E MFnjr_.RG AMBtri.A?~~:R ~?Jfipt.TES r~EFARTP~tFpdT T1~TAr. _ _ _ _ ~~~ n~ _ , ~, 1 ~,'~r' 1 {M 4 , i} t F ?~_{,n h i-! ,. C ., ~ ,_ ~., j t n n~; ~~^~c ?Q~},lr ,,~5_ c~ '~y_``; . _ ~I {i =; {t 1 ~ 4 {t ''7:i _ ? 1 E - 911. 1 1 !1"~q.=_, 7. t.: f?3: ~}j A?P ~:I.AI1~t'= REPORT sp~~*~>?~ p~r,F P~7 # VEATL?t~R r~F...~~[:RTF'TTnj~I ANClTitIT b ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- ~'°PQT ICE !'C1MM?iP~ T ~ :R T I t1TIS ------------------------------ n 9,4t1,i$4 FT Eu-TFI{ T-_'+~iTTE I:F r: ~ ~,c•' _~.-~ ~~ (~EPARTMEPIT TnTAC, ____? ;~a^ r,., '. T T . {ARA~.E ] ]!1'?f'95 11.:r~:nF A'P CI.AIh]~; RFF!'1RT AFNF'<<F Fa+.E: Pt; # i7ErI'',(1R riEF;CRTFTIarI a,r~nttrtT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- CTT`l GARAGE ------------------------------ ~,~rne,] ?1S TEi.E!1='Ac~F`~ Ir~C:.. °AGErr-' tI~-;E Y~Q'44 (lt?AT IT`i FTLTER RECY!'?:F; L'T?,TFRc ~"nG{,? c1waS`=0 TIRE I~AI?rI T?Rr%FF°ATRG 9,Sp?].4 ,T{'F, ESGC TIRE GOt~iPAN`t T?R1=F~ ~,4~; ~? Ac:,Tlni? PL,i?t~tE~IrIC~ REPAIR GA=; LEAD; 9r]n]? RAriIATnR Stit?PPF' Rr?P,~.Tr? RAnIAT~]R "~{1 naq RELIAIJI E TIRE A?~??~ P.??Tn vEHlii.E REPATR °Cl{)`{i MYER~ TIRE StTPPLY TIRE 1?EAIi^_•EATER ~,51.f?~? HES^Ei.BEIt? TIRE !']F Gk TTE'EF;~B{~R~:AT I,C?ALiER °~~1~~5 1*tAXWELL, C?TL., f't?RP f~TL!FI:?JTL}F gy].0`? RE`frtnt-i?s RAfiTAT!'-R RFPP.TR RALiTATGR REPA?RS ?b]. n`S WELc~t;1 TN?": C:YLIrdLiER RRHTAL. '~,=.7.0~4? YA.I.F ?TP~IFORM REr~TAI., ?r~TF`CiRhI RE?iT~'GLF.Ar3 ~biCi~4 MILEAGE MASTERS F1,AT REp.ATP.S%T1RE8 ?~,] i]~5 PARTG PL,tTS C_tPERATTr]t; S?TPPLIEG 95] Cti`~ PARTS PLTrS R~.PATr;' PART ~~1(1h? IrtTERSTATE BATTERY ~~`t'=;Tr?'? F<ATTERIE~; 9f,iCi?L TREAS?TREK PETTY f_.A~N RFP~TR PARTS riEPARTt~EF~T TLS-T.Q.I., ____'; :~~.{i9 ^~fn.c!n 4?. `:0 ?~ , TC ~~~ ,~fi ,.,, 4 ,~ , tl i ? ~ ..~ Ci «,~n ,i5_fl{1 ~~I,f1G ~ ~ ~~ il! . ~' ~~ ? ?°.a~; ~~ ]~.;,~ ;! ? , I 1 ~: 1 :-: t' T T'' ~F' Ot1.~ ~=~=;^ r,~_pTT.d,?. Tt*ipRfIVF?~iF1~IT:=; ?~'1".',`-• 11.;ri;?~t~ A'P ~LAT1~t~=. RFF'~?F'T AP4F~VR PA~:E; F't~ # VEt~L'~~1R r;E~;t~RTPTT(11~ Ahit]?iLTT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- ~E?~E~AL F=~?VFRP~IME1?T ------------------------------ ?~,1.!?4? GA.R~ ORu L,A.E?_1F!~F'F'd~'~Vu.TTQN 1~'it,CtC3 ' r~FP~,FTP~tENT T!~TAL = _ _ SThFF.Ti: ------------------------------ 9:i1 p?^ NAA:tdEt..I, '_t1FPLi' ±iF TtTL.~;P STRRET RF't? 1'?TH!'L?C~~,W~t~P ~ ~.+•~l. Ct?9 Er~t?IFME?~T ~!?~E FEt~TA.L ~. c;A C:CtP~CRETE '=,AG] FL,4PES ~. ~F.EARTMF>T3T TOTAL =___ ~~ d r7~'A T r~ ~t= ------------------------------ a L~EPARTI~i=PST TOTAL =___'~ ~. Ftt1:D Tt1TAL =___~. BI.:tTET I?~IE pRTtaTS '.?~.O[) g~~ ~_ 1SQ1].~ ~ Cl ~7,?Ct 7 i. 5 ~ , f, 5 i 13 CAPTTAL, PRA?,?F'~.T~=; PANT 11 /]?- =` ; ].:~~=~;!1,~ A~'F t~T ATM'=; RrPC}RT APAPt7Fr PAGE: Pn # :'ENC,!?R r;F~%F~IPTIntt AM(1[TNT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- ------------------------------ x,5(11°-'.:~ Sti'CK k~ ~i:_i~;Gr_7ATE~~ Tt~C'.. Et~G?!'.FF~'It~1~ ~FF~IIr'.E`,~tinF' •`_~~1.``.',f}fl Q.51n1~ It€Cn~.- a,nMlt; ~EFd'IGE'~: ~gn.;' ~'~F,PARTh1Et~T T~''TA.L =___ `z4~~ nr_;nr:-!,nor;, C'nttTRAr:T 441? ~!r; 4~ ------------------------------ 4nt Q1:? It3C:C1G nEPAkTMEttT TOTAL =___? ~:L:~R1.;-Er; ~ F, PPF+-:?~=~T;G?t PRn,TEr_.T ------------------------------ 441.4 5 It~C~G LaEPAR i ME?~T TOTAL = _ _ _ Ft1ttL; TnTAL. _ _ _ _ ,;Pat?~~ TnT~_L. ____- AI~MItt '=;ER~,ITt_E AZ~FtItd SfiR.VICEr~ ~~~.~^ oo=~~., J _. , $ ~`.. P? , 4r`, 7.4 ^ CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING 11/11/95 OVERTIME TOTAL DEPARTMENT EXPENSES EXPENSES ~~F~~~w~~4~ 3 Finance, 0.00 6 22718 ~.~z~~nxty 2 l~r~til~~~~~idiL 7 ~~ k~ 'FYJ ~ ~ ~ ~ . .... r > y; .r .i a } ; ... < .. ....... .... Municipal Court:::::.:::.::: ::::::::::.::::::::::::: ::::::::: 1,402.93 .....0.00.................. ::::::::......... .. . .... .. : ... Building Maintenance 0.00 218.53 Central Dispatch::::::::.:~ ::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::68.:1:8::::::;:::::::::::::::::.4,499.41... •::.::;:t::::.::::.:: . . . ::: : 3 ..... .. ...:...:...:......: ::::: ::: :::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::.:: Fire :::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::.::.:::.::: :::::::;.:::.:;.:;.:;.:;.: 1,172.78 31,858.06 Recreation Center 0.00 3 020.98 Park Maintenance 0.00 1982.16 ~''I~~T~T~,,. ,,,,,. ........ ..,,.. ;. .... ~,~I7.~2 1:0~~93,~4':::: APPROVE 11/21/95 Mayor Council Member Council Member CITY GARAGE ' PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT ' PAY PERIOD ENDING 11/11/95 OVERTIME TOTAL DEPARTMENT EXPENSES EXPENSES Garage $0.00 $2,064.54 ' APPROVE 11/21/95 Mayor Council Member Council Member ' MEMORANDUM TO: Rodney J. Ray City Manager FROM: F. Robert Carr, Jr., P.E. Public Works Director ~ , .~-- SUBrTECT: ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT PRECISION COMPONENTS PARKING/DRAINAGE IMPROVIIViIIVTS DESIGN - THE BREISCH COMPANY, INC. DATE: November 15, 1995 ~ BACKGROUND: „* Precision Components has occupied the building located at 5th Avenue and Cedar Street since September 1, 1994. Parking on the east side of the building is limited to administrative staff, due to truck traffic to the facility, and many employees have had to park on the south side of 5th Avenue. Therefore, Precision Components has required 50 additional parking spaces on the ~ west side of the building to accommodate the present and projected work force. ' Qualifications statements and fee proposals have been solicited for professional engineering services in the design, bidding and contract administration of the parking lot and stonnwater detention facility on the west side of the Precision Components building. The City has received ~ a grant from the Oklahoma Department of Commerce (ODOC) to fund the improvements. REVIEW PROCESS: Staff received qualifications statements on September 26, 1995. A packet of proposal information was sent to twenty area engineering firms. Responses were received from four ' firms. All qualifications statements were received by the deadline and in the manner required in the ~ announcement. They were evaluated by a Review Committee consisting of Robert Can and Doug Groves. Proposals were ranked according to the total number of evaluation points assigned by the Review Committee. Engineering submittals were evaluated using several factors, including the ability to expedite the completion of the project in a timely manner. Based upon the initial evaluation, the Review Committee identified The Breisch Company, Inc. and Dudley and Associates, Inc. as "Qualified and Highly Responsive Firms". These two firms were requested to submit a detailed Scope of Services containing their proposed fee for services ~ for final evaluation by the Review Committee. Page 2 Engineering Services Agreement -Precision Parking/Drainage Each firm submitted their detailed scope of services on November 3, 1995 and each proposal was evaluated by the Review Committee. A final ranking of firms based upon the scope of services was prepared (see attached ranking summary). T'he firms were ranked in the following order for negotiation of contract items and fee: 1 -The Breisch Company, Inc. and 2 -Dudley and Associates, Inc. Design services will consist of developing plans and specifications for parking lot and drainage improvements, bidding assitance and services during construction. SCOPE OF WORK AND FEE PROPOSAL: The scope of work and fee as submitted (see attachment) reflects all required work elements for the project and is consistent with items submitted by Dudley and Associates. The scope submitted includes bidding and services during construction. ~ ~ Due to the needs of Precision Components, the ability to complete the design in a timely manner is important for this project. The project schedule indicates design services will be completed by the end of December 1995. The fee proposed by The Breisch Company for this project is as follows: Design Phase $5,890.00 Bidding Phase 697.50 Construction Phase 1.735.00 TOTAL $8, 322.50 Staff has reviewed the fee proposal and believes the manhours and fee to be consistent with a '~ project of this nature. ~ FUNDING SOURCE: ' Funds for the engineering services are included in the grant provided by the Oklahoma Department of Commerce for this project. RECONIlVIENDATI Staff recommends Council award of an agreement for engineering design services with The Breisch Company, Inc, Sand Springs, Oklahoma for design, bidding and construction administration of parking lot and drainage improvements at the Precision Components building in the lump sum amount of $8,322.50 and authorization of the Mayor to execute the agreement. ~ ATTACHMENTS: 1. Evaluation of Proposals -Ranking Summary 2. Scope of Work, Schedule and Fee Proposal submitted November 3, 1995 by The Breisch Company, Inc. ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES PRECISION PARKING LOT/DRAINAGE IlVIPROVEMENTS ^ Evaluation of Proposals ~ ~ e REVIEW ITEM POINTS Breisch Dudley & AVAILABLE Company Associates PROJECT UNDERSTANDING 15 14 12 12 10 PROPOSAL PRESENTATION AND S 5 5 COMPLETENESS 4 5 RECENT EXPERIENCE IN COMPARABLE PROJECTS Firm 20 18 15 15 12 Project Manager 10 9 9 7 5 PROJECT TEAM ABILITIES Project Manager 10 10 9 7 6 Other Project Staff 10 10 9 8 7 SCOPE OF WORK DEFINITION Completeness 10 10 9 7 7 Costs/manhour analysis 10 10 9 8 7 SCHEDULE/TIMELINESS 10 10 8 9 9 POINTS 100 96 85 77 68 TOTAL POINTS 200 173 153 Attachment 1 I. DETAII..ED SCOPE OF WORK An outline showing the tasks included in the Scope of Work is outlined below. The Scope is intended to include all work necessary to produce biddable and constructible set of plans and specifications. Although not specifically requested, we have included the bidding and construction services in case they are requested at a later date. The projected man hours and associated fees follow this outline and are presented in subsequent sections. A. Design Phase 1. Attend Pre-design Conference. 2. Contact all utilities to obtain location information. _ 3. Perform design surveys and prepare topographic map of project site. 4. Perform hydrologic and hydraulic calculations and size the detention pond. 5. Coordinate the subsurface investigation with an outside geotechnical firm. 6. Design the Improvements. a. Parking I.ot b. Detention Pond c. Drainage Piping and Structures 7. Determine right-of--way and easement requirements. Prepare plats. 8. Perform quantity take offs. 9. Estimate the construction cost. 10. Prepare the technical specifications and contact documents including the bid proposal form. 11. Submit Plans to City and attend a review conference. Make any final revisions. B. Bidding Phase 1. Conduct Pre-bid Conference. 2. Distribute Plans and Specifications to prospective bidders. 3. Attend the bid opening. 4. Tabulate the bids. ~. Make recommendation of award. C. Construction Phase 1. Conduct the Pre-work Conference. 2. Review and approve submittals. 3. Perform periodic inspection of the project site during construction. 4. Review and recommend approval of the periodic and final pay requests. 5. Perform final inspection and follow up on punch list items. Attachment 2 PRu3EMSMtDffT I ff ■F i,wm-c r NAME: PRECISION COMPONEN IS PARKING do DRAINAGE CLIENT: CITY OF OWAS'O NO. ACTIVITY/CATEGORY I MONTH: 1: DECEMBER JANUARY DATE: NOV 3, 1995 _l,H2 jq2T;'31 0 9 - DAY 19 10 1— J Ir-hr 91_10`�l 1 90 90 [ij .- [ i L2 2 "�� [21 7 -4 Q 0- 9 Q I 2_3 4.5. DESIGN PHASE T I E T _ _1 (REDESIGN CONFERENCE 1 11- m__T T T_ IT EEF CONTACI UIILIIIES 1 111, 1 T I J. n n-TETEITTErl ()Esl(;N SuRvupol'o PLAN___ - 1-ITMEM -1-1-171 T TE HYDROLOGY/HYDRALIL SIZE DETENTION ICS/ - -T - -1 - -1.-- 1 COORDINATE SURSURFACE ] ] "11-1 I ITE = =FEE D[ ',I(;N IMPROVE -MLN IS L j. .-[— . .1-1 -:C. o-r- PARKING Lof t ■ 1- I .­ ­ ­ t] r rrrrr - OL 1EN]ION POND 1 ::1.1.1_ 1, 1. DRAINAGE STRUCTURES RIW & EASEMENT PLATS_ 'jj'*I1 -_ .N-- B.T ET ELITE TEFFE __,TJTEFE T I I I- _m I I I QHAN111Y TAKE -OFFS L-7-111-11,1111-fl-_ -1 j COST PREPARE ESTIMATE SPECIfICAHONS CONIRACT DOCUMENIS I- H A. -0T —1 ';IJAMIT & REVIEW =EE:1��_ :E= PLANS W/CITY FINAL suumirTAL _LLLE 11 -1-1 TOTALS TOTALS V. PEE PROPOSAL The detailed breakdown of the proposed fee showing hourly rates for each class of employee is shown on the following pages. The fee is summarized as follows: Design Phase $5,890.00 Bidding Phase 69750 Construction Phase 1,735.00 TOTAL PEE 58,32250 Please note that this fee schedule includes the bidding and construction phases as well as the design phase for your information. !~ JOB COST WORK SHEET ------------------- JOB DESCRIPTION: PRECISION COMPONENTS FILE: 0-5516 CONF PARKING & DRAINAGE DATE: 11/03/95 FEE: $5,890.00 ------------------------------------- --------------- MANHOURS ---- WORK TASK DESCRIPTION Pn CE PE De Dr ------------------------------------- DESIGN PHASE --------------- ---- PREDESIGN CONFERENCE 3 CONTACT UTILITIES 2 DESIGN SURVEY/TOPO PLAN ~ g HYDROLOGY/HYDRAULICS/SIZE g DETENTION COORD SUBSURFACE INVEST. 2 DESIGN OF IMPROVEMENTS PARKING LOT 4 4 DETENTION POND & OUTLET 4 4 DRAINAGE STRUCTURES 6 4 R/W & EASEMENT PLATS 4 4 QUANTITY TAKE-OFFS 4 PREPARE COST ESTIMATE 4 SPECIFICATIONS & CONTRACT 12 DOCUMENTS SUBMIT & REVIEW PLANS W/CITY 4 I C S 8 TOTAL MANHOURS 0 0 57 0 24 0 0 8 FEE PER MANHOUR 85.0 80.0 70.0 55.0 45.0 45.0 27.5 90.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- LABOR FEE 5,790.00 Pn Principal REPRODUCTION 100.00 CE Chief Engineer CTHER DIRECT PE Project Engineer ________________________________ De Designer TOTAL FEE $5,890.00 Dr Drafter I Inspector C Clerical S Survey Crew 7 JOB COST WORK SHEET ------------------- JOB DESCRIPTION: PRECISION COMPONENTS FILE: 0-5516 CONF PARKING & DRAINAGE DATE: 11/03/95 FEE: $697.50 ----~-------~-~~~~~--~-~~~-----------------------~~------~-------~---~-~ r MI~tV-HOURS WORK TASK DESCRIPTION Pn CE PE De Dr I C S ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3IDDING PHASE PREBID CONFERENCE 3 DISTRIBUTE PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS - 4 ATTEND BID OPENING 3 TP_3ULATE BIDS 1 1 RECOMI~ND AWARD 1 ~+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTP_L ?rLz1v:iOL'RS 0 0 8 0 0 0 5 0 F EE PER ?~nN'r_OUR 85.0 80.0 70.0 55.0 45.0 45.0 27.5 90.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LA30R FEE 697.50 Pn Principal P.=.PRODUCTION CE Chief Engineer OTHER DIRECT PE Project Engineer -____ =__=_____= De Designer TOTAL FEE $697.50 Dr Drafter I Inspector C Clerical S Survey Crew ^ JOB COST WORK SHEET ------------------- JOB DESCRIPTION: PRECISION COMPONENTS PARKING & DRAINAGE DATE: 11/03/95 FEE: $1,735.00 ~. WORK TASK DESCRIPTION Pn CONSTRUCTION PHASE c PREWORK CONFERENCE ~~ SUBMITTAL APPROVAL ~ PERIODIC INSPECTION FINAL PAY REQUEST APPROVAL " FINAL INSPECTION FILE: 0-5516 CONF ---------------------------------- MANHOURS CE PE De Dr I C S ---------------------------------- 3 2 12 .- 3 4 2 i~ i~ ii TOTAL MANHOURS 0 0 24 0 0 0 2 0 V~. FEE PER MANHOUR 85.0 80.0 70.0 55.0 45.0 45.0 27.5 90.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~ LABOR FEE 1,735.00 Pn Principal REPRODUCTION CE Chief Engineer OTHER DIRECT PE Project Engineer ~ ________________________________ De Desi ner TOTAL FEE $1,735.00 Dr Drafter I Inspector C Clerical S Survey Crew ^ ii I~ MEMORANDUM TO: Rodney J. Ray City Manager FROM: F. Robert Carr, Jr., P.E. Public Works Director SUBJECT: AMENDMENT TO ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT NSP ROADWAY AND UTILITIES IlVIPROVEMENTS - SACK AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ' DATE: November 14, 1995 BACKGROUND: Sack and Associates, Inc. was awarded a contract for professional engineering services in the design, bidding and contract administration of roadway and utility improvements for the NSP Building at the Council meeting on February 21, 1995. Construction plans and specifications were completed and bids received on October 26, 1995. Originally, the roadway was to extend from the west property line of NSP at Cedar Street to the Highway 169 Service Road. Due to probable effects of elevating the Service Road with the closing of 66th Street North by ODOT, the project has been divided into two phases of construction. The Phase I contract will provide roadway improvements to the east property line of NSP. Phase II will extend the roadway to the Service Road. Phase II construction is contingent upon the timing of construction on the Service Road by ODOT. ENGINEERING SERVICES SCOPE CHANGE: Two engineering work items have been affected in the design of this project. The items are related to 1 -phasing of the project, and 2 -additional sanitary sewer construction. Details are discussed below: • Phasing of the project: The project has been divided into two phases, largely due to the probable elevating the Service Road. The original roadway design included provisions to join the existing Service Road. Elevating this road requires additional engineering and drafting to revise the plans. As a result, the scope of engineering design services has been affected. Phasing the project construction requires preparation of an additional set of bid documents, attendance at another pre-bid meeting, and tabulation of a second set of bids. Page 2 Engineering Services Agreement Amendment • Additional Sanitary Sewer: In order to eliminate sanitary sewer line presently lying under unstable fill south of 5th Avenue (across the street from the Recycle Center), a 230 LF sanitary sewer extension was added to the project. This line will interconnect an existing line on Main Street with a line on 5th Avenue. Design of this sewer was not included in the original scope; therefore, additional surveying, engineering and drafting are required to develop the project plans. Some minor additional services during construction are required to administer pay requests and construction status. AGREEMENT AMENDMENT: , Sack and Associates have requested an amendment to include the above services. Attached is their letter and documentation of the modified agreement amount as summarized below: ~ Contract Item Original Agreement Amount Amended Agreement Amount Design 525,785 530,785 Bidding 2,665 5,330 Construction Services 5,465 5,665 Totals 533,915 541,780 An additional $7,865 is requested by Sack to complete the project. The calculation of the additional fee based on manhours and labor rates is included in their letter. Staff has reviewed r the calculation and finds no discrepancy with the amount of work required. FUNDING SOURCE: , Unobligated Phase I and II funds are available in the grant for this project from the Oklahoma Department of Commerce (ODOC). ~ RECOMMENDATION: , Staff recommends Council approval of an amendment to the engineering design services agreement with Sack and Associates, Inc. for the NSP roadway and utility improvements in the amount of $7, 865.00 and authorization for the Mayor to execute the agreement. ATTACHIVIENTS: 1. Letter requesting amendment to engineering services agreement from Sack and Associates, Inc. dated October 25, 1995. ^ ~ SACK AND ASSOCIATES INC. ~ Santa Fe Depot 111 South Elgin Avenue Tulsa, Oklahoma 74120 P.O. Box >0070 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74150 Phone: 918/592-4111 • Fax: 918/592-4229 October 25, 1995 ~ Mr. Robert Carr, P.E. Public Works Director ' CITY OF OWASSO 207 S. Cedar Owasso, OK 74055 i i RE: OWASSO NSP ROADWAY & UTILITIES Il~IPROVEMENTS ENGINEERING CONTRACT Dear Mr. Carr: "°. ,, . - -.. ~'' ~' f r'., . ~- - '~ ~ i i i r ~ -~- I We respectfully request that our contract for the above referenced project be amended to compensate us for the following additional services: 1. PHASING OF PROJECT: The project is being phased due to not having permission to survey the eastern portion of the project and due to the fact that the Oklahoma Department of Transportation is planning to re-construct the Service Road at a higher elevation than it now exists. The City's Phase 2 project acid the State's service road project are to be constructed concurrently to eliminate the need to construct a temporary transition. 2. SANITARY SEWER ADD ALTERNATE: The project scope was expanded to include a proposed 10-inch sanitary sewer line west of NSP to intercept the flow in the existuig sanitary sewer line south of 5th Avenue. We propose that our compensation be modified as shown below: CONTRACT PHASE PHASE NO. 1, DESIGN PHASE NO. 2, BIDDING ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $25,785.00 $ 2,665.00 ' PHASE NO. 3, CONSTRUCTION 5 465.00 TOTAL $33,915.00 PROPOSED REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT $30,785.00 $ 5,330.OU 5 665.00 $41,780.00 Mr. Robert Can, P.E. Public Works Director CITY OF OWASSO October 25, 1995 Page 2 Please review this matter and contact me with any questions or comments. We have enjoyed working with you on this project and look forward to its successful completion. Sincerely, SACK AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ,~ ~ ~~~/ Gregor .Weisz, GTW:sky B814A(75) 2114.31 ii FEE CALCULATIONS FOR AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT CITY OF OWASSO NSP ROADWAY & UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS I. DESIGN PHASE EM 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 8. PLOYEE PRINCIPAL PROJECT MANAGER PROJECT ENGINEER SURVEY SUPERVISOR ACAD/DRAFTING 3-MAN SURVEY CREW HOURS RATE EXTENSION 1 $ 75.00 $ 75.00 8 $ 65.00 $ 520.00 25 $ 55.00 $1,375.00 3 $ 50.00 $ 150.00 32 $ 40.00 $1,280.00 16 $100.00 $1,600.00 SUB-TOTAL $5,000.00 II. FINAL DESIGN PHASE (BIDDING) EMPLOYEE 1. PRINCIPAL 2. PROJECT MANAGER 3. PROJECT ENGINEER 7. CLERICAL - PRINTING HOURS RATE EXTENSION 1 $ 75.00 $ 75.00 2 $ 65.00 $ 130.00 32 $ 55.00 $1,760.00 12 $ 25.00 $ 300.00 -- --- $ 400.00 SUB-TOTAL $2,665.00 III. CONSTRUCTION PHASE 8. 3-MAN SURVEY CREW HOURS RATE EXTENSION 2 $100.00 $ 200.00 SUB-TOTAL $ 200.00 B814B(75) 2114.31 10/25/95:GW:SKY PC:LISTS\OWAS-NSP.FEE MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO ^ FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR ' SUBJECT: ORDINANCE NO. 506, AMENDED ' DATE: November 21, 1995 ' BACKGROUND• At the May 16, 1995 meeting, the Owasso City Council recommended approval of a request to ' close a portion of a utility easement located on Lot 16, Block 4, Barrington Point II. However, Ordinance No. 506 which adopted the City Council's actions, contained a scriveners error. e Attached is a copy of Ordinance No. 506 Amended, which would correct Ordinance No. 506 and formally adopt the City Council's action of May 16, 1995. An emergency clause is also included in the ordinance so that legal action currently underway to finalize the closin o easement is not slowed. (See Item # 9~ RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance No. 506, Amended, and inclusion of an emergency clause to allow action relating to agenda Item # 11. ATTACHMENTS 1. Ordinance No. 506, Amended. CITY OF OWASSO ORDINANCE NO. 506, AMENDED AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 506 AND CLOSING TO THE PUBLIC USE A PORTION OF A UTILITY EASEMENT LOCATED IN AND RUNNING THROUGH THE LOT SIXTEEN (16), BLOCK FOUR (4), OF BARRINGTON POINT II, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, BEING A STRIP OF LAND ONE (1) FEET IN WIDTH AND NINETY SEVEN (9'n FEET IN LENGTH, LYING WITHIN THE SOUTHERN MOST ELEVEN (11) FOOT UTILTI'Y EASEMENT, SAID STRIP OF LAND BEING THE NORTHERN MOST ONE (1) FOOT OF SAID ELEVEN (11) FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT AND RETAINING UNTO SAID CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THE ABSOLUTE RIGHT TO REOPEN SAME WITHOUT EXPENSE TO THE MUNICIPALITY, AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 506 contained a scriveners error in the described easement to be closed, such error being Lot 1, Block 4, of Barrington Point II and Ordinance No. 506 Amended provides the correct legal description, and WHEREAS, the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, has deemed it necessary and expedient to close to public use a certain utility easement, and WHEREAS, said utility easement is correctly described as follows: The Northernmost One Foot (1') of the Southernmost Eleven Foot (11') utility easement located on Lot Sixteen (16), Block Four (4), of Bazrington Point II, all of said real property being within the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, according to the recorded plat thereof, and WHEREAS, pursuant to Title II, Oklahoma Statutes, Section 42-110, the only holders of a franchise or purported holders of a franchise that may purport to have a special right or privilege to use said utility easement aze Public Service Company of Oklahoma, and/or Oklahoma Natural Gas Company, and/or Southwestern Bell Telephone Company, and/or TCI Cable Television Company, and WHEREAS, the above holders of franchise or purported holders of a franchise that may purport to have a special right or privilege to use said utility easement have waived their objections to the closure of said easement, if any. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT Section 1. That the following described portion of a utility easement, be, and the same is hereby closed to the public use, to-wit: The Northernmost One Foot (1') of the Southernmost Eleven Foot (11') utility easement located on Lot Sixteen (16), Block Four (4), of Barrington Point II, all of said real property being within the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, according to the recorded plat thereof. Section 2. That the municipality shall retain the absolute right to reopen the public way or easement without expense to the municipality. Closing of the public way or easement shall not affect the right to maintain, repair, reconstruct, operate or remove utility, public service corporation, or transmission company facilities of service therein, nor shall a closing affect private ways existing by operation of law unless released in writing by the owners thereof. Section 3. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby expressly repealed. Section 4. An emergency clause is hereby declared to exist for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, by reason whereof this ordinance shall be effective immediately from and after its passage, approval and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED with the emergency clause ruled upon and approved separately by the Council, this 21st day of November, 1995. City of Owasso, Oklahoma Chazles L. Burris, Mayor ATTEST: Mazcia Boutwell, City Clerk ' APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~ Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney I~ MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: JOURNAL ENTRY OF JUDGEMENT PERMANENT UTILITY EASEMENT CLOSING LOT 16, BLOCK 4, BARRINGTON POINT II DATE: November 17, 1995 BACKGROUND: On May 16, 1995, the Owasso City Council approved initial action to close a utility easement ^ located on Lot 16, Block 4, Barrington Point II. Following the approval of the ordinance relating to the utility easement closing, the party requesting the closing must then take legal action to formally remove any rights the City of Owasso would have on reopening the easement. Staff has received a request for a journal entry of judgement regarding legal action, wherein the City Attorney, upon the Council's approval, would be allowed to execute all pertinent documents relating to the permanent closing of the utility easement. Staff has no objections to closing the easement on a permanent basis and recommends approval. RECOMMENDATION: ^ Staff recommends that the City Attorney be authorized to execute the Journal Entry of Judgement in Tulsa County Case No. CJ 95-4365 Baswell vs City of Owasso, an easement ' closing approved by the Council on June 6, 1995. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Correspondence from Mr. Cates 2. Journal Entry of Judgement RONALD D. CATES Attorney at Law Suite 680, PazkCentre 525 South Main Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103 918-582-7447 November 14, 1995 City of Owasso ATTN. Marcia Boutwell P.O. Box 180 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 Re: Baswell vs. City of Owasso; Case No. CJ-95-4365 Dear Ms. Boutwell: FAX 918-582-0166 I enclose herewith a copy of the Journal Entry of Judgement for the above referenced case. Please place this item on the agenda for next weeks City Council Meeting. Thank you for your assistance with this matter. Sincerely, ~~~~~ Ti Norwood Secretary to Ronald D. Cates Enclosure ' ROBERT E. PARKER AND ASSOCIATES ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW SOUTI3ERN IIILLS TO`VER, SUITE 100 ' - •° - - ~ ~ ~ • 2431 E. G1sT STREET •' . TULSA, Oi~LAHOMA 74136 - ROIIF.IZT b:. PAIZKER ~ -~ ~ ~' - ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ - ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '1'ELEPIIONE 745-0792 ' STh.YIIEN S. RANIQN AIZF.A COUE 918 IIOR'ARU A. iViA..I)llUX FLY 742-5143 OEOR(}U: NIA A. 8120\\'N ~ I'. O- 130X 702705 ~ November 13, 1995 '1•u,s.., OIC 74170 Ronald L. Cates Attorney at Law 525 S. Main Street Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103-4507 Re; Baswell vs. City of Owasso Tulsa County Case No. CJ 95-4365 I I Dear Mr. Cates: I have enclosed the original Journal Entry of Judgment in the above-styled case. After you are given authority by the city council, please execute the Journal Entry and return it to our office in the enclosed envelope. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office. ery truly, ~~ C~~~ eorg~ is A. Brown ~ Attorney at Law GAB/lls IN THE DISTRICT COURT WITHIN AND FOR TULSA COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA WILLIAM PORTER BASWELL, III and PAMELA SUE BASWELL, Plaintiffs vs. CITY OF OWASSO, a municipal corporation; PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF OKLAHOMA, a corporation; OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS COMPANY, a division of ONEOK, INC., a corporation; SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY, a corporation; TCI CABLEVISION OF TULSA, a corporation; Defendants JOURNAL ENTRY OF JUDGMENT Case No. CJ 95-4365 This matter comes on to be heard before me, the undersigned Judge of the District Court, on this day of November, 1995, on the Petition of WILLIAM PORTER BASWELL, III and PAMELA SUE BASWELL, Plaintiffs, to foreclose the City of Owasso's absolute right to reopen an easement described in said Petition. Petitioners appear by and through their attorney, GEORGENIA A. BROWN, of ROBERT E. PARKER AND ASSOCIATES; the Defendant, CITY OF OWASSO, a municipal corporation appearing by its attorney of record, RON CATES; the Defendant, PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF UY.LAHOMA, a corporation; the Defendant, OKI,AHOi•^,. NATURAL GAS COMPANY, a corporation; the Defendant, SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY, a corporation; and the Defendant, TCI CABLEVISION OF OKLAHOMA, a corporation, appears not having previously filed their Disclaimers herein. The Court finds that a copy of the Petition, notice of hearing and copies of summons, as required by statute were properly mailed 1 by first class mail to all owners of land, as shown by the current year's tax rolls in the office of the County Treasurer, within 300 ' feet whose property -abuts said easement sought to be vacated, as shown by the Affidavit of Mailing on file herein. The Court further finds that said notice was published, as evidenced by the Affidavit of the publisher of the Tulsa Daily Commerce & Legal News on file herein. The Court further finds that a copy of the Notice of Hearing, with a copy of the Application attached thereto, was r duly served in the same manner as is provided for service of ' process in civil actions on the governing body of the municipality, and any holder of a franchise, or others having any special right ~ or privilege granted by ordinance or legislative enactment to use the subject easements sought to be vacated, as shown by the Return of Service on file herein. The Court finds that said mailing and r publication notice and service of notice is adequate and proper in all respects, and that Petitioners were in full compliance with all ' requirements of the Oklahoma Statutes. The Court further finds that Plaintiffs are the owners and in possession of the following described real property, situated in the County of Tulsa, State of Oklahoma, to-wit: ~ Lot Sixteen (16), Block Four (4} BARRINGTON POINT II, to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, ' according to the recorded Plat thereof. The Court further finds that on or about the 6th day of June, ' 1995, the City of Owasso passed Ordinance Number 506, a resolution closing a certain easement of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, ' affecting a tract of land in the City of Owasso, Oklahoma described as follows, to-wit: The Northernmost One Foot (1') of the Southernmost Eleven Foot (11') utility easement located on Lot Sixteen (16), Block Four (4), of Barrington Point II, all of said real property being within the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, ~ State of Oklahoma, according to the recorded plat thereof. which ordinance closed said easement. ~ , 1 The Court further finds that the Plaintiffs are entitled to foreclose the City of Owasso's absolute right to reopen the closed easement described above. The Court further finds that the foreclosure of the City of Owasso's absolute right to reopen the closed easement shall not affect the right to maintain, repair, reconstruct, operate or remove utility, public service corporation or transmission company facilities existing thereon. IT IS THEREI'ORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED by the Court that Plaintiffs are entitled to the relief prayed for in their Petition on file here iii. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED by the Court finds that said mailing and publication notice and service of notice is adequate and proper in all respects, and that Petitioners are in ~ full compliance with all requirements of the Oklahoma Statutes. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED by the Court that the City of Owasso's absolute right to reopen the following described easement, to-wit: b The Northernmost One Foot (1') of the Southernmost Eleven Foot (11') utility easement located on Lot Sixteen (16), ~ Block Four (4), of Barrington Point II, all of said real property being within the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, according to the recorded plat thereof. is hereby foreclosed and forever barred. r IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED by the Court that 1 the foreclosure of the City of Owasso's absolute right to reopen ^ the closed easement shall not affect the right to maintain, repair, reconstruct, operate or remove utility, public service corporation 1 or transmission company facilities existing thereon. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED ADJUDGED AND DECREED b th C h ' , y e oi.irt t at the Defendants, and any other person or entity, be, and the same are hereby forever barred, permanently enjoined and restrained from ' 3 asserting any claim, or any right, title or interest in and to the above-described easement. JUDGE OF THE DISTRICT COURT AS TO FORA: ~ORGENI~/1A:-BROWN, OBA #11703 OBERT E.,PARKER AND ASSOCIATES 0. BOX 702705 TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74170 (918) 745-0792 Attorney for Plaintiffs RONALD D. CATES, Attorney at Law Suite 680 525 S. Main Street Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103-4507 Attorney for Defendant, City of Owasso 4