HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996.12.12_OEDA Agenda~ Fr PUBLIC NOTICE OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY TYPE OF MEETING: DATE: TIME: PLACE: Regular December 12, 1996 10:00 a.m. Owasso City Hall Lower Level Conference Room 207 S. Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4 p.m. on Thursday, December 5, 1996. ~?~ ~~,~~ Angela nderson, OEDA Director AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Presentation from Zaremba Group, Inc. on the Oklahoma Industrial Finance Authorities' "Building Oklahoma" Speculative Building Program. Mr. Terry Heilig, ZGI 4. Request Approval of the Minutes of December 12, 1996 Regular Meeting. Mr. Anderson Attachment #4 ~M Owasso Economic Development Authority December 12, 1996 Page 2 5. Request Approval of Claims. Mr. Anderson Attachment #5 6. Presentation of Financial Report. Ms. Bishop Attachment #6 7. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Construction Change Directive for the Oklahoma Natural Gas Project, Allowing Contractor to Purchase Fly Ash or Kiln Dust to Stabilize Soil at ONG Site. Ms. Henderson Attachment #7 Staff recommends approval of the Construction Change Directive allowing Brown Construction Company, Inc. to purchase fly ash or kiln dust in quantities sufficient to stabilize the soil at the ONG site in order that dirt work may begin on the project. 8. Update on Oklahoma Natural Gas Project. Ms. Henderson Attachment #8 ,~~ Owasso Economic Development Authority December 12, 1996 Page 3 9. Report from Economic Development Director. Ms. Henderson 10. Old/New Business. 11. Adjournment. OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING November 14, 1996 The Owasso Economic Development Authority met in regular session on Thursday, November 14, 1996 in the Owasso City Hall Conference Room per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, November 8, 1996. PRESENT ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Alan Anderson Bill Retherford Angela Henderson Gary Akin Brenda Lawrence Marsha Hensley Frank Enzbrenner Sherry Bishop Tom Kimball (in at 10:12 AM) Rodney Ray Joe Ramey ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Alan Anderson called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m. and declared a quorum present. Due to power failure at City Hall the meeting was conducted at the Owasso Community Center. ITEM 2: ROLL CALL ITEM 3: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF OCTOBER 7 1996 SPECIAL MEETING AND OCTOBER 10, 1996 REGULAR MEETING. Mr. Enzbrenner moved to approve the minutes of the October 7, 1996 Special Meeting and the October 10, 1996 Regular Meeting. Motion was seconded by Mr. Ramey. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Anderson - Yes Enzbrenner - Yes Akin - Yes Ramey - Yes The motion carried 4 -0. ITEM 4: REQUEST APPROVAL OF CLAIMS Mr. Enzbrenner moved to approve the current claims. Motion was seconded by Mr. Akin. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Anderson - Yes Enzbrenner - Yes Akin - Yes Ramey - Yes The motion carried 4 -0. OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY November 14, 1996 Page No. 2 ITEM 5: PRESENTATION OF FINANCIAL REPORT Report was given by Ms. Bishop. ITEM 6: UPDATE ON OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS PROJECT The Owasso Public Works Authority has redesigned the sewer line at a cost savings. The easement for the sewer line should be signed over the Thanksgiving holiday. A groundbreaking for the work center is scheduled for November 26, 1996 at 11:30 a.m. with a reception following. ITEM 7: REPORT FROM ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Ms. Henderson discussed current projects and economic development news. ITEM 8: OLD/NEW BUSINESS None ITEM 9: ADJOURNMENT Mr. Ramey moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Enzbrenner. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Anderson - Yes Enzbrenner - Yes Akin - Yes Kimball - Yes Ramey - Yes Motion carried 5 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 10:45 a.m. Alan Anderson, Chairperson Date Approved CITY OF OWASSO ONASSO ECONOMIC DEV. AUTHORITY .IhI'3 REPORT APAPVP PAGE C DESCIRI...� Ai l OUT - --- - ----- ---- -- -- ------ ----- - -- --- --- ----- --- -- ------ - -- - -- - ------ - - - --- ECOITOMIC DE VELOP`'iEMT 971291 ANGELA HENDERSON ONG GROUHDBRE..::IIiG 971292 TiIGHTECH SL =I:'S BANNER-ONG 971293 CLASS ACTT ONG RECEF'TIOM 971244 DOZIER PRINTING ONG GROUNDEREAEING 971295 DECH THE WALLS ONG GROUMDEF.'EAHTNG 971318 T.ERRACOM CONSULTANTS INC TEST FORE 971319 RONALD D CATES LEGAL SERVICES-ONG DEPARTMENT TOTAL =__ FUND TOTAL =___, GRAND TOTAL =___> 623.15 45.00 104.00 115.43 103.17 371.25 114.50 1,475.50 1,476.50 1,476.50 i City of Owasso Owasso Economic Development Authority Schedule of Revenues and Expenses For the month ending November 30, 1996 Revenues Transfer from City - General Fund Contributions Sale of property Other Total revenues Expenses Current operating- - Materials & supplies Services & other charges Capital outlay Total expenses Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenses Retained earnings 07/01/96 Retained earnings 11/30/96 MTD YTD $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 42.16 1,271.68 42.16 1,271.68 90.50 90.50 1,838.26 5,572.37 0.00 0.00 1,928.76 5,662.87 ($1,886.60) (4,391.19) $23,019.91 $18,628.72 A copy of the Agenda Item #7, A Construction Change Directive for the Oklahoma Natural Gas Project, will be delivered to each trustee on Tuesday. MEMORANDUM TO: THE OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY CITY OF OWASSO FROM: ANGELA HENDERSON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: UPDATE ON OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS PROJECT DATE: December 5, 1996 UPDATE: Dirt work has begun at the ONG Site. A Construction Change Directive to allow the contractor to purchase fly ash or kiln dust in sufficient amounts to stabilize the soil is on this month's OEDA agenda for approval. The architect notified us a week ago that this change would need to be made in order for construction to begin. Mr. Cates continues to negotiate with the Edison family for an easement. We are currently looking at ways to expedite the annexation and zoning requests the family has made. In addition, we are continuing to visit with Tulsa County about their participation on the roadway project. Clarification by the Oklahoma Department of Transportation concerning the terms of the agreement between ODOT and the City of Owasso for construction of the Industrial Access Road is needed in order to outline a scope of work with Tulsa County. The ONG Groundbreaking Reception was a success, despite weather conditions. Thank you to each trustee who took time to attend the event and help make it a success. 1G /1. /UU va:LL me VIODOZII04 ICJ ArCMteCLS CONSTRUCTION CHANGE DIRECTIVE OWNER ❑ ARCHITECT ❑ CONTRACTOR ❑ CONSULTANT ❑ OTHER r1 Project ONG Owasso Work Center Directive No.: (name, 96th Street North a Hy 189 Date: address) Owasso, Oklahoma Architects Project To Contractor, The Brown Construction Co, Inc. Contract Date: Contract For. (name, 43 5 South Victor address) Tulsa, Oklahoma 74104 Fax O r] IQ U 01 01 12/3196 9549 November, 1996 Gen. Construction You are hereby directed to make the following change(s) in this Contract jAddclS to 17% class C 0y ash to stabilize subgrade per Terraeon recommendations in specifications section 02010, where ted by ArchteecL PROPOSED ADJUSTMENTS 1. The proposed basis of adjustment to the Contract Sum or Guaranteed Matiimum Price Is: D Lump Sum (ncrease)(decrease) of $ x Unit Price of $ per ❑ as provided in Subparagraph 7.3.6 of AIA Document A201, 1967 edition. ❑ as follows: 2 The Contract Time is proposed to (be adjusted)(remain unchanged). The proposed adjustment: if any, is (an increase of— days)(a decrease of ^ days). When Signed by the OMW and Arcttdtd and ax by the Conhsctvr, rift document beeanee efiecate IMMEDIATELY wa canstnxaion Charge Dincmr, (CCD), and the Contractor shall proceed With the chenge(s) described above. Coleman Ervin Johnston, Inc. The Brown Const. Co., Inc Arehded Contractor 610 South Main Suite 200 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74119 Address By� Date: i2 /9I ire E:1g548MOCz:cOct .00c 543 South victor Tulsa, Oklahoma 74104 Address By: Date: SpnW= by the Cmbactor indicates the Conuacwr g agreement with the P-Powd adpwtrnertts in the Contact Sum and Connect Tmte sat forth in INC Constriction Change Directive. Owasso Economic Developtnent Authority Owner 207 South Cedar Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 Addr By: Date: Post -iN Fax Note 7671 WFI, p Of b o P J & M • as Co. Phone f U Phone 2-7103 L Fax O r] Fax * MEMORANDUM TO: THE OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY CITY OF OWASSO FROM: ANGELA HENDERSON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REPORT DATE: December 5, 1996 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT NEWS: 1) HERITAGE SCHOOL CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER (Roxanne and Martin Blom) - Last month, I updated the board on the Blom's plan to construct a school and child development center in Owasso. The Blom's operate a very successful school and child care center in Dallas and are hoping to replicate the facility. They are working with Keller - Williams Realty and plan to place a contract on approximately two acres of land in Castlepoint Business Park, just north of Wal -Mart on the Owasso Expressway Service Road. Mr. Anderson and I met with the Blom's last month and requested that they update their proposal and make a presentation to the OEDA at their earliest convenience. Mrs. Blom and I spoke recently and she will be prepared to present a proposal to the OEDA at our January 9 meeting. 2) NEW YORK BAGEL SHOP - The OEDA was contacted recently about available property for construction of a New York Bagel Shop franchise in Owasso. Gary Akin and I will meet with Ms. Cynthia Woodson, a representative for the company, early next week to discuss the company's needs and location preferences. 3) STATE SPEC BUILDING PROGRAM - As requested by many of you, a representative from Zaremba Group, Inc, will be here Thursday during our meeting to present information on the state's new Speculative Building Program, "Building Oklahoma." Mr. Terry Heilig, formerly of the McAlester Economic Development Authority, is working with ZGI and will be here to present information concerning the program and answer questions. Recently, I sent each trustee a copy of the program outline. If you did not receive a copy, please let me know. REPORT ON OEDA PROJECT STATUS December 5, 1996 Page 2 of 3 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT NEWS Continued... 4) Enclosed for your review is an article from the November, 1996 issue of Governing entitled "Saving the States From Each Other," which discusses how incentive programs and federal funding are being used to lure businesses from one state to another and recent attempts to involve the federal government in the control of such activities. 5) For your information, attached is a copy of the 1997 Calendar Year Schedule of Regular Meetings which was filed with the City Clerk on December 4. CURRENT PROJECTS: 1) OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS: Dirt work has begun at the ONG Site. A Construction Change Directive to allow the contractor to purchase fly ash or kiln dust in sufficient amounts to stabilize the soil is on this month's OEDA agenda for approval. The architect notified us a week ago that this change would need to be made in order for construction to begin. Mr. Cates continues to negotiate with the Edison family for an easement. We are currently looking at ways to expedite the annexation and zoning requests the family has made. In addition, we are continuing to visit with Tulsa County about their participation on the roadway project. Clarification by the Oklahoma Department of Transportation concerning the terms of the agreement between ODOT and the City of Owasso for construction of the Industrial Access Road is needed in order to outline a scope of work with Tulsa County. The ONG Groundbreaking Reception was a success, despite weather conditions. Thank you to each trustee who took time to attend the event and help make it a success. 2) Roy Cartwright of the Bailey Trust has put us in contact with Mr. Larry Tooms, a site selector from the Oklahoma City area, who is working with a window and door manufacturer from Illinois considering relocation to Owasso. The company has been in business for more than 30 years, has an annual payroll of $25 million, and needs approximately 30 to 40 acres upon which a 300,000 square foot facility would be constructed. The firm employs 1,000. A proposal to the company is due in two weeks to Mr. Tooms. 3) We need to schedule a work session to discuss and finalize the 1996 -97 Owasso Economic Development Authority Strategy. Please bring your calendar with you on Thursday so that we may discuss appropriate dates to schedule the session. REPORT ON OEDA PROJECT STATUS December 5, 1996 Page 3 of 3 ATTACJEWENTS: 1. "Saving the States From Each Other," Article from Governing Magazine, November 1996. 2. 1997 Calendar Year Schedule of Regular Meetings. T H E F E D S Saving the States from Each Other Can Congress dictate an end to the great smokestack chase? S ay the words "smokestack chasing" BY CHARLES . ... ....... ........ .. ... to a governor these days, an there's ... .. a good chance you will get a lecture about what a costly, pointless, dangerous practice it is. You will be told that no state in its right mind would build an economic strategy out of brib- ing corporations to set up shop there. And the lecture will be more or less sincere. Governors really do hate smokestack chas- ing. The only trouble is, they can't stop doing it. Given all the media scrutiny in recent months, and the lessons learned from a few bone - headed, high -profile incentive deals, the whole issue is becoming a bigger embarrassment to state governments all the time. And that is why state officials are beginning to talk openly about doing something that just a cou- ple of years ago would have been unthinkable: Call in the fed- eral government to protect them from the consequences of their own reckless competition. They are not the only ones who have mentioned it Two years ago, the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis brought up fed- eral intervention in a widely noticed report that argued for Con- gress to exercise its regulatory authority over interstate com- merce to end the business - recruitment war between the states. But the real momentum was generated this May; when the Republican - controlled Ohio Senate unanimously passed a reso- lution requesting federal assistance in halting the interstate smokestack chase. Specifically, the first -of -its -kind measure urged Congress to explore initiatives to mitigate interstate eco- nomic warfare and to identify and eliminate the federally funded programs that are currently used to lure businesses from other states. Next year, legislators in as many as a dozen other states are expected to introduce similar measures. The Ohio resolution was not the embittered last gasp of a jilted Rust Belt suitor. Ohio is one of the big winners in the recent smokestack competition. According .to Site Selection magazine, the state ranked first in the number of new and expanded facilities it attracted from 1992 to 1994 And Ohio Senate Republicans, it should be noted, are not generally recog- nized as advocates for a larger federal presence in anything. What the resolution really signified was a bacldash'against the game as it most commonly practiced today, which typically includes not just the aggressive use of tax and financial incen- tives but the misuse offederal funds —such as industrial development bonds, Commu nity Development Block Grants and V money from the Joint Training Partnership ` Act --for business relocation purposes The bidding wars are bad enough, says Senator Charles Hoar, the Cassandra like voice behind the Ohio bill and one of the nation's leading anti-chase activists, with - ?: out Washington subsidizing the various 5r incentive deals. "We are not asking the feds to solve our problems," he says, "we are asking them to stop causing them." M A H T E S I A N The case for federal intervention under ...... . ...................... those grounds is at once both reasonable and specious. Certainly there is ample evidence that states and localities are taking advantage of lax enforcement of restrictions on certain federal monies and using those funds to move jobs out of one community and into another. Two years ago, for example, Wisconsin officials were outraged to learn that CDBG money was going to be used to subsidize the transfer of 2,000 jobs from a Milwaukee -area plant to sites in Missouri and Kentucky. More recently, public financing of stadiums for wayward sports fran- chises has attracted scrutiny. This summer, Congress directed the General Accounting Office to check into the federal role in interstate economic development piracy. But blaming the feds and asking Washington to eliminate or restrict these funds is a little like advocating gun control in order to prevent suicide. Even if there is a crackdown on the application of federal funds for recruitment purposes, that still does little to address the states' larger problem. If the feds are serious about ending the war —and if the states are serious about federal oversight—there are some dramatic steps they could conceivably take. One would be to mandate full public disclosure of development incentives and tax expendi- tures. A much more radical form of therapy would be to level the playing field —and in effect, lessen interstate competition —by equalizing benefit levels for AFDC and other federal assistance programs. Or, as some have suggested, the federal government could simply set a minimum level for corporate income taxes. Of course, the more radical the idea, the less likely it is that the feds will seriously consider it The state and local advocacy groups are not united behind any one of the proposals, and even if they were, there is scant evidence so far that Congress is interested in policing state - against -state skirmishes. If the feds do weigh in, most likely it would be by closing federal grant loopholes and further tightening the rules for use of tax -exempt bonds in economic development Until then, the states might want to consider a recent action taken by one of the bidding war's losers —the state of Maryland. As part of a recently, enacted job - creation tax credit bill, the leg- islature attached a "cease -fire" provision -- directing the governor to negotiate an agreernent with his counterparts in Delaware, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia that would kill that same subsidy by July 1998. "If you can get China and the U.S. to come to a trade agreement," says Maryland Dele- gate Jim Rosapepe, vice chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, who does not favor federal intervention, "you ought to be able to get Maryland and Virginia to come to one." 3F True enough. But if you can get a body of Republicans to call in the feds, then per- 5 baps that too is an idea worth exploring. 0 1997 Calendar Year SCHEDULE OF REGULAR MEETINGS OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Date Time Location January 9 10:00 a.m. City Hall Conference Room February 13 March 13 " April 10 May 8 " June 12 " July 10 " August 14 September 11 October 9 November 13 December 11 " To be completed ''by person filing notice: f�GIJ Angela enderson Title: Economic Development Director Address: 207 S. Cedar P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 Phone: (918) 272 -2251 Filed in the office of the City Clerk at 11:00 a.m. on December 4, 1996. Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk