HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994.02.15_City Council AgendaNOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: February 15, 1994 TIME: 7 :00 p.m. PLACE: Owasso Council Chambers, Community Center Notice of Addendum filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, February 14, 1994. Marcia outwell, Council Clerk ADDENDUM TO AGENDA Items numbered 1 through 3 on the agenda filed on February 11, 1994, shall remain the same. Items numbered 4 through 22 are now numbered 5 through 23; and the following is submitted for addendum thereof. 4. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a City Attorney Opinion that the City Council Ward 3 Council Seat is Vacant and Directing the Initiation of a Process to Fill that Seat. Mr Ray Mr Cates PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: February 15, 1994 TIME: 7:00 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, February 11, 1994. Marcia houtwell, Council Clerk AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Flag Salute 3. Roll Call Request Approval of the Minutes of February 1, 1994 Regular Meeting. Attachment #4 Request Approval of Claims. Attachment #5 Owasso City Council February 15, 1994 Page 2 i� Reading of Mayor's Proclamation. Mayor Randolph Attachment #6 Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Appointment of an Authorized Agent by the City of Owasso for the Purpose of Receiving Correspondence and Other Information from the Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund. Ms Dempster Attachment #7 Staff will recommend Council approval of the appointment of Michele Dempster as authorized agent to the Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund. JX Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Resolution No. 94 -02, a Resolution Approving Amendments to the Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund Trust Indenture as Proposed by the Trustees of the Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund, and Authorizing the Mayor to Execute such Documents as May be Necessary to Evidence the Approval of These Amendments by the City of Owasso. Ms Dempster Attachment #8 Staff will recommend approval of Resolution 94 -02. 1 1 1 11 11 Owasso City Council February 15, 1994 Page 3 IOX. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for the Purchase of Lockers for the New Central Fire Station. Chief Allen Attachment #9 Staff will recommend Council approval of the expenditure of $5130 to Murray Womble Inc, Owasso, OK, for the purchase of lockers for the new central fire station. II x6. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Award of a Contract for the Construction of a Park Shelter in Elm Creek Park. Mr Munn Attachment #10 The staff will recommend Council approval of a contract to Builders Unlimited, Tulsa, OK, in the amount of $41,826 for the purpose of constructing a park shelter in Elm Creek Park. I'j. Z Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Council Acceptance of Improvements to the Water, Wastewater, Stormwater, and Street Systems Constructed by the Developers of Brentwood Estates, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. Mr Munn Attachment #11 Staff will recommend Council acceptance of the above infrastructure improvements constructed as a part of the Brentwood Estates development. Owasso City Council February 15, 1994 Page 4 Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request to Vacate a Portion of a Utility Easement Located Along the West 17.5 Feet of Lot 5, Block 2, Elm Creek Commercial Corner. Mr Rooney Attachment #12 The staff will recommend that the easement be vacated, less and except the southerly 17.5 feet and the northerly 35 feet. 4q I AA Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request to Abandon a PUD Approved by the City of Owasso in 1992, Consisting of Single Family, Multi Family, ' Commercial, and Office Development, Located Between 86th Street North and 96th Street North, East of the Lakeridge Addition. If Approved, Zoning Would Revert to its , Original Classification of RS -3. Mr Rooney Attachment #13 The staff will recommend that PUD #10 be abandoned �y- Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request to Rezone a Tract of Land ' Containing 12.69 Acres, More or Less, From OL (Office Low Intensity) and CS (Commercial Shopping Center) District to RS -3 (Residential Single Family High Density) District, Generally Located North of Smith Elementary School. Mr Rooney Attachment #14 Staff will recommend approval of rezoning request OZ -9401. 1 Owasso City Council February 15, 1994 Page 5 1� 1--'r Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Acceptance of the Owasso Sports Park Phase II Grading and Drainage Project. Mr Ceffip+efl flawn Attachment #15 Staff will recommend Council acceptance of the grading and drainage of Phase II of the Owasso Sports Park and a release of all funds. Iq jf . Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Expenditure of Funds for the Repair of Street Department Equipment, and Approval of a "Sole Source" Determination Regarding that Expenditure. Mr Carr Attachment #16 Staff will recommend the expenditure of $4010.46 through the utilization of a sole source quotation to Keystone Equipment Co, Sand Springs, OK, for the repair of a John Deere backhoe utilized by the street department. l�-Pr Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for the Expenditure of Funds for the Purpose of Constructing Wastewater Improvements to Provide Service to the Fire Station, and Approving an Amendment to the Ambulance Service Capital Fund Budget for the Fire Station Project. Mr Ray Attachment #17 The staff will recommend Council approval of the expenditure of $16,700 for the purpose of extending sanitary sewer to the fire station site, and that the Council approve an amendment to the Ambulance Service Capital Fund budget in the amount of $16,700 for the fire station project. Owasso City Council February 15, 1994 Page 6 1� X. Report from City Manager Report from City Attorney �-� Unfinished Business V7 X. New Business '►�� -2' Adjournment 10 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, February 1, 1994 The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, February 1, 1994 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, January 28, 1994, and Addendum posted at 2:30 p.m. on Monday, January 31, 1994. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Randolph called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. ITEM 2: FLAG SALUTE The flag salute was led by Councilor Burris. ITEM 3: ROLL CALL PRESENT Bob Randolph, Mayor John Phillips, Vice Mayor Mary Lou Barnhouse, Councilor ' Rex Bowen, Councilor Charles Burris, Councilor STAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, Council Clerk A quorum was declared present. ABSENT ITEM 4: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF JANUARY 18 1994 REGULAR MEETING. ' Charles Burris moved, seconded b John Phillips, to approve the minutes b reference made Y P PP � Y a part hereto. 1 AYE: Burris Phillips, Bowen Barnhouse Randolph NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. Owasso City Council February 1, 1994 ITEM 5: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE CLAIMS John Phillips moved, seconded by Rex Bowen, that the following claims be approved: (1) General Fund $58,877.89; (2) Workers' Compensation Self- Insurance Plan $1572.55; (3) Ambulance Service Fund $1606.94; (4) E -911 $1736.94; (5) Capital Improvements $65,883.20; (6) City Garage $4049.93; (7) Interfund Transfers $22,929.16; (8) General Fund Payroll $91,162.79; (9) City Garage Payroll $2142.02. AYE: Phillips, Bowen, Barnhouse, Burris, Randolph NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 6: READING OF MAYOR'S PROCLAMATION PROCLAIMING MONDAY FEBRUARY 7, 1994 AS OWASSO SALES TAX WATCHDOG COMMITTEE APPRECIATION DAY AND URGING ALL CITIZENS TO SUPPORT THE EFFORTS OF THE WATCHDOG COMMITTEE Members of the Watchdog Committee joined Mayor Randolph at the front of the room for the reading and presentation of the proclamation. Each of the committee members was presented a copy of the proclamation and a lapel pin. ITEM 7: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO AMENDMENTS TO THE FY93 -94 CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND THE FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE LODGE #149. This item replaced, by addendum, item #7 on the agenda, which was removed at the request of FOP Lodge #149. Mayor Randolph asked Sgt Yount, president of FOP, if he agreed to replacing the original item. Sgt Yount answered in the affirmative. Charles Burris moved, seconded by Mary Lou Barnhouse, to approve amendments to Articles 12, 13, 21 & 24 of the existing agreement between the City and the FOP as recommended by staff. AYE: Burris, Barnhouse, Bowen, Phillips, Randolph NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. Councilor Barnhouse out at 7:10 p.m. ITEM 8: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL CONFIRMATION OF MAYOR'S APPOINTMENTS TO COMMITTEES Vacancies were created on the Sales Tax Watchdog Committee and the Owasso Capital Improvements Committee by the resignation of one member from each of those committees. ih, Mayor Randolph requested confirmation of the appointment of Ms Glenna Gay to the media slot 2 Owasso City Council February 1, 1994 on the Sales Tax Watchdog Committee and Ms Peggy Robinson to the Capital Improvements Committee. Mayor Randolph moved, seconded by John Phillips, to approve the appointments. AYE: Randolph, Phillips, Burris, Bowen NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0. ITEM 9: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR A CHANGE ORDER TO A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ' CITY OF OWASSO AND MCGUIRE BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION INC, WHEREIN THE CONTRACT WOULD BE INCREASED AND THE SCOPE OF WORK INCREASED. r The City Council approved a contract with McGuire Brothers Construction on August 3, 1993 to construct water and wastewater main lines and extend the street sub -base into the municipal facility /industrial park area. McGuire Brothers requested a change order in the amount of $7000 to add the necessary street striping. The thermoplastic striping provides a longer maintenance - free period than the traditional painted striping. Funding is from money remaining in ODOTs portion of the contract. Charles Burris moved to approve the change order as requested, seconded by Rex Bowen. AYE: Burris, Bowen, Randolph, Phillips NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0. ITEM 10: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR AN AMENDMENT TO THE FY93 -94 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND BUDGET. Ms Bishop presented this item. The request was to increase revenue from the transfer of sales tax in the amount of $12,000 and increase the expenditure for the sports park project by $12,000. The amendment to the Capital Improvements Fund budget covers the funds that were not available for the contract approved by the Council on January 18 for lighting two ball fields at the sports park. Rex Bowen moved, seconded by John Phillips, to approve the requested budget amendment. AYE: Bowen, Burris, Phillips, Randolph NAY: None ' Motion carried 4 -0. J Owasso City Council February 1, 1994 ITEM 11: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO AN "INTERLOCAL GOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT" BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND THE TULSA COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS PROVIDING FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO THE 96TH STREET AND GARNETT INTERSECTION. This item, presented by Mr Carr, covered a proposal for improvements to the 96th St N and Garnett Rd intersection. The total cost of the project, estimated to be $82,000, will be shared two - thirds by Tulsa County and one -third by the City of Owasso. The City portion of the project is projected to be $27,500. Councilor Burris asked if the amount of funds is enough to cover the City's portion of the right -of -way acquisition. Mr Carr answered that it is. Councilor Phillips asked if there was a target date for completion. Mr Carr said that it has not been discussed. Charles Burris moved, seconded by John Phillips, to approve the interlocal agreement with the Tulsa County Board of Commissioners providing for improvements to the 96th St N and Garnett Rd intersection. AYE: Burris, Phillips, Bowen, Randolph NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0. Councilor Barnhouse in at 7:25 ITEM 12: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR THE APPROPRIATION OF $25,816.35 TO FUND THE CITY'S PORTION OF THE COST OF IMPROVEMENTS TO THE 96TH STREET NORTH AND GARNETT INTERSECTION As a result of the approval of item #9, it is necessary to appropriate funds for the City's portion of the cost for materials and signalization. Staff recommended an appropriation of $25,816.35 from the Revenue Bond Projects Fund to the 96th & Garnett Intersection Improvement Fund. Charles Burris moved, seconded by John Phillips, to approve the requested appropriation of funds for the 96th & Garnett project. AYE: Burris, Phillips, Bowen, Barnhouse, Randolph NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 13: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER The City Manager expressed thanks to parks department employees for painting the trash containers and other work they have done on the parks. The freshly painted containers embellished with cartoon characters, were on display. Mr Ray reported that, contrary to rumors, the City has no commitment to any infrastructure improvements for the golf course housing development. It was also reported that we were not invoiced for some materials 4 Owasso City Council February 1, 1994 purchased two years ago, therefore the bill is still outstanding. It will be taken care of in the next fiscal year budget. ITEM 14: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY No report. ITEM 15: UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. ' ITEM 16: NEW BUSINESS None. ' ITEM 17: ADJOURNMENT ' John Phillips moved, seconded by Rex Bowen to adjourn. AYE: Phillips, Bowen, Burris, Barnhouse, Randolph ' NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 7:34 p.m. I I iI Marcia Boutwell, Council Clerk 5 Bob Randolph, Mayor CI?? OF OW&SSO GENERAL FUND 2/10/9� 16:36:09 �/P Cl AT RC�O�? AP&FvP PAGE; p V EBDOB DESCRIPTION AMOU NIT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- * NO DEPARTMENT NAS'7ER FOUND * ------------------------------ 941666 VANCS PON-RS �SFVND 25.00 ------------- D2P�p7MS07 �O��� 25.0O MANAGERIAL -------------------'-------- 941457 OMIL, WORKSHOP 45,00 941590 TULSA ME? CHAMBER �EGIS RECEPTION 120.00 941672 CITY MA0AGEME0? AS30 CIA7I MSMBEFSRIP 90.00 941694 CUSTOM(-RAFT LAPEL PIKE, 45.75 941730 CELL ULAR ONE-TULSA 1/94 USE 59,84 ------------- FINANCE -------------------------- 940117 CPS BVSI0SSS, T0 C, LICENSE FEES 217.00 40.00 9416377 BROADWAY CAPP27 CO CARPS? REP'IR 35,00 44.90 DSP&B?MCDT TOTAL ====} RCPCCI ------------- 252.00 75.00 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ------------------------------ 940005 TULSA COUNTY MIS DIAL-VP SERVICE 40.00 940124 NCCAW COMMUBICA7IODS PAGER RENTAL 44.90 941664 RCPCCI CODE CERTIF 75.00 941673 INTERNATIONAL ASSOC. OF DUES 36.00 941725 P3&SORS PRICE RI7' FIT M R5'0O MUNICIPAL COURT ----------------------------- 940027 CB&RTES RAMSCTY I0I� 700 ,00 941,059 SUBURFRAM OFFTCE SUPPLY 9UBBEB STAiMPS 26.r5 DS?AF'7MEN7 707&L ====> ------------- 726.75 SNGINEEPI0G ----------- 2 '1n %-s•4 16 : 33A :09 C'Ty OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND I 1Z, t, PTTF, CT A I M S P E Fil 0 IPT PAGE: 1- v PO # 'VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- 94118-0 RIDGWAYS -0 U In P L I E S 17R, G' 94J729 WAL-MART —PPLIES CT T nD - - - - - - - - - -- - - - DEPARTMENT TOTAL 3, 7 2 1 GENERAL GOVERNMENT ------------------------------ 940116 FOHALD D CATES 1,085.00 9400719 9 4 1 5,66 PETHEF-7n-l) PU—eT Tr4T-0 -i7 N.C; LEGAL EGA� NOTICES; 2 4 73 6 0 9 94 1 582 OFLAHnMA -,0.lF'VTT1 SEMINAR 5 5 00 541' --3:5 PITNEY Bol-l-S INC METER RENT 3/1/94-5/311/94 fib.? 5 9416'4 T Lit 0 M AS) C! 11 MC T ICE 9.378.50 9446"1 PRIMA D ITES 198.00 941671 I. OHL HUNT CIPAL AS-SUFALNCE G DEDUCTIBLE cion.00 94'4'?-?7 I— MIREX CORP - COPY OVEPAG-iE "?3,0 941750 U S PPT I ..iNTING ---" 0 0 K S' 5,t1 DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====5 14,087.62 MA 1,11 T E N A 11 C Er ------------------------------ 9441214 MCCAW COMMUNICATTnIlS t— PAGER RENTAL .45 941"22 TAYLOE PAPER CO SUPPLIES ------------- DEPARTMENT TOTAL POLICE SERVICES.- ------------------------------- 9 4 0033 YALE CLE"All-EF' DT-ly CLEANING SEPVICES 1,085.00 9400719 MCCA1,1 COMMUNICAT il.=, IOU- PAGER RENTAL 12 ?,? { 94 C) (=EI LAP 0 N E - T "l- SA AG E 9 4 i? 0 -j A WESTERN BUSINESIS, PRODUCTS COPIER MA I-IT 'OVEPAGE 140,64 OAW36 THREE LAKES LkT'Nr)?Y pp I - ni v p LA 'TjDPy 2 : ) ;4 0 118' TEASE A �MEPT CA COPIED: LEASE 236.00 9413'1� PI F j Tf, T T ?,� F-i-DLICE _,-.--,!TT- L,-.. C�- E -'L A C E M E Nli P P T 4 q, C 941. 1i POLICE PETTY CA' 1a I-P-EIMBUPSEMENT 4 1.:12 MELODY PAPS-LEY P EPA I F'S 40.00 941,6:15 MATTHEW DRISKILL TUITION PEIM'S 415.52 "" 941A14 HOWAPD STAMPER I N S T AL L 1- A BCD F '75.00 9AIA18 HOWARD STAMPER EOPT SERVICE 3,q.06 9 4 16 q 8 TOMY KLAHR PEIMBUPSEMENT 427.94 ?415`' TV"A ALL UN I VCptl EOUIP 5-1 T! P P L - E S 58.45 '?1 ' 6 0 MELODY PAj;'CiT El." PEPATP VEST 40.00 c 5 CITY OF ONA5SO GSNSPAL FUND 2/10/94 16:36:09 A/9 CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # i IC0R Dv_SCRIP?I0Y AHOVQ? ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- 941662 INSIGHT DIRECT MGMORV INCRE&SP 237,00 741688 JVC SE PVT ICE & ENGB REPAIR 233.O7 941689 DAVID G SMITR, �DD 7SS?I�G 4O,OO 9416Y0 WAL—M&R? SUPPLIES 168.17 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE DEPARTMENT 707AL ------------- C3R7R&s . DISPA7CG ------------------------------ 941684 DATA LINK SU P P LICS 23.25 ------------ DEPARTMENT, TOTAL 23,25 ANIMAL CON7R0I 941211 WkL—MART ST I P P L I E S 48.1? 2 941423 THREE LAXES VETERINARY VET SERVICES 111,00 941611 PO—' ICE PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT 10.50 941617 SGCUBI7Y BY ROSE, INC 5VPPLIES 24.13 DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====% 194.55 FTRIE SERIVCGS ------------------------------ 940047 MCCAW COMNUKICA?IOOS �&GSR R��7�� 44.90 940842 ONASSO AUTO SUPPLY PA R.?5 66.35 941546 CELLULAR 01NIE-7ULSA MONTHLY USAGE 23,90 9411547 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE SVPPLISS 39.24 941552 COMMERCIAL RADIO SERVTCES 45.00 942680 FIRE PS7?Y CASH PEIM8 PETTY CASH 121,87 DEP&R7MEB7 TO7A� ------------- 341,26 CTyI7. DCFSINSE ------------------------------ 940123 CST L U L&R OBE—?U I—SA US&GE/S?&MPER 21.15 ------------- DSPAR7MSR7 ?O ?AL ====> 21.15 STREETS -------------------------' 6 940976 ANCHOR STONE CO 94143B DIMB&LL ACE HARDWARE 941593 PRUIT? AUTO BODY SHOP 941655 HUG8S5 LUMBER CO 941-699 MULTIPLIER CORP DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> 9A13V MtI-i-1728ARC-C ---------------------------- TG9ORT �P�9�R P�S�: 7S5C9IP?IOK AMOUNT ------------------ ------------- CRUSHER BV8 SUPPLIES PAINT/8SPAIF SUPPLIES 94V124 MCC&� C�MM�QIC�?TOBS �&SS� �S�T&T 941732 SACD & ASSOCIATES, T�C. S���IC�S DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====} ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ___________________________ 940040 CELLT-11-AP USPAR?ME 1-17 FUND TOTAL `===> 22.45 97.6l 10O.55 685.00 44.35 8r'37 1,O37.33 22.45 6O0.O0 ____________ 622.45 12.10 ------------- 12.10 ___________ 21,638.0O CT ?7 OF OW&SSO NIORFSFS COMP SELF-IdS PLAN 2/1O/94 16:36:09 &/P CLAIMS P-loO�B? AP PAGE: PO U VEDDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUB? ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- GENERAL GOVERNMENT ------------------------------ 940170 D&RRSLI SV&NS 941342 CENTRAL STATES ORTHOPEDIC 941343 5? FRANCIS 8OSPITAT 941485 CENTRAL S?&T�S ORTHOPEDIC 941608 DR. AMBROSC SOT AYO, t4,D, 941648 MV�7I CARE 8�A�7B CS�7�R 941674 G11MG&RTHER & NEIL 941683 CENTRAL STATES ORTHOPEDIC DEPARTMENT TOTAL FUND TOTAL ====> ?,7,D, CY- AIM/E V A I'll S; CT AIt.1 /SV A NS SERVICES CL AIN/FIGKE L CLAIM/PARYSR CI &IM/S��DS CI—AIM/E V A0S 626.72 426.40 692.0O 49,40 �20.00 55,O0 286.40 l05.00 __________ 2,360.92 ------------- 2,360.92 N 2/10/94 16:96:O9 Air-' CLAMS FEPIOF? k P&PV R PAGE: 2 9O # 7S I'll D0R DS5C9I9TION AMOUNT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- AMB.TLANCS ______________________________ 941546 C LVL�R 01, --VL5& MONTHLY D5l3r 40,70 941553 A T LIANCE MEDICAL, INC. BE5?OCR SUPPLIES 225.32 ------------- DSPARTM30T TOTAL ------------- FUND TOTAL CI?Y 0F OWASSO 2/10/94 16:96:O9 Air-' CLAMS FEPIOF? k P&PV R PAGE: 2 9O # 7S I'll D0R DS5C9I9TION AMOUNT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- AMB.TLANCS ______________________________ 941546 C LVL�R 01, --VL5& MONTHLY D5l3r 40,70 941553 A T LIANCE MEDICAL, INC. BE5?OCR SUPPLIES 225.32 ------------- DSPARTM30T TOTAL ------------- FUND TOTAL CITY OF O8ASSO S - 911 2/10/94 16:36:O9 &/P CT AIMS RPPOB7 A9&P"R E: pO 4t VENDOR D25CBI1:17TON AMOVNT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- CENTPA� DISPA7CR ----------------------- 941609 MU L TIPLISp CORp D2PAR7M Ell? TOT�� BATTERIES 859.44 ------------- S59~44 ------------- 859.44 mmmmmmmmml*- CII� O� OB�SSO U� CAPITAL TMTJROIJSMCRTS 2/1O/*4 16:36:O9 VP CL&IMS 8SFORT AP&FvR PA GE, : 11 PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION A MOU0T ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- FIRE 5ERnICSS ------------------------------ 941594 WATER SYSTEMS SUPPLY SUFFLI£S DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====} * NO DEPARTMENT MASTER FO'jBD * ------------------------------ 941524 CONTINENTAL CONCRETE CO SR&DI�S DEPARTMENT TOTAL FUND TOTAL ====} GRAN'D TOTAL 1,19],40 --------- 1,1q1,4O 22,5O0.O0 ------------- 22,51100.00 ------------ 23,691.4O ------------- 14O,585,30 CITY OF OW&SSO CI?Y GARAGE 2/10/94 16:36:09 �/P C�&IMS ��PO�T AP&PVR PASS: PO # V��DOR D3 !ON AMOU07 ---------- -------'----------------- ------------------------- ------------- CI7'l GARAGE ______________________ 941 9 MIAMI TIRE SERVICE, INC TRTjCK TIRGS 427.08 941438 DIMBALL ACE H&RDIVIARG S U P P LI2S 8.66 94 15 16- BOWERS)' OIL. CO, DIESEL 98O,40 941563 WEL5DO INC OX�SGR/�C�?YL�R� 33.6O 94l626 NSLSCO INC SCR ICES 42,5O 941629 DITCH NIJCR PARTS 110.00 941630 MAXWELL, OIL CORP M? 151.00 941651 NITRTB S17PPLISS 243,56 941663 &RC8EM INC SVPPI ISS 99.79 9417O0 MAC'S TOOLS ?OOL S 162.75 -------- FUND 7O7AI 2,259,34 1.0 CITY OF OWASSO A/P TRANSFER REPORT VENDOR DESCRIPTION TRANSFERS CEMETERY CARE AMBULANCE CAPITAL TRANSFERS TOTAL AMOUNT REVENUE TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 298.75 REVENUE TRANSFER FROM AMBULANCE FU 2,678.81 2,977.56 CITY OF OWASSO A/P TRANSFER REPORT VENDOR DESCRIPTION TRANSFERS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND TRANSFER FROM OPWA SALES TAX FUND TRANSFERS TOTAL AMOUNT 72, 000.00 72, 000.00 CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 02/05/94 DEPARTMENT AMOUNT ...........:4:�:viiii [•i:4iii:•i:i i:::::iiii:t•:v::::tti• � L ?ii ^iiiiiii; ;:•ii:::::::u::: i:v:2v:•:W: :fn Finance 4,426.44 ....::.......:.:..:..... Municipal Court 1,248.48 :...................................:..:.. ......,........................ Building Maintenance 471.03 i . .< Central Dispatch 4,528.56 ......................:::::::::......:::::::::.......:: ::::...�: »:<: >:<::: >:::<. <.:::: Fire 27,158.82 ``? »> Recreation Center 2,208.59 ........:..:... Jc ,> Park Maintenance 2,500.63 ---- 02/15/94 Mayor Council Member Council Member ■ I I CITY GARAGE PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 02/05/94 APPROVED: 02/15/94 Mayor Council Member Council Member 1 1 C r 1 PROCLAMATION CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA WHEREAS, more children in the United States are killed and crippled in car crashes than from any other cause of injury; and, WHEREAS, 268 children ages 4 and under were saved in 1992 by child passenger safety seats, and 2061 lives were saved by child restraint use from 1982 to 1992; and WHEREAS, when used correctly, child safety seats are 71 percent effective in preventing fatalities, and 67 percent effective in preventing serious injury; and, WHEREAS, if child safety seats were used by all children under age 5, an estimated 50,000 serious injuries would be prevented and 455 lives would be saved next year; and, WHEREAS, it is strongly urged that parents and adults everywhere take extreme caution and buckle up children before departing in their car; and, WHEREAS, death and injury may be reduced significantly through greater public awareness, information, education and enforcement of the child passenger protection laws, NOW, THEREFORE, I, Bob Randolph, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor of the City of Owasso, do hereby proclaim February 13 - 19, 1994 as CHILD PASSENGER SAFETY AWARENESS WEEK in the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, in recognition of every child's right to adequate protection when being transported in a motor vehicle. IN WITNESS THEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the City of Owasso to be affixed this 8th day of February, 1994. Bob Randolph Mayor IMEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: MICHELE DEMPSTER PERSONNEL OFFICER SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF AUTHORIZED AGENT FOR THE ' OKLAHOMA MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND ' DATE: January 26, 1994 ' BACKGROUND June 19, 1972 the City of Owasso adopted Ordinance Number 145, designating the Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund as the retirement fund for all city employees except those who participate in State Fire and Police Pension Systems. 6 7 The OMRF requires that each municipality designate an individual to act as the authorized agent between the City and the retirement fund. The authorized agent furnishes all necessary information on behalf of the municipality to the fund, and is the person who will receive all communications, correspondence and other information from the fund on behalf of the City. This designation does not allow the individual to encumber funds, spend money, access funds, invest funds, or make policy decisions for the City. I was designated as the authorized agent for OMRF effective March 1, 1990. As a matter of routine, OMRF has requested an updated "Notice of Authorized Agent ". This enables OMRF to confirm their "official contact" person. RECOMMENDATION The staff recommends Council approval of Michele Dempster as authorized agent for the Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund. ATTACHMENT 1 . Form 7.01 , "Notice of Authorized Agent" q OKLAHOMA MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND Form 7.01 NOTICE OF AUTHORIZED AGENT Name of Municipality or Municipal Entity Approved Authorized Agent (please print) Title Authorized Agent's Signature Effective Date OMRF Correspondent (if not the same) Title Mailing Address Phone Number Other Correspondents: City Council or Board Approval: BOB RANDOPH - MAYOR Name (please print or type) JOHN PHILLIPS - VICE MAYOR Name (please print or type) CHARLES BURRIS - COUNCILOR Name (please print- or type) MARYLOU BARNHOUSE - COUNCILOR Name (please print or type) REX 'BOWEN -'COUNCILOR Name (please print or type) Name (please print or type) Name (please print or tupe) Date inn Signature Signature Signature Signature Signature Signature Signature Certified by: City Clerk (Seal) Ic u MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO MICHELE DEMPSTER PERSONNEL OFFICER APPROVAL OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS FOR OKLAHOMA MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND February 1, 1994 ' BACKGROUND The OMRF is governed by a Trust Indenture. Below are six proposed amendments to the Fund's Current Indenture. These amendments are recommended for our approval by the Trustees of the Fund. The amendments will not affect our contribution rate, ' nor the benefits received by the retirees. Under the Trust Indenture, the amendments can only become effective by approval of two - thirds (2/3) of all participating employers. • Amendment No. 1 provides for district representation by the OMRF Trustees. This amendment will allow each district of the State to select a representative, and will allow less populous regions of the State to be represented on the Board. The number of Trustees will increase from seven (7) to nine (9). The State is divided into eight districts with one Trustee from each district and one trustee serving at large. Note: The trustees are responsible for the operation, administration and management of the OMRF Trust and determine the general investment policy to be followed in the investment of the Trust assets and approve all investments according to general investment policy. Currently all participating municipalities elect the seven trustees. • Amendment No. 2 deletes a reference to a "Guaranteed Fund" which is no longer offered under OMRF plans. • Amendment No. 3 pertains to the frequency of actuarial valuations and provides for biannual valuation for valuation purposes. This amendment also clarifies the right of the securities custodian to appoint agents for custody of securities. This conforms to the current practice. Note: The City and the Employees contribution rates are determined by actuarial valuation studies. Currently, we are receiving these studies on a biannual basis. This amendment is to put into writing the Fund's current practice. • Amendment No. 4 provides the authority for the plan to recognize and pay "Qualified Domestic Relations Orders" in the same manner as provided by the State Fire and Police Pension System. This amendment could prevent litigation against the plan for failure to recognize Qualified Domestic Relations Orders. Note: Currently when OMRF receives a "Qualified Domestic Relations Order" from a court, the Trust Indenture does not allow them to distribute funds according to that order. Their inability to follow a court order could cause litigation against the plan. • Amendment No. 5 pertains to the form of checks to be used in payment of benefits, and authorizes the use of facsimile signatures. Note: This is to provide the fund with a more efficient procedure for the payment of benefits. This amendment will in no way reduce the liability of the Trustees or relieve them of any responsibility regarding the protection of Trust assets. • Amendment No. 6 pertains to the timing of filing a statement of transactions and assets with the employer, and removes the 90 -day requirement for filing of the report. RECOMMENDATION The staff recommends Council approval of Resolution No. 94 -02 evidencing approval of amendments to the OMRF Trust Indenture. ATTACHMENTS 1 . Amendments to the Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund Trust Indenture 2. Resolution #94 -02 3. Ballot AMENDMENTS TO THE OKLAHOMA MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND TRUST INDENTURE AMENDMENT NO. 1: ARTICLE III TRUSTEES 3.1 EXISTING TRUSTEES The Trustees serving on the effective date of this amendment shall serve as such Trustees until their successors are elected and qualified as hereinafter provided. These Trustees shall be referred to as the existing Trustees. 3.2 CREATION OF DISTRICT BOUNDARIES The State of Oklahoma shall be separated into eight districts for purposes of nomination of Trustees to the Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund. The eight districts shall be as shown on the attached map, and shall be numbered one through eight. The Trustees may, from time to time, amend the district boundaries as necessary by adopting a resolution setting forth amended district boundaries. No amendment to district boundaries shall disqualify a Trustee from completing his or her unexpired term. 3.3 NUMBER OF TRUSTEES AND NOMINATIONS. The Trustees of this Trust shall be nine (9) in number. The Trustees shall be nominated by participating employer(s) located within the district boundaries of the district for which nomination is made, except one Trustee shall serve at- large, and such at -large Trustee may be nominated by any employer. Such nominations shall be made by resolution of the employer and shall be filed with the Trust Administrator between May 20th and June 30th, both inclusive, of each year for terms expiring in that year. No nominations received by the Trust Administrator after June 30th, shall be considered. 3.4 ELECTIONS. After June 30th, the Trust Administrator shall prepare a ballot listing thereon the names and a brief resume of the background and experience of all nominees for the office for which said Trustee was nominated, (i.e., the district or at- large), and shall forward on or before July 20th of each year by certified mail a copy of the ballot to the authorized agent of each employer. The governing body of each employer shall be entitled to cast by resolution one vote for each office to be filled, provided no vote shall be split or cast in any fraction or part of the whole. The resolution shall direct the authorized agent to indicate the results of its voting on the ballot furnished by the Trust Administrator, and to return the ballot to the Trust Administrator. The ballot shall be returned to the Trust Administrator between July 20th and August 30th of each year, and no ballots received by the Trust Administrator after August 30th shall be counted. The nominee from each district receiving the largest number of votes shall be elected to the office of Trustee for the respective district. In the event of a tie, the Trust Administrator shall, on or before September 10th, prepare a second ballot listing thereon the names of the nominees receiving such equal number of votes, following the same procedure the term of the vacating Trustee, subject to the other provisions hereof, and until the election and qualification of his successor. Trustees appointed under this , section shall meet the qualifications set forth in Section 3.15 of this Trust. 3.9 OFFICERS AND DUTIES. The Trustees shall elect from their membership the following officers who shall serve for a term of one (1) year or t untii their successors are elected, but any officer shall be considered eligible for election to succeed himself: (a) Chairman - The Chairman shall be the chief executive officer of the Trustees, and shall preside at all meetings of the members of the Trustees, and shall, after appropriate resolution of the Trustees, sign all contracts, deeds, and other formal instruments on behalf of the Trustees, and shall sign all checks disbursing any part of the segregated Trust Operating Fund held by the Trustees. ' (b) Vice - Chairman - The Vice - Chairman shall in the absence of or during the disability of the Chairman, have all the powers and perform all the duties of the Chairman. (c) Secretary - Under the direction of the Trustees the Secretary shall have charge of the records of all proceedings of the Trustees and shall record minutes of all meetings of the Trustees, and shall attest to the signature of the Chairman on all documents or instruments requiring such signature, and shall make such reports and certifications, and shall perform such other duties as are incident to his office or may be required of him by the Trustees. One or more Assistant Secretary may be elected by the Trustees. (d) Treasurer - The Treasurer shall certify to the accuracy of all statements and reports relating to the assets of the Trust and shall countersign all checks disbursing any part of the segregated Trust Operating Fund held by the Trustees. 3.10 OFFICE. RECORDS AND MEETINGS The Trustees shall establish an office or offices with suitable space for meetings of the Trustees and for use of the Trust Administrator and other administrative personnel. The Trustees shall maintain accurate and detailed records and accounts of all their transactions. All books and records of the Trustees, the Administrator, and the Trust shall be kept in such office or offices or in such other specified place or places as the Trustees shall designate for safekeeping and or convenient, ready reference. The Trustees shall hold meetings in such office or offices, on a regular basis once each month, and at such other times upon the call of the Chairman or a majority of the Trustees. All books and records, including the record of the Trustees' proceedings shall be available at all reasonable times for inspection or audit by any employer, employee, or other interested person or persons. 3.11 MEETINGS. The meetings of the Trustees of the Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund shall be subject to the Open Meeting Act. 3.12 QUORUM. At any meeting of the Trustees the presence of a majority of the Trustees then serving shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for all purposes, and the act of a majority of the Trustees present at any meeting at which there is a quorum shall be the act of all the Trustees, except as may AMENDMENT NO. 3: 6.3 Required Appointments: In addition to others which may from time to time be determined to be necessary, the Trustees shall appoint the following advisors, consultants, agents or employees who shall perform the duties and services indicated below and such other duties and services as may from time to time be requested or directed by the Trustees, and who shall be responsible to the Trustees and shall attend all regular meetings of the Trustees: (a) Trust Administrator - The Trust Administrator shall be responsible to the Trustees for the day to day operation of the Trust, and shall on behalf of the Trustees, 1) Be responsible for the transmittal of communications from the Trustees to the Employers. 2) Receive payroll and employment reports from Employers and maintain current employment, earnings, and contribution data on each covered employee of each Employer. 3) Certify to any proper and interested party the amount and duration of benefits to be paid from the Trust Fund, 4) Coordinate the activities of all other advisors, consultants, agents or employees appointed by the Trustees, 5) Maintain all necessary records reflecting the operation and administration of the Trust and Trust Operating Fund and submit detailed reports thereof to the Trustees at each regular meeting of the Trustees and at such other time or times as requested by the Trustees. 6) Process all claims for payment of benefits or expenses for approval of the Trustees, 7) File on behalf of the Trustees such reports or other information as shall be required by any State or Federal law or regulation. (b) Investment Counsel - The Investment Counsel shall be a professional, impartial and experienced person, firm or corporation and shall advise and assist the Trustees in the formation of general investment policy and in the acquisition and sale of specific securities or other investment media. The Trustees shall consult with Investment Counsel regarding all trust investments but shall be under no specific obligation to strictly adhere to the advice or recommendations of such counsel. (c) Security Custodian - The Securities Custodian shall hold all stocks, bonds and other securities of the Trust on behalf of the Trustees and shall buy, sell, exchange or otherwise deal with or contract with reference to such stocks, bonds and other securities as directed by the Trustees. The Securities Custodian shall also provide suitable facilities for the safekeeping of all such securities and shall collect and disburse the income or proceeds thereof as directed by the Trustees and shall maintain accurate records regarding all investments, receipts, and disbursements and shall submit detailed reports to the Trustees at each regular meeting of the Trustees and at such other time or times as requested by the Trustees. All stocks, bonds or other securities so held by the Securities Custodian may be held in the name of the Trustees or in his or its right to receive a portion of the benefits payable with respect to a member of the System. (c) To qualify as an alternate payee, a spouse or former spouse must have been married to the related member for a period of not less than thirty (30) continuous months immediately preceding the commencement of the proceedings from which the Qualified Domestic Relations Order issues. (d) A Qualified Domestic Relations Order is valid and binding on the Trustees and the related member only if it meets the requirements of this subsection. (e) A qualified domestic order shall clearly specify: 1. The name, social security number, and last -known mailing address (if any) of the member, and the name and mailing address of the alternative payee covered by the order; 2. The amount or percentage of the member's benefits to be paid by the System to the alternate payee; 3. The characterization of the benefit as to marital property rights, and whether the benefit ceases upon the death or remarriage of the alternate payee; and, 4. Each plan to which such order applies. (f) A qualified domestic order meets the requirements of this subsection only if such order: 1. Does not require the System to provide any type or form of benefit, or any option not otherwise provided under the System; 2. Does not require the System to provide increased benefits; and, 3. Does not require the payment of benefits to an alternate payee which are required to be paid to another alternate payee pursuant to another order previously determined to be a Qualified Domestic Relations Order, or an order recognized by the System as a valid order prior to the effective date of this amendment. (g) A Qualified Domestic Relations Order shall not require payment of benefits to an alternate payee prior to the actual retirement date of the related member. (h) The obligation of the System to pay an alternate payee pursuant to a qualified domestic order shall cease upon the death of the related member. (i) In the event a Qualified Domestic Relations Order requires the benefits payable to an alternate payee to terminate upon the remarriage of said alternate payee, the System shall terminate said benefit only upon the receipt of a certified copy of a marriage license, or a copy of a certified order issued by the Court that originally issued said qualified domestic order declaring the remarriage of said alternate payee. (j) This subsection shall not be subject to the provisions of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA), 29 U.S.C.A. Section 1001, et seq., as amended from time to time, or rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, and court cases interpreting said Act. (k) The Board of Trustees of the Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund I& Eti Rand A/11:�-Nally MARKETMAn Oklahoma O Q ■ • L C None *a- W N Cop..p ..pr .c<p r! wcora..p. er Mu.<ool+q A..cr.vrK m.q. W Mrs.. w a •^� wn.. nw�. ror p.r.wy1 r. a rwM...•tpf A Lsw.. prvM�a q N. 10.1Ti � c o $ " � o q � y °a s � � � • ate ~ ° IPA at ° • I E C w Y •_ i f t �o Cc zz a i QF A • �° c ° °E • � i o S �• '� � ■ � 3• § c � � 2 E � S � f • ° u� 1 F s � • O 5 � � �� � R R S t ? ' a None *a- W N Cop..p ..pr .c<p r! wcora..p. er Mu.<ool+q A..cr.vrK m.q. W Mrs.. w a •^� wn.. nw�. ror p.r.wy1 r. a rwM...•tpf A Lsw.. prvM�a q N. 10.1Ti CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA RESOLUTION NO 94 -02 A RESOLUTION EVIDENCING THE APPROVAL OF AMENDMENTS TO THE OKLAHOMA MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND TRUST INDENTURE AS PROPOSED BY THE TRUSTEES OF THE OKLAHOMA MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SUCH DOCUMENTS AS MAY BE NECESSARY TO EVIDENCE THE APPROVAL OF THESE AMENDMENTS BY THE CITY OF OWASSO. WHEREAS: The City of Owasso participates in and has adopted the provisions of the Trust Indenture creating the Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund; and WHEREAS: The Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund Trust Indenture requires approval of two - thirds of the participating employers for amendment of the Trust Indenture; and WHEREAS: The Trustees of the Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund have recommended the approval of these amendments shown on the ballot attached hereto as Exhibit "A "; and WHEREAS: The City Council of the City of Owasso has determined the amendments to be desirable and in the best interests of its retirement system. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA: THAT: The amendments to the Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund Trust Indenture as shown on the ballot attached hereto are approved. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of February, 1994 by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. Bob Randolph, Mayor ATTEST: Sherry Bishop, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORA: Ronald D Cates, City Attorney BALLOT Exhibit "A" Shall the Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund Trust Indenture be Amended as follows: Amendment No. 1: "Amend Article III to provide for District Representation by Trustees, increasing number of Trustees; providing for appointment, election, terms, and qualifications of Trustees." • For the Amendment • Against the Amendment Amendment No. 2: "Amend Section 4.2 pertaining to valuation of assets by deleting reference to valuation of Guaranteed Fund" • For the Amendment • Against the Amendment Amendment No. 3.: "Amend Section 6.3 pertaining to frequency of actuarial valuations and clarifying right of securities custodian to appoint agents." • For the Amendment • Against the Amendment Amendment No. 4: "Amend Section 9.3 pertaining to authorization for payment of Qualified Domestic Relations Orders." • For the Amendment • Against the Amendment Amendment No. 5: "Amend Section 9.5 pertaining to form of checks for benefit payments." • For the Amendment • Against the Amendment Amendment No. 6: "Amend Section 13.4 pertaining to timing of filing of written account of Trustees with employers." • For the Amendment • Against the Amendment The full text of each amendment is attached to the ballot. Date: Authorized Agent: I I MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: BOB ALLEN FIRE CHIEF SUBJECT: REQUEST TO PURCHASE LOCKERS FOR THE NEW FIRE STATION DATE: February 9, 1994 BACKGROUND The personal lockers fire fighters currently utilize are in fair condition and provide sufficient space needed for storage. However, our lockers were constructed of plywood and attached to the floor and walls. The method used to build the lockers prevents us from moving the lockers to the new fire station. Each fire fighter is required to maintain, in the station, personal hygiene items and extra uniforms. This requirement is mandated by our infection control policy. As you are aware, due to funds available, the lockers were deleted from the alternate bid list for the new fire station. If our request to purchase the lockers is approved, funds are available in the fire department capital outlay fund. A bid opening was conducted on February 9, 1994 @11:00 a.m. Three (3) companies submitted bids for our review. Two of the bids were rejected because they did not comply with the instructions provided to bidders in the bid document (Notice to Bidders attached). The following is our review of the bids submitted. 1. Casters of Oklahoma - $4,860.00 NOTE: Bid rejected - submitted BID form only 2. Murray Womble - $5,130.00 NOTE: Bid submitted complied with all specifications 3. S.S.I. - $6,574.30 NOTE: Bid rejected - submitted BID form only Staff recommends Council approval of the expenditure of $5,130.00 to Murray Womble for the purchase and installation of lockers for the new central fire station. ATTACHMENT 1 1. Notice to Bidders NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed Bids will be received by the City of Owasso at the Owasso City Hall, Office of the Contract Administrator, 207 South Cedar, PO Box 180, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 until 11:00 a.m, on the 9th day of February, 1994, and then at said City Hall publicly opened and read aloud. This will be for the furnishing of the following item: Furnish and install 30 frames, 18" x 24" x 72 ", single tier lockers with flat tops and 6" "Z" base, including two (2) shelves and coat rod, door louvers, recessed handles. Further information and specification packets can be obtained by contacting the Contract Administrator at Owasso City Hall during regular working hours. Envelopes containing bids must be marked to identify the item being bid. BIDDERS shall submit entire Contract Documents and Specifications book with BID proposal intact. BIDDERS who submit BID form only will be rejected at time of opening. The City of Owasso expressly reserves the right to reject all bids. All bids will be considered irrevocable offers under conditions specified in the bid for a period of sixty (60) calendar days from and after the date herein for the opening of bids. arcia Boutwell; Contract Administrator January 31, 1994 1 l f r Fli, t L MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: STEVE COMPTON ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER ROHN MUNN ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN SUBJECT: ELM CREEK PARK SHELTER DATE: February 8,1994 BACKGROUND: On March 2,1993,the City Council accepted a Grant from the National Park Service /Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department in the amount of $25,000.00 for the purpose of providing improvements to Elm Creek Park (Picnic Shelter and Parking Lot Renovation). This project is a 50/50 matching grant and is identical to the grant received for the Rayola Park Shelter /Restroom project. The total project cost is estimated at $50,000.00. The grant is for $25,000.00 and is matched with $25,000.00 from the City ($5,000.00 labor and $20,000.00 cash). The City Council on November 2,1993 meeting, approved a contract in the amount of $1,200.00 to ' Sack and Associates for engineering services for the Elm Creek Park Shelter. Shortly thereafter, Sack and Associates finished the design and the City began preparing contract documents. On January 14,1994, solicitation of bids went out to the public with a Mandatory Pre -bid set for February 3,1994 at 2:00 p.m. Five bidders attended the pre -bid meeting on February 3,1994, they were: Builders Unlimited, Inc. ' Lassiter Richey Co. Inc. IAtlas Utility Co. Do All Construction Co. ITurner Construction On February 8, 1994 at 2:00 p.m., the Bid Opening was conducted. Four bidders subsequently turned in bids. The results of the bids are as follows: Atlas Utility Co. $64,725.00 Turner Construction 50,829.00 Do All Const. Inc. 47,068.00 Builders Unlimited 41,826.00 After reviewing all the bids, staff determined each is in order and valid. The low and best bid is submitted by Builders Unlimited in the amount of $41,826.00. It is important to note that it may be difficult to fully utilize the entire grant package. The concern that we have is our ability to dedicate the amount of worker time ($5,000.00 of city labor) solely to this project without negatively impacting other city projects. At the time we constructed the shelter in Rayola Park, we were able to utilize the street crew to build the pad and pour the concrete slab. It had been anticipated that either the park crew or the street crew would be utilized in a similar manner. However, it appears that with the growing demands on their time may make it difficult to accumulate the time on this project that would equal the total $5,000.00. Our request would be to utilize the grant to insure that the shelter and all necessary sidewalks be completed. We would then document the city's time -to -date into the project, evaluate the potential crew availability, and determine the amount of renovations that could be made to the west parking lot. For example, if we are able to accumulate the full $5,000.00 in crew labor we would be able to do a $8,174.00 ($50,000 - $41,826.00) renovation project as was originally anticipated and identified in our grant application. If we are only able to accumulate $3,000.00 of in -kind labor we would then revise the scope of the project to meet a $6,000.00 budget (50/50 match). Any additional work needed on the west parking lot would be scheduled to be completed along with the south parking lot reconstruction project. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends Council approval of a contract to Builders Unlimited, Tulsa, Ok. in the amount of $41,826.00 for the purpose of constructing a park shelter at Elm Creek Park as provided for in the bid documents. ATTACHMENT: Bid Documentation BID DOCUMENTATION Item: Elm Creek Park Shelter Opening Date: February 8, 1994 Number of Bids: 4 Opened By: Rohn Munn Witness: Marcia Boutwell City of Owasso 207 S Cedar Owasso, OK 74055 Do All Const Inc Builders Unlimited Atlas Utility Turner Const Item #1 $37,655 $31,312 $38,800 $33,745 Item #2 $2,050 $2,331 $4,300 $5,900 Item #3 $1,538 $2,050 $3,325 $3,630 Item #4 $2,375 $3,012 $10,400 $2,729 Item #5 $3,450 $3,121 $7,900 $4,825 t OR L° C 10 L r MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: ROHN MUNN ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN SUBJECT: ACCEPTANCE OF THE ONSITE INFRASTRUCTURE TO BRENTWOOD DATE: February 8,1994 BACKGROUND: The final plat for Brentwood was approved by the City Council on June 15,1993. The Oklahoma State Department of Health approved the construction plans for Brentwood on March 31,1993. The Oklahoma State Department of Health issued two permits, one for the water lines (Permit No. WL000072930020, PWSID No. 3007218), the other for the sanitary sewer lines (Permit No. S1-000072930021, S- 21310), for construction. The water lines were inspected by staff during the construction, and the staff conducted the appropriate testing. The construction of the onsite sanitary sewer was inspected by the staff along with monitoring the contractor pulling the mandrel through all sanitary lines for alignment. The construction of the water and onsite sanitary sewer lines, materials used, and testing has met and /or exceeded the design standards of the City of Owasso. The streets and storm sewer system for the above mentioned addition are in the ground and all current conflicts or concerns have been addressed and are being repaired as of this date. The inspection of the material and methods used are in accordance with the City's standards and are acceptable. The Contractor installing the offsite sanitary sewer force main system has ran into some construction problems crossing the 129th /86th intersection. The Owner's engineer have spent several weeks in trying to develop a viable approach. Because of this, the offsite sanitary sewer force main system ' cannot be tested. Therefore, the staff feels that the final acceptance of the offsite sewer force main is not appropriate at this time. However the Owner is willing to provide a 100% Performance Bond to insure that the remaining construction at the intersection of 129th /86th will be completed to meet or exceed the City standards and Health Department requirements. 1 RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends Council acceptance of the onsite infrastructure of the streets, storm sewers, water and wastewater improvements constructed by Brentwood. ENCLOSURE: 1. Memorandum from the Project Inspector. 2. Copy of water test. MEMORANDUM TO: ROHN MUNN, PROJECT MANAGER FROM: SHERYL DUGGAN, PROJECT INSPECTOR SUBJECT: BRENTWOOD ON SITE WALK THROUGH DATE: FEBRUARY 2, 1994 Robert Carr, Karl Reynolds from OPWA administration, Jon Coshatt from the Sewer Department, Terry O'Donnell from the Water Department and Sheryl Duggan, Engineering Inspector met at Brentwood Addition for a walk through on February 2, 1994. Jim Hindman representing Four -State Contractors attended for them. We found that several fire hydrants barrels were too far above ground. Mr. Carr asked that they be lowered. One hydrant, Block 1 between lots 23 -24 won't shut off all the way. For future reference the blow off valves at the ends of the streets stubbing into future phases of Brentwood will have to be removed when that water line is continued. The copper pipe used for chlorinating the system will need to be removed. Valve boxes need to be lowered flush to grade. Manholes need to be grouted at outside edges. Low manholes need to be raised. ' Storm Drain System is not complete at this time. Streets are ready for acceptance and will be monitored during the maintenance year. ' Mr. Hindman said he would begin working on these items listed immediately. The sewer mandrel test and water test were done at an earlier date. Both tests passed. i TYPE OF SAMPLE (CHECK ONE) DISTRIBUTION CHECK (RETAKE) STORAGE TANK OTHER LINE TEST x SPECIFY,( FREE CHLORINE RESIDUAL MG /L RECEIVED BY:� DATE & TIME RECEIVED * -ir * * t it * * * # I .. .. .- - _... .. r -. ir. Il Yr. YY 111 ��♦ Ai�l1L 1J 1J I I I I I i f. L LOCATION (CITY) ADDRESS ( CITY SAMPLE SI CODE NO:� COLLECTOR'S ` N �,en DATE OF SAMPLING /9�r 3 TIME OF SAMPLING IO- y s (24 HOUR CLOCK; TYPE OF SAMPLE (CHECK ONE) DISTRIBUTION CHECK (RETAKE) STORAGE TANK OTHER LINE TEST X SPECIFY FREE CHLORINE RESIDUAL MG /L RECEIVED BY: Ia DATE & TIME RECEIVED * * * * * * * * it * * * * * * * * * * * * * : t TEST: TOTAL COLIFORM - MEMBRANE FILTER LAB NO. DATE SET UP RESULTS: p P/ P.SPN ANALYST COMMENTS: 12/B6 ATION OAL. 1 t•tt1vL.vv �._.. .. (CITY) Cell RESS (CITY) PLE SITE CODE NO. (AD RESS)_ LECTOR'S NAME'" Z OF SAMPLING1 TIME OF SAMPLING, /. /(—,) (24 HOUR CLOOC< ': ...lE OF SAMPLE ( CHECK ONE) DISTRIBUTION - STORAGE TANK LINE TEST ` CHECK (RETAKE) OTHE R SPECIFY EE CHLORINE RESIDUAL MG /L i CEIVED BY:�(,� .TE & TIME RECEIVED 115-0 * * * * * * * * * * f * * * * * * * * * v t :ST: TOTAL COLIFORM — MEMBRANE FILTER ,B NO. DATE SET UP 10 3SULTS : NO a /( d ! 4'i,S fe& -1 NALYST : OMMENTS: 2/86 , T YPE OF SAMPLE ( CH ECK ONE)- ) . DISTRIBUTION CHECK (RETAKE) _ ' STORAGE TANK OTHER LINE TEST � � SPECIFY Gc� FREE CHLORINE RESIDUAL MG /L RECEIVED BY: �A DATE & TIME RECEIVED * * * * * * * * * * I I 1 TEST: TOTAL COLIFORM — MEMBRANE FILTER LAB NO. DAT5 SET //UP /() RESULTS: a O Co " -41 l T ANALYST: COMMENTS: 12/86 11 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: BACKGROUND: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO TIMOTHY ROONEY, CITY PLANNER EASEMENT CLOSING - LOT 5, BLOCK 2, ELM CREEK COMMERCIAL CORNER February 9, 1994 The City of Owasso has received a request from Mr. Mark Weir, owner, of Elm Creek Mini ' Storage to close a 17.5 foot utility easement located along the western property line of the subject property. Elm Creek Mini - Storage is located at 8502 N. 128th E. Avenue, further described as Lot 5, Block 2, Elm Creek Commercial Corner. The applicant's request was reviewed at the Technical Advisory Committee on January 26, 1994. At that meeting, PSO notified staff of their concerns regarding the location of a pole near that area that would need to be surveyed by their staff before they could endorse the easement closure. In addition to PSO's concern, the City of Owasso did not want the southerly 17.5 feet of the utility easement to be abandoned as a drainage structure is located in that area. Mr. Hill from PSO later contacted staff to report that his surveyor had located a pole in the northerly portion of the easement and requested that the northerly 35' portion of the easement be maintained, in addition to the City's requested southerly 17.5 feet. Both of these portions of the easement to remain have been reviewed with Mr. Weir and would not interfere with his future development plans on the property. A site plan of Elm Creek Mini - Storage is attached for your information and review. Mr. Weir has stated that it is his desire to change his site plan from covered parking along the west boundary line to additional mini - storage units. An amended site plan would need to be reviewed by the Planning Commission prior to construction. If the easement is closed„ the applicant will have to carry out legal action to foreclose on the City's right to reopen the easement; otherwise a cloud will remain on their title. This action is necessary and is normally handled as a "friendly" case. The Planning Commission recommended unanimously to close the subject easement at their February 8, 1994 meeting. RECOMMENDATION: Staff would recommend approval of the easement closure along the westerly 17.5 feet of Lot 5, Block 2, Elm Creek Commercial Corner, less and except the southerly 17.5 feet and the northerly 35 feet. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Plat map of Elm Creek Mini - Storage. 2. Area map. 3. Site plan for Elm Creek Mini - Storage. 1 SCALE: 1 °= 100' i I it II � N. 935.00 R5' t -- r I 3 360 DO • ----- _ - - - -- -- —– q is loa.00_ -- — goo oo_. — — — -•y6, — - X50-00— -210 AO' L 24'M.A.E -v- � *, Mme-- ' I *O'M AE. 50 E.L. �, I 50 B.L. I O o- - Ir� old Q o 0 0 85'fy a5�q 1 a o N m�n m 6 3 _� ? ° / I b#D oo I g 1 ° ' 85 g 00 _24AE _?�_�� _ 853E Q , $tr7 , N 10500' ---- 103.00' 100.00' 1115.00'- 5 20 lA�- 0 a 3 �`'1 150.00 210.00' ' i 4 !3 I g 5� WW _ O I I 1 7 8517 4 �"E/ sSV4 m I I ° - Q � I I I 110 0 6 E510 .y c 65 °�{ ' 150.0 Ilea I- pp��( n i 9 g 7" �b n g o o Q Im // i; 1 o w In CIO I : m /o g soy :IN Ld o - $ OD ! i // �� N ssoa 9 I 911 $ In 5 aso b o �a 1 i asp $- o 12 $j0�- 25' B.L. Q O II $ y 2 .00' 4 V Z \ 4- ! I I r• \ \ 5262' _ Wp ^ " E; IOU /E 20'U/E 1 _ - - 5 Y ' I EST 1 So 2.72' I I O y a _ 0 w r i CD t O IU / E -- - --� O 890 49' 27" W — 47279• - 412.28' EXI 1 STING 5 U /U /E BOOK 4645, PAGE 5 AG iRS-3 �' \ OL RM- I MILLS Ell, E M. AG RS-3 AG c s FA RS-2 OWASSO AG SR HIGH SCHOOL SUBJECT SITE PUD - 424 R S Ir EASEMENT LINE— PROPERTY LINE 4�pj 4f' 200' 380' 250 COVERED PARKING COVERED PARKING co 20' ESMT (A IL4 38 STORAGE BUILDING STORAGE BUILDING j 06N Ln Ln STORAGE BUILDING c� STORAGE BUILDING L4 rQ Ln It 0 200' co TORAGE BUILDING STORAGE BUILDING 7- 11 : 37.27' cA L4 L4 2 STORAGE BUILDING 47 Ln EASEMENT LINE EDGE OF CONCRETE PROPERTY LINE 20' ESMT L4 200' CA �.i i C2 STORAGE BUILDING o c: . TOPO LEGEND ELM CREEK MINI—STORAGE 42' L� A, CABLE ANCHOR POWER POLE SITE PLAN LUI b, 13LO K 2, i77 nil 37.01,1 e 0 SEWER CLEANOUT DENNE I- SEWER KkNHOLE HODO COMMERCIAL CORNER r) Gmo TRO GAS METER TELEPHONE RISER m ADDITIONAL DETAILS CTR 0 CABLE TV RISER CONSULTING ENGINEER Z' 10' ESMT GRo GAS RISER 0 Or 74055 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY D. ROONEY, CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT #10 ABANDONMENT DATE: February 9, 1994 BACKGROUND: The City of Owasso received a request from Kane Development Corporation, owners and applicants, for the abandonment of a previously approved Planned Unit Development located between 86th and 96th Streets North, just north and east of Lakeridge Addition. The property contained within the PUD was titled "Central Park" and was approved by the City of Owasso in December of 1992. As you may recall, the Central Park Planned Unit Development changed the zoning from its original classification of RS -3 (Residential: Single - Family High Density) to allow single- family homesites of three different sizes, as well as a portion for duplex development. In addition to the residential development areas, a small area in the northwest corner of the subject property was intended for both commercial and office development (See OZ- 9401). If the Planned Unit Development is abandoned, an RS -3 zoning would result in all areas of the subject property except the commercial and office area north of Smith Elementary School. Due to several constraints (the applicant wanted a general area of commercial development in the northwest corner, staff desired a "hard" line so that concerns could be addressed regarding the proximity of the commercial area to the planned residential area and the school property, and the requirement of the zoning code for permitted uses within a PUD be consistent with the underlying zoning) staff required the applicant to process a separate zoning case for the commercial and office area in 1992 along with the PUD. Because of that separate case and an OL and CS zoning existing, staff required the applicant to submit a separate rezoning of that area to RS -3 as well. Again, this is to ensure that all areas would revert to the zoning which was in place prior to the PUD approval in December of 1992. With the RS -3 zoning being reinstated on all of the subject property, the applicant would be permitted to develop the subject site in a manner similar to the neighboring addition to the west ( Lakeridge). More recently,. developers have indicated that the smaller homesites have once again become more popular than larger homesites which are currently flooding the market in the Owasso area. All necessary platting requirements would need to be met by the applicant prior to any development. At the November 1992 Planning Commission meeting, approximately 30 interested citizen's attended the meeting, a majority of which expressed concern over the proximity of the commercial area to Smith Elementary School and the duplex development. A copy of the conditions of approval for OPUD -10 are also attached for your review. The notice for the Planned Unit Development was published in the Owasso Reporter on Thursday, January 20, 1994. Letters were sent to abutting property owners within 300 feet of the subject site on the 19th day of January, 1994. Copies of each are enclosed within your packet for your information and review. Planning staff only received comments in support of the abandonment request. The Planning Commission reviewed the abandonment request at their February 8, 1994 meeting. At that meeting, one abutting property owner attended and did not object to the abandonment request. The Planning Commission unanimously recommended that OPUD -10 be abandoned, reverting the zoning to its original classification of RS -3. RECOMMENDATION: While the Planned Unit Development previously approved was an interesting and innovative concept for the development of this property, it is perfectly within the rights of the property owner to request an abandonment and develop the subject property in a manner consistent with an RS -3 zoning district similar to the Lakeridge Addition. A density of homesite that would result from an RS -3 development is also within the confines of the Comprehensive Plan. Staff recommends approval of the abandonment request for OPUD -10. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Conditions of approval for OPUD -10. 2. Copy of subject property map. 3. Copy of legal advertisement from Owasso Reporter. 4. Copy of letter sent to abutting property owners. 5. Area zoning map. F1 Owasso Planning Commission ' Minutes of November 19, 1992 Page 3 1 1 1 1 1� 1 5. OZ -91 PITTMAN -POE & ASSOCIATES (2014) - A REQUEST TO REZONE A TRACT OF LAND CONTAINING 12.69 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, FROM RS -3 (RESIDENTIAL SINGLE - FAMILY HIGH DENSITY) DISTRICT TO CS (COMMERCIAL SHOPPING CENTER) DISTRICT, GENERALLY LOCATED BETWEEN EAST 86TH STREET NORTH AND EAST 96TH STREET NORTH, JUST NORTH OF SMITH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - The Chair introduced the case and the staff review was given by Tim Rooney. The subject site is located between 86th St N and 96th St N, just north of Smith Elementary School and contains approximately 12.69 acres. The tract is currently vacant and is zoned RS -3. It is bordered on the west and north by undeveloped land zoned AG & Highway 169, and on the south and east by Smith Elementary School and undeveloped land zoned RS -3. The tract is part of a proposed PUD under consideration. Following discussion, Charles Willey moved to approve the request for the rezoning to CS providing the incorporation of a 150' wide buffer zone of OL zoning along the southeast property line shared by the subject site and the residential development. Motion was seconded by Dewey Brown. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Charles Willey - Yes Dewey Brown - Yes Pat Imbriano - Yes Gary Wells - No Ray Haynes - Yes The motion carried 4 -1. 6. OPUD -10 PITTMAN -POE & ASSOCIATES (2014) - A REQUEST TO REZONE A TRACT OF LAND CONTAINING 115.42 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, FROM RS -3 (RESIDENTIAL SINGLE - FAMILY HIGH DENSITY) DISTRICT TO OPUD -10, GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF 129TH EAST AVENUE BETWEEN EAST 86TH STREET NORTH AND EAST 96TH STREET NORTH - The Chair introduced the case and the staff review was given by Tim Rooney. PUD -10 is approximately 115.42 acres in size, a majority of which is undeveloped and zoned RS -3 with a small portion zoned AG. It is located between 86th St N and 96th St N, just west of 129th E Ave, and north and east of the Lakeridge subdivision. The plan calls for 12.6 acres of CS and OL zoning at the northwest corner of the site, 102.8 acres of residential development which would include 88 Executive Homesites and 91 Estate Homesites, and a 12.6 acre Duplex development area proposed for 60 units. Staff recommends approval of OPUD -10 subject to the following conditions: 1. That the applicant's Development Text and Conceptual Development Plan be considered to be the Outline Development Plan as required by the PUD Chapter of the Owasso Zoning Code. 2. That unless specifically set out in the standards and conditions of the PUD, single - family detached lots and single- family attached (duplex) lots shall meet all the necessary requirements of a typical RS -3 or RD district respectfully. In addition, Commercial Owasso Planning Commission Minutes of November 19, 1992 Page 4 Shopping and Office Low Intensity Development shall meet all the necessary requirements of typical CS or OL districts unless specifically stated with the standards of the PUD. 3. That a subdivision plat be approved by the Owasso City Council and filed with the County Clerk's office prior to the issuance of a building permit. Said covenants shall incorporate all PUD standards and conditions of approval and make the City of Owasso beneficiary. 4. All conditions imposed by the Owasso Technical Advisory Committee for subdivision plat approval be met as conditions of the PUD. 5. A detailed drainage report be submitted by the applicant if requested by the City Engineer. 6. That within the PUD, the maximum number of dwelling units shall not exceed 257 units. 7. Sidewalks be provided in all areas of the PUD. 8. That the minimum lot frontage line of any single - family detached lot shall be 30 feet. 9. That the minimum side yard of any single- family detached dwelling located on a corner lot be a minimum of 20 feet. 10. That all landscaping plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Owasso Planning Commission and installed prior to the occupancy of any buildings. 11. That the reference on Page 10 of the PUD text pertaining to a lien being placed on a Property Owner's Association members's "personal property" be changed to "real Property". 12. That the area of Commercial Shopping recommended for Low- Density Office District uses (150' wide area along the southeast border of the area designated for Commercial development) as a result of Case OZ -91 be reflected on the PUD Conceptual Development Plan. 13. No development within any of the Commercial /Office designated areas occur without the development of a primary access to that area. 14. Formal pedestrian access to the area listed as "Green Belt" and "Private Park" be incorporated at the time of Preliminary Plat. 15. Incorporation of pedestrian pathways to the developing commercial area to the south be strongly considered by the applicant at Preliminary Plat stage if lot layout permits. Owasso Planning Commission Minutes of November 19, 1992 Page 5 ' 16. Prior to developing an or all of the Duplex, Commercial or Low Intensity Office areas P g Y P tY a detailed site plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Owasso Planning Commission. The Planning Commission reviewed a presentation made by the applicant and received comments and questions from approximately 30 interested citizens. Following discussion, Charles Willey moved to approve OPUD -10 subject to staff and TAC recommendations listed above and the following three conditions: ' 1. No commercial development until the access road is completed from 86th St N to 96th St N. 2. A wall or solid fencing be erected to screen the commercial zone from Smith Elementary School. 3. No bars, taverns, or adult -type business be allowed in the commercially zoned area. Motion was seconded by Dewey Brown and a vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Charles Willey - Yes Dewey Brown - Yes Pat Imbriano - Yes Gary Wells - Yes Ray Haynes - Yes The motion carried 5 -0. The meeting was recessed at 8:50 p.m. and reconvened at 9:00 p.m. 7. OLS -80 - OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (3114) - A REQUEST FOR A LOT SPLIT ON APPROXIMATELY 2.5 ACRES, GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE SOUTH END OF SOUTH CEDAR, OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA - The Chair introduced the case and the staff review was given by Steve Compton. The subject tract is located at the south end of Cedar, 2.4 acres in size, vacant, recently zoned E and owned by the Owasso Economic Development Authority. In 1990 the Planning Commission and City Council approved a Plat Waiver on this tract when it and some additional land to the south was proposed to be used as a National Guard Armory. Since Plat Waivers are not filed with the abstract, it is necessary that the tract be split and the deed stamped and executed by the Chairperson of the Planning Commission in order to clear the title. Following discussion, Pat Imbriano moved to approve the lot split. Motion was seconded by Charles Willey, and a vote on the motion was recorded as follows: CENTRAL PARK 96TH ST. NORTH DENNIS L. EODO, P.E., INC. CONSULTING ENGINEER sum 1 -101 8666 N. 117TH X. AVE. 0WASSO, OK 74066 272-7552 ��LQO , o00 VICINITY MAP t 7 F1 t �j j Affidavit Of Publication A STATE OF OKLAHOMA, TULSA COUNTY, ss ""q -- Bill R. Retherford, of lawful age, being duly sworn and authorized, says that he is the publisher of the OWASSO REPORTER , a weekly newspaper printed in the city of OTJASS0 Published In the Owasso Reporlar. Owasso, Tulsa County, oldshonr, Jan- uary 20, 1094. EXHISIT'A' NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC OF A HEARING ON A PROPOSED AMEND- MENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OWA"O, . OiC_A ijol" APPLICATION: OWASSO PLANNED U09T DEVELOPMENT TEN (OPUD -10) . Notice Is hereby given that a public hearing will be Mid before the Owasso Planning Cominission, In the Owasso Community Garter, Owasso, Old*- home, at 7.0 P.M. on the 8th day of February, 1994. At dud time and place, consideration will be given to the proposed change of the zoning daaai ica2bn of the following described property: A tract of land located In the East Half (E!2) of Section 20, Township 21 North, Ramps 14 Fast of the Indian base Meridian, Tulsa County, okisotte, being more partluAriv described as follows Tulsa County, Oklahoma, a newspaper qualified to publish legal notices, advertisements and publications as provided in Section 106 of Title 25, Oklahoma Statutes 1971 and 1983 as amended, and thereafter, and complies with all other requirements of the laws of Oklahoma with reference to legal publications. That said notice, a true copy of which is attached hereto, was published in the regular edition of said newspaper during the period and time of publication and not in a supplement, on the following dates: JANUARY 20 .199 .4 r • Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20th day of -�Tµ,11inr,r 1199 4 Notary Public My Commission expires: ?arch 20, 1997 PUBLISHER'S FEE $ Commencing at the Northeast comer of sold EQ of said Section 20, thence 8 00'11'36W; I697.W; thence N Bg'S3'43'W, 726.00; to the Point of Beginning; thence 8 44.39101'W, 249.41'• N 89'33'20'E, 358.80'; N 63'61'69W, 120.68; N 21'15'1g'W, 140.83; N 23'28'14W, 143.29; N 31'22'46'W, 156.40'; N 56'52'S3'W, 85.43; S 41124'59'W, 116.13'; N 56'5263W, 30.32 N 41'24'SWE, 13.76; N 16°06'39'W, 225.73'; N 39'38'it'W, 300.00; 8 60121'49W, 854.96'; 8 00'2W02'W, 397.86'; 8 89.46'21'E, 428.47 ; 8 22'08'06'E, 653AT; 8 03'10'30'W, 130.00; N 89.46'21'W, 40.00'; 8 00'13'39'W, 140.00; S 24'31POWE, 188.44'- N 73'10'14'E, 376.43; 8 16'20'16'E, 15.09'; N 88'15'08'E, 128.56- SOt'44'62'E, 25.0; N 88'1SW'E, 177.11` S 04'04'30'E, 135.3T; S 35'61105W, 144.22; S 2412r44'E, 140.07; S 05'39'19'E, 213.83'; S 33 °51105'W, 14422; S 57,08'61'W, 178.44'; S 84'58'01'W, 190.31'; S 55'27'58'W, 78.06'; S 11.396'10'W, 80.00'; S 30'49'28'W, 98.26'; S 56'3211'E, 170.76; thence on a curve left (concave to the west) radius of 730.92'a length of 36.61' (chord of N 34'42'27'E, 36.61'); thence S 56143'38'E, 187.W; S 35'5'rS3'W, 158.43'; N 44'4T10'W, 29.8T; S 46'47'53'W, 114.93; S 44 *Salg'E, 14823; S 24'55'31'E, 362.W; S 47'WI5'E, 151.30'; S 39'5234'E, 59.79'; N 61.43'06 -E, 272.85'; N 51'5216'E, 64.55'; S 89'50'19'E, 968.70; N 00'11'36'E, 2347.3;1; N SVW43W, 726.00; N 00'11'36'E, 660.00; to the Point of Beginning containing 119.02 more or less. The General Location of the property Is BETWEEN 86TH AND 86TH STREETS, JUST NORTH AND EAST OF LAKERIDGE SUBDIVISION. The present zoning of the property Is Planned Unit Development approved In December of 1992 by the City of Owasso. The proposed zoning, an mbar, donment of the PUD, N approved, will revert the zoning to RS-3 (Residential Single- Family High Density), Its original classification. By abandoning the PUD, all commercial and multi -family dwelling uses will no longer be permit- ted in this area. All persons Interested In this matter may be present at the hearing and pre- sent their objections to or arguments for any or all of the above matters. In the event that with proposed abandonment Is approved, In whole or In part, by the Owasso Planning Commission, said Planning Comvnisslon shall submit Its recommendation to the City Council of the City of Owasso for Re consideration and action, as provided by law The City CourcUs review of the recommendation of the Planning Cortrnis slon on the proposed amendment d the zoning classification shall be at a meeting time and place to be determined by the Council, said Information to be available from the Owasso City Planner. - A map showing the proposed abandonment accompanies this notice. For more Information on the proposed abandonment contact the Owasso City Planner, City Hal, 207 S. Cedar, Ov(asso, Oklahoma 74055, or phone (918) 272.2251. Dated at Owasso. Oklahoma, this 17th day of January, 1981. Timothy D. Rooney City Plainer EXHIBIT "A" NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC OF A HEARING ON A PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA APPLICATION: OWASSO PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT TEN (OPUD -10) Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the Owasso Planning Commission, in the Owasso Community Center, Owasso, Oklahoma, at 7 :00 P.M. on the 8th day of February, 1994. At that time and place, consideration will be given to the proposed change of the zoning classification of the following described property: A tract of land located in the East Half (E /2) of Section 20, Township 21 North, Range 14 East of the Indian base Meridian, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said E/2 of said Section 20, thence S 00 °11'36 "W, 1597.54'; thence N 89 °53'43 "W, 726.00'; to the Point of Beginning; thence S 44 °39'01 "W, 249.41'; N 89 °33'20 "E, 359.80'; N 63 °51'59 "W, 120.68'; N 21-15'19"W, 140.83'; N 2328'14"W, 143.28'; N 31'22'46"W, 156.40'; N 56 °52'53 "W, 85.43'; S 41'24'59"W, 116.13'; N 56 °52'53 "W, 30.32'; N 41'24'59"E, 13.76'; N 16 °06'39 "W, 225.73'; N 39 °38'11 "W, 300.00'; S 50 °21'49 "W, 854.96'; S 00 °29'02 "W, 397.86'; S 89 °46'21 "E, 428.47'; S 22 °08'06 "E, 653.97'; S 03 °10'39 "W, 130.00'; N 89 °46'21 "W, 40.00'; S 00 013'39 "W, 140.00'; S 24 °39'06 "E, 189.44'; N 73 °10'14 "E, 376.43'; S 16 °20'16 "E, 15.09'; N 88 °15'08 "E, 129.56'; SO1 °44'52 "E, 25.00'; N 88 °15'08 "E, 177.11'; S 04 °04'30 "E, 135.37'; S 35 051'05 "W, 144.22'; S 24 °27'44 "E, 140.00'; S 05 °39'19 "E, 213.83'; S 33 °51'05 "W, 144.22'; S 57 °08'51 "W, 179.44'; S 84 058'01 "W, 190.31'; S 55 °27'58 "W, 79.06'; S 11-396'10"W, 80.00'; S 30 °49'28 "W, 98.26'; S 56'32'11"E, 170.76'; thence on a curve left (concave to the west) radius of 730.92' a length of 36.61' (chord of N 34 042'27 "E, 36.61'); thence S 56 °43'38 "E, 187.86'; S 35 057'53 "W, 159.43'; N 44 °47'10 "W, 29.97'; S 46 °47'53 "W, 114.93'; S 44 °50'19 "E, 148.23'; S 24 °55'31 "E, 362.86'; S 47 °20'15 "E, 151.30'; S 1 39 °52'34 "E, 59.79'; N 61'43'06"E, 272.95'; N 51'52'16"E, ' 64.55'; S 89'50'19"E, 969.70'; N 00'11'36"E, 2347.33'; N 89 °53'43 "W, 726.00'; N 00 °11'36 "E, 660.00'; to the Point of Beginning containing 119.02 more or less. The General Location of the property is BETWEEN 86TH AND 96TH STREETS, JUST NORTH AND EAST OF LAKERIDGE SUBDIVISION. The present zoning of the property is Planned Unit Development approved in December of 1992 by the City of Owasso. The proposed zoning, an abandonment of the PUD, if approved, will revert the zoning to RS -3 (Residential Single - Family High IDensity), its original classification. By abandoning the PUD, all commercial and multi - family dwelling uses will no longer be permitted in this area. All persons interested in this matter ma y be present at the hearing and present their objections to or arguments for any or all of the ' above matters. t r In the event that such proposed abandonment is approved, in whole or in part, by the Owasso Planning Commission, said Planning Commission shall submit its recommendation to the City Council of the City of Owasso for its consideration and action, as provided by law. The City Council's review of the recommendation of the Planning Commission on the proposed amendment of the zoning classification shall be at a meeting time and place to be determined by the Council, said information to be available from the Owasso City Planner. A map showing the proposed abandonment accompanies this notice. For more information on the proposed abandonment contact the Owasso City Planner, City Hall, 207 S. Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, or phone (918) 272 -2251. Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 17th day of January, 1994. Timothy D. Rooney City Planner 121 �.—. . woc ,.:: ;;o......�.....we- S.vk:;: �.... ..... . :.E�;;iio`�::z3 C�i::4�t:;n2saNCr9a\;s:a ;:;:- ;Z;•a;:::' ..� .. / V J r �. 0M M -2 A AG - SMITH AG ELEM. SCHOOL. S-3 OUT ...: >:<:...... 3 Y SUBJECT _ -- - vr ro ST. ST !10 BOUNDARIES D Ai IES i a ' - FOR .1 o, \ OPUD -10 (A) 41P 99th ST >`•� ---._� oath y \ •t. ,�.�� y RS-3 of _ A OWASSO ✓'� SR. HIGH SCHOOL —A VS OL ST. OM CG OM ' R 1 -1 - _ 1 I MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY D. ROONEY, CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: REZONING CASE OZ -9401 DATE: February 9, 1994 BACKGROUND: The City of Owasso received a request from Kane Development Corporation, owners and applicants, for the abandonment of a previously approved Planned Unit Development (See PUD # 10 - Abandonment). Because there was an underlying and separate zoning case for commercial and office development as part of the PUD, staff requested that the applicant also submit a rezoning request for that separate zoning case. The commercial and office rezoning consisted of a 12.69 acre area, directly north and northeast of Smith Elementary School. The subject property is bordered on the north and west by Highway 169 and undeveloped land zoned AG. East of the subject site is undeveloped land zoned OM. An area zoning map is attached for your review. As you may recall, staff had two primary concerns when reviewing the request to rezone this area from RS -3 to a commercial designation - Access to this area and an appropriate buffer. A copy of the staff report from the original zoning case is attached for your review. ' In 1992, staff indicated that designating this area for commercial development was not a bad idea, however we needed to be assured that this area would not develop until the access road was completed. Staff attached a condition to the PUD that the commercial area could not ' develop until the service road was constructed. In addition to that condition, staff also incorporated a 150 foot office buffer between the commercial area and the residential /school area. If OPUD -10 is abandoned, without a rezoning of this property back to RS -3, we would have an underlying zoning of OL and CS which could develop prior to any completion of the service I' road because we would no longer have the condition of the PUD. In order to prevent this from happening, staff feels it necessary to rezone this property to RS -3 (its original classification). ' Please note, staff's feelings have not changed regarding potential commercial or office development in this area and is likely to be supportive of a commercial /office zoning request at a later time providing the service road is completed. 11 The notice for rezoning request OZ -9401 was published in the Owasso Reporter on Thursday, January 20, 1994. Letters were sent to abutting property owners within 300 feet of the subject site on the 19th day of January. No comments opposing this request have been received. The Planning Commission reviewed this request at their February 9, 1994 meeting and unanimously recommended approval. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the rezoning from CS and OL to RS -3. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Area zoning map. 2. OZ -91 Staff Report. 1 X21 4 s ,I �,� C S r RM-2 CS r r pM _ 1 = AG R M -2 ' r - j AG A G SMITH E �. S`' "C°L \ R S 3 SUBJECT OUT � � BOUNDARIES -- - 57 » n rJ FOR OZ -9401 rte, •,. - . i 7 . RS -3 \ < �� ✓ a S :� WG H / SCHOOL all S 0L y ST. NO. )M CG ' ' - 1 OM r RM .� MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: STAFF REPORT FOR OZ -91 DATE: November 23, 1992 BACKGROUND The subject tract is undeveloped, 12.69 acres in size, and is located between 86th and 96th Street North, just north of Smith Elementary and is currently zoned Residential Single- Family High Density District (RS -3). It is abutted on the south by Smith Elementary and the proposed "Central Park" subdivision (See OPUD -10). The subject property is bordered on the north and west by undeveloped land zoned AG and Highway 169. East of the subject site is undeveloped land zoned Office Medium Intensity District (OM). A case map is enclosed for your review. A review of the surrounding area finds that all land east of the subject site to 129th East Avenue is zoned for either office or commercial development. The Comprehensive Plan identifies this area as being suitable for Low Density Residential Development. However,_ with the abutting zoning noted above, the 1978 Comprehensive Plan may no longer be appropriate. Staffs concerns when reviewing the applicant's request centered around two issues, (1) access to the proposed site and (2) whether the planned residential development to the south of the subject site would be adequately buffered from this commercial area upon development. Proper development requires a primary direct access to any proposed commercial development. This area is not yet serviced by a primary direct access. If OPUD -10 is approved by the Owasso City Council, a condition of the PUD would require the development of the service road from 86th Street North to 96th Street North prior to any development within the commercial area. This would then eliminate the problem of only one access to the area through the subdivision. Typical rezoning requests can not place conditions on approval, however this concern is addressed within the staff recommendations for OPUD -10. The site chosen by the applicant, however, is not necessarily a poor one. Upon development of the proposed service road abutting Highway 169 and development of the Commercial and Office Districts to the east, the inclusion of this property as a commercial service area is appropriate. However, with the proximity of a large residential development to the south, a 10 potential for conflict exists. The staff review of this request has indicated the need for an appropriate buffer between the commercial zoned property and single family residences. Therefore, the incorporation of a 150 foot wide buffer district along the southeast property line shared by the subject property and the residential area to the south has been recommended. The zoning classification of that buffer is OL (Low Intensity Office) District. Included within this 150 feet would be a 50 foot portion of the 100 foot easement for the power lines (see subject map). Staff feels the incorporation of this OL zoning district within the applicants request would lend itself to be a more harmonious transition from Commercial development to Low Intensity Office development to Residential development rather than Commercial to Residential. ' The Owasso Planning Commission held a formal Public Hearing on this matter at their November 19th meeting. At that meeting, the staff case report was given, the applicant was given an opportunity to describe his request, and about thirty (30) members of the public attended, several expressed their concerns. After hearing all issues and discussing the matter, the Planning Commission voted to recommend to City Council approval of the rezoning request with the incorporation of the 150 foot OL buffer by a 4 -1 -0 vote. RECOMMENDATION ' The staff recommends Council approval of OZ -91 with the incorporation of a 150 foot OL buffer PP � along the southeast property line. ATTACHMENT: 1. Location and Surrounding Zoning Map 2. Case Map 1 1 J 10 1 ►� • :. ►11 1►i TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: ROHN MUNN ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN SUBJECT: ACCEPTANCE OF THE OWASSO SPORTS -PARK PHASE H GRADING AND DRAINAGE DATE: February 8,1994 BACKGROUND: At the December 7,1993 meeting, the Owasso City Council recommended approval of awarding a contract in the amount of $31,500.00 to Continental Concrete Company, Cushing, Ok. for the purpose of completing grading and drainage work for the four softball fields. Notice to proceed was issued for work to begin on or before January 3,1994. The contract documents required that all work be done by March 1, 1994. The grading and drainage contract is now to a place of final acceptance with minor cleanup being done at this time. The Contractor has completed the specified scope of services and has met all contract requirements. Inspection of the project has been provided by Community Development staff throughout the work. Continental Concrete Company has requested final payment and a release of all funds. In reviewing all documentation for final payment, there is no reason such request should not be honored. Continental Concrete has all ready received a partial pavement of $9,000.00, leaving a balance of $22,500.00. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends Council acceptance of the grading and drainage of Phase II of the Owasso Sports -Park and a release of $22,500.00. It• i i TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: F. ROBERT CARR PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR THE SOLE SOURCE EXPENDITURE TO REPAIR THE STREET DIVISION 1984 JOHN DEERE BACKHOE DATE: FEBRUARY 10, 1994 BACKGROUND: Approximately six months ago, operators of our 1984 John Deere backhoe used in the Street Division began to notice transmission problems. The equipment was still performing normal functions and continued to be used. On January 31, 1994, additional and more severe mechanical problems were experienced. The backhoe was on a job site and the bucket would no longer respond to operator commands. Leaks in the transmission seals prevented the hydraulic system from working properly. Consequently, the bucket was no longer capable of carrying the weight of a load. This condition makes the backhoe unusable and unsafe. Personnel at the City Garage are capable of providing routine preventive maintenance needed for these backhoes. The expertise needed to address transmission and hydraulics problems, however, is beyond the training and expertise of the City staff. In an effort to remedy this equipment problem and determine the extent of repairs needed, the backhoe was transported to Keystone Equipment. Keystone has been the source of the previous John Deere backhoe purchases by the City and has a fully qualified staff of mechanics familiar with backhoe hydraulics. To fully evaluate the condition of the backhoe the engine and hydraulic components were dismantled. This work revealed the need make extensive repairs - including, but not limited to: replacement of rings, bearings, clutch and seals. Page 2 COST OF REPAIRS: A quote has been received from Keystone Equipment regarding the minimum amount of repairs that are needed to put the backhoe into back into operation. The total cost presented by Keystone is $4,010.46 (see Attachment 1). The backhoe has been dismantled to determine the extent of necessary repairs. Should the backhoe need to be assembled without repair, Keystone would charge us approximately $975.00 for the diagnostic services already performed. The price quote has taken their labor into consideration for these services. A sole source bid for this repair work is requested, due to the expertise and quality reputation of Keystone Equipment. Also, the backhoe is dismantled at the present time and additional expense would be incurred to assemble, transport and reevaluate the equipment at another location. The City Attorney has been consulted in this matter and concurs with the sole source conditions in this instance. OTHER ITEMS TO BE REPLACED AT A FUTURE DATE: Other repairs have been suggested to replace and refurbish parts that will extend the useful life of the equipment (see Attachment 2). A new control valve is needed to keep the boom in- place. Labor and materials costs for this valve installation is $1,036.76. New pins and bushings in the backhoe section of the equipment are needed. The cost of these items are stated to be $4,451.93. These other repairs can be done easily while the backhoe is dismantled. It is felt, however, that the added expense may exceed the value of the equipment. Trade -in value of the backhoe has been estimated to be in the range of $6,000 - $10,000. These other repairs do not affect our ability to use the equipment at this time, but will eventually need to be replaced as the parts fail. In addition, our Garage staff does have the ability to replace the control valve and afford the City some cost savings. Therefore, replacement of these other items are not included in this request. These items will be included in future budget development in order that we can have rebuilt machinery that can be expected to provide additional years of satisfactory service. FUNDING SOURCE: The FY 93 -94 Public Works Department Streets Division budget contains the funding needed to accomplish the necessary repairs. Page 3 RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends Council approval of a sole source expenditure of $4,010.16 payable to Keystone Equipment Co. to repair the Public Works /Street Division 1984 John Deere backhoe. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Keystone Equipment price quotation for operational repairs 2. Keystone Equipment quotation for additional repairs - Backhoe pins and bushings - Control valve section \wp51 \street\memo \beckhoe. bud-2110/94 r invoice L--�tjz S r- 0 L D Y 4 iE TY OF 912 P02 FEB 04194 15:33 KEYSTONE EQUIPMENT CO. Box 669 - West Keystone Expresswa Sand Springs, OK 74063 —7 (918) 245 -5926 — 800 - 375 -5926 1 PAGE H . r EPir�s: 05i1AR94 c.sw Coo o.r Fw P T J4Cc, MO 0 NIee— 0".40 �'ro 10010 --o" nron[ 0.11 ti rn1r}yrTies 91'E-272-225 04FES?4 lc: 14 INVOICE NO. D E_I O T E aroEneo o 6,0 r/ � - -' - PARTNt1MQEq DESCRIrTrotr 87M 1191 Mo�e.1 :3'1,QB Riin T 70641-' Ex1EMhpti R P IR DIREC:TTON REVERSER Labor: 1 Tom"? 17.: 1 T-,-''2177 SUPPORT 1 AR6 9708 SEAL 401 i AT6O365 SEARING 7P2 6 L 372T CAP SCREW 6 12H30r : LOCK' WASH= 6M4 i T24 L SPRING 4N1 I 34H253 SPRINQ PIN 1 AT60a68 PLATT` SW /D 1 RE31V9 1 D SK SLR,, 1 JU9444 BEARING 3BI 4 R49482 H78097. 1 T27F.': :�;LE E 5B7 i F2391 14 LUSH I NG 41'13 1. R39116 WASHER iP95 1 8;;:1117 WASHER qD1 1 R:. ` 0s i ' :SNAP RING, t Rt; ` 0 t 7 SHAFT 5A5 R57345 C-LUTI- H PLA 5U4 SHIP VIA ## 0..1-10TE /EEJIMATE ** All claims must be made within 15 days, and accompanied by this bIH7Permisslon ust PARTS be secured before returning goods. 15% re-Stocking charge on retost of handling. Claims for damages or shortages must be made wiOur responsibility ceases upon obtaining receipt from transportation coTERMS: Due 10th of the month following Invoice date. Interest at t2% Per month will be charged on past due invoices. SALES TAX AEa �co e PLEASE PAY THIS TOTAL ucrwar, AMOUNT Coat i nije r ATTACHMENT 1 am ire 912 P03 FEB 04'94 15:34 invoice Li KEYSTONE EQUIPMENT ' Pox 669 - West Keystone Exprresswa Sand Springs, OK 74053 r _ (918) 245 -5928 — 800- 375.5926 '--I TY I_[1' UWAS�,tJ �1 o PACi[ r L r� MAR �4 D f_ h run CnG 7 Urr.fq I p 0 L T 1 l C! NO 0 .....) eA,Ri.�R or«• 7-)a i o R.O NQ n°n( L -pact p.rE .rat adtgTtTrTlss 1 ` 7t`2= .1 04FEB94 15: 14 INVOICE NO. � a0lhto iwM'cp yp ✓ PART NUMBER' r}E�CRlP7yQp._: •• _. BIN OLICITE - Y M1 pyCE$ .: • • ..fir lw7, RF -2 79 / j ti/T ' . 2 826919 WANNER 4J4 R1662R WASHER J. A 4A t AR7560*-3 FILTER ELE 2 �? HY —GiARD (C At_) r� 2 72:31.19 O —RING T I_i 1 c' 7 1 1 L C A /wt 1 L4H 17 f� I WASHER 7 1. uA5 1 R 9 9 CASKET 4H1 4C! ta7 _ 1 R26448 Q —RING i . 69 I F� �r -. 4H4 AS- K:ET M 4U1 1 R61462 RING 2—z;3 SHIP VIA ## IDUCITE /E"ST IMATE: # All claims must be made ►twk 'w'Oi "1 within 1 da S, an n secured before returning y ° � nied9y this IN , Permission must 15k re-- charge �'. Iandling. PARTS Claims for damages on returns to cover cost es or shortages gstocki must be made within 15 days. Our esponsibility ceases upon obtaining receipt from transportation company. RMS: Due 10th of the month following invoice date. Interest at the rate of 1 -1 /2 % month will be charged on _ past due invoices. I SALES TAX •KP +eo p+ 1 PLEASE PAY THiC Tnra, A 'o+M +t wVV1CQ 912 PO4 FEB 04'94 15:34 oFe"c KEYSTONE EQUIPMENT Co West Keystone s r Expressway 38nd springs, OK 74063 o r,' I TY r -rF GwA�. �r_t PAGE (918) 246 -5926 800-375�5826 U h r Expirer,: T -:I QSMAR?y 0 L C.. Ofnf.. r P Ogo[q RO hp •Mpw( 0 �� 7rjS j tj "+vpK[ p.rf OVANTITJES Rfp 8raon0 041 CO L Mp INVOICE NO. 1 ./ PART NUMBEA 0—RING DlscRsvTN . ern QUOTE PAFCES _ . ! I RCS'7rj THRI_j:;-r RSl AS W 4r3 eC�a.�io.. THRCi`T R39117 WAS 4M4 1. WASHER 1 Rti 9 WASE HR 4D1 I `lLIS720 RC(LLER TS6442 BEA 7VS ! GA S}cET T33547 Li2A I. GASKET S .3-3 1 T4 btr:;.}i1 N 1 T22 $�; &U ;RING aA� 1 T2S212 BUSHING � WA':.HER 4L12 I A42-47R WASHER 4A 1 R27;•a2tj 4A4 I T2�121 1 BUSH I Nr� 2P2 Rte a 1 q WASHER . . 4t.12 1 1 A--1917R Cr —k I NQ 4,_14 X27164 Li— LNG 4r= fi7SR r�— RI#�tG 484 T�,4412 WA�;HER 4,C4 cr —RINrj 4A,� 1 .. .FE50940 t-IOUSZNG 4A:, RE50941 PLATE •ja4 rovu ODUTE/E ,TIMATE CWMS must be made within 15 days, secured before returnin and 'Mpanied b rarMlin 9 goods. 15% re-stocking this btu ns to cove must PARTS 9• Claims for damages or shorts g charge on returns to *nslbiHty ceases u shortages must be made within 15 cover cost IMS: Due 70th of the nonthf following receipt from transportation days. Our month will month following invoice date. Interest at the rate ate of 1 t /2�, be charged on past due Invoices. SALES TAX iim L` ?ntir,u� 3/4 ' . L-J ■riv01c@ Ofs s i o t.ITY OF 7 OWAS O D T 0 L tsa` ti� 1 �nnsrrrES r y1 `r- 27� —;�, �. pARr Nt1MBER 912 POtD F Ebb k74 ' 94 15 : 3q KEYS'roNE Eou1P Box 669 _west Ke MENi CO. Sand Sprhtgs! t K 4063 Expreaswa (918) 2 -5926 PACE 800 -375 -5928 H r P 7oa 0 L rvOKf G. r f *we ! 0 4t p'994 15: 14 1NVO No. - AEBCRrFrrON �N _ r�� 17 -� r� r . s .�i ' AfFi1GE9 s must b© aNfP �) 3 made # l; r_1Er i-F-- car . ad before within 1 days and acco T reIurning goods. ° rnpanto b oeacRror,oa - Claims for es or15 , re- stocking Char y this r damag . Permrsston must pAR'Eg. t c . ceases upon o short age$ must ge on returns to t AMOUNT sue 10th btaining receipt be made cover cost M 1 s r Will t� charged month ages must tr nsportation prany. days. Our 1 76p,�� on past due . ate. Interest at the r invoices. ate of 1- tit °io SALES TAX ��a 942 P02 FEB 10'94 10:33 ••' v,vv Box668 West Keys one Expressway Li Sand Springs, OK 74063 (918) 245 - 5926 -- 800.375 -5926 S I CITY OF OWASSCI I PAGE s I- ExP i rre s: 1 1 MAR94 -1 O H L 1 T T O a .«. L J L J 70810 uie�.e oaoea HO ao ao wvpCl oar. ra�F FE INVOICE NO. 918 -:C72 -225. 10FEB94 10: 09 QUOTE QURNTmM a' ' i' 777'777 oaotgEU 4n.reo 4,0 ,/ PART NUMBER OEBCRIPTION .#car �;Iwr 4 -F -- - - ,-°'tf -> r ti l. , `... Modi2l:310B Pin: T 70!•41 DC44 HOE PINS AND BUSHINGS - REPL 0E, AL- i• 7777. 7 3 T12940 `U Lt 141 1 1 FLUSH I NG 3C2 BACKHOE BOOM CYLINDER 2 U 10613,; BUSHING v .;' , N : r . 77 ;a 7: ,< BACKHOE BOOM CYLINDER U10745 PUSHING 3A3 BACKHOE CROWD CYLINDER 2, BUBHING BACKHOE CROWD CYLINDER 2 U10666 BUGH I NI^ '3A2 BACKHOE BUCKET CYLINDER BACKHOE BUCKET CYLINDER t T33708 EiLISH I NG 4U 1 BACKHOE SWING CYLINDER:_. 4 . U4345,4 BU HIND 9A BACtrHOE SW I NU -CYLINDERS :i 1 -11 1 121 DUSH I NG -:A2 STABILIZER CYLINDER '3 4 AJ15822 PIN 413 ,7 ,: BUCKET, CROWD CYLINDERS A SMIP0A # QUOTE/EST I MATE # .j ? - _ - `_+�oote+['•' -- + . -MOW AMO All claims must be made within IS days, and accompanied by this bill. Perm-is must PARTS be secured before returning goods. 15% re- stocking charge on returns to cover cost of handling. Claims for damages or shortages must be made within 15 days. Our Gc, n t i n tae responsibility ceases upon obtaining receipt from transportation company. TERMS: Due 10th of the month following invoice date. Interest at the rate of 1 -112% SALES TAX per month will be charged on past due Invoices. PLEASE PAY THIS TOTAL ' a(C1,40V ATTACHMENT 2 I/ r—j 111111111VU111%plu iJ 942 1`03 FEB 10194 10:34 KEYSTONE EQUIPMENT CO. Box 669 - West Keystone Expressway Sand Springs, OK 74063 (918) 245-5926 — 800-375-5926 s I CITY OF OWASSO 1 PAGE s [- E-Xpir-c-s-* IIMAR94 0 L H I - D P T T 0 V L L 70: 10 -j ESPAN 0.". NO ■0 No .vOsCE WE TILE 918-272 -225 IOFE094 10:0 9 INVOICE NO. I--4UOTE WAN,Tm" ? iew �0�1 "'AIIII,Iiia: &0" --TT-17=7-4 Py PART DIE"t toN NUMBER J. FIN 4b7 BOOM CYLINDER , .. j -kom"� C'�L,I NDER I lij.6051 PIN 13A7 BOOM TO SWINGFRAME 'T'375918� FIN fiWING CVLINbER TO' SWING PRAM'=4'."-" 4 --m 60 WASHER 2U 2 4 111-1221 COTTER FIN 71-1:-3 Ai IL'12rER 'CYL I N Ei E R TO B'A'C K"" H'-)F- I 19H3520 CAP SCREW 6P 7 4 DP12214 LOCK NUT 21W2 .-6 �i-ABILUER CYLINDER TO'STABY ZEfk!i Me 74., 1!7H-1t,5(5 'C-:AP SCREW DP12214 LOCK NUT 2W2 M, 74 4 P! 5 P,TN,- -1 STABILIZER BA KHOE FRCilm AR� TC -C 4- 24HIS71 WASH lEk 77r, 4 11H227 COTTER PIN 7H3 PIN SWING FRAME TO BACKHOE FRAME SHIP VIA QUOTE/ESTIMATE PARTS All claims must be made within 1 1) days, and aQcompanied by this bill. Permisslon must be secured before returning goods. 15% re-stocking charge on returns to cover cost ,f handling. Claims for damages or shortages must be made within 15 days. Our C:4 ri t i rj u ec 3sponsibility ceases upon obtaining receipt from transportation company. i'ERMS: Due 10th of the month following invoice date. Interest at the rate of 1-1/2% oer month will be charged on past due invoices. SALES TAX I I PLEASE PAY THIS TOTAL i a I I 2A 942 PO4 FEB 10'94 10:34 Be 0 r v■vVL;W nc r, I VIVO cuuIC'MCIV I %Ov. JdIM DSSi Box 669 - West Keystone Expressway Sand Springs, OK 74063 (918) 245926 — 800 - 375 -5926 o CITY OF OWAti SO I PAGE s r Expires: 1 1 MAr~94 � L :t N , ❑ - P us« cno mnu T ° T. o .ur MU L _j L J 70310 ?YEWM oww•.w. •.o..o iworK M. oK• o•,E ,ua• S INVOICE NO. 918-272-225M. � 1 d-- 272 -2Lr i OFEB94 10:09 QUOTE QUANTt17E8 ; . 5 ; . L <# ,7. oimtao s�rr•o „p �.�I:. ` PART NUMBER ❑ *MOTION ,. Y. - MT '• �` x ,..;.�hr�' _ t: T, r. �JRiEljglE' 4 U4: �4 .5 TAPERED SL 4D3 USE WITH 04:34.32 PIN u4' 434` SLEEVE �y :. , , �,.- ` ;. 'USE' " °W I TH U4343� PIN . •,,`; , , , t ,:. ,;;:.; , Y 2 T125914 PIN 4A6 BOOM TO SWING FRAME tS 14+49;.tASi-jER ` ' �U :r .ems w 1. d.w �f,.• Y' '`xL` I�S,4: da_ }. 2 1 Soh! 17$1 GAP scREw 6P7 s BP122:14 LOCK NUT 2W2 1 TT44•�y4275 4B7 }P]INm# i:l 9H31 b9 CAP SCREW t 1 014555 NUT 3Ft1 2 T:33933 BUSH I N13 4A5 2 { 0111 L 1 BUSHING :-3A'2 ARM TO BUCKET LINK 1 T24425 PIN 3M7 'k, TO BUIGtCET LINK . ''T343n1 BUSHING 3G6 ARM TO SUCKET 1 T34423 PIN # 3A7 BUCKET LINK TO BUCKET CYL IND R . ; �,f,e" r° ,;,' :, 4 11H221 COTTER PIN 7H:3 , 6a5PV9A ## OUOTE/EST I MATE - All'claims must be made within 15 days, and accompanied by this bill. Permission must PARTS be secured before returning goods. 15% restocking charge on returns to cover cost of handling. Claims for damages or shortages must be made within 15 days Our Co ri t i n u e responsibility ceases upon obtaining receipt from transportation company. TERMS: Due 10th of the month following invoice date. Interest at the rate of 1.1120% oer month will be charged on past due Invoices. SALES TAX PLEASE PAY THIS TOTAL an. <o•. L. -J... 1111vull1vt: 942 P05 FEB 10'94 10:35 r%t:Tb1UNt LUUNIMMI W. Box 669 - West Keystone Expressway Sand Springs, OK 74063 (918) 245-5926 — 800-375-5926 S F CITY OF OWASSIO PAGE s F Expires: 11MAR94 -I 0 H L I - o.,an orntn D P T T L J L 70010 RQ kO 18-'272-225F110FE894 10: 09 INVOICE NO. QUOTE PAW LINK BUCKET CYLINDER TO BUCKET -7, F,1N 144k F ' BUCKET TO ARM U116tQ WW�HEK A 11112.21 COTTER PIN 7 i9UGKET LINKS TO BUCKET U11649 WASHER T105987 BUSH INO "3E14 0 -'QKr;T J rr 'I'' b!5988 BUSHING 4 3 P BUCKE PIN I SERVICE ACCESSORIES 7: ti S q To �ra I or SHIP VIA QUOTE/ESTIMATE PAr t S 2:067 --!�Q All claims must be Made within 15 days, and accompanied 15- yffis �10llFMssionmusPAS' be secured before returning goods. 15% re-stocking charge on returns to cover cost M i s c : loo-00 of handling. Claims for damages or shortages must be made within 15 days. Our responsibility ceases upon obtaining receipt from transportation company. TERMS: Due 10th of the month following invoice date. Interest at the rate of 1-1/24/6 0.00 per month will be charged on past due Invoices. SALES TAX PLG[re[O! PLEASE PAY THIS TOTAL. 4451 . 9 I 6 W 942 POG FED 10'94 10::35 KEYSTONE EQUIPMENT CO. Box 669 - West Keystone Expressway Sand Springs, OK 74063 (918) 245-5926 — 800-375-5926 s CITY OF OWASSO 0 PAGE $ ExPires: IIMAR94 L 5 D P T 0 T 70310 _j _____7918-272-225� -MICIE DAIE I�E T IOFEB94 10:09 INVOICE NO, QUOTE OUA t7 PART NVMfJER MSMPT*N ",TIT ri—C. d—e I i :11 op Pin'. T 70641 CONTROL VALVE SFUTON, R&R&RECONDITION S !SECT 10 qS R :_:!P LAC �:'BOO.M"VALVE SSECTION r Laborc k 468. 0( I AT35260 VALVE 1. AIJ40972 KIT 4C1. 6 %IT 4 5 4 AU 1 2404 I< I T 4 B 3A S.ERV I CE ACCESSORIES '171 W77 7 Total Labor: 468.00 SHIP VIA OUOTE/ESTIMATE Awx)pfr PARW- t 19 1-:7-44 All claims must be made within IS daM and a—=--m—pa-n-ie-dBFffii-s-Uiff.-P-er—rnTs-sTon —must be secured before returning goods- 15% re-stocking charge on returns to cover cost m i s c : 49.42 of handling. Claims for damages or shortages must be made within 15 days. Our responsibility ceases upon obtaining receipt from transportation company. TERMS: Due 10th of the month following invoice date. Interest at the rate of 1-1/21/* per month will be charged on past due Invoices, SALES TAX -(CE—ne, PLEASE PAY THIS TOTAL 76 CJ MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: EXTENSION OF SANITARY SEWER TO NEW FIRE STATION DATE: February 10, 1994 BACKGROUND: The initial cost evaluation for the new fire station was completed in 1990. That evaluation was then used as the basis for establishing a budget for the project. That initial budget included an estimate of $4000 as the cost of providing sanitary sewer service to the new facility. That estimate was based on the concept of installing a small "lift station" to pump the facility's sewage through a small force main, across Garnett Road to existing lines. Recently Mr Carr's public works staff has questioned the long term cost effectiveness of the use of a mechanical lift station, as well as the alternative against which the lift station was compared. Evidently the alternative consisted of a gravity flow line that was located in a manner requiring trenching at depths in excess of fifteen feet. The cost of trenching at that depth, considering the rock formations in the path of the trench, presented a very expensive alternative to the lift station and resulted in a decision to utilize a lift station as the method of serving the facility (and developing a budget for the project). Mr Carr and his staff have now developed a third alternative that utilizes a gravity flow design with a route that requires trenching at only three to eight foot depths. Although the proposed new route is two hundred thirty feet longer than the initial gravity flow route, the cost is less than one -half of the deep trench alternate ($16,700 compared to $34,400). It has been further determined that the long term cost of maintaining a lift station is not as cost effective as the gravity flow solution. Based on industry calculations (Smith - Loveless), the ten year cost of installing and maintaining the lift station will exceed the ten year cost of the gravity flow line. When considering the normal "life cycle" of a public facility such as the fire station (40 years minimum), and the life expectancy of a properly constructed sanitary sewer gravity flow line (50 years), and comparing those life cycle costs to the lift station alternative, it is evident that use of a lift station will cost the public more than double the cost of the Public Works Department's proposed solution. Memorandum Extension of Sanitary Sewer ` February 10, 1994 Page 2 • As a result of the analysis by the public works department, an initial routing and design plan has been developed in order to determine the actual cost of the proposed new route. The estimated 1 cost of the alternate solution proposed by the department is $16,700. As stated above, that cost was not provided for in the original budget planning, and funds from the project budget are not available for the expenditure. M FUNDING: There is, however, an alternate funding source available for this project that the staff believes is appropriate and viable. That source is the Ambulance Capital Fund created by Ordinance #369 (June 16, 1987) wherein twenty -five percent (25 %) of all revenues received for the benefit of the ambulance service are to be set aside "solely for the improvement to equipment and facilities of the ambulance service" (Section 12 -233, see attached). It is the staff position that the new station facilities are provided equally for the fire and ambulance service. Therefore, the use of funds from the Ambulance Capital Fund to supplement construction of the facility is a valid and authorized use. The facility will house the entire ambulance operation, including equipment, supplies, personnel and support functions of the service. However, to this point, there have been no contributions to the construction from any source other than the Capital Improvements Fund. A review of the Ambulance Capital Fund indicates that the expenditure of $16,700 would not impact the funding of the established ambulance replacement program or the future funding of a potential third ambulance (in about three years if current levels of activity are sustained). The fund currently has a balance of $65,000 and a projected year end balance of $82,000. There are no encumbrances against the fund, and our next ambulance replacement is not until 1995 -96. By that time the fund balance should be in excess of $140,000 (before replacing ambulance that year - $95,000 after planned replacement). Cost of an ambulance replacement in 95 -96 should not exceed $50,000 (current cost is $40,000 per replacement), leaving a reserve of over $95,000 available should the City desire to purchase a third ambulance at that point. Please note that the fund projections used here do not include any contribution from the recently enacted "third party" billing provisions. The staff does not have adequate history to determine the impact of the third party billing revenue. REOUEST: Based on the evaluation of the alternate solutions for providing sanitary sewer to the fire station and a review of potential funding sources, the staff requests Council approval of a request for the expenditure of $16,700 for the purpose of extending a sanitary sewer gravity flow line to the Memorandum Extension of Sanitary Sewer February 10, 1994 Page 3 fire station, and that the Council authorize that expenditure from the Ambulance Capital Fund by approving an amendment to the Ambulance Capital Fund budget in the amount of $16,700. t RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends Council approval of the expenditure of $16,700 for the purpose requested, and amendment of the Ambulance Capital Fund budget as requested. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Project cost of proposed gravity flow line 2. Memorandum dated February 8, 1994 relating to Ambulance Capital Fund 3. Portion of Ordinance #369 ue ►11 1OV1 TO: Rodney J. Ray City Manager FROM: F. Robert Carr Public Works Director SUBJECT: PROJECT COSTS NEW FIRE STATION SANITARY SEWER DATE: February 10, 1994 BACKGROUND: Sack and Associates, Inc. was contracted to provide design drawings for the collection of wastewater from the new Fire Station. The design drawings have been reviewed and approved by Public Works Department staff. Materials and quantities have been taken from the design drawings and preliminary prices have been obtained from our normal vending sources. Formal sealed bids are being solicited. Bid opening scheduled for February 21, 1994. PROJECT COSTS: Based on the final design drawings, the following costs of construction are expected for the sanitary sewer to serve the Fire Station: Description Quantity Unit Price 8" PVC Pipe 800 LF $ 1.85 /LF 8" DI Pipe 400 LF $ 7.35/LF 8" 90- degree elbow 1 EA $ 14.00 EA Lamphole 1 EA $ 40.00 EA 8" 90- degree MJ tee 1 EA $200.00 EA 18" road bore /casing 60 LF $120.00 /LF Precast manholes Hubs /lathe /laser rental Concrete /rock/asphalt Tap saddles /pipe for service Total Amount $1,456.00 2,940.00 14.00 40.00 200.00 7,200.00 3,200.00 200.00 1,200.00 250.00 TOTAL PROJECT COST $16,700.00 \wp51 \sewer\memo \fire. est -2/ 10/94 MEMORANDUM TO: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER FROM: SHERRY BISHOP FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: AMBULANCE SERVICE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND DATE: February 8, 1994 The Ambulance Service Capital fund receives 25% of all revenue generated by the ambulance service operation, whether for subscriptions or for service billings. Currently, total revenue is approximately $39,000 each year. There is not yet enough history with the third party ambulance billing system to estimate the revenue increase. The fund balance on 1 -31 -94 was $65,662. With normal revenue through the remainder of the fiscal year, fund balance on 6 -30 -94 is expected to be $82,000. BOOKS041 PAGE i8U Section 13 -233 - Establishment of Funds, Utilization of Revenues: There is hereby established, under the provisions of the Municipal Budget Act, 11 O.S. X17 -201 et seq., an enterprise fund, such to be separate and apart from any departmental account within the general fund of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and denoted as the Owasso Ambulance Service Fund. Seventy -five percent (75 %) of all monies received for the benefit of the ambulance service herein created, whether resulting from the increased water rate herein charged, subscription fees, service fees, donations, or grants, shall be placed to the Owasso Ambulance Service Fund to be utilized solely for ambulance service equipment or facility acquisition or improvement, education, public relations, ambulance service personnel salaries, or other special uses related to the ambulance service as recommended by the City Manger and approved by resolution of the City Council. In addition to the foregoing there is hereby created pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Budget Act, 11 O.S. § 17 -201, a capital improvement fund, such to be separate and apart from any other existing capital improvement fund within the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and denoted as the Owasso-Ambulance Service Capital Improvement Fund. Twenty -five percent (25 %) of all monies received for the benefit of the ambulance service herein created, whether resulting from the increased water rate herein charged, subscription fees, service fees, donations, or grants, shall be placed to the Owasso Ambulance Service Capital Improvement Fund to be utilized solely for improvement related to equipment and facilities of the ambulance service; provided, however, if no expenditures are made from said fund within a period of five (5) years from the date of initial deposit therein, then, in such event, no additional accumulation therein shall occur and such percentage amount, subsequently received, shall be placed into the Enterprize Fund, abovecreated, for use for the purposes set forth in said Enterprize Fund. Section 13 -234 - Fee Diminution: All citizens of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, over the age of sixty -five (65) years, or those citizens of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, living below the national poverty level as determined by the United States Government, may, upon proper application therefore, receive a diminution in the rate increase or subscription fee provided for herein in an amount of One Dollar ($1.00) per month per household. The application shall be on forms as provided by the office of the City Manager of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and shall be considered by the City Manager of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, or his designee. In the event a rate diminution is sought and refused by the office of the City Manager of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, the applicant may appeal said decision by filing a written notice of appeal with the Clerk of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, within ten (10) days from the date of denial, whereupon, same shall be considered by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. SECTION 2. ., That the provisions of Section 1 hereof shall remain effective for a period of ten (10) years from the effective date thereof, whereupon, upon the expiration of said time period, unless such provisions are readopted, in whole or in 4 v6C, BY R 2, aASSO, [ON L AS :TION 3ORY )I CAL LSSO, sso, 13, :ion to .ded e as .cy ed ig le it d 1 1 1 1