HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994.09.20_City Council AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: September 20, 1994 TIME: 7:00 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, September 16, 1994. Marcia outwell, City Clerk AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Invocation Pastor Fred Williams Freedom Baptist Church, Owasso 3. Flag Salute 4. Roll Call 5. Request Approval of the Minutes of September 6, 1994 Regular Meeting. Attachment #5 Owasso City Council ' September 20, 1994 Page 2 ' 6. Request Approval of Claims. Attachment #6 ' 7. Report to the City Council Relating to the Allocation of Resources and Maintenance Schedules for Operations of the Municipal Cemetery. Mr Ray Attachment #7 Staff will submit a written report outlining the responsibilities associated with the cemetery operation and the dollar cost resulting from those operations. Additionally, staff will report on maintenance schedules used for cemetery operations. 8. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to OZ- 94 -05, a Request to Rezone an Eight - Acre Tract of Land from AG (Agriculture) to CS (Commercial Shopping Center), Such Property Located Generally on the Southwest Corner of 96th Street North and Garnett Road. Mr Rooney Attachment #8 Staff will recommend Council approval of CS zoning of a five -acre tract, pursuant to a recommendation from the Owasso Planning Commission. LI 1 1� 1 Owasso City Council September 20, 1994 Page 3 9. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to OZ- 94 -06, a Request to Rezone a Twelve - Acre Tract of Land from AG (Agriculture) to RS -2 (Residential Single Family, Medium Density), Such Property Generally Located on the Southwest Corner of 96th Street North and Garnett Road. Mr Rooney Attachment #9 Staff will recommend Council approval of RS -2 zoning of a 15 -acre tract, pursuant to a recommendation from the Owasso Planning Commission. 10. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of a Final Plat for Bailey Ranch Estates, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Located North of 96th Street North and East of Garnett Road, Containing 118 Lots on a 40.62 Acre Area. Mr Rooney Attachment #10 Staff will recommend approval of the Bailey Ranch Estates final plat. 11. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for the Expenditure of Funds for the Purchase of Equipment. Mr Knebel Attachment #11 Staff will recommend Council approval of the expenditure of $1694 to Epson Direct, Torrance, CA for the purchase of an Epson Endeavor VL Computer System, and $2345 to Memory Systems /Connecting Point, Broken Arrow, OK for the purchase of one Epson DFX -8000 High Speed Printer, for City Accounting Functions. Owasso City Council September 20, 1994 Page 4 12. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Council Acceptance of a Settlement of a Workers Compensation Claim Filed Against the City by Darrell Evans. Mr Ray Attachment #12 Staff and the City's workers compensation administrator will recommend Council action to settle a two - year -old workers compensation claim through the payment of a lump sum settlement of $75,000. 13. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request from Darrell Evans, an Employee of the City of Owasso, for Disability Retirement. Mr Ray Attachment #13 Staff will recommend that the City Council, acting in its capacity as the local retirement board under the Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund, determine disability status for Mr Evans, such determination based on Mr Evans' medical condition. 14. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request to Declare Certain Property as Surplus to the Needs of the City and Authorize the Disposal of Such Property. Mr Ray Attachment #14 Staff will request that the Council declare all items listed (see attachment) as surplus and direct that those items be sold at public auction on Saturday, October 1, 1994 Owasso City Council September 20, 1994 Page 5 15. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Acceptance of Improvements to the Water Distribution and Wastewater Collection Systems Constructed by the Developers of the Nottingham Estates Subdivision. Mr Ray Attachment #15 Staff will recommend Council acceptance of the water and wastewater improvements. 16. Report from City Manager 17. Report from City Attorney 18. Reports from City Councilors 19. Unfinished Business Owasso City Council September 20, 1994 Page 6 20. New Business 21. Adjournment 7 rl 1 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, September 6, 1994 The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, September 6, 1994 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, September 2, 1994. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Duke called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. ITEM 2: INVOCATION The invocation was given by Pastor Dale Blackwood of the Owasso First Baptist Church. ITEM 3: FLAG SALUTE The flag salute was led by Mayor Duke. ITEM 4: ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT Jerry Duke, Mayor Joe Ramey, Councilor Charles Burris, Vice Mayor Danny Ewing Councilor Mary Lou Barnhouse, Councilor STAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk A quorum was declared present. ITEM 5: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF AUGUST 2. 1994 REGULAR MEETING AND AUGUST 11, 1994 SPECIAL MEETING. Mr Burris moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to approve the minutes as submitted, by reference made a part hereto. AYE: Burris, Barnhouse, Duke NAY: None Motion carried 3 -0. Owasso City Council September 6, 1994 ITEM 6: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE CLAIMS Mr Burris moved, seconded by Mayor Duke, that the following claims be approved: (1) General Fund $38,627.84 (2) Workers Comp Self- Insurance $2,448.38; (3) Ambulance Service Fund $1,233.59 (4) E -911 $1,740.37 (5) City Garage $3,035.36; (6) Capital Improvements $565.83; (7) Interfund Transfers $28,583.72; (8) General Fund Payroll $90,137.29; (9) City Garage Payroll $0.00. AYE: Burris, Duke, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 3 -0. ITEM 7: SPECIAL PRESENTATION TO REV DALE BLACKWOOD PASTOR OF OWASSO FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, FOR TRANSMITTAL TO OFFICIALS IN THE BOROUGH OF ISLWYN, WALES, UNITED KINGDOM Rev Dale Blackwood, along with some members of his congregation will leave for Wales on September 8 to work with a church in the Borough of Islwyn. Mayor Duke presented Rev Blackwood with a placque from the citizens, mayor, and city council of the City of Owasso, to be presented to officials in the Borough of Islwyn. ITEM 8: REQUEST TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL REGARDING OPERATIONS OF THE MUNICIPAL CEMETERY. Ms Terri Holmes, representing a group of citizens with concerns relating to the operation of Fairview Cemetery, addressed the Council with those concerns. Items discussed included fencing, theft, and frequency of mowing and other maintenance. A follow -up report from staff will be presented at the September 20th Council meeting. ITEM 9: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST TO AUTHORIZE THE STAFF TO SOLICIT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF FENCING AT FAIRVIEW CEMETERY. Staff members have met with the group of citizens referenced in item 8, with one of the issues being the need for new fencing around the cemetery. Funds have been budgeted for the construction of new fencing, and staff requested authorization to solicit bids for phase one of the project, which will consist of an ornamental iron fence and gate along the south side of the cemetery. Mr Burris moved, seconded by Mayor Duke, to approve the bid specifications for installation of 660 feet of ornamental iron fencing and gate along the south side of Fairview Cemetery and authorize the solicitation of bids. 2 0 1 1 I ■ I Owasso City Council AYE: Burris, Duke, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 3 -0. September 6, 1994 ITEM 10: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO RESOLUTION #94 -11, A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE PRICE OF SINGLE BURIAL SPACES, AND ESTABLISHING THE FEES FOR OPENING AND CLOSING OF BURIAL SPACES AND FEES FOR THE OPENING AND CLOSING OF BURIAL SPACES FOR CREMAINS IN FAIRVIEW CEMETERY. Resolution #86 -15, approved in 1986, established the price of single burial spaces and set fees for opening and closing of burial spaces in Fairview Cemetery. Staff has recently reviewed that ordinance and those fees, and it is believed that an amendment needs to be made to the fee schedule for opening and closing of gravesites. The fee for opening graves is higher on Saturday afternoons than it is on Saturday mornings. Staff believes that there should be one fee covering the entire day. Also, resolution #86 -15 did not address the fee for opening and closing a burial space to contain cremains. Resolution #94 -11 covers both the Saturday fee change and a fee for cremains. Mayor Duke moved to approve resolution #94 -11, establishing the above referenced fees. Motion seconded by Ms Barnhouse. AYE: Duke, Barnhouse, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 3 -0. ITEM 11: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE PURCHASE OF ONE COMMERCIAL GRADE MOWING TRACTOR. During the months of July and August, a 72" Gravely mower was tested and evaluated by park maintenance, public works, and building maintenance. The purchase of this equipment will reduce mowing time and avoid the purchase of two other mowers. This mower is on the state bid list and is carried by a local Owasso vendor. Funding for the purchase would be shared by both parks and public works from FY94 -95 budgets. Mayor Duke moved, second by Mr Burris, to authorize the expenditure of $9200 to Bailey Equipment Inc of Owasso for the purchase of one 72" Gravely commercial grade mowing tractor. AYE: Duke, Burris, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 3 -0. 3 Owasso City Council September 6, 1994 ITEM 12: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR THE EXPENDITURE OF $2594 TO PATROL TECHNOLOGY, TULSA, OKLAHOMA, FOR THE PURCHASE OF SEVEN (7) PROTECTIVE VESTS. The FOP contract provides that all officers within the bargaining unit be provided with protective vests. All vests have an expiration date and must be replaced prior to that date. Seven vests will need to be replaced this fiscal year. Quotes were solicited from three vendors, with the lowest quote being received from Patrol Technology of Tulsa. Mr Burris moved to approve the purchase of seven Second Change protective vests and accessories from Patrol Technology for the total cost of $2594. Motion seconded by Ms Barnhouse. AYE: Burris, Barnhouse, Duke NAY: None Motion carried 3 -0. ITEM 13: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS TO THE WATER DISTRIBUTION AND WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEMS CONSTRUCTED BY THE OWASSO PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM AS A PART OF THE LARKIN BAILEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PROJECT. Water and sanitary sewer lines have been constructed to the new Larkin Bailey Elementary School. Staff inspected the construction daily and each line was tested according to current standards. DEQ provided their approval for the project on July 22, 1994. Everything has been completed, tested and approved, and staff recommended acceptance. Mayor Duke moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to approve the water and sewer infrastructure serving the Larkin Bailey Elementary School. AYE: Duke, Barnhouse, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 3 -0. L, Owasso City Council September 6, 1994 ITEM 14: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE ACCEPTANCE OF WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTED BY DEVELOPERS OF THE BRENTWOOD SUBDIVISION. SPECIFICALLY THE ACCEPTANCE OF AN "OFFSITE" WASTEWATER LIFT STATION AND FORCE MAIN. An offsite lift station and force main were required in the development of Brentwood Estates. Work began in February and has now been completed and inspected. Everything meets or exceeds City of Owasso standards. Mr Burris moved to approve and accept the offsite lift station and wastewater force main system serving Brentwood Estates. Motion seconded by Ms Barnhouse. ' AYE: Burris Barnhouse Duke . NAY: None Motion carried 3 -0. ITEM 15: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER No Report ITEM 16: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY rNo Report ' ITEM 17: REPORTS FROM CITY COUNCILORS Mayor Duke remarked about the location of Precision Machine and Manufacturing to Owasso. ' He presented proclamations to Alan Anderson, Frank Enzbrenner, Tom Kimball, and Rodney Ray in recognition of the work that they did to bring this business to Owasso. ITEM 18: None ITEM 19: None UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 5 Owasso City Council ITEM 20: ADJOURNMENT Mr Burris moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse to adjourn. AYE: Burris, Barnhouse, Duke NAY: None Motion carried 3 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m. Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk R Jerry Duke, Mayor September 6, 1994 1 1 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND 9/15/94 16:05:18 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ---- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- MANAGERIAL ------------------------ - - - - -- 950487 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN SUPPLIES 950538 OWASSO AUTOMOTIVE CARE REPAIR 950585 CUSTOMCRAFT PLAQUE 950592 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB /EXPENSES DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___) FINANCE ------------------------ - - - - -- 950487 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN SUPPLIES 950592 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ------------------------ - - - - -- 950022 MCCAW COMMUNICATIONS USAGE 950028 TULSA COUNTY MIS DIAL UP SERVICE DEPARTMENT TOTAL MUNICIPAL COURT ------------------------ - - - - -- 950521 OML DEPARTMENT TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT ------------------------ - - - - -- 950487 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN 950515 INCOG 950534 MIREX CORP 950586 MIREX CORP 950591 TREASURER PETTY CASH 950592- TREASURER PETTY CASH DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___) MAINTENANCE ------------------------ - - - - -- CODE BOOK SUPPLIES 1ST QTR ASSESMENT TONER COPIER MAINT DOC MEALS REIMB PETTY CASH 9.99 23.05 67.60 143.52 244.16 4.73 30.68 35.41 28.90 40.00 68.90 38.00 38.00 120.44 312.00 333.50 118.88 91.71 9.82 986.35 5 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND 9/15/94 16:05 :18 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: 6 PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ---- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- 950022 MCCAW COMMUNICATIONS USAGE 14.45 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___) 14.45 POLICE SERVICES ------------------------ - - - - -- 950176 TUXALL UNIFORM & EOUIP LIGHTBARS 2,163.00 950360 OWASSO AUTO CAR & MAINTE REPAIRS 404.80 950592 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 7.70 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___) 2,575.50 POLICE COMMUNICATIONS ------------------------ - - - - -- 950082 DEPT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OLETS RENT 350.00 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___) 350.00 ANIMAL CONTROL ------------------------ - - - - -- 950147 THREE LAKES VETERINARY SERVICES 185.00 950368 NAPA AUTO PARTS TOOL CHEST 86.47 950498 HOWARD STAMPER INSTALLATION 40.00 950500 HUGHES LUMBER CO SUPPLIES 92.22 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___) 403.69 FIRE SERIVCES ------------------------------ 950035 MCCAW COMMUNICATIONS USAGE 28.90 950309 GLIDDEN PAINT CO SUPPLIES 134.07 950511 HOBBY LOBBY PICTURES /FR,AMING 302.36 950516 A & D SUPPLY SUPPLIES 50.00 950542 WAL -MART SUPPLIES 373.95 950550 WAL -MART SUPPLIES 92.55 950551 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE SUPPLIES 146.83 950552 NAPA AUTO PARTS SUPPLIES 59.30 950555 VOLUNTEER VOLUNTEER RUNS 445.50 950556 SUBURBAN OFFICE SUPPLY SUPPLIES 60.82 950557 CELLULAR ONE -TULSA USAGE ' 32.60 950562 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN SUPPLIES 597.91 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND 9/15/94 16:05:18 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ---- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- 950563 FIRE PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 143.87 950564 J.B. ELECTRICAL SERVICES ELECTRICAL WIRING 705.00 950592 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB /MISC SUPPLIES 29.00 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___] 3,202.66 CIVIL DEFENSE ------------------------ - - - - -- 950444 BARON SERVICES, INC. WEATHER SYSTEM 750.00 950445 BARON SERVICES, INC. WEATHER SYSTEM SVC FEE 350.00 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___] 1,100.00 STREETS ------------------------ - - - - -- 950022 MCCAW COMMUNICATIONS USAGE 14.45 950187 HUGHES LUMBER CO SUPPLIES 219.09 950320 PAUL HER.RON MOWING /EL RIO VISTA 90.00 950485 GRAINGER,W W INC SUPPLIES 246.40 950530 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE SUPPLIES 112.12 950545 OWASSO LUMBER CO SUPPLIES 4.75 950547 ACTION DISCOUNT DRAINAGE SERVICES 50.00 950596 TULSA COUNTY BOCC SUPPLIES 160.30 950627 PSO STREET LIGHTING 2,82.45 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___] 3,739.56 RECREATION CENTER ------------------------ - - - - -- 950487 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN SUPPLIES 14.97 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___] 14.97 SWIMMING POOL ------------------------ - - - - -- 950535 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE SUPPLIES 26.12 950592 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 16.10 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___] 42.22 COMMUNITY CENTER ------------------------ - - - - -- 7 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND 9/15/94 16:05:18 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ---- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- 950487 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN SUPPLIES 950583 KEN'S MAR HARE REPAIR 950592 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH DEPARTMENT TOTAL = = = =) PARK MAINTENANCE ------------------------ - - - - -- 950022 MCCAW COMMUNICATIONS 950199 JAMES L HOBBS 950200 WAYNE CARVER 950202 LARRY TURNER 950455 HEATWAVE SUPPLY 950491 ARCHEM INC 950532 D.P. SUPPLY CO 950533 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE 950592 TREASURER, PETTY CASH 950626 BAILEY EQUIPMENT DEPARTMENT TOTAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ------------------------ - - - - -- USAGE MOWING /ATOP MOWING /86TH ST MOWING /PAYOLA SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES REIMB PETTY CASH GRAVELY MOWER 950528 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP DELIVERY 950592 TREASURER, PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH DEPARTMENT TOTAL = = = =) FUND TOTAL = = = =) 92.04 162.68 5.00 279.72 14.45 80.00 49.00 330.00 49.95 '234.19 170.00 56.47 81.68 8,000.00 9,065.74 26.75 65.99 92.74 22,254.0 A CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND 9/20/94 14:26:38 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: 1 PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ---- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- GENERAL GOVERNMENT ------------------------ - - - - -- 950020 RONALD D CATES DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> POLICE SERVICES ------------------------ - - - - -- 950517 STEPHENS BUILDINGS DEPARTMENT TOTAL =__ FUND TOTAL =___` RETAINER PORTABLE BLDG 1,669.20 1,669.20 2,060.00 2,060.00 3,729.20 CITY OF OWASSO COLLISION SELF - INSURANCE 9/15/94 16:05:18 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ---- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- GENERAL GOVERNMENT ------------------------ - - - - -- 950529 PRUITT AUTO BODY SHOP DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___) FUND TOTAL =___) REPAIR 474.83 474.83 474.83 1 CITY OF OWASSO WORKERS' COMP SELF -INS PLAN 9/15/94 16:05:18 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ---- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- GENERAL GOVERNMENT ------------------------ - - - - -- 950587 BERKLEY RISK MANAGEMENT 9/94 ADMIN FEES 778,33 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___? 778,33 FUND TOTAL 778.33 CITY OF OWASSO AMBULANCE SERVICE FUND 9/15/94 16:05:18 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR, PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ---- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- AMBULANCE ------------------------ - - - - -- 950442 BIO- SAFETY SYSTEMS SUPPLIES 950502 ALLIANCE MEDICAL, INC. SUPPLIES 950543 BLUE RIDGE MEDICAL SUPPLIES 950549 MEDICAL COMPLIANCE SPECIA SUPPLIES 950553 PACE PRODUCTS OF TULSA IN SUPPLIES 950554 DR. AMBROSE SOLANO, M.D. MONTHLY AUDIT 950557 CELLULAR ONE -TULSA USAGE DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___? FUND TOTAL = = = =i 106.01 45.60 453.03 30.00 60.00 250.00 38.10 982.74 982.74 3 CITY OF OWASSO E - 911 9/15/94 16:05:18 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PACE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ---- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- POLICE COMMUNICATIONS ------------------------ - - - - -- 950006 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE. E -911 1,669.61 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___? 1,569.61 FUND TOTAL =___? 1,669.61 4 CITY OF OWASSO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 9/15/94 16 :05:18 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ---- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- * NO DEPARTMENT MASTER FOUND ------------------------ - - - - -- 950451 GRUENWALD CONSTRUCTION SIDEWALK /96TH ST 4,280.00 950460 MID - CONTINENT CONCRETE CO SIDEWALK /96TH ST 3,977.00 95053 OWASSO LUMBER, CO SUPPLIES 258.70 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 8,515.70 FUND TOTAL =___? 8,515.70 GRAND TOTAL =___} 58,830.03 12 CITY OF OWASSO CITY GARAGE 9/15/94 15:05:18 A:P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ---- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- CITY GARAGE ------------------------ - - - - -- 950127 MAXWELL OIL CORP 950518 WELSCO INC 950520 OWASSO TIRE BARN 950524 EXIDE, CORP 950530 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___? FUND TOTAL =__ ANTIFREEZE OXYGEN/ACETYLENE TIRES BATTERIES SUPPLIES 212.70 37.80 30.00 58.80 44.75 394.05 394.05 11 CITY OF OWASSO A/P TRANSFER REPORT VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT TRANSFERS CEMETERY CARE REVENUE TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 790.00 AMBULANCE CAPITAL REVENUE TRANSFER FROM AMBULANCE FU 5,235.95 TRANSFERS TOTAL 6,025.95 CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 09/03/94 DEPARTMENT AMOUNT APPROVED: 09/20/94 Mayor Council Member Council Member CITY GARAGE PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 09/03/94 APPROVED: Mayor Council Member Council Member q M 09/20/94, MEMoxnrmunz TO: 1 RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER FROM: ROBERT CARR, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ' MARCIA BOUTWELL, EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT CRIS KING, ADMINISTRATIVE INTERN 1 1 SUBJECT: MAINTENANCE OF FAIRVIEW CEMETERY DATE: September 12, 1994 BACKGROUND: There has been some concern recently expressed by a group of citizens with interest in the maintenance of Fairview Cemetery, that mowing has not been as frequent as it should be. The mowing and trimming of the cemetery is currently accomplished by one full time public works employee, the "Sexton ". The Sexton also performs the tasks of assisting in the opening and closing of graves, directing people to gravesites, picking up and removing trash, disposing of wilted flowers, weed abatement, and fence repair. He currently spends 40 hours a week on cemetery maintenance. In keeping with the city's philosophy of maintaining maximum cost efficiency, he, like all other employees, also has a second job as a "back -up" truck driver for the Refuse and Recycle divisions of the Public Works Department. It is estimated that this back- up job and other tasks performed for the Public Works Department that are not related to cemetery maintenance, require approximately five percent (5%) of the Sexton's time (average 8 hours per month). Steps have recently been taken to allow the Sexton to spend more time on cemetery maintenance and less time on other tasks within the Public Works Department. Those steps have included training two other employees as "back -up" drivers in the operation of refuse and recycle pick -up. This was done to increase the time available to mow and trim around grave markers in the cemetery and perform other maintenance tasks. At present, it requires three (3) days for one employee to mow and trim the ten -acre cemetery. ' During the months of April through October, mowing and trimming is on a continuous basis, surmising that once the Sexton has finished mowing and trimming the cemetery, the process begins again. From November through March (the dormant season) the tasks are performed on an "as needed" basis, thus allowing the Sexton to accomplish other tasks in the cemetery or for the Public Works Department. 1 CEMETERY MAINTENANCE September 12, 1994 Page 2 At their September 6th meeting, the City Council approved the purchase of a Gravely commercial grade mowing tractor. This mower will be utilized by several divisions of the city, including the cemetery. The use of the Gravely mower will cut down on the time required to mow large open areas of the cemetery, as well as wide areas between established rows of markers. However, a smaller mower and trimmer will still be required to maintain the areas where there are grave markers. The first full mowing of the cemetery (accomplished on Monday, September 12th) clearly demonstrates that the use of the new mower can effectively cut the lawn maintenance time from three days to two days. Currently the anticipated expenditure for cemetery maintenance is $32,583. This figures includes and represents personal services of $26,888, which includes all salaries and benefits of the Sexton, materials and supplies and other services and charges for fiscal year 1994 -95. Conversely, revenues produced by the cemetery amount to only $21,000. Consequently, the city is spending 55% more tax dollars on cemetery operations than is produced by those operations. The 55% additional expenditure is required if we are to properly maintain the cemetery. (It should be noted, the difference between expenditures and revenues will continue to grow as the cemetery revenues decrease and the cemetery reaches maximum capacity. At maximum capacity, the cemetery will no longer produce revenue, but will continue to require maintenance.) There is certainly a need to efficiently maintain Fairview Cemetery in a manner that will promote dignity and preserve this community landmark. However, there must also be a realism that our community is in a rapid and strong growth mode that continually places pressures on the citizens' tax dollar to simply provide emergency /essential services and keep up with the growth. CONCLUSIONS: The staff believes that by providing the Sexton with a greater mowing capacity and considering the previous reduction of "back -up" tasks, he will be in a position to continue to properly maintain the Fairview Cemetery in a manner that meets the expectations of the citizens. It should be noted, however, that it would be unrealistic to believe that the expectations of all cemetery clients can be met. Given the availability of financial resources and the need to improve the delivery of services in other more critical areas of need, it is the staff's conclusion that weekly mowing and trimming is a sufficient and effective lawn maintenance schedule. That schedule, when properly managed and augmented with proper weed control measures, will provide the facility's users with an aesthetically pleasing environment. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Maintenance Schedule 2. Graphs indicating allocation of resources & revenue strategy I CEMETERY MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE 1 1 Mowing Once per week (preferably on Thursday) Trimming Once per week (preferably on Thursday and /or Friday) Mid - March, chemical application for most "broad leaf" weeds Weed Control Mid - April, chemical application for all "narrow leaf" weeds Mid -Fall, chemical application for some "broad leaf" weeds Tree Trimming November 1 st through December 15th Fence Maintenance Monthly inspection and repairs, first week of each month and when specific damage occurs Trash Disposal Once weekly each Tuesday Disposing Flowers As needed subsequent to each grave closing, and seven days after Memorial Day Grave Opening & Closing As required with assistance from Street Dept Dressing Sunken Graves Twice monthly - 1st and 3rd week IBACK -UP JOB REQUIREMENT If more than 8 hours per month, written report Back -Up Refuse Driver explaining circumstances is to be prepared and filed for annual review of resource allocations (budget) Allocation of Financial Resources Cemetery 0.91% ' Fire Services 24.43% Police Services 32.64% ....... .... Flrpinaeri 1.42% ' .. Building MaI aint 0.98% • Economic Dev. 0.89% ..... ....... Municipal Court 1.73% ... Finance 4.94% Street 8.17% • ... .. Managerial 3.28% ' Civil Defense 0.23% Community Dev. 5.75% Gen Gov't E Insurance 5.77% Park 8 Recreation 8.86% ' Revenue Produced Cemetery 0.47% i Permits 6 Li: Service Fe Municipal Court Other O.T, I e 1 6 i 6 77 REQUEST FOR ANION REQUEST FI CITY MANAGER XX COUNCIL FI OPWA FI OEDA FI CIP FI OPGA FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: NAME: Timothy Rooney DEPT: Planning - Community Development TELEPHONE: 272 -2251 SUBJECT: Rezoning Request OZ -94 -05 - AG to CS S/W corner of E.96th St N & Garnett Road DATE: 9 -14 -94 FI BOA F-1 PC F] WATCHDOG FI OTHER NOTE: All City Council Agenda items, including appropriate backup materials, and all items for the City Manager's Report, must be submitted to the office of the City Manager by NOON on WEDNESDAY preceding a Council meeting. The rezoning request was reviewed by the Owasso Planning Commission at their September 14, 1994 meeting. At that meeting, several property owners attended and voiced concerns over the extent of which the commercial zoning would extend to the west if approved as requested by the applicants (Mr. & Mrs. Joe Caudle). Staff recommended to the Planning Commission, however, that the zoning request be downsized, only permitting the easterly 300' of the 572' requested to be zoned commercially. This would maintain a similar zoning pattern already established on the north side of E. 96th Street North. Staff recommended that the remaining 272' be rezoned to RS -2 (Residential Single - Family Medium Density), which would then be tied into the applicants other rezoning case (See OZ- 94 -06). A copy of the staff report presented to the Planning Commission is attached for your information and review. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the rezoning request. .................. ......... BUDGET: No impact noted. FINANCE; DIRECTOR APPROVAL: > N/A REQUEST FOR ACTION: All department items requiring Council:appr oval . must besubmitted through City Manager's office. Staff is recommending partial approval of the rezoning request, rezoning the easterly 300' of the subject property to CS and rezoning the remaining 272' feet to RS -2. DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR APPROVAL: Cop o Mr. Compton DATE: 9 -14 -94 CITY MANAGER APPROVAL: c�_ A -C ATTORNEY APPROVAL: II BOARD /COMMITTEE APPROVAL: Planning Commission 9 -13 -94 OTHER: CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL: FOR CITY MANAGER OFFICE USE. DATE RECEIVED: G�_�et. -9� APPROVED: FIRST AGENDA DATE: c` _ .2U _ 9L}. SECOND AGENDA DATE: HEARING: ` ORDINANCE /RESOLUTION: CITY OF OWASSO Planning Department OZ -94 -05 Staff Report Timothy D. Rooney - City Planner BACKGROUND APPLICANT AND STATUS OF APPLICANT: Dennis Hodo, applicant and agent for Mr. & Mrs. Joe Caudle, owners. REQUESTED ACTION AND PURPOSE: A request for the rezoning of property from AG (Agriculture) to CS (Commercial Shopping Center District) to allow for commercial development. LOCATION AND SIZE: The property is described as the East 572' feet of the North Half of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 19, Township 21 North, Range 14 East and contains 8 acres, more or less. The general location of the property is the southwest corner of E. 96th Street North and Garnett Road. EXISTING LAND USE: The subject property is currently undeveloped. SURROUNDING LAND USE: The subject property is abutted on the north by E. 96th Street North, while further north across the street lies partially developed with a gas station /convenience store zoned CS. The subject property is abutted on the east by Garnett Road, while further east lies undeveloped property zoned AG. The property to the south of the subject property is zoned RMT (Residential Townhouse District) and is not within the city limits of Owasso. The property immediately to the west is property involved in rezoning case OZ- 94 -06, while further west lies undeveloped property zoned AG. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan identifies this area as being appropriate for commercial node type development, but not to the extent of the applicants request. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS: The Zoning Code for the City of Owasso, Chapter 15 "Amendments ", and Chapter 6 "Commercial District Provisions." SITE INFORMATION: No unusual development hardships are noted, other than drainage detention will be monitored closely be engineering staff upon development. You may recall this item was brought to your attention at the annexation hearing for this property. ' LJ� F hi 6 r �II Staff Report OZ -94 -05 Page 2 of 3 ANALYSIS The proposed rezoning, if approved, would create an 8 acre area of commercially zoned property abutting both E. 96th Street North and Garnett Road. Scheduled intersection improvements to this area, increased traffic as a result of the new elementary school and the eventual development of Bailey Ranch Estates and the golf course property, certainly make commercial zoning and development at this intersection an advantageous request. Staffs only concern with this request is the depth of the requested commercial zoning off of Garnett Road. As you can see when the area zoning map is reviewed, commercial zoning to the north does not extend to the west quite as far as what is being requested by the applicant. Staff feels it is very important to remain consistent on both the north and south sides of E. 96th Street North, so that any commercial development would "match up" and not extend any further to the west than the other. For instance, if the applicants request were to be granted by the Planning Commission, several residents of the El Rio Vista Addition would effectively end up with commercial development in their back yard. However, a slight deviation of the rezoning request would ensure that the residents on the north side of E. 96th Street are protected. Staff has received numerous complaints from property owners who's rear yards back up to commercial development in the Three Lakes Addition and would like to avoid that scenario again, if possible. Even though this request would have E. 96th Street North between the residences in El Rio Vista and any commercial development, staff views limiting how far the commercial zoning extends westward off of Garnett as eliminating any possible unwanted conflict by all involved. The applicant should be advised that acceleration /deceleration lanes, as well as sidewalks, will required along E. 96th Street North and Garnett Road during the platting process and /or site plan review process should the Planning Commission and City Council approve this request. RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending partial approval of the rezoning request due to the adjacent zoning pattern and development to the north. Staff recommends approving rezoning of the easterly 300 feet of the North Half of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 19 to CS (Commercial Shopping Center), while the remaining 272 feet be zoned RS -2 (Residential Single Family Medium Density) to be tied into the applicants requested RS -2 zoning in rezoning case OZ -94 -06 Staff Report OZ -94 -05 Page 3 of 3 ATTACHMENTS 1. Location map. 2. Letter sent to surrounding property owners. 207 South Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 City of Owasso NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER OZ -94 -05 (918) 272 -2251 FAX (918) 272 -4999 ' Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the Owasso Planning Commission in the Owasso Community Center, 301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma at 7:00 PM on the 13th day of September, 1994. At that time and place, the Owasso Planning Commission will consider a request from Dennis Hodo, applicant for Mr. & Mrs. Joe Caudle, owners, for a proposed change of the zoning classification from an AG (Agriculture General) District to a CS (Commercial Shopping Center) District, which would allow for the development of Commercial Uses. The subject property is described as follows: The East 572 Feet of the North Half of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 19, Township 21 North, Range 14 East, Tulsa County, Owasso, Oklahoma, said tract containing 8 acres more or less. The general location of the property is the southwest corner of E. 96th Street North and Garnett Road. As an abutting or nearby property owner, you are being notified so that you may be able to express your views or concerns regarding this request. If you are unable to attend this meeting, please forward any comments you may have in writing to the Owasso City Planner, 207 S. Cedar Street. These comments will be presented to the Planning Commission members at the scheduled public hearing by Planning Staff. A map showing the subject area is attached for your review. Additional information regarding this request may be inspected in the office of the City Planner, 207 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma, 74055 or by calling 272 -2251. This is your only personal notification of this request. Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 26th day of August, 1994. Sincerely, o, Timothy D. R o ey City Planner FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: NAME: Timothv Roonev FX—XICOUNCIL DATE: 9 -14 -94 FI OEDA FI BOA F-1 PC FI OPGA F] WATCHDOG FI OTHER DEPT: Planning - Community Development TELEPHONE: 272 -2251 SUBJECT: Rezoning Request OZ -94 -06 - AG to RS -2 West of the S/W corner of E.96th St N & Garnett NOTE: All City Council Agenda items, including appropriate backup materials, and all items for the City Manager's Report, must be submitted to the office of the City Manager by NOON on WEDNESDAY preceding a Council meeting. The applicants, Mr. & Mrs. Joe Caudle, are requesting approval of their request to rezone their 12 acre parcel from AG (Agriculture) to RS -2 (Residential Single Family Medium Density) in order to permit single - family residential development. A copy of the staff report presented to the Planning Commission is attached for your information and review. The Planning Commission reviewed the rezoning request at their September 13, 1994 meeting and unanimously recommended approval of the rezoning request. Approval of this rezoning request, along with only a partial approval of rezoning case OZ- 94 -05, would create a 15 acre area of RS -2 zoning. BUDGET: No impact noted. FINANCE DIRECTOR AFPROVA[ N/A ........._ .................. ._ _ ..... . ...................... .._............. .............. .......... .._ ......................_ ...._.._... .... ............. REQUEST FOR ACTION: All department items requiring Council approval must be submitted through CrtyManager`s office. Staff is recommending approval of the rezoning request, rezoning the subject property from AG to RS -2. DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR APPROVAL: Copy o Mr. Compton DATE: 9 -14 -94 CITY MANAGER APPROVAL: ` ATTORNEY APPROVAL: BOARD /COMMITTEE APPROVAL: Planning Commission 9 -13 -94 ' OTHER: CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL: ' FOR CITY MANAGER OFFICE USE: DATE RECEIVED: /4 - 94 APPROVED: FIRST AGENDA DATE: �- a 0 - �L�- SECOND AGENDA DATE: HEARING: ORDINANCE /RESOLUTION: M Request for Action Form No. 1 - June 1994 CITY OF OWASSO Planning Department OZ -94 -06 Staff Report Timothy D. Rooney - City Planner BACKGROUND APPLICANT AND STATUS OF APPLICANT: Dennis Hodo, applicant and agent for Mr. & Mrs. Joe Caudle, owners. REQUESTED ACTION AND PURPOSE: A request for the rezoning of property from AG (Agriculture) to RS -2 (Residential Single- Family Medium Density District) to allow for residential development. LOCATION AND SIZE: The property is described as all of the North Half of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 19, Township 21 North, Range 14 East, except the East 572 Feet of said North Half and contains 12 acres, more or less. The general location of the property is the southwest corner of E. 96th Street North and Garnett Road. EXISTING LAND USE: The subject property is currently undeveloped. SURROUNDING LAND USE: The subject property is abutted on the north by E. 96th Street North, while further north across the street lies single - family residential development (El Rio Vista Addition) zoned RS -3. The subject property is abutted on the east by the property described in rezoning case OZ -94 -05 (currently zoned AG), while further east lies Garnett Road and undeveloped property zoned AG. The property to the south of the subject property is zoned RMT (Residential Townhouse District) and is not within the city limits of Owasso. The property immediately to the west is undeveloped property also zoned AG. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan identifies this area as being appropriate for residential development. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS: The Zoning Code for the City of Owasso, Chapter 15 "Amendments ", and Chapter 4 "Residential District Provisions." SITE INFORMATION: No unusual development hardships are noted, other than drainage detention will be monitored closely be engineering staff upon development. You may recall this item was brought to your attention at the annexation hearing for this property. r 1 Staff Report OZ -94 -06 ' Page 2 of 2 ANALYSIS The proposed rezoning, if approved, would create a 12 acre area of residentially zoned property abutting E. 96th Street North. Scheduled intersection improvements to this area, ' the new elementary school and the anticipated shift in growth to the north and west of Owasso proper all present themselves as variables in this request. Staff has reviewed this request and feels that any RS -2 development would not be detrimental to surrounding property owners and will only enhance this area of the Owasso community. Again, the applicant is requesting a 12 acre area of RS -2 zoning, which could become an ' approximate 15 -16 acre area if the commercial zoning is trimmed back as staff is recommending (See OZ- 94 -05). ' The applicants should note, however, that acceleration /deceleration lanes as well as sidewalks will be required along E. 96th Street North as a part of any platting process and subdivision ' development. Staff has received no objections to the rezoning request from surrounding property owners. 11.1 RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending approval of the rezoning request from AG (Agriculture) to RS -2 (Residential Single - Family Medium Density) zoning district. ATTACHMENTS 1. Location map. 2. Letter sent to surrounding property owners. 1 207 South Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 City of Owasso NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER OZ -94 -06 (918) 272 -2251 FAX (918) 272 -4999 Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the Owasso Planning Commission in the Owasso Community Center, 301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma at 7:00 PM on the 13th day of September, 1994. At that time and place, the Owasso Planning Commission will consider a request from Dennis Hodo, applicant for Mr. & Mrs. Joe Caudle, owners, for a proposed change of the zoning classification from an AG (Agriculture General) District to RS -2 (Residential Single - Family Medium Density) District, which would allow for the development of Single - Family Dwellings. The subject property is described as follows: All of the North Half of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 19, Township 21 North, Range 14 East, Tulsa County, Owasso, Oklahoma, Except the East 572 Feet of said North Half, said tract containing 12 acres more or less. The general location of the property is the southwest corner of E. 96th Street North and Garnett Road. ' As an abutting or nearby property owner, you are being notified so that you may be able to express your views or concerns regarding this request. If you are unable to attend this meeting, please forward any comments you may have in writing to the Owasso City Planner, ' 207 S. Cedar Street. These comments will be presented to the Planning Commission members at the scheduled public hearing by Planning Staff. A map showing the subject area is attached for your review. Additional information t regarding this request may be inspected in the office of the City Planner, 207 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma, 74055 or by calling 272 -2251. This is your only personal notification of this request. ' Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 26th day of August, 1994. ' Sincerely, Timothy Do Io ney ' City Planner P 1� ................ I .... - . .... .... ..... ....... ........ ............. 11 ... ..... I.- - ... I ...... REQUEST FOR ACTION REQUEST FI CITY MANAGER FI OPWA 71 CIP XX COUNCIL FI OEDA F1 OPGA FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: NAME: Timothy Rooney DEPT: Planning - Community Development TELEPHONE: 272 -2251 SUBJECT: Bailey Ranch Estates Final Plat - 1/4 mile north of the N/E corner of E.96th St N & Garnett Road DATE: 9 -13 -94 FI BOA F-1 PC F1 WATCHDOG FI OTHER NOTE: All City Council Agenda items, including appropriate backup materials, and all items for the City Manager's Report, must be submitted to the office of the City Manager by NOON on WEDNESDAY preceding a Council meeting. The preliminary plat for Bailey Ranch Estates Phase I was approved by the Planning Commission on May 10, 1994. Bailey Ranch Estates (Phase 1) consists of 118 lots on a 40.64 acre area and would contain 2 entrances from Garnett Road, both utilizing acceleration /deceleration lanes. One entrance (E.100th Street North) would be heavily landscaped and carry a boulevard theme throughout the addition. The final plat for Bailey Ranch Estates was reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee and approved by the Planning Commission at their July 12, 1994 meeting. A copy of the Technical Advisory Committee comments is enclosed within the staff report and reflected on the enclosed final plat. A memorandum from Mr. Muhn accepting the construction plans is also included for your information and review. ... .. ...... BUDGET: No impact noted. FINANCE DIRECTOR APPROVAL N/A REQUEST FOR ACTION. All rt depa ment items requiring Council approval must be submitted through City Manager's office. Staff is recommending city council approval of the final plat for Bailey Ranch Estates (Phase 1). DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR APPROVAL: to Mr. Compton DATE: 9 -13 -94 r _ BOARD /COMMITTEE APPROVAL: Plannino Commission OTHER: TAC CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL: FOR CITY MANAGER OFFICE USE: DATE RECEIVE FIRST AGENDA DATE: 11 _ 20 -9th HEARING: Request for Action Form No. 1 - June 1994 7 -12 -94 6 -29 -94 ° 9- 13 -9y APPROVED: SECOND AGENDA DATE: ORDINANCE /RESOLUTION: MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: FINAL PLAT - BAILEY RANCH ESTATES DATE: September 13, 1994 BACKGROUND The City of Owasso has received a request for final plat approval for Bailey Ranch Estates (Phase I). Bailey Ranch Estates is a planned unit development located 1/4 mile north of E. 96th Street North, east of Garnett Road. Phase I of this development reflects that it would consist of 118 lots on 40.64 acres of property. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the preliminary plat at their April 27, 1994 meeting. At that meeting, the applicants were supplied with a list of staff corrections to the plat. In addition to staff comments, the utility companies also had several requests for easements at different locations throughout the plat. The Owasso Planning Commission reviewed the preliminary plat containing the corrections recommended by staff and the Technical Advisory Committee at their May 10, 1994 meeting and unanimously recommended approval. The plat itself reflects two of three entrances we will see off of N. Garnett Road. Each entrance will utilize an acceleration /deceleration lane as recommended within the PUD. Also, the applicant utilizes limits of no access within the subdivision, thus eliminating significant amounts of curb cuts along the major through street (E. 100th Street North). The final plat for Bailey Ranch Estates was reviewed at the June 29, 1994 Technical Advisory Committee meeting. At that meeting, several comments were submitted from both the utility companies and staff. A complete list of these comments are attached for your information and review. The final plat and covenants within your packet include all of the recommended changes. It has been expressed both to and by the Planning Commission, as it should be to the council, that the platting process for the Bailey Ranch Estates development was a smooth one. Numerous meetings were held with staff to establish necessary items to be included on the plat and within the construction plans. The Planning Commission reviewed the final plat for Bailey Ranch Estates at their July 12, 1994 meeting and unanimously recommended approval of the final plat with the condition that the plat not be forwarded to the City Council until a final set of construction plans are accepted by the Public Works Department. A memorandum from Rohn Munn is also attached informing you of the status of these plans and their acceptance from the Public Works Department. RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending City Council approval of the final plat for Bailey Ranch Estates ATTACHMENTS /ENCLOSURES 1. Staff and utility company comments from the TAC meeting on June 29, 1994. 2. Memorandum from Rohn Munn regarding the construction plans. 3. Bailey Ranch Estates final plat and covenants. k l�' 1 TO: OWASSO TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FROM: ROHN MUNN PUBLIC WORKS, ENGINEERING DIVISION TIMOTHY ROONEY CITY PLANNER DAN SALTS OWASSO FIRE DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: COMMENTS FOR JUNE 29, 1994 TAC AGENDA DATE: JUNE 28, 1994 FINAL PLAT - BAILEY RANCH ESTATES 1. Legal description within deed of dedication does not describe the area within Bailey Ranch Estates being plated. 2. Add 25' building lines on the following lots: Lot 27, Block 6 Lots 1 & 2, Block 1 3. Identify the building line on the following lots: Lots 8 & 9, Block 7 Lots 13 & 14, Block 6 4. Should an easement be located along the northern boundary of Lot 1, Block 4? 5. Please label the northern end of N. 114th E. Avenue and the eastern end of E. 99th Street North. 6. Please show the off -site sewer easement on the plat. OLS -94 -02 1. Add a J7.5 perimeter utility easement to both lots. SITE PLAN REVIEW - NATIONAL STEAK AND POULTRY 1. Show a 17.5 foot utility easement around the perimeter (See OLS- 94 -02). RIGHT -OF -WAY CLOSING - CITY OF OWASSO 1. No City problems noted. There are utilities in that right -of -way. MEMORANDUM TO: TIMOTHY ROONEY CITY PLANNER FROM: ROHN MUNN PUBLIC WORKS, ENGINEERING DIVISION SUBJECT: BAILEY RANCH ESTATES DATE: September 13,1994 Presently, the construction of the water and sanitary sewer systems are continuing, and everything seems to be going fine. There are a few revisions that need to be made by the engineer on the storm sewer and paving. However, these revisions are not critical. On a whole, this subdivision looks very good and will probably turn out to be the best construction project in Owasso. The final section of the construction plans has been submitted and looks very good. It is not anticipated that the few revisions mentioned above will impact the platting process, therefore the final plat procedures should continue for the above mentioned project. 1 � NOTE 1 1 This item contains two memorandums from Mr Knebel - one for replacement of a terminal which sustained lighting damage and the other for the purchase of a printer, replacing one that is worn out. 1 1 1 TO: RODNEY J RAY OWASSO CITY MANAGER FROM: MICHAEL J. KNEBEL COMPUTER SPECIALIST SUBJECT: MICROCOMPUTER PURCHASE REQUEST DATE: September 13, 1994 BACKGROUND In 1984, the City purchased a Texas Instruments computer system and municipal accounting programs through CPS Business Systems. The system currently includes a central processor (upgraded in 1990), a system terminal, five data terminals, two high speed printers, a modem, and three IBM compatible microcomputers acting as accounting data terminals on an as needed basis. As outlined in the attached memorandum dated April 16, 1992, the City reduced the scope of the accounting system hardware maintenance contract in late 1988. This change decreased the annual maintenance agreement cost buy $2,911 (in 1988 dollars). Since that time, the City has purchased repair services for the terminals and printers on a "per incident basis" at a total cost of less than $2,000. Additionally, one system terminal was totally replaced with an IBM compatible microcomputer in 1992. Through the minor contract modification, the functional cost of the City's computerized accounting system for a six year period has been reduced by well over $14,000. Also discussed in the attached memo is the finance department's budgeting for one microcomputer each year to cover the possibility of a data terminal failure. The budgeted funds should not be expended if (1) the particular terminal could be repaired with "in house" spare parts or (2) the need for another microcomputer is not clearly defined. DATA TERMINAL DAMAGED BY LIGHTNING On July 14 of this year, several pieces of electronic equipment at City Hall incurred severe lightning damage. All of the non - critical electronic devices had been "powered down" prior to the intense local lightning. Because that precautionary measure was taken, the only component damage that occurred originated through the system's communication wiring and intersystem connections. Please note that this type of damage is very unusual and is not readily avoidable, therefore the City's insurance will cover repair costs beyond the deductible amount. 1 1 e r f, r One of the five data terminals connected to the accounting system sustained significant damage. The service technician from CPS Business Systems is of the opinion that it would cost more to repair the damaged Texas Instruments 931 terminal than to replace it. Replacement cost is $790. OFFICE COMPUTER USAGE Currently, the microcomputer system in the accounting and personnel office is shared by three users. Two of the staff members in this office also utilize accounting data terminals on their desks for access to most of the accounting data and functions. The "PC" is used as a payroll and accounting data terminal, word processor, data analysis system, post - processor for payroll warrant lists, and pre /post - processor for several other miscellaneous receivables, payables, and personnel functions. It is apparent from observation and office output that another microcomputer in this office would certainly alleviate work scheduling difficulties and therefore increase efficiency. MICROCOMPUTER AND VENDOR As you are well aware, prices of computer components are still falling rapidly. Vendors do not necessarily enjoy this trend because of the low margins that currently exist for computer equipment. It has been my observation that when a system price is reduced to somewhere near the $1,200 range, that model is discontinued and a more capable new model is introduced at the top end of the price spectrum. This trend effects the City departments both positively and negatively. On the positive side, with each new computer system purchase, the City is acquiring hardware with many more capabilities for the same investment made on the older and less powerful systems. The negative side effect of this is that the older systems (and the programs that run on them) are no longer produced and /or supported by the vendors. This is not a major problem until other new auxiliary equipment such as modems, fax capabilities, printers, etc. are added and the devices are not supported by the older computer programs. With this in mind, it is in the City's best interest to purchase reasonably priced "up to date" equipment from a manufacturer with a responsible attitude toward future service. Several vendors have been contacted for a quote on the following system (the quotations include delivery costs): Epson 486DX/33 desktop computer 8 Megabytes RAM 240 Megabyte fixed disk Dual floppy disk drives Parallel, serial, mouse ports MSDOS 6.2 and Windows 3.1 14" super VGA monitor VESA local bus graphics One year on -site parts and labor warranty Memory Systems /Connecting Point .. ............................... $1,850 Broken Arrow, OK Epson Direct ...................... .........................$1,694 Torrance, CA MicroAge Computer Center ....... ............................... $1,899 Tulsa, OK Please note that the current Finance Department budget contains the previously discussed $2,000 contingency for the purchase of a microcomputer and the City's insurance carrier will reimburse $790 of the system cost (replacement cost of a TI 931 data terminal) as part of the claim settlement. RECOMMENDATION I recommend the expenditure of $1,694 to Epson Direct, Torrance, California, for the purchase of an Epson Endeavor VL system configured as previously described. ATTACHMENT 1. Memorandum dated April 16, 1992 MEMORANDUM 1b ITO: Rodney J Ray IFROM: Michael J. Knebel ' SUBJECT: Microcomputer Purchase Request For Owasso Finance Department ' DATE: April 16 1992 ' BACKGROUND A plan was devised and implemented in late 1988 to narrow the scope of the computer W hardware maintenance agreement for the finance department's accounting system. This process lowered the City's annual hardware maintenance agreement costs by $2911. The cost savings was realized by canceling the portion of the service contract for the "Texas F Instruments" printers and terminals (data displays with keyboards). The feasibility of this 41 plan was (and is still) supported by the following facts. r I 1. The City owns six of the data terminals and two "Texas Instruments" printers. The data terminals are now eight years old and could be replaced with new models with very low incidence of repairs for approximately $850 each. 2. The Finance Department generally experiences no more than two data terminal failures a year at an average cost of $250 per repair. 3. Each of the printers could be replaced for approximately $1500. 4. Neither of the two printers has ever failed to function. Note: There have been a few "tractor" paper feeds that were damaged through normal use. These are easily replaced at an average cost of $35. If all of the previously described equipment failed simultaneously, the City could replace everything for approximately $8100. Although this scenario is not practical, it reveals that a total replacement cost is still less than the cost of a maintenance contract over a three year period. Please note that the service agreement for the primary system and its associated hardware (the data storage system and actual processing unit or "brain ") is still maintained. Over the last two and one half years, data terminal failures have cost the City approximately $750 for repairs as needed. Even though this amount is far less than the cost of a maintenance contract, there are still other beneficial and economical options. Ms. Bishop and I have previously discussed the merits of one particularly attractive alternative. We detailed a proposed plan to replace the next "failed" data terminal with an "IBM PC" compatible microcomputer. Under this plan, (1) a computer program that makes the microcomputer function as a "Texas Instruments 931" data terminal would be run to access the accounting system and (2) the City's standard "Personal Computer" word processing, spreadsheet, and database programs would be run for other functions. The non - functional data terminal would then be salvaged for its "good" parts to be used for future repairs of terminals that failed for other reasons. Under this proposed plan, there is no exacting schedule for the purchase of "PC's" to replace failed data terminals. Each future incidence of a data terminal failure that is not repairable (through the use of previously salvaged parts) would be carefully considered for replacement with an "IBM PC" compatible microcomputer. Considerations at such a time should include (1) the current cost of a microcomputer, (2) the actual benefits and usefulness of replacement with a microcomputer, (3) the estimated cost of repair to the "failed" data terminal, and (4) the useful lifespan of a ' repaired terminal. The plan would allow for maximum utilization of computer equipment in the finance department for standard municipal financial functions, special studies, analysis of rate structures, trend projections, and future connections to other departments via the planned microcomputer network system. ' Ms. Bishop and I recently discussed the possibility of budgeting for one microcomputer each year in the finance department just in case the circumstances of a data terminal failure warranted the purchase of a replacement. In our plan, these budgeted funds would not be spent if (1) the particular terminal could be repaired with "in house" parts or (2) the need for another microcomputer was not clearly defined. RECENT DATA TERMINAL FAILURE On the morning of April 16'h one of the data terminal's "died" during a standard accounting data backup procedure. (Note that the data backup process was simply restarted from another terminal and the malfunction caused no major problem). It appears that the high voltage power supply board that feeds the display tube malfunctioned. An outside service call to repair the unit would cost approximately $250. This particular terminal has had similar trouble in the past and I believe that the root of the problem lies within the display tube (screen). If that is truly the case, the best long term option is for the City to replace the entire unit. BUDGETED MICROCOMPUTER SYSTEM The current Finance Department budget contains $2000 for the purchase of a microcomputer for the office of the City Treasurer. This budget line item was included to acquire an "IBM - MAT" compatible computer system to be used for several office functions. These 1 ' functions include but are not limited to (1) general word processing for memos, special studies and associated reports, (2) analysis of rate structures, (3) trend projections, and (4) future connections to other departments via the planned microcomputer network system for electronic mail and data sharing. I would also like to add that the past maintenance records of the microcomputers currently owned by the City indicate a very low component failure rate. With all of the microcomputer systems currently in use, the City has spent approximately $350 over the past four years for repairs. RECOMMENDATION rThe $850 replacement unit mentioned on the first page is the cost of a new data terminal with capabilities limited to accessing and manipulating data residing on the accounting tsystem. With the purchase of a "PC ", this limitation does not exist. After careful analysis of the work load, data storage space requirements (present and future), new generation program requirements, and future networking capabilities, it is apparent that an "IBM PC/AT" compatible system with an 80386 SX central processor would be the best choice. The city currently owns many Epson brand computers and has had no failures or malfunctions with any of these units. This company has long been known for their quality lb equipment and long term commitment to service after the sale. Therefore, it is recommend- ed the city purchase the following system if the request is approved. Note that this system is ' identical to the system recently purchased for the Court Clerk's office. r Epson 386/SX Computer System with 80386 S X Microprocessor 2 Megabytes of Main Memory ' 5.25" 1.2 Megabyte Floppy Diskette Drive 3.5 " 1.4 Megabyte Floppy Diskette Drive 100 Megabyte Internal Fixed Disk Monochrome VGA Monitor Microsoft DOS 5.0 Operating System Software 61 Several reputable computer vendors in the area were contacted previously for quotes on the recommended system. The vendors and pricing are listed below. Memory Systems - L Connecting Point in Broken Arrow had the best price at $1,636. Memory Systems /Connecting Point Computer Centers $1,636.00 MicroAge Computer Centers 11695.95 Today's Computer Business Center 1,706.00 There is currently $2,000 budgeted for this purchase as line item 5441 in the Finance Department budget on page 23. �1- I r] 1 MEMORANDUM TO: RODNEY J RAY OWASSO CITY MANAGER FROM: MICHAEL J. KNEBEL COMPUTER SPECIALIST SUBJECT: HIGH SPEED PRINTER PURCHASE DATE: September 13, 1994 BACKGROUND As stated in the memo requesting the purchase of a microcomputer for the City's finance department, many components of the accounting computer system are now ten years old. The two Texas Instruments model 880 line printers have had fewer incidents of repair than any other piece of associated equipment. Recently, one of the printers has developed two known reliability problems. Although the component to repair one of the obvious problems is readily available, there are many other worn parts from ten years of daily usage. As with any mechanical device, there comes a time when the continuing repair costs, along with continued daily usage, are no longer economically feasible and replacement is advisable. The printer is currently at that point. PRINTER REPLACEMENT CHOICES Today's high speed dot matrix printers have a number of feature enhancements including (1) better paper handling, (2) greater speed, (3) even better reliability, and (4) higher quality output. There are many printers on the market that are capable of handling the City's current accounting work load, but there are only a few that the CPS Business System's accounting programs are proven to communicate with. Considering the printer models CPS does recommend, this is not a problematic issue. Their recommendation is an Epson model DFX 8000. Alternate models include a smaller Epson unit and several lower speed Texas Instruments models. The recommendation for the DFX 8000 is based on current workloads and estimates of future growth (the specified printer should be capable of handling the bulk of all utility bill printing and the City's accounts payable printing needs for a minimum of seven years). If a lesser model is chosen, the City will be addressing the issue of purchasing another high speed printer in a shorter period of time. All of the City's twelve various other models of Epson printers have been relatively maintenance free and when service is necessary, there are several local authorized service vendors from which to choose. The Texas Instruments models are serviced only by CPS Business Systems. Several vendors were contacted for a bid on: I One Epson DFX 8000 Maximum print speed of 1066 characters per second (cps) ' Normal print speed of 800 cps Standard parallel & serial ports Handle six copies including original Mean time between failures of 6,000 hrs. (on time) One year manufacturer's warranty Memory Systems /Connecting Point .. ............................... $2,345 Broken Arrow, OK Epson Direct ...................... .........................$2,374 Torrance, CA MicroAge Computer Center ....... ............................... $2,349 Tulsa, OK CPS Business Systems ................ .........................$3,600 Wichita Falls, TX (includes setup) Please note that the bid from CPS includes a hardware and software setup charge. I have been in contact with their head office and was able to persuade them to allow the City to use an alternate vendor for purchase. If the proposed printer purchase takes place, CPS has agreed to complete the installation and make the necessary programming changes for a $500 flat fee. FUNDING There are sufficient funds available for the purchase of this item in the finance department budget. If the proposed carry -over request from that department is approved at a future City Council meeting, the line item utilized for this item would be replenished. I10 a Iu I ►I 1 AQRIf30 I recommend the expenditure of $2,345 to Memory Systems /Connecting Point, Broken Arrow, for the purchase of an Epson DFX -8000 printer configured as previously described. 1 1 1 1 e IN MEMORANDUM TO: RODNEY J. RAY CITY MANAGER FROM: REGENA ROGERS WORKERS' COMPENSATION COORDINATOR SUBJECT: DARRELL A. EVANS WORKERS' COMPENSATION SETTLEMENT DATE: SEPTEMBER 13, 1994 BACKGROUND: Mr. Evans, (employed by the City of Owasso since June 3, 1985) while working in his capacity as Street Supervisor for the City, injured his shoulder picking up a wheel and axle that had broken off a tractor on May 16, 1992, and returned to work with a "light duty" classification on 6/1/92. While mowing at the Recreation Center on July 13, 1992, Mr. Evans was hit with a sickle mower which apparently came unlocked, striking him across his neck, knocking him to the ground. He was immediately transported by ambulance to St. Francis Hospital. This accident was witnessed by other City employees. There is ample proof he was injured both times while in our employ and ample proof he did receive permanent injuries as a result of those accidents. He subsequently has had two surgeries on his neck and numerous therapy treatments, medical treatments and physician appointments for his neck and shoulder injuries. Our medical experts have given him a rating of 17 % disability for his shoulder injury and 64.8 % to the total body for his neck/spinal cord injuries. Mr. Evans has been on temporary total disability (TTD) since his last injury and due to that status, the City of Owasso has continued to pay employee benefits for Mr. Evans and he has continued to accrue leave hours as well. During this time, (7/13/92 to 9/1/94) the City has paid TTD of $36,349.76 and $44,688.20 in medical expenses. Should the Council choose not to approve a settlement package with Mr. Evans, our option would be to try this case before the Workers' Compensation Court. Our legal counsel, (Mr. Steven Bunting of Best, Sharp, Holden, Sheridan, Best & Sullivan) our third party administrator, (Miss Vickie Fisher of Berkley Risk Management) and I feel that based on the medical disability Mr. Evans has received while in our employ and the credibility of Mr. Evans as a claimant before the Court, it would not be in the best interest of the City to try this case. However, if that option were selected those responsible would defend the City's interest to the best of our ability. It is the staff position, however, that we most likely would not receive a favorable judgement from the Workers Compensation Court. Mr. Evans and his attorneys would, no doubt, ask for a Permanent Total Disability rating. Based on the prognosis of both his physician and our medical experts, he very likely would receive this rating. At that point, the City would be faced with the exposure to provide both medical expenses and income for the remainder of Mr. Evans life. Mr. Evans is now 62 years old. Assuming he would live to age 82, the disability income he would be entitled to would require an expenditure of $255,840. Additionally, based on the 3 years of medical expense history we have with Mr. Evans, the medical expenses and rehabilitation services could conceivably amount to an additional $215,000 during that same 20 year span. If Mr. Evans were to live more than 20 years the expenditures would be in excess of $470,000. These estimates, of course, do not include any inflationary factors. As you can see, the possibility for total risk exposure to the City could conceivably exceed $500,000. Mr. Evans also injured and received a disability rating of 24% to his right leg in 1986 from the Workers Compensation Court for injuries to his right leg. With the rating for his leg, and the ratings on his shoulder and neck, Mr. Evans is eligible to apply to the Workers Compensation Special Indemnity Fund and receive a settlement from them as well as the proposed settlement from the City of Owasso. By combining the settlement from the City, the probable settlement from the State Special Indemnity Fund, and the Disability Pension from the City, Mr. Evans and his attorneys will have maximized the benefits available and, at the same provided a less expensive option to the City. On September 2, 1994, I advised you of the possibility that Mr. Evans might be close to accepting a lump -sum settlement for his injuries received while working for the City of Owasso. We now have his affirmative response to that lump -sum settlement offer. This one -time compensation settlement would not require any future medical expenses or disability income payments to Mr. Evans. The offer as accepted by Mr. Evans and his attorneys, would require the City to immediately make payments of $75,000.00 and fees and taxes of $4,312.50 as detailed below. This matter, pending Council approval, is set to appear before the Workers' Compensation Court as an Order Approving Joint Petition on September 23, 1994. (See Attachment 1 and 2) The settlement for Mr. Evans would require the following disbursements from the City of Owasso: 1. $50.00 check payable to the Workers' Compensation Court Purpose: Court Costs L 2. $14,550.00 check payable to: Darrell Arlen Evans and his attorneys; Mallie Norton and ' Catherine Gatchell Rasmussen, Court # 94- 17138K, 5/16/92 Shoulder Injury Purpose: 16.2% Permanent Partial Disability to the body ' $15,000.00 less $450.00 claimant share of Special Indemnity Fund Tax 3. $450.00 check payable to: Special Indemnity Fund Tax I Purpose: tax calculated at 3% of $15,000.00 claim DARRELL EVANS WORKERS' COMPENSATION SETTLEMENT PAGE THREE 4. $300.00 check payable to: Own Risk Workers' Compensation Administration Fund Purpose: contribution calculated at 2% of $15,000.00 claim 5. $112.50 check payable to: Special Occupational Health and Safety Fund Tax ' Purpose: tax calculated at 3/4 of 1% of $15,000.00 award 6. $58,200.00 check payable to: Darrell Arlen Evans and his attorneys; Mallie Norton and Catherine Gatchell Rasmussen, Court # 93- 20187A, 7/13/92 Neck Injury Purpose: 64.8% Permanent Partial Disability to the body $60,000.00 less $1,200.00 claimant share of Special Indemnity Fund Tax 7. $1,800.00 check payable to: Special Indemnity Fund Tax Purpose: tax calculated at 3% of $60,000.00 claim 8. $1,200.00 check payable to: Own Risk Workers Compensation Administration Fund Purpose: contribution calculated at 2% of $60,000.00 claim ' 9. $450.00 check payable to: Special Occupational Health and Safety Fund Tax PY P Y Purpose: tax calculated at 3/4 of 1 % of $60,000.00 award ' 10. $2,250.00 check a able to: Special Indemnity Fund Tax PY P Y Purpose: taxes withheld from Darrell Arlen Evans settlement of $15,000.00 and $60,000.00 ' respectively Total of checks to be issued: $ 79.362.50 Cumulative Breakdown as follows: Taxes, fees $ 4,312.50 Court Costs $ 50.00 Settlement $ 75,000.00 ' Further, as a part of the compensation settlement package, it is requested that Mr. Evans be allowed to retire with disability status (giving him the same monthly retirement amount as if he ' were retiring at age 65) retroactive to September 1, 1994. (See Attachment 3) The monthly disability retirement amount quoted by the Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund for Mr. Evans is $379.76 monthly. Please note the Certification of Pension furnished by OMRF does allow retroactive status to 9 -1 -94. Mr. Evans, as a retiree from the City of Owasso, would also be eligible to keep the ' health /dental /vision insurance as long as he pays the premiums for himself and for his spouse if he wishes her coverage continued. Those monthly premium costs currently are: DARRELL EVANS WORKERS' COMPENSATION SETTLEMENT PAGE FOUR Coverage For Mr. Evans and his spouse: $256.94 for Medical Insurance $ 41.74 for Dental Insurance $ 14.34 for Vision Insurance Coverage for Mr. Evans: $158.14 for Medical Insurance $ 14.10 for Dental Insurance $ 6.54 for Vision Insurance FUNDING: The staff anticipated a settlement of this nature and included funds for such in the 1994 -95 Budget (see page 110 of the Budget). Additional funding for the disability retirement request is from the OMRF Retirement Fund. RECOMMENDATION: It is the staff recommendation, based on the facts presented above, recommendations of Mr. Bunting and Ms. Fisher that Council approve a settlement package for Mr. Evans as outlined: 1. Lump -sum settlement of $75,000 for the neck and shoulder injuries he received while in the employ of the City, and payment of $4,362.50 in various fees and taxes to the State of Oklahoma for settlement purposes. 2. Be granted "Disability" rating for his retirement from OMRF. 3. Mr. Evans receive all benefits as provided to any other retiree of the City of Owasso, specifically, access to insurance coverage as long as the retiree pays the premium. ATTACHMENT: Attached is documentation of the process involved in reaching this settlement with Mr. Evans I and his attorneys. If you require additional information, please let me know. r I t 1 1 bBERKLEY RISK MANAGEMENT October 7, 1993 Regena Parsons City of Owasso P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 RE: Claimant: Darrell Evans Insured: City of Owasso D /A: 07/13/92 Dear Ms. Parsons: As we discussed, we have received a final narrative report from the claimant's treating physician, Dr. Anthony Billings. He has, on one hand, given the claimant a 56 percent permanent partial disability to the body as a whole for his injuries and resulting surgeries. Also, he goes on to say he has suffered a severe injury to the spinal cord secondary to working for the City of Owasso, which prevents him from returning to his former occupation. It was his recommendation that Mr. Evans be considered permanently and totally disabled from returning to his previous job. For me, the next step is to send Mr. Evans to another neurosurgeon for a second opinion. I would also recommend retraining or offering to have him evaluated for transferrable skills to see if he is retrainable in any other area, not necessarily with the City of Owasso, but to see if he is retrainable to return to any type of work. As soon as we have more information, we will notify you accordingly. Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Vickie Fisher Adjuster VF \sh t 1 9810 E. 42nd Street • Suite 209 • Tulsa, Oklahoma 74146 -3600 • (918) 663 -7182 • FAX (918) 663 -1462 ANTHONY C. BILLINGS, M.D. F.A.C.S.- DAVID A. FELL, M.D., F.A.C.S.` FINAL DIAGNOSIS: Olurological (?furgerg, CJnc. 6767 SOUTH YALE SUITE A TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74136 -3303 918 -492 -7587 FAX: 918- 492 -4033 FINAL NARRATIVE REPORT SEPTEMBER 27, 1993 1) CERVICAL MYELJPATHY. 2) CERVICAL SPONDYLOSIS MULTIPLE LEVELS C3 -4, C4 -5, C5 -6, C6 -7. 3) CERVICAL RADICULOPATHY C5 LEFT. 4) SEGMEWAL INSTABILITY L3 -4, C4 -5. 5) BRACHIAL PLEXUS STRETCH INJURY. BENJAMIN G. BENNER, M.D.` KARL N. DETWILER, M.D. 1) Cervical laminectomy with neural arch resection C3 through C7 for decompression of spinal cord five segments. 2) Cervical foraminotomy C4 -5 left. 3) Anterior cervical diskectomy. PHYSICAL IMPAIRMENT RATING BASED ON AMA GUIDELINES: Spinal cord compression the nervous system page 99, the patient can rise to a standing position and can walk, but has difficulty with elevation, grade, steps and distances .......... 10% Can use the involved extremity for self -care, grasping and holding but has difficulty with digital dexterity ...................9% Herniated nucleus pulposa C4 -5 surgically treated ..................10% Ankylosis any four cervical vertebra ... ............................15% Brachial plexus stretch injury, loss of function due to sensory deficit, pain and discomfort ... ............................12% TOTAL PHYSICAL IMPAIRMENT ................... ............................56% Mr. Evans has suffered a severe injury to the spinal cord secondary to his injury while working for the City of Owasso. This has resulted in residual pain and discomfort which prevents him from returning to his former occupation. It is my recommendation that Mr. Evans be considered PERMANENTLY TOTALLY DISABLED from returning to his previous job with the City of Owasso. I declare under penalty of perjury that I have examined this report and all statements contained herein and to the best of my knowledge and belief, they are true, correct and complete. ACB :nd ANTHONY C BILLI , M.D. ' 'DIPLOMATES AMERICAN BOARD OF NEUROLOGICAL SURGERY I 1 F1 I� n 1 1 FRANK S. LETCHER, M.D., F.A.C.S. Diplomate, American Board of Neurological Surgery October 20, 1993 Ms. iclde usher Berkley Risk Management 9810 E. 42nd St., Suite 209 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74146 -3600 RE: Darrell Arlen Evans Sr. 1145 S. UTICA, SUITE 903 TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74104 -4044 OFFICE (918) 5843461 Dear Ms. Fisher: I examined in my office today at your request, Darrell Evans, a sixty -one year old, right - handed male street department foreman for the City of Owasso who states that he was injured in an on-the-job accident on 7 -13 -92 when a bar fell on the top of his head. This rendered him unable to move for about ten minutes. He was eventually evaluated for this problem by Dr. Billings. Previous history indicated that the patient had had an operation by Dr. Coates at C5 -6 and C6 -7 with anterior discectomy and fusion in 1987. Following his injury in July of 1992, he had a myelogram on September 2nd, 1992 which I have reviewed and which shows a central defect at C4 -5. The patient underwent an operation on 9 -3 -92 by Dr. Billings, consisting of a cervical laminectomy C3 -C7 with a foraminotomy on the left at C4 -5. The patient — nrlercx.`nt an Ni T Sean in T1Prom}ivr pf 1 QQ) �1+ NVny+tY a �rery laraP herniation Cen&ally at C4 -5 and eventually on 4 -16 -93 the patient had an operation by Dr. Billings consisting of an anterior discectomy and fusion at C4 -5. The patient most recently was evaluated by Dr. Billings on September 27th at which time Dr. Billings felt the patient was permanently disabled with a fifty -six percent total physical impairment. The patient at this time complains of extreme soreness and pain in the center of the upper part of his spine as well as the left upper arm and shoulder. He cannot be up very long until his head starts to tilt forward and he has to sit almost all the time with his upper back braced in a chair. He is allergic to Cyclobenzaprine. He is taking one Lanoxin a day. In addition to the above mentioned three spinal procedures on his neck, he had a herniorrhaphy in 1984 and an appendectomy in 1947. He had an injury to his right leg in a tractor accident many years ago Evans, Darrell A. October 20, 1993 Page Two an had an injury to his left arm and shoulder roughly 'a month before his injury in 1992. He has a cardiac arrhythmia and does not smoke. On physical examination, the patient at this time is an alert male who holds his head stiffly and who has restricted range of motion of his neck of about fifty percent in all directions. He has normal strength but walks with a slightly spastic gait. He has hyperreflexia in the triceps and knee jerks and 2+ reflexes in the biceps and brachioradialis bilaterally. He has no detectable sensory loss. There is no focal :rotor -weakness. I agree with Dr. Billings' assessment of the patient's physical condition as set forth in his letter of September 27th, 1993, consisting of the fact that the patient is permanently totally disabled from returning to his previous job with the City of Owasso. I do not feel that he, at this point in his life, could reasonably be retrained for any other job. Many thanks for asking me to see him. Sincerely yours, Frank S. Letcher, M.D. FSL:tt I declare under penalty of perjury that I have examined this report and notice, and all statements contained herein, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, they are true, correct and complete. bBERKLEY RISK MANAGEMENT 1 ' October 29, 1993 ' Ms. Regena Parsons City of Owasso P.O. Box 180 ' Owasso, OK 74055 RE: Claimant: Darrell Evans, Sr. Insured: City of Owasso D /A: 07/13/92 R Dear Ms. Parsons: We enclose Dr. Letcher's report indicating that he agrees with Dr. Billings that the claimant will never be able to return to his job at the City of Owasso, and that he could not be reasonably retrained for any other job. It is our understanding that the claimant is going back to Dr. Coates for an injury he sustained approximately a month before the bar fell on top of his head. Please let me know how that goes, or forward any information that you have. We thank you for your assistance and look forward to hearing from you. II II 1 9810 E. 42nd Street • Suite 209 • Tulsa, Oklahoma 74146 -3600 • (918) 663 -7182 • FAX (918) 663 -1462 Sincerely, � VI-X W — ' Vickie Fisher Adjuster VF \sh 1 II II 1 9810 E. 42nd Street • Suite 209 • Tulsa, Oklahoma 74146 -3600 • (918) 663 -7182 • FAX (918) 663 -1462 BERKLEY RISK MANAGEMENT ' November 3, 1993 , Dear Ms. Parsons: As you will recall, after the discussion with your city manager you decided that the best law firm to handle this case would be the Best, Sharp law firm. We have turned this over to Mr. Steve Bunting of said firm. We have asked Mr. Bunting to file an Entry of Appearance on behalf of the City of Owasso and keep us advised. It is our understanding that Mr. Evans is still treating for some other problems. We do have reports from two competent doctors indicating Mr. Evans will never work again. We have indicated to Mr. Bunting that it might be possible to settle this claim on a Joint Petition, as opposed to paying him weekly benefits for the rest of his life. We will advise you as soon as we have more information. Sincerely, Vickie Fisher Adjuster VF \sh 9810 E. 42nd Street • Suite 209 • Tulsa, Oklahoma 74146 -3600 • (918) 663 -7182 • FAX (918) 663 -1462 ' Ms. Regena Parsons City of Owasso P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 , RE: Claimant: Darrell Evans Insured: City of Owasso ' D /A: 07/13/92 Dear Ms. Parsons: As you will recall, after the discussion with your city manager you decided that the best law firm to handle this case would be the Best, Sharp law firm. We have turned this over to Mr. Steve Bunting of said firm. We have asked Mr. Bunting to file an Entry of Appearance on behalf of the City of Owasso and keep us advised. It is our understanding that Mr. Evans is still treating for some other problems. We do have reports from two competent doctors indicating Mr. Evans will never work again. We have indicated to Mr. Bunting that it might be possible to settle this claim on a Joint Petition, as opposed to paying him weekly benefits for the rest of his life. We will advise you as soon as we have more information. Sincerely, Vickie Fisher Adjuster VF \sh 9810 E. 42nd Street • Suite 209 • Tulsa, Oklahoma 74146 -3600 • (918) 663 -7182 • FAX (918) 663 -1462 Central States Orthopa:dic and Sports Medicine Center %tITE 1200 KELLY MEDICAL BUILDING 8885 SOUTH YALE I LSA, OKLAHOMA 74136 -8326 8 481 -7600 0 777 -7660 TOLL FREE 918 481 -7611 FAX PAT RICIA A. THOMAS ADMINISTRATOR INRY H. MODRAK, M.D. ICLIO ROBERTSON, M.D. I DON L. HAWKINS, M.D. MICHAEL W. TANNER, M.D. IAN C. HOWARD, M.D. IMES D. CASH, M.D. T YAN J. HAWKINS, M.D. 1 1 TARO CERTIFIED ORTHOPAEDIC SURGEONS February 25, 1994 City of Owasso PO BOX 180 Owasso, CK 74055 ATIN: JOLEEN KRANIrZ BE: DARRELL EVANS The following narrative is in addition to previously submitted reports. The patient continues to ccmplain of pain and stiffness of the left shoulder. He states he initially had sane improvement of his symptoms after the cortisone injection but when attempts were made to stretch his shoulder girdle muscles in an effort to improve the ROM, he experienced increased pain in the left scapular area. Therefore, we had to discontinue the PT treatments. I feel he has reached maximxun point of recovery of his injury and feel that he can be dismissed frccn active treatment and disability rating assessed for him. The range of motion of the left shoulder is flexion to 128 degrees which equals 3 percent; external rotation 46 degrees equals 1 percent; abduction 118 degrees equals 3 percent; adduction 30 degrees equals 1 percent; internal rotation 48 degrees equals 2 percent; external rotation 20 degrees equals 1 percent for a total of 11 percent based on range of motion. The Cybex strength equals 10 percent deficit of flexion and 8 percent deficit of abduction for a total of 18 percent strength deficit. These canbine to 29 percent of the left upper extremity. Using the Third Edition of the AMA Guidelines, the 29 percent upper extremity impairment represents 17 percent impairment of the whole man. Under the penalty of perjury I declare that I have reviewed this report and all statements contained herein; and to the best of my knowledge and belief they are true, correct, and complete. Sincerely, Henry H. Nbdrak, M.D. HHM:js • • BERKLEY RISK MANAGEMENT March 18, 1994 Ms. Regens Rogers City of Owasso P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 RE: Claimant: Darrell Evans Insured: City of Owasso D /A: 05/16/92 (shoulder) Dear Ms. Rogers: This is to serve as a status on the above- captioned claim. As you may already be aware, we have received a final permanent partial disability rating for Mr. Evans' shoulder. The combination gives the claimant 29 percent permanent partial disability to the upper extremity, which is 17 percent disability to the whole man. This is a significant disability rating, considering he did not have surgery. We are hoping the claimant's attorney will contact us regarding a lump sum settlement. Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Vickie Fisher Adjuster VF\sh 9810 E. 42nd Street • Suite 209 • Tulsa, Oklahoma 74146 -3600 • (918) 663 -7182 • FAX (918) 663 -1462 IF 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LAW OFFICES Best, Sharp, Holden, Sheridan, Best & Sullivan A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION JOSEPH M. BEST JOSEPH A. SHARP STEVEN E. HOLDEN JOHN H. T SHERIDAN TIMOTHY G. BEST DANIEL S. SULLIVAN STEVEN K. BUNTING AMY E- KEMPFERT KAREN M. GRUNDY TIMOTHY E. TIPTON PHILIP M. BEST MAUNDA S. MATLOCK CATHERINE L CAMPBELL Ms. Vickie Fisher Berkley Administrators 3810 S. 103rd E. Ave., Suite 105 Tulsa, OK 74146 ONEOK PLAZA 100 W. 5TH ST.. STE. 808 TULSA, OK 74103 -4225 August 29, 1994 Re: Claimant: Darrell Evans Insured/Client: City of Owasso Date of injury: 7 -13 -92 Dear Vickie: TERRY S. O'DONNELL MARK T STEELE JENNIFER E. MUSTAIN DOUGLAS E. STALL MALCOLM D. SMITH. JR. PHILLIP C. HAWKINS BOBBY L LATHAM, JR. KENNETH E. WAGNER OI Counsel WILLIAM E. PATTEN TELEPHONE: (918) 582 -1234 TELECOPIER: (918) 585 -9447 On August 26, 1994, we met with Catherine Gatchell Rasmussen at her office to discuss the settlement proposal of the City of Owasso: We advised Ms. Rasmussen that the City would pay Mr. Evans $60,000.00 to joint petition Workers' Compensation Court Claim No. 93- 20187A (7 -13 -92 injury to the neck). We told Ms. Rasmussen that 65 % to the body would be equal to $60,125.00. We also emphasized that the claimant has received his full wages since the date of the accident. We said that the City will not seek credit for overpayment of TTD, which could be anywhere from $4,920.00 (overpayment of TTD back to Dr. Paul's examination on 4 -7 -94) to $11,562.00 (overpayment of TTD back to Dr. Billings' examination on 9- 27 -93). We also told Ms. Rasmussen that the City will pay Mr. Evans $15,000.00 to joint petition the claim involving his left shoulder injury on May 21, 1992. We said that we have not been able to get a court claim number on this case from the court, and Ms. Rasmussen was not really sure the claim had been filed properly. We said that 17 % to the body (Dr. Modrak's rating) would equal $15,725.00, so our offer was a little bit shy of Dr. Modrak's rating. We indicated that Ms. Rasmussen could save the costs on doctors' reports and depositions by settling that case at this time. We also mentioned several additional factors. We told Ms. Rasmussen that the claimant will be paid his vacation pay of $1,600.00. The claimant will not receive sick leave pay for sick leave which has not been used. We showed Ms. Rasmussen the enclosed two pages concerning the claimant's retirement. We explained to Ms. Rasmussen that the claimant should be eligible MEMORANDUM TO: RODNEY J RAY FROM: REGENA RO GERS SUBJECT: DARRELL EVANS, SR. DATE: SEPTEMBER 2, 1994 Darrell Evans, Sr. injured his shoulder on May 16, 1992 and injured his neck in a mowing accident on July 13, 1992. The City of Owasso has paid medical claims and temporary total disability payments to him since July 1992. We have been advised by medical experts that Mr. Evans is totally and permanently disabled. Based on the injuries Mr. Evans received, under Oklahoma Workers Compensation Court guidelines, he would be entitled to a 17% disability to the total body for his shoulder injury, and a 65 % disability to the total body for the neck injury. Under the Court's guidelines, these two ratings are valued at $15,725 and $60,125 respectively. Our attorney, Berkeley Risk Management and I feel, due to the severity of Mr. Evans injuries, if we were to go to Court on this case, the City of Owasso could, very likely be ordered to pay: 1) $15,725 plus $60,125 for these injuries, 2) all medical claims attributed to these injuries, 3) weekly disability payments of $246 for the rest of his life. (Mr. Evans is 62 years old, 20 years of weekly disability payments = $255,840). The potential exposure to the City could be over $330,000 plus medical expenses. In order to avoid trying this case before the Workers Compensation Court and continuing to pay both medical bills and disability payments to Mr. Evans in the meantime through our third party administrator and attorney we have contacted Mr. Evans and his attorneys, and it would appear he would be receptive to accepting a one -time payment of $75,000 from the City, plus be allowed to retire from the City and receive his pension under the disability guidelines. The Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund allows employees to retire, if they are disabled, at the same rate they would have received had they retired at age 65. We expect to receive an affirmative response from Mr. Evans shortly, and then would need action from the City Council at that time. You may be asked very shortly to respond to this issue. ■ r JOSEPH M. BEST JOSEPH A. SHARP STEVEN E. HOLDEN JOHN H. T. SHERIDAN TIMOTHY G. BEST DANIEL S. SULLIVAN STEVEN K. BUNTING AMY E. KEMPFERT KAREN M. GRUNDY TIMOTHY E. TIPTON PHILIP M. BEST MALINDA S. MATLOCK CATHERINE L. CAMPBELL LAW OFFICES Best, Sharp, Holden, Sheridan, Best & Sullivan A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ONEOK PLAZA 100 W. 5TH ST., STE. 808 TULSA, OK 74103 -4225 September 2, 1994 PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL Ms. Regena Rogers c/o City of Owasso P. O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 Re: Darrell Arlen Evans v. City of Owasso Workers' Compensation Court Claim Nos. 93- 20187A and 94- 17138K Dates of injury: 7 -13 -92 and 5 -21 -92 r Dear Regina: TERRY S. O'DONNELL MARK T. STEELE JENNIFER E. MUSTAIN DOUGLAS E. STALL MALCOLM D. SMITH, JR. PHILLIP C. HAWKINS BOBBY L LATHAM,JR. KENNETH E. WAGNER Of Counsel WILLIAM E. PATTEN TELEPHONE: (918) 582-1234 TELECOPIER: (918) 585 -9447 The amount of the taxes on Claim No. 93- 20187A will be $3,450.00. The amount of the taxes on Claim No. 94- 17138K will be $862.50. Thus, the total of the taxes will be $4,312.50 for both claims. The warrant for the settlements will be made payable to Darrell Arlen Evans and his attorneys, Catherine Rasmussen and Mallie Norton, in the amount of $72,750.00 (settlement sum of $75,000.00, less taxes of $2,250.00). We will send Mr. Evans' taxes in when we pay our taxes of $4,312.50. If you have questions, please call. L f7� SKB:lj 1 Sincerely, Steven K. Bunting JOiNT PETiTION )HKEH8' COMPENBA I IUN t;UUH 1 1915 NORTH STILES AVENUE OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73105 -4904 Full ame of aimant (injured mp oyse Darrell Arlen Evans Claimant's Social Security Number 442 -32 -7812 Name of p oyer or Respondent City of Owasso poyers Insurance carrier or Own Risk Group Own Risk ease type or Print ALL intormauon iegimly in InK) OCNU t✓U1111 =0 I U. 4- Workers' Compensation Court COURT CLAIM NO. 93- 20187A Date o cci en 7 -13 -92 THE ABOVE NAMED PARTIES COME NOW AND AGREE TO A COMPROMISEOF THE ISSUES IN THIS CASEON A JOINT PETITION, AND STATETHE FOLLOWING FACTS TO WIT: The respondent carries a policy of Insurance or carries irs own risk in compliance with the Workers' Compensation Act of the State of Oklahoma, covering the aeriod in which the claimant's accident Is allged to have occurred. The claimant, on or about July 13 - 1992 was an employee of the respondent, engaged in employment subject to and covered by the Workers' Compensation Act, and received a wage entitling the employee to a compensation rate of $ 185:00 for permanent partial disability. Claimantalleges that on or about said date claimant sustained an accidental personal injury arising out of and in tie c ;u;se el said smployment as follows: Claimant sustained injuries to his neck, head, back, both arms /shoulders when a sickle mower bar struck him. As a result of said injury claimant was temporarily totally disabled from ,19_ to , 19 or a period of weeks, days for which claimant received $ Wages n ii a d i n , from the respondent or insurance carrier. Claimant hereby agrees to accept in settleme4ffiIR&nr sWgalnst the respondent and Insurance carrier the sum of $ 60,000.00* , Claimant agrees that this is In full, final and complete settlement of all claims for statutory medical aid, for rehabilitation procedures, and for compensation, Including compensation for temporary disability, permanent disability, the benefits of physical and vocational rehabilitation or loss of wage earning capacity which claimant now has or may hereafter have as a result of any and all Injuries sustained In the accident. it is further agreed that said sum is in addition to any sum or sums heretofore paid claimant and in addition to the authorized, reasonable and necessary medical and rehabilitative expenses heretofore incurred by claimant by reason of said accidental personal injury. The sum of $ 12,000.00 shall be deducted from this award and paid to claimant's attorney as a fair and reasonable fee. WHEREFORE,this joint petition is submitted to the Workers' Compensation Court for its approval and final order in compliance with the laws of the State of Oklahoma and It Is understood that this compromise settlement shall be null and void unless approved by the Workers' Compensation Court 9 under penalty of perjury that I have examined all statements contained herein and to the best of my knowledge and belief they are true, and complete. Any person who commits workers' compensation fraud, upon conviction, shall be guilty of a felony. Darrell Arlen Evans Name of Claimant Signature of Claimant Catherine Gatchell Rasmussen 3288 Name of Attorney for Claimant OBA # X Signature of Attorney for Claimant Citv of Owasso Name of Respondent Own Risk Name of Insurance Carrier or Own Risk Group Steven K. Bunting 1311 Type or Print Name of Respondent Attorney OBA # A Signature of Respondent Attorney -'rna.s stmt represenrs u4. uu-z rruORDER APPROVING JOINT PETITION to the body. Now on this 16th day of September , 19 94 , the Workers' Compensation Court having reviewed the evidence, the files and records in said cause and being fully advised in the premises, finds that the above Joint Petition, incorporated herein and made a part hereof by reference, should be and is hereby approved. R IS THEREFOREORDERED, that a; 1. Special Indemnity Fund Tax shall be paid from the PPD settlement in the sum of $ 1800, QQ by the claimant and 3;V /o in the sum of $ i , aoo - on , by the respondent I iT IS FURTHERORDERED, that respondent or insurance carrier shall pay costs in the sum of $50.00, the Special Occupational Health and Safety Fund Tax' in the sum of $450.OA'epresenting three-fourths of one percent of the entire award, excluding any sums for medical payments or temporary total disability, and that respondent, if own risk or having no insurance, shall also pay the sum of $ 1200.00 , representing 21/6 of the total compensation paid herein for permanent partial disability to the Workers' Compensation Administration Fund and the sum of $ N/A , representing 1% of said award to the appropriate Self- Insured Guaranty Fund, if applicable by law. , IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that within 20 days from the filing date of this order, respondent or insurance carrier shall file with the Court proper receipt evidencing compliance herewith, whereupon this cause shall be fully and finally closed and adjudicated, and the Court divested of further jurisdiction herein. SEE ATTAC TiF i� FXFiIBIT "A" �Q ,T� PETITION O F 8/93 IReporter's Initials I tSS YY UU 4 r 1 JOINT PETITION Full ame of aimant nlure Jarrell Arlen Evans Claimant's Social Security Nu 442 -32 -7812 Name of mp oyer or RegpTr City of Owasso p oyer s insurance Camer Own Risk (Please type or not )HKtHS' GUMPENSA 1 IUN UUUH 1 1915 NORTH STILES AVENUE OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73105 -4904 StNU UUI`ItJ I U: 4- Workers' Compensation Court COURT CG9WfTU-_ 94- 17138K Uate of cc, en 5 -21 -92 T = ABOVE NAMED PARTIES COME NOW AND AGREE TO A COMPROMISE OF THE ISSUES IN THIS CASE ON A JOINT PETITION, AND STATE THE FOLLOWING FACTS TO WIT: T ► respondent carries a policy of insurance or carries it's own risk in compliance with the Workers' Compensation Act of the State of Oklahoma, covering the F iod in which the claimant's accident Is allged to have occurred. The claimant, on or about May 21 _,19 92_ was an employee of the respondent, en a aged in employment subject to and covered by the Workers' Compensation Act, and received a wage entitling the employee to a compensation rate of $ �E5 • 00 for permanent partial c ability. Claimant alleges that on or about said date claimant sustained an accidental personal injury arising out of and in the course of said ernpioyment as follows: Claimant jerked on the wheel of a tractor and injured his left shoulder /arm and had chest_ wins a result of said injury claimant was temporarily totally disabled from ,19_ to , 19 or a period of weeks, days for which claimant received $ none paid , from the respondent or insurance carrier. Cl,iimant hereby agrees to accept in settlement of all claims against the respondentand insurance carrier the sum of $ 15, 000.00* , Claimant t rees that this Is in full, final and complete settlement of all claims for statutory medical aid, for rehabilitation procedures, and for compensation, I ;luding compensation for temporary disability, permanent disability, the benefits of physical and vocational rehabilitation or loss of wage earning capacity which claimant now has or may hereafter have as a result of any and all injuries sustained In the accident. i s further agreed that said sum is in addition to any sum or sums heretofore paid claimant and in addition to the authorized, reasonable and necessary i tdical and rehabilitative expenses heretofore incurred by claimant by reason of said accidental personal injury. The sum of $ 3,000.00 shall be deducted from this award and paid to claimant's attorney as a fair and reasonable fee. ­IEREFORE,this joint petition is submitted to the Workers' Compensation Court for its approval and final order in compliance with the laws of the State of lahoma and It is understood that this compromise settlement shall be null and void unless approved by the Workers' Compensation Court I declare under penalty of perjury that I have examined all statements contained herein and to the best of my knowledge and belief they are true, :orrect and complete. Any person who commits workers' compensation fraud, upon conviction, shall be guilty of a felony. Darrell Arlen Evans City of Owasso ' Name of Claimant Name of Respondent X Own Risk Signature of Claimant ' Catherine,Gatchell Rasmussen 3288 Name of Attorney for Claimant OBA # X Signature of Attorney for Claimant Name of Insurance Carrier or Own Risk Group Steven K. Bunting 1311 Type or Print Name of Respondent Attorney OBA # X Signature of Respondent Attorney *This sum represents 16.2% ORDER APPROVING JOINT PETITION PPD to the body. Now on this 16th day of September ,19 94 , the Workers' Compensation Court having reviewed the evidence, the files and records '^ said cause and being fully advised in the premises, finds that the above Joint Petition, incorporated herein and made a part hereof by reference, should be id is hereby approved. IT IS THEREFOREORDERED, that a20/6 Special Indemnity Fund Tax shall be paid from the PPD settlement In the sum of $ 450.00 , by the claimant and 35% In the sum of $ 450.00 , by the respondent IS FURTHER ORDERED, that respondent or insurance carrier shall pay costs in the sum of $50.00, the Special Occupational Health and Safety Fund Tax the sum of $ , representing three- fourths of one percent of the entire award, excluding any sums for medical payments or temporary total disability, and that respondent, if own risk or having no insurance, shall also pay the sum of $ 300.00 , representing Z% of the total compensation paid herein for • -srtnanent partial disability to the Workers' Compensation Administration Fund and the sum of $ N/A , representing 1% of said award to the :)propriate Self- Insured Guaranty Fund, if applicable by law. iT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that within 20 days from the filing date of this order, respondent or insurance carrier shall file with the Court proper receipt evidencing compliance herewith, whereupon this cause shall be fully and finally closed and adjudicated, and the Court divested of further jurisdiction herein. EE A BY URI PETITION 3/93 Reporter's Initials 5EP- 1�1 -1yJ4 08:12 FROM L I BER I Y BRW - I RU51 DEP I I U P.03 _ u _ CALCULATION AND CERTIFICATION OF PENSION BENEFIT NAME: DARRELL EVANS SR S /S #: 442327812 CTRL #: 1 31RTH DATE (EMPLOYEE): 11- Jun-32 31RTH DATE (SPOUSE). 06Seo2 SERVICE CREDIT DATE: 03-Jun-85 3ETIREMENT DATE: 01- Sep -94 ;IRST PAYMENT DATE: 01-Sep-94 :MPLOYEE$ AGE - RETIREMENT: 62.223 MPLOYEES AGE - 1 ST PAY DATE: 62.223 SPOUSES AGE: 61:985 DIFFERENCE IN AGES: 0 VORMAL RETIREMENT DATE: 11- Jun -97 SERVICE AT RETIREMENT: 9.246 -ZE CONTRIBUTION BALANCE: $5,471.11 FORM OF RETIREMENT: ESTIMATE ONLY EMPLOYER: CITY OF OWASSO PLAN LEVEL: BB VESTING LEVEL: PERIOD CERTAIN: LUMP -SUM LIMITS: PAST SERV LIMITS: COST OF LIVING- CALCULATION OF AVERAGE 1989 $0.00 1990 $0.00 1991 $0.00 1992 $0.00 1993 $0.00 1994 $109,526.50 $109,526.50 5 YEARS 60 PAYMENTS NO NONE NO COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 0 _ 60 60 AVERAGE MONTHLY COMPENSATION: $1,825.44 NOTE: THIS CALCULATION OF BENEFITS IS FOR ESTIMATE PURPOSES ONLY. ALL BENEFITS WILL BE PAID IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLAN DOCUMENT. IN THE EVENT OF ANY CONFLICT BETWEEN THE INFORMATION ABOVE AND THE PLAN, THE TERMS OF THE PLAN WILL CONTROL. i / ///' ; . /,, , / -// NO!J &S 100% J &S 50% J &S 66 213% J &S COMMENCING NORMAL RETIREMENT: N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A EARLY RETIREMENT: $326.97 $271.38 $300.81 $304.08 01- Sep -94 DEFERRED NORMAL: $379.76 $315.20 $349.38 $353.17 01- Jul -97 DEFERRED EARLY: $326.97 $271.38 $300.81 $304.08 01 Sep -94 DISABILITY BENEFIT: $379.76 * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * ** 01- Sep -94 NOTE: THIS CALCULATION OF BENEFITS IS FOR ESTIMATE PURPOSES ONLY. ALL BENEFITS WILL BE PAID IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLAN DOCUMENT. IN THE EVENT OF ANY CONFLICT BETWEEN THE INFORMATION ABOVE AND THE PLAN, THE TERMS OF THE PLAN WILL CONTROL. i / ///' ; . /,, , / -// it EXPLANATION OF RETIREMENT BENEFITS FOR DARRELL EVANS SR. Upon retirement, you have several options available to you in the payment of your vested benefits from the CITY OF OWASSO. CONTRIBUTION REFUND A. The minimum benefit payable to you is the return of your contributions and interest. You have the option to withdraw this in lieu of all other benefits. Your current account balance is $5,446.89. EARLY OR NORMAL RETIREMENT B. Your monthly pension is paid at age 55 or older and is payable for your lifetime with a minimum of 60 PAYMENTS. In other words, you will receive your monthly pension as long as you live. But if you should die, for example, twelve months after retirement, the remaining monthly checks would be paid to your beneficiary until a combined total of 60 PAYMENTS have been paid to you and your beneficiary. This monthly pension payable to you is $250.87 beginning 01- Nov -94. C. Joint and Survivor Options are also available under Normal Retirement or Early Retirement. These options allow you to take a reduced pension so that your spouse can continue receiving benefits for his /her lifetime after your death. These options are as follows: 1. 100 % Joint and Survivor Option provides you with a monthly pension of $208.23 for as long as you live, and then the same amount is continued to your spouse for his /her lifetime. 2. 50% Joint and Survivor Option provides you with a monthly pension of $230.80 for as long as you live, and then one -half of that amount is paid to your spouse for his /her lifetime. 3. 662/3% Joint and Survivor Option provides you with a monthly pension of $233.31. Upon the death of you or our spouse, the pension is reduced to 66Y3% of that amount to be paid to the survivor for his /her lifetime. DISABILITY RETIREMENT D. If approved by your employer, Disability benefits are payable to you for your lifetime with a minimum of 60 PAYMENTS. The amount payable each month is $288.58 beginning 01- Nov -94. The information provided is to assist you in understanding the benefits payable. In case of any conflift between this explanation and the Plan, the Plan will control. MEMORANDUM TO: RODNEY J. RAY CITY MANAGER FROM: REGENA ROGERS WORKERS' COMPENSATION COORDINATOR SUBJECT: DARRELL A. EVANS WORKERS' COMPENSATION SETTLEMENT P DATE: SEPTEMBER 13, 1994 61 BACKGROUND: Mr. Evans, (employed by the City of Owasso since June 3, 1985) while working in his capacity as Street Supervisor for the City, injured his shoulder picking up a wheel and axle that had ' broken off a tractor on May 16, 1992, and returned to work with a "light duty" classification on 6/1/92. While mowing at the Recreation Center on July 13, 1992, Mr. Evans was hit with a sickle mower which apparently came unlocked, striking him across his neck, knocking him to ' the ground. He was immediately transported by ambulance to St. Francis Hospital. This accident was witnessed by other City employees. There is ample proof he was injured both times while in our employ and ample proof he did receive permanent injuries as a result of those accidents. He subsequently has had two surgeries on his neck and numerous therapy treatments, medical treatments and physician appointments for his neck and shoulder injuries. Our medical experts have given him a rating of 17 % disability for his shoulder injury and 64.8 % to the total ' body for his neck/spinal cord injuries. Mr. Evans has been on temporary total disability (TTD) since his last injury and due to that status, the City of Owasso has continued to pay employee benefits for Mr. Evans and he has continued to accrue leave hours as well. During this time, ' (7/13/92 to 9/1/94) the City has paid TTD of $36,349.76 and $44,688.20 in medical expenses. Should the Council choose not to approve a settlement package with Mr. Evans, our option would be to try this case before the Workers' Compensation Court. Our legal counsel, (Mr. Steven Bunting of Best, Sharp, Holden, Sheridan, Best & Sullivan) our third party administrator, ' (Miss Vickie Fisher of Berkley Risk Management) and I feel that based on the medical disability Mr. Evans has received while in our employ and the credibility of Mr. Evans as a claimant before the Court, it would not be in the best interest of the City to try this case. However, if t that option were selected those responsible would defend the City's interest to the best of our ability. It is the staff position, however, that we most likely would not receive a favorable judgement from the Workers Compensation Court. Mr. Evans and his attorneys would, no doubt, ask for a Permanent Total Disability rating. Based on the prognosis of both his physician ftp and our medical experts, he very likely would receive this rating. At that point, the City would be faced with the exposure to provide both medical expenses and income for the remainder of Mr. Evans life. Mr. Evans is now 62 years old. Assuming he would live to age 82, the disability income he would be entitled to would require an expenditure of $255,840. Additionally, based on the 3 years of medical expense history we have with Mr. Evans, the medical expenses and rehabilitation services could conceivably amount to an additional $215,000 during that same 20 year span. If Mr. Evans were to live more than 20 years the expenditures would be in excess of $470,000. These estimates, of course, do not include any inflationary factors. As you can see, the possibility for total risk exposure to the City could conceivably exceed $500,000. Mr. Evans also injured and received a disability rating of 24% to his right leg in 1986 from the Workers Compensation Court for injuries to his right leg. With the rating for his leg, and the ratings on his shoulder and neck, Mr. Evans is eligible to apply to the Workers Compensation Special Indemnity Fund and receive a settlement from them as well as the proposed settlement from the City of Owasso. By combining the settlement from the City, the probable settlement from the State Special Indemnity Fund, and the Disability Pension from the City, Mr. Evans and his attorneys will have maximized the benefits available and, at the same provided a less expensive option to the City. On September 2, 1994, I advised you of the possibility that Mr. Evans might be close to accepting a lump -sum settlement for his injuries received while working for the City of Owasso. We now have his affirmative response to that lump -sum settlement offer. This one -time compensation settlement would not require any future medical expenses or disability income payments to Mr. Evans. The offer as accepted by Mr. Evans and his attorneys, would require the City to immediately make payments of $75,000.00 and fees and taxes of $4,312.50 as detailed below. This matter, pending Council approval, is set to appear before the Workers' Compensation Court as an Order Approving Joint Petition on September 23, 1994. (See Attachment 1 and 2) The settlement for Mr. Evans would require the following disbursements from the City of Owasso: 1. $50.00 check payable to the Workers' Compensation Court Purpose: Court Costs 2. $14,550.00 check payable to: Darrell Arlen Evans and his attorneys; Mallie Norton and Catherine Gatchell Rasmussen, Court # 94- 17138K, 5/16/92 Shoulder Injury Purpose: 16.2 % Permanent Partial Disability to the body $15,000.00 less $450.00 claimant share of Special Indemnity Fund Tax 3. $450.00 check payable to: Special Indemnity Fund Tax Purpose: tax calculated at 3% of $15,000.00 claim DARRELL EVANS WORKERS' COMPENSATION SETTLEMENT PAGE THREE 4. $300.00 check payable to: Own Risk Workers' Compensation Administration Fund Purpose: contribution calculated at 2% of $15,000.00 claim 5. $112.50 check payable to: Special Occupational Health and Safety Fund Tax Purpose: tax calculated at 3/4 of 1% of $15,000.00 award 6. $58,200.00 check payable to: Darrell Arlen Evans and his attorneys; Mallie Norton and Catherine Gatchell Rasmussen, Court # 93- 20187A, 7/13/92 Neck Injury Purpose: 64.8% Permanent Partial Disability to the body $60,000.00 less $1,200.00 claimant share of Special Indemnity Fund Tax 7. $1,800.00 check payable to: Special Indemnity Fund Tax Purpose: tax calculated at 3% of $60,000.00 claim r 8. $1,200.00 check a able to: Own Risk Workers Compensation Administration Fund PY P Purpose: contribution calculated at 2% of $60,000.00 claim t9. $450.00 check payable to: Special Occupational Health and Safety Fund Tax ' Purpose: tax calculated at 3/4 of I% of $60,000.00 award 10. $2,250.00 check payable to: Special Indemnity Fund Tax Purpose: taxes withheld from Darrell Arlen Evans settlement of $15,000.00 and $60,000.00 respectively K Total of checks to be issued: $ 79,362.50 Cumulative Breakdown as follows: ' Taxes, fees $ 4,312.50 Court Costs $ 50.00 Settlement $ 75,000.00 ' Further, as a part of the compensation settlement package, it is requested that Mr. Evans be allowed to retire with disability status (giving him the same monthly retirement amount as if he ' were retiring at age 65) retroactive to September 1, 1994. (See Attachment 3) The monthly disability retirement amount quoted by the Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund for Mr. Evans is $379.76 monthly. Please note the Certification of Pension furnished by OMRF does allow ' retroactive status to 9 -1 -94. Mr. Evans, as a retiree from the City of Owasso, would also be eligible to keep the ' health /dental /vision insurance as long as he pays the premiums for himself and for his spouse if he wishes her coverage continued. Those monthly premium costs currently are: DARRELL EVANS WORKERS' COMPENSATION SETTLEMENT PAGE FOUR Coverage For Mr. Evans and his spouse: $256.94 for Medical Insurance $ 41.74 for Dental Insurance $ 14.34 for Vision Insurance Coverage for Mr. Evans: $158.14 for Medical Insurance $ 14.10 for Dental Insurance $ 6.54 for Vision Insurance FUNDING: The staff anticipated a settlement of this nature and included funds for such in the 1994 -95 Budget (see page 110 of the Budget). Additional funding for the disability retirement request is from the OMRF Retirement Fund. RECOMMENDATION: It is the staff recommendation, based on the facts presented above, recommendations of Mr. Bunting and Ms. Fisher that Council approve a settlement package for Mr. Evans as outlined: 1. Lump -sum settlement of $75,000 for the neck and shoulder injuries he received while in the employ of the City, and payment of $4,362.50 in various fees and taxes to the State of Oklahoma for settlement purposes. 2. Be granted "Disability" rating for his retirement from OMRF. 3. Mr. Evans receive all benefits as provided to any other retiree of the City of Owasso, specifically, access to insurance coverage as long as the retiree pays the premium. ATTACHMENT: Attached is documentation of the process involved in reaching this settlement with Mr. Evans and his attorneys. If you require additional information, please let me know. 1 I SEE ITEM X12 FOR ATTACHMENTS MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL ' CITY OF OWASSO FROM: RODNEY J RAY ' CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: DECLARATION OF SURPLUS EQUIPMENT AND REQUEST TO AUTHORIZE A PUBLIC AUCTION IDATE: September 14, 1994 1 ' BACKGROUND: It has been a year since the last city auction of surplus city property. During the past twelve ' months, our departments have accumulated additional items /property /equipment that the staff believes is no longer useful or cost effective to operate; or, as in some cases, replacement equipment has produced surplus items. ' Part 7, Chapter 1, Section 7 -108 of the Owasso Code of Ordinances provides that surplus material owned by the City of Owasso may be disposed of by the City Manager through the use of sealed bids or public auction. Prior to the disposal of equipment, however, the City Council must formally declare all equipment valued at more than $500 to be surplus to the needs of the city. Notice of the sale of such equipment must also be placed in a newspaper of general circulation. The Trustees of the Owasso Public Works Authority have adopted these same procedures for the disposal of their surplus property. At this time, the City of Owasso has three inoperable vehicles and other pieces of equipment that are not in use. Therefore, pursuant to the provisions of the Owasso Municipal Code, it is requested that the equipment listed on "Exhibit A" (attached) be determined to be surplus to the needs of the city. Please note that the valuation of each item is determined to be less than $500, however, since the total value of all property exceeded $500, it was determined to seek Council approval of the surplus items. It should be noted that the maintenance records for all of the vehicles have been reviewed to ensure that no recent major expenditures have been made on them. In the past, some cities have experienced instances wherein city mechanics have spent substantial amounts of money to rebuild a vehicle knowing the vehicle would be sold in the near future. The mechanic would then purchase the vehicle at an auction for his personal use. 1 Surplus Equipment September 14, 1994 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends that the Council declare "surplus to the needs of the city" all of the equipment listed on Attachment A and that the method of disposal be a public auction to be conducted on Saturday, October 1, 1994, beginning at 9:00 a.m. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Exhibit A - List of Surplus Equipment 2. Section 7 -108 Owasso Code of Ordinances 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 10 4 3 2 1 2 2 1 3 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 6 ATTACHMENT "A" CITY OF OWASSO EQUIPMENT RECOMMENDED FOR SURPLUS DESIGNATION Blue 1985 Plymouth Grand Fury VIN 1P3BB26525X571657 White 1983 Plymouth Grand Fury VIN 2P3BB265XDR180882 Red 1982 Ford LTD VIN 2FABP31G8CB160136 Couch 2 Piece Living Room Set Lawn Mower Office Chairs Typing Stand IBM Compatible Keyboard IBM Compatible Terminals Light Bars for Police Squad Cars Light Bars (for salvage only) Motorola Receivers Reach Master Encoders Lanier Recording System 2- Person Cots Laerdal Suction Units Sanitaire Vacuum Sweeper Adding Machines File Cabinets (2 drawer) Ladders Motorola Base Station and Scanners Rowing Machine Back Machine 36" Metal Door Drinking Fountain Wooden Desk Chalk Board Paper Towel Holders Answering Machine High Bay Mercury Vapor Lights 120 Watts Numerous Light Fixtures and High Bay Light Fixtures Various Nozzles and Hose Flashlights and Speakers r finance ana i axaTion Sec. 7-107 Sec. 7-110 5. Contractual services, including but not limited to gas, electricity, tele- phone service, purchased from a public utility at a price or rate determined by the State Corporation Commission or other government authority; 6. Supplies, materials, equipment or contractual service when purchased at a price not exceeding a price set therefor by the state purchasing agency or any other state agency hereafter authorized to regulate prices for things purchased by the state, whether such price is determined by a contract negotiated with a vendor or otherwise; and 7. Contractual services of a professional nature, such as engineering, archi- tectural and medical services. (Prior Code, Sec. 7 -33) SECTION 7 -108 SALES, COUNCIL TO DECLARE SURPLUS OR OBSOLETE COM- PETITIVE BIDDING. No surplus or obsolete supplies, materials or equipment of a value of more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) may be sold until the council shall have declared them obsolete or surplus. Before the city manager sells any surplus or obsolete supplies, materials or equipment, except as otherwise provided below, he shall advertise them for sale in a newspaper of general circulation in the city or give notice in such other manner as he deems necessary adequately to reach prospective buyers to give them opportunity to make bids. All bids shall be sealed and shall be opened in public at a designated time and place, except when the sale is by auction. The city manager may repeatedly reject all bids and advertise or give notice again. He shall sell such supplies, materials or equipment to the highest responsible bidder for cash. In case of a tie, he may sell to either of the bidders tying, or may divide the sale among two (2) or more tying, always selling to the highest responsible bidder or bidders for cash. (Prior Code, Sec. 7-34) SECTION 7 -109 WHEN COMPETITIVE BIDDING IS NOT REQUIRED. The city manager may sell the following without giving an opportunity for competitive bidding: I. Surplus or obsolete supplies, materials or equipment whose total value does not exceed One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($1,500.00) in a single transaction; and 2. Supplies, materials or equipment when sold at a price at least as great as that paid by the city for the same. (Prior Code, Sec. 7 -35) SECTION 7-110 MAINTENANCE BONDS REQUIRED ON PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS; CONTRACTS. A. Anyone, hereinafter referred to as "principal ", constructing improvements on public property within the city, or within jurisidiction of the city, shall furnish a three (3) year maintenance bond in the amount of one hundred percent (100 %) of the cost of the work. Page 7 -5 L J� In 1P r w f] MEMORANDUM TO: RODNEY RAY CITY MANAGER FROM: ROHN MUNN ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN SUBJECT: INFRASTRUCTURE SERVING NOTTINGHAM ESTATES DATE: September 15,1994 BACKGROUND: The final plat for Nottingham Estates was approved by the City Council on June 7,1994. The construction plans for Nottingham Estates were approved in the following matter: * storm sewer on May 12,1994 * water on June 20,1994 * sanitary sewer on July 5,1994 * paving on July 13,1994 These dates vary because of the several submittals required in order to get an approved set meeting the standards set forth by the City Of Owasso. ' The Developer wanted to begin construction as soon as possible after the plat was given final approval. And the staff informed Mr. Helschel that if he wanted to commence construction of the water and sanitary sewer lines without Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality, he would ' be proceeding at his own risk. Construction began on the storm sewer shortly thereafter and after a couple of weeks ran into some ' difficulty in laying the large 48 -inch pipe. The contractor pulled off and began laying the water and sanitary sewer lines. ' Presently, the water has been installed and inspected. The bacteriological testing is not complete to date. Testing will not be complete until Friday (9- 16 -94). Test results from the testing laboratory have not been finalized nor do we have copies of such reports in the files. 1 W The sanitary sewer is almost complete with approximately one day of construction left if it does not rain today or Friday. A mandrel test will be required on all the sanitary sewer lines installed. As of today, this test has not been taken and is not scheduled until this coming weekend or the first part of next week. The City of Owasso as of today, has not heard from the Department of Environmental Quality as to the approval and issuance of permits for construction for the water and sanitary sewer lines in Nottingham Estates. When the Developer requests the infrastructure to be put on the council agenda for approval, it is staff's responsibility to follow the polices and procedures set forth by the City. These polices and procedures are that all water and sanitary sewer lines be installed, inspected, tested and approved by staff, acquire written /verbal approval from DEQ, and receive a maintenance bond for each utility installed. The remaining portion of construction not completed shall be backed by a 100% performance bond. All of the items mentioned above should be in place prior to seeking council approval. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends Council approval on the water and sanitary sewer lines contingent upon meeting the following: 1) That all water tests pass according to local standards, and are approved by the Department of Environmental Quality. 2) That all the sanitary sewer lines installed be properly tested and inspected, along with the approval of the Departmental Environmental Quality. 3) A current one year maintenance bond be filed with the Public Works - Engineering Division by 9- 20 -94. 4) That a performance bond or approved agreement be on file by 9 -20 -94 representing 100% of the remaining construction items for Nottingham Estates. 1 hm n 1 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: CITY MANAGER'S REPORT DATE: September 16, 1994 MANAGERIAL: PERSONNEL - Since the last report, the following personnel - related matters have occurred: Garage - Mr Jeff Moody has been employed as a city mechanic. Mr Moody is an Owasso resident who is a certified, trained mechanic with both hands -on and management experience. His employment will being on Monday, September 26. Police Department - The police department's records clerk position has been filled by transferring an employee from the public works department. Ms Lori Molina made a request for transfer to that position based on our internal job posting policy. She will start her new duties on Monday, September 26. The process of replacing her is now underway. Police Department - A resignation from the Chiefs secretary has been received. Ms Jane Van Sickle has resigned to accept a higher paying position with Verdigris Valley Electric Co -op. Ms Van Sickle's skills, attention to detail and dedication to the job will be missed. However, it is a good opportunity for Jane and we wish her well in her future endeavors. This is the third employee we have lost to higher paying private sector jobs in the past 30 days. There are currently five vacancies in the city. Those vacancies are: Fire Department - one clerical vacancy, final interviewing in progress CITY MANAGER'S REPORT September 16, 1994 Page 2 ' Police Department - one officer vacancy, background investigations underway on nine finalists. Interviews should begin October 1st. Police Department - one clerical vacancy due to resignation of Chiefs secretary (see above). Process to fill vacancy has been initiated. Public Works - one clerical vacancy (see above). Internal posting has been made. If no internal applications are received, the applicant pool from previous advertisements will be used. Public Works - one superintendent vacancy. Final interviews are complete. Review of finals is now in progress. Hopefully a decision can be made by Friday, September 23. INSURANCE - Please note that the City of Owasso /OPWA has received full reimbursement for all expenditures made in conjunction with the sewer backup claims filed earlier this year by Hale Acres residents Todd Carmean and Randy Cook. The total reimbursement was for $864.05. You may recall that the insurance company initially denied the claims. Subsequently, the OPWA Trustees determined the City had an obligation to reimburse the residents for damage. The Trustees authorized payment of the claim and directed the staff to initiate appropriate action to recover the money from the insurance company. Thanks to the very good research and arguments provided by Mr Cates and Ms Regena Rogers, the insurance company realized that they had exposure and agreed to the full reimbursement (except, of course, the normal deductible). LABOR DEPARTMENT COMPLAINT - The City has received notice from the Oklahoma Department of Labor of a complaint relating to a safety hazard for employees working in the wastewater treatment plant (see attached correspondence). Specifically, the complaint alleges that the City is not enforcing our written policy relating to confined space entry procedures. Our confined space entry policy has been in effect since 1991 and, as far as I know, remains in effect. If our review of this complaint indicates the treatment plant personnel are not complying with that policy or that the supervisor of that facility is not enforcing the provision of the policy, we will move to remedy that situation and take appropriate action at the supervisor's level. It is somewhat surprising that we would be in violation of this policy because it was the plant's chief operator, Mr Nicholson, who wrote our policy and purchased the necessary equipment to implement the policy. I have assigned review of this complaint to our safety coordinator, Mr ' Parsons, and she will be assisted by Mr King, our administrative intern. They will report their findings to both Mr Carr and me. If you have questions, please call me. 1 CITY MANAGER'S REPORT September 16, 1994 ' Page 3 IFINANCE: SALES TAX - Sales tax receipts for September were only slightly above projections and did not offset last month's below projections receipts. The year -to -date numbers indicate that, as of the September receipts, we are $10,775 (1.16 %) below the amount needed to meet budget projections. At this point, the level of concern relating to revenue is not high, however, due to ' the unstable nature of sales tax, Ms Bishop and I have increased our monitoring of those receipts and other revenue sources. After next month's sales tax receipts are reviewed, we will have a better idea of whether or not to begin a review of contingency plans. Previous experience ' indicates that cutbacks in expenditures as a results of reduced revenue should be implemented prior to the mid -year point. While $10,000 is not a significant impact on the budget, it is important that we continue to closely monitor the trend so long term problems can be avoided. If you have questions, please call Ms Bishop or me. _ PRIVATIZATION OF AMBULANCE BILLING SERVICE - The staff has received two proposals for privatization of ambulance billing services. We are currently reviewing the proposals and plan to present a recommendation to the City Council at the first meeting in October. One proposal is from Mediclaims Inc, a company that has substantial experience in providing billing services to other communities. The other proposal is from Life - State, a Broken Arrow private ambulance service company with no prior municipal billing experience. ' The issue of experience in municipal billing and the demonstrated ability of the successful bidder to increase the city's collections will be important considerations in the staff review of these proposals. If you have an interest in additional information, please call Ms Bishop or me ENGINEERING: RESIDENT PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE SERVICES -WATER AND SEWER ' REHABILITATION PROJECT - Staff received proposals on August 24th for Resident Project Representative Services for inspection of the construction on the upcoming water line replacement and wastewater collection system rehabilitation projects in the old portion of town. ' A packet of proposal information was sent to thirteen area engineering firms. Responses were receive from the following four firms: ' FHC, Inc. Horizon Engineering, Inc. HNTB Corporation NOVA Engineering, Inc. 1 CITY MANAGER'S REPORT September 16, 1994 Page 4 All proposals were received by the deadline and in the manner required in the RFP. They were evaluated by a Review Committee consisting of Robert Carr, Rohn Munn and Sheryl Duggan. Proposals were ranked according to the total number of evaluation points assigned by the Review Committee. Based upon the initial evaluation (see attached ranking sheet), the Review Committee identified FHC, Inc. and NOVA Engineering, Inc. as "Qualified and Highly Responsive Firms ". These two firms may be requested to submit a detailed Scope of Services and proposed fee for said services for final evaluation by the Review Committee. While proposals were being solicited, staff advertised for individuals with qualifications as a Construction Inspector. The intent was to locate individuals who could work under contract to the city for the project and report directly to Public Works staff. Two resumes were received for consideration. Staff does not believe that either of these individuals can bring the needed qualifications to the city for these projects. As a result of the above information, an evaluation to utilize existing city staff in this capacity is being conducted. Some city personnel are qualified to perform inspection services. To use existing personnel in an inspection capacity for these projects would effectively remove them from their present job assignment for approximately 15 -18 months. Staff reorganization and replacement would be required. Evaluation of our options will be continuing. The effectiveness of administering the projects with in -house personnel and the economy of performing the work with existing staff, appears to be a promising alternative. For questions and additional information, contact Mr Carr. POLICE SERVICES• CURRENT ACTIVITY - Investigations and interviews continue into the homicide which occurred on August 29th. No arrests have been made. Peer Board interviews have been completed for the one police officer's position. Nine candidates (from over 100) have been selected for background investigations. It is expected that a final selection will be made in mid October. ANIMAL CONTROL - A new look has arrived for the animal control officer. The ACO is responsible for handling all animal complaints (animals running at large, vicious animals, etc) within the city limits of Owasso. A new vehicle has been purchased to enhance her operation and the professionalism of the division. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT September 16, 1994 Page 5 WATER DISTRIBUTION: FIRE HYDRANT PAINTING - As reported in the July 15th City Manager's Report, ' approximately 400 fire hydrants presently exist within the City of Owasso water distribution system. City staff has been working with Network Owasso to develop a program that can involve volunteers in the painting of these hydrants. Since the program officially started on August 1st, 90 hydrants in various locations in the system have been painted. For additional information, contact Mr Carr. 1 I�] 1 1 1 ATTACHMENTS 1. Insurance Reimbursements 2. Letter from Department of Labor RE: Safety Complaint 3. Sales Tax Reports 4. Project Representative Ranking Chart 5. Project Schedules 6. Memo from Steve Compton RE: Highway 20 Realignment 7. Rendition of Proposed Signage for Water Tower 8. Memo from Steve Compton RE: Vehicle Policy - 'R i ACCT . 351-1309 C. NO. 94000286 03 :LMT. CARMEAN, TODD .ADDRESS 11326 N. 106TH EAST AVE OWASSO OK 74055 DETACH BEFORE CASHING PD FOR OML MUNICIPAL ASSURANCE LOCPrT 0000 S. DATE 04/11/94 LOSS DT 04/11/94 REMARKS REIMBURSEMENT TODD CARMEAN OKLAHOMA, MU N ICI PAL ASSURANCE GROUP LIABILITY CLAIMS OFFICE SEDGWICK JAMES OF OKLAHOMA, INC. 16 NW 63rd ST., SUITE 202 .OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73116 04/11/94 GROUP — 04/11 CK# 005E OMAG 0569! 005695 39 -7 09/07/94 $614.41 100 30: sZX--,.HUNDRED FOURTEEN X41 / iK t7 iiE �IE�IF;� �F it OUNITS OVER $S.00( DETACH BEFORE CASHING ACCT. 350309 C. NO. 94000266 02 CLMT' _ COOK, RAND`( ADDRESS 10530 E. 114TH STREET NORTH OWASSO OK 74055 co c PD FOR OML MUNICIPAL ASSURANCE LOCNT 0000 S. DATE 04/11/94 LOSS DT 04/11/94 REMARKS REIMBURSEMENT TO RANDY COOK 04/11/94 GROUP — 04/1 CK# 005, OKLAHOMA MUNICIPAL ASSURANCE GROUP OMAG 0569 -LIABILITY CLAIMS OFFICE SEDGWICK JAMES OF OKLAHOMA, INC. 005694 16 NW 63rd ST., SUITE 202 OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73116 39 09/07/94 $259.64 100 3< TWO'-HUNDRED FIFTY NINE &64'/ 10C3#�jMllE PAY TO THE ORDER OF 04/11/94 — 04/11/94 CITY OF OWASSO VOID AFTER 90 DAYS ^� CO- SIGNATURE REQUIR F R AMOUNTS OVER $5.04 EQUITY BANK FOR SAVINGS, F.A. :- 1601 N.W. EXPRESSWAY OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73118 114005694u' i:30 30 7 280 3i:034045716 306 "u' r September 13, 1994 Rodney Ray, City Manager City of Owasso P O Box 180 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 Dear Mr. Ray: State of Oklahoma Department of Labor 4001 NORTH LINCOLN BOULEVARD OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73105 -5212 (405) 528 -1500 Dave Renfro David Walters COMMISSIONER GOVERNOR You are hereby placed on notice that on September 12, 1994, the OSHA Division of the Oklahoma Department of Labor received a complaint of safety and /or health hazards for employees working in the waste water treatment facility. The specific nature of the alleged hazards are as follows: Although a confined space entry program is in writing, it is not being followed. Employees are entering confined spaces in violation of Title 40 O.S. 403(A) and 29 CFR 1910. IF the allegations are true you may correct these violations by reviewing your confined space entry program, comparing it to the Oklahoma statute and the OSHA standard, retraining all affected employees, and making certain that the statute and standard are followed on each entry into a confined space. We have not determined whether the hazards, as alleged, exist at your location, and we do not intend to conduct an inspection at this time. 1 However, since allegations of violations of employee health and safety have been made, you are requested to investigate the alleged conditions. Within fifteen (15) calendar days of your receipt of this letter please advise us in writing of the results of your investigation and the corrective action taken, if applicable. THIS letter is informational; it is not a citation or a notification of proposed penalty. However, if we do not receive a response from you within fifteen (15) calendar days indicating that appropriate action has been taken or that no hazards exist and why, a comprehensive inspection of this 1 particular facility may be scheduled under Title 40 (see Section 410D and following). That inspection could result in citations and the opportunity for a due process hearing before the Commissioner of Labor or his authorized representative. 1 You are required to post a copy of this letter and your response to it where notices to your employees are customarily posted. Additionally, you should call all affected employees together for a discussion of the safety and health issues involved. 1 2 FAX 405 -528 -5751 In addition to its function of inspecting workplaces, the OSHA Division of the Oklahoma Department of Labor is a full service resource center, offering a wide range of safety and health related services in response to the needs of both employers and employees. These services include training and education, consultation, voluntary compliance, and assistance in correcting hazards. All of our services are free to public employers across Oklahoma. If you have questions and for fastest handling of this the undersigned at 405/528 -1500, extension 226, or letterhead address. Your support and interest in the your employees is appreciated. Sincerely, Don H. Watson, Coordinator OSHA Compliance Programs cc: ODOL Enforcement file case, please contact by writing to the safety and health of 360,000- 340,000- 320,000- 300,000- 280,000- 260,000- City of Owasso Monthly Sales Tax Comparisons ............. Z 240,000 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 4,000,000 - 3,500,000- 3,000,000- 2,500,000- 2,000,000- 1,500,000- 1,000,000- 500,000 0 Year-to-Date Sales Tax Totals Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun i Actual z -.....1-- ---- Budgeted ---i— Last Year Month Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Total City of Owasso Sales Tax Report Budget to Actual Comparison September 12, 1994 Actual Collections Amount Percent $301,692.06 8.28% 292,779.43 8.03% 324,228.25 8.90% Needed to Meet Budget Over (Under) Projection Amount Percent Amount Percent $300,712.50 8.25% $979.56 0.33% 306,180.00 8.40% (13,400.57) -4.38% 322,582.50 8.85% 1,645.75 0.51% $918,699.74 25.20% $929,475.00 25.50% ($10,775.26) -1.16% Note: 1994 -95 Sales tax budget is $3,645,000 m w J ik Wmd d k �= r RESIDENT PROTECT REPRESENTATIVE SERVICES Evaluation of Proposals REVIEW ITEM POINTS FHC NOVA Horizon HNTB AVAILABLE Engineering Engineering PROJECT REFERENCES 20 15 10 15 10 15 15 10 15 10 18 10 20 PREVIOUS HISTORY AT THE CITY OF OWASSO 10 10 8 5 0 5 10 10 10 8 10 0 0 RECENT EXPERIENCE IN COMPARABLE PROJECTS Firm 20 15 12 12 5 15 15 10 15 10 18 10 10 Resident Project Representative 20 15 5 8 5 15 15 10 15 20 15 10 10 PROJECT TEAM ABILITIES Project Manager 10 8 5 5 8 8 10 8 7 10 10 10 10 Resident Project Representative 20 15 5 8 5 10 20 10 10 20 20 20 20 Other Project Staff 10 8 5 5 5 8 10 8 10 10 10 10 10 LOCAL KNOWLEDGE Project Manager 20 20 15 5 5 10 20 10 10 10 20 10 10 Resident Project Representative 10 5 8 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 10 5 5 Firm 10 10 8 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 10 5 5 ADDITIONAL OR SUPPORTING SERVICES AVAILABLE 10 8 8 5 10 10 10 5 10 10 20 5 10 POINTS 160 129 94 68 63 106 145 91 112 118 151 95 110 TOTAL POINTS 480 353 390 254 285 1 a O CITY OF OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FY 94 -95 PROJECTS September - December 1994 STREETS Potholes /small street repairs Intersection /street repairs Area /building cleanup 76th St. box culvert cleanup Highway 169 cleanup entrances Drainage maintenance Drainage improvement - Elm Creek (Morgan) Drainage improvement - El Rio Vista Drainage improvement - Hale Acres Remove trees - west side 129 E. Ave. a Double Oaks Sidewalk - Bailey Elem. School Mowing /weedeating WASTEWATER COLLECTION Lift station area maintenance Standby generator repairs Ator Lift Station Service Road Lift Station WATER DISTRIBUTION Leak elimination Tank Telemetry RECYCLE CENTER Fencing Gates Landscaping Brush chipping area Compost Area Property survey Soil testing Engineering Fence Construction Plastics handling Site design Construction Extend concrete pad CEMETERY Weed control application ENGINEERING 86th Street Condition Report Bridge Inspections Sports Park Fencing Design Printed 9/12/94 September October November December 1994 1 1994 1 1994 1 1994 H : H H : H H: H H ....................................... ............................... H H H: H H: �H H �. H ................... ............................... H f--i H H : H ....................................... ............................... ........................... :................. ........................................... �To be determined after engineering- ................................................ ..................... ....................................... ............................... 001 Fl I-J, 1 CITY OF OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS SCHEDULE Printed 9/12/94 September 1994 - March 1995 9 94 N9 4 D 4 Jan Feb Mar 76TH /MAIN INTERSECTION fSep 95 95 195 Design/specs complete Council authorization to bid ompleted. Notice to newspaper ompleted. Bidding ompleted. Advertisement in newspaper •►Completed.• Mandatory pre-bid meeting Bid opening Council award of contract ►Completed. Construction 60 days---I ................................................ 76TH /US 169 SIGNALIZATION (OKLAHOMA DOT) Bid opening Construction ►Completed. 90 days --�. .. ............................... 96TH /GARNETT INTERSECTION (TULSA COUNTY) Signalization Design complete Bid opening ►Completed. Construction ward on hol ..............•..... of scheduled WATER LINE REPLACEMENT PROJECT Design/specs complete Council authorization to bid ►Completed. Notice to newspaper ► Comp feted. ..............•......... ►Completed. Bidding Advertisement in newspaper ► Completed. Mandatory pre -bid meeting Bid opening ......... axicil award of contract ................................................. Construction 180 days MANHOLE AND SEWER REHABILITATION Design/specs complete Council authorization to bid ► Completed. " " " .................. Notice to newspaper Bidding Advertisement in newspaper ; Mandatory pre -bid meeting •••-- .........,. ............. Bid opening ............................... Council award of contract Construction J365 days W MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: STEVE COMPTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HIGHWAY 20 IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DATE: September 13, 1994 BACKGROUND: Over the past several years the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) has been conducting the planning and construction of a State Highway 20 Improvement Project. Portions of this project have been completed between Pryor and Claremore and between Skiatook and State Highway 75. ODOT is now into the planning stage of this improvement project for that portion between US Highway 66 Claremore and US Highway 169 in Owasso. A Public Meeting was held by ODOT staff on Tuesday, July 19, 1994 at the Claremore Community Center. The published notice for the meeting stated, " Exact design and right -of -way requirements for this proposal have not been determined. The purpose for the informal meeting is to request information from the public to further assist the Oklahoma Department of Transportation in the identification of critical social, economic and environmental effects that may result from the project." Mike Knebel from the staff attended to collect data from ODOT's presentation and note all public comments. As per Mr. Knebel's attach memorandum, ODOT informed the public that they were considering two alternative route alignments for Highway 20 from the Verdigris River bridge to US Highway 169. One alternative would generally follow the current alignment along East 116th Street North, while a second alternative would generally follow the alignment of East 106th Street North. Significant public concern was expressed about the new proposal to consider an alignment of East 106th Street North. Following this meeting, the residents of the area organized and submitted several hundred letters to ODOT objecting to the 106th Street alignment. The residents then contacted the City staff and requested assistance. It is the staffs opinion that the relocation of Highway 20 from 116th Street to 106th Street creates significant concerns. Because of this, several City staff members attended an internal ODOT planning meeting in order to verify ODOT's position and insure all concerns would be properly evaluated. It was confirmed that the ODOT planning staff would evaluate both alignments regardless of the resident opposition. The City asked that the following concerns be made a part of the evaluation conducted on each alternative: For the past twenty years 106th Street has been listed on the INCOG comprehensive plan and transportation plan as residential. Citizens who reside in this area have made significant investments in homes, with the expectation of having those homes protected by the size of the lots and the planned configuration of the street. Conversely, the 116th Street property has long been planned to be commercial. Land purchase decisions in that area have been made with the knowledge that the highway would be improved and thus the commercial value enhanced. The 106th Street area has experienced rapid growth and is expected to continue to expand as a strictly large lot residential area during the next five years, while transportation plans are being finalized. Use of the 106th Street alignment will not coincide with the City of Owasso's Capital Improvements Plan to improve 116th Street from Highway 169 to Highway 75. Residents of the area have depended on the adopted development plans for both the City of Owasso and Rogers County, which have indicated that Highway 20 will be located on ' 116th Street. Home and business selections have been based on these plans. Changing the alignment will create a monetary hardship on the homeowners of this area, as well as disrupt the existing residential life style and quality of life. The staff has since met with the 106th Street Committee and provided them with some organizational advise and some minor clerical support (see Strategy Timetable). They have completed an extensive petition and letter writing campaign in opposition to the 106th Street alignment. We will keep you informed of ODOT's progress. If formal Council action is required in the future, that request would be brought to the Council through the normal process. If you have any questions or input, please contact Mr. Knebel, Mr. Ray or me. ATTACHMENTS: Memorandum from Mike Knebel - 7/25/94 Strategy Timetable 0 i P MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: RODNEY J RAY MICHAEL J. KNEBEL ODOT PUBLIC HEARING IN CLAREMORE HIGHWAY 20 WIDENING PROPOSAL July 25, 1994 BACKGROUND O,q. P"q0f+ 7 a9-# Last week you requested that I attend a public hearing pertaining to the proposed project to reconstruct highway 20 from state highway 66 in Claremore to US 169 north of Owasso. The meeting was held July 191 in Claremore's Community Center located adjacent to the fire department at 104 S Muskogee. ODOT'S PRESENTATION The Oklahoma Department of Transportation had three representatives present to outline the three alternatives currently being studied for the twelve mile project. Citizens from the area attending the meeting numbered between 350 and 400. Mr. David Branch, the hearing officer, opened. the meeting by stating that the widening project is necessitated from a safety standpoint based on average daily traffic counts of 7,000 vehicles and projections for 14,000 per day within ten years. He also impressed upon the attendants that the entire project was still in a very early stage and no design work would be initiated until an environmental impact study was complete. Mr. Branch made reference to several displayed aerial photographs depicting three possible routes for the project and stated each depicted route was simply a piece of colored tape on a map that could easily be moved in the future. The possible routes he was referring to differed only from the bottom of Keetonville Hill eastward to US 169. Routing from Claremore is proposed to follow the existing highway 20 eastward to just east of the Verdigris bridge. From there, the map depicted using (1) the current route to 169 highway, (2) an eastward route cutting through the hill and continuing straight east on 1061 Street to highway 169, and (3) the same eastward route cutting through the hill and east on 106'h Street for approximately one and one half miles and then angling north for approximately another one and one half miles to connect with the existing 116` Street route to highway 169. Mr. Manuel Martinez (Department Design Engineer) discussed right of way requirements for the proposal. He stated that the design IMP] would be a based on two 12 foot lanes in each direction with a median divider and the overall project would be based on a safety factor for 65 miles per hour travel. Proposed right -of -way requirements would average well over 100 feet from center of median in both directions, but any specific requirements will not be known until an alternative is selected and actual design work completed. ODOT Scoping Team Chairman, Mr. Kyle McKinley, explained issues involving the affected environment. His discussion centered on possible environmental issues to be used as criteria for evaluation of the three alternative routes. These issues include land use impacts, social impacts, relocation impacts, air quality impacts, wetland impacts, floodplain impacts, visual impacts, energy, construction impact, water quality impacts, etc. He stated that the primary reason for the public hearing was to gather information on the affected environment so a complete study could be completed and turned in to the Federal Department of Transportation with a recommended route plan. It was impressed upon everyone present that comments or information from the public must be submitted in writing by July 29, 1994 to be incorporated into the proposal. It was further stated that the environmental study would take between nine months and one year to complete. At that time, another public hearing would be scheduled to discuss the outcome of the study. Sometime after the second hearing, the selected route would be presented along with preliminary engineering plans. PUBLIC COMMENTS AND QUESTIONS After the presentation, the floor was opened for questions. The majority of questions pertained to elements involving right -of -way acquisition, routing, and time frame. Information on these items was not available due to the fact that (1) routing selection is tied to the completion of the environmental study and (2) the project is not yet included in the current five year highway expansion plan. It was noted that the existing route going up Keetonville Hill probably would not be seriously considered due to the instability of soil and the number of tight curves going up the hill. Several other comments from the public included information concerning new, and existing cemeteries along the route, new subdivisions currently being located in very close proximity with 106' Street, and the proposed Tulsa "super -loop" highway routing. A handout explaining how to submit written comments and a list of items normally considered during project development was available for all meeting attendants. If you need additional information about the any of the items of discussion, please contact me. STRATEGY TIMETABLE • August 15 - 29 Complete Petition • September 5 Send Petition A. Jack Crowley, Director, ODOT B. Roger Driskell, Planning Engineer, ODOT C. Senator Taylor D. Commissioner Glenn Sweet E. Owasso Reporter F. Tulsa World G. Claremore Progress • September 12 Send Letters to Roger Driskell • September 23 Meet with Senator Taylor Commissioner Sweet Mayor Duke Commissioner Harris Dr Jack Crowley Director Oklahoma Department of Transportation 200 Northeast 21st Street Oklahoma City, OK 73105 Mr Roger Driskell Planning Engineer Oklahoma Department of Transportation 200 Northeast 21st Street Oklahoma City, OK 73105 sw e„ p $'� tai:: �y?.•� e:� y3� 113)13 _� .. MEMORANDUM TO: CODE COMPLIANCE DIVISION PERSONNEL FROM: STEVE COMPTON r COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: VEHICLE POLICY DATE: September 7, 1994 As of September 30, 1994 all Code Compliance Division (Building Inspections, Subdivision Inspections, & Code Enforcement Inspections) vehicles will no longer be allowed to be taken home over night. These vehicles will be quartered in designated parking spaces in one of the City Hall parking lots. They will be reserved for work day use as they are currently assigned; however, they will not be restricted from other employee use, if the have been properly scheduled. Please make plans accordingly, to provide for your own transportation to and from work after September 30. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask me. Thanks. Copy: Rodney J. Ray City Manager .061