HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994.09.06_City Council AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: September 6, 1994 TIME: 7:00 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, September 2, 1994. Marcia outwell, City Clerk AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Invocation Pastor Dale Blackwood First Baptist Church, Owasso 3. Flag Salute 4. Roll Call 5. Request Approval of the Minutes of August 16, 1994 Regular Meeting and August 23, 1994 Special Meeting. Attachment #5 Owasso City Council September 6, 1994 Page 2 6. Request Approval of Claims. Attachment #6 7. Special Presentation to Rev Dale Blackwood, Pastor of Owasso First Baptist Church, for Transmittal to Officials in the Borough of Islwyn, Wales, United Kingdom. Mayor Duke Attachment #7 The Mayor, on behalf of the Council and citizens of Owasso, will present a plaque to Pastor Blackwood, who will soon be traveling to the Borough of Islwyn, Wales, United Kingdom. In the past, the City has sent these types of "friendship" plaques with citizens, who then present them to city officials in other countries. 8. Request to Address the Council Regarding Operations of the Municipal Cemetery. Ms Jerri Holmes Attachment #8 Ms Holmes has served as spokesperson for a group of citizens who have been meeting with the City Manager to discuss operational concerns relating to the city -owned Fairview Cemetery. Owasso City Council September 6, 1994 Page 3 9. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request to Authorize the Staff to Solicit Bids for the Construction of Fencing at Fairview Cemetery. Mr Ray Attachment #9 The staff will recommend Council approval of plans and specifications for ornamental iron fencing on the south side of Fairview Cemetery and request authorization to solicit bids. 10. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Resolution #94 -11, a Resolution Establishing the Price of Single Burial Spaces, and Establishing the Fees for Opening and Closing of Burial Spaces and Fees for the Opening and Closing of Burial Spaces for Cremains in Fairview Cemetery. Mr Ray Attachment #10 The staff will recommend Council adoption of Resolution #94 -11. 11. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for the Purchase of One Commercial Grade Mowing Tractor. Mr Ray ' Attachment #11 ' The staff will recommend Council approval of the expenditure of $9200 to Bailey Equipment, Owasso, for the purchase of one "Gravely" commercial grade mowing tractor, such purchase utilizing the government central purchasing contract awarded by competitive ' bid. I Owasso City Council September 6, 1994 , Page 4 12. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for the Expenditure of $2594 , to Patrol Technology, Tulsa, Oklahoma, for the Purchase of Seven (7) Protective vests. Mr Ray Attachment #12 , The staff will recommend Council approval of the purchase of seven protective vests from Patrol Technology, Tulsa, Oklahoma, based on quotes submitted by various vendors. ' 1 13. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Acceptance of Improvements to the , Water Distribution and Wastewater Collection Systems Constructed by the Owasso Public School System as a Part of the Larkin Bailey Elementary School Project. Mr Ray Attachment #13 Staff will recommend Council acceptance of the water and wastewater improvements. ' 14. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Acceptance of Wastewater Collection System Improvements Constructed by Developers of the Brentwood Subdivision, Specifically the Acceptance of an "Offsite" Wastewater Lift Station and Force Main. Mr Ray Attachment #14 Staff will recommend Council approval of the acceptance of the wastewater improvements. Owasso City Council September 6, 1994 Page 5 15. Report from City Manager 16. Report from City Attorney 17. Reports from City Councilors 1 ' 18. Unfinished Business ' 19. New Business 20. Adjournment OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, August 16, 1994 The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, August 16, 1994 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, August 12, 1994. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Duke called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. ITEM 2: INVOCATION The invocation was given by Pastor Arvle Knight of the Owasso Assembly of God Church. ITEM 3: FLAG SALUTE The flag salute was led by Mayor Duke. ITEM 4: ROLL CALL PRESENT Jerry Duke, Mayor Charles Burris, Vice Mayor Mary Lou Barnhouse, Councilor Joe Ramey, Councilor Danny Ewing, Councilor STAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk A quorum was declared present. ITEM 5: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF AUGUST 2, 1994 REGULAR MEETING AND AUGUST 11, 1994 SPECIAL MEETING. Mr Burris moved, seconded by Mr Ramey, to approve the minutes as submitted, by reference made a part hereto. AYE: Burris, Ramey, Barnhouse, Ewing, Duke NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. Owasso City Council August 16, 1994 ITEM 6: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE CLAIMS Mr Burris moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, that the following claims be approved: (1) General Fund $28,182.74 (2) Workers Comp Self - Insurance $2,129.22; (3) Ambulance Service Fund $366.82; (4) E -911 $2,122.21 (5) City Garage $2,526.72; (6) Capital Improvements $1,000.00; (7) Interfund Transfers $3,425.39; (8) General Fund Payroll $93,110.73; (9) City Garage Payroll $1,633.07. AYE: Burris, Barnhouse, Ramey, Ewing, Duke NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 7: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE AWARD OF A CONTRACT PROVIDING FOR CONSTRUCTION OF 1500 LINEAR FEET OF SIDEWALK ALONG 96TH STREET NORTH BETWEEN THE EL RIO VISTA SUBDIVISION AND A NEWLY CONSTRUCTED ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. Mr Ray said that in June of this year funds were budgeted for a new sidewalk to the new Larkin Bailey Elementary School. That sidewalk could not be completed until the water and sewer lines were constructed. Quotations were solicited for labor only because the city can purchase concrete from the county's central purchasing bid. Sealed bids were opened on August 11, 1994, with two bids being received. The low bidder was Shipley Construction, with a bid of $4280. Mr Richard Sloan, a citizen of the El Rio Vista subdivision, had made a request to address the Council about concerns related to the opening of the school. That request was addressed in item 9 of this agenda, however Mr Sloan made his remarks at this time. Mr Sloan presented the Councilors with a petition requesting the construction of the sidewalk. Council and staff addressed the issues of speed zones and fencing where a sidewalk will be constructed at a later time, as well as increased police patrol. Following discussion and questions, Mr Burris moved to approve a contract in the amount of $4280 to Shipley Construction for the purpose of providing labor, excavation, and forming material for 1500 linear feet of sidewalk along 96th Street between 109th E Ave and the entrance to the Larkin Bailey Elementary School. Motion seconded by Mr Ewing. AYE: Burris, Ewing, Ramey, Barnhouse, Duke NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. K I Id I 1 I Owasso City Council August 16, 1994 ITEM 8: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE EXPENDITURE OF $4900 FOR THE PURCHASE OF CONCRETE TO BE USED IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SIDEWALK ALONG 96TH STREET BETWEEN EL RIO VISTA SUBDIVISION AND A NEWLY CONSTRUCTED ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. This agenda item concerned the purchase of concrete to be used in constructing the sidewalk approved in item 7. Concrete will be purchased utilizing the county bid for concrete. Mr Ramey moved, seconded by Mayor Duke, to approve an expenditure not to exceed $4900 to Mid - Continent Concrete, utilizing the current Tulsa County purchase order at $47.00 per yard for concrete to construct 1500 linear feet of sidewalk. AYE: Ramey, Duke, Ewing, Barnhouse, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 9: REQUEST TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL ON ISSUES RELATING TO THE OPENING OF THE LARKIN BAILEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. This item was withdrawn by Mayor Duke and Mr Sloan, as Mr Sloan's remarks and concerns were addressed in item 7. ITEM 10: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ORDINANCE #487 PROVIDING FOR THE CLOSING OF RIGHT -OF -WAY BETWEEN FAIRVIEW CEMETERY AND ELM CREEK ESTATES. The Owasso Planning Commission has reviewed a request to close a 25 foot portion of dedicated public right -of -way between Fairview Cemetery and Elm Creek estates First Addition. The 25- foot portion of right -of -way was at one time platted to provide access to the interior land areas north of the cemetery. Once Elm Creek Estates developed, this 25 foot right -of -way was no longer needed or utilized. The City Council reviewed the right -of -way closing request at the July 19, 1994 meeting and unanimously approved the closing of the right -of -way. Ordinance #487 formally adopts those action. Mr Ramey moved, seconded by Mr Burris, to approve Ordinance #487. AYE: Ramey, Burris, Barnhouse, Ewing, Duke NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. 3 Owasso City Council August 16, 1994 ITEM 11: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ORDINANCE #488. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ANNEXATION OF A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF EAST 96TH STREET NORTH AND GARNETT ROAD AND CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 18 .5 ACRES (JOE & IVA CAUDLE, PETITIONERS. Mr & Mrs Joe Caudle have requested annexation of approximately 20 acres of land, located at the southwest corner of East 96th St North and Garnett Road. The Annexation Committee and Planning Commission have reviewed and approved the request. Ordinance #488 formall approves the annexation. Mr Burris moved, seconded by Mr Ramey, to annex the property and approve ordinance #488. AYE: Burris, Ramey, Bamhouse, Ewing, Duke NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 12: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST TO AMEND THE FINAL PLAT OF DOUBLE OAKS ESTATES, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA CHANGING THE NAME OF SAID PLAT TO BROADMOOR HEIGHTS The property owners in Double Oaks Estates have requested a plat amendment to change the name to Broadmoor Heights. One hundred percent of the property owners have signed a petition requesting the amendment. The amendment has been unanimously approved by the Planning Commission. Mayor Duke moved to approve the Double Oaks Estates plat amendment, changing the name to Broadmoor Heights. Motion seconded by Mr Burris. AYE: Duke, Burris, Ramey, Barnhouse, Ewing NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 13: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE RENEWAL OF AN "AGREEMENT FOR MUNICIPAL COURT JURISDICTION CONCERNING JUVENILES" BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND THE OKLAHOMA DISTRICT COURT SERVING TULSA COUNTY. In February 1993, the City Council authorized the Owasso Municipal Court to enter into an agreement with the Tulsa County District Court for the purpose of allowing the municipal court to assume jurisdiction over certain juvenile misdemeanor offenses. That agreement was renewed El Owasso City Council August 16, 1994 in July 1993. These types of interlocal agreements must be renewed each year. Mr Burris moved, seconded by Mr Ewing, to approve the renewal of the Agreement for Municipal Court Jurisdiction of Juveniles, and that the Mayor be authorized to execute such document. AYE: Burris, Ewing, Ramey, Barnhouse, Duke NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 14: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE RENEWAL OF AN AGREEMENT PROVIDING FOR A SAFETY TRAINING PROGRAM FOR CITY EMPLOYEES: SUCH AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND MESO (MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC SYSTEM OF OKLAHOMA). In order to assist municipalities in meeting various federal and state safety regulations, the Oklahoma Municipal Assurance Group in conjunction with the Municipal Electrical Systems of Oklahoma has developed a safety training program for cities. The training is conducted by MESO and is primarily designed for water, sewer, street, park, refuse, and recreation employees. The safety training program consists of ten sessions of two hours per session during FY94 -95. Mr Ewing moved to approve the continuation of an agreement with MESO for a safety training program for FY94 -95, and that the Mayor be authorized to execute the necessary documents formalizing that agreement. Seconded by Mayor Duke. AYE: Ewing, Duke, Ramey, Barnhouse, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 15: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A PROPOSAL FROM THE OWASSO SENIOR CITIZENS - GOLDEN AGERS TO PROVIDE TRANSPORTATION SERVICES FOR DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS WORKERS. Since February 1993, the City has transported Department of Corrections workers on a 23 passenger International school bus. The Golden Agers have proposed the use of their van, which gets better mileage and has a lower maintenance cost than the bus. In exchange for this service, the Golden Agers would like to utilize the city's GO! Systems fuel program. The City would purchase the portion of gasoline used for DOC transportation, take care of all routine maintenance and repairs, and be responsible for the first $500 of any repairs. Repairs costing more than $500 would be split on the basis of 75% city and 25% Golden Agers. During discussion, it was suggested that the contract should contain language stating that the City would be responsible for all repairs to the van caused by negligence and vandalism. It was also 5 Owasso Cit y C ' ouncil August 16, 1994 suggested that the contract include language stating that the Golden Agers provide liability insurance. Mr Ramey moved that the City enter into an agreement with the Owasso Senior Citizens /Golden Agers allowing for cooperative use of the Senior van, with the suggested changes to the contract. Motion seconded by Mr Burris. AYE: Ramey, Burris, Ewing, Barnhouse, Duke ' NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ' ITEM 16: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR THE PURCHASE OF A PORTABLE BUILDING TO BE USED BY THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. The current police property room is contained in the police department building, requiring space that could be better utilized. Some of the larger pieces of property is stored in a rented mini - storage unit at a cost of $60.00 per month. The department would like to purchase a portable storage building to be placed adjacent to the police department to be used for storing confiscated property. Quotes were received from five vendors, with the lowest bid being $2060. Following discussion, Mr Burris moved, seconded by Mayor Duke, to approve the purchase of one 12 x 24 wooden storage building from Stephens Buildings for $2060. AYE: Burris, Duke, Ewing, Barnhouse, Ramey NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0 ITEM 17: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO RESOLUTION #94 -10, A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING "OWASSO EXPRESSWAY" AS THE OFFICIAL NAME FOR THE EAST AND WEST SERVICE ROADS PARALLELING US 169 BETWEEN 66TH STREET NORTH AND 96TH STREET NORTH. The Owasso Community Development Department, in conjunction with the Owasso Economic Development Authority and the Owasso Chamber of Commerce, has requested a change in the names of the Highway 169 service roads between East 66th St N and East 96th St N. The east service road is now named North Mingo Valley Expressway and the west service road is Forrest Drive. The name change was a suggestion made at a Chamber of Commerce goals retreat and was agreed to by the OEDA. The proposed name for the service roads is Owasso Expressway. Discussion centered around the numbering system and the changes that would be needed. Staff will notify all business owners along both roads of the change and work with the post office to ensure a smooth transition. Mr Burris moved to approve Resolution #94 -10 designating the east r Owasso City Council August 16, 1994 ' and west service roads arallelin Highway 169 between East 66th St N and East 96th St N as P g g Y "Owasso Expressway". Motion seconded by Mr Ramey. AYE: Burris, Ramey, Ewing, Barnhouse, Duke NAY: None 0 Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 18: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO AWARD OF A CONTRACT FOR RENOVATION OF SPACE PREVIOUSLY UTILIZED BY THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. On June 16, the City Council authorized the solicitation of bids for the renovation of the bay area of city hall. That area would be renovated to include council chambers /courtroom /all purpose meeting room. Four bids were received and were opened and read at the August 2 Council meeting. After review by the staff, it was the opinion that all bids were excessively high and should be rejected. Staff members have visited with two independent contractors and believe that the work could be accomplished by subcontracting by the City, utilizing a construction manager; and that this approach would keep the project within budget. Mr Ramey moved to reject all bids for the renovation of the existing city hall fire bay area, and direct staff to develop an alternative approach to constructing the improvements. Motion seconded by Mr Ewing. ' AYE: Ramey, Ewing, Barnhouse, Burris, Duke NAY: None "" Motion carried 5 -0. P ITEM 19: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER No Report ' ITEM 20: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY No Report IITEM 21: REPORTS FROM CITY COUNCILORS ' Mr Ramey asked about the hiring of an engineer to oversee the water and sewer project. He asked why Nova Engineering was not responsible for all overseeing of the project. Mr Ray said that resident inspection was not included as a part of this project. At the time the engineering Ill company was hired it was believed that city inspectors would be able to handle the project, however, with all the subdivisions that are going in, manpower is not available to make those 7 Owasso City Council August 16, 1994 inspections. Mr Munn said that the cost associated with Nova doing the inspections was also prohibitive. , Mr Ewing asked about the possibility of changing the name of Second Avenue to 76th St N. Staff will survey the businesses to see how they feel about a name change. Ma or Duke recognized Tom imball from EDA an d Ga ry Wells from the Planning ' Commission. ITEM 22: UNFINISHED BUSINESS None ITEM 23: NEW BUSINESS None ITEM 24: ADJOURNMENT Mr Burris moved, seconded by Mr Ramey to adjourn. AYE: Burris, Ramey, Ewing, Barnhouse, Duke NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Jerry Duke, Mayor 1 1 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING a, Tuesday, August 23, 1994 ' The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, August 23, 1994 in the Owasso City Hall Conference Room per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 2 :00 p.m. on Friday, August 19, 1994. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Duke called the meeting to order at 4:34 p.m. a ITEM 2: ROLL CALL I t PRESENT ABSENT Jerry Duke, Mayor Charles Burris, Vice Mayor Mary Lou Barnhouse, Councilor Joe Ramey, Councilor Danny Ewing, Councilor STAFF Steve Compton, Asst City Manager Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk A quorum was declared present. ITEM 5: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO RESOLUTION 94 -12. AUTHORIZING INCURRENCE OF INDEBTEDNESS BY THE OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FOR THE LOCATION OF PRECISION MACHINE AND MANUFACTURING CO INC. WAIVING COMPETITIVE BIDDING REQUIREMENTS. AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OR VICE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK OR DEPUTY CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE ANY AND ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY. Mr Compton said that the Max Buchanan Company has closed and the lease on the building is being terminated. Precision Machine and Manufacturing Co Inc has executed a new lease to utilize the building. On August 10, 1994 the Owasso Economic Development Authority adopted a resolution authorizing the issuance, sale and delivery of promissory notes to First Bank of Owasso and RCB Bank to finance the project. The actions taken by the OEDA must be authorized and approved by the City Council. Resolution 94 -12 takes that action. Owasso City Council August 23, 1994 Mr Burris moved, seconded by Mayor Duke, to approve Resolution #94 -12. AYE: Burris, Duke, Ramey, Barnhouse, Ewing NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 6: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE AWARD OF A CONTRACT PROVIDING FOR CONSTRUCTION OF 1500 LINEAR FEET OF SIDEWALK ALONG 96TH STREET NORTH BETWEEN THE EL RIO VISTA SUBDIVISION AND A NEWLY CONSTRUCTED ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. The contractor awarded the bid for this project at the August 16th City Council meeting did not have Workers Compensation insurance and, therefore, was disqualified. Staff recommended awarding the bid to other bidder at the same bid price as the original contractor. Mr Ewing moved to award a contract in the amount of $4280 to Gruenwald Construction for the construction of 1500 linear feet of sidewalk along 96th Street North near the new elementary school. Motion seconded by Mr Ramey. AYE: Ewing, Ramey, Barnhouse, Burris, Duke NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 3: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR AN EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING PENDING NEGOTIATIONS BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE FOP_; SUCH DISCUSSION ALLOWED PURSUANT TO 25 O S SECTION 307 -B(2). This item was withdrawn by Mayor Duke as mediation is still taking place. ITEM 4: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND THE FOP LODGE #149: SUCH CONTRACT PROVIDING FOR WAGES, BENEFITS AND OTHER WORKING CONDITIONS AND ESTABLISHING A TERM FOR THAT CONTRACT. This item was also withdrawn by Mayor Duke for the same reason stated in item 3. Mr Compton gave a brief report on the status of the mediation. 1 1 Owasso City Council ITEM 7: ADJOURNMENT Mr Burris moved, seconded by Mr Ramey to adjourn. AYE: Burris, Ramey, Ewing, Barnhouse, Duke NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 4:50 p.m. Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk 3 Jerry Duke, Mayor August 23, 1994 1 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND 9102194 11:20:32 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: ' PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ---- - - - - -- MANAGERIAL ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- ------------------------------ ' 950344 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN SUPPLIES 16.90 950407 MISER ASPHALT CO ASPHALT 900.00 950453 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB /EXPENSES 176.80 950462 GO SYSTEMS 7/94 FUEL 46.59 950492 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 7/94 LONG DISTANCE 14.41 950493 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE. 7/94 PLEXAR 49.92 ' DEPARTMENT TOTAL = = = => 1,204.62 FINANCE 950023 CPS BUSINESS, INC. LICENSE FEES 217.00 950344 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN SUPPLIES 58.13 950464 PRO PUB INC PAYROLL UPDATES 126.72 ' 950465 THOMPSON PUBLISHING GROUP FLSA UPDATES 238_00 - - DEPARTMENT TOTAL = = = => - - - -- 639.85 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ------------------------------ r. 950029 CELLULAR ONE -TULSA USAGE 15.10 950330 CITY GARAGE PARTS 182.40 950425 REYNOLDS RADIATOR REPAIR REPAIR 26.00 950453 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 48.77 950462 GO SYSTEMS 7/94 FUEL 169.43 950492 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 7/94 LONG DISTANCE 3.22 950493 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE. 7/94 PLEXAR 25.11 ------- - - - - -- DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___? 470.03 • MUNICIPAL COURT ------------------------ - - - - -- 950106 CHARLES RAMSEY RETAINER 950107 MICHAEL D. HILSABECK RETAINER 950492 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 7/94 LONG DISTANCE 950493 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE. 7/94 PLEXAR DEPARTMENT TOTAL = == i 11 ENGINEERING ------------------------ - - - - -- 825.00 825.00 .33 46.30 1,696.63 4 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND 9/02/94 11:20:32 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ---- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- 5 950462 GO SYSTEMS 7/94 FUEL 10.46 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___) 10.46 ' GENERAL GOVERNMENT , ------------------------ - - - - -- 950010 US POSTMASTER METER POSTAGE 1,000.00 950330 950214 MULTI CARE HEALTH CENTER PRE EMPL DRUG SCREEN 30.00 BEWLEY SUPPLIES 950217 MEMBER SERVICE LIFE PRE TAX ADMIN FEE 100.00 A/C REPAIR 950218 DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS DOC EMPLOYEES 156.75 29.16 950219 RETHERFORD PUBLICATIONS ADVERTISEMENT 34.20 950251 WATER'S & SEIFRIED SERVICES 1,600.00 950344 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN SUPPLIES 105.94 950426 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP DELIVERY 55.00 950431 ACCURATE FIRE EQUIPMENT SERVICING 76.33 950443 PITNEY BOWES INC SUPPLIES 38.05 950453 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 63.40 950454 TREASURER PETTY CASH DOC MEALS 291.47 950462 GO SYSTEMS 7/94 FUEL 7.17 950463 TULSA WORLD CLASSIFIED ADS 223.92 950492 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 7/94 LONG DISTANCE -27.00 950493 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE. 7/94 PLEXAR 407.70 ' 950494 PSO 7/94 USE 1,209.95 950495 OKLA NATURAL GAS 7/94 USE 39.73 950496 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE. 7/94 USE 47.79 950536 RONALD D CATES SERVICES /MEDIATION 1,800.00 NO CHARGE-' DEPARTMENT TOTAL = = = =) 7,260.40 , MAINTENANCE ' ------------------------ - - - - -- 950222 TAYLOE PAPER CO SUPPLIES 207.07 950330 CITY GARAGE PARTS 17.72 950436 BEWLEY SUPPLIES SUPPLIES 111.03 950437 MAXIMUM CONTROL, INC. A/C REPAIR 58.42 950453 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 29.16 950462 GO SYSTEMS 7/94 FUEL 22.07 DEPARTMENT TOTAL = = = =) 445.47 CEMETERY ------------------------ - - - - -- 950330 CITY GARAGE PARTS 476.13 ' 950230 CITY OF OWASSO UNIFORM CLEANING 1,305.00 ' GENERAL FUND PATROL TECHNOLOGY AMMUNITION 9/02/94 11:20:32 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PARTS PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT UNIFORMS SUPPLIES ---- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- SUPPLIES 950462 GO SYSTEMS 7/94 FUEL 33.15 SUPPLIES 950494 PSO 7/94 USE 17.12 HOWARD STAMPER INSTALLATION 150.00 950400 LEASE AMERICA DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> 526.40 POLICE SERVICES ------------------------------ ' 950080 HOWARD STAMPER RETAINER /SERVICES 150.00 950085 L.E.'T.H. TELEVISED TRAINING 288.00 950172 GALL'S INC. UNIFORM 63.48 POLICE COMMUNICATIONS ------------------------ - - - - -- 950383 WAL -MART SUPPLIES - - - - - -- -20_57 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___) 20.57 ANIMAL CONTROL ------------------------------ 950373 WAL -MART SUPPLIES 25.76 950382 WAL -MART SUPPLIES 256.38 6 950230 YALE CLEANERS UNIFORM CLEANING 1,305.00 ' 950276 PATROL TECHNOLOGY AMMUNITION 612.00 950330 CITY GARAGE PARTS 474.82 950364 950373 GALL'S INC. WAL -MART UNIFORMS SUPPLIES 28.91 74.09 950374 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE SUPPLIES 17.99 950375 REASORS PRICE RITE SUPPLIES 38.95 950399 HOWARD STAMPER INSTALLATION 150.00 950400 LEASE AMERICA COPIER LEASE 236.00 950420 GARRETT HEATING & AIR REPAIR 87.02 950462 GO SYSTEMS 7/94 FUEL 17616.63 950467 CELLULAR ONE -TULSA 8/94 USE 161.50 950469 VINES MINI- STORAGE RENTAL 60.00 950470 YULU OWENS CALLER ID 26.85 950471 LEROY TURNER CALLER ID 26.85 950492 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 7/94 LONG DISTANCE 47.57 950493 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE. 7/94 PLEXAR 195.99 ' 950494 PSO 7/94 USE 916.87 950495 OKLA NATURAL GAS 7/94 USE 29.65 950496 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE. 7/94 USE 47.79 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> 6,655.96 POLICE COMMUNICATIONS ------------------------ - - - - -- 950383 WAL -MART SUPPLIES - - - - - -- -20_57 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___) 20.57 ANIMAL CONTROL ------------------------------ 950373 WAL -MART SUPPLIES 25.76 950382 WAL -MART SUPPLIES 256.38 6 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND 9/02/94 11:20:32 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # ---- - - - - -- VENDOR ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- DESCRIPTION - AMOUNT - - - -- ------- - - - - -- 950462 GO SYSTEMS 7/94 FUEL 24.16 950492 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 7/94 LONG DISTANCE -1.04 950493 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE. 7/94 PLEXAR 27.96 950494 PSO 7/94 USE 83.29 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___) 416.51 FIRE SERIVCES ------------------------ - - - - -- 950284 GALL'S INC. EQUIPMENT 769.85 950304 OWASSO LUMBER CO SUPPLIES 373.48 950310 A & D SUPPLY SUPPLIES 943.62 950380 ACCURATE FIRE EQUIPMENT COMPOSITE BOTTLES 45.00 950384 GALL'S INC. EQUIPMENT 979.90 950462 GO SYSTEMS 7/94 FUEL 331.69 950476 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN SUPPLIES 372.88 950477 SHORTY'S AUTO ELECTRIC REPAIR 85.00 950486 J & P AUTO REPAIR 191.81 950492 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 7/94 LONG DISTANCE 11.61 950493 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE. 7/94 PLEXAR 185.39 950494 PSO 7/94 USE 1,060.19 950495 OKLA NATURAL GAS 7/94 USE 145.60 950505 BAILEY EQUIPMENT PARTS 36.03 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___) 5,532.05 CIVIL DEFENSE ------------------------ - - - - -- 950021 CELLULAR ONE -TULSA USAGE 10.30 950453 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 12.66 950492 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 7/94 LONG DISTANCE -1.02 950493 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE. 7/94 PLEXAR 25.84 950494 PSO 7/94 USE 64.49 950496 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE. 7/94 USE 50.22 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___) 162.49 STREETS ------------------------ - - - - -- 950124 WATER PRODUCTS INC SUPPLIES 1,840.00 950322 K & M ENTERPRISES MOWING /EL RIO VISTA 40.00 950330 CITY GARAGE PARTS 1,080.74 950333 APAC - OKLAHOMA, INC. ASPHALT 497.21 7 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND 9/02/94 11:20:32 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ---- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- 950403 HARES SHOE & ARCH SHOP BOOTS 92.00 950409 NAPA AUTO PARTS PARTS 47.67 950453 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 10.14 950462 GO SYSTEMS 7/94 FUEL 332.39 950474 TULSA COUNTY BOCC SIGNS 325.00 950480 HARES SHOE & ARCH SHOP BOOTS 187.00 950482 A -1 FENCE SIGN POSTS 234.80 950483 ANCHOR PAINT SUPPLIES 113.25 950492 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 7/94 LONG DISTANCE 1.94 950493 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE. 7/94 PLEXAR 45.57 950494 PSO 7/94 USE 791.37 950495 OKLA NATURAL GAS 7/94 USE 11.40 DEPARTMENT TOTAL = = = => 5,650.48 RECREATION CENTER ------------------------ - - - - -- 950344 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN SUPPLIES 220.34 950462 GO SYSTEMS 7/94 FUEL 13.87 950492 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 7/94 LONG DISTANCE -.16 950493 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE. 7/94 PLEXAR 40.92 950494 PSO 7/94 USE 491.81 950495 OKLA NATURAL GAS 7/94 USE 35.63 950503 MOULDER OLDHAM CO SUPPLIES 177.43 950504 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE SUPPLIES 57.91 DEPARTMENT TOTAL = = = => 1,037.75 SWIMMING POOL ------------------------ - - - - -- 950109 AMERICAN POOL SUPPLY CHEMICALS 950493 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE. 7/94 PLEXAR 950494 PSO 7/94 USE 950495 OKLA NATURAL GAS 7/94 USE DEPARTMENT TOTAL = = = => COMMUNITY CENTER ------------------------ - - - - -- 950070 UNITED ARTISTS CABLE CABLE USE 950184 CELLULAR ONE -TULSA USAGE 950330 CITY GARAGE PARTS 950344 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN SUPPLIES 386.45 27.46 480.88 46.47 941.26 22.08 10.00 20.47 47.72 IN CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND 9/02/94 11:20:32 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # ---- - - - - -- VENDOR ------------------- - - - - -- DESCRIPTION ------------------- - AMOUNT - - - -- ------- - - - - -- 950405 FAMILY SECURITY LOCH & RE REPAIR 132.50 950453 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 18.98 950462 GO SYSTEMS 7/94 FUEL 59.85 950492 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 7/94 LONG DISTANCE 1.55 950493 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE. 7/94 PLEXAR 78.61 950494 PSO 7/94 USE 1,251.40 950495 OKLA NATURAL GAS 7/94 USE 37.39 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> 1,680.55 PARK MAINTENANCE ------------------------ - - - - -- 950165 BAILEY EQUIPMENT PARTS 187.31 950166 ANCHOR STONE CO SCREENINGS 340.68 950199 JAMES L HOBBS MOWING /ATOR 160.00 950200 WAYNE CARVER MOWING /86TH ST 147.00 950201 ARLEY OWENS MOWING /ELM CREEK 594.00 950202 LARRY TURNER MOWING /RAYOLA 495.00 950204 CINTAS CORP. UNIFORM RENT /CLEAN 76.44 950236 AUDREY REEVE CLEAN ELM CREEK RESTROOMS 200.00 950330 CITY GARAGE PARTS 40.90 950414 HUGHES LUMBER CO SUPPLIES 24.89 950421 HARES SHOE & ARCH SHOP BOOTS 102.00 950422 LENOX WRECKER SERVICE TOWING 25.77 950424 NAPA AUTO PARTS PARTS 32.87 950432 EQUIPMENT ONE RENTAL & SA RENTAL 43.34 950433 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE SUPPLIES 24.38 950434 HEATWAVE SUPPLY SUPPLIES 49.95 950453 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 31.84 950457 VERDIGRIS VALLEY SOD FARM SOD 70.00 950462 GO SYSTEMS 7/94 FUEL 125.14 950494 PSO 7/94 USE 702.18 950495 OKLA NATURAL GAS 7/94 USE 89.58 950509 OWASSO TIRE BARN TIRES 546.00 DEPARTMENT TOTAL ==;==) 4,109.27 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ------------------------ - - - - -- 950453 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 102.09 950497 EHRLE'S PARTY SUPPLY SUPPLIES /CONF 65.00 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> 167.09 FUND TOTAL 38,627.84 9 0 1 ■ CITY OF OWASSO WORKERS' COMP SELF -INS PLAN 9/02/94 11:20:32 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ---- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- GENERAL GOVERNMENT ------------------------ - - - - -- 950139 DARRELL EVANS 950392 MULTI CARE HEALTH CENTER 950393 MULTI CARE HEALTH CENTER 950410 BERKLEY RISK MANAGEMENT 950411 MULTI CARE HEALTH CENTER. 950412 MULTI CARE HEALTH CENTER 950413 MULTI CAPE HEALTH CENTER 950441 BERKLEY RISK MANAGEMENT 950453 TREASURER PETTY CASH DEPARTMENT TOTAL = = = =) FUND TOTAL = = = =) T.T.D. CLAIM /MCCORMACK CLAIM /MCCORMACK ADMIN FEES CLAIM /CLAUSEN CLAIM /COSHATT CLAIM /ROBERTSON ADMIN FEE REIMB PETTY CASH 626.72 47.00 47.00 778.33 77.00 32.00 47.00 778.33 15.00 2,448.38 2,448.38 1 CITY OF OWASSO AMBULANCE SERVICE FUND 9/02/94 11:20:32 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ---- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- AMBULANCE ------------------------ - - - - -- 950265 ALLIANCE MEDICAL, INC. SUPPLIES 150.00 950343 ALLIANCE MEDICAL, INC. SUPPLIES 518.34 950386 MEDICAL COMPLIANCE SPECIA SUPPLIES 30.00 950390 ALLIANCE MEDICAL, INC. SUPPLIES 535.25 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___) 1,233.59 FUND TOTAL 1,233.59 2 i CITY OF OWASSO E - 911 9/02/94 11:20:32 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ---- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- POLICE COMMUNICATIONS ------------------------ - - - - -- 950006 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE. DEPARTMENT TOTAL = = = =) FUND TOTAL = = = => 1 E -911 1,740.37 1,740.37 1,740.37 3 9/02/94 11:20:32 CITY OF OWASSO CITY GARAGE A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: 14 PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ---- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- CITY GARAGE ------------------------ - - - - -- 950208 INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTEM BATTERIES 115.90 950209 MILEAGE MASTERS TIRES 1,148.22 950210 OWASSO TIRE BARN TIRES /TUBES 57.00 950222 TAYLOE PAPER CO SUPPLIES 65.61 950245 WELSCO INC OXYGEN /ACETYLENE 50.46 950274 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE SUPPLIES 35.75 950275 CLEARKOTE SUPPLIES 347.00 950280 FAMILY SECURITY LOCK & HE REKEY LOCKS 97.50 950306 LENOX WRECKER SERVICE TOWING 33.56 950307 WURTH SUPPLIES 187.81 950315 A & E DISTRIBUTING PARTS 74.17 950353 INDUSTRIAL SAFETY CO SUPPLIES 352.93 950409 NAPA AUTO PARTS PARTS 142.28 950428 ACCURATE FIRE EQUIPMENT SERVICING 41.95 950462 GO SYSTEMS 7/94 FUEL 9.59 950492 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 7/94 LONG DISTANCE .15 950493 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE. 7/94 PLEXAR 20.96 950494 PSO 7/94 USE 254.52 DEPARTMENT TOTAL = = = =] 3,035.36 FUND TOTAL =___] 3,035.36 LJ t CITY OF OWASSO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 9/02/94 11:20:32 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ---- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- * NO DEPARTMENT MASTER FOUND * ------------------------ - - - - -- 950461 MAXWELL SUPPLY OF TULSA SUPPLIES 565.83 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> 565.83 FUND TOTAL - - - - - -- 565_83 GRAND TOTAL =___) 222,208.18 15 VENDOR TRANSFERS CEMETERY CARE AMBULANCE CAPITAL TRANSFERS TOTAL CITY OF OWASSO A/P TRANSFER REPORT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT REVENUE TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 215.63 REVENUE TRANSFER FROM AMBULANCE FU 3,209.76 3,425.39 r VENDOR TRANSFERS CITY GARAGE WORKER'S COMP SELF -INS GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND CITY OF OWASSO A/P TRANSFER REPORT DESCRIPTION TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND TRANSFER FROM AMBULANCE FUND TRANSFER FROM E -911 FUND AMOUNT 2,333.33 11,512.50 10, 000.00 1,312.50 TRANSFERS TOTAL 25,158.33 CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 08/20/94 DEPARTMENT AMOUNT F inance - ............. .5 938.72 ... Municipal Court 1,263.07 : ; v:: n .... .......::::: :ti4 ? ?:•:ti4y:.. ::::: S:.. S.....4.............. .. ... • .. w::::.<: 41}};?.}:.., Y:::::: 4: i?: 4?;{:. 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GAtiy{•}+: nv... w. ww}.hv<uv..uvS.wAv.�vwL�Y.+�:vr :i••• APPROVED: 09/06/94 Mayor Council Member Council Member u 1 u• 111%101 I TO: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER FROM: MARCIA BOUTWELL EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT SUBJECT: SPECIAL PRESENTATION . DATE: August 25, 1994 BACKGROUND: In the past, the City has given "friendship" plaques to citizens who are traveling on special trips to other countries to work with their citizens in various projects. Those plaques are then, in turn, presented to city officials in the country being visited. Rev Dale Blackwood will be leaving on September 8 for a trip to Wales, where he will visit the Borough of Islwyn. Rev Blackwood, along with five other persons, will be working with a church in Risca. While there they will be staying in private homes throughout the community and will also be visiting with school children. Mayor Duke will present a placque to Rev Blackwood from the citizens, Mayor and City Council of Owasso to be given to officials in the Borough of Islwyn. 1 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: REQUEST TO ADDRESS COUNCIL IN REFERENCE TO MUNICIPAL CEMETERY OPERATIONS DATE: September 2, 1994 BACKGROUND: Several months ago the staff was approached by Ms Jerri Holmes with concerns that related to the operations of the Owasso municipal cemetery. After an initial discussion of those concerns, the staff suggested that a series of regular meetings be scheduled between various staff members and several citizens who had a special interest in the cemetery. Subsequently, through those meetings, a list of priorities was developed and action taken to address almost all of those priorities. Progress on the issues was satisfactory, and in July the citizens decided to discontinue the meetings. ' Evidently, since that time, something has occurred to cause Ms Holmes to question the commitment the city has to the cemetery's operations. Ms Holmes has requested, through a member of the Council, to address the Council to voice concerns relative to the cemetery. It has been indicated that her major concern is the construction of a new ornamental iron fence along the south side of the cemetery. 0 The staff had requested an appropriation of $20,000 for fencing in the FY 1994 -95 budget ($12,500 for ornamental fencing and $7,500 for chain link fence on three sides). That appropriation was approved and the staff subsequently scheduled the project to be initiated as soon as the Sports Park softball field design was completed. The softball field design was completed two weeks ago, and contract specifications for the cemetery fencing (ornamental) were completed this week (using a concept previously designed by the City and Broken Arrow and recommended by the citizens group). It should be noted that, during the past several years, the City has undertaken several major improvement programs for the cemetery. Those projects are listed below: 1 REQUEST TO ADDRESS COUNCIL September 2, 1994 ' Page 2 1. 1988, removed a dilapidated storage building and replaced with a quality work building, ' cost $3,200. 2. 1989, removed main entrance gate, widened entrance and constructed new overhead sign ' using original art work in order to maintain historic name plate. Installed new security gate. Cost, $1,800. 3. 1990, constructed a gazebo type structure to enhance aesthetics of the cemetery; project included installation of new flag pole and all weather lighting, cost $4,200 (funded by a $1,200 grant from citizens group and $3,000 from City). 4. 1991, all gravel streets overlaid with asphalt, and existing asphalt roads overlaid. Previous to this project, only 25 % of cemetery streets were hard surfaced. All cemetery streets are now asphalted. Cost, $21,814. 5. 1992, installed all new signs in entire cemetery using a consistent color scheme and numbering system to allow users to locate family lots more efficiently. For background information, it should be noted that in 1986 the previous city administration "borrowed" almost all of the cemetery care fund in order to cover a shortfall in the General Fund (caused by a downturn in sales tax receipts and overprojection of revenues). In addition to the above projects, between 1987 and 1991 the Finance Director accomplished the replacement of all of the "borrowed" funds, thus ensuring the Cemetery Care Fund was in compliance with state law. Since that time, this administration has maintained and improved the cemetery while ensuring the financial integrity of the Cemetery Care Fund was maintained. While the staff is unsure of the exact nature of Ms Holmes concern, we continue to be receptive to new ideas and are more than willing to work with any citizen or group of citizens to improve our service and care of the cemetery. 1 I MEMORANDUM ' TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO I FROM: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER I SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF FENCING SPECIFICATIONS FOR CEMETERY FENCE AND GATE DATE: September 2, 1994 BACKGROUND: ' Staff members have been conducting a series of meetings with citizens who have expressed an interest in improving the image and maintenance of the municipal cemetery. Those meetings have resulted in some very positive changes and improvements. Most notable have been city - sponsored "clean -up days ", utilizing volunteer help to perform needed maintenance projects. Other changes or improvements have included replacement of portions of the security fence that ' were in a state of disrepair, and increased police patrol in the cemetery to help stop vandalism and theft. Additionally, the citizens group has helped do research that provided the staff with information relating to the type and use of herbicide for cemetery application, and agreed to ' assist with opening and closing gates at the established time. Overall, the discussions and dialogue have been productive and have resulted in an improved level of services. ' However, a major issue remains unresolved. That issue concerns a perception on the part of the citizens group, that the cemetery image and appearance is unacceptable because of the quality ' of fencing that currently exists. The group feels that the city needs to replace the existing chain link with a more appropriate type of fence on the south side of the property (76th Street side) and replace the north and east chain link with some type of screening fence. The suggestion has been to replace the south fence with a quality "wrought iron" type of fence and appropriate gate. The consensus is that the change will create a completely new image and indicate a quality that does not currently exist. Additionally, the screening fences will offer more privacy to both the surrounding homeowners and visitors to the cemetery. In response to the suggestions, the staff visited one of Broken Arrow's cemeteries, where a new fence was recently installed along the "front" of the facility. After seeing the new fence and r viewing pictures of the previous fence, it was obvious that a similar improvement at the Owasso cemetery would have a substantial impact on its image. Subsequently, the fencing contractor for the Broken Arrow project (Williams Fencing Co) was contacted and requested to visit our 0 APPROVAL OF FENCING SPECIFICATIONS September 2, 1994 Page 2 cemetery and provide an estimate for a similar fence along the "front" of our facility. The contractor indicated that a fence and gate entrance would cost approximately $12,500 (staff believes that estimate is high because the contractor knows the project must be bid and doesn't want to "give away" his bid). A local fencing contractor has provided an estimate for the screening fence (six foot chain link with plastic screening "slats ") on the north and east at an additional $3000. The staff has acquired and reviewed the fencing specifications used by Broken Arrow for the wrought iron type fence. It is the staff position that the project would have a positive impact on the aesthetics of the cemetery (and community) and should be undertaken. Separate, bids. for the north screening fence and east and west chain link fence will be requested at a later date in an effort to allow local businesses a better chance to win the chain link portion of the project (staff is unsure if local fence companies have capabilities to bid the ornamental fencing portion of the project). REQUEST: This request is for Council approval of bid specifications for installation of 660 feet of ornamental iron fencing and gate along the south side of Fairview Cemetery. It is further requested that the staff be authorized to solicit bids for the project. I il I 1►`CI�A The Cemetery Care Fund (page 101 of the annual budget) currently has a fund balance of $96,500 and an appropriation of $20,000 for fencing. The last major expenditure from this fund was in 1991 for an overlay of the roadways in the cemetery (overlay expenditure was $21,814). There are adequate monies in the fund for this project. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approval of the request to solicit bids as specified for constructing 660 feet of ornamental iron fencing and gate. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Bid Specifications ICONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND BID SPECIFICATIONS FOR ' ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCING SYSTEM AT FAIRVIEW CEMETERY SEPTEMBER 1994 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA 1 1 1 1 1 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCING SYSTEM AT FAIRVIEW CEMETERY CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA Table of Contents Notice to Bidders Specifications Bid Form Bid Affidavit Notice of Award Contract for Services Invoice Affidavit NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed Bids will be received by the City of Owasso at the Owasso City Hall, Office of Contract Administrator, 207 South Cedar, PO Box 180, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 until 2:00 p.m. on the 6th day of October, 1994, and then at said City Hall publicly opened and read aloud. This will be for the furnishing of the following item: MATERIALS AND LABOR TO CONSTRUCT AN ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCE AND GATE AT FAIRVIEW CEMETERY Further information and specification packets can be obtained by contacting Marcia Boutwell, Contract Administrator, at Owasso City Hall during regular working hours. �rrr Envelopes containing bids must be marked to identify the item being bid. All bids must be submitted on the bid forms included with the bid documents. The City of Owasso expressly reserves the right to reject all bids. All bids will be considered irrevocable offers under conditions specified in the bid for a period of sixty (60) calendar days from and after the :date herein for the opening of bids. tember 12 Se 1994 Marcia Boutwell, Contract Administrator P go r C SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL A. WORK INCLUDED The contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and appurtenances necessary for installation of approximately 660 feet of an ornamental metal fencing system along the south side of Fairview Cemetery, 76th St N & Highway 169, Owasso, OK. B. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The manufacturer shall supply a total ornamental fencing system of the design, style, strength, and picket interspace defined herein. The system shall include all components (pickets, rails, posts, gates and hardware required. C. QUALITY ASSURANCE The contractor 'shall provide laborers and supervisors who are thoroughly familiar with the type of construction involved and the materials and techniques specified. D. REFERENCES ASTM A526 - Steel Sheet Zinc Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot Dip Process ASTM B117 - Salt Spray Testing E. SUBMITTAL The manufacturer's literature shall be submitted with contractor's bid PRODUCTS A. MANUFACTURER The ornamental metal fencing system shall be equal to that supplied by the American Hardware and Ornamental Iron Company. Design - Classic, Standard Arrow. Strength - Class 4 application, commercial /industrial, pickets 3/4" x 18 GA, rails 1' /z" x 14 GA (see table 1). Picket Interspace - Picket interspace 4 "; applicable design series classic; number of pickets 19 (see table 2). Fence Height - 6 feet Post Size - 21/2" x 14GA, post length 9'. Gate - Contractor to install a manually operated gate of the same design as the above specifications. (Attach details of gate to be installed.) Alternate #1 -Gate - The gate shall be an electronically controlled gate of the same design as the above specifications. (Attach details of gate to be installed.) I- LJ 1 1 - -J I t t jl if 11 I If I 'f it I 1 �I � ii I r I II ii li I. If I FENCE HEIGHT The look of excellence in traditional ornamental iron lencing is expressed in the CLASSIC series. The extended pickets used in the CLASSIC designs provide the dual advantage of increased security and added beauty. This dual feature make the CLASSIC an all -pur- pose enclosure thal•is highly suitable for all applications. All fences in the CLASSIC series are fabricated with galvanized steel tubing electrostatically coated with a black polyester powder (see discus- sion on page 2 and specification on page 8). SELECTION GUIDELINES • SPECIFY DESIGN — Series as "CLASSIC ": style from options in fewer left corner. • SPECIFY STRcNGTH — Class from Table I on Page 3 (Note: all Strength Classes are available for CLASSIC Series) • SPECIFY INTERSPACE — Of pickets from Table 2 on Page 3 (Note: CLASSIC available in all Interspaces) • SPECIFY HEIGHT — Of fence from Elevation Drawing below • SPECIFY POST — Size per architect (see Table 3. Page 3 for guidelines) • SPECIFY GATES from Table a. Page 3 (if applicable) POST - SPACING 8' OC " - -- 1'• _ 8 8 ! li. li jj I I 76" (8- FENCE). II it j I 64-(7' FENCE). 52'(6' FENCE) ii li it it 40' (5' FENCE) •Thaafad 30-(4' FENCE) lI �I ii ii II I tI at me heght 24-(3: }' FENCEI II I i ii .I i 18- (3' FENCE) f I — ii i; I° I �I I. 10 a - - - - - - - - - - - - - t f ' - - z- I SEE r 3t E 2 =00TE? ; - r POST LErtGT)f !. r_a A;,(;,a•cr- ' •j IN GROUN(1 PER AA(AIII1'CT I. ' . ' • t (SEE TABLE 3t ELEVATION DRAWING — I CLASSIC - ARROW/ I : w! 'i+ s4 f ' •;;:fr ;OPTIONAL DESIGN GATE DRAVANG PRODUCT FORM 0111,11110111.11 4011 fencinkl sy! ;I0IIIS ,110 av ;hil- ablo hom American in two product forms. READI -FAIL consists of pro - fabricated lence panels and gales ossembled by (he manufacturer prior to shipment FAST -FA0 is supplied in component parts to be assembled by the lencing contiactor. pick- ets and rails are individually poly - wrapped and then packaged in conveniently sized heavy -duty cardboard cartons. The Stan - dard,fastening system for both product forms is the application of a polymer - coated high strength steel pop rivet (see Construction Specification Page 8). DESIGN VARIETY American's ornamental fences are avail- able in five different standard design series (shown in detail on Pages 4 through 77). For the CLASSIC. MAJESTIC. and STALWART series. several optional styles are also shown. Pickets for those styles with an integral spear top are simultaneous- ly pressed and �1 �'� S_--_- sheared with a spr- cial die to achieve I the shape. Styles with flat- topped pickets are available where special ornamental tops are desired. STRENGTH CLASS To cover the wide variation in strength requirements for different applications, American supplies its systems in five dif- ferent strength classes in accordance with the Tnhla hPlnw CLASS APPLICATION _ PICKETS RAILS 2 iC. Stir. cCA 14 GA TABLE I — STRENGTH CLASSES PICKET INTERSPACE The picket interspace is the nominal air CUSTOM PRODU( CUSTOM FENCING Space between adjaCent pickets. American ollers three different options as follows. p!CK[T APPLRCARLE NUMBER INIERSI14CE DESIGN SERIES OF PICKETS CONDENSED STALWART. I? INIUISVACC) RAAIPAM ;:� SIANOAHO I CLASSIC. A MESTIC. (4 INTERSPACE) I INVINCI!?LF 19 E \I ANDEO CLASiIC. (51, INTERSPACE)I A!•UESTIC IS TABLE 2 — PICKET INTERSPACES The standard 4" interspace meets re- quirements for most applications. The 2' interspace is provided to meet special municipal or governmental regulations. to provide adequate enclosure for small chil- dren and pets, or to provide screening (see RAMPART design series). The 51,, - Inter - space provides an economical alternative wherever applicable requirements do not restrict its use. PANEL DIMENSIONS American's ornamental fence panels have a standard length of 96- to enable posts to be set at 8' -0' on center spacings. Heights offered range from 3' to 10' de- pending on the design series. The draw- ings on pages 4 through 7 show more detailed dimensional information. FENCE POSTS Posts are pre - punched to accept rails for the design series and style specified. All posts are supplied j with a post cap A -_ attached. Posts 1Z P--s: can be supplied in Ca: lengths from 3' to i 12'. 1- /Z "and 2" square by 14 gauge posts are standard stock items: larger squares and rectangular sections are available for high strength applications. Because post requirements vary greatly depending on strength class, fence height, and local soil and weather conditions. American does not attempt to specify exact post sizes. In the absence of other requirements. the fol- lowing table of guidelines (Table 3) 1s I offered based on historical architect and contractor preference. ESTATE GATES 02830 / AMC BUyLine 3012 POST POST ISTRENGTIr FENCE SIZE I I LENGTII I CLASS 1 ! HEIGHT FENCE I 1 3.3'; 4.5 11 IIEIGHT ACHIT -ECT I i 3 I J. 3' :. •I I 6.7 .8 FENCE �- 2 S'. 6'.7.8 HEIGHT TABLE 4 — STANDARD GATES 14 GA 4 FENCE 3 7 .8 HEIGHT 2•.6 _ FENCE .. ". x 14 GA.: HEIGHT ; 5 6 . 7 . 8 9 . 10 -2' -6- ! TABLE 3 — POST SIZE GUIDELINES STANDARD GATES Standard gates are available to match all standard fencing systems. Gate frames are fabricated with horizontals and verticals of the same cross- section as the rails for the specified fencing system; frames can be welded or connected by a high strength corner fitting. Gate hardware is furnished with the gates. Actual gate openings (inter- space between gate posts) vary to enable gate picket interspaces to match standard fence picket interspaces. A list of standard gates available is given in the table below. ' I ACTUAL G' 4TE O- rEN:NG iE07EED GATE' NON. ` (ay PICKET AT. ?S7tC-.i TYPE WIDTH —� 2- 4- _S.,i.- GATE POSTS _ 3 j 387, "• 34_!I 2 ,r 14 GA. LE NGTH PER ACHIT -ECT - ;2' 1Is.- a -; C-. = c. TABLE 4 — STANDARD GATES A_CCESSORY_PRO_DUCTS HINGES FITTINGS -� LATCHES CANTILEVER GATES 'u T hr: /•:nnnr. ;ut lint: of ornarnc. -rwil Irr,n fr;nr- uu) • : /•,1rgn', ry1fr:N, flu: mo%t !r,rn(,rr :hr:n•,wr: 0101f,r: Of 'aylr;', ;Intl 'Afhn()Ih'. :Ir:nlalJlr: from ;:rr/ (nar: ilw.hirt:i fhr: Irrr; r;it!r;rnnl Ih:rl Ihr;rr: I•, ;In /•.nu•nr ;u, Inn!, r: ;I�i;Illat,lr: fr,r an/ :Ip!rli /a!vrn fhr: !::I',u. 1!r;•,Irlr•1ilr.Il ar�rl (!r:'.v'r;nlial/ (,ryrrnf:r: tr -tat '.Irr•nr(III r I:I','.r:•. (f,la',',r: •. lint! j1 :rtr• a,:ul:I!dr• ut Il:r• l.I::'.',:r. !Aalr:'Ju.. The Applications Ihrour)h I)) Ttu:Sr: rlw,',r;', r,!!r:f Ihr: r;rr,n• Urrly of 1rnallRr pr!1'ra•,, hill "isil (Jrr,vu;r; :hf. ':Irr;nr)Ih of :;Ir:r;l, Ihr :y :rrr;. Ihr;f(ArJrr:. twi!,I / %lillat,l4 try( any 1w,Irfr;rtlial :I(,Tdu.a!Ir,n ;I', viral ;I', for (,r:nmr;lhr', ',u•rry:rnrllnr) r, r,rn rnr :rr,I;ll land liw, III(! /:II 1'ur(+ry',(. out (,ryrnrnnrli;Il /Inrlu', Ina l'. 1fr9u) N: !I:I•,•,r ".1(•la'.'.r:'.';:rlu! .Tarr: :r,:ulal,lr; uI Ilu: (;la•,•,Ir. !A: gr:'.Itr•..',I:Jrrart :Intl hrnrrr.iLlr. r!r :..u)n !r:nr:', fhr: u'.h r,l Il:r. r •,rin:urr (n!l'r9 Chair •. R,r,',r; r,la'.'.r:'. f oe —� :• Il :., R,,:,Irr ,•�.,.., Rdr:al for any appliralion fhr; nr;r :rl'; of bij ,inr:• ;C,r;' ;. in,,liftiliow.. rnunrr,:(i:drt:r::. and Rnr wArial larilai •. art ::Irlrlrry;;r;rl oy Ihr:!;r; ';Irr;nr)III fa:r,•,r:'; fhr: Flravy Ifidw.fn;d •,Irr :nrph rl:r.'. (Cl:r','. `.) r: av:nlahl!: In :III lhn 'Alowri or] (I: qw. 4 Ila"I)I)h / I lu)li •,r;r,ur ily r'. Ilan hallnlari of Ihr: It:v:nr.t- fdr:rl�:'.u)n'd:nr:•. (,frra!' /'.!rr•r :��ul1`,rl "'a !r,yr: r:tr)r•) r. Ilu• •.(,r.r•c Il :I(,(,lu.atu,n of Ir:ur,r;•, lal,nr.ap:rl Ir, rtu: f lan,(,arl r1r:',u)n P t� 1� In BID PROPOSAL - SUBMITTAL PAGE ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCING SYSTEM AT FAIRVIEW CEMETERY TOTAL LUMP SUM BID FOR MATERIALS AND LABOR ALTERNATE #1, ELECTRONICALLY OPERATED GATE I hereby acknowledge that I have read the specifications and that I am legally bound by the statements on the Bid Proposal - Submittal Pages. Signature Title Address BID OPENING: 2 :00 P.M. OCTOBER 6, 1994 NON COLLUSION BID AFFIDAVIT STATE OF ss COUNTY OF , of lawful age, being first duly sworn, on oath says that (s)he is the agent authorized by the bidder to submit the attached bid. Affiant further states that the bidder has not been a part of any collusion among bidders in restraint of freedom of competition by agreement to bid at a fixed price or to refrain from bidding; or with State, County, or City officials or employees as to quantity, quality, or price in prospective contract, or any discussions between bidder and any State, County, or City official concerning exchange of money or other thing of value for special consideration in the letting of a contract. Name: Signature Subscribed and sworn before me this day of , 199_. ' Notary Public My Commission Expires: NOTE: COMPLETE THIS AFFIDAVIT AND RETURN WITH BID PROPOSAL NOTICE OF AWARD TO: Project Description: Ornamental Iron Fencing System at Fairview Cemetery The OWNER has considered the BID submitted by you for the above described item in response to its Advertisement for Bids first published on , 1994. You are hereby notified that your BID has been accepted for items in the amount of You are required to return an acknowledged copy of this NOTICE OF AWARD to the OWNER. Dated this day of , 1994 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA By: Title: Contract Administrator ACCEPTANCE OF NOTICE Receipt of the above NOTICE OF AWARD is hereby acknowledged by this day of 19 am Title: CONTRACT FOR SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT, made this day of 1994, between the City of Owasso, (CITY), and doing business as (CONTRACTOR). WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the sum of ' the parties agree as follows: 1. The CONTRACTOR will complete the work -as indicated in the specifications and drawings. 2. The term "Contract Documents" means the Contract Documents and Bid Specifications ' packet in its entirety. 3. The CITY shall pay the CONTRACTOR upon completion and acceptance of the work , following the submission of an invoice. 5. This Agreement shall be binding upon all parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. 6. This instrument, supplemented by the Contract Documents, contains the entire Agreement between the parties, and no statement, promise or inducement made by either party, or the agent of either party, that is not contained in this written Contract shall be valid or binding. 7. This Agreement shall not be enlarged, modified or altered except in writing, signed by the parties and endorsed hereon. 8. This Contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of Oklahoma both as to interpretation and performance. CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA By Mayor ATTEST: Contract Administrator APPROVED AS TO FORM & CONTENT: Ronald D Cates, City Attorney CONTRACTOR LISM Title NON COLLUSION INVOICE AFFIDAVIT STATE OF ) ss COUNTY OF The undersigned person, of lawful age, being first duly sworn, on oath says that this invoice is true and correct and the (s)he is authorized to submit the invoice pursuant to a contract or purchase order. Affiant further states that the (work, services or materials) as shown by this invoice have been (completed or supplied) in accordance with the plans, specifications, orders, requests or contract furnished or executed by the affiant. Affiant further states that (s)he has made no payment directly or indirectly to any elected official, officer or employee of the municipality / authority or money or any other thing of value to obtain payment of the invoice or procure the contract or purchase order pursuant to which an invoice is submitted. Print or Type Name of Contractor or Vendor Signature Print or Type Name and Title Subscribed and sworn before me this day of , 199_ Notary Public My Commission Expires: I MEMORANDUM r ' TO: ' FROM: BACKGROUND: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER MARCIA BOUTWELL EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT REQUEST APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION #94 -11 August 25, 1994 Resolution #86 -15, approved on December 2, 1986, established the price of single burial spaces and set fees for opening and closing of burial spaces in Fairview Cemetery. Staff has recently reviewed that ordinance and those fees, and it is believed that an amendment needs to be made to the fee schedule for opening and closing of gravesites. The fee schedule, as approved in December 1986, provided for an opening and closing fee of 1) $200.00 on weekdays, 2) $300.00 on Saturday mornings, and 3) $400.00 on Saturday afternoons. There are no interments on Sundays or holidays. The Saturday fee is higher than a weekday because the city is faced with overtime charges to have a staff member present at the cemetery for a Saturday service. However, because the cost to the city is no greater on Saturday afternoons than it is on Saturday mornings, the staff team felt it would be in the best interest of the public to provide for the same fee all day on Saturday. Resolution #94 -11 provides for the following fee schedule for the opening and closing of normal burial spaces: 1) $200.00 Monday through Friday, and 2) $300.00 on Saturday. r Resolution #86 -15 did not address the fee for opening and closing a burial space to contain cremains. Resolution #94 -11 provides for the opening and closing cost for cremations to be one - half the regular cost ($100.00 Monday through Friday and $150.00 on Saturday). r RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Resolution #94 -11. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution #86 -15 2. Resolution #94 -11 SUBJECT: ' DATE: BACKGROUND: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER MARCIA BOUTWELL EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT REQUEST APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION #94 -11 August 25, 1994 Resolution #86 -15, approved on December 2, 1986, established the price of single burial spaces and set fees for opening and closing of burial spaces in Fairview Cemetery. Staff has recently reviewed that ordinance and those fees, and it is believed that an amendment needs to be made to the fee schedule for opening and closing of gravesites. The fee schedule, as approved in December 1986, provided for an opening and closing fee of 1) $200.00 on weekdays, 2) $300.00 on Saturday mornings, and 3) $400.00 on Saturday afternoons. There are no interments on Sundays or holidays. The Saturday fee is higher than a weekday because the city is faced with overtime charges to have a staff member present at the cemetery for a Saturday service. However, because the cost to the city is no greater on Saturday afternoons than it is on Saturday mornings, the staff team felt it would be in the best interest of the public to provide for the same fee all day on Saturday. Resolution #94 -11 provides for the following fee schedule for the opening and closing of normal burial spaces: 1) $200.00 Monday through Friday, and 2) $300.00 on Saturday. r Resolution #86 -15 did not address the fee for opening and closing a burial space to contain cremains. Resolution #94 -11 provides for the opening and closing cost for cremations to be one - half the regular cost ($100.00 Monday through Friday and $150.00 on Saturday). r RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Resolution #94 -11. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution #86 -15 2. Resolution #94 -11 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA RESOLUTION NO. 86 -15 A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 77 -1, ESTABLISHING THE PRICE OF SINGLE GRAVE SPACES AND BURIAL LOTS, AND AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 77 =2, ESTABLISHING THE FEES FOR OPENING AND CLOSING OF GRAVE SPACES AND /OR BURIAL LOTS IN FAIRVIEW CEMETERY. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, has under consideration, the amending of prices for single grave spaces and burial lots in Fairview Cemetery; and WHEREAS, there is an increased demand for said spaces and lots; and WHEREAS, space is becoming less available in said cemetery; and WHEREAS, it would be in the interests of the City of Owasso and in the public interest to raise and establish the price of said spaces and lots. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA: Section 1. That the price of single grave space and /or burial lot in Fairview Cemetery shal be ThOee Hundred Dollars and no /100 ($300.00) per single space and /or single lot. WHEREAS, the Clty:Oouncil of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma wishes to change the fee schedule for the opening and closing of grave spaces and /or burial lots in Fairview Cemetery; and WHEREAS, the City cannot continue the present fee schedule in effect without the loss of substantial revenue; and WHEREAS, it would be in the interest of the City of Owasso and the public interest to raise and establish new fees for the opening and closing of grave spaces and /or burial lots. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA: Section 2. That the following fee schedule be adopted for the opening and closing of grave spaces and /or burial lots with- in Fairview Cemetery: A. $200.00 for weekdays B. $300.00 for Saturday A.M. C. .$:4 -Q0.00 for Saturday P.M. PASSED :;AU1,:.APPROVED this 2nd ;day of Decemb r, 1986 Kenneth M. Wood, Mayor ( SEAL ) ..... ATTEST": °J 5 Jan25�iuchanan, City Clerk W Yt CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA RESOLUTION NO 94 -11 A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO 86 -15, ESTABLISHING THE PRICE OF SINGLE BURIAL SPACES, AND ESTABLISHING THE FEES FOR OPENING AND CLOSING OF BURIAL SPACES IN FAIRVIEW CEMETERY. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma has under consideration the amending of the fee schedule for the opening and closing of burial spaces in Fairview Cemetery; and ' WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma wishes to establish a fee schedule for the opening and closing of burial spaces in Fairview Cemetery to contain cremains: and ' WHEREAS, the price of a single burial space in Fairview Cemetery shall remain the same. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA: Section 1. That the price of a single burial space in Fairview Cemetery shall be Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00). Section 2. That the following fee schedule be adopted for the opening and closing of burial spaces within Fairview Cemetery: f. A. $200.00 - Monday thru Friday (except Holidays) B. $300.00 - Saturday Section 3. That the following fee schedule be adopted for the opening and closing of burial spaces within Fairview Cemetery to contain cremains: A. $100.00 - Monday thru Friday (except Holidays) B. $150.00 - Saturday APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of September, 1994 by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. Jerry Duke, Mayor ATTEST: Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald D Cates, City Attorney MEMORANDUM TO: RODNEY J. RAY CITY MANAGER FROM: STEVE COMPTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: GRAVELY LAWN MOWER EVALUATION 1 DATE: September 1, 1994 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BACKGROUND: During July and August, a 72" Gravely mower was evaluated by the Park Maintenance, Public Works, and Building Maintenance staff. It was tested at Rayola Park, Sports -Park, Cemetery, Wastewater Treatment Facility, City Hall, and various other small tracts of city -owned land. In the opinion of the staff that handles this type of equipment daily, that it is extremely efficient and will result in saving a significant number of work hours per week. This is exceedingly importance given the fact that the work hours saved will occur during our peak work time of the year, allowing more time for staff to provide other needed services. Specifically, using existing equipment it currently takes staff approximately 1.5 to 2 hours to mow a two acre tract (about the size of the ball field at Rayola Park). Using the 72" Gravely it takes between .5 and .75 hours to mow the same area, freeing a minimum of 1 work hour twice a week during the summer months. On the smaller tracts of land the savings is not as great, however, it still is a significant savings compared to the current standard. See attached memorandum from Mr. Carr. The purchase and shared use of the 72 "- Gravely will avoid buying two other mowers The FY 94 -95 budget contains $14,000 to purchase three mowers in different city departments This purchase would cut the need for three mowers to one mower and save approximately $5,000.00. 09 Presently there is an authorized GSA pricing bid on this machine for the amount of $10,449.00. The local Owasso vender has provided a bid in the amount of $9,200.00 or $1,249.00 below the GSA bid. See attached Bid from Bailey Equipment, Inc., 8335 Owasso Expressway, Owasso, OK. The bid includes a full two year warranty for equipment and labor, except for the maintenance and repairs form normal usage. FUNDING: It would be proposed that this machine be shared by the Parks and Public Works Departments and that $8,000 of the funding be allocated from the Parks Department FY 94 -95 budget and that $1,200 be allocated from the Public Works Department FY 94 -95 budgets. It should be noted that Public Works would purchase a trailer and hitch to transport the mower at an additional cost of $750.00. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends Council approval of the expenditure of $9,200.00 to Bailey Equipment, Inc., Owasso, for the purchase of one "72 "- Gravely" commercial grade mowing tractor, such purchase utilizing the government central purchasing contract awarded by competitive bid. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Memorandum from F. Robert Carr 2. Bailey Equipment, Inc., Owasso - Bid ►fie ►I I lu TO: Steve Compton Assistant City Manager FROM: F. Robert Carr Public Works Director SUBJECT: GRAVELY LAWN MOWER EVALUATION DATE: August 29, 1994 The Public Works Department has tested the Gravely lawn mower to evaluate various functions and uses within different divisions. Our findings are as follows. USES EVALUATED: This mower was tested at the Cemetery and Wastewater Treatment Plant. Each of these locations have differing mowing situations. The Cemetery has limited mowing widths due to the settings of head and foot stones. Our ability to get the mower into some of the more narrow areas was partially affected by the 72- inch mower deck of this unit. Upon completion of cutting the areas that were accessible, trim time required using another riding lawn mower and weedeater. Therefore, the time required to complete mowing in the Cemetery was not significantly changed. The Wastewater Treatment Plant has large open areas to be cut. Using this mower proved to be beneficial. The mower was able to get close enough to the structures that trimming was minimized. The operator found that the mower could turn very quickly and that it was somewhat difficult to keep on -line. This situation should be easily remedied with more experience using the mower. OBSERVED RESULTS: The following results of the evaluation were observed: Page 2 Gravely Lawn Mower Evaluation 1. The mower can be effectively used at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. The cut width did not appear to reduce the overall time to perform the mowing; however, with more familiarity with the equipment, the mowing time is expected to decrease. 2. Although somewhat limited in the area that the mower can be used at the Cemetery, use of this equipment was successful. Mowing time did not appear to be significantly reduced since other areas around the grave markers require close mowing and trimming. 3. Transporting the mower will require the purchase of another trailer. None of the trailers within the City equipment have enough width or clearance to enable the mower to be loaded for transport or to be safely moved. EXPECTED USES WITHIN PUBLIC WORKS: Based on the evaluation of the equipment, the Public Works Department would be able to use this equipment at the following locations: - Wastewater Treatment Plant (4 -6 hours per week) - Cemetery (for large open areas and wide areas between established . rows) (12 -16 hours per week) - Field behind Animal Control Facility (2 -3 hours biweekly) - Field opposite Public Works Administration building owned by the doctors office (2 -3 hours biweekly) POTENTIAL COST SAVINGS: The FY 94 -95 Budget (line item 61 -530 -5441) includes $2,000 for the purchase of a riding lawn mower for the Wastewater Treatment Plant. The mower typically is intended to be used approximately 4 to 6 hours per week during the mowing months. The equipment could be used at other locations during idle time. The riding lawn mower at the Cemetery has been included in the 10 -year Capital Plan to be replaced next year (FY95 -96). Although the Gravely mower may not be as effective as a mower with a smaller deck, the use of this mower at the Cemetery at this time may help to defer the purchase of a new mower. The estimated cost of a new mower for the Cemetery is $2,000 to $3,000. 1 OTHER ASSOCIATED COSTS: Page 3 Gravely Lawn Mower Evaluation ' A trailer will need to be purchased to transport the mower. The expected cost of a trailer of adequate size and clearance is approximately $1,000. IRECOMMENDATION; The Public Works Department recommends the purchase of the Gravely lawn mower for use by various City departments. The mower can be scheduled for use within each department. 1 1 August 8,1994 ailep Equipment, -Nnr. Lawn and Garden Equipment Sales and Service City of Owasso Parks Department P.O. Box 180 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 RE: Bid on Gravely Tractor GSA ID # EQUIPMENT 341 -4 Promaster 400 Series 22HP 341 -3 60" Mower Deck 341 -22 Deluxe Seat 341 -22 Arm Rest Total GSA Pricing Dealer Discount Total Price PRICE 8,524.00 1,596.00 252.00 77.00 10,449.00 1,249.00 9,200.00 If you have further questions please do not hesitate to call. Thank You, Bailey E uipment, Inc l V9 b/ Roger D. Bailey President (918) 272 -8804 w MEMORANDUM TO: RODNEY J. RAY CITY MANAGER FROM: M.A.ALEXANDER� CHIEF OF POLICE SUBJECT: PURCHASE OF MANDATED EQUIPMENT DATE: July 25, 1994 BACKGROUND: Current FOP contract mandates that all officers within the bargaining unit be provided with a protective vest. These vests must be replaced prior to the manufacturer's recommended expiration date. In addition, current policy within the department mandates the wear of protective vests for all officers assigned to patrol duties. This fiscal year, seven vests are in need of replacement. In April, the Health and Safety committee performed research as to which vests on the market provided the best protection, comfort and were most affordable. Two vests were recommended by the Health and Safety committee: Second Chance Comfortlite and Safariland Hyperlite, Threat Level II. Since both vests are comparable in price and protection, it was recommended by the committee to allow the officers to choose the preferred vest for them. The seven officers who will be receiving the new vests chose the Second Chance model. Quotes were received from three vendors, they are: Patrol Technology - Tulsa $ 263.00 - $ 367.00 Phillips Police Equip. - Tulsa $ 360.00 Dee's Uniforms - Tulsa $ 560.00 In all quotes, extra sized vests are higher in cost. Accessories such as extra size trauma plates, vest covers, and carrier tails will also be added to the above prices. COST ANALYSIS: The life expectancy of these protective vests is anticipated at approximately five years, provided they are not compromised. The vests were budgeted for in the 1994 -1995 Police Department Budget and monies currently exist to make this purchase. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the purchase of seven Second Chance protective vests ' and accessories from Patrol Technology for the total cost of $2,594.00. �J ATTACHMENTS: 1. Health & Safety Committee Recommendation 2. Bid from Patrol Technology 3. Bid from Phillips Police Equipment 4. Bid from Dee's Uniforms r To: Chief Alexander 04/30/94 'From: Health and Safety Committee Ref: Soft Body Armor Ma'am: The Health and Safety Committee over the past few weeks have ' gathered information on and exam' t examined two types of soft body armor, the Safariland Hyperlite Threat Level II and the Second Chance 'Comfortlite Threat Level IIA. Both vests are wrap around models. Both vests offer virtually the same protection even though the Safariland is a higher rated vest. BOt�`i 'J °.�..ts will Stop any handgun 'round that is currently furnished b his _Y t_ for duty use. .,econd Chance however does ±urn-sh with z vest a 5;8 K. -30 ya;listic Plate that will stop some rifle rounds, handgun calJbitr "KTWA armor 'piercing rounds, and 12ga_ shotgun slugs. Second Chance also furnishes with its vests a removable raids, gang fights, etc, groin protector for use during �o at no extra charge. Safariland furnishes with its vest a"soft" shock plate for increased wearer comfort. The ' Second Chance vest ranges in price from $263.00 to $367.00 depending on size. The Safariland vest ranges from $299.00 to $359.00 depending on size. Delivery on Second C ance, vests is a=rrox 2 'weeks. Delivery on y _ari_and vesta �s a?�ra. {. 45 days - -.j ease ±;QY of the committee -e-'s ::_at the Second ?lest the protection for the off4 -er and is the beater investment for the department. However both vests fer. st., of =,.. adecuate Protection for the officer we feel that Lhe officer should have the choice of which vest is purchased for the use_ Also the committee eels that if the officer wishes to have a--higher threat level vest they may do so, but levels. the offi between the threat cer must pay the difference ;` r price If you reed any further information -feel free to contact me at any time. to � 7 bw on Re_pnectfal I �Y Ft__ • �. 3dwards ie__zh and Sate*-_' (:cmmit ,ee 12�c,' C� t i_ Cu:.ningham PATROL TECHNOLOGY DAVID ASHBY 9522 E 47 PLACE #E TULSA OK 74145 08 -22 -94 OWASSO POLICE DEPT Phone: 918 - 664 -4867 Fax: 918 - 664 -4871 EIN: 73- 1430778 THIS IS A PRELIMARY INVOICE TO HELP YOU BUDGET Manufacturer Description Retail Cost Second Chance Armor Comfortlite IIA 22 -17X16 standard 655.00 341.00 in White SPA with 7x10 K30 plate. s/n for Rick Dearmond Exempt Extra charge for larger plate than standard 5x8 K30 Freight & Insur: 8.00 Identical spare cover Tax Exempt #: Municipal government 65.00 34.09 Second Chance Armor Comfortlite IIA 22 -22X17 standard 705.00 367.00 in White SPA with 5x8 K30 plate. s/n for Tony Clark -0- Additional 7x12 K30 plate 50.00 26.00 Identical spare cover 65.00 94 -.09. Second Chance Armor Comfortlite IIA 22 -17X14 standard in White SPA with 7x9 K30 plate. s/n for Cliff Motto Extra charge for larger plate than standard 5x8 K30 Identical spare cover Second Chance Armor Comfortlite IIA 22 -12x15 standard in White SPA with 7x10 K30 plate. s/n for Mike Denton Extra charge for larger plate than standard 5x8 K30 Identical spare cover Second Chance Armor Comfortlite IIA 22 -22x17 standard in White SPA with 7x12 K30 plate. s/n for James Leigh Extra charge for larger plate than standard 5x8 K30 Extra charge for tails added to cover Identical spare cover 655.00 341.00 5.00 65.00 34.89 575.00 299.00 8.00 65.00 34--89 705.00 367.00 , 10.00 15.00 8.00 80.00 44-,-0-0 Second Chance Armor Comfortlite IIA 22 -22x16 standard 705.00 367.00 in White SPA with 7x10 K30 plate. s/n for Ken Yount Extra charge for larger plate than standard 5x8 K30 8.00 Identical spare cover 65.00 -34.0 Second Chance Armor Comfortlite IIA 25 -25x17 standard 825.00 429.00 in White SPA with 7x12 K30 plate. s/n for John Edwards Extra charge for larger plate than standard 5x8 K30 10.00 Identical spare cover 65.00 3� Balance Due: $244 -0-06 Cust# OWASSOPD Ord# Invoice: Sale Total: i8a- -e Rcvd: Method: OTC By: Dave Ashby Sales Tax: Exempt Ship: Via: Zone: #Pkgs: Wt: Freight & Insur: -0- Packer: Tax Exempt #: Municipal government C.O.D.: -0- Invoice Total: $2-e $. Payment terms: Net 20 days Amount Paid: -0- Balance Due: $244 -0-06 MOM F, a2 Phillips Police Equipment Co. ' 6124 E. ADMIRAL PLACE TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74115 ' (918) 836 -8027 f M/#� � N Ffl OfTICER EDAMS NhT- -o 6ce b---PT- Q'ov� ON rx � 3sa WILL MEQ sl "Tom- C6Nt`.� -kl''E Tr; VhcF mom{ WR��cT a Poc.c O/0 A�e,azGi�, TO Si 7x,5 IMP L7 oq\tac &ov%k&5 VA)( @%-mm DEE' S UNIFORMS 114C,. 023 E. ADMIRAL PL. TULSA, OKLA. 74115 -(91B) 838­3337 AUgUst 25, 1994 OWAS 30 POP_ I CE: DEPT. The following are prices -for Second Chance Comfort Lite I IA vE -eits with a K'350 7x 10 1/2 trRl.tma pl zytr_!. Style #k 1212 $ 372. 00 Style # 1712 $ 440. 00 Style 44 2212 $ 496.00 .a 'yl e # 2217 $ 560. tic. Style #k .2.2; 2 $ 600. 00 Female $ 496. 00 If YOU have any gUetsions, please give? mF -? v, call. Thank YOU. Si nc:erel y, Jeff Klein Dee's Uniforms �J 1 1 t I Ib oil an REQUEST F_x_1 CITY MANAGER Fx_] COUNCIL DATE: August 30, 1994 FI OPWA FI OEDA F-1 BOA PC FI CIP D OPGA F1 WATCHDOG OTHER FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: NAME: Rohn Munn DEPT: Enaineerina TELEPHONE: 272 -4959 SUBJECT: Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvements - Larkin Bailey Elementary School NOTE: All City Council Agenda items, including appropriate backup materials, and all items for the City Manager's Report, must be submitted to the office of the City Manager by NOON on WEDNESDAY preceding a Council meeting. Water and sanitary sewer lines were designed by William E. Lewis, P.E. in June 1994. Staff reviewed the construction plans and agreed to the concept. Ken Laster Company was awarded the construction contract. Construction began after a pre- construction meeting in late July 1994. The staff inspected the construction on a day -to -day basis and had each line tested according to current standards. The Department Of Environmental Quality provided their approval on July 22,1994, by assigning the 425 linear feet of 8 -inch sanitary sewer line a project number of SL000072941519, and the 1,050 linear feet of 6 -inch water line a project number of WL000072941520. Everything has been tested and approved. Staff recommends acceptance of the water and sanitary sewer lines. Staff recommends Council approval of the water and sewer infrastructure that serves the Larkin Bailey Elementary School- 96th Street North. DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR APPROVAL: CITY MANAGER APPROVAL: ATTORNEY APPROVAL: BOARD /COMMITTEE APPROVAL: TE: OTHER: _D E sp Appro✓e- 1 CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL: FOR CITY MANA FIRST AGENDA DATE HEARING: Request for Action Form No. 1 - June 1994 DATE RECEIVED: v APPROVED: 94 SECOND AGENDA DATE: ORDINANCE /RESOLUTION: MEMORANDUM TO: RODNEY RAY CITY MANAGER FROM: ROHN MUNN ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN SUBJECT: ACCEPTANCE OF THE WATER AND SEWER INFRASTRUCTURE AT THE LARKIN BAILEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL- 96TH STREET NORTH DATE: August 24,1994 BACKGROUND: Water and sanitary sewer lines were designed by William E. Lewis, P.E. in June 1994. The staff reviewed the construction plans and agreed to the concept and requested Mr. Lewis to seek the Department Of Environmental Quality's approval. The staff agreed to let William E. Lewis, P.E. seek construction bids and proceed with the installation of the water and sanitary sewer lines. Mr. Lewis was reminded that the contractor could proceed after a pre - construction meeting and at his own risk until the construction plans were approved by the Department Of Environmental Quality. Ken Laster Company was awarded the construction contract. Construction began after a pre - construction meeting in late July 1994. The staff inspected the construction on a day -to -day basis and had each line tested according to current standards. The Department Of Environmental Quality provided their approval on July 22,1994, by assigning the 425 linear feet of 8 -inch sanitary sewer line a project number of SL000072941519, and the 1,050 linear feet of 6 -inch water line a project number of WL000072941520. Everything has been tested and approved. Staff recommends acceptance of the water and sanitary sewer lines. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends Council approval of the water and sewer infrastructure that serves the Larkin Bailey Elementary School- 96th Street North. 1 IP REQUEST FOR ACTION REQUEST Fx-1 CITY MANAGER F-x] COUNCIL DATE: August 30, 1994 FI OPWA 0 OEDA F1 BOA E] PC FI CIP E] OPGA F� WATCHDOG F-1 OTHER FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: NAME: Rohn Munn DEPT: Enaineerina TELEPHONE: 272 -4959 SUBJECT: Offsite lift station and force main improvements - Brentwood Estates NOTE: All City Council Agenda items, including appropriate backup materials, and all items for the City Manager's Report, must be submitted to the office of the City Manager by NOON on WEDNESDAY preceding a Council meeting. IThe Developer has requested the staff seek Council approval of the offsite lift station, force main and appurtenances in order for home site construction to begin. Lift station will require funding for operation. An estimate for operating expenses was included in the FY 1994 -95 budget. :ity Manager's office. II IStaff requests Council approval of the offsite lift station and wastewater force main system that serves the Brentwood Estates. DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR APPROVAL: CITY MANAGER APPROVAL: ATTORNEY APPROVAL: BOARD /COMMITTEE APPROVAL: OTHER: -O e CCU )4 W2 o00c �la� 3-31J3 CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL: �T FOR CITY MANAGER OFFICE USE: DATE RECEIVED: -36-/4- APPROVED: FIRST AGENDA DATE: - G - SECOND AGENDA DATE: HEARING: ORDINANCE /RESOLUTION: Request for Action Form No. 1 - June 1994 ■ MEMORANDUM TO: RODNEY RAY CITY MANAGER FROM: ROHN MUNN ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN SUBJECT: ACCEPTANCE OF THE OFFSITE LIFT STATION AND WASTEWATER FORCE MAIN FOR BRENTWOOD ESTATES DATE: August 25,1994 BACKGROUND: The final plat for Brentwood Estates was approved by the City Council on June 15,1993. The Department Of Environmental Quality approved the construction plans for Brentwood Estates on March 31,1993. The Department Of Environmental Quality issued two permits, one for the water lines (Permit No. WL000072930020, PWSID No. 3007218), the other for the sanitary sewer lines (Permit No. SL000072930021, S- 21310), for construction. The water lines were inspected by staff during the construction, and the staff conducted the appropriate testing. The construction of the onsite sanitary sewer was inspected by the staff along with monitoring the contractor pulling the mandrel through all sanitary sewer lines for alignment. The construction of the water and the onsite sanitary sewer lines, materials used, testing met the design standards of the City of Owasso. The streets and storm sewer system for the above mentioned addition are in the ground. The inspection of the materials, installation met the standards set by the City of Owasso. The City Council approved the onsite infrastructure, and streets on February 15, 1994 at their regular scheduled meeting. Presently, the water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer lines and street are six months into the one year maintenance period. The contractor began installing the offsite lift station, wastewater force main and appurtenances. Shortly thereafter they ran into conflicts at the intersection of 129th E. Avenue and 86th Street North. Both the City and the Owner's engineer looked at ways to get through the intersection. A plan was developed with alternatives for the City to review. The Owner's engineer was given the staffs recommendation in February 1994 and asked for work to be completed as quickly as possible. The offsite lift station and force main are now complete. Inspections have been ongoing throughout Page 2 Brentwood Offsite System Approval the construction period. Everything has met or exceeded standards set forth by the City of Owasso. The Developer has requested the staff seek Council approval of the offsite lift station, force main and appurtenances in order for home site construction to begin. RECOMMENDATION• The staff recommends Council approval of the offsite lift station and wastewater force main system that serves the Brentwood Estates. I►� 1/ ► : ►11 lu I TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO I FROM: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER ISUBJECT: CITY MANAGER'S REPORT a 1 1 1 1 1 1 DATE: September 2, 1994 MANAGERIAL: PERSONNEL - Resignations have been received from two key members of our staff. Steve Compton and Rohn Munn have cited a desire to re -enter the private sector as reason for their departures. Both Steve and Rohn have been major contributors in our efforts to prepare for the pressures of Owasso's growth, and both will be difficult to replace. Chief among their assets was the extensive amount of private sector experience they brought to our organization. In fact, both were excellent examples of our success in recruiting from the private sector to help in the area of staff development. Mr Compton will return to the field of land development, working with "Tyann Development Inc ", a local development company owned by Charles Helscel. Mr Munn plans to open his own consulting firm, as well as join an existing family business. Final work dates for the two will be September 23 (Munn) and September 30 (Compton). Rohn has been with the city since 1989 and Steve joined our team in 1990. The staff offers best wishes to both in their future endeavors and sincere thanks for their public service to the citizens of Owasso. NOTE: It should be noted that because of the nature of Mr Compton's future employment, he will not participate in any formal or informal discussions or decisions relating to any CITY MANAGER'S REPORT September 2, 1994 Page 2 development issues regardless of whether those issues relate to Tyann Development Inc or any other developer /builder. Steve will focus his attention on economic development and departmental reorganization during the next thirty days. Please direct any development questions you may have to Mr Rooney or me, so we can help Steve avoid any perception of conflict of interest. It should be further noted that Steve has informed all staff members of his decision and has recused himself from any development oriented discussions or decisions with the staff (see attached memorandum). A resignation has also been received from Mr Ralph Clausen from his employment as building custodian. Mr Clausen has been with the city for approximately one year. Additionally, I have reviewed my decision regarding the termination of Mr Ted McCord. Based on that review, I have determined that Mr McCord's 13 years of service to the city without any previous infractions of policy should have been given more consideration. Therefore, I have rescinded my earlier decision to terminate Mr McCord and reinstated him as an employee of the city. Final disciplinary action relating to the infraction will be determined next week. Please note that during his absence the department initiated a reorganization that has been planned since last April. Therefore, Mr McCord's job title has changed to include building inspections and code enforcement. The Community Center has employed Ms Virginia Fugate in a clerical position, thereby filling the vacancy created by the resignation of Laurie Sheets. Starting entry level salary for that position is $7.00 per hour. The employment process to fill vacancies in the fire department (clerical), police department (clerical and police officer), and public works department (superintendent) are progressing and should be completed by the next City Manager's Report. The process of replacing Mr Compton, Mr Munn, and Mr Clausen will begin next week. WRECKER SERVICE UTILIZED BY CITY - For the past four years the city has utilized Lennox Wrecker Service for towing city vehicles and for the police department to clear streets after wrecks or for official impoundments. In return for that exclusive use, the wrecker service towed most city vehicles at no cost. However, that agreement was entered into when there was only one locally owned service. As of August 15, a second wrecker service (Reliable) is licensed and operating in Owasso. On Thursday, September 1, Police Chief Alexander and I met with owners of both services and developed a strict rotation plan that would give equal business opportunities to each. The plan was agreed to by all parties and has been reduced to writing (see attached) for review by both services (Lennox Wrecker Service and Reliable Auto , Repair Service). The only downside for the city is that now city -owned vehicles will be charged a towing fee that is consistent with state rules and regulations. If you have concerns, please call Chief Alexander or me. I 1 CITY MANAGER'S REPORT September 2, 1994 Page 3 WORKERS COMPENSATION SETTLEMENT - Darrell Evans, Sr injured his shoulder on May 16, 1992 and injured his neck in a mowing accident on July 13, 1992. The City of Owasso has paid medical claims and temporary total disability payments to him since July 1992. We have been advised by medical experts that Mr Evans is totally and permanently disabled. Based on the injuries Mr Evans received, under Oklahoma Workers Compensation Court guidelines he would be entitled to a 17% disability to the total body for his shoulder injury, and a 65% disability to the total body for the neck injury. Under the Court's guidelines, these two ratings are valued at $15,725 and $60,125 respectively. Our attorney, Berkeley Risk Management, and Ms Rogers, of our staff, feel that, due to the,severity of Mr Evans' injuries, if we were to go to court on this case, the City of Owasso could, very likely, be ordered to pay: 1) $15,725 plus $60,125 for these injuries, 2) all medical claims attributed to these injuries, 3) weekly disability payments of $246 for the rest of his life (Mr Evans is 62 years old, 20 years of weekly disability payments = $255,840). The potential exposure to the City could be over 330,000 plus medical expenses. In order to avoid trying this case before the Workers Compensation Court and having to continue to pay both medical bills and disability payments to Mr Evans in the meantime, our third party administrator and attorney have contacted Mr Evans and his attorneys to explore a settlement option. It appears they are receptive to a one -time payment of $75,000 from the City if Mr Evans is allowed to retire from the City and receive his pension under the disability guidelines. The Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund allows employees to retire if they are disabled, at the same rate they would have received had they retired at age 65. We expect to receive a response from Mr Evans shortly. Should he agree to our offer, the City Council would then be requested to approve the settlement. It is anticipated that Mr Evans will respond to the offer in the near future and that the response will be his acceptance. If that occurs, the Council could have the matter before them as early as next week. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT - At the regularly scheduled September 27, 1994 meeting of the Owasso Board of Adjustment, the Board will review two requests. One request is for a Variance of the screening requirement in the Three Lakes Industrial Park II and a second request is for a Variance of the required street frontage in the German Corner area. A more detailed memorandum from Mr Rooney regarding these items is attached for your information and review. PLANNING COMMISSION - At the Planning Commission's September 13, 1994 meeting, the Commission will review the Site Plan for an apartment complex on a tract of land that fronts 83rd Street and is just east of Kimball's Ace Hardware store. This tract has been zoned for CITY MANAGER'S REPORT September 2, 1994 Page 4 multi - family use for several years. It appears that the proposal meets our . development requirements, however, it is important that everyone is aware that the developer has submitted an application for tax credits that requires a certain erp centage of the apartments to be rented to low and moderate income families. It should be noted that the tract is already zoned and the site plan meets, or can be adjusted to meet, our adopted development standards. The Planning Commission will also hear a request to rezone an 8 acre tract located at the southwest corner of 96th and Garnett to CS (Commercial). There is a second zoning request for a tract of land just west of the above CS tract that is 12 acres in size and is proposed to be RS -2 (Residential). Please review the above referenced memorandum from Mr Rooney for more detailed information. If you have any questions on the actions of either of these Boards, please contact Mr Rooney, Mr Compton, or me. OWASSO EXPRESSWAY - Mr Rooney has begun the staff work and documentation necessary to complete the process of changing the name of the service roads adjacent to Highway 169 to the Owasso Expressway. Mr Rooney's memorandum explains where we are in that process. If you have questions, please contact Mr Rooney or me. ENGINEERING: SPORTS PARK PHASE II- FENCING - Preliminary plans have been completed for the proposed fencing around the softball four -plex. A review process will begin the first week of September with city staff and the softball association. If the proposed plan is agreed upon, contract documents will be prepared. Staff will seek Council authorization for solicitation of bids, and the bidding process will begin. Construction could begin as early as mid - October 1994, with the completion around the middle of November 1994. 76TH STREET NORTH / MAIN STREET INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS - Empire Construction was awarded a contract for milling /resurfacing, sidewalk, and overlay construction for the 76th Street North Phase II Improvements. APAC - Oklahoma, Inc. has a contract to provide a new lane to South Main, new curbing, reconstruction of driveways, new signalization, and striping. The construction is expected to last from August 24th until the first week of November 1994. Empire Construction Company began milling operations on August 25,1994. HALE ACRES DRAINAGE - At the neighborhood meeting in Hale Acres on June 20th, city staff agreed to provide improvements to the drainage system on the north side of the addition. The improvements are to direct stormwater flows to the west and away from properties adjacent to the Apple Tree addition. Work was to be started by mid - September. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT September 2, 1994 Page 5 Preliminary engineering has been conducted. Some site surveying to determine proper elevations for drainage channel improvements needs to be completed. Surveying will be performed the first week of September. Actual channel improvements and construction are expected to start the week of September 19th. Questions concerning the status of this project may be directed to Mr Carr. MUNICIPAL COURT: VICTIMS IMPACT PANEL - The Municipal Court Clerk's office is initiating a Victims Impact Panel which will provide education and awareness to offenders, students and other organizations. This training will be of assistance in preventing driving under the influence offenses. The Municipal Judge asked that this program be implemented through the court system because of the number of offenders he has ordered to attend the panel. The closest panel being held is in Claremore at the Rogers County Courthouse. The Victims Impact Panel is made up of victims such as family members who have lost loved ones in drunk driving crashes, rescue professionals directly involved in the investigation of drunk driving crashes, recovering alcoholics who have experienced offenders' problems first hand, as well as drunk drivers who have killed or injured others and served time for their driving while intoxicated or under the influence, and the crimes committed while intoxicated. The Owasso Court Clerk (Ms Garbee) is in the process of lining up speakers for the panel, with January 1995 as the target date for having this program on line. POLICE SERVICES: DEPARTMENT OPENINGS - Candidates for the one police officer position are currently being interviewed. There were over 150 applicants for this opening. Screening and testing has narrowed the down list to the top 25 applicants who will be participating in peer board interviews this week. It is hoped that the position will be filled by mid October. The records clerk position should be filled by mid - September. SENIOR ADVOCATES - The senior advocates had an opportunity to put their recent training into good use last week. Advocates were able to provide guidance and assistance to two senior citizens who recently had been the victims of home fraud scams. The police department has purchased a caller ID system which is portable and can be placed on any phone where the victim is being contacted. This device was instrumental in the apprehension of two con artists who were working the area. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT September 2, 1994 Page 6 RECREATION CENTER: COACHES CLINICS - The following NYSCA have been scheduled to be held at the Center: 3rd Year - September 14 & 29, 1994 2nd Year - September 15 & 28, 1994 1st Year - October 1, 1994 ACTIVITIES RESUME - Classes in Bench Aerobics will resume September 6, Gymnastics September 7, and Twirling September 10. The Tae Kwon Do class continues. Ninth grade basketball practice is held at the Center each weekday from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. High school softball has begun, with many more home games scheduled than last year. The high school softball team uses the field southeast of the Recreation Center. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: PRECISION MACHINE AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY - On September 1, 1994, a news conference and reception was held by Precision Machine, OEDA, and the City to announce that Precision will be expanding to Owasso. They will be employing approximately 70 workers in the first year and expect to grow to 150 employees in 3 to 5 years. The Max Buchanan Company was purchased by Zebco and those 25 jobs will move to west Tulsa. The Tulsa area will not loose any jobs and the City of Owasso will gain an additional 45 to 50 jobs in the first year of operation. The payroll in the initial year is expected to be in excess of $1.5 million. If you have any questions, please contact Mr Compton or me. WATER DISTRIBUTION: d CONNECTION WITH ROGERS COUNTY RURAL WATER DISTRICT #3 - In March 1993, , the Trustees of the Owasso Public Works Authority approved a buyout proposal for the purchase of water lines and customers in a portion of the Rogers County Rural Water District #3. Three water mains were required in order to remove the customers from the Rogers County system , and provide water from the system operated by the City of Owasso. The final interconnection with the Rural Water District (RWD) system was completed August 29th. City and RWD personnel are to close the valves from the RWD system on September 2nd. This action I physically completes the transfer of customers to the City of Owasso system. G CITY MANAGER'S REPORT September 2, 1994 Page 7 WASTEWATER COLLECTION: MAIN LIFT STATION PUMP FAILURE - Early Wednesday, August 24th, a seal intended to keep groundwater out of the pumping area of the main lift station failed. At 4:00 a.m., water filled the chamber containing the pumps, motors and electrical controls, causing the station to stop pumping wastewater to the treatment plant. The situation was noticed by a plant operator at 5:30 a.m. and he reported the condition to our collection system personnel. This lift station receives all of the wastewater flow in the city of Owasso and pumps the flow to the treatment plant. Failure of this station means that no wastewater was able to be directed for treatment until some pumping could be re- established. The flow was being directed to the holding cell next to the lift station. (There is sufficient capacity in the holding cell to store wastewater for up to three days.) The efforts of all personnel to return the station to normal operation is commended. The special skills of Mr Mike Knebel continue to prove to be invaluable. Mr Knebel has expertise as our computer specialist, but equally important, he is an experienced wastewater treatment plant operator, instrumentation and control technician, and licensed journeyman electrician. Due to the combined efforts of our three wastewater collection personnel and Mr Knebel, we ' were able to get one pump in the lift station operational by 9:30 a.m. the same day. Mr Knebel located replacement electrical components and the other pumps were able to be placed in automatic operation by 6:00 p.m. In addition, the failed seal was replaced by 8:30 p.m. ' Questions concerning this event should be directed to Mr Carr. REFUSE COLLECTIONS: HOUSEHOLD POLLUTANT COLLECTION PROGRAM - Periodically, residents have the need to dispose of materials that may be classed as hazardous wastes. Examples of materials may include paints, pesticides, and flammable liquids. Many everyday household products contain hazardous chemicals that, if put into the trash or down the drain, could end up in local bodies of water or the ground water. (See the attached article.) Regulations pertaining to these " types of materials are specific as to how they must be handled and properly disposed of. In an effort to provide a convenient method of disposal for residents in the Tulsa metropolitan area, last year a household pollutant collection event was conducted by the member governments of the Metropolitan Environmental Trust (The M.e.t.), of which Owasso is a member. The next Household Pollutant Collection Day is scheduled for Saturday, October 22nd. .. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT September 2, 1994 Page 8 Costs for the event have been proposed to be allocated among the M.e.t. member governments based upon the history of last year's participation. Each person participating in the program last year was identified by address. Last year, of the total 1844 participants, 15 participants were identified as being Owasso residents. Therefore, based on the estimated $150,000 cost for this event, the City of Owasso share will be $1227 per event. Two events are proposed to be conducted in FY94 -95. The FY94 -95 budget contains $1800 for these events. The M.e.t. is drafting an agreement for each of the member communities. The agreement will detail such items as the duties of the M.e.t., contract administration provisions with the disposal contractors, liability and indemnification, and compliance with the laws. The agreement will be presented for Council authorization in late September. 1 1 ATTACHMENTS 1. Contract Status Report 2. Lawsuit Status Report 3. Golf Course Profit/Loss Statement 4. Building Permit Reports 5. Household Pollutant Collection Days Article 6. Resignation Letter from Mr Compton 7. Memorandum from Mr Compton, RE: Involvement in Development Issues 8. Resignation Letter from Mr Munn 9. Memorandum RE: Surplus Property Sale 10. Memorandum RE: Drainage Problem with Bailey Ranch Estates Development 11. Summary of Storm Damage Cost from June 6, 1994 Lighting Strike at Police Department Building 12. Letter of Policy to Wrecker Service Companies 13. Memorandum from Mr Rooney, RE: Planning Activities 14. British Car Show Flyer A M M Wil-A bwd bomb I M M M M M M M CONTRACT STATUS REPORT September 2, 1994 PROJECT ADVERTISE FOR BIDS BID OPENING AWARD BID NOTICE OF AWARD BONDS IN PLACE PRE- CONSTRUCTION MEETING NOTICE TO PROCEED % OF COMPLETION TO DATE PROJECTED COMPLETION DATE Sewer Plant Facility Plan Amendment FHC Inc 1/26/93 (Interviews) 2/22/93 (Proposals) 4/6/93 N/A N/A N/A 4/6/93 99% draft reports 9/15/94 Water & Sewer Rehabilitation Engineering Plans Nova Engineering 1/12/93 (Interviews) 2/22/93 (Proposals) 4/6/93 N/A N/A N/A 8/3/93 water 100% sewer 99% water complete sewer 9/15/94 Central Fire Station RDG Construction 5/19/93 6/24/93 7/20/93 7/21/93 8/4/93 8/5/93 8/4/93 100% Accepted 7/19/94 Sewer Inflow /Infiltration Analysis Amendment - FHC Inc 3/1/94 3/2/94 N/A N/A 3/8/94 99% draft report 9/15/94 76th Street North Improvements APAC - Oklahoma Empire Construction 4/28/94 5/26/94 6/7/94 6/8/94 7/26/94 8/22/94 8/22/94 10/22/94 Water Line Replacement Jepco 6/17/94 7/14/94 8/16/94 8/18/94 2/95 Council /Courtroom Renovation 6/30/94 8/2/94 8/16/94 Bids Rejected 96th & Garnett Signalization 7/14/94 8/26/94 C:\WPDATAT0RMS\C0NTRACr.FRM MRB V LAWSUIT STATUS REPORT September 2, 1994 M � I M low r C:\WPDATA\LEGAL\LAWSUrFS.FRM M RB DATE DATE DATE OF I FILED BY RECEIVED TYPE REFERRED TO REFERRED STATUS DISPOSITION DISPOSITION Jeannie Hyatt 4/16/92 Violation of civil rights by OMAG 4/16/92 Order of Summary Judgment Appeal time remains open. in U.S. Dist Ct various police officers for dismissal - 2/8/94 According to OMAG counsel, case is probably over Doris Bull, Sharon 3/30/94 Negligent maintenance of OMAG 3/30/94 Received by City; Referred to King & John King emergency vehicles & Risk OMAG; OMAG declined in State Dist Ct Management of coverage; Risk Management Oklahoma of Oklahoma accepted coverage & assigned Dunnery, Daniel & Baker to provide defense; In Discovery stage Safety National 7/8/94 Contract action claiming fees City Attorney 7/15/94 Entry of Appearance filed; Casualty Company investigating; in State Dist Ct Answered Petition & Discovery C:\WPDATA\LEGAL\LAWSUrFS.FRM M RB ' OTHER MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 0.00 BAILEY GOLF RANCH 0.00 --- --- - -- ------- 0.00 - - - --- 0.00 -- ---- - --- - -- TOTAL OTHER INCOME - ----- -- ----- -- 0.00 PROFIT (LOSS) BY OPERATION 0.00 0.00 0.00 ' 0.00 1 Periods Ended Jul 31 94 0.00 0.00 0.00 INTEREST EXPENSE CURRENT BUDGET PRIOR YR CURRENT BUDGET PRIOR TOTAL FIXED EXPENSES MONTH MONTH MONTH YTD YTD YTD .NCOME ---- - -- - --- -- -- - - - - -- - --- -- -- - - - --- - - ---- GOLF CART OPERATIONS 26,692.50 31,725.00 0.00 26,692.50 31,725.00 0.00 GOLF SHOP OPERATIONS FOOD & BEVERAGE OPERATIONS 77,004.74 18,502.94 99,069.00 24,858.00 17,856.73 0.00 77,004.74 18,502.94 99,069.00 24,858.00 17,856.73 0.00 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATIVE 495.14 150.00 -- ----- --- - -- 0.00 --- ---- - --- -- ---- 495.14 --- - - - - -- 150.00 ------- --- --- 0.00 ------ ---- - -- TOTAL INCOME ------ --- - - -- 122,695.32 155,802.00 17,856.73 122,695.32 155,802.00 17,856.73 COST OF SALES FOOD & BEVERAGE OPERATIONS 6,603.07 8,495.00 0.00 6,603.07 8,495.00 0.00 TOTAL COST OF SALES 6,603.07 8,495.00 - - -- 0.00 ------- -- - - -- -- 6,603.07 ----- - --- -- 8,495.00 ----- -- - - ---- - 0.00 ------- ------ GROSS PROFIT ------- -- - - -- 116,092.25 -- ----- -- 147,307.00 17,856.73 116,092.25 147,307.00 17,856.73 pp ;EPARTMENT EXPENSES GOLF CART OPERATIONS 9,334.72 9,758.00 0.00 9,334.72 9,758.00 0.00 GOLF SHOP OPERATIONS GOLF COURSE OPERATIONS 9,624.89 29,613.87 10,979.00 35,626.00 5,584.71 25,999.87 9,624.89 29,613.87 10,979.00 35,626.00 5,584.71 25,999.87 FOOD & BEVERAGE OPERATIONS 4,495.93 4,770.00 388.99 4,495.93 4,770.00 388.99 CLUBHOUSE OPERATIONS 2,235.37 5,315.00 1,071.00 2,235.37 5,315.00 1,071.00 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATIVE 689.67 11,364.00 - 5,393.28 10,689.67 11,364.00 - - 5,393.28 TOTAL EXPENSES - - - -10, 65,994.45 77,812.00 38,437.85 65,994.45 77,812.00 38,437.85 NET PROFIT (LOSS) --- -- ---- -- -- 50,097.80 -- ---- - ----- 69,495.00 ------ - - -- -- (20,581.12) ----- -- - - - - -- 50,097.80 ---- - - - - -- 69,495.00 ------- - - - --- (20,581.12) OTHER INCOME & FIXED EXPENSES OTHER MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 0.00 0.00 0.00 ---- 0.00 --- --- - -- ------- 0.00 - - - --- 0.00 -- ---- - --- - -- TOTAL OTHER INCOME - ----- -- ----- -- 0.00 ----- --- - -- 0.00 ------- - ----- 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 FIXED CHARGES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 INTEREST EXPENSE (43,632.74) 0.00 0.00 (43,632.74) - - - - -- --- 0.00 ---- - - - - -- 0.00 ---- --- - -- --- TOTAL FIXED EXPENSES ------- - - - --- -- (43,632.74) ----- - - - --- 0.00 -- ---- - - - - - -- 0.00 -- ----- (43,632.74) 0.00 0.00 TOTAL NET PROFIT (LOSS) ------ -- --- -- ------- 6,465.06 -- - - -- 69,495.00 ------- - -- --- (20,581.12) ------- -- - - -- -- 6,465.06 ----- - -- - -- 69,495.00 --- ---- -- - - -- (20,581.12) L7 1 L 1� RESIDENTIAL Building Permits (New Construction Counts) Month 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 January 12 7 12 14 4 1 7 8 6 6 9 February 13 12 10 3'< 5 3 4 7 10 : ... 11 10 March 15 18 14 16 2 7 14 5 12 1.2... 15 :Aprils.. ......17 29 22. 8 ' 6 :9 3 12 l7 18 May 14 22 17 11 8 6 9 10 9 8 13 +Or1e. 18 1 7 14 . 4 ........ 12.1'... . > ' 5 1 0 1< 3.. ; ` >? >'(;8.': > July 12 13 19 21 7 10 4 9 10 10 . 13 st tgu. 7 ..... .. 17 2 �..; 9: < >14 :::::::::::... 10 1. : : :': 9. ::.. ...:: 20...:: September 6 10 17 13 11 10 10 14 14 12 }ctokler 8 i; 1.0 17 10` 5 ;, 14 $ �:: >:>:> 8.. November 15 1 9 5 8 10 1 8 19 13 December 2 ,: 10 17 5 4 10 5 6 TOTALS 137 145 197 146 72 98 90 99 142 133 121 Year to Date 106 114 137 113 44 54 66 62 82 91 121 v P a b Cc August Year to Date Count s � s 8 s 0 8 3 z 1" 0 c 0 u 0 U 3 m Z RESIDENTIAL Building Permits (New Construction Dollars) August Year to Date Dollars 1981 1986 1966 1967 1888 1969 1890 1891 1992 1993 1894 New Construction Dollars Totals for Each Year — 1966 1980 1-1 1986 1969 1990 199, 1892 1993 1994 VIVO �j 1/0 s � s 8 s 0 8 3 z 1" 0 c 0 u 0 U 3 m Z RESIDENTIAL Building Permits (New Construction Dollars) August Year to Date Dollars 1981 1986 1966 1967 1888 1969 1890 1891 1992 1993 1894 New Construction Dollars Totals for Each Year — 1966 1980 1-1 1986 1969 1990 199, 1892 1993 1994 pCOMMERCIAL Building Permits (New Construction Counts) 0 m `w E E n b 0 0 0 ; (g 3 a, Z b 0 c 0 2 U 3 v Z 1964 1985 1986 1967 1989 1989 1910 1991 1492 1993 1890 COMMERCIAL Building Permits (New Construction Dollars) August Year to Date Dollars 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1990 1994 New Construction Dollars Totals for Each Year — — 1993 1-1 1966 — — 1 X 1 1432 1990 1994 Month 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 ' January 4 0 3 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 1 February 3. ? 2 ........ 4 .: 0; 0 0 0 0 1 0 March 1 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 .. Apnl __ .._ 2' .._..__ ....._ 4 4 2' ...._ ...._.... ...... _ _ ......... 0 .> - -__ ...... 1 ......... ................ 1 i 0 1 May 0 3 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 June. 0 1 0> Q 2 D ..: <`: >........ 2 July 3 3 2 1 0 1 1 _0........ ...:......:::, ....1........... 0 0 iAuguSt 0; y. 2 0> 0< 3 1 � 2 September 1 1 4 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 ... ' November 3 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 1 0 pecember ?1.. 1 _ 0:.;. .1....: 0 _ 1:::._. 1 .. 0:... 0 TOTALS 26 26 24 12 1 7 13 8 8 12 10 ' Year to Date 16 21 16 11 0 4 8 6 5 11 10 Includes Churches, Schools, and Government Facilities August Year to Date Count 1 v N � 24 E `v 1 1 1 if 0 m `w E E n b 0 0 0 ; (g 3 a, Z b 0 c 0 2 U 3 v Z 1964 1985 1986 1967 1989 1989 1910 1991 1492 1993 1890 COMMERCIAL Building Permits (New Construction Dollars) August Year to Date Dollars 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1990 1994 New Construction Dollars Totals for Each Year — — 1993 1-1 1966 — — 1 X 1 1432 1990 1994 OCCUPANCY PERMITS NAME ADDRESS STATUS APPLICATION OPENING COMPLETED DATE DATE JANUARY - 1994 Collector's Shelf 9100 N Garnett New 01/12/94 02/07/94 Yes Utica Park Clinic 11650 E 86th St N Location Change 12/28/93 open No Leadership Clinical Syst 118 S Main New 01/07/94 01/14/94 Yes Icky's Three Lakes Laundry 11505 E 83rd St N New Owners 01/20/94 01/15/94 Yes My House 112 S Main New 01/31/94 02/04/94 Yes FEBRUARY Central Fire Station 8901 N Garnett Location Change 02/11/94 03/01/94 Yes Thompson's Auto Sales 11226 N Garnett New 02/14/94 02/18/94 Yes MARCH Owasso Pawn, Inc. 106 E 2nd Ave Location Change 03/09/94 04/01/94 Yes Puzzles 11531 N Garnett New 03/14/94 05/01/94 No Art In Bloom 12806 E 86th St N New 03/18/94 05/02/94 Yes Environmental Elements 8361 N Mingo Valley Exp New 03/24/94 03/28/94 No APRIL Roy D's 300 E 2nd Ave New 04/19/94 05/15/94 No MAY Cross Stitch 12320 E 86th St N Location Change 05/10/94 06/01/94 Yes Reliable Pest Control 11330 N Garnett New 05/12/94 05/16/95 Yes Collectibles 11440 N Garnett New 05/20/94 06/01/94 Yes Parts Plus Auto Store 11602 E 86th St N Name Change 05/23/94 06/01/94 No JUNE Domino's Pizza 8518 N 129th E Ave New 06/03/94 06/15/94 Yes Auto Zone 7951 N Mingo Valley Exp New 06/16/94 07/01/94 Yes Best Wishes 9100 N Garnett Rd Location Change 06/28/94 07/01/94 No Melton Owasso Autoplex 8884 N Garnett New 06/29/94 07/01/94 Yes OCCUPANCY PERMITS NAME ADDRESS STATUS APPLICATION DATE OPENING DATE COMPLETED JULY Don and Eva Gabbert 402 N Dogwood New 07/08/94 07/08/94 Yes A Place For Me 19 S Main New 07/08/94 08/01/94 No Stewart Food Corp 11237 E 114th St N New 07/11/94 08/15/94 No Best Wishes 9100 N Garnett Rd New 06/28/94 07/01/94 No Homes Unlimited 11960 E 86th St N Location Change 07/12/94 07/15/94 Yes Gwendolyn Phillips 7714 N 130th E Ave New 07/15/94 07/15/94 Yes AUGUST M &M Tax Service 101 E 2nd Ave New 08/29/94 09/01/94 No HealthWell 8361 N Owasso Exp New 08/17/94 10/01 /94 No I 1 fj 1 Household Pollutant C61140*6 ,4 „n . I would like to know if there is any place that we can safely dis- pose of hazardous wastes — things like nail polish remover, old paints, pesticides, etc., that we no longer want or need? — G.S., Tulsa. The city of Tulsa's Recycling Coordinator, Michael Patton (596- 9863) said, "These and other household hazardous waste items should be stored in their original containers in a cool, dry place until they can be disposed of in one of the city's twice - yearly col- lection events. The next Household Pollutant Collection Day is scheduled for Saturday Oct. 22 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Driller Stadium park- ing lot on 15th Street. "G.S. should be commended for pulling these potentially danger- ous items out of her waste stream. Some people don't realize that many everyday household prod- ucts contain hazardous chemicals that, if thrown into the trash or down the drain, can end up in local water bodies or ground water. The potential for harm is very strong. "Among the common household chemicals that can be taken to the collection event are pesticides, paints, household cleaners and yard care products. "Used motor oil, antifreeze and batteries also can be dropped off Oct. 22; however, because it is expected to be very busy with long lines, people who have those products to dispose of should bring them to one of the 11 area Metropolitan Environmental Trust recycling centers, which are open daily. For information on locations or hours, call 584- 0584. "The city does not want un- known materials, radioactive waste or pressurized gas cylin- ders, and the collection event is only for residential hazardous Phil Mulkins waste, not industrial or commer- cial. At last year's Household Pol- lutant Collection Day, the city collected 40 barrels of pesticides, 27 barrels of flammables, 20 bar-, rels.of aerosols, 15 barrels of acids, 4,400 gallons of motor oil, 1,600 pounds of batteries and four 30 -yard containers of paint. "People who have material they suspect might be hazardous or who have other questions should call the M.E.T. (Metropol- itan Environmental Trust) at 584- 0584, the Fire Department's Haz- Mat (Hazardous Materials) Unit? at 596- 1255.,_the City-County- Health Department at 744- 1000:or, the city's Industrial Pre•'j Treatment Section at 591 - 4378.” - TULSA WORLD, Monday,�August.29, 1994 =. August 26, 1994 Mr. Rodney J. Ray Manager City of Owasso P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 IDear Rodney; t LI STEVEN F. COMPTON 10781 East 112th Street North Owasso, OK 74055 As you well know from our many conversations over the last year, I have become increasingly disillusioned with public sector employment. Youthful dreams of serving the public have become a nightmare of indentured servitude. Suppressing my personal views in order to accomplish "half of a solution" or producing what I consider to be poor quality work because of work loads and schedule conflicts, is simply no longer acceptable to me. The only alternatives are, put in the additional time during "off hours" that is necessary to produce quality solutions and quality work or seek other employment. Recently, I have negotiated an employment opportunity which I believe more closely matches t my education and experience. In addition, this opportunity will allow me to better provide for my family and myself. Therefore, I must regretfully notify you of my resignation as of September 30, 1994. I� 1 It is important to me to note that my personal frustrations should in no way detract from the excellent work you, the management team, and the city employees have accomplish. I have never worked with a person or team that has been able to cultivated and nurture a community's growth with such meager resources. The changes that have occurred during your tenure as City Manager have been remarkable. It has been a personal privilege to have had this work opportunity. I only hope that my work with planning, capital improvements, parks, and economic development has in someway assisted the team and community. Our personal friendship has added greatly to the difficulty of this decision, but I believe this opportunity will be best for me both personally and professionally. Sincerely, S Steve Compton 10 ' MEMoxnrrnunz TO: RODNEY J. RAY F. ROBERT CARR ROHN MUNN MIKE KNEBEL TIM ROONEY SHERYL DUGGAN ' STEVE CONDRAY CHARLOTTE WHITE ' FROM: STEVE COMPTON ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1 SUBJECT: RECUSE FROM SUBDIVISION DECISIONS DATE: August 29, 1994 On Friday, August 26 , 1994 I submitted my letter of resignation to the City Manager. My last ' day on the job will be September 30, 1994. My future employment will be as the Manager for Tyann Development, Inc., a local development company owned by Charles Helscel. Since Mr. Helscel is currently constructing development projects in the Owasso area, I believe it would be appropriate to recuse from a_-.X questions or decisions that pertain not only to Mr. Helscel's developments, but also any questions or decisions pertaining to all subdivisions within ' the city limits of the City of Owasso. In addition, I believe that I should recuse from participation in all non - subdivision matters that the City has with Mr. Helscel. ' I will be concentrating my efforts on economic development and code compliance matters during these last few weeks. IThanks. 1 9, 19 94_ Mr. Rodney J. Ray CITY MANAGER CITY OF OWASSO P.O.Box 180 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 RE; Resignation Dear Mr. Ray; I really did not think this da Despite the circumstances y would ever come but say goodbye. Especially ' this is a very hard time for ms tore. Rodney Ray. Y to a man that I am coming attached to, What are the circumstances; brought on b . Steve Compton resigning, being Y the new council, city growing g� Pressures g terminated. Obviously, you do not needpmento employees problems. create more Despite what you might for you. It was very think, I really have enjoyed working on saying "Rohn y hard in the beginning because our crying "Rohn, need you to think like me!". You kept organization you still allowed me to bea2 know we had , and I will always be grateful. Part of your It is time for me to move in things in my life that I Mustatakefcaretodirection. is still struggling There are ggling from heart surgery MY father -in -law isnreally to help him more, my son has Yaearlier this year and is a doing and he wants me Part time business that college to take it and run it that is doing ger I have a part time video business before involved with real well, my brothers are wanting them on GPs /GIS systems. What me to get I am ready to get back in the consulting oes all this provide a multitude of g business. mean; tied down mu People /companies a service without to been one source. I know what you are thinkin being just a little over one year a g. It has Put on employee status. g° that I was seeking mistake, not for Looking back, I feel that was g i be direct me You but for me. I really big I made the move. Y did not let Jesus R With age creeping up more and more it seems, I really need to be ha P PPY and satisfied with society. And in all honest life, me, and what And m Y, I am not a ha I can give MY work reflects it. PPY person right now. tSeveral consulting g firms want my services in inspection, contract administration. Developers area of traffic quested my services in providing evelo g civil design Pelo have g technology, "m Obviously, I am flattered but truly feel this is where I need ' to be. I hope you will understand and that our friendship will continue ' despite the past. Look forward to even providing a service for you and Owasso. Termination is such a strong word but I must leave my position on September 23,1994. I feel this will provide you and me plenty of time to wrap up any loose ends, and even stretch some duties into the consulting area if you willing. Thank you for your friendship and guidance over the past four years. It did not cross my mind of how much you are truly dedicated to Owasso until these last few years. You are a gifted individual and I pray Jesus will always be the center of your life. Thank you! Yo r friend in Christ, Rohn Munn MEMORANDUM TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS FROM: JIM McELRATH COMMUNITY CENTER DIRECTOR SUBJECT: SURPLUS PROPERTY SALE DATE: August 25, 1994 Mr Ray has asked me to inform you that we will have a surplus property sale if there is enough interest. I have reserved the Rec Room for Saturday, October 1, beginning at 9:00 a.m. for a sale. If your department has items that you would like to have declared surplus for this sale, please get a list to me by Friday, September 9 so we can determine if we have enough items to warrant holding a sale. Please feel free to call me at 272 -3903 if you have any questions. 1 ii MEMORANDUM TO: RODNEY J. RAY, STEVE COMPTON, ROHN MUNN FROM: SHERYL DUGGAN, PROJECT INSPECTOR ' SUBJECT: DRAINAGE FROM BAILEY RANCH ESTATES ' DATE: AUGUST 18, 1994 On August 15, 1994, I was informed that Mr. Curtis Cook spoke to Rodney Ray about a problem he was having with runoff water from Bailey Ranch Estates on to his property west of Bailey. I was asked to investigate. ' I met with Mr. Cook and toured the designated wet lands area on his property. He is in the process of constructing a controlled wet land area with the help of the Department of Wildlife. There is damage from excessive water and silt has been inundating this property since the pond on Bailey Ranch Estates was cut and filled in with soil. ' The runoff water is also flooding the intersection at 101st E. Ave., one block west of Garnett. The water was so high at one point that it bent the top rail of a chain link fence at the intersection. Debris is caught in the fences and around trees throughout the property. I I 1 I told Mr. Cook that Mr. Compton, Mr. Munn and I would meet with the Bailey developer Thursday, August 18th. We will ask the developer to get with Mr. Cook concerning the damage on his property. We will also need to address the problems caused after the pond was removed. There was no detention area on site. The culvert under Garnett needs the silt cleaned out. Silt fences need maintained at all times. There may be a need for additional silt fences. � i70 ti mmmmr (LIGHTENING STRIKE 6/9/94) 101 ��''�� i T 0WAS33(110, 7' Storm Damage Summary: Y �I� COMPANY DESCRIPTION SERVICE P.O. # DATE P.O. TOTAL COMPLETE DATE SUBMITTED COST Yes /No Dictaphone Repair Recorder/ 6/17 thru 942720 7/6/94 839.40 Yes Labor & Materials 6/29/94 Bill's Repair Dictaphone 6/13 942684 6/27 96.70 Yes Communication Power Supply Labor & Materials Micro- Microbuffer Printer 6/9 942669 6/28 126.90 Yes Warehouse Links (2 Radio Shack Parts to repair 6/9/94 Petty Cash N/A 9.87 Yes power supply in dispatch Southwestern Service Call to 6/9 942678 6/28 100.00 Yes Bell Telecom repair phone service Southwestern New phone to 7/18 942724 8/3 292.34 Yes Bell Telecom replace dispatch hone ruined Ericsson GE (2) Radios 7/22 942685 8/1 1, 559.87 Yes Mobile Comm. Santa Fe 16 AMP Power 6/13 942675 6/28 180.84 Yes Distributing supplies (2) Office Depot (3) Surge 6/29 942671 6/30 44.97 Yes Protectors Elek -Tek Printer Port/ Order 950362 69.99 No Dispatch ry A estimated Bill's Monitor for 8/4 950231 8/9 270.00 Yes Communication Dictaphone (old unit not repairable) City of Owasso 207 South Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 j September 2, 1994 Lenox Wrecker Service 108 W. 3rd Ave. Owasso, OK 74055 Dear Dennis: (918) 272 -2251 FAX (918) 272 -4999 Pursuant to this letter, it is the policy of the City of Owasso to conduct the utilization of towing services in the following manner: ' 1.) All requests for wrecker /towing services for city vehicles will be forwarded through the Owasso Police Department Communications Center. 2.) All city vehicles and police towing requests (accidents, impounds, etc.) will be rotated equally between both available tow services. 3.) A log (sample enclosed) will be kept in the dispatch area and will show the specifics ' of each requested call for service. This log may be viewed at any time by either business. 4.) The rate to be charged on all requested services will be in accordance with the state mandated rates. Upon expiration of mandated rates, charge information will be provided to the City. 5.) In the event that a tow service is unable to respond to the request, the service will forfeit their rotation and the call will go to the next service. 6.) In the event that either business will be out of service for any period of time, contact will be made with the Owasso Police Department. The available tow service will then be called exclusively until such time that the police department notified that rotation may resume. 7.) The owners of private vehicles shall have the option of any tow service that they request, regardless of rotation status. These guidelines are in accordance with the meeting held at City Hall on September 1st, and shall remain in force until further notice. Sine e , ' Rodne a Y R City Manager City of Owasso cc: Chief Alexander, Police Department [12 Lenox Wrecker Service 108 West 3rd Ave. Owasso, OK 74055 Work: 272 -1785 Home: 272 -2406 Mobile: 625 -9699 OWASSO POLICE DEPARTMENT WRECKER LOG Reliable Wrecker Service 102 E. 2nd Ave. Owasso, OK 74055 Work: 272 -2845 Shop: 272 -2836 Rod -Home 272 -7747 Dan -Home: 272 -7086 Mobile: 630 -2770 All calls for wreckers will be on a rotation unless the owner requests a specific wrecker service. If for some reason the wrecker service that is notified cannot respond, they will forfeit their turn. DATE WRECKER TIME NOTIF. TIME ARR. DISP. OWNER REQ. TYPE CALL COMMENTS OR PROBLEMS � M» r M M i r " MEMORANDUM TO: MR. STEVE COMPTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY CITY PLANNER 1 SUBJECT: PLANNING COMMISSION, BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT, & DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES 1 DATE: August 30, 1994 PLANNING COMMISSION w The Planning Commission will hold its regularly scheduled meeting on September 13, 1994 at 7:00 PM at the Owasso Community Center. The following items will be reviewed at that meeting: Site Plan Review - Three Lakes Apartments - A Request for a review of a site plan for a 96 unit garden apartment complex to be located on Lot 13, Block 3 of Three lakes Addition. The subject site is generally located on the north side of E. 83rd Street North, 400' east of the Ace Hardware property. The current zoning of the subject site is RM -2 (Residential Multi - Family Medium Density) and is 6.8 acres in area. The densities being proposed by the applicant is within the development standards of an RM -2 district. A fact sheet containing further information as well as a rough site plan is attached for your ' information and review. OZ -94 -05 - Mr. & Mrs. Joe Caudle - A Request for a review of a rezoning application ' submitted by Mr. and Mrs. Joe Caudle for the rezoning of an 8 acre parcel from AG (Agriculture) to CS (Commercial Shopping Center). The subject property is located on the southwest corner of E. 96th Street North and Garnett Road. Staff will be recommending a modified approval of this application, slightly downsizing the amount of commercial zoning requested. OZ -94 -06 - Mr. & Mrs. Joe Caudle - A Request for a review of a rezoning application submitted by Mr. and Mr. Joe Caudle for the rezoning of a 12 acre parcel from AG (Agriculture) to RS -2 (Residential Single Family Medium Density). The subject property is immediately west of the property described in rezoning case OZ- 94 -05. Staff will be �- recommending approval of this request. 13 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT The regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Adjustment will be held September 27, 1994 at 7:00 PM in the Owasso Community Center. At that time, the Board will review the following items: OBOA -94 -12 - A request from Don Witten for a Variance of the screening requirements of an IL (Industrial Light Intensity) district located in Three lakes Industrial Park II. OBOA -94 -13 - A request from Leon Stagg for a Variance of the required street frontage of property located within CG a (Commercial General) district located in the German Corners area. ADDITIONAL ITEMS Staff will begin contacting property owners along the Highway 169 service roads ( "Owasso Expressway ") to inform them of the name change and any address changes. Most properties on the east side of Highway 169 will maintain the same number but just be changed from Mingo Valley Expressway to Owasso Expressway. Properties on the west side of Highway 169 will have both numerical and name changes as most are addressed off of Forrest Drive. Staff has worked with the Owasso Postmaster and the Utility Billing staff to ensure that this process will be as smooth as possible. A copy of a sample letter is attached for your information and review and letters should begin going out to the property owners shortly after Labor Day. If you have any questions or if I can be of further assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact me. SITE PLAN REVIEW DATA: DATE: 8/22/94 96 UNIT GARDEN APARTMENT COMPLEX ( PARCEL 13 ) EAST 83rd STREET NORTH ' OWASSO, OKLAHOMA t SECTION 450: 440.2: ZONING: RM - 2 LAND AREA: 298,400 Square Feet = 6.8 ACRES -. BUILDINGS: 12: 8 -UNIT GARDEN APARTMENT ( TOWNHOME ) UNITS: 2 STORIES HIGH. 48: 2 BEDROOM UNITS of 850 S.F. - 48: 3 BEDROOM UNITS of 950 S.F.+ EACH BUILDING MEASURES APPROX. 40' x 100' x 26'HIGH (4/12 ROOF). OFFSTREET PARKING: 2 SPACES / D.U. PROVIDED AS FOLLOWS: 12 SPACES AT EACH BUILDING-( w/ I "ACCESSIBLE" SPACE ).OTHER SPACES ' IN PARKING AREAS. 198 SPACES NEEDED / 217 PROPOSED ( 19 GUEST ). SITE IMPROVEMENTS: AREA DRAINS ARE SHOWN AS PART OF AN OVERALL STORM WATER DETENTION SYSTEM. 3 SEPARATE DETENTION AREAS ARE SHOWN, CREATED BY GRADING AND CREATING GENTLY SLOPING BERMS. AS SHOWN, 48,500 ACRE /FEET OF CAPACITY. SITE IS EFFECTIVELY FLAT, CIRCULATION: PRIVATE VEHICULAR ROADS AND PEDESTRIAN PATHS /WALKS ARE SHOWN ON DRAWING. LANDSCAPING /FENCING /PLANTED BUFFER AREAS AS SHOWN ON DRAWING. AN ENTRY SIGN IS ALSO SHOWN, THAT WOULD CONSIST OF A GRADE MOUNTED SIGN OF APPROX. 3 -4' HIGH BY 12'. LONG, MOUNTED SO AS NOT TO HINDER VEHICULAR VISION, WHEN MAKING TURNS. DENSITY: 96 D.U. ( DWELLING UNITS ). 298,400 S.F. OIL LAND / 96 = 3,108 S.F. ./ D.U. BUILDING FLOOR AREA: 4000 S.F. x 12 - 48,000 S.F./298,400 = 16% COV. CHARACTER: THIS PROPOSAL CONSISTS OF A COMPLEX OF 2 -STORY GARDEN APARTMENT BUILDINGS, ALL WITH BUFFERED BACK YARDS, OFF- STREET PARKING, AND ' AMPLE PUBLIC AND PLAY AREA. IT PRESENTS A LANDSCAPED PARK -LIKE IMAGE TO 83rd STREET, IS BUFFERED BY A FENCE AND PLANTED AREAS, AND 20' OF SETBACK FROM THE COMMRCIAL DEVELOPMENT ON THE WEST, AND THE LOWER DENSITY PROPERTIES TO THE EAST. ACCESSIBILITY: A MINIMUM OF 10% OF UNITS ARE ADAPTABLE TO UNIVERSAL DESIGN. EFFECTIVELY, ALL GROUND FLOOR UNITS ARE ADAPTABLE. AMPLE ACCESSIBLE PARKING IS AVAILABLE, AND WALKS AND CURBS WILL BE ACCESSIBLE AT APPROPRIATE LOCATIONS. ALLAN B. PRESENT, AIA PRESENT ARCHITECTS KANSAS CITY, MO. TEL. 816 842 - 9396 1 06/22/1994 09:27 7223094 HIOKOK DIBLE OD PAGE 02 *-To "� I-9SW T tQ SITE PLAN N a ioo, ul r »r GARDEN APARTMENTS t° PARCEL 13 /E. 83rd St. N. r OWASW , OK. 8/941 PRE� REET �77C 815 WASmR4GTM ST e �14fT [ _T-Q SAS CITY, MO. 64105 r.■ •v• ■■ ■ ...v ■ v w�o�au -viya ii -i3s� Jr 207 South Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 August 26, 1994 McDonald's Restaurant 222 S. Forest Drive Owasso, OK 74055 RE: Address Change Dear Sirs, City of Owasso (918) 272 -2251 FAX (918) 272 -4999 The purpose of this letter is to inform you that the Owasso City Council adopted Resolution No. 94 -10 at their August 16, 1994 regular meeting. Resolution No. 94 -10 effectively changed the names of the Highway 169 service roads between 66th Street North and 86th Street North from North Mingo Valley Expressway and Forest Drive to Owasso Expressway. A copy of Resolution 94 -10 is enclosed for your information and review. Because a majority of the businesses on the east side of Highway 169 are already addressed according to the metro -Tulsa system, there will be minimal changes to actual address numbering. For instance, the address "7599 N. Mingo Valley Expressway" would simply be changed to "7599 Owasso Expressway ". A majority of the businesses on the west side of Highway 169, however, are not addressed according to the metro - Tulsa system, thus more significant changes in their addresses will occur. For instance, the Owasso Recreation Center, previously addressed as "620 N. Forest Drive" will now be addressed as "8200 Owasso Expressway ". The City, in conjunction with the Owasso Post Office, has reviewed your location and has assigned the following address: 7590 Owasso Expressway. Please begin utilizing this address in all future advertising and correspondence. ' Once again, the Owasso Post Office is aware of these address changes and has made available "Change of Address" cards to any businesses or individuals upon request. Please note that the Post Office will continue to recognize your previous address for a period of six months to a year, as will all emergency service personnel. The City of Owasso apologizes for any inconvenience. If you have any questions, or if I can be of further assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact me at 272 -2251. Sincerely, Timothy D. Rooney City Planner I THE BRIT! SH -CARS ARF-COMINGH • THE BRIT S-#- CYCLES ARE COMING!! To OWASSO, OKLAHOMA � SEPTEMBER 24, 1994 1STANNUAL- GREEN COUNTRY ALL BRITISH CAR AND CYCLE ' SHOW FEATURING THE CARS OF .ITALY AS SPECIAL GUEST COUNTRY` Sponsored by TRUE BLUE j e'�cv v p N E FOREIGN DOMESTIC BRITISH INDUSTRIAL ti..�..• SPORTS CARS Automotive Machine Shop City and Mereitattts �'� of Owasso RAYOLA PARK WEST SERVICE DRIVE TO 169 BETWEEN 76TH ST. NORTH & 86TH ST. NO. OWASSO, OK. This is an invitation to all British car and cycle owners to join us for the Inaugural All British Show in the Green Country area of Oklahoma. The participants will judge all cars on voting ballots that will be included in your welcome package. • Fist. second and third popularity awards will be presented for each class. Three of a marque are required for a class and three models within a marque to constitute a model class. Set up is from 8:00 am to 11:00 am. Voting is from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. Awards are from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm. • Special Hotel Rates. Call Holiday Inn. 1010 N. Garnett. (918)437 -7660. Ask for the special "All British Show" rates. Free to the Public. On site concessions. For More Information Contact: Green Country Triumphs 13415 So. 127th E. Ave. Broken Arrow, Ok. 74011 918- 455 -8993 E4,