HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994.07.19_City Council AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: July 19, 1994 TIME: 7:00 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center P1 Notice and Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, July 15, 1994. Marcia outwell, Council Clerk AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Invocation 3. Flag Salute 4. Roll Call 5. Request Approval of the Minutes of July 5, 1994 Regular Meeting. Attachment #5 Owasso City Council July 19, 1994 Page 2 6. Request Approval of Claims. Attachment #6 7. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Final Acceptance of Work Performed Under a Contract Between the City of Owasso and RDG Construction for Construction of the Owasso Central Fire Station, and Authorization for Final Payment and Release of Retainage to the Contractor. Chief Allen Attachment #7 Staff will recommend Council acceptance of the work performed under the contract, and that final payment be authorized to include any retainage held by the City. d 8. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for the Purchase of Vehicles and Emergency Equipment for Use by the Police Department. , Chief Alexander Attachment #8 Staff will recommend Council approval of the expenditure of $60,740 to Classic Chevrolet, Owasso, OK for the purchase of four Chevy Caprice automobiles. Additionally, staff will recommend emergency equipment expenditures of $3435 to Tuxall for light bars and cages, and $1637.76 to Trim -Rite for striping. Owasso City Council July 19, 1994 ' Page 3 9. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Council Ratification of an ' Action Taken by the City Manager Wherein He Authorized the Expenditure of $2493 to Owasso Insulation for Installation of R -30 Insulation in the Police Department Building. Chief Alexander ' Attachment #9 Staff will recommend Council approval of the expenditure of $2493 to Owasso Insulation ' for the purchase of insulation for the Police Department building.. 10. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Authorization for the Mayor ' to Execute Closeout Documents and for the Staff to Submit Said Documents to the Oklahoma Department of Commerce in Reference to CDBG -ED #5252 (Max Buchanan Project); and for the Staff to Submit a Reimbursement in the Amount of $168.87 to ODOC ' for Unexpended Grant Funds. Mr Compton Attachment #10 Staff will request authorization for the Mayor to execute the necessary documents to close out the Max Buchanan project and to reimburse unexpended grant funds to ODOC. ' 11. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Ordinance #485, an Ordinance Providing for the Annexation of a Tract of Land Located North of the Owasso Fire Station and Containing Approximately 1.66 Acres (Mr & Mrs Hayward Smith, Petitioners). ' Mr Rooney Attachment #11 ' Staff will recommend Council approval of Ordinance #485 and the annexation of the subject tract. J 1 Owasso City Council July 19, 1994 Page 4 12. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Ordinance #486, an Ordinance Providing for the Annexation of a Tract of Land Located West of the Three Lakes II Addition, East of Highway 169, and North of the Owasso Wal -Mart and Containing Approximately 8.86 Acres (Mr & Mrs Hayward Smith, Petitioners). Mr Rooney Attachment #12 Staff will recommend Council approval of Ordinance #486 and the annexation of the subject tract. 13. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Right -of -Way Closing, Located on the , East Side of Fairview Cemetery Between Said Cemetery and Elm Creek Estates First Addition. Mr Rooney , Attachment #13 Staff will recommend Council approval of the right -of -way closing. 14. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for the Appointment of a City Clerk. Vice Mayor Burris The Vice Mayor will recommend that the City Council remove the City Clerk position from the City Treasurer and that the Council appoint an acting City Clerk. 1 �l Owasso City Council July 19, 1994 Page 5 15. Request by FOP Lodge #149 to Address the Council Relative to the FY94 -95 Contract. ' Mr Yount The President of the Lodge has requested an opportunity to address the Council relative to ' the contract. 16. Report from City Manager 17. Report from City Attorney 1 18. Reports from City Councilors 19. Unfinished Business 1 Owasso City Council ' July 19, 1994 Page 6 ' 20. New Business 1 21. Adjournment , 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, July 5, 1994 The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, July 5, 1994 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, July 1, 1994. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Duke called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. ITEM 2: INVOCATION The invocation was given by Rohn Munn. ITEM 3: FLAG SALUTE The flag salute was led by Vice Mayor Burris. ITEM 4: ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT Jerry Duke, Mayor Mary Lou Barnhouse, Councilor Charles Burris, Vice Mayor Joe Ramey, Councilor Danny Ewing, Councilor STAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, Council Clerk A quorum was declared present. ITEM 5: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF JUNE 21, 1994 REGULAR MEETING. Charles Burris moved, seconded by Mayor Duke, to approve the minutes, by reference made a part hereto. AYE: Burris, Duke, Ewing NAY: None Motion carried 3 -0. Owasso City Council July 5, 1994 ITEM 6: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE CLAIMS Charles Burris moved, seconded by Danny Ewing, that the following claims be approved: (1) General Fund $40,497.79 (2) Workers Comp Self - Insurance $636.58; (3) Ambulance Service Fund $336.56; (4) E -911 $3081.44 (5) City Garage $2351.28; (6) Interfund Transfers $25,158.33; (7) General Fund Payroll $82,640.24; (8) City Garage Payroll $2,076.16. AYE: Burris, Ewing, Duke NAY: None Motion carried 3 -0. ITEM 7: READING OF MAYOR'S PROCLAMATION. Mayor Duke invited Tom Kimball, owner of Kimball's Ace Hardware, to join him at the front of the room. The Mayor read a proclamation honoring Mr Kimball and his staff and proclaiming Kimball's Ace Hardware as the OEDA Business of the Quarter for the third quarter of 1994. ITEM 8: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE APPOINTMENT AND CONFIRMATION OF MEMBERS TO VARIOUS BOARDS, TRUSTS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES Mayor Duke read the following list of appointments: PLANNING COMMISSION Mr Ray Haynes (reappointment) 110 E 24th Ct Term Ending 6/30/97 Mr Jerry Cole (replaces Pat Imbriano) 8701 N 123rd E Ave Term Ending 6/30/97 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Mr Pat Imbriano (replaces M O Eckel) 12001 E 83rd St N Term Ending 6/30/97 2 Owasso City Council OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Ms Judy Pruitt (reappointment- Chamber representative) PO Box 255 Term Ending 6/30/95 Mr Frank Enzbrenner (reappointment) 18184 E 94th St N Term Ending 6/30/99 ANNEXATION COMMITTEE Mr Joe Ramey (replacing Phillips) City Councilor Term Ending 6/30/95 Mr Jerry Duke (replacing Randolph) City Councilor Term Ending 6/30/95 All other current members reappointed. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS COMMITTEE Mr Cloyd O'Dell (replacing Watson) 9706 N 109th E Ave Term Ending 6/30/95 All other current members reappointed. LEGISLATIVE CONSORTIUM Mr Jerry Duke 12306 E 77th PI N Term Ending 6/30/95 INCOG BOARD OF DIRECTORS Councilor Charles Burris 12005 E 87th PI N Term Ending 6/30/95 Mr Rodney Ray (alternate) City Manager 3 July 5, 1994 Owasso City Council REGIONAL METROPOLITAN UTILITY AUTHORITY Ms Sherry Bishop City Treasurer Term Ending 6/30/95 Mr Robert Carr Public Works Director Term Ending 6/30/95 METROPOLITAN ENVIRONMENTAL TRUST Mr Robert Carr Public Works Director Term Ending 6/30/95 TRANSPORTATION POLICY COMMITTEE Mr Charles Burris City Councilor Term Ending 6/30/95 Mr Steve Compton (alternate) Assistant City Manager TRANSPORTATION TECHNICAL COMMITTEE Mr Rohn Munn Engineering Staff Term Ending 6/30/95 July 5, 1994 Charles Burris moved to confirm the appointments. Motion seconded by Danny Ewing. AYE: Burris, Ewing, Duke NAY: None Motion carried 3 -0. IOwasso City Council 1 July 5, 1994 ITEM 9: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST THAT THE MAYOR BE AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE A "SITE AGREEMENT" BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND THE TULSA SENIOR NUTRITION PROGRAM FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONTINUING THE USE OF THE OWASSO COMMUNITY CENTER AS A NUTRITION SITE FOR PROVIDING NOON MEALS. The Tulsa Senior Nutrition Program has used the Community Center for noon meals for two years, and has become important to the senior program. The Program is funded through the Tulsa Senior Nutrition Program, under the auspices of Tulsa Community Action Agency, which pays for the cost of the meals, the Site Director's salary, serving supplies, etc. Participants make a donation toward the cost of the meals if they are able. Mr. McElrath, Community Center Director, recommended continuation of the program and Council approval of the Site Agreement. Mayor Duke moved, seconded by Charles Burris, to authorize the Mayor to execute the Site Agreement between the City of Owasso and TCAA. AYE: Duke, Burris, Ewing NAY: None Motion carried 3 -0. ITEM 10: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ORDINANCE #484, AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION FROM "RMH" TO "IL" OF A FIVE -ACRE TRACT OF LAND LOCATED ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF NORTH 109TH EAST AVENUE AND 116TH STREET NORTH. Ordinance No 484 formally adopts the City Council's actions of June 21, 1994 rezoning a five- ' acre tract from RMH to IL on the southeast corner of North 109th E Ave and East 116th St N. Mayor Duke moved, seconded by Danny Ewing, to approve Ordinance #484. 0 C 1 n AYE: Duke, Ewing, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 3 -0. 5 Owasso City Council July 5, 1994 ITEM 11: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST TO AWARD A CONTRACT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS TO THE WEST PARKING LOT OF ELM CREEK PARK. The grant received for Elm Creek Park development was for a picnic shelter and improvements to the west parking lot. The picnic shelter has been completed and there is approximately $2600 remaining to be used for improvements to the parking lot. Bids were received from Miser Asphalt, Clayton Asphalt Coatings, and Kal -An Asphalt to grade and pave the east section of the parking lot to make six parking spaces, two of which will meet handicapped requirements; clean, tack and patch existing potholes; and overlay 20 feet of the parking lot entry. Low bid was from Miser Asphalt. Charles Burris moved to approve a contract in the amount of $2500 to Miser Asphalt Co of Owasso for the expansion and reconditioning of the west parking lot at Elm Creek Park. Seconded by Danny Ewing. AYE: Burris, Ewing, Duke NAY: None Motion carried 3 -0. ITEM 12: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION FOR THE SUBMITTAL OF A GRANT APPLICATION TO THE OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE (CDBG- ED -NSP) Mr Compton requested that staff be authorized to submit a grant application to the Oklahoma Department of Commerce to be used for on -site water and wastewater line extensions and for constructing the base for the extension of a street, all in connection with the relocation of National Steak and Poultry to Owasso. There are several steps in this process, all requiring Council approval. Charles Burris moved, seconded by Danny Ewing, to authorize the Mayor to execute and submit a $200,000 CDBG -ED grant application for infrastructure construction to assist in the relocation of NSP. AYE: Burris, Ewing, Duke NAY: None Motion carried 3 -0. 2 Owasso City Council July 5, 1994 ITEM 13: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION FOR THE SUBMITTAL OF A GRANT APPLICATION TO THE OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE. (CDBG - REHAB) Two areas of the community may qualify for a CDBG Infrastructure Rehab Grant. Mr Compton outlined these areas as being south of 76th St N within the city limits, and another area north of 76th St N, south of Second St, and east of Atlanta. Because of a predominance of low /moderate income households in those areas, it is hoped that the CDBG qualifications can be met and our current water /wastewater rehab project expanded to include those areas. Mayor Duke moved, seconded by Charles Burris, to authorize the Mayor to execute and submit a $250,000 CDBG Rehab grant application for infrastructure rehab in designated low /moderate income areas within the community. AYE: Duke, Burris, Ewing NAY: None Motion carried 3 -0. ITEM 14: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PLANS FOR TWO CDBG GRANT APPLICATIONS. The CDBG grant process requires that the City adopt a Citizen Participation Plan showing how the public will be kept informed of all steps of the process from initial planning to the final release of funds. The plan must also identify the points in the process when the public has an opportunity to provide input. Mayor Duke moved to approve the Citizen Participation Plans for the Oklahoma Department of Commerce CDBG -ED (NSP) and CDBG -Rehab (Low /Moderate Income Areas) grants. Motion seconded by Charles Burris. AYE: Duke, Burris, Ewing NAY: None Motion carried 3 -0. 7 Owasso City Council July 5, 1994 ITEM 15: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF AN EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF PURCHASING MATERIAL FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS TO DRAINAGE FACILITIES A stormwater drain pipe from the cul -de -sac on 96th PI N in El Rio Vista discharges to a drainage easement at a property located on 110th E Ave. The drainage from this pipe has created a washout which is approximately eight feet in diameter and 2 -3 feet deep. The resulting hole remains filled with water and poses both an aesthetic and potential safety problem in the back yard of the property on 110th E Ave. Staff has met with the property owner and discussed constructing a 24 inch drain pipe in the easement, which will discharge to the drainage ditch on 96th St N. Approximately 180 linear feet of corrugated polyethylene drain pipe is required at a cost of $1710. Quotes for material were requested, and the low total quote was received from Water Products. Charles Burris moved, seconded by Mayor Duke, to approve an expenditure to Water Products in the amount of $1710 for 180 linear feet of 24 inch corrugate polyethylene drain pipe. AYE: Burris, Duke, Ewing NAY: None Motion carried 3 -0. ITEM 16: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR THE SOLICITATION OF BIDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SIGNALIZATION IMPROVEMENTS AT THE INTERSECTION OF 96TH STREET NORTH AND GARNETT ROAD. The design work for the signalization of 96th St N and Garnett Rd, to be done in conjunction with the county intersection improvements, has been completed. The project consists of adding overhead signals for each lane, detector loops, wooden poles with span wires, and a solid state controller. Funds for this project are included in the FY94 -95 budget. Mayor Duke moved, seconded by Danny Ewing, to accept the construction plans and specifications and authorize the solicitation of bids for the 96th St N and Garnett Rd signalization project. AYE: Duke, Ewing, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 3 -0. Owasso City Council July 5, 1994 ITEM 17: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF TWO AGREEMENTS BETWEEN ' THE CITY OF OWASSO AND THE OKLAHOMA TAX COMMISSION PROVIDING FOR THE COMMISSION'S ADMINISTRATION OF THE OWASSO "SALES TAX ORDINANCE" AND "USE TAX ORDINANCE." AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR THE EXECUTE SUCH AGREEMENTS. The City of Owasso levies a 3 % sales tax and a 3 % use tax on the sales of eligible merchandise. The Oklahoma Tax Commission collects the taxes under an agreement between OTC and the City. This agreement requires an annual renewal. OTC retains 1 % of all that is collected as a fee. Charles Burris moved, seconded by Danny Ewing, to approve the Agreement for Administration of the Sales Tax Ordinance and Agreement for Administration of the Use Tax Ordinance with the Oklahoma Tax Commission. AYE: Burris, Ewing, Duke NAY: None Motion carried 3 -0. ITEM 18: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST TO AWARD A CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE OF A UHF _RADIO "REPEATER" FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM. The UHF Repeater currently in use by the Owasso Police Department has been hit by lightning strikes on several occasion, and it has become increasingly difficult to keep it operational. Specifications were developed and bid packets mailed to four vendors. Bids were publicly opened and read on May 20, 1994, with Ericsson /GE Mobile Communications being the low bidder. Funds for this purchase are included in the FY94 -95 E -911 budget. Charles Burris moved, seconded by Mayor Duke, to award a bid for the purchase of one UHF Repeater to Ericcson /GE Mobile Communications in the amount of $7266.50. AYE: Burris, Ewing, Duke NAY: None ' Motion carried 3 -0. 7 Owasso City Council July 5, 1994 ITEM 19: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST TO EXTEND BEYOND ITS ORIGINAL TERM AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND FOP LODGE #149 The labor agreement between the City of Owasso and FOP Lodge #149 expired on June 30, 1994 and a new agreement has not been reached. In 1992 the Oklahoma Supreme Court ruled that contracts cannot remain in effect after the expiration date if a new contract has not been negotiated and executed. In order for the contract to remain in effect, an extension must be requested and granted. Representatives of FOP Lodge #149 were present and agreed to such an extension. Charles Burris moved to approve an extension of the 1993 -94 labor contract with FOP Lodge #149 until such time as a new labor agreement is entered into or until June 30, 1995. Motion seconded by Danny Ewing. AYE: Burris, Ewing, Duke NAY: None Motion carried 3 -0. ITEM 20: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER No Report: ITEM 21: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY No Report. ITEM 22: REPORTS FROM CITY COUNCILORS ■r Mayor Duke reported that there will be a number of political candidates visiting our community ' during the next few weeks, and requested that Councilors attend as many of those functions as possible. ITEM 23: UNFINISHED BUSINESS ' None. ' ITEM 24: NEW BUSINESS Councilor Burris requested that a meeting be held with all city employees and the City Council in the next 15 -30 days. He also requested a meeting of all department directs and the City Council to be held within the same time frame. 10 Owasso City Council ITEM 25: ADJOURNMENT Charles Burris moved, seconded by Danny Ewing to adjourn. AYE: Burris, Ewing, Duke NAY: None Motion carried 3 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m. Marcia Boutwell, Council Clerk 11 Jerry Duke, Mayor July 5, 1994 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND 7/15/94 10:12:33 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR - - - - -- DESCRIPTION-- - - - - -- AMOUNT ---- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- MANAGERIAL 950066 CELLULAR ONE -TULSA 6/94 USE 88.30 950074 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 90.07 950097 HOBBY LOBBY FRAMING 101.77 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> 280.14 FINANCE 942703 SUBURBAN OFFICE SUPPLY SUPPLIES 54.60 942721 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN SUPPLIES 129.00 950023 CPS BUSINESS, INC. LICENSE FEES 217.00 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> 400.60 COMMUNITY- DEVELOPMENT--- - - - - -- 942642 BOCA INTERNATIONAL SUPPLIES 117.00 942712 RETHERFORD PUBLICATIONS LEGAL NOTICE 56.05 950014 INCOG DUES 1,822.50 950015 INCOG SERVICES 6,818.63 950022 MCCAW COMMUNICATIONS USAGE 28.90 950028 TULSA COUNTY MIS DIAL UP SERVICE 40.00 950029 CELLULAR ONE -TULSA USAGE 27.70 950067 BOCA INTERNATIONAL_ COMMENTARY 23.00 950074 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 21.18 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> 8,954.96 MUNICIPAL COURT 950074 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 24.29 DEPARTMENT TOTAL_ ____; 24.29 GENERAL GOVERNMENT ------------------------------ 942608 RETHERFORD PUBLICATIONS LEGAL NOTICES 224.65 942626 KEY TEMPORARY TEMP EMPLOYEE 160.64 4 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND 7/15/94 10:12:33 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: 5 PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 942699 OWASSO GOLDEN AGERS 942721 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN 950010 US POSTMASTER 950020 RONALD D CATES 950069 MIREX CORP 950073 TREASURER PETTY CASH 950074 TREASURER PETTY CASH 950100 OML DEPARTMENT TOTAL = = = => MAINTENANCE REIMS /DOC SUPPLIES METER POSTAGE RETAINER COPIER MAINT REIMB/DOC POSTAGE /MISC SUPPLIES ANNUAL SERVICE FEE 94.2609 CINTAS CORP. UNIFORM RENT /CLEAN 942706 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE SUPPLIES 942722 FREDDIE'S SMALL ENGINES EDGER 950022 MCCAW COMMUNICATIONS USAGE DEPARTMENT TOTAL = = = => CEMETERY ------------------------ - - - - -- 942560 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE SUPPLIES DEPARTMENT TOTAL = = => POLICE SERVICES 940032 CELLULAR ONE- -TULSA USAGE 940034 WESTERN BUSINESS PRODUCTS COPIER MAINT /OVERAGE 942336 DEE'S GRAPHICS SUPPLIES 942341 JOES PRINT SHOP SUPPLIES 942342 PHILLIPS POLICE EQUIP EQUIPMENT 942343 ACCURATE FIRE EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT 942351 ANI DISTRIBUTION INC. SUPPLIES 942690 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN SUPPLIES 942691 UAL- -MART SUPPLIES 942692 ANI DISTRIBUTION INC. SAFETY EQUIPMENT 942693 ACCURATE FIRE EQUIPMENT SAFETY EQUIPMENT 942694 STANDARD AUTO SUPPLY SERVICE EQUIPMENT 942695 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE SUPPLIES 942696 GALL'S INC. SUPPLIES 942697 GALL'S INC. SAFETY EQUIPMENT 210.00 3.99 1,000.00 3,764.20 147.74 76.69 244.15 5,965.58 11,797.64 35.50 161.93 89.94 14.45 301.82 11.26 11.26 145.71 135.45 282.00 38.00 50.00 176.00 321.00 97.17 298.07 206.95 176.00 88.70 123.92 497.68 431.76 OF t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 POLICE COMMUNICATIONS 950082 DEPT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OLETS RENT DEPARTMENT TOTAL = = = => ANIMAL CONTROL 942426 THREE LAKES VETERINARY 942496 BOYD'S CHEVROLET 950050 DOZIER PRINTING 950051 ADVANCED INDUSTRIAL DEVIC 950074 TREASURER PETTY CASH 950088 DICKIES DEPARTMENT TOTAL SUPPLIES 1994 CHEVY PICKUP PRINTING PARTS REIMS PETTY CASH UNIFORM SUPPLIES FIRE SERIVCES 942553 CELLULAR ONE -TULSA 6/94 USE DEPARTMENT TOTAL = = = => CIVIL DEFENSE 950021 CELLULAR ONE -TULSA USAGE DEPARTMENT TOTAL STREETS APAPVR PAGE: AMOUNT 708.00 23.02 42.60 99.60 42.00 150.00 1,305.00 288.00 30.00 5,756.63 350.00 350.00 195.00 11,184.00 39.00 96.00 11.00 57.47 11,582.47 - - - - - -- -34-40 34.40 10.90 10.90 L CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND 7/15/94 10:12:33 A/P CLAIMS REPORT PO # ---- - - - - -- VENDOR ------------------- - - - - -- DESCRIPTION --------------- - - - - -- 950047 PATROL TECHNOLOGY VESTS 950048 RICK DE ARMOND REIMS /VEHICLE REPAIR 950075 TUXALL UNIFORM & EQUIP UNIFORM SUPPLIES 950078 MCCAW COMMUNICATIONS PAGER RENTAL 950079 LAW ENFORCEMENT EQUIP CO UNIFORM SUPPLIES 950080 HOWARD STAMPER RETAINER /SERVICES 950081 YALE CLEANERS 7/94 UNIFORM CLEANING 950085 L.E.T.N. TELEVISED TRAINING 950086 TUXALL UNIFORM & EQUIP UNIFORM SUPPLIES DEPARTMENT TOTAL = = = => POLICE COMMUNICATIONS 950082 DEPT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OLETS RENT DEPARTMENT TOTAL = = = => ANIMAL CONTROL 942426 THREE LAKES VETERINARY 942496 BOYD'S CHEVROLET 950050 DOZIER PRINTING 950051 ADVANCED INDUSTRIAL DEVIC 950074 TREASURER PETTY CASH 950088 DICKIES DEPARTMENT TOTAL SUPPLIES 1994 CHEVY PICKUP PRINTING PARTS REIMS PETTY CASH UNIFORM SUPPLIES FIRE SERIVCES 942553 CELLULAR ONE -TULSA 6/94 USE DEPARTMENT TOTAL = = = => CIVIL DEFENSE 950021 CELLULAR ONE -TULSA USAGE DEPARTMENT TOTAL STREETS APAPVR PAGE: AMOUNT 708.00 23.02 42.60 99.60 42.00 150.00 1,305.00 288.00 30.00 5,756.63 350.00 350.00 195.00 11,184.00 39.00 96.00 11.00 57.47 11,582.47 - - - - - -- -34-40 34.40 10.90 10.90 L SWIMMING POOL 942582 WATER PRODUCTS INC 942711 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE 942713 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE 942718 AMERICAN POOL SUPPLY 942721 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN 950074 TREASURER PETTY CASH DEPARTMENT TOTAL = = = => COMMUNITY CENTER ------------------------------ 950070 UNITED ARTISTS CABLE 950072 US POSTMASTER 950074 TREASURER PETTY CASH DEPARTMENT TOTAL = = = => PARK MAINTENANCE 950022 MCCAW COMMUNICATIONS 950074 TREASURER PETTY CASH DEPARTMENT TOTAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES REIMB PETTY CASH CABLE USE POSTAGE REIMB PETTY CASH USAGE REIMB PETTY CASH APAPVR PAGE: AMOUNT 102.22 50.00 1,050.00 180.00 225.00 125.85 90.00 192.35 123.59 297.00 108.39 14.45 26.84 54.00 2,639.69 63.91 282.29 .35.10 290.40 269.99 13.00 954.69 22.57 75.00 20.56 118.13 14.45 40.10 54.55 7 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND 15/94 10:12:33 A/P CLAIMS REPORT PO # - - - - - -- VENDOR ------------------- - - - - -- DESCRIPTION --------------- - - -- 942245 ANCHOR STONE CO CRUSHER RUN 942329 JAMES L HOBBS MOWING /FOREST DRIVE 942470 A & B WEED MOWING MOWING /THREE LAKES 942471 A & B WEED MOWING MOWING /EL RIO VISTA 942472 JAMES L HOBBS MOWING /LAKERIDGE 942486 HUGHES LUMBER CO SUPPLIES 942492 PAUL HERRON MOWING /EL RIO VISTA 942560 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE SUPPLIES 942609 CINTAS CORP. UNIFORM RENT /CLEAN 942687 UAL -MART AIR CONDITION UNIT 942708 MAXWELL SUPPLY OF TULSA SUPPLIES 950022 MCCAW COMMUNICATIONS USAGE 950053 GREEN COUNTRY OUTDOOR ECRU PARTS 950074 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH DEPARTMENT TOTAL = = = => SWIMMING POOL 942582 WATER PRODUCTS INC 942711 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE 942713 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE 942718 AMERICAN POOL SUPPLY 942721 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN 950074 TREASURER PETTY CASH DEPARTMENT TOTAL = = = => COMMUNITY CENTER ------------------------------ 950070 UNITED ARTISTS CABLE 950072 US POSTMASTER 950074 TREASURER PETTY CASH DEPARTMENT TOTAL = = = => PARK MAINTENANCE 950022 MCCAW COMMUNICATIONS 950074 TREASURER PETTY CASH DEPARTMENT TOTAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES REIMB PETTY CASH CABLE USE POSTAGE REIMB PETTY CASH USAGE REIMB PETTY CASH APAPVR PAGE: AMOUNT 102.22 50.00 1,050.00 180.00 225.00 125.85 90.00 192.35 123.59 297.00 108.39 14.45 26.84 54.00 2,639.69 63.91 282.29 .35.10 290.40 269.99 13.00 954.69 22.57 75.00 20.56 118.13 14.45 40.10 54.55 7 7/15/94 10:12:33 PO # VENDOR 942716 INCOG 950015 INCOG DEPARTMENT TOTAL FUND TOTAL = = = => CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND A/P CLAIMS REPORT DESCRIPTION SERVICES SERVICES } APAPVR PAGE: AMOUNT 150.40 6,818.62 6,969.02 50,241.19 8 CITY OF OWASSO WORKERS' COMP SELF -INS PLAN 7/15/94 10:12:33 A/P CLAIMS REPORT PO ## VENDOR DESCRIPTION GENERAL GOVERNMENT ------------------------------ 942530 MULTI CARE HEALTH CENTER CLAIM /COMBS 942531 MULTI CARE HEALTH CENTER CLAIM /MCCORMACK 942604 MULTI CARE HEALTH CENTER CLAIM /ROBERTSON 942605 MULTI CARE HEALTH CENTER CLAIM /MCCORMACK 950096 BEST,SHARP,HOLDEN,SHERIDA CLAIM /EVANS 950139 DARRELL EVANS T.T.D. DEPARTMENT TOTAL FUND TOTAL ====> APAPVR PAGE: AMOUNT 47.00 47.00 55.00 101.00 205.00 626.72 1,051.72 1,081.72 1 7/15/94 10:12:33 PO # VENDOR AMBULANCE CITY OF OWASSO AMBULANCE SERVICE FUND A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 942553 CELLULAR ONE -TULSA DEPARTMENT TOTAL = = = => FUND TOTAL 6/94 USE 45.50 45.50 45.50 2 CITY OF OWASSO E - 911 7/15/94 10:12:33 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT POLICE COMMUNICATIONS 942671 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN REPLACE SERGE PROTECTORS 44.97 942720 DICTAPHONE REPAIRS 839.40 950136 ERICSSON GE MOBILE COMMUN REPEATER 7,332.95 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> 8,217.32 FUND TOTAL =_ =_; 8,217.32 3 CITY OF UUA5SO CAPJTAL Iff'RO\8EMENTS 7115194 10:12:33 A/P CLAIMS REPORT r PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION GENERAL GOVERNMENT ---------------------------------- 950068 HOLMES ARCHITECTURAL SERV SERVICES U w� DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> FIRE SERVICES N� 942202 IMEL & GRA8ER DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> PARKS ------------------------------ 950101 ANCHOR STONE CO N� DEPARTMENT TOTAL FUND TOTAL ====} APAPVR PAGE: AMOUNT --- ------------ 1,106.88 ------------- SERVICES 3,000.00 _____________ SPORTS PARK 17,768.36 ------------- _____________ 13 CITY OF OWAS6O PARK DEVELOPMENT 7/15/94 10:12;33 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: 14 PO # ---____-_- VENDOR DESCRIPTION ------ -___--_----_------___--__ AMOUNT PARKS ------------------------------- 940297 WATER PRODUCTS INC SUPPLIES 274.10 DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====) 274,10 m� ------------- FUND TOTAL 274,10 GRAND TOTAL ====> ------------- 191,295.86 N� CITY OF OWASSO CITY GARAGE 7/15/94 10:12:33 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CITY GARAGE ------------------------------ 942489 OWASSO TIRE BARN TIRES 265.90 942560 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE SUPPLIES 6.50 942591 GLASS DOCTOR WINDSHIELD 94.54 942593 WURTH SUPPLIES 149.51 942609 CINTAS CORP. UNIFORM RENT /CLEAN 213.00 942652 GO SYSTEMS FUEL 3,558.62 942658 TULSA FORD NEW HOLLAND, I PARTS 91.02 942659 MAXWELL OIL CORP OIL 467.05 942661 LOUIE BEARD PICK UP PARTS PARTS 25.00 942662 FRONTIER INTERNATIONAL TR REPAIR DOC BUS 37.92 942663 DARR EQUIPMENT REPAIR ENGINE 198.36 942686 DRIVE SHAFTS INC. PARTS BRUSH HOG 49.68 950012 LENOX WRECKER SERVICE SERVICES 64.89 950013 DITCH WITCH PARTS 76.80 950061 MAXWELL OIL CORP OIL 151.60 950062 MIAMI TIRE SERVICE, INC TIRES 514.69 950064 USUABLE STEEL_ YARD SUPPLIES 66.00 950074 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMS PETTY CASH 21.00 950099 WATER PRODUCTS INC PARTS 73.00 DEPARTMENT TOTAL = = = => 6,125.08 FUND TOTAL =___> 6,12S.08 12 CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 07/09/94 DEPARTMENT AMOUNT .:.... ..... : : ........................ ..........::::::::.:. .... Finance 5,647.52 .. .. ' ?• : {Rol : :. • : f:{..w:.. ? •nvxx:. �::.: �.:v............ x:::::::: :: Y:::::• :•. {.•. {.'•�•::. a ^tii { { {S {. ? :., :: };?• }::4:4:: {�• ::• ..: };,v; };,v,.} {,..•! ?x' :• :• : +F• ..... $. : :::•;: vi:{:iY! :4i:ii: I p i CITY GARAGE PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 07/09/94 APPROVED: 07/19/94 Mayor Council Member Council Member MEMORANDUM TO: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER FROM: BOB ALLEN F RE CHIEF SUBJECT: FINAL INSPECTION OF NEW FIRE STATION DATE: July 11, 1994 BACKGROUND: On July 6, 1994, Mr. Jim Graber, our Architect, Mr. Robert Gooch, with RDG Construction, and I completed the final inspection for the new fire station. All items identified on the Punch List have been completed according to city codes and /or building specifications. The reason for the long delay in completing the Punch List was due to the emergency lighting not being properly installed. Also, our emergency generator was not operating correctly. We are extremely pleased with the new station. Fire Departments from Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and the Military have toured our fire station for the specific purpose of building their next fire station with the same design we utilized. RECOMMENDATION: We recommend acceptance of the project and final payment approval in the amount of $51,350.20 to RDG Construction. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Letter from Imel & Graber IMEL & GRABER ARCHITECTS 5200 SOUTH HARVARD, SUITE 5 -E TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74135 918 - 747 -8028 July 6, 1994 Chief Bob Allen Owasso Fire Department P. O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 Re: Fire Station No. 1 Dear Chief: Today, the Contractor, Robert Gooch and I, inspected the follow up work on minor repairs to the new building and have found the repairs completed in accordance with the Punch List. The few items which still need some attention are covered under warranties and will be addressed. You may release the final payment at this time. Sincerely, James E. Graber JEG /j gv A. BLAINE IMEL AIA JAMES E. GRABER AIA top 1 r MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: M.A.ALEXANDER CHIEF OF POLICE SUBJECT: REQUEST TO PURCHASE POLICE VEHICLES AND EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT DATE: July 13, 1994 BACKGROUND: The Owasso City Council approved the Fiscal Year 1994 -95 budgets on June 25, 1994. The Police Department Budget included funds for the purchase of four 1994 police vehicles fully equipped. The 1994 state police vehicle bids were awarded to Larry Spencer Chevrolet in Norman, Oklahoma. The cost for the state vehicle to meet the specifications set forth would have been $14,168. Though it would have been preferable to have been able to purchase state bid vehicles, 1994 monies did not become available for acquisition until 1 July. At the time of accessible funds, no vehicles were obtainable through the state vehicle vendor. Additionally, it is anticipated that the 1995 vendor's prices will exceed the quotes which were obtained for 1994 vehicles. On July 1st, request for bids on the 1994 police package vehicles were sent to eight vendors. Bids were received from only two (2) vendors and were opened July 12th. Both vendors met the minimum specifications and are listed below: Classic Chevrolet $15,185 per vehicle Total Cost: $60,740 Riverside Chevrolet $15,700 per vehicle Total Cost: $62,800 The lowest bidder meeting the specifications is Classic Chevrolet at a cost of $15,185 per vehicle, or $60,740 for all four vehicles as shown above. ' The vehicles are currently available and can be physically delivered within one week after approval. All new units will be assigned to patrol functions, striped and marked with the new vehicle design. Four older cars will be removed from fleet use and prepared for auction. The outgoing vehicles will be assessed to determine if any equipment can be used in the 1994 cars. The four new automobiles will need to be outfitted with apparatus which W cannot be salvaged from the old units and, in accordance with purchasing guidelines, written quotes have been received on the following: (4) Streethawk or equivalent lightbars: Tuxall Uniform & Equip $ 540.75 each Total Cost: $ 2,163.00 Law Enforcement Equip. $ 572.25 each Total Cost: $ 2,289.00 Gall's, Inc. $ 584.97 each Total Cost: $ 2,339.88 Phillips Police Equip. $ 585.00 each Total Cost: $ 2,340.00 ' To provide officer protection while transporting prisoners, safety shields also need to be considered. Quotes for four (4) Setina or equal partitions were received from the following three vendors: , Tuxall Uniform & Equip. $ 318.00 each Total Cost: $ 1,272.00 Galls, Inc. $ 394.00 each Total Cost: $ 1,576.00 * Phillips Police Equip. $ 310.00 each Total Cost: $ 1,240.00 , * Does not meet bid specifications. , In addition to the above, the new vehicles will need to be striped with the new design. Trim Rite, Inc. will perform the striping at a cost of $409.44 per unit, for a total of $1,637.76. , RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approval on the purchase of the following; ' Four 1994 Chevrolet Caprice vehicles from Classic Chevrolet for a cost of $15,185 per vehicle, total $60,740. The purchase from Tuxall Uniform & Equipment of lightbars at 540.75 each, total $2,163.00, and safety partitions for $318.00 each, total $1,272.00, is also recommended. Staff also recommends Trim Rite, Inc. receive the award for striping the vehicles at $409.44 each, total $1,637.76. Classic Chevrolet - vehicles - $60,740.00 Tuxall Uniform - lightbars - $ 2,163.00 Tuxall Uniform - cages - $ 1,272.00 Trim Rite - striping - $ 1,637.76 ' Total Package - $65,812.78 Funds are currently in the 1994 -1995 budget within Capital Improvements for this ' purchase. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Bid Tabulation/ Documentation ' 2. Bid Proposal - Submittal Pages for Vehicles 3. Bid Proposal - Submittal Pages for Equipment ' 4. Bid Proposal - Submittal Pages for Striping CITY OF OWASSO 207 South Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 (918) 272 -2251 BID DOCUMENTATION Opening Date: July 12, 1994 Council Approval: Item: 4 1994 Full Size Police Automobiles Number of Bids: 2 Bids Opened By: Marcia Boutwell Witness: Lt Roy Day Witness: Bidders Riverside Chevrolet Classic Chevrolet Certification: I, Marcia Boutwell, Contract Administrator, do hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, this Bid Documentation is true and correct. 1�111A) (4�� Signature: Date: 0"'Zj- /2 Amount of Bid $ 15,700 each $ 15,185 each (SEAL) 1994 FULL SIZE POLICE AUTOMOBILES REQUEST FOR BIDS Proposal requests sent via certified mail to the following vendors, July 1, 1994, via Certified Return Receipt mail: 1.) Classic Chevrolet, Inc. Certified #Z 780 297 393 8600 N. Mingo Valley Expwy. Owasso, OK 74055 PH: 272 -1101 2.) Chalmers Chevrolet -GEO Certified #Z 780 297 394 2301 N. Aspen Ave. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 PH: 622 -7592 3.) Riverside Chevrolet 707 W. 51st St. Tulsa, OK 74107 PH: 446 -2200 4.) Larry Spencer Chevrolet 2424 W. Main Norman, OK 73069 -6328 PH: (405) 321 -7021 5.) Jim Nelson Ford 324 E. Kenosha Broken Arrow, OK 74012 PH: 251 -9684 6.) Turnpike Ford - Suburu 745 W. 51st St. Tulsa, OK 74107 PH: 445 -5000 7.) Fred Jones Ford 9777 S. Memorial Tulsa, OK 74133 PH: 250 -8500 8.) Shawnee Mission Ford 11501 W. Shawnee Mission Pkwy. Shawnee Mission, KS 66203 -0179 Certified #Z 780 297 395 Certified #Z 780 297 396 Certified #Z 780 297 397 Certified #Z 780 297 398 Certified #Z 780 297 399 Certified #Z 780 297 344 1 1 1 1 1 1 NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids will be received by the City of Owasso at the Owasso City Hall, 207 South Cedar, P. O. Box 180, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 until 3:00 p.m. on the 12th day of July 1994, and then at said City Hall, publicly opened and read aloud. This will be for the furnishing of the following items: FOUR 1994 FULL SIZE POLICE AUTOMOBILES Further information and specification packets can be obtained by ' contacting the Chief of Police, Maria A. Alexander at 272 -2244, at the Owasso Police Department during regular working hours. 1 Envelopes containing bids must be marked to identify the item being bid. BIDDERS shall submit entire Bid Package and Specifications book with BID proposal intact. BIDDERS who submit BID form only will be rejected at time of opening. The City of Owasso expressly reserves the right to reject all bids. All bids will be considered irrevocable offers under conditions specified in the bid for a period of sixty (60) calendar days from and after the date herein for the opening of bids. July 1, 1994 Maria A. Alexander Chief of Police Ph: 918 - 272 -2244 CITY OF OWASSO OWASSO POLICE DEPARTMENT 101 N. MAIN ST. OWASSO, OK 74055 "NO BID" CHECK LIST Bid No. Fax: 918 - 272 -4900 Bidders who offer a "NO BID" response to this bid, please indicate your reason(s) below: Do not handle this type equipment /supplies Cannot meet specifications Take exception to specifications (specify) Cannot meet delivery Materials not available Other (specify) This form should accompany any "NO BID" response and will aid in the proper classification of your company for future bidding purposes. If possible, send line card or list of products you can supply. Vendor Name: Address: 1 1 t SPECIFICATIONS FOR 1994 FULL SIZE POLICE AUTOMOBILES General Description The following is a comprehensive list of specifications for one police vehicle to be purchased for the Owasso Police Department located at 101 N. Main St., Owasso, Oklahoma 74055. In general, the vehicles proposed to be purchased are described as four (4) 1994 full size new four door sedans. All components of these vehicles shall be new and of original manufacture. General Provisions 1. Tax Exemption - Purchaser is exempt from payment of all Federal, State, and local taxes in connection with the purchase. Said taxes must not be included in bid prices. The City will provide necessary tax exemption certificates upon request. 2. Pricing - The price submitted in any proposal shall include all items of labor, materials, tools, equipment, and other costs necessary to fully prepare the car for delivery. Any items of labor omitted from the specifications which are clearly necessary for the proper delivery of the automobiles shall be considered a portion of such specifications, although not directly specified or called for in these specifications. Prices quoted shall remain effective for a period of 60 days after opening of bids by the City. 3. Warranty - A manufacturer's and /or dealer's warranty shall be supplied to cover replacement parts and labor costs. The manufacturer agrees to promptly replace any part or parts which by reason of defective materials, workmanship, or installation, fail under normal use. Such replacement must be free of charge to the owner. Warranty will be for a period of 3 years or 36,000 miles, whichever comes first from the date of delivery. The City of Owasso shall expect the dealer and /or manufacturer to have adequate stock of replacement parts available to service the cars within a reasonable time. Tires are exempt from this warranty but must be covered by the tire manufacturer's standard warranty and serviced by the local authorized dealer of the tire manufacturer. 4. Bids - The purchaser reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and to waive any or all technicalities, informalities, or other minor deviations from the bid document. 5. Inspection - An acceptance inspection shall be conducted between the supplier and the City before delivery can be accepted. The inspection date shall be at the City's convenience. All discrepancies noted during the inspection shall be remedied, at the supplier's expense, prior to payment for the vehicle. 6. Payment - As with all municipalities in Oklahoma, payment must be approved and signed on a claims list by the proper city authority. Payment shall be made only after complete and acceptable delivery of the vehicles in accordance with these specifications. The Owasso City Council meets regularly on the first and third Tuesday of every month. 7. Prime Contractor Responsibility - If final delivery of the vehicle includes the use of services of another company, the City of Owasso will hold the bidder responsible for those outside services. 8. Proposal Expenses - Expenses for developing the proposal are entirely the responsibility of the vendor and shall not be chargeable to the City of Owasso. 9. Prior Information - Any information which may have been released either orally or in writing prior to the issuance of this bid request shall be deemed preliminary in nature and bind neither the City of Owasso nor the vendor. 10. Vendor Contract - Any proposal accepted will be incorporated into the contract which the City of Owasso will enter into with the vendor. 11. Proposed Cost - It is not the policy of the City of Owasso to negotiate the price after the vendor is selected. The supplied bid form shall include one price for the basic specified vehicle and listing of all equipment and options. All bids delivered to the City shall be sealed and visibly marked SEALED BID. 12. Contact Person - Questions and clarification concerning this bid shall be made to the Chief of Police, Maria Alexander. Appointments shall be made by calling (918) 272 -2244 Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. 4.1 Minimum of 18 U. S. gallons fuel tank 4.2 In line heavy duty type fuel filter. Specific Requirements 1. GENERAL: The City of Owasso Police Department is soliciting bids for four ' (4) full size four door sedan automobiles with police packages similar to Chevrolet Caprice and Ford Crown Victoria, or approved alternate. Vendor Initials 1.1 State make and model bid: ' 1.2 State delivery date /days: 2. ENGINE & COOLING: ' 2.1 Minimum 4.6 Liter V8 or approved alternate. ' 2.2 Minimum of 200 horsepower. 2.3 Electronic fuel injection or approved alternate. ' 2.4 Spin on oil filter or approved alternate. 2.5 Dry type air filter or approved alternate. ' 2.6 Dual exhaust system with catalytic converter (grass shielded) or approved alternate. 2.7 Fuel - Unleaded gasoline. 2.8 Must meet government pollution standards. 2.9 Heavy duty cooling system. 2.10 Ability to operate at idle for long periods of time without overheating. 2.11 Ability to operate at 120 degrees Fahrenheit ambient temperature. 2.12 Permanent t yp e antifreeze/ coolant providing protection to -20 degrees Fahrenheit minimum. 3. TRANSNIISSION: 3.1 Heavy duty electronic automatic four speed overdrive with police calibration or approved alternate. 3.2 Steering column mounted shift lever. ' 3.3 Overdrive lock out or approved alternate. 3.4 External front mounted oil cooler. 4. FUEL SYSTEM: 4.1 Minimum of 18 U. S. gallons fuel tank 4.2 In line heavy duty type fuel filter. 5. FRAME & SUSPENSION: 5.1 Frame: Heavy duty type. 5.2 Heavy duty stabilizer bar (front and rear) or approved alternate. 5.3 Heavy duty gas shock absorbers (front and rear) or approved alternate. 5.4 Wheelbase 114 inches minimum. 6. DRIVE LINE: 6.1 Rear wheel drive. 6.2 Heavy duty type differential. 6.3 ABS. 6.4 Slip differential. 6.5 3.27 gear ratio or approved alternate. 6.6 Heavy duty drive shaft and U- joints . 7. TIRES & WHEELS: 7.1 Five (5) heavy duty steel 15" x 7.0" wheels or approved alternate. 7.2 Regular hub caps (high speed rated) or approved alternate. 7.3 Five (5) P225/70HR15 black side wall all- season speed rated steel belted tubeless radial tires or approved alternate. 8. BRAKES: 8.1 Anti -lock braking system with electronic traction assistance or approved alternate. 8.2 Heavy duty with power assist. 8.3 Four wheel- disc with metal front dust shields or approved alternate. 8.4 Single diaphragm boosters or approved alternate. 8.5 Dual master cylinder or approved alternate. 9. STEERING: 9.1 Power assisted, speed sensitive. 9.2 External front mounted oil cooler. 9.3 Tilt steering wheel. 5 10. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM: 10.1 Heavy duty type. 10.2 12V negative ground system. 10.3 Minimum of 130 ampere alternator with transistorized regulator or approved alternate. 10.4 Heavy duty maintenance free battery with a minimum of 84 amp, 850 CCA with heat shield if required. 10.5 Electronic ignition or approved alternate. 10.6 Gauges: 10.6.1 Volt meter 10.6.2 Water temperature gauge. 10.6.3 Engine oil pressure gauge. 10.6.4 Fuel tank gauge. 10.6.5 Speedometer - calibrated with certificate to 140 MPH or approved alternate. t10.7 Digital clock. 10.14 Cigarette lighter 10.15 Halogen headlights with on/ off delay. 10.16 Dome light with manual control on/ off switch. 10.17 Map light mounted above windshield between dual sun visors. 10.18 Engine and trunk compartment lights. 10.19 Left hand pillar post mounted spot light with 6" clear halogen bulb. 10.20 Two way radio wiring with AM and police radio noise suppression. ft 6 10.8 Fresh air heater with defroster. 10.9 Manual air conditioning. 10.10 Rear window defogger/ defroster. 10.11 Dual windshield wipers with multi -speed interval delay. 10.12 Windshield washer. 10.13 AM/FM stereo radio. 10.14 Cigarette lighter 10.15 Halogen headlights with on/ off delay. 10.16 Dome light with manual control on/ off switch. 10.17 Map light mounted above windshield between dual sun visors. 10.18 Engine and trunk compartment lights. 10.19 Left hand pillar post mounted spot light with 6" clear halogen bulb. 10.20 Two way radio wiring with AM and police radio noise suppression. ft 6 10.21 Auxiliary fuse panel: three (3) ignition leads with 20 amp fuse, three (3) direct leads with 20 amp fuse. 10.22 Interior remote control trunk lid opener. 10.23 Dual horns. 10.24 Factory installed power door locks with driver -only lockout. After market installation not acceptable. 10.25 Factory installed power windows. After market installation not acceptable. 11. BODY: 11.1 Four (4) door sedan. 11.2 Reinforced roof for mounting flashing light bar on roof. 11.3 Heavy duty reinforced no- reclining cloth split front seat with arm rests or approved alternate. 11.4 Heavy duty reinforced vinyl bench type rear seat. 11.5 Front seat stain protected with "Scotch Guard" type application. 11.6 Tinted glass in all windows. 11.7 Single key to fit ignition, doors, and trunk (each unit different) . 11.8 Remote controlled left and right outside mirrors. 11.9 Inside rear view mirror, day /night non -glare type. 11.10 Floors shall be carpeted front and rear. 11.11 Color keyed front carpet floor mats. 11.12 Full undercoating/ rust proofing: Ziebart or approved alternate. 11.13 Full trunk carpet mat. 11.14 Seat belts - two front and three rear with integral shoulder straps on outboard seats. ' 11.15 Jack and wheel wrench. 11.16 Inside hood release. , 11.17 Dual sun visors. 11.18 Driver bag , side air supplemental restraint system. 11.19 Units to be painted white with color keyed interior. ' 11.20 Trunk shall have storage area for full sized spare tire. 7 t 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12. 13. 14. MISCELLANEOUS: 12.1 Local dealer shall have personnel, parts and equipment to do warranty repair work. 12.2 Minimum warranty of three (3) years or 36,000 miles, or approved alternate (specify) 12.3 Successful bidder shall furnish the following with each vehicle: 12.3.1 One (1) warranty certificate. 12.3.2 One (1) operators manual. 12.3.3 One (1) maintenance manual. 12.3.4 One (1) service manual. EXTENDED WARRANTIES: 13.1 State: 13.2 State: 13.3 State: VOLUNTARY ALTERNATES (Optional or Recommended) : 14.1 Cost $ ( + / -) 14.2 Cost $ ( + / -) 14.3 Cost $ ( + / -) BID PROPOSAL - SUBMITTAL PAGE 1994 Full Size Automobiles VEHICLE SUMMARY: MAKE: MODEL: DELIVERY: ENGINE TYPE: EPA ESTIMATED MPG (HIGHWAY)) : EPA ESTIMATED MPG (CITY) : ADDITIONAL ACCESSORIES: TOTAL BID PRICE PER VEHICLE: $ I hereby acknowledge that I have read the specifications and that I am legally bound by the above statement. Signature Title Address Telephone Bid Opening: July 12, 1994, 3:00 p.m. 41 STATE OF ) SS COUNTY OF NON - COLLUSION BID AFFIDAVIT I, , of lawful age, being duly sworn on oath, says that (s) he is the agent authorized by the bidder to submit the attached bid. Affiant further states that the bidder has not been a part of any collusion among bidders in restraint of freedom of competition by agreement to bid at a fixed price or to refrain from bidding; nor with any government official or employee as to quantity, quality, or price in the prospective contract, or any other terms of said prospective contract; nor in any discussions between bidders and any government official concerning exchange of money or other things of value for special consideration in the letting of a contract; that the bidder/ contractor has not paid, given nor donated to any officer or employee of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, any money or other things of value, either directly or indirectly in the procuring of the award of a contract pursuant to this bid. BIDDER: Signature Subscribed and sworn before me this day of , 1993. Notary Public My Commission Expires: NOTE: COMPLETE THIS AFFIDAVIT AND RETURN WITH BID PROPOSAL. 10 BID PROPOSAL - SUBMITTAL PAGE 1994 Full Size Automobiles VEHICLE SUMMARY: MAKE: CHEVROLET MODEL: 1BL19 CAPRICE 4M SQC90 DELIVERY: 2 WEM ENGINE TYPE: 350 LT1 V3 EPA ESTIMATED MPG (HIGHWAY)) : 25 EPA ESTIMATED MPG (CITY) : 17 ADDITIONAL ACCESSORIES: TOTAL BID PRICE PER VEHICLE: $ 15,185.00 I hereby acknowledge that I have read the specifications and that I am legally bound by the above statement. S' [' ture Title VtC GCO -e- Storm y^ Prizm Tracker N•Dw4g) C R LET Address l V Corvette • Lumina • Caprice • Camaro • Corsica • Beretta • Cavalier • .4PV • Vans • Trucks 00JAW , DIL. 74050 BOB HURLEY General Manager 8600 N. 119 / -Z ��� OWASSO,IOKO7 40 VALLEY EXPWY. elephone 2�2 -� of Bid Opening: July 12, 1994, 3:00 p.m. BID PROPOSAL - SUBMITTAL PAGE 1994 Full Size Automobiles VEHICLE_ SUMMARY: MAKE: 7 MODEL: Cl� /CL DELIVERY: ENGINE TYPE: EPA ESTIMATED MPG (HIGHWAY)) : EPA ESTIMATED MPG (CITY) : ADDITIONAL ACCESSORIES: MODELS. ' Cu (Zai'_,sTL Y PbDa -'D.on TOTAL BID PRICE PER VEHICLE: )o LA-fi! To 02D Ez I 9S,4 Lug AIZL. 't l a n t &. 6 I hereby acknowled by the ove stat e Signature Address J Telephone go Bid Opening: iTff!4CAED I have read the specifications and that I am legally bound July 12, 1994, 3:00 p.m. 1 9 1 1.44 Neat .' 'ne Arkansan River/ LEE WHELPLEY =:eet Manager Bus. (913) 546 -2200 707 West 51st Fax (913) 546 -5326 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74107 Digital Pager (918) 846-115C Frepared .By RIVERSIDE CHEVROLE -FLEET, SALES•; DEPT,.;.„ 707 WEST :51ST,'STRE TULSA OK 74107 918- 446- 2200 Year . ' - 1994 Make Chevy.Cars Model: Caprice Police /Taxi Pkgs Style: 1BL19 4dr Sdn Police Pkg 9C1 Effective Date:- ,_02 /01/94 4 - -t1- STANDARD EQUIPMENT <<< MECHANICAL > >> 4.3L (265) SF= V8 4300 engine 4 -speed electronically controlled automatic transmission w /OD Brake/transmission shift interlock Special calibrated transmission w /low gear blockout 3.23 rear axle ratio 8.5" ring gear rear axle Rear wheel drive Special balanced drive shaft Maintenance F-ee 770 CCA HD battery Delcotron 1^C amp alternator Auxiliary junction block in engine compartment Auxiliary fuse block -inc: (6) additional fused circuits at 20 amps each Wiring provisions for headlamp flashing unit & horn /siren circuit connection Engine oil cccler Pwr steering fluid cooler _ Cooling Pkg -inc: higher wattage dual electric fans, transmission oil cooler integral w /radiator & HD condenser Silicon radiator /heater hoses w /worm drive hose clamps HD full perimeter frame Special Polio Pursuit Suspension -inc: front /rear stabilizer bars, special springs & snccks, firm -feel steering, specific body mounts (5) P225/70R1_E SBR SSW "H- Rated" all season tires Full size spa -e tire 15" x 7" HD eel wheels w /bolt on center hub caps Pwr steering Pwr front /rear disc brakes Semi - metallic ront /rear disc brake linings w,/HD larger rear wheel cylinders 4 -wheel anti -lock brake system 23 gallon fug: tank Stainless steel exhaust system <<< EXTERIOR >>> Base coa /clear coat paint Wide body-sice moldings Flush - mounter composite halogen headlamps Dual mirrors LH remote /RH manual) Tinted glass , Intermittent :,indshield wipers w /wet -arm washer system Anti- corrosic-. hot melt pads under front /rear floor insulators Galvanized corrosion protection on most body panels •�,,' -rS r ...::n� ctl. •�ry�i�fyFF r�•a? _'�j�4. INTERIOR »> , .� =x,r s�<� `4. . f� Zia r °�fj r r `r -IU front /rear vinjil bench °7`seat -` "I th t1r`i - o ce tte y , r est ' ,r ra. wa4. 'Mw'Y^ i+r.e may Color -keyed - front %rear, carpeted floor.. mats • - 'r� ,, t§cotchgard fabric ;'protectors seats ,'*.door im ot�' g,- Tilt steering wheel /aid,�uable steering scot mn_ _w c Digital speedometer -inc certified.i MPH ncremeents� 5.7L (350) SFI VS ENGINE -inc: 3.08 axle Gauges -inc: oil pressure,: temperature, :_voltmeter_ Trip odometer 'switchr ' Low fluid level warning lights and speedometer light off .Oil change mo -nitor Pwr trunk.opener w /sw.itch located left side of steering column ISingle'Key Locking System, all Units coded 'individually Air conditioning -in6-rR134A refrigerant Wide open.throttle...cut -off air.:conditioning w /head pressure relief ETR AM /FM stereo w /seek -scan, digital clock, dual front /rear speakers Radio bonding strap pkg Cigarette lighter `Cup holders Door map pockets - RH covered visor mirror '<<< EPA FUEL ECONOMY RATINGS >>> City 18 /hwy 26 (4.3L engine) City 17 /hwy 25 (5.7L engine) r<<< SAFETY FEATURES >>> 4 -wheel anti -lock brake system friver � passenger side supplemental ront /rear manual lap /shoulder safety Child security rear -door locks Brake /transmission shift interlock 5 -MPH bumpers inflatable restraint (SIR) belts w /center position lap belts FACTORY OPTIONS OPTION 6N1 HANDLE Inside driver door handle releases 6C7 AUXILIARY DOME LIGHT Located approximately ' 6N6 REAR DOOR LOCKS INOPERATIVE Actuator pins 7X9 LEFT /RIGHT HAND SPOTLIGHT PROVISIONS -inc: 1AA RETAIL AMENITY DELETE Regional Advertising �II Destination Charge MSRP 19153.00 0.00 325.00 0.00 0.00 1339.00 64.00 0.00 223.00 0.00 170.00 0.00 100.00 250.00 340.00 15.00 (No Charge w /LT! 20.00 22.00 11.00 125.00 0.00 0.00 575.00 CODES DESCRIPTION 15L19 4dr Sdn Police Pkg 9C1 FE9 FEDERAL EMISSION EQUIPMENT (STD) LT1 5.7L (350) SFI VS ENGINE -inc: 3.08 axle 4 -SPEED ELECTROKICALLY- CONTROLLED AUTOMATIC PREFERRED EQUIPMENT GROUP -inc: base vehicle 'BLAB 9C1 POLICE PKG -inc: *Contents listed in STD QQG P235/70R15 SSR SSW ALL - SEASON V -RATED TIRES R4Y GOODYEAR EAGLE GT +4 TIRES *SEO* ( T_4 HD CLOTH 45/45 SPLIT SEAT -inc: dual front SOLID PAINT (STD) C49 ELECTRIC REAR WINDOW DEFOGGER 6A4 SINGLE KEY .LOCKING SYSTEM -inc: 3 keys with GSO LIMITED SLIP REAR DIFFERENTIAL AU3 PNR DOOR LOCK SYSTEM AA7 PWR WINDOWS W /DRIVER -SIDE EXPRESS DOWN, P03 FULL STAINLESS STEEL WHEEL COVERS KD1 AUXILIARY TRANSMISSION OIL COOLER 1r 6N1 HANDLE Inside driver door handle releases 6C7 AUXILIARY DOME LIGHT Located approximately ' 6N6 REAR DOOR LOCKS INOPERATIVE Actuator pins 7X9 LEFT /RIGHT HAND SPOTLIGHT PROVISIONS -inc: 1AA RETAIL AMENITY DELETE Regional Advertising �II Destination Charge MSRP 19153.00 0.00 325.00 0.00 0.00 1339.00 64.00 0.00 223.00 0.00 170.00 0.00 100.00 250.00 340.00 15.00 (No Charge w /LT! 20.00 22.00 11.00 125.00 0.00 0.00 575.00 W.11 41 Wkl* - l f�1�4���.7id'I�k. h, �/�nM '�'= :-�- :� - ti i-�L tK:P.��aW�'grZ• v2^:" 9 ✓ L +- i#.Mf�ai G.a� S46k2 .0. i New vehicle warrant y bumper -to -bum p er 3 y e.a__ rs i3.. 6fx , 0 0 miles, NO deductible 24- hour Roadside Assistance (No- Charge on warranty covered service) Sheet-Metal Corrosion- 3 years /36,000' rtiiles Sheet Metal Rust - Through - 6 years /100,000 miles Emissions warranty`- 5 years (3 years'w /California Emissions) /50,000 miles s p i POLICE VEHICLE LIGHTBARS & SAFETY SHIELDS REQUEST FOR BIDS Proposal requests submitted to following vendors, July 11, 1994 via FAX: 1.) Phillips Police Equipment 6120 E. Admiral P1. Tulsa, OK 74115 FAX No.: 836 -8035 2.) Law Enforcement Equipment Co. 2520 Summit Kansas City, MO 64108 FAX No.: (816) 221 -5967 3.) Patrol Technology 9522 E. 47th P1., Unit E Tulsa, OK 74145 FAX No.: 664 -4871 4.) Tuxall Uniforms, Inc. 1411 E. 3rd St. Tulsa, OK 74120 FAX No.: 582 -8275 5.) Galls, Inc. 2470 Palumbo Dr. P. 0. Box 54308 Lexington, KY 40555 -4308 FAX No.: (606) 269 -4360 SPECIFICATIONS FOR BIDS (4) STREETHAWK (ALL- LIGHT) LIGHTBARS (4) SETINA BODY GUARD 9 -S PARTITIONS General Description The following is a comprehensive list of specifications for four (4) Federal Signal Streethawk (all- light) lightbars (or equal) and four (4) Setina Body Guard 9 -S (or equal) safety shield partitions. General Provisions 1. Tax Exemption - Purchaser is exempt from payment of all Federal, State, and local taxes in connection with the purchase. Said taxes must not be included in bid prices. The City will provide necessary tax exemption certificates upon request. 2. Pricing - The price submitted in any proposal shall include all items of labor, materials, tools, equipment, and other costs necessary in the sale and delivery of four lightbars and four partitions. Any items of labor omitted from the specifications which are clearly necessary for the proper delivery of the equipment shall be considered a portion of such specifications, although not directly specified or called for in these specifications. Price quoted shall remain effective for a period of 60 days after receipt of bids by the Police Department. 3. Warranty - A manufacturer's and /or dealer's warranty shall be supplied to cover replacement parts and labor costs. The manufacturer agrees to promptly replace any part or parts which by reason of defective materials, workmanship, or installation, fail under normal use. Such replacement must be free of charge to the owner. 4. Bids - The purchaser reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and to waive any or all technicalities, informalities, or other minor deviations from the bid document. 5. Inspection - An acceptance inspection shall be conducted between the supplier and the Police Department before delivery can be accepted. The inspection date shall be at the Department's convenience. All discrepancies noted during the inspection shall be remedied, at the supplier's expense, prior to payment for the emergency equipment specified. ' 6. Payment - As with all municipalities in Oklahoma, payment must be approved and signed on a claims list by the proper city authority. Payment shall be made only after complete and acceptable delivery of the equipment in accordance with these specifications. The Owasso City Council meets regularly on the first and third Tuesday of every month. ' 7. Prime Contractor Responsibility - If final delivery of the emergency equipment includes the use of services of another company, the City of Owasso will hold the bidder responsible for ' those outside services. 8. Proposal Expenses - Expenses for developing the proposal are entirely the responsibility of the vendor and shall not be ' chargeable to the City of Owasso. 9. Prior Information - Any information which may have been released either orally or in writing prior to the issuance of this bid request shall be deemed preliminary in nature and bind neither the City of Owasso nor the vendor. 10. Vendor Contract - Any proposal accepted will be incorporated into the contract which the City of Owasso will enter into with the vendor. 11. Proposed Cost - It is not the policy of the City of Owasso to negotiate the price after the vendor is selected. The supplied bid form shall include one price for the basic specified equipment and listing of all specifications. 12. Contact Person - Questions and clarification concerning this bid shall be made to the Secretary of the Chief of Police, Jane Van Sickle. Appointments shall be made by calling (918) 272 -4901 Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. SPECIFICATIONS FOR FOUR (4) FEDERAL SIGNAL STREETHAWK OR EQUAL (ALL- LIGHT) LIGHTBARS The lightbars desired should be of SHL series to fit a 1994 Chevrolet Caprice or a 1994 Ford Crown Victoria and should include (at a minimum) the following accessories: Specific Requirements Vendor Initials 1. Dome Covers to be red and blue with the center section being of clear plastic. 2. Lightbar should include a clear center rotator light which should provide a full 360 degree rotation with a minimum of 95 FPM. 3. Twin diagonally positioned outer rotators should be positioned on the outer sides of the lightbar and have a minimum of four (4) oversized parabolic reflectors with four (4) 55 watt halogen lamps at 70,000 candle power 4. Takedown lights to be positioned on the outer front of the lightbar with clear plastic lens covers. 5. Alley lights to be positioned on both ends of the lightbar with clear plastic lens covers. 6. Front flashers to be positioned on the front center of the lightbars and have red and blue plastic lens covers. 7. Outer rear flashers to be amber in color. 8. Center rear flashers to be red and blue in color. 9. Hook on gutterless type mounting brackets shall be supplied to fit either a 1994 model Chevrolet Caprice or a 1994 Ford Crown Victoria (model to be specified at ' time of order). 10. Sufficient length wiring harness is required for proper installation. 11. A standard manufacturer's warranty is to be provided. 4 ' t t t 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. SPECIFICATIONS FOR FOUR (4) BODY GUARD 9 -S SETINA OR EQUAL SECURITY SHIELD PARTITIONS Vertical sliding center section partition, allowing glass to be raised or lowered with back seat occupied. Self- lifting, self - locking and spring - loaded center section. Safty shield glass to be of plexiglass or lexan polycarbonate materials. There should be no mechanisms or obstructions protruding into the rear seat compartment. Aluminum framework and glass inserted within radius of steel tubing and padding. Framework tubing to be 1 -5/8" O.D. x 1/8" wall thickness. Framework to be padded with 1/2" thick foam rubber padding. Mounting hardware necessary for proper installation should be included. A standard manufacturer's warranty is to be provided. 5 U-1 1 �14 U4. G I 1 ❑i i uvia VVInv V a u j 9ID PROPOSAL - SUBMITTAL PAGE y' i LIGHTBARS AND SAFETY PARTITIONS 4 l Price Each Extension MX^lOoO cc� ��r fh e0 (4 j - (or equal) LIGMARS $ `I IJ Estimated Delivery Times (4) A (or equal) SAFETY SHIELDS $ a Estimated Delivery Time: D TOTAL FOR BID PACKAGE $ r I f NQ�E: PLEASE ATTACH SEPARATE PAGE LISTING ANY OTHER EQUIPMENT OkIONS . i 'I ereby acknowledge that I have read the specifications and that I am legally bound by the above statement. pwl PC) Signature Title Address Telephone Bid Deadline: � I July 13, 1994, 3:00 P.M. 2 :r i`i DID PROPOSAL - StleNITTAL PAGE LIGHTBARS AND SAFETY PARTITIONS (4) STAEETHAWK (or equal) LIGHTBARS Estimated Delivery Tima: 45 days ARO (4) SETINA (or equal) SAFETY SHIELDS Estimated Delivery Time: TOTAL FOR BID PACKAGE Price Each $ 572.25 $ 2,289.00 Extension $ 2,289.00 $ NO B1D NOTE: PLEASE ATTACH SEPARATE PAGE LISTING ANY OTHER EQUIPMENT OPTIONS. I hereby acknowledge that I have read the specifications and that I dm legally bound by the above statement. LAW ENFORCE,,= EQUT MENT COMPANY VENDOR /-\ ., �T 1b Signature U/ . Bid Contracting Officer Title 2520 SUMMIT Address KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI 64108 (816) 221 -2232 Telephone -- - - .. Bid Deadline; Julv 13, 1994, 3;00 Dim. 1 1 rx 3? BID PROPOSAL - SUBMITTAL PAGE LIGHTBARS AND SAFETY PARTITIONS Price Each Extension (4) STRESTRAWK (or equal) LIGHTBARS $ 640.76 $ cl�-/ 6 3 . D0 Estimated Delivery Time: 30 -4r7 AW � 9 -514 wf sreKAW (4) SETINA or equal) SAFETY SHIELDS $ -3 &0 Estimated Delivery Time: 30.• yy OAIM Ato TOTAL FOR BID PACKAGE $ -� � 3 J, 00 NOTLs PLEASE ATTACH SEPARATE PAGE LISTING ANY OTHER EQUIPMENT OPTIONS. I hereby acknowledge that I have react the specifications and that I aim legally bound by the above statement. gn N %s Ae Title f ,0 -"7 // AdCiro s s 3 �0 7 Tolep 05- 9fG -35vs� ne Bid Deadline: July 13, 1994, 3:00 p.m. I � I I it t ow on tin PROPOSAL - NUSMITTAL PAGE LIOXTBAAS AND SAFETY PARTITIONS (4) STREETHAWK (or equal) L117H BARS Estimated Delivery Time: (4) SETXNA (or equAl) SAFETY SHIELDS Estimated Delivery Times 4-�-ee TOTAL FOR BID PACKAGE I V I Price Each Extension C) a 9 I, NOTE: PLEASE ATTACH SEPARATE PAGE LISTING ANY OTHER EQUIPMENT OPTIONS. I hereby acknowledge that I have read the specifications and that I em legally bound by the above statement. GO-1 1. .5 abld ?0,(kML)t- 1)r Address Telephone Bid Deadline: July 13, 199443:00 p.m. 6 JUL Id "J4 1 d; _-JU I K11 "I h'. b APPLICATION Material "B "(dark blue vinyl, 8" width) will be applied to the vehicle sides horizontally. The top of the material will be 1" below the door handle trim. The forward end of the material will terminate at the front fender well trim. The back end of the material will terminate at a 30 degree angle to the right. This termination will be on the forwardmost portion of the rear door. At the point and angle that material "B" ends the application of material "C ",(medium blue reflective vinyl, 8" width) begins. The material will be applied horizontally at the same height as material "H" and will continue to the rear of the vehicle. The material will be trimmed around the rear fender well trim where it meets and also trimmed around the taillight assembly and terminated at the end of the rear quarter - panel. The application of these two materials will create the two tone blue field on each side of the vehicle. Within this blue field, on each forward door the configuration of the word "POLICE ", will be applied. The configuration will be centered horizontally on the door and vertically within the blue field. 4 J1JV i�J J". J.,!• L 11\.L11 (E1 I L 111\. J1V �..JV J1JLl1/1!1l1I11 `-' y IMATERIALS A: White reflective vinyl material with pressure sensitive adhesive. The material will have guaranteed exterior durability of not less than five years and will meet or exceed Federal Standard LS -300C. COLOR: Universal Brand white premium Reflective #171,color sample will be provided upon request. ' B: Dark blue non - reflective vinyl material with pressure sensitive adhesive, 8" in width. The material will have guaranteed exterior durability of not less than five years and will meet or exceed applicable Federal Standard LS -300C. COLOR: Universal Brand Dark Blue #090, color sample will be provided upon request. C: Medium blue reflective vinyl material with pressure sensitive adhesive, 8" in width. The material will have a guaranteed exterior durability of not less than five years and will meet or exceed Federal Standard LS -300C. COLOR: Universal Brand Blue Premium Reflective #173, color sample will be provided upon request. D- Red pin striping vinyl material with pressure sensitive adhesive, 1 /8" in width. The material will have a guaranteed exterior durability of not less than five years and will meet or exceed applicable Federal Standard LS -300C. COLOR: Universal Brand Cardinal Red #015,color sample will be provided upon request. E: Red pin striping vinyl material with pressure sensitive adhesive, 1/16" in width. The material will have a guaranteed exterior durability of not less than five years and will meet or exceed applicable Federal Standard LS -300C. COLOR: Universal Brand tCardinal Red #015, color sample will be provided upon request. F: Dark blue set of 13 graduated stripes and voids of vinyl material •.. with pressure sensitive adhesive, 7 7/8" total width. The material will have a guaranteed durability of not less than five years and will meet or exceed applicable Federal Standard LS -300C. COLOR: Universal Brand Dark Blue #090. CONFIGURATION STYLE: TFX Brand Mirage #785. Color and configuration sample will be provided upon request. .r a 1 JUL Id "J4 10 C7 I K 11'1 K l 1 L 11 Y1 710 -H00-J 15CXXXXXY CONFIGURATION r.1+ ITEM._ QTY HGT STYLE SLANT EXPAN MATERIAL POLICE 2 7.5" HANDEL GOTHIC 30'RT 115% A hAvk* ONASSO 2 3.25" HANDEL GOTHIC 30'RT 115% B r ONASSO POLICE 1 1.75' HANDEL GOTHIC 30'RT 115% A EMERGENCY 2 1.0" HANDEL GOTHIC 301RT 115% A 911 2 3.25" HELVETICA MED 30'RT 115% A b UNIT NBR ** 1 1.0" HELVETICA MED 000 100% H LOGO * ** 2 8.0" N/A 000 N/A A -7A;,y Lod u cl ' r� �►c �v���r s o� '.�- ups' ujt U �-rcj-m Qt,.), 10,31A(j� 4k- 4a� 0 ae-<_ A-�rtd? 4W *The signature will be the name of the officer to which the vehicle is assigned,at that officer's option. b2le��° * *The unit number will be three digits and a hyphen,example: 93 -6. , ** *The logo is to be the "End of the Trail" depiction on an arrowhead shape. The arrowhead will point down,and be trimmed in red. The arrowhead will be of material "A" and the "End of the Trail" depiction will be screened in blue translucent material, the red trim will be .red translucent material. Necessary artwork will be provided. 2 J VL 1J J'-t 1J LU I I\11 I \1 I L 11 il. 71V "9JV J1JLl�/ � /� /l�� I OWASSO POLICE DEPARTMENT ■ POLICE VEHICLE MARRING DESIGN AND SPECIFICATIONS 1993 CHEVROLET CAPRICE CLASSIC, 4 -DR 19 NOVEMBER 93 BASIC DESIGN CONCEPT: Dark blue field changing to a medium blue field 1 beginning near the center of the forward fender -well and continuing horizontally to the rear of the vehicle ending near the taillight. The blue field is outlined, top and bottom, with red pin striping as well as a red pin stripe running through the center of the blue field. Over the rear fender well, within the blue field, will be the word "EMERGENCY" followed by "9X1" centered between the 119111, and the rear of the design will be the Owasso Police Department logo. The field will change from dark blue to medium blue at the forward portion of the rear door. The transition will be made with a aeries of dark blue vertical stripes over the medium blue field. The transition stripes will be slanted 30 degrees right from vertical.The wording will also be slanted in the same manner. Above the field, on each forward door, will be the word "OWASSO", centered between the mirror and the door handle. Forward of the mirror will be the assigned offa.cer'a name written in script. The rear deck lid of the vehicle will bear a medium blue field, outlined on top, bottom and center by red pin stripe. On.the left side will be the word "OWASSO" and on the right side "POLICE" each will be slanted 30 degrees right and centered between the taillight assembly and the Chevrolet emblem. 1 on "TRIM RITE, INC. 10,531-P E. 11TH ST. TULSA, UK 74128 918-438-3030 FAX 918-438-5152 Name Phone# Address City State Cf--Int act Art Work Required Cost estimate bid price guaranteed for days w2 propose to furnish ------------ 4.14T-A Ole Ce Terms are 50% with order balanci;x COD ;1:11 !1: i1irff—s-o- -t ­he r arranigo- ments are made.. Any Chanqe5 al-4t*, work is -started will be billed at current rate.- ? Xpe•imwntal work, sketches, , drawing wing or Ideas des by Trim Rite may riot be used without c of Trim Rite. All orders - verbal or written can not be cancelled except on terms that will compensate Trim Rite against lioss. Indemnification Daft 0 Signature ------ Tit I 1 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: POLICE DEPARTMENT BUILDING INSULATION PROJECT DATE: July 14, 1994 BACKGROUND: The Capital Improvements section of the Police Department 1994 -95 budget contained a $5000 appropriation for improvements to the department's building. One of the anticipated projects was the installation of insulation in the ceiling of the facility. Currently there is no ceiling insulation in approximately 70% of the building. The resulting energy loss has proven costly over the past ten years (length of time in current building). The initial cost of the insulation project was estimated at $1200 (for an R -11 rated job), and that amount was included in the requested budget. However, after consultations with members of the Council and energy conservation consultants, it became apparent that anything less than an R -30 rating would not produce the desired results. Therefore, quotes were solicited from several companies for the installation of material that would meet an R -30 insulation rating. Those quotes were received on July 8, 1994 and conveyed to me that same day. After reviewing information from the Police Chief (see attached memorandum), I made two decisions relative to this issue. First, I determined that the installation of an R -30 rated material was a prudent business decision and that anything less would be a waste of money. Secondly, due to the weather, the current energy loss was costing the city money and should be addressed as soon as possible. Therefore, based on the quotes received, I directed that the Department install an R -30 rated thickness of insulation and that the low quoter (Owasso /Metro Insulation) be issued a "Notice to Proceed" for the project, at a cost of $2493. f iIl Police Department Insulation July 14, 1994 Page 2 LEGAL AUTHORITY: Please note that the City Manager does not have the legal authority to commit the City for that level of expenditure. The City Manager's authority for the expenditure of funds is limited to one thousand dollars. In order for the City Manager's action in issuing the Notice to Proceed to be valid, the Council must ratify that action in a formal vote during a Council meeting. REQUEST: This request is for Council ratification of an action by the City Manager wherein an expenditure of $2493 to Owasso /Metro Insulation Inc was authorized. 1 1111`►"I 1►[!A It should also be noted that the funding for the insulation project will be developed in such a manner so that the remaining building improvements at the police department will not be affected. Payment for the insulation project will be divided in the following manner: Police Department Capital Improvements $1200 City Manager Special Projects Fund 1293 Total Cost $2493 RECOMIMENDATION: Recommendation is that the Council ratify the City Manager's action wherein an expenditure of $2493 to Owasso /Metro Insulation Inc was authorized. ADDITIONAL DETAIL: Chief Alexander has prepared a detailed memorandum relating to the actual project and the various quotes. That memorandum is attached for your review. ATTACHMENT: 1. Memorandum from Chief Alexander MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: M.A.ALEXANDER CHIEF OF POLICE ISUBJECT: INSULATION FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT IDATE: July 8, 1994 tBACKGROUND: The Owasso City Council approved the Fiscal Year 1994 -95 budgets on June 25, 1994. The Police Department Budget included $5,000 for building repairs. Although many building repairs are needed, priorities must take place. Currently, there is zero insulation within the police department facility. In accordance with the purchasing criteria set forth by the City, three written quotes have been obtained for insulation. They are: tVendor R -11 R -13 R -19 R -30 Brand ' Burnett Insulation $1,360.80 $1,625.40 $1,927.80 $2,808.00 CertainTeed Miller Insulation 1,239.00 1,445.00 2,075.00 2,697.00 OwensCorning Owasso /Metro 1,260.00 1,453.50 1,647.00 2,493.00 CertainTeed In determining the R- factor, the following provides basic information: R -11 3.5" thickness of insulation Savings 5-15% R -13 3.5" - 4" thickness, more dense Savings 10 -300 r. R -19 6" - 6.25" thickness of insulation Savings 20-40% R -30 9.5" - 10" thickness of insulation Savings 30 -50% IThe R- factors differ in size and density and are physically different types of insulation. Although any insulation would be an improvement over none, it was strongly recommended ' by all vendors that an R -19 or R -30 be considered due to the initial cost factor and savings anticipated. In addition, any batting less than R -19 is normally used for soundproofing rather than insulation value. The vendor with the lowest bid in both the R -19 and R -30 is Owasso Insulation d.b.a. Metro Insulation with prices of $1,647 and $2,493 respectively. An R -30 rated insulation can certainly be justified, but with only $5,000 in building improvements for this fiscal year, other critical and costly improvements must also be considered. ANALYSIS OF QUALITY: Inquiry was made with reference to quality differences between the brands offered by the two lowest bidders. The issue is debatable depending upon who is asked, but there appears to be no reasonable difference between quality of these vendors' brands. CertainTeed apparently has a factory closer which allows them to deliver at a reduced freight charge. COST: With no insulation, the average utility bills for heating and air conditioning for 1993 -94 fiscal year averaged $565.00 per month. With the purchase of R -19 batting, a minimum of a 20% reduction in utilities can be anticipated, or approximately $1,350 saved. An R -30 factor will reduce utility bills by a minimum of 30% for an approximate savings of $2,000. Either R- factor should pay for itself in utility bill savings in a just over the first year of installation. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approval of insulation to the Police Department from Owasso Insulation d.b.a. Metro Insulation for the R -30 at a cost of $2,493. ATTACHMENTS: Bid Proposals CITY OF OWASSO 207 South Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 (918) 272 -2251 QUOTE DOCUMENTATION Opening Date: Council Approval: Item: Insulation for Police Department Number of Quotes: 3 Quotes Received By: Witness: Witness: VENDOR R -11 R -13 R -19 R -30 BRAND Burnett Insulation $1360.80 $1625.40 $1927.80 $2808.00 CertainTeed Miller Insulation $1239.00 $1445.00 $2075.00 $2697.00 OwensCorning Owasso /Metro $1260.00 $1453.50 $1647.00 $2493.00 CertainTeed July 8, 1994 ' OWASSO POLICE DEPARTMENT 101 NORTH MAIN ' OWASSO (JANE) Lay in R -11 Batts in flat ceiling areas TOTAL $1,400.00 LESS DISC. $1260.00 OPTION 1 Lay in R -13 Batts in f.lat,cdiling areas TOTAL $1,615.00 LESS DISC. $1453.50 OPTION 2 Lay in R -19 Batts in flat ceiling areas TOTAL $1,830.00 LESS DISC. $1647.00 OPTION 3 Lay in R -30 Batts in flat ceiling areas TOTAL $2,770.00 LESS DISC. $2493.00 We carry all Workman's Compensation & General Liability Insurance. We take pride in our Quality & Service. Thank you, Randy Willhite (10% DISCOUNT PER SKIP) P.O. Box 1844 -74013 . 1020 E. Memphis . Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Tulsa: (918) 665 -1896 . Broken Arrow: (918) 251 -6799 PROPOBALSUB STREET 1 suer'$ InsuWion (918) 835 -2072 0 T �l CITY, STATE AND ZIP CODE BID BY We hereby propose to furnish materials on PHONE WORKPHONE JOB LOCATION labor necessary for the completlon of; Proposal PECIFICATIQNSANDEBTIMATE Me \�r'ftirissa #�>• ;� XY57 M 07 N' 14 DATE X1_`7. JOB PH WE PROPOSE hereby to furnish material and labor -- complete In accordance with above specifications, for the sum of: dollars (S paymtent to be made as folloays: All material Is guaranteed t0 be as speelfiad, All work is to ba cOmpleted In e eubstential workmanlike manner according 10 specifications submitted, pvr Authorized atandafd practices. Any alteration or deviation from above specifications in Signature volving extra aosts will be executed only upon written orders, and will be• come an extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent Note: This proposal may be upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry fire, withdrawn by us If not accepted within tornado and other necessary insurance, Our workers are fully covered by Workmen's Compensation Insurance. ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted, You are authorized SIGNATURE to do the work as specified, Payment will be made as outlined above. OATS of ACCEPTANCE: SIGNATURE C 1 1 1 1 D M ESTIMATE 96B U R N ETT >o PROPO INSULATION DAT 165 SOUTH 122 EAST AVE. • TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74128 • (918) 437 -7200 "Honesty is our Policy" Name "S� Job No Address O /J City Zip —7-4 OS� Phone (home) (bus.) - �� '� a -44 Job Address Burnett Insulation proposes to furnish all the materials and perform all the labor necessary for the completion of Attic Insulation Job. Si EXISTING INSULATION: Type Insulate Garage? Yes No Amount R -Value Insulate Attic Fan? Yes No Material to be installed: CERTAINTEED INSUL -SAFE III High Density Blown Fiberglass #1 Install inches R Value #2 Install inches R Value Combined R Total Value Combined R Total Value Price $ Price $ PAYMENT DUE IN FULL AT JOB COMPLETION. 6 - �7� f� T77 •� c-- 1. All recessed light fixtures, heater vents, and any other heat producing fixtures will be left uncovered. 2. A certificate of R -value will be issued and attached in the attic at or near the access to attic. 3. Burnett Insulation & Siding Company is fully covered by Workmen's Compensation and Liability Insurance. Note: This proposal may be withdrawn by Burnett Insulation if not accepted within 30 days. Respectfully submitted � Burnett Insulation C 1 1 1 1 D M VVI ANnMA bEPAktW#N I OF COMMERCE t�mnllUtri T' A .,SAS A..., DE'.....3PL.,..T dIVISION uF C . . PROPERTY INVENTORY CONTROL FORM CONTRACTOR NAME: City of Owasso CONTRACT NO.: 5252 ..CDBG ED '92 Item Inventory Location Owner Cost Date Cond. Remarks Class Tag # NO PROPERTY ACQUIRED I do hereby certify that the attached inventory schedule(s) completely and correctly list and describe all items of materials and equipment furnished or acquired by this Agency under this contract being closed out, in which the Department of Commerce has residual authority; and that 1 will immediately notify the Department of Commerce of any change affecting these Inventory schedules prior to final disposition of the inventory. COMMERCE PROPERTY OFFICER'S CERTIFICATION AND DISPOSITION NOTICE: 1 do hereby certify that the inventory schedules submitted by the above contractor are in conformity with the records kept by this office . Signature of Authoriz ed official* Date Signature of Commerce Property Officer Date NOTE: Attach additional schedules more space is required. 1:9Cksp9188 SIGNATURE IS REQUIRED EVEN IF NO PROPERTY IS ACQUIRED. (_ontractor: City of Owasso " Contract Number: 5252 CDBG ED '92 CDBG PROGRAM BENEFICIARY REPORT- PROGRAM RFNFFITS PRQGRAM ACTIVITY 11 UNITS COMPLETED IOTA L 1 OF OENEFICIARIES I OW AND MUDI RA1f INCOME WHIII NOT HISPANIC ORIGIN RI ACK NOT 1111PAfU( ORGIN IIISVnN1C AIA! R INDIAN OR At ASKAN NATIVE ASIAN OK I'ACIf IC NAIIVI HANDICAPPIU „ItAI1 III A„ of IIIIII,I 1 Housing Rehabilitation 2 Housing Support 3 Rehabilitation - Rental Demon 4. Acquisition and Dispostion 5. Reloca 'ion 6. Clearance 7. Utilities 8. Water System 9. Sewer System 10. Solid Waste 11. Community Facilities 12 Neighborhood Facilities 13 Senior Citizens Center 14 Other Facilities/Center 15 Removal of Arch. Barriers I& Public Services 17. Code Enforcement 18. Recreation 19. Fire Protection 20. Parking 21. Streets 22. Flood and Drainage 23. Econ Dev. • Faohty Construction Loans 24 Econ Dev. - Infrastructure Improvement N/A 22 22 19 0 0 1 2 1 5 25, Fcon. Dev • EquTpmentAnvPntory I pans 26 [con Dev • Commercial Rehab Loans 27 [con Dev - Industrial Rehab Loans 28 Econ. Dev. - Other 29 Other (specify) - NumBLR uF t3LNLrlC.IARIES BY CAI EGORY SHOULD lit REPORTED ED FOR EACH PROGRAM ACTIVITY BUDGETED. 4:08/88kcr I] ■ ■ ........... --- .................. .................. .................. ............... FINANCE DIRECTOR APPEtklAL: ;! N/A EST TOR ACTION...::-.: All department items requiring C.o.uncil approval must be Submitted thro h City iMariager's of €iC. The staff recommends the Council authorize the Mayor to execute the necessary documents to close CDBG -ED #5252 project and to remburse the ODOC $168.87 for unexpended grant funds. DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR APPROVAL: Steve Compton CITY MANAGER APPROVAL: Rodney J Ray ATTORNEY APPROVAL: BOARD /COMMITTEE APPROVAL: OTHER: CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL: FIRST AGENDA DATE HEARING: lel -/9 -9y Request for Action Form No. 1 - June 1994 DATE RECEIVED DATE: July 14. 1994 %- /'{ -? APPROVED: SECOND AGENDA DATE: ORDINANCE /RESOLUTION: REQUEST FOR ACTION . REQUEST CITY MANAGER x COUNCIL DATE: July 14, 1994 FI OPWA FI OEDA BOA 1-1 PC FI CIP F1 OPGA F-1 WATCHDOG F] OTHER FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: NAME: Steve Compton NOTE: All City Council Agenda items, DEPT: Community Development including appropriate backup materials, and all items for the City TELEPHONE: 272 2251 Manager's Report, must be submitted SUBJECT: CDBG -ED #5252 Grant Closeout to the office of the City Manager by Max Buchanan Project NOON on WEDNESDAY preceding a Council meeting. I] ■ ■ ........... --- .................. .................. .................. ............... FINANCE DIRECTOR APPEtklAL: ;! N/A EST TOR ACTION...::-.: All department items requiring C.o.uncil approval must be Submitted thro h City iMariager's of €iC. The staff recommends the Council authorize the Mayor to execute the necessary documents to close CDBG -ED #5252 project and to remburse the ODOC $168.87 for unexpended grant funds. DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR APPROVAL: Steve Compton CITY MANAGER APPROVAL: Rodney J Ray ATTORNEY APPROVAL: BOARD /COMMITTEE APPROVAL: OTHER: CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL: FIRST AGENDA DATE HEARING: lel -/9 -9y Request for Action Form No. 1 - June 1994 DATE RECEIVED DATE: July 14. 1994 %- /'{ -? APPROVED: SECOND AGENDA DATE: ORDINANCE /RESOLUTION: MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: STEVE COMPTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CDBG -ED GRANT #5252 CLOSEOUT (MAX BUCHANAN) DATE: July 14, 1994 BACKGROUND: In December of 1992 the Council accepted a grant for the amount of $151,203 from the Oklahoma Department of Commerce to extend Main Street/Fifth Avenue and construct new water and wastewater lines in order to properly provide services to the Max Buchanan Co. Following the engineering design of the project it was determined that an increase in the grant amount would be necessary. In July of 1993 a budget revision was submitted to ODOC to increase the grant by $48,113 to a total amount of $199,316. The revised budget was as follows: Wastewater Main Extension $65,337.00 Water Main Extension $35,467.03 Street Extension $79,675.20 Engineering Services $119200.00 Administrative Services $7,341.00 Total $199,013.23 The revision was approved. and construction was started in August of 1993. The major portion of the construction was early in 1994, however, final clean-up and completion of the necessary paperwork has extended to the current date. It has been determined that all of the grant monies was expended except for $168.87 and that all work has been completed as designed. Therefore, it is the staffs request that the project be finalized and closed out. The necessary CDBG documents are in order and have been included as attachments (see attached documents). It is staffs opinion that the total project has been extremely successful and has resulted in opening a portion of south Owasso for industrial development that previously was considered waste land, only usable for a municipal storage area. a 0 RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends the Council authorize the Mayor to execute the necessary documents to close CDBG -ED #5252 project (Max Buchanan) and to reimburse the ODOC $168.87 for unexpended grant funds. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Transmittal of CDBG Closeout Documents 2. CDBG Final Expenditure Report 3. Contract Closeout Certifications 4. Property Inventory Control Form 5. CDBG Program Beneficiary Report OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE DIVISION OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS AND DEVELOPMENT TRANSMITTAL OF CDBG CLOSEOUT DOCUMENTS Contractor Name and Address: Contract Number: City of Owasso 5252 CDBG CD '92 207 South Cedar Contract Period: Owasso, OK 74055 From 12/01/92 to 11/30/94 Preparer Contact Person: Telephone: Steve Compton (918)272-2251 X 1. Final F-xpendfture Report I, as an authorized representative of the contractor listed --7- 2. Contract Closeout Certifications T- 3. Property Inventory Control Form above, hereby submit the documents listed as required by --T- 4. Program Beneficiary Report the terms of the contract. Reviewer Financial Management Initials Date Initials Date Initials Date Operations Initials Date Initials Date Initials Date IProperty Officer initials Date Fiscal Division Review Initials Date Mod # Total Contract Total Accrued Expenditurps Bal. Deobli. - Authorized Representative Date Comments Federal Match Total nc 10 1 CDBG Final Expenditure Report ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT NAME OF CONTRACTOR City of Owasso FEI NUMBER 73- 6069613 CONTRACT NUMBER 5252 CDBG ED '92 ADD SS 20 South Cedar, Owasso, OK 74055 PREPARERS NAME Steve Compton PH R ?ffATY 2251 LINE ffEM BUDGET 101061 CODE A EMEND. YEAR TO DATE B BUDGET C REMAIN, BALANCE 1. ECON. DEV. - Facility Construction Loans 551200 ZECON.DEV. - InfrastmctureIm ovements 551201 180.772.23 180,775-00 2.77 3. ECON. DEV. - EquipmentAnventory Loans 551202 4. ECON. DEV. - Commercial Rehabilitation Loans 551203 5. ECON. DEV. - Industrial Rehabilitation Loans 351204 6. ECON. DEV. - Other 551205 7. ECON. DEV. - Furniture & Fixtures 551206 13. ECON. DEV. - Land & Building 551207 9. ECON. DEV. - Machine & Equipment 551208 0. ECON. DEV. - Inventory 551209 11. ECON. DEV. -Working Capital 551240 '02. ECON. DEV. - En g.. Legal 6 Other Prof. 551241 10 960.00 11,200.00 2 r=CDBG JE CT COST otal of lines 1.12) 191, 732.23 191, 975.00 242.77 14. CDBG ADMINISTRATION 551010 7,414.90 7 , 341.00 ( 73.90 ) 15. TOTAL CDBG COSTS otai of lines 13 & 14) 199 147.13 199,316.00 16. TOTAL MATCH FUNDS (105063.435031, 215113 ) 555230 464:..169 -02 41A-7rr, nn 17. GRAND TOTAL (Total of lines 15616) 663,316.15 618,072.00 (45,244.15 1 certify that the actual costs incurred are taken from he Original Books of Account and that such costs are ralid and consistent with the terms of the contract iipnature of Authorized Official Date ODOC USE ONLY: Verified By: Approved By: r«.dins osM sao :26 2. CONTRACT CLOSEOUT CERTIFICATIONS Contractor Name City of Owasso Contract No. N 1L A ON I. FINAL A H RE 199,316 .00 A. Total Cash Received Under This Contract (Include Cash in Transit)$ B. Less: Total Accrued Expenditures This Contract $ 199 ,147.13 C. Excess Cash on Hand to be Refunded to the Oklahoma Department of Commerce $' 168.87 D. I certify that the expenditures valid reported nd consistent with the term of this contract ount and that such expenditures a _ E. I further certify that the attached in erformance of th s To Same as represents ine C all money received for but not exp ended in P above) F. This amount is refunded to the Oklahoma Department of Commerce in accordance with the terms of the contract. II. RELEASE A. Pursuant to the terms of this contract and in consideration of the Total Accrued Expenditures referred to in Line B above which have been paid or will be paid to the Contractor under this contract, Contractor, upon payment of any remaining balance by the Oklahoma Department of Commerce does remise, release, and discharge the State of Oklahoma, ODOC, and their officers, agents and employees of and from all liabilities, obligations, claims and demands whatsoever under or arising from the performance of this contract. B. I understand that the Total Accrued Expenditures certified in I -D above will become the final total obligated amount of III. ASSIGNMENT OF REFUNDS, REBATES, AND CREDIT Pursuant to the terms of this contract hereby: and in consideration of payment of costs as provided in said contract, Contractor does A. Assign, transfer, set over and release to the Oklahoma Department of Commerce all right, title and interest to all refunds, rebates, and credits or other amounts, including any interest thereon arising out of the performance of this contract, together with all rights of action accrued or which may accrue thereunder. B. Agree to take whatever action may be necessary to effect prompt collection of all such refunds, rebates, credits or other amounts, including any interest thereon, due or which may become due, and to forward coctd promptly y check made payable to the Oklahoma Department of Commerce any proceeds C. Agree to cooperate fully with the Oklahoma Department of Commerce as to any claim or suit in connection with such refunds, rebates, credits or other amounts due, including any interest thereon; to execute any protest, pleadin &, application, power of attorney or documents in connection therewith; and to permit the Oklahoma Dep such claim Commerce to represent it at any hearing, trial or other proceeding arising Subscribed and Sworn Before Me This date of signature of ut orize Official Jerry Duke, Mayor otary Public (or Clerk or _ Judge) Typed Name and Title My Commission Expires: Date 1:9B 8/88 ksp IIJ t I REQUEST FI CITY MANAGER FI OPWA CIP FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: NAME: Tim Roone Fx7COUNCIL FI OEDA F7 OPGA DEPT: Community Development - Planning TELEPHONE: 272 -2251 SUBJECT: Annexation Reauest - Mr. & Mrs. Hayward Smith 1.66 acres. North of the Owasso Fire Station DATE: July 13, 1994 FI BOA F-1 PC FI WATCHDOG r_1 OTHER NOTE: All City Council Agenda items, including appropriate backup materials, and all items for the City Manager's Report, must be submitted to the office of the City Manager by NOON on WEDNESDAY preceding a Council meeting. The subject property is currently undeveloped and zoned AG (Agriculture). If annexation is approved by the City of Owasso, zoning would remain AG until a request for rezoning is reviewed and approved. This annexation request was reviewed and unanimously approved by the Owasso Annexation Committee on June 30, 1994. The Planning Commission reviewed the annexation request at their July 12, 1994 meeting and also unanimously recommended approval. Notification of this annexation request was published in the Owasso Reporter once prior to the Planning Commission meeting and twice prior to the City Council meeting as required per the City's procedures for annexation policy. If this annexation request is approved, Ordinance No. 485 has been attached to the packet materials which would formally adopt the City Council's actions. The annexation would then be effective thirty (30) days after publication of the Ordinance. N/A REClI,>+EST FOR ACTION. All department items requiring Cduncil approval must be suhmrtted through City, Manager s office. Staff recommends approval of the annexation request and Ordinance No. 485. DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR APPROVAL: Copy Mr. Compton CITY MANAGER APPROVAL: ATTORNEY APPROVAL: Faxed to r. ates BOARD /COMMITTEE APPROVAL: Planning Commission OTHER: Annexation Committee CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL: DATE RECEIVED FIRST AGENDA DATE: HEARING: Request for Action Form No. 1 - June 1994 DATE: July 13, 1994 T� /4-, 192* July 13, 1994 July 12, 1994 June 30, 1994 7_ / 3_ q 4/ APPROVED: SECOND AGENDA DATE: ORDINANCE /RESOLUTION: Ord JV MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY, CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: ANNEXATION REQUEST BY MR & MRS HAYWARD SMITH AGENDA ITEM 11 ORDINANCE NO. 485 DATE: July 13, 1994 BACKGROUND Mr. and Mrs. Hayward Smith have submitted to the City of Owasso a petition for annexation of their jointly owned property totaling more than 10.32 acres. The subject properties are shown on the attached map and are currently undeveloped. Both properties are currently zoned AG (Agricultural) and would remain zoned AG upon annexation. All property annexed by the City of Owasso is required to be zoned the lowest zoning classification (AG) until any rezoning request is received. A copy of the City of Owasso's annexation policy is attached for your information and review. If annexation is approved, both sites will have to go through all platting requirements of the City of Owasso prior to any development. Initial development challenges presented to the owner /developer consist of extending sewer /water service to the sites and storm water detention on site. Notification of the annexation request was published in the Owasso Reporter on June 30, 1994 to notify the public of the annexation request before the Planning Commission. That notification was followed by notification published two consecutive weeks in the Owasso Reporter on July 7 and 14, 1994 to notify the public of any possible City Council action regarding the request. A copy of the procedures for annexation is also attached for your information and review. The Owasso Technical Advisory Committee reviewed this request at their June 29, 1994 meeting and no objections to the annexation request were noted. The Owasso Annexation Committee reviewed the request at their June 29, 1994 meeting and unanimously recommended approval of the annexation. A copy of the minutes from that meeting are attached for your information and review. The Owasso Planning Commission reviewed the annexation requests at their July 12, 1994 meeting and unanimously recommended approval. To date, staff has received no comments opposing the annexation. RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending approval of both annexation requests from Mr. & Mrs. G. Hayward Smith, as well as City Council adoption of Ordinance No. 485. ATTACHMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. ' 5. 1 t Case map City of Owasso's annexation policy City of Owasso's procedures for annexation Owasso Annexation Committee minutes Ordinance No. 485 BEFORE THE HONORABLE ' CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA , PETITION FOR ANNEXATION The undersigned, constituting not less than three- fourths of the registered voters and being owners of not less than three- fourths (in value) of the hereinafter described real estate , situated in Tulsa County, Oklahoma, to -wit: A tract of land beginning at a point 222.95 feet south of the NE corner of the NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4, thence southwesterly along a curve to the left a distance of 1273.46 feet to a point on , the south line of the NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4, thence east for a distance of 632.80 feet, thence north a distance 1097.05 feet to the Point of Beginning. All within Section 20 Township 21 North Range 14 East, Tulsa, County, Oklahoma, and containing 8.86 acres more or less, and A tract of land beginning at a point 185.00 feet east and 320.14 feet north of the SW corner of the NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4, thence east for a distance of 131.89 feet, thence northeasterly along a curve to the right a distance of 379.08 feet, thence south for a distance of 339.86 feet to the Point of Beginning. All within Section 20 Township 21 North Range 14 East, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, and containing 1.66 acres more or less. being territory adjacent and contiguous to the incorporated City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and not presently embraced within the Limits thereof, hereby petition the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, to annex the aforementioned real estate into the City Limits of said City. Dated this 20th day of June, 1994. Owner(s): G. Hayw Smith Betty Jane Smitfi 61 r-M L .F SUBJECT SITES ANn%lVVArPT"I%J DU"TTIR QrPQ 71 ANNEXATION POLICY 1. While there is no minimum tract size, properties of larger than 20 acres are preferable. 2. All properties should be contiguous to existing city limits. 3. All properties should be annexed into the city limits as the lowest zoning classification, that is, AG, agricultural. Landowners may then petition for rezoning if they desire further development of their property. All legal uses annexed into the city will be legal, but non - conforming, which means that they may continue but cannot be expanded without proper zoning. 4. All public infrastructures that do not met city standards will not be improved by the city until brought to the city standard and accepted by the City Council. Such public facilities must be improved at owners expense by the establishment of a special assessment district or some other financing method. 5. Where a city limit boundary ends at a dedicated street, the boundary will not include the street right -of -way. This policy will establish consistence and allow city employees and . citizens to know where the city boundaries are. 6. Properties that are rejected for annexation should not be considered for annexation for a six month period after rejection by the City Council. Adopted by Council on March 1, 1988. 1 1 CITY COUNCIL SPONSORED ANNEXATION: 1. City Council direction to study the annexation of property. 2. Notice published two consecutive weeks in the Owasso Reporter of a Planning Commission Hearing which will include a map and text of the proposed annexation. 3. Review by a Standing Annexation Committee and recommendation to the Planning Commission and City Council. 4. Planning Commission Hearing on the proposal and recommendation to the City Council. 5. Notice published two consecutive weeks in the Owasso Reporter of a City Council Hearing which will include a map and text of the proposed annexation. ' 6. City Council hearing and action on the proposal. 7. If the proposal is approved by the City Council, an Ordinance will ' be prepared, approved, published, and filed of record with the office of the County Clerk, with a map of the property annexed. ' CITIZEN SPONSORED ANNEXATION: 1. Submission to the City Planner of an application and petition and an ' administrative fee as prescribed by Ordinance. 2. Review by a Standing Annexation Committee and recommendation to the Planning Commission and City Council. 3. Notice published once in the Owasso Reporter at the applicant's ' expense of'a Planning Commission Hearing which will include a map and text of the proposed annexation. 4. Planning Commission Hearing on the proposal and recommendation to tthe City Council. 5. Notice published two consecutive weeks in the Owasso Reporter at the applicant's expense of a City Council Hearing which will include a map and text of the proposed annexation. 6. City Council Hearing and action on the proposal. ' 7. If the proposal is approved by the City Council, an Ordinance will be prepared, approved, published, and filed of record with the Pi office of the County Clerk, with a map of the property annexed. Adopted by City Council on March 1, 1988- MEMBERS PRESENT Rodney J. Ray Maria Alexander Robert Carr Steve Compton Charles Willey Tim Rooney OWASSO ANNEXATION CONIlVIITTEE MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Thursday, June 30, 1994, 5:00 PM Owasso City Hall Conference Room 207 S. Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma MEMBERS ABSENT Ray Haynes Ron Cates Rohn Munn Dale Johnson Bob Allen STAFF PRESENT The agenda for the meeting was posted in the Owasso City Hall, 207 S. Cedar, on June 20, 1994. 1. CALL TO ORDER - Mr. Rooney called the meeting to order at 5:02 PM. 2. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF DECEMBER 29, 1993 - Rodney Ray moved, seconded by Steve Compton, to approve the minutes. Motion carried 6 -0. ANNEXATION REVIEW 3. G. Hayward & Betty Jane Smith - An approximate 1.66 acre tract located north of the Owasso Fire Station; further described as being located in the NW /4 of the SW /4 of Section 20, T21N, R14E, Tulsa County; AND An approximate 8.86 acre tract located west of the Three Lakes II, east of Highway 169, and north of the Owasso Wal -Mart; further described as being located in the NW /4 of the SW /4 of Section 20, T21N, R14E, Tulsa County. Mr. Rooney presented the annexation item. It was explained that both properties are currently zoned AG (Agriculture) and would remain zoned that way until any formal rezoning was received by the city. In addition to the zoning requirements prior to development, all platting requirements would need to be met. It was also explained that both water and sewer would need to be extended to the property. Mr. Rooney stated that if this item was approved, it would be forwarded to the Owasso Planning Commission on July 12, 1994 and possibly to City Council on July 19, 1994. 4. ADJOURNMENT - Maria Alexander moved, seconded by Charles Willey for adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 5:13 PM. CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE NO 485 AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING, ADDING, AND ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, ADDITIONAL LANDS AND TERRITORY IN SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, PROVIDING THAT FROM AND AFTER THE PASSAGE AND PUBLICATION OF THIS ORDINANCE THAT ALL OF THE REAL PROPERTY WITHIN SAID TERRITORY HEREIN DESCRIBED SHALL BE A PART OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, AND FURTHER DECLARING THAT ALL PERSONS RESIDING THEREIN SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE JURISDICTION, CONTROL, LAWS, AND ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, ESTABLISHING THE SAME AS PART OF WARD TWO OF SAID CITY AND DIRECTING THE FILING OF THIS ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Title 11, Section 21 -103, et seq., of the Oklahoma Municipal Code, the City of Owasso is permitted to annex additional territory providing a petition in writing, signed by not less than three- fourths of the legal voters and owners of not less than three - fourths (in value) of the property hereinafter described, the same being contiguous to the corporate limits of the City of Owasso, requesting that said property be annexed and added to the City of Owasso is submitted; and WHEREAS, notice of the presentation of said Petition was given by the Petitioner by publication in the Owasso Reporter, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and notice was given that said Petition would be considered by the City Council of the City of Owasso, at a meeting to be held on July 19, 1994 at 7:00 PM at the Community Center, Owasso, Oklahoma; and WHEREAS, on the 19th day of July, 1994, said Petition was duly considered by the City Council and was determined to have complied with the provisions of Title 11, Section 21 -103, et seq., of the Oklahoma Municipal Code, and further, that proper legal notice of presentation of said petition had been given; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA. Section 1. That the following described territory lying in Tulsa County, Oklahoma which is contiguous to the present corporate limits of the City of Owasso and described in the petition presented to the City Council in accordance with the provisions of Title 11, Section 21 -103, et seq., of the Oklahoma Municipal Code, and more particularly described as follows, to -wit: A tract of land beginning at a point 185.00 feet east and 320.14 feet north of the SW comer of the NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4, thence east for a distance of 131.89 feet, thence northeasterly along a curve to the right a distance of 379.08 feet, thence south for a distance of 339.86 feet to the Point of Beginning. All within Section 20 Township 21 North Range 14 East, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, and containing 1.66 acres more or less. be, and the same is hereby annexed to, made a part of, and added to the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and the corporate limits thereof be and are hereby extended to include the above described territory and real estate. Section 2. That from and after the passage and publication of this Ordinance, the real estate and territory described in Section 1 hereof shall be a part of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and in Ward Two thereof, and all persons residing therein, and all property situated thereon, shall be and are hereby declared to be subject to the jurisdiction, control, laws, and ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, in all respects and particulars. Section 3. That there be filed in the office of the County Clerk of Tulsa County, Oklahoma, a true and correct copy of this Ordinance, together with an accurate map of the territory hereby annexed. PASSED AND APPROVED this 19th day of July 1994. Jerry Duke, Mayor ATTEST: Sherry Bishop, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald D Cates, City Attorney PM r r u REQUEST F] CITY MANAGER F1 OPWA CIP FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: NAME: Tim Roo Fx7COUNCIL FI OEDA FI OPGA DEPT: Community Development - Planning TELEPHONE: 272 -2251 SUBJECT: Annexation Reauest - Mr. & Mrs. Hayward Smith 8.86 acres. Directly North Wal -Mart DATE: Ju FIBOA FI WATCHDOG 13, 1994 El PC FI OTHER NOTE: All City Council Agenda items, including appropriate backup materials, and all items for the City Manager's Report, must be submitted to the office of the City Manager by NOON on WEDNESDAY preceding a Council meeting. The subject property is currently undeveloped and zoned AG (Agriculture). If annexation is approved by the City of Owasso, zoning would remain AG until a request for rezoning is reviewed and approved. This annexation request was reviewed and unanimously approved by the Owasso Annexation Committee on June 30, 1994. The Planning Commission reviewed the annexation request at their July 12, 1994 meeting and also unanimously recommended approval. Notification of this annexation request was published in the Owasso Reporter once prior to the Planning Commission meeting and twice prior to the City Council meeting as required per the City's procedures for annexation policy. If this annexation request is approved, Ordinance No. 486 has been attached to the packet materials which would formally adopt the City Council's actions. The annexation would then be effective thirty (30) days after publication of the Ordinance. ' BUDGET'i No Impac .. EQUEST FOR ACTI Staff recommends approval of the annexation request and Ordinance No. 486. DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR APPROVAL: Copy to Mr. Compton CITY MANAGER APPROVAL: ATTORNEY APPROVAL: Faxed to Mr. ates BOARD /COMMITTEE APPROVAL: Planning Commission OTHER: Annexation Committee CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL: N/A DATE: July 13, 1994 July 13, 1994 July 12, 1994 June 30, 1994 FOR CITY MANAGER OFFICE USE:! DATE RECEIVED: 9I/ APPROVED: FIRST AGENDA DATE: SECOND AGENDA DATE: HEARING: Request for Action Form No. 1 - June 1994 ORDINANCE /RESOLUTION: 6 / MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY, CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: ANNEXATION REQUEST BY MR & MRS HAYWARD SMITH AGENDA ITEM 12 ORDINANCE NO. 486 DATE: July 13, 1994 BACKGROUND Mr. and Mrs. Hayward Smith have submitted to the City of Owasso a petition for annexation of their jointly owned property totaling more than 10.32 acres. The subject properties are shown on the attached map and are currently undeveloped. Both properties are currently zoned AG (Agricultural) and would remain zoned AG upon annexation. All property annexed by the City of Owasso is required to be zoned the lowest zoning classification (AG) until any rezoning request is received. A copy of the City of Owasso's annexation policy is attached for your information and review. If annexation is approved, both sites will have to go through all platting requirements of the City of Owasso prior to any development. Initial development challenges presented to the owner /developer consist of extending sewer /water service to the sites and storm water detention on site. Notification of the annexation request was published in the Owasso Reporter on June 30, 1994 to notify the public of the annexation request before the Planning Commission. That notification was followed by notification published two consecutive weeks in the Owasso Reporter on July 7 and 14, 1994 to notify the public of any possible City Council action regarding the request. A copy of the procedures for annexation is also attached for your information and review. The Owasso Technical Advisory Committee reviewed this request at their June 29, 1994 meeting and no objections to the annexation request were noted. The Owasso Annexation Committee reviewed the request at their June 29, 1994 meeting and unanimously recommended approval of the annexation. A copy of the minutes from that meeting are attached for your information and review. The Owasso Planning Commission reviewed the annexation requests at their July 12, 1994 meeting and unanimously recommended approval. To date, staff has received no comments opposing the annexation. RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending approval of both annexation requests from Mr. & Mrs. G. Hayward Smith, as well as City Council adoption of Ordinance No. 486. ATTACHMENTS 1. Case map 2. City of Owasso's annexation policy 3. City of Owasso's procedures for annexation 4. Owasso Annexation Committee minutes 5. Ordinance No. 486 BEFORE THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA PETITION FOR ANNEXATION The undersigned, constituting not less than three- fourths of the registered voters and being owners of not less than three- fourths (in value) of the hereinafter described real estate situated in Tulsa County, Oklahoma, to -wit: A tract of land beginning at a point 222.95 feet south of the NE corner of the NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4, thence southwesterly along a curve to the left a distance of 1273.46 feet to a point on the south line of the NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4, thence east for a distance of 632.80 feet, thence north a distance 1097.05 feet to the Point of Beginning. All within Section 20 Township 21 North Range 14 East, Tulsa, County, Oklahoma, and containing 8.86 acres more or less, and A tract of land beginning at a point 185.00 feet east and 320.14 feet north of the SW corner of the NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4, thence east for a distance of 131.89 feet, thence northeasterly along a curve to the right a distance of 379.08 feet, thence south for a distance of 339.86 feet to the Point of Beginning. All within Section 20 Township 21 North Range 14 East, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, and containing 1.66 acres more or less. being territory adjacent and contiguous to the incorporated City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and not presently embraced within the Limits thereof, hereby petition the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, to annex the aforementioned real estate into the City Limits of said City. Dated this 20th day of June, 1994. Owner(s): "02 J - G. Hayw Smith Betty Jane Smith 1 l-J 11 MT AG —m— AG �'11� O —. tp E36 TH RM-.2 M1v AG SMITH ELEM. OUT SCHOOL 91st ST R � I MAN 1. ST. Om / earn PL. om ANNEXATION POLICY 1. While there is no minimum tract size, properties of larger than 20 acres are preferable. 2. All properties should be contiguous to existing city limits. 3. All properties should be annexed into the city limits as the lowest zoning classification, that is, AG, agricultural. Landowners may then petition for rezoning if they desire further development of their property. All legal uses annexed into the city will be legal, but non - conforming, which means that they may continue but cannot be expanded without proper zoning. 4. All public infrastructures that do not met city standards will not be improved by the city until brought to the city standard ^� and accepted by the City Council. Such public facilities must be improved at owners expense by the establishment of a special assessment district or some other financing method. 5. Where a city limit boundary ends at a dedicated street, the boundary will not include the street right -of -way. This policy will establish consistence and allow city employees and citizens to know where the city boundaries are. 6. Properties that are rejected for annexation should not be considered for annexation for a six month period after rejection by the City Council. Adopted by Council on March 1; 1988. fl 1 CITY COUNCIL SPONSORED ANNEXATION: 1. City Council direction to study the annexation of property. 2. Notice published two consecutive weeks in the Owasso Reporter of a Planning Commission Hearing which will include a map and text of the proposed annexation. 3. Review by a Standing Annexation Committee and recommendation to the Planning Commission and City Council. 4. Planning Commission Hearing on the proposal and recommendation to the City Council. 5. Notice published two consecutive weeks in the Owasso Reporter of a City Council Hearing which will include a map and text of the proposed annexation. 6. City Council hearing and action on the proposal. 7. If the proposal is approved by the City Council, an Ordinance will be prepared, approved, published, and filed of record with the office of the County Clerk, with a map of the property annexed. CITIZEN SPONSORED ANNEXATION: 1. Submission to the City Planner of an application and petition and an administrative fee as prescribed by Ordinance. 2. Review by a Standing Annexation Committee and recommendation to the Planning Commission and City Council. 3. Notice published once in the Owasso Reporter at the applicant's expense of'a Planning Commission Hearing which will include a map and text of the proposed annexation. 4. Planning Commission Hearing on the proposal and recommendation to the City Council. 5. Notice published two consecutive weeks in the Owasso Reporter at the applicant's expense of a City Council Hearing which will include a map and text of the proposed annexation. 6. City Council Hearing and action on the proposal. 7. If the proposal is approved by the City Council, an Ordinance will be prepared, approved, published, and filed of record with the office of the County Clerk, with a map of the property annexed. MEMBERS PRESENT Rodney J. Ray Maria Alexander Robert Carr Steve Compton Charles Willey Tim Rooney OWASSO ANNEXATION COMM =E MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Thursday, June 30, 1994, 5:00 PM Owasso City Hall Conference Room 207 S. Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma MEMBERS ABSENT Ray Haynes Ron Cates Rohn Munn Dale Johnson Bob Allen STAFF PRESENT The agenda for the meeting was posted in the Owasso City Hall, 207 S. Cedar, on June 20, 1994. 1. CALL TO ORDER - Mr. Rooney called the meeting to order at 5:02 PM. 2. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF DECEMBER 29, 1993 - Rodney Ray moved, seconded by Steve Compton, to approve the minutes. Motion carried 6 -0. ANNEXATION REVIEW 3. G. Hayward & Betty Jane Smith - An approximate 1.66 acre tract located north of the Owasso Fire Station; further described as being located in the NW /4 of the SW /4 of Section 20, T21N, R14E, Tulsa County; AND An approximate 8.86 acre tract located west of the Three Lakes H, east of Highway 169, and north of the Owasso Wal -Mart; further described as being located in the NW /4 of the SW /4 of Section 20, T21N, R14E, Tulsa County. Mr. Rooney presegted the annexation item. It was explained that both properties are currently zoned AG (Agriculture) and would remain zoned that way until any formal rezoning was received by the city. In addition to the zoning requirements prior to development, all platting requirements would need to be met. It was also explained that both water and sewer would need to be extended to the property. Mr. Rooney stated that if this item was approved, it would be forwarded to the Owasso Planning Commission on July 12, 1994 and possibly to City Council on July 19, 1994. 4. ADJOURNMENT - Maria Alexander moved, seconded by Charles Willey for adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 5:13 PM. ' CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE NO 486 AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING, ADDING, AND ANNEXING TO THE CITY ' OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, ADDITIONAL LANDS AND TERRITORY IN SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, PROVIDING THAT FROM AND AFTER THE PASSAGE AND PUBLICATION OF THIS ORDINANCE THAT ALL OF THE REAL PROPERTY WTTHIN SAID ' TERRITORY HEREIN DESCRIBED SHALL BE A PART OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, AND FURTHER DECLARING THAT ALL PERSONS RESIDING THEREIN SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE JURISDICTION, CONTROL, LAWS, AND ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF ' OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, ESTABLISHING THE SAME AS PART OF WARD THREE OF SAID CITY AND DIRECTING THE FILING OF THIS ORDINANCE. ' WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Title 11, Section 21 -103, et seq., of the Oklahoma Municipal Code, the City of Owasso is permitted to annex additional territory providing a petition in writing, signed by not less than three- fourths of the legal voters and ' owners of not less than three - fourths (in value) of the property hereinafter described, the same being contiguous to the corporate limits of the City of Owasso, requesting that said property be annexed and added to the City of Owasso is submitted; and ' WHEREAS, notice of the presentation of said Petition was given by the Petitioner by publication in the Owasso Reporter, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and notice was given that said Petition would be considered by the City Council of the City of Owasso, at a meeting to be held on July 19, 1994 at 7:00 PM at the ' Community Center, Owasso, Oklahoma; and WHEREAS, on the 19th day of July, 1994, said Petition was duly considered by the City ' Council and was determined to have complied with the provisions of Title 11, Section 21 -103, et seq., of the Oklahoma Municipal Code, and further, that proper legal notice of presentation of said petition had been given; and ' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA. Section 1. That the following described territory lying in Tulsa County, Oklahoma which ' is contiguous to the present corporate limits of the City of Owasso and described in the petition presented to the City Council in accordance with the provisions of Title 11, Section 21 -103, et seq., of the Oklahoma Municipal Code, and more particularly described as follows, to -wit: A tract of land beginning at a point 222.95 feet south of the NE corner of the NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4, thence southwesterly along a curve to the left a distance of 1273.46 feet to a point on the south line of the NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4, thence east for a distance of 632.80 feet, thence north a distance 1097.05 feet to the Point of Beginning. All within Section 20 Township 21 North Range 14 East, Tulsa, County, Oklahoma, and containing 8.86 acres more or less, and r be, and the same is hereby annexed to, made a part of, and added to the City of Owasso, ' Oklahoma, and the corporate limits thereof be and are hereby extended to include the above described territory and real estate. Section 2. That from and after the passage and publication of this Ordinance, the real estate and territory described in Section 1 hereof shall be a part of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and in Ward Three thereof, and all persons residing therein, and all property situated thereon, shall be and are hereby declared to be subject to the jurisdiction, control, laws, and ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, in all respects and particulars. Section 3. That there be filed in the office of the County Clerk of Tulsa County, Oklahoma, a true and correct copy of this Ordinance, together with an accurate map of the ' territory hereby annexed. PASSED AND APPROVED this 19th day of July 1994. Jerry Duke, Mayor ATTEST: Sherry Bishop, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald D Cates, City Attorney 1 Ktt utb 1 rut DATE: Ju aBOA F] WATCHDOG 1 13, 1994 PC FI OTHER NOTE: All City Council Agenda items, including appropriate backup materials, and all items for the City Manager's Report, must be submitted to the office of the City Manager by NOON on WEDNESDAY preceding a Council meeting. The Owasso Planning Commission reviewed a request to close a 25 foot portion of dedicated public right - of -way between Fairview Cemetery and Elm Creek Estates First Addition. The 25 foot portion of right -of- way was at one time platted to provide access to the interior land areas north of the cemetery. Once Elm Creek Estates developed, this 25 foot right -of -way was no longer needed or utilized. City personnel studied possibilities of utilizing this property for additional cemetery lots and the results of the study indicated the improvements needed (this area has a significant slope) and costs involved to make those improvements would not be beneficial. In addition, abutting property owners are interested in having this area as portions of their properties. The Technical Advisory Committee unanimously recommended approval of the right -of -way closing at their June 29, 1994 meeting. N/A A Savings in Mowing Expenses Incurred on the Property. -ST FOR ACTION: All department items requiring Council approval must be submitted through City, Manager's office, Staff is recommending approval of the right -of -way closing. i FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: Co to Mr. Compton NAME: Tim Rooney &�=L :d k4=_ DEPT: Community Development - Planning ' TELEPHONE: 272 -2251 Planning Commission SUBJECT: Right -of -Way Closing Between Fairview ■ Cemetery and Elm Creek Estates 1 13, 1994 PC FI OTHER NOTE: All City Council Agenda items, including appropriate backup materials, and all items for the City Manager's Report, must be submitted to the office of the City Manager by NOON on WEDNESDAY preceding a Council meeting. The Owasso Planning Commission reviewed a request to close a 25 foot portion of dedicated public right - of -way between Fairview Cemetery and Elm Creek Estates First Addition. The 25 foot portion of right -of- way was at one time platted to provide access to the interior land areas north of the cemetery. Once Elm Creek Estates developed, this 25 foot right -of -way was no longer needed or utilized. City personnel studied possibilities of utilizing this property for additional cemetery lots and the results of the study indicated the improvements needed (this area has a significant slope) and costs involved to make those improvements would not be beneficial. In addition, abutting property owners are interested in having this area as portions of their properties. The Technical Advisory Committee unanimously recommended approval of the right -of -way closing at their June 29, 1994 meeting. N/A A Savings in Mowing Expenses Incurred on the Property. -ST FOR ACTION: All department items requiring Council approval must be submitted through City, Manager's office, Staff is recommending approval of the right -of -way closing. i DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR APPROVAL: Co to Mr. Compton I CITY MANAGER APPROVAL: &�=L :d k4=_ ATTORNEY APPROVAL: — ,:� -.14 Faxed to Mr. Cates BOARD /COMMITTEE APPROVAL: Planning Commission OTHER: TAC CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL: ; ...... . 1=0R CITY MANAGER OFFICE USE: DATE RECEIVED in . FIRST AGENDA DATE: 7-12-914- HEARING: Request for Action Form No. 1 - June DATE: July 13, 1994 _U'i!�, 1994 July 14, 1994 July 12, 1994 June 29, 1994 —/ jr APPROVED: SECOND AGENDA DATE: ORDINANCE /RESOLUTION: MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: RIGHT -OF -WAY CLOSING CITY OF OWASSO DATE: July 13, 1994 BACKGROUND The City of Owasso is requesting the closing of dedicated public right -of -way located between Elm Creek Estates First Addition and the Fairview Cemetery off of E. 76th Street North. The right -of -way, labeled as Gem Drive on the Elm Creek Estates First Addition plat, has existed prior to 1977. It appears that at one time when the cemetery was created, it was necessary to have public right - of -way east of the cemetery to access the interior of what was once unplatted area. When Elm Creek Estates was platted, however, access to this interior portion was made via N. 120th E. Avenue rather than utilizing the existing Gem Drive. As mentioned, Gem Drive has existed prior to 1977 and has remained as a fenced 25' portion of grass between the rear lot lines of the homes in Elm Creek Estates and Fairview Cemetery. Recently, the City of Owasso formed a committee to look into the possibilities of utilizing this area for additional gravesites. A majority of the area is sloped and would require substantial improvements to develop as additional cemetery property. Please refer to the attached memorandum from the Cemetery Review Committee regarding these issues. In early June, a neighborhood meeting was held with property owners in Elm Creek Estates. Several inquiries had been received about what would be necessary for this 25' portion to be made part of their property. Because the staff believes it is not in the best interest of the city to keep this property (currently city crews mow this area), the property owners have been encouraged to move forward with the closing of this right -of -way. All property owners who abut this portion of the right -of -way are in support of the closing of the right -of -way and are sharing in all costs involved. As you are aware, to formally close the right -of -way after the city's approval of closure, the applicants must file a "friendly" lawsuit to foreclose on the city's rights to re -open it. The staff will recommend that the city not contest this lawsuit and is in strong support of the closure request. This item was reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee at their June 29, 1994 meeting. At that meeting, it was discovered that TCI Cable does have cable television lines in this area. TCI does not object to the right -of -way closing provided that they are able to maintain an ' easement within that 25 foot portion. The exact width of that easement is not known at this time, but only a 5 foot easement should be necessary. ' The Owasso Planning Commission reviewed the right -of -way closing at their July 12, 1994 meeting and unanimously recommended approval of the request. To date, no objections to this _ request have been received. RECOMMENDATION ' Staff recommends approval of the closing of right -of -way known as "Gem Drive" between Elm Creek Estates First Addition and Fairview Cemetery. IATTACHMENTS 1. Case map. 2. Cemetery Review Committee report. 3. Petition for right -of -way closing. I - PLAT NO, 3 - ELM CREEK ESTATES s. :�• FILED MAY II. 1977 FIRST ADDITION EAST PART P ^ate tIL• I -_11 a WK too �. � A �• t Vt i o. �•E.0• V ,t J ,.' l2�`t� "�Q0 { t 00 1 r N a ;;gibj� ,'e is ���o !� a' ' 90 ? ,9 1 '• o i IL '` p' .{•x{51,! ro '1 1 i < o it `1i p a 2 I i ti e \? i -� - -- - ---- r -�=- --N`-- ---- � ..«•r ns._. , C rip 1• p' �fcP so' Nr9 ,fie B°_� 6 3 I d�`• 14 j !1 ; 7 v' j =/? t�/3 aH ,Iat3 .�w/6 •°/7 •;a/B �a,5 .op .:E�122^:� P t B °� ... it i 1 F \ 9 ZYr °b r //� /2 aI 3 o°`N :0�6 r °/7 `�•!%�I°cb�i U U 69.54'J2•W AS99. x9 - rz o •u� Z � 2J oo SUBJECT SITE z z ' " RIGHT —OF —WAY CLOSING REQUEST ,f �o� Y 2sJ S� L W ` •� } W � z � �\ 29 L. f 32 I SUBJECT: CEMETERY REVIEW COMMITTEE'S FINDINGS op 6 DATE: September 13, 1993 The Cemetery Review Committee recently held its second meeting regarding the cemetery property. The review committee consists of Marcia Boutwell, Ralph Griffin, JoEllen Krantz, Rohn Muhn, and myself. In review, the committee was formed to investigate possible positive and negatives regarding g adding additional cemetery plots along a 25 foot strip of property abutting the Elm Creek ' Addition (east side of the cemetery). An abutting property owner had contacted our office regarding constructing a new fence, and wanted to know if his fence could be moved a few feet ' to the west, thus including some of the 25 foot strip of land. The Committee, through separate and joint site inspections of the area found the following: 1. Portions of the 25 foot strip along the east boundary of the cemetery does contain utilities (phone and cable). These would need to be relocated. 2. The City's cemetery fence (4 foot - chain link) is in need of repair along a large portion of the 25 foot strip. 3. Several abutting property owners have taken it upon themselves to fence in the 25 foot area as a portion of their rear yard. One owner, in particular, has even terraced their ' portion for gardening purposes. 4. It would be possible to add one more row of gravesites if this 25 foot strip is utilized. ' This would allow for an additional 133 gravesite based upon the length of the east boundary of the cemetery. ' 5. The City currently mows and maintains those areas not fenced in by the abutting property owners. MEMORANDUM TO: MR. RODNEY J. RAY ' CITY MANAGER FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: CEMETERY REVIEW COMMITTEE'S FINDINGS op 6 DATE: September 13, 1993 The Cemetery Review Committee recently held its second meeting regarding the cemetery property. The review committee consists of Marcia Boutwell, Ralph Griffin, JoEllen Krantz, Rohn Muhn, and myself. In review, the committee was formed to investigate possible positive and negatives regarding g adding additional cemetery plots along a 25 foot strip of property abutting the Elm Creek ' Addition (east side of the cemetery). An abutting property owner had contacted our office regarding constructing a new fence, and wanted to know if his fence could be moved a few feet ' to the west, thus including some of the 25 foot strip of land. The Committee, through separate and joint site inspections of the area found the following: 1. Portions of the 25 foot strip along the east boundary of the cemetery does contain utilities (phone and cable). These would need to be relocated. 2. The City's cemetery fence (4 foot - chain link) is in need of repair along a large portion of the 25 foot strip. 3. Several abutting property owners have taken it upon themselves to fence in the 25 foot area as a portion of their rear yard. One owner, in particular, has even terraced their ' portion for gardening purposes. 4. It would be possible to add one more row of gravesites if this 25 foot strip is utilized. ' This would allow for an additional 133 gravesite based upon the length of the east boundary of the cemetery. ' 5. The City currently mows and maintains those areas not fenced in by the abutting property owners. Based upon the above findings, the Committee found three options available regarding the use of the 25 foot strip of property: 1. It is possible to an add an additional row of gravesites. 133 plots at $300 per plot would total approximately $39,900 in additional revenue. However, this would be off -set by costs of moving utilities, fence relocation and construction of new 4 foot chain link fence ($900 if installed by the city, $1637 if contracted out), possible retaining wall, and long term care of lots. 2. Deed the land back to the abutting property owners only if the abutting property owners paid for one, uniform, site obstructing fence between the cemetery and their property. 3. Sell the land at its market value to the abutting property owners and place money from the sale of the land into the cemetery maintenance fund. When reviewing those options, the team strongly felt that adding more cemetery plots within this strip would not be in the best interest of the city as far as public relations were concerned, ' regardless of whether or not the city owns the land, and any financial gain would be offset by bad PR. The group felt either Option 2 or 3 seemed to work well, but all expressed that it was difficult ' to make a recommendation not knowing if the City Council wanted to stay in the cemetery business. ' 1 1 BEFORE THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ' PETITION FOR RIGHT -OF -WAY CLOSING The undersigned, constituting not less than one hundred percent of the private property owners abutting a public right -of -way located between Elm Creek Estates First Addition and The Fairview Cemetery, hereby petition the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, to close the aforementioned public right -of -way. ' Dated this 22nd day of June, 1994. Owner(s): ' Willene Leffall 11903 E. 77th Street North Owasso, OK 74055 ' Spehcer Janet 16ckland 7704 N. 120th East Avenue Owasso, OK 74055 ason & Stephanie illue 7706 N. 120th East Avenue ' Owasso, OK 74055 William & Teresa Hale 7708 N. 120th East Avenue tOwasso, OK 74055 Paul & Della Womack ' 7710 N. 120th E. Avenue Owasso, OK 74055 Richard• &Debbie Blosser 11901 E. 77th Street North ' Owasso, OK 74055 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: CITY MANAGER'S REPORT DATE: July 15, 1994 MANAGERIAL: FOP NEGOTIATIONS - Both parties have agreed to a declaration of impasse in negotiations in order that the next step in the process can be initiated. That next step is MEDIATION. A joint letter from the City and the FOP is being prepared and will be sent to the "Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service" requesting their assistance in mediation of the impasse. Mediation is a process wherein a disinterested third party attempts to reconcile differences between the two parties by encouraging compromise and agreement. The service does not charge either party for any cost incurred. The process contains no binding requirements on CITY MANAGER'S REPORT July 15, 1994 Page 2 either side. Prior to negotiations, the FOP and City agreed to mediation prior to arbitration. I believe mediation can work, but only if both side have a commitment to resolving the issues. I further believe that any attempts to circumvent the agreed to process should be viewed as a strong signal that the party involved in that circumvention does not truly desire a negotiated solution to the impasse. It may also indicate an agenda different from the legislatively mandated requirement for "collective bargaining for wages and other benefits." Attempts to manage the department through the bargaining process can no more be tolerated than can attempts to circumvent the agreed to bargaining process when the results are not going the way one party desires. While I'm sure you understand the seriousness of this process, I'm not sure the FOP does. The final decision on this contract has long -term financial implications that will impact the City for years to come. If we give all we can afford to give, considering our financial limitations now and in the future, all will be well. If we agree to give more than we have, or will have, or don't know we will have, the effect on future councils and police department employees will be disastrous. To see what can happen, one only has to look back to 1984 -86 when the City made decisions relating to police and fire employee levels and pay based on future projections of revenues. Because of those decisions, the City's budgets from 1987 through 1990 required cut - backs, lay -offs and very small expenditures for equipment. None of us want to see that happen again. One way to prevent a reoccurrence is to agree to commit only those resources that are available and safe, while recognizing that we have an entire city work force that must be maintained. I sincerely hope that mediation will resolve the impasse. But, for mediation to be successful, both parties must enter with a desire to resolve the issues. I have attached the letter that will be sent to the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, and will keep you informed of progress. FIRE TRUCK/FIRE STATION CEREMONY - A tentative date and time has been set for ceremonies to officially turn over ownership of the McDonnel- Douglas donated fire truck, and dedication of our new fire station. Senator Nickles' schedule will allow him to personally attend an August 26th event here in Owasso. McDonnel- Douglas officials have indicated they can arrange to be represented on that date also. Therefore, a dual ceremony has been scheduled for 9:30 a.m. on Friday, August 26th, with a reception for Senator Nickles immediately following (schedule permitting). Chief Allen will be responsible for developing this event. If you have suggestions or comments, please call either of us. PERSONNEL - The following personnel actions have taken place since the last report: Resignations - Laurie Sheets, Community Center Patti Spencer, Fire Department Lay -off - Jo Ellen Krantz, Public Works CITY MANAGER'S REPORT July 15, 1994 Page 3 Ms Sheets has been with the City for four years and serves in a multi - functional clerical position at the Community Center. She is resigning to move to Dallas, Texas with her family in response to a career improvement opportunity recently received by her spouse. Ms Spencer has ' been with the City for approximately one year as a clerical employee of the Fire Department. She has issued a verbal resignation to the Chief on July 12 and has not returned to work, nor has she issued a written resignation. Both of these positions will be filled through the normal ' process as mandated by the personnel polices. Ms Krantz has been an employee for the City for six and one -half years. Her service has ' include time as my assistant, acting director of public works, and administrative assistant to the Public Works Director. Jo has had a positive impact on our organization and was the first of our many recruits from the private sector. Her background in business and journalism gave our ' organization opportunities that we would not have had without her. From solving citizen concerns to major programs like the Recycle Center, Jo has served this community well. She will be missed, but a business decision had to be made, and that decision was to employ a field ' superintendent rather than continue an administrative assistant's position. there wasn't enough money for both, and there were no other positions available. ICOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: ' BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT - At its July 26th meeting, the Owasso Board of Adjustment will review a request for a Special Exception for a temporary real estate /construction office building _ for the Nottingham Estates Subdivision. The Board will also address a request for a Variance of the screening requirements in an IL district located in the Three Lakes Industrial Park II. A more detailed memorandum from Mr Rooney regarding these items is attached for your information and review. PLANNING COMMISSION - At the Planning Commission's June 12, 1994 meeting, the National Steak & Poultry Site Plan was approved, along with approval action on a lot -split im request. Other actions taken were approvals of two annexation requests made by Hayward Smith, the Final Plat for Bailey Ranch Estates, and a Right -of -Way closing along the east side ' of Fairview Cemetery. Please review the above referenced memorandum from Mr Rooney for more detailed information. If you have any questions on the actions of either of these Boards, please contact Mr Rooney, 13 Mr Compton, or me. ' DEVELOPMENT -RAM PLAZA - As has been expected, extensive activity is starting to occur at the Ram Plaza Shopping Center (NW /C 86th & 129th). Mr Compton has talked with John Williams, the developer, and was informed that Git -N -Go has signed an option to purchase the LI CITY MANAGER'S REPORT July 15, 1994 Page 4 corner lot and has been conducting a feasibility study. The study was recently completed and the company has submitted a Site Plan for review by the Planning Commission at its August meeting. If a typical development process is followed, it would appear that Git -N -Go would start construction in late August or early September. They are hoping for an October opening. Mr Williams is also conducting negations with a Day Care use to locate within the center. Finally, he has contracts on two additional lots, one for a professional /retail building and the second for an office building. The second building will be the offices for two local builders. , Site Plan review for their building is also scheduled for the August Planning Commission meeting. It should be noted that the Yale Cleaners building has been constructed and the Standridge Clinic is currently under construction. If you have any questions, please contact ' Mr Compton or me. op ENGINEERING: PROPOSALS FOR RESIDENT PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE SERVICES - As part of the Oklahoma Water Resources Board loan for water line replacement and wastewater collection system rehabilitation in the old portion of town, FY94 -95 funds have been budgeted in a combined amount of $3,170,500. To ensure compliance with the contract documents, to maintain adequate coordination with the design engineers during the project, and to effectively respond to citizen concerns during construction, staff believes a full time person needs to be in the field working with the residents and contractor(s) selected for the projects. Limited available city staff makes it difficult to assign an existing employee to these projects. It is expected that the projects will overlap each other at some point. Total elapsed time for both projects is ' anticipated to be approximately 15 to 18 months. Staff has prepared a Request for Proposals (RFP) for consulting engineering firms capable of ' providing Resident Project Representative services. The RFP is for the services of one resident engineer and associated expenses. The solicitation will be made for engineering firms to respond by August 4, 1994. Based on the responses received, an award of contract will be recommended for an early September start of work. For questions and additional information, contact Mr Carr. POLICE SERVICES: LAW ENFORCEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE - Chief Alexander has been appointed to the Board of Directors for the Law Enforcement Advisory Committee at Tulsa Junior College. She is very excited about the opportunity to provide input in educational concerns of law enforcement personnel. LEI iJ r CITY MANAGER'S REPORT July 15, 1994 Page 5 ' FIREARMS RANGE - Firearms Range modifications are taking place just south of the wastewater plant. Chief Alexander is working with a committee of officers to increase berm sizes and fill in low areas. This is a three -year project which will enhance firearms training ' within the Owasso Police Department. More information will follow at a later date. IRECREATION CENTER: NYSCA COACHES CLINICS SCHEDULED - The following coaches clinics have been scheduled for this summer: 1st Year Coaches: July 18 & 19; July 19 & 20; July 21 ' 2nd Year Coaches: July 14 3rd Year Coaches: July 28 OTHER EVENTS - A basketball class continues through August and a youth volleyball night ' has been scheduled for July 29 from 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. ISWEM MING POOL: SWIMMING POOL CLOSING - The staff of the Greater Tulsa YMCA has requested that they be allowed to close the swimming pool on August 14, 1994. All area colleges start classes the week of August 15th and Owasso starts classes the week of August 22nd. Historically, we have tried to keep the pool open until the weekend of Labor Day (September 3 -4 -5), however, usage of the facility has been minimal once school has started. The staff is supportive of closing the pool when Owasso schools open, but we are still evaluating the impacts of closing an additional week early because of college classes starting. The "Y" has proposed to honor Owasso family or individual summer passes at the Thornton YMCA until the Labor Day weekend to reduce any negative impacts. We would appreciate any input from the Council or community leaders on this matter. If you have any comments, questions, or concerns, please contact Mr Compton or I me. PARK MAINTENANCE: RAYOLA TRAILS - The park maintenance staff has completed the application of chemicals and ' the leveling of several "washed out" areas per the scheduled submitted to the Council. Application of the chemicals was hampered by the lack of rain to fully activate the chemicals below the surface at the root level. An application of water had to be applied to compensate for the lack of rain. We are now in the process of constructing the four major drainage pipes to assist in carrying surface water under the trail to the creek and eliminating continuous "wash outs." Once the drainage pipes have been installed, we will proceed with the reconstruction of CITY MANAGER'S REPORT July 15, 1994 Page 6 the trail surface. If weather does not delay construction, the August 5th completion date will be met. PLAY EQUIPMENT - The park maintenance staff has continued to work on the installation of new play equipment in Elm Creek Park. Because of the daily maintenance and trash pick -up needs in all the parks, work being completed at the request of the Council on the Rayola Trails, and the special preparations and clean -up typically required during the July 4th holiday and Trail Days weekends, completion has been slow. If you have any questions concerning park maintenance matters, please contact Mr Hunt, Mr Compton, or me. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: NATIONAL STEAK AND POULTRY COMPANY - Mr Rob Peet of Todd Construction Services (NSP's Construction Managers) was in Owasso July 12th for the Planning Commission meeting and met with Mr Compton. It appears that the approval processes (both within the City and closing on the Industrial Development Bonds) are all moving forward rapidly and, given no major delays, construction of the facility could begin as early as mid - August. Also, City and INCOG staffs are proceeding with the Department of Transportation and Department of Commerce grant applications. If you have any questions, please contact Mr Compton or me. PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION: 96TH STREET NORTH AND GARNETT ROAD INTERSECTION - Mr Carr had a recent telephone conversation with Ray Jordan (Tulsa County Engineer) concerning the schedule we ' could anticipate for the. 96th and Garnett intersection improvements (see the attached memorandum). Mr Jordan indicated that he has completed the paving design, but still needs to finalize the drainage design. He also indicated that they have a very heavy workload of projects ' to get constructed right now. As a result of these conditions, Mr Jordan could not give us a date as to when we could expect them to actually start work at 96th and Garnett. It does not appear likely that the intersection will be completed prior to the start of the 94 -95 school year. , FJ ' CITY MANAGER'S REPORT ' July 15, 1994 Page 7 IWATER DISTRIBUTION: PAINTING FIRE HYDRANTS - Approximately 400 fire hydrants presently exist within the City of Owasso water distribution system. The hydrants need to be repainted periodically to protect the working parts of the hydrant from the natural elements in rain, snow, and air. Paint on the ' hydrants tends to fade, chip and peal after continued exposure. A new coat of paint on the hydrant will provide the needed protection. ' Most of the hydrants in the City of Owasso water system have been painted red in the past. The red color tends to fade relatively quickly and the hydrants become somewhat difficult to see at night. Therefore, the City of Owasso Public Works and Fire Departments have opted to change ' to a yellow color. This new color should withstand fading and allow for increased visibility at night. ' City staff has worked with Network Owasso to develop a program that can involve volunteers in the painting program. Paint will be supplied to volunteers in a container sized to paint one hydrant. Each volunteer will need to supply a brush, rags and cleaner. The program should ' be started within the next week or two. For additional information, contact Mr Carr. CITY OF TULSA WATER LINE BREAK - Late the afternoon of July 6th, a major 24 -inch water line broke from the City of Tulsa to one of our meter locations (a detailed report of the incident from the Public Works Director is attached). As a result of this break, water being fed to the Owasso system was drastically reduced and water was not being supplied to our large ' water tank. Water pressure in the system was not significantly affected, however, our ability to have sufficient storage for fire protection was reduced. The Public Works Director and water distribution personnel maintained continuous contact with the Owasso Fire Department and management of the City of Tulsa system operations. Our continued contact with Tulsa stressed the severity of the situation. Originally, Tulsa had believed that no connections were on the broken line segment; therefore, there was no urgency in conducting the repair. Tulsa crews began to work around the clock Thursday, July 7th until the line was able to be re- opened on Friday evening, July 8th. Once the line was opened, our water tank refilled within six hours. Although there have been additional shut -downs of the line due to small leaks in the Tulsa repair, the break has been essentially fixed. They plan to totally replace the broken section of pipe sometime in the Fall. The replacement will be made after a new 24 -inch line construction project to the west is complete that will provide a similar volume of water to our meter installation. For additional information contact Mr Carr. 7 CITY MANAGER'S REPORT July 15, 1994 Page 8 WASTEWATER COLLECTION: SMOKE TESTING - During the last few summers, data has been collected to help identify areas in the sewer system that are subject to allowing rainwater and groundwater into the pipes. These types of "uncontaminated" waters take up capacity in the collection system and the treatment plant; therefore, they are waters that need to be minimized. Public Works has utilized summer laborers, typically high school age workers, to perform the field work and data collection. One of the methods used in the field work is to blow smoke into the sewer through a manhole. The smoke tends to appear where there are potential problem locations with broken pipes and , connections from drain pipes. Public Works Engineering and Wastewater Collection have begun to conduct smoke testing in , the northern areas of our system (i.e., German Corner, Sneed Addition, Westport, and Hale Acres /Apple Tree). The residents in the areas and Fire Department are notified in advance of the testing. Notification is to alert them to the potential of observing smoke in unusual locations during the test. If you have any questions, contact Mr Carr. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i ATTACHMENTS 1. Memorandum Relating to Police Dispatch Shifts Trial Program 2. Letter Received from Publisher of Owasso Reporter 3. Resolution by Tulsa County Commissioners Renaming Road 4. Memorandum from Mr Carr Relating to Waterline Break 5. Memorandum Relating to Planning Commission /Board of Adjustment Activities 6. New Occupancy Permit Applications 7. Memorandum Relating to 96th & Garnett Intersection Project 8. Correspondence to Federal Mediation & Conciliation Service MEMORANDUM TO: RODNEY J. RAY CITY MANAGER FROM: M.A.ALEXANDER�� CHIEF OF POLICE SUBJECT: Communicators 12 Hour Shift Proposal DATE: June 23, 1994 BACKGROUND Five dispatchers currently operate the communications center within the Owasso Police Department. These dispatchers are scheduled to work five consecutive 8 -hour days followed by two days off, or a forty hour work week and an eighty hour pay period. I am proposing for your consideration the prospect of 12 -hour shifts for the communications division. Dispatchers will continue to work an 80 -hour pay period, with shifts from 0700 -1900 and 1900 -0700 respectfully. The exception will be on Tuesdays when an eight hour shift will be worked either at the beginning or ending of the pay period. An example is shown below: ,.. Day of week S M T W T F S S M T W T F S Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Dispatcher: AM Pales X X 1 W W W X X X X W W W X PM Allen X X 3 W W W X X X X W W W X AM Trudy W W X X X X W W W 1 X X X W PM Sonya W W X X X X W W W 3 X X X W Supervisor X 0 2 0 0 0 X X 0 2 0 0 0 X W = works 12 -hours X = off 1= 0700 -1500 2 = 1500 -2300 3 = 2300 -0700 0 = overlap (for additional assistance) The communications supervisor will remain on 8 hour shifts and will cover sick, vacation and other time off for dispatchers. 0 Page 2 I was approached by the communications supervisor who requested consideration of this program. She feels that sick time and overtime would be reduced and the work schedule is supported by all dispatchers. I have agreed to test the schedule on a trial basis for three months to be extended to six months if the experiment goes well. Upon a successful completion of a six month trial period, this schedule may be adopted as policy. If the schedule proves to be ineffective such as an increase to sick time usage or overtime expenditure, the program will be canceled and the 8 hour shifts will be re- implemented. Dispatchers recognize that they will not be compensated with an increase of sick time accrual and waive all rights to protesting this in the interim. A signed form from each dispatcher attesting to this agreement is enclosed for your review. I feel this is a very workable program and in the total flavor of TQM. I am willing to test the procedure for a 3 -6 month period to see if it will be beneficial. I would appreciate any comments you have referencing this proposal 1 1 11 1� 1 MEMORANDUM I Buddy Pales understand that the Communications Division is voluntarily going to 12 hour shifts for a trial period of three (3) months. The 12 hour shifts will begain on June 26, 1994 at 0700 hours. I also understand and agree that my monthly accumulation of sick time will remain at the eight(8) hour rate, holiday pay and alternate day off will also remain at the eight(8) hour rate. Examples; Earn eight(8) hours of sick time a month. To use one(1) sick day, twelve(12) hours of sick time will be deducted from your total amount accumulated. If you work on a Holiday Day or if a Holiday Day falls on your regular day off, your first day back to work is considered a Holiday Day. You will be paid eight(8) hours at 1.5 times your normal rate of pay and four(4) hours at straight time for a total of twelve(12) hours. You will have eight(8) hours remaining towards your alternate day off so you will have to use four(4) hours of compensation time, P.T. compensation time or vacation time towards this day. If at all possible you will be paid back the alternate day off. If this day can not be paid back then you will receive eight(8) hours at 2.5 times your normal rate of pay and four(4) hours at straight time. If you are schedule to work on a Holiday Day and you are able to receive the holiday off you will receive twelve(12) hours at straight time with no overtime or other compensation. I understand and agree to e above. Buddy Pale Date; 'a /Y ` 7 L/ MEMORANDUM I Trudy Soloschenko, understand that the Communications Division is voluntarily going to 12 hour shifts for a trial period of three (3) months. The 12 hour shifts will begain on June 26, 1994 at 0700 hours. I also understand and agree that my monthly accumulation of sick time will remain at the eight(8) hour rate, holiday pay and alternate day off will also remain at the eight(8) hour rate. Examples; Earn eight(8) hours of sick time a month. To use one(1) sick day, twelve(12) hours of sick time will be deducted from your total amount accumulated. If you work on a Holiday Day or if a Holiday Day falls on your regular day off, your first day back to work is considered a Holiday Day. You will be paid eight(8) hours at 1.5 times your normal rate of pay and four(4) hours at straight time for a total of twelve(12) hours. You will have eight(8) hours remaining towards your alternate day off so you will have to use four(4) hours of compensation time, P.T. compensation time or vacation time towards this day. If at all possible you will be paid back the alternate day off. If this day can not be paid back then you will receive eight(8) hours at 2.5 times your normal rate of pay and four(4) hours at straight time. If you are schedule to work on a Holiday Day and you are able to receive the holiday off you will receive twelve(12) hours at straight time with no overtime or other compensation. I understand and agree to the above. t� c ,G CLL%�LQir� Date; Trudy Solos enko [1 MEMORANDUM I Bill Allen, understand that the Communications Division is voluntarily going to 12 hour shifts for a trial period of three (3) months. The 12 hour shifts will begain on June 26, 1994 at 0700 hours. I also understand and agree that my monthly accumulation of sick time will remain at the eight(8) hour rate, holiday pay and alternate day off will also remain at the eight(8) hour rate. Examples; Earn eight(8) hours of sick time a month. To use one(1) sick day, twelve(12) hours of sick time will be deducted from your total amount accumulated. If you work on a Holiday Day or if a Holiday Day falls on your regular day off, your first day back to work is considered a Holiday Day. You will be paid eight(8) hours at 1.5 times your normal rate of pay and four(4) hours at straight time for a tot3l of twelve(12) hours. You will have eight(8) hours remaining towards your alternate day off so you will have to use four(4) hours of compensation time, P.T. compensation time or vacation time towards this day. If at all possible you will be paid back the alternate day off. If this day can not be paid back then you will receive eight(8) hours at 2.5 times your normal rate of pay and four(4) hours at straight time. If you are schedule to work on a Holiday Day and you are able to receive the holiday off you will receive twelve(12) hours at straight time with no overtime or other compensation. I understand and agree to the above. A Date; Co— / 7 c� / MEMORANDUM I Barbara Kennedy, understand that the Communications Division is voluntarily going to 12 hour shifts for a trial period of three (3) months. The 12 hour shifts will begain on June 26, 1994 at 0700 hours. I also understand and agree that my monthly accumulation of sick time will remain at the eight(8) hour rate, holiday pay and alternate day off will also remain at the eight(8) hour rate. Examples; Earn eight(8) hours of sick time a month. To use one(1) sick day, twelve(12) hours of sick time will be deducted from your total amount accumulated. If you work on a Holiday Day or if a Holiday Day falls on your regular day off, your first day back to work is considered a Holiday Day. You will be paid eight(8) hours at 1.5 times your normal rate of pay and four(4) hours at straight time for a total of twelve(12) hours. You will have eight(8) hours remaining towards your alternate day off so you will have to use four(4) hours of compensation time, P.T. compensation time or vacation time towards this day. If at all possible you will be paid back the alternate day off. If this day can not be paid back then you will receive eight(8) hours at 2.5 times your normal rate of pay and four(4) hours at straight time. If you are schedule to work on a Holiday Day and you are able to receive the holiday off you will receive twelve(12) hours at straight time with no overtime or other compensation. I understand and agree to the above. Barbara Kennedy Date; 9 J/ " 7 1 ' AND M MEMOR U 1 ' I Sonya DeArmond, understand that the Communications Division is voluntarily going to 12 hour shifts for a trial period of three (3) months. The 12 hour shifts will begain on June 26, 1994 at 0700 hours. I also understand and agree that my monthly accumulation of sick time will remain at the eight(8) hour rate, holiday pay and alternate day off will also remain at the eight(8) hour rate. Examples; P, 1 1 Earn eight(8) hours of sick time a month. To use one(1) sick day, twelve(12) hours of sick time will be deducted from your total amount accumulated. If you work on a Holiday Day or if a Holiday Day falls on your regular day off, your first day back to work is considered a Holiday Day. You will be paid eight(8) hours at 1.5 times your normal rate of pay and four(4) hours at straight time for a total of twelve(12) hours. You will have eight(8) hours remaining towards your alternate day off so you will have to use four(4) hours of compensation time, P.T. compensation time or vacation time towards this day. If at all possible you will be paid back the alternate day off. If this day can not be paid back then you will receive eight(8) hours at 2.5 times your normal rate of pay and four(4) hours at straight time. If you are schedule to work on a Holiday Day and you are able to receive the holiday off you will receive twelve(12) hours at straight time with no overtime or other compensation. ;4ndersnd agree to the a ve. Date; r Z�- �V_ REPORTER ' 202 E. 2nd Avenue, Owasso, Okla. 74055 l Phone 272 -1155 July 7, 1994 ' Dear Chamber of Commerce Member: Thank you for your support of your hometown newspaper, the Owasso Reporter, and particularly for your advertising in the Owasso Reporter's Newcomers Guide and Chamber Directory which has been published for several years. We feel that it is unfortunate that the Chamber of Commerce has chosen to compete with the local newspaper in using an out -of -town printer to sell advertising in another publication similar to the one the Owasso Reporter has published. It is definitely competition and detrimental to the progress of the local newspaper and we are sure that you would not enjoy the chamber directly competing with you by inviting an out -of -town firm to come into Owasso under the chamber's sponsorship to sell against you by offering your products and services. Our position is that the chamber should review their operational budget concern- ing the expenses they have. If they would control their expenses more prudently there would be no need to compete with a local business to enable them to pay their necessary financial obligations. The chamber spending over $35,000 every year on salaries seems impractical to us. Economic development to assist local businesses should be one of their primary goals, not projects that are just the opposite of this. Administrative costs of the chamber eat up all their dues income and the chamber invests nothing into economic development. We think it's impractical to send 70% of $20,000 anticipated revenue out of town on another Newcomers Guide - Chamber Directory when the Owasso Reporter already provides a very complete and attractive directory about our community. The chamber leadership simply has not been willing to understand the divisive nature of their eagerness to make a buck. The chamber did ask your hometown news- paper to bid for selling and printing a guide for them. We did not bid. We felt it unnecessary to have duplicate directories in Owasso and most of all we would ft be bidding against our own newspaper to participate in a project of this nature. Also, your Owasso Reporter mailed and distributed over 5,000 copies of the recently printed Newcomers Guide and Chamber Directory directly to local resi- dents, leaving 1500 copies for distribution to the chamber of commerce, banks, city hall, Owasso Reporter and many other locations. The chamber of commerce guide has never been mailed and does not get proper distribution in Owasso's trade area. Again, we certainly appreciate your support of your hometown newspaper, the Owasso Reporter. All profits that we have on the newspaper and the guides we produce are used to further improve your local newspaper and to support our city, schools, businesses, churches and organizations including the chamber of commerce. We simply do not need another chamber directory or newcomers guide. Yours truly, —4,u �, 4&1e_VP Bill Retherford Publisher s ■ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF TULSA COUNTY T, STATE OF OKLAHOMA W RESOLUTION #94 -005 WHEREAS, 69 O.S. 1991, Section 601, provides that the board of county commissioners of the various counties of the state of Oklahoma shall have exclusive jurisdiction over the designation, construction and maintenance and repair of all of the county highways and bridges therein; and WHEREAS, approximately nine miles of North Yale Avenue from 56th Street North to 145th Street North are included in Tulsa County's designated highway system; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Board of County Commissioners of Tulsa County to change the name of approximately two miles of North Yale Avenue, specifically that portion which lies between 66th Street North and 86th Street North. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of County Commissioners of Tulsa County does hereby designate that portion of North Yale Avenue between 66th Street North and 86th Street North as "Whirlpool Drive" effective immediately. ADOPTED this 5th day of July, 1994. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA ATTEST: i ewi.is; Ch &irman 1 v an Hast gs, ount� erk Jo elph, Mel, er APPROVED AS TO FORM: / Robert N. Dick, Member ' Assistant District orney ' o r MEMORANDUM TO: Rodney J. Ray City Manager FROM: F. Robert Carr Public Works Director�� SUBJECT: CITY OF TULSA 24-INCH WATER LINE BREAK DATE: July 12, 1994 ' The City of Owasso purchases water from the City of Tulsa through 16 -inch and 12 -inch meter installations. The 16 -inch meter is located at 76th Street North and Mingo Road and provides ' the largest volume of water and is supplied from two 24 -inch lines in the Tulsa water distribution system. At approximately 4:00pm on Wednesday, July 6th, one of the 24 -inch water lines from the City of Tulsa broke. The broken water line parallels Mingo Road ending at 76th Street North. Another 24 -inch water line parallels 76th Street North from the Cherokee Industrial Park area to the Owasso meter. The Tulsa repair crew was able to identify the location of the problem and shut the water off ' between 56th Street North and 66th Street North. They began to fix the pipe the evening of July 6th. ' Ronnie Flick in Water distribution was made aware of the break when it was noticed that the water tank level was falling (see the attached water level chart). He contacted Tulsa and was informed that the 24 -inch water line had been closed that feeds our meter from the south. The Tulsa field representative believed that they would not be conducting any repairs until the following day. ' I was made aware of the situation late that night. Due to high water usage, the tank level had dropped about 50 percent and we expected to get to more critically low levels prior to the normal high morning demand. Therefore, I called the City of Tulsa Water Distribution Manager ' (Darrell Ferguson) to discuss the situation and express our concerns about getting the line repaired as quickly as possible. ell 17 Mr. Ferguson was relatively sure that we should be getting sufficient water through the other 0 24 -inch line along 76th Street North. Ronnie Flick continued to check the 16 -inch meter, 1 however, and noted that there was no flow being recorded. He and the Tulsa field representative checked valves in the system in an attempt to locate a restriction that was keeping water from passing through the meter. No closed valves were found. The next morning (Thursday, July 7th), Mr. Ferguson called to inform me that the repair crew did not believe that anyone was affected by the break; therefore, due to standard procedure of not keeping personnel overtime unless a major problem existed, they were sent home at 1:OOam. He was apologetic of the lack of action. He stated that they understood the potential severity of the situation and would work continuously toward solving the problem. Tulsa theorized that the lack of water pressure during the line break may have shut the check valve in the meter installation and that the valve had frozen closed. They sent out a meter repair team to evaluate this situation. After a few hours of work and investigation, the condition still existed and other causes to the problem were investigated. As a result of the investigation, it was determined that approximately three miles of 12 -inch water line actually feeds the 24 -inch line on 76th Street North. This section of 12 -inch line apparently creates enough restriction in the flow to keep the check valve in the meter installation from opening. The pressure on the Owasso side of the meter is higher than the Tulsa side of the meter and no flow can pass through the installation. Tulsa crews had to weld a repair section on the existing 24 -inch pipe on Mingo Road. A storm early in the morning on Friday, July 8th slowed down progress. The line was opened on Friday evening at approximately 8:30pm. Almost immediately, the water level in the tank began to rise. The tank was full within 6 hours. Some additional shut -down events of the 24 -inch line were required following the initial repair. These incidents were a result of small leaks in the pipe at the break site, which needed more welding. The additional events were coordinated with us by the City of Tulsa to occur at low demand periods. Shut -downs occurred over the following periods: Saturday, July 9th (8:OOpm) to Sunday, July 10th (12:OOnoon) Monday, July 11th (8:OOpm) to Tuesday, July 12th (4:OOpm) The City of Tulsa plans to totally replace the broken section of pipe sometime in the Fall 1994. The replacement will be made after a new 24 -inch line construction is completed to bypass the three miles of 12 -inch line that presently supplies the line on 76th Street North. This new construction should provide pressures and volume of water similar to the supply from the 24- inch line on Mingo Road. m m m r r m l C17i of OLOA5Sa 1078 LA57 NuuOER USED; MIGRANT: I} DELETED NU ERS: VALVE: HYDRANT: PROJECT NOS 1079 LDCATION: Of SCRIP7.ON: 1080 76 m s7 N 76TH STN + v 2 Z v � o 951 � 953 2 v 2 v � � 2 i + 71sr ST N — — _ _ _ — — 71ST STN + e3z N 1/2 SEC 36 T 21 N - R 13 E 0 200 40o 600 11-100 P "3 UPDATED: 03 -29 -89 CITY OF TULSA (� 5 2 a34 300 soo BY: Z.S.D. WATER ATLAS J W ME &FAK a SRS OAKS ' k { e 6 P.M. 9 MID , A M. `y ON AM— BOX go so v_CV 5 0N.— v b / moo° aCy c dd"tiU • °1 t 1 1 MEMoRnivnuM I TO: MR. STEVE COMPTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: PLANNING COMMISSION AND BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ACTIVITIES 1 DATE: July 13, 1994 im PLANNING COMMISSION W The Planning Commission held its regularly scheduled meeting on July 12th at 7:00 PM at the Owasso Community Center. The following items were reviewed at that meeting: National Steak & Poultry - The Planning Commission unanimously approved a lot split creating the site on which the NSP facility will be built. It also creates the needed right - of -way for the extension of 5th Avenue from South Main to the Service Road. In a ' related item, the Planning Commission also unanimously approved the site plan for NSP. Annexation Request - Two requests for annexation from Mr. & Mrs. Hayward Smith ' were also unanimously approved by the Planning Commission. A 1.66 acre tract located north of the Owasso Fire Station and a 8.86 acre tract located directly north of Owasso Wal -mart are both being forwarded to the City Council for approval on July 19th. Final Plat - Bailey Ranch Estates - The final plat for Bailey Ranch Estates was also approved by the Planning Commission. Bailey Ranch Estates is generally located 1/4 mile north of E. 96th Street North, east of Garnett Road. The first phase of Bailey Ranch Estates contains 118 lots on a 40.64 acre area. Right -of -Way Closing - The Planning Commission recommended approval of a right -of- way closing between Fairview Cemetery and Elm Creek Estates First Addition. This item is viewed as a house cleaning item and will be reviewed by City Council on July ' 19th. p, Possible items on the August Planning Commission agenda include a preliminary plat for Camden Park II and Central Park II, a lot split request in the German Corner's area, and an additional annexation request for the southwest corner of E. 96th Street and Garnett Road. 17 0 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Adjustment is to be held on Tuesday, July 26th at 7:00 PM at the Owasso Community Center. At that time, the Board will review the following items: OBOA -94-08 - A request for a Special Exception from Mr. Charles Helscel for a temporary real estate and construction office to be located on Lot 3, Block 4 of the Nottingham Estates addition. Mr. Helscel had a similar request reviewed by the Board of Adjustment last month but has since changed the location of the proposed office, thus requiring an additional public hearing. OBOA -94 -07 - A request from James and Cindy Head for a Variance of the screening requirements of an IL (Industrial Light Intensity) district located in Three lakes Industrial Park II. IN If you or any Councilmembers have any questions about any of these items, please do not hesitate to contact me at 272 -2251. Thank you. I 1 ' CITY OF OWASSO APPLICATION FOR OCCUPANCY AND ZONING CLEARANCE NAME ADDRESS Stewart Food Corp. 11237 E. 114th St. N. PHONE [ l OWNER 371 -0828 = OCCUPANT `I !ROPOSED USE Food Packaging PROPOSED OPENING DATE 8 -15 -94 IS THIS PROPOSED USE TEMPORARY? [ ] YES [ ] NO IF TEMPORARY, SHOW TERMINATION DATE FOR PERMITTED OCCUPANCY WILL CONSTRUCTION, REMODEL OR REPAIR BE DONE? IF YES, DESCRIBE: ALARM SYSTEM [ ] YES [ ] NO IIIS CITY /COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT PERMIT OR LICENSE REQUIRED? IS A STATE PERMIT OR LICENSE REQUIRED? [ ] YES [ ] NO [ ] YES [ ] NO IF YES, ATTACH A COPY OF THE LICENSE OR PERMIT IF YES, ATTACH A COPY OF THE LICENSE OR PERMIT IFor City Use Only EXPLAIN LIMITATIONS: LIMITATIONS IMPOSED ON PROPOSED USE? [ ] YES [ ] NO I OCCUPANCY LOAD PERMIT VALID TO (DATE) DATE II [ 1 APPROVED FOR OCCUPANCY SIGNATURE BUILDING INSPECTOR [ ] REJECTED & TITLE DATE [ ] APPROVED FOR OCCUPANCY II SIGNATURE FIRE DEPARTMENT [ l REJECTED & TITLE DATE MY PLANNER (] APPROVED FOR OCCUPANCY SIGNATURE II [ ] REJEC'T'ED & TITLE DATE OTHER DEPARTMENT(S) [ ] APPROVED FOR OCCUPANCY SIGNATURE IIIF APPLICABLE [ ] REJECTED & TITLE i OU MUST CONTACT THE BUILDING INSPECTOR, FIRE CHIEF, AND PLANNER FOR INSPECTIONS 3UILDING INSPECTOR - 272 -2251 INITIAL INSPECTION DATE/TIME =Y PLANNER - 272 -2251 INITIAL INSPECTION DATE/TIME FIRE CHIEF - 272 -5253 INITIAL INSPECTION DATEJTIM[E F * *NO BUSINESS MAY BE OPENED UNTIL THE BUILDING INSPECTOR, FIRE CHIEF, AND CM PLANNER HAVE SIGNED THIS OCCUPANCY PERMIT AND RETURNED A SIGNED COPY TO THI APPLICANT. n APPLICATION TAKEN BY: APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE: (!! j/ DATE: DATE: ` CITY OF OWASSO APPLICATION FOR OCCUPANCY AND ZONING CLEARANCE AR ANCE NAME ADDRESS A Place For Me 19 S. Main PHONE []OWNER 371 -5595 - Angela Dale 1 OCCUPANT PROPOSED USE Child Development Center PROPOSED OPENING DATE 8 -1 -94 IS THIS PROPOSED USE TEMPORARY? [I YES [ ] NO IF TEMPORARY, SHOW TERMINATION DATE FOR PERMITTED OCCUPANCY WILL CONSTRUCTION, REMODEL OR REPAIR BE DONE? IF YES, DESCRIBE: ALARM SYSTEM [ ] YES [ ] NO IS CITY /COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT PERMIT OR LICENSE REQUIRED? IS A STATE PERMIT OR LICENSE REQUIRED? [ ] YES [ ] NO [ ] YES [ ] NO IF YES, ATTACH A COPY OF THE LICENSE OR PERMIT IF YES, ATTACH A COPY OF THE LICENSE OR PERMIT LDMATIONS IMPOSED ON PROPOSED USE? [ ] YES [ ] NO OCCUPANCY LOAD For City Us-, Wy EXPLAIN LIMITATIONS: PERMIT VALID TO (DATE) CITY PLANNER []APPROVED FOR OCCUPANCY [ ] REJECTED OTHER DEPARTMENT(S) [ ] APPROVED FOR OCCUPANCY IF APPLICABLE [ ] REJECTED SIGNATURE & TITLE SIGNATURE I DATE & TITLE YOU MUST CONTACT THE BUILDING INSPECTOR, FIRE CHIEF, AND PLANNER FOR INSPECTION,- BUILDING INSPECTOR - 272 -2251 INITIAL INSPECTION DATFJTIME CITY PLANNER - 272 -2251 INITIAL INSPECTION DATE/TIME FIRE CHIEF - 272 -5253 INITIAL INSPECTION DATE/TIME * * *NO BUSINESS MAY BE OPENED UNTIL THE BUILDING INSPECTOR, FIRE CLEF, AND CITE PLANNER HAVE SIGNED THIS OCCUPANCY PERMIT AND RETURNED A SIGNED COPY TO THI A PPT TC A NT APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE: DATE [ ] APPROVED FOR OCCUPANCY SIGNATURE . BUILDING INSPECTOR [ ] REJECTED & TITLE DATE [ l APPROVED FOR OCCUPANCY SIGNATURE FIRE DEPARTMENT [ ] REJECTED & TITLE DATE CITY PLANNER []APPROVED FOR OCCUPANCY [ ] REJECTED OTHER DEPARTMENT(S) [ ] APPROVED FOR OCCUPANCY IF APPLICABLE [ ] REJECTED SIGNATURE & TITLE SIGNATURE I DATE & TITLE YOU MUST CONTACT THE BUILDING INSPECTOR, FIRE CHIEF, AND PLANNER FOR INSPECTION,- BUILDING INSPECTOR - 272 -2251 INITIAL INSPECTION DATFJTIME CITY PLANNER - 272 -2251 INITIAL INSPECTION DATE/TIME FIRE CHIEF - 272 -5253 INITIAL INSPECTION DATE/TIME * * *NO BUSINESS MAY BE OPENED UNTIL THE BUILDING INSPECTOR, FIRE CLEF, AND CITE PLANNER HAVE SIGNED THIS OCCUPANCY PERMIT AND RETURNED A SIGNED COPY TO THI A PPT TC A NT APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE: MEMORANDUM TO: Rodney J. Ray City Manager FROM: F. Robert Carr Public Works Directo�j "� . tSUBJECT: TULSA COUNTY SCHEDULE FOR 96TH STREET NORTH AND GARNETT ROAD INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS r DATE: July 14, 1994 I had a telephone conversation yesterday with Ray Jordan (Tulsa County Engineer) concerning ' the schedule we could anticipate for the 96th and Garnett intersection improvements. Ray indicated that he has completed the paving design, but still needs to finalize the drainage design. He also indicated that they have a very heavy workload of projects to get constructed right now. As a result of these conditions, Mr. Jordan could not, and would not, give me a date as to when we could expect them to actually start work at 96th and Garnett. am IN It does not appear likely that the intersection will be completed prior to the start of the 94 -95 school year. 0 r r r W 918 -582 -7447 UPTESZUNDERWOOD 5185820166 RONALD D. CATES Attorncy at Law Suito 680, ParkCcntrt 525 South Main Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103 July 12, 1994 Ms Sidney Perciful Commissioner Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service 1700 Asp Avenue Norman, Oklahoma 73037 P.03 FAX 918 - 582 -0166 In Re: City of Owasso, Oklahoma - Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #149, Collective Bargaining Fiscal Year 94/95 Dear Ms. Perciful: I am corresponding for purposes of advising that the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and the Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge Number 149, have reached impasse in their collective bargaining negotiations for fiscal year 94/95. In accordance with the ground rules executed by the parties, prior to arbitration, this matter is to be submitted to mediation. Accordingly, the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and the Lodge request your services as a mediator in hopes that we may resolve the issues existing between the parties. As is evidenced by the signature of the principal negotiator of the Lodge, Mr. Jim Dobrinski, the Lodge likewise requests your assistance in this regard. I may be contacted at the address and phone number indicated above. Mr. Dobrinssi may be contacted at telephone number 272 -7740 or care of the Owasso Police Department. Thank you in advance for your attention. AGREED: Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge #149 Jim Dobrinski., Principal Negotiator RDC /nhc xc: Rodney Ray Regina Rogers Sincerely, Ronald D. Cates City Attorney 0