HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994.06.07_City Council AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: June 7, 1994 TIME: 7:00 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, June 3, 1994. -MAAA1 . A) 0, -A Marcia outwell, Counct Clerk AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Invocation 3. Flag Salute 4. Roll Call 5. Request Approval of the Minutes of May 17, 1994 Regular Meeting and June 1, 1994 Special Meeting. Attachment #5 Owasso City Council June 7, 1994 Page 2 6. Request Approval of Claims. Attachment #6 7. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to an Appeal of a Citation Issued by the Code Enforcement Officer. Mr Hughes Attachment #7 Mr Hughes has been cited for maintaining four inoperable vehicles on his residential property and has appealed those citations to the City Council. Mr Hughes will address the Council and present information relating to the situation. Staff will be available to present information relating to the case and will recommend Council denial of the appeal. 8. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Resolution #94 -08, a Resolution Authorizing and Approving Owasso's Participation in a Metropolitan Tulsa HOME Consortium. Mr Rich Brierre, INCOG Deputy Director Vice Mayor Burris Attachment #8 Mr Brierre and Vice Mayor Burris will present to the Council information relating to the purpose and concept of a proposed consortium comprised of cities and counties in the Tulsa metropolitan area. The staff will recommend Council adoption of the resolution and that the mayor be authorized to execute the necessary documents. Owasso City Council t June 7, 1994 Page 3 r o / Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for the Purchase of Supplies to be Used in the DARE Program. Chief Alexander Attachment #9 Staff will recommend Council approval of an expenditure in the amount of $2171.00 for ' supplies to be used in the DARE program. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Expenditure of Funds for the Repair of Street Department Equipment, and Approval of a "Sole Source" Determination Regarding that Expenditure. Mr Carr Attachment #10 Staff will recommend the expenditure of $2988.39.46 through the utilization of a sole source quotation to Keystone Equipment Co, Sand Springs, OK, for the repair of a 1984 John Deere backhoe utilized by the street department. 12-'1 Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request to Award a Bid for the g � Construction of Improvements at 76th St North and Main. ' Mr Munn Attachment #11 SStaff will recommend Council approval of contracts with APAC - Oklahoma, Tulsa, OK in the amount of $97,127.50, and with Empire Construction, Jenks, OK in the amount of $39,600.00 for the construction of improvements at 76th St N and Main. II 11 Owasso City Council June 7, 1994 Page 4 31 Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of a Final Plat for Double Oaks Extended, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Located in Section 29, Township 21 North, Range 14 East, Containing 95 Lots on a 29.32 Acre Area. Mr Rooney Attachment #12 Staff will recommend approval of the Double Oaks Extended plat. jq 4.5. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of a Final Plat for Central Park, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Located in the East Half of Section 20, Township 21 North, Range 14 East, Containing 44 Lots on a 15.86 Acre Area. Mr Rooney Attachment #13 Staff will recommend approval of the Central Park plat. tSJ,4: Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of a Final Plat for Nottingham Estates, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Located in the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 31, Township 21 North, Range 14 East, Containing 46 Lots on a 26.49 Acre Area. Mr Rooney Attachment #14 Staff will recommend approval of the Nottingham Estates plat. Owasso City Council ' June 7, 1994 Page 5 Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Ordinance #483, an Ordinance Rezoning ' a Tract of Property Located in the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 31, Township 21 North, Range 14 East, from RM -1 (Residential Multi - Family Low ' Density) and AG (Agricultural) to IL (Industrial Light). Mr Rooney Attachment #15 Staff will recommend Council approval of Ordinance #483. 17-4-& Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Resolution #94 -07, a Resolution Declaring Support for the Proposed County -Wide Sales Tax Levy of One -Half Percent (1/2 %) for Approximately One (1) Year for the Purpose of Providing Financial Assistance to the Whirlpool Corporation. Mr Ray Attachment #16 ' Staff will recommend Council adoption of Resolution #94 -07. 94-r Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request to Award a Bid for the Purchase of Gasoline and Diesel Fuel. Mr Ray Ms Boutwell Attachment #17 Staff will recommend approval of a contract with GO! Systems to provide gasoline and diesel fuel through June 30, 1995 at a bid margin of .07C per gallon, and that the Mayor be authorized to execute the necessary document. Owasso City Council June 7, 1994 Page 6 Iq If Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for the Payment and Transfer of Grant Funds to the Owasso Public Golf Authority. Mr Ray Attachment #18 Staff will recommend Council approval of the payment and transfer of $27,818.73 to the OPGA; such funds received by the City from the Oklahoma Department of Transportation in the form of economic development assistance for the purpose of reimbursing road construction costs incurred by the Authority. �.0� Discussion and Appropriate Action Relating to Labor Contract Negotiations Between the City of Owasso and FOP Lodge #149. FOP Representative This item is listed on the agenda at the request of Vice Mayor Burris. �Ll 26 Report from City Manager , W. Report from City Attorney Owasso City Council June 7, 1994 Page 7 Unfinished Business 2.q 2r3' New Business 0 24' Adjournment ' OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING ' Tuesday, May 17, 1994 ' The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, May 17, 1994 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda ' posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, May 13, 1994. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Duke called the meeting to order at 7:57 p.m. ITEM 2: FLAG SALUTE The flag salute was held during the OPWA meeting preceding this meeting. ITEM 3: ROLL CALL PRESENT Jerry Duke, Mayor Charles Burris, Vice Mayor Mary Lou Barnhouse, Councilor Joe Ramey, Councilor Danny Ewing, Councilor STAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, Council Clerk ABSENT A quorum was declared present. ITEM 4: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF MAY 3 ,1994 REGULAR MEETING AND MAY 9, 1994 SPECIAL MEETING. Joe Ramey moved, seconded by Charles Burris, to approve the minutes, by reference made a part hereto. AYE: Ramey, Burris, Barnhouse, Ewing, Duke NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. Owasso City Council May 17, 1994 ITEM 5: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE CLAIMS Following questions by Councilors, Charles Burris moved, seconded by Mary Lou Barnhouse, that the following claims be approved: (1) General Fund $29,749.57 (2) Workers Comp Self - Insurance $1,556.66; (3) Ambulance Service Fund $1,461.07; (4) Community Center $879.50; (5) Capital Improvements $1,328.13; (6) Revenue Bond Project Fund $73,714.60; (7) Interfund Transfers $3,146.36; (8) City Garage $6,673.38; (9) General Fund Payroll $94,614.52; (10) City Garage Payroll $2,286.86. AYE: Burris, Barnhouse, Ewing, Ramey, Duke NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 6: READING OF MAYOR'S PROCLAMATION Mayor Duke invited Chief Alexander to join him at the front of the room. The Mayor read a proclamation proclaiming the week of May 23 -30 as "Buckle Up America! Week ". ITEM 7: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND RIVER CITY AMBULANCE SERVICE. Chief Allen said that the city had entered into a referral agreement with River City Ambulance Service on April 1, 1993 to provide non - emergency transport for the citizens of Owasso. This was done to free our ambulances for emergency response. The agreement expires on June 30, 1994 and the request is for a one -year agreement, expiring on June 30, 1995. Danny Ewing moved to approve the referral agreement with River City Ambulance to provide non - emergency transport. Motion seconded by Mary Lou Barnhouse. AYE: Ewing, Barnhouse, Ramey, Burris, Duke NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. 2 Owasso City Council May 17, 1994 ITEM 8: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO OZ -9403, A REQUEST TO REZONE A TRACT OF LAND IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, FROM AG (AGRICULTURE) AND RM -1 (RESIDENTIAL MULTI - FAMILY LOW DENSITY) DISTRICTS TO IL (INDUSTRIAL LIGHT), GENERALLY LOCATED DIRECTLY SOUTH OF CEDERCREST APARTMENTS. Mr Rooney explained that the request is to rezone the 16.56 acre tract located south of Cedarcrest Apartments and east of the Max Buchanan Company, for the purpose of expanding the industrial area, more specifically for use by National Steak and Poultry. The Planning Commission reviewed the request at their May 10 meeting, and voted 4 -1 for approval. Danny Ewing moved to approve the zoning request from AG and RM -1 to IL. Motion seconded by Joe Ramey. AYE: Ewing, Ramey, Barnhouse, Burris, Duke NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 9: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO RESOLUTION #94 -06. A RESOLUTION PROCLAIMING APRIL OF EACH YEAR AS "FAIR HOUSING MONTH", AND IDENTIFYING ACTIVITIES TO FURTHER FAIR HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES WITHIN THE CITY OF OWASSO. Mr Compton presented this item. Any community development block grant money received by the city carries with it stipulations relating to fair housing. At this time, two affirmative actions need to be taken. One of the actions is the design and distribution of a fair housing brochure. The other is adoption of a resolution proclaiming April of each year as Fair Housing Month in the City of Owasso. Charles Burris moved, seconded by Joe Ramey, to approve Resolution #94- 06, proclaiming April of each year as Fair Housing Month in Owasso. AYE: Burris, Ramey, Barnhouse, Ewing, Duke NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. Owasso City Council May 17, 1994 ITEM 10: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A CONTRACT FOR SERVICES BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND THE TULSA METROPOLITAN YMCA. Mr Compton explained that the operation of the swimming pool had been privatized for the 1993 season, by a contractual agreement between the YMCA Board and the Owasso City Council. The YMCA managed the pool, hired their own employees, and received the net cash receipts derived from the operation. The City of Owasso provided supplies, equipment maintenance, and capital outlay expenditures. Councilor Barnhouse out at 8:35; in a 8:38. Councilor Ewing out at 8:39. Mr Compton said that the operation of the pool by the YMCA last summer provided better and more efficient service than the city was able to provide, and he requested that a contract be approved with them for the 1994 season. Mayor Duke moved, seconded by Charles Burris, to approve the management contract with the YMCA to manage the Owasso swimming pool for the 1994 season and to authorize the mayor to execute the contract. AYE: Duke, Burris, Barnhouse, Ramey NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0. ITEM 11: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE PURCHASE OF A UTILITY VEHICLE FOR USE BY THE ANIMAL CONTROL DEPARTMENT Ewing in a 8:42 p.m. The animal control division of the Owasso Police Department operated a 1983 Ford pickup acquired in a drug seizure forfeiture in 1989. Last winter the vehicle developed major mechanical problems and was removed from service. The animal control officer has been using a vehicle for several months belonging to the public works department. Chief Alexander said that, although the purchase of a new vehicle was budgeted for purchase during FY93 -94, the purchase was delayed until it was determined if there would be sufficient funds remaining in the budget for the item. State bids were obtained from the Oklahoma Department of Central Services, Central Purchasing Division. One bid was for a full size Chevrolet at $11,184; the other was for a Chevy 5 -10 mid -size vehicle at a purchase price of $9,668. Staff recommendation was for the purchase of the full size vehicle, which would allow more space for transporting animals and for carrying the necessary equipment for animal control. 4 . ii I Owasso City Council May 17, 1994 Danny Ewing moved to approve the purchase of a 1994 Chevrolet C1500 full size vehicle from Boyd's Chevrolet at a purchase price of $11,184. Motion seconded by Mary Lou Barnhouse. AYE: Ewing, Barnhouse, Ramey, Burris, Duke NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 12: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A QUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF ANNUAL OKLAHOMA MUNICIPAL ASSURANCE GROUP (OMAG) BALLOT AND AUTHORIZATION FOR THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SUCH BALLOT. The Oklahoma Municipal Assurance Group is governed by a board of trustees elected by the member cities. Trustees must be elected from the officers and staff of the member cities. There are seven trustees serving three -year staggered terms. Two trustees need to be elected for terms ending on June 30, 1997. After reviewing the biographical sketches of the four nominees, as well as making other inquiries pertaining to settlement philosophy and other pertinent matters, staff recommend that ballots be cast for Mayor G L Hollingsworth of Perry and Richard Gertson of Bethany. Danny Ewing moved, seconded by Charles Burris, to execute the official ballot on behalf of the city and cast the city's two votes for the above named persons. AYE: Ewing, Burris, Barnhouse, Ramey, Duke NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 13: DISCUSSION. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING ' TO SELECTION AND APPOINTMENTS OF COUNCIL MEMBERS TO VACANCIES ON VARIOUS BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES. As a result of recent Council elections, vacancies were created on three boards or committees, and are reserved for members of the City Council. ' Mayor Duke requested confirmation of the following appointments: ' 1. Owasso Economic Development Authority - Charles Burris 2. Capital Improvements Committee - Danny Ewing 3. Legislative Consortium - Mayor Duke 11 5 11 Owasso City Council May 17, 1994 Joe Ramey moved, seconded by Charles Burris, to confirm the above appointments. AYE: Ramey, Burris, Barnhouse, Ewing, Duke NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 14: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR AN EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING PERSONNEL MATTERS RELATED TO THE OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER, SUCH SESSION PURSUANT TO OS 25, SECTION 302 SUBSECTION (B W. Charles Burris moved, seconded by Joe Ramey to go into executive session for the purpose of discussing personnel matters related to the office of City Manager. AYE: Burris, Ramey, Barnhouse, Ewing, Duke NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. Into executive session at 8:37 p.m. Reconvened regular session at 10:04 p.m. ITEM 15: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER No Report. ITEM 16: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY Mr Cates reported on the status of Collins vs. City of Owasso. He said that a settlement conference was held and the officer involved and the City were exonerated by the U.S. District Court. ITEM 17: UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. ITEM 18: NEW BUSINESS Mayor Duke thanked the staff for their work in preparation for the swearing in of the new Councilors, and for their work on the NSP relocation. R Owasso City Council ITEM 19: ADJOURNMENT Joe Ramey moved, seconded by Mary Lou Barnhouse to adjourn. AYE: Ramey, Barnhouse, Ewing, Burris, Duke NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 10:05 p.m. Marcia Boutwell, Council Clerk 7 Jerry Duke, Mayor May 17, 1994 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Wednesday, June 1, 1994 The Owasso City Council met on Wednesday, June 1, 1994 as part of the monthly Chamber of Commerce luncheon. Present were Mayor Duke, Vice -Mayor Burris, and Councilor Ewing. No city business was conducted. Jerry Duke, Mayor Marcia Boutwell, Council Clerk CITY OF ONA5SO GENERAL FUND 6/O2/94 l6:50:17 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR � rL"-2SCRIP7IO0 AMOUNT / ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ----- -------- - MANAGERIAL .°�---------- m� FINANCE 'm� ------------------------------ 940117 CPS BUSINESS), INC. LICENSE FEES 942465 CPS BUSINESS, INC, A 110VA T MAIN7 942479 ��SASVRSR PG�7� C�S8 R�IMB P�T7� C�S8 COMMUNITY ---------- 94?288 94241O 9*2478 N� 9424Rg 942524 DEPARTMENT TOTAL wm IGVEIIBzMG07 ------------------ AMERICAN PLANNERS CI?'l GARAGE TREASURER PETTY C ALL COPIT SUPPLIES SDV?BmSSTSR0 BELL DEPARTMENT TOTAL _ ASSOCTA DUES FUEL k5R REIMB PETTY CA.S8 TONER TEL2. 4/94 FLEXAF `�==> MUNICIPAL COURT it ------------------------------ 942478 TREASURER PETTY CASH 942524 SOUT8WESTSR.11 BELL 7El 2, DEPARTMENT TOTAL ENGINEERING N� ------------------------------ 942196 ELSE-?ER BSIMB PETTY CIAS8 4/94 PLSXAR SUPP�I�S 61,60 67.17 20.00 53.61 116.15 193.76 54,25 206,28 772.82 217.O0 1,1B8,O0 13.44 ----------- 1,418.44 -7 00 1O7.73 3R.O0 45.O0 25.32 ----------- 345.05 ,13 46.74 ----------- 46,87 2O4.81 4 942410 CITY GARAGE FUEL 942440 CITY GARAGE PAP75 942445 COUNTRYSIDE FLOWE P S & GIF PL OW E PS/PSCEPTID� 942447 REA5ORS PRICE RITE PHOTO PROCESSING 942478 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB/EXPS0SES 942511 RELIT &BLG TIRE AND AUTO REPAIRS 942524 5OV7HNSS7ER0 BELL 7S�E, 4/94 PLEXAP 942542 RODNEY RAly 5/94 EXPENSES � _ DEPAR?IEN? ?O7A T m� FINANCE 'm� ------------------------------ 940117 CPS BUSINESS), INC. LICENSE FEES 942465 CPS BUSINESS, INC, A 110VA T MAIN7 942479 ��SASVRSR PG�7� C�S8 R�IMB P�T7� C�S8 COMMUNITY ---------- 94?288 94241O 9*2478 N� 9424Rg 942524 DEPARTMENT TOTAL wm IGVEIIBzMG07 ------------------ AMERICAN PLANNERS CI?'l GARAGE TREASURER PETTY C ALL COPIT SUPPLIES SDV?BmSSTSR0 BELL DEPARTMENT TOTAL _ ASSOCTA DUES FUEL k5R REIMB PETTY CA.S8 TONER TEL2. 4/94 FLEXAF `�==> MUNICIPAL COURT it ------------------------------ 942478 TREASURER PETTY CASH 942524 SOUT8WESTSR.11 BELL 7El 2, DEPARTMENT TOTAL ENGINEERING N� ------------------------------ 942196 ELSE-?ER BSIMB PETTY CIAS8 4/94 PLSXAR SUPP�I�S 61,60 67.17 20.00 53.61 116.15 193.76 54,25 206,28 772.82 217.O0 1,1B8,O0 13.44 ----------- 1,418.44 -7 00 1O7.73 3R.O0 45.O0 25.32 ----------- 345.05 ,13 46.74 ----------- 46,87 2O4.81 4 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND 6/02/94 16:50:17 A/P CLAIMS REPORT A P A PIP PAGE: PO # ---------- VENDOR ------------------------- MIRSX CORP DESCRIPTION ------------------------- AMOUNT ------------- 942410 CITY GARAGE FVEL DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> OS0ERAL GOVERNMENT -------------------------- 9400�759 DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS DOC EMPLOYEES 940090 NSM8SR SERVICE LIFE PRE TAX ADM FEES 942058 RS?8SRFORD PUBLIC' 7IOQS LEGAL 0O7ICES 942403 MIRSX CORP COPIER DVERAGS 942407 8ROAD17AS? NEWS OF 5/94 Ili 2WS 0 ERNIG8T 942408 S�B�RB�� OF�IC� S�PP�� S����IES 942410 CITY GARAGE FUEL 942440 CITY GARAGE PA �7S 942446 GkRRS77 SIGNS LETTER NG 942455 O0&S5O GLASS REPLACE WINDOW 94?457 J.P. ROS&N INSURANCE NOTARY RS8EonAL 942467 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN SUPPLIES 942478 TREASURER PETTY CASH RSINB PE77Y CASH 942479 TREASURER PETTY CASH D C ME A LS 942493 PAL&CS OFFICE SVPPT Y SUPPLIES 942521 SOUTHWESTERN BELL ?ELE. 4/94 NO0 PLSXAR 942522 OKLA NATURAL SAS 4/94 USAGE 942523 PSO 4/94 USAGE 942524 SOUTHWESTERN 8E LL ?SLS, 4/94 PLGX&R DEPARTMENT TOTAL MAINTENANCE -------------------------- 942192 CIN7AS CORP. 942406 TREASURER PETTY CASH 942433 CI0TAS CORP. 942443 N A L -Ml AR7 942444 CLEAN CRAFT COMPANY 942466 7AYLOE PAPER CO 94 2478 TPEASVPER PETTY CASH DEPARTMENT 7O?�� =��=> CEMETERY ------------------------------ UNIFORM RENT/CLEAN. SUPPLIES D8IFOP# REB7/CT-SAN SUPPLIES CLEAN CARPETS SUPPLIES REIMB PETTY CASH 37.59 __________ 242.40 194,7O 3O0.O0 1.91.90 165.14 35.80 19,4O 7.65 89,89 75,O0 32,85 3O.00 195.17 47.95 231.O9 73.24 47.33 64.77 312,66 49O.62 2,6O4.3� 28,40 56,56 7.10 35,82 17O.O0 92,O6 25.44 416.18 CI7� OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND 6/02/94 16:50;17 A/P CLAIMS REPORT ApllPvR PAGE: 6 PO # ---------- VENDOR ------------------------- DESCRIPTIOU ------------------------- AMOUNT ------------- 942321 KIMBA�� ACS HARDWARE SVPF1 ISS 19.99 942410 CITY GARAGE FUEL 32.98 942523 P5 4/94 USAGE 27.15 ------------- N� DSP&R?MS07 TOTAL 94.58 N� N� POLICE SERVTCSS ------------------------------ 940031 L,G'T'�' TELEVT5ED 7B&I0I�G HID. 00 942297 JPMA PUBLICATIONS 108.O0 942405 WAL-MAR? SU�P TIGS 9O.65 942410 CITY GARAGE FUEL. 1,307,95 942429 TREASURER PETTY CASH 7R*I�IN8 99,26 94-440 CI7Y S&RAGS PARTS 450.43 942456 JANG V&NSTCKLE ?�I�IOB R�IMB 79,39 9 42467 OFFICE DEPOT CARD P�Alt�', S�P�'IrS 125'19 942478 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PS?7Y CAS8 2.15 942521 SOU7BW3S7SRN FELL 7ELE. 4/94 NON PLEXAR 47.33 942522 OXLA 0A7URA T GAS 4/94 VS&G 35,02 942523 P5D 4/94 USAGE 277,15 942524 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TSLE, 4/94 PLSXAB 221,89 DEPARTMENT TOTAL ------------- 3v132.40 �L POT ICE COMMUNICATIONS' ------------------------------ 942467 OFFJCE DEPOT CARD PLAN SVPP'.ISS 15.06 DEPAF7MS411TT TOTAL =`==> ------------- 15.06 ~� A NIMAL, CONTROL ------------------------------ 941r28 NAL-MAR7 SuPp' ISS 85.92 942,004 OBLA ANIMAL CONTROL ASSN SE .1 T 1 2O,00 942410 CI7Y GAR&SE FUS� 1O,06 942440 CITY GARAGE r-AR7S 20,38 DEPAR7MS117 7O?A L. ------------- FIR� S��I�C2S ------------------------------ 941810 MURRAY W1ONBLE CO OF TULSA LOCKERS 5,130,0O CITY OF OW�SSO SS8ERAl- FUND 6/02/94 16:50:17 US�G�/S7�MPEP A/P CLAIMS REPORT &PAPVR PAGE: PO it __________ _________________________ nENDOP DESCRIPTION _________________________ AMOUNT _____________ 941914 PRYOB RESOURCES 942012 FIRE SERVICE T PA T,6 942050 L & M OFFICE SVPPLI' 942065 DALLAS MIDWEST 942265 EVE INC, 942371 CVT LVLAP ONE-TULSA 942374 KIMBALL ACE BARDWABE 942410 CITY GARAGE 942449 SUBURBAN OFFICE SUPPL'l 942450 BAILEY EEQUIPME8? 942478 TREASURER PETTY CASH 942522 OBT �l 0A7UR� GAS 942523 pSO 942524 SOVTBWES7T7RN BELL TSI G. DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> CIVTT DEFENSE _________________________ SSMI0&R TPA INING FURNITURE FURNITURE SUPPLIES 4/94 USE SVP F T ISS FOE'll SVP��IES PARTS RSIMB PETTY CASH 4/94 USAGE 4/94 USAGE 41/94 PLEX&R 940123 CELLULAR ONE-?UL5k US�G�/S7�MPEP q4252l BELL TELE, 4/94 NON PLEXAR q42523 PSO 4/94 VSAGE 942524 SOV7BNES7ERQ BELL TSLS, 4/94 FLSXAP DEPARTMENT TOT AL 57RE E 7 _______________________ 941890 OWASSO LUMBER CO 941891 8USB25 �UMBEF CO 942O31 SIGNA T 7SCB INC, 942192 CINTAS CORP. 942321 KIMB��� &C� R�PD"ARv 942410 CITY GARAGE 942433 CIN7AS CORP. 942440 CITY GAPARP 942466 7AYLOS PAPER CO 942475 � � �Y�� C��ER 942522 OFLA 1-1&?VP.AL, G 5 942523 PSO 942524 SOV?8WS57ER0 BELL 7ELS, DEPARTMENT 7D7A� RFCBEA7IOl C17j.j7SR -------------------- MA?EI&� � MA7E RIjhL MAIRT/RGPAIRS UNIFORM RENT/CLEAN SVPPLISS FV£� UNIFORM PENT/ CLEAN P ABTS SVFF T IVS MONIBG/SL RIO VISTA 4/94 T ISAGS 4/94 US�G2 4/94 PLEXAR Q9. 00 30.00 958,0O 42O,88 704.28 42.79 79.90 321,45 90.10 26,OO 1.31 20,OO 502,24 316.93 ____________ 8,742.91 10.00 49.08 64,16 25.17 148.41 36,75 43.92 1,282.85 142.00 105.31 186.O3 497.77 15.82 8O,00 79,95 461.56 46,74 __________ 3,015,0O 1 6'.107,194 16 :50: 1? CTTY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: 8 PO it a- ---- - - - - -- VENDOR ------------------- - - - DESCRIPTION - -- ------------------- - - - - AMOUNT -- ------- - - - - -- 941979 SECURITY BY ROSE, INC.. FIX DOOR LOCKS 113.38 9421.4? WAL —MAPT SUPPLIES 1`? 74 94.'3351 STERLING PAWN WEIGHTS 100.00 942400 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN COPIER MACHTIIE 1,060.76 942401 EQUIPMENT ONE RENTAL x SA EQUIFMENT RENT 181.50 942410 CITY GARAGE FUEL 12•.;2 942 4 78 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMS PETTY CASH ,65 '--45'`3? OKLA NATURAL GA's 4 /P4 USAGE 160.`7 — 84_,521 P ^O 4.''94 USAGE 224.36 lip 94,'524 SOiJTH4dESTERPI FELL TELE. 4!94 PLEXAR 44.2'0 -- - - - - -- DEPARTMENT TOTAL CWT MMTNG POOL �------------------------ - - - - -- 942425 ANCHOR PAINT SUPPLIES 554,00 942466 TAY'LOE PAPER CO SUPPLIES 49•_2 94,9478 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMS PETTY ? .ASH 4.60 942504 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE 'SUPPLIES: ' 9 4T., HUGHES LUMBER CCU SUPPLIES 70.84 94;_'50 r, APB ?ERICAN POOL SUPPLY SUPPLIES 942507 GRAINGER,W W INC. SUPPLIES 9425 ?:? OKLA NATURAL GAS 4/94 USAGE 7.07 942523 PSO 4 "94 USAGE :=4.21 942.524 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE. 4/94 F'LEXAR 11.2'' DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___" 1,04 ,14 COMMUNITY CENTER ------------------------ - - - - -- •9401 -j UNITED ARTISTS* CABLE CABLE USE 2',66 942410 CITY GARAGE FUEL 61.•:•5 942440 CITY GARAGE PARTS 14.5v 9424,c,7 OFFICE DEPOT CAR_? PLAN SUPPLIES 94:468 LAURIE SHEET; TUITION REIMS' 466,65 94 ?4,A'= BEST BUY KEYBOARD a4�..4 :'S i RSA;= tiR.ER rPETTY CASH R,. � M� PETTY ?_ A_H 94249; MAXIMUM CONTROL. INC. REPAIR REFF'IGERATOR S'0 ,0 0 V4 — ' 42 OKLA NATURAL ( A6 4:94 T1S GE 91 42529 OtITHWESTERN BELL TELE. 4/' -4 PLEXAP 1 ?6.09 DEPARTMENT TOTAL. _ _ _ = 1 ,'!11 .'99 f•PY 1 r7. TrIT AN CE lA :: II E ,..NI E ------------------------ - - - - -- CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND 6/02!94 16:50:17 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ---- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- 941831 CINTAS CORP. 942118 AUDREY REEVE 942120 LARRY TURNER 942121 ARLEY OMENS 442122 JAMES L HOBBS 942123 WAYNE CARVER 442-410 CITY GARAGE =42440 CITY GARAGE 949478 TREASURER PETTY CASH 942500 NU -LOOK 94?501 MOULDER OLDHAM CO 942502 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE 94'S08 BAILEY EQUIPMENT 94 21 52' 2 OFLA NATURAL GAS 94 ^`?3 PS•n DEPARTMENT TOTAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, ------------------------ - - - - -- UNIFORM CLEAN/RENT CLEAR /LOCKUP RESTROOMS MOWING %RAYOLA MOWING /ELM CREEK MOWING /'ATOP MOWINGi86TH ST FUEL PART'= REIMB PETTY CASH Elul I CA L S SUPPLIE' SUPPLIES- SPRAYER 4:'94 U�,A E 4 r''='4 tt: =AGE 94()040 CELLULAR ONE -TULSA !"SAGE 942452 RETHERFORD PUBLICATION' =: LEGAL NOTICE DEPARTMENT TOTAL FUND TOTAL 113.50 2100.00 495.00 594.00 240.00 147,(10 116. 497,88 94.51 ,y9.1i} 111 00 91.0 1C;1 .4 15.10 7- 10 8 . 0 : „8 `.4 . I ,^ 9 CITY OF OW&SSO WORKERS' COMP SELF-INS PLAN 6/O2/94 16:50:1.7 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVB PAGE: N� PO 0 ---------- VE0DOR ------------------------- DESCRIPTION ------------------------- AMOUNT ------------- GENERAL GOVERNMENT w� ------------------------------ 940170 DARRSLL SVA85 ?,7.D. 626,72 N� 942081 �m MULTI CARE 8SAL7B CENTER [IAIM/BOLCOMB 32.0O 942142 MIDWES7 EMPLOYERS CASMAL7 PREMIUM 547.79 942459 RILLCRSS? MEDICAL CENTER CL&IM/FIS8ER 339.13 U N� U� 942494 ROBERT PAUL, M.D. CLAIM/EV&0S 30 0.00 DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> 1,845.64 -------- FUND TOTAL ====} 1,B45.64 1 CITY OF OWASSO AMBULANCE SERVICE FUND 6/02/94 16:50:17 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVF PAGE: PO # nG8DDR DESCRIPTION AHOD07 ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- AMBULANCE ------------'----------------- 942348 RESUSCITATION ACE CO2 MONITOR 103,02 942371 CELLULAR ORE-TULSA 4/94 USE 37.0O 942373 PACE PRODUCTS OF TULSA IN OXYGSM/RENTAL 58.00 942409 MEDICAL COMPLIANCE 5PECIA BIO WASTE 30.00 9 42427 DR, &#BROSE 5OLANO, M.D. 41/94 AUDIT 250.0O DEPAR711ENT ?D7A� ====} ------------- 47R.02 FUND TOTAL ====> ------------- 478,O2 0 CITY OF O4ASSO E - 11 6!02l!94 16:50:17 A!P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PANE: ' PO # VENDOR ---- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- DE CrRT PTION ------------------- - AMOUNT - - - -- ------- - - - - -- POLTCE COMMUNICATIONS ------------------------------ ' 940114 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE. E -911 - - - -- 1,736_99 P.EPARTMENT TOTAL =___. 1 "��6, "' 1 FUND TOTAL = _ _ _ .' ------- - - - - -- 1 , } ` • 7' 1 CIT7 OF OWASSO COMMUQI77 CENTER 6/02/94 16:50:17 &/P C��IMS REPORT AP&PVR P&GE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIP7ION AMOUNT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- COMMUNITY CENTER ------------------------------ 942430 ALL STAR ROOFING REPAIR 175.O0 ------------- DEPARTMENT TOTAL `===> 175,O0 ------------- FUND TOTAL 175.00 10 pr | � CITY OF OWASSO PARK DEVELOPMENT 6102194 16:50;17 A/P CLAIMS RGPOP7 APAPVR PACE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIP?IO0 AMOUNT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- PAPIVS ------------------------------ 9402 95 R I11 8Ob 11 CO1-1CRE?E CO DEPARTMENT ?O?'L PV0D TOTAL GRAND TOTAL ====> CONCRETE BAMPS 4O8,OO ------------ 4OB.O0 ----------- 408.00 ___________ 125,678.47 16 6/02/94 16:5O�1r CITY OF ONASSO CITY GARAGE A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PD # �G0DOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- CITY GARAGE ____________________ 941938 STAR LDB2 SE R VICE S 105.36 941958 MIAMI ?I8E SERVICE, !,NC 7IRES 435.O8 942186 MILEAGE MkSTSPS TIRES' 167.68 942192 CIN?AS CORP, UNIFORM PENT/CLEAN 262.65 942230 RON'5 WHEEL ALIGNMENT FRONT END ALIGNMENTS 38,00 942231 INTERSTATE BATTERY STS7EM BATTERIES 250.44 942315 MAC'- TOOLS FLOOR JACK 349.95 942321 KIMBALL ACS 8ARDW&RE S 1 P P LIES 10.96 942324 NAPA AUTO PARTS PARTS 2,2l3.80 94232 5 0WASSO T I RE BARN RGPAIP 157.80 942410 CI?Y GARAGE FUEL 6.43 942411 CLEARRO?S SVpPLIE'S 187.00 942414 7EE MEDICA I SERVICE SU PF LIES 54.60 942433 CIN7&5 COPP. UNIFORM PENT/CLEAN 67.88 942438 CT A5SIC CHEVROLET PARTS 28,01 942440 CT TV SAB�S� ����S 68.59 942466 7AYLOS PAPER CO STIPpTTES 15.82 942476 �VR?� S�PP�I�S 195.45 942477 ACTION DISCOUNT DRAINAGE REPAIR LEAK 190.0O 942478 TREASURER PETTY CASR REIMB PETTY Ct' S8 10.78 942490 UST ABLS STEEL 7APD STSG1, 31.49 942522 ODL& NATU RAL GAS 4/94 UStiGS 163.72 942523 PSO 4/94 USAGE 71.66 942524 SO�7BWGS7��0 BS�� ����, 4/94 ���X&R 20.92 DEPARTMENT 7D7&I 104, 07 __________ FUND TOTAL 5,104,07 CITY OF OWASSO A/P TRANSFER REPORT VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT TRANSFERS CITY GARAGE WORKER'S COMP SELF -INS GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND TRANSFERS TOTAL TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 2,333.37 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 11,512.50 TRANSFER FROM AMBULANCE FUND 7,833.37 TRANSFER FROM E -911 FUND 1,250.00 22, 929.24 CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 05/14/94 DEPARTMENT AMOUNT ---- - -- -- - - -- -- F - inance 4,504.76 :{ r.}: NhM:^.' ..Ni::.•:{ :. ?r.•Y..fi%{f?? % ?. }: n'r is Y,. S` h.. r{••. 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Municipal Court 1,306.39 •r... {{{ :�:.,.::: ? { {h.YrN ?..w;.�; . _x .yv...I . .............. ............................M.. ....::. i.'.•.:: �fini;$ pvn. isv :•'. }i: ?•i:6:4:w:::::vw:..... ... �t^J :........... .. �`�'� 4}:� i1-1' !:. ?ii::i:<•ii }ii }i:':isGi:iiii i8 }i: ;i: {1:is :;:i}`:+::ii }}:??<':::::i?:iiii i }:? }jj:jiiii i }:C4:•.'{ r1 ?����i i....: ':vt•.t?t� vW.w: n•.• :::::::::::::: J:::::.tw:.v::.HY.w.w:::: x:::::: x:::::::::: x:::::::::.,t4:n:::::::::.... ... ..w ............ :. '�:�:• .............. ., .. . . . . .. i::::•:: ::•: ........................ Building Maintenance 774.78 ..................... ' ?.. .}:.}:.:}:«{.}: i:. i:. ii:.}:..:: i:.;:.;:.;:::::. ii;:.;:. i:.:;.;:.::.: i:. i::.;:.;:.:}: �:.:: x:. t.{:::;>:::;.:;: i:<:<. i:. i:. ii:. i:.;:.......:.. '..:.::?. } }.::i: >::•:.. }i�.t... 4,45 Central Dispatch { { {.it.::ii•:::..:..{ + JFii'�iiiii';; ?i }•yi:; }ii }:: ?::•:'i'> .. .......................... >........y.... r.:......x.. Fire 27,682.23 .:::.......:::::.::.....:. x Recreation Center 2,230.12 .........: :::.:.. Park Maintenance 2,535.22 APPROVED: 06/07/94 Mayor Council Member Council Member t t CITY GARAGE PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 05/14/94 ki9a 15,10 L "D Mayor Council Member Council Member 06/07/94 CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 05/28/94 DEPARTMENT AMOUNT •:::r.:`•::. •:: •.i�'.!?:: ?. v. • •: •.r'•J} r%. /.rf,::::.:: •• ::::::::::::::.:..:...... .n.::::r::::::::::::n::.::::::. �::::::: •J: ?Ly:::vtt•:: .. :n., F „rrr ?:.:: ?:n::.;.,. Jn .............:::::::::: x::::::::: m::::: w: n:v::::.v::::::::nv ••:r0 . ivf.: .............. n.;............. i�JJ'. i:•JJJJiJ: 4: G: :r'•Ji:v:•: ?.JJJ:• }i }J ?: ? }::v:: v:::::::::nv. ......vv v..... .....: .... .....::::;:. ••.�.:v:::;:: • :i�.: t:•v::•: {:. ......::.. 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"{%>. v::::$:::: :ti :: ?iir {f'i'::i:.::.:.it<:JiJ: iti:Ji;'r,:.::::: r xx.. Municipal Court 1,440.60 Building Maintenance 802.71 ?•JY.?:i}. Wit;: ti: Y:?( (•:;::m}; ?:,^.•:eiF:rf.4 :'tit•FF fJ}}}:4Jv,.;.:;.;:•JJJJJ ' ti•JJ:•:•: }:S.UJJJJ••vy • : ....... .,f,:i: ?J •:•' i.?• J'fttivJJJJJJJ }}JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ ?4 }JJ:t•JJJ:vJJJJJ } }JJJJJJJJJ •' 9 ?: ?tvr: ?. iti:::::::::::JJ i.. i:?; ii: t?. J:•J >: ?.i:.x. ? ?:.i:t?.iii:.i:ii •: :J: }j ?: si }.: }':: :i::: :: {:::.k:::':• }: ::• :: vv:: ii:: 5::} }:'ii::ii::ii::ii::: ?:iiiiiiiti: iii:: ::j: }:::::::::::'.:;::J:i::ii.. •.•.:.Lr:.ty ti.;'- ': }:.:::'� } }' :' :t t':iy �:�ii '::•i::i:•':ir �': .• ?••r•xn •+ t�s., iJ: �'••'.....'•: r: xrr::.:::::. • , ?.n.n..... a n. txff:. �!.. n..,;... .•i.:.«.a�tffaac...•.suif.+•:+. �citix:..? �✓tr,.• _h :: _ ... Central Dispatch ::!irJx::f•Y'.:x,J . < .. 4,486.71 r:rJ:::vff: x::::: rrrrrrxx:'ti?iiiS: iii +''`.i?:'.`p f .�� ?;;,r.?{ ;:::nx ?:ti•:.J. • 7�E3: 4ti ;F*�J:��i'•:•:•:•::•::. :: {. ^;.: i::. :`: :r'.:i'w:::::::.v:::. .. ....... .. '%y1 'J'�y... .........n4. •.................l..:.} SS...... vbSVrtisY.:.: h1 !ff.3:..•.•. ? ?•::::::.•.:.v...v v: N�1:�1l.:i:� Fire 27 �. 760.87 .................. Recreation Center 2,208.59 ': i::;:::::: Fi ::::.:::..:.i: ? ? ?•J••>;•i;•i:. iii> i:.J:.; i;•::.::.: i:. ii:::::%::: i;: i:•`:::•`::::;: :k::•`•::::•`:::ii;::;:;:; ;:ii} i:::;;:i::ii:::: i;:i;:i i;:;:i i;: i;;;•r,;::i ............................ :. i;.};:. i:. ii:.i:.i: ::::. �::::::::: :i %; >::::::: ?•:;:iit i•;,:? i::i:. }:. }: ?.i }:• ? ?. };:.;:. }::::::;:;.: ;::.:.::.::' ::.; :::::::::::.i.....�.. ?��:.��J;: Park Maintenance 2,541.04 INI .::.:.... , ......n.. ,...... 2,t.. APPROVED: 06/07/94 Mayor Council Member Council Member I_ E 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I. CITY GARAGE PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 05/28/94 DEPARTMENT AMOUNT Garage $2,287.23 '?N .}}}:•:+ i:}};? r.}}}}}:? i?? O:•}}:•: v.} ti•}:•}: i:•}} }: ?. }}};•'• }ti:• } }:• } }::•:•::•:. :'•: •: ? }'. \ + } + + }}U};nyv,•:?mv.}v,.} .:: ��l++ n:;' y}•`;}:: :y::.'•: ?i:vji�i:: }:ii:i::•ti }:{ ::iSi:fi /i. J / /.: ., •.:,•: .x APPROVED: 06/07/94 Mayor Council Member Council Member MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: BACKGROUND: RODNEY J. RAY CITY MANAGER TED MCCORD, CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER REQUEST BY OWASSO CITIZEN, JOHN HUGHES APPEAL ACTION TAKEN BY CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER June 2,1994 On January 6, 1994 I received a complaint from an Owasso citizen on inoperable vehicles located at 102 W. 20th. I checked out complaint and found it to be valid. I sent a letter to Mr. and Mrs. Hughes on January 7, 1994 explaining the violation of City Code and that they had 10 days to remove the vehicles (see attached letter). Mr. Hughes called me and I explained to him what had to be done. I returned in 10 days to find Mr. Hughes had moved vehicles to the rear of his house and covered them with a tarp so they couldn't be seem. I felt at that time this would be sufficient in complying with the Ordinance. On April 5, 1994 I received another complaint on several disassembled and inoperable vehicles at 102 W. 20th. I found 4 vehicles in various states of being disassembled. I talked with the owner and explained to him the legal action I was going to take. At that point, I filled out and gave to him code violation stickers for each of the inoperable vehicles (4) on his property. I again explained to Mr. Hughes the Ordinances on having inoperable vehicles on private property and that he has the right to appeal the action to the City Council. CITIZEN REQUEST: On April 6, 1994 I received 4 letters from Mr. Hughes requesting a hearing before the City Council regarding his 4 inoperable vehicles (see attached letters). Mr. Hughes' request would be that the Council overturn the decision of the Code Enforcement Officer to remove the vehicles. RECOMMENDATION• I recommend that the Council deny Mr. Hughes' appeal. ATTACHMENTS 1. Violation letter from Mr. McCord 2. Four letters of appeal from Mr. Hughes City of Owasso 207 SOUTH CEDAR P.O. BOX 180 OWASSO, OKLAHOMA 74055 January 7, 1994 Mike and Karen Hughes 102 W. 20th St. Owasso, Okla. 74055 Dear Mike and Karen: (918) 272 -2251 FAX. (918) 272 -4999 My office has received a complaint about inoperable vehicles at your address. Upon inspection I have found that you are in violation of City Code Section 8 -402 because of the inoperable vehicles. I am writing to inform you that you have ten days from the date of this letter in which to remove the vehicles. Your compliance will be appreciated in helping clean up your neighborhood. If you have any questions, please phoney me at 272 -2251. Sincerely, Ted McCord Owasso Code Enforcement Officer v..r a r s.-. i r -. [cuopo (Aa. # F-T N-728 � ('l:,(:'.'tJl'jLi.1 ':.J thti, rlatli q -,5- - 7 y APR 06 1994 I'�;ry vic).laticill clFA(�.,d 4--t'.5 "M at. am 1"iewc-,Aly v ciaq ue i." t• j. ("I cl hcAll� iflo I ctrl t-iffic., I �.wl 1::lcl.'' cir Dear sir: / J /Y / ./ �� 0� In regard to code violation dated 4-5-94 at 3:30 P.H. For Volkswagen Lic. # ISC194" I am hereby requesting a hearing before the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma.. Please notify me of the date and time I am to appear beFure the council. ;fit' u q � ely �5r- -j� un PR 0 6 1994 lr;�u u L-"3 Jn violat1uo d�te,?d 4-5-94 at 3-:J0 P,M° For Volkswagen Lic. 0: A. I am hereby requesting a ht-�arinQ before the City C, f the City of Owalsso, Oklahpma, P1eese nqtify me of the date and time I am to appear beforeR the council, V 'T -� "-) OR 0 z 1994 Dear A/ in regard to code violation dated 4-5-94 at 3:30 P.M. For m* Volkswamen Lic, # None, l am hereby requesting a hearing bw»form � the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. = Please notify me of the date and time I am to appear before the council. w° � Si e l MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PARTICIPATION IN "HOME" CONSORTIUM DATE: June 2, 1994 BACKGROUND: On Tuesday, May 17, Vice Mayor Burris and I met with INCOG's Executive Director and Deputy Director in order to receive a briefing relating. to a housing assistance concept developed by the INCOG staff. After the briefing, the Vice Mayor indicated that he believed the program had the potential to benefit Owasso, and that the concept should be presented to the full Council for their consideration. Generally, the INCOG proposal advocates the creation of a consortium of cities joined together ' for the purpose of submitting a multi jurisdictional application for a major housing rehabilitation grant from the state. Mr Brierre, INCOG Deputy Director, has prepared a detailed background memorandum outlining the proposal for your review. Additionally, Mr Brierre will be at the ' Council meeting to present the proposal and respond to any questions you may have. That memorandum and other documents (resolution, cooperation agreement) are attached. I ' Please note, there are no funding requirements for this program. INCOG will be paid to administer the joint program from proceeds of the grant. I' RECOMMENDATION: ' The staff recommends Council approval of Resolution #94 -08 and that the Mayor be authorized to execute the documents necessary for Owasso's participation in the proposed consortium. 'ATTACHMENTS: 1. Memorandum from INCOG Deputy Director ' 2. Resolution #94 -08 3. Cooperation Agreement establishing consortium 4. Information Sheet "What is the HOME" program 11 INCOGa voluntary association of local governments serving creek, osage, rogers, tulsa and wagoner counties 201 west 5th street, suite 600 - tulsa, oklahoma 74103 - 4236. 918/584 -7526 MEMORANDUM TO: Rodney Ray Owasso City Manager SUBJECT: HOME CONSORTIUM BACKGROUND: FROM: Rich Brierre,�' Deputy Director DATE: May 16, 1994 The Home Investment Partnership Program provides federal funds to states and eligible local governments for housing assistance programs. The HOME Investment Partnership Act allows contiguous local governments to form a consortium to qualify as participating jurisdictions for their own allocation of funds. As of this date, approximately seventy -five consortiums in twenty -four states have been formed and have been designated by HUD as participating jurisdictions. The INCOG Board of Directors, at its February 10, 1994 meeting, endorsed the concept of developing a HOME consortium with Tulsa County acting as the "lead entity." The Board of County Commissioners of Tulsa County has filed a letter of intent with HUD to form a HOME Consortium and has agreed to act as the lead entity. Advantages in forming a consortium include an annual allocation of funds to the consortium (Tulsa metropolitan area) and flexibility in program design. Currently, cities of less than 50,000 population and counties are eligible for assistance only on a statewide competitive basis through the Oklahoma Department of Commerce. A cooperation agreement to create a HOME Consortium meeting the program requirements has been developed and reviewed and approved by the Tulsa District Attorney's Office. The cooperation agreement, with supporting documentation, must be submitted to HUD by June 30, 1994. Designations of new consortiums by HUD will be made by September 30, 1994 so that they will be able to receive a HOME allocation for FY -1995. The annual funding amount for the consortium will be dependent upon the annual appropriation level of the program and the number of participating local governments. It is estimated that the annual funding level for a Metropolitan Tulsa Consortium may be approximately $1 million. Memorandum - Rodney Ray, Owasso City Manager Page 2 May 16, 1994 The consortium would not include the City of Tulsa as they receive their own allocation of funds. The HOME program requires a 25 percent match. Eligible sources of match include cash contributions from non - federal sources, the value of customary taxes and fees that are waived, the cost of infrastructure investments directly related to housing being assisted. The match may be reduced for areas meeting certain criteria of fiscal distress or be waived for up to two years for areas designated as federal disaster counties. A policy committee, representing each participating local government, will be established to develop consortium policies. Staff support will be provided by INCOG. A listing of potential local governments to be included in the consortium is attached. Consortium membership assessments or fees would not be necessary . REQUEST FOR ACTION: ' INCOG staff recommends that the City of Owasso approve participation in the Metropolitan Tulsa HOME Consortium. A resolution approving participation in the consortium and authorizing execution of the cooperation agreement is attached. REQUESTED FOR JUNE 7 1994 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA n 11 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA RESOLUTION NO 94 -08 A RESOLUTION APPROVING PARTICIPATION IN THE METROPOLITAN TULSA HOME CONSORTIUM AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP ACT CONSORTIUM AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, the National Affordable Housing Act of 1990 created the HOME Investment Partnership Program; and WHEREAS, the Act provides that units of general local governments that are geographically contiguous may form a consortium for the purpose of qualifying for a HOME formula grant allocation; and WHEREAS, the City of Owasso desires to enter into a legally binding Cooperation Agreement with other contiguous local governments in the Metropolitan Tulsa area. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA that participation of the City of Owasso in the Metropolitan Tulsa HOME Consortium is approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Owasso authorizes the Mayor to execute the Metropolitan Tulsa HOME Consortium Agreement. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of June, 1994 by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. Jerry Duke, Mayor ATTEST: Sherry Bishop, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald D Cates, City Attorney HOME CONSORTIUM CANDIDATE JURISDICTIONS LOCAL UNIT OF GOVERNMENT 1990 POPULATION Tulsa County 28,892* Creek County 29,440* Osage County 21,873* Wagoner County 29,762* Broken Arrow 58,043 Sapulpa 18,074 Sand Springs 15,346 Owasso 11,151 Bixby 9,502 Jenks 7,493 Glenpool 6,688 Coweta 6,159 Skiatook 4,910 Bristow 4,062 Pawhuska 3,825 Collinsville 3,612 Drumright 2,701 Catoosa 2,954 Hominy 2,342 Total 266,829 *Unincorporated population METROPOLITAN TULSA HOME CONSORTIUM COOPERATION AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the National Affordable Housing Act of 1990 authorized the HOME Investment Partnership Program; and WHEREAS, the HOME Investment Partnership Program authorizes the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to allocate funds by formula among eligible states and local governments to strengthen public - private partnerships to provide more affordable housing; and WHEREAS, the National Affordable Housing Act of 1990 provides that units of local governments that are geographically contiguous may form a consortium for the purpose of receiving a funding allocation as a participating jurisdiction in the HOME Investment Partnership Program; and WHEREAS, Tulsa County and the other local units of government identified herein are geographic contiguous localities; and WHEREAS, on February 24, 1994 the Tulsa County Board of County Commissioners notified HUD of its intent to form a HOME Consortium and act as "lead entity" on behalf of area governments; and WHEREAS, Section 1008 of Title 74 of the Oklahoma Interlocal Cooperation Act permits local units of government to contract with other localities to perform any service or activity for which they are authorized to perform by law and to cooperate with other localities on a basis of mutual advantage; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties identified below mutually agree as follows: 1. The Metropolitan Tulsa Housing Consortium is hereby established for the purpose of qualifying as a participating jurisdiction for receipt of federal funds through the HOME Investment Partnership Program. 2. The parties agree to cooperate to undertake or to assist in undertaking housing assistance activities for the HOME program. 3. Tulsa County shall assume the role of lead agency and act in a representative capacity for all member units of general local government and shall assume overall responsibility for ensuring that the Consortium's HOME Program is carried out in compliance with federal rules, regulations and requirements of the HOME Program. 4. The parties agree to affirmatively further fair housing. 5. The parties agree that the term of this agreement shall be that period of time necessary to do and perform all activities that will be funded from HOME funds awarded for the period of three Federal fiscal years commencing with the 1995 Federal fiscal year and all parties are prohibited from withdrawing from the Cooperation Agreement during said period. This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. In witness whereof, the parties hereto have caused this Cooperation Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized officers. Chairman Board of Commissioners Tulsa County, Oklahoma ATTEST: County Clerk STATEMENT OF THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY Date I do hereby, certify that the terms and provisions of the Consortium Cooperation Agreement are fully authorized under state and local law, and that the Agreement provides full legal authority for the Consortium to undertake or assist in undertaking housing assistance activities for the HOME Investment Partnership Program. Approved: Assistant District Attorney Date of Approval 5:12:94 METROPOLITAN TULSA HOME CONSORTIUM COOPERATION AGREEMENT This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. CITY OF OWASSO Executed for the City of Owasso this 1994 day of Lo Mayor "HOME PROGRAM" What Is It? - What Will It Do? Informational Sheet One of the newer programs of the Oklahoma Department of Commerce is HOME, or the Home Investment Partnerships Act, authorized under Title H of the National Affordable Housing Act of 1990. The HOME program provides for the creation or rehabilitation of affordable housing for low -and moderate - income persons, with considerable flexibility for states to design the program to meet the most pressing needs of their citizens. Funds are provided through the Department of Housing and Urban Development to the Division of Community Affairs and Development at Oklahoma Department of Commerce, which then awards funds through a competitive process to units of local government and nonprofit organizations to provide housing services to local citizens. Since the program began in 1992, a total of some $9.6 million has been available through 41 contracts to units of local government and nonprofit housing providers. Oklahoma's HOME program has received recognition within Federal Region VI (including Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas and New Mexico) for committing the highest percentage of available funds to HOME projects. Oklahoma has designed its HOME program to maximize the economic development of the local participating communities or counties by awarding points in the grant competition for use of local materials suppliers and local construction contractors. Eighty -five percent of the total funds will buy materials and pay local construction personnel, with a considerable amount of funds used to hire minority firms and suppliers. During the first year of the HOME program, a total of $202,415 went to minority firms, and this total will increase as communities add more housing units to the program. Among the many partners of ODOC in making these stories come true are Oklahoma's Community Action Agencies, through which weatherization funds have been linked with HOME projects; Substate Planning and Development Districts and private planning consultants, who have served as HOME project coordinators; and several non -profit housing development organizations which have special expertise in the needs of low - income persons. The Department of Housing and Urban Development has also worked closely with ODOC in linking resources of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)with the HOME program. Through this teamwork approach, an increasing number of HOME success stories will be seen in the future. Those desiring more information on the HOME program, please contact Brenda Williams at ODOC (405) 841 -9352. MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: M.A.ALEXANDER /CHIEF OF POLICE SUBJECT: DARE GRANT EXPENDITURE DATE: June 1, 1994 BACKGROUND Since 1990 the Owasso Police Department has been actively involved in the DARE program in the Owasso Public schools. The first year, the program was not funded through Federal Funds. One officer was assigned full time to instruct the curriculum to all fifth graders within Owasso. Kindergarten through fourth grades were also influenced, with a total DARE exposure of over 1,500 students. In 1991, the City of Owasso received their first grant from the US District Attorney's Office for $50,000 with a cash match of $16,667 from the city. This increased the program to two officers and included the ability to purchase supplies for the program. This grant lasted until October 1992. This year focused on the entire fourth grade and K -3 for an exposure of over 2,500 students. In 1992, another grant was sought and recei, $47,269 with a cash match from the city for again were assigned to the program focusing K -4. Supplies were allowed to be purchased exposure was approximately 2,000 students. lasted until January 1994. ved for the amount of $15,757. Two officers on the sixth grades and from this grant. Total The money from this grant In 1993, due to manpower shortages, the program was cut to one officer. A grant for $21,845 was received with a cash match from the city for $7,282. One officer focused on the entire sixth and eighth grades for a total of 900 students exposed. Supplies were allowed to be purchased from this grant. To date $8550 has been spent from this grant with a balance of approximately $13,000. The department has asked for an extension to this grant until October 1994. This year is anticipated to bring the same amount of grant monies as 1993, however due to cuts in the federal programs, supplies will not be allowed to be purchased from the 94 grant. The grant can be used only for salary supplementation. In that supplies cannot be taken from the upcoming grant, it is requested that additional supplies for the program be purchased with current grant monies. Some of the supplies include student workbooks, namecards, graduation certificates, book covers, rulers, erasers, bumper stickers, flyers, pencils and other assorted promotional products. These items will handle the majority next school year. If grant sponsors additional purchases of supplies from stockpile supplies for upcoming DARE to the city. I ale IL� ION ILIrtc of the classes being taught for approve, I will attempt to make the 93 grant which will classes, thus reducing the cost Current money exists within the budget to make this expenditure. Line item 51 310 5222 has a current balance of $2,728.76. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends council approval for the expenditure of $2,121 to Dare America for the purchase of Dare supplies. This is a sole source purchase in that no other companies are authorized to sell copyright DARE products. 75% of this expenditure will be reimbursed to the city through the DARE grant. ATTACHMENTS: Dare Order List MY 0.1 .,yy PACK ITEM NUMBER/DESCRIPTION 'Veralbles, PAGE 1 TAL COST COST f }�' 6.00 yr }w, WAIM PACK ITEM NUMBER/DESCRIPTION I I COST f '+• °''S.1 VT's �" n�W 1 XXL - 2 1 51V. ,;Bic &iteliner 7 50 2T. Neon -Print T -Shirt: 1 5P. Essex Ballpen 7 1.20 1 M- L - XL 25 - 2'- 4.10 6.25 3.80 162:5 - - t "5A. Cross Matte Black Ban Point-Pen & Pencil Set -8- - 45.00 1 XXL 1, 5B. Cross Matte Black Ball Point Pen 7 22.50 12A. Hanes T -Shirt: Wht: `'.: 1 5M. Cross Matte Black Pencil 7 22.50 I 1 - - L- XL- - 2 1 5Y.- Cross Chrome Ball Point Pen - - 7 16.00 12C. Hanes D.A.R.E. America T -Shirt 3.80 ` 1 5X: Cross Chrome Ball Point Pen and Pencil Set 8 32.00 1 - L- XL- 1 _ 12D.. Nylon Running Shorts 9.95 " 1 M- L- XL-XXL- 2 2B. Crewneck Sweatshirt: i School Supplies 1 S- M- L- XL- 2 12.00 14.50 _ 2 12501 5D. Black Rigid Plastic Ruler 8 .40 200 1T- XXL - 2 10 1001 5E. Black School Eraser 8 .22 2-20 3D. Polo Shirt _ _ 100 5T. Neon Erasers . --- _ :... _ _.__. 8 '.28 1 S - M - L - XL-XXL- 1 24.00 2 500 5F. Book Cover - 141/2" x 23" 6 1 .17 170 9J. Cotton Fleece Shorts: ! 50 5G. Subject Folder 6 .60 1 I M - L - XL- 1 120.00 34 5H. 1" Capacity Poly Binder 5 i 2.55 1 2J. Youth Poncho 1 3.10 1500 7F. Book Mark 6 .02 4 o 10 1 1500 7K. 6" Ruler /Bookmark 7 .06 _ -.. 200 .11 A. _ D.A.R.E R Workbook. -- - ".....13 .125. . Jackets _ 150 S11B. Spanish Workbook 13 .125 :3A. Fashion Twill Sport Jacket 125 J11C. Jr. High School Workbook 13 .25 1.25 1 S -' M- L- XL - 4 68.00 1 1 11B. Vinyl Writing Pad 6 4.00 1 XXL- 4 73.00 150 11C. Graduation Certificate 141 .50 500 Silkscreened Satin Sport Jacket 50 11 H. Post -it Note Patl 7 .25 p S- M- L- XL- 4 38.00 1 11 M. Top -open Memo Pad 5 2.65 J3B. XXL- 4 44.00 1 10H. Memo Pad Refill 5 .30 3C. Embroidered Satin Sport Jacket 11001 11K. Desk Name Card 131 .12 120 1 S- M- L- XL- 4 150.00 1 11N. Dual Calculator 5 6.50 .6.5o 1 i XXL- 4 55.00 1 12H. Paper Clip Holder ! 5 1.60 3F. D.A.R.E. America Satin Jacket ! 1 ! 5Q. Vinyl Pencil Case .75 1 1 S- M- L- XL - 2 50.00 1 6J. Cube Pad 3' /2" 2.75 1 XXL- ' 2 1155.001 1 6K. Pennant - 9" x 24" 1.00 j j 3G. D.A.R.E. America Twill Jacket �jt I 1 ; 1 S- M- L- XL- 1 2 1168.00; ! 1 Other Accessories 1 XXL- 2 173.0d 1 2G. Resnappable Wrist Band i 5001 Blk -Pk- Gr_ Pur i Red i i 10 . .16 160 _ i 25; 2H. Wrist Wrapper ! 10 1.50. I j 50 3P. Zipper Pull 13 .27 I Caps ; 1 9R. Silk Blend Tie 16.00' 251 2D. Poly /Mesh Baseball Cap 3 ! 2.45 ! 25' 46. D.A.R.E America Embroidered Patch i 10 1.00 251 13A. White Poplin Cap 3 3.40 25 4G. D.A.R.E. Embroidered Patch ! 10, 1.00 24 ! 13D. Pro -Style Cap 3 x.00 I 25011 6C. D.A.R.E. Buitons 10 22 25G 6G. 211"1' Dia 'Arrite -on Button 10 .23 NOTE: WRIST BANDS AND BALLOONS ARE ONE COLOR PER PACE ALL MERCHANDISE MUST BE ORDERED IN PACK QUANTITIES 1 7K. D.A.R.E. Graduation Pin 1.00 ii 4, 4 A�U ... .- - * �, . 1.0 ---------- i" . . V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !-T00 *P"T.1ITS` V 1 E 'Wedal I i o OR n. y k '31E.....11EMbroider6d'Duffid Bag 3 17.00 1 .9B. :Tote Bag, Canvas 19 x- 13 :5.75 1 13E.* Hair BUndheez"T..," 4 1.50 9D., Ny on Barrel Bag 4' 4.00 'Zo 9E. Plaitid Draws f6b bag 5 _,vEZ 9K.', Nylon Backpack 4 6.00 1 9L. Nylon Briefcase 6 12.00 misc. 9N. `Nylon Lunch Bag 6 275 1100 IV14C. D.A.R.E. Magnet 9 .25 9Q. Nylon Garment Bag 15.00 1100 M4CF. D.A.R.E. America Flag Magnet 9 .25 1 6B. Mini D.A.R.E. T-Shirt for Yogi 13 2.50 1 1 6D. Jewelry Key Ring 14 1.20 5 11001 6E. Plastic Key Fob 1141 .17 185 Mugs 1001 6F. T-Shirt Key Fob .14 31 36 4D. Stoneware Mug 11 3.10 7G. Balloons: 1 4H. Porcelain Marble Mug 6.75 12501 Black- Red- White- 14 .13 50 4F. Squeeze Bottle 11 1.25 1 1 8A. D.A.R.E. Banner 11 38.00 48 14A. Insulated Mug w/lid - 16oz. 11 1.75 1 1 8B. D.A.R.E. Flag 11 35.001 48 1413. Handle Jug 11 1.90 1 8C. Signature Banner 11 10.00, 1 12N. Thermo Bottle 11 7.00, 501 9H. Flyer 114 36 1 9S. Auto Sunshield 114 2.151, 1 9y. , YO-YO 13 - .89 YET X 1 11F. License Plate 12 .95 Stickers 1 9A. License Plate Frame 12 .80 2 500 4A. Vinyl Bumper Sticker .,112, .16 160 1 12F. Motorcycle License Plate Frame .80 500, 17C. Proud Parent Bumper Sticker 12 .16 1 11Y. Proud Parent License Plate Frame! 12 .80 500 17D. Spanish Bumper Sticker .16 1 11P. Crystal Desk Clock 5 4.00!. 500 per rol 7C. D.A.R.E. America Mini Sticker 9 6. 0 peroroll 1 11 R. Umbrella 5 6.00' -per 500 roll 7D. Yogi Bear Sticker 13 6.00 per roll 150 1 11V. Spoke Flag 12 -.35 250 7E. Sticker Sheet 9 .075 1 1 1 11 Z. Swiss Army Knife 3 115.00 250 per rolli 7L. 2" Round Sticker 9 3.00 I per roll 121 12J. Spalding Golf Balls 3 29.35 per doz 1001 111. Sol-ID" 121 .10 11501 12K. Golf Tees 3 �,Ikl ge,'j. 50 per 0roill 16A Mini Fuzzy Bear Sticker 9 2&00 er roll 1 1 12 L. Combination Lock 4 2.50 11001 17A. Fuzzy Bear Sticker 9 .15 1 12P. Executive Portfolio 14.001 500 17B. Glow-in-the-Dark Sticker 9 .17 1 120. Executive Portfolio Refill Pad - 8'h"x1 1] 1.40 1 11 G. Auto Decal 12 5.00, 100 11W. Picture Frame/Sticker 14 .25 100 11 X. Electrostatic Window Decal 9 .18 I j Writing Instruments 7 1 1441 51. Woodcase Pencil 12 5 MERCHANDISE TOTAL'i 2,021. j 11251 5K. Mechanical Pencil w/clip 7 1 .50 (IN CA. AZ, NM. UT & WA ONLY) SALES TAX' 1 11441 5Q. Kaleidoscope Pencil 8 .22 FREIGHT 1 11441 5R. Neon Pencil 8 .16 i ORDER TOTAL NOTE: WRIST BANDS AND BALLOONS ARE ONE COLOR PER PACE ALL MERCHANDISE MUST BE ORDERED IN PACK QUANTITIES XXL 2, 6.001 T. r ne - _Od �14 A-00- 2T. Neon-Print T-Shirt: XXL_ 4 Is exBaIlpe_n .1 7; .:Essex 5P s 1.20 1501 11C. Graduation Certificate M -2',� 2 4.10 ZDZO 5A- Matte Rack Bag WPen Oerd SO Ir 45.00 50 111H. - Post-it Note Pad 7 6.25 5B.:: ross Matte Black Ball Point Pen Cross 7 22.50 4 38.001 12A. Hanes T-Shirt: Wht,`:5 Q 1 11M. Top-open Memo Pad 5 z'd Z 12501 /011001 Z 5M" -Cross.Mafte Black Pend .7 22.50 XXL_ 4 144.001 1 42 +3.80 11 10H. Memo Pad Refill 5 K�- -5Cross Chrome Ball Point Pen T 16.00 X Embroidered Satin Sport jacket - 12C., Hanes DARE. T-ShH.'_!YI? e) lod X.'r Cross Mome Ball Pant Pen and Penal Set 8 32.00 - L_ XL 1.: 3.80 50.00 1. 1 11N. Dual Calculator 5 6.50, .6.50 .12D. Nylon Running Shorts_­,­­ - XXL 4 55.001 1 12H. Paper Clip Holder 5 M_ L_ XL_ XXL_ 2 9.95 .31F. .-D.A.FLE. America Satin Jacket 1'2B."- Crewrf6bk Sweatshirt: --'---"- - - " --- F-School Supplies�- S_ M_ L XL_ I: 1 50.001 1 XL_ 2- 12-00 5D. Black Rigid Plastic. Ruler_._:__ -8 -.40.- .2Cc ;5.001 �e . XXL 2 :14.50 1 1.001 5E. Black School Eraser'. :8 -22 7A20 3G. D.A.R.E. America Twill Jacket 10d. -5T:*:.­ Neon, Erasers S_ M_ L XL 2 168.001 S M - L XL XXL 1 24.00 5001 5F. Book Cover - 141/2" x 23" 6 .17 00 173.001 12G. 9j. Cotton Fleece Shorts: 501 5G. Subject Folder 6 .60 0 '5001 Blk_IPk_Gr_Pur_LRed_L M _ L _ XL_ 1 20.001 1341 -5H. 1" Capacity Poly Binder - 5 -2.55 251 2H. Wrist Wrapper 110, 1.501, 2j. Youth Poncho 1 3.10!; 115001 7F. Book Mark 6 .02 50 3P. Zipper Pull 113: .271 15001 7K. 6" Ruler/Bookmark. 7 -.06 1 9R. Silk Blend Tie 16.00 12001-114-,--DAR.E9 Workbook-- _.`.. .z--13.�.-125.[,�, 3 2.45 25 46, D.A.R.E America Embroidered Patch 10 1.00 Jackets- 25.1 15 Sil B Sp a g �KbdbLi__ 13 125 4G. D.A.R.E. Embroidered Patch V 10-1 1.00 &-,7.Fa9hib!I-Twill SpdirVJaJ6ket".Z._",- 125 J1.I.C.';Jr.'High-SchabL-Woft66T(�L, Z _11[,25 5.00 IZ5 "-M L XL, "68.00 T. 1B. -1 07� _Od �14 A-00- XXL_ 4 73.001 ZO 1501 11C. Graduation Certificate .50 Soo 38. Silkscreened Satin Sport Jacket- - 50 111H. - Post-it Note Pad 7 .25 S_ M_ L_ XL_ 4 38.001 1 11M. Top-open Memo Pad 5 2.65 XXL_ 4 144.001 1 11 10H. Memo Pad Refill 5 1 .30 X Embroidered Satin Sport jacket - e) lod -11K. Desk Name Card: - -131---.12'- - S_ M, L_ XL_ 4 50.00 1. 1 11N. Dual Calculator 5 6.50, .6.50 XXL 4 55.001 1 12H. Paper Clip Holder 5 .60 .31F. .-D.A.FLE. America Satin Jacket 5Q. _Vinyl. Pencil Case. S_ M_ L XL_ I: 1 50.001 1 6J. Cube Pad - 31,F' 1 2.751 XXL_ 2 ;5.001 1 1 6K. Pennant - 9" x 24" 1 1.001 3G. D.A.R.E. America Twill Jacket S_ M_ L XL 2 168.001 1 I Other Accessories XXL_ 12 173.001 12G. Resnappable Wrist Band 0 '5001 Blk_IPk_Gr_Pur_LRed_L 10' .16 11(60 251 2H. Wrist Wrapper 110, 1.501, 50 3P. Zipper Pull 113: .271 Caps 9R. Silk Blend Tie 16.00 1251 2D.- Poly/Mesh Baseball Cap 3 2.45 25 46, D.A.R.E America Embroidered Patch 10 1.00 25.1 13A. White Poplin Cap 3 1 3.40 25 4G. D.A.R.E. Embroidered Patch V 10-1 1.00 1241 13D. Pro-Style Cap 3 5.00 25"0 6C. D.A.R.E. ButtcriS, 10' .22 6G. 21 �" Dia INritE-,-_)n Button 10 .23 6vV. Nylon Wallet 5 2.30 D.A_R.E_ e i Pin I I I.uu ['10,L1.0-0 J0,4''. I 9D:: Nylon Bairel Bad"*,,' 4 .:4.00 I 51. = �_ F I in. utim.t. wauuatim rill MERCHANDISE TOTAL! 1 ! �1 1251 5K. Mechanical Pencil w /clip 0 , 9E:' "P.lasfic Drawsfi`n "g gag :5� 25 1 7P.. D.A.R.Ejn%ructor, 5nI 8 '4 +'2F.ariny '8g3 1441 5R. Neon Pencil tJJjrlon Backpack ." . 4 6.00 'j- "�'. 1" 9L. =- Nylon Briefcase 6 l Pack�f fl1 =ACs QMCt`1CV At•TliA! `5.35 MISC., At - f '' TC 'D IUIC M. ^.f1 -- M= rL1T 1C AnM1'r1nK1A1 99.'-! Nylon Lunch Bag z 3E:Embroidered Duffle- Bag `3 17.00 10 ) . ' 1 1 E.:; Medallio[i%Ri . tf :25 �:1 - 9B:` "Tote�Bag, Canvas�l9 x 13 6 °5.75 r �� :, 1 13E: Hair Buncheez ; -.- I I I.uu ['10,L1.0-0 ir C:] J0,4''. l 9D:: Nylon Bairel Bad"*,,' 4 .:4.00 I 51. = �_ F 8 .125 1i iZ�- MERCHANDISE TOTAL! 1 ! �1 1251 5K. Mechanical Pencil w /clip 0 , 9E:' "P.lasfic Drawsfi`n "g gag :5� 25 .' }:� Kaleidoscope Pencil 8 .22 1 FREIGHT I I 1441 5R. Neon Pencil tJJjrlon Backpack ." . 4 6.00 'j- "�'. 1" 9L. =- Nylon Briefcase 6 12.00 fl1 =ACs QMCt`1CV At•TliA! n11,i MISC., At - f '' TC 'D IUIC M. ^.f1 -- M= rL1T 1C AnM1'r1nK1A1 99.'-! Nylon Lunch Bag z 6 2.75 10 M4C. _ D.A.R.E. Magnet = 9 :25 1 90. ' Nylon Garment Bag - `: 15.00 100 M4CF. D A:R.E: America flag Magnet ;' 9 25 -� 1 66. Mini D.A.R.E. T- Shirt -for Yogi " ` 13 2.50 - 1 6D. Jewelry Key Ring 14 1.20 ..: :.. 1001 6E. - Plastic Key Fob 14 :17- Mugs f _ 1001 6F. T -Shirt Key Fob 1.4, 3 1 �f..:36 .'4D...; Stoneware Mug 11 3.10 7G. Balloons: 1 -4H. - Porcelain Marble Mug 6.75 250 Black- Red- White ,,- - 14. '-.13 50 4F. Squeeze Bottle 11 1.25 1 8A. D.A.R.E. Banner 11.38.00 48 14A. Insulated Mug w /lid = 16ot 11, 1.751- 1 ,,86. : D.A.R.E. Flag - 11 35.00 48 14B. Handle Jug -1.901 1 L 8C Signature Banner 11 10.001 1 12N. Thermo Bottle - -.; -11 7.00. 50 � 9H: `Flyer 14 .72 3� 9S.. -RAuto`Sunshield 14 '2:15 ' :?: - 1: 9Y = 'Yo Ya. 43 89 . • ''.'�"/F]�}yj `� ' ° :1 -, -� 11 F License Plate 12 =:95 Stickers ^s 1 9A �� -iGese Plate Frame -- -- 12 :80w,_. 2 500 4A. Vinyl Bumper Sticker =,'A ; 12 ..i6 /mil•: ° }' ` : 1 =2F, ` Motorcycle License Plate Frame 80 500 17C. Proud Parent Bumper Sticker = - 2..16 - 1 y11Y ' -Proud Parent License Plate Frame, 12 :80 500 17D. Spanish Bumper Sticker : - - 16 .x 1. 11P. : Crystal Desk Clock 5 4.00 moo, 7C. D.A.R.E. America Mini Sticker A �;°ro„ 1 11R. Umbrella 5 6.00 500 roll 7D. - Yogi Bear Sticker - . 13 6 roll Pff 501 11V. Spoke Flag - ` 12 ° 35 -)ff 25 7E. Sticker Sheet 9 .075 1 11Z. Swiss Army Knife 3 15.00 . , Per 25ro1 7L 2" Round Sticker 9 per rod 12 12J. Spalding Golf Balls 3 per doz 100 11J. Sol -IDS" 12 .10 50 12K. Golf Tees 3 �k per °rol 16A. Mini Fuzzy Bear Sticker 9 20.00 ° , I i 1 12L. Combination Lock 4 2.50 1001 17A. Fuzzy Bear Sticker 9 .15 ! 1 12P. Executive Portfolio 14.001 15001 17B. Glow -in- the -Dark Sticker 9 .17 I 1 1 120. Executive Portfolio Refill Pad - 8'h "x11'.1 1.401 1 1 11G. Auto Decal 121 5.00: 1001 11W. Picture Frame /Sticker ': 14 .25 ! 1001 11 X. Electrostatic Window Decal 9 1 .18 ! ir C:] Writing Instruments i 144 51. Woodcase Pencil 8 .125 1i iZ�- MERCHANDISE TOTAL! 1 ! �1 1251 5K. Mechanical Pencil w /clip 7 .50 ; (IN CA. AZ. NM. UT & WA ONUI SALES TAX 1441 5Q. Kaleidoscope Pencil 8 .22 1 FREIGHT I I 1441 5R. Neon Pencil 8 .16 ORDER TOTAL I NOTE: WRIST BANDS AND BALLOONS ARE ONE COLOR PER PACK ALL MERCHANDISE MUST BE ORDERED IN PACK QUANTITIES fl1 =ACs QMCt`1CV At•TliA! n11,i #1'T1TV TC 'D IUIC M. ^.f1 -- M= rL1T 1C AnM1'r1nK1A1 TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: F. ROBERT CARR PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR THE SOLE SOURCE EXPENDITURE TO REPAIR THE STREET DIVISION 1984 JOHN DEERE BACKHOE DATE: May 26, 1994 BACKGROUND: On May 23, 1994, the operator of our 1984 John Deere backhoe used in the Streets Division has driving to a job site when the rear axle of the equipment began to wobble. The vehicle was immediately parked and an evaluation made of the operating condition. It was noted that the rear wheels were loose and the axle was in danger of falling off. It was decided that the backhoe needed to be placed on a trailer and transported to Keystone Equipment for a detailed evaluation of the problem. Keystone has been the source of the previous John Deere backhoe purchases by the City and has a fully qualified staff of mechanics. The City had also used Keystone in February for repairs to the transmission and hydraulic system of this same backhoe. To fully evaluate the condition of the backhoe the rear axle components were dismantled. It was determined that the bolt holding the axle came loose in the axle housing. As a result, damage to the entire assembly occurred. The evaluation revealed the need to make extensive repairs - including: replacement of the axle housing, shaft, bearings, planetary gears and seals in the right axle assembly. Personnel at the City Garage are capable of providing routine preventive maintenance needed for these backhoes. The expertise needed to address problems in the axle assembly, however, is beyond the training and expertise of the City staff. COST OF REPAIRS: A quote has been received from Keystone Equipment regarding the amount of repairs that are needed to put the backhoe into back into operation. The total cost presented by Keystone is $2,988.39 (see Attachment 1). John Deere Backhoe Repair Page 2 The backhoe has been dismantled to determine the extent of necessary repairs. Should the backhoe need to be assembled without repair, Keystone would charge us approximately $450.00 for the diagnostic services already performed. The price quote has taken their labor into consideration for these services. A sole source bid for this repair work is requested, due to the expertise and quality reputation of Keystone Equipment. Also, the backhoe is dismantled at the present time and additional expense would be incurred to assemble, transport and reevaluate the equipment at another location. This equipment is one of only two backhoes used regularly in the Public Works Department. Each backhoe is critical to the operation of the department. In addition, both backhoes are used in all divisions in the department, as well as by other departments, as the workload warrants. The ability to provide timely response to maintenance and repair needs in the community is highly dependent upon availability of operating equipment. Therefore, this backhoe should be repaired as soon as possible. This equipment is proposed to be transferred to the Parks Department in FY 94 -95. Repairs to the backhoe are necessary in order to place it into operating condition in the meantime. FUNDING SOURCE: The FY 93 -94 Public Works Department Streets Division budget contains the funding needed to accomplish the necessary repairs. I' � I 1 1 • �� The staff recommends Council approval of a sole source expenditure of $2,988.39 payable to Keystone Equipment Co. to repair the Public Works/Street Division 1984 John Deere backhoe. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Keystone Equipment price quotation for operational repairs Z$ 466 P02 MAY 25'94 13:23 1 a r I •!� •! wn•t•! • I G \P" 11'Y b • �_Y•J�_4V?•^► ] ** CSI iOTF /ESTIMATE #* Continued ATTACHMENT 1 70810 . _. 25MAV94 13947 QUOTE Mode1:3i0R Pin: 706413 RF.AR AXLE HOUSING, RF-PI_ACF RH SIQF W /r.,AB Labor: 877.50 1 R26287 O -RING 4G3 0.29 0.29 ] R272 ] 6 I1RA I N Pt. UG 2S3 1.75 1.75 t R989 t 5 GASKET :334 5.76 5.76 1 T21423 DOWFI . PIN 4112 2.41 2.41 1 T5942 5t SP I N41 _F 21-15 552.00 552.00 1 AT20703 SEAL 4FI 13.08 13.08 t T2t429 OEAR[NO CU 6J2 10.6-5 t0.6:5s' ] JD8946 PFARING CO 3V2A 20.10 20.10 2 JDe206 BEARING CIJ 3T4 10.97 71.94 1 AT124396 SFAI. 4T4 9.23 9.23 1 .JD815 t eFAR I NG CO -14.S6 20.66 70.66 3 T38049 PINION SHA 7:2 33.30 99.90 6 T 1415/./? THRUST WAS 4K4 t. t 0 6.60 3 T21547 OFAR 81.78 245.34 69 T7 t 418 PIN # 4K3 0.37 25.5 3 ] 77192.6 DRIVF SHAF 7S2 184.98 184.98 i T55419 LOCK PLATE 2U1 2.52 2.52 ] T35306 CAP SCREW 4M4 3.06 3.06 t T55420 WASHER 4W7 0.67 0.67 1 AT146274 SHIM # 4P4 11.81 ]1.81 ** CSI iOTF /ESTIMATE #* Continued ATTACHMENT 1 t 28 466 P03 MAY 25'94 13:23 2 L 70810 9 l e- 272 -2.251 25MAY94 13:47 QUOTE l T135749 WASHER 4112 2.00 2.00 1 R50704 WASHER 4U1 1.51 1.51 1 AT 101717 HMS I NG 817.06 817.06 1 R267.37 O—RING 40..3 0.29 0.29 i R27216 DRAIN P1.U6 2S3 1.75 1.75 to HY--GAR0 (GAL.) 5.00 50.00 ** QUOTE /ESTIMATE *a Total tabor: Parts: Misr_: 1 877.50 2060.89 50.00 0.00 2988.39 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: ROHN MUNN ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN SUBJECT: AWARDING OF A CONTRACT FOR THE 76TH STREET NORTH PHASE H IMPROVEMENTS DATE: May 31,1994 BACKGROUND: The design work for the above project was completed in mid -April. This is the final 1988 Bond Issue project and it is the second phase to the 76th Street North improvements. The project consists of improvements to 76th Street North /Main Street intersection along with the approach lanes to the intersection. The following is a summary of the improvements to the 76th Street North Phase II project: * Milling the intersection of 76th /Main west to Atlanta, north to 1st Avenue, and the south 50' from the intersection. * Resurfacing will be done where milling is conducted. * Overlaying south of the intersection of 76th Street North /Main to 3rd Avenue. * New curb /gutter construction will be in the following areas: 1) Along the south side of 76th Street North from Main to Birch. 2) At all curb returns of the intersection of 76th /Main. 3) Along the east side of Main Street from 76th Street North to 3rd Avenue. 4) Along the east and west sides of Main Street from 76th Street North to the alleyway between 76th and 1st Avenue. * New sidewalks along the south side of 76th Street North from Main to Birch and south along the east side of Main Street from the intersection of 76th /Main to the first drive. * Full signalization, which shall consist of: - 4 steel poles w /mast arms - signals for each lane - new solid state controller - pedestrian walk/don't walk lights - 4 luminaries * Left turn bays in all four directions. * Rework the south east bound lane from the west bank entrance to the intersection of 76th /Main. * Adding a lane for north or east bound traffic on the south leg of the intersection of 76th /Main. * Striping on 76th Street North from Birch to Atlanta and on Main Street from 3rd Avenue to 1st Avenue. * Adding new storm sewer at the intersection of 76th /Main. * Utility relocation at the southeast comer of the intersection 76th /Main. * Right -of -way acquisition at the southeast corner of the intersection of 76th /Main. Two bids were received on May 26,1994, one from APAC- OKLAHOMA,INC. and the other from EMPIRE CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIALS,INC. The following is a tabulation of bids: BIDDER: ITENW DESCRIPTION 001. Milling /Resurfacing 002. 6 -Inch Barrier C/G 003. 6 -Inch Mountable C/G 004. Driveways 005. Sidewalk & sidewalk Replacement 7,600.00 and Wheelchair Ramps 006. 2 -Inch Overlay 007. New Lane Construction, Storm Sewer, 9,300.00 ✓ and Utility Relocation 008. Signalization 009. Striping 010. Traffic Control TOTALS APAC -OKLAHOMA,INC. EMPIRE CONSTRUCTION,INC. $36,198.40 $23,500.00 5,737.50 ✓ 22,000.00 3,825.00 ✓ 9,850.00 15,500.00 ✓ 21,400.00 12,100.00 9,300.00 ✓ 7,600.00 6,800.00 ✓ 12,200.00 17,400.00 45,265.00 53,400.00 9,300.00 ✓ 10,050.00 5,300.00 we 5,800.00 $153,025.90 $179,500.00 Both of the bids are above the monies remaining in the 1988 Revenue Bond Project Fund (approximately $114,115.00). However, due to the way the bid documents were set up, any combination or deletion of items is at the discretion of the City Of Owasso. Taking the lowest dollar amount from each category and award each bidder their respective bid will result as follows: APAC would receive $97,127.50 EMPIRE would receive $39,600.00 The total of APAC's and EMPIRE's bid would equal $136,727.50. This amount is considerably less than what each bidder bid totally; yet, it is still higher than the amount currently left in the 1988 Revenue Bond Project Fund. In reviewing the bids from APAC- OKLAHOMA,INC. and EMPIRE CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIALS,INC., all documentation is valid and in order. EASEMENT ACQUISITION: There may be a need to acquire an easement at the southeast corner of the intersection of 76th Street North and Main for the proposed traffic controller. The exact extent of the easement, if required, will be determined during construction when existing utilities have been located. It is expected, that the easement, would be able to be obtained at no cost to the City. FUNDING SOURCE: There will be $114,115.00 coming from the 1988 Revenue Bond Project Fund. The additional funds (approximately $23,000) will be available from the Oklahoma Department Of Transportation Industrial Access Road Grant for the National Steak and Poultry facility. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends awarding two separate contracts in the following matter: * One contract to APAC- OKLAHOMA,INC. for $97,127.50, and * One contract to EMPIRE CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIALS,INC. for $39,600.00, for the construction of improvements of the 76th Street North Phase II project. I nmMoxnrmunz TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY, CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: FINAL PLAT - DOUBLE OAKS EXTENDED DATE: June 2, 1994 BACKGROUND Double Oaks Extended, the fifth and final phase of the Double Oaks development, is located directly north of Double Oaks Estates, east and south of Double Oaks 11, and west of Double Oaks M. Double Oaks Extended will contain 95 single- family residential lots on approximately 29.23 acres more or less and is zoned RS -3 (Residential Single- Family High Density). The preliminary plat was acted on by the Planning Commission on April 12, 1994 and unanimously approved. The final plat was reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee at their April 27, 1994 meeting. At that meeting, the applicant and his engineer were provided with a list of staff and utility representative's comments regarding the plat. All requested corrections to the plat and covenants were made at that time and are shown on the enclosed plat. The final plat was reviewed by the Planning Commission at their May 10, 1994 regular meeting and was unanimously approved. At that time, corrections were still being made to the construction plans and now appear to be finalized (see attached memo from Rohn Munn of the Engineering Division of Public Works). A copy of the construction plans will be available the evening of the council meeting. At the final plat review before the Planning Commission, several residents from Double Oaks Estates voiced concerns over the proposed Double Oaks Extended plat. It would appear that these residents were under the impression that the lots to the north of those in Double Oaks Estates (lots now contained in Double Oaks Extended), were to be larger in square footage. Staff and the Planning Commission explained that the lots contained within the Double Oaks Extended plat met Zoning Code bulk and area requirements for a RS -3 (Residential Single - Family High Density) zoning district, contained all recommended changes /corrections, and therefore had no legal reason to be denied approval. Staff established a series of meetings with the developer and the concerned citizens within Double Oaks Estates in hopes to find an amiable agreement between the two parties. At this time, three meetings have been held at city hall between the two parties and a future agreement which may contain an amendment to this plat is possible. But it should be reiterated that the Double oaks Extended plat, as it is presented within your packet, meets all city platting requirements. As a note of interest, the area contained within Double Oaks Extended represents the final major residential portion of the square mile area bounded by 76th, 86th, 129th and Highway 169 to develop. The developer has also expressed an interest in changing the name of this plat to Double Oaks IV, rather than Double Oaks Extended, so the actual plat which is filed may be titled Double Oaks IV. If you have any questions and would like to review this plat prior to the council meeting, please do not hesitate to contact me. RECOnRYEENDATION Staff is recommending approval of the final plat for Double Oaks Extended. ATTACHMENTS 1. Memorandum from Rohn Munn, Engineering Technician. ENCLOSURES 1. Double Oaks Extended final plat. 2. Double Oaks Extended covenants. MEMORANDUM TO: TIMOTHY ROONEY CITY PLANNER FROM: ROHN MUNN PUBLIC WORKS, ENGINEERING DIVISION SUBJECT: CENTRAL PARK, DOUBLE OAKS EXTENDED, AND NOTTINGHAM ESTATES FINAL PLATS DATE: June 2, 1994 Construction plans for Central Park, Double Oaks Extended, and Nottingham Estates have been reviewed by the Engineering Division. No significant changes, other than those noted through the final plat process before the Planning Commission, have been necessary. Currently, Engineering staff is reviewing a final set of construction plans containing all recommended changes for all of the above stated plats. There are no anticipated changes that should affect the platting_ process. Therefore, staff is recommending City Council approval of the finals plats for Central Park, Double Oaks Extended, and Nottingham Estates. MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY, CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: FINAL PLAT - CENTRAL PARK (PHASE n DATE: June 2, 1994 BACKGROUND Central Park Addition is located one half mile north of E. 86th Street North, west of 129th E. Avenue. Phase I of the planned Central Park development consists of 44 residential lots zoned RS -3 (Residential Single- Family High Density) on a 14.86 acre area. The area contained within this initial phase will receive access via one entry from 129th E. Avenue, with an additional entry with the future platting of the remaining property. The preliminary plat was acted on by the Planning Commission on March 14, 1994 and unanimously approved. The final plat was reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee at its March 30, 1994 meeting. At that meeting, the applicant and his engineer were provided with a list of staff and utility representative's comments regarding the plat. All requested corrections to the plat and covenants were made at that time and are shown on the enclosed plat. The final plat was not reviewed by the Planning Commission in April due to corrections needed to be made to the Construction Plans and agenda deadlines. The final plat was reviewed and unanimously approved by the Planning Commission at their May 10, 1994 regular meeting. Construction plans were still being refined at that time and now appear to be finalized (see attached memo from Rohn Munn of the Engineering Division of Public Works). A copy of the construction plans will be available the evening of the council meeting. A final point of interest regarding this plat is the incorporation of several standards that are being recommended by staff in the review process of the Subdivision Regulations. Included within these standards is the requirement of acceleration and deceleration lanes at the entrances of subdivisions. In short, the entrance to Central Park will contain these lanes along N. 129th E. Avenue to assist in traffic flow on that arterial as it continues to see increases in residential development. If you have any questions and would like to review this plat prior to the council meeting, please do not hesitate to contact me. RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending approval of the final plat for Central Park. ATTACIIMENTS 1. Memorandum from Rohn Munn, Engineering Technician. ENCLOSURES 1. Central Park final plat. 2. Central Park Covenants. MEMORANDUM TO: TIMOTHY ROONEY CITY PLANNER FROM: ROHN MUNN PUBLIC WORKS, ENGINEERING DIVISION SUBJECT: CENTRAL PARK, DOUBLE OAKS E XTENDED, AND NOTTINGHAM ESTATES FINAL PLATS DATE: June 2, 1994 Construction plans for Central Park, Double Oaks Extended, and Nottingham Estates have been reviewed by the Engineering Division. No significant changes, other than those noted through the final plat process before the Planning Commission, have been necessary. Currently, Engineering staff is reviewing a final set of construction plans containing all recommended changes for all of the above stated plats. There are no anticipated changes that should affect the platting_ process. Therefore, staff is recommending City Council approval of the finals plats for Central Park, Double Oaks Extended, and Nottingham Estates. MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY, CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: FINAL PLAT - NOTTINGHAM ESTATES DATE: June 2, 1994 BACKGROUND Nottingham Estates is located east of Windsor Lake H Addition and south of Pleasant View Estates addition which is located in the county. Access to Nottingham Estates Addition would currently be through Pleasant View Estates Addition only, while future access would occur through platting of abutting property on the west and east. Nottingham Estates contains 46 residential lots on 26.49 acres and is zoned RS -2 (Residential Single- Family Medium Density). The preliminary plat was acted on by the Planning Commission on March 14, 1994 and unanimously approved. The final plat was reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee at its March 30, 1994 meeting. At that meeting, the applicant and his engineer were provided with a list of staff and utility representative's comments regarding the plat. All requested corrections to the plat and covenants were made at that time and are shown on the enclosed plat. The final plat was not permitted to be reviewed by the Planning Commission in April due to corrections needed to be made to the Construction Plans and agenda deadlines. The final plat was reviewed and unanimously approved by the Planning Commission at their May 10, 1994 regular meeting. Construction plans were still being refined at that time and now appear to be finalized (see attached memo from Rohn Munn of the Engineering Division of Public Works). A copy of the construction plans will be available the evening of the council meeting. At the preliminary and final plat reviews, concerns from property owners in the Pleasant View Addition were aired regarding construction traffic through that addition. Property owners were concerned that heavy construction equipment would damage the residential streets and also present a hazard to children within their addition. Through a series of meetings between the applicant, County Commissioner lewis Harris, and City Manager Rodney Ray, a working agreement has been developed. While note yet implemented, the applicant has indicated he will erect a sign at the entrance of the Pleasant View Addition and will construct a construction entrance further to the east on 96th Street and instruct his personnel to use it. An additional sign will also be located at that entrance. Also of concern when the preliminary and final plats were reviewed was the sanitary sewer, and how this addition would be serviced. The applicant has purchased an easement which allows this addition to be tied to the Brentwood Estates Addition on 86th Street. The Brentwood Estates sanitary sewer was designed to handle a large drainage basin in Section 21. Nottingham Estates falls within that drainage basin and no problems should result with this connection. In addition to the connection of sanitary sewer along 86th Street, the ability for Pleasant View Estates to "tie -in" to the Nottingham Estates sanitary sewer has also been established. All Pleasant View Estates homes are currently on septic. If you have any questions and would like to review this plat prior to the council meeting, please do not hesitate to contact me. RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending approval of the final plat for Nottingham Estates. ATTACHMENTS Memorandum from Rohn Munn, Engineering Technician. ENCLOSURES 1. Nottingham Estates final plat. 2. Nottingham Estates covenants. MEMORANDUM TO: TIMOTHY ROONEY CITY PLANNER FROM: ROHN MUNN PUBLIC WORKS, ENGINEERING DIVISION SUBJECT: CENTRAL PARK, DOUBLE OAKS EXTENDED, AND NOTTINGHAM ESTATES FINAL PLATS DATE: June 2, 1994 Construction plans for Central Park, Double Oaks Extended, and Nottingham Estates have been reviewed by the Engineering Division. No significant changes, other than those noted through the final plat process before the Planning Commission, have been necessary. Currently, Engineering staff is reviewing a final set of construction plans containing all recommended changes for all of the above stated plats. There are no anticipated changes that should affect the platting process. Therefore, staff is recommending City Council approval of the finals plats for Central Park, Double Oaks Extended, and Nottingham Estates. MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: ORDINANCE NO. 483 DATE: May 23, 1994 BACKGROUND: On May 17, 1994, the Owasso City Council unanimously approved a rezoning request of a 16 acre area from AG (Agriculture) and RM -1 (Residential Multi - Family Low Density) to an IL (Industrial Light) district. As you may recall, this zoning would allow for the development of the selected National Steak and Poultry site. Ordinance 483, attached for your review, would formally adopt the actions of the City Council from their May 17, 1994 meeting. RECOMMENDATION: Staff is recommending City Council approval of Ordinance No. 483. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Ordinance No. 483. CITY OF OWASSO ORDINANCE NO. 483 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ZONING APPLICATION NUMBER OZ -94 -03 CHANGING THE ZONING OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, FROM RM -1 (RESIDENTIAL MULTI- FAMILY LOW DENSITY) AND AG (AGRICULTURAL) TO IL (INDUSTRIAL LIGHT), AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. WHEREAS, public hearings have been held regarding the request for rezoning of the property herein described, and, WHEREAS, the Owasso City Council has considered the recommendation of the Owasso Planning Commission and all statements for and against the requested rezoning of application OZ- 94 -03. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT Section 1. The zoning classification of the following described property, to wit: A tract of land that is 552 feet in width and 1307 feet in length lying in the Southeast Quarter (SE/4) of the Northeast Quarter (NE/4) of Section 31, Township 21 North, Range 14 East, East of the Indian Base and Meridian, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, being more particularly described as follows, to -wit: Commencing at the Northeast Corner of Section 31, T -21 -N, R -14 -E, thence Westerly along the north line of said Section 31 for a distance of 1321.19 feet to the Northeast Corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 31; thence Southerly along the east line of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 31 for a distance of 1045 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence South along the west line of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 31 for a distance of 1307 feet to a point; thence easterly and parallel to the north line of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 31 for a distance of 552 feet to a point; thence Northerly and parallel to the west line of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 31 for a distance of 1307 feet to a point; thence Westerly for a distance of 552 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 16.56 acre more or less, be, and the same is hereby rezoned from a RM -1 (Residential Multi- Family Low Density) and AG (Agriculture) to an IL (Industrial Light) district. Section 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby expressly repealed. PASSED AND APPROVED this 7th day of June, 1994. City of Owasso, Oklahoma Jerry Duke, Mayor ATTEST: Sherry Bishop, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION SUPPORTING SALES TAX LEVY FOR WHIRLPOOL DATE: June 2, 1994 BACKGROUND: In April, the Whirlpool Corporation announced that the Tulsa Cherokee Industrial Park had been selected as the preferred site for the location of a new Whirlpool manufacturing facility. As a part of the incentive package for Whirlpool, the County has pledged a twenty -six million dollar facility. The funding source for the twenty -six million dollar investment is a one - half penny sales tax levied on a county -wide basis. However, in order to levy that tax, a vote of Tulsa County citizens is required. That election has been scheduled for June 14, 1994, and requires a majority vote for passage. Resolution #94 -07, if adopted, would express the support of the Owasso City Council for passage of that sales tax levy. FACTS ABOUT THE SALES TAX & THE WHIRLPOOL FACILITY: 1. The resolution passed by the County Commission specifically prohibits the continuation of the sales tax once a total of twenty -six million dollars (approximately one year) is reached. 2. The sales tax, if approved, will be collected on a county -wide basis. 3. The revenue from the sales tax can only be used for the Whirlpool project, and the total county contribution of sales tax proceeds cannot exceed twenty -five percent (25 %) of the total cost of the facility. 4. Location of the facility will create 1400 jobs, 1300 of which will be hired locally. 5. A full access interchange will be constructed at state Highway 75 and 76th Street North. Resolution #94 -07 June 2, 1994 Page B 6. 76th Street will be improved from Highway 75 east to Lakewood. That improvement should give encouragement for the state to complete the remaining portion of 76th Street to Owasso. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends Council approval of Resolution $D4 -07 as an economic development measure. ATTACHMENT: 1. Resolution #94 -07 u u 11 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA RESOLUTION NO 94 -07 A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE PROPOSED COUNTY -WIDE SALES TAX LEVY OF ONE -HALF PERCENT (1/2 %) FOR APPROXIMATELY ONE (1) YEAR FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TO THE WHIRLPOOL CORPORATION, WHICH HAS AGREED TO LOCATE A MANUFACTURING FACILITY IN THE CHEROKEE INDUSTRIAL PARK, TULSA, OKLAHOMA. WHEREAS, the Owasso City Council actively supports all economic development efforts intended to provide greater employment opportunities for Owasso's citizenry; and WHEREAS, the City of Owasso, Owasso Economic Development Authority, State of Oklahoma, City of Tulsa, Tulsa County, Owasso Chamber of Commerce, Public Service Company of Oklahoma, Oklahoma Natural Gas Company and many other entities and organizations, both public and private, have worked diligently to attract the Whirlpool Corporation to the Tulsa metropolitan area; and WHEREAS, the Whirlpool Corporation has responded positively and has agreed to locate a manufacturing facility in the Cherokee Expressway Industrial District, invest $75 -$80 million in the facility, and eventually employ 1300 -plus workers with an annual payroll reaching $25 million before the end of the century; and WHEREAS, the Cherokee Industrial Park is located adjacent to the City of Owasso, providing access to additional jobs for its citizens; and WHEREAS, the management of Whirlpool Corporation made the conscious decision to keep its 1300 -plus jobs in the United States by locating in the Tulsa metropolitan area, while one of its major competitors chose to take its facility and its jobs outside our country to Mexico; and WHEREAS, to fund the pledged financial support by Tulsa County, which is the key element in the agreement whereby Whirlpool Corporation will locate its facility in the Tulsa metropolitan area, the voters of Tulsa County must approve a county-wide sales tax levy of one- half percent (1/2 %) for a duration of approximately one (1) year. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA: Section 1. That the City of Owasso, Oklahoma fully supports the broad -based metropolitan effort to bring the Whirlpool Corporation to the Tulsa metropolitan area and, further, the City of Owasso does hereby endorse the proposed county -wide sales tax levy of one- half percent (1/2 %) for the duration of approximately one (1) year for the purpose of providing financial assistance to the Whirlpool Corporation. Section 2. That the City Clerk of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma be, and is hereby directed forthwith to forward a copy of this Resolution to the Board of County Commissioners of Tulsa County, Oklahoma and to the Whirlpool Corporation. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of June, 1994 by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. ATTEST: Sherry Bishop, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Jerry Duke, Mayor � MEMoxnrmuM II TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: MARCIA BOUTWELL EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO THE CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: REQUEST TO AWARD BID AND APPROVE CONTRACT FOR FLEET FUEL MANAGEMENT SERVICES DATE: June 2, 1994 BACKGROUND: Approximately one year ago a staff team began meeting to discuss the possibility of privatizing our fleet fuel services. After meeting with representatives from QuikTrip, Texaco, and GO! Systems to determine their services and costs; as well as looking at the cost to the City to maintain and repair the pumps located at the old city garage and the exposure to the City in maintaining underground gasoline storage tanks, it was determined that it would be cost effective to the city to pursue this program. Bid specifications were developed and bids were opened on September 9, 1993. The City Council awarded the bid on October 5, 1993 to GO! Systems to supply gasoline twenty -four hours a day, seven days a week, at a margin of .07C per gallon, based on the OPIS average wholesale cost of fuel on a weekly basis. The term of the contract was through June 30, 1994, with the recommendation that the fuel services be rebid prior to the beginning of FY94 -95. r At the time the bid was awarded, GO! Systems had one affiliate in Owasso, Git 'N Go located at 307 E Second Ave. However, GO! Systems has approximately 250 locations throughout Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas, with nearly 200 of those locations in the state of Oklahoma, all of which are available to us. ' We were notified in January of 1994 that Spencer's Short Stop had become an affiliate of GO! Systems, giving us access to diesel fuel. On January 24, 1994, we amended the contract with ' GO! Systems to include diesel fuel at the same margin as gasoline of .07C per gallon. MONITORING AND REPORTING: GO! Systems provides a complete fleet fueling management information system with no set up ' fees and no monthly service fees. Each month they provide a Vehicle Analysis Report/Invoice Fleet Fuel Management Services June 2, 1994 Page 2 which includes the vehicle number, vehicle department number, purchase date, purchase time, purchase location, driver's name, odometer reading, product code, gallons purchased, unit cost per gallon, total purchase amount, cost per mile, and cost per gallon. In addition, it includes a summary of all transactions for that month, as well as year to date. Each department is sent a copy of the portion of the report that pertains to that department. We also receive all of the above information from the company on computer diskette for our use. COST COMPARISON: Before we outsourced this service, the City of Owasso paid an average price of .754Z per gallon for regular unleaded fuel (figures based on purchases between June 10, 1992 through June 13, 1993). We projected an average price of .67C per gallon using the GO! Systems program. In actuality, the average price we paid for gasoline through GO! Systems during the six month period of November 1993 through April 1994 was .59C per gallon, affording us a savings nearly double that of what we had projected. During that six -month period, the price per gallon varied from a low of .53C to a high of .65C. COMMENTS: Comments from city employees concerning the privatized fueling system have been positive, and an evaluation of the program indicated that we should continue this privatized program. Bid packets were mailed to three vendors - QuikTrip, Texaco, and GO! Systems, and advertisement was placed in The Owasso Reporter as required by law. Bids were opened on May 20, 1994 at 11:00 a.m., with GO! Systems being the only bidder. They bid the same margin as their current contract - OPIS plus .07C per gallon. Item #7 of the bid specifications states: The CONTRACTOR shall furnish the FLEET FUEL MANAGEMENT SERVICES at a price based on the Oil Price Index Service (OPIS) average wholesale cost of fuel on a weekly basis, with written confirmation to the City of Owasso of such cost once a week, plus a set margin. Since the OPIS cost is published, only the margin shall be bid. The bid margin shall be good through June 30, 1995. Utilization of the OPIS as a bidding benchmark was selected after reviewing successful programs in other cities. By using OPIS, every bidder can quote an "apples to apples" bid. Texaco's system is set up take a percentage off the total billing and QuikTrip wanted to bid an amount Fleet Fuel Management Services June 2, 1994 Page 3 off the pump price. Neither of them would change their method of bidding, therefore, neither met the bid specifications. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council award a one -year contract for gasoline and diesel fuel to GO! Systems at a margin of .07C per gallon, based on the OPIS average wholesale cost of fuel on a weekly basis, and that the Mayor be authorized to execute the necessary documents. ATTACEWMNT• 1. Bid Documentation 2. Contract for Services r. 1 Affidavit Of Publication STATE OF OKLAHOMA, TULSA COUNTY, ss: Bill R. Retherford, of lawful age, being duly sworn and authorized, says that he is the publisher of the OWASSO REPORTER , a weekly newspaper printed in the city of OWASSO Tulsa County, Oklahoma, a newspaper qualified to publish legal notices, advertisements and publications as provided in Section 106 of Title 25, Oklahoma Statutes 1971 and 1983 as amended, and thereafter, and complies with all other requirements of the laws of Oklahoma with reference to legal publications. That said notice, a true copy of which is attached hereto, was published in the regular edition of said newspaper during the period and time of publication and not in a supplement, on the following dates: MAY 5 199 4 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th day of May 199 4 Notary Public My Commission expires: March 20, 1997 PUBLISHER'S FEE $ 34.00 Published In the Owasso Reporter, Owasso, Tulsa County, Okla- homa, May 5, 1994. NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed Bids will be received by the City of Owasso at the Owasso City . Hall, Office of Contract Administra- tor, 207 South Cedar, PO Box 180, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 until 11 OO a.rrL on the 201h day of May, 1994, and then at said City Hall Publicly opened and read aloud. This will be for the furnishing of the folk wing Item: The City of Owasso desires to obtain fleet fuel management services from qualified suppli- ers to supply fuel and a com- plete fuel management sys. tem for City owned vehicles. Further information and specifica- tion packets can be obtained by contacting Marcia Boutwell, Con- . tract Administrator, at Owasso City Hall during regular working hours Envelopes containing bids must be marked to Identify the Item being bid. BIDDERS shall submit entire Contract Documents and Specifi- cations book with BID proposal Intact. BIDDERS who submit BID form only will be rejected at time of opening. The City of Owasso expressly reserves the right to reject all bids. All bids will be considered Irrevocable offers under conditions specified in the bid for a period of sixty (60) calendar days from and after the date herein for the open- ing of bids. /a/ Marcia Boutwell Marcia Boutwell, Contract Administrator May 2, 1994 1 i BID PROPOSAL - SUBMITTAL PAGE Fleet Fuel Management Services ' 1. The undersigned declares that before preparing this BID (s)he carefully read the detailed specifications and that this BID is made with full knowledge of the kind, quality and ' quantity of the services to be provided. 2. The undersigned offers and proposes to furnish the fuel, materials, equipment, or other i services set forth in the specifications and provisions, in the manner and under the conditions and in accordance with the specifications in this document. 3. In submitting this BID, the undersigned represents, as more fully set forth in the AGREEMENT, that; a. The undersigned has examined copies of all BID documents. b. The undersigned has familiarized himself /herself with the nature and extent of the Contract Documents, and all Local, State and Federal Laws and Regulations that in any manner may affect the cost, progress, and performance of the CONTRACT FOR SERVICES. C. The undersigned has correlated the results of all such observations, examinations, investigations, and studies with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. d. This BID is genuine and not made in the interest of or on behalf of any undisclosed person, firm or corporation and is not submitted in conformity with any agreement or corporation. The undersigned has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other firm or individual to submit a false or sham BID. The undersigned has not solicited or induced any person, firm or corporation to refrain from submitting a BID. The undersigned has not sought by collusion to obtain for itself any advantage over any other individual or over the City of Owasso. 4. The undersigned will provide the FLEET FUEL MANAGEMENT SERVICES at a price based on the Oil Price Index Service (OPIS) average wholesale cost of fuel on a weekly basis, plus a set margin. THE BID MARGIN IS a 0—+ CENTS PER GALLON I r ' he eby acknowledge that I have read the specifications and that I am legally bound by the statements on the Bid Proposal - Submittal Pages. Title Address Name of Firm H UG, A i' C�-L, G a \ a 1 BID OPENING: May 20, 1994 @11:00 a.m. NON COLLUSION BID AFFIDAVIT STATE OF k)ahojajo• ) ss COUNTY OF Tu ) �, o � n A S c t � R ✓a h , of lawful age, being first duly sworn, on oath says that (s)he is the agent authorized by the bidder to submit the attached bid. Affiant further states that the bidder has not been a part of any collusion among bidders in restraint of freedom of competition by agreement to bid at a fixed price or to refrain from bidding; or with State, County, or City officials or employees as to quantity, quality, or price in prospective contract, or any discussions between bidder and any State, County, or City official concerning exchange of money or other thing of value for special consideration in the letting of a contract. Name: ,)oLAv /A; SLvIIi'vu!, Signatu Subscribed and sworn before me this � day of Ma 14 199. Notary Public My Commission Expires: (;:- lq -ly NOTE: COMPLETE THIS AFFIDAVIT AND RETURN WITH BID PROPOSAL CONTRACT FOR SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT, made this 7th day of June , 1994, between the City of Owasso, (CITY), and GO! SYSTEMS (CONTRACTOR). WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the payments and agreements that are contained herein and incorporated herein by reference: 1. The CONTRACTOR will provide vehicle fuel and a fuel management service for the CITY. 2. The CONTRACTOR will furnish all of the equipment, labor and other services necessary to provide regular unleaded gasoline at a minimum of 87 octane, and diesel fuel for all City owned vehicles and equipment and the fuel management information as required in the Contract Documents. 3. The CONTRACTOR will provide a minimum. of one fueling location in the City Limits of the City of Owasso, such location to provide 24 hour per day attended service. 4. The TERM of the CONTRACT FOR SERVICES will be July 1, 1994 through June 30, 1995. 5. During the term of the Contract, the CONTRACTOR shall perform all of the scheduled services described in the Contract Documents, and comply with the terms and conditions therein for the price of .07 cents per gallon margin, over the OPIS weekly wholesale cost of fuel. 6. The term "Contract Documents" means the Contract Documents and Bid Specifications packet in its entirety. 7. The CITY shall pay the CONTRACTOR on a monthly basis following the submission of invoices and monthly summary reports. 8. This Agreement shall be binding upon all parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. 9. This instrument, supplemented by the Contract Documents, contains the entire Agreement between the parties, and no statement, promise or inducement made by either party, or the agent of either party, that is not contained in this written Contract shall be valid or binding. 10. This Agreement shall not be enlarged, modified or altered except in writing, signed by the parties and endorsed hereon. 11. This Contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of Oklahoma both as to interpretation and performance. CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA By Jerry Duke, Mayor ATTEST: Sherry Bishop, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM & CONTENT: Ronald D Cates, City Attorney CONTRACTOR By John A Sullivan Sales Representative Title MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: REQUEST TO TRANSFER FUNDS TO GOLF AUTHORITY DATE: June 2, 1994 BACKGROUND: In December of 1992, the City of Owasso was awarded a $40,000 grant from the State Department of Transportation for the purpose of constructing a portion (surface paving) of an industrial access road for the Max Buchanan Company. Then, in March of 1993, the Owasso Public Golf Authority was informed that the Oklahoma Department of Transportation would fund a $25,000 grant for road improvements to the golf course as an economic development activity. However, neither the city staff nor the Golf Authority was informed as to the method of how the golf road grant would be awarded. Then, in January 1994, the City was informed that the golf road grant would be processed simultaneously with the final request for funds for the Max Buchanan project. That notification was made to the City directly from the office of the Secretary of Transportation. Subsequently, on April 1, 1994, the City of Owasso submitted to ODOT a request for reimbursement for the two projects in the total amount of $63,987.75. Of that amount, $36,169.02 was allocated to the Max Buchanan road project and $27,818.73 was requested for reimbursement for the golf course road construction. That request for reimbursement was made after Council action on March 15, 1994 approving the addition of the golf authority reimbursement to the City's budget (both revenue and expense) and authorizing the staff to submit such request to ODOT (see attached memo). On May 13, 1994, the City of Owasso received a check from the state of Oklahoma in the amount of $63,987.75, the full amount requested. Those funds have been deposited to the General Fund as required by law. Of that total, $36,169.02 has been credited to the general fund as reimbursement for construction of the Max Buchanan road. The remaining $27,818.73 is the amount requested on behalf of the Golf Authority and is anticipated to be transferred to that Authority. Request to Transfer Funds to Golf Authority June 2, 1994 Page 2 REOUEST• This agenda item requests that the Council approve the payment and transfer of $27,818.73 to the Owasso Public Golf Authority from grant funds received by the City of Owasso and budgeted for such purpose. NOTE: If this action is approved, the Treasurer will be authorized to make the transfer to the OPGA without further Council action. RECOMMENDATION• The staff recommends Council approval of the request for payment and transfer of $27,818.73 to the Owasso Public Golf Authority. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Memorandum dated March 10, 1994 2. Minutes from City Council meeting of March 15, 1994 3. Receipt dated May 13, 1994 JL1 u1 a 310 .VIN il►Tii TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCEL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR AMENDMENTS TO BUDGET DATE: March 10, 1994 BACKGROUND: Last summer members of the Owasso Public Golf Authority contacted state officials with the Department of Transportation for the purpose of determining if there were funds available to assist the Authority in the construction of a road providing access to the golf course. Subsequent to that contact with the ODOT, the Authority was informed that there may be funds available, but any appropriation would have to be made to the City in the same manner as the appropriation for the road improvements for the Max Buchanan Company. The golf authority could not afford to wait until state- appropriated funds were available to build the entrance road. Therefore, the road was constructed using a joint agreement with Tulsa County whereby the Authority paid for all of the material (gravel, asphalt, etc) and the County provided the labor and equipment. Total cost of the road building material was $27,820. ' Two weeks ago the City was contacted by the Oklahoma Department of Transportation and informed that ODOT has allocated funds to reimburse the cost of the golf course entrance road and that those funds would be added to the current ODOT grant of $40,000 for the Max tBuchanan access project, for a total grant of $67,860. In order to accomplish the initial goal of the request to ODOT, the City would have to be willing to accept the grant and then transfer the additional $27,860 to the Owasso Public Golf Authority as intended by the ODOT. To accomplish that transfer and maintain a record of the financial activities, the Council should take the following actions: ' 1. Increase the FY93 -94 estimate of revenues from grants by $27,860. 2. Approve a supplemental appropriation to the General Fund Economic Development ' Department in the amount of $27,860. 3. Approve a transfer of funds from the City to the Golf Authority in the amount of $27,860. (Note: This item will not be requested until the grant is actually received.) Request for Amendments to Budget March 10, 1994 Page 2 Even though the City did not initiate the request for funds from ODOT, the City staff has on several occasions been involved in providing information to the State Department of Transportation relating to the grant. The staff is now ready to request the final reimbursement of ODOT funds for the Max Buchanan project (final acceptance of project is listed on this agenda), and must include the reimbursement request for the road to the golf course in that request as per instructions from the ODOT. In keeping with established procedure, and to ensure a proper audit trail, budget amendments should be made prior to the acceptance of grant funds. The requested actions will not impact City finances in any way. However, the golf authority will receive a reimbursement of $27,860 that can be used for improvements to the facility. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends Council approval of an amendment to the FY 1993 -94 budget by increasing the General Fund Estimate of Revenues by $27,860 and supplementally appropriating $27,860 to the Economic Development Department. Owasso City Council March 15, 1994 ITEM 11: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR THE PURCHASE OF ONE AUTOMOBILE AND REQUEST FOR APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS FOR THAT PURCHASE. In January 1994 the City Council directed the City Manager to purchase a vehicle for his use. Since that directive, a vehicle being used by the police department has been declared unsafe. Staff believes that it would be in the best interest of the City to replace that vehicle, and transfer the fire chiefs 1989 Chevrolet to the Managerial Department. Originally, that vehicle was to have been transferred to the police department. Mr Ray said that bid specifications were developed for a 1993 Chevy Corsica program car and sent to area vendors and banking institutions. Three bids were received and opened on March 9. Classic Chevrolet, with a bid of $8850, was the low bidder; however, they were unable to meet the warranty requirements as required in the bid specifications. Therefore, staff recommended the purchase of a vehicle from the next low bidder, Keystone Chevrolet, in the amount of $8858. Mayor Randolph moved, seconded by John Phillips, to approve an expenditure of $8858 to Keystone Chevrolet for the purchase of a 1993 Chevrolet Corsica, and that a supplemental appropriation of $8850 be approved for the General Fund Managerial Department. AYE: Randolph, Phillips, Barnhouse, Burris, Bowen NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. 4 ��\^✓ lll, �l,/ lllJ,/,/,/ 1. 11,/ l✓ J ,/./l✓,Jl,/llll./,/y11,/,/,/y./ Jill✓ y,/,/,/ y ./ll,/1„/ll./,/./lil,/l„/llll ✓� t) !'ITV nC n�eiw oc+r. NO- -15650 Owasso, OK S� —I 3 19 FOR CD01- /'). 7'-- RECEIVED OF �i�C(i)b!�'llG- Amount ACCT. #� City of Owasso - By (J ��f) e-"4 llr� MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: CITY MANAGER'S REPORT DATE: June 3, 1994 CITY MANAGER'S REPORT June 3, 1994 Page 2 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT - The Owasso Board of Adjustment met Monday, May 23, 1994 and unanimously approved a variance in setback distance from an abutting residentially zoned property for a lot located within Three Lakes Industrial Park II. To date, no applications have been received for the next regular meeting of the Board of Adjustment (June 28, 1994). More detailed information is contained within the attached memorandum from Mr Rooney. If you have any questions, please contact Mr Rooney, Mr Compton, or me. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ANNUAL REPORT - The staff has completed the final draft of the FY95 Capital Improvements Committee report. It will be presented to the committee for action in June. If approved, this report and the recommendations contained within it, will be transmitted to the City Council for review and action. It is anticipated that the Council will also review this document in June. If you have any questions, please contact Mr Compton or me. PLANNING COMMISSION - The next regular meeting of the Planning Commission will be held on June 14, 1994 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Conference Room. Items on that agenda include a review of the long anticipated site plan for the Best Western Motel (to be located directly east of the Golden Corral restaurant), a rezoning request from RMH (Residential Mobile Home) to IL (Industrial Light) in the German Corner area, and a lot split request directly north of the Depot Steak House on the west side of Atlanta. More detailed information concerning these items is contained within the memorandum from Mr Rooney referred to under the Board of Adjustment heading. If you have any questions please contact Mr Rooney, Mr Compton, or me. ENGINEERING: 96TH AND GARNETT INTERSECTION - Over the past few months, the intersection at 96th Street North and Garnett Road has been discussed at several meetings and been the subject of several reports. The City staff had developed an action plan to address methods of safety improvements based on input from citizens and various technical persons. In addition, at the request of County Commissioner Harris, the County Engineer developed an alternate solution for the intersection. Mr Carr and I were part of a meeting on January 7, 1994 with Commissioner Harris, the County Engineer (Ray Jordan) and the former County District Road Supervisor (Ray Wilson) to discuss the County plan and develop a final recommendation for the City Council to consider. Available options were discussed and a decision was made to recommend that substantial improvements be made to the intersection in the immediate future. Commissioner Harris made a commitment to share in the cost of the project. The County Engineer was given the task of developing an • qP I 4 .M im CITY MANAGER'S REPORT June 3, 1994 Page 3 interlocal agreement detailing the responsibilities for the project. Under the provisions of the agreement, the City is to be responsible for construction of the signalization, utility relocation and required right -of -way. The County is to provide for engineering plans and all labor /materials required to complete the widening. A concept plan of the intersection improvements, prepared by the County, is attached for your review. Based on the proposed plan, our Engineering Division is preparing the specifications for the signalization. Request for authorization to bid the signalization will be presented to Council in the near future in order that the project can remain on a schedule for completion by the start of the coming school year. CEMETERY: FAIRVIEW CEMETERY WORK DAY - The second cemetery work day for the public was held on May 21, 1994, just prior to the Memorial Day weekend. Although the turnout was small, much was accomplished through the cooperative efforts of citizens and city staff. Mr Heath and Ms Boutwell were on hand to provide general assistance. POLICE SERVICES: POLICE CHAPLAIN - In January of this year, Chief Alexander began coordinating with the Owasso Ministerial Alliance to develop a Police Chaplain's program. Several local pastors participated in training provided by the Oklahoma Association of Police Chaplains. A roster has been set up effective May of this year with chaplains "on call" to respond to needs of the community. This valuable addition to the police department assists in death notifications, providing comfort and guidance to victims of crimes, in addition to providing a liaison between police officers and local pastors. Chaplains have purchased pagers and are assigned a specific work period that they must be available. DISASTER EXERCISE - On Friday, May 13th, Owasso Middle School was hit by a mock tornado. Several children casualties were 'positioned' on the soccer field. Members of the Owasso police, fire and ambulance departments responded, in addition to department directors, media, amateur radio operators and outside private industries. The goal was to benchmark the preparedness of the City of Owasso in the event of a disaster. A two -hour afteraction critique was held and many observations were made as to how the preparedness could be improved. This exercise will begin the revision and update of the City's preparedness. It was an excellent training event. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT June 3, 1994 Page 4 VICTIM ADVOCACY TRAINING - In June of this year, the Owasso Police Department will host a victim advocacy training which will be held at the Community Center. This 24 -hour block of training is designed to educate senior citizens in the judicial process. SALT (Seniors and Lawmen Together) is the sponsor. This training will teach interested senior citizens in the judicial process in the event of crimes against seniors. These advocates can be called on to answer any questions that the victims may have and assist with providing guidance. This program has been in effect for a number of years in Tulsa and has proven to be very successful. RADIO REPEATER - The police department's radio "repeater" (a device that picks up and "boosts" radio signals from vehicles and handpacs so that a greater distance and better quality signal is produced) has been damaged by an electrical storm for the third time. The most recent damage has left us with a piece of equipment that can still perform its function, but is no longer reliable. Mr Stamper is required to work with the repeater on a daily basis just to keep it operational. The staff was aware of the need to replace the repeater and included that replacement in the 1994 -95 budget (page 96 under Machinery). The plan had been to wait until the next fiscal year to initiate the acquisition. However, with this new damage, I do not believe we can afford to delay the acquisition. Based on advice from the police department and Mr Stamper, I plan to move ahead with this project by listing it on the June 21 agenda for action by the Council. Should the Council approve the staff recommendation for purchase of a repeater at that time, the actual acquisition will not take place until after July 1, 1994. Therefore, the funding for the purchase would still be from the FY94 -95 budget. If you have questions, please call Chief Alexander, Mr Stamper or me. RECREATION CENTER: SUMMER CAMPS - On June 6, 1994 the following camps will begin: baseball, basketball, tennis, twirling, and art camp. These camps will continue all summer until school starts. GIRL SCOUT SLEEP -OVER - The Girl Scouts will have their third annual sleep -over at the Recreation Center on June 16, 1994. The sleep -over will begin at 4:00 p.m. and will conclude with a picnic in Rayola Park at 1:00 p.m. on June 17, 1994. This is always a fun event; the girls are working on different craft badges. BUILDERS TRADE FAIR - June 18, 1994 "Moving to Owasso" builders trade fair will be held at the Recreation Center from 10:00 am until 4:00 pm. This will help inform those interested in buying or selling a home, the best and proper method to fill out loan applications. All the area builders and real estate agencies will be on hand to answer any questions on building and loan applications. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT June 3, 1994 Page 5 SWEY MING POOL: - SWIMMING POOL OPENING - On May 28, 1994, the staff of the YMCA of Greater Tulsa opened the swimming pool. Both the "Y" staff and our crews were much better prepared this year than last, and the Memorial Day weekend went extremely well. The "free swim" was offered and had over 360 swimmers. The requirement for the "Y" to provide a written management plan for the summer operations of the swimming pool seems to have solidified their role and allowed for better overall coordination. If you have any questions, please contact IP Mr Compton or me. PARK MAINTENANCE: PLAY EQUIPMENT - The park maintenance staff had scheduled the installation of new play equipment in Elm Creek Park to have occurred by the end of May; however, because of the need to "weed -eat" all the parks, open the swimming pool, and complete the berm and drainage work requested at the Sports -Park by the Council, the installation of the equipment will not be completed until mid -June. The equipment being installed is a large "Big Toy" that provides for a variety of play activities. It will be located in the same general area where the old merry-go- round was located. As noted in an earlier report, the merry-go -round was removed because of safety and liability concerns. If you have any questions, please contact Mr Hunt, Mr Compton, or me. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: NATIONAL STEAK AND POULTRY COMPANY - Mr Glen Todd (NSP Construction Manager) and other representatives of Todd Construction Services, conducted a meeting June 2, 1994 at the Community Center for all contractors interested in the construction of the new ' NSP facility. Approximately 60 contractors attended. Pre - qualification requirements were explained and application forms were distributed to each contractor desiring to pre - qualify. City staff and INCOG staff are proceeding with the Department of Transportation and Department of Commerce grant applications. For a more detailed explanation of that process, see the attached memorandum from Mr Compton. If you have any questions, please contact Mr Compton or me. WHIRLPOOL CORPORATION - The staff is continuing to work with the Tulsa Chamber and others in preparing for Whirlpool's move. As a result of these efforts, a series of briefing seminars has been established to inform area businesses on how to conduct business with the new Whirlpool range manufacturing facility. For specific times and dates of each seminar and the telephone number for reservations, see attached notice. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT June 3, 1994 Page 6 PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION: DATABASE INPUT - The Public Works Director's office has started to input information received from citizen and departmental requests into a database program to track status. The database is the same as the one used by Utility Billing. Public Works is initially implementing the program in the Streets Division to track such items as pothole repairs, concrete work (sidewalks, curbs, gutters), street repair projects, and drainage ditch maintenance. The listing will enable work items to be more effectively combined with the schedule of projects for the department. WATER DISTRIBUTION: WATER MAIN ALONG 96TH STREET NORTH - In March 1993, the Trustees of the Owasso Public Works Authority approved a buyout proposal for the purchase of water in a portion of Rural Water District #3 in Rogers County. Three water mains were required in order to remove customers from the Rural Water District system and provide service from the system operated by the City of Owasso. A detailed memorandum from Mr Carr concerning this subject is attached for your reference. The 3" main required along 145th E Ave has been completed. A 4" line to interconnect Glenn - Murr Acres II and City View Estates (north of 96th St N) is proposed to be completed in the near future. (A request for approval of materials purchase is included on the Council agenda for the June 7th meeting.) The remaining customers will be provided service from a main extending along 96th St N from 129th E Ave. Staff is recommending that the size of the third water main be sufficient to provide service to the remaining Rural Water District customers, as well as offering the ability to serve some of our existing customers and provide for future growth in the area. A method of recovering the additional costs of construction to provide for the increased main sizing is presented in the attached memorandum. The concept of the cost recovery methodology is that the City is proposing to extend a water main that would be oversized for the present immediate need of connecting Rural Water District customers to our system. There are proposed developments in the area that will require increased demands for water above that solely needed for these customers. Based on the calculated acreage in the service area and the cost to extend the water main, a reimbursement cost per acre for properties expected to be provided service from the main has been proposed. As indicated, approximately $165 per acre is proposed. Actual reimbursement costs will be calculated once the project is completed and all associated costs of design and construction can be compiled. ' ATTACHMENTS 1. Contract Status Report 2. Lawsuit Status Report 3. Golf Course Profit/Loss Statement 4. Memorandum from Mr Rooney dated May 26, 1994 Reference Planning Items 5. Building Permit Reports 6. 96th & Garnett Intersection Concept 7. Police Department Dry Cleaning Biding Specifications 8. Police Department Repeater Memorandum and Bid Documents 9. Correspondence to John Swift Regarding Opening of Swimming Pool ' 10. Memorandum from Mr Compton dated June 2, 1994 Reference Economic Development 11. How to do Business with Whirlpool 12. Memorandum from Mr Carr dated May 27 1994 Reference Water District #3 !"■ vmn P" !-a--q r -M! rEw IF CONTRACT STATUS REPORT June 3, 1994 PROJECT ADVERTISE FOR BIDS BID OPENING AWARD BID NOTICE OF AWARD BONDS IN PLACE PRE - CONSTRUCTION MEETING NOTICE TO PROCEED % OF COMPLETION TO DATE PROJECTED COMPLETION DATE Sewer Plant Facility Plan Amendment FHC Inc 1/26/93 (Interviews) 2/22/93 (Proposals) 4/6/93 N/A N/A N/A 4/6/93 99% 6/15/94 Water & Sewer Rehabilitation Nova Engineering 1/12/93 (Interviews) 2/22/93 (Proposals) 4/6/93 N/A N/A N/A 8/3/93 water 100% sewer 95% water complete sewer 6/15/94 Central Fire Station RDG Construction 5/19/93 6/24/93 7/20/93 7/21/93 8/4/93 8/5/93 8/4/93 98% 6/15/94 Sewer Inflow /Infiltration Analysis Amendment - FHC Inc 3/1/94 3/2/94 N/A N/A 3/8/94 95% 6/15/94 76th Street North Improvements 4/28/94 5/26/94 6/7/94 Water Line Replacement 6/17/94 7/14/94 7/19/94 2/95 C:\WPDATA\PROJEC7SkCONTRACT.FRM G MRB M M M M Mro" LAWSUIT STATUS REPORT June 3, 1994 M M r FILED BY DATE RECEIVED TYPE REFERRED TO DATE REFERRED STATUS DISPOSITION I DATE OF DISPOSITION Jeannie Hyatt in U.S. Dist Ct 4/16/92 Violation of civil rights by various police officers OMAG 4/16/92 Order of Summary Judgment for dismissal - 2/8/94 Appeal time remains open. According to OMAG counsel, case is probably over Monty Ray Collins in U.S. Dist Ct 3/17/93 Violation of civil rights - use of excessive force by police officers OMAG 3/17/93 Set for jury trial 5/16/94 09:30 a.m. - Judge Ellison Jury verdict in defendant's favor 5/17/94 Tisha & Charles Harlan in State Dist Ct 7/12/93 Negligent maintenance of water meter OMAG 7/12/93 Discovery stage - no trial set Doris Bull, Sharon King & John King in State Dist Ct 3/30/94 Negligent maintenance of emergency vehicles OMAG 3/30/94 Received by City; Referred to OMAG C : \ W PDAT A\L.EGAL\LA W S UIT S. FRM MRB n I I I I INCOME GOLF CART OPER GOLF SHOP OPERATIONS FOOD & BEVERAGE OPERATIONS GENERAL & ADMINISTRATIVE TOTAL INCOME COST OF SALES FOOD & BEVERAGE OPERATIONS TOTAL COST OF SALES GROSS PROFIT DEPARTMENT EXPENSES GOLF CART OPERATIONS GOLF SHOP OPERATIONS GOLF COURSE OPER FOOD & BEVERAGE OPERATIONS CLUBHOUSE OPERATIONS GENERAL & ADMINISTRATIVE TOTAL EXPENSES NET PROFIT (LOSS) 0 BAILEY GOLF RANCH PROFIT (LOSS) BY OPERATION 10 Periods Ended Apr 30 94 CURRENT BUDGET PRIOR YR CURRENT BUDGET PRIOR MONTH -- - -- -- MONTH - -- --- MONTH -- --- --- YTD - --- - - -- YTD - ----- YTD - - - - -- 12,224.50 23,864.00 0.00 123,738.11 145,124.00 0.00 53,807.55 71,373.00 0.00 392,402.22 420,614.00 0.00 11,928.84 19,156.00 0.00 78,455.27 112,262.00 0.00 1,512.37 ---- --- - ----- 0.00 - -- -- -- -- ---- 0.00 ------- - - ---- 3,291.10 --- ---- -- - --- 0.00 ---- --- - ----- 0.00 -- ----- ---- -- 79,473.26 114,393.00 0.00 597,886.70 678,000.00 0.00 4,060.09 6,566.00 0.00 26,144.83 38,489.00 0.00 4,060.09 --- --- - -- - -- 6,566.00 ------- - - - - -- 0.00 -- ----- - ----- 26,144.83 ------- - - ---- 38,489.00 ------ - - - - - -- 0.00 ------- -- -- -- - 75,413.17 107,827.00 0.00 571,741.87 639,511.00 0.00 7,710.11 9,686.00 0.00 41,843.43 55,064.00 0.00 9,069.56 9,332.00 4,903.69 79,856.52 92,557.00 5,708.15 20,278.76 33,753.00 30,780.83 252,343.06 326,612.00 141,226.07 3,029.38 5,497.00 0.00 29,197.21 45,145.00 0.00 4,190.00 7,000.00 0.00 47,338.94 59,900.00 0.00 8,674.82 12,400.00 ---- -- -- -- 4,711.31 ---- -- 82,068.46 -- --- --- - - - -- 119,917.00 ------- -- - - -- 56,841.27 ------- - - - - -- - - - -- --- -- 52,952.63 ----- 77,668.00 40,395.83 532,647.62 699,195.00 203,775.49 -- ---- - -- ---- 22,460.54 ------- - ----- 30,159.00 ------- ------ (40,395.83) ------ - - - - - -- 39,094.25 --- -- -- - - - - -- (59,684.00) ---- -- --- -- -- (203,775.49) 0 MEMORANDUM TO: STEVE COMPTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR FROM: TIMOTHY D. ROONEY CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: ITEMS FOR CITY MANAGER'S REPORT DATE: May 26, 1994 The following are a list and brief description of current and past agenda items concerning the Planning Commission and Board of Adjustment: PLANNING COMMISSION OLS -94 -01 A request for a lot split review has been received from Bill Williams for Lot 1 & 2, Block 21 and all of the vacated right -of -way between Lot 1 of Block 21 and Lot 4 of Block 20, Owasso Original Town Addition. This will be reviewed on June 14, 1994. OZ -94 -04 A request for a rezoning of property from RMH to IL has been received from Midwest Time Control, Inc. The general location of the subject property is directly south of E. 116th Street North, east of N. 109th East Avenue. The size of the subject property is 5 acres and this request will be reviewed on June 14, 1994. OZ -94 -02 A request for a rezoning of property located on the southeast corner of South Main Street and 4th Avenue from RS -3 (Residential Single Family High Density) to CG (Commercial General) was unanimously denied by the Planning Commission at their May 10, 1994 meeting. The applicants have thirty days to appeal this decision to the City Council. Best Western Motel Site Plan The City of Owasso has received a revised site plan for the Best Western Motel to be located east of the Golden Corral Restaurant. Access to this site will be achieved via two different points. One will be from the shared access drive between Captain D's and Golden Corral, while the other access will be from a completed street east of La Petite. This will be reviewed on June 14, 1994. Final Plats Final plats for Nottingham Estates, Double Oaks Extended (possible name change forthcoming), and Central Park are likely to be placed on the City Council agenda for action at the June 7, 1994 meeting contingent upon a favorable review of the Construction Plans from the Public Works Department. These final plats were approved by the Planning Commission on May 10, 1994. O Preliminary, Plats The Bailey Ranch Estates preliminary plat was approved by the Planning Commission at their May 10, 1994 meeting. A final plat application is likely to be reviewed by the Planning Commission in July. Kourtis Office Center A site plan for Kourtis Office Center was approved by the Owasso , Planning Commission on May 10, 1994. Kourtis Office Center will be located on the northwest corner of E. 85th Street and N. 128th East Avenue and will house the Kourtis Homes /Development office, Delta Software, and a yet to be determined tenant. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OBOA -94 -05 A request for a variance from the required 75 foot setback of a structure within an IL zoning district from a residential district was unanimously approved by the Board of Adjustment at their May 23, 1994 meeting. The variance was granted on Lot 5 of Three Lakes Industrial Park II. To date, no applications for special exceptions or variances have been received for the June 28, 1994 meeting. If any councilmembers have questions regarding any of the above items, please don't hesitate to have them contact me. RESIDENTIAL Building Permits (New Construction Counts) Month 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 January 12 7 12 14 4 1 7 8 6 6 9 February 13' <'`> ......? 10 3 5 ...:...:..::.:. <::: �F 7 10, j.11 10 March 15 18 ... 14 16 2 7 14 5 12 12 15 �4 nl ........ _ €: >:: >; >17>::. <:29 22 8 6: > > > > ....... ............................... >9:::;;..' 3 12 1'7..:..:.:: 1 8 May 14 22 17 11....... 8 6 9 10 9 8 13 :J_.n� : : :.:.......... ::::::.._ ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ...: :.::::::::::: 1. .:::::::::::::..1............._ .... . ,:::.:. .............................._ ::::: . ... :: .:::::::._:::.............. ............:..::::.::::.:..... ............................... . July 13 19 21 7 10 4 9 10............. .. .............................12 ......::::::.:::.:...: .::.::.::.::.::. ::.......:.:.::.::.::.::.:::... . ... .: ... ,.: ..10........................... ... .......:::.: .::.::.......::.::.:.::.::.::.: September 6 10 17 13 11 10 10 14 14 12 ... .......... .......................... ....................... _.... ...... .. ........ ..........__.. ......... ....................... ......... .................. _ _ .: _ ..........._ ............_ _ _ _ _ ...... _ _ ......... _ _ _ .._... .._..... _...... _ ........ .. ............ .......... ...._.............. ......... ....... ..................... .......... ....................... ..................... ....... ..................... November 15 1 9 5 8 10 1 8 19 13 December . _..... ._- .... ......... ti;0 ...... _._. 17 ......... _.__.. _ 5 ...._ ..... _....... _ 4 _ 10 _ 5 _ __ _ .. ....... 6....;:.......1 ....................... _ . d:::: >?:`:' >: >`:9 >: >:::; _ .. ..... ':« `.<`.. _...... ....................... .... TOTALS 137 145 197 146 72 98 90 99 142 133 65 Year to Date 69 76 82 66 27 23 43 33 49 54 65 E d EL ccis v ro 0 c 0 v c 0 U 3 d z May Year to Date Count RESIDENTIAL Building Permits (New Construction Dollars) May Year to Date Dollars s � a 0 O S c c 0 U J 0 O U 3 v z 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 New Construction Dollars Totals for Each Year 1- - 19 1-1 1- 19 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 11-11 COMMERCIAL Building Permits (New Construction Counts) Month 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 January 4 0 3 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 1 February 3 7 2 4 {I 0 fl Q 0; September D March 1 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 ril...: >: 2;; ::::::.::.. .........................::::::::::::.........:.....::................:..........................:......::::::::: .:'.4::;;::: >::: >:::< ><: >: t3:; D :;::::: ..::::::: 1 ' > :. . > >:::: >::1::: >::: >::... 1< . 1C: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. 0 May 0 3 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 July 3 3 2 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 august 0:. `........1 ................... .;:.;:.;:. September 1 1 4 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 ................. .............. .... ........................................ ....................................._......................................................:..::::::.::.::.:._:::.:_::::.::._::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::.::::::::::::::: :::::.:. .............................._ ...... .... ...::.;: ..............1....... .....;:.;::: ..... i.....::::: >: ;::> : .:.;;;: :: >:::: >:: >:: >:: >:: >::> :::...... _ .. a :::: >:::: >:::: >:::: >:::: >:: >::>:: »;:;::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: November 3 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 1 0 ...... .... . 0 1; 0 1 1 0> 0 ............ TOTALS 26 26 24 12 1 7 13 8 8 12 3 Year to Date 10 14 12 9 0 0 4 4 Includes Churches, Schools, and Government Facilities v E IL a v E E 0 U sn m 0 0 `o 2 o0 U 3 z z t? m 0 0 `o U J O U 3 a, z May Year to Date Count 4 5 — law lane Iasi lynx — — — IWz 1Y 1Y COMMERCIAL Building Permits (New Construction Dollars) May Year to Date Dollars - - 19 IWI 19 1' 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 New Construction Dollars Totals for Each Year - 19 19ee 1991 19 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 3 OCCUPANCY PERMITS NAME ADDRESS STATUS APPLICATION OPENING COMPLETED DATE DATE JANUARY - 1994 Collectors Shelf 9100 N Garnett New 01/12/94 02/07/94 Yes Utica Park Clinic 11650 E 86th St N Location Change 12/28/93 open No Leadership Clinical Systems 118 S Main New 01/07/94 01/14/94 Yes Icky's Three Lakes Laundry 11505 E 83rd St N New Owners 01/20/94 01/15/94 Yes My House 112 S Main New 01/31/94 02/04/94 Yes FEBRUARY Central Fire Station 8901 N Garnett Location Change 02/11/94 03/01/94 No Thompson's Auto Sales 11226 N. Garnett New 02/14/94 02/18/94 Yes MARCH Owasso Pawn, Inc. 106 E 2nd Ave Location Change 03/09/94 04/01/94 Yes Puzzles 11531 N Garnett New 03/14/94 05/01/94 No Art In Bloom 12806 E 86th St N New 03/18/94 05/02/94 Yes Environmental Elements 8361 N Mingo Valley Exp New 03/24/94 03/28/94 No APRIL Roy D's 300 W 2nd Ave New 04/19/94 05/15/94 No MAY Cross Stitch 12320 E 86th St N Location Change 05/10/94 06/01/94 No Reliable Pest Control 11330 N Garnett New 05/12/94 05/16/94 No Collectibles 11400 N. Garnett New 05/20/94 06/01/94 No Parts Plus Auto Store 11602 E 86th St N Name Change 05/23/94 06/01/94 No 1w i' 1 I I I I I � I L I I L r �l I _--LI--J -------- 1---- - - - - -- - 1 1 ,� I I L � 1 I --------- - - - - - -- -- --i - 1� -- ----- -4----- �'------------ - - - - -- - SEC. 20, T 21 N, R 14 E Design Tulsa County Engine 9LP 4/94 PLAN 96th. ST. N. & GARNETT ROAD Chocked scale ,-WI �6� MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: M.A.ALEXANDER /CHIEF OF POLICE SUBJECT: Dry Cleaning Bids DATE: June 2, 1994 BACKGROUND The Owasso Police Department currently has a contract with Yale Cleaners for the cleaning of all uniforms within the department. This contract is due to expire on June 30, 1994. New contract bids have been delivered to four cleaners within the Owasso City limits. Bids are scheduled to be opened on June 10, 1994. It is anticipated that on June 21st, the lowest bidder who meets bid specifications will be presented to council for approval of the 94 -95 cleaning contract. The cost of the contract for the current fiscal year was $13,020 through Yale Cleaners. Historically, the department paid officers to clean their own uniforms at a much greater cost. The current contract, if divided by 27 employees, averages $40.18 a month per officer or $482.22 a year. In the current status of the city paying for the cleaning not only insured that all officer's appearance is to a high standard, but clearly a cost savings to the city. In 1992, the city paid $19,796 in officer uniform allowance. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me. r' 07 SPECIFICATIONS UNIFORM CLEANING General Description The following is a comprehensive list of specifications for cleaning of departmental uniforms for the fiscal year July 1, 1994 thru June 30, 1995. In general, the cleaning will include all police officers' uniforms, communicators uniforms and civilian attire for the Chief, lieutenant and detectives. This will also include an occasional laundering and starching of the animal control officer's uniform. General Provisions 1. Length of Contract - The cleaning contract shall be for a period of one year and shall be automatically extended until a new contract is awarded. Period of the contract is from 1 July 1994 through 30 June 1995. 2. Billing - The uniform cleaning bill shall be submitted monthly and monthly payments will be made by the City of Owasso. Alterations and repairs will be billed separately from cleaning. 3. Number of Uniforms - There are twenty -two (22) officers, five (5) communication officers, and one (1) animal control officer. The breakdown for cleaning services is as follows: 19 Officers full uniforms, 5 days a week 2 Officers civilian clothes, 5 days a week 1 Officer 50/50 split in uniform /civilian 5 Communicators full uniforms, 5 days a week 1 Animal control officer uniform, launder and starch, 2 days a month 4. Laundering /Cleaning Services - Services to include dry cleaning of all uniforms as shown above, dry cleaning or laundering of civilian clothes and replacement of buttons as needed. Minor alterations should occur approximately once a year or upon new officer uniform issue and will include: • Hemming of trousers • Affixing patches to shirts /jackets • Tailoring of uniforms 1 u u is I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Cleaner must be able to handle and launder uniforms contaminated with blood or other body fluids in compliance with O.S.H.A. bloodborne pathogens and infectious disease control standards. Cleaner must utilize cool dry cleaning process and be able to provide same day service. 5. Other Specifications - Cleaner must comply with industry standards requiring the use of 100 parts per million perchlorethlene or less in the dry cleaning process. Cleaner must insure garment replacement while in the possession of the cleaner. Cleaner shall maintain date to track the number of uniforms cleaned on a yearly and monthly basis. 6. Bids - The purchaser reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and to waive any or all technicalities, informalities, or other minor deviations from the bid document. 7. Proposal Expenses - Expenses for developing the proposal are entirely the responsibility of the vendor and shall not be chargeable to the City of Owasso. 8. Prior Information - Any information which may have been released either orally or in writing prior to the issuance of this bid request shall be deemed preliminary in nature and bind neither the City of Owasso nor the vendor. 10. Vendor Contract - Any proposal accepted shall be incorporated into the contract which the City of Owasso will enter into with the vendor. 11. Proposed Cost - It is not the policy of the City of Owasso to negotiate the price after the vendor is selected. The supplied bid form shall include a total bid price. All bids delivered to the City shall be sealed and visibly marked SEALED BID. 12. Contact Person - Questions and clarification concerning this bid shall be made to the Chief of Police, Maria Alexander. Contact may be made by calling (918) 272 -4901 or 272 -2244 Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. 13. Deviations - Any deviation from the published specifications should be noted on an attached sheet of paper. 0 Specific Requirements TOTAL BID PRICE ON COMPLETE CLEANING: I hereby acknowledge that I have read the specifications and that I am legally bound by the above statement. Signature Title Address Telephone Bid Opening: Monday, June 13, 1994, 3:00 p.m. 3 1 INON - COLLUSION BID AFFIDAVIT ' STATE OF ) SS ' COUNTY OF ) ' I, , of lawful age, being duly sworn on oath, says that (s)he is the agent authorized by the bidder to submit the attached bid. Affiant further states that the bidder has not been a part of any collusion among bidders in restraint of freedom of ' competition by agreement to bid at a fixed price or to refrain from bidding; nor with any government official or employee as to quantity, quality, or price in the prospective contract, or any other terms of ' said prospective contract; nor in any discussions between bidders and any government official concerning exchange of money or other things of value for special consideration in the letting of a contract; that the bidder /contractor has not paid, given nor donated to any officer or employee of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, any money or other things of value, either directly or indirectly in the procuring of the award of a contract pursuant to this bid. BIDDER: Signature Subscribed and sworn before me this day of 1994. Notary Public My Commission Expires: 0 4 NOTE: COMPLETE THIS AFFIDAVIT AND RETURN WITH BID PROPOSAL. 4 u MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: HOWARD STAMPER SUBJECT: REQUEST TO AWARD BID FOR ONE UHF REPEATER FOR THE OWASSO POLICE DEPARTMENT DATE: June 2, 1994 BACKGROUND: The UHF Repeater at the Owasso Police Department has been hit by lightning strikes on several occasions, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to keep it operational. Therefore, bid specifications were developed for a replacement. A repeater allows conversations to take place on different frequencies if, for some reason, the same frequency cannot be used. Bid packets were mailed to four vendors on May 2, 1994. Those vendors were Radios Unlimited, Tulsa, OK; Ericsson /GE Mobile Communications, Oklahoma City, OK; EIS Communications, Tulsa, OK; and Commercial Electronics, Tulsa, OK. Bids were opened on May 20, 1994, with the following bids being received: COMPANY BASE BID Ericsson /GE $ 7187.00 EIS Communications $ 7640.00 Pittencrieff Communications $ 7825.30 FUNDING: OPTIONAL METERING KIT $ 125.00 $ 138.00 $ 125.00 Funds for a repeater are included in the FY93 -94 police department budget. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council award a bid for the purchase of one UHF Repeater for the Owasso Police Department to Ericsson /GE Mobile Communications, Oklahoma City, OK in the amount of $7266.50. NOTE: A service microphone is included in the optional metering kit and, therefore, may be deducted from the base bid ($7187.00 + $125.00 - $45.50 = $7266.50). ATTACHMENTS: 1. Contract Document 2. Bid Proposal - Submittal Pages 1 - O MEMORANDUM TO: PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS FROM: MARCIA BOUTWELL, CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR SUBJECT: UHF REPEATER DATE: May 2, 1994 The City of Owasso is accepting sealed bids for one UHF Repeater for the Owasso Police Department. Bids will be accepted until 11:00 a.m. on Friday, May 20, 1994, at which time the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. The BID PROPOSAL SUBMITTAL PAGES and NON - COLLUSION BID AFFIDAVIT must be submitted. See the enclosed bid packet for complete information. If you have questions concerning the specifications, contact Howard Stamper at 918 - 272 -3119. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND BID SPECIFICATIONS FOR ONE UHF REPEATER MAY 1994 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA CONTRACT DOCUMENTS [ASE SPECIFICATIONS FOR ONE UHF REPEATER CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA Table of Contents Notice to Bidders Specifications Bid Form Bid Affidavit Notice of Award Contract for Materials Invoice Affidavit NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed Bids will be received by the City of Owasso at the Owasso City Hall, Office of the Contract Administrator, 207 South Cedar, PO Box 180, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 until 11:00 a.m. on the 20th day of May, 1994, and then at said City Hall publicly opened and read aloud. This will be for the furnishing of the following item: One UHF Repeater for the City of Owasso Police Department per specifications. Further information and specification packets can be obtained by contacting the Contract Administrator at Owasso City Hall during regular working hours. Envelopes containing bids must be marked to identify the item being bid. The City of Owasso expressly reserves the right to reject all bids. All bids will be considered irrevocable offers under conditions specified in the bid for a period of sixty (60) calendar days from and after the date herein for the opening of bids. Marcia Boutwell; Contract Administrator May 2, 1994 SPECIFICATIONS I. INTENT It is the intent of the following specifications to set forth a minimum requirement for the , purchase of a UHF Repeater for the City of Owasso Police Department. Each proposed vendor is required to: , A. Familiarize themselves with the overall requirements. B. Provide new state -of- the -art equipment. All exceptions to the following specifications are to be listed on the equipment price sheet, along with the manufacturer and all model numbers. Specification sheets and brochures for all proposed equipment are to be provided with the bid package II. DETAILED TECHNICAL DESCRIPTIONS A. These specifications cover two -way radio communications equipment of the highest quality and performance, reliability, serviceability and versatility. The equipment bid will meet the current state of the art in its use of integrated circuits and microcomputers. The overall design shall meet or exceed the minimum specifications as described below. B. The repeater shall be designed to operate over the temperature range of -30 to +60 degrees Celsius and at 90% humidity. C. The repeater shall be mounted in a full upright, indoor, keylocked cabinet. D. The standard power supply shall be 115 V.A.C. ( + \- 10 %). E. The repeater shall meet or exceed all applicable F.C.C. requirements and be Type Accepted for the F.C.C. classification which is applicable for the intended service. The radios performance specifications shall be measured in accordance with specific referenced test procedures and /or as defined in the manufacturer's publications. F. The receiver circuit shall utilize high quality, long life transistors, diodes and integrated circuits throughout. The receiver shall be synthesized to operate on a single frequency of a duplex pair. G. The transmitter shall fully comply with E.I.A. Standards and shall employ only solid state circuitry utilizing high quality, long life transistors. The transmitter shall be synthesized to operate on a single frequency of a duplex pair. H. Separate programming software shall be required and provided by the manufacturer to modify the repeater frequencies and operations. The programming software will be provided with a complete set of instructions and updated versions will be sent directly to the Owasso Police Department. The software will operate on any true I.B.M. compatible P.C. using MS -DOS 3.0 of higher. I. Channel information shall be determined by programming an EEPROM to allow rapid reprogramming of the radio. Programmable functions shall include, but not be limited to, receive frequency, transmitter frequency, and C.T.C.S.S. Requested, but not required, programming features include transmit power level, carrier control timer, drop out delay timer and morse code i.D. Programmed information shall remain in memory when the repeater is turned off. J. Each unit shall be supplied as a completely functional combination including radio set, power supply, power amplifier, free standing cabinet and all internal cabling required for standard operation. K. The repeater shall include an internally mounted speaker with a volume control knob. L. A microphone with push -to -talk will be provided with the repeater. An optional metering device capable of monitoring and adjusting transmitter and receiver levels shall be included in the bid on the summary page. M. A comprehensive instruction manual shall be supplied with the repeater. The manual shall provide sufficient information including schematics, troubleshooting diagrams, layout drawings, printed circuit board overlays, test and alignment procedures, interconnection diagrams and parts of the repeater as required by a competent radio communications technician. N. The length of the warranty period will be industry standard 3 months labor, 1 year parts and stated on the summary page. O. An internal 115 volt battery charger and transfer relay circuit will be provided. The charging current shall be 10A at 12 volts D.C. A transfer circuit will sense loss of 155 V.A.C. source and transfer power supply to external 12 volt battery supply. (Owasso Police Department will supply battery.) The battery charger will mount within the radio cabinet. P. Minimum Receiver Performance Specifications PA Operating Frequency Band ................ UHF 450 -470 MHz. Sensitivity .................... .35 MICROVOLTS Selectivity ............................ -95 dB Intermodulation ............................ -90 dB Spurious and Image Rejection ...................... -95 dB Frequency Stability ............................ +/ -.0002 Audio Output ........................... 1 WATT RF Input Impedance ........................... 50 Ohms Q. Minimum Transmitter Performance Specifications Operating Frequency Band ..... RF Power Output (Continuous Duty) Modulation Adjustment ....... Frequency Stability ......... Audio Distortion ......... Conducted Spurious and Harmonics FM Hum and Noise ......... 3 ........... UHF 450 -470 MHz. .... 100 WATTS CONTINUOUS ................ +/- 5 KHz. ................. +/-.0002 ............. LESS THAN 3% .................. -85 dB ................... -50 dB BID PROPOSAL - SUBMITTAL PAGE FOR ONE UHF REPEATER QTY MODEL # DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL 1 UHF Repeater (* Below) $ $ 1 Programming Software $ $ 1 Programming Cable $ $ 2 Service Manuals $ $ 1 Transfer Charger $ $ 1 Service Microphone $ $ TOTAL BID .................... $ Optional Metering Kit . $ * The duplexer will be provided by the Owasso Police Department. MANUFACTURER: WARRANTY: PARTS - SERVICE - BID EXCEPTIONS: NOTE: SUCCESSFUL VENDOR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CONVERTING REPEATER TO FCC PART 88 SPECS AT NO COST TO THE CITY OF OWASSO. 1 1 Ih r ' e eby acknowledge that I have read the specifications and that I am legally bound by the statements on the Bid Proposal - Submittal Pages. t 1 Signature Title Address r BID OPENING: MAY 20, 1994 @11:00 A.M. 1 1 2 NON COLLUSION BID AFFIDAVIT STATE OF ss COUNTY OF , of lawful age, being first duly sworn, on oath says that (s)he is the agent authorized by the bidder to submit the attached bid. Affiant further states that the bidder has not been a part of any collusion among bidders in restraint of freedom of competition by agreement to bid at a fixed price or to refrain from bidding; or with State, County, or City officials or employees as to quantity, quality, or price in prospective contract, or any discussions between bidder and any State, County, or City official concerning exchange of money or other thing of value for special consideration in the letting of a contract. N Signature Subscribed and sworn before me this Notary Public My Commission Expires: day of , 1994. NOTE: COMPLETE THIS AFFIDAVIT AND RETURN WITH BID PROPOSAL 1 NOTICE OF AWARD ' TO: ' Project Description: UHF REPEATER FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT , The OWNER has considered the BID submitted by you for the above described item in ' response'to its invitation to bid. You are hereby notified that your BID has been accepted for items in the amount of ' $ You are required to return an acknowledged copy of this NOTICE OF AWARD to the OWNER. Dated this day of 19 ' CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ' ON Title: Contract Administrator ACCEPTANCE OF NOTICE Receipt of the above NOTICE OF AWARD is hereby acknowledged by this day of , 19 Title: NON COLLUSION INVOICE AFFIDAVIT STATE OF ss COUNTY OF The undersigned person, of lawful age, being first duly sworn, on oath says that this invoice is true and correct and the (s)he is authorized to submit the invoice pursuant to a contract or purchase order. Affiant further states that the (work, services or materials) as shown by this invoice have been (completed or supplied) in accordance with the plans, specifications, orders, requests or contract furnished or executed by the affiant. Affiant further states that (s)he has made no payment directly or indirectly to any elected official, officer or employee of the municipality / authority or money or any other thing of value to obtain payment of the invoice or procure the contract or purchase order pursuant to which an invoice is submitted. Print or Type Name of Contractor or Vendor Signature Print or Type Name and Title Subscribed and sworn before me this day of My Commission Expires: 1 1 Notary Public 199 BID PROPOSAL - SUBMITTAL PAGE FOR ONE UHF REPEATER QTY MODEL # DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL 1 S Y UMO 1 UHF Repeater (* Below) $ 5 8 8 0. 0 0 $5980-00 1 jO 3 3 5 3 Programming Software $ 250.00 $ 250-00 1 T_-456 Programming Cable $ 35 $ 3 5 ,-D o 2 T 0 T Service Manuals $ n nn $ n nn - sxc x 1 r, Transfer Charger $ 976-50 1 Sx�r 38 Service Microphone $ n 5 n $ 976.50 -45.50 TOTAL BID .................... $7,87.00 Optional Metering Kit . $ 125.00 ( INCLUDES SERVICE MIC- DELE`T'E ABOVE * The duplexer will be provided by the Owasso Police Department.PRICE ) MANUFACTURER: ERICSSON /GE MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS WARRANTY: PARTS - ONE YEAR SERVICE - 90 days in service shop BID EXCEPTIONS: NONE NOTE: SUCCESSFUL VENDOR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CONVERTING REPEATER TO FCC PART 88 SPECS AT NO COST TO THE CITY OF OWASSO. 1 I hereby acknowledge that I have read the specifications and that I am legally bound by the statements on the Bid Proposal - Submittal Pages. SALES AGENT - ERICSSON /GE MOBILE COMM. Title 8241 S. WALKER, Ste. 100 Address BID OPENING: MAY 20, 1994 @11:00 A.M. N NON COLLUSION BID AFFIDAVIT STATE OF OKLAHOMA ) ss COUNTY OF TULSA ) KEVIN G BAUGESS , of lawful age, being first duly sworn, on oath says that (s)he is the agent authorized by the bidder to submit the attached bid. Affiant further states that the bidder has not been a part of any collusion among bidders in restraint of freedom of competition by agreement to bid at a fixed price or to refrain from bidding; or with State, County, or City officials or employees as to quantity, quality, or price in prospective contract, or any discussions between bidder and any State, County, or City official concerning exchange of money or other thing of value for special consideration in the letting of a contract. Name: KEVIN G. BAUGESS Signat re Subscribed and sworn before me this 19th day of MAY 1994. 1,46tary Public My Commission Expires: MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 2 -19 -97 NOTE: COMPLETE THIS AFFIDAVIT AND RETURN WITH BID PROPOSAL n u 11 BID PROPOSAL - SUBMITTAL PAGE FOR ONE UHF REPEATER QTY MODEL # DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL I �S'X 14M O 1 UHF Repeater(* Below) $ � J $ 05-0 r 1 33.JT`3 Programming Software $ % ° $ eZ 1 t/, Programming Cable $ 4Z9 2 Ig -C 3('7.75 Service Manuals $ $ 1 0C 2 ERC /Z3k ansfer Charger /5 :qT $ '� jT` $ 1 .S KMC 3 Service Microphone ��, $ 5'6 o a $ TOTAL BID .................... $ 761, O Optional Metering Kit . L `= * The duplexer will be provided by the Owasso Police Department. MANUFACTURER: % -94 Z— G7 Ti c �e AXE? WARRANTY: PARTS - y,65f& SERVICE - —1W% /WAI'7�fil-f BID EXCEPTIO � /1;v 0 fLj�-T C- tv l NOTE: SUCCESSFUL VENDOR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CONVERTING REPEATER TO FCC PART 88 SPECS AT NO COST TO THE CITY OF OWASSO. 1 I hereby acknowledge that I have read the specifications and that I am legally bound by the statements on the Bid Proposal - Submittal Pages. Signat — / Title Address BID OPENING: MAY 20, 1994 @11:00 A.M. 0) NON COLLUSION BID AFFIDAVIT STATE OF ss COUNTY OF of lawful age, being first duly sworn, on oath says that (s)he is the agent authorized by the bidder to submit the attached bid. Affiant further states that the bidder has not been a part of any collusion among bidders in restraint of freedom of competition by agreement to bid at a fixed price or to refrain from bidding; or with State, County, or City officials or employees as to quantity, quality, or price in prospective contract, or any discussions between bidder and any State, County, or City official concerning exchange of money or other thing of value for special consideration in the letting of a contract. Name: /Pr J J— y / 4f kzz. Sign �k Subscribed and sworn before me this day of 1994. No Public My Commission Expires: -1L4 -/ 1 t, Y NOTE: COMPLETE THIS AFFIDAVIT AND RETURN WITH BID PROPOSAL BID PROPOSAL - SUBMITTAL PAGE FOR ONE UHF REPEATER QTY MODEL # DESCRIPTION 1 GE M a s t r III UHF Repeater (* Below; 1 GE T Q 3 3 5 3 Programming Software 1 GE TQ3356 Programming Cable 2 Service Manuals 1 GE S X C H 11_ Transfer Charger 1 GE S X M C 3 B Service Microphone UNIT $ 6400.00 $ 250.00 $ 35-nn $ $ 1074.70 $ 50.60 TOTAL BID .................... Optional Metering Kit . $ 125.00 * The duplexer will be provided by the Owasso Police Department. MANUFACTURER: General Electric WARRANTY: PARTS - One Year SERVICE - Three Months TOTAL $ 6400.00 $ 250.00 $ 35.00 $ 15.00 $ 1074.70 $ 50.60 $ 7825.30 GE SPK9024 Handset (See. Below) the Mastr III levels and control functions. NOTE: SUCCESSFUL VENDOR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CONVERTING REPEATER TO FCC PART 88 SPECS AT NO COST TO THE CITY OF OWASSO. 1 I hereby acknowledge that I have read the specifications and that I am legally bound by the statements on the Bid Proposal - Submittal Pages. , . 1, Direct Account Executive Title #1 village Drive, Spite ?no Address Abilene, Texas 79606 BID OPENING: MAY 20, 1994 @11:00 A.M. Pj- NON COLLUSION BID AFFIDAVIT STATE OF Texas ) ss COUNTY OF Taylor ) Keith K n i n P r , of lawful age, being first duly sworn, on oath says that (s)he is the agent authorized by the bidder to submit the attached bid. Affiant further states that the bidder has not been a part of any collusion among bidders in restraint of freedom of competition by agreement to bid at a fixed price or to refrain from bidding; or with State, County, or City officials or employees as to quantity, quality, or price in prospective contract, or any discussions between bidder and any State, County, or City official concerning exchange of money or other thing of value for special consideration in the letting of a contract. Name: Keith Kainer Signature Subscribed and sworn before me this 19 day of May 1994. C`a TANYA L SWEENEY NOTARY PUBLIC State of Texas ' Comm. Exp. 10 -15 -97 Notary Public My Commission Expires: 10 -15 -97 NOTE: COMPLETE THIS AFFIDAVIT AND RETURN WITH BID PROPOSAL 11 CORRESPONDENCE TO: JOHN SWIFT EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TULSA AREA YMCA } RE: SWIMMING POOL OPENING City of Owasso T /.✓ 4 SeUP�t ypa w, i -11 e CST, /ia oe n) e vep A) a (4 d 5.y o�rleiz �v L Open! iA Lu e e L'.ex[ d )a/u -Y- l/isiT,s c�u r.,d3 yl e ope ojiNS C+a7s , and 77�' WWI Irl" a r n1�v�T 7e�n� n� -e lo�nd�`v- f `I S e r- Zle duk.,5sc) �av �aW Z 0 f sTa r7J a rPC��7ierC /o PP �- G -/- Y-�/- S. S rtre,ved 4z c C.&A 11 CD ' MEMORANDUM ' TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: STEVE COMPTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: NATIONAL STEAK AND POULTRY CDBG ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT GRANT INDUSTRIAL ACCESS ROAD GRANT DATE: June 2, 1994 When having economic development discussions with a prospective business, it is typical for them to question what incentives will be provided by the community. In the case of the National Steak and Poultry Company, their questions were surprisingly few. However, it will be necessary for the City to apply for grants to satisfy the company's infrastructure needs (water, wastewater, and streets). The staff is currently in the process of preparing the required applications and providing all needed information. We expect to receive from the Oklahoma Department of Commerce a CDBG -ED grant for an estimated $200,000. These monies will be used for on -site water and wastewater line extensions and for the constructing the base for the extension of the street. We also expect to receive from the Oklahoma Department of Transportation an Industrial Access Road grant for an estimated $250,000. These monies will be used to construct off -site street improvements and to surface the entire length of the new industrial street. A part of the application process includes several Public Notices being published in the local newspaper. These notices are required to insure that the general public is aware of any request the City is making and has the opportunity to express their views on each matter. The first of these notices was published in the May 26, 1994 edition of the Owasso Reporter. There were two notices published, one concerning a public hearing that will be held at 6:30 PM at the Community Center on June 7th (prior to the City Council meeting at 7:00). At this meeting, the staff will explain the project and then receive input from interested citizens. The second notice is a general notice to all concerned that a portion of the street improvements will have to occur within the 100 - Year Floodplain and ask that written comments be submitted. The NSP /0 proposal includes connecting the new Fifth Ave to the existing service road along Hwy 169. Since this road is currently within the 100 - Year Floodplain, when the new street is connected it will also be in the floodplain for a short distance. We had to conduct a similar review when we extended South Main, because a small portion of the south end of Main is also in the floodplain. Over the next 12 to 24 weeks the staff, with Council approvals, will be preparing the application, submitting the application, accepting the grant, completing all documentation for Release Of Funds, selecting a design engineer, biding the project and selecting a contractor, supervising and inspecting construction. Each step of the process will require different actions to be taken by the Council. I will prepare a background memorandum for each action that is required; however, most of these actions are considered routine and are required to be taken by any community in Oklahoma, if they apply for grants. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. METROPOLITAN TULSA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 616 S. BOSTON, SUITE 100 TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74119-1299 918/585.1201 FAX 918/585 -8386 "How to do business with Whirlpool" You are invited to participate in a by- invitation -only seminar with Whirlpool executives. Tulsa area businesses will receive first -hand information on how to do business with the new Whirlpool range manufacturing facility, set to be fully operational by mid -1996. Each session will last approximately one hour. The seminars will be presented on the following days and times— Wednesday, June 1, 10 A.M. and 2 P.M. • Edison H.S. Auditorium, 2906 E. 41st Street ➢ Wednesday, June 8, 10 A.M. and 2 P.M. • Tulsa Technology Center, 3850 N. Peoria ➢ Monday, June 20, 2 P.M. • Doubletree Hotel— Warren Place, 6110 S. Yale ➢ Tuesday, June 21, 10 A.M. and 2 P.M. • Adam's Mark Hotel, 100 E. 2nd St. Space is limited! To reserve your space, choose one of the above sessions, then ... Call the Metropolitan Tulsa Chamber of Commerce at 585 -1201 and ask for Whirlpool Reservations. 9 MEMORANDUM TO: Rodney J. Ray City Manager FROM: F. Robert Carr Public Works Director SUBJECT: Water Service Options to Area Acquired from Rogers County Rural Water District #3 on 96th Street North DATE: May 27, 1994 BACKGROUND: On March 2, 1993, the Trustee of the Owasso Public Works Authority approved a buyout proposal for the purchase of water in a portion of the Rogers County Rural Water District #3. The area is shown on the attached drawing. Three water mains were required in order to remove the customers from the Rogers County system and provide water from the system operated by the City of Owasso. The three mains needed are: 1- 3" line along 145th E. Avenue, 2- 4" line to interconnect Glenn -Murr Acres II and City Vue Estates, and 3- a main extending along 96th Street North from 129th E. Avenue to the entrance to Pleasant View Estates. At the present time, the 3" water line required along 145th E. Avenue has been completed. The 4" line to interconnect Glenn -Murr Acres II and City Vue Estates will be completed in the near future. The remaining customers will be provided service from the main extending along 96th Street North. SERVICE ALONG 96TH STREET NORTH: Until recently, subdivision development has occurred without evaluation of long -term impact of water supply requirements of the area. As an example, to supply water to Windsor Lake I an 8 -inch water main was extended into the subdivision from 129th E. Avenue. Homeowners in the subdivision have experienced pressure and volume restrictions due to the limited available supply from the single source of water and the topography of the area. The developers have expressed plans to provide an additional feed to the system as other phases of development and the long -term system plan are completed. Existing water pressures should show improvement with an additional supply main having larger capacity. /2 OPTIONS: Two options have been evaluated to provide service to the existing Rural Water District customers in Glenn -Murr Acres II, City Vue Estates, Pleasant View, and along 96th Street North and to existing City of Owasso customers in Windsor Lake. One option (4 -inch water line) provides for service to the existing Rogers County customers. The second option (12 -inch water line) provides for service to the same existing customers, offers the ability to serve Windsor Lake and, in addition, provide for future growth in the area. 4 -inch Water Line Construction of a 4 -inch water line from 129th E. Avenue to Pleasant View subdivision to interconnect water systems would be able to provide water to existing developed Rogers County customers. This option would provide the needed quantity of water to those properties previously served in Pleasant View, Glenn -Murr Acres II, City View Estates and along 96th Street North to 145th E.Avenue. There would not be provision to meet the future demands that are already apparent by the development proposed in the area immediately adjacent to these properties. In order to meet future demands, the main would need to be replaced with a larger main (as proposed in the second option). A 4 -inch water main can be constructed in a relatively short period of time by City personnel. Estimated costs of the project, including materials, City labor costs and engineering, are presented below: Description Unit Price Total Price 1670 LF 4" AWWA C -900 Pipe $1.501LF $2,505 1 - 12 "x4" Tapping Sleeve and Valve $365.00 EA 365 1 - 4" Gate Valve $150.00 EA 150 1 - 4" Solid Sleeve $50.00 EA 50 1 - Valve Box $30.00 EA 30 125 LF 4" Bore $19.001LF 2,375 1500 LF Sod $1.00 /LF 1,500 Bedding material 500 Total Estimated Cost of Materials $7,475 120 Estimated City Manhours $12.00/hr $1.440 Total Estimated Construction Cost $8,915 Engineering $1.5 00 Total Estimate $10,415 12 -inch Water Line This option involves the construction of a 12 -inch water main to meet present and future demands of properties located in a half section wide corridor along the north and south sides of Page 3 96th Street North. Estimated cost of the project are listed below: Description Unit Price Total Price 1670 LF 12" AWWA C -900 Pipe $9.50 /LF $15,865 1 - 12 "x12" Tapping Sleeve and Valve $1,300.00 EA 1,300 1 - 12" Gate Valve $575.00 EA 575 1 - 8" Gate Valve $350.00 EA 350 1 - 12 "x4" Reducer $75.00 EA 75 1 - 12 "x12 "x8" Tee $175.00 EA 175 1 - 12" Solid Sleeve $80.00 EA 80 2 - Valve Boxes $30.00 EA 60 125 LF 24" Bore $100.00 /1-F 12,500 1500 LF Sod $1.00 /1-F 1,500 Bedding materials 500 Total Estimated Cost of Materials $32,980 Construction Manhours and Equipment 24,500 Engineering $8,000 Total Estimate $65,480 Construction of this 12 -inch main would provide a second source of supply to Windsor Lake. The 12 -inch main extension will enable additional customers to be added to the system when future development occurs. PROJECT COST RECOVERY A total of 61 Rogers County Rural Water District customers in the Pleasant View, Glenn -Murr Acres Il, City Vue Estates subdivisions and along 96th Street North will be able to be served from the line. Service to Windsor Lake and the undeveloped properties north and south along 96th Street can potentially add approximately 515 customers that could not be provided service through a 4 -inch main. The calculated added customer base is presented below: Section 16 (South half of Section 16, Township 21N, Range 14E) Total acres 260 acres Developed land (provided for Rogers County acquisition) Glenn Murr Acres II 20 acres City Vue Estates 78 96th Street North 19 117 acres Undeveloped land 143 acres Section 21 (North half of Section 21, Township 21N, Range 14E) Total acres 320 acres less Developed land (provided for Rogers County acquisition) 93rd Street North 45 acres 96th Street North 19 64 acres Remaining Acreage in Service Area Lots Pleasant View 40.0 acres Windsor Lake I 24.6 Windsor Lake II 19.1 Windsor Lake II Extended 1.8 Camden Park 12.8 129th E. Avenue parcels 17.7 Nottingham 26.5 Undeveloped 113.5 Total acreage in service area (including Pleasant View) Additional Customer Potential (Based on remaining undeveloped property in service area) (at 0.5 acres per lot and 256.5 undeveloped acres) 256 acres Page 4 359 acres 515 customers Using the total estimated project cost of $65,480 for the 12 -inch main, the calculated reimbursement cost per acre for properties in the corridor is approximately $165 /acre. POTENTIAL EFFECTS OF COST RECOVERY Effects of the $165 /acre cost recovery has been calculated for the indicated additions. The costs are shown below: Addition Lots Acres Cost (0 $165 /acre) /Lot Pleasant View (City portion) 23 40 $6,600 $286.96 Windsor Lake I 39 24.6 $4,059 $104.08 Windsor Lake II 40 19.1 $3,152 $78.79 Windsor Lake II Extended 4 1.8 $297 $74.25 Camden Park 46 12.8 $2,112 $45.91 Nottingham 38 26.5 $4,373 $115.07 Totals 190 124.8 $20,593 $108.38 (average) Page 5 RECOMMENDATION: A 12 -inch water line is recommended to be constructed from 129th E. Avenue to the Pleasant View subdivision. Construction and engineering is estimated to be approximately $65,480. This project will provide an additional supply main to benefit the Windsor Lake area and enable additional customers to be added to the existing customer base when future development occurs. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Location Map 2.5 A. 12.5A 125 A. 1 2.5A 3 A 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 F--7-- nF? .5 A ,/ I S16-T21-R14 I City VUe Estates Z• T.6 A i Glenn -Murr Acres II 50.5A 1% 33 A 2� 1yq 3.7 A h 3.1 A 63 A q1 2.9 A 04 ' 96th Street North Windsor Lake I Pleasant View Estates 6 .7 A CD ` Windsor Lake II / - -G ui Windsor Lake II Extended 1 68.2 A Gv N Nottingham Camden Park / 7 Y- 797 / � r S21-T21-1314 I 1U (� OWASSO _ JR. HIGH SCHOOL OWASSO If 39.5 V SR. HIGH SCHOOL f� LjI 1 ATTACHMENT 1 Will NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: June 7, 1994 TIME: 7:00 p.m. PLACE: Owasso Council Chambers, Community Center Notice of Addendum filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, June 6, 1994. ^ A A J',op ) (�& 1 - A - Mar-c-k Boutwell, Council Clerk ADDENDUM TO AGENDA Items numbered 1 through 8 on the agenda filed on June 3, 1994, shall remain the same. Items numbered 9 through 24 are now numbered 10 through 25; and the following is submitted for addendum thereof. 9. Discussion of Drainage Problem in El Rio Vista Subdivision and Request for Staff Action to Address That Problem. Councilor Ewing Councilor Ewing has been approached by an El Rio Vista resident with a complaint relating to a drainage problem in his rear yard.