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1994.04.05_City Council Agenda
PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: April 5, 1994 TIME: 7:00 p. m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p. m. on Friday, April 1, 1994. Marcia B utwell, Council C erk AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Flag Salute 3. Roll Call 4. Request Approval of the Minutes of March 15, 1994 Regular Meeting and March 29, 1994 Special Meeting. Attachment #4 5. Request Approval of Claims. Attachment #5 Owasso City Council April 5, 1994 Page 2 6. Reading of Mayor's Proclamation. , Mayor Randolph Attachment #6 7. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Mowing Contracts for Rights-of--Way and City Parks. Mr Carr Attachment #7 Staff will recommend Council approval of the following contracts: ~ 1. Rayola Park - Mr Larry Turner at $160 per mowing 2. Elm Creek Park - Mr Arley Owens at $198 per mowing ' 3. Ator Heights Park - Mr Jim Hobbs at $80 per mowing 4. 86th St Park - Mr Wayne Carver at $49 per mowing 5. Ator Utility Easement - Mr Jim Hobbs at $50 per mowing 6. El Rio Vista Medians - Mr Paul Herron at $30 per mowing 7. El Rio Vista Drainage Easement - Mr Gary Stokes at $50 per mowing 8. El Rio Vista Frontage - Mr Wayne Carver at $40 per mowing 350g~ 9. Three Lakes Drainage Easement - Mr Arnold Roberts at $3~9 per mowing 10. Lakeridge Drainage Easement - Mr Jim Hobbs at $225 per mowing 11. Forrest Drive Easement - Mr Jim Hobbs at $50 per mowing ' 12. U.S. Highway 169 Right-of-Way -Reject all bids ~ Error i n r to a/~ ~ c b,'~l , ~i,~t ,s'bor, ~ b e "~~0= _ " 8. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Proposed Change Order to a Contract , Between the City of Owasso and Lamar Industries for the Construction of Sports Park Phase II Lighting. ~^- Mr Munn Attachment #8 Staff will recommend Council approval of Change Order No 1, extending the completion date by 11 days because of bad weather. i~ i~ Owasso City Council April 5, 1994 Page 3 9. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to OPUD-12, A Request to Rezone a Tract of Land Containing 160.83 Acres, More or Less, from AG (Agriculture) District to OPUD- 12, Generally Located 1/4 Mile North of 96th Street North, East of Garnett Road. Mr Rooney Attachment #9 Staff will recommend approval of the rezoning request. u 10. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Council Acceptance of a Water Utility Easement Granted by Northwest Investments for Service to Customers Acquired from Rogers County Rural Water District #3. Mr Carr Attachment #10 Staff will recommend Council acceptance of the utility easement granted by Northeast Investments and authorization for the Mayor to execute the document. ii 11. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request to Authorize the City Attorney to File a "Disclaimer of Interest" in the Matter of the United States of America v Brian Keith Allen, et al, Case Number 94-C-130-B, Wherein the City of Owasso is a Named Defendant. Mr Cates Attachment #11 The City Attorney will recommend that the Council authorize the filing of a "disclaimer of interest" in this case. i~ Owasso City Council April 5, 1994 Page 4 12. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Resolution #94-04, a Resolution Relating '~ to a Request for Council Approval of a "Right-of-Way, Public Utility and Encroachment" ~ Agreement Between the City of Owasso and the Oklahoma Department of Transportation; and Authorizing the Mayor to Execute Such Agreement. "~ Mr Ray Attachment #12 Staff will recommend Council approval of the requested agreement. No funds or expenditures are required by the agreement. 13. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for a Supplemental Appropriation to the General Fund Police Department Budget. Mr Ray Attachment #13 Staff will recommend Council approval of a supplemental appropriation in the amount of ,, $48,000 to the Police Department FY 1993-94 budget. 14. Report from City Manager 15. Report from City Attorney `~ i~ Owasso City Council April 5, 1994 Page 5 16. Unfinished Business OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, March 15, 1994 i~ The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, March 15, 1994 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, March 11, 1994. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Randolph called the meeting to order at 7:00 p. m. ITEM 2: FLAG SALUTE The flag salute was led by Mayor Randolph. ITEM 3: ROLL CALL PRESENT Bob Randolph, Mayor John Phillips, Vice Mayor Mary Lou Barnhouse, Councilor Rex Bowen, Councilor Charles Burns, Councilor ABSENT STAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, Council Clerk A quorum was declared present. ITEM 4: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF MARCH 1 .1994 REGULAR MEETING. John Phillips moved, seconded by Mary Lou Barnhouse, to approve the minutes, by reference made a part hereto. AYE: Phillips, Barnhouse, Bowen, Burns, Randolph NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. Owasso City Council March 15, 1994 ITEM 5: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE CLAIMS Mr Ray explained the background on the claim pertaining to the purchase of a police department vehicle. Mayor Randolph moved, seconded by Rex Bowen, that the following claims be approved: (1) General Fund $61,516.73 (2) Workers Comp Self-Insurance $119.07; (3) Ambulance Service Fund $704.49; (4) Capital Improvements $103,367.08; (5) Interfund Transfers $2,468.69; (6) City Garage $8,192.87; (7) General Fund Payroll $91,601.93; (8) City Garage Payroll $2,150.81. AYE: Randolph, Bowen, Barnhouse, Phillips NAY: None ABSTAIN: Bums Motion carried 4-0-1. ITEM 6: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE APPROVAL OF A 17.5' UTILITY EASEMENT AROUND THE PERIMETER OF THE FIRE STATION. Mr Munn stated that the property on which the new fire station is being built does not have perimeter easements for the construction of utilities. An easement has been prepared and reviewed by the City Attorney. Mayor Randolph moved, seconded by John Phillips, to approve the 17.5' perimeter general utility easement and to authorize the mayor to execute the document. AYE: Randolph, Phillips, Bowen, Barnhouse, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 7: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REOUEST FOR FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF WORK PERFORMED UNDER A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND MCGUIRE BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION CO INC, AND AUTHORIZATION FOR FINAL PAYMENT AND RELEASE OF RETAINAGE TO THE CONTRACTOR. Mr Munn gave a short background review of the City's contract with McGuire Brothers Construction to construct water and wastewater main lines and extend street sub-base in the municipal facilities/industrial park area. All work has been completed and the contractor has requested final payment. John Phillips moved, seconded by Mary Lou Barnhouse, to accept the improvements to the Owasso Municipal Facilities/Industrial Park, and to release the final payment of $32,965.72. 2 Owasso City Council March 15, 1994 AYE: Phillips, Barnhouse, Bowen, Bums, Randolph NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 8: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND STANFIELD AND O'DELL FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING AN INDEPENDENT AUDIT OF CITY FINANCIAL OPERATIONS FOR FY 1993-94. An independent audit of all accounts and financial transactions of the city is required by city charter. Ms Bishop presented the proposal dated July 9, 1992, which the City has had with Stanfield & O'Dell to provide audit services for the fiscal years ending June 1992, June 1993, and June 1994, renewable on a yearly basis at the city's option. The proposed fee was $13,000 plus expenses not to exceed $500 for each of the three years. The request was for renewal for the current fiscal year. Chazles Bums moved to renew the contract with Stanfield & O'Dell for the purpose of conducting an independent audit for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1994 for a fee not to exceed $13,500. Motion seconded by John Phillips. AYE: Bums, Phillips, Barnhouse, Bowen, Randolph NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 9: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR A BUDGET AMENDMENT TO THE PARK DEVELOPMENT FUND. In June of 1993 the Council approved the purchase of playground equipment from the pazk development fund. However, the equipment was not received and paid for until after the beginning of the new fiscal yeaz and should have been included in the FY93-94 budget. At the time other departments made their carry-over requests, that item was overlooked. The 1993 audit shows an unexpended budget balance in the Park Development Fund. Ms Bishop requested that $10,000 unexpended from FY92-93 be budgeted for expenditure in FY93-94 from the Park Development Fund. Mayor Randolph moved, seconded by John Phillips, to approve an amendment to the capital outlay portion of the Park Development Fund budget for $10,000. AYE: Randolph, Phillips, Barnhouse, Bowen, Burns NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. 3 Owasso City Council March 15, 1994 ITEM 10: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO AMENDMENTS TO THE FY 1993-94 BUDGET WHEREIN AN INCREASE IN REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES IS PROPOSED. Mr Ray said that the Oklahoma Department of Transportation has allocated funds to reimburse the Owasso Public Golf Authority for the cost of the golf course entrance road. ODOT has added those funds to the current grant of $40,000 for the Max Buchanan access project. It will be necessary for the City to accept the grant and then transfer the additional $27,860 to the golf authority. The requested action will not impact City finances, but the golf authority will receive a reimbursement of $27,860 that can be used for improvements to the facility. After the funds have been received the Council will need to approve a transfer of funds from the City to the Golf Authority. John Phillips moved, seconded by Mary Lou Barnhouse, to approve an amendment to the FY93-94 budget by increasing the General Fund Estimate of Revenues by $27,860 and supplementally appropriating $27,860 to the Economic Development Department. AYE: Phillips, Barnhouse, Burris, Bowen, Randolph NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 11: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REOUEST FOR THE PURCHASE OF ONE AUTOMOBILE AND REQUEST FOR APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS FOR THAT PURCHASE. In January 1994 the City Council directed the City Manager to purchase a vehicle for his use. Since that directive, a vehicle being used by the police department has been declared unsafe. Staff believes that it would be in the best interest of the City to replace that vehicle, and transfer the fire chief's 1989 Chevrolet to the Managerial Department. Originally, that vehicle was to have been transferred to the police department. Mr Ray said that bid specifications were developed fora 1993 Chevy Corsica program car and sent to area vendors and banking institutions. Three bids were received and opened on March 9. Classic Chevrolet, with a bid of $8850, was the low bidder; however, they were unable to meet the warranty requirements as required in the bid specifications. Therefore, staff recommended the purchase of a vehicle from the next low bidder, Keystone Chevrolet, in the amount of $8858. Mayor Randolph moved, seconded by John Phillips, to approve an expenditure of $8858 to Keystone Chevrolet for the purchase of a 1993 Chevrolet Corsica, and that a supplemental appropriation of $8850 be approved for the General Fund Managerial Department. AYE: Randolph, Phillips, Barnhouse, Bums, Bowen NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. 4 Owasso City Council March 15, 1994 ITEM 12: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO RESOLUTION NO 94-03. A RESOLUTION APPROVING A PROJECT ~ AGREEMENT FOR FEDERAL AID PROJECT NO STPG-72b(409)UR BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND THE OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT ' OF TRANSPORTATION AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SUCH AGREEMENT. ~ Mr Ray said that for nearly nine years the City of Owasso has been seeking approval of a Federal Department of Transportation local governmental aid project to signalize the intersections of U.S. 169 and 76th St North. Staff has received notice from ODOT that the project has now been approved for April contract award, and that the project will be 100% federally funded. Mayor Randolph moved, seconded by Rex Bowen, to approve Resolution ~ #94-03 providing for 100% grant to install signal lights at U.S. 169 & 76th Street North. AYE: Randolph, Bowen, Burns, Phillips, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 13: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR PARTICIPATION BY THE CITY OF OWASSO WITH OTHER MUNICIPALITIES AS A MEMBER OF A CONSORTIUM TO BE ESTABLISHED FOR THE PURPOSE OF REPRESENTING THOSE CITIES IN MATTERS INVOLVING CABLE TELEVISION FRANCHISES. REGULATION, RATES AND OTHER MATTERS. For several months the city staff has participated in meetings, seminars and discussions with other area cities relating to cable television issues. The cities now want to join together in a consortium to better implement the options available to cities under the 1992 Cable Television Consumer Protection Act. Mr Ray said that the first step is to appoint a representative to work with representatives from other cities to formalize a document that would create a consortium authorized to initiate certain actions on behalf of the cities. The Council action requested would authorize the City Manager to represent the City of Owasso in the development of the consortium. Mayor Randolph moved, seconded by John Phillips, to approve the participation of the City of Owasso in the development of a cable television consortium concept, and to authorize the City Manager to represent the City in that endeavor. AYE: Randolph, Phillips, Bowen, Bums, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 14: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER No Report. 5 Owasso City Council ITEM 15: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY No Report. ITEM 16: UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. ITEM 17: NEW BUSINESS None. ITEM 18: ADJOURNMENT Mayor Randolph moved, seconded by John Phillips to adjourn. AYE: Randolph, Phillips, Bowen, Bums, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was adjourned at 7:29 p.m. March 15, 1994 Bob Randolph, Mayor Marcia Boutwell, Council Clerk 6 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL ' MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, March 29, 1994 ' The Owasso City Council met in special session on Tuesday, March 29, 1994 in the Owasso City Hall Conference Room per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City ' Hall bulletin board at 8:00 p. m. on Friday, March 25, 1994. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Randolph called the meeting to order at 4:15 p. m. ITEM 2: ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT Bob Randolph, Mayor John Phillips, Vice Mayor Mary Lou Barnhouse, Councilor Rex Bowen, Councilor Charles Burns, Councilor ' STAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager ' Marcia Boutwell, Council Clerk A quorum was declared present. ITTEM 3: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS TO THE WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEMS CONSTRUCTED BY THE DEVELOPERS OF BARRINGTON POINT. AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO. OKLAHOMA. ~ Rohn Munn presented this item. He said that the water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer lines have been completed and inspected and approved by staff. Maintenance bonds are in place. The "~ streets have not been completed, but the developer has provided the staff with a 100 performance bond in lieu of the remaining construction. Mr Phillips asked why there was a need to have a special Council meeting. Mr Ray answered that the City will not issue building ~ permits until the infrastructure has been accepted, and the developer had requested a special meeting to accept the improvements in order to prevent the loss of some lot sales. Mr Bums asked when the streets would be completed. Mr Munn estimated one week if the weather is ' good. Charles Burns moved, seconded by John Phillips, to accept the water and wastewater lines, and storm sewer improvements constructed by the developer of Barrington Point. Owasso City Council AYE: Bums, Phillips, Bowen, Barnhouse, Randolph NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 4: ADJOURNMENT Charles Burris moved, seconded by Rex Bowen to adjourn. AYE: Bums, Bowen, Barnhouse, Phillips, Randolph NAY: None Motion carved 5-0 and the meeting was adjourned at 4:20 p.m. March 29, 1994 Bob Randolph, Mayor Marcia Boutwell, Council Clerk 2 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL F[iND 3131/94 17;;4;3^ A!P GLAIh1~ REPORT APAPVR FACE: Pn # VEttDOR DE'..CRIPTI~="~;i A~40UtIT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- h1ANAGERIAL ------------------------------ 941950 CELLULAR OttE-TULSA 2194 USE 32.26 94198? BACON & SON ING CHAIRS 300.00 942000 WAL-MART SUPPLIES 34.79 942008 O.A.S,G. CGtdFERENCE 100.00 942010 OSir BUSINESS FOR[iM b0.00 94201b TREASURER PETTY CASH LAYOUT LOGO 200.00 942084 OKLAHOMA MYOP MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL 100.00 942098 LDCC INC-AT&T 2i='4 LONG DISTANCE 9.94 94212b SOi1THWESTERH BELL TELE. 2%Q4 PLEXAR 50.74 DEPARTMEP€T TOTAL =___? E87.7~j FINANCE ------------------------------ 940117 CPS BUSINESS, INC. LICEtdSE FEES 39.50 94164 LAtdDMARK F~USINESS SYSTEMS CALCULc.TOR 154.OG 94190q OFFIr_.E DEPOT CARD PLA1I SUFPLIES 101.42 94198n GOV. FItiANCE nFFIGERS ASS GAAFR SUB=GRIPTION 50.00 942p1b TREASURER PETT`i GASH REIMB PETTY CASH :'_6.33 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___? 571.25 COMMUNITY DEVELOPt1ENT ------------------------------ 940124 MGGAGI COMMtiNICATIOtdS PAGER REtiTAL 44.90 94027(1 INCOG DUES: PLANNING FEE, 1`•,459.75 94139b JOHN SMIGKLAS, CHEVROLET GEtdTURY SEDAN 11,55~.UU ~ai909 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN SUFPLIES 15.56 941963 CITY GARAr,E PAF.TS 93.93 942005 INTERNATIOtiAL ASSOC. OF MEMBERSHIP DUES 3b.00 942015 CITY GARAGE F[rEL 104.44 94016 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 17.75 942047 PATP,OL TECHNOLOGY DECK LIGHTS 11`.C~t~ 943070 H04JARD STAMPER IN=,TALLATIOt1 5x).00 942126 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE. 2%`'~4 F'LEKAR 51.3'? DEF'ARTMEt~tT TOTAL =___% 275544,'•2 M[iNICIPAL GOiJRT ------------------------------ 4 940027 CHARLES RAt4SEY RETAINER 7pn.OC~ CITY OF OIJASSO GENERAL FUND :?/31/94 17:54:38 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APP.PVR PAGE: FO # ---------- VENDOR ------------------------ L?E:C:F'IF'TIOti - -------------------- AMOCr1iT ----- ------------- ~'~00?8 MICHAEL D. HILSABECK RETAINER 70n.OC! 941`1 i DOPIER PRItiTING PRINTI1iG 205.0(! 941!305 DOES PRINT SHOP PRINTItiG 57.13 942016 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIM$ PETTY CASH 16.5B 942021 US POSTMASTER POSTAGE 116.On 942022 SCjBURBAN OFFICE SUPPLY SUPPLIES 181.48 942098 LDGC INC-AT&T 2%94 LONG DISTANCE .25 942126 SOCiTHWESTER1i BELL TELE. 2.94 PLEXAR 46.24 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___? ~ 2,022.65 EtiGiNEERItiG ------------------------------ 941632 I AE I TF'A ItiI?iG 28.70 94100' OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN SUPPLIES 10.45 9ai~'63 CITY GARAGE PARTS 162.9a 941':64 ~J6.L-h1ART SUPPLIES 57.46 9a~ia15 CITY GARAGE FUEL 7`.12 94201b TPEASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY GASH 13.64 DEPARTMENT TOTAL = _ _ _) 348. E!a r,ENERP.L GC}VEF.tihtEtiT ------------------------------ 9x0089 DEPARTMENT OF GORREGTIOtiS DOC EMPLOYEES 66.00 440!?9C! MEMBER SERVICE LIFE PRE TAX AD`1 FEEG+ 117.00 ?41707 RETHERFORD PCrBLICATIO1iS LEr;AL tiOTICES 23~.7a 941w09 OFFICE DEPOT CARD FLAN SUPPLIES -15.56 ~a19a5 h1IREX GORP COPY OVERAGE 155.2G 941'9.53 CITY GARAGE PARTS b52.4C! 9alab7 BERKLEY RISK MANAGEMEtiT MANtrAL 67.72 941'85 TULSA WORLD ADVERTISING 21.7? 942007 RISK MANAGEMEtiT DIVISION LIAB INSURANCE 50.00 942014 MARVEL PHOTDS ID CARD HOLDERS 27.00 ga2r!15 CITY GARAGE FC1EL 45,24 '9a;~Olb TREASURER PETTY CASH MISG EXPENSES 214,7' ',a~01~ THOMF°3O1tS BOOi~', SUFFL.Y SUPPLIES b4.05 9a:JC!45 TiTLSA COUtiTY ELECTION BOA ELECTIDii EXPENSES 2.045.55 9.42049 OWASSO CHAMBER OF r_.OMMERC HOME ~~ GARDEti SHOW 5r~r~.C~0 942032 J.P. HOGAN IPiSURANGE BOND RE1iEWAL 175.00 942083 J.F'. HOGAti I?iSURANGE PROPERTY INSURANCE 75.00 9a205b FP,IMA SCTBSCF.IPTION 50.00 9x2095 OKLA NATC1RAL GAS 2:94 USE 9(!9.37 9x2096 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE. 2!94 NDii-PLEXAR 47.33 9x2097 PSO 2/9a USE 553.E!4 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND 3131194 17:54:35 A%F' CLAIMS REPORT APAPVP PAGE: 6 F'O # VENDOF' DEBCF'IPTIDPi AMOUPIT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- 94209 LUCC INC:-AT~T 2194 LONG DISTANCE $5.31 942126 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE. 2:'94 PLEXAR 346.59 DEPAFTMENT TOTAL =___? 6,665.30 MAINTENAPiGE ------------------------------ 940124 MCCAW CnMMLr2{IGATIONS PAGER RENTAL X2.45 941908 TAYLOE PAPER C:0 SUPPLIES 216.02 9419n9 OFFICE DEFDT CARD PLAN SUPPLIES 3.99 942016 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 9f,.`7 94L`/LL BCTILDER'S UNLIMITED, IPiG 5CTPPLIES 9+.67 DEPARTMF,PiT TOTAL =___. 435.70 CEMETERY ------------------------------ 941Q63 CITY GARAGE PARTS 1,5.03 942006 GARRETT SIGNS SIGN 97.OC} 942097 PLO 2/94 CTSE 17.`0 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___:% i'~~.`j POLICE SERVICES ------------------------------ 940003 YALE CLEAPiERS DRY CLEANIPiG SERVICE= 2, 170.00 940029 MGGAW CQMMUPiICATIOPiS PAGER REPiTAL 14i~.70 940031 L.E.T.N. TELEVISED TPAINING 253.00 940032 CELLULAR ONE-TLTLSA USAGE 139.54 940035 HOWARD STAMPER RETAINER 15n,On 940115 LEASE Ah1ER.ICA COPIER LEASE 236.00 941372 EIS COMtiUNIGATIONS CAMCORDERS 7,220.00 941579 GOMMCTNITY SERVICE COUPiCIL DIRECTORY OF COMMUNITY 36.30 941905 TAYLOE PAPER GO SUPPLIES 66.55 94190=: OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN SUPPLIES 72.`? 941910 AS'~DC, ENT DF TULSA, INC. EXAt4 39.00 941946 DD2IER PRINTING PRIPTING '?0.34 941963 CITY GARAGE PAP.TS 1,191,95 9419bb MELODY PARSLEY CTNIFOR.M REPAIR 42.00 941973 O~dASSO VET HOSPITAL SERVICES 29.50 941975 REASORS PRICE RITE FILM PROCESSIPiG 30,b2 942004 tdERIDAN TECHNOLOGY TRAINING 50.On 942015 CITY GARAGE FUEL 1,151.92 i~ CITY OF OWASSO GEPiERAL FUPiD 3!31/94 17;54:39 A/P CLAIMS REPOPT AFAPVR PAGE: PO # ---------- VENDOR ------------------ DE'~C:PIPTIOPi ------- -------------------- AMOLItiT ----- ------------- 94?01? MELODY FARSLE`i 942015 SLiBtiRBAPi OFFICE SUFPLY 942043 POLICE PETTY CASH 942046 MELODY PARSLEY 942072 VINES MINI-STORAGE 942095 OKLA NATLiRAL GAS 942096 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE. 942097 PSO 942098 LDCC INC-AT&T 942127 SOUTHWESTERNi BELL TELE. ALTERATIOti=~ SUPPLIES MISC SUPPLIES UPiIFORM REPAIR STORAGE RENT 2/94 USE 2/94 NON-PLEXAR 2,'94 USE 2%94 LONG DISTANCE 2/94 PLEXAR 281.~p5~ L2,50 112.96 65.00 60.00 137.14 47.33 593.46 57.26 235.95 DEPP.RTMENT TOTAL =___~• POLICE COMMLiNICATIOPiS ------------------------------ 9419C!9 OFFICE DEPOT CARD FLAN SUPPLIES 94043 POLICE PETTY CASH REIMB PETT`i CASH DEPARTMEPiT TOTAL =___? APiIMAL CONTROL ------------------------------ 14,718.47 55.69 5.37 63.05 941947 RICHARD HEPiDERSON SERVICES 2n,pn =42015 CITI' GARAGE FUEL 21.99 DEPARTMEPiT TOTAL ====i 41.99 FIRE SEP.IVC:ES ------------------------------ 440722 RDG COPiST, IPiC. FIRE STATIOti 9,n00.00 941011 FSIO REGISTRATIOPi 50.00 941854 CHIEF FIRE ~ SAFETY INC LADDER EXTENSION 445,00 941918 NP.PA ALiTO PARTS PARTS 45,30 441921 tdIMBALL ACE HAP.DWARE SUPPLIES 75,45 94].425 CELLULAR OPiE-T1_ILSA 2!94 ttSE 54.19 941999 GALL'S INC. SUPPLIES 62 0,93 442015 CITY GARAGE FUEL ( •j40.57 9x2059 BOLAY MOBILEGOM INC RADIO REPAIR 102.10 942064 IPiTERSTATE STEEL SUPPLIES 211.50 942075 MULTIPLIER CORF BATTERIES 255.16 9420?7 PRACTICAL EPiGIPiEERING REPAIR 226.64 442097 PSO 2/94 USE 51.49 942098 LDCC INC-AT&T 2/94 LONG DISTANCE 20.23 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND 3;31%94 1?:54:38 AiP CLAIMS P.EPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOP. L?ESi'.RIPTIOii AA1OzJNT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- 9421'6 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE. 2194 PLEXAP. 154.19 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___) l1,c55.8~ • CIVIL DEFENSE ------------------------------ 940123 CELLULAR ONE-TULSA USAGE/STAMPER 10.b0 942096 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE. 2194 NDN-PLEXAR 49.08 942G9? PSD 2!94 I.rSE 54.11 942126 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE. 2/94 PLEXAR 25.3? L?EPARTMENT TDTP.L =___) 149.~j STREETS ------------------------------ 94Q124 MCCAW GOMMU?;ICATIOtdS PAGER RANTAL ~'~.45 941645 SIGNALTECK I?iC. MAItdT/REPAIRS ],12b,48 941.798 RAINBOW CONCRETE GO CONCRETE 688.Q0 9418?3 T[rLSA AUTO SPRING CO OVERLOAD SPRINGS 194.31 941895 LrS[rABLE STEEL YARD SUPPLIES 1$8.83 941932 WELSCO IPiC SUPPLIES 9G.51 941963 CITY GARAGE FARTS 21u.21 941595 KEYSTONE EC?UIPMENT GO REPAIR BACKHOE 4,11114.94 942015 CITY GARAGE F[rEL 380.51 942095 OKLA NP.TUF.AL GAS 2194 USE 3?5.52 942Q9? PSO 2/94 USE bQ1,8G 942126 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE. 2/94 PLEXAR 47.47 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___') ?,931.1'3 RECREATION CETtTER ------------------------------ 9419Q8 TAYLDE PAPER GO SUPPLIES 1?.54 941978 KIhIBALL AGE HARDWARE SUPFLIES 95.87 942015 CITY GARAGE FUEL 15.4G 942016 TREA~~UP.EF. PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CA'~H 29.4 C? 9421166 WAL-MART SUPPLIES 95.95 942Gb? SCOREBOARD SPORTS CTR. BASKETBALLS 240.04 942095 OKLA NATUF.AL GAS 2!94 USE 568.24 94249? PSD 2/S'4 USE 440.40 9420~r8 LDCC INC-AT&T 2/94 LONG DISTANCE 1.51 94212b SD[rTHWESTERtd BELL TELE. 2/94 PLEXAR 43.31 UEPARTMEIiT TDTAL =___> 1,648.58 i~ 8 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND 3!~1l94 17:54:38 A!P GLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE; F'n # VENDOR DESC:RIPTIO1i AMO[rNT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- SWIMMIiIG POQL ------------------------------ 942095 OKLA NATURAL GAS 2/94 USE 7.Ob 942097 PSO 2/94 USE 34.47 942126 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE. 2/94 PLEXAR 11.47 DEPAPTMENT TOTAL =___> 53.00 COMMUNITY CENTER ------------------------------ 9401t? UNITED ARTIST^ CABLE CABLE USE L2.5? 9419n? DAY TIMERS INC. SUPPLIES 23.19 9ai909 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAi? SirppLIES 19.83 941963 CITY GARAGE PARTS 39.90 94201` CITY GARAGE FUEL 16.38 94?Olh TREASURER. PETTY CP.SH REIMB PETTY CASH 34.14 9409` OKt.A NATURAL GAS 2,'94 USE 428.32 94?n97 PSO 2/94 USE 441.82 942098 LDCC ING-AT&T 2!94 LONG DISTANCE 2.83 9421'~h SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE. 2l94 PLEXAR 51.04 DEPARTMENT TDTAL =___:% 1,080.08 FARK MAINTEtiAPICE ------------------------------ 940124 MCCAW COMMUNICATIONS PAGER RENTAL. 22.45 941?78 GRAINr,ER,W W INC HEATER ?4.81 941831 CINTAS CORP. U1tIFORM GLEAN/RENT 102.75 94193n WOODS PORTABLE WELDItiG SERVICES 90.00 941963 CITY GARAr,E PARTS 96.76 942015 CITY GARAGE FUEL 151.89 942016 TREASURER PETTY CASH SUPPLIES 203.42 942095 OKLA ?iATURAL GAS 2;94 USE 89.69 94'09? PSO 2/94 USE 141,29 L==~EF'ARTMENT TOTAL =___% 973.Ob ECONOMIC LiEVELOPMEt{T ------------------------------ 9 94004n CELLULAR ONE-TrJLSA USAGE 13.50 941360 A R~ A MATERIALS LAYING ASPHALT 9B8.88 94201h TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 83.06 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND 3/'~Sr9a 17:54:38 A/P CLAIMS REPORT AFAFVR PAGE: PO # t1EtdDOR L?ESGRIFTIO?I AMO[rNT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___? FUND TOTAL =___? iF085.44 78,bbb.b4 SO GITY OF OWASSO WORKERS' GQMP SELF-INS PLAN 3/31I~4 17:5:38 A/P r_.LAIMS REPORT APAPVR PA~,E: PCB # VE?iD~R L:~ESCF'IPT IQN AMOUPiT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- GE?dEP.AL GQVEP.NF4EtdT ------------------------------ 940170 DARP,ELL EVAtiS T.T.D. 941968 MULTI CARE HEALTH CENTER CLAIM/WATS41i 941969 MULTI CARE HEALTH GENTER CLAIM/HOLCOMB 941970 OWASSD DRUG GLAIM/GOSHATT 941971 BERKLEY RISK MANAGEMENT SERt~IGE FEES 94197 UTICA PARK CLINIC CLAIM!FISHER 942016 TREASLjRER PETTY GASH P.EIMEs PETTY CASH 942080 MULTI DARE HEALTH GENTER CLAiMi"COSHATT 942085 MULTI CARE HEALTH GENTER CLAIM/WATSON =42087 BEST,SHARF,HCILDEN,SHERIDA GLAiMiE~'ANS Q42~~^ CENTRAL STATES ORTHOF'EDIG CLAIM/EVANS 942(tc9 FRANK LETGHER, MD CLAIM!HEidURICKSON DEPARTt4ENT TQTAL FUND TOTAL =___% b26.72 41.00 40.00 47.02 778.33 36 . (r 0 36.88 °2.00 40.00 405.74 ~Or;.51 2,014.60 4, _~~8.80 48348,$0 1 1 1 1 1 CITY OF OWASSO AMEt1LANCE SERVICE FUND .3 /31!9 1?:54:3$ A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR F'AGE: FO # VF.I3DOR DESC:RIF'T?C1Pi AMtltltiT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- At*iBULAPiCE ------------------------------ 941923 ALLIANCE MEDICAL, INC. SUPPLIES 941925 PACE PRODUCTS OF TULSA IN OXYGEti/RENTAL 941926 GELLLILAR ONE-TLiLSA USAGE 941965 MEDICAL COMPLIANCE SPECIA BIO WASTE FIGK UP 941992 SHORTY'S AUTO ELECTRIC PARTS 942016 TREASIiRER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 9420?6 EVE INC. SUPPLIES DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___% FUND TOTAL =___) 176.47 38.00 39.9(1 30.00 56.00 X0.00 n44.66 x35.03 8?5.0: L CITY OF QWASSO E - 911 3%31 !9a 17:5a:3E A%P CLAIMS REPnP.T APAPVP pAr,E; PO # VEPiDOR L>ESC:RIF'TiLPi AMQtipIT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- POLICE COMh?iT}IICATIc~idS ------------------------------ 940114 SO[tTHWESTERH BELL TELE. E-911 1,736.96 DEPARTME?~T TOTAL =___) 1,736.96 FCTHD TOTAL =___> 1,736.y6 J ^ CITY QF OWASSO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 3l31l9a 17:54:38 A!F CLAIMS REPURT APAPVR PAGE: FC} # VEtdDC1R DESC:RIPTIC1ii AhiuU;,T ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- FIRE SER~~'ICES ------------------------------ 940722 RDG COHST, INC. FIRE STATION 63,p23.an 941592 WATER PRQDUCTS IHC SUPPLIES 2,958.6? 941852 L&S IHSTRUMEtiTS EQUIPMENT RENT 162.8Q DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> 66,144.8? PAR~'.S ------------------------------ 941900 LAMAR INDUSTRIES SPQRTSPARK LIGHTING :;5,4G?,nn DEPARTMEt{T TOTAL =_--. FUND TClTAL =___.- 102,141.8? lh CITY OF OWASSO AMBULANCE SERV CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 3!31!94 17:54:38 A/P C'LAIMS REFORT APAFVR FADE: PO # VEI~DGR DE'=~=kIFTI~~N At~1Cl?it~T ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- A~*1E~ULr'.iIC:E ------------------------------ 941871 WATER PRODUCTS INC PIPE!FITTINGS 4,b90.03 941897 ICM OF TULSA EQUIPMENT RENT 900.00 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___) 5,590.03 FUI"~D TOTAL =___> 5,590,03 GRAND TOTAL =___` 437,:~~t8.4.^-. 18 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND ,4/05/94 15:21:26 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ~r--------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- MANAGERIAL 942135 RODNEY RAY DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> l~, FUND TOTAL =___> GRAND TOTAL =___> ~- ., 1 FEB-MAR EXPENSES 305.53 305.53 305.53 305.53 1 CITY OF DWASSO CITY GARAGE -~'.~i/y4 7":54:?? A!F CLAIMS REPORT AFAPVR PAGE: PO # ~EtiiC~R DESCRIPTIO1i AMOUtiT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- ~._IT`~' ~ARP.~~E ------------------------------ 941652 ItdTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTEM BATTERIES 150,7$ 941687 EXIDE, CORF BATTERIES 68.67 941761 WELSCO ItiC OXYGEN/ACETYLENE 33.60 941769 STANDARD AUTD SUPPLY PARTS 2?,09 941791 tiAPA ALtTO PARTS FARTS , 239.74 941908 TAYLDE PAFER GO SUPPLIES 10.00 '941943 STAN'S WESTSIDE AUTO ELEC PP.P.TS 138.35 941952 WELDON OF TULSA, INC. SUPPLIES 82.32 ?41962 WURTH SUPPLIES 113.45 942016 TREASURER PETTY CA:=H REIMB PETT4' GASH 28.41 942026 KEYSTOtiE EOUIPhtEtiT CO PAF.TS 45.18 942052 t4AX4dELL OIL C:ORP OIL 451.:'0 942053 KE`tSTOtiE E!~t?IPMEtiT CO PARTS 42.98 942055 LEPiOX WRECKER SERVICE TOWI1iG 58.05 942056 t4AX~~IELL OIL CORF SOLVEfiT 79.00 942095 OKLA NATURAL GAS 2.94 USE bi7.33 94097 PSO 2,'94 USE 139.1 942098 LDCC INC-ATg:T 2/94 LOti!~ DISTAtiCE .86 94125 SOUTHWESTERti BELL TELE. 2%94 FLEXAR 21,47 DEPAF.TME1iT TOTAL =___. 4.34?.63 FL1tiD TOTP.L = _ _ _ % 4, ~~47 . E 15 CITY OF OWASSO A/P TRANSFER REPORT VENDOR TRANSFERS CITY GARAGE WORKER'S COMP SELF-INS GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND DESCRIPTION AMOUNT TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 2,333.33 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 11,512.50 TRANSFER FROM AMBULANCE FUND 7,833.33 TRANSFER FROM E-911 FUND 1,250.00 TRANSFERS TOTAL 22,929.16 CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 03/19/94 DEPARTMENT AMOUNT .. • .......... ......:::>:;:>::>: ~:; :.~i~::~r~~l 3 ~~~5 ..........::::::.....::::::: . :::.::::::::::.::: M.~..,,....,........., ........... . .: ...h....,.........~....~.w...,..M,.......,.~.....~.........,....,,.v...,..,...............~.. Finance Ci:ti?i•i}iiiii:p :: .:.......:......:.... 4,407.80 :. v:::::::::::: m:: x:::::::nix::::::::::.v•.vv....:.:....... .. .. ..: .. .. .i. i^:;in : •. ~ :!i: ;'~ .. .. • •??::.i::.iiiii}}}; }}y1 :.::.. ...:::.i: iii::: :~::. ...... . ~~yy~yyyy~y-ry~ . f'~tt '}{`,'~j ]p'~ ~y . .((~~. ~'( ~.+.4k~.u~~itt hd~ti!~ti? .~.~-F~ .......~ i:)v:::::': " ~-, :.'; ::i::i::i:{::viiCiif{i ii;:iii; ;:;:•i?i;;?;?f?i;:i;:i;:i iiiiii::ii.~}i}::i:::: . , , . . : :Sti:'~ :?•: }-, ~y .,: ':i.iijijiiiii'rii ii;i:;:ii: ii: i::iiii:C3iiiji is?v:Jii:4iii;><:i::i::i::i" ~.lfj~. ' i4• :::: I4'. E.:: S:: ~F ... r!: ~::..M'::. . ._... .,. .. v.:.u ... .w ::uxwnJa<LCL ::...:.......,............:,.:.~.n. n•.•.v..nww. .. ~ ,...v..wn ~ ~V..~. h . Municipal Court 1,198.46 .. ~.<.;:<<t::iii::>:;~; :.:::.::::::::::::::::::. ~. ~:::::: KYY!'~((( ':•i'riiii'ri }~~ ~~ ~ :::::::::::::::. ~:::::.: ~:::::::::::.:.:.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ,.::::.::.?:.>:.;:.?:.?:.ii:.i:.:;.:.ii;:.i::~~~~//{{!!. ii'r:•'.' ~'?'i: i:•{iiiii vii: rv'+ i ~ '~•' ~ '?• Tv} ' . i:::iviii::iii4:;:. ~Ynv.A\wW.vv.Ym•.:v:ri~%O:vi s i iiiiiY;:;i':•;i::.}::+ 'i?:i::iiiii;: ::LM 1 j~::j:•f: ~ii :? ... •M•. •m.• iti:tiii~:iiti ii:•:vviti4:•:tvn...v.•.v vnvm itititivtiw.•:.vn•.•.ii.AE.•.iiA:..v..vw.{w?.A:::vv.ti:vvw•'vv~\~:i^t~\\~ Buildin Maintenance 459.45 Kam.. :;; ..:.? Central Dispatch 4 485.68 ..F,. .... .... ......... .. ....... ......... ........ ........ ........: .... .... .... .... Fire 27,126.97 L2:.:•ww::AM1ti[[d1\it3:LYY%Lb'vC.i%iQ\4'.4:%4K:N:if.•i'thivi?:t:::ii.?Yiiiii!pi:.:.:i:?:Xi.:i.:i?.~.i::b?:ii v[i.:i.:vOi:{.:.::iiaiaL?iy:%isi.~?ry»:.•.':::::.y%.V.:::::L:L::::.y:J.%1ZX:r.L'.:..:?p:Li:i3:. Recreation Center 2,208.59 •?:•k~C•}???:Mvn}?•lxn:{.•.}v;.vry:C4v,.}:.?:{{..}:rMp;Mtr^ ...{:,F. ~ : - ~ %~ + ~~`~ •.~ ~ ;{•:.}}::4%p}XF.????:{?•,^:???:^:•:4?:4:•??:•?:.?:•?:v:•?:.'f.:J:•?:r..}:.}:•:\4' :.t•{.VY..?;r.?::iti?+nv:+rxx{.:6: fx{n'l.{x:r.};n}?;?nv.:v, {• .: r{:.~..::: rw.:~:.~::n:~:::: m:::::::: ..~. : i:2~'?'::?: ~ ~ +o ' ~ ~ ~ ~' : :y;:;:;:;:+ ;$ G~ ~ T: I:IJ:Il7:I Nix: : v: k •Rt •. . ::b%SWiSi}>W. AYafSGb. aY.% .S iiSiiii i::::} k . iii: : •iii;is2 i::::ii: ::;::isiiii iii:is r::i:v :;;: . iviii:< :>i M:~: :i: yx: s•; • •••• u'F.Y•:+Y:ty.•.•:::.::8i:.yY..Y.yyMf::.•.•.4:vvN.:tt3w::N.U.Y:Xew'~>:;.:~:.. r.C::Y.wAti•F.' .LYY ...?.Y......:.+.x.Ly ..v. y . .. Park Maintenance 2,606.04 i ......................... -~ ....:..::. .: ~ ~ :w<.:;::.:<.:::..::;;:.~ ~ ~:.~ .......:.:........;................. . ......:..................:...........:.:........:........:...................................... ...... a.::::.:: . .;.; APPROVED: 04/05/94 Mayor Council Member Council Member CITY GARAGE PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 03/19/94 APPROVED: 04/05/94 Mayor Council Member Council Member ADDENDUM NO. 1 MOWING CITY PROPERTIES FEBRUARY 1994 TO: FROM DATE: PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS MARCIA BOUTWELL CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR February 22, 1994 It has come to our attention that the bid documents do not address the issue of liability insurance to be carved by the contractors. The only mowing contract that will require the contractor to carry liability insurance is the U.S. Highway 169 Right-of--Way. That contractor will need to provide to the City of Owasso a copy of his Certificate of Insurance showing the amount of coverage and the term of the policy. The minimum amount of coverage is One Million Dollars. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact this office. .u ~ _ '~ . Y _ . s r ~ _ _. I r" ~ % u ~'~ L ~-r ~ a - - 2l1 1~ ; :u ~ 7 r _. / •~ _~K-. 3~[:~ -';>~_ .... _~9• ter.-.- _ l _ 'l '.. i 1 /..~ ,. 1. ~~1 1 i ~~ J ~ 111 K'~' . •~ ill! Y ' _'71 r__ ~ . + y 1 I I ~~ ' I 1 'IiW ~ 1 fI '. ..t +. Y - ' ~•~ti ttM ~ 'Nl~ t'{1 t( ~t L 4rN J ' t S - T nlu ~i' ,1~(i ' sil ~ ti~ / /t ., ~ ~ l ,. _, I i~ Cl yy•~ ~ ~ ,fc.. ~ ~~ :n. 1 j ~ f c i _1 ti f ~~ 111 ~ I L 1 i ~i I ... rt i I t~ j 1 fn I ,,._~ ~ l~ nt. I" nl~ Sn ,Y ~f I n.f l11 LG tl~l' ~ ~• _ _ STRt[T ~ - _ I r 1 y Ifi v: vN' N' to I '' ~- ~ Flt1~..C~. - ~ ~ - .,ll y~ ~ l 'Ih STREET .. - `"'' if 1 •.1 .1 1 ~ o ~, -tt ,. - n • 111 . _ 111 t " , _ R: - ~ ~ ' ~- cn 1. .j ~ i 1 )zt ., _ s 1 ' ._ .z _ `' l I cn .i -- - ~: n1 - ---- ~ 1 ~ _ = l = S 1 ., ~ i - - = n / , c. 1. N`p.• f :: 51h STREET x -- - -~~ ~~ s. v ~~:. ~ •~r' _1 ,_ ', ml - r - + - _ ~ - ' a 1 < < ~ , ~ :: r ~ l a t l :1 _.:. - - •l - - s__ ( 'I:l. ..; r 1 ti ~. . . a f ~~ ? STREET .~ 14 ~ ul. n1M 1 ` ` M ._ 1 r t'-' ~ 1 i:! - - • _ ~ ~I_ ,~ ;1 _ - - - 1 _ ) a ` j _ L _ - ,1 ) ~ ^ _ ~, 1 ' t 1 _ ~L1, _ .1 !~_ 1- 111 I11 fL' ~- cn .1 _.,r ~,_~ - ~sll Ild - ~ i ~ ° _ 1• , tC~ I ~ - -- , ~ rl ''~+ ~ Fc'=~ 1 int _ ~ tlx.:. I t - le ~ r.r:~~ 1- ; t, 1----- (-~~u , ~ ~ . .^~ : j Kuuc cr„rd. ' ~~ l j I ~ ~. ~y 1~ 1; 2 2. A ?n ~;c;,.;G ! '' ~ for 1 ~;' ~ ~ ~ - f...-r I _ S~j --~. " . - . ~ j'+cK116 ~~ 5V .a ' . ~_. I _ . - - --II C t ` (.~ SP __... ~ 1 ' " in ~ ~~ I _..._ _ _ ~_ °__ ~,.. Ftzo I -;-- - - ,. ~ 1. ~ \ r ~ O t~ _. _. ~ ._ :._ ~ _. o ~ ..... wl. r l-aT t ~• 7 r my .~ a ~~ ~ t7 ~' IY 1)' '{' 1 1 • i 1.. 3rd COURT a ~' . -r~ 1• ,~, 11' ,, I r i ~ §....y , t 7 ! . 1 . - - ~ si kl -- '• _a l- _u- : '1 _L_ 111 _ i. 1 I _ _ _.._ 7 o. 41 V1 ')~~ Y ~ V 1' 1 _~__ .~_ ~ _~_ __ '?._ Q - 1 t. r F- o J 1 111 s. •,.C 1. c - - -_ _-- N li 1 '~ ~ k. C -- ~ ---- --- - - ~l .. " N •+ u 1.. I. •. 1 1~ I~ I .~ ,.,:. li II I .1 1 )1 ur al IU 111 a( -1 's ® ~ ' ' _l l' ' _ i II i~ ~: ~, ~ .r i , ~_. x to ~ U ~ ~ ~( Q Q .~ ir. '. N E ~ i(,. _, ~ ~~ f ~ / /. `~- _- F ~ -1 i V \ `` \~ 1(~ v `_ W~. al ~ - ,I N ~ ( _ - l _ ~" ~ ' l ~~ \ `\`~~~ J -----_ _ r (I I ~ _ I 11 I»ZZI f~,:, r,~ ..f CJ " .. ; t i~ f :f - of I~ r . ( l~ ~ ' ~ ' ,. ~~ -~ -;; - -~-= -I - - - -,~ " ~~.1, ~ ~ i ..~ Irv 3 i n ~~ ~ u l~ r f ~- a.a fw :7w ii- ~ _- - If i7 n~ %~. ft~~f,j'It f, ,. Ift ~. Inll~l'f.. ~ ~. a 0 ~-~ ~- - -- ~; y19Z1 R li- •1. ,. r ;~- . ~ Z -- ~~ s ~\ ,. ~`~, _ F- N ~~ 1 c. j 1 ~\ l ~~ `l c f I, ~~ 4, ~j ; /v / ~, 1 0 7 d !!. r Y T „~~ v1~ zr~• ZP7 ~1 E. 2n - ,~ ~- - -- ~E. 23rd S1 i .. ~ ~ _ 22nd C1.w - {lr - I 1 _ _cu rE• 22nd ST RE ~ ' : f I ~ ~ ~ ,~. . k n --'- - -- lii ; ----- -- -- {- E. 20 I h S I' - ~ 1 .,.` 18111 S (. o i ,., F_ U _si _ Q J i~ ~ Q STREET < . < ~ , ~ i t I I ~ I i i I i I ~ ~ I s.. u- - - - - .c` ~_ ~. ~ 1 ~ ~. ;. ~ ~ 1 F a ~ { 7 O 19Th <~ f- ' ,, i :, _ w n_ ~- ~ ~n .,~. v I _~~ . ~ l n rul 1 IC' IW•a iU - o ~ 88 t ~ ~•~ L: ~, .~. ~ "= Sp• = ~ '- a -- 2 `' ~.. ~, /C~ . O " ~n i '~S s Q ' ~~ ~~ ~F 89 tfi ST. N . ~_ E 8 _~ ~,~ ~~ ~V ~ ~'" o. '.°° 3~ s ' ;ti. 5~ ~ az -ti n r -, r~~ ~°~ - ~, 86th STR~tT i~0~ T ~,_ ~,~~ ~ 3~, ~. ~„r fem. , J :,` 76, . N Q. o r\` .. o ~x l 3 ,~^~i •L~ ,,, ~ '. "~ ~o ;~ 18th STREET ~° N. ISth ST. 1 I I 1 I ~ ~ 4 _ • ~. / -1 - ~ _ x '~ i~^ ~ ~ r ,i .i .i fl ~~ I' C i J w " f _ ~ .~ -r i z _. 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C i r? ~ Grf! ~ '.: ~. i _~ I = - -~; ' OKLA. d . r'i. „~ + h ~ , l~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - ~ ~ - .- .. ~ ~ ;s=ue ~~ ,.~ C - 1- - - --- - =-- --~- -- ~- - _ _ ~I s==-=- ii PROCLAMATION CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA WHEREAS, The OEDA, the Owasso Chamber of Commerce, the Owasso Reporter, and the City of Owasso have developed a special business recognition program as a means of honoring the valuable contributions of local, community-minded businesses; and, WHEREAS, The quality of life in Owasso is a reflection of the level of involvement exhibited by its business owners and employees and their active support of community events; and WHEREAS, The involvement of businesses through their support of local projects and promotions by the sharing of their resources, provides for the economic well- being of the community and demonstrates a commitment that goes beyond the standard measure of business success; and, WHEREAS, Marty Cooper, as manager of Owasso Wal-Mart, and his employees, have demonstrated concern for the Owasso community through involvement in various community-wide projects; and, WHEREAS, A consistent quality in business operations, together with a focus on the betterment of Owasso through civic activity, merits appreciation and recognition by the entire community, NOW, THEREFORE, I, Bob Randolph, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor of the City of Owasso, do hereby proclaim Owasso Wal-Mart 2nd Quarter 1994 Business of the Quarter IN WTI'NESS THEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the City of Owasso to be affixed this 5th day of April, 1994. Bob Randolph Mayor MEMOn:ANnUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO F. ROBERT CARR, JR. PUBLIC' WORKS DIRECTOR REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF MOWING CONTRACTS March 25, 1994 BACKGROUND: For the past four years the City of Owasso has utilized private sector contracts for the purpose of providing mowing services during the summer growing months. The program was developed to privatize this service and provide support so that City crews can continue to carry out their other job assignments. Staff evaluation of the program indicates that it continues to be cost-effective. We have continued to make progress on other projects (i.e., street repair, drainage ditch renovation and small construction projects). The use of these private sector contracts have continued to provide the citizens of Owasso with a more efficient delivery of services. The use of full-time employees to perform seasonal mowing is reduced, allowing for more efficient response to needs in both the street and park departments. There are four criteria used to evaluate the mowing program: quality, timeliness, cost and citizen reaction. Historically, privatized mowing has met or exceeded our expectations in each of these areas. An annual review of the program is used to make adjustments to the program in order to maintain effectiveness. In 1993 two areas requiring mowing were added to the program and these areas have been included in the 1994 mowing season. These two additions are: the El Rio Vista Frontage (along Garnett Road) and the Forrest Drive Easement (South of Rayola Park). Bids were also taken for the mowing of U.S. Highway 169 Right of Way. This area was added back to the bid list to determine if privatizing this large area had become cost effective. After review of the bid submittals for the 169 right-of way, all bids were rejected and city staff and equipment will again be used to address the mowing needs of this area. The areas that had been advertised for bids are: Rayola Park, Elm Creek Park, Ator Heights Park, 86th Street Park, Ator Heights Utility Easement, El Rio Vista Center Medians, EI Rio Vista Drainage Easement, El Rio Vista Frontage, Three Lakes (Elm Creek) Drainage Easement, Lakeridge Drainage Easement, Forrest Drive Easement and U.S. Highway 169 Right-of-Way. The park and medians were designated to be mown once every ten days with the contract beginning on April 18, 1994 and continuing through October 14, 1994 (for a total of 18 mowings). The easement areas were designated to be mown once a month with the contract beginning on April 18, 1994 and continuing through September 30, 1994 (for a total of 6 mowings). Also, it was stated in the bid packet that each park will be awarded to separate contractors. COST COMPARISON: The following table compares the 1993 mowing bids and the 1994 mowing bids: BID COMPARISON AREA DESCRIP'T'ION 1993 BID PER MOWING 1994 BID PER MOWING Rayola Park $165.00 $160.00 Elm Creek Park $198.00 $198.00 Ator Heights Park $ 90.00 $ 80.00 86th Street Park $ 52.50 $ 49.00 El Rio Vista Medians $ 30.00 $ 30.00 TOTAL COST PER MOWING FOR PARKS AND MEDIAN $535.50 $517.00 Ator Heights Utility Easement $ 39.00 $ 50.00 El Rio Vista Drainage Easement $120.00 $ 50.00 El Rio Vista Frontage $ 60.00 $ 40.00 Three Lakes (Elm Creek) Drainage Easement $225.00 $320.00 Lakeridge Drainage Easement $195.00 $225.00 Forrest Drive Easement $ 75.00 $ 50.00 U.S. Highway 169 Right-of--way City Employee Cost NOT BID All bids rejected (low bid $1680.00) ** city cost $830.00 TOTAL COST PER MOWING FOR EASEMENTS AND RIGHT-OF-WAY $714.00 $735.00 TOTAL ANNUAL MOWING COST $1,249.50 $1,252.00 The 1994 mowing bids for the parks and median totaled $18.50 less per mowing than the 1993 mowing bids. The mowing season calls for 18 mowings (total cost of the season $9,306). The 1994 mowing bids for the easements and right-of--way areas totaled $21.00 more per mowing than the 1993 mowing bids. These areas are contracted with 6 mowings during the season at a total cost of $4410 for the 1994 mowing year. The Right-of--Way along U.S. 169 remains an area that has proven to be more affordable to mow using city labor and equipment than to bid to an outside vendor. The cost per mowing using city labor is approximately half of the cost bid by the lowest bidder. By continuing the privatization of mowing in specified areas the city's full-time workforce is able to attend to the multitude of other right-of-way mowing projects and seasonal maintenance needs that must be accomplished during the spring, summer and fall. Funding for the FY 1993-94 mowing program (July -October 1993 and April -June 1994) was approved as part of this year's budget. Funding to continue the mowing July -October 1994 and the start-up of the 1995 season (April -June) is being included in the 1994-95 budget proposal. RECOMMENDATION: Staff feels that the utilization of private sector contractors permits the City to use its personnel in a more efficient manner. The bidding process has again attracted very competitive bids, therefore, the following contracts are recommended by staff: 1. Rayola Park - Mr. Larry Turner at $160.00 per mowing. _ 2. Elm Creek Park - Mr. Arley Owens at $198.00 per mowing. 3. Ator Heights Park - Mr. Jim Hobbs at $80.00 per mowing. 4. 86th St. Park - Mr. Wayne Carver at $49.00 per mowing. 5. Ator Utility Easement - Mr. Jim Hobbs at $50.00 per mowing. 6. El Rio Vista Medians - Mr. Paul Herron at $30 per mowing. 7. El Rio Vista Drainage Easement -Gary Stokes at $50.00 per mowing. 8. El Rio Vista Frontage -Wayne Carver at $40.00 per mowing. 9. Three Lakes (Elm Creek) Drainage Easement - Mr. Arnold Roberts at $320 per mowing. 10. Lakeridge Drainage Easement - Mr. Jim Hobbs at $225 per mowing. 11. Forrest Drive Easement - Mr. Jim Hobbs at $50.00 per mowing 12. U.S. Highway Right of Way - No bid awarded ATTACHIVIENTS: 1. Bid Tabulation Sheet. 2. Specifications and Location Maps. r O x 3 ~ a ~ ' 3 a ~ '" o ~ o ~ p ~ ~ 0.l ~ 'v c 3 ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~_ U ~ c ~ 3 U ~ '~ ~ ° w ~ x p ~ Ca o ~ ~' ~ ¢ o ~ E a~i o E z b 5 3 ° ~ ~ C O ~ x a ro O S ~ O ~ ~ O ~ cfl O o ~ O 0 ~ O 0 vv » a i xo, o °o g g °o °o C/1 ~ ~ ~ ~ N 69 ~ ~ ~ ~ U ° ° ~ p O p S T 0 ~ 6~9 ~ ~ 3 b m _y .cQ o 0 o Vl ~ 0 0 vi [~ ~ 0 0 o ~ 69 0 0 o .~-~ fA 0 0 ~ ~ 0 0 ~ ~ o 0 v, ~ b9 S o oN0 (fl o o ~ 69 o 0 S N ~ N .o p p O ~ Op ~ O O 69 Q V~ 69 O O 6A O O 69 o ~ O O 69 O ~ pp O ~ 8 69 ^ Ntfi ~'1 ~ ~ F" O O ~O 69 O ~n N ~ O O O_ f/q O 6~9 O ~ pp O ~ O ~ p 8 6~9 C 3 ~ a~i S ° ~ ~ S °O ~ en °o, o ~ g rn ~ o ~ ~ o ~ ~ °o o ~ ~, ~ ~ Q ~v CO o ° °o ° °o S ° o °. g o pj ~ vi ~ oo ~` ~, ~ ~ vNi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~n N ~ ~n ~ ~ r ~ O z A `~ x w Q ~ ~ ~, 3 ¢ 0 (s~ CN N N c ~ y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r~r C y ~ ~ W ~ a E '~ H °x a ~ °, ~ ~ ~ ~ w ,~ a 'a~ x o ¢ ~ ~ ~, ,~ ~ ~ x '~ x a ¢ ? C v > p u: w c '~ Q > p W w ~ p w > p ~ w c Q ~ ~ ~ H °~ c~ '~ au ~ °' ~ ~ ~ A ~ ~ w rn ~ an x vi ~ a 0 a U on _C N O ~ ~a A as w ~ w ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~r Cti j W _y O ~ ~o 69 O O 0o 69 O O c*~ v~ O O ~V 69 O O 69 ~ N ~ ~ O O 6A O O 69 O O ~ ~ ~ S N ~t 69 S O N v~ C ~ bq . c .--1 !:64 .C §3F? ~. O 69 C7 ~ ~ ~ .d O ~ ~ N.. O ~ O ~ O ~ 8 N p 8 O ~ ¢ A rr W AA ~ ~ N ~ a~~i ~ u~ a~~i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 Q `a H 0 Ems.. W a p u: a x a ~ ° ~ ~ ~ ~ U , ~ w x a ~ a'~i 5C o ¢ ~ ~'' ~ v~ ~ ~ ~ A ~ a"~i x o ¢ N c V ~ > o ~ w C '~ A ~ > 0 ~ w ~ o w ~ > 0 a w C ~ A ~ ~ ~ ~ F pp c '~ A ,~ •~ °~ ~ y ~ .C A ~, ~ w O~ ~ cd 3 ~ o-0 x vi ~ -~ M -~o 3 b ~ ~ ,~ CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND BID SPECIFICATIONS FOR MOWING RAYOLA PARK ELM CREEK PARK ATOR HEIGHTS PARK 86TH STREET PARK ATOR HEIGHTS UTILITY EASEMENT EL RIO VISTA CENTER MEDIANS EL RIO VISTA DRAINAGE EASEMENT EL RIO VISTA FRONTAGE THREE LAKES DRAINAGE EASEMENT LAKERIDGE DRAINAGE EASEMENT FORREST DRIVE EASEMENT U.S. HIGHWAY 169 RIGHT-OF-WAY (76TH STREET NORTH TO 96TH STREET NORTH) FEBRUARY 1994 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR MOWING CITY PROPERTIES CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA Table of Contents Notice to Bidders Specifications Bid Requirements General Conditions Bid Form Map of Property Bid Affidavit Notice of Award Contract for Services Invoice Affidavit NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed Bids will be received by the City of Owasso at the Owasso City Hall, Office of the Contract Administrator, 207 South Cedar, PO Box 180, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 until 2:00 p.m. on the 14th day of March, 1994, and then at said City Hall publicly opened and read aloud. This will be for the furnishing of the following item: Mowing of City Properties per specifications. Further information and specification packets can be obtained by contacting the Contract Administrator at Owasso City Hall during regular working hours. Envelopes containing bids must be marked to identify the item being bid. The City of Owasso expressly reserves the right to reject any and all bids. All bids will be considered irrevocable offers under conditions specified in the bid for a period of sixty (60) calendar days from and after the date herein for the opening of bids. arcia Boutwell, Contract Administrator February 15, 1994 MOWING CITY PROPERTIES SUMl~~R 1994 SPECIFICATIONS •Parks: Rayola, Elm Creek, 86th Street and Ator Heights Mow the entire park area with a riding lawn mower or hand mower. "Brush Hog" type mower shall not be used. Notice of intent to mow shall be given to the Parks Department (272-2251) a minimum of 12 hours prior to scheduled mowing in order for the department staff to police the parks and remove trash and other debris from the path of the mower(s). The city crews will be responsible for "weed-eating" all ditches; around all trees, light poles, picnic tables, and fences; and steep hills and slopes. It is the intent of the City to have the "mowing contractor" mow as close to all structures, fences, trees, and drainage ditches as is possible. The City is requiring the parks be mowed once every ten days. No mowing is to be done on the weekends (from 6:00 p. m. on Friday until 8:00 a. m. on Monday. The walking/jogging trail(s) shall be kept free of grass clippings or other yardwaste. • Center Medians: El Rio Vista Mow the median areas with a riding lawn mower or hand mower. The City is requiring the medians to be mowed once every ten days. •Utility Easement: Ator Heights Mow the entire area with a hand mower or riding mower. "Brush Hog" type mower shall not be used. The City is requesting this area to be mowed once a month. • Drainage Easements: EI Rio Vista, Three Lakes and Lakeridge The "mowing contractor" will mow the entire area as close to all structures, fences and trees as is possible. The City is requiring these areas to be mowed once a month. BID REQUIREMENTS 1. Each park bid will be awarded to separate contractors. One contractor will not be awarded more than one park contract. 2. The median, utility and drainage easement bids may be awarded to the same contractor. 3. Contractors must call for an inspection of work on the day it is completed. Contractors mowing the parks shall call Bret Hunt at 272-1661, and contractors mowing the medians and easements shall call Karl Reynolds at 272-4959. All work must be inspected or payment will not be made for that mowing period. 4. Payment will be made the first week of each month for the preceding month's work. Invoices must be turned in no later than the last Tuesday of each month. 5. The park and median contracts will begin April 18, 1994 and continue through October 14, 1994. The easement contracts will being April 18, 1994 and continue through September 30, 1994. 6. Maps are included in this bid packet to identify all specific locations. 7. Return the Bid Proposal and the Non Collusion Bid Affidavit in a sealed envelope marked "SEALED BID" and the name of the project you are bidding to the office of the Contract Administrator. Each project you are bidding on must be in a separate sealed envelope. 8. If you have questions concerning the intent of the City, contract Karl Reynolds or Jo Ellen Krantz at 272-4959 for clarification during regular working hours. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. Upon award of a bid, the signed contract shall establish an independent contractor relationship between the awardee (contractor) and the City. The Contractor is not to be considered as an agent or employee of the City for any purpose, nor is the Contractor entitled to any benefits. 2. For the work performed under this Contract, the City will pay Contractor the agreed upon sum per mowing. Payment shall be once every month. Such sum payable on or before thirty (30) days after Contractor's billing. It is specifically understood that such constitutes total compensation hereunder and that no further compensation shall be provided to the Contractor. It will be the responsibility of the Contractor to mow within the specified time schedule, to call for an inspection of work each time it is completed, and to turn in all invoices due by the last Tuesday of each month for payment to be made the first week of each month. 3. No modification, variation, change, addition, deletion, or alteration of the relationship of the parties shall be effective unless agreed to in writing and executed by both parties hereto. MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO ' FROM: ROHN MUNN ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN SUBJECT: ACCEPTANCE OF CHANGE ORDER NO.1 FOR THE SPORTS-PARK PHASE II LIGHTING CONTRACT DATE: March 31,1994 BACKGROUND: On April 20,1993, the Owasso City Council adopted the FY 1993-94 Capital Improvement Plan. In this plan $120,000 was requested for additional improvements of the Owasso Sports-Park (Phase II). The funding for this project is derived from the third penny sales tax and is appropriated annually to priority projects. May 18,1993, the City Council approved the request by staff to begin the process of soliciting bids ' for installing asphalt on the entrance road to the Owasso Sports-Park. A contract was awarded to APAC,INC. on July 20,1993 by the City Council. The staff began making plans for construction of the softball four-plex in early October 1993. Contract documents were prepared and on December 7,1993, a contract was awarded to Continental Concrete Company for providing grading. and drainage improvements to Phase II softball four-plex. ~ Immediately following the award of the Grading and Drainage contract, the staff began working on ~ another phase of construction of the softball four-plex, this time in the area of lighting. Contract Documents and Specifications were prepared for the Owasso Sports-Park Phase II Lighting. On January 18,1994, the City Council awarded a contract to Lamar Industries, Shawnee,Oklahoma, for providing lighting improvements to the Phase II softball four-plex. Shortly thereafter, Lamar ~ Industries began working on the contract. ,~ Lamar Industries has made substantial progress despite the weather and field conditions. They are currently 95 % complete with the installation of the lighting. Because of inclement weather and poor working conditions due to the fields being bare of grass, Lamar Industries has requested a Change Order for eleven (11) "rain days" to be added to their present contract time frame. In reviewing ~ their present contract, they have until April 15,1994 to complete the construction of the lighting. Addition of the requested days will revise the completion date to April 26,1994. Requesting an extension to the contract time frame does not increase the dollar amount of their contract. This request gives Lamar Industries some insurance time should more bad weather be encountered prior to completing their contract. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends Council approval of Change Order No.l to the Sports-Park Phase II Lighting contract in order that Lamar Industries can adequately fmish the lighting work for the softball four- plex as provided for in the contract documents. ATTAC~IlVIENT: 1) Letter from Lamar Industries,Inc. 2) Change Order No.l r. ~ ~ SHAWNEg P.O_ BOX 1146 LLGHTING 5gAF1NSS , aat~. - ~,ST~ 748oz--1146 _ LAIR IHDIISTItIBS Ixc. _ O. BOX 30'78 SSAWNEE, OKLRROHA_ 74802-3078 Ai'T:BILL THURMAx DETE:3-1494 CITY OF OWA330 209 SOUTH CEDAR OWASSO, OKLAHOMA. 74055 RE:3PORT3 PARR PHASE II 20320 E 116TH STREET NORTH owass0, oxLAaaxA. (4Q5)275-7275 OK.LIC 01118 I19YOICE ~ORA930 BILL, PLEASE NOTE WITH THE ESTIHA'~E TO OW8SS0 THl.T DO TO THE HEATHER NE HgVS BEEN ARABLE TO TRENCH AND INSTALL UNDERGROiJxD CONDUITS 7'O THS POLE LOGA?IONS BECAUSE OF TH$ WET SOIL CONDI'T'IONS Op THS FOLLOfrTING DA3fS. F~RDARY 28 r R9/^~ 1+iARCH 1 '~ ~/^' MARCO 2 MARCH T~ ~7 3 MARCH 4 MARCH 7 r ~~'`~ KARCH $ ~ iQs~i~ MARCH S MARCH i 0 7~ ,,,f HARCfl 12 MARCH 14 I Z3I~ 3~ IF YpU HAVE AHY QUSS'rIONS PLEASE CALL. TRANR'S <~=~r/ IdIGI,Y ODBLL CHANGE ORDER PROJECT: S~ve>~-J°~zc P,~,~s,E Sl- ~~ TO CONTRACTOR: G~m~ /Novsrit~,~ CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: o-u.E DATE: l~e~ 2i, /~~1 ~ CONTRACT DATE: /2~vzr~ /~, / 9 ~ ~ CONTRACT FOR: L~~/rr~ The Contract is changed as follows: ~e ~/zxi~i~ ~i c~~c~,.sio~ o~ 7/i~ic 7~ ~ /'~'~ ~` Not valid until signed by the Owner and Contractor The original Contract Sum was S (~ 7~ Soo . o0 Net change by previously authorized Change Orders S 5~9`n,E The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was S S~9M.E The Contract Sum will be (unchanged) by this Change Order in the amount of S N~i9 The new Contract Sum including this Change Order will be S N/~ The Contract Time will be (increased) by /( / ) Sys, The date of Substantial Completions as of the date of this Change Order therefore is ~~C~ / ?~~ / g 9¢ NOTE: This summary does ?jeC reflect changes in the Contract Sum Time which have been authorized by Construction Change Directive. CONTRACTOR ADDRESS OWNER ADDRESS BY BY DATE DATE i~ i~ MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY ~ CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: OPUD-12 REZONING REQUEST DATE: March 31, 1994 ~ BACKGROUND: The Owasso Planning Commission held a public hearing on March 14, 1994 to consider a ~ rezoning request from Tuttle & Associates for a Planned Unit Development to be located on a 160 acre subject tract recently annexed by the City of Owasso. The subject tract is located a 1/4 mile north of E. 96th Street North, east of Garnett Road. The proposal submitted by the applicants consists of a total of 436 single-family residential lots, with the density being proposed by the applicant to be similar to that of an RS-2 zoned subdivision (Windsor Lake, Brentwood Estates). Several lots along the north and east perimeter of the proposed development call for larger lot sizes (1/2 acre +) to act as a buffer between the other lots being proposed and those already existing in the county additions. Please note that no commercial or multi-family areas are being proposed by the applicants. Prior to the public hearing held by the Planning Commission, the applicants conducted a neighborhood meeting in order for surrounding property owners to share any concerns they may have had regarding the development. The concerns voiced at that meeting, as well as those at the public hearing, are highlighted in the complete staff report for your information and review. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission felt that many of the concerns voiced by the property owners were addressed by the applicants and/or staff and unanimously recommended approval of the rezoning of the subject tract from AG (Agriculture) to PUD based upon the 13 staff recommendations which are included in the attached staff report for your review. Staff is recommending approval of OPUD-12 with all 13 conditions of approval. This is the first Planned Unit Development to be heard by the City Council since late 1992. If you have any questions regarding the PUD process or the staff report, please co not hesitate to contact me. ATTACHMENT: 1. OPUD-12 Staff Report. CITY OF OWASSO Planning Department OPUD-12 Staff Report CONCEPT OF A PUD The concept behind a Planned Unit Development is that it provides a creative alternative to a 'i conventional development where a particular tract is under common ownership or control, and a detailed plan (Outline Development Plan) for the development of the tract as a unit is proposed and submitted for public input and review. The PUD allows for greater creativity and flexibility than could be achieved by traditional zoning in planning and development of large parcels of land. The PUD concept allows the developer to "collect or pick-up" all the developable floor area allowed by the various parcels zoned commercial or office and all the lots allowed by those parcels zoned single-family, and "place" them back onto the subject tract based upon an approved master plan and text (including bulk and area standards) that considers the physical ,,~ conditions on and around the entire tract. However, it is important to note that no commercial or office development areas are indicated in the Bailey Ranch Estates PUD The use of a PUD technique is a way to amend a zoning ordinance in accordance with a complete, coordinated plan of development for a larger parcel, rather than piecemeal the changes by using variances of the zoning regulations. BACKGROUND Planned Unit Development #12 is 160 gross acres in size, all of which is undeveloped and zoned AG (Agricultural). It is located 1/4 mile north of E. 96th Street North, east of N. Garnett Road (old Highway 169). PUD #12 will lie northeast of the El Rio Vista Addition. The subject tract is bordered by a rural subdivision on the East, while residential estate zoning of larger tract sizes abut the property on the north and south boundaries of the proposed PUD. The developer states the subdivision will "consequently enjoy the permanent visual effects of a remote, secluded area." The applicant is requesting approval of PUD supplemental zoning on the subject tract that would be developed in accordance with a submitted Outline Development Plan and Text. The plan and text call for the development of a low density single-family community having common open space and a private park system. It would consist of 436 homesites on "gently to moderately rolling terrain with some mature trees. " _ OPUD-12 ' Staff Report Page 2 of 7 STAFF ANALYSIS The Zoning Code identifies that the Planning Commission shall conduct a public hearing and ' shall determine: (1) Whether the PUD is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. (2) Whether the PUD is in harmony with the existing and expected development of surrounding areas. ~ (3) Whether the PUD is a unified treatment of the development possibilities of the project site. (4) Whether the PUD is consistent with the stated purposes and standards of the '~ PUD Ordinance. (a) Permit innovative land development while maintaining appropriate limitation on the character and intensity of use ~ assuring compatibility with adjoining and proximate properties; (b) Permit flexibility within the development to best utilize the unique physical features of the particular site; (c) Provide and preserve meaningful open space; (d) Achieve a continuity of function and design within the development. CONSISTENCY WITH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The Comprehensive Plan is implemented through the use of the zoning process. This means that when zoning or PUD requests are presented to the Planning Commission and City Council, they should be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan or logical reasons should be presented to show that the plan needs to be amended. The Comprehensive Plan designates the subject tract to be developed at a Rural Residential Density. It would appear that the applicant's submittal of low residential densities and the utilization of a large "private" park area within the development might not necessarily meet the Comprehensive Plan Requirements, but also would not be in direct conflict with past development trends. Certainly, one can reach the conclusion that the Owasso area has grown leaps and bounds above what anyone would have anticipated. Therefore, the previous Comprehensive Plan has proven to be outdated in certain areas within its study boundary. oPUD-la Staff Report Page 3 of 7 Two forms of Single-Family Residential lots are proposed by the applicant. The majority of the PUD contains typical RS-2 lots (75 x 140 or 75 x 130) with slight variation on corners, cul-de-sacs and curved streets. The minimum lot area for an RS-2 zoned development would be 9,000 square feet, while the average lot area for the PUD is 9,720 square feet. The density permitted by RS-2 zoning would allow for up to 644 dwelling units -the applicants are proposing 436. A small portion of the PUD contains larger residential lots. The area of the subject tract that abuts the larger tracts of RE land along the north and east contains lots averaging 150 x 157, or 23,550 square feet, well over 1/2 acre average lot sizes. Staff views these lots as an attempt by the developers to maintain the "rural" setting found along those perimeters, one viewed to be a selling point of this addition. Staff feels the developer is successful in this endeavor but would recommend that the larger lots designated for the perimeter areas should not be altered to permit a smaller lot size. Harmony With Existing and Expected Development Any large development such as the proposed PUD is going to create rapid changes within a community and new demands will be placed upon our existing infrastructure. It is important to note, however, that in a community like Owasso, this growth would be likely to occur regardless of this development. The PUD simply increases the demand for services more quickly and thereby shortens the schedule for determining solutions. In reviewing existing development, it appears that the proposed PUD and subsequent subdivision would be a logical expansion of residential development found to the southwest in the El Rio Vista Addition. The City of Owasso is likely to see expanded residential development within a mile of this site due to the Golf Course PUD. Legal, Planning and Site Engineering Concerns from the City of Owasso Engineering Department were noted regarding the ability of the developers to service this property with sanitary sewer when the property was reviewed for annexation. At this time, it appears the developers have reached an agreement to purchase a necessary easement allowing the extension of the sanitary sewer to the west of El Rio Vista Addition. This would tie into a major force main and would avoid the controversial Ator facilities. The subject property is still split, with the west half being serviced by the City of Owasso for water, while the east half would be serviced by Washington County Rural Water District #3. As it was a condition of the annexation, staff would also recommend that a condition of the PUD be that all water lines installed meet the City of Owasso's standards, regardless of OPUD-12 ' Staff Report Page 4 of 7 whether or not they are located in the Washington County Rural Water District. Water pressure would also need to meet the city's standards. ' Internal street patterns and the proposed connections to any future development appear to be of a logical and sensible pattern. The main entrance into Bailey Ranch Estates would appear to act as a collector street and would connect to any future development to the east. ' The developers have indicated a creative curvilinear street pattern that would eliminate significant thru traffic with the exception of the main boulevard. ' Unified Treatment of the PUD Subject Area A review of the applicant's Illustrative Site Plan for "Central Park" finds an excellent ' utilization of the project site. A large area in the north-central portion of the development has been designated fora 9.28 acre private park area. As indicated within the text of the PUD, the property owner's association of Bailey Ranch Estates would be responsible for the maintenance of the park area as well as the landscaped entry. The developer intends to install all landscaping in these areas in addition to playground and picnic equipment. All equipment would be conveyed to the property owner's association for maintenance. ~ Included within the staff copy of the PUD text are 8 x 10 pictures of the proposed entrance, ,~ playground equipment, trails and bridges, and typical homes found in another of the applicants development projects -Union Station in Tulsa. These pictures will be available the evening of the Planning Commission meeting for your information and review. Neighboring Property Owner's Concerns ~ On Thursday, March 3, 1994, the developers conducted a meeting with adjacent and nearby property owners at the Owasso Community Center. The meeting was attended by over thirty concerned citizens who, after the applicant's presentation, had an opportunity to share their concerns. Main concerns aired by the citizen's were comprised of the following: * Fencing. Besides the decorative brick fencing along the frontage of N. ' Garnett Road, no perimeter fencing was being proposed by the applicant. The applicant stated that while they were not proposing any fencing at this time, it could be possible and there would be strict standards within any covenants as ' to what kind of fence would be permitted. * Lot sizes along the north and east perimeter. Concerns were voiced that when this was a county PUD, those lot sizes were to be 1 1/4 acre and now they are .r between 1/2 and 3/4 of an acre. Rear building lines on these lots were also discussed. OPUD-12 Staff Report Page 5 of 7 * Drainage. The applicants provided a drainage map of the area currently, as '~ well as what the conditions would be upon the completion. It was explained that the city has strict standards regarding drainage and that the amount of water that currently runs off the property would not be permitted to increase. * Traffic. Citizen's had concerns regarding traffic patterns and speeding along 106th Street North. City Manager Rodney Ray explained the Council's recent ' actions to alleviate danger at the N. Garnett Road and 96th Street North intersection as well as directing staff to contact Chief Alexander to set up a ~ meeting with the necessary County personnel regarding speed enforcement along 106th Street North, east of N. Garnett. Stub Streets. It was explained that stub streets were necessary in the development process in order to eliminate the land-locking of any parcels. The stub streets would be barricaded so as to prevent vehicles from entering private property. A copy of the sign in sheet for the meeting is attached for your information and review as well as a letter from Lewis Harris, County Commissioner, favoring the developers proposal. STAFF RECOMI~~NDATION .~ Staff has reviewed the proposal by the applicant and feels it is a solid one. While neighboring property owner's have several concerns, I do feel the applicant has attempted to address many of them. I also want to stress that the meeting set up for property owners to air concerns .was requested and implemented by the applicants. _ While lot sizes along the north and east perimeter are smaller than what was proposed in the +~ county PUD, I feel they do present an adequate buffer. I think it is important to look at the big picture rather than just a small portion. When one does this, I would hope that the ~! neighboring property owners are happier with a total of 436 homesites rather than well over +~ the 600 that could have occurred if developed according to the County PUD standards. Staff would recommend, however, that the maximum dwelling units of 436 not be permitted to increase. The applicants proposed minimum rear setbacks of 20% of lot depth. Staff feels this is good for the majority of the addition (130' lot depth would provide fora 26' setback), staff would advised the Planning Commission to add "providing that a minimum rear setback shall not be less than 25 feet" to the PUD development standards. r OPUD-12 Staff Report Page 6 of 7 I do feel the property owner's concerns regarding a larger rear setback on the large perimeter lots is justified. The setback on these lots, utilizing the 20% ratio, would be between 32 and 34 feet. Staff would recommend that these lot contain a building line on the rear of those lots, and that building line be 50 feet. This would mean that no above ground structure, other than a fence, should occupy the rear 50 foot portion of those lots. ' The Owasso Planning Commission reviewed the Planned Unit Development request at their March 14, 1994 Planning Commission meeting. Several surrounding property owners also attended this meeting and any concerns aired were reviewed by the Planning Commission. ' Several felt that their concerns had been addressed by the applicants, staff, or the Planning Commission. ' Staff is recommending City Council approval of OPUD-12 with the following conditions, noting that the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of OPUD-12 with the same conditions: ' 1 That the a licant's Develo ment Text and Conce tual Develo ment Plan be O PP P P P considered to be the Outline Development Plan as required by the PUD Chapter of the Owasso Zoning Code. „~ (2) That unless specifically set out in the standards and conditions of this PUD, single- family detached lots shall meet all the necessary requirements of a typical RS-2 district. (3) That a subdivision plat be approved by the Owasso City Council and filed with the County Clerk's Office prior to the issuance of a building permit. Said covenants shall incorporate all PUD standards and conditions of approval and make the City of ~ Owasso beneficiary. (4) All conditions imposed by the Owasso Technical Advisory Committee for subdivision plat approval be met as conditions of the PUD. (5) A detailed drainage report be submitted by the applicant. (6) That within the PUD, the maximum number of dwelling units shall not exceed 436 units. (7) Sidewalks be provided in all areas of the PUD. (8) That the minimum side yard of any corner lot be 25 feet. OPUD-12 Staff Report "~ Page 7 of 7 9 (9) That the minimum rear yard setback of any lot within the addition be 20% of the lot depth providing it is not less than 25 feet. (10) A rear building line of 50 feet be provided along the east and north perimeter, larger lots. (11) That all landscaping plans for the entrances shall be reviewed and approved by the Owasso Planning Commission and installed prior to the occupancy of any buildings. (12) The larger lot sizes designated along the north and east boundaries of the PUD shall not be altered to a smaller lot size. (13) All water lines installed within the PUD boundary shall meet the City of Owasso's standards. Water pressure shall also meet the City of Owasso's standards. ATTACHMENTS/ENCLOSURES 1. List of nearby property owners who attended March 3, 1994 meeting with the ""' applicant. ,~ 2. Copy of letter sent to property owners within 300 feet of the request. 3. Letter from Lewis Harris, County Commissioner, favoring the developers proposal. ""'~ 4. Copy of legal ad from the Owasso Reporter. ~J 5. PUD text and maps. BAILEY RANCH NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING MARCH 3, 1994 ..................................... Please Sign In Name Address Phone 1. ~o /~k~~ ~ 9~ff~~ z72- 90~~ 4. ~ q ~ ~ ~ - G~s~ 7.~14r~es ~J~N~« S~„~~~J ~j~~c N, ~ZZ/~c~ 1=y~V~ 27Z'~0~~__ B.~Q~t,C'Lp 6- ~u~A1 •~i9 ~OCG~ /Z 30 / L . /o~'~'sT.,/. ~7~-3ys3 lo. Joy ~ ~~ ~ E G~fzE,~~ / 2. ~ ~ i ~ /0 6 r" ~ i,.~o ~ ~ ~ -~ ~~ ~ ~ ~_ 13. ~~~-~ ~ C~~r,~-a ~j56~ lU l3 2 ~' ° ~.,d~~s 2 ~2 ~~~'3 14. 1 ~ ~--~.~. ~~~_ i o 7 ~ ~I ~~ Q Gam" -P ~ , ~ , a 7 ~ - s ~~ ~ ~ 7 ,~ 17. lD7o~ . ~' ~~, ~e2-a o i 18. 19. 20. .~ City o f Owasso 207 SOUTH CEDAR ~,~~••°`°`"~ (918) 272-2251 P.O. BOX 180 e - - - : o~~ FAX. (918) 272-4999 OWASSO, OKLAHOMA " 74055 ~ - \~. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER OPUD - 12 Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the Owasso Planning Commission in the Owasso Community Center, 301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma at 7:00 PM on the 8th day of March, 1994. At that time and place, the Owasso Planning Commission will consider a request from Tuttle & Associates Inc., applicants, for a proposed change of the zoning classification from AG (Agriculture) to OPUD-12, which would allow for the development of 436 low-density residential homesites on the following described property: The South Half of the Northwest Quarter (S2 NW4) and the North Half of the Southwest Quarter (N2 SW4) of Section Seventeen (17), Township Twenty-one (21) North, Range Fourteen (14) East of the Indian Base and Meridian, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma. The location of the property is 1/4 mile north of East 96th Street North, west of Garnett Road. As an abutting or nearby property owner, you are being notified so that you may be able to express your views or concerns regarding this request. If you are unable to attend this meeting, please forward any comments you may have in writing to the Owasso Planning Department, 207 S. Cedar Street. These comments will be presented to the Planning Commission members at the scheduled public hearing by Planning Staff. Information and maps showing the property location may be inspected in the office of the City Planner, 207 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma, 74055 or by calling 272-2251. This is your only personal notification of this request. Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 14th day of February, 1994. Sincerely, y ~l/YY~ C ` c~ . D D~ Timothy D. Roon City Planner ~ ~ City o f Owasso 207 SOUTH CEDAR ,,~"'°°""'~a (918) 272-2251 P.O. BOX 180 ° - : , ~'~~ FAX. (918) 272-4999 OWASSO, OKLAHOMA 74055 . , .• ,~ ~' ~~ 4 M ~~ NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER OPUD - 12 ' Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the Owasso Planning Commission in the Owasso Community Center, 301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma at 7:00 PM on the 8th day of March, 1994. At that time and place, the Uwasso Planning Commission will consider a request from Tuttle & Associates Inc., applicants, for a proposed _ change of the zoning classification from AG (Agriculture) to OPUD-12, which would allow for the development of 436 low-density residential homesites on the following described property: The South Half of the Northwest Quarter (S2 NW4) and the North Half of the Southwest Quarter (N2 SW4) of Section Seventeen (17), Township Twenty-one (21) North, Range Fourteen (14) East of the Indian Base and Meridian, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma. The location of the property is 1/4 mile north of East 96th Street North, west of Garnett ~ Road. As an abutting or nearby property owner, you are being notified so that you may be able to express your views or concerns regarding this request. If you are unable to attend this meeting, please forward any comments you may have in writing to the Owasso Planning Department, 207 S. Cedar Street. These comments will be presented to the Planning Commission members at the scheduled public hearing by Planning Staff. Information and maps showing the property location may be inspected in the office of the City Planner, 207 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma, 74055 or by calling 272-2251. This is your only personal notification of this request. Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 14th day of February, 1994. r Sincerely, ~ * Timothy D. Roon City Planner ~~~~ Affidavit Of Publication STATE OF OKLAHOMA, TULSA COUNTY, ss: Bill R. Retherford, of lawful age, being duly sworn and authorized, says that he is the publisher of the OWASSO REPORTER , a weekly newspaper printed in the city of OWASSO 'Il~lsa County, Oklahoma, a newspaper qualified to publish legal notices, advertisements and publications as provided in Section 106 of Title 25, Oklahoma Statutes 1971 and 1983 as amended, and thereafter, and complies with all other requirements of the laws of Oklahoma with reference to legal publications. That said notice, a true copy of which is attached hereto, was published in the regular edition of said newspaper during the period and time of publication and not in a supplement, on the following dates: FEBRUARY 17 ,199 4 ~n h b'`.` ~l,~ij~ `~j" 17th Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of February 1994 C'.. ~ Notary Public My Commission expires: March 20, 1997 PUBLISHER'S FEE $I~2.35 Published In the Owasso Reponer, Owasso, Tulsa County, Okla- homa- February 17, 1440. EX HI BIT 'A' NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC OF A HEARING ON A PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE 20NING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAH06AA, APPLICATION: OWASSO PLANNED UNiT DEVELOP- MENT TWELVE (OPUD-12) Notice is hereby given t7~ a public hearing will be held before the Owasso Planning Comm'sslon, in the Owasso Community Center, Owasso, Oklahoma, at 7:00 P.M, on the 8th day of March, 1994. At that time and place, considera- tion will be given to the proposed change of the zoning classification of the following described progeny. The South Hall of the Northwest Quaver (S2 NW4) and the North Haft of the Southwest Quaner (N2 SW4) of Section Seventeen (17), Township Twenty-one (21) North, flange Fourteen (14) East of the Indian Raze Meridian, Tulsa Coun- ' ty, State of Oklahoma The general bcation of the property is t/4 MILE NORTH OF E. 06th STREET NORTH, EAST OF GAR- NETT ROAD. To be Considered Is a rezoning from a AG (Agriculture) Distriq to OPUO-12. The Planned UnA DeveF opment, h approved, would allow for the development of 436 low- denslty residential homesites on the 160 acre Irad. AI persons Interested In Ihls mover maybe present a1 the hearing and present their objegions to or argu- ments for any or all of the above mar;ers. In the event that Huth proposed nazoning b approved, h whole a h pan, by the Owasso Planning Coati mission, said Planning Commission stall submit hs recommendation to the Clty Council of the City of Owasso for its conclderatbn and anion, as provided by law. The City Council'c review of the recommendation of the Planning Commission on the proposed rezoning shat be at a meethg time and place to be determined by the Council, said Information to be available from the Owasso City Planner. A map showing the proposed rezoning accompanies this notice. For more information on the pro- posed rezoning contact the tDwas- so City Planner, Cfty Hall, 207 5. Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, or phone (91e) 272-2251. Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 14th day of February, 1994. Timothy D. Rooney City Planner EY L R.~q o~ ESTATE s BAILEY RANCH ESTATES A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT A RESIDENTIAL PROJECT BY NPS HALLMARK, INC. PREPARED BY TUTTLE & ASSOCIATES, INC. 5460 S. GARNETT, SUITE M TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74146 918-663-5567 FEBRUARY 02, 1994 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT Master Site Plan STATISTICAL SUMMARY DEVLOPMENT STANDARDS PROPERTY OWNER'S ASSOCIATION PLATTING REQUIREMENT EXPECTED SCHEDULE OF DEVELOPMENT MAPS Surrounding zoning Topography Map 2 i~ 3 4 5 6 7 8 DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT BAILEY RANCH ESTATES is a proposed Planned Unit Development (PUD) comprised of 160 acres in Owasso. The property is located on the East side of old Hwy 169 one quarter mile north of 96th Street N.. A PUD was approved on this tract, while in the County, through '~ TMAPC several years ago. The property has been recently annexed into the City and the County zoning designation no longer applies. BAILEY RANCH ESTATES is a low density single family community having common open space and a private park system. BAILEY RANCH ESTATES consists of 436 homesites that will blend, both architecturally and stylistically, with the surrounding area. The subdivision is characterized by gently to moderately rolling terrain with some mature trees. The subdivision is bordered by a rural subdivision on the East and large agricultural tracts along the North and South boundaries of ~- the subdivision. Consequently, the subdivision will enjoy the permanent visual effect of a remote, secluded area. The subdivision will have three entrances from Garnett (Old Hwy 169). The middle entrance will have a 70 foot right of way to ~ accomodate a landscaped center median and decorative entry walls. The north and south entrances will be 60 right of ways and will not have a center median. 3 STATISTICAL SUMMARY Project Area Gross 160.83 acres Right of Way for Arterial Streets 3.03 acres Park Area 9.28 acres Development Area Net 148.52 acres Total Dwelling Units 436 Average Lot Size 9720 sq. ft. Average Floor Area of Dwellings 2000 sq. ft. DENSITY PERMITTED BY R2 ZONING 10,875sf/du = (160.83 ac x 43560 sf / 10,875) = 644 Dwelling Units OPEN SPACE CALCULATION Req'd Open Space = 5,000 per du Total Req'd 436 x 5,000 = 2,180,000 sq.ft. OPEN SPACE PROVIDED Typical Lot (9720 sq. ft.) Building Coverage 1900 sq.ft. Driveway 500 sq.ft. Landscaped Yard 7320 sq.ft. Total 9720 sq.ft. AGGREGATE SUBDIVISION OPEN SPACE 436 lots x 7320 sq.ft. = 3,191,520 sq.ft. Common Open Space (Park) 9.68 ac x 43560 = 421,661 sq.ft. Total 3,613,181 4 . . DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: Permitted Uses Maximum dwelling units Minimum common open space Area Requirements Minimum Lot Size Minimum Street Frontage Minimum Front Yard Minimum Rear Yard Minimum Side Yards Floor Area Minimum single Story Dwelling 1 1/2 or 2 Story Dwelling single family detached dwellings 436 9.28 acres gross 9000 sq.ft. 72 feet 25 feet 20% of depth 10 feet one side 5 other side 1500 sq.ft. 1750 sq.ft. 5 PROPERTY OWNER'S ASSOCIATION The property owner's association to be established at BAILEY RANCH ESTATES will maintain the private park and the landscaped entry ways. These areas are to be attractively landscaped with lighting, and playground and picnic equipment installed by the developer and conveyed to the property owner's association for maintenance. Final documents of the Bailey Ranch Estates Property Owner's Association will be filed with the final plat and will include the maintenance agreement and other specific rights and requirements for association members. i, 5 PLATTING REQUIREMENT No building permit shall be issued until the property has been included within a subdivision plat submitted to and approved by the ~ Owasso Planning Commission and the Mayor and City Council of the City of Owasso and duly f fled of record. Restrictive covenants shall be established implementing of record the Development Concept and Development Standards, and making the City of Owasso a beneficiary thereof. 7 EXPECTED SCHEDULE OF DEVELOPMENT Development of the first phase of BAILEY RANCH ESTATES is anticipated to commence upon approval and filing of the final plat. 8 . F., ~ . - - --~ cs ~S -- -~ ~,~ -- --------1 ~ _ cs ~ ~ O.~SSO SPORTS-PLEX ~ "' RMH AG cS '~ i / ;• - ~ i~ 4G ' „~. .~ ~ ~ p ~ ~, ' I ~ ~ RE I ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ -- • I ..~ ,.....~„~.,. ~. ' AG '~~ • 1 ' , _ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ \ AG ' i 1 cS i ~ .~~,: ~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~ ~ " - ' RS RE ~G l([~/ _ vVD a69 }" i 1 //'~..~/~. ~ //'` ,~ /~J ~ I ~ e U 1l. )J /~ ~ /~ -- ... v ~.' L/ .. I --------------- - -- --- RS 1 C ~ PUD l69 I I ~ S I 1 '~ t I I ~ RE \~, _ a R i _ I i ~..•~..r , T. ~ ~ ,• CS - i T - - 96TH 6T, X18 .~'~~~, MEMORANDUM TO: THE IIONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: F. ROBERT CARR PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SUBJECT: WATER UTILITY EASEMENT FOR SERVICE TO CUSTOMERS ACQUIRED FROM RURAL WATER DISTRICT #3 IN ROGERS COUNTY DATE: BACKGROUND: March 30, 1994 On March 2, 1993, the Trustees of the Owasso Public Works Authority approved a buyout proposal for the purchase of water in a portion of the Rural Water District #3 in Rogers County. Three new mater mains are required in order to remove the customers from the Rural Water district system and provide water from the system operated by the City of Owasso. The area to be served and the required interconnections are shown on the attached drawing. One of the three new water mains has been completed to date. The 2" water line required along 145th E. Avenue was completed in December 1993. A main extending along 96th Street North from 129th E. Avenue to the entrance of Pleasant View Estates is being planned. In addition, a 4" line to interconnect Glenn-Murr Acres II and City Vue Estates is needed. EASEMENT• An easement for the interconnection of Glenn-Murr Acres II and City Vue Estates has been prepared by the City Attorney and has been signed by the General Partner of Northeast Investments, owners of the property. Location of the easement is shown on the attached map. In consideration for providing the easement, a tap on the main to be extended along 96th Street North from 129th E. Avenue to the entrance of Pleasant View Estates is to be provided. An additional tap on the line to be installed in this easement is provided. Actual cost of labor and materials for tapping the lines shall be paid by the grantor. Tap fees on these lines are not to be charged. Page 2 RECOMMENDATION• Staff recommends approval of the utility easement granted by Northeast Investments, an Oklahoma General Partnership and asks that the Mayor be authorized to execute such document. ATTACHIVIENTS: 1. Area Map 2. Easement Location 3. Easement from Northeast Investments 1 1 1 i~ 5 A i~ S 16-T21-R 14 ~' I -.~.f..~ I City Vue Estates 2 ~ T.6 A ti yy Z tiA Glenn-Murr Acres II sasA 33 A Zti°~ 1yq 3.7 A I h ~ 3.1 A~ 6.3 A ((U~ ~~ L~1 ~1 2.9 A. Z ~`~ ~ o'i ~ ` tit I I ~ I ~~ I V ~. - - 96th Street North U W .) S' _ ~ .93 .q3 6.7 A .93 ,43 .93 Windsor Lake I Pleasant View Estates l 1 sa g4M / / / / /~ m ~ Windsor Lake II ---Q j /// w Windsor Lake II Extended 1 s e. 2 A G~ \ N r ~ 1 Camden Park / r• .~. I l C i~ S21-T21-R14 ('~~ OWASSO JR. HIGH SCHOOL OWASSO 39.5 SR. HIGH / _ SCHOOL ~ ~ 1 • I ~ U~.. y ~.~ ~~ 2.SA. 2.SA 23 A. 2.SA ~ O Z.s z.s z.s \~~ z.s z.s ~ ~ J' 2 .s ~R `-~ i \ \ 5 A i V ' \ I ~ ~.. Attachment 1 ~~ - _ 2D 4. 2.5A ?_5 A. 25A 1 1 N O s A 2. S 2. S 2.3 ~~ ~. z. s z . 5 J~ O 2~ ^' S76-T21-R14 I i City Vue Estates Z3 T T.6 4 1 1 -1 .~ / 1.ti~ Z'~ Glenn-Murr Acres II sasA ,L 33 A Zti~ 1yq 3.7 A h ~ 3.1 63 A \ q1 2. ! A. ~ ~ ` 96th Street North .k ~~ ~ ~ 2~ l Z,5 S~ - I .93 6.T A .43 .43 .q3 Windsor Lake I Pleasant View Estates s 94M ~ `\\l 1 1 7 ~ Windsor Lake II I ' ~ ! -- G ui Windsor Lake II Extended S se, z A I / _ G" ` N a- Camden Park 1 r l i i `? ~i T~`• --=--- .~ l c ~= S21-T21-R14 - - '_ ~~ owASSo JR. HIGH SCHOOL % OwASSO 39.5 \l Sfi. HIGH / SCHOOL ~ t ~ ® ~_~ U i --~-_ I I J ~ 1 ` i 1 Q-~ 1 , I ~ ~ ~ - - ~ - 1 --- =~-`r ~~-~. ~ 4 \ \ S A -.~ ~ 1 1 1 j ~ 1 ,~ _ Attachment 2 '~ :,,~.. as . _ • ... .. 7 K ='j ., ~-, ~. ''~~ ` `~. ~ . _ ~, ,,j, :--r_ -'ice; ~ 3 ~1 ~ ~ _ .. ~" ~ ~ _ ~_ _ • ~6~' -tTY _ VUE- ESTAT . ~' ~" = 2{~'-dt"' ~~ ~ -tom _ -> ~+. - .- ~' 1- ,~ pn tD ~ ~ ICJ t ~~ _ N, __- ~ W 1277 , Pt85 ; :, w.,~~+ •.4 ~ - '7. O . ~:N =4c _ ..•• ;. --" '; ~~+ _ r ti _ ~ - ~ 4039 ~ ;{, y~~ .~ 5_,~.-. -;~, r •..~~ _~ , • ;R~-t: *.. ~ ~ .[ `~' f+~ ~ ~ L.IJ..L..Y (V NI~~/j ~~ ~ C` a's ~ Ys' rt- ~" t .~,. ~ r..~Y~~ N Hl .. j s ~ a ~ {t~~ ~ \ '~ ~ f r For ~~ .~~ ~~~ - ~ ~4~- a.as. ~` _~ -, ~ 11 Y~ IQO y ~`" Ian--.,~ q ,i ~ . BARBER & BARTZ A Prolessional Corporation A7'TOIiNt:YS AT LASV ONE TEN OCCIDENTAL PLACE ItUN It, BAIiBF:K ItU 11 FaY1' J. BAtt'I'Z 110 WEST 7TH STREET, SUITE 200 ~n~cY IL~NAxrn .IONes TULSA, OKLAHOhIA 74119-1018. .1. D. BLOOM It0(: Blt A. LUNG - _ TELEPt10NS t'A% JOIIN 111. IIICKL~Y (918) 599-7755 (818) 599-7758 JOE ((I. FEARS ItICHAitD K. GRADEL E. SC01'T YRl11TT OF' COl(NSEI. CURT(S J. SHACKLETT BA91 i'BI. M.. DlOOIth March 14, 1994 UKLAHOMA CI'T'Y UF'F'ICF; 2Q4 N. I(OBINSO\ SU17'K 29:50 OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73102 Tt LLr 1•HONE (405) 235-11677 r•Ax (405) 235-0679 Mr. Ronald D. Cates Attorney at Law 525 South Main, Suite 680 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103 Re: Easement - The City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and Northeast Investments Dear Mr. Cates: Enclosed please find the above referenced Easement which has been signed by Mr. Dean Lowe on behalf of Northeast Investments. Sincerely, 1 Rita Phillips Secretary to Ron B. Barber /rp Enclosure RECEIVED MqR 1 5 1994 Attachment 3 EASEMENT ~„ INDENTURE, made the day of , 1994, between Northeast Investments, an Oklahoma General Partnership, Grantor, and The City of Owasso, an Oklahoma Municipal Corporation, Grantee. WHEREAS, the Grantor is seised of an estate in fee simple of a parcel of land including that as is set forth on Exhibit. "A" ~n hereto; and, WHEREAS, for consideration of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, providing one tap on the existing twelve (12) inch water distribution line adjacent to Grantor's property as well as one (1) tap on the line to be installed in this easement herein granted, both of such to be without tap fee charged by the Grantee provided the actual labor and materials for tapping shall be paid by Grantor, the Grantor has agreed to grant to Grantee an easement as described on Exhibit "A" hereto, over, under and through the described land. WITNESSETH, that in pursuance of said agreement the Grantor hereby grants to the Grantee, its assigns and successors in interest a perpetual easement in the above described land together with full and free right and liberty to it, at all times hereafter, for all purposes connected with the use and enjoyment of the said land of the Grantee, to construct, maintain, operate, repair and replace thereunder utility lines. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the easement hereby granted unto the Grantee, its assigns and successors in interest. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has hereunto set its hand and seal the day and year first above written. NORTHEAST INVESTMENTS, An Oklahoma General Partnership B ~~/. Y L. Dean Lowe, General Partner CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA Bob Randolph, Mayor ATTEST: Sherry Bishop, City Clerk ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF OKLAHOMA ) ss. COUNTY OF TULSA ) Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, personally appeared L. Dean Lowe, as General Partner of Northeast Oklahoma Investments, an Oklahoma General Partnership, personally known to me to be such, acknowledged that he executed the above and foregoing document freely and voluntarily and for the uses and purposes therein stated. Notary Public My Commission Expires: ~p ~ o ~ ~~~ ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF OKLAHOMA ) ss. COUNTY OF TULSA ) Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, personally appeared Bob Randolph as Mayor and Sherry Bishop as City Clerk, personally known to me to _ be such, acknowledged that they executed the above and foregoing document freely and voluntarily and for the uses and purposes therein stated. Notary Public My Commission Expires: EXHIBIT "A" A parcel of land lying in the Northeast Quarter (NE/4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW/4) of Section Sixteen (16), Township 21 North, Range 14 East, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma; more particularly described as follows: Beginnning at the Southeast corner of the Northeast Quarter (NE/4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW/4), said Section 16, thence westerly ~ along the south line of the Northeast Quarter (NE/4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW/4) a distance of 331.04 feet to a point; thence northerly and parallel to the east line of the Northeast Quarter (NF/4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW/4) a distance of 10 feet to a point; thence easterly and parallel to the south line ~ of the Northeast Quarter (NE/4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW/4) a distance of 321.04 feet to a point; thence northerly and parallel ' to the east line of the Northeast Quarter (NE.4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW/4) a distance of 650.43 feet to a point; thence easterly and parallel to the south line of the Northeast Quarter ~ (NE/4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW/4); a distance of 10 feet to a point on the east line of said Northeast Quarter (NE/4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW/4); thence southerly along the east line of the Northeast Quarter (NE/4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW/4) a distance of 660.43 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 0.23 ~ acres, more or less. MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCII. CITY OF OWASSO FROM: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER ~ SUBJECT: REQUEST TO AUTHORIZE CITY ATTORNEY TO FII.E DISCLAIlVIER OF INTEREST IN MATTER OF USA V BRIAN KEITH ~ ALLEN, ET AL DATE: March 31, 1994 ' BACKGROUND: Several months ago the federal housing agencies in the Tulsa area began actively pursuing foreclosure litigation against homeowners with delinquent federally guaranteed loans. In each of these actions (this is the fourth for Owasso), the government names the City as a defendant in an effort to "cover all bases". Should the City have an interest such as a special assessment or lien on the property and was not a named defendant, we could enforce that claim after the government foreclosed. By naming the City as a defendant, they protect their interest in the property. In this case, as in the others, the City has no special assessments or liens or other interest except easements. Therefore, by filing a "disclaimer of interest", the City can be removed from the case. Such a procedure was recommended by Mr Cates as a cost savings measure when the agencies began filing these cases. By filing the disclaimer, the City incurs no cost for court time or cost of filing answers with the court. ' RECOMMENDATION: ' The staff recommends the Council authorize the City Attorney to file a disclaimer of interest in the matter of United State of America v Brian Keith Allen, et al, Case Number 94-C-130-B. ' ATTACHMENTS: 1. Correspondence from Mr Cates 2. Disclaimer of Interest RONALD D. GATES Attorney at Law Suite 680, ParkCentre 525 South Main Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103 918-582-7447 FAX 918-582-0166 March 11, 1994 Mr. Rodney J. Ray City Manager City of Owasso 207 South Cedar Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 In Re: tTniteci States of America v. Brian Keith Allen, et al., Case Number 94-C-130-B Lear Mr . Ray Enclosed please find a copy of the Disclaimer of Interest in the above styled and numbered matter for placement on the agenda. `Phank you in advance. yS.i.ncerely, „-. ~: ~~; Nancy How Secretary to Ronald D. CAtes nhc encl. . IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE NOR'1'IIERN DISTRICT OF OKLAHOMA UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ) Plaintiff, ) v. BRIAN KEITH ALLEN, et al., Defendants. Case No. 94-C-130-B DISCLAIMER OF INTEREST 1 1 COMES NOW the Defendant, the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, by and through its City Attorney, Ronald D. Cates, and hereby disclaims any interest in and to the real property which is the subject matte r_ of this action; excepting herefrom any interest possessed by said City in and to any dedicated public easement or right of way. 11150.108 Respectfully submitted, Ronald D. Cates, OBA #1565 Suite 680, ParkCentre 525 Soutll Main Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103 (918) 582-7447 City Attorney for Defendant, City of Owasso, Oklahoma 1 CERTII'IC11TE OI' MAILING I hereby certify that on the day of March, 1994, I mailed a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing instru- ment, with first class postage thereon to Neal B. Kirkpatrick, Special Assistant U.S. Attorney, United States Attorney's Office, 3900 U.S. Courthouse, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103. Ronald D. Cates 11150.108 2 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION #94-04 PROVIDING FOR ARIGHT-OF-WAY, PUBLIC UTII,ITY AND ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DATE: BACKGROUND: March 31, 1994 At the March 15, 1994 City Council meeting, the Council approved Resolution 94-03 wherein the City formalized an agreement between the City and State for the construction of improvements to the intersection of 76th Street North and U S 169. Since that action was taken, the Department of Transportation has informed the City that an additional agreement relating to rights-of-way, public utilities, and easement encroachments is required prior to awarding a bid for the project. Subsequently, the ODOT transmitted the attached agreement and requested that it be approved by resolution, and executed. A staff review of the document (and plans for the improvements) indicates that the state's insistence on approval of the agreement is the result of federal requirements relating to the grant funds to be used for this project. As far as the staff can determine, the agreement will have absolutely no impact on the City or the project. There is no right-of--way to obtain, no utilities to be moved except two PSO lines (PSO will remove) and no structures or encroachments to be removed. It appears that this is simply a housekeeping item required by the state on all federal aid projects. COST: Adoption of Resolution 94-04 will not require the expenditure of an city monies. Resolution #94-04 March 31, 1994 Page 2 REQUEST: This request is for Council adoption of Resolution #94-04. Adoption of this resolution will approve the attached agreement between the City and the Oklahoma Department of Transportation and authorize the Mayor to execute that agreement. PREVIOUS ACTIONS RELATING TO THIS ISSUE: April 2, 1985 - Council passed Resolution #85-11 requesting signalization project using federal aid. ~~ May 3, 1985 - Signalization project added to INCOG transportation plan. September 16, 1985 -Tuttle & Associates hired by city to complete engineering plans for project at a cost of $18,000. July 1986 -Engineer presents construction plans to ODOT August 6, 1986 - ODOT postponed funding. March 21, 1989 - Council passes Resolution #89-02 approving a project agreement for signalization project. September 1990 - City staff again requests funds for the project and is informed funding is imminent. October 1990 - ODOT informs city funding will be delayed for third time. May 1993 -City Council requests staff to list the signalization project as a priority and make additional request to ODOT for funding. January 1994 -Announcement made that funding for project will be authorized by ODOT. March 1994 - City Council passed Resolution #94-03 approving project agreement for $150,000 federal aid project to signalize intersection of 76th Street North and U S 169. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends Council approval of Resolution #94-04. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution #94-04 2. Right-of--Way, Public Utility and Encroachment Agreement 3. Memorandum dated March 10, 1994 relating to project CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA RESOLUTION NO 94-04 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY TO ENTER INTO ARIGHT- OF-WAY, PUBLIC UTILITY AND ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT IN CONNECTION WITH PUBLIC PROJECT SIP-72B(409)UR. WHEREAS, It appearing reasonable and necessary for the City of Owasso, Oklahoma to execute aRight-of--Way, Public Utility and Encroachment Agreement in connection with the construction of a public project known as SIP-72B(409)UR, Job No. 07133(02)(03)(04), in accordance with the terms and tenor of 60 O.S. 1991, Sections 1205, 1206, 1401 and 1403. NOW THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, sitting in regular session, that such contract be entered into and that a copy of same be attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference, all as provided by law. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of April, 1994 by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. ATTEST: Bob Randolph, Mayor Sherry Bishop, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Population 11,151 RIGHT-OF-WAY, PUBLIC UTILITY AND ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT This Agreement, entered into between the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, hereinafter called the City and the Department of Transportation of the State of Oklahoma, hereinafter called the Department, in connection with the location and improvement of a portion of the City Street System within the corporate limits of the City, now designated as 2nd Street under plans and specifications for Federal Aid Project STP-72B(409)UR, 07133(02)(03)(04). Witnesseth: WHEREAS, it is mutually agreed between the parties that certain improvements should be made to the highway now as follows: That the Department proposes construction of safety improvements at 76th Street North at US169 Ramps in Owasso. WHEREAS, legislative authorization and the rules, regulations, and policies of the Department provide the basis of cooperation between the parties to effect such highway improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: The Department and the City agree to become jointly responsible with the contractor as co-applicants for meeting all Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requirements for storm water runoff on this project. It is agreed that the project-plans and specifications, required schedules for accomplishing the temporary and permanent erosion control work, the storm water pollution prevention plan sheet and appropriate USGS topographic map contained in the plans constitute the storm water management plan for the project described previously in this document. Further, if required, the Department and the City agree to file jointly with the contractor the general National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit with the EPA which authorizes the storm water discharges associated with industrial activity from the construction site identified in this document. The City agrees: 1. To the location of said highway, acknowledges receipt of and adopts the plans for said project as the official grade and drainage plans of the City for the streets, boulevards, or arterial highway included therein. 2. That prior to the advertising of the project for bids (as to that part of the project lying within the present corporate limits) it will: (a) Grant to the Department and its contractors, the right-of- entry to all streets, alleys, and other rights-of-way shown on said plans. (b) Remove at its own expense, or cause the removal of, all encroachments on existing streets as shown on said plans, including all buildings, porches, fences, gasoline pumps and islands, and any other such private installations. (c) Prohibit parking on that portion of the project within the corporate limits of the City. (d) Comply with the Department's standards for construction of driveway entrances from private property to the highway, in accordance with the Department's manual entitled "Standard Designs for Driveway Entrances for Oklahoma Highways", in accordance with 47 OS 1971 §16-106. (e) Maintain all right of way acquired for the construction of this project, as shown on said plans, in a manner consistent with applicable codes, ordinances and regulations. 3. That it will: (a) Determine and locate, with the Department's approval, a detour route over existing city streets, if a re-routing of traffic or a detour ie necessary during the period of construction. Project No.: STP-72B(409)UR Job No.: 07133(02)(03)(04) Page: 2 (b) ee responsible during or subsequent to construction, for any maintenance necessary to the approved detour route over existing city streets, or any other street as a result of additional traffic. (c) Be responsible for repairs or maintenance to any city street, during or subsequent to construction, which results from additional traffic where construction is performed under traffic. 4. That subsequent to the construction of said project, it will: (a) Keep all permanent right-of-way shown on said plans free from any encroachment and take immediate action to effect the removal of any encroachments upon notification by the Department. (b) Erect, maintain, and operate traffic control signals, including speed limit and traffic control signs, only in accordance with 47 OS 1971, Section 15-104, 15-105 and 15- 106, and subject to the approval, direction and control of the Department. (c) Regulate and control traffic on said project, including but not limited to, the speed of vehicles, parking, stopping, and turns, in accordance with 47 OS 1971, and to make no changes in the provisions thereof without the approval of the Department. (d) Maintain all that part of said project within the corporate limits of the City. 5. That all covenants of this Agreement shall apply to any area hereinafter annexed to the City which lies within the limits of this project. 6. That it will, by resolution, duly authorize the execution of this Agreement by the proper officials, and attach copies of such resolution to this Agreement. 7. To acquire all right-of-way, if any, be responsible for the total costs for removing and relocating outdoor advertising signs and for the relocation assistance payments to persons displaced by reason of the acquisition of right-of-way and be responsible for the removal or relocation of all utility lines on public or private rights-of-way to accommodate the construction of this project. (a) Transmit copies of the instruments to the Department prior to the advertisement of bids for construction. (b) Comply with the provisions of 42 U.S.C.A. § 4601-4655 and 23 U.S.C.A. § 323 (as amended) in the acquisition of all necessary right-of-way. (c) That as a condition to receiving any Federal Financial Assistance from the Department of Transportation, it will comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252.42 U.S.C. 2000d-35 seq., and all requirements imposed by or pursuant to Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, Subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, "Nondiscrimination of federally-assisted Program of the Department of Transportation-Effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964". Project No.: STP-728(409)UR Job No.: 07133(02)(03)(04) Page: 3 IN CONSIDERATION of the grants and covenants by the City herein contained and the faithful performance thereof by the City, the Department agrees to construct said project in accordance with said plans and specifications; provided that the right to make such changes in the plans and specifications as are necessary for the proper construction of said project is reserved to the Department. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals, the City on the day of , 19 , and the State on the day of , 19 ATTEST: CITY CLERK REVIEWED AND APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY CITY OF OWASSO BY MAYOR STATE OF OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BY: CHIEF, LEGAL DIVISION DIRECTOR i~ i~ MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: RESOLUTION #903 - SIGNALIZATION PROJECT FOR U.S. 169 AT 76TH ST NORTH DATE: March 10, 1994 BACKGROUND: Since May of 1985, the City of Owasso has been actively involved in seeking approval of a Federal Department of Transportation local governmental aid project. The goal of the project is to provide traffic control improvements to the intersection of U.S. 169 and 76th Street North. On four previous occasions, the project has been delayed due to funding cuts or priority changes by the state. In May of 1993, the City once again petitioned the State Department of Transportation for funding of the project. At that time the City was informed that the project would be funded as a priority project with FY94 monies. The state requested new construction plans and promised a 100% federally funded project if the construction plans were updated and submitted by October 1, 1993. On June 8, 1993, the City Council approved a contract in the amount of $2000 for engineering services with Traffic Engineering Consultants, Inc for the purpose of developing updated construction plans for the project. The updated plans were submitted to ODOT on August 18, 1993. A plan review meeting was conducted in December 1993 and a decision to proceed with the project was made at that time. Two weeks ago the staff received notice from ODOT that the project had been approved for an April contract award, but that the project had been reduced to a 75% federal, 25% local match formula. Based on that formula and a total project cost of $150,000, the City shaze of the cost would have been $37,500. Since the City had not budgeted funds for the project, and because the original concept called for a fully funded federal aid project, the staff requested a meeting with ODOT officials to discuss the funding requirements. Last week the staff did meet with ODOT representatives and Signalization Project March 10, 1994 Page 2 were subsequently informed (on Friday, March 4) that the project had been restored to 100% funding. Subsequently, ODOT transmitted project agreement contracts for the City to review and consider. The project agreement requires the City to maintain the signals and provide electricity after they are installed (annual cost is estimated to be $600). While there are other requirements for the City, they are related to standard ODOT policy and do not require any commitment of funds. The ODOT is required by the agreement to bid, award and construct the signalization project at a cost of $150,000. Additionally, the ODOT is responsible for construction inspections and a final acceptance inspection. Resolution No 94-03, if approved by the Council, will formalize the City's acceptance of the project agreement and authorize the Mayor to execute the necessary documents. The ODOT staff would like to place this project on the April contract "letting". In order to do that, the project agreement must be returned no later than March 25. The staff has reviewed the documents and submitted there to the City Attorney for his review. PREVIOUS ACTIONS RELATING TO THIS ISSUE: April 2, 1985 - Council passed Resolution #85-11 requesting federal aid project May 3, 1985 - Project added to transportation plan (INCOG) September 16, 1985 - City Council employs Tuttle and Associates to prepare engineering plans for project at a cost of $18,000 July 1986 - Engineer presents final plans to ODOT August 6, 1986 - ODOT delays funding March 21, 1989 - Council passes Resolution #89-02 approving project agreement October 1989 - ODOT delays funding due to priority September 1990 - Staff requests project funds for FY91-92 from ODOT October 1990 - ODOT delays funding due to cutbacks May 1993 - Council requests staff to place project as priority for City -request made to ODOT for funding January 1994 - Announcement made that funding for project is approved by ODOT RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends Co~rncil approval of Resolution No 94-03. NOTE: If the agreement is approved, it is anticipated that construction will begin in July. Signalization Project March 10, 1994 Page 3 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Project Agreement 2. Resolution No 94-03 3. Memorandum dated June 4, 1993 ' MEMORANDUM ' TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO ' FROM: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION TO THE GENERAL FUND POLICE DEPARTMENT BUDGET DATE: March 31, 1994 BACKGROUND: At the January 18, 1994 Council meeting, an executive session was conducted for the purpose of reviewing the City Manager's job performance. During that session, I informed Councilors that the police department was facing a major budget problem that could not be offset with existing appropriations. Subsequently, I have discussed with the Council on two occasions the budget problem, its magnitude and some of the causes for that problem. About the time those discussions were taking place, the FOP exercised their option to reopen negotiations pursuant to language contained in their 93-94 contract. The resulting amendment to that agreement created an even bigger budgetary problem for the department. ~ Because you are the Councilors most familiar with the course of events that led to this situation, I believe it is imperative that this budget concern be addressed by the current Council. Therefore, I have placed this item on the agenda for your consideration and action. Ms Bishop, Chief Alexander and I have dedicated many hours to reviewing, analyzing and discussing the department's budget problem. In the seven previous budgets, we have experienced only one departmental problem similar to this. Unfortunately, there were several incidents this year that, when combined, have produced the potential for a shortfall in the police budget. The following list outlines the specifics of the causes and the cost of the individual causes: ~ Item # 1 -The 1993-94 police budget did not include salary and benefits for a police sergeant (Robert Dellegar) who, at the time of the budget preparation, was paid from disability benefits of workers compensation (TTD). That employee was not expected to return to the payroll. In fact, his position was replaced by the addition of an assistant chief's position. However, in September the sergeant on TTD filed a claim for permanent disability. Upon the request for permanent disability, TTD benefits cease until the matter is resolved in workers compensation ' court. Also, in this case, Mr Dellegar was injured while working under an FOP contract that, at the time of his injury, provided for full salary and benefits while on injury leave. That Supplemental Budget Request March 31, 1994 Page 2 coverage, combined with the removal of his TTD benefits, created a 13 252 cost of the police department that was not budgeted. Item #2 -During May, June, July and August of 1993, officers of the Owasso Police Department were directed to not document their overtime hours worked. They were further directed to compensate themselves by "taking time off whenever possible". Those directions were contrary to laws relating to wage and salary administration enacted by both the state and federal government. The City became aware of the matter in September 1993 and immediately contacted the federal department of labor with a request for advice. Based on that advice, and under the supervision of a DOL agent, the City of Owasso reconstructed all payroll records for the four-month period of time and paid all overtime hours claimed by any police employee, including dispatchers. The total cost of that overtime was 6 886. Item #3 -The assistant chief of the department resigned in November after an investigation of management practices within the department. Upon his resignation, he was paid for compensatory time and vacation time accumulated during his tenure (13 years) with the City. Admittedly, a management mistake was made by allowing the assistant chief to keep more vacation and compensatory time than was normally allowable after he had been promoted to that position. However, the law regarding wage and salary administration requires that any employee terminated must be paid earned benefits if such benefits are a part of their compensation. Total unbudgeted cost of this item is $5500. Item #4 - On December 18, 1993, a prisoner in the Owasso jail caused injury to himself while incarcerated. The prisoner was subsequently admitted to the hospital for treatment of serious injury for a period of six days. The United States District Court (Western District) has ruled that any law enforcement agency that refuses treatment to a person under their custody is guilty of civil rights violation. The court further held that payment cannot be withheld because the prisoner is unable to pay, thus payment is the responsibility of the agency that has custody of the prisoner. The police department was required to keep 24-hour surveillance on the prisoner while he was in the hospital, at a cost of approximately $2160 in overtime charges, and the city may be responsible for an additional $12,774.44 in medical bills to Tulsa Regional Medical Center. Total unbudgeted cost of this item to date is 2 160. (Note -Attempts are being made to determine if action can be taken against the former prisoner to recover cost to the city and, if so, would legal action result in any actual money.) Item #5 - On February 1, 1994, the Council approved a contract amendment with the FOP. A portion of that amendment related to the method used to calculate overtime hours by allowing the use of leave time as hours worked. During the presentation of that amendment language, I informed the Council that I had "reservations about the language", and that it could cause an increase in overtime pay. However, the same memorandum indicated that the remaining four months of the contract year would be a good test period to see what the impact of the new calculations would be on the city. The actual impact on the city has proven to be greater than 1 Supplemental Budget Request ' March 31, 1994 Page 3 ' anticipated. The additional unbudgeted cost to the city for overtime cost in the department is now placed at $19,700. The employees of the police department will receive that much additional overtime payment for the fiscal year, for the most part due to the contract amendment. ' The other city departments have submitted their analysis of the annual cost of this policy based on the cost of implementation during the past three pay periods. Annual cost to the city, if this language is kept in the contract and used as policy for overtime pay for non-contract employees, ~ is estimated to be $66,000. You can expect the staff to make strong recommendations on this subject in the near future. Total unbudgeted cost to the police department of item #5 is 19 700. Item #6 - In August, the city took disciplinary action against a police officer. Subsequently, that officer was terminated and the Chief was given authority to employ a replacement. After the selection process was started, the terminated employee appealed the termination. Even though I had an opportunity to stop the selection process, I decided to proceed and eventually employed a replacement for the officer who was terminated. Subsequently, the Owasso Personnel Board vetoed the action of the City Manager and ordered the employee reinstated. As a result of the City Manager's decision, the department ended up with an additional officer. The unbudgeted cost of the new officer through the end of the year is $7,340. While the management decision was obviously bad (I would not take that course of action again), I did not feel the new employee should be terminated within one month of quitting his job and starting with our department. Therefore, I made a decision to request funds to keep that officer in this supplemental budget request. Total unbudgeted cost of item #6 is 7 340. At this point, I believe it is necessary to ensure that the Council clearly understand that this ~ supplemental appropriation request does not contain any funds nor does it free any funds for any purpose other than the items detailed above. There are absolutely no monies included in this request for any other employee, former employee or other purpose other than items #1 through #6. During the past seven years I have not had to request major supplements of this nature except ~ once (also in the police department). I fully understand that portions of the cost listed above are due to a poor management decision on my part and in that case I would not repeat the action I took. However, all of those decisions were made within the context of the situation as it existed ~ and based on information available. They were also made in what was considered to be the best interest of the city. I sincerely regret the bad decision and assure you I have learned from the result. REQUEST: ^ The total unbudgeted cost of the above six items is 54 838. However, the police department can cover $6,838 of that amount without affecting other services. Therefore, this request is for tal Budget Request 1994 proval of a supplemental appropriation to the police department in the amount of ~, funding for this request is anticipated to be derived from the General Fund Reserves at this point are $304,908. Thus this action would reduced the revenues 8. [ENDATION: nd Council approval of a supplemental appropriation to the General Fund Police t budget in the amount of $48,000. Supplemental Budget Request March 31, 1994 Page 4 Council approval of a supplemental appropriation to the police department in the amount of $48,000. FUNDING: If approved, funding for this request is anticipated to be derived from the General Fund Reserves. Reserves at this point are $304,908. Thus this action would reduced the revenues to $256,908. RECOMMENDATION: I recommend Council approval of a supplemental appropriation to the General Fund Police Department budget in the amount of $48,000.