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2006.05.09_City Council Agenda_Special
TYPE OF MEETING: DATE: TIME: PLACE: Special May 9, 2006 6:00 p.m. Old Central Building 109 N. Birch Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 PM on Friday, May 5, 2006. J 41ranin M. Steven Ad inistrative Assistant 1 0 3 3 Call to Order Mayor Stephen Cataudella Discussion relating to General Administrative Items Mr. Rooney Attachment #2 A. Appointments to Various Boards and Commissions Discussion relating to Community Development Department Items Mr. Rooney Attachment #3 A. Annexation requests (1) B. Planned Unit Development (1) C. Resolution regarding Capital Improvement Project Priority Determination Discussion relating to Police Department Items Mr. Rooney Attachment #4 A. Ratification of the FY 2006-2007 Fraternal Order of Police Employee Contract B. Proposed amendments to Animal Control Ordinances Owasso City Council May 9, 2006 Page 2 Discussion relating to Public Works Department Items Mr. Rooney Attachment #5 A. N. Garnett Road Improvement Project Acceptance and Final Payment B. E. 96t" Street North and N. Garnett Road Intersection Improvement Project Acceptance and Final Payment 6. Discussion relating to City Manager Items Mr. Ray A. FY 2006-2007 Budget Presentation 7. Adjournment S Aflendns Crnmcil Work Session '.'_006.0509 doc OMAYOR • D1 CITY COUNCIL BACKGROUND: Pursuant to authority contained in Article 2, Section 2-4, subsection (e) of the Charter of the City of Owasso, the City Council has established rules and procedures that provide, generally, for the Mayor to appoint members to various boards, commissions, trusts, and committees; such appointments subject to confirmation by the City Council. In order to continue citizen participation and city staff involvement on these committees, discussion regarding the reappointment of current members and/or the appointment of new members is needed. The purpose of this memorandum is to provide you with background information of the various Boards and Commissions as discussions relating to the annual appointment process begins. The term of office for the following appointments will expire as of June 30, 2006: ® ANNEXATION COMMITTEE (One Year Turn) Mayor Steve Cataudella Vacant (City Council — previously held by Gary Cochran) Duane Coppick (Planning Commission) Dan Draper (Planning Commission) Ken Fisher (Public Schools) Bill Roach (Citizen) Bradd Clark, Fire Dan Yancey, Police Tim Rooney, Assistant City Manager Eric Wiles, Community Development Rickey Hayes, Economic Development Ana Stagg, Public Works Julie Lombardi, City Attorney ® BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Joe Ramey (Three Year Term) May 5, 2006 Appointments to Various Boards and Committees Page 2 of 3 CAPITAL, IMPROVEMENTS COMMITTEE (One Year Terre) Susan Kimball (City Council) Brent Colgan (City Council) Ray Haynes (Planning Commission) Tom Kimball (OEDA Representative) Frank Enzbrenner (Banking Representative) Trish Hauser (Chamber Representative) Mike Ames (Citizen) Vacant (Citizen — previously held by Dale Pride) Vacant (Citizen — previously held by Craig Wallace) Vacant (Citizen — previously held by Larry Seigrist) Sherry Bishop, Finance Bradd Clark, Fire Eric Wiles, Community Development Tim Rooney, Assistant City Manager Rodney Ray, City Manager Rickey Hayes, Economic Development Ana Stagg, Public Works Dan Yancey, Police ® INDIAN NATIONS COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENT (INCOG) Councilor Craig Thoendel (Two Year Term) Rodney Ray (Alternate) ® INCOG LEGISLATIVE CONSORTIUM Rodney Ray (One Year Term) Eric Wiles (Alternate) ® INCOG ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY COMMITTEE Ana Stagg (One Year Term) ® O ASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Frank Enzbrenner (Five Year Term) Crary Akin (Chamber Representative) Mayor Steve Cataudella (Council Representative) Bruce McCarty (Three Year Term) 305211WAMINI "Mire], Ray Haynes (Three Year Term) Marilyn Hinkle (Three Year Term) May 31, 2005 Appointments to Various Boards and Committees Page 3 of 3 ®REGIONAL ENHANCED 911 BOARD Larry White (Three Year Term) Bradd Clark (Alternate) ®REGIONAL METROPOLITAN UTILITY AUTHORITY Sherry Bishop (One Year Term) Ana Stagg (One Year Term) ® SALES 'TAX WATCHDOG (appointed for life of sales tax or resignation/termination) Vacancy (Pam Holt resigned — held Retail Business position) DJ Gall (elected to Council — held Service Business position) ® TRANSPORTATION POLICY COMMITTEE Councilor Susan Kimball (One Year Term) Ana Stagg (Alternate — One Year Term) ® TRANSPORTATION TECHINCAL CO1MMITTEE Ana Stagg (One Year Term) Joe Nurre (Alternate) Attached for your review are the Talent Bank applications (in alphabetical order) received from those individuals who have expressed an interest in serving on Owasso Boards and Commissions. Further discussion regarding these appointments remains with the Council. It should be noted, that staff anticipates placing this item on the June 13, 2006 worksession agenda to allow for further discussion after reviewing the attached information. ATTACHMENTS 1. Listing of all Board and Commissions with membership and brief outline of duties. 2. Talent Bank Applications OWASSO ANNEXATION COMMITTEE FY 2005-2006 OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ffiffie • Steve Cataudella Duane Coppick Bill Roach City Council Planning Commission Citizen 10302 E 93" PI N 9908 N 114t' E Ct 10006 N 109th East Ave 274-6823 272-7502 272-9810 Dan Draper Ken Fisher VACANCY Planning Commission Owasso Public Schools CITIZEN POSITION 8923 N 133rd E Ave 13207 E 93rd St N 274-8559 272-7211 Bradd Clark Rickey Hayes Ana Stagg Owasso Fire Chief Economic Development Public Works Director PO Box 180 PO Box 180 PO Box 180 272-1473 376-1518 272-4958 Julie T. Lombardi Dan Yancey Eric Wiles City Attorney Owasso Police Chief Community Development PO Box 180 PO Box 180 PO Box 180 376-1511 376-1565 376-1545 Timothy Rooney Chip McCulley STAFF SUPPORT: Assistant City Manager City Planner Marsha Hensley PO Box 180 PO Box 180 Community Development 376-1515 376-1543 376-1541 Guest: Ms. Tammy Laakso 10305 North 142" d East Ct. laaksot@owasso.k12.ok.us This Committee meets as needed to review annexation requests and recommends action to the Planning Commission and City Council based on the City's annexation criteria. Meetings are generally held at 5:00 p.m. in the Main Conference Room at Owasso City Hall. Terms expire on June 30 of each year, with some members serving by virtue of another office or authority. S:\Boards and Committees\Annexation Committee\Member Lists\2005.doc OWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT FY 2005-2006 OWASSO, OKLAHOMA WrItUffilly Joe Ramey, Chair 10125 N 122 d East Ave Owasso, OK 74055 (h) 272-2520; (w) 836-0021; (mobile) 625-4911 Term Expires: 6/30/06 STAFFSUPPORT Chip McCulley City Planner Marsha Hensley, Recording Secretary Community Development Secretary Ken Foster, Secretary Eric Wiles 13207 E 93rd St N Community Development Director Owasso, OK 74055 (h) 272-7211; (w) 295-1790; (mobile) 798-6322 Term Expires: 6/30/07 It , •.III 10205 E 89" St N Owasso, OK 74055 (h) 272-5541; (w) 280-7325; (mobile) 698-3557 Term Expires 6/30/07 Trish Hauser 8414 N. 123 E. Ave. Owasso, OK 74055 (w) 274-8331 Term Expires: 6/30/08 Charles Brown 8828 North 128th East Avenue Owasso, OK 74055 (h) 274-4286; (mobile) 640-2605; (w) 573-9997 icharli@sbcglobal.net Term Expires: 6/30/08 This Board meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center. Meetings last approximately one hour. Staff support is provided by the Community Development Department. The Board acts on all requests with regard to zoning variances and exceptions. Members are appointed by the Mayor for three-year terms, with City Council confirmation. OWASSO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS COMMITTEE FY 2005-2006 OWASSO, OKLAHOMA Brent Colgan (Council) VACANCY (Citizen) 11807 E 80th PI N VACANCY (Citizen) Owasso, OK 74055 VACANCY (Citizen) (w) 272-7500 bcol„an�d)city fowasso.coiii, Mike Ames (Citizen) Susan Kimball (Council) 13000 E 77t" St N 8301 Owasso Expwy Owasso, Ok 74055 Owasso, OK 74055 274-6604 skiziiball(a/cittvc�fowasso,com gj1l�ear(i', ok.ccom Trish Hauser (Chamber) Ray Haynes (Planning Commission) 8414 N 123rd E Ave, 110 E 24th Ct Owasso, OK 74055 Owasso,OK 74055 274-8331 272-9884 trishauset-(cr�ltottiia%I.com 1, hu11((s 1.10��� Frank Enzbrenner (Banking) Tom Kimball (OEDA) PO Box 350 8301 Owasso Expy Owasso, OK 74055 Owasso, OK 74055 274-1409 272-1146 (w) lcn.zbreiin its! %bst.ti rcb.iiet 1 ktnibalis'�/,aoJ.corn pmw f;'11 Rodney Ray, City Manager Sherry Bishop, Finance Director 376-1577 376-1525 �tvo owasso.coi 1 sbis110 C#%ityofowass.,,oly.,. Tim Roney, Assistant City Manager Eric Wiles, Community Development Director 376-1515 376-1545 .cfroonev�d)',c i Ev ol6 wasso, coii, e i les'i�,c r_t�,ofow assc c oi-ii Ana Stagg, Public Works Director Bradd Clark, Fire Chief 272-4959 272-1473 asta«�F� c it\ofowa so coni., bcIark '? Ott ofo,, ass, corii Dan Yancey, Police Chief Rickey Hayes, Economic Development Director 376-1564 376-1518 ay t2;�:�,�eof<> asso,conx c7wLts «.cc ,t S:\Boards and Committees\Capital Improvements Committee\Member List\05-06.rtf Mailing list Barbara Courtney 7714 N 132"d E Ave Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 This committee meets for three to four months in late winter and early spring to review Capital requests and recommend action to the City Council. The committee also adopts a revised Capital Improvements Plan each year for recommendation to the Council. Meetings generally last from one to two hours. Staff members and City Council membership on the committee is determined by virtue of their position. Other members are appointed by the Mayor with Council confirmation. Terms expire on June 30 of each year. S:ABoards and Committees\Capital Improvements Committee\Member List\05-06.rtf Ii►117 /_�►�►/U Y [Y7►fYKY11L[fl 1`I[Yh0[lLY1�I�1.�Ul�A'YI►Y':Y� 1►[KYZl9 Mayor Cram Thoendel Rodney Ray, Alternate City Manager Appointed by the Mayor with Council confirmation to a two-year term expiring on December 31 every other year. By tradition, the Mayor serves on this body, with the new Mayor being appointed in May of each year. Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at 1:30 p.m. in the Aaronson Auditorium at Tulsa City -County Library and last approximately two hours. This is a regional council of local governments involved with planning functions and Federal grant review functions. Eric Wiles, Community Development Director Rodney I Ray, City Manager Alternate Appointed by the Mayor with Council confirmation to a one-year term expiring on June 30 of each year. OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FY II I41' OWASSO, OKLAHOMA TRUSTEES Gary Akin 315 S. Cedar Owasso, OK 74055 272.2141 (office) 272.8564 (fax) v(a,owot assoclLambcr.cn Term expires: 6/30/06 Steve Cataudella 10302 E. 9) Pl. N Owasso, OK 74055 274-6823 (h) 688-0177 (cell) slat i��c lia(ce city_gFo Ass ill Term expires: 6/30/06 T111 11=1 W 8301 Owasso Expressway Owasso, OK 74055 272.2519 (h) 272.1146 (w) 272.7976 (fax) Term expires: 6/30/09 tkimbat lsC�iaQI,cpm )frank Enzbrenner, PO Box 350 Owasso, OK 74055 272.1493 (office) 274.1401 (w) 274.1404 (fax) fenzbrennerna bankmb.net Term expires: 6/30/06 Dee Sokolosky PO Box 1800 Owasso, OK 74055 272.6752 (h) 272.8226 (w) 272.8200 (fax) dees@firstbank.net Term expires: 6/30/08 Ray Thomas 9105 N. 135"' E. Ave. Owasso, OK 74055 664.0144 (office) 691.6673 (cell) 665.6577 (fax) rtlioinas(&ztpihillingsolutions.com Term expires: 6/30/07 David Charney 12150 E. 96"' St. N.. Suite 202 Owasso, OK 74055 272.5338 (w) 636.1472 (cell) 272.5376 (fax) ca id cr�l�arnc 1a �.c_oni Term expires: 6/30/10 STAFF SUPPORT 376.1500 fax 376.1599 Rickey Hayes Director of Economic Development Julie Stevens, Recording Secretary Sherry Bishop, Treasurer Julie Lombardi Finance Director OEDA Attorney Rodney Ray, OEDA Manager City Manager This Authority meets on the second Thursday of each month at 10:00 a.m. in the Main Conference Room at Owasso City Hall. Meetings last approximately two hours. The duties of this authority are to plan, implement, and promote projects and programs that will directly benefit the economic well being of the community. Members are appointed by the Mayor for five year terms, with City Council confirmation. Ill 91/I i D ►' Mary Ann Alexander 8267 N 127th E Ave Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 (h) 272-4522 (c) 724-2074 Term Expires: 6/30/07 Jack Green 303 E 16th Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 272-9019 Term Expires: 6/30/08 Bruce McCarty 14010 E 87th PI N Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 274-7496 Term Expires: 6/30/06 FY2005-06 Julie Dane, Human Resources Clerk This Board meets when there is business to be addressed relating to appeals of personnel decisions. Meetings are called by the Chairperson when a petition from an employee is received in the office of the City Clerk per the Personnel Policy Manual. Meetings are held in the Main Conference Room, lower level City Hall. Members are appointed by the Mayor for three-year terms, with Council confirmation. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION FY 2005-2006 OWASSO, OKLAHOMA MEMBERS Duane Coppick — Chair 9908 North 114 East Court Owasso, OK 74055 (h) 272-7502; (w) 274-8484; (f) 274-8573 email: oamplus@sbcg1obal.net Term Expires: 6/30/07 Marilyn Hinkle, Vice Chair 207 West 16"' Street Owasso, OK 74055 (w) 746-6030, ext 301; (f) 746-6066 email: mhinkle@prudential-ok.com Term Expires: 6/30/06 Ray Haynes 110 E 24t' Ct Owasso, OK 74055 (h) 272-9884; (w) 371-6298; (c) 638-7289 (f)371-0166 Term Expires: 6/30/06 Kevin Vanover 10310 North 144 East Ave Owasso, OK 74055 (w) 615-7627; (c) 629-7756; (f) 615-7440 email: kvanover@quiktrip.net Term Expires: 6/30/07 Dan Draper 8923 North 133 East Avenue Owasso, OK 74055 (h) 274-8559; (w) 272-9222; (f) 289-2580; © 232-4085 email: ddraper@draperlawfirm.com Term Expires: 6/30/08 STAFF SUPPORT Chip McCulley City Planner Eric Wiles, Com. Dev. Director Marsha Hensley, Recording Secretary This Commission meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at Old Central. Staff support is provided by the Community Development Department. This is a quasi -legislative commission whose function is to review and recommend to the City Council actions relating to zoning, platting, subdivision construction, annexation, and other related planning functions. Members are appointed by the Mayor for three-year terms, with City Council confirmation. Boards\P1anComm.doc 57 79,111 jj� MIF11 Fill '111111011 Ve I ENV ff L "Affl�_ • = I Appointed by the Mayor with Council confirmation to a one-year term expiring on June 30 of each year. Meetings are held quarterly on the fourth Wednesday of January, April, July & October at 8:3 0 a.m. in Room 1101 at Tulsa City Hall and last approximately one hour. This is a Public Trust of area cities emphasizing sewer planning and operations. Nevus Media (1) Randy Cowling The Owasso Reporter 202 East Second Ave Owasso, OK 74055 Retail Business (2) Danny Ewing Ewing's Fine Jewelry 12317 E 96th St North Owasso, OK 74055 Wass® Sales Tax Watchdog Committee October 2003 Service Business (2) DJ Gall Dirty Dawg Car Wash PO Box 988 Owasso, OK 74055 260-5524 d`<gall,c dawgwash.com Steve Mowery Mowery's Funeral Home 10404 N. 143rd East Avenue Owasso, OK 74055 272-2995 an_owe_ryfs0 tulsaco:gnai1.com VACANCY Building Industry (1) Jeff Westerfield 17015 E 118 St North Collinsville, Ok 74021 371-7961 Education (1) David Boggs Owasso Public Schools 5116 E 86th Street North Owasso, OK 74055 272-1327 bo«g sd�c�,.owasso.k 12.ok. -gs Recreation (1) Donna Pepper 13003 E. 90"' Street North Owasso, Ok 74055 272-1485 o� oa sc e ° ci;.co .net wester fieldco i odi< yAl_et Senior Citizen (1) Bob Barnes 16150 E 120 St N Collinsville, Ok 74021 371-4367 Financial (1) Brenda Snow F&M Bank 12041 E 96th Street North Owasso, OK 74055 748-7141 Members at Large (4) Guy Nightingale 9902 E 93rd Court North Owasso, OK 74055 Jeff Ferguson 8808 N 127th E Avenue Owasso, OK 74055 Cell: 232-8492 jferuson;rccynter �aec.com Erik Miller 7713 N 126th East Ave. Owasso, OK 74055 272-0964 Matthew Roberts 404 North Dogwood Owasso, OK 74055 Rodney Ray City Manager Sherry Bishop City Treasurer This committee was formed following the 2003 tax extension bond election for the purpose of maintaining a strong citizen participation effort throughout the life of the sales tax extension and to insure the proper use of revenues generated. The committee meets on the second Monday of January and July. Members are appointed for the life of the sales tax extension or until resignation or events cause a termination as defined in the committee policy. COMMITTEE Susan Kimball, City Council Ana Stagg, Public Works Director Alternate Appointed by the Mayor with Council confirmation to a one-year term expiring on June 30 of each year. Meetings are held on the last Thursday of each month at 10:00 a.m. in the large conference room at INCOG and last approximately one and one-half hours. This Authority is a regional transportation planning organization emphasizing long range highway and street systems. 4 t '� t. r :� ► ' t �. COMMITTEE i� �� Alternv,.te Appointed by the Mayor with Council confirmation to a one-year term expiring on June 30 of each year. Meetings are held at 10:30 a.m. on the second Wednesday of each month on the 1 I"' floor at Tulsa City Hall and last approximately one -and -one-half hours. This is the technical advisory group for the TMATS policy committee. I11ynna I (Akers 111508 E. 112th PI. N. HomePhone 1371-5810 WorkPhone 1371-5810 RegisteredVoterYe Ye� RegisteredVoterNo ResideCityYes Yes ResideCityNo PresentEmployer Self EmployersAddress EmpPosition Child Care Provider ProfCivicActivities Education BOA PlanlungCom OEDA Watchdog CIP Annex PersBoard DescribeWhy HowB enefit MailBusiness NlailHorne EmailAddress Owaasso Childcare Association El Community newspaper drive to recycle and donate to Owassoo SchoolsElHelp elderly in the community F-I Pick up trash as needed in the community Graduate Stillwater High School D Certificate of Mastery in Child Development from Tulsa Community CollegeOBusiness and computer courses Yes i Yes Yes Yes Yes have watched Owasso grow for the past 20 years. I'm very excited about the changes and would like to )c a part of the progress. �I�— -� believe I could bring objective input with my understanding of business and as a neighbor and consumer in the community. Yes lynnaI@prodigy.net Friday, May 05, 2006 Page 69 of 72 10014 HoniePhone 1918-274-9395 1 WorkPhone 1918-633-5066 RegisteredVoterYe lYes RegisteredVoterNo ResideCityYes Yes ResideCityNo F PresentEmployer Williams Company EnlployerSAddress One Williams Center EntpPosition Manager, Measurement Services Prof CivicActivities Education BOA PlanningCom OEDA Watchdog CIP Annex PersBoard DescribeWhy HowBenefit United WayOJunior Achievement Fl. Central Baptist Church rA in Business Management Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes -,--- --� fI have lived in Owasso since March of 2000 and plan on retiring here. I would like to see the city grow and develop properly. I have not political or business ties with anyone in the city or board. MailBusinesS jorganizational Skills nManagement Skills7Budgeting Skills MailH0rne EmailAddress Yes ----- l Tuesday, January 31,2006 Page 51 of 52 ulie 14837 E 91 st St N HomePhone I918-272-9494 Atteberry Owasso OK 74055 WorkPhone 1918-633-6527 RegisteredVoterYe Yes RegisteredVoterNo - ResideCityYes ResideCityNo No PresentEmployer TRISMS EmployersAddress 1208 S Delaware PI Tulsa Ok 74128 EmpPosition Sales Prof CivicActivities Education BOA PlanningCom OEDA Watchdog CH' Annex PersBoard DescribeWhy HowBenefit MailBusiness MailHome EmailAddress .eader of Local Homeschool GroupOInvolved at Owasso 1st Assembly with adults and youthOSales- iouthwestern Bell Yellow Pages❑ with Management and Marketing Degree- ORU❑ Yes - Yes To contribute to the community we five in I feel Owasso is a terifc community and want to to contnue to be and would like to be involved in it's growth. Yes Monday, February 13, 2006 Page 58 of 61 Jeffrey 15200 E. 76th St. N. Owasso OK 74055 HomePhone 1918-272-6226 Beyer PO BOX 2008 Owasso OK 74055 WorkPhone 1918-299-4411 Regis teredVoterYe Yes RegisteredVoterNo ResideCityYes Yes ResideCityNo C PresentEntployer Jenks Public Schools 1 EmployersAddress 205 East B Street, Jenks, OK 74037 EmpPosition Assistant Principle/Jenks Middle School Prof CivieAetivities 10 Select committee on Public School Finance 0Oklahoma Middle Level Educators Board of Directors Education BOA PlanningCom OEDA Watchdog CIP Annex PersBoard DescribeWhy HowBenefit MailBusiness MailHonie EmailAddress strict Calendar CommitteePSafe School Cormnittee'J BS Eduction/Social Sciences[] Masters/Educational Leadership. OSU Yes Yes I Yes —�II Owasso is a wonderful city and it would be an honor to serve in any capacity. My background in education lays a strong foundation for public service. I have the skills and experience necessary to collaborate with others in order to reach sound decisions and build consensus. In addition, I understand the role data plays in the decision making process. I believe that these characteristics enable me to be an effective public servant. Yes Tuesday, January 31, 2006 Page 50 of 52 CITY OF OWASSO PO Box ISO Owasso, OK 74055 918-376-1500 PLEASE PRINT NAME CLEARLY NAME: Date Received: Copies to: Date: (last) (first) (middle initial) -(maiden) HOME ADDRESS: kz%7 (number/street & mailing address if different) (home phone) ARE YOU A REGISTERED VOTER? (no) DO YOU LIVE IN THE CITY LIMITS? &cO.,(no) PRESENT EMPLOYMENT: (business name & mailing address) (your position) PROFESSIONAL AND/OR CIVIC ACTIVITIES: (phone) (type of business) I(X EDUCATION: v4Z I AM INTERESTED IN SERVING ON: (Check more than one if you wish) Board of Adjustment Planning Commission Owasso Economic Development Authority Sales Tax Watchdog Committee A_ Capital Improvements Committee Annexation Committee Golf Advisory Committee NOTE: The information on this form supplied by you as an applicant is available to the public and to the press. PLEASE DESCRIBE WHY YOU WOULD LIKE TO SERVE ON THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, ETC: IN WHAT WAY DO YOU FEEL YOU WILL BE OF BENEFIT TO THE PUBLIC BY SERVING ON THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, ETC? a'� , of v.r � a IF APPOINTED, DO YOU WISH YOUR MAIL TO BE SENT TO: Business f ` Home ALL boards and commissions are subject to disclosure of conflicts of interest. The City Clerk's Office can supply you with complete information on the above requirements and of the duties of the boards and commissions. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS TRUE AND ACCURATE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. (AP�licant's Signature) PLEASE RETURN TO: City Clerk's Office PO Box 180 Owasso, OIL 74055 Talent Bank Application Page2 6 1 Brown 11927 N 108 E Avenue llomePhone 1918.636.7063 1 WorkPhone 1918.295.5266 RegisteredVoterYe Yes Registet•edVoterNo ResideCityYes Yes ResideCityNo PresentEmployer (Dewberry -Architects/Engineers EmployersAddress 1350 S Boulder, #600 - Tulsa, OK 74119 EmpPosition Project Manager / Engineer ProfCivicActivities Education BOA PlanningCom OEDA Watchdog CIP Annex PersBoard DescribeWhy HowBenefit MailIlusiness I am involved in the Oklahoma Airport Operators Association and Oklahoma Floodplain Managers Associations. I have professional expertise in the design and management of FEMA LOMR's, Floodplain development, Storm water collection systems, sanitary sewer collection systems, Commercial land developments / site improvements, and a variety of aviation related projects.D D I have also volunteered for the community build playground project at the Sports Park and have been involved with Habitat for Humanity prior to moving to Owasso. D BA - Biblical Studies - Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL - 1991 DBS - Physics - Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL - 1991 ❑ BS - Civil Engineering - Oklahoma State University - 1994DAdvanced Studies Envimmarntni Fnvinporina - Oklahoma Ctatr t inivPiSitvI I Yes Yes --- �_ L believe that my professional and personal experiences will allow me to positively contribute to these rganizations. I also believe that it is my responsibility to use my skills and talents to impact the Dmmunity around me and help position it to take advantage of future opportunities. I believe that I can offer an educated opinion on current and proposed projects and developments. As a consulting engineer, I plan, design, and manage construction of municipal road, sewer, storm, and water projects and would like to offer an "insider's perspective" to the City in order to assist the City in exploring viable options, leveraging their funds, and avoiding common contract pitfalls. Tuesday, January 24, 2006 Page 28 of 45 MailHome EmailAddress Yes Tuesday, January 24, 2006 Page 29 of 45 Doris Burnett 119512 E. 73RD Pl. N. —� Owasso, OK 74055 HomePhone 1918/274-1106 1 WorkPhone RegisteredVoterYe Yes RegisteredVoterNo ResideCityYes Yes ResideCityNo PresentEmployer lWildwood Properties, Inc._ EmployersAddress 19512 E. 73RD PIX, Owasso, OK. 74055 EmpPosition Owner ProfCivicActivities Education BOA PlanningCom OEDA Watchdog CIP Annex PerslBoard IDescribeWhy HowBenefit 1dlailBusiness MailHome EmailAddress Very involved in property developement in L.A. area for 40+ years,Big strip center builder, 30+ centers a year, have knowledge how bad development affects conummity, taxes, infra-stucture of utilites, and growth of community. Would like too have an input, possibility some help. No degrees, Hard Work.Still working 14 rental houses in Tulsa. Yes I think I have a real insight to some of the problems in this area, and not associated with any organization,or personal interest group,or individural builder. Very Neural,no political ambitions. To help with the best insight of possible solutions for this commuiity, cheepest taxes, growth, traffic conditions, low crime (vacant cotmnericial properties promote crime), Empact studies Property vaules. Yes Tuesday, January 24, 2006 Page 38 of 45 Robert Buss P.O. Box 1533 �� Owasso, OK 74055 IIomePhone 1272-6678 WorkPhone 1272-5338 RegisteredVoterYe Yes I RegisteredVoterNo E ResideCityYes _ ResideCityNo No PresentEmployer Charney, Buss & Williams, P.C. EmployersAddress 12150 E. 96th Street North, Suite 202, Owasso 74055 EnipPosition Owner ProfCivicActivities Education BOA PlanningCom OEDA Watchdog CIP Annex PersBoard DescribeWhy HowBenefit MailBusiness Mailiionie EmailAddress 3oard Member - Owasso Community ResourcesClFirst Christian Church, Owasso B.S. Southwest Missouri State University (now Missouri State University)�IJ.D. University of Tulsa College of LaWOLL.M. (Taxation) University of Denver College of Law Yes Yes Yes My wife (Brenda Buss) and I have been a part of Owasso for over 30 years and 15 years, respectively. We have always made a point to be active in the community and give back both our financial resources and (time to improve the lives of Owasso's citizens. Objective view and ability to weigh both the public interest and the needs of the City while standing fir in my convictions. Yes Tuesday, January 24, 2006 Page 42 of 45 Results from Form 1 of Page talent_bank_application.htm Page 1 of 2 Rooney, Timothy From: anonymous@web7.plainhost.com Sent: Sunday, April 04, 2004 11:14 AM To: Rooney, Timothy; Willson, Teresa Subject: Talent Bank FirstNarne: Gary LName: Cadwell Addressl: 9206 N. 103rd East Place Address2: HornePhone: 918-376-9211 WorkPhone: 918-671-6610 RegisteredVoterYes: Yes Regis teredVoterNo: ResideCityYes: Yes ResideCityNo: PresentEmployer: First Data Resources EployersAddress: Tulsa EmpPosition: Manager, Client Services BOA: PlanningCom: ®EDA: Watchdog: CIP: Annex: PersDoard: MailBusiness: Mailllome: Yes EmailAddress: gary@garyeadwell.com P1: Submit Senior Director, Marketing and Vice -President for a large national not -for -profit association in Washington, DC r Masters in Financial Services, Masters in Management My family and I recently moved from northern Virginia to Owasso to be closer to family. We've experienced the fast pace and busy lives of the Eastern US culture. Consequently, we are appreciating the contrast of a slower pace with more time for family, church and other things. I appreciate the emphasis on character and values that our new community offers and I'm concerned about maintaining 4/5/2004 Results from Form I of Page talent bank application.htm Page 2 of 2 those values as we progress and grow. I am willing to serve the Owasso citizens in any capacity that would help ensure a successful future of maintaining a safe and wholesome environment during a period of growth, change and prosperity. 4/5/2004 I10100 E. 86th Ct. N. I HomePhone 1918-274-4201 Cain WorkPhone 1918-342-8295. RegisteredVoterYe Yes RegisteredVoterNo ResideCityYes Yes ResideCityNo PresentEmployer Centrilift EmployersAddress 200 W. Stuart Roosa, Claremore EmpPosition Project Engineer ProfCivicActivities Education BOA PlanningCom OEDA Watchdog CIP Annex PersBoard DescribeWhy HowPenefit MailBusiness 'rofessional Engineer, State of Oklahoma❑ S Electrical Engineeering, OSUDMany courses in management and technical fields DThese can be -ovided if necessary Yes Yes Yes I have been a resident of Owasso since 1997. My desire is to see the city grow in a well managed direction by maintaining growth while at the same time ensuring the city retains the qualities that attracted my family and me to move here in the first place. I feel that I have a civic responsibility to help if my services are found to be in need. �I believe my skills in project management and management can be used to enhance the city's efforts in making capital improvements and in coordinating cross -functional activities often required in economic development With one of my previous employers, I had extensive experience dealing with municipal customers from small rural towns to the largest water district in the country. This experience can be put to use for the city to ensure the city is able to get the best value for its money. Friday, May 05, 2006 6 Page 68 of 72 !Mark �Callery 1 16th and Garnett Owasso, OK 74021 /---- I-01Ue ne-- 918-587e2561 WorkPhone 7225 9t8-171-Lo 4-� G RegisteredVotei Yes RegisteredVoterNo I C � 3 �t ResideCityYes Yes ResideCityNo �— PresentEmployer (Tulsa Regional Medical Center EmployersAddress 7th and Houston, Tulsa OK EmpPosition JFM Resident__ —� Prof CivicActivities Education BOA PlanningCom OEDA Watchdog CIP Annex PersBoard DescribeWhy FlowBenefit MailBusiness MailHome EmailAddress City leader. Hope to all nations. Scheduling planner. Picture taker OSU B. S. Biology, OSU-COM D.O. degree, Chief Resident, Family Medicine Yes Yes Yes Yes — Yes Yes many as I possibly can ... .❑ I'm a natural born leader. Anthrax -treatment specialist Tuesday, January 24, 2006 Page 27 of 45 909 N. 123rd E. Ave. HomePhone 1918-809-4638 Connor WorkPhone 1918-292-3928 RegisteredVoterYe Lye, RegisteredVoterNo ResideCityYes Yes ResideCityNo E PresentEmployer American Airlines EmployersAddress 3900 N. Mingo Dr El mpPosition AMT ProWivicA.ctivities Education BOA PlanningCom OEDA Watchdog CIP Annex PerslBoard DescribeWhy HowlBenefit None yet Associates Degree Aviation Electronics Yes Yes - --� I would like to start getting involved in the City. I have some free time. MailIBusiness NI-ailllotne - EmailAddress Yes _ - - -- Tuesday, January 24. 2006 Page 40 of 45 Results from Form I of Page talent bankapplication.1-itra Page I of 2 ... ...... .. From: anonymous@hostica.com Sent: Monday, April 14, 2003 3:26 PM To: tdrooney@cityofowasso.com; teresa@cityofowasso.com Subject: Talent Bank FirstNarne: Albro LNarne: Daniel Addressl: 305 South Main Street Address2: Owasso, OK 74055 HomePhone: 918-812-6309 WorkPhone: 918-590-2561 RegisteredVoterYes: Yes RegisteredVoterNo: ResideCityYes: Yes ResideCityNo: PresentEmployer: MCI EmployersAddress: 6929 N. Lakewood Ave., Tulsa ErnpPosition: Planning Engineer BOA: Yes PlanningCorn: Yes OEDA: Yes Watchdog: Yes CIP: Yes Annex: Yes PersBoard: Yes MailBusiness: MailHome: Yes EmailAddress: adanicl@aciwircless.com BI: Submit September 1998-Present MCI August 1997-August 1998 Administration Officer, City of Tulsa Public Works, Customer Service January 1996-June 1997 Account Executive, Homes & Land Magazine January 1990-November 1995 Child & Adolescent Therapist, Private Practice and Hospital WITTIRM IT BA Psychology, Butler University, Indianapolis, IN MS Marriage & Family Therapy, Butler University, Indianapolis, IN I want to help my community improve. 4/14/2003 Results from Form 1 of Page talent bank_application.htm Page 2 of 2 My background in mental health and business provides me with excellent listening skills and experience working within groups to reach goals and consensus among the members. This combined with my belief in individual rights and free markets will help Owasso become a city that attracts growth and opportunity. 4/14/2003 Results from Form 1 of Page talent_ bank_ application.htm. Page I of 2 From: anonymous@web7.plainhost.com Sent: Saturday, September 11, 2004 10:17 PM To: Rooney, Timothy; Willson, Teresa Subject: Talent Bank li irstName: Western LName: Doughty Addressl: 12413 E. 80th Ct. N Addressl: IlomePhone: 918-274-8237 WorkPhone: 918-274-8255 RegisteredVoterYes: Yes RegisteredVoterNo: ResideCityYes: Yes ResideCityNo: PresentEmployer: Self Employed EmployersAddress: SAB EmpPositlon: Consultant BOA: Yes PlanningCom: Yes OEDA: Yes Watchdog: CIP: Yes Annex: PersBoard: Yes EOCVohunteer: MailBusiness: 1VlailHome: Yes EmailAddress: wdoughty@swbell.nct Bl: Submit =.,r'�oM. I am a coatings consultant for Architects, Designers, Builders, Paintcrs and Homeowners. I help with proper specification and prep work to assure quality job control. I am versed in Industrial Coatings as well. I have experience in complaint handling, sales, and presentations and training. I belong to the SSPC, PDRA, and will soon be applying for admission to Home Builders Association and American Institute of Architects. High School Graduate. Currently enrolled at TCC eventually planning to transfer to OU/Tulsa and work on obtaining my degree in Human Relations. DeseribeWhy 9/12/2004 Results from Form 1 of Page talent bank application.htm Page 2 of 2 I believe it is important to serve and assist the community to foster a positive growth that will maintain the livable standards that Owasso represents. While maintaining our high standards I also believe that Owasso needs to look to the future and acknowledge the attitudes and changes made on every level that will keep businesses interested in making Owasso their home. A: I feel with my experience in the construction field (15 years of coatings experience) sales, and customer service I feel that I can offer a supportive role, have positive input and drive to work toward Owasso maintaining its magnificent standard of living. I also feel that I can not only contribute to maintaining our great town, I can also help strive for what we need to do as a community to strive toward greater possibilities in the future. 9/12/2004 Jerry Duke 12306 E 77 Pl N -- — -- HoniePhone 272-8432 WorkPhone cell - 637-1966 RegisteredVoterYe Yes _ RegisteredVoterNo 1 ResideCityYes Yes _ ResideCityNo i PresentEmployer IRetired - Claremore Public Schools EmployersAddress �— EmpPosition Administrator Prof CivicActivities Education Former Owasso Mayor and city council memberEFormer member - Owasso Board of AdjustmentL]Former member - State Superintendent of Public Education Principal's Advisory CommitteeOChaired Technology Steering Committees in Tulsa and Claremore Public schools -Chaired Bond Issue committees in Tulsa Public SchoolsDParticipated in the Claremore Citizen's Police Academy 0 Named Rogers County Law Enforcement Citizen of the Year in 2005 B.S. Elementary Education5M.Ed - Public School Administration❑ BOA IL L PlanningCom OEDA Yes Watchdog CIP Annex PersBoard Yes —_..-- ---------- -- DescribeWhy HowBenefit MailBusiness MailHonte EmailAddress have been previously active in Owasso city government and with my retirement now have time to devote o helping make Owasso the best possible place for our children and grand children to live. I enjoyed my n-evious service to the city and feel that I now have the time, knowledge and experience to serve. I have management experience as well as political experience that could benefit our city. I understand the importance of the decisions that boards and commissions have to make and I have the experience to weigh the related issues and make decisions based on the needs of the citizens and community. Yes Monday, February 13, 2006 Page 61 of 61 Results from Form 1 of Page talent bank application.htm Page 1 of 2 Rooney, Timothy From: anonymous@web7.piainhost.com Sent: Friday, January 02, 2004 11:37 AM To: tdrooney@cityofowasso.com; teresa@cityofowasso.com Subject: Talent Bank FirstName: Don LName: Eckhoff Addressl: 15330 East 89th Street North Address2: HomePhone: 918-274-1771 WorkPhone: 918-361-5057 ReglsteredVoterYes: Yes RegisteredVoterNo: ResideCityYes: Yes ResideCityNo: PresentEmployer: Brad Carson for United States Senate EmployersAddress: Post Office Box 1982, Claremore, OIL 74055 EmpPositlon: Oklahoma Fundraiser, Carson for Senate BOA: PlanniingCom: Yes OEDA: Watchdog: CIP: Annex: PersPoard: MailBusiness: MailHome: Yes EmailAddress: doneckhoff@cox.net B1: Submit ��s _ OKLAHOMA FUNDRAISER November 2003 - Present Brad Carson for United States Senate Claremore, Oklahoma Responsible for raising three million dollars from within the state of Oklahoma for an open United States Senate position. Develop contacts with key donors from. across the state. Organize and implement all fundraising events. Advise the candidate on all fundraising aspects of the campaign. Serve as a key advisor to the campaign on all matters. FIELD REPRESENTATIVE February 2001- November 2003 United States Congressman Brad Carson Claremore, Oklahoma Actively serve as local liaison for eight of the twenty-five counties the Congressman represents. Maintain quality outreach with local elected officials and oversee all United States Army Corps of Engineers happenings in the district. Serve as congressional liaison with the United States Postal Service and help direct all transportation and environmental issues as they come up through the entire District. Dinya 1/5/2004 Results from Form 1 of Page talent banlc_application.htm Page 2 of 2 MASTERS in PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Anticipated Completion May 2006 University of Oklahoma • Tulsa, Oklahoma BACHELOR OF ARTS, POLITCAL SCIENCE EMPHASIS March 1997 The Evergreen State College • Olympia, Washington Descr ibeWhy I would like to serve on this position because I want to become more involved in my community. My wife and I could have lived anywhere in Northeast Oklahoma and we chose Owasso. Owasso has wonderful schools and is a growing community that is doing all it can to improve its infrastructure. I want to assist in any way I can to make sure that our community continues to prosper. All of my vast experience has been that of public service. I could be employed by any number of employers, yet I choose to be a public servant. I want to do what I can to assist my community. In the Cherokee language, Owasso is the end of the trail, but this community, has a much further path to be traveled. 1/5/2004 Rikki ; Fieldsted 10300 N. 115th E. Ave Owasso, OK 74055 — HomePhone 918-272-8538 - WorkPhone 918-645-0321 RegisteredVoterYe Yes Registered VoterNo ResideCityYes Yes _ ResideCityNo PresentEmployer St. Johns Hospital EmployersAddress 1725 E. 19th St, Tulsa, OK 74136 EmpPosition Practice Manager —� ProfCivicActivities Education BOA PlanningCom OEDA Watchdog CIP Annex PersBoard DescribeWhy IIowBenefit MailBusiness 1VIailHome EmailAddress i I would like the ability to serve others in our community in a time of crisis. I am a hard worker and a caring person. -- I Tuesday, January 24, 2006 Page 31 of 45 �Angena folks 10702 E. 119TH ST NO --� HomePhone 16910592 WorkPhone 15969246 Regis teredVoterYe Yes RegisteredVoterNo 1 ResideCityYes Yes ResideCityNo PresentEmployer City of Tulsa 2317 S. EmployersAddress Jackson, 3235, Tulsa, OK 74021 EmpPosition Contracts Coordinator Prof CivicActivities Education BOA PlanningCom OEDA Watchdog CH' Annex PersBoard DescribeWhy HowBenefit MailBusiness MailHome EmailAddress 22 1/2 years in the United States Navy.1.jSPCA Volunteer. DVarious house building/improving groups. B.S. in Psychology - University of MarylandLIM.S. in Human Resource and Development - Chapman UniversityFA.D. in Health Law - University of Tulsa Yes Yes Yes — --� iI served my country for 22 1/2 years in the United States Navy. I would like to serve my community now that I am permanently located in Owasso. I am interested in making Owasso the finest and safest community possible. I currently work for the City of Tulsa in Real Estate Acquisition so I am familiar with city government. I also have a law degree from TU, so understand about zoning, utility boards, etc. Yes -- - -- Tuesday, January 24, 2006 Page 41 of 45 12315 e. 86th St. North HomePhone 1918-855-3988 Golden WorkPhone 1918-274-4300 RegisteredVoterYe Yes RegisteredVoterNo ResideCityYes ResideCityNo No PresentEmployer McGraw Davisson Stewart Realtors EmployersAddress 12315 E. 86th St. North EmpPosition jOffice Manager Prof CivicActivities Education BOA PlamungCom OEDA Watchdog CH' Annex PersBoard DescribeWhy HowBenefit MailBusiness MailHome EmailAddress r logical Sciences lAviation Management Yes - — - Yes (Owasso is just getting started on it's growth. I enjoy planning for growth and then watching it happen. 9 years of experience in the real estate field. I will look ot for what is best for the citizens of Owasso. Yes Tuesday, January 31, 2006 Page 48 of 52 everly 114 North t53 East Avenue IIomePhone 1918-272-2157 Griffin Owasso, OK 74055 WorkPlhone 9t8-828-5405 RegisteredVoterYe Yes _ RegisteredVoterNo ResideCityYes ResideCityNo No PresentEmployer Tulsa Technology Center EmployersAddress p O Box 477200 EmpPosition r ProfCivicActivities Education BOA PlanningCom OEDA Watchdog CIP Annex PersBoard DescribeWhy IIowBenefit MailBusiness MailHome EmailAddress Tuesday, January 3 t, 2006 Page 49 of 52 Kevin I Hanover 2700 E. 88th Ct. N. I Owasso. OK 74055 FlomePhone 1274-9122 WorkPlione 1878-3359 RegisteredVoterYe Yes _ RegisteredVoterNo ResideCityYes F ResideCityNo PresentEmployer Rooney Insurance Agency, Inc. EmployersAddress 5601 S. 122nd E. Ave. EmpPosition Prof CivicActivities Education BOA PlanningCom OEDA Watchdog CH" Annex PersBoard DescribeWhy IlowBenerit MailBusiness Mailllome EmailAddress Tuesday, January 24, 2006 Page 44 of 45 13601 E. 96th Street N. FlomePhone 1918-274-1510 Haskins Owasso, OK 74055 WorkPhone 1918-437-0282 Regis teredVoterYe Yes RegisteredVoterNo ResideCityYes ResideCityNo No —� PresentEmployer iGuy Engineering Services, Inc. EmployersAddress 110759 East Admiral Place, Tulsa EmpPosition Project Manager - Civil Engineer Prof CivicActivities Education BOA PlamungCoin OEDA Watchdog CIP Annex PersBoard I3escribeWhy HowBenefit MailBusiness MailHome Member (Treasurer) of the Regional Board of Governors (NM, TX, OK) - American Society of Civil Engineers, 1st year of a 3 year term. q ❑Member First Baptist Church, Owasso. Adult Sunday School Teacher❑ BS Civil Engineering, Oklahoma State University, 19820MS Civil Engineering, Oklahoma State Univeristy, 19840 Yes - - —� Yes ----- CIP Committee - Have an integral knowledge of the public works needs. Understand the background associated with Capital Improvements projects.iT!!Annexation Committee - Have been recently exposed Ito a couple of annexation issues, from two different directions. Believe it to be a major development for not only the City of Owasso, but all other municipalities My experience, judgement and knowledge of the i irelated matters involving both opportunities can help educate and inform the public with positive and fair facts concerning either issue. On the CIP conmrittee, I would bring a working knowledge of infrastructure needs for the Community.'!On the annexation committee, white not as experienced, have been exposed to both sides of the issue and can fairly evaluate situations on a case by case basis.[ Ii ----------- Tuesday, January 31, 2006 Page 53 of 54 Susan Henderson -------------- 14434 E. 59 No. Owasso, OK 74055 HomePhone 1918/272-2400 WorkPhone Icell740-2164 RegisteredVoterYe Yes RegisteredVoterNo ResideCityYes I ResideCityNo No PresentEmployer Retired EmployersAddress Tulsa Public Schools EmpPosition High School Principal ProfCivicActivities Education BOA PlanningCoin OEDA Watchdog UP Annex PersBoard DescribeWhy HowBenefit I@n ailB usiness Mailllome EinailAddress active member Assistance League of TulsaDTina Henderson Foundation Board (gives scholarships at )wasso HS)DQuesters (restoration and historic preservation) ❑Member of Church of the Holy Cross 3piscopalEl Volunteer for MADD 3A University of Tulsa: major in Political ScienceOBS University of Tulsa: major in Education[IMA Jniversity of Tulsa: major in Counseling Yes -- Yes Yes Yes -- — ----- ---- I have extensive management experience, including personnel, budgets, strategic planning, etc. I am now retired, but am 58 years old. I have the time and the experience to donate. I Yes Tuesday, January 24, 2006 Page 24 of 45 19915 N 114th E Ave HomePhone 918-688-3910 WorkPhone 918-573-1407 RegisteredVoterYe RegisteredVoterNo L ResideCityYes Yes ResideCityNo PresentEmployer Williams EmployersAddress One Williams Center, Tulsa, OK 74101 EtnpPosition Supevisor of Safety and Training ProfCivicActivities Education BOA PlanningCom OEDA Watchdog CH' Annex PersBoard DescribeWhy HowBenefit NlailBusiness Veterans of Foreign Wars BS Industrial Business Management, Oklahoma Panhandle State UniversityD24hr Hazardous Waste Operations Emergency Response (Hazwoper)Technician Level trainingCQualified Individual training per i Yes Personnel Board - I have broad experience in candidate selection and interviewing I have been successful in hiring the right candidates in private industry and would like to offer my services to Owasso, DEmergency Preparedness - For the past 8 years, I have been involved in several different aspects of emergency preparedness and response. I'd like to offer my experience and expertise to Owasso. Personnel Board - We can hire the best candidates, promote the best performers and get Owasso the public employees it needs.013mergency Preparedness - My experiences with emergency preparedness and emergency response could be very beneficial to the public. I have served as Incident Commander in several mock drills in Alabama and Louisiana that involved multiple agencies. The largest drill in which I was IC involved 3 Fire Departments, Mobile County(AL) EMA, Sheriffs Dept, Life Flight and AL Dept of Forestry. I have also served as Incident Tuesday, January 24, 2006 Page 25 of 45 Commander and Qualified Individual during drills and incidents involving oil spills in the Gulf of Mexico. As the Supervisor of Operations and Maintenance of a large natural gas processing facility, two Natural Gas Liquids pipelines and three offshore natural gas pipelines I have gathered a broad range of experiences dealing with various emergency situations ranging from vandalism to Hurricane Ivan. My desire is to help our community with emergency preparedness as ii MailHome EmailAddress Yes 1 Tuesday, January 24, 2006 Page 26 of 45 12405 E 90 St N HomePhone 1918-272-9955 Hilberling WorkPhone 1918-294-4650 Regis teredVoterYe Yes RegisteredVoterNo ResideCityYes Yes ResideCityNo PresentEmployer SouthCrest Hospital _I EmployersAddress 8801 S 101st Ave East, Tulsa, OK 74033 EmpPosition Clinical Leader Prof CivicActivities Education BOA PlanningCoin OEDA Watchdog CIP Annex PersBoard DescribeWhy HowBenefit MMilBusiness Registered Nurse, previousoly volunteered in Tulsa as Case Manager for Healthy Start, Red Cross Instructor, hospice volunteer. Degree in Nursing, additional college credit hours earned in social sciences, psychology. Completed college courses to obtain alcohol and drug counselor certification. I currently possess American Heart I I Yes r enjoy worxmg witn people to improve our community. The recent diasters in Lousiana and Texas have made me aware of the importance of being prepared for any medical emergency. 1101 believe the annexantion of our city deserve serious thought and planning for future quality of life issues. I would be honored to be a member of any board or commission to help maintain and achieve improvements to Owasso, Oklahoma. I have experience working with committees and boards from working in hospitals and hospice. I currently work in a high stress area on the cardiac care unit at SouthCrest Hospital. I am the designated liasion between physicans, hospital staff, patients and their families. I am cross trained to work in the emergency department and have extensive experience in crisis management. I would utilize these experiences and skills in my local community for the betterment of my children and future grandchildren. Tuesday, January 24, 2006 Page 36 of 45 MailIIome EmailAddress Yes Tuesday, January 24, 2006 Page 37 of 45 Jun_- lHunter 12412 E. 80th Court North IloniePhone 272-1511 WorkPhone Regis teredVoterYe Yes l RegisteredVoterNo ResideCityYes (Yes ResideCityNo PresentEmployer City of Tulsa Police Department —� EmployersAddress 600 Civic Center, Tulsa, OK 74103 EmpPosition Captain ProfCivicActivities Education BOA PlanningCom OEDA Watchdog CIP Annex PersBoard DescribeWhy HowBenefit MailBusiness FBINAA Oklahoma ChapterOFOP Lodge 93 Masters Degree in Public Administration - University of OklahomaDBachlors of Arts, Social Studies - Montclair State CollegeOFBI National Academy, 211 Session - Quantico, Virginia My wife and I have had the pleasure of living in Owasso since 1982. We have made many friends and acquaintances over that period of time. Because of these ties to the community, I have developed a vested interest in the well being of this city. I would consider serving on a board or commission as an opportunity to contribute what I can to ensure that the quality of life that my wife and I have enjoyed residing in Owasso continues. I have been employed in municipal government for 33 years. I am currently a Captain with the Tulsa Police Dept and have held various supervisory positions within the TPD. I believe this experience has provided insight into how different city departments function within the framework of municipal government. Much of the curriculum for my MPA from OU focused on the interaction of politics and the administration of government mat are a unique aspect of the public sector. I feel that experience provides the foundation to make sound decisions that benefit the citizens of Friday, May 05, 2006 Page 65 of 72 (Owasso. --� MailHome EmailAddress Pes jkhunterS@sbcglobal.net Friday, May 05, 2006 Page 66 of 72 DARRIN jOHNSON 10301 N. 143RD E. AVE HomePhone 918 274.8830 WorkPlione 918.633.4483 RegisteredVoterYe Yes Regis teredVoterNo I ResideCityYes Yes ResideCityNo PresentEmployer STAY AT HOME PARENT EmployersAddress ( ON NE EmpPosition NONE ProfCivicActivities Education BOA PlanningCom OEDA Watchdog CIP Annex PersBoard DescribeWhy HowBenefit MailBusiness MailHome EmailAddress I HAVE BEEN INVOLVED WITH PLANNING AND BUILDING A "SATURN" PARK IN ILLINOIS. LAST YEAR I WAS ON THE SAFETY COUNCIL FOR NORTHEAST ELEMENTARY. CURRENTLY WRITING A BOOK ON CUSTOMER SERVICE. I HAVE SPENT THE LAST 20 YEARS AS A CUSTOMER SERVICE MANAGER, MAINLY FOCUSING ON THE FIELD OF AUTOMOTIVE. MY SPECIALITY IS COST CUTTING AND ATION Yes I -___ -- - AS A STAY A HOME FATHER I WOULD LIKE TO BECOME MORE INVOLVED IN MY COMMUNITY AND HAVE A DIRECT CONNECTION WITH THE DECISIONS MADE THAT WILL IMPACT MY FAMILY AND THOSE OF MY NEIGHBORS. AS AN EXPERT IN CUSTOMER SERVICE I AM ADEPT' AT EMPATHIZING WITH OTHERS, I WOULD USE THIS INDECISION MAKING TO BE j SURE I THOUGHT OUT ALL ASPECTS OF THE IMPACT A NEW PLAN WOULD CAUSE, Yes Monday, March 13, 2006 Page 62 of 69 Paula Kephart 17715 E 95th St N IlomePhone 918-282-7563 WorkPhone 918-596-7604 RegisteredVoterYe Yes RegisteredVoterNo � — ResideCityYes g ResideCityNo No PresentEmployer City of Tulsa EmployersA.ddress I I I S Greenwood, #200 Tulsa, OK 74120 EmpPosition Office Administrator ProfCivicActivities Oklahoma Aging Advocacy Leadership Academy Graduate; Certified Summit Advisor; Certified SHICP Counselor; Ombudsman Volunteer; Hospice Volunteer & Companion; and Tulsa Citizen's Corp Volunteer. ❑ Education BOA Plamm�gCom OEDA Watchdog CIP Annex PersBoard DescribeWhy IlowBenefit MailRusiness Mailllome EmailAddress Primary area of study is Business Administration: Psychology; Philosophy; Counsefinb, Elder Law; Grant Writing; Records Management; Office Communication Skills; Computer Concepts; MS Office; N.E.T. Yes - —.� �ON I have an eagerness to share in my community by being a volunteer. I have been volunteering for approximately eight years primarily assisting senior citizens in areas of insurance counceling, Medicare Fraud, helping sneiors apply online for Medicare Part D, etc. Other areas include the Mayor's Citizen MCorp and the TPD Citizens Police Academy. Some of the skills I would like to share are as follows: Manage & Delegate Responsibly, Plan & Forecast, Design & Develop Programs, Establish Procedures, Implement Policies, Direct & Supervise, Review & Evaluate Staff, Develop Potential, Team Building Communicate Directives, and Chair Meetings.! 1 Yes Tuesday, January 31, 2006 Page 47 of 52 t ammy 10305 N 142nd E Ct. IIomePhone 1376-1982 Laakso WorkPhone 1272-2231 RegisteredVoterYe Yes RegisteredVoterNo ResideCityYes Yes ResideCityNo No PresentEmployer Owasso Public Schools EmployersAddress 11501 N Ash Owasso, Ok 74055 —� EmpPosition Transportation Secretary PrOfCivicActivitieS I am CERT certified by the county of Tulsa, I also have volunteered for the Owasso Community Resources by way of Delivering Thanksgiving meals and Project Angel Tree, delivering gifts to shut ins and senior citizens. Education BOA PlanningCom OEDA Watchdog UP Annex Perskioard DescribeWhy IIowBenefit MailBusiness Mailliome ErnailAddress High school and some college Yes Yes C Yes -_ Yes I have been an Owasso resident for over two years. I have found this city to have the small town feel with the potential of big city growth. I know that being a part of the planning and development of this city is a way that I can contribute. I have organizational skills that will help with planning. I can obtain the views if many of Owasso's residents to help the city with the many changes that are to come in the future. I also can be a voice for the city in giving many residents the information that the city deligates for me to pass along. I� - Yes -- — -- — Tuesday, January 24, 2006 Page 39 of 45 Kevin Lane 504 E. 3rd Street i ——------- flomePhone 918-274-0271 _ WorkPhone 918-584-337� RegisteredVoterYe Yes RegisteredVoterNo� ResideCityYes Yes ResideCityNo PresentEmployer Southern Sheet Metal Works Inc. EmployersAddress 1225 E. Second Tulsa, OK 74120 EmpPosition Drafting/Foreman Prof CivicActivities Education BOA PlanningCom OEDA Watchdog CIP Annex PersBoard DescribeWhy HowBenefit 1VIailPusiness Mailllotne EmailAddress I am a part time instructor for our apprenticeship training school thru Tulsa Vo-Tach. I have worked with the youth department at several churches. My whole family is involved with the Tulsa Herpetology Club. I am currently a Trustee member of my local union. Oologah HSOSome college(Rogers State, TCC)OLocal 270 Apprenticeship School Yes —� Yes i Yes ------------ — — Yes Yes Yes I have two young childern (5.5yr old and 5tno old). I have lived in Owasso for around 14 years now. I believe in the future of Owasso and would like to see it a fit city for my growong children. Every year we have a block party on our street. I also, have family located throughout to city. With the conversation I have with family and friends, I feel that I have a basic understanding of what people would like to see change and stay the same. 1I feel my benifit would be in the voice of the people. I have some management background in work and Church. Having served on Trustees groups at church and work, I have an understanding of how propasals are evaluated and decisions made. ------------- Yes --- — - i Tuesday, January 24, 2006 Page 43 of 45 Results from Form 1 of Page talent bank_application.htm Page 1 of 2 From: anonymous@web7.plainhost.com Seat: Friday, November 07, 2003 2:49 PM To: tdrooney@cityofowasso.com; teresa@cityofowasso.com Subject: Talent Bank EirstName: John LNarne: Marshall Addressl: 8804 E. 104th Pl. North Addressl: Owasso, Okla 74055 IlornePhone: 918 272-0841 VVorkPhone: 918 640-3905 RegisteredVoterYes: Yes RegisteredVoterNo: ResideCityYes: ResideCityNo: No PresentEmployer: Bluestein Resources Group, Inc. EmployersAddress: 1427 East 41st Street Tulsa, Okla 74105 ErnpPosition: Business Appraiser/Broker BOA: PlanningCom: Yes OEDA: Yes Watchdog: CIP: Annex: PersBoard: MailBusiness: MailHorne: Yes ErnailAddress: jmarshall@bluestemresources.com B1: Submit Institute of Business Appraisers, Natural Gas & Energy Association of Oklahoma B.S.-Business - Oklahoma State University Many continuing education courses in economics, computer applications, real estate and business appraisal Need to put something back into the community - we have raised our children here and watched it grow over the past 15 years 11/10/2003 Results from Form I of Page talent_bank_application.htm Page 2 of 2 HowBeneiit Believe I could help contribute balanced judgment and input into planning for future development of Owasso I I/t0/2003 Results from Form 1 of Page talent_ bank_ application.htm Page 1 of 2 From: anonymous@web7.plainhost.com Sent: Monday, July 19, 2004 2:54 PM To: Rooney, Timothy; Willson, Teresa Subject: Talent Bank I+irstName: Bonnie LName: McCulley Addressl: 10002 E 98th St. N Address2: Owasso OK, 74055 IlomePhone: 918-274-3 851 WorkPhone: 918-590-5640 RegisteredVoterYes: Yes RegisteredVoterNo: ResideCityYes: Yes I2esideCityNo: PresentEmployer: MCI EmployersAddress: 6929 N Lakewood Ave. Tulsa OK, 74117 EmpPosition: Billing Auditor BOA: PlanningCom: Yes OEDA: Yes Watchdog: CIP: Yes Annex: PersBoard: MailBusiness: MailHome: Yes EmailAddress: bonnie.parsons@mci.com Bl: Submit I was the membership coordinator and VP of the campus activities board at Austin College, member & Treasure of the Jr Women°s Association, and have help coordinate many activitics and group functions for work. 7't �= I am willing to serve on any board/committee. I have worked at MCI for the past 5 years and been witness to Owasso's growth. Because we were so impressed by the Owasso community, this past spring my husband and I decided to buy our new house here in Owasso. I would really like to make myself available to serve this community. I would like to see Owasso continue to grow and experience new economic development without loosing sight of the small town friendliness the city now has. 7/20/2004 Results from Forni I of Page talent bank application.htm Page 2 of 2 I ate a motivated hard worker. I have had plenty of experience planning events and working on various committees. I have tremendous pride in Owasso and I would like to be a part of this city's future. 7/20/2004 Results from Form 1 of Page talent bank application.htm Page 1 of 2 From: anonymous@web7.plainhost.com Sent: Monday, November 03, 2003 4:18 PM To: tdrooney@cityofowasso.com; teresa@cityofowasso.com Subject: Talent Bank FirstName: Rob LName: Melone Address1: 8012 N 118th E Ave Address2: Owasso, OK 74055 IlomePhone: 918.272.2916 WorkPhone: 918.272.7757 RegisteredVotei-Yes: Yes RegisteredVoterNo: ResideCityYes: Yes ResideCityNo: PreseutEmployer: NTN Bearing Corp. of America EmployersAddress: 1600 E. Bishop Ct. Mt. Prospect, IL 60056 EmpPosition: Sales Representative BOA: PlanningCom: Yes OEDA: Watchdog: CIP: Annex: PersPoard: MailPusiness: MailHome: Yes EmailAddress: Rob_Melon@homail.com El: Submit R' I Education Owasso High School - Gradusted 1974 Top 20% class. Tulsa Comm. College - attended 1974-1977 Okla Stae University m attended 1977-1978 Business Major t I would like serve my community where I haved lived mostly since 1956, when I was born. I feel that I have the competency to serve on this board. I ask questions to make sure I have both sides of 11 /4/2003 Results from Form 1 of Page talent_bank_application.htm Page 2 of 2 issues. I try to be open minded about the challenges of serving on this board. I have worked with Rodney Ray on various issues concerning the Sports Park. He can verify that I would be an asset to the board. I have always tried to keep up with what is going on in Owasso and would like to see it grow in a controlled manner. 11/4/2003 Randy 9007 N. 156th E. Pl. HomePhone 1918-274-3613 Merciez Owasso, Ok 74055 WorkPhone 1918-376-2424 RegisteredVoterYe Yes RegisteredVoterNo ResideCityYes Yes ResideCityNo PresentEmployer Self (Country Home Real Estate) EmployersAddress 113720 E. 86th St. N. , Suite 180 EmpPosition Broker, Owner ProfCivicActivities Education BOA PlanningCom OEDA Watchdog CIP Annex PersBoard DescribeWhy HowBenefit lone at this point. My family just relocated back to Oklahoma after a 15 year stink on the East Coast. BS in Accounting & Management from OSUECPM Des ignation(Certified Property Manager Designation through Institute of Real Esate Management)JRPA Designation(Real Property Administrator Designation through Rnilrling Ownerc and iv—upmant Tnct;r„tPl Yes Yes Ye� --- Yes i Being a part of the community is important and I believe that decisions made at these levels can have a major impact on the citizens of a community. I would like to have the opportunity to be a part of a very progressive City Counsel in a very progressive community such as Owasso. YlailBusiness 'I believe that I have a tremendous background in a very diverisifed way in multiple areas to include both residential and commercial real estate not to mention strong accounting and people skills. MailHome EmailAddress Yes randymer@gmail.com Friday, May 05, 2006 Page 67 of 72 "` AIVlLI A V1111 A "' 1 Ub' LUdAJ11L_VUAdAw_U�l�JddasU Ll V11.lALdAd 1 -6W A VA - From: anonymous@hostica.com Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2003 4:55 PM To: tdrooney@cityofowasso.com; teresa@cityofowasso.com Subject: Talent Bank Fir'stName: Erik LName: Miller Addr°essl: 7713 N. 126th Ave E. Addr•ess2: HomePhone: 918-272-0964 Wor°kPhone: 918-292-3245 I2egister°edVoter Yes: Yes Reglster°edVoter°No: Res;ideCityYes: Yes I2esideCityNo: Pr~esentEployer°: American Airlines EmployersAddr•ess: Tulsa EmpPosition: Engineering Manager BOA: PlanniingCom: Yes ®EDA: Yes Watchdog: CIP: Yes Annex: Per~sBoard: MailBusiness: MailIlome: Yes EmailAddr°ess: ErikM@ieee.org B1: Submit tl. b.' i , Education ES University of Wisconsin 1982 Other college classes, Business Law Labor Law economics I want to do what I can to ensure that Owasso develops physically and economically, and at the same time places a higher value on the livability of the city than trends seem to indicate it does. At the same time I want to do what I can to ensure the metries used to gauge "livability" are in line with some of the broadly accepted definitions of livability. What makes a city a "best place to live?" r 4/9/2003 b\I;JUI J 11V111 l.'V1111 d V1 1 aVI, LCLI. ,IIL_UUAdAi_U�J�IdA�.d�CLLAV1d. LdlLA1 I bring to the boards/committees an emphasis on the citizen's perspective, a family perspective, and also what I consider to be a very reasonable, rational thought process, a good analytical ability and good business sense. And a sense of humor. I hear often that the city is governed by "old city fathers." I don't subscribe to this opinion, and by participating in the city governance process, I can demonstrate it is not true. 4/9/2003 Alex Mills 10202 E. 95th Circle N. Owasso, OK 74055 HomePhone 918-376-9560 WorkPhone 918-260-9845 RegisteredVoterYe Yes ( RegisteredVoterNo ResideCit Yes y Yes � ResideCityNo F— - PresentEmployer McLeodUSA -� EmployersAddress IS E. 5th Street, Suite 1500, Tulsa, OK 74103 EmpPosition Manager, Engineering & Construction Prof CivicActivities Education IBA PlanningCom OEDA Watchdog CIP Annex PersBoard DescribeWhy FIowBenefit MailB usiness mailIIome ErnailAddress President, Fairways at Bailey Ranch Property Owners Association 2002-2005i l— Bachelor of Sciencegin , Civil EneenngrJMaster of Science, Civil Engee inringC7Nlaster, Business Administration (underway) Yes Yes Yes �I would be a good fit for those organizations due to my past experience in civil engineering and public enjoy being involved in the community and feel T have experience and good judgement to offer to the community in which I live. Yes Monday, February 13, 2006 Page 55 of 61 Results from Form 1 of Page talent bank_ application.litm Page I of 2 M Y . = From: anonymous@ww27.hostica.com Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 7:21 AM To: tdrooney@cityofowasso.com; teresa@cityofowasso.com Subject: Talent Bank I+irstNarne: Guy LName: Nightingale Addressl : 9902 East 93rd Court Nth. Address2: IlomePhone: 573-2266 WorkPhone: 272-6884 RegisteredVoterYes: Yes egisteredVoterNo: ResideCityYes: Yes ResideCityNo: PresentEmployer: Williams Companies EmployersAddress: P.O. Box 2400, MD-39-2 EmpPosition: Internal Auditor BOA: PlanningCom: OEDA: Watchdog: Yes CIP: Annex: PersBoard: MailBusiness: MailHome: Yes EmailAddress: guy.nightingale@williams.com BI: Submit International Association of Auditors Board of Directors - Neighbors Along the Line - Sand Springs, Oklahoma Bachelors of Science - University of Wyoming I believe in community service and would like to devote my volunteer time back in my home community. 9/24/2003 Results from Form l of Page talent bank application.htm HowBenefit Page 2 of 2 I believe in acountability to the people of Owasso. My background, over 23 years in the Corporate business has allowed me to work on numerous projects that I personally feel can add value to the "watchdog" committee as we proceed to build and grow Owasso. 9/24/2003 Dennis I 10'I-learn 12314 E 89th ST N HomePhone 1918-398-9416 WorkPhone 1918-547-4870 RegisteredVoterYe Yes RegisteredVoterNo ResideCityYes ffYcs ResideCityNo PresentEmployer WilTelCommunications EtnployersAddress One Technology Center _- EmpPosition Supervisor, IT ProfCivicActivities Education BOA PlanningCom OEDA Watchdog CIP Annex PersBoard DescribeWhy IIowBenefit idlailBusiness MaillIorne EmailAddress Master of Science in Management, Southern Nazarene University, January 2005. Yes Yes ---- ---� Yes - _ -- Having lived in Owasso for three years I have enjoyed the community and its resources. It is now time for me to give back to the community. With a 20 year background in the Information iTechnology industry as well as studies in management I bring valuable experience and skills that can useful in j a broad area of services. ---------- -- Ycs -- — Tuesday, January 24, 2006 Page 34 of 45 Dawn 110607 E 113 ST N I IIomePhone 1918-371-5826 Parsley Owasso, OK WorkPhone 1918-573-8553 RegisteredVoterYe Yes RegisteredVoterNo L ResideCityYes Yes ResideCityNo PresentEmployer Williams Power Company EmployersAddress One Williams Center, Tulsa, Oklahoma EmpPosition Research Coordniator Prof CivicActivities Education BOA PlanningCom OEDA Watchdog CIP Annex PersBoard DescribeWhy IIowBenefit I am not a member of any professional organization. ❑I have been a United Way Coordinator for the Williams Companies in the past representing my business unit by assisting the Williams United Way ,eprepresentative and other United Way Coordinators, prepare for events. DI have also assited my business rnit in preparing customer events such as dediction ceremonies, celebrations, etc. ❑I have also served as a door Warden for the past 4 years and help direct employees to the proper locations during an emergency ;vent such as a storm, fire, etc. Graduated Owasso High School 199200raduated AIU with Associates in Business AdministrationOAttended TCC from 1992 - 2001 ❑Attending Champlain College (online), Burlington, Vc,r—n ... ; R, nv.. l—I nr.,.t.,., «:.... A,. «..-4FA,i....'l 1. --l- - n__—t___ Yes Yes [Yes Yes I Yes l Yes — I would like to assist on any of the boards selected above so that I may become more active in my -ommunity. I know that I have little to no experience but would very much like to assist. MailBusiness I would be a benefit in that I bring a fresh mind and ,new insight to the current proceedings. Maillfome ----- - ----- - EmailAddress Yes dawn.parsley@williams.com Friday, May 05, 2006 Page 70 of 72 John lPhillips 5865 E 480 RD Claremore HomePhone 341-8903 WorkPhone 832-3277 RegisteredVoterYe Ces RegisteredVoterNo ResideCityYes ResideCityNo No — PresentEmployer Spirit AeroStnrctures EmployersAddress 3330 N. Mingo RD EmpPosition Quality System Specialist Prof CivicActivities Education Ten years service as elected official. CFormer City Council Member / Mayor of Owasso and Collinsville Collinsville High Graduate BOA (Yes PlanningCom Yes OEDA Watchdog CAD Annex Yes PersBoard DescribeWhy HowBenefit MailBusiness Mailllome EmailAddress �ttnougn i ao not uve wrmm me city unuts, i oo uve wrtnm the rencenne ana simply feet it is ones esponsibility to participate in society to the extent that it is appropriate. My previous experience with the city should prove beneficial to the operation of any of the listed boards or committees. I would decline an invitation to serve on the Personnel Board. I have no personal vendettas or special interests, simply a desire to serve my cotmnunity. F_._—. i Yes Tuesday, January 24, 2006 Page 46 of 46 NOTE: The information on this form supplied by you as an applicant is available to the public and to the media. PLEASE DESCRIBE WHY YOU WOULD LIKE TO SERVE ON THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, ETC: . n I . 11 . I � I - : I V / A \A i )I IN WHAT WAY DO YOU FEEL YOU WILL BE OF BENEFIT TO THE PUBLIC BY SERVING ON THIS BOARD, COMMISSION, ETC? IF APPOINTED, DO YOU WISH YOUR MAIL TO BE SENT TO: Business Home ALL boards and commissions are subject to disclosure of conflicts of interest. The City Clerk's Office can supply you with complete information on the above requirements and of the duties of the boards and commissions. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS TRUE AND ACCURATEME ESTMYKNOWLEDGE. ApAmnt's Signature) PLEASE RETURN TO: City Clerk's Office P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 Results froze Forin 1 of Page talent_ bank_ application.htm Page I of 2 From: anonymous@web7.plainhost.com Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 9:07 AM To: Rooney, Timothy; Willson, Teresa Subject: Talent Bank FirstName: Pamela LName: Poston Addressl: 9921 N. 119th E. Ave. Address2: IlomePhone: 918-272-2201 WorkPhone: 918-590-4377 RegisteredVoterYes: Yes RegisteredVoterNo: ResideCityYes: Yes ResideCityNo: PresentEmployer: MCI EmployersAddress: 6929 N. Lakewood EpPosition: Sr. Contract Analyst BOA: PlanningCom: Yes ®EDA: Watchdog: CIP: Annex: PersBoard: E®CVolunteer: MailBusiness: Mailllome: Yes EmailAddress: pam.poston@cox.net BI: Submit Prof0vicActivlties Currently serve as an Ambassador for the Owasso Chamber of Commerce MUTIM-011 11 1 ES in Marketing from NSU. I would like to become active in the decisions that affect the community I live in. 8/20/2004 Results from Form 1 of Page talent_bank_app1ication. htm Page 2 of 2 The decisions made affect my friends and family 8/20/2004 Results from Form I of Page talent_ bank_applieation.htm Page I of 2 From: anonymous@hostica.com Sent: Monday, September 15, 2003 1:11 PM To: tdrooney@cityofowasso.com; teresa@cityofowasso.com Subject: Talent Bank F'irstNa e: Kim LName: Reeve Addressl: 12503 E. 77th Pl. North Addressl: IlomePhone: 918-272-7217 WorkPhone: 918-835-9588 RegisteredVoterYes: Yes Regis teredVoterNo: ResideCityYes: Yes ResideCityNo: PresentEmployer: BKL, Inc. EmployersAddress: 6311 E. Tecumseh, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74115 EmpPosition: President BOA: Yes PlanningCom: Yes OEDA: Watchdog: CIP: Yes Annex: PersBoard: MailBusiness: AlailHome: Yes EmailAddress: reeve@bkline.com B1: Submit American Institute of Architects Construction Specifications Institute (Past Chapter president) Air Force Academy Parents Organization Bachelor of Architecture,University of Arkansas, 1976 My background is in Architecture and Construction with an exposure to civil and structural engineering. I have spent over 30 years in the study and practice of Construction. I have a working knowledge of building codes, zoning codes and the decision malting process. 9/15/2003 Results from Forth 1 of Page talent bank_application.htm Page 2 of 2 I have lived in Owasso since 1987. I have spent most of my time in recent years solidifying our company position as a leader in the regional Architecture/Engineering community. My wife and I have raised three children in this community and have established our church family and friends here. I would like to give something back to the community that has been so good to my family. I believe that my years of experience will be of value to the process of City Government. 9/15/2003 806 n 152nd e ave HomePhone 918-274-9484 _ _ WorkPhone 918-371-4504 RegisteredVoterYe Yes _ RegisteredVoterNo ResideCityYes 1 ResideCityNo No PresentEmployer IFIRST BANK OF OWASSO EmployersAddress 102 W 2ND E AVE EmpPosition TELLE VNEW ACCOUNTS ProfCivicActivities Education BOA PlanningCom OEDA Watchdog CIP Annex PersBoard HescribeWhy HowBenefit am very personable. My energy level exceeds the life span of the energizer bunny .... just ask anybody hat would know me. ❑I enjoy helping at any task at hand. ❑AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY '-OMMITTEE MEMBER OWASSO 2004-2005 ❑REFERENCE: SUSAN KIMBELL IIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE MARIE'I7FA OKLA 1984CSOME COLLEGE SOUTHEASTERN )TATE UNIVERSITY FARMERS BRANCH JUNIOR COLLEGE FARMERS BRANCH FE SCACf FART Y C HTT DHnQD DFVFT OPMFNT Yes —_--- I LIKE TO HELP. ENJOY MULTITASKINGVERY MUCH. MailBusiness Resident of Owasso 4 years. Parent of 2 teenage boy, that attend Owasso schools C I like Owisso MailFlonie EmailAddress !Yes Tuesday, January 24, 2006 Page 35 of 45 Bryan lStovall 9801E 108th Ct. N. Owasso OK 74055 HomePhone 1918-272-0467 WorkPhone 1918-706-0238 RegisteredVoterYe Yes RegisteredVoterNo ResideCityYes Yes ResideCityNo L PresentEmployer Lawrence & Associates Realty EmployersAddress IP.O. Box 1, Owasso OK 74055 EmpPosition Sales Associate Prof CivicActivities Education BOA PlanningCom OEDA Watchdog CIP Annex PersBoard DescribeWhy HowBenefit MailBusiness MailHome EmailAddress Owasso High School �yYes --- - LeS - —� Yes Yes Yes I would like to become more involved in my community. I would love the opportunity to help improve Owasso and make it the best city in Oklahoma. I would love the chance to share my ideas about the city. I've grown up in Owasso and lived here for over 25 ,years. I feel that knowing Owasso for this long and seeing how it has grown gives me the ability to idealize where it can go in the future. Being a resident of ',Owasso I care about what happens in my community (land take huge pride in the character of the city. J Yes Tuesday, January 24, 2006 Page 30 of 45 Fred I !Van Orsdol 17423 E. 88th St. North Owasso, OK 74055 HomePhone 272-3255 WorkPhone 527-3287 (Cell) RegisteredVoterYe Yes RegisteredVoterNo F ResideCityYes ResideCityNo No _ J PresentEmployer Southern Petroleum Labs Inc. EmployersAddress Houston, TX EmpPosition Manager, Gas and Liquid Measurement Audits and Los ProfClvicActivities Education BOA PlanningCotn ®EDA Watchdog CIP Annex PersBoard DescribeWhy HowB enefit MailBusiness Member, American Petroleum Institute Committee of Gas Fluids Measurement - recent past Chairman of that Committee for 6+ years. Member, API Committee of Liquid Measurement. Member and recent past Chairman of the Gas Sampling Research Project (for 7 years). Executive Committee Chairman of the (International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement, Member Gas Processors Association Technical Section H (Measurement). Chairman, American Society of Testing and Materials D02 Sub H (LPG). Past U.S. delegate to the International Standards Organization for Gas Sampling. Etc. Associate of Arts, Kilgore College!7B.S. - Physics and Math, Stephen F. Austin State University0B.S. - Meteorology, Texas A&M University F1 Completed all course work for Secondary Education at Stephen F. icon CfntP TinivarcifvFIC;radu-ale-worhto-w1rc1 MBA Stenh I i I I simply want to serve as a resource should Owasso need expertise in my areas of experience and/or education. I In addition to expertise/education listed above, I have managed gas plants, served as a Supervising International Project Engineer over a $265 million gas lift and gas injection project in Africa(1979 dollars), been a Plant Engineer in Gas Plants, served as an expert on LPG odorization and product quality, performed a great deal of gas and liquid measurement training, etc. I served in the miliary as a Navigator in KC-135's and C-130's and as a Strategic Air Monday, February 13, 2006 Page 56 of 61 Command, Command Weather Briefer during the Vietnam era. — — --.-- — MailHome EmailAddress Monday, February 13, 2006 Page 57 ol'6I DAVID NINES PO BOX 498 _- OWASSO, OK 74055 - — --- —� HomePhone - 6952579 WorlcPhone FM1511 - RegisteredVoterYe Yes RegisteredVoterNo ResideCityYes Yes ResideCityNo PresentEmployer VINES RROPERTIES INC EmployersAddress 11330 N GARNETT, OWASSO EnipPosition PRESIDENT ProfCivicActivities Education BOA PlanningCorn OEDA Watchdog CH' Annex PersBoard DescribeWhy HowBenefit MailBusiness MailHome EmailAddress ,HAMBER OF COMMERCE 3A BUSINESS, MA COUNSELING Yes Yes lYes r Yes -A I 'I M A LONG TIME RESIDENT WHO HAS BEEN ACTIVE IN THE COMMUNITY AND AM ALWAYS WILLING TO HELP IN THE COMMUNHY GROW AND IMPROVE. I'M FAMILIAR WITH THE CITY PROCEDURES AND MANY PREOPLE IN THE CITY. I HAVE A VESTED INTEREST IN THE C1TY,BOTH BUSINESS AND PERSONAL. I HAVE PLENTY OF TIME TO PARTICIPATE FULLY. Yes Monday, February 13, 2006 Page 60 of 61 ,Jeff _._ J (Waters t 3085 E. 9 l st Place North, Owasso OK, 74055 IlomePhone 918-274-1855 —� WorkPhone 918-810-4048 RegisteredVoterYe Yes l RegisteredVoterNo ResideCityYes Yes ResideCityNo PresentEmployer WaterStone Cleaners EtnployersAddress F4610 S. 101 st E. Avenue Tulsa, OK 74146 EmpPosition Owner Prof CivicActivities Education Board of Directors - Red Crown Credit Union iJMember Owasso Chamber of Commerce 1991 BS Marketing and Advertising - University of Oklahoma BOA PlamungCom OEDA Yes Watchdog CIPAnnex PersBoard DescribeWhy HowBenefit MailBusiness NIailllonie EmailAddress I want to get involved in my community beyond the basics (IE Chamber of Commerce, etc.) Owasso is a unique and wonderful place to live. I plan on living here from now on. The long term direction and vision of the city and surroundings interests me. I would also like to learn how our city works internally. I come with 15 years of corporate management experience, running a $20 million business. Now a small business owner, I feel that I have a unique perspective. Yes Monday, February 13, 2006 Page 59 of 61 r roy trmmerman 11733 N. 115th E. Ave. HomePhone 371-2390 WorkPhone RegisteredVoterYe Yes RegisteredVoterNo ResideCityYes Yes J ResideCityNo PresentEmployer Second year law student at the University of Tulsa EmployersAddress EmpPosition ProfCivicActivities Education BOA PlanningCom OEDA Watchdog CIP Annex PersBoard DescribeWhy IIowBenefit MailBusiness MailHome �0-8746 --- Worked as a public servant for 15 years as a Paramedic in my home town of Hays Kansas. ❑Worked as a flight paramedic for 4 years in Kansas. U Worked as an intern for the City Manages Office in Lubbock Texas while working on my MPA. Graduated from Thomas More Prep High School ( a Catholic college prepatory school) i]Received my B.S. from Texas Tech University - Majoring in Political Science with a minor in philosophy.UCompleted Yes ----- --_ ----- Yes Yes Yes I feel these commissions and/or committes all play an important role in shaping the City of Owasso and its future. The shaping of Owasso thus directly affects the citizens of Owasso in every aspect of their lives. As a relatively new resident of Owasso, I was impressed with the growth of the city and its desire to stand apart. I feel it is everyones civic duty to be involved in the intricacies of the city that provides services to them, which in the end provides a stable family environment. My education and past experience as a supervisor in EMS has allowed me to become a person of reason. As with all situations there are always two or more sides or solutions. My experience working as an intern for the City Managers office in Lubbock did give me some exposure in group working and working for the publics interest. My law education to date has expanded even Amore my ability to reasonably analyze problems and Spot issues. Monday, March 13, 2006 Page 63 of 69 TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: CHIP MCCULLEY CITY PLANNER DATE: May 3, 2006 BACKGROUND: The City of Owasso has received a request to review and approve the annexation of the 13-acre subdivision Coventry Gardens, located at the northwest comer of East 96h Street North and North 101" East Avenue, just west of Larkin Bailey Elementary. A general area map has been attached for your review. EXISTING LAND USE: The subdivision contains 38 houses and one undeveloped residential lot. Kill 11121 UAIZRJIXy11'01 North: Residential Single -Family South: Residential Single -Family East: Undeveloped West: Larkin Bailey Elementary PRESENT ZONING - Coventry Gardens has been zoned RS (Residential Single -Family) by Tulsa County, DEVELOPMENT PROCESS: The first step in the development of a piece of property in Owasso is annexation. Annexation is the method whereby land located outside the City limits is made a part of the City. Property owners and land developers sometimes choose to have their property annexed into Owasso in order to receive Owasso municipal services, such as police and fire protection, refuse collection, and sanitary sewer. The second step in the development of a piece of property in Owasso is rezoning. In order to develop the property, the land must be zoned for particular kinds of uses, such as residential, office, commercial, or industrial. Rezoning decisions are made in accordance with the growth policy displayed in the Owasso Master Plan. The third step in the development of a piece of property in Owasso is platting. A preliminary plat is required for any development that proposes to divide land into two or more lots. Preliminary plats illustrate the development concept for the property, and are often modified significantly after being reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), and the Owasso Planning Commission. Sometimes, difficult development issues such as existing utility lines, wells, or easements are brought to light at the preliminary plat stage and must be remedied prior to development. ANNEXATION REVIEW PROCESS: The annexation process is initiated when a property owner submits a petition to the City of Owasso requesting that the City bring the property into the City limits. The applicant must submit as part of the request a signed petition requesting the annexation, an accurate legal description and map of the property being requested for annexation and a certified 300' radius report so that staff may send legal notices to surrounding property owners. Upon receipt of all appropriate materials the staff initiates the review process which begins with a thorough analysis of the request. The annexation request is then presented to the Owasso Annexation Committee for review and recommendation. The Annexation Committee is made up of staff, elected officials and citizens. The Committee reviews the petition for compliance with the Annexation Policy and establishes a recommendation to the Owasso Planning Commission. The Owasso Planning Commission holds a public hearing to determine if the property is compliant with the Owasso Annexation Policy and establishes a recommendation to the Owasso City Council. The Owasso City Council will make the final determination to annex the property or refuse annexation. If the property is annexed into the City limits an ordinance officially declaring the annexation is written and adopted by the City Council. Once adopted the ordinance is circulated to appropriate regional and national agencies for recording and altering maps. ANALYSIS: The staff originally received a petition in October, 2004 from Coventry Gardens requesting that the City annex that subdivision, containing 39 residential lots on approximately 13 acres. The applicants are requesting that the property be annexed with an RS-3 (Residential Single -Family) zoning designation. Subsequent to that request, the staff evaluated the condition of the subdivision and worked with representatives of the Coventry Gardens homeowners association to address issues of infrastructure that did not comply with Owasso development standards. The staff evaluation revealed five areas of infrastructure that needed to be addressed in order for the annexation request to receive a favorable recommendation from the staff. Those areas of infrastructure were: 1) the relocation of a stormwater drainage line, 2) detention, 3) sidewalks, 4) street signs, and 5) sanitary sewer manholes. Each of these five issues has been addressed and is explained below. RELOCATION OF STORMWATER DRAINAGE LINE — When the subdivision was developed, one of the drainage lines designed to handle stormwater was installed across a property later occupied by a house. This line, located in the southwest portion of the subdivision, has since been filled and replaced by another drainage line. DETENTION — Coventry Gardens was developed without detention. When the subdivision was designed, it was intended that stormwater detention would be accommodated in a second phase of the development. However, no second phase of the subdivision was ever constructed. The subdivision drains towards the west, into a currently undeveloped property at the northeast comer of the intersection of East 96h Street North and Mingo Road. This undeveloped property is owned by the Larkin Bailey Trust Foundation, as was originally the property upon which Coventry Gardens is situated. After receiving the annexation request, the City Manager's office notified the Foundation that the stormwater runoff from Coventry Gardens onto their property was undetained. As a result, the Foundation agreed to require that, when their property west of Coventry Gardens does develop, the detention will not only accommodate the runoff generated by that development, but will also accommodate the runoff from Coventry Gardens. SIDEWALKS — Owasso development standards require that sidewalks be constructed along perimeter roads adjacent to residential subdivisions. Coventry Gardens is adjacent to both North 102"d East Avenue and East 9e Street North, and sidewalks were not constructed along these roads when the subdivision was developed. The Coventry Gardens homeowners association has submitted a plan to the City of Owasso that would allow the association to construct sidewalks along the west side of North 102 d East Avenue and along the north side of East 96t" Street North over a ten year period beginning in 2007. The association will provide all labor (including subcontractors), equipment, and material to complete the sidewalk. The sidewalk will be four feet wide, made of concrete, and will be handicap accessible. STREET SIGNS — At the time of the original annexation request in 2004, the subdivision was lacking street signs and stop signs. Those signs have now been installed. SANITARY SEWER MANHOLES — When the staff inspected Coventry Gardens' sanitary sewer, it was found that two manholes were not in compliance with city standards. Those manholes have now been repaired. The subdivision is an unincorporated area representing a small hole in an otherwise contiguous district of the City of Owasso. The gap in City limits provided by this subdivision is often a source of confusion regarding public services to both citizens and public service providers. If this neighborhood was annexed into the City limits it would reduce that confusion and reduce the perceived and real service gaps created by unincorporated areas inside the contiguous limits. Coventry Gardens is an existing single family residential subdivision that is compatible with the Owasso 2015 Land Use Master Plan as it calls for residential development in that general area. The subdivision is already developed to RS-3 standards. The subdivision was platted in 1999 in the County although the development of the public infrastructure was monitored and approved by the City of Owasso as the development is served by the City of Owasso. Staff published legal notice of the annexation petition in the Owasso Reporter and letters of notification were mailed to property owners within a 300' radius. ANNEXATION COMMITTEE: The Owasso Annexation Committee reviewed the request at its meeting on April 26, 2006. At that meeting, the committee unanimously recommended approval for the annexation of Coventry Gardens. RECOMMENDATION: The staff intends to recommend approval for the annexation of Coventry Gardens. ATTACHMENTS: 1. General Area Map 2. Applicants Annexation Petition HONEY CREEK Owasso Community Development 13cpattnaont 111 N. Main St. Owasso, OK 74055 918.376.1500 918.376.1597 www. city ofowasso. corn 1 FINAL PLAT CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS APPROVED BY THE TUSA METRCPOUTAN AREA PLANNING COMMISSION ON TIC DAY OF _ 2000. TMAPC / INCOG CFrICAI THIS APPROVAL IS V01D IF THIS PLAT IS NOT FILED IT TIE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLRK ON OF BEFORE -- DAY OF ___• 7000. COUNTY E:YGIN��ER CERTIFlCATE @" TAX PAYMENT I HERESY CERTIFY THAT ALL REAL ESTATE TAXES IN THEE AMENDED PLAT HAlr BEEN PAID AS REFLECTED BY THE CURRENT TAX ROLLS. SECURITY AS REQUIRED HAS BjN PR0410E0 IN THE AMOUNT OF $ PER TRUST RECEIPT NO. TO BE APPLIED TO THE 20N TAXES, THIS CERTIFICATE IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS PAYMENT OF THE 2000 TAXES IN FULL BUT IS CNEN IN ORDER THAT THIS PLAT MAY BE FILED ON RECORD. 1'HE 2000 TAXES COULD EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF THE SECURITY DEPOSIT. DATES: __ DAY OF --- 2000 DENNIS SEMIER, TULSA COUNTY THE SURE BY: ___ _ DEPUTY G N SITE BCYINDRY LINE 1 LOT PROPERTY LINE .99 '-u"-�- UTILITY EASEJSENT ARID/OR BUILDING SETBACK PERIMETER LINE OF AFFECTED LOTS COVENTRY GARDENS - AMENDED AND REV6SFD A RFPLAT OF COVENTRY GARDENS - PLAT NCL 5171 A REPLAT OF LOT 1, LOT $ LOT 3, AND LOT 4, BLOCK 1, TO LOT 1, LOT $ AND LOT 3, BLOCK 1; AND A REPLAT OF LOT 8, LOT 9, AND LOT 1II, BLOCK 1. TO LOT B, AND LOT 9, BLOCK 1; AND A REPLAT OF LOT 1, LOT Z LOT 3, LOT 4, LOT 5, LOT 6, LOT 7, LOT 6, LOT 9, LOT M AND LOT 11. BLOCK $ TO LOT 1, LOT 2, LOT 3, LOT 4, LOT 5, LOT 6, LOT 7, LOT S. AND LOT S. BLOCK 2; AND A REPOT OF LOT 16, LOT 17, LOT 16. LOT 19. AND LOT 20, BLOCK 2, TO LOT 16, LOT 17, LOT 18. AND LOT 19, BLOCK 2. TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA P.U.O. N0. 469 AN ADDITION TO TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA. BEING A PART OF SW/4 OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP-2I-NDRTH, RANGE-I4-EAST, TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA 11 8 +5 +6 +13 +16 8 <gg5a'J3 „+ Sbg'Si 3�W 65a"5ti 3}'N 56d"Sa'_}'Wry 76.'•.' 7D ��y `If Untltt SxJ.IENT 5:�. •. � 2' EASEUENT 1 ,yh . 5 0 75 16 V� 1 17 ni 7 �o'I 14 ' 211s nD 1121' y � 1 i z5' &I:LtlNG / .W M Iy kldacNJa7 JS' I�YRA L}I D1' EA--1- I EA' a\\974:3i `�9_ _ 'A'Sti0.. 4 f/ tOBTH t & STE LOCATION xac x m,e ;> .Irsi Ir O� C' I^ I 0.�5. - - 3�. PI 53. i2� -�1 I12 . s3J .¢ Nne's<"z9 G _ x /' fr ursltt ml 19 1 18 P .sa' 1 EAAUIMT-1 "ri1' I I_Fspl,..(1E5(RPTION - C04 NTRY GARDENS ^�i1' unutt i C3 n'S,gyE'va;A •� BEING A PART OF THE SW/4 OF SECTION 18. T-21-N, R-14-E, TULSA E0.k'YENi I Cs �'SP9'S4'D}'w oar 72 19 k COUNTY, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: t N9s's«5'E IT To 52' _ 136.15'C ^D 92'( r" a COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAIO SW/4 THENCE Jaen',--15' oW�lNc n 58953'T>'n 'T` 1 S9E'Sa'sTw 1 588'54'33•W A DISTANCE OF 1150 FT. TO THE POINT Or EECINNINC: IJC.d1 5'�T9AIX 'x H „7.9 117E m',n I7 ,a7 e<' THENCE NOITS'27`W A DISTANCE OF 204.29 FT; THENCE ALONC A 1 6 Iol tt'UnLm F— BN�A'Nc 2O � � CURVE TO THE RICHT HANNG A RADIUS OF 340.37 FT. AND A LENGTH ml t g .� $ • 9nutt tr En3.MENT 11 DI I —A� n' Um1TY I¢ `9° OF 246.59 FT,; 114ENCE 40'2S'O6`E A DISTANCE OF 117.80 FT.; THENCE �EzsE% I? �= w `p' - - E.�u •`�w "'h / �?P N4974'54•W A DISTANCE OF 425.39 FT.; THENCE S6B54'33`W A CT _ _ �,} L----,a>9o'- �� DISTANCE OF 510.00 R.; THENCE SOt VS'27"E A DISTANCE OF 330.00 -.°°h / \` FT.; THENCE SeB54'33`W A DISTANCE OF 20.00 R.; THENCE SCI'05'27`E j neP5.0D' E tsg.Da' I ,C6.00' / yd' A CSTANCE OF 470.00 FT.; THENCE N5854'33'E A DISTANCE OF 585.00 IT. TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 12-84 ACRE, ---EAST-$7Ui'STflE-F_7N1MTH �us, gNEA "o'k•J 8 2 / i'P MORE OR LESS. kU 1C.00'{ 589'Sa'}� w h U c gg9'3+'33'W .'DER/ Ap�9£ B.1•v'/ P900%/% t8S o / - sc1DTo�'<A �• I SOJ'--�CZ3 Il!— TCO---� D -t,3. Ui- CC,P __ To I I 1 ~'6�d5<SC'w SSJo C 9g u ulaTr t i9 12 I`? 13 8 8 24 n• unurY` TIs DOE T" i'�^ EAEEMfI(T In ry SG''r 98"so393= I—e I —b_24 DEVELOPER }"W J —' —T0 ,_Do sAa g 32MIW DEVELOPME NT, L.L.C. 3 ssasas,'w ! ! sae'si3sw 1 �_ P.O. BOX 1557 2 OWASSO, OKLAHOMA 74055 DD 918-272-9064 ssan s,3 w / cls B.TT' SW� its. 756.7a 3 'C-z 11.62'`tig3'Si�}}"W j i9.da i t I.o L„ Nn,Ii, 21 SURVEYOR IEABENENI a6..91r'1nutt. of 16 Is6s: K. S. COLLINS, R.L.S. om QPf EAswa:iy�-_ { 1 --g $ \ 3aT}' R 'A• -. AN A A r COLLINS LAND SURVEYING, INC. j zs euemvc \ cn I$ol 1i`'0.� �36 sr nfi Di 494 EAST 141st ST. [ 171 is / GLENPOOL, OKLAHOMA 74033 $$$ �� TS'9u'IpNG ^ i Y /� CI a � -- , �,6Aa � ,; A _ 918-322-9355 97 18 }l\DgCMIX WS9Egn5i, PAc_"zOJO-_.�II -" -- 6EftA' F�UNTYtiJttET 'S36.Z _ g§ o �1 R + 17 } 16 69D9 93- E SWMEASl O—EN Cr S0. 4 �' i LCNNER Lf I ^58. OL00' S!/4 O, —ON C 8 g6.g i-zt-K 6-i4-E 0'/ gCnUN 18. UN119 OF ND ACCESS T-v-:u. R-I4-E� ev sD 4I EAST 95th STR'E' NORTH itSD.Il1 Neo-sA'zJ'E xas'u'}3 E - sss c7 _ �A GARDENS- AMENDED A�D LPG FLAT e anmac TULSA =NTY, WEJkHa.4A a Iw ISSUED DECEMBER 29, 1999 �VA—C fCAL: ,' e cD' xro PLAT N0. PAGE CNFFT 1 n,, :s HAND DELIVERED Mr. Eric Wiles City of Owasso Community Development Director 111 North Main Owasso, OK 74055 Subject: Request for Annexation - Coventry Gardens At NW Comer of East 96th St, North & North 102nd East Ave Dear Mr. Wiles: This letter serves to record our request for annexation into the City of Owasso. On March 30, 2006, Dan Hernandez, Vice -President of Coventry Gardens Homeowners Association, presented the Sidewalk Plan for Coventry Gardens. At that meeting, Mr. Wiles asked Qvxrz.u�miens en �_Ietter re. uesting annexation and a list of residents of Coventq., Gardens. *n a previous conversation with Robert Fisher, Former Board of Directors of Coventry Gardens, during the annexation of December 2004, Mr. Wiles identified the waiving of the Radius Report on the next attempt for annexation. We look forward working with you to achieve annexation and to amend the Plat No. 5417 for Coventry Gardens. IMEW A/) 5 0'f Keit��hXa"vis-President Dan Hernandez - Vice P - Henry He ' g - Secretary� Caron Pollock - Treasure r_Chuck Smiddy ®board * List of Residents at Coventry Gardens * Radius Report (December 2004) * Plat No. 5417 (page 1 of 3) TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO .•J, CHIP MCCULLEJJ CITY PLANNER BACKGROUND The City of Owasso has received a request to review and approve a proposed 38 acre Planned Unit Development with an underlying zoning of CG commercial general and OM office medium intensity districts, located east of the Owasso Expressway, between East 98th Street North and East 101st Street North, north of First Baptist Church. EXISTING LAND USE Undeveloped SURROUNDING LAND USE North: Undeveloped/Large Lot Residential South: Undeveloped/Large Lot Residential East: Large Lot Residential West: Owasso Expressway CONCEPT OF A PUD: The concept of a Planned Unit Development is to provide a creative alternative to conventional development where a particular tract is under common ownership or control and where a detailed development plan, outlining the development of the tract as a unit is proposed and submitted for public review. The use of a PUD technique is a way to amend a zoning ordinance in accordance with a complete and coordinated plan of development for a larger parcel, rather than piecemeal individual changes using the variance process. The supplemental zoning district PUD must be approved by the City Council as a prerequisite to the Planned Unit Development. ANALYSIS OPUD 06-01 (Heavenly Hospitality) is a proposed planned unit development (PUD) comprised of approximately 38 acres. The development concept behind the Heavenly Hospitality PUD is for a mixed use retail, office, hotel and residential complex. The 38 acre site is adjacent to the Highway 169 service road north of East 991h Street North. The property, except for the east and south 100 feet, is within the CG-Commercial General zoning district. The east and south 100 feet are within the OM -Office Medium district. The PUD is divided into two development areas, each with a unique set of development standards. Development area A is planned for a pedestrian -oriented, commercial and office development with larger parking areas on the perimeter of the development area. Parking areas are designed to be no more than 800 feet from the center of development area A with sufficient parking for non -holiday shopping within 300 feet of most retail establishments. A multi -story hotel operated by a national hotel group is planned within development area B with a maximum of 80 condominium development units constructed above the hotel structure. Secure and separate parking for the condominium owners will be provided within a two -level parking structure along the east and south boundaries of development area B. Although specific commercial uses are not known at this time, the configuration of the commercial area maximizes the arterial street frontages. Commercial uses are highly restricted and limited to only those uses appropriate with the surrounding uses. Development area A (Detail, Office, and Restaurant Uses): Land Area: 31.16 acres Maximum building Floor Area: 340,000 SF Minimum Building Height: 45 FT Development area B (Detail, Office, and Restaurant, Motel, and Condominium Uses): Land Area: 7.25 acres Maximum building Floor Area: 430,000 SF Maximum Number of Dwelling Units: 80 Minimum Building Height: 150 FT The subject PUD application is part of a continuance of direction in the overall development scheme for the area. As the market has evolved, the property owners feel it is appropriate and feasible to develop the area for residential purposes, as prescribed by the Master Land Use Plans of both Tulsa County and the City of Owasso. The staff concurs that a mixed use development would be consistent with the development pattern taking hold in north Owasso along the Owasso Expressway and this pattern of growth is compatible with the Owasso 2015 Land Use Master Plan. According to the Owasso Zoning Code, the Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing on any PUD application and determine the following: 1. Whether the PUD is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 2. Whether the PUD is in harmony with the existing and expected development of surrounding areas. 3. Whether the PUD is a unified treatment of the development possibilities of the project site. 4. Whether the PUD is consistent with the stated purpose and standards of the PUD ordinance. a. To permit innovative land development while maintaining appropriate limitation on the character and intensity of use assuring compatibility with adjoining and proximate properties; b. To permit flexibility within the development to best utilize the unique physical features of the particular site; c. To provide and preserve meaningful open space; and d. To achieve a continuity of function and design within the development. A Public Hearing is scheduled for May 8, 2006 at 7:00pm, as part of the Planning Commission Regular Meeting. Future planning issues must still be considered if the PUD is approved. If approved, the applicant must submit a preliminary plat, infrastructure plans, and a final plat that must be approved by the City of Owasso. Sidewalks will be required along all public rights -of -way associated with the subject property. Perimeter sidewalks must be installed at the time of overall development, while the internal walks may be constructed as individual lots are developed. The applicant has identified the terrain of the area as relatively flat terrain. The existing soils on the site would appear to create no unusual development problems that are not typically encountered in development in and around the City of Owasso. On -site detention is required and will be further defined at the platting stage. Any future development on the property will be served water and sanitary sewer by the City of Owasso. The staff published legal notice of the PUD request in the Owasso Reporter and mailed notices to property owners within a 300' radius of the s ubject property. COMMENDATION: The staff intends to recommend approval of OPUD 06-01 without condition. ATTACHEMENTSa 1. General Area Map 2. OPUD 06-01 Development Outline Plan �7w 0 0 Owasso Community Development Department III N. Main St. Owasso, OK 74055 918.376,1500 918.376.1597 www. city ofowasso. com ' Site O Z Tulsa County Graphic Scale n� 813. 18' ' �•Mry may- $ � � �.�..- _-_ -�$ _B�"�� _ - _ i ff i X/ . e \ 'e' v pf ,g 33.3 1323.41' Planned Unit Development April 2006 City of Owasso Planned Unit Development No. 06-01 Table of Contents DevelopmentConcept.....................................................................................................................1 Exhibit A - Concept Illustration Exhibit B - Aerial Photograph - Land Uses - Development Area Map Development Standards AreaA..................................................................................................................................2 AreaB.................................................................................................................................5 Landscape and Screening Concept...................................................................................................8 Exhibit C - Landscape and Screening Details Accessand Circulation....................................................................................................................9 Exhibit D - Access and Circulation Environmental Analysis 0 Exhibit E - Site Map, Topography and Existing Utilities Exhibit E - Drainage and Detention Concept and Proposed Utilities Exhibit G - Area honing Map Detailed Site Plan Review ....................................................... 12 Scheduleof Development.............................................................................................................12 City of Owasso Planned Unit Development No. 06-01 DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT Heavenly 'Hospitality has contracted to purchase property in Owasso for a mixed use retail, office, hotel and residential complex as indicated on Exhibit A — Concept Illustration. The 38-acre site is adjacent to the Highway 169 service road north of East 99th Street Forth. The property, except for the east and south 100 feet, is within the CG — Commercial General zoning district. The east and south 100 feet are within the OM -- Office Medium district. A major church is located immediately south of the site. Residentially zoned properties are located to the south, east and north of the property. The Heavenly Hospitality site is divided into Development Area A and Development Area B as shown on Exhibit B — Aerial Photograph — Land Uses and Development Area Map. Development Area A is planned for a pedestrian -oriented retail, commercial and office development with larger parking areas on the perimeter of the development area. Parking areas are designed to be no more than 800 feet from the center of Development Area A with sufficient parking for non -holiday shopping within 300 feet of most retail establishments. A multi -story hotel operated by a national hotel group is planned within Development Area B with a maximum of 80 condominium development units constructed above the hotel structure. Secure and separate parking for condominium owners and guests will be provided within a two -level parking structure along the cast and south boundaries of Development Area Bo The combined hotel/condominium development will be the first in the metropolitan area. With the services and amenities of the hotel and the retail establishments within easy walking distance, the condominium owners will have an unmatched living experience with little dependence upon the automobile. Shoppers, office workers and visitors will appreciate the heavy, landscaping of the outdoor spaces including the area set aside for community activities and events. 1 R 14 E EAST 106TH ST NORTH G I j v~i s s 21 / EAST 96TH ST NORTH ,i,-,Locat=oo Map O Scam 1 _too r� e� �� ICb .real Morro T 11 u r 513 18' Y,.—_ems;-cr-}®acs. —- ---r-- --�._ . ---� i� 0 o C-� -- ;JJ i i i �_J / , py III -- --v"_.-- ,�_ CITY OF OWASSO PUD NO. 06-01 u MHeavenly Hospitality EXHIBIT A z CONCEPT ILLUSTRATION HEAVENLY HOSPITALF! Y, LLC Tanner R 14 E EAST 106TH ST NORTH im 0 o EAST 96TH 5T NORTH Location Map F s Ie^ 7�— i .Q. � {4ue 77 - a w2:7- � '°rY 5 `>ti` ' �, CITY OF OWASSO" PUO NO. 06-01 Heavenly Hospitality n. aids �x w�i ro % t ro �fiC?. 5 EXHIBIT B K AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH - LAND USES a v ee 7 T 2 ' `'2, f., �5k" •., ,+r' :`r t e DEVELOPMENT AREA MAP . .,. HEAVENLY HOSPITALITY, LI.0 Tanner r... o. ,.,.,. City of Owasso Planned Unit Development No. 06-01 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Area A 31.16 Acres PERMITTED USES: 1,357,406 SF Those uses permitted in Use Unit 10� Off ,',treet Perking arPag T T.gP T Tnit 1 19 ClffirPc and Studios, Use Unit 12, Eating Places other than Drive -Ins, Use Unit 13, Convenience Goods and Services, Use Unit 14, Shopping Goods and Services, and uses customarily accessory to permitted uses. MAXM1UP\/1 BUILDING FLOOR AREA: 340,000 SF MAXEgUIv1 BUILDING BEIGBT: One-story buildhigs 35 FT Two-story buildings for office use 45 FT MINiNfUM BUILDING SETBACKS: From the expressway service road 75 FT From the north boundary 100 FT From the east boundary 100 FT From the south boundary 100 FT Internal building setbacks shall be established by the detail site plan review, 2 Mai fUM PARKING AREA SETBACKS: From the expressway service road 10 FT From the north boundary 15 FT From the east boundary 25 FT From the south boundary 25 FT OFF-STREET PARING: As required by the applicable Use Units reduced by 10% subject to cross parking covenants for at least 80% of the total land area in Area A being imposed as a part of the plat of the area. NT MTI t I INTERNAL LAINDSCAPED OPEN SPACE: A minimum of 10 feet of the street frontage along the service road shall be improved and maintained as open space. A minimum of 25 feet of the north, east and south boundaries shall be landscaped and maintained as internal landscaped open space. Internal landscaped open space shall be improved in accord with the provisions of the Landscape Ordinances of the City of Owasso. SIGNS: 1. One center identification sign not exceeding 30 feet in height and 200 square feet of display area may be erected at the principal entrance to the development. 2. One ground sign for each lot fronting on U.S. Highway 169 service road not exceeding 6 feet in height and 72 square feet of display area may be erected within Area A. 3. Wall signs shall be permitted only on the west and south facing building walls and shall not exceed 2 square feet of display area per lineal foot of building wall to which attached. No east or north facing wall signs shall be permitted. 4. mall signs shall not exceed 75% of the length of the building wall to which attached. 5. Signs shall be installed in accord with Chapter 17 City of Owasso Sign Code. 3 6. Directional and identification signs not exceeding 12 square feet and not visible from a public street shall not be considered as signs under the planned unit development sign provisions. LIGHTIING: Light standards within 100 feet of the east and north boundaries of Area A shall not exceed 12 feet in height and shall be hooded and directed downward away from the boundaries of Area A. Lights, whether building or pole mounted, within the remainder of Area A shall not exceed 30 feet in height and shall be hooded and directed downward away from the west and south boundaries. Light fixtures shall be arranged so as to shield and direct the light away from adjacent residential areas. Shielding of such light shall be designed so as to prevent the light producing element or reflector of the light fixture from being visible to a person standing in an adjacent residential area. Lighting shall produce no more than two (2) additional foot candles measured adjacent to residential districts. M City of Owasso Planned Unit Development No. 06-01 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Area B 7.25 Acres PERMITTED USES: 315,676 SF Those uses permitted in Use Unit 8, Multi -Family Dwellings, Use Unit 10, Off -Sheet Parking areas, Use Unit 11, Offices and Studios, Use Unit 12, Eating Places other than Drive -Ins, Use Unit 13, Convenience Goods and Services, Use Unit 14, Shopping Goods and Services, Use Unit 19, Hotel -Motel only, and uses customarily accessory to permitted uses. M<_IVIUM BUILDING FLOOR AREA: 430,000 SF T\/L1VXlMUM NUIVIBER OF D W ELLI�i 1G UNITS: 80 MAXE IUM BUILDING HE, Hotel/Condominlums 150 FT Parking structure -- Not to exceed 20 feet above grade to the top of the parapet wall MIND" BUILDING SETBACKS: From the east and south boundaries: Hotel / Condominiums 150 FT Parking structure 35 FT Internal building setbacks shall be established by the detail site plan review. W1 OFF-STREET IVENLV UM PARKING AREA SETBACKS: Off-street parking as required by the applicable Use Units. MINLi S PM INTERNAL LANDSCAPED OPEN SPACE: A minimum of 25 feet of the east and south boundaries of Development Area B shall be landscaped and maintained as internal landscaped open space. Internal landscaped open space shall be improved in accord with the provisions of the Landscape Ordinances of the City of Owasso. SIGNS: 1. One ground sign not exceeding 6 feet in height and 60 square feet of display area may be erected within Area B. 2. Wall signs other than directional signs shall be permitted only on the west and northwest facing building walls and shall not exceed 2 square feet of display surface area per lineal foot of building wall to which attached. No east or south facing wall signs shall be permitted. Wall signs shall not exceed 75% of the length of the building wall to which attached. 4. . Directional and identification signs not exceeding 12 square feet and not visible from a public street shall not be considered as signs under the planned unit development sign provisions. LIGHTING: Light standards within the east and south 100 feet of Area B shall not exceed 12 feet in height and shall be directed downward and away from the east and south boundaries. Lights, whether building or pole mounted, within the remainder of Area B shall not exceed 30 feet in height and shall be hooded and directed downward and away from the east and south boundaries. Light standards on the upper deck of the parking structure shall not exceed the height o f the parapet wall. 6 Light fixtures shall be arranged so as to shield and direct the light away from adjacent residential areas. Shielding of such light shall be designed so as to prevent the light producing element or reflector of the light fixture from being visible to a person standing in an adjacent residential area. Lighting shall produce no more than two (2) additional foot-candles measured adjacent to residential districts. 7 City of Owasso Planned Unit Development No. 06-01 LANDSCAPE AND SCREENING CONCEPT A 25-feet wide buffer area will be landscaped along the north, east and south boundaries of the planned unit development as shown on Exhibit C — Landscape and Screening Details. A 7-feet high screening fence with masonry columns will also be constructed along the north, east and south boundaries of the property. The storm water detention facility at the northeast corner of the property will provide an additional landscaped area separating the development from the residential areas to the north and east. A typical section of the landscaping to be provided along the east and south boundaries of Development Area B is shown on Exhibit C, which includes specified deciduous trees to be at least 10 feet tall at planting. The hotel -condominium building will be set back a minimum of 150 feet from the east and south boundaries of Development Area A, thereby establishing a significant setback from residences on the east and south. The two level parking structure will be primarily for condominium residents and will be set back a minimum of 35 feet from the east and south boundaries of Development Area B. The lights within 100 feet of the north, east and south boundaries will not exceed 12 feet in height and must be directed downward and away from the adjacent neighborhoods. In addition, the light fixtures roust be shielded so as to prevent the light producing element from being visible from any person standing in the adjacent residential areas. Internally, landscaping will be established to provide a pleasant working, shopping and livuig experience according to an approved detail landscape plan. R 14 E EAST 106TH ST NORTH I___.__.-_J a _ 1 v' I q 1G 5 - 25 L hOSCgPE BU FER L_ .--......... - c /emu `r Z EAST 96TH ST NORTH Location M2D 12 925 LANS�APE �p1� ...,e - _ BUFFER ; L] L ( j [7 r CJ { I Development D1n ' •° z-= NOTE'. ALL TREES TO BE A MIXTURE OF SUGAR 10" LANDSCAPE 9 ss 7 � MAPLE AND SHUMARD OAK. AT PLANTING Scal 1Bo•I BUFFER / - 2 LAry 3G�PE BUFFER TREES SHOULD BE A MINIMUM OF 2.5"Li �'I CALIPER WITH HEIGHT OF 10' TO 12'. r 7 I r mac/ E7 � )' SC REEN I PAC FENCE I - • IS 33 3333 - SECT ON SSHc I! IlIl II�I Ii.I I III II IIIIII;I'. I IIIII � ._ / 1PeIIG®4opmm& _ a37rep .�" I III IIII I I Il,ii:i IIII ( iIlIIII IIII �_I .--8 - 0 /10 LANDSCAPE BUFFER- b TYPICAL 100' SCREENING FENCE ELEVATION ------- ` •' �� '• - 25 LANDSCAPE BUFFER /•-_ 25' LAN15CIPE BUFFER )SCREENING FENCE TYPICAL 100' SECTION FOR 25' BUFFER ADJACENT TO AREA B TYPICAL 100' SECTION FOR 25' BUFFER ADJACENT TO NORTH, EAST, & SOUTH BOUNDARY OF AREA A CITY OF OWASSO PUD NO. 06-01 Heavenly Hospitality EXHIBIT C LANDSCAPE & SCREENING DETAILS HEAVENLY HOSPITALITY, LL.0 Tanner City of Owasso Planned Unit Development No. 06-01 ACCESS AND CIRCULATION The Heavenly Hospitality property is bordered on the northwest by U.S. Highway 169. The Highway 169 service road provides direct access to the planned unit development. Internal access will be provided over several mutual access easements established by the plat of the property as indicated on Exhibit D — Access and Circulation. Four entrances to the complex are provided from the Highway 169 service road. No access is proposed to the residential areas to the north, east and south. Additional emergency access points will be established as required by the Owasso Fire Department from East 99th, East 100th and East 101 st Streets and over the property of the Owasso First Baptist Church. Circulation within* the development will be over private driveways maintained by an Owners Association and constructed to City of Owasso specifications. 9 R 14 E / EAST 106TH ST NORTH r Ham— w 21 EAST BBTH ST NORTH ;/I\ Location Mao J \ / fin• r-- "r'LdLIC ilClui5 "�Nl:\s50 LAl i'� r,STR,, -11 i Si3 Is � Sco1o`i ylao ' iz 17 Area371 ` P 0 � 1 \ y , GNI Il'I I , / ter. � `-- a iininniniuu IJ I Owasso aaFr!-,T c1uZc�i I 1 E I gal I I 1 I1 CITY OF OWASSO PUD NO. 06-01 Heavenly Hospitality EXHIBIT D ACCESS & CIRCULATION HEAVENLY HOSPITALITY, LLC Tanner SITE: SOILS: City of Owasso Planned Unit Development No. 06-01 ENVIRONI A1ENTAL ANALYSIS The 38.41 acre property is bordered by the U.S. Highway 169 service road alone the northwestern boundary - The site elevation ranges from a high of 732 feet above Mean Sea Level (MSL) in the southwest comer to approximately 718 feet above MSL in the northeastern part of the site. The property boundaries and topography are shown on Exhibit E — Site Map, Topography and Existing Utilities. The U.S.G.A. Soil Survey of Tulsa County, Oklahoma identifies soil types as Dennis Silt Loam, 1 % to 3% & 3% to 5% slopes eroded, Dennis -Pharaoh complex, 1 % to 3% slopes and Dennis-Radley complex, 0 to 12% slopes. Development Area B is subject to design constraints for underground parking structures. A geoteclnmical soils report prepared in December of 2005 indicates sandstone beginning at a depth of 4 feet rendering the underground parking structures economically unfeasible. Other development constraints maybe associated with the soils as well and will be addressed in the engineering design phase of the project. The soil types are shown on Exhibit E. The development of the project site will provide a storm sewer system including overland drainage easements for the defined I00-year storm event. The storm water will be piped to an on --site detention facility at the northeast corner of the property as indicated on Exhibit F — Drainage and Detention Concept and Proposed Utilities. Discharges from the storm water detention facility will not exceed the current rate of storm water (low from the undeveloped site and will be conveyed off site to Elm Creek. UTILITIES: A 6 fir. 10 inch diamcter water main is located along the south property line; a 3 inch water main is located along the western boundary of the property. The 6 inch waterline running along the south boundary turns north along the east boundary, which then turns into a 4 inch 10 line as it turns back east along East 100th Street North.. Internal water line loops connecting the 10 inch and 6 inch mains will be constructed within the property to meet the requirements of the City of Owasso Fire Protection Codes. An internal sanitary- sewer collection system will be constructed within the property and connected to an existing 8 inch off -site sanitary sewer main east of the northeast corner of the property. Other utilities, including natural gas, electric power, telephone and cable television are available in the immediate area and will be extended into the property. The existing utilities within, and adjacent to, the site are shown on Exhibit E. The proposed utilities are indicated on Exhibit F. ZONING: The area zoning districts are shown on Exhibit G — Area Zoning Map. The adjacent land uses are shown on Exhibit B — Aerial Photograph, Land Uses and Development Area Map. 11 R 14 E EAST 106TH ST NORTH ----- - '-- Bf318'' N�¢ 21 o EAST 96TH ' ST NORTH -,Location Map 0 _®Development2, Scel 1 �100~ ,z rr - 2Area "A" - s m A z 'ds 36, } 1.5" WATER LINE 3" WATER LIN E: 99 ST N 33 ". 25.00•/ t gyg o 10" WATER LINE N � z m m s� Development M/ : Arezi _ n 1323 41' A A> A T z z ... m m A n WATERLINE c100 ST N CITY OF OWASSO PUD NO. 06-01 Heavenly Hospitality EXHIBIT E SITE MAP - TOPOGRAPHY EXISTING UTILITIES HEAVENLY HOSPITALITY, LLC Tanner X R is E n k EAST 106TH ST NORTH j 81318, m -TZ16_Y-- 21 EAST 96TH ST NORTH ,LOcat ion Map TO 74" WATER LINE Scul 00 \ ? �\ I/ I / ( / i3 100 ST ICI i \ 6,2 x" Vu % .5" WATER LINE �n IIJ_Lr��L1jJ1L� J23 41 10" WATER LINE ' - m n CITY OF OWASSO D Z � PUD NO. 06-01 Z m Heavenly Hospitality m Z Z EXHIBIT F m rn DRAINAGE - DETENTION CONCEP"F PROPOSED UTILITIES HEAVENLY HOSPITAL]TY. LLC Tanner i X- ig Q LLi N v 0 Z CITY OF OWASSO PUD NO, 06-01 Heavenly Hospitality EXHIBIT G AREA ZOING MAP HEAVENLY HOSPII:ALITY, LAC Tanner City of Owasso Planned Unit Development No. 06-01 DETAILED SITE PLAN REVIEW No building permit shall be issued for any building within the property until a planned unit development detail siteplan and detail landscape plan have been submitted to the Owasso Planning Commission and approved as being in compliance with the planned twit development standards. No signage shall be constructed within the planned unit development until a detail sib plan has been submitted to the Owasso Planning Commission and approved as being in compliance with the approved sign standards. PLATTING No building permit shall be issued until the project area has been included within a subdivision plat submitted to and approved by the Owasso Planning commission and the Owasso City Council and duly filed of record. The deed of dedication of the required subdivision plat shall include covenants of record, enforceable by the City of Owasso, setting forth the development standards of the planned unit development, SCIIEDIE JLOF DEVELOPMENT Development of the property is planned for the summer of 2006. 12 Part f the N12 o As- TractDescription A TRACT OF LAND THAT IS PART OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (N/2 SW/4) OF SECTION SIXTEEN (16), TOWNSHIP TWENTY-ONE (21) NORTH, RANGE FOURTEEN (14) EAST, OF THE INDIAN MERIDIAN, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, SAID TRACT BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (NE/4 SW/4) OF SAID SECTION 16; THENCE SOUTH 1018'54" EAST ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID NE/4 SW/4, FOR A DISTANCE OF 752.69 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE NORTH 49029'20" WEST FOR A DISTANCE OF 213.39 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE SOUTH 40030'40" WEST FOR A DISTANCE OF 806.40 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE SOUTH 49029'20" EAST FOR A DISTANCE OF 165.52 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE NE/4 SW/4; THENCE SOUTH 88°36'02" WEST ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE, FOR A DISTANCE OF 749.97 FEET TO A POINT, SAID POINT BEING THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE NE/4 SW/4; THENCE NORTH 1020'28" WEST ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF THE NE/4 SW/4, FOR A DISTANCE OF 25.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE SOUTH 88°36'02" WEST ALONG THE PRESENT NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF EAST 99TH STREET NORTH, FOR A DISTANCE OF 33,37 FEET TO A POINT, SAID POINT BEING THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT ONE (1), BLOCK ONE (1), "ALKEN", AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF (PLAT NO. 5840); THENCE NORTH 56°05'26" WEST ALONG THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1, FOR A DISTANCE OF 389.36 FEET TO A POINT ON.THE PRESENT EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF U.S. HIGHWAY 169; THENCE ALONG SAID EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE, FOR THE FOLLOWING SIX (6) COURSES: NORTH 39-56'50" EAST FOR A DISTANCE OF 513.98 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF LOT ONE (1), BLOCK TWO (2), "GLENN-MUR ACRES SUBDIVISION", A SUBDIVISION WITHIN THE CITY OF OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF (PLAT NO. 2736), AS PARTIALLY VACATED BY JUDGMENT AND DECREE PARTIALLY VACATING PLAT (RECORDED DOCUMENT NO. 98063785); THENCE NORTH 88007'39" EAST ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE, FOR A DISTANCE OF 12.17 FEET TO A POINT, SAID POINT BEING THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 1; THENCE NORTH 1'20'28" WEST ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE OF THE NE/4 SW/4, FOR A DISTANCE OF 13.71 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE NORTH 39°56'50" EAST FOR A DISTANCE OF 467.49 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; THENCE ALONG A 1195.92 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE LEFT, HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 16041'05", FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 348.26 TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE NORTH 23015'45" EAST FOR A DISTANCE OF 32.73 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF THE NE/4 SW/4; THENCE NORTH 88°38'36" EAST ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE, FOR A DISTANCE OF 813.18 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; SAID TRACT CONTAINING 1,357,406 SQUARE FEET OR 31.162 ACRES. 25180 Legal Descriptions.doc 4/10/2006 Part of the NE14 SW14 Tract (Description A TRACT OF LAND THAT IS PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (NE/4 SW/4) OF SECTION SIXTEEN (16), TOWNSHIP TWENTY-ONE (21) NORTH, RANGE FOURTEEN (14) EAST, OF THE INDIAN MERIDIAN, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, SAID TRACT BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID NEA SW/4; T HENCE SOUTH 88°36'02" WEST ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE NE4 SW/4, FOR A DISTANCE OF 573.44 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE NORTH 49°29'20" WEST FOR A DISTANCE OF 165,52 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE NORTH 40°30'40" EAST FOR A DISTANCE OF 806.40 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE SOUTH 49029'20" EAST FOR A DISTANCE OF 213.39 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE SOUTH 1°18'54" EAST FOR A DISTANCE OF 568.14 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; SAID TRACT CONTAINING 315,676 SQUARE FEET OR 7.247 ACRES. 25180 Legal Descriptions. doc 4/10/2006 Part Section+ a Total D Tract Description A TRACT OF LAND THAT IS PART OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (N/2 SW/4) OF SECTION SIXTEEN (16), TOWNSHIP TWENTY-ONE (21) NORTH, RANGE FOURTEEN (14) EAST, OF THE 1NDIAN MERIDIAN, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, SAID TRACT BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (NE/4 SW/4) OF SAID SECTION 16; THENCE SOUTH 88°36'02" WEST ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID NE/4 SW/4, FOR A DISTANCE OF 1323.41 FEET TO A POINT, SAID POINT BEING THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE NE/4 SW/4; THENCE NORTH 1020'28" WEST ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF THE NE/4 SW/4, FOR A DISTANCE OF 25.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE PRESENT NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF EAST 99TH STREET NORTH; THENCE SOUTH 88'36'02" WEST ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE, FOR A DISTANCE OF 33.37 FEET TO A POINT, SAID POINT BEING THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT ONE (1), BLOCK ONE (1), "ALKEN", AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF (PLAT NO. 5840); THENCE NORTH 56°05'26" WEST ALONG THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1, FOR A DISTANCE OF 389.36 FEET TO A POINT ON THE PRESENT EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF U.S. HIGHWAY 169; THENCE ALONG SAID EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE, FOR THE FOLLOWING SIX (6) COURSES: NORTH 39°56'50" EAST FOR A DISTANCE OF 513.98 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF LOT ONE (1), BLOCK TWO (2), "GLENN-MUR ACRES SUBDIVISION", A SUBDIVISION WITHIN THE CITY OF OWASSO, . TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF (PLAT NO. 2736), AS PARTIALLY VACATED BY JUDGMENT AND DECREE PARTIALLY VACATING PLAT (RECORDED DOCUMENT NO. 98063785); THENCE NORTH 88°07'39" EAST ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE, FOR A DISTANCE OF 12.17 FEET TO A POINT, SAID POINT BEING THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 1; THENCE NORTH 1 °20'28" WEST ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE OF THE NE/4 SW/4, FOR A DISTANCE OF 13.71 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE NORTH 39'56'50" EAST FOR A DISTANCE OF 467.49 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; THENCE ALONG A 1195.92 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE LEFT, HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 16041'05", FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 348.26 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE NORTH 23015'45" EAST FOR A DISTANCE OF 32.73 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF THE NE/4 SW/4; THENCE NORTH 88°38'36" EAST ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE, FOR A DISTANCE OF 813.18 FEET TO A POINT, SAID POINT BEING THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE NE/4 SW/4; THENCE SOUTH 1°18'54" EAST ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF THE NE/4 SW/4, FOR A DISTANCE OF 1320.83 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING: SAID TRACT CONTAINING 1,673,082 SQUARE FEET, OR 38.409 ACRES. 25180 Legal Descrpbons.doc 4/10/2006 HONORABLEAND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO 9 SUBJECT:RESOLUTION 1I6`I - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTSPROGRAIZI PROJECT REPRIORITIZATIOi� DATE: May 3, 2006 1 The Capital Improvements Committee was formed to ensure citizen input in the Capital Improvements planning process. The Capital Improvements Plan is a critical planning tool that outlines a path of expenditures for major projects of high priority to the City of Owasso. The committee is comprised of 19 members, nine municipal staff members and ten citizen members. The committee meets annually with the goal of recommending updates of the capital improvements plan to the City Council before the end of each fiscal year. The capital improvement priorities listed by the City Council in resolution 2005-15 are the following projects: I. Additional fire stations 2. Sportspark expansion 3. East 96th Street North road project 4. Garnett road project 5. YMCA improvements 6. Silver Creek watershed drainage improvement project 7. Conceptual design of four intersections: A. East 96th Street North/North 145th East Avenue E. Garnett Road/East 106th Street North C. Mingo Road/East 96th Street North D. North 145th East Avenue/East 106th Street North The Capital Improvements Committee conducted a meeting on April 3, 2006 in order to formulate a recommendation to the City Council about what the capital priorities should be for FY '06-07. During that meeting, the Committee voted unanimously to recommend that the City Council make one change to the list of priority capital projects, specifically, that the Street improvement/repair projects be moved to the list of priorities. This program would allow the City to make significant repairs to several sections of arterial and collector roads throughout the community. Included in the motion was that the CIP Committee recommends $1 million be allocated for Street improvement/repair projects and, further, that any additional funds be used both for Street improvement/repair projects and the Sportspark expansion. Adopted September 2, 2003, Resolution 2003-14 sets the guidelines whereby the City Council establishes capital priorities each year. First, the Capital Improvements Committee conducted a public meeting and transmitted a recommendation of capital priorities to the City Council. That meeting was conducted on April 2, 2006. Then, the City published a notice of a public hearing to be conducted by the City Council regarding the proposed list of prioritized capital projects. This notice has been published in the Owasso Reporter. Next, the City Council conducted a public hearing on April 16, 2006 in order to receive and consider information provided by citizens that may be relevant to the proposed amendment to the priorities. One public comment was presented — that the widening of North 129th East Avenue be accomplished soon. Finally, at least two weeks after the public hearing, the City Council adopts by resolution the prioritized list of capital projects for the upcoming or current fiscal year. This resolution, 92006-10, will be presented to the City Council on May 16, 2006. The staff intends to recommend that the following list of projects be approved the City Council as capital priorities: a) Silver Creek watershed drainage improvements b) YMCA improvements c) Sports Park expansion d) Additional fire stations e) Widening of East 96th Street North, east of North Garnett Road f) Widening of North Garnett Road between East 86th Street North and East 96th Street North g) Intersection engineering and design — i) East 961h Street North/North 145th East Avenue ii) North Garnett Road/East 106th Street North iii) North Mingo Road/East 961h Street North iv) North 145th East Avenue/East 106th Street North h) Street improvement/repair project This change in priorities is included within the proposed Resolution 2006-10. 1. Resolution 2006-10 2. Resolution 2005-15 3. List of projects included within the Capital Improvements Program A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, AMENDING PRIORITY DETERMINATION OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FOR FUNDING FROM THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND WHEREAS, on the 141h day of October, 2003, the citizens of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, approved Ordinance Number 763, an ordinance providing for the extension of the third penny sales tax and further, restricting the use of said sales tax generated by such third penny extension to capital projects reviewed by the Capital Improvements Committee and approved by the City Council by resolution; WHEREAS, the City Council, by Resolution No. 2005-15, designated as priorities, specifically: the Additional Fire Stations; the Sports Park Expansion; East 96"' Street North Road Project; North Garnett Road Project; YMCA Pool; Silver Creek Watershed Drainage Improvement Project; and conceptual designs of four intersections - 96"' Street North/145`h East Avenue, Garnett Road/ 106`h Street North, Mingo Road/96`h Street North, and 145"' East Avenue/ 106`h Street North, have heretofore been reviewed and recommended by the Capital Improvements Committee, and approved by the City Council, WHEREAS, the City Council, after having received a recommendation from the Capital Improvements Committee that the Street Improvement/Repair Project be included in the priority projects list, and after properly notifying the Public, all in accordance with Resolution No. 2003-14, has held a Public Hearing as required by the aforesaid resolution. , 0" THEREFORE, CITY OWASSO, The Capital Projects heretofore designated as priorities be amended by providing, to -wit: the Additional Fire Stations; the Sports Park Expansion; East 96"' Street North Road Project; North Garnett Road Project; YMCA Pool; Silver Creek Watershed Drainage Improvement Project; conceptual designs of four intersections - 96`h Street North/145"' East Avenue, Garnett Road/ 1061h Street North, Mingo Road/961h Street North, and 145"' East Avenue/ 106"' Street North; and the Street Improvement/Repair Project -- are hereby approved and shall be considered as the priority capital projects for funding from the Capital Improvements Fund. Sherry Bishop, City Clerk DATED this 16`h day of May, 2006. y� Rpq FJpp Stephen Cataudella, Mayor OZ 04-14 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA RESOLUTION NUMBER 2005-15 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, AMENDING PRIORITY DETERMINATION OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FOR FUNDING FROM THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND WHEREAS, on the 14th day of October, 2003, the citizens of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, approved Ordinance Number 763, an ordinance providing for the extension of the third penny sales tax and further, restricting the use of said sales tax generated by such third penny extension to capital projects reviewed by the Capital Improvements Committee and approved by the City Council by resolution; WHEREAS, capital projects, designated as priorities were, specifically; the Interchange at 96'h Street North and Highway 169; Additional Fire Stations; the Sports Park Expansion; a Storm Siren System; E. 96th Street North and Garnett Road projects and the YMCA Pool, have heretofore been reviewed and recommended by the Capital Improvements Committee, and approved by the City Council, WHEREAS, the City Council, by Resolution No. 2004-11, formally approved the aforementioned capital projects for funding from the Capital Improvements Fund; and, WHEREAS, the City Council, after having received a recommendation from the Capital Improvements Committee that the conceptual design of the intersections at 96th Street North/145th East Avenue, Garnett Road/1061h Street North, Mingo Road/96th Street North, and 145th East Avenue/106th Street North be included in the priority projects list, and that the Silver Creek watershed drainage improvement project be included in the priority projects list, and that the Interchange at 96th Street North and Highway 169 and the Storm Siren System projects be removed, and after properly notifying the Public, all in accordance with Resolution No. 2003-14, has held a Public Hearing as required by the aforesaid resolution. THEREFORE,BE RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TI-1 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA,• The Capital Projects heretofore designated as priorities be amended by providing, to -wit: the Additional Fire Stations; the Sports Park Expansion; East 96th Street North road project; North Garnett road project; YMCA pool; Silver Creels watershed drainage improvement project; and conceptual design of four intersections - 96th Street North/145th East Avenue, Garnett Road/106th Street North, Mingo Road/96th Street. North, and 145th East Avenue/106th Street North — are hereby approved and shall be considered as the priority capital projects for funding from the Capital Improvements Fund. The Interchange at 96th Street North and Highway 169 and the Storm Siren System projects shall be removed from the priority list. DATED this 1st day of November, ZOOS. OF- OFFMIAL O '` City of Owasso, OklahomaSEAL r ,� or Tho Ma /QAH00 b ay or Sherry Bisho City Clerk ,' f AP�RVVED AS TO FORM: JulieioutLombardi, Cit;' tto ney CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM W$'J 1. a 1, ; , Priority Projects Widening of East 9e Street North, east of North Garnett Road Widening of North Garnett Road between East 8e Street North and East 96"' Street North Additional Fire Stations Sports Park Expansion Storm Siren System 'MCA improvements Silver Creek watershed improvement project Conceptual intersection design — East 96" Street Nortb/North 145"' East Avenue Conceptual intersection design — North Garnett Road/East 106"' Street North Conceptual intersection design -- North Mingo Road/East 96`h Street North Conceptual intersection design — North Mingo Road/East 106'h Street North Other Projects 129"' E. Avenue, 76' to 96' 86"' Street North, Main to Mingo Street Improvement/Repair Projects Main Street Redevelopment Sports Park Build -out 96"' Street North, 129`h E. Ave to I45"' E. Ave 145'h E Avenue, 8e Street N to 1.16"' Street N Garnett Road, 96"' Street N to 116"' Street N 76`h Street North, 169 to 129 h E. Ave Mingo Road, 86"' Street North to 116"' Street North Additional Police Station Recreational Trail Improvements Stormwater Master Plan Water Master Plan Wastewater Master Plan Golf Course Banquet Facility; Seating for 300 Project proposed to be included as a priority for the upcoming fiscal year Street Improvement/Repair Projects TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: DEMPSTER HUMANRESOURCE 'r' DATE: May 4, 2006 BACKGROUND: In April of 2005, as a part of the 2005-2006 contract with the Fraternal Order of Police, the City Council approved language agreeing to ratify the fiscal year 05-06 contract by June 30, 2006, extending the contract into fiscal year 06-07. The first year of the contract (FY 05-06) included pay adjustments to the Officer and Sergeant ranges while Lieutenants and Captains received a 2% across the board increase. The second year of the contract (FY 06-07) provides for a 2% across the board for Officers and Sergeants and the Lieutenant and Captain ranges have increased from 1.4% to 7.9%, with the most significant increases occurring within the first steps of each range. The total increase in cost for these changes is $82,506 resulting in a 5.24% increase over this year's contract. PROPOSAL: Staff intends on placing the 2006-2007 contract with the Fraternal Order of Police on the May 16, 2006 Council agenda for approval. IiiIr OUR].7A►1111I11I O: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: : • 1 I CITY ATTORNEY 1 �&AVLj'j1s . 1 • J r The Chief and Deputy Chief of Police and the Owasso Animal Shelter have recommended amendment of four existing animal control ordinances and the repeal of two others. These requests have been made in an effort to align our ordinances with changes in relevant state law and regulations, and to provide the police department and animal control division with additional authority and flexibility to effectively house, adopt and euthanize animals taken into custody. The amended portions of four ordinances, sections 4-110, 4-120, 4-132 and 4-147 have been printed in bold for clarity so that the new proposed amendments may be distinguished from existing law. The two ordinances recommended for repeal, 4-135 and 4-137, have been printed in full for your review. It is recommended that both ordinances be repealed in their entirety. A. Section 4-I10 Keeping Doffs and Cats Within City Limits Sanitation Article 4 of the Code of Ordinances limits the number of pets in each household to no more than two dogs and three cats. While the police department and animal control personnel are desirous of maintaining this general limitation, they do acknowledge that greater flexibility is needed within the Code to encompass qualified animal rescue groups and persons who provide animal foster care for pets awaiting adoption. The proposed amendment to this ordinance sets forth a process by which either a person affiliated with a qualified rescue association (qualified as a non-profit under §501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code) or a person functioning as a qualified foster home (certified by the Owasso Animal Shelter as such) may apply for an exemption to the general rule limitation of two dogs and three cats. The Chief of Police is given complete discretion and authority to grant or deny the requested exemption based on inspections performed by animal control officers. If the exemption is granted, a permit holder may lawfully keep either four dogs or six cats. The total number of cats and dogs may not be combined. In addition to the above, the Chiefs of Police and the animal control division have requested greater flexibility to allow a small number of individuals to keep more animals within their home than allowed even by the permit. In fact, this is occurring at this time with individuals affiliated with rescues and those who foster animals awaiting adoption from the City's animal shelter. To accommodate this request, the proposed amendment allows for a special circumstances waiver. The granting of this waiver, as well as the total number of animals an individual is allowed to keep, is solely within the discretion of the Chief of Police. The waiver may be revoked by the Chief at any time if he or she believes that the health and welfare of either the animals being cared for or the citizens within the community is in jeopardy. A number of individuals have been extremely helpful to the Owasso Animal Shelter for many years, and have housed animals within their homes while attempting to find suitable adoption placements. This amendment is intended to lawfully allow such individuals to continue this charitable work which is highly beneficial to the animal shelter, while preventing the citizenry as a whole from owning as many dogs or cats as they choose. Therefore, the amendment sets forth an application process for obtaining a permit and, in some cases, a special circumstances waiver. It should be noted that any person applying for either a permit or a special circumstances waiver must submit to periodic, random inspections, and that the permit or waiver may be revoked at any time it is in the best interest of the animals or the City to do so. B. Section 4-120 Rabies Vaccinations Current law requires that owners of dogs, cats and ferrets have a rabies vaccination administered to their pet each year and obtain a veterinarian's certificate showing the date of the vaccination. While annual vaccinations will continue to be permissible under the amended ordinance, provision is made for owners wishing to utilize the new three year rabies vaccination that is now available and being offered by local veterinarians. The State of Oklahoma has amended administrative regulations to make the Animal Code inclusive of three year rabies vaccinations. C. Section 4-132 Animals to be Impounded The current ordinance states that an animal may be placed for adoption or humanely euthanized if not claimed within four days from the time the animal was taken into custody, excluding weekends and holidays. The proposed amendment would allow the animal to be adopted or cuthanizcd within three days rather than four while excluding only Sundays and holidays (the animal shelter is open for business on Saturdays). This amendment is intended to ease overcrowding within the animal shelter and allow greater flexibility for the immediate adoption of abandoned dogs and euthanization of vicious or dangerous dogs. The proposed ordinance provides that the owner of an animal taken into custody will be notified that the animal has been impounded at the animal shelter if the owner's identity may be discerned from tags or other records. In the event the owner is identified but cannot be contacted by telephone or in person at their residence of record, a certified letter will be mailed to the owner notifying them that their animal has been taken into custody. If no response is received within seven (7) days of mailing, the animal may be adopted or euthanized. In the past, animals have remained at the animal shelter for long periods of time because their owners could not be 2 contacted by telephone or home visit and did not pick up registered mail sent to them. This amendment is intended to establish a more efficient process by which an animal may be adopted, given to a rescue organization or euthanized. Currently the police department and animal control personnel have no authority to immediately euthanize a seriously injured animal found on the street or a sick animal dropped anonymously at the animal shelter whose owner is unknown. The only recourse has been to seek treatment for the animal at a veterinary hospital at the City's expense, or to allow the animal to suffer. Proposed section (D) authorizes animal control officers to immediately euthanize sick or injured animals whose owners cannot be found. D. Section 4-147 Spay/Neuter Requirements This ordinance requires that each dog or cat kept by an owner within the City limits be spayed or neutered by the time the animal is six months old. Failure to do so will result in the issuance of a citation requiring that the animal be spayed or neutered within thirty (30) days. Failure to comply with the initial citation will result in additional citations being issued until the animal is spayed or neutered. Several exceptions and exemptions are provided for within this ordinance. First, application of the ordinance is prospective only, meaning it does not apply to animals currently owned and lawfully licensed within the City of Owasso (not applicable to animals lawfully licensed prior to July 1, 2006.) Current licenses, tags or veterinarians records may be used to establish that the animal was lawfully licensed prior to July 1, 2006. In addition, pet owners wishing to breed their pets or use them as show animals may apply to the Chief of Police for an exception to this ordinance. Mandatory spaying and neutering ordinances have been adopted by the City of Tulsa and numerous other municipalities in an effort to curb tremendous increases in the propagation of unwanted animals that eventually end up the city's animal shelter. Reduction of the number of homeless uncared for animals potentially slows our requirements for expansions of facilities and personnel. E. Repeal of Section 4-135 Sale of Impounded Animals The Owasso Animal Shelter does not engage in the practice of selling or publicly auctioning animals which have not been adopted or claimed by an owner. Therefore, sections 4-135 and 4- 137 (see (F) below) are moot provisions within Owasso's Code of Ordinances. In fact, stringent qualifications govern the public sale or auction of animals, and to engage in this practice potentially subjects the City to liability. F. Repeal of Section 4-137 Owner May Claim Excess Money Same as discussion of (E) above. 3 The staff intends to recommend City Council approval of the attached ordinances. I_r11 ymen,'1►lIB1►`Y y 1. Proposed Ordinance — Section 4-110 Keeping Dogs and Cats Within City Limits; Sanitation 2. Proposed Ordinance — Section 4-120 Rabies Vaccinations 3. Proposed Ordinance - Section 4-132 Animals to be Impounded 4. Proposed Ordinance — Section 4-147 Spay/Neuter Requirements 5. Proposed Ordinance — Section 4-135 Sale of Impounded Animals (Repeal) 6. Proposed Ordinance — Section 4-137 Owner May Claim Excess Money (Repeal) 4 T BY AN OWNER E,egulations, of the Code of ising section 4-110 to read as A. It is unlawful for any personother� than a properly licensed fennel proprietor, a person who has beented a rescue exemption permit which has been validated by the City of Owasso Anir, -.4. belter, or a person who has been approved by the City of Owasso Animal Shelter to provide animal foster care, to beep or maintain upon any property or premises within the city limits more than (2) dogs and (3) cats. This limitation shall not be applicable to any litter of puppies or Mittens for a period of ninety (90) days from birth if such puppies or kittens are born unto any adult dog or cat permanently maintained at such premises. B. Such animals shall be Dept in a pen, lot or enclosure of four hundred (400) square feet in area, for each animal; or on a leash or chain of sufficient length or mobility as to permit each animal to occupy any area of not les than four hundred (400) square feet in area, which areas must be ten (10) feet or more in width, and shall not extend or protrude closer than or within twenty (20) feet from any street side property line of such premises; Ca All owners or persons having charge or control of any premises where the keeping of dogs or cats are permitted shall pick up and remove daily from the area within or upon which such dogs and cats are kept or maintained all dung and animal excrement, and shall thereupon place or cause same to be placed in an enclosed, fly -proof container. The owner shall further prevent any offensive, disagreeable, or noxious smell, stench or odor to arise from such area within or upon which any dog or cats may be kept or maintained. Upon failure to comply with the provisions of this section, the keeping of dogs or cats and the area within which they are confined or restrained shall constitute a nuisance, subject tco;abatement as provided within this Code of Ordinances. random inspection writ) home permit. The Owa Police, is auth4ed at a to ensure proper~ *#re fo in revocation of the bolder's rescue exemption or foster aal Shelter, acting under~ the authority of the Chief of to revoke.the rescue exemption or foster home permit imals hort-secl therein. F. The followingshall apply tAli the granting of anypermit: 1. Rescue Exemption Permit: A rescue exemption permit may be granted to a qualified animal rescue or its designeeor agent. 2. Qualified 1` qualified anim rescue group t obtained R' Code section0approval has provided copies of the paperwork approving such status to the Owasso Animal Shelter. 3. Qualified Foster Dome: A qualified foster home exemption may be granted to applicants living in a single family dwelling who have been approved by either a qualified animal rescue or the Owasso Animal Shelter to foster animals pending adoption or termination of the animal. r. Regularly scheduled Animal Shelter to ensu I the animals are treo c. Any complaint filed by a home shall b investiae ME d. The Chief of waiver for a housed or to f�.. 02'', residing in the vicinity of the permit holder's ri animal. ,®ntrol officer acting under the such complaint is found to be valid, a permit 1 must correct the deficiency within three (3) e t correct such deficiency, or fails to do so, ay be revoked by the Chief of Police or his or ice, dt his or her designee, may revoke the special circumstances °easori and at any time to ensure proper care for the animals ure health and safety of citizens. H. All ordinances, or parts of ordinances, in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only. I } 1 . 1-1 1r 1; I .f I. If any part or parts of this ordinance are deemed unconstitutional, invalid or ineffective, the remaining portion shall not be affected but shall remain in full force and effect. 3 J. The provisions of this ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days from the date of final passage as provided by state law. K. The City of Owasso Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by amending section 4m 110, codified in Part 4, Chapter 1 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of 0was PASSED by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma on rho day of 2006. Sherry Bishop, City Clerk Cataudella, Mayor day of 2006. Julie Lombardi City Attorney 11 THAT,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF O SECTION ONE (1)a Part Four, Ordinances of the City of Owasso, O follows: :rc One, iimal. Regulations, of the Code of by revising section 4m 120 to read as harbot.'Or.keep in the city any dog, cat or ferret which has not t rabies in accordance with the law. The owner of such animal *cinated either annually with an annual vaccine, or once every e year vaccine. The owner shall procure from the veterinarian Line a certificate of vaccination giving a description of the animal nation. Such certificate shall be in force as provided therein, B. Every dog, cat or ferret shall be vaccinated for rabies on or before reaching four (4) months of age. Any dog, cat or ferret which is over the age of four (4) months and which has not been vaccinated against rabies within the past twelve or thirty-six month period, whichever is applicable, and which has been kept within the city for a period of thirty (30) days of more, shall be vaccinated immediately. CB All ordinances, or parts of ordinances, in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only. H' C WILITA D. If any part or parts of this ordinance are deemed unconstitutional, invalid or ineffective, the remaining portion shall not be affected but shall remain in full force and effect. E. The provisions of this ordinance shall become effective passage as provided by state law. F. The City of Owasso Code of Ordinances is hereby amen in Part 4, Chapter 1 of the Code of Ordinances of the City o PASSED by the City Council of the Ci 2006. t � y Sherry Bishop, City = (30) ,ys from the date of final amending section 4-120, codified Isso. on the day of Stephen Cataudella, Mayor APPROVED as to forte and legality this day of , 20W Julie Lombardi City Attorney 0 Me �� ' 1 c ` ']MARVIA-11 A BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THAT, SECTION ONE (1)e Part Four, Anima s;' Ch p%r One, Ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahornh, shall be*en( follows: urn6 Regulations, of the Code of by revising section 4-132 to read as and Oty holidays, provided the animal is not redeemed or claimed m, escription of the animal, the location and date the animal was line foro be il1' date of availability for wasso Animal Shelter for viewing by all interested persons. B. If the owner is identifiable by tag or other means, an animal control officer shall notify the owner at the address on the registration tag or city records that the animal is in custody and will be subject to disposition if not timely claimed as provided in (A), the family over fourteenof age.1 person can be contacted h certified letter will be . r 1 the addressit the Owasso Animal Shelter. If no response received from the owner within seven (7) days from the date the certified letter is mailed, the animal shall become the property of the City of Owasso and will be subject to disposition as provided in this Article. D. Any sick or injured animal taken into custody by an animal control officer shall be subject to immediate disposition subject to the discretion of the animal control officer. E. All ordinances, or parts of ordinances, in conflict with extent of the conflict only. F. If any part or parts of this ordinance are deemed iq remaining portion shall not be affected but shall remain G. The provisions of this ordinance shall passage as provided by state law. I H. The City in Part 4, Cl: PASSED ,by_.Jhe City Council of 206. Sherry Bishop, City Clerk thirty hereby repealed to the al, invalid or ineffective, the and effect. days from the date of final by amended by amending section 4- 132, codified the City of Owasso. City of Owasso, Oklahoma on the day of 2 Stephen Cataudella, Mayor APPROVED as to form and legality this day of , 2006. Julie Lombardi City Attorney WIN ME IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF SECTION ONE (1); Part Four, Animals, ,Ch ,pter One, Anin Ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, shall'be ended by follows. i i I �, ations, of the Code of section 4-147 to read as I'tshall be an offefi e,under this section for any owner within the city limits of Owasso to htarbor , keep or pp less a dog or cat over the age of six (6) months, other than a dog used, the Owasso P,%lice Department as a police dog, that has not been spayed or neutere 'u less the dog or cat was licensed as required under section 4®121(a) prior to July 19 2dI0 and has continually maintained such licensee A rebuttable presumption that the dog or cat `has not been spayed or neutered is established in the event the owner of a dog or cat over the age of six (6) months is unable to produce a current license, license tag or documentation of spay or neuter, In such event, an animal control officer shall issue a citation to the owner requiring that the dog or cat be spayed or neutered within thirty (30) days. Failure to do so will result in issuance of additional citations. B. with AKC, UKC, or other national/international animal association, and who is able to produce �� d'. to use the animal for breeding and/or show purposes, may apply for an exception to the mandatory spay/neuter law® Such application will be approved or denied by the Chief of Police or his or her designee. Breeders must be registered with the Owasso Animal Shelter, and the granting of an exception under this section does not exempt the animal owner from compliance with the allowable number of animals set forth in section 4®110(A)< I „ , C. All ordinances, or parts of ordinances, in conflict with this extent of the conflict only. SECTION FOUR (4): SEVERABILITY F. The City of Owasso Co in Part 4, Chapter 1 of the W FAII 1I11?Df 11lA the City Sherry Bishop, City Cleric (SEAL) 11=2 [�) I are hereby repealed to the invalid of ;ineffective, the id effect. from the date of final f Ordinances is hereby amended by amending section 4W 147, codified e- cof"An es of,t-1 e City of Owasso. cil of *e' ,,,City of Owasso, Oklahoma on the day of 06. APPROVED as to form and legality this day of , 2006. Julie Lombardi City Attorney MOW ., 19 , THAT,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF SECTION ONE (1)a Part Four, Anima Chapter One, Aniri% Ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma; shall amended by lations, of the Code of ing the following. "The following animals (describing them) having been taken up and impounded in the pound of the" City of Owasso, Oklahoma, for running at large contrary to provisions of the ordinances of the City of Owasso, will, unless redeemed within three (3) days, be sold at public auction for cash to the highest bidder at said pound at the hour of o'clock on the day of , 20 (giving day and date of sale). Dated this day of 20 " B. At the prescribed time all animals advertised to be sold and which are not redeemed prior to the time of sale shall be sold. Ca All ordinances, or parts of ordinances, in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only. SECTION THREE (3)e SEVERABILITY Da If any part or parts of this ordinance are deemed unconsti remaining portion shall not be affected but shall remain in full' SECTION FOUR (4)a DECL,ARING AN EFFECTIVE TEA' Ea The provisions of this ordinance shall become 40ve thi passage as provided by state law. %41=11=1 WIN T F. The City of Owasso Code of Ordinances i' in fart 4, Chapter I of the Code of Ordinance PASSED by the the City of ,ality this day of invalid or ineffective, the 0) days from the date of final d by repealing section 4-135, codified `Qwasso. Oklahoma on the day of Stephen Cataudella, Mayor Julie Lombardi City Attorney 2 I M�A .. ;i. • 1� 1 z . I URI @ V$ ff'. AM' M1110 _ ,� �,.,1 ♦ fir. \ t �, l ;P �l _ / ``./ CODE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THVI�VPkOWASSO, "LAHOMA, ,; SECTION ONE (1)a Part Four, Ordinances of the City of Owasso, One, Animal eulations, of the Code of amended by repealing the following: �, � i �;, ` ., < , � jai?►? '�1 11 i A. All ordinances, or parts of ordinances, in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only. B. If any part or parts of this ordinance are deemed unconstitutional, invalid or ineffective, the remaining portion shall not be affected but shall remain in full force and effect. Ca The provisions of this ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days from the date of final passage as provided by state law. SECTION FIVE (5)a CODIFICATION Da The City of Owasso Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by' repealing section 4-137, codified in Part 4, Chapter 1 of the Code of Ordinances of the City.of Owasso. PASSED by the City Council of the City of 0so, 01&ahoma on the day of , 2006. Sherry Bishop, City Cler Cataudella, Mayor day of , 2006. Julie Lombardi City Attorney ►a CITY OF TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL D PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: May 5, 2006 Included in the Capital Improvements Plan, the project consists of the widening of North Garnett Road from East 86th Street North to East 96th Street North (see Attachment A), to include the construction of five lanes of roadway, new sidewalk, curb and gutter, and signalization improvements at the intersection with East 86th Street North. The work was integrated with the construction of East 96t11 Street North and North Garnett Road intersection improvements. On February 1, 2005, City Council awarded the construction contract to Bccco Construction, Incorporated, of Tulsa, Oklahoma in the total amount of $4,691,722.80. Interim inspections were made periodically during the construction as each element of the work was completed. On November 22, 2005, the roadway was opened to traffic as the project had achieved substantial completion. ALLOWANCE ALLOCATION: ION: The work was awarded as a unit price contract where the quantities presented in the Bid Form were estimated based on expected conditions and used solely for the purpose of comparison of bids. It was therefore anticipated that a quantity adjustment be made at final payment to reflect actual quantities provided. Funding for final quantity adjustment, and other necessary changes, was included under the Project Allowance Line Item ($225,000) listed in the Bid Tabulation. A Project Incentive Line Item was also included as part of this contract ($60,000) as an incentive to the contractor to complete the work ahead of the scheduled completion date. The following items are adjustments of quantities based on unit prices bid for items included in the contract: uantit Description Unit Unit Cost Adjustment Total Cleaning & Grubbing LS $2,700.00 -1.00 $2,700.00 Uncl. Excavation CY $7.00 -2855.00 $19,985.00 Temp. Bale Barriers LF $2.00 -292.00 $584.00 Temp Silt Fence LF $2.00 -819.00 $1,638.00 North Garnet Road Improvements Acceptance And Final Payment Page 2 of 4 Quantity Description Unit Unit Cost Adjustment Total Solid Slab Sodding SY $1.10 -7303.00 $8,033.30 6" Aggr. Base (Type A) CY $21.00 -894.00 $18,774.00 Lime TN $20.00 -12.41 $248.20 Separator Fabric SY $0.85 -1213.00 $1,031.05 Traffic Bnd.Surf.Cse., Type E TN $10.00 -174.02 $1,740.20 Asph.Conc.TY.S3 TN $30.00 -424.40 $12,732.00 Asph.Conc.TY.S4 TN $35.00 -471.11 $16,488.85 P.C.Conc.Pavt(9"Dowel JT) SY $30.00 -60.00 $1,800.00 Class A Concrete CY $205.00 -252.00 $51,660.00 Reinforce Steel LB $0.55 -15030.00 $8,266.50 Concrete Curb (6" Barrier) LF $3.50 -587.00 $2,054.50 6" Comb. Curb & Gutter LF $15.00 -592.00 $8,880.00 6" Concrete Driveway (HES) SY $32.00 -916.00 $29,312.00 Bit. Driveway SY $12.00 -34.00 $408.00 4' Manhole EA $1,200.00 -3.00 $3,600.00 Manhole Frame & Cover EA $285.00 -8.00 $2,280.00 Inlet CICI DES.3(D) EA $2,500.00 -2.00 $5,000.00 Inlet CICI DES.3-21) EA $3,400.00 -1.00 $3,400.00 Inlet Frame & Grate EA $250.00 -15.00 $3,750.00 Cast Iron Curb Inlets EA $180.00 -22.00 $3,960.00 Junction Box CF $48.00 -12.00 $576.00 18" RCP Class III LF $33.00 -128.00 $4,224.00 36" RCP Class III LF $64.00 -186.00 $11,904.00 12" PVC Pipe LF $15.00 -193.00 $2,895.00 Remove Cone. Curb & Gutter LF $5.00 -44.00 $220.00 Remove Cone. Pavement SY $4.00 -13189.00 $52,756.00 Remove Asphalt Pavement SY $1.70 -10516.00 $17,877.20 Remove Cone. Driveway SY $4.00 -1.00 $4.00 Sawing Pavement LF $1.40 -866.00 $1,212.40 3" PVC Sch.40 Trenched LF $10.00 -161.00 $1,610.00 I/C #6 AWG Elec. Conductor LF $0.65 -14.00 $9.10 9/C Traffic Signal Electric Cable LF $1.40 -84.00 $11 T60 15/C Traffic Signal Electric Cable LF $2.00 -54.00 $108.00 18/C Traffic Signal Electric Cable LF $2.20 -117.00 $257.40 2 1/ 4" Square Tube Post LF $9.00 -131.00 $1,179.00 6" PVC Water Pipe LF $40.00 -223.00 $8,920.00 8" PVC Water Pipe LF $25.00 -1100.00 $27,500.00 Copper Water Service EA $600.00 -5.00 $3,000.00 8" Blind Flange EA $135.00 -2.00 $270.00 8"x8"x8" Tee EA $300.00 -2.00 $600.00 8" 90 DEG Bend EA $240.00 -4.00 $960.00 8" 45 DEG Bend EA $240.00 -2.00 $480.00 6" Gate Valve & Box EA $500.00 -1.00 $500.00 8" Gate Valve & Box EA $700.00 -2.00 $1,400.00 3-Way Fire Hydrant EA $1,500.00 -2.00 $3,000.00 Install 6" Electric Conduit LS $887.21 -1.00 $887.21 Change Mast Arm to 30' LS $5,720.00 -1.00 $5,720.00 North Garnet Road Improvements Acceptance And Final Payment Page 3 of 4 uantit Description Unit Unit Cost Adjustment Total 2-8'xl6' DIA Casing STA 139+50 LS $14,261.80 -1.00 $14,261.80 2-8'xl6' DIA Casing STA 103+07 LS $14,261.80 -1.00 $14,261.80 2-8'xl6' DIA Casing STA 103+86/103+92 LS $15,932.40 -1.00 $15,932.40 48" RCP & PC End Section LS $19,030.58 -1.00 $19,030.58 Type 3 Laid Up RipRap LS $2,697.00 -1.00 $2,697.00 Add new sys. @ S. end off ramp w/sig LS $1,980.00 -1.00 $1,980.00 OVERRUN SUBTOTAL, $424,676.09 Tack Coat GAL $1.50 3.00 ($4.50) Prime Coat GAL $1.50 350.00 ($525.00) 4" Concrete Sidewalk SY $20.00 181.00 ($3,620.00) 4" Perf. Pipe Underdrain LF $6.00 106.00 ($636.00) 2" PVC Schedule 40 Trenched LF $8.00 5.00 ($40.00) 1/C #10 Electrical Conductor LF $2.20 548.00 ($1,205.60) Pedestrian Push Button EA $120.00 2.00 ($240.00) 1-Way 2-Sec ADJ. PED S-20 EA $500.00 2.00 ($1,000.00) 5/C Traffic Signal Electrical Cable LF $1.00 15.00 ($15.00) 7/C Traffic Signal Electrical Cable LF $1.20 5.00 ($6.00) 2/C Loop Detector Lead Cable LF $0.60 134.00 ($80.40) Sheet Alum Signs SF $17.00 57.25 ($973.25) 2" Square Tube Post LF $9.00 112.00 ($1,008.00) Traffic Stripe, 4" White Plastic LF $0.70 432.00 ($302.40) Traffic Stripe, Arrow Plastic EA $135.00 15.00 ($2,025.00) Traffic Stripe, Words Plastic EA $165.00 3.00 ($495.00) UNDERRUN SUBTOTAL. ($12,176.15) ADJUSTMENT $412,499.94 PROJECT ALLOWANCE ($225,000.00) PROJECT r N 1 [ gib I11. 0 TOTAL, PROJECT OVERRUN $127,499.94 As shown above, quantity adjustments resulted in an additional expenditure of $412,499.94 (8.8% of the original contract amount). However, because the contract included funding for quantity adjustments in the amount of $225,000, the adjusted additional expenditure amount is $187,499.94 (4% of the original contract amount). Also included in this project was a Project Incentive in the amount of $60,000 which was not awarded. By applying this amount to the quantity adjustments, this would reduce the additional expenditures to $127,499.94 (2.7% of the original contract amount). North Garnet Road Improvements Acceptance And Final Payment Page 4 of 4 FINAL PAYMENT: A final inspection was completed on April 19, 2006 and all items identified at this inspection requiring correction to meet city standards have been completed. The contractor has provided a two-year maintenance bond for the work as part of the Contract Documents. Progress payments have been made in the amount of $4,457,136.66. Pay Request No. I in the amount of $362,086.08 was submitted on April 20, 2006 by the contactor as a request for final payment (see Attachment B). FUNDING: An adjustment in the contract will be required to reflect the following: Original contract amount $ 4,691,722.80 Plus Quantity Adjustments $ 127,499.94 Devised Contract 'Total $ 4,819,222.74 COMMENDATIONS: The staff intends to recommend Council acceptance of the North Garnett Road Improvements and authorization for final payinent to BECCO Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $362,086.08 for a revised contract amount of $4,819,222.74. ATTACHMENTS: A. Site Plan B. Final Pay Request AT A ^ I IRN®®®'T' FL---APP—LICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT TO: (Owner) d / k-f A FROM: (Contractor) PROJECT: Page One of Contract Date: zw Application Date:—.4- Period To: ro / Distribution To: Owner Architect Contractor Engineer CONTRACT FOR: AJ . A A) e r -7� /2 6. 0 e- b 6 CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT Application is made for payment, as shown below, in connection with the Contract. Continuation sheet is attached. I. Original Contract Sum 2. Net Change by Change Orders 3. Contract Sum to Date (Line I & 2) 4. Total Completed & Stored to Date (Column G on Continuation Sheet) $ r . H $ 0,6291,� $ /,9, 5. Retainage: a. % of Completed Work $ (Column D & E on Continuation Sheet) - FINAL b. % of Stored Material (Column F on Continuation Sheet) Total Retainage (Line 5a & 5b) 6. Total Earned Less Retainage (Line 4 less Line 5 Total) %. Less Previous Certificates for Payment S. CURRENT PAYMENT DUE ,6 $ 15612,6 & 6. 9. Balance to Finish, Plus Rctainage (Line 3 less Line 6) CHANGE ORDER SUMMARY: Change Orders approved in previous months by OWNER TOTALS Approved this month Number Date Approved ADDITIONS I $ TOTALS $ Net Change by Change Orders DEDUCTIONS $ The undersigned Contractor certifies that to the best of the Contractor's knowledge, information and belief, the WORD covered by this Application for payment has been completed in accordance with the Contract Documents, that all amounts have been paid by the Contractor for Work for which previous Certificates for Payment were issued and payments received from the Owner, and that current payment shown herein is now due. CONTRACTOR: STATE OF OKLAHOMA ) SS COUNTY OF ��"f i /' � _ ) Subscribed and sworn to before me this «z `� day of (SEAL) My Commission Expires Date: �,Ogr�� i��kar� Public lat�oma ����i 0STATF OP COMM ICIAL SEAL �10 TWA J. B. ALA NDER M � � -10ma r Expires: ARCHITECT'S / ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT In accordance with the contract documents, based on on -site observations and the date comprising the above application, the Architect/Engineer certifies to the Owner that to the best of the Architect/s/Engineer's knowledge, information and belief, the Work has progressed as indicated, the quality of the Work is in accordance with the Contract Documents, and the Contractor is entitled to payment of the amount certified. AMOUNT CERTIFIED (Attach explanation if amount certified differs from the amount applied for.) ARCHITECT / ENGINEER: Date: This certificate is not negotiable. The AMOUNT CERTIFIED is payable only to the contractor named herein. Issuance, payment and acceptance of payment without prejudice to any rights of the Owner or Contractor under this Contract. CONTINUATION SHEET AIA DOCUMENT G 703 PAGE 2 OF 2 AIA DOCUMENT G702, APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT, CONTAINING APPLICATION NO: 11 CONTRACTOR'S SIGNED CERTIFICATION IS ATTACHED. IN TABULATIONS BELOW, AMOUNTS ARE STATED TO THE NEAREST DOLLAR. USE COLUMN 1 ON CONTRACTS WHERE VARIABLE RETAINAGE FOR LINE ITEMS MAY APPLY. APPLICATION DATE: 1/1/2006 PERIOD TO: 1/31/2006 CONTRACTOR PROD. NO: 223 A B C D E F G H I ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION OF WORK SCHEDULED VALUE WORK COMPLETED MATERIALS PRESENTLY STORED TO DATE (NOT IN D OR E) TOTAL COMPLETED AND STORED TO DATE (D+E+F) % (G/C) BALANCE TO FINISH (C-G) RETAINAGE j FROM PREVIOUS APPLICATION (D + E) THIS PERIOD 1 CLEARING & GRUBBING $ 30,000.00 $32,700.00 -$2,700.00 $ 30,000.00 100.0% $ - $ 2 UNCL EXC $ 284,662.00 $304,647.00 -$19,985.00 $ 284,662.00 100.0% $ $ 3 TY A SALV TOPSOIL $ 35,000.00 $35,000.00 $0.00 $ 35,000.00 100.0% $ $ 4 TEMP BALE BARRIER $ 608.00 $1,192.00 -$584.00 $ 608.00 100.0% $ $ 5 TEMP SILT FENCE $ 8,380.00 $10,018.00 -$1,638.00 $ 8,380.00 100.0% $ $ 6 TEMP SEDIMENT FILTER $ 1,080.00 $1,080.00 $0.00 $ 1,080.00 100.0% $ $ 7 TEMP SEDIMENT REMV $ 690.00 $690.00 $0.00 $ 690.00 100.0% $ $ 8 SOLID SLAB SOD $ 32,450.00 $883.30 $31,566.70 $ 32,450.00 100.0% $ $ 9 6" AGG BASE TY A $ 271,824.00 $290,598.00 -$18,774.00 $ 271,824.00 100.0% $ $ 10 LIME $ 5,780.00 $6,028.20 -$248.20 $ 5,780.00 100.0% $ $ 11 LIME TREATED SUB GRADE $ 6,829.50 $6,829.50 $0.00 $ 6,829.50 100.0% $ $ 12 SUBGRADE METHOD B $ 19,021.50 $19,021.50 $0.00 $ 19,021.50 100.0% $ $ 13 SEP FABRIC FOR BASES $ 37,922.75 $38,953.80 -$1,031.05 $ 37,922.75 100.0% $ $ 14 TBSC TY E $ 6,400.00 $8,140.20 -$1,740.20 $ 6,400.00 100.0% $ $ 15 TACK COAT $ 180.00 $175.50 $0.00 $ 175.50 97.5% $ 4.50 $ 16 PRIME COAT $ 525.00 $0.00 $0.00 $ - 0.0% $ 525.00 $ 17 ASPHALT TY S-3 (64-22) $ 69,570.00 $82,302.00 -$12,732.00 $ 69,570.00 100.0% $ - $ 18 ASPHALT TY S-4 (64-22) $ 11,900.00 $28,388.85 -$16,488.85 $ 11,900.00 100.0% $ $ 19 PCCP 9" DOWEL JOINTED $ 1,200,870.00 $1,202,100.00 -$1,230.00 $1,200,870.00 100.0% $ $ 20 STRUC EXC UNCL $ 21,567.00 $21,567.00 $0.00 $ 21,567.00 100.0% $ $ 21 CL A CONC $ 215,045.00 $266,705.00 -$51,660.00 $ 215,045.00 100.0% $ $ 22 REINF STEEL $ 124,800.50 $133,067.00 -$8,266.50 $ 124,800.50 100.0% $ $ 23 GABIONS $ 18,000.00 $18,000.00 $0.00 $ 18,000.00 100.0% $ $ 24 CONC CURB 6" BARR- INT $ 33,110.00 $35,164.50 -$2,054.50 $ 33,110.00 100.0% $ $ 25 6" CURB & GUTTER $ 9,525.00 $18,405.00 -$8,880.00 $ 9,525.00 100.0% $ $ 26 4" CONC SIDEWALK $ 123,660.00 $120,040.00 $0.00 $ 120,040.00 97.1% $ 3,620.00 $ 27 6" CONC DRIVE HES $ 129,536.00 $140,672.00 -$11,136.00 $ 129,536.00 100.0% $ - $ 28 BITUM DRIVE $ 14,100.00 $14,508.00 -$408.00 $ 14,100.00 100.0% $ $ 29 MANHOLE 4' $ 7,200.00 $10,800.00 -$3,600.00 $ 7,200.00 100.0% $ $ 30 MANHOLE 5' $ 6,400.00 $6,400.00 $0.00 $ 6,400.00 100.0% $ $ 31 MANHOLE FRAME & COVER $ 8,835.00 $11,115.00 -$2,280.00 $ 8,835.00 100.0% $ - $ 32 INLET CICI DES 2 $ 5,200.00 $5,200.00 $0.00 $ 5,200.00 100.0% $ $ 33 INLET CICI DES 2(C) $ 3,800.00 $3,800.00 $0.00 $ 3,800.00 100.0% $ $ 34 INLET CICI DES 2(D) $ 21,000.00 $21,000.00 $0.00 $ 21,000.00 100.0% $ $ 35 INLET CICI DES 3(D) $ 5,000.00 $10,000.00 -$5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 100.0% $ $ 36 INLET CICI DES 2-2C $ 2,500.00 $2,500.00 $0.00 $ 2,500.00 100.0% $ $ 37 INLET CICI DES 2-2D $ 8,700.00 $8,700.00 $0.00 $ 8,700.00 100.0% $ $ 38 INLET CICI DES 3-2D $ 6,800.00 1 $10,200.00 -$3,400.00 $ 6,800.00 100.0% $ $ 39 INLET SMD TY 2 $ 1,500.00 1 $1,500.00 $0.00 $ 1,500.00 1 100.0% $ Is Page 1 of 4 CONTINUATION SHEET AIA DOCUMENT G 703f AIA DOCUMENT G702, APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT, CONTAINING CONTRACTOR'S SIGNED CERTIFICATION IS ATTACHED, IN TABULATIONS BELOW, AMOUNTS ARE STATED TO THE NEAREST DOLLAR. USE COLUMN 1 ON CONTRACTS WHERE VARIABLE RETAINAGE FOR LINE ITEMS MAY APPLY. APPLICATION NO: 11 APPLICATION DATE: 1/1/2006 PERIOD TO: 1/31/2006 CONTRACTOR PROJ. NO: 223 A B C D E F G H i ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION OF WORK SCHEDULED VALUE WORK COMPLETED MATERIALS PRESENTLY STORED TO DATE (NOT IN D OR E) TOTAL COMPLETED AND STORED TO DATE (D+E+F) % (G/C) BALANCE TO FINISH (C-G) RETAINAGE FROM PREVIOUS APPLICATION (D + E) THIS PERIOD 40 INLET FRAME & GRATE $ 22,250.00 $26,000.00 -$3,750.00 $ 22,250.00 100.0% $ - $ 41 CICI $ 26,460.00 $30,420.00 -$3,960.00 $ 26,460.00 100.0% $ $ 42 JUNCTION BOXES $ 48,384.00 $48,960.00 -$576.00 $ 48,384.00 100.0% $ $ 43 WATER VALVES ADJ TO GRADE $ 300.00 $300.00 $0.00 $ 300.00 100.0% $ $ 44 WATER METER BOX ADJ TO GRADE $ 300.00 $300.00 $0.00 $ 300.00 100.0% $ $ 45 18" RCP CL III $ 63,492.00 $67,716.00 -$4,224.00 $ 63,492.00 100.0% $ $ - 46 24" RCP CL III $ 71,939.00 $71,939.00 $0.00 $ 71,939.00 100.0% $ $ - 47 30" RCP CL III $ 53,130.00 $53,130.00 $0.00 $ 53,130.00 100.0% $ $ - 48 36" RCP CL III $ 23,808.00 $35,712.00 -$11,904.00 $ 23,808.00 100.0% $ $ 49 42" RCP CL III $ 22,950.00 $22,950.00 $0.00 $ 22,950.00 100.0% $ $ 50 44"X26" RCA PIPE CL III $ 18,532.00 $18,532.00 $0.00 $ 18,532.00 100.0% $ $ 51 18" PCES ROUND $ 570.00 $570.00 $0.00 $ 570.00 100.0% $ $ 52 24" PCES ROUND $ 690.00 $690.00 $0.00 $ 690.00 100.0% $ - $ 53 PERF PIPE UD 4" SCH 40 $ 73,860.00 $73,224.00 $0.00 $ 73,224.00 99.1% $ 636.00 $ 54 12" PVC PIPE $ 4,050.00 $6,945.00 -$2,895.00 $ 4,050.00 100.0% $ - $ 55 REMV RCB $ 1,600.00 $1,600.00 $0.00 $ 1,600.00 100.0% $ $ 56 REMV CULVERT PIPE $ 4,335.00 $4,335.00 $0.00 $ 4,335.00 100.0% $ $ 57 REMV HDWALL $ 5,500.00 $5,500.00 $0.00 $ 5,500.00 100.0% $ $ 58 REMV CURB & GUTTER $ 6,800.00 $7,020.00 -$220.00 $ 6,800.00 100.0% $ $ 59 REMV CONC PVMT $ 3,824.00 $56,580.00 -$52,756.00 $ 3,824.00 100.0% $ $ - 60 REMV ASPH PVMT $ 55,319.70 $73,196.90 -$17,877.20 $ 55,319.70 100.0% $ $ 61 REMV CONC DRIVES $ 5,244.00 $5,252.00 -$8.00 $ 5,244.00 100.0% $ $ 62 REMV ASPH DRIVES $ 10,392.00 $10,392.00 $0.00 $ 10,392.00 100.0% $ $ 63 SAWING PVMT $ 3,014.20 $4,226.60 -$1,212.40 $ 3,014.20 100.0% $ $ 64 MOBILIZATION $ 35,000.00 $35,000.00 $0.00 $ 35,000.00 100.0% $ $ - 65 STAKING $ 35,000.00 $35,000.00 $0.00 $ 35,000.00 100.0% $ $ "`*SUBTOTAL ROADWAY--- 66 REMV EXIST SIGN $ 1,690.00 $1,690.00 $0.00 $ 1,690.00 100.0% $ $ 67 PC MEDIAN BARR PORTABLE $ 20,000.00 $20,000.00 $0.00 $ 20,000.00 100.0% $ $ - 68 RELOCATE PORT BARR $ 4,000.00 $4,000.00 $0.00 $ 4,000.00 100.0% $ $ 69 2" PVC SCH 40 CONDUIT TRENCHED $ 2,280.00 $2,240.00 $0.00 $ 2,240.00 98.2% $ 40.00 $ 70 3" PVC SCH 40 CONDUIT BORED $ 12,540.00 $12,540.00 $0.00 $ 12,540.00 100.0% $ - $ 71 3" PVC SCH 40 CONDUIT TRENCHED $ 1,100.00 $2,710.00 -$1,610.00 $ 1,100.00 100.0% $ - $ 72 PULL BOX SIZE 1 $ 1,760.00 $1,760.00 $0.00 $ 1,760.00 100.0% $ - $ 73 PULL BOX SIZE II $ 825.00 $825.00 $0.00 $ 825.00 100.0% $ $ 74 STRUC CONC $ 14,200.00 $14,200.00 $0.00 $ 14,200.00 100.0% $ $ 75 REINF STEEL $ 7,080.15 $7,080.15 $0.00 $ 7,080.15 100.0% $ $ 76 32' MH POLE, 25' TS & 10' LMA (G.STL) $ 7,600.00 $7,600.00 $0.00 $ 7,600.00 100.0% $ - $ 77 32' MH POLE, 30' TS & 10' LIMA (G.STL) $ 7,800.00 $7,800.00 $0.001 1 $ 7,800.00 1 100.0% $ is Page 2 of 4 CONTINUATION AIA DOCUMENT G702, APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT, CONTAINING CONTRACTOR'S SIGNED CERTIFICATION IS ATTACHED. IN TABULATIONS BELOW, AMOUNTS ARE STATED TO THE NEAREST DOLLAR. USE COLUMN 1 ON CONTRACTS WHERE VARIABLE RETAINAGE FOR LINE ITEMS MAY APPLY. APPLICATION NO: 11 APPLICATION DATE: 1/1/2006 PERIOD TO: 1/31/2006 CONTRACTOR PROJ. NO: 223 A B C D E F G H I ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION OF WORK SCHEDULED VALUE WORK COMPLETED MATERIALS PRESENTLY STORED TO DATE (NOT IN D OR E) TOTAL COMPLETED AND STORED TO DATE (D+E+F) % (G/C) BALANCE TO FINISH (C-G) RETAINAGE FROM PREVIOUS APPLICATION (D + E) THIS PERIOD 78 32' MH POLE, 35' TS & 10' LMA (G.STL) $ 4,600.00 $4,600.00 $0.00 $ 4,600.00 100.0% $ $ 79 32' MH POLE, 40' TS & I U LIMA (G.STL) $ 10,400.00 $10,400.00 $0.00 $ 10,400.00 100.0% $ $ - 80 32' MH POLE, 45' TS & 10' LMA (G.STL) $ 11,600.00 $11,600.00 $0.00 $ 11,600.00 100.0% $ $ 81 32' MH POLE, 50' TS & 10' LMA (G.STL) $ 6,000.00 $6,000.00 $0.00 $ 6,000.00 100.0% $ $ - 82 10' MTG HT TS PIED POLE $ 990.00 $990.00 $0.00 $ 990.00 100.0% $ $ 83 RDWY LUMINAIRE $ 3,300.00 $3,300.00 $0.00 $ 3,300.00 100.0% $ $ 84 SERVICE POLE $ 2,475.00 $2,475.00 $0.00 $ 2,475.00 100.0% $ $ 85 1/C NO 6 AWG ELEC CONDUCT $ 390.00 $399.10 -$9.10 $ 390.00 100.0% $ - $ 86 1/C NO 10 AWG ELEC CONDUCT $ 6,358.00 $5,152.40 $0.00 $ 5,152.40 81.0% $ 1,205.60 $ 87 VEH ACT SOL ST TRAF $ 28,500.00 $28,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $ 28,500.00 100.0% $ - $ 88 DETECT SYSTEM VIDEO $ 54,000.00 $54,000.00 $0.00 $ 54,000.00 100.0% $ - $ 89 PED PUSH BUTTON $ 2,160.00 $1,920.00 $0.00 $ 1,920.00 88.9% $ 240.00 $ 90 1 WAY 3 SEC ADJ SIG HEAD (MAST ARM MTD)( $ 12,600.00 $12,600.00 $0.00 $ 12,600.00 100.0% $ - $ 91 1 WAY 3 SEC ADJ SIG HEAD (MAST ARM MTD)( $ 700.00 $700.00 $0.00 $ 700.00 100.0% $ $ 92 1 WAY 5 SEC ADJ SIG HEAD (MAST ARM MTD)( $ 8,400.00 $8,400.00 $0.00 $ 8,400.00 100.0% $ $ 93 1 WAY 2 SEC ADJ SIG HEAD (S-20) $ 8,000.00 $7,000.00 $0.00 $ 7,000.00 87.5% $ 1,000.00 $ 94 BACKPLATE $ 2,600.00 $2,600.00 $0.00 $ 2,600.00 100.0% $ - $ 95 5/C TRAFF SIG ELEC CABLE $ 2,710.00 $2,695.00 $0.00 $ 2,695.00 99.4% $ 15.00 $ 96 7/C TRAFF SIG ELEC CABLE $ 558.00 $552.00 $0.00 $ 552.00 98.9% $ 6.00 $ 97 9/C TRAFF SIG ELEC CABLE $ 189.00 $306.60 -$117.60 $ 189.00 100.0% $ - $ 98 15/C TRAFF SIG ELEC CABLE $ 1,650.00 $1,758.00 -$108.00 $ 1,650.00 100.0% $ $ 99 18/C TRAFF SIG ELEC CABLE $ 88.00 $345.40 -$257.40 $ 88.00 100.0% $ $ 100 2/C SHIELD LOOP DET LEAD IN CABLE $ 138.00 $57.60 $0.00 $ 57.60 41.7% $ 80.40 $ 101 SHEET ALUM SIGNS $ 3,034.50 $2,061.25 $0.00 $ 2,061.25 67.9% $ 973.25 $ 102 MAST ARM MTD SIGNS ALUM $ 4,777.50 $4,777.50 $0.00 $ 4,777.50 100.0% $ - $ 103 2" SQUARE TUBE POSTS $ 1,008.00 $0.00 $0.00 $ - 0.0% $ 1,008.00 $ 104 2 1/4"SQUARE TUBE POSTS $ 1,521.00 $2,700.00 -$1,179.00 $ 1,521.00 100.0% $ - $ - 105 TRAFF STRIPE WHITE PLASTIC 4" $ 5,128.90 $4,826.50 $0.00 $ 4,826.50 94A% $ 302.40 $ 106 TRAFF STRIPE YELLOW PLASTIC 4" $ 9,560.60 $9,560.60 $0.00 $ 9,560.60 100.0% $ - $ 107 TRAFF STRIPE PLASTIC ARROWS $ 7,830.00 $5,805.00 $0.00 $ 5,805.00 74.1% $ 2,025.00 $ 108 TRAFF STRIPE PLASTIC WORDS $ 1,155.00 $660.00 $0.00 $ 660.00 57.1% $ 495.00 $ 109 CONST TRAFFIC CONTROL $ 53,000.00 $53,000.00 $0.00 $ 53,000.00 100.0% $ - $ 110 REMV TRAFF SIG EQUIPMENT $ 2,200.00 $2,200.00 $0.00 $ 2,200.00 100.0% $ - $ """SUBTOTAL TRAFFIC - 111 DIP LINED 12° WATER $ 9,916.00 $9,916.00 $0.00 $ 9,916.00 100.0% $ - $ 112 DIP LINED 24" WATER $ 390,300.00 $390,300.00 $0.00 $ 390,300.00 100.0% $ - $ 113 PVC PIPE 6" WATER $ 2,640.00 $11,560.00 -$8,920.00 $ 2,640.00 100.0% $ - $ 114 PVC PIPE 8" WATER $ 98,875.00 $126,375.00 -$27,500.00 1 $ 98,875.00 100.0% $ - $ 115 COPPER WATER SERVICE $ 19,800.00 $22,800.00 -$3,000.00 1 $ 19,800.00 1 100.0% $ $ Page 3 of 4 CONTINUATION SHEET AIA DOCUMENT G 703 PAGE 2 OF 2 AIA DOCUMENT G702, APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT, CONTAINING APPLICATION NO: 11 CONTRACTOR'S SIGNED CERTIFICATION IS ATTACHED. APPLICATION DATE: 1/1/2006 IN TABULATIONS BELOW, AMOUNTS ARE STATED TO THE NEAREST DOLLAR. PERIOD TO: 1/31/2006 USE COLUMN 1 ON CONTRACTS WHERE VARIABLE RETAINAGE FOR LINE ITEMS MAY APPLY. CONTRACTOR PROJ. NO: 223 A B C D I E F G H I ITEM NO, 116 DESCRIPTION OF WORK FITTINGS WATER PIPE 8" BLIND FLANGE SCHEDULED VALUE $ 270.00 WORK COMPLETED MATERIALS PRESENTLY STORED TO DATE (NOT IN D OR E) TOTAL COMPLETED AND STORED TO DATE (D+E+F) $ 270.00 % (G/C) 100.0% BALANCE TO FINISH (C-G) $ RETAINAGE $ FROM PREVIOUS APPLICATION (D + E) $540.00 THIS PERIOD -$270.00 117 FITTINGS WATER PIPE 24" BLIND FLANGE $ 500.00 $500.00 $0.00 $ 500.00 100.0% $ - $ 118 8"X8"X6" TEE $ 1,960.00 $1,960.00 $0.00 $ 1,960.00 100.0% $ $ 119 8"X8"X8" TEE $ 1,200.00 $1,800.00 -$600.00 $ 1,200.00 100.0% $ $ 120 10"X10"X8" TEE $ 720.00 $720.00 $0.00 $ 720.00 100.0% $ $ 121 12"X12"X6" TEE $ 420.00 $420.00 $0.00 $ 420.00 100.0% $ $ 122 24"X24"X12" TEE $ 5,250.00 $5,250.00 $0.00 $ 5,250.00 100.0% $ $ 123 24"X24"X8" TEE $ 7,200.00 $7,200.00 $0.00 $ 7,200.00 100.0% $ - $ 124 24"X24"X8"X8" CROSS TEE $ 9,500.00 $9,500.00 $0.00 $ 9,500.00 100.0% $ $ 125 8" 90 DEG BEND $ 240.00 $1,200.00 -$960.00 $ 240.00 100.0% $ $ 126 8" 45 DEG BEND $ 480.00 $960.00 -$480.00 $ 480.00 100.0% $ $ 127 12" 45 DEG BEND $ 720.00 $720.00 $0.00 $ 720.00 100.0% $ $ 128 24" 22.5 DEG BEND $ 12,600.00 $12,600.00 $0.00 $ 12,600.00 100.0% $ $ 129 8" SLEEVE $ 920.00 $920.00 $0.00 $ 920.00 100.0% $ - $ 130 12" SLEEVE $ 680.00 $680.00 $0.00 $ 680.00 100.0% $ $ 131 24" SLEVE $ 3,600.00 $3,600.00 $0.00 $ 3,600.00 100.0% $ $ 132 24" FULL CIR. REPAIR SLEEVE $ 1,000.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 $ 1,000.00 100.0% $ - $ 133 8" AIR RELIEF VALVE ASSM & VAULT $ 3,000.00 $3,000.00 $0.00 $ 3,000.00 100.0% $ $ 134 24" AIR RELIEF VALVE ASSM & VAULT $ 5,000.00 $5,000.00 $0.00 $ 5,000.00 100.0% $ $ 135 6" GATE VALVE & BOX $ 3,500.00 $4,000.00 -$500.00 $ 3,500.00 100.0% $ $ 136 8" GATE VALVE & BOX $ 5,600.00 $7,000.00 -$1,400.00 $ 5,600.00 100.0% $ $ 137 12" GATE VALVE & BOX $ 2,600.00 $2,600.00 $0.00 $ 2,600.00 100.0% $ $ 138 24" BUTTERFLY VALVE & VAULT $ 60,000.00 $60,000.00 $0.00 $ 60,000.00 100.0% $ $ 139 24" BUTTERFLY VALVE $ 10,000.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 $ 10,000.00 100.0% $ $ 140 3-WAY FIRE HYDRANT 4.5' BURY $ 12,000.00 $15,000.00 -$3,000.00 $ 12,000.00 100.0% $ $ 141 ABANDON 10" WATER LINE IN PLACE $ 10,780.00 $10,780.00 $0.00 $ 10,780.00 100.0% $ $ 142 ABANDON 12" WATER LINE IN PLACE $ 240.00 $240.00 $0.00 $ 240.00 100.0% $ - $ "'"SUBTOTAL WATERLINE-- $ 143 PROJECT ALLOWANCE $ 225,000.00 $5,046.85 $419,629.24 $ 424,676.09 188.7% $ (199,676.09) $ 144 PROJECT INCENTIVE $ 60,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $ - 0.0% $ 60,000.00 $ TOTAL AL $ 4,691,722.80 $ 4,691,156.80 $128,065.94 $ - $4,819,222.74 $ (127,499.94) $ Page 4 o6 4 N,GAPNETT RT}. - 86TH TO 96TH ST,N. - PROJECT ALLOWANCE ITEM NO. 1 DESCRIPTION CLEARING & GRUBBING v. T_ _ n --- UNCL..EXCAVATION _..-- EMP.BALE BARRIERS EMP.SILT FENCE UNIT _PRICE 30 000.00 7.00 PLAN -QUANTITY 1.00 40,666.00 QUANT, COMPLETED 1.09 43,521.00 QUANT, OVERRRUN --OVERRUN 0 09 2,855.00 $ _ 2,700.00 19,9 85.00 584.00 _ 1,63 . 00 2 4 5 2.00 2.00 304.00 4,190.00 596.00 5,009.00 2.92_UO 819.00 8 SOLID SLAB SODDING 1.10 21.00 29,500.00 36,803.00 „ 7 3U3 00 8,0 33-30 9 6" AGGR.BASE (TY.A) - 12,00 944.00 13,838,00 894.00 18,774. 20,00 289.00 301.41 _ _ 12.41 _ 248.20 - 10 LIME 13 -SEPARATOR 14T 17 ~ _ FABRIC iRAF,BND.SURF.CSE., TY.E SPH.CONC.TY.S3 (64-22) 0.85 10.00 30.00 44,615.00 640.00 - 2,319.00 45,828.00 814,02 2,743.40 1213.00 174.02 __424.40 1,031.05 1,740.20 12,732.00 18^_ _ SPH.CONC.TY.S4 (64-22) _ J 35.00 340.00 811.11 _471.11 16,488.85 19 21 - P.C.CONC.PAVT.(9"DOWEL JT.) _ CL.A CONC. 30.00 _205.00 40,029.00 1,049.00 40,089.00 1,301.00 -60.00 _- 252.00 1,800.00 51,660.00 22 REINF.STEEL -` _ 0.55 226,910.00 241,940.00 15,030.00 8,266.50 24 25 CONC.CURB 6" BARRIER "COMB.CURB & GUTTER ___ 3.50 15.00 9,460.00 635.00 10,047.00 1,227.00 587.00 592,00 2,054.50 8,880.00 _32.00 4,048.00 4,964.00 __916.00 29,312.00 27 " CONC.DRWY (HES) 28 ^- BIT,DRIVEWAY 1,175.00 1,209.00 �i34.00 408.00 29 MANHOLE (4') ^_12.00 1,200.00 6.00 9.00 LL 3,00 3,600.00 31 MH FRAME & COVER _ 285.00 31.00 39.00 8.00 2,280.00 2.00 4,00 2.00 5,000.00 _ 35- INLET CICI DES.3 D 2.500.00 3.00 1,00 3,400.00 38 INLET CICI DES.3-2D _ 3.400.00 _ 2.00 104.00 15.00 3,750.00 40- INLET FRAME & GRATE 250.00 89.00 169.00 �22.00 3,960,00 41 -EAST _^ IRON CURB INLETS _ 180.00 147.00 1,020.00 2,052.00 558.00 463.00 1,404.00 14,145.00 431057.00 12.00 128.00 _ 186.00 193.00 - _ 44.00 13,189.00 10,516.00 576.00 4,224.00 11.904.00 2,895.00 220.00 �52,756.00 17,877.20 42 CT.BOXES 18" R.C.PIPE CL.III 36" R.C.PIPE CL.III - 12" PVC PIPE _ - & GUTTER REM.CONC.PAVEMENT _p REM.ASPH.PAVEMENT �^ � _48.00 y 33.00 64,00 15.00 5.00 �4.00 1.70 1,008.00 1,924.00 372.00 270.00 1,360.00 956.00 32,541.00 45 48 54 58 PREM.CONC.CURB 59 60 _ 61 REM.CONC. DRIVEWAYS _ SAWING PAVEMENT _ 3" PVC SCH.40 TRENCHED 1/C #6 AWG ELEC. CONDUCTOR 9/ C TRAF.SIG.ELEC.CABLE _4.00 1.40 10.00 0,65 1.40 1,311.00 2,153.00 110.00 600.00 135.00 1,312.00 3,019.00 271.00 614.00 219.00 1.00 _ 866.00 161.00 14.00 84.00 4.00 1,212.40 1,610.00 9.10 117.60 63 71 85 97 W 98 15/C TRAF.SIG .CABLE 18/C TRAF.SIG.CABLE 2 1/4" SQ.TUBE POST 2.00 2.20 9.00 825.00 40.00 169.00 879.00 157.00 300.00 54.00 117.00 131.00 108.00 257.40 1,179.00 99 104 113 " PVC WATER PIPE 8" PVC WATER PIPE 40.00 25.00 66.00 3,955.00 289.00 5,055.00 223.00 1,100.00 8,920.00 27,500.00 114 115 116 COPPER WATER SVS. 8" BLIND FLANGE _ - 600.00 135.00 33.00 2.00 38.00 4.00 5.00 2.00 3,000.00 _ 270.00 119 8"X8"X8" TEE II" 90 DEG.BEND 8" 45 DEG.BEND ___ "GATE VALVE &BOX 8" GATE VALVE & BOX T 3-WAY FIRE HYDRANT _ INSTALL 6" ELEC.CONDUIT - 16TH ST CHANGE MAST ARM TO 30' _ 2 - 8'X16' DIA CASING STA.139+50 2 - 8'X16' DIA CASING STA.103+07 2 - 8'X16' DIA CASING STA.103+86/103+92 8" RCP & PC END SECTION TY.3 LAID UP RIPRAP NEW SVS. m S.BND OFF RAMP W/SIG ---- OTAL PROJECT ALLOWANCE -_, 300.00 4.00 6.00 - 2.00 600.00 125 240.00 240.00 500.00 700.00 1,500.00 887.21 -�5,720.00 14,261.80 14,261.80 15,932.40 19,030.58 2,697.00 1980.00 --- �___,. 1.00 2.00 - 7.00 8.00 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 _ 4.00 4.00 - 2.100 8.00 - 1.00 10.00 2.00 10.00 _ 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 . 1.00 1.00 - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 _ 1.00 1.00 _ 1,00 1.00 1.00 -, __ - ------- 960.00 480.00 500.00 1,400.00 3,000.00 887.21 5,720.00 14,261.80 14,261.80 15,932.40 19,030.58 2.697.00 1,980.00 424,676.09 126 135 136 140 CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO 4 CO 5 CO 6 CO 7 CO 8-ADD TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: ANA STAGG, P.E. PUBLIC WORDS DIRECTOR SUBJECT: EAST 96TH STREET NORTH AND NORTH GARNETT ROAD INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS ACCEPTANCE AND FINAL PAYMENT DATE: May 5, 2006 H-Marcff!"19-180 "I Included in the Capital Improvements Plan, this project encompasses widening and signalization upgrade of the intersection at East 96th Street North and North Garnett Road, including construction of new sidewalk, curb and gutter and drainage improvements (see Attachment A). The work was integrated with construction of the North Garnett Road Improvements Project. On February 1, 2005, City Council awarded the construction contract to Becco Construction, Inc., Tulsa, Oklahoma in the total amount of $2,776,294.20. Interim inspections were made periodically during the construction as each element of the work was completed. On November 3, 2005, the roadway was opened to traffic as the project had achieved substantial completion. ALLOWANCE ALLOCATION: The work was awarded as a unit price contract where the quantities presented in the Bid Form were estimated based on expected conditions and used solely for the purpose of comparison of bids. It was therefore anticipated that a quantity adjustment be made at final payment to reflect actual quantities provided. Funding for final quantity adjustment, and other necessary changes, was included under the Project Allowance Line Item ($160,000) listed in the Bid Tabulation. A Project Incentive Line Item was also included as part of this contract ($60,000) as an incentive to the contractor to complete the work ahead of the scheduled completion date. The following items are adjustments of quantities based on unit prices bid for items included in the contract: Quantity Description Unit Unit Cost Adjustment 'Total Muck Excavation CY $6.00 1,090.00 6,540.00 Unclassified Bon -ow CY $1.00 1,090.00 1,090.00 Solid Slab Sodding SY $1.10 4,153.00 4,568.30 E. 96"' Street North and N. Garnett Road Intersection Improvements Acceptance And Final Payment Page 2 of 4 Quantity Description Unit Unit Cost Adjustment Total Aggr. Base Type A CY $22.00 14.00 308.00 Separator Fabric SY $0.90 327.00 294.30 Traf. Bnd. Surf. CSE. TY E TN $11.00 6.00 66.00 Asphalt Concrete Type A TN $29.00 253.86 7,361.94 Asphalt Concrete Type B TN $40.00 6.19 247.60 PC Concrete Paving 10" Dowel Joint SY $35.00 327.00 11,445.00 PC Concrete Paving 6" HES Driveway SY $33.00 127.00 4,191.00 6'x5' Reinforced Concrete Box LF $300.00 4.00 1,200.00 Tx5' Reinforced Concrete Box LF $300.00 6.00 1,800.00 6" Int. Barrier Curb LF $3.00 92.00 276.00 6" Combined Curb & Gutter LF $15.00 21.00 315.00 4" Concrete Sidewalk SF $2.50 231.00 577.50 4" Patterned Sidewalk SF $10.00 996.00 9,960.00 4' Manhole EA $1,000.00 1.00 1,000.00 Manhole Frame & Cover EA $300.00 1.00 300.00 18" Reinforced Concrete Pipe LF $34.00 2.00 68.00 4" Perf. Pipe Underdrain LF $7.00 91.00 637.00 24" Ductile Iron Pipe - Lined LF $104.00 3.00 312.00 Fittings - 6" Water Pipe EA $190.00 3.00 570.00 Fittings - 8" Water Pipe EA $250.00 1.00 250.00 Fittings - 12" Water Pipe EA $400.00 1.00 400.00 Fittings - 24" Water Pipe EA $1,000.00 1.00 1,000.00 6" PVC Pipe C-900 LF $70.00 7.00 490.00 8" PVC Pipe C-900 LF $80.00 144.00 11,520.00 12" PVC Pipe C-900 LF $40.00 9.00 360.00 Gate Valve - 6" or 8" EA $600.00 3.00 1,800.00 Gate Valve - 12" EA $1,000.00 1.00 1,000.00 Butterfly Valve EA $3,000.00 1.00 3,000.00 Valve Box EA $70.00 6.00 420.00 Fire Hydrant EA $1,500.00 1.00 1,500.00 Remove 5'x4' ELL. CMP LF $5.00 3.00 15.00 Remove 12" PVC Pipe LF $5.00 7.00 35.00 Remove Existing Concrete Swale SY $10.00 2.00 20.00 Remove Concrete Curb & Gutter LF $4.00 1.00 4.00 Sawcut Pavement LF $1.50 2.00 3.00 Sheet Aluminum Signs SF $21.00 82.00 1,722.00 2 1/4" Square Tube Post LF $9.00 10.00 90.00 Traffic Stripping 4" White Plastic LF $0.85 1,063.00 903.55 Traffic Stripping 4" Yellow Plastic LF $0.85 650.00 552.50 Install 98'x22' Casing LS $10,742.11 1.00 10,742.11 Install Service Taps & Schedule 40 Pipe LS $5,638.19 1.00 5,638.19 Pothole for Phone Company LS $1,468.89 1.00 1,468.89 OVERRUN SUBTOTAL, $96,061.88 E. 96"' Street North and N. Garnett Road Intersection Improvements Acceptance And Final Payment Page 3 of 4 Quantity Description Unit Unit Cost Adjustment Total Tack Coat GAL $1.50 77.00 ($115.50) Remove 12" Reinforced Concrete Pipe LF $5.00 1.00 ($5.00) Fence LF $5.00 707.00 ($3,535.00 ) Traffic Stripping Plastic Arrow EA $135.00 1.00 ($135.00 ) Lime TN $25.00 7.00 ($175.00 ) UNDERRUN SUBTOTAL ($3,965.50) ADJUSTMENT $92,096.38 PROJECT ALLOWANCE ($160,000.00) PROJECT INCENTIVE ($60,000.00) TOTAL PROJECT UNDE UN ($127,903.62) As shown above, quantity adjustments resulted in an additional expenditure of $92,096.38 3.3% of the original contract amount. This contract included funding for quantity adjustments in the amount of $160,000 and a Project Incentive in the amount of $60,000, which was not awarded. This brings the project completion at $127,903.62 less than the contracted amount. FINAL. PAYMENT: A final inspection was completed on April 19, 2006 and all items identified at this inspection requiring correction to meet city standards have been completed. The contractor has provided a two-year maintenance bond for the work as part of the Contract Documents. Progress payments have been made in the amount of $2,464,860.12. Pay Request No. 12 in the amount of $183,530.46 was submitted on March 16, 2006 by the contactor as a request for final payment (see Attachment B.) FUNDING: An adjustment in the contract will be required to reflect the following: Original contract amount $ 2,776,294.20 Minus Quantity Adjustments $ 127,903.62 Revised Contract Total $ 2,648,390.58 E. 96t1' Street North and N. Garnett Road Intersection Improvements Acceptance And Final Payment Page 4 of 4 RECOMMENDATIONS The staff intends to recommend Council acceptance of the East 96t" Street North and North Garnett Road Intersection Improvements and authorization for final payment to BECCO Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $183,530.46 for a revised contract amount of $2,648,390.58. ATTACHMENTS A. Site Plan B. Final Pay Request APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT Page One of TO: (Owner) C> 0 Contract Date: Application Date: 4, w o L� FROM: (Contractor) Period To: Distribution To: Owner Architect PROJECT: 7-® N< < PV Contractor Engineer CONTRACT FOR: F CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT Application is made for payment, as shown below, in connection with the, Contract. Continuation sheet is attached. 1. Original Contract Surd $ --�-- -- 2. Net Change by Change Orders 3. Contract Sum to Date ([.me I & 2) 4. Total Completed &. Stored to Date -------- , s 3 94D a . (Column G on Continuation Sheet) 5. Retainage: a % of Completed Work -_ "� ...� (Colurnn D &. E on Continuation Street) - FINAL. b. % of Stored Material i _..._— (Colurnn F on Continuation Sheet) "Total Retainage (Line 5a & Sb) 6. Total Earned Less Retainage (Line 4 less I - life, 5 Total) 7. Less Previous rc rii.ii{ ales for Payment AGREEMENT 0604 00300 Page 8 of 15 rk S. CURREN`I PAYMENT DUE 9. Balance to Finish, Plus Retainage (Line 3 less Line 6) CHANGE ORDER SUMMARY: Change Orders approved in previous months by OWNER TOTALS Approved this month Number Date Approved TOTALS Net Change by Change Orders ADDITIONS $ 11 $ DEDUCTIONS The undersigned Contractor certifies that to the best of the Contractor's knowledge, information and belief, the WORK covered by this Application for payment has been completed in accordance with the Contract Documents, that all an-murits have been paid by the Contractor for Work for which previous Certificates for Payment were issued and payments received from the Owner, and that current payment shown herein is .no-w due. CONTRACTOR.: Date: -_.14-.-- STATE OF OKI-,AHOMA ) ) SS COUNTY OF -=� ----- ) Su er r t€ Ir f;r � ;,this Iay o �� � � �: -- — Notary Public _ — State of Oklahoma ICKI WEST iULSA COUNTY (S*Cornni, COMMISSION #05QN&666 : g �� Ex . 09-2-m��® Notary Public My Commission. Expires: AQ2EEMENT 0604 00300 - page 9 of 15 ARCHITECT'S / ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT In accordance with the contract documents, based on on -site observations and the date comprising the above application, the Architect/Engineer certifies to the Owner that to the best of the Arch itect/s/Engineer's knowledge, infon-nation and belief, the Work has progressed as indicated, the quality of the Work is in accordance with the Contract Documents, and the Contractor is entitled to payment of the amount certified. r' AMOUNT CERTIFIED (Attach explanation if amount certified differs from the amount applied for.) a ARCHITECT / ENGINEER: B y --------- Date: This certificate is not negotiable. The AMOUNT CERTIFIED is payable only to the contractor named herein. Issuance, payment and acceptance of payment without prejudice to any rights of the Owner or Contractor under this Contract. F1 e r_ Ad _._ _ ... ----- -_.._ _ ....._ _..._ .__. _ _-___.----_._.--- AGREEMENT 0604 00300 - :Page 10 of 15 BLIJ '*-_ x C' _0 ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE PLAN QUANTITY QUANT. COMPLETED QUANT. OVERRRUN $ OVERRUN 3 MUCK EXCAVATION 6.00 1,000.00 2,090.00 1,090.00 6,540.00 4 UNLC.BORROW 1.00 1,329.00 2,419.00 1,090.00 1,090.00 i 7 SOLID SLAB SODDING 1.10 16,071.00 20,224.00 4,153.00 4,568.30 8 GGR.BASE TY.A 22.00 6,055.00 6,069.00 14,00 308,00 9 SEPARATOR FABRIC 0.90 23,659.00 23,986.00 327.00 294.30 10 TRAF.BND.SURF.CSE. TY.E 11.00 400.00 406.00 6.00 66.00 12 SPH.CONC.TY.A (64-22) 29.00 1,701.00 1,954.86 253.86 7,361.94 13 SPH.CONC,TY.B(70-28) 40.00 380.00 386.19 6.19 247.60 14 P.C.CONC.PAV.10" DOWEL JOINT 35.00 19,083.00 19,410,001 327.00 11,445.00 15 P.C.CONC,PAV.(6" HES DRWY) 33.00 764.00 891.001 127.00 4,191.00 21 6'X5' RCB 300.00 138.00 142.00 4.00 1,200.00 22 7'X5' RCB 300.00 880.00 886.00 6.00 1,800.00 24 6" INT.BARRIER CURB 3.00 4,901.00 4,993.00 92.00 276.00 25 6" COMB.CURB & GUTTER 15.00 101.00 122.00 21.00 315.00 26 4" CONC.SIDEWALK 2.50 26,891.00 27,122.00 231.00 577.50 27 4" PATTERNED CONC.(COLOR) 10,00 335.00 1,331.00 996.00 9,960.00 28 4' DIA, MH 1,000.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1,000.00 29 MH FRAME & COVER 300.00 13.00 14.00 1.00 300.00 42 18" RCP 34.00 501.00 503.00 2.00 68.00 49 4" PERF.PIPE UNDERDRAIN 7.00 5,120.00 5,211.001 91.00 637.00 50 24" DUCT.IRON PIPE - LINED 104.00 1,580.00 1,583.001 3.00 312.00 51 FITTINGS - 6" WATER PIPE 190.00 1.00 4.001 3.00 570.00 52 FITTINGS - 8" WATER PIPE 250.00 1.00 2.001 1.00 250.00 54 FITTINGS - 12" WATER PIPE 400,00 31.00 32.00 1.00 400.00 55 FITTINGS - 24" WATER PIPE 1,000.00 21.00 22.00 1.00 1,000.00 56 6" PVC PIPE C900) 70.00 20.00 27.00 7.00 490.00 57 8" PVC PIPE (C900) 80.00 20.00 164.00 144.00 11,520.00 59 12" PVC PIPE (C900) 40.00 1,985.00 1,994.00 9.00 360.00 62 GATE VALVE - 6" OR 8" 600.00 3.00 6.00 3,00 1,800.00 64 GATE VALVE - 12" 1,000.00 4.00 5.00 1.00 1,000.00 65 BUTTERFLY VALVE & OPER 3,000.00 3.00 4.00 1.00 3,000.00 66 VALVE BOX 70,00 9.00 15.00 6.00 420.00 67 FIRE HYDRANT 1,500.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1,500.00 69 REM. 5' X 4' ELL CMP. 5.00 739.00 742.00 3.00 15.00 71 REM.12" PVC 5.00 15.00 22.00 7.00 35.00 77 REM.EXIST CONC.SWALES 10.00 45.00 47.00 2.00 20.00 81 REM.CONC,CURB & GUTTER 4.00 183.00 184.00 1.00 4,00 86 SAW CUT PAVT. 1.50 539.00 541,00 2.00 3.00 92 SHEET ALUM.SIGNS 21.00 8.00 90.00 82.00 1,722.00 2 1/4" SQ.TUBE POST 9.00 185.00 195.00 10.00 90.00 TRAF.STRIPE 4" WH,PLASTIC 0.85 3,980.00 5,043.00 1,063.00 903.55TRAF.STRIPE r 4" YELLOW PLASTIC 0.85 9,150.00 9,800.00 650.00 552.50 INSTALL 98'X 22'CASING 10,742,11 0.00 1.00 1.00 10,742.11 INSTALL 2 SVS.TAPS & 2" SCHAO PVC 5,638.19 0.00 1.00 1.00 5,638.19 CO 3 POTHOLE FOR PHONE CO. 1,468.89 0.00 1.00 1.00 1,468.89 TOTAL PROJECT ALLOWANCE 96,061.88 CONTINUATION SHEET AIA DOCUMENT G 703 PAGE 2 OF 2 AIA DOCUMENT G702, APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT, CONTAINING APPLICATION NO: 12 CONTRACTOR'S SIGNED CERTIFICATION IS ATTACHED. APPLICATION DATE: 2/1/2006 IN TABULATIONS BELOW, AMOUNTS ARE STATED TO THE NEAREST DOLLAR. PERIOD TO: 2/28/2006 USE COLUMN 1 ON CONTRACTS WHERE VARIABLE RETAINAGE FOR LINE ITEMS MAY APPLY. CONTRACTOR PROD. NO: 224 A B C D E F G H I ITEM N0, DESCRIPTION OF WORK SCHEDULED VALUE WORK COMPLETED MATERIALS PRESENTLY STORED TO DATE (NOT IN D OR E) TOTAL COMPLETED AND STORED TO DATE (D+E+F) % (G/C) BALANCE TO FINISH (C-G) RETAINAGE FROM PREVIOUS APPLICATION (D + E) THIS PERIOD 1 ROW CLEAR & RESTORE $ 20,000.00 $20,000.00 $0.00 $ 20,000.00 100.0% $ - $ 2 UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION $ 64,710.00 $64,710.00 $0.00 $ 64,710.00 100.0% $ - $ - 3 MUCK EXC $ 6,000.00 $12,540.00 -$6,540.00 $ 6,000.00 100.0% $ - $ - 4 UNCL BORROW $ 1,329.00 $2,419.00 -$1,090.00 $ 1,329.00 100.0% $ - $ - 5 TY A SALV TOPSOIL $ 30,000.00 $30,000.00 $0.00 $ 30,000.00 100.0% $ - $ - 6 TEMP EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL $ 10,000.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 $ 10,000.00 100.0% $ - $ - 7 SOLID SLAB SODDING $ 17,678.10 $0.00 $17,678.10 $ 17,678.10 100.0% $ - $ - 8 AGG BASE $ 133,210.00 $133,518.00 -$308.00 $ 133,210.00 100.0% $ - $ - 9 SEARATOR FABRIC for BASES $ 21,293.10 $21,587.40 -$294.30 $ 21,293.10 100.0% $ - $ - 10 TBSC TY E $ 4,400.00 $4,466.00 -$66.00 $ 4,400.00 100.0% $ - $ - 11 TACK COAT $ 1,020.00 $904.50 $0.00 $ 904.50 88.7% $ 115.50 $ - 12 ASPHALT TY A 64-22 $ 49,329.00 $56,690.94 -$7,361.94 $ 49,329.00 100.0% $ - $ 13 ASPHALT TY B 70-28 $ 15,200.00 $15,447.60 -$247.60 $ 15,200.00 100.0% $ - $ 14 PCCP 10" DOWEL JOINTED $ 667,905.00 $675,360.00 -$7,455.00 $0.00 $ 667,905.00 100.0% $ - $ 15 PCCP 6" HES DRIVES $ 25,212.00 $29,403.00 -$4,191.00 $ 25,212.00 100.0% $ - $ 16 STD 48" RCP HEADWALL $ 2,500.00 $2,500.00 $0.00 $ 2,500.00 100.0% $ - $ 17 SP GRATED DROP HEADWALL $ 14,000.00 $14,000.00 $0.00 $ 14,000.00 100.0% $ - $ - 18 SP DBL 7X5 RCB INLET HDWL $ 14,000.00 $14,000.00 $0.00 $ 14,000.00 100.0% $ - $ - 19 SP DBL 7X5 RCB OUTLET HDWL $ 21,000.00 $21,000.00 $0.00 $ 21,000.00 100.0% $ - $ - 20 5X5 RCB $ 34,510.00 $34,510.00 $0.00 $ 34,510.00 100.0% $ - $ - 21 6X5 RCB $ 41,400.00 $41,400.00 $0.00 $ 41,400.00 100.0% $ - $ - 22 7X5 RCB $ 264,000.00 $264,000.00 $0.00 $ 264,000.00 100.0% $ - $ - 23 8X5 RCB $ 131,130.00 $131,130.00 $0.00 $ 131,130.00 100.0% $ - $ - 24 6" INT BARR CURB, New Const $ 14,703.00 $14,979.00 -$276.00 $ 14,703.00 100.0% $ - $ - 25 6" CURB & GUTTER $ 1,515.00 $1,830.00 -$315.00 $ 1,515.00 100.0% $ - $ 26 4" CONC SIDEWALK, New Const $ 67,227.50 $63,727.50 $3,500.00 $ 67,227.50 100.0% $ - $ 27 4" PATTERNED CONC COLORED $ 3,350.00 $0.00 $3,350.00 $ 3,350.00 100.0% $ - $ 28 MANHOLE 4'DIA $ 1,000.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 $ 1,000.00 100.o% $ - $ 29 MANHOLE FRAME & COVER $ 3,900.00 $3,900.00 $0.00 $ 3,900.00 100.0% $ - $ 30 TRENCH DRAIN INLET, FRAME & GRATE $ 5,000.00 $5,000.00 $0.00 $ 5,000.00 100.0% $ $ - 31 GPI TY 1 $ 14,400.00 $14,400.00 $0.00 $ 14,400.00 100.0% $ $ - 32 7X7 J-BOX w/ACCESS MH $ 11,600.00 $11,600.00 $0.00 $ 11,600.00 1100.0%1 $ $ - 33 9X6 J-BOX w/ACCESS MH $ 6,500.00 $6,500.00 $0.001 1 $ 6,500.00 1100.0%1 $ $ - 34 INLET CICI DES2 w/ACCESS MH $ 9,600.00 $9,600.00 $0.001 1 $ 9,600.00 1100.0%1 $ I $ - 35 INLET CICI DES2(A) w/ACCESS MH 1 $ 5,000.00 $5,000.001 $0.001 1 $ 5,000.00 1100.0%1 $ 1 $ - 36 INLET CICI DES2(D) $ 12,000.00 $12,000.00 $0.00 $ 12,000.00 100.0% $ $ - 37 INLET CICI DES2(D) w/ACCESS MH $ 24,000.00 $24,000.00 $0.00 $ 24,000.00 100.0% $ $ - 38 INLET CICI DES2(B+C) w/ACCESS MH $ 7,000.00 $7,000.00 $0.00 $ 7,000.00 100.0% $ $ - 39 WATER VALVE BOX ADJ TO GRADE $ 400.00 $400.00 $0.00 $ 400.00 100.0% $ - $ - 40 WATER METER BOX ADJ TO GRADE $ 800.00 $800.00 $0.00 $ 800.00 100.0% $ - $ Page 1 of 3 CONTINUATION SHEET AIA DOCUMENT G 703 PAGE 2 OF 2 AIA DOCUMENT G702, APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT, CONTAINING CONTRACTOR'S SIGNED CERTIFICATION IS ATTACHED. IN TABULATIONS BELOW, AMOUNTS ARE STATED TO THE NEAREST DOLLAR. USE COLUMN 1 ON CONTRACTS WHERE VARIABLE RETAINAGE FOR LINE ITEMS MAY APPLY. APPLICATION NO: 12 APPLICATION DATE: 2/1/2006 PERIOD TO: 2/28/2006 CONTRACTOR PROJ. NO: 224 A B C D I E F G H I ITEM NO, DESCRIPTION OF WORK SCHEDULED VALUE WORK COMPLETED MATERIALS PRESENTLY STORED TO DATE (NOT IN D OR E) TOTAL COMPLETED AND STORED TO DATE (D+E+F) % (G/C) BALANCE TO FINISH (C-G) RETAINAGE FROM PREVIOUS APPLICATION (D + E) THIS PERIOD 41 15" RCP CL III $ 19,536.00 $19,536.00 $0.00 $ 19,536.00 100.0% $ - $ 42 18" RCP CL III $ 17,034.00 $17,102.00 -$68.00 $ 17,034.00 100.0% $ - $ 43 24" RCP CL III $ 9,159.00 $9,159.00 $0.00 $ 9,159.00 100.0% $ - $ 44 30" RCP CL III $ 14,672.00 $14,672.00 $0.00 $ 14,672.00 100.0% $ - $ 45 48" RCP CL III $ 9,408.00 $9,408.00 $0.00 $ 9,408.00 100.0% $ - $ - 46 60" RCP CL Ili $ 53,250.00 $53,250.00 $0.00 $ 53,250.00 100.0% $ - $ - 47 18" PCES DES 1 $ 470.00 $470.00 $0.00 $ 470.00 100.0% $ $ - 48 24" SLOPED CONC END SEC DES B4 $ 690.00 $690.00 $0,00 $ 690.00 100.0% $ $ - 49 PERF PIPE LID - 4" PVC SCHD 40 $ 35,840.00 $36,477.00 -$637.00 $ 35,840.00 100.0% $ $ - 50 DIP LINED 24" WATER $ 164,320.00 $164,632.00 -$312.00 $ 164,320.00 100.0% $ $ - 51 FITTINGS FOR WATER PIPE 6" $ 190.00 $760.00 -$570.00 $0.00 $ 190.00 100.0% $ - $ - 52 FITTINGS FOR WATER PIPE 8" $ 250.00 $500.00 -$250.00 $0.00 $ 250.00 100.0% $ - $ - 53 FITTINGS FOR WATER PIPE 10" $ 800.00 $800.00 $0.00 $0.00 $ 800.00 100.0% $ - $ 54 FITTINGS FOR WATER PIPE 12" $ 12,400.00 $12,800.00 -$400.00 $0.00 $ 12,400.00 100.0% $ - $ 55 FITTINGS FOR WATER PIPE 24" $ 21,000.00 $22,000.00 -$1,000.00 $0.00 $ 21,000.00 100.0% $ $ 56 6" PVC PIPE C900 $ 1,400.00 $1,890.00 -$490.00 $0.00 $ 1,400.00 100.0% $ - $ 57 8" PVC PIPE C900 $ 1,600.00 $13,120.00 -$11,520.00 $0.00 $ 1,600.00 100.0% $ $ 58 10" PVC PIPE C900 $ 1,800.00 $1,800.00 $0.00 $0.00 $ 1,800.00 100.0% $ $ 59 12" PVC PIPE C900 $ 79,400.00 $79,760.00 -$360.00 $0.00 $ 79,400.00 100.0% $ $ 60 AIR RELIEF VALVE $ 3,000.00 $3,000.00 $0.00 $ 3,000.00 100.0% $ $ 61 BLOWOFF HYDRANT $ 6,500.00 $6,500.00 $0.00 $ 6,500.00 100.0% $ $ - 62 GATE VALVE - 6" OR 8" $ 1,800.00 $3,600.00 -$1,800.00 $0.00 $ 1,800.00 100.0% $ $ 63 GATE VALVE - 10" $ 1,000.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $ 1,000.00 100.0% $ $ - 64 GATE VALVE - 12" $ 4,000.00 $5,000.00 -$1,000.00 $0.00 $ 4,000.00 100.0% $ $ - 65 BUTTERFLY VALVE & OPERATOR - 24" $ 9,000.00 $12,000.00 -$3,000.00 $ 9,000.00 100.0% $ $ - 66 VALVE BOX $ 630.00 $1,050.00 -$420.00 $0.00 $ 630.00 100.0% $ $ - 67 FIRE HYDRANT $ 1,500.00 $3,000.00 -$1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 100.0% $ $ 68 REMV 4.5'X3.0' ELL.CMP $ 200.00 $200.00 $0.00 $ 200.00 100.0% $ $ 69 REMV 5.0'X4.0' ELL.CMP $ 3,695.00 $3,710.00 -$15.00 $ 3,695.00 100.0% $ $ 70 REMV 7.5'X3' RCB $ 1,750.00 $1,750.00 $0.00 $ 1,750.00 100.0% $ $ 71 REMV 12" PVC $ 75.00 $110.00 -$35.00 $ 75.00 100.0% $ $ 72 REMV 12" RCP $ 205.00 $200.00 $0.00 $ 200.00 97.6% $ 5.00 $ 73 REMV 15" RCP $ 310.00 $310.00 $0.00 $ 310.00 100.0% $ - $ 74 REMV 18" RCP $ 805.00 $805.00 $0.00 $ 805.00 100.0% $ $ 75 REMV 24" CCP $ 585.00 $585.00 $0.00 $ 585.00 100.0% $ $ 76 REMV 10X7 RCB $ 2,380.00 $2,380.00 $0.00 $ 2,380.00 100.0% $ $ 77 REMV EXIST CONC SWALES $ 450.00 $470.00 -$20.00 $ 450.00 100.0% $ $ 78 REMV HDWL $ 2,250.00 $2,250.00 $0.00 $ 2,250.00 100.0% $ $ 79 REMV EXIST ASPHALT PVMT $ 32,066.00 $32,066.00 $0.00 $ 32,066.00 100.0% $ $ 80 REMV EXIST CONC DRIVE 1 $ 1,956.00 $1,956.001 $0.001 1 $ 1,956.00 100.0% $ $ Page 2 of 3 CONTINUATION EET AIA DOCUMENT G 703 PAGE 2 OF 2 AIA DOCUMENT G702, APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT, CONTAINING APPLICATION N0: 12 CONTRACTOR'S SIGNED CERTIFICATION IS ATTACHED. APPLICATION DATE: 2/1/2006 IN TABULATIONS BELOW, AMOUNTS ARE STATED TO THE NEAREST DOLLAR. USE COLUMN 1 ON CONTRACTS WHERE VARIABLE RETAINAGE FOR LINE ITEMS MAY APPLY PERIOD TO: 2/28/2006 CONTRACTOR PROJ. NO: 224 A B C D I E F G H I ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION OF WORK SCHEDULED VALUE WORK COMPLETED MATERIALS PRESENTLY STORED TO DATE (NOT IN D OR E) TOTAL COMPLETED AND STORED TO DATE (D+E+F) % (G/C) BALANCE TO FINISH (C-G) RETAINAGE FROM PREVIOUS APPLICATION (D + E) THIS PERIOD 81 REMV EXIST CONC CURB & GUTTER $ 732.00 $736.00 -$4.00 $ 732.00 100.0% $ $ 82 REMV EXIST GUARDRAIL $ 2,240.00 $2,240.00 $0.00 $ 2,240.00 100.0% $ $ 83 REMV EXIST SIGNS $ 2,100.00 $2,100.00 $0.00 $ 2,100.00 100.0% $ - $ 84 ABANDON 10" WATER LINE $ 2,810.00 $2,810.00 $0.00 $ 2,810.00 100.0% $ - $ 85 ABANDON 12" WATER LINE $ 6,465.00 $6,465.00 $0.00 $ 6,465.00 100.0% $ $ 86 SAWCUT PVMT $ 808.50 $811.50 -$3.00 $ 808.50 100.0% $ $ 87 FENCE $ 14,815.00 $8,520.00 $2,760.00 $ 11,280.00 76.1% $ 3,535.00 $ - 88 TRAFFIC SIGNAL $ 110,000.00 $110,000.00 $0.00 $ 110,000.00 100.0% $ - $ - 89 MOBILIZATION $ 15,000.00 $15,000.00 $0.00 $ 15,000.00 100.0% $ $ 90 CONST STAKING $ 28,000.00 $28,000.00 $0.00 $ 28,000.00 100.0% $ - $ 91 AGG BEDDING TY A - FOR PIPE $ 2,455.00 $2,455.00 $0.00 $ 2,455.00 100.0% $ - $ 92 SHEET ALUMINUM SIGNS $ 168.00 $1,890.00 -$1,722.00 $ 168.00 100.0% $ - $ 93 2-1/4 SQUARE TUBE POSTS $ 1,665.00 $1,755.00 -$90.00 $ 1,665.00 100.0% $ - $ 94 TRAFFIC STRIPE WHITE PLASTIC 4" $ 3,383.00 $4,286.55 -$903.55 $ 3,383.00 100.0% $ $ 95 TRAFFIC STRIPE YELLOW PLASTIC 4" $ 7,777.50 $8,330.00 -$552.50 $ 7,777.50 100.0% $ $ 96 TRAFFIC STRIPE PLASTIC ARROW $ 2,700.00 $2,565.00 $0.00 $ 2,565.00 95.0% $ 135.00 $ 97 TRAFFIC STRIPE PLASTIC WORD $ 800.00 $800.00 $0.00 $ 800.00 100.0% $ - $ 98 CONST TRAFFIC CONTROL $ 35,000.00 $35,000.00 $0.00 $ 35,000.00 100.0% $ - $ - 99 PROJECT ALLOWANCE $ 160,000.00 $10,742.11 $85,319.77 $ 96,061.88 60.0% $ 63,938.12 $ - 100 PROJECT INCENTIVE $ 60,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $ - 0.0% $ 60,000.00 $ - 101 LIME $ 2,600.00 $2,425.00 $0.00 $ 2,425.00 93.3% $ 175.00 $ - 102 9" LIME TREATED SUBGRADE $ 8,540.00 $8,540.00 $0.00 $ 8,540.00 100.0% $ - $ - 103 SUBGRADE METHOD B $ 8,537.50 $8,537.50 $0.00 $ 8,537.50 100.0% $ $ - 104 GABIONS $ 4,500.00 $4,500.00 $0.00 $ 4,500.00 1100.0% $ - $ - TOTAL $2,776,294.20 $2,590,599.60 $ 57,790.98 $ Page 3 of 3 $2,648,390.58 $ 127,903.62 $