HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008.11.17_Board of Adjustment MinutesMEMBERS PRESENT
Joe Ramey
Ken Foster
Trish Hauser
Monday, November 17, 2008
Old Central, 109 North Birch
Tammy Laakso
David Hall
Larissa Darnaby
Marsha Hensley
Eric Wiles
Daniel Dearing
Julie Lombardi
The meeting agenda was posted at the north entrance to City Hall on the 12th day of November,
2008 at 3:00 PM.
The flag salute was led by Ryder Snap.
3. Approval of Minutes from the October 28, 2008 Regular Meeting — Ken Foster
moved to approve the minutes of October 28, 2008. Trish Hauser seconded.
AYE: Foster, Ramey, Hauser
NAY: None
The motion carried 3 -0.
4. OBOA -08 -12 — Request for a variance to allow the encroachment of the rear yard setback
on a property zoned RS -3 (single- family residential) with a pending application to be re-
zoned to RD (Residential Duplex), located at 108 West 2nd Street.
Joe Ramey presented the item and Larissa reviewed the staff report. The applicant is
requesting a variance to allow the encroachment of the rear yard setback on a property
zoned RS -3 (single - family residential) with a pending application to be re -zoned to RD
(Residential Duplex), located at 108 West 2„ d Street. Notification letters were mailed to
property owners within 300 feet of the property and the request was advertised in the
newspaper. The application was submitted to staff concurrently with a rezoning request
that will be heard by the Owasso Planning Commission on December 8, 2008. Any
variance approval would be contingent upon a rezoning by the Planning Commission.
The staff recommends approval of OBOA 08 -12.
Ken Foster moved to approve the variance request. Trish Hauser seconded the motion. A
vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
AYE: Foster, Hauser, Ramey
NAY: None
November 17, 2008
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The motion carried 3 -0.
5. OBOA -08 -13 - A request for a special exception to allow a Church to locate on property
zoned AG (Agriculture), on properties located at 13918 and 14008 East 96th Street North.
Joe Ramey presented the item and Larissa reviewed the staff report. The applicant is
requesting a special exception to allow for a church to locate on property zoned
agriculture, on properties located at 13918 and 14008 East 96 Street North. The subject
property is approximately 11.5 acres of land. Notification letters were mailed to property
owners within 300 feet of the property and the request was advertised in the newspaper.
The staff recommends approval of OBOA 08 -13. Mr. Thomas Small, the architect, was
present to answer any questions. He requested a brief presentation. Mr. Small displayed
several slides showing a prototype site plan, floor plan and building elevations. He stated
that all landscaping and lighting requirements would be met and hopefully with this
proposed development, the drainage issues would improve. He also explained that the
building has not been designed for this location and there is no time table to this project.
It could be two to four years. Mr. Small submitted letters from surrounding property
owners of other Life Church properties (attached). The following list was compiled from
comments made by citizens in attendance:
James Hess — 9323 North 139 East Ave. — Not opposed to a church. Concerns regarding
the drop in elevation from north to south; a drainage easement runs behind his property.
Have hopes that the drainage issues will be addressed with the church development.
Maybe the neighbors could have the opportunity to work with the developer when the site
plan is ready to review. Mr. Hess presented a letter to the Commissioners. (attached)
Mark Wright — 13805 East 94 Street North — Not opposed to a church. He has drainage
concerns. Wants to protect what was fought for 2 -1/2 years ago and wanting it to fit in
architecturally. Would like to be notified when the site plan is submitted for reviewed.
Kayla Puckett — 13825 East 94 Street North — Not opposed to a church facility. She had
questions regarding a buffer zone between the church land and residential property. Also
had concerns regarding how close a trash enclosure can be to the residential property.
Are there fencing requirements and can outdoor storage buildings be built on the
property? When is the widening of East 96 Street North planned?
Mitch Puckett — 13825 East 94 Street North — He had questions regarding the time table
and if materials used for this construction could conform to Nottingham covenants.
Don Sitler — 13813 East 100 Street North — He had questions regarding the requirement
of deceleration lanes and if that would be addressed on the site plan.
Eric Wiles, the Community Development Director, asked for the opportunity to address
some of the above questions /concerns. He stated that there is a one year time limitation
on a special exception. A 6'opaque fence will be required to provide screening. The
November 17, 2008
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applicant must adhere to the landscaping and lighting requirements as stated in the codes.
There must be a 20' buffer between the church and residential property; within the 20'
buffer zone one tree for every 30 linear feet will be required. The trash enclosures can
not be within the 20' buffer zone and must be screened. Outdoor storage buildings would
be allowed with the approval of the Technical Advisory Committee, but can not be
located within the buffer zone. Eric explained that the East 96 Street North widening
project should begin in approximately seven to ten years. He also explained that the city
will notify anybody that wants to be aware of the site plan review and when the platting
process begins.
Trish Hauser asked if the Nottingham Estates home owner's association could have input
with the design. Ken Foster also expressed the need for more time in order to study the
height of the building, the outdoor buildings that could be built, and the appearance of the
exterior of the building and review the covenants of Nottingham Estates.
Ken Foster moved to table the special exception request for the December 23, 2008
meeting. Trish Hauser seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as
AYE: Ramey, Foster, Hauser
NAY: None
The motion carried 3 -0.
6. OBOA -08 -14 — Request for a Special Exception from the Owasso Zoning Code, to allow
for the construction of a carport, on property located at 602 North Cedar.
Joe Ramey presented the item and Larissa reviewed the staff report. The applicant is
requesting a special exception to allow for the construction of a carport, on property
located at 602 North Cedar. The homeowner has two options, either construct an
attached garage or erect a connected carport . The construction of a carport would not be
detrimental to the public welfare as it will be entirely on the subject property.
Notification letters were mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the property and
the request was advertised in the newspaper. The staff recommends approval of OBOA
08 -14. The applicant was present to address any concerns /questions. He described the
materials proposed to construct the carport. He stated that he was unsure on the roof
materials but the main structure will be a wood frame structure.
Joe Ramey moved to approve the special exception request. Ken Foster seconded the
motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
AYE: Ramey, Foster, Hauser
NAY: None
The motion carried 3 -0.
November 17, 2008
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7. Other Business
8. ADJOURNMENT — Joe Ramey moved for adjournment, seconded by Trish Hauser. A
vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
AYE: Ramey, Foster, Hauser
NAY: None
The motion was approved 3 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 7:07 PM.
Vice Chair
Date �_
James D. Mess
9323 N. 139th East Avenue
Owasso, OK 74055
City of Owasso
Zoning Commission
City Hall
Owasso, OK 74055
Dear Commission Members:
Thank you for the opportunity to provide input on the proposed reclassification or
rezoning of the property on 96th Street North adjacent to Nottingham Estates to
accommodate the construction of a church facility. Let me say at the outset that we are
not opposed to the change or to the church facility. The purpose of our letter is to
identify specific areas that we believe if addressed will ensure the relationship between
the church and adjacent property owners will always remain harmonious. The specific
areas include:
1) Drainage from the property should be directed so as not to over burden the
existing drainage easements. The current flow from the property can be heavy
even though it is a pasture and it is probable that flow from a parking facility
would be even greater since absorption would be decreased.
2) The line of sight between the properties could be enhanced through the utilization
of appropriate dirt work, landscaping and trees.
3) Review of site plans prior to the beginning of construction with the adjacent
property owners to ease any concerns they may have.
It is our hope that the previous items will be considered in the approval of the proposed
rezoning application and that they be entered into the record or minutes of the meeting.
Thank you for the opportunity to provide input on this matter.
Johnny Carino's Italian
7900 S. Walker
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73139
Ph. (405) - 632 -4600 Fax (405) -632 -4609
To Whom It May Concern,
As the Training Manager of Johnny Carino's and neighbor to the Southside Oklahoma City
Campus of Life Church, I would like to assure you that Life Church has been an asset and a
friend to Johnny Carino's.
Life Church has been very courteous and respectful of the fact that we shore a parking lot.
They provide security and block off a set area of parking spots just so their patrons will not
impede on our Sunday morning business. They have also opened an adjoining parking lot &
have plans to open another to further aid the situation.
Although we have not attempted to track their impact on our business officially, I can tell
you that Wednesday nights are busier since Life Church opened. We also see some regular
guests from their Saturday and Sunday services. Life Church has also arranged for a house
account with Johnny Carina's so they can use our catering services to feed their patrons on
occasion - providing us with about $500 in additional sales per month.
Overall, Life Church has had minimal negative effects on our business and several positive
effects. I would definitely recommend them for your community.
/Sincerely, j
4 /Jordan Parks
Training Manager
Johnny Carino's -- South OKC
To Whom It May Concern
We are very excited about the many possible opportunities Life Church can bring to our
establishment as well as to our community. Patrons of the church will ultimately bring much
needed revenue into our community.
Other businesses in Warr Acres will also see growth in sales from Life Church going in next to our
building. Albertsons saw a 20% increase in sales when we opened for business. Life Church will
increase that number for them as well as the businesses across the street, simply because
people will want a quick coffee before service or a quick bite after service.
Life Church's south side location has 2500 members visit per weekend. Their service days are
Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday. The times do not conflict greatly with our business so
parking should not be an issue for us.
In closing, Warr Acres has become a home to us and I would not write this letter unless I truly
believed this partnership would be in the best interest of the community. Every weekend 2500
people would be coming into our city and whether they eat at our store, Sonic or shop at
Albertson's the city of Warr Acres will benefit. Thank you.
Carolynn Bristow
Events Director
Warr Acres' Incredible Pizza CO.
405 -721 -0038 ext.14
417.766 -1939 Mobile
405 - 721 -0345 Fax
Ularr Acres hicredible Pizza • 5833 NW FMwesswav • Warr Acres, OK 73132 . Phone: 405. 721.0038 • Fax: 405-721- 0345
Member of International Fabricare Institute
I I Locations o Jim light, Owner
This letter is in regards to my companies experience with Lifechurch.TV
as my next door neighbor.
#n the rare occasion that I've had a concern of any kind, it"s been
-2ddressed immediately and professionally by the staff. It works
particularly well in that the hours I'm open for business, they have few
,Cars coming and going. Their busy time (Sundays), Im closed. It's a very
"'Jim Light
August 16, 2007
To Whom It May Concern:
RE: Life Church
Hendersonville, TN
Blue Goose Cafe, Inc.
689 West Main Street
Hendersonville, TN 37075
Business: 822 -8250
Life Church in Hendersonville, TN has been located in the strip center next door to our
restaurant for the several years. They have always taken care of their property and are an
asset to our community.
I was saddened to here that they are moving but happy that their congregation is growing.
Should you have any questions or would like a verbal reference please feel free to call.
Michael Anglin, Manager
lsur2,11Ice Sel-v ices
Date: 8 -9 -07
To: Andrew @a Life Church
From: Travis Shrum
RE: Good Neighbor
Andrew just wanted to drop you a note saying thanks for being a good neighbor.
We are sad to see you go but we understand your need to expand. We feel that the
Church has had a huge impact on the area youth and we appreciate your efforts.
We will defiantly miss the increased traffic in our area due to you absence.
Best Wishes
Travis Shrum
August 13, 2007
RE: Life ChurchTV
To Whom It May Concern:
Benjamin George, Agent
699 W. Main Street, Ste 202
Hendersonville, TN 37072
(615) 822 -8990
(615) 604 -7520
(615) 822 -2154
My office has been across the hall from Andrew and the people at Life Church for almost two
years now. Everybody there has been great to work with. I am disappointed to see them leaving
but it is great that they need to expand into a bigger space. I just hope whoever moves in behind
them will be as easy to get along with as they were.
Feel free to give me a call if you have any more questions.
2enjamin George, Agent
Shelter Insurance Companies
M Kendall Welch, Agent
INSURANCE Auto • Life • Health
691 West Main St
Office: 615.822.1296
August 7, 2007
Home • Business • Providing Insurance & Financial Services
P. O. Box 418 Hendersonville, TN 37077
Fax: 615.822.1297
To Whom It May Concern:
RE: Life Church
Hendersonville, TN 37075
Please accept this letter from me regarding Life Church in Hendersonville,
TN. The church is located in the building beside my office on West Main
Street. They have been there several years and are wonderful neighbors.
They keep their property clean, professional and are an asset to our
1 was saddened to hear they were moving but happy that they are growing
and are in need of a bigger "space ".
Should you have any questions or would like a verbal reference, please
feel free to give me a call.
uy� V �,U
Kendall Welch
e- snail; 1<enciall(c %1<endall��elch.com
An A
707 WEST MAIN STREET TEL. 615 -826 -2025
HENDERSONVILLE, TN, 37075 FAX. 615- 826 -2101
August 14, 2007
Dear Retailer,
This is a letter of recommendation for LifeChurch.ty. For the last 25 months we have
been privileged to be their neighbors. LifeChurch.ty has been without issues, kept a
clean parking lot and have helped improve the overall atmosphere of business in the area.
We are sorry to see them go and realize they need more space, but also know they will
make great tenants and neighbors for you.
If you have any additional questions or need to speak to me directly, please call anytime.
John E. Seifert
707 West Main Street
Hendersonville, TN 37075
61.5 -826- -2025
Page 1 of 1
Hensley, Marsha
From: Wiles, Eric
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 10:08 AM
To: Hensley, Marsha
Cc: Darnaby, Larissa
Subject: FW: Covenants for Nottingham Estates
Attachments: COVENANTS -Cond & Restr -Eff 2008 -11 -06 All Sections.doc
Attached, please find the Nottingham Covenants. Could we include them and the minutes from last night's
meeting as attachments for the staff report for the December 23rd BOA meeting?
Eric Wiles
From: Mitch and Kayla Puckett [mailto:Pucketts @cox.net]
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2008 9:07 PM
To: Wiles, Eric
Subject: Covenants for Nottingham Estates
I have attached the covenants for Nottingham Estates. Section #2 is the particular section where appearances of
the homes are addressed for the most part. Much of it would not be applicable for this application, but at least the
Board of Adjustment can see what is required. Nottingham IV borders the west side of the affected property;
Nottingham V borders the south side.
You will note that this is effective only recently - -we voted on a small change last week regarding set back lines for
outbuildings. These changes have not been filed with the County Clerk yet, but it's on my to -do list.
Thank you so much for your input to us tonight. Your detailed answers to our questions were very helpful and
provided a great deal of information about some of the items that need to be considered.
Please contact me if anthing is requested from Nottingham Estates.
Kayla Puckett
Nottingham Estates Association
Conditions and Restrictions — Nottingham Estates (All Sections)
Approved 11 -06 -2008
Nottingham Estates is an area of distinctive landscape and natural beauty. It is the desire and intent of the
Nottingham Estates Association to create a community in which such beauty shall be substantially preserved
and enhanced by the creation and enforcement of development standards.
The Nottingham Estates Association, desiring to establish a compatible system of development and preserve the
character of Nottingham Estates, does hereby declare and establish the following restrictions, conditions and
protective covenants, to which all properties in this Addition are subject:
1. Lot use. Premises are conveyed and shall be used only for residential single - family purposes. No lot
shall be used for any business, commercial or manufacturing purpose. No lot may be subdivided to
accommodate two or more separate owners or dwellings. No structure shall be placed, altered,
erected or permitted to remain on any lot which exceeds two (2) stories in height. No dwelling may
be moved into Nottingham Estates.
2. Dwellings. No structure of a temporary character may be used as a residence. No mobile home shall
be moved into or be present in Nottingham Estates. Unless waived by Nottingham Estates
Association in writing, the following standards shall apply to all dwellings in the Addition.
a. Dwelling Size.
Nottingham Estates, Nottingham Estates III:
All dwellings shall have a minimum living space of at least 2,500 square feet. Square footage
shall be computed on measurements over frame of the living space exclusive of porches, patios,
and garages.
Nottingham Estates II:
All dwellings shall have a minimum living space of at least 3,000 square feet. Square footage
shall be computed on measurements over frame of the living space exclusive of porches, patios,
and garages.
Nottingham Estates IV and Nottingham Estates V:
All dwellings shall have a minimum living space of at least 2,700 square feet. Square footage
shall be computed on measurements over frame of the living space exclusive of porches, patios,
and garages.
b. Masonry.
Nottingham Estates:
All dwellings shall have at least fifty percent (50 %) of the exterior walls thereof comprised of
stucco, brick or stone; provided, however, that the area of all windows and doors located in the
exterior walls shall be excluded in the determination of the area of said exterior walls. In all
cases, the masonry shall extend to the ground line, whereby the foundation shall be concealed.
Any deviation of exterior construction materials shall be permitted only upon the written consent
of Nottingham Estates Association.
Nottingham Estates II, Nottingham Estates III, Nottingham Estates IV and Nottingham
Estates V
All dwellings shall have at least seventy -five percent (75 %) of the exterior walls thereof
comprised of stucco, brick or stone; provided, however, that the area of all windows and doors
located in the exterior walls shall be excluded in the determination of the area of said exterior
walls. In all cases, the masonry shall extend to the ground line, whereby the foundation shall be
concealed. Any deviation of exterior construction materials shall be permitted only upon the
written consent of Nottingham Estates Association.
c. Garages. All dwellings shall have attached garages suitable for accommodating a minimum of
two (2) standard size automobiles. All garages shall be accessed by an overhead garage door. No
glass, plastic or other transparent material shall be permitted for use in the overhead garage door.
Carports shall not be permitted.
d. Driveway All driveways into a lot from any street shall be constructed of concrete and shall not
be less than fourteen (14) feet in width. Must be located at least five (5) feet from lot line.
e. Mailboxes. All mailboxes shall be enclosed in brick or masonry structure, which shall extend to
the ground and shall conform to the dwelling. White Victorian pedestal style mailboxes that were
originally provided by the developer are excluded until replaced, at which time replacement
mailbox must be enclosed in brick or masonry structure as set forth above.
f. Chimney All chimneys on exterior walls of the house and chimneys located from the center
line of the roof forward to the front of the house shall be 100% masonry conforming to the
dwelling. Chimneys located from the center line of the roof to the rear of the house may be
constructed of alternate materials with the approval of Nottingham Estates Association.
g. Roofs. The roof of the dwelling shall have a pitch of at least 6/12 over 75 percent of the total
roof area and none of the roof area shall have a pitch of less than 5/12. The roof must be
laminated Heritage II type shingles, weathered wood in color.
h. Sodding, Landscaping_ The front yard of each lot must be fully sodded and at least 80% of the
total yard must be fully sodded. A professionally designed landscape package must be installed
in the front yard prior to completion of the construction of any residence and fully maintained
i. Solar Collectors, Wind Generators. Solar collectors and wind generators shall not be allowed.
j. Security Bars. Security bars on windows or doors are not allowed if they are visible from any
k. Air Conditioners. No window or wall -type air conditioning units shall be permitted.
1. Destroyed by Fire, etc. Any buildings or other improvements within the Subdivision that are
destroyed partially or totally by fire, storm or any other casualty shall be repaired or demolished
within a reasonable period of time and the lot and improvements thereon, as applicable, restored
to an orderly and attractive condition.
m. Decks, Arbors, Covered Patios. Fiberglass and plastic covers for decks, arbors and covered
patios are prohibited. All designs must be approved by the Architectural Control Committee of
Nottingham Estates Association in accordance with the procedures set forth in its bylaws.
n. Clotheslines. Clotheslines or similar apparatus for the exterior drying of clothes are not
o. Exterior Color. Exterior colors, if changed, must be approved by the Architectural Control
Committee of Nottingham Estates Association in accordance with the procedures set forth in its
bylaws. Exterior walls must be muted earth tones in color. Highly reflective and bright colors are
prohibited. Brighter colors on accent pieces such as shutters, front doors, and trim are allowed if
approved by the Architectural Control Committee.
3. Approval of Plans. For the purpose of further insuring the uniform development of Nottingham
Estates as an area of high standards, Nottingham Estates Association shall have the authority to
control the buildings, structures and other improvements placed on each lot, as well as to make such
exceptions to these covenants as Nottingham Estates Association shall deem necessary and proper.
In its review of plans or consideration of any request for waiver herein authorized, Nottingham
Estates Association may take into consideration the nature and character of the proposed building or
structure, the materials of which it is to be built, the availability of alternative materials, the site upon
which it is proposed to be constructed, and the harmony thereof with the surrounding area.
Nottingham Estates Association shall not be liable for any approval, disapproval or failure to
approve hereunder, and its approval of building plans shall not constitute a warranty or responsibility
for building methods, materials, procedures, structural design, grading or drainage or code
compliance. The approval, disapproval or failure to approve of any building plans shall not be
deemed a waiver of any restrictions, unless Nottingham Estates Association is herein authorized to
grant the waiver.
No residence, accessory structure, fence, wall or mailbox shall be erected, placed or altered on any
lot in the Addition until the plans and specifications thereof have been approved in writing by
Nottingham Estates Association.
The required plans and specifications shall be submitted to Nottingham Estates Association in
duplicate and shall have the following exhibits attached thereto.
a. Site plan showing the location and orientation of all improvements;
b. Full working drawings with floor plan and all elevations;
c. Specifications identifying all exterior materials to be used. Submission of the color scheme for
all exterior materials may be deferred until such time as is at least 10 days prior to application of
said materials;
No construction shall commence until plans are approved by the Architectural Control Committee of
Nottingham Estates Association in accordance with the procedures set forth in its bylaws. Action on
the application by the Architectural Control Committee will occur in a timely manner.
4. Homeowners' Association. A homeowners' association, known as "Nottingham Estates
Association ", an Oklahoma corporation, has been established pursuant to 60 O.S. 1991, S 851, et
seq., to maintain the park area, the entryway and the reserve areas and for such other purposes as
shall be deemed advisable. All lawful acts of Nottingham Estates Association, made under and
pursuant to its Certificate of Incorporation and Bylaws shall be binding upon the lots contained in
Nottingham Estates Additions and the owners thereof. Membership in the Association shall consist
of all owners of lots in Nottingham Estates.
Annual assessments shall be made on a per lot basis in an amount as set by the Nottingham Estates
Association. Past due assessments shall be subject to interest or other charges as set forth in the
bylaws of Nottingham Estates Association. Such assessments may be increased according to the
bylaws of the Nottingham Estates Association. Such assessment shall be a continuing lien upon the
lot assessed until paid. Any such lien may be filed of record in the office of the Tulsa County Clerk
and foreclosed by the Nottingham Estates Association. The lot owner shall be responsible for all
interest or other charges on unpaid assessments past due for more than thirty (30) days, and shall be
responsible for all costs and attorneys' fees incurred by the Nottingham Estates Association in
connection with filing and releasing such liens, any legal proceedings, or any other efforts required
for collection of the assessments.
5. Park Area; Reserve Areas. The areas designated on the plat as "reserve areas" and the "park area"
are hereby reserved for the common use and benefit of the owners of the various lots within
Nottingham Estates. Inspection and maintenance of the park and reserve areas shall be performed by
the Association in accordance with the following standards:
a. The grade of all banks and side slopes shall not be altered from the finished grade elevation
shown on the grading plans and specifications approved by the City of Owasso (the "City ") or its
staff or such agency or department as it may designate.
b. Areas covered by grass within the park areas shall be mowed in season at regular intervals.
c. Concrete appurtenances to the park area and reserve areas shall be maintained in good condition
and replaced if damaged. The park area shall be kept free of trash and debris.
d. Trickle channels, if any, within the park area shall be clean of siltation and vegetation.
e. Maintenance of the park area shall be the responsibility of the Association except that the City,
its employees or agents, at their discretion, have the right to enter upon said easements for the
purpose of improving and /or maintaining the same.
The park area and facilities shall be maintained by the Association at its cost in accordance with the
standards prescribed herein. In the event the Association shall fail to adequately and properly
maintain the park area and facilities, the City or its designated contractor may enter upon such area,
perform such maintenance, and the cost of performing such maintenance shall be paid by the owner
of such property. In the event such owner fails to pay the cost of such maintenance or any part
thereof within thirty (30) days after completion of such maintenance, such costs shall by payable by
the owners of the lots within Nottingham Estates and shall be a lien against the park area and each
lot within Nottingham Estates which may be foreclosed by the City. The City may waive or release
any lien imposed by it.
All lot owners shall show common courtesy and respect in the use of the park area. The owners of
lots in Nottingham Estates acknowledge that they have and accept the sole duty to protect and
safeguard the life, health, safety and property of themselves, their families and guests in connection
with the use of Nottingham Estates and its improvements and, by accepting a deed to property in
Nottingham Estates, release the Association and its agents from all claims for damages relating
Motorized vehicles are prohibited in the common areas.
6. Outbuildings, Swimming Pools, Play Equipment.
No aboveground swimming pools will be allowed.
Residences may have one outbuilding, subject to approval by the Architectural Control Committee
of Nottingham Estates Association in accordance with the procedures set forth in its bylaws.
Prefabricated buildings and metal buildings are strictly prohibited. All proposed outbuildings
submitted for approval shall adhere to the following guidelines: the outbuilding must be built on -site,
may be no more than one story, and may be no larger than twelve (12) by sixteen (16) feet; ceiling
height may be no taller than nine (9) feet; set back lines as established herein and on the
accompanying subdivision plat must be observed; overhead garage doors are not allowed; the
exterior appearance of the outbuilding must conform to the exterior appearance of the dwelling in all
aspects, including masonry and roofing; the roof pitch must conform to the same specifications as
those set forth in these Conditions and Restrictions for dwellings; and outbuildings are allowed only
in back yards.
Play equipment may be erected only in back yards with the exception of basketball goals and is
subject to approval by the Architectural Control Committee of Nottingham Estates Association in
accordance with the procedures set forth in its bylaws. Skateboard and BMX ramps are not allowed.
Play equipment and stand -alone playhouses may not be converted to or used as a storage building.
7. Fences. No fence or wall shall be erected, placed or altered on any lot nearer to the street than the
minimum set back lines established herein and on the accompanying subdivision plat.
Electric fences are prohibited.
Wire fencing is permitted only when it is black vinyl- coated, used as a backing for post- and -rail
fencing, and no part of the fence exceeds four (4) feet in height.
Privacy fences and walls shall not exceed six (6) feet in height, provided, however, fences for homes
that border the pond or any common area must be constructed of such materials so that visibility is
not obstructed, must not exceed 4' in height, and vertical boards must be on the side of the common
area. Existing fences that border the pond or any common area that do not currently meet these
restrictions at the time of the vote for these Conditions and Restrictions will be grandfathered, but
must meet these requirements when the fence is replaced or repaired in a significant way.
Fences must be approved by the Architectural Control Committee of Nottingham Estates
Association in accordance with the procedures set forth in its bylaws.
8. Animals. No animals, livestock, or poultry of any kind shall be kept on any lot except for a total of
three (3) household pets and the suckling young of said animals; provided that no more than two (2)
adult dogs shall be maintained on any lot. Animals shall not be kept, bred or maintained for any
commercial purposes and shall not be permitted on any lot which does not contain a dwelling being
used as a residence. All animals must be fenced in or kept on a leash. Animal shelters shall be
screened from view from any street unless built in conformity to the requirement for outbuildings
herein. If the back yard is divided into multiple areas by fencing, no area can be less than 800 square
feet. Unleashed animals shall not be permitted to roam on the common areas, park areas or reserve
9. Storage. No outside storage, portable storage units, keeping of building materials, tractors, mowers,
equipment, implements or salvage shall be permitted.
10. Construction, Building Materials. Construction shall be completed within nine (9) months after the
pouring of the footing. New building materials used in the construction of improvements erected
upon any lot may be placed upon such lot for a period of up to thirty (30) days prior to start of
construction and throughout the construction so long as the construction progresses without undue
delay until the completion of the improvements, after which these materials shall be removed from
the lot. Any improvements must be completed within ninety (90) days of approval by the
Architectural Control Committee of Nottingham Estates Association.
11. Vehicles, Motorcycles. No vehicle, motorcycle, motor bike, camper, trailer or boat, whether or not
operable, (collectively referred to as "vehicles ") shall be kept, parked, stood or stored for more than
forty -eight (48) hours during any seventy -two (72) hour period, except in a garage or screened from
view in the rear yard. Vehicles shall not be kept, parked or stood on the yard. Residents' vehicles
shall not be parked or stood in any street.
12. Antenna, Satellite Dishes. No television, radio, or other antenna or reception devices shall be
constructed or maintained on any lot without the written approval of the Architectural Control
Committee of Nottingham Estates Association in accordance with the procedures set forth in its
bylaws. Satellite dishes, if erected, must blend in with the color of the roof and may be no more than
one (1) meter in diameter, and not viewable from the street.
13. Signs. No sign of any kind shall be displayed on any lot, except one sign of not more than five (5)
square feet advertising the sale or rent of said property. No signs are permitted in any area that is
maintained by the Nottingham Estates Association.
14. Set Back Lines. No buildings, outbuildings, structures, or parts thereof shall be constructed or
maintained on lots nearer to the property lines than the set back lines provided herein or shown on
the accompanying plat. Unless otherwise provided by easement or set back lines shown on the
accompanying plat, the minimum building set back lines for dwellings or other outbuilding
structures shall be:
Front Yard
30 feet
Side Yard
5 feet
Other Side Yard
10 feet
Back Yard
25 feet
Provided, however, that the minimum set back lines for outbuildings as described in #6 above shall
be ten (10) feet from the back yard line and five (5) feet from any side yard line.
a. Nottingham Estates, Nottingham Estates III, Nottingham Estates IV, and Nottingham
Estates V:
On all lots where there is both a thirty foot setback line and a fifteen foot setback line adjacent
to a public street, the portion of the lot containing the thirty foot set back shall be considered the
front yard and the dwelling shall face this portion of the lot.
b. Nottingham Estates II:
On all lots where there is both a thirty foot set back line and a fifteen foot set back line adjacent
to a public street, the portion of the lot containing the thirty foot set back shall be considered the
front yard and the dwelling shall face this portion of the lot. The front building set back line on
all lots shall be 30 feet, except on lots 5 thru 8 in block 4 and lots 12 thru 18 in block 1, where
said set back will be as designated on the recorded plat.
15. Drainage Easements. No trees, shrubs or seedlings of any form shall be placed in drainage easements
except certain grasses normally used for lawn purposes. No obstructions or fencing shall be placed
or permitted to remain in any of the designated drainage -ways that would hinder or restrict the free
and voluntary flow of stream water from its intended passageway.
16. Electric, Telephone, Cable Television Service. In connection with the installation of underground
electric, telephone and cable television services, all lots are subject to the following:
a. Overhead pole lines for the supply of electric service, telephone and cable television service may
only be located along the south property lines of the Addition. Street light poles or standards may
be served by underground cable, and elsewhere throughout the Addition, All supply lines shall
be located underground in the easement ways reserved for general utilities and streets shown on
plat. Service pedestals and transformers as sources of supply at secondary voltages may be also
located in such easements ways.
b. Except to houses on lots described in paragraph (a) above, which may be served from overhead
electric service lines, telephone lines and cable television cables, underground service cables to
all houses which may be located on all lots in said Addition may be run from the nearest service
pedestal or transformer to the point of usage determined by the location and construction of such
house as may be located upon each said lot; provided that upon the installation of such a service
cable to a particular house, the supplier of electric service, telephone or cable television service
shall thereafter be deemed to have a definitive, permanent, effective and exclusive right -of -way
easement on each lot covering a five foot strip extending 2.5 feet on each side of such service
cable extending from the service pedestal or transformer to the service entrance on said house.
c. The supplier of electric, telephone, and cable television service, through their proper agents and
employees, shall at all times have the right of access to all such easement ways shown on the
plat, or provided for in this dedication for the purposes of installing, maintaining, removing, or
replacing any portion of said underground electric, telephone, or cable television so installed by
d. The owner of each lot shall be responsible for the protection of the underground electric,
telephone and cable television facilities located on his property and shall prevent the alteration of
grade or any construction activity which may interfere with said electric, telephone or cable
television facilities. The company will be responsible for ordinary maintenance of underground
electric, telephone, or cable television facilities, but the owner will pay for the damage or
relocation of such facilities caused or necessitated by acts of the owner, its agents or contractors.
e. The foregoing covenants concerning underground electric, telephone, and cable television
facilities shall be enforceable by the supplier of electric, telephone or cable television service,
and the owner of each lot agrees to be bound thereby.
17. Landscape and Paving Repair. The owner of each lot shall be responsible for the repair and
replacement of any landscaping and paving located within the utility easements in the event it is
necessary to repair any underground water, sanitary sewer mains, storm sewers, electric, natural gas,
telephone, or cable television service. No lot owner shall plant any tree or shrubbery in dedicated
utility easements or right -or -way which would potentially endanger, threaten, or harm any utilities
located within said easements or rights -of -way. If it is determined by the municipality that any trees
or shrubbery located said easements or rights -of -way, the City shall have the right to remove said
trees or shrubbery upon five (5) days notice thereof at the lot owner's expense, or within such time
the lot owner may remove same.
18. Common Area Access. Access by construction equipment on common and park areas must be
approved by the Architectural Control Committee of Nottingham Estates Association in accordance
with the procedures set forth in its bylaws. Damage to walkways, landscaping, vegetation or
structures caused by a lot owner, its agents or employees will be repaired by the lot owner. If lot
owner refuses to correct the situation, Nottingham Estates Association will repair damages and
invoice the lot owner. The Nottingham Estates Association has the right to recover from such lot
owner all expenses and costs incurred by the Nottingham Estates Association in connection
therewith, including, but not limited to its attorneys' fees and court costs.
19. Water; Sanitary Sewer. Owners shall be responsible for the protection of the public water mains and
sanitary sewer facilities located on their lots and shall prevent the alteration of grade in excess of
three (3) feet from the original contours or any construction activity which may interfere with said
facilities. Said alteration of grade restrictions shall be limited to easement areas.
The City shall be responsible for ordinary maintenance of public water mains and public sanitary
sewer facilities, but the owner will pay for damage or relocation of such facilities caused or
necessitated by acts of the owner or his agents or contractors.
The City shall have the right of access with its equipment to all easement ways shown on plat, for
installing, maintaining, removing or replacing any portion of the underground water and sewer
The foregoing covenants concerning water and sewer facilities shall be enforceable by the City, and
the owner of the lot agrees to be bound hereby.
20. Sanitary Disposal. No freestanding outside toilets shall be allowed in Nottingham Estates and all
sanitary arrangements must comply with local and state health requirements.
21. Waste. No lot shall be used or maintained as a dumping ground for rubbish, trash, garbage or other
wastes. All waste shall be kept in sanitary containers provided by the City of Owasso and all
equipment for storage or disposal of such material and all lots shall be kept in a clean, neat and
orderly manner. Lots and all easements thereon shall be kept clean, neat and mowed to the street. All
waste containers must be removed from the curbside and screened from roadway view within 18
hours after refuse collection vehicles empty the containers.
All structures, landscaping, play equipment, and improvements shall be maintained in good
condition and in good repair by the Association at all times. Dead trees must be removed. Tree
limbs, shrubbery and grasses must be kept trimmed away from all sidewalks and walking paths. Tree
limbs must be kept trimmed away from all sidewalks and walking paths to a height of at least 7 feet.
New building materials used in the construction of improvements erected upon any lot may be
placed upon such lot at the time of construction so long as the construction progresses without undue
delay until the completion of the improvements, after which these materials shall be removed from
the lot.
22. Nuisance. No noxious or offensive trade or activity shall be carried on upon any lot, nor shall
anything be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to Nottingham Estates.
23. Compliance with Code. All lots are subject to the uses, restrictions and requirements of the code of
the City of Owasso.
24. Enforcement. Enforcement to restrain from attempted violation, to recover damages for violation
and /or to compel compliance with the covenants, conditions and restrictions set forth herein may be
brought by the Nottingham Estates Association, or any owner of any lot, whether acting jointly or
severally in the District Court of Tulsa County. The Nottingham Estates Association may, but shall
not be obligated to enforce any covenant or restriction through legal proceedings or otherwise.
25. Remedies. If any person shall violate, attempt to violate or fail to comply with any of the covenants,
conditions or restrictions herein, any person owning any real property in Nottingham Estates or the
Nottingham Estates Association shall have standing to prosecute any proceedings at law or in equity
against such person to prevent the violation, to recover damages for such violation or to compel
compliance in the District Court of Tulsa County.
In addition to the remedies for enforcement provided for elsewhere in these Conditions and
Restrictions, the violation or attempted violation of the provisions of these Conditions and
Restrictions by any lot owner, his family, guests, invitees, lessees or licensees shall entitle the Board
of Directors of Nottingham Estates Association to avail itself of any one or more of the following
(a) The imposition of a special charge, per violation, to be set by the Board of Directors of
Nottingham Estates Association in an amount commensurate with the type of violation
(b) The suspension of the lot owner's rights to use any property owned or maintained by the
Nottingham Estates Association for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days per violation, or
(c) The right to seek injunctive or any other relief provided or allowed by law against such
violation and to recover from such lot owner all expenses and costs incurred by the
Nottingham Estates Association in connection therewith, including, but not limited to its
attorneys' fees and court costs.
Before the board may invoke the remedies provided in (a) or (b) above, the Board of Directors of
Nottingham Estates Association must follow the process set forth in the Bylaws of Nottingham
Estates Association, including providing written notice to the lot owner, providing the opportunity to
correct the situation, and providing the opportunity to request a hearing before the Board.
All special charges imposed under (a) above shall be subject to the rights of collection and
enforcement of assessments as set forth in these Conditions and Restrictions, including, but not
limited to, the right of the Nottingham Estates Association to record a lien and foreclose the same,
and the right to receive all costs and attorneys' fees incurred by the Nottingham Estates Association
incurred for collection thereof.
26. No Waiver. The failure of the Nottingham Estates Association or any lot owner to enforce any given
restriction, covenant or condition at any time, shall not be deemed to be a waiver of such restriction,
covenant or condition, or a waiver or relinquishment of any right or remedy to enforce such
restriction, covenant or condition for subsequent violations of the same or different restriction,
covenant or condition, nor a modification of these restrictions and protective covenants.
27. Severability. Invalidation of any one of these covenants, restrictions or conditions shall not affect
any of the other provisions, which shall remain in full force and effect.
28. Binding Effect, Amendments.
a. Nottingham Estates: These covenants, conditions and restrictions are to run with the land, and
shall be binding upon all parties and all persons claiming under them; provided, however, they
may be amended by the owners of a majority of the lots of Nottingham Estates, which
amendment shall be effective upon recording in the records of the Tulsa County Clerk.
b. Nottingham Estates II: These covenants, conditions and restrictions are to run with the land,
and shall be binding upon all parties and all persons claiming under them; provided, however,
they may be amended by the owners of a majority of the lots of Nottingham Estates II, which
amendment shall be effective upon recording in the records of the Tulsa County Clerk.
c. Nottingham Estates III: These covenants, conditions and restrictions are to run with the land,
and shall be binding upon all parties and all persons claiming under them; provided, however,
they may be amended by the owners of a majority of the lots of Nottingham Estates III, which
amendment shall be effective upon recording in the records of the Tulsa County Clerk.
d. Nottingham Estates IV: These covenants, conditions and restrictions are to run with the land,
and shall be binding upon all parties and all persons claiming under them; provided, however,
they may be amended by the owners of a majority of the lots of Nottingham Estates IV, which
amendment shall be effective upon recording in the records of the Tulsa County Clerk.
e. Nottingham Estates V: These covenants, conditions and restrictions are to run with the land,
and shall be binding upon all parties and all persons claiming under them; provided, however,
they may be amended by the owners of a majority of the lots of Nottingham Estates V, which
amendment shall be effective upon recording in the records of the Tulsa County Clerk.