HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 11_Request CDBG Assistance_2006.05.16WHEREAS, Title 1 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Public Law
93 -383, as amended, authorized the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, as
representative of the United States of America, to grant to the State of Oklahoma funds and
administrative responsibility for the "Small Cities Community Development Block Grant"
program; and,
WHEREAS, the Oklahoma Department of Commerce, pursuant to designation by the
Governor as the administering agency of the Community Development Block Grant Program for
Small Cities in Oklahoma; is directed to further the purposes of community development in the
State, and is authorized and empowered to accept funds from the Federal Government or its
agencies and to enter into such contracts and agreements as are necessary to carry out the
functions of the Department; and,
WHEREAS, the City of Owasso is a local unit of general purpose government and has
provided opportunity for input by residents in determining and prioritizing community
development needs through its written Citizen Participation Plan.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council that the City of Owasso
desires to obtain assistance in community development and hereby requests the Oklahoma
Department of Commerce to provide assistance under the policies, regulations, and procedures
applicable to local communities in Oklahoma.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER + SOLVED by the City Council that the City of
Owasso affirms its commitment to take all action within its power to facilitate the receipt of the
assistance of community development funds if the City of Owasso is awarded a Community
Development Block Grant, and upon receipt to administer said grant by the rules and regulations
established by the United States of America, the State of Oklahoma, and all empowered agencies
ADOPTED THIS 16th day of May, 2006, at a regularly scheduled meeting of the governing
body, in compliance with the Open Meeting Act, 25 O.S. § et scq.
Sherry Bishp, City Clerk/)"
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Stephen Oataudella, Mayor
h: jb /karen/98 edif /resolution. doc
DATE: May 10, 2006
The City of Owasso has begun the process of applying to ODOC for funding under the State's FY-06
CDBG program. The amount of funding is anticipated to be $66,450. In order to receive this funding,
the City has already submitted a letter of intent to ODOC announcing that the City is proceeding with
of to secure grant funds for 2006.
The next step in the grant process is for the city to make an application for the grant funds to ODOC.
In order to complete this application process, the city council must take the following three actions:
1. Approve a resolution requesting assistance from ODOC for a FY 2006 for the Small Cities
2. Approve a second resolution committing $66,450 as a match required for the grant funds.
3. Approve a Citizen Participation Plan for the FY 2.006 CDBG Program.
Should the funding be awarded, there would be a match requirement. The City would have to commit
an amount of money equal to the grant funds ($66,450), likely bringing the total allowable project cost
to around $132,900.
Two general types of projects are eligible for CDBG funding — community development projects and
economic , development projects. Examples of community development projects include sidewalks,
street improvements, and projects that increase handicapped accessibility to community facilities.
Examples of economic development projects include waterlines and sewerlines. The previous two
CDBG projects provided funding for the Skatepark restroom and the Three bakes Tillage street
Annual CDBG funds can be used for a variety of projects within the eligible neighborhoods of the
community. A map showing the eligible area is attached with this memorandum. Generally, the area
currently includes census blocks located south of 76th Street, northeast of Elm Creek and southeast of
the Owasso Expressway /8e Street interchange, and in the Main Street area south of Fourth Street.
It should be noted that additional areas were included in previous CDBG projects (such as the Main
Street area North of Fourth Street), and could be included in future CDBG projects, but for each
project that affects those areas, a new income survey must be performed. Thus, that area is not shown
as being included in the Census blocks that are eligible for funding.
To provide direction for using the grant funds for the '06 project, staff members fi -om Public Works
and Community Development met at various times to consider several project options. Twelve general
project options were evaluated.
Originally, the staff recommended that the City of Owasso pursue CDBG funds to continue the
sidewalk improvement program. However, since the public hearing that the City Council held in order
to receive comments about the CDBG, the staff has been presented with the idea to use the funds to
help facilitate the construct of a splash park in I2ayola Park, on the north side of 4th' Street and west of
the Owasso Expressway. The staff now proposes to pursue the splash parkas the CDBG'06 project.
Since the splash park project is outside the automatically eligible area for CDBG funding, an income
survey of the affected residents would be required to determine whether the project is eligible to
receive grant funds. The staff has already initiated the process to determine the survey area.
Two steps required of the City Council in order to initiate the CDBG process for the '06 project year
have already been taken. First, the City submitted a letter of intent to ODOC informing the agency of
the City's intention to apply for grant funds. Second, a public hearing was conducted by the City
Council to receive citizen comments on the CDBG program (no citizen comments were received at the
public hearing).
The staff recommends that the Council take the following three actions:
1. Approve a resolution requesting assistance from ODOC for a FY 2006 for the Small Cities
2. Approve a second resolution committing $66,450 as a match required for the grant funds.
3. Approve a Citizen Participation Plan for the FY 2006 CDBG Program.
� A-11 I MTIS I III Ila,
1. Resolution 2006-11
2. Resolution 2006-12
3. Citizen Participation Plan
4. Correspondence from INCOG dated April 25, 2006
5. Map of project eligible neighborhoods
6. Application documents
=Wg mWimitilawmal"r j JIM,
The City of Owasso intends to implement a citizen participation program for its 2006 application
process to accomplish the following objectives:
Provide for and encourage citizen participation, particularly by low and moderate-income persons
who reside in areas where CDBG funds are proposed to be used.
This will be accomplished by:
1. Providing frequent and timely public notice of CDBG program activities by posting at City
Hall and by placing articles of interest in the local newspaper.
2. Adopting a comprehensive CDBG Statement of Needs.
Conducting a Special Public Hearing to inform citizens of the proposed CDBG project and
authorizing the Mayor to sign a CDBG application in a formal City Council Meeting.
Ensure that citizens will be given reasonable and timely access to local meetings, information, and
records relating to proposed and actual use of funds, including, but not be limited to:
1. The amount of CDBG funds to be made available for the current fiscal year, if the proposed
project is approved.
2. The range of activities that may be undertaken with those funds.
3. The estimated amount of those funds proposed to be used for activities that will benefit low
and moderate-income persons.
4. The proposed CDBG activities likely to result in displacement and any anti-displacement and
relocation plans developed by the City of Owasso in accordance with Section 104(d)(1) and
(2) of the Act.
The basis on which the City of Owasso may provide technical assistance to groups
representative of persons of low and moderate income that may request assistance in
developing proposals. The level and type of assistance to be provided is at the discretion of
the City of Owasso and does not necessarily include providing funding to such groups.
6. This requirement will be accomplished by discussing the CDBG proposal during regular City
Council meetings and in one :Formal public hearing prior to the submittal of the CDBG
application. During the hearing the five (5) items listed above will be explained to the public.
Records of the CDBG project will be maintained in the City Hall of the City of Owasso by the
Clerk and will be available upon request for review by the public. A brief summary of
hjb/karcn/98cdif /citpar.doc
FW�_ A -,
the proposed CDBG project will be available for public review after the City Council has made its
final selection.
Provide for a minimum of two (2) public hearings; one (1) prior to submission of the application
for funding of the project for the purpose of obtaining citizen views and formulating or
responding to proposals and questions, and the other end of the grant period if the City of
Owasso receives funding, that discusses the City of Owasso's accomplishments in relation to
initial plans. The application stage hearing will include discussion of CDBG needs, and the
development of activities being proposed for CDBG funding. There will be reasonable notice of
all hearings, which will be scheduled for times and locations convenient to the potential and actual
beneficiaries and which will accommodate the handicapped.
This requirement will be met through scheduling a Special Public Hearing to discuss the City of
Owasso's 2006 CDBG proposal. At this hearing, the proposed project will be reviewed for the
public and further citizen input will be solicited. Notice will be given seven (7) to ten (10) days in
advance of this hearing in the City of Owasso by posting at City Hall and other normal posting
locations within the community. The Hearing will be held in the early evening so that citizens
who work may attend. A second hearing will be held at the end of the grant period as the City of
Owasso completes project activities authorized in the 2006 CDBG process.
Meet the needs of non-English speaking residents in those instances where a significant number of
non-English speaking residents can reasonably be expected to participate. The City of Owasso
does not currently have a significant population of non-English speaking citizens. However, every
effort will be made to accommodate the needs of any non-English speaking citizens who wish to
Provide citizens with reasonable advance notice of, and opportunity to comment on, proposed
activities not previously described in the City of Owasso's funding request and on activities that
are proposed to be deleted or substantially changed in terms of purpose, scope, location or
...... . .. ..
Provide the place, telephone number, and times when citizens are able to submit written
complaints or grievances, and the process the City of Owasso will use to provide a timely, written
response to such complaints or grievances.
Citizens with comments or grievances on the 2006 CDBG process may submit them in writing or
in person at the City Hall during regular business hours or may call (918) 376-1500. The City of
Owasso will respond to such comments or grievances within fifteen (15) working days, where
By formally adopting this Citizen Participation Plan, the City of Owasso City Council accepts the
responsibility for implementing its provisions, The City Council further charges all employees and
contractors with the responsibility of implementing this plan and living up to the spirit of the
citizen participation requirements of the 2006 CDBG program.
Adopted this 16th day of May, 2006, by the City Council of the City of Owasso.
Clerk's Signature
Mayor's Signature
The Oklahoma Department ufCommerce has issued mR invitation twthe City of
Owasso to apply for $66,450 in Small Cities Program funding under the State's FY-06
CDB(3program. A historical use of funds has been the replacement Of sidewalks iD
identified low and-moderate income areas and the City Engineering staff has prepared a
proposed project map and bud�et for our use. VVcvviU work vvitkyou to finalize the
application prior to the June 3/fhdeadline.
A Resolution requesting funding from ODOC has been prepared and is attached for your
use. Approval of this Resolution will allow the CDBG Application to be submitted for
review by ODOC.
TheC8]{)C staff has also directed that e Resolution documenting the 11 matching
requirement by the City be prepared and approved at the time that the annual
application is approved. |n the past this has usually been required when mnactual
Release of Funds was requested bythe City. Approval nf this Resolution eliminates the
need to do so later in the grant process.
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The FY 2006 project will continue the repair and/or replacement of sidewalks in the
South Main Street Target Area. The local match will involve additional sidewalks, and
also include project administration. Necessary Engineering and Inspection services will
be provided by the City. The intent of this project is to upgrade pedestrian access
throughout the Target Area.
Number of beneficiaries served 1,200
Application Summary — Attachment A
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
2006 State Small Cities Program
Page I of 2
City of Owasso
$ 66,450
$ 66,450
$ 132,900