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The By....laws of the Owasso Economic Development Authority
should be, and the same are hereby amended to provide as follows,
A. The presiding official of the Authority shall be the
Chairman who shall be elected annually at the first regular meeting
in July of each year by the members from their membership. The
Chairman shall assume the chair of the presiding official
immediately after his election.
B. The presiding official shall preserve strict order and
decorum at all regular, special and emergency meetings of the
Authority. He shall state every question coming before the
Authority, announce the decision of the Authority on all subjects,
and decide all questions of order; subject, however, to an appeal
to the Authority, in which event a majority vote of the Authority
shall govern and conclusively determine such question of order.
He shall vote on all questions, his name being called last. He
shall sign all Authority resolutions, and all other obligations of
the Authority as authorized by the Authority, adopted by the
Chairman during his presence. In the event of the absence of the
Chairman, a Vice-Chairman elected from the membership at the first
meeting in July of each year shall be the presiding official as
well as sign all resolutions or obligations of the Authority as
adopted by the Authority, during his presence.
A. Time ~ the Authority will hold regular meetings on the
second Wednesday of each month at 12:00 noon; provided, however,
that when the day fixed for any regular meeting of the Authority
falls on the day designed by law as a legal or national holiday,
a day wherein an election is held wi thin the City of Owasso,
Oklahoma, or a day when a majority of the members of the Authority
shall be absent from the City of Owasso, the Chairman or Vice-
Chairman in the absence of the Chairman may cancel said regular
meeting and provide for the calling of a special meeting or may,
not less than ten (10) days prior to the date for implementation
of said change, change the date,' time or place of the regularly
scheduled meeting of the Authority, provided written notice thereof
is contemporaneously given to the Secretary of the Authority.
In all other respects the By-Laws of the Owasso Economic
Development Authority shall remain unchanged.
1989 by the Authority.
day of September,
an Anderson, Chairman
Ja ce Fields, Secretary
, '
Section Twenty
Section Twenty-One
Section Twenty-Two
Presiding_Official; Election of
-Duties' '
Regular Meetings
Special Meetings
Roll Call
Order of Business
Reading of Minutes
Rules of Debate
Addressing the Authority
Addressing the Authority after
Motion Made
Manner of Addressing Authority,
Time Limit
Special Committees
Standing Committees
Members May File Protest Against
Authority Action
Claims Against The Authority
Resolutions, Motions and Contracts
Section One
Section Two
Section Three
Section Four
Section Five
Section Six
Section Seven
Section Eight
Section Nine
Section Ten
Section Eleven
Section Twelve
Section Thirteen
Section Fourteen
Section Fifteen
Section Sixteen
Section Seventeen
Section Eighteen
Section Nineteen
Ae The following provisions, unless amended, changed,
deleted or' modified by subsequent resolution, consistent
wi th the provisions of 'the Trust Indenture of The OWasso
Economic Development Authority as well as State or Federal
law relating to public trusts, shall govern the conduct of
all regular, special and emergency meetings of the OWasso
Economic Development Authority. Any resolution so amending,
changing, deleting or modifying the prOVisions hereof shall
be approved by an affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of
the membership of the Authority prior to the effectivness
B.. The provision, hereof ,shall 'be construed in
accordance with the laws of the stat.e' of Oklahoma.:
C.. Sections, paragraphs, sentences,' cl,auses and
phrases of these By-Laws are severable, and'if any phrase,
clause, sentence, paragr~c2:p1:!, :9r" Sect~on 9fthe;:;e, By.... Laws ;i.s;
declared by a Court.,',;of compet.ent jurisdiction as being
unconstitutional, illegal or otherwise invalid, then such
unconstitutionality, illegality or invalidity shall not
affect any of the remaining- phrases, clauses, sentences,
paragraphs, or Sections of these By....Laws.
. "..;:: ;~ '.:-Jj _ J ()~,,?
D.. A word importing one gender only shall extend and
be understood to apply to both genders.
A.. The presiding official of the Authority shall' be
the Chairman who shall be elected annually at the first
regular meeting in May' of each year by the members from
their - membership. The Chairman shall assume the chair of
the presiding official immediately after his election..
B.. The presiding official shall preserve strict order
and decorum at all regular, special and emergency meetings
of the Authority. He shall state every question coming
before the Authority, announce the decision of the Authority
on all subjects, and decide all questions of order; subject,
however, to an appeal to the Authority, in which event a
majority vote of the Authority shall govern and conclusively
determine such question of order. He shall vote on all
questions, his name being called last. He shall sign all
Authority resolutions, and all other Obligations of the
Authority as authorized by the Authority, adopted by the
Chairman during his presence. In the event of the absence
of ,the Chairman, a Vice....Chairman, elected from ;the
membership at the first meeting in May of each year, shall
be the presiding official as well as sign all resolutions or
obligations of the Authority as adopted by the Authority,
during his presence0
"""- '
The Authority may appoint as officers of the Authority
a director, secretary, treasurer and attorney u as well as
any deputies thereof as deemed necessary and employees as in
the Authority's discretion are deemed advisable. In such
appointment the Authority shall delineate the duties of such
position as well as the compensation to be provided
therefor. All such appointments, unless otherwise.provided
by written contraQt' ;,betwe,~ii the officer/employee"anct the. :.,.
Authority, shall be at ;the. pleasure' of the Authority ~ with
removal of any ,offiCer/emp'loyeeaIlo}'1edwith or wit:br~:>Ut
caUse at any time. The duties of the' officers set forth
above shall be generally, but no1:;." ,:I;imit~d" te>. the, fo1; 1.0wiI}g ,
to....wit: ' .,~._." . ,. -- '" . .' :~',i
A.. Director The Director shall be the Chief
Administrative Officer of the Authority. Such person shall:
1) Appoint, and when deemed necessary for the
good of the Authority, layoff, suspend, demote, or remove
all heads of subordinate administrative departments and
employees thereof.
supervise and
all subordinate
3) Prepare a budget annually and submit it to
the Authority, be responsible for the administration of the
budget after it goes into effect and recommend to the
Authority any changes in the budget which he deems
4) Submit to the Authority a report as of the
end of the fiscal year on the finances and administrative
activities of the Authority for the preceding year.
5) Keep the Authority advised of the financial
condition and future needs of the Authority, and make such
recommendations to the Authority on matters of policy and
other matters as may seem to him desirable~
6) Have such other powers, duties, and functions
as these By-Laws may prescribe, and such powers, duties,-and
functions consistent with these By....Laws, the Trust Indenture
of the OWasso Economic Development Authority, State or
Federal law relating to public trusts, as the Authority may
B.. Secretary The Secretary shall be appointed by
the Authority for an indefinite term; provided, that the
Authority by resolution may provide that the Treasurer shall
be ex officio Secretary. He shall serve as clerical officer
of the Authority. He shall keep the journal of its
proceedings, and shall enroll in a book or books kept for
the purpose all resolutions passed by it; shall be custodian
of such documents, records and archives as may be prOVided
by applicable law or resolution; shall be custodian of, the
seal of the Authority, >and shall attest,' and affix the 's:eal
to, documents when required in accordance with applicable
law or resolution;. and= shall' have such, other pewers, and
duties consistent with these By...Laws ,',the Trust Indenture of
the OWasso Economic Development Authority, State or Federal
law relating to public trusts, as may be prescribed by the '
c..TreasurerThe Authority Treasurer, or
personnel under his superv~s~on and control, shall collect
or receive revenue and other mo.ney f'or the Authority. The
Treasurer shall be responsible for its custody, safekeeping,
deposi t, and disbursement. Further, the Treasurer shall
'maintain a general accounting '. system for the'.At,i,thority'. ,He"
shall have such' other "powers,;"" ,:,dut..ies";':~;aha.-,fun<rtions-ci~',:
consistent with these' By....taws., t:he'rru'st""Inae'nture cH:'''the''c C
OWasso Economic Development Authority, State or Federal law
relating to public trusts, as may be prescribed by the
D.. Attorney
1) The Attorney is the chief legal adviser of
the Authority, all officers, departments, and agencies of
the Authority in matters relating to their official powers
and duties. He represents the Authority in proceedings in
the courts, and performs all services incident to his
position which may be required by law or resolution.
2) The Attorney shall preserve in his office a
record of all cases in which the Authority is interested, in
any of the Courts and shall enter, or cause to be entered
therein, abstracts of all proceedings of the cases 0 He
shall also preserve in his office, copies of' all written
opinions ,furnished by him to the Authority.
3) The Attorney shall have aright to the
possession of any and all legal papers f books, or dockets
belonging to the Authority, upon leaving a receipt therefor.
He may demand and receive from any officer or employee of
the Authority, any book, paper or document, necessary to be
used in any suit, or which he may desire for his
do so, all
The Attorney shall prepare, when requested to
resolutions, contracts, bonds and other
in writing, in which the Authority is
5) The;Attorney;)~ s.halJ;..0.db.e,ri,D.g>ttfiedr bf l..~aa.:;Lc'r:.):r: ')\
meetings of the Authority howeve:t'h~Lshallr: be"present in
person only at;. meetings' ,of' ,thei::-Auth(11JtiltYf ,ea-chLmopth-L" as,
requested by the ,Chai):'man, ,fo:t-"th~ pur;pose o.f,giving,le.gal
advise to the Authority. ",',,' :--",'it"S L" ,~;i':i,i,;ri ; ,,' ii",,: ,,,,I';; :;;;-':.
6) Whenever the Chairman, or other appropr ia te
officer of the Authority shall desire legal' advice or an
op~n~on from the Attorneyon',-any,',le-ga.JJTcquest.ion on which
they desire a' written. opinion'",;' ,such'iquestion"shalL':''be
submitted to the : 'Attorney in, ,wr!it~nCJ,f'i:inJt'h;e., ',sl;lall,,,.,,w.:lthi!l' a
reasonable time., ,~end~r'to ;'tp,e' '~enaljtman',~;~r ..<such 'other
person, an opinion thereon in'~riting:;";,f!' , , , ,,"
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7) With', ,th~' ,ap,prov:a1:jt'1Of,",'O~e .tAuthord. tW'j\! the
Attorney shallhave;,aut'.hQi.'.i'tYft<::)h.4o~XqOmp-~t~nt., p~r:sons, el;:o ""
assist him in the discharge of his,: duties ,arid the
compensation to be paid such assistants shall be fixed by
the Authority.
A.. Time.. The Authority shall hold regular meetings
on the second Wednesday of each month at 3:: 00 P.M.;
provided, however, that when the day fixed for any regular
meeting of the Authority falls on a day designated by law as
a legal or national holiday, a day wherein an election is
held wi thin the City, or a day wherein a maj ori ty of the
members of the Authority shall be absent from the city, the
Authority, not less than ten (10) days prior to the date for
implementation of any such change, may, by motion, change
the date, time or place of a regularly scheduled meeting of
the Authority, provided written notice thereof is
contemporaneously given to the Secretary of the Authority@
B.. Place.. All regular meetings of the Authority
shall be held at the offices of the Authority, owasso,
Oklahoma, unless otherwise provided in Subsection A hereof@
The Chairman of the Authority may call special meetings
of the Authority whenever, in his or her opinion, the public
business may require it, or a special meeting shall be
called at the express written request of any three (3)
members of the Authority. Whenever a special meeting shall
be called, a notice in writing, signed by the Chairman or
the Secretary attesting to the call, shall be served upon
each member of st:n~:j~61J.thQ.&~;l;ty ej;tA~:t';:in person or by notice
left at the member"s" place' ofJ~resIdence, stating the date,
place and hour of tha mee.:t?in9'. :~nd .}Jl.e iPu:t;pose,',for,-whicb such
meeting is called,uL ao.9- ;"no:;pu~:i.n~~f~;;_ .,:f?,balL>be transi'?-cted
thereat, except,sucb.,:a~; <Ls,/st;.atedip. .~pe ,notice.
All reports, communications, resolutions, contract
documents, or other matters to be submitted to the Authority
shall, at leas~t five ,(.5), ,calendar days prior to each
Authority meeting, be delivered to the Secretary, whereupon
the Secretary shall arrange a list of such matters according
to the ord~r of,l:)Usin~sl?:';.and;" furnish each member of the
Authority, th~dpi::reBtor;:anQ. ,tl1e, Attorney for the Authority,
with a copY'of:,":same,pr:tor"tb,the Authority meeting and as
far in advance of the meeting as time for preparation will
permit. The foregoing should not be interpreted as
precluding the utilization of addendum to the agenda;
provided, however, that same complies with the requirements
of the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act u and further, is of an
urgent nature as well as concerns a matter which could not
have otherwise been transmitted to the Secretary in a
timely fashion. Inclusion of the foregoing matters on the
agenda shall be by request of the Chairman or Authority
member or by the Director or the Secretary or Treasurer or
the Attorney of the Authority.
The Chairman, or in his absence, the Vice....Chairman, or
upon the occurrence of four (4) Authority members being
present, the Secretary, or his assistant, shall call the
Authority to order; whereupon a temporary Chairman shall be
elected by the four (4) members of the Authority present.
Upon the arrival of the Chairman or Vice-Chairman, the
temporary Chairman shall immediately relinquish the chair
upon the conclusion of the business immediately before the
Before proceeding with the business of the Authority,
the Secretary or his deputy shall call the roll of the
members, and the names of those present shall be entered in
the minutes.
QU0'RtiMin J n ! ": (c, f' \',~ ; : ,
A majoritY:-"ofall the~ members appointed to the
Authority shall constitute a quorum at any regular ,,;;'pecial
or emergency mee..ting"o-f the Authority.
A.. All meetings, regular, special and emergency,
except executive sessions as authorized by law, 'shall" be
open to the public. No person shall be barred unless such
person is disorderly or refuses to obey the order of the
Chairman, or Vice....Chairman in the Chairman I s absence, or
temporary Chairman upon the event of the absence of either
the Chairman or Vice....Chairman.
-. -'-- (-1:( ('
B.. Promptly at the hour set by law on the day of each
regular, special or emergency meeting, the members of the
Authority, the Director, the Secretary and the Attorney,
shall take their regular stations in the Authority chambers
and the business of the Authority shall be taken up for
consideration and disposition in the following order:
1. Call to order;
2. Roll call;
3. Approval of minutes of previous meeting;
4. Consideration of unfinished business from previous
5. Introduction and adoption of resolutions;
6. Consideration of petitions, contracts and
7. Report of officers;
8. Approval of claims;
9. New business; and
10. Consideration of request for executive sessions.
C" The order of disposition of
taken up for consideration by the
rearranged by the direction of the
Vice-Chairman in the Chairman's absence,
the matters to be
Authority may be
Chairman, or the
or the temporary
Chairman miri the ,:eventf,of;"absep.ce, of _ ,the _ Qhai:nnan and the' '-
Vice-Chairman, the conc,epj: of the - Chairman, preroga1;:i ve ,bein,9:
hereby preserved. " '. '- _: ' . .' ,
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Unless the reading of the minutes of an Authority
meeting is requested by a member of the 'Authority, such 7
minutes may be approved without reading if the'Secretary has
previously furnished each member with i-a $Y'nQPs,isthereof.
Ae Chairman or Vice-Chairman may debate and vote ",
The Chairman, Vice....Chairman or temporary chairman, as the
case may be, may move, second and debate from the chair,
SUbject only to such limitations of debate as are by these
rules imposed on all members and shall not be deprived of
any of the rights and privileges of, an Authority member by
reason of acting as the presiding officer.
B.. Getting the floor, improper references to be
avoided, interruptions.." Every member desiring to speak
shall address the chair, and say, "Mr. Chairman", and such
member shall not proceed with the member Us remarks until
named and recognized by the presiding official. If any
member is speaking, or otherwise, transgresses the rules of
the Authority, the Chairman shall, or any member may, call
such person to order, and the member called to order shall
immediately cease, unless permitted to explain, and the
Authority, if appealed to, shall decide without debate. If
the decision be in favor of the member called to order, he
shall be at liberty to proceed. If against him and the
circumstance requires, he shall be liable to the censure of
the Authority. No person shall speak more than twice on the
same question, unless permitted by the Authority. No member
of the Authority shall leave his seat to speak to any other
member of the Authority or any other person in the chamber
without first obtaining permission of the Chairman. When
the Authority is in session, or when a member is speakingg
or the Secretary is reading any paper to the Authority, no
member shall in any way disturb the proceedings of the
Authority@ No member of the Authority shall be permitted to
talk upon anyone given subject longer than five (5) minutes
at any given meeting, except when permission be granted for
an extension of time by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the
members present at such meeting of the Authority. No
members of the Authority shall, at any time in any meetings
thereof, indulge in any Pl?rs0ualities"or ..:indecQ-rGus. -l<;inguage'
or in any matte.rs. gr things not p~rtaining to~ the ' ~ti.bje9t'
under discussion. 'The right - of,.the 'f'Ioorof~C't.he;'- Auehbrityr';~
shall be accorded only to the members of the Authority and
to the appointive officers of the Authority unless otherwise
provided for herein. -,,' .: -. -
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C.. Privilege of closing, debatee 'ccAnAuthority -member:
moving for the adoption of a resolution shall have the
privilege of closing the debate :thereon. In all other case's ~'I
the closing of debate shall be governed by the presiding
official unless by two....thirds(2/3) vote. of the members
present at such meeting of the Authority decides to extend
debate for a time certain.
De Motion to reconsider.. A motion to reconsider may
be made either immediately during the same session, or at a
recessed and reconvened session thereof only. Such motion
need not be made by one not of the prevailing side, and be
seconded by any Authority member. Such motion shall take
precedence over all other motions and it shall be debatable.
E.. Remarks of Authority members when entered in the
minutes.. Any Authority member may request, through the
presiding official, the privilege of having an abstract of
the Authority member's statement on any subject under
consideration by the Authority entered in the minutes. If
the Authority consents thereto, such statement shall be
entered in the minutes.
F.. Synopsis of debate--when entered into the minutes..~
The Secretary may be directed by the presiding official,
with consent of the Authority, to enter in the minutes a
synopsis of discussion on any question coming regularly
before the Authority.
G.. Motions.., When a question before the Authority
contains several propositions, any member may call for a
division of the question so as to vote on each proposition
separately. Unless such request for division is made, after
preliminary discussion of an agenda item, the Chairman
shall, consistent with these rules, call the matter for
determination by the Authority. Subsequent to the Chairman
calling the matter for determination the procedure shall be
as follows:
1) Main Motion.. Any member of the Authority desiring
to offer a motion on a particular agenda item shall so
indicate by ra~s~ng hisQ:t:' ,her,h,~p.d 1:'Or' o:p:t:a~rtJ::l:\esGhg.j,.rman.' p
recognition. subsequent to _ :t;:.heChairmaI1 recognizing' the
member, the member-, will thereupon,'. 'In- clear "and' condise
terms, move to: - ,
, '_~7 0
ae Continue the matter;
be Table the matt~r indefinitely:
C e To take a certain course of -.action;
d. Approve for award a bid pending the signing
of the contract and furnishing the required bond;
e. Adoption of Resolution No.
reading of the resolution be waived;
and that the
f. Approve or reject the claim of
amount of; or
in the
g. Approve consent agenda items.
Thereafter, members desiring to second such motion shall so
indicate to the Chairman by raising the member's hand.
Subsequent to the main motion receiving a second, the
Chairman shall call for a. vote; whereupon the Secretary
shall in varying order, with the Chairman being called last,
call for a roll call vote. In all cases, the member making
the motion, the member seconding'the motion and the vote of
the members thereon shall be entered in the minutes of the
Authority@ Every Authority me~er abstaining from voting on
a motion or being silent to same shall be recorded as having
cast a negative vote on such matter.
2) If no member offers a motion on an agenda item,
the Chairman shall again call for motions. If no motion is
presented after the second calling, the Chairman shall
declare the item fails for lack of motion. Similarly, if no
one seconds another member's motion, the Chairman shall,
after calling twice therefor, declare that the motion fails
for lack of a second.
3) Upon a motion having been offered and seconded,
the Chairman shall call for a vote.
4) Anytime prior to the Chairman's calling for a vote
of the Authority, a member may move to amend the motion,
which shall require a second. An amendment must be germane
to the main motion 'and be accepted by ,the member makingc' the: ~ ,-"c-
main motion and, the' member, secoJ?dingsam~ ~ iJ a'PP~.t')qable.
H.. Items, previously, voted on by Authority.. ..:.:A.n, tt.~,m", '
previously decided by the Au'thority may be placed on the
agenda as a new item of business only under the following
, .>,i,j~~
1) When the vote by the Authority occurred at least
six (6) months before the i tern again appears, 'on :t.he ' agenda;
2) Annually, when Authority members have been sworn
into office and the item was voted on by the previous
"'~,,,,:::: "
3) This section shall not apply to any matters
dealing with initiation, prosecution, defense or settlement
of litigation brought by or against the Authority, its
employees or agencies.
Any person desiring to address the Authority shall
first secure the permission of the Chairman to do so;
provided, however, that under the following headings of
business, any qualified person may address the Authority
without securing prior permission:
Ae Written Communications. Interested parties or
their authorized representatives may address the Authority
by written communications in regards to matters then under
B.. Oral Communications.. Taxpayers or residents of
the city, or their authorized legal representatives, may
address the Authority by oral communications on any matter
concerning the Authority's business, or any matter over
which the Authority has control; provided, however,
preference shall be given those persons who have notified
the Secretary in advance of their desire to speak in order
that same may appear on the agenda of the Authority. Absent
an emergency situation, no action will be taken by the
Authority on a matter deemed not listed on the agenda and
falling within the new business section of the agenda.
After a motion is made by the Authority, no person
shall address the Authority w1.thout~ first' securing '.
permission of the Authority to do so.
, ':~ , '"
~, ,
- ,
Each person addressing the Authority shall stand up-and ','."
seek the Chairman f s recogni tion. Upon recognition by the
Chairman such person addressing the Authority shall give his
name and address in an audible tone of voice for the
records, and unless further time is granted by the Authority
shall limit his address to five (5) minutes. All remarks,
shall be addressed to the Authority as a body and not to any
member thereof. No person, other than.the person having the
floor shall be permitted to enter into any. .discussion, .
either directly or through a member of the Authority,
without the permission of the Chairman. No questions shall
be asked of the Authority member except through the
Ae By Authority members.. While the Authority is in
session, the members must preserve order and decorum, and a
member shall neither, by conversation or otherwise, delay or
interrupt the proceedings or the peace of the Authority nor
disturb any member while speaking or refuse to obey the
orders of the Authority or it's Chairman, except as
otherwise herein provided.
B" By persons:.. ,. Any person making personal,
impertinent, or slanderous remarks or who shall become
boisterous and unruly while addressing the Authority shall
be forthwith, by the Chairman, barred from further audience
before the Authority, unless permission to continue be
granted by a majority vote of the Authority.
All special committees shall be appointed by the
presiding official, with confirmation by t:he Authority.
The only standing committee of the Authority shall be
the committee of the whole. The Chairman shall be the
presiding official of the committee of the whole and the
rules of proceedings of the Authority shall be observed in a
committee of the whole as far as the same maybe applicable.
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Any member shall have' the right to have the reasons for
his dissent from'; jl or 1. "protest"agai'nst ",,,'ia:ri'yc"< -; action . the
Authority entered on the minutes.
No account or other demand against the Authority shall
be allowed until the same has been considered and reported
upon and approved by the Authority.
A.. Prior approval by administrative staff.. All
resolutions and contract documents shall, before
presentation to the Authority, have been approved as to form
and ~legality by the Attorney or his authorized
representative, and further, such shall have been examined
and approved for administration by the Director or his
authorized representative, where there are substantive
matters of administration involved. All such instruments
shall have first been referred to the head of the department
under whose jurisdiction the administration of, the subject
matter of the resolution or contract document would devolve
and be approved by the department head; provided, however,
that if approval is not given, then the same shall be
returned to the Director with a written memorandum of the
reasons why such approval is withheld. In the event the
questioned instrument is not redrafted to meet a department
head objection, or objection is not withdrawn and approval
in writing given, then the Director shall so advise the
Authority and give the reasons advanced by the department
head for withholding approval. '
B.. Resolutions,. "' introduction
1) Resolutions mus't be introduced and sponsored by a
member of the Authority, except that the Director may
present resolutions, and any Authority member may assume
sponsorship thereof by moving that such resolution be
adopted; otherwise, they shall not be considered.
for _passage
2) No resolution shall relate to more than one
subject, which shall be clearly expressed in ,its t~tle.
"~, ";' "~
A motion to adjourn shall always be required to end any
meeting of the Authority. Further, a motion to adjourn
shall always be in order and decided without debate. . 7.-, ir"
198__, by the Authority.
day of