HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993.07.06_City Council AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: July 6, 1993 TIlViE: 7:00 p. m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 1, 1993. Marcia outwell, City Cler AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Flag Salute 3. Roll Call 4. Request Approval of the Minutes of June 15, 1993 Regular Meeting. Attachment #4 5. Request Approval of Claims. Attachment #5 Owasso City Council July 6, 1993 Page 2 6. Reading of Mayor's Proclamation Proclaiming Homes Unlimited as the Spotlight Business of the Quarter. Mayor Randolph Attachment #6 7. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Appointment of a Qualified Elector as a Councilmember for Ward 5. Mayor Randolph Attachment #7 8. Administration of Oath of Office to Ward 5 Councilmember. Mr Cates 9. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Appointment and Confirmation of Members to Various Boards, Trusts, Commissions and Committees. Mayor Randolph Attachment #9 The Mayor will offer appointments to various positions and request confirmation by the Council of those appointments. ' Owasso City Council July 6, 1993 ' Page 3 10. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Resolution #93-08, a Resolution ' Approving Rates for the Collection and Disposal of Refuse from Commercial Generators as Established by the Owasso Public Works Authority. Mr Ray Attachment #10 Staff will recommend Council approval of Resolution #93-08. 11. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for the Purchase of Vehicles r for Use by the Police Department. Chief Smith ' Attachment #11 Staff will recommend Council approval of the expenditure of $52,400 to Larry Spencer Chevrolet for the purchase of four Chevrolet Caprice automobiles. Such expenditure pursuant to a competitive bidding process conducted by the State of Oklahoma and awarded as Contract #SW31035. 12. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for the Purchase of a Tanker Truck for Use by the Owasso Fire Department. Chief Allen Attachment #12 Staff, pursuant to a competitive bid process, will recommend Council approval of an expenditure of $64,375 to SEMO Tank & Supply Co, Perryville, MO, for the purchase of one Fire Department tanker truck as specified in published bid documents. i Owasso City Council 7uly 6, 1993 ' Page 4 13. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Ordinance #464, an Ordinance Amending Part 12, Chapter 2, Section 12-201 of the Owasso Code of Ordinances, and Amending Chapter 5, Section 5-110 of the Owasso Zoning Code. Mr Rooney Attachment #13 ' Staff will recommend City Council approval of Ordinance #464, such ordinance allowing ~ the location of beauty shops and barber shops in an "OM" district by Special Exception of the Owasso Board of Adjustment. 14. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of a Final Plat for Owasso Commercial Center II. Mr Rooney Attachment #14 ~ Staff will recommend City Council approval of the final plat and that the Mayor be authorized to execute necessary documents. 15. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request fora "Lot Tieing Agreement" between the City of Owasso and James & Patsy Holland. Mr Rooney „~ Attachment #15 ' Staff will recommend Council approval of the requested agreement and that the Mayor be authorized to execute such agreement. 1 1 Owasso City Council July 6, 1993 Page 5 16. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for the Purchase and Installation of Radio Receivers/Decoders for the Renovation of Civil Defense Warning Sirens. Mr Ray Attachment #16 Staff will recommend Council approval of the expenditure of $10,120 to Goddard Enterprises, Guthrie, OK for the purchase and installation of eight (8) "SCH" type radio receiver/decoders. 17. Report from City Manager 18. Report from City Attorney 19. Unfinished Business i~ 20. New Business Owasso City Council July 6, 1993 Page 6 21. Adjournment II OWASSO CITY COUNCIL NIINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, June 15, 1993 The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, June 15, 1993 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, June 11, 1993. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Randolph called the meeting to order at 7:00 p. m. ITEM 2: FLAG SALUTE The flag salute was led by Ms Boutwell. ITEM 3: ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT Bob Randolph, Mayor Unfilled Position John Phillips, Vice Mayor Mary Lou Barnhouse, Councilmember Charles Bums, Councilmember STAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk A quorum was declared present. ITEM 4: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE M[NiJTFS OF June 1. 1993 REGULAR MEETING AND JUNE 8. 1993 SPECIAL MEETING. Charles Bums moved, seconded by John Phillips, to approve the minutes, by reference made a part hereto. AYE: Burris, Phillips, Barnhouse, Randolph NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. i~ Owasso City Council ITEM 5: REOUEST APPROVAL OF THE CLAIM June 15, 1993 ~ John Phillips moved, seconded by Charles Bums, to approve the following claims as submitted: (1) General Fund $27,500.89; (2) Workers' Compensation Self-Insurance Plan $13,421.47; (3) Ambulance Service Fund $1,770.71; (4) Senior Citizens $177.59; (5) Capital Improvements $106.33; (6) Debt Service $25,601.34; (7) City Garage $1,982.50; (8) General Fund Payroll ,~ $85,341.90; (9) City Garage Payroll $3,383.48. ' AYE: Phillips, Bums, Barnhouse, Randolph NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. ITEM 6: REQUEST FROM CITIZEN TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL RELATIVE TO ~ FEES CHARGED BY THE OWASSO RECYCLE CENTER. Mr Ed Compos addressed the Council relative to fees charged for trash disposal at the Owasso ' Recycle Center. He objected to paying for leaving items at the Recycle Center when the same items would be picked up curbside at no charge. Staff will investigate. ~ ITEM 7: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO RESOLUTION x#93-07, A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A FY 1993-94 COMBINED BUDGET. A public hearing, with citizen input, was held on the budget on June 8, 1993. Copies of the proposed budget have been distributed to community organizations and interested individuals. Councilor Burris questioned the proposed ten percent reduction in trash fees to the citizens, while the city is receiving a twenty percent reduction over current rates. Mr Ray stated that any final decision on proposed trash rates would have to go before the Council for action and the adoption of an ordinance. Following discussion, Charles Bums moved to approve resolution x{93-07 adopting FY 1993-94 budget. Motion was seconded by John Phillips. AYE: Bums, Phillips, Barnhouse, Randolph NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. 2 Owasso City Council June 15, 1993 ITEM CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO AN AMENDMENT TO THE 1993-94 LABOR CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND FOP LODGE #149. On May 17, 1993, the FOP requested a reopening of negotiations for FY 1993-94 to discuss the length of the official work period for members of the bargaining unit; and the clothing and cleaning payments. A tentative agreement has been reach which would change the current fourteen day work period to a twenty-eight day work period, and would eliminate direct payments for clothing and cleaning allowance to police officers. In return for the elimination of those direct payments, the City would purchase and replace uniforms for the officers and a local cleaners would be contracted for uniform cleaning. Councilor Bums asked Mr Terry Laflin, president of FOP Lodge #149, if the majority of the members were in favor of the agreement. Mr Laflin answered in the affirmative. Charles Bums moved, seconded by Mary Lou Barnhouse, to approve the proposed amendments to the 1993-94 contract between the City of Owasso and FOP Lodge #149 and to authorize the Mayor the execute the documents. AYE: Bums, Barnhouse, Phillips, Randolph NAY: None r Motion carried 4-0. ITEM 9: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A QUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT FOR POLICE UNIFORM CLEANING SERVICES. Chief Smith contacted five vendors to provide quotes on dry cleaning for uniforms. Those quotes were opened on June 9, 1993, with the lowest quote received from Yale Cleaners at a cost of $1,085.00 per month, or $13,020.00 for the year. Mayor Randolph moved, seconded by Charles Burris, to approve a contract with Yale Cleaners for police uniform cleaning services in the amount of $1,085.00 per month. AYE: Randolph, Bums, Phillips, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. 3 Owasso City Council June 15, 1993 ITEM 1 CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ORDINANCE #463. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING PART 9. CHAPTER 1, ' SECTION 9-113 OF THE OWASSO CODE OF ORDINANCES AND ELIMINATING THE REQUIREMENT THAT CERTAIN BUSINESSES PAY FOR AND MAINTAIN A BUSINESS LICENSE. ' Councilor Barnhouse presented this item. The Owasso Code of Ordinances contains a list of business that are charged a license fee for the purpose of meeting the expense of supervising, ' regulating and policing those businesses. The City does not perform services in return for the license fee and it has become a revenue tax without any other purpose. Ordinance #463 would retain the fees for door-to-door peddlers and other itinerant vendors, but would eliminate the fee on local, permanent businesses. Mayor Randolph moved to approve Ordinance #463. Motion ' was seconded by Charles Bums. AYE: Randolph, Bums, Phillips, Barnhouse NAY: None ' Motion carried 4-0. ITEM 11: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO RESOLUTION #93-06. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE APPROVAL AND EXECUTION OF A LENDING AGREEMENT WHEREIN THE CITY OF OWASSO WOULD ACQUIRE "REVENUE ANTICIPATION NOTES" OF THE ' OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY IN THE AMOUNT OF $400.000. On May 18th the City Council voted to direct the staff to complete the development of ' documents to accomplish an investment concept relating to a loan from the city's consolidated cash account to the OPGA. The City Attorney has completed the development of Revenue Anticipation Notes and they have been reviewed by bond counsel. Mr Cates explained the ' documents and answered questions. Following discussion, Mayor Randolph moved, seconded by John Phillips, to adopt Resolution #93-06 authorizing a lending agreement between the City ' of Owasso and the Owasso Public Golf Authority, providing for a loan of $400,000 to the OPGA and requiring conditions upon such loan. ' AYE: Randolph, Phillips, Barnhouse, Burris NAY: None ' Motion carried 4-0. 4 Owasso City Council June 15, 1993 ITEM 12: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A "RECREATION FACILITIES PROJECT AGREEMENT" BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND THE OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY. The 1992 golf course revenue bond issue contains a recreational facility agreement between the City of Owasso and the Owasso Public Golf Authority, which must be renewed annually. This agreement allows the City Council to review the financial picture and the status of the golf course operations should there be a financial problem, and to make decisions based on that information. The OPGA must also execute the agreement. Charles Bums moved, seconded by John Phillips, to authorize the Mayor the execute the Recreational Facilities Project Agreement. AYE: Bums, Phillips, Barnhouse, Randolph NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. ITEM 13: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A "COMMITTEE ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF YOUTH ACTIVITIES" AND APPOINTMENT OF SUCH COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON. Councilor Bums proposed the creation of a local task force to help identify needs and propose solutions concerning activities for Owasso's youth. The committee would be composed of a cross-section of the community and assistance would be available from the schools, churches, civic groups, recreational organizations, private non-profit organizations, and recreational oriented businesses. After the task force is created, they will discuss ways to finance the group. Following discussion, Mayor Randolph moved to approve the creation of a Committee on the Development of Youth Activities with Councilor Bums as Chairperson; such committee to be comprised of eleven members (including Councilor Bums), with each councilor appointing two members to the Committee. Committee appointments would be for one year, with re- appointments being made for those members who want to continue serving on the committee. Motion was seconded by John Phillips. AYE: Randolph, Phillips, Barnhouse, Bums NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. 5 Owasso City Council June 15, 1993 ITEM 14: CONSIDER ATION AND APPROPRIATE AC TION RELATING TO A RE ZUEST FOR CITY COU NCIL APPROVAL O F A FINAL PLAT FOR RAM PLAZA, S UCH SUBDMS ION COMPRISED O F A PORTION OF THE SE/4 OF SECTIO N 20. TOWNS HIP 21 NORTH. RAN GE 14 EAST. IN THE CITY OF OWAS SOL TULSA CO UNTY. OKLAHOM A: GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE N ORTHWEST C ORNER OF EAST 8 6TH STREET NORTH AND 129TH EA ST AVENUE. Ram Plaza is a 9.24 acre tract located at the northwest corner of 86th Street North and 129th E Ave. The final plat was reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee at its May 5, 1993 meeting. The Planning Commission unanimously approved the final plat on May 20, 1993 with the condition that it would not be forwarded to the City Council until all construction plans were correct and approved. The condition has now been complied with. John Phillips moved, seconded by Charles Burris to approve the final plat for Ram Plaza. AYE: Phillips, Burris, Barnhouse, Randolph NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. ITEM 1 CONSIDERATION AND A REQUEST FOR ACCEPTANT ESTATES. AN ADDITION Ti OKLAHOMA: GENERALL` NORTHEAST CORNER OF AVENUE. PPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A ~E OF THE FINAL PLAT FOR BRENTWOOD THE CITY OF OWASSO. TULSA COUNTY ~' LOCATED 1/2 MILE EAST OF THE 86TH STREET NORTH AND 129TH EAST Brentwood Estates final plat was approved by the Owasso Planning Commission at its October 15 meeting. A delay in the release from Rogers County Rural Water District and time necessary to review the construction plans for sanitary sewer collection were the reasons for the lapse of time between Planning Commission approval and the item being brought to the City Council. The project engineer, Fred George, made a brief presentation to the Council showing existing and proposed drainage on the site. Charles Bums moved, seconded by John Phillips, to approve the final plat for Brentwood Estates. AYE: Bums, Phillips, Barnhouse, Randolph NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. 6 II I Owasso City Council June 15, 1993 u ITEM 16: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR THE PURCHASE OF PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL FOR THE INSTALLATION OF SUCH EQUIPMENT. An appropriation in the Park Development Fund has been budgeted for the purchase and installation of parks equipment. Staff is proposing the purchase of two pieces of equipment - one for Rayola Park and one for Elm Creek Park. Because of a change in the bidding process, bids awarded by the City of Tulsa were utilized. John Phillips moved to approve the purchase of two pieces of playground equipment from Aaron Fence Co at a cost of $9282, wood chips for ground cover from Rex Playground Equipment at a cost of $1474, and $1130 for the purchase of items for installation. Motion was seconded by Mayor Randolph. AYE: Phillips, Randolph, Barnhouse, Burris NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. ITEM 17: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION TO SOLICIT BIDS FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO THE WATER. WASTEWATER, AND STREET SYSTEMS FUNDED BY A CDBG-ED GRANT. PROJECT #5252 MAX BUCHANAN INFRASTRUCTURE. On April 6, 1993, the City Council awarded a contract to Sack and Associates to design, prepare bid documents, administer the contract, and issue final reports for a street connecting the south end of Main Street and the easterly edge of the Max Buchanan property, a sanitary sewer line, and a water line. The plans, contract documents, and bid specifications have now been received from Sack. Charles Bums moved, seconded by John Phillips, to authorize the solicitation of bids for the construction of water mains, wastewater collection mains, and the extension of South Main Street to the Max Buchanan site. AYE: Bums, Phillips, Barnhouse, Randolph NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. 7 ' Owasso City Council June 15, 1993 ITEM 1 CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO AN "INTERLOCAL GOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT" BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA. Tulsa County has agreed to provide the labor and equipment for the paving of South Main Street and East Fifth Avenue. An agreement needs to be signed with Tulsa County for those services. Charles Bums moved, seconded by John Phillips, to approve an Interlocal Governmental ' Agreement with Tulsa County providing for the paving os South Main Street and Fifth Avenue and funded by CDBG-ED grant #5252. AYE: Bums, Phillips, Barnhouse, Randolph NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. ITEM 1 CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO AN "INTERLOCAL GOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT" BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF TULSA COUNTY. OKLAHOMA. Tulsa County has agreed to provide a county road construction crew and the necessary ~ equipment to construct the entrance road into the Bailey Golf Ranch. The Golf Authority will purchase the materials to be used in the road construction. Charles Bums moved, seconded by John Phillips, to approve an Interlocal Governmental Agreement between the City of Owasso and the Board of County Commissioners of Tulsa County for the construction of Larkin Bailey Boulevard. AYE: Burris, Phillips, Barnhouse, Randolph NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. ITEM 20: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO AN AMENDMENT OF THE FY 1992-93 BUDGET CREATING AN "OTHER FUND" BUDGET FOR THE CDBG-ED CONTRACT #4626 (WOODS PRODUCTS LOAN. This item is a transfer in -transfer out fund which provides a "pass through" between ODOC and the OEDA for the Woods Precision Products loan. No city money is actually being 8 ' Owasso City Council June 15, 1993 expended. John Phillips moved, seconded by Mary Lou Barnhouse, to approve the proposed budget for the CDBG (Woods Products) Fund. ~ AYE: Phillips, Barnhouse, Bums, Randolph NAY: None ' Motion carried 4-0. ITEM 21: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR AN AMENDMENT TO THE CITY GARAGE FUND BUDGET. ^ Vehicle replacement and repair parts are budgeted in the Garage Fund. Each department is billed for the parts used by that department. The original appropriation for parts needed for vehicle repairs was underestimated; therefore an amendment to both the revenue and expenditure side of the budget is requested. This request has no effect on the city's financial picture. The purchase of parts is offset by the revenue from the sale of those parts. John Phillips moved, ~ seconded by Charles Bums, to approve an amendment to the garage fund budget increasing revenues to the fund by $8000 and increase appropriations for the purchase of parts for resale by $8000. AYE: Phillips, Bums, Barnhouse, Randolph NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. ITEM 22: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A GRANT OFFER FROM THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY. In July 1991 the City of Owasso requested matching funds from the state office for civil defense for the purpose of purchasing new warning siren receiver/encoders. Those funds have been awarded in the amount of $4750 and require a local match of $4750. If accepted, the grant will ,~ allow the city to renovate eight warning sirens this year. John Phillips moved to accept the FEMA grant of $4750 and to authorize the Mayor to execute the acceptance documents. Motion ~ seconded by Charles Bums. AYE: Phillips, Bums, Barnhouse, Randolph NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. 9 Owasso City Council June 15, 1993 ' expended. John Phillips moved, seconded by Mary Lou Barnhouse, to approve the proposed budget for the CDBG (Woods Products) Fund. ' AYE: Phillips, Barnhouse, Bums, Randolph NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. ITEM 21: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR AN AMENDMENT TO THE CITY GARAGE FUND BUDGET. ~ Vehicle replacement and repair parts are budgeted in the Garage Fund. Each department is billed for the parts used by that department. The original appropriation for parts needed for L vehicle repairs was underestimated; therefore an amendment to both the revenue and expenditure side of the budget is requested. This request has no effect on the city's financial picture. The purchase of parts is offset by the revenue from the sale of those parts. John Phillips moved, ' seconded by Charles Bums, to approve an amendment to the garage fund budget increasing revenues to the fund by $8000 and increase appropriations for the purchase of parts for resale ' by $8000.. . AYE: Phillips, Bums, Barnhouse, Randolph NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. ITEM 22: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A GRANT OFFER FROM THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY. ~ In July 1991 the City of Owasso requested matching funds from the state office for civil defense for the purpose of purchasing new warning sire receiver/encoders. Those funds have been awarded in the amount of $4750 and require a local match of $4750. If accepted, the grant will allow the city to renovate eight warning sirens this year. John Phillips moved to accept the FEMA grant of $4750 and to authorize the Mayor to execute the acceptance documents. Motion seconded by Charles Burris. AYE: Phillips, Bums, Barnhouse, Randolph NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. 9 Owasso City Council ITEM 2 REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER No report. ITEM 24: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY No report. ITEM 2 UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. ITEM 2 NEW BUSINESS None. ITEM 27: ADJOURNMENT John Phillips moved, seconded by Mary Lou Barnhouse to adjourn. AYE: Phillips, Barnhouse, Burris, Randolph NAY: None Motion carried 4-0 and the meeting was adjourned at 8:050 p. m. June 15, 1993 Bob Randolph, Mayor Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk 10 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND 7/01/93 13:02:23 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT MANAGERIAL ------------------------------ 920176 TRAVEL PETTY CASH 932535 MCCAW COMMUNICATIONS 9325$6 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN 932609 TREASURER PETTY CASH 932645 OKLA. CORPORATION COMM. 932655 REASORS PRICE RITE 932661 RODNEY RAY DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> FINANCE ------------------------------ QUALITY GONF. PAGER RENTAL SUPPLIES REIMB PETTY CASH REGISTRATION FEE PHOTO PROCESSING 6/93 EXPENSES 165.77 22.45 156.56 96.23 25.40 10.47 292.19 768.67 932548 CPS BUSINESS, INC. ANNUAL MAINT 2,376.00 ~~ 932609 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 34.15 ~ DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___? 2,410.15 ,~ COMMj3?iITY DEVELOPMENT ------------------------------ 930049 TULSA COUNTY MIS 932535 MCCAW COMMUNICATIONS 932602 SUBURBAN OFFICE SUPPLY 932609 TREASURER PETTY CASH 932655 REASORS PRICE RITE DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___) ENGINEERING ------------------------------ DIALUP SVC PAGER RENTAL STORAGE CABINET REIMB PETTY CASH PHOTO PROCESSING 932530 INCOG SERVICES 932609 TREASUPER PETTY CASH P.EIMB PETTY GASH DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> i~ GENERAL GO•JER?iMEtiT ------------------------------ 931812 DEPARTMENT OF COP.REGTIONS DOC EMPLOYEE5 932531 WAL-MART SUPPLIES 40.00 44.90 225.00 47.47 10.96 368.33 1,980.00 14.20 1,994.20 105.60 52.12 4 I~ CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND 7/01/93 13:02:23 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAFVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- 932559 DAILY OKLAHOMAN ADVERTISEMENT lb2.li 932582 RETHERFORD PUBLICATIONS ADVERTISEMENT 41.15 932594 TAYLOE PAPER CO SUPPLIES 24.40 932b08 TREASURER PETTY CA5H DOG MEALS 256.90 932609 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY GASH 20.00 932b18 RETHERFORD PUBLICATIONS LEGAL NOTICE 79.35 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> 741.b3 MAINTENANCE ------------------------------ 932535 MCCAW COMMUNICATIONS PAGER P.ENTAL 22.45 932584 CHEROKEE BUILDING MATERIA SUPPLIES 50.80 932590 TA`ILOE PAPER CG SUPPLIES 57.52 932b09 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY GASH 26.91 932627 CHARLIE BROWN ELEG SERVICES 52.50 932b40 KIMBALL AGE HARDWARE SUPPLIES 207,06 932641 WAL-MART SUPPLIES 159.86 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___) 577.10 CEMETERY ------------------------------ 932482 KIMBALL AGE HARDWARE SUPPLIES 33.14 DEPAPTMENT TOTAL =___) 33.14 POLICE SEP.VIGES ------------------------------ 932590 TA'ILOE PAPER GO SUPPLIES 24.40 932611 MCGAW GOMMLINICATIONS 5193 PAGER RENTAL 134.70 932614 WESTERN BUSINESS PRODUCTS COPIER OVERAGE 142,88 932619 THREE LAKES LAUNDRY PRISONER LAUNDRY 87.80 932b20 REASORS PRICE RITE SUPPLIES 59.02 932 61 MCDOHALDS OF OWASSO PRISONER MEALS 327,98 932623 POLICE PETTY CASH REIMB FETT`I CASH 103.Sa DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====i 880.32 CENTRP.L DISPATCH ------------------------------ 932623 POLICE PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY GASH 5.00 r 5 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND 7/01/93 13:02:23 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: 6 PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> ANIMAL CONTROL ------------------------------ 932421 OKLA ANIMAL CONTROL ASSN SEMINAR 932505 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE SUPPLIES 932620 REASORS PRICE RITE SUPPLIES 932623 POLICE PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> FIRE SERIVCES ------------------------------ 932071 WAL-MART SUPPLIES 932487 OWASSO TIRE BAP.N TIRES 932490 OWASSO AUTO SUPPLY SUPPLIES 932491 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE SUPPLIE5 932562 DR`ISDALES BOOTS 932567 FIRE ENGINEERING SUBSCRIPTION 932568 CASCO INDUSTRIES INC. OF PARTS 932585 RETHERFORD PUBLICATIONS LEGAL NOTICE 932589 HEVIH BAUGESS SERVICES 932663 SUBURBAN OFFICE SUPPLY SUPPLIES 932664 DR. AMBP.OSE SOLANO, M.D. SERVICE AGP.EEMEHT DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___? STREETS ------------------------------ 932138 RAINBOW CONCRETE CO 932255 ARLEY OWEHS 932273 HUGHES LUMBER CO 932289 EARL BEARD 932366 K Rr M ENTERPF.ISES 93X404 OKLA STATE INDUSTRIES 932449 CIHTAS CORP. 932450 OWASSO LtiMBER GO 932452 USi1ABLE STEEL YARD 932453 ANCHOR STORE CO 932482 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE 932503 KOCH MATERIALS 93252$ SIGHALTEGK INC. r_ONCRETE MOWING/ATOR EASEMENT Si1PPL I ES MOWING/LAKERIDGE EASEMENT MOWING/EL RIO VISTA SIGHS UNIFORM RENT/CLEANING SUPPLIES STEEL CRUSHER RUN SUPPLIES ASPHALT MAIHT/REPAIRS 5.00 125.00 49.43 2.69 14.65 191.77 20.31 357,92 20.39 103.28 74,99 23.50 55.00 36.53 100.00 93.27 250.00 1,141.19 8b.00 39.00 47.25 195.00 60.00 514.00 549.29 31.59 52.37 164.5h X6.23 100.00 570.55 II II II II ii CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND 7./01/93 13:02:23 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DE5CRIPTIOH AMOUNT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- _932532 FEHSCO INC. MATERIALS 932579 GRAINGER,W W IHC DUMP TRUCK BED 932580 HUGHE5 LUMBER GO SUPPLIES 932609 TREASURER PETTY GASH REIMB PETTY GASH 932b17 ANCHOR STORE CO CRUSHER RUH 932b44 HUGHES LUMBER GO TOOLS DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___) RECREATION CENTER ------------------------------ 932433 SECURITY BY ROSE, INC. SERVICES 932569 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE SUPPLIES 932570 MOULDER OLDHAM CO S?iPPLIES .~ DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> SWIMMING POOL ------------------------------ 932515 MULLIN PLtIMBIHG~ INC. 932517 ATLAS UTILITY CO 932547 SEE MEDICAL SERVICE 932549 AMERICAN POOL SUPPLY 932561 WAL-MART 932591 TAYLOE PAPER CO 932609 TREASURER PETTY CASH 932657 AMERICAN POOL SUPPLY DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___) COMMUNITY CENTER ------------------------------ WATER HEATER SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES P.EIMB PETTY GASH POOL CHEMICALS 9325b3 WAL-MART SUPPLIES 932564 CP.OWL MECHANICAL, IHC. SERVICE!CLEAR 9325b5 HI-TECH TONER 932583 PILLS COMMUNICATIONS RADIO ELEMENTS '~32b07 MICP,OPP.OCE5SOP.5 UNLIMITED COMPUTER UPGRADE 932619 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 9326'~b LAP.SEH ELECTRONICS, IHC. PAF.TS DEPARTMENT TOTAL PARK MAINTENANCE 478.00 b52.07 95.62 34.42 144.92 99.b4 3,9b0.21 45.00 8b.23 78.27 209.50 2,b0b.50 l1b.74 131.50 210.00 5b.4b 2b.b2 b9.52 32b.21 3,543.51 20.32 82.55 45.00 1b2.4b 90.13 10.14 30.23 440.83 7 II CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND 7101/93 13:02:23 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- 931735 CIHTAS CORP. 932248 WAYHE GARNER 932249 JIM HOBBS 932254 LARRY BUCHAHAH 932251 ARLEY OWEHS 932262 AiJDREY REEVE 932477 USUABLE STEEL YARD 932478 WATER STORE 932603 DI-MARC 932604 QUICK SERVICE STEEL 932609 TREASURER PETTY GASH 932610 EHLOW FORD TRACTOR, IHC 932624 MOULDER OLDHAM CO 932639 ANCHOR STORE CO UNIFORM CLEANING/RENTAL MOWING/86TH ST PARK MOWING/RAYOLA PARK MOWING/ATOR PARK MOWING/ELM CREEK PARK SERVICES/ELM CREEK STEEL SPRINKLERS SWING PARTS SUPPLIES REIMB PETTY GASH PARTS SUPPLIES CP.tJSHER RUN 41.10 210.00 660.00 270.00 594.04 154.00 79.86 35.86 46.71 210.87 105.16 46.89 52.44 224.58 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> ECONOMIC DEVELOPME?~T ------------------------------ 932518 SUBURBAN OFFICE SUPPLY SUPPLIES 932601 SUBURBAN OFFICE St1PPLY DESK 932609 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> FTJHD TOTAL =___) 2,727.47 126.00 346.72 25.54 498.26 20,491.28 8 CITY DF OWASSO WORKERS' COMP SELF-INS PLAN 7/01/93 13:02:23 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAFVR PAGE: FO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- GENERAL GOVERNMENT ------------------------------ 930600 DARRELL EVANS T.T.D./EVANS 626.72 932382 MULTI CARE HEALTH CENTER CLAIM/WEBSTER 43.00 932387 MULTI CARE HEALTH CENTER CLAIM/COMBS 43.00 932555 SPRINGEP. CLINIC CLAIM/EVANS 281.80 932555 L.S. COST CONTAINMENT SERVICES 53.87 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> 1,048.39 1 FUND TOTAL =___> 1,048.39 CITY OF OWASSO AMBULANCE SERVICE FUND 7/01/93 13:02:23 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- * NO DEPARTMENT MASTER FOUND ~ ------------------------------ 932553 DAP.R£LL TAYLOP. DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___) AMBULANCE ------------------------------ REFUND/OVERPAYMENT 932494 PACE PRODUCTS OF TULSA IN SUPPLIES 932599 DIXIE INC SUPPLIES 932662 ALLIANCE MEDICAL. INC, SUPPLIES DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___~ FUND TOTAL =___? 37.20 37.20 58.00 84.95 22.49 1b5.44 202.54 2 CITY OF OWASSO E - 911 7/01/93 13:02:23 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: FO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- CENTRAL DISPATCH ------------------------------ i~ 932514 PF.ECISIOH HEARING DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> FUND TOTAL =___> TELECOMMUNICATION DEVICE 520.00 50.04 520.04 3 CITY OF OWASSO PARK DEVELOPMENT 7/01!93 13:02:23 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- PARKS ------------------------------ 932245 BECKLEY CARDY DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> FUND TOTAL =___> GRAND TOTAL =___> SWINGSET 734.89 734.89 734.89 57,011.58 13 CITY OF OWASSO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 7/01%93 13:02:23 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO ~ VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- FIRE SERVICES ------------------------------ 9325b5 RETHERFORD PUBLICATIONS LEGAL NOTICE 83.55 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> 83.55 FUND TOTAL =___> 83.55 12 i CITY OF OWASSO CITY GARAGE 7/01%93 13:02;23 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- CITY GARAGE ------------------------------ 932027 TPEASURER PETTY CASH TRAINING/H WHITAKER 932152 TULSA BP.AKE AHD CLUTCH PARTS 932445 BOWERS DIL CO. FUEL 932447 PENNANT PETROLEUM CO. OIL 932451 INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTEM BATTERIES 932504 KEYSTONE EQUIPMENT CD PARTS 932519 NAPA AUTO PARTS PARTS 932526 TULSA FARM EQUIPMENT CD PARTS 932538 FRONTIER INTERNATIONAL TR PARTS 932541 REYNOLDS RADIATOR REPAIR SERVICES 932b09 TREASURER FETTY CASH REIMS PETTY CASH 93262$ DRIVE SHAFTS INC. PAF.TS 932b30 MILEAGE MASTERS TIRE REPAIR 932b38 J & P AUTD REPAIRS DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___) FUND TOTAL =___) 141.68 25.63 5,257.91 343.75 57.95 489.50 1,917.38 223.60 30.78 202.00 62.39 287.20 60.00 b21.?7 9,721.54 9,721.54 11 CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 06/12/93 DEPARTMENT AMOUNT . ~ ..1~:.:'.:~.:: ~::.~ i::...:.... :::... ,:..A::.:::.::.. .: r~ ~~",, Finance 4,094.57 :::::':::iv,,v;?4'::;;~:..,v'?i.: ~;.i ~ ~:::i::::;:;{:;:?~:;i::~::.:'i;'::i:~:i':::::~i::::i:: ~:::i:::i:;<L;.ii::::~i:::::iv.?i::: :j;f tjL:it!;:it;.i<?j ¢f(y~y ~~~y:iRi4~.::~~~{j}~:~{.}~ :::.:::::::.::::::.:'::.:~.::::::::.~.:.~::.i':::::::::::::::::::::y:: is ii::: i::.: ~:i::v;::ry!. i;i?;+i::;.~;>:;?:•{.;~ :ti• :':: i:::~ f{(: Municipal Court 1,108.87 ::::>' t .~. x Buildin Maintenance ~ 492.24 _v... .ww µ;Y,r, w„^V~•;:•;;T•;:}iTY'i•4•'vi•>'•::J>::T:'•T:~?'C•: Y:. 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APPROVED: 07/06/93 Mayor Council Member Council Member CITY GARAGE PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 06/12/93 APPROVED: 07/06/93 Mayor Council Member Council Member ~ PROCLAMATION ' CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA WHEREAS, The OEDA, the Owasso Chamber of Commerce, the Owasso Reporter, and the City of Owasso have developed a special business recognition program as a means of honoring the valuable contributions of local, community-minded ~ businesses; and, ' WHEREAS, The quality of life in Owasso is a reflection of the level of involvement exhibited by business management and employees and their active support of community events; and ' WHEREAS, The involvement of businesses through their support of local projects and promotions by the sharing of their resources, provides for the economic well- being of the community and demonstrates a commitment that goes beyond the _ standard measure of business success; and, WHEREAS, This business, under the leadership of Jane Enzbrenner, has demonstrated concern for the Owasso community through involvement in various community-wide projects; and, WHEREAS, The contributions of time and services of this business have brought credit to Owasso and have benefitted many citizens; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Bob Randolph, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor of the City of Owasso, do hereby proclaim Homes Unlimited 3rd Quarter 1993 Business of the Quarter ii ii IN WITNESS THEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the City of Owasso to be affixed this 6th day of July, 1993. Bob Randolph Mayor i~ ~~ ~oxaxnuM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCII, CITY OF OWASSO FROM: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: APPOINTMENT OF WARD 5 COUNCn~IV[~.MRER DATE: July 1, 1993 BACKGRO Pursuant to public policy, on July 6 the City Council will consider filling the vacancy created ' by the resignation of Mr Smalley. As you may recall, this issue was previously considered by the Councilors on June 8th, at which time a decision was postponed until "the first meeting in ~ July" . Additionally, the staff was directed to re-advertise the Ward 5 vacancy and establish a new time period for receiving "letters of interest". Subsequently, the City Clerk did cause to be published the required information, as well as a time frame (June 14 through June 25) for accepting such "letters of interest" from citizens who wished to be considered for the vacant ~, position. It should be noted that the City Clerk received five valid "letters of interest" during the time period first established (May 28 through June 7). After consulting with the City Attorney, it was determined that the Council action directing a re-advertising of the vacancy would effectively r uire those five applicants to reapply should they wish to be reconsidered at the July 6 meeting. Certified, return-receipt letters were sent to all five of the original applicants on June 9th informing them of the requirement to reapply (see attached) and that without such reapplication their "letter of interest" would not be further considered. As of the close of the time for receiving "letters of interest", the following persons have submitted the required documentation for your consideration: (In the order of their receipt) ~ Rex LBowen - 12505E 77th Pl N W Jack McClain - 12907E 77th Pl N Jerry Duke - 12306E 77th Pl N Memorandum Ward 5 Appointment July 1, 1993 Page 2 Ms Boutwell has verified that each of the above addresses is within the boundaries of Ward 5 and that each letter of interest was transmitted to the Councilors on the day of its receipt. An item (#'~ has been placed on the City Council agenda in order to provide the Councilors an opportunity to select a person to fill the Ward 5 vacancy. Such selection requires a valid motion, a second to that motion, and a majority vote of the remaining Councilors (three votes). ATTACHMENTS: 1. Policy statement relating to selecting a Councilor 2. Copy of newspaper notification 3. Copy of letter sent to original applicants informing them of requirement to resubmit letters of interest 4. Copy of Letters of Interest a. Rex Bowen b. Jack McClain c. Jerry Duke n i~ OWA880 CITY COIINCIL POLICY STATEMENT It shall be the Policy of the Owasso City Council to fill vacancies in its membership, when such vacancies occur after the close of a regular filing period for candidates for Council and the unexpired term of the vacancy extends beyond the time when the terms for Council members elected that year begin, utilizing the following process: Section A - A vacancy in the Council membership shall be declared by the receipt of a properly submitted resignation from a member of the Council in writing setting forth an effective date, or by a vote of the Council if such vacancy is caused by appropriate Council action pursuant to law; or by a vote of the Council if such vacancy is otherwise created wherein such written resignation is not received but an obvious vacancy is created. Section B - Upon declaration of a vacancy, as described in Section A(above) the Council shall, by majority vote instruct the City clerk to cause to be published in a newspaper of local circulation a notice of such vacancy and a request for persons interested in being considered as candidates to fill the vacancy to file "letters of interest" with the Clerk during an established ten-day acceptance period, such period to begin no later than five days after publication of the notice of vacancy. Section C - The notice of vacancy shall be written and published in a manner to communicate, at a minimum, the following information: 1. The number of the Ward(s) wherein the vacancy has occurred. 2. A map of the Wards of the City and a general description of the political bc~~indaries of the Ward(s). 3. A statement of qualifications as stated in Section 2-1 of the Owasso City Charter. 4. The address of the City Clerk and the manner of marking the envelope containing the "letter of interest". 5. 6. The beginning date and ending date and ending time that "letters of interest" are to be accepted. A request for address of the i precinct of the other information wish to include however that suc ten total pages o paper or copies. information relative to the nterested citizen, the voting interested citizen, and any the interested citizen should in their submittal provided h submittal shall not exceed f standard 8 1/2" x il" size 7. A tentative date, established by the Council, for action on filling the vacancy to be taken as an agenda item of the City Council, notice to clearly state that such date is tentative and, due to various reasons, could be altered to a later date. ' Section D - All "letters of inte City Clerk or design the date and time of ' the person receiving to be directly upon not on the envelo contained. rest" shall be ee and thereupon receipt as well the submittal. the "letter o pe in which t received by the shall be noted as the name of Such notations f interest" and he letter was Section E - Upon receipt of a "letter of interest" the City Clerk or Designee shall consult a Ward map or other instrument to determine if the address listed as the citizen's residence is within the boundaries of the Ward in which the vacancy is declared to exist. In all cases such verification shall be noted directly upon the original "letter of interest" in a manner to denote whether or not the listed address is or is not considered to be within the affected Ward. In all cases wherein the initial determination by the Clerk or designee is that the listed address is not within the Ward which has been declared to be vacant a follow-up verification by the City Planner or designee is required before such is noted on the "letter of interest". Section F - Upon completion of the requirements of Section E the City Clerk or designee shall cause to be made duplicates of the submittal in the exact number as of the remaining Council members and in as exact form as possible. Each submittal shall be bound in a manner to insure the integrity of the submittal, but in no event shall any changes be made in the manner of the submittal presentation that would enhance or detract from the original submittal. Section G - The City Clerk or designee shall, at the close of business (S:OOpm) each day during. the ten day acceptance period deliver to the remaining Council members all submittals received during that day. In no event shall any submittal be delivered to any Council member on any date other than the date the submittal is received. Provided, however, that in the event a remaining Council member has notified the City Clerk that the delivery of submittals to him/her received on a certain day should be delayed due to his/her request, such request to be noted in the master file maintained for each vacancy. The original of each submittal shall be retained by the Clerk/clerk designee in a master file containing all notices, documents, publications, notes, and ~ submittals of the selection process from its inception. f ~ Section H - The Council shall direct the City Manger to place an item on the Council agenda for action within ~ fifteen days of the date of the close of accepting ~ "letters of interest". In the event actual action on the item is not taken by the Council, such item shall either be continued to a date specific or ~ shall be continued to the next regularly scheduled +~ Council meeting. Section I - Upon action by the Council and the successful selection of a successor to the position, such person shall immediately be administered the oath of ~ office and seated as a member of the City Council. ~. 1 1 _--: I~ • ~~~ OWASSO REPORTER. Thu ,June 10, 1993, 7'B ~_ ~' ~- ---. . Council vacanc still exists y , city again The City of Owasso is again requesting "letters of interest' from citizens interested is filling a vacancy on the City Council created by the resig- nation of the Ward Five Coun- cilmember. The person appointed by the Council to fill that vacancy must be a resident of Ward Five of the City of owasso. For a general description of the Ward Five boundaries, see the ward map on this page, or for a specific legal description, contact Owasso City Clerk, Marcia Boutwell, 20? South Cedar, Owasso, 2'T2- 2251. Only qualified electors of the City of Owasso who reside in Ward Five will be consid- ered for the appointment to fill this vacancy. Upon appointment, "such Councilmember will continue to reside within Ward Five ~ ;- asks for applicants during the entire term of office, or upon removal of res- idence therefrom, forfeit the office. No Councilmember may hold any office in the City gov- ernment by appointment by the City Manager or by any subordinate of the City Man- ager. This appointment is for a period of time until the next regular City election for Council members. At that time, a Council member will be elected to serve the rest of the unexpired term. Letters of interest should contain information clearly indicating the address of the interested citizen, the voting precinct of the interested citi- zen and any other information the citizen should wish to include, provided the submit- tal does not exceed 10 total pages of standard &1/2" X 11" paper. All letters of interest must be received by the Owasso City Clerk, beginning June 14, 1993 and ending at 5 p.m. on June 25,1993. Letters must be placed in an' envelope clearly marked "let= ter of interesk" All letters must be mailed or delivered to: City of Owasso, 20? South Cedar, P.O.Box 180, Owasso, Okla., ?4055; Atten- tion: Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk. No letter will be accepted after 5 p.m. on June 25. Aa item to take action to appoint the Ward Five Coun- cil member has tentatively been placed on the City Coun- cil agenda for July 6. Upon appointment by the Council, the person selected will immediately be administered the Oath of Office and seated as a member of the Council. - City o f Owasso 207 SOUTH CEDAR P.O. BOX 180 OWASSO. OKLAHOMA 74055 June 9, 1993 (9181 272-2251 FAX. (918) 272-4999 Rex L Bowen II 12505E 77th P1 N Owasso, OK 74055-7914 Dear Mr Bowen: The Owasso City Council met on June 9, 1993, with one of the agenda items being the selection of a Councilor to fill the vacant Wazd 5 position. After discussion and deliberation, the City Council voted to postpone action on the appointment and directed the City Clerk to re-advertize for letters of interest. All persons who submitted letters of interest in response to the original advertisement are being invited to resubmit their letter. A letter indicating your continued interest in the position and requesting that your original letter of interest be reconsidered must be received by the Owasso City Clerk between 8:00 a.m. on Monday, June 14, 1993 and 5:00 p. m. on Friday, June 25, 1993. No letter will be accepted after 5:00 p. m. on June 25, 1993. All letters must be mailed (for delivery no later than 5.00 ,p m on June 25 1993) or delivered to: City of Owasso 207 S Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 ATTENTION: Marcia Boutwell City Clerk The Owasso City Council has tentatively placed an item on the agenda to take action to appoint the Ward 5 Councilor at the regular meeting on July 6, 1993. This date is tentative and could be altered to a later date for various reasons. Upon appointment by the Council, the person selected shall immediately be administered the Oath of Office and seated as a member of the City Council. Please feel free to call me at 272-2251 if you have questions. Sincerely, M is Boutwell City Clerk City o f Owasso I 207 SOUTH CEDAR P.O. BOX 180 - OWASSO, OKLAHOMA 74055 June 9, 1993 ' W Jack McClain 12907 E 77th St N Owasso, OK 74055 Dear Mr McClain: (918) 272-2251 FAX. (918) 272-4999 The Owasso City Council met on June 9, 1993, with one of the agenda items being the selection of a Councilor to fill the vacant Ward 5 position. After discussion and deliberation, the City Council voted to postpone action on the appointment and directed the City Clerk to re-advertize ' for letters of interest. All persons who submitted letters of interest in response to the original advertisement are being invited to resubmit their letter. A letter indicating your continued interest in the position and requesting that your original letter of interest be reconsidered must ~ be received by the Owasso City Clerk between 8:00 a. m. on Monday, June 14, 1993 and 5:00 p.m. on Friday, June 25, 1993. No letter will be accepted after 5:00 p.m. on June 25, 1993. All letters must be mailed (for delivery no later than 5:00 p. m. on June 25. 1993) or delivered to: City of Owasso 207 S Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 ATTENTION: Marcia Boutwell City Clerk The Owasso City Council has tentatively placed an item on the agenda to take action to appoint the Ward 5 Councilor at the regular meeting on July 6, 1993. This date is tentative and could be altered to a later date for various reasons. Upon appointment by the Council, the person selected shall immediately be administered the Oath of Office and seated as a member of the City Council. Please feel free to call me at 272-2251 if you have questions. Sincerely, Marcia Boutwell City Clerk II City o f Owasso 207 SOUTH CEDAR ' P.O. BOX 180 OWASSO.OKLAHOMA 74055 June 9, 1993 Jerry D Duke 12306E 77th Pl N Owasso, OK 74055 Dear Mr Duke: (918) 272-225 t FAX. (918) 272-4999 The Owasso City Council met on June 9, 1993, with one of the agenda items being the selection of a Councilor to fill the vacant Ward 5 position. After discussion and deliberation, the City Council voted to postpone action on the appointment and directed the City Clerk to re-advertize for letters of interest. All persons who submitted letters of interest in response to the original advertisement are being invited to resubmit their letter. A letter indicating your continued interest in the position and requesting that your original letter of interest be reconsidered must be received by the Owasso City Clerk between 8:00 a. m. on Monday, June 14, 1993 and 5:00 p. m. on Friday, June 25, 1993. No letter will be accepted after 5:00 p. m. on June 25, 1993. All letters must be mailed (for delivery no later than 5:00 p.m. on June 25. 1993) or delivered to: City of Owasso 207 S Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 ATTENTION: Marcia Boutwell City Clerk The Owasso City Council has tentatively placed an item on the agenda to take action to appoint the Ward 5 Councilor at the regular meeting on July 6, 1993. This date is tentative and could be altered to a later date for various reasons. Upon appointment by the Council, the person selected shall immediately be administered the Oath of Office and seated as a member of the City Council. Please feel free to call me at 272-2251 if you have questions. Sincerely, Marcia Boutwell City Clerk City o f Owasso 207 SOUTH CEDAR P.O. BOX 180 OWASSO.OKLAHOMA 74055 June 9, 1993 Michael J Agostini 12715E 78th Cir N Owasso, OK 74055-7935 Dear Mr Agostini: (9181 272-225 ~ FAX. (918) 272-4999 ' The Owasso City Council met on June 9, 1993, with one of the agenda items being the selection of a Councilor to fill the vacant Ward 5 position. After discussion and deliberation, the City Council voted to postpone action on the appointment and directed the City Clerk to re-advertize for letters of interest. All persons who submitted letters of interest in response to the original advertisement are being invited to resubmit their letter. A letter indicating your continued interest in the position and requesting that your original letter of interest be reconsidered must ~ be received by the Owasso City Clerk between 8:00 a. m. on Monday, June 14, 1993 and 5:00 p.m. on Friday, June 25, 1993. No letter will be accepted after 5:00 p. m. on June 25, 1993. All letters must be mailed (for delivery no later than 5:00 p.m. on June 25. 1993) or delivered to: City of Owasso 207 S Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 ATTENTION: Marcia Boutwell City Clerk The Owasso City Council has tentatively placed an item on the agenda to take action to appoint the Ward 5 Councilor at the regular meeting on July 6, 1993. This date is tentative and could be altered to a later date for various reasons. Upon appointment by the Council, the person selected shall immediately be administered the Oath of Office and seated as a member of the City Council. Please feel free to call me at 272-2251 if you have questions. Sincerely, ~ M cia Boutwell _ City Clerk City o f Owasso 207 SOUTH CEDAR P.O. BOX 180 OWASSO.OKLAHOMA 74055 June 9, 1993 Brian Skelton 7823 N 132nd E Ave Owasso, OK 74055 Dear Mr Skelton: (918) 272-225 t FAX. (918) 272-4999 The Owasso City Council met on June 9, 1993, with one of the agenda items being the selection of a Councilor to fill the vacant Ward 5 position. After discussion and deliberation, the City Council voted to postpone action on the appointment and directed the City Clerk to re-advertize for letters of interest. All persons who submitted letters of interest in response to the original advertisement are being invited to resubmit their letter. A letter indicating your continued interest in the position and requesting that your original letter of interest be reconsidered must be received by the Owasso City Clerk between 8:00 a.m. on Monday, June 14, 1993 and 5:00 p.m. on Friday, June 25, 1993. No letter will be accepted after 5:00 p.m. on June 25, 1993. All letters must be mailed (for delivery no later than 5:00 p. m on June 25 1993) or delivered to: City of Owasso 207 S Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 ATTENTION: Marcia Boutwell City Clerk The Owasso City Council has tentatively placed an item on the agenda to take action to appoint the Ward 5 Councilor at the regular meeting on July 6, 1993. This date is tentative and could be altered to a later date for various reasons. Upon appointment by the Council, the person selected shall immediately be administered the Oath of Office and seated as a member of the City Council. Please feel free to call me at 272-2251 if you have questions. Sincerely, Mar is Boutwell City Clerk City o f Owasso 207 SOUTH CEDAR P.O. BOX 180 OWASSO. OKLAHOMA 74055 ' June 9, 1993 Jody Cunningham 11802E 83rd P1 N ~ Owasso, OK 74055 Dear Ms Cunningham: (918) 272-2251 FAX. (918) 272-4999 The Owasso City Council met on June 9, 1993, with one of the agenda items being the selection of a Councilor to fill the vacant Ward 5 position. After discussion and deliberation, the City Council voted to postpone action on the appointment and directed the City Clerk to re-advertize for letters of interest. All persons who submitted letters of interest in response to the original advertisement are being invited to resubmit their letter. A letter indicating your continued interest in the position and requesting that your original letter of interest be reconsidered must be received by the Owasso City Clerk between 8:00 a. m. on Monday, June 14, 1993 and 5:00 p.m. on Friday, June 25, 1993. No letter will be accepted after 5:00 p.m. on June 25, 1993. All letters must be mailed (for delivery no later than 5.00 n m on June 25 1993) or delivered to: ' City of Owasso 207 S Cedar ' PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 ATTENTION: Marcia Boutwell City Clerk The Owasso City Council has tentatively placed an item on the agenda to take action to appoint the Ward 5 Councilor at the regular meeting on July 6, 1993. This date is tentative and could be altered to a later date for various reasons. Upon appointment by the Council, the person selected shall immediately be administered the Oath of Office and seated as a member of the City Council. Please feel free to call me at 272-2251 if you have questions. Sincerely, ' 'y l' Marcia Boutwell ~ City Clerk Rea L. Bowen 12505 E. 77th Street North Owasso, OK 74055 Telephone :272-2299 ~//5/'~ ~ •'~s . . .~~~ 06/i 5/93 ~ • ~~~w~~ POSITION APPLIED FOR: City Council Member Ward 5 EDUCATIONAL SUM14iARY: BS Aeronautical Engineering Technology (OSU, 1974) AA Electronic Technology (OSU'TIOKC, 1977) FAA A&P license #448428764 FAA Cotnrnercial Pilot FW&RW Instru RW (3120 Hrs TT) Biomedical Electronic/Safety Technician (lyr) Last Course Taken: Introduction to VPindows: Tulsa VoTech Currently Taking: Mil-S~454: High Reliability Soldering Techniques: Tulsa Vo Tech EMPLOYMENT September 1991 to present: Electronic Technician Factory Service, Seiscor Technologies. Specialized in repair of analog channel 8 COT, SST, ST, SST SSC8 Call channels), S24DU power supplies, and Elgin battery chargers. Use of DMM Oscilloscope, computerized test equipment, and frequency counter in troubleshooting to the component level. January 1985 to September 1991: Electronic Technician--Quality Control, Seiscor Technologies. Receiving inspection of purchased parts (mechanical and electronic) using test fixtures, blueprints, schematics and catalogues for adherence to purchase orders and specifications. Use of digital and analog meters, counters, and automatic testing equipment. Repair of equipment as needed. Preparation of test fixtures. Coordination with other departments for standards, specifications and priorities of materials. Documentation as necessary. 1983 to 1985: Electronic Technician, Automation Techniques, Inc Final assembly, electronic adjustment, and inspection of satellite color video receivers with stereo audio using basic hand tools, DVM, frequency counter, oscilloscope. Troubleshooting to the component level of analog and digital circuits, using schematics. Maintaining bench stocks and organising work flow. 1982 to 1983: Unit Trainer-Oklahoma Army National Guard. Plan, coordinate, and document training for more than ZO enlisted men and 20 officers. Platform instruction of aviation and aviation related subjects. Instructor pilot UH-1 and OH-6. Night Hawk and Night Vision goggle SIP. Perform maintenance test flights. Battalion publication officer. Conducted DA equivalency courses for OH$ instructor pilot qualification (twice). 1978 to 1982: Flight Operations Coordinator--0klahoma Army National Guard Federal employee (GS-07) 1977 to 1978: Biomedical Safety Electronic Technician--Hospital Shared Service, Enid, OK Rex L Bowen. II 12505E 77th PL N. Owasso, Oklahoma 74055-7914 15-Jun-93 Ms. Ailarcia Boutwell City Clerk City of Owasso 207 S. Cedar PO. Box 180 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 Dear Ms. Boutwell: Again: this letter is to show my interest in the position of city council member from Ward Five. In November of this year I will have lived in the city of Owasso for 15 years. My present address is 12505 E. 77th Street North, but I have lived in the Hillside estates for 10 of those years before that time. D~u-ing this time, my family and I have used many of the facilities in Owasso and have enjoyed living here. Knowing that all this takes work and planning I have started attending the city council meetings this year. It has been interesting and informative--and I have made some input into the process through talking with the city manager, Mr. Ray, various staffmembers and members of the council. I do not have an "ax to grind," but would like the opportunity of i~ut for the betterment of our city. My family consists of my wife Lynn, sons John and Bo, and daughter Carrie. John and Carrie have graduated from Owasso High School. Bo is to be a sophomore next fall. My wife and I regularly attend at Faith Latheran Church. All of my kids have participated in Green Country Soccer. Bo is currently on the under 16 team "Force" and has the rank of First Class scout in Troop 84. Lynn works as a social worker for Tulsa Senior Services. work for Seiscor Technologies, Inc. I am enclosing a copy of my resume and hope that you will select me for city council member Ward 5. If there are a~ questions, call me at 272-2299. Ms. MarciaBout9ve11 ,1493 Page - 2 Sincerely, ~~~~~ Rex L. Bowen ~ W. Jack McClain ~ 12907 E. 77 Street N. Owasso, OK 74055 272-6625 i i ^^ I n Owasso City Council Owasso, OK 74055 Dear Sirs, /f:30 Q.Hn June 18, 1993 This letter is to indicate my interest in serving on the Owasso City Council. I believe my background and experience can be a benefit to the City of Owasso. My working experience includes managing public money budgets, personnel supervision, and program development and implementation. I have been proactively involved in public education in the state of Oklahoma since 1960 and have held progressively responsible positions, including classroom teaching, coaching„ and administration. Currently, I teach social studies at Owasso Junior High School.. I am native Oklahoman and my family and I have lived in Owasso since 1981. We currently reside in Copper Meadows addition. My interest in this position is not self-seeking; as a public servant, I feel that it is my turn to give something back to the community which has given me and my family so much. I am interested in the growth and future success of Owasso and the maintenance of the quality of life that we now enjoy. Thank you for your interest and time concerning this matter. Sincerely, W. Jack McClain ~~e~,o~ tM 1t~ci,c,oL 5 '''11• e- n ., W. Jack McClain 12907 E. 77 Street N. Owasso, OK 74055 272-6625 June 18, 1993 Owasso City Council Owasso, OK 74055 Dear Sirs, I regret that I will be unable to attend the July 6 Council meeting, the date scheduled for discussion of applicants for the open Council member position. I have family vacation plans that cannot be rescheduled. However, I am available to answer any inquiries at any time except for July 2 - 10. Sincerely, W. Jack McClain G JUN 2 3 1993 I~ City Clerk City of Owasso (hand deliver) Dear Clerk, Please accept this letter as an indication of my continued interest in the vacant city council position. I previously submitted a letter of interest with resume and spoke to the council on June 8th_ I am available at the discretion of any council member to discuss my qualifications and desire to serve on the Owasso City Council_ Sincerely, Jerr Duke //:yS a..~ -~.. `17~er~u.~a~ (,~.~.~~at,L[ June 21, 1993 ~ i~ Lt}a•~D( 5 '~'~• ~ Jerry Duke 12306 E. 77 P1. N. Owaeao, Ok 74055 272-8432 MEMORANDUM TO: MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCII. CITY OF OWASSO FROM: BOB RANDOLPH R" MAYOR i~ i~ SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR CONFIRMATION OF APPOINTMENTS DATE: June 29, 1993 BACKGROUND: Pursuant to authority contained in Article 2, Section 2-4, subsection (e) of the Charter of the City of Owasso, the City Council has established ordinances that provide, generally, for the Mayor to appoint members to various boards, commissions, trusts, and committees; such appointments subject to confirmation by the City Council. Additionally, the Council has established the same procedure, by precedent, for those appointments not specifically addressed by ordinance. It is therefore the purpose of this memorandum to recommend for Council confirmation the following appointments to the positions indicated: PLANNING COMMISSION Mr Gary Wells (reappointment) 9709 N 108th E Ave Term Ending 6/30/96 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Mr Steve Barrett (reappointment) 8714 N 121 st E Ave ' Term Ending 6/30/96 Ms Terry Houdyshell (reappointment) ~ 9609 N 110th E Ave Term Ending 6/30/96 Memorandum Appointments June 29, 1993 Page 2 PERSONNEL BOARD Mr Don Carroll (Vacant) 7906 N 132nd E Ave Term Ending 6/30/95 Mr Jack Green (new appointment) 303E 16th St Term Ending 6/30/96 SALES TAX WATCHDOG COMMITTEE Ms Billie Fulbright (Finance slot) 7885 N 119th E Ave Term Ending 10/1/2007 Ms Vicki Tapp (Citizen-at-Large slot) 106 W 18th St Term Ending 10/1/2007 LEGISLATIVE CONSORTIUM Mr Bob Randolph 303E 14th St Term Ending 6/30/94 INCOG BOARD OF DIRECTORS Councilor Charles Bums 12005E 87th Pl N Term Ending 6/30/94 Mr Rodney Ray (alternate) City Manager REGIONAL METROPOLITAN UTILITY AUTHORITY Ms Sherry Bishop City Treasurer Term Ending 6/30/94 Memorandum Appointments June 29, 1993 Page 3 CAPITAL Il1~11PROVEMENTS COMMITTEE Mr Mike Watson (replacing Enzbrenner) 11005E 96th Pl N Term Ending 6/30/94 Mr Jim Ablett (replacing Kimball) PO Box 26 Term Ending 6/30/94 Mr Ed Smith (replacing Motto) Police Chief Term concurrent with employment Ms Mary Lou Barnhouse (replacing Gittelman) City Councilor Term Ending 6/30/94 Mr Bob Randolph (replacing Marlar) Mayor Term Ending 6/30/94 OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Mr Alan Anderson (reappointment) PO Box 1800 Term Ending 6/30/98 ANNEXATION COMMITTEE Mr John Phillips (replacing Marlar) City Councilor Term Ending 66/30/94 Mr Ed Smith (replacing Motto) Police Chief Term concurrent with employment METROPOLITAN ENVIRONMENTAL TRUST Mr Rodney Ray City Manager Term Ending 6/30/94 i~ Memorandum Appointments Tune 29, 1993 Page 4 TRANSPORTATION POLICY COMMITTEE Mr Charles Bums City Councilor Term Ending 6/30/94 Mr Steve Compton (alternate) Assistant City Manager TRANSPORTATION TECHNICAL COMMITTEE Mr Rohn Munn Engineering Staff Term Ending 6/30/94 RECOMMENDATION: I recommend Council confirmation of the above appointments. ATTACIIMENTS• 1. List of Boards, Commissions, Trusts, Committees with current membership OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION OWASSO, OKLAHOMA MEMBERS STAFF SUPPORT Gary Wells, Secretary Tim Rooney 9709 N 108th E Ave City Planner Owasso, OK 74055 272-7136 Charlotte Brinlee, Recording Secretary Term Expires: 6/30/93 Community Development Secretary Ray Haynes, Chairperson 110E 24th Ct Owasso, OK 74055 272-9884 Term Expires: 6/30/94 Pat Imbriano 12001E 83rd St N Owasso, OK 74055 272-6663 Term Expires: 6/30/94 Charles Willey, Vice Chairperson 2401 N Birch Owasso, OK 74055 272-1924 Term Expires: 6/30/95 Dewey Brown 10804E 99th St N Owasso, OK 74055 (unlisted phone) Term Expires: 6/30/95 This Commission meets on the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Community Center. Meetings last approximately two hours. Staff support is provided by the Community Development Department. This is aquasi-legislative commission whose function is to review and recommend to the City Council actions relating to zoning, platting, subdivision construction, annexation, and other related planning functions. Members are appointed by the Mayor with City Council confirmation. i~ OWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OWASSO, OKLAHOMA n I~ MEMBERS Steve Barrett, Chairperson 8714 N 121st E Ave Owasso, OK 74055 272-9687 Term Expires: 6/30/93 Terry Houdyshell, Secretary 9609 N 110th E Ave Owasso, OK 74055 272-0451 Term Expires: 6/30/93 M O Eckel, Vice Chairperson 7515 N 122nd E Ave Owasso, OK 74055 272-9205 Term Expires: 6/30/94 Gale Whitaker 7413 N 122nd E Ave Owasso, OK 74055 272-1689 Term Expires: 6/30/95 Wayne Vines 7808 N 131st E Ave Owasso, OK 74055 272-2750 Term Expires: 6/30/95 STAFF SUPPORT Tim Rooney City Planner Charlotte Brinlee, Recording Secretary Community Development Secretary This Board meets on Wednesday at 4:00 p. m. as called by the Chairperson when there is business to be addressed. The Board acts on all requests with regard to zoning variances and exceptions. The meetings last approximately one hour, with an average of three to four meetings a year. Meetings are held at the Community Center with staff support given by the Community Development Department. Members are appointed by the Mayor with City Council confirmation. ~; OWASSO PERSONNEL BOARD OWASSO, OKLAHOMA HAIRPER Rev Andy O'Kelly PO Box 178 Owasso, OK 74055 272-2229 (work) Term Expires: 6/30/92 MEMBERS Frank Bruckner 12620E 86th St N Owasso, OK 74055 272-0224 (work) 272-3407 (home) Term Expires: 6/30/93 W C Carver 9703 N 110th E Ave Owasso, OK 74055 272-3461 Term Expires: 6/30/94 This Board meets where there is business to be addressed relating to appeals of personnel decisions. Meetings are called by the Chairperson when a petition from an employee is received in thee City Clerk's office per the Personnel Policy Manual. Meetings are held in the Council Chambers at the Community Center and last two to three hours. The members are appointed by the Mayor with Council confirmation. OWASSO SALES TAX WATCHDOG COMMITTEE MEMBERS NEWS MEDIA -One Slot Peggy Robinson The Owasso Reporter 202 E Second Ave Owasso, OK 74055 272-1155 OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT -One Slot Tom Kimball Kimball's Hardware 8301 N Mingo Valley Expy Owasso, OK 74055 272-1146 ~ RETAIL BUSINESS -Two Slots Harold Merrill 9417 N 136th E Ave Owasso, OK 74055 ~ 272-7313 ~ Bill Williams Williams Refuse 1807 N Elm Owasso, OK 74055 ~ 272-7215 EDUCATION -Two Slots Dan Siemens Barnes Elementary School 202 E Broadway Owasso, OK 74055 272-1153 Steve Holleman Owasso Schools 101E 24th Ct ~ Owasso, OK 74055 272-9287 (h); 272-6274 (w) RECREATION GROUPS -One Slot Mike Nance Owasso Soccer Club 8905 N 121 st E Ave Owasso, OK 74055 272-3687 FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS -One Slot Open BUILDERS -One Slot Pat Woods Pat Woods Construction PO Box 3 Owasso, OK 74055 272-5177 SENIOR CITIZENS -Two Slots John Leach Baptist Retirement Center 7411 N 122nd E Ave Owasso, OK 74055 272-5531 John Groth 801 N Dogwood Owasso, OK 74055 272-5179 CITIZENS-AT-LARGE -Three Slots Michael Philippi, Chairperson 8903 N 123rd E Ave Owasso, OK 74055 622-8080 (w) ^ ^ Citizens-at-Large cont. Steve Barrett 8714 N 121 st E Ave Owasso, OK 74055 272-9687 Open SUPPORT STAFF Rodney J Ray City Manager Sherry Bishop City Treasurer Steve Compton Assistant City Manager Marcia Boutwell, Secretary Admin Asst to City Manager This committee was formed following the 1988 tax extension bond election for the purpose of maintaining a strong citizen participation effort throughout the life of the sales tax extension and to insure the proper use of revenues generated. The committee meets on the second Monday of January, April, July, and October at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Center. Meetings are approximately two hours in length. Duties of the committee consist of reviewing all financial records relating to the 1988 Sales Tax Extension and acting as a public information liaison. Members of the committee are appointed by the Mayor with Council confirmation for the life of the sales tax extension. Legally the term of office is defined as "throughout the life of the Sales Tax Extension or until resignation". OWASSO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS COb~IMITTEE FY 93-94 OWASSO, OKLAHOMA MEMBERS Patricia Marlar Jason Gittelman 306 N Birch 8709 N 124th E Ave Owasso, OK 74055 Owasso, OK 74055 272-2115 272-9377 Frank Enzbrenner Ron Hughes PO Box 350 12223E 91st St N Owasso, OK 74055 Owasso, OK 74055 272-9581 272-5162 Doug Hightower Tom Kimball 310 N Elm 8301 N Mingo Valley Expwy Owasso, OK 74055 Owasso, OK 74055 272-6976 (h); 835-2153 X2153 (w) 272-1146 Alan Anderson Rodney J Ray PO Box 1800 PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 Owasso, OK 74055 272-5301 272-2251 John Groth Cliff Motto 801 N Dogwood PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 Owasso, OK 74055 272-5179 272-2244 Sherry Bishop Rohn Munn PO Box 180 PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 Owasso, OK 74055 272-2251 272-4959 Bob Allen Mike Augustine PO Box 180 PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 Owasso, OK 74055 272-5253 272-2251 •~. ~ 1 ~. I^ i ~ i~ ii Tim Rooney STAFF SUPPORT PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 Charlotte Brinlee, Secretary 272-2251 Community Development Secretary Steve Compton, Chairperson PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 272-2251 This committee meets for three to four months in late winter and early spring to review Capital requests and recommend action to the City Council. The committee also adopts a revised Capital Improvements Plan each year for recommendation to the Council. Meetings last from one to two hours. Staff members and City Council membership on the committee is determined by virtue of their position. Other members are appointed by the Mayor with Council confirmation. II OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OWASSO, OKLAHOMA MEMBERS Michael Watson 11005E 96th P1 N Owasso, OK 74055 272-3665 (h) 272-3180 (w) Term Expires: 6/30/93 (Chamber representative) Bob Randolph 303E 14th St Owasso, OK 74055 272-2115 Term Expires: 6/30/94 (Council Representative) Alan Anderson PO Box 1800 Owasso, OK 74055 272-5048 (h) 272-5103 (w) Term Expires: 6/30/93 Brenda Lawrence 11242 N 123rd E Ave Owasso, OK 74055 371-2489 (h) 272-0809 (w) Term Expires: 6/30/96 Tom Kimball, Chairperson 14931E 96th St N Owasso, OK 74055 272-2519 (h) 272-1146 (w) Term Expires: 6/30/96 Bill Retherford 8545E 41st St Tulsa, OK 74145 663-1414 (w) Term Expires: 6/30/97 STAFF SUPPORT Frank Enzbrenner, Vice Chairperson 18184E 94th St N Owasso, OK 74055 272-1493 (h) 272-9581 (w) Term Expires: 6/30/94 Steve Compton Assistant City Manager Charlotte Brinlee, Secretary Community Development Secretary Sherry Bishop City Treasurer Rodney Ray City Manager it i~ This Authority meets on the second Wednesday of each month at noon in the Conference Room at City Hall. Meetings last approximately one hour. The duties of this Authority are to plan, implement and promote projects and programs that will directly benefit the economic well being of the community. Members are appointed by the Mayor with City Council Confirmation. 1 OWASSO ANNEXATION COMMITTEE OWASSO, OKLAHOMA MEMBERS Ray Haynes Rohn Munn Planning Commission Project Manager 110E 24th Ct 301 S Cedar 272-9884 272-4959 Charles Willey Planning Commission 2401 N Birch 272-1924 Charles Nicholson Wastewater Treatment Plant 207 S Cedar 272-4338 Dale Johnson Owasso Public Schools 1501 N Ash 272-5367 Patricia Marlar City Council 306 N Birch 272-2115 Bob Randolph City Council 303E 14th St 272-2531 Bob Allen Owasso Fire Chief 207 S Cedar 272-5253 Terry Laflin Owasso Acting Police Chief 101 N Main 272-2244 STAFF SUPPORT Charlotte Brinlee, Secretary Community Development Secretary Mike Augustine OPWA Director 207 S Cedar 272-2251 Rodney Ray City Manager 207 S Cedar 272-2251 Steve Compton Assistant City Manager 207 S Cedar 272-2251 Tim Rooney, Chairperson City Planner 207 S Cedar 272-2251 Ron Cates City Attorney Suite 680, Parkcentre 525 S Main Tulsa, OK 74103 582-7447 ' This Committee meets as needed to review annexation requests and recommends action to the Planning Commission and City Council based on the City's annexation criteria. Meetings are generally held at 5:30 p.m. at the Community Center. Terms are not specified; however, most members serve by virtue of another office or authority. I^ INDIVIDIIAL COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS OWASSO, OKLAHOMA i~ i~ 1 INDIAN NATIONS COIINCIL OF GOVERNMENT - INCOG Patricia Marlar Mayor Rodney Ray, Alternate City Manager Appointed by the Mayor with Council confirmation to a one year term expiring on June 30, 1993. Meetings are held once a month on the second Wednesday at 3:00 p.m. at the Tulsa City-Council Library and last two hours. This is a regional council of local governments involved with planning functions and Federal grant review functions. REGIONAL METROPOLITAN IITILITY AIITHORITY (RMIIA) Mike Augustine O.P.W.A. Director Sherry Bishop City Treasurer Appointed by the Mayor with Council confirmation to a one year term expiring on June 30, 1993. Meetings are held quarterly. Meetings are on the fourth Tuesday at 8:30 a.m. at the Tulsa City-County Library and last one hour. This is a Public Trust of area cities emphasizing sewer planning and operations. NORTHEAST OKLAHOMA REGIONAL SOLD WASTE AIITHORITY 1 1 Mr. Rodney J. Ray City Manager Appointed by the Mayor with Council confirmation. No term specified in the Trust indenture. The meetings are held monthly on the second Tuesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. and last approximately two hours. This Authority will plan, develop, implement and operate a regional solid waste program. TIILSA METROPOLITAN AREA TRANSPORTATION AIITHORITY - POLICY COMMITTEE Patricia Marlar Mayor Steve Compton, Alternate Community Development Appointed by the Mayor with Council confirmation to a one year term expiring on June 30, 1993. Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at 3.:30 p.m. in the City Hall of the City of Tulsa and last one and one- half hours. This Authority is a regional transportation planning organisation emphasizing long range highway and street systems. TIILSA METROPOLITAN AREA TRANSPORTATION AIITHORITY - TECHNICAL COMMITTEE Rodney J. Ray Appointed by the Mayor with Council confirmation to a one mar term expiring on June 30, 1993. Meetings are held at 10:30 a.m. on the second Wednesday of etach month on the 11th floor at Tulsa City Hall. Meetings lastc~ne and one-half hours. This is the technical advisory group for the TMATS policy committee. INCOG LEGISLATIVE CONSORTIUM Patricia Marlar Mayor ii i~ i~ MEMOR~vnuM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: REQUEST TO APPROVE COMMERCIAL REFUSE RATES ESTABLISHED BY THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY ' DATE: June 30, 1993 ' BACKGROUND: The City of Owasso has leased to the Owasso Public Works Authority all assets of the water, wastewater and refuse systems. In conjunction with that lease (6/12/73), the Trust is empowered with the authority to establish rates for customers of its systems, provided however that the City ' Council must approve such rates when established. ~ The City of Owasso began "contracting out" its commercial refuse service in 1986. At that time a competitive bidding process was conducted to determine which vendor would be selected to provide the desired services. Waste Management, Inc was the successful bidder and pursuant to that process, they were awarded a contract that provided for an annual renegotiation of fees ~ and extension of the contract. The commercial refuse contract with Waste Management, Inc was extended six times (July 1, 1987 thru July 1, 1992) for a total contract period of seven years. During that seven years, the City received cost increases for the service in five of the contract extensions. Each time the cost to the City was increased, a corresponding rate increase was passed on to our customers. ~ During the early part of this year, the City solicited bids for commercial refuse service based on specifications developed by the staff. On June 15, 1993, the Council awarded a contract to ' BFI, Inc as the lowest and best bidder. Staff review of the successful bid indicates that the charges to the City for the service specified will be reduced by 22.6% under the new contract. ' While there has been some debate regarding what the response should be to the reduced charges, I determined that a proper course of action would be to propose a rate reduction for our customers. The FY 1993-94 budget proposal included assumptions relating to a rate reduction ' for commercial refuse customers. That proposal was made even though the OPWA "bottom line" has not met projections over the past eighteen months and even though we now have the additional burden of debt service on a recently acquired water/wastewater loan. Such payments 1 ~^ ~ ~ Memorandum Commercial Refuse Rates June 30, 1993 Page 2 are requiring a more than expected contribution from the operating fund due to lower than projected water sales. After deliberations relating to the wisdom of the refuse rate reduction in light of the less than ' expected overall OPWA performance, it was decided that a partial reduction in customer rates would be recommended, with the OPWA retaining the remaining portion of the savings to be placed in reserve for use as a funding source for equipment replacement. The decision to seek such a rate reduction was made over some strong arguments against such a recommendation from some Councilors, business owners and staff, all of whom are concerned about our ability to meet program goals and the inevitability of those rates going back up in the next three years. ,~ However, it was my decision to seek the reduction and have a public discussion of the issue. Therefore, the staff has developed a rate schedule for commercial refuse customers that returns 68.87% of the savings to the customer, retains 31.13% of the savings for the reserves of the OPWA and retains the same level of gross profit for the OPWA in terms of dollars (so as to avoid a reduction in revenue to the OPWA). The rate plan proposed returns $27,396 to the t customers of the system and retains $12,384 for the reserve. Based on the proposed rate schedule, the total rate reduction to customers is 11.42%. Due to a reduction in the estimated gross receipts (from $217,596 to $190,200), it is not prudent from a business point of view to offer a full 22.6 % reduction unless the Council is prepared to reduce services to cover the corresponding IQss_ of revenue. By offering a fu1122.6% reduction, the City would actually lose $9,396 compared to last year's revenue from the commercial refuse. The loss of $9,396 would ~ go directly to the bottom line of the OPWA, thus increasing our concern for the fund's performance. As an example of what the retained savings will mean to the City, please note that the portion of the savings retained by the OPWA under the proposed rate sch.~.d~~1P ($12,384) would fund a new residential refuse truck every 8.5 years, or fund 4% of the debt service each year. Additionally, the retained earnings will provide a hedge against future rate increases. Historically, new contracts are often "low-balled" in order to "buy" the business with a long term strategy of gaining rate increases in the renegotiation of annual extensions. While the staff position is to not allow such strategies, it is difficult to maintain a "no rate increase" negotiating position in the light of documented cost increases submitted by the contractor. PROPOSED RATE STRUCTURE: Based on the cost of service from BFI, the staff has developed a rate schedule that acxomplishes the return of 68.87% of the cost savings to Owasso businesses. However, it should. be noted that our rate schedule has, for several years, placed the majority of the burden on the biggest user and in some cases did not even cover the cost of service to the smaller user (in 19~' 7 it cost the OPWA $5.00 more to provide service to a two-yard, once per week customer than it ~~ Memorandum Commercial Refuse Rates June 30, 1993 Page 3 collected from that customer). Such a practice is discriminatory, arbitrary, ~ counter to the ' City's philosophy of "user pays" . The rate schedule herein proposed includes ~ least a 5 % rate reduction for every customer and ranges up to a 19.65 % reduction for some customers who had previously paid an inordinant share of the cost and provided most of the system's profit for the past seven years. For the past six years, the Council and staff have made sal changes each year in an effort to bring some equity to the rate system we inherited. 'Tl~ pr~osed new schedule represents a final action to provide fairness in those rates. Under this rate plan, each ~ customer will pay an equal amount of the cost for disposal and collection, bad on ;heir use of the service. As noted above, the down side of that philosophy is that the r~ Le, actions will not be evenly divided between all users. Conversely, the smaller user has b~ ~ asidized for the past seven years, therefore it is only fair that the rates be equalized and ~- ;e structure begin to reflect that equity at this point. Attachment "A" to OPWA Resolution #~93-03 indicates the proposed rate strut ;compared to the current rate structure, with the dollar and % of reduction shown for eacr of service. RECOMIYIENDATION: ' Pursuant to Section 17-128 of the Owasso Municipal Code of Ordinances, the s =ommends Council adoption of Resolution #93-08 approving rates established for comme ;fuse users by the Owasso Public Works Authority, and establishing an effective date. ' ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution #93-08 2, OPWA Resolution #93-03 3. Excerpt from Municipal Code, Section 17-218 4. Memorandum dated June 10, 1993 - re: Contract Award 5. Notice posted in five public places CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA RESOLUTION NO 93-08 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, APPROVING RATES TO BE CHARGID FOR THE PROVISION OF NECESSARY REFUSE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL SERVICE TO COD~IlVLIItCIAIJINDUSTRIAL REFUSE GENERATORS, AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE, .AS ESTABLISHID BY THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY. BE IT RESOLVID BY THE CITY COUNCII, OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT: SECTION ONE: From and after the effective date as hereinafter set forth, the charges established by OPWA Resolution #93-03 for commercial refuse service are approved and authorized by the approval of this resolution. SECTION TWO: The rates hereby approved shall apply for service provided on and after the first day of August, 1993. DATID this 6th day of July, 1993. OWASSO CITY COUNCIL ii II ~~ by ATTEST: Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Bob Randolph, Mayor OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY OPWA RESOLUTION NO 93-03 A RESOLUTION OF THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY ADOPTING RATES TO BE CHARGID FOR THE PROVISION OF NECESSARY REFUSE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL SERVICE TO COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL REFUSE GENERATORS, AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. by BE IT RESOLVID BY THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY THAT: SECTION ONE: From and after the effective date as hereinafter set forth, the charges by the Owasso Public Works Authority to its customers for commercial - refuse service are as described on Attachment "A", adopted and incorporated as such by reference herein. SECTION TWO: The rates hereby adopted shall apply for service provided on and after the first day of August, 1993. DATID this 6th day of July, 1993. ATTEST: Marcia Boutwell, Secretary APPROVID AS TO FORM: Ronald D Cates, Authority Attorney OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY Bob Randolph, Chairperson ATTACffiVIENT "A" ~o RESOLUTION #93-08 COMNiIItCIAL REFUSE COLLECTION & DISPOSAL Rate Schedule Container Size Weekly Pickup Current Rate Rate Effective 8/ 1/93 Amount Difference Percentage Difference 2 yazd 1 36.00 34.00 (2.00) -5.56 % 2 67.00 63.00 (4.00) -5.97 % 3 92.00 87.00 (5.00) -5.43 % 3 yazd 1 48.00 45.00 (3.00) -6.25 2 84.00 79.00 (5.00) -5.95 % 3 100.00 95.00 (5.00) -5.00 4 yazd 1 56.00 52.00 (4.00) -7.14 2 104.00 94.00 (10.00) -9.62 % 3 132.00 125.00 (7.00) -5.30% 6 yazd 1 72.00 67.00 (5.00) -6.94 % 2 136.00 118.00 (18.00) -13.24 3 195.00 168.00 (27.00) -13.85 % 8 yazd 1 98.00 79.00 (19.00) -19.39 2 173.00 139.00 (34.00) -19.56 % 3 236.00 198.00 (38.00) -16.10% Sec. l 7-217 SECTION 17-217 ION No person, firm or corporation shall be permitted to engage, and it is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to engage, in the hauling and disposal or collecting of trash, rubbish, or garbage, for hire or a fee, within the corporate limits of the city without first being so designated and permitted so to do by the city council of the city. (Prior Code, Sec. 9-17) SECTION 17-218 TRASH COLLECTION FEES ^ A. The city council of the city is authorized, by resolution at such time as it may deem proper and expedient, to set uniform fees and charges for the collection of ' trash, rubbish and ref~~se; to regulate the collection of such fees, and to add such charges to statements of water charges. Publication of the fixing, setting or changing of fees and charges, and of regulations pertaining to the collection of trash, garbage, rubbish and refuse, by posting notices in five (5) public places, for seven (7) days, shall be deemed satisfactory notice to any person of such resolution, regulation, setting, fixing or changing fees or charges. ' B. If and when the city engages in the business of collection of trash, refuse, rubbish and garbage, the city may require a deposit of each user in an amount as may be determined by the city council, and any unpaid bill shall be a lien against the property served until same shall have been paid in full. (Prior Code, Sec. 9-17) SECTION 17-219 PENALTY. ' Any person or persons, firm or corporation who violates any provision of this chapter or who fails to provide the necessary garbage receptacles as therein required shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined as provided in Section I-108 of this code, including costs for each offense; and each day's continuance or failure to comply therewith shall constitute a separate and distinct offense for each of the days. (Prior Code, Sec. 9-19) ARTICLE B WASTE COLLECTORS LICENSES, REGULATION SECTION 17-231 DEFINITIONS. As used in this article, and any rules and regulations promulgated hereunder, the following terms shall have the following meanings: "~ I. "Collectable residential solid waste" means solid waste except non- collectable solid waste, generated from any unit used as a place of habitation with facilities for living, sleeping, cooking and eating; 2. "Commercial solid waste" means all solid waste emanting from all units having zoning classification other than low or medium intensity residential uses; 3. "Commercial waste collector" means any person who collects, removes, or transports commercial solid waste as defined herein; (1991 Supplement) Page 17-II i~ n II ii Q P~('O Y ~CQ `P to ~~s~~~ MEIIZOREiNDUM TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIR AND TRUSTEES OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY FROM: MII~E KNEBEL SUBJECT: AWARD OF COMMERCIAL REFUSE CONTRACT DATE: June 10, 1993 BACKGROUND: The Trustees, at the December 5, 1992 meeting, authorized staff to develop bid documents for the commercial refuse collection service. Staff generated a bid proposal packet which consisted of a Notice To Bidders, Specifications, Statement of Bidders Qualifications, Bid Form, Bid Affidavit and Contract. This packet was presented to the Trustees at the January 19, 1993 meeting. The Trustees approved the bid proposal packet and authorized staff to solicit bids for commercial refuse collection. Staff advertised for bids according to the City of Owasso's and state requirements. Along with the advertisement, staff mailed bid packets to the following companies: ' Waste Management Co. American Waste Control, Inc. P.O. Box 461 1222 W. 37th Pl. ~ Tulsa, OK Tulsa, OK National Waste BFI Waste Systems 6834 N. Peoria Ave. 1616 N. Pittsburgh Tulsa, OK Tulsa, OK Freeman's Waste Management SB Refuse Co. 3508 E. Admiral Pl. 1340 N. 75th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK Tulsa, OK Alan's Containers Collins Trash Service P.O. Box 691970 1928 N. Sheridan Tulsa, OK Tulsa, OK Staff conducted the bid opening on February 16, 1993, at City Hall, and opened two bids: one from Browning-Ferris Industries Waste Systems and the other from Waste Management of Tulsa, Inc. ii ii ii ,, BIDDER IlV)F'ORMATION• BFI Waste Systems has been in the refuse collection business for 24 years and owns and operates the BFI Broken Arrow Landfill located at 51st Street South and 214th East Avenue. The company has honored all contracts and currently has similar commercial collections contracts with the following cities: Shawnee, Cushing, Chandler and the Village. The company also offers a variety of refuse collection and hauling for the Tulsa metropolitan area. Waste Management, Inc. has been engaged in refuse collection for 13 years as an Oklahoma corporation and owns and operates the Quarry Landfill which is located at 4041 North 141st East Avenue. Waste Management currently has a contract with the City of Owasso for commercial refuse collection and has municipal contracts with the cities of Sapulpa and Sperry for exclusive residential and commercial hauling. They provide a variety of collection and hauling services for the Tulsa metropolitan area. Both bidders also supplied other requested information which included but was not limited to a ' list of references and other vendor qualifications. This information revealed ,equally competent vendors for this type of service. Although Waste Management of Tulsa, Inc. offered, without solicitation, a superfund indemnification which agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City of Owasso from liability (including attorneys fee) for removal and remedial actions under the Comprehensive ~ Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (also known as Superfund) or comparable state law incurred as the result of the disposal under the Service Agreement, it is the staff belief that the City's contract specification requiring $5,000,000 comprehensive liability insurance would guarantee proper disposal of the refuse materials received from the Owasso area. BID INFORMATION: Staff used the current commercial refuse cost, Waste Management's bid, and BFI Waste Systems' bid to compile several tables on the following pages to: 1. Compare the current contract monthly ner unit cost with the two submitted bids, 2. Show current monthly service usage and actual cost per use, 3. Compare Waste Management's and BFI's bid tabulations for projected monthlyservice usage and costs. Please note that during the review process, it was determined that additional information should have been required in the original bid proposal. Staff subsequently requested an addendum from Waste Management and BFI Waste Systems for (1) rental and haul fees for roll-off containers in the 20 cubic yard to 60 cubic yard range, (2) cost of additional hauls for the 2, 4, 6 and 8 yard containers, and (3) an agreement pertaining to current commercial refuse compactor leases and new customer lease agreements for compactors. Both companies forwarded satisfactory written responses that are incorporated as part of this memo. 2 TABLE I COMPARISON OF iJNIT COSTS FOR CURRENT AND BID CONTRACTS NUMBER OF CURRENT BFI WASTE WASTE CONTAINER PICK UPS CONTRACT SYSTEMS MGMT SIZE PER WEEK COST BID BID 1 $32 $27 $29 2 YARD 2 $60 $48 $62 3 $72 $69 $86 1 $42 $31 $33 3 YARD 2 $68 $55 $67 3 $88 $80 $90 1 $48 $35 $41 4 YARD 2 $79 $63 $67 3 $101 $91 $89 1 $65 $45 $50 6 YARD 2 $106 $79 $75 3 $136 $113 $104 1 $84 $53 $b0 8 YARD 2 $137 $93 S88 3 $176 $133 $121 Comments: The table compares the City's monthly container (unit) costs under the current commercial refuse contract and the two bids for next year's contract. It is interesting to note that BFI Waste Systems' bid proposes a lower cost than Waste Management's bid for ten out of the fifteen individual container/weekly pick-up rate categories. BFI's bid also seems to follow a more logical cost progression for volume actually picked up and the number of trips necessary to provide the requested service. (Notice Waste Management's bid for 3 and 4 yard containers picked up two and three times a week.) 3 C;17RRENT MONTffi.Y COMMERCIAL REFUSE COST NUMBER OF NUMBER OF Ci1RRF.NT TOTAL CONTAINER PICKUPS CONTAINER CONTRACT MONTffi.Y SIZE PER WEEK ACCOUNTS UNIT COST COST 1 28 $32 $896 2 2 6 $60 $360 3 5 $77 $385 1 11 $42 $462 3 2 12 $68 $816 3 4 $88 $352 1 14 $48 $672 4 2 5 $79 $395 3 6 $101 $606 1 8 $65 $520 6 2 5 $106 $530 3 6 $136 $816 1 1 $84 $84 8 2 7 $137 $959 3 36 $176 $6,336 TOTALS 154 $14,189 Comments: This table shows current monthly costs incurred to provide commercial refuse service for the variety of requested refuse containers and pick-up rates. Any shift in the service requested by customers could dramatically change the overall cost of service. (Notice the large proportion of 8 yard containers picked up three times a week and smaller containers picked up only once a week. ) A TABLES III & IV BROWNINGFERRIS & WASTE MANAGIIVIENT BID TABULATION NUMBER OF NUMBER OF B: BID ': V'I'AL. CONTAINER PICKiJPS CONTAINER II'I` < 1~fO1~TIIL~Y' SIZE PER WEEK ACCOUNTS ~ € >: Ct)S°I` . ;` 1 28 $27 $756 2 2 6 $48 $288 3 5 $69 $345 1 11 $31 $341 3 2 12 $55 $660 3 4 $80 $320 1 14 $35 $490 4 2 5 $63 $315 3 6 $91 $546 1 8 $45 $360 6 2 5 $79 $395 3 6 $113 $678 1 1 $53 $53 8 2 7 $93 $651 3 36 $133 $4,788 TOTALS 154 $14,98fi NUMBER OF NUMBER OF WC BIII 'I~3TAI~; CONTAINER PICKUPS CONTAINER ' Z,~ITT ! MCl~NTIiLi~ `> SIZE PER WEEK ACCOUNTS LOST : COST 1 28 $29 $812 2 2 6 $62 $372 3 5 $86 $430 1 11 $33 $363 3 2 12 $67 $804 3 4 $90 $360 1 14 $41 $574 4 2 5 $67 $335 3 6 $89 $534 1 8 $50 $400 6 2 5 $75 $375 3 6 $104 $624 1 1 $60 $60 8 2 7 $88 $616 3 36 $121 $4,356 TOTALS 154 $11,415 5 e TABLE V PERIODIC EXTRA PICK-UP COST CONTAINER SIZE CURREN'T' UNIT COST BFI WASTE SYSTEMS BID WASTE MGMT BID 2 $6 $7 $4 3 $8 $8 $6 4 $10 $9 $10 6 $16 $11 $13 8 $20 $13 $16 Comments: This table shows the rates for the previously mentioned fee for extra pick-ups when requested. The "current unit cost" column lists costs that were not established through the previous contract. These were "pass through" cost items charged by Waste Management as needed. BFI and WMC supplied the addendum as requested and it provided the costs shown in the last two columns. TABLE VI ROLL-OFF CONTAINER COST PER HAUL CONTAINER SIZE CLTJ[~RENT UNIT COST BFI WASTE SYSTEMS BID WASTE MGMT BID 20 yard n/a $125 $120 30 yard $165 $148 $145 42/40 yard n/a $185 $189 Comments: The roll-off containers are used almost exclusively by the Owasso Recycle Center, Owasso Convenience Station, and demolition/construction contractors. BFI Waste Systems will provide roll-off containers for $50.00 per month rental and charge a $40.00 delivery fee and Waste Management quoted a $45.00 per month rental fee for the 42 yard roll-off container. SUMMARY: ' The bids from these two firms exemplify the intent of the competitive bidding process. Waste Management of Tulsa, Inc. and BFI Waste Systems have submitted very competitive bids for ' commercial refuse collection, extra pickup charges and roll-off container costs per haul. Both companies and their representatives were very cooperative during the bid process and are actively interested in working with the City of Owasso. In reviewing the bid information, the only apparent differences were the costs of services. As was shown in TABLE I, BFI Waste Systems was more consistent with their billing structure and had lower costs of service for ten of the fifteen major collection categories. Analysis of the total bid, through the use of tabulation TABLES III & IV, shows a projected cost difference between bids of $29.00 per month with ~ BFI Waste Systems as the low bidder. RECONIMEIViENDATION: Staff recommends that the Trustees award the commercial refuse collection contract to BFI Waste Systems per the submitted bid documents and per Attachment "A" Bid Tabulation. 7 EDIT "A" NEW CONIlVIIItCIAL REFUSE RATES FOR THE CITY OF OWASSO CONTAINER SIZE NUMBER OF PICK-UPS AMOUNT PER MONTH 2 yard 1 per week $27 2 yard 2 per week $48 2 yard 3 per week $69 3 yard 1 per week $31 3 yard 2 per week $55 3 yard 3 per week $ 80 4 yard 1 per week $35 4 yard 2 per week $63 4 yard 3 per week $91 6 yard 1 per week $45 6 yard, 2 per week $79 6 yard 3 per week $113 8 yard 1 per week $53 8 yard 2 per week $93 8 yard 3 per week $133 ~~ r 8 . ~s. ~, . ^ ERHIBTT "An PART TWO EXTRA PICK-UP COST i^ CONTAINER SIZE BFI NEW CONTRACT 2 $7 3 $8 4 $9 6 $11 8 $13 ROLL-OFF CONTAINER COST PER HAUL CONTAINER SIZE BFI NEW CONTRACT 20 yard $125 30 yard $148 42 yard $185 Note: 1) Roll-off containers will be rented for $50.00 per month with a $40.00 per container delivery charge (except for 4 "rent free" thirty yard containers at the Owasso Recycle Center with additional units at $30 per month). 2) The need for compactors will addressed on an "as needed" basis as the use of a compactor requires equipment and set-up specific to a particular job. II i~ I~ 9 a PUBLIC NOTICE IN ACCORDANCE WITH PART 17, CHAPTER 2, SECTION 17-218 OF THE WA MUNICIPAL CODE OF ORDINANCES, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE PUBLIC THAT THE OWASSO CITY COUNCII, WII,L CONSIDER ACTION RELATING TO THE "FIIGNG, SETTING OR CHANGING OF FEES AND CHARGES ....PERTAINING TO THE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF COMMERCIAL REFUSE.... " ON JULY 6, 1993 AT 7:00 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF THE OWASSO CObIlViLTNTTY CENTER LOCATID AT 301 SOUTH CEDAR, OWASSO, OKLAHOMA. Posted this 30th day of June, 1993 in the following public places: Owasso City Hall (lobby) Owasso Community Center (lobby) Owasso Recreation Center (lobby) Owasso Police Department (lobby) Owasso Recycle Center (office window) MEMORAI~TDUM ~ TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: CHIEF EDWARD L. SMITH SUBJECT: PURCHASE OF POLICE PATROL VEHICLES DATE: JUNE 29, 1993 BACKGROUND• On 6/15/93, the Owasso City Council approved the Fiscal Year 1993-1994 Police Budget which included funds for the purchase of four 1993 Chevrolet Caprice police package vehicles. It is now our desire to seek council approval for purchase of those vehicles. If approved, the acquisition of these new patrol cars will allow us to update our fleet of 20 patrol vehicles and to replace four of those vehicles which have high mileage and have proven to be more costly to maintain. A detailed analysis is currently being conducted to determine which vehicles are in the most need of replacement based on mileage, repair cost records and overall cosmetic appearance. Council approval will also allow the department to continue its home storage program, which is based on the theory of one officer to one patrol car. Historically, the home storage program was established for the following reasons: A - To increase the number of available units for immediate response when officers are called ~'° out on short notice to major crime scenes and/or immediate calls for assistance. ~~ B - To maintain an increased appearance of "police presence" to the community. C - To allow patrol officers to relieve previous shift officers in their respective districts without having to report to the station to pick up an assigned fleet unit. ~ D - To improve the overall maintenance and reliability of patrol cars by placing the responsibility for personal care and scheduled maintenance on the officers assigned to a particular unit. PATROL VEHICLE PURCHASE JUNE 29, 1993 PAGE TWO A recent study of the police department vehicle fleet shows that 6 of the 20 marked patrol units have over 140,000 miles on them, with one vehicle in excess of 240,000 miles. A recent survey conducted by the Michigan State Police shows that most agencies take their vehicle out of service somewhere between 60,000 and 100,000 miles. The survey also states that at extreme ends of the mileage spectrum some departments run cars only to 45,000 and others up to 150,000. Another study performed by Michael J. Foster of Energy Forum Inc. with respect to cost analysis on Police vehicles, shows that a police vehicle is basically worn out at 90,000 to 100,000 and the costs of prolonging its life cannot be justified. A fleet management program is being developed within the Police Department to track vehicle operating and maintenance costs so that we can determine the best replacement point for a vehicle. Life cycle methods and cost saving practices will also be implemented as a result of the fleet management program, which we hope to have automated at some point in the future. COST• The cost fora 1993 Chevrolet Caprice Police Package vehicle is based on a state bid in the amount of $13,100, with the purchase of four of these vehicles totalling $52,400. RECOMMENDATION: Staff will recommend Council approval of the expenditure of $52,400 to Larry Spencer Chevrolet for the purchase of four Chevrolet Caprice automobiles. Such expenditure pursuant to a competitive bid process conducted by the State of Oklahoma and awarded as Contract # SW31035. MEMORANDUM TO: RODNEY RAY, CITY MANAGER FROM: BOB ALLEN, FIRE CHIEF SUBJECT: REQUEST TO PURCHASE A NEW WATER TANKER DATE: June 29, 1993 BACKGROUND 1 1 1 During the last two weeks, the Fire Department conducted two bid openings. One was for the new water tanker, the other one was for the new central fire station. At this time, it appears that the bids submitted for the central fire station are higher than expected. After conferring with Jim Graber, our architect, we concluded that the bids being more than expected were due to several reasons. The price of materials has increased greatly, the site grading was far greater than anticipated, and the concrete paving was higher. Mr. Graber and I are reviewing the bids, and discussing alternatives to reduce the cost and still maintain an effective facility. After our review is completed, we will forward our recommendations to your office immediately. We received two bids for the water tanker. They were from Servo Tank and Tom Conway Tanks. Servo Tank Company was the only bid that was within the funds budgeted. Servo base bid was $60,975.00 and Tom Conway was $72,000.00. In the bid specification, we requested a base bid for the chassis and water tank. Also, we requested bidding on optional equipment. The reason for the separation in price is that larger companies have the capabilities of buying equipment needed for the water tank at considerably less cost than we can. This process allows us to obtain more equipment for less money. The following is a breakdown of items bid, the cost of each item and our recommendation to purchase: 1V~MORANnuM REQUEST TO PURCHASE WATER TANKER June 29, 1993 Page 2 1. Chassis & Water Tank (Base Bid) 2. Intersection Lights 3. Halogen Whelen L/R Front Scene Lights 4. David Clark Headset System COST $60,975.00 $ 265.00 $ 450.00 $ 1,950.00 5. Fenderettes and Wheel Well Liners w/Compartments $ 1,000.00 6 Overlay Fuel Tank w/ Diamond Plate 7. Overlay Batteries w/ Diamond Plate $ 375.00 $ 375.00 TOTAL $65,390.00 Due to the cost quoted on the optional equipment, we recommend items 1, 3, 4 and 5 be approved for purchase. These items are necessary because of scene and/or firefighter safety. We anticipate delivery of the water tanker within six (6) months. RECOMMENDATION We recommend the Council award the bid for purchasing a water tanker to Semo Tank, including options 3, 4 and 5 for a total of $64,375.00. ATTACHMENTS 1. Bid from Semo Tank 2. Semo Tank Warranty 3. Bid Tabulation CITY OF OWASSO 207 South Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 (918) 272-2251 BID DOCUMENTATION Opening Date: 6/17/93 Council Approval• Item: Fire Dept Tanker Number of Bids: 2 Bids Opened By: Marcia Boutwell Witness: Bob Allen Witness: Lowell Thompson Bidders Servo Tank & Supply, Perryville, MO Amount of Bid $60,975.00 Tom Conway Truck & Equip, St Charles, MO $45,550.00* *Chassis not included Bid for Chassis- Chevrolet - Ford ' Certification: I, Marcia Boutwell, Owasso City Clerk, do hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, this Bid Documentation is true and correct. ~ Signature• Date : ~ - /'~'- ~ 3 ~~~ $25,990.00 $25,462.00 (SEPL) BID PROPOSAL - SUBNIITTAL PAGE One (1) Fire Department Water Tanker TOTAL LUMP SUM BID FOR PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT ~_ (0 D- 9 7c~ . !~D I hereby acknowledge that I have read the specifications and that I am legally bound by the statements on the Bid Proposal -Submittal Pages. Title Address ~„ ~o /~ C 3~~ Sv ~- ~s~~~ i~ BID OPENING: JiTNE 17, 1993 X2:00 p.m. . -, NON COLLUSION BID AFFIDAVIT STATE OF MISSOURI ) ss COUNTY OF PERRY ) GLENN McCALLISTER , of lawful age, being first duly sworn, on oath says that (s)he is the agent authorized by the bidder to submit the attached bid. Affiant further states that the bidder has not been a part of any collusion among bidders in restraint of freedom of competition by agreement to bid at a fixed price or to refrain from bidding; or with State, County, or City officials or employees as to quantity, quality, or price in prospective contract, or any discussions between bidder and any State, County, or City official concerning exchange of money or other thing of value for special consideration in the letting of a contract. Name:Q~G~iU ~~~/L/ S/ signature Subscribed and sworn before me this 9Tx day of JUNE 199 3 . l Notary Public My Commission Expires: 10/4/93 NOTE: COMPLETE THIS AFFIDAVIT AND RETURN WITH BID PROPOSAL i ~ r NON COLLUSION IlWOICE AFFIDAVIT STATE OF MISSOURI ) ss COUNTY OF PERRY ) The undersigned person, of lawful age, being first duly sworn, on oath says that this invoice is true and correct and the (s)he is authorized to submit the invoice pursuant to a contract or purchase order. Affiant further states that the (work, services or materials) as shown by this invoice have been (completed or supplied) in accordance with the plans, specifications, orders, requests or contract furnished or executed by the affiant. Affiant further states that (s)he has made no payment directly or indirectly to any elected official, officer or employee of the municipality /authority or money or any other thing of value to obtain payment of the invoice or procure the contract or purchase order pursuant to which an invoice is submitted. i~ ii Print or Type Name of Contractor or Vendor Signature ~L~'~//l1 f'~~~~LL./S%~/~ Sr~c,ES IYI~~h9~i'~'I~ Print or Type Name and Title Subscribed and sworn before me this 9TH day of JUNE , 199 3 . ~ My Commission Expires: 10/4/93 i~ ii II i~ r~a~rrnors TO: Rodney Ray, City ~iana~er FROM: Bob Allen, Fire Chief SUBJECT: Request to purchase a new Water Tanker DATE: June 29, 1993 During the last two weeks the Fire Dep~~ tears conducted two Bid openings. One was for the new Water Tanker, the other one was for the new Central Fire Stati'non At this tai, ~ , it appearsfit'~ Bids submitted fo v tie `.,Central Fire Station hi~he~ than expected. After `~ ~ with Jim Graber, our architect, the reasons for the Bids being more than expected were due to sei~~e'~rea~l rya ons. The price in materials have increased greatly, thec,~wo`r`k~ a far greater than anticipated, and the concrete pay°in, was d +~ ~. Mr. Graber and myself are reviewing the Bids and discussing alternati~~es to reduce the cost and still maintain an effective facility. After our re~-iew is completed we will forward our recommendations to your office immediately. We received two bids for the Water Tanker. They were from Semo Tan': and Tom Conway Tanks . Semo Tank Company ,was the onlt- bid that was within the Binds budgeted. Semo base bid was S60,975.00 and Tom Conway was $72,000.00. ~ In the bid specification we requested a base bid for the chassis and water tank. Also, we requested bidding on optional equipment. "~ The reason for the separation is r~~re ~ larger companies 1~-~~' -IZ~-~ capabilities of buying equipment needed for the water tank considerably less than we can. This process allows tts to obtain r mere equipment for less money-. ' The following is a break down of items bid, the cost of each item and our recommendation to purchase; ~ ITE?~i BID COST 1. Chassis ~. Water Tank {Base Bid) S60,97~.00 2. Intersection Li;'hts S 26.00 3. Halogen Whelen L/rt Front Scene Lights S ~~0.00 4. David Clark Headset System $ 1,950.00 5. Fenderettes and Wheel Well Liners w/compartments $ 1,000.00 6. Overlay Fuel Tank w/Diamond Plate ~ 375.00 7. Overlay Batteries w/Diamond Plate $ 75.00 TOTAL $65;390.00 Due to the d~T quoted on the optional equipment, we recommend items 3, 4 and 5 be approved for purchase. These items are 1~ necessary because of scene and/or fire fight~~ safety. ~° ~f'G`j`" RECOMMENDATION We recommend the council award the Bid for purchasing a Water Tanker to Semo Tank, including options 3, 4 and 5 for a total of X64,375.00. ~!/'lt~ T~~7~ lil/D'/~.~lr4Ts~' i~ u i~ ii ~o~vnuM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY, CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: TEXT AMENDMENTS TO ALLOW BEAUTY SALONS/BARBER SHOPS IN AN OM ZONING DISTRICT DATE: June 22, 1993 BACKGROUND: The City of Owasso has initiated a request for an amendment to the Owasso Zoning Code, Section 510, to allow for the development of beauty salons/barber shops in OM (Office Medium District) by Special Exception. This change would require any request for a beauty salon/barber shop in an OM zoning district to be reviewed and approved by the Board of Adjustment. The Owasso Planning Commission reviewed the amendment request at its June 17, 1993 meeting. At that meeting, staff reviewed several ideas regarding the origination of uses permitted in an OM district by right and as accessory uses, as well as statements in support of the amendment. These statements consisted of the following: 1. Some uses currently permitted in an OM district by right (i.e. banks and medical offices), generate more traffic and have a greater impact on their surroundings than a beauty salon/barber shop is likely to generate. 2. Originally, the concept was to prohibit retail sales in an OM district. However, businesses and trades have evolved to a point where many of the uses permitted in an OM district do, in fact, sell merchandise. 3. Perhaps a strict application of a zoning code derived from the City of Tulsa is not always appropriate for a City of Owasso's size and population. 4. Approval of this amendment would still require Board of Adjustment approval of each individual request. The Board of Adjustment would have the ability to review requests on a site specific basis and place restrictions on amounts of floor area utilized for the display of retail items, days and hours of operation, signage, landscaping requirements, etc. i~ n I i~ i~ n n i~ n Staff spoke with area Planners from surrounding cities of Owasso's size in preparation of the initial staff report. Some of the issues presented in this report and the Planning Commission's report are a direct result of those conversations, with all in agreement that a strict application of a Tulsa based zoning code may not always be in the best interest of its surrounding cities. A copy of the staff report presented to the Owasso Planning Commission is attached for your review. The Owasso Planning Commission unanimously approved the amendment request. Staff is recommending Council adoption of Ordinance No. 464, an ordinance approving an amendment to the Owasso Zoning Code to allow permit beauty salons/barber shops in an OM district by Special Exception. ATTAC~IMENTS: 1. Ordinance No. 464 2. Staff Report to the Owasso Planning Commission it r._. ~~ MEMO~NnUM TO: THE OWASSO PLANNING COMIVIISSION FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY, CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: TEXT A~IENDNIENT TO ALLOW BEAUTY SALONS/BARBER SHOPS IN OM ZONTivG DISTRICTS DATE: May 27, 1993 ' BACKGROUND ' The City of Owasso currently permits beauty salons barber shops in OL and OM districts by Special Exception through the Owasso Board of Adjustment providing that they are established ~ by means of an accessory use. Accessory use definitions are very clear in the Owasso Zoning Code in the sense that they are only permitted in a principal structure and shall not occupy more than 10 % of the gross floor area of the structure. The accessory uses permitted in an OL district by Special Exception are as follows: 1. Barber Shop 6. Liquor Store ~ 2. Beauty Shop 7. Newsstand ' 3. Book Store 8. Medical, Dental, Optical, and Orthopedic Supplies _ (prescription service only) ' 4. Florist 9. Office Supplies 5. Gift, Novelty 10. Tobacco, Candy, Nut Store ' Uses that ire permitted in an OM district by right are the following: Abstract company, advertising agency, artist's studio, broadcasting or recording studio, computing service, copying service, data processing service, drafting service, dental clinic and ' lab, employment agency, financial institution (other than pawn shop), funeral home, general business offices excluding on premise sale of merchandise, interior design (no retail sales), medical offices, clinics, and laboratories, optician or optical offices or laboratories, photography ~ studio, prescription pharmacy (provided that no sundry or other merchandise is sold or offered for sale), studio or school for teaching ballet, dance, drama, fine arts, music, language, business, or modeling, transportation ticket office, travel agency, and veterinary office (excluding boarding services). When one reviews the list of activities permitted outright in an OM district, as well as those permitted es- an accessory use requiring Board of Adjustment approval, there are in staff s opinion some inconsistencies. When staff began reviewing the possibilities as to why beauty salons/barber shops were not also permitted in an OM district as separate entities, rather than as an accessory use, many different viewpoints of information were offered. It appears that at the time of establishing the zoning code, the permitted activities within an OM district were strictly limited to those that did not involve the retail sale or display of merchandise as is specified numerous times in the list above. It also appears that those accessory uses permitted by Special Exception in an OL or OM district were more so directed toward an urban atmosphere or "downtown Tulsa". Many times services like those are offered in the ground floor of high rise office buildings. In addition, some of the uses permitted in the OM district by right have evolved to points where they also display and sell retail items. For instance medical offices, dance studios, travel agencies and veterinary offices often times sell retail items associated with their trade. While staff believes attention should be paid to the amount of retail sales and merchandise displayed in OM districts, it also understands that standards derived from a Zoning Code for the City of Tulsa may not necessarily be appropriate for the City of Owasso. For instance, when one directs the attention away from the "retail" concerns and refocuses on the "intensity" of the use, the inequities are prevalent. The amount of traffic generated and involved with a bank or other financial institution creates a much greater impact than that of a broadcasting or recording studio. The question arises as to which issue is more important when protecting the public health, safety, and welfare of Owasso' citizens; whether or not retail sales are involved or the amount of impact it could have on a surrounding neighborhood. It is staff's feeling that the Owasso Zoning Code should be amended to permit beauty salons/barber shops to operate in an OM district by Special Exception. This would allow the Owasso Board of Adjustment to place conditions on applicants requesting this Special Exception. Amount of floor area utilized for the display of retail items, hours of operation, and signage could all be restricted in some manner as a condition of approval by the Board of Adjustment. It would also permit the Board of Adjustment to review traffic impact, building elevations, and compatibility of surrounding uses on a site specific basis. Staff spoke with area Planners from surrounding cities of Owasso's size prior to bringing this amendment request to your attention. Some of the issues presented in this report are a direct result of those conversations, with all in agreement that a strict application of a Tulsa based zoning code may not always be in the best interest of its surrounding cities. It is staff's opinion that this is just such an example. y r Staff is recommending Planning Commission approval of a text amendment to the Owasso Zoning Code Section 510 to permit beauty salons/barber shops in OM districts by Special Exception. ' CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE NO. 464 ' AN ORDINANCE AMENDING PART TWELVE (12) PLANNING, ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT, CHAPTER TWO (2) ZONING ' REGULATIONS, SECTION 12-201 ZONIl~IG REGULATIONS ADOPTED, CHAPTER FIVE (5~, OFFICE DISTRICT PROVISIONS, AMENDING SAME IN PARTICULAR SECTION 510 -PRINCIPAL ' USES PERNIITTID IN OFFICE DISTRICTS TO ALLOW BEAUTY SALONS/BARBER SHOPS IN THE OFFICE MEDIUM INTENSITY ,. DISTRICT (OM) BY SPECIAL E%CEPTION, REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH, AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCII, OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT: ' Section 1. That Part 12, Planning, Zoning and Development, Chapter 2, Zoning Regulations, Section 12-201, Chapter Five (5), Office District Provisions, Section 510, Principal Uses Permitted in Office Districts should be, and hereby is amended to allow beauty salons/barber shops in the Office Medium Intensity District (OM) by Special Exception. ^ Section 2. That all ordinances or parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby expressly repealed. Those portions consistent herewith remain ' unaffected hereby. Section 3. That this Ordinance shall, upon passage, become effective 1 thirty days from the date of first publication as provided by State Law. PASSED AND APPROVED this 6th day of July, 1.993. Bob Randolph, Mayor ATTEST: ~ Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney u MEMORANDUM ^ TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCII, CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY, CITY PLANNER ~ SUBJECT: FINAL PLAT - OWASSO COMMERCIAL CENTER II ^ DATE: June 28, 1993 ^ BACKGROUND: ^ Enclosed is a copy of the final plat for Owasso Commercial Center II. As you may recall, this subject property has been heard by the Planning Commission and City Council in regards to annexation and zoning in previous months. Because the essentials of a preliminary plat were presented at that time as well, Planning Staff requested that this plat be processed as a Final Plat ^ due to its simplified nature. The Owasso Commercial Center II plat was presented to the Owasso Technical Advisory ^ Committee at its June 2, 1993 meeting. Comments received regarding this plat concerned misspellings within the covenants on the plat itself and changing the limits of access from 76th Street North. The Planning Commission also required these corrections when the final plat was ^ approved at their June 17, 1993 meeting. Those corrections have been made by the applicant and are reflected on your enclosed copy. *, In addition to the Technical Advisory Committee review, this item was reviewed by the Owasso Board of Adjustment for a variance request. The applicants were required to obtain a variance because of the property not meeting the bulk and area requirements of a CG (Commercial General) District. The Board of Adjustment approved the variance request at its June 2, 1993 meeting. r The applicants also obtained a private easement through the La Petite property in order to ^ provide a private sewer service line to their property. The necessity of the applicants to obtain sewer service for this site was clearly stated in both the annexation and zoning cases. This private sewer service line and its accompanying private lift station have been inspected and no ^ problems or issues of concern are noted. RECONIlVIENDATION• Staff recommends approval of the final plat for Owasso Commercial Center II. ENCLOSURE: 1. Owasso Commercial Center II plat and covenants. ~o~vnunz TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCII. CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY, CITY PLANNER ^ SUBJECT: LOT TIEING AGREEMENT - MR. AND MRS. JAMES HOLLAND ~ 7811 N 132ND EAST AVENUE DATE: June 28, 1993 BACKGROUND: ~ The Community Development Department received a building permit for a pool to be located on property owned by Mr. and Mrs. James Holland of 7811 N. 132nd East Avenue, Owasso ' on June 8, 1993. The Owasso Zoning Code permits pools as an accessory use to a single family dwelling unit in an RS-3 zoning district. Mr. and Mrs. Holland's home is located on Lot 4, Block 5 of Copper Meadows, an RS-3 zoned subdivision. The concern with the building permit centers around the property on which the pool is to be located. The Holland's also own the neighboring property (I.ot 3, Block 5, Copper Meadows) and wish to place the pool on this lot rather than the lot on which their home is located. Because the Owasso Zoning Code only permits pools as an accessory use to a home in an RS-3 ' zoning district, and because no home exists on the lot where they want to place a pool, staff is recommending that the applicant be a party to a lot tieing agreement with the City of Owasso. This agreement, if executed by both the Hollands and City Council, would prohibit separating the two lots in the event of sale. Both lots would be required to be sold or transferred together. It should be noted that the Hollands have fenced both lots as one and have no intention of selling the property separately, however staff is recommending the execution of this document to protect the City's interest in the event a future owner may be desirous of selling the lots separately. Mr. Cates was consulted regarding this matter and the lot tieing agreement was both drafted and reviewed by him based upon the building permit information. ' A copy of the Copper Meadows plat where Mr. and Mrs. Holland's lot are located is enclosed for your information and review, as well as a copy of the proposed lot tieing agreement. Mr. and Mrs. Holland have no objections to being a party to this agreement, and staff has no ' objections to the pool and its proposed placement on I..ot 3, Block 5. RECOMMENDATION: Staff is recommending Council approval of the lot tieing agreement for Lots 3 and 4, Block 5 of Copper Meadows. ATTACHIVIENTS• 1. A copy of the Lot Tieing Agreement. 2. A copy of the Copper Meadows plat. ' AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this 6th day of July, 1993, by and between James and Patsy Holland hereinafter designated "First Parties", and the CITY OF OWASSO, " " ' . Second Party OKLAHOMA, a municipal corporation, hereinafter designated WITNESSETH• WHEREAS, First Parties are the record owner(s) of the following described real property situated in the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, to-wit: I.ot 3, Block 5, Copper Meadows I hereinafter designated "First Property", ~ Lot 4, Block 5, Copper Meadows I hereinafter designated "Second Property". ' WHEREAS, the First Parties have requested approval to permit the construction of a swimming pool on the aforesaid Second Property and have further requested permission to develop and use said properties and construct improvements thereon in the same manner and to tent as would be permissible if said properties constituted one platted lot instead of h ' e same ex t one platted lot and a second platted lot; and WHEREAS, the Second Party, is willing to grant the aforesaid requests of the First all upon the terms and subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth. Parties , NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein ~ contained, the parties hereto do hereby agree as follows: (1) Subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth, the Second Party does hereby grant unto the First parties, their grantees, lessees, successors and assigns the following: (a) The right to construct a swimming pool on the Second Property. (b) The right to use said properties of First Parties as though said real property ' constituted a single platted lot instead of a platted lot and a second platted lot. (2) The rights granted by the Second party under the provisions of numerical paragraph ~ (1) above are subject to the following conditions: (a) That the aforesaid First and Second Properties may not be sold, mortgaged or otherwise encumbered separate and apart from each other; and ~i (b) That construction of buildings and other improvements on said properties of First Parties shall otherwise comply with all ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. (3) In consideration of the covenants and agreements of the Second party herein contained, the First Parties do hereby agree that so long as this Agreement is in force and effect ~ they will not sell, mortgage or otherwise encumber said First and Second properties, separate and independent of each other. (4) This Agreement shall automatically terminate: ~ (a) Upon the replatting of the above described properties into a single lot as required by law; or (b) At such time as it becomes unnecessary for any reason or cause to combine or use the aforesaid properties as a single lot in order to meet or satisfy the then existing bulk, area and off-street parking requirements of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, Zoning Code then in force and effect. Upon the occurrence of either of the events described in subparagraphs (a) and (b) of this numerical paragraph, the Second Party shall, immediately upon the request of the then record owner of the above described properties, execute in recordable form a release or mutual release of this Agrcement. (5) This Agrcement shall be binding upon the parties hereto and each of them, their respective successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agrcement the day and year first above written. ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED: (P,roperty Owner) (Property Owner) "First Parties" (Both must sign if husband and wife) CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, a municipal wrporation By (Mayor) "Second Party" City Attorney APPROVED this day of 19 "INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT" STATE OF } COUNTY OF } before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day of 19 ,personally appeared and _ (husband and wife) to me known to be the identical person who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that executed the same as frce and voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein set forth. GIVEN under my hand and seal the day and year last above written. My Commission Expires: NOTARY PUBLIC "CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT" STATE OF } COUNTY OF } before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day of 19 ,personally appeared and _ (husband and wife) to me known to be the identical person who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that executed the same as free and voluntary act and deed of such corporation, for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN under my hand and seal the day and year last above written. My Commission Expires: "CITY OF OWASSO ACKNOWLEDGEMENT" STATE OF } COUNTY OF } before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day of , 19 ,personally appeared and _ (husband and wife) to me known to be the identical person who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that executed the same as free and voluntary act and deed of such corporation, for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN under my hand and seal the day and year last above written. My Commission Expires: ~~ OwNER ' OKLAM7IAA UTILITY CONSTRUCTION CO. ~~ oO.oux 7 OwA550• pc. T40SS 9~8/ 272 -1263 11• 918/540-2323 ' ~' ~~ LEGENO LM4 - l~•e d !Y 4fCrf ~~ ~~i - ir~My lw !~i w :TION 28 OF 6EGINNING ENGINEER WILLIAM E. LEwIS, eE 6420 S. 221 ST E . avENUE _ BROKEN ARROMI • OK T4014 918 ' 35S-L'.2C 0 2S SO 00 200 SULE -R ME E !6 ~ ST. NO W s d r 'EV~ ~'S z P," G E Ttu~ St. N0. LOCATION MAP T 21 N 09 - I.o~f 20.54 - •cns N.E. 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Y' ~ ~ S 43° C8' - Sq ~ 9~~ - _. ~~a2 -..5~, ~ ..~ ~ _ ~ C8'• '~ 32`'S 1 170 41, << .. ,\~~~ ~,.,tio•'795a-~ ~ 129.86' 1. ,V ~ ~ 9~:,~ 4 j~4 N 47°46' So" w - 133.66~~ `_ :.~~ \S 46° 36' 4o"w - 5i 93' ~ ~!-~ ~ox~rrnuM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCII, CITY OF OWASSO FROM: RODNEY J RAY ' CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT TO "UPGRADE" CIVIL DEFENSE WARNING SIRENS DATE: Tune 30, 1993 BACKGROUND• ~ In 1989 the City of Owasso initiated a program designed to gradually upgrade the City's civil defense warning siren system. The first step in that program was the purchase and installation of one additional new siren that was installed in the Hillside subdivision. The second phase of the program was afive-year phase-in replacement of worn out receivers on fourteen of the old model sirens originally purchased from the City of Tulsa. During FY 1991-92 the City upgraded five of the sirens with new receivers/decoders. Then last year (FY92-93) one ~ additional upgrade was accomplished. On June 15, 1993, the City Council authorized the Mayor to execute documents accepting a ' $4750 grant from the Department of Civil Emergency Management. The grant requires the City to match the funds with an additional $4750 for the purpose of purchasing radio operated receiver/decoders for the Owasso warning siren system. The availability of those funds will "' allow us to complete the original five-year program this year. If this request is approved, all fourteen of the old Tulsa sirens will have been renovated utilizing new technology. In 1991-92 the staff determined that the only equipment compatible with our existing system was an "SCH" type Federal (brand name) receiver/decoder with "tone coded squelch". Therefore, ~ a "sole source" bid was requested and subsequently granted. The staff continues to recommend that the same "brand" of equipment be used for the warning siren upgrades. The "Federal" receiver/decoder is the only equipment 100 % compatible with our existing system and affords civil defense personnel the best opportunity to avoid system failure due to equipment incompatibility. The staff has solicited bids from three vendors capable of supplying the Federal "SCH" type receiver/decoder. The companies contacted were 1) Federal Signal, Inc, University Park, IL; 2) Goddard Enterprises, Guthrie, OK; 3) Weis American Fire Equipment, Tulsa, OK. We Memorandum Civil Defense Warning Sirens ' June 30, 1993 Page 2 received a bid from only one of the three companies. Goddard Enterprises submitted a bid of $1265 per unit installed. ' Based on the availability of $9500 and the bid of $1265 per unit, the City can purchase 7.5 replacement units. By adding an additional $620 to the available funds, a total of eight units can be purchased. Such an action would, however, require a supplemental appropriation to the Civil ' Defense Department from General Fund reserves. If the below recommendation is approved, the staff will request such a supplemental appropriation at the July 20 meeting. '~ FUNDING: Funding for the recommended purchase is available through a combination of the federal grant ($4750), Civil Defense Department Capital Outlay ($2490), General Fund Department Capital Outlay Contingency ($2260), and a supplemental appropriation of $620. An optional funding ~ plan could be accomplished by using $2910 from the General Fund Department Capital Outlay Contingency appropriations, thus avoiding the need for a supplemental appropriation. A final ' option is available by authorizing the purchase of only seven replacement units. Such an option would require the purchase of a final replacement unit in next year's budget. There would also be a loss of $322 in federal grant funds. RECONIlVIENDATION: The staff recommends that the council accept a sole source bid for the purchase of eight Federal "SCH" type radio receiver/decoders from Goddard Enterprises, Inc in the amount of $10,120. ATTACHMENTS: ' 1. Bid from Goddard Enterprises 2. Memorandum dated July 11, 1993 3. Memorandum dated February 16, 1993 Page No. of Pages AUTHORIZED FEDERAL SIGNAL DIST. SPECIALIZING IN STORM b MUNICIPAL WARNING SYSTEMS ~ru~u,~ttl ~ ' ~. Rt 6 Box 646A Guthrie, Oklahoma 73044 405.396-2380 Mobile 631-1311 Unit 5865 % PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO PHONE DATE STREET ~ JOB NAME CITY, STATE AND ZIP CODE JOB LOCATION ARCHITECT DATE OF PLANS JOB PHONE We hereby submit specifications and estimates for: II Fwr.v~is~1. a_nd ~.n.a~.a~?P_ One Fe~!~ti~r,Z S~,onczt'_ '4ode2 SCf~ ~c'u.o neee.~ven deeaden at_ ~e/ciows ?aer~t%al~ ass n~ti C~.v.u°_ de;~e>'~vse '-ihe~tan II II ~~ ~:eceveh deea~en --~=$11~!^.~?~ II ?rat.,~.t',P~an--------_~~~,.~i? N ~~ ~~ d II ~~ ~P ~rQ~1DSP hereby to furnish material and labor -complete in accordance with above specifications, for the sum of: j~ ~i II dollars ($ 1 ~ ~' ~ • ~" ) ~~~, Payment to be made as follows: ;i '~,~r . J»1 E}1 % r7 / 7 ~ t ,,~ i„ .~ t~ n J~~ ,! rr .. -F? '~ II ct~ t o.t iI1.5 ~•: oI? ~~t~. . cce~:~.~_f2cc.. - :i I All material is guaranteed to be as specified. All work to be completed in a workmanlike "' Auth IZed manner according to standard practices. Any alteration or deviation from above specifica- Sign~elvrlr~ i ll become an tions involving extra costs will be executed only upon written orders, and w extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon stakes, acddents N his prOpOSaI may be i If , ~ ff i nsurance. ~~ or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry fire, tornado and other necessary Our workers are sully covered by Workmen's Compensation Insurance. wit ra y uS if nOt accepted within days. ,Ctilr~~itiiliP ~f ~rII#1AB81 -The above prices, specifications'~~(/` and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorize~S'gnature to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. Date of Acceptan~ Signature ~ox~vnuM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR ACCEPTANCE OF A GRANT FROM THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FOR THE RENOVATION OF WARNING SIRENS DATE: June 11, 1993 BACKGROUND: i~ i~ In July 1991 the City of Owasso requested matching funds from the state office for civil defense for the purpose of purchasing new warning siren receiver/encoders. The grant request was prepared by Ms Krantz in cooperation with Mr Schick and Mr Stamper, and was for 50-50 matching funds (see attachment). The request was for a total of $4750 federal dollars. On Monday, June 7, 1993, I was informed through Mr Schick that the City of Owasso had finally been awarded the requested funds and that the state Department of Civil Emergency Management must be notified within ten days of our acceptance of the grant. The awarded grant is in the amount of $4750 and requires a local match of $4750, for a total project cost of $9500 for the purpose of converting our warning system to a radio control receiver/encoder system. The project must be completed no later than September 1, 1993. If accepted, the grant will allow the city to renovate eight warning sirens instead of the two originally planned for this year. The eight renovated sirens will complete our upgrade of all sirens and advance our renovation project by four years. However, in order to complete the project by the established deadline, the staff will have to move very quickly to solicit bids, complete the renovations, and request the reimbursement of funds. There appears to be no reason why the schedule cannot be met. FUNDI~'G: The proposed FY 1993-94 Civil Defense budget does not contain adequate funding for the $4750 match and, in fact, has only $2490 available. The staff will recommend that if the grant is accepted, the remaining $2260 needed for the match be expended from the capital outlay section of the General Government budget ($3000 anticipated appropriation). i~ II i~ Memorandum Warning Sirens June 11, 1993 Page 2 RECONIlVIII~IDATION: The staff recommends City Council acceptance of the FEMA grant of $4750 and that the Mayor be authorized to execute the acceptance document. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Grant notification from State Department of Civil Emergency Management 2. Original grant request ' ~oxArmuM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS CITY OF OWASSO FROM: RODNEY J. RAY, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS FOR PURCHASE OF RADIO RECEIVER TO REPAIR CIVIL DEFENSE WARNING SIREN DATE: BACKGROUND FEBRUARY 16, 1993 The City of Owasso operates seventeen civil defense warning sirens. The majority of those sirens (14) were acquired when the City of Tulsa installed a new system and offered azea cities sirens from their old system. These sirens are operated by radio signals originating ' from the emergency dispatch office. These radio signals are transmitted to a "receiver" located on the pole that holds the sirens. The receiver decodes the signal and then causes the ~ siren to operated and emit the type of warning sent to the receiver. In reality, the receiver is the most critical piece of the sirens. The noise maker (horn) very seldom wears out and as long as it will make the required sounds it will not need to be replaced. The fourteen sirens acquired from Tulsa aze over twenty-five years old and aze experiencing regular failure of their radio receivers. The failure is often in the form of false warnings wherein the sirens "start-up" without a signal from the control radio. Evidently, as the receivers become older, the probability of being activated by other radio signals becomes greater. i~ i~ i~ Last year we upgraded five of these sirens after they failed to operate due to age and lightening strikes. A review of our sirens then indicated that an upgrade of the remaining nine was needed if a reliable service was to be offered to our citizens. The staff then recommended aphased-in program to upgrade the system by replacing the old receivers with new receivers that have additional capabilities and are the product of new technology. The Council approved a FY 92-93 budget that included funds for two new receivers plus installation costs. However, damage from lightening to five sirens during the past summer resulted in a portion of those funds being used for repair. After paying that cost, the budget still contains $1, 625 to be used on the civil defense capital needs. i~ The nett replacement priority, established by the civil defense and city staff members is the siren located near the high school. The second and third priority items are sirens located in the Barnes IIementary area and the Mills IIementary area. It is anticipated that these replacements will occur in FY '93-'94. The cost of one replacement receiver is $1,140 plus installation cost of $125 for a total expenditure of $1,265. The staff has received a quote from Goddard Enterprises, the company that was awarded last year's repair contract and whose previous experience with ' our system makes them the logical choice for this purchase. REQUEST ~ / /~2L5` This request is for Council approval of the expenditure of funds in the amount o $1,625 for the purchase and installation of one "SCH" type radio receiver/decoder in a w n _ .located near the Owasso high school. RECONIl~IENDATION ~ The staff recommends Council approval of the expenditure of $1,265 to Goddard Enterprises for the purchase and installation of a "SCH" type receiver/decoder for civil defense purposes. ATTACH'~IENT Price quote from Goddard Enterprises ~ ENCLOSURE Warning siren location map i~ i~ ii j k/counciU0201693. srn