HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993.12.21_City Council AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: December 21, 1993 TIME: 7:00 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, December 17, 1993. Marci Boutwell, Council Clerk AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Flag Salute 3. Roll Call 4. Request Approval of the Minutes of December 7, 1993 Regular Meeting. Attachment #4 5. Request Approval of Claims. Attachment #5 Owasso City Council December 21, 1993 Page 2 ' 6. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Ordinance #474, an Ordinance Increasing the Municipal Sales Tax from 3 % to 3.5 % and Providing for the Use of the , Proceeds of Such Increase to be Dedicated to the Police and Fire Departments. Mr Ray Attachment #6 The staff has developed a funding concept for presentation to the City Council. Additionally, the staff will recommend Council adoption of Ordinance #474 increasing the municipal sales tax from 3 % to 3.5 % and dedicating revenue derived from that increase to police and fire uses. The staff will also recommend Council approval of Resolution #93-10 calling an election for the purpose of submitting to the Owasso voters Ordinance #474 for their approval or rejection. 7. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Resolution #93-10, a Resolution Calling an Election for the Purpose of Submitting Ordinance #474 to the Voters of Owasso for Approval or Rejection. Mr Ray ' Attachment #7 The staff has developed a funding concept for presentation to the City Council. , Additionally, the staff will recommend Council adoption of Ordinance #474 increasing the municipal sales tax from 3 % to 3.5 % and dedicating revenue derived from that increase to police and fire uses. The staff will also recommend Council approval of , Resolution #93-10 calling an election for the purpose of submitting to the Owasso voters Ordinance #474 for their approval or rejection. Owasso City Council December 21, 1993 Page 3 8. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for a Waiver of Section 5- 3(c) of Chapter 5, City of Owasso Personnel Policies and Procedures. Mr Ralph Griffin Attachment #8 Mr Griffin has accumulated vacation time in excess of the maximum amount allowable and will request that the applicable policy be waived, thus allowing payment for such time. 9. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for the Purchase of two Passenger Vehicles. Mr Ray Attachment #9 Staff will recommend Council approval of the expenditure of $25,306 for the purchase of two passenger vehicles. One expenditure in the amount of $13,750 to Larry Spencer Chevrolet, Norman, Oklahoma, for the purchase of a 1994 Chevrolet Caprice utilizing State of Oklahoma Bid Contract #0070-06-10-100, and the other expenditure in the amount of $11,556 to John Smicklas Chevrolet-Buick-Geo for the purchase of a 1994 Buick Century Sedan utilizing State of Oklahoma Bid Contract #0070-06-20-200. 10. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of a Final Plat for Elm Creek Auto, an Addition to the City of Owasso and a Resubdivision of a Portion of Lot 1, Block 19, Elm Creek Estates First Addition, and Located in a Part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 29, Township 21 North, Range 14 East, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. 1 Mr Rooney Attachment #10 Staff will recommend Council approval of the final plat and that the mayor be authorized to execute the documents associated with the plat's filing. 1 Owasso City Council December 21, 1993 Page 4 11. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of a Final Plat for Oklahoma Baptist Retirement Center II, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Oklahoma and Located Generally on the South Side of 76th Street North, West of 122nd East Avenue. Mr Rooney Attachment #11 Staff will recommend Council approval of the final plat and that the mayor be authorized to execute the documents associated with the plat's filing. 12. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Council Acceptance of Improvements to the Water and Wastewater Systems Constructed by the Developers of Camden Park, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. Mr Munn Attachment #12 Staff will recommend Council acceptance of the infrastructure additions to the water and wastewater systems constructed as a part of the Camden Park development. 13. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for the City of Owasso to Accept Deeds to Certain Property Currently Maintained as Public Drainage Ways but Held by Elm Creek Inc and Shown on Plats as "Reserves". Ms Woods Mr Compton I Attachment #13 Staff will recommend Council acceptance of deed/title to the area shown as "Reserve A" ' on Elm Creek plats previously approved by the City. Owasso City Council December 21, 1993 Page 5 14. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Disposal of Surplus Equipment from the Owasso Fire Department, More Specifically, a 2000 Gallon Skid Mounted Stainless Steel Water Tank With a 350 Gallon per Minute Gasoline Pump. Chief Allen Attachment #14 Staff will recommend that the Council declare the equipment surplus to the needs of the City and that the Fire Chief be authorized to transfer ownership, without charge, to the Collinsville Rural Fire District Inc. 15. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Contract for the Purchase of Uniforms for Members of the Owasso Police Department. Chief Alexander Attachment #15 The staff will recommend that the Council approve a contract for the purpose of providing uniforms consistent with specifications as contained in the request for bids, and that the mayor be authorized to execute such contract. 16. Report from City Manager Report from City Attorney Owasso City Council December 21, 1993 Page 6 18. Unfinished Business 19. New Business , 20. Adjournment OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, December 7, 1993 The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, December 7, 1993 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, December 3, 1993. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Randolph called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. ITEM 2: FLAG SALUTE The flag salute was led by City Manager Rodney Ray. ITEM 3: ROLL CALL PRESENT Bob Randolph, Mayor John Phillips, Vice Mayor Mary Lou Barnhouse, Councilor Rex Bowen, Councilor Charles Burris, Councilor STAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, Council Clerk A quorum was declared present. ABSENT ITEM 4: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 16, 1993 REGULAR MEETING AND NOVEMBER 23, 1993 SPECIAL MEETING. Charles Burris moved, seconded by John Phillips, to approve the minutes, by reference made a part hereto. AYE: Burris, Phillips, Bowen, Barnhouse, Randolph NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. Owasso City Council ITEM 5: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE CLAIMS December 7, 1993 ' John Phillips moved, seconded by Charles Burris, that the following claims be approved: (1) General Fund $74,304.82; (2) Workers' Compensation Self -Insurance Plan $1,245.32; (3) Ambulance Service Fund $265.45; (4) E911 $1,736.94; (5) Capital Improvements $49,906.50; (6) City Garage $5,186.55; (7) Interfund Transfers $22,929.16; (8) General Fund Payroll #1 $92,931.87; (9) General Fund Payroll #2 $92,022.48; (10) City Garage Payroll #1 $2,738.23; (11) City Garage Payroll #2 $3,862.44. AYE: Phillips, Burris, Barnhouse, Bowen, Randolph NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 6: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR PURCHASE OF VIDEO RECORDING EQUIPMENT FOR PLACEMENT IN POLICE PATROL VEHICLES. Chief Alexander reported that funds have been donated to the police department for the purchase of camcorders for police vehicles. EIS Communications has a contract with the City of Tulsa to supply such systems to the Tulsa police department. City of Owasso Ordinance #455 allows utilization of the competitive bid process provided by cities with a population over 50,000. EIS Communications made available to the City of Owasso the same system as purchased by the City of Tulsa, at the same bid price. Mayor Randolph moved, seconded by Charles Burris, to approve a supplemental appropriation to the police department Fy 1993-94 budget in the amount of $7220; and to approve an increase to the General Fund revenue of $7220 and an expenditure of $7220 to EIS Communications, for the purchase of video recording equipment. AYE: Randolph, Burris, Barnhouse, Bowen, Phillips NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 7: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A CONTRACT FOR IMPROVEMENTS AND ADDITIONS TO THE OWASSO SPORTS PARK. Bids were opened on November 30, 1993 for grading and drainage on four softball fields at the Sports Park. Five bids were received, with the lowest and best bid being submitted by Continental Concrete of Cushing, OK. in the amount of $31,500. Charles Burris moved to approve a contract with Continental Concrete Company in the amount of $31,500 for the 2 Owasso City Council December 7, 1993 purpose of completing art 1 of the grading and drainage work for four softball fields. Motion seconded by John Phillips. AYE: Burris, Phillips, Bowen, Barnhouse, Randolph NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 8: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ORDINANCE #473, AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR AN OCCUPANCY PERMIT, ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES FOR ISSUANCE OF SUCH AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Ordinance #473 is the result of a study conducted by the Occupancy Permit Review Team, which was charged with the responsibility of determining the need for an occupancy permit and the feasibility of charging a fee for that permit. This ordinance establishes the Occupancy Permit, but does not require a fee. With the ordinance, non-compliance can be enforced by the Code Enforcement Officer. Charles Burris moved, seconded by Rex Bowen, to approve Ordinance #473. AYE: Burris, Bowen, Phillips, Barnhouse, Randolph NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 9: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A BUDGET MODIFICATION OF A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND ODOC WHEREIN AN INCREASE OF $303.00 IN LOAN/GRANT FUNDS FOR THE MAX BUCHANAN PROJECT WOULD BE AUTHORIZED ON CONTRACT #5252-CDBG-ED. This item increases by $303 the total amount of Budget Modification CDBG-ED92, as requested by the Oklahoma Department of Commerce amount of the grant to $199,316. Rex Bowen moved to approve Modification #1 to Contract #5252 CDBG-ED92 and authorize the necessary documents. Motion seconded by John Phillips. AYE: Bowen, Phillips, Burris, Barnhouse, Randolph NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. 1 to Contract #5252 This brings the total an increase in Budget mayor to execute the Owasso City Council December 7 1993 ' ITEM 10: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR A SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION TO THE GENERAL FUND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF 303.00. As a result of the increase in the grant budget, an increase in the Economic Development , Department's General Fund budget in the amount of $303 was requested. Charles Burris moved, seconded by Rex Bowen to approve a supplemental appropriation to the Economic Development Department budget in the amount of $303. AYE: Burris, Bowen, Phillips, Barnhouse, Randolph NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 11: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR A REDUCTION IN THE PERCENT OF MONEY FROM THE SALE OF CEMETERY LOTS AND INTERMENTS REQUIRED TO BE SET ASIDE IN THE CEMETERY CARE FUND. State statutes require that all municipally owned cemeteries where lots are sold or charges made ' for interments, must set aside not less than 12.5 % of all monies received from those items as a permanent care fund. Previous to September 1, 1993, that amount was 25 %. It is anticipated that reducing the amount of money going into the cemetery care fund will not negatively impact the care of the cemetery. John Groth commented that at the time the fund was established, the citizens of Owasso were promised that there would always be funds for the care of the cemetery. Mr Ray said that the principle amount of the fund will always be there and that the percentage of monies set aside from lot sales and interments can be changed at any time. Charles Burris moved, seconded by Rex Bowen, to approve a change in the policy relating to the transfer of a percentage of the monies collected from cemetery lot sales and interments and that the staff be directed to prepare an ordinance reducing such transfer to the Cemetery Care Fund from 25 % to 12.5 % . AYE: Burris, Bowen, Barnhouse, Phillips, Randolph NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. 4 Owasso City Council December 7, 1993 ITEM 12: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ORDINANCE #472 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OWASSO ZONING CODE, CHAPTER 14 SECTION 430, "BULK AND AREA REQUIREMENTS IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS", MORE SPECIFICALLY, A CHANGE RELATING TO BUILDING HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS FOR SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING UNITS. At a November 23, 1993 Special Meeting, the City Council recommended approval of a text amendment to the Owasso Zoning Code that would allow for the construction of homes within all residential districts to reach a height of 30 feet (from the average ground elevation at the building wall to the top of the ceiling of the highest habitable floor). Ordinance #472 formally adopts that amendment. Mayor Randolph moved to approve Ordinance #472. Motion seconded by Mary Lou Barnhouse. AYE: Randolph, Barnhouse, Burris, Bowen, Phillips NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 13: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REOUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A FINAL PLAT FOR MINGO COMMERCE CENTER, A RE -SUBDIVISION OF A PART OF LOT 1, BLOCK 20, ELM CREEK ESTATES FIRST ADDITION, OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, AND GENERALLY LOCATED IMMEDIATELY EAST OF MAZZIO'S ON EAST 80TH STREET NORTH. The Owasso Planning Commission recommended approval of the final plat for Mingo Commerce Center at its November 18, 1993 meeting. The plat has also been reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee. Charles Burris moved, seconded by John Phillips, to approve the final plat for Mingo Commerce Center. AYE: Burris, Phillips, Barnhouse, Bowen, Randolph NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 14: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST BY THE DEVELOPER FOR AN AMENDMENT TO THE PLAT OF DOUBLE OAKS II WHEREIN THE BUILDING LINE ON LOT 22 BLOCK 1, WOULD BE CHANGED FROM 25 FEET TO 15 FEET. Double Oaks Inc requested that a building line on a lot located within the Double Oaks II addition be reduced from 25 feet to 15 feet. All requirements have been met and the Planning 5 Owasso City Council December 7, 1993 Commission has recommended approval of the plat amendment. Charles Burris moved, seconded by Rex Bowen, to approve an amendment to the northeast building line of Lot 22, Block 1, Double Oaks H, reducing such building line from 25 feet to 15 feet. AYE: Burris, Bowen, Phillips, Barnhouse, Randolph NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 15: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER Mr Ray said that the new fire department vehicles were on display outside the Community Center for viewing. ITEM 16: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY No report. ITEM 17: UNFINISHED BUSINESS Councilor Burris report on the Youth Activities committee and commended the Council for the choice of members. John Groth, a citizen, commented on the new police cars. ITEM 18: NEW BUSINESS None ITEM 19: ADJOURNMENT Charles Burris moved, seconded by John Phillips to adjourn. AYE: Burris, Phillips, Bowen, Barnhouse, Randolph NAY: None Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Marcia Boutwell, Council Clerk Bob Randolph, Mayor CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND 12/21/9:3 11:51:14 A/P CLAIMS REPORT #VENDORDESCRIPTION x. NODEPARTMENTMASTERFOUNDx 941:31.8 DEBRA HADFIELD DEPARTMENT TOTAL. MANAGERIAL 9401.15 RODNEY RAY 940962 MISER ASPHALT CO 941190 SHANGRI-LA 9412 9 CAMERA GALLERY 941248 JACKS ELECTRIC 941.291 KIMBALL ACE: HARDWARE 941298 CELLULAR ONE-TULSA 9 4 [: 0") TREASURER PETTY CASH 941 04 CITY GARAGE 941305 CITY GARAGE 941:32 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN DEPARTMENT TOTAL FINANCE 940828 PRO PUB INC 940904 CPS BUSINESS, INC. 941:302' TREASURER PETTY CASH 941.338 SUBURBAN OFFICE SUPPLY DEPARTMENT TOTAL. COMMUNITYDEVELOPME.N1 940005 TUL.SA COUNTY MIS 94012 MCCAW COMMUNICATIONS 941:23:3 ALEXANDER BATTERY 941:30 TREASURER PETTY CASH 941304 CITY GARAGE: 941:305 CITY GARAGE IiEPARTMENT TOTAL_ 'MUNICIPAL COURT REFUND EXPENSE REIMB DRAINAGE WORK CHAMBER RETREAT PICTURE HOLDERS REMOVE LIGHT FIXTURES WINTER.' WONDERLAND 11/92 USE: REIMB PETTY CASH PARTS FUEL SUPPLIES HANDBOOK W-2/1094'S REIMB PETTY CASH SUPPLIES DIAL -UP SERVICE PAGER RENTAL BATTERIES REIMB PETTY CASH PARTS FUEL APAPVR PAGE: AMOUNT :30.00 .:68.62 650.00 138.00 s8.00 150.00 36.40 59.14 1cD1.'.4 8.20 1.76 22.68 1,614.14 27.72 G. 128.56 43.1. 1:_6.14 40.00 44.90 ' 3 2 5.00 19.78 76.45 309.251 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUNK 12/21/93 11:51:14 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 940027 C:HARLES RAMSEY RETAINER 700.00 941128 DOES PRINT SHOP PRINTING 257.00 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 957.00 ENGINEERING 941280 SHERYL DUGGAN REIMB PHONE CALLS 21.88 941302 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMR PETTY CASH 2.4: 941305 CITY GARAGE FUEL 41.19 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 65.50 GENERAL GOVERNMENT 940089 DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS DOC EMPLOYEES 211.20 940090 MEMBER SERVICE LIFE PRE TAX ADM FEES 117.00 940116 RONALD D CATES RETAINER 1,417.25 941001 TULSA WORLD ADVERTISEMENT 131.50 941066 THOMASON & MOSS ADDITIONAL COVERAGE 260.00 941081 RETHERFORD PUBLICATIONS LEGAL NOTICE 204.17 941228 TREASURER PETTY CASH DOC MEALS 378.47 941294 THOMASON ° MOSS BOND RENEWAL 450.00 941299 SUBURBAN OFFICE SUPPLY SUPPLIES 26.02 94la01 OKLA MUNICIPAL. LEAGUE CODE BOOKS 105.00 941302 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMR PETTY CASH 5.00 941:0: TREASURER PETTY CASH DOC MEALS 241.63 941305 CITY GARAGE FUEL 54.61 941323 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN SUPPLIES 146.25 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =. 2,748.10 MAINTENANCE 940124 MCCAW COMMUNICATIONS PAGER RENTAL 22.45 941076 CINTAS CORP. UNIFORM RENT/CLEAN 53.69 941249 EMPIRE PLUMBING SUPPLY IN SUPPLIES 17.17 941289 WAL-MART SUPPLIES 79.76 941290 TAYLOE PAPER CO SUPPLIES 15.89 941320 KIMBALL. ACE HARDWARE SUPPLIES 70.06 DEPARTMENT TOTAL =_-_. 259.02 4 CEMETERY 1 11/L1./9_: 11:51:14 '---FO-t#--------VENDOR CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: DESCRIPTION -- - -------- - 941:_:04 CITY GARAGE DEPARTMENT TOTAL ' POLICE SERVICES --------------- PARTS 94001.4 DEPT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CRIMINAL I._AW BOOKS 94002.9 MCCAW COMMUNICATIONS PAGER RENTAL. 9400::c: DEPT OF PUBLIC SAFETY TELETYPE LEASE 9400::4 WESTERN BUSINESS PRODUCTS COPIER MAINT/OVERAGE 940887 PATROL TECHNOLOGY BADGES ' 941.006 941"'.15 ERICSSi)N GE MOBILE COMMUN LAW ENFORCEMENT EQUIP CO RADIO FIREARM CERTIFICATION 941 42- KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE FARTS/WIRE 941'242 GUIK. TRIP CORP FUEL 941. ' 4 6 PHIL.LIPS POLICE EQUIP UNIFORM ' 941247 VINES MINI -STORAGE: STORAGE RENT 941251 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN FURNITURE. 941290 TAYLOE PAPER CO SUPPLIES 941.:302? TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 941:04 CITY GARAGE FARTS 941305 CITY GARAGE FUEL ' 941308 HOWARD STAMPER INSTALLATION 941. 09 SECRETARY OF STATE NOTARY RENEWAL_ 941240 TRIM RITE RESTRIPING DEPARTMENT TOTAL. ====. CENTRAL DISPATCH ---------------------------------- 941O44 WAL.-MART DEPARTMENT TOTAL. ANIMAL.. CONTROL.. ------------------------- 940920 TREASURER PETTY CASH 941245 WAL-MART 941:304 CITY GARAGE DEPAR- tlLNT TOTAL PAPER AHA SEMINAR At4IMAL SUPPLIES FARTS 755.82' ------------- 755.8e 50.00 1.45.66 :50.00 1L9.1- 148.50 86.89 999.00 :8.49 `5.80 422.95 1.20.00 «8.00 48.80 ^4 1,2 16.74 51.62 :5a00 20.00 1,975.28 --------------- 7,020.:39 ti7.94 --------------- 27.94 59.62' 48.49 1.00 109.11 FIRE SERIVCES CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL_ FUND 12/21/93 1.1:51:14 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # ---------- 'VENDOR ------------------------- DESCRIPTION ------------------------- AMOUNT ------------- 940047 MCCAW COMMUNICATIONS PAGER RENTAL 44.90 940942 FSIO CONFERENCE 110.00 940945 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB/TRAINING, 970:3 940946 TREASURER PETTY CASH TRAINING 95.27 940947 TREASURER PETTY CASH TRAINING 84.04 941060 CELLULAR ONE-TULSA USAGE 25.40 941219 TREASURER PETTY CASH PICKUP WATER TANKER 210.15 94126? WAL.-MART SUPPLIES 1.49.26 941264 VOLUNTEER VOLUNTEER RUNS 445.50 941265 UTICA PARE; CLINIC HEP B SHOTS 4:30.21. 941266 KEVIN BAUGESS RADIO INSTALLATION 450.00 941267 BOLAY MOBIL_ECOM INC REPAIRS 272.90 941268 OKLA, CARDIOVASCULAR INST PHYSICAL/KELLEY 255.00 941269 CELLULAR ONE:-TULSA REPAIR 55.00 941.270 TUXALL UNIFORM ° EQUIP UNIFORM/KELLEY L _1 •- . 253 15 941273 OKLA STATE FIREFIGHTERS MEMBERSHIP DUES 899.00 941.302 TREASURER PETTY CASH REIMB PETTY CASH 9.97 941,05 CITY GARAGE FUEL. 26804 DEPARTMENT TOTAL. ___- 4,155.92 CIVIL_ DEFENSE ------------------------------ 94012? CELLULAR ONE-TULSA USAGE/STAMPER 10.00 -------------- DEPARTMENT TOTAL. ___ 10.00 STREETS ------------------------------ 94O124 MCCAW COMMUNICATIONS PAGER RANTAL 22.45 941.073 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE SUPPLIES 119.01 941076 CINTAS CORP. UNIFORM RENT/CLEAN 14.2.00 941140 OKLA STATE INDUSTRIES SIGNS 110.00 9411.77 CINTAS CORP. UNIFORMS 306.94 941222 A-1 FENCE SIGN POSTS 239.40 941284 GRACE SAND CO SAND 68.75 941804 CITY GARAGE PARTS 902.73 941005 CITY GARAGE FUEL 1.62.56 DEPARTMENT TOTAL.. =_--. ,073.84 RECREATION CENTER ------------------------------ ri 941232 JACKS ELECTRIC: INSTALL.. LIGHTING 1,590.00 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND 12/20/93 9:20:S2 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MANAGERIAL ------------------------------ 941367 RAMSEY'S STEAK OUT CATERING 2,000.00 ------------- DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> 2,000.00 FIRE SERIVCES ------------------------------ 941344 WILLIAM F. O'MEARA, JR. LEASE PAYMENT 1,042.02 ------------- DEPARTMENT TOTAL =___> 1,042.02 ------------- FUND TOTAL =___> 3,042.02 ------------- GRAND TOTAL =___> 3,042.02 1 CITY OF OWASSO 'GENERAL FUND 12/21/93 11:51:14 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: 'VENDORDESCRIPTION AMOUNT ----------------------------- ---------- ------ 941275 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE 941278 HAMILL CO. 941290 TAYLOE PAPER CO 941302 TREASURER PETTY CASH 941304 CITY GARAGE DEPARTMENT TOTAL =_- SUPPLIES PRINTING SUPPLIES REIMB PETTY CASH PARTS COMMUNITY CENTER ® ------------------------------- 941171 ACCURATE FIRE EQUIPMENT SERVICES 94132=: OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN SUPPLIES ' DEPARTMENT TOTAL PARK MAINTENANCE 940124 MCCAW COMMUNICATIONS 940219 CINTAS CORP. 941195 NAPA AUTO PARTS ' 941196 A ° E DISTRIBUTING 941197 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE 941.198 HUGHES LUMBER CO 941199 HUGHES LUMBER CO 941302 TREASURER PETTY CASH 941304 CITY GARAGE 941305 CITY GARAGE ■ DEPARTMENT TOTAL ■ ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ------------------------------ 940040 CELLULAR ONE-TULSA 941274 SACK ° ASSOCIATES, INC. 941302 TREASURER PETTY CASH DEPARTMENT TOTAL ME FUND TOTAL. I I PAGER RENTAL UNIFORM CLEAN/RENTAL SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES REIMB PETTY CASH PARTS FUEL USAGE ENGR SERVICES REIMB PETTY CASH 38.45 38.00 4'.83 9.00 9.78 1,729.06 108.78 6.96 ------------- 115.74 .45 L L 14_:.85 119.95 289.41 104.15 200.84 -, 66.96 44L.48 101.74 I,724.80 19.70 500.00 47.82 ------------- 567.52 ------------- 25,608.71 7 I I CITY OF OWASSO WORKERS`' COMP SELF -INS FLAN 12/21/9:? 11:51:14 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL GOVERNMENT ------------------------------ 940170 DARRELL EVANS T.T.D. 626.72 941189 RADIOLOGY CONSULTANTS OF CLAIM/EVANS 153.38 941191 TULSA NEUROMED, INC CLAIM/EVANS 140.00 941295 BERKLEY RISE; MANAGEMENT ADMIN FEE 778.3=: DEPARTMENT TOTAL. __-=. 1,698.4= ------------- FUND TOTAL =__-. 1,698.43 1 CITY OF OWASSO AMBULANCE SERVICE FUND 8 I 12/21/93 11:51:14 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: U PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- Y AMBULANCE = ------------------------------ 941048 PACE PRODUCTS OF TULSA IN OXYGEN/RENTAL 941060 CELLULAR ONE-TULSA USAGE 941147 TREASURER PETTY CASH MEALS/FUEL/ALLEN N 941253 DYNA MED SUPPLIES 941256 UTICA PARK CLINIC HEP B SHOT 941257 DR. AMBROSE SOLANO, M.D. AUDIT 941335 OK STATE DEPT HEALTH EMT RECERT FEE DEPARTMENT TOTAL ====> FUND TOTAL ====> I I I I 1 I / J I I I 2O.00 35.00 311.13 132.35 25.00 25O.00 _____________ 868.48 2 CITY OF OWASSO COMMUNITY CENTER 12/21/9 11:51:14 A/P CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: PO 4 VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMUNITY CENTER ------------------------------ 941322 CITY CARPETS DEPARTMENT TOTAL FUND TOTAL SUPPLIES 130.00 ------------- 1=:0.00 ------------- 180.00 0 CITY OF OWASSO ' DEBT SERVICE 12/21/92 11:51:14 A/P CLAIMS REPORT PO # _--------VENDOR- DESCRIPTION-- - ------- --------- ------ GENERAL -OBLIGATION -BONDS, :3 -197 941293 TULSA COUNTY ASSESSOR DEPARTMENT TOTAL ■ FUND TOTAL ====. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 VISUAL INSPECTION APAPVR PAGE.: AMOUNT --------------- 169.18 ------------- 169.18 ------------- 169.18 X CITY OF OWASSO CITY GARAGE 12/21/93 11:51:14 A/P CLAIMS REPORT PO # VENDOR DESCRIPTION ---------- ------------------------- --------------------- CITY GARAGE ------------------------------ 941036 GRAINGER,W W INC 941076 CINTAS CORP. 941125 NAPA AUTO PARTS 941126 DOWERS OIL CO. 941163 WELSCO INC 941285 AEC TREADCO 941290 TAYLOE PAPER CO 941304 CITY GARAGE 941305 CITY GARAGE 941323 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN DEPARTMENT TOTAL ===-. FUND TOTAL GRAND TOTAL PARTS UNIFORM RENT/CLEAN PARTS FUEL OXYGEN/ACETYLENE TIRES SUPPLIES PARTS FUEL SUPPLIES APAPVR PAGE: AMOUNT --------------- 326.10 288.65 2,056. 9 728.24 :=.60 180.08 10.00 11-02 9.89 9.96 3,664.23 ------------- '., 664.23 ------------- 581670.56 12 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: PROPOSED FUNDING SOURCE FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT AND FIREFIGHTING SERVICES II DATE: December 17, 1993 BACKGROUND Currently, police and fire services operated by the City of Owasso are funded from revenues collected and deposited in the General Fund. The major revenue source for the General Fund is the municipal sales tax. The City of Owasso has a three percent (3 cents) sales tax levied on the sale of eligible goods and services. Two percent (2 cents) of that tax is utilized for city operations and one percent (1 cent) is set aside for funding capital improvement projects. Currently, one percent of sales tax generates approximately 1.12 million dollars annually. From the two percent sales tax dedicated to operations, the city must fund all programs and services except water, wastewater and refuse operations. Simply put, the two cent sales tax must pay for streets, drainage, parks, administration, police, fire, planning, engineering, Community Center, Recreation Center, all insurances, fees, and the many miscellaneous needs of a 3.5 million dollar business. Defining what are considered to be essential services in a growing community is difficult. There are often conflicting priorities that force essential services to compete with other programs that are desirable, but not critical to the basic needs of the citizen. 1 For the past two years, it has been a goal of the staff to develop some alternative funding sources for municipal operations in Owasso. A growth -mode city faces challenges on every front to maintain and improve services while functioning within a financial framework that inhibits the community from "keeping up" with that growth and the resulting demand on its departments. The system dictates that a growth city will be two to three years behind in its ability to fund improved or expanded services. It is clearly apparent that in order to meet the citizens growing demand for services, there must be a consideration of additional funding sources for operations. Owasso citizens have recognized this fact in past years when they gave overwhelming support for the first penny sales tax (1968), the second penny sales tax (1973), the third penny sales tax for funding of major infrastructure improvements (1983), the ambulance MEMORANDUM Proposed Funding Source December 17, 1993 Page 2 funding surcharge (1987), the third penny sales tax extension for capital improvements (1988), the E911 surcharge (1990), and the enterprise fund capital improvements fees (1992). The city's population is continuing to grow at record rates. With the annexation of more than two square miles during the last three years, and a growing business community, the critical needs of this community in the areas of public safety, transportation, planning, and recreation are not being met in a manner consistent with the expectations of the citizens, policy makers, or staff.xs1 tc.tntttte: ritnotttr-de:;:d "SMsston It is the staff position that current funding sources are inadequate to meet the essential needs of the city in our present growth mode. While the General Fund revenues are increasing each year, the amount of money needed to fund public safety programs/services is growing at a rate we are unable to afford if we are to continue to meet increasing demands on the other municipal services. Since 1990 the city has increased appropriations to the police and fire departments by 54%, while combined appropriations to all other departments grew by only 37%. Additionally, our manpower levels in the police and fire departments are just now getting back to the 1986 levels (after 1986 the city's sales tax receipts were down for two years resulting in reductions in manpower levels), while most other departments are still below their 1986 manpower levels. The above figures are not intended to indicate that the city is not meeting its obligations to serve the citizens, but rather to indicate that it is not realistic to expect the various departments to meet an increasing demand for services without the financial resources required for that task. For instance, the city has annexed approximately two square miles of land since 1990 and has accepted or committed to accepting more than thirty miles of streets within those developing areas. Yet, in that same three years, there has been virtually no expenditure of General Fund dollars to rebuild or maintain the existing ninety miles of streets under its jurisdiction. In fact, ' there have not been funds available for a major street program since 1988, and that 1988 street program was funded through Bond Issue proceeds, not General Fund dollars. Another prime ' example of our financial inability to fund multiple priorities is found in the FY 1992-93 budget. During that year, all new monies collected by the General Fund were dedicated to the acquisition of additional manpower to the extent that no new services or programs were permitted in any , department and salaries for existing employees were frozen for that year, allowing for no salary increases. Based on current revenue levels, a one percent (one penny) sales tax generates 1.12 million dollars for the city. A staff evaluation of the sales tax indicates that it will continue to grow at a rate of not less than 5 % for the foreseeable future. A historical perspective of the past five ' MEMORANDUM Proposed Funding Source December 17, 1993 Page 3 years gives a strong indication that, given the current revenue sources, the city will not be in a position to fund police and fire needs of the community at the desired level without a policy decision to continue to reduce the level of expenditures in all other areas of municipal services. Using the above information as a statement of a critical problem, the staff conducted an initial review of the available options, established a criteria for what a viable solution should accomplish, and then selected the preferred method to address the problem. THE PROBLEM ■ During the past three years, the General Fund revenues have increased by about 31% ' while, the police and fire appropriations grew at a rate of 44%, forcing a reduction in General Fund increases to other services and still not adequately providing for growth and improvement in existing police and fire service levels. THE CRITERIA FOR SOLUTION It was determined that the criteria for a successful solution to the problem must include the following: 1. Provide a permanent funding source. ' 2. Provide a funding source that would supply adequate money. 3. Provide funding for the critical area of public safety needs. ' 4. Produce enough funds to allow normal General Fund growth to be directed to other areas of need such as streets, parks, and drainage. ' . Provide guarantees to citizens that money would be utilized in a manner consistent 5 g y ' with the "Problem Statement". 6. Must be an attainable solution that is realistic. MEMORANDUM Proposed Funding Source December 17, 1993 Page 4 EVALUATION OF SOLUTIONS Various solutions were reviewed and time frames were developed. Possible solutions considered included federal grant funds, increased fees for services in all areas of municipal services, local gasoline tax, a reduction in some levels of existing services, the elimination of some existing services, and an increase in the city's basic revenue source (sales tax). After a comparative analysis of the alternative solutions that considered the criteria indicated above and the advantages/disadvantages of each, the staff determined that the€t Unfortunately, at about the same time that decision was made, the organization became involved in a change of leadership within the police department. That situation made it necessary to place the proposal "on hold" until the issue was resolved. Subsequently, the city employed Chief Alexander and the public safety leadership team (Chief Allen and Chief Alexander) was once again complete. Chief Alexander began quickly to give clear indications of short and long term needs within the department and displayed a grasp of those needs that indicated a leadership awareness and understanding of the overall problem, even though she had not been present during the evaluation of the problem or alternative solutions. Upon completion of a re-evaluation of alternative solutions and the potential of the new leadership team to provide the basis for support, a final decision was made to move the sales tax proposal forward. At that point, the chiefs were included in the process and a general concept was outlined for discussion purposes and development of a strategy for finalizing the proposal. DEVELOPING THE PROPOSAL The first step in the successful implementation of the proposed solution required input and consensus from several groups during the developmental stage of the proposal. Groups that were considered key to the success were the City Council, senior staff, police employees and fire employees. Initial discussions between the City Manager and various members of the City Council indicated that the general concept of an earmarked sales tax was one that might be well received if certain provisions and safeguards were included. Additionally, discussions were conducted with representatives of the police and fire department's bargaining unit relative to the general concept. Those representatives were then asked to provide input in the concept development by appointing a member of their group to sit as a member of a team that would be created to draft a proposal for Council consideration. 11 I I MEMORANDUM Proposed Funding Source December 17, 1993 Page 5 The team subsequently created for that purpose included: Chief Alexander - Police Department Chief Allen - Fire Department William Mozingo - FOP Mark Stuckey - IAFF Sherry Bishop - Finance Director Rodney Ray - City Manager Ron Cates - City Attorney The team began meeting the last week of November to develop a final proposal/concept, and met at least twice per week during the following three weeks. The concept was refined and a final proposal developed based on a consensus of the team. It should be noted that "consensus" does not mean that everyone totally agrees with every portion of a proposal, but, rather, the parties agree that, in the spirit of solving a problem, all are willing to set aside some specific concerns to achieve a common goal. In this case, the team members represented different groups with some entirely differing viewpoints; thus, while a consensus was reached, it should be noted that the details of the proposal are the product of a willingness on everyone's part to find a workable solution to the problem of public safety funding. ' The team has completed its task and submits for your consideration the following concept and proposal for the funding of this community's public safety needs. PROPOSAL CONCEPT The following points were developed by the team as the key concepts to be included in the appropriate legal documents: ' • Increase sales tax from 3 % to 3.5 % on eligible items. Estimated revenues from a .5 % increase is $600,000 for the first year. • Dedicate the entire increase to uses in the police and fire departments only. ' • Establish language to allow oversight by the Sales Tax Watchdog Committee of revenue generated by the .5 % increase. ' • Add two members to current Watchdog Committee, one member representing firefighters to be appointed by bargaining unit, and one member representing police ' department appointed by bargaining unit. MEMORANDUM Proposed Funding Source December 17, 1993 Page 6 • Ballot to contain language that will allow money from a .5 % increase to be restricted to the following uses, in the priority listed: A. Salary enhancement B. New manpower C. Facilities and equipment D. Enhancement of police and fire services or training as requested by the departments and included in budget appropriation • Salary enhancement program to be top priority by utilizing concept of "market level salaries". Such to be determined through the negotiation process allowed by statute, but enhanced by information provided to city and bargaining units annually by a "Salary Survey" Committee. Requirement contained on ballot that Salary Survey Committee prepare an annual survey of a minimum of ten cities of similar demographics and situation in a seven state region, such region to be comprised of Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, New Mexico, and Oklahoma; provided, however, that at least 50% of those cities surveyed have a population equal to the projected population of Owasso five years from the date of the survey, as established by the Indian Nations Council of Governments, and tha% of cities surveyed must be located outside the Tulsa SMSA (Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area). The Salary Survey Committee's annual report must contain all pertinent data used by the committee and must contain a section clearly showing the survey findings of the low, average and high salary for each position that is listed by the Owasso fire and police department's Table of Organization. The Salary Survey Committee must complete its survey and report findings to bargaining units and City Council prior to February 15th each year. Cities to be surveyed are to be selected annually by the committee prior to October 1st and such selection immediately reported to the bargaining units and the City Council. The Salary Survey Committee shall be comprised of the following positions: A. One representative of FOP or authorized bargaining unit for police employees B. One representative of IAFF or authorized bargaining unit for fire department employees C. Police Chief D. Fire Chief E. Personnel Clerk F. One member of City Council • General Fund contribution to police and fire departments shall remain at the 1993-94 fiscal year budget/appropriation level regardless of amount of revenue generated by the .5 % increase; provided, however, that there shall be an annual calculation of the value 11 L MEMORANDUM Proposed Funding Source December 17, 1993 Page 7 of the dollar based on reports generated by the federal government relating to the value of the dollar as compared to a base year. Should that review indicate that the value of the dollar has declined as measured against the base year, it shall then be required that the General Fund contribution for the following year to the police and fire departments be increased by the exact percentage of the decrease of the value of the dollar; provided, however, that in no instance shall the increase in the General Fund contribution be required to be greater than the percentage increase in sales tax revenue during the year, such limitation to ensure that an increase in funds from the General Fund resulting from a decline in the value of the dollar does not result in disproportionate contribution of actual revenue to the police and fire departments. • Revenue from the .5 % increase shall be expended on an equitable basis, with the goal of utilizing funds equally between the two departments. However, it is recognized that the initial funding of a police department facility is a priority project, therefore, the funding concept includes an initial three-year allocation of 80 % to the police department and 20% to the fire department, with a requirement that fire department projects will be funded at the same level of expenditure for the following three years. Thereafter, it is required that all revenue will be evenly allocated, with 50% to the fire department and 50 % to the police department. PROPOSED METHOD TO IMPLEMENT CONCEPT Based on input from Mr Cates, it is proposed that the City Council take action to approve Ordinance #474 and submit that ordinance to the Owasso voters for their approval. Such ordinance, if approved by the voters, will increase the sales tax from 3 % to 3.5 %, will establish purposes for which proceeds from the increase can be used, and will provide for safeguards for ensuring key concepts of the proposal as approved by the Council are implemented. Additionally, the method of implementing the concept requires a resolution from the Council calling for the ordinance to be submitted to the voters for their approval or rejection, and providing notice to the election board of such election for March 1, 1994. Should the Council approve of the submission of the ordinance to the voters, and should the voters approve the ordinance, the increase in the sales tax would become effective on or about April 1st, with the first revenue available in June or July. If that scenario were to occur, it would be possible to implement market level salaries in July, approve a major facilities project in July for construction beginning in late 1994 or early 1995, and review the manpower requirements of those departments in July. Additionally, the FY 1994-95 budget could allow for the beginning of a consistent street program using funds that otherwise would have been expended to fund growth and salary increases in the police and fire departments. 6 MEMORANDUM Proposed Funding Source December 17, 1993 Page 8 Mr Cates has prepared the proposed ordinance and resolution based on the key concepts developed by the committee. That ordinance and resolution are attached for your review. COMMENTS • Ms Bishop and I believe we are at a critical point in the long-term financial planning process for the city. Based on the data available, it is clear that the city must either provide additional funding for public safety services or be prepared to recognize our inability to enhance or expand essential services beyond their current levels. In the past four years, the combined police and fire budgets have increased to a point that they now utilize more than 50% of our total General Fund budget. Long-term projections indicate that if we continue this trend, we will eventually reach a point that will not provide for other services at anything but minimum levels. • The March 1st election date is requested because information indicates that support for a similar Tulsa sales tax election is very strong. By conducting an election on the same day as Tulsa's election, our issue will receive broader publicity that would not otherwise be available. Additionally, the city must fund Council elections on that date, therefore it is cost effective for the sales tax question to be placed on that same ballot (saving over $4000 when compared to the cost of a special election). • The use of a dedicated .5 % sales tax will provide a funding source for the police and fire departments that will grow as the city grows. One-half penny now generates $600,000 per year; projections indicate that amount will grow to $750,000 by FY 1998 (these projections are based on a generally conservative estimate of revenues). In order for a solution to truly be effective, a growth potential must be an inherent part of the solution. The sales tax provides for that growth potential for as long as the city is in a growth mode. REQUEST This request is for Council approval of the concept of increasing the municipal sales tax from 3 % to 3.5 %, dedicating that increase exclusively to the police and fire services, enactment of Ordinance #474, and adoption of Resolution #93-10 submitting the ordinance to a vote of the citizens for approval or rejection. MEMORANDUM Proposed Funding Source December 17, 1993 Page 9 RECOMMENDATION The staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance #474 and Resolution #93-10, and that the Mayor be authorized to execute the necessary documents consistent with the intent of those actions. ATTACHMENTS 1. Ordinance #474 2. Resolution #93-10 3. Graph I - General Fund expenditures without .5 % sales tax increase 4. Graph II - General Fund expenditures with .5 % sales tax increase City General Fund Without Sales Tax Increase 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 City General Fund With Sales Tax Increase $6,000,000 $5,000,000 $4,000,000 $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 L7 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE NUMBER 474 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE PROVISIONS OF PART 7, FINANCE AND TAXATION, CHAPTER 2, SALES TAX, SECTION 7-207, PURPOSE OF REVENUES AND 7-208 TAX RATES; SALES SUBJECT TO TAX, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, BY PROVIDING AN INCREASE IN EXCISE TAX LEVY IN THE AMOUNT OF ONE-HALF PERCENT (1/2%) IN ADDITION TO THE PRESENT EXCISE TAXES LEVIED BY THE SALES TAX CODE OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA UPON THE GROSS PROCEEDS OR GROSS RECEIPTS DERIVED FROM ALL SALES TO ANY PERSON TAXABLE UNDER THE SALES TAX LAWS OF OKLAHOMA; PROVIDING FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE ADDITIONAL ONE-HALF PERCENT (1/2%) SALES TAX AND EARMARKING SAME FOR SUCH PURPOSES WITH PROVISIONS BEING MADE FOR OVERSIGHT THEREOF BY THE OWASSO SALES TAX WATCHDOG COMMITTEE, PROVIDING FOR ADDITIONAL REPRESENTATION ON THE OWASSO SALES TAX WATCHDOG COMMITTEE, PROVIDING FOR A SALARY SURVEY COMMITTEE, PROVIDING FOR REQUIREMENT OF APPROVAL BY A MAJORITY OF THE QUALIFIED REGISTERED VOTERS VOTING AT AN ELECTION HELD FOR SUCH PURPOSES AS PROVIDED BY LAW, PROVIDING FOR AMENDMENTS, PROVIDING PROVISIONS CUMULATIVE, PROVIDING PROVISIONS SEVERABLE AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT, TO WIT: Section One (1): In addition to and cumulative of the excise tax of three percent (3%) levied upon gross proceeds or gross receipts derived from all sales taxable under Section 7-208 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, an excise tax in the additional amount of one-half percent (1/2%) is hereby levied upon the gross proceeds or gross receipts derived from all sales taxable under the sales tax laws of the State of Oklahoma, including, but not limited to, the specific taxable sales and service transactions enumerated in Paragraphs 1 through 22 of Section 7-208 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. The additional excise tax levied pursuant to the provisions hereof shall be codified at Section 7-208 Tax Rate; Sales Subject to Tax, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, by deletion in the first paragraph thereof of "three percent (30)" and in lieu thereof there be placed "three and one-half percent (3 1/2%)", all other provisions of existing Section 7-208 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, will remain unchanged hereby. Section. Two (2): Part 7, Finance and Taxation, Chapter 2, ' Sales Tax, Section 7-207, Purposes of Revenues, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, shall be amended by providing the following, to wit: L7 SECTION 7-207 PURPOSE OF REVENUES. A. It is hereby declared to be the purpose of the first and second sales taxes to provide revenues for the support of the functions of municipal government of the city. B. It is hereby declared to be the purpose of the third cent tax to provide revenues for the purpose of placing such revenues in the debt service fund of the Owasso Public Works Authority (the "Authority") to be used to pay the principal and interest requirements on the 1988 revenue bonds issued by the Authority through October 31, 2007, and to continue to make deposits to the sinking fund on the outstanding general obligation bonds of 1983 of the city through August 31, 1992, and ishereafter for making deposits in an amount equal to fifteen percent (15%) of the proceeds of the one percent sales tax to the capital future fund of the city for the purposes of funding future capital improvement projects of the city as authorized by the voters of the city in an election called for that purpose. All revenues generated from the one percent (1%) sales tax must be restricted for the use of capital projects only; the projects to be reviewed by the capital improvements committee, approved by the city council, with oversight given thereto by the citizens' watchdog committee, which shall be established by the city council, and subject to competitive bidding as required by law. Any additional indebtedness incurred by the city or the Authority utilizing the one percent- sales tax must be approved by a majority of the registered, qualified voters of the city, voting at periodic elections for such purposes. C. (1) It is hereby declared to be the purpose of the one-half percent (1/2%) sales tax increase to be a limited purpose to provide for and be restricted to expenditures in the police department and the fire department of the City of Owasso Oklahoma. Such expenditures are to be in the followinq prioritized categories, a. Salary Enhancement, b. Increase Personnel, C. Facilities and Equipment, and d. Enhancement of Police and Fire Services or Training as requested by the departments and included in the annual budget appropria- tion. It is intended that the additional excise tax levy of one- half percent (1/2%) is to supplement existing funding for the police and fire departments to enhance the services to be provided therefrom. To assure accomplishment of such intent the general fund contribution of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, to the police department and fire department shall remain at the fiscal year 1993-1994 budget level irrespective of the increase revenue generated bV the additional one-half percent (1/2%),excise tax levied by the provisions of this ordinance. Further, there should be a bi-annual calculation of the value of the dollar based upon reports generated bV the United States government relating to the value of the dollar as compared to the base year 1994. Should that calculation - 2 - indicate that the value of the dollar has declined as measured against the base mar, it_shall then be required that-._ the general fund contribution to the police department and fire department be increased I?y the exact percentage of the decrease of the value of the dollar. In no instance shall the increase in the general fund contribution be required to be greater than the percentage increase in the sales tax revenue during the two year period. Such limitation is to assure that increase in contribution resulting from decline in value of dollar does not result in a disproportionate contribution of actual revenue to the police department and the fire department_ (2) The Citizens' Sales Tax Watchdog Committee, as authorized and organized pursuant to Ordinance No. 395, August 18 1988 shall be expanded by inclusion thereon of one (1) firefighter representative appointed by the lawful bargaining unit representing the firefighters and one (1) police officer representative as appointed by the recognized bargaining unit of the police office. Such additional members shall be appointed on an annual basis. The Citizens' Sales Tax Watchdog Committee with the additional members, shall oversee the expenditure of the additional excise tax levied pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance to assure expenditure only for the categorized and prioritized purposes _The salary enhancement program, categorized and designated as a top priority, shall be implemented by utilizing the concept of "market level salaries." Although salary enhancement shall be determined through the collective bargaining process as required by state law, such process shall be enhanced by information provided to city and the bargaining units of the respective departments annually by the Salary Survey Committee. The Salary Survey Committee shall. be comprised of the following positions, _LL_a representative of the Fraternal Order of Police or authorized bargaining unit representative for the police_officers; (b) a representative of the International Association of Firefighters, or authorized bargaining unit representative for fire department employees; (c) police chief; (d) fire chief; (e) personnel officer/director/clerk as appointed by the City Manager; and (f) a member of the City Council. The Salary Survev Committee shall prepare an annual survey of cities of comparable size and demographics in a seven -state region; provided, however, at least fifty percent (50%) of those cities surveyed must have a population equal to the projected population of Owasso, Oklahoma, five (5) years from the date of the survey, and seventy percent (70%) of the cities surveyed must be located outside the Tulsa Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area. The seven -state region shall include the following, Arkansas Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas. The Salary Survey Committee - 3 - annual report must contain all. pertinent data used by the Committee and must contain a section clearly showing the survey findings as .relates to low, average and high salary ' for each )osition that exists within the Owasso fire and police departments. The Salary Survey Committee must complete its survey and report the findings to the bargaining units and the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, prior to the ' fifteenth (15) day of February of each year. The cities within the seven -state region to be surveyed are to be selected annually by the Salary Survey Committee prior to October 1, and such selection reported to the bargaining , unit and the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. (4) The revenue from the additional excise tax shall be expended on an equitable basis with the goal of utilizing funds equally between the police department and , the fire department. However, it is recognized that the initial funding of the police department facility is a priority project. Therefore, the funding concept includes an initial three (3) year allocation of eighty percent (80%) , of the revenues received by the additional excise tax to the police department and twenty percent (20%) of the revenues received by the additional excise tax to the fire department. Subsequent thereto, the fire department projects will be ' funded at the same level of expenditure as existed for the police department during the preceding three ( 3 ) years for the succeeding three (3) years. Thereafter, all revenue will be evenly allocated with fifty percent (50%) of such revenue to the fire department and fifty percent (50%) to the police department. ft Section Three (31_L The citizens of Owasso, Oklahoma, by approval of this ordinance at the election provided for, hereby go authorize the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, by ordinances or resolutions duly enacted, to make such administrative and technical changes or additions in the method or manner of administration in enforcing this ordinance as may be necessary or proper for efficiency and fairness, except that the rate of the tax - herein provided for and the purposes of revenues shall not be changed without approval of the qualified electors of the city as provided by law. Section Four (4).- The provisions hereof shall be cumulative in addition to any and all other taxing provisions of the current ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. Such provisions shall be severable. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this ordinance is, for any reason, held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. Section Five (5)s This ordinance shall become effective when approved by a majority of the qualified registered voters of - 4 - the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. Upon approval, the levy of the additional one-half percent (1/2%) excise tax provided for hereunder shall begin April 1, 1994. Dated this day of _._ 1993. ATTEST: Sherry Bishop, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: - 5 - CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA By Bob Randolph, Mayor CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, CALLING FOR AN ELECTION WHEREAT THERE SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE QUALIFIED REGISTERED VOTERS OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKI.AIIOMA, THE. QUESTION OF WHETHER THE PROVISIONS OF ORDINANCE NO. 474 OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, SHALL BE APPROVED, SUBMITTING BALLOT QUESTION DESIGNATING TO THE SECRETARY OF THE ELECTION BOARD OF TULSA COUNTY THE PRECINCTS TO BE OPEN. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT: Section One (1): An election is hereby called to be held on the 1st day of March, 1994, whereat there shall be submitted to the qualified registered voters of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, the question of whether or not the provisions of Ordinance No. 474 of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, shall be approved. Section Two (2)_ The proposition to be presented to the qualified registered voters of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, shall read as follows, to wit: "Shall Ordinance No. 474 as passed by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, on the 21st day of December, 1993, amending the Owasso Sales Tax Code, Chapter 2, Part 7, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, by the addition thereto of amendatory language providing levying an additional one-half percent (1/2%) excise tax, such to be earmarked and expended only for categorized and delineated purposes of providing police and fire depart- ment, salary enhancement., increased personnel, facilities and equipment and enhancement of police and fire services or training as requested by the departments and included in the budget appropriation, all as specified in said Ordinance, be approved?" Shall it be approved? For the Above Proposition / YES Against the Above Proposition / NO Section Three (3)__ The City of Owasso, Oklahoma, herweby certifies to the Secretary of the Election Board of Tulsa County, Oklahoma, that the following precincts are to be open, to wit: 750, 751, 752, 753, 754, 755. - 2 - - 2 - Section Four (4): The City of Owasso, Oklahoma, further certifies that there are no qualified registered voters lying within the one hundred (100) foot fenceline of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, lying in Rogers County, Oklahoma. Dated this 21st day of December, 1993. CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA By Bob Randolph, Mayor ATTEST: Sherry Bishop, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney 1 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: REQUEST FROM EMPLOYEE TO WAIVE POLICY RELATIVE TO VACATION ACCUMULATION DATE: December 17, 1993 BACKGROUND Subsequent to a denial of a request to be paid for accumulated vacation upon his retirement, Mr Ralph Griffin (Public Works Department) requested that he be placed on the Council agenda for the purpose of an appeal of that denial. Even though the matter was a personnel issue and the Council -adopted policy is clear as to intent, I granted Ralph's request to appear before the Council to make his request. During 1990 and 1991, at his request, Mr Griffin was allowed to accumulate vacation in excess of the amounts allowed by policy. He has now indicated he will retire on January 28, 1994. After reviewing Mr Griffin's leave records, I directed Mr Carr to place Mr Griffin on vacation leave or request that Mr Griffin voluntarily take vacation leave in an amount necessary to reduce his accumulation to the maximum allowable level of 160 hours. Mr Griffin wishes to request a waiver of the Council's policy relating to vacation so that he can be paid for the accumulated leave. The excess vacation he has accumulated is valued at a sum of $2339. When added to the allowable carryover of 160 hours, the total cost to the City for vacation pay would be approximately $4728 (325 hours). COUNCIL OPTIONS It appears there are four options available to the Council. Option 1 - Repeal policy relating to vacation accumulation Option 2 - Waive policy for Mr Griffin Option 3 - Deny request Option 4 - Consider this issue as a personnel matter and direct the City Manager to handle as such Memorandum Vacation Policy Waiver December 17, 1993 Page 2 ATTACHMENTS 1. Personnel Policy, Chapter 5, Section 5-3(c) 2. Memorandum dated November 22, 1993 from Ralph Griffin 3. Memorandum dated November 24, 1993 from Robert Carr 4. Memorandum dated November 29, 1993 from Rodney J Ray MEMORANDUM TO: Robert Carr FROM: Ralph Griffin SUBJECT: Resignation - Effective 01/28/94 DATE: November 22.1993 Per your request, I am turning in my letter of resiqnation. My last day of work will be 01/28/94. MEMORANDUM TO: Rodney J. Ray City Manager FROM: F. Robert Carr Public Works Director SUBJECT: RALPH GRIFFIN RESIGNATION DATE: November 24, 1993 Attached is a copy of the resignation memorandum submitted by Ralph Griffin. His resignation is effective January 28, 1994. I have also attached the latest summary of his accrued vacation and comp time. As of the date of the report (November 22, 1993), he has a total of 325.50 hours and can have an additional 10.00 hours per month for the months of December and January. The maximum limit for his years of service is 160.16 hours �psi\dau\=�\&;rrm lu 1 ►i � :: ►I 1 1►i TO: F ROBERT CARR PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FROM: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER COPY: R°A SUBJECT: VACATION ACCRUAL FOR RALPH GRIFFIN DATE: November 29, 1993 Pursuant to the notice of retirement recently received from Ralph Griffin, please consider this correspondence as official notice of Mr Griffin's excessive accumulation of vacation leave time. Over the past two years Mr Griffin had my permission to accumulate vacation leave in excess of the allowable limit. However, only 160 of the accumulated 325.5 hours will be allowed to remain on the books as of January 28, 1994. Therefore, you are directed to ensure that Mr Griffin is afforded the opportunity to take his earned vacation time between this date and January 28, 1994. I recognize that such leave may have an adverse effect on your organization, but believe that the practice of paying for excessive accumulation is not in the best interest of the city and taxpayers. Please ensure that Ralph has the chance to reduce his vacation leave to a maximum of 160 hours no later than 1/28/94. I will expect a written reply to this directive outlining your response and actions taken to comply. CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA I PERSONNEL MANUAL July 1, 1992 CHAPTER 5 FRINGE BENEFITS 5-1 GENERAL STATEMENTS Fringe benefits are provided to employees for a number of reasons: (1) as an inducement to attract, recruit, and retain, highly qualified employees and staff, (2) as a measure of personal and family security to allow employees to give their full attention to their jobs and professional development; (3) as a requirement of law, in some cases. A. The Personnel Clerk is responsible for coordination and management of benefit programs. If you have a question about fringe benefits or a problem with our insurance protection plan, contact your supervisor or the Personnel Clerk. B. The following benefits are provided for full-time employees of the City: Paid Holidays Worker's Compensation Vacation Leave Life Insurance Sick Leave Employee Assistance Program Personal Leave Days Educational Compensation Retirement Benefit Optional Benefit Program Employee Insurance Benefits Credit Union 9 5-2 PAID HOLIDAYS A. All regular City employees shall be entitled to the following eleven (11) holidays: New Year's Day Thanksgiving Day Memorial Day Day after Thanksgiving Independence Day Christmas Eve Labor Day Christmas Day 3 Floating Holidays B. Eligible employees of the Police and Fire Departments shall receive holiday time according to their contract terms with the City. C. If an employee who is eligible to receive overtime is required to work an authorized holiday, he shall be compensated at 1 1/2 times his regular hourly rate. If a subsequent day off is not awarded in lieu of the holiday, the employee shall receive 2 1/2 times his normal rate. EXAMPLE: If an eligible employee is required to work a holiday and awarded a subsequent day off, eight (8) hours should be entered in the overtime column of the payroll record which calculates time and one-half. If the same employee works a holiday and is not awarded a subsequent day off, eight (8) hours should be entered in the regular hours column and eight (8) hours entered in the overtime column of the payroll record which calculates 2 1/2 times the normal hourly rate. (Police and Fire employees are exempt from this provision; refer to departmental operating procedure). D. When a holiday falls on an employee's regularly scheduled day off, the holiday shall be treated as though it had fallen on his next work day. E. When a holiday falls on Sunday, the following Monday shall be observed as the official holiday. When a holiday falls on Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be observed as the official holiday. 10 I I I I I I I I I I I I 5-3 VACATION LEAVE Vacation time is intended to benefit the employee and serve as a time of mental and physical refreshment. Therefore, employees are encouraged to use their vacation time. A. ELIGIBILITY Except for those employees covered by a contractual agreement, an employee is eligible to take 40 hours of vacation leave after completion of six (6) months of continuous full-time employment and sucessful completion of probationary period. After that time, vacation leave shall be accrued on a monthly basis. Increases in accrual will occur after the employee has completed 4 years, 9 years, 14 years and 19 years of service. B. EXPENDITURE Vacation leave shall not be expended in less than a one hour unit. Vacation leave shall not be expended for more than the actual number of hours available. It shall be the responsibility of each Department Director to report vacation leave used by each employee on the timesheets. Such records shall be submitted to the Payroll Clerk bi-weekly. ' rr : nds: t ::e uanrt: abe ed:" acat Q :: `T ?:: fttt: on> o ee>1ea�r::r :o 1.::::::::::::::::::.::::::::.:.::::.:::.:::::::::. _::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::.::::: I::::.y.::.::::::::::::::.:::P..: . ::.::......................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 D. Vacations will be scheduled by the Department Director to meet the operating requirements of the City and, whenever possible, the preference of the employee. Requests for vacation leave should be submitted to the Department Director a minimum of ten (10) working days in advance of proposed vacation. 5-4 SICK LEAVE An employee may accumulate sick leave upon completion of his first full month of employment. t A. ACCRUAL (1) Sick leave is accrued in units of one day per month worked. 13 (2) Sick leave accrual for employees whose regular shift is not 40 hours per week will be prorated. The , proration factor is calculated through a formula that divides the regular weekly hours by forty hours. Example: an employee who works a regular work week of 42 hours will have a proration factor of .1.05 that was determined by dividing 42 by 40. The normal accrual of 8 hours is then multiplied by that factor, in this case 1.05. Thus, an employee who works a 42 hour regular work schedule would calculate sick leave accrual by multiplying 8 hours X 1.05 for a total accrual of 8.4 hours sick leave for the month. Sick leave may be expended in units of no less than one hour. Any sick leave extending for part of three (3) consecutive days or three (3) days in any three (3) consecutive months must be accompanied by a physician's written statement certifying the employee's condition or his immediate family's condition that prevented the ' employee reporting to work. Any abuse of sick leave is justification for disciplinary action and possible dismissal. 12 C. ELIGIBILITY An employee is eligible to take sick leave for one of the following reasons: (1) Personal illness or physical incapacity other than incurred on the job, including medical, dental, or optical diagnosis or treatment, and pregnancy. (2) Serious illness of a member of the employee's immediate family requiring the employee's personal care or attention. Immediate family shall include husband or wife, father or mother of the employee, sister or brother of employee, children or legally adopted children of husband or wife both, or any other person whose relationship could justify the employee's absence, providing special approval by the Department Director is first obtained. ' (3) Exposure to a contagious disease that, in the opinion of the attending physician, could jeopardize the health of others. ' (4) All disabilities caused or contributed to by pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions. For all job - related purposes, said disabilities shall be treated as disabilities caused or contributed to by other medical conditions. D. PROCEDURE An employee who is unable to report for work due to one of the above reasons shall report his absence to his supervisor within one hour of the time he is expected to report for work. E. ACCUMULATION Sick leave may be accumulated to a maximum of 1000 hours. F. SEPARATION Upon separation, an employee shall not be compensated for any unused sick leave. 1 1 13 5-5 RETIREMENT BENEFITS Participation in a retirement plan is mandatory for all employees. The Police and Fire Departments have State mandated retirement plans, any other full-time employee who is less than age 60 at the time of hire shall be covered by the Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund. All plans are on file in the Personnel Office. All plans require employee contributions, in addition to contributions made by the City. Any employee, upon termination, may apply for a refund of those retirement contributions already paid into the designated retirement system. Forms are available in the Personnel Office. 5-6 EMPLOYEE HEALTH INSURANCE BENEFITS bb A. The City provides health insurance to all full-time employees. Employee premiums are paid in full by the City. , The employee has the option of purchasing coverage for dependents with the City paying a portion of the premium as budgeted. B. Under the COBRA Act of 1986, employees who terminate employment or dependents of employees who are no ' longer eligible for coverage by the City health plan, are eligible to continue this coverage for a limited time. Coverage may be extended for up to 36 months depending on the reason for termination. Contact the Personnel ' Clerk for more information. 5-7 WORKER'S COMPENSATION The City of Owasso is self -insured for worker's compensation coverage. As a result, all payments for on the job injury related medical attention, prescriptions and/or equipment, and temporary total disability (TTD) benefits , shall be paid directly by the City of Owasso through the appropriate designated fund. The City of Owasso, does, however, maintain an insurance relationship specifically for "excess coverage" in the event that an incident of catastrophic nature should occur. ' 14 1 ' MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL ' CITY OF OWASSO FROM: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: PURCHASE OF TWO PASSENGER VEHICLES ' (FIRE DEPARTMENT-CONIlVIUNITY DEVELOPMENT) DATE: December 17, 1993 IBACKGROUND: ' In March of 1993 the Council authorized the purchase of a 1993 Dodge Dynasty for the city manager. Since the time of that purchase, I determined that the police chief needed a better vehicle and transferred the Dodge Dynasty to the police department for the police chief's use. ' The police department had allocated $9,000 in their FY 1993-94 budget to purchase a vehicle for the chief. Since the chief now has a new vehicle it is proposed to use this $9,000 to ' purchase a new vehicle for the fire chief and transfer the 1989 Chevrolet Caprice (54,000 miles) to the city manager. It is understood that this vehicle is not new; however, it fits the needs of the city manager much better than most new vehicles; i.e. highway driving comfort and number ' of passenger it can carry comfortably. The fire chief will supplement the $9,000 with additional monies from his current department budget and, if authorized by the Council through this action, purchase a 1994 Chevrolet Caprice from the state bid list for $13,750 (see attached ' memorandum) . ' It is my opinion, that with these exchanges and purchase, the police chief, fire chief, and I will all have vehicles that best serve each of us and our departments. ' In addition, the community development department is requesting authorization to purchase a midsize 1994 Buick Century Sedan from the state bid list for $11,556 (see attached memorandum). This vehicle would be utilized primarily by the code enforcement officer (Ted McCord) and would replace a 1983 Plymouth Gran Fury assigned for his use currently. The plymouth has aged to a point that maintenance cost and dependability are starting to impact the departments ability to properly police our community. i The community development staff worked with the fire chief to evaluate various vehicles and then conducted a separate review directed specifically to their department's needs. The final determination was that the recommended vehicles would best serve both departments overall requirements. RECOMMENDATION• The staff recommends Council approval of the expenditure of $25,306 for the purchase of two passenger vehicles. One expenditure in the amount of $13,750 to Larry Spencer Chevrolet, ' Norman, Oklahoma, for the purchase of a 1994 Chevrolet Caprice utilizing State of Oklahoma Bid Contract #0070-06-10-100, and the other expenditure in the amount of $11,556 to John Smicklas Chevrolet-Buick-Geo for the purchase of a 1994 Buick Century Sedan utilizing State of Oklahoma Bid Contract #0070-06-20-200. ATTACHMENTS: (1) December 7, 1993 Memorandum from Chief Allen (2) December 16, 1993 Memorandum from Mr. Compton I I MMORANDUN TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: Rodney Ray, City Manager Bob Allen, Fire Chief 1" " Administrative Vehicles Available for Purchase December 7, 1993 For the past two months Ted McCord and myself have been conducting a survey of administrative vehicles that are available this year. Our survey included areas of concern such as type, size, cost, warranty, vehicle ability to be utilized in emergency service, factory specifications, ability to effectively install emergency lights and sirens, and capable of the engine idling for long periods of time without causing damage to the drive train and engine. The following is a list of the vehicles we surveyed; 1993 Ford - Taurus: Don Thornton Ford has several program cars that are available immediately. All cars were in very good condition and had been driven approximately 20,000 miles. Balance of factory warranty available. Cost: $ 12,800.00 1993 Ford - Taurus: Turnpike Ford has the same program cars as Don Thornton. However, we can purchase a new 1994 Taurus with the smallest engine available, no heavy duty suspension or electrical system. Cost: $ 12,000.00 ' 1993 Oldsmobile - Achieva: Dean Bailey Olds also has several program cars. All cars were in very good condition and had been ' driven approximately 25,000 miles. Balance of factory warranty available. Cost: $ 11,000.00 1993 Chevrolet - Caprice: Classic Chevrolet has three program cars available. All cars were in excellent condition and had been driven approximately 20,000 miles. Balance of factory warranty available. Cost: $ 13,800.00 State Bid Vehicles 1994 Ford - Taurus: This vehicle has all heavy duty cooling, suspension, electrical and drive train. Also, a three year or 36,000 mile warranty available. Cost: $ 12,800.00 G 1994 Chevrolet Caprice: This vehicle has all heavy duty cooling, suspension, electrical and drive train. Also, a three year or It 36,000 mile warranty available. Cost: $ 13,750.00 In consideration of the above information and in the best interest of the city, it is my recommendation to purchase the 1994 Chevrolet Caprice State Bid Vehicle. If you have any questions or require additional information, I will be available at your convenience. a 11 1 11 1 n I 1 7 ��l TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: STEVE COMPTON ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: PURCHASE OF CODE ENFORCEMENT VEHICLE DATE: December 16, 1993 BACKGROUND: For the last three years the Community Development Department has been in the process of upgrading the department's vehicle fleet. The next step in our plan was an evaluation of the Code Enforcement vehicle. Currently, the Code Enforcement Officer uses a 1983 Plymouth Gran Fury, which was a "hand-me-down" from the Police Department. This vehicle has over 170,000 miles and has required over $500 dollars in maintenance expenditures during the last six months. In addition, an evaluation of the new GO -System fuel data indicates that the vehicle is only getting between 6 and 8 miles per gallon. The maintenance costs have become excessive and the "down time" is starting to have a significant impact on Code Enforcement Officer's ability to properly patrol the streets and/or respond to complaints. It's possible that this vehicle could be used another two or three years someplace within the overall city fleet where the miles used per day or the need for daily dependability was less; however, in our opinion, it is inefficient to continue its use as a Code Enforcement vehicle. When preparing the department's FY 1993-94 budget, it was determined that an evaluation of this vehicle would be conducted during the year. Based upon the potential need for replacement, $11,000 was budgeted for the purchase of a new vehicle. The staff believes that a need exists and has reviewed the state bid list for a satisfactory vehicle. We request that the department be authorized to purchase a 1994 Buick Century Sedan for $11,556. The Community Development Department would propose to fund the $556 difference between the bid and the budgeted amount by reevaluating the overall department budget and allocating monies from a lower priority line item(s). RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends council approval of the expenditure of $11,556 to John Smicklas Chevrolet-Buick-Geo, for the purchase of one 1994 Buick Century Sedan; such purchase to utilize a competitively bid contract awarded by the State of Oklahoma and listed on the state bid list as Contract #0070-06-20-2000. 1 MEMORANDUM ' TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY D. ROONEY, CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: FINAL PLAT - ELM CREEK AUTO DATE: December 17, 1993 BACKGROUND: ' Elm Creek Auto is a proposed one lot, one block commercial subdivision to be located at the southeast corner of E. 80th Street North and the Mingo Valley Expressway Service Road. Due to its simplified nature, the Planning Commission acted on this submittal as a final plat at their December 16, 1993 meeting. Elm Creek Auto was reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee at its December 1, 1993 meeting. At that meeting, a list of comments from the Planning, Public Works, and Engineering Departments were submitted for the applicants to address. A copy of these comments is attached for your information and review. The area utility company representatives had no comments regarding the Elm Creek Auto plat. All comments from City staff regarding the Elm Creek Auto plat have been addressed by the applicant and are included on the enclosed final plat. The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the final plat at their December 16, 1993 meeting. ' RECOMMENDATION• ' Staff recommends final plat approval of Elm Creek Auto. ATTACHMENTS: ' 1. Staff recommendations from the November 30, 1993 TAC meeting. I ENCLOSURES: 1. Final plat and covenants for Elm Creek Auto. MEMORANDUM 1 TO: OWASSO.TECB ICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE ' FROM: ENGINEERING, PUBLIC WORKS, AND PLANNING DEPARTMENTS SUBJECT: ELM CREEK AUTO PLAT AND AUTO ZONE SITE PLAN DATE: November 30, 1993 The following are a list of comments/concerns regarding the Elm Creek Auto plat and Auto Zone site plan: 1. Please verify location to which the project will tie into sanitary sewer. If it is to the ' south, a main will be required (6 inch as it won't need to be extended). 2. Erosion control measures should be shown on the construction plans. , 3. Note #12 on Construction Plans should reflect that a barrier curb is required. 4. A utility easement is likely to be needed along the southerly property line as telephone, ' electric, and gas are shown to be located there. 5. On -site detention is required. ' 6. A grading plan should be provided - how will this property drain? 7. East First Street should be changed to reflect current street name - East 80th Street North. 8. On location map, all other subdivisions within Section 29 should be shown. 9. City signature blocks are needed. 10. Dimensions on site plan and plat do not match up.- please verify and correct. 11. Eliminate the two closest parking spaces to the proposed dumpster. 12. A detailed landscaping plan needs to be submitted. 1 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO ' FROM: TIMOTHY D. ROONEY, CITY PLANNER ' SUBJECT: FINAL PLAT - OKLAHOMA BAPTIST RETIREMENT CENTER DATE: December 17, 1993 ' BACKGROUND: The Oklahoma Baptist Retirement Center submitted materials necessary for final plat review by the Technical Advisory Committee and the Planning Commission at the November meetings. At the November 3, 1993 Technical Advisory Committee meeting, numerous questions were raised by the area utility companies regarding the best way to service the five residential lots contained within the proposed plat. Because the area companies had so many questions and due to the fact that none of the representatives had copies of their existing service layouts in that area at the meeting, the applicant was advised to submit an additional copy of the plat to the utility companies so they could mark exactly what they would need on the plat. The applicant would then review their requests, consolidate them, and place them on a new plat. The final plat enclosed within your packet reflects the utility companies' requests. In addition ' to the utility easement issue being resolved, all of staff s correction requests have also been addressed by the applicant. ' The Planning Commission reviewed the final plat for Oklahoma Baptist Retirement Center II at their December 16, 1993 meeting and unanimously recommended approval. Oklahoma Baptist Retirement Center II at Owasso is a 5 lot subdivision consisting of 1.56 acres. This plat, incidently, does not deviate from a previous development concept presented by the applicants in 1990. ' RECOMMENDATION• ' Staff recommends final plat approval of Oklahoma Baptist Retirement Center II. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Staff recommendations from the November 3, 1993 TAC meeting. I ENCLOSURES: 1. Oklahoma Baptist Retirement Center II final plat and covenants. TO: OWASSO TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FROM: TIM ROONEY, CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: COMMENTS REGARDING OKLAHOMA BAPTIST RETIREMENT ' CENTER II AND MINGO COMMERCE CENTER DATE: November 2, 1993 A The following are Planning Department comments for the Technical Advisory Committee Meeting on November 3, 1993. Engineering Department comments are also attached. OKLAHOMA BAPTIST RETIREMENT CENTER II 1. Change buildingline on the north side of Lot 1 to 20 feet to be consistent with the ' building line provided on the south side of Lot 5. 2. Access to lots will be permitted from 122nd East Avenue ONLY. 3 Show all off -site utility easements on the plat. MINGO COMMERCE CENTER 1. 17.5' perimeter utility easement should be continued through the detention easement. 2. Show condition of adjacent properties (platted, unplatted, etc.) 3. Show P.O.B. 4. Add "Sheet 1 of 2" if the covenants will be on a separate page. 5. Shorten the west island on 80th Street to accommodate for better vehicular movement. 1►i 1 D1131• : �11 1 TO: TIM ROONEY, CITY PLANNER FROM: OWASSO ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: COMMENTS REGARDING OI LAHOMA BAPTIST RE CENTER II AND MINGO COMMERCE CENTER DATE: November 1, 1993 The following are Owasso Engineering Department Comments for the Technical Advisory ' Committee Meeting on November 3, 1993. OKLAHOMA BAPTIST RETIREMENT CENTER H 1. Manhole rims need elevations shown (Lamphole as well). 2. Maximum length between manholes should not exceed 300 feet. 3. Show all existing utilities on plans. 4. Show all off -site utility easements on the plat. 5. Update the detention report and include the "drainage area" map. 6. State type of 8" sanitary sewer (i.e. SDR, etc.) 7. All plans shall be signed and sealed by a registered professional engineer. 8. A minimum 2' clearance is needed at water line crossing between manholes 2 and 3. 9. Location of existing manhole "A" is needed. MINGO COMMERCE CENTER 1. Submit a new detention report. 2. Show existing force main on the north side of Lot 1. 3. Engineer needs to make sure that proposed parking area & driveway use will not damage existing sewer. 4. Will the area of "removed asphalt" include re -seeding or sodding? 5. Indicate areas where erosion control measures are to be utilized. 1 1 1 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: ROHN A1UNN ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN SUBJECT: CAMDEN PARK DATE: December 15,1993 BACKGROUND: The final plat for the above subdivision was reviewed by T.A.C. on October 6,1993, and by Planning Commission on October 21,1993. At the November 16,1993 meeting the Owasso City Council unanimously recommended approval of the Final Plat for Camden Park, an Addition to the City of Owasso. Construction began shortly thereafter on the water and wastewater lines for Camden Park. They are now complete and have been inspected, tested, and approved by the necessary departments. The Oklahoma Department of Health has reviewed and assigned the water Permit No.WL000072930858 and the wastewater Permit No.SL000072930859. All construction has meet the standards set forth by the City. RECOMMENDATION• The staff recommends Council acceptance of the water and wastewater improvements constructed by Camden Park. ENCLOSURE: 1. Memorandum from Project Inspector. 2. Copy of water tests. n V MEMORANDUM TO: ROHN MUNN, PROJECT MANAGER FROM: SHERYL DUGGAN, PROJECT INSPECTOR SUBJECT: CAMDEN PARK WATER & SEWER SYSTEMS DATE: DECEMBER 9, 1993 As of this date the water and sewer systems have passed all test required to accept the systems. Water samples have been taken and were passed by the Health Department. I � I I I I I I I I II II 1 1 1 1 1 I --7 L I BACTERIULUU-Lt-?,,, v-"-" LOCATION (CITY) ADDRESS (CITY ICODE NO. SAMPLE SITE (AD RM) COLLECTOR'S NAMt---X�,le,V DATE OF SAMPLING TIME OF SAMPLTtiG/l-'&) (24 HOUR CLOCK, TYPE OF SAMPLE (CHECK ONE) DISTRIBUTION CHECK (RETAKE) STORAGE TANK OTHER LINE TEST SPECIFY 147, FREE CHLORINE RESIDUAL M.G/L * .* * * * * * * * *W * * * * * * * * * * * * RECEIVED BY: DATE & TIME RECEIVED 3 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * i* * * * * * * * w TEST: TOTAL COLIFORM — MEMBRANE FILTER LAB NO. DATE SET Up 12,1) L; RESULTS: — ANALYST: AA COMMENTS: 12/86 I Fi?C:'1'SFtlULUlilC:AL WAlt.n t11Vt1L1J1J LOCATION ( CITY) ADDRESS (CITY) SAMPLE SITE / G�'f.✓ / ,�C T CODE NO.7f (AD RESS) COLLECTOR' S NAME����-{'<�� DATE OF SAMPLING/ `�/y' TIME OF SA.MPLING,/ /)' (24 HOUR CZ.CCK TYPE OF SAMPLE (CHECK ONE) DISTRIBUTION CHECK (RETAXE) STORAGE TANK OTHER LINE TEST X� SPECIFY FREE CHLORINE RESIDUAL MG/L RECEIVED BY: DATE & TIME RECEIVED TEST: TOTAL COLIFORM - MEMBRANE FILT %,_ LAS NO. DATE SET UP RESULTS: /Ua CD f� e� prP.sa n� ANALYST: COMMENTS: 12/86 1� ".' -" "- s Ei AI:"1'�KlULUt�1CAL wtil�r/'1:V I'1L 1J 1J ' ' LOCATION ( CITY) ADDRESS (CITY) SAMPLE SITE 177/ 'fir' ��%-!� CODE (AD RESS) COLLECTOR'S NAME , DATE OF SAMPLING: �,- 1� �� — ��'� `� LTIME OF SAMPLING-'., (24 HOUR CLOCK, ' TYPE OF SAMPLE (CHECK ONE) DISTRIBUTION CHECK (RETA_KE ) STORAGE TANK OTHER LINE TEST SPECIFY, ' FREE CHLORINE RESIDUAL MG/L RECEIVED BY: DATE & TIME RECEIVED Nn 17i'Z"1 � ' ' TEST: TOTAL COLIFORM - MEMBRANE FILTER LAB NO. DATE SET UP I' 2, "Q 3 RESULTS: /6 l b �� 4 ✓•?+-� �V�JPirv� ANALYST ' COMMENTS: 1 12 86 dALLr-r lLU LJvtr,. LOCATION (CITY) ?ADDRESS (CITY)_- SAMPLE SITE� ; °% "- CODE N0. ( AD RESS) COLLECTOR IS NAMEIP DATE OF SAMPLING'.- TIME OF SAMPLrNG ( 24 HOUR C7 OCK{ TYPE OF SAMPLE (CHECK ONE) DISTRIBUTION CHECK (RETAKE) STORAGE TANK OTHER LINE TEST SPECIFY Xf 1, FREE CHLORINE RESIDUAL MG/L RECEIVED BY:p DATE & TIME RECEIVED TEST: TOTAL COLIFORM - MEMBRANE FILTER LAB NO. DATE SET UP RESULTS: /f ANALYST: COMMENTS: , 12/86 I MEMORANDUM ' TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: STEVE COMPTON ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ' SUBJECT: ACCEPTANCE OF TITLE TO DRAINAGE EASEMENT I"" DATE: December 14, 1993 BACKGROUND: ,0 In the early 1980s the City approved three plats, each of which included designated "Reserve Areas" to be used as public drainage ways. They are a part of the overall Elm Creek Development and the three combined are generally located along the east and south boundaries of the First Christian Church property (see attached map). These reserve areas have been maintained by the City for sometime in order to insure the proper stormwater drainage flows and it is anticipated that public maintenance must continue. The City has been approached by Elm Creek, Inc., the development company, with a request to accept title to the tracts of land (see attached letter). The company is dissolving and wants -i the City to accept title since the areas have been designated for a public use and are maintained by the City. Specifically, the tracts of land are as follows: Reserve "A" - Drainage Easement, Elm Creek Estates Addition Blocks 21 THRU 30, An Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma (see attached map). Reserve "A" - Drainage Easement, Elm Creek Condominiums Amended, A Subdivision in the City of Owasso, County of Tulsa, State of Oklahoma (see attached map). ' Reserve "A" - Drainage Easement Elm Creek Commercial Center A Subdivision in the ' City of Owasso, County of Tulsa, State of Oklahoma (see attached map). ' COMMENTS: 1. The staff would normally not recommend accepting title; however, in this case (1) the tracts were approved as drainage easements when they were platted, (2) the City has been 1 I � maintaining them for several years, and (3) the alternative of not accepting them could place the City in a future position of working with some unknown title holder that is uncooperative. 2. It should be noted that by accepting deed/title to these reserve areas the City will not incur any additional cost over and above the current expenditures for maintenance of the drainage way, nor will the developer gain any reduction in cost. RECONEVIENDATION: The staff recommends Council acceptance of deed/title to the areas shown as Reserve "A" on ■ the Elm Creek plats previously approved by the City. Ir� 1 1 1 1 LL DEC 0 9 1993 i Aw December 2, 1993 Mr. Rodney Ray City Manager 207 S. Cedar Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 Dear Sir: At this time we are in the process of dissolving our Elm Creek, Inc. our development company by December 31, 1993. We would like to request acceptance of title to the City of Owasso on the following drainage easementsthat the city has been maintaining for several years. Reserve "A" Drainage Easement in Elm Creek Estates First Addition Blocks 21 THRU 30 An Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. AND Reserve "A" Drainage Easement in Elm Creek Condominiums Amended, a Subdivision in the City of Owasso, County of Tulsa, State of Oklahoma. AND Reserve "A" in Elm Creek Commercial Center , a Subdivision in the City of Owasso, County of Tulsa, State of Oklahoma, according to the recorded PLATS thereof. We would appreciate your help in this matter and would like to be on the agenda for the City Council in December. Thank you for your attention to this request. Sincerely, Elm Creek, Inc. Pat Woods -President. ap DATE FILED May 6, 1983 PLAT NO. 4339 wal-6 "26 ELM CREEK ESTATE w E SCALE OWNER ELM CREEKJNC. 120 S. MAIN OW ASS0405OKLMOMA 7 5 FIRST ADDITION BLOCKS - 21 THRU 30 AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY.OKLAHOMA A PART OF SECTION 29,T-21-N.R-14-E I qcu LOCATION 74P .39 .1.1 21- LCIS PHONE 272-3234 NOS-56-11-E - - 663 O'D* - - - ENGINEER. AL C. YOUNG 8 ASSOCIATES 7z Q 606 SOUTH PEORIAOs(LAH0IAA 2 it% 0 '-j TULSA. W, 4120 3 N. 124th E. PL.0 PHONE"3-418t 2) % 2 b 21 i, 4 I Pate LSE 6MK., CIE THE '2LN". 0 6 7 409-59ro" 13 0' 1.- 16 6 9 .21 '4c') s E. 83rd ST. N.(D 421 13 A 2 P4 3' 2. "A 3 22 E. 82 d P —7 bi Siff 2 21 10 26 ITC" g !I 1% 10 I 01 11q, iF v E. ZZI L I ' - I., . .. 1bpi: g1 6 23, 91 . — a 11 '01 9 1" 6: 22 ""2A, -19 t., clams 141 20 7 0 E. Bill C2 kL,f, r -;:Q It f'17 0 7 4 fw, 8 0 '3' 8 12, ;>1 .4 --- - - - . -- , is a 0 0 < 81st ST. N.if3.Sa. . LL I L 0. co, 2 5 19DN. LEGEND E. Both PL. N NORTH 27 2 DUE ES1 359 80' . Wow., E EAST S SOUTH EST ^ I.Ijz' W WEST U/E UTILITY EASEMENT -t - - - - -- - I 8 L BUILDING LINE D/E DRAINAGE EASEMENT THE PLAT BOOK TULSA COUNTY COPYRIGHT 1963 ROY MALERNEE, CITY MAP SERVICE TULSA, OKLAHOMA FEDERAL LAW PROHIBITS REPRODUCTION FOR ANY PURPOSE WITHOUT PERMISSION OF COPYRIGHT OWNER DATE FILED FEB. 18, 1983 PLAT NO. 4313 ELM CREEK CONDOMINIUMS PLANNED UMT DEVELOPMENT NO 5 - • AN ADORION To TfE arrlseo, TusA couFNrr e A FORT OF THE 4ECT10N 29, T-21-N, R-{4-aIEJ1011M 4313 ig »3Z OWNER: ELM CREEK INC. too l MAIN OVM4K OQA406LA n1oNc • 7{t06672 •ma T LI N ENGINEER: AL CYOUNG 81 ASS0aArES TUL" OOKLAHOMA+4120 PNOW- 503•4I04 fCAli LOCATION MAP 562402 SM AK ILET 12.to AGES 7 uy" -------_--O--_----- --[AST 961A lTREET b.tf' A aL b}I. r.T-b-1.-..{ ---- ' i FiDRTN---------------------- i $ / •I I ` - ____ r "--•--.- :: -rv -_-- I na 'a . moon mrta I 7 .f I / 1 Q OT E 1 Ap 4 i LOT I 1 . .r•- ---._— _ \ FIN¢7.'1,4T AX N,',arc..•' m . i THE PLAT BOOK - TULSA COUNTY - COPYRIGHT 1983 ROY MALERNEE• CITY` '.} r . 7 r._'•' i.-. FEDERAL LAW PROHIBITS REPRODUCTION FOR ANY PURPOSE WITHOUT PE I Yc;'T_ Yf DATE FILED NOVEMBER 25, 1981 PLAT NO. 4156 e ti tt r C'rN% e i\1 T l l t A AN AC01170N 70 THE C/Tr OF OWLW 84EM A PART OF rAC ' NW/4 Of THE NE/4 OF SfC77OW 29, T-2/-N,R-14-E 11376 7ZXSA CaNrY, 0KLAAtWA. R- /4 -E OWNER: ' 'ol, ' ELM CREEK INC. fi' 120 SOJW kA/N T 2/ H'KaIE 272-3234 NORTH OWASSO, OKL.AHOMA 74055 0' w' x' rao' 300 ' rr[E Pe``, oA adl suC[, w c LOCAT/ON MAP ENGINEER 675E ACRES HAMMOND ENGINEERING COMPANY 3 LOTS 5157 E 51st ST. S. - SUITE 100 PHONE; 627-5861 STATULSA COUNTY OKLAHOMA TULSA , OKLAHOMA FILED OR RECORDED 74135 159 NOV 25 PM IA 20 C UNTNELERK _ POINT O. BEGINNING N 89'56'16°E-807.041 I — 1. ea' TO NE CCNNC° 1d - O ST.q. N.`, Z 86th 1_. .. °i --- SO KK.K _f I4819[,.. Iil L— — a - ---- --- — -- — - i, Ir r"LOT )uW C GUE -EST 5 IJ lil , O 2 i l ^, °fi'sID '` I oa 1 1:E-w cl a / 9 ()kb& r y ,.».IAs11. lN► 11. <- »;:« 11 5.°I 51e N 1►n ING M"a/ K1 '. 14^-- PN•a /,e4r:y-iE M'1«11,r1r, _Nr1 '' 1 sNMrI. .r rI lr,w.• 1l Iw., p.•MM4b I .d.:l M w -r1 bBr. «Iw llw l\ .. MIIMAN.wr.1 yM ul.Nl )()ILfe F. CM'I71EM ISA lf( IQ ' J VIA THE PLAT BOOK — TULSA COUNTY — COPYRIGHT 1981 ROY MALERNEE, CITY MAP SERV;I¢ 1 t-.. `f• ` I htA FEDERAL LAW PROHIBITS REPRODUCTION FOR ANY PURPOSE WITHOUT PERMISSION OF!:, 1 MEMoxnrmuM TO: Rodney Ray, City Manager FROM: Bob Allen, Fire Chief ' SUBJECT: Recommend Disposition of Surplus Equipment - Old Water Tank and Pump DATE: December 15, 1993 BACKGROUND: Our new Water Tanker is now in service and the fire fighters are extremely pleased with the tankers capabilities and performance. The new tanker was designed to be operated at all times at ground level which will help eliminate fire fighter injuries on the fire ground. The old tanker required fire fighters to climb upon or on -top of the tank in order to transfer the water to another apparatus and with wet protective clothing on, this operation was very hazardous. As you are aware, the old water tanker was not safe for use in an emergency situation. The chassis was unreliable and the engine needed repair. However, if the chassis was utilized in non -emergency conditions, we feel this vehicle would be very valuable to another city department. Also, the water tank and pump are no longer adequate for our needs. The water tank needs minor repairs and the pump is not capable of producing the required pressure specified in our Department Operating Procedures. In order to enhance our rural fire fighting capabilities, I contacted Fire Chief Jim Wilson with the Collinsville Rural Fire Department to ascertain their need for the water tank and pump. Chief Wilson stated that their water tanker was out -of -service due to the water tank no longer being useable. Chief Wilson and myself carefully inspected our water tank and pump and their chassis to ensure that the water tank and pump could be mounted on their chassis. Both Chief Wilson and myself ' agree that our water tank and pump can be properly mounted on their chassis. ' Collinsville rural is our first priority of notification when mutual aid in needed when responding to rural fires and usually our first request of mutual aid assistance is water. If Collinsville Rural Fire Department were allowed to utilize our old water tank and pump, we would be able to enhance our ' rural fire fighting capabilities. MEMORANDUM SURPLUS EQUIPMENT December 15, 1993 Page 2 We are requesting the two thousand (2000) gallon skid mounted stainless steel water tank and the ' three hundred fifty (350) gallon per minute gasoline pump be declared surplus. We have estimated the value of the water tank and pump to be less than one thousand ($ 1,000.00) dollars. RECOMMENDATION: We recommend that the council declare the equipment surplus to the needs of the city and that the , Fire Chief be authorized to transfer ownership without charge to the Collinsville Rural Fire District, Inc. I ATTACHMENTS: 1. Letter from Chief Wilson Q�0 1 1 1 Collinsville Rural Fire Protection District P.O. Box 293, Collinsville, OK 74021 December 13, 1993 Chief Bob Allen Owasso Fire Department Owasso, Oklahoma Re: Stainless steel tank and pump. We currently have a fire truck that has a steel tank that is too heavy and is leaking. We have inspected your tank and pump, taken measurements, and find that we could utilize your tank and pump on our truck chassis with minor modifications. This would allow us to keep our truck in active service. We have had a mutual aid contract with Owasso Fire Department since August, 1986, and are usually the first mutual aid department called by Owasso, therefore this transaction would benefit both our depart- ments. We appreciate your help and consideration of this request. Si rely, C, C.R. .P.D. 1 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: M.A.ALEXANDER/CHIEF OF POLICE ��Ok SUBJECT: Uniforms ' DATE: December 17, 1993 ' BACKGROUND The City of Owasso Police Department has been in the research and ' selection process for new uniforms for the past several months. The appearance of the Police Department should be of utmost concern to the community as well as the projected professionalism of the ' commissioned officers. Extensive research has been underway to ensure that the selection of the uniforms and equipment be of such quality and durability that ' replacement is kept to a minimum, yet the appearance standards to be equal or surpassing other agencies the size and dimension of Owasso. ' I am very pleased with the uniform specifications which have gone out for the bid process, as I feel very comfortable with the quality and type of equipment which was specified. Since July 1993, officers of this department have given up a total of $9,450 that they were paid as a uniform allowance. Additionally, officers received $650.00 each year to take care of cleaning expenses, ' which since has been contracted through a local cleaners at a reduced rate, at no cost to the officers. ' Bid specifications were completed and sent to several agencies with the following results - Tuxall - $16,493.55 LEECO - $18,184.70 JB Battle - $18,284.24 Dee's - $19,126.35 ' Phillips - $19,908.55 The low bid was submitted by Tuxall at $ 16,493.55. 11 FUNDING: Funding for the purchase of the uniforms will come from the police department budget for the full amount of $ 16,493.55. The uniforms and equipment can be expected to be delivered within a 60-90 day window. REQUEST: This request is for council approval for the expenditure of $16,493.55 currently in police department budget for the purchase of twenty-one sets of uniforms and leather gear to completely outfit all current members of the Owasso Police Department. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends for the purchase of process. Attachments: Bid Proposals from: Tuxall Law Enforcement J.B. Battle Phillips Dee's council approval of $16,493.55 to Tuxall Company the uniforms as specified in the formal bid OWASSO POLICE DEPARTMENT BID INSTRUCTIONS AND RETURN - INSTRUCTIONS: Bids must be filed in a sealed envelope, properly identified as a bid return, at the City of Owasso, Office of the City Clerk, P. O. Box 180, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, no later than December 17, 1993. All bids must be signed and MUST be accompanied by a non -collusion bid affidavit. 1A. Short sleeve shirt (male) bid price (80) 1B. Short sleeve shirt (female) bid price (4) 2A. Long sleeve shirt (male) bid price (40) 2B. Long sleeve shirt (female) bid price (2) 3A. Trouser (male) bid price (60) 3B. Trouser (female) bid price (3) 4. Uniform ties bid price (42) 5. Jacket bid price (21) 6. Duty belt bid price (21) 7. Underbelt bid price (21) 8. Holster bid price (21) 9. Handcuff case bid price (21) 10. Double clip holder bid price (21) 11. Whistle chain (21) 12. Collar insignia (42) 13. Tie clasp (21) 14. Headgear (21) 15. Hat badge (21) UNIT PRICE TOTAL COST $ 24.93 $ 1,994.40 $ 24.93 $ 99.72 $ 26.50 $ 1,060.00 $ 26.50 $ 53.00 $ 53.00 $ 2 _ ,n $ 106.95 $ 35.00 $ 18.85 $ 49.50 $ 14.90 $ $ 1.35 $ 4.60 $ ?gR $ 6n_40 $ 15.85 $ 53.00 $ 3,180.00 $ 159.00 $ 1n-)_no $ 2,245.95 $ 735.00 $ 395.85 $ 1,039.50 $ 312.90 $ 28.35 $ 193.20 $ ti?_5R $ 1 .268.40 $ 332.85 1 16. ASP baton (21) 17. ASP baton carrier (21) 18. Sergeant stripes (24 sets) PART II: COMMUNICATIONS 1A. Short sleeve shirt (male) bid price (8) 1B. Short sleeve shirt (female) bid price (12) 2A. Long sleeve shirt (male) bid price (4) 2B. Long sleeve shirt (female) bid price (6) 3A. Trouser (male) bid price (6) 3B. Trouser (female) bid price (9) $ 38.35 $_ 11.80 $ 1 an $ 31.55 $ 31.15 $ 33.80 $ 33.80 $ �2,QQ $ 53.00 $ 252.40 $ 135.20 2 6 UNIFORMS: Total bid price for numbers 1 thru 5 of listed specifications. LEATHER GEAR AND ACCESSORIES: Total bid price for numbers 6 thru 18 of listed specifications: PART II COMMUNICATIONS: Total bid price for numbers 1 thru 3 of listed specifications: VENDOR: TUXALL UNIFORM AND EQUIPMENT ADDRESS: 1411 EAST THIRD $ 8,897.07 832.48 $ 1,764.00 CITY: TULSA STATE: OKLAHOMA PHONE: 582-8274 ESTIMATED DELIVERY TIME: '�n +-n 4� wnrk;nQ r3a�zc ARn AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: DATE: lZ - _ YJ NAME PRINTED: af-P-n � I ok) 3 NON -COLLUSION BID AFFIDAVIT STATE OF OKLAHOMA ) COUNTY OF SS TULSA I, to/no Fun) , of lawful age, being duly sworn on oath, says that (s)he is the agent authorized by the bidder to submit the attached bid. Affiant further states that the bidder has not been a part of any collusion among bidders in restraint of freedom of competition by agreement to bid at a fixed price or to refrain from bidding; nor with any government official or employee as to quantity, quality, or price in the prospective contract, or any other terms of said prospective contract; nor in any discussions between bidders and any government official concerning exchange of money or other things of value for special consideration in the letting of a contract; that the bidder/contractor has not paid, given nor donated to any officer or employee of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, any money or other things of value, either directly or indirectly in the procuring of the award of a contract pursuant to this bid. BIDDER: 11 \ I Subscribed and sworn before me this _� day ofDe0,oMh2jf-, 1993. NOI ary Public �MY Commission Expires: NOTE: COMPLETE THIS AFFIDAVIT AND RETURN WITH BID PROPOSAL. OWASSO POLICE DEPARTMENT BID INSTRUCTIONS AND RETURN INSTRUCTIONS: Bids must be filed in a sealed envelope, properly identified as a bid return, at the City of Owasso, Office of the City Clerk, P. 0. Box 180, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, no later than December 17, 1993. All bids must be signed and MUST be accompanied by a non -collusion bid affidavit. UNIT PRICE TOTAL COST 1A. Short sleeve shirt (male) bid price (80) 735DN $ 26.50 $ 2,120.00 1B. Short sleeve shirt (female) bid price (4) 745DN $ 26.50 $ 106.00 2A. Long sleeve shirt (male) bid price (40) 730DN $ 29.20 $ 1.168.00 2B. Long sleeve shirt (female) bid price (2) 740DN $ 29.20 $ 58.40 3A. Trouser (male) bid price (60) $ 56.50 $ 3,390.00 226 3B. Trouser (female) bid price (3) $ 56.50 $ 169.50 W226 4. Uniform ties bid price (42) $ 3.75 $ 157.50 B0900 5. Jacket bid price (21) $ 110.95 $ 2,329.95 2309Z 6. Duty belt bid price (21) $ 36.50 $ 766.50 87V CLARINO 7. Underbelt bid price (21) $ 19.45 $ 408.45 99 CLARINO 8. Holster bid price (21) $ 50.70 $ 1,064.70 200 CLARINO 9. Handcuff case bid price (21) $ 15.20 $ 319.20 190V CLARINO 10. Double clip holder bid price (21) $ 17.85 $ 374.85 77HS CLARINO 11. Whistle chain (21) $ 9.50 $ 199.50 12. Collar insignia (42) $ 14.00/PR $ 294.00 OPD HI GLO 13. Tie clasp (21) $ 10.50 $ 220.50 HIGLO FCS 14. Headgear (21) $ 59.95 $1,258.95 F40 NAVY W/3 PC STRAP 15. Hat badge (21) $ 34.00 $ 714.00 HIGLO W/FCS 1 16. ASP baton (21) F21 BLACK 17. ASP baton carrier (21) B550 CLARINO 18. Sergeant stripes (24 sets) PART II: COMMUNICATIONS 1A. Short sleeve shirt (male) bid price (8) 735DN W/FRENCH BLUE F/S 1B. Short sleeve shirt (female) bid price (12)745DN W/FRENCH BLUE F/S 2A. Long sleeve shirt (male) bid price (4) 730DN W/FRENCH BLUE F/S 2B. Long sleeve shirt (female) bid price (6) 740DN W/FRENCH BLUE F/S 3A. Trouser (male) bid price (6) 226 3B. Trouser (female) bid price (9) W226 OVERSIZE CHARGES: SHIRTS: PANTS: JACKETS: $ 42.95 $ 13.25 $ 901.95 $ 278.25 $ 60.00 $ 31.50 $ 252.00 $ 31.50 $ 378.00 $ 34.70 $ 138.80 $ 34.70 $ 208.20 $ 56.50 $ 339.00 $ 56.50 $ 508.50 18-19 10% 20 20% 44-50 10% 52-54 20% 48-50 100 52-54% 20% 2 UNIFORMS: Total bid price for numbers 1 thru 5 of listed specifications. LEATHER GEAR AND ACCESSORIES: Total bid price for numbers 6 thru 18 of listed specifications: PART II COMMUNICATIONS: Total bid price for numbers 1 thru 3 of listed specifications: $ 9,499.35 $ 6,860.85 1,824.50 VENDOR: LAW ENFORCEMENT EQUIPMENT COMPANY ADDRESS: 2520 SUMMIT CITY: KANSAS CITY STATE: MISSOURI 64108-2456 PHONE: 816/221-2232 ESTIMATED DELIVERY TIME: 30 DAYS ON REGULAR SIZES• 60-90 DAYS ON OVERSIZES AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: L) a ail 3-z, '.,l�' DATE: DEC. 14, 1993 NAME PRINTED: IRMA LEE JONES / 3 NON -COLLUSION BID AFFIDAVIT STATE OF A4TsSnuBl ) COUNTY OF JACKSON ) SS I, IRMA LEE JONES , of lawful age, being duly sworn on oath, says that (s)he is the agent authorized by the bidder to submit the attached bid. Affiant further states that the bidder has not been a part of any collusion among bidders in restraint of freedom of competition by agreement to bid at a fixed price or to refrain from bidding; nor with any government official or employee as to quantity, quality, or price in the prospective contract, or any other terms of said prospective contract; nor in any discussions between bidders and any government official concerning exchange of money or .other things of value for special consideration in the letting of a contract; that the bidder/contractor has not paid, given nor donated to any officer or employee of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, any money or other things of value, either directly or indirectly in the procuring of the award of a contract pursuant to this bid. BIDDER: LAW ENFORCEMENT EQUIPMENT COMPANY Subscribed and sworn before me this / day of .�''� ��cL t , 1993. Not y Public My Commission Expires: J D"R A. FUSS NOTMY PUBLIC STATE of Miss= MY COMMISSION EXP JUNE 4.1994 NOTE: COMPLETE THIS AFFIDAVIT AND RETURN WITH BID PROPOSAL. 4 IN 11 11 OWASSO POLICE DEPARTMENT BID INSTRUCTIONS AND RETURN INSTRUCTIONS: Bids must be filed in a sealed envelope, properly identified as a bid return, at the City of Owasso, Office of the City Clerk, P. 0. Box 180, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, no later than December 17, 1993. All bids must be signed and MUST be accompanied by a non -collusion bid affidavit. 1A. Short sleeve shirt (male) bid price (80) 1B. Short sleeve shirt (female) bid price (4) 2A. Long sleeve shirt (male) bid price (40) 2B. Long sleeve shirt (female) bid price (2) 3A. Trouser (male) bid price (60) 3B. Trouser (female) bid price (3) 4. Uniform ties bid price (42) 5. Jacket bid price (21) 6. Duty belt bid price (21) 7. Underbelt bid price (21) 8. Holster bid price (21) 9. Handcuff case bid price (21) 10. Double clip holder bid price (21) 11. Whistle chain (21) 12. Collar insignia (42) 13. Tie clasp (21) 14. Headgear (21) 15. Hat badge (21) UNIT PRICE TOTAL COST $ 32.45 $ 2,596.00 $ 32.45 $ 129.80 $ 35.95 $ 1,438.00 $ 35.95 $ 71.90 $ 49.95 $ 2,997.00 $ 49.95 $ 149.85 $ 3.00 $ 126.00 $ 108.75 $ 2,283.75 $ 42.45 $ 891.45 $ 18.39 $ 386.19 $ 59.95 $ 1,258.95 $ 17.95 $ 376.95 $ 19.85 $ 416.85 $ 7.45 $ 156.45 $ 10.45PR. $ 438.90 $ 3.95 $ 82.95 $ 58.95 $ 1,237.95 jF $ 11.45 $ 240.45 16. ASP baton (21) $ 42.45 $ 891.4 17. ASP baton carrier (21) $ 14.65 $ 307.65 18. Sergeant stripes (24 sets) $ 2.00 PR. $ 48.00 PART II: COMMUNICATIONS 1A. Short sleeve shirt (male) bid price (8) $_ 32.45 $ 259.60 1B. Short sleeve shirt (female) bid price (12) $ 32.45 $_ 389.40 2A. Long sleeve shirt (male) bid price (4) $ 35.95 $ 143.80 2B. Long sleeve shirt (female) bid price (6) $ 35.95 $ 215.70 3A. Trouser (male) bid price (6) $ 49.95 $ 299.70 3B. Trouser (female) bid price (9) $ 49.95 $ 449.55 2 Ic 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 UNIFORMS: Total bid price for numbers 1 thru 5 of listed specifications. LEATHER GEAR AND ACCESSORIES: Total bid price for numbers 6 thru 18 of listed specifications: PART II COMMUNICATIONS: Total bid price for numbers 1 thru 3 of listed specifications: VENDOR: J.B. BATTLE UNIFORM CO. ADDRESS: 1241 So. WALKER $ 6, 734 1 9 $ 1,757.75 CITY: OKLA. CITY STATE: OK PHONE: (800) 522-8853 ESTIMATED DELIVERY TIME: 30-90 DAYS A R 0 AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: b.' DATE:12-16-93 NAME PRINTED: THOMAS K. BATTLE 3 NON -COLLUSION BID AFFIDAVIT STATE OF OKLAHOMA ) ' COUNTY OF OKLAHOMA ) SS I, THOMAS K. BATTLE , of lawful age, being duly sworn on oath, says that (s)he is the agent authorized by the bidder to submit the attached bid. Affiant further states that the bidder has not been a part of any collusion among bidders in restraint of freedom of competition by agreement to bid at a fixed price or to refrain from bidding; nor with any government official or employee as to quantity, quality, or price in the prospective contract, or any other terms of said prospective contract; nor in any discussions between bidders and any government official concerning exchange of money or other things of value for special consideration in the letting of a contract; that the bidder/contractor has not paid, given nor donated to any officer or employee of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, any money or other things of value, either directly or indirectly in the procuring of the award of a contract pursuant to this bid. BIDDER: J.B. BATTLE UNIFORM CO. !9A4 i Sig ture ZSubcribed and sworn before me this 2// ay Drot&fy Public My Commission Expires: 11 I of 1993. NOTE: COMPLETE THIS AFFIDAVIT AND RETURN WITH STD PRnPnRAT 1 F, 1 OWASSO POLICE DEPARTMENT BID INSTRUCTIONS AND RETURN INSTRUCTIONS: Bids must be filed in a sealed envelope, properly identified as a bid return, at the City of Owasso, Office of the City Clerk, P. 0. Box 180, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, no later than December 17, 1993. All bids must be signed and MUST be accompanied by a non -collusion bid affidavit. 1A. Short sleeve shirt (male) bid price (80) 1B. Short sleeve shirt (female) bid price (4) 2A. Long sleeve shirt (male) bid price (40) 2B. Long sleeve shirt (female) bid price (2) 3A. Trouser (male) bid price (60) 3B. Trouser (female) bid price (3) 4. Uniform ties bid price (42) 5. Jacket bid price (21) 6. Duty belt bid price (21) 7. Underbelt bid price (21) 8. Holster bid price (21) 9. Handcuff case bid price (21) 10. Double clip holder bid price (21) 11. Whistle chain (21) N�\ 12. Collar insignia ( 42 ) 13. Tie clasp (21) m 14. Headgear (21) Wt"\ 15. Hat badge (21) UNIT PRICE TOTAL COST $ .IA 0 $ 1;)'9Q.00 $ 3b . go $ IBIS. �o $ $ $ \�0 - �S $ 1.50 $ M, s $ J. cgs . N $ \1`i.1S $ IY�.ID5 $ a 0 $ 13'A -\Ao $ l a s 00 $ ba s o0 $ 35 gs $ I s .�s $ a5 5s $ 53b Ss $ 5q.00 $ 1 I Dk $ a\ -as $ �ybD5 $ .1s $ $ b0 eA, $ �35 ao $ 8•15 $ 315 $ C�s $ k'�)�.CiS $ 11 q_5 $ )So gs 1 16 . ASP baton (21) � � �nl(i,, 17. ASP baton carrier (21) 18. Sergeant stripes (24 sets) I < q :� _ 7-).1 UG � y8�oo PART II: COMMUNICATIONS 1A. Short sleeve shirt (male) bid price (8) 1B. Short sleeve shirt (female) bid price (12) 2A. Long sleeve shirt (male) bid price (4) 2B. Long sleeve shirt (female) bid price (6) 3A. Trouser (male) bid price (6) 3B. Trouser (female) bid price (9) K UNIFORMS: Total bid price for numbers 1 thru 5 of listed specifications. LEATHER GEAR AND ACCESSORIES: Total bid price for numbers 6 thru 18 of listed specifications: PART II COMMUNICATIONS: Total bid price for numbers 1 thru 3 of listed specifications: VENDOR: J -C S Qn,ioms, kOc ADDRESS: S Oaf C- fAdm,\A1 CITY: \ v\SR PHONE: ` e- W- 333g STATE: �1 A ESTIMATED DELIVERY TIME: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: DATE: IQ 13 3 NAME PRINTED: 3 NON -COLLUSION BID AFFIDAVIT STATE OF _ ) SS COUNTY OF I, e t , of lawful age, being duly sworn on oath, says "at (s)he is the agent authorized by the bidder to submit the attached bid. Affiant further states that the bidder has not been a part of any collusion among bidders in restraint of freedom of competition by agreement to bid at a fixed price or to refrain from bidding; nor with any government official or employee as to quantity, quality, or price in the prospective contract, or any other terms of said prospective contract; nor in any discussions between bidders and any government official concerning exchange of money or other things of value for special consideration in the letting of a contract; that the bidder/contractor has not paid, given nor donated to any officer or employee of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, any money or other things of value, either directly or indirectly in the procuring of the award of a contract pursuant to this bid. BIDDER: DESS \tJC. • � -� Subscribed and sworn before me this /. day of 1993. X Notary Public My Commission Expires: /7' jF NnTF- rnMPT.F.TF. THIS AFFIDAVIT AND RETURN WITH BID PROPOSAL. OWASSO POLICE DEPARTMENT BID INSTRUCTIONS AND RETURN INSTRUCTIONS: Bids must be filed in a sealed envelope, properly identified as a bid return, at the City of Owasso, Office of the City Clerk, P. O. Box 180, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, no later than December 17, 1993. All bids must be signed and MUST be accompanied by a non -collusion bid affidavit. 1A. Short sleeve shirt (male) bid price (80) 1B. Short sleeve shirt (female) bid price (4) 2A. Long sleeve shirt (male) bid price (40) 2B. Long sleeve shirt (female) bid price (2) 3A. Trouser (male) bid price (60) 3B. Trouser (female) bid price (3) 4. Uniform ties bid price (42) 5. Jacket bid price (21) 6. Duty belt bid price (21) 7. Underbelt bid price (21) 8. Holster bid price (21) 9. Handcuff case bid price (21) 10. Double clip holder bid price (21) ' 11. Whistle chain (21) 12. Collar insignia (42) ' 13. Tie clasp (21) 14. Headgear (21) 15. Hat badge (21) UNIT PRICE TOTAL COST $ $ 3D qS $ 3) gs $ g I %- $ b395 $ L93T5 $ a.­zl'o 1 _['�9 '�_ $ � a3 70 $00 $ $ 1.11� $ ILoo $ -11q9 ,9S _ $ $,.LoD D $ FA.u0 $ 11 q IOU $_ s (b $ $ $ 5U ,90 $ 5 Z3`YS $1} Il CV $-0 SD 16. ASP baton (21) 17. ASP baton carrier (21) 18. Sergeant stripes (24 sets) PART II: COMMUNICATIONS 1A. Short sleeve shirt (male) bid price (8) 1B. Short sleeve shirt (female) bid price (12) 2A. Long sleeve shirt (male) bid price (4) 2B. Long sleeve shirt (female) bid price (6) 3A. Trouser (male) bid price (6) 3B. Trouser (female) bid price (9) $ 3uC)S $ ( 39 S' $ ( 3 9 s- $ yak q D $ 139V r� UNIFORMS: Total bid price for numbers 1 thru 5 of listed specifications. LEATHER GEAR AND ACCESSORIES: Total bid price for numbers 6 thru 18 of listed specifications: PART II COMMUNICATIONS: . Total bid price for numbers 1 thru 3 of listed specifications: VENDOR: �i 1111/� pm,)Ce ADDRESS: (I t 20 v Bz .-7o CITY: �� SC�- STATE: s PHONE: ESTIMATED DELIVERY TIME: --Sr, V S AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: Z"" DATE: P - CP_9 3 NAME PRINTED: IN ■ 10 3 NON -COLLUSION BID AFFIDAVIT STATE OF k L ) SS COUNTY OF -7 kA I SO - I. Rt ck � 1 ►0 S , of lawful age, being duly sworn on oath, says that (s)he is the agent authorized by the bidder to submit the attached bid. Affiant further states that the bidder has not been a part of any collusion among bidders in restraint of freedom of competition by agreement to bid at a fixed price or to refrain from bidding; nor with any government official or employee as to quantity, quality, or price in the prospective contract, or any other terms of said prospective contract; nor in any discussions between bidders and any government official concerning exchange of money or other things of value for special consideration in the letting of a contract; that the bidder/contractor has not paid, given nor donated to any officer or employee of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, any money or other things of value, either directly or indirectly in the procuring of the award of a contract pursuant to this bid. BIDDER: 0 Y\lt 1 Signature Subscribed and sworn before me of i�ry -Public 'My t io miission Expires: this /l0 day of D, 1993. NOTE: COMPLETE THIS AFFIDAVIT AND RETURN WITH BID PROPOSAL.