HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993.11.02_OPWA AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: November 2, 1993 TIME: 7:00 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4 :00 p.m. on Friday, October 29, 1993. -M MarciakBoutwell, Council AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Flag Salute 3. Roll Call 4. Request Approval of the Minutes of October 19, 1993 Regular Meeting Attachment #4 5. Request Approval of Claims Attachment #5 • Owasso Public Works Authority November 2, 1993 Page 2 6. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for the Purchase of Material and Supplies Necessary for the Installation of One Fire Hydrant. Mr Ray Attachment #6 Staff will recommend the expenditure of $1498 to Water Products Inc for the purchase of a fire hydrant and related material, to be installed on West 17th Street in Ator Heights subdivision. 7. Report from OPWA Manager 8. Report from OPWA Attorney 9. Unfinished Business 10. New Business ' 11. Adjournment 1 OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, October 19, 1993 The Owasso Public Works Authority met in regular session on Tuesday, October 19, 1993 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, October 15, 1993 and Addendum posted at 12:30 p.m. on Monday, October 18, 1993. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Chairman Randolph called the meeting to order at 7:33 p.m. IITEM 2: FLAG SALUTE The flag salute was held during the City Council meeting preceding this OPWA Meeting. ITEM 3: ROLL CALL PRESENT Bob Randolph, Chair Mary Lou Barnhouse, Trustee Charles Burris, Trustee Rex Bowen, Trustee ISTAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager ' Ronald D Cates, Authority Attorney A quorum was declared present. Mr John Phillips, Vice Chair Marcia Boutwell, Recording Secretary ITEM 4: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF OCTOBER 5 1993 REGULAR MEETING. Rex Bowen moved to approve the minutes as written, by reference hereto; seconded by Chairman Randolph. AYE: Bowen, Randolph, Burris, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0. Owasso Public Works Authority October 19, 1993 ITEM 5: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE CLAIMS Rex Bowen moved, seconded by Chairman Randolph, to approve the following claims as submitted: (1) OPWA Fund $186,989.98; (2) OPWA Capital Improvement Fund $8,737.37; (3) Payroll $20,669.61. AYE: Bowen, Randolph, Burris, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0. ITEM 6: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR A SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION TO THE FY 1993 -94 BUDGET AND AMENDING THE BUDGET TO PROVIDE FOR ADDITIONAL REVENUE. Ms Bishop presented the request. The staff recommends Trustee approval of an amendment to the estimated revenue section in the FY93 -94 OPWA budget by increasing the estimated revenues in the amount of $25,000.00. Also, staff recommends a supplemental appropriation from the OPWA reserves to the water department section of the FY93 -94 OPWA budget in the amount of $25,000.00. These items are in conjunction for or required for the purchase of a portion of a protected water service area from Rogers County Rural Water District #3. Mary Lou Barnhouse moved, seconded by Chairman Randolph, to approve the amendment to the estimated revenue section in the FY93 -94 OPWA budget in the amount of $25,000.00, and also a supplemental appropriation from OPWA reserves to the water department section of the FY 1993 -94 OPWA budget in the amount of $25,000.00, and a supplemental appropriation in the amount of $49,750 to the Water Department budget. AYE: Barnhouse, Randolph, Bowen NAY: None RECUSE: Burris Motion carried 3 -0. ITEM 7: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR TRUSTEE APPROVAL OF A PROMISSORY NOTE BETWEEN THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY AND TRIAL'S END DEVELOPMENT, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $25.000.00. AND AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN TO EXECUTE SUCH DOCUMENT. Mr Ray presented this item. Trustee approval of this item allows for the Chairman to execute the Promissory Note of $25,000.00 which is required by contract for the purchase of a portion of a protected water service area from Rogers County Rural Water District #3. 2 Owasso Public Works Authority October 19, 1993 Chairman Randolph moved, seconded by Rex Bowen, to approve the Promissory Note between the Owasso Public Works Authority and Trail's End Development, Inc, in the amount of ITEM 11: NEW BUSINESS ' None ITEM 12: ADJOURNMENT Charles Burris moved, seconded by Chairman Randolph to adjourn. AYE: Burris, Randolph, Bowen, Barnhouse NAY: None ' Motion carried 4 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 7:38 p.m. 1 Marcia Boutwell, Recording Secretary 1 Bob Randolph, Chairperson NOTE: These minutes were taken and transcribed by Timothy Rooney in the absence of Ms Boutwell. 3 $25,000.00, and authorizing the Chairman to execute such document. AYE: Randolph, Bowen, Barnhouse NAY: None RECUSE: Burris Motion carried 3 -0. ITEM 8 REPORT FROM OPWA MANAGER No report. FROM OPWA ATTORNEY ITEM 9 REPORT ' No report. ITEM 10: UNFINISHED BUSINESS None ITEM 11: NEW BUSINESS ' None ITEM 12: ADJOURNMENT Charles Burris moved, seconded by Chairman Randolph to adjourn. AYE: Burris, Randolph, Bowen, Barnhouse NAY: None ' Motion carried 4 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 7:38 p.m. 1 Marcia Boutwell, Recording Secretary 1 Bob Randolph, Chairperson NOTE: These minutes were taken and transcribed by Timothy Rooney in the absence of Ms Boutwell. 3 CITY OF OWAEi'SO OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY 10/9-8/93 21:25:59 A,. F? 7k I M S F E ? 0 FT AFAPVR PAGE: V E ---------- ------------- N ------------ ------------------------- ------------- * NO, n-lE=AR7mEHT, MAC-TER FOUND * I ------------------------------ I `1'�'�� OF-1-ATHO"MA TAX CC)? MISSION Sal TAX'GRASS S'S ' - ------------- 1 H-FAFTIMENT TOTAL 83.:32 -FWA ADMIN"= , TRATIC ------------------------------ 940090 MEMBER SERVICE LIFE PRE TAX ADM FEES 33.00 9401—'.2l US POSTMASTER T UTILITY BILL POSTAGE 13500.00 940139 LIBERTY TULSA REVENUE BONDS 4937,96.00 94088'-7 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN S� U F FL I E. 149.98 940890 ACTION DISCOUjjT DPATNAG-,E REPAIR 300.00 940,601 LEE C — R DALE 1 LEE --- VICE REPAIRS 1731.55 94095.E CLASSIC ELECTRIC REPAIRS 9 31.50 940960 TWIN OAX5, CONST CO REPAIRS 125.00 9 4 nQ 6 3 TERRA TELECOM TELEPHONE INSTALLATION 750.00 :,"I oQ Li I XIMBA T L ACE HARDWARE REPAIRS 201.59 '409n7 WAL-MART REPAIRS 2 0 . 13? 9409"? TREASURER PETTY CASH RE47MB PETTY CASH 32.60 940985 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE. 9/93 PLEXAF 5155.24 9409R6 OFLA NATURAL GAS 9/9:3 US, E 20.00 X41 --? 0 ?y119 =7 PSO LDCC INC-AT ,ZT USE �/93w LONG DISTANCE 46.98 7 02 T-.,-LPAFTMT:N'r T'- A: 533793.59 1------- ----------------- - - - - -- '7 'P 4 0 8- WA SYSTEM_; SUPPLY SUP P LI E S A 4 Nl T T F.' N -PEAfEF 5 94080A L G Y D L. A H 5::.:15 c3. clz :ij ;yl — i 5 A 7 3:';: 7 T E'= 4 4 Gr A A E L cz 377 . I PEADEF i= ;401:;or BLICATTONS F"7HERFORD FU T r. r r- ADVEFTISINi--i 13.85 iMETER . I. 941191$ 1 .1 WIATEP SY!STEMS ZT I ra PL L '-S"PPL T ES 950.10 94nqA;j C T T 7 OF TULSA 9:a 3 USE 4 0 . Q R I WASTEWATEF ------------------------------ 940A92 CITY OF OWASSO 160.00 940753 OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY SLUDGE DISPOSAL 1()/2,;-./93 21:25:59 A. it CLAIMS REPORT APAPVP PAGE' 12 ---------- Z'j- ------------ ------------- ------------------------- ------------- 17437.57 9408:�A C.,T-V GARAGE �A '-JOQP��' C.'�:ITTTV c� .ET L TE' F FLEX!, ,=TTP-T ES 9.60 - I — RETffERFORD PUBLICATIONS .4 c5 10.10 7tTTqVMTEp! E -VT T L :3 H 11 - L R '46 -7 8,3. 0 940970 WAL-MAPT 63 GRAINGER.W W INC 6 5 0 .53 174.75 74 V it '--,r 7 TFEASUPER PETTA" CASH ------------- Iq C 7U-ZL 946?84 TAYLOE PAPER CC :SUPPLIES WASTEWATEF ------------------------------ 940A92 MET -LAB TESTING SERVICES ANALYSIS 160.00 940753 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF OKLA SLUDGE DISPOSAL 80.00 940822 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE SUPPLIES 157.37 CITY GARAGE PARTS 17437.57 9408:�A C.,T-V GARAGE T FUE 138.01 9 .4 ,li C S32 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN ,=TTP-T ES 9.60 940905 RETffERFORD PUBLICATIONS ADVERTISING 10.10 aii91 7 .'Co ADCOI CORP. F. E F I? -7 8,3. 0 940970 WAL-MAPT CTTll PLIES GRAINGER.W W INC SUPP•IES .53 174.75 940979 TFEASUPER PETTA" CASH REIME. PETTY CASH 7U-ZL 946?84 TAYLOE PAPER CC :SUPPLIES 32.10 TTP-T r- �., i E 5; _; ' U T H W E S. T E, IN BET �-L TELE. 9, PLEXAr-.,. E 33 PELL TEL-E 940';86 ONTA NATURAL GAS 9/93 USE 15.47 940987 SOUT'r7WESTEPN BELL M(.'jN-PLEX.AF 317.65 9", p t=3 0 3 I—E A1402.05 940999 LE)CC IN'---AT'-RT 9/93 LONG DISTANCE 6.41 -n E F A Elt'l ml Tj OT A L ------------- 9.385.74 ------------------------------ 7 Z:'-t MEVT TnT,: T ------------- La -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ty L- V 4 4 S 3, ElARA11-7E 7U-ZL 75.39 940 9 W jNC TTP-T r- �., i E 5; 1 o - - E 33 PELL TEL-E P,�CS Z�T =VAR CITY OF OW&SSO 10 /29/93 9:29:22 A/F CLAIMS REFOR? A P APV F &SE; 1 PO # VENDOR ---------- ------------------------- D2SCRI9�IO� ------------------------- AMOUNT ------------- WATER ------------------------------ 940866 K CONSIrRVCTIOM, IRC DEFAR7MENT TOTAL FUND TOTAL ====> SF i NTD TOTAL ====> WATER LlNEW EXTENSION 350.00 ------------- 350.00 ------------- 350.00 ------------- 35O.O0 CITY OF ON:iSSO OW&SSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY 10/28/93 21:25:59 &/F CLAIMS REFORT A F A F" I PAGE: 13 �O # V=T, nOp D��C�IPTION Ap[T-TNT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- 94O98B PSO 9/93 USE DEPARTMENT T0,7AL ===} FUND TOTAL ====> 12O.55 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 334.85 ------------- 146,318.32 CI 7V OF O��S5O OPWA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 10/281/93 21:25:59 A/F CLAIMS REPORT APAPVR PAGE: �O w D=SCRIP?IDN AMOUNT ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- DEBT S�R�I�S ------------------------------ 9�V817 �I9VO?Y B��� � ����' C��B ���D 27,1O1.54 ------------- ------------ FUND TOTAL 27,1O1.54 14 VENDOR TRANSFERS CITY GARAGE WORKERS' COMP SELF -INS GENERALFUND TRANSFERS TOTAL ■ CITY OF OWASSO OPWA A/P TRANSFER REPORT DESCRIPTION TRANSFER FROM OPWA TRANSFER FROM OPWA TRANSFER FROM OPWA AMOUNT 5,125.00 3,842.50 22, 916.66 31, 884.16 OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 10/16/93 APPROVED: 11/02/93 Chairman Trustee Trustee 1 r 1 nMMoxnrmuM TO: CHAIRMAN AND TRUSTEES OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY FROM: JO ELLEN KRANTZ SUBJECT: REQUEST TO PURCHASE FIRE HYDRANT AND RELATED MATERIALS DATE: OCTOBER 28, 1993 BACKGROUND In response to a citizen request, the area between Birch and Atlanta on West 17th Street has been evaluated for the addition of another fire hydrant. At this time a hydrant is located on the west end of 17th street with the closest hydrant being on Birch north of West 17th (a distance of approximately 1000 feet). These hydrants do meet minimum city fire protection standards but the water and fire departments agree that it would be advantageous to place an additional hydrant mid -way between the existing hydrants. As a result, the water department has begun the process to add a hydrant (in the area of 203 W. 17th) and has discovered that the main water line in this area is located 5 feet below the surface. This is approximately 2 feet deeper than normal and this line is not a standard 6" water line but rather is a 4" a.c. water line, class 150. This is a rare size and is not stocked by most vendors. This situation requires hydrant materials that are not the typical size and connections that are greater than the typical length therefore these necessary materials are not a standard stock item. As a result, they are somewhat more expensive than "standard" hydrant parts. The combination of non - standard sizing and depth of the line cause this hydrant project to cost more than anticipated. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends Trustee authorization to purchase a Mueller fire hydrant and related materials from Water Products for a cost of $1,498.67 for placement on West 17th Street. ATTACHMENTS Price quotation from Water Products. Please note: item SST 530 x 4" tapping sleeve will be ordered by Water Products from a North Carolina source. Due to the rare size of the line and type of material, this is the only source for the tapping sleeve. The price of this part is $321 plus freight from North Carolina. All other parts from Water Products include freight and delivery to the city's water division facility. jk/council/ 102893. hyd WATER. PR0DIJCTS 104 ID:9183714978 Water Products PROJECT (I- . '--X ( ltxts o l OCT 28'93 14:49 No.004 P.01 P.O. Box 349 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 -0349 1- 800 - 225 -2968 FAX: 918- 371 -4978 P.O. BOX 100 Tontitown, Arkansas 72770.01 1- 800 - 435 -9099 FAX: 501 - 361 -8058 QUOTATION 1 NUMBER BID DATE DATE " Unit Wgt. �! Unit Price Exten; )r Description u 5 Quantity SS II