HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006.05.16_City Council Minutes OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, May 16, 2006 The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, May 16, 2006 in the Council Chambers at Old Central per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, May 12,2006. ITEM 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. ITEM 2. INVOCATION The invocation was offered by Mike Henry, Freedom Church. ITEM 3. FLAG SALUTE Boy Scout Troop 80 presented the colors and led the Flag Salute. ITEM 4. ROLL CALL PRESENT Steve Cataudella, Mayor Brent Colgan, Vice Mayor D.l Gall, Councilor Wayne Guevara, Councilor Susan Kimball, Councilor ABSENT Mr. Colgan anived at 6:36, after vote was taken on Item 6 A quorum was declared present. STAFF Rodney J. Ray, City Manager Julie Lombardi, City Attorney ITEM 5. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Minutes of the May 2, 2006 Regular Meeting and May 9, 2006 Special Meeting. B. Approval of Claims. C. Acknowledgement of receiving the monthly FY 2005-2006 budget status report. Olvasso City Council May 16,2006 D. Approval of the City of Ow as so's pmiicipation in the 2006 Annual Election of Trustees to the Oklahoma Municipal Assurance Group, submitting a ballot where in votes are cast for Mr. Wilt Brown (City Manager, City of Hobart) and Mr. Brant Shallenburger (Mayor, City of Clare more). E. Adoption of Resolution No. 2006-09, a resolution approving the City of Owasso's continued participation in the Metropolitan Tulsa Home Consortium and authorizing the Mayor to execute the Metropolitan Tulsa Home Consortium Agreement. F. Adoption of Resolution No. 2006-11, a resolution requesting assistance from the Oklahoma Department of Commerce "Small Cities Community Development Block Grant". G. Adoption of Resolution No. 2006-12, a resolution committing funds in the amount of $66,450.00 as the required match for the Small Cities Community Development Block Grant. H. Approval of a Citizen Participation Plan for the FY 2006 Community Development Block Grant program and authorization of the Mayor to execute all related documents. I. Acceptance of the Barnes Elementary' Sanitary Sewer Interceptor Line, consisting of approximately 565 linear feet of eight-inch, 1,178 linear feet of ten-inch, and 2,871 linear feet of eighteen-inch PVC sanitary sewer line. Mr. Guevara moved, seconded by Ms. Kimball, to approve the Consent Agenda with claims totaling $367,559.04, self-insurance medical claims & fees totaling $41,445.37, and payroll claims totaling $347,332.32. YEA: Cataudella, Gall, Guevara, Kimball NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. ITEM 6. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO. 2006..13, A RESOLUTION OF ENDORSEMENT AND SUPPORT FOR THE OW ASSO COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTER AND THEIR 2006 SPRING RESOURCE CAMP AIGN EFFORTS Mr. Ray presented the item. Ms. Kimball moved, seconded by Mr. Gall, for Council approval of Resolution No. 2006-13. YEA: Cataudella, Gall, Guevara, Kimball NAY: None Motion calTied 4-0. 2 Owasso City Council ITEM 7. May 16, 2006 PUBLIC HEARING. THE CITY COUNCIL WILL CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF RECEIVING COMMENTS AND CITIZEN INPUT RELATING TO THE WORK COMPLETED UNDER THE FY 2004 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM, INCLUDING THE CONSTRUCTION OF A HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE RESTROOM AT THE SKATE PARK AND THE SIDEWALKS ALONG MAIN STREET SOUTH OF EAST 76TH STREET NORTH LEADING TO THE SKATE PARK Mr. Wiles presented the item. Mayor Cataudella opened the floor for public comment. No citizens chose to speak on this item and the Mayor declared the Public Hearing Closed. ITEM 8. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL AUTHORIZA TION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT TO COMPLETE ALL CLOSEOUT DOCUMENTS RELATED TO THE HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE RESTROOM AND SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT PROJECT UNDER THE CDBG 2004, SMALL CITIES GRANT; AND, AUTHORIZATION OF THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE ALL NECESSARY CLOSEOUT DOCUMENTS FOR TRANSMITTAL TO THE OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Mr. Wiles presented the item. Mr. Colgan moved, seconded by Mr. Guevara, for Council authorization for the Mayor to execute all necessary documents; and, authorization for the Community Development Department to transmit closeout documents to the Oklahoma Department of Commerce. YEA: Cataudella, Colgan, Gall, Guevara, Kimball NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 9. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO. 2006-10, A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE PRIORITY DETERMINATION OF THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECTS FOR FUNDING FROM THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND Mr. Wiles presented the item. Mr. Gall moved, seconded by Mr. Colgan, for Council adoption of Resolution No. 2006-10, a resolution setting the priority determination of the Capital Improvements Projects for funding from the Capital Improvements Fund as follows: 1) Silver Creek Watershed Drainage Improvements 2) YMCA Improvements 3) Sports Park Expansion 4) Additional Fire Stations 3 Owasso City Council May 16, 2006 5) Widening of East 96111 Street North, east of North Garnett Road 6) Widening of North Garnett Road between East 86th Street North and East 961h Street North 7) Engineering and Design for the East 96tl1 Street North and North 145111 East Avenue Intersection, the North Garnett Road and East 1061h Street North Intersection, the North Mingo Road and East 96111 Street North Intersection, and the North 145111 East Avenue and the East 106111 Street North Intersection 8) Street Improvement/Repair Project YEA: Cataudella, Colgan, Gall, Guevara, Kimball NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 10. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF ANNEXATION REQUEST OA 06- 06 (COVENTRY GARDENS), CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 13 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF EAST 96TH STREET NORTH AND NORTH 101sT EAST AVENUE, JUST WEST OF LARKIN BAILEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Mr. McCulley presented the item. Mr. Robert Fisher and Mr. Travis Biggert spoke regarding the item. Mr. Colgan moved, seconded by Ms. Kimball, for Council approval of annexation request OA 06-06. YEA: Cataudella, Colgan, Gall, Guevara, Kimball NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 11. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT, OPUD 06-01, CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 38 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, LOCATED EAST OF THE OW ASSO EXPRESSWAY BETWEEN EAST 98TH STREET NORTH AND EAST 101sT STREET NORTH, NORTH OF THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Mr. McCulley presented the item. Mr. Charles Norman, attorney for the applicant, spoke regarding the item. Mr. Colgan moved, seconded by Mr. Guevara, for Council approval of OPUD 06-01. YEA: Cataudella, Colgan, Gall, Guevara, Kimball NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. 4 Owasso City Council May 16, 2006 ITEM 12. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE SECOND YEAR (FY 2006- 2007) OF A TWO YEAR EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND THE FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE, LODGE #149 Ms. Dempster presented the item. Ms. Kimball moved, seconded by Mr. Guevara, for Council approval of the contract, as stated above. YEA: Cataudella, Colgan, Gall, Guevara, Kimball NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 13. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL TO AWARD A BID FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A RESTROOM AT THE OWASSO SPORTS PARK TO VISTA CONSTRUCTION, INCORPORATED OF SAPULPA, OKLAHOMA IN THE AMOUNT OF $131,995.00 Mr. Rooney presented the item. Mr. Guevara moved, seconded by Mr. Gall, for Council approval to award a bid for the construction of a restroom, as stated above. YEA: Cataudella, Colgan, Gall, Guevara, Kimball NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 14. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACCEPTANCE OF THE NORTH GARNETT ROAD IMPROVEMENT PROJECT AND AUTHORIZATION FOR FINAL PAYMENT TO BECCO CONTRACTORS, INCORPORATED IN THE AMOUNT OF $362,086.08 Ms. Stagg presented the item. Ms. Kimball moved, seconded by Mr. Gall, for Council acceptance of the North Garnett Road Improvement Project and authorization for final payment to Becco Contractors, Incorporated in the amount of $362,086.08. YEA: Cataudella, Colgan, Gall, Guevara, Kimball NAY: None Motion calTied 5-0. 5 Owasso City Council May 16, 2006 ITEM 15. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACCEPTANCE OF THE EAST 96TH STREET NORTH AND NORTH GARNETT ROAD IMPROVEMENT PROJECT AND AUTHORIZATION FOR FINAL PAYMENT TO BECCO CONTRACTORS, INCORPORATED IN THE AMOUNT OF $183,530.46 Ms. Stagg presented the item. Mr. Colgan moved, seconded by Mr. Gall, for Council acceptance of the East 96111 Street North and North Garnett Road Improvement Project and authorization for final payment to Becco Contractors, Incorporated in the amount of$183,530.46. YEA: Cataudella, Colgan, Gall, Guevara, Kimball NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 16. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE FOLLOWING ORDINANCES, RELATING TO PART 4 OF THE OW ASSO CODE OF ORDINANCES, ANIMALS Ms. Lombardi presented the item. Mr. Gall moved, seconded by Mr. Guevara, for Council approval of Ordinances No. 858, No. 859, No. 860, No. 861, No. 862 and No. 863 as follows: A. Ordinance No. 858, an ordinance relating to Part 4, Animals, Chapter 1 of the Code of Ordinances, more specifically relating to Section 4-110, Keeping Dogs and Cats Within City Limits; Sanitation B. Ordinance No. 859, an ordinance relating to Part 4, Animals, Chapter 1 of the Code of Ordinances, more specifically relating to Section 4-120, Rabies Vaccinations. Co Ordinance No. 860, an ordinance relating to Part 4, Animals, Chapter 1 of the Code of Ordinances, more specifically relating to Section 132, Animals to be In1pounded. D. Ordinance No. 861, an ordinance relating to Part 4, Animals, Chapter 1 of the Code of Ordinances, more specifically relating to Section 4-147, Spay and Neuter Requirements. E. Ordinance No. 862, an ordinance relating to Part 4, Animals, Chapter 1 of the Code of Ordinances, more specifically relating to the Repeal of Section 4-135, Sale ofImpounded Animals. F. Ordinance No. 863, an ordinance relating to Part 4, Animals, Chapter 1 of the Code of Ordinances, more specifically relating to the Repeal of Section 4-137, Owner May Claim Excess Money. YEA: Cataudella, Colgan, Gall, Guevara, Kimball NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. 6 Owasso City Council May 16, 2006 ITEM 17. REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER. Mr. Ray stated, in regards to an article in the Tulsa Wodd newspaper about Change Orders, that he hoped Owasso citizens understood that Change Orders that are accepted by the Owasso City Council are determined by actual cost. This article indicated that some change orders were based on estimates. Mr. Ray also said, in response to a question from Councilor Gall regarding the time line for the water line from Tulsa, that he had visited with City of Tulsa representatives regarding this, and hoped to have an update in the near future. He also stated that he had met with City of Tulsa regarding the water rate increase and was hoping to hold them to the increase percentage they had mentioned 8 months ago. ITEM 18. REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY None ITEM 19. REPORT FROM CITY COUNCILORS Councilor Kimball welcomed Boy Scout Troop 80 to the meeting, and complimented them on their presentation of the colors & flag salute and their decorum in the Council meeting. ITEM 20. NEW BUSINESS None ITEM 21. ADJOURNMENT Ms. Kimball moved, seconded by Mr. Colgan, to adjourn. YEA: Cataudella, Colgan, Gall, Guevara, Kimball NAY: None Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. 7