HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009.07.09_OEDA AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE REGULAR MEETING OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY TYPE OF MEETING: Regular FILE COPY DATE: July 9, 2009 TIME: 10:00 a.m. PLACE: Owasso City Hall, Lower Level Conference Room 111 N. Main Owasso, Oklahoma Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, July 6, 2009. 1- e-0 Chelsea M. E. Harki s, Di ctor of Economic Development AGENDA 1. Call to Order Mr. Chamey, Chairman 2. Election of Chairman Mr. Charney 3. Election of Vice Chairman Chairman 4. Election of Secretary Chairman ` . OEDA July 9, 2009 Page 2 5. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Trustee approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the Trustees to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Trustee may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non- debatable. A. Approval of minutes of the June 11, 2009 Regular Meeting. Attachment B. Approval of claims. Attachment C. Acceptance of the monthly financial report. Attachment 6. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Trustee approval of Resolution No. 2009 -01, adopting the FY 09 -10 Annual Operating Budget. Ms. Bishop Attachment 7. Report from Community Development Director Mr. Wiles Attachment 8. Report from the Public Works Director Mr. Stevens Attachment 9. Report from the Economic Development Director Ms. Harkins Attachment OEDA July 9, 2009 Page 2 10. Report from OEDA Manager Mr. Ray 11. Report from OEDA Trustees 12. New Business (New Business is any item of business which could not have been foreseen at the time of posting of the agenda.) 13. Adjournment. MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIR & TRUSTEES OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FROM: CHELSEA M.E. HARKINS DIRECTOR OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: ELECTION OF OEDA OFFICERS DATE: July 9, 2009 BACKGROUND: Pursuant to OEDA bylaws, officers for the Owasso Economic Development Authority are elected annually. Members elect a Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Secretary. The Chairman will be elected at the first regular meeting in July of each year by the members and will assume the chair immediately after his election and will oversee the election of the Vice Chairman and Secretary, with all other members serving as Assistant Secretarites. MEETING OF THE OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES OF MEETING Thursday, June 11, 2009 The Owasso Economic Development Authority met in regular session on Thursday, June 11, 2009 in the Main Conference Room at Owasso City Hall per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 5:00 PM on Monday, June 8, 2009. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER & ROLL CALL Chairman Charney called the meeting to order at 10:05 AM. PRESENT David Charney, Chairman Brian Spriggs, Vice Chairman Gary Akin, Secretary Dee Sokolosky, Trustee Steve Cataudella, Trustee A quorum was declared present. ABSENT Frank Enzbrenner, Trustee Tom Kimball, Trustee STAFF Rodney Ray, OEDA Manager Teresa Willson, IT Director Roger Stevens, Public Works Director Juliann Stevens, Minute Clerk Eric Wiles, Community Development Director ITEM 2: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR TRUSTEE APPROVAL OF THE OEDA CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of minutes of the May 14, 2009 Regular Meeting B. Approval of claims — no claims C. Acceptance of the monthly financial report Mr. Cataudella moved to approve the consent agenda, seconded by Dr. Spriggs. AYE: Akin, Cataudella, Sokolosky, Spriggs, Charney NAY: None ABSTAIN: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 3: BRIEFING AND DISCUSSION RELATING TO THE OWASSO PUBLIC SCHOOL FINANCING METHODS Mr. David Boggs, Finance Director for Owasso Public Schools provided information relating to the methods in which the public school receives operating funds and a discussion was held. June 11, 2009 ITEM 4: PRESENTATION OF THE FY 09 -10 ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Ms. Bishop reviewed the proposed FY 09 -10 annual operating budget for the OEDA and explained that an action item to adopt the proposed budget would be included on the July 2009 agenda. ITEM 5: REPORT FROM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Mr. Wiles reviewed the May building permit report and items appearing before the June Planning Commission. ITEM 6: REPORT FROM PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Mr. Stevens reviewed the status of various Public Works Department projects. ITEM 7: REPORT FROM ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Due to the absence of Ms. Harkins, Mr. Ray reviewed the Director's Report included in the agenda packet. ITEM 8: REPORT FROM OEDA MANAGER No Report ITEM 9: REPORT FROM OEDA TRUSTEES No Report ITEM 10: NEW BUSINESS None ITEM 11: ADJOURNMENT Motion made by Mr. Cataudella, seconded by Mr. Sokolosky to adjourn the meeting. AYE: Akin, Sokolosky, Spriggs, Charney, Cataudella NAY: None ABSTAIN: None Motion carried 5 -0. At 11:05 AM, the meeting was adjourned. Juliann Stevens, Minute Clerk -2- Owasso Economic Development Authority Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Fund Net Assets For the Month Ending June 30, 2009 Operating Revenues Operating Expenses: Materials & supplies Services & other charges Capital outlay Debt Service Total Operating Expenses Operating Income (Loss) Non - Operating Revenues (Expenses): Investment income Promissory note revenue RAN debt service & other costs Total non - operating revenues (expenses) Net income (loss) before contributions and transfers Transfer from general fund Change in net assets Total net assets - beginning Total net assets - ending MTD YTD Budget $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,535.42 0.00 2,535.42 2,000.00 0.00 (2,535.42) (2,000.00) 0.00 0.66 13.75 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.66 13.75 100.00 0.66 (2,521.67) (1,900.00) 0.00 2,535.42 0.00 (1,900.00) 13.75 0.66 9,008.19 9,008.19 $9,021.94 $7,108.19 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND TRUSTEES OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FROM: CHELSEA M.E. HARKINS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CLAIMS, OEDA DATE: July 9, 2009 No Claims for June 2009. MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE CHAIR AND TRUSTEES OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FROM: CHELSEA M.E. HARKINS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: FISCAL YEAR 2009 -20010 BUDGET DATE: July 9, 2009 BACKGROUND: The proposed budget for fiscal year 2009 -2010 is presented to the OEDA Trustees for review. As a Title 60 Public Trust, the OEDA is required to file an annual budget with its beneficiary, the City of Owasso. The budget or appropriation for a public trust is not a legal restriction on the expenditure of funds as it is for a municipality. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends OEDA Trustee approval of the attached budget proposal for fiscal year 2009- 2010 with estimated revenues of $9,000 and total appropriations of $2,000. ATTACHMENTS: OEDA Proposed Budget OEDA Budget Adoption Resolution Owasso Economic Development Authority Proposed Budget FY 2009 -2010 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (7 -1 -2009) PROPOSED REVENUE 50- 000 -46100 Interest 100 TOTAL REVENUE 100 PROPOSED EXPENSES Personal Services - Materials & Supplies - Other Services 2,000 Capital Outlay - Debt Service - Transfer to City of Owasso, General Fund - TOTAL EXPENSES 2,000 PROPOSED NET $ 9,000 (1,900) PROJECTED ENDING FUND BALANCE (6 -30 -2010) $ 7,100 OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO. 2009 -01 A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTION OF AN ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY; ESTABLISHING LEVELS OF EXPENDITURES BY CLASSIFICATION AS PROVIDED BY STATUTE; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS: It is the intent of the Owasso Economic Development Authority to adopt an operating budget for fiscal year 2009 -2010; and, WHEREAS: The adoption of such budget is vital to the continuation of services to the citizens of Owasso; and, WHEREAS: Public access to the adopted budget is desired; and, WHEREAS: Certain publication and filing requirements are mandated by State Statutes. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TRUSTEES OF THE OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY: THAT: Total resources available in the amount of $9,000 and total appropriations in the amount of $2,000 are hereby established. THAT: The effective date of this Resolution shall be July 1, 2009. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 9ch day of July, 2009 by the Trustees of the Owasso Economic Development Authority. Authority Chairman ATTEST: Authority Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: Julie Lombardi, Authority Attorney June Year to Date Court — V 0 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS (NEW CONSTRUCTION COUNTS) 9300 - Month 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 12 16 45 — 2g-21 M 0- 2005 2007 2009 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 20 23 64 54 30 31 22 13 25 15 .January f"ary 8 18 35 33 21 26 44 70 41 50 52 41 14 19 23 March 28 30 34 34 51 24 48 51 38 75 65 50 25 35 30 April 18 39 26 48 38 61 50 51 35 47 63 52 30 31 36 May 8 24 27 26 39 42 26 38 99 31 43 36 60 23 27 June 15 37 25 45 40 30 34 51 33 53 42 29 27 21 34 July 13 28 n 18 2-19 27 33 37 44 32 34 27 12 23 24 0 August 20 26 30 22 33 38 31 33 31 36 45 28 27 is 0 September 20 21 24 31 29 29 29 30 32 64 35 12 17 40 0 0 October 27 13 24 36 23 36 31 31 48 42 30 25 31 15 November 20 '13 14 26 14 13 24 26 35 31 32 13 26 10 0 0 2-8 21 42 26 20 29 35 51 35 53 16 8 6 Totals 208 293 333 401 362 377 406 524 301 267 165 Year to Date 164 192 215 210 203 225 325 230 286 296 230 169 154 165 89 June Year to Date Court — V 0 9300 - MA 'a 1225- 0 !.150 - 2 w 75 M 0- 2005 2007 2009 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 June Year to �DateDollars 13 0 4u,uuu,40,000,000 30,000,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- -------------------------- -------------------- --------------------- 0 — --------- ------------------------- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----------- ----- - - ------- ----- ----- ---------------------- 20,(=,(= ---------------------- ---- ---- - -- ----- - - ------- ---- 10000 000 ------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 z 0 60,000,000 45,000,000 00 30,000,000 0 15,000,000 z 0 1995 1997 New Construction Dollars Totals for Each Year 2001 2003 0 2001 FAS =#, CITY OF OWASSO RESIDENTIAL LOT INVENTORY STATUS June 30, 2009 SUBDIVISION # OF LOTS # DEVELOPED Barrington Point Ill (8/96) 32 30 Bradfords at Silver Creek (2/98) 83 82 Brentwood Village (6/99) 64 62 Broadmoor Heights (10/92} 32 28 Burberry Place (6/09) Camelot Estates (4/07) Central Park II (7/97) Champion East (05/08) Coffee Creek (04/01) Coffee Creek II (12/05) Country Estates II (6/97) Country Estates 111 (3/99) Country Estates VI (11/03) Crescent Ridge (02/08) Fairways at Bailey Ranch (8/95) Fairways V (8/99) Fairways VI (12/00) Falls at Garrett Creek (12/05) Falls at Garrett Creek Amended (12/05) Honey Creek (4/02) Keys Landing (3/08) Lake Valley II (5/07) Lake Valley III (09/08 Lakes at Bailey Ranch (10/07) Maple Glen (12/08) Nottingham Estates IV (8/01) Nottingham Estates V (3/01) Nottingham Hill (6/09) Preston Lakes (12/00) Preston Lakes III (10/04) Remington Park II (11/04) Sawgrass Park II (04/05) The Summit at Southern Links (6/97) Watercolors (12/02) TOTALS 89 139 96 66 101 79 193 61 37 101 80 71 42 85 24 202 131 118 131 235 98 20 44 58 272 147 84 96 31 40 3182 2 30 95 2 101 72 191 58 36 58 79 57 40 83 15 198 56 115 57 77 15 19 43 2 243 129 82 93 26 27 2303 # AVAILABLE 1 2 4 87 109 64 0 7 2 3 1 43 14 2 2 9 4 75 3 74 158 83 1 1 56 29 18 2 3 5 13 879 Watercolors (12102) The Summit at Southern Links (6197) Sawgrass Park 11 (04/05) Remington Park 11 (11/04) Preston Lakes 111 (10/04) Preston Lakes (12/00) Nottingham Hill (6 /09) Nottingham Estates V (3/01) Nottingham Estates IV (8/01) Maple Glen (12108) Lakes at Bailey Ranch (10/07) Lake Valley 111 (09/08 Lake Valley 11 (5/07) Keys Landing (3108) Honey Creek (4102) Falls at Garrett Creek Amended (12105) Falls at Garrett Creek (12105) Fairways M (12/00; Fairways V (8/99; Fairways at Bailey Ranch (8/95 Crescent Ridge (02/08 Country Estates VI (11/03 Country Estates III (3/99 Country Estates 11(6/97 Coffee Creek 11 (12/05 Coffee Creek (04/01 Champion East (0510f Central Park 11 (7/9i Camelot Estates (4107 Burberry Place (6/0S Broadmoor Heights (1019: Brentwood Village (619! Bradfords at Silver Creek (2/9I Barrington Point III (8/9 CITY OF OWASSO o,...:,�e.,•:�1 1 n4 Invantniry StatuS 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 p Total Lots ■ Lots Developed h I I�r• 1 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 p Total Lots ■ Lots Developed COMMERCIAL Building Permits (New Construction Counts) Month 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 January 1 0 0 5 2 3 0 0 0 1 2 5 9 0 4 3 4 2 1 0' !l+ 1 2 0 7 6 12 2 1 1 ? March 0 5 2 1 1 1 0 3 1 2 1 14 2 0 i "0 3 5; 36 0 1 8 1 1 , 4 1 0 4 .,. May 3 0 1 4 0 2 2 4 1 1 3 2 1 1 2 June: 3 0 1 3r���� 3 0 5 0 2 4 3 4 i 1 2 Jam'' S 1 1 2 7 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 .1 0 3 1 0 4 1 3 3 1 7 3 1 fl September 0 2 2 2 0 2 0 2 2 1 2 1 28 3 0 Ober 2 2 14'> 8 0 0 1 3 4' 1 0 November 1 2 i 0 5 6 5 1 1 3 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 11€liaer 1 2 4 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Totals 19 20 26 66 26 62 27 23 12 23 23 43 48 20 7 Year to Date 8 10 9 56 12 19 17 9 6 �ti �a T30 �� �� i....1 Ave !`hurnhne Rchnnlc and Gnvernment Facilities y 75 v H 60 45 E 30 E 15 IL 0 1995 June Year to Date Count 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 June Year to Date Dollars 2009 z 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 New Construction Dollars Totals for Each Year _ $65,000,000 L -12 $48,750,000 c $32,500,000 v o $16,250,000 3 $0 6 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 c 75,000,000 60,000,000 2 45,000,000 0 0 30,000,000 U 15,000,000 3 0 June Year to Date Count 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 June Year to Date Dollars 2009 z 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 New Construction Dollars Totals for Each Year _ $65,000,000 L -12 $48,750,000 c $32,500,000 v o $16,250,000 3 $0 6 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 OCCUPANCY PERMITS NAME ADDRESS STATUS APPLICATION OPENING "OMPLETE DATE DATE DECEMBER 2008_ Hampton Inn & Suites Carts Jr The Eye &Vision Center First Christian Church JANUARY 2009 9009 N 121 E Ave 9140 N 121 E Ave 12711 E86PIN #102 10100 N Garnett New 12/9/2008 12/15/2008 Yes New 12/9/2008 12/11/2008 Yes New 12/11/2008 12/16/2008 Yes New 12/19/2008 1/5/2009 Yes The Body Firm, Inc 8283 Owasso Exp #C New 1/7/2009 111/2009 No Utica Park Clinic 10512 N 110 E Ave New 1/16/2009 1/1612009 Yes Bible Church of Owasso 201 North Main Street New 1/19/2009 1/19/2009 Yes Hibton Tires (Embree) 9023 Owasso Exp New 1/10/2009 202009 Yes FEBRUARY 2009__ Walgreen Drug Store Prarie Village Owasso Public School The Alabaster Grill Elite Performance/Rehab Fastenal Co J C Penney Professional Plaza Sun Spot Tanning MARCH 2009 Ross Dress for Less Famous Footwear Leslie Pool Supplies Thai -Land Restaurant Lighthouse Church Pan,Leu Phuong Thi APRIL 2009 Owasso Public School Owasso Business Park Owasso Business Park Owasso Business Park Owasso Business Park Owasso Business Park Owasso Business Park Owasso Business Park Armor Protective Equip Pinnack Performance Acapulco Golden Tan Art in Bloom At the Beach tanning Quik Trip Corporation Lieu Phan Nail Salon MAY 2009 PDQ Contractors Barkingham Palace Inc D J Sport Plex LLC WalMart Money Center WalMart Gameplay Owasso Land Trust Owasso Land Trust JUNE 2009 11605 N 135 E Ave 12877 E 116 St N 12901 E 86 St N 9500 N 129 E Ave #130 12806 E 101 PI N 7726 N Owasso Exp #A 9056 N 121 E Ave 12899 E 76 St N #115 11215 N Garnett 9046 N 121 E Ave #100 9046 N 121 E Ave #200 9021 N 121 E Ave 12308 E 86 St N 126 S Main 12415E96StN 12901 E 86 St N 7726 #A Owasso Exp 7726 # B Owasso Exp 7744 #A Owasso Exp 7744 #B Owasso Exp 7756 Owasso Exp 7714 Owasso Exp 7768 Owasso Exp 7726 Owasso Exp 102 -A So Atlanta 12654 -56 E 86 PI N 12806 E 86 St N 12413E96StN 9600 N Garnett 12415 #B E 96 St N 202 E 5 Ave 11300 N Garnett Rd #A 106-C E 2 Ave 12101 E96StN 12101 E96StN 7770 N Ow Exp #150 7770 N OW Exp #125 New 2/11/2009 2/28/2009 Yes New 2/12/2009 2/18/2009 Yes New 2!13/2009 2/17/2009 No New 2/13/2009 3/12/2009 Yes New 2/17/2009 5/1/2009 No New 2/24/2009 3/16/2009 No New 2/25/2009 2/27/2009 Yes New 2/19 /2009 2/19/2009 Yes New 2/25/2009 2/25/2009 Yes New 313/2009 3/3/2009 Yes New 3/3/2009 3/3/2009 Yes New 3/9/2009 3/13/2009 No New 3/24/2009 4/15/2009 Yes New 3/30/2009 2/20/2009 No New 3/9/2009 4/15/2009 No New 4/3/2009 4/9/2009 No New 4/10/2009 open No New 4/1012009 open No New 4/10 /2009 open No New 4/1 012 009 open No New 4/10/2009 open No New 4110/2009 open No New 4/10/2009 open No New 4/15/2009 4/15/2009 No New 4/14/2009 5/1/2009 No New 4/9/2009 6/15/2009 Yes Ownership Change 4/30/2009 5/1/2009 No New 4/7/2009 4/712009 Yes New 411512009 4/23/2009 Yes New 4127/2009 4/27/2009 Yes New 5/612009 5/1/2009 No New 5/22/2009 6/15/2009 No New 5128/2009 5/29/2009 No New 5/15/2009 5/15/2009 Yes New 5/21/2009 5/21/2009 Yes New 5/21/2009 5/21/2009 Yes New 5/21/2009 5/21/2009 Yes Indulgence Spa Massage 104 W Broadway #5 New 6/15/2009 open No Pete & Gloria Dubois 8351 Owasso Exp New 6/24/2009 8/1/2009 No Links at Owasso 8309 N 144 E Ave New 6/24/2009 6/24/2009 Yes Links at Owasso 14300 E 84 St N #70 New 6/2412009 6/24/2009 Yes Links at Owasso 14302 E 84 St N #71 New 6/24/2009 6/24/2009 Yes Links at Owasso 14303 E 83 PI N #72 New 6124/2009 6/24/2009 Yes Links at Owasso 14303 E 83 PI N #73 New 6/24/2009 6/24/2009 Yes PERMITS APPLIED FOR IN JUNE 2009 ADDRESS BUILDER ADD /ZONE VALUE A.S.F. PERMIT # DATE 9004 N 157 E PI Denny Construction PL/RS -3 119,952 2856 09- 0601 -X 6/1/2009 11082 N 115 E Ave Simmons Homes MG/RS -3 85,920 1832 09- 0602 -X 6/1/2009 Simmons Homes PL/RS -3 119,820 2577 09- 0603 -X 6/3/2009 15903 E 91 St N 709 N Carlsbad St 7BW Construction LLC Hale/RS -3 80,000 1941 09- 0604 -X 6/4/2009 15124 E 108 PI N Simmons Homes LV/RS -3 91,620 1927 09- 0605 -X 6/5/2009 11415 E 110 PIN Simmons Homes MG/RS -3 85,920 1832 09- 0606 -X 6/5/2009 8113 N 117 E Ave Turco TL/RS -3 4,200 240 09- 0607 -X 6/5/2009 10717 N 154 E Ave Simmons Homes LV/RS -3 85,920 1832 09- 0608 -X 6/8/2009 10737 N 153 E Ave Simmons Homes LV/RS -3 86,160 1836 09- 0609 -X 6/8/2009 15610 E 91 St N Simmons Homes PL/RS -3 119,820 2577 09- 0610 -X 6/8/2009 11416 E 110 St Simmons Homes MG/RS -3 85,920 1832 09 -0611A 6/8/2009 11414 E 110 St N Simmons Homes MG/RS -3 88,920 1882 09- 0612 -X 6/8/2009 11300 N Garnett #A Tisha Blankenship Hale /CS 2,500 900 09- 0613 -C 6/9/2009 11088 N 115 E Ave Simmons Homes MGRS -3 91,620 1927 09- 0614 -X 6/9/2009 15149 E 108 St N Simmons Homes LV/RS -3 91,620 1927 09- 0615 -X 6/9/2009 9240 N 144 E Ave Strategic Inc CLT/RS -3 135,200 2600 09- 0616 -X 6/10/2009 9241 N 144 E Ave Strategic Builders CLT/RS -3 130,000 2580 09- 0617 -X 6/10/2009 14313 E 93 St N Strategic Builders CLT/RS -3 130,000 2600 09- 0618 -X 6/10/2009 9202 N 93 E Ave Providence Builders LBR/RS3 174,060 2544 09- 0619 -X 6/11/2009 10853 N 154 E Ave Capital Homes LV/RS -3 75,264 1968 09- 0620 -X 6/11/2009 10808 N 154 E Ave Capital Homes LV/RS -3 75,264 1968 09- 0621 -X 6/11/2009 10729 N 154 E Ave Capital Homes LV/RS -3 66,480 1768 09- 0622 -X 6/11/2009 9108 N 134 E Ave Poolside LLC CP/RS -3 24,000 420 09- 0623 -P 6/11/2009 14701 E 86 St N Midwest Health Mgm The Vynes 972,700 9727 09- 0624 -C 6/16/2009 11091 N 115 E Ave Simmons Homes MG/RS -3 91,620 1927 09- 0625 -X 6/17/2009 10103 E 95 Ct N Granite Pool FW/RS -3 17,800 390 09- 0626 -P 6/17/2009 9914 N 120 E Ave GMK Construction BR/RS -3 40,000 620 09- 0627 -X 6/17/2009 10320 E 116 St Metal Bldg Industries Ow Sports Pk 240,000 2400 09- 0628 -C 6/17/2009 11410 E 110 St N Simmons Homes MG/RS -3 85,920 1832 09- 0629 -X 6/18/2009 10705 N 152 E Ave Simmons Homes LV/RS -3 86,160 1856 09- 0630 -X 6/22/2009 12215 E 70 St N Denham Homes LLC KeysLng/RS -3 105,000 2400 09- 0631 -X 6/22/2009 11405 E 110 PI N Simmons Homes MG/RS -3 91,620 1927 09- 0632 -X 6/22/2009 9021 N 121 E Ave Oil Capital Sm Farms /CS 2,000 60 09- 0633 -S 6/22/2009 452 S Main St Hanger & Co Original Towi3 75,600 1800 09- 0634 -C 6/22/2009 14301 E 95 St N T -Town Construction N Hill/RS -2 250,000 3790 09- 0635 -X 6/26/2009 14404 E 95 St N T -Town Construction N Hill/RS -2 250,000 3800 09- 0636 -X 6/26/2009 11702 E 105 Pl N Simmons Homes BP/RS -3 74,660 3491 09- 0637 -X 6/26/2009 11914 E 105 St N Simmons Homes BP/RS -3 118,260 2551 09 -0638 -X 6/26/2009 10221 N 140 E Ave Simmons Homes CC/RS -3 119,820 2577 09- 0639 -X 6/26/2009 10713 N 152 E Ave Capital Homes LV/RS -3 75,264 1968 09- 0640 -X 6/26/2009 11102 N 132 E Ave Strategic Builders GC/RS -3 100,800 2400 09- 0641 -X 6/26/2009 9803 E 97 PI N Tyson Toews HC/RS -3 12,000.00 165 09- 0642 -X 6/26/2009 9305 N 93 E Ave Shaw Homes LBR/RS3 195,000 2797 09- 0643 -X 6/29/2009 9412 N 95 PI E Collingsworth Builders LBR/RS3 119,742 2851 09- 0644 -X 6/29/2009 $3,783,346 $56,200 78,973 SgFt 1,025 SgFt 34 New Single Family 3 Residential Remodel 2 New Commercial $315,600 4,200 SgFt 2 Commercial Remodel $930,200 10,627 SgFt 2 Pools $41,800 11810 SgFt 1 Sign 33 Total Building Permits $2,000 $3,214,705 160 SgFt 79,644 SgFt PROJECTS STATUS REPORT City of Owasso Public Works Department As of June 26, 2009 N 129th E Avenue Widening Project (South of Home Depot to E. 76th Street North) - Council awarded the construction contract to Becco Construction in the amount $8,320,902.80 on August 21, 2007. - A Notice to Proceed was issued on October 1, 2007 with substantial completion (450 calendar Days) scheduled for December 23, 2008 and final completion (510 calendar days) scheduled for February 21, 2009. - The contractor has poured all 5 lanes on the North end of the project; as well as finished sealing and striping the newly installed pavement. The roadway was traversable during the week of May 25tH - All sod and sidewalk installation is complete. The contractor is waiting on stormwater inlet grates to be delivered to complete the project. - Staff anticipates taking final payment authorization to City Council in July 2009. E. 86th Street North Widening (from Main Street to N. Memorial Drive) - Funding for the construction of this project is a result of a "matching grant "; 80% ODOT funding and 20% City funding. - An Engineering design for the project was completed in September 2008. - An Environmental Assessment was approved by ODOT in December 2008 and by the Federal Highway Department in February 2009. - Staff anticipates right -of -way negotiations and utility relocations to be completed in December of 2009. - Staff anticipates construction to begin in January 2010. E. 106TH Street North and Garnett Road Intersection Improvement Project - A $750,000 grant from ODOT was approved February 2009. - On March 24, 2009, Council awarded an engineering design contract with PSA Dewberry. Staff anticipates the Engineering Design to be completed in October 2009. - Staff anticipates right -of way negotiations and utility relocation to be complete by November 2009. - Construction is expected to begin in January 2010 and completed by September 2010. Tulsa Community College /Tulsa Technology Center Road Construction Project - On July 15, 2008, the City Council awarded an engineering agreement in the amount of $162,500.00 Crafton, Tull, Sparks. The Engineering Design phase is 100% complete. - An advertisement for bids was published and a mandatory pre -bid meeting is scheduled for July 8, 2009 with a bid opening scheduled for July 17, 2009. - Staff anticipates construction to begin in August 2009 and completion by December 2009. Street Improvement /Repair Protect (FY 2008 -2009 Street Repair: - On September 16, 2008, the City Council approved the street repair priorities for FY 2008 -2009. - On October 18, 2008, the City Council approved an interlocal agreement with Tulsa County for county personnel to perform the street overlay and resurfacing with materials purchased by the City of Owasso. - An advertisement for bids was published and the mandatory pre -bid meeting was held on May 26, 2009. - The bid opening occurred June 5, 2009 and City Council awarded the contract to Pavement Conservation Specialist, Inc, of Tulsa. - Staff anticipates the road base repairs to begin during the first week of July 2009 with completion by late August 2009. Traffic Signal Enhancements: - On October 7, 2008, the City Council awarded an engineering agreement in the amount of $37,000 to Traffic Engineer Consultants, Incorporated. - In October 2008, the consultant began a traffic study and submitted their final report to city staff in February 2009. Staff has completed their review of the report. An advertisement for bids was published and a bid opening is scheduled for July 17, 2009. Staff anticipates installation to begin in July 2009 completion of the project in October 2009. Wastewater Treatment Plant and 117th Street Lift Station Upgrade - The Engineering Design was completed in September 2008. - A Public comment period began August 29, 2008 as required by the ODEQ and ended October 13, 2008. - Staff anticipates advertising for bids in August 2009. - Staff anticipates construction to begin in October 2009 and Final Completion (480 calendar days) scheduled for March 2011. East 76th Street North Sanitary Sewer Interceptor - The Engineering Design was completed in March 2009. - The Environmental Process was completed by May 2009. - Staff anticipates advertising for bids in August 2009. - Staff anticipates Phase I Completion (North 143rd East Avenue to North 171St East Avenue) by July 2010; and Phase II Completion (North 171St East Avenue to North 193rd East Avenue) by December 2010. East 95 Street North Reaional Detention (Phase II and III — Detention Facility/ Garnett Structure Modifications) - The engineering design was completed March 2009. - Staff anticipates advertising for bids in August 2009. Staff anticipates final completion (130 calendar days) in January 2010. MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIR AND TRUSTEES OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FROM: CHELSEA M.E. HARKINS DIRECTOR OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: DIRECTOR'S REPORT DATE: July 9, 2009 CORPORATE RELOCATION AND JOB CREATION Staff has been working with two large aerospace companies on relocating to Owasso. Discussions are developing. An existing manufacturing company in Owasso has talked to staff about expansion in 2010. The Oklahoma Department of Commerce has been working with this company on alternative funding mechanism for this expansion. This would add an additional 200 jobs for this company. Staff is actively recruiting new tenants for the Business Incubator at Old Central. Diabetics Innovations, LLC out of Dallas, TX has contacted staff. Diabetic Innovations is a company that is focused on the treatment of diabetes and related secondary complications through Cellular Activation Therapy (CAT) or Pulse Insulin Therapy. This company is seeking a funding partner or assistance to grow their business and locate clinics in Oklahoma. Staff will meet with representatives from Diabetics Innovations this month to discuss locating in Owasso. RETAIL DEVELOPMENT Tapp Development/Wal -Mart Neighborhood Market: Seventy percent of the former Albertsons grocery store will be a Wal -Mart Neighborhood Market. Tapp Development has a contracted tenant for the other thirty percent. Tapp has purchased the neighboring 22,000 square foot Owasso Town Center shopping complex. Wal -Mart Neighborhood Market will open on July 15. Morrow Place: McDonalds construction will be completed and opening on August 4. HOTEL DEVELOPMENT The Marriott Towne Center is nearing completion of construction in Tyann Plaza. Predictions indicate a September opening. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT NOTABLES Miller Swim School has contacted staff about opening a school in Owasso. Staff is looking for locations to present to them. Staff is working on a campaign to educate Owasso residents about the vital relationship between shopping in Owasso and providing services such as roads, sewer and water infrastructure, fire and police protection and job creation. In June, I attended the Basic Economic Development Course in Denver, CO. This is a prerequisite course to become a Certified Economic Developer. The course was beneficial and taught basic and key elements to economic development practices. In today's economy, business retention and expansion is leading versus business relocation and recruitment. Identifying who is in your market and how businesses can invest with each other will revitalize the business community. Eighty percent of all new jobs come from existing business. By visiting and communicating with our existing businesses, we may be able to find solutions to problem areas or find new areas of growth. Economic Development today is not just about recruitment efforts or only about who has the largest cash cow. It is about providing value -added services that are meaningful to local business.