HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989.08.08_OPGA Minutes_SpecialVW OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, August 8, 1989, 7:00 p.m. Owasso City Hall, 207 S Cedar MEMBERS PRESENT Bob Oldefest Tom Rikkola Glenna Anderson Brian Skelton Ed Sokolosky MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF PRESENT R J Ray Sherry Lambert Ted McCord Marcia Boutwell The Owasso Public Golf Authority met in a special session on Tuesday, August 8, 1989 at 7:00 p.m. in the Conference Room of the Owasso City Hall per the Notice of Public Meeting posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, August 4, 1989- ITEM-1 -CALL TO ORDER City Manager Rodney Ray introduced Temporary Chair Bob Oldefest who called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. Mayor Patricia Marlar spoke briefly concerning the pledges being received to provide some initial funding for the Trust. She urged the Trust Authority to set up some guidelines to follow in choosing the site for a golf facility. jvvpl;�._ r. Mr Oldefest opened the floor for nominations for Chairperson. Bob Oldefest was nominated by Glenna Anderson, seconded by Ed Sokolosky. There being no further nominations, the Mr Oldefest declared the nominations closed. A vote to elect Mr Oldefest as Chairperson was unanimous. Mr Oldefest called for nominations for Vice Chairperson. Tom Rikkola was nominated by Ed Sokolosky, seconded by Glenna Anderson. No further nominations were tendered and Mr Oldefest declared the nominations closed. A vote to elect Mr Rikkola as Vice Chairperson was unanimous. © ITEM 5: APPOINTMENT OF TREASURER Mr Ray recommended the appointment of City Treasurer Sherry Lambert as initial Treasurer for the Trust Authority. Following discussion, the Chair appointed Ms Lambert as Treasurer. Owasso Public golf Authority Minutes of August 9, 1989 Page INN of • _••• • WIW."XWO48140 Mr Ray recommended that City Attorney Ron Cates be appointed Trust attorney temporarily. The Chair appointed Ron Cates and Ted McCord was instructed to contact Mr Cates with a request that Mr Cates attend the next OPGA meeting with written fee proposals. Mr Ray addressed the Authority concerning some problems that may arise with some of the groups wanting to present proposals for a golf facility. He stated that anyone wanting to build a golf course in the city limits must appear before the Board of Adjustment to request a special exception to the Zoning Code. He stated that one of the Trustees needed the authority to go before the Board if the need should arise. Glenna Anderson moved that Chairperson Bob Oldefest and City Manager Rodney Ray be authorized to appear before the Board of Adjustment, seconded by Tom Rikkola. Motion carried- ITEMREQUEST •0, -ROATT ACCOUNT IN THE NAME OF THE AUTHORITY AND UPON THE AVAILABILIIY—A FUNDS Ms Lambert explained the need for the Trust Authority to choose a bank and establish a checking account in order to be able to carry out the day-to-day business of the Trust. Tom Rikkola moved that a checking account be opened at First Bank of Owasso, seconded by Brian Skelton. A vote was recorded as follows_ Tom Rikkola - Yes Brian Skelton - Yes Bob Oldefest - Yes Glenna Anderson and Ed Sokolosky recused. Following discussion, Ed Sokolosky moved that two signatures be required on the checks and that three names, the Chairperson, Vice - Chairperson, and Glenna Anderson, be on the signature card. Motion was seconded by Brian Skelton and carried. Owasso Public Golf Authority Minutes of August 9, 1989 Page 3 ITEMS DISCUSSION OF THE NEED FOR RULES RELATING TO THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS AND GAL REOUIR.EME_NTS ON THE E�',F'ENDINt�' OF PUBLIC FUNDS Ms Lambert discussed state statutes, rules and regulations, controls, competitive bidding, conflict of interest and other areas relating to expending public funds_ ITEM 10: DISCUSSION OF "OKLAHOMA OPEN MEETING LAW" AND THE LIMITATIONS IT IMPOSES ON OPGA Mr Ray explained that the Owasso Public Golf Authority is subject to the provisions of the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act_ Trustees were each given a copy of the Act, with discussion being held on what constitutes violations of the Act as well as the intent of the Act_ Three specific points were stressed: 1. Three or more Trustees cannot get together and discuss OPGA business_ 2. All meetings are open. All voting must be done in an open meeting. Executive sessions may be held only to discuss personnel or for land acquisition. No vote may be taken in an Executive Session. 3. A notice and agenda of each meeting must be posted 48 hours prior to the meeting. Action may only be taken on what is on the posted agenda_ Special meetings may be called on 24-hour notice. Meeting may be cancelled with 12-hour notice. An emergency meeting may be called 24 hours prior to the meeting if the press is notified. Trustees were encourage to familiarize themselves with the provisions of the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act_ MISS I-QN- Because of the lateness of the hour this item was deferred to the next meeting. ITEM 12: ESTABL HMENT OF MEETING DATES Mr Oldefest opened the floor for discussion of meeting dates and time. Brian Skelton moved, seconded by Ed Sokolosky, that the next meeting be held on August 29, 1989 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Conference Room and that a calendar of regular meetings for the remainder of 1989 be established at that time. Motion carried. N Owasso Public Golf Authority Minutes of August 9, 1989 Page 4 None With no further business to come move for adjournment, seconded with the meeting adjourning at Mar is Boutwell, Secretary before the Authority, Tom Rikkola by Brian Skelton. Motion carried 9:25 v.m. R E Oldef 711, Chairperson