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2000.10.19_OEDA Minutes
OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING © MONDAY OCTOBER 19, 2000 Owasso City Hall Lower Level Conference Room ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Chairman Brian Smith called the meeting to order at 10:01 A.m. and declared a quorum present. ITEM 2: ROLL CALL TRUSTEES PRESENT Frank Enzbrenner Gary Akin Tom Kimball Brenda Lawrence Brian Smith Dee Sokolosky (10:10) Will Williams TRUSTEES ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Larry Mitchell Stan Ewing Tim Rooney Mary Jo Griffin ITEM 3: REQUEST APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 14, 2000 REGULAR MEETING AND THE SEPTEMBER 18, 2000, SPECIAL MEETING. Mr. Akin moved to approve the minutes of the September 14, 2000 Regular Meeting and the September 18, 2000 Special Meeting. Ms. Lawrence seconded and the motion carried 6 -0. AYE: Akin, Lawrence, Enzbrenner, Smith, Williams, Kimball NAY: none ITEM 4: REQUEST APPROVAL OF CLAIMS No claims were presented. ITEM 5: PRESENTATION OF FINANCIAL REPORTS FOR SEPTEMBER 2000. Ms. Bishop was not in attendance and there was no change in financial position. �01 Owasso Economic Development Authority Minutes October 19, 2000 Page 2 ITEM 6: PRESENTATION BY MS. LINDA STINNETT FROM THE OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE TO DISCUSS THE STATES INCENTIVE PROGRAMS RELATING TO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. Ms. Stinnett spoke briefly about the different incentive programs offered through the Oklahoma Department of Commerce; brochures are available which detail the different incentive programs. One of the programs mentioned was EDIF, which could be used for infrastructure development. To determine what other programs are available, Ms. Stinnett would need to know more about what Owasso has to offer in respect to industrial sites, infrastructure and existing buildings. ODOC can assist in developing a recruitment package and also has certification program that can aid in the recruitment of new industry. Ms. Stinnet stated that it is very difficult to bring in some businesses without existing industrial sites; the most commonly requested building size is around 50,000 square feet. ODOC can provide a community with technical assistance. She also told the board that if they were interested in utilizing CDBG funds and other grants, she could connect them with the Business Recruitment offices. ITEM 7: DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE SCOPE OF SERVICES AND PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION ,.. STRATEGY PROVIDED BY ALABACK AND ASSOCIATES FOR THE DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT CONCEPT PLAN PROJECT. The Trustees reviewed the proposal that was distributed in the packet and reviewed the fee proposal submitted. Also discussed was the Charette portion of the proposal. This portion is scheduled to occur sometime in January 2001. Mr. Alaback requested that the Trustees provide him with a list of key individuals that should be interviewed during this process. Regarding the contract, Mr. Mitchell suggested that it include the terms "not to exceed" the proposed amount. Mr. Kimball made the motion to contract with Alaback and Associates with the inclusion of a "not to exceed and subject to additional appropriations" clause. Ms. Lawrence seconded and the motion carried 7 -0. AYE: Kimball, Lawrence, Akin, Enzbrenner, Smith, Williams, Sokolosky NAY: none ITEM 8: DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO INITIAL FINANCING FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SCOPE OF SERVICES AND PLANNING IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY PROVIDED BY ALABACK AND ASSOCIATES FOR THE DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT CONCEPT PLAN PROJECT. U Owasso Economic Development Authority Minutes October 19, 2000 Page 3 Discussion was minimal and approval to proceed with contract was covered in agenda item number seven. No specific discussion followed regarding the exact funding procedures. ITEM 9: REPORT FROM BOARD MEMBERS ATTENDING THE NAMBUKAI CONFERENCE. Mr. Akin spoke briefly about his attendance stating that this conference was one of the largest meetings held by this group. He also mentioned that the Japanese were interested in U.S. Politics and tax issues. Also mentioned was the discussion at the conference regarding the different takes on the "Old" and "New" economy. ITEM 10: REPORT FROM ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Mr. Ewing reported that there has been a delay in the 116th property assessment. An update will be provided either by interim mailing or at the next regular meeting. ITEM 11: REPORT FROM OEDA MANAGER Mr. Mitchell noted the 4 -to Fix the County campaign was proceeding and the City was being active in its support of the issue. ITEM 12: ADJOURNMENT Mr. Kimball moved to adjourn. Mr. Enzbrenner seconded and the motion carried 7 -0. The meeting adjourned at 12 p.m. �1 lulnh� X, X200 to Approved C r n Smith, C irperson