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2000.01.13_OEDA Minutes
© OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES OF SCHEDULED REGULAR MEETING Thursday, January 13, 2000 PRESENT ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Gary Akin Tom Kimball Sherry Bishop Frank Enzbrenner Mary Jo Griffin Brenda Lawrence Dee Sokolosky Brian Smith ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Gary Akin called the meeting to order at 10:10 a.m. and declared a quorum present. ITEM 2: ROLL CALL ITEM 3: REQUEST APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 9, 1999 0 REGULAR MEETING. Mr. Enzbrenner moved to approve the minutes of the December 9, 1999, Regular Meeting with the correction of adding Chairman Akin to the list of those present. Ms. Lawrence seconded and the motion carried 6 -0. AYE: Enzbrenner, Lawrence, Sokolosky, Wilken, Smith, Akin NAY: None ITEM 4: PRESENTATION BY SOUTHWESTERN BELL REGARDING ALTERNATIVE REGULATIONS AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE PRESENATION. Chairman Akin, presented Rhonda Sellers to the board. She gave a brief history of the existing regulations governing the telecommunications industry in Oklahoma, and then proceeded to explain the alternative regulations that have been approved by the Oklahoma Corporation Commission. The main emphasis of the alternative regulation is for Southwestern Bell to be regulated on the basis of their pricing and services instead of based on their earnings. Along with the alternative regulation, a transition plan has been presented that would allow • Southwestern Bell to opt into providing high -speed Internet connections. The transition plan discussed raised several questions regarding the affect on Owasso being used as one of the first OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY January 13, 2000 Page No. 2 areas to be expanded for the DSL service. Because of the geographic layout of Owasso and the initial roll out being for a three -mile radius, it was felt that the all citizens of Owasso would not realize the benefit. It was also discussed that this three -mile radius would not even reach some of the elementary schools that are along the school district boundary as well as the future Tulsa Technology Center site. One other concern was the fact Owasso has several different exchanges. Those in the northern part of the "fenceline" have a Collinsville exchange, therefore totally excluding them from the future benefit of this service. Ms. Sellers agreed to look into and provide the Board information relating to the limitations of the initial roll -out relating to introducing the high speed internet services to the area as well as providing customer information of those individuals or businesses which would most likely be affected first. ITEM 5: REQUEST APPROVAL OF CLAIMS. No claims were presented. ITEM 6: PRESENTATION OF FINANCIAL REPORT. There were no questions. ITEM 7: DISCUSSION OF GOALS AND MISSIONS OF OEDA. Board deferred further discussion until such time as a new City Manager has been hired. ITEM 8: NEW BUSINESS None ITEM 9: ADJOURNMENT Mr. Smith moved to adjourn. Mr. Enzbrenner seconded and the motion carried 6 -0. AYE: Smith, Enzbrenner, Lawrence, Sokolosky, Wilken, Akin NAY: None t The meeting adjourned at 11:10 a.m. or OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY January 13, 2000 Page No. 3 z000 ate Approved EO E Gary kin, Chairperson