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1999.07.08_OEDA Minutes
OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES OF SCHEDULED REGULAR MEETING Thursday, July 8, 1999 PRESENT Gary Akin Tom Kimball Mark Wilken Brenda Lawrence Brian Smith ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER A RCFNT Dee Sokolosky Frank Enzbrenner STAFF PRESENT Robert Tobias Sherry Bishop Jeff Hancock Tim Rooney Marsha Hensley Chairperson Gary Akin called the meeting to order at 10:07 AM and declared a quorum present. ITEM 2: ROLL CALL ITEM 3: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF JUNE 10, 1999 REGULAR MEETING Mr. Kimball moved to approve the minutes of the June 10, 1999 Regular Meeting. Mr. Wilken seconded the motion. The vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Akin - Yes Lawrence - Yes Kimball - Yes Smith - Yes Wilken - Yes The motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 4: REQUEST APPROVAL OF CLAIMS Ms. Bishop stated that there is one claim for Ron Cates in the amount of $260.00. Mr. Smith moved to approve the claim, Mr. Kimball seconded the motion. The vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Akin - Yes Lawrence - Yes Kimball - Yes Smith - Yes O OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY July 8, 1999 Page No. 2 Wilken - Yes The motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 5: PRESENTATION OF FINANCIAL REPORT Ms. Bishop briefed the Authority on the financial report. ITEM 6: ELECTION OF CHAIRPERSON. VICE CHAIRPERSON AND SECRETARY FOR 1999 -2000 Mr. Akin called for nominations for O.E.D.A. Chairperson. Mr. Kimball stated that it has always been his goal to cease the rotation of the Chairperson. But in this case Mr. Kimball feels it is not in the best interest to OEDA and would like to make a motion to renominate Gary Akin for Chairperson. The motion was seconded by Mr. Smith to renominate Gary Akin as Chairperson. There were no further nominations. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Akin - Yes Lawrence - Yes Kimball - Yes Smith - Yes Wilken - Yes The motion carried 5 -0. Mr. Akin called for nominations for O.E.D.A. Vice Chairperson. Motion was made by Mr. Wilken and seconded by Ms. Lawrence to nominate Brian Smith for Vice Chairperson. There were no further nominations. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Akin - Yes Lawrence - Yes Kimball - Yes Smith - Yes Wilken - Yes The motion carried 5 -0. Mr. Akin called for nominations for O.E.D.A. Secretary. Motion was made by Mr. Wilken and seconded by Mr. Kimball to nominate Brenda Lawrence for Secretary. There were no OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY July 8, 1999 Page No. 3 further nominations. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Akin - Yes Lawrence - Yes Kimball - Yes Smith - Yes Wilken - Yes The motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 7: PRESENTATION OF OWASSO PUBLIC SCHOOLS REGARDING GROWTH ISSUES Mr. Akin introduced Mr. Dale Johnson, Owasso Public Schools Superintendent. Mr. Johnson made a brief presentation regarding the growth of the Owasso schools. He stated that there are 433 certified employees and 256 non - certified employees with the school system. He also discussed the Performing Arts building, stating that a completion date was set for March of 2000 although due to the resent rains there will be a delay. Mr. Johnson stated that some exits and entryways at the high school would be closed and auxiliary police officers will be asked to help direct traffic. He feels that the Owasso Public School system is in better shape at this time than they have ever been. ITEM 8: DISCUSSION OF HOSPITALITY /LODGING TAX TO FACILITATE THE ENHANCEMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM. Mr. Akin requested Mr. Tobias to update the Authority on the status of this item. Mr. Tobias stated that he has requested tax information from six different cities. Broken Arrow and Bartlesville have responded by providing a copy of their city ordinance. Mr. Wilken suggested that we finish getting the information from the remaining cities then decide how the funds need to be used. Mr. Kimball requested this item to be placed on next month's agenda. ITEM 9: DISCUSSION OF DIRECTOR'S MONTHLY REPORT Robert Tobias reviewed the enclosed report with the Authority. Also reviewed and discussed was a letter from Precision Components regarding the transaction of the sale of the City of Owasso Street Department Facility. The Authority reviewed the work program for 1999 -2000. Mr. Wilken suggested designating three Committee Members along with Mr. Tobias to plan marketing trips and to discuss the composition of a brochure and other marketing material. Mr. Wilken also requested 1999 -2000 program initiatives regarding advertising and travel /training be put on the next month's agenda. OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY July 8, 1999 Page No. 4 ITEM 10: REPORT FROM OEDA MANAGER Mr. Hancock gave a brief update on the top priorities that the city is working on. Various street projects were discussed. ITEM 11: NEW BUSINESS Mr. Rooney stated that he will be bringing plans for the expansion of YMCA to next month's meeting. ITEM 12: ADJOURNMENT Mr. Smith moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Kimball. The vote on the motion was recorded as follows: © Akin - Yes Lawrence - Yes Kimball - Yes Smith - Yes Wilkin - Yes The motion carried 5 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 11:20 AM. Ae_1,1141�1 Gary Akin, Chairperson S -/2 - ?9 Date Approved