HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990.05.09_OEDA MinutesOWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING MAY 9, 1990 P.S.O. CONFERENCE ROOM, 301 W. SECOND AVE., 12:00 NOON 1. CALL TO ORDER Alan Anderson called the meeting to order. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Alan Anderson Frank Enzbrenner Tom Kimball Brenda Lawrence Bill Retherford Absent: Patricia Marlar Stacy Lamb Staff Present: Richard Hall Janice Fields Sherry Lambert Guests: Jim Ablett Rodney Ray 3. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR APRIL 11, 1990 MEETING. Bill Retherford made a motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting April 11, 1990. Frank Enzbrenner seconded the motion. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Carried: 5 -0 4. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE WARRANTS. Frank Enzbrenner made a motion to approve the warrants in the amount of $8,223.14. Brenda Lawrence seconded the motion. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Carried: 5 -0 5. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE MOVING THE O.E.D.A. MEETINGS TO 315 SOUTH CEDAR. Tom Kimball made a motion to approve moving the official O.E.D.A. meetings to 315 South Cedar and ask that the Executive Director send notification to the Secretary of State of the change. Brenda Lawrence seconded the motion. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Carried: 5 -0 MEMORANDUM TO: Owasso Economic Development Authority FROM: Richard Hall, O.E.D.A. Director SUBJECT: Director's Report DATE: May 9, 1990 SPRING BREAKFAST The breakfast was a success. Golden Corral reports that we served about 206 plates, but some people bought tickets that did not come to the event. We are still paying bills and receiving ticket monies so the final totals are not available yet. HEALTH DEPARTMENT MOVE We moved into the new facility on April 12th and 13th. I am still somewhat concerned about furnishings even though we have made some purchases. We still lack a conference table but the office is feeling more like home. I have yet to work out an agreement with the city about janitor services but city crews are mowing the lawn. The Chamber /O.E.D.A. sign also has not yet been moved from the PSO site. UPDATE INQUIRY BY PROSPECT FROM N.O.E.D.A. We responded in early April to an inquiry from a sheet metal company through N.O.E.D.A. We have not heard any response to that initial inquiry COMMERCIAL INQUIRY I received a call on April 19th from Danny Ewing of Moody's Jewelers who wanted to know the rent for the former shop of the Teacher's Pet in Knightsbridge. I called Intervest, the realtor for the shopping center, and was told that the rent was $1,000 per month or an average of $1.40 per square foot. I returned Danny's call the next day and told him the information. FARMER'S HOME GRANT Alan Anderson called April 24th about a Farmer's home loan program for economic development. I called INCOG and found out that there is $11,000,000 in the program nationwide and that Verd- Ar -Ca, OEDA Director's Report May 9, 1990 Page 2 KAMO and Miami had applied for the money. Miami had received 1,000,000 last year. On April 25th Alan, Wes Devereau of Miami and I discussed the program in a rambling phone conference. Wes was very helpful in explaining the I.R.P. program (Intermediary Relending Program). He said that there is $16,000,000 available nationwide, not $11,000,000 as I had been told by INCOG. He said that $1,000,000 was available for each qualified applicant at 1% interest for 30 years. He said that it is necessary to set up a Loan Review Board to administer the program. He said that Miami had reloaned the money out to companies at 7 %. He said that a maximum of $150,000 may be reloaned by the applicant to a company for 75% of the project cost. He said that we should apply directly to Washington but that the FmHA office in Stillwater had been very helpful. He said to visit with Phil Brown and Leo Hogan for more details. He said that the sub -state planning agency (I.N.C.O.G.) would have to review each original application and I have already received notice of Verd- Ark -Ca for $1,000,000. He said that the program is so new that Miami had to develop their own forms to administer the program. The FmHA had evidently been impressed with the Miami administration because they had virtually been assured of a successful application this year but they also had to be audited by the federal auditors. He recommended that we retain a consultant to put together our application if we choose to apply. He recommended Carol Holmes of Norman whose husband Lex works for the state auditor. He recommended that we work through senators Boren and or Nickles when we send our application. Those political contacts have evidently been very helpful to Miami. He said that it would also be helpful if we met with the FmHA in Washington in a meeting set up by the senators after or when the application is submitted. I called Phil Brown at the FmHA office in Stillwater on April 27th. We discussed the I.R.P. program and any other programs that can fund an industrial park or help small business with financing. Phil sent me a packet of information on the relending program. I have not yet had a chance to review the material in detail, but it appears to be similar to other FmHA programs which target rural and economically depressed areas. REQUEST FOR E.I.N. DEAL MAKER OR PACKAGER DESIGNATION David Laughrey of the Tulsa Minority Business Development Center called April 30th to ask if the O.E.D.A. had any extra monies that it would not use from E.I.N. grants. I told him that I would check with Cathy Bowles at the Oklahoma Department of Commerce. I called Cathy and she said that the O.E.D.A. had been allocated $6,000 in jobs development money that would not be used. She said that it would be beneficial to all three agencies if the OEDA Director's Report May 9, 1990 Page 3 T.M.B.D.C. could use all money allocated by the state for the fiscal year. I called David back and told him that I would write a letter to the D.O.C. that designated the T.M.B.D.C. as the "deal maker" or "packager" for the O.E.D.A.. In turn the T.M.B.D.C. would return 10% of its E.I.N. monies to the O.E.D.A.. I told David to prepare a contract stating what we had discussed. Ron Cates reviewed my letter to the D.O.C. and recommended some changes. My letter is attached. CHAMBER BUSINESS New Stationery for Chamber and O.E.D.A. We have printed new stationery for both the Chamber and the O.E.D.A. to reflect our recent move. The new forms do not have our post office box, which the Post Office encouraged us to drop. New look for the Chamber Newsletter Terri Houdyshell has offered to assist us with the Chamber News Letter. She has typeset a new masthead which has been printed by Mitchell Printing in two colors. Each month Terri will typeset the copy which we will then xerox onto the blank masthead paper or have printed at Mitchell Printing. We are pleased with the new look of the publication. 1990 Trail Days We will probably net $15,000 for the 1990 Trail Days which is very near the 1989 total. We will likely have a final meeting of the Trail Days Committee to critique the event and possibly make plans for next year. The carnival was not quite the money maker as last year, primarily because of wet ground and Saturday's weather. We probably made about $2,200 on the event. The parade was considered a success by most people even though a few have complained about traffic access onto 86th Street during the event. I have heard one complaint about the loss of business during the event by one store owner. Kids Corner was a hit, especially the Petting Zoo. The Business Fair and Crafts Show was a success. The event had many visitors and I was very pleased with the appearance of the show. We made $2,025 gross in concessions, but we are still counting the money and paying bills, however. I did not attend Cutie Pie but I hear that it went well. The auction made about $2,404 which is not as much as last year but still a good showing. I feel that we would have done better if the events were in one location and not scattered. Lill r OEDA Director's Report May 9, 1990 Page 4 The Lip Sync was an unqualified success. A good time was had by all and only one patron asked for his money back after seeing the Trail Days Committee routine. This event made about $450.00 The Friday night dance was evidently the most successful ever. Education Foundation Dinner The Owasso Education Foundation Inc. will sponsor a charter patron dinner on May 12th. Sandy Garrett, Secretary of Education for Oklahoma, will be the speaker at the Oaks Country Club. For more information contact Mary Armstrong at 272 -5268. I understand that tickets are $250.00 per couple. MAY CALENDAR OF EVENTS 1 & 15 - Owasso City Council, 7:00 p.m., Community Center, 301 S. Cedar. Special meetings can be called. 1 & 15 - Owasso Public Works Authority, Community Center, 301 S. Cedar, immediately following city council meetings. 2 - Owasso Chamber of Commerce Board Meeting, 11:00 a.m., Rayola Baptist Retirement Center Craft Room. 2 - Owasso Chamber of Commerce Membership Luncheon, 12:00 p.m., Rayola Baptist Retirement Center Cafeteria. 3 - 5 - TRAIL DAYS 7 - Owasso School Board, 7:30 p.m., Administration Bldg., 1501 North Ash. Special Meetings can be called. 7 - Owasso Community Center Advisory Board, 2:00 p.m., Owasso Community Center, 301 S. Cedar. 9 - Owasso Economic Development Authority, 12:00 Noon, P.S.O. Conference Room, 301 W. Second Ave. Special meetings can be called. 16 - Owasso Ambassadors, 11:30 a.m., Golden Corral Restaurant, 7703 N. Mingo Valley Expressway. 21 - Owasso Chapter Builders Association, 11:45 a.m., Golden Corral Restaurant, 7703 N. Mingo Valley Expressway. 28 - Memorial Day 30 - Owasso Chamber of Commerce Executive Committee Meeting, 12:00 Noon, Golden Corral Restaurant, 7703 N. Mingo Valley Expressway. /F,- L OwASSO ovso ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 315 S. Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 �1�4, " _, (918) 272 -2141 May 9, 1990 Oklahoma Department of Commerce Mr. R. Dan Loague 6601 Broadway Extension Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73116 -8214 Dear Mr. Loague: This shall serve as official notification of the attitude and resolve of the Owasso Economic Development Authority, Owasso, Oklahoma, endorsing the economic development activities of the Tulsa Minority Business Development Center, 240 East Apache Tulsa, Oklahoma 74106. We applaud its efforts in creation of job opportunities, and overall quality of life improvement in the metropolitan area. The Owasso Economic Development Authority hereby designates the Tulsa Minority Business Development Center as "Deal Maker" or "Packager" from July 1, 1989 to June 30, 1990 for the O.E.D.A. in economic development efforts to bring jobs into the area. Sincerely, Owasso Economic Development Authority Chairman Member ATTEST: Secretary