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1987.12.18_OEDA Minutes
OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY © MINUTES OF SPECIAL SESSION DECEMBER 18, 1987, 10:00 P. M. CITY HALL, 207 S. CEDAR, OWASSO MEMBERS PRESENT Frank Enzbrenner (in 10:17) Lynn Freeman John Kastner Tom Kimball Stacy Lamb MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Alan Anderson Richard Hall Pat Marlar The agenda for the meeting was posted in the Owasso City Hall on December 16, 1987. ITEM I. CALL TO ORDER - John Kastner called the meeting to order at 10:07 p.m. ITEM II. ROLL CALL - Richard Hall called the roll. ITEM III. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING - John Kastner directed Richard Hall to place the Minutes of November 16, 1987 on the next agenda because those Minutes were not given to the (W Authority for review before the meeting. ITEM IV. OPEN DISCUSSION WITH REPRESENTATIVES FROM THE TULSA METROPOLITAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - Clyde Cole of the Metropolitan Tulsa Chamber of Commerce and Don Smart. of Tulsa International Airport spoke with the Authority about the hiring of an OEDA manager and about the Northeast. Oklahoma Economic Development Association. ITEM V. CONSIDERATION AND VOTE TO HOLD AN EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSIONS RELATING TO THE HIRING OF AN OEDA MANAGER - Motion was made by Tom Kimball and seconded by Stacy Lamb to adjourn the meeting to hold an executive session to discuss the hiring of an OEDA manager. A roll call vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Frank Enzbrenner - Yes Lynn Freeman - Yes John Kastner - Yes Tom Kimball - Yes Stacy Lamb - Yes The Motion carried and the Authority adjourned to executive session at 11-00. Motion was made by Lynn Freeman and seconded by Frank Enzbrenner to reconvene the Authority meeting. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: c D� OEDA Minutes of December 18, 1987, Page 2 Frank Enzbrenner - Yes Lynn Freeman - Yes John Kast.ner - Yes Tom Kimball - Yes Stacy Lamb - Yes The Authority meeting reconvened at 11:22 p.m. ITEM VI. OTHER BUSINESS - There was no other business. ITEM VII. NEW BUSINESS - There was no new business. ITEM VII. ADJOURN - Motion was made by Frank Enzbrenner and seconded by Lynn Freeman to adjourn the meeting. A roll call vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Frank Enzbrenner - Yes Lynn Freeman - Yes John Kastner - Yes Tom Kimball - Yes Stacy Lamb - Yes The meeting was adjourned at 11:23 p.m. AIRMAN DATE