HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006.06.20_City Council Agenda• .,.• •IN 3 TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: June 20, 2006 TIME: 6:30 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Old Central Building 109 N. Birch Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted at City Hall 5:00 p.m. on Friday, June 16, 2006. t0. qy Pr Timothy Rooney" ' ssistant City Mn ger I. Call to Order Mayor Stephen Cataudella 2. Invocation Reverend Chris Tiger First United Methodist Church 3. Flag Salute 4. Roll Call I 0620 Council Aguda-doc Owasso City Council June 20, 2006 Page 2 5. Recognition of National Steak and Poultry, Inc. on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of their relocation to Owasso. Mr. Ray Several members of the Community will express appreciation and recognize the contribution of National Steak and Poultry to the City of Owasso. Additionally, the Mayor proclaim June 26, 2006 as "NSP Day" in the City of Owasso. 6. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Council approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Councilor may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non - debatable. A. Approval of Minutes of the June 5, 2006 Special Meeting, June 6, 2006 Regular Meeting and June 13, 2006 Special Meeting. Attachment # 6-A B. Approval of Claims. Attachment # 6-13 C. Acknowledgement of receiving the monthly EY 2005-2006 budget status report. Attachment # 6-C Ida Acceptance of the Department of Homeland Security Commercial Equipmcnt Direct Assistance Program (CEDAP) grant. Attachment # 6--1) 7. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Council confirmation of the Mayor's appointments to various Boards and Commissions. Mayor Cataudella Attachment #7 The Mayor will recommend Council confirmation of the appointments to various Boards and Commissions. H ':0620 Cowicil :Aee-da doc Owasso City Council June 20, 2006 Page 3 8. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Council approval of annexation request OA 06-07, containing approximately 3.5 acres, more or less, located at the southwest corner of E. 100"' Street North and N. 145"' East Avenue. Mr. McCulley Attachment #8 Staff will recommend Council approval of annexation request OA 06-07. 9. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Council approval of an easement closure of one foot of an 11' utility easement located at 10106 North 114t1i East Avenue in the Sawgrass Park addition. Mr. McCulley Attachment #9 Staff will recommend Council approval of the easement closure. 10. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Council adoption of Resolution No. 2006-15, a resolution directing the City staff to publish and mail notice of public hearings concerning the annexation of the following properties: the New Barnes Elementary School; the HWY 169 Right of Way along E. 76"' Street North to the railroad overpass; the Hodson Elementary School; 10 acres at 9302 N. 129t1i East Avenue; the Episcopal Church of the Holy Cross; an undeveloped tract at the southeast corner of E. 96"' Street North and N. 129th East Avenue; the property located on the north side of E. 96"' Street North between First Baptist Church and HWY 169; and the HWY 169 Right of Way from E. 96t" Street North to E. 126"' Street North; and, directing City Staff to prepare an Annexation Services Plan for said properties. Mr. Wiles Attachment # 10 Staff will recommend Council adoption of Resolution No. 2006-15. 11 0620 Council Agenda do, Owasso City Council June 20, 2006 Page 4 11. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Council authorization for the City Manager to execute an agreement between the City of Owasso and Oklahoma Natural Gas Company for the purpose of gas facilities relocation within the E. 86"' Street North and N. Mingo Road Intersection Improvement Project; and, authorization of the City Manager to terminate such agreement in the event the total costs should exceed $190,626.00. Mr. Nurre Attachment #11 Staff will recommend Council authorization of the City Manager to execute an agreement for the relocation of gas facilities between the City of Owasso and Oklahoma Natural Gas Company for the E. 86"' Street North and N. Mingo Road Intersection Improvement Project; and, authorization of the City Manager to terminate such agreement in the event the total costs should exceed $190,626.00. 12. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Council approval of Change Order No. I in the amount of $2,400; acceptance of the FY 2004 CDBG ADA Sidewalk Rehabilitation Project; and, approval of final payment to Tri-Star Construction, LLC in the amount of $20,482.24. Mr. Dearing Attachment # 12 Staff will recommend Council approval of Change Order No. 1, increasing the contract amount in the amount of $2,400, for a revised contract amount of $42,232.00; acceptance of the FY 2004 CDBG ADA Sidewalk Rehabilitation Project; and, approval of final payment to Tri-Star Construction, LLC in the amount of $20,482.24. 13. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Council approval to award a bid for additional construction relating to the Three Lakes Village Street Improvements Project. Ms. Stagg Staff is reviewing and evaluating submitted bids for this project and will make a recommendation at Tuesday evening's meeting. 11 0670 Counc 1 ,lacnda-doc Owasso City Council June 20, 2006 Page 5 14. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Council approval of an amendment to the Fire Station No. 3 Contract for Architectural and Engineering Services between BKL, Incorporated and the City of Owasso in the amount of $133,000. Mr. Rooney Attachment # 14 Staff will recommend Council approval of an amendment to the Fire Station No. 3 Contract for Architectural and Engineering Services between BKL, Incorporated and the City of Owasso in the amount of $133,000. 15. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Council approval of a supplemental appropriation to the FY 05-06 Ambulance Service Fund budget. Ms. Bishop Attachment # 15 Staff will recommend Council approval of the amendment to the FY 05-06 Ambulance Service Fund budget. 16. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Council adoption of Resolution No. 2006-16, a resolution approving the FY 2006-2007 operating budget. Ms. Bishop Attachment # 16 Staff will recommend Council adoption of Resolution No. 2006-16. 17. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for an executive session for the purpose of discussing pending litigation against the City of Owasso, such executive session provided for in O.S. 25, Section 307(B)(4). Mayor Cataudella Attachment # 17 The staff will request an executive session for the purpose of discussing issues relating to a legal action filed in Federal Court against the City of Owasso by the Washington County Rural Water District #3. t 10620 Council Ag ndn doc Owasso City Council June 20, 2006 Page 6 18. Report from City Manager. 19. Report from City Attorney. 20. Report from City Councilors. 21. New Business (New Business is any item of business which could not have been foreseen at the time of posting of the agenda.) 22. Adj ournment. H ,0620 Council .Agenda doc OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Monday, June 5, 2006 The Owasso City Council met in a special meeting on Monday, June 5, 2006 in the Main Conference Room at City Hall, III N. Main, per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 5:00 PM on Thursday, May 18, 2006. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER. Vice Mayor Colgan called the meeting to order at 6:04 PM. PRESENT Brent Colgan, Vice Mayor Wayne Guevara, Councilor DJ Gall, Councilor A quorum was declared present. ABSENT Steve Cataudella, Mayor Susan Kimball, Councilor ITEM 2: PRESENTATION BY FIRE DEPARTMENT Mr. Clark reviewed the function, organization, operations, and challenges of the Owasso Fire Department. ITEM 3: PRESENTATION BY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Ms. Stagg reviewed the function, organization, operations, and challenges of the Owasso Public Works Department. ITEM 4: PRESENTATION BY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Mr. Wiles reviewed the function, organization, operations, and challenges of the Owasso Community Development Department. ITEM 5: PRESENTATION BY DIRECTOR OF THE COMMUNITY CENTER Ms. Worley reviewed the function, organization, operations, and challenges of the � Owasso Community Center. ITEM 6: PRESENTATION BY DIRECTOR OF SPECIAL PROJECTS Ms. Boutwell reviewed the function, organization, operations, and challenges of the Museum and assigned special projects. Owasso City Council June S, 2006 ITEM 7: PRESENTATION BY PARKS DEPARTMENT Mr. Warren reviewed the function, organization, operations, and challenges of the Parks Department. ITEM 8: PRESENTATION BY GOLF DEPARTMENT This item was postponed until the next City Council work session on June 13, 2006. ITEM 9: PRESENTATION BY IT DEPARTMENT Ms. Willson reviewed the function, organization, operations, and challenges of the IT Department. ITEM 10: ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS AND/OR COMMENTS The City Council was afforded the opportunity to ask any additional questions which were addressed by Mr. Ray. ITEM 11: ADJOURNMENT Vice Mayor Colgan moved, seconded by Gall, to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 9:13 PM. Stephen Cataudella, Mayor 2 OWASSO CITE' COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, June 6, 2006 The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, June 6, 2006 in the Council Chambers at Old Central per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, June 2, 2006. ITEM 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:31 p.m. ITEM 2. INVOCATION The invocation was offered by Page Cole, First Baptist Church. ITEM 3. FLAG SALUTE The Flag Salute was led by Councilor Guevara. ITEM 4. ROLL CALL PRESENT Brent Colgan, Vice Mayor D.J. Gall, Councilor Wayne Guevara, Councilor Susan Kimball, Councilor A quorum was declared present. STAFF Rodney J. Ray, City Manager Julie Lombardi, City Attorney ABSENT Steve Cataudella, Mayor Lynn VanDeventer, a member of the Owasso Character Council, presented to the Council `Endurance', the character trait of the month for June, 2006. Owasso City Council June 6, 2006 ITEM 6. PRESENTATION OF THE CITY OF OWASSO EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH Mt. Ray introduced Jessica Hunt, HR Analyst in the City's Human Resources Department, and Cindy Miller, a Dispatcher for the Police Department, as the City's choice for Employee of the Month for June, 2006. Mr. Ray commended them both for their enthusiasm and initiative in heading up the City's and the FOP's Relay for Life teams. ITEM 7. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Minutes of the May 16, 2006 Regular Meeting and May 23, 2006 Special Meeting. B. Approval of Claims. C. Approval of Ordinance No. 864, an ordinance approving annexation request OA 06-06 (Coventry Gardens), containing approximately 13 acres, more or less, located at the northeast corner of East 96th Street North and North 101 st East Avenue, just west of Larkin Bailey Elementary School. D. Approval of Ordinance No. 865, an ordinance approving a planned unit development, OPUD 06-01, containing approximately 38 acres, more or less, located east of the Owasso Expressway, between East 98th Street North and East 101st Street North, north of the First Baptist Church. E. Action relating to Council authorization to give notice, equalization, and levy of assessments against properties within the Tulsa County Sewer Improvement District No. 6 (Pleasant View Estates Addition) sufficient to pay the interest, principal, and reserve due on the outstanding indebtedness represented by the District Bonds. Ms. Kimball moved, seconded by Mr. Guevara, to approve the Consent Agenda with claims totaling $719,444.96, self-insurance medical claims & fees totaling $86,128.06, and payroll claims for two pay periods totaling $726,351.68. YEA: Colgan, Gall, Guevara, Kimball NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. 2 Owasso City Council June 6 2006 ITEM 8. CITIZEN REQUEST TO ADDRESS MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Mr. Robert Allen addressed the Council regarding the status of an upcoming soccer tournament to be held in Owasso. ITEM 9. PUBLIC HEARING. THE CITY COUNCIL WILL CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF RECEIVING CITIZEN COMMENTS AND INPUT REGARDING A PROPOSED TAX CREDIT APARTMENT DEVELOPMENT, PROPOSING 40 UNITS IN A SENIOR LIVING FACILITY, LOCATED ON THREE ACRES IMMEDIATELY WEST OF REJOICE CHURCH, ON THE NORTH SIDE OF EAST 106TH STREET NORTH AND WEST OF THE OWASSO EXPRESSWAY Mr. Wiles presented the item. Vice Mayor Colgan opened the floor for public comment. No citizens chose to speak on this item and the Mayor declared the Public Hearing Closed. ITEM 10. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO. 2006-14, A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF AN AWARD OF TAX CREDITS TO VINTAGE HOUSING, INCORPORATED FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF PRAIRIE VILLAGE, A 40 UNIT SENIOR LIVING FACILITY, LOCATED ON THREE ACRES IMMEDIATELY WEST OF REJOICE CHURCH, ON THE NORTH SIDE OF EAST 106TH STREET NORTH AND WEST OF THE OWASSO EXPRESSWAY Mr. Wiles presented the item. Mr. Bill Major, representing Vintage Housing, Inc. and Mike Culbreath, Executive Pastor of Rejoice Free Will Baptist Church, introduced themselves to Council and were available to answer any questions regarding the item. Ms. Kimball moved, seconded by Mr. Gall, for Council adoption of Resolution No. 2004-16. YEA: Colgan, Gall, Guevara, Kimball NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. ITEM 11. PUBLIC HEARING. THE CITY COUNCIL WILL CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF RECEIVING CITIZEN COMMENTS AND INPUT REGARDING THE CITY OF OWASSO FISCAL YEAR 2006a-2007 ANNUAL BUDGET PROPOSAL Mr. Ray presented the item. Vice Mayor Colgan opened the floor for public comment. No citizens chose to speak on this item and the Mayor declared the Public Hearing Closed. g Owasso City Council June 6, 2006 ITEM 12. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A PUBLIC FIREWORKS DISPLAY, SPONSORED BY THE CITY OF OWASSO IN CELEBRATION OF INDEPENDENCE DAY Mr. Rooney presented the item. Mr. Gall moved, seconded by Mr. Guevara, for Council approval of a request for a public firework display to be conducted on June 30, 2006, free of charge to the citizens of Owasso and sponsored by the City of Owasso in celebration of Independence Day. YEA: Colgan, Gall, Guevara, Kimball NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. ITEM 13. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A PUBLIC FIREWORKS DISPLAY, SPONSORED BY THE OWASSO GOLF AND ATHLETIC CLUB Mr. Rooney presented the item. Mr. Guevara moved, seconded by Ms. Kimball, for Council approval of a request from the Owasso Golf and Athletic Club to provide a fireworks display on July 1, 2006 free of charge to the citizens of Owasso in celebration of Independence Day. YEA: Colgan, Gall, Guevara, Kimball NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. ITEM 14. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A PUBLIC FIREWORKS DISPLAY, SPONSORED BY FRIENDSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH Mr. Rooney presented the item. Mr. Guevara moved, seconded by Mr. Gall., for Council approval of a request from Friendship Baptist Church to provide a fireworks display on July 2, 2006 free of charge to the citizens of Owasso in celebration of Independence Day, YEA: Colgan, Gall, Guevara, Kimball NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. 4 Owasso City Council June 6, 2006 ITEM 15. REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER. Mr. Ray thanked all those involved in the development of the City's 2006-2007 annual budget. ITEM 16. REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY None ITEM 17. REPORT FROM CITY COUNCILORS None ITEM 18. NEW BUSINESS None Mr. Gall moved, seconded by Ms. Kimball, to adjourn. YEA: Colgan, Gall, Guevara, Kimball NAY: None Motion carried 4-0 and the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Pat Fry, Minute Clerk Brent Colgan, Vice Mayor 9 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, June 13, 2006 The Owasso City Council met in a special meeting on Tuesday, June 13, 2006 at the Bailey Ranch Golf Course Clubhouse, 10105 Larkin Bailey Boulevard, per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 PM on Friday, June 9, 2006. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Cataudella called the meeting to order at 6:03 PM. PRESENT ABSENT Steve Cataudella, Mayor Brent Colgan, Vice Mayor Susan Kimball, Councilor Wayne Guevara, Councilor DJ Gall, Councilor A quorum was declared present. ITEM 2: PRESENTATION BY THE DIRECTOR OF GOLF Mr. Burd provided an orientation of the Bailey Ranch Golf Club (facilities, operations, management philosophy, and challenges) to the Owasso City Council. ITEM 3: DISCUSSION RELATING TO GRANTS A. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY SAFER GRANT B. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY CEDAP GRANT Mr. Rooney reviewed the above items. It was explained that the CEDAP grant had been awarded to the City of Owasso and the acceptance of the grant would be placed on the June 20, 2006 City Council agenda for action. The SAFER grant, it was explained, was in the application process. ITEM 4 DISCUSSION RELATING TO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT TTFM.Q, A. ANNEXATION (1) B. PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (1) C. EASEMENT CLOSURE (1) D. PLANNED ANNEXATION SERVICES PLAN Owasso City Council June 13, 2006 Mr. Rooney and Mr. Wiles reviewed the above items. It was explained that while the annexation request and easement closure would be forwarded to the City Council for action at the June 20, 2006 meeting, the Planned Unit Development had been withdrawn at the applicant's request. The planned annexation services plan was also reviewed. No action was taken on any of the items. ITEM 5: DISCUSSION RELATING TO FIRE DEPARTMENT ITEMS A. AMENDMENT TO ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR FIRE STATION NO. 3 Mr. Rooney reviewed the above item. It was explained that the contract amendment would be forwarded to the City Council for action at the June 20, 2006 regular meeting. ITEM 6: DISCUSSION RELATING TO PUBLIC WORDS DEPARTMENT ITEMS A. THREE LAKES VILLAGE STREET IMPROVEMENT BID AWARD B. AGREEMENT FOR GAS RELOCATION FACILITIES FOR THE E. 86 H STREET NORTH AND MINGO ROAD INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS Mr. Rooney reviewed both of the above items. Councilor Guevara recused himself from discussion on the Three Lakes Village Street Improvement Bid Award. It was explained that both items would be forwarded to the City Council for action at the June 20, 2006 regular meeting, however a recommendation on the Three Lakes Village Street Repair Project would not likely be made until the June 20, 2006 meeting. ITEM 7: DISCUSSION RELATING TO CITY MANAGER ITEMS A. FY 2006-2007 BUDGET PROPOSAL B. APPOINTMENTS TO VARIOUS BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS C. COUNCIL MEETING SPEAKER SIGN UP POLICY Mr. Ray reviewed the above items. The FY 2006-2007 Budget, as well as Board and Commission appointments, will be acted on by the Council at the June 20, 2006 regular meeting. The speaker sign up policy will continue to be reviewed ITEM 8 TOUR OF CITY FACILITIES The Council toured the Animal Control Facility, Wastewater Treatment Plant, Vehicle Maintenance, Fire Station No. 2, 117t" Street Lift Station, Public Works Building, and the Bailey Water Tank Site. 2 Owasso City Council June 13, 2006 ITEM 9: ADJOURNMENT Councilor Colgan moved, seconded by Councilor Guevara, to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 9:56 PM. Mayor CITY OF OWASSO VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AEP/PSO STREET LIGHTS 13.74 TREASURER PETTY CASH BLDG PERMIT REFUND 3.50 REFUND TOTAL 17.24 TREASURER PETTY CASH COURT EXPENSE 83.90 MUNICIPAL COURT DEPT TOTAL 83.90 TREASURER PETTY CASH CITY MGR EXPENSE 249.33 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 49.07 SAMS CLUB OPERATING SUPPLIES 11.78 FUELMAN FUEL -MAY 226.49 RLS LEGAL SOLUTIONS COPIES 155.75 CINGULAR WIRELESS PHONE USE -RAY 79.95 TREASURER PETTY CASH MEETING EXPENSE 202.57 TREASURER PETTY CASH COUNCIL MEETING EXPENSE 10.85 WEST PAYMENT CENTER MONTHLY CHARGES 418.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION 50.00 MANAGERIAL DEPT TOTAL 1,453.79 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 17.98 TREASURER PETTY CASH MILEAGE/TOLLS-BISHOP 170.59 OKLAHOMA ACCOUNTANCY BOARD CPA PERMIT 100.00 OKLAHOMA ACCOUNTANCY BOARD CPA REGISTRATION FEE 100.00 FINANCE DEPT TOTAL 388.57 DANE, JULIE TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 143.40 MCAFEE & TAFT CONTRACT REVIEW 87.50 INTEGRITY FOCUS CHARACTER INITIATIVE 782.00 INTEGRITY FOCUS CHARACTER INITIATIVE 125.00 WORLD PUBLISHING COMPANY EMPLOYMENT ADVERTISING 412.80 AMERICAN BACKGROUND CHECKS BACKGROUND CHECKS 118.00 REASORS MEETING EXPENSES 19.18 TREASURER PETTY CASH MEETING EXPENSE 57.09 HUMAN RESOURCES DEPT TOTAL 1,744.97 JAVA DAVE'S EXECUTIVE COFFEE SUPPLIES 114.56 CINTAS CORPORATION MAT SERVICE 32.65 INCOG CDBG-ADMIN SERVICES FY 20 664.59 AEP/PSO 05/06 USE 3,782.64 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 06/06 USE 392.31 AMERICAN WASTE CONTROL REFUSE SERVICE 129.00 SOUTHWESTERN BELL PHONE USE 1,090.36 TULSA COUNTY CLERK FILING FEES 250.00 GENERAL GOVERNMENT DEPT TOTAL _ 6,456.11 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 61.56 CITY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO VEHICLE MAINT 132.95 FUELMAN FUEL -MAY 434.66 TULSA COUNTY MIS DIAL UP SERVICE 60.00 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT TOTAL 689.17 VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CARTRIDGE WORLD OFFICE SUPPLIES 54.00 TRIAD PRINTING DESIGN CRITERIA BOOK 35.00 T-SHIRT EXPRESS UNIFORMS/PROT CLOTHING 107.00 CITY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO VEHICLE MAINT 77.99 FUELMAN FUEL -MAY 407.48 ALL COPY SUPPLIES PRINTER MAINT 165.00 US CELLULAR CELL PHONE USAGE 78.91 CARD CENTER LAPTOP MEMORY 78.98 ENGINEERING DEPT TOTAL 1,004.36 WAL-MART COMMUNITY DISKS/FILE FOLDERS 7.24 STRATEGIC CONSULTING INTL GIS IMPLEMENTATION 4,000.00 INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPT TOTAL 4,007.24 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 175.16 SAMS CLUB OPERATING SUPPLIES 27.85 SAMS CLUB OPERATING SUPPLIES 81.66 LOWES HOME IMPROVEMENT SUPPLIES 11.97 RADIO SHACK BATTERY 2.99 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO CABLE LINES-COMPUTER/PHONE 243.33 OKLAHOMA LIGHTING DISTRIBUTORS LIGHTS -LIFT STATION 66.50 ANCHOR PAINT MGG CO PAINT 18.46 LOWES HOME IMPROVEMENT PHYSICAL PROPERTY SUPPLIES 70.98 LOWES HOME IMPROVEMENT PHYSICAL PROPERTY SUPPLIES 470.49 LOCKE SUPPLY PHYSICAL PROPERTY SUPPLIES 29.90 ROBERTSON PLUMBING SUPPLY PHYSICAL PROPERTY SUPPLIES 516.35 ATWOODS PHYSICAL PROPERTY SUPPLIES 10.47 SOUTHSIDE MOWERS STARTER -LAWN MOWER 42.62 FUELMAN FUEL --MAY 440.19 FORREST SHOEMAKER AIR SYSTEM REPAIRS 918.35 COX COMMUNICATIONS INTERNET FEES 69.95 B PAINTS PAINTING 1,125.00 FLYNN'S PEST CONTROL PEST CONTROL SERVICE 110.00 CARRIER COMPANY REPAIRS-VAV BOX 747.32 SCHINDLER ELEVATOR SERVICE -QUARTERLY BILLING 582.87 PYRAMID COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SERVICE -TELEPHONE SYSTEM 180.00 FUELMAN FUEL -MAY 258.56 CITY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO VEHICLE MAINT 11.47 SOUTHWESTERN BELL PHONE USE 132.78 LOWES HOME IMPROVEMENT LAWN MOWER 299.00 LOWES HOME IMPROVEMENT RETURN -LAWN MOWER -329.00 SUPPORT SERVICES DEFT TOTAL. 6,315.22 LOWES HOME IMPROVEMENT TRASH BAGS 33.48 FUELMAN FUEL -MAY 135.11 AEP/PSO 05/06 USE 16.15 VVEC CEMETERY USAGE 13.69 CEMETERY DEPT TOTAL 198.43 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 211.27 FOREMOST PROMOTIONS CUSTOM POLICE STICK -ON 489.32 SIRCHIE FINGERPRINT LAB EVIDENCE COLLECTION SUPPLY 65.56 VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT TREASURER PETTY CASH RANGE SUPPLIES 24.13 OKLAHOMA POLICE SUPPLY BATTERIES-MAG 149.70 SAMS CLUB OPERATING SUPPLIES 57.07 WAL-MART COMMUNITY SUPPLIES -CRIME SCENE OFFICE 167.23 SOUTHERN AGRICULTURE SUPPLIES-ZEKE 37.99 PATROL TECHNOLOGY HOLSTER REPLACEMENT 50.00 PAVEYS COLLISION REPAIR DEDUCTIBLE -VEHICLE 500.00 CITY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO VEHICLE MAINT 5,752.74 FUELMAN FUEL -MAY 8,553.39 OWASSO FITNESS ZONE PHYSICAL FITNESS PROGRAM 75.00 HOWARD E STAMPER RADIO REPAIR SERVICES 150.00 ADMIRAL SAFE COMPANY SERVICE -LOCK SAFE 290.00 CARD CENTER SUBSCRIPTION -REMOTE ACCESS 99.00 AEP/PSO 05/06 USE 2,237.32 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 06/06 USE 222.92 TOTAL RADIO RADIO REPAIR 286.00 YALE CLEANERS UNIFORM CLEANING 2,064.38 CINGULAR WIRELESS PHONE USE 351.00 SOUTHWESTERN BELL PHONE USE 918.10 CINGULAR WIRELESS PHONE USE-YANCEY 133.24 DAYS INN-SHAWNEE LODGING-DEARMOND 108.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH PER DIEM-DRIVER/VINSON 76.99 OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY SEMINAR-YANCEY 195.00 LOWES HOME IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION SUPPLIES 611.19 P A M DISTRIBUTING CONSTRUCTION SUPPLIES 130.33 CLASSIC ELECTRIC COMPANY ELECTRICAL WORK 380.50 GE POLYMERSHAPES BULLET RESISTANT WINDOW/W 4,132.00 COMPLETE EMERGENCY VEHICLES PUSH BUMPER 279.95 POLICE DEPT TOTAL 28,799.32 ONYX CORPORATION INKJET/TONER 35.90 SAMS CLUB OPERATING SUPPLIES 66.66 WAL-MART COMMUNITY PRISONER MEALS/SUPPLIES 128.76 TOTAL RADIO RADIO MAINT CONTRACT 675.00 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OLETS RENTAL 350.00 DAYS INN LODGING-KERRI SMITH 220.00 POLICE COMMUNICATIONS DEPT TOTAL 1,476.32 SAMS CLUB OPERATING SUPPLIES 135.14 ALLIANCE MEDICAL RUBBER PROT GLOVES 82.85 PATROL TECHNOLOGY UNIFORM PANTS-HOWARD 70.00 CITY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO VEHICLE MAINT 459.73 FUELMAN FUEL -MAY 146.11 CITY OF TULSA EUTHANASIA SERVICES 80.00 AEP/PSO 05/06 USE 347.34 SOUTHWESTERN BELL PHONE USE 38.36 ANIMAL CONTROL DEPT TOTAL T-- 1,359.53 A N Z SIGNS ENGRAVING 6.00 WAL-MART COMMUNITY MAINT SUPPLIES 178.93 SAMS CLUB OPERATING SUPPLIES 7.88 YOUNGS FOUR WHEEL DRIVE REPAIR PARTS 1,581.69 FERRARA FIRE APPARATUS COMPUTER BOARD -LADDER 1 937.50 VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT GAINES APPARATUS SERVICE REPAIR PUMP 67.32 T & W TIRE TIRES -LADDER TRUCK 1,848.48 LENOX WRECKER SERVICE TOWING -FIRE TRUCK 75.00 CITY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO VEHICLE MAINT 99.59 FUELMAN FUEL -MAY 1,602.27 AEP/PSO 05/06 USE 770.60 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 06/06 USE 290.51 ROTO-ROOTER REPAIR -WATER LEAK 97.90 BMI SYSTEMS OF TULSA COPIER RENTAL 263.06 CULLIGAN OF TULSA WATER/COOLER 23.50 COMMUNITY PUBLISHERS LEGAL NOTICE 210.00 SOUTHWESTERN BELL PHONE USE 222.27 OWASSO FITNESS ZONE GYM/EQUIPMENT USE 135.00 OSU-OKLAHOMA CITY TRAINING-DEMAURO 153.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH TRAINING-PARRIS 28.02 FIRE DEPT TOTAL 8,598.52 AEP/PSO 05/06 USE 135.93 VVEC STORM SIRENS 24.48 SOUTHWESTERN BELL PHONE USE 19.18 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS DEPT TOTAL 179.59 RAINBOW CONCRETE COMPANY CONCRETE 1,301.13 MAXWELL SUPPLY OF TULSA CONCRETE SUPPLIES/SAW BLADE 375.95 GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY & GLOVE GATORADE 10.83 LOWES HOME IMPROVEMENT HARDWARE 38.73 OWASSO FENCE CO REPLACEMENT PARTS 3,866.36 BROWN FARMS SOD SOD 55.00 GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY & GLOVE UNIFORMS/PROT CLOTHING 30.36 OWASSO FENCE CO STREET SIGNS/POST 725.00 CITY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO VEHICLE MAINT 68.75 FUELMAN FUEL -MAY 1,548.40 ATWOODS HAMMERS 20.90 MILL CREEK LUMBER & SUPPLY MISC TOOLS 20.94 WHITE STAR MACHINERY & SUPPLY TOOLS-EQUIP/CONCRETE 204.85 AEP/PSO 05/06 USE 1,181.18 AEP/PSO STREET LIGHTS 5,083.59 DAVIS CUSTOM PAINTING MAINT SERVICE 300.00 HARP ELECTRIC REPAIR SERVICE 250.38 SIGNALTEK REPAIR SIGNAL LOOPS 1,800.00 NES TRAFFIC SAFETY BARRICADE RENTAL 232.00 US CELLULAR CELL PHONE USAGE 39.44 SOUTHWESTERN BELL PHONE USE 23.18 MAGNUM CONSTRUCTION STREET REPAIR PROJECT 73,186.83 ANCHOR STONE CRUSHER RUN 140.61 STREETS DEPT TOTAL --60,504.41 WAL-MART COMMUNITY FIRST AID SUPPLIES 44.55 GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY & GLOVE GATORADE 10.83 CARD CENTER MAINT PARTS 33.25 LOWES HOME IMPROVEMENT TRASH BAGS 26.96 ESTES, INC CHEMICALS 3,989.83 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS UNIFORM RENTAL/CLEANING 71.86 VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY & GLOVE UNIFORMS/PROT CLOTHING 30.34 CITY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO VEHICLE MAINT 1,146.77 FUELMAN FUEL -MAY 969.35 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE EQUIP TOOLS 103.95 LOT MAINTENANCE OF OKLA SITE MAINT/MOWING-MAY 3,250.00 BAILEY EQUIPMENT TRIMMER REPAIR 92.73 LOT MAINTENANCE OF OKLA STREET SWEEPING 1,687.50 AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOC CONFERENCE-HARRIS 129.00 STORMWATER DEPT TOTAL 11,586.92 NES TRAFFIC SAFETY BARRICADE RENTAL 255.10 EQUIPMENT ONE RENTAL & SALES BULL FLOAT 8.00 RAINBOW CONCRETE COMPANY CONCRETE 308.00 ATWOODS COPPER TUB/FITTINGS 23.60 LOCKE SUPPLY COUPLING 3.48 ATWOODS GREASE/TANK PARTS/FAUCET 35.31 WAL-MART COMMUNITY MANTELS -GAS LIGHT 27.90 LOWES HOME IMPROVEMENT MASON MIX 4.53 LOWES HOME IMPROVEMENT OPERATING SUPPLIES 23.85 LOWES HOME IMPROVEMENT PARKING SIGNS 18.84 LOWES HOME IMPROVEMENT PVC FITTINGS 1.90 TULSA MAINTENANCE SUPPLY RESTROOM SUPPLIES 390.00 ATWOODS ROUND UP/PVC CAP 129.55 WATER PRODUCTS SADDLE 47.12 TULSA MAINTENANCE SUPPLY SPORTS PARK -SOAP 72.00 LOWES HOME IMPROVEMENT WEED CONTROL/MULCH/PLANTS 216.64 CITY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO VEHICLE MAINT 164.67 FUELMAN FUEL -MAY 465.40 D & SONS LAWN CARE LAWN SERVICE-ATOR PARK 80.00 D & SONS LAWN CARE LAWN SERVICE -CENTENNIAL PAR 999.00 D & SONS I -AWN CARE LAWN SERVICE.•VETERANS PARK 120.00 AEP/PSO 05/06 USE 1,709.82 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 06/06 USE 354.92 SOUTHWESTERN BELL PHONE USE 71.99 NES TRAFFIC SAFETY BARRICADE RENTALS 242.00 PARKS DEPT TOTAL 5,773.62 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 25.50 SAMS CLUB OPERATING SUPPLIES 12.46 TULSA MAINTENANCE SUPPLY TRASH BAGS 50.50 FUELMAN FUEL -MAY 89.71 ACCURATE FIRE EQUIPMENT FIRE EXTINGUISHER INSPECTION 87.50 AEP/PSO 05/06 USE 681.52 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 06/06 USE 36.83 SOUTHWESTERN BELL PHONE USE 123.91 TREASURER PETTY CASH MILEAGE -MELONS 65.86 COMMUNITY CENTER DEPT TOTAL. -- 1,173.79 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 35.99 LOWES HOME IMPROVEMENT OPERATING SUPPLIES 29.98 AEP/PSO 05/06 USE 154.39 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 06/06 USE 33.45 SOUTHWESTERN BELL PHONE USE 21.93 VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT HISTORICAL MUSEUM DEPT TOTAL 275.74 CARD CENTER MOTOROLA PHONE TOOLS 29.99 CITY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO VEHICLE MAINT 32.43 FUELMAN FUEL -MAY 122.26 CINGULAR WIRELESS PHONE USE-HAYES 79.95 TREASURER PETTY CASH MEETING EXPENSE 23.22 TRIAD PRINTING AERIAL PRINTS 121.83 TREASURER PETTY CASH MEETING EXPENSE 17.93 CARD CENTER SUBSCRIPTION -REMOTE ACCESS 99.00 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPT TOTAL 526.61 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 172,613.37 MEDICAL COMPLIANCE SPECIALTY BIO-WASTE DISPOSAL 289.00 VITAL SIGNS AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 483.78 TRI-ANIM HEALTH SERVICES PATIENT SUPPLIES 2,163.16 ATC FREIGHTLINER GROUP REPAIR PARTS/SUPPLIES 409.90 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE FLUID -MEDICS 71.95 CITY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO VEHICLE MAINT 842.60 FUELMAN FUEL -MAY 2,056.11 MEDTRONIC EKG ATTACHMENT/BATTERIES 902.00 MEDTRONIC OXYGEN SENSOR CABLE 315.00 SAN ANTONIO AMBULANCE SALES STAT TRAC CHANNEL FASTENER 1,329.61 MEDICLAIMS MONTHLY SERVICES 4,921.76 CLIA LABORATORY PROGRAM CERTIFICATE FEE 150.00 AMBULANCE SERVICE FUND TOTAL 13,934.87 SOUTHWESTERN BELL E911 FEES 1,861.34 E911 FUND TOTAL --1,861.34 OWASSO FENCE CO CHAINS/POSTS/HARDWARE-FEN 2,978.40 MILL CREEK LUMBER & SUPPLY CONCRETE 64.62 LOWES HOME IMPROVEMENT FENCE INSTALLATION HARDWARE 22.63 CEMETERY CARE FUND TOTAL 3,065.65 C2A ENGINEERING ENGINEERING SVS-86/MINGO 2,000.00 C2A ENGINEERING ENGINEERING SERVICES 250.00 ANCHOR STONE CO AGGREGATE BASE 207.44 RAINBOW CONCRETE COMPANY CONCRETE 176.00 KEYSTONE SERVICES DRAINAGE SITE IMPROVEMENT 71,231.34 L & S DEDMON TRUCKING ROCK BASE 245.00 CENTRAL PLAINS CONCRETE CUTTING SEWER LINE RELOCATION 250.00 LOWES HOME IMPROVEMENT SEWER LINE RELOCATION SUP 73.97 JKJ OWASSO DEVELOPMENT SILVER CREEK IMPROVEMENTS 30,000.00 KEYSTONE EQUIPMENT TRACK HOE TRANSPORT 137.50 YMCA OF GREATER TULSA YMCA POOL PROJECT -MATERIAL 68,810.00 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND TOTAL 173,3 11.25 MEDTRONIC MOBILE BATTERY STATION 2,392.00 AMBULANCE CAPITAL FUND TOTAL 2,392.00 L|V|NGSTUN.KEN ZEPMANUFACTUR]NG SAMS CLUB O'RE|LLYAUTOK4OT|VE pUELMAN O'RBLLYAUTUM0T|VE UNITED FORD FRICTION PRODUCTS AMER|FLEXHOSE &ACCESSORIES UNITED ENGINES MCNBLUSTRUCK &K4FG FRONTIER INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS CLAS8|CCHEVRULET TUL8ANEW H0LLAND ENLOVVTRACTOR T&VVTIRE III c I ffolel 0KLAH0MANATURAL GAS SOUTHWESTERN BELL B&K8CUSTOM EXHAUST QUALITY TIRE & AUTO SERVICE PP0SOLUTONS CITY OFOVVA8SO|MPRESTACCOUNT CITY DF0WASSO|MPRESTACCOUNT CITY OFOWASSD/MPRESTACCOUNT CITY OFOYVASSO|MPRESTACCOUNT CITY OFOVVAS8O|MPRESTACCOUNT CD88-ED-04NSP 253.95 CAPITAL PROJECTS GRANTS FUND TOTAL ---��3�5- ===== TUITION RE|MB 309.00 HAND CLEANER 73.32 OPERATING SUPPLIES 27.14 SHOP SUPPLIES 24.52 FUEL -MAY 58.82 PARTS FOR RESALE 1.000.70 PARTS FOR RESALE 288.76 PARTS FOR RESALE 504.04 PARTS FOR REGALE 490.28 PARTS FOR RESALE 210.55 PARTS FOR RESALE 87.89 PARTS FOR RESALE 230.00 PARTS FOR RESALE 132.54 PARTG'BACKH0E 25.81 PART8'KUB0T/V8RUSHHOG 384.00 TIRES 233.52 05/00USE 403.54 00/06 USE 79.83 PHONE USE 38.30 CATALYTIC CONVERTER 148.95 WHEEL ALIGNMENT 40.95 CITY GARAGE FUND TOTAL THIRD PARTY ADK4|NFEES 1,450.00 WORKERS COMPENSATION LEGAL 014.85 WORKERS COMPENSATION MEDICAL 141.20 WORKERS COMPENSATION MEDICAL 37870 WORKERS COMPENSATION SETTLEMENT 181.50 WORKERS COMPENSATION SETTLEMENT 153000 WORKERS COMP FUND TOTAL 4,296.40 GRAND TOTAL _'S7_6_,823.35 CITY OF OWASO HEALTHCARE SELF INSURANCE i AETNA HEALTHCARE MEDICAL SERVICE HEALTHCARE MEDICAL SERVICE HEALTHCARE MEDICAL SERVICE HEALTHCARE DEPT TOTAL 20,301.76 24,655.79 21,373.79 66,331.34 HEALTHCARE SELF INSURANCE FUND TOTAL 66,331.34 CITY DFOWASSD GENERALFUWD FISCAL YEAR 2005'2008 Statement ofRevenues &Expenditures AoofMay 31.2088 REVENUES: Taxes Licenses &permits Intergovernmental Charges for services Fines &forfeihu Other TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES: Personal services Materials &uupp|ies Other services Capital outlay TOTAL EXPENDITURES REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS |N(OUT): Transfers in Transfers out TOTALTRANSFERS NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE(GAAP Basis) Beginning Balance Ending Balance MONTH $ 1.321.774 49,820 77,264 19,963 50.131 7.703 1.535.745 669,866 40.220 57.471 34,341 807,906 727,839 13,153,099 353.354 520,654 197,060 399,688 201,278 14.825.134 mman� $ 13.982.500 402,000 534'720 187,360 322.500 123.428 15.552.517 8,341,970 578,920 1,066,409 2.023'713 12,011,012 3,541,505 819.819 8.158.473 8.748.000 321.046 (1.252.345) 953.943 4,110,132 FUND BALANCE (Budgetary Basis) Beginning Balance 3119391 3110391 Ending Balance $ 4,073,334 � TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY O ♦ O FIRE CHIEF The Fire Department applied for and received a grant from the Department of Homeland Security Commercial Equipment Direct Assistance Program (CEDAP). The grant award is for the acquisition of a hydraulic pump and rescue tools for use at rescue incidents involving entrapment of occupants. The value of this grant award is approximately $20,000. CEDAP GRANT PROCESS Emergency responder agencies are able to acquire specialized commercial equipment through a direct transfer program initiated by the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) Office of State and Local Government Coordination and Preparedness (SLGCP). Through a Congressional mandate, the new DHS program will transfer technologies directly to smaller jurisdictions and eligible metropolitan areas. One of the central goals of CEDAP is to assist smaller jurisdictions who cannot otherwise afford state-of-the-art equipment for their roles in important homeland security missions. The CEDAP acquisition process does not require thatching funding from the municipality nor does it require emergency response beyond what the current services provided by the City of Owasso. HYDRAULIC , SCUE TOOLS. The grant award is for AMKUS hydraulic spreaders, cutters, and rams. The AMKUS rescue tool system will be an addition to our current tool capability, and will be stored and utilized on Fire Station #3's fire engine, if accepted. It is predicted that the acquisition of this tool system will be beneficial in the Insurance Services Office (ISO) grading of the City of Owasso, as well as the service delivery program of the Owasso Fire Department. The City of Owasso has previously received an award through the CEDAP program, when a Bullard Thermal Imaging Camera (TIC) was secured for the Fire Department. GRANT FUNDING: The CEDAP acquisition program requires no matching funds from the City. DHS will purchase and transfer the tool system, if accepted. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends City Council acceptance of the CEDAP grant including the AMKUS rescue tool system. ATTACHMENT: 1. Letter of notification from the Department of Homeland Security U.S. Department Homeland Security Office of Gralas and Trandi g Washington. DC 20-53I Q�4Security ���"iND 56G�4 May 19, 2006 Chief Bradd Clark Owasso Fire Department 8901 N. Garnett Owasso, Oklahoma 74055-4603 Dear Chief Clark, On behalf of the Secretary of Homeland Security, I am please to confirm that your application to the Commercial Direct Assistance Program (CEDAP) has been approved. Your agency will receive an AMKUS Rescue Tools _. Gas Operated System. The Office of Grants and Training (G&T) sponsors the CEDAP to provide agencies with equipment and technology to fulfill their homeland security mission, The Department of Homeland Security has partnered with the Department of Defense, which serves as the procurement agent for the equipment awarded under CEDAP. As such, you will be receiving a letter from the U.S. Army with instructions to complete the CEDAP award process. Again, congratulations on your award. We look forward to working with you to complete the award process and transfer this equipment to your agency. Sincerely, 62, = f Tracy A. Henke Assistant Secretary, Grants and Training MEMO': 1 P. CATAUDELLA 116,2000 BACKGROUND Pursuant to authority contained in Article 2, Section 2-4, subsection (e) of the Charter of the City of Owasso, the City Council has established ordinances that provide, generally, for the Mayor to appoint members to various boards, commissions, trusts, and committees; such appointments subject to confirmation by the City Council. Additionally, the Council has established the same procedure, by precedent, for those appointments not specifically addressed by ordinance. It is, therefore, the purpose of this memorandum to recommend for Council confirmation the following appointments to the positions as indicated: ® ANNEXATION COMMITTEE (One Year Term) Mayor Steve Cataudella Councilor Brent Colgan Kevin Vanover (Planning Commission) Dan Draper (Planning Commission) Tammy Laakso (Citizen) Bradd Clark, Fire Dan Yancey, Police Tim Rooney, Assistant City Manager Eric Wiles, Community Development Rickey Hayes, Economic Development Ana Stagg, Public Works Julie Lombardi, City Attorney BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Joe Ramey (Three Year Term) ® CAPITAL, IMPROVEMENTS COMMITTEE (Ore Year Term) Wayne Guevara (City Council) Brent Colgan (City Council) Duane Coppick (Planning Commission) June 16, 2006 Appointments to Various Boards and Committees Page 2 of 3 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS COMMITTEE CONT'D® (One Year Terris) Tom Kimball (OEDA Representative) Frank Enzbrenner (Banking Representative) Trish Hauser (Chamber Representative) Mike Ames (Citizen) Jim Hunter (Citizen) Bryan Stovall (Citizen) Rob Haskins (Citizen) Sherry Bishop, Finance Bradd Clark, Fire Eric Wiles, Community Development Tim Rooney, Assistant City Manager Rodney Ray, City Manager Rickey Hayes, Economic Development Ana Stagg, Public Works Dan Yancey, Police ® INDIAN NATIONS COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENT (INCOG) Councilor Susan Kimball (Two Year Term) Rodney Ray (Alternate) ® INCOG LEGISLATIVE CONSORTIUM Julie Lombardi (One Year Term) Rodney Ray (Alternate) ® INCOG ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY COMMITTEE Ana Stagg (One Year Term) ® O ASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Frank Enzbrenner (Five Year Term) Gary Akin (Chamber Representative) Mayor Steve Cataudella (Council Representative) Bruce McCarty (Three Year Term) �'IlCf1 T David Vines (Three Year Term) 272-2750 Marilyn Hinkle (Three Year Tenn) R \ y Larry White (Three Year Term) Bradd Clark (Alternate) June 16, 2006 Appointments to Various Boards and Connnittees Page 3 of 3 Sherry Bishop (One Year Term) Ana Stagg (One Year Term) ® SALES TAX WATCHDOG (appointed for life of sales tax or resignation/termination) Joe Sparks (Retail Business position) Bob Buss (Service Business position) ® TRANSPORTATION POLICY COMMITTEE Councilor Susan Kimball (One Year Term) Ana Stagg (Alternate — One Year Term) Ana Stagg (One Year Term) Joe Nurre (Alternate) RECOMMENDATION: I recommend Council confirmation of the above appointments. TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: CHIP MCCULLEY CITY PLANNER "I 1 11011 Mai ngwKge The City of Owasso has received a request to review and approve the annexation of approximately 3.5 acres, located at the southwest comer of East 100th Street North and North 145 1h East Avenue. The property is owned by the City of Owasso; a fire station is proposed for the site. A general area map has been attached for your review. Residential Single -Family North: Large Lot Residential Single -Family South: Large Lot Residential Single -Family East: Large Lot Residential Single -Family West: Large Lot Residential Single -Family RS (Residential Single -Family) Tulsa County gy, The first step in the development of a piece of property in Owasso is annexation. Annexation is the method whereby land located outside the City limits is made a part of the City. Property owners and land developers sometimes choose to have their property annexed into Owasso in order to receive Owasso municipal services, such as police and fire protection, refuse collection, and sanitary sewer. The second step in the development of a piece of property in Owasso is rezoning. In order to develop the property, the land must be zoned for particular kinds of uses, such as residential, office, commercial, or industrial. Rezoning decisions are made in accordance with the growth policy displayed in the Owasso Master Plan. The third step in the development of a piece of property in Owasso is platting. A preliminary plat is required for any development that proposes to divide land into two or more lots. Preliminary plats illustrate the development concept for the property, and are often modified significantly after being reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), and the Owasso Planning Commission. Sometimes, difficult development issues such as existing utility lines, wells, or easements are brought to light at the preliminary plat stage and must be remedied prior to development. The annexation process is initiated when a property owner submits a petition to the City of Owasso requesting that the City bring the property into the City limits. The applicant must submit as part of the request a signed petition requesting the annexation, an accurate legal description and map of the property being requested for annexation and a certified 300' radius report so that staff may send legal notices to surrounding property owners. Upon receipt of all appropriate materials the staff initiates the review process which begins with a thorough analysis of the request. The annexation request is then presented to the Owasso Annexation Committee for review and recommendation. The Annexation Committee is made up of staff, elected officials and citizens. The Committee reviews the petition for compliance with the Annexation Policy and establishes a recommendation to the Owasso Planning Commission. The Owasso Planning Commission holds a public hearing to determine if the property is compliant with the Owasso Annexation Policy and establishes a recommendation to the Owasso City Council. The Owasso City Council will mare the final determination to annex the property or refuse annexation. If the property is annexed into the City limits an ordinance officially declaring the annexation is written and adopted by the City Council. Once adopted the ordinance is circulated to appropriate regional and national agencies for recording and altering maps. The City of Owasso is requesting to annex approximately 3.5 acres of property, located at the southwest corner of East 100th Street Forth and Forth 145t' East Avenue. It is the City of Owasso's intent to develop the property as its 3"d fire station. Construction is scheduled to begin in the summer of 2006, with a predicted completion of fall of 2007. Prior to construction, a site plan will be submitted to the Planning Commission for consideration. Staff published legal notice of the annexation petition in the Owasso Reporter and letters of notification were mailed to property owners within a 300' radius. The Owasso Annexation Committee reviewed the request at its meeting on May 24, 2006. At that meeting, the committee unanimously recommended approval of the annexation. The Planning Commission considered the annexation request at its meeting on June 12, 2006. At that meeting, the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the annexation. The staff recommends approval for the annexation. 00�1 �� General Area Map TO: THE HONORA13LE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: CHIP MCCULLEY CITY PLANNER DATE: June 14,200it Amm'KIA The City of Owasso has received request to review and approve the closure of one foot of an eleven foot utility easement located on the south side of 10106 North 114 Ih East Avenue, Lot 2, Block 4, Sawgrass Park. Single Family Residence North: Residential South: Residential East: Residential West: North Garnett Road The easement in question is an I F utility easement located on the east side of the subject property. The Easement Closure review process is initiated when a property owner submits a letter requesting approval from the City of Owasso to vacate an easement. The letter is accompanied by the correct fee, survey drawings and letters from all easement grantees approving the request. Upon receipt of a complete application city staff will begin reviewing the proposal for compliance with the Owasso Zoning Code, Subdivision Regulations and Engineering specifications. The proposed easement closure will then be presented to the Owasso Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) for review and recommendation. At that meeting utility providers and city staff are afforded the opportunity to comment on the technical aspects of the request. The TAC will forward a recommendation to the Planning Commission. The Owasso Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to determine if the application is compliant with the Owasso Zoning Code, Subdivision Regulations, and Engineering criteria. The Planning Commission will forward a recommendation to the City Council. The Owasso City Council will then determine if the request meets city specifications and approve or deny the request. No vacation of a plat or any parts thereof, except by action of the District Court, shall be valid or impart notice until after the required consent of such platted area is presented to the City Council and the approval of the Council is entered thereon. All vacations or alterations of a final approved filed plat shall require the approval of the Planning Commission and City Council and the filing of a corrected plat, approved deed or accepted easement. Alterations of a plat without approval shall constitute a violation of these Regulations. The applicant is requesting this review in order to take appropriate action relating to matters allowing for the closure of one foot of an eleven foot utility easement located on the south side of 10 106 North 114 th East Avenue. In the process of constructing the single family residence, the applicant built 4"over the southern I I' utility easement. However, if the planning commission recommends approval of the easement closure the structure will still meet the side yard bulk and area requirements of 5'. No vacation of a plat or any parts thereof, except by action of the District Court, shall be valid or impart notice until after the required consent of such platted area is presented to the City Council and the approval of the Council is entered thereon. All vacations or alterations of a final approved filed plat shall require the approval of the Planning Commission and City Council and the filing of a corrected plat, approved deed or accepted easement. Alterations of a plat without approval shall constitute a violation of these Regulations. TECHNICALA S COMMITTEE. The Owasso Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the easement closure May 24, 2006. At that meeting, utility providers, as well as staff, are afforded the opportunity to comment on the, plat and request any additions and/or concerns. No concerns were expressed. The Planning Commission considered the request at its meeting on June 12, 2006, At that meeting, the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the easement closure. The staff recommends approval of the casement closure without condition. ATTACHMENTS: 1. General Area Map 2. Easement Detail FROM : BENCHMARK SURVEYING FAX NO, : 3416067 Apr. 25 2006 12:40PM P1 1139.91 4 65 -7' BRICK DWELUNG 77' M FEN OE: QQRNER 0.4' NORTIA ,- / OF ROPERTY LINE Benchmark Sur�veying �and �Land Services, Inc. 'Ma )WAF&IK'). IOK 701M, ww! (Q18) 271`uj A r4() Z`Ml FNI': clllt� V&M WO# 121528 DATE; 04/21/06 FILL 2114.17401 EXP. ClItE TO: THE HONORABLE MAY! - I COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: ERIC WILES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT:I 16-15, ANNEXATION STUDY FINDINGSAND RECOMMENDATION Itl.t f 4: 10r The staff has initiated a study for the annexation of ten different properties in close proximity to the city limits of Owasso. These areas include property that is undeveloped and surrounded by municipal boundaries, the right-of-way of Hwy. 169, two elementary schools, and a church. Specifically, the areas of property are: l . The new Barnes Elementary School, 7809 East 76th Street North 2. The right-of-way of Hwy. 169 south of East 76th Street North to the railroad overpass 3. Hodson Elementary School, 14500 East 86th Street North 4. 10 acres at 9302 North 129th East .Avenue, 9302 North 129th East Avenue, between the Home Depot and Central Park 5, The Episcopal Church of the Holy Cross, 9309 North 129th East Avenue 6. The undeveloped tract at the southeast corner of East 96th Street North and North 129th East Avenue, 9341 North 129th East Avenue 7. 12901 East 96th Street North 8. 12919 East 96th Street North 9. 12937 East 96th Street North 10. The right-of-way of Hwy. 169 from East 96th Street North to East 126" Street North The staff arrived at the determination of properties that should be annexed by evaluating recent growth patterns and the level of service that could be provided to the areas of annexation. Particular weight was given to properties that are completely surrounded by corporate limits, and weight was also given to undeveloped acreages. contactedThe staff has orerty owners affected by the proposed annexation Owassoof the possibility of the City of is map of proposed annexi o and arranged for legaldescriptions of the properties o be prepared. CONSENTUAL ANNEXATION — In most cases, before a city may annex territory, it must obtain the consent of the owners of at least a majority of the acres to be annexed to the municipality. The state law goes on to prescribe requirements for notice and a public hearing on the proposed annexation. However, there are two ways that a city can annex territory without having to obtain consent for a majority of the acres. ANNEXATION OF TRACTS LESS THAN FIVE ACMES EACH — If the territory to be annexed is subdivided into tracts or parcels of less than five acres and contains more than one residence, then the city is not required to obtain consent for a majority of the acres. THREE®SIDED ANNEXATION — The second type of annexation where consent is not required is one where three sides of the territory to be annexed are adjacent or contiguous to the property already within the city limits. In this type of annexation, the adjacent city property on each side must be at least 300 feet wide at its narrowest point (excluding adjacent right-of-way). ANNEXATION SERVICE PLAN — Before the city publishes and mails public notice of the annexation hearing, the city must prepare a plan to extend municipal services including, but not limited to, water, sewer, fire protection, law enforcement and the cost of such services appropriate to the proposed annexed territory. This annexation service plan must be made a part of the city's capital improvements plan, and the plan must be implemented within 120 months (10 years). The staff finds that, using the guidance of the Oklahoma Statutes, the City of Owasso could annex six of the ten properties listed above without being required to obtain consent for the annexation of a majority of the acres included within those properties. The staff has been told by representatives of Owasso Public Schools and the Oklahoma Department of Transportation that their four properties, the two elementary schools and the highway right-of-way, will receive annexation consent. The City of Owasso can annex the four remaining areas of property, located near the intersection of East 9e Street North and North 129t' East Avenue, by way of the three -sided type of annexation. LAND USE ® Within the annexation ordinance, the City of Owasso has the choice of either incorporating the properties as AG Agricultural or as the zoning the properties have been given by the County. The staff intends to recommend that the properties be annexed with the zoning classification given to them previously by Tulsa County. The 10 acres at 9302 North 129�h East Avenue and the Episcopal Church are each zoned AG Agricultural. The properties located at the intersection of East 961h Street North and North 129 h East Avenue are zoned CS Commercial. It should be noted that annexation does not change the current land use of the properties. If a property that is annexed is occupied by a residential structure, that structure may remain and the use of that structure may continue indefinitely. Similarly, if a property is being used for the upkeep of livestock, the keeping of livestock may continue indefinitely. First, the City Council, by adoption of a resolution at a regular meeting, must direct the city staff to prepare and publish notice of two public hearings concerning the annexation. This resolution must also direct that an annexation services plan be prepared for the affected properties. The Planning Commission would conduct the first public hearing and make a recommendation regarding the annexation to the City Council. The City Council would conduct the second public hearing, followed by its consideration of possible action related to the annexation. Finally, an ordinance effectively annexing the properties would have to be adopted. ­ QVIAIRMI" It is the staff s findings that the ten properties under consideration for annexation are a part of the Owasso community and ought to be a part of the Owasso incorporated area. After all, the two schools serve Owasso residents, the highway right-of-way is sandwiched by Owasso's corporate limits, and the residents who live in this territory shop in Owasso, go to church in Owasso, are part of the Owasso school district, have the Owasso zip code, and in large part consider themselves to be contributing parts of Owasso. This annexation would be another step in a continuing attempt to make the city's boundaries more uniform, and to remove many of the gaps within Owasso's corporate limits. Past decisions by the Tulsa County Board of Commissioners, made contrary to the designs of the Owasso Master Plan, have, shown that it is reasonable that the City should examine unincorporated parts of the community throughout the area for the purpose of bringing uniformity to the city boundaries. Owasso has prepared an annexation services plan as part of the annexation process, and this plan will have to be implemented as part of the Capital Improvements plan within ten years. The annexation services plan is included as an attachment to this memorandum. Owasso fire and ambulance service already serve the area. Police and Community Development services will extend to the territory immediately upon annexation. Water lines are in place and currently serve the area. Sewer mains lie in the immediate vicinity of the areas and will be extended to the properties at the owners' request and expense. Refuse collection service will be made available to the properties, but not mandatory; the City of Owasso will not forcibly take over the area from existing refuse collection providers. The roads and stormwater drainage systems within the territory will be maintained to the levels of their current condition. RESOLUTION 2006-15: Resolution 2006-15 constitutes a directive from the City Council to the municipal staff to publish and mail notice of two public hearings by July 4, 2006 for the City to consider the annexation -- one by the Planning Commission and one by the City Council, Additionally, the resolution directs the staff to prepare an annexation services plan that is to be included within the Capital Improvements Plan, to be available for public inspection by July 3, 2006. RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution 2006-15 CONCERNINGA RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE MUNICIPAL STAFF OF THE CITY OF OWASSO TO PUBLISH AND MAIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS E ANNEXATION OF E FOLLOWING PROPERTIES, • ALSO DIRECTING THAT AN ANNEXATION PREPARED 1 STAFF AND AVAILABLE FOR ANNEXATION BY 1 TIME OF THE DELIVERYOF •' HE PROPERTIES r NorthDESCRIBED AS: 1) 7809 East 76t" Street North, 2) the right-of-way of East 76t" Street North to the railroad overpass, 3) 14500 East 86'11 Street North, 4) 9302 • th East Avenue, 9309 • ith East Avenue, i 9341 North• East Avenue, 7) 12901 East 96th Street North, 8) 12919 East 96t" Street North, 9) 12937 East 96t" Street North, and 10) 9341 North 129ffi East Avenue. WHEREAS, Article 21 of Title 11 of the Oklahoma Statutes allows municipalities to add territory to their corporate limits, THEREFORE,NOW RESOLVED by the City Councilof Owasso, Oklahoma, that: A. The municipal staff of the City of Owasso is hereby directed to publish and mail notice of public hearings about the annexation of the properties listed above. The notice is to be published in a legally qualified newspaper of general circulation, and the notice is to be published by July 4, 2006. Further, the staff is directed to schedule one of the public hearings for the Owasso Planning Commission meeting on July 10, 2006 and the other public hearing for the Owasso City Council meeting on July 18, 2006. B. The municipal staff of the City of Owasso is hereby directed to prepare an annexation services plan for the properties to be considered for annexation. The plan is to be considered a part of the Owasso Capital Improvements Plan, and is to have a completion schedule of no longer than 120 months. The staff is directed to have the plan available for public inspection by July 3, 2006. Approved this 2e day of June 2006. City of Owasso, Oklahoma Stephen Cataudella, Mayor Sherry Bishop, City Clerk / / r / `��A%A ir✓'i � rr� ��� `///%/ / % Ar /` '��/c� /'r/G `///"'/'/ry/A/�`y✓i/i'/// y/i /�/�A�%j;/ ��'//ir A � `is/ / ri `/ `�-. r.r/ Sri/A �r/i�� M N Mir; t / /r Owasso Community Development Department 111 N. Main St. PROPOSED Owasso, OK 74055 ANNEXATIONS �� 918.376.1500 918.376.1597 www. cityofowasso.com O: THE HONORABLE1 CITY COUNCIL CITY OF •; FROM: JOE .. CITY ENGINEER SUBJECT: R GAS FACILITIES RELOCATION WITH OKLAHOMA NATURAL STREETO. D INTERSECTION DATE: June 14, 2006 BACKGROUND: As part of the projects approved under the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) Local Government Program, this project involves the widening and signalization of the intersection at E. 86'1' Street North and N. Mingo Road. Although originally programmed for construction under the 1998 Bond, the work was delayed to allow for the completion of other capital improvements projects. Final design for the initial scope of the project by CH2MH1ll was completed in April 2002. This design provided for a typical rural asphalt intersection, without sidewalks, curb and gutter and camera operated signals. Following the completion of E. 76"' Street North Widening, City of Owasso staff contacted ODOT to begin construction of improvements at E. 86"' Street North and N. Mingo Road intersection. ODOT personnel indicated that funding would be available after November 2005, and Advertisement for Bids would be scheduled following receipt of funding. A June 2005, design review performed in preparation of Advertisement for Bids revealed that the proposed intersection and signalization improvements no longer meet City standards. In August 2005, staff solicited proposals from both CH2MHill and C2A Engineering for additional design work including preparation of documents for the construction of a five -lane, four-way concrete intersection, complete with sidewalk, curb and gutter and drainage improvements, intended to bring the project into conformance with current City standards as well as accommodate future changes in traffic flow patterns when the land located directly south of the existing intersection developed. Council approved an engineering services contract with C2A Engineering during its regularly scheduled meeting of October 18, 2005. UTILITY RELOCATION - Since that time, design work and document production for the project have been completed and final documents have been submitted to ODOT for review. A utility relocation meeting was held on February 22, 2006 and final drawings were issued to utilities for review on April 13, 2006. All utilities were given notice to begin relocation for the project on May 13, 2006. Page 2 Agreement For Gas Facilities Relocation 86"' Street North & Mingo Road hntersection American Electric Power — Public Service Company of Oklahoma (AEP-PSO), Southwestern Bell (SBC/AT&T), Washington County Rural Water District No. 3, Oklahoma Natural Gas (ONG) and Cox Communications have engineered the relocation of utilities to allow for the construction of the improvements. All utilities, except for ONG and Washington County Rural Water District No. 3, are located within the public ROW and have no dedicated easements, thus relocation will be at no expense to the City. ONG currently owns approximately 1,336 linear feet of low and medium pressure distribution pipelines as well as a 2" gas regulator and service with a 2" relief valve to be relocated within the limits of the project. Of the total length, 1,216 linear feet are located outside the public ROW and within a privately owned casement. This portion will have to be relocated at an estimated cost to the City of $190,626.00 including material, labor, and contract administration. AGREEMENT FOR GAS FACILITIES RELOCATION: The Agreement (see Attachment A) contains language outlining how ONG will be reimbursed for the work and what the relocation costs will be based on: ® The City will reimburse ONG within thirty (30) days of completion of work, which is estimated to be mid -August. ® Relocation costs will be based on actual relocation costs. ® ONG will award and pay for the work based on competitive bids or continuing contract, whichever is deemed most practical and economical by ONG. ® If the contract is awarded at a higher amount than the estimate, ONG will send the City a written notice, and the City will have the right to terminate the agreement within ten (10) days of receipt of notice. ® ONG easements shall be considered to retain precedence so that any City project in the future requiring additional relocations of the same facilities shall be paid by the City. The City Attorney has reviewed this agreement and found it acceptable. FUNDING: Sufficient funds remain in the Capital Improvements Fund for this project. RECOMMENDATIONS - Item 1: Staff recommends Council approval of authority for the Mayor to execute the Agreement for Gas Facilities Relocation between Oklahoma Natural Gas Company and the City of Owasso for 86"' Street North and Mingo Road Intersection Improvements. Item 2: Staff recommends Council approval of authority for the City Manager to terminate the agreement (as allowed by paragraph 6 of the agreement) if revised estimates submitted by ONG become more than $190,626.00 prior to commencement of construction and if it is determined by the City Manager that the revised estimate no longer fits within the City budget. ATTACHMENTS: A. Agreement and estimate Oklahoma Natural Gas Company, a Division of ONEOK, Inc., hereinafter called "Company," owns various medium pressure and low-pressure distribution natural gas pipelines within the construction limits of the referenced project in the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, which Company utilizes in the discharge of its duties as a public service corporation. City of Owasso, Oklahoma, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called "City," has requested Company to relocate these facilities to accommodate the proposed construction of the referenced proj ect as shown on plans therefore, the latest of which were received electronically by Company on April 27, 2006. City agrees to reimburse Company in the extent and manner hereinafter stated for that portion of the cost of relocating said facilities which is for the benefit of City. Company proposes to perform the necessary relocation of its facilities in substantial accordancewith the five plan sheets and the one -page cost estimate, all dated May 1, 2006, of which four copies each are attached. Company will bear the cost of relocating the portions of the facilities which do not occupy private rights -of -way. The City's share of the estimated cost of the necessary relocation will be $190,626, all of which is to be reimbursed to Company by City. City by accepting the proposal agrees that City shall reimburse Company for its share of the total actual relocation costs, said costs being arrived at in the same manner as used in Company's estimated cost of the project attached hereto. Such relocation costs will be based upon, but not necessarily limited to, material suppliers', work contractors', and equipment -rental invoices; and at then -current rates and prices, company's transfer and stores expense charges for warehoused materials; payroll time sheets; indirect labor charges; auto, truck, and equipment use records; expense statements; and standard allocated overhead charges. Company's award of and payment for contracted work will be based upon competitive bids or continuing contract, whichever appears to the Company will be most practical and economical. It is further understood, and City by accepting this proposal agrees, that City will reimbursethe Company in accordance with this agreementwithin thirty (30) days after the said relocationwork has been completed and Company's statement for City's costs thereof has been submitted. Company agrees that in the event Company should determine prior to commencement of construction that the revised estimated amount of the reimbursement by the City may exceed the estimated cost as stated herein, Company shall notify the City of such determination in writing. City shall have the right to terminate this agreementwithin ten (10) days of receipt of such said written notice. If City elects to so terminate, City shall pay Company the City's share of any engineering cost incurred to date of termination. If the City does not terminate the agreement within the ten (10) days, it shall remain in full force and effect. The Company by agreeing to or by abandoning, relocating, or modifying any of its facilities pursuant to this agreement shall not thereby be deemed to have abandoned, modified, released, or otherwise destroyed any of its rights existing at the time of the execution of this agreement under valid and subsisting private right-of-way easements granted to, obtained by or through condemnation, or otherwise vested in the Company unless the Company shall have released same by written instrument. Further, should the Company in the course of relocating the above -described facilities relocate any of such facilities Page I of 3 presently located on private right-of-way onto public right-of-way, the Company shall be deemed in respect to such facilities to have retained sufficient easement and other rights such that if said facilities are encompassed within any future governmentalproject requiring relocation, adjustment, or abandonment of such facilities,that the Company shall be entitled to reimbursementfor the cost of such relocation, adjustment, or abandonment from the governmental agency requiring the same; provided, however, this provision shall not be construed as requiring reimbursementby the City of Owasso except when such relocation, adjustment, or abandonment is required for a project of the City of Owasso. Any changes made by the City in this proposal as submitted by the Company shall be subject to the written acceptance thereof by the Company before there is any binding contract between the parties. City by accepting this proposal warrants that it now has or will have unencumbered funds available with which to pay the relocation costs to the exbnt herein above provided. If this proposal is not accepted by the City within one (1) year from the date of this letter, this proposal shall automaticallyterminate and thereafter shall not be subject to acceptance by the City unless the proposal is reinstated by Company. Company respectfully requests that the City of Owasso agree to the terms of this proposal by signing in the space provided below and returning one executed copy to us. ATTEST, OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS COMPANY, A DIVISION OF O iE;OK, Inc. } Assert Secretary St ve Wood I{ Vice President m Operations Dated: Page 2 of 3 APPROVED as to form and legality this _ day of 2006. City Attorney roUral"ARRI-1- �1911 �� Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk This _day of 2006. ONG JO NO. 021.055.2112.010065 Page 3 of 3 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS COMPANY ESTIMATED GAS FACILITIES RELOCATION COST 86TH STIR. NORTH AND MINGO ROAD CITY OF OWASSO JOB NO 17760(04) 021.055.2112.010066 MATERIAL COST: CITY UNIT COST AMOUNT 6 5/8" PIPE -STEEL, LINE, 0.188" WALL, 12.94#/FT. API 5L, X-42, ERW, BEV, FBE, COATED 840 ft. 4.30 $3,612 4" PIPE -PE 2406, IPS, .395" WALL, SDR 11.5, YELLOW, 600' ROLL 600 ft. 1.19 $714 2 3/8" PIPE -STEEL, LINE, .154" WALL, 3.66#/FT, API-5L, X-42, ERW, COATED 40 ft. 2.72 $109 6" TEE -SPHERICAL, SERIES 300, ANSI 300, 740 LB WP 4 ea. 921.99 $3,688 4" SADDLE-ELECTROFUSION, MD PE 2406, LESS SLEEVE 1 ea. 70.13 $71 2" VALVE -GATE, RAISED FACE, FLANGED, ANSI 300, 740# WP, STEEL 1 ea. 654.11 $655 2" FLANGE -WELD NECK, RAISED FACE, ST, 300 LB 2 ea. 10.13 $21 2" GASKET-.125" THICK, SER 300, 400, 600, 740 PSI WP 2 ea. 3.03 $7 2"-BOLT-STUD, 5/8"x3 1/2", W/2-2H HEX NUTS, ASTM GR-B7 16 ea. 0.49 $8 6" ELBOW-ST WELD 90 DEG LR, LTWT GRADE B, SMLS 9 ea. 30.74 $277 2" FITTING -THREADED, O-RING, 1500 LB 4 ea. 77.45 $310 4" ELBOW -BUTT FUSION, IPS, 90 DEG., MD PE 2406 4 ea. 7.00 $28 2" ELBOW-ST WELD 90 DEG., LR, STD, GR. B, SMLS 2 ea. 3.19 $7 6"x6"x2" TEE-REDUC, WELD, STEEL, STD, GR.B, SMLS, .280" 1 ea. 104.28 $105 6" CAP -STEEL -WELD .219" 4 ea. 12.91 $52 4" CAP -BUTT FUSION, IPS, MD PE 2406 2 ea. 4.84 $10 4" TRANSITION -FITTING, ST-PL, WELD COATED WITH TRACER, 2406 1 ea. 19.21 $20 52"-84" VALVE -BOX, PL, SCREW TYPE 1 ea. 59.91 $60 #10 AWG WIRE -TRACER, SOLID COPPER, PER ASTM B-1 600 ft. 0.06 $36 5 LB ANODE -MAGNESIUM, PACKAGED, 10 FT. LEAD 2 ea. 17.85 $36 17 LB ANODE -MAGNESIUM, PACKAGED, 10 FT. LEAD, D3 HIGH POT 5 ea. 41.59 $208 2" REGULATOR -SERVICE WITH 2" RELIEF VALVE ( DWG 70.20-02) 1 ea. 1,549.49 $1,550 2" WRAP -PIPE, PROTECTO 320/50 FOR 1 roll 14.50 $15 PRIMER -PIPE, PROTECTO WRAP 1170 1 gal. 9.42 $10 4"x9' ROLL, TAPE WAX, UNDERGROUND NO. 1 51 roll 5.40 $276 PRIMER -WAX, TAPE #1, UNDERGROUND APPLICATION 2 gal. 20.37 $41 4"x9' TAPE -WAX, ABOVE GROUND NO. 2W 6 roll 7.20 $44 PRIMER -WAX, TAPE, FOR WHITE TAPE, ABOVE GROUND 1 gal. 26.72 $27 MISC. MATERIAL 2 400 TOTAL ESTIMATED MATERIAL COST $14,397 INSTALLATION COST: Stores Expense $2,376 Contract Construction Labor $102,640 Contract Design & Drafting Services $5 224 Company Labor $15,396 Indirect Labor, Payroll, Insurance, and Taxes $6,313 Automotive Expense $2,310 Right of Way New Purchase and Existing Damages $5,000 TOTAL $153,656 Administrative and General Expense $24,017 Omissions and Contingencies $26,651 ESTIMATED INSTALLATION COST $189 927 ESTIMATED MATERIAL COST $14,397 ESTIMATED ABANDONMENT COST $5,109 TOTAL ESTIMATED RELOCATION COST $209,433 FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Total within Private Right of Way m 1216 ft. Total within Public Right of Way = 120 ft City Share 1216 ft within additional required li/N 91.02% _ $190,626 1336 ft, within total required R/W ONG Share 120 ft. within present Public R/W 8.98% m $18,807 1336 ft. within total required R/W Eastern Region Engineering (Randy Stalcup) Prepared By: Utility Design Services Inc. (Gerald Noll) 5/1 /2006 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF OWASSO FROM: DANIEL DEARING, E.I. CIVIL. ENGINEER SUBJECT. CHANGE ORDER NO. 1, FINAL, PAYMENT AND ACCEPTANCE FY 2004 CDBG SIDEWALK REHABILITATION PROJECT SKATE PARIC IMPROVEMENTS DATE: June 13, 2006 BACKGROUND: As part of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program, this project includes construction of new sidewalks, construction of new handicap ramps, and striping/signage for safe pedestrian travel to the Skate Park. Locations for improvements were identified on Main Street from East 76t" Street North to the Skate Park (See Attachment A). On February 7, 2006, the subject contract was awarded to Tri-Star Constriction, LLC in the amount of $39,832. Interim inspections were made periodically during the contract period. Final inspection of the site was completed on April 27, 2006. All deficiencies identified have been corrected. Previous interim payments to the contractor amounted to $21,749.76 excluding retainage. The final payment request is in the amount of $20,482.24 — which includes quantity adjustments plus return of all retained monies — submitted on May 1, 2006 prior to the completion of final inspection punch list deficiencies. CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 AND FINAL, PAYMENT: The work was awarded as a unit price contract where the quantities presented in the Bid Form were estimated based on expected conditions and used solely for the purpose of comparison of bids. It was therefore anticipated that a quantity adjustment be made at final payment to reflect actual quantities provided. The following items arc adjustments of quantities based on unit prices bid for items included in the contract: Quantity DESCRIPTION Unit Unit Cost Total 6" Stemwall LF $ 20.00 150 $ 3,000.00 6" Retaining Wall LF $ 20.00 (30) $ (600.00) Total $ 2,400.00 FY 2004 CDBG Sidewalk Rehabilitation Project Change Order No. 1, Final Payment and Acceptance Page 2 of 2 Final quantity adjustment resulted in an increase to the contract in the amount of $2,400. FUNDING SOURCE: Funds for this project are available through a federal matching grant in the amount of $66,450 (46-515-54100-033). The City's contribution for the construction of the sidewalk improvements is included in the FY 04-05 Street Capital Outlay budget (01-300-54220-033). RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends the following: Approval of Change Order No. l in the amount of $2,400.00 and authorization to increase the contract amount to $42,232.00. 2. Acceptance of the FY 2004 CDBG ADA Sidewalk Rehabilitation contract work and final payment in the amount of $20,482.24 to Tri-Star Construction, LLC. ATTACHMENTS: A. Location Map B. Tri-Star Final Pay Request Vt Owasso. OK 74055 -LITATION PLAN 918.272.4959 1 REHAB] II APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT II FROM.: (Contractor) � PROJECT: g o CONTRACT FO Page One of 1 Contract Date:,) ' Application Date: Period To: t. Distribution To CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT Owner Architect Contractor Engineer Application is made for payment, as shown below, in connection with the Contract. Continuation sheet is attached. Original Contract Sum 2. Net Change by Change Orders 3. Contract Sum to Date (Line I & 2) 4. Total Completed & Stored to Date (Column G on Continuation Sheet) '= �`. ._. . 4 5. Retainage: a. % of Completed Work (Column D & E on Continuation Sheet) - FINAL b. % of Stored Material (Column F on Continuation Sheet) Total Retainage (Line 5a & 5b) 6, Total Earned Less Retainage (Line 4 less Line 5 Total) 7, Less Previous Certificates for Payment 0506 _ AGREEMENT 00300 - Page 7 of 14 8. CURRENT PAYMEN I' DUE 9. Balance to Finish, Plus Retainage (Line 3 less Line 6) CHANGE ORDER SUMMARY: ADDITIONS DEDUCTIONS Change Orders approved in previous months by OWNER TOTALS Approved this month Number Date Approved TOTALS Net Change by Change Orders r A - "The undersigned Contractor certifies that to the best of the Contractor's knowledge, information and belief, the WORD covered by this Application for payment has been completed in accordance with the Contract Documents, that all amounts have been paid by the Contractor for Work for which previous Certificates for Payment were issued and payments received from the Owner, and that current payment shown herein is now due. CONTRAC"T By: STATE; OF �LAIIOMA ) B� ) S S COUNTY OF`jt;. r Subscti 0,, R �v p (SE L � � 19oR to before me this ' day of My Co Tres9A �.. / �j if!! 11111 Commission #: raLl% a C, 0506 Date: �3 f } i r77�� Notary ublic t 00300 - Page 8 of 14 Pq A A CONTINUATION SHEET Page v of U Application and Certific.d?on for Payment, containing Contractor's signed Certification is attached. Application Number: Application Date Period to:L i( ; In tabulations below, amounts are stated to the nearest dollar. Use Column I on Contracts where variable retainage for line items may apply. A B C D E (contyl ITEM DESCRIPTION SCHEDULED WORK COMPLETED WORK COMPLETED NO. OF WORK VALUE FROM PREVIOUS THIS PERIOD s APPLICATION t 01 VI iv, 4-' ... " J g ¢ A n (cont) F G H I R. E) MATERIALS TOTAL COMPLETED AND STORED [ RI STORED AND BALANCE (NOT IN D O TO DATE (NO (G/C) TO FINISH RF_TAINAGE (D + E + 0 (C-G) e Al of £ —_ jZ Ile 1 f k - � P t = t it NOTE: At bottom of each column, run totals. 1205 00300 - Page 11 of 15 gf � CONTINUATION SHEET Pa e of Z g — Application and Certificction for Payment, containing Contractor's signed Certification is attached. Application Number: — Application Date -` B i ul� i Period to.c,''`' t`i,'ts% a✓ In tabulations below, amounts are stated to the nearest dollar. Use Column I on Contracts where variable retainage for line items may apply. A B C D E (cont) L ITEM DESCRIPTION SCHEDULED WORK COMPLETED WORK COMPLETEDNO. OF WORK VALUE FROM PREVIOUS THIS PERIOD _ APPLICATION �.,ry x ��j3 d•'-Y'_��aj' d �r �cr JF.J, �` i:;•p Rai u k l' 'fir t`. 'S Pf (cont) I± G R E) MATERIALS TOTAL COMPLETED PRESENTLY STORED AND STORED (NOT IN D O TO DATE (D+E+I) H % BALANCE (G/C) TO FINISH (C-G) �r i ' try NOTE: At bottom of each column, run totals. I RETAINAGE s 1, _ AGREEMENT 1205 00300 - Page 11 of 15 CONTINUATION PAGE Page 2 of 2 PROJECT: 0605 APPLICATION #: 2 FY 2004 CDBG ADA SIDEWALK DATE OF APPLICATION: 04/27/2006 Payment Application containing Contractor's signature is attached. REHABILITATION PROJECT PERIOD THRU: 04/27/2006 PROJECT #s: A B C D I E F G H I COMPLETED WORK STORED TOTAL % BALANCE ITEM # WORK DESCRIPTION SCHEDULED AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT MATERIALS COMPLETED AND COMP- TO RETAINAGE (if Variable) PREVIOUS THIS PERIOD (NOT IN D OR E) STORED (G / C) COMPLETION PERIODS (D + E + F) (C-G) A#1 Construct 6" Thick Stem Wall $600.00 $3,600.00 $0.00 $0-00 $3,600.00 600% ($3,000.00) $360.00 ($20/1f) A#2 Construct 6" Thick Retaining Wall $600.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0-00 $0.00 0% $600.00 $0.00 for Sidewalk 1 Type "A" Wheelchair Ramp $1,500.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 $0.00 $1,500-00 100% $0.00 $150.00 2 New 4" Thick Sidewalk $19,652.00 $13,756.40 $5,895.60 $0.00 $19,652.00 100% $0.00 $1,965.20 3 New 6" Thick Sidewalk Across $1,260.00 $1,260.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,260.00 100% $0.00 $126-00 Unpaved Drives 4 Unclassified Borrow $1,960.00 $0.00 $1,960.00 $0.00 $1,960.00 100% $0.00 $196.00 5 Replacement Sod $960.00 $0.00 $960.00 $0-00 $960.00 100% $0.00 $96.00 6 Adjust Water Valves to Sidewalk $550.00 $550.00 $0.00 $0.00 $550.00 100% $0.00 $55.00 Elevation 7 Construct 15° Culvert and $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $0.00 $0-00 $5,000.00 100% $0.00 $500.00 Headwalls in place under sidewalk 8 Striping and Signage $7,750.00 $0.00 $7,750.00 $0.00 $7,750.00 100% $0.00 $775.00 TOTALS $39,832.00 $24,166.40 $18,065.60 $0.00 $42,232.00 106% ($2,400.00) $4,223.20 CONTINUATION PAGE FOR PAYMENT APPLICATION 010AD161MUT11, I CLAIM OR INVOICE AFFIDAVIT STATE OF OKLAHOMA ) )SS COUNTY OF ) The undersigned (Architec-G, Contractor, Supplier, Engrn-oeer or Surp vise ffical), of lawful age, being first duly sworn, on oath says that this (Invoice, i rr-or Cmtract) is true and correct. Affiant further states that the (work, &&P4ces or m-aterials) as shown by this Invoice or Claim have been (completed orplljf—in accordance with the Plans, Specifications, orders or requests furnished to the Affiant. Affiant further states that (s)he has made no payment, nor given, nor donated, or agreed to pay, give, or donate, either directly or indirectly, to any elected official, officer, or employee of the State, County, or City of money or any other thing of value to obtain payment or the award of this contract. b yg K , Contractor or Supplier Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of .r. / k "h` Architect, Engineer or other Supervisory Official Subscribed and sworn to before me this -- — day of Notary Public Commission f My Commission Expires: NOTE: Strike out words not appropriate and sign appropriate signature line. Architect, Engineer approval is not required for Contractor or Supplier Affidavit. __ AGREEMENT 1205 00300 - Page 12 of 15 SECTION 00600 CfIANGE ORDER PROJECT:,- i� ._ CHANGE ORDER NUMBER CONTRACT DATE DATE: TO CONTRACTOR CONTRACT FOR: y g. 4 I 4 � a F r 1 ; The Contract is changed as follows: Not valid Until signed by the Owner and Contractor The original Contract Sum was Net change by previously authorized Change Orders The Contract Sum prior to this Cbpx Order was The Contract Sum will beQ(ncreasedy(�l�r d) (u hat d) by this Change Order in the amount of The new Contract Sum including this Change Order will be The Contract Time will be (i r' 4) (&cf-sed) (unchanged) by The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is days. NOTE: This sun rfary does not reflect changes in the Contract Sum Time which have been authorized by Construction Change Directive. CONTRACTOR< ADDRESS -- - k BY DATE � �-�------ ADDRESS M DATE CHANGE ORDER 1205 00600 - Page I of 1 TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR r COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO i ROD. ROONEY MANAGERASSISTANT CITY DATE: June 14, 2006 BACKGROUND On October 14, 2003, the citizens of Owasso approved the extension of the third penny sales tax. The Capital Improvements Committee recommended that Fire Stations Two and Three be acknowledged as a Level I priority. The goal was for all Level 1 priorities to be constricted or underway during the first three years of the extension. In April of 2005, the City of Owasso entered into a contract with BKL, Inc. for the purposes of providing engineering and architectural services for Station No. 3. BKL, Inc was also the firm selected by the City of Owasso to remodel the fonner City Hall into what is now known as Station No.2, which was completed in the summer of 2005. The original contract amount was for $79,800 to cover architectural, civil, structural, mechanical, electrical, interior design, and cost estimating. An additional estimate of $10,000 was included to cover the survey and geo-teehnical costs. Therefore, the anticipated total cost of the contract was $89,800. Upon a change of leadership in the department, as well as the desire for the Police Department to develop "sub -stations" to address future growth needs in their operations, it became apparent that the contract for architectural and engineering services would need to be amended in order to incorporate those changes. In addition to these items, staff also felt it necessary to explore the opportunities of geothermal heating and cooling of the facility, as well as the potential of polysteel construction. On May 17, 2006, staff conducted a rnceting with Mr. Kim Reeve to review the contract amendment, as well as ensure that concerns were addressed regarding alternative methods of construction, heating and cooling, and future expansion. Additionally, staff felt it was important for the $10,000 for the surveying and geo-technical costs to be included in the bottom line of the contract total, not as a separate "add on" as was presented in the original contract. The contract amendment submitted by BKL, Inc has increased $53,200; $10,000 of which is the survey and geotcchnical costs included as an "add on" in the original contract. Staff has reviewed the proposed contract amendment, and due to the increase in the size and scope of the eventual stricture, is comfortable with the amcndment. FUNDING: Funding for the Fire Station No. 3 Project was established at $1,200,000. To date, $196,617 has been spent on the acquisition of the land and associated expenses. Additionally, of the original $79,800 architect and engineering budget, $15,960 has been spent for conceptual design and drawings. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approval of the amendment to the contract for architectural and engineering services for Fire Station No. 3 for the amount of $133,000. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Amendment No. 1 11 ram_ rrG1 CONTRACTI s'AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT CITY OF OWASSO O. FIRE STATION NO. BETWEEN BKL, INC. AND THE CITY OF O 1. Architecture/Engineering Firm: a. Name: BKL Inc. b. Telephone No.: (918) 835-9588 c. Address: 6311 E. Tecumseh. Tulsa. OK 74115 20 Project Title and Location: Owasso Fire Station, No. 3, Owasso, Oklahoma 3. Contract Amendment for: Additional Professional Services for increased size and scope of original Contract. All other provisions of the original Contract apply. FETT f MVJ F 9 1 r , Delete: "....Seventy -Nine Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars ($79,800.00)." Add: "....One Hundred Thirty Three Thousand Dollars ($133,000.00)." Delete fee for Survey and Geotechnical Report. Survey and Geotechnical Report will be included in revised fee in Article 11.2.1. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Contract to be executed by their duly authorized officers or representatives on the dates set forth below. Approved By City Of Owasso, Oklahoma BKL, Inc., By: By: Title: Title; Presrd2trt Date: Date: a State of Oklahoma ) ®�b4B�96611$�P!®6®®a_ ) ss. Ak- e �1� - Public, on this 7 day of ! 2006, personally appeared known to me to be the PresiUnt of BILL, Inc. and the identical person who Mein kndoregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as his free and r the uses and purposes therein set forth. , `®-M es: Notary Public TO: • i •" AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO I. OSHERRY BISHOP FINANCE 1 • ., SUBJECT: SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS FISCAL YEAR 1;, DATE: June 16, 2006 The City of Owasso operates under the provisions of the Municipal Budget Act. In accordance with the Budget Act, all funds of the City with revenues and expenditures are required to have annual budgets. Expenditures may not legally exceed the appropriation or budget within a department or a fund. The City Manager has the authority to transfer appropriations between line items within a department or to transfer appropriations between departments within the same fund. A supplement or increase in total appropriations in a fund requires City Council approval. The trust authorities (OPWA and OPGA) are required to prepare an annual budget and submit a copy to the City as beneficiary of the trust. However, there are no further requirements such as a legal restriction on spending. Staff is not requesting year-end appropriations for the OPWA or for the OPGA. Staff is requesting a supplemental appropriation for the Ambulance Fund for City Council consideration. AMBULANCE SERVICE FUND. Actual revenue in the Ambulance Service Fund currently exceeds budget by more than $72,000 and is projected to exceed budget by $115,000. Most of the increase in revenue is due to the increase in billings for ambulance service. That increased level of service runs has also caused an increase in expenses. Revenues of the ambulance service are required by city ordinance to be divided among the Ambulance Service Fund, the Ambulance Capital Fund and the Fire Capital Fund. Most revenues are receipted directly into the Ambulance Service Fund, and then the designated percentage of revenues is transferred to the Ambulance Capital Fund and the Fire Capital Fund. This transfer of funds is an expenditure under budgetary statutes and is subject to the limits of the approved budget. Revenues in the Ambulance Service Fund are projected to exceed budget by $115,000. The resulting transfers from the Ambulance Service Fund to the Ambulance Capital Fund and the Fire Capital Fund are projected to exceed the appropriations by $20,000. Other operating expenses in the Ambulance Fund are projected to exceed budget by up to $60,000. Staff will request a budget amendment for the Ambulance Service Fund increasing estimated revenues by $115,000 and increasing the appropriation for expenditures (including transfers out) by $80,000. I�D[K�T�� Il���►17�1 Y [�)►A Staff recommends City Council approval of a budget amendment increasing estimated revenue by $115,000 and increasing the appropriation for expenditures by $80,000 in the Ambulance Service Fund. h�flL[�77s►►\�1111�I TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: BISHOP FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: RESOLUTION NO. 2006-16 FISCAL YEAR 2I06- 00 BUDGE I DATE: June 16, 2006 _C • ,� °: �111►11 Pursuant to statutory and Charter provisions, an annual operating budget for the General Fund, OPWA Fund, OPGA Fund and other funds has been developed and transmitted for your review. On May 23, 2006 legal notice of a public hearing was published in the Owasso Reporter, and such hearing was conducted on June 7, 2006. The public hearing provided opportunity for citizen comment and questions relating to the proposed budget. In addition, copies of the proposed budget have been available for public review. State statutes require adoption of an annual budget by the City Council through a resolution. Resolution No. 2006-16 with "Attachment A" (budget summary) provides for the adoption of a Fiscal year budget for the General Fund and other funds of the city with total resources (fund balance, revenues and transfers in) of $25,050,837 and total appropriations by department of $23,586,005. The Municipal Budget Act authorizes an alternate method of budgeting for grants and capital projects that extend beyond a single fiscal year. The existing budgets may be reappropriated to the same project in the succeeding fiscal year without specifying the exact dollar amount. For example, this allows the budget for the fire station #3 to roll forward into the new fiscal year when the amount of the unexpended budget will be unknown until after the end -of -year invoices are received. If approved by Council, wording in Resolution No. 2006-16 will reappropriate funds for all incomplete projects in the Capital Improvements Fund, the Park Development Fund and the Capital Projects Grant Fund. I,R c (I) I VV100. The staff recommends City Council approval of Resolution No. 2006-16 adopting a fiscal year 2006- 2007 budget for the General Fund and all other funds of the City. Resolution No. 2006-16 CITY OF OWASSO, OK.AHOMA RESOLUTION NO. 2006-16 A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTION OF AN ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE GENERAL FUND AND OTHER FUNDS AS ESTABLISHED BY THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL; ESTABLISHING LEVELS OF EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT AS PROVIDED BY STATUTE; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS: It is the intent of the Owasso City Council to adopt an operating budget for fiscal year 2006-2007; and WHEREAS: The adoption of such budget is vital to the continuation of services to the citizens of Owasso; and WHEREAS: Public access to the adopted budget is desired; and WHEREAS: Certain publication and filing requirements are mandated by State Statutes. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA: THAT: Total resources available in the amount of $42,436,750 and total fund/departmental appropriations in the amount of $38,042,735 as shown on "Attachinent A" shall be appropriated for each fund; and THAT: The encumbrances and unexpended appropriation balances for the Capital Improvements Fund, the Park Development Fund and the Capital Projects Grant Fund for Fiscal Year 2005-2006 be and the same are hereby reappropriated to the same funds, accounts and for the same purposes for Fiscal Year 2006-2007 unless the project or purpose is designated or declared closed or completed; and THAT: The effective date of this Resolution shall be July 1, 2006. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 20"' day of June, 2006 by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. Stephen Cataudella, Mayor ATTEST: Sherry Bishop, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Julie Lombardi, City Attorney Attachment A City of Owasso - Budget Summary Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Appropriation by Fund & Department General Fund-- Municipal Court 152,824 Managerial 612,425 Finance 508,905 Human Resources 294,465 General Government 418,700 Community Development 468,750 Engineering 423,910 Information Technology 942,127 Support Services 431,880 Cemetery 4,965 Police Services 3,864,780 Police Communications 397,400 Animal Control 138,985 Fire Services 2,727,780 Emergency Preparedness 124,427 Streets 792,880 Stormwater 393,310 Parks 600,560 Community Center 176,685 Historical Museum 82,166 Economic Development 167,301 Interfund Transfers Out 16,001,375 Ambulance Service Fund-- Ambulance Operations 705,050 Interfund Transfers Out 123,375 E-911 Fund-- Police Communications 188,960 Cemetery Care Fund-- Cemetery 4,000 Emergency Siren Fund-- Emergency Preparedness 15,000 Juvenile Court Fund-- Juvenile Court 25,000 Hotel/Motel Tax Fund-- General Government 125,000 Stormwater Management Fund-- Stormwater 313,500 Animal Sterilization Fund-- Animal Control 5,000 Capital Improvements Fund-- Fire Services 900,000 Streets 1,300,000 Parks 500,000 Ambulance Capital Fund-- Ambulance Operations 291,800 Fire Capital Fund-- Fire Services 425,000 Park Development Fund- Parks 147,000 Capital Projects Grants Fund-- Parks 66,450 City Garage Fund-- Vehicle Maintenance 324,000 Workers' Comp Self -Ins Fund-- General Government 385,000 Self -Insurance Fund-- General Government 220,000 Healthcare Self Ins Fund-- General Government 2,252,000 Total Appropriation 38,042,735 ILL 1�L l 1 ►=II TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF O0 FROM: O . 1 CITY ATTORNEY 1' • - '1 _ : 1 I �r On April 25, 2006, litigation was instituted in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma against the City of Owasso by Rural Water District No. 3 of Washington County Oklahoma alleging that the City has, or intends to, sell water within the Rural Water District's service area. The City is represented by James C. Milton of Doerner, Saunders, Daniel & Anderson, L.L.P. in this matter. Mr. Milton is present to discuss the defenses and counter- claims to be asserted by the City in this action. The Open Meeting Act, specifically 25 O.S. §307(B)(4), provides that discussions between a public body and its attorney concerning a pending action may be held in executive session if public disclosure of the matters to be discussed will seriously impair the public body's ability to prosecute or defend the litigation. The staff believes the matters to be considered fall within the purview of §307(B)(4) and recommends that discussion of these issues with Mr. Milton be conducted in executive session.