HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969.03.18_City Council Minutes G March o.~~ of d -.---.- ~ r!.- v" TU L~3 c: t,O',\Tr1 on O~i';"j-\S ;3 3.], ( -- c ~.T" I --1 .l. ; c.~. ._\_ _'- , , Tn ~C'l ~ . :' ,~. . (' '-,.J.e. .;... ti'e To clock 8. 'C:, Board Trustees Clerk Town Clerk Town Trustee ").1 .,~ " ELSE t ~ C. fA 3S Is ;:-1 ')' full re.2..d i~ Trustee s ~~ ..., . ~ , ~ , reSOl.utJ..on ~lTL.J_Cr seconCl8Ci lla.d '(:,Te r t? ~ -" '-' o c~:;n fo.Lj i r1 t.I'od-u. ~~o ti.'Jn -:'[>8 -- o crocse u. :-,.... ~\Ta..S otLer TY'l~stJee the .L ~ vne ~ ~.(-; H"', ;.....'1...../ l~ ,::) follo~{s "Gees, Tr11 as of lS '" ... . ,....., , lreSlaen0) board of s2~id tos,rQ an-:.i tIle 382.1 ~ iNL resolution th.s TO'.-Trl NAYS ., ~., arlO. SClJJl attested I 3A1J TO~^n\T ELL/~TIC~\I l-;;ELD I\ID SUBJECT (\ ill DING SAL.:::::S TI~~X 'I' .Pl. 5PE:':IliL TO BE _4. 2~1EE OF .s )MI :J TO r.;n~\T .; T.Hl;~R?F :(OI~1 A.l\TD ~4. \......:..;.'C :p -- ? :::'EI.CL Ul.'J.2; T,EE u ~~~',CLl,-R.Il\~CT '~l:;: BY 3.E~;OLUTIO\ 'hO F~I ZI~_~D ~4. AUT Ot-.T TO FO ~1. ..-liN S -) ) II;,... ,-'_C~~ FUl\f].J TH:E J-"'"7~ ',,-,i.. .",.--, u.r 81.- Tl-i~2: ~DISFO;SI TIOi'J El'iIE~(} l~I\T G~[ ~ ction held on the of a one percent of ArLicle 13, e osition o'v-isioDs spe cjo-al -,- pr e ;::,0 tEi, vIlS of authoriz ax ac cordance vIi tl S ; Stat.e or v o day ,::J8wer e to be on-the on t,he llCl.D.C e oIS torln of Sidewalk Bonds in tl .ne.lCi lS tO~Jn S2.1d 01 in purpose .00 and and c e been for tl :3120 election Ilas 1969 OT. an ~'T}-I:~~1EAS ;) Sl8I1Ce is of arnoun arnoun t c f to pay from the Trustees of said to'~^Tn ~ ,..., , 1: .. l II au-cDorlz8a, bonds, .,......, ., ,.., ~~)02.rQ :J I saj_d and deerned ad 'Ji sable the interest requirernen.ts on taJ: I\JO\t), THE:.tEFC-?E "' $ and suct is ..L ~..J 1tIEEH. FJ\.S ;; the proceeds BOARJ OF TRUSTEES S1' ATE OF OK1.A..l.Lf0I1A. rTl"i~ It:i::.J O~:1A.sSO y BY '-",--;0 U :. , RESOLVED T}JE TOT:,Jt. IT OF BE ;:, ~" ',,-,i"':" al~thorized da=f of electors e oualified .hereby 8th is .l-~ 01 and :Cle t011Jn on registered to"r.Tn be in said to the said held SECTIOIIJ l@ President of tile Board of Trustees to call a special election to for the purpose of slJ,b~ni t folloTivi rg tion of be the THiiT of sales tl:e .~::n1L,:::1 Dr~nClYI.sl 20;OOO';OO~ - ~", -~~~- election held. on the 8th -- h rE~\lenue such ?l.l::c~pose dl~r- tr:2.t t:C-2 in~T of s;~ch :-ce\.re(nlE~ lE-?' j~ -'''r.2vcci:l"Ljle 2nd sY~all , ' ' . "1 O_l.c;,ers aOJ..G8 c,y. al .--, ..,-...,.... t._ 1.'~C ) be directed &nd of s2.id tO~;Tn 2JTIount lfth (1/'12 tIl) S.::-..:;-rFTer Bonds an sue required 'I'TO ?20F031 of Owasso, St2te of iY1to tLe sink fund sufficient to meet twe 'Tn To mon \Terrue 11 and. e an of aY'lr; l.:.\..\. to b lor la.c one - ,- t2]( - - further _:irer:ents prO\l108a interest re~:. reduced ar 2_nd Oe -, ano to ~ ~ vc:. (jl::1C' C?~ 12, rfleet --.~; 0 ---] ',-.l-;;. d to v GC; '\/l. } Of,J ;".-.- '.::~. W< c~--' exec pro e _.....:: .L ~\;.J... G I ,--.,.~_ I~ .; :'l::1.i n j nCY'81.n t ,~'~e 2. COI1tr:'c-c e abli ti_on to s shal.l r~' o rf:'I8 Gue con ount corS""GlT) tt at tr SE:.} e a.li on =.,;t ~~ECTIO\f 2 --------_._.~ T2\T stlcL ca11 for sa.id electJ.oD , proc la.82.t:i. tIle c.e President, "Soe.rd of Tru.stees a.nd attc:;5ted the TQ~..Jrl C fort! tne t.i on to be "TO-l)f=~CjUpon ) tile number and locati.on of tt18 polling places, tIle hours OT a:lcl c the 2:Cld the Yl2rneS of the of.ficers T41lo shc1.11 co rduct said electi.on j tha.t th::) ballots 11sed at said election ;::,[:211 set fort.t., the on to be vCf~ed upon substai1tiall.y as set 01~t j_n :Section 1 Lersof and tr.:.2t tLe rc~ 0 U-:rlS 0.1. s.2.id elec tion sLal1 be m.2-cl.e ' , CC',-O-"I2.S .~~ sa t..t>8 COUD "21ection 3ca"rd~ 'GO 2.rJ.C S EC'TIO ? J" --.-------.--.-- TEP_T it is dS:S01f3CJ. nece.s.sa.r~y" for the prc;serv"ation of the public hec,-lth, pe2,ce anc3 tLCit t.,LlS resolution s.Clc_l oeCOlne operati'\12 irrE',ediately; 1~TLere.;~ore an ernergenc~l is be declared. to ezist a.ll.d this reSOll..ltion os lD fcree arid. effect irnr.1ediate fr~m and after its pas sase - - anci c<pprov2.1-w p JL=:SED tr~is of 1969 ..4-P?RC\TED this 01 1969 ,...,...... 'l '\ St:;o.-L) iittest °~ ~~~~~~ N:arch 18, 1969 The Owasso Town Council met in special session on I~iarch 18, 1969 at 7:30 p.m. in the Town Hall. PRESENT: John R, troth Joe Ross Dean Large Gary Evans Donah Huggins Josephine Doweny Mr. Davis ABSENT: Bill Henson President of Board Trustee Trustee Trustee Acting Town Clerk Deputy Clerk The BoarQt-~ reviewed a resolution calling an election for storm and sewer system and the site for the municipal hospital. Mr. Large moved that we set the election for the storm and sewer system and the site for the municipal hospital for April 8, 1969; seconded by Mr. Evans. Ayes: troth, Ross, Large, Evans. The Board reviewed proposed locations for sidewalks that will be installed. Mr. Evans moved that we enact Ordinance X112 concerning the designation of sidewalks along the streets and thoroughfares in the City; seconded by Mr. Ross. Ayes: troth, Ross, Large, Evans. Mr. Ross moved that we enact the existing emergency clause in Ordinance x#112 so that it could become effective immediately; seconded by Mr. Evans. Ayes: troth, Ross, Large, Evans. The Board discussed several dates for the sale of bonds and the effect each date would have on the setting aside of sales tax for the sinking fund. Mr. Large moved that we set the sale of bonds for July 1; seconded by I~Ir. Ross. Ayes: troth, Ross, Large, Evans. A resolution calling election on sidewalk bond issue was discussed by the.Board. Mr. Large moved that we call an election on the sidewalk bond issue for Aril 8, 1969; seconded by Mr. Evans. Ayes: troth, Ross, Large, Evans. IvIr. troth reported that there had been a meeting with the F.H.A. over homes in the area concerning the OUA problem. The representatives suggested that we have a consultant engineer who we could upon at any time. They also suggested that we have an inspector to inspect as much as possib~, but also have an outside inspector who would be paid by the contractor. The matter is still under consideration, and more material is being sent to us. P~Ir. Large moved that we adjourn at 8:35 p.m.; seconded by Mr. Evans. Ayes: troth, Large, Ross, Evans. n o R. troth, Presi nt of Board J G Don h Huggins, Acting Town rk