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1969.06.16_City Council Minutes
TIiJJSTl:;;ES of the Tm\l~J OF mvl;.SSOj TULSA COU;)JTYj STATE OF OKLA}IO}fAjJ met session at the Town. Hall in said town on the 16th 1969 at 7:00 0 iclock P. H.. T ti}; Trustees Board of President, Trustee 'I'rus tee Trustee Deputy JOHN R. GROTH; JOE ROSS; HOWARD STAJvlPER.Il "1'1. C $ HENSON J JOSEPHINE DO~nmYj PF.LS3-.J T Clerk Town -Cler k To,.m ODOM, and INEZ H. Trustee EVANS j D. 1"\111 ~ HENSON introduced a. resolution '.iJhich was read in a"1d upon ffi)tion by Trustee HENSON j seconded by Trustee lias adopted by the following 'late (other proceedings) NONE and said resolution was thereupon signed by the Presidentj Board of Trust~esJ attested Town Clerk.ll sealed the seal of said to~n and is as follows NAYS GROTH ROSS AlliS RESOLUTION , n--'Q"\L~r".,..,.l.O~Y -'T'-T'lO nr:lj-7 ''.10r;-~T ",.., BO,TD';: "'0 I--iA''''''U"J'-i' 1:' A '~'1 Y"AR "'IXIR'G .a .h..I:.J"...nJ rJ..L l'i l~~\._.L.J'" ",\. .w J1...J.L u.... ,)1: ~1 v 1 1. ;'~~.:.J ~lJ[~ J..,;....; ,.1: n 7iE ':.T2 I'LlC;::: T1-::E 3C?G3 AIr2 TO BE BOLD MID AUT1.ORIZIiiG THE ro:m CLEPwl{ TO GITi: nOTICE OF SAID SALE l!:3 REQUIRED BY LAW. the issuance of S120,OOO,,00 Storm Sewer Bonds and $25',000000 }junicipal Site Bonds and $20,C00,,00 Sid~rlalk Bonds by the TOvID of Owasso.ll state ~a has been duly authorized at ~~ election held for that purpose, NOW THEREYOil.B BE IT R2S0LVED BY T.jE BO.~rm OF TRUSTEES OF TdE TOi;[LJ OF Q\-iASSO, TuLSA COU1-ny, STAT.c:; OF 0KLAHOHA: SECTION 1 of Storm Sewer Bonda of ;aid town, voted on the 8th day shall be offered for sale at the Town Hall in said tOwti on the of July 1969 at 7:]0 P. Me C. De S. T. become due: $lO~OOO$OO in two years from their date and amount each year thereafter until paid. like a to MaDicipal Hospital Site bonds of said tO~TI, voted on the 8th 1969, shall be offered for sale at the TOlin Hall in said town on the day of JUlY} 1969 1i~~ at 7:30 F. M., C. D. S. T., said bonds $5,000.00 in our years from their date and a like amount annually each year thereafter until paid Ci1 .l. 00 of Sidewalk Bonds of slrid town, voted on the 6th day of shall be offered for sale at the Town Ball in said tmffi on the r of July 1969 at 7:30 P. M., C. D. S. T., said ~e due $5',000.00 inwfive years from their date and a like a~ount year thereafter until paid@ said of bonds will be sold separately and the Town Clerk of D~d0~2d 3nd dircctc~ to c~use nQtic2 of t~e sale of ~2id given as required by law. Sf:CT10i'j June day ot 16th = this APPROVED be fASSED t$ AJ:;&~~d-- i2l?l~, k, u June 1.6, 19E~9 The Owasso Town Council met i_n regular session on June lE, 19E9 at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Hall. PRESENT: John troth Chairman of Board Joe Ross Trustee Bill Henson Trustee Howard Stamper Trustee M.S. Sawyer Attorney for Town Donah Huggins Acting 'own Clerk Josephine Downey Deputy Clerk ABSENT: Gary Evans The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved as read. The Board discussed the property lines and various legal land descriptions on the proposed Street Improvements with a representative from Mansuer Steele. It was decided that several Utility Poles may have to be moved, but it would be no problem to the Improvement Project. Mr. troth will contact the necessary people. Mr. troth read a letter dated June ~.6, 1969 from the Planning Commission in accordance with the ~eis~h Engineering Co. Mr. Ross moved that we accept the presentation as offered and schedule the special meeting for June 5, 1969; seconded by Mr. Henson. Ayes: troth, Ross, Henson, Stamper. Mr. Henson moved that date for public hearing be set for July 24, 1969 at 7:00 p.m.; seconded by Mr. Stamper. Ayesa troth, Ross, Henson, Stamper. Mr. Charney presented and discussed with the Board certain legal papers pertaining to McCarty Park Project. Mr. Henson moved that Mr. troth be authorized to sign the form from Hud stating that there are no businesses, homes, or organizations being relocated because of the land acquisition; seconded by Mr. Ross. Ayes: troth, Ross, Henson, Stamper. Also, there was an affidavit signed by Mrs. McCarty stating that she is willing to sell her property for less than the appraised valuation. Mr. Jerry McDonald, 307 W. 1~th, of Starlane Addition, came before the Board complaining of the large holes in the street near his home. Mr. troth advised him that he would contact Mr. Bill ~~'~~ concerning the matter. Mr. Davis was present and discussed the next steps the Town must take in order to get available moneys for the rebuilding of Main Street, etc. Mr. Henson moved that we accept the porposed payment schedule that has been set up and to have the sale of bonds on July g, 1969 at 7:30 p.m.; seconded by Mr. Stamper. Ayes: troth, Ross, Henson, Stamper. Mr. Ross moved that we reschedule the next regular meeting of July 7, to July 9; seconded by Mr. Henson. Ayes: troth, Henson, Ross, Stamper. Mr. Stamper moved that we authorize Mr. Sawyer to draw up an Ordinance authorizing the sales tax moneys necessary to reduce payment of bonds for sidewalks, storm sewers, etc. be used for such urposes; seconded by Mr. Ross. Ayes: troth, Ross, Henson, Stamper. (Attached June 16, 1969--minutes continued-- E __ Mr. troth read a letter to the Board he had composed regarding the concern in keeping the Town up dated. Mr. KHenson moved that we authorize Mr. troth to send the letter to Travis Miller concerning up dating of the City Government to TMAPC. The motion was secnded by Mr. Stamper. Ayes: troth, Henson, Stamper, Ross. Mr. Sawyer said he would prepare a Trash Contract fora 2-year peroid for Mr. Rippeto~. The Board reviewed a new contract for water from the ~'ity of Tulsa. The new water rate, effective July 1, will be an increase of i¢ for raw water. Mr. Ross moved that we accept the new contract for raw wager sales from the City of Tulsa; seconded by `~lr. Stamper. Ayes: Grotl~, Ross, Henson, Stamper. The Board discussed a letter dated June 5, 1969 from Jack Ledbetter regarding land aquisition from Dr. Reed. Mr. Henson moved that we authorize Mr. troth to make an offer for the land up to $25,000; seconded by Mr. Stamper. Ayes: troth, Ross, Henson, Stamper. Mr. troth read a letter dated June 9, 1969 from the State Highway Department concerning the Highway Program and agenda for the program. Mr. troth is interested in the program and has attended it in the past. The Board read and discussed a proposed 5-year Development and Improvement for the recreational facilities. Mr. troth read a letter from Harold Charney, for M~. C.B. Sherrill, dated June 6, 1969, concerning zoning applications for a car wash improvement at his present location. Mr. Ross made the motion and Mr. Stamper seconded it, that we authorize a building permit to fir. Sherrill, if necessary, when he requests it for the improved car w~. Ayes: troth, Ross, Henson, Stamper. Mr. Stamper raised the need of a stop sign on $6th across ~m Dogwood near the Church. The hoard agreed that there should be a sign there. Mr. David White, 302 S. Main, came before the Board complaining of the trash service he had been receiving and decided to discontinue his service. The following warrants were signed and approved by the Board: General Fund: Colonial Life & Acc. Ins. Co. X1..00 Apco Oil Corp. 59.99 NI.S. Sawyer b7.76 Floyd Simons 212.76 Wo©drow Waters 4b.95 Woodrow Waters 177.91 Bruce A. Davis 168.81 Water Fund: Colonial Life Ins. Co. 11.00 ".®ward Stamper 10.00 '. S. Development ~o. b3,(~0 ~tarlane pop. 118.90 Owasso Builders Sup. 30.98 June 16, 1969-minutes continued-- Warrants cont~d City utility Service 1135.31 Public Service 248.38 Okla natural Gas 5.44 Southwestern 13e11 Telephone 70.63 6Jestern Auto 45.9b Otasco 21.39 Gerald L. Swanson 25.00 McKesson Chemical 162.35 Tulsa Paper Co. 10.12 Jimmie Jones Co. 5.78 American Water Works 20.00 Niary Allsup 34.00 Josephine Downey 156.93 Dorothy Allsup 134.03 Glenna Anderson 61.69 Ntargorie Helm 49.22 James H. Tyler 237.48 Paul 1"-cBride 144.01 E.T. Templeton 158.49 Leonard Thompson 164.04 Buddy Hilburn 164.04 Sewer Fund: Colonial Life Ins. Co. 3.00 Okla. yat~ral Gas. 5.89 tti.A. Shanks agency 60.00 Gary Evans 10.00 Joe Ross 10.00 Chas. Liebler 70.00 Harry Worley 25.00 Houston Ericksten 50.00 William Henson 10.00 Inez Odom 20.00 Martha Boytd 10.00 M.S. Sawyer 25.00 Maude Johnson 25.00 Sokolosky Clinic 7.00 Chas. L. Sallee 30.42 Bernard L. Williams 31.23 Bernard Williams 181.27 H•~. Bradley 167.90 Cemetery Fund: Gravely Tractors 25.30 Anchor Stone Co. 4.35 Meter Deposit Fund: C. Cox 15.00 Colleen Richards Wyble 15.00 Elora Hilton 15.00 A. L. McDonald 15.00 i~.R ~,^,illiams 15.00 Floyd Campbell 20.00 John Reich 15.00 Chas. Childress 10.00 Ronald Howell 15.00 ~"~ °` 3 .~: ~3 `~ ~.. .~, ~ June 16, 1969- minutes continued-- Warrants continued-- Dale Armstrong 15.00 Clyde Conn 20.00 Jerry White 15.00 Harvey i~~arburton 20.00 J.L. Fanning 20.00 OUA B.W. Vetter & Co. 902.94 Mr. Benson moved that we adjourn at 9'30 p.m. seconded by '''r. Stamper. Ayes: Groth, Ross, Stamper, Henson. onah ~tuggins, Acti lerk