HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010.10.14_OEDA AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY TYPE OF MEETING: Regular FILE COPY DATE: October 14, 2010 TIME: 10:00 a.m. PLACE: Owasso City Hall, Lower Level Conference Room 111 N. Main Owasso, Oklahoma Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 5:00 p.m, on Tuesday, October 12, 2010. Chelsea M.E. Harkins, Econ mic evelopment Director MAT91 i71 Call to Order Dr. Thomas, Chairman Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Trustee approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the Trustees to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Trustee may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non - debatable. A. Approval of minutes of the September 9, 2010 Regular Meeting. Attachment B. Approval of claims. Attachment C. Acceptance of the monthly financial report. Attachment 3. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Trustee approval of Resolution No. 2010 -02 encouraging the citizens of Owasso to vote "no" on State Question No. 744. Attachment 4. Report from the Community Development Director Mr. Fritschen Attachment Report from the Public Works Director Mr. Stevens Attachment 6. Report from Economic Development Director Ms. Harkins Attachment OEDA September 9, 2010 Page 2 7. Report from OEDA Manager Mr. Ray 8. Report from OEDA Trustees 9. New Business (New Business is any item of business which could not have been foreseen at the time of posting of the agenda. 10. Adjournment. MEETING OF THE OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES OF MEETING Thursday, September 9, 2010 The Owasso Economic Development Authority met in regular session on Thursday, September 9, 2010 in the Lower Level Conference Room at City Hall per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 5:00 PM on Tuesday, September 7, 2010, ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER & ROLL CALL Chairman Thomas called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM. PRESENT Dirk Thomas, Chairman Dee Sokolosky, Vice Chairman Gary Akin, Secretary Frank Enzbrenner, Trustee Bryan Spriggs, Trustee Steve Cataudella, Trustee A quorum was declared present. ABSENT David Charney, Trustee STAFF Rodney Ray, OEDA Manager; Chelsea Harkins, Economic Development; Brian Dempster, Community Development; Roger Stevens, Public Works; Teresa Willson, Information Technology; Warren Lehr, Assistant City Manager; Juliann Stevens, Minute Clerk ITEM 2: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR TRUSTEE APPROVAL OF THE OEDA CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of minutes of the August 12, 2010 Regular Meeting B. Approval of claims C. Acceptance of the monthly financial report Mr. Cataudella moved to approve the consent agenda, seconded by Mr. Enzbrenner. AYE: Enzbrenner, Sokolosky, Spriggs, Thomas, Akin, Cataudella NAY: None ABSTAIN: Motion carried 6 -0. ITEM 3: REPORT FROM THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Mr, Dempster presented the August Building Permit Report. ITEM 4: REPORT FROM PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Mr. Stevens reviewed the status of various Public Works Department projects. ITEM 5: REPORT FROM ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Ms. Harkins reviewed the Director's Report and further discussed on -going corporate relocation efforts and the Buy Owasso campaign. ITEM 6: REPORT FROM OEDA MANAGER Mr, Ray provided information on the HWY 169 widening project as well as announced that the Capital Improvements Committee would meet on September 16, 2010. A September 9, 2010 question was asked relating to State Question 744, Mr. Ray advised that an item could be listed on the October agenda for discussion. ITEM 7: REPORT FROM OEDA TRUSTEES No Report. ITEM 8: NEW BUSINESS None. ITEM 9: ADJOURNMENT Motion made by Mr. Enzbrenner, seconded by Mr. Cataudella, to adjourn the meeting. AYE: Enzbrenner, Sokolosky, Spriggs, Thomas, Akin, Cataudella NAY: None ABSTAIN: Motion carried 6-0, At 10:50 AM, the meeting was adjourned. Juliann Stevens, Minute Clerk -2- The City Wit out Limits. TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND TRUSTEES OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FROM: CHELSEA M.E. HARKINS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CLAIMS, OEDA DATE: October 14, 2010 No Claims for September 2010. Owasso Economic Development Authority Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Fund Net Assets For the Month Ending September 30, 2010 Operating Revenues Operating Expenses: Materials & supplies Services & other charges Capital outlay Total Operating Expenses Operating Income (Loss) Non - Operating Revenues (Expenses): Investment income Promissory note revenue RAN debt service & other costs Total non - operating revenues (expenses) Net income (loss) before contributions and transfers Transfer to general fund Change in net assets Total net assets - beginning Total net assets - ending TUWK $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.67 0.00 0.00 0.67 0.67 0.00 0.67 YTD Budget $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.05 0.00 0.00 2.05 2.05 0.00 2.05 9,030.07 $9,032.12 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 (5,000.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (5,000.00) 0.00 (5,000.00) 9,030.07 $4,030.07 The City Wit out Limits. TO: The Honorable Chair and Trustees Owasso Economic Development Authority FROM: Chelsea M,E. Harkins Director of Economic Development SUBJECT: State Question No. 744 Amount of Money the State Provides to Support Common Schools DATE: October 8, 2010 BACKGROUND: Regardless of the method of comparison, Oklahoma public education system is underfunded. The National Center on Education Statistics ranks the state 49th in per pupil expenditures for K -12 education. In the recent declining economy, the state has fallen even further behind funding education budgets, resulting in teacher lay -offs, increased class sizes, and reductions in programs and services. While Oklahoma sinks to the bottom in education rankings, it also falls further behind in funding for public health, transportation, social services and higher education, Due to poor economic conditions, the state fiscal crisis has decimated budgets and forced cuts across all agencies and functions of government. In many areas, these cuts have been doubly destructive to municipalities throughout the state, as city governments have been unable to cover shortfalls due to declining sales tax receipts. Although legitimate concerns about how to adequately fund education have been expressed for years, suggestions and changes to the way the state funds the public school system have not been adopted or successfully implemented. The belief that Oklahoma can solve its education funding problems by earmarking general revenues (as required by the proposal) appears to exchange one set of problems for another. Thus the question lingers, "How do we manage multiple priorities ?" State Question No. 744: Appearing on the November 2, 2010 General Election ballot, State Question 744 is being advertised as a solution to Oklahoma's education problems. SQ 744 has been an under -the- breath discussion topic between legislators, public administrators, and chamber of commerce for a couple years now, and as Election Day has crept closer, more information has become available to the public. SQ 744 Initiative Petition No. 391 language states the following; The measure repeals a Section of the State Constitution. The repealed section required the Legislature annually to spend $42,00 for each common school student. Common schools offer pre- kindergarten through twelfth grade. FACTS: The measure also adds a new Article to the Constitution, It sets a minimum average amount the State must annually spend on common schools. It requires the State to spend annually, no less than the average amount spent on each student by the surrounding states. Those surrounding states are Missouri, Texas, Kansas, Arkansas, Colorado and New Mexico. When the average amount spent by surrounding states declines, Oklahoma must spend the amount it spent the year before. The measure deals with money on day -to -day operations of the schools and school districts. This includes spending on instructions, support services and non - instructional services, The measure does not deal with money spent to pay debt, for buildings or for other capital needs. The measure requires that increased spending begin in the first fiscal year after its passage. It requires that the surrounding states average be met in the third fiscal year after passage. The measure does not raise taxes, nor does it provide new funding for the new spending requirements, If this measure is approved, it would lead to a major increase in public education spending and it would make education spending a priority over all other state functions. If passed, SQ 744 will require that Oklahoma's per pupil expenditure be at least equal to the regional average in the six surrounding states and be phased in over the three years following the fiscal year in which the measure is approved. Using the formula provided by the measure, the projected spending on Common Education would have to increase by nearly $1.7 billion over the three -year phase -in period. SQ 744 does not identify any new revenue source to fund the increased expenditures on common education while also continuing to fund other state agencies at the same level. CONCLUSIONS: ➢ Oklahoma's education system needs help. From per pupil funding to teacher salaries to poor program and service funding, our schools need money and attention. However, enacting policy which suffers from unclear language, lacks mechanisms to ensure improved educational quality, and abdicates responsibility for Oklahoma's budget is not the right way to support our state common education. ➢ While this measure states it "does not raise taxes," ultimately it will force the public to reach into their own pockets to offset the drain to the state budget. ➢ Business is struggling in both the public and private sectors. The answer is not to single out one priority, but to work across the state system to improve all government agencies and services. RECOMMENDATION: SQ 744 appears to be short - sighted and poor public policy, A laser- focused approach creates more problems than solutions for taxpayers, A more comprehensive approach to addressing the needs for better state education is needed; however SQ 744 is not the right vehicle. Staff recommends the OEDA take actions to encourage the citizens of Owasso to vote "no" on SQ 744. ATTACHMENT: Resolution No. 2010 -02 SQ 744: The Wrong Solution Fact Sheet YES on State Question 744 Fact Sheet OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA RESOLUTION NUMBER 2010 -02 A RESOLUTION OF THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, WHEREAS, State Question No. 744, if adopted, would amend the Oklahoma Constitution to require that Oklahoma's annual state per pupil expenditure for grades K -12 be at least equal to the regional average per pupil expenditure in six (b) surrounding states; and, WHEREAS, the Owasso Economic Development Authority Trustees believe that a high quality educational system is vital to the economic growth of Oklahoma; and, WHEREAS, it is estimated that State Question No. 744 would require Oklahoma's expenditure for common education to increase by $1.7 billion once the measure is fully implemented over a three -year phase -in period; and, WHEREAS, if the measure is adopted, funding the measure would require deep cuts in all areas of state government, or substantial tax increases, or both; and, WHEREAS, by mandating spending increases in education without providing for a source of expansion of state revenue, the measure will severely damage all other areas of public investment, including higher education, transportation, corrections, human services, healthcare, and public safety; and, WHEREAS, the resulting tax increase and /or reduction of governmental services will impair economic growth in the state, degrade state infrastructure and put the public, including its most vulnerable citizens, in danger; and, WHEREAS, State Question No. 744 is poor public policy by placing the funding of education out of the control of elected officials accountable to the voters; and, WHEREAS, the Owasso Economic Development Authority Trustees believe that funding of education should be set by elected officials considering the available revenue and existing demand for all government services. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Owasso Economic Development Authority trustees oppose the adoption of State Question No. 744. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Owasso Economic Development Authority Trustees encourage the citizens of Owasso to vote "no" on State Question No. 744 on November 2, 2010. APPROVED AND ADOPTED thisl4th day of October, 2010, by the Economic Development Authority of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY By: Dirk Thomas, DDS, Chairman ATTEST: Gary Akin, Secretary W W H t•- a L6 • If passed, SQ 744 would require school spending to rise to the per pupil average of the six sur- rounding states. • We project that spend- ing on Common Educa- tion would have to in- crease by nearly $1.7 billion over the three - year phase -in period. • Given that the state must also replace over $1 billion in non- recurring revenue in its base budget, passage of SQ 744 would re- quire deep spending cuts to the rest of state government, substantial tax increases, or both. • The measure also suf- fers from unclear lan- guage, lacks mecha- nisms to ensure im- proved educational quality, and would hand authority for Okla- homa's budget over to legislators and courts in other states. • SQ 744 should lead us to reconsider what we must do to ensure an adequate investment in education and our other state priorities. JULY 2010 OKPOLICY.oxc Oklahoma Policy Institute SQ 744: The Wrong Solution State Question 744 is a proposed constitu- tional amendment that will be on the November ballot in Oklahoma. If approved, it would peg the annual education budget in Oklahoma to the regional average per pupil expenditure in Oklahoma's six bordering states. Supporters point to low levels of spending on common edu- cation in Oklahoma and argue that SQ 744 is needed to ensure that Oklahoma's children are not shortchanged. There are four major arguments for why SQ 744 is the wrong way to proceed: 1. SQ 744 would ensure the severe under - funding of all other areas of government. We project that spending on Common Edu- cation would have to increase by almost $1.7 billion over a three -year phase -in pe- riod. Given that the state remains in the midst of a deep and prolonged budget cri- sis, passage of SQ 744 would ensure a severe funding shortage for all other func- Fig,4:Annual Mandatory Increase in K -12 Funding vs.Increased Revenues, FY'12• FY'14 (in $ millions) underSQ744 Formula $2,200 $1,901 $1,800 $1,696 $1,400 $1,000 X89 $512 632 $698 $600 $392 $416 $ $179 $21' $200 I W��+�1 191 p_l�'_- _ __ _ $12001 YrIlfY'12) Yr2iiY'13) Yr3IR14) Total I Increased K- 12Spending I Rest of Government Increased Revenue Assumes 10.5% annual revenue growth; 5% increase in Regional Per Pupil bpenditure in PY'13 and R'14 tions of state government that would nec- essarily require even deeper budget cuts, tax increases, or both. 2. Budget policy should not be decided by constitutional formula. SQ 744 would take decisions about Oklahoma's budget out of the hands of Oklahomans and into the hands of legislators, courts and voters outside our borders. 3. The language in SQ 744 is unclear and does not reflect how we fund education. Ambiguous language could put local fund- ing of education into doubt and lead to litigation and unintended consequences. 4. SQ 744 is not the best means to ensure improved educational outcomes. The measure lacks standards and goals tying increased funding to strategies for improv- ing our schools. Overall, SQ 744 ignores the reality that the funding challenges faced by common educa- tion are shared across the full spectrum of state government. By mandating huge spend- ing increases for common education without ensuring an overall expansion of state reve- nues, we create the strong likelihood of set- ting the state further behind in all the other areas of public investment that Oklahomans, including our schoolchildren and teachers, rely on. Even if SQ 744 fails, we must reconsider how to support an adequate investment in a quality education for our children and our other state priorities in a fiscally responsible manner. For a full- length issue brief and related ma- terials, go to: http / 1okpolicy.org/sq -744 Better Information, Better Policy Oklahoma Policy Institute I P.O. Box 14347, Tulsa, OK 74159 -13471 (918) 794-3944 1 dblatt@okpolicy.org YES ON www.YesOn744.com YES on State Question 744 Fact Sheet 08 -09 Regional Per -Pupil Expenditures co $9,574 NM $10,099 W r $8,769 TX X9,036 Regional Average $9,633 National Average $10,193 Source: State Departments of Education YES on State Question 744 will: • Allow Oklahoma to raise itself up from dead last in the region and 49th in the nation in what we invest in our children. • Guarantee that the average amount spent for each student in Oklahoma is at least equal to the average spent in other states in our region. • Ensure our children have smaller classes and that our schools can recruit and retain high quality teachers. Oklahoma's Children Are Falling Behind Take control of school funding from career politicians and bureaucrats and put it in the hands of local parents, teachers and school boards. And SQ 744 does NOT raise faxes. Today, Oklahoma's students don't have the same educational opportunities as children in neighboring states like Arkansas and Texas. Right now, Oklahoma is dead last in the region and 491h in the nation in what we invest in our students. We believe they deserve better. Our schools are severely underfunded, and it's about time we invest in Oklahoma's students and schools at the level they need to be competitive. SQ 744 takes control of education funding from career politicians and bureaucrats and gives it to local parents, teachers and school board members who know best what children need. Our Children Deserve Better If we want to grow our economy by expanding economic opportunities for our children we need to provide the educational foundation they need to succeed. Right now, students in Oklahoma are forced to attend increasingly crowded classes where they must use outdated books and share obsolete technology. SQ 744 will ensure that our schools can recruit and retain great teachers so we can reduce class sizes and provide Oklahoma's children with the tools they need to compete and succeed alongside the best and brightest from the region and across the nation. over continued Frequently Asked Questions About SQ 744 Why Should Oklahomans Vote YES on 744? • SQ 744 gives Oklahoma's children access to the same educational opportunities as children in neighboring states, like Arkansas and Texas. • Over the past 2 years Oklahoma's funding for pre -K through 12th grade education has decreased by over $200 million dollars. This has resulted in mass teacher layoffs, shortages of supplies and slashed curriculums. SQ 744 will prevent further harmful cuts. • SQ 744 will provide schools with the resources to recruit and retain additional high quality teachers and help provide for smaller classes, so Oklahoma students receive the individual attention they need and deserve. • Oklahoma ranks last in the region in average teacher pay. SQ 744 will help us recruit and retain the best teachers for our students. • SQ 744 requires accountability in school investment. It puts control of education funding in the hands of local parents, teachers and school board members who know what their students and schools need. How Will Our Investment Help? SQ 744 will provide Oklahoma schools with the resources they need to: o Reduce class sizes • Supply up -to -date books • Modernize technology in classrooms and labs • Provide support services for students, such as career counseling programs and dropout prevention programs • Enhance special education programs • Strengthen school safety programs Will S0744 Raise Taxes? SQ 744 does NOT call for a tax increase. What SQ 744 does call for is common sense budgeting that prioritizes Oklahoma's children and removes waste and pork barrel spending. We have an opportunity, as Oklahoma emerges from the recession and state revenues grow, to put our kids first and invest in their future. Our economy needs it and our kids deserve it. How Long Will It Take For SQ 744 To Take Effect? SQ 744 provides for a three -year phase -in period, which means that it will not be fully implemented until the 2014 -2015 school year. This will allow us to properly plan and prioritize our schools. To learn more about SQ 744 please visit www.YESon744.com P.O. Box 54796 Oklahoma City, OK 73154 o (405) 601 -4897 • f (405) 778 -8918 Paid for by YES on 744 RESIDENTIAL NEW CONSTRUCTION MONTH END REPORT SEPTEMBER 2010 Month 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 1 January 20 23 64 54 30 31 22 13 25 15 17 2 February 26 44 70 41 50 52 41 14 19 23 29 3 March 24 48 51 38 75 65 50 25 35 30 46 4 April 61 50 51 35 47 63 52 30 31 36 31 5 May 42 26 38 29 31 43 36 60 23 27 30 6 June 30 34 51 33 53 42 29 27 21 34 23 7 July 33 37 44 32 34 27 12 23 24 28 17 8 August 38 31 33 31 36 45 28 27 18 28 19 9 September 29 29 30 52 64 35 12 17 40 20 11 10 October 36 31 31 48 42 30 25 31 15 36 0 11 November 18 24 26 35 31 32 13 26 10 13 0 12 December 20 29 35 51 35 53 16 8 6 13 0 Totals 377 406 $24 479 528 518 336 301 267 303 223 YTD 303 322 432 345 420 403 282 236 236 241 223 i 500 f jt----------------- - -- - - - - - -- -- — 400 300 `r Y..... _ 1 200 4-- ----- --- I loo r -• -- -- 04 - i 1 2000 -2001 i ISEPTEMBER_ YTD -;._ 303 –322 I SEPTEMBER YEAR -TO -DATE COUNT 35,000,000 _ SEPTEMBER YEAR -TO -DATE DOLLARS – -- - - - ° - - - --- -- ^-- - - - -• -- -__ - - -- - -- --------- -- - - -- - - - --- _— -- - _ I 30,000,000 --------------•--.-.----•-•-••-•--••-•------------._---------•.-----•-•---.- 25,000,000 L ---- ----------------------•----------•----------------..------------ 20,0001000 ......... .... ..................... ....I I 15,000,000 1• - -- .......... - - -- ... -j 10,000,000 .... •--• - - - - -- ' -- 5,000,000 ; - -- l 0 2006 ! 2007 2008 ( 2009 I 2010 i I ..._�. - -- T _ !SEPTEMBER YTD 26,044,475 i 20,596.164 18,108,855 1 22,892,397 1 32,297,342 TOTAL NEW CONSTRUCTION DOLLARS FOR EACH YEAR 45,000,000 - _- -- •-- - -___ _.----.--------._.-.-•__-----..-------.__ .._-- •-- --- .-____.___...__...._ 30,000,000 : - - - - i 15,000.000 -- - - - -- 2 .......... _________- ......... t Y O 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 TOTAL 36,120,105 32,720,596 27,364,316 34,767,829 32,297,342 CITY OF OWASSO RESIDENTIAL LOT INVENTORY STATUS September 30, 2010 SUBDIVISION Burberry Place (6/09) Camelot Estates (4/07) Champions East (05/08) Country Estates III (3/99) Country Estates VI (11/03) Crescent Ridge (02/08) Fairways V (8/99) Fairways VI (12/00) Falls at Garrett Creek (12/05) Falls at Garrett Creek Amended (12105) Honey Creek (4/02) Keys Landing (3/08) Lake Valley III (09/08 Lake Valley IV (5/2010) Lakes at Bailey Ranch (10/07) Maple Glen (12/08) Nottingham Estates IV (8/01) Nottingham Estates V (3/01) Nottingham Hill (6/09) Preston Lakes (12/00) Preston Lakes III (10/04) Remington Park II (11/04) Sawgrass Park II (04/05) The Summit at Southern Links (6/97) Watercolours (12/02) TOTALS # OF LOTS 89 139 66 61 37 101 71 42 85 24 202 131 131 114 235 98 20 44 58 272 147 84 96 31 40 2418 # DEVELOPED 18 43 4 58 36 82 57 40 84 21 198 84 124 14 129 89 17 43 6 243 141 82 94 26 31 1764 # AVAILABLE 71 96 62 3 1 19 14 2 1 3 4 47 7 100 106 9 3 1 52 29 6 2 2 5 9 654 Watercolours (12/02) The Summit at Southern Links (6197) Sawgrass Park II (04/05; Remington Park II (11104; Preston Lakes III (10/04; Preston Lakes (12/00) Nottingham Hill (6/09) Nottingham Estates V (3101) Nottingham Estates IV (8/01) Maple Glen (12108) Lakes at Bailey Ranch (10/07) Lake Valley IV (5/2010) Lake Valley III (09/08 Keys Landing (3/08) Honey Creek (4/02) Falls at Garrett Creek Amended (12/05) Falls at Garrett Creek (12/05) Fairways VI (12/00) Fairways V (8/99) Crescent Ridge (02/08) Country Estates VI (11/03) Country Estates III (3199) Champions East (05/08) Camelot Estates (4107) Burberry Place (6/09) CITY OF OWASSO 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0Total Lots ®Lots Developed COMMERCIAL NEW CONSTRUCTION MONTH END REPORT SEPTEMBER 2010 Month 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 1 January 3 0 0 0 1 2 9 4 4 1 1 2 F6&0&r 12 ..2' 1 `.5 5 Q' .3 2 Q l 3 March 1 0 3 1 2 1 14 2 0 1 3 4 Aprll a 8 1' 1 3 4` a: 0 .4 1 1 5 May 2 2 4 1 1 3 2 1 1 2 1 6 June: b. 0' 2 4 ::3 4 1 "1` 2 0 7 July 7 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 8 Agd.0 t 4 1. 2 :3 3 T 7. 3 1 0 0 9 5eptembi 2 0 2 2 1 2 1 28 3 0 0 10 October: 14 4; 8'. 0 `.0. t 3 4 J 0 0 I1 NovembE 6 5 1 1 3 0 1 1 1 2 0 12 Decembe _ :0 0 0 0 ..... 0 1 1 :. 1. 0. 0.. Totals 52 27 23 12 23 23 43 48 20 9 7 YTD 32 18 14 11 20 21 38 42 17 7 7 SEPETEMBER YEAR -TO -DATE DOLLARS SEPTEMBER YEAR -TO -DATE COUNT 50 25,000,000 20,000,000 40 15,000,000 {:�:i:i iYiFFJ 10,000,000 , : ! ?.'3: fi .% 20 ... .. .. 2006 2007 `.iii•: 2010 f ,;. 24,148,809 8,251,064. 10 2 120 347 : < }: ... ... ... 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 YTD 32 18 14 11 20 21 38 1 42 17 L 7 1 7 SEPETEMBER YEAR -TO -DATE DOLLARS 30,000,000 25,000,000 20,000,000 15,000,000 {:�:i:i iYiFFJ 10,000,000 , : ! ?.'3: fi .% ... ... ... . 5,000,000 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 24,148,809 8,251,064. �9 603,000 11 380 700 2 120 347 OPENING DATE OCCUPANCY PERMITS NAME ADDRESS STATUS APPLICATION 2/1/2010 No 2/4/2010 DATE 2/17/2010 No 2/28/2010 Yes JANUARY 2010 Yes 3/15/2010 Yes Ow Track/Soccer Bldg 12901 E 86 St N New 1/1/2710 Church's 11618 E 86 St N New 1/6/2010 Larry C. Sang, Jr 12899 E 76 St N New 1/28/2010 FEBRUARY 2010 Oklahoma Heart Institute 10512 N 110 E Ave #140 New 2/4/2010 Hope Hospice LLC 8291 N Owasso Exp New 2/17/2010 Ruby Tuesday 11909 E 96 St N New 2/1/2010 MARCH 2010 Crash Course 204 E 5 Ave New 3/1/2010 Marriott Townplace 9355 Owasso Exp New 3/12/2010 Statewide Title & Escrow 12899 E 76 St N #116 New 3/25/2010 APRIL 2010 Terri A. Richison 11230 N Garnett Road New 4/15/2010 Aaron's Rental 8705 N 117 E Ave New 4/23/2010 A J Medical 202 E 2 Ave New 4/28/2010 Owasso Tumbling & Cheer 507 E 2 Ave New 4/29/2010 MAY 2010 Bloomingdeals LLC 11612 E 86 St N New 5/19/2010 Asiana Express 11560 N 135th E ave New 5/27/2010 JUNE 2010 Qwik Fix LLC 8703 N Owasso Exp #N Location Change 6/2/2010 Fieldhouse of Tulsa LLC 104 E 2nd Ave New 6/14/2010 Miller EMS LLC 10314 N 138 E Ave #101 New 6/18/2010 JULY 2010 L. A. Images 8361 N Owasso Exp New 7/2/2010 GNC 9046 N 121 E Ave #350 New 7/12/2010 Family Video Movie Club 14499 E 86 St N New 7/15/2010 China Wok 8521 N 129 E Ave New 7/23/2010 AUGUST 2010 Mocha- Licious 12550 E 86 St N New 8/16/2010 Cherry Berry 9046 N 121 E Ave #300 New 8/19/2010 SEPTEMBER 2010 Jing Tao 12300 E 86 St N New 9/23/2010 Orange Leaf 12910 E 86 st N New 9/23/2010 OPENING DATE COMPLETE 1/1/2710 Yes 1/6/2010 Yes 2/1/2010 No 2/4/2010 Yes 2/17/2010 No 2/28/2010 Yes 3/1/2010 Yes 3/15/2010 Yes 4/1/2010 No 5/1/2010 No 4/26/2010 Yes 6/1/2010 No 5/1/2010 No 6/1/2010 No 5/27/2010 Yes 6/14/2010 No 6/28/2010 No 7/19/2010 No No 7/12/2010 Yes 7/15/2010 Yes 7/23/2010 Yes 8/30/2010 No 8/19/2010 Yes 9/23/2010 No 9/23/2010 Yes PERMITS APPLIED FOR IN SEP'T'EMBER 2010 ADDRESS BUILDER ADD /ZONE VALUE A.S.F. PERMIT # DATE 10905 N 151 E Ave Capital Homes LV /RS -3 86,250 1888 10- 0901 -X 9/1/2010 15201 E 109 St N Capital Homes LV /RS -3 86,250 2165 10- 0902 -X 9/1/2010 9500 N 129 E Ave #205 Owasso Land Trust City Ctr /CS 22,000 2100 10- 0903 -C 9/1/2010 9010 N 100 E Ave American Heartland FW /RS -3 17,000 108 10- 0904 -X 9/2/2010 12101 E 96 St N Walmart Stores Ow Mkt /CS 77,500 775 10- 0905 -C 9/7/2010 9305 N 95 E PI Shaw Homes Inc LBR/RS -3 156,200 3338 10- 0906 -X 9/13/2010 12899 E 76 St N #116 Oil Capital Signs 76 Prof Plaza 5,000 55 10- 0907 -S 9/13/2010 12910 E 86 St N Pinnacle Sign Group ROC /CS 5,000 57 10- 0908 -S 9/13/2010 11090 N 116 E Ave Simmons Homes MGRS -3 76,380 1714 10- 0909 -X 9/14/2010 11084 N 117 E Ave Capital Homes MG /RS -3 86,250 1785 10- 0910 -X 9/14/2010 15304 E 109 PI N Capital Homes LV /RS -3 86,250 1725 10- 0911 -X 9/14/2010 15309 E 109 PI N Simmons Homes LV /RS -3 76,380 1714 10- 0912 -X 9/15/2010 12004 E 70 St N Landmark Homes KeysLng/RS -3 130,956 3118 10- 0913 -X 9/20/2010 12601 E 86 St N Draily Construction Food Lion /CS 225,000 3330 10- 0914 -C 9/21/2010 8918 N 143 E Ave First Choice Builders CLT /RS -3 125,000 2864 10- 0915 -X 9/27/2010 9102 N 134 E Ave Advanced Pools CamPk/RS -3 40,000 480 10- 0916 -P 9/28/2010 9905 E 83 St N Baker Pools SSL/RS -3 42,000 591 10- 0917 -P 9/28/2010 15208 E 109 St N Capital Homes LV /RS -3 86,250 1547 10- 0918 -X 9/28/2010 11323 N 145 E Ave Cleary Building Corp Unplatted 35,000 768 10- 0919 -X 9/29/2010 10547 N 120 E Ave Denny Construction BBP /RS -3 110,712 2636 10- 0920 -X 9/30/2010 11 Single Family $1,106,878 24,494 SgFt 1 Residential addition 17,000 108 SgFt 1 Accessory 35,000 768 SgFt 3 Commercial Remodels 324,500 6,205 SgFt 2 Signs 10,000 112 SgFt 2 Pools 82,000 1,071 SgFt 20 Building Permits $1,575,378 32,758 SgFt PROJECT STATUS REPORT City of Owasso Public Works Department As of October 5, 2010 E. 86th Street North Widening (from Main Street to N. Memorial Drive) - Funding for the construction of this project is a result of a "matching grant "; 80% ODOT funding and 20% City funding. - An Engineering design for the project was completed in September 2008. - The Environmental Assessment was approved by ODOT in December 2008 and by the Federal Highway Department in February 2009. - Right -of -way for the remaining property is currently in the condemnation process and staff anticipates the court hearing to take place on or before October 11, 2010. It is further anticipated that the City will be allowed to enter the property by early to mid - October. As a result, utility relocations will begin in November, with completion scheduled to occur in April of next year. E. 106TH Street North and Garnett Road Intersection Improvement Proiect - A $750,000 grant from ODOT was approved February 2009. - On March 24, 2009, Council awarded an engineering design contract with PSA Dewberry. Engineering Design is 95% complete. - PSA Dewberry submitted final right -of -way acquisition documents to ODOT for approval in mid - April. In July 2010, ODOT approved right -of -way acquisition documents. Staff anticipates right -of -way negotiations and utility relocation be completed by February of next year. - Construction is expected to begin in April of next year and completed by March 2012. East 96 Street North Regional Detention (Phase II and III - Detention Facility/ Garnett Structure Modifications) - In March 2009, the engineering design was completed by Meshak and Associates. - City Council awarded a construction contract to Cherokee Builders in the amount of $1,525,006 at the December 1, 2009 City Council meeting and construction began January 11, 2010. - The contractor is currently wrapping up the remaining concrete work for all the drainage structures affiliated with this project. Fine grading and vegetation will be the focal point once the remaining concrete work is completed. This project is currently proceeding as scheduled. Wastewater Treatment Plant and 117th Street Lift Station Upgrade - In September 2008, the engineering design was completed by Greeley and Hansen. - OPWA Trustees awarded a construction contract to BRB Contractors in the amount of $8,465,500 during the December 1, 2009 OPWA meeting and BRB contractors began mobilizing equipment during the week of February 8th. - The contractor is finishing the new activated sludge pump station. The installation of various yard piping and concrete structures are taking place. The contractor is awaiting the arrival of multiple pieces of equipment from various vendors in order to facilitate the necessary shut downs required to replace and upgrade some very integral parts of the plant and the 117th Street pump station. The contractor anticipates receiving this equipment within the next 30 -days. This project is currently ahead of schedule. East 76th Street North Sanitary Sewer Interceptor - In March 2009, the engineering design was completed by Greeley and Hansen. - The Environmental Process was completed in May 2009. - OPWA Trustees awarded a construction contract to Paragon Contractors in the amount of $4,111,299 during the December 1, 2009 OPWA meeting and Paragon contractors mobilized to the site on January 26, 2010. Phase I is on schedule for Completion (North 143rd East Avenue to North 177th East Avenue) by January 2011; and Phase II Completion (North 177th East Avenue to North 193rd East Avenue) by August 2011. Paragon has installed approximately 16,200 feet of sewer line through manhole #45; this puts the progress at the Stone Canyon Lake dam. The contractor continues to advance the project to the east and the blasting company will begin drilling and prepping to blast on the east side of 177th East Ave. East 86th Street North and North Garnett Intersection Improvements - A $310,000 grant from INCOG was approved in November 2009. - In December 2009, City Manager approved an engineering design contract with Tri- State Engineering in the amount of $24,000, The engineering design was completed in April 2010. - Staff does not anticipate needing to obtain right -of way nor the relocation of utilities. - On July 6, 2010, ODOT awarded a contract for construction to Crossland Heavy Construction in the amount of $269,000. - Crossland and The Oklahoma Department of Transportation are directly overseeing this project. The new right turn lane onto Garnett has been installed and the new signals are operational. The contractor is finishing the decorative concrete work this week and should have the right turn lane opened this week. Minor back of curb work will take place in front of First Bank of Owasso in order to get the topsoil and sod installed. - Crews anticipate pouring concrete on the service road Tuesday the 5th and Friday the 8th. After completion of the concrete, they will focus on sidewalk, asphalt and the drainage from the U.S. 169 on ramp. This project is currently ahead of schedule and is anticipated to be complete in early November. Santa Fe Lift Station and Force Main Improvements - In February 2010, the City Council awarded an engineering agreement in the amount of $145,874 to Greely and Hansen Engineering. - Engineering design is scheduled to be complete by December 2010. - Staff anticipates construction to begin in April 2011 with final completion scheduled for December 2011. Meadowcrest Relief Line Improvements - In March 2010, the City Council awarded an engineering agreement in the amount of $38,370 to Kellogg Engineering. - The design is 100% complete. ODEQ is reviewing the plans and staff anticipates approval within the next three weeks. - Utility easement negotiations are underway. Currently, 8 out of the 10 parcels have been obtained. Staff anticipates this process will be complete this month and the project will be advertised for bids shortly thereafter. - Staff anticipates construction to begin in December, with final completion scheduled for May of next year. Rayola Park Enhancements - The bid opening occurred on September 171h with three bids received. All bids exceeded the amount of the available funding. Therefore, staff is revising the scope of work and requesting City Council authorization during the October 5th meeting to reject all bids received and rebid the project this month. The project's lighting, walking trail, and low water dams will not be affected by revisions made to the project. • Improvement /Repair Project FY 2009 -2010) - On July 20, 2010, the City Council approved the street repair priorities for FY 2010. - At the September 7, 2010 City Council meeting, the project was awarded to Tri -Star Construction in the amount of $250,610. Tri -Star Construction is scheduled this week to mobilize to 126th Street to start repair work in Elm Creek. These repairs should take approximately 2 weeks, after which the contractor will move to the German Corner area in order to coordinate needed repairs with Tulsa County's overlay schedule. T Wt o e City umits. TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIR AND TRUSTEES OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FROM: CHELSEA M.E. HARKINS DIRECTOR OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: DIRECTOR'S REPORT DATE: October 14, 2010 CORPORATE RECRUITING Information is being collected on companies in California, Arizona and Florida which could be eligible for corporate relocation. The selection process is based on the criteria of companies with 100+ employees, paying average salaries of $65,000 or more and offer good benefits. Some companies give an indication for future expansion or voice frustration with current state or federal laws that make doing business difficult. Public concerns, such as these are used to signal their current location and governments to come to their aid to prevent them from moving, but nevertheless, it is an opportunity. The message to companies varies based on the industry. Resources are being expanded to assemble the right messages to the right companies for Owasso. Site consultant firms perform these tasks for a fee. Meetings have been scheduled to bring together groups of citizens and business people to accomplish similar tasks without cost. Other resources from the Chamber of Commerce and Tulsa Area Partnership are helpful for providing leads and additional marketing. As the list grows for possible corporate recruits, so does the expectation for more quality jobs in our community. Staff continues to assemble ideas and use those tools to show outside business why they should invest in our city. BUY OWASSO ' The holiday shopping season is upon us and as always, the City is delivering the Buy Owasso message to residents with emphasis to shop locally during this time of year. The businesses will receive a letter this month reminding them about Buy Owasso as a free marketing tool they can use to promote their business for the holidays. The campaign will continue to make citizens aware that shopping at home is easy and convenient and has a direct impact to the community, Last year, the message became vocal as citizens talked about how they bought many, if not all of their holiday shopping items in Owasso. That vocal message needs to continue this year. As people are out shopping, their message should be that they did all their shopping at home. DEVELOPMENT UPDATE Orange Leaf frozen yogurt business has opened in the Owasso Towne Center at 12910 E. 86th Street N.