HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006.01.10_City Council Agenda_SpecialPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: DATE: TIME: PLACE: Special January 10, 2006 6:00 p.m. Old Central Building 109 N. Birch Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 PM on Friday, January 6, 2006. Juliann M. Stevens, Administrative Assistant 0. 93 Call to Order Mayor Thoendel Presentation of Employee Retirement Benefits Ms. Dempster Attachment #2 Discussion relating to Grant Applications Mr. Rooney Attachment #3 A. Homeland Security Grant Target Hardening Discussion relating to Administrative Items Mr. Rooney A. Alternatives for the Annual Burning of the Greens B. Talent Bank Forums Owasso City Council January 10, 2006 Page 2 0 �19Sf Discussion relating to Public Works Department Items Mr. Rooney Attachment #5 A. Refuse Vehicle Purchase Discussion relating to City Manager Items Mr, Ray Attachment #6 ' Presentation of the Stormwater Masteiplan Ba SStormwater Management Fund ,'Land Donation for Fire Station #4 (Attachment included) D. Gated Communities (Attachment included) Three Lakes Street Improvements Project Bid Award (Attachment included) Yll Silver Creek Drainage Improvements Project — "Off Site" Bid Award ` included) Ce "Silver Creek Drainage Improvements Project — Engineering Services included) H. City Manager's Report 1. Annexation Policy (Attachment included) 7 .,&OV 4' Adi ournment (Attachment (Attachment SAAgendas\Council Work Session\2006\01 10.doc TO® THE HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OASSO FROM: MICHELE DEMPSTER HUMAN , SOURCE DIRE, CTOR DATE® January 4, 2006 As a response to issues brought up by the City Council during the last budget process, staff will present an overview and discussion of the retirement and health benefits offered to City employees during upcoming work sessions. January's work session will include an overview of current retirement benefits and a presentation of AON's report comparing our current defined benefit plan to that of a defined contribution plan. An additional presentation by our retirement administrator OMRF (Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund) covering plan options will be included on the February work session agenda. Staff will also present an overview of our health coverage at the February work session. This series of presentations will conclude at the March work session with a discussion of the health and retirement benefits. 1 M TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM- TIMOTHY ROONEY ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER SUBJECT. HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT TARGET HARNENING DATEa January 6, 2006 BACKGROUND. At the December Council work session, staff presented information regarding the Police Department's application for the Target Hardening grant through the Department of Homeland Security. A copy of the memorandum from that work session is attached for your information and review. Staff received notification on Thursday, January 5, 2006, of the approval of the grant application. A copy of the letter of award is also attached for your information and review. The total amount of the grant is $56,750. RECOMMENDATION: 7-- --- = While no match is required by the City of Owasso, the department will expend the funds and then be reimbursed by the Department of Homeland Security. As a result, staff will be requesting a supplemental appropriation relating to this item on the January 17, 2006 regular meeting agenda. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Original Memorandum 2. Letter of Award TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO , FROMiJ CHIEF OF POLICE SUBJECT- '1 SECURITY GRANT TARGET HARNENING DATEo December 8, 2005 BACKGROUND In March of 2005, the Oklahoma Department of Homeland Security (ODHS) announced the availability of funds for the purpose of Target Hardening. Target Hardening is a basic tool providing for safety and security. It involves making targets resistant to criminal attack through the installation of locks, lighting, or alaims. The level of target hardening depends on the target being protected. For most structures, good quality dead bolt locks on exterior doors and locks on windows are all that is required for target hardening. Government instillations, however, require increased protection as the potential threat is much higher. Also during March of 2005, the Police department made application through the ODHS in order to improve security within that department and City Hall. In the application, staff focused on five main areas: improve and increase monitoring through video surveillance, increase the number of doors with computer access control, increase recording capability, develop a new generation employee identification card system, and install bulletproof glass in the communication center (Dispatch). In order to complete the assessment for this project as required by the application, the staff solicited quotes from two local vendors. The lowest quote received at approximately $56,750 met the requirements and needs of the project. The staff plans to make one addition to the access control which will result in a request for funding totaling approximately $60,000. If the initial application is approved by ODHS, staff will advertise the project through a formalized bidding process as required by ordinance. FUNDING: There is no match requirement for this grant however the grant is funded on a cost reimbursement concept. The department will expend monies through its existing budget and subsequently claim reimbursement from the Oklahoma Department of Homeland Security. RECOMMENDATION: Staff intends to proceed with the application process unless concerns are noted by the City Council. TO: Law Enforcement Agencies listed on the attached Schedule "I" FROM: Kerry L. Pettingill, Director ow DATE,: December 30, 2005 RE: Oklahoma Office of Homeland Security 2005 Homeland Security Grant; Critical Infrastructure Protection Your agency has been selected to receive the amount listed on the attached Schedule "I" the "Proposed Award", pursuant to the Oklahoma Office of Homeland Security ("OKOHS") fiscal year 2005 Homeland Security Grant Program (the "2005 Program"), Among other initiatives, the 2005 Program provides a total of $2,600,000.00 to 67 Law Enforcement Agencies for protection of critical infrastructure throughout the State of Oklahoma. Please note that the Proposed Award may include part or all of the items of equipment requested by your agency. A copy of your original Assessment Sheet is attached, the unallowable items have been lined through to indicate that these items cannot be purchased with "OKOHS" grant funds. The remaining allowable items on the Assessment Sheet may be purchased in accordance with the process described below (not to exceed the total of the Proposed Award). The 2005 Program like previous Office of Domestic Preparedness Homeland Security sub -grant programs is a reimbursement grant. The process requires the following actions by your agency: (1) Acceptance of the terms and conditions of the 2005 Program including but not limited to those noted on the attached Schedule "2"; (2) Submission of a Budget Detail Worksheet ("BDW") to OKOHS with a list of specific estimated costs of allowable items from the Assessment Sheet; (3) Receipt of an approval letter from OKOHS with a schedule of approved items. You must have OKOHS APPROVA-L PRIOR TO EXPENDING FUNDS; (4) After your receipt of the OKOHS Approval Letter, your agency may purchase approved items in an amount not to exceed the amount of the Proposed Award; and .(5) Upon delivery of the equipment, submission of a Reimbursement Request Form together with copies of the signed invoices to OKOHS. (Copies of the Reimbursement Request form and the BDW are available on the OKOHS website at www.homelandsectirity.ok.gov). P.O. Box 11415 Oklahoma City, OK 73136-0415 PFIONE 405/ 425-7296 FAX 405/ 425-7295 www.homelandscemity.ok.gov If this process will cause a significant hardship, please contact OKOHS for further guidance. Reimbursement checks are generally mailed to sub grantees by OKOHS within 30 days of receipt of the signed invoices. If your organization is willing to accept the Proposed Award subject to all the terms and conditions of the 2005 Program, please so indicate by affixing the signature of the appropriate chief executive officer (i.e. the chair of the county commissioners, the mayor or the city manager) and the signature of the chief law enforcement officer for your agency in the spaces provided below. In addition, ON OR BEFOREJanuary 20, 2006, please return a original fully executed copy of this letter and each document listed on Schedule "T' (each of which is included with this award packet) to OKOHS, Post Office Box 11415, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73136.0415. Should you have questions or need additional assistance contact Ginny Andrews at 405- 425-7296 or by e-mail at gandrews a,dps.state.ok.us. Thank you for your willingness to participate in this important initiative. We appreciate your efforts to protect our citizens and we look forward to working with you. Agreed and accepted this ____ day of Local Government Name: M Title: Law Enforcement Agency Name: 0 Title: 2006: P.O. Box 11415 Oklahoma City, OK 73136 (d)il d-),_7)QA (Af)r) n');_7101; t`. Sub -grantee Award Amount FEI# $56,750e 00 Nu Number AwardOK-LTP Owasso Police Department # 3a0 PO Box 180 Award Date02/22/2005 Owasso, OK 74055 _ Project Period TM 10/01/04 -- 03/31/07 Project Title CFDA Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program 16.007-0700 OKOHS-CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE/TARGET HARDENING Method of Payment Applicable Funds Region Reimbursement LETP FY2005 7 County Tulsa Authorized Official Information Primary Contact Information City or County Otficial (Mayor, Cit Mana ,er, County Commissioner) Title of Authorized Official _ Title of Contact Name Name Telephone Fax Telephone Fax Email Email Signature of Authorized Official Date Signature of Applicant Date The Authorized Official certifies: ® Legal authorization to accept grants on behalf of the named governmental entity. ® Proposed project can be completed by March 31, 2007. ® Sub -Grantee will comply with all training requirements specified by EPA, OSHA, NFPA, sub -grant application, ODP grant guidance and OKOHS award documents. ® Compliance with all laws, regulations, statutes, assurances, certifications, and other requirements contained in the sub -grant application, ODP Grant Guidance and OKOHS award documents. All submitted data is true and correct to the best of si natot 's knowledge Special Conditions As per attached schedule "A" OKOHS Approving Official OKOHS Contact Information Oklahoma Office of Homeland Security Director of Homeland Security P.O. Box 11415 Major Kerry Pettingill #6 Oklahoma City, OK 73136-0415 Signature of OKOHS Approving Official Telephone Fax ® (405) 425-7296 (405) 425-7295 TO. RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER FROM: TIMOTHY LOONEY ASSISTANT CITE' MANAGER SUBJECT. RE FUSE OPERATIONS STATUS REA PORT Y QUEST DATE: January 6, 2006 BACKGROUND In August of 2005, the City Council approved a supplemental appropriation in the amount of $60,000 to the Refuse Department. The purpose of the supplemental appropriation was three- fold: ® Fund a change order to allow for an additional tipping devise to be added to a recently purchased refuse vehicle, ® Purchase, repair, and install tipping devises on existing refuse vehicles, and ® Fund the employment of one additional laborer. It was explained at that time that the above actions would afford short-term improvements to collection efficiency and working conditions, while staff further evaluates the implementation of fully automated collection as an alternative to achieve long-term service enhancements. Unfortunately, these short-term improvements have not been realized and the refuse collection system (both laborers and equipment) are in need of immediate assistance. EQUIPMENT STATUS PORT: The City's current refuse collection fleet consists of (2) 2002 Crane Carriers, (1) 2005 McNeilus, and (1) 1996 International (rear -loader) to perform li weekly refuse and 3 weekly yardwaste collection routes. This fleet has been reduced by one since August of 2005 as a result of a 1984 International having un-repairable damage to its packing cylinders. Additionally, the 2005 McNeilus vehicle has required multiple repairs to fine-tune its efficiency. More specifically, adjustments continue to be made to its high -idle packing because under normal conditions, this vehicle can only empty no more than 300 households per day. Refuse Operations Status Report Request for Supplemental Appropriation Page 2 of 3 Because the operating fleet of vehicles has been reduced to four vehicles, all of which are needed on a daily basis for the collection of refuse, both preventative and responsive maintenance on the vehicles challenges the ability to collect refuse. When a vehicle is taken out of rotation for maintenance, the other three -vehicle operating hours increase, in order to address the shortage, resulting in the vehicles being driven harder and longer than what would be ideal. Routine maintenance on the remaining three vehicles becomes nearly impossible. EMPLOYEE MORALE. Vehicles are not the only asset that has suffered as a result of the current status of refuse collection operations. Employees of the department have been working long hours since mid- summer with seemingly no end in sight. From July to December of 2005, overtime expenditures due to equipment shortages have reached nearly $10,000, nearly double the projected overtime budget of the department. There is concern that unless conditions are able to improve (both short-term and long-term), valuable employees with experience and positive attitudes will be lost to other municipalities. PROPOSED PLAN OF ACTION: As discussed in August, it would appear that automation remains the best long-term strategy for refuse collections. However, before a pilot program of any kind can be undertaken, it is essential that the fleet be enhanced to allow fleet conversion, afford preventative maintenance, provide emergency back-up operations, and more importantly, meet citizen/customer expectations. In order to address the vehicle shortage, the purchase of additional equipment is being recommended. It is recommended that a new Crane Carrier, side -loader type vehicle be purchased as soon as possible. The vehicle, which has been recently priced at $181,385, has a 180®day delivery time. To supplement the yardwaste fleet, it is also recommended that a "used" 1998 International (frame) vehicle be purchased for $31,000 to replace the 1984 International. This vehicle would provide full-time support to the working fleet, allowing for maintenance of the same, until the Crane Carrier being recommended for purchase arrives. Following the arrival of the Crane Carrier, this vehicle would move into the yardwaste collection operations and be utilized as a back-up vehicle. While the above action plan will delay movement to automation, the delay may afford necessary time to properly implement a replacement plan for refuse vehicles and containers, as well as gather data to corroborate the benefits of an automated system. Refuse Operations Status Report Request for Supplemental Appropriation Page 3 of 3 FUNDING. Funding for the purchase of both vehicles, totaling $213,000, is available in the OPWA reserves. RECOMMENDATION. Staff intends to recommend that two vehicles be purchased as quickly as possible. This would allow for conversion of the existing fleet to a dual -collection, semi -automated operation, resulting in a planned increase in collection efficiencies from 460 to 700 stops per vehicle. Under such collection conditions, this would allow for preventative maintenance to be performed on the existing fleet, provide for emergency backup operations, and meet citizen/customer expectations. CITY MANAGE R FROM- TIMOTHY ill- i ROONEY ASSISTANT AG SUBJECT- LAND DONATION FIRE, STATION DATE- January 6, 2006 In late -November of 2005, staff was approached by Mr. DM Sokolosky regarding the possibility of donating land for a future fire station. Evidently, Mr. Sokolosky had recently reviewed a newspaper article interviewing Chief Eradd Clark. In the article, Chief Clark discussed upcoming challenges and goals of the Owasso Fire Department. One of the items discussed was the need to identify land for the purpose of the future construction of a fourth fire station. Mr. Sokolosky is interested in donating an approximate 2 acre site for that purpose. The subject property is located at the northeast corner of E. 106th Street North and Mingo Road, immediately south of the Metro Heights Addition. While the original desired location of the fourth station was near- the intersection of E. 116th Street North and Mingo Road, Chief Clark and members of the Owasso Fire Department have reviewed the property offered by Mr. Sokolosky and are of the opinion that the site will enhance the department's ability to respond to areas intended to be serviced by the fourth station (See Attachment #1 - Fire Station Distribution Map). While the proposed site do present layout challenges as it is not the typical square or rectangular shaped lot, because it is located on a corner of two major arterial streets, the ability to respond from this location in any direction is ideal. A likely layout of a fire station on this property would be an entrance from one of the arterials (Mingo Road or E. 1061h Street North) and an exit from the other. This would result in a function very similar to the E. 76th Street station where entrance to the station is obtained from Cedar Street and the exit is via E. 76th Street North. Two copies of subject property maps are attached for your information and review. The first map shows the subject property location and its relationship to other areas in northwestern Owasso. The second map shows the subject property and its relationship to the Metro Heights Additions, as well as Mingo Road and E. 106th Street North. Finally, the last attachment is a memorandum from Chief Clark expressing his desire to obtain the donation of the land. ADDITIONAL. COMMENTS; After walking the subject property and discussing it with Chief Clark, I am also of the opinion that the proposed donation should be accepted by the City of Owasso for a future site of a fire station. As mentioned previously, its proximity to two major arterial roads (Mingo Road and E. 1061h Street North) as well as its proximity to the originally desired location (Mingo Road and E. 116`}' Street North) are noteworthy. Additionally, the importance of both arterial roads as Owasso continues to grow will only increase with additional residential development plamied and the completion of the Bailey Ranch Medical Center. RE COMMENDATION - Staff recommends this item be placed on the January 10, 2006 work session agenda for discussion with the City Council. If no concerns are expressed by the Council, it is staff s intent to place an item regarding the donation of the property on the January 17, 2006 regular meeting agenda. ATTACHMENTS 1. Fire Station Distribution Map 2. Fire Station #4 Location Map 3. Fire Station #4 Proximity Map 4. Memorandum from Chief Clark !� I J )1 f it t N ` lip). I i I I I Owasso colillnu-niiy ,v-do��inent ����, Lance Fire Station. I N. hilair, St. s} 1,055 918376.1500 919,376A59 Pies€7g�,;t 3'if7. 73-: iI Land Doriallotl 1 ,Dvva' sso'- C nlmunlil-�r unmi Dev Impinnew'Dcrmy H, I N.'Main St. (Dhvas,, OR 7405-S 919so.376.1500 M376A597 alp Vil'i"A"'VA, IJ Em 106th Stm N Fire Station #4 Land Donation TO- TIMOTHY ROONEY ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER FROM- BRADD Ida CLARK FIRE CHIEF SUBJECT- LAND DONATION FIRE, STATION #4 DATE, January 5, 2006 As a portion of the continued growth plan for the Owasso Fire Department, a search for available land for a future station #4 was initiated. During this process, an opportunity to accept a donation of a parcel of land from DM Sokolosky arose. This potential fire station location is within the general area of the master plan for fie station locations, and will benefit the City during the Insurance Services Office (ISO) rating process. LAND IDENTIFICATION: The potential donation of land sits at the intersection of two major arterial streets within the city limits of Owasso. The parcel is located at the northeast corner of the intersection of East 106th Street North and Mingo Load. The size and shape of the parcel will present challenges in the design of a traditional fire station, but Staff believes this parcel will contribute to an effective service delivery plan for the Owasso Fire Department. The legal description of the land parcel is Lot 31, Block 3 of Metro Heights 11 Addition, and includes the drainage reserve. The total land area is approximately two (2) acres. RIEiCOMMENDATION: Staff would like to place this item on an upcoming work session agenda for discussion with the City Council and pending that discussion, a regular session agenda for action relating to the acceptance of the donation. yr RM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: ERIC WILLES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: GAT'ED COMMUNITIES DISCUSSION DATE. January 4., 2006 At the December City Council work session, the staff initiated a discussion with Council members about a proposed ordinance that would regulate gated communities. The two major points discussed at that work session were: 1) whether gates should only be allowed on private streets, and 2) whether gates should be allowed on collector roads — streets that connect either one arterial with another or with an adjacent neighborhood. The stafFs position presented at the work session was that gates should only be allowed on private streets and further, that they should not be allowed on collector roads. The City Manager's position presented at the work session was that gates should be allowed on both public and private streets, but that they should not be allowed on collector roads. At the work session, council members stated that it was necessary to continue the discussion iD January. Other issues discussed in December included whether there was a sufficient demand for gated communities in Owasso and whether gating both existing and future neighborhoods within thp community is desirable. ATTACHMENTS: I . Staff memorandum dated December 2, 2005 2. Proposed ordinance 3. Memorandum from Ana Stagg 4. Memorandum from Bradd Clark 5. Memorandum from Dan Yancey 6. Memorandum from Julie Lombardi 7. Memorandum from Eric Wiles TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: BRADD CLARK, JULIE LOM]BARDI, ANA STAGG, ERIC WILES, DANYANCEY MIEN ranlom # Currently within the Owasso city limits two developments exist that are considered to be gated communities, one being southern portion of Southern Links Addition and the second being Watercolours located in the Coffee Creek Addition. Both of these developments allow access to the general public during the daytime hours. The staff has drafted an ordinance that would allow the installation of entrance gates into residential subdivisions on private streets only. It should be noted that gates would not be permitted on streets that would otherwise connect to adjacent subdivisions or on collector roads that would connect one arterial with another. This memorandum is a summation of the findings of the directors of Community Development, Fire, Police, Public Works, and the City Attorney. The report is organized into different points of focus that were examined by the respective staff members. The first point of focus, from the Public Works Director, outlines the direct effects of gated residential entrances on our ability to provide water, sewer and refuse collection and infrastructure maintenance service. Second, the Fire Chief examines necessary design criteria for gates that would ensure a rapid and safe response to provide the earliest possible arrival and intervention of public safety personnel to an emergency. Next, the Police Chief focuses on the pros and cons of gated communities from the perspective of law enforcement. The City Attorney reports on her findings related to the legality of gated neighborhoods; especially as to whether they can be located on public streets. Finally, the Community Development Director provides general findings on gated communities — from benefits and drawbacks for both the homebuyer and the city to general statistics about gated communities and a summary of research. Water and Sewer — Whether gated or not, the city is obligated to provide water and sewer service to customers located within the service area. The presence of a gate, which is kept open during business hours, would have little or no impact on our ability to provide regular services. Furthermore, because suspension of service would not result on an immediate loss of life, the City may opt to delay response to after-hours calls when gates prohibit entrance to the residential area. Thus, staff anticipates little or no effect of the gate on the City's ability to provide quality water and/or sewer service. Similarly, whether the streets remain public or become private has no bearing on water and sewer infrastructure which — regulated by Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality — must remain public. ikefuse Collection — The presence of a "properly -sized" gate — which remains open during business hours — would have no impact on our ability to provide service. A potentially problematic effect of gates would be its width, which if improperly sized could restrict entrance of refuse vehicles to the subdivision. This can be easily overcome by specifying minimum clearances at residential entrances in the City's design criteria. Finally, whether the streets are private or public would have no impact on our ability to provide quality refuse collection service. Streets and Drainage — Again, the presence of a gate itself has minimal impact or no impact on our ability to provide maintenance to the City's streets and storrawater infrastructure. Of significant importance to this discussion, however, is whether the streets are private or public. In past, when streets are private, City staff has had no involvement in the design, construction and/or maintenance of the infrastructure. It is worth noting that although an advantage of private streets should be the release from maintenance obligations related to the infrastructure, recent history has proven different. In the 1990's, the Three Lakes Village streets were constructed as private infrastructure, exempt from City requirements. Unfortunately, not only was the street too narrow to allow for safe traffic, but also its foundation was too shallow to withstand normal residential traffic. Resultantly, the City — after numerous petitions by the area residents -® has agreed to accept the streets after the effect and invest nearly $250,000 in their reconstruction. To prevent the reoccurrence of this problem, it would be advantageous to require that private street infrastructure servicing a residential neighborhood meet minimum City standards. Gates may result in a reduction of traffic volumes on the gated passageway because it eliminates through traffic. Resultantly, traffic volumes on alternate through routes should be expected to increase. If the gated passageway is private, the increased traffic volumes on alternate public routes would result in higher maintenance costs for the City. Conversely, maintenance savings resulting from a decrease in through traffic in gated communities would be enjoyed by the resident Finally, gated throughways would render the passage worthless to all but those able to operate the gate — when the gate is closed. In other words, only those that can open the gate are provided with unrestricted access to the passageway. Thus, the excessive use of gates could result in disruption of contiguous residential street networks, rendering the system useless and overloading arterial streets. The idea of installing entry/access-controlling gates is not new, but remains in conflict with the primal goal of the emergency responders from both the police and fire departments: a rapid and safe response to provide the earliest possible arrival and intervention. In the interest of a rapid response, state laws, city ordinances and departmental operating procedures address the safe and rapid response to emergencies throughout our response area. Historical and scientific data demonstrate the many benefits of arriving as quickly and safely as possible, whether the emergency involves fire, violence, or medical or traumatic incidents. Considering a cardiac arrest victim, a fire originating in an occupied structure or an event involving violence, any delay to a rapid and safe response can, and most often does, affect the successful outcome of the emergency. The Owasso Fire Department does recognize, however, the customer -centered obligation to adapt our emergency response goals to homeowner desires for entry/access-controlled gates. Realizing this, our strongest recommendation is to create and implement design criteria for the initiation of a gated community. Criteria for Placement of Gates — In an effort to minimize the barrier/delayed- time effect, many gated communities have installed gates that are sensitive to audible sirens, strobe light sequences, or standardized keys utilized throughout the City by the emergency responders. Although each methodology bears some merit, there is no one best way to breach a closed gate and continue a rapid response consistent with a non -gated street. The development of an ordinance addressing the design criteria should contain language ?ddressing the following: 1. The requirement that all plats submitted with gated access require the approval of the Planning Commission and the City Council. Prior to the issuance of any building permits, the City Engineer, the Fire Marshal, and the Building Official shall approve a detailed Site Plan for gated access areas. 2. The requirement that any gate shall be located a sufficient distance from a public street to allow three (3) cars to line up at the gate to clear completely the right-of-way of the abutting public street without interfering with vehicles utilizing the public street. The minimum acceptable distance from the gate to the public street right-of-way shall be no less than sixty -feet (60'). A turn around lane is required for vehicles unable to enter the 3. The prohibition of road spikes, barbs, or other tire damaging devices and spikes installed on gates. 4. The requirement for compliance of all engineering requirements adopted as City standards for streets, sidewalks, fire lanes, fire hydrants in controlled -access developments. 5. The requirement for the formation of a Homeowners' Association, or similar entity, and for the names, addresses and emergency contact numbers of the Association be provided to the Fire Department, The Homeowners' Association shall be responsible for the following: (a) Maintenance and repairs of all streets and/or fire lanes (if remaining private). (b) Maintenance testing and repairs of all functions of the gate. (c) Accompanying Fire Department officers during annual inspection and testing of the gate opening systems, (d) Maintaining a service agreement with a qualified contractor to insure year-round maintenance. 6. The requirement that the minimum gate opening width, including clearance for all improvements related to the gate, be not less than twenty (20) feet wide per lane if there is to be ingress and an egress gates. 7. The requirement for the installation of an emergency release or hitch pins on the control arm. This hitch pin, when removed, will detach the control arm from the gate and allow the gate to swing open freely with manual intervention. 8® The requirement for a battery back-up system for each gate. These batteries will be trickle charged to maintain electrical energy, and in the event of loss of normal electrical current, cause the gate to open until reset by the Homeowners' Association. The requirement for the gate to be equipped with a rapid entry key lock box, located at 0-r- near the main entrance to the property. The Fire Marshal shall approve the specific type of lock box and mounting location. (Alternative: some technological equivalent including light or noise activated opening). 10. The requirement for the location of all rapid entry key lock boxes, hitch pins, related equipment, operation of gate, signage, opening design, swinging or sliding operation of the gate or any other design specification be constructed and installed in accordance with the approved plans. 11. The requirement for the minimum paving width for all lanes entering and exiting Ml development at the gated entry is at least twenty (20) feet in width. All streets within the development shall otherwise meet the requirements of the Comprehensive Plan, Subdivision Regulations, and the design standards of the City. Should parking along the street be requested by the developer, appropriate signage shall be provided and the minimum width of the roadway shalt be twenty-six (26) feet. 1.2. The requirement that when any problems occur in the operation of the gate or any violation of any section of this ordinance, the gate remain open and accessible until the problem is resolved and/or the gate is service tested. 13. The requirement that proposed covered entry structures meet the minimum height of no less than thirteen (13) feet. The width shall be no less than twenty (20) feet. 14. The requirement that any developer, Homeowners' Association, or other responsible property owners proposing any gated community provide the City of Owasso access assurance prior to installation of any approved gate. The access shall be provided by an easement to be dedicated to the City in the deed of dedication of the plat for utilities and essential City services in the streets and common areas as designated on the subdivision plat. 15. The requirement that the developer, Homeowners' Association, or other responsible property owners provide ors inspection of each gate to insure each gate is tested to meet all of the construction requirements prior to it being approved for operation or continued operation at any point the gate fails to meet the standards. The requirement that verification of the access agreement and a copy of the latest inspection form on file with the City Clerk and the Fire Marshal including the contractor's name, address, and 24- hour-a-day telephone number(s). The developer, homeowner's representative, or responsible property owner's name, address, and telephone number shall be a minimum requirement for approval of the annual inspection of the gate. requirement for a registration fee consistent with the latest City Council approved fee schedule paid to the City for plan review and inspection fees of all proposed gated communities. Additional considerations may be included in the design criteria or ordinance for the approval of gated communities. Among these considerations are: ® strobe light -triggered opener systems ® required residential fire sprinkler systems in the houses within the gated community ® required cardiac defibrillators accessible in central or duplicate locations within the gated community ® required intrusion alarms in the houses within the gated community ® required looped residential telephone lines to the gate so that when dialing 911 from a house within the gated community, the gate automatically opens ® requirements for gates installed at apartment complexes or commercial facilities. Other considerations may arise with more discussion and research ensuring the safety and security of the citizens behind the gate, while affording the emergency responders a time -sensitive response into the controlled area. Pros and cons exist for the residents of developments and services with respect to gated communities. Pros - The staff has identified at least five (5) areas that may provide benefit to law enforcement with regards to gated communities; * Higher sense of security -often residents in gated communities feel a higher sense of security with the enclosure of walls and fencing. The level of security also depends on several factors to include; manned gates, patrolling security and type of access. * Private gated communities help defer services to other areas -meaning resources normally expended on patrolling streets, providing maintenance can be directed elsewhere. * Private and Public gated communities possibly provide a greater economic benefit(as a selling point) to the city which may translate into more tax dollars - whether private or public gated communities exist in the community both offer, in most cases, better property values as opposed to those property that are no enclosed and provides incentives to those who generally have more disposable income. * Higher probability in the apprehension of criminal activity from outsiders — in most cases persons that do not reside within the private gated community are easily identified as being foreign to the area. rt ned * Appreciation of property values- In most cases the value of the prope y contai within these communities appreciate more in value as compared to homes outside however this may greatly depend on whether the infrastructure is maintained privately or using tax payer's dollars. Cons - The staff has also identified at least five (5) areas that may be disadvantages to law enforcement with regards to gated communities; Emergency access to gated communities -several methods are used to access gates leading into gated communities to include; key entry, keyless touch pad, manned security, siren activation, radio frequency activation and lighting activation and as in most cases they may prove to be dependable but not fail safe. Key entry in most cases is dependable however logistically it is very difficult for emergency services to maintain the key system, especially when multiple communities exist within the jurisdiction as well as it can be time consuming when trying to gain access. Keyless touch pads are somewhat difficult for police to manage and are extremely volatile to anyone having the entry code. Manned gates are, in most cases, more reliable but in many cases cost prohibited. Siren activation, siren activation and radio frequency are all acceptable to being duplicated, warning suspects to your arrival and are all acceptable to failure. ® Private vs. Public property® depending upon the classification of the property in question dictates how the police respond. One example would be if the streets remain public then police have no ability to remove a person that would normally be considered a trespasser on private property. The opposite of that would be if the streets were private very little traffic enforcement could result, exceptions do apply. Many other examples can be cited. ® Segregation -Although not conclusive, research suggest that gated communities strengthen the idea of segregation in a community therefore posing a risk to strong cohesive relationship between the rich and poor in essences creating social divide in the co unity. ® Crime perception vs. reality -perception is that crime is lower in gated communities when in reality statistics show little difference partially in that most people that can afford to live within gated communities can reside in neighborhoods that have very little crime anyway. e Crime in most cases is close to home® statistics show that most property and person crimes are perpetrator by persons that either live close to victim or know the victim. The staff has been requested to research the legal issues surrounding implementation of an ordinance authorizing gated sub -divisions within the Owasso community. While numerous benefits and drawbacks may be presented by both those advocating and opposing gated communities, the focus of this memo addresses potential legal issues and liabilities the City might incur if an ordinance regulating gated communities, either on private or public roads, were to iy-* adopted by the City Council. It should be noted at the outset that staff has been unable to locate a municipality within Oklahoma, or any other state, that has statutorily authorized and allowed gated communities on public roadways. Conversely, numerous cities have adopted ordinances regulating all aspects of design, operation and function for gates placed on private roads. As a result, it is well settled at this juncture that municipalities are soundly within their discretion to allow placement of gates within sub -divisions wherein the roads are wholly owned by the sub -division's homeowners. In stark contrast, however, there is a complete void of legal authority establishing precedent for a municipality's ability to allow placement of gates on public roadways. Litigation Potential - An informal poll of city attorneys from several municipalities revealed a unanimous belief that tolerance or blessing of private gates on public streets by a municipality would imminently result in litigation. As noted above, research of both federal and state appellate decisions revealed no authority whatsoever which is supportive of a city's right to allow gates on public roadways. However, it should be noted that while staff strongly anticipated finding settled authority prohibiting the same, such was not the case. Although the courts have spoken to ancillary and related issues on various occasions [lack of right to privatize surrounding streets, Hicks v. Commonwealth of Virginia, VA. Ct. App. (2004); lack of right to restrict a "traditional public forum' ' United States v. Kokainda, 110 S. Ct. 3115, (1990)], the precise and definitive issue of a city's right to authorize gating of public streets has not been addressed. In KokLnda, the United States Supreme Court made clear that the public's use of public properties which are considered traditional public forums, such as streets or sidewalks that are being used for lawful purposes, will be allowed significant constitutional protection, and statutory attempts to encroach upon the public's use are subject to intense judicial scrutiny. Absent an absolute on -point ruling from the judiciary, staff has attempted to make application of the traditional legal analyses utilized by the courts in similar types of cases. The initial consideration requires a preliminary determination regarding the type, nature and extent of liability potentially incurred by the City if an ordinance authorizing public road gating were adopted. One possibility would be a private right of action asserted by a taxpayer for misuse ofpublic funds,.i.e. an allegation that taxpayer dollars have been utilized solely to benefit private parties rather than to benefit the public as a whole. While a lawsuit of this nature might resolve successfully in favor of the plaintiff, it should be noted that the plaintiff would be unable to assert any actual, real or provable damages against the City. Judicial remedy would likely be restricted to injunctive relief against the City compelling removal of the gates. Recourse for the City, in the face of such an adverse verdict, could be as simple as requiring the homeowner's association to assume ownership of the roads within the gated area. An additional possibility, which would subject the City to greater liability than a taxpayer right of action, is the potential for a plaintiff to file an action claiming impairment of his or her constitutional rights under the 140' Amendment of the United States Constitution. Specifically, it is likely that a plaintiff would allege abrogation of his or her liberty interest rights. In this instance, potential remedies are more significant. The initial prong of a court's analysis would seek to determine whether or not a federal liberty interest has been abridged by allowing placement of private gates on public roadways which restrict public access. If such an interest is found to exist, the judicial standard of review would be strict scrutiny. This is the highest form of judicial review and is only invoked by the courts when a fundamental liberty interest, or some form of generally prohibited discrimination, is at issue. Essentially, the City would be required to prove that allowing gates on public roadways is the sole means by which it can accomplish an important and necessary governmental objective. More often than not, ordinances are stricken as unconstitutional under this standard of review. Assuming that a fundamental liberty interest is not found to exist, a court would employ the rational basis standard of review. Therein, an ordinance must permissibly and reasonably set forth a means to accomplish an important governmental goal, and must not be arbitrary or capricious. The tried and true judicial test of scrutiny employed by the courts in making these determinations is the rational basis test: Does the ordinance serve some permissible, rational and logical need of the municipality? If the City could sufficiently establish the necessity of private gates on public roadways under this analysis, defense of the ordinance might be successful. This presupposes, however, that the plaintiff is unable to mount a successful challenge on grounds of equal protection. The standard employed by a court reviewing an ordinance alleged to violate the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution is strict scrutiny, as discussed above. In this instance, a plaintiff would allege disparate treatment among the citizenry of Owasso based on residence, and, by implication, wealth. Although wealth has not been recognized as a protected class for purposes of equal protection, under strict scrutiny review an equal protection challenge has some chance of success in the courts. Traditionally, the courts have been protective of differing treatment by governmental entities which is based either in fact or implication on the social status or wealth of individuals. Conclusion - There are no significant legal issues created by the City's decision to allow placement of gates on private roadways. Presumably, any delay in response time by emergency personnel due to malfunction of the gates falls within the doctrine of assumption of the risk. However, an ordinance permitting private sub -division gates on public roadways is highly likely to result in gation if challenged by a citizen. The City would have no legal precedent upon which to base its defense and would be compelled to successfully establish that a fundamental liberty interest is not present and that the ordinance is not violative of the Equal Protection Clause, Litigation of this type is likely to be protracted and expensive, and the outcome is uncertain at best, Therefore, staff recommends that any ordinance passed by the City Council allowing the placement of private gates speccally restrict installation of gates to private roadways, or, alternatively, at least refrain from expressly allowing placement of gates on public roadways. Additionally, implementation of additional specific guidelines mandating design and operation standards for the benefit of public service vehicles is recommended. M, M f '1111MIM111"I F Gated communities have broadly been classified into three groups (Blakely and Snyder, 1997). The first group includes retirement communities, golf communities, and country club leisure developments where the gates provide security and separation for the leisure activities within. Entire municipalities are being developed in places like Southern California, Arizona, and Texas that fit within this fir-st category. The second type of gated community includes neighborhoods that are valued as markers of distinction and status, though the neighborhoods lack the amenities of the first group. Like the first group, these neighborhoods are developer -built, and primarily suburban. The residents of these gated communities range from the rich and famous to the working class. It appears that most gated communities that are developed in Owasso would fall into this group. The third category of gated community includes neighborhoods where trouble with crime or traffic and fear of outsiders are the most common motivation for gates. In most examples of these neighborhoods, residents, not developers, install gates and fences to their previously open neighborhoods. Benefits for the homebuyer - There exist different reasons for households to find gated communities desirable. A gated development's reputation is often attractive for households seeking status. Privacy and quiet isolation may be preferred. Traffic is not as heavy in a gated community as it would be in a non -gated counterpart. The perception of crime is lower when a neighborhood has a security gate; indeed, a poll conducted by the Community Associations Institute reported that 70% of gated community residents believed their community was safer than surrounding areas (Harris and Evans, 1999). Properties inside gated developments can offer solid investments — a 2001 study on property values indicated that the expected sales price for a 2,500 square feet home was 7.6% higher inside a gated neighborhood than a non -gated neighborhood with a homeowners' association, and 25.9% higher than a non -gated neighborhood without a homeowners' association (LaCour-Little and Malpezzi, 2001). -lenefits for the City - The most compelling benefit for a municipality to allow gated communities is that a 1996 survey conducted by the National Association of Home Builders revealed that 47% of homebuyers prefer a gated entrance (Harris and Evans, 1999). A city that allows neighborhoods to have gated entrances may realize a significantly larger pool of prospective homebuyers than a city that does not. Drawbacks for the ho mebuyer - Owasso residents in Fairways V have reported a reluctance to support a security gate because of the noise it would generate while in operation. Another drawback is the increased cost of homeowners' association dues as a result of gate maintenance, Additionally, deliveries and guests would be inconvenienced when visiting households within a gated community. Postal service and other services would be at the discretion of the service providers, unless the gates were open at the time the services are delivered. Drawbacks for the City — According to conversations with planning and development departments elsewhere, many cities have policies that gated communities do not receive police patrols, resulting in an increased number of speeding motorists and a subsequent increase in the risk of traffic accidents. Those conversations also open a gate. 0. WER ON Rk North Garnett is being widened, might be less feasible. Summary of general research - The findings of the stalFs research indicate that gated communities can be a very divisive issue. Many planners regard gates as part of a troubling trend to limit access to residential and other areas, "representing a retreat from the public realm... a dramatic manifestation of the fortress mentality growing in America," (Blakely and Snyder, 1997). The development patterns established by gated neighborhoods are perceived as deleterious to the social fabric by the entertainment industry, the media, social workers, and have even been the subject of science fiction novels (Le Goix, 2003). An activist organization calling itselfHeavy Trash has even been formed that places viewing platforms near the entrances to gated communities in Los Angeles so that passersby can look into the gated communities. However, the facts that 47% of homebuyers prefer a gated entrance and that gates enhance property values cannot be overlooked. The primary appeal of gated communities is their promise of improved security (McGoey, 2005). Most gated neighborhoods share three general points: 1) A homeowners' association. Existing associations require compliance with covenants and deed restrictions before homeowners finalize their paperwork. If the covenants are not already established, unanimous agreement is required. 2) A near consensus among the residents that gating is desirable. 3) Usually, the neighborhood is bordered by a natural or man-made boundary so that gating a few key access points will provide adequate security, Most homeowners like to feel a part of a community. They expend some effort to create or seek out enclaves of compatible neighbors and amenable surroundings. Viewed as part of this effort, gated communities can be seen as attempts to recreate the idealized small American town where everyon* knows and cares about each other. The following findings from the staff share one basic characteristic — that provisions should be developed allowing for gated neighborhoods. Taken together, the recommendations call for gates to be allowed only on private, non -collector streets and under the guidelines of specific criteria to be adopted by the City. I From Public Works: Gated entrances have no significant impact on our ability to provide water, sewer, refuse collection and street/drainage maintenance services. If used excessively, they could result in the dismembering of the City's residential street network, overloading alternate routes. On the other hand, when used appropriately, gates can provide an attractive amenity to our residents. 2. From Fire Department: The staff recommends that strict criteria be adopted for the installation of gates into developments. 3. From Police Department: It is the recommendation of the staff that strict guidelines be developed regarding emergency services access and that the streets and sidewalks be privatized. 4. From City Attorney: The staff recommends that any ordinance passed by the City Council allowing the placement of private gates specifically restrict installation of gates to private roadways, or, alternatively, at least refrain from expressly allowing placement of gates o" public roadways. Additionally, implementation of additional specific guidelines mandating design and operation standards for the benefit of public service vehicles is recommended. 5. From Community Development: The staff recommends that the City of Owasso create provisions that allow for the development of gated neighborhoods. Further, the staff recommends that gated neighborhoods only be allowed on streets that do not provide connections between arterials. Attached is a proposed ordinance that would allow gates in Owasso subdivisions. The ordinance was developed by the staff, using the above findings as its basis. w -mg,vtsed ord ce - ATTACHWNTS: I . Proposed ordinance 2. Memorandum from Ana Stagg 3. Memorandum from Bradd Clark 4. Memorandum from Dan Yancey 5. Memorandum from Julie Lombardi 6. Memorandum from Eric Wiles McGOEY, C. (2005). Gated Communities. Los Angeles, CA, Aegis Books, Inc. CITY OF OWASS05 OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE #837 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT, TO -WIT: SECTION ONE (1): Part Twelve, Planning, Zoning and Development, Chapter 2, Zoning Plegulations, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, shall be enacted by providing and codifying as follows: SECTION ONE (1) No public street shall be obstructed. Gated access will only be considered and allowed for private streets in approved Planned Unit Developments, apartment projects, or other subdivision plats approved by the City Council. Only local streets that would not otherwise provide access to other neighborhoods will be considered eligible for gates. No collector roads that would connect one arterial to another arterial will be considered eligible for gates. All plats submitted with private streets and gated access shall require the approval of the Planning Commission and the City Council. The City of Owasso, prior to the issuance of any building permits, shall approve streets and grading plans for the subdivision, and those plans shall show the locations and details of all gates. SECTION TWO (2) Any gate shall be located a sufficient distance from a public street to allow two (2) cars to line up at the gate so as to completely clear the right-of-way of the abutting public street without interfering with vehicles utilizing the public street; the minimum acceptable distance from the gate to the public street right-of-way shall be no less than forty (40) feet. A turn around lane shaft be provided for vehicles unable to enter the gated development. SECTION THREE (3) Road spikes, barbs, or other tire damaging devices are prohibited. Spikes installed on gates shall also be prohibited. SECTION FOUR (4) Use of controlled access does not negate other City of Owasso ordinances. SECTION FIVE (5) A Homeowners' Association or a similar entity shall be established and the name, addresses and emergency contact numbers provided to the Fire Department. The Homeowners' Association shall be responsible for the following: (a) Maintenance and repairs of the private streets and/or fire lanes, and to provide the funds for such. (b) Maintenance testing and repairs of all functions of the gate. (c) Accompanying the Fire Department officers during annual inspection and testing of the opening systems. (d) Maintaining a service agreement with a qualified contractor to insure year round maintenance. SECTION SIX (6) the gate, shall not be less than fourteen (14) feet per lane if there is to be ingress an egress gates. 1 SECTION SEVEN (7) A battery back-up system shall be provided for each gate. These batteries will be trickle charged to maintain electrical energy, and in the event of loss of normal electrical current, cause the gate to open until reset by the Homeowners' Association. An emergency release or hitch pin shall be installed on the control arm. SECTION EIGHT (8). This hitch pin, when removed, will detach the control arm from the gate and allow the gate to swing open freely with manual intervention. SECTION NINE (9) The gate shall be equipped with a "C1ick2Enter, Inc. public safety access system, which utilizes the existing emergency service radios for rapid entry. W SECTION TEN (10) All streets within the development shall otherwise meet the requirements of the Comprehensive Plan, Subdivision Regulations, and the design standards ofthe City of Owasso. SECTION ELEVEN (11) Should any problem occur in the operation of the gate or any violation of any section of this ordinance, the gate shall remain open and accessible until the problem is resolved and/or the gate is repaired and tested. SECTION TWLEVE (12) When a covered entry structure is requested, the minimum height shall be no less than sixteen (16) feet. The width shall be no less than twenty (20) feet. SECTION THIRTEEN (13) Streets within subdivisions may not have interior school bus services if the gat remain closed at all times. School bus locations shall be shown in detail on pavi plans, and require approval by the public school district I SECTION FOURTEEN (14) Any developer, Homeowners' Association, or other responsible property owne prior to installation of any approved gate. The access shall be provided by cLtaig a-- 11011 JAMICS U119 OSS011LIM lk-ltj brl -TIMS RMYO-b'Ll on the subdivision plat. SECTION FIFTEEN (15) The developer, Homeowners' Association, or other responsible property owners shall provide for annual inspection of each gate to insure that each gate is tested to meet an of the construction requirements prior to it being approved for operation or continued operation at any point the gate fails to meet the standards. The verification of the access agreement and a copy of the latest inspection form will be kept on file with the City of Owasso City Clerk including the contractor's name, address, and 24-hour-a- day telephone number(s). The developer, homeowner's representative, or responsible property owner's name, address, and telephone number shall be a minimum requirement for approval of the annual inspection of the gate. SECTION SIXTEEN (16)® Repealer All ordinances, or parts of ordinances, in conflict with this ordinance are repealed to the extent of the conflict only. 01 &1111 DMA -- M Q M If any part or parts of this ordinance are held invalid or ineffective, the remaining portion shall not be affected but remain in full force and effect, The provisions of this ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days from the date of final passage as provided by state law. SECTION NINETEEN (1.9)® Codificaflon The City of Owasso Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by adding a new ordinance to be codified in Part 12, Chapter 2, as section 2-203. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma on the day of 2005. a no= MIIMMWM��� APPROVED as to form and legality this day of 2004 11 to 4 TO: ERIC WILES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR FROM: ANA C. STAGG, P.E. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SUBJE CT: IMPACT OF GATED COMMUNITIES ON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SERVICES DATE: October 27, 2005 BACKGROUND: The following presents a summary discussion of gated communities and their impact on our ability to provide service. This memorandum is not intended to argue whether gated communities provide social benefits but rather to outline the direct effects of gated residential entrances on our ability to provide water, sewer and refuse collection and infrastructure maintenance services. Similarly, per your memorandum dated October 17, 2005, research conducted by your staff revealed that our surrounding communes allow for the installation of gated entrances to residential development only where streets are private. This memorandum is not intended to discuss the legality of gates on public streets but rather the impact such requirement would have on our ability and obligation to provide service. WATER AND SEWER aERVICE: Whether gated or not, the city is obligated to provide water and sewer service to customers located within the service area. The presence of a gate, which is kept open during business hours, would have little or no impact on our ability to provide regular services. Furthermore, because suspension of service would not result on an immediate loss of life, the City may opt to delay response to after-hours calls when gates prohibit entrance to the residential area. Thus, staff anticipates little or no effect of the gate on the City's ability to provide quality water and/or sewer service. Similarly, whether the streets remain public or become private has no bearing on water and sewer infrastructure which — regulated by Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality — must remain public. REFUSE COLLECTION: The presence of a "properly -sized" gate — which remains open during business hours — would have no impact on our ability to provide service. A potentially problematic effect of gates would be its width, which if improperly sized could restrict entrance of refuse vehicles to the subdivision. This can be easily overcome by specifying minimum clearances at residential Impact of Gated Communities on Public Works Department Services Page 2 of 2 entrances in the City's design criteria. Finally, whether the streets are private or public would have no impact on our ability to provide quality refuse collection set -vice. STREETS AND DRALNAGE: Again, the presence of a gate itself has minimal impact or no impact on our ability to provide maintenance to the City's streets and stormwater infrastructure. Of significant importance to this discussion, however, is whether the streets are private or public. In past, when streets are private, City staff has had no involvement in the desigi-4 construction and/or maintenance of the infrastructure. It is worth noting that although an advantage of private streets should be the release from maintenance obligations related to the infrastructure, recent history has proven different. In the 1990's, the Three Lakes Village streets were constructed as private infrastructure, exempt from City requirements, Unfortunately, not only was the street too narrow to allow for safe traffic, but also its foundation was too shallow to withstand normal residential traffic. Resultantly, the City — after numerous petitions by the area residents — has agreed to accept the streets after the effect and invest nearly $250,000 in their reconstruction. To prevent the reoccurrence of this problem, it would be advantageous to require that private street infrastructure servicing a residential neighborhood meet minimum City standards. Gates may result in a reduction of traffic volumes on the gated passageway because it eliminates through traffic. Resultantly, traffic volumes on alternate through routes should be expected to increase. If the gated passageway is private, the increased traffic volumes on alternate public routes would result in higher maintenance costs for the City. Conversely, maintenance savings resulting from a decrease in through traffic in gated communities would be enjoyed by the resident owners. Finally, gated throughways would render the passage worthless to all but those able to operate the gate — when the gate is closed. In other words, only those that can open the gate are provided with unrestricted access to the passageway. Thus, the excessive use of gates could result in disruption of contiguous residential street networks, rendering the system useless and overloading arterial streets. RECOMMENDATION: Gated entrances have no significant impact on our ability to provide water, sewer, refuse collection and street/drainage maintenance services. If used excessively, they could result in the dismembering of the City's residential street network, overloading alternate routes. On the other hand, when used appropriately, gates can provide an attractive amenity to our residents. Further research is needed to determine the legal ramifications of gates on public roads. If legal, it is recommended that such amenity — gates on public streets — be investigated as a competitive advantage. TO: RODNEY J. RAY CITY MANAGER FROM: BRADD K. CLARK FIRE CHIEF DATE: October 31, 2005 City Staff has researched the issue of entry/access-controlled gating of housing additions, and making recommendations addressing these gates within the City of Owasso. The concept of gated communities is not new, as more and more citizens develop these housing additions in the interest of affluence or perceived security and safety. This response will narrowly address issues and concerns realized when approving requests for entry/access-controlled gates, not where and why gates benefit homeowners. EMERGE'4CY SEli CE PROVIDER CONCERNS, The idea of installing entry/access-controlling gates is not new, but remains in conflict with the primal goal of the emergency responders from both the police and fire departments: a rapid and safe response to provide the earliest possible arrival and intervention. In the interest of a rapid response, state laws, city ordinances and departmental operating procedures address the safe and rapid response to emergencies throughout our response area. Mstorical and scientific data demonstrate the many benefits of arriving as quickly and safely as possible, whether the emergency involves fire, violence, or medical or traumatic incidents. Considering a cardiac arrest victim, a fire originating in an occupied structure or an event involving violence, any delay to a rapid and safe response can, and most often does, affect the successful outcome of the emergency. The Owasso Fire Department does recognize, however, the customer -centered obligation to adapt our emergency response goals to homeowner desires for entry/access-controlled gates. Realizing this, our strongest recommendation is to create and implement design criteria for the initiation of a gated community. In an effort to minimize the barrier/delayed® time effect, many gated communities have installed gates that are sensitive to audible sirens, strobe light sequences, or standardized keys utilized throughout the City by the emergency responders. Although each methodology bears some merit, there is no one best way to breach a closed gate and continue a rapid response consistent with a non -gated street. The development of an ordinance addressing the design criteria should contain language addressing the following: 1. The requirement that all plats submitted with gated access require the approval of the Planning Commission and the City Council, Prior to the issuance of any building permits, the City Engineer, the Fire Marshal, and the Building Official shall approve a detailed Site Plan for gated access areas. 2. The requirement that any gate shall be located a sufficient distance from a public street to allow three (3) cars to line up at the gate to clear completely the right-of- way of the abutting public street without interfering with vehicles utilizing the public street. The minimum acceptable distance from the gate to the public street right-of-way shall be no less than sixty -feet (60'). A turn around lane is required for vehicles unable to enter the gated development. 3. The prohibition of road spikes, barbs, or other tire damaging devices and spikes installed on gates. 4. The requirement for compliance of all engineering requirements adopted as City standards for streets, sidewalks, fire lanes, fire hydrants in controlled -access developments. 5. The requirement for the formation of a Homeowners' Association, or similar entity, and for the names, addresses and emergency contact numbers of the Association be provided to the Fire Department. The Homeowners' Association shall be responsible for the following: (a) Maintenance and repairs of all streets and/or fire lanes (if remaining private). (b) Maintenance testing and repairs of all functions of the gate. (c) Accompanying Fire Department officers during annual inspection and testing of the gate opening systems. (d) Maintaining a service agreement with a qualified contractor to insure year- round maintenance. 6. The requirement that the minimum gate opening width, including clearance for all improvements related to the gate, be not less than twenty (20) feet wide per lane if there is to be ingress and an egress gates. 7® The requirement for the installation of an emergency release or hitch pins on the control arm. This hitch pin, when removed, will detach the control arm from the gate and allow the gate to swing open freely with manual intervention, 8. The requirement for a battery back-up system for each gate. These batteries will be trickle charged to maintain electrical energy, and in the event of loss of normal electrical current, cause the gate to open until reset by the Homeowners' Association. 9. The requirement for the gate to be equipped with a rapid entry key lock box, located at or near the main entrance to the property. The Fire Marshal shall approve the specific type of lock box and mounting location. (Alternative: some technological equivalent including light or noise activated opening). 10. The requirement for the location of all rapid entry key lock boxes, hitch pins, related equipment, operation of gate, signage, opening design, swinging or sliding operation of the gate or any other design specification be constructed and installed in accordance with the approved plans. 11. The requirement for the minimum paving width for all lanes entering and exiting the development at the gated entry is at least twenty (20) feet in width. All streets within the development shall otherwise meet the requirements of the Comprehensive Plan, Subdivision Regulations, and the design standards of the City. Should parking along the street be requested by the developer, appropriate signage shall be provided and the minimum width of the roadway shall be twenty- six (26) feet. 12. The requirement that when any problems occur in the operation of the gate or any violation of any section of this ordinance, the gate remain open and accessible until the problem is resolved and/or the gate is service tested. 13. The requirement that proposed covered entry structures meet the minimum height of no less than thirteen (13) feet. The width shall be no less than twenty (20) feet. 14. The requirement that any developer, Homeowners' Association, or other responsible property owners proposing any gated community provide the City of Owasso access assurance prior to installation of any approved gate. The access shall be provided by an easement to be dedicated to the City in the deed of dedication of the plat for utilities and essential City services in the streets and common areas as designated on the subdivision plat. 15. The requirement that the developer, Homeowners' Association, or other responsible property owners provide for annual inspection of each gate to insure each gate is tested to meet all of the construction requirements prior to it being approved for operation or continued operation at any point the gate fails to meet the standards. The requirement that verification of the access agreement and a copy of the latest inspection form on file with the City Clerk and the Fire Marshal including the contractor's name, address, and 24-hour-a-day telephone number(s). The developer, homeowner's representative, or responsible property owner's name, address, and telephone number shall be a minimum requirement for approval of the annual inspection of the gate. 16o A requirement for a registration fee consistent with the latest City Council approved fee schedule paid to the City for plan review and inspection fees of all proposed gated communities. Additional considerations may be included in the design criteria or ordinance for the approval of gated communities. Among these considerations are: • strobe light -triggered opener systems • required residential fire sprinkler systems in the houses within the gated community • required cardiac defibrillators accessible in central or duplicate locations within the gated community • required intrusion alarms in the houses within the gated community • required looped residential telephone lines to the gate so that when dialing 911 from a house within the gated community, the gate automatically opens • requirements for gates installed at apartment complexes or commercial facilities. *ther considerations may arise with more discussion and research ensuring the safety and security of the citizens behind the gate, while affording the emergency responders a time - sensitive response into the controlled area. TO: RODNEY f7,"It CITY MANAGER FROM: DAN YANCEY CHIEF OF POLICE SUBJECT- GATED COMMUNITIES DATE.- October 25, 2005 BACKGROUND: Gated Communities are generally defined as residential areas with restricted access that makes public spaces private. Access is controlled by physical barriers, walled or fences perimeters, and gated or guarded entrances. Gated communities in most cases prevent public access to roads, sidewalks, parks, playgrounds that would have normally been accessible to the general public. Some of the first gated communities in mass markets were offered in the 1960's and mainly revolved around retirement developments. Currently within the Owasso city limits two developments exist that are considered to be gated communities, one being southern portion of Southern Links Addition and second being Watercolors located in the Coffee Creek Addition. Both of these developments allow access to the general public during the daytime hours. Pros and cons exist for both the residents of the developments and services with respect to gated communities. This memo will focus on the pros and cons to gated communities but mainly the cons law enforcement faced in servicing these types of communities. PROS: The staff has identified at least five (5) areas that may provide benefit to law enforcement with regards to gated communities; • Higher sense of security -often residents in gated communities feel a higher sense of security with the enclosure of walls and fencing. The level of security also depends on several factors to include; manned gates, patrolling security and type of access. • Private gated communities help defer services to other areas -meaning resources normally expended on patrolling streets, providing maintenance can be directed elsewhere. • Private and Public gated communities possibly provide a greater economic benefit(as a selling point) to the city which may translate into more tax dollars -whether private or public gated communities exist in the community both offer, in most cases, better property values as opposed to those property that are no enclosed and provides incentives to those who generally have more disposable income. ® Higher probability in the apprehension of criminal activity from outsiders — in most cases persons that do not reside within the private gated community are easily identified as being foreign to the area. * Appreciation of property values® In most cases the value of the property contained within these communities appreciate more in value as compared to homes outside however this may greatly depend on whether the infrastructure is maintained privately or using tax payer's dollars. S® 'Thestaffhas also identified at least five (5) areas that may be disadvantages to law enforcement with regards to gated communities; * Emergency access to gated communities -several methods are used to access gates leading into gated communities to include; key entry, keyless touch pad, manned security, siren activation, radio frequency activation and lighting activation and as in most cases they may prove to be dependable but not fail safe. Key entry in most cases is dependable however logistically it is very difficult for emergency services to maintain the key system, especially when multiple communities exist within the jurisdiction as well as it can be time consuming when trying to gain access. Keyless touch pads are somewhat difficult for police to manage and are extremely volatile to anyone having the entry code. Manned gates are, in most cases, more reliable but in many cases cost prohibited. Siren activation, siren activation and radio frequency are all acceptable to being duplicated, warning suspects to your arrival and are all acceptable to failure. ® Private vs® Public property® depending upon the classification of the property in question dictates how the police respond. One example would be if the streets remain public then police have no ability to remove a person that would normally be considered a trespasser on private property. The opposite of that would be if the streets were private very little traffic enforcement could result, exceptions do apply. Many other examples can be cited. * Segregation -Although not conclusive, research suggest that gated communities strengthen the idea of segregation in a community therefore posing a risk to strong cohesive relationship between the rich and poor in essences creating social divide in the community. ® Crime perception vs. reality -perception is that crime is lower in gated communities when in reality statistics show little difference partially in that most people that can afford to live within gated communities can reside in neighborhoods that have very little crime anyway. ® Crime in most cases is close to home® statistics show that most property and person crimes are perpetrator by persons that either live close to victim or know the victim. COMMENTS: While conducting research on the issue of gated communities the staff found at least two (2) court cases that may prevent governments from; one restricting access to public streets and sidewalks, and two if developments are allowed to privatize streets and sidewalks how a clear delineation from public to private will be made. RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the staff that strict guidelines be developed regarding emergency services access and that the streets and sidewalks be privatized, From: Julie Trout Lombardi ate® 11/01/05 RE: Legal Issues Presented by Potential Enaction of an Ordinance Allowing Gated Community Neighborhoods The staff has been requested to research the legal issues surrounding implementation of an ordinance authorizing gated sub -divisions wn the Owasso community. While numerous benefits and drawbacks may be presented by both those advocating and opposing gated communities, the focus of this memo addresses potential legal issues and liabilities the City might incur if an ordinance regulating gated communities, either on private or public roads, were to be adopted by the City Council. It should be noted at the outset that staff has been unable to locate a municipality within Oklahoma, or any other state, that has statutorily authorized and allowed gated communities on public roadways. Conversely, numerous cities have adopted ordinances regulating all aspects of design, operation and function for gates placed on private roads. As a result, it is well settled at this juncture that municipalities are soundly within their discretion to allow placement of gates within sub -divisions wherein the roads are wholly owned by the sub -division's homeowners. In stark contrast, however, there is a complete void of legal authority establishing precedent for a municipality's ability to allow placement of gates on public roadways. Litigation Potential An informal poll of city attorneys from several municipalities revealed a unanimous belief that tolerance or blessing of private gates on public streets by a municipality would imminently result in litigation. As noted above, research of both federal and state appellate decisions revealed no authority whatsoever which is supportive of a city's right to allow gates on public roadways. However, it should be noted that while staff strongly anticipated finding settled authority prohibiting the same, such was not the case. Although the courts have spoken to ancillary and related issues on various occasions [lack of right to privatize surrounding streets, Hicks v. Commonwealth of Virginia VA. Ct. App. (2004); lack of right to restrict a "traditional public forum" United States v. Kokinda ' 110 S.Ct. 3115, (1990)], the precise and definitive issue of a city's right to authorize gating of public streets has not been addressed. In Kokinda' the United States Supreme Court made clear that the public's use of public properties which are considered traditional public forums, such as streets or sidewalks that are being used for lawful purposes, will be allowed significant constitutional protection, and statutory attempts to encroach upon the public's use are subject to intense judicial scrutiny. Absent an absolute on -point ruling from the judiciary, staff has attempted to make application of the traditional legal analyses utilized by the courts in similar types of cases. The initial consideration requires a preliminary determination regarding the type, nature and extent of liability potentially incurred by the City if an ordinance authorizing public road gating were adopted. One possibility would be a private right of action asserted by a taxpayer for misuse of public funds, i.e. an allegation that taxpayer dollars have been utilized solely to benefit private parties rather than to benefit the public as a whole. While a lawsuit of this nature might resolve successfully in favor of the plaintiff, it should be noted that the plaintiff would be unable to assert any actual, real or provable damages against the City. Judicial remedy would likely be restricted to injunctive relief against the City compelling removal of the gates. Recourse for the City, in the face of such an adverse verdict, could be as simple as requiring the homeowner's association to assume ownership of the roads within the gated area. An additional possibility, which would subject the City to greater liability than a taxpayer right of action, is the potential for a plaintiff to file an action claiming impairment of his or her constitutional rights under the 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution. Specifically, it is likely that a plaintiff would allege abrogation of his or her liberty interest rights. In this instance, potential remedies are more significant. The initial prong of a court's analysis would seek to determine whether or not a federal liberty interest has been abridged by allowing placement of private gates on public roadways which restrict public access. If such an interest is found to exist, the judicial standard of review would be strict scrutiny. This is the highest form of judicial review and is only invoked by the courts when a fundamental liberty interest, or some form of generally prohibited discrimination, is at issue. Essentially, the City would be required to prove that allowing gates on public roadways is the sole means by which it can accomplish an important and necessary governmental objective. More often than not, ordinances are stricken as unconstitutional under this standard of review. Assuming that a fundamental liberty interest is not found to exist, a court would employ the rational basis standard of review. Therein, an ordinance must permissibly and reasonably set forth a means to accomplish an important governmental goal, and must not be arbitrary or capricious. The tried and true judicial test of scrutiny employed by the courts in making these determinations is the rational basis test: Does the ordinance serve some permissible, rational and logical need of the municipality? If the City could sufficiently establish the necessity of private gates on public roadways under this analysis, defense of the ordinance might be successful. This presupposes, however, that the plaintiff is unable to mount a successful challenge on grounds of equal protection. The standard employed by a court reviewing an ordinance alleged to violate the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution is strict scrutiny, as discussed above. In this instance, a plaintiff would allege disparate treatment among the citizenry of Owasso based on residence, and, by implication, wealth. Although wealth has not been recognized as a protected class for purposes of equal protection, under strict scrutiny review an equal protection challenge has some chance of success in the courts. Traditionally, the courts have been protective of differing treatment by governmental entities which is based either in fact or implication on the social status or wealth of individuals. There are no significant legal issues created by the City's decision to allow placement of gates on private roadways. Presumably, any delay in response time by emergency personnel due to malfunction of the gates falls within the doctrine of assumption of the risk. However, an ordinance permitting private sub -division gates on public roadways is highly likely to result in litigation if challenged by a citizen, The City would have no legal precedent upon which to base its defense and would be compelled to successfully establish that a fundamental liberty interest is not present and that the ordinance is not violative of the Equal Protection Clause, Litigation of this type is likely to be protracted and expensive, and the outcome is uncertain at best. Therefore, staff recommends that any ordinance passed by the City Council allowing the placement of private gates specifically restrict installation of gates to private roadways, or, alternatively, at least refrain from expressly allowing placement of gates on public roadways. Additionally, implementation of additional specific guidelines mandating design and operation standards for the benefit of public service vehicles is recommended. TO: RODNEY J R2�4— CITY MANAGER FROM: ERIC WILES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: GATED COMMUNITIES DATE. October 17, 2005 M1 I W13 �11 �3 The staff has been requested to perform research into the issue of gated communities and to present a recommendation based upon the findings of that research. Currently, there are more than 50,000 gated communities in the U.S. with more being built every year. About 6% of the country's population fives inside gated communities, totaling seven million households (Census Bureau, 2001). Gated communities have broadly been classified into three groups (Blakely and Snyder, 1997). The first group includes retirement communities, golf communities, and country club leisure developments where the gates provide security and separation for the leisure activities within. Entire municipalities are being developed in places like Southern California, Arizona, and Texas that fit within this first category. 0 A, "s n ipgy"l markers of distinction category ot g commuraty mcivaes MTS RUIZ fear of outsiders are the most common motivation for gates. In most examples of these neighborhoods, residents, not developers, install gates and fences to their previously open neighborhoods. For the hornebuyer - There exist different reasons for households to find gated communities desirable. A gated development's reputation is often attractive for households seeking status. Privacy and quiet isolation may be preferred. Traffic is not as heavy in a gated community as it would be in a non -gated counterpart. The perception of crime is lower when a neighborhood has a security gate; indeed, a poll conducted by the Community Associations Institute reported that 70% of gated community residents believed their community was safer than surrounding areas (Harris and Evans, 1999). Properties inside gated developments can offer solid investments — a 2001 study on property values indicated that the expected sales price for a 2,500 square feet home was 7.6% higher inside a gated neighborhood than a non -gated neighborhood with a homeowners' association, and 25.9% higher than a non -gated neighborhood without a homeowners' association (LaCour-Little and Malpezzi, 2001). For the City - The most compelling benefit for a municipality to allow gated communities is that a 1996 survey conducted by the National Association of Borne Builders revealed that 47% of homebuyers prefer a gated entrance (Harris and 'Evans, 11999). A city that allows neighborhoods to have gated entrances may realize a significantly larger pool of prospective homebuyers than a city that does not. Drawbacks for the homebuyer - Owasso residents in Fairways V have reported a reluctance to support a security gate because of the noise it would generate while in operation. Another drawback is the increased cost of homeowners' association dues as a result of gate maintenance. Additionally, deliveries and guests would be inconvenienced when visiting households within a gated community. Postal service and other services Kv,_10MMIMU WWW'i-m- (:,,f (b0WWjkiX;R,,r_,vxiderA_unhts_s Uh", aio_�ere�o%'en at the time the services are delivered. Drawbacks for the City — According to conversations with planning and development departments elsewhere, many cities have policies that gated communities do not receive police patrols, resulting in an increased number of speeding motorists and a subsequent increase in the risk of traffic accidents. Those conversations also open a gate. 1. , M111 I i I 1 .4 i I 1111 M. I M, 40111 , 11101411" , lwr� Almost every piece of literature researched by the staff indicated that any gated street must be made private prior to the installation of a gate. The staff has confirmed that Broken Arrow, Edmond, Jenks, Oklahoma City, Sand Springs, Stillwater, and Tulsa require that gated neighborhoods have private streets. A 1999 article in Homebuying magazine stated that the city of Arlington, TX allows developments with public streets to be gated, but when the staff contacted the planning department of Arlington the response was no, gates must be on private streets. Also, the staff has a copy of a court case that cites a ruling from a federal case that says, "While a public entity can restrict the use of public property or buildings to those who are using the property for its intended 'non-public' purpose, such as an office building, it cannot restrict public property that is considered a 'traditional public forum,' such as a street or sidewalk, that is being used in a lawful way and for a lawful purpose that is constitutionally protected. See United States v. Kokinda, 497 U.S. 720, 727 (1990). The staff has been unable to locate any statute or court case that allows gates on public streets. The findings of the staffs research indicate that gated communities can be a very divisive issue. Many planners regard gates as part of a troubling trend to limit access to residential and other areas, 44representing a retreat from the public realm... a dramatic manifestation of the fortress mentality growing in America," (Blakely and Snyder, 19911). The development patterns established by gated neighborhoods are perceived as deleterious to the social fabric by the entertainment industry, the media, social workers, and have even been the subject of science fiction novels (Le Goix, 2003). i activist organization calling itself Heavy Trash has even been formed that places viewing platforms near the entrances to gated communities in Los Angeles so that passersby can took into the gated communities. However, the facts that 47% of homebuyers prefer a gated entrance and that gates enhance property values cannot be overlooked. The primary appeal of gated communities is their promise of improved security (McGoey, 2005). Most gated neighborhoods share three general points: 1) A homeowners' association. Existing associations require compliance with covenants and deed restrictions before homeowners finalize their paperwork. If the covenants are not already established, unanimous agreement is required, 2) A near consensus among the residents that gating is desirable. 3) Usually, the neighborhood is bordered by a natural or man-made boundary so that gating a few key access points will provide adequate security. Most homeowners like to feet a part of a community. They expend some effort to create or seek out enclaves of compatible neighbors and amenable surroundings. Viewed as part of this effort, gated communities can be seen as attempts to recreate the idealized small American town where everyon* knows and cares about each other. M The staff recommends that the City of Owasso create provisions that allow for the development of gated neighborhoods. Further, the staff recommends that gated neighborhoods be only allowed on [trivate streets that do not provide connections between arterials. LIUMNANN X BLAKELY, & SNYDER,(1997). Fortress America, Gated Communities in the United States. Washington D.C., Cambridge, M.A.: Brookings Institution Press & Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. HARRIS, J, C. & EVANS, J. S. (1999). Suburban Fortresses. Tierra Grande, the Real Estate Center Journal, 1323 (July 1999), 50-52. presented to the American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association. LE GOIY, R. (2003). Me Suburban Paradise or the Parceling of Cities? Los Angeles, CA, UCLA International Institute. CITY TO: RODNEY J RAY FROM: ANA C. STAGG, P.E. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SUBJECT: THRE E LAKES VILLAGE STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT BID AWARD DATE: January 6, 2006 BACKGROUND: In 1997, residents of the Three Lakes Village subdivision initially requested assistance from the City of Owasso for the repair of existing residential streets and drainage infrastructure. The subdivision, constructed in 1978, was platted with private roadways, exempting the developer from constructing the infrastructure according to City standards. As a result, the poorly constructed infrastructure has notably deteriorated through the years restricting the use of the roadways. In July 2005, following numerous pleas for assistance by area residents, City Council approved funding for street infrastructure repairs estimated at approximately $210,000. The Oklahoma Department of Commerce (ODOC) through a "Community Development Block Grant" will be subsidizing this project in the amount of $66,450 with the City of Owasso funding the remaining $143,550. Following approval of the project, staff initiated the preparation of bid documents for the Three Lakes Roadway Improvements Project. The work included the removal and replacement of over 5,300 square yards of existing pavement (approximately one mile of roadway) complete with new curb and guttering. The Engineering Estimate prepared following the completion of design documents was $260,000 (base bid only). The notable increase in construction cost was due to a considerable raise in costs of construction materials and methods since preliminary cost estimates were prepared in 2004. Notice to Bidders was first published in the Owasso Reporter on October 4, 2005 for a bid opening on November 3, 2005. One bid was received (and publicly opened at 2:00 PM CDT on November 3, 2005) from Horizon Construction Company, Inc. in the amount of $425,895.00 (base bid). Staff compared unit prices used to prepare the engineers estimate to those proposed in the Bid Schedule submitted by Horizon Construction, in order to identify notable differences responsible for the disparity between the values. It was discovered that unit prices for five Line Items were responsible for nearly 80 percent of the total overage. Three Lakes Village Streets Bidding Award Page 2of3 Due to the unexpected deficiency in available funding, on November 8, 2005, City Council rejected the submitted Bid by Horizon Construction Company, Inc. in the amount of $425,895.00 in favor of a revised scope of work. Staff was directed to review the scope of work and revise designed improvements to encourage the submittal of multiple bids. Following direction from Council, Engineering staff redefined the scope of work and completed revisions to the contract documents in November 2005 (see Attachment A). The revised contract documents included several alternates (separating non -essential tasks and allowing for the construction of either asphalt or concrete roadways) in an effort to reduce overall construction costs. SOLICITATION OF BIDS - Notice to Bidders for the re -bid was published in the Owasso Reporter on November 29, 2005 for a bid opening on December 29, 2005. The mandatory pre -bid held on December 19, 2005 was attended by eleven contractors. On December 29, 2005, three bids were received and publicly opened as detailed in Attachment B. The low bid was submitted by Austin Paving LLC in the amount of $147,679.40. Construction of either an asphalt or concrete roadway necessitates additional expenditure totaling $299,075.40 and $308,869.40, respectively. ROADWAY SURFACE BIDDER Base Bid Asphalt Concrete Austin Paving, LLC. $ 147,679.40 $ 299,075.40 $ 308,869.40 Magnum Construction, Inc. $ 223,647.00 $ 308,375.00 $ 371,433.00 Horizon Construction Co., Inc. $ 267,774.51 $ 404,718.95 $ 452,248.15 As noted above, construction cost for the concrete roadway is $91794.00 higher than that of its asphalt counterpart. However, concrete roadways have a life expectancy of 20 years compared to only 15 years for asphalt. Thus, assuming a life expectancy of 20 years, construction of a concrete roadway now will yield savings to the City of approximately $4,5001 per year over the life of the road. FUNDING° In July 2005 City Council approved funding for street infrastructure repairs estimated at approximately $210,000. The Oklahoma Department of Commerce (ODOC) through a "Community Development Block Grant" will be supplying funds for this project in the amount of $66,450 with the City of Owasso funding the remaining $143,550 of the original $210,000. Additional funding in the amount of $100,000 will be obtained for this project from the City's ' Annual cost for Concrete Alternate = $15,440; annual cost for Asphalt Alternate = $19,940 Three Lakes Village Streets Bidding Award Page 3 of 3 Residential Street Repair budget (Line Item 01-300-54213). The current balance for such line item is $206,000. RE COMMENDATIONS- Staff intends to recommend the award of the Three Lakes Village Street Improvements to Austin Paving LLC, Stillwater, Oklahoma in the amount of $308,869.40. ATTACHMENTS. A. Project Plans B. Summary of Bids LEGEND G GUTTER LINE CI CURB INLET U/E UTILITY EASEMENT FL FLOWLINE TO TOP OF CURB TG TOP OF GRATE TR TOP OF RIM RCP REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE X 60O.0 SPOT ELEVATION ® DIRECTION OF FLOW STREET SIGN '6- FH FIRE HYDRANT ® TRANSFORMER TELEPHONE PEDESTAL © CABLE TV PEDESTAL OSSMH SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE OSTMH STORM SEWER MANHOLE ® WATER METER ® WATER VALVE Q ELECTRIC METER us MAILBOX I, �O LIGHT POLE ® IRON PIN FOUND pp POWER POLE 0.33% PERCENT OF GRADE -—'--61'�—'------- EXISTING CONTOURS 600 PROPOSED CONTOURS SILT FENCE L�OOoOO STRAW BALE DIKE — T T BURIED TELEPHONE LINE — a r BURIED POWER LINE — ry BURIED CABLE TELEVISION SANITARY SEWER LINE —ew—ew— WATER LINE — 2s sr— za ST— STORM SEWER LINE E 5 — u.` 1✓ f�� F ROADWAY G ( IMPROVEMENTS 4 i a NOV } q B A OF VICINITY MAP I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE ADOPTED ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF OWASSO GOVERNING WATER FACILITIES, SEWER FACILITIES, STREETS, AND DRAINAGE FACILITIES; THAT THESE PLANS HAVE BEEN PREPARED UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION; THE ABOVE AND THE FOREGOING PLANS COMPLY WITH ALL GOVERNING ORDINANCES AND THE ADOPTED STANDARDS OF THE CITY OF OWASSO TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF. APPROVED BY: CITY OF WAS$ DATE (I �� B AN D. CLINE P.E. CITY ENGINEER INDEX OF SHEETS SHEET NO. DESCRIPTION 1. TITLE SHEET 2. SUMMARY OF QUANTITIES EROSION CONTROL PLAN 4. CONSTRUCTION PHASING PLAN 5. PLAN &PROFILE — E 84TH CT N 6. PLAN & PROFILE — N 1167H PL E 7. PLAN & PROFILE — N 1t6TH E AVE S. PLAN & PROFILE — E 84TH ST N/E 84TH PL N 9. CROSS SECTIONS — E 84TH CT N 10. CROSS SECTIONS — N 116TH PL E 11. CROSS SECTIONS'— N 116TH E AVE 12. CROSS SECTIONS — E 84TH ST N/E 84TH PL N 13. SECTIONS & DETAILS 14. ALTERNATE PARKING ISLANDS 15. CONCRETE JOINT PLAN CITY OF 0WASSO CRAIG THOENDEL MAYOR/WARD 1 STEPHEN CATAUDELLA VICE MAYOR/WARD 2 SUSAN KIMBALL WARD 3 RONNIE GUEVARA WARD 4 BRENT COLGAN WARD 5 UTILITY OWNERS OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 301 W. 2nd AVENUE (76TH STREET NORTH) OWASSO. OK 74055 918-272-4959 FAX 918-272-4996 PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF OKLAHOMA P.O. BOX 201 TULSA, OK 74102-0201 918-586-O42D EMERGENCIES 918-586-0400 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 12250 EAST 96th ST. NORTH OWASSO. OK 74055 918-274-4000 COX COMMUNICATIONS 8421 U EAST 61ST £TON SQUARE TULSA. ON 918-665-02DO SOUTHWESTERN BELL 1-800-464-792B SUMMARY OF QUANTITIES (BASE BID ITEMS) ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PAY ITEM NOTES I UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION CY 415 2,3 2 TEMPORARY EROSION k SEDIMENT CONTROL US y 3 SOLID SLAB SODDING SY 2 22 4 AGGREGATE BASE, TYPE A CY 893 5 NEW 6' BARRIER CURB AND GUTTER IF 2535 10,22 6 6' CONCRETE DRIVEWAY (HES) SY 570 10 7 MANHOLES ADJUSTED TO GRADE (GRADE RING ONLY) EA 3 B STORM INLETS ADJUSTED TO GRADE EA -5 - 9 WATER VALVE BOXES ADJUSTED TO GRADE EA q 10 REMOVAL OF CONCRETE PAVEMENT AND CURB SY 5356 9.12 11 REMOVE CONCRETE DRIVEWAY APPROACHES SY 570 9 12 DOUBLE GRATE INLET BOX AND GRATES (NO HOODS) EA 1 13 7 RCP, CLASS It LF 30 14 GEOGRID SUBGRADE RESTRAINT W/ SEPARATOR FABRIC SY 535G 15 FLOWABLE FILL (BID PURPOSE ONLY) CY I SUMMARY OF QUANTITIES (ALTERNATE BID ITEMS) ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT OUANTITY PAY ITEM NOTES 16 REMOVE AND RESET MAIL BOXES EA 42 17 INSTALLATION AND REMOVAL OF TEMPORARY GANG MAILBOXES EA 4 iB TREE REMOVAL (SOUTH ISLAND ONLY) EA I 19 WATER METER BOXES ADJUSTED TO GRADE EA 42 SUMMARY OF QUANTITIES (ALTERNATE BID ITEMS ASPHALT PAVEMENT) ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PAY ITEM NOTES IA ASPHALT CONCRETE, TYPE A TOY 1063 10 2A ASPHALT CONCRETE, TYPE B TON 473 10 3A CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTERS LF 230 10,11,19,22 SUMMARY OF QUANTITIES (ALTERNATE BID ITEMS CONCRETE PAVEMENT) ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT I QUANTITY PAY ITEM NOTES 18 P.C. CONCRETE PAVEMENT 6' THICK SY L375 21.22 ALTERNATE PARKING ISLANDS BID QUANTITIES (ASPHALT PAVEMENT) ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PAY ITEM NOTES IAA UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION CY 64 2AA SOLID SLAB SODDING -SUB SY 66 3AA GEOGRID GRADE RESTRAINT SY 399 4AA AGGREGATE BASE. TYPE A CY 923 5AA ASPHALT CONCRETE, TYPE A TOM 88 GAR ASPHALT CONCRETE, TYPE 8 TON 46 7AA REMOVAL OF CONCRETE PAVEMENT AND CURB SY 264 9,12 8AA 4' CONCRETE SIDEWALK SY 89 22 ALTERNATE PARKING ISLANDS BID QUANTITIES (CONCRETE PAVEMENT) ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PAY ITEM NOTES 189 UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION CY 64 2BB SOLID SLAB SODDING SY 3BB GEDGRID SUBGRADE RESTRAINT SY 382 488 AGGREGATE BASE. TYPE A CY 923 58D P.C. CONCRETE PAVEMENT 6' TUCK SY 384 21,22 BBB REMOVAL OF CONCRETE PAVEMENT AND CURB SY 264 9,12 788 4' CONCRETE SIDEWALK SY BD 22 PAY ITEM NOTES 1. ALL WORK AND/OR MATERIALS NOT CLASSIFIED AS A "CONTRACT PAY ITEM" SHALL BE CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL AND WILL NOT BE PAID FOR SEPARATELY. THE COST THEREOF SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE UNIT PRICE BIDS FOR ITEMS WHICH ARE CLASSIFIED FOR PAYMENT. 2. ALL EXCAVATION MATERIAL INCLUDING CONCRETE FROM PAVEMENT, CURB AND DRIVEWAY REMOVAL, AND TREES SHALL BE PROPERTY OF THE CONTRACTOR AND SHALL BE DISPOSED OF BY THE CONTRACTOR IN A MANNER ACCEPTABLE TO THE ENGINEER WITHOUT ADDITIONAL COST TO THE CITY. 3. ALL EXCAVATION IS CONSIDERED UNCLASSIFIED. NO CLAIM IS MADE REGARDING THE CLASS OF MATERIAL LIKELY TO BE ENCOUNTERED. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW ALL REQUIREMENTS OF OSHA, COST FOR COMPLYING WITH OSHA REQUIREMENTS SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THC PRICE BID FOR THIS REM. 5. THE COST OF SILT FENCE MAINTENANCE AND THE REMOVAL OF SEDIMENT DEPOSITS SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE BID PRICE FOR SILT FENCE. NO ADDITIONAL PAYMENT SHALL BE MADE. 6. SOLID SLAB SODDING INCLUDES QUANTITIES FOR PLACEMENT OF SOD AT EXISTING GRASS AREAS WHICH MAY BE DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION OF CURBS, DRIVEWAYS, AND OTHER MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. THE QUANTITIES ALLOW FOR A V WIDE STRIP IN THESE AREAS. 7. PRICE BID TO INCLUDE COST OF FERTILIZING, WATERING AND MOWING. WATERING SHALL CONTINUE, AS NECESSARY, UNTIL VEGETATION IS ESTABLISHED OR UNTIL WORK IS ACCEPTED AS COMPLETE. FERTILIZERS SHALL BE 10-20-10 APPUED AT THE RATE OF 1.5 POUNDS PER 10 SQUARE YARDS, FERTILIZER SHALL BE APPLIED PER SECTION 230.04n OF ODOT SPECIFICATIONS B. AREAS OUTSIDE THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION THAT ARE DISTURBED BY THE CONTRACTORS OPERATIONS SHALL BE RESTORED TO THEIR ORIGINAL CONTOURS AND CONDITIONS, FINE GRADED AND RESODDED AT THE EXPENSE OF THE CONTRACTOR. 9. COST OF ALL SAWCUTTING FOR REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF PAVEMENT AND DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE PRICE BID FOR THESE BID ITEMS. NO ADDITIONAL PAYMENT SHALL BE MADE. 10. PHYSICAL TESTING FOR QUALITY ASSURANCE, AS REQUIRED, WILL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. NO ADDITIONAL PAYMENT SHALL BE MADE. 11. PRICE BID FOR ALL VALLEY GUTTERS SHALL INCLUDE COST OF EXCAVATION, BEDDING, AND COMPACTED BACKFILL. 12. PRICE BID FOR 'REMOVAL OF CONCRETE PAVEMENT AND CURB' SHALL INCLUDE REMOVAL OF 6' INTEGRAL CURB AND GUTTER. NO ADDITIONAL PAYMENT SHALL BE MADE. 13. ALL LAYOUT WORK AND SETTING OF TEMPORARY BENCHMARKS FOR HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL CONTROL SHALL BE CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL TO THE PROJECT AND NO ADDITIONAL PAYMENT SHALL BE MADE. 14. ALTERNATE #1: INSTALL SOLID SLAB SODDING IN THE ENTIRE ISLANDS AFTER INSTALLATION OF THE SIDEWALK AND FINAL GRADING IS COMPLETE. 15. COST OF TACK COAT AND ALL LABOR ASSOCIATED WITH THE PLACEMENT OF TACK COAT SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THIS ITEM. 16. PAY FACTORS FOR AVERAGE LOT DENSITY OF ASPHALT PAVING UNDER ODOT ODOT SPECIFICATIONS NUMBER 411.04 SHALL BE USED FOR THIS PROJECT. GENERAL NOTES 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES SHALL CONFORM TO CITY OF OWASSO SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS. 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLETE ALL PHASES OF WORK IN A SYSTEMATIC AND TIMELY MANNER TO PREVENT UNNECESSARY INCONVENIENCE TO RESIDENTS AND BUSINESSES. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCOMMODATING ALL POSSIBLE STORM WATER FLOW DURING CONSTRUCTION. AT NO TIME SHALL STORM WATER FLOW BE BLOCKED. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL GIVE THE NOTIFICATION CENTER OF THE OKLAHOMA ONE -CALL SYSTEM, INC., NOTICE OF ANY EXCAVATION NO SOONER THAN TEN DAYS PRIOR TO AND NO LATER THAN 48 HOURS, EXCLUDING SATURDAYS. SUNDAYS AND LEGAL HOLIDAYS, PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK, PHONE 1-BDO-522-6543 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY LOCATION AND DEPTH OF ALL EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. REPAIR OF ANY UTILITY DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. 6. THE EXISTING ROADWAY SHALL REMAIN OPEN DURING CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROPER BARRICADES, LIGHTS AND SIGNAGE WITHIN THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION. ALL CONSTRUCTION SIGNAGE WILL BE INSTALLED IN PER THE STANDARDS SET FORTH IN THE 'MANUAL OF UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES, CURRENT EDITION' AND AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. THE COST FOR ALL INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE AND SUBSEQUENT REMOVAL OF ALL NECESSARY CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL TO THE PROJECT AND NO ADDITIONAL PAYMENT SHALL BE MADE. 7. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH THE FOLLOW TESTING SERVICES BY A REPUTABLE INDEPENDENT TESTING LABORATORY APPROVED BY THE CfTY: A. FIELD DENSITY TEST OF BACKFILL AT LOCATIONS SPECIFIED BY THE INSPECTOR- S. COMPRESSION TEST OF CONCRETE CYLINDERS AT SEVEN (7) DAYS AND AT TWENTY EIGHT S26j DAYS WITH ONE (1) OF EACH TEST CONDUCTED AT THREE �3) OCCASIONS SPECIFIED BY THE INSPECTOR. C. THREE (3) CORE SAMPLES AT A LOCATIONS SPECIFIED BY THE INSPECTOR. S. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AND PRESERVE ALL CONSTRUCTION STAKING TO THE LINES, GRADES, SLOPES AND ELEVATIONS AS SHOWN ON 'THESE DRAWINGS. 9. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY ALL CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS AND REPORT ANY DEVIATIONS BETWEEN THE DRAWINGS AND ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS TO THE ENGINEER. 17. AND INLET APRONS. SHALL RUBBERIZED DCLUDED IN THE ADJJUSTOTOSGRRAADDE PAYXTEIAS. 18. ALL SAW CUTTING, REMOVAL, LABOR AND MATERIALS SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE COST OF THE ITEM TO BE ADJUSTED. REMOVED, REPAIRED OR REPLACED. 19. PAY ITEM 'CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER' SHALL INCLUDE ALL MATERIALS, LABOR AND EQUIPMENT TO CONSTRUCT A CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER AS SHOWN IN THE PLANS. DOCUMENTS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 20. THE COST OF 'RCP, ROUND, CUSS III' SHALL INCLUDE THE COST FOR ALL EXCAVATION, BEDDING, BACKFILL, SHEETING, SHORING, ADJUSTMENT OF LONG WATER SERVICE CONFLICTS, MATERIALS, AND LABOR. R.C. PIPE SHALL BE BEDDED AND BACKFILLED WITH AGGREGATE BASE (TYPE 'A' ) AND COMPACTED TO 95 PERCENT STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY. 21. PRICE BID SHALL INCLUDE ALL QUALITY CONTROL AND TESTING OF CONCRETE PAVEMENT AS REQUIRED BY THE SPECIFICATIONS OR AS REQUIRED BY THE ENGINEER. NO ADDITIONAL PAYMENT SHALL BE MADE. CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT THE TESTING FACILITY NAME AND CREDENTIALS FOR APPROVAL BY THE CITY OF OWASSO PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 22. SAWED CONTRACTION JOINTS SHALL BE MADE AS SOON AS THE CONCRETE HAS SET FIRMLY ENOUGH TO SUPPORT THE CONCRETE SAW WITHOUT TRACKING. THE JOINTS SHALL BE FILLED WITH A JOINT SEALANT ACCEPTED BY THE ENGINEER. THE COST OF SAWCUTTING, JOINT SEALING AND ALL LABOR ASSOCIATED WITH. THE PLACEMENT OF CONCRETE PAVEMENT SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THIS ITEM. MR i . __. i. I' gq �..• AREA INLLT PROTECIID \i / /. / 1 r /l �--cuRp LEr PROTEnwu l' ,1 / __. I _ l�4} � STRAW BALE DINE I I 6LOtll I .- 4' VERRGy LACE FOMI)ING DETAn ANGLE ilRST STAKE TOWARD PREVIOUSLY- EaoW 2 REBARS OR 2' K ]' WOOD STARES 2a' �_ LONG DLTD / - BOOR NYLAN GRouwo. / DA+E> ANCHORING DEFAII STRAW BALE DIKNOTES No suDE I, pfl£5 51411 BE PtACCD lu q ROq' WR11 ETD$ TGHiLy PBURtNG E /•D.MGFM 8+LE5. 2 EMH HA3E SHALL BE EMBEDDED IN THE SR A MNIMUM Or ' 3 pu cS SH41 BE SECURFIY ANCHORED W PIALE BY STAKES OR RE BiR$ DRM1EId THROUGH THE BALES THE FIRST SAKE IN EAGN pAEE SHADE BE —ED TOWARD THE PNE—y LAID BALE TO ro FORCE BNES TOGEMER 5. INSPECT%N! SHAG, BE FREQUENT AND REDNR OR REPU N— SHHl BE MABE PROMPRY AS NEEDED. 5. pAEES SHALL BE REM— WHEN — HAVE S ,B lR., U56 JLLNESS SD AS NOT TO BLOCK OR — STORM FLOW OR BY THE OWNER 6. pF1ES SHALL BE USED IN CONJUNCTION W(Di SILT FENCES. BAtFSw�HW.�E SEARED TO SPAN NSTLRN_ OR CONS,RIK,'TED NOSES THE CONiRARDR Shill — BE RLSPOH —TOR THE EOLLLmNG: ADL CRJSWN AND SEDIMENT CONTRIXS mLL BE uMi,NNED IN WORKING ORDER — i BEGINNING a ODNSiRUC,pN UNf4 0 ACCEP,ADIE VEGE, - I —ER IS EST.—D. —E— BY THE COTRAC,OR AND ANY NECESSARY RE n SHALL BE PERFORMED ONCE EVERY ) GIENDVt DAYS AND — Z4 HOURS MT ER — V— EVEN, GREATER THNi OS -C (IS REGARDED BY ANON -FREEZING RNN CAUCE T E LOCATED ON slIE) FOIE TI—Y EROD— —. EMgYS. MATERVL STORAGE STRULTURAL DEVICES. CONSTRIKTDN EN,R/NCCS ANO IXfR P1DNC W(M EROSpH AND SEDIMENT CONTROL LOGTIONS ARE [YJWPWSRES THAT NEED TO BE WSPECIED PROPER MANAGptINf AND D6Fro5K OF CONSTRtMiION WASTE -WRVL D REQURED IN THE CON,EUGIOR WTERWS RICLUGE STOCI(PoFS. SURPLUS. BERNS AND ALL OTHER IN-PRODUCIS FROM THE wNSTM1CTgN PROCESS. PR —ES —DE D5P65AL . PROPER WTER— M/NDL11G. SFYLL PREVEIRIJN W REMANDS MT'ANRES. CONTROLS AND PRALTICES SNALL MEET THE REWIREMENTS 0< ALL FIDfF� STALE AND LOCK AGETICIES. HAZARnIIIS .TERN c. PROPER —E.— AND D6PCSPL GF HAZMBOVS WASTE WTERMES IS REQUIRED. ME COTRAG 6 RESPON4 FOR FOLLOWTIG —FA TUREIYS I—DMMENDAT , STATE AND FEDERAL REI U TIONS TO ENSURE CORRECT HANDUNG. DSPOS - SPILL PREVETKIN AND —. —DE UNITED CLEW UP AEASUREs. EKAMPLES BU, ARE NOT TO: CIDS. CLEANING S RZN,S, CHEMI AOD„NES, GAI.CRETE wRINC wMPWNDS PNO COTANINAIID SO-, O�SO4 CURB INLET PROT CTION NO SALE — THREE LAKES VILLAGE ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF OWASSO. OKLAHOMA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DMSION NOTES I THE COW —TOR SH— COUPLET£ EACH —EC EXCEPT THE SIR- - OEEDRE BEO—l- THE — 1—c. 2. THE COMRACTOR SH— RESTORE ACCESS TO DRrvE EAT THE ERD Of FACH w'ORN MY. ... " PHASE 4 �{ µ'._F / - PHASE 5 Y~ - ' B4jN1"1� \ 1 -s} C / PHASE 2 PHASE3 /2/1 r y , / PHASE 7 ' 1\ \\>___ ________ zo o 0 sate T co' RR F ESS/p o �i 3 - a¢Y e PROJ .T P! Aq • PI AN > �y°a.xou"ate THREE LAKES VILLAGE ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS _ _g CITY OF OWASSO. OKLAHOMA v' PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION CONSTRUCTION PHASING PLAN I 8 ••\•• .� SIA00+6f .19 \�� �/ < s CREFE `.i 4 ^ Pp. OFfSEI D 1 �$pY EGN C30)NS,RUCigN o \ ••\•• - CURD PI / CURG P! Ourt CROWN SEE SHEET 14 FOR /P curtERUNc u „Jrx E avE �'_" 3).w / \ ••\ �L / i ALTERNATE ISLAND CONFIGURATION :. O \� H �� \ \ • ... \/ PIUUST WATER VnLVES ,. . ': � Of'FSEf: H JO -\ �/ - $, , i'�" I ®', III // / 1?q�yy�7r '\ .r IX fFNCE CURG PC R�25.G0 OfFS(J�v9.9 t e•"\ _ � a _i f / \e \•. �e30i5� E \.. PnVEUENi (y s!' X �i I °'.° cveo Pr �'�✓a `A' rp / R ,/' / G c aG Pc l tE]1 \ \ R-JB.W' / . R OD'. S \ .: ® 5IA- p b OFFSET. 19 36 R TI'4PoRMt LVJIBp%tS OEGIu 1RN.5(IpN SEE DEiNL sx M � / � N � •\• SD% E p4TN / ,� \— NIERSEC)Q\' R�,S.DO• •\ .� R'3 5'ITIS ® i 6GCM M N, GS.G< ERG %62w ,/Nq \': • � .� � •/ / 8. / \ � rIXi Rw6i0 J3519)'�'R N(ERSfC„ON \� - OFFSET. i1.0o R/ ' ry / - ' i EN9 TRN5rt10N T--1 1-� n - /- 9 E SSM CF N S'I0. 6>0920 R 2O 10 •...) �J I'��l 1 �E Ba�F CFN SFq", 3♦D55c�. + J� > � i SCalE , 20' I . N ,1G1,1 iK ® G• CONCRCTE DRNEWnY E 84TH COURT N a9PRcuaF. 1oo.GG so n STA 0+00 TO STA 6+19 20 ® G coN REE Dd EWnY APPRYGN, , 2.Ba SQ FI r.• _, ,._�. ® G• CDNCRE,E DRNEWAY i _ roiFc . , 03 w fT HIGH F'OIM EIEV 620.9G I I "'. � *. 1 ® PPPROYJI, 13B 68 50 FT 0535 ' HIGH W M Sf W2.41 ! f I ](�i 6" COiKRC,[ Darv£wAY J0.95 ® APPRC\aCH. 99�3250 FT 5 ' woo'o>9�1OD7.07 so woo• Ac $ I � n I ,a,y I� 7 �, ® • coNCRE1E oRrvEwnr� m NI CONCRETE DRNEwAY mIg m m m a W aim PPRoa 66.99 t J3R I� mlz cmAOJUroFJDTnGcLORw Ig 5 .o eg a,e zm� -� —i.asz i uwxoil_. ANo w,AA ncccR°Ec1n�crm ® °vw'\R"Gw�"I'isrAu WoGRlo _ _ — -- _ w INnNE suRCRm ___ —__ _ _ _ Vm�NcRE,E caµinaos � I IT LW� • ' g� G __ I _ _ _ _ _ __ ® 19FPLL 60.. If �NCREI£ 1 � G„Ilrt)R v� n5PNw1* u W — ---' i wIX u- sraew %Pf. Qs 16•rit .,2a LAKESTHREE ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS m m f a CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA o<w lsoo 1+w zeoo 2+w Saw 3«w °°°° a>w 5+D0 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT m_ ENGINEERING DMSION E 84TN CT N PLAN — PROFILE $TA: O4,S.J9 STADOtiJ.O] OFf9ET: 73.a) R C Ba HHPPLRE.STAAtraC>Gie l\ OFTSEP 99.19 L RiIC wNl CURD PC 1 REGN 1RAFFSIff1ON aFREET 2. ST0. I+Oa 3G Sf0. %.D> 5� SIA , EL G12.2a S5TTRE�Ta 4y Sf0. 19]J.tb 0FT5[� f DFn,! 1RW R 1 R 14.OD' Fl a9 END TRA SRpNL I L %, 9d ow PI SA c<3256 �\ \ ® Fw�w�is ae I ® ®sa ® ® ® CM) aFSEr oo R — J a �`'7a> R 1 EY —II,i8.G1 >96' >12' Of4SEYa tG1 IXJ R CIEDF- 02 -.. _S2323361tl /\ �5232 •'M -i> �__ 8 N 116THc PL E _ 27555 ® DFr'seT. 11 oz R _T_ i C z 0 -. / Cs-urARsaG>.aD R.2yO,g84®-'....GJ\�: / oFTSEI: tt,.oD / ® ® R-zs oo V - l� .\r\ < 6 a4sl000 Av�t Si0.5a+5t4�5 CONCRETE YAtl£' CUPiER r \ j `i�R 5� \e Y SIA65+3635 \\ `\� j , I;. R-15.DD' (ASPFklT PAYENEM GYLY)I{� LR 3C0 �.... / OFti SEt 21.73. L- /�®\ `F p'•.•• `� � I � I J I. I :4 •\ �6 :� � ,�R.75.00'. R V� E G9TN ST STA S+Oa.59 \ , C�' FL-a,199 St 42.P3 E2 G,zm \ ti SEE SHEET 14 FOR i °Ff`'E` '83 \ ✓' sro� " \sc SEE SHEET 141 FOR ALTERNATE !BLAND ALTERNATE ISLAND CONFIGURATION coNCREIE muAR / \ I m 1 CONFIGURATION,`"- 9 scut J .zD• '�'. ' '\'\\ \\ .I i i j../� ''. ro'� N 1 16TH PL E ® G CO CRE E DRNEWAY APPR.xGi, ,17.a5 . FT STA 0+00 TO STA 5+51 87 ®G C0 KRLTE ORA wAY SCP1L ,•-zO' —RI X. SD FT CM G- cOwoxE'IE DRNEMAY APPRNGL IV- SD FT ® G- CONCRETE DRNETIAY PPPRO�GI; ,52G3 50 FT ® Gam" LUNCREtE DRKCWAY PRO•Ctl 9 . 2 AFT 6S5 cm) 6- CONCRETE DRNENAT I I ' �� APPROACtI 111.D6 50 FT ......... ............. i I ' � ® G• CONCRFfE G1rvFxAY G• NNCRETE Gdh 5AY 0 FT —Ry tSD FT 630 ® roN 3e-IEORVEwAT . _. ....__.. .... ._........ ® _.. 1 1,. miry IPPROACN• , 33J 50 fT I I ® WPRWC71. ,2]�3GWSQ iT u ® 6' CONCRETE DRr,�EwAY 1g+ ® APPR TE x-46 fi SI SI WI. ® a• COFCREEE'DRN AY I� dI nI� F5 I I nI �Ii i u i s §I�. azs CMD e oRrrtw�Y� G2D I'< I !Y m'% ?. W PPPRLMtli 1250 FT $Ig a+ 'A— olg PIg I:I �I �I I zI �I� 9I1 ! G2D rg g a s x Iv m� \ a• CWPACIEO IACGiEL47E � ---__® - ^-•---- _ _ - -1 a3 � f'� � t � � 'i �1 G15 F IXTttlG 39' SIORN PoPE -.-/ � . � - j f C •::- - _ . O Q i iSYp GDD � I �' � • _ I.R I �� mLLyy� D+OO D+SD IaOD ,aaD 2eOO 2a>D 3+00 3a5D aaOO ao5O f StAD � Sh 11.0 OffSEf: ,W R CURD OaD4.B6 ft-94.00'� OF£SR: 1,.DD L� % 5T0. Oa59.Jt� _ 6u 62D CONCRETE DRNfl4AY� 6, E b 803 � 6P4 I N 116TH E AVE STA 0+00 TO STA 5+62 77 S 4_-zO' i _ pypl I 6I- (.'I d&�3�& o S ulsyy g �IId z s n �r I�I a Sl��al. l 0l8 � do. & Igd •��*Ifl i��� g�g I� mai� I� ml� 5 .`+ S i nl� ;g ^d I �� % f f I6 RAKN Nr m C, I _ L COMPACTED AGGREGATE ® -� � oaw ,.oD ,e4o—._---_-2eoD 2e4O s<Do 2 .792 L���---CCC 3.OJ' / �a 6aaO.W ® 6• CONCRETE DRN AY APPROnGX, 23 - 50 R ® . 6• CONCRETE DR AY APPRO,�GH. 1l5.G6 SD R '. APPRpACX. TD4.{3 ® G• CONCRETE DR DRNEWAT P➢PRMC 15R R ® ONCRETE DRG' CNEWAY CONCR APPR .R ® 6• ETE DRMWAY ', APPROACH. TLS.BD 5p R ® G• CONCRETE ORNEWAY M('R(YLH. iit.SJ 50 R '. CM CONCRCIE DRNEWAY APMMCH. ,6J.00 50 R ® 6• CONCRETE DRhFSOAY APPRWLH. 6].54 5A R ® c• CONCREI£ DRNEWAT MPHWCH. 9t.11 50 R ® 6• NNCRLIE GRNEWAY APPRacx, ,xa so R ® 6• CONCREI£ CRNEM'AY FPPRIVGH. B>.tB 50 R ® 6• CONCRETE DRNEWAY R D, C—:H. J0.62 60 ® CONCRETE CRNEwAT APPRbLH, 2O,.Bt 50 R ® 6• COIKREIE DRNEWAY ¢ ® ADJUST IXTSIxG STOR4 Gi X L' E'I yy3 CURD POET 10 Naly GRADE �¢ � i f"• ul� �� S� �� 6t5® �P NCN�GRADE CURB Parr N NEW CRADE . � ® ADJVS! E%6TNDNSIORII Cure Barr to eW BADE N a m I 6zo E f� - BID 6 IX 6• STDRu -E\ _- L EX ,0 STORM PIPE ® � �-5aO0 Se5O 6DD 3 saso oaoD —o I CONCREi' ALLFY' URER ((AS HLLT PAVEUENT ONLY) 6 E 84TH PL N STA 0+00 TO STA 1 +48 71 srxc ,•-zo• e ��I m� COCCRETE E -UCMLER (ASPfuLT M ONLY) E BSTH PL N. STA 1+69,J1 N 6T11 PL E STA 3t92.B0 EL 6,2.24 CUR PC R OFFSET 91.W R 2D ,O 020 SCALE 1 � 20' I Y gg.. NRi1 PaM STA 0+ D BDza 2.SD t a I 30.00• VC r� �� � I $ oI� $ q •( w R g f � �� . 9z �!IOEOCRW �I i i � = a/• COM ACICti"Ill` ACCREGIE I� \ gg__ ��C I�I I I COYPAL'fED SUDCPAD Ie o+OD _tl e n -- A L otsD FFSET: },g> k I �•J CURB P • F� I STA: 0+J5.90 K GSe o }.67' OFFSET: S.GJ R f1�51p>} Yw,T /0 R 3 � � mH j841i ST Nr PIP 1 CURD PT '� EL 6, 6.M1J . OFFSET: ,3.E3 L 1.00 , OF5"..EF: 2.BB R T SI'O�T.pI CURD PiS)•SIH .—a. CO R SOFfSEF: St1t.00 R �® ( ^1__ _7R=B)B.BB /6 i E 84TH ST N STA 0+00 TO STA 1+23.18 srxE: T•-zo' —' swliOLE '0 TO N.RtvGR/.OE 630 ® ® pRNE qY� I 16W N. ® 6• CONCRETE DRAY R—NL MIC m R 625 635 '. ® NQNJSIITCNI APPRO%WATELY 60 tF I I $' � (ASPIVL�P Y[YE1!{ p�NLy) ® INSTALL APPRO%aNIRY W IF tBOH PoIM E1Ni 6t GiG4 � MCR Point SiA 0 DXJO m TM1 STA - 0 a5 620 CONCRtIE VALLM CINDER (ASPF4IT PAVEYEM ONLY) 6b PvS FIN . at 6 aG - AO ® ' w�iaNaEIXTo us-wD.wRnE' j �d 's so.o:rovc _ Gts �I • .�\ �CU�E ¢D! � � i S e CEOORID 1r------- _I�v= ______yLJI y� ato I6L ae+oe$o ato Jalir P9I.BBa. rl �, ezS Bs sos THREE LAKES VILLAGE m$ m� ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS -- VE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA _ oroo oew PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT _ ENGINEERING DMSION E 84TH ST N & E 04TH PL N PUN h PROFILE ezo V 62. p � i a2a � u � a2a K u 0z azs 61s s G2 620 e2D ezo RAP"=I P � a2o . rF 02D n30 62D G20 � 62D t�J`? If�'=� Q � ffiiffiQ Q (J hJ -20 0 20 e,e eta _x0 o p a,e eia B,e 6,6 Q m o o a STA 0+50 -20 0 20 516 STA -20 0 p 810 G18 6,6 6,6 B,e 6t6 0+75 -2D 20 ° -"° D 2D STA 1+00 STA 1+25 aza 024 Sz4 STA 1+50 STA 5+75 STq +DO 28 8 R k P czo Bza S S my aza u„ P s,, oo• 1 00•, i azD fizD z n c2o s_D m = ¢g em i @ ( z���YY ffi/ 620 420 i 620 c96 c,c 6,6 c,c sa G,L 4,6 -20 o ST•0 7+ -2D 0 zD -x0 0 20 Lib -20 D 20 W V m STA + D 4 STA 2+5n -zD o p -2D o zo -1D o p A +75 N 156TH P F INT R$ECTION STA 3+00 STA 3+04 4 STA 3+?5 62D 6zo V 0 S I a s mh v x 62D 62D L2D r- 620 i azo ago gg m m $ Fin ffi _ az0 ap °a� 1 w•I,1 oo.�ilo" s._ $ � In'm m e� oo n.00• � m Y ffiffiffi/ - ,a.J3•, 33 ,.�... 616 e ��. 6,4 6,6 i nm aR 696 �Om -z0 0 20 _p mpm 20 -20 ^Of 30 612 652 a rm' 6S2 5n ris STA 3+-20 2D a,z a,2 r STA 3+75 STA 4+00 5 D -20 ° zo 112 STA 4+ zD o p 6,2 STA 4+50 STA 4+7a STA 5+00 azo o ezo 620 Bzo 62o ezo 1O 'O om ee m m t'3i s96 �u$ 1---_t 19.00'�I1.W' 61a 618 555 F S��'� 1 ffiI� �� 1, 00'9o.3J• �� 896 696 Its �7o e,B Ve BR -_—�I tld tSd 0 ` ffrifi mS Osx 0 THREE LAKES VILLAGE eu e,2 1;V.N�ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS -x0 o xD atz avx B,z2O°20-zp Y OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA STA 5+�5 STA 5+5STA510 PURI If. Wf1RYc n a• .r ._ m G m m axD m ego azD 62D a2D 62D m m m a2D exo s. 62D m €� a2D Q & 62D �� a a a a2D f� L2D d2D a a a 62D am tz.nr. w n� G#�C me -l� 24e T, Eg em „03 a3k 1.95' 9J.0)' I S SF 1t.00' St ala ale eta � 8---_`➢ g � G16 O t5C o 1���1 ��?jI��I" m���-'�lo 616 616 -SD m o m 20 -2D 0 2D -20 0 20 Btx O a12 612 m/ `4 612 Gt2 bt2 Lt2 m m L12 m m 20 0 2D G12 _20 ST_A 0+2 -20 -20 20 y S7A 050 - o -m o zo D 2D $12 + STAB+75 STA 1+00 STA STA 1+50 STA 1+75 STA 7+00 620 620 620 m � _ 82D 020 � Gx0 64 mm m& S� K� k' YU a 616 Km el .fig.® 6l6 'O ElE 61a m4-¢' mm Elb mm mo G gaun 61G 1� fsid rg m w Lld o 616 a t0 3J' 91.00'- -- 096 616 -B1G G16 � � y ffi Yi i m �c i 9l. 19a'rc 10.3J't 6t2 G K F elz 612 6tz Gtz slz� (tz /`! 6 E;z - € elz (eErouoj>Ea G12 j. bt2 692 r 6,2-�-- -20 0 20 -20 Om 20 20 i� pm 612 m m 30 -m STA 2+2 7+5zo 20 _zo D 21 STA 0 STA 2+75 zD -zo z0 STA 3+00 D -m o -zo 0 SD6 57A 3+75 STA 3+50 STA 3+75 STA 4+0516 R,v 616 616 69a els mi �m 'G 6t6 6t6 33 tt36'y£p� o... mng -m `mm m= Et2 612 i1.OD'50. }} m n Bob 609 806 - , 609 806 C ° m m -20 0 20 -20 0 29 -20 0 2D -20 0 20 J m m 606 -20 STA 4 0 0 _ y+�5 STA 4+5D STA 4+75 STA',QQ STA 5+75 .� ��g='—�� c��,D.�3• ,,.oD• � � ��25 a,G 6,6 m m G,a G,6 e e n � G,� L,G m m m m L,L G,G m e e os G, l�t� ,p.13• ,,.00• t 111 10 G,z -RO 0 20 -20 m p n m m J J q 812 20 -20 D 20 -20 0 STA 0+15 STA 0+50 20 —zo a zo _2p cm 20 o z0 20 075 ^ STA + STA 1+00 STA 1+15 STA 5+50 STA 1+75 TA ° +00 zo GID 66 qa om gg Ko i ��3 =Fq $0 6,0 'o off' L,6 Gt6 6t6 6,6 E,G E,� G,6 LiL � 6, _I,i oo•,t� y t.zt•.,,o ss• �4 m m g me m m z e o" I12 c6',t W' -20 z0 -20 m O n 20 6� 008 n.® Sae 808 u BOB a06 803 GOB m m - u m - -20 0 20 -20 " m m ° 20 -20 0 RO 5p ° G08 6� 608 LOB 648 TA +n - 2a -za o za -zo mf om z¢ �—�--t— STA 7+75 STA 3+00 TA 3+ STA 3+50 STA 3+75 STA 4+00 a,z G,z� G,z 612 e12 S E b� 112 3E I ,pss•I i v tpo' t t.00• -/ BOB 60a LX CURB pe£f �. � LOS 600 8M 6DB 609 -20 0 S 3 § 5 -zD o xo m STA 4+2 20 STA 4+50 -20 STA o4+75 20 -p o 20 - o c 20 STA a5+00 STA 5+2 -STA 5+50 It 614 416 low' 1535. �g and 60a u . m 608 -20 0 20 STA 0+75 axo Km ok 620 618 � 616 «d �i 612 -20 0 20 ETA 0+75 G16 41E a1z arz E L � soo a05 -20 0 2D STA 0+75 E 84TH P N exo Ko 05 az0 �f ma s1a nd t3 C o;�f 1 692 -20 5TA 112 D 20 1+00 616 61E i 00, 612 IE __ 612 606 605 -zo D z0 5TA 9+00 on, 1 a OR WnICNE\2R� CT— -UC '-a- wousmlJrrrD Is .— caFA`�TtRx STANDARD Is .- ReRRI RCRRBGiMF� 6�fleRRIF�Ci���R Ea srALE w scuE LLLTC CDNCR(TE PAVE44C WFT wCUf CURB ID NOTES CONE PAVE/uCNIS SawCUI CURB AND >NiS ta LfNf C/C WNiI LVERY tlM JgNI A 3/4' O(PM�IDN D•Ipi ' C� 8M JOtM a SIGN OIM. /\ 'x/}ANCNDRPo�1�3 MSF, (D! CONiRILTpR) TFMPOR___ ARv, mAn p0X ND�CDNiRACTpR SHALL INSEPII ME TE1NPpRART VNIDD%ES PRpR tD BEGINNING ro1Li1RIN,R1pH 2. TME TEMPOOR.M�EMNLgp�Es SEWL EtE RENRNED TO PIEIpN OF THE PRWECI. 3. ME CONCRETE BASE SwE1 DE REMOVED AFTER PROTECT roYP(ETION BY THE COMRACIOR TOOED —m WITH 9/B' R—Us OR SOWED JOINT 9LICDNE SEALNC Fll1ER MR AT`2a DOWEL C c. �rr�r TOOLED EDGES BIM t/B' R s1UCONE SE-.G F— FlRn SLAB UPPER UMR OF DEFDRMED METu PUTE AT•2Q DEFORMED nE • SLICONE ssEA1. NG rI ER TCCED EDGES WITOp- SILICONE JWM SEAEER BACKQt ROD®tWETERPREMWLDEE%P10 WTER]((4- EXPANSION JqM� ®a Kea' sMWM WWEL TIBAR AT 24' C/C. SEALED EXPANSION EXPANSION MINT JNT EXPANSION JOINT TREATMENT TABLE 2. SEE OEENL$ FOR SAWED AND SEATED LONCNU.— JOINTS. ME TIE BARS SHALL NOT BE TP�LACED CLOSER THAN 2- JqM EVEMULL, TRANSVERSE 3. 4. t 2 • 4M SLR ' B. N0. DEF. nE BARS 2'-e- Loup AT Y_a' ID BE SUPPoRTED AT EALN END W AN —ROVED BAR SUPPORT OR PUCEp Bf Ell APPROVED MECHWIGL DENCE INTO ME FRESH CONCRETE, LON(:IT tDINAI JOINT SAWED TRANSVERSE JOIN E— DRNEBAT i0 T f� R;ivRBPRETRTRN Au0 Jpxull :Al V IE) e uEW COwCR- CURB au0.—R <oNf D 2' TTPE W DBOT /SNULT IXSnNC pRNEwaT \ tt1 Ext$NNG nREET� \ ODO>2fS�TA CEOCRD ?ROPO��D C�RB S�IOh BT EMI--�rYEYI�Yf�ljlRNjyprr$RN�jy�'�A� Po SCALE ONE HMF OF SMOOM DOWEL BAR ACROSS TRANMRSE Jq SH BE CMTED WIM A LLT OR CREASE TO PREVENT BOND WRH CONCRETE, SM00M BOWEL BARS ACROSS EXPANSION Jq SH DE FRONDED WIM Up—. Caps, pNp CRATED WITH ASPHPLT OR CREASE AS NOTED ABbr£. CROOVET IN JOINTS WY BE FORMED BY:(i)TEMPORWT EMBEDMENT OF A SUfTMU M EL•(2)INSTALUTIDN OF MIN STRIP OF PREMOULDED JOINT FILLER WMRB) (3) SAWING ME PAVEMENT AFTER ME CONCRETE HAS W DENED. NBRATORT COMPACTION BF JOINTS REWIRED, ^i < MI—Ess DOWEL$ SH CONFORM TO A HM W, GRAOf 40 OR W �oOz STD.TO DENSm.U-- �• O OOi iTP[ '0- INSOLUOLE SURFaCf i D.zE 1 aRItS —El t — caT (lVP 6- CORCRETE CURB s �CEOCRID COMPACTED sUBCR-E COfiPACTT yWiE ED A AO1—B ASPHAI TIC rot �R �F�STRFET S rT10N (((���nqm RnET FRAUC j FPAME TYPE TR CONCRETE aPRox / aCC COOT sm. ;sc-s SECig1u5 pibNN ppE bN14U. REOuftED. UBCRADE WY REWIREADC.,MICKUESs OF u0gF1G1gN ORA SLRB/SDiWNW£ SYnFY WHERE SEVERE SUBBASE WTE2. FOR D—UO RW,—R < O—DESINLL BEOR n,Npu2ED iND' COMPACRDfSMU TO t—T1. T MS� CONFORMM COOTn—RD 6 U.. FOR TgERUNCES nANITCOOT DARp F— Pm TMLu1 SN. :. SE . —� SOWED LONCNUDuIAL WNSTRu'ROH /j 4. D00 P9 PORRAND JOINT WIM COwEL B+RS CGdEM CONCRETE N t9(iTH w��R CORD MIFT A: C'�sRuOTM 2x SLOPf. 2S SLOPE � G OGRD /J--IEO SUDCRADE t NIMUM a q'JOT C.OMPACIED TO 95T�ORBpEN51tt BASE PLCEED B K RB. &C OF CURB. Clrae CURB AND �'D cirnER aeanoN 5A WK SA MA% SLOPE SLOPE - l!�p —uwi 3u� 1 C%NCR l[ V� CU1lER }¢a BARS CONTINUOUS sr� PI AN VA f cZ MER NO SCNE 1Y1TES: 1. CONCRETE SHALL BE 4,000 P (COOT C S A ) R. IXPANSION -- AB REOUREO AT R11ERsfCiION WNH CURB AND GUTTER. ■ l i%limit NOR r nsPNUT ravcu[n, (nTJ� i vAVFMtur -D7 r• !(j � C, uDxlenDi[a vuK �0j ncx� REr[ Araou ARCaap MtF. uD I `cwrx rc �� QR�F E55/o� DJ.evtTi(n'P) ql� . DtTatt (TP) U y e&1> tP a CFC�TiO�N 'A" *I Ax+" SFEIO�N 'B" 0 -0— 6�FF UT: 28- L 11sv: I I E%iST NC ols— E 84TH PEN CURB PC /0 3- 0 .1 TC 1WR TVEUE. RfuOVE — —R fL� R 4+56.M 24 2a 847E sT O.F 3" 0 a.. 13- L 0 U. 613.D7 TC —Y) —2.31 TC CURB PC Q cu" K .12 24 SWH �-Vlsl SOUTH ISIAN s - 1--2.- SIDEWALK ADJACENT To IRB SIDEWALK DETAIL, 61 1, 1 %�w- Pu+SpN JO�M. -------- IOUGRUDlw1 YDNGUE AND GROOVE Cp+SlRUCigN JOIM NOTES. OF J/i N JOIMS To DE — c/C. 3 CEMERL'D INO--ESSiIOFPnv1�NGwKONG �SAwEDL�puCRUDINnEMERS. COMRACTON JDIM. 3. FEECOATED wrtOF nu+,eLT DDR CRUSL TO EKNT�WHE ��CSON�CRLiE. a. SwuOOiH El - ACROSS1-10N JDIMS E— IE RWIDED off EXPu�.'SION 5 ,w0 —ED — ASR LT OR EISE AS N TED aDOVE. 5. P—RE WNELE0 TIL —RSE CONSIRUCDON JqM AT THE END OFE DAK CONCRETINGGE — —PAGE OF b INURS OR E. c" p MEO OF .E . 25' C�OtD µCON NWTpN t-EUL p+aU SEK JDIM BErvIEEN D EW _E.EMS. 6. NASESET �IR4 TRE....I TOS UPF'ORi THEEIE ECONCRETE 5 TMIDgU—R� TRACKING E JOINS SH41S eE LL£D wrtH A JqM EsiNR ICEPlE.D THE EUGINIMR. E SIDESD IF PoBSIBLEN JDIMS SHALL FOR. A '—EU — E— tEtR.RH JqM' APPROACHES A CURt2O EDGE. CCNNECI TE J_ TD THE LURv£ EDGE W A t' LONG JOINT' PERPENGq— TO CURY'D £OC£. SAWCUT AT CURVE 91133�=e Public Works Department 301 West 2nd Avenue P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 Alternates Bidder Base Bid Item I Item 2 Item 3 item 4 Item 5 Horizon Construction Company, $ 267,774.51 $ 29,379.89 $ 107,564.55 $ 155,093.75 $ 20,870.22 $ 22,286.85 Magnum Construction, Inc. $ 223,647.00 $ 7,786.00 $ 76,94100 $ 140,000.00 $ 20,328.00 $ 23,984.00 Austin Paving LLC. $ 147,679.40 $ 10,690.00 $ 140,706.00 $ 150,500.00 $ 36,209.00 $ 26,105.00 Notes: 1. The base bid includes mobilization, sub -base prep, base work, driveway, and curb installation. Alternate Bid item No. 2 or No. 3 ) will need to be chosen to complete the work. 2. Alternate item No. I - work that could be, if needed, completed by City personnel. 3. Alternate item No. 2 - asphalt street construction. 4. Alternate item No. 3 - concrete street construction. 5. Alternate items No. 4 and No. 5 - two (2) parking islands located in Three Lakes Village added for the benefit of the Home Owners Association. If the HOA chooses to proceed with either of these alternate bid items the cost will be the responsibility of the HOA. I A TO: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER FROM: ANA STAGG, P.E. PUBLIC WORDS DIRE CTOR SUBJECT. SILVER CREEK DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS --- OFF -SITE IMPROVEMENTS BID AWARD DATE: January 6, 2006 BACKGROUND: In an effort to expedite the resolution of drainage issues impacting the "Silver Creek„ development area — and facilitate a Development Agreement, in June 2005 City Council approved a two-phase plan for the construction of the Silver Creek Drainage Improvements, "on - site" and "off -site". The "on -site" improvements, limited to drainage facilities to be located in the undeveloped property, includes excavation and grading of detention pond, complete with outlet structure and associated piping, as well as a structure to convey the flow from the Nottingham subdivision to such detention facility. A development agreement for the construction of on -site improvements was approved at the January 3, 2006 City Council meeting. The "off -site" improvements included stormwater piping improvements throughout the Bradfords and Willows subdivisions, a collection structure in Nottingham, as well as the improvements to the Village pond (see Attachment A). The estimated cost of "off -site" improvements, including engineering design, is $623,000. SOLICITATION OF BIDS: Notice to Bidders was published in the Owasso Reporter November on November 15, 2005 for a bid opening on December 16, 2005 at 2:00 PM CDT. Five bids were received and publicly opened as summarized below: Company Bid Keystone Services, Inc. $ 569,229.95 MSB Construction Inc. $ 606,085.00 R.L. Hensley Construction, Inc. $ 703,382.50 Horizon Construction Company, Inc. $ 723,382.50 C-P Integrated Services $ 860,857.00 Engineer's Estimate $ 505,180.00 Silver Creels Drainage Improvements Off -Site Construction Bid Award Page 2 of 2 The consulting engineer completed a Bid 'Tabulation and provided a Recommendation? of Award (Attachment B). Keystone Services, Inc. has met all requirements of the bid process and was determined to be the lowest responsive, responsible bidder with a bid amount of $569,229.95. It should be noted that the total project exceeds $500,000 — the sum allocated for the construction of these improvements. The recorded difference is attributed to a sharp increase in construction costs experienced since the project was first scoped. A public meeting to infortn the residents of the details of the work will be scheduled in January 2006. FUNDING: Funding for both phases of this project in the amount of $1,200,000 is included in the Fiscal Year 2004-2005 Budget. $450,000 of that amount is included in the Stormwater Division Capital Outlay budget (01-370-54230), and an additional $750,000 allocation is budgeted from the Capital Improvements fund (40-370-54230-034). Because the low bid for the off -site improvements exceeded the initial estimates of $500,000, additional funding will be required if the contract is awarded to finance the project. It is therefore recommended that an additional $130,000 be allocated to this project (40-370-54230- 034) to fund not only the construction of improvements (including an additional $30,000 for potential change orders) but also Meshek and Associates Engineering Services during construction ($30,000). Adequate funding remains in the Capital Improvements fund to satisfy this request. COMMENDATION: Staff intends to recommend Council award a contract for construction of "off -site" Silver Creek Drainage Improvements to Keystone Services, Inc., Oklahoma in the total amount of $569,229.95. ATTACHMENTS: A. "Off -Site" Improvements Plans B. Engineer's Letter of Recommendation C. Keystone Services Bid 0 SYMBOL LEGEND gym' - Ele`tric M<;<r �; ®er - EkeL'_ Zra^.sfvrner a® _ .Mr_tion Bax Gas Meter Gas Val' - water Meter Vont ®r - Spnnwar Head Hydrant ®m' - Sanitary Sewer Wjnhal< 6 jOpY - St— war- M-hrcl- Cieonoal -��- poser Poi, Gay Anchor Light Pole Telephone Pedestol Sign De6duoas Tree Cord!erous Tree - - B•xh •--•— - Fence Line (AII Types) -- '-- - O,,rt EI-trie Un4!Fr9raand Electric Telephone ---.x_-- _ Undergraand Telephone Lh"-V aaad Cable Television '— - Natand Gas Line water L re St —ate, tine ------ - Sanitary Sewer Line Bench Mork y^'^/ IQT6s Sa A gG11an er� ro A aEau. kV RF%a6 TO a PIAIFtE lYt flty 1pN e-9 MNMSEaroK �6ERKOv�i — rr PRDFIUE s L T l41 RgT� DESmp'n0N 9 SG4L t .kX APPLICABLE SPECIFICKnONS: EPARTM ANDA� SPELT—TN-NS FORS -=ASV CONORTASTRUCTIONO.T.) CURRENT EDRgN AND THE Litt OF OwA550 STANDARD SPECIFICATONS pATED MAY 2005 SHALL BE USED FOR THE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATgNS. HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL CONTROL NOTES: HDR20NTAL DATUM: OKLAHOMA STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM NAD 1983 (1993) VER r-kL DATUM: NAVD 1988 SCALE FACTOR: 0-99992022 COORDINATES GIVEN IN PLANS ARE NOT REFLECTED IN THE FILED PLAT DOCUMENT A&BEFORE YOU [TUG ... 1 22-e50 CALL ME T 21 N CITY OF O ASSO, OKLAHOMA Y rCi� ma rn✓` CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR SILVER CREEK 0°' JS. w < E. 96th STREET N. q 4N. E. 8 r.KUJtUI _/ R 14 E LOCATION LOCATION MAT' DRAWING INDEX - COVER SHEET 2 - GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 3 - SUMMARY OF PAY OUANTMES AND PAY -V NS-ES - KEY MAP 5 - SANITARY SEWER REPLACEMENT 6 - WATER LINE RELOC-ION 7 - 89th STREET STORM SEWER PRCFlLE - -- 8 - 8,1 STREET STORM SEWER PROFILE - '-_-- 9 - JUNCTION BOX DETAILS ` 10 - TRENCH GRATE DETAILS 11 - STRUCTURE NO. 1 DETAILS 12 - CURB INLET W/ MANHOLE 13 - 141st E. AVL & E. 87th TERRACE N. - S"CRM SFA + _ c (- i4 - 141st E. AVE. & E. 87th TERRACE N_ - M SEA _ $_- 15 - TRENCH GRATE DETAILS -�� ` 16 - INLET DtTNt.S 17 - DETENTION POND OUTLET CHANNEL GRADING 18 - N. 743rd E. AVE. STORM SEWER 19 - STRUCTURE NO. 1 a DETAILS 20 - VERTICAL WALL CHANNEL EXTENSION & LOW -LOW C�A:.\E_ .'vG 21 -STORM SEWER OLfiLr'T STRUCTURE DETAS 22 -MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS 23 - 87th STREET DETENTION POND GRAD'NG ?Leh 21, - 42� HENDWN1 DETAILS O.D.O.T. STANDARDS CETGS-1-00 FPI-1-00 SPI-2-4 IAFC-2-5 IS IB-1-a CICI-1-12 CIG-1-3 FVCR-5-4 RW-1-i5 RDSD-1-3 RDSD-3-3 I PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT N CT' OF 0 0, OKLAHOMA AXA STAGG. P.F. DI PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Prepared By: MESHEK & ASSOCIATES, INC. N- iG-2cz2,> DA- w r P.E. Pis DATE MUJAM T. ASSHEK.00IATES. MESHIX &ASSOCIATES, INC. I hereby certify that I am familiar with the adapted ordinances r<9alatioanrs of the City of Owasso 9ovemin9 water facilities, s street, and drainage facilities; that these plans have been pre[ my direct supervision; the atova and foregoing plans 9ovemin9 ordinances and Inc adopted standards of the City o Inc best of rt.1y knowledge, infortna4ion, and belief. MESHEK & ASSOCIATES, INC. CA 146T ib cEST 2M 5IitETT. SM 2IXJ SAND SPRINGS, OK 918-241-2803 �j 1_ THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PROTECTION OF ALL PUBUC AND PRIVATE FACILITIES INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, UTILITIES, STREETS, STORM SEWER CHANNELS- SERVICE LINES AND FENCES. ALL KNOWN UTILITIES HAVE BEEN SHOWN ON THE LYiAWINii. BEFORE COMM-- ANY EXCAVATION THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE OKIE ONE CALL SYSTEM OF HIS INTENT TO EXCAVATE 13Y CALLING 1-800-522-6543 AND HAVE THE UTILITIES LOCATED PRIOR TO EXCAVATING. UTILITIES IN THE VICINITY OF EXCAVATION WOW �EXPOSED BEGINNING By THE CONTRACTOR, WITH THE UTILITY OWNER PRESENT PRIOR TO WORX Z ALL CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIALS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF THE OKLAHOMA SSO STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION AND THE DCITY CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS DATED MAY OF 2005. 3- DENOLDKIHE THE SITE DEMOLITION SHALL INCLUDE THE REMOVAL OF THE EXISTING ULVERTS• STRUCTURES. PEDESTRIAN BRIDGES. PAIL ROAD TIE WALLS, POOLS, BUILDINGS OR OHNER DEEMS NECIFSSAR! TO COMPLETE THE WORK ACCORDING TO THE DRAWINGS. PAYMENT 'OR ALL DENOL- ITEMS SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THOSE ITEMS NOTED IN THE PAY TIEM NOTES R SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE PRICE BID ITEM 61% - REMOVAL OF STRUCTURES & 0135TRIICTRMLS ALL DEMOIlSHED ITEMS SHALL BE DISPOSED OF OFF -SITE IN AN APPROVED F WOOL NO REMOVALS ON PRIVATE PROPERTY. 4- THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL AND MAINTAIN SAFETY FENCING FOR THE PROTECTION R WORKMEN AND THE PUBLIC. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PERFORM ALL OPERATIONS ACCORDING TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT (OSHA) AS PUBLSHFD IN THE ODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS. PART 1926. LATEST EDITION. ALL OPEN EXCAVATKNS SNALL BE FENCED AND HAVE WARNING LIGHTS ON BARRICADES TO WARN R THE HAZARD. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN TEMPORARY YARD FENCING OE INCOST SHALL INCLUDED THE SPECIFIC HEMS IN THE SUMMARY OF PAY QUANTITIES OR INCLUDED IN THE PRICE BID FOR OTHER ITEMS OF WORK. WHERE SHOWN THE CONTRACTOR AWL- INSTALL AND MAINTAIN A TEMPORARY 4' FENCE TO PROTECT CHILDREN AND PETS. 5. ALL REINFORCING Sln SHALL BE GRADE so - ALL CLASS A CONCRETE SHALL BE AIR ENTRAINED. 7- STRUCTURAL CONCRETE SHALL HAVE ALL EXPOSED CORNERS OR EDGES CHAMFERED WITH A 3/4-ITCH C}WffER UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. & ALL CONCRETE FINISHING SHALL CONSIST OF A BURLAP DRAG OR BROOM FINISH. 9. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT CERTIFIED MIX DESIGN FOR APPROVAL, 10. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT REMOVE OR DI9WRB ANY TREE WHICH IS OUTSIDE THE RR:HT OF WAY, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PRESERVE ANY TREE WITHIN THE WORK AREA WHICH DOES NOT PRESENT A DETRIMENT TO THE WORK OR A SAFETY HAZARD. 11. THE CONTRACTOR %A L BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL CONSTRUCTION STAKING. LAYOUT. AND AS -BUILT SURVEYS. SURVEYING SHALL BE PERFORMED BY A SURVEYOR LICENSED IN THE STATE OF OKLAFKMA, MAINTAIN ONE SET F RECORD DRAWINGS ON SITE AT ALL TIMES. 12- PROGRESS PAYMENTS FOR WORK DONE SHALL BE BASED ON THE PERCENTAGE COMPLETED ITEMS SHOWN IN THE BID PROPOSAL FINK. PAYMENT FOR ALL WORK SHALL BE BASED ON THE APPROVED FINAL SUMMARY OF QUANTITIES. 13. THE LIMITS OF WORK ARE DEFINED BY THE EASEMENT OR PERMANENT EASEMENT LINES SHOWN ON WITHIN THESE E DR 4THE CONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO ARM OUTSIDE ELIMITS F STRUCTION SHALL PMMOMTED BY THE CONTRACTOR WITH THE PROPERTY OWNERS HE CONTRACTOR SHALLB BE FOR GRADING AND DRAINAGE OF SOIL DEPOSIT AREAS OUTSIDE THE LIMITS OF 14. ALL DRIVEWAY REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT SHALL BE A MINIMUM THICKNESS OF 6-INCHES ON 6-INCINES OF AGGREGATE BASE ON A COMPACTED SUBGRADE COMPACTION SHALL BE 95 S STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY AT 2% OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT. 15. WORK REQUIRED OR IMPLIED FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT BUT NOT SPECFr-ALLY NOTED SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE PRICE BID FOR OTHER ITEMS OF WORK. Is- CONTRACTOR SHAD. MAINTAIN ACCESS TO THE HOMES WITHIN THE WORK AREA AT ALL TIMES. COORDINATIONWITH THEHOMEOWNERS SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR 17. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL PUMPING TO CONTROL SURFACE OR GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED DURING THE EXECUTION OF THE WORK. THE EXTENT OF THE GROUND WATER IS UNKNOWN. THE CONTRACTOR SHOULD SATISFY HIMSEIf WITH THE CONDITIONS AS THEY EXIST. THE CONSTRUCTION OF ANY TEMPORARY BERMS, DIKES, PPEl1NES. N6. DRCTES R OTHER SUCH FACILTUES SHALL BE IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WTTIN THE LOCAL STATE AND FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS ON SUCH FACILITIESNO BORING DATA IS BEING PROVIDED. , 1& THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN FOR APPROVAL, BEFORE COLBRENCING THE WORK To- TESTING. TE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR TESTING AS FOLLOWS: SOILS: COMPACT TO 95X STANDARD PROCTOR, DENSITY, AND 3 2% OF OPTIMUM MOISTURE COMPACTION TESTS ON EVERY 8-INCH LIFT. R AS DETERMINED BY THE ENGINEER. CONCRETE: 4 CYLINDERS FOR EACH CONTINUOUS PLACEMENT OF 5 CUBIC YARD OR MORE OR EACH SINGLE PLACEMENT OF 2 Cy. UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. ADDITIONAL TESTING MAY BE ONE BY THE CITY AT THEIR EXPENSE. COST FOR TESTING SHALL BE INCLUDED IN RELATED ITEMS OF WORK. NO ADDITIONAL PAYMENT WILL BE MADE FOR REPEATED TESTS AFTER THE CORRECTION OF FAILED TESTS. 20. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN THE PROJECT AREAS FREE OF OUST AND DEBRIS ON THE ROADWAYS AT ALL TIMES. THIS WILL INCLUDE WATER TO CONTROL DUST, STREET WASHDOWN TO ELIMINATE SOIL ON THE PAVEMENT, AND REMOVAL OF OTHER WASTE MATERIALS. COST SHAU BE INCLUDED IN RELATED ITEMS OF WORK. GENERAL WATER & SEWER RELOCATION NOTES i- CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY LOCATION OF DEPTH ON ALL EXISTING AND LATERAL LINES UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. REPAIR OF ANY UTILITY OR SERVICE LINE WHICH ARE CUT OR DAMAGED' DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. 2. ALL CONSTRUCTION SWILL BE IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY OF OWASSO STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION AND ODEQ REQUIREMENTS, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON THESE PLANS, COOT STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE USED WHERE OWASSO SPECIFICATIONS ARE NOT AVAILABLE 3. ALL WATER AND SEWER LINES SHALL BE INSPECTED BY THE ENGINEER OR HIS REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO THE CLOSING OF THE TRENCH. 4. THICKNESS DUCTILE REQUIRED REDPIPE SHALL CONFORM SHALL BE CLASS 51. T ALL PIPE SHALL BE CEMENT STANDARDS. 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE SILT FENCING TO ELIMINATE STORM WATER SILTING FROM LEAVING PROJECT SITE, REACHING THE DRAINAGE DITCH, STREET OR STORM SYSTEM. DAILY STREET WASH DOWNS WILL BE REQUIRED FOR ANY STREET WITHIN THE WORK AREA 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE CITY OF OWASSO CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR WITH SURVEY SHEETS A MINIMUM OF 48 HOURS PRIOR TO EXCAVATION OF TRENCH. 7. ALL WATER LINES OR SANITARY SEWER CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE PERFORMED IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH THE DEQ REQUIREMENTS, RESTORE8. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL H RESORA ON SHALL BE OMPLETEWITHIN3F 00FEET OR LESS -WAY AS K OFTHELINE AT ALL TIMES. 9. ALL PIPE SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF 3 FEET OF COVER. TO. TESTING AND FLUSHING AND MANDREL TESTING - THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH ALL MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT, TOOLS AND LABOR REQUIRED TO PERFORM TESTING OF THE NEW FLEXIBLE SEWER PIPE SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE PRICE BID FOR OTHER ITEMS OF WORK, NO SEPARATE PAYMENT SHALL BE MADE FAILED TESTS SHALL BE RETESTED AFTER REPAIRS ARE COMPLETED WITHOUT ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION. 11. BEDDING AND BACKFILL SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TYPICAL TRENCH SECTIONS. SEE DETAIL SHEETS. 12. TESTING AND CHLORINATING SHALL BE DONE BY THE CONTRACTOR UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, ANY PORTION OF THE LINE WHICH FAILS TO PASS SHALL BE CORRECTED AND RETESTED UNTIL IT IS SATISFACTORY AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER OR THE CRY. ALL TEST PLUGS, NIGHT PLUGS OR TESTING APPARATUS SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE PR BID FOR TESTING AND CHLORINATING. 13. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL LAYOUT AND CONSTRUCTION STAKING REQUIRED. ALL STAKING SHALL BE ONE UNDER THE DIRECTION OF A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR, LICENSED IN THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA 14, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT OPERATE ANY VALVES, HYDRANTS OR OTHER FACILITIES, UNLESS AUTHORIZED IN WRITING BY THE CITY OF OWASSO. 15. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SCHEDULE WITH THE CITY THE TIME DURATION FOR TAKING THE WATER LINE OUT OF SERVICE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL WORK CONTINUOUSLY ON THE WATER LINE UNTIL IT IS COMPLETE AND READY FOR TIE-IN ONCE IT IS TAKEN OUT OF SERVICE 16. THRUST RESTRAINT SHALL BE SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL A MINIMUM OF 7 DAYS PRIOR TO DUCTILE IRON I PIE (DIP) RNG WORK. RSERIES UST 6166000 FOR CCNT L 00 POLBE YVINYL HLLOR DE PIPE ES I OCR(PVC). MEGALUG IS MANUFACTURED BY EBBA IRON. INC. VERTICAL BENDS SHALL HAVE CRAVDY THRUST BLOCKS AND RESTRAINED JOINTS. RE BID FOR MECHANICAL . RODS FOR GRAVITY THRUST BLOCKS SHALL HAVE A CONNECTION. COST OF RESTRAINT SHAL BE INCLUDED IN THE PRICE 17- CONTRACTOR SHALL GIVE CITY 24 HOURS NOTICE IF WATER IS TO BE TURNED OFF. WATER IS TO BE TURNED OFF BY CITY PERSONNEL ONLY. 18. CONTRACTOR SHALL AVOID POWER POLES. TREES AND OTHER OBSTRUCTIONS BY DEFLECTING WATER LINE IN THE FIELD. CURVATURE OF PIPE AND/OR DEFLECTION OF JOINTS SHALL BE AS PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATION. COS FOR BRACING OF UTILITY POLE SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE PRICE 810 FOR PIPE. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE PAYMENT FOR BRACING. CONTRACTOR IS TO COORDINATE ALL BRACING WITH THE UTILITY OWNER. 19. FIRINGS AND VALVE LOCATIONS MAY BE FIELD ADJUSTED TO AVOID EXISTING OBSTRUCTIONS AS DIRECTED BY THE CITY INSPECTOR. NO EXTRA PAYMENT SHALL BE MADE FOR SUCH FIELD ADJUSTMENTS, 20. ALL FITTINGS SHALL BE CAS IRON OR DUCTILE IRON. 21. CONTRACTOR SHALL LIMIT USING MULTIPLE ROADS FOR ACCESS TO SITE, AND ANY DAMAGE TO EXISTING RESIDENTIAL SIDE ROADS SHALL BE REPAIRED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT HIS EXPENSE 22. ALL ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE BASED ON N.G.V.D. 1983 CAST €N PLACE CONCRETE NOTES 1. ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS A AS DESIGNATED IN SECTION 509 Cf THE COOT SPECIFICATIONS, LATEST EDITION. 2, ALL EXPOSED EDGES F CONCRETE SHALL BE CHAMFERED 3/4' UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. CLEAR DISTANCES FROM CAST -IN -PLACE CONCRETE SURFACES TO REINFORCING SHALL 2' FOR WALLS, 1-1/2- FOR SUPPORTED SLABS. 3` FROM THE BOTTOM OF FOOTINGS AND 2" FROM THE TOP OF SLAB. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 4. REINFORCING STEEL SHALL AtE'Ei AMU SPECIFICATION A615. GRACE 80. 5- ALL BANS SHALL LAP A MINIMUM OF 30 WHICHEVER IS GREATER UNLESS OTHERWISE NORTED By THE ENGINEER 6. ALL EXPOSED CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE SURFACES SHALL HAVE ALL VCNCS FILLED, BURRS AND FINS REMOVED AND BE FINISHED AND PREPARED FOR PAINTING. 7. PROVIDE FOR 4` ROUNDING AT ALL EXIT OPENINGS. S. PROVIDE SMOOTH GROUT FILL?� MANHOLES. S THROUGH JUNCT10k BOXES AND AtRll- YOU DIG ... t--C,tl-si�-65¢s CALL OKIE GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES SILVER CREEK DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PLNJS - MMAT6 PFEP44ID 6 Meshek & Associates, Inc. oeum „ryN eauac scwt rmn v .crags versa occ a¢Ti PAY ITEM, NOTES DRNNAGE QUANTITIES rtr 1 6RH NQ W"_.<alA)A' 'W-S U- INIlinY I 1 I IE9 dAID.\G AAID OtIAffiNf. 1,iB LS. 203 K• IEJP[l I'm-8)FSG \'.nTXd� 2 CY. 59E 123 IfYSZSATEfS+Spt>£' LF. I.IfA IZDIA, SO2IDSIAB B9DAInA SOU 3 S.T. IJA9 !3d A<SJv.>LATf BASETYPE n S�A[wTCR FABR]C 6 CY S.Y. 253 U- A,ASPfiA1S C[li[SEIETYPEA ] T(IN A9 h <NIG ASEAfAtSCG`1�TETYPECI TON L50 5 iSn rGo P.{C[FIlL CY 19 (Y5rt3� QA6'n•.CO+t➢IIE 8 CY. 12 IYHR1 CInE•A'.CR'EJtEIEFORSI.twLLS(AlICTURB Ill CT. 10 cc . 9.15 Icy, I .3 ISIJIA R.BPELIRO.NGmEL 31 3u u lywJJ, b'C(IMWNATIO.NCUR&ntiU Q'1'tFA HC{)VIABEE IF 2. iYil(E If iSHf FABIaC S.Y. 125 IS IbJan� la'8T COIYRIIESIDEwA{J( NFc COMTJ3EORIlEV•'wYPFRnCEME'YT 16 16 S.Y. S.Y. 39.1 1E 1E 51aTi1 !9 i611 Ncc CON(YIIEVAIIE]'(LTT131 fOMCiI(1N BOX W/RiSpt SlRI:CJi/RET(1.2 (BgdA6IRAMEANDLm) 16 12 S.5'. !S. S 1 bN l 511 lIMT1pNBOJ(W/g1}RSTJNL'ItJREHp.3 tP1(]l)DB FRAMEANDIIDI SAL. MAJMpEW/FlNHEAMJIID STIdJCIlR.EN�.3 12 12 LS. LS. S ✓.11 I A-'�STJZJCJUREN0.6 12 IS. 1 23 511J.HA)QJDIE W'/FGHEAWIIDSIRLCiLREIq.) 12 - }< 511 SJNILTLAE)+O. W CY] (DES1Q<18 12 LS. 1T L'1D.)M1wJBpIEW/FRAJ.tEAl9D LID STRLCTIIRENQ-.3 IBA I2 Ibll WUS [BIISfRiJLTpN}Jp,15 WOTE II 12 US I _ 611 l f2 LYQP%IISTREICIp!; Vp.i60w1TE 11 WpII.STRIATIJ�NDB 12 12 LS LS 1 1 39 ZLbG VwL £BQ3wDJISTTOGI- 1) EA L 613E RBfOI£ �ID Rg£F WAT13t MEfHt l4 E{ 8 \ 513 IVIIHOLU-Y FXISiAY'SlHIICTip1ENp.9 12 IS 1 32 I613B) 3tr Qmffi WJIHC4alOCVT3 I.F. A01 :! KI3BI 36'QIDffi Wrt11C4(JJOLNIS 11 I.F. 285 i< W13E ¢CL R -CK3XA7S II LF. 25 35 13Z 6i3'%, QIDffi WTINC4<3JCUa)S 66'Qmffi WTJiLCK3JOWR II ii LF. LF. IIl) 219 3) 3d 134) 613?T TI�EpJ FSC ATION S7,-ARDl9®OLNGHATIIUAL IB 18 CY. CY 1.864 I1168 bN .Al f¢ApWALLFpEb6•ffiONd9IH5f. N. SiRUCTIREN0.1 RHiC/JALffSJRULTIR6 MD OBSTRUCIIO!tS LS RENU£A.�ID R83ACEBWCI; MAIIBO% BA M 6a1 MOffiSL{TKtY � i EQ STA[WG � ar LLCI(D TRAFFLCCNTROL 19 is 1 >L MMhWN(£G{TE FA I ORATESTRLCTURENQ4 LS 1 S SAL SPH]N. T98U3QtATES 1CiURE`%1. 11� SPH1ALpIIFTSIRi]E,TJRENp. l4 LG LS 1 S SPHIAL WJ>®p(ATR RAMP FA 5 I wAiFRt1A�1tFSUC.{TgN tl P'yp1f.{) RgTi CfWAYCIF P.L'.GAWlR6)T33WG LF. 115 ST S P'S_iTIA) W'SYEIAI EXCAVATJQ: AND B{CIOIll I'@E OlIC19EptQ'y6•AN'W'A RSI.CGSS 91 @IHlTMgtTAR W'vS-D 13 Cl LF. 115 w'S311(L5 6'6O�BRm 13 FA WgNfq 6'90I1D41£VE 13 FA 2 55 W911fF1 6'YEG{ll)GRESIAAIIlTS FA, 13 35 W'Sy 3Jl CCRIpRATIW SAD^ El ] S7 W5323A Vffi WATER)AELHL 3J<'SERVICEIXTAP. QAfPIEfE l4 FA. I 5B WS36 Sflaff]'WA51)lDOWN IF 115 WA'�J:{2TOTAJ, SEWH[AHL%' TION 59 wS301(wl RHIif OF WAYQF RINGAND RESIUtA�G LF. A !O wSYID'Al IXGVATXti ANDBAC16Il1 CY. 45 51 wy'\pyAl PEE OVCTIlEWTtcnW'wn CI51.QASS 5I GFMQtT A10TAR lY T-D 13 LF. 90 62 n'$�\p5fg) FPE IS'SIffi.03HDIRi.: JS W'ALLTMCRNESS IJ LF. 16 @ w5J13(A lm MAJNiOtE I' WNiN.ET£ Il FA. 2 W wi t3(B) 4'm JJwM101EMOpffy EX]SipX'W'VptTS,ADD SIFPS i3 G. 2 fi3 p'9iKA) GOM�IlJJtS TO MAW E{, 2 H. WS3IMCT PI,I1OAJm FLLLABA}}✓nDDN®IINfS IS. I NOTES: 1. COMPLETE ALTERNATIVE 1 QUANTITIES ItFIM RF. NO. DESCNB'IgN HJTFS mm' 6] ZII CLE.RDAGAND (RtJBIN.G �� 63 XI2 tCl UNCL{4A>BJIXGVATGJly LdJ L9 Zi (nl b01IDSV.0 BQNIUDASW S.Y. ]0 2?Xnl SFIDWC AC 32) BngMI£BYMET w0�{TE .A.-'A''A''n' 6 n 3D( 513•nRnTOII PnBRK' SY. 1" n nSPNALTCONCREIET A TGN <I IfA nSPNALT ONIQE -c TQ ]3 5 CU58'A• OJNOU:'fE 10� )6 .11. sNu Re+rneJ3Ncs'Im 4,m 6DAD) CCMOWATION QBN ANDQ)iTi3<MOiWTnB1E y2 rz A 6 All -All IY)TeE1-w1uWRmRnR FL.TtR OI.WKET �, B3 fO1T 61an1 !¢TER FABR)C a'cnnom ssr:TvwLR S.Y. s.r. In @ @ 613fM 61Ww 4Y CET WIM PBE(iv.'ILS RFMOVALOFSTROCII)RCS nND O051xUC-IMxS 10 E{ LS 85 86 6II £F.NDI MDBRnAnoN SfnRRiG FACCON1RCt � 1. WORK SHALL CONSIST OF CLEARING, GRUBBING, P.EMOV.'f; G CF A VEGETATION AND DEBRIS WHICH ARE WITHIN DESIGNATED UMFS ;!' 7 - - RIGHT OF WAY AND EASEMENT AREAS, EXCEPT SUCH ORT'>JEC< r F- - -O JTC IGNr T -'u OR ARE TO BE REMOVED IN ACCORDANCE WITH OTHER SEC7S - { G!' .EE SPECIFICATIONS. THIS WORK SHALL ALSO INCLUDE THE APSE%JA'0;1 : �J B.;Uar ,- DEFACEMENT OF ALL VEGETATION AND OBJECTS DESIGNATED TO P.-'_-N. ~ 2. INCLUDES ASPHALT PAVEMENT REMOVAL. NO FACTOR FOR S- � "CED, QUANTITY INCLUDES 100 CY FOR UNDER CUT AS DIRECTED B. . `N :,--- -� 3. TO BE APPLIED TO ALL OISURBED AREAS STEEPER, T-A.0 6 TC ADD WATERWAYS, ALONG STREET=, SIDEWALKS, AND A 2' STRIP ALCNG CONCFE- OTHER AREAS ARE TO BE COVERED BY SEEDING METHOD -a zPoSFN C _ METHODS ARE INCLUDED IN OTHER ITEMS OF WORK. SODDING S u BERMUDA OR FESCUE DEPENDING ON THE SHADE CONDIDONS Ac(uu., ENGINEER. '- 6. CONCRETE LOW STRENGTH BACKFTLL SHILL BE USED AT RCAC CFCES NS INC A=CLuC TRENCH INLETS. QUANTITY INCLUDES 10 CY TO BE USED AT T..E -NG NEZ_= 7S=-r CA- 5. QUANTITY INCLUDES 20 C.Y. AGGREGATE TO BE USED AT ' = INCLUDES COST OF SUBGRADE METHOD 'B' ON ROADWAYS AT.'C`7T- S. ASPHALTIC, CONCRETE: THE OJANTTTY IS BASED ON A UNIT AllG'H7 OF 115 PCUNCS 'ER SQUARE YARD ONE -INCH (SY-!N). CCST INCLUDES ALL PRIME Cn .AC.< C- PAYMEM BASED ON FINAL FIELD MEASUREMENTS _. 7. CLASS 'A' CONCRETE TO BE USED FOR THE VER7CAL WALL GF.:NIEL F�OCR AND 'A _S 8. CLASS 'C' CONCRETE TO BE USED FOP. THE PAVED DfTC:DES, Au t CONTAJN FIBERMESH REINFORCING, - ~` 4. WASTE MATERIAL SHALL BECOME THE PROPERTY OF THE COKTRIOTCR -D - ELp DSc'-1 OF BY HIM IN A MANNER APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. (INCLUDES DRh E`n>" AVD STEA:A,K REMOVALS) "ALL RE] FORCED CONCRETE PIPE SHALL MEET OR EXCEED ASTM C7 C.A.= 'n Cu5 JOINTS. ALL, PIPE J0114M SHALL BE SUFFICIENT TO PREP INFlLT'. 1'LWeG SG1L CY EXFlLTRATI. OF STORMWATER. ALL PIPE SHALL HAVE AT LEAS INI-N.-L GASK= i A`IG Au EXTERNAL BMD MEETING ASTM C877-02. COST SHALL BE INCUt OED IN --E PFCE R -`r - PIPE tT. PRECAST CONCRETE MANHOLES AND RISERS SKILL MEET OR EXCJ Aril JOINTS SHALL. HAVE 'O'-RING CASKETS AND AN EXTERNAL BAND ME= 1,uG GR GCE".•_NG C877-02. INLET RISERS SHALL MEET OR EXCEED THE COOT SPSC�FICNGO FOR SANCA. MEDIAN DRAINS. MANHOLE FRAMES AND JDS AS WELL AS GRATES SHALL E INCLUDED 'N THE PRICE BID FOR THE INLETS, MANHOLES RISERS OR MANHOLES. MANHOLE Mjr-, CYAL BARE THE NAME OF THE CRY OF OWASSO, 12. WATER PIPE AND FrMNGS COATINGS TO MEET ANSI/AWti, C116/.t'_:.:5. FOE" REQUIRED. CONCRETE. VERTICAL RESRLJNT BLOCKS SHALL Sr INCL,UCED :1 ir" FOR PIPE r...CE c.,, 13. SERVICE RECONNECTION FOR WATER OR SEWER SERVICES SHALL BE INCLUCED IN T-= PRICE BID FOR OTHER ITEMS OF WORK. RESET METER SHALL INCL'JOE ALL AND LABOR TO SET THE METER. AT FINAL GRADE 14. INCLUDES 12 CY CLEAN CRUSHED STONE OVER FILTER FAERC FOP PAVE DITCr_ 15. PRICE INCLUDES ALL MATERIALS. LABOR, PREPARATION, FINISHING, AND SA'n C^'.G. 16, ALL VALVE BOXES ADJUSTED TO GRADE SHALL INCLUDE 18 INCHES OF CONCRETE AROUND VALVE BOX. 17, STANDARD BEDDING MATERLAL SHALL BE MEASURED TO THE NEAT ONES OF �- TRENCH. 18. CONTRACTOR TO SUBMIT A TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN FOR APPROVAL TRAFFIC CON ,D, SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE UNIFORM TRAFFIC CODE NO ADOMONAL PAYMENT FCR SIGNS OR SERVICE 12. QUANITY TO BE USED AT THE ENGINEERS DISCRETION. 20. QU4N77Y INCLUDES 500 POUNDS TO BE USED AT THE ENGINEERS DISCRETION A@ BEFORE YOU DIG ... t-3JD-522-BS<3 CALL OKIE CiTY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PVAS -0 ESTMATES PRDPA3S, BY: 3ieshek & Associates, Inc. 5w+a T3Ev* Cuno..4 >waJ (vte) 2a�-ec3 {Ar srxd vn 1IAq .m<rt1m SROEET 2® C0NTPOL P0RM: ,, NUMBER NORTHING FASTING ELEVATION DESCRIPTION 132 475373.75 2611945.19 854.65 BOd NAIL SET 135 47375724 2612106.32 644.03 MAG NAIL SET 136 473767.15 2611817.90 643.23 MA.G NAIL SET 204 472720*45 2612794.47 635.06 60d NAIL SET 1647 475457.98 2612024.13 652.93 3 8' IRON PIN 1951 473971.01 2612770.72 640.49 1966 475451.22 2612140.46 654.09 SCRIBED it ON N. RIM OF SAN. SEWER MANHOLE 1970 474405.85 2612155.65 648.30 CHISELED BOX ON N.E. CORNER OF S. SIDEWALK OF 89th 2655 474367./1 2612021A6 647.85 CHISELED BOX ON S.S.E. CURB OF 1410 AVE. & 89th 2656 474332.79 2611817.21 650.48 CHISELED BOX ON E. SIDE OF DRIVE ® 13911 E. 89th 3034 473923.83 2611874.94 647.11 8' IRON PIN 3/8 * 3537 473590.99 2612097.53 644.09 IRON PIN SET 3963 473200.55 2612669.4,3 840.64 CHISELED BOX ON N.E. CORNER OF S. SIDEWALK 4178 473105.10 2512877.38 633,98 IRON PIN FOUND W CAP 4298 473/88,58 2612771.49 634,47 CHIBELED 'X' ON TOP OF HEADWALL 4555 474016.62 2612764.89 641.59 CHISELED BOX ON E SIDE OF DRNE 0 13911 E 89th KEY MAP CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF PLIBUC WORKS Meshek & Associates, Inc. w.x ma m,y. awa. hcu O+V x.,�e ssu Damn wr +vm wnc�m o \ / O I i7RELOCATED � A I 'B SANfiAR'f BEAR 11 II I I I CAUTION oVEERHEEADD EaEcTw- LINE l II ail I °� i 1 I I I I I I I v>=rrncw. WALL cHANNELI I i 1 1 1 I (BY OTHERS) I 665 o Z a 660 g 6S5 550 — 645 U O g P SAN. Xa 16 18' m COND 2 (13Y ) �—T EXISTING 8" PVC SANITARY SEWER CONSTRUCTION NOTES: Qi CUT. PLUG & FILL 8' PVC SANTARy SEWER LINE REMOVE MANHOLE_ Q STUB NEW 8' DIP INTO MANHOLE MATCH EXISTING FLOW LINE RESHAPE INVERT & RELOCATE STEPS. ❑3 CONSTRUCT 8" DIP SANITARy SEWER LINE. © SNB EXISTING 6' PVC INTO NEW MANHDLE. 05 INSTALL 14 LF 18' STEEL CONDUIT WITH 8' DIP SANITARY SEWER LINE CARRIER PIPE 8' PVC SEWER V R.IER .PIPE S . RUNNERS SPACED COWLLY 1.5` MIN. CLEAR AT PIPE BEND c IL ® PIPE ENCASEMENT DETA `� SEE CRY OF OW DDETNL BOR-/ VACUUM TESTING NOTES; r�sm+e of maemliA Es xc vs�wts rnu. eE r�sTm us:vr Try vieun Tesr ,�ctico. VO - G TiE 6tYV1fACNPo3Y5 ftF i1(N5 fOR PR�'fR PNO S4e PRCC�6PFS Fi VACUYIM TESTER SWSL � AS kARUFACPIRED 6Y P+FR £ wUAiPFs Oa Ecest 611 PAES FDR YPL9AR6 TFSTiAG EJiFR G THE WMFiJLE 5+'%L BE utii J Ai h!E TCP A[Y3S� PCSHT CE THE rbvaSWE VA — OF tD >, •ffs01,�TTaLRr MG) (so Ps) stuff se oa .n Try waane Anm Try nNE SNAtt gE o-t 9PASSPAP FDR THE bACUUM ro GRd iD 9 Cf vERQM (HG) (y3 p9) THE MaEtrXE NA1P. hIE TETT F THE TmF uEAAIRE,&Yi E%^SCS TYE VAL11F5 PldGall-i` IN ihE NLLU C TALE bACUA6 TES( TIMETABLE DEPTH -FEET EB e4335 W C}KS 't2 aOtES 98 �+'S , 4a p:p� iD SEC 53 SEC i6 SEC 19 SEC 21 SEC 6 20 SEC n SEC 32 SEC 38 SEC c4 SEL 12 SO SEC S9 SEC <e SEC Si 9£C W SEL ':6 60 SEC 52 SEC 6a 'TB SEC W SEE, zo so 6EL 6s sEc � sec 9s ss LTD sz 2a W SEC ie slL 9B SEL III SEC �152 gL + EACtS 2, +5 SEC +65 SETL +8.0 SEC +a5 SEC +1 t SEC sW� DOS SHALL K RMWM To TIC kEPR p T. 6lfERfk1WTE W11ES S,NIL LV`T CVATEO. F 6FPIXS A80VE 26 FEET. ADO THE VA L6fED CN T12 LAST tNE IFiE FDR EPt3! 2 FEET ADUTI NAL D'SITi F 1HE MARHIXE FTBS h` VML41e1 TEST, THE C-TRACM SPALL P" AWi)va>L IIIAR, A C RFPEhT THE TEST PROCEDURES CATL 6AT6EAcrO, REST , A4; C�TAnkD. ALL REPNRS AND TFSTfNG A THE REBP0N98P.RY U, THE COaRRACICR AVD eZL t PERFLMfeED AT ADDdRON4L W TD TFE PRNEx. m PAVt1 o' wL SE wA ' FDR 0.SK 14 JiFS 0H9C% -VE PASST:D Tlfrc TFST. I SANIiART SLWER REPLACEMENT CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS RA16 A E ITS PREPARED 8f; Heshek & Associates, Inc. AAN srA.c „� A� J o� `yaast N. 84 1 AB$. CONSTRUCTION NOTES: ❑1 REMOVE AND REPLACE EXISTING ASPHALT. CONST. AC PAVING ❑2 FULL DEPTH SAWCUT EXISnG ASPHALT AND EXCAVATE MATERIALS 1 0 PROPOSED 6' TO A NEAT LINE. WATER UNE ❑3 GAS LINES TO BE RELOCATED BY ONG. EXISTING 6' WATER UNE Q4 THE EXISTING WATER LINE PROF] IS APPROX. NO AS —BUILT DRAWING WAS AVAILABLE PROCEED WITH CAUTION. _ _ ❑5 ADJUST WATER VALVE BOX TO PAVEMENT GRPDE 66.5' u \ W CAUTION WATER GAS U ENE / FI UG TELF 655 I 2' GAS UNE 650 645 EXISM EMERJNE 6- 640 d I i 635 WATER y m 3 MIN. w + m + WATER LINE RELOCATION SILVER CREEK DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA tn DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 115 LF " DIP W1 ZESTRAJNEEJOINTS c1 Pca+s A!® ESl&Ar6 RRceAr�D er Meshek &Associates, Inc. REMSgN DY MTE RNa „/m Mr�sea B RE OKIE t1 ' ` W 11 �� CHANNEL GR�:NG BY�' )THERS PK CAUTION WATER LINE C 'AS LINE 10 NOTE: DI.ENSIO NS ARE TO THE CENTER OF EACH STRUCTURE. I . El El CONSTRUCTION NOTES: -5 RCP ED 10' TRANSITION SECTION TO REMOVE CROWN 66 RCP AND SLOPE TO TRENCH GRATE 7 SAWCUT EXISTING PAVEMENT. 4 REMOVE AND REPLACE BRICK wALBOX. CAUTION 24'-5- I..I PLUG EXISTING 30- HDPE. FILL WITH LOW U TELEPHONE 1 I STRENGTH CONCRETE BACKFILL (CLSM). REMOVE EXISTING MANHOLE AND D TIE EXISTING 3EM HDPE INTO NEW MANHOLE. REMOVE AND REPLACE EXISTING SIDEWALK AND WATER LINE TO BE WHEELCHAIR RAMPS, RELOCATED SEE SHEET 9 CHANNEL GRADING BY OTHERS 2 2 650 SSE ox o PROPOSE6 z ,- 645 650 P� GROUND EXISTING 2- 2z. j EXISTING GAS LINE EXISTING 650 GROUND TRENCH GRATE 5 SEE OE-TAJLS as 640 176 LF 640 fl, 20 LF 30' RCP 0 11) 30- RCP PROFILE 635 e, 0 �9th STREET STORM SEWER I 25 42" PROFILE SHEET I 66 HEIDWALLI RC 0 0.10% SILVER CREEK z o w DRA INAGE AGE IMPROVEMENTS RCP P A2ROFILE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA 2 -- I ) -- DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Me9hek Associates, Inc. Oo- 6 RC PR FILEa. L-- 12 GO Go DIG OKIE [6' \ CAT�(ON BZ'BS9SB1_ � �✓ ✓ WATE7t 11NE p� 4 zg- L6 �RsLaax. 6 r 7 1'MNSv +OW9/I � /MS / 2 — _- - ❑ % N M5 .1AG �8 6Y'vPH=lnaU / / / • .B ae.H Ba'vvH \ CAUTION / © SAN SEWER / LINE i6� LF 36' ® .SOS CONSTRUCTION NOTES: CUT AND PLUG EXISTING 24- CPP, FILL WRH LOW STRENGTH CONCRETE BACKFTLL ®2 REMOVE AND REPLACE MAILBOX. ®3 TIE EXISTING 24` CPP INTO NEW JUNCTION BOX. ® REMOVE EXISTING MANHOLE. CUT & PLUG PIPE. FILL BACK WALL WITH CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS. O REMOVE AND REPLACE EXISTING SIDEWALK. © REMOVE AND REPLACE EXISTING DRIV-G74'AY. ❑7 REMOVE AND REPLACE IXISITNG PAVEMENT. a REMOVE AND RESET WATER METER. REMOVE AND REPLACE EXISTING SPRINKLER SYSTEM WITHIN RIGHT—OF—WAY. 28 -6• RCP a 0 SILVER CREEK 100 LF 3 •RCP gp 46 tF 9 'RCP DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS ® STUB IX. 24' CPP m o.soz s,J ® 0.50R CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA INTO STIR. 6 635 e DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ® maws A MS TES ra -MEa 61 Meshek REV6�N & Associates, Inc. BY WTE eaaa axe „fm w+•m� -� ML OKIE 9B 00 ! _ , 'b• omrtr amid. we¢ am'vv i I if RELOCATED ��' WATER LINE N: 474423,a3 E 2511984-22 as- RCP ae5�6g � unclle+e - �vvc� J r JCL> naa �\ L COVER 'v sale iiOT m sale kOTES I. TOTAL WEIGHT OF F. LPD 380 LBS STRUCTURE TABLE STRUCTURE SIZE WXL%H W TERNACCNO- l UNfTS: - NEENAH k0. R-1682 WESTERN !�. t00 3 5'x8'-90"x6'-40" 3. PLACE RX WATER STOP AROUND MANHOLE RING °` I \_ tYATERDNE O N \ !f BE RELOCATED % \, f 474422.79 2612027.23 6VALl REINFORCING SCHEDULE BAR sizE NCH REMARK LENCiN INCH �I NCHES i' Sri W+1'-6" STRAIGHT . CNiAL Al I L+i'-6" GHT F!CR7ZCM j 6 -0 BENT 90' 30-H X 42'V o--` 6-0 BENT 30"H X 42.V � H+9' STpAI{ V.. 2" CLR TO OtJT9DE W2A 4 L+7'-4' STRAIGHT HORIZONTAL W+1'-4' HORIZONTAL-STRPX',NT t 2'-0 BQR 90' 92"X72" 7'-0 BEM 90' 42-H X 42V 6-BEM 99 30-H X 42V L+7'-1" STRAR}fT F!ORTZONTAL CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE NOTrS: O° 1. ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS A, AS DESIGNATED IN SECTION 509 OF THE ODOT SPECIFICATIONS, LATEST EDTHON, 2- ALL EXPOSED EDGES OF CONCRETE SHALL BE CHAMFERED 3/4- UNLESS — - — - OTHERWISE NOTED. 66" RCP 3. CLEAR DISTANCES FROM CAST -IN -PLACE CONCRETE SURFACES TO REINFORCING SHALL 2" FOR WALLS, 1-1/2- FOR SUPPORTED SLABS, 3" FROM THE BOTTOM OF FOOTINGS AND 2` FROM THE TOP OF SLABS, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 4. REINFORCING STEEL SHALL MEET ASTM SPECIFICATION A615, GRADE 60. 5. ALL BARS SHALL LAP A MINIMUM OF 30 BAR DIAMETERS OR 12'. WHICHEVER IS GREATER, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED BY THE ENGINEER. 6. ALL EXPOSED CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE SURFACES SHALL HAVE ALL VOIDS FILLED, BURRS AND FINS REMOVED AND BE FINISHED AND PREPARED FOR PAINTING- 7. PROVIDE FOR 4" ROUNDING AT ALL EXFT OPENINGS. 8. PROVIDE SMOOTH? GROUT FILLETS THROUGH JUNCTION BOXES AND MANHOLES. 4. ADJUST TOP OF RIM TO PAVEMENT ELEVATION. STANDARD 4' LD.MPNHOLE RPM AND COVER STANDARD MANHOLE STANDARD 4-FOOT ID 648.50 PRECAST AMUSING RINGS RIM AND COVER MANHOLE REF. STANDARDS 4' LD. ALOES 42'0 YF PRECAST ADJUSTING RINGS 648.70 420 OPNG' SID. 4' I.D.PRECAST MH RX WATERSTOP OPNG. Tl BAR 4° I.D. ACCES STD. 4' P.D. PRECAST MH RX WATERSTOP T9 BAR T1 8. TW7 BAR TW2 ft4R T2 64R T1 PAR Ti BAR iWI BAR T2 EAR T7 EAR Zx4 I�Yl�AY5 TYP, -INCH ROUNDING T7 BAR TM BAR T1 E3AR TOP,SNES m BAR TW2 BAR Twi BAR TW2 BAR RX WATERSTOP BAR' INCH ROUNDING TOPSIDES RX WATERSTOP TWI BAR 4a" RCP 30" W9 BAR Wit BAR 42RCP 42' W1 BAR JUNCTION BOX DETAILS �, a RCP �- RCP o 'VARIES RCP ! Wz BAR tv1 eAR o SILVER CREEK o G3B. W2 BAR RX 66" RCP -VARIES 66. W2 BAF2 sb. I DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS N'2 BAR WATFRSTOP z BAR �' 2x4 KEYWAYS " 'VARIES RCP r W2 BAR 66` RC3' W2 ' VARBAR T ES CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA TYP- W2 BAR RX waTERSTUP 2 BAR DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 2z4 KEYWAYS TVP. a" 6" f i W2 PAR PING PIA ESTNAttS PRFPnRED er. z BBAR�t Meshek & Associates, Inc. I Bt81 PAR SECTION A -A SECTION B-B f mm w SECTION A -A SECTION B-B dccwm Q,x n�m sn. eoca ® � i *VERIFY ELEVATION WITH EXISDNG PAVEMENT �J z P.O. Box 636 ® 20 W. 2nd Street, Suite 200 Sand Springs, OK 74063 918-241-2803 Pax: 918-241-9245 www. mesh ekengr. com December 27 2005 Ms. Ana Stagg, PE, Public Works Director City of Owasso PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 RE: Silver Creek Drainage Improvements Dear Ms. Stagg: On December 16`" bids were opened on the above referenced project. There were minor discrepancies in four of the five bids but there was no effect in the outcome of the bid. The bid results are as follows: Contractor Keystone Services, Inc MSB Construction Inc. R.L. Hensley Construction Inc Horizon Construction Co, Inc. C-P Integrated Services Engineer's Estimate Base Alternate Total Bid $ 569,229.95 $115,776.36 $699,622.50 $ 606,085.00 $195,293.00 $837,578.00 $ 703,551.50 $149,418.50 $867,970.00 $ 723,382.50 $147,102.88 $885,485.68 $ 860,857.00 $105,024.20 $980,881.20 $ 505,180.00 $145,442.50 $650,622.50 The bid tabulation is included for your review. We find Keystone Services, Inc. to be the most responsive and responsible bidder. We have worked with Keystone Services, Inc. and are confident with their ability to complete the project in a timely and workman like planner. We recommend you ask the City attorney to review the bonds to assure compliance with City requirements. If the attorney finds no problems with the bonds or unsettled disputes with the City of Owasso, we recon-imend award of a contract to Keystone Services, Inc. If you have any questions, please call the undersigned. Sincerely, William T. Meshek, PE, LS Meshek & Associates, Inc. Encl. (1) 050WA04 ®®{®eeeifeillf," a®®'(*ESS/0Z1111,X WILLIAM T. MESHEK ;rn = 17353 e'er ® ®KLA�OM ®®®® ®®®®reeete eesee°g°°® -- --- buy of Owasso Pfofocl: SllY rCrook Drattugolmprovaments Bid Dato: Do io 16. 2005, 2PM Kegv4PO Services, lnc. MSB 409Uon, IM. R.L y Cortsir., lnc. Heston Co Co, bIc C-P Ut+MOB u277 Engltwor: Moshok 8 Avsoclatei, Inc. PO Boz 298 950E 5.4090 Rd. 9899 E. 461h Place PO Boz 6A9 O Boss 4A2T1 01 S_ ll E. . SUby, OK 74D08 Oologah, OK 74053 Tulsa, OK 741 Owosso, OK 7405E Okla(wma City, OK 73144 UNIT ESTIMATED UNIT ESTIMATED UNIT ESTIMATED UNR ESTIMATED UNIT EST-TED ENGINEERS UNIT ESTIMATE ESTIMATED ITEM NO. SPEC. NO. DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS UNITS QUANTITY PRICE COST PRICE COST PRICE COST PRICE COST PRICE COST PRICE CST i >.800,Po ],600.00 15.000.00 S t5.000m S t,9D0.00 'a 1Ab.W S t03a0m b f03a0m S 15AWm E 15D00m 502.CO 5.000.00 b 5.000.1p pt ING f1EIReaG AND GTIUOBING LS 1 0.00 a,>J6.00 tG.00 i 9A]2.00 S t0.G0 5.9N.00 S Gm 5 3Au.W 5 2TY.a 1051b.40 S m S S 12S 1.3]5.00 a.00 S a,a00.00 b 2m E ?)50m t]1 5 t.ulm i t,650.m S ibT S 3p6>A3 5 tm 2»350 '!0 C 223 UNCUSSIFIED IXGV TEMPORARY SITATgNSCAEEN CY lP 592 a7 S 2. 2a]E.00 2 SOLW SLAB BEf>MTIOI,I OING SY 1,949 3.50 4.622.W 1.0E 3.420.6E 2.00 3.G9B.00 tm L 2.TY3m 13m5m m S a.casm 3p.W T1.U' tAt 5 303A AGCAEUIE BASE CY 355 S 40.00 i t0.200.00 40W 10.200.00 :iS.W 92Sm 5 51,C0 4.W E 4.800.00 S 3.00 5 1600.W E tJ1J 5 2.tPE00 5 1M 3-a00L0 325 SEPARATOR fABRIC SY t,2W 40.00 E atl.lm.00 1.00 120Dm 13.50D.00 E 5 50.00 S 15.000.00 5 t02m S 30,600m 5 W2fi S 31.01am S T ASPHALT CONCRETE TYPEA TON 300 E a2.00 +2.600.00 a5.00 E tiO.W E 9.000.00 S W.W $ 000.00 a5>O.l%) 5 20.00 ta000m 11.T9 t5656 S 14 S aGm 5 6Ji00➢0 +tC ASPHALT CONCTitIE TTPEC TON LY 1. 19 i 42.00 20m E 6.300.00 3.tl00.00 110.00 2.090.00 S 30.00 S t1p.00 5 9.900m 8640.00 53a.69 5 ISiaJia 6.<1SE6 S �m Z 44Om S f.-..m i ' 501G QSM BAGI(FLL C1AS5'A'. CONCRETE CY 12 1 500. G,000.00 550.00 6.600.00 >20.00 S 10.000m 41]TS00 G102] ?Ja.>0 S 4t02>U S ?5.01930 A 4TS00 b>m a.T.IIDO 10 B C1A55'A'. CON(3iETE FOR SMALL STRUCTURES CY +0 i 550.00 4500m 400.00 L 4.000. G50.00 Sx5.00 E 6.E00.00 u.fi2i t,OW.00 5t5m 3 C 5tt A ��S.C.�-rt REINFORCING STEEL CY LB a5 1?00 i00m 0.T0 12.310.00 325.00 im +9.1 5.00 5 3.300.00 5 2.00 60.00 5 6.E00.00 t,B00.00 S 90m 1><Jioo 5 2)t10.03 Z t to b 50.t9 E SY42A0 S t,505,>0 S OJ% S 6300 3.215m i 1290D0 �m 44 601A-1 ti TYPE NA PIAIN RIP RAP LY CY 3a t6 45.00 5 40.00 1.350.00 S 610.00 >0.00 SD.00 5 2100.00 S 6W.00 S S 15.00 E 2a0.00 S 65.W S t.000m 5 92Y 5 2.a9 E a5332 5 31t25 S E i ]t2_50 15 E0t M3 FILTER BIMiO=T SY 115 Z 2m S 312.50 S 5.00 i G25.00 5 625m 2m 5 3t3m 5 19.)0 S J4.45 E t4343.t0 S 13.534L5 5 tam 5 60m S t3plam S x1:JlHim t6 i> 601E B FO.TER Pw&2tC 6'COMBINATgN Q1ft8AND GIR'TER MOUMABtE LF ]23 S +2.00 i 8.6>6.00 f1.W E. ].9 .00 t5.00 8.G0 46.00 5 1101am S tH.0)B.IXI S 30m S GLW S 21b90m 25.t52m 19 1 B P CONCRETE Set ALK H.ES, LY)NCREiE DRIVEWAY REPLA--ENT SY SY 393 1. S 30.00 S 40.00 11.>90.00 5.2..00 3f.50 <5.00 S +23>9.50 5.940.00 i 49.W a .W 5.100.00 S 00.00 83.00 S 90,lfAm T.055.00 5533 S 5952 5 )461m S 5ffi].>0 S f m 5 ap 5 9Wm 1T.T0¢tI0 20 6 1 R H.ES. CONQtElE V GUrtER SY tl5 i 40.00 3.400.00 G5.00 E 5525.00 9k00.00 60.p0 t0.000.00 10.000m S 1a3Wm 5 tapOm 11013.0tl 5 f1Lt3�a 5 T.>O]m 5 21 JUNCTION 80%w/RLSER STRUCTURE N0.21NClUDES FRAME AND LEI tS t S a.400.00 E.400.00 5 6.000.00 S 9.800.00 E.3110.00 S 5 S:.f00.00 S 9.000.00 S 9,000m S 1+]Wm b 3.Y50.00 Y 1S,3Wm 5 O.0068a 13GGa59 5 10.00ePa S ]AOOm S TA00,%i 22 6+1 JUNCTION BOXW/R15EIi SfRI1CiURE N0.3 VKLUDEG FRAME AND LDI L5 1 5 4000.00 i 2000.G0 E 1.000.00 S 4,500.00 E 4.500.00 5 a,500.00 Z 4,500.00 Y 1]50.00 E S 366a39 E 6300.00 5 4110-m S 23 SID. I4Ai E W/ FRAME AND UD STRUCTURE NO.S BO%WI RISER S(RUCIURE NO.6 is is 1 t i .500.00 5 5.500.00 1t,500.00 i 11.- .00 S 12.000.00 5 1?000.00 5 tt3'-0.00 5 t13Y1.00 5 44&16a S 4,03t,00 E 6aa:i64 S a03t,00 5 T �� S c�nm 24 25 61t 611 JUNCTION 61D.tUHfOIE W/ FRALIE AND UD STRUCTURE Nm,] is 1 5 3,000.00 5 3.DD0.00 5 000.W 3.5G0.00 i G,000.00 E 3.5DD.00 5 6.000.00 i 5.000.00 G.000.00 E S.OW.00 4 a.Cm.00 S 3.200.00 5 4.600.00 S 1]W.W 5 12Ga.5G 5 316556 S X>00.00 S S](%tW bt1 STRI3CDIiE ND. 10 CIG DESIGN 38 e'I.D. MANIOtE W/fRAME ANO UD STRUCLURE N0. 12a f3 LS FA + 2 E 1.500.00 S 3,500.00 E 1.500.1q T.000.00 i S Y.590.00 5.ttl0,00 18.500.00 t1.DDD.00 Y 2?wo0 a.tl00.00 5 Y.J00.00 S 3260.00 22G0.00 5 1<.CW.00 S ?2G0.00 G341T6 E T,1T0.69 E t258T.i S Y.t TOJiB Y 8.]00.00 S 3N0.o0 1T.a0000 5 SW0.00 bt1 INIET RECONSTTtuCIgN NO. tS NOTEI LS t 5 2,500.00 2.500.00 5 8.500.00 5 85'C0 C0 s 5 800.1%1 i a.800.00 i tlW.W b 2-260.00 S I.I>O.GU 5 - Y 3.001C0 SRXUm 19 vLET RECONSTRUCTgNvINOTEf L5 1 S 25G0.00 5 ?500.00 2.EG0.00 2,500.00 4500.00 5 90000 )a00.00 Y ],900.00 E 12.OW.00 5 12.000.00 % 12800.00 S 12.eDC.00 S 63t151 S 49rob5ai b t0.000.00 S t0000m RJO S 3IXT.00 S a25.00 5 t2W.OJ S 1400m S bY2> S TA31 5 1949D6 E 6202ba Z ta0m S 3311m S TdI 5 2-Kum 10 Jt 612 12G INLET. STRIJCIURE NO.B VALVE BO%ES AOJUST TO GPADE is EA 4 S 250.00 S 1.000.W S S 1.600.00 5 J00.00 50J.00 E 13W.00 E 4,000.00 61 L REMOVE Ate RESET WATER METER G IS 8 1 S 300.OD 5 2500.00 5 2.+OO.OD i 2.50 W 300.W 5 ?500m i 2.aW.00 5 ?500.00 S 5 5.000.00 5 5.000.00 S 600.00 1 aW.00 S a1a.t2 Z t.pa.t3 5 3.a0Cm 1>Cm Y 1aOCm S tCGDOm 33 6t3 bt3(B IMt MOWY E%ISTNG. STRIICTUHE N0.9 30'0.111 RCP WITHCu3JOINTS lF 401 i ]0.00 E 2a0]0.W $G5.00 2G.D65.00 24.225.00 i 6].00 5 105.00 i 3l,BB).00 19.525.00 E 1Z2.W 5 t3Y.G0 b 48922.00 S 39,DaS00 >aST S 1.0> S Jf.450Si 5 15.95+rJa L xsbm 5 aa,36490 35 6t3(B 36'0.N RCPYVTICu3JDINTS U, 205 5 90.00 S 25.6WM 3.W0.00 S 65.W S 200.00 5 S 5.000.00 S 1J0.00 5 3.250m S 1aY.00 S 16T5.00 8 St3.51 S 2ID?TS S 800.0] 5=1000-00 613fB t B 4S CL III RfSwTRICu3J II 48'CL viR0. VATHCUJJOINiS U, LF 25 20) E tW.W S t55.00 S E 32.08•v.00 i 1;f0.00 ??.00 E 26.910.00 i 3]D0 4J.0>G.oO tG5.00 2 S 50.00 S ja,t55.00 S 54,)50.00 S 1Y5.00 Y 2BT.00 S 352Y+.W S .BY.CO 5 1152E 2<9.t6 5 Z7gG4T5 5 54.506.M att.00 S SSO.OU 5 eS(RTm S tY14STm 61 B b6"0.1II RCP WOHCu3JO1NTS lF 219 E 2G400 i ].W S 58.692m 13.0761W E >.W S S 5.00 S 9.Ja0.00 6.00 S 1t30b.00 1G.]a 5 Jl}45JM E 2m S 3>36m 5 24)mm 6! S 61 iRENCHIXUVATION STANDARD DEODING IMTERYRL CT CT 1,B6a t,O6a i 30.00 5 J2.040. 35.10 i 3>,aBGJ10 E 10.00 10.6B0.00 35.E 3),JGOm >mOm 32.]0 i fObRm i Sssnm i tOb"T2.G0 i Em 5 tSLmm i tSLRm a0 614 HEADWALLFOR66'RCPON89THST. N,STRUCT6REN,1 LS l5 1 1 5 6.000.00 E 14,p00.00 6.000.00 ta,000.00 5.300.00 t3.950.110 5.300.00 E 13.050.00 11.000.00 15.Wo.00 E ++.000m +5,tg0.G0 E ].000.W S.ODSm b S 5pO0m 5 1 W0.00 9At)b9 9.41]E9 5 tylm i trom E t111E5 E 15.1250 2mOm 2='i/)m ax 6+ AI REMOVAL OF STRUCTURES AND 06STRUCTgNS AIN TSO.LIO >, .00 500.110s 556 m 750m i T.500.00 S 150.00 b 20000m 3fi,Y4m 40300.t0 S 363bm x 40yq.10 5 12mUm s DYAm f21Gm s aY m LS 20.000.00 E Z0.000.00 S >2.000.00 1 72.o0D.00 Z 10,000.00 f0.000.00 20.000.00 s 5.060.00 9.a50.00 41m.00 3a.500.W a5 6a1 bax MOtIlL1UTpN T $ANHIG LS + i 4.000.00 1000.00 s A000.00 E +3,000.00 0.>00.00 s t2.000.00 B.]00.00 s 1+.000.00 S 8.000.00 s 1L000.00 E tl.000m s 5.06Um 5 9.450.00 5 4,f00m 5 3a,500m S 8.610m E 9At9EY b 31,5ta.]S i aE10m i Lat9b") s J15ta.]5 5 trmm S Uam E 28mOm S lmom S 600m Y m.�0' m a6 D SPECW. TFAFFiL CONTROL uNNTENANCE UTE LS EA ]50.00 .000.00 > .W ?000.00 2.-.00 2.000m 3.OWm 16.000m a0 SPECIAL TRENCH GRATE STRUCTURE N0.4 N0. 11 LE IS 11+45.00 13.000.00 t].145.00 13.000.00 12.200m 13.8.•A.00 12.200.00 13,6`A.00 1G.000.00 Z tT000m 91,000m J13W.00 5 31,i00m E Z9baG35 5 Z).STf 21 39b4ES5 S ZY.a>121 25f.OGm Z 15mOm 25PG0m Z tSfYEm 49 Sp SPECLLL SPECIAL TRENCH GRATE STRUCNHE SPEDML HLEi STRUCTURE V. 10 LS 1000.00 SD0.00 3.000.OD 2.500m 9.6BOm 600m 9.GB0.00 3.(gDm 5 tG.0o0.00 i 5,000m t6.000.00 15.000m S b.000.00 Y25m 6,D90m 5 3.6 5.195b5 59YJ.25 6 E v,Gm S 3Lnf4 b 66],459m S 6nliT9a Z e=JaAEa DRNNAGEIMPROVEYFNTS S 600.00 8 552364.H5 0 5 Stla.F62m TON SI +A WA wA 1 RI 1t5 E 2.00 5 a00m i 8.00 5 120D S 920.00 5 1.9X1.00 c 5 10.00 S 10.00 5 t,i50.00 5 1.600.00 3m S 50.50 E a02m 5 9b1q.03 z fayYSm S t-0Om S 13.6E S S tbYa.]5 i 2m 5 znm Y 36m b %.11 Y 40a,]9 S 5E56m s 632a54 E 1bt9.t6 5 2m E >6m Z Mm E 32IIm S a]aOm S �d 53 5• w'53061N EXGVATONN BACXFlLL 6'AWWA t51. U CY EO ++2 s Q. 2 S a.00 Y0.00 150.00 S B.dA.00 5 1.DDDm 5 12>.GO E 150m 55 56 WS 1tC W5311 450EGREF REND 6'SOle SLEEVE FA FA a 2 E 15p.00 5 100.00 S 000.W S 200m S 275M S +B0.00 S 00.00 5 1100.00 S 3GOm i 960.00 S E 350.00 E +00.00 8 500.00 S 12W.W S 150.00 E 930.00 S JWm E i.Y.9m S SN3t 4 )225 S 65662 Z aETm 5 a0m S 1000 S t m S 5> W911 6MEGN.WREST S fA 12 E 125.00 E 50.00 i 1.500.00 E f00.00 iD0.00 S a00.00 S +00.00 E 200.00 9G5.00 5 333m S aWm S 13A9 S >3555 Z 10].Ta Y TSS� 5 1bm 5 25C.W 25¢fL 5 15m i 1 50 WSJI C 1u'CORPORATIDN STOP EA 3 1 Z 100.00 E W.900.W i t000.o0 1.lmm S alN1.00 Y 2�.00 S >O.+HT3a S 3d i 5ID.>0 Z te.tW31 S STD S STS'JI E 1LiSK 59 60 A VrS'.VS RESET wwTER Mt�ER Y4' EILTARCOMPLETE STREET WA91WwN U LF 115 S 1.LI0 E tt5.00 1.00 i YJ0.00 5 030 i 23.00 b 2.W WAIERUNE RELOGTION 5 6%S00 5 16,563.00 d 5 a,]33m 5 3f5W S a50.00 I w5301(A) RFIACATION AND RE TOHt 90 E 2.00 S 1aD.00 E SW 5 <!Om S 10.00 8 500.00 S 350 S t�3 G! 5 t32a30 3.00 S tgtm 5 GO S tynm IDJ 5 G2 AI GVw pNAYe Y1 45 Z 5.G0 E 225.00 a,p50.00 E I5.00 2 G9.00 5 G]5.00 S 421..w S 20.00 E tL10.00 Z 900.00 Z 9.OW.00 5 +Om 8 6500 E !,BlO.CN i 8256 s El6m s Gaw 5 4Tsam f3 w5306(AI 01 ROµ a'AWNA lEt MENT AR LINE T 1S IT, .3]E WALL TH 90 t6 S 45.00 E J5.00 i S 560.00 E 30.00 E aB0.00 E 150.W i ?a00.00 'e it0.00 S t)G003 S J.t00m E 10a.7) f ?48ex 5 1.6]S FA E ?)6.R Z 63D: 5 3Sx6 S tam S 5rm.n 1NA) 1. w MI TE 2 5 1.600.00 5 3.BOJ.00 5 2.119.W 5 a230.W 5 ?500.00 500.00 b SW0.00 5 tp00m S i5w 00 m i 9Y500 Z 1.95000 5 2.aaB JG 5 aA)6 Tx 5 Cm ltl 5 2-000.�0 fb 0] wS1t31 ) 1NA) IN 4'ID T .ADO T 2 1 i ]50.00 5 1.500.00 S tl00m S W. 5 i 1000.00 S ?OOOm E ?500m 5 B'A W S 76000 S Y0009 S t)OOW S t J6a 12 S i>0.1 a5 S 3.)26u S t,>a3 a5 4 O; 4 0.L O] S 260atF S 2'Y 6e i BB 14(CI R AKJ a.L DUNE SEVER RELOCATION 1 E t.500.00 5 t,E00.00 S S 400.00 S 00.00 5 2500.00 23.701.W b S �5t 50 5 ta.HLOa . 1 E 505.180.00 E 569.229.9E S 6a6.085.00 f YIl12 da �J5>rn TALE 01D P.O. Box 636 ® 20 W. 2nd Street, Suite 200 Sand Springs, OK 74063 918-241-2803 fax: 918-241-9245 www.rneshokengt,.earn DATE: December 12, 2005 TO. Plan Holders FROM. William T. Meshek PE, LS Rrt.UtY Of Owasso — Silver Creek Drainage Improvements Bids are due 1December.16th by 2-00 p.m. in Owasso, 01C Please acknowledge receipt of this addendum in writing on the bid form. The following items are for clarification or correction of the Contract Documents and shall become a pan of the plans and specifications. This document shall be attached and included with the completed bid. 1. Bid Proposal, A revised Bid Proposal is included with this addendum. The Bid Proposal is to be replaced with attached Bid Proposal. Please replace the appropriate sheets with the attached pages. 2. Construction Drawings. A revised sheet number 3 is included with this addendum. Please replace sheet 3 with the attached sheet, 1 Contract Duration. The Contract duration shall be 120 calendar days to substantial completion and 150 calendar days total. 4. Delays for utility construction. The Contractor will be given an extension for delays due to utility relocation as approved by the City, 5. The follow clarifications were discussed in the Prebid conference: a. The Contractor will be working in backyards as well as the street right of way on this project. A great deal of coordination and communications will be required with the homeowners. The Contractor will conduct regular information and coordination meetings with the homeowners. b. The pay item for remove and replace brick mail boxes is to include a temporary mail box for the use of the homeowner. There is to be no interruption in mail service. Mail boxes and brick structures are to match the existing. c. The Contractor shall document the condition of existing streets prior to beginning work. 050%VA04 Please fax back to this of a signed acknowledgment upon receipt of this addendum, (918) 241-9245 fax number JACNAWILTE—DOMENT- ,C Company SECTION 00200 M PROJECT IDENTIFICATION: SILVER CREEK DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS THIS BID IS SUBMITTED TO- CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA I I I NORTH MAFNT PO BOX 180 OWASSO, OK 74055 I a The undersigned BIDDER proposes and agrees, if this Bid is accepted, to enter into all Agreement with OWNER in the form included in the Contract Documents to complete all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents for the Contract price and within the Contract time indicated in this Bid and in accordance with all other terrns and conditions of the Contract Documents, 2. BIDDER accepts all of the terms and conditions of the Advertisement for Bids and Instructions to Bidders, including without limitation those dealing with the disposition of Bid Security. This Bid acceptance period is sixty (60) calendar days following the day of Bid opening, BIDDER -Mll sign the Agreement and submit the Contract Security and other documents required by the Contract Documents within ten (10) days after the date of OWNER'S Notice of Award. 3. In submitting this Bid, BIDDER represents, as more fully set forth in the Agreement, that: (a) Bidder has examined and carefully studied copies of all the Contract Documents, the related data identified in the Contract Documents and the following addenda: Addendum Number Date — I I - rz (receipt of all of which is hereby acknowledged) and also copies of the Advertisement for Bids and the Instructions to Bidders; (b) BIDDER has examined the site and locality where, the Work is to be performed, and become familiar with and is satisfied as to the general, local and Site conditions that may affect cost, progress and performance of the Work. 0403 00200 - Page I of 17 (c) BIDDER is familiar with and is satisfied as to all legal requirements (federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations) that may affect cost, progress or performance of the Work. (d) BIDDER has carefully studied all reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the Site and all drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface or subsurface structures at or contiguous to the Site (except Underground Facilities) which have been identified as provided in the General Conditions. (e) BIDDER has obtained and carefully studied (or assumes responstbslity for having done so) all additional or supplementary examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies and data concerning conditions (surface, subsurface and Underground Facilities) at or contiguous to the Site which may affect cost, progress or performance of the Work or which relate to any aspect of the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of construction to be employed by BIDDER, including applying the specific means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of construction required by the Contract Documents to be employed by the BIDDER, and safety precautions and programs incident thereto. {f) BIDDER has made such independent investigations as BIDDER deems necessary and does not consider that any further examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies or data are necessary for the determination of this Bid for performance of the Work at the price(s) bid and within the times and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. R. 1s correlated Je information known to BIDDER,# i f observations obtained r o , visitso the Site, reports and drawings identified in the Contract and all additionalexaminations,ion explorations, studies k data with the Contract Documents, (h) BIDDER has given OWNER written notice of all conflicts, errors, ambiguities or discrepancies that BIDDER has discovered in the Contract Documents and the written resolution thereof by OWNER is acceptable to BIDDER. (i) The Contract Documents are generally sufficient to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for the performance of the Work for which this Bid is submitted. r r *; r• r r r • 0403 00200 - Page 2 of 17 aW No® Spec® Bid Description Extension 9 501(G) CLSM BACICFULL, 19 O.Y. @ Unit Price in Words, 10 509(B) CLASS "A", CgqCRATE, 12 C.Y. @ Unit Price in Words, I 509(B) CLASS "A", CONCRETE FOR SMALL STRUCT4,JRE 0110 C.Y. @ --m- Unit Price in Words, — LA 12 509(C) CLASS "C", CONCRETE, 85 C.Y. @ Unit Price in Words, c� 13 511 (A) REINFORCING STEEL, 3,300 LB. @ Unit Price in Words, 14 601(A-1) 12" TYPE I -A PLAIN REP RAP, 30 C.Y. @ S-201!-- Unit Price in Words, .9aj T is 601(A-2) FILTER BL4NKET, 16 C.Y. @ Unit Price in Words, fl�lq 16 601(E) FILTER FABRIC, 125 S.Y. @ Unit Price in Words, 17 609(B) 6" COMBINATION CURB AND GUTTER, MOUNTABLE, 723 L.F. @ $ Unit Price in Words, 0403 -- 00200 - Noe 4 of 17 f1m No. Spec. Bid Description Extension 18 61 O(A) 4' NCRETE SIDEWALK Unit Price in Words, G 19 610(B) H.E.S. CONCRETE DRIVEWAY REPLACEMENT, 132 S.Y. @ Unit Price in Words, —j 20 610(B) H.E.S. CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER, 85 S.Y. @ Unit Price in Words, 21 611 JUNCTION BOX W/RISER STRUCTURE NO. 2 (INCLUDES FRAME AND LID), I L.S. @ $ , amlo' Unit Price'in Words, S 22 611 JUNCTION BOX /RISER STRUCTURE NO. 3 (INCLUDES FRAME AND LID), I L.S. @ Unlit Price in Words, 23 611 maa 3'I.D. MANHOLE W/FRAME AND LED STRUCTURE NO, 5, 1 L.S. @ $ Unit Price in Words, 24 611 JUNCTION BOX W/RISER STRUCTURE NO. 6, 1 L.S. @ Unit Price inWords, ,EL,&0 —j" AA "A 25 611 6'I.D. MANHOLE W/FRAME AND LID STRUCTURE NO. 7, 1 L.S. @ Unit Price in Words, % % 0 $ 26 611 STRUCTURE NO. 10 CICI (DESIGN 2 B), I L.S. @ $ Unit Price in Words, — 0403 00200 - Page 5 or 17 I .. - I I—c.r rca. 1 9 W . W.— --,-& -qpr-Tu fu 's to r,ml No. Spec. Bid Description Extension 27 611 8'I.D. MANHOLE W/FRAME AND LID STRUCTURE NO. 12 & 13,2 EA. @ $ Unit Price in Words, 30 $ tag" 28 611 INLET RE CONSTRUCTION NO. I S(COMPLETE), I I,.& @ $ j'16—(COM—PLEZT 29 611 INLET RECt7STRUC110; Nth. #:E-24�T —IT— C Ujniltfric2—�m!—Words,G� 'r'Ttk%tAw -4 S-b 30 612 INLET STRUCTURE NO. 8, 1 L.S. Unit Price in Words, 64 --OaA 111;11;; 31 612(G) VALVE BOXES ADJUST TO GRADE, 4 EA. @ Unit Price in Words, 21 owl L 6onbr s 32 612(L) REMOVE AND RESET WATER METER, 8 EA @ 'Unit Price in Words, 719!9 33 613 INLET MODIFY EXISTING, STRUCTURE NTO.9,1 L.S. @ Unit Price in Words, 34 613(B) 30" CL III RCP WITH C 443 JOINTS, 401 L.F. @ $ (PS 2 Unit Price in Words, 35 613(B) WITH C 443 JOIN 36" CL III RCP ITS, 285 L.F. @ 85'®- Unit Price in Words, 0403 00200 - Page 6 of 17 A Pattrigr "hi BY (SEAL) (Firm Name) (General Partner) Business Address: Phone No: A —comp —oration KEYSTONF, SERVICES, INC. By: P.O. BOX 218 r Name) \. . —I (CORPORATESEAL) Attest: 0403 00200 - Page 16 of 17 . ..... ...., a — - „: , n r ".. ea n - .. ,� A — CJ C `Y oa 14 a f U A Joint )%eTi ie 0 By: (Name) (.Address) (�vamc) (Address) (Each joint venturer east sign. The Manner of signing for each individual, partnership and corporation that is a party to the joint venture should be in the, Manner indicated above.) 0403 00200 • Page 17 of 17 No. Spec. Bid Description Extension 36 613(B) 42" CL III RCP WITH C 443 JOINTS, 25 L.F. @ Unit Price in Words, $----cmtl 3-7 613(B) 48" CL Ill RCP WITH C 443 JOIlqTS, 207 L.F. @ -Unit Price in Words, 6AC- "-wA AD w 38 613(B) 66" CL III RCP WITH C 443 jorars, 219 L.F. @ $ ?� ?-'s -1 Unit Price in Words, 39 613(S) TRENCVXCAVATION, 1,868 C.Y @ Unit Price in Words, 40 613(T) STANDARD BEDDING MATERIAL, 1,068 C.Y. Unit Price in Words, a!�MV—!Zg - . %d-S yryp 41 614 HEADWALL FOR 66" RCP ON 89' ST, N. STRUCTURE NO. 1, 1 L.S. @ Unit Price in Words, ----------- 7 ------ 42 619(A) REMOVAL OF STRUCTURES AND OBSTRUCTIONS, I L.S. @ $ (' gsb. Unit Price in Words, -VRL(Z7% t-:ff PnWrY 95o - 43 629(E) REMOVE AND REPLACE BRICK MAILBOX, 10 EA. @ $ S6gNt�= --- A Unit Price in Words, $ 44 641 MO MO LIZATION, I @ $ 1 tt rice nWords, Z ®® 5Z c)u 0403 00240 - Pagc 7 0C 17 No. Spec. Did Description Extension 45 642 STAKING, I L.S. @ S b. �k Unit Price in111 � 110, Z�l 1:14 - — $ 46 880(D) `T FIC CONTROL, I L.S. 'it P r - e in Words, 47 SPECIAL MAINTENANCE GATE E.A. @ $ 110 — Q W"'o Unit Unit Price in Wpords, —all � �'� r S 48 SPECIAL TRENCH GRATE, STRUCTURE NO. 4, 1 L.S. @ Unit Price in Words, $ 49 SPECIAL TRENCH GRATE, STRUCTURE NO. 11, 1 L.S. @ S (--- Unit Price in Words,—Onk so SPECIAL SPECIA�INLV STRUCURE NO. 14, 1 L.S. 8^ — - !te�— Unit Price in Words, 05 SPECIAL WHEELCHAIR RAMP, 5 EA. @ Unit Price in Words $ SUBTOTAL DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS $ Lqq � • I �l �10' Z � 0403 00200 - Page 8 of 17 Im 57 WS31 I (F) 6" MEGALUG RESTRAINTS, 12 EA. GoFd. Unit Price in Words, 58 WS314(C) 3/4" CORPORATION STOP, 2 EA. @ S Unit Price in Words, 59 WS322(A) RESET WATER METER, 3/4" SERVICE, EX. TAP, COMPLETE, I EA. @$- ct� ? Unit Price in Words, $ 0403 00200 - Page 9 of 17 SUBTOTAL WATER LINE RELOCATION 61 WS301(A) IUGHT OF WAY CLEARM AND RESTORING, 0403 00200 -Page 10 of 17 Item No. Spec. Bid Description Extension SUBTOTAL SEWER RE LOCATION S 69 201 CLEARING AND GRUBBING, I L,S. q^ @ $ I SOO.— Unit Price in Words, 59�X 70 202(C) UNCLAS�JFIED EXCAVATION, 1,500 CM. @ $_j(a. Qb Unit Price in Words, woo- 71 230(A) SOLID SLAB BERMUDA SOD, 7,444 S.Y. @ Unit Price in Words, vpr j za (,D(o 72 232(A) SEEDING, PLACE BY METHOD "B", 2 AC, @ S Unit Price in Words jAb—r-�,%� 73 303 AGGREGATE BASE, TYPE A, 42 C.Y. @ Unit Price in Words, 0403 00200 -Page I F'Mj� I= 75 411(A) ASPHALT CONCRETE TYPE A, 33 TON @ Unit Price in Words, r—�;!rXj EA _;- 76 411 (C) A@ SPHALON T CONCRETE TYPE C, 17 TON $ Unit Price in Words, _--a S tc� 77 509(B) CLASS "A", CONCRETE, 103 C.Y. Unit Price in Words,' tc 78 511 (A) REINFORCING STEEL, 6,500 LB. @S kr Unit Price in Words, 79 609(B) 6" COMBINATION CURB AND GUTTER MOUNTABLE, 92 I—F. @ S - V-2- Unit Price in Words, $ 80 601(A-1) 12" TYPE I -A PLAIN RIP RAP, 55 C.Y. @ Unit Price in Words, 81 601 (A-2) FILTER BLANKET, 55 C.Y. @ Unit Price in Words, /®$ 0403 00200 - Page 12 of 17 0403 00200 o Page 13 of 17 SUMMARY SUBTOTAL WATER LINE RELOCATION S x; I. IN, WT, I@ F! $15,000. A. ITEM NO, 129, PROJECT ALLOWANCE, PROVIDES FUNDS FOR "EXTRA WORK" AS DEFINED IN ARTICLE 2 EXTRA WORK, SPECIAL PROVISIONS, .SECTION 00900, The allowance will be used only upon approval of the Engineer and the Owner's project representative. If a modification increases the amount of the work, and the added work or any part thereof is of a type and character which can property and fairly be classified under one or more items of the Proposal, then the added work or part thereof shall be paid for according to the amount actually done and at the applicable unit price. 0403 00200 - Page 14 of 17 The increase will be deducted from the total allowance. Otherwise, the allowance will tar paid based on a time and material basis based on the contractor's cost for direct labor, materials and equipment pleas 15 percent of direct costs in accordance with section 00900. The successful bidder shall submit, prior to use of the allowance, a list of equipment with hourly rates for the use of the said equipment under the allowance. The allowance is a rnam rnu m. 5. BIDDER agrees that the Work will be substantially complete within 120 calendar days after the date when the Contract Tinges commence to run as provided by the General Conditions and completed and ready for finial payment in accordance with the General Conditions within 120 calendar days after the date when the Contract Tinges cors,mence to rull. BIDDER accepts the provisions of the Agreement as to liquidated damages of $500.00 for each consecutive calendar day in the event of failure to complete the project. within 120 calendar days. 6. The following documents are attached to and made a condition of this Bid: A. Required Did Security in the form of Bid Bond, Section 00210. B. Statement of Bidder's Qualification, Section 00230; and C. All forms listed in Instructions to Bidders, and Section 001 10, The terms used in this Bid which are defined in the General Conditions of the Construction Contract included as part of the Contract Documents have the meanings assigned to them in General Conditions. COMPANY: f S®b �; at G% C- IF BIDDER IS: Ara Individual By: doing business as_ Business Address: Phone No: 0403 (Individual's Name) (SEAL) 00200 - Page 15 of 17 A Partnership By: (General Partner) Business Address: e A attwj (CORPORATE SEAL) Attest: `-J (Secretary) Business Address: KEYSTONE SERVICES, INC. BIXBY, OK 74008 Phone No: 918-366-4578 16MIJ 0403 00200 - Page 16 of 17 A Joint ` pnture By: - By: (Name) (Address) (Name) (Address) (Each joint venturer must sign, The manner of signing for each individual, partnership and corporation that is a party to the joint venture should be in the manner indicated above.) 0403 00200 - Page 17 of 17 i t! \' .!' T i r c f \ 11 00 MINE FROM. ANA STAGG, P.E. PUBIC WORKS DIRECTOR �!a DATE: January 6, 2006 In November 2004, following council approval of fiends for the construction of drainage improvements at Silver Creek in the amount of $300,000, city staff approved an Engineering Services Agreement with Meshek & Associates, Inc. for the design of Phase I of the recommended improvements in the amount of $25,000. The work included preparation of construction plans and specifications for upgrades to the existing conveyance system along North 141st East Avenue and construction of a new temporary detention pond to be located immediately north of The Village at Silver Creek. On March 28, 2005, Meshek & Associates, Inc. submitted an invoice for $10,399.82 as Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement for the performance of additional design and survey work beyond that specified for Phase I of improvements. The additional work was necessary as part of the easement negotiations for the construction of the temporary detention facility specified in Phase I of the work. In early May 2005, following the completion of easement negotiations for the construction of improvements, the scope of work was expanded to include all work necessary to remediate existing drainage problems at the Bradfords, Willows and Village of Silver Creek — Phase I and II of construction. Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement, in the amount of $64,600.18, became necessary for the performance of additional engineering and surveying services beyond that specified in the original Agreement. Such work includes additional hydrologic and hydraulic design, and preparation of construction plans and specifications for the necessary drainage Silver Creek Drainage Improvements Post -Design Engineering Services Page 2 of 3 improvements. Council considered and approved this amendment during its regular meeting of May 17, 2005. CONS'TRUC'TION PHASE ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT: The previously approved Engineering Services Agreement provided for hydrologic and hydraulic analysis and design for the full range of project components and improvements necessary to complete the project; design co-ordination with the Developer's Engineer and City staff for the G6on-site" portion of the project and preparation of all construction drawings, specifications and bidding documents for the "off -site" improvements. Additional engineering services after the completion of these documents were not included in the original agreement. The proposed Construction Phase Engineering Services Agreement is structured to include typical post -design engineering services associated with the actual construction process. For this project, these services would typically include: ® Assistance during bidding, pre -bid and utility co-ordination meetings ® Preparation of bid tabulation ® Bid analysis and recommendation of award of contract Assistance with pre -construction meeting ® Attend meetings with City staff and affected local landowners as required ® Provide correspondence with Silver Creek Homeowner's Association as requested throughout the construction process ® Provide additional hydrologic and hydraulic analysis as necessary and as related to the construction process ® Assist with approval of shop drawings, submittals, potential changes to design, consideration of possible change orders and field change directives and any other construction related services at the direction and discretion of City staff (including a weekly site visit) ® Preparation of record ("as -built") drawings — both digital and mylar media - following the completion of the Project. Meshek & Associates has submitted a proposal for a Construction Phase Engineering Services Agreement to perform these services for an amount not to exceed $30,000.00 (Attachment A). Silver Creek Drainage Improvements Post -Design Engineering Services Page 3 of 3 FUNDING: Funding for this project is included in the Fiscal Year 2004-2005 Sto�nwater Division Capital Outlay budget (01-370-54230) and Capital Improvement funds (40.-3 0-54230-034). RE COMMENDATIONS: Staff intends to recommend Council approval of the proposed Construction Phase Engineering Services Agreement with Meshek & Associates, Inc. (Sand Springs, Oklahoma) for the Silver Creek Drainage Improvements in the total amount of $30,000,00, A. Agreement for Engineering Services during Construction — Meshek and Associates, Inc. Owasso,Agreement for Engineering Services for the City of Oklahoma Silver Creek Stormwater Detention ;;Construction THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this ! day of _, between the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, a Municipal Corporation, of Oklahoma, hereinafter referred to as CITY, Meshek & Associates, Inc., hereinafter referred to as ENGINEER; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, CITY intends to construct a stormwater detention facility and drainage improvements, hereinafter referred to as the PROJECT; and, WHEREAS, CITY requires certain professional services in connection with construction of the PROJECT, hereinafter referred to as the SERVICES; and, WHEREAS, ENGINEER, is prepared to provide such SERVICES; WHEREAS, funding is available for the PROJECT through —NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: L SCOPE OF PROTECT, The scope of the PROJECT is described in Attachment A, SCOPE OF PROTECT, which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference as part of this AGREEMENT, 2, SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED BY ENGINEER. ENGINEER shall perform the SERVICES described in Attachment B, SCOPE OF SERVICES, which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference as part of this AGREEMENT. 3. CITY'S RESPONSIBILITIES. CITY shall be responsible for all matters described in Attachment C, RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CITY which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference as part of this AGREEMENT. 4. COMPENSATION. CITY shall pay ENGINEER in accordance with Attachment D, COMPENSATION, and further described in Attachment E, FEE/MANHOUR BREAKDOWN, which are attached hereto and incorporated by reference as part of this AGREEMENT. 5. SCHEDULE. ENGINEER shall perform the SERVICES described in Attachment B, SCOPE OF SERVICES in accordance with the schedule set forth in Attachment F, SCHEDULE, attached hereto and incorporated by reference as part of this AGREEMENT. 6. STANDARD OF PERFORMANCE. ENGINEER shall perform the SERVICES undertaken in a manner consistent with the prevailing accepted standard for similar services with respect to projects of comparable function and complexity and with the applicable laws and regulations published and in effect at the time of performance of the SERVICES. The PROJECT shall be designed and engineered in a good and workmanlike manner and in strict accordance with this AGREEMENT. All engineering work shall be performed by or under the supervision of Professional AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICE ABOC Engineers licensed in the State of Oklahoma, and properly qualified to perform such engineering services, which qualification shall be subject to review by CITY. Other than the obligation of the ENGINEER to perform in accordance with the foregoing standards, no warranty, either express or implied, shall apply to the SERVICES to be performed by the ENGINEER pursuant to this AGREEMENT or the suitability of ENGINEER'S work product, 7. LIMITATION OF RESPONSIBILITY. 7.1. ENGINEER shall not be responsible for construction means, methods, techniques, sequences, procedures, or safety precautions and programs in connection with the PROJECT. 72. The presence of ENGINEER's personnel at a construction site is for the purpose of providing to the CITY a greater degree of confidence that the completed construction work will conform generally to the construction documents and that the integrity of the design concept as reflected in the construction documents has been implemented and preserved by the construction contractor(s). 7.3. In soils, foundation, groundwater, and other subsurface investigations, the actual characteristics may vary significantly between successive test points and sample intervals and at locations other than where observations, exploration, and investigations have been made. Because of the inherent uncertainties in subsurface evaluations, changed or unanticipated underground conditions may occur that could affect total PROJECT cost and/or execution. These conditions and cost/execution effects are not the responsibility of ENGINEER. 7.4. Record drawings will be prepared, in part, on the basis of information compiled and furnished by others, and may not always represent the exact location, type of various components, or exact manner in which the PROJECT was finally constructed. ENGINEER is not responsible for any errors or omissions in the information from others that is incorporated into the record drawings. 7.5. ENGINEER's deliverables, including record drawings, are limited to the sealed and signed hard copies. Computer -generated drawing files furnished by ENGINEER are for CITY or others' convenience. Any conclusions or information derived or obtained from these files will be at user's sole risk. 8. OPINIONS OF COST AND SCHEDULE. 8.1. Since ENGINEER has no control over the cost of labor, materials, equipment, or services furnished by others, or over contractors', subcontractors', or vendors' methods of determining prices, or over competitive bidding or market conditions, ENGINEER'S cost estimates shall be made on the basis of qualifications and experience as a Professional Engineer. 8.2. Since ENGINEER has no control over the resources provided by others to meet construction contract schedules, ENGINEER'S forecast schedules shall AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICE A.DOC be made on the basis of qualifications and experience as a Professional Engineer. 9. LIABILITY AND INDEMNIFICATION. 9.1. ENGINEER shall defend and indemnify CITY from and against legal liability for damages arising out of the performance of the SERVICES for CITY, including but not limited to any claims, costs, attorney fees, or other expenses of whatever nature where such liability is caused by the negligent act, error, or omission of ENGINEER, or any person or organization for whom ENGINEER is legally liable. Nothing in this paragraph shall make the ENGINEER liable for any damages caused by the CITY or any other contractor or consultant of the CITY, 92 ENGINEER shall not be liable to CITY for any special, indirect or consequential damages, such as, but not limited to, loss of revenue, or loss of anticipated profits. 10. CONTRACTOR INDEMNIFICATION AND CLAIMS. 10.1. CITY agrees to include in all construction contracts the provisions of Articles 7.1, and 7.2, and provisions providing contractor indemnification of CITY and ENGINEER for contractor's negligence. 102. CITY shall require construction contractor(s) to name CITY and ENGINEER as additional insureds on the contractor's general liability insurance policy. 11. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS. In performance of the SERVICES, ENGINEER shall comply with applicable regulatory requirements including federal, state, and local laws, rules, regulations, orders, codes, criteria and standards. ENGINEER shall procure the permits, certificates, and licenses necessary to allow ENGINEER to perform the SERVICES. ENGINEER shall not be responsible for procuring permits, certificates, and licenses required for any construction unless such responsibilities are specifically assigned to ENGINEER in Attachment B, SCOPE OF SERVICES. 12. INSURANCE. 12.1. During the performance of the SERVICES under this AGREEMENT, ENGINEER shall maintain the following insurance: 12.1.1. General Liability Insurance with bodily injury limits of not less than $1,000,000 for each occurrence and not less than $1,000,000 in the aggregate, and with property damage limits of not less than $100,000 for each occurrence and not less than $100,000 in the aggregate. 12.1.2. Automobile Liability Insurance with bodily injury limits of not less than $1,000,000 for each person and not less than $1,000,000 for each accident and with property damage limits of not less than $100,000 for each accident. 12.1.3. Worker's Compensation Insurance in accordance with statutory requirements and Employers' Liability Insurance with limits of not less than $100,000 for each occurrence. AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICE ABOC 12.1.4. Errors and Omissions Insurance to remain in effect during the PROJECT and the term of any legal liability. Errors and Omissions coverage to be for a minimum of $1,000,000, deductibles subject to approval. 12.2. ENGINEER shall furnish CITY certificates of insurance which shall include a provision that such insurance shall not be canceled without at least 30 days written notice to the CITY. 13. OWNERSHIP AND REUSE OF DOCUMENTS. 13.1. All documents, including original drawings, estimates, specifications, field notes and data shall become and remain the property of the CITY, 1, 13.2. CITY'S reuse of such documents without written verification or adaptation by ENGINEER for the specific purpose intended shall be at CITY'S risk. 14. 'TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT. 14.1. The obligation to continue SERVICES under this AGREEMENT may be terminated by either party upon fifteen days written notice in the event of substantial failure by the other party to perform in accordance with the terms hereof through no fault of the terminating party. 14.2. CITY shall have the right to terminate this AGREEMENT, or suspend performance thereof, for CITY'S convenience upon written notice to ENGINEER; and ENGINEER shall terminate or suspend performance of SERVICES on a schedule acceptable to CITY. In the event of termination or suspension for CITY'S convenience, CITY shall pay ENGINEER for all SERVICES performed to the date of termination in accordance with provisions of Attachment D, COMPENSATION. Upon restart of a suspended project, ENGINEER's contract price and schedule shall be equitably adjusted. 15. NOTICE. Any notice, demand, or request required by or made pursuant to this AGREEMENT shall be deemed properly made if personally delivered in writing or deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, to the address specified below. To ENGINEER: Meshek & Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 636 20 West 2nd Street, Suite 200 Sand Springs, OK 74063 Attention: Janet K. Meshek, PE, CFM To CITY: CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA P.O. Box 180 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 Attention: Ana Stagg, PE 15.1. Nothing contained in this Article shall be construed to restrict the transmission of routine communications between representatives of ENGINEER and CITY. AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICE ADOC 16. UNCONTROLLABLE FORCES. Neither CITY nor ENGINEER shall be considered to be in default of this AGREEMENT if delays in or failure of performance shall be due to forces which are beyond the control of the parties; including, but not limited to: fire, flood, earthquakes, storms, lightning, epidemic, war, riot, civil disturbance, sabotage; inability to procure permits, licenses, or authorizations from any state, local, or federal agency or person for any of the supplies, materials, accesses, or services required to be provided by either CITY or ENGINEER under this AGREEMENT; strikes, work slowdowns or other labor disturbances, and judicial restraint. 17, SEVERABILITY. If any portion of this AGREEMENT shall be construed by a cog. A of competent jurisdiction as unenforceable, such portion shall be severed herefrom, and the balance of this AGREEMENT shall remain in. full force and effect. 1.8. INTEGRATION AND MODIFICATION. This AGREEMENT includes Attachments A, B, C, D, E, F and represents the entire and integrated AGREEMENT between the parties; and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, or agreements pertaining to the SCOPE OF SERVICES herein, either written or oral. CITY may make or approve changes within the general Scope of Services in this AGREEMENT. If such changes affect ENGINEER°s cost of or time required for performance of the services, an equitable adjustment will be made through an amendment to this AGREEMENT. This AGREEMENT may be amended only by written instrument signed by each of the Parties. 19. DISPUTE RESOLUTION PROCEDURE. In the event of a dispute between the ENGINEER and the CITY over the interpretation or application of the terms of this AGREEMENT, the matter shall be referred to the City's Director of Public Works for resolution. If the Director of Public Works is unable to resolve the dispute, the matter may, in the Director's discretion, be referred to the City Manager for resolution. Regardless of these procedures, neither party shall be precluded from exercising any rights, privileges or opportunities permitted by law to resolve any dispute. 20. ASSIGNMENT. ENGINEER shall not assign its obligations undertaken pursuant to this AGREEMENT, provided that nothing contained in this paragraph shall prevent ENGINEER from employing such independent consultants, associates, and subcontractors as ENGINEER may deem appropriate to assist ENGINEER in the performance of the SERVICES hereunder. 21. APPROVAL. It is understood and agreed that all work performed under this AGREEMENT shall be subject to inspection and approval by the Public Works Department of the City of. Owasso, and any plans or specifications not meeting the terms set forth in this AGREEMENT will be replaced or corrected at the sole expense of the ENGINEER. The ENGINEER will meet with the City staff initially and monthly thereafter and will be available for public meetings and/or City of Owasso presentations. 22. KEY PERSONNEL. In performance of the SERVICES hereunder, ENGINEER has designated Janet K. Meshek as Project Manager for the PROJECT. ENGINEER agrees that no change will be made in the assignment of this position without prior approval of CITY. AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICE A.DOC IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this AGREEMENT in multiple copies on the respective dates herein below reflected to be effective on the date executed by the Mayor of the City of Owasso. APPROVED: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney Mayor Date Meshek, PE, CFM AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICE ABOC OWN SCOI!EOF -PR FCT, The PROJECT shall consist of the assistance during bidding and QL� construction for drainage improvements in the Silver Creek subdivisions for the City of Owasso. AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES ATTACHMENT ABOC A-1 T, T. Engineering Services City of Owasso, Oklahoma The services to be performed by the ENGINEER, Meshek & Associates, Inc., under this AGREEMENT will consist of assistance during bidding and construction of the Project. Further, it is understood and agreed that the date of beginning, rate of progress, and the time of completion of the work to be done hereunder are essential provisions of this AGREEMENT; and it is further understood and agreed that the work embraced in this AGREEMENT shall commence upon execution of this AGREEMENT and receipt of Notice to Proceed. It is further understood that the PROJECT will be constructed in accordance with the City of Owasso design criteria and specifications for construction. B.1. Basic Services of ENGINEER. The basic services of the ENGINEER shall include, but are not limited to the following tasks: B.1.a) Assistance during bidding B.I-.b) Assist with pre -bid and utility coordination meetings B.1.c) Preparation of bid tabulation B.1.d) Recommend award of contract B.1.e) Assist with pre -construction meeting B.1.0 Attend meetings with City Engineers and affected landowners as required B.1.g) Provide correspondence with the Silver Creek Homeowner's Association as requested throughout the construction process. B.1.h) Assist with approval of shop drawings, potential changes to design, consideration of change orders and any other construction -related items at the direction and discretion of the City. B.1d) Preparation of as -built drawings following the completion of the Project. AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES ATTACHMENT BLOC B-1 ak, 0,1 W. -F ; , I MA - Engineering Ser City of :o Silver Creek Stormwater Detention Facility Construction Services , Oklahoma Attachment RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CITY, The CITY agrees: C.1 Repox°ts, Records, etc, To furnish, as required by the work, and not at expense to the ENGINEER: C.1.1 Records, reports, studies, plans, drawings, and other data available in the files of the CITY that may be useful in the work involved under this AGREEMENT. C.1.2 Standard construction drawings and standard specifications. C.1.3 ENGINEER will reasonably rely upon the accuracy, timeliness, and completeness of the information provided by CITY. C.2 Access. To provide access to public and private property when required in performance of ENGINEER's services. C.3 Staff Assistance. Designate in writing a person to act as its representative in respect to the work to be performed under this AGREEMENT, and such person shall have complete authority to transmit instructions, receive information, interpret and define CITY'S policies and decisions with respect to materials, equipment, elements and systems pertinent to the services covered by this AGREEMENT. C.3.1 Furnish staff assistance in locating, both horizontally and vertically, existing CITY owned utilities and in expediting their relocation as described in Attachment E. Further, CITY will furnish assistance as required in obtaining locations of other utilities, including "potholing". C.3.2 Furnish legal assistance as required in the preparation of bidding, construction and other supporting documents. C.4 Review. Examine all studies, reports, sketches, estimates, specifications, drawings, proposals and other documents presented by ENGINEER and render in writing decisions pertaining thereto within a reasonable time so as not to delay the services of ENGINEER. C`5 Construction Administration Phase. Review and take appropriate action on contractor shop drawings and material submittals, and review of contractor pay estimates. AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES ATTACHMENT C.DOC C-1 4 , MA Engineering Services City of Owasso, Oklahoma Silver C'reek Stormwater Detention Facility Construction Services 4 COMPENSATION. The CITY agrees to pay, as compensation for services set forth in Attachment B, the following fees, payable monthly as each Phase of the work progresses; and within 30 calendar days of receipt of invoice. ENGINEER shall submit monthly invoices based upon actual hours or work, invoiced according the Rate Schedule provided in ATTACHMENT E, completed at the time of billing. Invoices shall be accompanied by such documentation as the CITY may require in substantiation of the amount billed. D.1 Total Compensation. D.1.1 For the work under this project Attachment B, the total maximum billing including direct costs and subconsultant services shall be $26,000 (Twenty -Six Thousand and No Dollars) which amount shall not be exceeded without further written authorization by the CITY. D.2 Subconsultants and Other Professional Associates. Services of subcontractors and other professional consultants shall be compensated for at actual cost. D.3 Other Direct Costs. D.3.1 Travel and subsistence shall be compensated for at actual cost. Local travel by personal or firm automobile shall be compensated for at $375 per mile. D.3.2 Printing expenses shall be compensated for as shown in ATTACHMENT E.3. D.3.3 Any other direct costs shall be compensated for at actual cost. D.4 Additional Services. Unless otherwise provided for in any accepted and authorized proposal for additional services, such services shall be compensated for on the same basis as provided for in D.2 and D3. AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES ATTACHMENT D.DOC D-1 D.5 Terminated Services. If this AGREEMENT is terminated, ENGINEER shall be paid for services performed to the effective date of termination as follows: D.5.1 For hourly services as presented in D.2. D.6 Conditions of Payment. D -1 Progress payments shall be made in proportion to services rendered L'/.61 and expenses incurred as indicated within this AGREEMENT an(A4 shall be due and owing within thirty days of ENGINEER'S submittal of his progress payment invoices. D.6.2 If CITY fails to make payments due ENGINEER within sixty days of the submittal of any progress payment invoice, ENGINEER may, after giving fifteen days written notice to CITY, suspend services under this AGREEMENT. D.6.3 If the PROJECT is delayed, or if ENGINEER'S services for the PROJECT are delayed or suspended for more than ninety days for reasons beyond ENGINEER'S control, ENGINEER may, after giving fifteen days written notice to CITY, request renegotiation of compensation. AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES ATTACHMENT DDOC D-2 11 1 I'll, 16 Hourly Rates For: Meshek & Associates, Inc. Amount ($/hour): E.1 Allowance for Office Work: Labor billing will be computed as the actual hourly salary rate times a multiplier of 2.541. The multiplier consists of: Salary 1.000 Overhead 1.420 Subtotal 2.420 5%Profit 0.121 Total Multiplier 2.542 E.2 Travel Expense: Total mileage traveled for field and office visits x $0.37/mile E.3 Reproduction costs: E.3.1 Ili -house reproduction Copies $ 0.20/ each Prints $ 2.00/each 11 x 17 Color Prints $ 3.50/each Black and White Plots $18.00/each Color Plots $28.00/each E.3.2 Outside reproduction At Cost EA Miscellaneous expenses and fees: AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES ATTACHMENT EDOC A-1 ME Meshek & Associates, Inc. Silver Creek Drainage Improvements Construction Services December 1, 2005 Project Manager Project Engineer CADD Tech. / En r. Tech Clerical Construction -Related Services Assistance during bidding, pre -bid and utility coordination 43.5 0.0 18.5 14.5 Preparation of bid tabulation 4.0 _ 4.0 Recommend award of contract 2.0 Assist with re -construction meetin _ 4.0 _. Attend meetings with City Engineers and affected landowners as required assume monthly24.0 4.0 4.0 Provide correspondence with the Silver Creek Homeowner's Association as re uested throu hout the construction_process. Provide overall analysis and management of hydrologic/hydraulic considerations as related to construction progress. Assist with approval of shop drawings, potential changes to design, consideration of change orders and any other construction -related items at the direction and discretion of the City, including a weekly site visit. Preparation of as -built drawings following the completion of the Project. Subtotal 24.0 15.0 88.0 4.0 209.5 _ 24.0 _ 16.0 40.0 4.0 8.0 16.0 50.5 4.0 4 .0 24.0 4.0 58.5 AVG. HOURLY RATE $38.46 $28.85 $24.04 $14.35 TOTAL RAW LABOR $ 11,265.03 OVERHEAD TOTAL RAW LABOR X1.42 $ 15,996.35 TOTAL LABOR & OVERHEAD $ 27,261.38 PROFIT 5% $ 1,363.07 TOTAL LABOR -r OVERHEAD + PROFIT $ 28,624.45 DIRECT EXPENSES MILEAGE 1125 MILES $0.375 $ 421.88 MISCELLANEOUS REPRODUCTION $ 425.67 RIDGWAYS - PRINTING FOR BID SETS _ $ 425.00 TULSA COUNTY CLERK $ 3.00 RECORD DRAWINGS - MYLARS AND DIGITAL DRAWINGS 25 SHEETS 4.00 $ 100.00 SUBTOTAL $ 1,375.55 To Project Cost $ 30,000.00 1/4/2006 R:\04TUL01 \Rroposal.xls Attachment D-1 rkrirwurul TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUN*!,L' CITY OF OWASSO FROM: ERIC WJ[LES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR lip pi�11�p�li 11 DATE: January 39 2006 The staff has been directed to study the possibility of annexing certain property along East 96h Street North, between North 129"' East Avenue and North 145 th East Avenue. There are 19 properties included in the study, plus the 18 properties inside the Pleasant View subdivision and one other nearby property. The purpose of this memorandum is to transmit the staff s findings of the annexation study to the City Council. A map of the area is included as an attachment. The impetus for the annexation study is the recent history of attempts by the owners of the 19 subject properties to change the land use designations for their property. HISTORY OF SUBJECT PROPERTIES: DAVIDSON APPLICATION ® The first attempt occurred in June, 2005. Les and Sharon Davidson own 6.63 acres on the south side of East 96th Street North, immediately east of Nottingham Estates. The Davidsons asked the Owasso Planning Commission to annex their tract and to amend the Master Land Use Plan's designation for their tract from residential to future transitional (office) use. The Planning Commission voted to recommend approval of the annexation. Separately, after vigorous discussion during the public hearing by both applicants and concerned property owners, the Planning Commission voted to deny the request to amend the Master Plan. The annexation request was subsequently withdrawn by the Davidsons after the meeting. Neither item was forwarded or appealed to the Owasso City Council. OCTOBER TMAPC MEETING — In September, the Community Development Director and City Attorney met with Mr. John Moody, attorney for the owners of then 13 properties (later a total of 19 properties) along both the north and south sides of East 9e Street North, including the Davidsons' property. The purpose of the staff s meeting with Mr. Moody was to discuss and explore the possibility of beginning a process that would result in the eventual development of the properties for office use. During that discussion, the staffs recommendation remained that the future land use of the subject properties should be residential, not office. In short, the staff would not recommend a revision to the city's master plan that would allow for office uses on the K�� As a result of the city's position, the property owners applied for rezonings to the Tulsa Metropolitan Area Planning Commission (TMAPC). The TMAPC considered the requests on October 19, 2005. At the hearing conducted by the TMAPC, the rezoning requests were denied. DECEMBER TMAPC MEETING — Six additional properties, situated along North 136th East Avenue, similarly applied for a Tulsa County zoning designation of office use. The TMAPC denied their rezoning requests on December 7, 2005. DECEMBER BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEETING — The owners of the original 13 properties appealed the October TMAPC decision to the Tulsa County Board of Commissioners, who heard the appeal on December 19, 2005. During the appeal, the applications were modified somewhat to ask for 01, Office zoning on three of the subject properties (the original request was for OM Office zoning). Other modifications included small "buffer strips" along the property boundaries and some apparent bulk and area conditions designed to render the properties undevelopable absent a Planned Unit Development. At that hearing, the Board of County Commissioners voted to refer the applications back to both the City of Owasso and TMAPC. JANUARY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEETING — After the December 19'11 meeting, the city staff and TMAPC staff immediately began a process that would allow the case to be heard by both the Owasso Planning Commission and the TMAPC in the second week of February. Discouraged by the length of time consumed by the notification process, the property owners and Mr. Moody have now decided to remove their proposed modifications to the rezoning applications, and take the original applications back to the Board of County Commissioners by way of straight appeal. This appeal will be heard on January 9, 20W The State of Oklahoma has enacted statutes that allow a city, by ordinance, to add adjacent territory to its corporate limits and increase its area as the governing body deems desirable for the benefit of the city. A copy of the statutes is included as an attachment. CONSENTUAL ANNEXATION — In most cases, before a city may annex territory, it must obtain the written consent of the owners of at least a majority of the acres to be annexed to the municipality. The state law goes on to prescribe requirements for notice and a public hearing on the proposed annexation. However, there are two ways that a city can annex territory without having to obtain consent for a majority of the acres. ANNEXATION OFTRACTS LESS THAN FIVE ACRES EACH — If the territory to be annexed is subdivided into tracts or parcels of less than five acres and contains more than one residence, then the city is not required to obtain consent for a majority of the acres. THREE -SIDED ANNEXATION — The second type of annexation where consent is not required is one where three sides of the territory to be annexed are adjacent or contiguous to the property already within the city limits. In this type of annexation, the adjacent city property on each side must be at least 300 feet wide at its narrowest point (excluding adjacent right-of-way). ANNEXATION SERVICE PLAN — Before the city publishes and mails public notice of the annexation hearing, the city must prepare a plan to extend municipal services including, but not limited to, water, sewer, fire protection, law enforcement and the cost of such services appropriate to the proposed annexed territory. This annexation service plan must be made a part of the city's capital improvements plan, and the plan must be implemented within 120 months (10 years). The staff finds that, using the guidance of the Oklahoma Statutes, the City of Owasso could annex 18 of the 19 subject properties without being required to obtain consent for the annexation of a majority of the acres included within those properties. PROPERTIES SOUTH OF EAST 96 TI STREET NORTH — The City of Owasso could annex the six properties located on the south side of 9el Street by way of the three sided type of annexation. These six properties are separated into two groups of three by Nottingham Estates. The three -sided annexation of these properties would meet the requirement that the adjacent city territory has to be at least 300' wide. If the City of Owasso were to annex the properties on the south side of East 9e Street North, the City would be required to include the Pleasant View Estates subdivision in that annexation. This inclusion would mean that this western set of properties is bounded on three sides by Owasso corporate limits. The staff has not contacted every resident in Pleasant View, however, three households in that subdivision have indicated an interest in being annexed by Owasso. Also, the City would be required to include a 5-acre tract cast of Nottingham Estates. This inclusion would mean that the eastern set of properties is bounded on three sides by Owasso corporate limits. The tract is owned by Mr. Jesse Jara. The staff has been in recent contact with Mr. Jara about a separate planning issue, and it is the staff s belief that Mr. Jara would be willing to consider the annexation of his property, especially if the City of Owasso is willing to make some repairs to East 93 rd Place North. PROPERTIES NORTH OF EAST 96 TI STREET NORTH — The City of Owasso could annex twelve of the thirteen properties located on the north side of 96t" Street because those twelve properties are each less than five acres in size and there is more than one residence located within the area that would be annexed. The property that would not be able to be included in an annexation without consent is the 6.35- acre Thompson property, located at the east end of the properties to be considered for annexation, 1/4-mile west of North 145 1h East Avenue. Since March 1, 1988 the City of Owasso has used an annexation policy to guide its decisions and recommendations relating to annexing new territory into Owasso. Since that time, Owasso has only considered annexations that were brought by property owners, and has not attempted to forcibly annex territory. This policy has six stated guidelines as well as a disclaimer that they should not be construed as inflexible requirements for annexation. A copy of the annexation policy is included as an attachment. The guidelines are as follows: ® 20-acre properties or larger are preferable. * Only properties contiguous to the city limits should be considered. * Properties should be annexed into the city with an AG (Agricultural) zoning designation. * All public infrastructure should be brought to City standards prior to annexation. * The City should not annex right-of-way when it lies adjacent to land to be annexed. ® Properties rejected for annexation should not be considered for annexation for a six month period after rejection by the City Council. I I I It is the staff s findings that the 19 properties under consideration for annexation (plus Pleasa View Estates) are a part of the Owasso community and ought to be a part of the Owasso incorporated area. After all, the residents who live in this territory shop in Owasso, go to chur in Owasso, are part of the Owasso school district, have the Owasso zip code, and in large part consider themselves to be contributing parts of Owasso. I Now, Tulsa County is presented with an opportunity to shape the future of this area simply because the city limits boundary happens to be where it is. The policy makers of Tulsa County are not as familiar with the needs and concerns of the subject properties and the surrounding area as the City of Owasso is. Current state law allows Owasso to annex 18 of the 19 subject properties, along with Pleasant View Estates and the Jara property, without having to obtain consent for a majority of the acreage. The staff finds that two ordinances, one for the properties on the south side of 96th Street and one for the properties on the north side of 96th Street, would be required to annex the territory. Owasso would have to prepare an annexation services plan as part of the annexation process, and this plan would have to be implemented as part of the Capital Improvements plan within ten years. Owasso fire and ambulance service already serve the area. Police, Refuse and Community Development services would extend to the territory immediately upon annexation. Water lines are in place and currently serve the area. Sewer mains could be extended to the properties at the owners' request and expense. The roads and stormwater drainage systems within the territory are not currently improved to city standards, therefore, the City of Owasso could choose to either maintain them to the levels of their current condition or the City of Owasso could upgrade the roads and stormwater drainage systems. An example of an annexation services plan, from the City of Stillwater, is included as an attachment. Owasso's current annexation policy would recommend against the annexation of the subject properties because the infrastructure is not up to city standards, and the forcible nature of the annexation would go against Owasso's practice of voluntary -only annexations for the last 18 years. Since the policy is 18 years old, and much change in growth has occurred in Owasso during that time, the staff is initiating a separate discussion at the inter -department level to investigate updating the policy. The staff intends to recommend that the City of Owasso pursue the annexation of 18 of the 19 subject properties plus Pleasant View Estates and the 5-acre tract owned by Mr. Jara. Pending the outcome of the January 9 Board of County Commissioners meeting, it may be prudent for this specific annexation effort to wait until the City of Owasso has an opportunity to address its long-term annexation objectives through the annexation policy discussion (should the County Commissioners deny the appeal). ATTACHMENTS: 1. Map 2, Annexation policy 3. State law 4. Stillwater's annexation set -vice plan Owasso Coininunity Development Department I I I N. main St. Owasso, OK 74055 918.376.1500 918.376.1597 www.cityof0wasso.com WIN UMD ��� �� �� City «� Owasso Community Development Department IllNorth Dlaiz P.O. Box 180 0-wnmoo' Oklahoma 74055 Phone: (yl8)376-1540 Fax: (0l0)376-l597 ANNEXATION POLICY The following annexation policy for the City of Owasso is provided as a guideline and Should not be construed as inflexible requirements for annexation. I . While there is no minimum tract size, properties of larger than 20 acres are preferable, 2' All properties should becontiguous to existing City limits. 3' All properties should be annexed into the City limits aathe lowest zoning classification, that is, Agricultural (AG). Landowners may then petition for rezoning if they desire further development of their property. All legal uses annexed into the City will be |egm|, but non- oonfooning, which means that they may continue but cannot be expended without proper zoning. 4. All public infrastructures that do not meet City standards will not be improved bythe City until brought tothe <�ih/standard and accepted bythe City Council. Such public facilities must be improved at owners expense by the establishment of special assessment district or some other financing method. 5. Where aCity limit boundary ends at dedicated street, the boundary will not include the � street right-of-way. This policy will establish consistence and o/|ovv City employees and citizens toknow where the City boundaries are. 8. Properties that are rejected for annexation should not be considered for annexation for a six month period after rejection bythe City Council. Adopted by City Council on March 1, 1988, — — I - ­.- ­­­­ ­­.—Y Lv 1vt.t.4111u1Val —,till La. r-dgr, I U1 I Title -!'I, Cjtj,*�,:s and Tovvns The municipal governing body by ordinance may add to the municipality territory adjacent or contiguous to its corporate limits and increase or diminish the co . rporate limits as the governing body deems desirable for the benefit of the municipality. Laws 1977, c. 256, § 21-101, eff, July 1, 1978. Oklahoma Attorney General's Opinions Cite Name Level 200120KAG 115. Question Submitted The Honorable B District25 - 1981 OK ING 284, Question Submitted logy Th Ora IG N k1ahorna House of Representatives, House of Reoresentatives 19 80 - K A G 1. 6, CQuestion Suiornitted Th onorablo Georcg )yeaL _--by e 9 _q_N orof ffi�� State ()fQk homa.Governorofth Stateof(DI(lahoma -be Oklahoma Court of Civil Appeals Cases Cite Name Level 200- IV APP 5� - , 11.1 P.3d WILLIAMS .,. F TOIAIN OSALIN;� 482, Oklahoma Supreme Court Cases Cite Name Level 2004OK60, 1,02 P,3d 120, IN RE DE -ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY cR0,Ad THE CFFY OF SPNIINOLE 19KPK61, 610 P.2d.243, ReforendurnPPtiflon'liedvMin CtyClerkof Norman on,januarv3l 1_i� M101 IN tte. None Found. http://www.osen.net/applications/oscn/deliverdocument.asp?citelD=760I0 12/27/2005 OSCN Found DocumentAnnexation of Territory Separated by Railway or Intervening St... Page I of I 1.) A.4Md)AAJ Li SCNTHE OKLAHOMA STATE COURTS NETWORI 71"I'l,el -4.1, C itk,, s d TO,rims Where any territory to be annexed is separated from the corporate limits of the municipality only by a railway right- of-way, or an intervening strip less than four (4) rods wide, or a highway right-of-way, the territory shall be considered adjacent or contiguous to the municipality. Historical Data Laws 1977, c. 256, § 21-102, eff. July 1, 1978; Amended by Laws 1999, c. 220, § 1, eff. November 01,1999 (SU1`Sqf t 1. J@,d-dQ,CLlrnen1 available', Citationizer°Summary of Documents Citing This Document Oklahoma Attorney General's Opinions Cite Name Level 1986 OK AG ; 1 Submi Hono le Georq - ttq-d�T -The r10 tat Se _of— aho , Govarjorof the State oi Oklahoma v - Oklahoma Court of Civil Appeals Cases Cite Name Level 2005 OK CIV,-APP 34, 1 1, 4 P.3d VVII-LIAMS v- TOWN OF SAI IAA, 482, Oklahoma Supreme Court Cases Cite Name Level 2001 OK 9 '1, 50 P.3d 208, 72 OBi CITY OF CLARENIORE v, TOVVNI Q- VERDIGRIS 2004 OK 60, 102 P. d -120, IN RE: DE -ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN REAL PRO PER r' FRO V THE CITY OF SENIIN01LE None Found. http://www.oscn.not/applications/oscn/deliverdocument.asp?citelD=7601 1 12/27/2005 ®SCN Found Document:Cities - Annexation by Governing Body Action - t,onsent or tJYY... ragc 1 vi �M [",ties["Ifles arxJ rn -s A. Before the governing body of a city may annex any territory adjacent or contiguous to the city, it must obtain the written consent of the owners of at least a majority of the acres to be annexed to the municipality and provide for notice and a public hearing on the proposed annexation of the territory in the manner provided in subsection B of this section; except that no such consent is needed where: 1. The territory to be annexed is subdivided into tracts or parcels of less than five (5) acres and contains more than one residence; or 2. Three sides of the territory to be annexed are adjacent or contiguous to the property already within the Municipal limits if: a. the adjacent property on each side constitutes an area in width greater than three hundred (300) feet at its narrowest point excluding a roadway or right-of-way that is adjacent or contiguous to the territory, b. the municipal governing body makes findings that the annexation furthers municipal purposes relating to airports, spaceports and military installations and such findings are included in the public hearing provided for in subsection ® of this section, or c. prior to the effective date of this act, the municipality has directed that notice be published in accordance with subsection B of this section. E3. The governing body shall provide the notice and public hearing required in subsection A of this section in the following manner: 1. The governing body of the municipality shall direct that notice of the proposed annexation of the territory be published in a legally qualified newspaper of general circulation in, the territory and shall describe the boundaries of the territory proposed to be annexed by reference to a map, geographical locations, legal or physical description or other reasonable designation. The notice shall state the date, time, and place the governing body shalt conduct a public hearing on the question of annexing the territory. The notice shall be published in a legal newspaper of general circulation in the territory sought to be annexed within fourteen (14) days following the date the governing body directed the notice to be published; 2. A, copy of the notice of annexation shall be mailed by first-class mail to all owners of property to be annexed as shown by the current year's ownership rolls in the office of the county treasurer and to all owners of property abutting any public right-of-way that forms the boundary of the territory proposed to be annexed; provided that the notice of annexation shall be mailed by certified mail to every person who owns a parcel of land of five (5) acres or more used for agricultural purposes; and http://www.osen.net/applications/osen/deliverdocument.asp?citelD=438847 12/27/2005 USUN Found Document:C;ities - Annexation by CJoverning body Action - Consent of Uw... Yage z of i 3. The public hearing of such annexation shall be held no earlier than fourteen (14) days nor more than thirty (30) days following the publication and mailing of the notice. 1C. Unless otherwise provided by law, a roadway or road right -of --way that is adjacent or contiguous to the territory to be annexed shall be considered a part and parcel to the territory to be annexed. IJ. Before ;any territory is annexed to a municipality, without the written consent of the owners of at least a majority Of the acres to be annexed to the municipality in accordance with subsection A of this section, the governing body of the municipality shall direct that notice of the proposed annexation of the territory be published in a legally qualified newspaper of general circulation in the territory and shall hold a public hearing on the proposed annexation. Prior to the publication of notice, the municipality shall prepare a plan to extend municipal services including, but not limited to, water, sewer, fire protection, law enforcement and the cost of such services appropriate to the proposed annexed territory. The plan shall provide that the municipality complete the implementation of the plan in accordance with any existing capital improvement plan applicable to the portion of the municipality adjacent to the territory proposed to be annexed. If no such capital improvement plan has been adopted, the municipality shall complete the service plan within one hundred twenty (120) months from the date of annexation unless a different time is determined by consensus between property owners and the municipality at the hearing. The time for completion of the service plan shall be set forth in the ordinance annexing the territory. If municipality services are not substantially complete within the prescribed time, then the territory shall be detached by the governing -body as provided in Section 21-110 of this title. For purposes of this subsection, services may be Provided Pay any method or means available to the municipality to extend municipal services to any other area of the city. Such notice, hearing and plan shall be subject to the following provisions: 1. The notice shall describe the boundaries of the territory proposed to be annexed by reference to a map, geographical locations, legal or physical description or other reasonable designation and shall state that the Proposed service plan is available for inspection at a specified location. The notice shall state the date, time, and Place when the governing body shall conduct a public hearing on the question of annexing the territory. The notice shall be published in a legal newspaper of general circulation in the territory sought to be annexed within fourteen (14) days following the date the governing body directed the notice to be published. A copy of the notice Of annexation shall be mailed by first-class mail to all owners of property to be annexed as shown by the current year's ownership rolls in the office of the county treasurer and to the Department of `transportation for purposes of clarifying any road maintenance responsibilities; provided that the notice of annexation shall be mailed by certified Mail to every person who owns parcel of land of five (5) acres or more used for agricultural purposes and to the board of county commissioners of the respective county where the proposed annexation is located. If the territory to be annexed encroaches upon any adjacent county, a copy of the notice of annexation shall be mailed by first- class mail to the board of county commissioners of the adjacent county and of the county where the proposed annexation is located; 2. The public hearing of such annexation shall be held no earlier than fourteen (14) days nor more than thirty (30) days following the publication and mailing of the notice; and 3. The proposed service plan shall be available for inspection and be explained to the property owners of the territory to be annexed at the public hearing. The plan may be amended through negotiation at the hearing. The final service plan shall be incorporated into and made part of the ordinance annexing the territory. E. As used in this section: 1. "Airport" means any facility owned by any legal entity or by a county, a municipality or a public trust having at least one county or municipality as its beneficiary which is used primarily for the purpose of providirl air transportation of persons or goods or both by aircraft powered through the use of propellers, turboprops, jets or similar propulsion systems; 2. "Military installation" means those facilities constituting the active or formerly active bases owned by the Department of Defense or other applicable entity of the United States government or by any entity of local govemment after transfer of title to such installation; and 4ttp:/lv4ww.oscn.net/applications/oscn/deliverdocument. asp? 6te1D=43 8847 12/27/2005 "NUN P0uo&Lkxcucoen1:Uitieo-Annexation Dy(z0Yeoungb0OyAction -i0omentotL/vv..rage j0[j F. Except for ordinances enacted pursuant to Section 43-1U1.iofthis title, parcels of land five (5) acres mmore lused for agricultural purposes annexed into the municipal limits on or after July 1, 2003, shall be exempt from ordinances restricting land use and building construction to the extent such land use or construction is related to �gricultural purposes. Where there is no residence within fifty (50) feet of the boundaries of such a parcel of land, the property shall not be subject to ordinances regulating conduct that would not be an offense under state law; Provided, that any such property that discharges into the municipal vvmter.vvaatevvoter.nraevvorayetonnshaUbe Subject to any ordinances or regulations related to compliance with environmental standards for that system. G, Parcels of land situated within an area that is or may be subject to any form of land use or other regulatory nontno|aaaresuKofproxinitytoanairpud'mpaoeportornnilitmryinste|laUonshaUnmdbeexernptfronnnnunicjpe| 'Ordinances or other laws regulating property for the purpose of operations necessary for the use of an airport, -9Aocopod or military installation and such parcels of land shall be Subject to all ordinances enacted pursuant to �ochon431-101.1ofthis title. 4storical Data Laws 1977.c. 258'§ 21403, eff. July 1. 1878;Amended byLaws 1979.o.44. §5.ameqg. ef. April 9, 1979; Amended byLaws 198O.c197,§1.enm*rg.ef[May 10'19QO;Amended byLaws 2D03.SB.274.o. 236.§1. emerg.ef[July 1,2D03 document ; Amended byLaws 2004.HB20M6.c.78.§1.mf[ November 1.2O04;Amended byLaws 2O04`HB2353.o. 514.§ 2'efiNovember 1.2OU4(repealed by Laws 2Om.1-1132060,c.1.§3,emnaqg. ef[March 15.28O5);Amended byLaws 2O04,SIB Q05.o.52*,§1.ef[ November 1.2U04;(superseded Culne]t available Amended byLaws 2O0G.HB2O0U,n.i.§2.mnnerg.ef[ yNarch15'2O05 abke). Citationizmr'��'Summary of Documents Citing This Document mmnmonmSupreme Court Cases Cite munm Level 2804 C) K 60.102-R&IU28. ois,;'ineou CITY OF SEN111\110LE Citatiom��r.Table of Authority None Found. u��lN vnuuOL/mcuooeoz:/owns -­x-nocxuuuooymwvuill /1�oouyuuuux/-czuuu�gnyzz'� rage 1cu� SCNTHE OKLAHOMA STATE COURTs NETWORK B]Semtion 21-104~Towns ~Annexation by Governing BodV Action ~Hearing by Board of County Commissioners A. The town board of trustees by Ordinance may annex lots which are adjacent or contiguous to the town if the lots have been platted and recorded in the office of the county clerk. The governing body shall provide notice and a public hearing in the following manner: 1.The governing body of the municipality shall direct that notice of the proposed annexation of the territory be published in a legally qualified newspaper of general circulation in the territory and shall describe the boundaries ofthe territory proposed to be annexed by reference to a map, geographical locations, legal or physical description or other reasonable designation. The notice shall state the date, firne, and place the governing body sl�all conduct a public hearing on the question of annexing the territory. The notice shall be published in a legal newspaper of general circulation in the territory sought to be annexed within fourteen (14) days following the date the governing body directed the notice to be published; 2,A copy of the notice of annexation shall be mailed by first-class mail to all owners of property to be annexed as s�own by the current year's ownership rolls in the office of the county treasurer and to all owners of property rotice of annexation shall be mailed by certified mail to every person who owns a parcel of land of five (5) acres a more used for agricultural purposes; and 1. The xublic hearinw of such annexation shall be held no earlier than fourteen 1�1 411, cl&is nor more than thidMf=, dys following the publication and mailing of the notice. E.When thebownboard of trustees desires toannex any territory adjacent tothe town which has not been platted od recorded, the town board of trustees shall direct that notice of the proposed annexation of the territory be tublished in a legal newspaper of general circulation in the territory and shall hold a public hearing on the roposed annexation.Unless otherwise provided bylaw, nroadway orroad right-of-way that ior ontiguous to the territory to be annexed shall be considered a part and parcel to the territory to be annexed. Prior j) the publication of notice, the town board of trustees shall prepare a plan to extend appropriate town services, hc|uding' but not limited to, water, sewer, fire protection, law enforcement and the cost ofsuch services tnthe /ropnuodannexed territory. The plan shall provide that the town board of trustees shall complete the ,riplementation of the plan in accordance with any exisfing capital improvement plan applicable to the portion of bmtown adjacent tothe territory proposed toboannexed. |fnosuch capitalimprovement plan has been adopted, xetown shall complete the service plan within one hundred twenty (120) months from the date of annexation inless a different time is determined by consensus between property owners and the town at the hearing. The �ne for completion of the service plan shall be set forth in the ordinance annexing the territory. If the town ;ervices are not substantially complete within the prescribed bme, then the territory shall be cletachedd by the /mvernin0body aaprovided inSection 21-11Oofthis title. For purposes ofthis subsection, services nay be )rovided by any method or means available to the town that have been used to extend such services to any other )rmeofthe town. Such notice, hearing, and plan shall be subject tothe following provisions: n�CN P0uoUL}ocumeot1owns - Annexation UyL/nven)/ngbody Action - Hearing hvB' Page 20t3 l.The notice shall describe the boundaries of the territory proposed to be annexed by reference toamap, geographical location, legal or physical description, or other reasonable designation and shall state that the Proposed service plan is available for inspection at a specified location. The notice shall state the date, time, and Place the town board of trustees shall conduct a public hearing on the question of annexing the territory. The notice shall be published in a legal newspaper of general circulation in the territory sought to be annexed within fourteen (14) days following the date the town board of trustees directed the notice to be published. A copy of the notice of annexation shall be mailed by first-class mail to all owners of property to be annexed as shown by the current year's ownership rolls in the office of the county treasurer and to the Department of Transportation for Purposes of changing any road maintenance responsibility; provided that the notice of annexation shall be mailed by certified mail to every person who owns parcels of land of five (5) acres or more used for agricultural purposes ;40dtothe board of county commissioners of the respective county where the proposed annexation is located. If the territory to be annexed encroaches upon any adjacent county, a copy of the notice of annexation shall be Mailed by first-class mail to the board of county commissioners of the adjacent county and of the county where the proposed annexation ialocated; 2. The public hearing of such annexation shall be held no earlier than fourteen (14) days nor later than thirty (30) clays following the publication and mailing cfthe notice; and 3. At the public hearing, the proposed service plan shall be available for inspection and be explained to the 0roperty owner's of the territory to be annexed. The plan may be amended through negotiation at the hearing. The final service plan shall be incorporated into and made part of the ordinance annexing the territory, C. A town board of trustees shall not annex any territory which has an assessed valuation greater than the �annesseovaluation orthe town without the written consent mrthe owner orowners oiat least amajority ofthe �aonaoto be annexed to the town. 0. As used in subsection F of this section: 1, "Airport" means any facility owned by any legal entity or by a county, a municipality or a public trust having at least one county ormunicipality as its beneficiary which inused primarily for the purpose ofproviding air transportation of persons or goods or both by aircraft powered through the use of propellers, turboprops, jets or z-linni|orpropu|sion systems; 2. "Military installation" means those facilities constituting the active or formerly active bases owned by the UbpmdnnentofDefense orother applicable ufthe United States government orbvany entity o/local !government after transfer oftitle tosuch installation; and :3. "Spaceport" means any area as defined pursuant to Section 5202 of Title 74 of the Oklahoma Statutes. E.Except for ordinances enacted pursuant hoSection 43- 01j ofthis title, parcels nfland five (5)onireaormore Used for agricultural purposes annexed into the municipal limits onorafter the effective date ofthis act shall be exerript from ordinances restricting land use and building construction to the extent such land use or construction inrelated toagricultural purposes. Where there innoresidence within fifty (50)feet nfthe boundaries ofsuch a parcel of land, the property shall not be subject to ordinances regulating conduct that would not be an offense Nndoratote |ovv; provided that any such property that discharges into the municipal wotar, vvaotawotor. or sewer �ystem shall be subject to any ordinances or regulations related to compliance with environmental standards for that system. F.Parcels ofland situated within enarea that ksormay besubject toany form ofland use orother regulatory control as a result of proximity to an airport, spaceport or military installation shall not be exempt frorn municipal ordinances or other laws regulating property for the purpose of operations necessary for the use of a n airport, spaceport or military installation and such parcels of land shall be subject to all ordinances enacted pursuant to Section 43-1O1.1ofthis title. USA N round Document- Towns -Annexation by (joveming 13ody Action - Hearing by B... Fagejot-3 Lays 1977, c. 256, § 21-104, eff. July 1, 1978; Amended by Laws 1998, c. 331, § 1, eff. November 1, 1998 (., �(jp 1-1 ��fseide.d 'loctiment available) -, Amended by Laws 2004, SB 851, c. 17, § 1, emerg. off. July 1, 2004; Ampanded by Laws 2004, HB 2666, c. 79, § 2, eff. November 1, 2004 (repealed by Laws 2004, SB 905, c. 528, § 3, off. November 1, 2004); Amended by Laws 2004, HB 2353, c. 514, § 3, eff. November 1, 2004 (repealed by LaWs 2005, HB 2060, c. 1, § 5, emerg. eff. March 15, 2005); Amended by Laws 2004, SIB 905, c. 528, § 2, eff, November 1, 2004 ( superseded docurnent available); Amended by Laws 2005, HB 2060, c. 1, § 4, emerg. eff. March 15, 2005 ( 1 supD od djocurnent available _m e-d-, Chgtionizer� Summary of Documents Citing This Document None Found. Citationizer. Table of Authority None Found. ',tp://www.osen.net/applications/osen/deliverdocument.asp?citelD=438523 12/27/2005 WN Found Document: Annexation by Petition - -Notice - cost - governing oo(iy brain... r ugu r of i SCNTHE OKLAHOMA STATE. COURTS NETWOR i ie ,t , Citlos and To,p ns. At least three -fourths of the registered voters and the owners of at least three -fourths (in value) of the property in Einy territory adjacent or contiguous to the municipality may request annexation by signing and filing a petition with the governing body of the municipality. The petitioners must give notice of the presentation of the petition by Publication at least once each week for two (2) successive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the Municipality where the petition has been presented. The municipality may pay the cost of the annexation Proceedings. After the notice of the petition has been given, the governing body by ordinance may annex the territory to the municipality. Nstor®ca! Data Citationlze?��' Summary of Documents Citing This Document Oklahoma Attorney General's Opinions Cite Name 15, Question Sufi-i te_3 by The Honnra�le_� cny_CaiCiUVP,I? t�ltlz7h���a House of ouse of Representatives Oklahoma Court of Civil Appeals Cases Cite Name 1985 OK CIV f'-.r ' 5, 700 P.2d Geor e r T ,vn of Searden 1n�u- Oklahoma Supreme Court Cases Cite Name 2001 OK 91, 5,0 'P3d 208, 72 OBJ CITY OF CLAR 4l Q.L v TOANNI O VE:R" t,R15 2002 OK 29, 80, 49 P.3d ------ -- -- - oJBI_ tc SER11JICE co._OF OKI �;!-�c:j�IA v._NOR Hi�ASTERN oKLAHOM-A ELECTRIC COOPyir�C_ ^_<00M OK 60, 102_P. d 120, IN RE: DE -ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN F{Er\'__ ROPER-r( FR :J;>t1.Ti I_E CI?'( CF 5Ei4ilAICL� None Found. Level http://www.oscn.tict/applications/oscn/deliverdocument. asp? cited-76014 12/27/2005 (JSCN Found Document:-F ai lure to Urant Kequest in Annexation retition - rising III IJISLI I... FdbU I UL I V--- — --------------------------- — ------- SCN-T-H---E---O----K---LA-HO-MA STATE COURTS NETWORK Tjtj-- 11Cit'je-s and Totvns If the governing body fails to grant the request contained in a petition for annexation within thirty (30) days after the last publication of the notice, or refuses to grant the request,, the petitioners may file their petition with the clerk of the district court in the county in which the sitUs of the municipal government is located. Notice of the filing shall be served upon the mayor together with a notice of the time and place that the district court will hear the petition. The notice must be given at least ten (10) days before the date of the hearing. The hearing on the petition may be held at a regular or special term of the district court or by the court in vacation. Laws 1977, c. 256, § 21-106, eff. July 1, 1978. Citationizer°Summary of Documents Citing This Document Oklahoma supreme court cases Cite Name Level 9983 OK 44, 662. P,2d 'I -s75, De.-Afin of Ceffain R I Pro2�erty,M kf Citationizer. Table of Authority None Found. http J/www.osen.net/applications/osen/deliverdocument.asp?cited=76015 12/27/2005 ()SCN Found Document -.Lands Platted for Educational or Uharitawe Institutions - ,vnnex... ral,-D,u i ui i ok 0­ M rel X rM f A F WPT� -11-ifle I'L Citi-s and 'rowns When any lands adjacent to the corporate limits of any Municipality have been surveyed and platted into lots and blocks for the purpose of being sold in whole or in part to establish, build or maintain any religious, fraternal,, or benevolent school, college, home or other educational or charitable institution, these lands may not be annexed to the municipality without a petition requesting annexation first being signed and filed by at least a majority of the resident owners of the lands to be annexed. BUIRTM.Prom laws 1977, c. 256, § 21-108, eff. July 1, 1972 Cita tionizer© Summary of Documents Citing This Document Oklahoma Attorney General's Opinions Cite Name Level (DUf'stion Submitte by: Th _ he ---d HomImble.-Bob.-Plunk , St a�, District -?J5 None Found. http://www.oscn.net/applications/oscn/deliverdocument.asp?citelD=76016 12/27/2005 T iVe 11 � cities and T wj�n'15 Oklahoma Statutes Citationized Title 1® Cities and Towns `chapter I AMunicipal Code Article Article XXI MMSection 21-109 -Taxation of Annexed Territory. A, Tracts of land in excess of forty (40) acres which are annexed to a municipality and used for industrial or Commercial purposes shall not be subject to municipal taxes. Tracts of annexed land in excess of five (5) acres 'Which are used by persons engaged in farming or ranching, and all farm animals and livestock, and all agricultural i Mplements and machinery and household goods located on the,land, shall not be subject to municipal taxes Unless the municipality furnishes services to these tracts as are ordinarily furnished to municipal residents. No land which is used for agricultural purposes may be taken within the limits of a town and taxed at a greater rate than land which is adjacent to but outside the town limits. 13. On any annexation after July 1, 1998, the revenue and taxation ordinances of any municipality and the licensing and regulatory authority of any municipality shall not apply or extend to any military installation located on federal property which had been annexed in part or in whole by a municipality. Laws 1977, c. 256, § 21-109, eff. July 1, 1978; Amended by Laws 1998, c. 119, § 1, eff. July 01,1998 CitationizerOSummary of Documents Citing This Document Oklahoma Attorney General's Opinions Cite Name Level 1983 Ord AG 160, QIM2 �tio n S L; bmitted by The Honorable Linvid, ;Moss_ Distinct ALto rne'l - _ _t ___ _4 Distric-14 19-85 OK AG ter, ue sti S � i b rn ifte d b _y- The Honorable llvlaxme K�nch,�Ioe, 'Qklahornm _WD J House o,Rapjj= Oklahoma Supreme Court Cases Cite Name Leve 1 2005 Q K 71, TIAMN HILLS GOLF & COUNT R 1'CLUS, 111r,, I 1-01VIVN OF FORPST R K None Found. http://www.oscn.net/applications/oscn/deliverdocument.asp?cite]D=76017 12/27/2005 OSCNFound Document:uetacnment of ivrunicipai IcliiLUly -I A. Territory may be detached from the corporate limits of a municipality by the governing body w . hen: 1. An ordinance of the governing body so directs; or 2. A petition requesting detachment, signed by at least three -fourths (3/4) of the registered voters and by the owners of at least three -fourths (3/4), in value, of the property to be detached, is filed with the governing body. Only land which is within the limits of the municipality and upon its border and not laid out in lots and blocks; or land which had been annexed to a municipality, may be detached by petition. Notice of any governing body action on a petition requesting detachment, and appeal to the district court, shall be in the same manner provided for petitions requesting annexation. . Petitioners for detachment of municipal territory shall comply with the following procedures: 1. A true and complete unsigned copy of the petition requesting detachment shall be filed with the clerk of the municipality before it is circulated and signed by at least three -fourths (314) of the registered voters and by the owners of at least three -fourths (3/4), in value, of the property to be detached, as required by subsection A of this section; 2. Signed copies of the petition requesting detachment shall be filed with the clerk of the municipality within ninety (90) days after the initial filing of the unsigned copy with the clerk; and 3. Notice of the filing of the unsigned petition requesting detachment with the clerk of the municipality shall be given in the same manner provided for petitions requesting annexation. Failure to comply with the notice requirement or the other procedures set forth in this subsection shall render the petition for detachment insufficient and no action thereon shall be required by the clerk or governing body of the municipality. C. When signed copies of the petition requesting detachment are timely filed with the clerk of the muinicipality, the clerk shall determine the sufficiency of the signatures appearing on the petition. The clerk shall then publish, in at least one newspaper of general circulation in the municipality, a notice of the filing and the apparent sufficiency or insufficiency of the petition. Within ten (10) days following the publication, the governing body of the municipality shall hold a public hearing on the petition requesting detachment and take such action thereon as th e governing body deems appropriate, which may include approval, denial or deferral. D. Appeal to the district court concerning any action by the clerk or governing body of the municipali-ty on a http://www.osen.net/applications/oscn/deliverdocument.asp?cite =76018 12/27/2005 u)uiN Pouna -U0CUMeIILA-JULdUIIIIIIUIIL Ul IYJ-UIAI"V .. . ....... J Petition requesting detachment shall be in the same manner provided for petitions requesting annexation. Uaws 1977, c. 256, § 21-109, eff. July 1, 1978; Amended by Laws 1999, 1492 c. 343, § 1, eff. November 01,1999 (�qpt,,r -gle's. ocurn. tav�]Ielbke,)- gj3---- Citationizer° Summary of Documents Citing This Document 'Oklahoma Attorney General's Opinions Level Cite Name of 'he LW E3O K AG_ 16, 0, 1�11 the Sqte-9LQkIahoMa 'Oklahoma Supreme Court Cases Level Cite Name (,,q-j'�nnexationof (3prtain Real Pro,0f!C�Y,1V—IaItW-,oJ( 1983 Citationizer: Table of Authority None Found. http://www.osen.net/applications/osen,/detiverdocument.asp?citelD=76018 12/27/2005 (jSCNFound Document: Liohibh' oiL)etacUeU lemcnry. �DSCNTHE OKLAHOMA STATE COURTS NETWORK AmvhandadetaohedhVmonmuri�pa�U municipality and mun icipality �' �'bUoinlprovenlentswNohrnayhovebeanconmtnuotedonthod*tachedkandemtWheoxpenseof the �~ ��cipe|ity The municipality ahe|| have no claim upon nor collect any tax knnnthe detached terr�ory for any N)^'�odeht'rthecomtofa'pub|ioimnpn`varnentsvvhinhhavenotbownexpendoddireot|yuponthedetaohod Summary of Documents Citing This Document Oklahoma Court of Civil Appeals Cases Cite Name CJtatimnizer. Table of Authority ' None Found. ()SCN Found Document:Record Regarding i erniory i-vnnexcu ut 1-AAakW-,U 5- GTWRFZWWZLI�" . Tiffe 11, Citi-es and TOWDS then any territory is annexed to or detached from a municipality, whether by ordinance or court order, the mayor shall file and record a duly certified copy of the ordinance or court order, together with an accurate map or plat of the territory, in the office of the county clerk of the county in which the territory, or the greater portion of it, is located and with the Ad Valorem Division of the Oklahoma Tax Commission. The record in the office of the county 'Clerk shall be conclusive evidence of such annexation or detachment. historical Data Laws 1977, HB 1100, c. 256, § 21-112, eff. July 1, 1978; Amended by Laws 2000, SB 1040, c. 314, § 1, ernerg. eff. July 1, 2000 (sup ava rseded do-,wn' t lab"e). )en Cifationizer� Summary of Documents Citing This Document. Oklahoma Supreme Court Cases Level Cite Name E AS T --,R i I 200'. 0K 29, 49 P.3d 80, pWE�LIC Q;-F OKIIAI-jqgj,�� L NLRIH, A _QTRIC INC. Citationizer: Table of Authority None Found. http Wwww. osen.net/applications/oscn/deliverdocument. asp? citefD=76020 12/27/2005 USCN Found Document Authorization 0rIVIUMupUI,Lymcuulk-,A _�_ _ 1tCities endTovvn-s Upon proper notification, a municipality may annex any unoccupied property of an owner who is not a resident of this state which iaadjacent nrcontiguous to property alreadywithin the municipal limits for the sole purpose of 'Constructing roads and/or bridges which are provided for inthe comprehensive plan ofthe municipality, ifsuch. 'Owner does not object to the annexation within thirty (30) days of the publication and mailing of such notice. For Purposes of this subsection, notice shall be given by posting a copy of the notice on the subject property, by Publication in a legally qualified newspaper of general circulation in the area in which the property to be annexed imlocated and bycertified mail tmthe owner ofsuch property es shown bythe current year's tax rolls inthe county Citationizer�� Summary of Documents Citing This Document None Found. None Found. OSCN Found Document: P etiti on for Annexation k U6%, A �. f A. The majotity of the owners of a subdivisionor .. in unincorporated enclosed boundaries of •a for annexation in writing to another municipality 13. The governing body of the other municipality may grant the petition after notifying the enclosing municipality in writing at least thirty (30) days prior to adoption of the annexation ordinance. The boundary of the enclosing municipality shall recede to the extent of the annexation. The enclosing municipality at any time may reestablish its boundary within unincorporated territory enclosed by it on or after July 1, 2001. The enclosing municipality may bring an action in district court to invalidate the annexation. If the district court finds that the conditions for annexation exist and that the enclosing municipality has not demonstrated a substantial governmental interest in the use of the property, it shall uphold the annexation. Added by Laws 1991, c. 57, § 1, eff. September 1, 1991; Amended by Laws 2001, SB 114, c. 150, § 1, emerg. efF. July 1, 2001 ( suipereerded docurnent available ). Oklahoma Attorney General's opinions Cite Name Level 2002 CK PAG 15, G uestio Surnnitte:a b r The Fiono,a ble Bob FILM!(-, tatr_?�Prasert,tira ----- - - ----------- ------ -- ----- Di r _x 25 Oklahoma Court of Civil Appeals Cases Cite Name Love I CCSOK-4_at_P 3 i, 111 P.3c1 /�ifLLi .�75 i, Tina vF ': N.LiiLa 482, Cltatlonlzer, Table of Authority Oklahoma Statutes Citationized, Title 11. Cities and `towns Cite Name Level http://www.oscn.net/applications/oscn/doliverdocument.asp?citelD=76022 12/27/2005 USCN Found Document: Presumption or inciusiou. '�OSCNTHE OKLAHOMA STATE COURTs NETWORK I , Cbse s an d T lo �1 in F In the event any territory has been included within public records or public notices describing the corporate boundaries of a municipality for purposes of an election or ad valorem tax assessment of the municipality for five (5) consecutive years, there shall be a rebuttable presumption that the territory is situated within the municipality. rhe public records and public notices shall be evidence of the jurisdiction of the municipality over the territory in I11 suits by or against the municipality. Added by Laws 1999, c. 220, § 2, eff, Nov. 1, 1999. Citationizer© summary of Documents Citing This Document None Found. Citationizer: Table of Authority None Found. http://www.oscn.net/applications/osen/detiverdocument.asp?citelD=104269 12/27/2005 U�CN Found Document . Prohi biti on of tumisning Keian niectnc 3ei vice L0 �Cl La111,U,1CUU... i art, i %at 1 �AV M44L _4­4_4 4-41, THE OKLAHOMA STATE COURTs NETWORI ­�-OSCN P-11 T i t I -a I I � Ci It ies a nd To, ivn s UExcept as provided in this section, municipal corporations or public trusts thereof, the Grand River Dam Authority, rLiral electric cooperatives or investor -owned electric utilities shall not furnish retail electric service to an electric. consuming facility which is currently being served, or which was being served and the electric facilities are in Glace to render such a service, by a municipal corporation or public trust thereof, the Grand River Dam Authority, rural electric cooperative, or an investor -owned electric utility unless the entities involved have agreed by mutual consent, in writing, to such transaction. For purposes of this section, the term "electric consuming facility" means everything that utilizes electric energy from a central station source. Laws 1989, c. 26, § 1, emerg. eff. March 30,1989; Laws 1992, c. 245, § 1, emerg. eff. May 21, 1992; Amended by Laws 1998, c. 391, § 1, eff. June 10,1998 (su mrseded dOCLIMent. available . CitationizerO Summary of Documents Citing This Document Oklahoma Court of Civil Appeals Cases Cite Name Level 1997 r)K CIV APP 5 1, 94-ID P 2-A CfjyAf StJ11w terv. Centril RuralCo operative 000arative 505, 68 OBJ 2362 None Found. http Wwww. osen.net/applications/oscn/doliverdocument. asp?citelD=76023 12/27/2005 U3CMFound Docuozeot�D\/Iuu)opal iticm;�)oCUecrco/uuouuucu/-uuqmu/igmc° 'v,vuo/Lc. ^ar,~.".^ �DSCNTHE OKL OMA STATE COURTs NETWORK AA]hen fifty percent (50%) or more of the area of a municipality shall be liable to inundation by the construction of a lake, reservoir or other body of water, and the municipal governing body determines that it is impracticable to -Innex adjacent or contiguous territory which is necessary for the municipality, the governing body may acquire a now site for the municipality. Oklahoma Attorney General's Opinions Cite Name Level 2LQ,02 0 K AG15' ou�. None Found. OSCN Found Document: Approval of Plat - Special Election. rage I U1 I -�OSCN7-HE The owners of a tract of land located not more than ten (10) miles from the nearest Emits of the municipality, or located at any greater distance which is reasonable under the circumstances in order to secure the most desirable site, may present to the governing body a plat of the tract of land prepared in the same manner as a plat for a proposed municipal incorporation. The governing body shall examine the plat and may require amendments Eind changes as it deems expedient. If the governing body finds that the area contained in the plat is a suitable end desirable site for the municipality, it shall call for a special election on the question of whether the territory comprised within the plat shall be annexed to the municipality and serve as the new site for the municipality. Laws 1977, c. 256, § 21-202, eff. July 1, 1978. Citationize� Summary of Documents Citing This Document None Found. None Found. littp://www.osen.net/applications/oscii/detiverdocument.asp?citefD=76025 12/27/2005 OSCN Found Document- Approval of Annexation -Kec(rclincr ot Kes0ution anmnuc AY - of the votes cast inthe e�oUunare infavor ofennexaUonofthe terhtoryand na�cgbonofthe nnonicxpa��'�-�|/ty, e�govern -' the ingbody s o h U�^dec|eoahyraso|ution. and mcopy ofthe resolution and the plat shall bo fi|mdfor record inthe office ofthe county State. Comprised within the nesite inlocated inmcounty other than that invvhiohthe nouni�pa|ityislocated, the 'resolution ondplat shall vvbareoordedineechobunty. Upon the date ofthe filing ufthe resolution and the plat, the 'territory shall baannexed toand bethe site ofthe municipality. �Hlstmrical Data' None Found. None Found. ()Srr«Found Dncuozeut:NewBoundaries o[tbeMunicipality. All portions of land within the original bOUndaries of the municipality shall continue to be within its limits and Subject toitsgovennmenta|author�/.Thegmvonningbodynnny.inteinherentVfthopubUcortheovvnensofnuoh U�n.detach any territory embraced within its original limits inthe manner provided bylaw for the detachment of Municipal territory. 111storical Dafa None Found. None Found. USCNPnuod Document: Additional l`owermo1uoveoongz,uuyIII r^c/vt�^u'I�;ouuu"`^p^"^ MOM In relocating a municipality subject to inundation, the governing body may also: 1 PrmvNebyordinance �vthe aoqu��onofenew odnthrough the exer�saofthe hghtnf 'ndannnmhoninthernmnnerprnvdedby|awfornnunicjpaUbem.orbyneQodatodpunshaoesor|nony other lawful manner; 2�r�e�mbum�e��mwnmo��e�n������m�ht���an���n� in the-'/�---''—� n�rprovidedby\ewfnrd�eaundtnwns.nndhoNnnynecosma bond e�otontogether with the ^^^` special election on the question of annexation and relocation, or through the encumbrance ofthe acquired property orinany other lawful manner; 3, Provide for the administration of the annexed property, including, but not limited to, the authority to zone and other similar and usual powers for regulating use and development of realty and the power to provide for and regulate the sale of lots and excess property, if any, and to enact ordinances as will facilitate the orderly and equitable relocation of the municipality; and 4.Act inconcert with, ordeal with, any n,gcvennnoenta1 None Found. None Found. � �OSCN----' �yt. 0 There iahereby deoaredmn�oratnhunnonaUrnunicjpa|conden�na0onproceedings innd(utedpursuant toSecUon 1� of the Oklahoma Statutes, initiated phortothe enootn�entnfm|eothoroetructuhnQ enabling ' Title " legislation and the implementation ofconsumer oh i�� of rebai1electric energy suppliers. The moratorium shal l il|mVapply toall municipalities orpublic trusts thereof vhioheUanpttncondemn the facilities ofelectric pubUo Utilities orrural electric cooperatives for the purpose o f utilizing suohfaoi|iUesforthede|ivewof*(entriopovverand e8ergy. �FhemnorotnriumnshaUrennuinineffect until the enactment ufelectric restructuring enabling |eg|a(o�nnand irnP|e"'°entmtionofconsumer choice ofretail electric energy suppliers. Upon such enactment ofelectric "estructuring enabling legislation and implementation of consumer choice of retail electric energy suppliers, the inun�|oondennn�bonproviuiun�authohzingnnuni«jpa|i�aswith*|ootrinuti|iVeotuonnd*mnthefaci|itieaofrurm|� `°p fTi }� 1M of Oklahoma (�k| h e Statutes re��m|wd The �!ootho�ooponaUvo�cont�inad\nSeotinn427��o to . Moratorium provided for herein shall have prospective and retroactive application. Added byLaws 199.o.391.S2'ennsrg.eff.June10'1988;AnnendedbyLavvm2001.SB440.c.397,§1. Citationizee Summary of Documents Citing This Document Oklahoma Supreme Court Cases Level Cite Name co 47 R�cj 467.73 0 Bi Cl I( OF T 359, Oklahoma statutes ouatiwmaed.Title 11.mues and Towns cite Name 1103, 21-222Oklahoma Statutes Citationized, Title 18. Corporations Cite Name Level PLAN TO EXTEND MUNICIPAL SERVICES APPROPRIATE TO THE AREA OF ANNEXATION The City of Gb|kw@ker proposes to extend the [nUDicipB| limits of the City 03 an area located at the southeast corner Of32.d Avenue and VV8St Street, located in Payne COUOtv, ONah0nl8' as more particularly described in Section 1 of Ordinance No. 2747 and as shown on the Dl8p on Exhibit "B" which i5 incorporated herein by reference. The following is the p|3D to extend municipal services appropriate to the area of annexation. Police Protection. Police patrols for the area will be available On the date that the annexation becomes effective. Fire Protection. Fire pnzbaoUon for the area is available now using rUn]| fine trucks. VV@te[ UO8S have been extended into the area SO the City will install fine hydrants at no cost to the OVvOer pursuant tOStillwater Subdivision regulations in the event that they are required. Water and Sewer. Water lines are in place and currently serve the area. Asewer main will be extended to this property at Owner's request and expense. n ' 3�~AVeOuekSnOtCUnenMviCn bJcity standards. Uwill bemaintained k}its Current condition. The City will update traffic 000tn0/ sigDage and stripping of the rO8dvv8y in accordance with K4UTC[} vv8rr8Ot8 and the City maintenance schedule. In the event of development, new roads will be put in by the developer. In any Other event, roads will be constructed pursuant tOthe formation Uf@nimprovement district. The SUkw8heF Electric Utility currently has 8|eCthC |iOS3 @cU@cerk to the area of @nn8X@tiOD and p[DVidgS e!eC1hC service to the area and will continue to do 30 after the date of annexation. Garbage service is provided by City Sanitation and will continue after the annexation become effective. CLE[) W. HARF|IFL Trustee of the Cleo W. Harris Revocable Trust DONNA VV.HARR|S.Trustee Ofthe Donna W. Harris Revocable Trust APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 1st day of July, 2002. LARRY R. BROWN, MAYOR (SEAL) ATTEST: MARCY ALEXANDER, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY THIS 2nd DAY OF July,.2002. This exhibit iS8map Ofthe area. Acopy can b8obtained through the City Attorneys rc Page I of 3 CI Date of Meeting: April 1, 2002 Subject: Review of Processes and Requirements for Annexation Purpose of Report: The purpose of this report is to provide the city commissioners with background information on the processes that can be used to annex additional area into the city limits. No action is being requested with this report. Background. The authority for annexations is contained in Chapter 21 of Title 11 of the Oklahoma Revised Statutes. There are several different options available, requirements that have to be met, and limitations on how property can be brought into the city. The topic of whether or not we should be doing some annexations comes up periodically. A request has been received from a property owner just outside the city limits on the south side of 32,d Avenue. Knowing we are getting ready to consider a specific annexation, staff decided it might be helpful to the commission and public for there to be a general discussion of how annexations happen so we might be in a place to consider other annexation possibilities. Discussion: The current process of development within the unincorporated area around Stillwater occurs without benefit of city or county review, set community standards, or public input. As a result, we are beginning to see some problems arise, Some of the problems we see are: An impact on streets and roads. The section -line roads around Stillwater are experiencing a higher level of wear and tear due to the increased population. This increases the maintenance costs to the city and county. The county's maintenance costs are also being affected by an increase in the number of streets and by higher expectations for maintenance from former residents of urban settings. 2. Drainage problems and encroachments into floodplains. We are aware that county officials have been concerned about people placing mobile homes in flood prone areas and sorne steps have been taken to try and correct this. Also of concern are developments going in without providing proper drainage studies and increasing the amount of runoff. There is also concern for lack of erosion controls and silting in of streams. 3. Public safety concerns. An increase in population results in increased calls for service by law enforcement agencies and fire/ambulance personnel. Our fire department is concerned about development occurring with undersized water mains that do not provide adequate fire flows and commercial development occurring without review for compliance with fire codes. Additionally, the fire department is concerned about the lack of definition of the role of the city fire department in the county, funding for rural grass fires, and the lack of a written plan for fire and ambulance services to county residents. The police department has benefited from a mutual aid agreement, but that has not been updated for many years. 4. Public health concerns. The primary concern is the future of ground water around Stillwater. The large number of individual waste disposal system will likely have an impact on the ground water over time due to the shear number of them and the potential of improper maintenance. 5. Unattractive, hazardous, low quality development. There are many instances of properties around Stillwater being used to store old, discarded vehicles and materials. This type of land use lowers property values in the area and poses hazards for nearby residents. The lack of building inspection makes it possible for low quality structures to be built which could be hazardous tc occupants and will not maintain quality over time. When these activities occur along a main corridor into Stillwater, li.ttp://www.stillwater.or-/ccO4OlO2/ccO28 Lhtm 1/3/2006 L_� rc Page 2 of 3 1 the image of the whole community is affected. One means of addressing these issues would be the adoption of subdivision regulations by the County. The need to do this throughout the county may vary from one county commissioner's district to another. Another option is the creation of a regional planning commission. The regional planning commission would determine the development standards in the three mile area around the municipality. State law provides a procedure for representation of city and county residents on the regional planning commission. Some flexibility may exist in the city/county membership ratios to assure appropriate representation on the regional commission. In the absence of either county regulation or regional planning commission jurisdiction, the city has placed some minimal subdivision regulations within its contacts with rural water organizations to provide them water. Another option for the city is to annex areas deemed critical for the future growth and development of the municipality. Such areas are typically along major transportation corridors and in geographic areas experiencing rapid growth. There is a brief discussion of the purposes of annexation on pages 5-6 and 5-7 of the Comprehensive Community Development Plan. A copy of these pages is attached. Also attached is a copy of a memo from Cliff Shilling to Mary Ann Karns outlining the various requirements for annexation. Annexation can occu r: a With written consent of the property owner(s) in the area being annexed; a Without consent of the property owner(s) when the land is divided into tracts of 5 acres or less and contain more than one residence; or, Without consent when three sides of the territory is adjacent or contiguous to the city limits. Other requirements for annexation include notice of a public hearing, holding the public hearing, and providing a service plan for the area being considered. A copy of a service plan, legal description, and map for legal notice of a previous annexation are also attached. Budget Impact: This discussion of the annexation process and the reasons for establishing development regulations has no impact on the current budget. Actual annexation imposes an obligation to provide services to the area within a reasonable period of time. The ability to recover the costs of service should be evaluated for each area before annexations are undertaken. Costs very depending on factors such as the density of the development, the presence of floodplains, and the need for or condition of bridges in the area. Areas served by Stillwater Power increase the economic feasibility of annexatio-t. Conclusion: With the growth and development that has been occurring around Stillwater, it is important that the commission adopt and follow through on an annexation policy. This report has been provided to the commission to provide background information regarding annexation to assist in formulating a strategy. Prepared by: John D. Wesley, AICP, Community Development Director Reviewed by: Mary Ann Karns, City Attorney; Cliff Shilling, Assistant City Attorney Date of Preparation: March 27, 2002 littp://www.stillwater.org/ccO4OlO2/ccO28 Lhtm 1/3/2006 v 3S V S L.. Y THIs AGENDA.,` Greetings, The Owasso Chlarnbtar is taking reservations for their Annual Awards L,Uncheon. The luncheon will be held on 'T �esday, ....'a? Liary 24, 2006 @ "I 1:30aa) at the Friendship Baptist Church. i L'I I Keynote Speaker scheduled for this event is Todd Hiett, OK Speaker of the House. RSVP's for this event are due let me know and I would be h�p�y to make an RSvF' foryou. .YIdm il'[is! ra, I i-v'e Office Cep:: the City LY 4) ' f 01'vasso' 010,6,11hon"I"a Ea:Ot:D \f\ Keynote Speaker ToddYfiett g 7 11:3V am. 9e Cancellations after January 20 subjectt fee ITables : 7PC00m0r;S;, »1f, Available ± $ \ 0 $ TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF O., 4 k.. i O OKLAHOMA FROM: JULIANN M. STEVENS ADMINISTRATIVE SUBJECT: TULSA METRO CHAMBER ANNUAL MEETING DATE- January 9, 2006 The Tulsa Metro Chamber will be hosting their 2006 .Annual Meeting on Tuesday, January 17, 2006 at 12e00pm. This event will be held at the Renaissance Tulsa hotel (71" and Hwy 169). Chairman Steve Turnbo will make his inaugural address, followed by the annual meetini2. ,: , , (AJ # U , , t % , i'. i - If you would like to attend, please let me know and I will be glad to make a reservation for you. Tracie, Teana, and Sherri — Owners — will be present to greet you! &OD -Tre0kS 0� GMO, L.L.C., a residential cleaning company, is holding their Grand Opening on Thursday, January dice Nineteenth from Noon to Six O'clock. Located at 202 E 2 d Ave, Suite 106 (The Owasso Reporter Building) Drawings t® be held. We look forward to meeting you! TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM. TIMOTHY ROONEY ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER SUBJECT. TALENT BANK APPLICATION MEETINGS DATE- January 10, 2006 BACKGROUND During the summer of 2005, at the direction of the City Council, staff began to review opportunities to increase the level of citizen volunteers willing to serve on city boards and commissions, as well as opportunities to conduct a series of meetings with those volunteers. The purpose of the meetings would be two -fold. The first would be to provide citizens all opportunity to receive a brief explanation of the duties and charge of the various boards and commissions. The second would be to afford the Council the opportunity to meet and get to know the applicants. Staff has tentatively scheduled two meetings; the first of which is scheduled for Tuesday, January 31, 2006, at 6:30 PM in Old Central. At this meeting, citizens that have submitted Talent Bank applications as well as those that may be interested in serving on a city board and/or commission but have not filled out a Talent Bank application, will receive information about each board, its duties, its responsibilities, as well as the meeting times and locations. The second portion of the meeting will be informal and will allow for interaction between the Councilors and applicants. Beginning next week, staff will be working with Mr. Cowling of the Owasso Reporter for a series of articles about the Talent Bank applications, as well as promoting the upcoming meeting on January 31, 2006. The second meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 28, 2006 and will be conducted in a format similar to that of the first. Additionally, all Talent Bank applicants that are currently on file will receive a letter regarding these meetings. It is staffs goal that interested citizens and all Talent Bank applicants will attend one of the two meetings. It is hoped that these meetings will result in assisting the Council in the process of selecting citizens to fill various board and commission vacancies in the future. Talent Bank Application Meetings Page 2 of 2 Before the above plan is implemented, staff wanted to review it with the City Council for comments and to identify any concerns. The Council's participation and attendance at these meetings is viewed by staff as critical to the plan's success. E O A U1 TO- MAYOR CRAIG THOENDEL, MICE -MAYOR S I?,lt'HEN INFORMATION SYSTEMS DIRECTIOR SUBJECT, CITYO DWSSO CC"OM s,',MAIL ACCOUNTS DATE- January 10, 2006 The City has provided email accounts for use by Councilors for several years. These email accounts have been set up on an external server provided by our web hosting company. At this time, the Infonmation Technology staff is upgrading our email system. The old email system is not longer supported by Microsoft. As a result of the upgrade, we are going to bring all email accounts internal on our email server, This will allow the I.T. staff more ability to support and maintain these accounts. One of the problems we have at this time is the inability to resolve -problems without contacting the web hosting company. There are no telephone numbers provided for technical support with the frost, only email. Therefore, when there is a problem, the only method of communicating about the problems is to email the support staff and wait for a response. At times the response is quick arid at times the response may take a couple of days. The I.T. staff does not believe this level of support is sufficient. Another benefit to bringing the email accounts internal is better ability to control spare email. The web host provides a spare filter for email, which has been activated on the accounts for the Councilors, but has proven to 'be ,airly ine:rrective at blocking a sig,nisrcant percentage or undesirable email, We are currently reviewing spare filtering; products and will be setting up a filter after the migration to the new system is complete. To prepare for this change over, the I.T. staff will upload all of the email in your account to our server. If there are any e_snails your wish to review over the weekend, then you may wish to print therm Attached you will find a page of instructions on accessing your account once -the domain record has been resolved on .the, Inter net. When the domain records are cbanged io being iffie accents internal ooriouf server, there will be a brie? Period of time that email will :,no�[ fZ's1dboii The I.T, staff will be chai'1giqg "ill: domain record on Friday afternoon, January 13, 2006, to maCRirni ;e the effects of this change. it can take asp to 72 hours for the Internet servers to resolve the charge. However, it has been my experience that it typically takes about 24 to 480 hours. Drrrrlgihe period of time e `hat tlae- domarn r.,l'aaa_ga; is resolving, there is a slight possibility that in email seat to a server that has not resolved the EMAIL ACCOUNTS PAGE 2 change may he permanently lost We will post information on the City wehsite Wednesday morning letting citizens know that email will not fraction over the weekend, T will he happy to address any questions you may have and can he reached at the -Following phone raunahers; 855-5244 - Cell 2 72-1301 - Home 71-1514 — Office i; i n b s Exchange � 5 Exchange ,� hrer �ec�a.r�ical explanation i.� �i�at ��ve are �a��ra�li�� 1°rora� �,��r1�a��o ��� �o 20030 We will update the M-X record in Exchange to the t=;:ity's 1P address, Then the host site DNS record will he plated to the City's 1P. Once replication has been completed, users will be able to access their account throuen Outlook Web Access (OWA), instructions -for logging into OWA are attached, EMAIL ACCOUNTS PAGE 3 Outlook Web Access Instructions Open the Internet and Itype the following in the address line: You will be directed to the following screen. y" E'R - is e d� Nz:cn '-i.« raa,_r. I., j 1.to'-c To log in: D,om in\User game: Uffy JAi rst_1nst Password: JloVwosso �:%r„ IS, ld" L;2�YI�G ZT2lGl + " °` is larss ljclme Edit,-uj Citly of Owasso 1, 1 . contacts fbr e-rila 9 supp✓S_"1 Teresa A%R/illso-n: 376-1514 Sri; -5244 272-1130-1 "Tien Houghton: 376.15 7 City of Owasso FY 2005-2006 Monthly Sales Tax Comparisons City of Owasso Sales Tax Report Budget to Actual Comparison January 6, 2006 Actual Collections Budget projections Over (Under) projection Amount Percent Amount percent mount Pe scent Jul $ 1,017,573.68 7.7% $ 960,000.00 7.3% $ 57,573.68 6.0% Aug 1,015,717.94 7.7% 960,000.00 7.3% 55,717.94 5.8% Sep 1,035,632.81 7.9% 1,010,000.00 7.7% 25,632.81 2.5% Oct 981,341.39 7.5% 890,000.00 6.8% 91,341.39 10.3% Nov 961,699.87 7.3% 875,000.00 6.7% 86,699.87 9.9% Dec 989,988.83 7.5% 1,036,000.00 7.9% (46,011.17) p4.4% Jan 1,103,892.80 8.4% 1,235,000.00 9.4% (131,107.20) -10.6% Feb Mar Apr May Jun Totals $7,105,847.32 54.1% _ $6 966,000.00 53.0% $139,847.32 �2.0% City of Owasso Sales Tax Report Two Year Comparison January 6, 2006 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Fiscal 2005-2006 Percent Amount -�qLqudg —et $1,017,573.68 9.5% 1,015,717.94 9.5% 1,035,632.81 9.7% 981,341.39 9.2% 961,699.87 9.0% 989,988.83 9.2% 1,103,892.80 10.3% Fiscal 2004-2005 Percent Amount of Actual $910,733.72 8.9% 914,007.46 8.9% 988,704.68 9.7% 851,782.01 8.3% 835,499.88 8.2% 951,169.18 9.3% 966,868.14 9.5% Increase or (Decrease) Amount Percent $106,839.96 11.7% 101,710,48 11.1% 46,928.13 4.7% 129,559.38 15.2% 126,199.99 15.1% 38,819.65 4.1% 137,024.66 14.2% Totals $7,105,847-32—' —66.30/. —$6,41-8,765.07100.0% $687,082.25 10.7% Note: Fiscal Year 2006 Sales Tax Budget is $13,140,000 City of ()vv8S8O Monthly Sales Tax Revenues Last Five F|SCa| Years 2005-2088 2004-2005 2003-2004 2002-2003 2001-2002 Ju| $1.017,573.68 $910.73372 $884.378,03 $902,614.21 $730.98071 Aug 1.015.717.94 014�07.46 783.796.99 849.81870 742'*510.01 Sep 1.035.832.81 988.704.88 037.825.88 810.343.87 739.427,61 Oct 981.341.39 851.782.01 827.370.05 797.994.95 702.584.38 Nov 961.699.87 835.489.88 789.54723 772.338.00 661.865.50 Dec 980.988.83 851.169]8 813.30421 752.158.14 707.29677 Jan 1.103.802.80 066.888]4 901.348.13 875.709.31 842.241.31 Feb 053.027.35 833.903.37 929.305.19 Mar 863.064J2 804.49679 725.83729 780.896.99 Apr 886.006.83 806.574.14 698.079.88 721.358.83 May 911.82130 828.522.14 848.758.62 Jun 1.008.701.99 904.253.31 824.521.84 860.447.01 City of Owasso Monthly Use Tax {revenues Last Five Fiscal Years �2005-2006 2004-2005 2003-2004 2002-2003„y 2001-2002 Jul $33,161.23 $17,070.50 $11,922.34 $31,318.04 $6,926.81 Aug 33,356.07 24,757.34 12,507.21 14,161.76 16,231.97 Sep 46,340.83 12,174.76 16,457.91 10,684.16 11,334.41 Oct 48,270.12 10,171.42 13,944.11 14,838.63 12,642.64 Nov 60,301.25 30,636.25 22,937.88 20,965.75 35,790.24 Dec 68,421.15 20,877.03 18,312.92 26,092.23 26,624.54 Jan 59,464.05 21,4-83.02 27,556.25 15,096.95 9,569.76 Feb 29,015.55 26,835.49 14,514.97 15,265.92 Mar 26,001.35 24,164.88 11,032.92 10,678.61 Apr 18,594.56 15,622,43 11,379.76 15,875.76 May 26,447.13 19,995.04 13,522.81 4,714.30 Jun 41,317.23 21,756.82 15,317.50 10,582.45 $349,314.70 $278,546.14 $232,013.28 $198,925A8 $176,237 41 Note: Fiscal Year 2006 Use Tax Budget is $265,000 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA SUBJECT: TULSA METRO CHAMBER ANNUAL MEETINC DATE: January 9, 2006 The Tulsa Metro Chamber will be hosting their 2006 Annual Meeting on Tuesday, January 17, 2006 at 12v00p . This event will be held at the Renaissance Tulsa Hotel (71" and Hwy 169). Chairman Steve Turnbo will make his inaugural address, followed by the annual meeting, ci Wv.,ln " , , j i�uar, -`. `6, If you would like to attend, please let me know and I will be glad to make a reservation for you. �,i to 1, , 1 TO. THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROMB TIMOTHY ROONEY ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER SUBJECT- TALENT BAND APPLICATION MEETINGS DATE. January 10, 2006 BACKGROUND During the summer of 2005, at the direction of the City Council, staff began to review opportunities to increase the level of citizen volunteers willing to serve on city boards and commissions, as well as opportunities to conduct a series of meetings with those volunteers. The purpose of the meetings would be twofold. The first would be to provide citizens an opportunity to receive a brief explanation of the duties and charge of the various boards and commissions. The second would be to afford the Council the opportunity to meet and get to know the applicants. Staff has tentatively scheduled two meetings; the first of which is scheduled for Tuesday, January 31, 2006, at 6:30 PM in Old Central. At this meeting, citizens that have submitted Talent Bank applications as well as those that may be interested in serving on a city board and/or commission but have not filled out a Talent Bank application, will receive information about each board, its duties, its responsibilities, as well as the meeting times and locations. The second portion of the meeting will be informal and will allow for interaction between the Councilors and applicants. Beginning next week, staff will be working with Mr. Cowling of the Owasso Reporter for a series of articles about the Talent Bank applications, as well as promoting the upcoming meeting on January 31, 2006. The second meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 28, 2006 and will be conducted in a format similar to that of the first. Additionally, all Talent Bank applicants that are currently on file will receive a letter regarding these meetings. It is staff s goal that interested citizens and all Talent Bank applicants will attend one of the two meetings. It is hoped that these meetings will result in assisting the Council in the process of selecting citizens to fill various board and commission vacancies in the future. Talent Bank Application Meetings Page 2 of 2 Before the above plan is implemented, staff wanted to review it with the City Council for comments and to identify any concerns. The Council's participation and attendance at these meetings is viewed by staff as critical to the plan's success. MEMORANDUM NDU TO. MAYOR CRAIG THOENDEL, VICE -MAYOR STEP -HEN SUBJECT, B.EC C! , SS t 3 EMAIL ACCOUNTS C ATE- January 10, 2006 The City has provided email accounts for use by Councilors for several years. These email accounts have been set up on an external server provided by our web hosting company. At this time, the haformation Technology staff is upgrading our ernail system_. The old email system is not longer supported by Microsoft. As a result of the upgrade, we are going to gyring all email accounts internal on our email server. This will allow the I.T. staff more ability to support and maintain these accounts. One of ",use problems we have at this -time is the inability to resolve problems without contacting the web hosting company. There are no telephone n-umbers provided for technical support with the host, only email, Therefore, when there is a problem, the only rnethod of communicating un"icating about the problem is to email Tie support stall aARd wait )or a response, At times the response is quick and at tunes the response may tale a couple of days. cc rr� The I.T. staff does not believe this level ofr support is sufficient. Another benefit to bringing the email accounts internal is better ability to control s yam email. The web host provides a span filter for email, which has been activated on the accounts for the, Councilors, but has proven to be fairly ineffective at blocking a significant percentage of undesirable email. We are currently reviewing Spam filtering products and will be setting up a filter after the migration to the new system is complete. To prepare for this change over, the I.T. staff will upload all of the email in your account to our server. if there are any emails you wish "o review over the weekend, bei1 you may wish to pri ", thee. Attached d you will- (find a "gage of instructions on accessing you r account once the donlaira recflfd has been resolved or,, Jae interne"t. When the domain records are cha+aged to ?sing the, acc'fl"ii "ts 111� 1"Ala 9r) our s rV t, dh ' e V fl be a J.i"7ef pvs"7I oi 'time that ea33 ai I:'1.31 _,not ic24 w, 1' -c i,T. to f Alf 1 be cha �r'a� iho „�s k r c�__ b 1 . �� _�� v" 3 irl record on Friday afternoon, January 13, 2006, to rS ?n n i e the effects cts ,of fi'S"Is change. It can take dap to 72 hours for the Internet servers fo resolve the change, 11-lowvever, it has been my 5perience that it typically tales aboud 24 to 48 hours. During the p ,io fI of "t3sfdy that the d!7a,)air change is resolving, there :is a slight possibility that an email se rat to a server that has not resolved the EMAIL ACCOUNTS IMAGE 2 change may be permanently lost. We will post information on the City website Wednesday morning letting citizens lunow that email will not function over the weekend, I will be happy to address any questions you may have and can be reached at the following phone numbers, 855-5244 e Cell 272-1301 - Home 3 6-l514—Office A brief technical explanation is that we are upgrading from Exchange 5.5 toExehange 2003. We will update the 1 C- record in Exchange to the City"s IP address. Then (he host site DNS record will be updated to the City's IP, Once replication has been completed, users will be able to access their account through Outlool. Web Access (OWA), Instructions for logging into OWA are attached. EMAIL ACCOUNTS PAGE 3 Outlook Web Access Instructions Open the Internet and type the following in the address line: 3 itf- 1 tyo You will be directed to the foiiowinp screen. B-d.. s...c F �.—itws (ouzo --. I_Uone ') '_t`} I k2r rek To log in: DonnainWser mu.ne: Cfi"y\Mfrs'-JP2t Password: fllmiva sso `r ;s ly fib'st rnai"'le init'hsl, lS hes! %?( ime inllda€y , .� r „ay o3c 'LJ�T'I�ass'fJ '_� 1 a �;�t'il�l�'Gts _fJ.{' orntai s77fJi{y'oyl Teresa WHison: 376-1514 85'5-52 4 272-130-1 Tian PIoug' ton: 376-151 1 Section ARTICLE V CHANGING LIMITS Part L Annexation and Detachment 21-101 Atthorit-y'to Change Municipal Limits 21-102 Annexation of Territory Separated by Railway or Intervening Strip 21--103 Cities - Annexation by Governing Body Action - Consent of Owners 21-104 Toms - Annexation by Governing Body Action - Hearing by Board of County Commissioners 21-105 Annexation by Petition - Notice -Governing Body Ordinance 21-106 Failure to Grant Request in Annexation Petition - Filing in District Court 21-107 Repealed 21-108 Lands Platted for Educational or Charitable Institutions - Annexation Only by Petition 21-109 Taxation of Annexed Territory 21-110 Detachment of Municipal Territory -Procedure 21-111 Liability of Detached Territory 21-112. Record Regarding Territory. Annexed or Detached 217113 Annexation of Unoccupied Property for Construction of Roads and Bridges 21-114 Annexation of Enclosed Territory by Another Municipality 21-115 Public Records or Public Notices Describing the Corporate Boundaries 21-121 Utility Operation in Annexed Territory Part 2. Municipalities Subject to Inundation 21-201 Municipalities Subject to Inundation - Acquiring New Town Site 21-202 Approval of Plat - Special Election 21-203 Approval of Annexation - Recording of Resolution and Plat 21-204 New Boundaries of the Municipality 21-205 Additional Powers of Governing Body in Relocating Municipality 21-222 Moratorium on Municipal Condemnation Proceedings 21-1 ARTICLE,XXI CHANGING L,IAl urs PART 1. ANNEKATION AND I3ETACMIENT SECTION 21m10L AUTHORITY TO CHANGE MIJNICMAL LIMITS The municipal governing body by ordinance may add to the municipality territory adjacent or contiguous to its corporate limits and increase or diminish the corporate limits as the governing body deems desirable for the benefit of the municipality. SECTION 21-102. ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY SEPARATED BY RAMWAY OR INTERVENING STRIP Where any territory to be annexed is separated from the corporate limits of the municipality only by a railway right-of-way, or an intervening strip less than four (4) rods wide, or a highway right-of-way, the territory shall be considered adjacent or contiguous to the municipality. SECTION 21-103. CITIES - ANNEXATION BY GOVERNING BODY ACTION - CONSENT OF OWNERS A. Before the governing body of a city may annex any territory adjacent or contiguous to the city, it must obtain the written consent of the owners of at least a majority of the acres to be annexed to the municipality and provide for notice and a public hearing on the proposed annexation of the territory in the manner provided in subsection B of this section; except that no such consent is needed where: I . The territory to be annexed is subdivided into tracts or parcels of less than five O acres and contains more than one residence; or 2. Three sides of the territory to be annexed are adjacent or contiguous to the property already within the municipal limits if: a. the adjacent property on each side constitutes an area in width greater than three hundred (300) feet at its narrowest point excluding a roadway or right-of-way that is adjacent or contiguous to the territory, b. the municipal governing body makes findings that the annexation furthers municipal purposes relating to airports, spaceports and military installations and such findings are included in the public hearing provided for in subsection D of this section, or C. prior to the effective date of this act, the municipality has directed that notice be published in accordance with subsection B of this section. B. The goveming body shall provide the notice and public hearing required in subsection A of this section in the following manner: 21-2 1. The governing body of the municipality shall direct that notice of the proposed annexation of the territory be published in a legally qualified newspaper of general circulation in the territory and shall describe the boundaries of the territory proposed to be annexed by reference to a map, geographical locations, legal or physical description or other reasonable designation. The notice shall state the date, time, and place the governing body shall conduct a public hearing on the question of annexing the territory. The notice shall be published in a legal newspaper of general circulation in the territory sought to be annexed within fourteen (14) days following the date the governing body directed the notice to be published; 2. A copy of the notice of annexation shall be mailed by first-class mail to all owners of property to be annexed as shov,,u by the current year's ownership rolls in the office of the county treasurer and to all owners of property abutting any public right-of-way that forms the boundary of the territory proposed to be annexed; provided that the notice of annexation shall be mailed by certified mail to every person who owns a parcel of land of five (5) acres or more used for agricultural purposes; and 3. The public hearing of such annexation shall be held no earlier than fourteen (14) days nor more than thirty (30) days following the publication and mailing of the notice. C. Unless otherwise provided by law, a roadway or road right-of—way that is adjacent or contiguous to the territory to be annexed shall be considered a part and parcel to the territory to be annexed. D. Before any territory is annexed to a municipality, without the written consent of the owners of at least a majority of the acres to be annexed to the municipality in accordance with subsection A of this section, the governing body of the municipality shall direct that notice of the proposed annexation of the territory be published in a legally qualified newspaper of general circulation in the territory and shall hold a public hearing on the proposed annexation. Prior to the publication of notice, the municipality shall prepare a plan to extend municipal services including, but not limited to, water, sewer, fire protection, law enforcement and the cost of such services appropriate to the proposed annexed territory. The plan shall provide that the municipality complete the implementation of the plan in accordance with any existing capital improvement plan applicable to the portion of the municipality adjacent to the territory proposed to be annexed. If no such capital improvement plan has been adopted, the municipality shall complete the service plan within one hundred twenty (120) months from the date of annexation unless a different time is determined by consensus between property owners and the municipality at the hearing. The time for completion of the service plan shall be set forth in the ordinance annexing the territory. If municipality services are not substantially complete within the prescribed time, then the territory shall be detached by the governing body as provided in Section 2 1 -110 of this title. For purposes of this subsection, services may be provided by any method or means available to the municipality to extend municipal services to any other area of the city. Such notice, hearing and plan shall be subject to the following provisions: 1. The notice shall describe the boundaries of the territory proposed to be annexed by reference to a map, geographical locations, legal or physical description or other reasonable designation and shall state that the proposed service plan is available for inspection at a specified location. The, notice shall state the date, time, and place when the governing body shall conduct a public hearing on the question of annexing the territory. The notice shall be published in a legal newspaper of general circulation in the territory sought to be annexed within fourteen (14) days following the date the governing body directed the notice to be published. A copy of the notice of annexation shall be mailed by first-class mail to all owners of property to be annexed as shown by the current year's ownership rolls in the office of the county treasurer and to the Department of Transportation for purposes of clarifying any road maintenance responsibilities; provided that the notice of annexation shall be mailed by certified mail 21-3 to every person who owns parcel of land of five (5) acres or more used for agricultural purposes and to the board of county commissioners of the respective county where the proposed annexation is located. If the territory to be annexed encroaches upon any adjacent county, a copy of the notice of annexation shall be mailed by first-class mail to the board of county commissioners of the adjacent county and of the county where the proposed annexation is Located; 2, The public hearing of such annexation shall be held no earlier than fourteen (14) days nor more than thirty (30) days following the publication and mailing of the notice; and 3. The proposed service plan shall be available for inspection and be explained to the property owners of the territory to be annexed at the public hearing. The plan may be amended through negotiation at the Bearing. The final service plan shall be incorporated into. and made part of the ordinance annexing the territory. E. As used in this section: 1. "Airport" means any facility owned by any legal entity or by a county, a municipality or a public trust having at least one county or municipality as its beneficiary which is used primarily for the purpose of providing air transportation of persons or goods or both by aircraft powered through the use of propellers, turboprops, jets or similar propulsion systems; 2. "IM-11itary installation" means those facilities constituting the active or formerly active bases owned by the Department of Defense or other applicable entity of the United States government or by any entity of local government after transfer of title to such installation; and 3. "Spaceport" means any area as defined pursuant to Section 5202 of Title 74 of the Oldahonia Statutes. F. Except for ordinances enacted pursuant to Section 43-101.1 of this title, parcels of land five (5) acres or more used for agricultural purposes annexed into the municipal limits on or after July 1, 2003, shall be exempt from ordinances restricting land use and building construction to the extent such land use or construction is related to agricultural purposes. Where there is no residence within fifty (50) feet of the boundaries of such a parcel of land, the property shall not be subject to ordinances regulating conduct that would not be an offense under state law; provided, that any such property that discharges into the municipal xv ter, wastewater, or sewer system shall be subject to any ordinances or regulations related to compliance with environmental standards for that system. G. Parcels of land situated within an area that is or may be subject to any form of land use or other regulatory control as a result of proximity to an airport, spaceport or military installatic>n shall not be exempt from municipal ordinances or other laws regulating property for the purpose of operations necessary for the use of an airport, spaceport or military installation and such parcels of land s hall be subject to all ordinances enacted pursuant to Section 43-101.1 of this title. (Amended, effective March 15, 2005) SECTION 21-104. TOWNS - ANNEXATION BY GOVERNING BODY ACTION A. The town board of trustees by ordinance may annex lots which are adjacent or contiguous to the town if the lots have been platted and recorded in the office of the county clerk. The governing body shall provide notice and a public hearing in the following manner: 21-4