HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010.07.26_Sales Tax Watchdog Committee AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO SALES TAX WATCHDOG COMMITTEE TYPE OF MEETING: DATE: TIME: PLACE: Regular July 26, 2010 6:30 PM Old Central 109 N. Birch Owasso, OK Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 5:00 PM on Friday, July 23, 2010. 11 11 t-rl-1 A 1.10 *JU- Stevens, De uty City Clerk 1. Call to Order Mr. Steve Mowery, Vice - Chairman 2. Roll Call Ms. Stevens 3. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Committee approval of the January 25, 2010 Minutes. Mr. Steve Mowery, Vice - Chairman Attachment # 3 4. General Discussion of Projects and Status Reports. Mr. Fritschen Mr. Stevens Attachment # 4 5. Presentation and Discussion of Financial Reports. Ms. Bishop Attachment # 5 6. Consideration and appropriate action relating to request for Committee approval of project completion reports. Mr. Steve Mowery, Vice - Chairman Attachment # 6 A. Sports Park FY 2009 - Waterline Owasso City Cotmcil July 26, 2010 Page 2 7. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Committee approval of the Progress Report for Public Distribution. Mr. Steve Mowery, Vice - Chairman Attachment # 7 8. Report from Assistant City Manager. Ms. Bishop 9. New Business. 10. Adjournment. OWASSO SALES TAX WATCHDOG COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Monday, January 25, 2010 The Owasso Sales Tax Watchdog Committee met in regular session on Monday, January 25, 2010 in the Council Chambers of the Old Central Building, 109 N. Birch, per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 10:00 AM on Thursday, January 21, 2010. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER. Ms. Brenda Snow, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 6:33 PM. ITEM 2: ROLL CALL PRESENT Steve Mowery Bob Barnes Danny Ewing Matt Roberts Jeff Ferguson Joe Sparks Matthew Roberts ABSENT Jeff Westerfield STAFF PRESENT Rodney Ray, City Manager Warren Lehr, Assistant City Manager Juliann Stevens, Administrative Assistant Angela Hess, Finance Department Larry Langford Erik Miller (leaves at 7:45) Mark Schneider Angela Ritchie Brenda Snow David Boggs Megan Mooney Sherry Bishop, Assistant City Manager Roger Stevens, Public Works Department Janet Isaacs, Finance Department ITEM 3: PRESENTATION BY THE ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER FOR THE PURPOSE OF REVIEWING SALES TAX WATCHDOG COMMITTEE PURPOSE, DUTIES, AND RESPONSIBILITIES Ms. Bishop reviewed the purpose, duties, and responsibilities of the Sales Tax Watchdog Committee. ITEM 4: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COMMITTEE APPROVAL OF THE JULY 27, 2009 MINUTES Committee members were mailed a draft copy of the July 27, 2009 watchdog meeting minutes on July 28, 2009 for review. Mr. Mowery moved, seconded by Mr. Miller to approve the minutes of the July 27, 2009 regular meeting. AYE: Roberts, Schneider, Roberts, Ritchie, Sparks, Miller, Boggs, Barnes NAY: None ABSTAIN: None Motion carried 13 -0. Ewing, Langford, Mowery, Ferguson, Snow, Watchdog Committee January 25, 2010 Page 2 of 3 ITEM 5: GENERAL DISCUSSION OF PROJECTS AND STATUS REPORTS Ms. Stevens and Mr. Lehr reviewed the various projects listed on the Project Status Report. Discussion was held regarding items listed in the report. Erik Miller leaves at 7:45 PM. ITEM 6: PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF FINANCIAL REPORTS Ms. Bishop reviewed the financial reports included in the agenda packet and a discussion was held by members as to the content of the reports. ITEM 7: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REOUEST FOR APPROVAL OF PROJECT COMPLETION REPORTS A. N. 129' EAST AVENUE WIDENING PROJECT (FROM E. 76TH STREET NORTH TO E. 94TH STREET NORTH) B. SUPPLEMENTAL — E. 86TH STREET WIDENING IMPROVEMENTS (FROM N. 129TH EAST AVENUE TO N. 145TH EAST AVENUE Ms. Snow presented the item. Mr. Boggs moved, seconded by Mr. Mowery, to accept both completion reports as submitted. AYE: Roberts, Schneider, Roberts, Sparks, Boggs, Barnes NAY: None ABSTAIN: None Motion carried 12 -0. Ritchie, Ewing, Langford, Mowery, Ferguson, Snow, ITEM 8: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE PROGRESS REPORT FOR PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION Ms. Snow presented the item. Mr. Langford moved, seconded by Mr. Ewing, to approve the Progress Report for Public Distribution as submitted. AYE: Roberts, Schneider, Roberts, Ritchie, Ewing, Langford, Mowery, Ferguson, Snow, Sparks, Boggs, Barnes NAY: None ABSTAIN: None Motion carried 12 -0. ITEM 9: REPORT FROM ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER No report. ITEM 10: NEW BUSINESS None. 2 Watchdog Committee January 25, 2010 Page 3 of 3 ITEM 11: ADJOURNMENT Mr. Ferguson moved to adjourn the meeting, Mr. Mowery seconded the motion. AYE: Roberts, Schneider, Roberts, Ritchie, Ewing, Langford, Mowery, Ferguson, Snow, Sparks, Boggs, Barnes NAY: None ABSTAIN: None Motion carried 12 -0. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM. Steve Mower, Vice - Chairman CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS STATUS REPORT July 21, 2010 GENERAL GOVERNMENT • Quality of Life Initiative - Initiative included in Capital Improvement Resolution No. 2009 -01 to receive funding. - During their October 20, 2009 meeting, the City Council awarded a contract to Alaback Design Services, Inc. in the amount of $113,960 for services related to the implementation of the initiative. The project is approximately 50% complete. - During the month of May, five community meetings were held in which approximately 80 citizens participated. At these meetings, comment forms were distributed and approximately 86 were returned. These forms have been compiled in a pdf document and are available for viewing on the city's website. - On April 16, 2010, the City launched Wikiplanning. This interactive web based civic engagement tool is designed as a convenient method for citizens to participate in the planning process by using on -line surveys, comment boards, and other activities. Over 800 residents posted comments on the WikiPlanning site and over 500 surveys were submitted prior to the site being taken off -line July 16th. The results of the Wikiplanning survey have been posted on the city's website. - A 7th grade Town Hall was held on June 10th. This interactive workshop allowed 7th grade Owasso students an opportunity to share their ideas on how they would like Owasso to look in the future. Students participated in several excersizes designed to encourage discussion about what is important to them in their community. - Alaback Associates completed an analysis of the city's existing conditions, such as a detailed evaluation of each city park, inventory of the existing sidewalk system along arterial streets, and mapping of open areas and easements. This information serves to provide a good understanding of existing opportunities and constraints from which to base citizen suggestions. - The next community meeting will likely be held in September, at which time Alaback Associates will present a priority list of project elements, to include sketches and illustrations of proposed features, combining the analysis of exisiting conditions with comments received from residents. Subsequent meetings will be held with the City Council to present the ideas and provide a draft report of the plan. A final meeting will be held sometime in November or December, to present the final report and plan. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT • E. 86th Street North Widening (from Main Street to N. Memorial Drive) - Funding for the construction of this project is a result of a "matching grant "; 80% ODOT funding and 20% City funding. - An Engineering design for the project was completed in September 2008. - An Environmental Assessment was approved by ODOT in December 2008 and the Federal Highway Department in February 2009. - Since the January 2010 Watchdog meeting, 21 of 23 parcels of right of way have been obtained. On June 15, 2010, the City Council authorized condemnation proceedings on the remaining 2 parcels. - On July 20, 2010, the City Council authorized a contract in the amount of $988,502 between the City and ONG for the purpose of relocating a main gas line located in a private utility easement owned wholly by ONG. Other utility relocations include AEP /PSO, AT &T, and Washington County Rural Water District #3. The staff anticipates completion of these relocates by February of next year. - Construction is expected to begin in April of next year. • E. 106TH Street North and Garnett Road Intersection Improvement Proiect - A $750,000 grant from ODOT was approved in February 2009. - On March 24, 2009, City Council awarded an engineering design contract with PSA Dewberry in the amount of $119,500. - The Engineering Design is 90% complete. The design has been submitted for review to the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT). The staff anticipates receiving approval or recommendations for changes by the end of July. - Right -of way negotiations and utility relocation are scheduled for completion by January of next year. - Construction is expected to begin in April of next year and complete by October of next year. • Tulsa Communitv College /Tulsa Technologv Center Road Construction Proiect - On July 15, 2008, the City Council awarded an engineering agreement in the amount of $162,500 to Crafton, Tull, and Sparks. The engineering design was completed in May 2009. - On July 21, 2009, the City Council awarded the construction contract to Becco Construction in the amount of $1,566,682. Construction began on August 29, 2009. - On July 15, 2010, the City Council accepted the completed project and approved the final payment to Becco Construction in the amount of $631,616.42, for a total contract price of $1,388,293.20, resulting in an under run of $178,389. - Because the final payment was made after the close of FY 2009 -2010 (June 30, 2010), a completion report will be forwarded to the Sales Tax Watchdog Committee for consideration and appropriate action during the January 24, 2011 meeting. Street Improvement /Repair Project (FY 2008 -2009) Street Repair: - On September 16, 2008, the City Council approved the street repair priorities for FY 2008 -2009. - On October 18, 2008, the City Council approved an interlocal agreement with Tulsa County for county personnel to perform the street overlay and resurfacing with materials purchased by the City of Owasso. - On June 16, 2009, the City Council awarded a construction contract to Pavement Conservation Specialists, Inc. in the amount of $259,125 for needed base repair work. - In September 2009, City Council approved the additional funds for the cost of asphalt and labor and equipment provided by Tulsa County in the amount of $145,000. - In November 2009, City Council authorized a revised scope of work payable to PCSE, Inc under their existing contract, not to exceed $419,125 for repairs to the asphalt surface on E. 96th Street North between the HWY 169 overpass and the existing concrete surface west of the JC Penney's. The additional work was performed and completed prior to the Thanksgiving Holiday. - On December 15 2009, City Council accepted the complete street repair project and approved final payment to Pavement Conservation Specialists Inc. bringing the total contract amount to $398,401, an under run of $20,723. - A project completion report will be forwarded to the Sales Tax Watchdog Committee for consideration and approval following the completion of the second phase of this project, the Traffic Signal Enhancements. Traffic Signal Enhancements: - On October 7, 2008, the City Council awarded an engineering agreement in the amount of $37,000 to Traffic Engineer Consultants, Incorporated. - A traffic study began in October 2008 and the traffic data report was submitted to the staff in February 2009. - On July 21, 2009, the City Council awarded the hardware installation contract to Midstate Traffic Control, Inc. in the amount of $132,711. - On April 20, 2010, City Council accepted the Traffic Signal Enhancement Project and approved final payment to Midstate Traffic Control, Incorporated bringing the total contract amount to $132,711. - As part of the original contract, Midstate Traffic Control tested and provided a report outlining the condition of the City's traffic loop detection devices. Several signalized intersections were determined to have loop detection deficiencies. Corrections to the loop detection devices were not included in the original hardware installation contract. The estimated cost to correct the loop deficiencies exceeds 10% of the total contract amount which by law requires the City of Owasso to bid this additional work separately. - On July 16, 2010, the project was advertised for bids and the bid opening is scheduled for August 5, 2010. Construction is expected to begin in early September of this year and completed by October of this year. PARKS DEPARTMENT • Sports Park FY 2009 - Waterline - This waterline will provide water access to the south ball field area. The installation of the waterline is complete and includes 2,000 ft of 8" waterline. Public Works personnel performed the design work and construction of the waterline for a total project cost of $22,252.70. - All invoices relating to the project have been received and a request to consider and approve the Project Completion Report is included on the July 26, 2010 Sales Tax Watchdog agenda. City of Owasso Capital Improvements Fund Project Status Summary Report As of June 30, 2010 Quality of Life Initiative • 86th Street Widening 0 129th E Ave Widening a 86th Street Main - Memorial 0 106th /Garnett Intersection 0 TTC /TCC Access Road 0 Street Improvements FY 2009 Street Improvements FY 2010 0 Sports Park FY 2009 0 Sports Park FY 2009 Waterline 0 Sports Park FY 2009 Restroom • Prior to 2003 Election I Resolution 2007 -05 Priority Projects 0 Resolution 2008 -01 Priority Projects Resolution 2009 -01 Priority Projects Resolution 2009 -08 Priority Projects *Note - Additional Project funding will be provided by other resources. Percent of Completion Project Cost Expended Expended to Contract & Budget Percent Report Estimate Project Budget FY 2010 Date Encum Expended Complete Approval 120,000 120,000 52,836 52,836 63,499 44% 50% 3,320,000 3,319,241 15,500 3,319,241 100% 100% 1/25/2010 8,680,000 8,620,898 13,863 8,620,898 100% 100% 1/25/2010 2,600,000 * 1,650,180 455,581 464,581 28% 28% 1,950,000 * 1,700,000 69,136 111,320 25,011 7% 7% 1,900,000 1,900,000 1,394,181 1,556,681 5,432 82% 99% 1,114,000 956,481 729,696 898,389 94% 94% 250,000 250,000 0 0 0% 0% 386,830 386,830 0 0 0% 0% 22,253 22,253 22,253 22,253 100% 100% Proposed 160,000 160,000 0 0 0% 0% $20,503,083 $19,085,882 $2,753,046 $15,046,198 $93,942 79% *Note - Additional Project funding will be provided by other resources. City of Owasso Sales Tax Collections and Restricted Use of One Percent Fiscal Year 2009 -2010 Three Percent Sales Tax Collection Jul $1,523,296.22 One Percent 2004 Sales Tax 2005 Sales Tax 2007 Sales Tax Sales Tax (1/3 507,765.41 Rev Note 135,373.29 Rev Note 136,255.52 Rev Note 137,506.00 2008 Sales Tax Rev Note 44,873.22 Excess to Capital Improvements Fund 53,757.38 Balance 110,363.83 164,121.21 Aug $1,457,190.41 485,730.14 135,373.29 136,255.52 137,506.00 44,873.22 31,722.11 195,843.31 Sep $1,384,785.99 461,595.33 135,373.29 136,255.52 137,506.00 44,948.22 7,512.30 203,355.61 Oct $1,386,073.05 462,024.35 135,373.29 136,255.52 138,018.00 44,873.22 7,504.32 210,859.93 Nov $1,222,181.35 407,393.78 135,373.29 136,255.52 137,762.00 44,873.22 (46,870.25) 163,989.69 Dec $1,481,442.33 493,814.11 135,373.29 136,255.52 137,762.00 44,873.22 39,550.08 203,539.77 Jan $1,558,964.00 519,654.67 135,103.13 136,633.44 137,762.00 44,525.83 65,630.27 269,170.03 Feb $1,660,458.42 553,486.14 135,103.13 136,633.44 137,762.00 44,525.83 99,461.74 368,631.77 Mar $1,283,250.04 427,750.01 135,103.13 136,633.44 137,967.00 44,525.83 (26,479.39) 342,152.39 Apr $1,288,894.21 429,631.40 135,103.13 136,633.42 137,060.58 44,525.83 (23,691.56) 318,460.83 May $1,506,435.50 502,145.17 135,103.13 136,633.44 137,513.79 44,525.83 48,368.98 366,829.81 Jun $1,513,720.24 504,573.41 135,103.10 136,633.43 137,513.79 44,525.85 50,797.24 417,627.05 Fiscal Agent Fees (14,000.00) 403,627.05 Interest 3,027.22 406,654.27 Arbitrage refund 67,883.54 474,537.81 Transfer to Capital Improvements Fund (400,000.00) 74,537.81 Totals $17,266,691.76 $5,755,563.92 $1,622,858.49 $1,637,333.73 $1,651,639.16 $536,469.32 ($35,826.02) 74,537.81 Debt issued to fund capital projects: 2004 Sales Tax Revenue Note - $10,000,000 issued 12/22/2004, matures 12/01/2011 2005 Sales Tax Revenue Note - $10,000,000 issued 10/24/2005, matures 12/01/2012 2007 Sales Tax Revenue Note - $10,000,000 issued 09/10/2007, matures 09/01/2014 2008 Sales Tax Revenue Note - $7,680,000 issued 12/09/2008, matures 12/01/2018 City of Owasso Monthly Sales Tax Revenues Last Five Fiscal Years $17,266,691.76 $17,343,313.27 $16,564,163.96 $15,509,889.47 $13,016,005.67 2009 -2010 2008 -2009 2007 -2008 2006 -2007 2005 -2006 Jul $1,523,296.22 $1,463,146.16 $1,341,097.93 $1,252,532.37 $1,017,573.68 Aug 1,457,190.41 1,420,417.94 1,322,978.99 1,334,836.21 1,015,717.94 Sep 1,384,785.99 1,453,976.96 1,312,193.14 1,364,828.62 1,035,632.81 Oct 1,386,073.05 1,453,905.08 1,361,802.72 1,248,082.34 981,341.39 Nov 1,222,181.35 1,358,986.71 1,335,464.66 1,161,834.48 961,699.87 Dec 1,481,442.33 1,497,046.05 1,315,944.77 1,224,807.13 989,988.83 Jan 1,558,964.00 1,662,272.89 1,628,566.99 1,445,290.21 1,103,892.80 Feb 1,660,458.42 1,621,964.23 1,575,026.08 1,510,401.30 1,199,000.82 Mar 1,283,250.04 1,299,354.84 1,292,129.15 1,108,328.52 1,421,532.19 Apr 1,288,894.21 1,289,190.50 1,313,532.63 1,256,964.10 951,508.84 May 1,506,435.50 1,430,199.15 1,333,170.96 1,352,262.60 1,192,227.77 Jun 1,513,720.24 1,392,852.76 1,432,255.94 1,249,721.59 1,145,888.73 $17,266,691.76 $17,343,313.27 $16,564,163.96 $15,509,889.47 $13,016,005.67 CITY OF OWASSO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUNDS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY 2010 THROUGH JULY 2010 Date GL Account Vendor Description Amount Proiect Total 3/10/2010 40- 150 - 075 -53001 ALABACK DESIGN QUALITY OF LIFE INITIATIVE 10,462.50 4/13/2010 40- 150 - 075 -53001 ALABACK DESIGN QUALITY OF LIFE INITIATIVE 11,250.50 5/26/2010 40- 150- 075 -53001 ALABACK DESIGN QUALITY OF LIFE INITIATIVE 14,741.00 6/30/2010 40- 150 - 075 -53001 ALABACK DESIGN QUALITY OF LIFE INITIATIVE 14,007.00 6/30/2010 40- 150 - 075 -53001 RYAN HARRIS LLC WIKIPLANNING WEB PAGE 2,375.00 QUALITY OF LIFE INITIATIVE $52,836.00 1/27/2010 40- 300 - 055 -54005 GRAY, LAWRENCE APPRAISAL FOR LAND PARCEL 1,800.00 1/27/2010 40- 300 - 055 -54005 GRAY, LAWRENCE APPRAISAL FOR LAND PARCEL 1,800.00 1/27/2010 40- 300 - 055 -54005 GRAY, LAWRENCE APPRAISAL FOR LAND PARCEL 1,800.00 2/24/2010 40- 300 - 055 -54005 BENSON L. BATY RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION - E 86TH ST 9,948.73 2/24/2010 40- 300 - 055 -54005 JOHN L. WILLIAMS RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION - E 86TH ST 9,948.60 2/25/2010 40- 300 - 055 -54005 GRAY, LAWRENCE APPRAISAL FOR LAND PARCEL 1,800.00 3/10/2010 40- 300 - 055 -54005 WANETA A. REYNOLDS RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION - E 86TH ST 15,000.00 3/11/2010 40- 300 - 055 -54005 SCOTT HOWARD WILLIAMS RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION - E 86TH ST 2,707.06 3/11/2010 40- 300 - 055 -54005 GRAY, LAWRENCE APPRAISAL FOR ROW ACQUISITION 1,800.00 3/11/2010 40- 300 - 055 -54005 GRAY, LAWRENCE APPRAISAL FOR ROW ACQUISITION 1,800.00 3/11/2010 40- 300 - 055 -54005 GRAY, LAWRENCE APPRAISAL FOR ROW ACQUISITION 1,800.00 3/11/2010 40- 300 - 055 -54005 GRAY, LAWRENCE APPRAISAL FOR ROW ACQUISITION 1,800.00 4/1/2010 40- 300 - 055 -54005 SEVEN C'S ENTERPRISE RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION - E 86TH ST 6,300.00 4/1/2010 40- 300 - 055 -54005 CLYDE H. WILLIAM RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION /EASEMENT 7,164.74 4/1/2010 40- 300 - 055 -54005 GRAY, LAWRENCE APPRAISAL FOR ROW ACQUISITION 1,800.00 4/1/2010 40- 300 - 055 -54005 JANIE RIDDELL RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION - E 86TH ST 9,695.90 4/15/2010 40- 300 - 055 -54005 STRAWDEY CLINTON RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION - E 86TH ST 70,000.00 4/15/2010 40- 300 - 055 -54005 PERRY EVANS RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION - E 86TH ST 68,500.00 4/15/2010 40- 300 - 055 -54005 RONALD & PATSY BURGER RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION - E 86TH ST 37,200.00 5/13/2010 40- 300 - 055 -54005 STEVEN C'S ENTERPRISE RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION - E 86TH ST 4,500.00 5/27/2010 40- 300 - 055 -54005 GRAY, LAWRENCE RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION - E 86TH ST 1,800.00 5/27/2010 40- 300 - 055 -54005 DONALD K. CLARK RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION - E 86TH ST 12,906.00 6/23/2010 40- 300 - 055 -54005 JODY BURTIN RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION - E 86TH ST 38,000.00 6/30/2010 40- 300 - 055 -54005 STEVEN C'S ENTERPRISE RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION - E 86TH ST 7,200.00 6/30/2010 40- 300 - 055 -54005 RICHARD L. DEBOER RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION - E 86TH ST 41,000.00 6/30/2010 40- 300 - 055 -54005 DALE & MARIL.EE DEBOER RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION - E 86TH ST 41,000.00 6/30/2010 40- 300 - 055 -54005 CHARLES & SHIRLEY HESS RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION - E 86TH ST 48,000.00 86TH STREET MAIN- MEMORIAL $447,071.03 5/26/2010 40- 300 - 060 -54210 PSA- DEWBERRY INC ENGINEERING SERVICES 8,663.75 6/9/2010 40- 300 - 060 -54210 PSA- DEWBERRY INC DESIGN SERVICES FOR 106TH /GARNETT 8,415.00 PAGE TWO Date GL Account Vendor 6/30/2010 40- 300 - 060 -54210 PSA- DEWBERRY INC 6/30/2010 40- 300 - 060 -54210 PSA - DEWBERRY INC Description Amount Proiect Total ENGINEERING SERVICES 4,780.00 DESIGN SERVICES FOR 106TH /GARNETT 2,524.50 106TH /GARNETT INTERSECTION $24,383.25 1/27/2010 40- 300 - 061 -54210 BECCO CONTRACTOR N 140TH E AVENUE ROADWAY EXTENSION 100,391.85 2/23/2010 40- 300 - 061 -54210 BECCO CONTRACTOR N 140TH E AVENUE ROADWAY EXTENSION 43,174.80 3/10/2010 40- 300 - 061 -54210 BECCO CONTRACTOR N 140TH E AVENUE ROADWAY EXTENSION 74,221.18 4/15/2010 40- 300 - 061 -54210 CRAFTON, TULL AND ASSOCIATES CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 909.20 4/15/2010 40- 300 - 061 -54210 BECCO CONTRACTOR N 140TH E AVENUE ROADWAY EXTENSION 74,055.15 6/30/2010 40- 300 - 061 -54210 BECCO CONTRACTOR N 140TH E AVENUE ROADWAY EXTENSION 631,616.42 TTC /TCC ACCESS ROAD $924,368.60 1/14/2010 40- 300 - 062 -54210 SIGNALTEK INC LOOP INSTALLATION 15,600.00 1/14/2010 40- 300 - 062 -54210 SHERWOOD CONSTRUCTION TYPE I REPAIR @ 82ND & 126TH 350.00 1/14/2010 40- 300 - 062 -54210 BERRY COMPANIES STREET REHAB PROGRAM 677.44 1/14/2010 40- 300 - 062 -54210 LOT MAINTENANCE ELM CREEK 3,368.75 1/14/2010 40- 300 - 063 -54210 MIDSTATE TRAFFIC TRAFFIC SIGNAL ENHANCEMENT 3,782.27 2/9/2010 40- 300 - 062 -54210 ROADSAFE STRIPING 96TH STREET 5,760.13 2/18/2010 40- 300 - 062 -54210 THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMM STREET REHAB PROGRAM 108,794.05 4/1/2010 40- 300 - 063 -54210 TRAFFIC ENGINEER TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENT 1,675.00 4/1/2010 40- 300 - 063 -54210 TRAFFIC ENGINEER SIGNAL SYSTEM ANALYSIS 3,380.00 4/27/2010 40- 300 - 063 -54210 MIDSTATE TRAFFIC TRAFFIC SIGNAL ENHANCEMENT 28,068.37 STREET IMPROVEMENTS FY 2009 $171,456.01 2/27/2010 40- 515 - 065 -54205 DEQ PLAN REVIEW FEE SPORTS PARK FY09 300.00 4/1/2010 40- 515 - 065 -54205 ANCHOR STONE SCREENINGS FOR SPORTS PARK 86.08 4/15/2010 40- 515 - 065 -54205 WATER PRODUCTS SPORTS PARK FY2009 WATERLINE 16,961.90 4/29/2010 40- 515 - 065 -54205 ATWOODS SUPPLIES FOR SPORTS PARK 6.32 4/29/2010 40- 515 - 065 -54205 L & S DEDMON TRUCK SCREENINGS FOR SPORTS PARK 1,800.00 4/29/2010 40- 515 - 065 -54205 WATER PRODUCTS PIPE FOR SPORTS PARK FY2009 WATERLINE 228.40 5/13/2010 40- 515 - 065 -54205 LOWES CATTLE PANEL FOR SPORTS PARK FY2009 37.94 5/13/2010 40- 515 - 065 -54205 WATER PRODUCTS RESTRAINT FOR SPORTS PARK FY2009 60.00 5/13/2010 40- 515 - 065 -54205 WATER PRODUCTS RAISER FOR SPORTS PARK 340.00 5/13/2010 40- 515 - 065 -54205 GREENHILL SCREENINGS FOR SPORTS PARK 1,667.69 5/13/2010 40- 515 - 065 -54205 WATER PRODUCTS BELL JOINT FOR SPORTS PARK 120.00 6/9/2010 40- 515 - 065 -54205 WATER PRODUCTS SUPPLIES FOR SPORTS PARK 141.85 6/10/2010 40- 515 - 065 -54205 OWASSO TOP SOIL TOP SOIL FOR SPORTS PARK 80.00 6/30/2010 40- 515 - 065 -54205 WATER PRODUCTS MATERIALS FOR SPORTS PARK 422.52 SPORTS PARK FY2009 WATERLINE $22,252.70 $1,642,367.59 PROJECT COMPLETION REPORT PROJECT: Sports Park South — Phase I Water Line Improvements DATE PROJECT WAS INITIATED: Januga 1, 2010 DATE PROJECT WAS COMPLETED: April 12, 2010 DEPARTMENT RESPONSIBILITY FOR PROJECT: Public Works Department STAFF COMMENTS: City staff designed and installed 2,000 linear feet of 8" water line in order to provide adequate capacity for current and future irrigation and potable usage on the south end of the Sports Park. Construction of the waterline improvements was performed by city staff for a total cost of $22,252.70. Roger Stevens PROJECT COORDINATOR Public Works DEPARTMENT July 23, 2010 DATE Approved this 26th day of July, 2010. Steve Mowery, Vice - Chairman SALES TAX PROJECTS WATCHDOG COMMITTEE PROGRESS REPORT FY 2009 -2010 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND PROJECTS Progress Report #55 Dated 06/30/10 PROJECT Cost Estimate Expended Desian Bid Construction Quality of Life Initiative 86th Street Widening 129th E Ave Widening 86th Street Main - Memorial 106th /Garnett Intersection TTC /TCC Access Road Street Improvements FY 2009 Street Improvements FY 2010 Sports Park FY 2009 Sports Park FY 2009 Waterline Sports Park FY 2009 Restroom Total 120,000 3,320,000 8,680,000 2,600,000 1,950,000 1,900,00() 1,114,000 250,000 386,830 22,253 160,000 $ 20,503,083 52,836 3,319,241 8,620,898 464,581 111,320 1,556,681 898,389 0 0 22,253 0 $ 15,046,198 X Go mp e ion Computerization 007 N 624,481 01/23/06 TCC /TTC Land 064 150 3,076,475 02/02/09 Fire Station #2 Remodel 023 X 248,468 07/28/08 New Fire Station #3 029 X 2,199,155 X X 011 300 303,625 07/24/04 96 & 129 E Ave Intersection 022 H H 01/23/06 96 & Hwy 169 Interchange 027 300 1,349,964 01/23/06 Garnett Widening (86 to 96) COMPLETED PROJECTS Prot Dept Expended Go mp e ion Computerization 007 000 624,481 01/23/06 TCC /TTC Land 064 150 3,076,475 02/02/09 Fire Station #2 Remodel 023 250 248,468 07/28/08 New Fire Station #3 029 250 2,199,155 02/02/09, 86 & Main Intersection ROW 011 300 303,625 07/24/04 96 & 129 E Ave Intersection 022 300 1,747,745 01/23/06 96 & Hwy 169 Interchange 027 300 1,349,964 01/23/06 Garnett Widening (86 to 96) 020 300 5,601,858 01/22/07 96 Str Widening (Garnett to Owasso Mkt) 025 300 4,929,552 01/22/07 Intersection Engr. Prelim 035 300 100,000 07/23107 Street Improvements FY2007 042 300 807,746 01/21108 86th & Mingo Intersection 013 300 861,524 07/28/08 Main Street Redevelopment 047 300 29,384 07/27/09 Street Improvements FY 2008 053 300 1,210 „046 07127/09 Silvercreek Drainage 034 370 877,049 01/22/07 YMCA Pool 030 515 1,000,000 01/22107 Sports Park Expansion through FY07 024 515 2,062,418 01/21/08 Sports Park Baseball Field #1 058 515 488,429 07/27109 Legend: X In Progress - Complete -Not Applicable N