HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989.01.09_Sales Tax Watchdog MinutesKTIES TAX 1T 41-".: City of O fir aHau January T 196P The Owaoso Sales Tax Watchdog Committee met in a special seBsiur� on Januarii 9, 19R9 in the Conference Room of the Owasso City Hall, per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agar-.-d�'-A po{ --3ted on GA.'L'y bulletin board ah 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 27, 19B8- 1TEM.0 CALL TO QUDER City ]Podnoy- Ray introduced Temporary Chair Dan Siemens, who called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. MO & ROLL -CAIJ, monMerN introUned themselves and al groinD or organization they reprpsenhp& Mayor Viacy Una) UnnUM tAw members of ths ConsoUtee Uyu theou wiIiinomss to serve and expLaincy! Mike Nance; Rick Maharz Pat Woods; Jolin Leach:; QQvption, jolmi Grot;h; Johnny J?h J 111''.1"', MUT111VITS ABSENT: Tom Kimbal I. Ron Mahe, 1%yve Hollenwri tKi Sales Tax hqatol"jog C,,,itt,, is subject to the provisions of: 0111ERVI PRESENT: Sherry Lamhurt, City Treasurer; Marc i a Act, With diSCUSSion being held Boutwoll, City Staff; constituteF--,,, R(ay, the AM[- 1)-.--,. we:10 as the intent Stacy Mayn:'r,"', John,; Act. A. memo Phillips, Council monMerN introUned themselves and al groinD or organization they reprpsenhp& Mayor Viacy Una) UnnUM tAw members of ths ConsoUtee Uyu theou wiIiinomss to serve and expLaincy! h1u) renson for tho Co7i1mjtteu"�7� QQvption, T" the ahoance of City At-Unrnev flon (Oates, Mr. Ray explained thQ-, tKi Sales Tax hqatol"jog C,,,itt,, is subject to the provisions of: the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act. Committee members were each given a copy of the Act, With diSCUSSion being held on what constituteF--,,, violations of the AM[- 1)-.--,. we:10 as the intent of the Act. A. memo nRlos Tax Watohdng cnmmUte",�' insure that the funds are spent the way the citizens were told Jaiuiary 11, 15954 reports on the project covered . by the bond issue, act on the reports, & inform 'tf -10 was discussed in which be SUMMA-Wed the main pointal of the Act aPP!Yink; to this Committee - more specifically that vemular meeting date,.-,, �z t-Ji-me fe�i 11 be established & posted according to lawj that nothing may be discussed that is not onn the posted, Agenda, uumi that the Committee sJJ:.io'u:l,d n(-xic meat in exacutWe', session,, Q-; QM11ITTU CHARGUY RESPONST 01 LIT M3 Mr. Ray stated that the responsibilities of the Committee are to review all documents & report to the public on the 1988 bond issue--, to insure that everything is done that the (,,Jr.ty ',sa -id would be done, & to insure that the funds are spent the way the citizens were told (.oYmnittee will receive reports on the project covered . by the bond issue, act on the reports, & inform 'tf -10 �[ ori what is happening. Appoint me. nho to this Committee are for the life of the indebtedness, 1TEM 1: 1,AJ,,�'-`J10Kf UY STAYF LIAISON Mr. Ray introduced Sherry Lambert, Owasso City Treasurer, who wil. - #_ servo as sbaif limison arul Marcim Boutwell, Administrative, Awroisb,Ai in the Community DevHlupmeid. W10-1 "lurhunl HupvorL'' HH. LaAaWYA explaineW LIU, PXVxq)sed of). 1AI, from the bund iskniu. (lommittoe memboru will receive these repornu, Wenever t1 Committee meets. th) fun;,!-�, lao,-ow-� hec,,,,o, expended to date, WAS mout libely sayne wil'.1 wk ended within WD next couple ot, nvDntlui. A project and inspection reports will also be provide(! (in each of the projecQv, W. Rav rotated that each project will be given an identAficatiucl n"Wer & that, a 1projent rumpletion report will be provided at rK, W nip lOtiOn Of COLO!! pro jeM,. WD34.0 Mr. Sicanxins opened the floor to nominations for chairperson. Da-,r'i Siemens was nominated by hick Flahax, so(,00rncled by Michael Watson- Mr. Womens requested that his name noL be placed in nomination-, jlf'r- & Mr. Watson concurred, Johnny Price nominnted Michael Philippi, seconded h,7 .!)an "Jo')hn lhat tl""'c nominainicnin; ceaoe & that Mr. Philippi be elected by acclamation, Sales Tax Watchdug CommWee jonuary 9, seconded by Uck Mahar. The trzoLi-or-t W"-,u-.-"' approved Michael Philippi was decJared Chairperson,, Mr. Philippi called for nominations -±oa VIc(-.-,, C',hairperson. Peggy Robinson nominated Mike Nance, by Rick Mahar. Mike Nance nominated flick Mahar, who requested that his name not be placed in nomination; therefore. there was no second. john Leach moved that the nominations co., Be & that Mr. Nance be elected by acclamation, seconded by Rick Mahar. The motion was unanimously approved & Mr- NaDeB W> .t declared Vice Chairperson. 1TEK.21 IA-GIII Mr. Philippi opened the floor for discussion of ineetijig UWE; 8. f.-Ieggy Robinson moved, seconded by Pat Woods that regular meetings b ld on the second Monday of each month at 7:00 jy,m. in the Conference Room at City Hall through the month of July, at-, which time a decision would be ICI_ de whetAher to continue to meet on a monthly hasis or go to quarterly meetings. Yo lowing dKoussioia concerning the necousity to schedule regular meetings i(_7r We remainder of the year. John Leach movec! be 1)ax, Siemens seconded W) jii(,'tiun to read that regular meehings will be held on We SoCand Manday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Conference Room City Hall through the month of July Enid tbou on a quarterly basiw A vote on the amendment was followed by a vote on the, motion as amended, which also carried unanimously. The schedule of meetings for thy remainder of 19HS is,,: Yebruary 1:3 April K) May 01 June july 1() (Ic t o two r Q corder ,- SIC' Ytpms to appear on the Agenda, thoy neud to be givcn, " t" EvIukert ar P48- Bol"WAIII by Uir) Wdncu3day preceding th(--. meeting dahn'' Ms. Robinson explained her position as a reporter, She clarified that any newspaper articles she writes about her Sales Tax Watchdog Committee Ja.nuviry 1), 19819 vinion & will not reflect the opinion of the! Amnmittee,. An'v- reports printed fro in the Committee wJJ __J "y-,e identified as such. Discussion was held concerning: how official Committee reports tc-,', the citizenn should appeax in the newspaper. No decision was made. ITHMAY HEMBUMNES, J'--"elt UK, representation of the Citizens of Owasso. With no lurther business to come before the Committee, Rick Mahar I-or adjournment, seconded by John Uach. Motion carried with, Uhe meeting adjourning at 8:40 p.m., @ oil. Secretary N WAIT—; 03-01" 000